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Jesus Led Adventure with Stephanie Bryant (KLRC) Cover
Jesus Led Adventure with Stephanie Bryant (KLRC) Profile

Jesus Led Adventure with Stephanie Bryant (KLRC)

English, Religion, 1 season, 37 episodes, 15 hours, 13 minutes
Are you ready to understand your calling, live a courageous faith and understand God's promises for your life? Stephanie Bryant will share how you can have an exciting faith instead of a religious lifestyle, while you follow Jesus to the promised land He has prepared for you. Stephanie will journey with you while she shares Godly insight, wisdom and truths God has taught her regarding how to follow Jesus on your faith adventure.
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Finding the Redemptive Circle in Your Story (S03E07)

Do you feel surrounded by the enemy? Are the odds stacked against you? Does today seem impossible? And tomorrow something you just don’t want to face if God doesn’t show up? There is hope found in Joshua 11 as God’s people experience one of the biggest battles they will face. Find out how God works in redemptive circles in their story and yours.
5/19/202117 minutes, 40 seconds
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Live As A Conqueror (S03E06)

One of the biggest lies we can easily believe is that we are already defeated before we are obedient in our calling. In this episode, we will explore the second half of Joshua 10, discuss finding Jesus in your story and how His resurrected life makes you more than a conqueror in your promised land.
5/5/202113 minutes, 12 seconds
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When You Don't Have Enough Time (S03E05)

In Joshua 10, God made the sun and moon stand still. It was an answer to Joshua’s prayer and a miracle almost too big to comprehend. In this episode, we discuss how time itself can be a battle in our promised land and how time can change our prayers. If you feel like you don’t have enough time to spend with God, be about what He’s asked of you, or that life is just too busy, this episode Is for you.
4/21/202112 minutes, 3 seconds
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God Will Give You Wisdom (S03E04)

Do you rely on your logic and circumstances to make your decisions or do you pray for God’s insight? Joshua 9 teaches us that our reliance upon logic can really be a mask for fear and pride, how to remember what God has already said and how to rely on God’s direction no matter how opposite it feels to what we think.
4/14/202114 minutes, 30 seconds
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Remember What God Said (S03E03)

Are you feeling frustrated in the middle of your calling, even though you’re living in your promised land? Listen as I confess what I’ve been struggling with in the middle and how Joshua 8 can help if you feel the same way.
3/10/20219 minutes, 27 seconds
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I Choose Brave: Interview with Katie Westinburg (S03E02)

“Fear is the new brave.” With all that is going on in our communities and world, there’s no better time to be discussing how to have true courage in our daily lives. How do you live bravely when all you feel is fear? Listen to my conversation with Katie Westinburg on godly fear and holy courage, during a time in history we all desperately need to feel brave. Katie gives insight on the need for fear you may not have heard before. Katie Westenberg is the author of I Choose Brave, Embracing Holy Courage. Katie lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and four children . She leads a thriving community of women on
2/17/202153 minutes, 31 seconds
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Don’t Be Surprised By Battles (S03E01)

You will face battles you didn’t anticipate. Your calling will look different lived out than you expected, too. The private or public battles you face in real life, the hard decision you must make and knowing how to lead when things don’t go like you thought they would, these are all part of living in your promised land with Jesus. This episode is focused on Joshua 7, where you can learn how to overcome three common emotional and spiritual battles most of us face. Listen if you’ve ever thought: - I was better off before I followed God to this new place. - Did God really say? - How can I be content with what God has asked of me & still be in expectant hope with his timeline?
1/6/202115 minutes, 11 seconds
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Winning the Worry Battle: Interview with Barb Roose (S02E10)

How do you fight the worry battle and win when all you’re experiencing in life makes you feel anxious, fearful and uncertain? Barb Roose, author of Winning the Worry Battle: Life Lessons from the Book of Joshua, shares how to take your what-if worries into God-If’s, the CALM technique to help with your anxiety, and what victory over your fears really looks like.
12/16/202039 minutes, 5 seconds
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Let God Fight Your Battle: Interview with Laura Leigh Turner (S02E09)

What kind of battle are you in? We are all experiencing some kind. God tells us He will fight for us and go before us, but how can we be sure when the reality of our experience looks like God isn’t moving? Laura Leigh Turner joins the conversation to discuss Joshua chapter 5 & 6, to share where she has experienced God fight for her, how to worship God before the battle is won & how to follow God’s lead when things look impossible.
12/2/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 10 seconds
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When It Feels Impossible: Interview with Cami Jones (S02E08)

Do you ever feel surrounded by the enemy? Like your situation is pretty much impossible? You can't go back and moving forward looks truly impossible. You pray and ask for courage and guidance, but you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Cami Jones joins the conversation to discuss Joshua 5, where we see what happens after God does a major miracle & what the first moments of your promised land might look like.
11/18/202041 minutes, 7 seconds
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Cross Over Into God’s Best (S02E07)

Curious about how to cross over into the good things God has for you? Wondering if those promises God makes are REALLY for you? Or feeling frustrated as a leader when you don’t have the details yet for your next steps? Join the conversation as my guest Dr. Meredith Denton and I discuss the details of Joshua 3 & 4. Find out  how Joshua’s leadership and the Israelites crossing the Jordan River to finally enter their promised land applies to your life today.  
11/4/202053 minutes, 10 seconds
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Does Covid-19 Change Your Calling? (S02E06)

Are you wondering if all of the circumstances in the world have changed God’s plan for you? Studying Joshua and Rahab, you’ll be encouraged even in the midst of a pandemic, political pressures, racial reconciliation and social unrest. Crazy, chaos and uncertainty set the stage for God to fulfill His call on our lives with His miracles.  
10/19/202011 minutes
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How to Get Out of Your Wilderness (S02E05)

Do you find yourself in the wilderness and you’re not sure why? If your promised land and what God has called you to seems to get further away by the moment, then this episode is for you. Though it may be unpopular in our culture, I’m sharing the secret to exiting the wilderness and knowing how to follow Jesus’ lead to your calling.
3/24/202012 minutes, 51 seconds
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For All Who Wander (S02E04)

An interview with Robin Dance, the author of For All Who Wander. This is a hope-filled episode for anyone struggling with their faith in Jesus, feeling like they're alone in their wandering or worried about someone they love who has turned from their faith. God can lead you back to Himself, no matter what. Purchase Robin's book on Amazon. Join her book club here. Engage with Robin on Instagram
3/10/202035 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Three Giants in Your Promised Land (S02E03)

Explore the giants in your life - the giants of good things that God is trying to give you, giants that create fear and paralysis in your calling and the only real giant you might have forgotten about. Are the giants in your life stopping you from crossing into your promised land? Listen to Joshua as he shares the top five things that will help you overcome the giants in your life.
2/18/202020 minutes, 20 seconds
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How to Not Turn Back & Miss It (S02E02)

If you feel overwhelmed by your wilderness season or are on the verge of entering into your calling with God but are overcome with fear. this episode is for you. Joshua is on the cusp of his promised land, 42 years after the exodus out of Egypt. He's learned a lot about the lies and the truth of God's promises. We will imagine hearing from Joshua's Instagram feed, looking back over the lies of complaining and the impact it has on us and those we serve. Joshua reminds us... "When God offers you the blessing you've prayed for, hoped for, and followed Him for, please take it! Trust Him more than your fear. Remember your wilderness was for this moment. Even if your promised land doesn't look like you thought and the enemy is present, please say 'Yes!' to what God is trying to give you.   I mention episode 8 from Season 1 for a more in-depth discussion on complaining and how to help you break this habit:
2/4/202015 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Lies Holding You Back from Your Promised Land (S02E01)

Will God really speak to me? In this series we will unpack the lies we believe that hold us back from each of our personal promised lands. We will examine the life of Joshua, how he survived the wilderness with his faith intact and the secrets of truth He believed that enabled Him to live in, and lead others into, the good things of God. In Episode 1, you will be given the tools to understand how God will speak to you in your situation, whether you are in the wilderness or on the cusp of your promised land.
1/21/202013 minutes, 32 seconds
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Hope For Christmas (Episode 20)

If your Christmas has lost it’s sparkle and you’re looking for a better experience this year, give this episode a listen. What if the most important part of your Jesus Led Adventure is not the destination, but experiencing Jesus along the way, especially on Christmas Day? You might be surprised why you feel a little let down by the season. God is speaking to you through Christmas. Don’t miss that gift.
12/12/201923 minutes, 28 seconds
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Know God's Next Step for You (Episode 19)

Sometimes the hardest part of the journey is to hear God’s voice clearly so you can know when and where God wants you to go next. You’ll learn how to know God’s voice and experience Him in your adventure, and what’s more important than knowing your next step.
11/5/201917 minutes, 21 seconds
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When Leadership is Hard (Episode 18)

You may not realize it, but you are a leader. Whoever you've been called to serve, that is who you're leading to Jesus. However you define a leader, you can probably relate to Moses. In this episode, we will examine some of the qualities of an excellent Christian leader that can apply to almost any circumstance, especially those that are difficult.
10/15/201918 minutes, 38 seconds
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Can Sin Take Away Your Promised Land? (Episode 17)

  Maybe you’re like me and you’ve really messed up this week. You think your sin or your past are too much for Jesus to lead you into His promises. Maybe you think this sin could remove God’s love from your life. In this episode, we will investigate the life of Aaron and what happens to us when we disobey. The good news is that God does not change your calling or His promises based on your actions.  
10/8/201918 minutes, 36 seconds
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Dwelling In the Rhythm of His Grace (Episode 16)

This may surprise you, but God wants to dwell with you, especially when you are in the wilderness. He wants to be intimately involved in every part of your adventure and teach you how to dwell in His rhythms of grace on every part of your journey.You will learn the purpose of the promised land is not to arrive so your can finally dwell with God, but to continue to dwell with Him in His promises.His presence is the great hope in the wilderness.
9/17/201914 minutes, 49 seconds
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Interview with Lucretia Berry (Episode 15)

Meet Lucretia Berry. She has a PhD, rocked a TedTalk, is raising three beautiful daughters and has been called to create and cultivate racial healing through anti-racism education. Lucretia is the co-founder of Brownicity and the author of What Lies Between Us. Lucretia’s story will help you pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s leading and not be ruled by doubt but belief in your own story. She has experienced God’s transformation and revelation in every area of her life so it could be God’s story and not her own. Lucretia knows sometimes Jesus changes your direction to get you to your promised land.
7/23/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 13 seconds
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Interview With Dorina Gilmore (Episode 14)

Meet Dorina Gilmore, a Glory chaser, who is a runner, writer, widow mama & speaker. She has had an unexpected yet amazing Jesus Led Adventure, balancing her faith and grief. Dorina speaks beautifully on how God is there to help you navigate through the hard times and thrive. Sadness and joy can be present simultaneously on your journey. God sees you in your broken places and is writing a story you couldn’t dream up on your own. Dorina’s story testifies to God’s goodness. Find Dorina at and on Instagram @DorinaGilmore
7/9/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 31 seconds
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Interview With Kelly Stamps (Episode 13)

Kelly Stamps shares about her unexpected calling and how to know when God is calling you to something for the long haul. Kelly transparently shares about her two very different seasons in the wilderness and how she lives her Jesus Led Adventure in the everyday-ness of life.
6/25/201939 minutes, 1 second
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Gabrielle's Jesus Led Adventure (Episode 12)

Gabrielle Bryant, my six year old daughter, is the first in a series of interviews about people’s individual adventures with Jesus. She shares when she knew her adventure started, what her next step is and how other kids can experience Jesus.
6/11/201911 minutes, 34 seconds
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Lavish Love (Episode 11)

You have freedom as God’s special treasure, to listen and obey. Jesus has given you the freedom to follow Him on your Jesus led adventure. You have the freedom to say yes trusting Him to dwell in your promised land. God tells you, “I lavish my love on those who love me and obey my commands.” Exodus 20:6
6/4/201915 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why Overcoming Is Important (Episode 10)

You can get bogged down about the future, with all your concerns and questions, when taking a moment to share what God has done in your life, is more important than the part of your life not yet lived. Your story of overcoming can make a difference in the lives of others. The story Jesus is writing through you can help begin someone else’s story of faith. Jesus wants to use your difficulties in life to overcome the greatest obstacle of unbelief in the life of another.
5/7/201915 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Secret to Being Brave (Episode 9)

You might feel a rush of anxiety in what God is asking you to do. You may feel like you lack the courage to take the next step. The wilderness - and even the promised land - sound like too much for the little bit of brave you can muster. It’s a constant battle to be brave enough to love. For LOVE is is what God is really calling you to do - love Him and others through your calling. Brave isn’t who you are but it’s how God chooses to reveal Himself to the world. This episode will empower you with the truth that creates courage, you’ll understand the purpose of brave and you’ll be able to take your next step in strength. God is not calling you to be strong and courageous for the sake of being brave. God is calling you to your promised land to dwell with him.
4/23/201923 minutes, 33 seconds
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Don’t Sabotage Your Journey (Episode 8)

You will encounter hardships on your wilderness journey with Jesus to your promise land. Your response to the difficulties you face is a key to whether you survive or thrive on your journey. And maybe whether you reach your promised land at all. In this episode, I’ll give you the keys to not complain along the way, but to empower you to avoid sabotaging your journey.
3/19/201926 minutes, 27 seconds
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Recognizing God's Presence (Episode 7)

Only when you follow God’s lead can you do God’s will. You may be at a point in your life where you wish Jesus would be clear about a decision you’re trying to make or the direction your life needs to go. You pray He would reveal Himself to you. You want to follow Jesus’ lead in your life but it seems a little cloudy on where He is, so it makes it hard to follow Him if you can’t see Him or hear Him, right? The cloud you feel like is hanging over you . . .it may be confusion on your part but it also could be the very presence of God.
3/5/201915 minutes, 56 seconds
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How to Wait for Your Miracle (Episode 6)

Are you waiting on God to answer your prayer? Waiting on a much needed miracle? Waiting for Him to bring you out of your wilderness and into your promised land?Waiting can be really difficult. I’ve waited on every major blessing in my life. I’ve learned a few things I’ll share that will help you while you wait on God. God is not only the reason for your waiting but is also the point of your waiting.  
2/19/201920 minutes, 43 seconds
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How to Thrive In Your Wilderness (Episode 5)

The wilderness is not a mistake by God, but a very important part of the path to your promised land. Do you see your wilderness as proof God is rescuing you? When you are following Jesus, you don’t have to aimlessly wander in the wilderness. You can be filled with wonder at His miracles in your life. In this episode, you will learn how to use the wilderness as preparation for your promised land.
2/5/201919 minutes, 3 seconds
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Redemption in the Promised Land (Episode 4)

If we understand the first few chapters of Genesis and the story we think we know, then we will understand the point of the rest of God’s story and why He talks to us so much about a promised land.We view our journey as a linear path when it may really be a calling back, a circle returning back to the promises of God and God Himself.
1/22/201910 minutes, 57 seconds
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God’s Promises for You (Episode 3)

Maybe you’ve been blown away by how God has come through on His promises in your life. Your heart might ache with emotions of disappointment and even anger when discussing God’s promises. Whatever your experience, one of the biggest decisions you’ll need to make on your Jesus Led Adventure is what you believe about God and His promises. God is always offering His promises to you, but learning to say “Yes!” matters.
1/15/201923 minutes
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Your Calling (Episode 2)

  If you’ve ever wished you knew what you were supposed to do with your life, wondered how to make big life choices & wanted the secret to not missing God’s call on your life, then I have a few insights for you. Your calling is more than a purpose or a mission, it’s completely God’s idea.  
1/8/201913 minutes, 41 seconds
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What Is Your Jesus Led Adventure? (Episode 1)

Have you ever wondered where Jesus is taking you on your faith journey? Maybe the point of trusting Jesus is to arrive and thrive in your promised land? This podcast is for each of you who desire to know God's calling on your life and want to dwell with Him in the land of milk and honey, a nourishing sweet spot only God could create for you.
1/1/201912 minutes, 11 seconds