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In The Fire Profile

In The Fire

English, Religion, 3 seasons, 35 episodes, 17 hours, 31 minutes
In the Fire is a podcast for the young families at Chapelgate Presbyterian Church in Marriottsville, Maryland. Our goal is to help our young families see how the good news of Jesus Christ impacts the way we live as spouses and parents. Being a young family is tough - marriage and parenting are hard work - but you’re never alone in the battle. There is another in the fire!
Episode Artwork

Steve and Cathy Dallwig - ”Marriage or Kids: Can I Have Both?”

We've all seen it. A couple gets their youngest child through college (or high school) and files for divorce three days later. What happened? How could people who have been married for so long split ways like that? Sometimes, what starts out as a marriage between two people transitions into a "child-rearing partnership" between two parents.  In other words: parenting takes priority over marriage.  When that happens, no one wins. While it's true that having kids can be very consuming, there's still hope for our marriages! Join me as I sit down with Steve and Cathy Dallwig and ask them how they managed to have a healthy marriage of 32 years while raising 4 kids of their own in the Season 1 finale of In The Fire! Want to breathe some life into your marriage? Don't forget to sign up for Dads On Duty and give your wife a chance to unwind without the kids while hanging with other great Dads.  Fall 2022 dates: September 10, October 29, and December 3 from 4pm-6pm at Chapelgate Presbyterian Church.    For further study, please check out the following resource(s): Paul Tripp - Marriage Crated With Love Date Box Subscription Marriage Counseling  Want to learn more about connecting at Chapelgate? Check out our WEBSITE and consider joining us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM (EST) either in-person or online! Questions, Comments, or Ideas about future episodes? Please contact our Director of Young Family Ministry, Rob Gicking:  [email protected]    
Episode Artwork

Travis Drown - ”Marriage & Money”

As a Financial Coach, one of the things I always remind people is this: money is a blessing from God, but as sinners, we are really good at turning blessings into problems.  This is especially true when it comes tomoney and marriage. With money being one of the most common causes of divorce, it's really important to make sure we keep money in its rightful place in our lives and our hearts. Two of the ways we can do this: 1) Deepening our understanding of what it means to be a biblical steward by keeping money in its right place. (This is where repentance comes in... lots and lots of repentance! But don't worry, there's even more grace in our Savior!) 2) Learning how to communicate and plan with our spouse.  (Again, repentance... and again, even more grace!) Join me this week as I sit down with Travis Drown to discuss what it looks like to begin the journey towards a vibrant and healthy financial life for your family!   For further study, please check out the following resource(s): Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide to Money EveryDollar Budget  Mint Budget Financial Coaching/Financial Peace University   Want to learn more about connecting at Chapelgate? Check out our website and consider joining us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM (EST) either in-person or online! Questions, Comments, or Ideas about future episodes? Please contact our Director of Young Family Ministry, Rob Gicking:  [email protected]        
Episode Artwork

Frierson/Radcliffe - ”Discipline”

Discipline can be one of the most complicated aspects to parenting children. After all, none of us really enjoy being disciplined ourselves, so why would we put our children through it? Join me as I sit down with Frick and Amy Frierson, and their daughter Lydia Radcliffe, as we discuss some of the benefits of growing up in a home where biblical discipline was practiced.  I got WAY MORE than I bargained for with this interview and I hope it is as much a blessing to you as it was to me.   Frick's 5 P's 1. What's the PROBLEM? 2. What's the PUNISHMENT? (e.g., consequence) 3. What's the POTENTIAL solution? 4. PREPARE for re-entry. 5. PRAYER.   For further study, please check out the following resource(s): Tim Kimmel - Grace-Based Parenting Paul Tripp - Parenting   No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. - Hebrews 12:11   Want to learn more about connecting at Chapelgate? Check out our website and consider joining us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM (EST) either in-person or online! Questions, Comments, or Ideas about future episodes? Please contact our Director of Young Family Ministry, Rob Gicking:  [email protected]    
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Jordan & Ellen - ”Community”

One of the most beautiful ways that God reveals himself to us is through the love and care of our friends. In this interview, I sit down with Jordan Woodrick and Ellen Berridge to discuss what that has looked like in the life of their young families. Specifically, I ask them about what it means to be in a small group, how they've figured that out logistically, and what advice they might have for those of us interested in finding our own community here at Chapelgate!   If you're interested in learning more about small groups, please contact our Pastor of Spiritual Formation: Patrick Allen. [email protected]   Want to learn more about connecting at Chapelgate? Check out our website and consider joining us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM (EST) either in-person or online! Questions, Comments, or Ideas about future episodes? Please contact our Director of Young Family Ministry, Rob Gicking:  [email protected]