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Hope Sabbath School

English, Religion, 1 season, 228 episodes, 5 days, 1 hour, 53 minutes
An in-depth, interactive study of the Word of God. Each week, a group of young adults participate in a lively discussion of the Bible lesson. There are Hope Sabbath School members in more than 130 countries around the world.
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The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus

This lesson looks at the trial before Pilate, and the abuse that Jesus endured prior to the cross, and on the cross. What events took place after the death of Jesus? Why did it take courage for Joseph of Arimathea to ask Pilate for the body of Jesus? How do we prepare to have such courage?
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The Arrest and Trial of Jesus

In this lesson we will discuss the Last Supper, the events of Gethsemane, the "trial" before the Sanhedrin, and Peter's denial of Christ. What can we learn from Jesus' conduct during these interactions? How can we avoid dangerous self-confidence?
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The Last Days of Jesus Before His Crucifixion

"What lessons can be learned about personal sacrifice from the widow's offering? This lesson will also explore the dual prophetic message of Jesus in Mark 13. What counsel did Jesus provide that will help us to prepare for His return?"
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Jerusalem Controversies

This lesson will discuss the Triumphal Entry, and the rising hatred of the religious leaders against Jesus. How did the leaders react to the cleansing of the temple, and to their failed attempts to trap Jesus with baited questions?
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Teaching Disciples: Part II

Mark records Jesus' teachings on marriage, children, and wealth. What principles are still applicable to our families? What can we learn from the Rich Young Ruler? What lessons are there for us in the disciples' reactions to Jesus' telling of his suffering and death?
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Teaching Disciples: Part I

In this lesson Jesus begins to help his disciples understand his mission and suffering as the Messiah. What is the cost of discipleship? How does Jesus define "greatness"? Why did the disciples struggle to understand?
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Inside Out

Jesus sought to help the religious leaders see how they put tradition over God's commands, and correct their backwards understanding of defilement. How did meeting the physical needs of the people have an impact on meeting their spiritual needs?
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Miracles Around the Lake

Mark continues his action packed account of Jesus' ministry in chapters 5-6. What lessons can we learn from his work? From his rejection in Nazareth? From sending the 12 on their first mission? What can we learn from the feeding of the 5,000?
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Why did Jesus teach using parables? What truth was Jesus sharing through the parables recorded in Mark 4? This lesson endeavors to draw out the principles from the parables of The Sower, The Lamp, The Measuring Basket, and The Seeds.
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The ministry of Jesus was controversial for the religious leaders of the time. How was healing controversial? Fasting? How did Jesus view Sabbath observance differently? Why would the religious leaders try to restrict the ministry of Jesus?
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A Day in the Ministry of Jesus

Mark jumps right into the active ministry of Jesus. We will explore the lessons Mark has packed into this first chapter.
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The Beginning of the Gospel

We begin this quarter's lessons by looking at who John Mark was and the circumstances of his relationship with other disciples. The book of Acts gives us some context.
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Lesson 13: The Triumph of God’s Love

How do we prepare ourselves for the time of trouble? What will take place during the 1000 years after Jesus' return? How is the unfailing love of God for everyone revealed at the conclusion of the great controversy?
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Lesson 12: Earth’s Closing Events

This lesson will revisit truth vs error as it relates to the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast. We will also study the empowerment of the Holy Spirit through the Latter Rain.
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Lesson 11: The Impending Conflict

What is the key issue in the final conflict? How will this conflict lead to Christ's followers being persecuted in the last days? This study will answer these questions and identify the Beast from the Sea and from the Earth in Revelation 13.
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Lesson 10: Spiritualism Exposed

How has the false teaching on the immortality of the soul infiltrated the church, and why is the idea so dangerous? What does the Bible teach about life and death? We will study the rise of spiritualism in the last days, and how to protect ourselves from this deception.
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Lesson 9: The Foundation of God’s Government

What is the foundation of God's government? This lesson will discuss God's justice and mercy and the role of the 10 Commandments. Why is keeping the commandments of God an identifying characteristic of the “saints”?
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Lesson 8: Light From the Sanctuary

This lesson will look at the message of hope found in the sanctuary service. What does it reveal about the ministry of Jesus as our Great High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary? Can we share hope through the Day of Atonement and judgment?
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Lesson 7: Motivated by Hope

Why is the Second Coming of Jesus so important for every Christian? What did Jesus say about his return? What lessons can be learned from William Miller and the Great Disappointment?
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Lesson 6: The Two Witnesses

This lesson will identify the characteristics of the Two Witnesses of Revelation, and related prophetic time periods. How are the Two Witnesses "killed" and "resurrected"? What special mission is given to the Two Witnesses today?
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Lesson 5: Faith Against All Odds

What bold declaration did the prophet Isaiah give regarding the Word of God? Why was the apostle Paul so passionate about sharing the Word with others? What is the relationship of the Holy Spirit to scripture? This lesson will answer these questions and look at the central truth of God's Word.
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Lesson 4: Standing for the Truth

This lesson will look at the persecution and apostasy prophesied in the Little Horn power of Daniel. Using the apostles as and example, how can we stand firm for the truth as followers of Jesus?
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Lesson 3: Light Shines in the Darkness

How does the Word of God set us free from Satan’s deceptions? In this lesson we will dig into how to discern God's truth from Satan's lies. This study will discuss practical steps in separating the "sheep" from the "wolves". When facing the darkness of persecution and false doctrines, what light will guide us?
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Lesson 2: The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness?

This lesson will explore the love of God revealed in scripture through Jesus. What can we learn about God's love from the hardships of the apostles? This lesson will also look at practical ways we can reflect God's love to those around us.
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Lesson 1: The War Behind All Wars

A cosmic conflict has taken place between God and Satan. How did war break out in heaven, a perfect place? What was Lucifer's strategy? When did Earth become a focal point in the conflict? This lesson will look into these questions and help you find hope on the battlefield.
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Lesson 13: Waiting on the Lord

Waiting is hard. Waiting on the wonderful promises of heaven that are described in the Bible make it harder! What do the Psalms say about what we should be doing while we wait? Can there be peace in the anticipation?
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Lesson 12: Worship that Never Ends

What do the Psalms say about how we worship God here on Earth? What do they say about what worship will be like in heaven?
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Lesson 11: Longing for God in Zion

The psalmists wrote many beautiful prose of longing for God, as well as of their intimate worship experiences. How can these examples help us as we wait for heavenly Zion?
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Lesson 10: Lessons from the Past

The Psalms often refer to historical examples of how God has saved His people in the past. What lessons can we learn from salvation history?
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Lesson 9: Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord

This lesson will look at some of the key biblical themes found in the imagery of The Good Shepherd, The Suffering Messiah, The Eternal King, and Eternal Priest.
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Lesson 8: Wisdom for Righteous Living

The Psalms are a source of wise counsel. In this lesson we will look at some examples of this wisdom and the blessings found in applying this wisdom to our lives.
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Lesson 7: Your Mercy Reaches to the Heavens

God's mercy is boundless! We will look at what the Psalms have to say about resting and rejoicing in His mercy.
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Lesson 6: I Will Arise

Does God hear the cry of the oppressed? What should we do when it seems that He is slow to act on our behalf? In this lesson we will look at God's promises to arise.
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Lesson 5: Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land

When were the Psalms written? Does this context give us inssights? Why was Israel in a foreign land? How can we sing the Lord's Song?
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Lesson 4: The Lord Hears and Delivers

This lesson continues our look at God's character. The Psalms tell us that God is near to us, cares, is our refuge, deliverer, and help in times of need.
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Lesson 3: The Lord Reigns

The Bible reveals the character of our awesome God! In this lesson we will look at the psalmists' description of God as Creator, Sovereign, Judge, and worthy of our trust.
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Lesson 2: Teach Us to Pray

This lesson will look at the examples of prayer in the Psalms, and how we can use them as a model for our own prayers.
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Lesson 1: How to Read The Psalms

Is there a method to reading the Psalms that will help us get the most out of this beautifully written scripture? In this lesson we will look at who the psalmist were, how Israel used the songs in worship, and the unique features of the Psalms.
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Lesson 13: The End of God’s Mission

In this last lesson, we will look at God’s mission in the end times. How will God's mission finally be accomplished?
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Lesson 12: Mission Lessons from Esther and Mordecai

What lessons can we learn from Esther and Mordecai? How does their example inform us on how we should conduct ourselves as witnesses?
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Lesson 11: Mission to the Unreached: Part 2

Are there people who remain unreached because of the prejudice of believers? In part two of this lesson, we see how Jesus opens the eyes of His followers to see groups that are neglected.
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Lesson 10: Mission to the Unreached: Part 1

There are still groups of people who have yet to hear the Gospel. In part one of this two-part lesson, we will explore how to reach out to those in need of the Good News.
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Lesson 9: Mission to the Powerful

How do we reach those that seem to have no needs for Christ? There are several examples in the Bible to consider.
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Lesson 8: Mission to the Needy

In this lesson we will focus on how Jesus met the varying needs of people.
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Lesson 7: Mission to My Neighbor

How do we connect with the people in our sphere of influence? How did Jesus handle resistance?
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Lesson 6: Motivation and Preparation for Mission

Do you ever hesitate to share the Gospel? In this lesson we will look to scripture to help motivate us and prepare us for the Mission.
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Lesson 5: Excuses to Avoid Mission

In this lesson we will look at some of the common excuses we use to avoid our part in the Mission, and how God will help us move past them.
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Lesson 4: Sharing God’s Mission

Are there other ways to participate in the Mission outside of giving a testimony? Were all of Jesus' efforts a success?
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Lesson 3: God’s Call to Mission

God has called us to help others learn the Good News as part of the mission. But what does that mean in practical terms for our daily lives?
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Lesson 2: God’s Mission to Us: Part 2

In this second part of a two-part lesson, we explore the details God has shared with us about how He has accomplished His mission, and continues to work His plan of salvation.
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Lesson 10: A New Name: From Jacob to Israel

5/29/202258 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 9: Jacob the Supplanter

5/22/202258 minutes, 16 seconds
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Lesson 6: The Roots of Abraham

5/1/202258 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 5: All Nations and Babel

4/24/202258 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 4: The Flood

4/17/202258 minutes, 11 seconds
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Lesson 3: Cain and His Legacy

4/10/202258 minutes, 22 seconds
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Lesson 1: The Creation

3/27/202258 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 13: Let Brotherly Love Continue

3/20/202259 minutes, 15 seconds
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Lesson 12: The Call to Stand

We are in the middle of a battle between good and evil. Paul reminds us to seek strength and protection in the Lord.
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Lesson 13: Waging Peace

Imagine if every believer put on the full armor of God! What would that look like individually and as a church?
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Lesson 14: Ephesians in the Heart

How do we move past knowing about grace to experiencing it personally? How can a new life in Christ unite us as a church?
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Lesson 1: God’s Mission to Us: Part 1

When sin ruined God's original plan for humanity, He set out on a mission to save us. In the first of a two-part lesson, we look at how God planned to accomplish His mission of redemption.
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Lesson 11: Practicing Supreme Loyalty to Christ

In this lesson Paul extends counsel to children, parents, workers and employers. How can we apply this counsel today?
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Lesson 10: Husbands and Wives: Together at the Cross

What does it mean to submit to one another? What counsel does Paul have for husbands and wives? How does the marriage relationship reflect the relationship Christ has with His church?
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Lesson 11 - The Bible And Prophecy

Sunday June 7- Sabbath June 13
57 minutes, 45 seconds
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Lesson 5-Learning From Jesus, The Master Teacher

Sunday October 25- Sabbath October 31
57 minutes, 45 seconds
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Lesson 9 - The Church As a Place of Learning

Sunday November 22 - Sabbath November 28
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 3 -Seeing People Through The Eyes Of Jesus

Sunday July 12 - Sabbath July 18
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 13 - Learning For Eternity

Sunday December 20 - Sabbath December 26
57 minutes, 45 seconds
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Lesson 13 - Living By the Word of God

Sunday June 21 - Sabbath June 27
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 5 -Spirit-Empowered Witnessing

Sunday July 26 - Sabbath August 1
58 minutes, 15 seconds
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Lesson 12 - Dealing With Difficult Passages

Sunday June 14 - Sabbath June 20
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 3 - The Word of God As Our Teacher

Sunday October 11 - Sabbath October 17
58 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 7 -Learning To Worship In Spirit and in Truth

Sunday November 8 - Sabbath November 14
58 minutes, 14 seconds
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Lesson 4 -Prayer Power: Interceding for Others

Sunday July 19 - Sabbath July 25
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 8 -Ministering Like Jesus

Sunday August 16 - Sabbath August 22
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 12 - A Message Worth Sharing

Sunday September 13 - Sabbath September 19
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 5: Noble Prince of Peace

Sunday January 24 - Sabbath January 30
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 1: Crisis of Identity

Sunday December 27 - Sabbath January 2
58 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 11: The Immeasurable, unfailing love of God

Sunday March 7 - Sabbath March 13
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 12 - Learning To Experience the Sabbath

Sunday December 13 - Sabbath December 19
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 9 - Creation: Genesis As a Foundation

Sunday May 24 - Sabbath May 30
58 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 3: When Your World Is Falling Apart

Sunday January 10 - Sabbath January 16
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 11 - Sharing the Story of Jesus

Sunday September 6 - Sabbath September 12
58 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 10: Doing the Unthinkable: The Suffering Messiah

Sunday February 28 - Sabbath March 6
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 10 - God- Centered Learning

Sunday November 29 - Sabbath December 5
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 7 -Sharing the Word

Sunday August 9 - Sabbath August 15
58 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 7: Defeat of the Assyrians

Sunday February 7 - Sabbath February 13
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 10 - Small Groups: An Exciting Way to Get Involved

Sunday August 30 - Sabbath September 5
58 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 2 - Learning In the Family

Sunday October 4 - Sabbath October 10
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 13 -A Step in Faith

Sunday September 20 - Sabbath September 26
58 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 4: The Hard Way

Sunday January 17 - Sabbath January 23
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 8 - Leaning About Redemption

Sunday November 15 - Sabbath November 21
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 6: Playing God

Sunday January 31 - Sabbath February 6
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 11 - Learning To Work

Sunday December 6 - Sabbath December 12
4 seconds
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Lesson 6 -Unlimited Possibilities

Sunday August 2 - Sabbath August 8
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 2 -Winsome Witness: The Power of Personal Testimony

Sunday July 5 - Sabbath July 11
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 9 -Developing a Winning Attitude

Sunday August 23 - Sabbath August 29
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 11: The Christian and Work

58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 6 - More Lessons From Jesus, The Master Teacher

Sunday November 1 - Sabbath November 7
58 minutes
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Lesson 1 - Why Witness

Sunday June 26 - Sabbath July 4
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 10 - The Bible As History

Sunday May 31 - Sabbath June 6
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 8: Comfort My People

Sunday February 14 - Sabbath February 20
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 9: To Serve and to Save

Sunday February 21 - Sabbath February 27
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 1-Learning In Eden

Sunday September 27 - Sabbath October 3
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 2: Crisis of Leadership

Sunday January 3- Sabbath January 9
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 4 -Discovering A Biblical Worldview

Sunday October 18 - Sabbath October 24
58 minutes, 14 seconds
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Lesson 9: Living Wisely

What does it mean to be imitators of God? Why is it important to remember that we are “dear children” as we continue to grow in grace?
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Lesson 8: Christ-shaped Lives and Spirit-inspired Speech

How does Paul describe the human experience before we become a "new creation"? What miracle occurs when we accept grace? What practical counsel does Paul give us to grow in grace?
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Lesson 7: The Unified Body of Christ

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Lesson 7: The Unified Body of Christ

In this week's lesson we will discuss the gifts from Jesus Christ to His church, as well as the unifying work of the Holy Spirit.
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Lesson 6: The Mystery of the Gospel

What did Paul mean when he said he was “a prisoner of Christ Jesus”? What was the “mystery” that was revealed to Paul to share with the Gentiles?
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Lesson 5: Vertical and Horizontal Atonement

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Lesson 4: How God Rescues Us

We will discuss the sinful condition of humanity, and God's plan to rescue us from being "dead in our tresspasses."
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Lesson 3: The Power of the Exalted Jesus

In this lesson we will discuss the power of praying in Jesus' name, as well as the gift of wisdom brought by the Holy Spirit.
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Lesson 2: God's Grand, Christ-Centered Plan

How does Paul communicate the good news of Jesus to the Ephesians? How does Paul's message apply to your life?
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Lesson 1: Paul and the Ephesians

In this week's lesson we take a big-picture view of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, exploring the historical context, how Paul was received, and the primary focus of the letter.
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Lesson 13: Ablaze With God’s Glory

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Lesson 12: The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 2

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Lesson 11: The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 1

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Lesson 10: Satan’s Final Deceptions

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Lesson 9: A City Called Confusion

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Lesson 8: The Sabbath and the End

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Lesson 7: Worshiping the Creator

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Lesson 6: The Hour of His Judgment

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Lesson 6: The Hour of His Judgment

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Lesson 5: The Good News of the Judgment

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Lesson 4: Fear God and Give Glory to Him

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Lesson 10: The Fires of Hell and Eternal Torment

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Lesson 13: Reflecting on the Sufferings of Christ

59 minutes
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Lesson 2: Death in a Sinful World

58 minutes, 40 seconds
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Lesson 5: The Invitation of Jesus: “Come to Me”

Sunday July 25 - Sabbath July 31
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 12: Receiving an Unshakeable Kingdom

58 minutes, 47 seconds
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Lesson 1: Part of God's Family

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Lesson 7: Finding Hope in Times of Suffering

59 minutes
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Lesson 8: Planning for Success

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Lesson 1: The Letter to the Hebrews and to Us

58 minutes, 10 seconds
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Lesson 14: Making All Things New

58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 8: Covenant Law

Sunday May 16 - Sabbath May 22
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 3: The Roots of Restlessness

Sunday July 11 - Sabbath July 17
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 7: Caring for the Least of These

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Lesson 5: Children of the Promise

Sunday April 25 - Sabbath May 1
58 minutes
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Lesson 13: The Judging Process

58 minutes, 10 seconds
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Lesson 8: The New Testament Hope

58 minutes, 47 seconds
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Lesson 10: Jesus, the Open Way Through the Veil

59 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 2: Expecting Suffering and Trials

59 minutes
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Lesson 5: Enduring Extreme Suffering

59 minutes
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Lesson 7: Jesus, the Anchor of the Soul

3 seconds
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Lesson 1: Living in a 24/7 Society

Sunday June 27 - Sabbath July 03
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 12: Covenant Faith

Sunday June 13 - Sabbath June 19
58 minutes
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Lesson 7: Christ’s Victory Over Death

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Lesson 2: A Moment of Destiny

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Lesson 1: Suffering With the Good Shepherd

59 minutes
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Lesson 3: "All Future Generations"

Sunday April 11 - Sabbath April 17
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 11: Waiting on The Lord in Times of Suffering

58 minutes, 45 seconds
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Lesson 7: Rest, Relationships, and Healing

Sunday August 08 - Sabbath August 14
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 12: The Restless Prophet

Sunday September 12 - Sabbath September 18
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 11: Jesus, Author and Perfecter of Our Faith

58 minutes, 38 seconds
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Lesson 13: The Resurrection of Moses

3 seconds
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Lesson 1: What Happened?

Sunday March 28 - Sabbath April 3
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 7: Law And Grace In Deuteronomy

58 minutes, 32 seconds
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Lesson 6: Abraham’s Seed

Sunday May 2 - Sabbath May 8
58 minutes, 33 seconds
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Lesson 5: Dealing With Debt

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Lesson 2: The Message of Hebrews — An Overview

3 seconds
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Lesson 10: Reflecting the Character of Christ

59 minutes
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Lesson 3: The Tithing Blessing

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Lesson 11: Longing for more

58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 3: The Everlasting Covenant

58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 2: Covenant Primer

Sunday April 4 - Sabbath April 10
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 6: Making Healthy Choices in Times of Suffering

59 minutes
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Lesson 8: Seeing Beyond Our Suffering and Trials

59 minutes
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Lesson 6: Jesus Died for Us

58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 10: Sabbath Rest

Sunday August 29 - Sabbath September 04
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 3: Jesus, the Promised Son

58 minutes, 27 seconds
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Lesson 13: The New Covenant Life

Sunday June 20 - Sabbath June 26
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 13: Rebirth of Planet Earth

Sunday March 21 - Sabbath March 27
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 6: Laying Up Treasure In Heaven

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Lesson 5: Resurrections Before the Cross

58 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 9: The Rhythms of Rest

Sunday August 22 - Sabbath August 28
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 1: Jesus Wins—Satan Loses

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Lesson 5: Jesus, the Giver of Rest

58 minutes, 28 seconds
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Lesson 1: Rebellion in a Perfect Universe

58 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 13: The Ultimate Rest

Sunday September 19 - Sabbath September 25
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 11: Joseph, Master of Dreams

58 minutes, 28 seconds
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Lesson 12: Deuteronomy In The New Testament

3 seconds
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Lesson 2: Inspired History Lesson

58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 8: Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant

1 second
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Lesson 1: Introduction to Deuteronomy

58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 4: Welcoming the Refiner’s Fire

59 minutes
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Lesson 4: The Cost of Rest

Sunday July 18 - Sabbath July 24
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 5: The stranger in your gates

58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 8: Free to Rest

Sunday August 15 - Sabbath August 21
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 9: Beware of Covetousness

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Lesson 4: An Everlasting Covenant

Sunday April 18 - Sabbath April 24
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 3: Singing A New Song in Times Of Suffering

59 minutes
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Lesson 11: End-Time Deceptions

57 minutes, 59 seconds
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Lesson 12: Rewards for Faithfulness

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Lesson 6: Jesus, the Faithful Priest

58 minutes, 21 seconds
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Lesson 9: Challenging Bible Passages About Death

57 minutes, 54 seconds
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Lesson 12: Messiah—the Desire of All Nations

Sunday March 14 - Sabbath March 20
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 13: Israel in Egypt

58 minutes, 5 seconds
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Lesson 8: The Promise

58 minutes
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Lesson 7: Covenant at Sinai

Sunday May 7 - Sabbath May 15
58 minutes, 34 seconds
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Lesson 2: God’s Promised Blessings

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Lesson 8: Choose Life

58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 11: New Covenant Sanctuary

Sunday June 6 - Sabbath June 12
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 6: For What Nation Is There So great?

58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 11: Managing in Tough Times

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Lesson 2: Restless and Rebellious

Sunday July 04 - Sabbath July 10
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 6: Finding Rest in our Family Relationships

Sunday August 01 - Sabbath August 07
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 7: The Covenant With Abraham

3 seconds
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Lesson 12: Total Surrender to Christ in Times of Suffering and Trial

58 minutes, 59 seconds
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Lesson 12: The Great Controversy Worldview

58 minutes, 12 seconds
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Lesson 3: The Everlasting Gospel

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Lesson 10: The New Covenant

Sunday May 30 - Sabbath June 5
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 9: Covenant Sign

Sunday May 23 - Sabbath May 29
58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 11: Deuteronomy In The Later Writings

58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 10: Giving Back

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Lesson 4: To Love The LORD Your God

58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 12: Joseph, Prince of Egypt

58 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lesson 4: Jesus, Our Faithful Brother

3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lesson 9: Praising The Lord Through Times of Suffering

59 minutes
Episode Artwork

Lesson 10: Remember, Do Not Forget

58 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lesson 3: Understanding Human Nature

58 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lesson 4: Offerings for Jesus

Episode Artwork

Lesson 9: Turn Their Hearts

58 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lesson 9: Jesus, the Perfect Sacrifice

3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lesson 4: The Old Testament Hope of Eternal Life With God

58 minutes, 29 seconds