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Kreate with Kendra

English, Religion, 1 season, 171 episodes, 3 days, 7 hours, 14 minutes
Kreate with Kendra is a place where you can be inspired, challenged and changed. Host, Kendra Smith, provides tips on how to navigate a life lived by faith via her empowering conversations and personal anecdotes, all while discovering practical tools to help exercise your faith in God. This is your ”faith fitness center”. Join the dialogue on topics revolving around: spiritual warfare, romantic relationships, Black women empowerment, and more.
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Christianity is NOT the White Man's Religion (Season Finale)

Where does one's Black and Christian identity intersect? This week we conclude Black History Month with a conversation that counters the notion of Christianity being the white man's religion. We engage with historical facts that reveal the relationship Africans had with the gospel of Jesus Christ while affirming how Blackness and Christianity can exist in the same space. Please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
2/28/202436 minutes, 16 seconds
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Black Women and The Crooked Room.

This week we are joined by my friend Tiphnie Hunter for a conversation about the intellectual power Black women possess. We discuss societal stereotypes, generational perseverance and how Black women can overcome the "crooked room" we find ourselves in which.   Please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
2/14/202435 minutes, 6 seconds
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Black History

Happy Black History Month saints! All month long we are celebrating the beauty of Blackness and the hand of God on the Black community. This week we learn about the life and legacy of Fredrick Douglass, an American activist, hero and Christian man. We will learn about the tribulation he endured as a formally enslaved man and how God used him to change history for African Americans.   Please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE  
2/7/202424 minutes, 6 seconds
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God Chose to Love You

Do you ever feel that love needs to be earned? Do you struggle to receive the love of God fully? This week's episode is our reminder that God's love is not a wage that is earned but a gift that is given. We invite you to open your heart to the endless love of God and receive His gift freely. Read: Romans 5   Sign up for the UA Gospel Choir:   RSVP for the Poetry Jam:   Please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
1/31/202421 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Lord Disciplines Whom HE LOVES!!!!

What do you think when you hear the word discipline? Do you think of a harsh judge with a big stick or a loving father concerned with your growth? This week we acknowledge God's form of discipline. We learn that it is a gift and a sign of love not a sign of hatred.   Read: Hebrews 12:5–6   Sign up for the UA Gospel Choir:   RSVP for the Poetry Jam:   Please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
1/24/202415 minutes, 43 seconds
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Let's Talk About Discipline in 2024

As we continue the journey of our newly evolved selves, today let's discuss the importance of discipline. In this episode we learn that when our flesh is in the driver's seat, we are on the road to chaos. It's only when we are intentional about being disciplined we are the recipients of abundant blessings. But be mindful, the path of discipline is not an easy one.   Read Hebrews 12:11   Sign up for the UA Gospel Choir:   RSVP for the Poetry Jam:   Please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
1/17/202420 minutes, 21 seconds
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Let’s Pray for 2024

We made it to 2024!  What better way to kick off the new year than with a prayer for our community? This week we approach the throne of grace through the power of prayer. We invite you to partner with us in prayer and faith, believing God in all things.    Please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
1/3/202418 minutes, 49 seconds
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Lay It Down

Here we are in the last week of 2023! Before entering into a new year, there are some things we should rid ourselves of in order to receive what God has for us in 2024. This week we talk about the weight and sin that so easily distracts us and what we must do to run this Christian race with endurance.   Read: Hebrews 12:1   Audition to perform at our next Poetry Jam!:   Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE   If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
12/27/202320 minutes, 54 seconds
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Praying With a Purpose!

Let’s talk about prayer! Prayer is the vehicle that we use to communicate with our Heavenly Father. As Christians, prayer should be a part of our everyday lives. This week we are reminded that we are to approach prayer with confidence. God has given us authority to ask anything in His will.   Read: 1 John 5:14    Audition to perform at our next Poetry Jam!:   Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE   If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
12/20/202322 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Prioritize Jesus

For many people, their first thoughts each day are everything they need to get done on their to-do list. However, when considering our to-do lists, is Jesus prioritized in our schedules? This week we are reminded that Jesus should always be our priority. Our hope is that this episode helps you recognize Jesus as #1 before entering the new year.   Read: Matthew 6:33   Audition to perform at our next Poetry Jam!:   Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE   If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
12/13/202318 minutes, 28 seconds
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Let’s Examine Ourselves

As we wrap up 2023, there are some things worth examining before the new year. This week we are challenged with self-reflection. Romans 12:1–2 helps us understand the standard of holiness that the Lord is pleased with as we grow into our newly evolved selves through Christ Jesus. In 2024, our #1 goal should be becoming a living sacrifice for the Lord.   Read: Romans 12:1–2   Audition to perform at our next Poetry Jam!:   Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE   If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
12/6/202324 minutes, 32 seconds
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Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Have you considered how God’s faithfulness has carried you through this year and your life. This week we celebrate God and his mercy towards us. My prayer is that this reminder of God’s love for us helps shift your perspective, and cultivate more gratitude.    Read: Lamentations 3:22–23   Audition to perform at our next Poetry Jam!: Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.  
11/29/202320 minutes, 17 seconds
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Thankful Through Trying Times

The Psalmist writes in Psalm 119:71, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted." We have all face affliction in our lives, and some of us are facing affliction right now. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, today we talk about how we can thank God through the trying times of life.   Read: Psalm 154:66–72 Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
11/22/202332 minutes, 30 seconds
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Men’s Mental Health: A Conversation with Phillip Prewitt

UN-ASSOCIATED has turned November into Men's month and we are celebrating all month long! This week, UN-ASSOCIATED'S very own, Phillip Prewitt joins us in a conversation about the importance of mental health amongst men. You don't want to miss it, click that play button and have a listen.   Read: Matthew 11:28–30; Isaiah 61:3   Sign up for the Men's Month Panel & Discussion here: Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
11/15/202346 minutes, 25 seconds
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You’re Nothing Without Love

Does your love have conditions? Do you find it hard to love those that disagree with you? You’re not alone. This week we are reminded that the love of Christ sees no bounds. Jesus was the perfect example of love for us to follow, after His love for us kept him in the cross.    Read: 1 Corinthians 13; Matthew 27–30 Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
11/8/202327 minutes, 20 seconds
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You Can’t Stay a Babe in Christ

This week, let's discuss discerning through the Holy Spirit. God's desire for us is to continuously grow in our relationship with Him. As a good Father, He has the ability to leads us through His word if we depend of Him to be our Guide. Let's do away with the guidance of the flesh and be led by the Holy Spirit.   Read: Hebrews 5:12–14   Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
7/26/202323 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Idol of Outward Appearance

Are you consumed with your image and how others perceive you? Has your outward appearance become an idol in your life? This week we speak about how our self-image, in many ways, can become idols in our lives. We are reminded that God is only interested in what's inside of us as opposed to our outward adornment. Our hope is that you walk away with a different perspective and know God can gives you beauty from the inside out.   Read: 1 Samuel 16:7   Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
7/19/202325 minutes, 9 seconds
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Return to a Place of Reverence

People of God, it's time to get back to the basics. This week, we are challenged to return to a place in our lives where we reverence the Holiness of God and center Him in all that we do. Let us not be distracted from the things of the world, but let us be reminded that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.   Read: Proverbs 9:10 Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.  
7/12/202324 minutes, 4 seconds
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Does God Still Love Me?

Do you question God's eternal love for you. Do you question if you are deserving to be loved by a perfect God? This week we answer an Ask Kendra question concerning God's Love and delighting Him. Our hope is that you walk away open to receive God wholeheartedly and that He transforms you though the power of Jesus Christ.   Read: Psalm 37:4; Romans 5:1   Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE Help us raise $8,000 for our Poetry Jam!: Poetry Jam Audition Submissions:
7/5/202329 minutes, 47 seconds
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P.U.S.H Pray Until Something Happens

What do you do when you feel like God doesn't hear you when you pray? It doesn't mean that God isn't listening, He is calling us to be persistent in the spirit. This week we learn how to P.U.S.H, pray until something happens. My prayer for you is that God matures your prayer life so that you know He hears you even in the silence.   Read: Luke 11:1–13   Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser: Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE  
6/28/202325 minutes, 2 seconds
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Let’s Talk About Love, Trust & Healing

Let's talk about love, trust and healing. Have you ever dealt with disappointment and heartbreak? Do you find it hard to trust people because you were hurt in the past? This week on Kreate with Kendra, we dive into what disappointment looks like when trying to love. My hope is that through the Scriptures, God transforms your perspective and teaches you how to love like He does.   Read: Romans 5:6–9   Help us raise $8,000 for our Poetry Jam!: Poetry Jam Audition Submissions:
6/21/202320 minutes, 36 seconds
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Stop Self-Sabotaging

Are you a roadblocker to your own blessing? This week we identify ways we can be hindering the blessings God wants to pour into us. My hope and prayer is that this episode raises awareness of your own self-sabotaging habits and encourages you to surrender those things to the Lord.   Help us raise $8,000 for our Poetry Jam!: Poetry Jam Audition Submissions:    
6/7/202324 minutes, 41 seconds
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Struggling with Loneliness As a Christian

Have you ever struggled with the feeling of loneliness? Have you ever felt isolated from the rest of the world and that no one cares for you? This week we are reminded that we are never alone with Jesus and that separation from the world is a blessing in disguise.    Help us raise $8,000 for our Poetry Jam!: Poetry Jam Audition Submissions:  
5/31/202326 minutes, 1 second
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Remember Who You Are

This week is a wake-up call for all Believers! There is a direct attack on our identities and now is the time to be reminded of what God says about us. This week we rehearse what God has spoken over those that believe and follow Him!   Help us raise $8,000 for our Poetry Jam!: Poetry Jam Audition Submissions:
5/24/202329 minutes, 30 seconds
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Dear Mama

This week we dedicate a moment to celebrate mothers! Motherhood is a gift from God and these women are important to all of us. Whether your mother is here or if she has transitioned on, today we honor them for their selflessness and love.   Read: Proverbs 1:8–9 Help us raise $8,000 for our Poetry Jam!: Poetry Jam Audition Submissions:
5/10/202327 minutes, 28 seconds
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Don’t Forget About the Grace You Were Shown w/ Danielle Clayton

As sinners saved by Grace, we ought to be ever mindful of God’s love and abundant grace towards for us despite our deficiencies. However, in our humanness, we oftentimes tend to quickly forget about extending that same grace to each others. Let's discuss how we can fix this. Today we welcome on Danielle Clayton, Editor-in-Chief on UN-ASSOCIATED, as our guest.   Read: Matthew 7:1–5; Philippians 2:3–4:; 1 John 4:20; 1 Peter 3:15 Please consider donating to our next Poetry Jam!: Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE  
5/3/202334 minutes, 18 seconds
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Bearing the Burden of Temptation TOGETHER

Have you ever been shamed by the guilt of sin? It takes courage to confide in someone when you fall into temptation. Followers of Jesus are instructed to gently restore others that miss the mark. I pray this episode is an encouragement to those that struggle with the guilt of sin and for believers to bear each other's burdens.   Read: Galatians 6:1–5
4/26/202342 minutes, 10 seconds
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Level up in Trusting God

This week we level up in trusting God! At every stage in life, God gives us the opportunity to trust Him through our challenges. My hope is that through God's word, you are reminded that God's direction for your life is better than any plan you can create.   Read: Proverbs 3:5–6 Please consider donating to our next Poetry Jam!: Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE  
4/19/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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Let’s Pray: A Prayer for Identity

This week we return to seeking God through prayer. The Lord's desire for his people is that we come to know who we are in Christ Jesus. I pray that our identity is made in Him and not through things of the world. I extend my petition that we return to holiness and live our lives according to God's way.   Read: 2 Corinthians 5:7; Romans 6:23 If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
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Deny Yourself and Follow Christ

This week we celebrate Passion Week by reflecting on how we can live a pleasing life to Christ. Let's visit a conversation Jesus had with his disciples in Matthew 16.  Here, Jesus compelled anyone that desires to follow Him to first deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. Self-denial is no joke, and it certainly is not optional.   Read: Matthew 16:15–25 If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
4/5/202334 minutes, 33 seconds
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God is God and I am Not

This week, let's discuss pride and idolatry in the form of power and riches. Pride can infect us on both an individual and systemic level, and we must understand the spirit behind it. Pride is like a contagious disease, and it's everywhere, which is why we need to move with caution. It gets deep, so let's do this scripture study together!   Read: Ezekiel 28 If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
3/29/202344 minutes, 22 seconds
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My 3 Year Anniversary

Can you believe it's been 3 Years? This week we celebrate 3 years of inspiration, challenge, and change. Tune in as we reflect on the journey of the show and how God truly deserves all the glory for what it is today.   Read: 1 Corinthians 1:26–31   If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
3/22/202326 minutes, 41 seconds
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Speaking tongues/ Being Filled with the Holy Spirit

Have you ever seen someone speaking in tongues and wondered, How does that work? This week we answer an Ask Kendra question about the filling of the Holy Spirit and the evidence of speaking in tounges. Our hope is that clarity is brought through God's Holy Word and that everyone listening will receive the gift of God's Holy Spirit that are meant for them.   Scripture Reading: Mark 16:16–18
1/25/202328 minutes, 13 seconds
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Call Me Professor Amos!

GOD DID IT AGAIN! Today I share my testimony on how God made a way for me and blessed me with my first professorship! The journey wasn't easy but God sustained me through my waiting season. And at the time He wanted, I was exalted. I hope this testimony encourages someone to have faith in the Lord even when there is no evidence that what you are praying for will come to fruition.   Read: Hebrews 11:1 If led, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
1/18/202331 minutes, 18 seconds
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Can I Be Redeemed from Sexual Sin?

Let's talk about SEX, and yes I said sex. Today we tackle a hot topic that is common to mankind but quietly kept amongst many Christian communities. If you have feelings of guilt or shame when it comes to sex, this episode is for you. My hope is that feelings of heaviness are lifted from you and you come into a new understanding and responsibility of your body and will.   Read: Genesis 2:23–25; John 8:1–11 If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
1/11/202338 minutes, 34 seconds
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Let’s Pray: A Reset for a New Year

This week, we usher in the new year in with prayer. As we enter a new season, we are focused on seeking God in prayer and bearing the image of Christ. Our hope is that you are encouraged through this prayer to realign with God in this new season.   Read: Romans 8:26-30 If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
1/4/202325 minutes, 23 seconds
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How to Love Like God

This week we visit Romans 5:6-11. This scripture is a reminder of the greatest love the World has ever known and how it sustains us. We discuss how as children of God we can both receive and learn to give love as God shows his love toward us. Our prayer is that you receive his love in your life and that you are able to share it with others.   Scripture Reading: Romans 5:6-11 If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
12/21/202226 minutes, 37 seconds
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Loving God For Who He Is

This week on Kreate with Kendra, our time is dedicated to intentionally thinking about God's goodness. He is good to us - not because we've been faithful in our walk with Christ, or deserve it. But God is good simply because he is God. Our hope is that this episode of adoration is a reminder of the God's beauty in you life.   Read:  Matthew 6:9-13 If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
12/14/202223 minutes, 56 seconds
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Selfless Prayers and Intercession with Foluke Oduntan

This week we are joined by our friend Foluke as we talk about the function of prayer. This episode will demonstrate the importance of selfless prayers and intercession. Our hope is to encourage and strengthen you to take your prayer life more seriously and fill it with more compassion for others.   If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
12/7/202242 minutes, 3 seconds
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Bonus: There is Growth in the Gutter

Enjoy this archived episode! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!: The discomfort of tribulations can feel like endless suffering. This week we learn that God allowing pain in our lives will help our growth as Christians. There is growth in the Gutter! It is in the gutter that the fruits are the Spirit are most evident!   Read: Galatians 5:22-23 Watch full video episode here: If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
11/30/202232 minutes, 40 seconds
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Every Good Day Starts with Gratitude

The Word of God reminds us " in all things give thanks." There are opportunities to express gratitude in situations that are both favorable and lousy. Gratitude should be a constant practice in acknowledging God's goodness at all times. This week, let's unpack the practicality of gratitude and its value when applied. My hope is that you are able to see the goodness of God in all things.   Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
11/23/202220 minutes, 20 seconds
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Faith Pep Talk

"Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen" This week we reflect on God's word concerning faith. We are reminded that practicing faith generates confidence we ought to have in Christ. If you have been feeling week in your faith, I pray this episode can bless you and give you the lift you needed in Jesus name.   Read: Hebrews 11:1-6 If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
11/16/202220 minutes, 26 seconds
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Let’s Pray Together Again

This week on Kreate with Kendra we come together in prayer. Prayer is the groundwork on which our faith is built. It is the way of communication with our Lord and a weapon that is used to fight in the spirit. Come join us in prayer as we believe God to move mightily in our lives.   Read: Matthew 21:22 If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
11/9/202225 minutes, 10 seconds
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Let’s Talk About Forgiveness Pt. 2

It can be tempting to live in unforgiveness when life is to blame for pain we experience. Forgiveness is such a great task that it was important to revisit the conversation and dive deeper into its biblical meaning. This week, we have Jordyn back, and we take a look at Scripture and see how God calls us to begin the work in our own selves so we can both give and receive forgiveness.    Read: Ephesians 4:26-32; 1 Peter 5:6-8; Ephesians 5:8-15   If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
11/2/202231 minutes, 26 seconds
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Let’s Talk About Forgiveness

Do you find it hard to forgive people that hurt you? Do you experience feelings of bitterness and dismay? This week we are joined by our friend Jordyn Anderson in a conversation about forgiveness and what the Bible says about it. Our prayer is that forgiveness becomes a part of your Christian Walk and that God gives you strength for the tasks that seem impossible.   Read: Proverbs 17:9; Luke 6:37-38   If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
10/26/202239 minutes, 1 second
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Can We Disappoint God?

Have you ever felt like you disappointed God? Do you have feelings of guilt and shame? Guilt is such an interesting feeling. It's a feeling that makes us think we are doing God a favor by separating ourselves from Him. But that could not be further from the truth. This week we challenge these unfavorable feelings with a reminder of God's word and His redeeming power.   Read: Galatians 5:1; John 8:2-11 If led, please consider making  a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE. Submit a Question or Topic Suggestion to Ask Kendra HERE
10/19/202225 minutes, 50 seconds
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Bonus: Won‘t He Do It!

Episode 73 unearthed: Have you ever struggled between worry and faith? This week I share my testimony about how God made a way out of no way! Moral of the story is, when you want to trust God, actually trust Him. Don't tip-toe the at the edge of the pool, jump in and let Him have His way.   If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE. Watch full video episode on our YouTube Channel:
10/12/202230 minutes, 22 seconds
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”God, Take What’s Not Like You”

This week I pray that God removes anything in us that is not like Him. On this episode of Kreate with Kendra we visit John 15: 1-8. In the scriptures, Jesus teaches the importance of connecting to the true vine; apart from him, we can do nothing. A part of connectivity to Christ is ridding the works of the flesh and producing the fruits of the Spirit.   Read: John 15:1-8; Galatians 5:22-23 If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
10/5/202236 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Dangers of New Age Spirituality

This episode is a sequel to "Manifestation Doctrine: Can Believers Practice Tarot Cards and Astrology?" we are joined by our friend Dena Williams (aka Dee) as we talk about her new book Scribes Over Signs. This book details ways to combat new age spirituality and serves as a reminder of God's holiness. We hope this episode can help you identify any of the ways witchcraft might have subtly entered your life or the life of your loved ones. Please stay prayed up and vigilant in the truth.   Read: Galatians 5:19-21  Order Dee's new book, Scribes Over Signs HERE. If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
9/28/202245 minutes, 43 seconds
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Lets Pray Together

Let's pray together! This week we come together in prayer. We are reminded in God's word that prayer is essential to the lives of Christians, and without it we would fail. Jesus instructed us to pray earnestly to our Father in Heaven. Communing with God intimately allows us to familiarize ourselves with His voice as He speaks to us.   Read: Matthew 6:5-6 If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
9/21/202228 minutes, 48 seconds
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To The Women Who’ve Had an Abortion...

This episode is dedicated to all women that have gone through with the abortion process and those that are considering it. Our hope is that after this episode you are encouraged, freed from guilt, and understand that God has a plan for your life even when life gets difficult.
9/14/202241 minutes, 12 seconds
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God Didn’t Let Me Die w/ Phillip Prewitt

Episode 38 Rediscovered: From dangers seen and unseen, God preserved your life for a reason. This week we listen to the powerful testimony of Phillip Prewitt, a young man that was faced death on many occasions but was spared by God. We hope this episode helps you understand that God's provision over your life is real. He is very present and is always there to lift you up and give you the victory.   If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
9/7/202229 minutes, 39 seconds
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We Have Freedom From Sin

Whenever I want to do right evil is always present. This week we discuss the realities of struggling with sin by unpacking and understanding God's parameters for protection against sin, setting an atmosphere conducive to what is pleasing to God, and forgiving ourselves and receiving God’s forgiveness. My hope is that someone is freed from sin and walks in the redeeming power of Christ.   Read: 1 John 3:4-8; 2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 John 1:9 If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
8/31/202227 minutes
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How to ”Fight in the Spirit”

Life will give you bumps and bruises but how do you fight these battles? This week we are joined by Taylor Melton as we discuss ways to fight in the spirit and forsaking weapons on the flesh.   Read: 2 Kings 3:15; 2 Corinthians 10:4-5; Ephesians 4:9; Galatians 5:1-5 & 12-15 If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
8/24/202239 minutes, 38 seconds
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Stop Overlooking Miracles

This week's episode is an expression of gratitude to God as Jehovah-Jireh, our Provider and Jehovah Nissi, our Banner of Love and Protection. God's endless love compels Him to perform countless miracles in our lives. His nature as a Father is the reason for our covering. Join me in a moment of gratitude and praise for the many miracles in our lives.   Read: Psalm 68:19 UA Day is this Saturday!!!! If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.      
8/17/202221 minutes, 1 second
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Hold On! You’re Almost There.

To all of my dreamers out there, don't get tired of working hard and doing well. If God gave you a promise hold tight to it because you are almost there!   Read: Galatians 6:9 If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
8/10/202223 minutes, 52 seconds
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How Do I Tell Someone I Love About Jesus?

Do you find it hard to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with your close friends and family? This week Emmanuel Iheke joins us in the conversation on how to connect with others and evangelize with boldness. We hope this conversation is the piece of motivation you might've needed.   Read: Romans 10:17; 1 Corinthians 2:1-2; Mark 16:15 If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
8/3/202241 minutes, 33 seconds
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”How are you Black and Christian?” w/ Alicia Frison

This week, we take on another Ask Kendra question: "How can Blackness and Christianity mix given our history of slavery?" We will discuss the trauma of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, how a false sense of Christianity was used on enslaved Black people, and the how God's word has and continues to encourage and fortify the Black community of today.   Read: Exodus 1:7-14 Bible Study Sign up
7/27/202249 minutes, 11 seconds
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How Do I Stay Motivated with My Faith?

Watching others live out their Christian walk can be discouraging if you feel like you don't have it "all together." You may be asking yourself, "how can I maintain my relationship with God and walk according to His will?" This week ,we discuss 3 helpful tips to consider when it comes to strengthening your walk with the Lord.   Read: 2 Corinthians 5:7; Hebrews 11:1   If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
7/20/202229 minutes, 28 seconds
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Help! I Hate Everything About Me

Everyone has something they would want to change about themselves. But what happens when you hate everything about yourself? This week on Kreate with Kendra we get real on the feelings of self-hatred and are reminded of the true things God says about us in His Word.   If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
7/13/202220 minutes, 55 seconds
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Should Christians Date Unbelievers?

Everyone knows dating is difficult, but should you lower your standards for someone that has tons of red flags? This week we talk about the do's and dont's of dating and how your standards should not be negotiated for the sake of companionship, this is going to be a good one ya'll!   Read: 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE. Bible Study Sign Up
7/6/202226 minutes, 17 seconds
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Speak the Word of God to Your Dead Situation

If life feels like a dry and lonely desert, you may be wondering why you are there. Could it be that God placed you there for a purpose? This week we visit Ezekiel 37 and learn about the power of prophecy and using God's word to speak to our dead situations.   Read: Ezekiel 37:1-14 If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
6/29/202228 minutes, 13 seconds
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Finished School...Now What?

One thing I don't like to do is wait. This week, I share another opportunity I've been given to practice patience as I await more post-grad opportunities. God is in the business of blessing and needs no assistance from man. When He tells us to rest and wait on Him, that's a command. I pray this episode encourages someone to wait well in the process.   Read: Psalm 37:7 If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
6/22/202221 minutes, 31 seconds
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I Mastered it! God’s Glory Through Graduate School

I Mastered it! After two years, I am excited to share that I completed my graduate program. This week ,I share my experience in a Black studies program at the height of social unrest, a world health crisis, and how God's grace sustained me through it all.   Read: Proverbs 16:3 If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
6/15/202228 minutes, 34 seconds
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Check On Your ”Strong Friends”

Being labeled as strong has its consequences. Strength is often misunderstood and interpreted as physical and emotional durability. It is important not to assume that our friends and family are living a constant, perfect life. We need to check in on those that seem as if they have it all figured out. Let's talk about it...   Read: James 5:16; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.
6/8/202231 minutes, 48 seconds
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”I Know the Plans I Have For You...”

Are you paying attention to the God's plan or your plan? This week, we visit Jeremiah 29 and look into the letter that was written to the people of Israel while they were in exile. God used Jeremiah to walk them through God's plan for them He made out of His love. This letter serves as a reflection of our relationship with God and His desire to see us prosper! Read: Jeremiah 29 If led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE.  
6/1/202221 minutes, 42 seconds
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What Do You Say When You Don’t Know What to Pray?

What do you say when you don't know what to pray? This week we turn to Scripture to discover how God helps us communicate with Him in prayer. Our prayer life is an essential part of our walk, and must never be abandoned or ignored.   Read: Luke 22:31-14; Romans 8:26-27
5/25/202230 minutes, 6 seconds
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Enough is Enough

Today we remember the fallen victims of the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York. This week's episode is a challenge to all believers not to sit silent but to stand against violence. Isaiah 1:17 reminds us how to take action in times of injustice.   If led, please consider donating to Voice Buffalo, an organization working to ensure that law enforcement, adjudication, and criminal corrections are equitable for all. DONATE HERE.
5/18/202226 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Time I Almost Gave Up

Have you ever experienced a time when you almost gave up on your faith in God? Life can bring pain, discomfort, and disappointment that can discourage us from our faith. This week I tell my testimony of having questionable faith and how the Lord helped me through.   Read: Matthew 11:28; John 16:33 If led, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to our ministry HERE.
5/11/202225 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Definition of Success

How do you measure success? Is it measured by image or popularity? This week, on the 100th episode of Kreate with Kendra, we learn that following God's plan is the definition of real success.   Read: Proverbs 16:3 If you feel led to sow a seed into this ministry, please consider making a tax-deductible donation HERE.
5/4/202226 minutes, 27 seconds
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Do Christians Have Fun?

Do Christians have fun? Some may think that living for Christ is the end of all the fun. This week we discuss the difference between having a good time and the urge to engage in activities that compromise the our faith. Let's talk about it!   Read: Proverbs 17:22 Sign up for Bible Study for next Monday HERE. If you are led to sow a seed into this ministry, please consider making a tax-deductible donation HERE.
4/27/202226 minutes, 15 seconds
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Jesus Is Who He Says He Is.

Listen up, because it's testimony time! This week, I share some recent life challenges I have experienced and how God turned each situation around for my good. I was reminded by Matthew 28:6 that Jesus is who He says He is, and because of that we can trust Him with everything.   Read: Matthew 28:6 Sign up for our UA Bible study. If you feel led to sow a seed into this ministry, please consider making a tax-deductible donation HERE.
4/20/202227 minutes, 49 seconds
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God Loves a Cheerful Giver (Rediscovered)

God loves a cheerful giver! This week we are reminded that being a blessing to others is a blessing to God. In our giving and obedience God will provide beyond our imagination.  Read: 2 Corinthians 9:6-9   If you feel led to sow a seed into our ministry, please consider making a tax-deductible donation HERE.
4/6/202222 minutes, 15 seconds
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Celebrating Womanhood: Body Image, Self-Love & Life Lessons

As we conclude Woman's History month we celebrate the beautiful autonomy of womanhood. Join me and my guests: Jordyn Anderson and Editor-in-Chief of UN-ASSOCIATED, Danielle Clayton, as we discuss the different facets of being Black Christian Women navigating today's world while reflecting on our past to build a better future. If you at anytime you feel led, you can make a tax-deductible donation to UN-ASSOCIATED HERE. Donations of any size are much appreciated.
3/30/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 19 seconds
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Dare to Be Different: The Show is 2 Years Old!

Can you believe it's been 2 years since the first episode of Kreate with Kendra? This week we celebrate the second anniversary of the show and reflect on the journey thus far. We engage with scripture concerning spiritual gifts and the importance of using them for God's glory and service to others - NOT for our glory. Do you have a gift from the Lord? How have you ben using it?   Read: Romans 12:6-8; 1 Peter 4:10-11 If you are led, please consider donating to our ministry HERE. Sign up for Bible Study on April 4th HERE.
3/23/202237 minutes, 6 seconds
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Jesus is the True Vine

Are you connected to the true vine? This week we discuss the importance of being connected to Jesus as the source of life. This connection requires the removal of dead things in our lives and remaining in a relationship with Him so that we may live a blessed and fulfilled life.   Read: John 15:1-8 If at anytime you feel led to make a tax-deductible donation to this ministry, please consider donating HERE.
3/16/202229 minutes, 43 seconds
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No Longer a Slave to Sin

Do you deal with the guilt of sin and fear of facing God because of shame? This week we are reminded that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross FREES us from the bondage of sin. JESUS IS OUR LIBERATION.   Read: Genesis 3:1-6 Watch full video episode here: If you would like to sow a seed into our ministry, please consider donating here.
3/9/202232 minutes, 59 seconds
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Get Out Your Own Head

Do you consider yourself an over-thinker? Are your thoughts troubling you concerning things in life or your relationship with God? This week we pose three questions about faith, trust, and mental warfare while seeking the answers to these questions with Scripture.   Read: 1 Peter 5:8; Jeremiah 29:11-14; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 Watch full video episode here:    
3/2/202240 minutes, 1 second
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Christians and Secular Music with Foluke Oduntan

Should Christians only listen to Christian music? This week we invite recording artist Foluke Oduntan to share with us what it means to be both a Christian and a Musician. Let's talk about music in the spirit realm, the church, and what God is doing through this medium in our generation. Follow Foluke: @rachealfolu If you would like to sow a seed into this ministry, we welcome you to donate here.
2/23/202255 minutes, 54 seconds
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Surrender, So He Can Bless You.

In order for us to drink this living water, God needs us to surrender our sin. This week, we continue to read John 4 and discuss the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Jesus began teaching the woman the importance of true worship and introduced her to Himself as the Messiah. What might you need to surrender in your life right now?   Read: John 4:13-30 Watch full video episode: If you are led, please consider donating to our ministry here.
2/16/202223 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ethnic Divisions & the Church

Should we allow our societal and ethnic differences to continue to divide us as believers? This week, we recount the story of when Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well. Her initial response was acknowledging the ethnic differences between her and Jesus until Jesus introduces Himself as the living water.   Read: John 4:1-13 Watch the full video episode:  
2/9/202227 minutes, 13 seconds
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My Poetry Jam Recap

In our Christian walk, it is important to have a community in order to be supported and grow in Jesus. This week, I give a recap of the UN-ASSOCIATED Poetry Jam 4 and how this ministry is in the works for the kingdom of God.   Watch full video episode here:
2/2/202231 minutes, 57 seconds
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Exalt God With Your Gifts, Not Yourself.

It is easy to get caught up in selfish motives after recognizing your gifts and callings. Today, we will read through John 3:22-36. In this passage, John the Baptist will remind us that our gifts are meant to prepare the way for Christ. THEY ARE NOT FOR OUR GLORY, BUT HIS. My hope is that after listening to this episode, you are encouraged to examine your gifts and rethink how you may be using them for the glory of God!   Read: John 3:22-36 Watch full video episode here: Watch The Un-Associated Poetry Jam 4 live here  
1/26/202228 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Blessings Come from Obedience; God’s Discipline

Do you measure your success by the word of God? Do you believe you're the source of all the good things that come to you? In this week's episode, we study Proverbs 3:1-12, a place in Scripture that reveals the blessings God has in store for us if we obey His word. I'll also talk about the right way to perceive God's discipline. P.S. It's my bday! Read: Proverbs 3:1-12 Watch full video episode here:
1/19/202235 minutes, 53 seconds
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Find Your Secret Place with the Lord

As we position ourselves into where God is taking us this year, today I wanted to remind you that your secret place in prayer is a critical discipline of your Christian walk. Let's revisit Scriptures that mention the importance of secret fellowship with God. I hope this episode encourages you to take your time with God so much more seriously than you already do now. IT IS NEEDED.   Read: Pslam 27:4-5; Pslam 91:1-2; Matthew 6:6 Watch full video episode here:
1/12/202233 minutes, 13 seconds
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God Is Moving...But Are You Moving With Him?

We want God to move in our lives but we sit idle? That's not it. This week we talk about making moves for the new year. Let's discuss the faith, intentions, and actions required when it comes to moving in the direction God wants us to move in. Buckle up, because we are taking off in 2022!   Read: James 2:14-17; James 1:23-25 Watch full video episode here:
1/5/202233 minutes, 18 seconds
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New Year, Same Message - God Is With You.

This week, you’ll be listening to the New Year message I preached last year. New year, same message. I hope this message blesses you.   Best, Kendra
12/29/202113 minutes, 22 seconds
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Mary‘s Christmas Story.

This week, we take a closer look into the life and experience of Mary, the mother of Jesus. As a young teen girl she was chosen to bring the Savior of the world to earth. How did she feel about that? Was she scared? We learn that Mary’s assignment wasn’t about her, but that God used her life to bring forth the greatest gift of all.   Read: Luke 1: 26-37 Watch full video episode here: Tickets to The UN-ASSOCIATED Poetry Jam    
12/22/202134 minutes, 15 seconds
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Do You Really Know Who God Is for Yourself?

How often do we take others' experiences in faith as our own? This week, we unpack the assumptions of who people say God is by diving into the word and exploring God’s Character according to the scriptures. It is important that we know the Lord personally and create an authentic and intimate relationship with the Lover of our souls. Our prayer is that the Word of God opens our understanding of who God is as we grow in Him.   Read: Romans 5:6-8; John 14:23; Malachi 3:6; John 4:24
12/15/202135 minutes, 47 seconds
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It‘s Time to Hit ”Restart”

Are you ready to hit restart for the upcoming year? This week, we learn that starting fresh begins with our relationship with God. Getting you life together should begin with the one that holds your life in the palm of His hands.   Read: Romans 12: 1-5 Watch full video episode here: Buy Poetry Jam tickets here:
12/8/202130 minutes, 45 seconds
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There is Growth in the Gutter

The discomfort of tribulations can feel like endless suffering. This week we learn that God allowing pain in our lives will help our growth as Christians. There is growth in the Gutter! It is in the gutter that the fruits are the Spirit are most evident!   Galatians 5:22-23 Watch full video episode here:
12/1/202132 minutes, 59 seconds
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When You Think, You Can Thank

When considering all of the challenges in your life, what can you thank God For? This episode serves as a reminder that when you think of God's goodness you can thank Him for what He is doing in your life. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!   Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Psalm 100 Watch full video episode here:
11/24/202125 minutes, 18 seconds
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Being a Transparent Christian with Emmanuel Iheke

It's a host swap! This week, Emmanuel takes over as host of Kreate with Kendra as we discuss what it means to be in the valley as a Christian. What type of mindset should we have while there? And what do we say when people ask us "how are you?"   Watch full video episode here:  
11/17/202144 minutes, 13 seconds
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Encouragement Goes a Long Way

This week we learn ways to be encouragers to others and even to ourselves through the word of God. Encouragement goes a long way! It's time we prioritize being a blessing to others in the ways we are able.   Read: Isaiah 41:10 Watch full video episode here:
11/10/202126 minutes, 50 seconds
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Setting Boundaries in Your Friendships

Have you ever thought about what foundation your relationships with others are built on? Every relationship in your life should be built on a solid foundation and with boundaries firmly set! This week we discuss seasonal friendships and setting boundaries with others.   Watch full video episode here:
11/3/202134 minutes, 21 seconds
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Communication is Key: A Therapy Session with Tiphanie Hunter

It's commonly stated that communication is key, but who teaches us how to communicate in a productive way? This week, I sit down with licensed therapist, Tiphanie Hunter, as she gives us tools in how to effectively communicate with others!   Follow Tiphanie on instagram: @s0blu3 Listen and Subscribe to our YouTube:
10/27/202151 minutes, 3 seconds
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Are You a Friendly Christian?

This week, we are reminded that it doesn't cost anything to be friendly. You never know the type of difference you could be making in someone's life when you show them kindness. And let's not forget, our lives will sometimes be the only Bible people every read. It's time to look inward, and be more friendly.   Read: Proverbs 25:21-22 Ask a question:
10/20/202121 minutes, 52 seconds
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New Testimony!: Won‘t He Do It!

Have you ever struggled between worry and faith? This week I share my testimony about how God made a way out of no way! Moral of the story is, when you want to trust God, actually trust Him. Don't tip-toe the at the edge of the pool, jump in and let Him have His way.   Watch full video episode on our YouTube Channel: Don't forget to like and subscribe :)
10/13/202130 minutes, 22 seconds
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Grief is Never Easy

Losing someone is always hard and grief will never be easy. This week, I share my experience with grief and how to celebrate the life of those that have gone on.   Read: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Watch full video episode here:
10/6/202128 minutes, 49 seconds
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Social Media & Sanctification: A Conversation with Alexis Ada

This week we are joined by special guest, Alexis Ada, a motivational speaker and content creator on a mission to inspire people around the world. We discuss how impactful social media can be for the glory of God and the importance of separation and sanctification. You're in for a great conversation today!    Follow Alexis on instagram:  
9/29/202146 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Keeping Power of the Holy Spirit

No matter what state your faith is in, you will need the keeping power of the Holy Spirit. This week, we learn that God's Holy Spirit is a gift to all that ask and receive Him openly. This Spirit comforts us and guides us through life, and it is through this Spirit that we experience our own spiritual growth.   Read: Luke 11:9-13 Watch full video episode here:
9/22/202125 minutes, 31 seconds
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Roller Coaster Faith (Revisited)

Revisiting episode 28, first published on October 21st, 2020. Life is filled with ups and downs, but having faith in God will get you through whatever life brings you. In this episode we are reminded of the value of putting faith in God during this roller coaster life.
9/15/202118 minutes, 52 seconds
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Give Grace, Get Grace

We live in a world where it's easy to judge others and not reflect on our own issues. This week, we are reminded to give grace to others as God has been gracious to us by giving us His only Son.   Read: Romans 3:22-26 Watch full video episode here, and don't forget to like and subscribe:
9/8/202125 minutes, 46 seconds
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Tell Your Problems About Your God

Don't just tell God about your problems, but start telling your problems about your God. This week we're reminded that our temporary problems can not be compared to the powerful and glorious God we serve.   Read: Isaiah 41:10 Watch full video episode here:
9/1/202128 minutes, 23 seconds
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Realizing That God Loves You

Do you realize how much God loves you? This week we are reminded that God's love is always available to us even when we feel undeserving. When we acknowledge this love, we realize that He is all that we need.   Read: Deut 31:6 Watch full video episode here:
8/25/202123 minutes, 31 seconds
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Don't Just Sit There, Get Up.

This episode is for the person that has been sulking in their pain. Discouragement can lead you into low places, but don't just sit there, get up. This week we are reminded that we have the ability to encourage ourselves and others in the Lord. Get up.   Read: 1 Samuel 30:6 Watch full video episode here:
8/18/202124 minutes, 46 seconds
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Part-Time Believer

Some of us have been part-time believers. We believe in God - but not Jesus, and we trust God to be there for us - but only half of the time. In this episode we're gonna break down James 1:2-8, and address this issue head-on.   Read: James 1:2-8 Watch full video episode:  
8/11/202128 minutes, 11 seconds
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Watch Ya Mouth

Sometimes we just need to watch our mouths. This week we visit James Chapter 3, as it teaches us about how the tongue is a dangerous and untamable member of our body.   Read: James 3:1-12 Watch video episode here:
8/4/202124 minutes, 39 seconds
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Falling In Love With The Wrong Things

What do you do when you fall in love with the wrong things? This week we learn that lesser loves are the cause of division between us and our Heavenly Father, and through God’s might those strongholds can be destroyed.   Read: Genesis 3:1-7; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 Watch video episode on our YouTube Channel: Don't forget to like and Subscribe!
7/28/202135 minutes, 38 seconds
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Is Having the Last Word Worth It?

Oftentimes we fight for others to understand us or to be heard, but is having the last word always worth it? This week, we discuss how having the last word is not a tool of strength but that there is much to be said even in silence.   Read: Psalm 46:8-10 Watch video episode:
7/21/202126 minutes, 1 second
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Dress to Impress How to Clothe Yourself in Modesty

On this episode, we are going to talk about how to put on modesty. Is modesty simply about following a list of dress restrictions? Is this something that hinders self-expression, or something we should see as a way to honor our body and represent Christ?   Read: 1 Peter 3:3-4 Watch video episode here: Don't forget to Like and Subscribe!
7/14/202128 minutes, 53 seconds
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Restored In Christ

Have you felt disconnecting from God? This week we talk about what it means to be restored with our Heavenly Father.   Read: Romans 8:38-39; Colossians 3:5-10 Watch video episode here:
7/7/202126 minutes, 29 seconds
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When I Want To Do Good, Evil Is Always Present

When I want to do good, evil is always present. The battle of the flesh and spirit is common amongst believers. This week we visit scriptures to help us conquer feelings that dishonor God in our Christian walk.   Read: John 3:16; Romans 7:21-25; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 Watch video episode here:
6/30/202125 minutes, 21 seconds
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Preparing for a Wedding vs Preparing for Marriage

There is a huge difference between preparing for your wedding day and preparing for a life-long marriage. This week, I share tips on wedding planning and more importantly, more tips on how to prepare for marriage.
6/23/202124 minutes, 32 seconds
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Tell Your Testimony

Have you ever felt like your testimony doesn’t matter. This week on Kreate with Kendra we are reminded that our personal stories are tools to strengthen our walk with Christ, to help others and to bring God glory!   Read: Revelations 12:11
6/16/202123 minutes, 41 seconds
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I Got Married!

From Miss to Mrs.! This week I share my wedding day experience and most memorable moments such as my vows, the getting-ready process and much more. Read: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
6/9/202126 minutes, 42 seconds
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It Takes A Village To Raise A Woman

It takes a village to raise women. This week I share my bridal shower experience and reflect on the importance of community amongst positive role models.    Read: Proverbs 14:1 Watch full video episode and subscribe to our YouTube channel here:
5/5/202130 minutes, 42 seconds
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How Desperate Are You? (For Jesus)

How desperate are you for Jesus? This week we learn about how the desperate actions of a courageous woman in the Bible led her to healing, and that Jesus wants to do the same for you.   Read Mark 5:21-34     
4/28/202126 minutes, 52 seconds
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Stop Twisting the Truth

When God's truths are twisted, they then become lies. This week we expose the lies of the enemy and learn that there is freedom in God's truths.   Read: Genesis 3:1-7; Matthew 5:37; John 8:31-32 Watch full video episode and subscribe to the UN-ASSOCIATED YouTube channel here:
4/21/202121 minutes, 3 seconds
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What Do I Do With My Jealous Heart?

What do you do when you have envy in your heart? This uneasy feeling can consume our lives if we are unaware. This week we learn ways to deal with feelings of jealousy and are reminded of God's blessings.   Read: Proverbs 14:30; Hebrews 13:5 Watch video episode and subscribe to the UN-ASSOCIATED YouTube channel here:
4/14/202123 minutes, 6 seconds
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Why Do I Believe in God?

Why do people believe in God, and how can we prove His presence? This week we engage with evidence of God's omnipresence and His love for His children.   Read: James 4:8
4/7/202124 minutes, 44 seconds
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Why Should You Give Your Life to Christ?

This week we are reminded of the sweetness of salvation and the benefits of being in relationship with Jesus.   Read: John 14:6; John 3:16
3/31/202128 minutes, 1 second
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God Loves A Cheerful Giver

God loves a cheerful giver! This week we are reminded that being a blessing to others is a blessing to God. In our giving and obedience God will provide beyond our imagination.    Read: 2 Corinthians 9:6-9 Watch video episode and subscribe to the UN-ASSOCIATED YouTube Channel:
3/24/202124 minutes, 47 seconds
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Kreate with Kendra 1 Year Anniversary; Dare to be Obedient

This week we celebrate 1 year of Kreate with Kendra with special guest, Emmanuel Iheke! Today we share our challenges and greatest rewards from the work we do for the glory of God. Over the course of the show, the motto of "inspire, challenge and change" has blessed listeners everywhere.
3/17/202155 minutes, 28 seconds
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Manifestation Doctrine: Can Believers Practice Tarot Cards and Astrology?

Can believers practice tarot and astrology? This week we learn the difference in God's power and power that is wicked. God is calling His people to turn from wicked practices and come into a relationship with Him. We welcome entrepreneur and UN-ASSOCIATED writer, Dena Williams, as our guest to share her testimony.   Read Acts 8:9-11 & 17-20
3/10/202148 minutes, 32 seconds
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Cheating On God: How Idols Interfere with Our Relationship with the Lord

Have you been unfaithful in your relationship with God? This week we learn how everyday-things can become idols in our lives, and that pride is the cause of division. Read: Jeremiah 2:23-25
3/3/202125 minutes, 13 seconds
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What Do You Do While You’re Waiting on Jesus?

When life has you at a stand still, what do you do while you're waiting on Jesus? This week we learn how to exercise out patience while we wait on the lord.   Read: Jeremiah 1:6-8,11-12; Matthew 6:33; Jeremiah 29:5-7; Psalm 46:10
2/24/202124 minutes, 17 seconds
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I Am My Ancestors' Wildest Dream

A few things we must never forget are the sacrifices, hard work, and the prayers of the people who helped get us where we are today. In honor of Black History Month, we acknowledge the trailblazers - our ancestors - and discuss how we must continue to pray for the generations to come.
2/17/202121 minutes, 35 seconds
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Healing and a Bunch of Other Topics, with Tae Nicole

On this episode, I am joined by Tae Nicole as we discuss: the power of prayer, what it means to hear from God, healing, and the importance of having a sister in the Lord as a friend.   Read: James 5:13-16  
2/10/202127 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to Be the Potter's Clay

God is the Potter and we are the clay, what does He want to shape you into? And will you let Him shape you at all? This week we learn that God's ability to shape our lives is a testament to His sovereignty.  Read: Jeremiah 18:1-6
2/3/202119 minutes, 14 seconds
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Get to Know My Fiancé and I!

Come join the conversation as Malik and I answer the questions you all sent in about our relationship!
1/27/202121 minutes, 39 seconds
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No More Excuses, Take Up Your Bed and Walk

What excuses are holding you back from changing the unhealthy pattern in your life? This week we are introduced to a man in John 5:1-13 that lived a life of excuses until he met Jesus.
1/20/202121 minutes, 48 seconds
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God Didn't Let Me Die w/ Phillip Prewitt

From dangers seen and unseen, God preserved your life for a reason. This week we listen to the powerful testimony of Phillip Prewitt, a young man that was faced death on many occasions but was spared by God. We hope this episode helps you understand that God's provision over your life is real. He is very present and is always there to lift you up and give you the victory.
1/13/202129 minutes, 39 seconds
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Making Our Vision Board for 2021!

Welcome to 2021! Every year people make plans for prosperity on their personal vision board. But are our visions inspired by God or our own imagination? This week, we learn the plans that God has for his children are far better than the ones we can set for ourselves.
1/6/202116 minutes, 16 seconds
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Is It Crazy to Think God is Still With Us?

Did this year give you a feeling of loneliness? Are you starting to think the phrase "God is with you" is just a lie? This week we are reminded that regardless of the tribulation that 2020 brought, God is with you.   
12/30/202015 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Perfect Gift

During the holiday season it is easy to get caught up in material gifts. On this episode we are reminded of the most perfect gift which is Jesus Christ and the reason why he came to earth.
12/23/202023 minutes, 28 seconds
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More Than A Stereotype with Juliet Doris

On this episode of Kreate with Kendra we are joined by Juliet Doris as we discuss stereotypes. Though society may label you, you have the power to become more than just a stereotype. Listen to this mother of 3's story of defining herself and academic excellence.
12/16/202026 minutes, 40 seconds
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How To Argue Well

Do you argue well? On this episode of Kreate with Kendra we learn strategies that are helpful when getting into an argument. We are reminded that no matter the circumstance we have the opportunity to remain in control.    "An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city. Arguments separate friends like a gate locked with bars. - Proverbs 18:19
12/9/202024 minutes, 57 seconds
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Would You Date Yourself?

Have you considered how pleasant you are in a relationship? This week we learn the importance of self-evaluation in order to be the best we can be in relationships.
12/2/202019 minutes, 5 seconds
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There Is Gratitude In Grief

Are you having a hard time finding things to be grateful for? This year has been hard on all of us - for some harder than others. This week we are reminded that there is gratitude in grief. No matter what, God is still somewhere in the mix with something we can be grateful for.
11/25/202021 minutes, 55 seconds
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How To Set Standards In A Relationship

On this episode we discuss how to set heathy standards in order to avoid damaging relationships, and some of the specific standards and nonnegotiables I've kept throughout my life. Follow me on Instagram!: @kreatewithkendra_
11/18/202030 minutes, 28 seconds
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What It Means To Be Grounded In Christ

On this episode we dive into scripture that reminds us how to stay grounded in Christ. What does staying grounded in Christ mean? It means being able to withstand the trials and tribulations of this life without folding or bending. Listen and be blessed.
11/11/202026 minutes, 48 seconds
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Roller Coaster Faith

Life is filled with ups and downs, but having faith in God will get you through whatever life brings you. In this episode we are reminded of the value of putting faith in God during this roller coaster life.
10/21/202020 minutes, 50 seconds
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God Will Provide

If you've ever doubted God's provisions, think again. In this episode we are reminded how God will never fail us and that He always takes care of His beloved children. This episode is for the doubtful...
10/14/202017 minutes, 52 seconds
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How I Got Into Grad School

I got accepted! This week I share my story of how I got into graduate school and how my faith helped me along the way. 
10/7/202026 minutes, 34 seconds
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Black Women Deserve Better

Black women deserve better! On this episode we acknowledge the harm inflicted on Black women and celebrate the beauty in which they were created. R.I.P. Breonna Taylor.
9/30/202025 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Power of Fasting Pt. 2

If you have never fasted, how do you get started? On this episode we learn tips on how to be successful on your single day and multi-day fasts. 
9/23/202028 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Power of Fasting

What are you willing to give up to get closer to God? In this episode, we learn the importance and the power of fasting and prayer. My prayer is that you are encouraged to push back the plate and pull up to consecration. 
9/16/202030 minutes, 43 seconds
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How Do I Know What My Calling Is?

What is your calling in life? Have you ever wondered if what you're doing is your purpose? In this episode we learn the purpose God has called all people to and the assignments in our lives.    Submit your questions to:
9/9/202028 minutes, 35 seconds
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Believing God's Promise

Does it seem as if God's promise to you is unreachable? In this episode we are reminded that God's promises are sure, regardless of your current situation. I pray that you are encouraged to hold on to God's unchanging hand. 
9/2/202024 minutes, 3 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare

We don't fight with flesh but we fight in the spirit. On this episode of Kreate with Kendra we learn how to battle in the spirit when we are attacked by the enemy, and we will be reminded that we fight from a place of victory!
8/26/202027 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ditch the Situation-ship

Have you ever been in a "go with the flow" uncommitted relationship? This week we discuss how to avoid situation-ship and "life partnerships", and prepare for more healthy and biblical relationships in your life.  
8/19/202031 minutes, 31 seconds
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Dear Black Women

On this episode of Kreate with Kendra, space is created for the narratives and testimonies of Black women. We discuss how society views Black women, how Black women view themselves and what God says about his beloved daughters.     
8/12/202029 minutes, 52 seconds
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Women of the Movement

Throughout history Black women have been the engine of many social movements. This week we acknowledge 5 phenomenal Black women and celebrate their contributions to this world. 
8/5/202027 minutes, 47 seconds
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Trust God When It Gets Ugly

It's difficult to trust God, especially when things get ugly. This episode we learn through the testimony of Joseph from Genesis chapter 37, that God can turn a troubling past into a promising future. 
7/29/202025 minutes, 33 seconds
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I'm Engaged!

I’m engaged!! This episode I am excited to share my love story leading up to my engagement. I want to encourage young singles to trust God in their waiting process and have hope in the spouse God has for them.
7/22/202033 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Church Divided, the Church United

Is the church only a building or can you find the church within yourself? This week we explore the divisiveness within church and how we can address them as the body of Christ. 
7/15/202023 minutes, 3 seconds
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Let's Talk - Black Lives Matter

Why do people say "all lives matter" when Black life is threatened. This week we discuss The Black Lives Matter movement and how people view it differently in this country. We also take a look and see what the Bible says about this matter. Press play and let's get this conversation started.    
7/8/202022 minutes, 34 seconds
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How Can You Love God and Hate Me

How can you love God but hate me? This week we discuss the error of hatred and how Christianity is used as a cover up while bringing to light the true meaning of Christ’s love.
7/1/202025 minutes, 6 seconds
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It is Okay NOT to be Okay

As people we are conditioned to pretend to be okay even when we are not. On this episode we will discuss what it means to  have permission to feel and learn how to bring our broken pieces to God.
6/24/202021 minutes, 23 seconds
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Faith Fitness pt. 2 Body & Spirit

Where are you in your fitness journey? Join us in part 2 of  faith fitness. In this episode we learn about fitness within our body and spirit. We will learn how to honor our temples and feed on the fruits of the spirit. Come join us in our spiritual shape up.
5/20/202024 minutes, 52 seconds
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Faith Fitness: A Fit Mind

Where are you in your fitness journey? In this episode we learn about fitness within our mind. It is important that we learn how to identify the attacks of the enemy and how to gain control over our own thinking. So tune in and lets get our minds right!
5/13/202021 minutes, 46 seconds
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Bad Timing or God's Timing?

Life sometimes gets interrupted by unfortunate events, and it seems like it’s bad timing but is it really? On this episode we will learn the difference between the timing we expect God to operate in and the the timing that He has pre-ordained for our lives.
5/6/202017 minutes, 22 seconds
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Shine Brighter In Darkness

Have you ever wondered why God put you in the midst of darkness? In this episode we are reminded of the light God has placed inside of us and how important it is to shine. So grab your shades as we lean into the light.
4/29/202018 minutes, 20 seconds
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Friend or Fatal?

Are the people in your life friends or fatal? In this episode we learn the difference between people that are fruitful in our lives and those that stunt our growth. It is important that we learn how to identify great people so that we can flourish in healthy friendships.
4/22/202016 minutes, 46 seconds
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Can I Have Your Attention

Does God have your attention? Listen in as we discuss this life altering pandemic and how God pauses things in our lives in order for us to gain new perspectives.
4/15/202016 minutes, 5 seconds
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Peace in Crisis

As long as Jesus is on your boat you will never drown! On this episode we will discover how we can have peace in the midst of a crisis. God has given us the key to obtain peace in any situation and in this episode you will learn how to live peacefully in the midst of crisis.
4/8/202017 minutes, 16 seconds
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Make Room

As believers, it's not enough that God be at the top of our list; He must be at the center of our lives. This means that everything we do must draw back to the Father. On this episode we surrender our lives to God and look to make room for Him to come in.
4/1/202020 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Woman with Purpose

In this episode we appreciate the influence and value of women! Listen in as we discuss the importance of purpose, worth, and love. Women are more than their roles in society but are full of purpose, so let's get into it!
3/25/202014 minutes, 21 seconds
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From Doubt to Faith

On this episode we go on our first date! Listen in as we discuss how Kreate with Kendra came to be the spiritual journey I took to get here. It started with a doubt, but ended with an act of faith! Let's get this party started!
3/18/202014 minutes, 51 seconds
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3/6/202026 seconds