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Keep the Heart

English, Religion, 4 seasons, 294 episodes, 1 day, 20 hours, 40 minutes
Mini devotions on the day to day issues, taking Bible study from information to application.
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Replay Thursday-No Guile-Getting Rid of the False Front

REPLAY THURSDAY: Guile is the art of being deceitful, dishonest, and double-dealing in our interactions with others. Guile is easy to practice because it's carnal, and carnal behaviors come naturally. It's also problematic, because a person with guile cannot be trusted. Genuine Christianity is hard to find, but if we'll let God "create clean hearts" within us, we can become people who are without guile. Without the false front. Real. And a real blessing. "Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile." (Psalm 32:2) INSPIRING NEW DEVOTIONAL BOOK! Apply: Living What We Learn by Francie Taylor Minerals for the Mind: A Study of Romans 12 by Kathy Ashley The Mirror of God's Word: A Biblical View of Physical Beauty by Robin Parton Fret Not: Peace of Mind in Perilous Times by Tim Zacharias Follow Keep the Heart on Instagram Like Keep the Heart on Facebook
4/3/202416 minutes
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Don't Be Fooled-Replay Refresher

Welcome to a REPLAY REFRESHER from Keep the Heart! "Don't Be Fooled" first aired in January of 2023, and thousands of downloads later, people are still clicking this episode. These are confusing times, and we need more wisdom and discretion to be alert to the hazards of falling from the truth of God's Word.  Have you ever listened to someone who was trying to sound like they knew what they were talking about, but you could tell that they were just making things up? That’s what’s going on today as people have coined the phrase, “I am speaking my truth.” It's impossible to create our own truth, but we can be deceived into thinking that it's possible. Jesus said this plain statement to His disciples in John 14:6: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Are we becoming confused because  spiritually we're starving? Let’s look at three things you can do to protect yourself from deception. ICU-In Christ Unconditionally-Heart Conditions Leader Guide ICU-In Christ Unconditionally-Heart Conditions Participant Guide The Mirror of God's Word: A Biblical View of Physical Beauty Rough Patches: Temporary Marital Tensions This Liberty of Yours: Unlocking Your Liberty in Christ Follow Keep the Heart on Instagram Like Keep the Heart on Facebook
1/25/202411 minutes, 20 seconds
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Living in Rebellion Against God

Are you in a disagreement with someone you love because you stand on opposite sides of an issue where God's Word is clear? This is becoming increasingly common. It is challenging to live biblically in an antagonistic society that questions God's existence, let alone His authority. Proverbs 29:27 reminds us that "An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked." We could probably handle the strain if the division was coming from a stranger. But when the pressure is from someone we know and love, the differences of opinion can become painfully personal and superheated. This episode is for anyone interested in walking wisely with those who are living in rebellion against God. After this episode, pause to spend time in earnest prayer for your loved ones. BOOKS IN THE SHOP AT KEEP THE HEART Fret Not: Peace of Mind in Perilous Times by Tim Zacharias Minerals for the Mind: A Study of Romans 12 by Kathy Ashley Rough Patches: Temporary Marital Tensions by Francie Taylor Mirror Talk: A Journey from Hurt to Healing Through God's Redemptive Love by Marianne Barnett In Christ Unconditionally: Heart Conditions by Francie Taylor (Leader Guide or Solo Study) Follow Keep the Heart on Instagram Like Keep the Heart on Facebook Francie on Facebook
11/9/202315 minutes
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Teachback Tuesday-Is It Toxic or Is It Us?

Welcome to Teachback Tuesday, where we play the most popular episodes from the previous season. This week's episode, "Is It Toxic or Is It Us?" is a call to take a step back from slapping labels.  Is it possible that we've become infected with buzzwords and the misguided philosophies behind them?  Yes, it is possible. This is not an attempt to be the word police. It's merely a call for biblical courtesy and discernment. Name-calling is not a way to influence the world for Christ. Time for a soul check. Ponder the Path Devotional by Francie Taylor The Mirror of God's Word -Bible Study by Robin Parton Minerals for the Mind-Bible Study by Kathy Ashley Visit the Shop at Keep the Heart Support this podcast with a donation of your choice! Follow Keep the Heart on Instagram Like Keep the Heart on Facebook Francie on Facebook  
6/20/202311 minutes
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Build Your Bible Habit-Proverbs Chapter 27

Build Your Bible Habit with the popular daily Proverb system. Read one Proverb daily, corresponding with the day of the month (chapter 27 on the 27th etc.).  Here's a verse from chapter 27, instructing us that it is better to have someone else sing our praises than for us to boast about ourselves: "Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." (Proverbs 27:2) Proverbs Library
1/27/20235 minutes
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Teachback Tuesday-The Empty Chair and Other Firsts of Grief

Welcome to Teachback Tuesday, where we play the most popular episodes from the previous season. This week’s episode, “The Empty Chair and Other Firsts of Grief,” has been downloaded by people all over the world. We are far more familiar with loved ones passing than we were prior to 2020, and it has changed the structure of many people’s lives. As a person very familiar with the empty chair, it is my prayer that this episode will provide help to those who are in their season of firsts. Whether you’re listening again or for the first time, you are not alone. In fact, here's a comforting verse reminding us of this truth, found in John 14:18: "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." IT'S BACK: Rough Patches: Temporary Marital Tensions Call Upon Him: An Examination of Prayers Throughout Scripture by Kathy Ashley Heart Conditions--from the Popular "ICU" Bible Study Series Great Gift Idea: One-of-a-Kind Rose Gold Compact Bible Ponder the Path: 31-Day Bible-Habit-Building Devotional Shop the Mall of Keep the Heart! Follow Keep the Heart on Instagram Like Keep the Heart on Facebook
11/22/202213 minutes
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Teachback Tuesday-Reducing Anxiety Through Spiritual Exercises

Welcome to Teachback Tuesday, where we play the most popular episodes from the previous season. This week’s episode, “Reducing Anxiety Through Spiritual Exercises,” is in the top ten most downloaded episodes to date. My battle with anxiety began during my husband’s journey through cancer. The anxiety increased to hazardous levels within hours after my Norman’s passing, landing me in the emergency room with symptoms that mimicked a heart attack. Anxiety has been well-documented to cause both emotional and physical problems. Is there any good thing that can come from this affliction? Here's one good outcome: people who go through the stressful journey of anxiety often become caring, compassionate resources for others.  I quietly wrestled with this beast for over a year, until the Lord heard my cries and taught me some pivotal truths from His Word. These lessons became exercises for me that I still practice today. I do realize that anxiety doesn't have quick fixes, but there are some practices that we can engage to bring our emotions back out of the danger zone. This episode covers four spiritual exercises that have proven to be helpful in reducing anxiety.  IT'S BACK: Rough Patches: Temporary Marital Tensions Heart Conditions--from the Popular "ICU" Bible Study Series Great Gift Idea: One-of-a-Kind Rose Gold Compact Bible Ponder the Path: 31-Day Bible-Habit-Building Devotional NEW BOOK: Secret Doubts: Working Through Unspoken Unbelief by Tim Zacharias Shop the Mall of Keep the Heart! Follow Keep the Heart on Instagram Like Keep the Heart on Facebook
11/15/202216 minutes
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Teachback Tuesday-Why Me? and Other Hard Questions

Welcome to Teachback Tuesday, where we play the most popular episodes from the previous season. This week’s episode, “Why Me? and Other Hard Questions” struck a chord with so many listeners, and it’s still being downloaded. Here’s a different yet related question: If we could schedule adversity, when would we want it on our calendars? The “day of adversity” doesn’t make appointments, as we can already tell. This episode provides examples of how we can reframe the hard questions into prayer requests based on Scripture.  Heart Conditions--from the Popular "ICU" Bible Study Series Great Gift Idea: One-of-a-Kind Rose Gold Compact Bible Ponder the Path: 31-Day Bible-Habit-Building Devotional Shop the Mall of Keep the Heart! Follow Keep the Heart on Instagram Like Keep the Heart on Facebook
10/25/202211 minutes
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The Gifts of Tribulation

What comes to mind when you hear the word “tribulation”? Do you automatically think of something that would happen outside of your life, or do you realize that it could happen inside your very own family? Tribulation doesn’t have boundaries. I am a fan of looking up definitions, because there are times where there’s more depth to a word than we’re storing in our minds. The word tribulation is one that has layers to it, including these meanings: affliction, trouble, anguish, and persecution. But here’s a short definition of the word: tribulation is pressure. It’s the kind of pressure that causes us distress and feels oppressive and even cruel. This sounds like something that we would all love to avoid, but tribulation is one of the dark threads in the tapestry of life. We can’t remove it from our fabric, so how can we change the way we view it? By reminding ourselves that tribulation serves a purpose. The wrapping paper of tribulation is ugly, but the gifts inside are priceless. This episode shares three gifts that come from tribulation. A Good Question: The Gospel in 8 Minutes New Book in the Shop: "Secret Doubts" by Tim Zacharias Book: "Call Upon Him" by Kathy Ashley ICU: In Christ Unconditionally Bible Study by Francie Taylor You Want This Beautiful Bible Follow Keep the Heart on Instagram Like Keep the Heart on Facebook
10/18/20228 minutes
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Teachback Tuesday-Escaping the Bondage of Self-Indulgence

Welcome to Teachback Tuesday, where you'll hear the most popular episodes from the previous season. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of self-indulgence is “excessive or unrestrained gratification of one's own appetites, desires, or whims.” Here are some signs that you may be struggling with self-indulgence: You have an income but no money because of your spending habits You repeatedly complain about your weight but you keep eating things that are great for packing on the pounds Arriving late is your trademark for almost everything because of poor time management You allow yourself to be moody and expect people to just deal with it You’re taking poor care of your health but making excuses for it Self-indulgence is self-inflicted bondage. You are in prison and holding the keys. Living like this makes life less enjoyable and more stressful. We don’t realize it at first, but the self-indulgent life seems like it would reward us, but it actually robs and enslaves us. We don't have to live like this. There is a way out. God can put His finger on our particular weaknesses and help us to overcome them by His power and might, not by our own. This 3-point lesson provides helpful reminders on how we can turn our lives from the agony of repeated defeat to the joy of victories in Christ. Donate to This Podcast HERE! Books & Bibles in the Shop at Keep the Heart In Christ Unconditionally: Heart Conditions Bible Study In Christ Unconditionally: New Testament Bible Study In Christ Unconditionally: Old Testament Bible Study Follow Keep the Heart on Instagram Like Keep the Heart on Facebook
9/6/202212 minutes, 30 seconds
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Behaviors that Build Relationships

Have you ever offended someone without realizing it? What’s your response to a situation like that? Do you apologize once you're made aware of the situation, or do you get defensive and blame the offended person for being "thin-skinned"? Your response can make a difference or it could make a bigger mess. Relationships are gifts, but we tend to appreciate people the most when they’re gone. It doesn’t have to be like that. We can cherish and treasure our relationships now. This episode covers four helpful behaviors for building better relationships.  Thanks for leaving those five-star ratings and incredibly encouraging reviews on Apple, and for following Keep the Heart here on Podbean! Ponder the Path 31-Day Devotional Keep the Heart on Instagram Keep the Heart on Facebook Francie on Facebook
3/30/202111 minutes