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Love Gospel Hour Cover
Love Gospel Hour Profile

Love Gospel Hour

English, Religion, 1 season, 137 episodes, 5 days, 10 hours, 34 minutes
Gospel Inspirational Music and Message- 1 hour every Sunday 3:00pm c.t. (516)387-1471 or myrenewise
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"Choices and Decisions"

Minister Myrene Wise will speak on "Choices and Decisions" So many times we make wrong choices and decisions!  WE fail to seek God and his will! (joshua 24:14-15)
10/30/20221 hour
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Is Your Thrill Gone?

Is Your Thrill Gone?If Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever- what happened to that thrill?(Hebrews13:8)
10/23/20221 hour, 1 minute
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"The Would-Be- Disciple"

Minister Ethel Carr will be sharing on The Would-Be- Disciple! It's time to make our calling and election sure and serve the Lord! Luke 9: 57-62
10/16/20221 hour, 1 minute
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Dressed For Battle

Minister Darice R. Smith will share on "Dressed For Battle" Desiring the Will of God! Romans 13:13-14
10/9/20221 hour, 1 minute
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Minister Myrene will share with us on how "God's 'suddenlys' will bless us when we learn how to respond to them properly."Good Suddenly: inheritance, lottery winner/riches, Bad Suddenly:fiancial ruin,covid (-) affect business. Some suddenly are because of our own doing other suddenly are not because of our own doing but the "Will of God"!dont panic! dont become fearful! receive and relax!!! Acts 2:2 ,Acts 9:3 Acts 16:26   
10/2/20221 hour
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"The Struggle"

Minister Benjie Allen griffin , Pascoe , Washington,will be sharing with us on "The Struggle",(Romans 7:15) We do not practice what we want to do,but do the very thing that we hate!
9/25/20221 hour, 1 minute
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Are you Losing Hope?

Minister Myrene Wise will be sharing with us on Are you Losing Hope? Never give up! Romans 8:35-39 – “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever!
9/18/20221 hour
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Minister Darice R. Smith, We Stand for Christ Ministries, Kankakee illinois will be sharing "God's Love...THE GIFT THAT KEEPS GIVING" (LUKE 6:38)
9/11/20221 hour
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Gospel Music Explosion!!!

We Cant praise and worship him enough! Compilation of various Gospel Artist
9/4/20221 hour, 2 minutes
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Where is Jesus when you need Him?

Minister Benjie Allen Griffin, Pasco Washington, will share with us:  Even though there are storms in life Jesus wants to take us through in peace and bring us out more alive and more powerful! (2 Corinthians 5:7)
8/28/20221 hour
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"Let's praise Him Now!"

Minister Ethel Carr, Redeeming Life Ministries, Psalms 150
8/21/20221 hour
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"Prepare the Table..."It's Your Season...Accessing God's Best for you!

Minister Darice R. Smith, We Stand for Christ Ministry, Kankakee, Il will share on "Prepare the Table..."It's Your Season...Accessing God's Best for you! (Psalm 23:5)
8/14/20221 hour
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"Gods Power in My Weakness"

Ms. Zina Kittrell will share with us on "Gods Power in My Weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9,10
8/7/20221 hour, 1 minute
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"Delight Yourself in the Lord"

Minister Trudy Whittaker Huff  will be sharing on Psalm 37:4 Aligning your thoughts with the word of God brings you the desires of your heart!
7/31/20221 hour, 1 minute
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A Sight For Sore Lives!

No matter how perfect or imperfect our vision, the scriptures tell us not to use our vision to walk through our life!
7/24/20221 hour
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"The Word Made Flesh"....

Jesus was sent to give light to every man that came into the world, if they receive HIM...John 1:1-7           Jesus was sent to give light to every man that came into the world, if they receive HIM...John 1:1-7                      
7/17/20221 hour
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Should you ask or tell god your desires though your prayers?

WHAT is the right way to pray? Do i know his will? What if I don’t think God hears me.many more answer plus types of prayers
7/10/20221 hour
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"Be Strong and Very Courageous!!!"

Minister Myrene Wise will be sharing on "Be Strong and Very Courageous!!!"You will be victorious in your Battle! Joshua 1:6-9,1 Samuel 17:45-47,Psalm 27,Acts 4:13-20, and Philippians 1:12-14
7/3/20221 hour, 3 minutes
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"Having an Effective Prayer Life by using a Prayer Strategy! "

Minister Benji Allen Griffin will be sharing on "Having an Effective Prayer Life by using a Prayer Strategy! "(James 5:16) When we wonder if prayer accomplishes anything, be encouraged- not only is prayer powerful, but it's affective!
6/26/20221 hour
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"Checking Your Spiritual Report Card"

Minister Ether Carr, will be sharing on "Checking Your Spiritual Report Card" We're ALL being graded on our performance, in the task that God gives us. And the Lord will teach you ALL THINGS!(John 14:26)
6/19/20221 hour
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"Check Out the Man in the Mirror!!…"

Minister Darice R. Smith, We Stand For Christ Ministries will be sharing on"Check Out the Man in the Mirror!!…" ! "What Does Your Reflection Say About You Spiritually; and is it Accurate? "Matt 7:3"
6/12/20221 hour
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"Love Matters"

Min. Myrene Wise will share on "Love Matters" (1 Corithians 13:1-13) What LOVE does and does not do!
6/5/20221 hour, 3 minutes
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"Bold Strength"

Today, Rev. Trudy Huff will be sharing on "Bold Strength" The Lord's goodness to the Faithful increases boldness with strength for the soul.(Psalms 138:3)
5/29/20221 hour
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"Trust in God"

Minister Benjie Allen Griffin will be sharing "Trust in God" Proverbs 3:5 , Trusting in God can be a real challenge! A real challenge , for those new to the family of God, and to those of us who have been walking with God for som years!
5/22/20221 hour
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"The Man from Galilee"

"The Man from Galilee" John 5:1-9 We need to allow the Lord Jesus to be the bridge over the "Troubled Water" in our lives.
5/15/20221 hour, 1 minute
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What the Bible says about "Mothers"

Isaiah 66:13:Proverbs 31:28–29Proverbs 31:26:Proverbs 31:25:Proverbs 22:6many other scriptures
5/8/20221 hour
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Reflect on How God has Helped You in the Past, PRAISE HIM, he'll do it AGAIN!

Minister Myrene Wise will speak on( phil 8) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. When I think of his GREATNESS, and all he has done, my soul truly cries out, praise him for I know he will continue to bless me!  And he did rescue us from mortal danger, and he will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us.(2 corinthians 1:10)
5/1/20221 hour, 2 minutes
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"Have you made room for Christ?"

Minister Benjie Allen Griffin-Pasco ,Washington  "Have you made room for Christ?" We need to make the necessary sacrifices (time, money, and efforts, etc..)  to ensure Christ is living within! (2 kings 4:8-10)
4/24/20221 hour, 3 minutes
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"Room at the Cross"

"Room at the Cross" Luke 19: 1-10 Jesus made it possible for everyone (Rich or Poor) to receive the gift of Salvation! This Sunday@"Love Gospel Hour" (516)387-1471 or myrenewise. Guest Speaker: Minister Ethel Carr
4/17/20221 hour
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Are Your Dreams Beyond What You Can think or imagine???

Minister Darice R. Smith ,Are Your Dreams Beyond What You Can think or imagine??? The impossible is possible with God! Just trust him! Ephesians 3:20
4/10/20221 hour
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We're Not Here Forever

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment":Hebrews 9:27
4/3/20221 hour
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Why Such a Brutal Death?

Isaiah 53:3-6
3/27/20221 hour
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"Watch Out for Entanglements"

Minister Ethel Carr will sharre with us on Sunday March 20th, 2022. With proper balance and temperance in our lives, we can be like Mary! Luke 10:38-42
3/20/20221 hour
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music #31

Awesome music  with min myrene wise
3/18/202258 minutes
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"Disappointed? Change Your Expectations!

Were living in a time. Children arent talking with their parents. Why the parents said "No" ! The children have high expectations! Parents we have too Hig expectations from our children sometime. we expect them to get alll A & B on their report card- but they are a C &D level student. Lets not get disappointed with others, lets change our expectations of ourselves. “Sweep around you own front door before you try to sweep around mine”  John 8:1-11
3/13/20221 hour
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3/6/202245 minutes
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Who do you represent: An "Excuser", "Accuser" or "Doer" ?

Minister Myrene Wise will share on "Walking in an "Excuser", "Accuser" or "Doer" Spirit! Exodus 3:4-14; 4:13-16)  - Esther 5:9-6:14  
3/6/202213 minutes
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"Confronting Your Giants"

minister benjie allen griffin will be ministering today on "Confronting Your Giants"! Giants are real! They are not a figment of your imagination! you can either run from them or confront them!1Samuel 17:33  
2/27/20221 hour
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"Lord Do It For ME!"

"Lord Do It For ME!" Mark 10:46-52 Bartimaeus of the Bible shows us what the Lord will do when we cry to God in faith! Min.  Ethel Carr
2/20/20221 hour, 1 minute
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"Do You Really Know What You're Made Of???...."

 "Do You Really  Know What You're Made Of???...." You're Qualified, Bonified, and Empowered... Today Let Christ Do A Work In You!!" Scripture: James 1:2-3  
2/13/20221 hour, 1 minute
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music #30

Awesome fast and slow gospel music,  old and new
2/11/20221 hour
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Are you Turning Your Back on God?

Contact Host at (773) 373-9296 Are you Turning Your Back on God? Are you walking away from your blessings?  
2/6/20221 hour, 2 minutes
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Contact Host at (773) 373-9296   "FEEL THE HEALING POWER OF MUSIC"- The Spirit  of David(1 Samuel 16:23) I love music, any kind of music!  Especially, Gospel Music that has a message in it just for you!
1/30/20221 hour, 1 minute
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music #29

awesome music only
1/29/20221 hour, 4 minutes
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"An Encounter with Jesus"

Minister Benjie Allen Griffin will share "An Encounter with Jesus". Have  you had an encounter with Jesus has he interrupted your "Miserable" life? luke 7:11-15
1/23/20221 hour
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Jesus is the Way!

Minister Ethel  Carr ,of Redeeming Life Ministries Church, 1284 S. Fourth Ave., Kankakee Il. Jesus is the Way! (John 15:1-5) We have to be committed to Jesus - The True Vine ! He'll lead us safely to our heavenly home.
1/16/20221 hour
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"Take Time to Make Time!!"

Minister Darice R Smith, We Stand For Christ Jesus Ministries, will be sharing on "Take Time to Make Time!!" "Are you making your mark...Or just marking time??" (Ephesians 5:15-17)
1/9/20221 hour, 1 minute
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Fallen Angels: Satan, Demons and Devils in the Bible

Hebrews 1:14, Revelation 12:9
1/2/20221 hour
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music 28#

Lets get your praise on!!!!
1/1/20221 hour
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Simply Worship and Praise Music End of year

fast and slow gospel music,  old and new
12/26/20211 hour, 1 minute
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" Angels (9 types and explanation)

  angels have various operations and functions. Learn who and what they are! Angels-Are angel real? Are there different types? Different roles? Are all angels good? Should we worship angels?  9 type of Angels. Psalm 91:11,Col 2:18
12/19/20211 hour, 1 minute
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music only #27

best gospel music
12/14/20211 hour
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"Shine!" Be A Light Wherever You Go"

Minister Darice R Smith, We Stand For Christ Ministries, will be sharing on "Shine!" "! Be A Light Wherever You Go"!...Represent Jesus"  Matt 5:14-16
12/12/20211 hour, 2 minutes
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Meaning In "The Names"

“I reach out for You. I thirst for You as parched land thirsts for rain.” (Psalm 143.6) 16 Names of God and their meaning! Proverbs 22:1  A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold" Who is God to you? ​El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty)El Elyon (The Most High God)Adonai (Lord, Master)Yahweh (Lord, Jehovah)Jehovah Nissi (The Lord My Banner)Jehovah Raah (The Lord My Shepherd)Jehovah Rapha (The Lord That Heals)Jehovah Shammah (The Lord Is There)Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord Our Righteousness)Jehovah Mekoddishkem (The Lord Who Sanctifies You)El Olam (The Everlasting God)Elohim (God)Qanna (Jealous)Jehovah Jireh (The Lord Will Provide)Jehovah Shalom (The Lord Is Peace)Jehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts)
12/5/20211 hour, 4 minutes
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Let Everything That has Breath Praise the Lord!

Psalms150 God gives us every imaginable Reason, Excuse, Occasion, and Opportunity to Thank and Praise Him
11/28/20211 hour, 2 minutes
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gospel music #26

fast and slow gospel music,  old and new
11/21/20211 hour, 2 minutes
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"Our Weapons of War"

"Our Weapons of War" Ephesians 6:10, Matt 6:5 The importance and benefits of having on the armour of God. We have to stand and fight with ALL our might! I'm a Soldier in the Army of the Lord!
11/21/20211 hour, 1 minute
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"A Servant's Heart"

"A Servant's Heart" Are you willing for God to use you?
11/14/20211 hour, 2 minutes
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You have been Commissioned!

Minister Myrene will share on Exodus 20 ,Matthew 22:36-4- and Matthew 5:17-20 You have been Commissioned ! i will be sharing the 10 commandments (Not so Obvious)! You have been given a divine rule, authoritative order, charge, or direction to follow the 10 commandments handed down by God!.
11/7/20211 hour, 4 minutes
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"Wait with Expectancy"

While you are waiting be ready, faithful, prepared, be strong and take courage.
10/31/20211 hour, 5 minutes
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A Royal Diadem in the Master's Hand

Minister Benjie Allen Griffin will share "A Royal Diadem in the Master's Hand." Isaiah 62:3 What is it like being a crown protected by the Lord in the palm of His Hands?
10/24/20211 hour
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Believe I'll Testify!

Believe I'll Testify!  A believers testimony helps assists in conquering the enemy.Revelations 12:11 says "And they overcame him by the blood of of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives until death. We can  not be defeated if we unwaveringly confess our faith in Jesus . Live for him! It's our time to tell of God's goodness.
10/17/20211 hour, 1 minute
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Whose truth will you believe? “God’s voice” (truth) vs Enemy's voice (a Lie )?

Do you know “God’s voice” (truth) vs Enemy's voice (a Lie )  1 john 4:4 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.  
10/10/20211 hour
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Keep Fighting !!! Hold On!!!

Minister Myrene Wise will share Ephesians 10-17 with you! "Keep Fighting" Hold On! You're Equipped! You Are Going to Win! Victory is yours if you want it! This is war! Let the message and music lift you up!  
10/3/20211 hour
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"Keep Fighting" Hold On!

Minister Myrene Wise will share Ephesians 10-17 with you! "Keep Fighting" Hold On! You're Equipped! You Are Going to Win! Victory is yours if you want it! This is war! Let the message and music lift you up!
9/26/20212 minutes
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"Banana trees will not produce coconut ,neither can apple trees produce oranges"

Minister Ethel Carr, Kankakee, Il, will be  speaking from Matt 7:16 - 20 "Banana trees will not produce coconut ,neither can apple trees produce oranges" Jesus was referring to us- people, when he said, you shall know the tree by the fruit it bears. Which one are you?
9/19/20211 hour, 4 minutes
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" Do You Desire To Be Changed/Transformed?...It All Begins in Your Mind!"

Today Minister Darice R. Smith,  We Stand For Christ Jesus Ministries, will be sharing " Do You Desire To Be Changed/Transformed?...It All Begins in Your Mind!" Surrender to The Call of God in Your Life-"Just Say Yes!" Scripture: Roman's 12:1-2      
9/12/20211 hour
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Walk in HIS Excellency!

"Walk-in his Excellency!"  Just being good, isn't good enough!  Let him set you up for the BEST! Daniel 6:3 Daniel 6:3  Then daniel was PREFERRED above presidents and princes, because  AN EXCELLENT SPIRIT was in him!!! The king thought to set him OVER THE WHOLE REALM!!! Let him set you up for the BEST!
9/5/20211 hour
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"Unity in the body"!

Rev. Trudy Whittaker Huff, Houston Texas will be sharing on "Unity in the Body"  text is Ephesians 4:1 . . "Live a Life worthy of the Calling"
8/29/20211 hour
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"Because the Lord is My Shepherd I Have Everything I Need"

Minister Benjie Allen Griffin, Pasco,Washington will be sharing  Psalms 23" Because the Lord is My Shepherd I Have Everything I Need"!  We Like Sheep, need a Shepherd !
8/22/20211 hour
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #25

Awesome praise and worship music!
8/20/20211 hour
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"God's Hand of Protection"

Minister Ethel Carr will be speaking on "God Hand of Protection"! "The Lord shows his people to look at crisis and difficult situations,in light of His Word .  We Trust Him who is sovereign because the Word points us  to Jesus Christ in the midst of a Fearful World!
8/15/20211 hour
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #24

Awesome Gospel Praise and Worship music 
8/10/20211 hour, 1 minute
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The devil Made Me Do It!

Minister Myrene Wise will share on Who is the devil ? How to recognize him? His agenda! his Demise! Revelations12:12 “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”  
8/8/20211 hour
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #23

Awesome fast and slow worship music!
8/6/20211 hour
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Why Your Prayers Aren't Getting You A Breakthrough!!! ( Part 2 )

Minister Myrene Wise will share on "Why Your Prayers Aren't Getting You A Breakthrough!!! Part 2 of 2 part series:" Praying amiss! Praying power in numbers! Praying with absolute faith! Praying in the spirit! Tune in( 516)387-1471 Prayer is the greatest human privilege we have in our lives! Prayers revive your heart's commitment each time you pray!  Prayer is also a unique place where we experience the breadth and depth of the Christian life!   (part 1) 1. First fundamental- what is prayer? 2. How should we pray? 3. Types of prayer (part 2)  Are your prayers being heard? How to get a "Breakthrough" through pray!
8/1/20211 hour
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #22

Awesome fast and slow worship music
7/30/20211 hour, 1 minute
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Created in the Image Of God!

Created in the Image Of God-Are you Walking so that others see the image of God in you?! (Genesis 1:26-27) Minister Benjie Allen Griffin
7/25/20211 hour, 1 minute
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #21

Awesome music!!!
7/21/20211 hour
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"He is Faithful"...Psalms 113.3

Minister Ethel Carr  will be sharing on "He is Faithful"...Psalms 113.3 God's name is to be praised in every place  ,from East to West and  his faithfulness surrounds him.
7/18/20211 hour
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #20

Gospel music Finest
7/12/202159 minutes
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"God's Gifts Open Doors....Make Room!"

Minister Darice R. Smith will be sharing on  "God's Gifts Open Doors....Make Room!" Proverbs 18:16 Use Your Gift as as Opportunity To Honor God,and Be a Blessing to Others. Open Doors to "Breakthrough Blessings"!
7/11/20211 hour
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #19

fast and slow worship music
7/5/202154 minutes
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Why your Prayers Aren't Getting You A Breakthrough!!! Part 1 of 2 part series

Minister Myrene Wise will share Why Your Prayers Aren't Getting You A Breakthrough!!! Part 1  of 2 part series: 1. first  fundamental- what is prayer? 2. how should we prayer? 3. types of prayer 4. how often we should pray
7/4/20211 hour, 1 minute
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #18

Awesome fast and slow music
6/29/20211 hour, 6 minutes
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"God's Procedure for Restoration"

Minister Benjie Allen Griffin will be speaking on "God's Procedure for Restoration." 2nd Chronicles 7:14. Procedure compliance is mandatory! Are you willing to follow God's Procedure?
6/27/20211 hour
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #17

Awesome gospel music!
6/26/20211 hour, 16 minutes
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Christ Unveiling his Disclosure and Revelation

Minister Myrene Wise will speak on how God chose to unveil himself to John. This was so awesome John fell to his feet as dead! We will look at his state of gloriness! Will you embrace his gloriouness?
6/20/20211 minute
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"Man's Rejection Will Be God's Greatness in Your Life!"

Minister Darice E. Smith  will be "Man's Rejection Will Be God's Greatness in Your Life!" He'll Show Up and Show out For You! Psalm 118:22 THIS SUNDAY!!!
6/13/20211 hour, 1 minute
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God's Love

Guest minister- Sister Ethel Carr of Kankakee, Il will be ministering on "God's Love"!
6/6/20211 hour, 4 minutes
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #16

Praise and worship muisc
5/30/202157 minutes
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Adult Christian operating in "Spiritual Babyhood''?

Mark 3:1 Paul says "And I brethren, could not speak unto you spiritual. but as unto carnal, even as babes in Christ! He further states he has to give thme milk, they cant handle meat! Are you still a baby after years of claiming to be spisitual mature?
5/30/202159 minutes
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Change the Man in the Mirror

One of our fantastic guest ministers-Minister Benjie Allen Griffin  wil be speaking on  "Change the Man in the Mirror"..  If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change! Matt 7:1-5
5/23/20211 hour, 1 minute
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #15

Best fast and slow worship music!
5/19/20211 hour, 1 minute
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #14

Best fast and slow worship music
5/16/20211 hour, 11 minutes
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Does God Know Who You Are?

Does God Know Who You Are? Not everybody is going to heaven! Matt 7:21-23 Minister Darice R. Smith- We stand For Christ Jesus Ministries
5/16/20211 hour
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #13

Best Gospel Music Mix
5/16/20211 hour, 2 minutes
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Don't wait! Hell is too Late!!

What is hell? Is hell real? How can i avoid going to hell? Luke 16:19-31 Jesus spoke more on hell than anyone in the bible! Surely, talking about hell is important! Many more scriptures!
5/9/20211 hour
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Hell- Is It Too Late?!

What is hell? Is hell real? How can i avoid going to hell? Luke 16:19-31 Jesus spoke more on hell than anyone in the bible! Surely, talking about hell is important!
5/2/20213 minutes
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"Running From The Presence of the Lord"!

Guest Minister Benjie Allen Griffith, Pascoe Washington will be speaking on "Running From The Presence of the Lord" Jonah 1:1-3! You Can Run But You Cant Hide!
4/25/20211 hour
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Can they FOOL you?( music and entertainment industry)

Can they deceive you? Matthew 24:4  see that no man deceives you. Jeremiah 9:6 They dwell in the midst of you. Romans 16:18 -20 They feed their own bellies. Smooth talk and flattery they try to deceive the naive.  Deception is the main tool of Satan! You must Know  that you know what you know!
4/18/20211 hour, 1 minute
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"Small Things Matter to God"!

Minister Darice R. Smith with We Stand For Christ Jesus Ministries will be ministering on "Small Things Matter to God"! Mark 4:30-32 "Size Doesnt Matter...With God"!
4/11/20211 hour
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Do you OWE somebody some love?

Romans 13:8-10 Owe No Man anything but to love one another! Do you owe somebody some love today?! There are some options: you can owe man $.( maybe a loan,taxes). Damage someone car- you owe a car. owe some a job- promised a position.Owe someone respect/loyalty- parents or enemies.Owe someone  time- too busy- sit with spouse. owe someone your friendship- values match. Owe an apology -hurt someone a long time ago, never apologized. owe an explanation of one of your life choice. Those are all OPTIONAL" Owe's: There is one thing you do owe them! To love them 
4/4/20211 hour
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Radical Praise

Minister Benjie Allen Griffin bringing us the Word of God from Luke 19:36-40 "Radical Praise"! "Don't let the Rocks cry out for you !"
3/28/20211 hour
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Power NOT to walk Away!

Minister Myrene Wise will share about the "Power NOT to give up!"! 1 Timothy 4,Micah 3 and Luke 10: Power to NOT walk away from the truth! 
3/21/20211 hour
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"First Things First" Who or What are you seeking after?

Minister Darice Smith, We Stand For ChristJesus Ministries will be sharing with us "First thing First" from Matt :6:33 and Proverbs 18:15, Who or What are you seeking after?
3/14/20211 hour
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #10

Gospel Music at its best!
3/14/20211 hour, 1 minute
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Praise him in Advance!

Minister Myrene Wise "Praise him in advance"! Praise the lord oh my soul! Discover the Many reasons to praising God in advance! Praise mean "{pretium" in latin) Prize is a variance of the word ." It means to set a price on"!  Praise him to set your value to your praise !!!
3/7/20211 hour, 6 minutes
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What's Love Got to Do With It?!

What's Love Got to do With it?! John 3:16
2/28/20211 hour
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Trust in the Lord!!!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.Reverend Trudy Huff, Church Without Walls Houston Texas, will share on How toTrust in the Lord.
2/21/202159 minutes
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Praise and Worship!!!

Fast And Slow Worship
2/21/20211 hour
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Get up and Get things going!

Listen to what God is telling you! Say "Jesus, i will go forward and trusting you say - trusting you will correct my course.  Lord, I want to do your will, my God! Amen  
2/14/20211 hour, 1 minute
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #9

Best praise music available!
2/12/202156 minutes
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #8

Lifting the name up of JESUS!
2/8/202116 minutes
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The "Treasure" of His Word!

Jesus, i confess that sometime my bible reading is dry. Strengthen me according to your word! Psalm 119:28
2/7/20211 hour
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #7

Gospel Praise at it's best!  
2/7/202158 minutes
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Pressing toward the mark!

Philippians 3:14 pressing,toward the mark .NO matter what is going on around you, your must to be determine to continue pressing toward the mark of your high calling in Christ.      
1/31/20211 hour, 11 minutes
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What is YOUR purpose?

God created us to praise and worship him. He also want to you do a specific job regardless to your age. you were create for a purpose! God created people to reflect His image, to rule over creation, and to reproduce godly offspring. God created people to reflect His image. Gen 1:26-30 You must be" Willing and obedient" to fulfil his purpose in your life!
1/24/20211 hour, 17 minutes
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #6

Music doesnt start till 4 minutes. So if you want to lift up and magnify his name!
1/21/202126 minutes
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #5

Get your praise on!
1/19/202134 minutes
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"Accessing the Power of God's Spoken Words!"

Guest Speaker Minister Darice R. Smith, Minister at We Stand For Christ Jesus Ministrie. Kankakee. Il  will minister to us on "Accessing the Power of  God's Spoken Word"!. Scriptures:  John 1:12. Proverb 18:21 and Phil 4:13 Minister Darice R. Smith is the author of "Speak It!" Inspired thoughts on everyday life!
1/17/20211 hour
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praise and worship

Get your praise on with this music
1/17/202130 minutes
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I am an Overcomer!

No matter what life throws at us we must remember that in the scriptures where there was seeminly a situation that looked hopeless, their followed two words- "But God"! You are an Overcomer! Guest Speaker Minister Benjie Allen-Griffin will share from Genesis 50:19-20  
1/10/20211 hour, 1 minute
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #3

Anointed praise and worship music!
1/5/202131 minutes
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #2

Listen, Meditate , Sing and or worship to theses anointed songs!
1/4/202114 minutes
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My First Love!

Cherish each Day! Live with purpose and prioritize life!
1/3/20211 hour, 1 minute
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Slave of Sin or Obedience

Roman 6: 16-18  
12/27/20201 hour, 1 minute
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Gospel Praise and Worship music #1

various gospel artist
12/22/202031 minutes
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Thy Word! Is it in YOUR Heart?

Have you tried to remember SCRIPTURE? Do you routinely have BIBLE STUDY?How much TIME do you invested in your word and prayer? Psalm 119:11
12/20/20201 hour
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"Trust God's Presence"

The Dynamic- Rev Trudy Huff, Minister @ Church Without Walls, Houston Texas Finest, is bringing the message:  Learning how to trust God during our everyday walk of life!(Proverbs 3:5)
12/13/202057 minutes
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Battle of Armageddon! Is the End near? Revelation 16

The War to End all Wars!
12/6/20201 hour
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Get ready for Whats to come!

Revelation is a book of blessings! The return of Christ. History and future events! Revelation1 the prologue!
11/29/20201 hour, 2 minutes
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Seek the Lord while he may be found

Pastor James Carr of Redeeming Life Ministries will be joining us today to share the Word of God with us! His message on today is "Seek the Lord while he may be found" ! We will praise him and worship in music with some oldies but goodies today! " Oh it is Jesus",! "Can't nobody do me like Jesus", "Blood will never lose its power" and "Take me Back"
11/22/20201 hour
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Be grateful Everyday

Gospel and inspirational music and brief message to soothe soul/get praise on!
11/15/202053 minutes
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Get your praise on !

Gospel and Inspirational music for 1 hour straight
11/9/20201 hour
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minister wise encourages you through words and musicto trust Lord. You may not realize you how much you trust him until a storm comes!
11/8/20201 hour
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This week's episode titled: "WAKE UP" Dreams, NOW REALITY! You have REAL dreams to catch! Believe in the Lord, Belief in yourself, Your dreams will be your reality! Good or Bad!  
11/1/202031 minutes