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Inner Engineering Profile

Inner Engineering

English, Religion, 1 season, 24 episodes, 2 hours, 37 minutes
Sadhguru is an Indian yogi, mystic and author who founded the Isha Foundation, a non-profit organisation which offers yoga programs around the world. Through his Inner Engineering program, Sadhguru shows us why raising human consciousness is vital to our survival. In this age of high-powered technology easily available to almost everyone, the one thing humanity is still missing is Inclusive Consciousness.
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Are Ayurveda And Siddha Better Than Allopathy - Sadhguru

Sadhguru speaks about Ayurveda and Siddha, two of India's ancient medical systems which are amongst the oldest on the planet. He compares the efficacy of Allopathy, Ayurveda & Siddha in various situations, and explains how they differ from each other.
11/21/20168 minutes, 11 seconds
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Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe - Dr. Devi Shetty With Sadhguru

During an "In Conversation with the Mystic" event with Dr. Devi Shetty, Sadhguru answers a question from a Facebook follower, on genetically modified foods and whether it is good for the body or not.
11/21/20161 minute, 44 seconds
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A Guru Always Takes You For A Ride

A veritable Guru takes the seeker on a mystical journey towards the ultimate liberation. But why not bypass the sometimes long and arduous path and immediately attain? In this volume, A Guru Always Takes You for a Ride, Sadhguru elucidates what it takes to receive the Gurus Grace and evolve into a higher possibility.
11/16/20164 minutes, 12 seconds
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A Revolutionary Approach To Medicine - Sadhguru At Duke University With Tracy Gaudet

Dr. Tracy Gaudet of Duke University in conversation with Sadhguru, discusses some of the fundamental lapses of medicine today. Sadhguru delves into the origin of modern medicine's approach to health and how the yogic science has always seen how to cultivate health in the human system on all levels.
11/16/20164 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Revolutionary Approach To The Future Of Medicine - Sadhguru At Duke University With Tracy Gaudet

During an episode of "In Conversation With The Mystic" at Duke University Medical School, Sadhguru, with Dr. Tracy Gaudet and Dr. Mitchell W. Krucoff, looks at integrative medicine and the need for a holistic approach to health and wellness in modern healthcare. They discuss the explosion of chronic disease in the US and the need to remodel the modern healthcare system
11/16/201613 minutes, 51 seconds
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A Simple Process To Find Success On The Spiritual Path Suhel Seth With Sadhguru

The fundamental reason why most human beings are not naturally spiritual is because of the identifications they take on and cannot put down when necessary. Sadhguru gives us a simple, daily process to do this.
11/16/20169 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Simple Process To Transform Yourself

Towards the end of Mahashivarathri 2015, Sadhguru gives us a simple process to bring Grace into our lives.
11/16/20162 minutes, 36 seconds
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Accessing Higher Dimensions Of Life - Sadhguru

Sadhguru unveils the reason why liberation seems so far away for some people. Recounting the story of Vemanna, the extraordinary Telugu saint and poet, he speaks of the power of devotion, and how one can use it to attain to higher dimensions within oneself.
11/16/20169 minutes, 43 seconds
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​What Is Aura Cleansing

Sadhguru answers a question on aura cleansing, and explains why it could be necessary in certain situations.
11/15/20168 minutes, 42 seconds
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​What Is The Purpose Of Meditation

Sadhguru looks at how the purpose of meditation is not just to make one ecstatic​, it is to create a "space" between you and what is your body and mind. Once this happens, this is the end of suffering.
11/15/20166 minutes, 4 seconds
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​What Is The Purpose Of My Birth​

Sadhguru answers a question, and looks at how it is only because the experience of life is not exuberant, that questions about the purpose of life arise. "If you do not realize the exuberance of your existence, you can invent purposes; if you experience the ecstasy of being here then who the hell is bothered about the purpose?" he asks.
11/15/20166 minutes, 55 seconds
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​Spiritual Process - A Great Adventure

Sadhguru looks at how enlightenment is in a way we cannot think. You cannot think it out, you can only walk into it. The spiritual process is adventure, it is about walking in completely new terrain.
11/15/20164 minutes, 1 second
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​Should You Listen To Your Head Or Your Gut

​Sadhguru looks at how the idea of "gut feeling" came about, and discusses how we can find a balance between utilizing or discarding information.
11/15/20165 minutes, 8 seconds
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​Marriage – Choosing Consciously

​Why does the institution of marriage exist, and what role does it play in human life and societies? Sadhguru answers a question about marriage and divorce.
11/15/20164 minutes, 31 seconds
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​Humanity, Yes! Morality, No!

Sadhguru answers a question on how we can make out what is right from what is wrong. Sadhguru asks us to choose our humanity over morality, because morality is always different from society to society and person to person.​ "Instead of​ trying to be right, why don't people try to be sensible?" he asks.​
11/15/20164 minutes, 42 seconds
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​The Importance Of Consecrated Spaces

Sadhguru looks at how we can produce a generation of beautiful people, a galaxy of enlightened beings by ensuring that every human being lives within a consecrated space.
11/15/20164 minutes, 28 seconds
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'Yoga For Today' Dilip Cherian With Sadhguru Through The Mystic Eye

Through the Mystic Eye is a series of episodes featuring Sadhguru in conversation with several eminent personalities. Dilip Cherian, KV Kamath, Shekhar Kapur, JP Narayan and many more of India's leading celebrities and public figures engage Sadhguru in discussions ranging from business and governance to sports, education and mysticism.
11/15/201618 minutes, 16 seconds
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“Of Love” – A Poem By Sadhguru

Sadhguru shares his poem “Of Love”, a musing on the nature of lines and love.
11/15/20161 minute, 2 seconds
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“Uyirnokkam” - A Song By Sounds Of Isha

“Uyirnokkam” - - Life - A purpose unto itself Celebrate the Pongal spirit with Uyir-nokkam - a song by Sounds of Isha with Shankar Mahadevan lending his voice. The song is based on a poem written by Sadhguru, expressing how the purpose of life is life itself. “Right now, for most people, life means their job, the new house they’re building, the car they bought, their family and so many other things. That’s not life. It is not even your body, mind, thought or emotion. Life means what’s throbbing within you. It is only because “this” is ON that everything else seems to be meaningful. If “this” stops, nothing around you will mean a damn thing to you or anyone. And life is a purpose unto itself, it need not have another purpose. It is a big enough phenomenon. Its magnitude is too large for it to be focused on something else. It is a purpose and an end unto itself.”
11/15/20166 minutes, 35 seconds
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​Going Beyond Just 'Talking' Spirituality

Sadhguru answers a question about moving beyond just talking or reading about spirituality, and taking a step towards our ultimate wellbeing. No book can be spiritual, Sadhguru says, but it can be inspirational, and can create a longing within to take that step.
11/15/20164 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sadhguru: ​Hero Or Zero What Are You

​Sadhguru speaks about Upasana, and about realizing that our role in our own life is so minor. "Even if something as simple as breath or heartbeat is left in your hand, you will be a complete mess within a minute," he points out, and says, "When you have a two-bit role, if you think you are a hero, you are making a serious mistake."
11/15/20166 minutes, 57 seconds
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​Sadhguru: Devotion - The Best Way To Establish Your Way Of Being

Sadhguru explains that devotion means, whatever people or situations you encounter, these do not determine the way you are. This is the best way to establish your way of being. Otherwise, a human being will constantly be in a state of flux. If you genuinely bow down to everything that you see, there will be no such thing as "you" left. When you are devoid of "you", you are always the same.
11/14/20164 minutes, 27 seconds
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Sadhguru: ​​'90% Of My Life...'

​Sadhguru looks at how 90% of his life goes into just preparing people for ​the "real thing", and he is "yet to do something really inspiring."
11/14/20162 minutes
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​​​​Sadhguru: God Is Just A Stepping Stone​

Sadhguru looks at how in Indian culture, mukti or liberation was always the highest goal, and even god was a stepping stone towards that. He looks at how this culture was a complex array of spiritual processes, towards this goal, where every individual had the freedom to create his or her own god.
11/14/201614 minutes, 20 seconds