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Kenneth Copeland Ministries 2022 Events Cover
Kenneth Copeland Ministries 2022 Events Profile

Kenneth Copeland Ministries 2022 Events

English, Religion, 1 season, 100 episodes, 4 days, 4 hours, 9 minutes
What’s the next best thing than attending a live Kenneth Copeland Ministries event in 2022? This podcast! If you missed an event this year or just want to experience it again, this podcast is for you. Get ready to grow your faith with full sermons and life-changing messages from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their guest ministers, including Kellie Copeland, Pastors George and Terri Pearsons, and many more. Listen or watch today, and discover what God has waiting for you!
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2022 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Put On the Whole Armor of God (7:00 p.m. ET)

At the 2022 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches on the whole armor of God and how to take your stand! Get the Word on your situation and view it as final authority. Taking a stand requires making quality decisions, about which there’s no argument and from which there’s no retreat!
11/13/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 8 seconds
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2022 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Listen and Obey, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. ET)

At the 2022 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches how important it is to listen and obey the Lord’s instructions. In John 6, the disciples were more focused on the crowd size and lack of food than the Lord’s ability to provide. Learn to hear God’s directions for any situation in life.
11/13/202226 minutes, 53 seconds
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2022 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Healing is a Property That Belongs to You (10:00 a.m. ET)

At the 2022 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland reveals how healing is a property that belongs to you. Healing is not a reward. God’s position on sickness and disease is clear; it’s all under the curse and Jesus bore the curse for you! Protect your property and don’t claim sickness as “yours.”
11/12/20222 hours, 21 minutes, 47 seconds
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2022 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Everything Begins With a Seed, Offering Message (9:30 am ET)

At the 2022 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle teaches how everything begins with a seed in the kingdom of God. Hear biblical examples of major breakthroughs that began as a seed. Sow a seed with everything you’re believing for and praise God in advance. Praise is an expression of your faith!
11/12/202211 minutes, 53 seconds
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2022 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Living the Love Life (7:00 p.m. ET)

At the 2022 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches the biblical meanings of love and gives practical examples of how to live the Love life. Hear how to find the key issue when your prayers don’t appear to work. Learn how to make a love decision to love people because God loves them!
11/12/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 44 seconds
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2022 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: The One Thing Needed is the Word, Offering Msg (7:00 pm ET)

At the 2022 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares the one thing that is needed: the Word of God! If you’re going to have a crop, you must plant seed. Take time to develop in the Word. It is your seed. The Word needs to become your best friend. Keep it before your eyes and in your heart.
11/12/202252 minutes, 24 seconds
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2022 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Get Into The Blessing Zone (2:00 p.m. ET)

Join the 2022 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign as Jerry Savelle teaches how to get into the blessing zone. Did you know you can be in a flow of blessing every day? Psalm 68:19 says, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits.” God wants to do something special for you every day of your life!
11/11/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 8 seconds
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2022 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Receiving the Prophet’s Reward (10:00 a.m. ET)

Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2022 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign as he teaches how to receive the prophet’s reward. “He who receives…a prophet because he is a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward” (Matt. 10:41, AMPC). Hear how partnering with the prophetic anointing will yield rewards in your life!
11/11/20222 hours, 20 minutes, 49 seconds
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2022 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Sowing Is What We Do! Offering Message (9:00 a.m.)

At the 2022 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle shares how to identify a sower; it’s what they do! From the beginning, God gave seed to man for provision. Sowing seed must be a lifestyle, looking for every opportunity to give. Find out how you determine your own financial outcome by sowing!
11/11/202218 minutes, 1 second
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2022 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Love: The Secret to Success (7:00 p.m. ET)

At the 2022 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches how Love is the secret to success. He shares revelation from several scriptures that show how God is love. The Bible is a Love book. “In the beginning [Love] created the heaven and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). Learn how faith works by Love!
11/11/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 5 seconds
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2022 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: The Truth Will Make You Free, Offering Message (7:00 pm ET)

At the 2022 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches how the Bible is the Truth that will make you free. It happens through an intimate relationship with the Word. The Word will tell you the truth about every circumstance, including finances. Call your situation what the Truth says it is!
11/11/202225 minutes, 17 seconds
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2022 Omaha Victory Campaign: The Laying On of Hands (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Omaha Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares many biblical examples of the laying on of hands. Jesus touched a lot of people. This is a fundamental doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ and not to be taken lightly. Join Kenneth Copeland as he ministers to the people by the laying on of hands.
10/30/202244 minutes, 4 seconds
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2022 Omaha Victory Campaign: Never Miss a Divine Opportunity, Offering Msg (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Omaha Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland teaches from Mark 10 about the rich, young ruler and how to never miss a divine opportunity. Always wait to hear all of God’s instructions and don’t walk away before He has finished. Divine contacts may be in those instructions you can’t afford to miss!
10/29/202232 minutes, 59 seconds
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2022 Omaha Victory Campaign: It Is Always God’s Will to Heal! (10:00 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Omaha Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland highlights scriptures that show it is always God’s will to heal. Since God is the same yesterday, today and forever, healing is still His will today. If healing wasn’t His will, He’d have to change His Name! His Name is still Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals!
10/29/20222 hours, 5 minutes, 54 seconds
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2022 Omaha Victory Campaign: The Law of Progression, Offering Msg (9:30 a.m.)

At the 2022 Omaha Victory Campaign Jerry Savelle teaches on the law of progression seen in Mk. 4:28, “…first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.” These manifestations are the proof that God is working. Follow the process and stay in faith and you will reap. Don’t give up on your seed!
10/29/202225 minutes, 36 seconds
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2022 Omaha Victory Campaign: The Fundamentals of Faith (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Omaha Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares the importance of learning and practicing the fundamentals of faith. God created the earth out of something you can’t see, but faith is a real substance. Faith is a spiritual force, not a mental one. Learn how to use your faith on purpose.
10/29/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 43 seconds
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2022 Omaha Victory Campaign: All Things Richly to Enjoy, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Omaha Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland shares how it is God’s will that you have all things richly to enjoy in life (1 Tim. 6:17). Learn the truth about what the Word says about finances. God is a good God and doesn’t mind you having things, but always be willing to sow the things if God asks you to.
10/28/202247 minutes, 59 seconds
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2022 Omaha Victory Campaign: The Open Hand of God (2:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Omaha Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle shares the word of the Lord about the year of the open hand of God. Are you being moved by all the chaos in the world? What are you expecting this year? Looking, watching and expecting are keys for receiving supernatural, extraordinary and unusual provision!
10/28/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 54 seconds
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2022 Omaha Victory Campaign: Partnership Message (11:00 a.m. CT)

Join Kenneth Copeland, at the 2022 Omaha Victory Campaign, as he teaches how to walk in the same anointings as those you partner with in ministry. The church at Philippi partnered with the Apostle Paul. Hear how their needs would’ve been met on the level of an apostle. Learn the benefits of partnership!
10/28/202222 minutes, 48 seconds
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2022 Omaha Victory Campaign: The Anointing Exchange (10:00 a.m. CT)

Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2022 Omaha Victory Campaign as he teaches about the anointing exchange. The most important thing in a believer’s life is to have a working knowledge of the anointing. It is called “the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God” and it’s a manifestation of THE BLESSING!
10/28/20221 hour, 52 minutes, 54 seconds
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2022 Omaha Victory Campaign: Release Produces Increase, Offering Message (9:00 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Omaha Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle teaches how the willingness to release produces increase. Never withhold when you should be sowing. “The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller” (Prov. 11:24, MSG). Giving always results in increase!
10/28/202215 minutes, 14 seconds
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2022 Omaha Victory Campaign: The BLESSING System vs. Babylonian System (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Omaha Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland contrasts the BLESSING system vs. Babylonian system seen in society today. God never intended His children to be in the Babylonian system of confusion. God is not the author of confusion. His system is a love system empowered to BLESS all nations!
10/28/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 13 seconds
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2022 Omaha Victory Campaign: The Sower Sows the Word, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Omaha Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches how the sower sows the Word. The devil is a thief and he’s after the Word you’ve put in your heart. The seed, soil, sun and water all know what to do but you must plant the seed and expect a harvest. When it is sown, it grows up and becomes!
10/27/202223 minutes, 58 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Fundamentals of Faith (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland shares the importance of going over the basics and fundamentals of faith on a regular basis. Faith is a product of the spirit, not of the mind. You are a spirit-being like God and you are one with Him. The Word does the fighting, you just hold the handle!
8/7/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 13 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Don’t Miss An Opportunity, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland recounts the story of the rich, young ruler in Mark 10 and shows how not to miss an opportunity with God. The man left the scene before Jesus was done answering his question. Satan’s worst fear is Christians having money to fulfill God’s plans!
8/7/202221 minutes, 20 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Saturday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)

Join Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons, Iva Bennett and Holden Hanley as they share insights from SWBC. They talk about the importance of prayer paving the way for utterance and that this is the time for the Church to be watching, active and alert! Ps. Terri leads prayer over the Church, nations and SWBC attendees.
8/6/202231 minutes, 4 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Prescription for Healing (10:00 a.m.)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland shares the prescription for healing found in Proverbs 4:20-22. In addition, he teaches divine principles that are directly related to daily living in divine health. Stop the fear and believe only because you’re supposed to be healed today!
8/6/20222 hours, 51 minutes, 56 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: A Candidate for Supernatural Increase, Offering Msg (9:30 am)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Jerry Savelle shares how to be a candidate for supernatural increase. What do sowers do? They sow! It’s a lifestyle and they look for opportunities to sow all the time. Always live to give and God will see to it that you become a candidate for supernatural increase!
8/6/202211 minutes, 40 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Saturday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (9:00 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons continues teaching about this sliver of time and the transition of the age. It’s not enough to hear the Word of God with your “head ears”; you must hear it with your “heart ears.” Learn how to come with purpose and intention to hear Him!
8/6/202229 minutes, 19 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Faith for Prosperity (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland teaches how to have faith for prosperity. You can’t please God without faith because He is THE BLESSING God! Faith is the connection to the Bible covenants. God built this planet and said all the gold was His, and He gave it to us!
8/6/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 53 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: God Will Lead You Into Prosperity, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland shares how God will lead you into prosperity and help you develop faith for it. God invented it. Is your soul prosperous? Learn to take a “soul test” to make sure it is. God’s not withholding from you. He’s the God of more than enough!
8/6/202212 minutes, 56 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Friday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons continues to teach about the importance of watching and praying. All Christians should be watchmen. Jesus said deception would be the greatest earmark of the end times. In order to discern it you must walk with Him, who is The Truth!
8/5/202227 minutes, 36 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: I Never Learned to Doubt - PT 4 (3:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Jesse Duplantis continues the series on why he never learned to doubt. Hear how doubt multiplies fear, divides your attention and subtracts your joy. The battle may not be your choice, but the outcome always is. Find out how to eradicate doubt in your life!
8/5/20221 hour, 1 minute, 35 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Don’t Forget the Hand of God (2:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Jerry Savelle encourages Christians to never forget the hand of God. An unlimited God can be limited by His own people. It’s important to remember how God has delivered and taken care of you in the past. Use previous victories as a weapon against the devil!
8/5/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 28 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Partnership Message (12:00 p.m. CT)

Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention as he shares the benefits of partnership seen in exciting video testimonies. Hear why partnership is a two-way street. Partnering with KCM means being a part of the many ways the Word of Faith is being preached worldwide on every available voice!
8/5/202245 minutes, 44 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Anointing Exchange (9:00 a.m. CT)

Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention as he teaches what the anointing exchange means. Jesus had ministry partners wherever He went. God is calling you to partner with someone in ministry. Use your faith to partake of the same anointings of that ministry you partner with!
8/5/20222 hours, 36 minutes, 19 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Friday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (8:30 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons emphasizes watching natural things through the eyes of the Spirit. The Apostle Paul prayed for a “door of utterance” to be opened to speak forth the mystery of Christ. Learn about the doors in heaven that correspond to the ones inside you!
8/5/202230 minutes, 12 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: A Time of Divine Acceleration (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Jerry Savelle shares the word of the Lord about this time of divine acceleration. It is the supernatural ability of God to bring His plans, will and purposes to pass at a much faster rate than is humanly possible. Be quick to sow seed and believe for divine intervention!
8/5/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 43 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Thursday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons continue to teach about utterance. It is divine expression that leads to a release of the divine. It can be a divine expression of information, leading to a release of revelation with divine empowerment to do what you’ve just heard!
8/4/202229 minutes, 58 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Evidence of His Presence (3:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Jeremy Pearsons teaches how the evidence of God’s presence in your life will separate you from everyone else on earth (Ex. 33:16). There should be lots of evidence (fruit) all over you that a Seed, Jesus Christ, took root in you! You are proof to the world God exists!
8/4/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 3 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: When You Have to Have a Miracle (2:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Keith Moore continues teaching on the importance of words and especially when you have to have a miracle. You must acknowledge God before He can direct your paths. Then, whatever He quickens to you, that is what you say. Faith is being dependent upon your God!
8/4/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 36 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: I Never Learned to Doubt - PT 3 (10:30 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Jesse Duplantis shares more reasons why he never learned to doubt. The origin of doubt was in the Garden when the serpent used the words, “hath God said….?” It started as a suggestion and ended up in expulsion. Learn how to transform your soul daily with the Word!
8/4/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 47 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: What Changed Before and After the Cross (9:00 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Creflo Dollar reveals what changed before and after the Cross. Before the Cross you were blessed only when you obeyed. Now you are blessed because you’re redeemed! Faith works by how much you believe Jesus loves you. Your faith should rest in the love of God!
8/4/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Thursday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (8:30 a.m. CT

Hear Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention talk about the cycle of cascading events now in the earth and how to pray. It’s the gathering flow where watching and prayer go together, watching for the thief and Jesus. Keep your eyes in the Book that tells the truth about both!
8/4/202229 minutes, 39 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Frustration of the End Times (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Jesse Duplantis explains why so many are experiencing the frustration of the end times. We are witnessing the days of Noah. The friction of the unrighteous is rubbing against the righteous. Hear how the Church is the only saving factor in the earth today.
8/4/20221 hour, 37 minutes, 6 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Wednesday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)

Join Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention as she teaches how to pray for utterance in the Holy Spirit. There is a reservoir of revelation inside you for the right season. Saying the right words under the unction of the Holy Spirit will empower people when they hear those words!
8/3/202222 minutes, 42 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Live Your Life Yielded to God (3:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Creflo Dollar teaches how to live your life yielded to God in true righteousness. Everyone has issues! That’s why everyone needs a Savior. The primary thing God is concerned about is how you treat people. The world is watching and that’s how they’ll know we are saved.
8/3/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 37 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Lord Alone is Our God! (2:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Keith Moore reveals scriptures showing why the Lord alone is our God. What kind of power keeps the stars lit and the planets in their tracks? “The Lord, your Redeemer who made you, says: I alone stretched out the heavens. By myself I made the earth….” (Isa. 44:24).
8/3/20221 hour, 58 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Follow God’s Plan for a Victorious Life (10:30 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland continues to reveal how words are spiritual containers and included in God’s plan for a victorious life. Angels hear the WORD of The LORD and act when it comes out of your mouth. Be diligent to fill your mouth with what you’ve been redeemed from!
8/3/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 16 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: God’s Plan For Your Prosperity, Offering Message (10:30 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland shares God’s plan for your prosperity. Faith-filled words dominate the laws of sin and death including poverty. Your words must be love words as faith works by love. The devil is afraid of THE BLESSING and only your words can stop THE BLESSING!
8/3/202211 minutes, 59 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Walking Under the Canopy of God’s Favor (9:00 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Jerry Savelle reveals that you are walking under the canopy of God’s favor (Psa. 5:12). It is an umbrella of protection. There are things coming that only the favor of God will get you through. Be watchful of your words and don’t allow the devil to erode your canopy!
8/3/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 57 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Wednesday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (8:30 a.m. CT)

Join Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons on KCBC Day at the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention as she reflects on the origin and mission of the school. Hear exciting testimonies from several students and how God called them to enroll at KCBC. Also hear the vision and plans for the first international KCBC!
8/3/202220 minutes, 55 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Righteousness vs. Self-Righteousness: You Choose! (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Creflo Dollar teaches about your choice between righteousness and self-righteousness. Man’s pursuit to make himself right with God is really self-righteousness. Find out how your position in righteousness will determine your effectiveness in this season.
8/3/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 8 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: God Is Committed To Your Care, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Creflo Dollar shares how God is committed to your care. Giving is declaring your dependance on the God who can take care of you. When you know He has committed Himself to your care, you won’t fear giving. Take time to recall the ways He has provided for you!
8/3/20226 minutes, 24 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Tuesday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons emphasizes the importance of preparing the way of the Lord in prayer as His return nears. Learn what enabled John the Baptist and Jesus to step into their callings and anointings. Find out who prepared the way for their arrival on earth!
8/2/202220 minutes, 58 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: I Will Say He Is My Refuge (3:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Keith Moore continues teaching on the importance of words from Psalm 91 and why you need to “Say of the LORD, He is my refuge….”  Learn how to “say” things with full persuasion. If you’re still questioning the will of God, then you’re not ready to speak!
8/2/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 34 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: There’s Supposed to Be a Difference! (2:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Jeremy Pearsons discusses the pressure on the Church to not be different from the world and why there is supposed to be a difference! Being “real” means saying what you believe, not what you feel. A major thing that defines our difference is boldness of speech!
8/2/202259 minutes, 41 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: God’s Open Hand of Favor (10:30 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Jerry Savelle teaches how to experience God’s open hand of favor. Blessing and favor are inseparable. Even the act of protecting you is favor. God wants to keep you in a sound state, even in a pandemic. He makes His favor visible so that many are drawn to Him!
8/2/20221 hour, 48 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: I Never Learned to Doubt - PT 2 (9:00 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Jesse Duplantis shares more reasons why he never learned to doubt. Doubt makes you the center of your belief and takes God out of the picture. True belief is another name for the principles of true conduct. Your conduct should always match what you’re saying!
8/2/20221 hour, 7 minutes
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Tuesday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (8:30 a.m. CT)

Join Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention as she teaches about effective and targeted prayer as it relates to the transition of the Church Age. Learn what to look for in the Spirit regarding Jesus’ return. All of our praying needs to be in the light of the Second Coming!
8/2/202229 minutes, 38 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Words Are Spiritual Containers - PT 2 (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland continues the message that words are spiritual containers. Faith-filled words can bring life into death situations. Idle words are those that don’t proceed from faith. The Bible contains words of faith, love and everything God wanted man to know!
8/2/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 18 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: A Covenant of Prosperity, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland shows how you have a covenant of prosperity with God, through Christ, as Abraham’s seed (Gal. 3:29). And Jesus promised you the hundredfold in Matt. 19:29: “And everyone who has left houses…for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold.”
8/1/202221 minutes, 12 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Monday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons reveals why we are in the most important transition time since God created man. Learn how to follow Him and be led in effective prayer over the instruments of this transition and individual transitions possibly going on in your life!
8/1/202222 minutes, 6 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Year of the Open Hand of God (3:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, hear the word of the Lord given to Jerry Savelle about 2022—the Year of the Open Hand of God. If you will not be moved by the chaos in the world, you are a candidate for supernatural, unusual and extraordinary provision! Be looking, watching and expecting!
8/1/202256 minutes, 21 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: I Never Learned to Doubt! (2:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Jesse Duplantis shares reasons why he never learned to doubt. The most blessed state to live in is where you believe without physical proof. Are you at your wits’ end? That’s the perfect time to see the beginning of your faith and for God to show up and show out!
8/1/202257 minutes, 34 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: With the Mouth! (10:30 a.m. CT)

How do you get TO the experience of the fullness of salvation? With the mouth! At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Keith Moore teaches how salvation is more than confessing, “Jesus is Lord.” You are saved from being sick, broke, depressed, etc. The most important action of your faith is your mouth!
8/1/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 45 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Words Are Spiritual Containers (9:00 a.m. CT)

Every human being speaks words that are spiritual containers. At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland teaches how the Bible is a book of words, yet a holy Book because of the blood-backed covenants therein. Learn how your words can be filled with power and change circumstances!
8/1/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 51 seconds
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2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Monday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (8:30 a.m. CT)

Join Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons, Iva Bennett and Holden Hanley at the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention as they lead prayer for freedom of utterance according to Ephesians 6. Utterance is a divine expression that releases the divine. Learn how to pray from your spirit rather than your mind!
8/1/202229 minutes, 34 seconds
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2022 Fargo Victory Campaign: A Day in the Life of Jesus (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Fargo Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares the basic fundamentals of faith from Mark 5; a day in the life of Jesus. Anyone who will do these four things can receive anything they need, or want, from Father God. Learn how to appropriate these things and experience victory in your life!
6/11/20221 hour, 32 minutes, 3 seconds
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2022 Fargo Victory Campaign: The Laws That Govern Prosperity, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Fargo Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches the laws that govern prosperity. They include prayer, Holy Spirit direction, integrity, tithing, giving and joy. The law of Love IS success. Always stay on the positive side of everything and remember, you haven’t finished praying until you listen!
6/11/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 51 seconds
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2022 Fargo Victory Campaign: Jesus Had You On His Mind! (10:00 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Fargo Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland explains how Jesus had you on His mind on the cross. The curse was put on Him so you wouldn’t have to have it. He had your healing on His mind so you don’t have to be sick, tired or worn out. Learn how to lock your spiritual wings in a healing attitude!
6/11/20222 hours, 40 minutes, 17 seconds
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2022 Fargo Victory Campaign: God Never Forgets a Seed Sown, Offering Message (9:30 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Fargo Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle gives examples of how God never forgets a seed sown. Sowing is an opportunity to demonstrate love. What you value, you support. The seed you sow today could be the one that releases your breakthrough. God watches over every seed so don’t stop sowing!
6/11/202220 minutes, 48 seconds
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2022 Fargo Victory Campaign: Faith Speaks the End Result (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Fargo Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches how faith always speaks the end result. Jesus spoke to trees and fevers, which meant they could hear! He always spoke directly to the problem. He said it, spoke to it and moved on. Learn practical keys of how to master this fundamental of faith.
6/10/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 11 seconds
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2022 Fargo Victory Campaign: Heaven’s Economics, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Fargo Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches principles of heaven’s economics. Words are not primarily for communication; they release power. You can release love, faith, fear, etc. all with words. Whatever you say is your faith speaking. Learn how to speak THE BLESSING, not the curse!
6/10/202245 minutes, 57 seconds
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2022 Fargo Victory Campaign: The Law of Increase by Association (2:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Fargo Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle teaches the law of increase by association. Who you associate with has everything to do with how your life will turn out. You must follow the same lifestyle of wise people if you want wise results. Following the right people has good consequences!
6/10/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 45 seconds
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2022 Fargo Victory Campaign: The Benefits of Partnership (11:00 a.m. CT)

Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2022 Fargo Victory Campaign as he shares the benefits of partnership seen in many biblical examples. Watch the video KCM Covenant Partner Report featuring the many ways the Word of Faith is being preached on every available voice. Also see exciting partnership testimonies!
6/10/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 58 seconds
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2022 Fargo Victory Campaign: The Anointing Exchange (10:00 a.m. CT)

Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2022 Fargo Victory Campaign as he teaches what the anointing exchange means in the life of a believer. God is calling you to partner with someone in the field. Pray and find out who it is! Then use your faith to walk in the same anointings that that ministry operates in.
6/10/20221 hour, 47 minutes, 15 seconds
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2022 Fargo Victory Campaign: Your Life Is Sustained by Sowing, Offering Message (9:00 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Fargo Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle teaches how God’s original intention was for your life to be sustained by sowing seeds. When a seed is sown, it grows up and becomes. Seeds that you aren’t sowing are seeds that aren’t growing. Learn the lifestyle of a sower; living to give at every opportunity.
6/10/202220 minutes, 19 seconds
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2022 Fargo Victory Campaign: A Book of Covenants (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Fargo Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches why the Bible is a book of covenants and how to become covenant conscious. Because of David’s covenant consciousness, he defeated Goliath. You have a healing covenant, a life covenant and a wellness covenant; blood-backed by Jesus Himself!
6/9/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 45 seconds
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2022 Fargo Victory Campaign: Laws of Prosperity, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Fargo Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches laws of prosperity that include the spirit, soul and body. Do you have a prosperous soul? Faith is the catalyst regarding these laws. Without it, the Word will not work. “The word…did not profit them, not being mixed with faith” (Heb. 4:2).
6/9/202222 minutes, 22 seconds
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2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign: The Fundamentals of Faith (6:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland teaches the four fundamentals of faith that will ensure you have whatever you need from God, if you will take them and carry them out. Faith is a law and when you put these fundamentals to work, they will work every time unless you turn them off!
5/28/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 33 seconds
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2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign: Don’t Carry the Care! - Offering Message (6:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches how to cast your cares on The Caretaker, Jesus, and how to not carry the care back! The answer to every problem is in the Word. Learn how to replace your thoughts with God’s. If the devil can steal the Word from you, he can steal, kill and destroy.
5/28/202258 minutes, 8 seconds
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2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign: A Prosperous Mind (9:00 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches how to have a prosperous mind. What you think about and do all the time is what you’ll become. If you will begin to bless and prosper others, it will keep you well. It will keep you with a merry heart and that will be like medicine to you!
5/28/20222 hours, 51 minutes, 40 seconds
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2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign: Your Life Is Sustained by the Seed You Sow, Offering Message (8:30 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle shares how it was God’s original intent that your life be sustained by the seed you sow. Genesis 8:22 says that seedtime and harvest has not changed and neither has God. Your income is based on your giving, not a salary. Sowers sow! It must be a lifestyle!
5/28/202216 minutes, 32 seconds
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2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign: The Simplicity of Faith-Pt. 2 (6:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland continues teaching the simplicity of faith by highlighting several fundamentals throughout the Bible. One example is learning how to speak to whatever is trying to defeat you: trees, mountains, sickness, debt, etc. Faith must be released by the mouth!
5/27/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 1 second
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2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign: Who Are You With? Offering Message (6:00 p.m. CT)

Who are you with? At the 2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland shares why Jesus said to the disciples in Mark 10:27, “With men it is impossible…with God all things are possible.” Since this was about money, learn what their concern was and how being with God brings a promise for abundance.
5/27/202217 minutes, 32 seconds
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2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign: The Year of the Open Hand of God (1:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign Jerry Savelle shares a word of the Lord for 2022—the year of the open hand of God. Are you moved by all the chaos in the world? What are you expecting this year? Looking, watching and expecting are keys for receiving supernatural, extraordinary and unusual provision!
5/27/20221 hour, 46 minutes, 54 seconds
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2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign: Partnership Message (10:00 a.m. CT)

Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign as he shares the many benefits of being a Partner with KCM. View the 2021 video Covenant Partner Report featuring the ways the Word of Faith is being preached worldwide on every available voice. Also hear exciting partnership testimonies!
5/27/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 9 seconds
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2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign: The Anointing Exchange (9:00 a.m. CT)

Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign as he teaches about the anointing exchange and how it works. The Philippian church supported an apostle, Paul, and thus partnered with his apostolic anointing. Partnership is a love thing; so that the anointing can be where it should be!
5/27/20221 hour, 50 minutes, 31 seconds
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2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign: The God of Abundance, Offering Message (8:00 a.m. CT)

At the 2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle shares revelation on the God of abundance. He is the God who is more than enough. God is all about abundance because that’s His nature. Hear about His promise to see to it that you have more than enough of everything, in every moment and in every way!
5/27/202216 minutes, 24 seconds
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2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign: The Simplicity of Faith (6:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland reveals the simplicity of faith. Learn to use your faith like a tool, on purpose. Faith is a spiritual law and therefore predictable. It is the creative force of God and works by love. God IS love and it is HIS faith. Hear how Jesus is the finisher of your faith!
5/26/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 38 seconds
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2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign: Sowing and Reaping, Offering Message (6:00 p.m. CT)

At the 2022 Knoxville Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares the importance of sowing and reaping. Jesus said if you understand the parable of the sower, you can understand all the parables (Mark 4:13). You can sow anything—a smile, finances and doing to others as you would like them to do to you.
5/26/202214 minutes, 54 seconds
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2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign: Pray About Everything! (7:00 p.m. PT)

At the 2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland covers the last point in the teaching on core values: pray about everything. The answer to your prayer is in The Book, so start with the answer! Pray the Word and let it fight its own fight. Stay in the Word until you know that you know it is done!
5/15/20221 hour, 41 minutes, 26 seconds
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2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign: Sow the Word Into Your Heart, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. PT)

At the 2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches the principle of sowing the Word of God into your heart. If the devil can keep you out of the Word, he can keep out faith. Learn how to put pressure on him with the Name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus and the Word. Press for the high calling!
5/15/202247 minutes, 43 seconds
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2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign: Prayer Everywhere (6:30 p.m. PT)

At the 2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign Holden Hanley shares how there are mysteries still in the earth that God needs revealed in order to move the Church along to the climax of the ages. All prayer must be done in the light of the Second Coming. Join in prayer for prophetic utterance for ministers!
5/15/202228 minutes, 59 seconds
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2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign: You’re Supposed to be Healed Today! (10:00 a.m. PT)

At the 2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shows from the Word that you are supposed to be healed today and every day! According to Psa. 103:2-3, healing is a benefit and Psa. 68:19 confirms that God’s benefits are a daily thing for you to claim. Choose life! Speak life words from His Word!
5/14/20222 hours, 43 minutes, 6 seconds
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2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign: Naming Your Seed, Offering Message (9:30 a.m. PT)

At the 2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign, Ps. George Pearsons shares the biblical principle of “naming your seed” that every Christian should be doing. The seed you have is for your service and provision. Find out how to assign a purpose to it and speak the Word over it. What harvest are you expecting?
5/14/202217 minutes, 25 seconds
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2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign: Prayer Everywhere (9:00 a.m. PT)

At the 2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign Terri Copeland Pearsons shares why prophecy is vital in transitioning from age to age. Prophecy along with the revelation and testimony of Jesus are all tied together. Join this corporate prayer for continued utterance from the Holy Spirit and for prophecy that reveals!
5/14/202227 minutes, 11 seconds
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2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign: Be Led by the Holy Spirit (7:00 p.m. PT)

At the 2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches the core value of being led by the Spirit. Learn from practical examples how to avoid making bad decisions. Hear how praying in the Spirit is key to being led by the Spirit, and understand the importance of staying suited up in the armor of God.
5/14/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 16 seconds
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2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign: Being Led Requires Listening, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. PT)

At the 2022 Sacramento Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland teaches how being led by the Holy Spirit requires listening. Primarily, the inward witness is how God leads His people. Find out why every Christian failure is a prayer failure. When you truly listen, the Spirit of God will tell you what to do!
5/14/202227 minutes, 55 seconds