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Love God • Love One Another

English, Religion, 1 season, 394 episodes, 6 days, 9 hours, 38 minutes
Presenting the audio recordings of Messiah Lutheran Church, Yorba Linda, CA. Listen now for fresh, inspiring, and instructional messages. Discover ways to live out your mission to Love God • Love One Another. Visit to connect and learn more.
Episode Artwork

A Labor of Love

We hear a lot of talk about love but sometimes we don't see so much of it. Talk is cheap! If we want the people we love to know that we love them then we need to start doing something about it. We need to demonstrate our love by our labor, not our talk. When we love someone, we meet their needs. #LaborOfLove #messiahyl
9/1/202424 minutes, 51 seconds
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Destination or Journey - Travel Light

We no longer face any pressure to be, at least, nominally Christian. Today, a buffet of options and trending social media ideas purport to present what it means to be Christian. In our time, like in the days of the Colossian church, Apostle Paul addresses the idea of: 1) influence of well-intentions people with a legalistic perspective, and 2) gnosticism (finding salvation and escape from the material world by acquiring secret knowledge). Christian life is a journey not a destination...continue to walk with Jesus. #OnTheJourney #messiahyl
8/25/202423 minutes, 11 seconds
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Food for the Journey - Travel Light

Bread and hunger are two things everyone knows about. If you are hungry today for something more: unconditional love, forgiveness, or grace...Jesus is ready for you. Bread may be ordinary and hunger commonplace, but there is nothing more extraordinary about the radical love of Christ. It is truly food for the journey #BreadOfLife #messiahyl
8/18/202419 minutes, 51 seconds
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Supplies and Baggage - Travel Light

When we are tested, we will need certain supplies to help us grow in our trust in God's plan and his leadership. Before Jesus began his ministry, he was led out to the wilderness to be tested. The way he responded set the tone for the way he would walk the path ahead for us. #supplies #messiahyl
8/11/202423 minutes, 16 seconds
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Mapping Out the Journey - Travel Light

In our fast-paced world and materialistic world, it is easy to get weighed down by possessions, obligations, and distractions. In our difficult seasons, it is important and powerful to be reminded of the promises of God. In the simplicity and humility of traveling light, we rediscover God's richness and abundant grace. #mapping #journey #messiahyl
8/3/202414 minutes, 12 seconds
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Can We Find God? - Searching for God

Matthew 7 says, "Seek and you will find." This seems too simple. Is it possible you can't find God if you don't know what to look for? God's presence is not the "absent" condition. God is always present and at work in the world. The question we anticipate and recognize God's presence. #waiting #resonance #relationships #FindGod #messiahyl
6/30/202422 minutes, 35 seconds
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Does God Love Everyone? - Searching for God

Does God's love have limits? Does God love me? Thankfully, we cannot cross a line that changes these answers. It is not our worth, but God's grace, that determines our lovability. God created everyone. We are built for a relationship with our creator. What God creates, God loves...and what God loves, he loves forever. #GodIsLove #messiahyl
6/15/202423 minutes, 53 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen - Searching for God

Seemingly, bad things can happen to anyone. Yet, God is still good! God cares about his world and did not make us to be puppets—we have autonomy! What could go wrong? Self-centeredness and sin is often our choice. We have messed things up badly and the world is less good than God created it to be. However, our God is ever-present...God promises to restore us when hurt, damaged, or lost. God can use our sufferings to give us perseverance, character, and hope for the future. As a receiver or giver of restorative love we can be active in God's plan to make the world right and closer to what God intended. #DespiteMistakes #GodLoves #JesusSaves #messiahyl
6/9/202422 minutes, 35 seconds
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How Do We Know God is Good? - Searching For God

God's generosity is extraordinary! Equality is not based on merit or effort—it is based on generosity and mercy for all. In this framework, the first will be last and the last will be first. Everyone has unearned grace and hope! God is good all the time and all the time God is good. #Undeserved #GoodGod #messiahyl
6/2/202417 minutes, 18 seconds
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Love in a Time of Crisis

Life has moments of joy and heartbreak. It is often easier to manage when all is well; however, when things go awry, where can you turn? and what are some practical suggestions for loving in a time of crisis? Learn how to acknowledge the tough season, reflect on being loved by God, and gain the perspective that makes it possible to extend that love to others. #LoveInCrisis #messiahyl
5/26/202431 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Way It Is - The Gospel Rocks

As Christ followers, we are called to live differently than those around us, to resist the forces in our culture that are opposed to God and Jesus Christ, to resist "the way it is". We are called not just to believe in God, but to follow Jesus' teachings. To love and care for others, and live out the baptismal promises. To be "all in" for Jesus and live by God's values. #livedifferently #messiahyl
5/5/202415 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Living Years - The Gospel Rocks

Live without regrets. Say it loud and say it clear...say it in the living years. Take proactive steps to nurture your relationship with God and others. Live fully in the moment by extending the love God has given us to share. #LiveOutloud #messiahyl
4/28/202419 minutes, 41 seconds
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We Can Work It Out - Gospel Rocks

Is the church (at large) a sinking ship? Will the church as we know it survive for 20 more years? It may not endure as we know it, but it WILL thrive according to God's plan. Form this perspective we can be assured that God will work it out. Our job is to embrace the newness.#LoveOthers #GodsWay #WeCanWorkItOut #messiahyl
4/14/202421 minutes, 3 seconds
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Follow Jesus Not Rules - Follow Me

Jesus doesn't ask for a resumes or qualifications to follow him, he simply asks for a willingness to follow: to trust, to learn, to love, to be transformed. It is sometimes messy, sometimes imperfect, but it is real. Following Jesus is being open to the unexpected, the uncomfortable, and the challenging. It is about sitting at God's table of grace and inviting others to share the amazing unconditional love and grace that has already been shared with us by God. #Welcome #TheTable #FollowJesus #messiahyl
3/17/202417 minutes, 40 seconds
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Count the Cost - Follow Me

Grace is free, but it is not cheap. The type of grace we receive from God was very costly and its precious value must be understood to be appreciated. Jesus gave his life for us. Count the cost and act accordingly. We show our gratitude as we strive to live obediently (as best we can) following Jesus and sharing grace with others. #FollowMe #CountTheCost #messiahyl
3/10/202422 minutes, 13 seconds
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Seeking the Good - Follow Me

What kind of a follower are you? Online, first impressions make a big difference. This is the same reason Jesus was so popular when he came to the world. Jesus had many raving followers and, in the end, overwhelming critics. The people of the world didn't understand why Jesus came. They wanted something/someone more self-serving. Head the call to follow the truth, not vainglory popularity. #FollowTruth #SeekTheGood #AsGodSeesIt #messiahyl
2/18/202416 minutes, 14 seconds
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Level the Playing Field

Like a Super Bowl team thrives on cooperation and coordination, we flourish when we work together as followers of Christ to live with compassion and mercy for others...and work together to create a truly just world for all people both near and far. #SuperBowl #Cooperation #messiahyl
2/11/202419 minutes, 53 seconds
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Remembering Who We Are and Whose We Are - Rest of the Year

Are you a great worrier? Worry prevents us from experiencing God—who is actively working in the present to help us. Worry sucks the vitality, energy, and joy required to live lives of loving service and compassionate action toward others. Lean in to the radical grace of God. This will shift our focus away from ourselves so that we can boldly and courageously seek how to meet head-on the needs of others. #thrive #abundance #nothalflife #messiahyl
2/4/202418 minutes, 44 seconds
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What God Has Promised - Rest of the Year

Why did the people of Israel spend forty years in the dessert before "entering the rest" of the promised land? They were afraid to go in! Do we refuse to enter into the rest that God promised? We must recognize that grace and rest don't depend on our effort. Stop, wait, and pay see what God to doing. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. #WaitForIt #StopAndRest #DayOff #messiahyl
1/28/202421 minutes, 53 seconds
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Letting My Soul Catch Up with My Body - Rest of the Year

Most people can appreciate and respect the commandment "Do not murder." Another commandment a few before it, though, is likewise important but much tougher to keep. "Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy." God demonstrated rest after the work of creation and God knows his creations...including us. We need intentional and regular rest (spiritual and physical) or we fall short of our potential. Let your soul catch up with your body. #restinpeace #whileliving #messiahyl
1/21/202415 minutes, 19 seconds
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Easy and Light - Rest of the Year

Knowledge and grit are not all it takes to make things go better. A focus on what God asks us to do is a promised path to peace and satisfaction. Living God's values relieves us from the burden of busyness, expectations, regulations, and rigor...religious or otherwise. Take the yoke of Jesus for a uplifting change. #EasyLight #messiahyl
1/14/202422 minutes, 15 seconds
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Light of Christ

After the Christmas hoopla, it can be easy let Epiphany slip by. Just as the foreign magi searched out baby Jesus, we, too are all on a quest for something far greater than ourself. They discovered, as we learn, everyone is welcome in the presence of the Lord. We are one family! In truth, we are all just walking each other home. On that journey, go beyond the expected to shine the light of love and grace. #LoveGod #LoveOneAnother #messiahyl
1/7/202416 minutes, 17 seconds
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Prepare the Way - The Cradle that Holds the Christ Child

Today we hear a new angle on the advent story—which begins in the desert. Historically, a place of struggle and uncertainty (then and now), the desert near Israel and the area of the Jordan River was ground-zero for God's greatest news for mankind. Prepare the way! That means: scrub the steps, be compassionate, show radical hospitality, embody the love of God with courage and holiness. Prepare the way! Jesus Christ is about to rumble through. #preparetheway #newchapter #humblerumble #advent #messiahyl
12/17/202315 minutes, 12 seconds
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Coming on the Clouds - The Cradle that Holds the Christ Child

Be ready, be not a fear-based faith. Jesus is the light of the world and God's transformative presence can be found in the waiting and expectancy within our current situation. Advent is a time to stay focused and be active in our love for God and others. #Attentive #BringLove #SpillTheLight #messiahyl
12/10/202315 minutes, 47 seconds
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Celebrating Ministry Together - Hope 4 Kids

Glory to God and thanks to Messiah for our ministry together! "But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-15) No matter what our age, background, history or whatever God's best days for us are ahead. The best is yet to come! Celebrating 50 years of providing dignity, health, joy & love through Hope 4 Kids International #Hope4Kids #messiahyl
12/3/202317 minutes, 8 seconds
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Christ the King Sunday - The Cradle that Holds the Christ Child

Who is your shepherd? Who tends to you when you are weak, lost, or in trouble? Ancient kings were in charge of their people this way. However, many kings wandered from this calling and brought judgement and calamity on themselves and their people. Connecting the old and new testament, Jesus is the "Lord our Righteous Savior." His arrival and reign is a mission of love and care for God's people. Christ the King is our shepherd! #ChristtheKing #messiahyl
11/25/202320 minutes, 27 seconds
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Mission of God

How do we practice love in our lives? Do we limit love to the confines of our hearts and minds or do we extend it to our relationships, communities, and beyond. Uganda is one of many places where we demonstrate love through actions. We are surrounded by a world in need. Embody Christ by becoming the hands of feet of God. #beserving #giving #oceansoflove #messiahyl
11/19/202315 minutes, 44 seconds
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Elijah and the Widow - The Cradle that Holds the Christ Child

God's provision is everlasting...proven, by example, in the old testament through care for widows and in the NT as Jesus demonstrates care for the poor, needy, and the downtrodden. Jesus is the new covenant that gifts us all grace, mercy, hope, and love everlasting. #DoLikewise #CareForOthers #messiahyl
11/10/202322 minutes, 38 seconds
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Hear O Israel - The Cradle that Holds the Christ Child

Free people need guidelines, principles, and advice to live well. What posture is needed to hear the Lord? The Bible (old and new testaments) point to the answer: Jesus. Follow him with an extravagant, committed, undivided love including conscience, heart, essence, soul, and vitality (might or strength). When we strive this way, we can become a community orientated toward morally correct decision making, ethical values, and full of energy for life. #love #action #messiahyl
11/5/202324 minutes, 16 seconds
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Reformation Today

The Reformation was a pivotal moment in the protestant church. Even as an anniversary could commemorate what happened some time ago we take a moment today to once ago listen to the words of Jesus seeking wisdom and inspiration for our own journey into a more inclusive, compassionate, and grace-filled faith. #reformation #today #messiahyl
10/29/202319 minutes, 51 seconds
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Build Your House on the Rock

Jesus teaches us the many blessings of the acts of faithfulness. Invited to live aligned and trusting in Him, we find ourself on solid ground. In coastal California, we eyewitness how the wise build their house on a foundation of rock rather than sand. This concept is worldwide universal to building a faith and life on, and in, Jesus. #Beatitude #BuildYourHouse #OnTheRock #messiahyl
10/22/202321 minutes, 1 second
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French Fries

Would you be generous enough to share a french fry with someone who bought them for you? This simple story and analogy is a means for understanding our relationship to God—the provider of all things related to our life...including french fries. Generosity is a cheerful act of worship, thanksgiving, and love for God, our provider. #frenchfries #generousliving #messiahyl
10/15/202316 minutes, 53 seconds
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Mercy, Mercy, Me - Upside Down

Of course, you can choose to be anything you want!...choose truthful, compassionate, and merciful. Learning to live that way isn't an overnight transformation; rather a lifelong intention. Mercy "received" is the state of our condition. Thanks be to God for this grace!...and the reciprocal chance to show compassion to others. #ripple #mercyme #mercyyou #transformed #messiahyl
10/8/202316 minutes, 5 seconds
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Hunger and Thirst - Upside Down

Are you living the good life?...experiencing the good life is found while learning to live by God's values. The kingdom of heaven is not just a place after death; it is also on earth when we do God's will. When we hunger and thirst for God's righteousness (wanting to have things right) we discover both our shortcomings and God's forgiveness. Aware of our blessings, we can operate similarly—offering blessing and grace to others. #TheGoodLife #Hungering #Thirsting #JesusSaves #messiahyl
10/1/202321 minutes, 1 second
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Humility is Not Weakness - Upside Down

What are you looking for in life? listening for in a leader? Is meekness top of list? Jesus wants us to question the prevailing cultural narrative that equates power and control with success. He wants us to realize there is an alternative to the pursuit of dominance and power, pride and arrogance. Jesus challenges to an alternative way of living. #DoHumble #ShowStrength #BeMore #messiahyl
9/24/202318 minutes, 42 seconds
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Blessed Be - Upside Down

The list of people who are blessed (poor in spirit, mourning, meek, insulted, persecuted, and lied about) seems opposite what our society and culture might call "blessed." Jesus teaching in the Sermon on the Mount seems UPSIDE DOWN. Thankfully, it is not contrary, but it takes a new worldview to see it (a lens of God's grace). #Blessed #Happy #Privileged #messiahyl
9/17/202322 minutes, 27 seconds
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Power of the Past and Hope for the Future

Celebrating 60 years of loving God and loving one another, we look forward to the future with hope! We will never change the world by going to church, we will only change the world by being the church. We must embrace a transformative mindset to adapt to the issues of today and serve others in meaningful and relevant ways. Despite a changing future, we can be steady—Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. May hope and love sustain us together. #60Years #AllAboutLove #LoveGod #LoveOneAnother #messiahyl
9/10/202314 minutes, 58 seconds
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What Good Will It Do?

Striving to see things from a divine point of view helps us gain perspective. We can "get it" in one moment and then totally miss the bigger opportunity God is curating. We can get distracted easily by striving to win the game of life. What will it do to gain the whole world and lose your soul? Living generously for the benefit of others helps us become who we were made to be. #InChrist #YouHaveEnough #Relationships #GiveLove #messiahyl
9/3/202323 minutes, 2 seconds
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Greater Freedom

Our society elevates toxic pride and self-sufficiency. The pull is substantial! Trusting in God is "easier said, than done." Casting our anxieties on the Lord is not a sign of weakness; rather, this act of acknowledging a need for help and receiving grace is the very practice that brings peace to our seeking soul. Embracing daily moments of stillness with God leads to greater freedom and awareness of God's provision for our needs. #NotAlone #GreaterFreedom #CastingAnxiety #messiahyl
8/28/202318 minutes, 15 seconds
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Holy Humor

Laughter is a beautiful and universal language that brings joy into our life. (Ecc 3:4) Our capacity to feel deeply and empathize with others is a gift from God...and the very nature of God. Holy humor is good medicine and balm for our souls. Laughter brings a shared camaraderie and we should practice it often! #HolyHumor #GiftOfLaughter #messiahyl
8/20/202317 minutes, 6 seconds
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Love My Enemies? - Love Thy Neighbor as Thy Selfie

In a world crying out for transformation, the key is loving those who God loves—seeing every person as a fellow bearer of God's image—even those who personally oppose or align themselves against us or God. Radical grace received helps us stand in the gap and strive for alignment with God's moral imperative to love and allow redemptive power to flow through us. #OurJourneyTogetherIsShort #LoveYourEnemies #messiahyl
8/13/202320 minutes, 34 seconds
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What Does My Neighbor Look Like - Love Thy Neighbor as Thy Selfie

How open and aware are your eyes and heart for the needs of others? The Christian imperative is to live-out love for others. We are saved by a faith that integrates good works to serve Jesus. We serve Jesus by serving others...who are are one and the same! #Neighbors #LoveOverFear #messiahyl
8/6/202320 minutes, 3 seconds
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Who is My Neighbor - Lover Thy Neighbor As Thy Selfie

Jesus demonstrated his love by giving His life for us. In the Good Samaritan parable, Jesus teaches us to love our neighbor as God loves us. But who is my neighbor? If you were down in the ditch, who would you not expect to help you out? If you were the one on the road, who would you be least likely to help? Focused on the good news, we realize God loves everyone, especially people we don't think deserve it. Everyone is welcome, even us! #WhoIsMyNeighbor? #messiahyl
7/30/202325 minutes, 17 seconds
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It is Not All About Me - Love Thy Neighbor As Thy Selfie

When does eternity start and end? We often talk about eternal life as the time after we die. If eternity started before we did, we are living in eternity today. The big question is: "Are we living now in an eternal relationship with God?" Are we living God's values? They are "Love God, love others, love yourself"....but, importantly, I am third. #NotAboutMe #GodsHandywork #messiahyl
7/23/202319 minutes, 10 seconds
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God's Amazing Adventure - VBS

If Jesus were in our world today, what would He see? On a journey of faith, the bible's Phillip told Nathaniel: "Come and see!" Like us, Jesus accepts Nathaniel just as he his, where he is at, in his place of disbelieving doubt. See the world as Jesus does. Share this welcoming message with others. #ComeAndSee #messiahyl
7/16/202315 minutes, 5 seconds
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Living - Dying, Rising, Serving, Living

How you spend your time, how you spend your money, what you think about will affect what's important to you. Thoughts often become actions, actions become habits, and habits shape our character. Try a 60-day challenge to invest in a spiritual practice to grow closer to God. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." #intentional #living #messiahyl
7/10/202326 minutes, 13 seconds
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Serving - Dying, Rising, Serving, Living

The desire for freedom is universal...if something, misunderstood. The true nature of freedom is not best served by asserting rights of personal freedom, but, rather, liberated freedom that allows openness to serve God and others in gratitude. It is transformative and rewarding because it is fully aligned with how we were created. #serving #messiahyl
7/2/202325 minutes, 44 seconds
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Dying and Rising - Dying, Rising, Serving, Living

We all mess up! Despite how great our failure is, God's grace is abundantly greater. We are made in the image of God with great capacity for love. We don't sin wildly because forgiveness is easy. We are part of a faith community and we belong to God. We are transformed and, therefore, live in response to newness of life—dead to the power of sin. Our failures are made right through the redemption of Jesus Christ. #dying #rising #newlife #BeWhoYouAre #messiahyl
6/25/202318 minutes, 27 seconds
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You Are Not Alone - The Gospel Rocks

Sometimes, I feel alone. How about you? We are in this together. Being made in the image of God, we are made for God and to one another. You are not alone, Jesus is always with you—and we have each other. We have been rescued, freed, and are supported by a God who loves us. Rejoice, be reconciled, encourage one another, live in peace, and greet others with inclusion. #InThisTogether #YouAreNotAlone #messiahyl
6/17/202322 minutes, 56 seconds
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Get it Right

Get cut in! Focus better, get it right, work harder! God offers an easier path to living burden-free. You can get it right and it doesn't require working harder...just living in the grace and goodness of what Jesus did. Live the good life with God's loving grace in Jesus Christ. #GetItRight #messiahyl
6/10/202320 minutes, 7 seconds
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Free - The Gospel Rocks

What gives you a worry? Do you find your mind cultivating anxious thoughts? Fear, worry, dread are part of the human condition...but we can let it go and be set free. Release begins when we focus on what Jesus did to free us, to forgive us, pay a ransom for us, defeats evil, and to daily care for us. Give your worry to God. #anxiety #befree #messiahyl
6/4/202324 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Heart of the Matter - The Gospel Rocks

Have you ever found yourself in a place of pain, shame, or embarrassment? Bound in a prison of your own making? Peter may have been chosen by Jesus to be the foundation and rock of His church...not because of his great faith or actions, but because he, too, fell very short of this and was in need of grace and forgiveness. Confession is good for every soul. It is important for us to name what is broken in us to drill down to the heart of the matter—our need for forgiveness. As you have been forgiven—go be giving...#Forgiveness #messiahyl
5/28/202324 minutes, 11 seconds
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Everybody Wants to Rule the World - The Gospel Rocks

What is it about us humans that "everybody wants to rule the world?" This yearning showcases our wandering, self-centered, and selfish desire for more power and control. Seduced away from the plan God set for us, we often find ourselves in the condition of being all messed-up. God is God—we are not. #LetsNotOppose #GodsWill #messiahyl
5/21/202322 minutes, 7 seconds
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Living in God's Peace - JoyFULL

Would you agree, the best bite of the cinnamon roll is the delectable center? Living into the mindset of Jesus is a promise of the presence of God (always) and this state of being is sweet words of hope that are far better than cinnamon rolls. #FaithIsLike #LikeACinnamonRoll #messiahyl
5/14/202317 minutes, 20 seconds
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Consider Everything a Loss - JoyFULL

In whom do you trust? Yourself? Others? What respect will you grant to someone proven to hold your best interests, shown to love you in every situation, and prepared to give even their own life to save you? Jesus is the fulfillment of a loving confidence in your worth. Pride in our self-styled success and worldly credentials is unremarkable in comparison. Living a generous and content life begins in realizing there's a surpassing value of knowing and following the one who made you (and makes you) worthy. #giveup #yourpride #tobegrounded #inlove #messiahyl
5/7/202319 minutes, 27 seconds
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Like-minded in Love and Spirit - JoyFULL

A divided house cannot stand. How do we build a proper, healthy foundation in our family, community, and world as a follower of Jesus? How can we find unity in our diversity—which is often so prickly? What does love require? We can make our deepest convictions come from our faith and unity of spirit and not our ideological preferences. When we ground our foundation in love and live as as peacemakers we mirror Christ to our world. #lovealike #commonground #unityofspirit #messiahyl
4/30/202314 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Stocks: Choose Joy

Ministry is an opportunity to always choose joy. Working in the country of Cambodia on prevention efforts of human trafficking and restoration work with young people, our ministry partnership is enabled by the work of Matthew and Melissa Stock #choosejoy #loveoneanother #messiahyl
4/23/202313 minutes
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Thankful for Your Partnership - JoyFULL

While "location, location, location" is a famous real estate meme, "relationship, relationship, relationship" is the JoyFULL fellowship concept that characterizes our Christian connection to God, community of believers, and other people. We are thankful for your partnership! #EyesOnJesus #Partnership #JoyFULL #messiahyl
4/16/202318 minutes, 13 seconds
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Arise - Your King is Alive

What is it that you believe and why? Easter is a perfect time for reflection. Uncertainty is normal and perfection is not possible. Jesus came and subjected himself to die on our behalf (in the very undeserving condition we are in) demonstrating the tangible way of everlasting love and humility. A dark world is not wiped out by Easter, but it is certainly overcome. #InTheDarkness #HeRose #ComeToTheTable #messiahyl
4/9/202317 minutes, 24 seconds
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Expectations - Journey With Me

Are you coping with religion or is your faith free of expectations? Are you making Jesus your kind of king or do you stand down to honor the mission and methods that Jesus actually did, taught, and now expects? Jesus came in peace to save us from our sins...not save us from our earthly needs. Thank goodness for us! #expectations #messiahyl
4/2/202321 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Victorious New You - Journey With Me

Do you ever have doubts? Thomas was disciple-famous for being honest...and doubtful. Jesus never shamed Thomas for his doubting posture. Rather, Jesus came close, exposed his scars, and showed Thomas how real life will not be perfect, but victorious. #MyDoubts #HisScars #Victorious #messiahyl
3/26/202319 minutes, 47 seconds
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Cheers and Tears - Why Is Sharing My Faith So Hard?

The power of evil in the world is strong, but our God is not just stronger—God is also merciful...always ready to be gracious and forgive. #CheersTears #LikewiseBeKind #messiahyl
2/19/202323 minutes, 7 seconds
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Bleached and Beached - Why is Sharing my Faith So Hard?

Have you ever heard God speak? a heavenly tug on your heart? What, perhaps, is more unnerving: clearly hearing God's call? or not hearing it at all? Living out our "call" is simply living (and giving) grace. Look for where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet. It is good news that, when we mess up, God still loves us despite our imperfections. #GraceForAll #Valentine #LaborOfLove #GodOfManyChances #messiahyl
2/12/202319 minutes, 6 seconds
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Running from God's Call - Why Is Sharing My Faith So Hard?

What is God's call for you? You might not know...or you might perceive it clearly and are running from it. Want to get away? Jonah did. Nevertheless, God loved Jonah and God loves those who Jonah was called to witness. Why is sharing our faith so hard? #ThinkAboutIt #MyStory #HowGodLovesMe #messiahyl
2/4/202322 minutes, 42 seconds
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Light - In with the New

In a world of long shadows and dark areas, we are called to spill light and be light givers. Where can we find the energy for our presence to be useful? God's Holy Spirit is the power to be witnesses to the love and grace of God and to bring hope into people's world. #IAmLight #PowerfulBeyondMeasure #messiahyl
1/28/202318 minutes, 1 second
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Obedience - In wIth the New

Happy New Year! Welcome to the new you! Is it your resolution this year to become a better version of yourself? Begin with connection to your operating instructions and a relationship with the God who uniquely created you. Studying these plans and following God's ways are the superior pathway to happiness! #Trust #Obedience #Happiness #messiahyl
1/8/202318 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sing in Exultation - A Weary World Rejoices

Mary, the mother of Jesus, sang a song of joy in the midst of a time of great trouble and uncertainty. Her song of hope, justice, and joy is a lesson in enduring all see our life in a frame of God's gracious favor. As prodigal children, the passionate loving gaze of God's eyes accepts our poverty and welcomes us home. #sing #exhaltation #messiahyl
12/11/202218 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Thrill of Hope - A Weary World Rejoices

The thrill of hope is made real in the work of Jesus on our behalf. How does that hope resonate in your life? What response might we have to receiving unconditional love, grace, and mercy? Humble service to others is our opportunity to show appreciation and share the thrill of hope. #Hope4Kids #ThrillOfHope #messiahyl
12/3/202216 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Savior Reigns - A Weary World Rejoices

Are you a little weary? Making up for lost time or making do with less? Where is the thrill of hope to be found? Maybe what we crave is not to get excited about something new; rather, find a feeling of peace, a sense of hope, a presence of joy, and a deeper experience of love. Advent brings these, starting today. #Peace #BeWithYou #SaviorReigns #messiahyl
11/27/202223 minutes, 48 seconds
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Where is God?

Do you see God as a handyman to fix your life? What happens when God doesn't seem to show up? Hearing how Jesus handled and grieved the death of a friend can help us understand where God is in our times of need. Our pain matters to God; it is more than enough for us to know He is beside us. #JesusWeeps #ForMe #messiahyl
11/10/202219 minutes, 24 seconds
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Saved by Works? That's Right

Reformation reminds us how change has moved the church—and continues to moves us—forward. It is the work of Jesus, not our own works that save us. We only have righteousness through faith and are justified by grace through Christ Jesus. #SaveByWorks #OfJesus #messiahyl
10/30/202224 minutes, 24 seconds
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Faithful Living

What we willingly fund becomes important to us. This is the principle of investment intent, stewardship...and, more deeply, faith formation. God calls us to use our God-given time, talents, and financial resources wisely. Living into God's values is how we proclaim that Jesus is Lord of our life. #thrive #faithful #living #messiahyl
10/22/202223 minutes, 55 seconds
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Belonging to God

Is any part of your life excluded? Have you had a transformative conversion of heart, mind, and money? Why is it important to release our grip in each area? Ability, materials, talent, and success all come from belonging to God. What we give up and what we sacrifice is our worship response! #devotion #expression #messiahyl
10/16/202224 minutes, 50 seconds
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Gratitude - Pilgrimage: Walking A Path of FaithSeries Title

Looking for a sense of joy in your life? The key to finding abundant joy is being grateful. Happiness is often elusive, but gratefulness and joy are simple to achieve. Take the time to reflect on the gift of love...establish a rhythm of spontaneous gratitude for the presence of God in that moment. #stop #look #go #begrateful #messiahyl
10/9/202218 minutes, 22 seconds
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Engage Life and Be A Blessing - Pilgrimage: Walking a Path of Faith

What burden do you carry in your heart that holds you back? It is possible to release and surrender that pain to God. Being blessed is not dependent on a "good and comfortable life." Blessed is standing in a sacred presence with God. You are loved just as you are—especially in you brokenness! #Blessed #BeABlessing #messiahyl
10/2/202219 minutes, 21 seconds
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Solitude and Listening - Pilgrimage: Walking a Path of Faith

Solitude is a positive state of engagement with yourself—a refreshing replenishment from resting in God's presence. It is a spiritual discipline that can bring deep inner fulfillment. Use solitude to prepare for a major task, recharge after hard work, work through grief, prepare for important decisions, or concentrate on prayer. #solitude #listening #messiahyl
9/23/202214 minutes, 47 seconds
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Patience and Endurance - Pilgrimage: Walking a Path of Faith

How do you face extreme conditions? Heat, relationships, and faith? The keys to patience and endurance are training, preparation, encouragement, and fueling our soul and spirit. Challenge is normal and inevitable situation—a pathway to developing character and hope. #patience #endurance #messiahyl
9/18/202220 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ultreia - Pilgrimage: Walking a Path of Faith

Learn to go beyond and discover new ways of living and Jesus. Enriched by pilgrimage stories and the recent sabbatical journey of Pastor Bob and Jeannie, love, grace, and gratitude can be discovered and practiced by being present and embracing time as a holy gift. #ultreia #goingbeyond #messiahyl
9/11/202222 minutes, 32 seconds
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You've Got To Serve Somebody

Our outlook is often very short to what is immediate and present and discounting consequences in the future. Knowing what is good for us and doing what is good for us are two very different things. We default by nature to be arrogant, self-centered, and proud. Choosing (and following) what is right can be accomplished with God's help. #ChooseWisely #LifeGiving #LoveGodLoveOneAnother #messiahyl
9/4/202223 minutes, 17 seconds
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Practicing the Way of Jesus

Something inside us longs for change....bridging the gap between who we are and who we are made to be. How do we change? Jesus, an expert on transformation, has shared a framework for it: teaching + practice = change. #Practice #WayOfJesus #TheGoodLife #messiahyl
8/28/202218 minutes, 54 seconds
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Success or Justice

The old testament prophet, Jeremiah, delivered a message to God's people. He painted a picture of the kind of community God wanted Israel (and us) to be: people who act with justice and righteousness and who deliver the alien, orphan, and widow from the hand of the oppressor. #DoRight #LoveOneAnother #messiahyl
8/14/202217 minutes, 43 seconds
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Love One Another - What is Faith?

What is love and what does love have to do with faith? Jesus gave himself for us, in love...and over time we become more Chrstlike, in love. Loving another is a marker and reflection of our faith—bringing glory to God. No one is too far, too evil, too lost to be saved by God. #LoveOneAnother #messiahyl
8/7/202223 minutes, 48 seconds
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Justification, Faith and the Crazy Accountant - What is Faith?

Participating in something greater than yourself has the potential and the power to change you. Such is the process of faith formation. God's great love transforms us from death to life. God's favor alters our changes our reality and the potential to shape our conduct. Authenticity to be more like Jesus is a true enabler. #GodsHandiwork #Relationship #messiahyl
7/31/202227 minutes, 47 seconds
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What Moves Us from Intention to Intentionality

Have you ever had good intentions but fell short of completion? There is one thing that moves us from intention to intentionality: commitment...and commitment drives conduct. Jesus faced and overcame death to demonstrate his commitment to each of us. From a grateful heart, we can commit to move from I should, I want, I need, I will for him and others. #commitment #intentionality #messiahyl
7/24/202220 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Music of Faith Formation - What is Faith?

Does music trigger a memory, a transcendence, a closeness to God? Hearing God's voice in music is a thin space between physical and spiritual worlds. It allows us to meet Jesus with lower barriers...connecting us emotionally to spiritual presence and energizing our faith formation. #SingOn #MusicOfFaith #messiahyl
7/15/202223 minutes, 49 seconds
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Being Part of the Story - What is Faith?

The Christian life is not a focus on following rules and staying on the right side of the line. How we choose to live is a reflection of our gratitude for being made right with God...because of the faithfulness of Jesus. Faith makes us a new person—alive to our identity within Jesus' story. #ParadigmShift #AliveInChrist #messiahyl
7/10/202222 minutes, 22 seconds
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A New Creation in Christ - What is Faith?

Being in Christ is more than a's a death experience. Jesus reconciled the world by loving us to death. Meeting Jesus is a born again experience that changes us. It is a happy exchange "I'm not what I am going to be, but I am not what I used to be." We become God's ambassadors—to love one another. #BeingPartOfTheStory #InChrist #messiahyl
7/2/202224 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Faith of Abraham - What is Faith?

Faith doesn't just come from within, it is an act of will. Faith is possible as a response to God and what God has done and seeing that God is faithful. Nothing is so difficult that God can't see it through. #WhatIsFaith #NotTrustInGod #TrustGod #messiahyl
6/19/202224 minutes, 18 seconds
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When God Doesn't

Have you ever expected God to show up in a situation...and he doesn't? The protection we seek sometimes doesn't manifest itself...either as we want it or when we think we need it. For our benefit, God's big picture and the timing of all things is orchestrated above us. Turn to God—wait, watch, and be amazed—as God unfolds what is ultimately for our good. #WhenGodDoesnt #messiahyl
6/12/202215 minutes, 38 seconds
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Spirit in the Sky - The Gospel Rocks

God is at work in the world...not just a spirit in the sky. Nothing happens in ministry without the Holy Spirit; but what does the Holy Spirit actually do? When we are open to the presence of the Spirit in our lives, the Spirit will work to bring us to faith and show us that the one we need the most is Jesus. #HolySpirit #ShowMeJesus #WithMyBootsOn #messiahyl
6/4/202224 minutes, 44 seconds
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Turn Turn Turn - The Gospel Rocks

As a whole, we do not get to control what happens to us. Much of life is outside our control. The human experience is about choosing how to respond to what choose what is right in the moment-—there is a time and season for everything under heaven. God is at work in the world. #DoGood #LoveOthers #TurnTurnTurn #ItsNotTooLate #messiahyl
5/29/202221 minutes, 6 seconds
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Get Together - The Gospel Rocks

Brotherhood and unity is not only a good idea for a better world, it is the founding plan for God's people. Loving God and loving one another sum up all the instructions from Jesus and God's old testament prophets. Unconditional love doesn't require emotional pre-context. Just do it. #GetTogether #Love(verb) #messiahyl
5/20/202225 minutes
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Walking On Sunshine - The Gospel Rocks

Jesus is the light of the world and the living Word of God. Jesus illuminates the path of our journey in life. As Bob begins his sabbatical, possible election to Pacifica Bishop, and hike on the Camino de Santiago, he encourages everyone to make their life's pilgrimage with the one who said, "I am the Way!" #walkinginthelight #buencamino #messiahyl
5/15/202220 minutes, 36 seconds
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Carry On Wayward Son - The Gospel Rocks

Most of us are wayward children at some point—to a parent and to God. How do we find peace in times of feeling lost or when living a charade? Like mother bird, God's wings are a safe refuge under which we can return. #wayward #yetloved #moms #messiahyl
5/7/202218 minutes, 37 seconds
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One Love - The Gospel Rocks

Unity, as sung about in One Love, is instruction for life. There's one question to ask: "Is there a place for the hopeless sinner?" YES! Grace brings us an awareness that God so loved us that we might love one another. #OneLove #TheGospelRocks #messiahyl
4/30/202216 minutes, 44 seconds
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Satisfaction - The Gospel Rocks

Like the Rolling Stones, if you "can't get no satisfaction"'s probable you're relying on the wrong source. Money, fame, popularity, and fickle people will all disappoint. Only Jesus can truly fill your heart with joy and satisfaction. #meaningless #vanity #TheGospelRocks #messiahyl
4/23/202221 minutes, 15 seconds
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Coming Back To Life - Easter

Easter is not a metaphor for change and renewal, it is the essence of new life! We are not finding God, controlling God, or inviting God into our life...God finds us! Jesus' love was demonstrated as He lived, died, and rose for your new life. #YOLO #ToNewLife #BRBJesus #Easter #messiahyl
4/16/202221 minutes, 7 seconds
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His Hands - Palm Sunday

The amazing hands of Jesus calmed the unridden colt, served the hurting, restored the lost, and bore the sins of our great disobedience. Picture Jesus' hands and remember what they have done for you. Now look closely at your hands—and strive to do likewise. #HisHands #ReachingOut #MeAndYou #messiahyl
4/9/202216 minutes, 31 seconds
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Who? Even You - Your Part Matters

Small contributions and minor parts can make the most significant difference in many situations. Two minor players in the Bible, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, prepared the way for Jesus' resurrection. Their simple devotion, timely awareness, and helpful actions were globally and timelessly impactful to the world. The opportunities for us are likewise. #DoSmallThings #WithGreatLove #messiahyl
4/3/202213 minutes, 38 seconds
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What Are Your Gifts? - Your Part Matters

What team are you on? Are you playing for the name on the front of the jersey—or the name on the back? The body of Christ is the living expression of Jesus in the world. The heart of our mission is to be that body together...and your unique gifts matter. Increase the strength of your link to the body and increase your joy. #Inclusive #YourGiftsMatter #messiahyl
3/27/202223 minutes, 6 seconds
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What Do You Mean I'm in Ministry? - Your Part Matters

What is your passion? Your vocation? calling? ministry? By God's design, all Christians are in ministry. To each one of us grace has been given to be an: Apostle (innovator, early adopter); Prophet (messenger); Evangelist (faith sharer); Pastor (care giver); and/or Teacher (learning leader). How has God shaped you for ministry? #Spark #PartnersInMinistry #messiahyl
3/19/202219 minutes, 30 seconds
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What Part Are You? - Your Part Matters

Have you ever tried to build a puzzle with missing pieces? Likewise, a picture of Christ's body is incomplete without you! Unity and diversity are key attributes of God's plan. You have a unique identity and calling to live out your part in a way no one else can contribute. #EveryoneMatters #MinistryPartners #messiahyl
3/13/202218 minutes, 58 seconds
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What's Important? - Your Part Matters

Is it necessary to be a social media star, famous, or rich to impact the world? Everyone has a role to play. In this series of messages learn to see the important part you have in God's plan to bring love and light to the world. The world and the church need you! #YourPartMatters #WalkHumblyWithYourGod #messiahyl
3/5/202216 minutes, 29 seconds
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God's Annoying Love - Messy Spirituality

We're lucky that God is not fair...if God was fair, we'd get what we actually deserve; and that would be sin's consequence—death. By God's grace, nothing can separate us from the love of God. God loves us not because of who we are, but because of who God is. #PersistentGrace #ForeverEmbraced #GodsAnnoyingLove #messiahyl
2/25/202219 minutes, 36 seconds
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Little Graces - Messy Spirituality

What can you do to fix the biggest problems in the world? Plenty! Small graces change the world at every turn. Touches of love given to others are seeds of generosity through which God works transformations in the lives of people. With a mindset of love, not heroism, the world's problems are steadily reduced. #LittleGraces #messiahyl
2/20/202219 minutes, 15 seconds
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Unspiritual Growth - Messy Spirituality

There is no magical formula to turn you into a better, more Christ-like, person. Spiritual growth is often fits-and-starts with occasional setbacks—because we are, of course, human. However, intentionally engaging in healthy and spiritual practices in an antidote to becoming aware, gaining presence, and thriving in our fast-paced world. #PressOn #UnSpiritualGrowth #messiahyl
2/12/202220 minutes, 57 seconds
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Odd Spirituality - Messy Spirituality

Have you every been chosen last? Felt outcast? Do you every see others in this situation? Every Cinderella story is opportunity for the love of Jesus to make a change...a life changing transformation toward belonging, love, and joy! #BarkLoudly #AllWelcome #OddDiscipleship #messiahyl
2/4/202216 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Ugliness of Rejection - Messy Spirituality

Our similarity to the Samaritan woman (as an outcast and serial victim) is greater than we might first imagine. Jesus redeems her not because of the depth of her sin, but because his love extends unequivocally to all people. How will we accept/own our personal need for redemption and how will we share the love we've received without prejudice. #Rejected #NotWorthy #ButRedeemed #messiahyl
1/30/202221 minutes, 45 seconds
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Resisting the Resisters - Messy Spirituality

How easy is it to push others needs aside for our convenience? Do we over-crave comfort and convenience? The Word of God is a call to action that intrudes into our comfortable...sometimes challenging and sometimes painful. The role of the body of Christ is to join in love around the messiness of life to bring new hope to others. #NoDisReligion #SmuglyUncomfortable #messiahyl
1/23/202219 minutes, 28 seconds
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Where Our Messiness and Jesus Meet - Messy Spirituality

Everybody has the blues. Everybody longs for meaning...ponders spirituality. We were made for relationships and for doing good, but we're also flawed. This makes life haphazardly messy. Good intentions can hold things together for a time, but resolutions fade. Thankfully, it's not about our own strength. The secret to spirituality is what God has done. There's a messy spirituality exactly for people like us who don't have it all together. #MuddleOn #Messy-MeetJesus #messiahyl
1/15/202222 minutes, 38 seconds
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Messy - Messy Spirituality

Messy is the workshop of life and a common state of our being—making clear our need for a loving Savior. The bible is replete with flawed, complicated, and messed up people who, when they embraced messy spirituality, became members in the faith hall-of-fame. Jesus came for broken sinners. #Messy #MessedUp #WorkshopOfLife #messiahyl
1/8/202217 minutes, 20 seconds
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Arise Shine Your Light Has Come

What battery type can you offer to brighten the light of others? AA, AAA, C, or D? or how best to share the light you have? Hope and encouragement come from the epiphany of Jesus—the manifestation of a Savior to you, to me, to all people. Light changes every perception! #AriseShine #LightOfTheWorld #messiahyl
1/1/202222 minutes, 12 seconds
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Joy to the World - Christmas Eve 2021

These past few years have been challenging times for many of us. We are all hoping for better days ahead and we continue to pray for peace and good will to all. Shadows tell us there is light. When the light came, the angels cried tears of joy. There is joy in the world tonight! #TearsOfJoy #ChristmasEve #messiahyl
12/24/202114 minutes, 7 seconds
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Silent Night - Ultimate Christmas Playlist

Was it really a silent night? We imagine the nativity as a Precious Moments scene...however it was probably far from that. Pause at the manger, but not too long. Jesus came to live (and die in our place) so we can live. This outpouring of undeserved love is the ultimate Christmas miracle of life-giving hope. #LifeGiving #messiahyl
12/19/202121 minutes, 47 seconds
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I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve - Ultimate Christmas Playlist

I am so glad each Christmas Eve, the night of Jesus' birth. When like the sun the star shown forth; and angels sang on earth! The star over Bethlehem and the image of light have stood as unmistakeable symbols of the light of Christ. Like the moon, we reflect light...the light of Jesus—the light of the world.#ReflectTheLight #messiahyl
12/13/202121 minutes, 8 seconds
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Let there be Peace - Ultimate Christmas Playlist

What would it be like for you to really experience Christmas this year and not just survive it? More than ever, we need a fresh perspective on what peace on earth—and peace in our hearts—was meant to be. Check out our ultimate Christmas playlist this advent. #LetThereBePeace #messiahyl
11/26/202121 minutes, 52 seconds
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Giving Thanks

What is most important to you? Where do you put your trust? You may have a multitude of loyalties...and this could be worth thinking about. For what are you most thankful? and from where does that provision originate? This Thanksgiving week is a good time to reflect. #UnconditionalLove #GiveThanks #messiahyl
11/21/202118 minutes, 44 seconds
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We Never Stand Alone

A loneliness epidemic is a potential outcome of fear, pandemic distancing, and separation. Being given to each other is God's plan for satisfying our community and relationship needs. We belong to God and we belong to each other. #HolidayBlues #WeNeverStandAlone #DoingLifeTogether #messiahyl
11/14/202120 minutes, 10 seconds
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All Saints Sunday

Who may stand in the presence of the Lord?...anyone who's heart is pure and walk is blameless. And who is that? Although we are not righteous on our own, through Jesus, we are graciously allowed to walk humbly with God. Having received this gift, we are called to share grace with others. Even while a sinner we are simultaneously holy. Thanks to all the saints in our life that have helped us grow. #GospelLove #Unstuck #AllSaints #messiahyl
11/7/202119 minutes, 54 seconds
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How is My Heart Health? - Can't Buy Me Love

If we put our hearts into it, we can continue to be reformed by the nature of God's grace. Can you see we are presently in another period of great reformation? The fellowship of the church is transforming to be relational; shedding fear, guilt, and shame. Where is your heart today? Put your treasure into the center of what delights God and your heart (and life's joy) will surely follow. #YouAreLoved #Reformation #MendingHearts #messiahyl
10/31/202114 minutes, 39 seconds
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Can I Give It Away? - Can't Buy Me Love

Unseen surface issues are sometimes symptoms of deeper ones. Love of money and focused personal attainment of the things it can buy are widely #trending. Yet, how do we learn to do the right thing? God's antidote is giving. God has two guidelines for this: generously and cheerfully. Giving is a window into the condition of our heart. On a scale of emergent to extravagant giving, where are you now? #MoveRight #Overflow #BeGenerousInEveryWay #messiahyl
10/24/202115 minutes, 25 seconds
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Am I a Caretaker? - Can't Buy Me Love

Are your efforts today primarily anchored on satisfying your needs and wants? To God, why we strive and how we steward are of greater importance. Do we carry a long-view that matches Jesus' perspective? We are made for goodness...for caretaking a big table. #LiveIn3D #CircleUp #messiahyl
10/17/202120 minutes, 14 seconds
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Whose Stuff is it Anyways - Can't Buy Me Love

How did you acquire that? Was it a gift? Did you earn it? Who gave you the talent to create it? Whose stuff is it anyway? Life has its start in creation. God brings to life everything that exists, including us, and our abilities to participate in the process. Sufficient providence and selfless stewardship is God's plan for learning to love God and love one another. #GodsStuff #ForGodToUse #messiahyl
10/10/202119 minutes, 34 seconds
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Witness - Back to the Future

Witnessing is an action that takes two intentions: be, ourselves, refreshed by Jesus (the Living Water) and let the Holy Spirit bubble up and out through us. Our living testimony is a witness how Jesus loved us and how he came to save the world. We can help people take steps toward God—from the launchpad of basic doctrine and a relationship with Jesus. #KnowGod #BelieveGod #ShareTheGoodNews #messiahyl
10/3/202127 minutes, 45 seconds
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Serving - Back to the Future

How can we live into the future serving people in the same way Jesus did? With cues from Paul's letter we learn to remember, believe, keep from stumbling, have peace, and find joy in our purpose. #GoServeOthers #InLove #messiahyl
9/26/202121 minutes, 45 seconds
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Caring - Back to the Future

Peace to the people! Shalom is a word for today. The church shouldn't live in the past striving to maintain things "as we imagined they were." History shows we (and those times) were actually never that remarkable. Thankfully, God's long-standing promises to His wandering people includes presence and peace...not as a condition of performance—but because of his loving care for us. Jesus says, "Love others as I have loved you." #UpInOut #Shalom #messiahyl
9/18/202126 minutes, 1 second
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Faith Without Works

Like the power we need to charge our electronic devices, our lives need a source of renewable energy. As Christians we have available power which comes from the Holy Spirit. With this energy we have the capacity to be both faithful and do the good works God has for us. #PlugIn #PowerToLove #HolySpirit #messiahyl
9/5/202121 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Rich Man and Lazarus - Tangible

Becoming aware of a shoulder tap by God is a step towards overcoming ineffectual indifference. Following these nudges and intuitions are a means to bless others and receive surprising joy. Showing God's love to others is a bridge over chasms between God's intention and our opportunity. #OpenGates #BridgeTheGaps #LoveOneAnother #messiahyl
8/28/202119 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Prodigal Son - Tangible

In the parable of the Prodigal Son, who is more reckless and extravagant? it the son? or the father? Understanding the initial listener's perspective of (and our own affinity with) the jealous older brother (wwhhhaat?) is the twist that makes this redemption story most helpful. #WelcomeHome #ProdigalLove #messaihyl
8/21/202123 minutes, 23 seconds
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Good Samaritan - Tangible

Who is NOT my neighbor? The twist to the story of the Good Samaritan is not that religious people have to make moral choices between traditions and compassion. It is that our neighbor is everyone...even our "good" enemy. We must take down the curtains that separate this day compassionate of heart, clear in word, gracious in awareness, courageous in thought, and generous in love. #RemoveTheCurtains #BeCompassionate #messiahyl
8/13/202117 minutes, 20 seconds
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Unforgiving Servant - Tangible

$9B is clearly a lot of money. Our sins are a debt of that impossible scenario, something we could never repay. And it's not just pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps, we cannot do it! ($9B!) It is only God's love that fully forgives our debt. In light of the mercy we have received, we should act transformed. How will you respond? #UnforgivingServant #DontBeThatGuy #messiahyl
8/7/202116 minutes, 49 seconds
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Treasure in a Field - Tangible

The kingdom of God is a treasure of great value. It can be found in places where you least expect it...and it can also be found by diligent search. Both modes reveal that the love of God is closer than you often know. On discovery, it is worth everything to secure it! #HappyTreasureHunting #FindGodsPresence #messiahyl
7/31/202116 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Mustard Seed - Tangible

It's important not to "resist the twist." Parables are collections of narratives and metaphors that tell us about the Kingdom of God. The smallness of a tiny seed is not the point of the Mustard Seed parable. It is, rather, the juxtaposition of what it becomes. What's "tangible" here is learning the supernatural abundance of God's love and power. #DontResistTheTwist #OurGodIsGreat #messiahyl
7/24/202119 minutes, 26 seconds
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Jesus' True Family - Tangible

Jesus said, "My family are those who hear the Word of God and do it." So, how do we DO the Word of God? The key is hearing and learning God's Word and then letting the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit guide us to a more loving life—a life centered on becoming more like Jesus. #IAmAChild #GuidedByTheSpirit #messiahyl
7/17/202116 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Lamp on a Stand - Tangible

Have you ever been in a fog? Unclear pathway? or in dark times? Jesus gives us His light. He said, "I am the light of the world....whoever follows me will not walk in darkness." Parables teach in tangible ways. #LampOnAStand #Tangible #messiahyl
7/11/202114 minutes, 33 seconds
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God, Freedom, and the Fourth of July

How would it be if, today on our country's day of independence celebration, we thought less about contest and rivalries, profits and politics, winners and sinners, and more about helping and giving, mending and blending, reaching out and pitching in? #OnTheSideOfGod #messiahyl
7/4/202118 minutes, 19 seconds
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Father, Son, Holy Spirit - I Am

How has God acted in your life? How have you experienced the presence or the power of the person of God in your life? How have you seen God at work in the world? Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is a single name that Jesus uses to communicate the nature of God: an economic trinity (how God relates to, and acts in, the world/our life) and a social trinity (a set of loving relationships). In these ways, God is active in your life and desires connection with you. #GodInMyWorld #Trinity #messiahyl
6/25/202121 minutes, 31 seconds
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El Roi - I Am

When times are tough, it is easy to wonder if God will come through. We might even take steps boldly to "help God out"...doing what we "hope" God will think is good idea—without really waiting on God in the circumstance. El Roi is a name for God that Haggar uses to communicate her experience how "God sees and hears us!" #GodSeesMe #IAmLoved #messiahyl
6/20/202119 minutes, 40 seconds
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Jahovah Raah - I Am

How can we describe God in tangible ways?...The Lord is my rock, fortress, deliverer, life, salvation, strength, shield...and the Lord is my shepherd (caring, passionate, loving, protector). God gives us back our life; fearing no evil, we can move forward in God. #InGreenPastures #IAmHis #messiahyl
6/13/202117 minutes, 47 seconds
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Jahovah Jireh - I Am

The binding of Issac is a bible story that demonstrates God's name Jahovah Jireh—God will provide. In Moses' day, a sacrifice was an instruction for obedience and a provision for showing responsive faith. God provides in all circumstances...especially when the going is tough and we can't see the way. #GodProvides #JirehSeesToIt #messiahyl
6/13/202120 minutes, 57 seconds
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El Shaddai - I Am

Names have meaning. The names of God are like a diamond with many facets. El Shaddai—Almighty God is the name that God gives Moses to communicate grace, power, and compassion. God's all sufficiency is akin to a mother's loving arms. #MountainOfStrength #QuietNurture #messiahyl
6/13/202116 minutes, 26 seconds
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Yahweh - I Am

How well do we follow the commandment, "don't misuse the name of God?" Maybe we should first consider what are the name(s) of God. One name, Yahweh (I Am), was the name God provided to Moses, when Moses asked "Who should I say is sending me?" What value does this name provide today? Moses learned God was faithful, dependable, and trustworthy. God is in charge and although God is beyond our full understanding... #GodIsWithUs #LetsMakeRoom #messiahyl
5/22/202118 minutes, 35 seconds
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Risen Lord - Who Is Jesus?

"Jesus is Lord" was an alignment statement and belief claimed by early Christians...a resurrection power. Honestly, two thousand years later it is challenging to claim this amid everyday reality and the human condition that sucks the life out of us. We are often left low thinking..."we had hoped." The remedy is leaning into the resurrection power. #WhenWeAreLow #LoveShowsUp #messiahyl
5/15/202116 minutes, 44 seconds
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Son of God - Who Is Jesus?

Can you find the book of Zechariah in the Bible? (it's small; hint: refer to the index). There we see Jesus is a fulfilled promise: the Son of David....a title clue to a larger story of who He was, how He was perceived, and His relevance today. As we get older we learn more about who Jesus is—Jesus is God's anointed one. #Anointed #RoyalStatus #messiahyl
5/15/202116 minutes, 20 seconds
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Son of Man - Who is Jesus?

Can you spot an elephant in the room? Are you good at pretending it's just not there? Jesus often called out the obvious; this was how he revealed his purpose for coming into the world. Jesus' title, Son of Man, refers to his humanity–his time among us as a living person. Following Jesus means we don't just float along on his good graces but strive to be humble (as he was) and do the obvious and sometimes hard things Jesus asks his followers to do. #SeeItDoIt #messiahyl
5/2/202113 minutes, 36 seconds
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Messiah - Who Is Jesus?

Jesus asked the disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" Does their answer then, "You are the Messiah" apply now and have relevance for us today? For certain, Jesus was the promised deliverer of the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Bible. Jesus is also a personal delivery of love and care—a message (and action) to show how God so dearly loves you. #WhoLovesMe #HopeOfTheWorld #messiahyl
4/25/202120 minutes, 18 seconds
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Prophet - Who Is Jesus?

Jesus referred to himself as a prophet. What exactly is a prophet? A prophet is someone speaking for God, given a message to deliver...usually delivering it in a creative way. Jesus's prophetic message had a divine twist: repent and love. One thing we learn from Jesus' message, he comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable. #messiahyl #rescued
4/18/202121 minutes, 41 seconds
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Teacher - Who Is Jesus?

How does I come to faith? Not just to know ABOUT Jesus, but to know, trust, and have a relationship with Him. Believing what Jesus has done for me is the key to faith's first steps. Jesus was a teacher who revealed the process of growing faith. #MustardSeedFaith #ItsAllINeed #messiahyl
4/11/202117 minutes, 22 seconds
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Easter - Who Are You Looking For?

Happy Easter! He is RISEN! Easter makes all things new, a proclamation of release over suffering, hope over despair, and life over death. Jesus said, "Mary, why are you crying? Who are you looking for?" By God's grace Jesus calls my name, too—I am a child of God. #Amazing #EasterLove #messiahyl
4/4/202114 minutes, 19 seconds
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Drive Thru - Passion Story

2021 | Eight Station Drive Thru - Passion Story featuring Messiah Fine Arts Ministry (MFAM) with narration by Pastors Bob Mooney and Jay Egenes
3/30/202121 minutes, 19 seconds
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Silence - What Are You Looking For?

How do you make room for relationships? Do you take time from the hustle and bustle of each day to make a focus on listening to someone important in your life? Quiet times and spaces of silence are a key to connecting with God. In a noisy world, silence is golden! A whisper from the one who made you could change our life. #ListenUp #InSilence #messiahyl
3/28/202119 minutes, 27 seconds
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Worship - What Are You Looking For?

How easily are you distracted? We know just being physically within a space doesn't equate to thoughtful presence. How can we, then, make worship experiences more joyful? Worship is not about us! or even our particular likes or expectations. Listen with your eyes; see with your heart. Give God the attention of our whole being. Focus on what God brings to become aware of the presence of God's spirit. #intoit #worship #messiahyl
3/20/202112 minutes, 32 seconds
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Confession - What Are You Looking For?

God wants relationship with us. And despite how our actions and attitudes separate us from God, God has offered us the way to that relationship through Jesus. We can walk with Him. Or Not. However, if we say that we don't have sin (never mess up), we are deceiving ourself about our own nature, our own possibilities, and our own needs. We are not living and walking in the light or the truth. But God promises to forgive us and cleanse us upon confession—confession of our condition and of the results of that condition. Confessing our sins brings us out of the darkness of the world and into the light. #IConfess #messiahyl
3/13/202122 minutes, 58 seconds
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Fasting - What Are You Looking For?

What are you giving up for lent? What would a fast for spiritual benefit look like for you? Consider a lenten experience to help others...that they might grow by how you care for them. Fast from hurting words and say kind words; fast from worry and trust in God; fast from pressures and be prayerful; fast from grudges and be reconciled. Spiritual fasting changes our hearts and draws us closer to God. #TryFasting #ForAWorshipfulLife #messiahyl
3/6/202114 minutes, 23 seconds
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Scripture - What Are You Looking For?

What are your priorities in life? What holds the greatest meaning for you? We need a frame to hang our decisions and actions to create order and meaning...something in the center to keep everything from falling down. What is your center? Chose to follow Jesus and learn to operate according to how you were created. Delight in the instructions of the Lord. #TeachMe #messiahyl
2/27/202118 minutes, 5 seconds
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Prayer - What Are You Looking For?

Our spiritual life takes place in our physical reality as well as in our hearts. Jesus said follow we begin with the discipline of prayer. God works with us in times of meditation to create a sacred listening space. Try the "daily examine" as a method to better recognize God's hand at work in your life. #ExercisePrayer #messiahyl
2/20/202114 minutes, 49 seconds
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Love Actually Is Not Easy - Love Actually

Are you trying to hide your cracks? Love from God overlooks our brokenness. Like a golden Kintsugi repair of damaged pottery, our life begins when God's love tends, mends, and highlights our cracks. Through no merit of our own, we are continually repaired—we are saved because of grace. The flow of love is a lifestyle of reflecting God's agape love. #LoveRestoresMe #LoveOneAnother #messiahyl
2/12/202120 minutes, 56 seconds
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Love Actually Looks to the Interest of Others- Love Actually

United with Christ isn't about rule following; it is about relationships. Our own comfort from God's love and his spirit within us naturally produces tenderness, concern, and care for others. In humility we can fulfill our call and look to the interests of others first. #CalledToServe #OthersFirst #messiahyl
2/7/202121 minutes, 41 seconds
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Love Actually Bears One Another's Burdens - Love Actually

With a friend our joy is doubled because we share it and our burdens are halved because we share the load. A cord of three strands is not easily broken—the real source of strength comes in that third is the love of God woven into the love and care of our actions bearing one another's burdens. Galatians 6:2 #BearUp #LoveActually #messiahyl
1/31/202120 minutes, 17 seconds
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Love Actually Casts Out Fear - Love Actually

The opposite of love is not is fear. Perfect love (God's love) casts out fear and it is unfailing, everlasting, steadfast, and unconditional. The good news is we don't have to clean up first. We are loved just as we are. God changes our life with love. Transformed, so that, we can love others. #PerfectLove #NoFear #messiahyl
1/24/202123 minutes, 49 seconds
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Love Actually Sacrifices For Others - Love Actually

What is your love radius? How committed are you to the well-being of others? Jesus showed us the way. Laying down our lives is an everyday response of loving others—in small and big moments—in words and especially through actions. #ShowMe #LoveRadius #Sacrificially #messiahyl
1/17/202117 minutes, 19 seconds
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Love Actually Forgives - Love Actually

Can you imagine an offense too great for you to forgive? Rebellion, disrespect, injury, or abandonment? Truth is, we have acted toward Jesus this way. Yet, he has chosen to forgives us! Conform then to the demands of the gospel—including forbearing each other. Share compassion, humility, and grace to be the forgiveness of Jesus that people desperately need. #LoveActually #Forgives #messiahyl
1/10/202118 minutes, 41 seconds
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Love Actually Gives - Love Actually

Gifts are an expression...they can reveal much about the giver and also about the receiver. Wise men brought baby Jesus some unique gifts which foretold a story of his life. The fact that God revealed himself to be noticed, followed, and found by pagan astrologists says much for God's gift of inclusion. #BeWise #LoveActuallyGives #messiahyl
1/4/202117 minutes, 21 seconds
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And the Holy Spirit Was Upon Him - As We Wait

Jesus entered his earthly life and participated in the world as a poor person. His ministry, focus, and attention was largely on those who were lowly, poor, and oppressed. Woe to you who are rich! Does this make you uncomfortable? Our earnings and our actions can't earn salvation. Thankfully, we're not eternally separated from God because we're not poor. The power of the Holy Spirit was upon Jesus. He became the light of the entire world. Jesus fell first (and rose again) for all people. #ThanksForLovingMe #messiahyl
12/27/202019 minutes
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Saved from Our Enemies - As We Wait

Have you ever wished for a mute button for people? God used such a button on Zachariah. Now (like then) at just the right moment, God's Holy Spirit breaks into our ordinary, mundane, regular world, to bring a vision of God's promised future. As the nativity players were the first messengers of the covenant, we can also give praise to God for what he has done...and what he is continuing to do. #TrustGodsPromises #HolySpiritCome #messiahyl
12/19/202013 minutes, 55 seconds
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Filled With The Holy Spirit - As We Wait

Christmas is a lot to take in this year—as it was also over 2000 years ago. Comfort and joy is the very thing we all seek (all people). We offer each other strength and warmth through presence and compassion when we share the love of God. Be intentional and be inspirational in fresh new ways to magnify God this Christmas. #FilledWithTheHolySpirit #messiahyl
12/13/202017 minutes, 35 seconds
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How Can This Be? - As We Wait

What are the most significant relationship intersections of your life? Crossed paths and intersections can change the world and change each of us. God's intervention and loving visit to earth is so perplexing...and so amazing! Ponder: #HowCanThisBe #messiahyl
12/13/202019 minutes, 43 seconds
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That You May Know the Truth - As We Wait

Let's get ready for the Christmas story! The Bible's historical and theological book of Luke is fundamental to Christianity today. In our own redemption story, exactly where the divine interrupted the ordinary, the message came first by angelic appearance. Zachariah, Elizabeth, and John go before us to prepare the way. #AccordingToLuke #SpiritFilled #WhatTheLordHasDoneForMe #messiahyl
11/27/202017 minutes, 36 seconds
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What Are You Going To Do? - What Has God Done For You Lately

What personal accomplishments do you most admire? Our challenge is to be thankful for these, but not depend on them for our story. Giving up ourselves and our "self-made" gains for Christ's lordship is a source of life changing joy! Jesus gave up everything to redeem you! #YouAreGodsTreasure #UndividedHeart #messiahyl
11/26/202017 minutes, 31 seconds
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What is My Calling? - What Has God Done For You Lately

What do you want to do with your one and only life? What is your life's calling? You were created to make a difference. When we decrease self-absorption and increase our life in Christ, we find joy, satisfaction, influence, and purpose. Every ordinary person who lives into the attitude of walking in the steps of Jesus makes a world of difference—by caring for others, living sacrificially, and doing it consistently. #InvestYourLife #CalledToLove #messiahyl
11/15/202013 minutes, 59 seconds
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Who Loves You Most? - What Has God Done For You Lately

True sacrifice...being on the line and ready to give it all (even die) for someone else. That is amazing love! The love of God is just that way. Jesus emptied himself in love for everything he had. #PouredOut #OneOfUs #messiahyl
11/7/202013 minutes, 54 seconds
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Why Are You Here? - What Has God Done For You Lately

Is the purpose of life to be happy? Is it societal pressure that drives you? There is something greater than "happiness" to attain. Living in "joy" is a much superior life state—a condition of profound gladness! The greatest possible joy is experiencing the goodness and presence of Jesus. #ExperienceJoy #TheGoodLife #messiahyl
10/31/202014 minutes, 32 seconds
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Christ Alone - Solas

The Bible is not a bunch of "Nos", thankfully, it's about generous "Yeses": God's "Yes" to us, God's "Yes" to eternal life, and God's "Yes" to having a loving relationship with us! A life of reformation is constantly growing in appreciating why (and how) God says "Yes"! Christ alone is simply enough! It's not Christ + my's all Him. #christalone #fullstop #messiahyl
10/24/202019 minutes, 19 seconds
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Faith Alone - Solas

Is your faith a quart low? Faith isn't measured in is a relationship with God. Not our strength, but it is God's work that changes us. All our power comes from the Holy Spirit...initiated by God. Faith alone is walking and talking with God in the way of love. #GodPursuesMe #messiahyl
10/18/202021 minutes, 20 seconds
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Grace Alone - Solas

Have you ever caught yourself looked down on someone because they did less than you? Perspective is a helpful check. We've done so little compared to what God has done for us. We have no bragging rights...nothing credible to offer that makes us more worthy. God's grace alone is our lifeline. #gracealone #messiahyl
10/10/202027 minutes, 23 seconds
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Scripture Alone - Solas

Reformation is an ongoing reflection on faith. The central tenets of Christian faith are Scripture, grace, faith, and Christ (the Solas). Our Bibles are literal, historical, metaphoric, and poetic communications from God. Regular study of Scripture can bring us inspiration, wisdom, and training for life—insight to reform our faith in Christ and help us grow. #GodsWord #LightMyPath #messiahyl
10/4/202025 minutes, 3 seconds
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Praise - Living a God-Centered Life

Has it been your experience that things go better with understanding? In living a God-centered life, we need to understand the "why?, who?, how?, and when?" to praise God. Praise is giving gratitude to our creator. Living for God is more than obedience, it also all-in adoration. Love God like a dog! #praisethelord #messiahyl
9/27/202015 minutes, 51 seconds
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Thanksgiving - Living a God-Centered Life

Praise and thanksgiving are a response to God's love: we say, "God's love endures forever." Psalm 136 gives us a chance to praise God in unison. God's love covers all people and exists at all times. God doesn't love us less or more because of who we are; God's love for you is defined by who God is and what he has made—you are God's child! #OhGiveThanks #messiahyl
9/19/202018 minutes, 38 seconds
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Trust - Living a God Centered Life

Psalm 23 is a prescription for the problems of today. God is always with us in our unknowing. Hope and good news come from recognizing that everyone's needs are met in the abundant love of God. Are you craving consoling prayers at the end of your words? The Psalms are comfort to fill the gaps. #iwilltrust #ishallnotwant #messiahyl
9/13/202020 minutes, 51 seconds
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Lament A Cry for Help - Living a God-Centered Life

Sometimes all things in life are good. At other times a perceived Kershaw curve-ball is coming for our head! The lament of Psalm 13 asks, "How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?" God's reply is empathetic...and life-changing. #CryOutForHelp #messiahyl
9/5/202023 minutes, 42 seconds
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Delight in God's Word - Leading a God-Centered Life

Blessedness and happiness are less a physical circumstance and more a state of mind. The pursuit of happiness may be our American right, but it is only God who makes this possible. Happiness is not a set of rules with rewards. It is a process of seeking and moving toward a God-centered life. #AlignedHappiness #messiahyl
9/4/202016 minutes, 13 seconds
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Rejoice in the Lord Always - Connect to Joy

Is it possible to rejoice always (be continuously joyful)? Amid suffering, persecution, tough times, challenging situations; joy IS possible and it comes near to us. Leaning on strength higher than the power of positive thinking, discover the power-packed fruits of the Holy Spirit. #RejoiceAlways #messiahyl
8/22/202021 minutes, 22 seconds
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Joy Comes in the Morning - Connect with Joy

For everything there is a season...weeping tears of joy and weeping tears of a clown (when there's no one around). The Lord meets us in our pit. God journeys with us through long nights. If joy seems distant; take heart, the morning is coming. #MorningJoy #messiahyl
8/15/202020 minutes, 35 seconds
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Joy of the Lord is My Strength - Connect to Joy

How do we fight forgetting? And, especially, how do we not lose sight of what God has done? Nehemiah reminded the Jewish people, then, that God gives long-lasting hope, especially through tough times. As Bible reading and study can educate us, it can also lead us to understand the gifts we've received and help us appreciate God's joyful provision. The joy of the Lord is my strength. #ConnectToJoy #messiahyl
8/9/202021 minutes, 26 seconds
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Joy in Relationships - Connect to Joy

What makes us human? Is it our desire to achieve? According to our creator, what makes us human is our relationships...connections created for our joy. We are made in the image of our creator whose nature is love; we are called to serve the world—losing ourselves in build loving relationships. #JesusOthersYourself #JoyInRelationships #messiahyl
8/2/202019 minutes, 41 seconds
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Joy Unspeakable - Connect to Joy

Looking at the Christmas story off-season gives time to ponder other perspectives including the season of the world that Jesus was born into. It was not a Hallmark movie moment. It was filled with violence, swirling political injustice, and social unrest. God's promise of hope was born (and lived among us) in a messy world. God is with us always..right where we are! Unspeakable joy comes to us, especially in darkness. #ChristmasInJuly #messiahyl
7/26/202015 minutes, 27 seconds
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Hope Does Not Disappoint - Choose Hope

COVID has changed our days...these are not normal times. Likely you've already lived through other crisis: shattered dreams, pain, death, disappointment. God's love (and faith in it) can overcome all hopelessness. Are you open to becoming more than what you have been in darker times? #HopeDoesNotDisappoint #messiahyl
7/19/202016 minutes, 41 seconds
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Hope for the Future - Choose Hope

Wait for it...wait (a lifetime) for it! There's no immediate, quick escape from troubles. Prosperity is certain, but not on the basis of your faith or actions; rather, on the promise of God's shalom to us through every unrest, struggle, and pain. #LivingInContext #PatientTrust #messiahyl
7/10/202019 minutes, 46 seconds
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Hope in Unfailing Love - Choose Hope

Happiness might seem like an individual striving; however, the pursuit of happiness is really an obligation to thrive in community. It is our natural tendency (and a false security) to put our hope in something we create: family, finances, government, or leadership. What is important to us is the target of those that don't align with us. It is the Lord who is our strength and shield! We find security and safe keeping as we put our hope in God. #UnfailingLove #messiahyl
7/5/202015 minutes, 54 seconds
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Hope in God's Word - Choose Hope

We are held together by hope; and hope prevails. Our comfort and our suffering are held together in God's Word. When we study God's statues and commands we find words of faithful promise and confident assurance. Despite any circumstances, we can say, "Your promise preserves my life, I put my hope in your Word." #HopeInGodsWord #messiahyl
6/28/202011 minutes, 25 seconds
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Love Always Hopes - Choose Hope

Increasing anxiety might be a description of the day; however, don’t be downhearted. Keep your mind on things above. Choose something new, deeper, and certain…choose hope. Our Heavenly Father offers each of us strength to endure. Jesus left his place in heaven to come alongside us: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” #ChooseHope #ConnectToJoy #messiahyl
6/21/202017 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Bread of Life - I AM

We can experience God in many ways today: in nature, through other people, in scripture, and in worship (just to name a few). Being connected to God was a forever plan started at creation and extended beyond mankind's fall...through Jesus, who is our Bread of Life. Jesus came to satisfy our physical and spiritual hungers. He is God's bridge over our sin, connection to a life-giving eternal relationship, and source of infinite love to us and all humankind. #BreadForAll #messiahyl
6/7/202019 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Vine - I AM

The serious virus we fight today has been among us well before we were aware of it. Our sin virus has plagued our life and relationships since birth...we inherently put our self-interests first. (It is like we can't resist touching what we've been instructed not to touch). Who is in charge of your life? You? or God? If you're all wrapped up in yourself, it's easy to be messed up (alone in your virus). Abide in Jesus, grow in faith, and get well with others. #VirusAntidote. #BackToTheGym #messiahyl
5/30/202026 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Way, The Truth, and The Life - I AM

Feeling lost these days? Have you been wondering what’s next? Where you need to go (or what you need to do) may not be so much a physical place or action; rather, it may be a new relationship to life—a new view. Jesus made this statement: “I AM the way, the truth, and the life.” Reorient your understanding of that statement from “THE way” (exclusive) to “the WAY” (how). It is consolation (not judgement), hope (not factoids), and directions (not mystery);. #HolyGPS #messiahyl
5/23/202016 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Resurrection - I AM

In fearful moments and times of grief we wonder, "Where are you God and why haven't you shown up?" If only you had been here, this wouldn't have happened. How then, and still today, Jesus comforts the Mary and Martha cries within us. May our faith increase as unforeseen situations swirl. God knows our needs and comes to us. #FaithBeyondCircumstances #HopeBeyondFear #messiahyl
5/16/202020 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Good Shepherd - I AM

Reflecting on motherhood may elicit a complicated state of mind. For some it may be blissful, for others it may be painful...for most, it is both. The pattern and model for what we received from our mothers and, more importantly, what we need need in relationships "to be loved by a caring person" stems from a connection Jesus modeled when he described our lives as shepherd led. Jesus, our Good Shepherd, finds us in our need; He cares, protects, nurtures, and restores us to wholeness. There is no place in the heart of God for whereabouts unknown. #ShepherdLed #messiahyl
5/9/202020 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Light of the World - I AM

Darkness has its moments: dark rooms, dark emotions, dark times. But darkness can be overcome! A candle, a flashlight, a beam of light from your phone will cast out darkness from physical spaces. But what brings light to worries, fears, desires—expectations you can't meet right now (yours or someone else's)? Jesus was sent into the world to be the remedy for dark conditions. Jesus said "I am the light of the world" and I am the brightness you especially need today. #IAMTheLight #messiahyl
5/2/202019 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Gate - I AM

Baaaa Baaaa. We are more like sheep than you might think: 1) we are followers, 2) we remember faces, 3) we find safety in numbers, 4) we rarely walk in a straight line, and 5) we have trouble finding a half-open gate without help. “COVID-19 time” is a good time to listen to your Shepherd, Jesus, when he calls… #IAMTheGate #messiahyl
4/25/202024 minutes, 29 seconds
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He is Risen - Now What?

Is Easter only a promise for an eternal future in heaven? A risen Jesus is the basis for all Christian hope because it means God can do anything. All authority in heaven and on earth was given to Jesus. His parting words were a commission with a promise. "Go and make disciples...and I will be with you ALWAYS!" Our mood, approval, security, and sufficiency doesn't depend on us; we serve a BIG God and we don't need to fix things on our own. He is Risen! Now what? Remember, I am with you always! #ChooseHope #ConnectToJoy That's what! #messiahyl
4/18/202024 minutes, 37 seconds
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Hope Has A Name - Easter

Things don’t always go as planned. For sure, this Easter is unlike any other. More broadly, the life you’re living may not be the life you planned. Every life story begins dark, but there is a turnaround moment for each of us. There is more to life than we experience today. God is ever strong, wise, and loving. God did something eternally significant for you. We don’t have to settle because: Hope has a name—that name is Jesus! #Easter2020 #HopeHasAName #messiahyl
4/12/202023 minutes, 18 seconds
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Hosanna to the Son of David - Against All Odds

This may be the Lentiest Lent we have ever Lented; we have given up more than we ever planned this year. Yet, it may also become the most Holy Week we have ever experienced. As Jesus entered Jerusalem prophetically, the "whole city was in turmoil"...oddly, this is not much different than our lives right now. "Hosanna! us we beseech you, Son of David, our King." When you've got more than you can handle, God will help you handle it. Cast your cares on Jesus. #Hosanna #messiahyl
4/5/202011 minutes, 34 seconds
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Believing the Miracle Maker - Against All Odds

Miracles were performed by Jesus so that we might come to believe in him. The record of many wondrous signs in the Bible are both subjective and objective evidence of God’s power. Miracles fulfilled prophesy and created physical evidence for those seeing them, then…and us, today, reading about them. Miracles today, perhaps not flashy or immediate, are the gift of God’s presence in every darkness. God has shown over and over that dark moments precede light and new life. #MiraclesInDarkTimes #messiahyl
3/28/202018 minutes, 3 seconds
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From Our House to Yours

Even though we're physically apart, we continue to worship together...and God is with us in this moment. What is the good coming out of these challenging times? Could it be teachable moments, time with family, time to remember what we are grateful for? We have accessibility to suffering that leads us to a place of deeper love for one another and wholehearted trust in God. #NeverApart #messiahyl
3/21/202019 minutes, 32 seconds
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Fear to Joy

From the perspective of God's grace, tools to move from fear to joy. #FearToJoy #messiahyl
3/16/202016 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why Did Jesus Come? - Against All Odds

Jesus came to the world to model justice and servanthood. This might seem distant and unrelated as the world's people quarantine to slow a pandemic spread of the Covid-19 virus. However, we can turn fear to joy, and anxiousness to confidence under God's grace—using that gift to calm our restless heart and then, in turn, radiate hope and joy to others. I am not just a me, I am a we. I am not just an individual, I am a community. #FearToJoy #messiahyl
3/16/202016 minutes, 1 second
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The Messiah on the Run - Against All Odds

The quaint Christmas story has some unlikely tragedy. After Herod heard from the Magi there was a new born King, the response was evil retaliation (genocide, anguish, exile)—causing a season of refugee migration for Jesus. Against all odds, young Jesus was guided through the expatriation experience. Not unlike the current world's turmoil, God then, and God still, provides refuge and hope. Empowered by God's love, we extend love to our refugee neighbor. #refugeeme #messiahyl
3/8/202032 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Cradle and the Cross - Against All Odds

Should we pray to the baby Jesus, to the bearded Jesus, or to the risen Jesus? The answer is, "Well, yes." It is all these forms of Jesus that bring meaning and substance for our faith—in our various states of need and "messupidness." From the cradle to the cross, the Messiah was foretold and fulfilled many prophesies that were against all odds...but he certainly was born, lived, died, and rose (all of this) for us. #CradleToCross #messiahyl
3/2/202017 minutes, 35 seconds
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Against All Odds - Series Intro

What are the odds of your winning the lottery, getting struck by lightning, or being bitten by a shark? All are very remote! And yet the odds of one person fulfilling every prophecy told in advance, are even greater than those aforementioned odds combined! At the end of your life, in retrospect, it will be clear a curated journey transpired....and the 1:1 odds of it all having been divinely known by God. Let's look at what it takes to be with a God that satisfies promises and prophesies against all odds. #luckybeyonddoubt #againstallodds #messiahyl
2/23/202021 minutes, 35 seconds
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Our Lives Bear Witness

Is there a litmus test to being a Christian? How much must we do to be a "good Christian"? The answer is we probably need to do less and follow Jesus more. We are not saved by our actions...yet, our attitudes and behaviors bear witness to our relationship to Jesus. We are created in this image: a God of love. God alone has taken the action to restore the divide between us. What God created, God loves. What God loves, God loves forever. #pastdo:justbe #bearwitness #messiahyl
2/16/202024 minutes, 42 seconds
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Who Are You?

WHO are you? Who ARE you? Who are YOU? It's not just what you do, what you love, or the context of your interpersonal relationships. What defined who we are is understanding our God-given purpose...a community of salt and light; salt to give flavor and light to reflect God's love. #WhoAreYou #SaltLightLoving #messiahyl
2/9/202021 minutes, 25 seconds
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Be Kind - Souper Bowl

When times are turbulent and faithfulness is a stretch, God speaks to us...oh, my people what have I done for you? May I remind you, I sent you kindness! In the midst of challenging weeks, we hang on these words of God. My eyes are on are loved! In response, what does the Lord ask of us, mere mortals: do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God! #DoJustice #LoveKindness #WalkHumbly #messiahyl
2/2/202023 minutes, 34 seconds
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Financial - Priorities

Moving from comfort to trust is the starting point of faith. Like a hermit crab we need to be open to growing out of our comfortable shell. What are the ways we can embracing a better and more holistic life? Consider the healthy habits of accounting, budget, saving, contentment, and generosity...each based on living under God's overflowing love. #livegenerously #messiahyl
1/26/202026 minutes, 29 seconds
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Fitness - Priorities

How can you serve well if your own care is neglected? Everyone needs assistance, but some self-love and self-care is also required. Life is a maintenance endeavor and spiritual, mental, and physical fitness are a part of it. We are created in God's image and having a heart for God includes loving the body he has given whatever form and stage of life you inhabit it. Could you improve in a small way to enhance your appreciation for your self? #selfcare #messiahyl
1/19/202028 minutes, 15 seconds
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Faith - Priorities

Does doubt have a place in faith? Perhaps surprisingly, Yes! Unanswered questions in our circumstances are opportunity to seek answers and embrace mystery larger than ourselves. Fear and doubt are part of our life, but no our foundation. The opposite side of the same coin is courage and faith. Jesus came to earth to show and say, "I love you...fear not!" #DoNotBeAfraid #messiahyl
1/12/202025 minutes, 56 seconds
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Family - Priorities

When we love someone, the best thing we can offer is our presence. How can we love if we are not actually present? Unplug from devices and be present by listening and talking with others. #PrioritizePresence #messiahyl
1/6/202025 minutes, 45 seconds
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The New Year is Coming - New Year's

On the cusp of a new year...and at the doorway of a brand new decade, what is your outlook? Do you need a "do over"? a mulligan perhaps? God's grace provides a fresh start opportunity for you! Lament your losses, but lift your eyes to look at the future with God's 20:20 vision. You belong to him! #HappyNewYear #messiahyl
12/29/201923 minutes, 55 seconds
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Christmas Eve - The Thrill of Hope!

We all have a deep longing to belong. Sometime in the silence of this Christmas we hope you will discover that you are the first one picked tonight—the very one that God pursues. God's only Son, Jesus, was given for you! The gap between our restless heart and our home is not a place but a person. We find completeness when we move closer to a God feel at home. #HomeForChristmas #messiahyl
12/25/201919 minutes, 11 seconds
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Luke's Story - The Thrill of Hope!

Questions about the Christmas story poke us this time of year. Do we ever pretend to understand? Have you ever quietly wondered, "is it all real?" Angels? Wisemen following a star? Virgin birth? If your mind has ever taken you in irreligious uncomfortable directions, take note of today's message. There is something heartening about the account of the life of Jesus (even if the birth circumstances are right now hard to reason)...#LukesStory #messiahyl
12/23/201931 minutes, 52 seconds
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Your Story - The Thrill of Hope!

Is it possible have a greater love capacity than God? As law breakers we find ourselves outcast and mired in a debt/debtor relationship. Even so, we were sought out, adopted, and redeemed from our debt! Now we have the intimate embrace of a loving "daddy" and his Holy Spirit in our life. We are loved without condition; loved without bounds—fully, part of the family. Debt-free...that's our story. #LiveYourStory #messiahyl
12/15/201930 minutes, 17 seconds
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Hope4Kids Story - The Thrill of Hope

Have you ever prayed to be more like Jesus? Maybe that aspiration was to be more moral or to sin less. Being more like Jesus actually looks more practical. Jesus loved the people that no one wanted. God's mercy for our shortcomings is ours, too. Because of the love we've received, we can extend mercy to others. May the power of Christ transform you daily into the generous person you were designed to be. Acknowledge God's love and experience the thrill of hope. #Hope4Kids #messiahyl
12/8/201938 minutes, 6 seconds
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Zechariah's Story - The Thrill of Hope

In seasons of waiting, what keeps us true to our faith? Why carry on? There are seasons in life when it feels like God is not near...not yet, not soon, not in sight, not sure. However, it is only perspective that obscures our view of the truth. Time is God's domain...and, the promise of "God with us" is certain in every moment of our life. In Zechariah's story we see an apparent lifelong patience and silence turned to joy! #SilenceIsNotAbsence #messiahyl
12/1/201927 minutes, 11 seconds
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Community - Fear Not!

Have we lost the ability to love (be loved) and like (be liked) by other people? Is our worldly partiality overwriting our unity? The church God envisions is the "assembled one," individuals gathered together—a community of people. As in the feeding the 5,000+, Jesus didn't ask "which team are you on? rather, "what is your need?" Living on God's terms, our role is to listen to the needs of others...and meet them. #LifeOnGodsTerm #ISeeTheCrowd #messiahyl
11/24/201932 minutes, 3 seconds
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Challenge - Fear Not!

What is our level of contentment in good situations...and bad situations? In your mind, are they the same threshold? What is your mindset of generosity...not enough to go around (scarcity) or the more you give, the more there is to give (abundance)? The art of living well is spending the coins we get wisely. We were created to be irrationally generous. Life is often reordered to draw us toward God. #generousinallthings #messiahyl
11/17/201930 minutes, 42 seconds
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Consecrated - Fear Not!

Touched by the lives of those that serve, we pause to give appreciation to our Veterans and Chaplains! We see you...and we thank you! Receiving the peace of God and strength for the day faithful people serve. Always moving close to those in need Jesus whispers "fear not, peace be to you, and do not be afraid!" In harm's way, we pray: "Run, Jesus, Run! to me...and to those who serve! #Veterans #Chaplains #messiahyl
11/10/201933 minutes, 42 seconds
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Capacity - Fear Not!

Have you ever been surprised by what comes from tiny things? From little seeds come gigantic trees! From a few fish and scraps of bread, God makes miracles! Everything in creation is designed to be more. As we trust in Gods' vision of what could be in ourselves, in others, and in our circumstances, we unlock and God’s unlimited capacity. We are designed to be the tiny seeds of great generosity. #bolo #messiahyl
11/3/201931 minutes, 42 seconds
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Reformation - Influencer

You can't buy what God wants to give you for free. Forgiveness, peace, and saving grace are yours...but it isn't once-and-done! We are a reforming people and we are still a reforming church. Our current "Jesus movement" opportunity is coming to know the authentic Jesus of Nazareth (not a culturally convenient Jesus) then becoming an influencer—loving God and loving one another. #gamechanger #messiahyl
10/27/201928 minutes, 47 seconds
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Bearing Fruit - Influencer

Why is it we can easily recommend a favorite movie that moves us, but shy from telling people about God? Perhaps we feel "God conversations" are too deep or too wide a subject. The Holy Spirit has gifted you in your uniqueness to tell your story of God's love; all we need to be is open to sharing what God is doing for you. Pray that God will bring an an opportunity to be asked this week by someone how God loves you. #bearingfruit #messiahyl
10/20/201920 minutes, 24 seconds
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Light of the World - Influencer

Do we have the power to influence others? We do...and that power actually comes from God. What are our opportunities for shining light into the lives of others? These could be large and small..some even today. Let's be the reason someone loves Jesus, not the reason they hate Christians. May we always seek to bring forth grace, forgiveness, kindness, and hope, drawing on your strength, Lord, to be an influencer—a light—to all the world. #LightUp #messiahyl
10/13/201934 minutes, 41 seconds
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Who Will be a Witness for My Lord? - Witness

What is your reality view? From what media source or perspective do you get it? As we acknowledge and appreciate the depth of God's love we see how monumental Jesus' personal sacrifice was for us and how insignificant our own trophies and accomplishments really are. If you are looking through the Christian lens...nothing except Jesus Christ, and him don't need to worry about your status or reputation in the world. #SeeingThroughNewLenses #messiahyl
10/6/201920 minutes, 14 seconds
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Mission, Values, and Vision - Prove It!

What to do? How to do it? It really depends first,...on why? Our mission, values, and vision at Messiah are founded on what Jesus referred to as the greatest (and new) commandment: Love God and Love One Another. As we come to know the love of God that surrounds us, our purpose becomes clear. The most basic footwear of live is to love God most so we can love others best. #IKnowWhyIWearShoes #messiahyl
9/29/201931 minutes, 46 seconds
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What Love Looks Like - Prove It!

Do you ever feel a bit like Eeyore? "Days. Weeks. Months. Who knows?” An assurance of love is a gift God offers into this's all we need: no more, no less. We have this gift to be ok, ourselves; yes, and we have a deeper responsibility, too, to be a light in the dark shadows of other's lives. Like Pooh and Piglet did, we can sit beside loneliness. Even Eeyore knows, “a little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.” #LoveOneAnother #messiahyl
9/22/201923 minutes, 45 seconds
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Our Obedience to God - Prove It!

What is the Real Thing? It's more than Coca-Cola. It's knowing our eternal value and purpose! God provides healthy, safe, wholesome, and live-giving guidance for living. When we spend ourselves in gratitude for and obedience with God's plan...our purpose becomes clear, our opportunities apparent, and our fulfillment wildly abundant. #ObedienceIsFreedom #messiahyl
9/15/201925 minutes, 17 seconds
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My Life is My Witness - Prove It!

How can we know God exists? How do we experience God? ...even develop an intimacy and friendship with God? The disciples who wrote the Bible's new testament gospels draw from a common personal experience with God. Jesus made a real difference in the lives of people as documented in eye-witness accounts. So it is also today, God is transforming us. His words are life. How might I better carry and present myself as a witness? #LetYourLightShine #messiahyl
9/8/201926 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sabbath - Resting in God

The Sabbath is more than us resting. It's a renewing of our spirits, understanding our work, and family time. Work is important to us. A lot of the meaning of our life is our work. We work as if we are working for God. Our work should be honorable to God. What are we weary from? How do we find rest? Sabbath is not just Sunday. We can find Sabbath in little chunks throughout the week.
9/1/201928 minutes, 35 seconds
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Appreciation - Live Generously

Giving more than you receive is a godly virtue. Our blessings and our freedom to live generously come from the provisions of God. Our ability to stand in the body of Christ comes from God accepting us into the family...a family joined under the bearable yolk of Christ—a yolk of love. Coming to know our precious acceptance as immigrants to God's family, we are emboldened and capable of accepting and appreciating others, too. #FreedomGives #Healing #messiahyl
8/25/201931 minutes, 1 second
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Hospitality - Live Generously

Generous acts are twitches not tweets. In a disconcerting world we are called to be honest with our maker (not hiding) and generous to others (showing radical hospitality to those in need). "Where are you?" God knowingly asks. Woodstock once heralded unconditional love for everyone. Yet long before, God demonstrated in Jesus the desire, work, and suffering it takes to become "enthused" have "God in you." #TingedWithUnhingedJoy #messiahyl
8/20/201923 minutes, 40 seconds
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Priorities and Capacity - Live Generously

Why be limited by our own potential? Even our best efforts fall far short of our true capacity. We have God's guarantee of limitless capacity for spreading joy, bringing light, sharing provision, and living abundantly. The story of a little boy bringing a meager lunch of fish and bread to Jesus shows what God consecrates can become enough for all. #LimitlessCapacity #messiahyl
8/11/201933 minutes, 3 seconds
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Now and Then - Live Generously

How concerned are you about the future? When it comes to having enough, how much is enough? It depends on priority, of course. Godliness is a God focused, forward-thinking approach. Godliness and contentment are where peace comes from...not complacency, but joy from making eternal investments. All we have comes from God. My blessings and my generosity show my responsive heart. #EnoughIsEnough #messiahyl
8/4/201924 minutes, 24 seconds
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Be a Disciple - We Are One

Our ability, intellect, and good looks, or lack thereof, are not a qualification for being a child of God. We are capable people and disciples solely on our relationship...a life of love, purpose, and belonging is ours despite human acceptance. We are fit and ordained for service with all our infirmities and diseases. #WhoGodLoves #messiahyl
7/28/201924 minutes, 11 seconds
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We All Need Jesus - We Are One

You may be working harder than needed...if you're doing things to earn God's favor! You're already enough...just as you are. Striving to do what is right is our aim, but it doesn't bring more love. You are already loved, you are already accepted. There isn’t one person in this world that I want more than I want you. –God #WeAllNeedJesus #messiahyl
7/21/201916 minutes, 39 seconds
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Tower of Babel - We Are One

An amazing race we are...and an amazing race we are in. The human race is one global family. It is smaller, more connected, and more integrated than ever before. We are all on one shared journey: a finite life together, a hope for peace, and the pursuit of lasting love. Language barriers are transcended by the unifying force which is love of God flowing down to us and then to others. #OneInTheSpirit #messiahyl
7/14/201932 minutes, 29 seconds
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Created In God's Image - We Are One

Do we strive to shape God into our image (what we expect and want)? How might we better reflect our creaturely status—to honor who God is and what God does? We were created male and female in God's image, and God said it was "VERY GOOD!" Humankind was established as the world's most valuable piece of creation with responsibility to be good stewards of everything else. We are image bearers of God love; extending our creator's embrace for the entire world. This is a divine and sacred task. #ImagoDei #messiahyl
7/7/201929 minutes, 2 seconds
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Turned the World Upside Down - Empowered

How comfortable are you? Is stability and avoiding change an everyday goal? What if God wants us to go to Mars Hill? How does living into our faith spur us to equip ourselves to go out and turn this world upside down? When death becomes resurrection and life, the world is turned upside down. When grace is our gift, received and given, the world is turned upside down. #UpsideDown #YouWin #messiahyl
6/30/201929 minutes, 20 seconds
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No Longer Afraid - Empowered

Things happen in the name of Jesus. While on earth, Jesus cast demons from a man into pigs; later Peter healed a crippled man and raised a young girl from the dead...all in Jesus name. Jesus is the cornerstone, the ebenezer (stone of help) on which we our saved. The wideness of God's love is beyond our comprehension. His name gives courage through times as tough as cancer. No longer afraid, I wanna be in the room where it happens. #SoHealed #messiahyl
6/23/201929 minutes, 8 seconds
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Empowered by the Spirit - Empowered

What is the story that shapes your life and thinking? Is it all about gracious living? Follow your passion, chart your own course, follow your dreams...does that story give you the guidelines for success? The story of individualism affects and infects us all. The JESUS story is a story with the Spirit of the living God and losing yourself for the greater good...and find joy! #OpenHearts #MyJesusStory #messiahyl
6/16/201919 minutes, 38 seconds
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Holy Spirit Here Now - Empowered

True empowerment is the Holy Spirit's gift to followers of Jesus. The world drops challenging circumstances, foists negative attitudes, and creates distracting reasons to become de-motivated. Jesus knew that we needed help and today we celebrate the Holy Spirit come down to earth and to us at Pentecost. Pay attention...listen to God's Holy Spirit; it's going to get better. #onfire #spiritfilled #messiahyl
6/9/201925 minutes, 57 seconds
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Great Commission - Empowered

Baptism is one of the "go do" commissions given by Jesus to his disciples and to us before he went up into heaven after his resurrection. Jesus' resurrection demonstrates God's desire and promise to be with us always. Challenging to believe; amazing when we do. God accepts us even when we have questions. His love is bigger than our doubts. You are greatly loved. #Immersed #messiahyl
6/2/201930 minutes, 7 seconds
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Good But Not Perfect Heart

How do you mend a broken heart? Deceitful heart? Wounded heart? Mixed-bag heart? David had a heart after God's own heart...but David's was not a perfect heart. When my heart becomes mired in fog (even by my own doing), I need be reminded not how bad I am—I need to be reminded how much I am loved. In the prefect heart of God we find healing and hope. #OutOfTheFog #messiahyl
5/26/201936 minutes, 38 seconds
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Peace - Promises

Peace in the world, and in our lives, can seem elusive. However, there is a promise of peace to survive abandonment, loss, differences, separation, conflict, and other forms of discord. A peace from God goes with us through tough times; surpassing our strength and understanding. Do not let your heart be troubled—breathe in peace, breathe out love. #WorryLess #BreathePeace #messiahyl
5/19/201930 minutes, 23 seconds
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Unconditional Love - Promises

The sacrificial love of mothers on earth is a reflection of God's unconditional love. God's grace is our greatest hope. We are all bonded together in the spirit of ubuntu "I am because we are." We are gathered as God's children under the reckless (foolishly unbounded) love of God—an endearing motherly love that endlessly pursues us. #GodsLoveMothersMe #messiahyl
5/12/201936 minutes, 3 seconds
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With You Always - Promises

Is there anyone out there? Does anyone care? God says, even in deep waters, dark valleys, and overwhelming difficulty—I am with you always. Today, being strong and courageous is seemingly harder to do. Yet, we must venture beyond shallow water to be fully alive and fulfilling our God-given purpose...we need to be "walking wet." With God's promise, we can be strong and courageous in the face of every fear. We reaffirm our faith today: proclaiming, serving, and striving with great courage to do what is right in the sight of God. #NoRegrets #IAmWithYouAlways #messiahyl
5/5/201926 minutes, 7 seconds
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You Are Forgiven - Promises

Where do you want God to be when you sin? Far away? or near? In the face of bad choices which are causing me and others pain, what is God's heart? In the midst of epic fails, God gives second chances. God's heart yearns for us; God wants to pick us up. Jesus turns toward us with love and encouragement...just ask the denying disciple, Peter. God offers embracing forgiveness and transforming power. #Aching4Forgiveness #PromiseKept #messiahyl
4/29/201929 minutes, 36 seconds
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Living Hope - Easter

Comeback stories are memorable and inspirational...we admire and study them in business, sports, and entertainment. The greatest comeback story of the world is Jesus rising from the dead! We thought the game was over; instead hope was delivered, and celebration ensued. In the year of the improbable, the impossible can happen. This is your comeback moment; the power of Jesus is your living hope. #GreatestComeback #HappyEaster #messiahyl
4/21/201924 minutes, 37 seconds
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Palm Sunday

Look! Who is that coming? See the crowds! They're shouting and lining up in parade lines. Who is this guest of honor? Is it Leonardo? Matthew? Robert? Brad? Hugh? Bradley? George? Oh, how we celebrate celebrity! Jesus arrives to a joyous reception for a week of eternal destiny—a week twisted by our shallow and fickle expectations. What kind of house are we? #Welcome #CleanMe #messiahyl
4/15/201931 minutes, 42 seconds
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Going - Red Letter Challenge

How big is your comfort zone for serving? giving? forgiving? witnessing? Does your zone get significantly smaller when there's a moment to share your faith with words? We can learn to share organically as we realize it is not necessary to be Bible literate, we just need to express our experiences with God as we would recommend a favorite movie, restaurant, or service. Lord, make us passionate about what we love. Move us to love Jesus that much and share with others what God has done in our life. #going #redletterchallenge #messiahyl
4/7/201934 minutes, 8 seconds
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Giving - Red Letter Challenge

Generosity is the way we demonstrate the state of our hearts and mind. For God so loved the world that he GAVE. Giving, like breathing, is essential to our life's energy flow. We take it in and we expend it out. We can learn to expand our capacity to give when we also take time to connect with Jesus, spend time in retreat, in one-on-one time with our source of giving. Let's not get hangry while Jesus is standing ready to feed us miraculously. #Giving #RedLetterChallenge #messiahyl
3/31/201935 minutes, 39 seconds
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Serving - Red Letter Challenge

How's your customer service? Did you realize Christians are in the business of customer service? Is the experience that we deliver match the expressions and expectations of our life in Jesus? Our actions should be positive expressions of our best self...reflecting the joy that comes from grace received. Our lives should proclaim that good news (and we should only occasionally use words). #CustomerServing #RedLetterChallenge #messiahyl.
3/24/201933 minutes, 49 seconds
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Forgiving - Red Letter Challenge

Are you an overpacker? Have you missed the humanity of any moment for the sake of the stuff you're managing? Despite our social facade, internal turmoil below the surface belies our messy life. Forgiveness and grace are the freedom from all chains and shame. Jesus died on a cross to give us a free is finished. Cushions lifted; junk removed (full stop). #RedLetterChallenge #Forgiving #messiahyl
3/17/201933 minutes, 10 seconds
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Being - Red Letter Challenge

What must a branch do to stay connected to its life giving vine? It just has to remain connected! Remain in me, Jesus asks. The essence of BEING with God can be enhanced by bible reading, prayer, worship, fasting, and resting. The question for us isn't having enough time, but setting higher priorities. Check where your life's power cable connects and plug into BEING with God. #Being #RedLetterChallenge #messiahyl
3/11/201935 minutes, 54 seconds
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Life Changing Experience - Red Letter Christian

A hearer and a doer are not necessarily the same. There is a positive difference in results and impact when these aspects are joined. Interactions with Christians should be an experience of joy and uplift. That would be the response if we were more like Christ in our doing...representing Jesus well by acting on His teachings not just hearing them. The next 40 days is a challenge opportunity to live out the red letters of Jesus (in the Bible) to be a better representation of who God is in our world. #RedLetterChallenge #messiahyl
3/3/201928 minutes, 55 seconds
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Love Is Not Irritable

Traffic, phone hold, car repair fiascos...these might be situations for becoming irritable. They are also moments when our responses demonstrate that by our love, everyone will know we are Christians...Christ followers. May this be our aim. #HospitalityRules #messiahyl
2/24/201933 minutes, 33 seconds
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Love Is Not Rude

Rudeness is a choice we make. Social media has encouraged many to believe "If I think it, I can post it." Improper behavior is not excused by anonymity or ego for the sake of humor, arrogance, pride, selfishness, or even honesty. Telling "a truth" without considering how it will be received is not speaking with love. Gentleness, kindness, and care are always required. #BeGolden #messiahyl
2/17/201929 minutes, 35 seconds
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Love Is Not Envious

Avoid poison envy; comparison kills joy. When we keep score and covet what what others have, we diminish the blessings that God has given us uniquely. Reflect on your relationship to God and his grace for you. In doing so, your sense of satisfaction will move to deeper love, without envy. #LoveNotEnvy #messiahyl
2/10/201933 minutes, 55 seconds
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Love is Kind

Mean is easy, nice is soft, but kindness?...that requires courage and action! As God shows first, we are not built to operate from fear but from love. It is possible to shape shift our response to others because of our exposure to, and experience with, God's love. We are called to have faith, hope and, above all Break from the huddle today and show kindness this week. #SouperBowl #KindnessRipples #messiahyl
2/3/201932 minutes, 21 seconds
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Restored - Reboot

Words of restoration and hope are close to each of us. You say, God, that I am loved...I am enough, even in my worst condition. No matter what I've done, how badly I've messed things up, how far I feel from you. God repeats his miracle of restoration and says, don't forget who you are and whose you are, in me, today. #YouSay #messiahyl
1/27/201935 minutes, 45 seconds
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Renewed - Reboot

Heart—more than just a human blood pump; the heart is the center of our being…the soul, the gut of our lives, and the marker of who we are. Loving God with “all our heart” is a pathway we can journey. It doesn’t require perfection, just a reliance on the renewable transformation that comes with pardoning love from above. #CleanHeart #Messiahyl
1/20/201925 minutes, 15 seconds
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Refocused - Reboot

Would you leap before you knew how you might land? Is it a show of faith to leap without a net? Without knowing an exact outcome in a situation, can you still have faith? What faith does it take to travel life’s easy roads? What does it take to have faith in a fiery place? Faith is not measured in quarts; and it’s not a reflection how strongly we believe God can create outcomes according to our expectations. Faith is letting God be God…and trusting God with every outcome, no matter the situation or circumstance. #LeapOfFaith #Messiahyl
1/13/201924 minutes, 42 seconds
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Auld Lang Syne - Reboot

Have you ever experienced a stuck point? A spinning beachball icon or an hourglass wait cursor that keeps turning over and over? Does your life ever have that kind of a moment? What about yourself is stuck and needs a reboot? We are sacred temples—worthy of honor, attention, and respect. Let’s have a great new year…of body, mind, soul perspective! #Reboot #MakingChange #BreakingDishes #Messiahyl
1/6/201928 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Grinch that Didn't Steal Christmas

Are you worn down by all the Christmas extravagance? Did your holiday have all the Whoville hubbub with too much ribbon, bags, tags, decorations, and feasts? There is nothing more important than this simple message. Me? I am far from perfect. Christ, is everything! Let’s make an unusual new year’s resolution to embrace grand and glorious dreams for loving God and loving others more extravagantly. In this worthy striving, mistakes are covered by grace. It is not the critic who counts…the credit belongs to the one daring bravely. #NewYearNewRoads #Messiahyl
12/31/201820 minutes, 37 seconds
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Is There Room in Your Heart - Christmas 2018

Is it your expectation that Christmas will be "just good enough" this year? The Christmas story is both beautiful and haunting. Even as God came to be with us, the people of Bethlehem made very little accommodation. How could they be so cold to the needs of a young mother and her baby boy? Is your heart today as crowded as the inn that night? Is there room in your heart? #MakingRoom #Messiahyl
12/25/201818 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Grief that Stole Christmas

Winter solstice marks our longest, darkest day. In our lives, grief, too, comes in many forms: loss, separation, relations, illness, aging, depression, pain, and darkness. What shade of a “Blue Christmas” is this for you? Find comfort today—the bright, warming, light of the world draws near. #LightShinesOnTears #Messiahyl
12/23/201823 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Conflict that Stole Christmas

What is your favorite Christmas moment? Is it singing “silent night and peace on earth?” But, really, how can we experience this? Would it be amazing if we could live in that kind of world? Let’s call a Christmas truce and do our part. Seeing others though the eyes of God, we can tolerate more…and take the lead in setting the tone. #ConflictNot #Messiahyl
12/17/201827 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Schedule that Sole Christmas

What one thing, if you did it exceptionally well, would change your life for the better? How are you prioritizing this important, not urgent activity? Martha, Martha, Martha. Make time for sitting at the feet of Jesus. Press pause…to be refreshed and to become aware. In your daily journey, be the “necessary” thing for others. #NotTooBusyForYou #Messiahyl
12/9/201825 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Poverty that Stole Christmas

The first week in the advent of Christmas draws us to focus on hope. The reminder of God’s love comes through the hope we receive as broken and needy people. God asks we not expend ourselves on a treadmill of performance, but run, instead, to the loving arms of the one that saves us. This comfort and blessing are the chemistry that moves us to want to share generously that same love where people are waiting and praying for dignity, health, joy, and love. #HandUpHope4All #Messiahyl
12/2/201833 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Materialism That Stole Christmas

How was your Black Friday? Are you set for Cyber Monday? Coveting and materialism are forces to reckon with; they require deep self-awareness; otherwise, they can displace gratitude, perspective, relationships, and much more. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. How do we keep materialism from stealing Christmas? #IAmContent #SimplicitySunday #Messiahyl
11/25/201828 minutes, 55 seconds
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Absurd Generosity - Grace & Gratitude

Thanksgiving is naturally a time to reflect on prosperity. It’s not, however, just a one-day assignment. We are written into God’s narrative to bring love to the world. As children of God, love is in our DNA—and we are asked to express it. What will be our role? God arrives on the absurd generosity of ordinary people giving thanks daily and flowing love to others. #LetsGiveThanks #Messiahyl
11/18/201831 minutes, 9 seconds
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Serving Others - Grace & Gratitude

If the world has become more unhinged this week for you, it exceedingly needs the Love of God through servants like us. We cannot have the love of Jesus inside us if we don’t also have the heart and the mindset of Christ. To think what Jesus thought, to act as Jesus did, to serve as Jesus did is to give up our rights and privileges to elevate others. Our heart aches to give thoughtful prayer and sympathy in the face of domestic shootings, raging fires, and international warfare. The best way to follow-up is through active hand-to-hand service. #FierceCaretaking #AsVeteransGave #Messiahyl
11/11/201827 minutes, 29 seconds
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Living - Grace & Gratitude

Who was, or is, a person to you that exemplifies an exceptional degree of holiness, likeness, or closeness to God? We all know people who have lived a life bigger than themselves…people who made a mark on us—legacies to us after they were gone. Such lives were built on consistent days of living out grace and gratitude in the world. They modeled how we can be, likewise, generous, loving, challenging, and saintlike. #SaintsAlive #Messiahyl
11/4/201829 minutes, 31 seconds
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Centered on Grace - Centered

Shame pushes us off a life centered on grace. When we forget who God created us to be, we begin to hear the loud voices that tell us we are never enough. Shame spreads toxicity and creates separation: implanting doubt we are small, defective, broken, and unrepairable. Even as shame claims I am flawed and unacceptable, Gods amazing grace demonstrates that—though I am flawed—I am cherished. That is truly #AmazingGrace #Messiahyl
10/28/201829 minutes, 52 seconds
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Centered on the Word - Centered

In a very noisy world, what can bring clarity, calm, and peace? The God who has decided that "little old you" will be part of His family has provided a Word for today; a Word that is, and comes from, Jesus. You are treasured by God! Jesus gave everything to rescue you. You will keep your sanity and balance in a noisy world if you focus on His Word which will hold you steady forever. #WordOfHope. #Messiahyl
10/21/201820 minutes, 7 seconds
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Centered on Prayer - Centered

Is prayer, for you, talking to yourself hoping someone is listening? We might be missing out on one of life’s greatest benefits if we approach prayer as only a means to dialogue. Prayer has many modes: attitude, sacred word, and centering, to name a few. The prayer experience is a deep awareness of God’s presence; ridiculous attention to being still. Lord, help me retreat to a silent place in my attention to hear and be with you. #RestingStill #Messiahyl
10/14/201826 minutes
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How Can I Have the Thrill of Wonder? - More than an Emoji

Discover of who we are is rooted in our relationships. More than vocation, geography, or physical appearance—we are profoundly and deeply an image of God. Wonder is needed to imagine how the creator of the universe would be mindful of mere mortals and care for us. Who am I truly? Crowned with glory and honor...wonderfully made. #LovedTogether #Messiahyl
10/7/201825 minutes, 44 seconds
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How Can I Move from Fear to Confidence? - More than an Emoji

We all pretty much want the same things in life…happy emoji. But life gets flushed with events that can create laments, complaints, betrayals, and fear. Our pillars of hope are: God is with me; God is my God; God will strengthen me; God will help me; God will uphold me. We can move from fear to confidence and into the “thin places” of Shalom—deep abiding peace. #ThinPlaces #Messiahyl
9/30/201825 minutes, 24 seconds
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How Can I Be Forever Safe From Danger? - More than an Emoji?

Is your life a little VUCA? a little volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous? What does your emoji look like today? The world is not black and white and we can’t bubble wrap our lives or loved ones. A brave iconic smiley face is not required…just a want for Jesus (our healer, savior, giver) more than anything. #ForeverSafe #Messiahyl
9/23/201827 minutes, 44 seconds
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How Can I Have Real Hope? - More than an Emoji

The Psalms in the Bible don't always end "happily ever after." There's no emoji for pain. Downcast, suffering, dreadful, unhappy...these are moments when it's critical to know that God is bigger than our circumstance. Real hope can embrace our weakness. I choose not to fear; God is with me. I choose not to doubt; God is in control. I choose not to despair; God is good.
9/16/201827 minutes, 27 seconds
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How Can I Truly Be Happy? - More than an Emoji

How are you feeling today? Your answer has much to do about how you choose to be. We can rarely control what happens, but we can embrace how we respond. Emotions are momentary feelings and not the totality of who we are. God IS love and strength; a source of deep abiding joy for every circumstance. What would make you truly happy today? You!...rooted in God's love.
9/9/201822 minutes, 9 seconds
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Don't Panic - Be Still

On that day (when Jesus was with his disciples and teaching them) they left the safe side of the sea to go to the other side. Great plan, easy day! Jesus is with us. Then life began to happen, even to unravel: rough times, overwhelming thoughts, and deep uncertainty. Is this our story, too? Wrapped up in our perspective, have you experienced a panic attack...fear gone crazy? Jesus stands in our boat and says, "Be still, don't panic, I've got you."
9/2/201821 minutes, 5 seconds
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In the Midst of Transition - Thriving

Life is full of turbulence, change, and transition. Oh! Discombobulation...whether from another reorg, new direction, diagnosis, new school, pain, loss of a loved one, etc. "Who moved my cheese!?" In the midst of transition we often go deep inside ourselves to muster personal strength. We wonder, "Will that be enough this time?" Through challenges and celebrations, may we learn to cling tightly to You, God, for strength, recharge, and perspective to navigate the (F.I.R.E) facts, interpretations, emotional reactions, and desired ends in every transition.
8/26/201831 minutes, 9 seconds
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Serving at Home - Serving

Remembering is not only memory of the past; it is an action verb for today and the future. Remembering is the opposite of dismembering; it is bringing ourselves together with God and with every person in our sphere of operation...especially those who are feeling marginalized, forgotten, and in need of grace. "Remember me, when I remember you. Gather up all the brokenness as only you can do, when we remember you."
8/19/201815 minutes, 38 seconds
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Serving Abroad - Serving

Taking your heart on a long trip is a powerful way to put your faith on your sleeve. As several recent international mission trip volunteers will tell, you don’t come back the same person. You are beautifully “wrecked” for life. Places like Macedonia and Uganda may seem half-a-world away but overnight you can be sharing your gifts and blessings with people in critical need. Remarkable joy and faith lives in places where total dependence is on answered prayer. #BeOne #Messiahyl
8/12/201846 minutes, 55 seconds
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Falling Madly in Love with God

Reflection brings clarity and new understanding. The beauty of God’s Word is that it can be fresh at every reading…even after you have looked at a passage many times. God’s love is infinitely wide, high, and deep. God’s love surpassing our knowledge. The Holy Spirit strengthens us with power to take action, yes, but more importantly to fall deeply, passionately, and madly in love with God. #WhatIWantForYou #Messiahyl
8/5/201826 minutes, 51 seconds
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Faithfully Serving - Acts of Service

God poured himself out; Jesus came to us. Modeling servanthood, Jesus healed, loved, cared, listened, and met people in their need. He washed his follower’s feet showing us the attitude for descending into greatness. God created each of us to serve generously. Let us each look not only to our own interests but also to the interests of others. #BeServing #Messiahyl
7/29/201826 minutes, 48 seconds
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Courage • Obedience • Faith • Unity. We learn these character attributes from heroes of faith from bible days and still today. The hope and salvation that Jesus gives is our VICTORY. Crazy love from God enables crazy courage, obedience, faith, and unity in love for others. Christie’s living faith and victory story is powerful. What has God given you to share? #SomethingToGive #Messiahyl
7/22/201817 minutes, 27 seconds
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Waiting Father - The Parables

One of the most memorable of Jesus’ parables is the story of the prodigal son. Perhaps misnamed, though, the heart of this reconciliation story is the amazing love of the waiting father. This description of God’s love applies to us, also. God provides freedom, support, and endless love to every wanderer. #MyFatherLovesMeAlways #Messiahyl
7/15/201832 minutes, 38 seconds
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Good Samaritan - The Parables

Offer some time, share a talent, give a co-worker your kidney? How far does being a good neighbor go? For you? It is not what we do, actually, that makes us a good neighbor. Wanting to justify ourselves and narrow our obligations, we ask “what (the least) must I do?” The guidance from the parable today is first acknowledge God’s Love….and then respond. From our position of eternal indebtedness, we can see “what to do” is not limited. #ShowingUpWithLove #Messiahyl
7/8/201830 minutes, 31 seconds
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Light of the World - The Parables

We are lights and lamps to guide and illuminate dark places. When we radiate God’s love we live out our life’s purpose. We emit what we absorb minus what we retain—this is our radiative exchange potential. Draw on God’s light and love this week: absorb exceedingly. Then go on to retain less to emit more. #YouMightNeedsShadesForThis #Messiahyl
7/1/201827 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ten Virgins - The Parables

Are you ready? Are you prepared? How scattered are your aims? If you evaluated what happened today, would you be aligned with your best? With God’s best? The parables give us insight into the kingdom of God and what is important. Are you living like you’re dying? Teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart. #LivingInThisMoment
6/24/201832 minutes, 26 seconds
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Vineyard Workers - The Parables

A parable sneaks up on you, bypasses your resistances, and then in a revealing twist teaches something powerful—about ourselves…and how we should see the world and each other. If you think you deserve more in life, it is possible (no, it is true) that life is not fair. If it were fair, because of our sin, we’d all be doomed and undeserving. Thankfully, God doesn’t measure on performance, time at work, or distance travelled. Jesus, rabbi, my teacher! #IHaveNoReasonToBeSmug
6/17/201822 minutes
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Wedding Feast - The Parables

Character is who we are everyday in our life. Graduates, and followers of Jesus, share a common need to hear clear messages to navigate a balance between prideful achievements and humbleness. Father James Martin, recounts advice once received—fitting for today: You are not God. This is not Heaven. Don’t be a Jerk! Attend to your work, wedding feasts, and graduation ceremonies as Jesus once did, recorded in Luke 14:1-14. #NotLikeAJerk
6/10/201825 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why Give through Messiah? - 40 Days of Giving

Our church’s receipt of gifts is not centered on this space or operating needs…our vision is to help other people’s lives become filled with grace, to bring healing and transformation, and to nurture your heart toward your loving Savior. Thank you for your powerful expression to become the image and likeness of God. May our table be open and welcoming through hearts of generosity. God loves us first and this is unconditional. We give responsively to love God back and to love one another joyfully! #JoyfullyGenerous
6/3/201833 minutes, 55 seconds
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Affording Empathy - 40 Days of Giving

Empathy is a timeless value that needs to be part of every Christian’s life. “Who is my neighbor?” is a question that transcends time, culture, and self. Threading a parable of unexpected empathy and living a life of real generosity, Jesus demonstrates we are all created in the image of God. Who deserves my compassion…an empathetic connection from God through me? Everyone. #NoExceptions.
5/27/201831 minutes, 11 seconds
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Joy Givers - 40 Days of Giving

The experience of Pentecost is a movement of God’s Spirit among people speaking the language of love. In confirmation of faith, we commit to live a life of faithful service and witness to the world. We’re living in a time and day when love and joy need more air. Let’s live in the promise of our baptism—become the best version of yourself by becoming a clearer reflection of God’s love. You, too, can become a champion joy giver!
5/20/201834 minutes, 53 seconds
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Who Loves You Most? - 40 Days of Giving

A good mother is the model of what a true giver looks like…one of God’s best examples of agape, unconditional love. A caring mother, like God, is always wanting the very best for their child. We need to hear regular reminders we are loved, not just what we should have done. No one likes to be “should on.” On the basis of knowing nothing can separate us from the love of God, we can demonstrate that love extended. Thank you, Mom, for showing the many ways!
5/13/201828 minutes, 11 seconds
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Treasures in Heaven - 40 Days of Giving

God encourages us to store up treasures…not to reject them. But the instructions are clear... relocate these treasures and store them up in heaven. Many of us live, as if, we can take it all with us. The truth about life on this earth is you can’t transport them with you. However, God tells us today about a way we can invest and send treasures ahead for eternity.
5/6/201830 minutes, 48 seconds
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Fruits of a Generous Life - 40 Days of Giving

Picture in your mind a social scene with a table in it. What memories and events do moments at a table come to your mind? How does it feel to be welcomed to join a gathering of family or friends at the table? Jesus was an ever-welcoming table host. He used the common moments of sharing food and drink to connect all manner of people, undesirable with elites. He especially included the marginalized. It is not enough to greet or welcome people politely. We must move to be more inclusive; let’s add some leaves to our table and pass the peas (peace)!
4/29/201832 minutes
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Hope Heals - Restored

In good times, I get that God is for us. But when life is tumbling, can I still feel it? Where are you God in my circumstances? In my pain? In my disappointments? Life is not just walking through easy open doors. God works all things together as we climb, crawl, and inch through life’s obstacle course. Apostle Paul understood God’s promise. He reflected on a lifetime where, in retrospect, God obviously knew best. Embrace hope! Nothing can separate us from God’s love. There is no in-between. God is for you!
4/22/201833 minutes, 20 seconds
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Living Water - Restored

Jesus offered living water to a woman at the well in Samaria…and to us today-everyone who is parched and thirsty. As we receive this life-giving refreshment, how and where can we share it with others? The need for restoration and water is great among people who for the sake of daily survival have to focus too much on basic, clean, water needs. In this message you'll hear Hillary Mallo a water project manager in Uganda with Water4Kids tell about the restorative power of clean water wells given by our Messiah community in Jesus' name.
4/15/201831 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Prodigal Life - Restored

It is easy to view ourselves as people who need less help than others. If we have resources and circumstances better than another, we can begin to think we have somehow earned this favor. We are all prodigal people, recklessly taking life into our own hands. When will we notice we have become self-serving and boldly callous to others? God patiently waits…come home my son and daughter, you are living a prodigal life.
4/8/201834 minutes, 8 seconds
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Easter - Restored

Every story is a journey-and the context of it depends on where you begin to understand it. God's story of love and our relationship to our maker begins far before our disobedience, sin, and need for redemption. Focus on a penny held close enough to your eye can entirely block your view of the world? Jesus' death for our sake and his rising from the dead is the heart of an eternal love story of God's pursuit of us. We are restored.
4/1/201824 minutes, 3 seconds
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Palm Sunday

Do you ever wish you or your life could be greater? Maybe we’ve all been striving to become someone else, too much. God made us to be who we are—uniquely. Appreciating the donkey’s role and experience in the Palm Sunday narrative we can discover our often-overlooked purpose in life. A common donkey was personally chosen by God to carry the Messiah. We have been chosen to do the very same thing.
3/25/201829 minutes, 55 seconds
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Serving the Community - 40 Days of Serving

The power of one person's kindness given to another, especially shared in the context of God's cascading love, can open up additional dimensions in someone's life. Serving is a verb—filled with action. Service is propelled and extended by gratitude from grace received. Getting personal with another's need grows our transformational perspective and shapes our heart. Be cheerfully expectant and inventive in your hospitality to others. Remember—love does. (Romans 12:9-21)
3/18/201825 minutes, 44 seconds
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Serving As Community - 40 Days of Service

One response to God's grace could be a heady, thoughtful, action-free satisfaction. Is it enough to be a receiver and consumer only? From brokenness to hope: how thankful are we really? A deep gratitude bubbles up without containment, it motivates outbound sharing. More than just being humanitarian, we serve from a grace perspective. We spread transformational hope. With Christ as our model, let's serve together with humility; pouring ourselves as a heart shaping force to meet the needs of our community.
3/11/201832 minutes, 59 seconds
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Gifted to Serve - 40 Days of Serving

We are all born with distinct talents by God's provision. We are called to apply our talents in unique and varied ways. Using our talents to tap into the talents of others is a powerful leverage effect. In the image of a creative God, we are all creative creatures…given permission to follow those things which make us most alive. Agape love and humility kindle generosity and service to others.
3/4/201826 minutes
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Called to Serve - 40 Days of Serving

It isn't any religious logo, mark, sticker, or label we display that identifies us a Jesus follower. "A new commandment I give you," Jesus said, "love one another as I have loved you." It is our actions that show our allegiance. Our actions may be the only "Bible" that other people see and read. What is my life telling them? Without love, I am noisy and irrelevant…with love, I am serving my highest call.
2/26/201827 minutes, 16 seconds
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Created To Serve - 40 Days of Serving

Acts of service are more than a kindness in the moment. "Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me," Jesus said. Positive potential is often initiated by very small acts. We were created to serve, not to earn favor in God's eye's, but rather to show a humble response for the love we first received.
2/18/201821 minutes, 13 seconds
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Living Humbly - 40 Days of Living

Like Copernicus observed, the center of the universe doesn't revolve around us. Seriously? it isn't just about me? "Humility is like underwear; essential, but indecent if it shows." (Helen Nielsen). Likewise, "pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind." (C.S. Lewis) Therefore, "do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." (Philippians 2:3-4)
2/11/201823 minutes, 40 seconds
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Everyday Prayer - 40 Days of Living

God's plan for you is a lifetime of joy and peace together; our 40 Days of Living series is a kickstarter for such a journey. We follow Jesus who demonstrated abundant living! Jesus stepped into our world to show us a life shaped and defined by love, full of compassion, connected by prayer, steered by commitment, and open to generous sacrifice for others. "I have come to show you what living is all about."
2/4/201822 minutes, 29 seconds
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Hope in the Valley - 40 days of Living

In every person's life there is a BOB...someone who causes us a Burden Of Bitterness. Oh, the pain and disappointment when we see their face in our mind. We have two choices: living with the bitterness—coping and pushing the pain down, or a journey of forgiveness. Forgiveness? Really? You don't know how much they hurt me. Yes, I do. Listen to hear...through a power which is far greater than our own, we can live to forgive.
1/28/201832 minutes, 7 seconds
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Living in the Word - 40 Days of Living

It is easy to get confused and lost in life—far easier than we might admit. Sometimes we don’t notice until we are far off course. What is the compass for finding our way in life? God’s word to the world was not just a message for the past, but equally useful for us today. Living in the Word brings purpose, hope, and guidance. It is inspired, practical, and education for knowing our place and our next direction.
1/21/201828 minutes, 44 seconds
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God's Calling - 40 Days of Living

#humantrafficking | The power to change the world is HOPE that comes from Jesus. In response to God's calling, Matthew and Melissa Stock serve in Cambodia ( to prevent, rescue, restore, and reintegrate children (one-by-one) at peril for human trafficking. A life saving ministry! Inspired, we wonder "What is my call?" God calls us to bloom where we are planted. May we daily be HOPE givers; the people who seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
1/14/201823 minutes, 7 seconds
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Love is a Verb - 40 Days of Living

Is love just a mushy emotion? No. Love, at its best, is real motion…love is a verb. While random acts of kindness are helpful, it is rampant acts of kindness that reveal God inside us. We were made to love; we were made in the image of God. Growing in our likeness of Jesus, we would do well to pay close attention to people in our sphere and then meet their needs. Let’s, for the next 40 days, accept the challenge to do acts of love that align ourselves to God’s perspective. These might include prayer, forgiveness, empathy, kindness, humility, mercy, sacrifice, respect, or inclusiveness.
1/7/201828 minutes, 17 seconds
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Cherishing Innocents and Innocence

Christ never calls us to crusade against evil. He never calls us to arms to rally and go and do something about evil. He only calls us to shine a light—to be about love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. And if we were the kind of followers of Jesus who are about that every single day using as much energy and as much breath as God can give us can you image what this world could be like? Imagine how much light we could spread through the gospel of Jesus.
12/31/201727 minutes, 39 seconds
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Christmas - Hope was Born this Night

At Christmas we hear an amazing story that God became one of us! Because of this, God knows our human feelings of fear, failure, elation, and joy…God is one with us. Oh, how we long to embrace such good news. As you open your heart this Christmas, God says "Hope was born this night for you. I love you. You are mine."
12/25/201719 minutes, 18 seconds
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Love - Hope is Born

In many current Christmas movies, there is an element of deep transformation: George Bailey finds hope, Scrooge becomes generous, Charley Brown finds peace, the Grinch’s heart grows three sizes larger. There are many Christmas movies, but there is one Christmas story. The message of the season is LOVE; and we are part of this story, we are in this Christmas pageant. What lines will we speak and what actions will we take this year to help make this Christmas season transformational for ourselves and for others?
12/17/201722 minutes, 7 seconds
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Joy - Hope is Born

“Peace on earth and good will to all” seems like a fantasy expectation. Current life circumstance may make it feel that Christmas joy is far off. How can we get back to the childhood wonder that is pure and exuberant joy? Lasting joy is not rooted IN Christmas tradition; rather, it is THROUGH a Christmas experience that joy can be fully discovered. What will our souls magnify this Advent season—our present perils or our abundant blessings?
12/10/201729 minutes, 37 seconds
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Peace - Hope is Born

We are clay and the Lord is our potter…all of are the works of God’s hand—shaped and loved by God. Like bread dough Christmas ornaments and pottery, we know that we get broken in all sorts of ways. Advent is about moving us from brokenness to wholeness to live out our potential for God’s loving purpose.
12/3/201724 minutes, 51 seconds
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Thanksgiving - Grace & Gratitude

You worry about “the ten thousand things,” so few are necessary. Indeed, only one. Are we thankful for God’s ever presence? Or do we get caught up in our busyness? God is asking these four questions each day of you and me (applies to God and to the other people in our lives)…Do you see me? Do you care that I’m here? Am I enough for you? Can I tell that I’m special to you by the way that you look at me? Take time to be present in every moment.
11/26/201726 minutes, 36 seconds
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Giving - Grace & Gratitude

As we empty ourselves to God, the Holy Spirit grows our awareness to live extravagantly. Have you noticed, there is a miracle that occurs when we become the hands of Christ? We are most alive when doing something to lift the burdens of another person. Living in abundance is not about circumstances; it is rooted on the promises of God…on the overflowing grace of God to each of us. What we choose to focus on is a matter of love and thanksgiving.
11/19/201729 minutes, 27 seconds
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Living - Grace & Gratitude

Because of God’s love we live perpetually in a place of grace. This comes from the connection we have as a "branch joined to the living vine." This unmerited favor we receive is irrespective of our actions and our circumstances. Jesus meets us at every twist and turn. God lifts our soul!
11/12/201726 minutes, 39 seconds
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Serving - Grace & Gratitude

Jesus summarized how to live…simply: love God, love one another. Easy to hear—hard to do. Loving God is first about accepting grace (acknowledging we are broken people and have received unmerited favor). Hospitality, then, is how we turn that grace from God outward. Serving exemplifies grace received and demonstrates our gratitude in practical ways. Now is the time to be a helper.
11/5/201728 minutes, 51 seconds
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Grace Alone - The Five Solas

Grace alone is grace at the start, grace at the end, grace in the middle, grace without fail, grace without mixture, grace without addition, grace that allows no boasting that somehow we have brought something to the table to make us worthy. Spoken from Genesis to Revelation—from beginning to end—we have that gift of unearned, unmerited love…a heavenly and fatherly embrace when we need it most.
10/29/201719 minutes, 8 seconds
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Faith Alone - The Five Solas

Faith often seems mysterious…until we see it demonstrated in others. History is replete with people who embraced “faith alone” in God in the face of testing circumstances—like Martin Luther and Corrie ten Boom. Through faith they forged ahead to embrace God’s calling. What a gift God offers to have faith! Faith is synonymous with surrender: to say “I believe, I trust, and I will step into your provision and plan for me, God.”
10/22/201726 minutes, 54 seconds
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Scripture Alone - The Five Solas

The ultimate revelation of God is Jesus…and Jesus is revealed in the Bible. What Jesus says is what God says. When we read what Jesus says, does, and feels, we understand what God wants for us, too. For all matters of faith and practice the Bible provides instruction. Wherever we are today in our familiarity with God’s Word, we have room to grow. Across the millennia, our human condition, the desires of our heart, and the need for connection to God is unchanging. Strive to find a rhythm and cadence so that God’s goodness—revealed in God’s Word—can become a part of your life.
10/15/201733 minutes, 16 seconds
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Glory to God Alone - The Five Solas

Does everything we do glorify God? Of the five solas, this one “Glory to God Alone” summarizes the others. It begins as we acknowledge all things are created by God. From the very beginning God is with us, is still present, and cares. The glory of God is not diminished by the world’s needs, issues, and injustices. God is good and his goodness shines through. What would the world look like if it could see the full goodness of God’s people? When our lives reflect the love of Jesus, it brings Glory to God Alone.
10/8/201726 minutes, 7 seconds
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Christ Alone - The Five Solas

Protestant followers of Jesus understand the church to be the body of Christ extended throughout time as the whole company of God's redeemed people. Reflecting on the church's past we acknowledgement that the Lutheran perspective is part of the catholic church (the church universal) which is reconciled by continuous reformation. Together, confessing that “Jesus Christ alone” is the church's one foundation, all who trust in him as Savior and Lord are by God's grace saved and members of the same spiritual family.
10/1/201730 minutes, 40 seconds
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After the Storm - A Time to Serve

Where and how does beauty rise up from the awful? In all things God works for the good for those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Can we see it? Can we lean into it? Can we embrace it? Yes. As we look through a lens that gets us in the presence of God—regardless of circumstances—we can stand…and we can care for those in need.
9/24/201734 minutes, 18 seconds
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Lavish Love - Hope4Kids

In pouring fragrant oil on Jesus, Mary of Bethany gave all she could to honor him. Jesus was right when he said we would be reflecting on her act of worship still in 2017. What does Jesus ask of us?…open our heart to do only what we can do. Being lavish in loving God and loving others requires us to put full faith in God and leave behind many negative voices (including our own) to be a difference maker. You can be a reflective source of hope today!
9/17/201723 minutes, 58 seconds
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Fight Song - Fall Kickoff

What are you fighting today? Fear, instability, illness, pain? Are you fighting God? Sometimes the gaps in explanations about life and what happens in it seem to echo into a void. We struggle with our understanding. We shake our fist at God. Even as we wrestle…we wrestle in God’s embrace…an embrace that will never let go. God’s desire is a blessing for us and peace in dwelling in a relationship together. God give us a fight song to carry us.
9/10/201730 minutes, 38 seconds
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Earning the Respect of Others - Get Wise

Every one of us will leave a legacy. The question becomes “what will that legacy be?” The way we face life, relate to others, and deal with our circumstances will shape how we will be remembered…how we have earned the respect of others. What love, care, service, and action will show our heart and faith for God? Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8)
9/4/201729 minutes, 31 seconds
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Mad About You - Get Wise

It might be a surprise to know that anger is a biblically endorsed emotion. Even in the Bible's "love" chapter, we're directed to be slow to anger. The key is to be angry for the right reasons, to not sin while angry, and not let the sun go down on our anger. These are tall orders and it takes a clear understanding from God's word to appreciate and act on the difference.
8/27/201732 minutes, 18 seconds
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Bite Your Tongue - Get Wise

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never heart me!” is an untrue statement. Words matter! Just as words can be uplifting, they can also be deeply destructive. As a follower of Jesus Christ, we want every word we speak to be a reflection of the one we believe in. Before we speak, can we affirm it is true, complete, necessary, and loving? Our words can have the power to bless, heal, and change lives!
8/20/201727 minutes, 5 seconds
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Paying Attention - Get Wise

We can get distracted by many things—technology, career, health, play, multi-tasking, and just plain busyness. These distractions can have dramatic effects. If we fail to pay attention to warning signs…things can go off the rails. God directs us to pay attention to our heart—not just our physical heart, but our heart as the center of our being connected to God. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do stems from it. Create in me a clean heart, O God.
8/13/201726 minutes, 29 seconds
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Need a Little Wisdom - Get Wise

Life is filled with many ups and downs. It takes wisdom to navigate the curves. From where does such wisdom come? The foundation for making good decisions is a very wide perspective—not just a fragment of an event or a glimpse of information. Wisdom doesn’t come from our energy: listening to more podcasts; reading books, or building knowledge. Wisdom is the correct use of knowledge. It comes from adopting God’s eternal view and from seeking God’s guidance; living in humble obedience.
8/6/201724 minutes, 51 seconds
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Service - GPS for the Soul

Where are you God? Do you see that?...Why don’t you do something about it? “I did,” God said. “I created you.” Compassion is feeling more than sorry, it is seeing the problem and being moved by the need to raise people up to a higher place in life. To be compassionate means we are willing to enter the pain of another. One-by-one. Could my epitaph be? “Loved by God, went about doing good for others.” Should this be my story? Will it be?
7/30/201730 minutes, 53 seconds
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Prayer - GPS for the Soul

Kids pray with abandon, like…“give us this day our jelly bread.” Perhaps, as adults, we should remember to lighten up a bit, too. It’s not about us and our needs only; prayer is not transactional. Is my intent…if I pray, God will you deliver? While prayer may seem just like our talking to God—prayer is a two-way communication. It is a chance to listen for guidance that we receive more deeply than audible ways. Put your life in the bigger hands of God.
7/23/201718 minutes, 28 seconds
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Worship - GPS for the Soul

Loving, Celebrating, and Sharing: these are universal human experiences found across the globe. These actions describe broadly the elements of worship…and everyone worships something! What is the focus of my worship? Career, family, money, recreation? Worship is our best shot at experiencing the joy that God wired us to have. Our entire life is meant for loving, celebrating, and sharing what God is actively doing in, through, and with us. This includes all our brokenness, too. Living a life honoring to God is an act of worship.
7/16/201727 minutes, 58 seconds
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Community - GPS for the Soul

The church is a strange herd. We need each other as we do life together. As we discover what it means to reach out, connect, and get involved, we learn to look beyond our immediate walls to touch the needs of others. Community doesn’t happen overnight, but this is a place where we come alongside each other in all circumstances. As we have all been loved, cared for, and accepted by God; it is our mission to move God’s love into the world community.
7/9/201730 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Word - GPS for the Soul

In our cars and on our phones we take advice from the GPS voice as we navigate our way to destination. God provides a trustworthy GPS for the soul…accurate directions for life and recalculated instructions for our mistaken turns. God’s Word is trustworthy. To maximize the GPS for your soul, give God access to your current location; keep a strong signal of prayer; declare your destination; avoid traffic and tolls (already paid for by Jesus on the cross); and save the route for reuse. In all your ways acknowledge God, and God will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:6)
7/2/201726 minutes, 18 seconds
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Forgiving - Forgiveness

What does it take to forgive someone else? Forgiveness is not mindless detachment, focusing on a positive future, or a power play over others. Forgiveness is an act of pure grace fueled solely by the Holy Spirit—seeking to move beyond the hurt, anger, betrayal, and sin with the ultimate goal of restoring the relationship, as much as is possible.
6/25/201727 minutes, 1 second
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Being Forgiven - Forgiveness

Life is tough, even when its good. Forgiveness is one of those tough things. Being forgiven is especially difficult to embrace when we are broken. When we do things that hurt ourselves or others, how difficult is it for us to let ourselves rest in God’s promise. “If we confess our sins, God who is faithful and just will forgive our sins.” (1 John 1:9) Let’s pray that we break through the tough to be released for new life and community under the cross of Jesus. “Create in me a pure heart, oh God…Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” (Psalm 51)
6/20/201727 minutes, 23 seconds
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Power of Love - Power of...

How do I know God loves me? “In this…the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.” (1 John 4:10) It is God’s first activity that models love without condition and it is also God’s forward promise to give us what we need. To know it is to share it. Let us love one another, for love comes from God.
6/12/201723 minutes, 56 seconds
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Power of the Holy Spirit - Power of...

We can’t live without air…and we can’t live without the Spirit of God. Invisible, powerful, mysterious, life giving—God’s provision is an eternal promise of presence. The promise is not based on who we are, but wholly on who God is. To be fully and completely alive is to be filled with the Holy Spirit of Christ. I am alive! Our response is not just to go to church, but boldly BE the church into the world.
6/5/201730 minutes, 59 seconds
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Power of Vision - Power of...

The power of vision grows from God’s transformative grace. Grace changes us from the inside out. It is an opportunity to bask in the love and presence of Jesus Christ from which we can see far beyond our own life’s horizon. As the Samaritan women once learned, and as we, even today, now learn…grace is living water for a thirsty soul. Grace is life giving; it changes everything!
5/29/201732 minutes, 14 seconds
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A Future Filled With Hope

What message does God give us at times of goodbye? As I prepare to say goodbye to Messiah this weekend, I've wondered what does it mean to show hospitality in goodbye? Messiah has taught me so much about hospitality, kindness and joy—and as I began my call here I had such a sense of the direction of the Holy Spirit. Now that the Spirit has sent us on divergent paths, how does Jesus remind us of a future filled with hope?
5/22/201728 minutes, 36 seconds
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What I Want for You - Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s Day! This may be a phrase of joy, happiness, sadness, or regret depending on your life’s circumstances. We are all in life together and we are here for each other. God serves as our pacesetter for love. We share the responsibility to receive and pass along the baton. Who’s life do I influence? And what do I want for them? May I be one to give authenticity, grace, love, and faith.
5/14/201733 minutes, 14 seconds
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How Easter Changes Our Church - He Is Risen

How does Easter change our church? Easter reminds us that the church is meant to look forward, into the future, with the hope and promise of new life. Sometimes people in the church wonder: who will lead when I am gone? Where is the next generation? This week at Messiah, we know the answer, as we celebrate 23 students completing Confirmation. Today— through their Faith Statements—our confirmation students will help preach the message, and remind us how Easter, and the hope our students bring, can change Messiah.
5/8/201723 minutes, 22 seconds
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How Easter Changes Your Relationships - He Is Risen

Ever since Easter this year, my 4-year-old son Jacob has been asking: when will the Easter bunny come back? He's already forgotten the gifts of this Easter and is looking to the next. Do you feel this way about Easter already? The eggs and candy are over and now it's time for what's next? If so ... take a moment to dwell in Easter the next two weeks. Easter changes us - moves us from despair to hope. And that change changes our relationships, too. Learn this week what Jesus' resurrection means for your relationships: with God and with one another, with a close study of Jesus' words to his disciples in John 15.
4/30/201730 minutes, 49 seconds
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How Easter Changes You - He is Risen

Not just a one-time event or annual celebration, Easter continues…and, yet, do we see it this week just like last week? In truth, we notice what we look for. Our Road from Emmaus beckons, will we see Jesus on our walk? Jesus walks on…ready to bring peace and lead us out. Let’s lift our eyes above ourselves to see Jesus ahead and to also see others on the road.
4/23/201724 minutes, 18 seconds
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Easter - The Great I Am

Bob Mooney | Easter comes this year at a time that might not be aligned with great joy in our personal lives. And yet the message of Easter is perfectly timed and quite simple. God loves you. God gives you grace. God calls you by name. God tells you, today, that in this sometimes messy world you will never be alone!
4/17/201720 minutes, 50 seconds
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Easter - The Great I Am

Angela Denker | This Easter season, we've been talking about how to experience God. But you may come to church with the same question Jesus' disciples asked as they ran to his tomb. Where is God? Where is Jesus? In the face of violence and fear, today Easter reminds us that God is HERE. And that the Great I AM means something for every one of us. The Great I AM means YOU ARE. Jesus means you matter, and God is here - in the success and defeats of our lives.
4/17/201724 minutes, 11 seconds
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Celebrate - Experiencing God

It will be a crazy week as we travel with Jesus from triumphant celebration on Sunday to the darkness of human despair that comes by crucifixion on Friday. As we ponder the transformation, we become aware of Jesus’ hands: rugged, still sensitive; powerful, yet yielding; totally wrecked, and ultimately restored. Looking at our own hands, what are the stories of compassion that others will see in the evidence left by our fingerprints of action?
4/10/201720 minutes, 10 seconds
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Reconciliation - Experiencing God

Lenten testimonial of Carlo Bell
4/6/201715 minutes, 14 seconds
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Reconciliation - Experiencing God

Joseph had every reason to want nothing to do with his brothers. They had hated him, were jealous of him, betrayed him, sold him into slavery and left him for dead. Yet Joseph does three things to create the potential for not only forgiveness but for the possibility of reconciliation. First Joseph avoids sitting in God's chair and does not pass judgement on his brothers, he takes a view from God's perspective, and he responds to his mistreatment not only with forgiveness but with practical affection for his brothers who had harmed him.
4/3/201723 minutes, 21 seconds
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Betrayal - Experiencing God

Lenten testimonial by Lynne Kiernan
3/30/201725 minutes, 27 seconds
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Betrayal - Experiencing God

Faced with betrayals we begin to doubt God’s presence, grace, and love. Why doesn’t God take this pain away from me? Betrayal takes many forms between people…deep disappointment can feel devastating. Who, God, can know my situation? Feeling betrayed and denied, Jesus still demonstrated his love for Judas (and for me). “Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:12-13). Choosing humility, forgiveness, service, and release are the fundamentals of Experiencing God in the face of betrayal.
3/26/201721 minutes, 57 seconds
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Doubt - Experiencing God

Lenten testimonial by Katie LaSoya
3/23/201715 minutes, 41 seconds
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Doubt - Experiencing God

This Lent we're continuing to ask the question: Where do you experience God in your life? Today we'll tackle the difficult topic of doubt. We live in a country where the fastest-growing religious affiliation is NONE. Disbelief in God is at an all-time high. All of us experience doubt throughout our lives. Where is God in the midst of our doubt? And what tools does Scripture give us to confront doubt and wrestle through it, with the help of God?
3/19/201717 minutes, 19 seconds
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Sickness and Health - Experiencing God

Lenten testimonial by Kelly Reed
3/15/201713 minutes
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Sickness and Health - Experiencing God

How and when do you experience God's presence in your life? What does it mean to be sick, and what does it mean to be well? This Sunday, the second Sunday of Lent, God reminds us that often when we think of as wellness is defined too narrowly, and that God is equally with us in both times of sickness and health. Remember the stories of Jesus healing others find the places where Jesus is healing you, and remember that although the timing is God's and not our own - God promises to heal us, in this life and the next.
3/13/201720 minutes, 8 seconds
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Grief - Experiencing God

Lenten testimonial by Chris Mash
3/8/20177 minutes, 45 seconds
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Grief - Experiencing God

“Lord, if you had been here”…was Martha’s lament in a grief-filled moment. Jesus entered the fragility of that moment to weep with Mary—and to suffer with the suffering world. Jesus weeping was an outburst of brotherly love, a broken heart for his friend, Lazarus. In this same way, today, God hears our cries and demonstrates love for us. We are not alone in the midst or our grief, tragedy, and disappointment. Emmanuel, God is with us.
3/5/201732 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Cost of Love - A Most Excellent Way

Love, love, Love! Isn't love great? It is. Love is free. We don't earn it. But that doesn't mean love didn't come without a cost. What is the cost of love? How did Jesus pay it on the Cross? And as we close out 1 Corinthians 13 and our message series on Paul's Most Excellent Way, we dwell in the final six verses of the chapter. What are the costs and caveats to our earthly love? And what kind of love does God promise us in the end?
2/26/201727 minutes, 6 seconds
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Love in Action - A Most Excellent Way

Love in action comes easily when we make ourselves fully available to God. What makes this natural is recognizing we follow a “love in action” we received first. God gives his first and very best to us. Jesus, the very author of life…gave up his life for each of us. And the Holy Spirit of God encircles us daily. As the widow feeding Elijah learned, giving God our first and best will sustain us daily. Faith, trust, and love grow from a life of thankful generosity.
2/19/201723 minutes, 44 seconds
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Love, Love, Love - A Most Excellent Way

These are the questions we all seek to answer…Why am I here? What is my purpose? The answer is closer than you might realize. God shares “the most excellent way” to know. In I Corinthians 12 and 13 it is to participate in “the most excellent way” to be loved and to show love. It’s love, love, love…like the sun, like a lighthouse, and like a disco ball.
2/12/201726 minutes, 39 seconds
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What We Do - Where Do I Fit?

Today is the final week of our Where Do You FIT series. For the past three weeks, we've been talking about how we as individuals fit into the Body of Christ: the church. We've learned how we come together, how each person is important, and how to be present together in times of rejoicing and in times of suffering. This final week we'll put it into practice—asking ourselves as individuals and as a church: as the body of Christ: What do we DO? You'll learn action steps we take together as a church, and we'll be sharing examples of apostles, prophets, teachers, deeds of power, gifts of healing and more, right here at Messiah. As followers of Jesus, we are called into action—knowing that our action is blessed, even when we are persecuted. So take heart, you are fit for action and it's time to get to work for God's Kingdom.
2/5/201730 minutes, 20 seconds
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Suffering and Rejoicing Together - Where Do I Fit?

Oh, how the world needs Jesus…to model the way. We rejoice in His victory, of course, but do I equally comprehend the pathway of suffering Jesus endured for me? God demonstrates love through action. Jesus didn’t run, didn’t strike back, didn’t shrink from any opportunity to spread grace. In the image of God, we are to do likewise. Love requires an action. We are to rejoice and suffer…together. Who needs my compassion today? Let’s not let any fear reduce our capacity to be compassionate.
1/29/201728 minutes, 18 seconds
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Everyone Matters - Where Do I Fit?

Questions about “what, where, and how” we should use our gifts are all secondary to the question “why?” In every setting we find ourselves, God wants us to use our gifts and to share them together to benefit the environment we are in…to reciprocate the love God first showed us. Where do I fit? has everything to do with recognizing “everyone matters.” If it wasn’t for our getting in the way, God’s love would flow to every person and every need. As we join our energy and serve united we unleash the spirit of God’s love for greater impact.
1/22/201727 minutes, 31 seconds
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Out of Many, One - Where Do I Fit?

Last fall, many of you shared in Messiah's Fall Small Group and Message Series - Fit to be a Disciple. You learned about the skills and tools of being a disciple and follower of Jesus, and you learned that no matter who you are, where you're from, or how long you've been a Christian—you are FIT to be a disciple! Now as we begin 2017, we'll take those skills of discipleship and move them into Christian community. Where do you FIT? Where do I FIT? How can you work with others to follow Jesus and love God and one another? We'll begin exploring that this week, with a 4-week message series that unwraps 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, understanding what it means to be a disciple AND be part of the Body of Christ here at Messiah.
1/15/201728 minutes, 44 seconds
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A Bright Future

God is passionate for our lives and our bright future. The world in Jesus’ day was no less tumultuous. Then and now—despite terror, extremism, and views of mundane Christianity—God calls us to be alert and hopeful. We draw on the power of heavenly love and our inter-connectedness on earth to be a part of God’s bright future.
1/8/201734 minutes, 6 seconds
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What Did You Get For Christmas?

Happy New Year! Today we're continuing a tradition we started last year at Messiah. The first Sunday after Christmas, we'll take time to recount our year - to share moments of hope, joy, peace and love - and remember where the God of hope, peace, joy and love was present amidst it all. What did you get for Christmas this year? We hope today you see how richly Jesus blesses us all - and how he calls us into God's service. Feel free to join the conversation during worship!
1/2/201729 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Ultimate Gift (Meet Cute) - Gifts of Christmas

Christmas is a classic love story. It is the "meet-cute" of the most unlikely kind...the intersection of a pursuing God and the target of those affections—you. The cosmic message of Christmas is endearing and unending love and side-by-side attention. God is with us!, in every place, and in any circumstance. The ultimate gift of Christmas is God with you!
12/27/201626 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Ultimate Gift (Emmanuel) - The Gifts of Christmas

This Christmas we're celebrating the Ultimate Gift—God's Ultimate Gift to you. It's a gift that changes everything. A gift that goes beyond the baby in the manger to the Savior on the Cross. It's a gift for the living, not for the dead. It's a gift that's meant to be shared. It's a gift that costs everything and nothing all at once. It's a gift that's among us tonight. O Come O Come Emmanuel: God with Us.
12/27/201623 minutes, 16 seconds
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Good News - The Gifts of Christmas

We crave good news and we wish for more of it, and yet we can’t turn away from dwelling on the bad. It envelops us, it comes crashing in…how do we push through? Loss, grief, illness, failure, disappointment? Is this your Christmas context? Do not be afraid! The timing, the purpose, and the context of our lives is all in God’s plan which began at creation and is fulfilled with the coming of Jesus. Immanuel—God with us! Repose in the arms of God, receive the angel chorus. God has come to dwell in you today!
12/18/201622 minutes, 46 seconds
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Wonder - Gifts of Christmas

In a time of instant gratification and virtual reality, we might be forgiven for thinking we've lost our capacity to wonder. The truth is though, in such an age, we need even more reminders that there is something greater than ourselves. This Christmas, God gives us the Gift of Wonder. This gift reminds us that we can choose this season: Fear or Joy; Despair or Belief. God comes again to the manger each Christmas morning. Have we prepared our hearts to receive the wonder this baby Jesus brings?
12/12/201625 minutes, 58 seconds
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Water of Life - The Gifts of Christmas

Surprisingly, throughout the world, dignity, health, joy, and love are not universally a part of every child’s life. Messiah stands with Tom Eggum and his worldwide outreach to address these basic four pillars of hope—Hope4Kids. The power of prayer and willing people make miracles possible: education, nutrition, clean water wells, medical care, and safe structures for living and worship. These are fueled by short-term mission trips, generous donations, and monthly child sponsorships. May we share with Tom in this daily prayer: Loving God, thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you for the cross and the resurrection of Jesus. This is all we have. Thank you for another day to serve you. Like Isaiah who heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” May we say, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 5:8)
12/5/201633 minutes, 52 seconds
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Moments - The Gifts of Chirstmas

Today we begin our four-week Advent message series: The Gifts of Christmas. At a time when the world wants you to speed up - go to more parties, wrap more presents, buy all the things --Jesus wants you to slow down. Remember that the gifts of this Advent season don't come tied with a bow. Instead, they remind us of gratitude (remember Thanksgiving?) that God is in our midst each and every day. Today we'll learn about The Gift of Moments. You might feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to do it all. Maybe you feel like your best time has gone by. Or like you're waiting for your real life to begin. Wherever you are in your life journey, God promises you moments of communion with Him. Moments where the clock stops - and you feel the Holy Spirit in your midst. Today we'll remember those moments and give thanks for Jesus' giving them to us this season and every season.
11/28/201627 minutes, 31 seconds
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Generosity - Gravity of Giving

Are you saved? How do you know? Zacchaeus can tell us. He learned salvation is a gift that is given, not a process based on our life’s effort. Truth be told, we could never measure up…but God is enough. With an open mind and heart we accept that God shows up for us today. “God is in the house!” Conversion is complete and we become transformed by the love of God. We can become more like Jesus because he first loved us. A generous and grace-filled life is a sign of response to the gravity of what God has done. Teach us to give like Zacchaeus.
11/20/201632 minutes, 26 seconds
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Gratitude - Gravity of Giving

Gravity is an energy that brings everything together; it draws us, first, to common ground and, second, to each other. Gravity is a God-given gift that makes life on earth possible. In this and every way, God’s heart is a force of generosity—“ALL IN” for us. With God as our gracious benefactor, we are full beneficiaries…prepared to be a benediction (blessing) to others. The closer we come to God's heart the greater the gravitational pull to gratitude.
11/13/201639 minutes, 17 seconds
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Live as a Disciple - FIT to be a Disciple

You did it! We made it! This is Week 6, the final week of Messiah’s fall message and small group series: FIT to be a Disciple. This is the week we put it all together: we’ve trained our bodies, minds and spirits; we’ve teamed up with our families and neighbors—now we study and learn from Jesus how to live as disciples long after this series concludes: how to live as disciples each day of our everyday lives. We’ll talk about vocation and how it doesn’t just refer to religious sisters and priests. We'll share the 3 keys to discipleship, and how they relate to being a Messiah partner. And finally, we’ll hear the 3 top misconceptions about a life of discipleship and the gift God has given us to make it through. Thanks for joining on this journey. We need Jesus and we need each other!
11/7/201632 minutes, 17 seconds
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Team Up With Your Neighbor - FIT to be a Disciple

Who is my neighbor? It's the prescient question asked to Jesus 2,000 years ago by an earnest young lawyer, seeking to fulfill Jesus' command to love his neighbor as himself. Jesus responds with a well-known parable, The Good Samaritan, in which a neighbor is transformed from someone who is well known to someone who is unfamiliar and different. Thus the term neighbor replaces the term alien from the Old Testament. What about you? Who is your neighbor? Find out Jesus' challenge for you and your neighbors this week, as we Team Up with our Neighbors in Week 5 of our Fit to be a Disciple fall message series.
10/30/201625 minutes, 15 seconds
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Team Up With Your Family - FIT to be a Disciple

Everyone has a different definition of "family," and we all have different relationships with our families. But over the centuries - the most important unit to share faith and grow as disciples has been the family unit - composed of loved ones in your life. So this week, as we continue to become FIT to be disciples - we'll learn about how to Team Up with your Family. Families comfort, restore, hold us accountable, and help us grow. Hear stories of faithful yet challenged families, and learn how God worked in them to bring love, peace, and spiritual growth. Hear about Jesus' "second family," the hometown where he was rejected, and the Father he loved even upon the Cross. Most important: remember that we worship a Triune God who exists only in familial relationship: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What a witness to the importance of "teaming up" with our loved ones and families as disciples
10/23/201627 minutes, 55 seconds
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Train Your Spirit - FIT to be a Disciple

The spirit of God breathes life into our dry life. This refreshment is not earned; it is a gift, already given. As we receive this love we become abundantly empowered to flow it out in joyful response. The fruits of the spirit include: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. With the help of God’s spirit we live to love God and love one another.
10/16/201629 minutes, 53 seconds
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Train Your Mind - FIT to be a Disciple

The mind of Christ…and how we treat each other is shaped by what we feed our mind. We often think that we can allow anything in but not be affected. God actually coined the adage “garbage in, garbage out” (see Philippians 4:8-9). How we fill our minds is how we see and act in the world. Martin Luther contemplated, “I can’t prevent a bird from flying over my head, but I can stop them from building a nest in my hair.” Fit to be a disciple, is about training our mind. Beauty in, beauty out!
10/9/201630 minutes, 36 seconds
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Train Your Body - FIT to be a Disciple

FIT to be a disciple. We'll learn what FIT is all about. We'll learn the difference between being balanced and being focused. And we'll learn how to train our bodies to be disciples of Jesus - to love our bodies as the holy temple of the Holy Spirit that God created them to be.
10/2/201627 minutes, 49 seconds