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Her Renewed Strength | Anxiety, Overwhelm, Productivity, Time Management Tips, Biblical Mindset, Bible Study, Daily Routines, Consistency Cover
Her Renewed Strength | Anxiety, Overwhelm, Productivity, Time Management Tips, Biblical Mindset, Bible Study, Daily Routines, Consistency Profile

Her Renewed Strength | Anxiety, Overwhelm, Productivity, Time Management Tips, Biblical Mindset, Bible Study, Daily Routines, Consistency

English, Religion, 2 seasons, 228 episodes, 2 days, 18 hours, 32 minutes
Do you feel overwhelmed by your busy schedule? Are you anxious about finishing all the things on your to do list? Do you wish you had the perfect schedule, system or routine? Are you ready to stop stressing about getting everything done? In this podcast, you will find biblical mindset coaching and time management solutions that help you break free from anxiety and overwhelm in your everyday life. My mission is to equip you to effectively manage your busy life by creating sustainable systems that align with God’s Word. If you’re ready to say yes to living with less stress and stop letting your busy schedule steal your peace - you’re in the right place! Hey, I’m Erika, your Jesus-loving Puerto Rican life coach! For 10 years, I struggled with anxiety and overwhelm because I was constantly “doing too much” and so worried about getting it all done. I said yes to everything, set very little boundaries and struggled to manage my time effectively. As a result, my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health suffered. It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with cancer at 28 that I realized I couldn’t live this way any more. I needed to get serious about doing things God’s way. So, I created systems that help me better manage time; routines that I actually stick to; and developed a mindset rooted in biblical truth. And I’m sharing it all with you! If you are ready to put an end to the vicious cycle you’re in and create systems and routines with GOD at the center… If you’re ready for solutions that are rooted in God’s Word and help you shift your perspective from the temporal to the eternal… If you’re ready for results that are undeniable like less overwhelm, increased productivity, strengthened mental clarity and more peace - this podcast is for you! Grab your planner, journal and a pen, sis. It’s time to dive in! Learn More // Connect //[email protected] Social Media // @mrsdiazcastro
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Cancer Survivor Series... My Five-Year Fight and How God Used A Deadly Diagnosis To Transform Me as a Christian Woman

Welcome back to the show! We are officially in our Cancer Survivor Series. In today’s episode, I’m going to share about the road to getting the cancer diagnosis, navigating cancer for five years, and what led to me eventually saying yes to chemotherapy. Through this journey, I’ll illustrate just how the Lord used this season to transform me. So, I hope this episode is helpful to you or even someone you love who may be facing a diagnosis or hard time. Let's dig in!   Join The Community //   Learn more about private coaching // [email protected] 
9/17/202418 minutes, 11 seconds
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223: Theology Matters Series Part FIVE… Should You Know How To Defend Your Faith as a Christian Woman? Apologetics 101 with Shanda Fulbright

Welcome to part FIVE of our Theology Matters Series. This is the final episode in our Theology Matters Series, and the final episode of this long, almost 3-year season as we prepare to take a break this summer. In today’s episode, I took time to speak with Shanda Fulbright, and answer the question: should you know how to defend your faith as a Christian woman? This episode is all about apologetics, the importance of knowing what you believe and why you actually do need to be able to defend your faith, especially in today’s culture.    Let me tell you about Shanda: Shanda Fulbright is a wife, mom to three boys, and the host of the Her Faith Inspires podcast where she takes cultural issues and tackles them with biblical truth. She is the co-author of Let’s Get Real: Examining the Evidence for God with Dr. Frank Turek, as well as Train Your Brain: An Introduction to Logic and Baseline Apologetics. She is the author and creator of Baseline Apologetics, a curriculum for adults who want to learn apologetics and the Bible.She teaches students of all ages the basics of Christian apologetics, and stresses the importance of biblical literacy as the path to a biblical worldview.   This is a conversation every woman needs to listen to, even and especially if you are a woman who has no intention of engaging in debates or confrontational conversations. In today’s conversation, we offer a very down-to-earth introduction to Christian apologetics and illustrate how to live this branch of Christian theology out in your everyday life.   Links & Resources Mentioned: Check out Shanda's website here! Listen to the Her Faith Inspires podcast here. Her Faith Inspires Episode 1: Find Your Purpose In The Why, Not The What Her Faith Inspires Episode 230: Defend The Faith By Defending The Family with John Ferrer Access Baseline Apologetics by clicking here!  
4/30/202442 minutes, 22 seconds
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222: Theology Matters Series Part FOUR... How Your Theology Influences Your Discipleship & Relationships as a Christian Woman

Welcome to part FOUR of this Theology Matters Series. Today I take time to answer the question: how does theology affect discipleship and your relationships as a Christian woman?    There are two primary areas I focus on during this episode: discipleship [how you intentionally or unintentionally disciple others] and accountability in your relationships [specifically your relationships with other Christians]. I also touch on culture, more specifically the postmodern era and how to navigate postmodern ideology as a Christian; illustrations of poor theology impacting your ability to properly disciple other Christians; and the affect your theology has on your life and witness to those who are not Christians.   In this episode, I reference a few resources: Who Needs Theology: An Invitation to the Study of God by Stanley J. Grenz & Roger E. Olson A Practical Primer on Theological Method: Table Manners for Discussuing God, His Works, and His Ways by Glenn R. Kreider and Michael J. Svigel   Free & Paid Resources Designed with You in Mind: Her Renewed Strength Co.  Her Renewed Strength Free FB Community Free Simplify Bible Study Resource $37 Christ Centered Productivity Framework Mini-Hub [templates & trainings!] Connect with Erika
4/23/202432 minutes, 37 seconds
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221: Theology Matters Series Part THREE... How Your Theology Impacts Your Health as a Christian Woman with Robin Rhine McDonald

Welcome to PART THREE of our Theology Matters Series! In today’s episode, I share a conversation I had with Robin Rhine McDonald.   Robin Rhine McDonald is a Faith-Based Holistic Health Coach, proud mom and wife with a passion for supporting and empowering Jesus-loving women to gain true health while losing weight through her sustainable, grace-based process. She loves to help women ditch chronic dieting and disease for holistic health and wellness. She mixes her seminary background with her study of integrative nutrition to help women develop the energy and vitality to live out their unique God-given calling.   As we talked through Robin’s testimony and heart for health, we kind of naturally went down the path of weaving theology into the conversation. Robin and I discussed how your theology affects your health, whether you’re aware of it or not. Robin ended our conversation by offering some practical application for taking care of yourself and honoring the temple God gave you. Robin and I had this really natural flow that was, no doubt, led by the Holy Spirit, and despite us initially connecting to discuss a different topic, we ended up here. I’m confident you will enjoy this down-to-earth conversation! I’m excited for you to get to know Robin and will include links to her show and a gift she has for you right here in the show notes. Ready to dive in? Let’s do it!   Connect with Robin:  Grab your gift from Robin & download your free devotional:  Check out LMNT Electrolytes:
4/16/202457 minutes, 26 seconds
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220: Theology Matters Series Part TWO... Are You Reading The Bible CORRECTLY? How Your Bible Study Affects Your Walk as a Christian Woman with Heather Preston

Welcome to part two of our Theology Matters Series! Today, I’m sharing a conversation with my friend, Heather Preston.    Heather is a professional writer with a Master of Arts in Theological Studies. As a consultant she works with churches and pastors and has a passion for academic collaborations. Heather hosts a podcast called Scripts on Scripture where she discusses all things Bible with pastors and fellow writers. Her most recent book is entitled Between the Lines.   During this conversation, Heather shared her definition of theology and defined some important terms like hermeneutics and exegesis. We dove into how to read the Bible properly, including what information you should know when studying through a particular book of the Bible. Heather also offered an encouraging perspective on why you need to engage in proper study and interpretation of God’s Word. We ended with Heather explaining why she believes Theology Matters. I loved having this conversation. I pray it blesses you big! If I were you, I would grab a notebook or open a note on your phone because you are going to want to take some notes!   We last heard from Heather on:  Episode 192: How To Bring Scripture To Life When You’re Experiencing A Dry Season In Bible Study with Heather Preston  2023 RENEWED Conference Day 1: Confidence In Comprehension with Heather Preston   Scripts On Scripture Episodes Referenced in this Episode:  Conversation with Ivory McDonald “The Weird One”  Conversation with Erika Diaz-Castro “Mary Didn’t Know”    Connect with Heather:  Heather's Website: Get Heather’s Book, Between The Lines!   Connect with Erika: Join The Community! Watch prior Bible study series and a training right inside of our FREE Facebook group! Grab our FREE Simplify Bible Study Resource! This resource will teach you about the SOAP Bible Study Method and help you approach God's Word with intentionality. Have more time for the things that matter and stop doing the things that waste time! Get the Christ Centered Productivity Framework Mini-Hub for just $37 today!  
4/9/202444 minutes, 33 seconds
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219: Theology Matters Series Part ONE... What is Theology? Do You Need It To Grow As A Christian Woman?

Welcome to this month’s series… THEOLOGY MATTERS!   If you’ve been craving a deeper dive into theology, this series is one you don’t want to miss! I’m so excited to dive into the topic of theology, why it matters and how it affects our everyday walks as Christian women. In today’s series intro, I’m going to answer the questions: What is theology? Why does theology matter? Do we need theology to grow as Christian women?   Throughout this series, I’ll introduce some topics that, I believe, are crucial for all Christian women to consider and confidently grow in. I’ll end today’s episode with an intro to the topics we’ll cover throughout the rest of the series and give you a little sneak peak into who you’ll be hearing from and what we’ll be discussing during this month’s series.   Please be sure to share today’s episode with your friends, family, small group sisters and any other women who will enjoy growing deeper in the knowledge and understanding of the triune God and our Christian faith.   Books mentioned in this episode: Who Needs Theology: An Invitation to the Study of God by Stanley J. Grenz & Roger E. Olson A Practical Primer on Theological Method: Table Manners for Discussuing God, His Works, and His Ways by Glenn R. Kreider and Michael J. Svigel   Free & Paid Resources Designed with You in Mind: Her Renewed Strength Co.  Her Renewed Strength Free FB Community Free Simplify Bible Study Resource $37 Christ Centered Productivity Framework Mini-Hub [templates & trainings!] Connect with Erika
4/2/202422 minutes, 51 seconds
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218: Christ Centered Productivity Series Part FOUR... Fitting Your God-Sized Goals Into Your Busy Schedule As A Christian Woman

Hey sis! In this episode, I'm adding a special BONUS episode that is all about fitting your God-sized goals into your busy schedule. If you've ever wondered when you'll have time to work on that dream or goal... or just want to better understand how to fit goals into an already packed schedule, this episode is for you! I pray this blesses you! 🚨 There is some background noise that I have to apologize for toward the end!   Ready to access to the very time management templates & plug-and-play productivity swipe files that make up this framework? Grab access to the CCPF Mini-Hub for just $37 today! Access the CCPF Mini-Hub:    Listen to the rest of the Christ Centered Productivity Series: Part One: How To Use A Schedule Audit To Identify The Idols In Your Life Part Two: Want To Feel Closer To God? How The Time Calculator Will Help You Find Time for the Lord Part Three: How To Create A Schedule That Puts Jesus First
3/26/20249 minutes, 44 seconds
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217: Christ Centered Productivity Series Part THREE... How To Create A Schedule That Puts Jesus First As A Christian Woman

We are in part three of the Christ Centered Productivity Series! In today’s episode, we cover STEP THREE of the Christ Centered Productivity Framework (CCPF): building a SCHEDULE that puts Jesus first! If you have not yet listened to parts 1 and 2, go back and listen to those episodes in order!   You can click here to listen to PART ONE and click here to listen to PART TWO.   This episode will help you create a flexible schedule that puts Jesus first, prioritizes rest and includes time for the things that matter most to you.    You can now access the templates that make up the CCPF Mini-Hub for just $37!   Grab your $37 templates here:    Here's a breakdown of what's included: 1 digital hub that houses four core plug-and-play time management template & productivity swipe-files available for immediate download 1 training that introduces you to the 7 principles of productivity 4 additional short trainings (between 5 and15 minutes each) that walk you through each template & swipe file, including… Schedule Audit template: identify where your time goes Time Calculator: track your time & categorize your daily tasks Weekly Schedule Builder: create a simplified schedule that is broken into very specific time blocks Goal Tracker: use the goal tracker to set SMART goals & learn how to schedule intentional time to work on your goals each week. 1 Final Exhortation video   Ready to work with me, one-on-one? Email me to learn more about private coaching! 📧 [email protected]
3/19/20249 minutes, 50 seconds
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216: Christ Centered Productivity Series... Want To Feel Closer To God? How The Time Calculator Will Help You Find Time for the Lord as a Christian Woman

We are in part TWO of the Christ Centered Productivity Series, and I’m highlighting STEP TWO of the Christ Centered Productivity Framework. If you skipped part one, please go back and listen to Episode 215! In this series, the episodes progressively build on the last because I’m sharing a specific framework or process. Jumping into the middle of it will not help you or make a ton of sense. In step two, I highlight the time calculator, and help you understand how you can find time for Jesus and the things you say are important to you! It’s a quickie, but a huge piece of the puzzle.   Want access to the very time management templates & plug-and-play productivity swipe files that make up this framework? Grab access to the CCPF Mini-Hub for just $37 today! CCPF Mini-Hub:
3/12/20249 minutes, 20 seconds
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215: Christ Centered Productivity Series... How To Use A Schedule Audit To Identify The Idols In Your Life As An Anxious, Overwhelmed Christian Woman

Today, we are diving into Part ONE of the Christ Centered Productivity Series that we are hosting this month. This is a four-part series, and today we are going to cover step ONE of the framework. This step will help you identify the idols in your life because, let’s be honest, whatever is most important to you will get your time! This is a great episode for anyone who wants to put Jesus first in your life, no matter where you are in your walk with the Lord.   The Christ Centered Productivity Framework Mini-Hub is now available for just $37!    This proven framework is the exact method I use in my coaching program! It will help you: Accurately track your time Identify how long your tasks actually take each day Find your daily time-wasters Create a schedule that puts Jesus first AND prioritizes your priorities Map out your goals & have time to work on them   You get instant access to the digital hub, which contains four core plug-and-play time management templates & productivity swipe files, 5 training sessions and a final word of encouragement.   Click here to grab access for just $37!
3/5/202413 minutes, 33 seconds
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214: How To KNOW What God Has Called You To, Live Purposefully & Identify When You’re Out of Alignment as a Christian Woman…with Shayla Hilton!

Well, hello! I hope you are having a fabulous Tuesday! We are just about done with February, and only have one month left in quarter 1… Can you believe it?! Well, today, I have a treat for you! My friend Shayla Hilton joined me for a conversation that truly blessed me. Honestly, even while we were talking, I felt like it was a convo the Lord let us have just so I could go back and relisten. We talked about so many things, including how to know what God has called you to do in this season… how to deal with seasons when you feel like you’re wasting time or behind in life… what it means to live purposefully… what to do when you don’t want to do what the Lord is clearly asking you to do in this season… how to know when you’re out of alignment with the Lord… and so much more!   Connect with Shayla: Called and Confident Podcast Email Shayla: [email protected]    More from Her Renewed Strength: Join The Community on Facebook! Grab your FREE Simplify Bible Study resource. Tell Erika what you loved or learn more about working with her!
2/27/202437 minutes, 7 seconds
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213: The Problem of "Not Enough Time" and What It ACTUALLY Says About Your Time Management as a Christian Woman

There’s this phrase that I was notorious for using when I was asked if I followed through on something I said I was going to do or wanted to do…it went something like, “I tried, but I just don’t have enough time…” This happened a lot when I was younger, and today I’m going to share the scenarios I used it the most. I’m also going to explain what this phrase actually means as it pertains to your time management. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Before I jump in, I just need to shift gears real fast and share that you can download a free Simplify Bible Study resource when you head to - which has been available for almost a year. The time is coming for me to develop a NEW free resource for you, but I want to make sure I’m creating something that you actually want and need.   So, if you don’t mind taking a minute or two, could you please email me at [email protected] to let me know what you would like me to create and share with you for free…   Is it a checklist for what a Christ-centered schedule should include? Is it a schedule template? Is it a prioritizing workshop (which you can actually just complete when you listen and follow along to episode 20 - CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THAT ONE! lol)... WHAT IS IT?! Help me help you… I want to bless you with something that you don’t have to pay for.. What would you ask me for if you could ask for anything? K, thanks! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Connect with me: Download your FREE Simplify Bible Study resource Join us inside The Community - our FREE Facebook group! Ready to invest in the support you NEED to reach that goal, or simply to improve your time management and productivity?! Learn more about private coaching!
2/20/202417 minutes, 15 seconds
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212: Are You Sacrificing Your Priorities As A Busy Christian Woman? 3 Proverbs to Help You Improve Productivity!

In today's episode, I'm throwing it back to 2021, when I first shared these three Proverbs! Since then, I've been even more aware of how easy it can be to sacrifice my wellness or even my walk with the Lord because of my decision to remain busy. Well, if that's you, these passages are FOR YOU!   You don't have to be so busy that you sacrifice what matters most.  You don't have to compromise on your priorities for the sake of getting things done.   It's time to shift your mindset and put first things first!   Get connected... Simplify Bible Study by downloading this FREE resource! Join The Community our free, private Facebook group for all things time management, productivity, faith and fellowship! +I'm sharing all I'm learning in seminary with you!  Learn more about private coaching if you're ready to stop the cycle of overwhelm relating to your schedule & to-do list; and want personalized support in bringing that change to life!
2/13/202415 minutes, 33 seconds
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211: When You Just Want To Quit… Dealing with Disappointment & Doubt as a Christian Woman

Hey sis! Today, I'm taking a little break from all the productivity & time management talk because the Lord put something on my heart that I just NEEDED to share.   I don't know about you, but seasons of doubt, discouragement and disappointment are rough. Today, I share about my own experiences in this current season, which appear to be similar to what many of you are going through, too. I pray this encourages you today.   Want to let me know how you're really doing? Email me! 📧 [email protected]    Struggling to have consistent time in the Word? Want to simplify your Bible study? Download our free Simplify Bible Study resource!   Click here to Join us inside The Community!   Have you left us a review yet?! Please consider rating and reviewing the podcast! I read EVERY review and love to hear from you about what you're enjoying, what you want to hear more of and how I can better serve YOU! ✨ PLUS, your reviews help other sisters in the faith find the show and get the support they really, truly need. THANK YOUUUUUUU! ❤️
2/6/202425 minutes, 58 seconds
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210: When Will All Your Effort Lead To Better Productivity & Time Management? 3 Things To Consider When You’re Working Toward A Goal as an Anxious or Overwhelmed Christian Woman

Hey hey! Happy Tuesday, sis! I hope you are having a fabulous day at the time you’re tuning in. Today, I’m going to offer some biblical encouragement and perspective on the topic of accomplishing what you set out to do… specifically with respect to actually seeing improvements in your productivity and time management. Does this sound like you? You’re trying your best, doing what you believe the Lord is leading you to do, working hard and still finding yourself in the same situation… behind on tasks.. Feeling overwhelmed… anxious about how much you have to get done… then this is for you. Before I dive in, I want to remind you that enrollment for the Christ Centered Productivity Framework is still open, but closes tomorrow, Wednesday, January 31st @ 11PM EST/8AM PST. If you want to stop stressing about getting things done and unlock more time for what truly matters to you… if you are ready to work through a proven framework that will help you prioritize your faith, family and goals… one that is tried and tested… puts Jesus first… and will help you live with more intention, peace and joy… I pray you’ll say yes and choose to invest in yourself, your faith and your future by joining me inside. I’ll be your personal guide and coach in your pocket… you’ll get 12 calls, a private chat where you can chat w/ me all day everyday… plug and play time management templates, productivity swipe files, a personalized productivity style profile and life coaching resources that will support you in the areas you struggle most… so much accountability.. A goal tracker.. Spotlight coaching.. And a bonus session w/ me to work through the deep dive questionnaire my clients have said is worth the investment on its own… head to    Alright, sister. Let’s get into it!    Join me inside of the Christ Centered Productivity Framework:   Read the full blog, God's Sovereignty and Our Responsibility, written by Derek Thomas of Ligonier Ministries   Connect with me directly: [email protected]  Want 1:1 support? Find out if private coaching is for you: 
1/30/202424 minutes, 43 seconds
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209: She Got Confidence, Encouragement, Systems & Learned How To Get Her Life Together... Bonnie Jean Schaefer Spills the Tea on What It Was Like Working with Erika!

In this client tell-all, Bonnie Jean Schaefer shares her experience working with Erika Diaz-Castro, and all the amazing fruit that came investing in working with a Christian life coach! If you want to know what its like to work with Erika, this is for you!    By the way... The doors are officially open for you to join us inside the Christ Centered Productivity Framework GROUP COACHING EXPERIENCE! Prioritize your faith, family and goals with a proven system that helps you live a more intentional, organized & productive life!   READY FOR TRANSFORMATION? Join us now! Doors close January 31st!    🔗   
1/26/202430 minutes, 40 seconds
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Hey friend! Today, I'm so excited to share about a FREE productivity workshop I'm hosting this Thursday, and spilling ALL the details about what it is, who it's for, why you need to be there and what it'll cost you if you skip.   If you are a Christian woman who is always busy, but struggle to be productive... if you want to master time management and have more time for what matters to you... if you want to stop stressing about your busy life & never ending to-do list, you don't want to miss this episode. Tune in to learn more!    REGISTER FOR FREE: 
1/23/202410 minutes, 5 seconds
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207: Not Sure Where Your Time Is Going? 4 Steps to Identifying The Holes In Your Schedule & Instantly Improving Your Time Management As A Christian Woman!

Hey you! If you’re anything like I used to be, you’ve caught yourself saying, “I don’t know where my time goes.” Time management and productivity aren't taught in school, so if you're struggling with either, don't feel bad! Whether you’re always running late to things or just trying to get caught up on your long to-do list, you may still find yourself falling behind and pressed for time. If you want to make that stop, once and for all, today’s episode is for you.    I’m going to share four steps you need to take to identify the holes in your schedule. Following this formula will lead you to the lightbulb moments that illuminate where in the world your time is really going, and what to do about it. This episode is sure to help you improve your personal time management and boost productivity, especially after understanding how much time you actually spend on your tasks.   This is a tactical one, so grab a notebook and a pen. Let’s go!   ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️   This is all part of a larger system that I naturally incorporate into my life. If you’re disorganized, operating on a neverending to-do list and overwhelmed the busyness of your life, you are exactly who I want to hang out with on January 25th during my live training, Productivity Beyond The Planner.   Systems and all things time management might not be your forte, but they’re mine, and I’m going to teach you where to begin…. Starting with three core systems you need to put in place so you get more done, stress less about your schedule or to-do list and have time for what matters most.  ⚡️ Register today:   Connect with me... website: community:  blog: 
1/18/202410 minutes, 16 seconds
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206: Is Your Relationship with God Taking a Backseat To Your To-Do List? Try These 2 Things To Have More Intentional Time with the Lord as a Christian Woman!

If your relationship with the Lord takes a hit when you’re busy, listen up. I’m guilty of putting Jesus on the back burner when life gets hectic. Trust me, I’m not perfect! That’s the reason I know how harmful of a habit it is.    Today, I’m giving you two very simple, straight forward strategies you can implement today if you recognize your time with the Lord coming in second to your to-do list.    You ready? Let’s do it!    ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ FREE TRAINING ALERT!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ 😣 Are you struggling to remain organized? 🤔 Do you wish you were more confident in prioritizing? 🤯 Is your overwhelm increasing just as quick as your to-do list is? LISTEN UP!  I'm hosting a FREE, 1-hour training where I'll teach you the three core systems you NEED to get more done, get (and stay) organized, and stop stressing about your to-do list!  ✨ REGISTER HERE:   ⚡️   Other episodes referenced: Episode 117: Want To Fit In Devotional Time EACH & EVERY DAY? Implement THIS Powerful Time Hack with Michelle Byrd Episode 163: Crushing Goals, Better Health & Improved Confidence! Client Tell-All with Christy Boles   Connect with us... website: private community: email: [email protected]   
1/16/20248 minutes, 25 seconds
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205: Can You Afford To Rest When You Have So Much To Do? Biblical Truths About REST & Its Effect on Time Management for Overwhelmed Christian Women

The Holy Spirit has prompted me to speak about rest. As believers, we can be tempted to believe that rest is optional, especially when things become busy. We worry about taking time to rest. We worry about slowing down. We worry about taking that tactical pause because we worry about all the things we still have to do. So, today, I want to speak to the root of your issue and help you shift your perspective. I want you to walk in freedom and grow deeper in your relationship with the Lord. You ready? Let’s go!   ✨ ✨   Your to-do list will not take you far in life. In fact, unless you have systems in place, you will quickly find yourself burnt out, overwhelmed and ready to tap out. But what systems should you even bother to create? Where do you start?   I’m sharing the three CORE systems you need in order to be more productive, stress less and have time for what matters most; and I’m sharing it all in a live training I'm hosting on Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 2PM EST! It's absolutely free AND, just for registering, you'll be entered to win some pretty sweet prizes. Can't make it? I'll send you the replay! ;)  ⚡️ Register today:   ✨ ✨   🎧  Check out these other episodes on rest:   Episode 101: 101: In Need of Rest? Be Still & Know… An In-Depth Devotional Bible Study on Psalm 46:10   Episode 120: Craving Rest For Your Soul? 3 Verses To Help You Let Go of Anxiety & Have A Peaceful Start to 2023   Episode 132: How To Rest and Still Be Productive... A Short Bible Study Devotional Highlighting Jeremiah 17   Episode 136: The #1 Way To Start To Implementing Rest As An Overwhelmed Christian Woman with Paige Bacani   Let's connect! 📱  IG: 💻  FB: 📧  Email: [email protected] 
1/11/202414 minutes, 52 seconds
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204: Why Your To Do List Isn’t Improving Your Time Management or Productivity… +Why It’s Actually Making You MORE Anxious and Overwhelmed!

What up, sis! I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but your to-do list is actually NOT contributing to improving your time management or productivity. Instead, it’s making you anxious and contributing to the overwhelm. In this episode, I’ll share WHY that’s the case, and I’ll give you a mindset reframe to help you think about how to remedy this situation.    Before we get into it, don’t forget to register for my FREE training, Productivity Beyond The Planner! It is going down, LIVE, 1/25/2024 @ 2pm EST in a private Zoom room. Register for this live workshop & you’ll be automatically entered to win some fun door prizes. You’ll also receive the 48-hour replay!  Register now:
1/9/20247 minutes, 32 seconds
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203: Struggling with Time Management? Change Starts with YOU... 3 Beliefs You Need To Shift If You Want To Get More Done & Be Productive as an Overwhelmed Christian Woman in 2024!

Welcome back! I'm talking about mindset today because you cannot improve in time management or productivity if you don't first shift your mindset. Trust me, if this wasn't necessary, I wouldn't bother. I'm the FIRST person to say, "just give me the step-by-step." HOWEVER, it's not all about WHAT you're doing... it's more about HOW YOU'RE THINKING about what you're doing.    The truth is, you can’t see sustainable change or improvements in your productivity and time management without first shifting your mindset.   It’s time to stop thinking about things in a way that leads to stress and overwhelm… Are you ready to shift your mindset with me? Let’s do it!   🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨   Are you ready to create the productivity systems & habits that put God first, reduce overwhelm and actually work, join me in a live training I'm hosting on Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 2PM EST! It's absolutely free AND, just for registering, you'll be entered to win some pretty sweet prizes. Can't make it? I'll send you the replay! ;)    ⚡️ Register today:
1/4/202410 minutes, 3 seconds
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202: If You Felt Unprepared & Scatterbrained In 2023, THIS Is Why... PLUS 3 Time Management Tips To Help You Get Productive & Be Less Overwhelmed as a Christian Woman!

Happy New Year! Have you ever gone through something and, when you look back at it, you’re like, “wow, that was hard.” Yep, that was 2023… for A LOT of us! Well, after connecting with a lot of women inside The Community, including some past and current clients, I KNOW it was hard to focus this year with most of the complaints centering around being so busy, feeling unprepared and just being scatterbrained. If you’re anything like me, and I think you are, you HATE feeling unprepared and get really frustrated when you feel scatterbrained. Today, I’m highlighting WHY you were suffering from these symptoms and 3 things you can do to remedy that, so you’re more productive and less overwhelmed in 2024. This is a time management and productivity focused episode that you don't want to skip! Grab a notebook, because I think you’re going to want to write some stuff down!   Learn how to prioritize using the Covey Quadrants (also called the Eisenhower Matrix) here: Episode 20: What’s Making Me Anxious?! How To Prioritize When Everything Seems Like A Priority - Free Workshop!   We're hosting a FREE, LIVE TRAINING & you're invited! Register here:  This free training designed to help you... understand how your productivity style is impacting your to-do list, break up with being busy and shift into being productive, and learn how to create Christ centered systems that reduce overwhelm. It's going down 1/25/2024 at 2PM EST... Can't make it? We'll send you the replay!    You'll be entered to win some sweet giveaway prizes just for registering! 
1/2/202412 minutes, 53 seconds
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201: Want To Be More Productive In 2024?! Leave These 2 Limiting Beliefs In 2023 If You Want To See True Transformation In Your Time Management As An Anxious, Overwhelmed Christian Woman!

What is up, sister friend! As I was reflecting on everything I shared this past Tuesday, including the time management tips and productivity strategies that helped me get to new levels in 2023, I also reflected on the things that held me back in 2023... I realized these limiting beliefs are the very lies my clients (and even my friends!) subscribed too.   There are TWO limiting beliefs that I really believe need to be left behind in 2023. They aren’t overtly negative, but they can lead to negative habits and feed the cycle of overwhelm you're so desperately trying to end.   So, if you’ve struggled to master time management, boost your productivity and truly prioritize what’s important to you, this episode is for you. I know your productivity will skyrocket and you'll become so much better at time management when you leave these two limiting beliefs behind. Ready? Let’s go!   🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨   Are you ready to create the productivity systems & habits that put God first, reduce overwhelm and actually work, join me in a live training I'm hosting on Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 2PM EST! It's absolutely free AND, just for registering, you'll be entered to win some pretty sweet prizes. Can't make it? I'll send you the replay! ;)    ⚡️ Register today: 
12/29/202313 minutes
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200: How My Productivity Skyrocketed in 2023, Despite Many Emotional Lows…The EXACT Mindset Shifts & Time Management Methods! +Quick Q4 Recap & 2024 Announcements!

  What’s up, friends! For the last couple of years, I’ve done a Q4 Recap, but this year, I want to look at 2023 in totality and share the themes and lessons of the year, including the really hard things. PLUS, I’m revealing the EXACT mindset shifts and time management methods that skyrocketed my productivity in one of the hardest years for my family and I.   I also share announcements regarding what you can expect going into 2024, as well as some important changes we are implementing inside of Her Renewed Strength Co. The mindset shifts I reveal, as well as the tactical changes that improved my own personal productivity and time management mastery are two big reasons you’ll want to take some notes.    Let’s jump in!    Next Steps: 1. Register for our free master class, Productivity Beyond The Planner!  2. Join us inside The Community! 3. Want one-on-one coaching, accountability and personalized support? Connect with me to learn more! [email protected]
12/26/202341 minutes, 13 seconds
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199: Feeling Anxious About Money? Become A Better Steward With This SIMPLE Financial System featuring Shana & Vanessa!

Do you want to be debt free?! Does money trigger feelings of stress or anxiety for you? Do you have a good financial system in place? Sis, today you are in for a treat! I have the hosts of the Financial Coaching for Women podcast, Shana and Vanessa, on the show today.    Shana & Vanessa are best friends, business partners and hosts of a fast-growing podcast that gets over 6,000 plays a week. Before launching their own coaching business, they each embarked on their own financial freedom journey, sparking a passion to help others break free from financial stress. Based out of Navarre, Florida, their online platform extends across the world, reaching women from all walks of life. Through their signature Budget Power Hour toolkit and virtual financial coaching, Shana & Vanessa bring you customized budget advice that fits your unique lifestyle and dreams. Rooted in Christian values, their coaching experience is judgment-free and packed with grace, making way for your unique financial dreams—whether that's giving your hubby an early retirement or simply telling debt to take a hike.   They did not hold back when I asked them the hard questions, and they even provide a fantastic and insanely simple framework for better money management. You will want to take notes today. I know I did! You ready? Let’s do it!   Connect with Shana & Vanessa:  Listen to the Financial Coaching for Women Podcast Budget Power Hour:  Free 30 minute call: 
12/19/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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198: Are You A Christian Woman Suffering From Burnout This Holiday Season? 10 Ways To Have Joy When Life Is Busy and Chaotic with Michelle Byrd

Sis, are you already exhausted this holiday season? I know things get real crazy real fast, schedules fill up and all the extroverting you’re doing is calling for more caffeine. It can be hard to have joy when you feel so run down, so I decided to share a conversation I had with my friend, Michelle Byrd, who you last heard from in Episode 117: Want To Fit In Devotional Time EACH & EVERY DAY? Implement THIS Powerful Time Hack… I’ll link that episode in the description, in case you want to revisit it!    Michelle Byrd is a daughter of the King, wife, girl mom, boy mom, gym rat, podcaster, coffee enthusiast, health coach, extrovert, and lover of people!   Michelle is the host of a top ranked podcast for Christian working moms, The Busy Vibrant Mom.    Michelle provides working moms with the tools they need so they can have more time in their day and their week to pour into their kids, their marriage, and themselves. They work through productivity hacks, time blocking, organizational systems, purposeful parenting, and time management tools.   Michelle wants working moms to trade the overwhelming, the busyness, the stress of trying to balance everything, for more time.   God has given each of us unique gifts and to use these gifts He has specifically designed us with, we need to get off the hamster wheel.  Moms need to find time to pour into their kids, their marriage, and themselves!      Michelle believes that when we let the gifts God has gifted to us shine, that we will truly find joy and happiness in our every day, and live a life that will fuel our souls and bless others.    In today’s episode, Michelle shared 10 ways to have joy, plus her personal top 3, in case you want a little guidance with where to start! You’re going to want to take notes, so get ready. Let’s go!    Did you miss our last episode with Michelle? Check it out here! Episode 117: Want To Fit In Devotional Time EACH & EVERY DAY? Implement THIS Powerful Time Hack with Michelle Byrd   Connect with Michelle: Check out Michelle's website! The Busy Vibrant Mom Podcast Join Michelle's FB Community: Home Management for Working Moms - Organization & Time Management
12/12/202319 minutes, 3 seconds
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197: “But I’m Still Single…” Why You Need To STOP Using Your Marital Status as an Excuse to Play Small in 2024 with Bonnie Jean Schaefer

Well, hello! Today, I’m sharing a conversation I had with my friend, Bonnie Jean Schaefer. Bonnie shares her testimony and experience as a single Christian woman, what it looks like to live differently in a world that is constantly trying to tell you who you are or should be, and how to shift your mindset from feeling unworthy to being significant, no matter what your marital status is.    Bonnie Jean Schaefer, also known by her pen name of Author D.K. Drake, is a fantasy author, podcaster, and Christian writing coach. As a published author of four novels and a host of a top 2% globally ranked podcast, Bonnie stands for proclaiming God’s truth, living life on purpose, and vibrating with creative energy whether you are single or married or not yet old enough to check one of those boxes. And she stands against uncertainty, feeling stuck, and settling for mediocrity.   Connect with Bonnie:  Rise from Stuck Starter Kit: includes Core Convictions Prayer, The Thought Test, Significant Certificate Risk From Stuck Podcast Write Great Fiction for Christian Authors: The Author DK Drake Show
12/5/202341 minutes, 55 seconds
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196: 3 Signs You’re A Lukewarm Christian…PLUS 7 Scriptures To Help You Fully Surrender To Jesus!

🎙 Have you ever heard someone use the term “lukewarm” when referring to another Christian? What does that even mean? While we are called to be in this world, not of it, the world is still fighting to influence us and dim that fire and passion we have for the Lord. Today, I’m sharing 3 signs you’re a lukewarm Christian, and busting out the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God! I’ve 7 scriptures for you today, so grab your Bible, a highlighter and a pen. Let’s go! *********************************************************** 2023 RENEWED Conference was amazing! You can still access the replays for FREE (through 12/10/2023) by registering here! Just for registering, you get $100 off On Heaven's Timeline before it goes up in price! Get access to 2023 RENEWED Conference here: *********************************************************** Get On Heaven's Timeline - A Christ centered productivity playbook that will help you get more done, stop stressing about your schedule and have time for what matters most! Get lifetime access now!  *********************************************************** Ready to SKYROCKET your productivity?! There are only a couple more private coaching spots open. Email me now to get set up! [email protected] 🤍✨
11/28/202321 minutes, 7 seconds
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195: 2024 Planners Are Out! Should You Even Bother? 3 Things You NEED As A Christian Woman So You Go From Overwhelmed To Organized!

What’s up fellow planner lover! I have loved planners since the days of Lisa Frank! Can I get an amen?! If you don’t know who Lisa Frank was, then you’re probably younger than I am by a bit lol and that’s okay! One of the top complaints I get from clients is that they buy planners and hardly use them after January… So, today I answer the question, should you even bother buying a planner? And, if you ARE buying a planner, what THREE things you absolutely NEED as an overwhelmed Christian woman… so you go from overwhelmed to organized!    Save 15% on your Dream Planner by Horacio Printing by clicking here:    Ready to create your vision for 2024, set up your planning and accountability systems, and go from overwhelmed to organized?! Email me to get book your Productivity Style Session now! 📧 [email protected] 
11/21/202311 minutes, 1 second
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194: The 4 Productivity Styles: What They are & Why It Matters To You As An Anxious, Overwhelmed Christian Woman!

Hey sister friend! If you’re inside The Community or receive my emails, you know that I’ve been talking about identifying your personal productivity style for the last few weeks. Today, I’m going to dive into this a little more by uncovering four productivity styles, and why this matters to you as a Christian woman. If you’re tired of falling behind on your tasks or projects, this is an episode you do not want to miss. Grab a pen or open up a note on your phone. Ready? Let's go! ******************************************************************** Ready to identify YOUR productivity style? Stop wasting time trying what everyone else does, and find the methods and tools that will work for YOU!  Book your productivity style session with me today to learn about YOUR productivity style. You'll receive private coaching session, as well as a personalized plan of action and additional resources to support your goals and improved productivity.      📧 [email protected] ******************************************************************** Want to get more done, stop stressing about your schedule and have time for what matters most? On Heaven's Timeline is a Christ-centered, productivity playbook that will help you do just that! This DIY course is going through a major makeover and the price will increase in 2024! Access it now while it's available! You'll have access to all future updates at no extra charge!      🔗 
11/14/202310 minutes, 13 seconds
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193: Ready To Walk Out Your Faith With BOLDNESS As A Christian Woman?! FREE Virtual Women’s Conference Details inside!

ATTENTION! CALLING ALL CHRISTIAN WOMEN! The day is here!   2023 RENEWED Conference begins TODAY!   There are TEN sessions being streamed across five days, along with a private community and a live conference party! ALL FOR FREE! If you haven't heard or if you're on the fence, today's episode is for you! Tune in to get all the details, hear about all the speakers and sessions, and find out what else you get when you register, absolutely free! Can't wait to see you inside!   REGISTER FOR FREE: 
11/6/202311 minutes, 10 seconds
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192: How To Bring Scripture To Life When You’re Experiencing A Dry Season In Bible Study with Heather Preston

If you’ve ever experienced a dry season in Bible study, and just struggled to WANT to read your Bible, today’s episode is for you! My friend, Heather Preston, is my amazing guest, and she doesn’t hold back when I ask her about how to make scripture come alive!    Heather’s bio: Heather Preston is a professional writer with a Master of Arts in Theological Studies. As a consultant she works with churches and pastors and has a passion for academic collaborations. Heather hosts a podcast called Scripts on Scripture where she discusses all things Bible with pastors and fellow writers. Her most recent book is entitled Between the Lines. If you’re registered for the 2023 RENEWED Conference, you already know that Heather is one of our DAY ONE speakers! If you aren’t registered, I hope that changes today, especially after you listen to our chat. Head to to register for free! Without further ado, here’s my convo with my beautiful friend, Heather Preston!   Connect with Heather: Website: Podcast: Between The Lines Book: 
10/31/202337 minutes, 51 seconds
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191: Are You Hard On Yourself When You Fall Behind or Just Not Productive? Pray THIS Prayer Over Yourself! A Short Devotional Bible Study on Ephesians 4:32 For Anxious, Overwhelmed Christian Women

You may not know what it looks like to give yourself grace. So, instead of praying over yourself when you’re overwhelmed or falling behind, you go into fight or flight mode and fight w/ yourself. Ask me how I know!   Register for the 2023 RENEWED Conference, absolutely free!    Join us inside The Community:     Access On Heaven’s Timeline! This Christ-centered, productivity playbook will help you get more done, stop stressing about your to-do list and have time for what matters most:  Want one-on-one coaching, accountability and personalized support? Connect with me to learn more! [email protected]
10/24/202313 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 190: Struggling with Anxiety or Overwhelm? How To Have Peace That Surpasses All Understanding & Get Out of Fight or Flight Mode As A Christian Woman

If you’re new here, I’m a veteran when it comes to struggling with anxiety and overwhelm… sometimes I have to navigate just one at a time, but many times it’s both. I remember entering that fight or flight mode, and, depending on the circumstance, found myself having an internal meltdown. Today, I’m sharing with you a recent experience and exactly HOW to have the peace that surpasses all understanding, and get out of that fight/flight mode as a Christian woman.   Register for the 2023 RENEWED Conference, absolutely free! It’s going down NOW!    Join us inside The Community:     Access On Heaven’s Timeline! This Christ-centered, productivity playbook will help you get more done, stop stressing about your to-do list and have time for what matters most:    Want one-on-one coaching, accountability and personalized support? Connect with me to learn more! [email protected] 
10/17/202319 minutes, 36 seconds
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189: Quarter 3 Recap and Reflection… +Prepare For The Holiday Season with This FREE Time Management Workshop For Anxious, Overwhelmed Christian Women!

Welcome to Q4! This is the last quarter of 2023! Can you believe it?! After I share the quarter 3 updates inside my personal life and inside of Her Renewed Strength, I walk you through an ARC Method workshop that will help you prepare for the holiday season. One thing you can BET I’m talking about is the preparation for the 2023 RENEWED Conference, which is going down November 6th through November 10th. This virtual experience is completely free, and registration is open! Head to to register completely free! I also have a couple spots open for 1:1 coaching. Email me [email protected] if you’re ready for stress-free productivity, getting more down, having time for the things that matter most, like quiet time and actually accomplishing those goals you’ve been putting off! Alrighty, buckle up.   ⤵️ Get On Heaven's Timeline, a course for anxious, overwhelmed Christian women who want to get more done, stop stressing about schedules and have time for what matters most. Access the proven framework on Christ-centered productivity:   Join us inside The Community for free Bible study and time management workshops:   
10/10/202334 minutes, 46 seconds
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188: Are You Suffering From Emotional Dysregulation? How To Move At The Pace of Grace with Juliana Page

Have you ever heard the term emotional regulation? Are YOU regulated? In today’s episode, I bring a pretty awesome guest who will teach you how to understand emotional regulation vs emotional dysregulation. Juliana Page, host of God’s Vibes Podcast, digs into this topic, and shares about what it means to move at the pace of grace. If you're a Christian woman who struggles with anxiety, overwhelm or just want a refresher on how to do like Jesus and remain cool as a cucumber, this episode is for you!   Connect with Juliana Page: Website: Check out The God’s Vibes Mastermind Launch [closes 10/10] Here's a free gift from Juliana! "Maximize Your Potential" - 
10/3/202337 minutes, 35 seconds
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187: Do Not Be Anxious About Anything… Having The Peace of God and What It Means To Do All Things Through Him Who Gives Me Strength… Bible Study Series on Philippians Chapter 4

Hey, sista friend! We’re in chapter 4 this week of our Bible study series featuring a study on the book of Philippians. In today's episode, I'll be finishing our study of this New Testament epistle. This last chapter is packed with several verses that many of us have heard, and probably even quoted! I hope you have your Bible and a highlighter because we’re going to spend some time here together! Quick announcements: 2023 RENEWED Conference registration is officially open! Head to to register completely free!  I pray this blesses you. FREE RESOURCE: Join the FIRST annual RENEWED Conference on November 6 to 10, 2023! Register here: 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
9/26/202321 minutes, 49 seconds
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186: Do You KNOW Christ or Just Know of Him? The TWO Things You MUST Have In Place To Truly KNOW Jesus… Bible Study Series on Philippians Chapter 3

Hey, sista friend! We’re in chapter 3 this week of our Bible study series, featuring a study on the book of Philippians. In today's episode, I focus on what it means to KNOW Christ.   Quick announcements: 2023 RENEWED Conference registration is officially open! Head to to register completely free!  I pray this blesses you. FREE RESOURCE: Join the FIRST annual RENEWED Conference on November 6 to 10, 2023! Register here: 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
9/19/202320 minutes, 26 seconds
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185: Work Out Your Salvation With Fear & Trembling... Bible Study Series on Philippians Chapter 2

Hey, sista-friend! We’re in chapter 2 this week of our Bible study series, featuring a study on the book of Philippians, and I’ll be highlighting a verse that you might’ve heard before, but not understood…at least, I didn’t when I continued to hear it. The verse says, “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling…” If you’re curious or just passionate about God’s Word, and what Paul had to say on this, you’re in for a treat! I pray this blesses you. FREE RESOURCE: Join the FIRST annual RENEWED Conference on November 6 to 10, 2023! Register here: 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
9/12/202327 minutes, 24 seconds
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184: What Does It Mean To Live A Life Worthy of the Gospel? Bible Study Series on Philippians Part 1

Hey, Sis!  This month, we’re diving into a special Bible study series where I’ll be reading and teaching through the book of Philippians. Since so many of the women who listen to this podcast make their way into The Community, we get to hear about the main struggles you have when it comes to time management and Bible study. The main problem is making time for God’s Word! So, after praying about The Community and The Podcast, the Lord made it clear that I was to lead a study ON the podcast vs. inside The Community; and the book He showed me I needed to teach from was Philippians. Tune in to a weekly study on this New Testament Epistle for this month of September. I pray this blesses you and speaks to you right where you are.  FREE RESOURCE: Join the FIRST annual RENEWED Conference on November 6 to 10, 2023! Register here: 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
9/5/202322 minutes, 21 seconds
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183: Feeling Unfocused, Unproductive & Just STUCK? YOU Are The Problem... Here’s Why

What's up, Sis? Are you feeling unfocused? Or, have you been feeling unproductive or just stuck? If you do, then, this is an episode you need to listen to because chances are ... You. Are. The. Problem! I'm going to share with you the message that the Lord gave me when I prayed about this episode.  I will tell you what you need to hear, and it won't be easy. But it'll absolutely be worth it. If you listen to what I'm saying, pray & seek the Lord, and do something about it, I promise that you will come out of your dilemma. So, get ready to go all the way in and get super deep. Let's go! FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
8/29/202325 minutes, 47 seconds
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182: Entering A New Season of Life!? 3 Keys To Creating A Christ-Centered Routine You LOVE As An Anxious, Overwhelmed Christian Woman!

What's up, Sis!? CHANGE IS HARD! When you’re entering a new season in life, the last thing you need is to be thrown off by your routine, or lack thereof. Today, I’m sharing the THREE KEYS to creating a Christ-centered routine you LOVE, so you aren’t anxious or overwhelmed in this time of transition! I pray this blesses you. FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
8/22/202316 minutes, 3 seconds
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181: Struggling To Hold It All Together? Here’s Your 3 Step Spiritual Battle Plan Against Negative Self-Talk Stemming From Anxiety, Past Hurts or Daily Stress!

Hey, Sis! Inside the community, I received requests to talk about overcoming negative self-talk from anxiety, past hurts, and daily stress.  In the past, I faced the same struggles but found freedom through faith. So, in this episode, I am sharing my three-step spiritual battle plan to help you break free from harmful thought patterns and negative feelings, and replace them with positive, affirming truths. So, grab your Bibles, pens, and journal, and get ready to be equipped with practical tools and spiritual wisdom. I pray this blesses you. FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
8/15/202320 minutes, 23 seconds
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180: Is Technology Consuming Your Time? 3 Tips To Help You Set Healthy Boundaries With Your Phone

Hey, Sis! A question for you: Does tech consume much of your free time (or even time committed to something else)? This question may be hard to answer, “how many times a day do you pick up your phone?” In today’s episode, I'm talking through the reality so many of us are living through, being constantly pulled in by our devices; and I’m sharing three tips to help you set healthy boundaries with your phone and other devices. This episode is practical, and I’m inviting you to take action… Are you ready?! Let’s go! Featured Review: Blessings and motivation! "Definitely recommend this podcast. Erika is so down-to-earth and REAL, I feel like I’m listening to my sister or best friend speak about productivity and time management! Her tips motivate me to reflect on my own actions with a Christ-centered lens and get honest about my priorities. 'Be women of your word, and be women IN the Word.' YES! So Good." - ChrissyFrakes - FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
8/8/202314 minutes, 8 seconds
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179: Is Your Schedule An Idol? How To Let The Lord Lead with Brandy Coffin

What's up, Sis! Are you aware that you are missing out on God's blessings by keeping your schedule so tight and perfect? In today's episode, I am sharing a conversation I had with my friend Brandy Coffin. Our conversation covered many topics, including what we miss when we try to take control of our schedule; the downfall of planning; and how a relationship with God determines your schedule. But the main thing that we really wanted to tease out is the question of whether or not your schedule is an idol. I pray that this blesses you and that you glean so much from it.  Featured Guest: Brandy Coffin is a wife, follower of Jesus, homeschool mom, and time management coach. She is the host of a top 2.5% globally ranked podcast, The Nourished Mom, where she talks about homeschooling mom life and balancing 'all the things'. Brandy is passionate about helping other homeschool moms create a balanced, peaceful, and efficient homeschool through personalized time management systems, biblical priorities, and routine strategies. Brandy enjoys hiking, reading, playing with the kids, board games with her family, and a warm cup of tea. Connect with Brandy Coffin: Podcast: The Nourished Mom Email: [email protected] Website: Community: Christian Homeschool Moms - Time Management & Routines Coaching Course: FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
8/1/202328 minutes, 50 seconds
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178: Worried About Change? 3 Bible Verses To Comfort Your Spirit As An Anxious, Overwhelmed Christian Woman

What’s up, sister-friend? Are you in a season of change or transition? This is for you! When you struggle with anxiety or overwhelm, change either triggers the big feelings or makes them worse. Ask me how I know! Today, I just want to share 3 Bible verses that I’m confident will comfort your spirit, remind you of God’s goodness and faithfulness, and help you go from the position of being an overthinking problem solver, to a position of just trusting the Lord.  I pray this blesses you. FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study (Simplify Bible Study) >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
7/28/202318 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

177: Struggling To Keep Up With Your Planner?! I Stopped Using My Planner For A Month! Here’s What Happened?!

Hey, Sis! What's up? Did you know that I go without a planner for over a little month? In today's episode, I'm sharing my experience and some important things I learned from it especially some things you may not expect! Also, stay tuned until the end for an important announcement about the podcast. Ready? Let’s do it. FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
7/25/202315 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

176: Is It Wrong To Desire Recognition As An Overwhelmed Christian Woman? What You’re REALLY After…A Bible Study Devotional on Matthew 25:23

Hey, sister-friend! I see you doing all the things. Don’t you want someone to look at you and say, “Well done!” once in a while? I know that’s right. I do, too! Today, I’m turning to Matthew 25:22 to answer the question: Is it wrong to desire recognition, especially as an overwhelmed Christian woman? Just hang w/ me, sis. It’s time for a little chat. I pray this blesses you.  Featured Review: Overwhelm! "What a great subject! I think we all at some point in our lives and maybe more than just a few times deal with overwhelm… seeking God and His direction keeps us straight. Keep putting God's message out there!" 💕 -Emily Elizabeth Janzen- FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
7/21/202312 minutes, 47 seconds
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175: No Time To Pursue The Things That Honor God? Shift Gears With THESE 3 Simple Changes

Hey, Sis! Do you ever look at your life and get discouraged because you don’t have time to pursue the things that glorify or honor God? Over the last few months, more and more of our sisters in The Community shared that this is something they struggle with. So, today’s episode is a direct response to the struggles communicated inside The Community. I’ve got two, maybe three, specific steps you can take TODAY to honor God in the little free time you have, or even if you have no free time at all! I pray this blesses you. Featured Review: Thanks for the help with my overwhelm! "As I start a new phase in my life as an entrepreneur, it’s so important for me to manage my time and my neverending to-dos in a SMART, efficient way. I’m grateful for a podcast that helps me decrease my stress while increasing productivity!" -elantc- FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
7/18/202311 minutes, 2 seconds
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174: 4 Biblical Tips for Living Healthy When Your Motivation hits a Wall with Lauren Joyce

Hey, Sis! Has your motivation ever taken a hit? Do you find it challenging to stay on track when that happens? Well, today I have a sweet treat for you! I sat to have a conversation with Lauren Joyce about this very topic and she shares beautiful biblical wisdom that will absolutely help you navigate those inevitable moments.  I pray this blesses you. Featured Guest: Lauren Joyce is a mom to two wonderful young boys, wife to a fabulous husband, Healthy Living & Biblical Mindset Coach, BUT most importantly a Jesus-loving encourager!  She helps Christian moms prioritize their health so they can get to a weight they love, live with more energy and less stress, all while keeping God as the focus on their health journey. She believes living healthy can be simple and fun and ultimately allow you to deepen your relationship with the Lord and help you create the mom life you love. Connect with Lauren Joyce: Podcast: Healthy and Empowered Living Website: Community: Email: [email protected] Facebook: @laurenjoycecoach Free Guide - 5 Ways Christian Moms Can Live Healthy: FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
7/14/202327 minutes, 3 seconds
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173: Feeling Distracted This Summer? 5 MUST-HAVE Routines That Will Help You Stay Focused

Hey, Sis! Are you distracted or struggling to stay focused this summer? I feel you, and in this episode, I share my story several summers ago. Over the years, I have learned which routines work for me in order to stay focused on what I am working on, and I am sharing the 5 MUST-HAVE routines with you today. I hope these 5 MUST-HAVE routines will change your summer days and help you stay focused.  Featured Review: Thankful! "Thankful to Erika and her team for helping me to work on living an intentional life through time management! Time management is key to living an intentional and successful life centered around Christ! Thank you, Erika, for your heart, mind, and time!" -Lucinda- FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
7/11/202313 minutes, 44 seconds
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172: It’s OKAY To Say NO with Sasha Star Robertson

Hey, sister-friend! Today, I’m sharing a conversation I had with my girl, Sasha Star Robertson. We had this entire conversation planned out, and then the Lord took it in a different direction. So! I’m excited because we spoke about many things both she and I talked about negative feelings; reacting at the moment vs being proactive in our response to angst or overwhelm; how to be intentional about your life; and so much more. Tune in and be blessed! Featured Guest: Sasha Star Robertson is an Intentional Living & Biblical Mindset Coach for busy Christian moms, wife of 14 years to her best friend, boy mom x2 (blessed by adoption), travel addict, and Jesus freak. She is the founder of The Intentional Abundance Co., curator of the Life & Goals Planner, & host of the Intentional MomLife with Jesus Podcast. Connect with Sasha: Facebook Group: Podcast Website: Facebook: @SashaStarRobertson Free offers: FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.        
7/7/202334 minutes, 59 seconds
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171: Quarter 2 Recap and Reflection... PLUS Free Time Management Workshop for Summer!

Hey, Sis! Did you know that once a quarter, I share updates on my personal life on behalf of Her Renewed Strength Co. and give a free time management workshop? Well, today is the day! If you’re curious about what I’ve been up to with my family, what I struggled with, what the Lord did in my life, and what He’s doing inside Her Renewed Strength Co., you’re in for a treat! I’m also sharing a time management workshop that will benefit you in these summer months. I hope this blesses you! Featured Review: Love all the tactical strategies! "Erika’s podcast is so tactical. I love it when I can listen to a show that’s not full of fluffy content, and Her Renewed Strength always gives something that can be applied right away. Thanks so much, Erika!" -Brittany Braswell- FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> Links Mentioned: Interviews with Brandy Coffin on The Nourished Mom Podcast: Part 1: Not Enough Time to Get The Things Done? Anxiety and Time Management Part 2: Feeling Stressed Lately? 3 Steps to Find More Peace & Clarity 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
7/4/202327 minutes, 41 seconds
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170: Esther Bible Study Devotional Week 4 Recap… Full Circle Moments & the Triumph of the Jews

Happy Friday, sister friend! Today, I’m recapping week 4 of our 4-week study, which finished with chapters 8, 9, and 10. In these three chapters, you'll learn about the king’s edict on behalf of the Jews, the triumph of the Jews, what Purim is and how it was established, and how Mordecai rose to second in rank to King Xerxes I. I’ll also connect some Old Testament dots, highlight more irony, and finish up our podcast recap of this beautiful book. I encourage you to grab your Bible, a journal, and a pen to take notes. Let’s do it!  FREE RESOURCE:  Catch up with this free 4-week Esther Bible Study inside the community >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/30/202315 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

169: Want To Enjoy Summer Without Falling Behind On Housework?! Try THESE Simple Rhythms To Streamline The Mundane House Chores with Elyse Rooney

Hey, Sis! Do you find joy and contentment in doing your daily home routines? Or do you find them a burden? In today's episode, I bring in Elyse Rooney, my friend from the land Down Under, who shares Biblical principles behind home routines. Her testimony and the mindset shifts she talks about will help you reframe how you see and do things in your home a little differently than you have in the past. I hope this episode not only makes you laugh but also inspires you to discover new ways to set up daily routines and rhythms at home with grace and gratitude. Featured Guest: Elyse Rooney is a follower of Jesus, wife, mumma to 3 littles, Christian motherhood coach, and chai latte enthusiast. She helps Christian mums to step into their God-led calling of homemaking and raising their children while partnering with the Word. She is passionate about helping overwhelmed mums trade stress for peace and creates flow in their homes. Elyse is the host of the podcast, The Wholesome Mumma Show. She believes it is possible to spend quality time with your children without the mum guilt of letting the home or the to-do list go. Connect with Elyse Rooney: Website: Podcast: The Wholesome Mumma Show Free Offer: Beyond The Hype of Low Tox Workshop Instagram:  @wholesomemumma Facebook Group: Christian Stay at Home Mums FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/27/202333 minutes, 6 seconds
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168: Esther Bible Study Devotional Week 3 Recap… Breaking Down Esther 4:14, PLUS Job 42:2 & Proverbs 19:21 IN ACTION!

Happy Friday, sister friend! Today, I’m recapping week 3 of our study, which included a line-by-line review of chapters 4 through 7. In these three chapters, you will learn about how Esther rises up to the role of heroine, how the many ironies in these few chapters alone highlight God’s sovereignty and providence, and how Job 42:2 and Proverbs 19:21 actually come to life in this book. So, grab your Bible, a journal, and a pen to take notes. Let’s do it! FREE RESOURCE:  Join this free 4-week Esther Bible Study inside the community >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/23/202323 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

167: Feeling Emotional Heaviness Going Into The Summer? 3 Tips To Help You Cultivate Joy with Kandice Bateast

What's up, Sis? Are you having trouble enjoying your summer because of emotional heaviness? I know that finding joy after heartbreak is difficult. Don't worry, I got you! In this episode, I am sharing my conversation with my friend Kandice and talking about how to cultivate joy. Whether your emotional heaviness is from relationship heartbreak or discouragement in your life, or maybe your finances are struggling, or your career is not where you want it, or maybe your family situation is not ideal, this episode will encourage and equip you to walk with confidence as you pursue the Lord and heal from whatever that is breaking you. Featured Guest: Kandice is a Christian woman and entrepreneur. She serves her home first as a wife and mom of a toddler, a preschooler, and a college student. Kandice helps Christian women move forward after heartbreak and find purpose in God. Kandice is the author of Goodbye Heartbreak Hello Purpose: A 365-Day Devotional. She also hosts the top 1.5% globally ranked podcast, Goodbye Heartbreak Hello Healing, which has been listened to in over 100 countries. Kandice desires to see every woman healed, whole, and thriving. She believes, as women, we deserve to be free to walk in the destiny God has already prepared for us! She's ready to help you get what's yours! Connect with Kandice Bateast: Podcast Website: Free offers: Free Prayer To Move On After A Broken Heart Free offers: Free ebook: 100 Biblical Affirmations To Declare After a Breakup Instagram:  @goodbyeheartbreakhellopurpose Facebook Group: The Healing Heartbreak Community, Single Women, Healing Broken Hearts | Facebook FREE RESOURCE: Episode 161: Do You Have Too Much Stuff? 3 Reasons You Need To Declutter As An Anxious or Overwhelmed Christian Woman with Emily Gildersleeve McDermott Goodbye Heartbreak Ep19: From Heartbroken and Desperate for Healing to a Purposeful Survivor, Part 1 with Erika Goodbye Heartbreak Ep21: From Heartbroken and Desperate for Healing to a Purposeful Survivor, Part 2 with Erika Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/20/202331 minutes, 21 seconds
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166: Esther Bible Study Devotional Week 2 Recap… How Esther Became Queen & Why The Jews Were Going To Be Destroyed

Hey, Sis! Today, I’m recapping week 2 of our Bible study on the book of Esther, which includes a line-by-line review of chapters 1 through 3. In these three chapters, we learn about how Esther became queen to a very prideful king, and how the fate of the Jewish people became threatened by a man identified as “the enemy of the Jews.” I encourage you to grab your Bible, a journal, and a pen to take notes. Let’s do it! FREE RESOURCE:  Join this free 4-week Esther Bible Study inside the community >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/16/202316 minutes, 51 seconds
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165: 3 Time Management Tips to Help You Prepare for Summer Downtime

Hey, friend! It's summer timeeeee…. I know you are excited about the summer! BBQs, vacations, beaches & hot weather! And I know that what you DON’T WANT is to be stuck doing work and running errands all day every day. So, in today's episode, I’m sharing 3 time management tips that will help you prepare for summer downtime. FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/13/202313 minutes, 24 seconds
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164: Esther Bible Study Devotional Week 1 Recap… Overview and Character Study

Hey, Sis! I’m excited about today’s episode because this is the week 1 recap of our 4-week study on the book of Esther. I’m providing an overview of the historical narrative, and introducing you to the characters. I encourage you to grab your Bible, a journal, and a pen to take notes. Let’s do it!  FREE RESOURCE:  Join this free 4-week Esther Bible Study inside the community >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/9/202319 minutes, 23 seconds
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163: Crushing Goals, Better Health & Improved Confidence! Client Tell-All with Christy Boles

What's up, friend? Today, I’m interviewing one of my clients, CHRISTY BOLES, and getting down to the nitty-gritty about what it’s really like to work with me. Christy shares what wins came out of our time together and whether or not it was worth it. So, if you have been thinking about working with me, tune in and hear more about Christy's experience. FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
6/6/202321 minutes, 49 seconds
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162: Discover Peace of Mind This Summer in a Devotional Bible Study of Psalms 3, 121 and 143 with Tim Maudlin

What's up, sis? My friend, Tim Maudlin, joins me today to share tactical advice on how to discover peace of mind in the Psalms. He sees himself as a conduit for encouragement and teaches through 2nd Samuel and Psalms 3, 121, and 143. This is a scripture-rich episode, so if you are praying for peace, God is going to use Tim to minister to you.  I pray this blesses you. Featured Guest: Tim Maudlin is a husband, adoptive parent, Bible class teacher, journaler, and Ambassador of Encouragement. Tim hosts the top 2.5% globally ranked podcast Anchors of Encouragement, a podcast offering Biblical Mindset Support for Adoptive Parents. Tim enjoys hiking, playing euchre with his friends, and designing and printing t-shirts. Connect with Tim Maudlin: Podcast: Anchors of Encouragement FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/2/202334 minutes, 25 seconds
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161: Do You Have Too Much Stuff? 3 Reasons You Need To Declutter As An Anxious or Overwhelmed Christian Woman with Emily Gildersleeve McDermott

Hey, sister-friend! If I were a betting woman, I would bet that 9 out of 10 women have too much stuff. I would even venture to say that 99% of the Her Renewed Strength Community has too much stuff. Today, I’m pumped to share a conversation with my girl, Emily McDermott, where she shares 3 reasons you NEED to declutter as a Christian woman who struggles with anxiety or overwhelm (or both).  Featured Guest: Emily McDermott is an Air Force wife and mom to two boys living in Fairfax, Virginia. Her blog Simple by Emmy chronicles her journey to a simpler and more intentional life. Her free resources, including 50 Questions Minimalists Ask, will help you focus on what matters most. Emily helps overwhelmed moms of young children define what matters, eliminate what doesn’t, and automate the rest in her podcast Moms Overcoming Overwhelm. She is also the author of the children’s book Little One and enjoys writing custom poetry, dancing, and eating peanut butter out of the jar. Connect with Emily! Podcast: Moms Overcoming Overwhelm Podcast Website: Simple by Emmy Instagram: @simplebyemmy 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
5/30/202331 minutes, 8 seconds
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160: Craving A Different Quiet Time Routine? Change THIS One Thing First!

Hey, sis! Are you struggling with Bible Study and wondering what needs to change? Maybe you're craving something new or you're just not finding yourself enthused. Maybe you're losing a little bit of your mojo. Maybe you're not being consistent or you just need a fresh start. Well, I've been there! And in this episode, I'm sharing a little bit about what that's looked like for me, and giving you several examples of what you can change first so that your Bible study time is fulfilling, rewarding, and transformative. This is going to be a good one! Are you ready? Let's do it! Featured Review: Love this Podcast! "I love Erika‘s helpful tips, and how she brings it back to the word. She is so encouraging and helpful." - Kookooevo - FREE RESOURCE: Grab your free SOAP Bible Study >>> Join the community for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
5/26/202312 minutes, 58 seconds
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159: No Longer Living In Organized Chaos or Rushing Through Bible Study…Former Client, Ambar Perez, Tells All!

Welllllll, helloooooo! Today, I’m interviewing one of my clients, Ambar Perez. You'll learn more about her experience working with me in private coaching, including the wins that came out of our time together. So if you are thinking about whether working with me via private coaching is worth all your time, effort, and resources or not, then hear out our conversation. 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/23/202316 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

158: Need A Time Management Breakthrough?! The Most EFFECTIVE Way To See Improvement & Transformation As An Overwhelmed Christian Woman

What's up, Sis? Have you ever prayed for a breakthrough and wondered, “God what is it going to take!?” Well, I have! In fact, that’s something I’ve been asking lately. So, in today's episode, I’m sharing the most effective way to see that breakthrough in the area of improving and transforming your time management. Are you ready? Let's go! Featured Review: “Knowing Erika in real life, I can attest that everything she says, she lives out and her heart comes through each episode. Such wisdom and love! 💙 I recommend this podcast every chance I get.” - Mary Join the FREE LIVE WORKSHOP on May 17th @ 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST AND... learn the building blocks of effective time management know exactly what’s needed for Christ-centered productivity Register here >>> 2 Ways To Work With Me: Private Coaching...Book your session here >>> Enroll in my course, On Heaven’s Timeline here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/19/202311 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

157: FREE MASTER CLASS! Time Management Foundations....Details Inside!

What's up, Sis? Is this something you've experienced: you know what you’re supposed to do & you’ve tried all the things, yet you still can’t seem to get the time management thing down? WHY IS THAT? Today, I’m giving you 2 reasons and invite you to overcome those obstacles with me tomorrow in my FREE Master Class, Time Management Foundations. Join the FREE LIVE WORKSHOP on May 17th @ 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST and... learn the building blocks of effective time management know exactly what’s needed for Christ-centered productivity Register here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
5/16/20236 minutes, 20 seconds
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156: Time Management Basics: Discover Your Self-Destructive Habits In 3 Quick Steps

Hey, friend! Do you ever do things and wonder, “Why am I the way I am?” Well, some of those self-destructive habits are just behaviors you developed in response to anxiety or overwhelm; not things you do because they are part of who you are. Today, I’m sharing how you can discover your self-destructive habits in 3 simple steps, so you can give those to the Lord and begin moving toward WHOLENESS! Let’s do it!  Featured Review: I am so glad I listened! "This is great! Anchor me to what I know to be true and use God’s Word as He tells us to! You go girl. I’m gonna relisten cuz I need this!" - Play_DR22 - Resource: Want to learn the building blocks of effective time management & know exactly what’s needed for Christ-centered productivity? Join the FREE LIVE WORKSHOP on May 17th @ 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST. Register here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/12/202311 minutes, 28 seconds
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155: Time Management Basics: LIVE COACHING! How To Turn Chaos & Disorganization Into A Productive, Streamlined Process with Kandice

Welllllll, helloooooo! Today, I'm sharing a LIVE power coaching session I did inside The Community back in January. Kandice was struggling to get & stay organized with everyday tasks while working on a project. She was constantly adding to her already long to-do list, which added to the chaos and disorganization in her brain. In this power coaching session, I worked with Kandice to identify the best way to get organized, streamlined, and productive in her everyday life, especially while working on those God-sized goals. Alrighty, tune into that power coaching session now! Resource: Want to learn the building blocks of effective time management & know exactly what’s needed for Christ-centered productivity? Join the Time Management Foundations Masterclass on May 17th @ 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST. Register here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/9/202320 minutes, 50 seconds
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154: Time Management Basics: Never Lose Track of Time Again! Do THIS To Get Things Done As An Anxious, Overwhelmed Christian Woman!

Hey, friend! Did you know that I’m so guilty of losing track of time, which resulted in me being late or completely missing commitments? If you’re guilty of that, too, this episode is for you! Today, I’m going to give you my BEST tip for staying on track and getting things done, so you avoid the anxiety that comes with realizing you completely missed an appointment or event.  Are you ready? Let's do it! Featured Review: Love this biblical podcast! "Erika is so encouraging and gives amazing, equipping messages each week! This is a must-listen-to podcast for any Christian woman!" >> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/5/20236 minutes, 47 seconds
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153: Time Management Basics: 3 Boundaries You MUST Set, So You Can Be Productive WITHOUT Overwhelm!

Hey, Sista-friend! Are you ready for quick little boundaries 101 bootcamp? In Today’s episode, I’m giving you a quick tutorial on what boundaries to set and when to set them, so you can improve in the area of time management, be more productive and kick overwhelm to the curb. Get ready for mindset reframes and tactical takeaways. Let’s do it. Featured Client's Testimonial: “Honestly, growing through everything with Erika helped me look at how I was spending or misusing my time and energy. I will continue to use the tools she walked me through in everyday life, especially when life gets messy and blurred. I know I can always hit a reset. I am no longer sending my time scrolling social media as a stress reliever. The time blocking helps me fit tasks into my day without having to be frazzled by a quick shuffle of events. Erika is an excellent person to work with, she truly becomes a sister in Christ that’s honest and a blessing through the struggle.” - Ambar -  Listen to Related Episodes: Episode 150: Time Management Basics: Where Do I Start As An Overwhelmed Christian Woman? Episode 151: Time Management Basics: Prioritize Like A Pro & Say Goodbye To Overwhelm As A Christian Woman Resource: Want to learn the building blocks of effective time management & know exactly what’s needed for Christ-centered productivity? Join the FREE LIVE WORKSHOP on May 17th @ 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST. Register here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/2/202321 minutes, 5 seconds
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152: Time Management Basics: Stop Wasting Time! 3 Easy Ways To Help You Finally Get Organized

Hey, friend! Did you know that organization is a MUST when you’re working on time management? Sometimes, the issue isn’t so much about how much time it takes you to do something, but how much time it takes you to get ready to do something. Today, I'm sharing 3 EASY ways to get organized so you spend less time thinking about the task and more time executing them. Featured Review: Feels just like I’m speaking with a friend! "I love how you introduce your episodes and the show. It tells me what to expect, and gets me excited to listen. I find myself thinking, 'Wait it's finished already?'" - Verona Angol in Great Britain - Resource: Want to learn the foundations of effective time management & lay out the building blocks of Christ-centered productivity? Join the FREE LIVE WORKSHOP on May 17th @ 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST. Register here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/28/202310 minutes, 2 seconds
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151: Time Management Basics: Prioritize Like A Pro & Say Goodbye To Overwhelm As A Christian Woman

Hey, Sis! If you're just getting started in your journey to improving time management, you may wonder, WHERE DO I START? Today, I’m giving you two foundational questions to consider so you know EXACTLY where to start; and so you begin this quest without anxiety or overwhelm. Grab your notebook and pen. Let's do it! Featured Review: Must-listen podcast! "Erika’s podcast is fantastic & jam-packed with practical tips for us Christian women to be great stewards of our lives and time. I love the focus on becoming more EFFECTIVE! Plus she has all kinds of tactical tips to help us. I also love listening to Erika’s voice!" - Shanaroberson - Resource: Want to learn the building blocks of effective time management & know exactly what’s needed for Christ-centered productivity? Join the FREE LIVE WORKSHOP on May 17th @ 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST. Register here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/25/202312 minutes, 33 seconds
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150: Time Management Basics: Where Do I Start As An Overwhelmed Christian Woman?

What's up, Sis? If you're just getting started in your journey to improving time management, you may wonder, WHERE DO I START? Today, I’m giving you two foundational questions to consider so you know EXACTLY where to start; and so you begin this quest without anxiety or overwhelm. You ready? Let’s do it. Featured Review: Refreshing and Motivating! "Listening to Her Renewed Strength is like sitting down to have coffee with a good friend. All of the tips she provides are actionable, refreshing, and motivating. Great job!" - AnnaDKornick - Resource: Want to learn the foundations of effective time management & lay out the building blocks of Christ-centered productivity? Join the FREE LIVE WORKSHOP on May 17th @ 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST. Register here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/21/202312 minutes, 9 seconds
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149: The # 1 Way To Experience TRUE Transformation In Time Management & Productivity As An Anxious, Overwhelmed Christian Woman

Hey, Sis! Have you ever tried to see through a change in one or more areas of life, only to be met with frustration, overwhelm, and, in many cases, failure? Well, if you’re in a season where you are praying for transformation, but unclear on how to see that through, THIS episode is for you. I’m sharing the # 1 way to really experience transformation in your time management and productivity, especially if you tend to get anxious or overwhelmed. AND If you stick around until the end you’ll hear a special announcement you don’t want to miss. Let’s go! Featured Review: Talk about God’s timing! "I’ve been following Erika on, listening for some time but, it wasn’t until recently after encountering some difficulties in my life that I began to look into what feeds my heart. Speaking with Erika gave me a great insight into how God is in the middle of it ALL. So thankful I found this. Each episode makes me walk away knowing God is planting His seeds in great soil." - justbecus - Resource: Want to learn the foundations of effective time management & lay out the building blocks of Christ-centered productivity? Join the FREE LIVE WORKSHOP on May 17th @ 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST. Register here >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/18/202312 minutes, 22 seconds
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148: What Does The Proverbs 31 Woman Teach Us About Priorities? Shift Into A Biblical Mindset with Michelle Castro

Hey, sister-friend! Today, I am sharing a conversation I had with my friend, Michelle Castro. We talk about the Proverbs 31 woman and think through some questions you can ask yourself if you’re struggling to get your priorities in order.  So, grab your Bible, a notebook, and a pen because this conversation is rich and ready to fill your spiritual cut. You're ready? Let's do it! Featured Guest: Michelle Castro is a wife and mama to 3 beautiful girls from Los Angeles, California.  She’s the host of a podcast for Christian Entrepreneurs, Growth Against the Grain. She specializes in Biblical mindset and mentorship for female entrepreneurs.  She’s passionate about mentoring women to align their big boss babe goals with what the Lord would have for them. :) She loves female entrepreneurs and believes that women can grow an audacious business without looking like everyone else, being connected 24/7 while being present for those she loves most, and honor the Lord in the process! Connect with Michelle Castro: Website: Growth Against the Grain Instagram: @itsmemichellecastro Podcast: Growth Against the Grain Resource: On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook to help you get more done, stop worrying about your schedule, and have time for what matters most…including REST.  Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/14/202321 minutes, 15 seconds
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147: Try THIS Time Management Tip If You Want A Smooth Schedule and Less Overwhelm As A Christian Woman!

Hey, Sis! If you have ever felt overwhelmed by your day because one thing bleeds into the next, this episode is for you. Today I’m going to give you just ONE time management tip that I think you need to implement immediately. By doing this one thing, I know you’ll start to see that shift, have less bumps in your day, and feel less overwhelmed. It’ll help you be more intentional with your time and focus. Featured Review: A great podcast for Christian women! "This podcast is packed full of great info for Christian women. Listening to episode 126 and learning to rest in God is so insightful and also helps call us out when we are not living in contentment of God." - redroseangel95 - Resource: Get access to On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook to help you get more done, stop worrying about your schedule, and have time for what matters most…including REST.  Grab your spot now >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
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146: The Death of Jesus... Good Friday & Luke 23:44-49

Hey, sister!   Good Friday is a day to remember the mercy God showed by not sparing his son. It is because of this that we are spared.   As we take this day to remember the sacrifice Jesus Christ made so each and every one of us have eternal life, we just pause and give Him thanks for loving us to the fullest degree.   May this short episode refocus and renew your faith in God through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
4/7/20235 minutes, 45 seconds
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145: Quarter 1 Recap and Reflection... PLUS Free Time Management System RESET Workshop!

What’s up, sis!? Ya know I do a quarterly recap and reflection after every quarter; and in the same episode, I always do a workshop. SO! Today’s the day! I’m looking back at quarter 1 of this 2023 year to share what I had going on in my personal life and what went down inside of Her Renewed Strength Co. At the end of the episode, I’ll walk you through a little systems audit, so you can reset for quarter 2 and make sure your time management systems are ready to go! You ready? Let’s do it. Featured Review: So valuable! "I’ve always enjoyed listening to shows that have spiritual plus practical. This is exactly it! If you are an overwhelmed Christian woman, this show is for you." - bhutgvcfgjkiytdg - Get access to On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook to help you get more done, stop worrying about your schedule, and have time for what matters most…including REST.  Grab your spot now >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/4/202318 minutes, 32 seconds
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144: Can Fasting Improve Your Health? How & Why Anxious, Overwhelmed Christian Women Should Start with Rekishia L McMillan

Hey, Sis! Ever tried fasting? Whether you are new to fasting or well-acquainted with this spiritual discipline, today’s episode will help to answer the question: can fasting improve your health? I brought on my friend and sister-in-Christ, Rekishia L McMillan, to dig into this incredibly powerful practice. What is fasting? Why do anxious, overwhelmed Christian women benefit from implementing it? How to get started? How to end it?  These are just some questions Rekishia shed light on during our conversation. I pray this blesses you. Featured Guest: Rekishia McMillan, also known as “The Total Health Coach” is an Ordained Minister, Licensed Certified Social Worker, Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Air Force Veteran, and Award-Winning Author. She is the founder and owner of Rock Your World Naturally, LLC where she provides holistic coaching services for physical, spiritual, and emotional health for women. Rekishia’s service to the Central New Jersey area also includes a partnership with Health Practice Advisors where she collaborates with a group of healthcare and fitness professionals and together, they facilitate an online 21-day medically endorsed Weight Loss & Metabolic Health Program, Gut Health, Simple Cholesterol, and Diabetes Management Programs. She is the host of her award-nominated podcast, The Rock Your World Naturally Show, where she teaches women how to improve their health in body, mind, and spirit by using Christ-centered principles and practical lifestyle strategies. She interviews a variety of guests discussing health topics encompassing spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness. Connect with Rekishia: Free complimentary health coaching with her GetFit21 virtual program  Free E-book Healthy for a Higher Purpose for visiting her community page  Listen to her weekly podcast, The Rock Your World Naturally Show, to discover God’s plan for total health  Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
3/31/202334 minutes, 15 seconds
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143: 3 Ways My Favorite Time Management Tool Can Help You Boost Personal Productivity

Hey, friend! There are a lot of tools out there that promise to help you with your productivity and time management. I revealed 3 of my favorites back in episode 129. Well, I want to highlight one of those today and teach you 3 ways to boost your personal productivity. By the end of this episode, I know you’ll be super curious about how you can start to improve your efficiency and save time, so grab a notebook and a pen. I’m digging in in 3-2-1.  My Brand New Course!!! Get access to On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook to help you get more done, stop worrying about your schedule, and have time for what matters most…including REST.  Grab your spot now >>> Related Episode: Episode 129: Looking For A Good Time Management Tool? My 3 Favorites Revealed! Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
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142: Where To Find Your Joy When Life Is Hard... A Devotional Bible Study of Habakkuk Chapter 3 with Mary Reed

What's up, friend? Today is the last recap episode in our three-part Bible Study series “Even If: a Study of Habakkuk'' by the Daily Grace Co. I and Mary are talking about where to find your joy when life is hard. So get ready to dig into God's word, and just be blessed by the conversation.  Featured Review: Calm in my day! "Erika brings my overwhelm into check with each episode! Must-listen to podcast!" - Finnewoman - Related Episodes: Episode 138: If God Is Good, Why Do Bad Things Happen? A Devotional Bible Study of Habakkuk Chapter 1 Episode 140: Does God Care About Justice? A Devotional Bible Study of Habakkuk Chapter 2 Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
3/24/202315 minutes, 10 seconds
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141: Is There Something Wrong With You or Is It Time For A New Time Management System with Anna Dearmon Kornick

Hey, friend! Today, I have a special treat for you - a conversation with Anna Dearmon Kornick. I had been planning this conversation since November, and finally, it's here! In our conversation, you will learn how to know your time management system needs a change, when to start a new one, and other amazing things including the need for rest, priorities, values, and boundaries. Her tips are practical, tangible, and easy, so tune in today with an open mind. I pray this blesses you. Featured Guest: Anna Dearmon Kornick is a Time Management Coach who helps busy professionals and business owners master time management so they can stop feeling overwhelmed and start spending time on what matters most. Her weekly podcast, It's About Time, shares stories and strategies to inspire women seeking better work/life balance.  Connect with Anna Dearmon Kornick: Podcast: It's About Time Website: The book releasing soon! PRE-ORDER link: My Brand New Course!!! Get access to On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook to help you get more done, stop worrying about your schedule, and have time for what matters most…including REST.  Grab your spot now >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
3/21/202326 minutes, 7 seconds
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140: Does God Care About Justice? A Devotional Bible Study of Habakkuk Chapter 2 with Mary Reed

Hey, sista-friend!  Today, we are digging into chapter 2 in our study of Habakkuk, and we're answering the question, "Does God care about justice?" This is another conversation between me and Mary, our community manager. So grab your Bible, journal & pen, and get ready to take some notes because we dig into some really good stuff. I know that if you are either new to the faith or just not a believer, this is a must-listen. So, keep listening and be blessed! Featured Review: Simply love this woman! "I have had Erika on my show and she is simply the sweetest and can I just say has the most relaxing voice! Haha weird to say but seriously! Amazing testimonial and such a great heart! Tune in to anything she has to put out in this world because it is going to be Gold!! ❤️ Your Multi-passionate Momma! - Sara Ann J - Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
3/17/202314 minutes, 27 seconds
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139: Break Free From Your To-Do List By Doing This ONE Thing As An Anxious, Overwhelmed Christian Woman!

Hey, sister-friend! Can I be honest with you? To-do lists are just not optimal. That list often triggers anxiety or leads you into moments of overwhelm. I’ve been there and I do not want to live like that. I know you don’t either!! If you really want to be productive and have all your ducks in a row (and keep your marbles), then you actually need to do something different. I’m sharing the one thing you need to do today! Are you ready? Let’s do it! Featured Review: Tools! "I am not great at time management. I can’t stand rigid routines, but being a business-owning homeschooling mom of 6 has forced me to at least use a planner to keep my life together. I loved the episode about 3 tools, and can’t wait to set aside time to listen to the entire workshop replay and uplevel my planning game! Thanks, Erika!" - stacey@radiantlydressed - My Brand New Course!!! Get access to On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook to help you get more done, stop worrying about your schedule, and have time for what matters most…including REST.  Grab your spot now >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.    
3/14/20236 minutes, 51 seconds
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138: If God Is Good, Why Do Bad Things Happen? A Devotional Bible Study of Habakkuk Chapter 1 with Mary Reed

What's up, sister? "If God is good, why do bad things happen?" Does this question ever cross your mind? Or perhaps, a friend asks you this. Today, I am bringing on a special guest to answer the question. We have started the Bible study “Even If: a Study of Habakkuk” by the Daily Grace Co. and in this episode we are wrapping up the week with the recap and takeaways of chapter 1. I pray this blesses you. Featured Review: The strength you need to get through your day! "If you need a better way to manage your time and your mind based on God’s truth, look no further than Erika’s podcast! Highly recommend you give #121 a listen! - kimstewinspired - Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
3/10/202316 minutes, 10 seconds
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137: Did Your To-Do List Just Get Longer? 4 Steps To Handling Unexpected Tasks As An Anxious, Overwhelmed Christian Woman!

Have you ever started the day with an already long to-do list and realized you have more to do than when you started your day!? I always ask myself, “how did this task end up on my to-do list!?” Well, I’m going to break down ONE reason it ended up there and I’m going to walk you through a step-by-step process of how to handle that unexpected task as an anxious, overwhelmed Christian woman. Grab your journal and your planner! Let’s do it. Featured Review: Great Show! "Discovered this show right before a big road trip and binged so many episodes. Appreciate Erika’s calm but practical insights from her own life and how she draws it all back to Him." - thewriterlaura - My Brand New Course!!! Get access to On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook to help you get more done, stop worrying about your schedule, and have time for what matters most…including REST.  Grab your spot now >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
3/7/202310 minutes, 4 seconds
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136: The #1 Way To Start To Implementing Rest As An Overwhelmed Christian Woman with Paige Bacani

Hey, friends! We are starting our first study of the year on Monday, March 6th. Please head over to to join us as we dig into the book of Habbakuk for the next few weeks. Today, I have a treat for you. I sat with one of my dear friends, Paige Bacani, of Unabridged Faith. Paige is a follower of Christ, a wife & a mama! She teaches burnt-out, overwhelmed Christian women how to trust God & feel peace in His presence through rest. You can hear a whole lot of Bible & a little bit more about Paige on Unabridged Faith - The Podcast!! I loved this short conversation and I hope you do, too. Let’s dig in. My Brand New Course!!! Get access to On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook to help you get more done, stop worrying about your schedule, and have time for what matters most…including REST.  Grab your spot now >>> Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
3/3/202311 minutes, 45 seconds
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135: How Habit Stacking Can Effectively Boost Productivity and Reduce Overwhelm with Emily Nichols

Hey! What's up, friend? Today, I have a special guest, and I am very excited about this conversation because Emily Nichols taught me about habit hacking. What is habit stacking? How does this boost productivity? How can this reduce overwhelm? Emily shed light on these questions. I hope you enjoy this conversation and take some time to think about the simple ways that she walks us through what habit hacking is. Featured Guest: Emily Nichols is the host of the top 2% ranked show Self Transformed—a podcast redefining self-care through simple fitness, nutrition & mindset habit hacks for busy working moms. From her own struggles as a busy working mom, she finally found the solutions to feeling empowered, confident, & how to live a healthy lifestyle that doesn’t feel hard or like another thing on your to-do list through proven habit strategies. Emily is now on a mission to redefine self-care and equip other women with these sustainable tools to help transform their life from the inside out and start putting themselves first without the guilt. She is also a wife, #boymom, Certified Personal Trainer, Orangetheory Coach, Behavior Change Specialist, Whole30 Coach, & Taco Tuesday Enthusiast. Connect with Emily Nichols: Website: Instagram: @emilynichols22 Podcast: Self Transformed  Emily’s Free Reset Masterclass: Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
2/28/202327 minutes, 27 seconds
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Introducing My Brand New Course!!! Get access to On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook to help you get more done, stop worrying about your schedule, and have time for what matters most…including REST.  This is a step-by-step time management framework that I created for you... Get access now >>> and you'll get a $50 off code AND a LIMITED TIME OFFER for 4-week group coaching that expires TODAY 1/22/2023. I will coach you through this thing myself if you JOIN NOW!
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134: No Longer Anxious or Trapped By Her Schedule! Client Tell-All with Justine Kaneris

What's up, y'all? Today. I’m sharing an interview with one of my clients, JUSTINE KANERIS, and getting down to the nitty-gritty about what it’s really like to work with me; what wins came out of our time together; and whether/not it was worth it. The cool thing is that the very framework I created for my brand new course,  On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook, is the very framework that I walked Justine through when we worked together. So what she got is exactly what you'll get if you join. I hope you enjoy the interview. Resource: Get access to On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook to help you get more done, stop worrying about your schedule, and have time for what matters most…including REST.  Grab your spot now >>> and you'll get a $50 off code AND a LIMITED TIME OFFER for 4-week group coaching that expires Wednesday 1/22/2023. I will coach you through this thing myself if you join before Wednesday. Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
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133: Tried All The Time Management Tips, But Still Struggling? There’s Another Way!

Hey, boo! I know you’ve tried all the time management tips and tricks, but still struggle. The struggle is real and I know it’s frustrating. There’s a way to stop the cycle of always being up against the clock and stressing about your schedule and to-do list. I’m going to tell you how, so put on your listening ears and let’s dig in! Featured Review:  Love this podcast!! "So glad I stumbled upon this podcast! The way Erika applies Biblical wisdom to our everyday lives is amazing. This podcast will make you think, motivate, and inspire you in the best way. Thank you, Erika - keep up the great work!!" - mlg_esq - Introducing My Brand New Course!!! Get access to On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook to help you get more done, stop worrying about your schedule, and have time for what matters most…including REST.  Grab your spot now >>> and you'll get a $50 off code AND a LIMITED TIME OFFER for 4-week group coaching that expires Wednesday 1/22/2023. I will coach you through this thing myself if you join before Wednesday. Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
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132: How To Rest and Still Be Productive... A Short Bible Study Devotional Highlighting Jeremiah 17

Hey, sis! You know that internal dialogue you have when you know you should REST, but feel like you can’t fall behind on your commitments… you can’t let this person down… you can’t take a day because the next day will be even more stressful. I know it well. Today, I’m going to share how to turn things around, so you CAN rest and remain productive. We’re turning to Jeremiah chapter 17 for this one, so grab your Bible, notebook, and pen. Let’s do it! Featured Review:  Erika is the real deal! "I love the way she speaks with such clarity and passion. Already adding more peace to my day even before she drops the knowledge in every single episode! So good! So needed! 💕" - Sarah Dalton - Introducing My Brand New Course!!! Get access to On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook to help you get more done, stop worrying about your schedule, and have time for what matters most…including REST.  Get access now >>> and you'll get a $50 off code AND a LIMITED TIME OFFER for 4-week group coaching that expires Wednesday 1/22/2023. I will coach you through this thing myself if you join before Wednesday. Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
2/17/202314 minutes, 17 seconds
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Bonus Episode: REPLAY Productivity Beyond The Planner Workshop!

What's up, y'all? I can't believe it! We did the workshop...and here's the replay. In the workshop, I teach you: how to rethink productivity and time management. the 3 core systems you need to reduce anxiety & get more done. how to create sustainable systems that lead to improved productivity. 3 simple tools you probably already use that reduce overwhelm when properly maximized You will take lots of notes. You will get clarification on some of the things I’ve touched on on the podcast. You will better understand what a system even is… and how to manage your life effectively, so you stop this crazy cycle you’ve been in. So… if you’ve been praying for a breakthrough, it’s here, sister! Introducing My Brand New Course!!! Get access to On Heaven’s Timeline - a Christ-centered productivity playbook to help you get more done, stop worrying about your schedule, and have time for what matters most…including REST.  Grab your spot now >>> and you'll get a $50 off code AND a LIMITED TIME OFFER for 4-week group coaching that expires Wednesday 1/22/2023. I will coach you through this thing myself if you join before Wednesday. Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
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Welllllll, helloooooo! We are ONE DAY AWAY from my LIVE WORKSHOP, Productivity Beyond The Planner, which is going down TOMORROW. I’m giving you all the details, including who this is for, what you’re going to learn, and why you need to be there. So, if you have not yet registered or, if you’re new here and you have no idea what I’m talking about, this episode is ON TIME for you, sister. If you ARE registered, this is a good opportunity to really prepare your heart and get excited! Are you ready? Let’s do it. Here’s what you get when you join me TOMORROW - Feb 15th… you’re automatically entered to win some pretty awesome door prizes… PLUS you’re going to have a chance to coach with me LIVE during the workshop. In the workshop, I’ll be teaching you: how to rethink productivity and time management. the 3 core systems you need to reduce anxiety & get more done. how to create sustainable systems that lead to improved productivity. 3 simple tools you probably already use that reduce overwhelm when properly maximized You will take lots of notes. You will get clarification on some of the things I’ve touched on here on the podcast. You will better understand what a system even is… and how to manage your life effectively, so you stop this crazy cycle you’ve been in. So… if you’ve been praying for a breakthrough, it’s here, sister! FREE WORKSHOP tomorrow February 15th at 1 PM EST/10 AM PST for this LIVE, 1-hour workshop: Productivity Beyond the Planner. Register at Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
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130: Struggling to Spend Time With Jesus? # 1 Way to Find 30 Minutes With Jesus, Every Day, Even When You Have No Time!

Heyyaaaaa! How many times have you thought, “I just need a few minutes to sit down and do Bible study?” or “I’ll get to Bible study later.” Yet, you never actually found those few minutes or you just didn’t get to spend time with Jesus. I hear yaaaa, sista! I've been there. We want to spend time with Jesus but life gets in the way. So the question is, "How do I find some time to be with Jesus even if I feel like I have no time?" I'm going to answer this question in today's episode. Come ready with just an open heart - no judgment, no pressure. I'm going to give it to you straight and share with you a really cool, very simple solution to employ right away. Featured Review: Real and Honest! "She is so real and honest and I love how she follows the Holy Spirit leading on what to speak about! Thank you Erika for listening to God’s leading." - Jen McGraw -  FREE Resource: FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner. Head to to get access to register and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop. Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
2/10/202311 minutes, 21 seconds
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129: Looking For A Good Time Management Tool? My 3 Favorites Revealed!

What's up, sista friend! If you’re searching for the right time management tools, this episode is for you. Today, I’m sharing my 3 favorite time management tools and why they’re essential to the system that keeps me productive. You’re going to want to take some notes, so grab a journal and a pen. Let’s go! Featured Review: So good! "You are doing incredible work! I love your show!" - znznnzjz - FREE Resource: FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner. Head to to get access to register and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop. Episode 125: Are You In A Losing Battle with Your Busy Schedule? The Real Reason You Don’t Feel Accomplished Everyday Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
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128: What Does Your Time Management Say About What You Treasure? A Short Devotional Bible Study of Matthew 6:21

Have you ever heard that verse, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also?” Well, I have this theory that this applies to how we manage ourselves within the 24 hours available to us each day. Today, I want to answer the question: What does your time management say about what you treasure? I’m doing that by walking through a short study of this powerful verse from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount. So, grab your bible, journal, and pen, because we are digging in! Featured Review: Beautiful! "Erika, you do a beautiful job helping Christian women find real peace in the word of God. From the first episode, I connected with you as a fellow Christian podcaster, and as a bonus-My mom is Puerto Rican too!! Thank you for sharing your heart, real-life experiences, and most importantly for directing us back to God always 💕 Your sister in Christ and fellow podcaster Rosie Alejandro of the Driven In Her Purpose podcast." - r alejandro - FREE Resource: FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner. Head to to get access to register and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop. Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
2/3/202314 minutes, 34 seconds
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127: Is Your Bible Study Time Affected By Your Schedule? My Favorite Scripture For Setting Boundaries Around Your Quiet Time

Hey sista friends! Is your busy schedule affecting your Bible study time? I was reading through the responses we received from members of The Community and found a common theme was that time management was affecting the amount of time many of you are able to invest in your Bible study time. It reminded me that this is exactly why the Lord has me doing this work. So, how do we even start protecting that precious, transformative time in God’s Word if we have so many things on our to-do lists? Today, I’m sharing my favorite verse for setting boundaries around your quiet time and, honestly, setting boundaries around any time! You’re going to want your Bible and whatever other study tools you have for this one, so go get that because we are getting after it in 3, 2, 1… let’s go.  Featured Review: Biblical truth for everyday life! "I love this podcast for its guidance on applying biblical truth to everyday life. Thank you Erica for keeping it real and encouraging." - P31Entrepreneur -  Read the blog post here >>> My Favorite Scripture For Setting Boundaries Around Your Quiet Time FREE Resource: FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner. Head to to get access to register and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop. Episode 115: Worried About Your Physical Appearance? How The Enemy Is Using Your Body Image To Distract You From Your Kingdom Work with Carla Arges Episode 124: Should You Feel Guilty About Setting Boundaries? 3 Verses That Reveal What God Says About Guilt Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
1/31/202323 minutes, 42 seconds
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126: From Lost & Silently Struggling To Confidently & Consistently Getting More Done Each Day! Client Testimonial with Mary Reed

Today I’m sharing a conversation with one of my clients, MARY REED. Mary is the daughter of the KING, wife, mom, virtual assistant, and bookworm. She mustered up the courage to open up about her struggles before working with me and what it was like to move through my coaching model and framework; what wins came out of our time together; and whether/not it was worth it. Featured Review: Totally in sync! "I just found this podcast and I already chose a scripture verse for this year, after only choosing words the past five years, so I find that really funny! Love, Erika’s mission, and her passion, a very inspirational and endearing podcast." - aubreyblmt - FREE Resource: FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner. Head to to get access to register and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop. Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
1/27/202322 minutes
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125: Are You In A Losing Battle with Your Busy Schedule? The Real Reason You Don’t Feel Accomplished Everyday

Hola friends! Raise your hand if you feel like your busy schedule is kicking your heiny. Listen, I know what that’s like to have one task or activity bleeding into the next…to have no downtime…no time to think…just go, go go. It’s really tiring and overwhelming, not to mention, super stressful. It also contributes to those feelings of anxiety and defeat because, despite your best efforts, you just don’t get everything done. If you’ve been asking the Lord to help get rid of the anxiety and just figure out how to make all this craziness stop, this episode is for you. Today, I’m going to shoot you straight and reveal the REAL reason you don’t feel accomplished each day, even when you do everything “right.” Are you ready? Let’s do it! Featured Review: Such a wonderful show! "Such a beautiful and powerful show! If you are a Christian woman, you need to listen. Her most recent episode about finding your verse of the year was super practical and encouraging."💖 - Tia BJell - FREE Resource: Need help in creating a time management system that puts God first, reduces overwhelm, and actually works? Join the FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner >>> and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop Episode 124: Should You Feel Guilty About Setting Boundaries? 3 Verses That Reveal What God Says About Guilt Episode 119: How Choosing A Verse For 2023 Can Help You Reduce Anxiety & Improve Your Time Management As An Anxious Christian Woman! Episode 20: What's Making Me Anxious?! How To Prioritize When Everything Seems Like A Priority - Free Workshop! Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
1/24/202316 minutes, 14 seconds
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124: Should You Feel Guilty About Setting Boundaries? 3 Verses That Reveal What God Says About Guilt

Hey, friends! In our last episode, I shared 4 ways you can reduce your to-do list by 50% and one of those ways was to set boundaries. I gave you a permission slip to say no to others’ asking you to take on more; and even to yourself when it comes to being distracted. The thought of setting boundaries might trigger negative feelings for you and I want to be sensitive to that. So, today, I pose the question: should you feel guilty about setting boundaries? To answer this question, I am sharing 3 verses that will help you think through this, so you respond truthfully and in a God-honoring way Grab your Bible, highlighter, and a pen… let’s do it! Featured Review: I am so glad I listened! "This is great! Anchor me to what I know to be true and use God's word as he tells us to! You go girl. I’m gonna re-listen cuz I need this!" - slow learner and new system - Read the blog post here >>> 3 Verses That Reveal What God Says About Guilt FREE Resource: FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner. Head to to get access to register and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop. Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
1/20/202314 minutes, 57 seconds
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123: Is Your To-Do List Taking Over Your Life? 4 Ways To Reduce Your To-Do List by 50%

Hey, sis! Today I’m speaking to those of you who feel like your to-do list is taking over your life. I know that to-do lists are really helpful and they’re a very needed piece of our time management systems. However, they can also become little idols in our hearts. Why is that? Well, I think it’s because we worry so much about what we’ve yet to cross off those to-do lists. So much of the energy spent thinking about them take from the energy needed to create a system to get all that done without the overwhelm. So, today I’m sharing 4 ways to reduce your to-do list by up to 50%. It might sound impossible, but if you really challenge yourself to follow my lead here, I have faith it can happen. So, what do you say? Ready to do less? Let’s go! Featured Review: Wonderful Podcast! "Love the work that God uses Erika for! I think it’s a very important area in our lives that needs to be addressed and I’m grateful to know this podcast exists. Keep up the wonderful work." - La Bomba Boxfit - Read the blog post here >>> 4 Ways To Reduce Your To-Do List by 50% FREE Resource: Need help in creating a time management system that puts God first, reduces overwhelm, and actually works? Join the FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner >>> and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop. Episode 118: Q4 Recap & Reflection... PLUS Quick BONUS Workshop! 3-Steps To Setting Your Top 2023 Goal  Episode 16: Stress-Free Productivity Systems for Your Planner  Episode 20: What’s Making Me Anxious?! How To Prioritize When Everything Seems Like A Priority - Free Workshop! Episode 72: Do You Feel Burnt Out or Overwhelmed By Your Everyday Life? 3 Signs of Burnout and 3 Simple Steps To Stop The Madness! Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
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122: Do Your Time Management Efforts Lead To Profit or Poverty? A Short Devotional Bible Study on Proverbs 21:5

Hey sista-friends! Do you work well under pressure? Do you think you do your best work when you procrastinate? I don’t know if you know this, sis, but sometimes, even the best plans fail to be executed effectively and STILL lead to last-minute efforts. So, today, I’m posing the question: when you actually walk out your plans, are your efforts profitable, or do they lead to poverty? I’ll turn to Proverbs 21:5 to answer that question, so I hope you have your Bible, a notebook, and a pen because we are digging in deep! Let’s do it. Featured Review: So grateful! "The High functioning Anxiety episode hit home for me! Thank you for the powerful work you do- great podcast!!" - ChristyCdawg - Resource: FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner. Head to get access to register and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop. Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
1/13/202318 minutes, 38 seconds
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121: Not Fitting In Your Priorities? The # 1 Way To Truly Uncover Your Productivity Pitfalls So You Can Finally Get Things Done & Be Less Overwhelmed By Your To-Do List

Hey friends! Over the last few months, I’ve reviewed a lot of data coming from Her Renewed Strength - The Community and the number 1 struggle for so many of you is understanding priorities, whether that’s identifying your priorities or fitting in your priorities so your busy and hectic lives reflect what’s important to you. This is stressing you out. It’s triggering anxiety for so many of you! You’re overwhelmed. You’re not where you should be. You’re tired and you are so done. I want to help! I really, really do! The truth is, it’s really challenging to offer time management tips if I don’t fully understand the core of your struggles. So, today’s episode will help you identify the real reason you’re struggling and why you’re in this stressful cycle. If you’re ready to move in a different direction…If you want to know what the issue is and do things smarter. Grab a notebook and a pen because I’m sharing the # 1 way you can truly uncover your productivity pitfalls, so you can finally get things done and be less overwhelmed by your to-do list. Featured Review: Thank you for discussing the hard topics "Thank you for talking about mental health and God. I feel renewed after listening to your latest episode. Thank you for being obedient to your calling." - Marilyn_W_ Read the blog post here >>> 5 Key Steps That Will Help You Really Uncover Your Priorities Resource: FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner. Head to get access to register and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop. Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
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120: Craving Rest For Your Soul? 3 Verses To Help You Let Go of Anxiety & Have A Peaceful Start to 2023

What’s up, sister friends?! Are you craving rest for your soul? We are coming out of the holiday season and, if you’re anything like me, anxiety and overwhelm are the other side of the coin during this busy time. Sure, we love being with family and celebrating Jesus’ birth. However, we can be tempted to do a lot in a short period of time, which leaves so little room for REST or even just space to be still. If you feel like you’re running on fumes and struggling to feel PEACE, this episode is for you. I have three verses to share today. I pray you take some extra time to meditate on them and study them because I know they will help you shift your perspective. Are you ready? Grab your Bible, journal, and pen; and let’s do it. Featured Review: Great topics! "We need more talks around mental health and God and that He is the healer. But also practical tips to apply in our everyday lives. Grateful for Erika doing this!" - JessVaughn22 - Read the blog post here >>> 3 Verses To Help You Let Go of Anxiety & Have A Peaceful Start to 2023 Connect with Me! Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
1/6/202317 minutes, 25 seconds
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119: How Choosing A Verse For 2023 Can Help You Reduce Anxiety & Improve Your Time Management As An Anxious Christian Woman!

Friends! Happy New Year! Are you ready to reduce overwhelm in 2023?! I know I am! In today’s episode, I want to give you a different angle on entering the new year. You may have heard of choosing a word for the new year and I know you’ve heard of choosing a new year’s resolution. I’ve done both and continue to choose a word for each year. Last year, I chose a verse for the first time. I want to share with you WHY this is powerful…. WHAT this can lead to…. HOW this can help you reduce anxiety AND improve your time management skills. If you struggle with time management, setting boundaries, or are in the habit of overcommitting, this is an activity you definitely benefit from participating in. You CAN get more done, focus on what matters, and keep Christ at the center of it all; and today’s episode is helping you build a foundation to do just that. Grab a notebook, a pen, and your Bible because we are digging right in! Featured Review: It’s all about shifting perspective!! "Merry Christmas and Happy New year🥳 Thank you Erika for your biblical guidance these past 4 months! I found you because I resonated with the photo of you. You had a beautiful bald head, much like my own at the time. So I clicked, just to check it out. From there I fell in love with your content that actually had really nothing to do with any sort of cancer, which was a relief. Thank you for reminding me and your listeners that we are not our anxiety, we are not our fears, and we are not our diagnosis. Thank you for teaching me how to take an inventory of my days, so that I can manage my day better before the overwhelm sets in. This podcast is fun and exciting, keep it going until God says that it is finished. You continue to serve God within your service to others. Sending love to you and your family, ✌🏽bye." - Justine Rhene - Read the blog post here >>> How Choosing A Verse For 2023 Can Help You Reduce Anxiety Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
1/3/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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118: Q4 Recap & Reflection... PLUS Quick BONUS Workshop! 3-Steps To Setting Your TOP 2023 Goal!

It's almost the end of 2022, and I can't wait to share what happened in Q4. Thank you for making 2022 absolutely incredible! It is also at this time of the year when many of us think about setting goals for 2023. So in this episode, I will walk you through a goal-setting workshop you will LOVE using the ARC Method. It is the same process I took to setting my 2023 goals, one of which is rebranding the Her Renewed Strength. And I'm sooo happy to announce that the rebranded website is now live!!! Check it out at I pray you will love all the newness, and that the goal-setting workshop will help you prepare for 2023. Featured Review: Love this Podcast and all the inspiring, helpful tips in walking by faith! "Love what you stand for, friend!! Such an important reminder that we don’t have to strive for renewal. It’s more about receiving from the Lord and seeking God first to let Him lead us. Thank you for always drawing us back to Him and what He calls us to do. Thank you for answering your calling! - Megan Gephart, Armed to the Heart Podcast Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength P.S. If you went through the goal-setting workshop and you have no idea how to make that happen or need additional support, email me at [email protected] Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
12/30/202232 minutes, 55 seconds
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117: Want To Fit In Devotional Time EACH & EVERY DAY? Implement THIS Powerful Time Hack with Michelle Byrd

Hey, Sis! Are you struggling to have a consistent time in God's Word or simply a quiet time alone with Him? Do you want to make your devotional time more transformational? In today's episode, I share my conversation with Michelle, a dear person I do life with and my podcast guest. She shared super simple time hacks that you can start using today. Besides getting things done, these time hacks make it easier to fit in things that matter, like daily devotions. I pray this blesses you. Featured Guest: Michelle Byrd is a mom to three energetic kids and a wife to an amazing man. She is a former health coach and fitness instructor who calls herself God's girl. She is a podcaster whose passion is helping Christian working moms manage their time so that they have more time to pour into their kids and their families without feeling guilty or overwhelmed. Connect with Michelle Byrd: Website:  Podcast: The Busy Vibrant Mom  Email: [email protected] Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
12/27/202223 minutes, 26 seconds
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116: Normalizing and Differentiating High-Functioning Anxiety From Clinical Anxiety with Dr. Lisa Hartwell

Do you get anxious about your ability to perform or your inability to perform? Is your anxiety tied to actions that you can't get away from time constraints or a reduction of your capacity? Friend, you might be experiencing High-Functioning Anxiety. Today's episode is a treat for you!!! Recently, I had a conversation with a new friend, Dr. Lisa Hartwell, about high-functioning anxiety. It was a good one that I don't want you to miss it. What is high-functioning anxiety? How is it different from clinical anxiety? What must one do if you are experiencing it? These are just among the thoughtful questions I asked Dr. Lisa which she answered powerfully. Featured Guest: Dr. Lisa Hartwell is described as a multifaceted gem by her clients for her strength with having a vast spiritually-anchored perspective that she teaches through the lens of practical, neuro-based psychological understanding for a growth mindset. She exudes warmth and connection, balanced with direct feedback to inspire shifts and changes in you. Her positive outlook helps you focus and find your best next steps. She teaches high-achieving professionals how to use anxiety as their ally so that personal development can be accomplished with more ease and grace.  She is the podcast host of Anxiety Ease with Dr. Lisa Hartwell, a self-improvement podcast for ambitious professionals and business owners who struggle with high-functioning anxiety whenever they feel overwhelmed. Anxiety Ease is not about eliminating your high-functioning anxiety. It is about going on a self-discovery journey of illuminating the incredible human that is already there, and how high-functioning anxiety can shine the light on our growth. Connect with Dr. Lisa Hartwell: Free Quiz: Are you a high-achiever and ambitious at work but not getting any traction? Click the link to discover your High-Functioning Anxiety Score. Website: Podcast: Facebook: Instagram: @drhartwellatanxietyresilience Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
12/23/202225 minutes, 56 seconds
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115: Worried About Your Physical Appearance? How The Enemy Is Using Your Body Image To Distract You From Your Kingdom Work with Carla Arges

Are you worried about your physical appearance? Do you associate your acceptability and lovability with a number on a scale or a size in pants? Are you wondering if looks and body image matter in life? To answer those questions, I sat down to chat with Carla Arges about body image. Despite the enemy's attempt to disrupt the internet connection and stop the convo, the Holy Spirit spoke through this beautiful and wise woman. In this episode, Carla shares her testimony. Her struggles with body image showed that the enemy was using her own body to distract her from doing the kingdom work the Lord was leading her to focus on. She shares her experience as a testimony to God’s faithfulness. She offers wisdom that will empower you to stop giving into the enemy’s schemes and start doing the mighty work the Lord prepared for you to do. I pray this blesses you. Featured Guest: Carla Arges is a wellness coach and host of Affirming Truths Podcast. She was an overwhelmed mom, wife, Christian, and a woman battling a mood disorder and a painful past. And boy, was she lacking in joy and purpose! Through her journey, she has discovered how to thrive with mental illness and grow in her faith. She developed a passion for helping women transform their lives by rooting their identity and confidence in Christ. Connect with Carla Arges: Podcast: Affirming Truths Podcast Website: Featured Review: Just In Time Tips "Erika has so much great information for us girls who suffer from anxiety and overwhelm. Thank you for being real and biblical in your work." - Melinda D V - Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
12/20/202220 minutes, 3 seconds
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114: Sad or Anxious During The Holidays? Shift Your Gaze To The Eternal with this Devotional Study of Hebrews 11:26-27

Are you going through a crappy time this holiday? Maybe someone in your family is critically sick. Or maybe you are diagnosed with cancer. Or maybe you are going through a divorce or a mental health struggle. I feel you, sista friend! I too was diagnosed with cancer a few days before Christmas. While you might be tempted to focus on the hard thing to the point that it consumes you and keeps you up at night researching solutions, the problem is, those hard things are temporary. In today's episode, I share Bible verses to help you shift your gaze to the eternal and point you back to the truth. I pray this blesses you. Featured Review So Refreshing and so much wise council! "I love your love for the Lord and the fact that you go deeper into passages of the Bible to teach us good biblical principles. I thank you for reminding me to stop overcommitting and trying to do things with my own strength. Keep up the amazing work!" - Coach Raina / New Zealand - Resource: Check out episode 102: Do You Have A Biblical Mindset? The # 1 Way To Know & How This Helps To Manage Your Worries Check the Facebook Group for mental health themes in the book of Jonah, and see God's deliberate design in everything in the book of Ruth Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
12/16/202218 minutes, 48 seconds
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113: How To Give Yourself Grace & Create Fluidity In Your Daily Schedule with Jessa Raye

Do you feel like a slave to your schedule? Are you struggling to fit in with your mom's duties, running a business, being a wife, and trying to do everything into your daily schedule? Help is on your way, sista friend! Today's episode with my special guest, Jessa Raye, is packed with practical, powerful yet simple time management and home management tips she uses daily. Listen in to re-discover yourself again, know what's most important from your long to-do list, and eliminate the overwhelm. Featured Guest: Jessa Raye is a wife, mom of almost three, coffee lover, and avid book reader! She helps moms create more time for themselves as busy work-at-home moms are overwhelmed with trying to do it all! Jessa hosts Caught up in Motherhood, a podcast where she helps women manage their day. ​She wants to help mamas ditch the overwhelm and find themselves again in between all that they do. Connect with Jessa Raye: Podcast: Caught up in Motherhood Website: Instagram: @_Jessaraye Facebook Group: Balancing Motherhood as a work at home mom Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
12/13/202226 minutes, 44 seconds
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112: Want To Communicate With Truth and Love? How To Have Grace-filled Conversations During The Holidays with Faith Hanan

What's up, friend? Today, I am bringing a good friend and fellow podcaster, Faith Hanan, to share her testimony and offer some tips on how to have a grace-filled and loving conversation during the holiday season. So, before meeting and communicating with family, relatives, or friends this holiday season, listen to this episode first. I pray this blesses you. Featured Guest Faith Hanan is a Jesus lover, wife, barrel racer, worship leader, accidental SEO expert, copywriter, podcaster, and wrangler of tiny humans. She hosts Simple SEO & Marketing, a podcast that provides shoot-ya-straight, very practical tips on how to SCALE your online business using SEO, keywords, and blogging. Faith believes that business and Christianity should always intersect, SEO shouldn’t require a Harvard degree, and that horse hair and dog hair are a legit part of any good day. Connect with Faith Hanan: Podcast: Simple SEO and Marketing Website: Facebook Community: simpleseoandmarketing Email: [email protected] Social & Pinterest: @FaithHanan FREE Resource: Get more confidence with this printable PDF with Scriptural Affirmations >>> Get More Leads Bootcamp Live Jan 5 >>> Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
12/9/202228 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

111: FREE 2022 REFLECTION WORKSHOP For Anxious, Overwhelmed Christian Women!

Do you want clarity around commitments, goals, and priorities in 2023?

 In 2022, I took steps that helped my company achieve massive clarity around commitments, goals, and priorities. It led to levels of progress and productivity I had never experienced in almost four years of owning a formal business. I committed to doing this every year, and guess what!? I was able to have that time this past weekend.

 Today, I walk you through what I did - a REFLECTION WORKSHOP! I have questions for you to sit on and work through. These will help you reflect on 2022, assess what happened, and prepare for a more successful 2023.

 Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:
 Learn how to use the information from the reflection workshop to prepare for 2023 Discover the benefits of seeking God first in every aspect of your life Re-align your goals with God's plan for your life  Check out show notes here >>>

 Learn how to do a quick workshop on re-adjusting using the ARC Method >>> Connect with Me!
 Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
12/6/202220 minutes, 23 seconds
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110: Struggling To Recognize God’s Faithfulness? This Recap of Our Ruth Bible Study Will Boost Your Faith!

What's up y'all? We come to the end of our Ruth Bible study, a beautiful love story. It is, however, not just about Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz. It is also about our relationship with Jesus Christ. It is about our full redemption and the lengths the Lord will go to unite us with Him. I pray that our entire Bible study on Ruth will inspire you to go in-depth at God's word and bring you closer to the Lord. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Be steadfast in trusting that God can transform nothing into something, or someone out of nothing. Grow in patience in the knowledge that God does answer prayers within His timeframe Take time to reflect on God's goodness, faithfulness, and love in your life Check out show notes here >>> Resource Join the Facebook group and finish up the Ruth study with us >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
Episode Artwork

109: Is Overcommitting Leading To Anxiety About Your Schedule? 3 Steps To Stop Overcommitting In 2023!

"I don't have time to be in the Word of God. I wish I could get deeper in my walk with the Lord but I don't have time." "I wish I had more time. I can't finish everything and my to-do list is never-ending. I'm all stressed out! I'm not where I should be!" "I want to get more done. How do I say no to this? I'm scared of what people are going to think." Sis, have you ever found yourself saying or asking one of those? If you have, you have probably been overcommitting! Today, I am asking you two questions to help you say goodbye to overcommitting. It's time for the craziness to stop. It's time to say goodbye to anxiety and being overwhelmed by your schedule. I pray this blesses you! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Examine whether you have been overcommitting in 2022 or in 2021 and why Transform your heart and mind to align your actions with what God desires from you Learn how to listen to God so you'll know when to say Yes or No or Wait and avoid overcommitting in 2023 Check out show notes here >>> Resource Join the Facebook group and finish up the Ruth study with us. >>> Grab one of my last coaching slots in 2022! Email [email protected] or head to The Lord's Work in the Lord's Way and No Little People (Crossway Short Classics) by Francis A. Schaeffer Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
11/29/202223 minutes, 42 seconds
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108: Should You Sacrifice Your Own Happiness For Family? Bible Study Recap of Ruth Chapter 3

Hey, y’all! We are back for a recap of our Ruth Bible study. We went through chapter 3 this week and, I have to say, it is probably my favorite chapter. Ready to celebrate God's love? Grab your Bible and pen, and let's do it! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Discern how much you can sacrifice for eternal happiness Grow in your trust in the Lord even if you don’t see immediate answers to your prayers Celebrate God's eternal goodness and faithfulness Check out show notes here >>> Resource Join us inside the Facebook group as we continue our study of the Book of Ruth. You can move through the study at your own pace and you’ll also be able to interact with me, the team, and our sisters in Christ who are going through the study, too >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
11/25/202213 minutes, 32 seconds
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107: Did You Choose The Wrong Planner? I Did! 3 Reasons Time Management Tools Matter

"Do you know where I can find the perfect planner?"

 "If I found the perfect planner, then X, Y, and Z would fall into place. I wouldn't be behind in my to-do list, and I wouldn't feel overwhelmed by the routine and schedule I keep."

 These are a few of the questions and sentiments my clients referred to me.

 The truth is, there is no perfect planner!

 Today, I am digging into why planners matter. Also, I share my experiences choosing a planner. Whether you are thinking about your next planner or wondering what to consider when choosing one, this is an episode you don't want to miss.

 Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:
 Discover why there is no perfect planner Find out why a time management tool like a planner can boost your productivity Learn how to choose the right planner for your needs Check out show notes here >>>

 Check out Episode 08: Do You Need A Planner? 2022 Planner Review >>> Sign up for the Renovada newsletter and get $50 off on 1:1 Time Management Coaching. Discounted rate until November 29 only >>> Get your Dream PLanner at and use the code Erica 15 to get 15% off Connect with Me!
 Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website:
 Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
11/22/202220 minutes, 40 seconds
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106: What Does God’s Grace & Provision Actually Look Like? Bible Study Recap of Ruth Chapter 2

Hey, y’all! It's time for a recap of our Ruth Bible study. We went through chapter 2 this week; it is jam-packed with information. We learned more about what Chuck Missler calls “Love’s Response.” In today's episode, I share some of the highlights and offer more insight into the rich and beautiful book of Ruth. If you are in a season of trust and waiting, I pray that this Bible study recap encourages and gives you hope that deepens your faith and trust in our Sovereign God. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Discover how God makes a way to provide Ruth and Naomi with their needs Examine your life and identify when the Lord came through unexpectedly to provide for your need Find hope and encouragement that will deepen your faith and trust in God's sovereignty Check out show notes here >>> Resource Join us inside the Facebook group as we continue our study of the Book of Ruth. You can move through the study at your own pace and you’ll also be able to interact with me, the team, and our sisters in Christ who are going through the study, too >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
11/18/202211 minutes, 30 seconds
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105: Are You Craving Balance? How To Create Balance For The Season You’re In

Hey, Sis! Are you trying to find balance and struggling to be okay with where the Lord is leading you? Well, balance is something that I personally have struggled with throughout my life. I don’t love the term because I don’t think it’s possible. But, today, I am sharing a conversation with my girl, Sara Ann Jimenez, about balance! She shares her take on this and gives a tactical takeaway so you can create balance when life has you feeling overwhelmed. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Get a new perspective on balance and its many forms Understand why balance is different for everybody Learn how to find balance in your life in a way that works for you and honors God Check out show notes here >>> Connect with Sara Ann Jimenez Podcast - The Beautiful Shift >>> Instagram: @balancedlifewithlove Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
11/15/202229 minutes, 41 seconds
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104: Romance, Redemption, and Evidence of Deliberate Design...Bible Study Recap of Ruth Chapter 1

Hey, y’all! It has been a huge few days for us, from the Ruth study starting to the 1st anniversary of this podcast to the Podcast Anniversary Party, which was SO fun. Congrats to all the winners! Stay tuned for the episode featuring the panel discussion. It was all soooo good. In today's episode, I am wrapping up the week with the Bible study recap of Ruth chapter 1. If you have been feeling lacking in faith, shifty, doubtful, or discouraged, this is a really good time for you to get into the Word of God. I pray that you will come to know God more intimately through your study of His Word and that everything we do at Her Renewed Strength Co. equips and encourages you to do so. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Get familiar with the historical background of the book of Ruth Be aware of the intentionality and deliberate design of the Bible, along with its overall context Find out what you can do to build your faith and feed your soul Check out show notes here >>> Resource Head to to join us on the inside of the FB group and study this book at a deeper level! Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
11/11/202216 minutes, 12 seconds
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103: What Will God Do With Your Yes? (Esther 4:14) Celebrating & Recapping ONE YEAR On Her Renewed Strength - The Podcast!!! +You’re Invited!

ONE YEAR ON THE PODCAST?! I could cry! Can you even believe it? A year ago, I launched this thing and Joren, who was sent from HEAVEN (for real!), did all the behind-the-scenes work to bring this goal to life! There were some moments when I needed help and would just pray to the Lord to carry me… to guide me… to help me do the thing He was leading me to do. In those moments of anxiety or discouragement… when I was too deep in the weeds and needed a boost of confidence or encouragement… a review would pop up or a message would come through. YOU are WHY this entire project has been such a HUGE blessing. So today, I’m going to take a little bit to share some encouragement, a little bit of backstory, and, hopefully, surprise you with something special. Thank you for being here! This is for you! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Learn about the story behind Her Renewed Strength - The Podcast, including the missteps and clear redirection from the Lord See examples of how we saw God’s faithfulness through the growth and impact of the podcast, all by the grace of God! Discover what happens when you give God your YES Check out show notes here >>> Resource Join the Facebook group for fellowship, encouragement, and Bible study. Horacio Printing Planners, Devotionals and Planner Accessories: (use code ERIKA15 to save 15%!) Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
11/9/202215 minutes, 33 seconds
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102: Do You Have A Biblical Mindset? The # 1 Way To Know & How This Helps To Manage Your Worries

Hey, friend! In today's world, mindset is big! You hear a lot about it in the coaching world. At work, leaders talk about growth and fixed mindsets. On social media, people often post about having a positive mindset. Well, as a Christian, it is important to have a BIBLICAL mindset. Did you know that having a Biblical Mindset helps you manage anxiety? If you look at my website or Facebook Group or listen to my podcast, there is always the word Biblical Mindset. So today, I am sharing more about the Biblical Mindset: what it is, how to cultivate it, and how it helps you manage your worries. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Find out if you have a Biblical Mindset Learn how a Biblical Mindset helps you manage your worries Discover ways to cultivate a Biblical Mindset Check out show notes here >>> Resource Interested to study the book of Ruth? We are digging into it now so make sure you join the FB group! >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
11/8/202214 minutes, 45 seconds
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101: In Need of Rest? Be Still & Know… An In-Depth Devotional Bible Study on Psalm 46:10

What's up, friend? Are you in need of rest? Do you struggle with taking the time to do it? I know I do! Like, what is a Sabbath? Well, while I won’t be diving into that topic today. Instead, I am going to dig into the verse the Lord gave me at the beginning of the season of REST He has me in. Yes, REST is what I am working through myself. I don’t have it all figured out, so I hope that, as I share more about it with you, you can hear HIS gentle whisper and respond with eagerness and excitement. Grab your Bible, journal, and pen, and let's do it! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Find out what REST looks like so you can do things without getting anxious Identify the areas in your life where you fully trust God and those where you do not  Embrace the season God has you in and be at peace with it Check out show notes here >>> ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAY On November 9, the podcast turns 1. To celebrate, I am giving 100 minutes of free coaching, that is FIVE 20-minute calls, inside the FB group. I will pick winners at the Podcast Anniversary Party! The Podcast Anniversary Party is on Wednesday, November 9 at 2 PM EST! All the details are in the FB group and the Renovada Newsletter!  3 Easy Steps to Win the FREE Coaching: Join the FB group >>>  Leave a review and screenshot/share on the FB group If you already left a review, share it on your social media and screenshot that/share it in the FB group!  Resource Interested to study the book of Ruth? We are digging into it NEXT WEEK! Make sure you join the FB group! >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
11/4/202222 minutes, 36 seconds
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100: Feeling Anxious About How Busy You’ll Get This Holiday Season? 2 Warnings To Help You Improve Your Time Management Skills

How is this already my 100th episode of Her Renewed Strength Podcast? I am still in disbelief that 100 episodes have passed. Thank you for sticking, my sista friend! I don't know how the Lord has done it all. He gave me a mission, and seeing it through has been incredibly fulfilling. All the glory to God! In today's episode, I give a couple of things you should be cautious about as you navigate the holiday season so that you can improve your time management skills. If you are one of those who get busy during the holiday season, you need to hear this out. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Find out the two things you need to watch out for as the holiday season approaches Learn what you should prioritize this holiday season to avoid feeling anxious Explore ways to show up in a way that honors God during the holiday season Check out show notes here >>> ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAY On November 9, the podcast turns 1. To celebrate, I am giving 100 minutes of free coaching, that is FIVE 20-minute calls, inside the FB group. I will pick winners at the Podcast Anniversary Party! The Podcast Anniversary Party is on Wednesday, November 9, at 2 PM EST! All the details are in the FB group and in the Renovada Newsletter! 3 Easy Steps to Win the FREE Coaching: Join the FB group >>>  Leave a review and screenshot/share on the FB group If you already left a review, share it on your social media and screenshot that/share it in the FB group!  Resource Join the Facebook Group for the study of the book of Ruth next month >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
11/1/202217 minutes, 30 seconds
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99: What’s The Difference Between A Study Bible, Devotional & Commentary; And Which Should You Use To Study God’s Word?

Hey, sista friend! Are you wondering what you should use to study God's Word? Is it a Study Bible, Devotional, or Commentary? Those are questions I have been asked in the past, and I am digging into them today. I explain the difference between a study Bible, a devotional, and a commentary, as well as when and how you should use them. I also share some of my favorite resources. May this bless you as you deepen your study of the Word of God and bring it to the next level. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Find out when and how to use these three tools to help you better understand God's Word Decide what you should use to study God's Word at the stage you are in Be encouraged to persevere in reading the Word daily Check out show notes here >>> Resource Check out Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible in the NIV Translation by Zondervan >>> Check out  ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible >>> Check out  SOAP Study Devotional by Horacio Printing. Make sure to use code ERIKA15 to save some money. Disclaimer: I do earn a commission on your purchase, at no extra cost to you. Join the Facebook Group for the study of the book of Ruth next month >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
10/28/202210 minutes, 16 seconds
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98: Do You Feel Suffocated By Schedules? The Real Reason You’re Anxious and Struggling To Feel Free!

Hey, friend! Do you feel suffocated by schedules? Do you feel restricted by it? Do you struggle to be free of it? I hear you. I used to feel that way. The reason is that I was one of those little girls who followed the rules. If you told me I needed to do something, then I would do it. No ifs and buts. Schedules are empowering and super helpful. So today, I’m going to help you shift your perspective by uncovering the REAL REASON you are feeling anxious and restricted by your schedule. I hope you have listening ears and an open heart and mind. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Uncover what triggers you to feel restricted or suffocated by schedules Identify the true purpose of a schedule so you can maximize its effectiveness Change your perspective about schedules and experience the freedom you deserve Check out show notes here >>> Resource Join our private Bible study group, a great place to find a true connection & support, and real women who are down to go to spiritual war with you. We gear up to study the book of Ruth next month >>>  Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
10/25/20229 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

97: In Need of Comfort During This Season of Uncertainty?... A Devotional & Worship Session Highlighting Isaiah 40:1-5

What’s up, friend? Do you need a good pick-me-up today? The Lord gave me these verses and I want to share them with you in this episode. I pray this gives you strength and comfort in whatever battle or season of uncertainty you are in now. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Get the strength and comfort you need to face your battles Be reminded of who you are to God so you can enjoy His privileges Discover the ONE person you must turn to whenever you need comfort Check out show notes here >>> Resource Check out Lion (feat. Chris Brown & Brandon Lake) by Elevation Worship >>> Join our private Bible study group, a great place to find a true connection & support, and real women who are down to go to spiritual war with you. We gear up to study the book of Ruth next month >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
10/21/202216 minutes, 22 seconds
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96: Is Anxiety A Discernment Alarm? 4 Steps To Knowing What God Wants You To Lay Down with Stefanie Gass

Hey, friend! Are you anxious about knowing what God wants you to lay down and give up? And if you do know, are you struggling to give it up? Well, I have a special treat for you today! My girl and podcast coach, Stef Gass, joined me for a conversation that was totally last minute and totally on time. We planned to talk about something else, but her INCREDIBLE testimony took us down a different path. I truly believe the Holy Spirit led our conversation because someone needs to hear it. I’m so excited to share it with you! I pray it blesses you, and I hope you’re tuning in with an open heart and a willing spirit. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Get clarity about what God is calling you to do and what not to do Find out what you can accomplish when you fully surrender to God and let Him work with you Discover how to build a successful business or ministry and live a life that glorifies God  Check out show notes here >>> Resource Join our private Bible study group, a great place to find a true connection & support, and real women who are down to go to spiritual war with you. We gear up to study the book of Ruth next month >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
10/18/202234 minutes, 16 seconds
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95: If Jesus Has Overcome The World, He’s Overcome Your Anxiety, Too! A Short Devotional Bible Study on John 16:33

Hola, hermanitas! Ready for a little Friday Bible study? Today’s devotional Bible study is on John 16:33. I dig into what this verse REALLY means and how powerful the Word of God is. If you worry too much about everything that happens in your life or around you, this episode is for you. As you navigate the "nonsense" of life, I hope this helps you refocus on how big God is. So grab your Bible, notebook, and pen; and let’s do this! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Understand why apart from Jesus, you will not have peace Learn how to fix your focus on Christ and not on your circumstance so you won't get overwhelmed and anxious Discover the importance of spending time in the Word and having a community for a peaceful life>> Resource Check out “Delighting In The Trinity: An Introduction To Christian Faith” by Michael Reeves Worship the Lord with the song See A Victory by Elevation Worship Join our private Bible study group, a great place to find a true connection & support, and real women who are down to go to spiritual war with you. We gear up to study the book of Ruth next month >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.    
10/14/202220 minutes, 39 seconds
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94: Are You Worried That You’re Not Where You Should Be? The Unsuspecting Culprit of Your Anxiety & 3 Steps To Overcome It!

What’s up, sista girl!?! Do you feel anxious because you are falling behind your goals, feeling that you are not where you should be? Are you tired of playing the never-ending game of catching up and wanting to accomplish more each day? If your answer is yes, then this episode is for you! Today, I am uncovering the REAL reason you are anxious about it… I am telling you, the reason you feel this way is NOT what you think it is. PLUS, I am giving you 3 steps to overcome the unsuspecting culprit! Grab a notebook and a pen, and let’s do it! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Understand why you are falling behind in your goals Put a stop to worrying about what others think of you so you can get your work done Learn why setting boundaries is important for achieving your goals Check out show notes here >>> Resource Check out Episode 41: A Deeper Look at Galatians 1:10...PLUS 3 Journal Prompts To Get To The Root of Your People-Pleasing Tendencies & Put An End To That Destructive Habit >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
10/11/20229 minutes, 57 seconds
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93: Fight Fear and Find Confidence With THIS Verse! An In-Depth Devotional Highlighting Isaiah 41:10

Hey, sista friend! For the last couple of months, I provided tips and tactical takeaways to get consistent and show up for your daily quiet time with the Lord. Now, I'm bringing back Bible study episodes. Studying God’s Word is so crucial to living a GOOD life. It’s a spiritual discipline that I’m devoted to helping you grow in. Today’s study will help you fight fear and find GODLY confidence, or as the social media peeps like to call it, GODFIDENCE. I pray this blesses you! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Be reminded of God's mercy, love, and faithfulness to see you through tough times Take the courage you need to walk away from tough times victorious Grow in trusting God so you will never have to face life alone and scared  Check out show notes here >>> Resource Head to the Facebook group for more in-depth Bible study and support in taking your quiet time to a deeper level >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
10/7/202213 minutes, 15 seconds
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92: Quarter 3 Recap and Reflection... BONUS Workshop! Create A Simplified Schedule That WORKS & Finish 2022 STRONG!

Hey, Sis! So glad you are sticking with me. Today, I am sharing my quarterly recap and reflection. Once a quarter, I share the details and behind-the-scenes, both in the Her Renewed Strength and personally. PLUSSSSS, A BONUS WORKSHOP! It is a DIY stress-free productivity session, the same one I offer. I will walk you through all the prompts I use with my clients. It is a real TREAT and one you won't want to miss! So, grab your planner and a pen, and let’s do it! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Get the motivation to do your own quarterly recap and reflection Discover the small and big ways God is working in your life Learn how to create a simplified schedule so you can finish your Q4 strong Check out show notes here >>> Resource Check the Facebook Group for mental health themes in the book of Jonah, and opportunities for you to check your heart posture and recognize God extending His grace and mercy DAILY. Check out Episode 16: Stress-free Productivity Systems for Your Planner Check out Episode 18: Time Blocking… 5 Simple Steps to Getting More Done With Less Overwhelm Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
10/4/202227 minutes, 9 seconds
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91: Worried About The Potential Problems of Tomorrow? 2 Ways To Be A Proverbs 31 Woman So You’re Filled With Peace Instead Of Anxiety!

Hey, sista friend! Have you ever been worried about some future event, like a weather event or financial crisis? Sometimes, we go down the rabbit hole of overthinking and say we are thinking everything through. But what good is it if you are not doing something with all those thoughts? In today's episode, we will draw wisdom from Proverbs 31 and learn what we can do to live with less worry and more confidence. I pray this blesses you. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Discover what it takes to become a Proverbs 31 woman Learn two ways that will help you better navigate confusing and challenging times  Get rid of the habit of overthinking so you can start taking action Check out show notes here >>> Resource Check out Episode 54 >>> Head to the Facebook group to hang out and join me in November to study the book of Ruth >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
9/30/202215 minutes, 30 seconds
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90: Are You Overwhelmed and Wish You Had More Time In The Day? 3 Signs You’re Doing Too Much!

Hey, friend! Do you ever feel completely overwhelmed and overcome by the never-ending task list? Do you wish you had more time in your day? I know how this feels and it straight up stinks. However, over time, I’ve realized that I did it to myself and I’ve learned that most of us share that same struggle. So, today, I share 3 signs you’re doing too much and hope you take this quick pulse check as an opportunity to revisit your priority list and make sure your to-do list matches. Let’s do it! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Understand why time is not the issue for women who struggle with anxiety and overwhelm Learn why people do too much and what the consequences are Find out the number one thing you must do if you are doing too much so you can do it now Check out show notes here >>> Need an accountability partner? I can help you with my Stress-Free Productivity Sessions. I will look at your week, make sure you keep your commitments and grow in your walk with the Lord while taking care of yourself. Email me at [email protected] Resource Head to the Facebook group to hang out and join me in November to study the book of Ruth >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
9/27/202210 minutes, 37 seconds
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89: Going Through A Tough Time? 3 Psalms To Encourage You In Anxious Moments +The Bible Verse God Gave Me This Week!

Hey, Sis! Have you ever felt like you’re getting attacked by the enemy in all areas of your life? Maybe you’re on the struggle bus this week and you need a verse or two to get you through. Today’s your day, Sis! I’ve got 3 Psalms to encourage you in tough times and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to shift your gaze from the challenge of today to the hope of tomorrow. I pray this blesses you! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Find out what to do first to navigate your trials and challenges Learn how to trust in God and His faithfulness even in receiving a timely Word from Him Take comfort from God's Word in times of anxiety to help you see through them Check out full show notes here >>> Need an accountability partner? I can help you with my Stress-Free Productivity Sessions. I will look at your week, make sure you keep your commitments and grow in your walk with the Lord while taking care of yourself. Email me at [email protected] Resource Head to the Facebook group to hang out and join me in November to study the book of Ruth >>> More of Psalm 91 on Ep74: Are You Feeling Overwhelmed? How To Get Calm When You’re Working Toward Your Goals & What You Should Focus On First! >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
9/23/202214 minutes, 39 seconds
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88: How To Stop The Overwhelm, So You Know What God Is Calling You To Do In This Season with Shayla Hilton

Hey, Sis! Have you been feeling overwhelmed or anxious about what God is leading you to do this season? Or maybe, you don't even know how to figure out how to hear from the Lord and are anxious about it. I've got a TREAT for you! In today’s episode, I share my conversation with Shayla Hilton, host of the Called and Confident Podcast. She draws from her experiences and shares wisdom about how to slow down, hear from the Lord, and take the first step in honoring God’s plan for you this season. I pray this blesses you! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Understand what REST looks like and what God is using it for Discover the best starting point if you are unsure where to start Find out what you should do during a time of rest and transition Check out the show notes >>> Resource Get in touch with Shayla >>> Listen to Called and Confident Podcast >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
9/20/202221 minutes, 11 seconds
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87: The 3 Tools The Enemy Is Using To Make You Anxious and 3 Bible Verses To Encourage You As You Fight Back!

What's up, friend? Are you anxious about doing something that God has asked you to do because you feel unequipped? Today, I am sharing three tools the enemy is using to make you anxious and keep you from carrying out the good works the Lord has prepared for you to do. Some of you are losing the spiritual battle when it comes to some of this, specifically because some of the things we think are normal are just disordered behavior patterns that are COMMON. Common and normal are not the same, which makes these 3 things all the more dangerous. So, worry no more because I will not only identify these tools, but I'll also give you three Bible passages (short stories) to motivate and encourage you to fight back. I pray this blesses you! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Understand why the enemy is using these tools to cause you anxiety so you can fight back Discover the most effective strategy that will enable you to know the tactics of your enemy so you can start implementing it to overcome your anxiety Find out how to defeat the enemy so you can do what God tells you to do For full show notes, visit Need an accountability partner? I can help you with my Stress-Free Productivity Sessions. I will look at your week, make sure you keep your commitments and grow in your walk with the Lord while taking care of yourself. Email me at [email protected] Resource Check out Episode 41: A Deeper Look at Galatians 1:10...PLUS 3 Journal Prompts To Get To The Root of Your People-Pleasing Tendencies & Put An End To That Destructive Habit >>> Head to the Facebook group to go even deeper into the study of Jonah! >>> Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
9/16/202216 minutes, 48 seconds
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86: Does Your Mind Race At Night? Try This Simple 5-Step Bedtime Routine To Unwind From An Overwhelming Day!

Hey, Sis! Have you ever had a really exhausting day and just plopped in bed and woke up to have another one with the same level of exhaustion? How in the world do you recover? I am a big advocate for rhythms and routines. So today, I am sharing a simple bedtime routine that will help you unwind from your overwhelming day and get a good night’s rest! I hope this helps you! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Discover the five simple bedtime routines you need to unwind from your hectic day and sleep well at night Learn how to stay committed to the Lord while taking care of yourself and growing in your relationship with Him Find out how to fit rhythms and routines into your busy schedule For full show notes, visit Need help in building rest and recovery into your busy schedule? I can help you with my Stress-Free Productivity Sessions. I will look at your week, make sure you keep your commitments and grow in your walk with the Lord while taking care of yourself. Email me at [email protected] Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
9/13/202213 minutes, 53 seconds
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85: Does Your Schedule Stress You Out? 3 Bible Verses To Help You Feel Less Anxious About Your Schedule and Overcome Overwhelm Each Day

Hey, sista friend! In Tuesday’s episode, I shared three systems to help you stop the scheduling madness! Those are BIBLICAL principles! Today, I am piggybacking off that episode and focusing a little more on the scriptures that support those principles. If you want to shift your focus from the temporary pain of anxiety or overwhelm to eternal rewards and understanding, this episode is for you. I hope the verses bless you. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Get to slow down and consider why you feel the way you do about schedules Take the time to pause and ask the Lord to reveal what you are still carrying that you have not given over to Him Appreciate the beauty of having plans and schedules so you can start to create one For full show notes, visit FREE Resource Episode 84: 3 Reasons Your Schedule Is NOT The Problem and 3 Systems That Help You Put A Stop To Overwhelming Days If you want to take an hour to look at your schedule and figure out what has to go, what needs to stay, and how to maximize your time and resource WITHOUT the anxiety and overwhelm, email me at [email protected] Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
9/9/202212 minutes, 47 seconds
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84: Do Schedules Make You Anxious? 3 Reasons Your Schedule Is NOT The Problem and 3 Systems That Help You Put A Stop To Overwhelming Days

Hey, sista friend! Have you ever felt like schedules are the reason you feel anxious? Maybe, you are good with schedules in general but feel overwhelmed when something unexpected happens. If you have ever felt stressed about your schedule, this episode is for you. Today, I am highlighting 3 reasons your schedule is NOT the problem and give you 3 systems that will help you put a stop to overwhelming days. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Understand the three reasons your schedule is not the problem so you will get to the root of your anxiety problem Learn the three systems that will help you put a stop to overwhelming days Find out the Biblical perspective on having a schedule and being organized For full show notes, visit Need a Stress-Free Productivity Session? Email me at [email protected] Resource Episode 16: Stress-free Productivity Systems for Your Planner  Episode 20: How To Prioritize When Everything Seems Like A Priority - Free Workshop!  Episode 18: Time Blocking… 5 Simple Steps to Getting More Done With Less Overwhelm Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
9/6/202215 minutes, 2 seconds
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83: Are You Just Starting (or Getting Back Into) Bible Study? 3 Books To Start With As You Get Consistent In Studying God’s Word!

"Where do I start in Bible study?", Sis, is this your question? I hear you. With 66 books, the Bible is enormous. It can be overwhelming for a new Christian who wants to start a Bible study or is getting back into Bible study. So today, I am sharing with you three places to start your study of the Bible and some reasons each might be right for you! We are in this together, Sis. Let's do it! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Find out the 3 Books of the Bible to get you started or back into Bible study Learn simple ways you can start studying the Bible without getting overwhelmed Discover what book is never a waste of time For full show notes, visit Resource Struggling with consistency in Bible study or other areas in your life? I am taking on a limited number of clients. Email me [email protected] Connect with Me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
9/2/202210 minutes, 2 seconds
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82: Not Motivated To Do Bible Study? 3 Consistency Hacks That Will Help You Get Into God’s Word DAILY!

Hey, Sis! Are you struggling with feeling motivated to do your Bible study? Do you force yourself to sit down and get distracted by other thoughts? Have you lost the desire to read the Bible? I feel you. It happened to me in May, just before the Jonah study, and I know this is a ploy of the enemy. Today, I am sharing three hacks to help you get consistent in Bible study, even when you don’t feel like it. If you lack motivation or consistency in getting into the Bible, this episode is for you! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode Learn the 3 consistency hacks that will help you get into the Word daily Find out what you should ask God if you are struggling to get consistent in your Bible study Explore three in-depth Bible studies that will motivate you to get into the Word For full show notes, visit Resource Struggling with consistency in Bible study or other areas in your life? I am taking on a limited # of clients. Email me [email protected] Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
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81: Struggling With Bible Study Consistency? The # 1 Obstacle To Overcome So You Can Develop A Productive, Consistent Routine

Sis, a question for you: What is your biggest struggle when it comes to Bible study? I asked the same question in my Bible study community over the FB group. Out of over 100 responses, the number one answer was consistency. As I continued to dig into it, I noticed a pattern, a trend. In today’s episode, I unpack it and share the # 1 obstacle to overcome so you can develop a consistent quiet time routine. Get ready to get real because this issue is not just affecting your quiet time. It is affecting your health and relationships, too. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Realize what you need to overcome so you can develop a consistent quiet time routine Learn how to overcome the #1 obstacle so you can move in a different direction Find out what you should prioritize with your time For full show notes, visit Resource Do you want more peace and less anxiety? Stop doing this one thing! Click >>> Book a FREE 30-minute call with me to get to know each other and determine if working together is a good fit for us. EMAIL ME at [email protected] Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
8/26/202210 minutes, 34 seconds
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80: LIVE COACHING! Overwhelmed About Your God-Sized Goal? Breaking It Down To Smaller Steps So Isn’t Overwhelming For Christian Women with Mary Reed!

Hey, girl! Have you ever had a goal in mind that seemed too big for you to pursue, that seemed too difficult to break down into steps to implement and carry out? I've been there, and my client, Mary, has been there too! In this episode, I am doing live coaching with Mary. We identify her goal - a huge, broad goal; and break it down into manageable milestones. Together, we set deadlines, figure out the next steps, and schedule follow-ups. In the process, we uncover what is holding her back and address the issue right away. If you have a God-sized goal and you want to turn it into something tangible, this episode is a must-listen. I pray this blesses you. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Find out your God-sized goal so you can obey the Lord and use it to bless others and glorify Him Identify the questions you need to ask yourself to break your goal down into smaller steps Learn how to plan, prepare and execute your goal For full show notes, visit Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
8/23/202238 minutes, 42 seconds
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79: Anxious That You’re Wasting Your Gifts, Talents, or Resources? 3 Signs You’re Stewarding Well…Gleaning from Matthew 25:14-30

Hey sister! Do you ever wonder if you are really using your gifts, talents, or resources to their full potential? Are you stewarding well? Do you even know what it means to steward well? In today’s episode, I am digging into three signs you are a good steward of your gifts, talents, and resources. I pray that this will help you see things for what they are, so you can take action based on where you are. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Understand that everything belongs to God; that He is the Source and Giver of everything you have Find out if you are stewarding well the gifts and talents God has given you so that you can take action if you are not Take time to reflect on all the good gifts God has given you and give Him glorify For full show notes, visit Resource Receive special pricing to work with me in September. Email me [email protected] Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
8/19/202218 minutes, 24 seconds
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78: Worried That You Don’t Know Your Spiritual Gifts? 3 Ways To Know How You’re Called To Build God’s Kingdom!

Hey sister! Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? Spiritual gifts are a hot topic in some Christian circles. You may feel intimidated or anxious about this topic if you don't know what yours are. So, today, I want to dig into this a little and make this more of a fun conversation for you. Through this, I pray that God will reveal your spiritual gifts for the good of His church. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Learn what Spiritual gifts are and their importance to every Christian who wants to serve the Lord faithfully Discover the three ways to know what your Spiritual gifts are Identify your Spiritual gift or gifts and why God gave you so you can use them to serve Him and other For full show notes, visit Resource Book a FREE 30-minute call with me to get to know each other and determine if working together is a good fit for us. EMAIL ME at [email protected] Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
8/16/202219 minutes, 22 seconds
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77: Anxious About Getting Consistent With Bible Study? Stop Believing THIS Lie From The Enemy!

Hey sister! I see y’all out there doing your best, drinking your water, and loving the Lord. Some of you are craving more of what God has for you, but you are not spending time with Him. Why? Because you are believing THIS lie from the enemy. In today's episode, I am exposing this lie and helping you shift your perspective. If you want to be free from this lie and be consistent and productive, tune in. You don’t need anything except your listening ears. I pray this blesses you. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Discover how you can beat the schemes of the enemy Be aware of the enemy's beautiful schemes and manipulations to avoid falling victim to them Find out the ONE thing that can transform you and put all your efforts into getting it For full show notes, visit Resource Book a FREE 30-minute call with me to get to know each other and determine if working together is a good fit for us. EMAIL ME at [email protected] Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
8/12/202212 minutes, 32 seconds
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76: 4 Simple Steps to Help You Shift From Anxiety, Burnout, and Overwhelm To Peaceful, Productive, and Put-Together!

Holaaaa! Do you ever feel that the words peaceful, productive, and put-together will just never describe you? Are the words anxious, burned out, or overwhelmed more accurate descriptions of how you feel? I know it is hard to think beyond anxiety and all the chaos that comes with it, but guess what? It is not impossible. I know because I have walked it out! Today, I am sharing 4 simple steps to take when you want to shift from anxious, burnt out, and overwhelmed to peaceful, productive, and put-together! It is one of those tactical and practical episodes, so grab your notepad & pen and let's get started! Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Discover FOUR SIMPLE STEPS that will help you shift from anxious, burnt out, and overwhelmed to peaceful, productive, and organized Learn the importance of seeking the Lord and communicating with Him on a daily basis Find out what it looks like to do things differently so you won't fall into worldly coping mechanisms For full show notes, visit Resource Book a FREE 30-minute call with me to get to know each other and determine if working together is a good fit for us EMAIL ME at [email protected] Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
8/9/202218 minutes, 47 seconds
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75: Worried You Don’t Have Enough Time To Get Consistent With Bible Study? 3 Ways To Have High-Quality Quiet Time In Just 10 Minutes! +A LIVE Study of 1 Peter 5:7!

Hey sis! Are you struggling with consistency in your Bible study? In the Bible study community over in the FB group, you all shared that your top struggle is not having enough time to stay consistent with Bible study. There are a lot of reasons for this. In today's episode, I am sharing 3 simple ways to have a high-quality Bible study time in just 10 minutes, so you can get in the Word daily and stay consistent! I pray this blesses you. Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Discover THREE WAYS to make your time in the Word transformational and meaningful Understand what QUIET TIME actually is and what it is not Get into the HABIT of spending quiet time with the Lord through the Bible study For full show notes, visit Resource Book a FREE 30-minute call with me to get to know each other and determine if working together is a good fit for us EMAIL ME at [email protected] Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
8/5/202214 minutes, 9 seconds
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74: Are You Feeling Anxious About Your Goals? 3 Steps To Getting Calm & How To Know What You Should Focus On First!

Hey sister! Are you working hard toward your goals but feeling overwhelmed by the whirlwind of thoughts, tasks, and emotions? Is your load too heavy to carry making you unsure how long you can go on like this? Do you need immediate relief but can't figure out how to start or what to do when anxiety kicks in? I have been there before! I had a full-blown anxiety attack when my body couldn't handle the stress. And so today, I am digging into what brings this on, how to calm in the middle of the storm, and what you should focus on first so you can get back into a groove and rock your day in a safe and healthy way. Let's do this! For full show notes, visit Resource “With You” - Paradoxology by Elevation Worship Book a FREE 30-minute call with me to get to know each other and determine if working together is a good fit for us. EMAIL ME at [email protected] Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
8/2/202218 minutes, 37 seconds
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73: Is Your Anger Toward God The Root of Your Anxiety? 3 Reflection Questions To Help You Work Through Your Anger... Recapping Jonah Chapter 4

Hey sister! Have you ever felt angry with God? OR, is that you right now? Maybe you are navigating a valley that doesn't feel right or fair to you. Maybe, someone you know is going through something they don't deserve. Being in this world can sometimes make you wonder why God allows bad things to happen, and that might frustrate you or even make you angry at God. Today, I'm digging into this topic and recapping Jonah's chapter 4 in the process. I pray this blesses you. For full show notes, visit Resource Join the FB Group to go even deeper into this study of Jonah. You get live study sessions, session replays, discussion posts, reflection questions, fellowship, and more! Click here: Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
7/29/202213 minutes, 18 seconds
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72: Do You Feel Burnt Out or Overwhelmed By Your Everyday Life? 3 Signs of Burnout and 3 Simple Steps To Stop The Madness!

Hey Sis! Are you just going through the motions, trudging along, doing your best just to survive? Are you too tired to do anything, even things you used to enjoy? Do you find yourself working harder but not catching up? You don't have to live this way, Sis. Today, I am sharing three signs of burnout. You can use these to determine if you are burnt out or not. If you do, I have three simple steps you can take right away to stop the madness. I pray God uses this episode to help reorient yourself so you don't end up sick or worse. For full show notes, visit Resource Check out episode 20 if you need help figuring out what’s important - because maybe everything seems important. Check out Episode 70 to dig into the # 1 problem a little more! :) Join the FB Group to go even deeper into this study of Jonah. You get live study sessions, session replays, discussion posts, reflection questions, fellowship, and more! Click here: Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
7/26/202213 minutes, 47 seconds
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71: Can Obedience to the Lord Calm Your Anxiety? Recapping Jonah Chapter 3

What's up, sister? If you struggle to calm your anxiety (like me sometimes!), let's stop and talk for a while. I know how it feels to be anxious. I know how hard it is to calm down when your heart is reluctant and your mind is racing. It is so exhausting, right? When you have been trying different ways to calm your anxiety and failed, perhaps there is one thing you forgot to do: obey what God says. Say what!? Can obedience to the Lord calm your anxiety? Today, I am answering that question with a quick recap of Jonah's chapter 3. I know this will bless you. For full show notes, visit Resource Join the FB Group to go even deeper into this study of Jonah. You get live study sessions, session replays, discussion posts, reflection questions, fellowship, and more! Click here: Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
7/22/20226 minutes, 51 seconds
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70: Do You Want More Peace and Less Anxiety In Your Daily Life? Stop Doing This ONE Thing

Hey, Sis! We have all experienced anxiety at some point in our lives. For some, it is mild, while for others, it is severe. But, one thing is common, anxiety robs you of peace. If you want more peace and less anxiety in your life, this episode is for you. I'm sharing the # 1 thing you need to stop doing in order to make that happen. This is pretty short, but it's going to pack a punch. You don’t need anything except your listening ears for this one. So sit back, relax, and keep listening. For full show notes, visit Resource Join the FB Group to go even deeper into this study of Jonah. You get live study sessions, session replays, discussion posts, reflection questions, fellowship, and more! Click here: Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.   
7/19/202211 minutes, 30 seconds
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69: Are You Anxious or Worried That God Isn’t Answering Your Prayer? Recap of Jonah Chapter 2

Hey, Sis! Have you been praying for a miracle or a breakthrough, but still finding yourself in a season of waiting? Are you feeling anxious because you feel like you need to hear from the Lord already? I hear you and, more importantly, GOD hears you! If you're wondering wondering, "Does God answer prayers? Is praying even worth it?" This episode is for you! Today, I'll answer your questions by focusing on Jonah's story, particularly chapter 2, which contains his prayer. With the help of other Bible verses, I will show you how, why, and when God answers prayer. I know that if you are either new to the faith or just not a believer, this is a must-listen. So, keep listening and be blessed! For full show notes, visit Resource Join the FB Group to go even deeper into this study of Jonah. You get live study sessions, session replays, discussion posts, reflection questions, fellowship, and more! Click here: Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
7/15/202214 minutes, 19 seconds
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68: Feeling Lost? 3 Steps To Getting Back On Track and Seeing REAL Progress In Just 30-Days!

Are you feeling lost, anxious, confused? Are you struggling to get back on track? Sometimes, little or no progress can lead to anxiety and your constant pursuit of course-correcting will leave you overwhelmed or burnt out. You don't need to be anxious! In this episode, I give you 3 simple steps to get back on track, so you can see real progress in just 30 days! Don't stress about this, sis! I've got you covered!  Tune in and be blessed! For full show notes, visit Resource Check out Episode 20 to learn “How To Prioritize When Everything Seems Important” Join me on the inside of the FB Group to study more about Jonah and the effects of his disobedience Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
7/12/202211 minutes, 42 seconds
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67: Are You Saying Yes To God? Recapping Jonah Chapter 1

You might not realize this, but sometimes anxiety, overwhelm and burnout are linked to your decisions. You may be saying yes to everything and everyone, except God, which is making you anxious and/or even depressed. In this episode, I dig into what obedience to God results in and how we see this play out in the life of Jonah.  Take a listen and be blessed! For full show notes, visit Resource The study on the book of Jonah continues! We’re starting chapter 2 on Monday, so head to to get access to the live videos, discussion posts, and more! Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
7/8/20229 minutes, 3 seconds
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66: Happy 4th of July! Is Hidden Idolatry Causing You To Be A Prodigal? Learning From Jonah’s Struggles

Hey, sis! Happy 4th of July! I am so excited to announce that today is DAY 1 of our study on the book of Jonah. It's a 4-week study inside the Facebook group, where I host a private Bible study space for Christian women who struggle with anxiety. In this episode, I am sharing one of the reflection questions I have planned for the group this month. The question is: Is Patriotism or your IDENTITY in the world an undercover idol in your heart? This question may confuse you, but I’ll uncover a few key ways to peel back some of the layers that serve as scales over your eyes and help you learn from Jonah’s struggles. Take a listen and be blessed! For full show notes, visit Resource The study on the book of Jonah begins TODAY! To join us, head to Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
7/5/202211 minutes, 14 seconds
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65: Quarter 2 Recap and Reflection... HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT… PLUS, A Bonus Mid-Year Check-In Workshop!

Hey sis! How was Q2? How effective were you in sticking to your 2022 intentions and goals during the first half of the year? Any praise reports? What are you praying for? Tell me everything! Once a quarter, I share my personal updates, praise reports, and testify to what the Lord did in my life; and today, that’s what I’m doing! I have some big news to share with you and some fun updates, too. I will also get into a bit of what to expect in Q3 and EVEN Q4! PLUSSSSS, A BONUS: y'all are getting a free workshop - a mid-year check-in - to help you stay motivated and focused, especially on the smaller milestones. I hope you enjoy this episode. Let's do it! For full show notes, visit Resource Head to to join us for a study on the book of Jonah starting July 5 Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
7/1/202229 minutes, 3 seconds
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64: How Do You Honor Your Father or Mother Even During or After A Strained Relationship? Relationships Part 5

Hey, sis! What is your relationship like with your parents? Are there any hurt feelings your parents have caused you? Maybe your parents didn't do what you expected from them and probably still aren't doing what you believe they should be doing. Maybe your mom or dad wasn't the kind of parent you wanted. If you had or have a strained relationship with your mom, dad, or both, this is an episode you don’t want to miss. In this episode, I'm going to dig into a question I've wondered about for years and finish up our relationship series with a scripture scavenger hunt that will help you honor God during or after your strained relationships. Grab your Bible and let's dig into what the Lord has to say about this. For full show notes, visit Resource Head to to join us for a study on the book of Jonah starting July 5. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/28/202216 minutes, 29 seconds
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63: Children Are A Heritage From The Lord... A Deeper Look at Psalm 127:3 - Relationships Part 4

Sister, if you are a mom, a question for you: how do you see your children? Do you see them as a blessing or a burden; a reward or a curse, or an asset or a liability? Today, let's dig into Psalm 127:3 and know what children are according to the Scriptures. If you are not a mom yet but hope to be one someday, I pray this episode blesses you too. For full show notes, visit Resource Head to to join us for a study on the book of Jonah starting July 5. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/24/202215 minutes, 29 seconds
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62: I Love My Kids, But They Give Me Anxiety... The Real Reason You’re Anxious and Why You’re Kids Aren’t Actually The Problem - Relationships Part 4

"I love my kids, but they give me anxiety!" Sister, have you ever said or heard those words? Do you feel guilty that the kids you have waited for so long and who you love so much trigger your anxiety? Do you wish you could parent without anxiety? I get it! Motherhood is challenging. But here's the truth: your kids are not the ones giving you anxiety. It is you. You are doing it to yourself! In this episode, I dive into why you are anxious and how your kids are not to blame. You might disagree with me, but that's okay. If you agree, I hope this episode minister to you and shifts your focus. For full show notes, visit Resource Head to to join us for a study on the book of Jonah starting July 5. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/21/202216 minutes, 13 seconds
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61: Why Does My Marriage Give Me Anxiety? Truth Bombs for Christian Wives and Encouragement To Redirect You Back To God - Relationships Series Part 3B

Hey sister! In today’s episode, I am sharing the second half of the conversation I had with my special guest, Lydia Santos. We dive into the real truth bombs for Christian wives of why your marriage gives you anxiety. If you haven't listened to part one, you will be confused. I suggest that you press pause here, and go to Episode 60 for part one of my conversation with Lydia. Let’s dig into part 2. I pray that this episode encourages and brings you back to God. For full show notes, visit About Our Guest Lydia is a certified teacher turned homeschool mama to her two boys. She and her husband have been married for 13 years and have weathered the storms of separation, divorce papers, and reconciliation. Lydia shares how she overcame shame, worked through difficult times in her marriage, reclaimed her identity in Christ, and helps other wives to do the same over at The Jar Podcast each week. Resource Check out Lydia’s show, The Jar Podcast here: Join Lydia's The Christian Wife and Marriage Community on Facebook. Click here: Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: httppps:// Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/17/202220 minutes, 10 seconds
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60: Why Does My Marriage Give Me Anxiety? Truth Bombs for Christian Wives and Encouragement To Redirect You Back To God - Relationships Series Part 3A

Do you sense that things are not right in your marriage and you want to fix it? Do you feel that your husband does not want to engage in conversations and seems like he is evading the difficulties of marriage and/or parenthood? Do you feel like you are the only one giving your best in your marriage? If you do, make sure that you are tuned in. Today, I have a treat for you! Lydia Santos joined me and we discussed why your marriage causes you anxiety. This is part one of our conversation; one in which Lydia shared about the dark moments of her marriage and how she navigated separation, divorce papers, and reconciliation. I pray that this episode blesses you! For full show notes, visit About Our Guest Lydia is a certified teacher turned homeschool mama to her two boys. She and her husband have been married for 13 years and have weathered the storms of separation, divorce papers, and reconciliation. Lydia shares how she overcame shame, worked through difficult times in her marriage, reclaimed her identity in Christ, and helps other wives to do the same over at The Jar Podcast each week. Resource Check out Lydia’s show, The Jar Podcast here: Join Lydia's The Christian Wife and Marriage Community on Facebook. Click here: Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/14/202224 minutes, 16 seconds
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59: Anxious About Relationships? How To Do Relationships God’s Way… A Short Study of John 13

Are you in a friendship or romantic relationship that triggers anxiety, and you are not sure why? It is likely that you are doing things the world's way instead of God’s way. This is a short and straightforward episode. I talk about how to do relationships the God's way, referencing the Person Who is the number one example of how we do relationships: Jesus. Grab your Bible, your highlighter, and a pen, and let's dig in. For full show notes, visit Resource Join the Facebook group for fellowship and Bible study. Click here: Get access to Firm Foundations, a completely free mini-course designed to build on the unshakeable truth about your identity, purpose, and calling in Christ. Check it out at and click courses Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/10/202214 minutes, 20 seconds
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58: 4 Journal Prompts To Help You Have Healthy Relationships That Honor God... Relationship Series Part 2

Have you ever been in a relationship where you were continuously trying to please the other and even compromising your morals? How about those relationships that trigger your anxiety or strain you? Biblically, there are two kinds of relationship: first is vertical, your relationship with God, and the second is horizontal, your relationship with other people. This episode focuses on the horizontal relationship, which is the relationship with others. I have four journal prompts for you that will help you create healthy relationships that honor God. For full show notes, visit Resource Join the Facebook group for fellowship and Bible study: Check Episode 41: Are You A People-Pleaser? A Deeper Look at Galatians 1:10 Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
6/7/202214 minutes, 59 seconds
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57: How Knowing God Promotes Right Relationship With God... A Short Study of God’s Attributes

Have you ever wondered how you can have a better relationship with God, even if you haven't received an answer to your prayer? Even if you struggle with anxiety, or if you have a hard time letting go of control and trusting God's sovereignty? One of the things that prevent us from having a beautiful relationship with God is that we rely too much on our own limited experiences without a true understanding of who God is. In today’s episode, I share with you some of God's attributes and point you back to Scripture to back it all up, so you can be in the right relationship with Him and take the steps to know Him better, seek Him more, and surrender to Him. For full show notes, visit Resource Get access to Firm Foundations, a completely free mini-course designed to build on the unshakeable truth about your identity, purpose, and calling in Christ. Click here: The Daily Grace Co. Bible studies: Blue Letter Bible: Bible Search and Study Tools: Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
6/3/202217 minutes, 33 seconds
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56: 3 Signs Your Relationship with God is Strong...Relationship Series Part 1

Hey sister! Today, and for the next few weeks, I will talk about relationships. Do you know that the first and most important relationship to consider is that with THE LORD? This is not a romantic relationship, but it helps you better understand how to navigate romantic relationships. This is not a friendship, but it helps you become a better friend. Do you have a relationship with the Lord? Could you say that it is strong? In this episode, I'm going to share with you three signs that your relationship with God is strong. Grab your Bible, a highlighter, and maybe a pen to take some notes. Let's dig in! For full show notes, visit Resource Join the Facebook group for fellowship and Bible study. Click here: Chuck Missler Revelation Study Series: Chuck Smith, The Word for Today Podcast: Phylicia Masonheimer Ebooks: The Daily Grace Co. Bible studies: Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/31/202214 minutes, 58 seconds
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55: Is Your Sin Worse Than Others? The Connection Between Comparison and Anxiety… Plus a Deep Dive Into Galatians 6:1-5!

"She is a more patient wife... a better mom... so much more fit than I am." Have you ever compared yourself to someone else and felt anxiety, doubt, or sorrow? How about this question... Have you ever compared yourself to someone else and felt better about yourself? There are times when we look at others and think that their sin is worse than ours. The truth is, all sin separates us from God, which makes all sin equally terrible. In this episode, I explore how comparisons feed anxiety and go in-depth with Galatians 6:1-5. It is a pretty heavy Bible study episode, but one that will bless you. For full show notes, visit Resource Join the Facebook group for fellowship and Bible study. Click here: Get access to Firm Foundations (, a completely free mini-course designed to build on the unshakeable truth about your identity, purpose, and calling in Christ. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/27/202224 minutes, 52 seconds
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54: 3 Pieces of Unbiblical Advice Popular Coaches Offer & 3 Verses To Help Sharpen Your Discernment

Have you ever found encouragement from a popular coach or successful and inspiring person, like Tony Robbins or even Oprah? A word of caution, my friend. Be careful with whom you are seeking encouragement because there are a lot of subtle deceptions out there that you might believe to be the truth. In this episode, I dive into three pieces of unbiblical advice that popular coaches and successful and inspiring people offer, along with some verses to help you sharpen your discernment so that you will not be deceived. So grab your Bible, a pen & a notebook, and let's dig in! For full show notes, visit Resource Join the Facebook group for fellowship and Bible study. Click here: Get access to Firm Foundations here, a completely free mini-course designed to build on the unshakeable truth about your identity, purpose, and calling in Christ. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
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53: How To Feel God’s Presence When You’re Struggling with Fear or Weakness… Encouragement From Joshua 1:9

Hey, sister! Do you trust God? In our world today, there are so many things and situations to fear - wars, famine, crimes, sickness, inflation, etc. A lot of people are anxious and frightened about the future. They worry about whether or not they can handle what is to come or if their decision is the right path to take. In this episode, I am sharing one of my favorite verses ever that never fails to give me encouragement, especially during tough times. If you feel frightened, dismayed, or lack the courage to decide, I hope this episode will bless you. For full show notes, visit Resource Join the Facebook group for fellowship and encouragement. Join here: Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/20/202217 minutes, 31 seconds
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52: Does Confrontation Make You Anxious? 4 Simple Steps to Peace-filled Preparation for Hard Conversations!

Hard conversations or confrontations are part of life. A lot of people have a hard time having these conversations. It may be due to a general fear of confrontation (rooted in other fears, of course) or because they haven't resolved past issues with the person they will speak to. In today's episode, I share a few tips for preparing for hard conversations. If you freeze at the thought of having hard conversations or avoid them because you fear that they could make things worse, this episode is for you. So listen up; grab a pen, and notebook, and take some notes. Let's do it! For full show notes, visit Resource Join the Facebook group for fellowship and maybe even a free workshop on the inside of the Facebook group Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/17/202213 minutes, 14 seconds
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51: Reminders For When You’re In A Season of High Stress & Anxiety! A Short Look at Romans 8:18

The human experience is filled with suffering. Whether you are starting new beginnings, pursuing goals, or trying to focus on your own game while everyone else is sharing all the things they are doing, all of that can be stressful. In today’s episode, I share a special verse that will help you shift your perspective from the temporary sufferings triggered by all the stress and anxiety that comes with life to the glorious life that awaits you. I hope this episode offers the encouragement you need. For full show notes, visit Resource Join the Facebook group for fellowship and encouragement:  Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/13/202216 minutes, 29 seconds
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50: The Right To Life… My Response To The Leaked Supreme Court Opinion on Roe v. Wade and A Biblical Stance on Abortion

Yay! Today, we reach Episode 50, and I'm grateful that you are here, listening, and tuning in. I appreciate you sharing the positive feedback about the show and how it has helped you. I am thankful God is using this podcast to minister to, support, and encourage you. Have you heard of or read about the leaked Roe v. Wade opinion of the United States Supreme Court? That is what this episode is all about. It is a sensitive topic, but I will not pass judgment on it. Instead, I will speak from the heart about my position regarding abortion as well as my response to the League Supreme Court's opinion. I will also share resources that have been helpful in my understanding of abortion, and some of the concerns raised by pro-life physicians. So, if you are ready and open to having a conversation, engaging with ideas, and getting a better understanding of where others stand on this topic, let's dig in! For full show notes, visit Resource Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality by Nancy R. Pearcey The Alisa Childers Podcast - Episode 152: Answering the top 6 objections to pro-life arguments, with Scott Klusendorf Join our private community, a great place to find a true connection & support, and real women who are down to do life together and to be in fellowship with one another. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/10/202216 minutes, 10 seconds
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49: The Difference Between Excellence and Perfectionism…Plus 3 Reasons Perfectionism is Feeding Your Anxiety!

Sister, do you feel the need to have everything perfect all the time? Do you always set high standards whenever you set your mind to something? Do you sacrifice your sleep, personal time, or well-being in order to achieve the highest level of success at work? If you strive for excellence but, unintentionally, dip your toe into the perfectionist pond, you won't want to miss this episode. Today, we will be doing some Bible study, including an in-depth (but not exhaustive) word study, and dig deep into the difference between excellence and perfectionism. So, grab your Bible, a highlighter, a pen, and a notebook, and let's dig in! For full show notes, visit Resource Head to to join the next Bible study. Check out Episode 41: Are You A People-Pleaser? Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/6/202218 minutes, 14 seconds
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48: How To Stop The Vicious Cycle of Anxiety Around Your ”Summer Body”

Summer is right around the corner - longer days, more sunshine, beaches, and BBQs. For some, summer means more opportunities to have fun, while others find summer as a source of anxiety. If the thought of summer makes you anxious because you fear whether or not you will be "summertime fine" or have a "summer body" that will be worthy of being seen in a bathing suit, this episode is for you. Today, I have a quick pep talk with you and give you a couple of tips on how to end the vicious cycle of anxiety around your “summer bod.” This isn’t a “how-to” for “biblical weight-loss.” It’s the opposite. So, sit back, relax and listen up! For full show notes, visit Resource Get fitness, nutrition, life coaching - including setting the right goals - in Your Pursuit of Fitness. Make sure you’re part of the email list - the Renovada newsletter - to get $50 off on Your Pursuit of Fitness! Scroll down to subscribe! Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
5/3/202212 minutes, 17 seconds
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47: Is Your Silent Struggle with Shame Resulting in Anxiety?

Hey, sistaaa girl! A question for you: Is your silent struggle with shame resulting in anxiety? Shame and anxiety are two words I do not often see in the same sentence. So I wonder, does the shame some people carry affect their wellness to the point where it produces anxiety in them? If you have ever dealt with shame and carried the burden of your past, even after being born again and washed clean by Jesus, this episode is for you. Today, let's talk about what it looks like when you are still carrying the weight of your foolishness and how it is connected to the anxiety you are struggling with. Plus, let's look at Psalm 74 and receive the wisdom God so freely gives through a brief study of His Word. Grab your Bible, journal, pen, and let's do it! For full show notes, visit Resource Join the Facebook group for fellowship, encouragement, and Bible study. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/29/202225 minutes, 44 seconds
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46: 3 Things Anxiety Reveals About Your Heart

Do you know that anxiety reveals the conditions of your heart? There are so many ways we can justify anxious thoughts but the bottom line is it always points back to your heart. So, if you are still struggling with anxiety, here are three things that anxiety is telling you about the condition of your heart, and how to move on from them with God's word and intentional design for you in mind. I hope that this episode is an opportunity for you to reflect, check your heart, and point it toward God the giver of all grace. For full show notes, visit Resource Join the Facebook group for fellowship, encouragement, and Bible study. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/26/202216 minutes, 15 seconds
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45: Is Anxiety A Sin? Part 1 of My Assessment and Response to this Loaded Question

Is anxiety a sin? This is an important question since many people experience anxiety. I, for one, have spent a lot of time pondering this question. I even avoid discussing this topic because I too struggled with anxiety. So, in this episode, I give you an introduction to a very loaded question and super sensitive topic. I'm going to talk about whether or not anxiety is a sin. I pray this episode, which only scratches the surface on this topic, helps you to start considering the question from a biblical perspective and leads you into deeper fellowship with the Lord. For full show notes, visit Resource Head to to join the Facebook group and access the studies I referenced. Know Dr. Jeremy Pierre's answer to the questions, "Is anxiety a sin? Is worry a sin?". Know John Piper's thoughts on Anxiety: Sin, Disorder, or Both? Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/22/202224 minutes, 52 seconds
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44: Do Your Loved Ones Make You Anxious? 3 Ways To Love Your Neighbor As Yourself, Even When They Trigger Anxiety

Have you ever felt anxious just thinking about having to spend time with someone you love? Spending time with someone who is always negative, critical, or unkind can, over time, increase your stress and anxiety, and reduce the level of your happiness. The situation is especially hard if the person is a family member or a close friend. I've been there, and the thought alone reminds me of all the complex and layered emotions I have to deal with. It's a lot. So today we're going to unpack that a little bit and look at these situations from a biblical perspective, so we can navigate them in a way that honors the Lord. Grab your Bible, get ready, and let's dig in! For full show notes, visit Resource Join our private Bible study group, a great place to find a true connection & support, and real women who are down to do life together and to be in fellowship with one another Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/19/202225 minutes, 44 seconds
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43: Observing Good Friday...A Quick Look at Mark 15:33-41… PlusMy Personal Reflection & Prayer

Hey, sisters! Good Friday is a day to remember the mercy God showed by not sparing his son. It is because of this that we are spared. So I want to take a couple of minutes to read from the Gospel of Mark, and to share my reflection and prayer so you can focus on the cross and fix your eyes on Jesus. May this short episode refocus and renew your faith in God through the death and resurrection of Jesus. For full show notes, visit Resource Get access to Firm Foundations, a completely free mini-course designed to build on the unshakeable truth about your identity, purpose, and calling in Christ. Hang out with me inside our Facebook group. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/15/20225 minutes, 5 seconds
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42: Here’s the Real Reason You’re Procrastinating…Plus 3 Ways To Stop This Destructive Habit

Are you guilty of procrastinating? Me, too. Perhaps, at some point, you have asked yourself, “why do I procrastinate so much?”. I have procrastinated in the past. While I still do it now, I do less than I did when I was younger because I am more aware of it now. In other words, I am not immune to procrastinating. So girl, as much as this episode is for you, it's for me too! Also, I have a few journal prompts to help you in the process of peeling back layers. I hope this blesses you. Grab a notebook, a pen, and let's dig in! Journal Prompts: Get to the bottom of why you’re feeling so crummy about this particular task. I invite you to dig into these questions and let this be a process of peeling back layers. What tasks do you have a habit of procrastinating on? What are you avoiding? What’s the worst that could happen? Is procrastinating really worth the anxiety you feel down the road? How will you ask God to help you? When will you ask God to help you? For full show notes, visit Resource Plan ahead and be prepared to do what you need to do. I share effective systems and strategies for being more productive in episode 16 Time Block - I dive into this in episode 18 Get yourself an accountability partner - this could be a friend or even a coach. I dive into whether or not you need a life coach in episode 36 Get access to Firm Foundations, a completely free mini-course designed to build on the unshakeable truth about your identity, purpose, and calling in Christ. Find an accountability partner inside my Facebook group. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/12/202213 minutes, 52 seconds
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41: Are You A People-Pleaser? A Deeper Look at Galatians 1:10...PLUS 3 Journal Prompts To Get To The Root of Your People-Pleasing Tendencies & Put An End To That Destructive Habit

Hey, sister girl! Are you guilty of people-pleasing? If you feel guilty about saying no... if you're worried about what others think... or if you feel bad for standing up for yourself, chances are, you are a people-pleaser. So, here's a BIG word for you: Sometimes you need to say no to people, so you can say yes to God! Today, we're digging into the topic of people-pleasing and spending time in Paul's letter to the Galatians, with a special focus on Galatians 1:10 to answer the question, "from whom do we seek approval?" I also get really vulnerable and share some personal experiences. So, grab your Bible and a pen, and let's do it! For full show notes, visit Resource Get access to Firm Foundations, a completely free mini-course designed to build on the unshakeable truth about your identity, purpose, and calling in Christ. Hang out with me inside our Facebook group. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/8/202218 minutes, 15 seconds
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40: 3 Ways Social Media Is Making You Anxious

Why do you use social media? For entertainment? To keep up to date with current events? To stay in touch with friends and family living far away? Depending on your use, how does social media affect you? Today we’re digging into whether or not social media is making you anxious. I am personally taking a 90-day break from social media. So if you are down to join me, I invite you to, but if not, at the very least, I hope that you tune in and consider the points that I am sharing today. So, grab a pen, a journal, and let's dig in! For full show notes, visit Resource Get access to Firm Foundations, a completely free mini-course designed to help you stay healthy and on the right path in your spiritual walk with the Lord. Join the Facebook group for fellowship and encouragement. Make sure you’re part of the email list - the Renovada newsletter - and be the first to receive coupons for my newest offers. Visit Her Renewed Strength! Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/5/202227 minutes, 45 seconds
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39: 4 S’s to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

"Me!? I feel inadequate. I'm not qualified to do it!" "I'm not good enough. I'm a fraud!" "Oh, no! Not me. I can't do it. I'm not prepared." You have likely thought unqualified, unprepared, like you don't have the confidence, or lacked the confidence to either pursue something you desired or to pursue something that God was leading you to do. Today, let's talk about Imposter Syndrome and how to overcome self-doubt so you can accomplish the great things you were meant to do. If you’ve ever felt unqualified, not ready, or just lacked confidence, this episode is for you! For full show notes, visit Resource Build on the unshakeable truth of your identity, purpose, and calling in Christ in this free course, Firm Foundations. Join the Facebook group for fellowship and encouragement.  Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
4/1/202214 minutes, 20 seconds
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38: My Personal Q1 Recap & Reflection… Plus A BONUS WORKSHOP! How To Use The ARC Method to Re-adjust So You Can Live With LESS Overwhelm and More Peace!

The time flies so fast and seems to be speeding up. Q1 of 2022 is almost over! Sister, how was your Q1? What did you do? What works and what's not? Today's episode is a recap and reflection of my personal experiences this past quarter (so far). PLUSSSSS, A BONUS: y'all are getting a free workshop to help you readjust, so you can make Q2 great. Grab your Bible, journal, pen, and let's do it! For full show notes, visit Resource Get access to Firm Foundations, a completely free mini-course designed to help you stay healthy and on the right path in your spiritual walk with the Lord. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength   Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
3/29/202224 minutes, 29 seconds
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37: What Does It Mean To ”Take Every Thought Captive...”? A Deeper Look at 2 Corinthians 10:5

Have you ever heard someone say, “You need to take every thought captive,” in response to negative thoughts like worries, doubts, or fears? As a stand-alone statement, it sounds appropriate, but what does it really mean? Today, we’re diving into 2 Corinthians 10:5 and getting super clear on its meaning and application. Grab your Bible and let’s go! For full show notes, visit Resource Get access to Firm Foundations, a completely free mini-course designed to help you build on the unshakeable truth of your identity, purpose and calling in Christ. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
3/25/202217 minutes, 49 seconds
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36: Do You Need A Life Coach? The Truth About What You Really Need

Life can be difficult. With so many obligations, it is easy to become overwhelmed and anxious. When you have so much to handle, anxiety and stress are your recurring themes. There are times when you lose yourself in the daily grind. There are also times when doubts and confusion set in, and you are sidetracked from your goals. If any of the above sounds like you, I've got a question for you: Do you need a life coach!? Today's episode is a very straightforward conversation. As someone who runs a life coaching business, this is not the type of conversation I should be having. But, more than a life coach, I'm a daughter of the King and your sister in Christ; and my mission is to point you back to what matters most. I pray this episode blesses you! For full show notes, visit Resource Listen to Episode 34: The 5 People You Need In Your Corner To Overcome Anxiety and Boldly Serve God Check out Episode 28 for the best tools to maximize your quiet time with the Lord. Join our private Bible study group, a great place to find true connection & support, and real women who are down to do life together. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
3/22/202214 minutes, 13 seconds
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35: Do Not Be Anxious! An In-Depth Study of Philippians 4:6

Hey, sister! A verse, a command, and a reminder for you: Do not be anxious! (Philippians 4:6) If you’ve been feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or uneasy for reasons you’re aware of or maybe not yet aware of, this is for you. In today’s episode, I’m taking you through an in-depth study of this verse and sharing my notes from day 2 of “It Is Well, A Study on Anxiety” by The Daily Grace Co. So, if you need a little more Bible study, today is a good day to tune in! For full show notes, visit Resource Join the Facebook group! to access my notes for this study! Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength   Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
3/18/202226 minutes, 25 seconds
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34: The 5 People You Need In Your Corner To Overcome Anxiety and Boldly Serve God

Have you ever heard of the line, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”? This statement means that the people you surround yourself with are the biggest influence on you. They affect your way of thinking, your self-esteem, and your decisions. In today's episode, I will not talk about the five people who have the most influence on you. Instead, I will talk about the five people you benefit from having in your life and whose influence you want, especially if you struggle with anxiety and want to serve God boldly. For full show notes, visit Resource Join our private Bible study group, a great place to find a true connection & support, and real women who are down to do life together. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength   Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
3/15/202221 minutes, 37 seconds
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33: Does Anxiety Stop You From Serving Others? A Short Study of Galatians 5

Does anxiety prevent you from serving others? Do your worries or fears paralyze you or plague you just enough to convince you that you aren’t supposed to or aren’t qualified to bless others with your gifts or talents? Sometimes, we are the ones impeding our growth and choosing to appeal to our flesh instead of walking in obedience to the Lord. When I hear the phrase “don’t block your blessings,” that’s what comes to mind! If you’re ready to dig into the fruit of the Spirit and read straight from the book of Galatians, this episode is for you For full show notes, visit Resource Join the Facebook group for fellowship and encouragement. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength   Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
3/11/202223 minutes, 25 seconds
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32: Do You Know Your Purpose? How Knowing Your Purpose Helps Boost Productivity and Silences Anxiety

Hey, sistaaa girl! Let's talk about purpose and productivity. Are you familiar with the life of Joseph in the Old Testament? In this episode, we will examine his life and understand the connection between purpose and productivity so that you can better grasp the concept of how one and the other helped to silence anxiety. This may not be the productivity talk or the tips you expected to hear, but I pray it is a blessing to you. So, grab your Bible, journal, and pen, and let's dig in! For full show notes, visit Resource Build on the unshakeable truth of your identity, purpose, and calling in Christ in this free course, Firm Foundations
3/8/202225 minutes, 9 seconds
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31: Are You The Only Christian in the Room? Comfort for ”The Religious Girl” Who Isn’t Actually Religious…A Deeper Look at John 15:18

Do you feel left out or like an outcast at family gatherings or whenever you’re around others who don’t share your faith? If you’ve been a Christian for some time, you might have found yourself in a room where you are one of few or maybe the only Christian there. You know how that goes; people are polite but don’t engage in conversations that could lead to you potentially judging them or, worse, trying to convert them. If you've ever felt lonely or outcasted for being bold about your faith and putting your trust in Jesus, this episode is for you! For full show notes, visit Resource Build on the unshakeable truth of your identity, purpose, and calling in Christ in this free course, Firm Foundations. Join our private Bible study group, a great place to find a true connection & support, and real women who are down to do life together and to be in fellowship with one another. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength   Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
3/4/202222 minutes
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30: God Used My 3-Year-Old To Minister To Me In A Moment of Anxiety… Let’s Worship God BOLDLY Together and Sing “Promises” By Maverick City Music!

Hey, sister girl! Today's episode is unplanned. This came from an anxious moment, but God is using it for His greater glory, and I want to share this with you. If you are in a state of total brokenness, despair, anguish, hopelessness, I pray that this episode gives you both wisdom and encouragement. In my previous episode, I mentioned that the secret weapon to overcoming anxiety is worship, so today, join me in worshipping God boldly. For full show notes, visit Resource Head to to receive the Renovada newsletter. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
3/1/202211 minutes, 11 seconds
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29: Have You Ever Acted Out of Character Because of Stress? You’re Not Alone! A Short Study of Psalm 34:4…

What is making you anxious? Is it sickness, or death, or your family's safety, or the mounting bills, or the uncertainty of the future? Does that stress cause you to act out of character? Being a Christian does not exempt us from anxiety-causing circumstances. Even David, a man after God’s own heart, who was told repeatedly not to fear, was not anxiety-free. Today, l dig into Psalm 34:1-4. We’ll see how David acted out of character because he was in survival mode, and how he was delivered from his fears. I pray you would take some time to dig into this verse in your quiet time and memorize it…because it is encouraging! For full show notes, visit Resource Join the Facebook group for fellowship, encouragement, and Bible study. Connect with Me Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength   Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
2/25/20229 minutes, 15 seconds
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28: Do You Need Help Making The Most of Your Quiet Time? The Top 5 Tools To Maximize Your Bible Study!

Do you want to get closer to God through the Bible? Do you want to dig deeper but you just don’t know the right tools? Do you want to increase your knowledge of the Bible and use God's teachings more effectively? If yes, then you shouldn’t miss this episode! I give you the BEST tools to maximize your quiet time and grow in your walk with the Lord through Bible study. Whether it’s 10-minutes, 30-minutes, an hour…whatever! I want you to enjoy your time in the Word and do what you can to have a transformational time. For full show notes, visit Resource: Join the Facebook group for fellowship, encouragement, and Bible study.   Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength   Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
2/22/202214 minutes, 12 seconds
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27: The Secret Weapon to Overcoming Anxiety... Psalm 94:19 As A Scripture Memory Verse

When I am anxious, my mind is racing. It is so exhausting. It stresses me out! Do you feel the same way? If so, then this episode is for you. Here, I reveal my secret weapon for overcoming anxiety. SPOILER ALERT: this episode is a SCRIPTURE MEMORY VERSE episode; an encouragement and an opportunity for us to WORSHIP Him, so we can have cheerful hearts and just be in HIS presence. The Lord gave me a melody! If you need to sharpen your scripture memory ax, so you have a strong weapon to battle the ploys of the enemy, this episode is for you! join me in memorizing Psalm 94:19 and doing it in song format. I pray this blesses you! Resource: Join the Facebook group for fellowship, encouragement, and Bible study. Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength   Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
2/18/202213 minutes, 6 seconds
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26: What Does God Say About Emotions? Recap of the Study, ”Emotions and the Heart”, by The Daily Grace Co.

Have you checked your heart lately? What's inside of it? Is it full of anger, rebellion, hurt, pride, envy, guilt, peace, love, or joy? Well, we just finished a 4-week study titled, “Emotions and the Heart.” Here's a recap of the study and top takeaways for anyone considering diving in! If you started and didn't finish, this is a good episode to tune into if you want to get an overview before diving back in. So, grab a pen, a notebook, and then sit back, relax and enjoy. Let's do it!   For full show notes, visit   Resource: Join the Facebook group for fellowship, encouragement, and Bible study. Get a copy of the “Emotions and the Heart” study by The Daily Grace Co.   Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength   Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
2/15/202218 minutes, 14 seconds
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25: Valentine’s Day Encouragement for the Single Woman and for the Woman in a Broken Relationship

Hey sister! What do you feel when Valentine's Day is coming? Excited or lonely? Joy or sorrow? If you are feeling down, lonely or discontent about Valentine's Day coming up without a special someone to celebrate it with, or you’re discouraged because of being in a broken or struggling relationship, this one is for you! This hallmark holiday has a lot of women, single and in relationships, feeling lonelier than ever; and because we're sisters, I don’t want to let Valentine’s Day bring you more sadness or take away from all God is doing in your lives. So here's a treat: I invited my friend and sister in Christ, Melia Diana, to encourage and minister to you today! About Our Guest Melia Diana is an international & best-selling author and an award-winning contributing writer & motivational speaker. She is a Certified Christian Counselor, Certified Biblical Therapist, Certified Faith-Based Clinical Counselor, Certified ACSM Personal Trainer, Certified Personal Training Specialist, and Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant. She is a relationship & dating coach specializing in inner healing & deliverance from trauma and Founder of Vertical Relationship Ministries. She is also the host of the podcast The Vertical Relationship Show.  For full show notes, visit  Resource: Get in touch with Melia Diana Join our private Bible study group, a great place to find a true connection & support, and real women who are down to do life with you. Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength   Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.  
2/11/202224 minutes, 18 seconds
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24: How Do I Get Consistent In Bible Study? 3 Practical Ways To Build The Habit of Studying The Word!

“How do I get consistent in Bible study?” This is the number one question coming through in my Bible Study group on Facebook. If you struggle to stay consistent in your Bible study, you're not alone! I've been there and I know, firsthand, that the struggle is REAL. That's why I'm committed to helping you find ways to build the habit of studying the Word. In today's episode, I dive into the top three ways to be consistent in Bible study. If you don't know where to start or how to stay on course, you will want to hear this one. I pray this episode encourages you to continue going in the direction the Lord is leading you. For full show notes, visit Resource: Stay consistent in your Bible study through the Bible study group The Word for Today Podcast with the late Pastor Chuck Smith YouVersion Bible app - Inductive Study method resources Article: Paid resources:   Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
2/8/202220 minutes, 18 seconds
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23: Where Is God In My Anxiety, Burnout, and Overwhelm? A Deeper Look at 1 Peter 5:10

Have you ever thought to yourself, “where is God in my anxiety?” Well, the truth is, He’s right there, with you! He knows you’re going through the thing you’re going through. Maybe you’re the one who hasn’t been checking with Him. You’ve been going through the thing and the thing is just consuming you. I get it, no judgment!   Today, I have some encouragement and a powerful reminder. I pray this blesses you!  For full show notes, visit Resource: Head to to join the Bible study group! “Whole Heart” by Hillsong United - Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
2/4/202216 minutes, 25 seconds
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22: What Do You Crave When You’re Anxious? Journal Prompts to Uncover How You Respond To Anxiety

Hey sistaaa girl, a question for you: what do you crave when you're feeling anxious? Do you crave attention when you feel anxious? Or is it food, hugs, or cuddles that you crave? Do you crave alcohol or drugs, or both when you are anxious? Or is it an emotional or physical connection with someone else? Today's episode is a bit heavy, but one you need to hear, so you can identify your habits and tendencies in response to anxiety. If you feel stuck in cycles of anxiety and in the habits that feed it after it has passed, this episode is for you. I pray that this will help you uncover how you respond to anxiety, so you can get rid of anxiety's strongholds. So, grab a pen and your notebook (a note on your phone will do!), and let's dig in.     For full show notes, visit Resource: Join the Facebook group for fellowship, encouragement, and Bible study.  Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro   Facebook: @emdiazcastro  Website: Her Renewed Strength   Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
2/1/202215 minutes, 24 seconds
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21: Is 2022 Already Making You Anxious? Cast Your Cares On the Lord… A Short Study of Psalm 55:22

Sister, are you going through tough times right now? Do your worries feel like a heavy yoke that weighs heavily on your heart and mind? Many people are grieving, going through losses, or suffering from anxiety, depression, chronic stress, and physical ailments. Even I struggle with anxiety at this time. You are not alone, Sis! Thankfully, God invites us to cast all our cares and worries upon Him. So, today, let's go straight into the arms of our Father and pour out to Him all our anguish, anxiety, depression, and all the ways in which we are stressed. For full show notes, visit Resources: Join our private Bible study group, a great place to find true connection & support with real women who are down to go to spiritual war with you. Worthy by Elevation Worship Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
1/28/202214 minutes
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20: What’s Making Me Anxious?! How To Prioritize When Everything Seems Like A Priority - Free Workshop!

Is your to-do list so long that it overwhelms you? Are you struggling to do all the important things in your day because everything seems important? Being productive does not mean being busy. So today, I talk through how to figure out what you should be doing, when to do it, and when to ask for help. I pray that this episode gives you clarity about what your real priorities are, so you can navigate your day with ease and less stress. Grab a pen and paper; your favorite snacks and drinks too! And let's get going.  For full show notes, visit Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
1/25/202217 minutes, 19 seconds
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19: Why Does God Let Me Suffer? 3 Reasons God Allows Suffering

Do you ever wonder what the purpose of suffering is? Do your experiences with anxiety, depression, grief, or pain make you wonder where God is in all of it?   In this episode, I share three reasons God allows suffering, and I offer encouragement to you while you navigate the road to eternity. Whether you’re struggling with doubt, depression, or fear, this episode is meant to reorient your perspective back to the eternal and remind you of WHOSE you are.   For full show notes, visit   Resource: C.S. Lewis, “Mere Christianity” Get inside the Facebook Community and join our Bible study group.   Connect with me! Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro Facebook: @emdiazcastro Website: Her Renewed Strength Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
1/21/202214 minutes, 29 seconds
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18: Time Blocking…5 Simple Steps to Getting More Done With Less Overwhelm

Are you easily overwhelmed by what seems like a long to-do list or a big project? Do little distractions often mess with your mood or throw off your day? Do you have open-ended assignments that you find hard to focus on?   Worry no more, sister! Today, I share 5 simple and effective ways to get more done with less stress and overwhelm. I pray that this helps you get started with things you need to accomplish; that you'd be diligent; and that your plans are profitable. 
1/18/202211 minutes, 21 seconds
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17: 3 Steps To Being Closer To God… Diving into Matthew 6:25-33

"I feel so far from God!" A friend recently told me this. Feeling distant from God can be frustrating and discouraging. At other times, it feels like you have lost your joy. Sister, if you are feeling distant from God, hang on. In today's episode, I share three steps to feel and BE closer to God. Let it be an encouragement and blessing to you. 
1/14/202213 minutes, 47 seconds
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16: Stress-free Productivity Systems for Your Planner

Who’s ready to get more productive with less stress and overwhelm? Today, we are going to dig into stress-free productivity systems using your planner and for your planner. 
1/11/202219 minutes, 4 seconds
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15: Be Filled With God’s Peace

Feeling anxious? Overwhelmed? Worried? Take all that anxiety and worry to the Lord! We’re digging into Psalm 118:6 and leaning into God’s Word for comfort and peace! If you need the peace of Jesus in your life… If you feel like your circumstances are heavy or just too big for you to even think about… If you have been struggling to refocus your mind, this episode is for you. Grab your Bible, pen, a warm cup of coffee or tea, and let's dig in.
1/7/20229 minutes, 25 seconds
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14: What’s Your 2022 Word For The Year? Free Workshop For Christian Women!

Hey sister! Do New Year's resolutions get you anxious or lead to you feeling overwhelmed? This episode will help you understand if a word for the year is right for you! Plus a bonus workshop that leads you through three simple steps to choose a word for the year and get super intentional about how you move forward - without the anxiety or overwhelm.   Don't let anxiety or overwhelm disrupt your year. Listen in to be encouraged & grow!
1/4/202223 minutes, 25 seconds
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13: 2021 Recap, 2022 Vision and Scripture Memory…Isaiah 40:31

With 2021 coming to a close, I looked back and reflected on all that has happened. Thank you so much for following along, showing up, and sharing your friendships with me. In today’s bonus episode, I share the trials and triumphs I went through in 2021; my vision for the podcast and brand in 2022; and a tips to help you end the year strong.
12/28/202127 minutes, 47 seconds
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12: Should I Set A New Year’s Resolution?

Let's talk about the most cliche topic in December: New Year's Resolutions. Are you making a New Year's Resolution?  It's the last episode of 2021! I share what I believe to be the most beneficial and worthwhile resolution (and why!), so you can be filled with joy and peace in 2022. 
12/14/202119 minutes, 54 seconds
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11: Worshipping God In The Midst of Anxiety...+The BEST Way To Memorize Scripture with Memory Verse 2 Corinthians 12:9!

"My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" If you have been feeling abandoned, anxious, overwhelmed, and defeated lately, this episode is for you.   Today's episode is a bit different. I'm teaching you how to invite Jesus into your heart and circumstances so you will keep on pressing in even during life's storms or challenges.
12/10/20218 minutes, 30 seconds
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10: Letting Go of Anxiety and Pressure About Your Body During The Holidays

Are you anxious about your weight around the holidays? In this episode, I’m digging into what God says about our bodies. I share my experience coaching women in the weight loss space; why I left that space; and what you can do to shift your perspective from the temporal to the eternal when it comes to your body and self-perception.
12/7/202116 minutes, 15 seconds
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09: Hope For The Perfectionist

Perfectionism is an issue, sis, and it can cause stress and anxiety. Do you strive for perfection? If you are a perfectionist or suffer from any level of perfectionism, tune into today's episode with an open heart and shift from a worldly mindset to a Biblical mindset. It’s time to let go of the lies and step into truth!
12/3/20218 minutes, 8 seconds
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08: Do You Need A Planner? 2022 Planner Review

2022 is coming! How do you prepare for it? If you are like me, you prepare by planning. It would make sense that buying a planner is important to you! The REAL question is: do you need one? How do you know if a planner is the right tool for you? In today's episode, I'm reviewing five planners; and sharing who I think these are for and who they are not for. If you haven’t found your ideal planner for 2022, this is an episode you don’t want to miss!
11/30/202122 minutes, 48 seconds
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07: Give Thanks in ALL Circumstances, A Deeper Look at 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Is it possible to give thanks when life is filled with discouragement, disappointment, illness, disasters, and even death? Where can you find the strength to give thanks in all circumstances? In today's episode, I dive deeper into 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, breaking scripture down word by word. I also share how I was able to give thanks in the middle of cancer, chemo, newborns, and no work.
11/26/202114 minutes, 29 seconds
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06: How To Stay Present During The Holidays When You Have An Anxious Mind...Happy Thanksgiving!

There are so many demands during the holidays — shopping, baking, cleaning, decorating the house, and entertaining, just to name a few. If you feel overwhelmed, out of control, and struggling to be present during the holidays, I hear you, sister! In today's episode, I talk about how to stay present amid a dizzying array of holiday demands so you can enjoy family time and spend quality time with God.
11/23/202111 minutes, 54 seconds
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05: Encouragement for the Overachiever

Did you know that the habit of overachieving can be rooted in a deeper, subconscious belief that by doing more, you will earn you more points, more appreciation, and, ultimately, more love? I know what it is like to, habitually, go above and beyond in everything you do, even when it puts strain on you; and at the expense of other “priorities” in your life. 
11/19/202111 minutes, 35 seconds
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04: 3 Proverbs for Stress-Free Productivity

Are you always stressed out? Are you losing your overall wellness and well-being because of trying to be productive? In today's episode, I share three (3) proverbs as guiding principles for stress-free productivity. By using these principles, you will not only worry anymore, but you will also reap all the blessings God has intended for you.
11/16/202115 minutes, 6 seconds
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03: How To Be Equipped for Spiritual Warfare

Have you ever committed to God's plan or acted with faith and then "suddenly" things began to fall apart or chaos broke out? In this episode, I want to encourage you with a couple of passages that show you how to be equipped for those times when things go wrong.
11/12/20219 minutes, 30 seconds
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02: How to Renew Your Strength...a Deeper Look at Isaiah 40:31

In this episode, I dig into the verse God showed me during my chemo treatment. This verse helped me through tough times and ultimately became a strong foundation for the rebrand of this business and birth of this podcast. So if you're struggling in life now or simply looking for ways to renew your strength, this episode is for you.
11/9/20217 minutes, 56 seconds
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01: Welcome to the Show! A Quick Dive into the Who, What & Why Behind the Podcast

In this episode, I share my testimony: how I went from a very turbulent childhood to getting into bodybuilding, fitness coaching, being diagnosed with cancer, and starting an online business. I walked through periods of depression between those times, and God's grace saved me.
11/9/202118 minutes
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Short Trailer! For Whom and What You’ll Get Every Week

Hey! This is Erika Diaz-Castro, your Jesus-loving, Puerto Rican life coach & this is Her Renewed Strength - THE PODCAST, a show where you'll be encouraged to walk by faith & live well, and set your mind on eternity. If you are a Christian woman struggling with anxiety, burn out or overwhelm, this show will help you shift from an anxious mind to a biblical mindset to improve your productivity & personal management! Subscribe now so you won't miss an episode!
11/4/20212 minutes, 8 seconds