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Knox Sermons

English, Religion, 1 season, 696 episodes, 2 days, 17 hours, 10 minutes
Most sermons delivered at Knox Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan, are available as podcasts. After you subscribe, you will automatically get new sermon podcasts as they become available.
Episode Artwork

"With Us in the Battle"

When we find ourselves in intense spiritual battles, the promise and hope of Advent is that God is with us in the battle.
11/27/202230 minutes, 26 seconds
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"With Us in the Battle"

When we find ourselves in intense spiritual battles, the promise and hope of Advent is that God is with us in the battle.
11/27/202230 minutes, 26 seconds
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"The Healing of the Paralytic"

Jesus shows mercy to a paralyzed man and it challenges us with the question, who needs us to attend to them, even showing remarkable creativity and determination to care for them?
11/20/202228 minutes, 22 seconds
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"The Healing of the Paralytic"

Jesus shows mercy to a paralyzed man and it challenges us with the question, who needs us to attend to them, even showing remarkable creativity and determination to care for them?
11/20/202228 minutes, 22 seconds
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"The Blind Beggar and the Tax Collector"

Jesus is merciful to both physical and spiritual needs, and the signs that we have encountered his mercy are repentance, restitution, and renewal.
11/13/202230 minutes, 8 seconds
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"The Blind Beggar and the Tax Collector"

Jesus is merciful to both physical and spiritual needs, and the signs that we have encountered his mercy are repentance, restitution, and renewal.
11/13/202230 minutes, 8 seconds
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"The Centurion’s Servant and the Widow’s Son"

Jesus reveals his heart of mercy to the servant of a Roman centurion, and to the son of a widow, and … to us.
11/6/202230 minutes, 3 seconds
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"The Centurion’s Servant and the Widow’s Son"

Jesus reveals his heart of mercy to the servant of a Roman centurion, and to the son of a widow, and … to us.
11/6/202230 minutes, 3 seconds
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"The Great Banquet"

The kingdom of God does not operate on the principle of ‘return on investment.’ It operates on the principle of grace and mercy.
10/30/202232 minutes, 25 seconds
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"The Great Banquet"

The kingdom of God does not operate on the principle of ‘return on investment.’ It operates on the principle of grace and mercy.
10/30/202232 minutes, 25 seconds
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"The Good Samaritan"

Jesus teaches compassion through the parable of the Good Samaritan.
10/23/202235 minutes, 54 seconds
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"The Good Samaritan"

Jesus teaches compassion through the parable of the Good Samaritan.
10/23/202235 minutes, 54 seconds
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"How Much Mercy, How Much Love"

Jesus teaches that who has been forgiven much, loves much; while those who think they have little need of forgiveness, love little.
10/16/202234 minutes, 10 seconds
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"How Much Mercy, How Much Love"

Jesus teaches that who has been forgiven much, loves much; while those who think they have little need of forgiveness, love little.
10/16/202234 minutes, 10 seconds
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"The Sign of the Kingdom"

The sign that God's kingdom is present in the world is God’s healing mercy at work.
10/9/202214 minutes, 37 seconds
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"The Sign of the Kingdom"

The sign that God's kingdom is present in the world is God’s healing mercy at work.
10/9/202214 minutes, 37 seconds
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"A Kingdom for the Poor and Vulnerable"

10/2/202220 minutes, 50 seconds
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"A Kingdom for the Poor and Vulnerable"

10/2/202220 minutes, 50 seconds
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"God’s Justice and Mercy: Impartial and Preferential"

God’s justice and mercy means that everyone should be treated rightly and fairly. At the same time, it also means that special care, attention, and generosity should be shown toward the poor, the weak, and the vulnerable of society.
9/25/202232 minutes, 55 seconds
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"God’s Justice and Mercy: Impartial and Preferential"

God’s justice and mercy means that everyone should be treated rightly and fairly. At the same time, it also means that special care, attention, and generosity should be shown toward the poor, the weak, and the vulnerable of society.
9/25/202232 minutes, 55 seconds
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"God’s Justice and Mercy: Personal and Societal"

Sin, injustice, and evil work interpersonally and relationally, but they also work institutionally, structurally, and systemically in society. However, God’s redemptive grace also works interpersonally and relationally as well as institutionally, structurally, and systemically in society through the establishment of God’s kingdom.
9/18/202230 minutes, 20 seconds
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"God’s Justice and Mercy: Personal and Societal"

Sin, injustice, and evil work interpersonally and relationally, but they also work institutionally, structurally, and systemically in society. However, God’s redemptive grace also works interpersonally and relationally as well as institutionally, structurally, and systemically in society through the establishment of God’s kingdom.
9/18/202230 minutes, 20 seconds
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"God’s Justice and Mercy: Individual and Communal"

Sin, injustice, and evil are both individual and communal, and even generational. However, God’s redemptive grace is also individual, communal, and even generational through the outworking of his covenant.
9/11/202232 minutes, 23 seconds
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"God’s Justice and Mercy: Individual and Communal"

Sin, injustice, and evil are both individual and communal, and even generational. However, God’s redemptive grace is also individual, communal, and even generational through the outworking of his covenant.
9/11/202232 minutes, 23 seconds
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“God’s Justice and Mercy: Already and Not Yet”

God’s kingdom of justice and mercy has already arrived and yet is not fully here. Therefore, we should be hopeful but also patient.
9/4/202230 minutes, 25 seconds
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“God’s Justice and Mercy: Already and Not Yet”

God’s kingdom of justice and mercy has already arrived and yet is not fully here. Therefore, we should be hopeful but also patient.
9/4/202230 minutes, 25 seconds
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“A Life of Justice and Mercy”

8/28/202235 minutes, 17 seconds
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“A Life of Justice and Mercy”

8/28/202235 minutes, 17 seconds
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“A People of Justice and Mercy”

God is just and merciful, and he calls his people to be just and merciful—the kind of people who love the sojourner.
8/21/202233 minutes, 8 seconds
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“A People of Justice and Mercy”

God is just and merciful, and he calls his people to be just and merciful—the kind of people who love the sojourner.
8/21/202233 minutes, 8 seconds
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"A Story of Justice and Mercy"

When set in the context of God’s larger story, justice and mercy are much more relational, robust, and restorative than we’re used to.
8/14/202228 minutes, 13 seconds
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"A Story of Justice and Mercy"

When set in the context of God’s larger story, justice and mercy are much more relational, robust, and restorative than we’re used to.
8/14/202228 minutes, 13 seconds
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“A God of Justice and Mercy”

God is just and merciful, and his justice and mercy are perfectly expressed in the cross. Therefore, he is our ultimate confidence and hope.
8/7/202230 minutes, 39 seconds
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“A God of Justice and Mercy”

God is just and merciful, and his justice and mercy are perfectly expressed in the cross. Therefore, he is our ultimate confidence and hope.
8/7/202230 minutes, 39 seconds
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“Feed My Sheep”

In the final scene of John’s Gospel, Jesus graciously restores Peter after his failure and then commissions him to be a shepherd to the others.
7/31/202235 minutes, 19 seconds
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“Feed My Sheep”

In the final scene of John’s Gospel, Jesus graciously restores Peter after his failure and then commissions him to be a shepherd to the others.
7/31/202235 minutes, 19 seconds
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“The Resurrection of Jesus”

The risen Christ comes and stands among his people in the midst of their sorrows, fears, and doubts.
7/24/202234 minutes, 1 second
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“The Resurrection of Jesus”

The risen Christ comes and stands among his people in the midst of their sorrows, fears, and doubts.
7/24/202234 minutes, 1 second
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“The Crucifixion of Jesus”

The cross of Jesus is a series of ironies, in which Jesus loses everything so that we can gain everything – a new family, a new satisfaction, and a new life.
7/17/202235 minutes, 47 seconds
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“The Crucifixion of Jesus”

The cross of Jesus is a series of ironies, in which Jesus loses everything so that we can gain everything – a new family, a new satisfaction, and a new life.
7/17/202235 minutes, 47 seconds
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"I Am the Truth"

7/10/202227 minutes, 36 seconds
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"I Am the Truth"

7/10/202227 minutes, 36 seconds
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"Gospel Unity"

How might we confuse unity and uniformity? Why is gospel unity of the utmost importance for followers of Jesus?
7/3/202231 minutes, 45 seconds
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"Gospel Unity"

How might we confuse unity and uniformity? Why is gospel unity of the utmost importance for followers of Jesus?
7/3/202231 minutes, 45 seconds
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“Joy: More than Circumstances”

When sorrow and pain comes what will be your response? How might sorrow and joy hold a tension of hope?
6/26/202225 minutes, 43 seconds
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“Joy: More than Circumstances”

When sorrow and pain comes what will be your response? How might sorrow and joy hold a tension of hope?
6/26/202225 minutes, 43 seconds
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"The Sustaining Presence of the Spirit"

The nature of the kingdom of God is disruptive to the world. Therefore the followers of Jesus will encounter opposition. But Jesus promises the sustaining presence of the Spirit who will guide us into all truth.
6/19/202229 minutes, 5 seconds
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"The Sustaining Presence of the Spirit"

The nature of the kingdom of God is disruptive to the world. Therefore the followers of Jesus will encounter opposition. But Jesus promises the sustaining presence of the Spirit who will guide us into all truth.
6/19/202229 minutes, 5 seconds
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"The True Vine"

Jesus says that he is the true vine and we are the branches. Apart from him we can do nothing. Therefore we should abide in him, and go and bear much fruit.
6/12/202230 minutes, 34 seconds
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"The True Vine"

Jesus says that he is the true vine and we are the branches. Apart from him we can do nothing. Therefore we should abide in him, and go and bear much fruit.
6/12/202230 minutes, 34 seconds
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"Farewell Promises"

In preparing to leave his disciples, Jesus promises that he will not leave us as orphans but will send the Holy Spirit to help us.
6/5/202230 minutes, 5 seconds
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"Farewell Promises"

In preparing to leave his disciples, Jesus promises that he will not leave us as orphans but will send the Holy Spirit to help us.
6/5/202230 minutes, 5 seconds
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“The Way, the Truth, and the Life”

The disciples are feeling disoriented and are in crisis. So Jesus tells them to trust in him, because he is the way, the truth, and the life.
5/29/202229 minutes, 24 seconds
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“The Way, the Truth, and the Life”

The disciples are feeling disoriented and are in crisis. So Jesus tells them to trust in him, because he is the way, the truth, and the life.
5/29/202229 minutes, 24 seconds
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“The Full Extent of His Love”

The night before his death Jesus gathers his disciples in the Upper Room, washes their feet, and then tells them to love one another just as he has loved them.
5/22/202230 minutes, 36 seconds
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“The Full Extent of His Love”

The night before his death Jesus gathers his disciples in the Upper Room, washes their feet, and then tells them to love one another just as he has loved them.
5/22/202230 minutes, 36 seconds
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"The Humble King and His Paradoxical Kingdom"

Though a king, Jesus adopts the posture of someone lowly and humble. Likewise, in his kingdom you have to lose your life to gain it, sacrifice your life to save it, and serve to be great. In other words, he completely reconfigures our understanding of shame and honor.
5/15/202231 minutes, 21 seconds
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"The Humble King and His Paradoxical Kingdom"

Though a king, Jesus adopts the posture of someone lowly and humble. Likewise, in his kingdom you have to lose your life to gain it, sacrifice your life to save it, and serve to be great. In other words, he completely reconfigures our understanding of shame and honor.
5/15/202231 minutes, 21 seconds
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“Closing Words”

What does Jesus close his public ministry with? What does he say? What does he focus on? Why does it matter?
5/8/202220 minutes, 34 seconds
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“Closing Words”

What does Jesus close his public ministry with? What does he say? What does he focus on? Why does it matter?
5/8/202220 minutes, 34 seconds
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“Perfuming the Feet of Jesus”

Mary pours out her entire flask of ointment on the feet of Jesus, a costly, sacrificial, and beautiful act of humility, service, and affection. In doing so, she becomes both a picture of the Church’s calling and a foreshadowing of Jesus’ own costly and sacrificial act on the cross.
5/1/202227 minutes, 44 seconds
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“Perfuming the Feet of Jesus”

Mary pours out her entire flask of ointment on the feet of Jesus, a costly, sacrificial, and beautiful act of humility, service, and affection. In doing so, she becomes both a picture of the Church’s calling and a foreshadowing of Jesus’ own costly and sacrificial act on the cross.
5/1/202227 minutes, 44 seconds
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"That One Man Should Die"

Caiaphas suggests that they put Jesus to death as a political solution - that his death will spare the nation from being destroyed by the Romans. But there is a deeper theological meaning to his words, which he could not see - that his death would save a whole people.
4/24/202230 minutes, 16 seconds
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"That One Man Should Die"

Caiaphas suggests that they put Jesus to death as a political solution - that his death will spare the nation from being destroyed by the Romans. But there is a deeper theological meaning to his words, which he could not see - that his death would save a whole people.
4/24/202230 minutes, 16 seconds
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"The Resurrection and the Life"

Facing death often brings pain, confusion, and even anger, but Jesus has power over death.
4/17/202237 minutes, 9 seconds
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"The Resurrection and the Life"

Facing death often brings pain, confusion, and even anger, but Jesus has power over death.
4/17/202237 minutes, 9 seconds
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"The Good Friday"

4/15/202214 minutes, 52 seconds
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"The Good Friday"

4/15/202214 minutes, 52 seconds
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"Lowly Love"

What does it look like to love well? How might that shape how we view ourselves and others?
4/14/202222 minutes, 28 seconds
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"Lowly Love"

What does it look like to love well? How might that shape how we view ourselves and others?
4/14/202222 minutes, 28 seconds
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"The Divine Shepherd"

Jesus is the Divine Shepherd who promises us that nothing can ever snatch us out of his hand.
4/10/202230 minutes, 14 seconds
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"The Divine Shepherd"

Jesus is the Divine Shepherd who promises us that nothing can ever snatch us out of his hand.
4/10/202230 minutes, 14 seconds
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“The Good Shepherd”

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep, calls them by name, and loves them enough to lay his life down for them, that they might have life and have it abundantly.
4/3/202232 minutes, 10 seconds
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“The Good Shepherd”

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep, calls them by name, and loves them enough to lay his life down for them, that they might have life and have it abundantly.
4/3/202232 minutes, 10 seconds
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"The Man Born Blind"

When Jesus and his disciples encounter a man born blind, the disciples want to know what caused the man’s blindness - his sin or his parents’ sin. But Jesus refocuses the question from what caused the man’s blindness to what God might be doing in and through the man’s blindness.
3/27/202225 minutes, 39 seconds
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"The Man Born Blind"

When Jesus and his disciples encounter a man born blind, the disciples want to know what caused the man’s blindness - his sin or his parents’ sin. But Jesus refocuses the question from what caused the man’s blindness to what God might be doing in and through the man’s blindness.
3/27/202225 minutes, 39 seconds
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"The Truth Shall Set You Free"

We are all by nature slaves to sin, but Jesus offers us the truth that can set us free.
3/20/202233 minutes
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"The Truth Shall Set You Free"

We are all by nature slaves to sin, but Jesus offers us the truth that can set us free.
3/20/202233 minutes
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“The Light of the World”

As the light of the world, Jesus is the one who guides us through life, gives us hope for the world, and brings forth new life.
3/13/202232 minutes, 6 seconds
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“The Light of the World”

As the light of the world, Jesus is the one who guides us through life, gives us hope for the world, and brings forth new life.
3/13/202232 minutes, 6 seconds
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“What Are You Thirsting For?”

In a hyper-individualized western society, we often feel a successful life is a life defined by "feeling good." But does pursuing our own natural desires always produce the end we hoped for? How might the person of Jesus, his teachings, his life, and his way, actually show us what the beautiful life is?
3/6/202229 minutes, 38 seconds
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“What Are You Thirsting For?”

In a hyper-individualized western society, we often feel a successful life is a life defined by "feeling good." But does pursuing our own natural desires always produce the end we hoped for? How might the person of Jesus, his teachings, his life, and his way, actually show us what the beautiful life is?
3/6/202229 minutes, 38 seconds
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“Whose Glory Are You Seeking?”

In a world that is on edge, stressed out, and polarizing... how do we learn to talk again? It might just start with answering the question, 'Whose glory are you seeking?" In many ways, this shaped how and why we do relationships.
2/27/202234 minutes, 54 seconds
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“Whose Glory Are You Seeking?”

In a world that is on edge, stressed out, and polarizing... how do we learn to talk again? It might just start with answering the question, 'Whose glory are you seeking?" In many ways, this shaped how and why we do relationships.
2/27/202234 minutes, 54 seconds
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"The World’s Chronos and the Lord’s Kairos"

Within the normal flow of time, there are certain times and seasons that are especially full of divine significance. Jesus is attuned to these, and those who follow Jesus must be attuned to them as well.
2/20/202229 minutes, 24 seconds
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"The World’s Chronos and the Lord’s Kairos"

Within the normal flow of time, there are certain times and seasons that are especially full of divine significance. Jesus is attuned to these, and those who follow Jesus must be attuned to them as well.
2/20/202229 minutes, 24 seconds
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“To Whom Shall We Go?”

Jesus claims some hard things, confronts us with hard things, and calls us to hard things. Yet we should not abandon him because he along has the words of eternal life.
2/13/202232 minutes, 28 seconds
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“To Whom Shall We Go?”

Jesus claims some hard things, confronts us with hard things, and calls us to hard things. Yet we should not abandon him because he along has the words of eternal life.
2/13/202232 minutes, 28 seconds
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“The Bread of Life”

Jesus is the bread of life that satisfies our deepest spiritual hunger.
2/6/202234 minutes, 54 seconds
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“The Bread of Life”

Jesus is the bread of life that satisfies our deepest spiritual hunger.
2/6/202234 minutes, 54 seconds
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"It Is I, Fear Not"

In the midst of darkness and storms, Jesus moves toward us with calm, steady power.
1/30/202230 minutes, 15 seconds
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"It Is I, Fear Not"

In the midst of darkness and storms, Jesus moves toward us with calm, steady power.
1/30/202230 minutes, 15 seconds
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"Who's Hungry?"

With great compassion and love Jesus feeds the hungry. Are you hungry? Jesus is not just offering food, he is giving much more!
1/23/202231 minutes, 45 seconds
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"Who's Hungry?"

With great compassion and love Jesus feeds the hungry. Are you hungry? Jesus is not just offering food, he is giving much more!
1/23/202231 minutes, 45 seconds
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“One with the Father”

Jesus has divine authority, is the source of true life, and is the judge of all the earth.
1/16/202233 minutes, 43 seconds
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“One with the Father”

Jesus has divine authority, is the source of true life, and is the judge of all the earth.
1/16/202233 minutes, 43 seconds
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“The Lord Is My Shepherd”

1/9/202225 minutes, 36 seconds
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“The Lord Is My Shepherd”

1/9/202225 minutes, 36 seconds
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“The Healing at the Pool of Bethesda”

Jesus heals a disabled man in Jerusalem with compassionate mercy and by doing so gives a picture of God’s larger story of healing in the world.
1/2/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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“The Healing at the Pool of Bethesda”

Jesus heals a disabled man in Jerusalem with compassionate mercy and by doing so gives a picture of God’s larger story of healing in the world.
1/2/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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"Your Son Will Live"

Jesus shows that he is full of grace, power, and life when he heals the son of a royal official.
12/26/202129 minutes, 29 seconds
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"Your Son Will Live"

Jesus shows that he is full of grace, power, and life when he heals the son of a royal official.
12/26/202129 minutes, 29 seconds
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"The King's Arrival"

12/24/202114 minutes, 29 seconds
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"The King's Arrival"

12/24/202114 minutes, 29 seconds
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"The King’s Disguise"

When the King comes to his people, he comes disguised in the weak, the helpless, and the vulnerable.
12/19/202132 minutes, 4 seconds
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"The King’s Disguise"

When the King comes to his people, he comes disguised in the weak, the helpless, and the vulnerable.
12/19/202132 minutes, 4 seconds
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"The King’s Wealth"

While we wait for the King to return, he has put things into our trust to be used for the sake of his kingdom. What are we doing with them?
12/12/202130 minutes, 45 seconds
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"The King’s Wealth"

While we wait for the King to return, he has put things into our trust to be used for the sake of his kingdom. What are we doing with them?
12/12/202130 minutes, 45 seconds
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“The King’s Delay”

Jesus compares the coming of the King to the delayed arrival of a bridegroom. Some bridesmaids are prepared with extra oil for their lamps, some are not. Which bridesmaids are we more like?
12/5/202131 minutes, 44 seconds
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“The King’s Delay”

Jesus compares the coming of the King to the delayed arrival of a bridegroom. Some bridesmaids are prepared with extra oil for their lamps, some are not. Which bridesmaids are we more like?
12/5/202131 minutes, 44 seconds
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"The King’s Surprise"

When the King comes to the world, but in the middle of history and at the end of history, he will catch people by surprise. Therefore, we are called to care for others well, while we wait, and steward all things as belonging to him.
11/28/202130 minutes, 56 seconds
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"The King’s Surprise"

When the King comes to the world, but in the middle of history and at the end of history, he will catch people by surprise. Therefore, we are called to care for others well, while we wait, and steward all things as belonging to him.
11/28/202130 minutes, 56 seconds
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“That Sower and Reaper May Rejoice Together”

Through the witness of the woman at the well, God’s great spiritual harvest begins to come in.
11/21/202129 minutes, 41 seconds
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“That Sower and Reaper May Rejoice Together”

Through the witness of the woman at the well, God’s great spiritual harvest begins to come in.
11/21/202129 minutes, 41 seconds
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“The Woman at the Well”

Jesus crosses boundaries to welcome a Samaritan woman and invites her to become a true worshipper.
11/14/202134 minutes, 37 seconds
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“The Woman at the Well”

Jesus crosses boundaries to welcome a Samaritan woman and invites her to become a true worshipper.
11/14/202134 minutes, 37 seconds
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“The Gospel lived: We must decrease and He must increase”

Are the truths we know and the truths we say actually lived out in our lives? John the Baptist cuts through the religiosity of his disciples and invites them to embody the Gospel. How might our lives need to change when we follow Jesus?
11/7/202132 minutes, 47 seconds
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“The Gospel lived: We must decrease and He must increase”

Are the truths we know and the truths we say actually lived out in our lives? John the Baptist cuts through the religiosity of his disciples and invites them to embody the Gospel. How might our lives need to change when we follow Jesus?
11/7/202132 minutes, 47 seconds
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"Born Again"

What changes us? What brings real healing and peace? Can we do that by our own abilities, logic or intellect? Real change, a heart made new, can only happen when the Spirit moves and we have faith in the Triune God.
10/31/202129 minutes, 29 seconds
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"Born Again"

What changes us? What brings real healing and peace? Can we do that by our own abilities, logic or intellect? Real change, a heart made new, can only happen when the Spirit moves and we have faith in the Triune God.
10/31/202129 minutes, 29 seconds
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“The Temple of His Body”

After clearing the money-changers out of the temple, Jesus indicates that he is taking over everything that the temple is.
10/24/202127 minutes, 38 seconds
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“The Temple of His Body”

After clearing the money-changers out of the temple, Jesus indicates that he is taking over everything that the temple is.
10/24/202127 minutes, 38 seconds
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"Water into Wine"

Jesus turns water into wine as a sign that he is changing the old age into the new age.
10/17/202129 minutes, 23 seconds
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"Water into Wine"

Jesus turns water into wine as a sign that he is changing the old age into the new age.
10/17/202129 minutes, 23 seconds
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“The Widening Circle”

The circle of Jesus’s followers widens as they invite others to come and see.
10/10/202127 minutes, 49 seconds
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“The Widening Circle”

The circle of Jesus’s followers widens as they invite others to come and see.
10/10/202127 minutes, 49 seconds
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"Come and See"

Jesus attracts his first followers and invites them to come and see what it is like to be with him.
10/3/202126 minutes, 46 seconds
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"Come and See"

Jesus attracts his first followers and invites them to come and see what it is like to be with him.
10/3/202126 minutes, 46 seconds
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“God’s Sovereignty: A Prayer, A Blessing and A Challenge”

9/26/202127 minutes, 8 seconds
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“God’s Sovereignty: A Prayer, A Blessing and A Challenge”

9/26/202127 minutes, 8 seconds
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“Bearing Witness”

John the Baptist points to Jesus, the one whose sandal he is not worthy to untie, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, and the Son of God who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.
9/19/202131 minutes, 55 seconds
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“Bearing Witness”

John the Baptist points to Jesus, the one whose sandal he is not worthy to untie, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, and the Son of God who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.
9/19/202131 minutes, 55 seconds
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9/12/202125 minutes, 51 seconds
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9/12/202125 minutes, 51 seconds
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"Word Made Flesh"

In Jesus, God took on human flesh. He did so in order to welcome us into his family and give us grace upon grace.
9/5/202138 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Word Made Flesh"

In Jesus, God took on human flesh. He did so in order to welcome us into his family and give us grace upon grace.
9/5/202138 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Good Snake Gone Bad”

8/29/202144 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Good Snake Gone Bad”

8/29/202144 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

“The Only Good Snake: Look and Live”

8/22/202135 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

“The Only Good Snake: Look and Live”

8/22/202135 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Life of Mission: Purpose"

What am I here for? What am I to be about? If we don’t know our purpose then life can seem very purposeless. When our identity is rooted in Jesus we know we are blessed and we then overflow that blessing to others.
8/15/202127 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Life of Mission: Purpose"

What am I here for? What am I to be about? If we don’t know our purpose then life can seem very purposeless. When our identity is rooted in Jesus we know we are blessed and we then overflow that blessing to others.
8/15/202127 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Life of Mission: Community

Where do I fit? Where do I belong? The more we learn about who God is and who we are… the more we realize that following Jesus must happen in community. A community unified in Jesus that gives the world a taste of the Kingdom of God.
8/8/202125 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Life of Mission: Community

Where do I fit? Where do I belong? The more we learn about who God is and who we are… the more we realize that following Jesus must happen in community. A community unified in Jesus that gives the world a taste of the Kingdom of God.
8/8/202125 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Life of Mission: Identity"

Who am I? Where do I find my value and worth? Can we, or do we, have to make our own identity? It is exhausting and fracturing to make and justify your own existence. In Jesus we find a true identity that brings life, wholeness, and purpose.
8/1/202124 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Life of Mission: Identity"

Who am I? Where do I find my value and worth? Can we, or do we, have to make our own identity? It is exhausting and fracturing to make and justify your own existence. In Jesus we find a true identity that brings life, wholeness, and purpose.
8/1/202124 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Pictures of Renewal: Heaven Is My Throne"

The final passage of Isaiah assures us of the strength of heaven’s throne, the joy of Zion’s childbirth, and the glory of the Lord’s coming.
7/25/202122 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Pictures of Renewal: Heaven Is My Throne"

The final passage of Isaiah assures us of the strength of heaven’s throne, the joy of Zion’s childbirth, and the glory of the Lord’s coming.
7/25/202122 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Pictures of Renewal: A New Heavens and New Earth”

Isaiah’s vision of a new heavens and new earth gives us the hope of a world made new, which should give us expectant joy and motivate us to begin the difficult work of rebuilding.
7/18/202132 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Pictures of Renewal: A New Heavens and New Earth”

Isaiah’s vision of a new heavens and new earth gives us the hope of a world made new, which should give us expectant joy and motivate us to begin the difficult work of rebuilding.
7/18/202132 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Pictures of Renewal: I Spread Out My Hands All Day Long"

The Lord reveals his heart towards his people as that of a father who spreads out his hands in welcoming grace and then promises that he can bring forth new wine out of withered grapes.
7/11/202132 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Pictures of Renewal: I Spread Out My Hands All Day Long"

The Lord reveals his heart towards his people as that of a father who spreads out his hands in welcoming grace and then promises that he can bring forth new wine out of withered grapes.
7/11/202132 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Foundations Are Not Destroyed"

7/4/202139 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Foundations Are Not Destroyed"

7/4/202139 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living in Our Father's Space"

6/27/202140 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living in Our Father's Space"

6/27/202140 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Pictures of Renewal: Oh That You Would Rend the Heavens and Come Down"

As the prophet walks among the rubble of the exile, he begins to recount the steadfast love of the Lord and prays for God’s presence and will.
6/20/202134 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Pictures of Renewal: Oh That You Would Rend the Heavens and Come Down"

As the prophet walks among the rubble of the exile, he begins to recount the steadfast love of the Lord and prays for God’s presence and will.
6/20/202134 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Pictures of Renewal: Mighty to Save"

A vivid picture of the Lord’s triumph over evil both reassures us that there is cosmic justice and also points us toward our need for atonement.
6/13/202130 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Pictures of Renewal: Mighty to Save"

A vivid picture of the Lord’s triumph over evil both reassures us that there is cosmic justice and also points us toward our need for atonement.
6/13/202130 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Pictures of Renewal: A Crown of Beauty in the Hand of the Lord"

God has made promises to his people and, if these are true, then we should respond by praying, hoping, and working.
6/6/202131 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Pictures of Renewal: A Crown of Beauty in the Hand of the Lord"

God has made promises to his people and, if these are true, then we should respond by praying, hoping, and working.
6/6/202131 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Pictures of Renewal: Good News for the Poor and Broken-Hearted”

The Spirit-empowered Anointed One brings good news to the poor, binds up the broken-hearted, sets the captives free, and comforts those who mourn.
5/30/202128 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Pictures of Renewal: Good News for the Poor and Broken-Hearted”

The Spirit-empowered Anointed One brings good news to the poor, binds up the broken-hearted, sets the captives free, and comforts those who mourn.
5/30/202128 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Pictures of Renewal: The Glory of the Lord Shines Upon You”

God gives his people a vision of Zion shining with the glory of God. In response, we should arise and shine, and lift up our eyes and see with faith.
5/23/202134 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Pictures of Renewal: The Glory of the Lord Shines Upon You”

God gives his people a vision of Zion shining with the glory of God. In response, we should arise and shine, and lift up our eyes and see with faith.
5/23/202134 minutes, 34 seconds
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"Pictures of Renewal: The Divine Warrior"

In a world plagued by injustice, God announces that he will come as the Divine Warrior to set things right and establish justice.
5/16/202136 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Pictures of Renewal: The Divine Warrior"

In a world plagued by injustice, God announces that he will come as the Divine Warrior to set things right and establish justice.
5/16/202136 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Pictures of Renewal: A Watered Garden"

God isn’t interested in hollow religion. He desires for our hearts to be changed so that we work for justice, express compassion, and show mercy.
5/9/202133 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Pictures of Renewal: A Watered Garden"

God isn’t interested in hollow religion. He desires for our hearts to be changed so that we work for justice, express compassion, and show mercy.
5/9/202133 minutes, 17 seconds
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"The Dynamic of Renewal"

God dwells in a high and holy place. Yet he also dwells with those who are contrite and lowly in spirit.
5/2/202133 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Dynamic of Renewal"

God dwells in a high and holy place. Yet he also dwells with those who are contrite and lowly in spirit.
5/2/202133 minutes, 48 seconds
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"The Source of Renewal"

All of us are prone to care about ourselves before others, but the Lord invites us to take refuge in him as not only the source of our renewal but also the way forward as a community.
4/25/202133 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Source of Renewal"

All of us are prone to care about ourselves before others, but the Lord invites us to take refuge in him as not only the source of our renewal but also the way forward as a community.
4/25/202133 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Vision of Renewal"

In the aftermath of the exile, the Lord calls his people back to the covenant and to a vision of his covenant expanding outward to welcome the outcasts and rejected, and to cross all racial, ethnic, and national lines, so that the temple becomes a house of prayer for all peoples.
4/18/202132 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Vision of Renewal"

In the aftermath of the exile, the Lord calls his people back to the covenant and to a vision of his covenant expanding outward to welcome the outcasts and rejected, and to cross all racial, ethnic, and national lines, so that the temple becomes a house of prayer for all peoples.
4/18/202132 minutes, 17 seconds
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“The Storms of Life”

4/11/202127 minutes, 41 seconds
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“The Storms of Life”

4/11/202127 minutes, 41 seconds
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"The Sabbath and Resurrection"

The resurrection is connected to the Sabbath, and therefore every Sabbath is a little Easter, full of life, joy, power, and hope.
4/4/202129 minutes, 1 second
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"The Sabbath and Resurrection"

The resurrection is connected to the Sabbath, and therefore every Sabbath is a little Easter, full of life, joy, power, and hope.
4/4/202129 minutes, 1 second
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“The Significance of the Cross”

4/2/202126 minutes, 14 seconds
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“The Significance of the Cross”

4/2/202126 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Anticipating Communion"

From Israel’s earliest days, the Sabbath was tied to communion with God. In Jesus, this connection is both strengthened and deepened.
3/28/202129 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Anticipating Communion"

From Israel’s earliest days, the Sabbath was tied to communion with God. In Jesus, this connection is both strengthened and deepened.
3/28/202129 minutes, 26 seconds
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“Living the Sabbath: Anticipating Shalom”

3/21/202128 minutes, 18 seconds
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“Living the Sabbath: Anticipating Shalom”

3/21/202128 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Anticipating Freedom”

The Sabbath is a picture of freedom and liberation, and it stirs within us a longing for the freedom to come.
3/14/202128 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Anticipating Freedom”

The Sabbath is a picture of freedom and liberation, and it stirs within us a longing for the freedom to come.
3/14/202128 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Anticipating Eternity”

We live in disorienting times and seasons but the Sabbath reorients us to eternity.
3/7/202129 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Anticipating Eternity”

We live in disorienting times and seasons but the Sabbath reorients us to eternity.
3/7/202129 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Delighting through Celebrating”

The Sabbath shapes us to delight in God through celebration, especially through singing and worship.
2/28/202127 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Delighting through Celebrating”

The Sabbath shapes us to delight in God through celebration, especially through singing and worship.
2/28/202127 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Delighting through Sensing”

Delighting in God should not just be a spiritual exercise but one that involves our five senses as well. The Sabbath helps cultivate our ability to do this well.
2/21/202132 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Delighting through Sensing”

Delighting in God should not just be a spiritual exercise but one that involves our five senses as well. The Sabbath helps cultivate our ability to do this well.
2/21/202132 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Delighting through Playing“

Our Sabbath-keeping God displays many traits. We will explore three of God’s traits described by the prophet Zechariah. A couple of these traits might be a bit surprising to us, His children.
2/14/202130 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Delighting through Playing“

Our Sabbath-keeping God displays many traits. We will explore three of God’s traits described by the prophet Zechariah. A couple of these traits might be a bit surprising to us, His children.
2/14/202130 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Delighting through Feasting“

In Jesus’ kingdom, his table is a place of healing grace. Therefore feasting – and Sabbath feasting in particular – is a signpost of the kingdom.
2/7/202131 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Delighting through Feasting“

In Jesus’ kingdom, his table is a place of healing grace. Therefore feasting – and Sabbath feasting in particular – is a signpost of the kingdom.
2/7/202131 minutes, 54 seconds
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“Living the Sabbath: Resisting Oppression and Marginalization”

The system of Sabbaths in Israel reveals God’s heart of compassion for the oppressed and marginalized.
1/31/202128 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Resisting Oppression and Marginalization”

The system of Sabbaths in Israel reveals God’s heart of compassion for the oppressed and marginalized.
1/31/202128 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath - Resisting Economic Injustice"

Since the days of ancient Israel, the Sabbath has been intended to shape God’s people to care about the poor, the needy, and the sojourner.
1/24/202130 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath - Resisting Economic Injustice"

Since the days of ancient Israel, the Sabbath has been intended to shape God’s people to care about the poor, the needy, and the sojourner.
1/24/202130 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Resisting Environmental Exploitation”

God gave the Sabbath as a gift not only to people but also for the land and the wild animals. Therefore the Sabbath should shape us to care about God’s creation.
1/17/202131 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Resisting Environmental Exploitation”

God gave the Sabbath as a gift not only to people but also for the land and the wild animals. Therefore the Sabbath should shape us to care about God’s creation.
1/17/202131 minutes, 57 seconds
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"Living the Sabbath - Resisting Enslaving Expectations"

The Sabbath is God’s gracious gift that gives us relief from the burdens we carry and all the expectations that pile up on us.
1/10/202128 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath - Resisting Enslaving Expectations"

The Sabbath is God’s gracious gift that gives us relief from the burdens we carry and all the expectations that pile up on us.
1/10/202128 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Resisting Technological Tyranny”

Our digital word shapes us to look for connection and life through virtual means. However, Jesus is the vine through whom we find true connection and life. The Sabbath is an important way that God practices necessary technological pruning and spiritual fruit-bearing.
1/3/202132 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Resisting Technological Tyranny”

Our digital word shapes us to look for connection and life through virtual means. However, Jesus is the vine through whom we find true connection and life. The Sabbath is an important way that God practices necessary technological pruning and spiritual fruit-bearing.
1/3/202132 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Our Perspective vs. God’s Perspective”

Is it unsettling to your faith when those who hate Jesus seem to triumph and those who love Him endure unspeakable tragedy? It is likely that we have all struggled with understanding what God is doing in our lives and in our world. In Psalm 73 Asaph is brutally honest about this very thing. Find out not only about his wearisome struggle but the one thing that totally changed his thoughts and heart as God gave him a different perspective—His perspective. It just might change your thoughts and heart for the new year.
12/27/202036 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Our Perspective vs. God’s Perspective”

Is it unsettling to your faith when those who hate Jesus seem to triumph and those who love Him endure unspeakable tragedy? It is likely that we have all struggled with understanding what God is doing in our lives and in our world. In Psalm 73 Asaph is brutally honest about this very thing. Find out not only about his wearisome struggle but the one thing that totally changed his thoughts and heart as God gave him a different perspective—His perspective. It just might change your thoughts and heart for the new year.
12/27/202036 minutes, 45 seconds
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"He Draws Near"

In the birth of Jesus, God draws near to us, even in our brokenness and messiness.
12/24/202018 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

"He Draws Near"

In the birth of Jesus, God draws near to us, even in our brokenness and messiness.
12/24/202018 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Waiting for Justice"

In hope, we wait for God’s coming kingdom where the wicked will be brought low and the humble will lifted up.
12/20/202036 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Waiting for Justice"

In hope, we wait for God’s coming kingdom where the wicked will be brought low and the humble will lifted up.
12/20/202036 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Waiting in Loneliness"

When we are lonely, the Lord is our light and our salvation. Even if all others forsake us, the Lord will take us in.
12/13/202034 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Waiting in Loneliness"

When we are lonely, the Lord is our light and our salvation. Even if all others forsake us, the Lord will take us in.
12/13/202034 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Waiting in Pain"

Life in this world is filled with pain but the good news of Advent is that God draws near to us in our pain and invites us to wait on him in hope.
12/6/202031 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Waiting in Pain"

Life in this world is filled with pain but the good news of Advent is that God draws near to us in our pain and invites us to wait on him in hope.
12/6/202031 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Waiting in the Depths"

When the psalmist feels as though he is sinking down into the depths because of his sin, he learns to wait for the Lord’s redemption and that becomes his solid hope.
11/29/202031 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Waiting in the Depths"

When the psalmist feels as though he is sinking down into the depths because of his sin, he learns to wait for the Lord’s redemption and that becomes his solid hope.
11/29/202031 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Renewing by Consecrating Life”

Ezekiel describes the Sabbath as a sign – of God’s saving grace, of life free from idols, and of a life set apart for God.
11/22/202031 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Renewing by Consecrating Life”

Ezekiel describes the Sabbath as a sign – of God’s saving grace, of life free from idols, and of a life set apart for God.
11/22/202031 minutes, 13 seconds
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“The Archimedean Point”

11/15/202026 minutes, 48 seconds
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“The Archimedean Point”

11/15/202026 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Beautiful Community - Destiny's Children"

11/8/202035 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Beautiful Community - Destiny's Children"

11/8/202035 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Renewing by Being Still"

When the world seems to be falling apart, God is our refuge and strength. Therefore, he calls us to be still and know that he is the Lord.
11/1/202033 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Renewing by Being Still"

When the world seems to be falling apart, God is our refuge and strength. Therefore, he calls us to be still and know that he is the Lord.
11/1/202033 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Resting Socially"

The Sabbath short-circuits the social abuses and dysfunctions that creep into our lives, and provides a grace-filled space where we can be socially and relationally healthy.
10/25/202032 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Resting Socially"

The Sabbath short-circuits the social abuses and dysfunctions that creep into our lives, and provides a grace-filled space where we can be socially and relationally healthy.
10/25/202032 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Resting Emotionally"

10/18/202034 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Resting Emotionally"

10/18/202034 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Resting Physically"

By healing the man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, Jesus shows that God’s desire to bring healing and restoration to the body is at the very heart of the Sabbath day.
10/11/202028 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Resting Physically"

By healing the man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, Jesus shows that God’s desire to bring healing and restoration to the body is at the very heart of the Sabbath day.
10/11/202028 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Resting Spiritually"

Jesus invites all those who are weary and burdened to come to him and find rest, and he promises to give us rest for our souls.
10/4/202031 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Resting Spiritually"

Jesus invites all those who are weary and burdened to come to him and find rest, and he promises to give us rest for our souls.
10/4/202031 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Ceasing from Commodification"

We live in a culture in which so many things are commodified. The Sabbath trains us to turn away from the culture of commodification and its gospel of consumerism, and instead to embrace a life of grace and the gospel of the kingdom.
9/27/202032 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Living the Sabbath: Ceasing from Commodification"

We live in a culture in which so many things are commodified. The Sabbath trains us to turn away from the culture of commodification and its gospel of consumerism, and instead to embrace a life of grace and the gospel of the kingdom.
9/27/202032 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: The Loyal Opposition”

We live in a world of clocks and calendars that seem to shout all the time, "Faster. Faster. More. More." We may not be able to escape our culture but we can resist it.
9/20/202023 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: The Loyal Opposition”

We live in a world of clocks and calendars that seem to shout all the time, "Faster. Faster. More. More." We may not be able to escape our culture but we can resist it.
9/20/202023 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Ceasing from Work”

We were made to work and rest, but we often see rest as a means to an end to bring more productivity to our work. When we cease we realize we are not in control. When we cease we are faced with the question, "What makes me worthy?"
9/13/202022 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Ceasing from Work”

We were made to work and rest, but we often see rest as a means to an end to bring more productivity to our work. When we cease we realize we are not in control. When we cease we are faced with the question, "What makes me worthy?"
9/13/202022 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Ceasing from Anxiety”

The Sabbath gives us a new way to approach the anxiety in our lives, by allowing us to rest and trust in God’s provision and promises.
9/6/202028 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Living the Sabbath: Ceasing from Anxiety”

The Sabbath gives us a new way to approach the anxiety in our lives, by allowing us to rest and trust in God’s provision and promises.
9/6/202028 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Theology of Sabbath: A Foretaste of Consummation"

The Sabbath gives us a small glimpse of the rest into which we will finally enter in the new creation.
8/30/202026 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Theology of Sabbath: A Foretaste of Consummation"

The Sabbath gives us a small glimpse of the rest into which we will finally enter in the new creation.
8/30/202026 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Theology of Sabbath: A Sign of Redemption"

The Sabbath is a picture of God’s redeeming work - that we are not saved by our works but simply by resting in Christ.
8/23/202026 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Theology of Sabbath: A Sign of Redemption"

The Sabbath is a picture of God’s redeeming work - that we are not saved by our works but simply by resting in Christ.
8/23/202026 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Theology of Sabbath: A Design of Creation"

God’s pattern of creating the world becomes the pattern for our own weekly rhythms, such that the Sabbath ushers us into the practices of reflecting on God as Creator, ourselves as finite creatures, and our lives as dependent and shaped by God’s ways.
8/16/202027 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Theology of Sabbath: A Design of Creation"

God’s pattern of creating the world becomes the pattern for our own weekly rhythms, such that the Sabbath ushers us into the practices of reflecting on God as Creator, ourselves as finite creatures, and our lives as dependent and shaped by God’s ways.
8/16/202027 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A Theology of Sabbath: A Gift from Heaven”

The Sabbath is a gift from heaven that evidences God’s kind and gracious provision.
8/9/202032 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A Theology of Sabbath: A Gift from Heaven”

The Sabbath is a gift from heaven that evidences God’s kind and gracious provision.
8/9/202032 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Sanctuary in Time"

Many of us have a dysfunctional relationship to time but God has built for us a sanctuary in time.
8/2/202026 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Sanctuary in Time"

Many of us have a dysfunctional relationship to time but God has built for us a sanctuary in time.
8/2/202026 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Come, Lord Jesus!"

The book of Revelation ends with the promise and the hope that Jesus is coming. This is what grounds our worship and our way of life.
7/26/202033 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Come, Lord Jesus!"

The book of Revelation ends with the promise and the hope that Jesus is coming. This is what grounds our worship and our way of life.
7/26/202033 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A City of Glory, A Garden of Healing”

The new creation is a city of glory, where kings bring their glory into it, but also a garden of healing, where the nations of the world find full and final healing.
7/19/202030 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A City of Glory, A Garden of Healing”

The new creation is a city of glory, where kings bring their glory into it, but also a garden of healing, where the nations of the world find full and final healing.
7/19/202030 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

“New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem”

John sees a vision of a new creation that is full of God’s presence, that consummates all our desires, that is incomparably beautiful, and that is saturated with glory.
7/12/202036 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

“New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem”

John sees a vision of a new creation that is full of God’s presence, that consummates all our desires, that is incomparably beautiful, and that is saturated with glory.
7/12/202036 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Final Judgment”

What do you love? What captivates your heart? Do your answers equate to the actions and deeds of your life? How you answer these questions has an eternal importance.
7/5/202024 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Final Judgment”

What do you love? What captivates your heart? Do your answers equate to the actions and deeds of your life? How you answer these questions has an eternal importance.
7/5/202024 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Keep Your Eye on the Ball”

It's so easy as you think about Revelation to get distracted by any number of secondary questions. In today's text, John reminds us again of what is central to his message and what, therefore, is central for our own understanding of what it means to follow Jesus.
6/28/202028 minutes, 27 seconds
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“Keep Your Eye on the Ball”

It's so easy as you think about Revelation to get distracted by any number of secondary questions. In today's text, John reminds us again of what is central to his message and what, therefore, is central for our own understanding of what it means to follow Jesus.
6/28/202028 minutes, 27 seconds
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“Christ the Victor!”

Two main truths come out of Revelation 19:11-21. Jesus is the Victor...HE WINS!!! And evil and those who do evil will be severely punished even though it may seem that they are getting by with it. God will NOT let them off the hook. Live in light of being on the winning team.
6/21/202030 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Christ the Victor!”

Two main truths come out of Revelation 19:11-21. Jesus is the Victor...HE WINS!!! And evil and those who do evil will be severely punished even though it may seem that they are getting by with it. God will NOT let them off the hook. Live in light of being on the winning team.
6/21/202030 minutes, 12 seconds
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"Hallelujah! The Wedding Feast Is Here!"

After the defeat of evil, a hallelujah chorus breaks out, culminating in the wedding supper of the Lamb.
6/14/202031 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Hallelujah! The Wedding Feast Is Here!"

After the defeat of evil, a hallelujah chorus breaks out, culminating in the wedding supper of the Lamb.
6/14/202031 minutes, 19 seconds
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“Fallen, Fallen is Babylon the Great!”

Babylon is a picture of a seductive evil but the assurance is that one day she will be conquered for good.
6/7/202035 minutes, 7 seconds
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“Fallen, Fallen is Babylon the Great!”

Babylon is a picture of a seductive evil but the assurance is that one day she will be conquered for good.
6/7/202035 minutes, 7 seconds
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“The Power and the Glory”

As an expression of God’s power and glory, he eventually will rid the world of all the powers that ruin and destroy it.
5/31/202032 minutes, 54 seconds
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“The Power and the Glory”

As an expression of God’s power and glory, he eventually will rid the world of all the powers that ruin and destroy it.
5/31/202032 minutes, 54 seconds
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"Three Cups of Wine"

A warning of the idolatrous and destructive results of drinking from Babylon’s cup is followed by a promise of blessing to those who die in the Lord.
5/24/202031 minutes, 50 seconds
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"Three Cups of Wine"

A warning of the idolatrous and destructive results of drinking from Babylon’s cup is followed by a promise of blessing to those who die in the Lord.
5/24/202031 minutes, 50 seconds
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“Battle Hymn of the Kingdom”

After visions of the dragon and beasts waging war on the saints, John sees a vision of the Lamb standing triumphantly on top of Mount Zion, prompting an outbreak of worship.
5/17/202026 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Battle Hymn of the Kingdom”

After visions of the dragon and beasts waging war on the saints, John sees a vision of the Lamb standing triumphantly on top of Mount Zion, prompting an outbreak of worship.
5/17/202026 minutes, 4 seconds
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“The Beasts from Sea and Land”

In his effort to make war with the saints, the dragon enlists the beasts of the sea and the land, revealing how all human institutions and systems of power, especially governments, have the capacity for evil.
5/10/202030 minutes, 31 seconds
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“The Beasts from Sea and Land”

In his effort to make war with the saints, the dragon enlists the beasts of the sea and the land, revealing how all human institutions and systems of power, especially governments, have the capacity for evil.
5/10/202030 minutes, 31 seconds
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"The Dragon, the Woman, and the Child"

John sees a vision of a great red dragon wanting to devour the messianic child but when he is unable to do so, he turns his fury on the followers of the Messiah.
5/3/202029 minutes, 15 seconds
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"The Dragon, the Woman, and the Child"

John sees a vision of a great red dragon wanting to devour the messianic child but when he is unable to do so, he turns his fury on the followers of the Messiah.
5/3/202029 minutes, 15 seconds
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“The Mighty Angel of Land and Sea”

John sees a mighty angel straddling the land and the sea and then three pictures of God’s people as they live in the midst of the empire—a scroll that tastes sweet even though it is bitter to the stomach, a temple that worships even though it is trampled, and two witnesses who are raised to new life even though they are slain.
4/26/202026 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

“The Mighty Angel of Land and Sea”

John sees a mighty angel straddling the land and the sea and then three pictures of God’s people as they live in the midst of the empire—a scroll that tastes sweet even though it is bitter to the stomach, a temple that worships even though it is trampled, and two witnesses who are raised to new life even though they are slain.
4/26/202026 minutes, 55 seconds
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"The Seven Trumpets and the Hope of Justice"

The seven trumpets are an answer to our cry for justice in a world plagued by evil and they give us hope that one day God’s kingdom will be established on earth and make all things right.
4/19/202030 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Seven Trumpets and the Hope of Justice"

The seven trumpets are an answer to our cry for justice in a world plagued by evil and they give us hope that one day God’s kingdom will be established on earth and make all things right.
4/19/202030 minutes, 32 seconds
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"The All-Surpassing Glory of the Resurrection Body"

The resurrection of Jesus assures us that God will transform our mortal bodies into new resurrection bodies - the corruptible into the incorruptible, the dishonorable into the glorious, the weak into the powerful, the natural into the spiritual.
4/12/202026 minutes, 29 seconds
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"The All-Surpassing Glory of the Resurrection Body"

The resurrection of Jesus assures us that God will transform our mortal bodies into new resurrection bodies - the corruptible into the incorruptible, the dishonorable into the glorious, the weak into the powerful, the natural into the spiritual.
4/12/202026 minutes, 29 seconds
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“My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”

Jesus’ cry of agony on the cross shows us both the seriousness of our sin and the basis for our salvation.
4/10/202018 minutes, 27 seconds
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“My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”

Jesus’ cry of agony on the cross shows us both the seriousness of our sin and the basis for our salvation.
4/10/202018 minutes, 27 seconds
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"A Royal Procession OR ???"

Throughout the Gospel of Mark, Mark is pretty low key on who Jesus is (partially because Jesus constantly tells people not to say who he is), but when we get to the triumphal entry, Jesus does not tell people to be quiet, but He lets them shout out who He is. You will discover that there are some great truths in this passage that will help all of us through this very challenging time. One of the most powerful points in this passage is realizing that this is not just a royal procession of a King, but also a funeral procession. Jesus was signing His own death warrant taking Himself to the cross. Sit and rest in the great truths you will hear!
4/5/202025 minutes
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"A Royal Procession OR ???"

Throughout the Gospel of Mark, Mark is pretty low key on who Jesus is (partially because Jesus constantly tells people not to say who he is), but when we get to the triumphal entry, Jesus does not tell people to be quiet, but He lets them shout out who He is. You will discover that there are some great truths in this passage that will help all of us through this very challenging time. One of the most powerful points in this passage is realizing that this is not just a royal procession of a King, but also a funeral procession. Jesus was signing His own death warrant taking Himself to the cross. Sit and rest in the great truths you will hear!
4/5/202025 minutes
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“Sealed from Every Tongue, Tribe, and Nation”

God seals his people to mark them as his and to protect through the travails of history. As a result, this new people – gathered from every nation – surround the throne in worship.
3/29/202030 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Sealed from Every Tongue, Tribe, and Nation”

God seals his people to mark them as his and to protect through the travails of history. As a result, this new people – gathered from every nation – surround the throne in worship.
3/29/202030 minutes, 38 seconds
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“I Pledge Allegiance…”

Like Christians in every time and place, we get a lot of messages (subtle and not so subtle) about what are ultimate commitments should be. The Apostle John weighs in on that challenging our assumptions about what's ultimate and what's not.
3/22/202029 minutes, 38 seconds
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“I Pledge Allegiance…”

Like Christians in every time and place, we get a lot of messages (subtle and not so subtle) about what are ultimate commitments should be. The Apostle John weighs in on that challenging our assumptions about what's ultimate and what's not.
3/22/202029 minutes, 38 seconds
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"The Lamb Who Is Worthy"

John sees a vision of the throne room with a Lamb standing as if slain. And he is the secret to how God overcomes the sin, evil, and brokenness of the world.
3/15/202032 minutes, 23 seconds
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"The Lamb Who Is Worthy"

John sees a vision of the throne room with a Lamb standing as if slain. And he is the secret to how God overcomes the sin, evil, and brokenness of the world.
3/15/202032 minutes, 23 seconds
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"All of Grace"

3/8/202057 minutes, 50 seconds
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"The Throne Room"

John is taken into the heavenly throne room and given a vision of God’s glory, majesty, holiness, sovereignty, and power.
3/8/202029 minutes, 30 seconds
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"The Throne Room"

John is taken into the heavenly throne room and given a vision of God’s glory, majesty, holiness, sovereignty, and power.
3/8/202029 minutes, 30 seconds
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"All of Grace"

3/8/202057 minutes, 50 seconds
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“Buying from Christ and the Kingdom Throne”

The church in Laodicea had become lukewarm and ineffective. Therefore Jesus tells them to come and buy from him what can truly satisfy them.
3/1/202028 minutes, 44 seconds
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"All of Grace"

3/1/202059 minutes, 19 seconds
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"All of Grace"

3/1/202059 minutes, 19 seconds
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“Buying from Christ and the Kingdom Throne”

The church in Laodicea had become lukewarm and ineffective. Therefore Jesus tells them to come and buy from him what can truly satisfy them.
3/1/202028 minutes, 44 seconds
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"All of Grace"

2/23/202055 minutes, 52 seconds
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“Holding Fast and the Temple Pillar”

The small church in Philadelphia had been excluded from the larger Jewish community but Jesus reassures them that he will vindicate them, keep them, and make them a pillar in his temple.
2/23/202028 minutes, 5 seconds
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"All of Grace"

2/23/202055 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Holding Fast and the Temple Pillar”

The small church in Philadelphia had been excluded from the larger Jewish community but Jesus reassures them that he will vindicate them, keep them, and make them a pillar in his temple.
2/23/202028 minutes, 5 seconds
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"All of Grace"

2/16/202058 minutes, 13 seconds
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"Waking Up and the White Garments"

The church in Sardis has a reputation for being alive but, in reality, they are dead. So Jesus urges them to wake up and strengthen what remains. To encourage them, he promises that their names will never be blotted out from the book of life, he will clothe them in white garments, and he will acknowledge them before the Father in heaven.
2/16/202029 minutes, 33 seconds
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"All of Grace"

2/16/202058 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Waking Up and the White Garments"

The church in Sardis has a reputation for being alive but, in reality, they are dead. So Jesus urges them to wake up and strengthen what remains. To encourage them, he promises that their names will never be blotted out from the book of life, he will clothe them in white garments, and he will acknowledge them before the Father in heaven.
2/16/202029 minutes, 33 seconds
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"All of Grace"

2/9/202059 minutes, 3 seconds
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“Holding Fast and the Morning Star”

Many in the church in Thyatira were being seduced into the compromising practices of the trade guilds in the city for the sake of vocational and economic success. Jesus challenges the church to follow him without compromise and promises them something that is so much better—a share in the messianic kingdom.
2/9/202025 minutes, 51 seconds
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“Holding Fast and the Morning Star”

Many in the church in Thyatira were being seduced into the compromising practices of the trade guilds in the city for the sake of vocational and economic success. Jesus challenges the church to follow him without compromise and promises them something that is so much better—a share in the messianic kingdom.
2/9/202025 minutes, 51 seconds
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"All of Grace"

2/9/202059 minutes, 3 seconds
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"Faith in the Crucible"

Does our sexuality matter to God? We learn from the church in Pergamum how influence can greatly impact how we understand sexuality.
2/2/202032 minutes, 36 seconds
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"All of Grace"

2/2/202055 minutes, 30 seconds
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"All of Grace"

2/2/202055 minutes, 30 seconds
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"Faith in the Crucible"

Does our sexuality matter to God? We learn from the church in Pergamum how influence can greatly impact how we understand sexuality.
2/2/202032 minutes, 36 seconds
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"All of Grace"

1/26/202053 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Faithfulness and the Crown of Life"

The church in Smyrna has suffered affliction and poverty for their faith and yet they have remained faithful. Knowing that the persecution will get worse, Jesus encourages them not to be afraid but continue to be faithful since they have the crown of life awaiting them.
1/26/202027 minutes, 46 seconds
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"Faithfulness and the Crown of Life"

The church in Smyrna has suffered affliction and poverty for their faith and yet they have remained faithful. Knowing that the persecution will get worse, Jesus encourages them not to be afraid but continue to be faithful since they have the crown of life awaiting them.
1/26/202027 minutes, 46 seconds
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"All of Grace"

1/26/202053 minutes, 2 seconds
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"All of Grace"

1/19/202057 minutes, 17 seconds
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"Love and the Tree of Life"

The church in Ephesus is busy and committed to truth but had fallen from the love they had at first. Therefore, Jesus tells them to remember, repent, and return, knowing that the tree of life awaits them.
1/19/202030 minutes, 16 seconds
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"All of Grace"

1/19/202057 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Love and the Tree of Life"

The church in Ephesus is busy and committed to truth but had fallen from the love they had at first. Therefore, Jesus tells them to remember, repent, and return, knowing that the tree of life awaits them.
1/19/202030 minutes, 16 seconds
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"The Cosmic Christ"

John has a vision of Christ in all his glory. But it is also a vision of grace for the church because Christ has died, has risen, and now holds the keys to Death and Hades.
1/12/202033 minutes, 1 second
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"The Cosmic Christ"

John has a vision of Christ in all his glory. But it is also a vision of grace for the church because Christ has died, has risen, and now holds the keys to Death and Hades.
1/12/202033 minutes, 1 second
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"To Him Be Glory and Dominion"

The church has received grace and peace from our Triune God and therefore we should respond in worship.
1/5/202035 minutes, 9 seconds
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"To Him Be Glory and Dominion"

The church has received grace and peace from our Triune God and therefore we should respond in worship.
1/5/202035 minutes, 9 seconds
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“The Upheaval of Immanuel”

Jesus’ birth caused upheaval in Mary and Joseph’s lives. And Immanuel, God with us, can cause upheavals in our lives if we will allow Him.
12/29/201925 minutes, 20 seconds
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“The Upheaval of Immanuel”

Jesus’ birth caused upheaval in Mary and Joseph’s lives. And Immanuel, God with us, can cause upheavals in our lives if we will allow Him.
12/29/201925 minutes, 20 seconds
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"Come, O Emmanuel"

12/24/201915 minutes, 9 seconds
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"Come, O Emmanuel"

12/24/201915 minutes, 9 seconds
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“Posture Shift: A Missional Model for Including LGBTQ Persons”

12/15/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 45 seconds
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"Come, O Star of the Morning"

Isaiah promises those dwelling in deep darkness that a new day will dawn. This will happen through the birth of a royal son who will be a wonderful counselor, a mighty God, an everlasting father, and a prince of peace.
12/15/201930 minutes, 35 seconds
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“Posture Shift: A Missional Model for Including LGBTQ Persons”

12/15/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Come, O Star of the Morning"

Isaiah promises those dwelling in deep darkness that a new day will dawn. This will happen through the birth of a royal son who will be a wonderful counselor, a mighty God, an everlasting father, and a prince of peace.
12/15/201930 minutes, 35 seconds
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“Come, O Key of David”

The prophet Isaiah speaks judgment upon a corrupt government official named Shebna and prophecies that a new steward will be appointed, one with integrity who will possess the key of the house of David. As one who can grant access into the presence of the king, he becomes an Advent picture of Jesus who can open the door to the kingdom of God.
12/8/201927 minutes, 58 seconds
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“Come, O Key of David”

The prophet Isaiah speaks judgment upon a corrupt government official named Shebna and prophecies that a new steward will be appointed, one with integrity who will possess the key of the house of David. As one who can grant access into the presence of the king, he becomes an Advent picture of Jesus who can open the door to the kingdom of God.
12/8/201927 minutes, 58 seconds
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“Come, O Branch of Jesse“

In a world of violence and discord, Isaiah foretells a day when a king from the line of David will come, establish justice and righteousness, and bring about a world of peace and harmony where wolves and lambs can lie down together.
12/1/201929 minutes, 2 seconds
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“Come, O Branch of Jesse“

In a world of violence and discord, Isaiah foretells a day when a king from the line of David will come, establish justice and righteousness, and bring about a world of peace and harmony where wolves and lambs can lie down together.
12/1/201929 minutes, 2 seconds
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“Posture Shift: A Missional Model for Including LGBTQ Persons”

11/24/20191 hour, 1 minute, 20 seconds
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"Should I Not Show Mercy to That Great City?"

When Jonah becomes angry that God showed mercy to Nineveh, God uses an object lesson involving a plant to show Jonah just wide is mercy really is.
11/24/201932 minutes, 4 seconds
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"Should I Not Show Mercy to That Great City?"

When Jonah becomes angry that God showed mercy to Nineveh, God uses an object lesson involving a plant to show Jonah just wide is mercy really is.
11/24/201932 minutes, 4 seconds
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“Posture Shift: A Missional Model for Including LGBTQ Persons”

11/24/20191 hour, 1 minute, 20 seconds
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“Posture Shift: A Missional Model for Including LGBTQ Persons”

11/17/20191 hour, 1 minute, 56 seconds
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“A Story Like No Other”

11/17/201958 minutes, 12 seconds
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"Overturning a City"

Jonah goes to Nineveh and announces that God will overturn the city. He, of course, means that as a warning of impending judgment but when Nineveh repents, God shows mercy to the city.
11/17/201927 minutes, 20 seconds
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“A Story Like No Other”

11/17/201958 minutes, 12 seconds
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“Posture Shift: A Missional Model for Including LGBTQ Persons”

11/17/20191 hour, 1 minute, 56 seconds
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"Overturning a City"

Jonah goes to Nineveh and announces that God will overturn the city. He, of course, means that as a warning of impending judgment but when Nineveh repents, God shows mercy to the city.
11/17/201927 minutes, 20 seconds
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“Posture Shift: A Missional Model for Including LGBTQ Persons”

11/10/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
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"Grace in the Depths"

After being thrown overboard, Jonah sinks down to the bottom of the sea. But God sends a great fish to rescue him. In response, Jonah prays in thanksgiving to God. But has he really changed?
11/10/201931 minutes, 21 seconds
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“Posture Shift: A Missional Model for Including LGBTQ Persons”

11/10/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
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"Grace in the Depths"

After being thrown overboard, Jonah sinks down to the bottom of the sea. But God sends a great fish to rescue him. In response, Jonah prays in thanksgiving to God. But has he really changed?
11/10/201931 minutes, 21 seconds
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“Posture Shift: A Missional Model for Including LGBTQ Persons”

11/3/20191 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
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"Reluctant Prophet, Relentless God"

Even though Jonah is reluctant to go to Nineveh, God is relentless in his mission of mercy to the nations.
11/3/201929 minutes, 27 seconds
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“Posture Shift: A Missional Model for Including LGBTQ Persons”

11/3/20191 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
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"Reluctant Prophet, Relentless God"

Even though Jonah is reluctant to go to Nineveh, God is relentless in his mission of mercy to the nations.
11/3/201929 minutes, 27 seconds
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Parent Seminar

Ty Wyss and Aaron Munson from Walls Down Ministry shared about talking to our children regarding sexuality and gender.
11/2/20191 hour, 31 minutes, 14 seconds
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Parent Seminar

Ty Wyss and Aaron Munson from Walls Down Ministry shared about talking to our children regarding sexuality and gender.
11/2/20191 hour, 31 minutes, 14 seconds
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“Running Away from God“

When God calls Jonah to go preach to Nineveh, Jonah runs in the opposite direction. Jonah’s response underscores just how radically different his heart is from God’s heart – God desires to bring the city to repentance and show his mercy but Jonah wants to leave it to its own destruction. The contrast presses the same challenge on us: what is our heart for the city like?
10/27/201927 minutes, 40 seconds
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“Running Away from God“

When God calls Jonah to go preach to Nineveh, Jonah runs in the opposite direction. Jonah’s response underscores just how radically different his heart is from God’s heart – God desires to bring the city to repentance and show his mercy but Jonah wants to leave it to its own destruction. The contrast presses the same challenge on us: what is our heart for the city like?
10/27/201927 minutes, 40 seconds
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"Where Righteousness Dwells: Justice, Race, and the Gospel Story"

The issues of race and justice are complex and point us to the need for God’s new creation where righteousness dwells. In the meantime, the gospel story shapes us to be people of humility, courage, love, and hope.
10/20/201936 minutes, 37 seconds
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"Where Righteousness Dwells: Justice, Race, and the Gospel Story"

The issues of race and justice are complex and point us to the need for God’s new creation where righteousness dwells. In the meantime, the gospel story shapes us to be people of humility, courage, love, and hope.
10/20/201936 minutes, 37 seconds
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"A Missional Community"

God is forming local churches as missional communities—communities of sent ones. Peter, as he closes this letter, gives us insight into what kinds of communities best serve his mission purposes.
10/13/201925 minutes, 55 seconds
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"A Missional Community"

God is forming local churches as missional communities—communities of sent ones. Peter, as he closes this letter, gives us insight into what kinds of communities best serve his mission purposes.
10/13/201925 minutes, 55 seconds
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“O Come, Let Us Adore Him”

10/6/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 3 seconds
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"A Suffering Community"

Following Jesus will bring suffering. What do we need to know and think about to suffer well for the Kingdom?
10/6/201929 minutes, 16 seconds
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"A Suffering Community"

Following Jesus will bring suffering. What do we need to know and think about to suffer well for the Kingdom?
10/6/201929 minutes, 16 seconds
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“O Come, Let Us Adore Him”

10/6/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 3 seconds
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"A Hospitable Community"

Because God’s new world has drawn near through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we are called to be a hospitable community that loves one another, welcomes one another, and serves one another.
9/29/201927 minutes, 47 seconds
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“O Come, Let Us Adore Him”

9/29/201959 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Hospitable Community"

Because God’s new world has drawn near through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we are called to be a hospitable community that loves one another, welcomes one another, and serves one another.
9/29/201927 minutes, 47 seconds
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“O Come, Let Us Adore Him”

9/29/201959 minutes, 11 seconds
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“O Come, Let Us Adore Him”

9/22/201957 minutes, 22 seconds
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‘A Transformed Community“

God is forming us into a morally transformed - and therefore countercultural - community.
9/22/201927 minutes, 15 seconds
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“O Come, Let Us Adore Him”

9/22/201957 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

‘A Transformed Community“

God is forming us into a morally transformed - and therefore countercultural - community.
9/22/201927 minutes, 15 seconds
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"O Come, Let Us Adore Him"

9/15/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Forbearing Community"

In the face of hostility, the church is to be a community that does not fear, that trusts the Lord, and gives voice to the hope that they have. They can do this because Jesus himself has already defeated all evil and hostile forces and thus assured their victory and vindication as well.
9/15/201928 minutes, 13 seconds
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"O Come, Let Us Adore Him"

9/15/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Forbearing Community"

In the face of hostility, the church is to be a community that does not fear, that trusts the Lord, and gives voice to the hope that they have. They can do this because Jesus himself has already defeated all evil and hostile forces and thus assured their victory and vindication as well.
9/15/201928 minutes, 13 seconds
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"A Non-Retaliating Community"

Peter encourages the church living in exile to respond to mistreatment as Jesus did—instead of repaying evil for evil or reviling for reviling, we should bless those who mistreat us.
9/8/201928 minutes, 56 seconds
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"O Come, Let Us Adore Him"

9/8/201957 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Non-Retaliating Community"

Peter encourages the church living in exile to respond to mistreatment as Jesus did—instead of repaying evil for evil or reviling for reviling, we should bless those who mistreat us.
9/8/201928 minutes, 56 seconds
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"O Come, Let Us Adore Him"

9/8/201957 minutes, 59 seconds
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“A Submissive Community“

Based on the pattern of the cross, Peter encourages the church to lay aside their power and submit to others with respect and honor.
9/1/201931 minutes, 25 seconds
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“A Submissive Community“

Based on the pattern of the cross, Peter encourages the church to lay aside their power and submit to others with respect and honor.
9/1/201931 minutes, 25 seconds
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“A Worshipping Community“

As we taste and see that the Lord is good, our desires get overhauled and renovated and God builds us up together, like living stones, into a spiritual house of worship.
8/25/201930 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A Worshipping Community“

As we taste and see that the Lord is good, our desires get overhauled and renovated and God builds us up together, like living stones, into a spiritual house of worship.
8/25/201930 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Holy Community"

What does it mean to live as a Holy people in exile? What does it mean to be a Holy people? Peter is writing the church to help them understand what it means to be a set-apart community who is living out the mission of God. In a age of hyper individualism, Peter shows us a new way in our new birth.
8/18/201928 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Holy Community"

What does it mean to live as a Holy people in exile? What does it mean to be a Holy people? Peter is writing the church to help them understand what it means to be a set-apart community who is living out the mission of God. In a age of hyper individualism, Peter shows us a new way in our new birth.
8/18/201928 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Hopeful Community"

God is creating a community that lives in light of its future hope—an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. This living hope gives us a new perspective and a unique resiliency in the face of trials and difficulties.
8/11/201929 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Hopeful Community"

God is creating a community that lives in light of its future hope—an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. This living hope gives us a new perspective and a unique resiliency in the face of trials and difficulties.
8/11/201929 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Chosen Community"

Peter wants the interconnected Christian community throughout Asia Minor to know that even though they may be exiles in this world, they are also the elect of God.
8/4/201930 minutes
Episode Artwork

"A Chosen Community"

Peter wants the interconnected Christian community throughout Asia Minor to know that even though they may be exiles in this world, they are also the elect of God.
8/4/201930 minutes
Episode Artwork

"Waiting Patiently for Rest and Resurrection"

After the final vision, which culminates in the promise of rest and resurrection, Daniel is encouraged to wait patiently for that day to come.
7/28/201931 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Waiting Patiently for Rest and Resurrection"

After the final vision, which culminates in the promise of rest and resurrection, Daniel is encouraged to wait patiently for that day to come.
7/28/201931 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Sovereign of History"

Through a cryptic unfolding of history, God is revealed to be the sovereign interpreter, guider, and victor of history.
7/21/201936 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Sovereign of History"

Through a cryptic unfolding of history, God is revealed to be the sovereign interpreter, guider, and victor of history.
7/21/201936 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Preparing for the Great Conflict”

Part 11 in the series on “Living in Exile"
7/14/201928 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

“Preparing for the Great Conflict”

Part 11 in the series on “Living in Exile"
7/14/201928 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

"Praying for Mercy"

Daniel prays a prayer of repentance for and on behalf of the people, to which the angel Gabriel responds by telling Daniel that the exile will be extended sevenfold but eventually God will show mercy.
7/7/201934 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Praying for Mercy"

Daniel prays a prayer of repentance for and on behalf of the people, to which the angel Gabriel responds by telling Daniel that the exile will be extended sevenfold but eventually God will show mercy.
7/7/201934 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Ram and the Goat"

Daniel sees a vision of a ram and a goat, representing the Media-Persian and Greek empires, culminating in the desecration of the Jerusalem temple. But God reassures Daniel that though it will be a long time before the temple is restored, it won’t be forever because God will act.
6/30/201932 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Ram and the Goat"

Daniel sees a vision of a ram and a goat, representing the Media-Persian and Greek empires, culminating in the desecration of the Jerusalem temple. But God reassures Daniel that though it will be a long time before the temple is restored, it won’t be forever because God will act.
6/30/201932 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

"God Wins!"

It may appear that those doing evil are getting the upper hand and they seem to be winning, but even now, unbeknownst to them, a divine courtroom is being convened with an awesome, mighty, and terrifying judge taking His seat at the bench. They will be judged. Bottom line: GOD WINS!! and because He wins...WE WIN!!
6/23/201935 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

"God Wins!"

It may appear that those doing evil are getting the upper hand and they seem to be winning, but even now, unbeknownst to them, a divine courtroom is being convened with an awesome, mighty, and terrifying judge taking His seat at the bench. They will be judged. Bottom line: GOD WINS!! and because He wins...WE WIN!!
6/23/201935 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

"From the Power of Lions"

Though liked by King Darius, Daniel is targeted by other administrators who want to bring him down and get him thrown into a den of lions. However, God demonstrates his power by shutting the mouths of the lions and delivering Daniel.
6/16/201931 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

"From the Power of Lions"

Though liked by King Darius, Daniel is targeted by other administrators who want to bring him down and get him thrown into a den of lions. However, God demonstrates his power by shutting the mouths of the lions and delivering Daniel.
6/16/201931 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Mene Mene Tekel Parsin"

After Belshazzar defiles the temple vessels, God announces his impending judgment upon Balshazzar and his kingdom.
6/9/201933 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Mene Mene Tekel Parsin"

After Belshazzar defiles the temple vessels, God announces his impending judgment upon Balshazzar and his kingdom.
6/9/201933 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Tree That Stands at the Center of the World"

Nebuchadnezzar has a dream in which he sees a tall tree at the center of the world, symboling his own sense of greatness in what he has accomplished. However, in the dream, the tree is chopped down, symboling that he will be humbled until he lifts up his eyes to heaven and recognizes that God is the true King.
6/2/201936 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Tree That Stands at the Center of the World"

Nebuchadnezzar has a dream in which he sees a tall tree at the center of the world, symboling his own sense of greatness in what he has accomplished. However, in the dream, the tree is chopped down, symboling that he will be humbled until he lifts up his eyes to heaven and recognizes that God is the true King.
6/2/201936 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Messy Grace: Learning to Love without Sacrificing Conviction"

5/26/201958 minutes
Episode Artwork

"Walking Around in a Blazing Furnace"

When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refuse to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s idol, they are thrown into a fiery furnace. However, God joins them in the flames and protects them.
5/26/201931 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Messy Grace: Learning to Love without Sacrificing Conviction"

5/26/201958 minutes
Episode Artwork

"Walking Around in a Blazing Furnace"

When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refuse to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s idol, they are thrown into a fiery furnace. However, God joins them in the flames and protects them.
5/26/201931 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Messy Grace: Learning to Love without Sacrificing Conviction"

5/19/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Insecure Kingdoms, Everlasting Kingdom"

All human kingdoms and empires are intrinsically insecure but the kingdom of God is everlasting and indestructible.
5/19/201937 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Messy Grace: Learning to Love without Sacrificing Conviction"

5/19/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Insecure Kingdoms, Everlasting Kingdom"

All human kingdoms and empires are intrinsically insecure but the kingdom of God is everlasting and indestructible.
5/19/201937 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

"One King’s Table, Another King’s Grace"

Daniel chooses not to eat the king’s food or drink the king’s wine in order to maintain his identity and God graciously gives him what he needs.
5/12/201928 minutes
Episode Artwork

"Messy Grace: Learning to Love without Sacrificing Conviction"

5/12/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Messy Grace: Learning to Love without Sacrificing Conviction"

5/12/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

"One King’s Table, Another King’s Grace"

Daniel chooses not to eat the king’s food or drink the king’s wine in order to maintain his identity and God graciously gives him what he needs.
5/12/201928 minutes
Episode Artwork

"Messy Grace: Learning to Love without Sacrificing Conviction"

5/5/201943 minutes
Episode Artwork

"Living in Exile"

As exiles, we need a particular perspective and a particular posture—namely, we should have the perspective that we are where we are because God has sovereignly placed us here and we should have a countercultural posture that is both fully engaged with the larger culture and utterly distinct from it.
5/5/201930 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Messy Grace: Learning to Love without Sacrificing Conviction"

5/5/201943 minutes
Episode Artwork

"Living in Exile"

As exiles, we need a particular perspective and a particular posture—namely, we should have the perspective that we are where we are because God has sovereignly placed us here and we should have a countercultural posture that is both fully engaged with the larger culture and utterly distinct from it.
5/5/201930 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Messy Grace: Learning to Love without Sacrificing Conviction"

4/28/20191 hour, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

“If God Is In Charge…Why Pray?”

Though Paul is well aware that God is sovereign in all of life, Paul continues to pray asking God to give the Ephesians the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation. Paul also prayed that the eyes of the Ephesians’ hearts would be opened.
4/28/201935 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Messy Grace: Learning to Love without Sacrificing Conviction"

4/28/20191 hour, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

“If God Is In Charge…Why Pray?”

Though Paul is well aware that God is sovereign in all of life, Paul continues to pray asking God to give the Ephesians the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation. Paul also prayed that the eyes of the Ephesians’ hearts would be opened.
4/28/201935 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Radical Revision of Reality"

The resurrection of Jesus radically changes everything we thought we knew about the world, bringing light, glory, and hope into a world characterized by darkness, emptiness, and shame.
4/21/201923 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Radical Revision of Reality"

The resurrection of Jesus radically changes everything we thought we knew about the world, bringing light, glory, and hope into a world characterized by darkness, emptiness, and shame.
4/21/201923 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Love"

On the night before his crucifixion Jesus shows the disciples the full extent of his love by humbling washing their feet, which is a foreshadowing of his humbly laying down his life on the cross. This is the true definition of love and it is the kind of love that we are then called to express to one another.
4/18/201913 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Love"

On the night before his crucifixion Jesus shows the disciples the full extent of his love by humbling washing their feet, which is a foreshadowing of his humbly laying down his life on the cross. This is the true definition of love and it is the kind of love that we are then called to express to one another.
4/18/201913 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Bible and the Story of God"

4/14/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Power"

Jesus rides into Jerusalem as a king, but one which is gentle and humble. In doing so, he reveals that in his kingdom power gets unleashed through gentleness and humility.
4/14/201927 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Power"

Jesus rides into Jerusalem as a king, but one which is gentle and humble. In doing so, he reveals that in his kingdom power gets unleashed through gentleness and humility.
4/14/201927 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Bible and the Story of God"

4/14/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Stories and the Cultivation of Wonder"

4/7/20191 hour, 2 minutes
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Generosity"

Christ, though he was rich, became poor so that in him we might become spiritually rich. This is the key dynamic of grace that changes our hearts and makes us generous.
4/7/201928 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Generosity"

Christ, though he was rich, became poor so that in him we might become spiritually rich. This is the key dynamic of grace that changes our hearts and makes us generous.
4/7/201928 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Stories and the Cultivation of Wonder"

4/7/20191 hour, 2 minutes
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Mission"

As we follow Jesus, we are experiencing the death of Christ at work in us as we sacrifice and encounter affliction. But we also experience the life of Christ being revealed in us as well.
3/31/201928 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Yes...But is it a GOOD Story?"

3/31/20191 hour, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Mission"

As we follow Jesus, we are experiencing the death of Christ at work in us as we sacrifice and encounter affliction. But we also experience the life of Christ being revealed in us as well.
3/31/201928 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Yes...But is it a GOOD Story?"

3/31/20191 hour, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Stories and the Cultivation of the Moral Imagination"

3/24/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Hope"

We struggle to make sense of suffering but the cross gives us a new lens through which to view our suffering because it sets it in a larger story that moves from suffering to glory.
3/24/201929 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Hope"

We struggle to make sense of suffering but the cross gives us a new lens through which to view our suffering because it sets it in a larger story that moves from suffering to glory.
3/24/201929 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Stories and the Cultivation of the Moral Imagination"

3/24/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Wisdom"

What does it look like to live skillfully? That is the question of wisdom, but to what end are we seeking to live skillfully? Is it skillful living shaped by the cross?
3/17/201929 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

3/17/201958 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

3/17/201958 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Wisdom"

What does it look like to live skillfully? That is the question of wisdom, but to what end are we seeking to live skillfully? Is it skillful living shaped by the cross?
3/17/201929 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Faith"

We tend to think of faith as simply assent to a set of Biblical doctrines. The apostle Paul reminds, however, us that faith in the crucified Jesus is a challenging and costly path with some surprising outcomes.
3/10/201929 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

3/10/201959 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

3/10/201959 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Cruciform Faith"

We tend to think of faith as simply assent to a set of Biblical doctrines. The apostle Paul reminds, however, us that faith in the crucified Jesus is a challenging and costly path with some surprising outcomes.
3/10/201929 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

3/3/20191 hour, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Death of Abraham and the Continuation of the Promise"

Before Abraham dies, he must secure a wife for his son Isaac so that the line of promise can continue. All along the way, God’s providence is evident.
3/3/201933 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

3/3/20191 hour, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Death of Abraham and the Continuation of the Promise"

Before Abraham dies, he must secure a wife for his son Isaac so that the line of promise can continue. All along the way, God’s providence is evident.
3/3/201933 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

2/24/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Death of Sarah and a Foretaste of the Inheritance"

When Sarah dies, Abraham must purchase a place to bury her within the promised land. Doing so is an act of faith that God will indeed eventually fulfill his promise and give his descendants the land.
2/24/201928 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Death of Sarah and a Foretaste of the Inheritance"

When Sarah dies, Abraham must purchase a place to bury her within the promised land. Doing so is an act of faith that God will indeed eventually fulfill his promise and give his descendants the land.
2/24/201928 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

2/24/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A Horrifying Test and the Lord’s Provision“

God tests Abraham by telling him to sacrifice his son, Isaac, as a burnt offering. Abraham obeys and God provides a ram as a substitute for Isaac, revealing to Abraham that he can be trusted because he is ‘The Lord Who Provides.'
2/17/201935 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

2/17/201957 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A Horrifying Test and the Lord’s Provision“

God tests Abraham by telling him to sacrifice his son, Isaac, as a burnt offering. Abraham obeys and God provides a ram as a substitute for Isaac, revealing to Abraham that he can be trusted because he is ‘The Lord Who Provides.'
2/17/201935 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

2/17/201957 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

2/10/201959 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

“The Birth of a Son and the Laughter of Joy“

With the birth of Isaac, God fulfilled his promise made long ago to Abraham and Sarah. In response, Sarah is filled with the laughter of joy.
2/10/201932 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

2/10/201959 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

“The Birth of a Son and the Laughter of Joy“

With the birth of Isaac, God fulfilled his promise made long ago to Abraham and Sarah. In response, Sarah is filled with the laughter of joy.
2/10/201932 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

2/3/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork


2/3/201930 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Seeing Jesus in the Psalms"

2/3/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork


2/3/201930 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A Destructive Judgment and a Merciful Rescue”

Though Lot has compromised and is now part of the city of Sodom, God rescues him because of his mercy and the angels direct Lot and his family not to look back once they leave.
1/27/201937 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A Destructive Judgment and a Merciful Rescue”

Though Lot has compromised and is now part of the city of Sodom, God rescues him because of his mercy and the angels direct Lot and his family not to look back once they leave.
1/27/201937 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

“An Impending Judgment and a Daring Intercession”

Part 11 in the series on “The Promises of God and the Journey of Faith”When God tells Abraham that he intends to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah in judgment, Abraham intercedes for the city, asking the Lord to spare the unrighteous many for the sake of the righteous few.
1/20/201928 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

“An Impending Judgment and a Daring Intercession”

Part 11 in the series on “The Promises of God and the Journey of Faith”When God tells Abraham that he intends to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah in judgment, Abraham intercedes for the city, asking the Lord to spare the unrighteous many for the sake of the righteous few.
1/20/201928 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A Laughing Woman and a Wondrous God”

Abraham is visited by three mysterious travelers who reassure him that the promise will come true within the year. When Sarah laughs, they challenge her with the question, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”
1/13/201927 minutes
Episode Artwork

“A Laughing Woman and a Wondrous God”

Abraham is visited by three mysterious travelers who reassure him that the promise will come true within the year. When Sarah laughs, they challenge her with the question, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”
1/13/201927 minutes
Episode Artwork

“A Covenant Sign and a New Identity”

God gives Abraham a sign of the covenant that pictures what God graciously does in the covenant, marks a new beginning, and calls him to a life of consecration.
1/6/201928 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A Covenant Sign and a New Identity”

God gives Abraham a sign of the covenant that pictures what God graciously does in the covenant, marks a new beginning, and calls him to a life of consecration.
1/6/201928 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A Sufficient God and an Everlasting Covenant“

In his covenant, God not only promises Abraham descendants and land, but commits to being his God and the God of his children.
12/30/201828 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A Sufficient God and an Everlasting Covenant“

In his covenant, God not only promises Abraham descendants and land, but commits to being his God and the God of his children.
12/30/201828 minutes, 26 seconds
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"An Atoning Sacrifice"

12/23/201832 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

"An Atoning Sacrifice"

12/23/201832 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

“The Sympathizing Priest”

As our merciful and faithful high priest, Jesus sympathizes with our weaknesses and comes to our aid in times of suffering and temptation.
12/16/201833 minutes
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“Gospel of Mark”

12/16/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

“The Sympathizing Priest”

As our merciful and faithful high priest, Jesus sympathizes with our weaknesses and comes to our aid in times of suffering and temptation.
12/16/201833 minutes
Episode Artwork

“Gospel of Mark”

12/16/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Saving Brother"

As our old brother, who is not ashamed of us, Jesus came and shared in our humanity so that he could deliver us from the enslaving power of an evil tyrant and bring us to glory.
12/9/201829 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Gospel of Mark”

12/9/201858 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Saving Brother"

As our old brother, who is not ashamed of us, Jesus came and shared in our humanity so that he could deliver us from the enslaving power of an evil tyrant and bring us to glory.
12/9/201829 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Gospel of Mark”

12/9/201858 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Revealing Son"

God’s history of revelation came to its climactic and definitive event in the incarnation of Christ.
12/2/201829 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Gospel of Mark"

12/2/201846 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Gospel of Mark"

12/2/201846 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Revealing Son"

God’s history of revelation came to its climactic and definitive event in the incarnation of Christ.
12/2/201829 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

“An Impatient Couple and a Seeing God“

Having grown tired of waiting on God to fulfill his promise, Sarai decides to take matters into her own hand, leading to disaster. But God reveals himself as the Living One who sees, hears, and comes near to us in grace.
11/25/201832 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

“An Impatient Couple and a Seeing God“

Having grown tired of waiting on God to fulfill his promise, Sarai decides to take matters into her own hand, leading to disaster. But God reveals himself as the Living One who sees, hears, and comes near to us in grace.
11/25/201832 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Gospel of Mark”

11/18/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Nagging Doubt and a Surprising Covenant"

Because of the tension between what God has promised and what Abram is experiencing, Abram begins to doubt. However, God reassures him through a surprising covenant.
11/18/201833 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Nagging Doubt and a Surprising Covenant"

Because of the tension between what God has promised and what Abram is experiencing, Abram begins to doubt. However, God reassures him through a surprising covenant.
11/18/201833 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Gospel of Mark”

11/18/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Already But Not Yet Kingdom"

11/11/201831 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Already But Not Yet Kingdom"

11/11/201831 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Gospel of Mark”

11/4/201856 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Besieged Land and a Conquering Savior"

Once again, the promise is threatened, this time when Abram’s nephew Lot is captured and carried off by invading kings from the east. However, Abram, at great personal risk, defeats the kings and rescues Lot.
11/4/201830 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

"A Besieged Land and a Conquering Savior"

Once again, the promise is threatened, this time when Abram’s nephew Lot is captured and carried off by invading kings from the east. However, Abram, at great personal risk, defeats the kings and rescues Lot.
11/4/201830 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Gospel of Mark”

11/4/201856 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Gospel of Mark”

10/28/20181 hour, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

“The Fertile Plain and the Invisible Inheritance”

Lot lifts up his eyes and sees a fertile plain where he thinks he can prosper. However, the Lord lifts up Abram’s eyes and shows him an even greater inheritance—a land that, though dry and dusty, will become for him the place of blessing.
10/28/201830 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

“Gospel of Mark”

10/28/20181 hour, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

“The Fertile Plain and the Invisible Inheritance”

Lot lifts up his eyes and sees a fertile plain where he thinks he can prosper. However, the Lord lifts up Abram’s eyes and shows him an even greater inheritance—a land that, though dry and dusty, will become for him the place of blessing.
10/28/201830 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A Duplicitous Act and a Redeeming God”

In his desperation and fear, Abram tries to deceive the Egyptians. However, his plan backfires and his wife ends up in Pharaoh’s palace. Nevertheless, God in his grace intervenes in the situation to rescue Sarai, bless Abram, and set them back on track to the land of promise.
10/21/201828 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Gospel of Mark"

10/21/201858 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Gospel of Mark"

10/21/201858 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

“A Duplicitous Act and a Redeeming God”

In his desperation and fear, Abram tries to deceive the Egyptians. However, his plan backfires and his wife ends up in Pharaoh’s palace. Nevertheless, God in his grace intervenes in the situation to rescue Sarai, bless Abram, and set them back on track to the land of promise.
10/21/201828 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Gospel of Mark"

10/14/201854 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Call"

The call of Abram reveals how unilaterally gracious God’s call is. And though it is deeply challenging, it also holds out stunning promises.
10/14/201835 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Gospel of Mark"

10/14/201854 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Call"

The call of Abram reveals how unilaterally gracious God’s call is. And though it is deeply challenging, it also holds out stunning promises.
10/14/201835 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Prelude: The Tower of Babel & The Triumph of Grace"

10/7/201831 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Gospel of Mark"

10/7/201859 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Gospel of Mark"

10/7/201859 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Prelude: The Tower of Babel & The Triumph of Grace"

10/7/201831 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Gospel of Mark"

9/30/201852 minutes
Episode Artwork

“Facing a New Chapter”

There are 3 key truths for us, as a Knox family, as we enter into a new chapter and begin a new journey: The first key truth is follow/observe every command and believe in His promises. God is never late, just learn to wait; that time of waiting is never wasted. Second key truth is remember/don’t forget all the things the Lord has done in the past and His faithfulness to us. If we don’t nurture our remembering of God’s provision, we slip into the delusion that we are the ones who provide for ourselves. And the final key truth is be strong and courageous. We are able to do that because the Lord our God is with us wherever we go!!As we enter this new chapter and embark on this new journey, the goal is not completing a task or the journey but it is experiencing God’s glory, His perfect plans and His friendship—experiencing Him! Let us embrace the obstacles, instead of complaining about them. That will enable us to hear from God and to receive the blessings, truths and insights He has for us.
9/30/201825 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

"Gospel of Mark"

9/30/201852 minutes
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“Facing a New Chapter”

There are 3 key truths for us, as a Knox family, as we enter into a new chapter and begin a new journey: The first key truth is follow/observe every command and believe in His promises. God is never late, just learn to wait; that time of waiting is never wasted. Second key truth is remember/don’t forget all the things the Lord has done in the past and His faithfulness to us. If we don’t nurture our remembering of God’s provision, we slip into the delusion that we are the ones who provide for ourselves. And the final key truth is be strong and courageous. We are able to do that because the Lord our God is with us wherever we go!!As we enter this new chapter and embark on this new journey, the goal is not completing a task or the journey but it is experiencing God’s glory, His perfect plans and His friendship—experiencing Him! Let us embrace the obstacles, instead of complaining about them. That will enable us to hear from God and to receive the blessings, truths and insights He has for us.
9/30/201825 minutes, 14 seconds
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"Vitality in the Church"

9/23/201849 minutes
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"Search & Rescue - The Mission of Jesus Christ"

9/23/201833 minutes, 12 seconds
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"Vitality in the Church"

9/23/201849 minutes
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"Search & Rescue - The Mission of Jesus Christ"

9/23/201833 minutes, 12 seconds
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"Gospel of Mark"

9/16/201858 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Constitutional Questions & Vows

Service of Installation for Bryan Gregory
9/16/20182 minutes, 16 seconds
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Pronouncement of Installation

Service of Installation for Bryan Gregory
9/16/20181 minute, 5 seconds
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Prayer of Installation

Service of Installation for Bryan Gregory
9/16/20181 minute
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Charge to the Pastor

Service of Installation for Bryan Gregory
9/16/20188 minutes, 11 seconds
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"Planted for God's Purpose"

Service of Installation for Bryan Gregory
9/16/201826 minutes, 53 seconds
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Charge to the Congregation

Service of Installation for Bryan Gregory
9/16/201810 minutes, 30 seconds
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"Moving Forward"

Let's explore how we might move forward through life's many transitions with success as God defines it.
9/16/201829 minutes, 19 seconds
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Charge to the Congregation

Service of Installation for Bryan Gregory
9/16/201810 minutes, 30 seconds
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"Gospel of Mark"

9/16/201858 minutes, 18 seconds
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Pronouncement of Installation

Service of Installation for Bryan Gregory
9/16/20181 minute, 5 seconds
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Charge to the Pastor

Service of Installation for Bryan Gregory
9/16/20188 minutes, 11 seconds
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Prayer of Installation

Service of Installation for Bryan Gregory
9/16/20181 minute
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"Planted for God's Purpose"

Service of Installation for Bryan Gregory
9/16/201826 minutes, 53 seconds
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"Moving Forward"

Let's explore how we might move forward through life's many transitions with success as God defines it.
9/16/201829 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Constitutional Questions & Vows

Service of Installation for Bryan Gregory
9/16/20182 minutes, 16 seconds
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"Evangelism 101"

It is our job to share and the Holy Spirit's job to change the heart.
9/9/201829 minutes, 11 seconds
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"Gospel of Mark"

9/9/201855 minutes, 16 seconds
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"Evangelism 101"

It is our job to share and the Holy Spirit's job to change the heart.
9/9/201829 minutes, 11 seconds
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"Gospel of Mark"

9/9/201855 minutes, 16 seconds
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"The Bible's Satanic Verses"

In Peter’s confession that Jesus was the Christ and rebuke at Jesus’ word of the cross, we learn that sharing in the life of Jesus means following Jesus in the way of his death – there is no crown without cross.
9/2/201839 minutes, 5 seconds
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"The Bible's Satanic Verses"

In Peter’s confession that Jesus was the Christ and rebuke at Jesus’ word of the cross, we learn that sharing in the life of Jesus means following Jesus in the way of his death – there is no crown without cross.
9/2/201839 minutes, 5 seconds
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"Figuring Church"

When you decided to become a follower of Jesus, he made you part of his church. You're now friends with all of Jesus' other friends. We like to think that's an optional part of following Jesus. But what if being part of the church is central to being "in Christ"? It might be harder than you think and better than you can ever imagine.
8/26/201846 minutes, 7 seconds
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"Figuring Church"

When you decided to become a follower of Jesus, he made you part of his church. You're now friends with all of Jesus' other friends. We like to think that's an optional part of following Jesus. But what if being part of the church is central to being "in Christ"? It might be harder than you think and better than you can ever imagine.
8/26/201846 minutes, 7 seconds
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“A Tale of Two Daughters”

In the healing of the woman who touched his garment and the raising of Jairus’ daughter from the dead, we meet Jesus as the one who makes unclean things clean and commends humble faith above presumptuous faith.
8/19/201835 minutes, 19 seconds
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“A Tale of Two Daughters”

In the healing of the woman who touched his garment and the raising of Jairus’ daughter from the dead, we meet Jesus as the one who makes unclean things clean and commends humble faith above presumptuous faith.
8/19/201835 minutes, 19 seconds
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“The Power to Forgive Sins”

Few things make us feel more weak and vulnerable that the issue of sin. Sure, we balk at churchy notions of sin. But deep down, we know...we know we're broken, we know we've hurt and been hurt, we know our secrets we can't tell, the mistakes we've made, the dreams that have fallen to the ground. Can anyone fix us? In the end, can we really be forgiven?
8/12/201833 minutes, 54 seconds
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“The Power to Forgive Sins”

Few things make us feel more weak and vulnerable that the issue of sin. Sure, we balk at churchy notions of sin. But deep down, we know...we know we're broken, we know we've hurt and been hurt, we know our secrets we can't tell, the mistakes we've made, the dreams that have fallen to the ground. Can anyone fix us? In the end, can we really be forgiven?
8/12/201833 minutes, 54 seconds
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“The Friend and the Father”

As we consider prayer again, what is at its heart? Too often we think it's about our performance—our energy,our effort. What if prayer is really about our need and God's goodness? We do not pray because we are strong, we pray because we are weak.
8/5/201833 minutes, 37 seconds
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“The Friend and the Father”

As we consider prayer again, what is at its heart? Too often we think it's about our performance—our energy,our effort. What if prayer is really about our need and God's goodness? We do not pray because we are strong, we pray because we are weak.
8/5/201833 minutes, 37 seconds
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“Lord of Creation”

In the calming of the sea the disciples meet Jesus as Lord of creation and redeemer of his people. Because Jesus Christ is both creator and redeemer, he is a worthy object of faith.
7/29/201830 minutes, 38 seconds
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“Lord of Creation”

In the calming of the sea the disciples meet Jesus as Lord of creation and redeemer of his people. Because Jesus Christ is both creator and redeemer, he is a worthy object of faith.
7/29/201830 minutes, 38 seconds
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"We Do Not Lose Heart"

Find out why no matter how hard his circumstances were the Apostle Paul did not lose heart. And no matter what your circumstances are, you do not need to lose heart.
7/22/201823 minutes, 53 seconds
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"We Do Not Lose Heart"

Find out why no matter how hard his circumstances were the Apostle Paul did not lose heart. And no matter what your circumstances are, you do not need to lose heart.
7/22/201823 minutes, 53 seconds
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"Being the Aroma of Christ"

How are you spreading the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ through forgiveness and obedience to those who are being saved and those who are perishing?
7/15/201831 minutes, 26 seconds
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"Being the Aroma of Christ"

How are you spreading the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ through forgiveness and obedience to those who are being saved and those who are perishing?
7/15/201831 minutes, 26 seconds
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“What Is Different About Us?”

Are we different than the world we live in; or are we trying pretty hard to simply fit in with our neighbors, friends and colleagues?
7/8/201832 minutes, 56 seconds
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“What Is Different About Us?”

Are we different than the world we live in; or are we trying pretty hard to simply fit in with our neighbors, friends and colleagues?
7/8/201832 minutes, 56 seconds
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“Where Do You Get Your Hope?”

In times of suffering and in all of life, what unshakable thing can you find hope in?
7/1/201827 minutes, 23 seconds
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“Where Do You Get Your Hope?”

In times of suffering and in all of life, what unshakable thing can you find hope in?
7/1/201827 minutes, 23 seconds
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“Hope Does Not Put Us to Shame”

Some hopes we keep inside, some we expose. Some depend on us, some on the efforts and success of others. Is there a hope we can count on, one that will never put us to shame? The apostle Paul says, “Yes."
6/24/201827 minutes, 36 seconds
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“Hope Does Not Put Us to Shame”

Some hopes we keep inside, some we expose. Some depend on us, some on the efforts and success of others. Is there a hope we can count on, one that will never put us to shame? The apostle Paul says, “Yes."
6/24/201827 minutes, 36 seconds
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"How to be Clothed with Heaven"

We try to keep up with the latest fashions so we're appropriately clothed for...success? To be cool? To he hip? To be seen? But what if the best fashion trend is the least cool and the most ancient, to be clothed with Heaven?
6/17/201830 minutes, 37 seconds
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"How to be Clothed with Heaven"

We try to keep up with the latest fashions so we're appropriately clothed for...success? To be cool? To he hip? To be seen? But what if the best fashion trend is the least cool and the most ancient, to be clothed with Heaven?
6/17/201830 minutes, 37 seconds
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"Why Pray?"

Prayer so often feels dull and burdensome. No wonder we let everything else crowd it out. But what if prayer is a gift that brings joy?
6/10/201833 minutes, 48 seconds
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"Why Pray?"

Prayer so often feels dull and burdensome. No wonder we let everything else crowd it out. But what if prayer is a gift that brings joy?
6/10/201833 minutes, 48 seconds
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“I Want What I Want”

Do you think you know what is best? Do you? What if we focused less on performance and more on depend on Jesus?
6/3/201830 minutes, 1 second
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“I Want What I Want”

Do you think you know what is best? Do you? What if we focused less on performance and more on depend on Jesus?
6/3/201830 minutes, 1 second
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“The Birthright of Beauty”

An ancient Christian once said that the human problem is that we've thrown away our birthright of beauty? What does it mean then to be spiritually ugly? More important, what does it mean to be spiritually beautiful?
5/27/201829 minutes, 44 seconds
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“The Birthright of Beauty”

An ancient Christian once said that the human problem is that we've thrown away our birthright of beauty? What does it mean then to be spiritually ugly? More important, what does it mean to be spiritually beautiful?
5/27/201829 minutes, 44 seconds
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“No Free Lunch”

The prophet Zechariah echoes Jesus' words, "In order to find your life, you have to lose it." What on earth could either Jesus or Zechariah mean by such crazy advice?
5/20/201823 minutes, 43 seconds
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“No Free Lunch”

The prophet Zechariah echoes Jesus' words, "In order to find your life, you have to lose it." What on earth could either Jesus or Zechariah mean by such crazy advice?
5/20/201823 minutes, 43 seconds
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"Religion Gone Bad"

In our day, religion is a bad thing. "I'm not religious but I am spiritual" is a common way for us to talk about ourselves. The prophet Zechariah acknowledges religion can go bad. But what does it mean for religion to go good?
5/13/201834 minutes, 26 seconds
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"Religion Gone Bad"

In our day, religion is a bad thing. "I'm not religious but I am spiritual" is a common way for us to talk about ourselves. The prophet Zechariah acknowledges religion can go bad. But what does it mean for religion to go good?
5/13/201834 minutes, 26 seconds
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"Where Is Your Righteousness?"

What makes you feel that you're all right with God, with your neighbors, even yourself? If it isn't God (and guess what, it probably isn't), that's bad news.
5/6/201830 minutes, 25 seconds
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"What's God Doing in Burundi?"

Listen to how God is loving and providing for those in need in Burundi.If you would like to contribute in a tangible way to Kibuye Hope Hospital, please use this link: you for your interest in partnering with the McCropders as they bring hope and healing to the people of Burundi. Please have all items delivered to Knox Presbyterian Church by June 15, 2065 S Wagner Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, where they will be stored until the next shipping container heads to Burundi.If you would like to give monetarily, please visit and look under "Give to Projects" for a variety of different projects happening at Kibuye right now.Thank you for supporting the work God is doing in Burundi!
5/6/201854 minutes, 20 seconds
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"Where Is Your Righteousness?"

What makes you feel that you're all right with God, with your neighbors, even yourself? If it isn't God (and guess what, it probably isn't), that's bad news.
5/6/201830 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

"What's God Doing in Burundi?"

Listen to how God is loving and providing for those in need in Burundi.If you would like to contribute in a tangible way to Kibuye Hope Hospital, please use this link: you for your interest in partnering with the McCropders as they bring hope and healing to the people of Burundi. Please have all items delivered to Knox Presbyterian Church by June 15, 2065 S Wagner Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, where they will be stored until the next shipping container heads to Burundi.If you would like to give monetarily, please visit and look under "Give to Projects" for a variety of different projects happening at Kibuye right now.Thank you for supporting the work God is doing in Burundi!
5/6/201854 minutes, 20 seconds
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"Vision for the Task"

Not the A, B, C's but the D, E, F's of God fulfilling His vision; God chooses to use:1. Diligent Obedience, v. 152. Earthly Valuables, vs. 10 & 113. Formerly Filthy High Priest, vs. 11-14
4/29/201835 minutes, 50 seconds
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"The Christian Origins of Secular America: Living Between the Times"

When Christ said, “my kingdom is not of this world,” he was asserting an idea that no other ancient faith claimed. Christ apparently made a distinction between his heavenly or spiritual kingdom and the civil affairs of Rome or Jerusalem. The idea of secular politics, consequently, is a distinctly Christian one. Without Christianity’s distinction between the secular and the sacred, the civil and the ecclesiastical, the temporal and the eternal, the West would not know what “secular” means.This talk explores the theological basis for Christ’s teaching about his kingdom, why western Christians have objected to secularity, and how contemporary believers might recover a Christian sense of the secular.
4/29/201847 minutes, 18 seconds
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"The Christian Origins of Secular America: Living Between the Times"

When Christ said, “my kingdom is not of this world,” he was asserting an idea that no other ancient faith claimed. Christ apparently made a distinction between his heavenly or spiritual kingdom and the civil affairs of Rome or Jerusalem. The idea of secular politics, consequently, is a distinctly Christian one. Without Christianity’s distinction between the secular and the sacred, the civil and the ecclesiastical, the temporal and the eternal, the West would not know what “secular” means.This talk explores the theological basis for Christ’s teaching about his kingdom, why western Christians have objected to secularity, and how contemporary believers might recover a Christian sense of the secular.
4/29/201847 minutes, 18 seconds
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"Vision for the Task"

Not the A, B, C's but the D, E, F's of God fulfilling His vision; God chooses to use:1. Diligent Obedience, v. 152. Earthly Valuables, vs. 10 & 113. Formerly Filthy High Priest, vs. 11-14
4/29/201835 minutes, 50 seconds
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"In Search of the City on the Hill"

Every day, someone in the media calls America the “city on a hill.” The metaphor comes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, of course, but that hasn’t stopped historians, politicians, journalists, and even preachers from applying it to America. When John Winthrop used Jesus’ words to inspire (and caution) his Puritan community in 1630, he had no idea how his words would be used and transformed in the centuries ahead. At the moment, the “city on a hill” is used by both major political parties to wage war in the immigration debate, but the metaphor has a much longer and more complicated history. The story of the city on a hill presents Christians with the opportunity to see what happens when Scripture is appropriated by politics and to reflect on how they as believers might need to guard metaphors that have been entrusted to the Church.
4/22/201850 minutes, 47 seconds
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What do you find your worth in? What if our worth did not come from us “making it happen” but what if it came from knowing that we were forgiven?
4/22/201827 minutes, 56 seconds
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"In Search of the City on the Hill"

Every day, someone in the media calls America the “city on a hill.” The metaphor comes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, of course, but that hasn’t stopped historians, politicians, journalists, and even preachers from applying it to America. When John Winthrop used Jesus’ words to inspire (and caution) his Puritan community in 1630, he had no idea how his words would be used and transformed in the centuries ahead. At the moment, the “city on a hill” is used by both major political parties to wage war in the immigration debate, but the metaphor has a much longer and more complicated history. The story of the city on a hill presents Christians with the opportunity to see what happens when Scripture is appropriated by politics and to reflect on how they as believers might need to guard metaphors that have been entrusted to the Church.
4/22/201850 minutes, 47 seconds
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What do you find your worth in? What if our worth did not come from us “making it happen” but what if it came from knowing that we were forgiven?
4/22/201827 minutes, 56 seconds
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"Hell? Yes."

God has addressed the question of sin and evil among his people. But the question remains as to what God will do in response to sin and evil in the world.
4/15/201827 minutes, 4 seconds
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"Fundamentalism, Modernism, and the Culture War: The Religion & Politics of the Scopes Monkey Trial"

This talk will introduce the concept of “culture war” and briefly describe the religious, intellectual, and political climate of the early twentieth century prior to the Scopes Trial of 1925. This will set the stage for consideration of the fervent cultural conflict that came to be called the Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy, of which the Scopes Trial was a principal early episode. Having outlined the immediate context of the trial, introduce the chief actors in the drama, and summarize the trial and its outcome, the talk will conclude with a review of the ways the story of the trial has been told and the lessons that should, and should not, be taken by those who wish to understand this early stage of America’s twentieth-century culture wars.
4/15/201852 minutes, 32 seconds
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"Hell? Yes."

God has addressed the question of sin and evil among his people. But the question remains as to what God will do in response to sin and evil in the world.
4/15/201827 minutes, 4 seconds
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"Fundamentalism, Modernism, and the Culture War: The Religion & Politics of the Scopes Monkey Trial"

This talk will introduce the concept of “culture war” and briefly describe the religious, intellectual, and political climate of the early twentieth century prior to the Scopes Trial of 1925. This will set the stage for consideration of the fervent cultural conflict that came to be called the Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy, of which the Scopes Trial was a principal early episode. Having outlined the immediate context of the trial, introduce the chief actors in the drama, and summarize the trial and its outcome, the talk will conclude with a review of the ways the story of the trial has been told and the lessons that should, and should not, be taken by those who wish to understand this early stage of America’s twentieth-century culture wars.
4/15/201852 minutes, 32 seconds
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“I Don’t Believe in the Devil”

What does Zechariah’s message have to say about God and the question of sin and evil, particularly among God’s people?
4/8/201825 minutes, 49 seconds
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"Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms: A Lutheran Perspective"

Like the Reformed, Lutherans are attempting to retrieve their earlier heritage of natural law teaching, and to situate it in their related theology of the two kingdoms. What does the distinction between Law and Grace mean for the relation of church and state? This presentation will briefly survey the traditional Lutheran thinking about natural law, the two kingdoms, and the particular relevance of both for our contemporary political context.
4/8/201844 minutes, 6 seconds
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“I Don’t Believe in the Devil”

What does Zechariah’s message have to say about God and the question of sin and evil, particularly among God’s people?
4/8/201825 minutes, 49 seconds
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"Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms: A Lutheran Perspective"

Like the Reformed, Lutherans are attempting to retrieve their earlier heritage of natural law teaching, and to situate it in their related theology of the two kingdoms. What does the distinction between Law and Grace mean for the relation of church and state? This presentation will briefly survey the traditional Lutheran thinking about natural law, the two kingdoms, and the particular relevance of both for our contemporary political context.
4/8/201844 minutes, 6 seconds
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“Are You a Paul or a Felix?”

Nothing embodies the Christian faith more accurately than the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. So the question is: “Are you a Paul…who knows this resurrected Jesus and has let your life be changed by Him OR are you a Felix who knows about this Jesus but is waiting for a more convenient time?” Listen in as both a “Paul” person and a “Felix” person are each given a challenge. Which one are you and what will your response be??!!
4/1/201826 minutes, 20 seconds
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“Are You a Paul or a Felix?”

Nothing embodies the Christian faith more accurately than the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. So the question is: “Are you a Paul…who knows this resurrected Jesus and has let your life be changed by Him OR are you a Felix who knows about this Jesus but is waiting for a more convenient time?” Listen in as both a “Paul” person and a “Felix” person are each given a challenge. Which one are you and what will your response be??!!
4/1/201826 minutes, 20 seconds
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“Do You Really Wish to See Jesus?”

3/25/201834 minutes, 56 seconds
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“Do You Really Wish to See Jesus?”

3/25/201834 minutes, 56 seconds
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"The Day of Small Things"

Too often we think of the person who makes a difference as a person who does “big” things. But our text today reminds us that the building blocks of God’s kingdom, more often than not, our the small acts of obedience and faithfulness we offer to him as we do them for others.
3/18/201833 minutes, 23 seconds
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"The Day of Small Things"

Too often we think of the person who makes a difference as a person who does “big” things. But our text today reminds us that the building blocks of God’s kingdom, more often than not, our the small acts of obedience and faithfulness we offer to him as we do them for others.
3/18/201833 minutes, 23 seconds
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One of our most besetting problems is the problem of the guilty conscience. We feel accused. We feel condemned. The good news of Jesus says, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
3/11/201828 minutes, 52 seconds
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One of our most besetting problems is the problem of the guilty conscience. We feel accused. We feel condemned. The good news of Jesus says, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
3/11/201828 minutes, 52 seconds
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"Living Water in Scorched Places

3/4/201838 minutes, 51 seconds
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"Living Water in Scorched Places

3/4/201838 minutes, 51 seconds
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"A Magnetic City"

How do we find God? We meet him where he has promised to reveal himself. But that’s where the controversy begins. The Scripture insists that he has promised to reveal Himself in Jesus.
2/25/201822 minutes, 40 seconds
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"A Magnetic City"

How do we find God? We meet him where he has promised to reveal himself. But that’s where the controversy begins. The Scripture insists that he has promised to reveal Himself in Jesus.
2/25/201822 minutes, 40 seconds
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"No Walls"

Challenging circumstances can lead to limited plans and small expectations. Zechariah asks what it means to know that God is with us and that He works through us in those circumstance.
2/18/201828 minutes, 49 seconds
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"No Walls"

Challenging circumstances can lead to limited plans and small expectations. Zechariah asks what it means to know that God is with us and that He works through us in those circumstance.
2/18/201828 minutes, 49 seconds
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"Who Put the Sea in Cedar and the Hiss in Hyssop?"

If reality is simply the random movement of atoms, why care for the world we live in? Why not exploit it for our purposes and our pleasure? But if the world we live in belongs to God, it's not ours to exploit. It's given to us as a gift to enjoy and care for and steward for God's glory.
2/11/201842 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

"Who Put the Sea in Cedar and the Hiss in Hyssop?"

If reality is simply the random movement of atoms, why care for the world we live in? Why not exploit it for our purposes and our pleasure? But if the world we live in belongs to God, it's not ours to exploit. It's given to us as a gift to enjoy and care for and steward for God's glory.
2/11/201842 minutes, 1 second
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"God's Craftsman"

God will keep his promise to protect his people from destruction. But how will he do it? Zechariah says, "Craftsmen." What on earth could he mean?
2/4/201824 minutes, 35 seconds
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"God's Craftsman"

God will keep his promise to protect his people from destruction. But how will he do it? Zechariah says, "Craftsmen." What on earth could he mean?
2/4/201824 minutes, 35 seconds
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"How Long?"

It's hard to live in a world where there is so much evil and suffering without crying out, "How long, O Lord, how long?" It's been a long time since Zechariah's contemporaries cried out this way to God. We've been doing it for 2,000 years as followers of Jesus. Is God asleep at the switch or is the answer better than we imagined.
1/28/201825 minutes, 20 seconds
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"How Long?"

It's hard to live in a world where there is so much evil and suffering without crying out, "How long, O Lord, how long?" It's been a long time since Zechariah's contemporaries cried out this way to God. We've been doing it for 2,000 years as followers of Jesus. Is God asleep at the switch or is the answer better than we imagined.
1/28/201825 minutes, 20 seconds
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"First Step"

1/21/201829 minutes, 7 seconds
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"First Step"

1/21/201829 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

“God’s Renewal in the New Year”

A new year means at least one thing—new year's resolutions. A couple problems with that. We didn't keep last year's (or worse, maybe not the several years of resolutions before last year's either). So, what makes us think we'll keep this year's? Maybe what we need to hear is God's plan for renewal in this new year.
1/14/201829 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

“God’s Renewal in the New Year”

A new year means at least one thing—new year's resolutions. A couple problems with that. We didn't keep last year's (or worse, maybe not the several years of resolutions before last year's either). So, what makes us think we'll keep this year's? Maybe what we need to hear is God's plan for renewal in this new year.
1/14/201829 minutes, 35 seconds
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"We Are All Heretics Now!"

What does it mean to live in a secular culture? What does it mean to believe in a secular culture? It means a lot of things, but one is the difficulty of belief. Each of us has to believe in the face of so many competing claims to truth. How do we do that?
1/7/201828 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

"We Are All Heretics Now!"

What does it mean to live in a secular culture? What does it mean to believe in a secular culture? It means a lot of things, but one is the difficulty of belief. Each of us has to believe in the face of so many competing claims to truth. How do we do that?
1/7/201828 minutes, 23 seconds
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"The Good Life"

Philosophers have engaged the question, “what is the good life?” for centuries. As we close out 2017 and look toward life in 2018, the answer to the question is as urgent as ever.
12/31/201730 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

"The Good Life"

Philosophers have engaged the question, “what is the good life?” for centuries. As we close out 2017 and look toward life in 2018, the answer to the question is as urgent as ever.
12/31/201730 minutes, 42 seconds
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"The Peaceable World"

Can we work hard enough to change ourselves? Where does real life change happen? Real change comes from outside us, through Jesus. Jesus not only changes us, but he is changing the entire world.
12/24/201724 minutes, 45 seconds
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"The Peaceable World"

Can we work hard enough to change ourselves? Where does real life change happen? Real change comes from outside us, through Jesus. Jesus not only changes us, but he is changing the entire world.
12/24/201724 minutes, 45 seconds
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"The Peaceable Gospel"

Do you feel alone, caste out or on the outside? Do you know that Jesus meets you right where you are? Jesus meets us and transforms us. He puts a joy inside us that must be shared with others.
12/17/201727 minutes, 1 second
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"The Peaceable Gospel"

Do you feel alone, caste out or on the outside? Do you know that Jesus meets you right where you are? Jesus meets us and transforms us. He puts a joy inside us that must be shared with others.
12/17/201727 minutes, 1 second
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"The Peaceable Kingdom"

What does a true king look like? Who is the true king? What would a world look like that was fully ruled by the true king? We get a glimpse into these answers and more in Isaiah.
12/10/201726 minutes, 31 seconds
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"The Peaceable Kingdom"

What does a true king look like? Who is the true king? What would a world look like that was fully ruled by the true king? We get a glimpse into these answers and more in Isaiah.
12/10/201726 minutes, 31 seconds
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"The Peaceable Promise"

All of our hearts have a deep longing for something. What is it that your heart longs for? What are the things you keep going back to that don’t actually bring true fulfillment? Our hearts' longings can truly only be fulfilled in Jesus.
12/3/201729 minutes, 11 seconds
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"The Peaceable Promise"

All of our hearts have a deep longing for something. What is it that your heart longs for? What are the things you keep going back to that don’t actually bring true fulfillment? Our hearts' longings can truly only be fulfilled in Jesus.
12/3/201729 minutes, 11 seconds
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"Campfire, Jesus?"

11/26/201725 minutes, 19 seconds
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"Campfire, Jesus?"

11/26/201725 minutes, 19 seconds
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"He Is Our Peace"

We're back to the early letter to the Ephesian Christians again where Paul reminds them of what Jesus has done that they might live in peace. He has torn down the wall of alienation and separation between people who are different - different races, different ethnicities, different classes, different however you define it. He calls us to recognize Jesus did that for us as well.
11/19/201735 minutes, 27 seconds
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"He Is Our Peace"

We're back to the early letter to the Ephesian Christians again where Paul reminds them of what Jesus has done that they might live in peace. He has torn down the wall of alienation and separation between people who are different - different races, different ethnicities, different classes, different however you define it. He calls us to recognize Jesus did that for us as well.
11/19/201735 minutes, 27 seconds
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"Conquering Social Hostility Through Gospel Unity"

In a world that seems increasingly divided and increasingly hostile, is there a way to recognized differences, to talk about differences, and even understand our differences while living together as a reconciled community? Paul's letter to the Ephesians says, "Yes."
11/12/201735 minutes, 46 seconds
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"Conquering Social Hostility Through Gospel Unity"

In a world that seems increasingly divided and increasingly hostile, is there a way to recognized differences, to talk about differences, and even understand our differences while living together as a reconciled community? Paul's letter to the Ephesians says, "Yes."
11/12/201735 minutes, 46 seconds
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"A Fellowship of Differents"

We like when those around us are pretty similar if not just like us. No muss, no fuss. No adjustments, no arguments. Paul, one of the first Christian leaders, says that's simply a formula for the end of the church. God calls his people to be a fellowship of differents.
11/5/201728 minutes, 53 seconds
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"A Fellowship of Differents"

We like when those around us are pretty similar if not just like us. No muss, no fuss. No adjustments, no arguments. Paul, one of the first Christian leaders, says that's simply a formula for the end of the church. God calls his people to be a fellowship of differents.
11/5/201728 minutes, 53 seconds
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"God's Glory Alone"

If God directs everything to the end that he alone is glorified, doesn’t that make him a cosmic egotist? Doesn’t he end up being simply a huge version of a self-absorbed celebrity? Not if God is really God!
10/29/201728 minutes, 38 seconds
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"God's Glory Alone"

If God directs everything to the end that he alone is glorified, doesn’t that make him a cosmic egotist? Doesn’t he end up being simply a huge version of a self-absorbed celebrity? Not if God is really God!
10/29/201728 minutes, 38 seconds
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"Faith Alone"

Many of us think of faith as an irrational leap in the dark. Something the early modern philosopher John Locke described as "a persuasion of our minds short of knowledge." Others think of faith as something virtuous in and of itself, popularized in the notion that it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you believe. Scripture reminds us that the certainly of faith is not faith itself but the object of faith, Jesus Christ.
10/22/201726 minutes, 57 seconds
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"Faith Alone"

Many of us think of faith as an irrational leap in the dark. Something the early modern philosopher John Locke described as "a persuasion of our minds short of knowledge." Others think of faith as something virtuous in and of itself, popularized in the notion that it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you believe. Scripture reminds us that the certainly of faith is not faith itself but the object of faith, Jesus Christ.
10/22/201726 minutes, 57 seconds
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"Bargaining for Bread”

What does it mean when we're hungry for something other than physical bread? Listen to the story of one woman who encountered Jesus and found him to be the bread of life.
10/15/201734 minutes, 40 seconds
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"Bargaining for Bread”

What does it mean when we're hungry for something other than physical bread? Listen to the story of one woman who encountered Jesus and found him to be the bread of life.
10/15/201734 minutes, 40 seconds
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"Christ Alone"

So, is being right with God a cooperative effort? God makes his contribution, I make mine, we stir it all together, and the result is a right relationship with God? The Bible says that can’t be right? So, what is? The answer is found in what Jesus alone has done for his people.
10/8/201739 minutes, 57 seconds
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"Christ Alone"

So, is being right with God a cooperative effort? God makes his contribution, I make mine, we stir it all together, and the result is a right relationship with God? The Bible says that can’t be right? So, what is? The answer is found in what Jesus alone has done for his people.
10/8/201739 minutes, 57 seconds
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"Glory Forever"

One of the biggest questions we ask ourselves is, "Why do I exist? What is the meaning and purpose of my life?" God has a surprising answer that gives a purpose for our lives that is better than anything we can imagine.
10/1/201737 minutes, 33 seconds
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"Glory Forever"

One of the biggest questions we ask ourselves is, "Why do I exist? What is the meaning and purpose of my life?" God has a surprising answer that gives a purpose for our lives that is better than anything we can imagine.
10/1/201737 minutes, 33 seconds
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"Grace Alone"

We think of ourselves as alive. And in many ways we are. But what if at bottom, though, we're really dead men walking. What if at the end of the day we're dead to God? What hope is there for the spiritually dead to be alive to God? The Bible's answer is God's grace given to us in Jesus by his Holy Spirit.
9/24/201724 minutes, 47 seconds
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"Grace Alone"

We think of ourselves as alive. And in many ways we are. But what if at bottom, though, we're really dead men walking. What if at the end of the day we're dead to God? What hope is there for the spiritually dead to be alive to God? The Bible's answer is God's grace given to us in Jesus by his Holy Spirit.
9/24/201724 minutes, 47 seconds
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"By Scripture Alone"

How do we know God has spoken to us? Are we left alone wondering if God has revealed himself? Or do we have a sure word from heaven? Paul points to the Scriptures as the place where God speaks and by which he equips us for living faithfully for Jesus.
9/17/201722 minutes, 25 seconds
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"By Scripture Alone"

How do we know God has spoken to us? Are we left alone wondering if God has revealed himself? Or do we have a sure word from heaven? Paul points to the Scriptures as the place where God speaks and by which he equips us for living faithfully for Jesus.
9/17/201722 minutes, 25 seconds
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“Guarding the Gospel”

It's easy to let truth slip through our fingers. Paul calls us to guard the gospel. He reminds us that it is part of our calling to pass on the good news of the kingdom to generations to come.
9/10/201724 minutes, 1 second
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“Guarding the Gospel”

It's easy to let truth slip through our fingers. Paul calls us to guard the gospel. He reminds us that it is part of our calling to pass on the good news of the kingdom to generations to come.
9/10/201724 minutes, 1 second
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"The End of the Matter"

Have you ever thought about the telos of your life? The great, big goal you’re living toward? In other words, imagine your funeral. What would you want a family member, a co-worker, a neighbor and a fellow church member to say about you? Paul has a thought about what you might want to keep in mind.
8/6/201746 minutes, 16 seconds
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"The End of the Matter"

Have you ever thought about the telos of your life? The great, big goal you’re living toward? In other words, imagine your funeral. What would you want a family member, a co-worker, a neighbor and a fellow church member to say about you? Paul has a thought about what you might want to keep in mind.
8/6/201746 minutes, 16 seconds
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"Truth to Power"

7/30/201750 minutes, 37 seconds
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"Truth to Power"

7/30/201750 minutes, 37 seconds
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"The Gospel in Our Time"

7/23/201749 minutes, 2 seconds
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"The Gospel in Our Time"

7/23/201749 minutes, 2 seconds
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"From Good to Great"

7/16/201743 minutes, 6 seconds
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"From Good to Great"

7/16/201743 minutes, 6 seconds
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"A True Conversion"

7/9/201734 minutes, 38 seconds
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"A True Conversion"

7/9/201734 minutes, 38 seconds
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"Press on to Jesus"

4/26/201547 minutes, 18 seconds
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"Press on to Jesus"

4/26/201547 minutes, 18 seconds
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“The One Thing Necessary”

There are a lot of things clamoring for our deepest heart and life attention. They end up dragging us away from what we most want to be about in life. What are the evidences that we’re among those being pulled away from what matters most? What does Jesus do to bring us back?
3/15/201532 minutes, 52 seconds
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“The One Thing Necessary”

There are a lot of things clamoring for our deepest heart and life attention. They end up dragging us away from what we most want to be about in life. What are the evidences that we’re among those being pulled away from what matters most? What does Jesus do to bring us back?
3/15/201532 minutes, 52 seconds
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“Busyness and Sentness”

Real life, the blessed, life, is busy. It was busy for Jesus. But it’s also purposeful. Jesus said a huge “yes” to many good things and a huge “no” to other good things because He couldn’t do everything. How wisely are you able to say “yes” and “no” to good things?
1/18/201540 minutes, 56 seconds
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“Busyness and Sentness”

Real life, the blessed, life, is busy. It was busy for Jesus. But it’s also purposeful. Jesus said a huge “yes” to many good things and a huge “no” to other good things because He couldn’t do everything. How wisely are you able to say “yes” and “no” to good things?
1/18/201540 minutes, 56 seconds