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Jesus Culture Sacramento Message of the Week

English, Religion, 1 season, 543 episodes
The weekly message from our local church, Jesus Culture Sacramento, a community of believers passionate about raising up leaders to impact every realm of society with the supernatural power and love of God.
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My Kingdom Response: Worship

Part of being human is suffering, setbacks, pain, and hard circumstances. In the midst of this, we all have a response that either matches the culture on earth or the Kingdom of God. Pastor Benny Perez, Co-Lead Pastor of Church LV in Las Vegas, Nevada, challenges us to be men and women that yield to God and His Kingdom culture in all things. God is looking for us to respond to our circumstances in worship to Him.
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Better Together

God made us to be in community because we mature with, and around, other believers. Pastor Mark Kresge, Jesus Culture Sacramento’s Connections Pastor, teaches us that if we want spiritual maturity in our lives, we need Godly community that keeps us safe and holds us accountable.
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The Little Foxes

God wants us to experience abundant life, and our ability to forgive and resist offense is key. Pastor Banning Liebscher teaches us that the number one thing that destroys relationship is offense. In order to thrive in our connection to God and others, we must be diligent in guarding our hearts from offense, and constantly choose to move in the opposite spirit.
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The Way of Worship

Worship is not a genre or a playlist, but a radically surrendered life of obedience before the Lord. Michael Koulianos, founder of Jesus Image, Jesus Image Church, and Jesus School in Orlando, Florida, reminds us that worship requires face to face interaction with God. Worship is just simply giving back to God what He has given us.
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The Way of Worship: Worship Requires Sacrifice Derek Johnson

When we really value something, we will make tremendous sacrifices for it. Jesus Culture Sacramento’s Worship Pastor, Derek Johnson, shares a sincere message on the value of living a sacrificial, willing, and generous life of worship that is constantly positioned toward the Lord.
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The Way of Worship: Worship Requires Sacrifice Derek Johnson

When we really value something, we will make tremendous sacrifices for it. Jesus Culture Sacramento’s Worship Pastor, Derek Johnson, shares a sincere message on the value of living a sacrificial, willing, and generous life of worship that is constantly positioned toward the Lord.
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The Way of Worship: Sing to the Lord!

As believers, we are called to live a life of worship, and singing songs are a part of that. Pastor Banning reminds us that worship is not for us, or about us. Worship is our expression of delight in God, and a response to His worthiness.
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Discipleship: Why, What, and How: Part 2

God is raising up a people who are prepared to be able to pour into the lives of others, and draw out the full potential of who they are in Christ. Pastor Michael Brodeur concludes our two-part series, and teaches us how to disciple others.
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Discipleship: Why, What, and How?

As believers, we need to be actively involved in discipleship, but why? Pastor Michael Brodeur teaches us that we are called to be followers of Jesus, and be like Him. As we become like Him, we are purposes by Him to raise up other disciple makers who are actively teaching others the ways of Jesus.
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The Call of Gideon

God does not call you as you are, but as He sees you. Pastor Becky Johnson reminds us that God made us, and He isn’t wrong about who we are and what we are capable of doing with Him. If God calls us to something, He will qualify us for it, because He gets the glory from our lives. Don’t let fear steal your God-given destiny!
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Jesus Culture Sacramento Sunday Service

In the midst of national chaos and global reports, how do we respond? Pastor Banning reminds us that we are a part of an unshakable Kingdom, and we cannot allow ourselves to approach circumstances like the world does. Our mandate as the Body of Christ to respond to everything in prayer.
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Simple Prayer For Normal People

“Anything not born in prayer is born in pride.” Jesus is calling us back to holiness, righteousness, and His presence, and prayer is the key. Pete Greig, author, Senior Pastor of Emmaus Rd in Guilford, England, and founder of the 24-7 Prayer movement, joins our Sacramento and San Diego campuses to stir our hearts to pray. Pete equips us with four simple steps, and a reminder that if we learn to pray for the little things continually, we will be met with answers and miracles along the way.
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The Power of Posture

The Father’s heart is that we would be positioned to receive all He has for us. Pastor Cody Williams challenges us to evaluate the posture of our hearts and live with intention and purpose in our daily lives.
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Salt and Light Pt. 2

Are we effective in our efforts to be salt and light in our communities? As followers of Jesus, we are called to enhance and preserve a decaying world. Pastor Becky Johnson concludes our two-part series, and reminds us that our mandate as believers is to make a difference in culture.
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Salt and Light

As believers and followers of Jesus, we are called to be unique, add flavor, and prevent decay in every environment we find ourselves…just like salt! Pastor Mark Kresge reminds us of our significant role as believers in the lives of the lost that are around us. 
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The Cure to Anxiety

Worry and anxiety is experienced by every human being on earth, and it is one of the most culturally accepted sins. Pastor Becky Johnson teaches us out of Matthew 6, that our primary pursuit in life needs to be Jesus and His Kingdom. Worry and anxiety divides our focus and distracts us from this. Part of overcoming worry and anxiety in our lives is connected to the understanding that we are incredibly loved and valued by God.
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The Digital Fast

Our obsession with digital devices has numbed us, sedated us, and exhausted us. Most people would admit to feeling lonelier and more disconnected than ever, and life continues to pass us by. Dr. Darren Whitehead, Senior Pastor of Church of the City in Nashville, Tennessee, calls our church family to a 40 day digital fast to self-observe what happens in us, our friendships, and our families and children. What happens when we intentionally reduce the noise, the distractions, the notifications, the constant buzzing in the pocket…what will it feel like for you?
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Count the Cost

As believers, we can become familiar with the stories of scripture and the teachings of Jesus. The danger with this, is that the Bible can begin to lose its edge. Pastor Banning Liebscher teaches us about the importance of recognizing that in order to follow Jesus and be a true disciple, there is a cost- we are required to give up everything that we have.
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Men of Great Heart

Courage is the most important thing that men need to cultivate in their lives. Many of the issues we are facing in culture is less about fatherlessness and more about “brotherlessness.” Danny Silk, co-founder of Loving on Purpose, speaks to the men of our house on the importance of surrounding oneself with great men of God in order to become a better man.
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Refuse to Settle

God made us to know the fullness of Him and has not called us to settle with the things we struggle with. Pastor SeaJay Liebscher reminds us that we are called to be men and women that fight for our victory, and pursue all that God has for us. It’s our responsibility to work with God to get our breakthrough.
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Keep on Praying (For People)

A praying church points prayer at others, not just themselves. Pastor Banning challenges us to be people that ask for prayer and give prayer constantly.
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A Distorted View

Human nature is to form pagan beliefs, and we do this often when we base God’s power on our experiences and what makes sense to us. Pastor Becky Johnson confronts us with the reality that when we detach from the truth of God, and begin to form beliefs that oppose Him, we cannot access all that He has for us. This leads to a distorted view of who He is.
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Trainer Jesus

You develop strength in seasons of hardship. Lisa Bevere, author, speaker, and Founder of Messenger International, shares a timely word about the importance of being people that pursue God whole heartedly, and don’t shy away from speaking truth in the midst of earthly trials.
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Kingdom Giving

God invites us to be cheerful and generous givers. Pastor Banning Liebscher teaches us that regular giving is a discipline that God invites us to develop in our lives, and is a counter cultural practice. Giving is one of the most radical things you can engage in on earth.
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Prayers of Victory

There’s something in each of us that wants to take the Bible literally, but often life and circumstances get in the way. Pastor Neil Smith, International Director of Planetshakers, encourages us to be people that pray with power and boldness. Our confidence must come from God!
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Easter at JC Sacramento

We were created to know God and be in relationship with Him. Pastor Banning reminds us that we are all in need of a savior, and only Jesus can save, heal, and completely transform our lives.
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Foundations : A Family on a Mission

Our goal as believers is to become mature in Christ and look more like Him. Pastor Banning teaches us the difference between seeing church as a family versus a business.
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Foundations : A Good Father - Part 3

Pastor Banning hosts Sheri Silk, Co-Founder of Loving on Purpose and Director of Jesus Culture’s Movement, and Michael Brodeur, Jesus Culture Sacramento’s Pastor of Theology, to discuss how to navigate pain, loss, and hard circumstances in life with a right view of God as a good father.
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An Impartation of Desperation

Do you need God more than anything else? Lyle Phillips, Lead Pastor of Legacy Church in Nashville, Tennessee, brings us a challenging word on the importance of being people who are desperate for God’s presence and movement in our lives. Desperation looks like something, and requires that we willing to be broken before God.
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Foundations: A Good Father Part 2

When we believe the truth about God as a father, it leads to freedom and an abundant, encouraging, thriving life. Pastor Banning Liebscher continues his series on God as father, by teaching us the importance of recognizing that God is not like humans. God is uniquely good and perfect.
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Foundations: A Good Father

How I perceive something determines how I engage with it. Pastor Banning Liebscher talks to us about the importance of understanding and relating to God as a good Father. Jesus came to reveal the Father to us, and when we we have a clear picture of God as our Father, it changes everything in our lives.
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Foundations | The Evidence of Faith

Faith is more than just hearing the Word of God, it’s doing it. Pastor Becky Johnson calls us to be men and women of Abrahamic faith, and reminds us that we can only obtain the promises of God through obedience to God. Are you willing to follow God when you don’t have all the details?
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Foundations | Generations

The Church is most effective in accomplishing the mission of God when the generations are connected. Pastor Banning Liebscher calls us to build a church that welcomes the next generation and recognizes our need for one another. There is great strength and practical fruit in our lives when we are personally connected to both the younger and older generation.
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Foundations | The Word

How we approach the Word of God matters, because His Word is what helps us accomplish living a life of freedom and abundance. Pastor Banning challenges worldly, humanistic mindsets by reminding us that we are not citizens of this world, so we must know the Bible, and keep God the center of our lives.
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Foundations | Holiness

Holiness is not just separating from sin, it’s setting our lives apart completely for God. Pastor Banning Liebscher reminds us that holiness is a relationship that we have to embrace, not a list of rules that we have to follow.
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Moments Determine Priorities

Our priorities shift when we recognize the moment we are in. Pastor Banning Liebscher calls us to be people that are alert, sober-minded, watchful, and prayerful.
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Watch Your Mouth

God has instructed and commanded us to be aware of our speech. Pastor Becky Johnson teaches us about the power of our tongue. We were created in God’s image to create life, reproduce, and multiply. What are you creating with your words?
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Praying God's Promises

It’s time to resurrect, remember, and steward our promises from God! Pastor Michael Brodeur teaches us about the process of obtaining the promises of God in our lives, and how to deal with the disappointment and pain along the way. We cannot go where God is leading us with out His promises, and prayer is essential in pursuing them.
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Awakening Cry

God is wanting to release a cry for Him, and a cry for revival in the hearts of every believer. Pastor Banning Liebscher imparts fresh vision for 2024 and teaches us that God created us to have hunger, and that hunger moves us towards things that we need in life. Our life as believers should be led by hunger for God, and a cry for God to move in our day, city, state, and nation.
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Better Than New

What does the Christmas story mean to you? Pastor Becky Johnson encourages us to remember the significance of Jesus’ birth. He didn’t come to restore us back to who we were, but to make us completely different, and better than new.
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The Gospel of Power: Authority to Forgive

Pastor Banning finishes his series, the Gospel of Power, and teaches us about the power behind Jesus’ ability to forgive our sins. Jesus invites us to have a tangible encounter with Him, because He wants to reveal Himself to us as God. When the Gospel of power is demonstrated on earth, there is real impact and real influence on people.
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The Gospel Of Power: Re-Presenting Jesus

There is a God in Heaven who loves us, and has the power to heal and set us free! Pastor Banning Liebscher continues his series on the Gospel of Power and addresses the need for us to be followers of Jesus that don’t just talk about His power, but demonstrate it. Jesus sent us into the world and filled us with the Holy Spirit so that we could present a Gospel of love, healing, and power. Just as the disciples learned as they followed Jesus, so can we.
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The Gospel of Power

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is nothing apart from power. When we are saved and become members of the Kingdom of God, there are many blessings and benefits that we have access to. Pastor Banning Liebscher teaches us how the Kingdom of God is revealed and delivered to our lives in power. Jesus made health, healing, and wholeness available to us through the cross. Are you living in the fullness of what Jesus died to give you?
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Scandalous Hospitality

Hospitality has the power to demonstrate the Kingdom of God. Pastor Darren Rouanzoin, lead Pastor of Garden Church, dives into the story of Zacchaeus and exposes Jesus’ radical commitment to advancing the Kingdom through simple acts of kindness. Jesus consistently demonstrates what it looks like to use scandalous hospitality to transform lives, and invites us to do the same.
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Vision Sunday: Just Getting Started

At the end of the day, our mission is revival. Pastor Banning Liebscher reminds us that there is a call of God on our lives as individuals, but we are also called to unify as believers and run together. There is so much power when a community is in unity and moving together to accomplish a common vision.
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The Early Days Pt.4

Jesus Culture has always been a ministry and a church marked by prayer. Pastor Banning concludes his series by reminding us that our strength as followers of Jesus, and as a church, will always be found in our commitment to humble ourselves before the Lord, not in our ability to plan and strategize.
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The Early Days Pt.3

Healings, signs, wonders, and miracles are all part of the history of Jesus Culture. Pastor Banning Liebscher shares stories of God encountering people and marking them through His presence and power.
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The Early Days Pt.2

We want to see revival in our day, and the local church is the vehicle through which it comes. Pastor Banning Liebscher encourages us with the prophetic history of Jesus Culture, and reminds us that we are called to not just build a good church for people to attend, but to be a company of believers that actually asks God for audacious things. If God has poured out his spirit before, He will do it again!
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The Early Days

Our history with the Lord matters and we need to share the stories and experiences that have shaped who we are. Pastor Banning Liebscher talks about the mission and mandate of Jesus Culture, and the history behind who we are where, and where we came from as a church.
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The Early Days

Our history with the Lord matters and we need to share the stories and experiences that have shaped who we are. Pastor Banning Liebscher talks about the mission and mandate of Jesus Culture, and the history behind who we are where, and where we came from as a church.
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A Letter & A Prayer

What is our first reaction to a threat, and who do we trust the most in those moments? Pastor Becky Johnson helps us understand how in the midst of threats and trials, our reactions are good indicators of what is important to us, and where our trust lies. God is interested in every part of our lives. He wants to be our first response and have our full trust. The enemy’s threats are nothing compared to the presence and promises of God.
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Mission Minded

Jesus is a man on a mission, and He is inviting his church to be a missional people. Pastor Mark Kresge calls us to be a people filled with desire for Jesus, moved by compassion for the lost, and that publicly demonstrates the power of the Gospel.
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The Culture of Challenge Pt. 3

Where there is no challenge, there is no growth. This week Pastor Banning wrapped up his three part series on The Culture of Challenge. We learned that a challenge does not disqualify acceptance, but rather it moves us towards the ultimate goals as a believer: to grow in maturity.
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The Culture of Challenge Pt.2

To have a high invitation culture is just as important as cultivating a culture with high challenge. Pastor Banning Liebscher dives into the life of Jesus and how He so excellently demonstrated what it looks like to be provokingly kind, while speaking truth in the lives of others.
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The Culture of Challenge

Maturity is the goal in the life of every believer. Pastor Banning Liebscher teaches us that the Holy Spirit was sent to us on mission to renew, transform, and empower believers to do the works of Jesus. This process is maturing, and it is our job to wage war against anything that would hinder us from progressing.
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9 Year Anniversary

Our Jesus Culture Sacramento family celebrates 9 years of being a church with our close friend, Andy Byrd, co-founder of Youth With A Mission’s Fire and Fragrance, Circuit Riders, and co-leader of The Send. Andy calls us to be a church that moves in both spirit and truth, and responds in urgency and faith to the world around us.
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Thankful for the Cross

What Jesus did on the cross is a key to living a life of thankfulness. Pastor Banning Liebscher reminds us that there is nothing we have that is our own.
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An Abiding Life

An abiding life is an abundant life. Pastor Mark Kresge teaches us that a spiritually disconnected life leads to a spiritually depleted life. We must take responsibility for our spiritual life by intentionally staying connected to Jesus, and remaining rooted in His love and commands. It is in this place that we will live in spiritual abundance and continuously produce fruit in our lives.
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Who the Son Sets Free

Disciples of Jesus are free. Becoming a Christian demands that we believe in Jesus, not just of Him. Pastor Becky Johnson teaches us the difference between how the world defines freedom, and how God defines freedom. We are not called to live in bondage or be a slave to anything. Is there an area in your life where you are not free?
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Disciples of the King

All of us have a call, but what is the fruit that you are called to bear? Pastor Michael Brodeur explains to us that we are called to make disciples, and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. In order to do so, we must understand how to seek the first the Kingdom in our own lives.
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What are you called to do to impact the world around you? Pastor Cody Williams shares a powerful message on God’s design for stewardship. Good stewards understand that God created the world, and we are called to manage it. Pastor Cody encourages us to be present and engaged where the Lord has placed us, and take action no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in. Life is about the journey, not the end result.
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Shut the Door

What does it look like as a disciple to follow the way of Jesus? Zack Curry, lead pastor of Jesus Culture San Diego, reminds us that honor is the way of a disciple and is connected to the heart of God. To walk in honor, we must have humility. Healing, holiness, and life are established in our environments as we choose to honor others.
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Miracle on 46th Street

As disciples of Jesus, our primary calling in life is to share the good news of salvation. Matt Molt, lead pastor of New Vintage Church in Tri-Cities, Washington, challenges us to take responsibility for the lost souls in our community. When we choose to pray for the lost, and ask God for opportunities to love them, God will often interrupt our days with people to love. Are you prepared to be inconvenienced?
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What Everyone Wants But Few Create

Kingdom community is created intentionally and strengthens our lives. Pastor Zack Curry reminds us that healthy, Kingdom community starts with us, and is a model to the world that will transform areas of culture. We can’t simply measure community in our lives by what others can offer us. Instead we are called to create what we need, invite others in, and pursue those that God has already positioned around us.
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Freely You Have Received

A disciple of Jesus is generous. Giving is central to the Gospel, so if we are going to be and live like Jesus, it matters how we are giving. Pastor Becky Johnson helps us confront the position of our heart around giving, by teaching us that generosity is connected to how we view God, and our choice to believe that He is enough. You can’t be rich and greedy in the Kingdom of Heaven.
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When God Does You Wrong

The world defines greatness as being served. We strive for promotion, rank, and seniority, but if we are going to follow Jesus, we have to embrace servanthood. Pastor Becky Johnson reminds us that we are called to challenge conventional standards because we belong to a Kingdom that is not of this world. Living as a servant will change our world, and us.
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When God Does You Wrong

What do you do when God does you wrong? Pastor Scott Hagan, former President of North Central University and teaching pastor at Destiny Church, shares a powerful and practical message with our Jesus Culture family about the importance of continuing to grow, risk, and expand as leaders. Our success as leaders and followers of Jesus is entirely dependent on our ability to fix our eyes on Jesus and commit to not doing things alone.
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The Identity of a Disciple

If we want to be true disciples of Jesus, we must embrace our identity in Christ as sons and daughters. Out of this identity will flow our choices and daily activity. Pastor Mark Kresge, our Jesus Culture Sacramento Connections Pastor, reminds us that it is hard to please God when we are fixated on pleasing people or have attached our identity to what we do. Jesus gave us a new identity in Him through salvation. We are positioned us to be fully loved and fully adopted by God.
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The Privilege of Prayer

Prayer is a delight and keeps us in constant friendship and dialogue with God. Pastor Michael Brodeur calls us to a life of prayer that is founded on intentionality, connection, and dependency on God. Obligation and duty is not a sustainable reason to pray, because prayer is about building relationship and intimacy with God.
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It Is Written

If Jesus did not have a casual relationship with the Word of God, then neither should we. As disciples of Jesus, we must be as disciplined in our reading and know of the Bible, as we are passionate about our faith. Pastor Becky Johnson reminds us that when we are planted in the Word of God, we will face the storms of life with confidence and authority, and everything we do will prosper.
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Mend the Nets Pt. 2

Are we going to be a people that are prepared for the harvest when it comes? Pastor Becky Johnson talks to us about how the strength of our nets is directly connected to our culture of discipleship. God’s goal for us is that we would mature, and discipleship is how we will get there. We are all called to be disciples of Jesus, and make disciples.
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The Gift of Gratitude

Gratitude breaks chains and opens prison doors. Whether we are in a season of warfare and hardships, or breakthrough and satisfaction, Pastor Becky Johnson calls us to be people that choose to remember God’s faithfulness, and declare our thankfulness to Him in all circumstances. Continued freedom in our lives is directly connected to our ability to be grateful.
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The Gift of Gratitude

Gratitude breaks chains and opens prison doors. Whether we are in a season of warfare and hardships, or breakthrough and satisfaction, Pastor Becky Johnson calls us to be people that choose to remember God’s faithfulness, and declare our thankfulness to Him in all circumstances. Continued freedom in our lives is directly connected to our ability to be grateful.
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Mend the Nets

There is a harvest coming, and it will require every believer to be engaged in discipleship. Pastor Banning Liebscher reminds us that in a world of sin, darkness, and empty promises of fulfillment, the love and salvation of Jesus is the most attractive thing. We must be ready for those that will enter the family of God. Do we have a strong enough discipleship culture to equip new believers, or will our nets break?
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Gather the Jars

When we go through times of frustration, confusion, and stumbling, it’s often not due to the season we are in, but our lack of preparation leading up to it. Pastor Banning reminds us that in order to partner with God in different seasons of our lives, we must be aware of what he is doing and saying to us. When God speaks, He’s inviting you to respond to Him. What should our response to Him be?
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Cease and Dwell

We live in a heightened state of busyness and activity, but God created us with a need for rest. Pastor Becky Johnson teaches us about the concept of sabbath rest. The definition of rest throughout the Bible means both to cease working, and to settle and dwell. In order for us to dwell with God, we must cease with God. Often sabbath is inconvenient and requires intentionality because it’s an invitation to rest and remember our covenant with God, instead of work harder to get more.
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Kingdom Timing

The Kingdom of God is about timing, but God’s timing is vastly different than ours. Pastor Paul Geerling, Senior Pastor of iSEE CHURCH in Brisbane, Australia, speaks to our church community about the importance of trusting God’s timing and process in our lives. God does not waste our past, is doing things in our current season, and everything we do now is preparation for our future destiny.
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The testimonies of God reveal His heart for us and others. Pastor Banning reminds us that everything God is, and all He has for us, can be found in Jesus. God is a giver and does not show favoritism. What He does in someone else’s life, He is also willing and able to do in our own lives.
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The Faith of Preparation

Faith attracts Heaven, activates our partnership with God, and looks like something. Pastor Banning teaches us that as believers, God invites us to partner with Him in His plans and purposes. Our belief in God’s word is revealed in how we prepare of its fulfillment. We have to adjust our lives to prepare for what God is saying.
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The blessing of God in our lives is directly connected to our obedience. Pastor Banning Liebscher talks to us about the importance of stewarding our finances, as true riches are a byproduct of how we steward the small things. We cannot live by our flesh and the world’s standards and expect to experience the favor and blessings of God. 
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What are you looking for, or expecting God to do this year? Benny Perez, lead pastor of ChurchLV in Las Vegas, Nevada, shares a message on the power of remembering and letting go of your past, not reliving it. We are invited to trust God into our future, not try and get what God has for us in our own way. God works by our expectation of Him.
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You Have Heard It Said

Do we know what Jesus says, and are we basing how we live on those things? Pastor Banning Liebscher teaches us that being a disciple of Jesus means that we are committed to a lifelong journey of becoming like Him, and leading others on this journey as well. We cannot lead people to places that we have not gone, or are not going. We must allow Jesus to redefine how we live, think, and view things.
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It Is Time

Phil Manginelli, Lead Pastor of The Square Church in Smyrna, Georgia, shares out of 1 Timothy 2 about being a people that lifts up holy hands. God is pouring out His presence and coming where He is wanted in this season, but we will be unable to receive what He is doing if we approach Him with hard, embittered hearts. We must choose to keep our hearts tender so that we can receive all that God is doing in humility and holiness.
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Why Revival?

Danny Silk, President and Co-Founder of Loving on Purpose, shared with our church family about why we pray for revival. Danny reminds us that revival is supposed to continually move us in the direction of Christ. The end goal is not the encounter, but to look, act, talk, and be more like Jesus.
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Keys to Receiving a Miracle

Tim Hall, one of Australia’s leading evangelists, joins our Jesus Culture Sacramento family to remind us that it’s time for a move of God with the reviving works of power. The divine power of God is alive inside of us, to see and move in miracles, and miracles requires us to respond in action in order to receive and walk them out. 
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Unfruitfulness and the Weight of the World

If we are going to effectively navigate the worries of life and actually bear fruit, we must learn to come to Him and cast our cares on Him. Pastor Banning Liebscher continues his message on the importance of learning to care about things, but not carry them to the point that our souls are wearied and tired by them. God’s will for our life is that we would live from a place of rest by exchanging the weight of life’s burdens, for the peace that Jesus offers us.
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Unfruitfulness and the Weight of the World

We live in one of the most unique times in all of history, because of the amount of information that we consume daily. The news articles, reports, and details regarding the lives of people that we do not know become a pipeline to our hearts, and unfortunately burden us with the worries of life- grief, tragedy, trauma, etc. Pastor Banning Liebscher reminds us that as believers, we are called to bear fruit in every area of our lives, and we are in charge of what we allow to come into our hearts. What are you choosing to watch, read, listen to, and discuss, and what type of fruit is it bearing in your life?
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Winning Cities

Neil Smith, International Director of Planetshakers, reminds us that God’s plan for the earth is the church. In Matthew 5:14, Jesus tells us that we are the light of the world. We will win cities and nations to Jesus by letting out light shine wherever God has placed or positioned us.
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The Confident Intercessor Part 2

We need to be unwilling to let go of what we are praying for in intercession. Pastor Banning teaches us that our experiences do not determine the will of God. We are called to pray bold, confident prayers because we know the word of God, and the will of God.
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A Life Beyond

God is constantly inviting us into a life beyond our own ability and effort. Pastor Becky Johnson takes us to the story of God calling Moses, and calls us to be a people that act out of a place of knowing who we are in God, who He is, and who He has called us to, despite our weakness. God is with us when He calls us, and He will be our strength.
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The Confident Intercessor

Prayer is a core part of our walk with God, and intercession is a form of prayer that God desires for us to grow in. Intercession is an invitation to join Jesus in what He is already doing. Pastor Banning Liebscher teaches us about our call to be intercessors, and how to respond.
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Fresh Fire

The fire of God not only dwells among us, but within us. Pastor Banning Liebscher takes us through the Old and New Testament and teaches us about the fire of God. The Church of Jesus Christ was birthed in the fire of God, and will be sustained, led, purified, and empowered by His fire. It is the fire of God that we must long for.
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Blessed are the Peacemakers

Peacemakers and peacekeepers are two very different types of people. Danny Silk, President and Co-Founder of Loving on Purpose, teaches us that we are called to be peacemakers. Peacemakers are those that are willing to go into battle and courageously fight to establish peace through truth. In contrast, peacekeepers are motivated by fear and self preservation. True peace is really only accomplished through battle.
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The Word of Restoration

The human heart longs for restoration. Pastor Becky Johnson reminds us that the promises of God do not change, and he is never satisfied with brokenness in our lives. True repentance brings restoration, and we cannot settle for less than what God paid for through salvation.
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Church Is A Family - Part 3

Church is a family on mission, and we each have a unique role to play in fulfilling God’s plans and purposes in the earth. Pastor Banning finishes his series by emphasizing that Christianity is only boring if we are not living a life that is fully engaged in the call of God on our lives- to be someone, and to do something.
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Conditions of Revival

What does it mean to be the church, and what conditions preceded revival in the New Testament churches? Pastor Darren Rouanzoin, lead pastor of Garden Church in Long Beach, California, shows us the conditions of the church found in Acts 19, that lead to revival among believers, and transformation in a city. The Gospel of Jesus Christ always goes forth effectively through believers that have been filled and activated in obedience by the Holy Spirit.
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Church Is A Family | Pt. 2

It is not the church’s responsibility to do our Christian life for us, it’s ours. Pastor Banning continues his teaching, Church is a Family, by reminding us that we the Holy Spirit is alive in us to lead us into maturity and a greater knowledge of God. We are not called to be a people dragged along by external circumstances, but rather a people motivated by an internal, Kingdom reality.
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Church Is A Family | Pt. 1

Church is not a business that we show up to, it’s a family, and we are members of God’s household. Pastor Banning teaches us how Jesus’ goal for our lives is that we would mature and look more like Him. We do this by enduring trials, and staying committed to family.
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The Great Commission

The Great Commission is a call for all of us. Micah Studer, one of our Jesus Culture Sacramento missionaries, shares a powerful message on how we as believers have been sent just as Jesus was sent, in meekness. Walking out the Great Commission in our lives looks like being the hands and feet of Jesus wherever we are- the cities we live, our place of employment, and the people we interact with. Each of us have been uniquely sent by God.
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The Good Portion

God deeply values intimacy with us, which requires us to be intentional with our time, and cultivate a lifestyle that models Jesus’. Pastor Becky Johnson confronts our priorities, focuses, and the things we give our time to by reminding us that the enemy of intimacy is performance. Performance will keep us busy, insecure, judgmental, and full of worry. A life of intimacy with Jesus is rooted in a right perspective of ourselves as sons and daughters that know how to be with God.
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Foundation of Love

What is the foundation that your life is built on? Pastor Banning Liebscher teaches us the practicals of building a life that is founded on the love of Jesus. Greater faith requires greater intimacy, and greater intimacy demands that we know how to abide in the love of God. If we aren’t motivated by the love of God, then distractions, stress, and worry will lead us to operate out of our shame, fear, guilt, and obligation. Jesus has to be our motivation.
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Greater Faith

God is calling us into a season of greater faith, and greater faith requires greater intimacy. Pastor Banning teaches us how as we draw near to God, we understand His nature and character more, which in turn causes our faith and belief in Him to grow. Intimacy with God builds trust, and causes us to remember and know His faithfulness.
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Every Word In Submission - Part 2

A lot of believers have a hunger to hear God, but they lack confidence. Pastor Banning teaches us that God designed us to hear His voice in community. The greatest dangers threats that we face in hearing the word of God in our lives, is choosing independence and approaching the word of God in arrogance. Everything God speaks will never contradict His word, or add to it.
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The Other Side of Offense

It matters what we do, and how we respond when our hearts and minds are offended. Pastor Becky Johnson teaches us that often our offense is not with people, but rather, with God. Jesus’ ways, thoughts, and plans for our lives will always confront our own agendas. It’s in these moments that we have a choice to lean into God, persist, and trust, or choose to get offended by His boundaries and ways of leading us.
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Every Word in Submission

As children of God, we need to understand that God’s word brings life to our bodies. Pastor Banning Liebscher teaches us about the logos word of God, and reminds us that our inheritance as believers is that we hear God, and His voice is meant to be a daily source of life for us.
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A New Prayer for a New Season

On the other side of setbacks, delays, and death is resurrection life as we fully yield to the plan of God. Corey Russell from Upperroom Denver, joins us to celebrate 8 years of being a church, and call us to desperately seek God by allowing Him to bring forth new prayers in this season, as things that we thought were dead come back to life.
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The Waiting Room

In seasons of waiting, Jesus is either Lord over our lives, or we are. Pastor Becky Johnson brings a challenging word that confronts how we often tend to act in seasons of waiting. When we can’t wait patiently, our worship, attention, and focus will always wander to unworthy things. We have to choose to relinquish control, and trust that God is using the waiting seasons of our lives.
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Sabbath Sunday

Pastor Phil Manginelli from The Square Church in Smyrna, Georgia, joins Pastor Banning to talk about how we can restore the altar of our homes. The things that we want to see in our cities, churches, and places of work begin with what we cultivate and pursue in our homes.
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Every Word

The Word of God is the only thing that gives life to our spirit. Pastor Banning teaches us about the rhema word of God, which is specific to us, heard only in relationship with God, and situational. God is always talking to us, but we must learn to listen and pay attention, because His words will sustain us.
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Stones of Remembrance

There is great blessing in remembering, and great pain in forgetting. Pastor Becky Johnson teaches us the importance of remembering the things that God has done in our lives, so that we don’t lose sight of what He can do. We have to be diligent in our remembrance so that we can experience the peace of God, and continue to walk in victory and move forward in all that God has for us and our families.
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Distracted from Eternity

Insecurity is the largest distraction from eternity in the life of a believer, because it causes us to look for security in personal accomplishments and people other than Jesus. Pastor Banning Liebscher encourages us to pursue the heart and agenda of God at all costs, and find contentment in Him- who He says we are, and what He is doing in, through, and around our lives.
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Cindy Jacobs: Prophetic Word for Jesus Culture

You can’t be a lazy Christian and fulfill the purposes of God in a generation. We are salt and light- called by God to change history by walking in salvation, authority, greater longing for God, and transformation. Cindy Jacobs brings a timely and encouraging word to our Jesus Culture Sacramento community. Cindy is the co-founder of Generals International, a prophet, author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts.
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Turn Aside

God is calling us to turn aside to encounter Him so that he can bring revival to the nation and our churches. Our Jesus Culture Youth Pastor, Jonathan Gilstrap, challenges us to turn away from distractions and personal agendas in our lives, in order to turn toward God, engage with His plans, and hear His voice.
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Eternity On My Mind

What we do in this life matters greatly for eternity. Pastor Banning reminds us that success is not determined by short term accomplishments. Kingdom success is determined by our faithfulness and obedience in this life. 
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Prayer Service

Pastor Banning leads our church into a powerful morning of prayer, and reminds us that when we face disappointment and encounter loss, we can either draw away from God, or move towards Him. God wants us to come to Him with our anger, confusion, sadness, disappointment, and frustration. We cannot allow unanswered questions to diminish or take away from the reality of God’s will and goodness.
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Eternal Hope

Hope is the bridge from our present reality to our eternal destination. Pastor Becky Johnson encourages us that living in hope is not ignoring our current circumstances, but rather, anchoring ourselves to Jesus and looking for the inevitable goodness of God to show up in our lives. Hope is an active mindset, and a powerful place to pray and believe from.
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The Thriving Heart Garden

Michael Brodeur, co-founder and CEO of Pastor’s Coach and of Destiny Finder, shares with our church family about the importance of tending to the garden of our heart. Life flows from our hearts, and because of that it is necessary to guard our hearts from anything that would pollute or dilute its strength. In order to do so, we must tend to the soil of our hearts and be aware of the seeds we are planting- what we see, read, watch, and how we are taking care of them. Our roots must be deeply rooted in the Word of God.
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A Conversation About Biblical Sexuality

Pastor Banning Liebscher is joined by Michael Brodeur and Elizabeth Woning to discuss God’s original design for sexuality, why it is important for believers to understand His design, and why sexuality matters to God. Michael Brodeur is the co-founder and CEO of Pastor’s Coach and of Destiny Finder, and Elizabeth Woning is the co-founder of Equipped to Love, a ministry seeking to serve and equip those impacted by homosexuality, and CHANGED, a network of men and women who have walked away from LGBTQ identity.
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Father's Day Panel

Our Jesus Culture Sacramento community takes the morning to honor father’s by discussing what it means to be a father, the battles father’s must overcome, the sacrifice required, and how men carry a standard of love in their homes. Cody Williams hosts a panel of fathers from our community that includes Ben Serpell, Mike Horn, Mark Hemington, and Ethan Kastello.
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Faith for Revival - Part Two

Pastor Banning continues his message on faith for revival by teaching us the practicals of guarding out hearts. Our heart is our responsibility, so in order to guard it effectively, we must know God’s intention for our heart, and how He instructs us to protect them. When we learn to guard our hearts, we feed our faith, and speak and give hope liberally to others.
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Faith for Revival

How do we stay in a place of faith when we are surrounded by evil and darkness is increasing? Pastor Banning addresses the question we’ve all been asking, by reminding us that our first priority is to guard our hearts. The enemy comes to weigh our hearts down, but the more time we spend building our hearts up in the Word of God, and protecting what comes in, the stronger our faith will be!
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Divine Dissatisfaction

There is always a temptation to settle for less than God’s best when we are worn out and tired, but in the midst of these seasons, there is also an invitation from God to press into His promises over our lives, circumstances, and communities. Pastor Banning challenges us to becomes prisoners of promise by not settling for what is, but instead, crying out for more of God, and refusing to settle for anything less than what God has promised. Are there areas in your life where you’ve settled for less than God’s best?
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A Father and a Friend

Our revelation of God as a Father, and our understanding of Jesus as a friend, is the key to being a believer that prays bold prayers. Pastor Banning Liebscher encourages us to live a life that refuses to settle for anything less than what Jesus died to give us. We are called to live a life of peace, abundance, love, and power, not one that adjusts to brokenness, or settles for compromise.
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Culture is Everything

Danny Silk, President and Co-Founder of Loving on Purpose, talks about the power of culture and how we must intentionally create it, and export it to the world. We want to be a community that honors one another despite differences, stirs up faith, and shares testimonies of how God is moving. The greatest thing we can give people is our culture of bringing Heaven to Earth and the hope we have in Jesus.
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The Cry of Desperation

God wants to be invited into every area of our lives, and He will often use desperate circumstances and situations to move us to a place of prayer. Pastor Banning reminds us that we have a choice in difficult circumstances to either turn towards God, or turn away from Him. If the cry of our hearts is to see revival in our lives, communities, and nations, then we must be a praying people in all circumstances that are desperate for God to move and speak.
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Revival in the Land

We are all called by God to be someone and to do something. Leadership is taking ownership for that call. Pastor Banning reminds us that we have a call to look and be like Jesus, and to partner with God in seeing His plans and purposes established in the earth. Christianity is living a life fully engaged with God!
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It's Time to Dig

We are called to fight and contend for our blessings and promises. Pastor Paul Geerling, Senior Pastor of iSEE CHURCH in Brisbane, Australia, reminds us that we are called to prosper in famine and trial, because our lives are determined by the Lord, not fear. 
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A Right Response to the Resurrection

It is irrational to believe in the resurrection and live in compromise. Our response to Jesus’ death and resurrection must be allowing Him to forgive us for our past, sin, shame, unbelief, and compromise. Andy Byrd, co-founder of Youth With A Mission’s Fire and Fragrance, Circuit Riders, and co-leader of The Send, calls us to be wholehearted followers of Jesus by remembering His goodness and drawing near to Him despite our circumstances and natural tendencies.
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Revival In Our Day

God on the move is the answer for personal and national revival. Pastor Banning Liebscher delivers a strengthening teaching on the practicals of revival- how we define it, and what we need in order to go where He is leading us and combat the chaos and confusion of the world.
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The Bondage of Your Barren Winter Has Ended

There is power in recognizing that the Kingdom of God is alive inside of us, and that we are all called to be leaders. Pastor Francis Anfuso reminds us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and we must be willing to tear down every stronghold and idol in our lives in order to finish well and experience revival in our personal lives.
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The Practicals of Discipleship

If we want to disciple others in the ways of Jesus, we must steward and grow in tangible disciplines. Pastor Banning teaches us that the pursuit of people, gaining permission to speak into their lives, our presence, perspiration, and patience are all necessary facets of discipling others that we must do in order to help others.
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The Cost of Discipleship

Being a disciple of Jesus requires everything in our lives to be surrendered. Pastor Banning Liebscher reminds us that the ways of the world and the way of Jesus cannot coexist. Jesus asks us for everything, because He knows the reward in our lives will be far greater than anything the world could ever give us. Will you be a person that moves towards Jesus, even when the crowds go the other way?
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The Way of the Disciple

Phil Manginelli, Lead Pastor of The Square Church in Smyrna, Georgia, gives meaning and direction to the heart behind being a disciple. Discipleship is Jesus’ simple invitation to follow Him. As we spend more time with Jesus, we innately become more like Him in what we do and how we look to the world.
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Clinging to God

Being a disciple is about following Jesus at all costs, even if it doesn’t make sense. Pastor Becky Johnson brings a convicting and powerful word about the importance of clinging to God, and how maturity in Christ is reflected when our actions line up with our words.
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Revival of Discipleship

Disciples are those who are being transformed into the image of Christ. Pastor Banning challenges us to not live a stagnant, Christian life, but instead to always allow the wisdom and revelation of God to flow into our lives, and out of our lives to others. Are the works of God evident in our lives?
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Fruit That Remains

Pastor Banning reminds us that Jesus commands us to love others, because it will bear fruit that lasts in our lives, families, and communities. Investing in people means that we value what God values, and it’s important to ask God who He is calling us to intentionally pour our love, wisdom, and lives into in this season.
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The War Against Disconnect Part 2

The children of Israel suffered when they disconnected from Moses. Pastor Banning speaks to the younger generation and encourages them to repent of the independent spirit, and turn to the older generation to receive the impartation of grace, council, and joy.
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The War Against Disconnect

Pastor Banning teaches out of Exodus 17, that unity amongst the generations is the key to healthy families and victory as we fight for the promises of God. We need the older generation to give the younger generation wisdom, covering, and courage that empowers obedience to God.
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Behind This Wall Is A Big Beautiful Future

Pastor Francis Anfuso, Senior Pastor of The Rock of Roseville, encourages us to trust God, seek His best, and choose obedience and risk over comfortability and mundane.
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Danny & Sheri Silk's Jesus Culture Story

Danny and Sheri Silk, Founders of Loving On Purpose and leaders in our JC community, share their journey of faith and obedience to Jesus Culture. They beautifully provoked us to remember our journey with God, and to know the why behind our yes.
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Fill This House

Lou Engle, founder of The Call and Lou Engle Ministries, exhorts us into the prophetic power of fasting and prayer, and reminds us of God’s promises over California, the global Church, and a coming movement of salvation and revival.
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Intercessors Get There First

As we begin 2022, Pastor Banning challenges us to be a people that allow God to burden us with the things on His heart. Burdens from the heart of God become catalysts for action in our lives. We have to surrender the weight of the world to receive the burden of God.
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A Year of Amazing Things

As God is moving on the earth, we get to move with Him! Pastor Banning calls us to be a people that rest in the hope of God, and participate in what He is doing in and around us.
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Breaking Camp

The wilderness is for our development, but it is not our destination! Pastor Becky Johnson challenges us with the reality that in order to enter into our Promised Land, we must be obedient to the voice of God, and willing to work hard. Convenience will not advance us into the things that He has for us.
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God In Pursuit

Hope anticipates, and we are in a season of anticipation that God is about to do something good, and that he is always in pursuit of people. Pastor Banning invites Richard, a member of JC Sacramento, to come share his testimony of how God pursued him unto freedom and salvation.
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The Day of Good News

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is good news! God loves people and is in pursuit of them, and it’s his desire that none should perish. Pastor Banning explains how sometimes God uses famine and hard circumstances to push people to Himself. Often, it’s His kindness to expose faulty things in our lives that we have been leaning on, in order to help us realize that Jesus is a more firm foundation. We are called to share our story with the world, and invite others into the family of God.
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Testimonies In The Field

We love missions and evangelism, and deeply believe in the power of sending and covering our missionaries in prayer and support. Pastor Banning invites some of our Jesus Culture missionaries, Micah and Hailey Studer, to come share testimonies of what God is doing in the nations of the earth.
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Sacrifice of Fellowship

Pastor Banning reminds us that choices are powerful, and there is sacrifice involved in choosing to show up and contribute to Ekklesia, the body of believers, on a weekly basis. When we gather, our worship, prayers, and presence brings breakthrough to those around us, and we experience the fullness of God in our lives.
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Taking Dominion

Pastor Tamara Bennett, Senior Pastor of This Is Pentecost Fellowship Ministries, encourages us to live by the redemptive power and authority that God have given us as believers. When we choose to live in the fullness of this reality, we will see things shift in our lives and spheres of influence.
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Encouraged Together

There is power released when we gather, and there is power released when we agree. Pastor Banning teaches us that the fullness of all that God has for us cannot be experienced outside of gathering with the people of God.
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Assembly Required

God’s idea of Church involves being together. Pastor Banning talks about the power of “ekklesia,” and what happens when we gather as the Church to worship, pray, and talk about the Word of God.
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Witness of Peace

We are the representation of Christ to the world. Pastor Banning explains how Jesus was a man of peace, and our witness to the world should be the amount of peace that we bring into every room, circumstance, and relationship.
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Delayed but not Denied

Delay is an important part of our walk with God, because in the waiting, character is produced in our lives. Pastor Becky Johnson teaches us how Jesus is intentional in His leading, and sometimes that includes delaying our breakthrough, but not denying the promises found in following Him.
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Kingdom of Peace

We cannot calm storms that we are afraid of. Pastor Banning reminds us that the Kingdom of God is advanced through righteousness, joy, and peace. We are called to bring peace everywhere we go, because when we are living in peace, we have authority to dispel darkness and calm storms.
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God of Peace

Peace can never be found anywhere other than God. Pastor Banning calls us to a life that refuses to stay in the storm, but instead chooses to connect to the truth of who the Father is, and how we view Him. We must connect to truth in order to experience freedom from fear, anxiety, and worry.
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Speak The Truth In Love

As followers of Jesus, we are called to be set apart. Danny Silk, President and Co-Founder of Loving on Purpose, invites us into a life of conviction that speaks and lives the truth of the Bible.
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Pouring Water, Waiting Tables, Washing Feet

Alex Seeley, Lead Pastor of the Belonging Co Church in Nashville, Tennessee, teaches about the significance of servant-hearted leadership. Jesus came to serve, not be served, and we are called to do the same.
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Why Are You So Fearful?

Jesus’ death on the cross paid for us to access and choose to live a life of peace. Pastor Banning exhorts us into a Kingdom reality: we get to live above the storms of life, instead of in them.
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Serve Sunday

We are called to continually position our lives to serve. Pastor Banning teaches us how the fullness of joy comes through serving in community.
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You Angry, Bro?

Pastor Matt Molt of New Vintage Church, encourages us to listen to the truth of the Bible and keep God at the center of our decisions and actions, not our emotions.
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The Body Of Christ: Famous For Love

Danny Silk, President and Co-Founder of Loving on Purpose, shares about the overcoming love of God. Fear has no room to exist in our lives when we are in Christ, and we are called to be the most loving people on the planet.
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Our life’s purpose is about Jesus. Lisa Bevere shares a timely word on the necessity of being a people that intentionally chooses to focus on Jesus, in a world that is constantly attempting to distract us.
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The Pioneer Mandate

The mandate on our lives as believers is to advance the Kingdom of God and take territory. Pastor Banning exhorts us in our identity as pioneers and teaches us how to walk this out in our daily lives.
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The Church I See: Is Generational

If we’re going to be a healthy, thriving Church, we have to be generationally aligned. Pastor Becky Johnson shares about the importance of both young and old unifying together to see the Kingdom of God established on earth.
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From Dwelling To Dwelling

We are called to engage with God and pursue face-to-face encounters with Him. Lou Engle imparts a word about the significance of dwelling places in our lives, and the importance of remembering God’s faithfulness in our lives to stir hunger in our hearts.
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Church I See: Submitted To Scripture - Part 2

Our lives as believers must be founded on the Word of God. Pastor Banning continues his series on the power of Scripture in our lives.
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Church I See: Submitted to Scripture

The Word of God is not just true, it’s truth! Pastor Banning teaches us the significance of rooting our lives deeply in Scripture, and the freedom we experience when we trust what the Bible says, and make it the final authority in our lives.
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Living the Abundant Life

Contentment is realizing that God has provided everything we need for our present happiness. Francis Anfuso encourages us to live in abundance by understanding that how we see God, ourselves, and our lives matters.
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Do Not Leave Jerusalem

Our lives as believers are to be about seeking God. Pastor Banning teaches us about the power of waiting on God, and how when we choose to seek God, we will find Him.
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Church I See: A People of His Presence

One moment in the presence of God changes everything. Pastor Banning calls us to be a people of His presence above all else.
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Church I See: Full of Hope

We should be a people of hope. Pastor Banning encourages us to diligently guard our hope, and approach every situation knowing that God is with us and for us.
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Church I See: Radically Generous

Why are we called to be a church that is radically generous? Pastor Banning Liebscher continues his series, The Church I See, and teaches us that living a generous life is easy when we realize that all we have is because of God, not our own effort. 
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Church I See: Owning Your Influence

The purpose of the church is to advance the Kingdom of God. Banning Liebscher begins his series, The Church I See, by explaining how every believer has influence and is called to lead.
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Follow Favor

The Spirit of God empowers us to live a life that is full of hope and engaged in community. Pastor Banning concludes his Life on Life series by teaching us how to become powerful people who create community.
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The Power to Create Community - Part 2

The Spirit of God empowers us to live a life that is full of hope and engaged in community. Pastor Banning concludes his Life on Life series by teaching us how to become powerful people who create community.
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The Power to Create Community

Continuing his series, Life on Life, Pastor Banning reminds us of a crucial mentality for building community- we are not powerless. We are empowered by God to create community and connection.
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Don't Give Up On Community

As believers, we are called to live life in community. This week Pastor Banning Liebscher begins a new series, Life on Life, and challenges us to not give up pursuing connection and vulnerability with others, even when it’s hard.
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Keep the Faith

Kim Walker-Smith encourages us to remember what Jesus saved us from, and boldly share our testimony. When we truly encounter the love and freedom found in Jesus, there is nothing the world could offer us that satisfies. Jesus is enough, and He is our greatest reward!
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Death Dismantled

Easter always reminds us that we need a Savior. Pastor Banning reminds us that because Jesus died on the cross, death was defeated on our behalf. Salvation in Jesus is our promise of victory and that He is with us.
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Power Gone Public - Part 3

The power of God demonstrates the authority of Jesus to save. Pastor Banning resumes his series, Power Gone Public, and shares about how Jesus really is who He says He is. Jesus still forgives our sins, heals, redeems, and restores brokenness in our lives today.
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What's In Your Cupboard?

This powerful message from Zack Curry reminds us of Gods ability to take the small and seemingly insignificant things in our lives, and multiply them to release breakthrough for ourselves and those around us. Are there resources in your life you’ve overlooked? What possibilities lie on the other side of you surrendering them to the Lord?
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Power Gone Public - Part 2

Banning Liebscher continues his series, Power Gone Public. The power of God reveals the nature of the Father. His miracles reveal His love for us.
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Power Gone Public - Part 1

You are called to demonstrate the gospel with power and love. The kingdom is so much more than words, and in this new series, Banning describes what it looks like to share the gospel of Jesus.
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The Re-Presentation Of Jesus To The Nation

Andy Byrd shares a powerful and challenging message on the representation of Jesus. The Church has a responsibility to give the world an accurate view of the Savior. Are we doing this job well or have we misrepresented who the Father is to a broken and hungry world? 
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Love Gone Public - Part 4

Pastor Banning concludes his series, Love Gone Public. To truly practice the love that Jesus calls us to, we must be in community with others. Only then do we get the opportunity to choose forgiveness, peace, and love over disconnection and division.
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Love Gone Public - Part 3

Pastor Banning continues his series, Love Gone Public. We must have a clear understanding of what love is and not attempt to define love for ourselves. We look to scripture to define love and then put that love on display.
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Love Gone Public - Part 2

Pastor Banning continues his series Love Gone Public. Jesus emphasized the importance of returning to our first love, which was that God loved us first. We must remain in Gods love and never leave it.
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The Gift Of Hardship

Phil Manginelli, Pastor of The Square, shares a timely message reminding us that hardship develops perseverance in us and God is able to transform us in that process. The invitation in the book of James to “consider it pure joy” should challenge us in our journey to mature as believers.
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Love Gone Public

In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus teaches a crucial parable that a light is never hidden under a basket but is set out to light the house for all who enter. We are called to shine in culture, at work, and in our communities. If the world around us looks dark, then we are called to shine all the brighter. 
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What's Your Plan, God

When it is darkest, God’s people shine brightest. It can be tempting to believe it’s not our responsibility to be the answer to a broken world, but we are the solution. God’s plan for restoration starts with us.
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Jesus + Nothing Else

Culture is constantly sending us messages of discontentment. But what does Paul say about contentment? (Phil. 4:10-13) Healthy vision comes from a content life. In a place of contentment, we get a clearer vision of what pursuing Jesus and His Kingdom looks like.
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Special guest Kris Vallotton, brings a powerful word providing wisdom about the things God has been building inside His people over the last year. Our vision for 2021 should begin with the call to wake up and lead. Let this message be a well of hope and courage as you begin this new year.
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Vision, Faith, And The Importance Of Thankfulness

What is the importance of thankfulness in the life of believers? Thankfulness becomes key to developing and maturing in Christ, living with vision, and increasing in faith.
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Give Jesus A Seed, Step Back And Watch

Faith understands that every harvest starts with sowing a seed. It’s vital in the life of believers to be sowing into future harvests. It becomes a statement of your faith in God as provider. 
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His Voice In The Disruption

God is always speaking and we were created to be connected to His voice. When faced with challenging seasons we need to hear the voice of God to renew our strength and rejuvenate our faith.
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Disruption And The Two Doors

When things in our lives are disrupted we find ourselves with a choice. We can choose to trust in man or to put our trust in God.
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Disruption That Leads To Revival

Pastor Banning takes us to Acts 8 to highlight Gods mission in the midst of disruption. Disruption leads to revival. The plans of God have not and will not be stopped by the disruptions of this season.
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Disrupted For Someone

Micah from YWAM shares an incredible word that will challenge you to look at this current season in a different way. Many times God disrupts our normal for the sake of another. Who has God disrupted you for?
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A Revival Of His Word

Becky Johnson brings a charge to believe for and see a revival of the eternal, living word of God in our lives. Our devotion to the word doesn’t happen in a rush. It develops and deepens over time.
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A Counter Culture People

Jesus calls us to be different. Our lives should look different in a radical way to the world around us. It’s the places we don’t fit in, where we should have our greatest impact.
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The Joy Of Today

Trusting the authority of scripture positions us to follow the commands of Jesus properly. We must understand there is a deep wisdom within Jesus’ words that are intent on leading us into wholeness.
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Speak Life

Zack Curry takes us to Genesis 2 and contrasts the two trees in the Garden of Eden, which resemble decisions we all face every day. We have a choice to make. Are we releasing judgements of wrong and right into the world or are we releasing life?
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The Heart Of A Shepherd

What is the mission of the Church? Pastor Banning takes us to the book of Ephesians to unpack the assignment we have as believers representing the full ministry of Christ on the earth. 
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Enter Wild

Guest speaker Carlos Whittaker looks at John 10:10 to remind us what it means to live life to the full. In this midst of trials and difficult seasons we are still called to walk in the peace that surpasses understanding.
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Tuning Into The Frequency Of Heaven

Deborah Giles brings a powerful word that will encourage you to humbly and prayerfully seek what the Lord is saying to you in this season during our 40 day fast.
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In The Name Of Jesus

It’s not just what you pray that matters but it’s the spirit in which you pray that Jesus emphasized. Knowing the character and nature of God shapes how we pray.
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Never Lacking In Zeal

Taking us into the book of Romans, Banning talks about what it means to live a life of passion for Jesus. What does it look like to tend the fire inside of us every day?
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A Message For You

In a time with so many competing voices and opinions trying to speak to us, how do we stay connected to the message God has for us? Pastor Banning passionately unpacks how vital is it to know the word God over every area of our lives.
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A Mature Church

Ephesians 4 lays out a process that leads us to greater maturity. Pastor Banning unpacks the wisdom of these scriptures and challenges us to look at the areas in our lives that are lacking this maturity.
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Growing Small Again

Nate Edwardson, Pastor of The Stirring, brings a powerful word looking at the life of David as an example of when to take our hands off things to discover what Gods hand is truly on. Can we take up the assignment God has for us no matter how small it?
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Remember The Power Of Your Words

The words we speak are a reflection of what’s in our heart. Those words are powerful with the ability to create life and death. It’s vital that we diligently watch over what we allow to influence our hearts.
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A People Who Pray For One Another

We are meant to live with a responsibility for those we are in relationship with. One of the key ways we do that is through prayer and intercession. Pastor Banning maps out practical steps to help us implement this kind of prayer in our daily lives. 
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A People Of Intercession

Pastor Banning take us on a journey through several potions of scripture highlighting our call to intercession. God has given us a specific role to be those who intercede to see the fullness of God’s New Creation plan on this earth.
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A People In Pursuit

Banning shares a key message about having vision in this time. Calling us to  have confidence that the Lord is maturing us as we pursue Him in this season. It is vital for us to embrace this moment and go deeper with the Lord.
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God Of The Impossible

Becky Johnson shares a powerful word about the God who makes the impossible, possible. Reminding us that many times we find ourselves in challenging seasons, but God actually has a plan for breakthrough.
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Quiet Times & Plagues

How do you separate yourself to be with God? What if, in the midst of a plague, your quiet time with God could be the answer? Banning shares a powerful message about maintaining the fire of God in our lives, standing in the gap, and being those who believe for breakthrough in the world around us.
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A Resolve For Revival

Banning takes us through the story in Daniel 3 to challenge us to have an absolute trust and dependance on God with no backup plan. We must have this resolve if we are to see revival in our day.
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Revival In Our Day

Banning shares a powerful challenge for us to embrace the season we are in and lean into the heart God for this hour, which is revival in our day.
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Rise Of The Reconcilers

Pastor Efrem Smith brings a powerful message about our mission, as followers of Jesus Christ, to be reconcilers. Right-side up people in an upside-down world. Walking in love, peace, and justice.
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The Heart of a Father

On his final Sunday before relocating to plant Jesus Culture San Diego, Executive Pastor, Zack Curry, shares a powerful message about the heart of a father.
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The Kingdom Mindset

Culture is inundated with political and religious mindsets, but as sons and daughters of God, we are called to a higher perspective. Banning shares how vital it is to have the mindset of the Kingdom and challenges us to assess the influence we’ve given the world’s voice in our own lives.
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Upper Room Results

Guest speaker Scott Sampson asks the question, which kingdom are you building? Real unity comes through the Holy Spirit. How can we reignite our focus to pray during this time and be those who build the Kingdom of God first and foremost.
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The Three-Mile Walk: Holiness

As believers we should be fully alive and fully engaged, walking out the call of God on our lives. Part of that call is to live a life of holiness and consecration.
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Outdo One Another

Romans 12:10 calls us to OUTDO one another in showing honor. In the midst of disagreement or unrighteousness, we are still called to show great honor. Banning takes a close look at the first century church and how, faced with unrighteous leaders, they maintained a posture of honor. How can we learn from this and live it out in our day?
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The Great Commission

Andy Byrd, of YWAM Kona, The Circuit Riders, and The Send, speaks to us this Sunday from his home in Hawaii. Andy’s challenge to the body is to embrace the GO commission of Christ. Andy details the three “GO’s” to fully walk out the call of Jesus. This is a gripping and awakening message for the body of Christ in this hour.
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The Resilient Spirit

We are resilient because God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, but of power. Banning challenges us to step into who we really are, resilient in the face of adversity.
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The Gift Of The Wilderness

The wilderness exposes all the things we turn to for strength that are not rooted in Christ. Banning challenges us to embrace the wilderness seasons in our lives, instead of trying to get out of them. There is so much to be learned in these seasons. How can we walk out of the wilderness with a greater dependance on Jesus?
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Album Release Sunday (CHURCH Volume 1)

Join Banning as he sits down with Kim Walker-Smith, Derek Johnson, Bryan & Katie Torwalt, Chris Quilala, Jake Ithurburn, Mack Brock and Chris McClarney to discuss the new Jesus Culture album, CHURCH Volume 1. Hear the heart behind the album as well as the inspiration behind many of the songs.
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The Basecamp of Peace, The Summit of Authority

Banning encourages us to not just survive the storm, but to walk in  authority over the storm. Peace is simply the beginning for those who believe in the power of Christ. Authority over life’s situations is God’s plan for His people.
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Easter Service

Banning and Seajay lead us in communion and share beautiful  prodigal testimonies from our church family. Happy Easter!
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The Great Work: Part No. 5

Banning concludes his 5 part series on discipleship challenging us to commit ourselves to investing in people.
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Anchored To His Kingdom

This week Banning takes us through Ephesians 4:11-14 encouraging us to stay anchored to Christ when the storms of life come. Join us in standing strong in our faith and remaining unshaken.
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How to Navigate this Season: A Conversation with Danny and Sheri Silk

Banning and Seajay sit down with Danny and Sheri Silk to encourage you in how to navigate this season (COVID-19) from a place of faith instead of fear.
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God Is On The Throne

Join us this week as Banning takes us to Psalm 29 to remember, no matter what we are facing, God is still on the throne.
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The Great Work: Part No. 4

This week, Banning Liebscher continues his series on discipleship.
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The Great Work: Part No. 3

This week, Banning Liebscher continues his series on discipleship.
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The Great Work: Part No. 2

This week, Banning Liebscher continues his series on discipleship.
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It Is Written

This week, Becky Johnson continues our series on discipleship. Jesus knew the scriptures intimately. Becky encourages us to embrace spiritual discipline and become students of the word of God. You’ll be amazed to hear what happens practically in our lives  when we are consistently in the word.
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The Great Work

This week, Banning Liebscher gives us the charge to become disciples of Jesus so that we can disciple others. This is how we invest our lives in fruit that remains. 
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Trust And Fear

This week, Phil Manginelli, Lead Pastor of The Square Church in Atlanta, Georgia, shares a powerful message about trusting when we feel afraid. Fear can often disrupt our stories and cause us to avoid where Jesus is leading us. Phil encourages us to press beyond fear into a place of trust in Jesus.
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Teach Us To Pray

Join us this week as Banning highlights the humility of the disciples to ask Jesus how to pray. How can we, as followers of Jesus, emulate this humility in our own prayer lives?
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Prayer For The Prodigals

The parable of the Prodigal Son shows us how the Father’s heart longs to be reconciled with His wayward children. Join us as we pray for the prodigals in our lives to come home.
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Be Angry And Sin Not

Special guest, Lisa Bevere, shares a powerful message about getting free from anger through the healing power of forgiveness. We hope you are challenged and inspired to walk in reconciliation in every area of your life.
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When We Pray

As we step into 2020, we have set aside a time of fasting and prayer. Join us as Banning calls us to pray and be with God, full of faith that He will be waiting for us in the quiet place. 
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Every Word

Deborah Giles brings an incredible message to close out the year and shares what she feels the Lord is saying over 2020.
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Christmas At Jesus Culture

Enjoy this special Christmas message from Banning Liebscher.
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Confidence In His Faithfulness

This week Banning takes us to, Jeremiah 17:7, “But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.” God’s nature and character is faithfulness and we can fully trust that He keeps His promises.
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Engage The City

This week Zack Curry and Sheri Silk team up to share what it looks to be engaged in our communities and make a significant and lasting difference in our cities. 
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Confident In Who You Are

Banning takes us through the parable in Mark 4 about the sower and the seed. He illustrates how God plants seeds in us but if we allow the voices of culture to influence us, it will choke out the seed’s ability to grow. Whose voice is most important in your life? This message presents this question in challenging and insightful ways.
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Confidence In Who Is For Us

This week, Banning reminds us that God is for us. One of the key attacks of the enemy is to get us to believe God is against us. Confidence is the result of being anchored to the greater reality and to the truth of who the Father is. “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31 (NKJV)
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The Confidence Of The Seed

Banning teaches on the principle of sowing and reaping by taking a deeper look into Galatians 6:7 which says, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Galatians 6:7 (NKJV)
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I Am Confident

Banning takes us to 1 Peter 5:5, which teaches us submission and humility before people. God’s heart for you as a believer is that you would walk in the confidence that comes from being rooted in Jesus. An integral part of living in that confidence is tied to our relationship with people.
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The Power Of Blessing

Special guest, Jon Tyson shares a message on the power of blessing. What is blessing? Why do we need it? How do we do it? This incredible teaching will inspire and challenge your view on what it means to bless.
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Dig The Wells, Take The Land

God has land that He wants to give you! There is territory He wants you to take, but in order to do that we must learn to sustain the wells we’ve been given as well as dig our own wells. Banning uses the story of Isaac to illustrate the importance of doing the work required to have victory in our lives.
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The Exchange Program

This week Banning shares about the great Exchange Program we have access to in Christ. He will take our sorrow for His joy. Our heaviness for His lightness. Our ashes for His beauty. This exchange doesn’t make logical sense but further shows the absolute goodness and love that God has for His people.
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This Confidence

Banning teaches from 1 John 5:14 which tells us that God’s desire is for us to come to Him in confidence. We can expect to have our prayers answered because we know God and His will.
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You Were Made For The Future

Guest speaker, Eric Johnson takes us through the twenty years between Acts chapter 2 and chapter 15 to illustrate how important it is to stay mindful of the future that God has for us. If we don’t look toward the future, our past will become our new destination. Listen to this powerful message on our concept of time versus God’s concept of time.
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Send Out Your Doves

Becky uses the life of Noah to illustrate what it looks like to turn your trust into action. Reminding us that trust is more than words, Becky challenges us to step out in faith continually. 
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Bound By The Spirit

Banning looks the life of the apostle Paul for an example of what it looks like to have singular focus and vision.
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The Privilege of a Pioneer

This week Banning casts vision for Jesus Culture Sacramento’s future and announces an exciting update to our Finding Home building campaign. What does it take to reach a city? How do we build the house of the Lord? Be inspired this week to follow Jesus with all of your heart. 
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5 Year Celebration Sunday

Join Jesus Culture Sacramento as we celebrate the 5 year mark as a church with special guest Todd White.
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Humanity 2.0

Danny Silk shares about our lens that sees God as a punisher to be feared, first originating in the garden with the serpent. But God made a new covenant restoring us to love and goodness. The new upgrade allows us to view God as a loving Father who comes running to us with restoration and forgiveness.
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Power Perfected

Banning Liebscher teaches about God’s power being made perfect in weakness by looking at the writings of the Apostle Paul. Banning challenges us to embrace weakness even though our first instinct is to avoid it.
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Transforming Trust

This week, Zack Curry shares about the transformation that’s available to us when we trust fully in Jesus. Taking us through the life of Peter, we see Peter’s moments of weakness and failure that became invitations for him to meet with Jesus and be transformed. Holding to the promise that God finishes what He starts, Zack challenges us to anchor our trust to who God says He is.
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Organic Community

Banning Liebscher continues his challenge to us that Christianity and community cannot be separated. The fullness of God’s plan in your life involves the community He places you in. He takes us from an organized to an organic community and in the process there is a struggle that we often try to avoid.
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Intentional about Community

In this week’s message, a Jesus Culture panel addresses the impact of community on their lives. They talk about the importance of living in connection with one another. Entering into community can be inconvenient and tough, but it is one of the most life-giving things we can do as believers. We want to move from being a crowd of people to a FAMILY that does life together.
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The Field of Favor

In this week’s message, Banning talks about the importance of being aware of God’s favor in your life. Favor is a huge marker of which season you are in. Knowing and being aware of that favor allows you to fully walk in what the Lord has for you.
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Have Heart

In this week’s message, Kim Walker-Smith highlights the importance of empathy as we love others. Choosing to love and understand people mean that we exhibit the love of God. In doing so, we truly represent the heart of Jesus towards us when He gave His life for ALL of us.
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The Impact of An Encounter

In the week’s message, Banning Liebscher talks about the true impact of encountering God. A life that is fully dedicated to staying in His presence will change the lives of those we come in contact with. They encounter Him because of His fragrance that is on our lives.
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Return With a Loud Voice

There is safety and provision when we stay in a place of thankfulness. This week, Banning challenges us to create a habit of being thankful. He reminds us to not only be thankful for the big things and for what God does, but also for the small things and for WHO God is.
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Breaking the Fear of Man

In this week’s message, Ben Fitzgerald expands on the fear of man in our lives. Ben highlights how we reason away the wisdom of God because we fear what people think of us. When we fear man more than God, we live a pseudo version of ourselves and become someone God never intended us to be. However, the only opinion that truly matters is the one from the One who created us.
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The Consistency of Change

How do you handle change? Often times we become frustrated or rigid when God moves us from one season into another. This week, Banning talks about our struggle with change and how, when we are simply BEING with Jesus, we actually become aware of and equipped for the season that we’re in.
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Named By My Father

At the root of insecurity is a lack of identity. When we live from a place of insecurity we can’t fulfill the role God has for us. We will not be defined by what we do. Instead, we will be defined by what God says about us. In the midst of all of our insecurities, God will show up and give us a new name. Only God can speak identity over us! It’s time for men to know their name and speak identity to others!
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Turn Aside

This week, Banning encourages us to accept God’s invitation to encounter Him. “Revival is not a random event. It is connected to an invitation from God that people turn aside from the norm and respond to.” When we are connected to God, we recognize His presence and encounter His heart.
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Disempowering Fear

Special guest, Jay Vallontton, reminded us this week how intently fear is working to become our master. When we operate from an instinct to survive, we partner with fear. However, we are not called to just survive! We are called to thrive in God’s Kingdom by casting out fearful thoughts and rejoicing in His Presence.
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Slow to Speak

In this Message of the Week, Zack Curry delves into that what we say, and when we say it, can radically impact our lives. He focuses on the significant difference between reacting and responding and that grace is released when we are slow to speak. It is a choice to stop, invite in the Holy Spirit, listen to what other people are saying, and release life over the specific situation.
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All That's In Your Heart

In this week’s message, Banning speaks on the the importance of diligently and intentionally caring for our internal world. When we have a healthy heart, our lives become fully engaged and we are fully alive. We become motivated not by fear or pain, but by the internal vision that is purposefully placed in our hearts by God. This message is an eye opening reminder to identify “what are you motivated by?” and “is your heart healthy?“.
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The Love of a Mother

This Mother’s Day, Banning Liebscher shares a message on “The Love of a Mother”. God’s love for His children is expressed in so many ways. Just like a mother for her own children, He expresses His love by nurturing, protecting and comforting. This message is a great reminder of the great sacrifice moms make and that God made for all his children.
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The Leadership Mindset PT. 2

This week, special guest speaker, Francis Anfuso, joined us to continue our conversation on the “Leadership Mindset”. Francis shared personal stories of victory through vulnerability and his journey as a leader. Listen in as he talks about the importance of renewing your relationship with Jesus each day in order to be the leader you are called to be.
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The Leadership Mindset

A leader influences and carries a burden of responsibility. This Sunday, Banning Liebscher shared a message on “A Leadership Mindset”. Many (in fact, ALL of us) are called but few are chosen; a leader always raises their hand to accept the challenge of being the head and not the tail – that is how you ‘get chosen’.
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Adoptive Love

This Easter Sunday, guest speaker, Randy Bohlender, shares the incredible truth about the “Adoptive Love” of the Father. God had you in His heart way before you ever existed. His commitment to His sons and daughters is strong and forever. This message is one that reminds us that no matter our circumstances, we have a Father who loves us and is in pursuit of our hearts AT ALL TIMES.
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Motivated by Love

In this week’s message, Pastor Banning Liebscher talks about God’s pursuit of our hearts. The God of the Old Testament and the New Testament is the same God, who wants us to follow Him and obey Him because of our love for Him, not because we are afraid of punishment.
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“Those who live with convictions, live with both an anchor and a compass.” In this week’s message, Banning talks about the importance of having convictions as core beliefs. Convictions help to guide our lives and hold us secure in times of testing.
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For the Next Generation

In this week’s message, ‘For the Next Generation’, Banning talks about how we as the church are called to care for children, youth and young adults. We need to cover, lead, and believe in those following in our footsteps.
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The Truth Factor

In this week’s message, Banning talks about The Truth Factor and challenges us to take stock of our spiritual and physical health. When we drop our guard on these two things, especially in a long season of waiting, our heart becomes exposed to lies. Listen in as Banning gives us the 4 E’s to tackling a “Cat in a U-HAUL” season of life!
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Looking Forward Looking Backwards

As Christians we need to be the most confident people on earth. This week we had guest speaker Paul Geerling from iSee Church with us. He encouraged us that looking back on what the Lord has done gives us the confidence to look to the future, in faith and expectation for what He will do.
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Who is Your Enemy?

This week we had the privilege of having our own Kim Walker-Smith speak on Forgiveness and Justice. “Jesus didn’t die for one moment with us. He died for a lifetime of moments with us.” We cannot let unforgiveness in our hearts rob us of our connection with Jesus and others around us.
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Here Comes the Dreamers

This week we have a Bonus episode: Becky Johnson spoke at our 1pm service about God’s dream for your life. You were created by the Father with a destiny and a dream. What God has for your life cannot be stopped by man.
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Remember Rizpah

This week, Special Guest Jeanne Mayo shared an incredible sermon titled, “Remember Rizpah”. She reminded us that to be Rizpah we must be good listeners, serve often, and pray more than we preach. This message is one that will impact you for a long time!
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Living for Eternity

In this week’s message Banning Liebscher talks about daily life with eternity in mind. Without an eternal mindset we can’t fully understand the purpose and success God has for our lives.
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A Conversation with Matt and Beth Redman 1:00 PM

During our 1:00 PM service, Matt and Beth Redman discuss with Banning Liebscher discipleship and life in community.
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A Conversation with Matt and Beth Redman 11:00 AM

This week during our 11:00 AM service, Banning Liebscher sits down with Matt and Beth Redman. They discuss processing through hard things and finding Jesus in every situation.
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He is Restoring All Things

We are a part of a bigger picture than just everyday life. In this week’s episode Danny Silk talks about how the Lord is consistently working things together towards restoration and our enemy has a scheme to lead people to deception. We are called to bring our strength to this time and stand firm in the armor of God. “You are in a war, baby. Get dressed today.”
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The Posture of Humility

As disciples of Jesus our lives should be marked by humility. In this week’s episode Banning Liebscher shares what it looks like to live from a posture of humility. Pride is the hallmark of the world but humility is the true mark of the Kingdom of God.
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Hungry for More

In this week’s episode Zack Curry shares a powerful message on being hungry for God. There is so much more of God for us and He is attracted to our hunger! The way to get more of Him is to ask for more. Scripture says that when we call on Him, He answers and when we seek Him we will find Him. Listen in as Zack stirs our faith to remind us that hunger for God is connected to revival! We can pray with confidence because our loving Father ALWAYS wants to give us more of Himself.
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The Weapon of Gratitude

Are you allowing God to shape you or are you trying to shape God? Listen as our good friend, Danny Silk brings a powerful message on gratitude. As believers, our lives should be cultivated in gratitude as it is one of the greatest weapons God has given us! This is a message you don’t want to miss!
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The Extra God

Where does your help come from? Your prayer life reveals not just that you believe in God but what you believe about Him. In the message, Banning Liebscher gives an encouraging word on prayer. God is eager to respond to our prayers and desires us to pray first. The power of prayer isn’t found in what we say but by who God is. He is a God that does not just hear our prayers, but a God who is sitting on the edge of his seat ready to respond! Let’s be a people whose first response is prayer, always.
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Learning On The Journey

Banning Liebscher shares on the lifestyle of hearing and doing what Jesus taught us. Our Western culture demands that we become an expert before we embark on anything new. In the Kingdom, Jesus always says, “Come! I will teach you as we go on a journey together”.
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The Secret Ingredient

As you reflect on 2018, is there a lack of thankfulness or is thankfulness completely missing from your life? Take heart! The secret ingredient in the life of a believer in ALL circumstances is to pour out our thanks to God because He is faithful. When we don’t know where to begin with thankfulness, we can always start at the Cross!
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Love Came Down

In this episode Banning Liebscher reminds us that God is not distant nor disconnected from us. He is intimately connected to every part of our lives. There is not one situation in our lives that He cannot understand. Love came down to us, in human form to relate to us, to understand us, to love us and to set us free. This gives us a boldness because He always understands. Whatever situation you are facing, draw close and come boldly to Him.
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Praying Church

Have you ever felt like giving up on prayer because things didn’t work out like you had hoped? In this episode, David Perkins, Lead Pastor of Radiant Church in Kansas City, teaches on the simple truth that when we pray, God moves. Listen and be encouraged. Real things happen when we pray!
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The Church I See: Values Excellence

“Excellence is connected to the core value of: I want to bring my best to God.” In this message, Pastor Banning Liebscher shares on the value of excellence. In a world that strives for perfection, we are called as believers to live a life of excellence. Excellence is far different from perfection. Excellence is bringing our very best to God and to people, not for approval but as a gift of worship.
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The Church I See: Is Passionate About Growth

The Lord is passionate about our growth and maturity. Pastor Banning Liebscher shares how God’s desire for our lives is that we would be conformed into the image of His Son. If we are passionate about looking like Jesus, we therefore must be passionate about growth and daily moving towards maturity. Out of His goodness and love, God’s heart for us is to grow. As we begin to understand His heart, situations and seasons we are in make more sense in the context of growth. Listen and learn to be encouraged when the opportunity arises to walk out what you actually believe.
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The Church I See: Celebrates Well

We are made in the image of a Father who values celebration! Just like we see in the story of the prodigal son, the act of celebration is part of His character. It is incredibly powerful, not only for the person being celebrated but for those who are choosing to celebrate. This week at JC Sacramento we are continuing our series, The Church I See. Listen in as Pastor Zack Curry reminds us that we are all called to love and celebrate one another. This message will challenge you to celebrate!
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Rise of the Reconcilers

This Sunday our friend, Efrem Smith of Bayside Midtown Sacramento, shared a powerful message on what we, as the collective church, are called to. In a broken world, we are each called to rise up and share the power of His reconciliation. No matter your circumstances, you are called to rise up and demonstrate His love, truth, hope and peace to the world. This is a timely message that you won’t want to miss! Pastor Efrem Smith is an internationally recognized leader who consults on issues of multi-ethnicity, leadership and community development. Pastor Smith is the former president and CEO of World Impact, an urban mission, church planting and leadership-development organization. He is the current co-lead Pastor of Bayside Church, Midtown and the author of several books. P.S. Efrem’s latest book, Killing Us Softly, is available now and we know you’ll love it.
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The Church I See: Is A Family That Serves

The church is a family, not a business. How you see something determines how you interact with it; and we are all called to engage in the church community. When Jesus said that He came to earth to serve, He also called us to live as He did. Throughout His life He not only taught on the importance of servanthood but displayed it in every area of His life. This week at JC Sacramento we are continuing our series, The Church I See. Listen in as Pastor Banning Liebscher reminds us that we are all called to serve, just like we would contribute at a family gathering. This message will challenge you to take a closer look at how you are viewing yourself and the church!
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The Church I See Is Submitted to Scripture

We are not called to have a casual relationship with Scripture; we are called to submit to Scripture as the final authority in our lives. For many, the word submit feels like a restrictive term but in reality, God calls us to submit so that we can experience freedom. The foundation you build your life upon matters and the truth of Scripture is the only solid foundation. This week at JC Sacramento we are continuing our series, The Church I See. Listen in as Pastor Banning Liebscher reminds us of the guard rails we all need to have in our lives: His Word. This message will give you a fresh perspective on what living a life of freedom with Him can truly look like!
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Adoptive Love

We, as the collective Church, are living in the greatest harvest in human history. What our world might see as chaos, dysfunction, pain and hopelessness, Jesus see’s as a ripe harvest. Honestly, we have all probably looked at the headlines and felt defeated. However, we are the solution! Listen as our good friend and guest speaker, Andy Byrd encourages us to move towards others in adoptive love while saying, “I may not be the cause of your pain, but I will be apart of your redemptive future.” This is one that you won’t want to miss.
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The Church I See: Believes Nothing Is Impossible

The Christian life is one where we should consistently see impossible things bow at the knee to Jesus. Throughout His time here on earth, Jesus’ life boldly revealed that our God is a God of miracles! He also made clear that we, the collective Church, were to continue this pursuit of radical faith throughout our own lives. This week at JC Sacramento we are continuing our series, The Church I See. Listen in as Pastor Banning Liebscher takes us through one of our core values as a community: faith. This message will leave you feeling challenged to take up this mantle of radical faith in your own life and community!
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The Church I See: Is Authentic

This past Sunday, our very own SeaJay Liebscher, gave a powerful word on authenticity. Living an authentic life is, first and foremost, rooted in the Word. This is because apart from the Word, we cannot truly know ourselves. The reality many of us live in is unspoken comparisons. Our filter of life is not always seen through who God has created us to be, but rather, in constant comparison. Listen and be encouraged as SeaJay unpacks the truth of living an authentic life and being who God has created you to be.
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The Church I See: Is Generational

God’s heart for His church is a unified, generational church. The call on each of our lives is deeply tied to each generation being connected and standing together. Listen to this message by Pastor Banning Liebscher as he takes us through what it means to not just connect our generations, but learn to value and honor each other. Whether you are a part of the Baby Boomer, Gen X, Millennial or Gen Z generation, let’s be a people who are humble and say, “I will move towards you even if you don’t move towards me”.
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The Church I See: Is Full Of Hope

Inside all of us is an ember of hope that ignites our faith. The only way we can move in faith is by being connected to hope in our lives. When you look at your future, your finances, or your relationships do you have a confident expectation of health and goodness in those areas? If we are honest, many of us look at the future with dread, worry, or confusion. There is a war over hope in our lives! Listen in as Pastor Banning Liebscher encourages us to anchor our hope back into God. God is always faithful!
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The Church I See: Is Radically Generous

On this week’s episode, Banning continues “The Church I See” series with a message on being radically generous. His message reminded us how generous our Father is! We have the example of Jesus to look to as we carry out our mission here on earth. Jesus came to perfectly represent and reveal the Father to the world, and we are called to do the exact same thing. The key to living a blessed life is by being radically generous and stewarding what God has given us well. Ultimately, our lives should reflect the Father’s heart so that when people encounter us they encounter Him!
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The Church I See

This week at JC Sacramento, we’re starting a brand new series with Pastor Banning Liebscher called, The Church I See. We, the church, are called to advance the Kingdom and we can only accomplish that by walking in the apostolic and prophetic gifting through teaching, equipping and engaging the church family. Carrying the apostolic and prophetic means that we know whose we are and where we are going! Listen in as Banning kicks off the series by reminding us of our path collectively, as the church, and what that means for you personally. Join us over the next few weeks as we dive into the beauty of the church and what it is called to. You won’t want to miss this first week of the series, The Church I See!
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A New Season

This week at JC Sacramento, we celebrate our fourth anniversary as a church with a very special guest and dear friend, Kris Vallotton. Kris is the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California and co-founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM). Kris travels internationally to train and equip people to successfully fulfill their divine purpose. He’s a bestselling author, having written more than a dozen books and training manuals to help prepare believers for life in the kingdom. He also has a diverse background in business, counseling, consulting, pastoring and teaching, which gives him unique leadership insights and perspectives. Listen as Kris shares a powerfully prophetic message on what this next season holds for all of us and what could be stopping us from getting to the promised land. You won’t want to miss this message as he speaks into our church family and all that God has for us in the coming years!
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Devoted and Unoffended

This week at JC Sacramento, our very own Zack Curry tackles the topic of offense. Zack is the Executive Pastor at JC Sacramento and carries a powerful life message that will challenge you to begin living and loving more like Jesus. Throughout the New Testament, we see that in even the most painful of situations, Jesus remained unoffended and devoted to the Father. Offense often leads to the death of our calling by distracting us from our destinies; it is a lack of devotion and miss-stewardship. Listen in as Zack talks through how we are all called to live according to the Kingdom, even in the midst of a society that often celebrates offense. This is a timely message that you won’t want to miss!
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The Discipleship Example of Jesus

As we continue our Summer of Jesus series here at JC Sacramento, Banning Liebscher talks through one of the main characteristics that Jesus displayed during His time here on earth: discipleship. In Jesus’ Great Commision to us all, He calls us to live as He lives. His value for individuals was apparent in the way that He consistently poured Himself into the twelve disciples. We’ve learned that here is a level of maturity that can only happen within community; you can teach thousands but you cannot disciple more than a handful. Living that lifestyle of discipleship is as simple as sharing your life with others. Listen as Banning reminds us that the greatest investment you will ever make is in people. This message will challenge you to ask the Lord who you are investing in, and who is investing in you.  
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Jesus is Intimate

This week at JC Sacramento, our Youth Pastor Becky Johnson shared a powerful message on the topic of intimacy. Becky’s life message is incredibly powerful and relatable. Listen as she reminds us that we, as children of God, do not work FOR love but instead, work FROM love We all exist in a society that is quickly losing its ability to live in true intimacy. The culture of this world teaches us that our worth directly correlates with what we do but we, as children of God, are all called to live in intimacy and love. By walking us through the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10, Becky teaches that when we don’t value intimacy with the Lord we will find ourselves investing time in things that don’t truly matter. This challenging message is one that you won’t want to miss!  
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Jesus Our Refuge

How do we walk in peace when we live in a world that feeds anxiety, fear and insecurities? In this message, Banning Liebscher remind us that though we may live in this world, our home is in Christ. We can be confident in Jesus because He is our peace! Listen in as Banning urges us to press into the truth of where our peace is to be found: only in Him! No matter the trials we face, we can always stop, assess and retreat to that place of safety and peace in Christ. This is the lifestyle we are called to live as children of God.  
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Killing Kryptonite

This Sunday our friend, speaker and author, John Bevere of Messenger International shares on spiritual kryptonite and the power of repentance. John and his wife Lisa, are the founders of Messenger International, an organization committed to developing uncompromising followers of Christ who transform their world. John’s bold and uncompromising approach to the word of God, and his own testimony, will provoke and challenge your heart. His message on repentance is so timely for the Church today and positions believers to know God intimately and live empowered by His grace. This is one that you won’t want to miss! P.S. John’s book Killing Kryptonite is available now. (you’ll love it.)  
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Jesus Believes In You

This week at JC Sacramento, we continue our Summer of Jesus series with Banning Liebscher. Using the story of the disciple Peter’s life, Banning reminds us that no matter what we do, Jesus remains faithful because that is who He is. So many of us have disqualified ourselves because we think we’re too “messy” for God to truly use. But the good news is, His faithfulness does not depend upon your faith or works! He remains the same, in every situation, because everything else is irrelevant to His deep love and faithfulness for us. When we begin to understand that there is nothing we could possibly do to change who He is, we will not only see Him more clearly but we will begin to see ourselves and the people around us more clearly. This is a message filled with the love and faithfulness of God and you won’t want to miss it!  
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You Don’t Know What He is Like

This week at JC Sacramento, Micah from YWAM shares a powerful message through testimonies of people encountering Jesus through the radical faith of others. We all have access to a faith and confidence that is firmly planted in the grace and forgiveness of God. As sons and daughters, we get to show the world what Jesus is really like! Listen in as Micah stirs up faith by looking to the story of the women who anointed Jesus in Luke chapter seven. After this message you’ll be moved to not just stand by and watch but do something right alongside Him!  
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Jesus Revealed in Scripture

As we continue our Summer of Jesus here at JC Sacramento, Banning Liebscher shares an extremely practical and challenging message on how we can all see Him more clearly: turning to the scriptures. If we can see Jesus more clearly, we will love Him more completely.  God has given us an incredible tool that will allow us to gain fresh revelation each and every time we turn to it!  Jesus is longing to reveal Himself to you in a new and fresh way. Banning reminds us all that in any relationship the desire to “get to know” should never dissipate.  This is true especially with our relationship with the Lord! Whether you’ve known Him your whole life or just recently met the Lord, we wholeheartedly believe that practicing this daily act of discipline will cause us to continually grow in Him.  This is a timely message for the church that you won’t want to miss!
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The Kingdom Belongs to Children

In Mark 10:14 Jesus teaches us all the importance of childlike faith when He says, “The kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” This Sunday, Paul Geerling of iSEE Church, reminds us that we are all children of God, no matter our age. Listen in as Paul shares on a few of the characteristics of the childlike faith Jesus was talking about!  Paul and his wife Jo are the Senior Pastors of iSEE Church, a multi-campus church based out of Brisbane Australia that is passionate about spreading the message of Jesus. Paul has been in ministry for over 25 years and carries a prophetic edge and passion to know and serve God while seeing people come into an encounter with Him. This is one you won’t want to miss!  
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Government of the Heart

This week at JC Sacramento, Danny Silk shares on governing our hearts within covenant. We are living in a covenant of forgiveness; intimacy with Jesus is available to everyone! By talking through how we can govern our hearts within this new covenant that Jesus paid for, Danny reminds us that all relationships require intentionality and patience. Danny’s passion centers around helping people build, strengthen and heal their vital relationships in life. His life message is profound and so integral for this generation. Listen as Danny talks through what it looks like to walk out this covenant of forgiveness alongside Jesus!  
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Jesus the Worthy One

Following Jesus is a radical life commitment and when we see Him more clearly, we will love Him more completely. Through this radical commitment, we realize that He is truly worthy of all we have to offer. What is our response to his worthiness? Find out in this message as Banning takes us through Matthew 26. We hear the importance of Mary’s sacrifice when she pours out her alabaster jar of oil on Jesus and learn that we cannot give Him a life of extravagant offering without sacrifice.
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Jesus Our Friend

This Sunday at JC Sacramento, Banning Liebscher shares a message that is an invitation to experience the fullness of God through friendship. Often, we believe that if Jesus is our friend we will somehow lose the reverence and awe of Him. Instead, Jesus reveals to us that we can know Him as our friend and have holy reverence for Him. God desires friendship with us and Jesus’ life on earth was marked by Him being a friend, sharing meals and doing life with people. The same is true today; Jesus wants to walk with you, to talk with you, and to have a meal with you. There is a fullness of God we cannot know until we experience Him as our friend. This message from our Summer of Jesus series is one that you won’t want to miss!  
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Jesus is a Restorer

This week at Jesus Culture Sacramento our very own Kate Bagley shares on the topic of complete restoration with Jesus. Complete restoration with Jesus means that we can look back where there was pain and fully understand that there truly has been no loss. Through her personal story with the Lord and her biblical insight, Kate gives us all a fresh glimpse into the freedom that is available to all of us. There is no thing in your life that God views as insignificant; He wants to restore all things, no matter their size. This message will reveal the kindness and goodness of God in a new way and challenge you to pursue complete restoration in your own life!  
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Adamantly Transformed

This Sunday our friend, speaker and author, Lisa Bevere of Messenger International shares on the power of transformation at JC Sacramento. Lisa and her husband John, are the founders of Messenger International, an organization committed to developing uncompromising followers of Christ who transform their world. Lisa carries a profound, authentic and relatable message that is convicting and so timely.  Her voice is one of power and her passion ties profound biblical truths with practical application. This is one that you won’t want to miss! P.S. Lisa’s brand new book Adamant is available now. (you’ll love it.)  
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The Flow of Grace

This Sunday at JC Sacramento Banning Liebscher shares on the power of humility within community and how it positions us to receive grace. God promises us that where there is humility, His grace would also be present. Peter makes a bold statement that humility looks like submitting to others. If we want to experience grace in every area of our lives we must be willing to submit to others. This concept of living out humility within family is one of the most powerful lessons and most profound steps you could take towards complete freedom, and pride will do everything it can to try to hinder that. This message will challenge and convict you to embrace community and all that comes with it!
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What's In Your Basket?

Our very own Youth Pastor, Becky Johnson, shared a powerful message on the topic of surrender this week at JC Sacramento. Becky has an incredible testimony filled with the power of God’s redemptive kindness. By walking us through her own story and the story of Moses’ mother in Exodus 2, she reminds us that trust and surrender are what lead us to His plan for redemption. No matter how broken or big the situation feels, God’s plan is better than you could ever imagine. Moses’ mother fully surrendered her son to the Lord by placing him in a basket in the river as an act of complete trust. Although survival was probably her biggest desire, God’s plan for Moses went far beyond that! Ultimately, God doesn’t want part of you, He wants all of you. He’s not calling you to understand or control, He’s calling you to trust and surrender. Living a life of trust and surrender is a daily choice and this message is the perfect reminder to put everything in the basket!
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Restored For Purpose

This Sunday, we were honored to have our friends Phil and Sarah Smith, Lead Pastors of Vinelife Church, join us all the way from Manchester, U.K. Together they shared on the power of forgiveness when paired with restoration. Restoration reminds us of who we are called to be and challenges us to see ourselves the way that He sees us. When we believe in Him as well as who we are in Him, our faith deepens. When we allow our mistakes to define us we are saying that we have more faith in our failures than in Jesus. But, as children of God, we know that He has already paid for it all. This message will inspire you to live in fresh freedom and hope for yourself, as well as see those around you in a new light! You won’t want to miss this one.  
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Faithful and Trusted

This week, Banning Liebscher walks us through the power of surrender. God’s agenda for your life is freedom and a surrendered life is a free life. We will be in bondage to any area of our life that we are unwilling to surrender to the Lord. He is a kind and gracious Father who longs to see His children living whole, healthy and free lives! God has our best interest in mind when He says that He wants ALL of us. Unfortunately, there is one area in our lives that is really tough to surrender, and that is finances. God wants us to have much more than earthly wealth, but how we handle our finances is an important part of being trusted with true riches. God’s commandments, including how to handle our finances, are based out of love, not control. Listen this week as Banning sheds light on what living a life of freedom in our finances and i really looks like, in our finances and every area of our lives!  
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Developed In The Delay

In the fourth part of Banning Liebscher’s series on Seasons of Delay he tackles the importance of understanding that delays can be an crucial time of growth in our lives.  When you are able to recognize the season you are in, you get a vision for what God is developing in you and how it is connected to His plan for you. Patience is a vital part of walking through delays and it is in patience that God gives us the things we are lacking. Ultimately, these delays can be powerful times of growth if we see them correctly and listen to what God is doing within us during these seasons.  This is a message that will challenge you and your viewpoint on your own season of life!  
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The Suddenly of Delay

During seasons of delay, we must continue to press in and not lose heart because God’s answer will come speedily and quickly. In this podcast, Pastor Banning Liebscher shares stories throughout scripture that demonstrate how not losing heart during those moments of waiting resulted in sudden, miraculous acts. The Suddenly of Delay is all about how the doors are flung wide open after a season of waiting for the answer.
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Engage the City

As the church, we are called to be the light of the world. We believe that a key part in that can only be achieved by truly engaging with our communities and cities. Engaging your city simply looks like adopting your city. This Sunday, Zack Curry talks practically about our role as the church in our communities. We, as children of God, carry the solution to the needs surrounding us. We are called to personally engage with those needs and offer all of ourselves to finding a solution. This is a message that will personally challenge you to begin living the lifestyle of Jesus in a deeper way!
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The Stone of Delay

In the second part of Banning Liebscher’s series on Seasons of Delay, he shares that these seasons can either strengthen or challenge some of our deepest held beliefs. In this message, Banning sheds light on the tough and confusing questions that often arise in our hearts during these times by reminding us that the goodness of God is never challenged — no matter what we are facing.  Through Banning’s personal stories and the story of Lazarus, he gives us new perspective on how to approach these seasons and partner with God in making them purposeful. Ultimately, there is no situation we are facing where God is not with us; this is a message you won’t want to miss!  
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Check the Rock

Sean Smith’s powerful testimony is one that is filled with the resurrection power of Jesus.  Sean has been ministering for over 30 years and we were honored to have him with us for Easter Sunday. By reminding us all that Jesus is hope, Sean teaches that it’s not about the appearance of the situation but the expectations of the beholder.  Just like when Mary was looking for Jesus in the empty tomb; she didn’t realize it was Jesus she was talking to, because He was alive and she was looking for someone dead. This is a story that will anchor you in Jesus, the hope of the world, and give you fresh perspective!  
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Seasons of Delay

In seasons of delay, the dreams located deep within our hearts are exposed and our trust in God is developed. In Proverbs 3:5-6 we learn what God truly desires from us is trust. This Sunday, our new series with Banning Liebscher tackles the issue of trust and how, if processed correctly, it can increase during seasons of delay.  There are countless examples of delay in the Bible, and if we can begin embracing them properly and talking to God about their purpose, these seasons can be filled with exponential growth. Don’t miss this message that challenges us to trust and be filled with hope, even when it doesn’t make sense!
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Redeeming Culture

This week we had the honor of hosting our dear friend from the Stirring Church, Nathan Edwardson. In his message, Nathan weaves us through Daniel 3, reminding us that God is redeeming culture through his people when our holiness is paired with excellence. When we lead lives of holiness, the power of Jesus is released in culture and we move beyond what we can do on our own. Listen as Nathan encourages us to live a life of risk, courage and anointing so our lives can’t be explained without God.
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Call to Friendship

This week, Banning Liebscher redefines what success looks like for us, as believers. One of the main questions that arises through this message is, “Have I been faithful and obedient to what God has asked of me?”  Simply put, we are to abide in His love and to love other people well. That is our main priority as children of God, and that is what true success looks like. Loving well, means creating and investing in relationships. Our heart, as the church, should be that we desire to share Jesus with the world by loving people and investing in friendships. Listen as Banning dives us into John 15:13 and reminds us that there is no greater love than to lay one’s life down for a friend.
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Words With Friends

One of the most misunderstood concepts in scripture is rebuke. Although sometimes experienced in an unhealthy way, when done in love and community, it is one of the key gifts God has given us to create healthy community. In the past two weeks, Pastor Banning Liebscher has established that growth only happens when there is health; and the way we speak is a great marker of that. This week, Banning shares that a vital part of growth is input. We as a community need to be able to not only give but also receive feedback in a healthy and loving way. Listen in as Banning talks through what feedback should actually look like and how this is integral for every relationship in your life!  
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The Gift of Words

What we say matters. This is the second week of diving into the topic of our words and the power they carry. Banning Liebscher reminds us that our words should be directly connected to what God is saying and doing, in and around us! As a community, our desire is to build life and health together; which is only possible through understanding how important our words actually are. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be so full of faith, hope, and His love, that we can’t help but speak it! Listen to this week’s message and be challenged to press in for growth and a new level of health!  
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Speak His Word

God has specific plans and purposes for your life. He desires to partner with you in accomplishing great things in you and through you. Our words are integral in that partnership. When we speak, we are either speaking from a place of belief or unbelief. In this message, Banning Liebscher reminds us that what we speak must come from a place of belief and understanding in God and His goodness. Ultimately, our words are either partnering with God in creating or undermining what He is trying to do. Our goal, as His children, is that there would be so much of His Word in our hearts, that there simply would not be room for anything else! This message will challenge you to press in and dive deeper into His perspective and dreams for your life, and those around you!
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Encounter Sunday with Rebekah Lyons

You are free. Nothing can hold you in bondage, because you are held in Him. Rebekah Lyons, author and Cofounder of Q Ideas, shares on what living in freedom can actually look like. Through her relatable, heartfelt and honest story, we get a glimpse into Rebekah’s process as well as experience the anointing of breakthrough that she carries because of it. Listen as Rebekah reminds us that God has already done the work, paid the price, and absorbed our shame – we have access to complete freedom in Christ. Through this message she shares on the beauty of surrender and that there is much more to freedom than we often think. This is one that you won’t want to miss!  
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Vision to Engage

God’s plan for revival is, you. As we prepare for all that God is going to do this next year, Banning reminds us that we are all integral parts of His plan. John the Baptist knew who he was and what he was called to. Because of that, he walked in great confidence, clarity and conviction while fully engaging the call of God on his life. Listen as Banning Liebscher shares that, as children of God, the same goes for all of us. When we engage the call of God on our lives, we gain clarity and conviction on who we are and what our purpose is. You won’t want to miss this message that will inspire you to fully engage in seeing revival throughout our communities, cities and nation!  
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Life of Prayer Part 2

Our goal as the church, and individuals, is intimacy with God.  Intimacy is birthed out of relationship; with relationship comes responsibility. There is a point in all relationships when what is burning in their heart, suddenly begins to burn in yours. Listen as Banning Liebscher reminds us that the same is true in our prayer life. When we are intimate with God, His passions become ours and we begin to carry a sense of responsibility to see those shared passions come to pass. You won’t want to miss this message on how to not only establish, but sustain a life of prayer and relationship with God.
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The Unseen

Success in the Kingdom is birthed in the secret place, in the unseen. We each have a unique, but equally key, role to play in seeing revival here on earth.Chris Quilala shares a profound and relatable word on what living a life fully surrendered truly looks like. Listen as he redefines success and encourages us to be faithful with the small things by simply saying “yes” to what is in front of us.
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A Life of Prayer

As children God we have been called to live, not just moments, but lifestyles of prayer. God has made Himself vulnerable and given us place to move His heart through prayer. Listen as Banning Liebscher shares a very practical and encouraging message on how to establish a life of prayer that Jesus modeled. By sharing the truth of what the goal of prayer really is: relationship, Banning strips away the guilt that is so often associated with establishing the routine of prayer. This message will encourage, release freedom, and inspire you to press into this issue of prayer, even more!
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Things To Come

2017 was an amazing year, with celebrating our three year anniversary as a church and many more victories along the way. With our last church service of 2018, we invited some of our team on stage to both minister and share points of intercession to prepare us for 2018.  Listen to this JC Sacramento Message of the Week from Sunday 12/31/17.
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Hope of the World

This week, Pastor Banning Liebscher shares an encouraging Christmas Eve message on everyday hope! The story of Christmas reminds us that Jesus was sent to bring a hope that is unmovable and unshakable. Listen in as Banning explains that the promise of Jesus isn’t reserved for eternity but it exists for us in our everyday lives.
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It's Not Over Til It's Over

Guest speaker Eric Johnson, from Bethel Church Redding, brings an inspiring message on the direction that God is moving: forward. He takes us through Isaiah 43 declaring that God is doing a new thing, something that has never been done or seen before! Eric gives us insight on how to walk in step with where God is going by grabbing ahold of thankfulness and sowing seeds into the soil right now. God is not done with us no matter what we have done or where we are at in life, because it’s not over ’til it’s over.
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His Works & Wonders

How do we deal with challenges in our life? Cultivating a heart of remembrance is a powerful tool for building our faith in who God is. In this week’s sermon, Banning Liebscher uses Psalm 77 to show us that during our times of trials, meditation and talking about who God is and what He has done for us helps us stay anchored to Him.
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Celebration and honor are an integral part of God’s culture and His heart! Cultivating this posture of celebration not only impacts your life, but those around you. Listen as Zack Curry explains how true celebration gives us greater perspective, releases blessing, and reveals the Father’s heart.
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Awakened by His Presence, Week 2

Above all else, we desire His presence. Once you encounter His presence, you are ruined for anything else because it is there that you find what you were created for. Worship positions our life in a place of surrender and honor  and heightens our awareness of God to live an awakened life! Listen as Banning Liebscher continues his series on being awakened by the presence of God.
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Oil on The Edge

Mark Varughese, from Kingdomcity, shares on Psalm 133 and how critical unity within the body of Christ truly is. When there is anointing on the head of the church, only unity will allow that anointing to flow to the edges of the garment (the church body).  Listen as Mark shares on how we, as the church, are meant to gather around where we are going, not where we have been.
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The Goal and The Prize

Mark Varughese, from Kingdomcity, shares a challenging message about realigning yourself with the true goal of life: to know Jesus. Listen, as Mark reminds us that God loves, and longs, to bless His children with the desires of their hearts, but those gifts were never meant to be what we aim for. Knowing Jesus is the ultimate goal of our lives and is an invitation into a radical adventure!
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Awakened By His Presence, Week 1

He is our great reward. In Exodus 33, Moses told God he would rather stay in the wilderness with Him, than enter the promised land without Him. Moses valued God’s Presence above all else. An Awakened Church is a people that value His presence above all else. Banning Liebscher shares a challenging message on our role, as the church, to host His presence and bring an authentic encounter to those around us. Listen as Banning provokes and inspires you to look at your own life, and reprioritize, knowing that only He will satisfy.
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In This Is Love

“Prioritizing rules creates religion. Prioritizing relationships cultivates Kingdom.” Danny Silk, from Keep Your Love On, shares a liberating message on the power forgiveness and repentance. Listen as Danny strips away shame, from a subject that is so often accompanied by it, by shining truth on what true reconciliation looks like.”
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The God Who Breaks the Rules

Listen as Sergio De La Mora, from Cornerstone Church in San Diego, shares about how God will use unconventional ways to build His Kingdom. By incorporating his testimony, and a story about how God opened the door for him to build a church inside a prison in Tijuana, Mexico, Sergio’s message will challenge and inspire you to not settle but always press in for more.
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Awakened with a Burden

In Luke 19, Jesus invites us to take part in His mission: “seek and to save that which was lost.” One of the main characteristics of past revivals, and an awakened church, is a group of people who have responded to that invitation of carrying, with Him, a burden for souls. Banning Liebscher gives a timely word about Jesus’ invitation while sharing stories, from past revivals, of when the Holy Spirit awakened individuals to weep and pray over their cities, just as Jesus did.
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Awakened by Love Part 02

We love, because He first loved us. We feel a burning desire to live for a cause greater than ourselves, because the Holy Spirit resides within us. Banning Liebscher shares a relatable and thought provoking message as he dissects what it truly means to live a life in love with Jesus. The church is called to live passionately, wholeheartedly, abandoned for Him. That simply will not come to fruition through guilt or obligation. People who are in love, are passionate. They are motivated by love, not shame, duty or manipulation. This message is a refreshing reminder that loving Jesus, and passionately pursuing Him, is not as complicated as we often think.
Episode Artwork

Awakened by Love - Part 01

The Awakened Church is a Church fully committed to God, loving Him with everything they are, and satisfied in Him alone. There is something within us that knows we are meant to live with great passion for a cause greater than ourselves. That seed, a natural burning desire for more, has been planted in all of us and is the Holy Spirit. Banning Liebscher shares a very practical and challenging message on what it looks like to live an awakened life. This message will provoke you to look at your own life and invite the Holy Spirit into it, even more!
Episode Artwork

Presence Filled Living

Dr. John Jackson
Episode Artwork

Representing Jesus Well

Bill Johnson
Episode Artwork

Awakened to Revival

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork


Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Vision for Growth

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

3 Year Anniversary: Service 2

Bishop Joseph Garlington
Episode Artwork

3 Year Anniversary: Service 1

Bishop Joseph Garlington
Episode Artwork


Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Story of Oneness - Summer of Power

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Be Out Front - Summer of Power

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Authentic Gospel

Andy Byrd
Episode Artwork

Promises of God

Glyn Barrett
Episode Artwork

Obedience - Summer of Power

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Lifestyle of Healing - Summer of Power

Zack Curry
Episode Artwork

Biblical Mandate For Healing - Summer of Power

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Sword of Forgiveness - Summer of Power

Lisa Bevere
Episode Artwork

Change The Way You Think - Power to Set Free Part 4

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Free in His Presence - Summer of Power Part 3

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Wisdom from the Living Room

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Freedom from Disappointment - Summer of Power Part 2

Dean Deguara
Episode Artwork

Refuse to Settle - Summer of Power Part 1

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Created for Community: Celebration Does The Body Good

Kate Bagley
Episode Artwork

Created for Community: Empowered for Community

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Created for Community: Wisdom from the Living Room

Seajay Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Created for Community: The Soil of Community

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Created for Community: Perspective Changes Everything

Zack Curry
Episode Artwork

What Must I Do?

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Alive in Christ

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Free in Christ

Paul Goulet
Episode Artwork

Complete in Christ

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Authentic in Christ

SeaJay Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Named in Christ

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Encounter Sunday: Dave Gibbons

Dave Gibbons
Episode Artwork

Celebration Sunday

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Hunger That Stops Heaven

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Holy Roar

Darren Whitehead
Episode Artwork

The Prayer of Anticipation

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Seasons of Separation

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

40 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Prayer and Fasting

Francis Anfuso
Episode Artwork

Engage Your Heart

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

Strengthening the Nets

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Building People: Vision Sunday

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Guest Speaker: Shawn Bolz

Shawn Bolz
Episode Artwork

The Gift of Jesus

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Gift of Worship

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Holy Spirit And Worship

Kim Walker-Smith
Episode Artwork

The Prayer Of Jesus Part 3

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Power in Effective Feedback

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

The Prayer Of Jesus Part 2

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Relationship With Your Finances

Bob Hasson
Episode Artwork

The Prayer Of Jesus Part 1

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Science of Breakthrough

Zack Curry
Episode Artwork

Brave Communication

Dann Farrelly
Episode Artwork

Strategic Praise

Dean Deguara
Episode Artwork

Holy Spirit Equipping Night

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Winning Battles You Can't Afford To Lose

Ray Johnston
Episode Artwork

The Friend: Teaches

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Prophetic Dreams Equipping Night

Deborah Giles
Episode Artwork

Healing Equipping Night

Chris Gore
Episode Artwork

The Friend: Helps

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Friend: Transforms

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Know Your Why

Ken Costa
Episode Artwork

The Friend: Leads

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Finding Home

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Two Year Celebration

Lou Engle
Episode Artwork

How Strong Is Your Yes?

Jimmy and Genea Horner
Episode Artwork

Anxious for Nothing Part 4

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Renewing Your Mind

Zack Curry
Episode Artwork

Anxious for Nothing Part 3

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Gift Of Discernment

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

Anxious for Nothing Part 2

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Anxious for Nothing Part 1

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Thoughts For Our Church

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Love Wins

Sheri Silk
Episode Artwork

One Choice

Dr. Sam Huddleston
Episode Artwork

What Do You Want

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Fill Your Flask

Nate Edwardson
Episode Artwork

Developing a Wealth Mindset

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

Rebuilt and Restored

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Where Is Your Hope?

Zack Curry
Episode Artwork

Family For The Harvest

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Leaving Your Legacy

Sheri Silk
Episode Artwork

Thriving In The Process

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Trust In The Transition

Deborah Giles
Episode Artwork

Light For The Harvest

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Spoken For

Zack Curry
Episode Artwork

Power For The Harvest Part 2

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Easter Sunday 2016

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Power For The Harvest Part 1

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Finding Your People

Kris Vallotton
Episode Artwork

Passion For The Harvest

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

An Empty Seat Part 2

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Pursuit of God's Call

Michael Brodeur
Episode Artwork

Fear of the Lord

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

An Empty Seat Part 1

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Get Out Of The Boat

Scott Thompson
Episode Artwork

Rejoicing in Trials

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Guest Speaker Benny Perez

Benny Perez
Episode Artwork

Worship Q&A

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Words For War

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Where Do You Run? Overcoming Fear.

Zack Curry
Episode Artwork

A God Who Talks

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Radical Concept

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Living From Eternity

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

A Conversation with Gabe Lyons

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Restoration and Renewal

Gabe Lyons
Episode Artwork

Thankfulness: An Inside Job

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Honor: Building Powerful People Part 3

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

Honor: Building Powerful People Part 2

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

Honor: Building Powerful People Part 1

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

A Day of Good News

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

I Am Certain

Dean Deguara
Episode Artwork

The Pursuit

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

A Life of Passion

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Less Do. More Through.

Cody Williams
Episode Artwork

The Plan

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Vision Sunday

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

One Year Celebration

Bill Johnson
Episode Artwork

Life on Life: Believe, Challenge, Encourage

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Life on Life: All About the Walk

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

A Lifestyle of Worship

Zack Curry
Episode Artwork

Leading Free People

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

Life on Life: Better Together Part 2

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Life on Life: Better Together

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Activation Sunday

Scott Thompson
Episode Artwork

Life on Life: Heart of a Mother and Father

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Life on Life: House Not Restaurant

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Defining Moments

Deborah Giles
Episode Artwork

Family Talk

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Part of the Answer

Zack Curry
Episode Artwork

The Virtuous Man

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

Cultivating a Life of Prayer

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Prayer of Intercession

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Cave Happens

Nate Edwardson
Episode Artwork

Foundation of Prayer

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Time To Seek The Lord

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Grafted In

Sheri Silk
Episode Artwork

Living Your Legacy

Dean Deguara
Episode Artwork

Finding Your Voice

Zack Curry
Episode Artwork

Roadblocks to Community Part 1

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Reward of Serving

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Easter Everyday

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

That The World May Know

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Dreams of Kings

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

Example of Jesus

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

God’s Timing

SeaJay Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Impacting Culture

Culture Project Panel consisting of Richard T. Jones, Daniel Giles, Melissa Curry, and Julie Winters. Hosted by Zack Curry and Becky Johnson.
Episode Artwork

Carrying the Word of the Lord Part 2

Episode Artwork

Carrying the Word of the Lord Part 1

Episode Artwork


Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

Activating Faith

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Rooted in the Word

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Journey of Trust

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Door to Strength

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Heart, Community and Revelation

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

Leading in the City

Zack Curry
Episode Artwork

He Loves To Give

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Encouraged and Empowered

Bishop Parnell Lovelace
Episode Artwork

Walking Through Loss

Banning & SeaJay Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Community Works: Part 2

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Forgiving from the Heart

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

Community Works: Part 1

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Gathered to Scatter

Russell Evans
Episode Artwork

Community: It's a Big Deal

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Panic to Power

Banning & SeaJay Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Spirit of Holiness

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Impact of Holiness

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Hope and Expectancy

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

The Motivation of Holiness

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

The Foundation of Holiness

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Invitation to the Journey

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Leading From Weakness

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Fruit that Remains

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

One Yes

Zack Curry
Episode Artwork

Game Changers

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

A Life Of Worship

Kim Walker-Smith
Episode Artwork

Life on Life

Banning Liebscher
Episode Artwork

Dare To Dream

Danny Silk
Episode Artwork

Journey and the Process

Banning Liebscher