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Jesus Culture Podcast Profile

Jesus Culture Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 250 episodes
Formerly the Jesus Culture Leadership Podcast, the new and improved Jesus Culture Podcast exists to grow you as a believer. Every other week join Banning and Becky as they dive into topics to deepen your relationship with Jesus while adding their own ridiculous humor and silly banter, you know, to keep things fun.
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Episode 75: Discipleship and The Intentional Father

Jon Tyson, Pastor of Church of the City New York, joins Phil and Becky to discuss the importance of discipleship and the role of fathers in our lives, as we develop in leadership. You can purchase Jon’s new book, “The Intentional Father”, online and where books are sold.
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Episode 74: Engaging the City

Alan Scott, lead Pastor of Vineyard Anaheim, joins Banning, Phil, and Becky to discuss the impact that our faith and obedience has on our cities. God has chosen us and set us apart to bring life-changing love and power to the people that we live around. To learn more about Alan and his ministry, visit 
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Episode 73: Leading by Initiative: From Vision to Reality

Banning and Zack Curry host Brett Hagler to discuss the process involved in taking a vision, and actually doing what it takes to accomplish it with God. Brett is the CEO and Co-Founder of New Story, made the Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list in 2016, and was named one of the Top 100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs by Goldman Sachs. To find out more about Brett’s organization and how to partner with him, you can visit or visit their Instagram @newstorycharity 
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Episode 72: The Prophetic in Leadership

The prophetic is a gift to leaders and it helps sustain movements. Join Banning and Phil as they process how to implement the prophetic in leadership with Lou Engle. Lou is the President of Lou Engle Ministries, the visionary co-founder of TheCall, and is an intercessor for revival.
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Episode 71: Emotional Health

Emotional health is vital to the longevity and success of a leader in the Body of Christ. Becky and Phil are joined by Margaret Nagib to discuss how the fruit of our internal world is directly correlated to our leadership and physical manifestations in our life. Margaret is a clinical psychologist specializing in Christian counseling, inner healing and the treatment of eating disorders, trauma, self-injury, and mood disorders.
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Episode 70: Passion for Growth

Lyle Wells, President of Integrus Leadership, joins Banning to discuss the importance of connection on a team, and how to work together to accomplish a common vision and goal. Teams are God’s design, and the nature of our heart is to connect. Watch for Lyle’s new book, The Five Day Leader. To learn more from Lyle, check out his free courses and connect with him at or on Instagram: @leadwithlyle and @integrusleadership
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Episode 69: Leadership & Character

Our success as leaders in the Kingdom of God is not the end goal, obedience to Jesus is. Andy Byrd, co-founder of Youth With A Mission’s Fire and Fragrance, Circuit Riders, and co-leader of The Send, explains the importance of developing our character in order to align with the vision God has for us.
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Episode 68: The Enneagram as a Tool for Leadership Development

As leaders, we should always be pursuing understanding ourselves better, and how God uniquely made us. Banning and Phil are joined by Anthony Skinner to discuss the Enneagram. Anthony is producer and co-hosts the popular Typology podcast, songwriter with Bethel Music, and serves as Worship and Arts Pastor at Church of the City in Nashville. To learn more about his app, visit 
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Episode 67: World Class at Knowing Yourself & Others

Leadership is owning the influence you have. Banning and Phil talk with Danny Silk, President and Co-Founder of Loving on Purpose, about how knowing yourself is a vital part of leading others well.
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Episode 66: Leading from a Place of Prayer

God-centered leadership that builds the Kingdom of God on earth is always based from a place of prayer. David Perkins, Pastor of Radiant Church in Kansas City, talks with Banning and Phil about how prayer is a value system we develop, and is a necessary discipline in daily lives, but looks different for everyone.
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Episode 65: Identity & Mission

A secure identity and a clear vision are characteristics of a good leader. During this episode, Banning and Kate Bagley, the director of our Jesus Culture School of Leadership, discuss the importance of allowing God to develop our identity as sons and daughters, in order to help us discover our purpose and calling to do things with Him for the Kingdom.
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Episode 64: Introduction to Leadership & Revival

Leaders are both aware of themselves and what God is doing, and intentional in how they live their lives. Join Banning and Phil for this 12 week series on leadership as they teach us how revival is directly linked to leaders who take ownership of the call of God on their lives.
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Episode 63: Becoming Leaders with Authority

2020 was a season of God revealing areas of fear that are present in the foundation of our lives, and inviting us into a season of pruning. Banning and Phil dive into the depths of why it is vital to partner with God in the pruning process so that we become whole individuals that carry God’s authority. 
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Episode 62: Women in Ministry

What does the Bible say about women in ministry? There are clear differences between men and women, but the scriptures are clear that we are called to co-labor in ministry. In this episode, Becky and Phil discuss key passages in the Bible that are addressed to women, and how they are called to be active leaders and participants in ministry.
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Episode 61: Transition with Eric and Candace Johnson

Transition is hard and painful, but we can always fall back on the faithfulness of God. Where He leads is always good. Join Becky and Phil as they talk with Eric and Candace about their recent transition from Senior Pastors at Bethel Church in Redding, to following Jesus into the unknown.
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Episode 60: After Doubt with A.J. Swoboda

Is doubt bad? Is there a healthy form of deconstruction? Join Becky and Phil as they talk with AJ Swoboda, author of After Doubt, about how to confront doubt we may feel toward God. There is a way through doubt that actually leads us deeper and closer to Jesus! To hear more from AJ, check out his Twitter, mrajswoboda or visit his website,
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Episode 59: Sabbath with A.J. Swoboda

AJ Swoboda, author of Subversive Sabbath, joins Becky and Phil to discuss the importance of practicing Sabbath and why we should. Sabbath requires trust and obedience to God that often feels inconvenient, but there is great reward attached to it. To hear more from AJ, check out his Twitter, @mrajswoboda or visit his website,
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Episode 58: How To Live An Internally Motivated Life

The difference between internal and external motivation is immense. Our world is filled with external motivations like pain, laws, and even culture. By contrast, the way of the kingdom calls us to be motivated from the inside out walking with vision and purpose.
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Episode 57: How Gratitude Will Change Your Life

There is great strength in living a life filled with gratitude. Entitlement, envy, and complaining can poison our perspective. Yet, empowered with a Kingdom perspective of gratitude, we can begin to see the numerous blessings in our life and discover deep joy and contentment in life and in the Lord.
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Episode 56: Overcoming Disappointment

Dealing with disappointment is a fact of life. How do we overcome the disappointment that threatens to shake our faith and rattle our trust in God? What happens when our experiences don’t line up with our expectations? How does forgiveness play a role in overcoming life’s disappointments? The hosts discuss this inevitability of life with their own personal stories and redirect us back to the true character and nature of God.
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Episode 55: When Leaders Fall

So what do we do when church leaders fall? Many have experienced these situations personally or have at least watched them from afar. The pain and disappointment is real. The hosts talks about some of their personal experiences, as well as how to process the pain, heal, and ultimately forgive those leaders.
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Episode 54: Pride And The Human Heart

Pride is often a symptom of a deeper heart issue. We all will have to deal with pride at some point in our lives. How do we identify it? Why does God oppose the proud? What happens when it creeps in quietly? We discuss these questions and talk about how to embrace the humility of Christ on this episode of the Jesus Culture Podcast.
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Episode 53: A Conversation About Suffering

The scriptures speak of suffering but what exactly does that mean? In this episode we address suffering and help define what it looks like in the modern-day Christian life.
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Episode 52: The Role of the Local Church

This is the first video episode of the Jesus Culture Podcast with special guest, Nate Edwardson. Phil, Banning and Nate (all lead pastors) discuss the importance of and the role of the local church, especially in the midst of trying times like a global pandemic.
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Episode 51: Humility

Get ready for an honest conversation about humility. It seems easier these days with so much going on in our world to lower our standards. We often feel trapped in a polarized set of options but there is another way, the way of Jesus. Jesus shows us how to carry deep convictions and do it with a spirit of humility.
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Episode 50: Faith

The call of God requires us to walk in three things, holiness, courage, and faith. These three areas are the bedrock of Banning’s new book THE THREE-MILE WALK and in this episode we cover the third and final area, faith. Arguably one of the most important elements of our spiritual life, Banning and Phil unpack why faith is so critical and how faith is actually what pleases the heart of God.
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Episode 49: Courage

The call of God requires us to walk in three things, holiness, courage, and faith. These three areas are the bedrock of Banning’s new book THE THREE-MILE WALK and in this episode we focus in on courage. How do we acquire this essential courage to follow the call and commandments of God? Listen to find out more.
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Episode 48: Holiness

The call of God requires us to walk in three things, holiness, courage, and faith. These three areas are the bedrock of Banning’s new book THE THREE-MILE WALK and in this episode we begin with holiness, what it means to be set apart for the glory of God. Does sin make us unholy? What does holiness look like for the modern-day believer? Listen to find out more.
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Episode 47: Kari and Cody Carnes

This week special guests, Kari and Cody Carnes, join the podcast! Join us as we talk about ministry and marriage, living under covering, and more.
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Episode 46: A Conversation On Race, America, And The Church

In the midst of all that’s going on, we sat down with our friend, Dr. Efrem Smith, on what’s happening in America, the issue of race, and the church’s role in being vessels of healing and reconciliation. It’s a challenging conversation, but we encourage you to come humbly and listen.
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Episode 45: Wisdom For This Moment

The current global pandemic is taking its toll on us all, spiritually, relationally, emotionally. As pastors, our podcast hosts desire to see all people come out of this season thriving and victorious. We take a break from topical discussion to have a relational conversation with our listeners about what we would tell them all to focus on in this moment in time.
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Episode 44: Listener Questions

In this episode, our hosts sit down to answer your questions! The team tackles questions such as “Thoughts on the doctrine of predestination?”, “What is the balance of taking care of your church community vs. outreach efforts?”, and “Advice for millennials waiting for their future spouse?”. Thanks for submitting these and as always, ask any questions you may have for our hosts by DM’ing “Jesus Culture” on Instagram or emailing in at [email protected]
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Leadership Talks With Banning: Eugene Cho

Banning sits down with long time friend of the podcast, Eugene Cho, to talk about his new book Thou Shalt Not Be A Jerk: A Christian’s Guide To Navigating Politics. Eugene also gives incredible perspective on navigation fear and anxiety in the midst of the current health crisis, COVID-19
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Episode 43: Diligent Hope

What does it look like to diligently cultivate hope in every season of life? Join the crew as they discuss what it has been like to stay hopeful during quarantine and share what this time has revealing to them personally.
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Episode 42: Church Wounds Part 2

This week on the podcast we have a follow up on the topic of church wounds based on some listener feedback and we hear from special guest, Addison Bevere, on his new book, Saints.
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Episode 41: The Church and COVID-19

Quarantined in their homes, the team shares how they’re navigating this unprecedented season of doing church in the midst of COVID-19.
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Episode 40: Prodigals

The crew sits down to talk about prodigals. We hope it renews your faith to believe for and move towards those who are away from the Lord.
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Leadership Talks With Banning: Matt Redman

Banning sits down with songwriter and worship leader, Matt Redman. He shares some valuable lessons he’s learned having been apart of several significant movements. We also get to hear about his new album “Let There Be Wonder.”
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Episode 39: Church Wounds

Prepare your heart as we open up this conversation about church wounds. You cannot escape facing disappointment and pain as you walk in community with people. Still, there is hope through forgiveness and grace to experience healing in these very sensitive wounds.
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Episode 38: The Social Media Showdown

Dive in with us as our hosts go to toe to toe with the pros and cons of social media. What are the positives and what are the pitfalls? How can we navigate these platforms with wisdom and caution?
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Episode 37: Alex Seeley

In this episode we chat with Alex Seeley, co-founder and a Lead Pastor of The Belonging Co. She shares her faith filled journey relocating her family from Australia to Nashville, TN and the humble beginning of their church in the basement of their home.
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Episode 36: Women Leading In The Church

In this episode, Banning, Becky, and Phil share their thoughts on this popular topic. They’ll discuss what scripture has to say, give you their insights on how to respond to the debate, and challenge you to walk in love.
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Leadership Talks With Banning: Mark Batterson

Banning sits down to chat with the very inspiring Mark Batterson, Lead Pastor of National Community Church in Washington D.C. He shares about pastoring in the nation’s capital, being involved in the marketplace and gives us an inside look at his new book “Double Blessing: How to Receive It. How to Give It”.
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Episode 35: The Future of This Podcast

We’re excited this week to give our listeners a deeper insight into why we do this podcast. Banning, Becky and Phil open up about why this show matters to them, what the vision is behind it, and where we are taking it.
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Leadership Talks With Banning: Jonathan Helser

Banning sits down with songwriter and worship leader, Jonathan Helser. He shares the history of their school, “The 18 Inch Journey”, and some key insights on leading creative people.
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Episode 34: Josh Kelsey

The crew sits down with Josh Kelsey, Pastor of C3 Church in NYC. Josh shares the unique and creative way his team has introduced the Gospel in New York City. By hosting dinner parties throughout the city and inviting people into authentic community, they have created opportunities for people to encounter the transforming love of God.
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Leadership Talks With Banning: Gabe Lyons

Banning sits down with Gabe Lyons, the President and Founder of Q Ideas, to talk about the importance of the church answering the questions that our culture is asking. To find out more about Q visit 
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Episode 33: Anthony Skinner

We sat down with our good friend, Anthony Skinner, Producer of the Typology podcast and Pastor of Worship at Church of the City, to ask him about his process for developing people. Anthony shares some of the practical tools he has found useful, including the Enneagram.
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Leadership Talks With Banning: Bill Johnson

Banning sits down with one of his spiritual fathers and mentor, Bill Johnson, Senior Leader of Bethel Church, author and international speaker. Bill shares about his heart to please the Lord with obedience over ambition, where our success is not measured by numbers but instead is connected to the YES we give to God. We were so challenged and inspired by this conversation and we hope you are too.
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Episode 32: Benny Perez

In this episode Banning and Becky sit down with Benny Perez, pastor of ChurchLV in Las Vegas. Benny shares his incredible story of the Lord calling him to Vegas, embracing the dreams God gives us, working through betrayal and forgiveness and the journey which develops our character.
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Leadership Talks With Banning: Brad Lomenick

“Banning sits down with Brad Lemonick, an author and leadership consultant, who was also the leader of Catalyst, a movement for young leaders, for 12 years. Brad shares his immense wisdom on leadership. Whether you’re out front or behind the scenes, how do you build up people, turn your vision into actuality, and stay self-aware? “
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Episode 31: Nate Edwardson

“In this episode Becky and Derek Johnson sit down with Nate Edwardson, Lead Pastor of The Stirring, a thriving church in Northern California, to get real about scripture. How do we cultivate a personal passion for the Bible? How do we raise a family that values God’s word? Nate calls us to embrace the journey of scripture be it in a place discipline or in a place of desire, because when you are in the word of God, the word of God gets in you.”
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Leadership Talks With Banning: Eugene Cho

“Banning Liebscher sits down with Eugene Cho, the founder and former pastor of Quest Church and founder of One Day’s Wages, a non-profit organization aimed at alleviating global poverty. They discuss the process of being given a dream from the Lord and what it takes to walk that dream out. Eugene encourages us to grow in self-awareness, and to recognize our passions and burdens in order to bring them before the Lord in prayer.”
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Episode 30: Jeremy Riddle

“Get ready for this special conversation with Jeremy Riddle. Most known as a worship leader and songwriter, Jeremy opens up his heart in this episode allowing us to hear some of his process of discovering true identity in Christ, how to embrace sonship, and stepping into the role of fathering the next generation.”
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Leadership Talks With Banning: Danny Silk

“Banning sits down with Danny Silk, founder of Loving on Purpose, speaker and author of 7 books on leadership, relationships and culture. Danny shares the importance of properly managing authority and fear. He also gives practical tips to grow your self-awareness to build teams that have diverse skillsets to accomplish your vision.”
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Episode 29: Rebekah Lyons

“Don’t miss this incredible conversation with Rebekah Lyons, co-founder of Q Ideas, speaker and author, whose book YOU ARE FREE was featured on Good Morning America, and more importantly a dedicated mother of four. She takes us on her journey of adoption where obedience and surrender collide in the form of her beautiful daughter, Joy.”
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Episode 28: Havilah Cunnington

“This episode brings close friend of Jesus Culture’s and phenomenal communicator, Havilah Cunnington, to talk about offense, destiny, the importance of being able to hear the voice of God, her thoughts on women in ministry, the lie that we are u2018running out of time’ and so much more. Havilah Cunnington has been in full-time ministry for twenty years, and serves as a pastor at Bethel Church. Havilah and her husband, Ben, lead a nonprofit and an online platform called Truth to Table, reaching the world with Bible studies, messages, and lifestyle leadership tools.”
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Leadership Talks with Banning: Eric Knopf

“Don’t miss this incredible conversation where Banning sits down with Co-Founder of WebConnex, Eric Knopf. They dive head first into clear communication, ministry in and out the church, building the culture you want within your team/ministry and protecting your appetite for growth.”
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Episode 27: Mo Isom Aiken

“In this episode we have a conversation with Mo Isom Aiken, NY Times Best Selling author and speaker, who travels the country sharing the Gospel of Jesus in an honest way. She opens up her past including her fathers suicide, an eating disorder, and a devastating car accident leaving her with a broken neck. Jesus found her in the lowest point and revealed Himself to Mo, changing her life forever.”
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Episode 26: Annie F. Downs

“Becky and Derek Johnson, along with Phil Manginelli, interview the one and only Annie F. Downs. Annie opens up about her journey as an author, navigating rejection, following the leading of the Lord, and if that wasn’t enough, the group also discusses their experience with the Enneagram.”
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Leadership Talks with Banning: John Bevere

“In this episode of Leadership Talks with Banning Liebscher we have our friend, John Bevere. John and Banning discuss leadership topics like living with honor, running an excellent organization, the posture of humility and more. John Bevere is an internationally sought-after speaker known for his bold and uncompromising approach to God’s Word. As a best-selling author, his messages position believers to know God intimately and live empowered by His grace.”
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Episode 25: Shawn Bolz

“This month we bring our friend, Shawn Bolz, back to the podcast to talk about his personal journey, hearing the voice of God, and what it looks like to truly love people in the midst of their pain. Listen in as we discover some fun facts about Shawn including his love for musical theater!”
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Episode 24: Chad Veach

“ Banning and Becky speak with Chad Veach, Senior Pastor Of ZOE Church in LA, about his journey of planting ZOE, key foundations that often go unseen, and being on the ground in Los Angeles reaching people with Christ’s love. “
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Episode 23: Efrem Smith

“ Join us this week as we talk to Efrem Smith on racial reconciliation and the role we have in it. This is a crucial conversation to have and we hope it challenges you to ask yourself what you are doing to bring about reconciliation where you are. Pastor Efrem Smith is an internationally recognized leader who uses motivational speaking and preaching to equip people for a life of transformation. He consults on issues of multi-ethnicity, leadership and community development. Pastor Smith is the former- president and CEO of World Impact, an urban mission, church planting and leadership-development organization. He is the current co-lead Pastor of Bayside Church, Midtown. He’s the author of several books, including his latest, “Killing Us Softly.” Pastor Smith is a graduate of Saint John’s University and Luther Theological Seminary. He received an honorary doctor of ministry degree from Ashland Theological Seminary. He’s currently a doctoral student in Church Leadership at Fuller Seminary. “
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Leadership Talks with Banning: David Perkins

“ On this episode of Leadership Talks with Banning Liebscher, we talk with founder and Pastor of Radiant Church in Kansas City, David Perkins. He inspires and challenges us to take our prayer lives to a deeper level as we pursue intimacy with God as a Father. In this conversation, David highlights the principle of intimacy before impact giving us practical application for our daily lives. “
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Episode 22: Bryan and Katie Torwalt

“ Worship artists, Bryan and Katie Torwalt join us in the studio to talk about their raw and vulnerable new EP, “Praise Before My Breakthrough”. We discuss honesty in worship, walking through difficult seasons, and the power of bold declarations. Check out their latest release here: “
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Leadership Talks with Banning: Jeanne Mayo

“ This month’s Leadership Talk with Banning Liebscher is with ministry hero, Jeanne Mayo. Acclaimed by Ministries Today as “America’s Number One Youth Pastor,” Dr. Jeanne Mayo has thrown her heart and passion into youth and young adult ministry for over four decades. Besides her international ministry, Jeanne is privileged to pour her life into the local church. She serves currently as “Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries” at Victory World Church, a thriving body of believers with over 15,000 people in attendance each weekend located right outside Atlanta, GA. She also serves as the Executive Director of Atlanta Leadership College. Jeanne and Banning tackle leadership topics of longevity, mentorship, and overcoming the critics. “
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Episode 21: Phil Manginelli

“Banning sits down with Atlanta area Pastor, Phil Manginelli, to talk about following Jesus in a secular culture. Phil describes the belief system of secularism and points us to a greater hope, a life lived for Christ.”
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Leadership Talks with Banning: Sam Chand

“In this first episode of Leadership Talks with Banning, Banning sits down with Sam Chand who is a leadership architect and consultant, author, change strategist and speaker. Their discussion on topics like change, pain, and insecurity in leadership will not only challenge you, but inspire you to embrace growth in those areas of your own life with a hope-filled perspective from Dr. Chand.”
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Episode 20: Jude Fouquier

“We’re back from our summer break and coming in strong with an in-depth discussion on Scripture with Pastor Jude Fouquier. Jude and his wife, Becky, are the Lead Pastors of The City Church in Ventura, California. His knowledge of, and passion for the Word seep through during this interview that is going to enrich and challenge your personal walk with God.”
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Summer Update

“ We are on a summer break resting and planning for a great fall. In the meantime, check out our archive episodes and let us know what you want to hear about next! DM us on Instagram or Twitter or email us [email protected]. “
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Episode 19: From the Archives: Feedback

“ We’ve taken a bit of a summer vacation but we are working on some great episodes for the fall. In the meantime here is an archive episode on Feedback, with Kim Walker-Smith, Banning, Becky and guest Lyle Wells. “
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Episode 18: Brittney Serpell

“ Special bonus episode with Brittney Serpell, Family Life Director of Loving on Purpose Ministries where we discuss tips to successful parenting. “
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Episode 17: Brian Kim

“Join Banning and Co-Host, Zack Curry for this week’s episode. Derek Johnson sits down with Phill Wickham to talk through his latest projects and we play a talk from our Encounter Sacramento Conference on “cultural power from a different realm”, which is a lifestyle of prayer.”
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Episode 16: Jon Tyson

“This week, Banning sits down with Havilah Cunnington to discuss her online resource, Truth to Table. We also have a riveting conversation with author and pastor, Jon Tyson, on how to create a life that is free from the pressure of performance, while talking about issues of human pride, violation of the sabbath, and the need to constantly u2018stay busy’ rather than connecting with God in a true and sincere way. Join us this week for an episode that digs deep into our hearts and challenges what society has celebrated.”
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Episode 15: Sy Rogers

“ This week Banning is back from his Podcast hiatus. We have Lisa & John Beveres son, Arden on to talk about what he’s doing with his peers and play a clip from Sy Rogers that will not only challenge you but entertain you as well. All this an more this week on the Jesus Culture Podcast. “
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Episode 14: Banning Liebscher

“ This week we bring a familiar voice from the Jesus Culture Podcast past. Danny Silk is back to talk about boundaries and part two of Banning’s impactful message from our Encounter Sacramento conference. “
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Episode 13: Lisa Bevere

“ This week we have a guest co-host, Bryan Torwalt of Jesus Culture Music. Bryan and Becky catch us up on baby Torwalt’s arrival, what it’s like to play “old man” basketball with Banning, and then get into some important topics as we play a few impactful sessions from our Encounter Sacramento conference; a Q Pop-Up talk on loving strangers and Part 1 of Banning’s message. “
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Episode 12: Bill Johnson

“ On this episode we hear from Bill Johnson when he joined us at Encounter 2018. We are also inspired by our entrepreneurial friend who turned sugarcane waste into buildings. It’s our new norm to bring you resources so we interview Bethel Church counselor and pastor, Jason Vallotton, who developed a tool to help people walk into emotional freedom. All this and more this week on the Jesus Culture Podcast. “
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Episode 11: Phil Manginelli

“ On this episode we bring you incredible resources as we talk with Michael Brodeur, founder and CEO of Destiny Finder, a tool to help you discover and fulfill your God-given calling. We also introduce a new segment as we bring you clips from the Loving on Purpose Life Academy with Danny Silk. You’ll also hear a Q Pop-Up speaker from our Encounter conference. All this and more on the Jesus Culture Podcast. “
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Episode 10: Dave Bailey

“In this episode we bring you some dear friends who have impacted us greatly. Jon Tyson shares on his new book, ‘The Burden is Light.’ We dive into the deep topic of white supremacy with David Bailey, Director of Arrabon, a ministry that helps equip Christian leaders and communities for reconciliation. Also, hear a word from Chad Veach and win some great resources!”
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Episode 9: Henry Seeley, Kim Walker-Smith

“This week we have an episode packed full of interviews with some of our favorite friends. Pastor Henry Seeley from The Belonging Co.’s shares his heart about their new album, All the Earth. People Doing the Stuff is back with a powerhouse couple who are loving people fiercely in the inner city of Sacramento. You’ll hear a powerful sermon clip from Kim Walker-Smith at the Manchester Encounter Conference. Bonus: check out our @jcpodcast Instagram account to win the new Jesus Culture Music album, On My Side Live.”
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Episode 8: Encounter Conference Manchester

“This week we are giving you a special recap of our Manchester Encounter Conference. You’ll hear from Banning and our guest host, Phil Smith, who pastors Vine Life Church in England. We discuss how the hunger of God stretches across the globe as we play clips from the conference. Banning also interviews missionaries to talk about stepping out into what God has called you to do. They give us powerful insight into the journey of saying “yes” to God’s call. All this and more on this week’s episode! Show Notes: People Doing the Stuff: Jimmy & Genea Horner, The Mission GodTv Streaming:“
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Episode 7: Encounter Conference Pt. 2

“This week we bring you part two of the Sacramento Encounter Conference series. Our hearts are still overwhelmed by all of the ways God met us during the event. In this episode: a segment of Bill Johnson’s message, a conversation with Banning and Gabe Lyons on the Q Pop-Up’s, and a new segment called u2018Preachers in Cars’ featuring Chad Veach. Click here for the Manchester Encounter Conference, God Tv live stream”
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Episode 6: Encounter Conference Pt. 1

“This week, on the Jesus Culture Podcast we are bringing you part one of a two part series where we’ll be looking back at our Sacramento Encounter Conference that happened at the beginning of February! It was an absolutely incredible time together, our hearts were overwhelmed by all of the different ways God met us during those three days. In this episode, we sat down for an exclusive interview with Chris Brown and Jonsal Barrientes of Elevation worship, and include a couple of testimonies from conference attendees. Oh, you’ll also get a little update from our very own hosts, Becky Johnson and Banning Liebscher. So – to wrap it all up, you won’t want to miss this one. Encounter Conference UK Visit to find out how you can join us at one of our upcoming Manchester, UK conferences.”
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Episode 5: Danny Silk

“ On episode 5 of the Jesus Culture Podcast, Banning and Becky sit down with relationship and communication expert Danny Silk for a conversation on managing ourselves, communicating our needs, and even how to deal with socially awkward people. We also have a bonus book interview with 4x Olympian, Kelly Clark, a word from Lisa Bevere, and plenty of that podcast banter we know you love. Additional Show Notes: Want 15% off Kelly Clark’s new book, Inspired? Listen to this episode to snag the promo code, then visit Be sure to follow Kelly on her journey to making her 5th Olympic team! Catch her on Instagram @TheKellyClark or check out her website Danny Silk & Loving on Purpose or Encounter Conferences Visit to find out how you can join us at one of our upcoming conferences.”
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Episode 4: Kim Walker-Smith

“Happy New Year! We’re starting 2018 off right with our very own Kim Walker-Smith joining us for the first podcast of the year! We are beyond excited to sit down with Kim to talk about emotions, how to handle them, and what God has taught her about walking out a healthy and wholehearted lifestyle. Another highlight of Episode 004 was the inspiring and challenging conversation held during our People Doing Stuff segment. During the segment, we had the privilege of talking with Pastor Randy Bohlender. Together with his wife, Kelsey they founded Zoe’s House Adoptions. They firmly believe that adoption is the next frontier of the pro-life movement. Randy shares the moment that sparked him to action while praying at the Supreme Court. You won’t want to miss this one! Additional Show Notes: Encounter Conferences Visit to find out how you can join us at one of our upcoming conferences. Also, listen to this episode to get your special seating code. People Doing the Stuff Segment Pastor Randy Bohlender and his wife, Kelsey have 10 children and live in Kansas City. They firmly believe that adoption is the next frontier of the pro-life movement. They founded Zoe’s House Adoptions, which promotes adoption as a positive alternative to abortion. Zoe’s House Adoptions was founded in the belief that children are a gift from God. As God-given gifts, they are to be nurtured, loved and cared for. Their faith is at the core of their work. They deeply believe that the measure of true religion is how we care for children. Jesus Culture Message of the Week“
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Episode 3: Shawn Bolz

“ On the 3rd episode of the New Jesus Culture Podcast we have a conversation with Shawn Bolz about Gods heart for you, the church, the unsaved and how the prophetic gift in his life plays a part in all of it. Shawn is an author, a TV host, spiritual adviser, producer, and minister. Since he was in his teens, Shawn has been seen as a pioneer in ministry, including the prophetic movement, with a focus on having a genuine relationship with God. Listen in to find out how you can win a copy of his new book, “God Secrets”. Plus, Banning and Becky talk about what to do with those unwanted Christmas gifts! Bolz Ministry: People Doing the Stuff Segment: Andy Byrd and his wife, Holly, have dedicated their lives to spiritual awakening in a generation. They work with a group of life-long friends committed to consecrated community, Christ-centered living, revival, and cultural reformation. Andy is on the leadership team at the University of the Nations, YWAM Kona and has been with YWAM for 19 years. Find Andy on social media @andybyrd1 or his school’s website To support Andy visit our partner link here. “
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Episode 2: Scott Harrison

“ Jesus Culture Podcast episode two is here and it’s full of inspiring interviews as well as Banning and Becky’s thoughts on the Christmas season. Scott Harrison from charity: water shares his transformational story of going from a nightclub promoter to starting a movement that brings clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. Since 2006, charity: water has funded more than 24,500 water projects around the world to help 7.3 million people get access to clean water, hygiene and improved sanitation. Learn how you can partner with this great cause by visiting Also in this episode, Pastor Darren Whitehead talks about his book with worship artist Christ Tomlin called “Holy Roar”. They dive into the question “what does it mean to praise God?” Catch it all on our second episode of JCP! “
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Episode 1: Joyce Meyer

“It’s here! The first episode of the new Jesus Culture Podcast! We are elated to bring you an inspiring episode as we interview world-renowned, international minister, Joyce Meyer. She shares powerfully and practically about her public and private life, anointing, and trusting God.We also chat with Ben Cooley of Hope for Justice in our new segment, “People Doing the Stuff”. Tune in to hear what this once opera singer is now doing to save thousands of people from modern-day slavery.Visit Hope for Justice to see how you can engage in this cause. Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @jcpodcast for a chance to win a signed copy of Joyce Meyer’s latest book, u2018Unshakable Trust’.“
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Propaganda Bonus Episode

“ This week, we take a detour from our norm to bring you a Bonus Episode! Cody Williams sat down to do a segment with Propaganda and we liked it so much we decided to give you the interview in its entirety. Hear what Propaganda has to say about the Christian/political climate and his latest album, plus, how he feels he’s grown as an artist. Christian rapper and poet Propaganda first became known as part of the pioneering underground rap collective the Tunnel Rats. Born Jason Petty, the Los Angeles-based musician adopted the stage name Propaganda early in his career. “
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Prayer Q&A

“In this week’s episode we wrap up our Prayer series by taking listener questions. Listen in as Banning unpacks your questions and dives deeper into the topic of prayer covering everything from the practical to the spiritual side of things. Banning’s book recommendations: With Christ in the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray Power through Prayer by EM Bounds The Life and Diary of David Brainerd Rees Howells: Intercessor Books by Frank Bartleman Shaping History through Prayer & Fasting by Derek Prince Intercessors by Maurice Howells “
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Prayer Part 3: Brian Kim

“Want to move your prayer life to the next level? This is Part 3 of our prayer series with guest, Brian Kim. His passion for missions, desire to equip young leaders, and personal history with God will challenge and inspire you. He discusses with hosts Banning and Becky how to move our prayer life from duty, to discipline, to delight. Brian Kim is the founder and president of the Antioch Center for Training and Sending, a missions organization committed to equipping young leaders to pioneer the expansion of the gospel amongst unreached and unengaged people groups. For nearly a decade, he served on the senior leadership team of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPKC). Brian resides in Colorado Springs with his wife and children and serves alongside Every Home for Christ, an international missions organization systematically reaching millions with the gospel each year in over 130 nations. He is the author of Magnificent Obsession, published in 2015 by Charisma House. Find more about Brian and his ministry at Want more resources on prayer? Check out“
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Prayer Part 2: David Perkins

“ For Part 2 in our series on prayer, Banning and Becky talk with Pastor David Perkins. You’ll be inspired to engage your heart more with Father God and identify what the Lord is asking of you in regards to prayer. Find out more about David at: “
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Prayer Part 1: Lou Engle

“For the next three weeks, we are exploring truths on prayer. In this first episode of the series, Banning interviews the father of the modern-day prayer movement, Lou Engle, co-founder of The Call. Gain wisdom from knowing what his life of prayer really looks like and how you can shape history with your own prayers. Find out more about Lou by visiting:“
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1 on 1 with Banning: Marc Estes

“This week’s episode is a One on One with Pastor Marc Estes. Pastor Marc and his wife, Susan Estes, are the Lead Pastors of City Bible Church and have served the Portland Metro area for over 20 years. Marc is the President of Portland Bible College and an internationally-known writer and speaker. You’ll glean insights on leading well and stewarding your gifts by listening in on this rich conversation between Banning and Marc. Looking for more from Pastor Marc?Check out: or“
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Podcast Replay - Finding Your Tribe Part 1

“ This week we journey back in time and bring you one of our most popular episodes, Finding Your Tribe Part 1. Hear from Jesus Culture worship artist, Bryan Torwalt, and other guests as they discuss what choosing community looks like. You’ll also hear a deep and challenging message from Kris Vallotton, Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Redding. Plus a sneak peak into next week’s “Authentic You” episode. You are not gonna wanna miss this archived episode. Original Episode #96 Aired June 1, 2016 Have questions? Wanna send us your audio testimony? Email: [email protected] “
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Hope in Action

“ This week we talk about what hope in action looks like in our lives with specific examples we’ve seen of hope in Europe. Special guest from the UK, Pastor Phill Smith, joins in on the discussion. We know that you’ll feel inspired and hopeful after this episode. Additionally, Banning sifts through a few thoughts on the recent evil and racist issues surrounding our nation and the Charlottesville events. Last week to join in on our listener feedback survey at: “
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1 on 1 with Banning: Lisa Bevere

“ For this weeks One on One, one of Jesus Culture Sacramento’s pastors, Kate Bagley, sits down with Lisa Bevere for an in-depth interview. Lisa is an author, speaker, mother and grandmother. She and husband, John Bevere, run Messenger International, an organization committed to developing uncompromising followers of Christ who transform our world. In this rich discussion, Lisa shares her heart, history, and passions. Follow Lisa on Instagram @lisabevere Get the first two chapters of u2018Without Rival’, Lisa’s latest book at Beveres’ Ministry: Take our podcast survey! Everyone gets a $5 off coupon to our online store and some of you will win other cool prizes! Go to: “
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Life and Leadership Talk with Mack Brock

“ This week Banning Liebscher and Becky Johnson sit down for a chat with a talented song writer and music producer, Mack Brock, formerly of Elevation Worship. They dive into life, leadership the importance of community as we journey through our life as believers and leaders. Love this podcast or wanna help make it better? Take our podcast survey! Everyone gets a $5 off coupon to our online store and some of you will win other cool prizes! Go to: “
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1 on 1 with Banning: Bianca Olthoff

“ This week featured Leader on our 1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher is the hilarious Bianca Olthoff. Banning and her dive deep into the principles of serving someone else’s vision well, calling, passions, and pursuing God through every season all while keeping the humor high. Bianca is an author, speaker, and freedom fighter. Find out more about her at “
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The Supernatural Power of God

“ This week we share Banning Liebscher’s talk from Q Conference. What does it mean to engage the dream of God for our lives and walk in the supernatural power of God? Listen in this week and find out. Q educates church and cultural leaders on their role and opportunity to embody the Gospel in public life. Find out more at “
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1 on 1 with Banning: Tyler Reagin

“ This week Banning hops on the phone with Tyler Reagin, President of the Catalyst. Catalyst is a leadership event series that unifies, equips, and challenges leaders who love the Church. Hear Tyler’s journey from local church pastor to leading a national movement. Find out more about Catalyst at “
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Embracing Your Leadership Style

“Leadership style and personality is not a “one size fits all”. This week Banning and Becky talk with SeaJay about how she has embraced her own leadership style and the importance of empowering others to do the same. Featured on the episode: Are you in Europe? Join us this July for Encounter Leadership Sessions Listener Testimonies can be emailed to [email protected]”
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1 on 1 with Banning: Dr. Dawn Adkins

“ This month Becky interviews Dr. Dawn Adkins and we hear how her powerful encounter with God transformed this forty-six-time felon, drug addicted prostitute into a passionate revivalist. To find out more about Radical Restoration Ministries visit the website at Hear more of Dawn Atkins and others released from prison on the Jesus Culture Sacramento Church Podcast This episode on the JCLP we also give a bittersweet send off to Host, Dean Deguara, as he steps out of Jesus Culture and into a new Senior Pastor role at Real Life Church in Natomas, California. You can follow Dean at “
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Being Free: Part 2

“This episode is Part 2 of Rebekah Lyons message from Encounter Conference 2017. Listen in as Banning, Becky, Laura, and Zack discuss how the message impacted them and illustrates the beauty of how we can be fully free thanks to what Jesus did for us!”
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Being Free: Part 1

“Listen in as Banning, Becky, Laura, and Zack discuss Rebekah Lyons’ message from Encounter Conference 2017. The team shares how the message impacts them and illustrates the beauty of how we can be fully free thanks to what Jesus did for us!”
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Traits of a Leader: Empowerment

“ This week, as we close out our month-long series, Traits of a Good Leader, we’re focusing in on empowering others. Tune in as Becky and Banning challenge what standard leadership looks like while reminding you that you have what it takes to lead an empowered team. “
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Traits of a Leader: Security

“ This week on the JCLP we continue our Traits of a Healthy Leader series. Becky and Banning get to the heart of where our security should be found. Listen in and challenge yourself to be rooted and motivated from a healthy place. “
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Traits of a Leader: Personal Vision & Growth

“ We are taking the month of April and discussing key values and traits that make an effective leader. In this episode of the JCLP Banning, Becky and Dean dive into what it takes to have true personal vision for yourself. Listen in and fuel your leadership life! “
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Traits of a Leader: Humility & Teachability

“This month we are changing things up. Banning and Becky are taking the month of April and will be discussing key values and traits that make a great leader. As leaders and followers of Christ, we are called to a life of humility. But what does that really mean? This episode of the JCLP Banning and Beaky are unpacking Humility & Teachability. Listen in as they go over what that means and what it looks like to walk in these values.”
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Leading in the Supernatural: Part 1

“We are highlighting this week one of our favorite archived episodes. Leading in the supernatural is about bringing the Kingdom as leaders wherever we go and whatever God has called us to do. Leadership is not only principles, it is power! We too must lead with the supernatural to offer hope and a life altering encounter with Jesus to the people we influence. Jesus Culture’s Director of Outreach and Conference Speaker, Scott Thompson challenges us with a fresh word about hungering and releasing the supernatural in our lives as leaders. “
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Panic to Power: Part 2

“ Anxiety, a topic that spans genders. If you missed last week’s episode, go back and listen. SeaJay shares her story of walking through anxiety and finding breakthrough. Find out more about the “Panic to Power” book that was a great resource to SeaJay and those around her. In this episode you will also hear singer/songwriter, Kari Jobe, talk about her new album and life on the road with her family. “
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Panic to Power: Part 1

“You don’t want to miss this month’s topic discussion, we are announcing some big news! We also have special guests, SeaJay Liebscher and Erika Myburgh join us this month for our topic discussion on Panic to Power. This is a topic that is not discussed much in the church but that so many have dealt with. SeaJay shares with us her very personal battle with anxiety and wants you to know you aren’t alone.”
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1 on 1 with Banning: Nate Edwardson Part 2

” Welcome to Part 2 of our conversation with Nate Edwardson, Pastor of the Stirring Church in Redding, CA. Banning and Nate dive into the topic of raising up fathers and mothers. Nate says God is passionate about family. If you want to build the Kingdom you need to build family. Enjoy this episode! “
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1 on 1 with Banning: Nate Edwardson Part 1

“This month we are bringing you a conversation with our friend Nate Edwardson, pastor of the Stirring Church. In Part 1 of our 1 on 1 Nate discusses how we’ve been created in God’s image therefore we can reveal His image. He also explores topics about God looking to express something in the world through people. You don’t want to miss this important conversation full of truths about our identities and how we influence culture. “
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Relationship Q & A: Part 2

“”Healthy boundaries are hope for connection.” That is just a taste of what you will get on this month’s Relationship Q & A with Danny and Sheri Silk. We were so encouraged by the relationship questions that came in and we are excited to bring you answers from some of our very own relationship heroes! This is Part 1 of the Relationship Q&A on the JCLP.”
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Relationship Q & A: Part 1

“”Healthy boundaries are hope for connection.” That is just a taste of what you will get on this month’s Relationship Q & A with Danny and Sheri Silk. We were so encouraged by the relationship questions that came in and we are excited to bring you answers from some of our very own relationship heroes! This is Part 1 of the Relationship Q&A on the JCLP.”
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1 on 1 with Banning: Shawn Bolz Part 2

“ This week Banning finishes up a conversation with Shawn Bolz. Shawn talks about the processes that we don’t anticipate, boundaries we all need, and the conviction in our lives. Stay tuned at the end of the interview for Banning’s second teaching on prayer and fasting called “Carrying the Word of the Lord.” “
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1 on 1 with Banning: Shawn Bolz Part 1

“This month’s 1 on 1 is with one of our favorite people, Shawn Bolz. What Shawn has to say about being in culture, hostile environments, and being an influence is a great compliment to last month’s discussion with Dave Gibbons. Shawn shares with such authenticity about his experience and what he has learned about destiny and calling. So grab a pen and take some notes from this episode of the JCLP.”
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1 on 1 with Banning: Dave Gibbons Part 2

“Welcome to Part 2 of our conversation with Dave Gibbons, Pastor, Author, and Founder of Xealots. Last week he explored the subjects of love and pain. This week he and Banning will discuss how leaders can stay engaged in a shifting culture. We aren’t to fight it but artfully flow in it. Don’t miss this insightful discussion.”
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1 on 1 with Banning: Dave Gibbons Part 1

“We have the opportunity to share with you this month an exciting conversation with Dave Gibbons. He’s a pastor, author, and founder of Xealots. This week he explores the subjects of love and pain. You don’t want to miss this insightful discussion! “
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Decrease to Increase: Part 2

“ Jesus Culture’s very own, Derek Johnson and Ruthie Ridley, join us again as we unpack this powerful message, “Decrease to Increase” by Dean Deguara. Stay tuned so you don’t miss this month’s author interview featuring Pastor Mark Batterson and his new book “Chase the Lion”. “
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Decrease to Increase: Part 1

“Hello 2017! In this month’s Music Spotlight, David Crowder says that everything we do ON the platform is really an authentic REPRESENTATION of who we are OFF the platform. David Crowder and Skyler Smith talk music, inspiration, and authenticity in this episode. Plus our very own Derek Johnson and Ruthie Ridley (new voice on our next Jesus Culture album) join Banning and Becky to discuss some of the practicalities of the prophetic and dig a little deeper into our highlight message by Dean Deguara.”
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Prophetic Dream: Part 2

“Join us once again with Rob and Laura Burhans as we discuss New Years resolutions or lack there of; and we will jump into the second part of Deborah Giles’ message on Prophetic Dreaming. We also have our friend Pete Greig discussing a little bit about his new book Dirty Glory. Don’t miss this last episode of 2016!”
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1 on 1 with Banning: Pete Greig Part 2

“Welcome to the second half of our 1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher and our friend across the pond, Pete Greig. You don’t want to miss this conversation where Pete talks about becoming wilder and wiser as we grow. Pete is a best-selling author, pastor and team leader of the 24-7 Prayer movement which has reached more than half the nations on earth. You can find out more about the 24-7 Prayer movement here.”
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Prophetic Dreaming: Part 1

“We have some of our favorites on the show this week, Robert and Laura Burhans. They will be discussing this years crazy christmas gifts, christmas lists and prophetic dreaming while highlighting Deborah Giles talk on the Prophetic. You also don’t want to miss out on Derek Johnson interviewing Lauren Daigle on her Christmas album, “Behold a Christmas Collection.””
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1 on 1 with Banning: Pete Greig Part 1

“We had some of our favorite friends from across the pond join us for this week’s JCLP. So sit back grab a cup of cocoa! Matt Redman is going to unpacks what it was like writing his first Christmas Album and how mystery is so much better than magic and Pete Greig talks success, prayer, leadership, and life. “
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Bonus Episode: Leading in Culture Part 1

“Enjoy this week our most listened to Podcast episode, “Leading in Culture: Part 1.” If you heard this before pull out some new notes from this episode we would love to hear your thoughts on social media. If you have never heard this episode we hope you find it encouraging. Original air date: 10/16/15″
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Healing: Part 2

“Welcome to Part 2 of our topic on healing and the second part of Chris Gore’s message. But first Banning got the chance to talk with Bill Johnson and discuss his new book God is Good.”
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1 on 1 with Banning: Ken Costa Part 2

“You don’t want to miss this one on one interview with Banning and Ken Costa. Ken Costa has been leading in culture for many years. He is the founder and author of God at Work and Know your Why with over 40 years experience in the Financial Sector. His message to lead and know Jesus right where you are is something the JCLP is passionate about sharing with our listeners!”
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Healing: Part 1

“This week we dive into the subject of healing, listen to part 1 of Chris Gore speaking on the subject of healing, and also have an amazing interview with Lincoln Brewster. So listen, take notes, and enjoy this weeks Jesus Culture Leadership Podcast.”
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1 on 1 with Banning: Ken Costa Part 1

“You don’t want to miss this one on one interview with Banning and Ken Costa. Ken Costa has been leading in culture for many years. He is the founder and author of God at Work and Know your Why with over 40 years experience in the Financial Sector. His message to lead and know Jesus right where you are is something the JCLP is passionate about sharing with our listeners!”
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Celebrating Our 117th Episode

“We celebrated our 117th episode with our first ever LIVE podcast. In case you missed it, check it out here. Special guests included Cameron Strang, Kim Walker-Smith, Chris Quilala, and more. It was hilarious, insightful, and most of all, really fun. ;“
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1 on 1 with Havilah Cunnington: Part 2

“This month Banning does his 1 on 1 conversation with long time friend Havilah Cunnington. She is a wife mother, author, speaker, & multi-tasker. She shares a bit of her story and this week talks about tuning into the prophetic voice of God.”
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Europe Discussions

“Hello JCLP listeners. We are gearing up for our Europe Conference in November and we want you to be apart of that. We have put together a special podcast to share with you about our heart for conferences and Europe. This week Kim Walker Smith and Phil Smith join Banning in a discussing one of our favorite places, Europe. “
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1 on 1 with Havilah Cunnington: Part 1

“This month Banning does his 1 on 1 conversation with long time friend Havilah Cunnington. She is a wife mother, author, speaker, & multi-tasker. She shares a bit of her story and how she had to redefine what success looks like. Dean and Banning also unpack a little about your timing in life. Enjoy this 1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher and Havilah Cunnington.”
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JCLA Highlights: Part 2

“JCLA was 3 days filled with amazing speakers that poured out what has been placed on their heart from the Lord and where people came from all over to worship and encounter Jesus. Join us this month as we give you a glimpse into what went on at our last Jesus Culture LA conference.”
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1 on 1 with Banning: Dann Farrelly Part 2

“This month’s featured Leader on our 1 on 1 with Banning is Dan Farrelly. He is the author of Brave Communication and one of the Senior team staff leaders at Bethel Church in Redding Ca. This Week Dann and Banning are discussing love’s twin, truth.”
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JCLA Highlights: Part 1

“JCLA was 3 days filled with amazing speakers that poured out what has been placed on their heart from the Lord and where people came from all over to worship and encounter Jesus. Join us this month as we give you a glimpse into what went on at our last Jesus Culture LA conference.”
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1 on 1 With Banning: Dann Farrelly Part 1

“This month’s featured Leader on our 1 on 1 with Banning is Dan Farrelly. He is the author of Brave Communication and one of the Senior team staff leaders at Bethel Church in Redding Ca. This month he will be discussing with us the different leadership styles.”
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5th Week Special Edition Podcast

“Dean Deguara and Kandice Hanes have taken over the 5th Wednesday Podcast and are bringing you one of our JCLA sessions. Nate Edwards, founder and pastor of the Stirring Church brings a timely word about knowing your “When.” So kick back and enjoy this kick off to Septembers JCLA highlights.”
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A Passion for Growth: Part 2

“Banning gets together this month with Sheri Silk, Cody Williams, and Jessica Gilstrap and talk growth. They dive in to some of the key things we need to establish in our lives to have growth, such as trust. You don’t want to miss this important conversation! Listen to Banning and Lisa discuss some of the important issues she writes about in her new Book, Without Rival.”
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1 on 1 with Banning: Lou Engle Part 2

“Banning has the honor of interviewing one of our favorite leaders, Lou Engle. Banning says there are some people that just inspire you to love God more and Lou is one of those people. Please join us as Lou unpacks a little bit of his journey and answers some leadership questions.”
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A Passion for Growth: Part 1

“Banning gets together this month with Sheri Silk, Cody Williams, and Jessica Gilstrap and talk growth. They dive in to some of the key things we need to establish in our lives to have growth, such as trust. You don’t want to miss this important conversation! Listen to Banning and Lisa discuss some of the important issues she writes about in her new Book, Without Rival.”
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One on One with Banning: Lou Engle Part 1

“Banning has the honor of interviewing one of our favorite leaders, Lou Engle. Banning says there are some people that just inspire you to love God more and Lou is one of those people. Please join us as Lou unpacks a little bit of his journey and answers some leadership questions.”
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Church as a Family: Part 2

“Let’s take a look at Part 2 of Church as a family. We brought in Kate Bagley and Jessica Gilstrap from our own team to share with us in this family conversation that we know you will love. We also have a special music spotlight! Skylar Smith chats with the Torwalts about their new album “Champion” which releases this month.”
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One on One with Banning: Rebekah Lyons Part 2

“ Rebekah Lyons is the author of Freefall to Fly: A Breathtaking Journey Toward a Life of Meaning. She is a mother of three, wife of one, and dog walker of two living in Nashville. She’s an old soul with a contemporary, honest voice who puts a new face on the struggles women face as they seek to live a life of meaning. This month Banning asks Rebekah to tell her story of overcoming anxiety, depression, and how it led to her finding freedom and discovering her calling. As a self-confessed mess, Rebekah wears her heart on her sleeve.”
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Church as a Family: Part 1

“This week we look at Part 1 of doing Church as a Family. We brought in Kate Bagley and Jessica Gilstrap from our own team to share with us in this family conversation that we know you will love. Dean interviews Pastor Ben Dailey, author of his newest release Limitless.”
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1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher: Rebekah Lyons Part 1

“ Rebekah Lyons is the author of Freefall to Fly: A Breathtaking Journey Toward a Life of Meaning. She is a mother of three, wife of one, and dog walker of two living in Nashville. She’s an old soul with a contemporary, honest voice who puts a new face on the struggles women face as they seek to live a life of meaning. This month Banning asks Rebekah to tell her story of overcoming anxiety, depression, and how it led to her finding freedom and discovering her calling. As a self-confessed mess, Rebekah wears her heart on her sleeve.”
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June Special Edition

“It’s our 100th episode and it is a special edition for us. Join us as we answer some listener questions and have a little fun.”
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1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher: Lyle Wells Part 2

“Banning sits down and discusses leadership with Lyle Wells, National Director of Leadership Processes at the Flippen Group. Lyle is a published and sought-after speaker and advisor to educators, corporate leaders, athletic teams, and non-profit organizations. At the Flippen Group Lyle makes it a goal to equip and encourage others. He focuses on growing high performers, maximizing leaders, and multiplying the influence of all the individuals he engages. Lyle speaks not only from a place of wisdom and insight but also from vast experiences. Lyle was a Colorado school administrator at two nationally-recognized high schools, coached multiple state championship teams, and spent more than a decade as a classroom teacher. He was athletic director and head basketball coach for Palm Beach Atlantic University’s nationally-ranked basketball team, received the National Coach of the Year award, and has been a senior leader for successful business ventures.”
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Finding Your Tribe: Part 2

“This week Banning and Becky continue the conversation with Bryan Torwalt and Yari Sampson on Finding Your Tribe. They discuss topics such as laying down your roots, messiness, and covenant. Hear more from Kris Vallaton as he looks at a very special covenant relationship in the Bible. This week Banning will also be answering some listener questions from our JCLP community.”
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1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher: Lyle Wells Part 1

“Banning sits down and discusses leadership with Lyle Wells, National Director of Leadership Processes at the Flippen Group. Lyle is a published and sought-after speaker and advisor to educators, corporate leaders, athletic teams, and non-profit organizations. At the Flippen Group Lyle makes it a goal to equip and encourage others. He focuses on growing high performers, maximizing leaders, and multiplying the influence of all the individuals he engages. Lyle speaks not only from a place of wisdom and insight but also from vast experiences. Lyle was a Colorado school administrator at two nationally-recognized high schools, coached multiple state championship teams, and spent more than a decade as a classroom teacher. He was athletic director and head basketball coach for Palm Beach Atlantic University’s nationally-ranked basketball team, received the National Coach of the Year award, and has been a senior leader for successful business ventures.”
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Finding Your Tribe: Part 1

“In this episode of the JCLP Banning and Becky discuss the importance of finding your tribe with worship leader Bryan Torwalt and Yari Sampson from Loving on Purpose. Together they have an authentic conversation and give the JCLP listeners some practical tips on what they have done to find their tribe and what that it looks like in day to day life. “
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1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher: Rooted Book Discussion Part 2

“All month long we are celebrating the release of Banning’s NEW book, Rooted: The Hidden Places Where God Develops You. On this episode Dean interviews Banning and digs deep into the principles that our important if we are going to thrive in the process as leaders.”
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Rooted: Embracing God's Process in Our Life Part 2

“Welcome to the NEW format of the Jesus Culture Leadership Podcast! Hosted by Banning Liebscher and Becky Johnson, they sit down with Zack and Dean to discuss Banning’s new book that released May 3rd, Rooted: The Hidden Places Where God Develops You. Join us all month long as we celebrate and discuss Banning’s latest book. Make sure you are taking advantage of all the resources at “
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1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher: Rooted Book Discussion

“All month long we are celebrating the release of Banning’s NEW book, Rooted: The Hidden Places Where God Develops You. On this episode Dean interviews Banning and digs deep into the principles that our important if we are going to thrive in the process as leaders.”
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Rooted: Embracing God's Process in Our Life

“ Welcome to the NEW format of the Jesus Culture Leadership Podcast! Hosted by Banning Liebscher and Becky Johnson, they sit down with Zack and Dean to discuss Banning’s new book that released May 3rd, Rooted: The Hidden Places Where God Develops You. Join us all month long as we celebrate and discuss Banning’s latest book. “
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1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher: Michael Brodeur Part 2

“Banning sits down with consultant and author Michael Brodeur in this in depth episode. Michael has launched and Destiny Finder is an online personal discovery and development system that helps individuals identify their spiritual gifts and passions, and become the person God created them to be. Pastor’s Coach is a coaching program for designed specifically to help pastors grow through leadership limitations. He is also the author of two books, Revival Culture: Preparing the Church for the Next Great Awakening Destiny Finder. In addition, he teaches several classes in the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California, and provide consulting services for various churches and organizations around the world. “
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Bridging the Racial Divide Part 2

“In Banning’s absence Becky, Zack, Dean and Cody continue the discussion on the topic of racism in our culture and in the church. This much needed conversation we hope will challenge you to be a bridge in seeing our nation united and the racial divide in our country and around the world healed. Special guests include Benny Perez and Darwin Hobbs. Also, Banning’s Book Club features Bob Kilpatrick about his devotional Secrets of the Silence.”
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1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher: Michael Brodeur Part 1

“Banning sits down with consultant and author Michael Brodeur in this in depth episode. Michael has launched and Destiny Finder is an online personal discovery and development system that helps individuals identify their spiritual gifts and passions, and become the person God created them to be. Pastor’s Coach is a coaching program for designed specifically to help pastors grow through leadership limitations. He is also the author of two books, Revival Culture: Preparing the Church for the Next Great Awakening Destiny Finder. In addition, he teaches several classes in the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California, and provide consulting services for various churches and organizations around the world. . “
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Bridging the Racial Divide Part 1

“In Banning’s absence Becky, Zack, Dean and Cody address the topic of racism in our culture and in the church. This much needed conversation we hope will challenge you to be a bridge in seeing our nation united and the racial divide in our country and around the world healed. Also, Derek Johnson sits down with Phil Wickham who shares his personal testimony of how God healed his vocal chords and we highlight a conversation that Banning had with Bishop Parnell Lovelace in regards to racism.”
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Special Edition "Best of the JCLP"

“Dean Deguara sits down with Banning Liebscher to review the best JCLP episodes of 2015. In this special edition you will hear clips from the top 5 episodes that have been downloaded 10’s of thousands of times. Leading as Dreamers (Episodes 51 & 52) Leadership Conversations (Episode 53 & 54 Leading Teams (Episode 55) Leading Family Part 2 (Episode 50) Passion to Grow (Episodes 57 & 58) “
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1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher: Dave Gibbons Part 2

“Banning wraps up Part 2 of his interview with Dave Gibbons. Dave is a proven innovation strategist, author, culture specialist, and creative communicator. He has traveled the world to share dynamic insights on leadership development, regularly speaking in strategic cities throughout North America and Asia, and is the author of The Monkey and the Fish, an award-winning book on culture and Small Could Rising. Dave consults executives, artists, and the next generation of international leaders. He has served on the board of World Vision US, and helps to guide a group of third-culture faith communities called Newsong. He holds a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and is a graduate from Max Depree’s Roundtable of Leaders. “
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Leading with Personal Responsibility - Part 2

“We live in a culture that caters to the consumer. A society where companies and now churches are responding to the beck and call of everyone’s needs. Banning and the JCLP crew address the detrimental effects this is having on the lives of Christians and the vitality of the Church. In this episode we express a core value that is burning in our hearts to call people to a Christian life that requires personal responsibility once again! Join us in Los Angeles for JCLA and get a discount just for listening to the JCLP! To receive$10 off all registration prices use discount code: JCLP10 The Dean’s List: Brock Shinen & the Cogniepop Podcast“
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1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher: Dave Gibbons Part 1

“In this episode Banning sits down Dave Gibbons Dave is a proven innovation strategist, author, culture specialist, and creative communicator. He has traveled the world to share dynamic insights on leadership development, regularly speaking in strategic cities throughout North America and Asia, and is the author of The Monkey and the Fish, an award-winning book on culture and Small Could Rising. Dave consults executives, artists, and the next generation of international leaders. He has served on the board of World Vision US, and helps to guide a group of third-culture faith communities called Newsong. He holds a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and is a graduate from Max Depree’s Roundtable of Leaders. Banning Speaking at Inspire Nights on March 10th: Eastridge Church – Seattle, WA“
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Leading with Personal Responsibility Part 1

“We live in a culture that caters to the consumer. A society where companies and now churches are responding to the beck and call of everyone’s needs. Banning and the JCLP crew address the detrimental effects this is having on the lives of Christians and the vitality of the Church. In this episode we express a core value that is burning in our hearts to call people to a Christian life that requires personal responsibility once again! “
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1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher: Sheri Silk Part 2

“In Part 2 of Banning’s interview with Sheri Silk they dive into topics such as the different personalities of a leader, women in leadership and the value of feedback. Sheri currently serves as Events Director and is on the Executive Leadership Team at Jesus Culture. Before coming to JC, Sheri and her husband Danny Silk served on the Senior Leadership Team of Bethel Church for more then 13 years. She and Danny have been married for 30 years, have 3 adult children and 3 grandchildren.“
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Leading Out in Front Part 2

“You are the head not the tail! In the context of leadership that means you are called to be leading out in front not from behind. When Jesus told us to disciple nations he was highlighting every believer. God has given you a mandate to lead not follow. This month the JCLP inspires you to live and lead with a determination that will transform the nations. The Dean’s List: Chris Cruz“
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1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher: Sheri Silk Part 1

“This month Banning interviews someone who he has worked in the trenches with for quite some time. Sheri Silk shares with Banning her approach to building teams into a family and how she uses her influence to empower her team to function at a high capacity. Sheri currently serves as Events Director and is on the Executive Leadership Team at Jesus Culture. Before coming to JC, Sheri and her husband Danny Silk served on the Senior Leadership Team of Bethel Church for more then 13 years. She and Danny have been married for 30 years, have 3 adult children and 3 grandchildren.“
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Leading Out in Front Part 1

“You are the head not the tail! In the context of leadership that means you are called to be leading out in front not from behind. When Jesus told us to disciple nations he was highlighting every believer. God has given you a mandate to lead not follow. This month the JCLP inspires you to live and lead with a determination that will transform the nations. Sign Up for the Jesus Culture Leadership Community for as little at $16 per month. “
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1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher: Gabe Lyons Pt. 2

“This month’s podcast features Gabe Lyons founder of Q, a ministry dedicated to the vision seeing Christians, especially leaders, recover a vision for their historic responsibility to renew and restore cultures. In the second half of the interview Banning and Gabe dive deeper into the the theology of restoration and renewal and what it’s going to take to redeem culture. Visit Gabe’s website at “
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Leading with Flavor Part 2

“In 2016, we want to see cities and nations transformed. In order to witness that we felt the need to inspire leaders in church, campus and culture. This episode includes a Culture Project interview with guest panelists from our home church – JC Sacramento, a revelatory message from Bill Johnson an more! This year it’s our desire to see the JCLP community multiplied as together we go after the mandate God has given us. “
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1 on 1 with Banning Liebscher: Gabe Lyons Part 1

“We are excited about going weekly in 2016! Our 2nd & 4th podcasts of the month will be one on one interviews with Banning Liebscher and a special guest. This month’s podcast features Gabe Lyons founder of Q, a ministry dedicated to the vision seeing Christians, especially leaders, recover a vision for their historic responsibility to renew and restore cultures. Visit Gabe’s website at “
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Leading with Flavor Part 1

“ As we start 2016 we thought it would be good to remind everyone why we started the Jesus Culture Leadership Podcast. We want to see cities and nations transformed, yet in order to witness that we felt the need to inspire leaders in church, campus and culture. This year it’s our desire to see the JCLP community multiplied as together we go after the mandate God has given us. You will hear a lot of our heart in this episode! Banning’s 2016 Reading List: The Normal Christian Life Secrets of the Silence Creativity, Inc. His Excellency George Washington Founding Brothers Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? Open Wide the Freedom Gates Small Cloud Rising It’s Not What You Think Sandcastle Kings Politics According to the Bible Center Church “
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Leading with Friends Part 2

“Becky gathered a group of ladies to close out 2015, discuss goals for the New Year and friendships. A challenging topic for many that some just want to forget, friendship can be expressed in so many different, yet meaningful ways. Hear our heartbeat for friendships and why leadership requires them. Jesus Culture Conference Sacramento “
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Leading with Friends Part 1

“To celebrate Christmas and close out the year Becky gathered a group of ladies to discuss Holiday favs and friendships. A challenging topic for many that some just want to forget, friendship can be expressed in so many different, yet meaningful ways. Hear our heartbeat for friendships and why leadership requires them. “
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Jesus Culture Conference Europe - Leadership Edition Part 2

“Banning sits down with leaders from the UK and reflects on leadership principles that have been pivotal in their lives. Phil & Sarah Smith, Lead Pastors of Vinelife, and Glyn Barrett, Senior Pastor of Audacious Church offer some key leadership principles that have been tested and proven in their life and ministry. Also, hear some highlights from our first JC Europe Conference in the UK! More Info: Jesus Culture Conference Sacramento January 22-23 “
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Jesus Culture Conference Europe - Leadership Edition Part 1

“Banning sits down with leaders from the UK and reflects on leadership principles that have been pivotal in their lives. Phil & Sarah Smith, Lead Pastors of Vinelife, and Glyn Barrett, Senior Pastor of Audacious Church offer some key leadership principles that have been tested and proven in their life and ministry. Also, hear some highlights from our first JC Europe Conference in the UK!”
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Leading in Culture Part 2

“No matter where the Lord has placed you in society, as leaders you are called to be salt scattered throughout culture to bring Kingdom influence and supernatural transformation. Banning, Becky, Dean and special guest, Director of Jesus Culture in the UK Phil Smith discuss our mandate as believer to bring our influence to impact the areas God has called us to.”
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Leading in Culture Part 1

“No matter where the Lord has placed you in society, as leaders you are called to be salt scattered throughout culture to bring Kingdom influence and supernatural transformation. Banning, Becky, Dean and special guest, Director of Jesus Culture in the UK Phil Smith discuss our mandate as believer to bring our influence to impact the areas God has called us to.”
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Leading Generously Part 2

“One of the things that we are challenged with as leaders is the issue of generosity. We believe that leaders in the Body of Christ need to be the most generous people in the planet. In this episode Bill Johnson shares with the JCLP listeners, The Power of Royal Generosity. Special guests Christy Nockels and Brad Lomenick The Power of Royal Generosity message by Bill Johnson from The Beauty of Wisdom Series October 30-31 Jesus Culture Conference Europe Sign Up for the Jesus Culture Leadership Community “
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Leading Generously Part 1

“One of the things that we are challenged with as leaders is the issue of generosity. We believe that leaders in the Body of Christ need to be the most generous people in the planet. In this episode Bill Johnson shares with the JCLP listeners, The Power of Royal Generosity. Resources by Nancy Duarte: Resonate, Slide:ology The Power of Royal Generosity message by Bill Johnson from The Beauty of Wisdom Series October 30-31 Jesus Culture Conference Europe “
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Leadership Highlights from JC Los Angeles Part 2

“Banning, Becky, Zack and Cody reflect an share some of their favorite leadership highlights during our recent Jesus Culture Los Angeles Conference. In the latest episode Andy Byrd led us into one of the greatest experiences of the weekend and Banning closed out with a powerful word on prayer! Jesus Culture Leadership Community: The Jesus Culture Leadership Community aims to connect a global community of leaders to strengthen churches, awaken campuses, and engage culture to see revival and transformation of cities and nations. Sign up to enjoy the FREE TRIAL ISSUE! Jesus Culture Europe: 30-31 OCTOBER 2015 – MANCHESTER CENTRAL / MANCHESTER, UK JCLA 2015 On Demand at God TV – God TV’s vision is to recognize, source, create, package and present world class anointed, prophetic, supernatural content in a spirit of excellence across the globe into every nation, reconciling man, woman and child with God by the power of the Holy Spirit. “
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Leadership Highlights from JC Los Angeles Part 1

“Banning, Becky, Zack and Cody reflect an share some of their favorite leadership highlights during our recent Jesus Culture Los Angeles Conference. Jentezen Franklin, Kim Walker-Smith, and Gabe Lyons provide some great take-a-ways for our JCLP listeners! Feed the Children: We recently sponsored 250 children at our JCLA conference. Our goal was 400! Will you pray about sponsoring a child and help us meet our goal? Jesus Culture Leadership Community: The Jesus Culture Leadership Community aims to connect a global community of leaders to strengthen churches, awaken campuses, and engage culture to see revival and transformation of cities and nations. Sign up to enjoy the FREE TRIAL ISSUE! “
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Leading with Emotional Health Part 2

“In the 2nd episode of this month’s JCLP we continue tackle and talk about a tough issue that often times goes ignored in a leader’s life. When emotions are neglected a leader and those who follow him or her are effected. Banning, Kim, Chris and Becky talk about why what’s going on inside of us matters. If leaders are not emotionally healthy we create environments that are unhealthy. Healthy leaders however reproduce environments that people can thrive in. Also, In the Game is back as Banning connects with the Assistant Head Coach of the Seattle Seahawks, Rocky Seto. Special Interview with Danny Silk: Loving on Purpose For over a year now our team has been working around the clock to build a platform that will provide leaders access to a healthy community, infuse them with strength and courage to lead boldly, and equip those specifically called to build lampstand churches, awaken campuses and engage culture so that we witness cities and nations being transformed. We would like you to consider becoming a part of this community and walk with us at a deeper, more intimate level. Simply go to to explore JCLC’s trial issue now! “
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Leading with Emotional Health Part 1

“The JCLP tackles a tough issue that often times goes ignored in a leader’s life. When emotions are neglected a leader and those who follow him or her are effected. Banning, Kim, Chris and Becky talk about why what’s going on inside of us matters. If leaders are not emotionally healthy we create environments that are unhealthy. Healthy leaders however reproduce environments that people can thrive in.”
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Leading in God's Timing Part 2

“Many leaders know the how, what and why but often miss the when! Understanding God’s timing is so critical for leaders to be able to discern but the pressure of outside influences cause us to do things sooner, quicker, faster and miss the greater thing that God is wanting to work in their lives. In this episode you will learn some how to begin to walk in the “when” of God. Jesus Culture Conference Los Angeles:Seats are selling quickly for our upcoming summer conference in the Los Angeles area! We hope you can join us. Register here Check Out Nate Edwardson’s Church: The Stirring The Dean’s List Featured Blog: Coming Next Month: Becky’s back! Her and Banning sit down with Kim Walker-Smith and Chris Quilala to talk about our emotional health as leaders.”
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Leading in God's Timing Part 1

“Many leaders know the how, what and why but often miss the when! Understanding God’s timing is so critical for leaders to be able to discern but the pressure of outside influences cause us to do things sooner, quicker, faster and miss the greater thing that God is wanting to work in their lives. In this episode you will learn some how to begin to walk in the “when” of God. Jesus Culture Conference Los Angeles:Seats are selling quickly for our upcoming summer conference in the Los Angeles area! We hope you can join us. Register here“
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Redefining Success Part 2

“Redefining success for leaders is living our lives in such a way that at the end of our lives we hear God’s words spoken over us, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Success will never be found comparing our lives with others, but only in the confidence that we obeyed God’s voice and we did what He asked us to do. Michael Brodeur is Launching Pastor’s Coach His team is passionate about helping pastors and ministry leaders overcome every obstacle to build thriving churches that reach and enfold the lost, equip and empower the saints and bring transformation to the spheres of society. For more information, go to and sign up on the mailing list and you will receive a free mini-training and more details about their launch. “
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Redefining Success Part 1

“Redefining success for leaders is living our lives in such a way that at the end of our lives we hear God’s words spoken over us, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Success will never be found comparing our lives with others, but only in the confidence that we obeyed God’s voice and we did what He asked us to do. LADIES!!! To Register for Radiant: a conversation with Kim Walker click here.“
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Leading with a Passion to Grow Part 2

“Banning & Becky are back with Zack and Dean to discuss the importance of leaders having a passion and desire to grow! If leaders aren’t growing daily they are dying gradually and in this episode the JC Leadership Podcast team share some of their own tips on how they keep growing as leaders in a growing organization. Also, Kim Walker-Smith catches us up on what’s happening with Jesus Culture Music and NEW to this month’s podcast we introduce the Culture Project segment to our JCLP listeners! Dean’s List: For more info on Jon Acuff click here! Have you given us your feedback on iTunes? Please help us expand our audience by rating our podcast and leaving an honest review about the Jesus Culture Leadership Podcast on iTunes. Last month you helped us climb to #41! Your review helps us reach more leaders with a message of hope and encouragement. Click Here Podcasters! We love you guys and want to give you the title track off of Derek Johnson’s new album “Real Love“. Click the button below to download the track.Get the whole album here!Get videos, interviews and more here.Connect with Derek on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Get free track from “Real Love” “
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Leading with a Passion to Grow Part 1

“Banning & Becky are back with Zack and Dean to discuss the importance of leaders having a passion and desire to grow! If leaders aren’t growing daily they are dying gradually and in this episode the JC Leadership Podcast team share some of their own tips on how they keep growing as leaders in a growing organization. Also, Kim Walker-Smith catches us up on what’s happening with Jesus Culture Music and NEW to this month’s podcast we introduce the Culture Project segment to our JCLP listeners! Culture Project Guest: Gabrielle Jackson Gabrielle Jackson is a Millennial strategist who writes and speaks on engaging today’s twenty-somethings at work and in life. Her recent book, 5 Millennial Myths: the handbook for managing and motivating Millennials is used in corporate training and business schools. Gabrielle is a recognized keynote speaker, corporate trainer and consultant focused on bridging the understanding gap and helping generations work better together. Have you given us your feedback on iTunes? Please help us expand our audience by rating our podcast and leaving an honest review about the Jesus Culture Leadership Podcast on iTunes. Last month you helped us climb to #41! Your review helps us reach more leaders with a message of hope and encouragement. Click Here Podcasters! We love you guys and want to give you the title track off of Derek Johnson’s new album “Real Love“. Click the button below to download the track.Get the whole album here!Get videos, interviews and more here.Connect with Derek on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Get free track from “Real Love”“
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Leading Teams: Part 2

“Zack, Dean, and Chris and Alyssa Quilala sit down and discuss the dynamics of leading teams and what they have learned and continue to learn as leaders of teams since launching Jesus Culture Sacramento 6 months ago. Banning and Becky also manage to sneak back on the podcast after supposed “schedule conflicts.” Listen in to hear them rant! Systematic Theology Podcast by Wayne Grudem Ryan & Sarah Hall – Husband and wife Ryan and Sara Hall are two of America’s premier distance runners. Both were California high school superstars and All-Americans at Stanford University (where they met). Ryan has posted the best-ever American times in the Half Marathon and Marathon and has represented the US in the 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games. Sara was the 2012 US National Cross Country Champion and a Gold Medalist at the Panamerican Games in the steeplechase. She has represented the US at three World Indoor Track and Field Championships and a World Cross Country Championship. Podcasters! We love you guys and want to give you the title track off of Derek Johnson’s new album “Real Love“. Click the button below to download the track.Get the whole album here!Get videos, interviews and more here.Connect with Derek on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Get free track from “Real Love”“
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Leading Teams: Part 1

“Zack, SeaJay, Dean, and Chris Quilala discuss the dynamics of leading teams and what they have learned and continue to learn as leaders of teams since launching Jesus Culture Sacramento 6 months ago. Jesus Culture Conference – Los Angeles In 2015, we are believing the Holy Spirit to stir the hearts of the people to gather together – starting in Los Angeles. We have invited some of our favorite speakers and worship leaders, in order to equip and bless the Church – and to ultimately bring to God all that He has paid for. We pray that you will join us on this momentous occasion. Jesus Culture Emerge: Let’s Talk About It: SEXUALITY A Countercultural 6-week online course to help you transform your student’s view of sexuality. Topics include: the nature of God, identity, the purpose of sex, needs, the effects of sexual behaviors in our body, soul and spirit, and building vision for sexual purity during singlehood, marriage and beyond. “
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Leadership Conversations: Part 2

“In preparing and recording content for February’s JCLP we were taken by surprise! When we sat down with different leaders to record for the routine segments we look forward to doing each month, we realized these worship leaders, songwriters, non-profit leaders had much more to say about leadership than we anticipated. We decided to let keep recording and allow you to hear these extended conversations with these highly influential leaders. Also, featured on this episode some highlighted sound bytes from our Jesus Culture Sacramento Conference. Be one of the first 500 to REGISTER and receive the best discount: Nothing Is Impossible: Jesus Culture Conference Los Angeles 2015 Charity Water: a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. Jesus Culture Emerge: Let’s Talk About It“
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Leadership Conversations: Part 1

“In preparing and recording content for February’s JCLP we were taken by surprise! When we sat down with different leaders to record for the routine segments we look forward to doing each month, we realized these worship leaders, songwriters, non-profit leaders had much more to say about leadership than we anticipated. We decided to let keep recording and allow you to hear these extended conversations with these highly influential leaders. Also, featured on this episode some highlighted sound bytes from our Jesus Culture Sacramento Conference. Be one of the first 500 to REGISTER and receive the best discount: Nothing Is Impossible: Jesus Culture Conference Los Angeles 2015 “
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Leading as Dreamers: Part 2

““If our dreams aren’t fulfilled, God’s dreams aren’t fulfilled.” Leading as dreamers is an essential part of living a life of impact and dreaming is necessary for effective leadership. This episode will help cultivate the courage and freedom within you to unlock your dreams and see them fulfilled. Let’s Talk About It: Sexuality: Receive $20 off when you use coupon code: LETSTALK Scott Hagan’s Blog “
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Leading as Dreamers: Part 1

If our dreams aren’t fulfilled, God’s dreams aren’t fulfilled. Leading as dreamers is an essential part of living a life of impact and dreaming is necessary for effective leadership. This episode will help cultivate the courage and freedom within you to unlock your dreams and see them fulfilled. Last chance to register for Jesus Culture Sacramento! Podcast listeners will get $10 off when using coupon code:JCLP
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Leading Your Family: Part 2

“The qualification for leadership is not how many friends you have on Facebook or the number of followers you have on twitter. The number one qualifier for leadership is how well are you leading your family. This episode reveals the heart behind the Jesus Culture Movement. SeaJay, Zack, Becky and Cody talk about the thing that means the most to us, especially during the holiday season u2013 “We want to do family really well, gather friends and go change the world!” Jesus Culture Sacramento Conference Info: Take advantage of the early bird registration and save some more money for being one of our 23 listeners! Use the coupon code: JCLP and save an additional $10. To register click here. To Purchase When Christmas Comes by Kim Walker-Smith click here.”
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Leading Your Family: Part 1

“The qualification for leadership is not how many friends you have on Facebook or the number of followers you have on twitter. The number one qualifier for leadership is how well are you leading your family. This episode reveals the heart behind the Jesus Culture Movement. SeaJay, Zack, Becky and Cody talk about the thing that means the most to us, especially during the holiday season u2013 “We want to do family really well, gather friends and go change the world!” Jesus Culture Sacramento Conference Info: Take advantage of the early bird registration and save some more money for being one of our 23 listeners! Use the coupon code: JCLP and save an additional $10. To register click here. In The Word with Michael Brodeur“
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Leading Through Grief: Part 2

“As leaders we can encounter the highs and lows between holiday cheer & the holiday blues. In this episode we will focus on how leaders can navigate themselves and others to overcome things that cause us grief and great disappointment. Jesus Culture Sacramento Conference Info: Take advantage of the early bird registration and save some more money for being one of our 23 listeners! Use the coupon code: JCLP and save an additional $10. Early Bird registration ends November 28th. To register click here. “
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Leading Through Grief

“As leaders we can encounter the highs and lows between holiday cheer & the holiday blues. In this episode we will focus on how leaders can navigate themselves and others to overcome things that cause us grief and great disappointment. NEW Segment with Scott Hagan: For more on Notes 2 Leaders Click Here Click Here for more info on Bryan & Katie Torwalt’s Kingdom Come Tour”
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Leading As Light: Part 2

“Leading as a light in the midst of darkness requires us to lead from a place of burning passion and love for Jesus. God has always meant for us as leaders to live our lives on display for a dark world. In this episode you will be challenged to lead with your light burning bright so that nothing can hide your love for Him. In The Game: Click Here to Vote Danielle Viglione for Sports Hall Of Fame Check out Danielle Viglione’s Sacramento Skills Websitern Click Here for more info on Bryan & Katie Torwalt’s Kingdom Come Tour “
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Leading As Light: Part 1

“Leading as a light in the midst of darkness requires us to lead from a place of burning passion and love for Jesus. God has always meant for us as leaders to live our lives on display for a dark world. In this episode you will be challenged to lead with your light burning bright so that nothing can hide your love for Him. Dean’s list featured blog: Rob & Laura Burhan’s Click Here for JC Sac Conference Registration “
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Leading In the Supernatural: Part 2

“Leading in the supernatural is about bringing the Kingdom as leaders wherever we go and whatever God has called us to do. Leadership is not only principles, it is power! We too must lead with the supernatural to offer hope and a life altering encounter with Jesus to the people we influence. Jesus Culture’s Director of Outreach and Conference Speaker, Scott Thompson challenges us with a fresh word about hungering and releasing the supernatural in our lives as leaders. “
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Leading in the Supernatural: Part 1

“Leading in the supernatural is about bringing the Kingdom as leaders wherever we go and whatever God has called us to do. Leadership is not only principles, it is power! We too must lead with the supernatural to offer hope and a life altering encounter with Jesus to the people we influence. Jesus Culture’s Director of Outreach and Conference Speaker, Scott Thompson challenges us with a fresh word about hungering and releasing the supernatural in our lives as leaders. Also, the JC Podcast team takes some time to share their thoughts and hearts surrounding the current issues in our nation and world. As leaders we must know the times and understand what we must do. We cannot keep silent and distance ourselves from having uncomfortable conversations and addressing troubling events. Leadership comes with the responsibility to provide solutions for a world that is in turmoil. The Dean’s List: Check out Derek and Julie Olson“
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Leading From Faith: Part 2

“Leadership requires a tremendous amount of courage and faith. As influencers we are called to lead from a place of faith.We often want faith to come from seeing the end result or what we need to do or what things will look like, but “Faith comes by hearingu2026″ and hearing happens in a place of intimacy. This month we caught up with Russell Evans from Planetshakers to talk more about what it looks like to lead from a place of faith. We believe that God wants to give you faith for every area of your life.”
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Leading from Faith: Part 1

“Leadership requires a tremendous amount of courage and faith. As influencers we are called to lead from a place of faith.We often want faith to come from seeing the end result or what we need to do or what things will look like, but “Faith comes by hearingu2026” and hearing happens in a place of intimacy. This month we caught up with Russell Evans from Planetshakers to talk more about what it looks like to lead from a place of faith. We believe that God wants to give you faith for every area of your life. The Dean’s List: Ian McIntosh TV“
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Leading From Gratitude: Part 2

“ As leaders we can often spend more of our time finding the things that are wrong instead focusing on what is going right. Leading from a place of gratitude is a simple act that can release hope, bring perspective, displace anxiety and shift the atmosphere in your life and over those you are leading. But grateful spirit is something that has to be cultivated and done deliberately. This episode the #JCLP team dives into the topic of “Leading From Gratitude”. We even interviewed Dr. Heather Ridnour who unpacks some studies about the science of gratitude. We also caught up with Major League baseball player Jeremy Affeldt of the San Francisco Giants for “In the Game” and this month “Becky’s Book Nook” is back. In The Game Resources: Jeremy Affeldt’s Book: To Stir a Movement Jeremy Affeldt’s Blog: Jeremy Affeldt | Life, Justice, and Major League Baseball “
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Leading From Gratitude: Part 1

“As leaders we can often spend more of our time finding the things that are wrong instead focusing on what is going right. Leading from a place of gratitude is a simple act that can release hope, bring perspective, displace anxiety and shift the atmosphere in your life and over those you are leading. But grateful spirit is something that has to be cultivated and done deliberately. This episode the #JCLP team dives into the topic of “Leading From Gratitude”. We even interviewed Dr. Heather Ridnour who unpacks some studies about the science of gratitude. We also caught up with Daniel Bashta for “Music Spotlight”. The Dean’s List: Think Christian Collaborative Digital Magazine“
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Special 2 Year Q&A Birthday Episode: Part 2

“The JCLP just turned two years old this month. To celebrate we did two special Q&A episodes taking leadership questions from all our faithful podcasters. To top it off we gave away a bunch of free stuff. Listen to clips some of our favorite “Music Spotlight” and “In the Game” segments, fun facts and some great questions and answers to what the #JCLP podcasters sent in. It’s been an amazing two years and we are looking forward to the many more ahead.”
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Special 2 Year Q&A Birthday Episode: Part 1

“The JCLP just turned two years old this month. To celebrate we did two special Q&A episodes taking leadership questions from all our faithful podcasters. To top it off we gave away a bunch of free stuff. Listen to clips some of our favorite “Music Spotlight” and “In the Game” segments, fun facts and some great questions and answers to what the #JCLP podcasters sent in. It’s been an amazing two years and we are looking forward to the many more ahead. The Dean’s List: Rachel Cruz“
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Faith For Your City: Part 2

“Can a city be saved in a day? We believe God’s heart burns for citiesu2026He has a promise for your city…a purpose for your city. Join us as we believe for cities to be transformed by His presence and power. This episode looks closer at what our role as leaders play in seeing cities transformed. It is our prayer that you are filled with faith and hope for your city and where God has placed you after listening to this episode. That things around you would change because you dared to believe and go beyond the ordinary and the common to release a greater measure of faith for your city! We also caught up with Kari Jobe to talk about her newest project and also had our friend and UK Jesus Culture Director as a guest host this month. Download Kris’ Message Here“
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Faith For Your City: Part 1

“Can a city be saved in a day? We believe God’s heart burns for citiesu2026He has a promise for your city…a purpose for your city. Join us as we believe for cities to be transformed by His presence and power. This episode looks closer at what our role as leaders play in seeing cities transformed. It is our prayer that you are filled with faith and hope for your city and where God has placed you after listening to this episode. That things around you would change because you dared to believe and go beyond the ordinary and the common to release a greater measure of faith for your city! We also caught up with Kari Jobe to talk about her newest project and also had our friend and UK Jesus Culture Director as a guest host this month. Download Kris’ Message Here The Dean’s List: Check out Leading In These Times and the ACTS GroupGirls Using Their Strengths“
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Leading in Hardship: Part 2

“What does it look like to lead when things are hard? What do you hold on to and where do you get strength? As a leader you don’t have the option of taking a break from leading when you’re going through something challenging. Walking through storms is part of life. This month on the JCLP we dive in to the topic of “Leading in Hardship”. It gets even better becauseu2026some of the Jesus Culture ladies took over hosting these episodes. Kim Walker Smith, Becky Johnson, Seajay Liebscher and Sheri Silk kicked out the guys and brought some amazing perspective, truth and spunk to what they are now affectionately renaming the JCLP as the “Jesus Culture Ladies Podcast”. There’s a a message clip from Kim, Becky caught up with Katie Torwalt for “Music Spotlight” and a there’s whole new twist on the JCLP that you DO NOT want to miss.”
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Leading In Hardship: Part 1

“What does it look like to lead when things are hard? What do you hold on to and where do you get strength? As a leader you don’t have the option of taking a break from leading when you’re going through something challenging. Walking through storms is part of life. This month on the JCLP we dive in to the topic of “Leading in Hardship”. It gets even better becauseu2026some of the Jesus Culture ladies took over hosting these episodes. Kim Walker Smith, Becky Johnson, Seajay Liebscher and Sheri Silk kicked out the guys and brought some amazing perspective, truth and spunk to what they are now affectionately renaming the JCLP as the “Jesus Culture Ladies Podcast”. There’s a a message clip from Kim, Becky caught up with Katie Torwalt for “Music Spotlight” and a there’s whole new twist on the JCLP that you DO NOT want to miss. Download Kim’s message here The Dean’s List: Check out the “GirlsUsingTheirStrengths” blog“
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Leading From Prayer: Part 2

“Leaders are people of prayer. When you look throughout history great leaders are those who carry a heart of intercession. You won’t last and and lead effectively in the Kingdom of God without a lifestyle of prayer. In fact, it’s less of an option and more of a mandate for each of us. Prayer is not born of gifting, but is found in the secret place. We are dependant on God and prayer is our life source and a secret weapon. In this JCLP episode we caught up with Lou Engle to talk about the importance of prayer in a leader’s life. We also got a chance to chat with Scotty Wilbekin of the Florida Gators. “
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Leading From Prayer: Part 1

“Leaders are people of prayer. When you look throughout history great leaders are those who carry a heart of intercession. You won’t last and and lead effectively in the Kingdom of God without a lifestyle of prayer. In fact, it’s less of an option and more of a mandate for each of us. Prayer is not born of gifting, but is found in the secret place. We are dependant on God and prayer is our life source and a secret weapon. In this JCLP episode we caught up with Lou Engle to talk about the importance of prayer in a leader’s life. We also took a few minutes to chat with Lucas Hogg about the latest Jesus Culture project. Deans List: Go to Andy Byrd’s site“
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Leading For Transformation: Part 2

“We believe that God is raising up and sending leaders into every realm of society. Wherever you are at as a leader, God has placed you there to lead and be a part of seeing transformation. Colossians 1:19-20 says “For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.” In these next two episodes we talk more about what this looks like. We also caught up with Jake Hamilton for to talk about his new album on “Music Spotlight” and NBA player Kyle Corver for “In the Game”. Deans List: Go to Sarah Walsh’s Blog“
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Leading For Transformation: Part 1

“We believe that God is raising up and sending leaders into every realm of society. Wherever you are at as a leader, God has placed you there to lead and be a part of seeing transformation. Colossians 1:19-20 says “For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.” In these next two episodes we talk more about what this looks like. We also caught up with Jake Hamilton for to talk about his new album on “Music Spotlight” and NBA player Kyle Corver for “In the Game”. Deans List: Go to Sarah Walsh’s Blog“
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Building the Unseen Foundation - Part 2

“When the Lord gives you vision for your life, that vision requires an unseen foundation. We are all called to bear fruit, but often we want the fruit and vision to be developed right away. The reality is God first wants to develope us and our foundation. God is going to release the vision He’s given you, but it has to land on a foundation that can support it. What’s most impressive and needed is not what you see with your eyes, but what is below the surface. This episode goes deeper on how we as leaders can embrace building the unseen foundation of character, leadership and intimacy only found in the hidden place.”
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Building the Unseen Foundation - Part 1

“When the Lord gives you vision for your life, that vision requires an unseen foundation. We are all called to bear fruit, but often we want the fruit and vision to be developed right away. The reality is God first wants to develop us and our foundation. God is going to release the vision He’s given you, but it has to land on a foundation that can support it. What’s most impressive and needed is not what you see with your eyes, but what is below the surface. This episode goes deeper on how we as leaders can embrace building the unseen foundation of character, leadership and intimacy only found in the hidden place. The Dean’s List: Go to Julian Newman’s blogGreg’s Blog“
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Leading from Weakness - Part 2

“When you think of leadership most likely words such as strength, confidence and vision come to mind…not weakness. The reality is, embracing your weakness helps you grow as a leader. Your weakness is actually a doorway for God to come into some of the areas you need most as a leader. God puts you in situations you are flat out not strong enough, so that in that place you can experience His strength. We believe embracing your weakness is a key discipline for leaders and we dive into what it looks like this month. We also caught up with new Jesus Culture artists the Klinkenbergs to talk about their new EP “Our Love” and have some very handy Christmas cheer tips for this holiday season.”
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Leading from Weakness - Part 1

“When you think of leadership most likely words such as strength, confidence and vision come to mind…not weakness. The reality is, embracing your weakness helps you grow as a leader. Your weakness is actually a doorway for God to come into some of the areas you need most as a leader. God puts you in situations you are flat out not strong enough, so that in that place you can experience His strength. We believe embracing your weakness is a key discipline for leaders and we dive into what it looks like this month. We also caught up with new Jesus Culture artists the Klinkenbergs to talk about their new EP “Our Love” and have some very handy Christmas cheer tips for this holiday season. The Dean’s List: Go to Greg Simas’ blogTerry’s Blog“
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Seeking Wisdom - Part 2

“Wisdom is a key ingredient needed in leadership. Proverbs 13:20 says “He who walks with wise men will be wise.” We caught up with several leaders from various areas of society and asked them about the wisdom they wished they would have received when they were young and how they seek wisdom from others. We chatted with David Leach on “Music Spotlight” and talked about his new EP and caught up with actor Richard T. Jones for one of our newest segments “In the Spotlight”. The Dean’s List: Visit Terry Walling’s blogChrista’s Blog“
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Seeking Wisdom - Part 1

“Wisdom is a key ingredient needed in leadership. Proverbs 13:20 says “He who walks with wise men will be wise.” We caught up with several leaders from various areas of society and asked them about the wisdom they wished they would have received when they were young and how they seek wisdom from others. We chatted with David Leach on “Music Spotlight” and talked about his new EP and caught up with actor Richard T. Jones for one of our newest segments “In the Spotlight”.”
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Leading From Rest - Part 2

“In the midst of the demands of leadership, vision and influencing where you are, what does it look like to lead from a place of rest? Pressure in leadership is real, but it should not define the place you lead from. Jesus modeled this better than anyone. No matter where He was at or what situation He faced, His leadership came from a place of faith and rest. We believe this is a key topic for leaders.”
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Leading From Rest - Part 1

“In the midst of the demands of leadership, vision and influencing where you are, what does it look like to lead from a place of rest? Pressure in leadership is real, but it should not define the place you lead from. Jesus modeled this better than anyone. No matter where He was at or what situation He faced, His leadership came from a place of faith and rest. We believe this is a key topic for leaders. The Dean’s List: Go to Christa Black’s blogRevival Stories“
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Leading From the Word - Part 2

“We are called to be leaders. But in order for us to be the leaders God intends us to be, our root system has to be planted in the word of God. You are positioned in a place of influence to be a voice and carry a message of hope that releases change. If we don’t know what the Bible says we don’t have a clear message. This month we we dive deep into what is looks like to lead from the word.”
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Leading From the Word - Part 1

“We are called to be leaders. But in order for us to be the leaders God intends us to be, our root system has to be planted in the word of God. You are positioned in a place of influence to be a voice and carry a message of hope that releases change. If we don’t know what the Bible says we don’t have a clear message. This month we we dive deep into what is looks like to lead from the word. The Dean’s List: Go to Revival Stories“
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Building with a 100 Year Vision - Part 2

“How does a leader define long term success? What does it look like to have vision to build as a leader that will impact people you may never see? What if you built and led with the perspective to benefit your childrens children. In this episode we sat down with Kris Vallotton to talk about these very questions. This episode is packed with Rend Collective, Former NBA player Michael Redd and to top it off Kim Walker Smith is back hosting!”
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Building with a 100 Year Vision - Part 1

“How does a leader define long term success? What does it look like to have vision to build as a leader that will impact people you may never see? What if you built and led with the perspective to benefit your childrens children. In this episode we sat down with Kris Vallotton to talk about these very questions. This episode is packed with Rend Collective, Former NBA player Michael Redd and to top it off Kim Walker Smith is back hosting! The Dean’s List: Go to the Vision Room“
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Carrying the Word of the Lord Part 2

“As leaders, it’s impossible to follow God unless we know what He is saying. Getting the word of God for your life, your family and your city is an essential part of leadership. In this episode, we dive into what it looks like spiritually and practically to carry of the word of the Lord in our lives.”
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Carrying the Word of the Lord Part 1

“As leaders, it’s impossible to follow God unless we know what He is saying. Getting the word of God for your life, your family and your city is an essential part of leadership. In this episode, we dive into what it looks like spiritually and practically to carry of the word of the Lord in our lives. The Dean’s List: Jeffrey Kunde’s BlogGoins Writer“
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Ambition - Part 2

“Ambition is a big subject with leaders. As you pursue the call to lead, you can’t let ambition take over and become the reason why you do what you do. The topic of ambition is an intriguing topic that isn’t talked about a lot. We have to learn to balance of dreaming and going after what God has for us yet not letting ambition be the drive and motivation of our lives. In this episode, we interview Senior Pastor of Bethel Church, Bill Johnson who has some amazing insight on this topic.”
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Ambition - Part 1

“Ambition is a big subject with leaders. As you pursue the call to lead, you can’t let ambition take over and become the reason why you do what you do. The topic of ambition is an intriguing topic that isn’t talked about a lot. We have to learn to balance of dreaming and going after what God has for us yet not letting ambition be the drive and motivation of our lives. In this episode, we interview Senior Pastor of Bethel Church, Bill Johnson who has some amazing insight on this topic. The Dean’s List: Go to Jeff Goins’ Blog“
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Stewarding Influence - Part 2

“Everyone has influence. We often look ahead to increasing our influence or are busy going after the goals and dreams God has given us. The questions is how are you stewarding the influence you have now? We caught up some successful leaders and asked them about what influence is and how they steward it.”
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Stewarding Influence - Part 1

“Everyone has influence. We often look ahead to increasing our influence or are busy going after the goals and dreams God has given us. The questions is how are you stewarding the influence you have now? We caught up some successful leaders and asked them about what influence is and how they steward it. In addition we caught up with Tim Hughes from Worship Central for the “Jesus Culture Music Spotlight” this month. The Dean’s List: Go to Marget Fienberg’s blog.Go to Dean’s blog“
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Embracing the Process - Part 2

“The journey is just as important as the destination. In fact it is in the process that God prepares a leader. Embracing the process means thriving where you are now. This month we’re mixing it up with a new format. There will be 2 shorter episodes released in March with the same topic on the process. Kim Walker-Smith is a guest host, we interviewed United Pursuit, olympic marathon running Ryan Hall, we have a new segment, there is a great message from Banning and more. Don’t worry, it’s still the same podcast with bunch of incredible content to inspire, equip and encourage you as a leader.”
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Embracing the Process - Part 1

“The journey is just as important as the destination. In fact it is in the process that God prepares a leader. Embracing the process means thriving where you are now. This month we’re mixing it up with a new format. There will be 2 shorter episodes released in March with the same topic on the process. Kim Walker-Smith is a guest host, we interviewed United Pursuit, olympic marathon running Ryan Hall, we have a new segment, there is a great message from Banning and more. Don’t worry, it’s still the same podcast with bunch of incredible content to inspire, equip and encourage you as a leader. The Dean’s List: Go to Dean’s Blog“
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The Priority of Family in Leadership

“The greatest fruit from your leadership is the people you are pouring your life into. As leaders God has called us to keep family as a priority. Leadership puts another level of pressure on you and if you’re not careful you can put all of your energy into the call of leadership and neglect your family. Wether you are single, married, have kids or don’t, this show applies to you. Hear practical ways that you can guard family in the midst of leading from Banning and the team, from Ron Luce from Teen Mania and more. We also caught up with point guard Brandon Smith at UC Berkeley for “In the Game”. This topic is critical for long-term fruitful leadership!”
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“Leadership is a life lived over your head and requires a large amount of courage. It is too costly for you to live discouraged. This is why the ministry of encouragement is critical for the life of leaders. Learn how to stay encouraged so you can release courage to those around you. We also caught up with Kim Walker Smith to talk about her new album as well as former Alabama and Seattle Seahawk’s standout Shaun Alexander for “In The Game”.”
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The Secret Place

“Developing your own personal history with the Lord and spending time in the secret place of prayer is so important, especially for leaders. In this episode of the Jesus Culture leadership podcast, we talk about how to develop your secret place with Jesus, how important that is, and also share some of our favorite Christmas memories.”
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Empowering Those Around You

“You’re not a good leader if you’re not empowering others around you. In this episode of the Jesus Culture Leadership Podcast, we dive into the issue of empowering others and how critical it is that as leaders, we are making others feel valued and empowered when they are around us. We talked about the difference empowering makes in the lives of those who are both being empowered and doing the empowering.”
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The Importance of Feedback

“Feedback is crucial to growth but we have to be intentional about finding it. In this episode, we discuss what it looks like to open your life to feedback from those around you, how to be purposeful in getting feedback, and how to receive it in a way that will help you grow and move forward. As leaders, we should live our lives open to input from others and in this podcast we go over what that looks like practically and spiritually.”
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“As leaders, we are called to serve. This is an important aspect in the life of every leader whether you’re just beginning or you’ve been in leadership for years. Serving positions us for breakthrough, promotion, and fully stepping into what God has for us. In this podcast, we discuss what it looks like to live a life of serving while being in leadership. Guest host, Chris Quilala, also joins us for this topic.”
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“This second episode of Jesus Culture Leadership Podcast focuses on the topic of Brave Communication within teams. Communication is at the crux of leading, developing, and sustaining a strong team. Whether at work, in marriage, or other relationships, brave communication is the key to solving many small issues that can tend to distract or divide a team.”
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“The very first episode of the Jesus Culture Leadership Podcast focuses on the issue of Community. Hear the vision for this podcast, meet the crew, listen to a clip from a recent sermon by Banning on community and learn why we think this is key ingredient for any leader’s life.”