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English, Religion, 1 season, 94 episodes, 19 hours, 13 minutes
A podcast from Hope Church in Richmond, VA -- weekly sermons, additional encouragement, and discussions from our pastors about what it looks like to live out a life following God.
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The Boy and The Creche

12/19/20194 minutes, 8 seconds
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Devotional thoughts on gratitude
11/26/20195 minutes, 49 seconds
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What is Baptism?

The nuts and bolts of why sacraments matter, and the meaning behind baptism.
5/22/201915 minutes, 56 seconds
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Resurrection Life Part 2

Join Nicole and David as they continue the conversation about how we translate the knowledge of the resurrection life into a life of freedom and purpose.
5/15/201918 minutes, 5 seconds
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Resurrection Life Part 1

What does it mean to live a “resurrection life?” Join Nicole and David as they explore why Easter changes everything for us—in some surprising ways.
5/8/201916 minutes, 30 seconds
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Obedience, Unplugged

What obedience really is and what it means
2/20/201917 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Joy and Freedom of Sabbath

An exploration of Isaiah 58
2/13/201918 minutes, 45 seconds
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6 Conversions of Church

1/23/201923 minutes, 42 seconds
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Relational v. Productive

We live in a productivity-obsessed culture. But is it really making us better human beings? In this episode, Nicole and David discuss the priority on relationships vs. productivity and how to find a balance in your life.
1/16/201915 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Problem with Pride

Why pride is a problem--and how to deal with it in your life.
1/9/201920 minutes, 54 seconds
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Peace Takes Sacrifice

The active presence of peace--and what it takes to get there.
1/2/201922 minutes, 31 seconds
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Go and I'll Show

How to have faith when we desire certainty.
12/19/201822 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Jewish roots of Christianity and the richness of Christmas
12/5/201821 minutes, 29 seconds
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Engaging the Bible

Reposting a favorite HopeCast where David and Nicole discuss how to engage God's word for application.
11/21/201818 minutes, 48 seconds
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Compatability and Commitment

Reposting a favorite HopeCast where David and Nicole discuss what's most important in a marriage.
11/14/201819 minutes, 9 seconds
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Christianity and Politics

Reposting of a favorite HopeCast where David and Nicole discuss the question: "Can Christianity and Politics co-exist?"
11/7/201821 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Solas

Some background history on the formation of the "Solas" and why they bring us great joy.
10/31/201818 minutes, 15 seconds
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Defensive much?

Oh, humanity! On why we get defensive so easily--and what to do about it.
10/24/201818 minutes, 15 seconds
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Kingdom of God

What is the kingdom of God, really, and how do I live into it?
10/17/201822 minutes, 35 seconds
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What is midlife, and is midlife crisis real?
10/10/201819 minutes, 30 seconds
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People talk a lot about leadership, but more than any skill or experience you can acquire, your leadership rises and falls on character. Join David and Nicole for a discussion on the character-building aspects of using your influence.
10/3/201824 minutes, 45 seconds
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The One Big Idea of the Bible

A conversation on one little word that changes everything about the way we live.
9/26/201817 minutes, 55 seconds
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Love and Disagree

Is it possible to actually care for someone and disagree with their viewpoint? How do we hold to convictions and still express love? In this episode, David and Nicole discuss the toxic debate culture and how to be engines of change.
9/19/201818 minutes, 41 seconds
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Cover Ups

In this episode, David and Nicole discuss the current leadership failings in culture and what cultivates an environment of cover-ups--and how to avoid it.
9/12/201829 minutes, 15 seconds
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Be Perfect

In a culture that thrives on perfectionism, David and Nicole discuss the very different invitation from Jesus to "be perfect."
9/5/201823 minutes, 5 seconds
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Starting Well

What are the essential priorities when you are starting off in leadership? In this episode, David and Nicole discuss the importance of humility, excellence and a heart to serve.
7/4/201824 minutes, 14 seconds
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Podcast Me-Centered Life

The insidious effects of a me-centered culture.
6/27/201820 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Importance of Place

Reflections on a trip to Israel-and why places matter so deeply in life.
6/20/201824 minutes, 56 seconds
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What Makes a Meaningful Life?

We live in a world that tells us "what you do is who you are." But what if the richness and meaning of life are found elsewhere? In this episode, David and Nicole examine the concept of impact and intimacy for a meaningful life.
5/9/201823 minutes, 18 seconds
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Undoing Shame

We've all heard the phrase "you should be ashamed of yourself," but most of us don't think about the impact of shame on our daily lives. In this episode, David and Nicole explore a broader definition of shame and discuss how we move from hiding to transparency in our relationship with God and others.
5/2/201821 minutes, 44 seconds
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Start Here: The Basics (Part Two)

In this two-part series, David and Nicole continue the conversation on the basics of faith. Join them as they discuss the 4 foundational truths that we build a relationship with God upon. To submit your questions on faith, email [email protected].
4/25/201820 minutes, 38 seconds
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Start Here: Stirrings (Part One)

In this two-part series, David and Nicole discuss the origins of a relationship with God. Where does it all begin for us?
4/18/201821 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Wedding

A deeper, post-Easter look at the wedding metaphor in scripture
4/4/201821 minutes, 22 seconds
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The responsibility of fresh expressions of the Gospel in every generation
3/28/201817 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Need for Sabbath

The surprising command to rest.
3/22/201817 minutes, 16 seconds
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Billy Graham

Reflections on evangelist, Billy Graham
3/1/201821 minutes, 30 seconds
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Engaging the Bible

engaging God's word for application
2/22/201818 minutes, 59 seconds
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Suffering in the Bible

How do we address Job and the problem of suffering within scripture?
2/14/201819 minutes, 30 seconds
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Big Questions About the Bible

Questions that arise as we read through the Bible
2/7/201820 minutes, 44 seconds
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Insights to the Old Testament

Observations and gleanings from reading the Old Testament
2/1/201821 minutes, 34 seconds
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Is the Bible Reliable?

Can we really trust what the Bible says? *Repost episode*
1/25/201815 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Importance of Light

The Bible's view of light and why it matters to you
1/18/201820 minutes, 52 seconds
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Some questions to assess your maturity
1/9/201817 minutes, 48 seconds
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A Challenge Worth Taking

Why you should read the whole Bible
1/4/201822 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sincere Conversations

A handbook for family conversations, especially helpful during the holidays
12/20/201717 minutes, 9 seconds
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Kairos/Chronos and Christmas

the power of a moment
12/8/201719 minutes, 47 seconds
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What is Progress?

all progress has mess
11/30/201721 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sin and Repentance

outdated words or important reality?
11/13/201721 minutes, 56 seconds
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God In Tragedy

an interview with Suzanne Coburn, a crisis responder to the Las Vegas shootings.
11/2/201722 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Journey of a Start-Up

In celebration of Hope's 20th, stories of God's faithfulness
10/24/201735 minutes, 19 seconds
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Life's Unexpecteds

3 Questions to Ask when you face hardship
10/17/201721 minutes, 4 seconds
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Catholics, Protestants and the Reformation

A quick lesson on the differences between Catholic and Protestant faith--and why the reformation has changed the way you know God
10/5/201723 minutes, 3 seconds
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What is Conversion?

What do we mean when we use the term "conversion" in a church context?
9/25/201723 minutes, 3 seconds
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Gospel Revolution

Did Jesus lead the only real revolution that the world has ever seen?
9/13/201721 minutes, 26 seconds
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Imperfectionists Part 2

How environments can either foster growth through love or punishment through fear
8/23/201716 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to learn from Jesus in an imperfect world
8/11/201720 minutes, 33 seconds
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Elusive Truth

Why is the truth so hard to come by?
7/26/201721 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Value of Face-to-Face Experiences

The importance of real life interactions in a digital world
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A missions series at Hope
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4 Common Mistakes

4 common mistakes that prevent us from finishing well
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Bibles and Devotionals

Translations and Devotionals
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The 40s

The one thing you need to know about your 40s
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Inflation of Recency

Be not afraid
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Understanding the Incarnation

Why this word matters every day
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Compatibility and Commitment

What's most important in marriage?
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The Opposition Culture

Guarding our hearts against the "hater" culture
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Hazards in Helping

The shadow side of helping--and a healthy perspective on caring
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In Jesus' Name

Why pray in Jesus' Name--and why does it matter?
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Finding Home

are you running from home or trying to find your way back?
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Act on Mission

What's Hope's mission statement and why does it matter?
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Lead with Vision

Why do vision statements matter--and how does Hope endeavor to live that out?
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Clarity and Calling

an exercise to sharpen your clarity around work
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Why Relevance Matters

Why does the church pursue relevance?
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Disagree Vs. Divisive

The difference between disagreeing with one another and divisiveness
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Christianity and Politics

Can Christianity and Politics co-exist?
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If There Were An Enemy... would he get us?
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Political Discernment

*Repost from Becoming; on faith and politics
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An invitation to respond biblically to life in the age of worry.
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What does it mean to persevere in faith?
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Personality and Character

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O Come Let Us Adore Him

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Valuable Versus Important

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Going Deep

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Can I Know God Personally? Part 2

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Spirit and Truth

Tyler Crowley joins David and Nicole to discuss Hope Church's new original worship record.
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Can I Know God Personally?

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Is The Bible Reliable?

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Is Jesus God?

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Is Christianity Too Narrow?

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Why Does God Allow Pain And Suffering?

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Is There A God?

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Does Life Have A Purpose?
