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Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast Profile

Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 172 episodes, 2 days, 18 hours, 4 minutes
Learn all about the energy of healing crystals (and how to work with them in your day to day life) with this weekly podcast hosted by Ashley Leavy of the Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy.
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Fossil Stone Benefits | 5 Fossils for Crystal Healing

Fossils can be found in nearly every part of the earth, though for some reason, they’re often overlooked by crystal healers who are perhaps lacking the knowledge of all the fossil stone benefits they're missing out on! Perhaps it’s because they often lack the bright colors and glittering, gemmy appearance of many crystals…or perhaps it’s because many crystal workers are unsure of how to work with them. Whatever the reason, it’s time to change that, because incorporating fossils into your crystal work can be deeply rewarding and fulfilling. Though the types of fossils vary, they do share a set of energetic qualities whether they're plant or animal fossils, no matter the mineral type. Individual fossil types have added properties, but all fossils share the following qualities: Common Healing Properties of Fossils:   Enhances your connection with nature and its flora and fauna Promotes journey work Facilitates access to your past life memories Enhances communication with your guides Promotes energetic protection Connects you to your ancestors (familial, spiritual, land spirits, etc.) Facilitates grounding Connects you with the energy of the Earth element     If you’re interested in developing a relationship with fossils, here are a few of my favorites to explore… Top 5 Fossils for Crystal Healing:   #1 - Ammonite Fossils for Crystal Healing Of all the fossils I’ve worked with, Ammonites may be my favorite. They’re a type of cephalopod and their spiral formation evokes a mystical quality that humans have been attracted to for thousands of years. Ammonite fossils are particularly beautiful, and the best are found in Madagascar, England, and Peru. There are various legends and folklore surrounding Ammonite fossils. For example, in England, people referred to Ammonites as “snake stones.” The story behind this is that St. Hilda of Whitby (614-680) prayed for dangerous snakes to be turned to coiled stones, in order to clear the land for a convent (other versions of the lore say St. Hilda turned the snakes to stone to protect the nuns at Whitby Abbey). People believed these “snake stones” to be holy, or at least lucky, and wore them as charms, often with a snake head carved at the end. One genus of ammonites is still known as Hildoceras in the saint’s honor. Properties of Ammonite Fossils: Promotes acceptance Facilitates spiritual journey work and inner work Enhances your connection with Goddess energy Facilitates past life recall Enhances your present moment awareness Facilitates animal communication Assists with receiving guidance from your ancestors Promotes grounding Enhances your connection to Earth energy and nature Aids in recalling your dreams or uncovering past life memories Assists in developing a regular meditation practice Learn more about Ammonite Fossils here.   #2 - Belemnite Fossils for Crystal Healing Also known as Thunderstones, Belemnite Fossils are records of a type of squid-like Cephalopod that inhabited the earth from the Triassic period until the Cretaceous period. The “cone” is the most common fossilized portion of the creature, and they’re often found in a sort of bullet- or horn-shaped fossil. Properties of Belemnite Fossils: Aids in decision-making Encourages you to take action Promotes mental clarity Assists with enhancing focus Enhances your connection to your inner voice Facilitates the process of receiving intuitive guidance #3 - Echinoid Fossils for Crystal Healing Echinoids are fossilized Sea Urchins that go by many colloquial names depending on their specific shape. According to Kenneth McNamara, some of the names used to describe them include Thunderstones, Shepherd’s Crowns, Sheep’s Hearts, Bishop’s Knees, Fairy Heads, Fairy Loaves, Chedworth Buns, and Snake’s Eggs. My favorite name for them is “Fairy Loaf” because they really do look like tiny little loaves...
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Best Crystals for Gemini Season

  Gemini season is here! This astrological season, it's important to focus on learning and new experiences. This is fueled by curiosity and the desire for greater understanding. Often, the knowledge gained during this moon provides valuable lessons that will soon be needed in life. As we dive into Gemini season (May 21 - June 21), the focus shifts to being flexible and adapting to new situations. Discover more about this special time, and some of the best crystals for Gemini season to use in your healing practice...     Satisfying your curiosity often requires you to have new experiences or meet new people. This may be difficult for some (especially introverts), but the energy of Gemini’s ruling planet, Mercury, can give you the encouragement you need to try something new. You’ll likely be glad for the experience and look back at what you’ve accomplished with pride and joy.     Working with the following Gemini-aligned stones aligns you with the current celestial energies and is an excellent way to enhance the positive aspects of this astrological phase while balancing its challenges.   Gemini Season Correspondences:   Dates: May 21 - June 21 Symbol: The Twins Ruling Planet: Mercury Modality: Mutable (Open to Change – related to adaptation, intuition, and acceptance) Element: Air (Click Here to learn more about working with Elemental Crystals) The Body: Chest, Lungs, Arms, Hands, and Fingers Keywords: Adaptability, Communication, Cooperation, Curiosity, Joy, Kindness, Wisdom Taurus Season Gifts: Discovery, Empathy, Inquiry, Intelligence, Knowledge, Understanding Taurus Season Challenges: Apathy, Ignorance, Impulsiveness, Indifference, Overwhelm, Refusal to Change     Best Crystals for Gemini Season: During Gemini season, select crystals that amplify curiosity, empathy, and communication. It’s important to note that Zodiac crystals are a little different than birthstones (more on that here). You can work with the following crystals to enhance or balance the energies of Gemini season. Whether enhancing positivity or addressing challenges by balancing out the more difficult energetic aspects of Gemini, these stones are the best companions for the celestial journey ahead.   Moss Agate Angelite Blue Apatite Clear Apophyllite Green Apophyllite Azurite Celestite Chrysocolla Citrine Green Fluorite Rainbow Fluorite Hematite Howlite Red Jasper Blue Kyanite Lapis Lazuli Lepidolite Black Biotite Mica Muscovite Mica Peach Moonstone Rainbow Moonstone White Moonstone Ethiopian Opal Pumice Blue Sapphire Selenite Sodalite Golden Tiger's Eye Turquoise   Top 3 Crystals for Gemini Season: Blue Apatite: This crystal encourages you to take time to explore the world, either by traveling or by learning new things to expand your knowledge. Blue Apatite nudges you to step outside of your comfort zone. Further, it reminds you to stay present so you don’t miss out on life by dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.     Howlite: This stone challenges your beliefs about your role in the world. Howlite encourages you to be flexible and when paired with Blue Apatite it can help you keep an open mind during new adventures and experiences. Selenite: This crystal is excellent for energetic shielding and protection. Connecting with the energy of Selenite can help you feel more confident during new experiences. Additionally, Selenite helps you better understand and integrate the life lessons being shared with you during Gemini season.   Best Crystals for Gemini’s Ruling Planet (Mercury): Each sign of the Zodiac is represented, or ruled, by a planet. This Ruling Planet is the planet that is held to have a particular influence over its corresponding sign of the zodiac, house, aspect of life, etc. Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and is ass...
5/23/202424 minutes, 51 seconds
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Best Crystals for Taurus Season

Taurus season is here! This astrological season, it's important to focus on self-love and self-care. This can be something quick and simple that you do regularly as part of your daily routine this month, or it can be a deep dive into ways to heal and nourish yourself. As we dive into Taurus season (April 20 - May 20), the focus shifts to taking stock of your security and finances. Is your current financial situation supporting you? If not, what changes can you make to improve it? If so, how can you continue on this path? Discover more about this special time, and some of the best crystals for Taurus season to use in your healing practice... When you feel secure, it allows your body, mind, and spirit to relax and feel supported. So if you don’t have a stable foundation in place, make this part of your self-care practice by taking steps toward changing this situation. Working with your crystals to call in this energetic support will be incredibly helpful in making any necessary shifts. Working with the following Taurus-aligned stones aligns you with the current celestial energies and is an excellent way to enhance the positive aspects of this astrological phase while balancing its challenges. Taurus Season Correspondences:   Dates: April 20 - May 20 Symbol: The Bull Ruling Planet: Venus Modality: Fixed (Resistant to Change – related to determination, focus, and individuality) Element: Earth (Click Here to learn more about working with Elemental Crystals) The Body: Throat and Neck Keywords: Devotion, Intellect, Love, Persistence, Reliability, Responsibility Taurus Season Gifts: Calm, Cozy, Dependable, Loyal, Relaxed, Tranquil Taurus Season Challenges: Cheap, Jealous, Materialistic, Miserly, Possessive, Shallow, Stubborn Best Crystals for Taurus Season: During Taurus season, select crystals that amplify love, reliability, and security. It’s important to note that Zodiac crystals are a little different than birthstones (more on that here). You can work with the following crystals to enhance or balance the energies of Taurus season. Whether enhancing positivity or addressing challenges by balancing out the more difficult energetic aspects of Taurus, these stones are the best companions for the celestial journey ahead.   Moss Agate Tree Agate Amber Green Aventurine Bronzite Carnelian Chrysocolla Emerald Fuchsite Red Rhodolite Garnet Rainforest Jasper Red Jasper Greek Kyanite Malachite Obsidianite Pink Opal Peridot Petrified Wood Rose Quartz Rhodochrosite Rhodonite Angel Wing Selenite Serpentine Pink Tourmaline Top 3 Crystals for Taurus Season: Obsidianite: This stone is the perfect crystal companion for the nurturing energy of Taurus season. It supports those who are healing a broken heart or who are working through their grief, but it can also be useful for those who grieving lost parts of themselves. If you have been neglecting yourself, or if you frequently address the needs of others at the expense of yourself, Obsidianite can help you reclaim your self-care practice. Pink Opal: This common Opal (meaning it's a potch Opal that lacks any sparkle or fire) is useful for instilling compassion and empathy. If you don’t feel deserving of love or struggle with prioritizing self-care, reach for a Pink Opal. This stone helps take action rooted in compassion (for others and yourself). Rose Quartz: Rose Quartz is connected to Taurus' ruling planet, Venus, and it exudes love. This stone helps remind you to nurture yourself. Taurus season is a great time to get in the habit of adding a few extra minutes to your morning routine for something to nurture yourself. So, even when you feel rushed or like other things feel more important, make an effort to make yourself a cup of herbal tea, spend some creative time painting or writing, or make some time for a stroll outside or to do some gardening...
4/11/202424 minutes, 51 seconds
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Divination with Crystals | Working with Crystal Balls, Obsidian Mirrors, & Crystal Bowls for Intuitive Scrying

Divination is the art of seeking knowledge and wisdom through one’s inner knowing or intuition through the use of divination tools like tarot or oracle cards, pendulums, etc. Scrying is a specific divinatory practice that can be practiced with a number of mediums from fire to crystal balls, to clouds, to water, and more — join me to explore the different ways you can practive divination with crystals... Working with crystal scrying tools, objects made from crystal that commonly feature a reflective surface like a Clear Quartz sphere or a Black Obsidian mirror, is a great way to experience the art of gazing into a crystal to receive guidance & wisdom. Scrying divination is a great way to hone your intuition. Developing your intuition helps you fill in the gaps where you don’t have all the information or data necessary to make the best possible decision. That doesn’t mean you should just follow your intuition without a second thought, but learning to trust your inner guidance, and combining that insight WITH reason and logic is far more practical than following logic alone. Performing the art of scrying divination with crystals takes patience and practice. You might need to form a relationship with your crystal tools before you start to see any meaningful symbols or images. Here are a few of my favorite crystal scrying tools and techniques to help you get started with your scrying divination practice.   Crystallomancy - Scrying Divination with Crystal Balls: Crystallomancy, is the art of gazing into a crystal ball to receive guidance and wisdom in the form of images revealed within the sphere. The energy of a sphere represents wholeness and infinite possibility and spheres emit energy in all directions. John Dee's Divination Tools & Obsidian Scrying Mirror at the British Museum Humans have been practicing the art of crystallomancy also known as crystal ball reading, for hundreds – if not thousands of years. One of the most famous crystallomancers was John Dee, advisor to Queen Elizabeth I. Dee practiced his art in the 16th century, but people still know him today for his wise counsel. He relied upon his crystal scrying tools for their ability to reveal hidden truths and offer profound guidance. The British Museum displays Dee's crystal ball and other divination tools, such as his Obsidian scrying mirror. Tips for Selecting Your Crystal Ball: When choosing a crystal ball to work with for scrying, it's important to select one that will allow you to see into the depths of the crystal. Quartz-based minerals (like Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Amethyst, etc.) typically work best for this and are also great amplifiers of energy, but there are many suitable transparent stones available (like some Calcites, Fluorite, etc.). These transparent to translucent stones let you gaze into the crystal to explore the sphere’s inner landscape for symbols and images in the stone’s fissures, fractures, and inclusions. Opaque stones (like Jaspers), however, typically aren't recommended for scrying as they limit your gaze to the very surface of the stone. One common exception is Black Obsidian, which has such a glassy surface, it allows you to scry using the exterior surface of the stone, rather than the interior of the crystal…(Obsidian will be  covered in more detail in the next section as we dive deeper into exploring divination with crystals.) For example, there would be quite a big difference in attempting to scry with an opaque stone like Unakite compared one that is transparent like Ametrine. Ametrine’s transparence really lets you view into the crystal, see into the depths of the crystal, whereas the Unakite would really only allow you to view the surface of the stone which would make scrying much more difficult, particularly for a beginner. Be Aware of What You're Purchasing When Looking for a Crystal Ball: It’s also important to note here that there are many commercially available “crystal balls” t...
4/4/202446 minutes, 29 seconds
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Water Element Crystals | Stones to Unlock the Healing Energies of Water

The elements represent the four creative energies of the universe and each has a set of archetypal energies associated with it. Getting familiar with these can help you better understand their energetic influence on you. Each element is also associated with certain healing stones based on their respective properties and energies. Let's dive into water element crystals, and discover how you can incorporate the power of water into your crystal practice... Water is a powerful ally, a companion, and a wise teacher. Water has had such a profound impact on my life... From summer walks around the pond near my grandparents' house during my childhood, to hiking the marshes near my home searching for skunk cabbages in college, to my deeply profound pilgrimage to Avalon where I connected with the Red & White Springs (which had a huge impact on my spiritual practice), water has been ever present in my life...even here in the Midwestern US! Water has held me during times of joy and deep grief, in moments of embodied presence and mystical experience.   The Water element connects you with emotions, intuition, cleansing, and love.      Keywords: Fluidity, Adaptation, Emotions, Intuition, Love, Memory, Wisdom, Reflection, Healing, Release Color & Symbol: Blue Crescent Moon or Blue Inverse Triangle Season & Direction: Autumn, West Parts of the Body: Belly, Adrenals, Intestines Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, & Pisces Tarot Suit: Cups / Chalices (representing the emotions, intuition, love, and a mirror of your heart) Planets: Moon, Venus   Crystals for the Water Element:        Blue Lace Agate – a cooling, water element stone Botswana Agate – reminds you to go with the flow Lake Superior Agate – connects you with the energy of the water element (the life-giving source); aids you in healing the Earth’s bodies of water River Agate – helps you tap into your inner power - like a river carving through rock Amazonite – lets compassion flow like water from your heart Amethyst – connects you with the intuitive aspects of the water element Vera Cruz Amethyst – reminds you of the life-giving energy of water Aquamarine – a stone of the sea and its creatures     Brown Aragonite – helps to release the fear of water Azurite – promotes mental clarity during intuitive work Aqua Calcite – facilitates a calm mind, like a pool of still water Red Coral Calcite – connects you with the energy of the water element White Calcite – offers you space for reflection Cavansite – connects you with the energy of the sea Blue Chalcedony – reminds you to shift and change according to your present circumstances (like water filling different shaped containers) Charoite – enhances water healing practices (including H.A.D.O.)     Chrysocolla – instills respect for the Earth’s bodies of water White Coral – encourages communal tending of waterways and water sources Creedite – connects you to the energy of the water element to wash away feelings and thoughts that need to be released Dumortierite – connects you to the energy of the water element so that you are better able to “go with the flow” Blue Fluorite – connects you to the energy of the water element for cleansing, emotional healing, etc. Fossilized Echinoid (Sea Urchin) – enhances your connection to the water element Iolite – used to navigate the sea, this stone helps you find direction when you feel swept away by the current of life Gary Green Jasper (Petrified Bog Wood) – it took ages for this stone to form so it encapsulates the idea that good things take time and reminds you that you must have patience     Blue Kyanite – a powerful energetic cleanser Lapis Lazuli – helps you recognize the powerful microcosm-macrocosm relationship of the water within your body and your cells in relation to all the water here on earth
3/26/202430 minutes, 29 seconds
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Best Crystals for Aries Season

Aries season is here! This astrological season, you may feel a bit preoccupied with what others think about you. Even if you're typically grounded in more practical matters, your self-image may feel quite important to you this month. As we dive into Aries season (March 21 - April 19), the focus shifts to developing your sense of courage and inner strength. Discover more about this special time, and some of the best crystals for Aries season to use in your healing practice... Perhaps you want to put your best foot forward or make a good impression, but be aware of any unchecked self-confidence struggles or self-worth issues that are surfacing. The right crystals can help you shift your focus to courage, bravery and inner strength to address these self-worth issues head on. Working with your crystals to call in this energetic support will be incredibly helpful in making any necessary shifts. Working with the following Aries-aligned stones aligns you with the current celestial energies and is an excellent way to enhance the positive aspects of this astrological phase while balancing its challenges. Aries Season Correspondences:   Dates: March 21 - April 19 Symbol: The Ram Ruling Planet: Mars Modality: Cardinal (Outgoing - related to imagination, resourcefulness, and talent) Element: Fire (Click Here to learn more about working with Elemental Crystals) The Body: Head (Neck, Face, Crown) Keywords: Adventure, Courage, Determination Aries Season Gifts: Bravery, Enthusiasm, Flexibility, Honesty, Leadership, New Beginnings, Outgoing, Strength, Willpower Aries Season Challenges: Arrogance, Fiery Emotions, Impulsiveness, Jealousy, Rashness Best Crystals for Aries Season: During Aries season, select crystals that amplify courage, personal power, and confidence. It’s important to note that Zodiac crystals are a little different than birthstones (more on that here). You can work with the following crystals to enhance or balance the energies of Aries season. Whether enhancing positivity or addressing challenges by balancing out the more difficult energetic aspects of Aries, these stones are the best companions for the celestial journey ahead.     Apricot Botswana Agate Fire Agate Amber Bloodstone Carnelian Citrine White Diamond Yellow Diamond Red Pyrope Garnet Heliodor (Yellow Beryl) Mookaite Jasper Red Jasper Lava Rock Mahogany Obsidian Pyrite Clear Quartz Pyrite-Included Quartz Golden Rutilated Quartz Smoky Quartz Rhodochrosite Ruby (Red Corundum) Red Spinel Vanadinite Top 3 Crystals for Aries Season: Lava Rock: Lava Rock aligns well with the energy of Aries season. It provides a great boost of self-confidence, especially when you're feeling self-conscious in unfamiliar group settings. This stone helps you feel comfortable in your own skin. Lava Rock helps you draw on your inner strength to take control of any internal thoughts that may be impacting your sense of self-worth. Red Pyrope Garnet: This crystal is known for its association with courage and bravery. If you’ve been letting your focus get preoccupied with how you stack up to others rather than focusing on your own strengths and gifts, you can reach for a Pyrope Garnet to help you ditch the unproductive comparisons. Though it's natural to compare yourself to someone you know or admire, if these thoughts become unhelpful, Red Garnet can encourage you to be brave, authentic, and just be yourself. Ruby: This red variety of Corundum is filled with fiery, passionate energy. Working with this stone can help you overcome mindset blocks that may be keeping you from recognizing your true worth. This is especially useful for those in positions of leadership or for folks in the spotlight. Ruby helps you overcome negative self-thinking so you shine your inner light with confidence and ease.   Best Crystals for Aries’ Ruling Planet (Mars):
3/13/202426 minutes, 42 seconds
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Best Crystals for Pisces Season

Pisces season is here! This astrological season offers you the opportunity to embrace more creativity and compassion with the help of your crystals. As we dive into Pisces season (February 20 - March 20), the focus shifts to turning inward and focusing on your spirituality. Creating space for inner reflection and soul searching will be incredibly rewarding for you during this time.    After Aquarius season, where communication was key, you'll now find that Pisces' connection with the water element will heighten both your emotions and your intuition. This can be productive for air, water, and earth signs, or for those who are very in tune with their intuition, but fire signs may find this period challenging as it often brings the shadow side to the surface.     Working with the following Pisces-aligned stones aligns you with the current celestial energies and is an excellent way to enhance the positive aspects of this astrological phase while balancing its challenges.   Pisces Season Correspondences:   Dates: February 20 - March 20 Symbol: Two Fish Swimming in Opposite Directions, connected by a cord or rope Ruling Planet: Neptune Modality: Mutable (Open to Change - related to adaptation, intuition, and acceptance) Element: Water (Click Here to learn more about working with Elemental Crystals) The Body: Feet (Ankles, Heels, and Toes) Keywords: Change, Influence Pisces Season Gifts: Creativity, Compassion, Generosity, Kindness, Romance, Wellness Pisces Season Challenges: Emotional Volatility, Insecurity, Reactivity   Best Crystals for Pisces Season: During Pisces season, select crystals that amplify connection, empathy, and creation. It’s important to note that Zodiac crystals are a little different than birthstones (more on that here). You can work with the following crystals to enhance or balance the energies of Pisces season. Whether enhancing positivity or addressing challenges by balancing out the more difficult energetic aspects of Pisces, these stones are the best companions for the celestial journey ahead.       Afghanite Blue Lace Agate Amazonite Amethyst Aquamarine Blue Aventurine Bloodstone Caribbean Blue Calcite White Calcite Chrysocolla Indigo Gabbro Garnierite Blue Kyanite Larimar Rainbow Moonstone White Moonstone Black Obsidian Boulder Opal Black Pearl White Pearl Aqua Aura Quartz Selenite Blue Tourmaline (also known as Indicolite)   Top 3 Crystals for Pisces Season: Amazonite: This stone carries the energy of the water element and helps you tap into your emotions as a source of strength. Amazonite assists with releasing stagnant emotional energy that’s blocking you from reaching new levels of spiritual connection. Work with this crystal to let go of things that no longer serve you. This crystal helps you remain patient, compassionate, and full of self-love if you encounter any shadow side issues during Pisces Season.   Aqua Aura Quartz: This stone is an intense emotional balancer (in a good way!). If you let the previous Aquarius season vibes take you on an emotional rollercoaster, this crystal helps you regain control of the situation and mellow things out during Pisces Season. It’s not about dulling your feelings though; instead, it’s about choosing to feel in a way that lifts you up or that supports you. Larimar: This gem, known as the Dolphin Stone, helps you ride the energetic (and often emotionally-challenging) waves of the Pisces Moon with poise. It enhances your intuition, so reach for this stone if you need some guidance from the Universe.   Best Crystals for Pisces’ Ruling Planet (Neptune): Each sign of the Zodiac is represented, or ruled, by a planet. This Ruling Planet is the planet that is held to have a particular influence over its corresponding sign of the zodiac, house, aspect of life, etc.
3/5/202426 minutes, 42 seconds
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Tucson Gem Show Guide: Crystal Expert’s Top Tips & Treasures

You may (or may not) know this about me, but in addition to teaching classes with the Love & Light School, I also own a crystal shop here in Madison, Wisconsin. Each year, I travel to the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show for my shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, with a small team — myself, my shop manager, and our shipping manager — to pick out some amazing crystal treasures from across the globe. Big shows like this can be intimidating, so I've put together this helpful Tucson Gem Show Guide to use when attending! Last year, I wrote a short article with some Tucson Gem Show Tips and some helpful information about spotting crystal fakes, but with more and more people starting their own crystal shops (either in-person or online), I have been getting more questions than ever about how it all works! This year, I've broken down our entire experience into a handy Tucson Gem Show guide, to give you a look behind the curtain at the show, or help you plan your own trip!   2024 Tucson Gem Show Highlights: Before we dig into the specifics of how to shop a show like Tucson, I thought I’d share some notable highlights from the 2024 show: Favorite Crystal Find: Quartz with Epidote Druze from Turkey (Forest Epidote) Best-Quality Gems: Garden Quartz from Brazil (it was off the charts this year!) Most Unexpected Find: Brilliant cerulean Blue Opal from Peru Most Expensive Thing: Weardale Fluorite from the UK Best Value: Gorgeous Rainbow Petrified Wood Palm Stones Most Beautiful Find: Rhodochrosite rosettes on Rhodochrosite and Quartz druze form Peru Most Outrageous Fake: Composite Lepidolite made by binding together chips with plastic Best Jewelry Item: HUGE Manifestation Quartz Pendants Popular Trends: Interesting mineral specimens of all types (clusters are in!) Declining Trends: Mass-produced towers of all types (multiple vendors reported a huge decline in sales) Best New Vendor: From the Mines (Sustainable & Fair Trade Minerals) And with that little wrap-up, let’s dig into our Tucson Gem Show strategy from start to finish! Travel Planning for the Tucson Gem Show: We usually start planning and preparations for the Tucson Show in November or December (the show begins in late January, so this gives us a month or two to make our plans). This is when we book our airfare, rental car, and house for our trip. There’s quite a bit to consider about each of these things when planning your travel… Booking Airfare: After many years of going to the show, we have learned to give ourselves as much space as possible with our flights to make the most of our time in Tucson. On the way out, we catch an early flight (the day before one of the biggest shows opens up), so we have time to settle in (more about that later). On the way home, however, we book a late afternoon flight so we have time to run any last-minute errands, squeeze in some extra shopping, and get to the airport with minimal stress and lots of time to spare. I'd also highly recommend giving yourself extra space for any layovers you may have so you don't miss your connecting flights. We missed our flight this year due to mechanical issues with our flight and got stuck overnight in Dallas (which was very expensive!). Booking a Rental Car: The Tucson Gem Show is one place where having a bigger vehicle comes in handy. We usually rent a small to mid-sized SUV so we have lots of space for hauling minerals and luggage. With 3 of us attending the show, we need the luggage space getting from the airport to our rented house, and there are always a couple of days when we shop so heavily that nearly every free inch of the car is filled with boxes of crystals. We typically rent a hybrid vehicle to save on gas, but a big car is a must for our little team. Renting a House: The first few years I went to the Tucson show, we stayed in a motel. Looking back I don’t know how we did it. It was cramped, impractical, and made it hard to enjoy our time at the show....
2/8/202456 minutes, 52 seconds
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Can I Learn Crystal Healing Online? | Love & Light School Reviews

Once you've made the decision to pursue crystal healing certification, you may feel like you've opened the doors to a whole new set of questions & considerations regarding your options. Probably one of the most common questions I receive from prospective students is: Is it really possible to learn crystal healing online? A few times per year, the behind-the-scenes activities of the school build up to a frenzied pace as we prepare to welcome in a new round of students for our Crystal Healing Certification Program. I absolutely love the excitement of this time and I start looking forward to connecting with new students…hearing their excitement about the program, answering their thoughtful questions, and learning from the stories and crystal experiences they share with our community. And although many of our students enroll right when we open the doors to the program, we also receive lots of questions this time of year from folks who are excited and curious to learn crystal healing, but wonder if an online program is really the right fit for them. Maybe you’ve even wondered about this yourself.  With the popularity of crystal healing for personal well-being and healing arts businesses, plus the rise of online certification programs, many people wonder if virtual crystal training provides them with the same value and learning potential as an in-person classroom setting. So…if you find yourself asking, “Can I really learn crystal healing online?” here are some things I’ve learned offering online classes and programs over the past 17 years…   Online training offers benefits like: Flexibility - You can take classes according to your schedule. You can choose when you work on your classes based on the best time of day or your weekly time commitment (and you can make changes if the need arises without getting behind). Accessibility - Online classes are more accessible because they can be done from home so there’s no need to travel. Additionally, class materials are available in a wide variety of formats to suit different learning styles and may make them a better option for disabled students. Convenience - Both the flexibility and accessibility of online classes create a level of convenience that’s unmatched compared to in-person classes and training. Online courses save you time and allow you to learn from the comfort of your own home. Even with these benefits, you may still be wondering if an online crystal healing certification is right for you. You may have doubts or fears about whether or not you’d have a positive experience in an online environment. We’ve been offering online classes for nearly 20 years, so we know these fears can get in the way of going for something you really want! If you feel excited and passionate about crystals and you want to learn more, but you’re feeling uncertain because of something (or lots of somethings), let’s dive into the reasons why opting to learn crystal healing online might work better for you than you think. “How will I stay organized and disciplined in my studies if I’m learning crystal healing online?”   Many students question whether or not they’ll stick with their online classes (or if they’ll even start at all!). Maybe you’ve signed up for something in the past and you haven’t seen it through, or you feel like you have a track record of not finishing what you started. I’ve been there too. Which means…I know exactly where you’re most likely to become stuck, and I have some tools to keep you motivated and moving forward with your studies! Create Success Through Balance: Perhaps one of the biggest concerns new students face when it comes to online learning is personal accountability. It’s natural to wonder, “If I’m not showing up physically to a classroom, on a set schedule, will I be able to hold myself accountable for keeping up with classes and assignments?” If you really need a little nudge to get back into the...
2/1/202417 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Celebrate Imbolc | Crystals, Rituals and Card Spread

Each year as we approach Imbolc, I feel something stirring within me, I’m not sure if it’s just the excitement and anticipation of Spring after a long, cold winter here in Wisconsin, or if there’s something more behind it. It’s a sort of yearning to reconnect with the land after spending so much time indoors. Even as I write this we’re in the midst of a big winter snowstorm, and thinking about the year’s first blooms, the sound of the birds, and the squelch of the ground beneath my feet after the spring thaw, all feel so far away. Yet I can’t seem to pull my mind from thoughts of these things. The little signs that Spring is here always feel palpable. But between the awe of the winter wonderland I enjoy at Solstice and the first warm days when the world seems to come back alive, is one of my favorite holidays…Imbolc. Imbolc is the first of the cross-quarter days, and marks the very beginning of spring (the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox). A celebration of hearth and home, Imbolc is the perfect time to hold space for renewal, fertility, purification, rebirth, hope, growth, planning, and new beginnings. Imbolc is also when you release what no longer serves you, shedding darker days behind to make room for new growth. To share some inspiration with you this season, I’ve rounded up the following useful resources about how to celebrate Imbolc:   Imbolc & the Wheel of the Year Article: This article delves into the significance of Imbolc, a celebration in the Wheel of the Year marking the transition from winter to spring. The Wheel of the Year, representing the cycles of light and dark, is a tool for connecting with natural cycles and understanding personal growth. Imbolc, celebrated on February 1st, signifies the first hint of spring. Energies associated with Imbolc are renewal, fertility, purification, and new beginnings. The article provides insights into the traditions, symbols, and deities linked to Imbolc, emphasizing the connection to the Goddess Brigid, a symbol of light, fire, and fertility. It concludes with suggestions for how to celebrate Imbolc, including feasting, divination, planting seeds, and connecting with the energy of the sun. If you want to embrace the Imbolc season, the article serves as a comprehensive guide to the rituals, traditions, and deeper spiritual meaning associated with this important seasonal celebration.   Imbolc Altar Cloth and Crystal Set: This cotton altar cloth features an exclusive Imbolc design featuring my digital collage artwork! Use this cloth to decorate your Imbolc altar and celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year. You can also add three of my favorite Imbolc crystals: tumbled Amethyst, tumbled Infinite Serpentine, and rough Pyrite, to enhance your connection to this sacred season.   Crystals & A Card Spread for Imbolc Article: This article provides insight into practical, hands-on ways to celebrate Imbolc. I suggest specific crystals, such as Red Garnet, Carnelian, and Pyrite, to work with during this time. Each stone carries symbolic meanings related to the returning warmth and energy. Additionally, I share a sacred, Imbolc Card Spread for introspection and guidance during this period. The seasonal spread covers aspects of foundation, direction, growth, and illumination. Use this spread to uncover hidden influences, regain clarity, focus on personal growth, and receive Universal messages.   FREE Goddess Brigid Coloring Pages: Celebrate Imbolc with these 3 FREE printable coloring pages to honor Goddess Brigid! These coloring pages (hand-drawn by me!) include images of the Goddess Brigid, a Corn Dolly, and a Brigid’s cross. You can print these pages at home and color as an act of devotion or meditation. Corn dollies are often made in her image and are called “Little Bride’s.” Brigid’s Crosses are woven each Imbolc and hung in the home as a symbol of protection, fertility, abundance, and blessings.
1/23/202437 minutes, 6 seconds
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Best Crystals for Aquarius Season

Aquarius season is here! This astrological season offers you the opportunity to embrace more freedom and joy with the help of your crystals. As we dive into Aquarius season (January 21 - February 19), the focus shifts to cultivating joy and allowing your authentic personality to shine through. Your energy, words, and actions can be a catalyst for inspiring others and supporting those in need of your connection and companionship.    After the busy pace of Capricorn season, now is the time to slow things down, savor moments of quality time with your loved ones, and let your communication skills flourish. Nurturing these relationships allows you to show others just how much you care about them. Communication is an important area of focus during Aquarius season, so, put your energy toward communicating clearly, sharing your ideas with others, and fostering the relationships that are most important to you.     Working with the following Aquarius-aligned stones aligns you with the current celestial energies and is an excellent way to enhance the positive aspects of this astrological phase while balancing its challenges.     Aquarius Season Correspondences:   Dates: January 21 - February 19 Symbol: The Water Bearer Ruling Planet: Uranus Modality: Fixed (Resistant to Change - related to determination, focus, and individuality) Element: Air (Click Here to learn more about working with Elemental Crystals) The Body: Legs and Hips Keywords: Communication, Compassion, Fairness, Freedom, Inspiration, Joy, Logic, Nurturing, Unconventionality, Wit Aquarius Season Gifts: Friendship, Intellect, Loyalty, Teamwork Aquarius Season Challenges: Detachment, Stubbornness, Separation, Distance in Relationships   Best Crystals for Aquarius Season: During Aquarius season, select crystals that amplify joy, communication, and personal expression. It’s important to note that Zodiac crystals are a little different than birthstones (more on that here). You can work with the following crystals to enhance or balance the energies of Aquarius season. Whether enhancing positivity or addressing challenges by balancing out the more difficult energetic aspects of Aquarius, these stones are the best companions for the celestial journey ahead.     Blue Lace Agate River Agate Amazonite Amethyst Chevron Amethyst Ametrine Angelite Aquamarine Azurite Bloodstone Aqua Calcite Cavansite Celestite Blue Chalcedony Cross Stone Blue Fluorite Rainbow Fluorite Red Pyrope Garnet Labradorite Lepidolite Mica Black Moonstone Pumice Blue Quartz Himalayan Salt Turquoise   Top 3 Crystals for Aquarius Season:   Blue Fluorite: This crystal is associated with the Air element, so it’s naturally well-suited to Aquarius energy. Blue Fluorite promotes mental clarity which can support you during Aquarius’ emphasis on communication. It’s a great companion stone if you often struggle to find the right words or if you find it challenging to communicate in difficult or uncomfortable conversations. This stone can support you as you try to keep things light and uplift others.     Blue Lace Agate: This stone enhances feelings of hope and optimism, which is useful for the joyous and inspiring energy of Aquarius. Furthermore, it encourages you to speak with purpose and can assist you in clearly expressing complex ideas. Since Aquarius season is a time to focus on friends and family, Blue Lace Agate makes an excellent companion due to its ability to foster harmony and group cooperation. This stone provides a calming influence that helps you feel at ease, even in large groups. It’s also helpful for making new connections and for building your social network. Celestite: This crystal helps you tap into the energies of Aquarius’ ruling planet, Uranus. Celestite helps you tune into guidance from your guides,
1/18/202435 minutes, 49 seconds
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A Crystal for Confidence | Sunstone’s Healing Properties

Calling all introverts ... Meet powerful and radiant Sunstone, your new crystal for confidence.
11/1/202334 minutes, 42 seconds
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Best Crystals for the Seasons

Selecting crystals for the seasons is all about trusting your intuition and considering the emotions each season evokes in you. Then it's as simple as matching these feelings with crystals that reflect the same energy.
10/25/202322 minutes, 1 second
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Do I Need to be Certified to be a Crystal Healer?

It's perfectly natural to wonder, well, do I need a certification to learn about crystals? And the answer might surprise you.
9/24/202318 minutes, 49 seconds
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Healing Properties of Turquoise: A Crystal for Connecting with Spirit

The healing properties of turquoise are powerful. It helps to remove negativity and encourage you to live in the moment. Feel your mind become clear in its presence.
9/17/202314 minutes, 59 seconds
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An Introduction to Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry is an extremely complicated, detailed subject that's hard to deal with in an article of any kind of reasonable length.
9/11/202325 minutes, 41 seconds
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Healing Properties of Vera Cruz Amethyst: A Crystal for Spiritual Growth

The healing properties of Vera Cruz Amethyst are powerful and abundant. This stone will connect you to your higher self, promote spiritual growth, and more!
9/4/202318 minutes, 2 seconds
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Why am I Drawn to Some Crystals More than Others?

Ever felt mysteriously drawn to a certain crystal or stone? It’s HIGHLY likely that the crystal you're feeling drawn to represents an energy that you need in your life right now. There’s a wonderful quote by the Persian poet and scholar, Rumi, that says, “What you seek, is seeking you.” In my experience of working with people and crystals, I’ve observed this to be true time and time again.   When there's something in your life that feels like it's missing or something that really needs your focus and attention, then often there's a special stone that draws you in...almost calling to you, to support you in this work.  If you’re seeking to heal or balance some aspect of your life, a helpful crystal companion will often appear at just the right time - showing you the path to transformation and wholeness. These crystals often come into your life to help you create rapid shifts in your well-being. For example, for the first many years of my crystal journey, I just didn't seem to connect with Rose Quartz at all. It's not that I disliked the stone, it just didn't really capture my attention and I thought it was a little boring. But after my grandmother passed away and I was processing a lot of grief and deeply missing her, I found myself drawn to Rose Quartz like a magnet. There was something so soothing and supportive about its energy and I connected with it in a very deep and meaningful way. I didn't understand for a few weeks why it had suddenly captured my attention, but then I realized how much I was missing my grandma - her support, compassion, love, and care - and Rose Quartz came to my aid to help comfort and soothe me during a very difficult time. I often hear from people who have had these experiences and then later feel sad when their crystal “doesn’t feel how it used to” or they feel like they just "don’t connect with the stone the same way.” Does this sound familiar? Well, in my experience, that’s because once the stone has done its job and the energy is no longer needed by you in the same way it was before, your connection to the stone (that feeling of being called to or drawn in by its energy) feels different.  It may even feel like the connection no longer exists at all.  But don’t worry!  This is a GOOD thing.   Feeling like this means most likely means that you’ve transformed and re-aligned the part of you that REALLY needed the supportive energy that the crystal was offering you. Now that you've created the needed shift, your crystal is either ready to do its thing all over again or to take a little rest. I realized after working with Rose Quartz over the course of a few months, that a time came when I just didn't feel as called to work with it as I had in the past. I was still very much grieving the loss of my grandma, but Rose Quartz had been such a helpful ally that it really helped me work through some of the toughest times. It became clear that I didn't need that same level of support anymore and it was ok to let go of my connection to my Rose Quartz companions. This didn't mean that my relationship with these stones was over because I knew I could always return to them if I found myself needing their support again. So what should you do with your stones once the connection fades? If you do still feel connected to the stone, even if it wasn’t as strong as when you were going through your big transformation, then you can hang onto it and keep it in your crystal healing toolkit. But if you want to pay it forward and share this energy with another person, you may like to consider giving the crystal as a gift and pass it along to someone else in need. So, if you find yourself being drawn to a specific crystal - LISTEN! It's likely for a very good (and deeply meaningful) reason. When you’re learning how to work with your stones and deepen your crystal connection, becoming familiar with the foundational techniques of crystal energy can be really helpful.
8/27/202321 minutes, 15 seconds
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Healing Properties of Peridot: A Crystal for Energetic Protection

Peridot is a beautiful lime-green stone that is excellent for shielding your energy field. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Peridot: “Feel my energy shield you from harm and negativity.  Know that you are a strong and powerful being.  Allow yourself to be surrounded in my healing light and feel your body, mind, and spirit come into perfect alignment."   Common Healing Properties of Peridot: Enhances energetic protection and shields the energy body Disintegrates negative energy from the aura Creates balance among the body, mind, and spirit Assists you with organization Enhances feelings of personal power Increases your self-confidence and inner strength Assists you in manifesting more abundance (financial and spiritual) Increases luck and good fortune Eases feelings of energetic or emotional tension Promotes clarity Colors: Spring green, lime green Zodiac Signs: Leo, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn Elements: Earth, Air Companion Flowers: Orchid Companion Essential Oil: Lime Companion Stone: Erythrite Common Origins: California, USA Notes: Also known as Olivine. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!   More About Peridot: Peridot (pronounced either PEAR-a-dot or PEAR-a-doe) is the gemstone variety of the mineral olivine. It is the birthstone for August. This bright green gemstone promotes personal growth and supports energetic healing. It helps to restore balance among your body, mind, and spirit so that you feel more happiness and harmony in your life. Peridot helps to support you as you determine what's most meaningful to you and what truly feels important in your life. It reveals any things that have been consuming your energy and mental bandwidth that are actually trivial or unimportant so that you can create space for more bliss and joy.   Peridot Lore: The lore of peridot has remained remarkably consistent through time. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and other cultures associated this stone with the sun. Through the dark ages, medieval times, and even into modern times, many have claimed that this solar association made Peridot the most effective crystal for protection against negative energy. Various writers throughout time have recommended Peridot for necromancers, people plagued by hauntings, and even those who were thought to be possessed by a spirit. It was also said to be a most effective stone to use to protect people against frightening things that happen at night — anything from nightmares and night terrors to sleep paralysis, which was thought to be the work of a creature called the Night Hag. Some historical sources recommended that you wear a bead of it strung on the hair of a donkey around your left arm for general protection from dark forces, or set in a donkey’s jaw to make a kind of weapon against any kind of “devil.” (One must wield this club with the left hand). If Peridot is set in metal, it was recommended that the metal should be gold, which also has solar associations. Modern crystal practitioners still recommend peridot for healers and people with psychic abilities, because of its power to protect them from negative energy that may be attached to other people. Working with Peridot: Set a vase of full freshly cut flowers in a prominent place within your sacred space and Place a piece of Peridot inside the vase. This will help you facilitate a connection to the earthy, beautiful energy of the blossoms you've included. Make some time to be present with the flowers to connect with their energy and show your gratitude for all that Mother Nature shares with you. When you’re learning how to work with your stones and deepen your crystal connection,
7/16/202319 minutes, 12 seconds
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Healing Properties of Larimar: A Crystal for Joy & Spiritual Communication

Larimar is a rare, blue variety of Pectolite and although it's massive in its outward appearance, it has a triclinic crystal system. The blue color of this stone, often mottled with white or green, resembles the ocean when glistening with sunlight.
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Healing Properties of Chrysoprase: A Crystal for Compassion & Self-Reliance

The healing properties of Chrysoprase will aid in allowing compassion to fill your heart and promote self-love and self-reliance.
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Finding Your Inner Compass with Oracle Cards: An Interview with Dana Whitby

Ashley Leavy: Welcome. I am so excited today to be chatting with the amazing Dana Whitby. Dana's been on the show several times before, but she has something super new and exciting to talk about today, so Dana, thank you so much for being here.  Dana Whitby: Oh, Ashley, thank you so much for having me back. It's an honor and a pleasure to be here.  Ashley: I always love chatting with you. You and I talk frequently on Instagram too. We're usually sending messages back and forth. Would you mind just introducing yourself to everyone in case they haven't caught 1 of our previous interviews?  Dana: Yeah, absolutely, so I like to call myself a divine messenger, and I do that through several different modalities, so I am the author of an upcoming Oracle deck, and we will get into that in just a minute, but I also am a Holy Fire Reiki master, and I am a past life regression therapist as well as a meditation teacher, and my background is actually in traditional mainstream mental health counseling, which I actually currently do. I'm also a grief therapist for children in the Charlotte area where I live and so I really love to marry and blend kind of that mainstream mental health with the spiritual, and to bring those spiritual ideas down into the physical, and how can we actually use them and make things more tangible, and make that healing something that we can sink our teeth into.  Ashley: I love the way you actually combine different modalities, and the ones that you work with kind of all gel really well together, and flow into one another, and allow you I think, to provide a lot of support for people in such a huge variety of ways. One of the favorite things that you do of mine is your Instagram stories where you do choose a card like A or B, and it's really fun to see how much those messages resonate because I think one thing that's interesting about card reading and you mentioned you have a new Oracle deck coming out soon. It's available for pre-order. It's the inner compass oracle. It is gorgeous, like absolutely beautiful.  I've seen you use it a few times on stories, you're sharing some of the cards, but I love when you offer those pick a card stories because you really see your unique view, and insight into the cards kind of shine through when you're providing that interpretation, and that's something that I so appreciate in fact, on more than 1 occasion when I've come across one of those stories of yours, and it has really, really resonated. I've screenshotted what you said, and written it into my journal entry for that day because it has been so impactful, so I would love to know a little bit about how you made the transition or the leap from reading cards as part of the practice that you do overall into creating and designing your own deck.  Dana: Yeah, and first of all, thank you so much for your kind words. I love to do that because even though it's a collective message, it still does somehow have a resonance for everyone who sees it, so I actually started by writing a book. I thought that I would put some of the healing work that I had done with clients in, again, both mainstream mental health, and kind of the spiritual world into a book to really help people, and I got about five thousand words in, and I hit this wall. I just had nothing else to write. Nothing was coming to me and I had to just kind of back away from it a little bit, and spend some time just not working on it, and sitting in meditation and it came to me one day that this was actually an Oracle deck.  I have loved and used Oracle and tarot since I was a teenager in the late 90s. They have always been a love of mine. They were my first entry point into the spiritual world. Cards are something I use all the time and so it felt like a coming home to myself. It kind of felt like this moment of like, "Of course, why would I think it was a book? Of course, it's an Oracle deck." So I took that book apart and broke it down into the differ...
5/3/202343 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Dress a Crystal Ritual Candle

By dressing a candle with oils, herbs, and crystals you turn the candle into a tool for making magic.
4/25/202326 minutes, 8 seconds
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Which Crystals are Best for Your Zodiac Sign?

Which crystals will balance your zodiac? Knowing the best crystals for zodiac signs are is vital to enhancing the power of your element.
4/9/202319 minutes, 28 seconds
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Healing Properties of Chrysocolla: A Crystal for Earth Energy

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Chrysocolla: “I open myself to receive the gifts of health, wealth, and happiness that the universe has in store for me."
3/30/202317 minutes, 59 seconds
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Top 5 Crystals for Your Toolkit PLUS Behind the Scenes of Nicholas Pearson’s New Book Release!

I'm thrilled to be interviewing Nicholas Pearson. You may know him from previous interviews we’ve done, or maybe you have some of his amazing books that we'll be talking about. 
3/19/202342 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to Cleanse with a Selenite Wand

Properly cleansing yourself, your stones, and your space goes a long way toward ensuring a positive outcome from your crystal work.
2/13/202321 minutes, 6 seconds
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Why Won’t My Stones Work Anymore? Tips for Connecting to Crystal Energy

Why won't my stones work? If your crystals didn't work one time, it doesn't mean they DON'T or WON'T work for you again in the future.
2/6/202324 minutes, 30 seconds
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Tucson Gem Show Tips & Spotting Crystal Fakes

The Tucson Gem Show is one of the largest gem shows in the world. Here's my tips for attending and spotting Crystal Fakes.
1/30/202340 minutes, 49 seconds
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Crystals for Celebrating Goddess Brigid at Imbolc

Brigid’s connection with Imbolc is no coincidence. Her presence is felt at this time of year when the days of winter are behind us and we welcome in the warmth of spring.
1/23/202333 minutes, 4 seconds
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Healing Properties of Golden Imperial Topaz: A Crystal for Shining Your Inner Light

Imperial Topaz is a Soft yellow-gold crystal, most commonly from Brazil, that is sometimes heated to enhance its color. Rarely, it may also appear peachy-pink! A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Golden Imperial Topaz: “I am a stone of ancient wisdom.  I connect you with the knowledge of your ancestors and open your mind to new ideas and ways of being.  Feel your mind expand and become one with the universal source."     Common Healing Properties of Golden Imperial Topaz: Brings the universal light into the energy body (the aura) Encourages self-reflection Enhances meditation Facilitates spiritual exploration Encourages world travel and the understanding of other cultures Promotes clear and direct communication Instills hope and optimism Enhances your understanding of ancient wisdom Aids in forgiving oneself as well as others Boosts physical energy Encourages open-mindedness Facilitates ancestral connection Enhances compassion Colors: Soft yellow-gold, Deep amber, Orange, Yellow-Orange Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius Elements: Fire, Earth Companion Flowers: Yellow Iris Companion Essential Oil: Myrrh Companion Stone: Prasiolite (Green Amethyst) Common Origins: Brazil Notes: This stone is a popular November birthstone. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites! More About Golden Topaz: Golden topaz was one of the first crystals discovered and used by humans, prized for its connection with the sun. It’s also known as one of the “Sunday Gemstones” both because its color associates it with the sun, and because this spiritual stone is traditionally valued for lifting curses (so it's connected with the holy day of Sunday). Its oldest known use is for protection by turning away the evil eye, and ever since it has been associated with just about anything related to healing the eyes. For instance Saint Hildegard von Bingen went so far as to claim that a piece of topaz taken into a dark chapel would give off so much light, you could even read a prayer book by it! She also recommended a crystal elixir of sorts for eye ailments: topaz soaked in wine and applied to the eyelids, with the leftover wine used as an eyewash over the next few days. Historically, Topaz was said to have another odd power. When placed in anything poisonous, it was said to become invisible (Don't try this at home!). In the modern day, people still see Topaz as a stone of light that can surround us with a golden and spiritual glow. This sunny crystal is also known to be useful for spiritual development. One way to work with this stone: Golden topaz is an excellent stone to wear in jewelry since it can improve both your energy level and your mood. Pin It! Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
1/8/202320 minutes, 7 seconds
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Crystals for New Beginnings in the New Year

The new year is a common time to make big changes and set the stage for transformation and new beginnings. Most of us have grandiose plans at first but quickly slip back into old habits. So how can you be sure to stick with your plans and stay on track with your goals to start fresh in the new year? With crystals of course!   Crystals work great along with your intentions for helping you reach your goals. For example, Rhodonite is a fantastic stone for new beginnings.  To start a new routine in the new year, simply reach for a piece of Rhodonite and hold it in your hands. Close your eyes and think about exactly what you’d like to do differently in the new year.  Visualize it in great detail - is it a new wellness routine, a commitment to read a book per week, or quitting a habit?  See it as clearly as possible, as if you can see it playing like a movie in your mind’s eye.   Once you’ve been able to visualize this new routine, hold the crystal over your heart for a moment to show your gratitude to the stone. Your stone has now been imprinted, or programmed, with the information from your visualization.   Once you’ve programmed your stone, simply carry it with you, in your purse, pocket, or handbag.   Any time you feel yourself begin to stray from your new routine, just reach for your stone for a bit of support and a reminder of that good feeling you had during your visualization, as well as a reminder of what you're working toward and why it's important to you.  This will help ensure that your good intentions for creating new beginnings keep their momentum the whole year through. Since you’ll be carrying your stone throughout the day, you’ll need to be sure to cleanse it frequently.  One of the simplest methods of cleansing is to pass it through the smoke of burning herbs like rosemary, mugwort, or lavender.   A great alternative method to smoke-cleansing your stones is to ring a bell or sound a chime near your crystal.  Sound is a powerful cleanser of energy and is quick, simple, and convenient. For more ideas, see this article on other common crystal cleansing methods. And while you're taking some time to cleanse your stones, you might want to cleanse your space while you're at it. By allowing stagnant energy to linger in your environment, you’re inadvertently telling the Universe that you’re fine with anything in your life that feels stuck.  Clearing this energy out of your space tells the Universe that you’re ready for new energy that's more aligned with your current vision and goals. Click Here to Check Out Our Classic Blog Post on Using Selenite & Black Tourmaline for Cleansing & Protecting Your Space so that you can welcome in some new energy in the New Year! Something important to remember is that new beginnings don't just magically happen. Lasting change typically requires our effort and focus. Many of us remember to do simple things like routine energy cleansing, but when it comes down to energetic self-care, it’s easy to fall short.  Quick and easy healing exercises are ideal (because you’ll actually DO them), but are they effective?  Let me put it this way, it's better to do little exercises more frequently because they are quick and easy than to put off energetic self-care because you don’t feel like you have time. It’s almost always better to be doing something than to do nothing at all – especially when it comes to your energetic well-being. Click Here to Check Out Our Classic Blog Post, “3 Tips for Self-Care with Crystals” and get your New Year’s self-care routine in place now! Want to enhance your daily crystal practice for an entire year? "Your Crystal Clear Year" is a 3 module course full of bonus meditations, classes & guides to help you connect with your crystals daily through meditations, self-care exercises, and more.Go even further with your daily, weekly and monthly crystal practice with this course! Learn More & Sign Up Here
12/19/202219 minutes, 12 seconds
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Winter Solstice: Creating a Seasonal Nature Altar for Yule

Wheel of the Year represents seasonal cycles focusing on the 4 Solar Holidays of the year (also known as the quarter days).
12/13/202226 minutes, 33 seconds
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Crystals for the Days of the Week

Wearing gemstones associated with each of the days of the week will allow you to invoke the energy of their corresponding planets and deities. The days of the week were originally named for the sun, the moon, and the five ancient known planets. These planets were associated with particular gods depending upon the culture. For example, the Greeks, the Romans, and Germanic peoples each had their own gods associated with the different days of the week. To invoke the energy of the planets or deities listed below, wear or carry one of the listed stones on the corresponding day of the week.  Wearing crystal jewelry (or keeping a stone in your pocket) in this way is considered a talisman of good luck and protection. These stones can also help you ease into your day and work through whatever the day may bring.  To further connect with the energy of the crystal, try meditating with your chosen stone, creating a crystal grid, or placing the stone in a prominent position on your altar or in your sacred space. Correspondences for the Days of the Week: Monday (Moon’s Day): Deities: Selene, Artemis, Hecate, Mani, Luna Stones: Selenite, Pearl, Moonstone, Silver, Blue Kyanite Keywords: Intuitive, Emotional, Feminine, Receptive Celestial Body: Moon  Tuesday (Tiu’s Day): Deities: Mars, Aries, Tyr/Tiu Stones: Ruby, Red Garnet, Red Jasper, Carnelian, Sardonyx Keywords: Warrior, Passionate, Motivated Celestial Body: Mars Wednesday (Woden’s Day): Deities: Mercury, Hermes, Odin/Woden Stones: Green Nephrite Jade, Turquoise, Amazonite, Blue Topaz, Chrysocolla Keywords: Trickster, Scientist, Inventor, Healthy Celestial Body: Mercury Thursday (Thor’s Day): Deities: Jupiter, Zeus, Thor Stones: Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Amethyst Keywords: Leader, Spiritual Seeker, Wisdom Keeper, Traveler Celestial Body: Jupiter  Friday (Freya’s Day): Deities: Venus, Aphrodite, Freya/Frigga Stones: Emerald, Copper, Chrysoprase, Rose Quartz, Pink Tourmaline Keywords: Loving, Beautiful, Gentle Celestial Body: Venus  Saturday (Saturn’s Day): Deities: Saturn, Kronos/Cronus Stones: Black Tourmaline, Brazilian Banded Agate, Jet, Shungite, Black Obsidian Keywords: Virtuous, Proud, Mysterious Celestial Body: Saturn  Sunday (Sun’s Day): Deities: Apollo, Helios, Sol Stones: Sunstone, Imperial Golden Topaz, Gold, Amber, Heliodor Keywords: Brave, Masculine, Dominant Celestial Body: Sun  Want to enhance your daily crystal practice for an entire year? "Your Crystal Clear Year" is a 3 module course full of bonus meditations, classes & guides to help you connect with your crystals daily through meditations, self-care exercises, and more.Go even further with your daily, weekly and monthly crystal practice with this course! Learn More & Sign Up Here  Another interesting way to use these stones is to find out on which day of the week you were born and use the corresponding stone as a personal talisman.   For example, I was born on a Friday, Freya’s Day.  Something fascinating happens when we are born into this world, and the cosmos imprints that energy onto our spirit from the moment we are born.  If you embrace that energy and tap into the strength it can give you, you can create and do amazing things. So, if I wanted to strengthen my understanding of the archetypal energy of love and beauty, enhance my connection to Venus (or Aphrodite or Freya), or utilize the positive aspects of the planet Venus, I would carry or wear an Emerald, Copper, Chrysoprase, Rose Quartz, or Pink Tourmaline at all times as a personal talisman. Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
11/30/202221 minutes, 9 seconds
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Crystals & A Card Spread for Insight at Samhain

Samhain (pronounced the Gaelic way, SAH-win) is celebrated on October 31. This holiday marks the beginning of the dark half of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere and is the perfect time to hold space for ancestor connection, intuition, the thinning of the veil, death, introspection, rebirth, divination, and honoring the dead! It's a day to connect with ancestors and honor those who have passed on. Samhain is also an introspective time that can heighten intuition & divination, and call for meditation on death and rebirth.  Three of my favorite crystals to work with on and around Samhain are: Black Moonstone - A darkly reflective crystal perfect for promoting intuition and personal insight. Use it wisely when you're ready to ask big questions this month. Sangre Calcite - This deep red calcite is a powerful fire element symbol that makes it a great helper for vitality and motivation in the colder months. Howlite - This stone is associated with the world of dreams and that which lies "beyond the veil," making it a good complement for connection with ancestors and the spirit realm.   Suggested Crystals for Samhain: Black Obsidian Bloodstone Black Moonstone Black Onyx Carnelian Hagstone Howlite Jet Red Garnet Red Sangre Calcite Shungite Smoky Quartz Snowflake Obsidian Samhain Symbols: Ale or Mead Pumpkin Skull Besom or Broom Beans Cauldron Bat Key Squash Pomegranate Nuts Apples & Cider Bones Suggested Herbs for Samhain: Angelica Catnip Cinnamon Mandrake Mugwort Rose Hips Rosemary Vervain Wormwood Samhain is Also Known As/Related To: Halloween All Hallows Eve Calan Graeaf Ancestor Night Third Harvest Final Harvest Day of the Dead Witch's New Year Sauin Bonfire Night All Saints' Day All Souls' Day Celtic New Year If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you'll be celebrating the festival of Beltain today instead of Samhain to keep with the seasonal cycles.  Open yourself up to the messages of illumination at this time of the Fire Festival of Samhain with a Sacred Card Spread!   This reading will cover 6 aspects of the Final Harvest and shift into the Celtic New Year with highly specific info to help you: Uncover hidden influences that are affecting the events in your life and navigate the thin, mystical spaces Hear messages from the universe specific to your unique spiritual path, intuition, and connection to your ancestors or guides Look into what you need to focus on now on your soul path by gaining insight into what to sow and cultivate now until the light returns   Interpreting Card #1 What are you harvesting now from the energy of this past year? This card helps summarize your journey over the past year and what has ripened and is now ready for harvest. Think of all you've been working to grow and create in your life - now is the time to reap the rewards of your efforts and call in the harvest. Interpreting Card #2 What should you sow and cultivate from now until the time when the light returns at Imbolc? Now that you've called in the harvest and completed a cycle, what would you most like to sow the seeds of in this moment? What will serve you best in the coming year? The energy you focus on now will begin to show itself and come back to you in big ways by Imbolc. This card may hold some hints or inspiration on what to do next. Interpreting Card #3 What should you release into the darkness and burn away in the bonfire of your soul? What needs to be released at this time? And what is no longer serving you? What is potentially holding you back from all that you'd like to embody in your life? This card is here to help you recognize and accept the things that are ready to be let go so that you can create space in your life for things that will better serve and support you in the coming year ahea...
10/23/202229 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Crystal Immersion Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Crystal Healing

I’ve developed the Crystal Immersion Method ™ of teaching, specifically to help you deepen your crystal knowledge and spiritual development through 3 key pillars of training.
9/26/202233 minutes, 4 seconds
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Crystals To Discover Your Soul Purpose

If you’re a spiritual seeker or a mystical soul, chances are you look for signs from the universe, listen to the whispers of your heart, and pay attention to the messages from your intuition.
9/19/202223 minutes, 1 second
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The Autumn Equinox – Mabon & the Wheel of the Year

The Autumn Equinox, sometimes called Mabon, is the third of the quarter days, which marks the second of the fall holidays (the mid-point between Lughnasadh and Samhain). 
9/12/202238 minutes, 43 seconds
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Working With Herbs & Crystals (PLUS How to Make Your Own Calendula Salve)

Combining the power of crystal energy with herbal plant allies is an incredible way to make some magic, find balance, and support your spiritual work.
9/5/202234 minutes
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FREE Crystal Healing Class Series – CCH Prep School 2022 is out now! (BONUS Podcast Episode)

I’m so excited to be sharing my FREE introductory crystal mini series — Certified Crystal Healer Prep School! This training offers 3 (totally free) video classes.
8/3/20229 minutes, 41 seconds
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Lughnasadh & the Wheel of the Year

Lughnasadh marks the first harvest, and is the mid-point between Litha, the Summer Solstice, and Mabon, the Autumn Equinox.
7/25/202237 minutes, 43 seconds
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6 Best Crystals for Connecting with Spirit (Plus A Crystal Meditation for Spirit Connection)

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to communicate with the spirit realm? Healing crystals can help create and strengthen your connection to the Spirit.
7/18/202237 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Make Crystal Moon Water

By preparing this crystal Moon Water essence, you can capture its energy in water to create a sacred essence that you can use for cleansing, ritual, and more!
7/11/202234 minutes, 38 seconds
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Healing Properties of Red Aventurine: A Crystal for Passion & Perseverance

Red Aventurine is a variety of massive quartz with Lepidolite Mica and Hematite inclusions that add a bit of sparkle and magic to this stone.
7/3/202220 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sacred Stone Painting: A DIY Ritual for Inner Peace & Earth Connection

Crafting itself is a way to make magic… to heal, to transform, and to connect with spirit. Some of the oldest art in the world took shape as humans painting on stone. From the cave paintings at Altamira in northern Spain to the figural paintings of Sulawesi, Indonesia, humans have been painting on stone for nearly 36,000 years!
6/28/202224 minutes, 3 seconds
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10 Best Crystals for Tarot & Oracle Card Readings

I love to use powerful crystals to enhance my other spiritual work - it makes SUCH a difference in my ability to feel physically connected to what I'm doing. The following stones are the 10 best crystals for Tarot & Oracle Card readings. Crystal oracle cards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to tap into your intuition and call forth just the message you need to get you headed in the right direction. Whether you’re having trouble making a decision, need a little clarity about a situation, or want a little support and encouragement from the universe, oracle cards are a great tool to help you create just the mindset shift you need. You can place these crystals in your sacred space or on your altar, keep them near you, hold them for their energy, or even create a grid or circle of stones around you during the reading. Crystals are such a great support to this work and can really enhance the intuitive process.     The 10 best crystals for Tarot & Oracle Card readings: 1. Angelite  Angelite has the power to invite your guides and angels in to support you during your reading so that they may provide support, wisdom, or clarity. I also find it to be really soothing, so if I'm feeling a little scattered or anxious, i's a great crystal to have on hand to get you calm and centered before you begin. 2. Amethyst Amethyst, a purple variety of quartz, helps you tap into your intuition and decipher any messages that are coming through during your reading. Have you ever pulled cards for yourself only to feel stumped when it came to actually interpreting them? Try holding an Amethyst crystal while contemplating the meaning of each card, and then of the reading as a whole for more clarity and to see the bigger picture of what this means in your life at this time. 3. Black Tourmaline Black Tourmaline has the ability to keep you safe and protect you from outside energies while you're divining. Because it helps keep you grounded during intense psychic or spiritual work, it makes a great companion stone for any form of divination. 4. Selenite Selenite will ensure that your space is clear and free from stagnant energy or outside energetic clutter, a vital part of any successful reading. When there's too much excess energy, distracted thoughts, etc. focus and interpretation become difficult. But Selenite helps you tune in so that important messages can come through loud and clear. 5. Clear Quartz Clear quartz has the power to amplify your intention of receiving guidance from your cards throughout your reading. I recommend sitting with your stone in your sacred space before beginning your reading, and setting an intention for what you'd most like to receive. Alternatively, you can work with your Clear Quartz stone to help you get more specific about the question you'd like to ask during your reading so that any messages coming through will be focused and on point. 6. Rainbow Fluorite Rainbow fluorite promotes mental clarity so that you can stay focused on what you’re doing and keep your mind from wandering during the reading. It also encourages sharp decision-making, so if you're feeling torn between two different interpretations of a particular card or message, reach for some Rainbow Fluorite to help you feel into which one is most accurate (or if both are needed!). 7. Rose Quartz Gentle but powerful Rose Quartz will remind you to stay heart-centered and compassionate during your reading. Whether you're reading for yourself or for someone else, communicating from a place of compassion is important for seeing the bigger picture and for delivering difficult messages with empathy. 8. Smoky Quartz Smoky quartz will keep you grounded, allowing you to connect to the energy of the earth while you’re tapping into the intuitive realm for your reading. It also has an amazing shielding energy. 9. Labradorite Labradorite is a stunning crystal with the power to stimulate your inner eye and activate your intuit...
6/19/202230 minutes, 42 seconds
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Litha & the Wheel of the Year

One way that I like to connect with the seasons and cycles of the earth is by tuning into The Wheel of the Year. This is a relatively new practice for me, but I'm finding the journey into exploring this way of being in flow with the seasons to be an enjoyable one! Read on to discover how you can connect more deeply with the earth's natural cycles in your spiritual practice...   The Wheel of the Year can help you tune into natural cycles and helps you internalize these outward changes in nature as reflections of the growth and evolution you experience in your own life. Living in harmony with the seasons and the ebb and flow of nature helps you to lead a more soulful life and to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself on a soul level. The Wheel of the Year helps you recognize who you are and your role in the world around you. So what is the Wheel of the Year? Separated into 8 main holidays, the Wheel of the Year represents seasonal cycles that focus on the 4 Solar Holidays of the year (also known as the quarter days). This stems from the Anglo-Saxon cultural observations of the solstices and equinoxes, with the addition of the 4 Gaelic, agrarian, seasonal celebrations (the mid-points between the solar holidays known as the lunar cross-quarter days or fire festivals). Although some of the holidays observed in the Wheel of the Year are quite old, The Wheel of the Year as a whole is fairly modern (being developed in the late 1950s). Though I don't personally follow the tradition that created the contemporary Wheel of the Year, I find it a helpful way to think about the passage of time and what's happening at each time of year. An Introduction to Litha: Litha, or the Summer Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, is the second of the quarter days (the solar festivals), which marks the second of the summer holidays (the mid-point between Beltane and Lughnasadh/Lammas). Litha is traditionally celebrated on the longest day of the year, determined by when the Earth's pole is at maximum tilt toward the sun (this date may range from June 20th-22nd each year in the Northern Hemisphere, and between December 20th-23rd in the Southern Hemisphere). From this point forward, the days will begin to grow shorter until we reach the time of equal day and night at the Autumn Equinox (Mabon), followed by the shortest day of the year at the Winter Solstice (Yule). Modern Litha celebrations stem from the contemporary Wheel of the Year, where Litha is associated with Midsummer and is celebrated as a time to revere and honor the Sun and the gifts it bestows to us here on Earth. As this day is the longest of the year, it also has the shortest night, and in some modern spiritual paths, represents the death of the Sun King. To honor the Sun King, bonfires are often lit at sunset and a vigil is kept until dawn, to ensure his return. Set up your Litha Altar with me!     Litha Crystals: Citrine Pyrite (especially Pyrite Sun formations) Sunstone Ethiopian Opal Golden Calcite Peridot Carnelian Green Nephrite Jade Heliodor Amber Golden Healer Quartz Emerald Rose Quartz Lapis Lazuli Yellow Calcite Golden Tiger's Eye   Litha Signifies the Time for: Abundance Growth Happiness Power Light Warmth Serenity Communication Connection Success Fertility Change & New Directions Trust Joy Strength Enlightenment, Divine Wisdom, & Illumination Love Magic Gentleness Celebration Boundaries Flow Blessing Creativity Healing Peace & Tranquility Acknowledgment Confidence Inner Flame Protection Emotional Expression Inner Truth Why celebrate Litha? Litha celebrates the peak of Summer and honors the light of the Sun on this, the longest day of the year.  At this time, plants are lush and full of fragrant blossoms.
6/15/202224 minutes, 42 seconds
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Can I Use These Crystals Together? Thoughts on Crystal Compatability

Ever had a moment of panic because someone told you not to use two specific types of crystals together?  Or maybe that certain crystals aren't compatible?
4/19/202222 minutes, 44 seconds
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Healing Properties of Apricot Botswana Agate: A Crystal for Peace in the Present Moment

The properties of Apricot Botswana Agate helps you tap into your emotional center so that you can release what's stuck in your energy field.
3/29/202214 minutes, 19 seconds
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Anti-Oppression Work in Wellness: An Interview with Constanza Eliana Chinea of Embody Inclusivity

We talk about the importance of Anti-Oppression Work in the spiritual community and wellness industry. This is important for practitioners, wellness-based business owners, and people of all identities to incorporate as part of their practice.
3/9/202257 minutes, 29 seconds
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11 Best Crystals for Making Magic with the Moon

The moon, being our nearest celestial body, has such a deep impact on us. Connecting with its energy can help you live in alignment and flow with nature.
2/15/202231 minutes, 50 seconds
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Healing Properties of Citrine: A Crystal for Success & Positive Energy

The healing properties of citrine are powerful and abundant. Citrine will allow you to fully embrace your courage, confidence, success, and self-worth.
2/7/202212 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Crystal Grid Recipe for Your Sacred Space

Setting up a crystal grid is a simple (but POWERFUL!) way to harness the magic of the universe, enhance your sacred space, and tap into your own energy. Here is a potent grid recipe that you can place in your space as a tabletop grid, or around the exterior of your sacred space or healing room to bring protection and peace to the area and to support your spiritual practice! But what if I don't have the right stone? Watch my video to learn how to troubleshoot this common crystal problem: Now let's create your crystal grid! First, grab these crystals for your grid. Feel free to use rough or tumbled stones: 1 piece of labradorite 4 pieces of smoky quartz 4 pieces of black tourmaline 8 pieces of selenite         If you don’t have these exact crystals, or if you don’t have them in these quantities, use your intuition to help you find suitable substitutes or to make changes to the grid. Don’t have 8 pieces of Selenite? Try a mixture of Selenite, Clear Quartz, & Scolecite instead - or reduce the number to 4 pieces. Don’t have any Smoky Quartz? Try substituting Petrified Wood. The key here is to use what you have on hand and trust your intuition. You can use all one shape (like all tumbled stones), or you can feel free to mix and match shapes and sizes as you see fit. Before placing the stones, they should be cleansed thoroughly with your preferred cleansing method - such as sound, moonlight, or water.    As you place each crystal in the grid, hold an intention of your choosing clearly in your mind. For example, “This crystal creates a protective energetic boundary.” OR “This crystal helps me feel calm and relaxed.”   Labradorite is used at the center of the grid to help connect you to your own spiritual energy. Place your crystal in a central location in your space -- such as atop your altar. Visualize the energy of the Labradorite crystal in the center of your space as a shimmering rainbow pool of energy. Take a deep breath in and feel yourself begin to absorb this shimmering, rainbow energy into your energy body.   Smoky Quartz helps you stay grounded while meditating & promotes intuitive insight. Place one in the center of each wall in your sacred space if gridding the entire room, or near the central Labradorite stone if creating a tabletop grid. Visualize the Smoky Quartz transmuting any unwanted energy and radiating supportive energy toward yourself and your space.    Black Tourmaline repels unwanted energy and enhances feelings of grounding and security. Place one in each corner of your space if gridding the entire room, or in the corners of the small grid if creating it on a tabletop. See the energy of the Black Tourmaline crystals begin to expand and push positive energy further and further out into your sacred space until it fills the whole room.   Selenite cleanses the energy of the space and surrounds you with healing energy. Place two along each wall (one on each side of your pieces of smoky quartz). Visualize the Selenite linking together the stones in the perimeter of the grid and sending the energy of your grid into your sacred space.   After placing the stones, you’re ready to activate the grid! Do this by intentionally linking the crystals’ energy together. This can be done with a Clear Quartz point, a separate Selenite wand, or even with your finger. Point the crystal or your finger toward the central crystal in the grid, then move around the room “drawing” energetic connections between each stone (or just drawing energetic lines between the stones on your tabletop if creating a smaller grid). In this way, you connect the crystals energetically so that they are better able to act as one harmonious grid, rather than many individual stones. Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
2/2/202225 minutes, 44 seconds
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Healing Properties of Black Onyx: A Crystal for Strength & Grounding

Black Onyx is a form of Chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline form of Quartz with a history as a protective stone. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Black Onyx: "I embrace my inner shadow and integrate the lessons it has to teach me."   Common Healing Properties of Black Onyx: Enhances clear focus Amplifies your intentions Assists you with recognizing and integrating the lessons shared with you by your shadow side Promotes Divine order Encourages sensibility and clear thinking Enhances protection and shields you from negative energies Assists with grounding Energetically supports you as you face your shadow side with courage so that old patterns and traumas can be released Colors: Soft black to charcoal gray, occasionally with lighter bands or swirls of gray, white, or cream Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Scorpio Elements: Earth Companion Flowers: Ghost Pipe Companion Essential Oil: Mugwort Companion Stone: Peach Aventurine Common Origins: Brazil, India, Uruguay, Madagascar, Peru Notes: Often has a somewhat waxy-looking surface (not as shiny as other black stones). Also known as Black Chalcedony. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal! More About the healing properties of Black Onyx: Onyx is a form of chalcedony, which is often, but not always, a banded agate. This stone has a long and interesting history that is worth learning about. Black onyx's excellent, smooth texture and interesting patterns make it perfect for carving both jewelry and everyday objects, including cameos. The ancients sought it out for this reason, and used it to fashion tough and handsome pottery and bowls. Not to mention, the Bible even gives onyx the honor of forming the foundation of the City of Heaven. For some reason, medieval authorities took an intense dislike to this stone; they claimed it made love chill, brought on attacks of “frivolities,” and they thought it even caused babies to drool. However, they admitted a big plus side as well: it has a strong virtue as a protective and healing stone. Nowadays we’ve come to value the protective and grounding energy of this beautiful semi-precious gem. As an astrological stone for Scorpio: Black Onyx is a stone for strength, hardiness, constancy, grounding, stamina, and self-control. All of these qualities come together in the layered beauty of onyx, which plays to the strengths of vigorous Scorpio. However, this intense sign, often self-repressive, has also been described as having an icy exterior and a fiery inner core.  The layers of onyx remind us to take each thing in turn, rather than obsessing about what should be or might have been. Grounding is important, especially when faced with Scorpion passions. This stone tells us that the time has come to focus on putting together the pieces of things we haven't yet been able to figure out.     Pin It!   Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!  
1/25/202217 minutes, 26 seconds
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4 Crystals to Amplify the Energy of the Full Moon

The time of the full moon is the peak time to engage your intuition and use your psychic gifts, such as clairvoyance or clairaudience. Be on the lookout for any signs or symbols that present themselves in your life during this lunar phase.
12/7/202136 minutes, 7 seconds
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Crystals to Support You Through the Holidays

The holiday season can be SO joyous, but it can also be challenging at times. It's important to keep yourself grounded, protected, and balanced during this busy time of year so that you can truly enjoy the magic and delights of the season. I like to do this using my favourite crystals for the holidays, which is why I've put together this important list of crystals for all of your holiday needs. I hope it serves you well and helps you create a very merry season ahead! Crystals for Holiday Cheer: Shungite, Black Onyx, & Hematite: These stones create a protective shield around you and continually transmute negative or stagnant energy into positive, freely flowing energy. They keep you from getting swept up in any holiday drama so you can be  joyful and just enjoy the magic of the season. Clear Quartz, Selenite, & Smoky Quartz: These crystals purify the energy of your home and all who enter it. They will amplify the properties of any other stones in your space to make a BIG impact on the flow of energy in your home, helping to keep things merry and bright. Carnelian, Orange Calcite, & Sunstone: These crystals encourage easy communication and the natural flow of joy throughout the holiday season. They also bring calming peace to your holiday gatherings by increasing positive thought patterns and keeping emotions steady & balanced.   Crystals for Self-Love During the Holiday Season: Rhodochrosite, Pink Opal, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, & Morganite: Work with these crystals to help you see just how truly special you are. These crystals can help you focus on self-love during the holidays (which is especially needed since there are so many extra triggers and stress factors this time of year). Emerald, Peridot, Malachite, & Lapis Lazuli: Work with these stones to open your heart while keeping firm boundaries in place. These crystals are especially helpful for empaths that tend to get dragged into other people's issues or for those who are easily drained (both physically and emotionally). Want to really treat yourself to some positive self-love vibes this holiday season? Close your eyes and think about a crystal that you've been wanting for a long time now. Find one at a local shop or online that you feel drawn to purchase, then wrap it up lovingly in wrapping paper or a special box. Trust me... you deserve it :)   Crystals for the Holidays - Prosperity & Abundance: Clear Quartz & Clear Apophyllite - Enhances your wealth-gathering energy. Citrine & Peridot - Helps to draw in wealth & abundance to best serve your needs at this time. Pyrite & Red Garnet - Adds powerful gratitude energy to your awareness.  When we are grateful for what we already have in our lives, our ability to manifest prosperity and abundance flows freely and comes easier to us.  Remember…Ask, Believe, Receive – it’s all about the law of attraction. Show your gratitude to the Universe and you will draw in more of what you are grateful for. Green Aventurine & Green Jade - These are stones of good luck – this might show up in the form of finding the perfect gift at the perfect price, scoring a bonus holiday sale deal, or sharing in the generosity of those around you.  Since they are also associated with wealth, these are the perfect stones to energetically support your holiday manifesting.   Crystals for the Holidays - Gift-Giving: Love Stones For Your Partner - Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Watermelon Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline, Green Aventurine Friendship Stones - Pink Botswana Agate, Apache Tear, Emerald, Pink Halite, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Pink Tourmaline Best Crystals for Children - Amethyst, Azurite, Charoite, Labradorite, Clear Quartz, Lapis Lazuli Communication Stones for Co-Workers - Sodalite, Aquamarine, Angelite, Blue Topaz, Celestite, Chrysocolla, Blue Quartz Positive Energy Stones Anyone Would Love - Selenite, Blue Lace Agate, Pink Mangano Calcite, Citrine, Ametrine, Angelite  
11/29/202123 minutes, 23 seconds
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Healing Properties of Rainbow Fluorite: A Crystal for Clarity & Intuition

Rainbow Fluorite, also known as Fluor Spar, is a stunning stone that displays an amazing range of colors. Some of the most beautiful pieces are found in Mexico, England, and China. However, Fluorite used to be mined in Southern Illinois in the United States. In fact, this was where my very first crystal digging experience took place. When I was about 8 years old, I was visiting my grandparents over Spring break from school. Their home wasn't far from a former Fluorite mining site at Cave in Rock, Illinois. My grandpa took me to search the mining "dump pile" for rocks with little bits of Fluorite on them. I was astonished to find gorgeous Fluorite crusts on some of the stones, ranging from purple to yellow. In fact, I still have one of the stones I found on that trip - and it's one of my most treasured crystals (though it may not be considered conventionally beautiful).       A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Rainbow Fluorite: "Feel clarity wash over you as you consciously co-create with the universe."     Common Healing Properties of Rainbow Fluorite: Enhances energetic protection Supports you while you work to reduce your stress Transforms energy Helps you to maintain balance in your energy body Strengthens your intuition Encourages accurate psychic readings Improves mental clarity and concentration Promotes self-confidence Shows the truth in any situation Aids in promoting objectivity and fair judgment Stimulates the intellect   Colors: Bands of Clear, Violet, Purple, Lavender, Blue, Green, and Yellow Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, & Aquarius Elements: Air Companion Flowers: Cherry Blossom Companion Essential Oil: Lemon Verbena Companion Stone: Black Onyx Common Origins: Illinois (USA), China, United Kingdom, Mexico Notes: Also known as Fluor Spar. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites! More About Rainbow Fluorite: Fluorite, once called the “home of the rainbow,” is a stone of amazing variety. First, there are the colors: green, purple, blue, yellow, which are often found in beautiful banded formations. Only tourmaline shows more color variation. Fluorite also shows fluorescence (and yes, it is the source of that word) under ultraviolet light, and, in some forms, with heating. One form called chlorophane will even glow if you simply hold it in your hand! The name “fluorite” comes from the Latin word for “flow,” because fluorite melts at fairly low temperatures. And because it’s so easy to melt, it has long been shaped into figurines, drinking vessels, and other useful items. The Romans thought fluorite cups made their wine taste better — probably because of the resin melted in to make the cup hold its form. The chemical composition of Fluorite is CaF2.   Rainbow Fluorite promotes clear thinking and allows you to see what’s most important in a given situation. If you’ve been feeling scattered or pulled in lots of different directions, work with this crystal to get you back on track. It can also bring clarity to your role in projects, relationships, or social groups and help you better understand what people expect from you. However, this doesn’t mean you need to agree with these roles. Whether you choose to conform or rebel against these societal expectations, Rainbow Fluorite will guide you on your path. This crystal is known for providing mental clarity and for this reason, it's deeply connected with the time of the Crow Moon (the Full Moon in March). It pairs well with Black Tourmaline and Blue Apatite to shed some light on your current situation. Rainbow Fluorite can help give you the mental clarity to hone your skills and tackle your most pressing planning tasks. 
9/13/202116 minutes, 47 seconds
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Protecting Your Home with Crystal Grid Energy

Many crystals are naturally protective, and some well-placed ones can really come together to create Mother Nature’s ultimate home-security grid! Follow these simple steps to create your own special protection grid for security, comfort, and peace of mind. I am often asked about using crystals for energetic protection. Creating a crystal grid is a simple way to work with crystal energy for protection. In this post, I'm sharing a simple method for energetically protecting your home with crystal grid energy. This crystal grid recipe uses only 2 types of stones. Even better, they can be used effectively in any dwelling. To create an initial energetic shield to protect your home, place Black Tourmaline in each exterior corner. You can then place Selenite along each of the walls and any exterior doorways or windows. This will energetically connect the Tourmaline stones. The Tourmaline acts to set an energetic protective boundary while the Selenite aids in cleansing and purification. Watch Now: How to Protect Your Home with Crystal Energy   My ideal grid for protecting your home with crystal grid energy: The diagram of the home below shows my ideal set up. This setup uses 12 pieces of Black Tourmaline, one in each exterior corner of the home. It also uses 14 pieces of Selenite (at least one on each exterior wall where there is no window PLUS one over each exterior door and each window). However, if this many stones is not within your budget, or if there would be safety concerns over placing the stones in children's rooms, etc. you can absolutely reduce the total number of stones. Do this by placing the Tourmalines in just the outermost corners of the home. This can be reduced to only 6 pieces. Additionally, by placing just one piece of Selenite per exterior wall (but still making sure to place one above each exterior window or door), the number of pieces of Selenite used is reduced to only 7 pieces. The resulting grid would still be very effective for most situations. Also, it would only be a fraction of the cost. This makes energetic home protection a bit easier on your pocketbook, which is always a bonus! Setting Up Your Grid for Energetic Protection: Before placing the stones, they should be cleansed. As you place each crystal in the grid, hold your intention clearly in your mind. This may be something like, “This crystal adds to the energy of my grid and helps to creates a protective energetic boundary around my home.” OR “This crystal energetically protects me and my family in our home.” After placing the stones, it is recommended that you “activate” the grid. Activating your grid means to energetically link the crystals together. Since this is a large scale grid, the activation process is a bit different than it would be for a small, tabletop crystal grid. To activate your grid, you'll need a Crystal Laser Wand (a single-terminated clear Quartz point) or an additional piece of Selenite. Alternatively, you can even just activate your grid with your finger. Point the crystal or your finger toward the first crystal in the grid. Some people like to begin with the crystal in the northernmost position, but just do what feels most natural. Move around your home from one stone to the next in a clockwise direction while “drawing” energetic connections between each stone. In this way, you connect the crystals energetically. This means that they are better able to act as one harmonious grid, rather than many individual stones. After the grid has been activated by completing the energetic circuit between the crystals, remember to cleanse the stones fairly often and revisit the intention you've set for the grid to be sure it's still relevant. Additional crystal properties you may wish to add to the energy of your grid: SELENITE: (Also known as Gypsum or as Satin Spar). Use for purification, to cleanse the energy of a space,
9/7/202125 minutes, 7 seconds
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Healing Properties of Turritella Agate: A Crystal for Inner Guidance

Turritella Agate is one of the most strangely named stones I know of. Most Agates are made of flowing bands of translucent or transparent, cryptocrystalline Quartz. We can see this clearly in stones like Blue Lace Agate or Lace Agate, however Turritella Agate doesn't show any of the banding patterns of other, more traditional, Agates. Because it lacks these distinctive bands, it might be better classified as a Chalcedony, but the name Turritella Agate has really stuck. Even more interesting (and MUCH more incorrect), is the fact that these stones don't contain Turritella fossils at all! The name "Turritella" Agate is actually an incorrect name that was given to this material decades ago. In fact, the species studded inside most of this material is actually Elimia tenera, not a Turritella species.   A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Turritella Agate: "I spiral into the center of myself and listen to my inner guidance." Common Healing Properties of Turritella Agate: Boosts your creativity Supports you as you heal past emotional pain Promotes a sense of oneness and connection with others Helps you release unwanted energy connected with things that aren't serving you Keeps you grounded during times of great life shifts Assists in healing Mother Earth Promotes maturity Enhances emotional stability Encourages new ways of thinking Increases your wisdom based on what you've learned from your past experiences   Colors: Dark brown or black with white or tan swirling fossil shells (Gastropod Shells) Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Capricorn Elements: Earth Companion Flowers: Bloodroot Companion Essential Oil: Ginger Companion Stone: Brown Banded Aragonite Common Origins: South of Wamsutter, Wyoming, USA near the Delany Rim (Green River Formation) - May also be found in Colorado and Utah Notes: The name "Turritella" Agate is actually an incorrect name that was given to this material decades ago. In fact, the species studded inside most of this material is actually Elimia tenera, not a Turritella species.   /*   More Information About Agate: Agate comes in a huge variety of colors and patterns, many named after plants and animals. These names not only describe the stone's appearance, but they also add meaning to the stone's uses as well. The Ancient Greeks called tawny-colored Agates "lion skin agates". These stones were thought to have great strength, and were also thought to counteract a wide range of poisons, especially scorpion stings. On the other hand, some ancient writers cautioned against keeping Agates with the spotty pattern (appearing like hyena fur), claiming those would cause domestic troubles. The green of a tree agate was said to attract positive attention from the agricultural goddess Ceres. Farmers not only wore this stone as an amulet, but they would also tie a piece to the horn of their oxen while plowing.       Pin it! Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!  
8/25/202122 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Create and Use a Crystal Grid (Step-by-Step)

How would you like to use crystals to help you manifest the things you’d like most in your life? It’s entirely possible to do so simply by making your own crystal grids! With focused, positive intention and these easy step-by-step instructions, you can create powerful crystal grids to enhance your overall well-being. Crystal Grids consist of crystals placed in concise, geometric shapes in order to affect the flow of energy for a specific purpose - and they're amazing! Knowing how to create a crystal grid so that it works for you is key to harnessing its healing power. Are you familiar with how to use a crystal grid? Basically, a crystal grid is a special arrangement of healing stones. It is used with intention to manifest a desired result.  The properties of the stones used, combined with their arrangement in a sacred geometric configuration, creates a unique energy combination. This energy can be used to enhance your intention. Using crystal grids is very powerful. It combines the energy of the stone with Sacred Geometry. By placing your stones in a geometric arrangement, the crystal energy is enhanced exponentially. Your intention is being amplified through the stones and then sent out to the Universe in a clear and direct way.   But how can you make your own powerful crystal grid to create change in your life? Here are my easy, step-by-step instructions for how to create a crystal grid. Create an affirmation or intention statement as the focus of your grid. Choose the stones needed for the grid and be sure they are cleansed. You may select them according to listed properties in books or articles online, or you can choose the crystals intuitively. The most common way to select your crystals is to firstly choose 1 stone for the overall theme or intention of your grid. This is the central stone - also called the anchor stone. Next, choose several supporting stones that further define your main purpose. Choose a sacred geometry shape that aligns with your purpose. This is to be used as a template or base for your grid (click here to download a free, printable crystal grid template pack). You can read a quick introduction to sacred geometry here if you need more information on the meanings of each shape. Place the anchor stone into the center of your chosen sacred geometry shape.  Be sure to place this stone with intention. As you’re placing the crystal onto the grid template, say your affirmation either out loud or silently to yourself.  Optionally, you may place a written intention beneath this stone at the very center of your crystal grid. Place the remaining stones around the central anchor stone. Make sure to follow the shape of your chosen crystal grid template.  Place them exactly along the lines of the shape you've selected. Proper alignment of the sacred geometry shape is necessary for proper energy flow.  As you are placing each of the remaining stones, state your intention for them. What energy do they bring to the grid? Do this either aloud or to yourself.  These stones should support the main focus or intention for your grid, but should also work to further define your specific situation. Your grid might now look something like the photo above. (OPTIONAL STEP) You may choose to further define your intention or purpose with crystal energy by adding additional supporting stones to your grid. These can be in another ring or layer around your central stone.  You may add and additional set of stones around your anchor stone to add additional qualities.  Follow the instructions outlined in step #5 above as you place these additional crystals.  If adding the additional stones, your grid may look something like the photo below. Activate your crystal grid. Use one of the methods described below. Make time to connect to the energy of your grid regularly. You may want to meditate in front of your grid each day for a few minutes,
7/19/202130 minutes, 59 seconds
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Crystal Controversy: Rough vs Tumbled Stones

When it comes to choosing stones, do you find yourself gravitating more towards rough ones or the tumbled sort? Do you think that one works better than the other or perhaps one has a stronger energy over the other? While you are the only one that knows which one works best for you, it’s interesting to hear what different experts have to say on the subject of rough vs. tumbled stones. My own feeling in the rough vs tumbled stones debate has always been that rough stones have a more forceful presence than stones that have been tumbled or polished. I usually work with rough stones when an energetic breakthrough is needed. People often ask me whether rough stones or tumbled stones are "better" or "most powerful". However, "more powerful" or "stronger" doesn't always equate to BETTER. Like anything else, it depends upon the person working with the crystals and the specific situation or scenario.     Tumbled stones or polished stones have a really subtle, gentle energy that radiates outward in all directions. In general, they feel a bit gentler to me. Sometimes this is just what's needed. Tumbled stones are great to work with for those who are sensitive to energy. They are also good for those who are working through intense emotions. Some healers say that the more natural or unworked a stone is, the more energy it contains. However this hasn't been my experience at all. It's also really hard to quantify what's meant by "more energy". The conclusion we can draw here is that some of these healers may think that the process of shaping or polishing a stone may damage the stone in some way, on an energetic level. While I do think that shaping a stone changes the way in which we EXPERIENCE the energy of that stone, it doesn't change or affect the inherent qualities or energy of the crystal.   When working with a shaped stone, our experience of that stone may change. For example, a rough Amethyst and a tumbled Amethyst still share the same qualities. However, the way the energy is emitted, received, and PERCEIVED by us can shift a bit with each different stone shape. Just like it changes when working with different natural crystal formations - like points, clusters, scepters, geodes, etc.   When choosing a crystal to work with, you may want to consider not only the type of stone and its qualities, but its shape as well. Using the example above, if you've chosen to work with Amethyst for boosting your intuition, then you may want to also choose a compatible shape. If you felt you had a block around receiving messages from your intuition, then maybe you would want to work with a rough Amethyst crystal for a big energetic push. Whereas if you were feeling apprehensive or nervous about what your intuition might tell you, then a tumbled Amethyst may be a better fit. It would be a bit slower build and the process would be more gradual and gentle. Not to mention, there are LOADS of other crystal shapes you could use. You could use a carved pyramid for amplification or even a sphere for scrying divination. Another thing to consider when choosing between rough vs tumbled stones is protection. Polishing can put in an extra layer of security, in the form of the polished surface, between users and toxic minerals. For example, Malachite contains copper and should be handled with caution when in its rough form, but polished stones don't pose the same issue when it comes to malachite. However, this isn't true of all stones. Obviously, there’s not total agreement about this amongst all crystal workers, and there likely never will be. It’s natural that sifting through the opinions of many people brings a variety of experiences. Still, it's important to remember that crystal energy exists in rough, polished, and tumbled stones. The more natural the form, the more direct the transmission of that energy. Unsurprisingly, people tend to feel more raw power coming from rough stones. But in some circumstances,
7/13/202120 minutes, 31 seconds
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Healing Properties of Petrified Wood: A Crystal for Grounding & Ancestor Connection

Petrified Wood is the name given to fossilized wood - any stone that has replaced organic wood material with a type of mineral (typically Agate or Opal). A Crystal Message about the healing properties of Petrified Wood: "I invite the wisdom of my ancestors to help guide me for the highest good of my being." Common Healing Properties of Petrified Wood: Enhances grounding practices Facilitates your connection with the natural world (especially to dryads, tree spirits, & the faery realm) Helps you access ancient wisdom and ancestor guidance Encourages you to take responsibility for your own energy Increases protection Helps you get focused and set a balanced pace for your day Instills patience Promotes creative problem-solving skills Encourages positive transformation Assists with past life work Strengthens your willpower Colors: Opaque, multi-color bands and rings ranging from black to dark brown and tan, and even cream, orange, and red. Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio Elements: Earth Companion Flowers: Wild Ginger Companion Essential Oil: Vetiver Companion Stone: Silver Sheen Obsidian Common Origins: Western United States, Australia, Madagascar, New Zealand Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!       More Information on the Healing Properties of Petrified Wood: Petrified Wood is created when minerals replace the organic molecules in the plant material. This stone is incredibly grounding and works to enhance stability, both physical and emotional. It also creates more stability in your life from things like your career and home life to your spiritual practice and connection with nature. Petrified Wood embodies the energy of the Oak Moon and calls forth the energy of this mighty tree to lend its strength in times of need.   /* Petrified Wood has a special connection to the Beaver animal archetype. It represents the persistence needed to overcome obstacles blocking your path. This stone helps you accomplish what you set your mind to by encouraging you to take things one step at a time as well as helps you be industrious when things don't go as planned. Work with Petrified Wood when you must undertake a daunting task to help keep you motivated and on track throughout the process. Pin it! Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!  
7/5/202122 minutes, 44 seconds
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Healing Properties of Green Aventurine: A Crystal for Wealth & Good Luck

Green Aventurine is a variety of massive quartz with Mica inclusions that add a bit of sparkle and magic to this stone. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Green Aventurine: "I welcome wealth and abundance into my life by consciously creating space for thoughts of prosperity."   Common Healing Properties of Green Aventurine: Promotes healing of the physical body Increases wealth and prosperity Energetically protects gardens and homes Encourages compassionate behavior Stimulates willpower and confidence Assists with past life work Balances the mind, body, and spirit Enhances creativity in artistic endeavors Promotes inner peace and calming Aids with emotional release Encourages spiritual growth Enhances inner-strength Diminishes energetic blocks Promotes love (for the self and for others) Known for enhancing luck   Colors: Light or dark green with sparkly flecks caused by Mica inclusions Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Libra Elements: Earth, Water Companion Flowers: Toad Lily Companion Essential Oil: Common Garden Sage Companion Stone: Rose Quartz Common Origins: India, Brazil Notes: Aventurine may sometimes contain small bits of Pyrite or Hematite. Also known as Love Stone, Indian Jade, Green Avanturine, or Green Adventurine. This stone is often mistaken for Green Quartz which is more or less the same but doesn't have the sparkling Mica inclusions of Aventurine. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal! More About Green Aventurine: The sparkles in green aventurine are natural and come from the fuchsite mica that gives this form of quartz its green color. It’s a go-to stone for financial success, and luck of all kinds — some people keep a piece of Green Aventurine with them whenever they need to take on financial challenges: a job interview, a tax audit, or even just paying the bills. In magic, carrying or wearing aventurine can help you remember your career and financial goals — and, in the process, do the things necessary to work toward them. This stone encourages practicality (something that Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury, demands) so working with Green Aventurine while the Moon is in Virgo can be very helpful. Organization, schedules, and routines are important during the Virgo Moon, but not if they over-complicate things. Green Aventurine helps you be mindful about what’s helping you be more successful and what’s just getting in the way. Green Aventurine resonates with the energy of growth and expansion, so it’s a perfect companion for the Waxing Crescent Moon phase. Work with this stone when you want to add a little cosmic fertilizer to the intention seeds you planted during the previous New Moon. Goal Setting Mini Ritual with Green Aventurine: Write out some goals or intentions for yourself on a piece of paper, and hover your hands above it. Feel the energy of your intention and visualize yourself completing the steps to actualizing these goals. Place a Green Aventurine stone, representing the expansion of this energy, atop the paper to help nurture your goals and intentions.   /*     Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
6/29/202115 minutes, 2 seconds
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Are Your Crystals Ethical? An Interview with Nicholas Pearson

Hello, and welcome! I'm thrilled to be chatting, once again, with the amazing Nicholas Pearson, author of Crystal Basics - Crystal healing for the heart. He is also the author of so many other amazing Works. Nicholas, thank you so much for being here today to help as answer the question - are your crystals ethical?  Nicholas Pearson: It is my delight, my privilege, my pleasure. These are always my favorite conversations that I get to do. Thank you for having me back! Ashley: Well, the reason we're chatting today, is that you and I were talking on Instagram the other day about ethically sourced minerals. This is something that I think has become of great importance in the collective mineral Community. We want to make sure that we're buying and sourcing gems ethically. Both as consumers, people who purchase crystals, as well as business owners who are selling crystals. So we were talking about a number of things, right? We discussed what actually makes something ethical and about the use of ethics as a kind of buzzword. So let's have a conversation about this for the podcast and really just dig into it.     So, first and foremost, I want to ask you, for those who may not know, why it would be important for us to try and source our minerals ethically.  Nicholas: I think, as people in the conscious living sphere, we care about the impact. There's an expression, “if it isn't grown, it’s mined.” So everything has some relationship to a raw material that came from Mother Earth, whether we sewed those seeds ourselves or leveled the forest to get something that is grown or whether we are digging stuff out of the earth. Anywhere I look in my room around me, not just the rocks on every surface but the services themselves probably have some relationship to the mineral kingdom. Whether it's the plastic drawers for the tumbled rocks or even the fibers in the carpet beneath me are petrochemicals. We can't have an existence, at least at this stage in our development on Earth, that Mining and extraction don't impact. And as conscious consumers, My Hope for myself is that the decisions I make will impact the Earth as conscientiously and as least devastatingly as possible. I care about where Rocks come from, not just because I care about rocks, but because I care about the people who get them out of the Earth, the people who do the work, people who bring them to market. It's such a complex conversation. There's no one way to define or identify an ethically sourced Rock. And we just have to take the information we've got and make the best decision available for us. Ashley: So, before we get into what actually does define an ethically sourced mineral, I want to kind of echo what you were just saying about how this goes so much deeper than just minerals. It really is about our existence in the world of modern humans, especially Western modern humans. This is something that we all have to the best of our ability, be conscious of our decisions about. If you think about all the minerals that it takes to create the devices that were all communicating on, watching this on, listening on, all of these things are, like you said, extracted from the Earth. Every little bit of it. It makes me think of Alan Watts, who has this whole talk on how us humans live in our ticky tacky houses, with our ticky tacky things. And as much as sometimes we feel so separate from nature, from Mother Earth, and from the world, we are a part of it. And everything we do is interconnected and interwoven. Why is it that crystals, in particular, have this bad reputation for being particularly harmful in some circles?  Nicholas: Well, I think a really prime example is the idea of conflict gemstones and other conflict materials. This is a really horrific practice. It is something that is ongoing, and there is vast corruption. For anyone who might not be aware of what the term conflict stone or constant gem means,
6/8/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 55 seconds
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Healing Properties of Cinnabar: A Crystal for Prosperity & Abundance

Cinnabar is a vibrant red, trigonal crystal often appearing on a matrix of Calcite or Dolomite. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Cinnabar: "I open myself to the universe's natural flow of prosperity and abundance." Common Healing Properties of Cinnabar: Stimulates vitality Aids in manifesting prosperity and abundance Helps you reap the rewards of careful planning Increases motivation Promotes beauty (inside & out!) Enhances the energy in your environment or sacred space Opens and protects your grounding energy center Helps spice up your love life by promoting passion Cinnabar Associations & Correspondences Colors: Bright crimson red often in a matrix of white or off-white (appearing as flecks in tumbled stones) Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo Elements: Fire, Earth Companion Flowers: Clematis Companion Essential Oil: Clove Companion Stone: Shattuckite Common Origins: China, Germany Notes: Also known as Cinnabarite. This stone is toxic - it contains mercury sulfide, so it's incredibly important to wash your hands after handling (and never touch your mouth or eyes when handling). Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!   Cinnabar History & Lore: Cinnabar has been used since ancient times to create the pigment known as vermillion. The mineral was ground to create the bright orange-red color used for coloring caves, buildings, ceramics, and more. It was used ceremonially in China as far back as 4000 BC, but it has been in use as a pigment since Neolithic times in modern-day Turkey. It was used to adorn burial chambers and funerary objects in both China and Peru going back thousands of years. The red finish seen on many Chinese art pieces is called Cinnabar, referring to the red lacquer traditionally made from this stone that has been applied to these pieces. Many modern pieces are made without the use of the vermillion pigment (they're just made to look similar), but it's said that some modern use of this toxic mineral still occurs. Both Theophrastus and Pliny the Elder discussed extracting mercury from Cinnabar rocks in some of the earliest known written works on stones. Though this stone has long been in use (including its very unsafe use in cosmetics), its toxicity requires much caution in its handling (some sources claim it's safe to handle as long as the mineral is not vaporized or breathed in as dust, but using caution is always recommended). Cinnabar is still mined as an ore of Mercury for its use in creating thermometers and fluorescent lightbulbs.   Pin it!   Want to grow your knowledge & become a CONFIDENT Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about my CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Programs HERE! Enrollment opens soon...      
6/1/202131 minutes, 51 seconds
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Healing Properties of Rhodochrosite: A Crystal for Emotional Release

Rhodochrosite is an ore of manganese. It is an excellent stone for dismissing negativity, releasing our emotions, and restoring balance to the soul. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Rhodochrosite: "I call forth my inner crystal healer and I go deeper with my crystals than ever before." Common Healing Properties of Rhodochrosite: Stimulates remembrance Encourages you to rise to your full potential Balances light and shadow Opens the emotional center Promotes deep, unconditional love Helps you find inner peace Encourages empathy and a compassionate attitude Instills confidence Provides comfort and support during difficult times Helps you while you work to heal emotional pain Smooths energy Facilitates emotional balance   Colors: Pink & white lacy banding, to deep, translucent, gemmy magenta Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Cancer, Pisces Elements: Earth, Fire Companion Flowers: Stargazer Lily Companion Essential Oil: Geranium Companion Stone: Rhodonite Common Origins: Argentina, China, Colorado (USA) Notes: Rhodochrosite is a good companion stone to Rhodonite. When used together, the two stones will enhance each other’s energetic qualities. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal! More About Rhodochrosite: Like Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite is an ore of manganese. Although they are similar in color, you can usually tell rhodochrosite because it often forms as a stalactite, showing distinctive circular banding. But it can also take a gemmy, semi-translucent form. In whatever form, it’s an excellent stone for dismissing "negativity", releasing our emotions, and restoring balance to the soul. Rhodochrosite Lore: Another name for rhodochrosite is “Inca rose,” and it’s said that the Inca believed it to be the petrified blood of their former kings and queens. They used this stone for funerary jewelry and items. It grows as a stalactite, often forming interesting bullseye, zigzag and circular patterns, and is found near silver ore. Great quantities of it were left behind in Inca silver mines — mines abandoned many centuries ago — untouched by the silver miners. This is perhaps not too surprising, since the elements in it can interfere with silver mining. In the US and Europe, rhodochrosite used to simply get tossed on the slag heap, until modern rock hounds started picking it out for collector specimens, jewelry and other decorative uses. Rhodochrosite’s association with the heart chakra comes from India, where it’s valued as a crystal for love and for strengthening the heart. It’s also said to be helpful for finding balance, and for regulating many inner organs. And Rhodochrosite is also said to be beneficial for memory! Rhodochrosite is the national stone of Argentina. In South America, it’s even said that somewhere under the Andes mountains lies a giant, heart-shaped piece of rhodochrosite, which “beats” once every two hundred years. /*?*/   One Way to Work with Rhodochrosite: You can use rhodochrosite in a drumming meditation to release negativity. Set the crystal in front of you, close your eyes, and drum to the beat of your own heart. (If you don’t have a “real” drum, it’s fine to use a box or piece of furniture as a substitute.) Gradually, drum louder and with more intensity, until you feel the negativity detaching from you, ready to be released. Slowly decrease the intensity of your drumming as you watch the negativity recede until it is so faint you can no longer hear it. Open your eyes and thank the stone and the drum for helping you in this work.   Pin it!    
5/17/202124 minutes, 33 seconds
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Healing Properties of Angel Aura Quartz: A Crystal for Angelic Connection

Angel Aura Quartz is a beautiful form of quartz with a thin metallic coating. It is perfect for encouraging spiritual experiences and for connecting with your angels or guides. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Angel Aura Quartz: "I invite my guides, ancestors, or angels into my life and kindly ask that they protect and guide me." Common Healing Properties of Angel Aura Quartz: Opens you up to divine knowledge Stimulates deep spiritual experiences Promotes successful meditation Aids in establishing a connection to your ancestors, angels, or guides Brings clarity into any situation as a source of support Promotes feelings of safety and security Enhances Lovingkindness and compassion Facilitates peace and calming Helps mend broken relationships (romantic relationships, family relationships, or friendships) Encourages forgiveness of oneself or of others   Colors: Translucent to opaque crystals with an iridescent-rainbow surface sheen Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Libra Elements: Air Companion Flowers: Soapwort Companion Essential Oil: Iris Companion Stone: Aqua Aura Quartz Common Origins: Not naturally occurring, but usually made from Quartz from Brazil, Arkansas, or China. Notes: Also known as Opal Aura Quartz or as Pearl Aura Quartz. Angel Aura Quartz is made with Platinum and/or Silver using the process described below. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal! More Information About Angel Aura Quartz: Aura Quartz is made by placing natural Quartz crystals into a vacuum chamber with vaporized metals for 12-18 hours. The “atomized” metal molecules then adhere to the surface of the Quartz through an electrostatic process. They coat it, creating the beautiful display of colors with which we are all familiar. The thin metallic coating (generally less than 1 micron thick) cannot be scratched or rubbed off. This is because it has been molecularly bonded with the surface of the Quartz. This is mostly done to small points or clusters. Some healers prefer not to use these stones as they are not completely natural (i.e. they are a “human-encouraged” creation). However, others, including myself, consider these stones to be useful healing tools. Although the process for making these stones is not carried out within the earth, the stones are made of all-natural components. There are no human-made or synthetic additives (such as plastics or dyes). Therefore, it seems as though the Quartz simply acts as a natural amplifier to the metals bonded to it. Angel Aura Quartz is Quartz that has been coated in platinum and silver. The thin layer of metal atoms on the surface of the Quartz would not generally be enough to use for healing purposes. However, the energy of the Quartz crystal enhances and amplifies the energy of the Platinum and Silver to the extent that they can be successfully used for healing. These crystals are uncommon, but they're readily available at most specialty crystal shops. Angel Aura Quartz can help you connect with angels (including Archangels and the Ascended Masters), your ancestors, and your guides.  Some healers believe it acts as a way of connecting to the angelic realm.  This stone is excellent for enhancing communication with your angels and guides, especially when paired with Angelite.  Angel Aura Quartz helps the communication to come through loud and clear so that there is no need for second-guessing as to the wisdom being shared.  If you’re an energy healer, try adding an Angel Aura Quartz crystal to your space to enhance the effects of the healing modalities you offer.  If you’re a healer, reader, or psychic, you can also use Angel Aura Quartz to connect with your client’s guides and invite them to assist in the session or reading. To enhance the effectiveness of a healing session that you’re performing for a client,
5/11/202125 minutes, 22 seconds
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Healing Properties of Blue Chalcedony: A Crystal for Soothing & Support

Blue Chalcedony is a periwinkle blue, cryptocrystalline variety of Quartz known for its soothing influence and ability to enhance joy. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Blue Chalcedony: "I find peace in my environment, and more importantly, within myself." Common Healing Properties of Blue Chalcedony: Enhances group cooperation and communication Helps you speak up when it's difficult, but necessary for the highest good of all Facilitates the creation of a soothing environment Transforms "negative" energy into positive energy (energy that's for your highest good) Brings a sense of balance to the mind, body, and spirit Enhances generosity (of yourself or of others) Brings joy to any situation Increases self-confidence Enhances enthusiasm Stifles bad dreams and promotes restful sleep Overcomes you in working through emotional wounds     Colors: Translucent, cornflower to sky blue Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Libra Elements: Air, Water Companion Flowers: Vinca Companion Essential Oil: Linden Blossom Companion Stone: Pink Fluorite Common Origins: Namibia Notes: If banded, then it's called Blue Lace Agate. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!     Metaphysical Uses of Blue Chalcedony: Similar to Peach Moonstone, Blue Chalcedony has a very gentle energy. It is almost ethereal, enhancing the connection between yourself and those on the other side who have important messages to share with you.  A high energy stone, this crystal allows contact with only those spirits or ancestors who are working for your highest good and protects you from any negative energies. Blue Chalcedony has a sweet energy and enhances charm and likeability. It’s a great stone for those who need to work closely with others in a group, or those who need to assume leadership positions. Further, this crystal helps you keep a cool head in difficult situations or when working with opposing personalities. Blue Chalcedony is a stone of balance, which can counteract any scattered tendencies, as sometimes we want to have things both ways. Compromise and generosity, chalcedony’s gifts, encourage our better side. The stone fosters openness, agreeability, and personal charm. Its milky appearance suggests some of the properties historically associated with it. For example, Historically, Italian women traditionally wore chalcedony beads after childbirth for successful lactation. Chalcedony — especially the common blue kind — has a cool, soft quality that soothes intense energy of all kinds.   /* More Information About Chalcedony: The name chalcedony (pronounced “kal-SEH-duh-nee”) is a blanket term for many varieties of cryptocrystalline (small-grained) Quartz.  Often when jewelers and gemologists talk about chalcedony, they mean the white-to-blue variety, but we’ve also seen lovely specimens (like Black Mystic Chalcedony). Chalcedony exists in almost every color. In fact, many forms of Quartz are technically also forms of chalcedony: jaspers, agates, onyx — even petrified wood! The reason for this is that when Earth’s geological activity breaks up her abundant supply of quartz, small crystals often morph into something new, picking up all kinds of minerals and other stuff in the process. The large crystalline pieces are varieties of Quartz, the banded varieties are Agates, the opaque varieties are Jaspers, and the translucent varieties without banding are Chalcedony (generally speaking).       Pin it!     Want to grow your knowledge & become a CONFIDENT Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about my CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Programs HERE! Enrollment opens soon...  
4/7/202114 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Crystal Layout for Shielding Your Energy Body

Keeping yourself protected is an important part of health and wellness. Setting energetic boundaries is an important part of this work - and crystals can help to energetically support you during this process.  This crystal layout for shielding your energy body can help to protect you from the energy of others or from outside energies in your environment.  When you work preventatively to stay protected, you keep yourself from being depleted and you’re better able to stay in balance and alignment. Remove Outside Energies from Your Aura: Start creating this crystal layout  for shielding by placing a vertical line of four Smoky Quartz crystals on either side of the body. There should be a total of eight stones placed in two separate lines.  These crystals help to energetically dissolve any outside energy or psychic debris that has accumulated in your field. By removing this energy, you’re bringing your own energy back into balance. This way, you’re better able to deal with new incoming energies as they emerge.   Protect Yourself from Incoming Energy: Next, you should place a Tektite stone a few inches above your head. This will help to create a psychic shield around your physical body and your aura. Then, place a piece of Hematite between and just below your feet. This will help to keep you grounded and connected to the earth.  When you’re rooted into the earth, you can continuously pull in a stream of energy into your aura to keep your energy reserves full. This will stop you from getting depleted easily. In each of your hands, hold a piece of Labradorite (so two pieces total) to shield your physical and energetic bodies from picking up on outside energy. This is especially helpful for those who are highly sensitive or for those who have trouble setting boundaries. Simplify When You Don’t Have Time or Space for a Full Crystal Layout: If you’re in need of some quick support with shielding or boundary setting, try just holding a Labradorite stone in your hands (or one in each hand). Doing something small like this is much better than doing nothing at all because you're lacking in time or space. You may find it helpful to keep a piece of Labradorite with you for anytime the need may arise. You can also keep things convenient by wearing a Labradorite pendant or bracelet to use in a pinch!   Want to grow your knowledge & become a CONFIDENT Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about my CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Programs HERE! Enrollment opens soon...  
3/29/202118 minutes, 52 seconds
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Healing Properties of Azurite: A Crystal for Spiritual Growth & Exploration

Azurite is a deep indigo blue, monoclinic mineral that's best known for its connection with intuition and psychic awareness. A Crystal Affirmation for Azurite:  "I accept and trust my inner guidance and embrace my intuition and psychic skills." Common Healing Properties of Azurite: Enhances a connection with the Earth Facilitates the growth of your nurturing qualities Enhances psychic vision and mystical experience Offers energetic protection during astral travel Aids in acceptance of your natural intuitive gifts Promotes truth Encourages personal growth Enhances cosmic connection Useful for honing your psychic skills Helps you deepen meditative states Encourages you to find stillness in the present moment   Join me as I discuss the Properties, Lore, & Meaning of Azurite!     Healing Properties of Azurite: Associations & Correspondences Colors: Deep indigo blue Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini Elements: Water, Earth Companion Flowers: Grape Hyacinth (Muscaria) Companion Essential Oil: Blue Lotus Companion Stone: Tangerine Calcite Common Origins: Morocco, Arizona, Greece, Namibia, France, Australia Notes: Also known as Chessylite, Chessy Copper, Lasur, Blue Malachite, or as Kuanos Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal! More About Azurite: Azurite is a member of the monoclinic crystal system.  It is a deep, indigo blue and can be found in a range of formations including opaque, spherical nodules and gemmy, tabular crystal clusters. Along with Malachite, Azurite is a mineral commonly found near copper deposits, where it can take on an astonishing variety of formations. You may see it as a crystal, a stalactite, a bright blue stone with lighter patterning, a midnight blue mass, a prickly little nodule, or in hundreds of other forms. This deep indigo stone is connected to the inner eye and stimulates creative expression and the imagination. Work with this crystal when you need a little intuitive help understanding the thoughts or feelings of others. When you can put yourself in someone else’s shoes (or their head for that matter), it’s easier to hold compassion for them and work in cooperation. Azurite Lore: Because it is a soft stone with an intense color, ground-up azurite has long been used as a pigment. For example, priests in ancient Egypt would use it to paint the Eye of Horus on their foreheads. Its connection with the third eye is very strong, and it’s often recommended as a crystal to use for intuitive development and connection with heaven. In fact, the people of ancient China called Azurite the "Stone of Heaven" because they believed it helped them find the Heavenly Gateway, the path between heaven and earth. It’s a good crystal to have near you when you’re meditating, or when you want to connect with your guides and angels. In more modern times, the Sleeping Prophet, Edgar Cayce, referred to this stone as Lapis Linguis in several of his readings and recommended it to promote intuitive development. One Way to Work with Azurite: This indigo crystal is well known for enhancing your intuition and stimulating your Inner Eye. Place a piece over your brow to connect with the universe in a deeper way and call forth the messages it’s trying to share with you. The copper in this stone acts like a conduit for energy, channeling it straight to your pineal gland, your body’s receiver for cosmic wisdom. Hold Azurite in your hands to help you interpret the messages, words, or symbols that come through.   Azurite Safety: Be mindful of the fact that this ore contains a lot of copper. It may also give off harmful sulfur fumes when exposed to water, so please keep your pieces dry and handle them with care (be especially careful around dust given off by rough stones or clusters).   Pin it!  
3/24/202142 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ostara & the Wheel of the Year

One way that I like to connect with the seasons and cycles of the earth is by tuning into The Wheel of the Year. This is a relatively new practice for me, but I'm finding the journey into exploring this way of being in flow with the seasons to be an enjoyable one! Read on to discover how you can connect more deeply with the earth's natural cycles in your spiritual practice...   The Wheel of the Year can help you tune into natural cycles (similar to the Lunar Phases - but on an annual scale rather than just monthly) and helps you internalize these outward changes in nature as reflections of the growth and evolution you experience in your own life. Living in harmony with the seasons and the ebb and flow of nature helps you to lead a more soulful life and to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself on a soul level. The Wheel of the Year helps you recognize who you are and your role in the world around you. So what is the Wheel of the Year? Separated into 8 main holidays, the Wheel of the Year is a representation of seasonal cycles that focuses on the 4 Solar Holidays of the year (also known as the quarter days). This stems from the Anglo-Saxon cultural observations of the solstices and equinoxes, with the addition of the 4 Gaelic, agrarian, seasonal celebrations (the mid-points between the solar holidays known as the lunar cross-quarter days or fire festivals). Although some of the holidays observed in the Wheel of the Year are quite old, The Wheel of the Year as a whole is fairly modern (being developed in the late 1950s). Though I don't personally follow the tradition that created the contemporary Wheel of the Year, I do find it a helpful way to think about the passage of time and what's happening in the world at each time of year. I tend to identify more with the Gaelic Cross-Quarter Days, as they stem from my ancestral heritage, than I do with the Anglo-Saxon solstices and equinoxes, but I do find value in these quarter days because they more closely align with the seasons as I observe them where I live in Madison, Wisconsin. For example, though my ancestors in Ireland and Scotland celebrated Imbolc as the beginning of Spring, I don't quite feel things awakening until the time of Ostara, the Spring Equinox, here in the United States. For this reason, these seasonal markers are important for helping me feel connected to what's happening in nature all year long, while the cross-quarter days hold more spiritual significance for me in other ways. An Introduction to Ostara: Ostara, or the Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere, is the first of the quarter days, which marks the second of the spring holidays (the mid-point between Imbolc and Beltane). Ostara is traditionally celebrated on the day of the Vernal Equinox, determined by when the Sun is directly over the earth's equator (this date may range from March 19th through March 22nd each year depending on the Sun's position). Modern Ostara celebrations stem from the contemporary Wheel of the Year, where Ostara is associated with the Spring Equinox and is celebrated as a time of new beginnings and the re-emergence of life after the depth of winter. Set up your Ostara Altar with me! / Ostara Crystals: Green Aventurine Pink Opal Moonstone Bloodstone Lepidolite Citrine Morganite Heliodor Rhodonite Aquamarine Rose Quartz Golden Quartz Amethyst Eclipse Jasper Yellow Jasper   Ostara Signifies the Time for: Abundance Renewal Fertility Growth Balance Joy New beginnings & change Taking action Blessings Light Celebrating the return of all things green The coming of Spring Rebirth Why celebrate Ostara? Ostara welcomes in the Spring, the return of longer days, and the renewal of the land. At this time, plants and animals are beginning to wake up from their winter slumber,
3/16/202133 minutes, 29 seconds
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Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper: A Crystal for Love & Earth Connection

Rainforest Jasper is actually a form of Rhyolite that gets its name from the gorgeous greens and brown patterns that look like a jungle canopy. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper: "I am gently grounded as I listen to the whispers of the earth and connect to the energy of my crystals."   Common Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper: Promotes a connection with nature Enhances a “green thumb” and expands your knowledge of the plant kingdom (especially of herbalism) Instills respect for all living things Connects you with Gaia (the Earth Mother) Stimulates creativity Enhances love and trust in a relationship Colors: Mottled spots of clear, brown, gold, and orange on a base of olive green Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces Elements: Earth Companion Flowers: Trillium Companion Essential Oil: Oregano Companion Stone: Orange Aventurine Common Origins: Australia Notes: Also known as Rainforest Rhyolite or as Rainforest Rhyolite Jasper. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal! More Information About Jasper: Jaspers are primarily quartz (silicon dioxide, or SO2) which has been broken down and reformed within the earth, often picking up traces of other minerals in the process. More complex jaspers may even include veins or small pieces of other minerals. Some jaspers are actually agates, rhyolites, or other types of stones. In general, jaspers are associated with grounding and connection to Mother Earth. The heavily patterned ones are often also associated with creativity and mental focus. Jasper comes in a huge variety of colors and patterns, many named for plants and animals. These names not only describe the stone's appearance, they add meaning to the stone's uses as well. Leopardskin jasper is particularly associated with animal communication -- which makes a lot of sense, as leopards themselves have long been seen as messengers. Dalmatian jasper's associations extend to its properties; it's fun, loyal, and cheers you up when you need a friend. As you might guess, elephant skin jasper ties in with memory and wisdom. Across many cultures and times, we've come to see and make use of many connections between plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms. If this crystal shows up for you, it's a reminder to clear your space - you'll feel much better after you've removed any unwanted energies, people, or beliefs from your physical and mental space. It also reminds you to get in touch with the happiness of your inner child - to bask in the joy and light of the sun.   Pin it!   Want to grow your knowledge & become a CONFIDENT Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about my CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Programs HERE! Enrollment opens soon...
3/8/202124 minutes, 15 seconds
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A Crystal Grid Recipe for Wellness

Crystal grids are an amazing and effective way to work with crystal energy. Plus, they’re absolutely stunning to look at! You can use grids to create positive energy flows, for protection and to enhance your manifestation practice. You can even create a crystal grid for wellness and health, which is what you’ll learn to create in today’s blog and podcast! This grid recipe for wellness is from my book, Crystals for Energy Healing, and can be used to energetically support your health and wellness. Creating Your Crystal Grid for Wellness Begin by gathering your supplies and making sure that all of your crystals have been cleansed.  Create an intention statement for your grid such as, “My body is healthy and well.”  Your intention may be general if you’d just like to focus on overall wellness. You may also get as specific as you like to your idea of wellness when crafting your intention statement. Your Crystal Grid for Wellness Supplies: One Emerald stone (or a green stone connected with wellness like Green Aventurine, Nephrite Jade, or Bloodstone). Four Ruby stones (or any combination of red stones connected with vitality like Carnelian, Red Jasper, or Red Aventurine). Four Red Pyrope Garnet stones (or any combination of grounding stones like Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, or Petrified Wood). Eight Clear Quartz crystal points (or tumbled stones will do in a pinch). One small, square, piece of red paper or cloth (for vitality and energizing) - optional. One small, square, piece of green paper or cloth (for general wellness and healing) - optional. Build Your Crystal Grid for Wellness Place your red paper or cloth (if you’re using one) in the area where you will set up your grid.  Place your green cloth (if you’re using one) on top of the red cloth, but turn it so that only the four corners of the red cloth show beneath the green square. Set the Emerald crystal (or a green stone if you’re making a substitution) in the center of the grid. This represents physical healing and wellness. Be sure to state your intention, aloud or to yourself, when placing this stone. Doing this will anchor your intention into the grid.  Next, place the four Ruby crystals (for vitality), on top of the corners of the red cloth. Do this in a square shape, around your central stone.  Then, place the four Red Pyrope Garnet crystals in a square shape between the Ruby stones (one in each corner of the green cloth). This represents grounding and stability. Finally, place the eight clear Quartz crystal points, one between the Emerald stone and each of the eight red stones, with the points facing in toward the Emerald. These will act to amplify your intention. Activating Your Crystal Grid After all of your crystals have been placed, you’ll need to activate your crystal grid.  Activation is the process of connecting the energy of the stones within your grid and unifying them to work together toward a common purpose.  This process enhances the energy of the stones so that the energy of the grid becomes greater than the sum of its individual crystal parts. For step by step instructions on how to activate your grid, check out my article How to Create and Use a Crystal Grid Step-by-Step here.   Leave this grid in place for as long as you feel you need the healing energy, but be sure to update your intention statement as needed if your health situation changes.   Want to grow your knowledge & become a CONFIDENT Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about my CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Programs HERE! Enrollment opens soon...   /*
2/9/202120 minutes, 2 seconds
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A Distance Healing Crystal Layout for Energetic Wellbeing

Keeping the energy body healthy and in balance is important and incorporating crystal healing layouts for energetic support can be very supportive for energetic wellness.   Performing a layout for yourself can be a bit challenging. I’m talking reaching far, struggling with flexibility, and having all your crystals roll away when you try to place the next ones. Don’t fret! You can still make even a complicated crystal layout work.  Did you know you can apply the principles of distance healing to a layout for yourself? You just need a representation of you -- this could be a photograph or your name written on a piece of paper. Plus, a “stand-in” for your body, like a distance healing board or a drawing of the human body. You can place your crystal layout for energetic wellbeing on this stand-in and intend to send healing to yourself. Or, you can use this same method for sending healing distantly to friends, family, or clients. It's kind of like working with a crystal grid for healing, but a little different. If you want to learn everything you need to know about working with crystal energy, my Crystal Healing Certification program is opening for enrollment very soon! Find out more and join the program waitlist here. The following crystal layout for energetic wellbeing helps to draw energy into the body and keeps your energy channels open, giving you an energy boost and helping to keep you from feeling depleted. Watch my quick video walkthrough now: Get Grounded: Begin by placing a black, brown, or red grounding crystal between and just below your feet. This energy center helps maintain the grounding cord between your physical and energetic bodies.  Placing a stone like Black Tourmaline, Red Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Black Onyx, or Red Jasper in this location helps to keep you grounded and connected to your body while you’re within the crystal layout.  It also helps you readily absorb the energy from the other stones in the layout. This is because it opens up your energy channels, allowing the crystal energy to flow through you unimpeded. Next, place a grounding stone next to each hip on either side of your body.  Petrified Wood, Bronzite, Smoky Quartz, Dravite Tourmaline, or Septarian Nodule are perfect for this.  Place the stones just below your hip bones where your legs attach to the main part of your body.  These two crystals work to anchor your energy body during the session so that the energy flows easily integrated between the physical body and the aura. The upside-down triangle that’s created between the grounding crystal below your feet and the two stones near your hips helps to direct and expand grounding energy from the earth up into your body. Energetically Support Your Physical Body: To create a positive shift in your physical body and call in balance and wellbeing, place a dark green stone above each of your shoulders.  Stones like Malachite, Emerald, Green Aventurine, Buddstone, or Bloodstone all work well for this.  When connected with the stones near the hips, these crystals help to create a long, rectangular shape around the torso. This surrounds it in healing energy, which helps you anchor into yourself.  The deep green color of these stones is associated with healing. It will help to correct any energetic imbalances within your field. If you’re dealing with discomfort from stress, like headaches, upset stomach, muscle tension, and loss of appetite, you can energetically support yourself by placing a yellow stone over the stomach. Keep Yourself Clear: Finally, place a clear or white crystal, like Selenite, Scolecite, Clear Quartz, Howlite, or Clear Calcite, just above the head.  The purpose of the stone here is to cleanse any energetic debris from your field. It clears out any energetic clutter that can add to stress or a general feeling of overwhelm. Finishing Up the Layout for Energetic Wellbeing: Stay within this simple layout for approximately 20-30 minutes,
2/2/202126 minutes, 51 seconds
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Imbolc & the Wheel of the Year

As we approach Imbolc (here in the Northern Hemisphere), I’m reminded of all that the Wheel of the Year represents: the cycles of light and dark, and of the constant flow and unending cycle of all things from birth, growth, and death to rebirth. One way that I like to connect with the seasons and cycles of the earth is by tuning into The Wheel of the Year.   The Wheel of the Year can help you tune into natural cycles (similar to the Lunar Phases - but on an annual scale rather than just monthly) and helps you internalize these outward changes in nature as reflections of the growth and evolution you experience in your own life. Living in harmony with the seasons and the ebb and flow of nature helps you to lead a more soulful life and to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself on a soul level. The Wheel of the Year helps you recognize who you are and your role in the world around you. Learn more about the Wheel of the Year and Imbolc in my latest podcast! Tune in here…   So what is the Wheel of the Year? Separated into 8 main holidays, the Wheel of the Year is a representation of seasonal cycles that focuses on the 4 Solar Holidays of the year (also known as the quarter days). This stems from the Anglo-Saxon cultural observations of the solstices and equinoxes, with the addition of the 4 Gaelic, agrarian, seasonal celebrations (the mid-points between the solar holidays known as the lunar cross-quarter days or fire festivals). An Introduction to Imbolc: February 1st is Imbolc (here in the Northern Hemisphere), the first of the cross-quarter days, which marks the beginning of spring (the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox). It’s origins are connected to the lambing season, or calving period when animals would begin giving milk, and the beginning of spring sowing of the ancient Celts.  Though Imbolc is most widely celebrated on February 1st, it may also be celebrated on the true midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox (or on the evening of the Full Moon nearest this date - or on the evening of the Full Moon in Aquarius...though some dispute this and say it’s on the New Moon in Aquarius). You may also choose to adjust the date of your Imbolc celebration to coincide with your exact location, by celebrating when the first spring flowers (like Snowdrops, Crocuses, Daffodils, Dandelions, or Primroses) emerge and bloom. Set up your Imbolc Altar with me! Imbolc Crystals: Red Garnet Carnelian Black Onyx Bloodstone Pyrite Orange Calcite Golden Calcite Citrine Amethyst Azurite Ruby Golden Tiger’s Eye Red Jasper Malachite Peridot Turquoise White Moonstone   Imbolc Signifies the Time for: Renewal Fertility & Midwifery Coziness Love Purification & Cleansing Birth & Rebirth Transformation & Change Emergence Hope Growth Grief Initiation Gardening & Planting Seeds (Sprouting) Late Winter Anticipation Release of What No Longer Serves You Imagination & New Ideas Inklings of Spring Prosperity Spring Cleaning Protection Communication Planning & Preparation New Beginnings Awakening Creativity Warmth Return of the Light Why celebrate Imbolc? Imbolc celebrates the first inkling of Spring and welcomes in new growth and the return of warmth to the land after we’ve made our way through the darkest and coldest of the winter months. This is a celebration of hearth and home as we prepare ourselves and our spaces for the return of spring, making it the perfect time for very early garden chores and for spring cleaning your home and altar. Imbolc is a time to hold space for renewal, fertility, purification, rebirth, hope, growth, planning, and new beginnings.  Imbolc’s name comes from the Gaelic phrase “in the belly” referring to the abundance of pregnant ewes at this time of year, but is also said to mean “to wash”,
1/25/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
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Healing Properties of Selenite: A Crystal for Cleansing & Purification

Today, we're exploring the Healing Properties of Selenite — a popular crystal that is primarily worked with for its cleansing and purification properties. But there's also a new myth that's been floating around lately about Selenite, that I'd really like to address. Listen in to my latest podcast now to find out more... A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Selenite: "I am energy manifested in the physical realm. I embody peace and clarity in all I do." Crystal Controversy: Is your Selenite fake? Watch my recent live video to find out! A lot of people are claiming that the traditional Selenite that most of us are used to seeing (the white, striated form) is NOT true Selenite... They're saying that this is actually a crystal FAKE. It's causing a lot of confusion amongst the global crystal community. So what's the truth? I've received a ton of messages from my students asking for my thoughts on this controversial topic. So, if you're feeling confused (or even if this is the first time you've heard about this) — I'm here to clear things up! Watch now to get all the information you need to know: Common Healing Properties of Selenite: Used for energetic purification Cleanses the aura Enriches the dream state and helps you receive intuitive messages in your dreams Facilitates spiritual growth Enhances the connection between your conscious mind and your Higher Self Helps you tap into healing energy Promotes a good night's sleep Helps you overcome past life issues Encourages new friendships Promotes love and empathy Clears the mind before meditation Enhances your ability to follow your spiritual path Brings light into your energy body Promotes peace and harmony Helps you connect with the energy of the Moon and with Moon Goddesses Clears out mental clutter and stagnant energy Enhances self-confidence Cleanses and charges other crystals Helps in decision making Use as a "runway" back to the physical realm after astral travel or dreamwork Clears spaces of energetic debris Can be added to a crystal grid for the energetic protection of your home   Healing Properties of Selenite: Associations & Correspondences Colors: Clear to shiny, brilliant white Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Elements: Air, Water Companion Flowers: Snow in Summer Companion Essential Oil: Orchid Companion Stone: Black Tourmaline Common Origins: Morocco, Mexico Notes: A variety of Gypsum. While the name Selenite technically applies to clear crystals, "Satin Spar" Gypsum (which is white and striated) is also Selenite. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!     More About the Healing Properties of Selenite: Selenite is a pearly-white form of gypsum (hydrated calcium sulfate). It is named for the moon goddess Selene (the Greek goddess of the full moon), probably because its sheen resembles the light of a full moon. Both the full moon and selenite purify energy. Although colorless, the parallel striations that run the length of this crystal often give it a whitish appearance. Gypsum’s otherworldly tendencies continue today in the white sands of New Mexico, which are so bright they can be seen from space. A crystal ball made of selenite can represent the full moon (for rituals or magical workings), especially at times when the moon is in another phase or the night is cloudy. Since selenite has a reputation as a scrying stone, this fits right in with this beautiful stone’s still-developing tradition of use. A natural insulator, it often warms up when held. Large, thin sheets of Selenite were once used for windowpanes and smaller sheets were used as eyeglass lenses.  The Cave of Crystals in Naica, Mexico, discovered in the year 2000, is filled with giant Selenite crystals, some of them hundreds of feet tall.
1/14/202133 minutes, 34 seconds
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What Poisonous Plants Can teach Us About Healing: An Interview with Kathryn Solie (Founder of Persephone’s Path)

Hello and welcome! Today, I am so excited and honored to be interviewing the amazing Kathryn Solie. Kathryn does a lot of amazing different work, but primarily she teaches some meditation classes and workshops on poisonous plants and plant medicines.
12/15/202032 minutes, 53 seconds
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Healing Properties of Carnelian: A Crystal for Creativity & Sexual Energy

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Carnelian: "I am motivated by divine purpose. I allow myself to tap into Universal creativity and feel it flow through me. If I remain focused, I will manifest my vision with ease."
12/7/202025 minutes, 48 seconds
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Card Reading from the Heart: An Interview with Dana Whitby (Host of the Soul Rising Podcast)

Hi everyone and welcome. Today, I have the pleasure of re-interviewing the amazing Dana Whitby about card reading. Dana has been on the podcast before so you can go back and check out that previous episode because she always has so much to share.
12/1/202036 minutes, 48 seconds
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Healing Properties of Red Jasper: A Crystal for Passion & Life Purpose

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Red Jasper: "I am fully in touch with my creative fire, my passion, and my purpose in life."
11/17/202023 minutes, 48 seconds
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Healing with Flower Essences: An Interview with Alena Hennessy (Author of The Healing Guide to Flower Essences)

Today I'm thrilled and super excited to be interviewing the amazing Alena Hennessy. Alena has released one of the most beautiful books I have read in a long time, the healing guide to flower essences.
11/7/202034 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Crystal Elixir Recipe for Shadow Work & How to Use It for Scrying Divination

Shadow work helps you gain an intimate understanding of your inner self. It’s the process of exploring the dark, interior realm of your subconscious mind to shine a light on the parts of yourself that are hidden within the Shadow Realm.
10/27/202024 minutes, 55 seconds
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5 Best Crystals for Shadow Work

We’re approaching Samhain - the time of year when the veil is the thinnest and when we move into the dark half of the year. This is a time for withdrawing inward.
10/19/202026 minutes, 57 seconds
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Clearing Cords with Crystal Energy: An Interview with Heather Askinosie & Timmi Jandro from Energy Muse

Today I'm so excited to get to be speaking with the amazing ladies at Energy Muse, Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro. So ladies, thank you so much for being here with us today.
10/13/202041 minutes, 3 seconds
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Crystals for the Virgo New Moon

Before we get into my 3 favorite crystals for the Virgo New Moon, I want to share a personal story with you about how I got started working with lunar energy and why it’s so important to me.
9/15/202036 minutes, 36 seconds
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Healing Properties of Shungite: A Crystal for Healing & Purification

Shungite is an amazing stone for healing and purification, but it’s controversial due to some of the claims made about its use. I was recently interviewed for an article at mindbodygreen about the properties and benefits of Shungite.
9/7/202031 minutes, 57 seconds
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Healing Properties of Blue Lace Agate: A Crystal for Happiness & Personal Growth

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Blue Lace Agate: "I surround myself with people that support my happiness and personal growth."
8/31/202019 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Crystal Layout for Intuitive Guidance

Performing a crystal layout involves placing stones on and around your physical body to create a shift in your energy field.  Crystal layouts can follow geometric patterns or may be done intuitively. The overall purpose is to direct the flow of energy from the stones to shift the energy within your body, mind, spirit, and life.
8/22/202015 minutes, 23 seconds
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Healing Properties of Orange Calcite: A Crystal for Motivation & Soul Purpose

A Crystal Message about the healing properties of Orange Calcite: "I embrace my motivation to walk my path and fulfil my soul purpose."
8/18/202017 minutes, 33 seconds
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Using Crystals to Learn About the Tarot Minor Arcana

This week, we’ll be diving into the remaining 56 cards in the Tarot deck, known as the Minor Arcana. These Minor cards add perspective to what is happening in your everyday life.
5/25/202025 minutes, 12 seconds
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Working with Crystals and the Major Arcana of the Tarot

Tarot cards are a popular method of divination used for receiving guidance and wisdom from the universe, but they can feel a little intimidating to a beginner (ok...let’s be real...they can feel a bit intimidating even to someone who’d been dabbling in Tarot for a while).
5/19/202021 minutes, 21 seconds
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Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: A Crystal for Inner Reflection

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: "I take a sacred pause to release thoughts that weigh me down, making mental space for new clarity and inner guidance."
5/10/202014 minutes, 57 seconds
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Crystal Grid Recipe for Protection & Shielding

Most often when discussing crystals for protection, what comes to mind is carrying crystals with us or wearing them as jewelry. But did you know that you can also use a crystal grid recipe for protection?
5/5/202020 minutes, 45 seconds
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Healing Properties of Crazy Lace Agate: A Crystal for Removing Attachments

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Crazy Lace Agate: "I consciously let go of attachments and I immerse myself in the creative flow that surrounds me."
4/28/202016 minutes, 39 seconds
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Crystals for Karmic Healing: An Interview with Nicholas Pearson

Today, I am so excited to be interviewing once again, the amazing Nicholas Pearson. I'm talking to Nicholas today about a book we actually haven't gotten to discuss very much yet, "Crystals for Karmic Healing."
4/21/202023 minutes, 3 seconds
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Healing Properties of Iolite: A Crystal for Direction & Guidance

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Iolite: "I allow myself to be guided by the positive energies around me and within me."
4/12/202018 minutes, 15 seconds
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Crystal Grids for World Healing: Let’s Make #OneMillionCrystalGrids

These are unprecedented times, which have left many of us feeling helpless. It can be difficult trying to figure out what to make of the world health crisis that has been unfolding over the last several months.
4/7/202012 minutes, 32 seconds
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A Guided Crystal Meditation for Calm

I have found myself in a state of disbelief more than once over the last few weeks. Watching things unfold in the world, I have felt almost every emotion - frustration, disbelief, anxiety, shock, fear, hopelessness. But also acceptance, awe, gratitude, love, joy, compassion, and finally, calm.   When things feel out of control and chaos seems to be swirling around us, it can be so challenging to get to that place of calm. It's important to acknowledge our emotions and allow ourselves to feel what we're feeling, but ultimately, we eventually need to find that place of center and balance in ourselves if we're going to make it through the rollercoaster of emotion that the current world health crisis is triggering in most of us. So ... how do we find that calm place within ourselves? Each of us likely has at least a few ways that we do this: gardening painting writing in a journal taking a hot bath I personally really enjoy all of the above, but when I'm really feeling out of alignment, it can be difficult to enjoy even those basic comforts. But there's one thing I know I can always turn to, no matter what's going on in my life, that can help get me back to that place of centered calm... meditation. Meditation is a focusing of your mind until you reach a place of inner stillness. It should always be done for the self and not with any specific outcome in mind. Take it from me - over time, meditation can completely transform your outlook on life. Incorporating crystals and crystal incense into your meditation practice can be a deeply rewarding experience. As we continue to navigate the coming weeks, consider meditating any time you feel overwhelmed or lost in the sea of emotion that we're all experiencing right now. The following crystal meditation for calm has been an incredibly helpful part of my practice to stay connected to my place of inner calm, and I invite you to join me by following along. I hope it serves you and those you love as we move further into uncharted territory ... let it help you navigate the uncertainties we currently face, as well as those that are still unfolding. Wishing you and yours good health, safety, and an open heart. Let us support one another (even at a distance!) with kindness, compassion, and love. Find a quiet place to sit, grab 2 crystals you feel drawn to and join me in this Crystal Meditation for Calm...       Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
3/31/202010 minutes, 29 seconds
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Crystal Grid for Emotional Healing Recipe

The following crystal grid for emotional healing recipe is from my book Crystals for Energy Healing. When I was writing this book, it was SO important to me to include practical, everyday activities for working with crystals.   I thought about some of the most common questions I get from students in my Crystal Healing Certification Program. So often, my students ask about working with crystals for physical ailments. However, frequently physical issues actually have energetic and emotional roots. These also need to be addressed. Working on just the physical symptoms may make you feel better for a time, but that alone won't get to the core of the issue, clearing it out once and for all. In my Crystal Healing Certification Program classes, we take a body, mind, spirit approach to healing with crystal energy. In fact, I have an entire lesson dedicated to emotional healing. I think it's so important (and is so often overlooked). This crystal grid recipe can be used to create emotional balance and stability as well as repair emotional wounds.  These stones all resonate with the energy of the Higher Heart Chakra. This is a minor chakra associated with emotional healing, compassion, and forgiveness. If you're new to crystal grids, or if you've made a few but you still feel a little intimidated by the process, you may want to go back and check out my post, How to Create & Use a Crystal Grid Step-by-Step before continuing on with this article (although I promise I keep things super simple and easy to follow here as well). Supplies Needed: 1 Rose Quartz stone 6 Amazonite stones 6 Pink Opal stones 1 seed of life grid base (you can draw this yourself, print it out, or purchase a pre-made grid template) Begin by gathering your supplies and making sure that all of your crystals have been cleansed.  Create an intention statement for your grid such as, “My emotional body is healthy, balanced, and whole.”  Your intention may be general if you’d just like to focus on overall emotional health, but you may also get as specific as you like to your emotional situation when crafting your intention statement.   /* Set the Rose Quartz crystal, representing emotional balance, in the center of the Seed of Life shape.  Be sure to state your intention, aloud or to yourself, when placing all of your stones. Next, put the six Amazonite crystals, representing compassion and empathy, on the Seed of Life shape. Place them around your center stone.  These should be placed in the center of each of the outer circles. Then, place the six Pink Opal crystals, representing emotional healing and forgiveness, at the point where two of the outer circles cross, on the outside edge of the shape. To activate and enhance the energy of the grid, you may use a clear Quartz crystal point. This will link the energy of all the crystals within the grid. Activation is most effective if you visualize each of these connections as lines of white light, linking the energy of each individual stone into one cohesive unit.  If your grid is disturbed or if the crystals are moved out of alignment, the grid will need to be re-activated. Point your wand over the center stone. Set your intention to link the energy of all seven stones within the grid so that they work cohesively toward your intention. Moving from the center, “draw” a line to a stone on the outside of the grid. Moving clockwise, “draw” a line to the next stone on the outside of the grid and then back to the central stone. Move back up this same line to the stone you just came from, then clockwise to the next outside stone, and then back again to the center. Continue in this fashion until you have connected all stones and arrive back in the center of the grid. Finally, point the point of your Quartz crystal toward the center of the grid. This will infuse it with universal energy so that it may carry out its purpose.
2/23/202027 minutes, 16 seconds
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Healing Properties of River Agate: A Crystal for the Water Element

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of River Agate: "I live in harmony with the element of water and allow it to guide my creative expression." Common Healing Properties of River Agate: Reduces negativity in your environment Helps you find the humor in any situation Enhances your intuitive abilities Encourages you to go with the flow Increases sexual energy Promotes creativity and the expression of your emotions through creative endeavors Assists you in recognizing your divine feminine power Increases protective magic Facilitates grounding Enhances emotional stability Harmonizes Yin & Yang Enhances physical strength Balances positive and negative energies and emotions Assists you when you're working with universal energies and spirit guides (especially the water element and water spirits)   Colors: Swirly bands of red, orange, brown, yellow, and gray Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 2nd (Sacral) Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer Elements: Water Companion Flowers: Blue Flag Iris Companion Essential Oil: Primrose Companion Stone: Golden Hematoid Quartz Common Origins: Brazil Notes: Agate gets its name from the Achates River in Sicily where it was originally found. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!       /*   More Information About River Agate: Agate comes in a huge variety of colors and patterns, many named for plants and animals. These names not only describe the stone's appearance, they add meaning to the stone's uses as well. Ancient Greeks called tawny-colored ones "lion skin agates"; these stones had great strength, and could counteract a wide range of poisons, especially scorpion stings. In Hebrew tradition, one could gain courage by plucking a hair from a lion's mane -- but if that seemed a little too ambitious to start out with, you could substitute a lion skin agate instead! On the other hand, ancient writers cautioned against keeping agates with the spotty pattern of hyena fur, claiming those would cause domestic trouble. The green of a tree agate would attract positive attention from the agricultural goddess Ceres; farmers not only wore this stone as an amulet, they'd also tie a piece to the horn of their ox while plowing. Across many cultures and times, we've come to see and make use of many connections between plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, as well as connections with eternal realms.     Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
2/17/202025 minutes, 6 seconds
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Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate: A Crystal for Creative Flow

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate: "I go with the flow and am easily able to tap into the limitless energy of my creativity."   Common Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate: Promotes physical grounding Enhances your connection to the physical realm Helps you draw what you need from the limitless Universal energy that surrounds you Reduces negativity Encourages creativity Helps you appreciate your sense of humor Allows you to go with the flow, even during difficult times Enhances your divine feminine power Promotes protection Encourages stability Harmonizes your Yin & Yang energies Enhances physical strength Balances positive and negative emotions Assists you while you work with universal forces and energies in magic and ritual Colors: Swirly, translucent bands of red-orange, gray, and white Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 2nd (Sacral) Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Aries Elements: Water, Fire Companion Flowers: Red Dahlia Companion Essential Oil: Hibiscus Companion Stone: Blue Hemimorphite Common Origins: Brazil, Madagascar Notes: Some Agate stones are named for their specific locality or appearance. This name applies to any banded Agate stone featuring a beautiful red color that is not known by a more specific locality name. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!   /*   More Information About Agate: Agate comes in a huge variety of colors and patterns, many named after plants and animals. These names not only describe the stone's appearance, they add meaning to the stone's uses as well. Ancient Greeks called tawny-colored ones "lion skin agates"; these stones had great strength, and could counteract a wide range of poisons, especially scorpion stings. In Hebrew tradition, one could gain courage by plucking a hair from a lion's mane -- but if that seemed a little too ambitious to start out with, you could substitute a lion skin agate instead! On the other hand, ancient writers cautioned against keeping agates with the spotty pattern of hyena fur, claiming those would cause domestic trouble. The green of a tree agate would attract positive attention from the agricultural goddess Ceres; farmers not only wore this stone as an amulet, they'd also tie a piece to the horn of their ox while plowing. Across many cultures and times, we've come to see and make use of many connections between plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, as well as connections with eternal realms.             Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!  
1/12/202019 minutes, 27 seconds
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Sacred Self Care & Opening to Your Soul’s Calling: An Interview with Cristin Smith

Hi everyone, and welcome! I am super excited today to be interviewing the amazing Cristin Smith at Saffron and Sage about sacred self care and finding your soul's calling.             Ashley Leavy: So, Cristin, thank you so much for being here to talk about sacred self care and opening your soul's calling with us. Cristin Smith: You're welcome. Thanks for having me! Ashley: I'm really excited about this interview because I think your business is a little bit different to anything else that we've really featured on the podcast before. You have such an amazing combination of products and classes and events. It's really exciting for me to speak with someone who's also in the health and wellness industry. You do so much. Would you mind taking a couple of minutes to introduce yourself to everyone and tell them a little bit about Saffron and Sage? Cristin: Absolutely! So, I'm Cristin Smith. I am the founder and owner of Saffron and Sage. We are a holistic health club located in Little Italy here in the heart of San Diego, and we really focus on preventative and integrated wellness. We do this through creating multi-sensory healing experiences for our clients. That could look like acupuncture, massage, energy therapy, or mineral therapy. It could look like yoga, breathwork, meditation, or sounds. Or it could be one of our workshops to really educate on things such as the science of mindfulness or one of our cooking workshops where we talk about the art of eating and intuitive eating and digestion. We're really focused on connecting mind, body, and spirit. Here in Saffron and Sage, we connect those through identifying thoughts, trauma, and toxins that have picked up residence in the brain and the body. We use an integrative way to really help our clients regain or maintain their wellbeing and we do that through our member-based approach. So, you can come in and take a class, or get a massage. Most of our clients have signed up for our membership that is two hundred dollars a month and it gives you access to one service every single month and eight classes in our studio. We're really having a great time supporting the executives, and entrepreneurs, and leaders in the community who are focused on doing the deep work.  Ashley: You know, I have to tell you, you are truly living the dream that I know a lot of our listeners would love to create in their own lives- running a wellness studio. Could you tell us a little bit about your journey and how that really got started for you, and how it all developed into the amazing success that it is today? Cristin: Sure! Yeah. So, interestingly enough, I come from the financial and insurance services sector. So I've been in business forever. This is my fourth company, but actually, the only company that I didn't realize I was starting and that grew organically out of my journey. It's been about a twelve-year journey I would say. After being so successful in financial services, I started looking at the interior landscape of my life and really exploring emotionally healthy spirituality. What does that look like? When you achieve your material goals, you start to ask the deeper questions and I was lucky enough to start exploring those in my early twenties. That really lead to this transition, and I started delving deeper into spiritual formation and spiritual practices like practicing solitude, silence, fasting, and all sorts of things. Shortly thereafter, that lead to a six month sabbatical in Mexico. I end up relocating to Tijuana, not Tulum. Most people think, "Oh my, you must live in a beautiful space." But I was in this incubator, if you will, for six months. I really focused on shedding my workaholism, and delving deeper into my beliefs and my values. During that time, doctors found four tumors in my neck and my thyroid, and they couldn't figure out why. After a second opinion, third opinion, fourth opinion,
1/6/202032 minutes, 18 seconds
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Healing Properties of Bumblebee Jasper: A Crystal for Happiness & Celebration

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Bumblebee Jasper: "I am filled with joy and I celebrate each moment with a fully open heart."   Common Healing Properties of Bumblebee Jasper: Energizes you Promotes complete happiness and joy Encourages the celebration of life's small moments Promotes honesty (especially with yourself) Helps you achieve your dreams Frees blocked energy from the body Stimulates mental activity Relieves symptoms of allergies Facilitates triumph over the seemingly impossible Colors: Swirls of yellow, bright orange, black, and gray Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 2nd (Sacral), 3rd (Solar Plexus) Zodiac Signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini Elements: Earth, Fire Companion Flowers: Marigold Companion Essential Oil: Calendula Companion Stone: Red Feldspar Common Origins: Indonesia Notes: This is a banded Calcite stone with traces of Realgar (so wash your hands thoroughly after handling). Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!   /*   More Information About the Healing Properties of Bumblebee Jasper: Jaspers are primarily quartz (silicon dioxide, or SO2) which has been broken down and reformed within the earth, often picking up traces of other minerals in the process. More complex jaspers may even include veins or small pieces of other minerals. Some jaspers are actually agates, rhyolites, or other stones. In general, jaspers are associated with grounding and connection to Mother Earth. The heavily patterned ones are often also associated with creativity and mental focus.       Pin it!   Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
12/22/201916 minutes, 8 seconds
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Healing Properties of Snowflake Obsidian: A Crystal for Balance & Courage

A Crystal Message about the healing properties of Snowflake Obsidian: "I create sacred space in my home to recharge and rejuvenate myself when I'm feeling out of alignment."       Common Healing Properties of Snowflake Obsidian: Protects you from negative energy by blocking it from entering your auric field Reveals the truth in any situation Exposes areas of oneself that need growth and development Facilitates past life ascension and regression Keeps you grounded and centered Shields you from electromagnetic pollution Banishes negative energy from your environment Brings peace and calming Encourages living in a virtuous manner Encourages personal growth Instills determination Facilitates communication with one’s guides and angels Increases courage Stimulates intuition Facilitates compassion Reduces arthritis pain Detoxifies the physical body Helps you maintain proper circulation Brings balance to the mind, body, and spirit Encourage independence   Colors: Black with white snowflake-shaped spots Associated Chakras: 1st (Root) Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Virgo, Scorpio, Leo Elements: Earth, Fire Companion Flowers: Hot Poker Companion Essential Oil: Canela Companion Stone: Inca Jade Common Origins: Utah, USA, Argentina Notes: Also known as Phenocryst-Included Black Obsidian, Cristobalite-Included Obsidian, or as Flowering Obsidian Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!   /*   More Information on the Healing Properties of Snowflake Obsidian: Obsidian is the most abundant form of naturally occurring glass. It is the result of volcanic lava cooling quickly. Technically obsidian may have any composition, but usually it’s a glass with inclusions of hematite and rhyolite. Snowflake Obsidian contains tiny white clusters of cristobalite.  It forms when, over time, the obsidian begins to crystalize. The “snow” in this obsidian is actually crystals of cristobalite, which is the same substance as quartz but with a distinctive crystal structure. As the obsidian continues to weather, it turns into something else, which is why you don’t find very ancient obsidian deposits. Because it’s easy to chip and forms a sharp point, it has been an invaluable material for toolmaking throughout history, thus contributing to the evolution of the human race. Many cultures also used it to make mirrors and figurines. In fact, one way archaeologists can trace the development of trade is by testing the composition of obsidian objects found along trade routes to find out where it originated, and thus how far it had traveled. More recently, obsidian lore has made its way into popular culture as “dragon glass” in Game of Thrones, or as a “witch’s blade.” If this stone comes to you it may indicate that you've been experiencing a time of cloudiness or darkness in your life that will soon part. This stone speaks in a very ancient language, so listen closely to what it's trying to tell you. Snowflake Obsidian Safety and Care: Obsidian breaks easily and forms sharp edges, so be careful you don’t get cut, and keep this in mind if children will handle it. When buying obsidian, be careful of sellers promoting obsidian in various bright colors; this material is usually fake.     Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
12/10/201921 minutes, 24 seconds
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Healing Properties of Blue Kyanite: A Crystal for Truth & Justice

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Blue Kyanite: "I receive and acknowledge all life lessons and messages given to me from my spirit guides."   UPDATE: This article previously used the term “totem animals” to describe animal archetypes that may hold meaning for someone. Using this term is culturally appropriative (as this is a term rooted in Indigenous spiritual practice) in the context it was previously used, especially shared by the author here (who is white). This article has been updated to reflect this change.   Common Healing Properties of Blue Kyanite: Spiritual guidance To enhance your intuition To promote peace and compassion To stimulate creative energy To aid in communication with your guides, animal archetypes, and angels To enhance your personal exploration of your spiritual nature Colors: Brilliant blue with darker blue streaks Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces, Cancer Elements: Water, Air Companion Flowers: Bluebells Companion Essential Oil: Wild Chamomile Companion Stone: Angel Aura Quartz Common Origins: Brazil, India Notes: Some of the best quality Blue Kyanite has a dark blue line running down the length of the crystal blade; when this line is held over the chakras parallel to the spine it can be used to bring the chakra centers back into balance and alignment. Kyanite also comes in green, orange, and black. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal! More Information About Blue Kyanite: Kyanite has a reputation for purity, and many healers agree that it will not hold negative energy and therefore never needs to be cleansed. Because of this energetic perfection, some believe kyanite to be the material of Archangel Michael’s Sword of Truth. The symbolism behind this idea is that only a material of great purity can cut to the truth of the matter.  Archangel Michael carries a sword that cuts cords and attachments and removes negativity. A flaming sword also has to endure some pretty extreme conditions, and kyanite — the ore for the material used in spark plugs — is able to withstand plenty of heat. However, while Archangel Michael is usually depicted ready to go into battle with helmet, shield and sword, the real battle he fights is a spiritual one: choosing truth over deception. (Just as well, since kyanite would be awfully brittle in an actual sword fight!) No doubt this is why this extremely pure stone is thought to make the angel’s perfect “weapon.” And as a throat chakra stone, blue kyanite works for anyone who wants to discern and speak the truth. Care and Safety: Kyanite fractures easily and is water sensitive. It also contains aluminum, so please don’t use it in crystal elixirs.   Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
11/25/201915 minutes, 4 seconds
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Healing Properties of Malachite: A Crystal for Protection & Health

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Malachite: "You are a child of the earth; wild, creative, and free."           Common Healing Properties of Malachite: Amplifies energy and intention Promotes grounding Enhances protection Blocks electromagnetic pollution Encourages earth healing Connects you with nature Enhances spiritual guidance Aids in your visualization practices Activates psychic powers Encourages unconditional love Enhances scrying divination practices Facilitates astral travel Helps you access intuitive messages from the subconscious mind Encourages positive changes in your life Reveals obstacles on your spiritual path Removes negative thought patterns and conditioning Facilitates the positive expression of your emotions Creates a shield of protection in love and affairs of the heart Increases confidence Encourages compassion Enhances concentration Heals the emotional body Aids in exploring the inner self Enhances your creative energy Penetrates suppressed emotions and draws their energy out of the body Focuses your thoughts and energy Clears the subconscious of outmoded patterns and beliefs Colors: Swirly bands of dark and light green Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 4th (Heart) Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Elements: Earth, Water Companion Flowers: Geum Companion Essential Oil: Spearmint Companion Stone: Peach Feldspar Common Origins: DR Congo, Russia, Namibia Notes: Malachite has high Copper content and is NOT safe for use in crystal elixirs Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!   /*   More Information About Malachite: Malachite is an intense green, banded copper ore. It’s often found in conjunction with azurite, and forms in fascinating botryoidal (dome-shaped) formations.   Malachite Lore: When stone age hunter/gatherers tried lining their fire pits with some pretty green stone that had been exposed by flooding, they accidentally invented the science of smelting metal from ore. Copper was almost certainly the first metal they discovered and used, because it’s so easy to extract from malachite — all you need is fire. You can well imagine that when people saw the reddish metal coming out of green stones, they felt it was magic! Besides its use as copper ore, people have long used malachite as an “evil eye” talisman. The stone’s natural curved lines and circles form natural patterns that look like eyes — eyes to “send back” bad intentions, envy, or other dangerous feelings, as well as simple bad luck. Babies and others wore these amulets in ancient Egypt and Greece, medieval Europe, and many other places. Powdered malachite is also one of the oldest pigments, providing an intense green color for paint and makeup. It’s possible that, as eyeshadow, malachite powder averted the evil eye as a magical cosmetic. Malachite Safety and Care: Since malachite contains copper, it’s best to be careful about toxicity. It’s also a fairly soft stone. Tumbled pieces should be safe to handle, but avoid getting them wet. It’s a good idea to wash your hands after handling rough malachite, because coppery dust can come off in your hands.   Pin it!       Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
11/10/201918 minutes, 38 seconds
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Creating ‘Cosmic Crystals’: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at My New Book

I'm so excited to introduce my new book, called "Cosmic Crystals: Rituals and Meditations for Connecting with Lunar Energy." This is my fifth or sixth book... I've kind of lost count by now! It's my second book being published with a large publisher. My other books before that were self-published.   So my first book was "Crystals for Energy Healing" and this book, "Cosmic Crystals", is quite different. My first book was really more of a guide book or reference book to a hundred different crystals and their healing properties. It also included some more introductory information and how to use crystals for grids, elixirs, meditations, and crystal layouts. My latest book, on the other hand, was born out of my personal work with crystals and the moon. So for me, I started working pretty intensely with the energy of the moon a few years ago. I've always felt so connected and so drawn to the moon and working with lunar energy, but this was intensified when I went through a pretty serious illness and I had to have a hysterectomy. This was two weeks before my 29th birthday.  I was pretty young to have that procedure done, but I had some severe uterine fibroids. They were causing me tons and tons of pain and quite a lot of other health complications. After trying quite a few other things to get them under control, surgery was my next best option. So I spoke with other women who had had this procedure. I really did a lot of research online to understand how I might feel after the surgery - physically, but also emotionally. After doing this, I felt pretty prepared for it. In all honesty, my husband and I decided a long, long, long time ago that we probably wouldn't have children. I was okay with that. But after the procedure, I was really shocked at how much grief I felt for that choice now that it'd been taken away. For some reason, it felt okay and it felt really empowering when it was 100% my choice, but when I didn't have the option anymore, it just felt really strange. It felt like there was something that was being taken away from me.  It was a really strange combination of grief and anger and sadness, and it was really difficult to work through for me. It's so strange to be talking about all of this because, at the time, I didn't realize how much this would play into all of the work and the personal journey that I would be going through years later. I'm going to be 34 in just a few weeks, so it's almost five years later at this point.       This personal journey really led me to try and understand my body more. Now that I didn't have a traditional moon time, I didn't bleed anymore. But I still have my ovaries, so I still had all the other things that kind of accompany a moon time. However I found that I lost track of my own cycle and my body's natural rhythm because I didn't bleed. So often, you know, I'll be wondering why I had a headache and felt kind of fuzzy or confused or was tired or why I felt really emotional. And then I started to realize, "Oh, I'm having my moon time." and I just didn't know or didn't notice because I didn't have the bleeding.  So I started working with the cycle of the moon as a way to track my own personal moon time and to help me get in touch with my body again. It was so strange, to be a person who had this experience each and every month and then to no longer have that. It made me feel really lost in terms of my body's own natural rhythms and cycles. I felt so disconnected from myself physically. On top of that, there was just a whole other layer of emotional grieving that was happening that I didn't really expect because I felt disconnected from my sacred feminine. I felt disconnected from my womanness. And that was something that was really unexpected for me. That was something I hadn't really heard from anyone else I had spoken with before I had the procedure. No one else told me that they had experienced that. So not only was I feeling that way,
11/4/201933 minutes, 30 seconds
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Waking the Witch: An Interview with Pam Grossman

I'm really excited today for this interview with Pam Grossman, who is the author of the book Waking the Witch: Reflections on Women, Magic, and Power. She's also the host of The Witch Wave Podcast - which if you are not familiar with, go over right now and check it out. You will not be disappointed.   Her writing has appeared in places like the New York Times,, and HuffPost. Pretty much everywhere you can imagine. So I am so excited for this interview with Pam Grossman. Pam, thank you so much for being here with us today. Pam Grossman: Thank you so much for having me. It's so nice to be here.   Ashley: As many of you listening know, I actually own a new age shop called Mimosa Books and Gifts in Madison, Wisconsin. We're always looking for great new books to carry in our store. Not long ago, when I came across Waking the Witch and read the description, I immediately fell in love. I really wanted to have this book on the shelves for our customers. Lo and behold, when I was checking my calendar for podcast guests, guess who was here... none other but Pam. It was divine timing. I'm thrilled to carry your book in the shop. The staff were drooling over it when we got it! Could you tell us a little bit about what this book is all about? Why did you write it? What is the story behind it? Disclosure: The link here is an affiliate link, meaning I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Yay! Pam: Absolutely! Well, first of all, thank you so much for carrying it in your shop. I am such a proponent of small businesses and indie shops. So, of course, order the book wherever you can get it, but if you can go to a shop like that one, please do. Waking the Witch has the subtitle 'Reflections on Women, Magic, and Power.' I chose those words with a lot of intention because, to me, the archetype of the witch is one that is inherently related to our feelings about feminine power. I should clarify - people of all genders can be witches, and this book is for people of all genders. However it really does trace the history of how witches and women became interlinked. For most of human history, witches were associated with evil and malevolence. Starting around the 14th and 15th centuries, they were associated with the devil himself. And yet, today we have a much more positive association of witches with women and with people of all genders. I really wanted to celebrate the positive aspects of witches, which I think need to be celebrated more. It's really exciting to see that witches are more popular than ever now and are being celebrated. I also wanted to really trace the history of them and explore the ways in which we, by which I mean society, depicts witches. Often, this is a reflection of how that given society or those given people feel about female power. Spoiler alert - now that feminism is growing (and we still have a long way to go), people have a more positive association with complex, dynamic, powerful women. And guess what? Our witches are more positive now. That's kind of the thesis statement of the book. But it really is fun and it touches on the history and pop culture and some of my own story as to how I started identifying as a witch. My book is a real amalgamation of a lot of things, but all surrounding that idea of power, femininity, and magic. Ashley: I love this because it doesn't just focus on one thing. I think so many of the books in this area are so focused on just ritual, or just magic, or just that this or that. The thing is that this is so deeply ingrained into all parts of our culture. You can't separate magic or ritual or art or creativity out from any of the other things. They all blend together and the lines kind of blur. I love that you've just looked at this concept, an archetype of this energy and you're taking it to a place where it can be really profoundly thought about and talked about in a way that I think is pretty illuminating.
10/21/201934 minutes, 42 seconds
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Crystal Layout for Emotional Healing

As I discuss in my book Crystals for Energy Healing, when it comes to your overall wellbeing, your emotional health is an integral part of keeping yourself balanced and aligned. Using a crystal layout is a great way to help you achieve emotional balance.   The following crystal layout heals emotional wounds and shields you from outside energy that's not for your highest good. This layout includes: 7 Selenite crystals 2 Rhodochrosite crystals 4 Blue Lace Agate crystals 1 Cross Stone When performing any layout, be sure that you're working with cleansed stones in a place you won't be disturbed. Your sacred space or healing room is great for this. Start by placing the 7 Selenite stones around the entire physical body in the shape of a 7-pointed star with the top-most point directly above the head. The human aura has 7 layers. Each of these points represents and connects with one of these auric layers. Since Selenite is a powerful energy cleanser, it helps to dissolve any energetic imprints that have been stored in your aura. These imprints are created when we experience emotional trauma. By cleansing these imprints you start to heal the emotional body. Additionally, the 7-pointed star shape is known for being highly protective. It works to shield your energy body even after you leave the layout. Next, you'll place the Rhodochrosite stones next to each ear just behind the earlobe where the head meets the neck. This is the location of the past-life chakras. Emotional debris and information from your previous incarnations can be stored in these minor chakra energy centers. Rhodochrosite enhances acceptance and promotes forgiveness. Therefore, these stones work to release any residual resentment, fear, or negativity from these centers that have carried over from past lives into your current lifetime. After the emotional body has been repaired you should rebalance the energy in the aura. To do this, surround the body with the 4 Blue Lace Agate stones. Place one above the head, one directly beneath the first below the feet, and one on either side of the body about halfway between the top and bottom stones. The energy of Blue Lace Agate works to calm and soothe the energy body and begins the process of bringing it back into balance. To enhance and amplify the overall effectiveness of the layout, place the Cross Stone over the heart with the "arms" of the cross aligned with the Blue Lace Agate stones. Cross Stone creates a protective shield around the emotional body. This sets energetic boundaries and keeps outside energy from entering the aura. Now that all the stones have been placed you should remain in the layout for 15-20 minutes or until you intuitively feel your emotional energy has been balanced. Finally, remove the crystals in the opposite order they were placed. Cleanse your crystals thoroughly, and ground yourself before returning to your daily activities. Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!  
9/10/201918 minutes, 30 seconds
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How I Went from a Crystal Lover to International Crystal Teacher

I get asked by people all the time, "How did Love and Light School get started?" "How is it that you do what you do?" Because I think it's still pretty surprising to a lot of people that you can have a job as a crystal healer. So today I wanted to share the story of how I went from just being a crystal lover to an international crystal teacher and best selling crystal author. Listen to My Story Here...   If you had asked me 15 years ago if I thought being an international crystal teacher was possible for me, I don't think I could have even imagined it. I think a lot of people find themselves in this same situation. There is something that they feel called to do, but they just don't see the way ahead. When you can't see the path it doesn't feel like something is possible. It doesn't feel like it could be real because you can't see how to get there. So today I'll be talking about my journey towards becoming a crystal healer. I get asked so often how I did it, so I thought it would be really helpful to dedicate an entire podcast episode to my story. My hope for you is that if you listen to the story and feel like you're on a similar path in your life right now, or you'd like to be, that you realize that it is possible and that you can make it happen. It's not just some fluky thing that happened for me -  it can happen for you too with the right steps. So I guess we'll go back to the beginning...  If you've listened to interviews with me before at all, you know that I really got started with crystals because of my grandparents. My grandfather was really into crystals and minerals and anything in the natural world. He was a scientist. He loved learning about animals and plants and minerals and he shared that love and passion with me from a young age. I have him to thank for my interest and curiosity about crystals. However, he wasn't so much looking at them from an esoteric perspective. He wasn't looking at healing qualities or the metaphysics of minerals at all. Despite this, he did instil that deep love and appreciation within me. I think my own curiosity for all things metaphysical influenced the way that I approached my relationship with crystals. Like a lot of people, I started out on my journey with a lot of self study. This was even going back to my teenage years. I would read so many books about the metaphysical properties of crystals. My very first book that I ever got was Melody's 'Love Is In The Earth'. I actually found it at a library sale for 25 cents or 50 cents and I couldn't believe it. I was so excited and I bought it for myself. Straight away I read it cover to cover which, if you've read Melody's book, you'd know is no small feat. It's pretty intense. She has so much wisdom and knowledge to share. That was a big eye-opener for me about just how deep you could go in the world of crystals. There are minerals in that book that to this day I've probably still never seen in person. There are minerals that I had never even heard of the first time I went through and read that book. But it was so exciting at that time because it was a whole new world for me, and that instilled this deeper curiosity. I just wanted to know more and more. I'm one of those people whose thirst for knowledge is never really quenched. I am always wanting to learn something new. So although that was my first deep foray into this kind of self study in the realm of crystals, I started to buy books by lots of other people - authors that I have a great deal of respect and admiration for, such as Judy Hall, Naisha Asiyan, and Katrina Rafael. I started to learn a lot about the different perspectives and viewpoints that exist in the crystal healing world and just how many possibilities there were out there for how to work with stones. At the same time, I also felt a little confused and overwhelmed. As much as there were things that many people agreed upon, there were also things that they disagreed on.
9/2/201941 minutes, 8 seconds
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Crystal Grid for Intuition: A Crystal Grid Recipe for Intuitive Awakening

When it comes to opening up to your intuitive abilities, it’s natural to work with crystals as part of the process. But rather than simply wearing intuition stones as jewelry or carrying them with you for an intuitive boost, you can take things a step further by creating a powerful crystal grid!   This crystal grid for intuition opens your Third Eye center and encourages communication with your spirit guides and angels. When creating a crystal grid, you should always start by setting an intention. In this case, it should be something geared toward enhancing your intuitive gifts. If you have trouble creating an intention for yourself, you may use something like, “I feel my intuitive gifts awakening and I’m open to receiving intuitive guidance in all forms.” This grid is created in the shape of an eye, to represent the Third Eye center. Start by placing an Azurite crystal (corresponding to intuition and psychic skills) in the center of the grid. The Azurite creates the pupil of the eye. As you place each stone in the grid, state your intention statement aloud or silently to yourself. If you don’t have Azurite to work with, you could substitute Labradorite, Blue Kyanite, or Charoite. Next, you’ll create the outer shape of the eye around the center Azurite stone. This is done using 8 Sodalite stones (corresponding to spirit guide connection). You’ll use 1 stone at each corner of the eye, 3 to create the top lid, and 3 to create the bottom lid. Again, state your intention statement aloud or silently to yourself as you place each stone in the grid. If you don’t have enough Sodalite to work with, you can use a mixture of stones. For example, Lapis Lazuli, Dumortierite, or Blue Apatite would work well.     Finally, you’ll add 2 Clear Quartz crystal points to amplify the energy of the grid. Place 1 crystal point on each side of the Azurite stone pointing outward to the corners of the eye. This helps the Azurite energy expand outward, strengthening the connection between you and your spirit guides. Again, state your intention statement aloud or silently to yourself as you place each stone in the grid. If you don’t have enough Clear Quartz to work with, you can substitute Rutilated Quartz, Aura Quartz (of any variety), or Selenite. To activate your grid, use a Clear Quartz or Selenite wand to draw 3 clockwise circles around the grid. Alternatively, you can trace the shape of the eye to activate the energy of the grid. You can leave this grid in place for a short time up to several months. Just be sure to check in with the energy of the grid at least weekly to hold space and invite the intuitive guidance into your life. This grid recipe is adapted from the one featured in my book, Crystals for Energy Healing. Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
8/27/201918 minutes, 37 seconds
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Healing Properties of Aqua Calcite: A Crystal for Calming the Emotions

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Aqua Calcite: "I'm calm, centered, and emotionally balanced. I release all emotions and negative cycles that no longer serve me."     Common Healing Properties of Aqua Calcite: Heals the heart and encourages self-forgiveness & compassion Purges negative or stagnant emotions & releases cycles of self-neglect Promotes healthy habits & positive self-care rituals Aids in communicating with higher beings Facilitates a connection with ancient cultures (especially Atlantis and Lemuria) Enhances soul mate connections Connects you with your spirit guides & guardian angels, and spirit guides Heals past life trauma Encourages peace & calming and reduces anxiety & stress Promotes spiritual growth & ascension Facilitates karmic upliftment     /* Colors: Aqua to green-blue; may be transparent or opaque and banded Associated Chakras: 4th (Heart), 5th (Throat) Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer Elements: Earth, Water Companion Flowers: Wormwood Companion Essential Oil: Wintergreen Companion Stone: Gypsum Desert Rose Common Origins: Mexico, Argentina Notes: Also known as Lemurian Aquatine Calcite Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!   /*   One Way to Use Aqua Calcite: To calm yourself and stabilize your emotions when you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, gently drop a piece of Aqua Calcite into a bowl of water. Focus on the gentle ripples on the water's surface and watch them grow slower and slower until the water once again becomes still. Remove the stone from the water and hold it over your heart, visualizing your emotions slowing and slowing until they too are still and calm. Pin it!         Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
7/22/201923 minutes, 11 seconds
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Follow Your Bliss: How to Embrace Your Creativity When You’re Multi-Passionate with D’Ana Joi

Hey, crystal lovers and welcome! I'm thrilled to be connecting with one of my favorite multi-passionate creatives. This is Joi from Joi-Knows-How.   We've been playing tag on Instagram for a little while, trying to bring you guys this interview and I'm so excited that we actually finally get to sit down and do this today. Joi, thank you so much for being here. D’Ana Joi: My pleasure. I'm super excited. Thank you. You're kind of known as the queen of helping people embrace their multi-passionate creativity. Can you tell us about the work you do and how you inspire others to follow the path that you've created for yourself? Joi: Sure, I love that. I gladly embrace that title. The Queen of Multi Passionate Creativity. I'm a person who has always had a lot of different creative outlets. From music to writing, photography and everything in between, and for a long time, it just held me back from ever pursuing anything with any level of seriousness because I felt like until I could choose one thing, I wasn't going to be successful because that was the overarching advice I had been hearing or I would tell people what I was interested in. I could tell they would just brush it off like, "Oh, it sounds like another new idea." It started this negative cycle for me where I really struggled to take myself seriously. I felt like anything I was going to start, I wasn't going to finish so what was the point of even going after anything meaningful? Then one day I woke up and I literally just decided, you know what? I've tried picking one thing and that's not working, what if I just do the opposite? That's when I started my blog. I started my blog as a space to put all of my passions in one place. Rather than choose just one passion, if that makes sense. Ashley: Absolutely. I have a few blog posts about crystals because that's one of my passions. Joi: It started off as space for me to put everything I loved in one place and not feel like I had to choose for the first time. That really created a ripple effect of blogging consistently and seeing that people were enjoying what I was writing. Then moving to Instagram and telling more of my stories there and seeing that people were starting to resonate with the part of my story that was about being multi-passionate and never really knowing how to navigate that. Once I saw how many people were resonating with that message, literally having breakthroughs, just from me saying the word multi-passionate creative. People are finally realizing, "Wait, there's a word for that and I'm not totally crazy?" I realized that, "Okay, there's a need for this." That's really where all of my content is headed these days. I'm super focused on creating a community around being multi-passionate and creating resources for multi-passionate creatives. Because we generally have a lot of the same struggles. Really doing as much as I can through my content and also through one on one coaching to guide multi passionates to living a life of what I like to call 'creative abundance'. There's a quote on your website that I absolutely love and I think it really sums all this up, you say, "I believe having multiple passions is a gift, not a burden." Ashley: That was so powerful for me the first time I read it because people know me for the crystal work that I do. But they might not know that I also love interior design. I love horticulture, gardening and plants, I love so many other things. I also love painting. There are so many things that I think we each want to explore in this life. Especially those of us who are really tapped into our creativity, that expression comes out in so many ways. You started this journey with your blog and just doing this for yourself. Now you've really transformed this into a business inspiring others and showing others how they can embrace all those different facets of their creativity and do it in a way that they can be successfu...
7/10/201926 minutes, 13 seconds
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Healing Properties of Green Apatite: A Crystal for Connecting with Nature

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Green Apatite: "I am delighted by the world around me and take time to pause and appreciate nature."     Common Healing Properties of Green Apatite: Disintegrates negative energy Promotes physical healing Opens the heart chakra after a traumatic situation or experience Energizes the physical body Nourishes the spirit Increases energy and vitality Aids in the assimilation of vitamins and nutrients (especially calcium and iron) Balances the body, mind, and spirit Encourages healthy weight loss Eases thyroid problems Promotes peace & tranquility Enhances your powers of foresight Stimulates precognitive dreams Colors: Yellow-Green, transparent crystal. Associated Chakras: 3rd (Solar Plexus), 4th (Heart) Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Capricorn, Leo Elements: Earth, Fire Companion Flowers: Cushion Spurge Companion Essential Oil: Lime Companion Stone: Spessartine Garnet Common Origins: Mexico Notes: Also known as Asparagus Stone, Green Pyroguanite, Green Kietyogite, Green Fluocollophanite, Green Estramadurite, Green Agustite, or as Asparagolite Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!   /*   More on the healing properties of Green Apatite: Apatite is often difficult to identify and is frequently confused with Beryl and other crystals. It comes in many colors which makes it especially deceiving. Apatite is actually a group of minerals containing sever mineral species including the common Fluorapatite (which is the type of this green variety). If you've been feeling disconnected from the natural world, this crystal makes the perfect companion to help you reestablish your relationship with Mother Nature. Hold this crystal in your hands and go for a walk in the grass (with bare feet is best!), or sit beneath your favorite tree for a quick meditation session. Pin it!         Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
7/1/201916 minutes, 16 seconds
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Healing Properties of Angelite: A Crystal for Gratitude & Angelic Connection

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Angelite: "I greet the day with a heart full of gratitude."     Common Healing Properties of Angelite: Promotes feelings of peace & goodwill toward all beings Enhances connection & communication with the Angelic Realm Stimulates telepathic abilities Facilitates grounding during meditation Helps you to voice your inner truth Increases your comprehension of astrology Promotes Thyroid balance Assists with weight control Promotes cooling of the body and the emotions Facilitates astral travel and shamanic journeying Increases your awareness of your ego consciousness Protects you from negative energies Promotes peace and tranquility Instills feelings of compassion (both toward and from others) Helps starseeds and other light beings to accept their lives on the earth plane Promotes spiritual inspiration Enhances the ability to channel Helps you to control your body weight Removes the stored energetic heat from sunburned skin Colors: Pale baby blue Associated Chakras: 5th (Throat) Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Cancer, Aquarius Elements: Water, Air Companion Flowers: White Violets Companion Essential Oil: Jasmine Companion Stone: Purple Anhydrite Common Origins: Peru Notes: A blue variety of Anhydrite Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!   /*   More About Angelite: Angelite, a special, gray-blue variety of Anhydrite wasn't discovered until 1987. It was found in Peru and has since become a favorite of many new age crystal lovers due to its tranquil energy. This stone is strongly connected to Archangel Michael and helps to remove unwanted energies and obstacles from your life. It also promotes feelings of oneness and facilitates forming deep connections with important people in your life. Working with Angelite: While holding this crystal in your hands, ask for healing and guidance from your spirit guides or guardian angels. Feel your guides surrounding you and filling you with the energy of love and healing. Thank your guides and pay it forward by offering to send love and healing from the universe to someone else in need.   Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
5/23/201926 minutes, 35 seconds
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Healing Properties of Septarian Nodule: A Crystal for Calming & Tranquility

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Septarian Nodule: "I am grounded, safe, and balanced and I'm ready to create positive change in my life."   Common Healing Properties of Septarian Nodule: Promotes bravery and courage Balances and calms fiery attitudes (anger, frustration, etc.) Facilitates grounding Connects you with the energies of the fire element Helps you learn the value and importance self-control Stabilizes the emotional body Aid in transformation (physical, emotional, and spiritual) Helps you to become well-rounded Assists you in releasing the fear of water or drowning Enhances self-confidence Lets your inner light shine through to be seen by others Aids in disorders of the digestive system Increases joy and happiness Increases prosperity and abundance Stabilizes the emotional body Enhances “attitude of gratitude” Promotes communication with your inner-self Encourages a playful relationship with your inner child Balances the emotions Relieves intestinal upset Helps you see the love that you deserve in your life Helps you to solve your problems by enhancing your multi-tasking abilities and encourages you to consider many different options at once Colors: Gray or tan with golden yellow jagged areas separated by dark brown or black Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 2nd (Sacral) Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio Elements: Earth, Fire Companion Flowers: Wild Ginger Companion Essential Oil: Cinnamon Companion Stone: Golden Calcite Common Origins: Morocco Notes: This stone contains Golden Calcite and Brown Aragonite Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!     /*   The staff at my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share: Septarian shields are a formation where brown aragonite has formed into a concretion or nodule*, then cracked as it dries out over time. The cracks have then been filled in with a solution of calcium carbonate, which has hardened into a white-to-yellow mineral. When these nodules — a type of geode — are cracked open, we can see the two minerals have formed a fascinating pattern. No two pieces are the same. The name “septarian” comes from the Latin word for the number seven. This is due to the fact that seven is a common number of main divisions to find in the geode. This formation is also called a Thunder Egg. * Note: There’s a technical geological difference between concretions and nodules, but the septarian shields are commonly called both concretions and nodules. Septarian Nodule Lore: Septarian shields are great for peaceful contemplation, but they originated from processes that were not peaceful at all. Way back in the time of the dinosaurs, when water covered a large part of what is now America, volcanic eruptions killed large numbers of tiny sea animals. After their shells sank to the bottom of the sea, mud balls formed around them. Later, when the seas dried up, the mud balls were left high and dry, and they cracked. But as they say, nature abhors a vacuum; in time, mineral-rich water filled in the cracks with chalky guck. The pretty patterns we see in the geodes we call septarian shields come from the conglomeration of all these sources: whitish calcite from in the center, brown aragonite from the shells, and grey limestone from those primeval mud balls. When you crack one open, you’re seeing a piece of the earth’s history.   Pin it!       Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
5/15/201920 minutes, 5 seconds
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Healing Properties of Unakite: A Crystal for Balance & Heart Healing

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Unakite: "I enjoy self-care time regularly to keep myself feeling balanced and whole."     Common Healing Properties of Unakite: Creates emotional balance Stimulates compassion and empathy Encourages gratitude Promotes spiritual ascension Helps you establish a connection with nature (especially with the plant kingdom) Balances chakra energy Creates a connection to the divine feminine Instills determination Facilitates feelings of love and friendship Disintegrates negative energy and replaces it with positive energy Aids in removing energetic contributors to associated with neurological disorders Helps to calm the nervous system (especially when you're experiencing anxiety or a great deal of stress) Colors: Green mottled with peachy-orange Associated Chakras: Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Heart Chakra Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Elements: Earth Companion Flowers: Oxalis (Shamrock) Companion Essential Oil: Common Garden Sage Companion Stone: Peach Selenite Common Origins: North Carolina, USA, South Africa, Brazil, China Notes: Unakite is a rock formed from the joining together of the minerals Epidote (green) and Feldspar (peach). Sometimes also called Unakite Granite or as Unakite Jasper (even though it is not a true Jasper). Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!     /*   More About Unakite: Unakite is primarily green epidote, combined with clear quartz and inclusions of pinkish feldspar. It’s sometimes called Unakite Granite, and is named after the Unakas mountains in North Carolina where it was first found. Since it contains both pink and green, the two colors associated with the heart chakra, it can be the perfect stone for heart healing, balance, and other work with the heart chakra. This balancing effect can be especially helpful for couples working together. It’s also an excellent support stone for pregnancy and childbirth.   Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
4/23/201915 minutes, 12 seconds
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How to Choose Your Own Crystal

There are many different ways to choose crystals. It can be as simple as choosing one randomly from a bowl of mixed crystals, or you could even use a pendulum or another dowsing tool. However, the most important part of choosing a crystal is that you feel drawn to it, or a connection to it. This is a guest post by Cindy Bourgoin of Carnelia Stones & Crystals. There is a sense of empowerment that comes from choosing your own crystal. When clients come into the shop, I am more than happy to narrow down the selection for them, as it can be a bit overwhelming to choose from so many different types. However, I always let the client make the final choice. In making that choice, the client is taking their power rather than giving it away to someone by letting them choose the crystal for them. By choosing your own crystal, you are giving your Spirit a voice and trusting your intuition. The more you do that, the easier it becomes for you to continue trusting yourself with life choices and situations that come up. Something else to keep in mind when choosing a crystal by researching books or websites, is that the descriptions are often the author’s perspective. The issue with this is that it gives you an expectation from the crystal rather than remaining open to what it could bring you. You may get a very different feeling when you connect to the same crystal. Just know that it will bring you just what you need, regardless of what that looks like. What about choosing a crystal for someone else? There is nothing wrong with choosing a crystal for someone else, as long as your intentions are pure. You may be purchasing it as a gift, or to show you appreciation for that person, and that is completely acceptable. Simply focus on the person you are choosing the crystals for, hold them in your intention while choosing and you will indeed choose the right one. The bottom line is to trust your intuition and feeling a connection when you are choosing a crystal, whether choosing for yourself, or someone else. Releasing Expectations When Choosing a Crystal: When looking for that perfect crystal, it’s important to release expectations and know that you will find just the right one for you. Of course, it’s important to feel a connection with the piece you get and not just settle. But sometimes we get too specific on what we want and miss out on opportunities to work with another piece that would offer just as much positive energy and healing. Often, people go shopping for a specific crystal based on what they’ve read in a book, or on what a friend has told them, and so, have built expectations that the crystal will help them in the same way it did their friend, or do exactly what was written in the book. “… continuing to use the stones as mere objects for our use is like using the Holy Grail for a beer mug.” A quote from the book “Steps on the Stone Path” by Robert Sardello, a great reminder that stones are not just objects to be used however we see fit. Crystals can offer us energy and we must remain open to what they can bring to us, rather than expect them to perform like monkeys. What one person may experience with a particular crystal may be very different for another. We are all at different stages of our lives and come from very different backgrounds. This can play a factor into how we respond to a crystal’s energy. Some people are sensitive and can feel vibrations, temperatures, and sensations simply by touching a crystal. Others need to spend more quiet time with their crystals through meditation, to really connect with them and feel their energy. Crystals are energy. Energy is information. Our brain is what processes information. When we introduce something new within our energy field, our brain is going to try and find something similar to associate the experience with. If we take Rose Quartz, for example, and give it to one person who has had an overall good life,
4/16/201915 minutes, 38 seconds
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Healing Properties of Ametrine: A Crystal for Knowledge & Connection

Also known as Bolivianite, Trystine, Amethyst-Citrine, or as Citrine-Amethyst. This stone is a combination of Amethyst and Citrine found in the same stone. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Ametrine: "Allow yourself to be playful, open-minded, and curious as you explore the mineral kingdom on this amazing crystal journey!"   Common Healing Properties of Ametrine: Enhances lucidity Aids in decision-making Increases knowledge and wisdom Protects you against outside energies Enhances motivation & creativity Promotes positive dreams and aids in their interpretation Assists with emotional balance Aids in receiving and interpreting Divine guidance Helps you become open to your intuition and psychic abilities Enhances meditation & facilitates a connection with the spirit Helps you to manifest abundance, wealth, and prosperity Encourages sharing Promotes happiness and joy Encourages a positive attitude Enhances concentration Helps you to overcome your fears Increases communication Balances your emotions Instills inner-strength, power, self-esteem, and confidence     /*   Colors: violet with gold Associated Chakras: Solar Plexus Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Leo, Virgo Elements: Air, Fire Companion Flowers: Crocus Companion Essential Oil: Lavender Companion Stone: Prehnite Common Origins: Bolivia, Brazil Notes: Also known as Bolivianite, Trystine, Amethyst-Citrine, or as Citrine-Amethyst. This stone is a combination of Amethyst and Citrine found in the same stone. This combination is due to uneven heating during the crystal’s formation. Therefore, it also embodies the properties of both of these stones. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal! The staff at my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share: Ametrine is a naturally occurring combination of amethyst and citrine. Both minerals have the same chemical composition, but when exposed to high heat purple Amethyst transforms into golden citrine. In ametrine, that transformation was only partially finished, creating a beautiful golden-to-violet range of color, uniquely combined in each individual piece. The combination makes it an interesting crystal metaphysically, connecting the solar plexus with the higher chakras, connecting physical and mental planes. In fact, it’s a wonderful crystal for communication, especially when connecting with the spiritual realm. Most pieces on the market are heat-treated amethyst since naturally occurring ametrine is uncommon. In fact, it was unknown in Europe until Spaniards brought some back from South America to the Queen of Spain. Ametrine Lore: There’s a legend that goes along with this origin story, saying that the ametrine mine was a wedding gift to a soldier marrying the daughter of the chief of the Ayoreo tribe. But soon it was time for the soldier, Don Felipe, to go back to Spain. His bride Anahi was torn between her husband and her tribe, but in the end, decided to go back to Spain with Don Felipe. The tribe didn’t want to lose her, though, and some of them conspired to kill Don Felipe. Anahi warned her husband of the plot in time to save him, but was herself accidentally injured in the attack. As she lay dying, she gave Don Felipe a piece of ametrine, telling him the two colors represented her divided loyalty. He took some of the precious stone back to Spain, along with a broken heart. There’s still an Anahi Mine named after the young woman in Bolivia, where the stone comes from. One Way to Work with Ametrine: If there’s someone on the other side you want to communicate with, you can use ametrine to help make that connection. Find some small thing that belonged to them, or a photograph of them, or if that’s not possible simply write their na...
4/9/201923 minutes, 19 seconds
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Crystals for Travel & More: An Interview with Philip Permutt

Hi crystal lovers, this week I'm so excited to be here with The Crystal Healer, Philip Permutt, author of the Crystal Healer series of Books.   Disclosure: The link for this book is an affiliate link, meaning I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.  Yay!       Ashley Leavy: Hello and welcome crystal lovers. Today I am interviewing the amazing Philip Permutt, of course, the crystal healer, as many of you know him by. I am Ashley Leavy of the Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy. Philip, I am so excited to be here at the Tucson Gem Show with you. Philip Permutt: It’s absolutely lovely. I love it every year, yeah. Wonderful. Ashley: Yeah, it's a great experience, and you've brought some things to share with us that I'm really excited about. So, today we're going to be talking a little bit about a special stone that you found, and that, kind of, works a little differently than most crystals. Philip: Yes, this is-- Ashley: Thank you. Philip: This is known as Doctors Stone, but it’s technically, Black Botryoidal Banded Agate. Black Banded Botryoidal Agate. Botryoidal Black Banded Agate. Ashley: All of those things, right? Philip: And, it comes from a place, Medicine Bow in Wyoming, which is a sacred Native American site. And it’s literally given up by the Earth. So, it comes from swampland. And the swamps just dry out in the summer, just for a few months, and they go and they literally collect them, so they take them all. And they use them in their own ceremonies, sacred ceremonies, and for healing. And the most amazing thing, one of the reasons why it's called the Doctors Stone, is because it affects everyone differently. Ashley: Okay. Philip: So, everyone...I know that we will play around with it just before, and you were holding it, and it went to your feet. Ashley: My feet. Philip: That's right. And your throat. Ashley: And my throat. Philip: And for me, it doesn't. For me, it just goes around my stomach. And today, my shoulders, which is probably to do with whatever I was carrying yesterday. Ashley: Yes Philip: That’s one of the problems with Tucson isn’t it? Ashley: Yes, always. So, these stones are kind of born of the earth, in this swamp environment and they rise to the surface. Philip: Yeah. Ashley: And people go and collect just what's there. Philip: Just what's on the surface, there's no digging.  Nothing. Ashley: That's pretty amazing. I mean, if you want to talk about ethically mined crystals, these couldn't even be called mined, they could be called collected. Philip: Yes, found. Ashley: Found, yeah. And they have such a beautiful appearance. If you're familiar with Botryoidal Hematite, they almost remind me a little of that in appearance because of the color and formation, but they're so lightweight because of the Agate material itself. And they just have this way of when you hold, them feeling, I just feel this soothing, comforting warmth in those areas of my body that need that. And just holding it here, just for a few moments, I feel so calm and centered and positive. Philip: And I've done this with literally hundreds of people who held the stone, and everyone just feels it where they need it. And it doesn’t matter if it’s something that’s physical-- especially just picks out those physical things. If you've got an old injury or something, it just goes straight to it. Is those weeks spots... you know the phrase, “stress goes the weakest spot in the body?” Ashley: Yes. Philip: And it's those spots it just picks out without being stressed. Ashley: Yeah. Philip: So even if you're not thinking about it, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't ache, it’ll just find and work on those areas. And it just releases that stress. And it's wonderful, but also for emotional stress, anything at all. So yeah, it really is unique in that way. Would you say that this would be a good stone for ...
3/27/201929 minutes, 36 seconds
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Crystals for Energy Clearing & Alignment: An Interview with Heather Askinosie of Energy Muse

Hi crystal lovers, this week I'm so excited to be here with the amazing Heather Askinosie of Energy Muse and co-author of Crystal Muse. So, thank you so much for being here with me.     Heather Askinosie: Thank you for having me. I love coming and talking about crystals. Ashley: Well, it's our pleasure to have you. And you know, a lot of people are getting more and more into crystals now. But it just seems like sometimes people feel a little overwhelmed by all the different things that they can do with them. And one thing that I love about your book, the Crystal Muse, is that you make working with crystals so accessible. Heather: Well, thank you. Ashley: Yes. I mean, you make it something that anyone can do. It's not intimidating, you give great instructions. It's like my go-to reference now, and a book I always recommend to our students. There are some things that you talk about in there that I think are so important for keeping your energy body aligned and keeping your energy field clear.  Could you tell us a few of your favorite things that you do with crystals to keep your field clear and aligned? Heather: Well, I think that the fastest way to clear your energy field is to use Selenite because it is, in my opinion, one of the most high vibe crystals that exists on the planet. When I feel a little out of sorts, I'll go lay down on my bed and I'll just lay there with the Selenite on my chest. I kind of let selenite do the work. Sometimes, I might add a thought of, “Please clear my energy and help realign me into my body, into my own inner power.” But it's almost as if light, a column of light, really infuses my body.  I really like the wands, but I also love working with larger pieces of Selenite too. Sometimes it's as simple as just having something to hold on to, you know? I think it's easy to forget that. Crystals are our tools, and Selenite is a really, really powerful tool. So I feel like if you're going to have something in your crystal tool chest, Selenite would be my top recommendation. Ashley: Yes, yes. Heather: So, do you think that too? Ashley: Oh, absolutely. This is one of my favorite tools to work with. I love the larger pieces too. And you know what? I don't always think the size matters so much. But there's something that just-- it's just that physical heft of it, that weight of it that just really gets into your body and gets connected. Heather: I agree. How much do you think intention plays a role in this work? You said that you like to place the Selenite on your body and just say to yourself that you're intending to be more aligned. How much do you think that plays a role in what's happening for someone? Because you said on the other hand, you just allow the crystal to do the work. Heather: Yes. I think it's a dance, and sometimes there's times where I'm at a place where I can really go there and be like, you know what, it's time to get centered and it's time to be aligned. And then there's other times where I'm not at that place, when it's been one of those days and I've had whatever with my family or with work or what-- just life. It's just a journey. Those days, I'm just like, I've got to just put it on and be like, “Help me.” So, some days I definitely think intention plays an amazing role in our lives, because where intention goes and where our thoughts go is where energy goes. But there are times where I just need a crystal friend to lay on me and just help me get back to that point. Ashley: So true. Heather: So, that's how I work with them. Ashley: You've mentioned that you have days that are a little bit rough where you just have to have a crystal do the work and help you out. I know that from personal experience and from working with people all over the world, that we tend to all have those days. Most people agree that it's because there are these energetic cords that are attached to us, and they drain us.
2/26/201913 minutes, 42 seconds
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Healing Properties of Brown Aragonite: A Crystal for Multi-Tasking

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Brown Aragonite: "I am a master multitasker and I clearly see the best way forward."   Common Healing Properties of Brown Aragonite: Helps you to solve your problems by enhancing your multi-tasking abilities and encourages you to consider many different options at once Assists you in releasing the fear of water or drowning Aids in personal growth and transformation (physical, emotional, and spiritual) Helps you to become a more well-rounded person /* Colors: Peachy brown to earthy, red-brown Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 2nd (Sacral) Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Elements: Earth Companion Flowers: Pincushion Flower Companion Essential Oil: Cassia Companion Stone: Hematite Common Origins: Morocco, Spain, Peru Notes: Also known as Iron Bloom. Aragonite comes in a variety of formations and colors including, blue, white, and purple. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!   Mimosa's staff had this to share: Aragonite is a form of calcium carbonate, the same material as calcite but in a different structure. It is the same material that makes up seashells. We often see it in two main color patterns: a brown/golden/white variety, which sometimes appears striped; and an eye-catching robin’s egg blue. The little brown-sugar colored clusters called “sputniks” are especially popular, maybe because they give off such a friendly vibe — sort of like a little mineral pet. Rarer forms of aragonite appear as clusters of colorless spikes or needles or blue coral-like masses. This abundant mineral is found all over the world. It’s great for grounding, and even for grounding other crystals. Care and caution: Some forms of aragonite may contain lead or other dangerous elements, so do not use aragonite directly to make elixirs. Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
2/19/20197 minutes, 51 seconds
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Celebs Who Love Crystals (& the time Robert Downey Jr. visited my crystal shop) totally read that right. Once, a few summers ago, Robert Downey Jr. (known most recently for his roles as Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes, although he’s had an enduring acting career) visited my crystal shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts.   The visit was a little bittersweet for me personally, as I wasn’t there that day. However, I heard all about it from my swooning staff members. When I heard, I was absolutely thrilled that he stopped in during a visit to Madison, Wisconsin. My staff tells me he stocked up on incense and essential oils, was super polite and friendly, and then went on his way (but not before my husband, a HUGE Iron Man fan, got to briefly chat with him about his role in Marvel’s Civil War movie). And in case you were wondering, my staff assures me he’s even more attractive in real life.  ;) However, RDJ isn’t the only celeb that is into crystals. Other Hollywood stars are working with the healing energy of crystals too. In this week’s blog, a guest post by, we’re talking about some A-list celebrities and their love of crystal healing. Celebs Who Love Crystals Sparkling, magnificent and enchanting, it’s no wonder celebrities love crystals. Known for their extravagant dress sense, which catches onlookers’ attention, you don’t have to wait too long before a celebrity is snapped draped in stunning crystal jewelry. Not only do many of our favourite celebs have a penchant for crystal jewelry, but it’s also not unusual for many a famous name to be associated with alternative medicine, including crystal healing. Don’t believe us? Have a look at the following celebrities who, by all intents and purposes, appear to love crystals. The Beckham’s Back Black Tourmaline With its chic, modern and highly polished look, the most stylish among us are seen wearing a stunning Black Tourmaline necklace or a shiny Black Tourmaline ring. What’s more, this mystifying crystal is used for protection against negativity and is said to exude a relaxed and safe environment. World-renowned trend-setters Victoria and David Beckham are reportedly big fans of Black Tourmaline. “We’ve both been into crystals since moving to LA,” said David. Whilst his designer wife spoke of her love of Black Tourmaline and Pink Quartz. “We both like crystals, as in crystal energy. I have lots of Pink Quartz and Black Tourmaline in my bathroom. It’s quite spiritual out here in Los Angeles, all very positive,” Mrs Beckham has said. Angelina Jolie and Crystal Healing According to several sources, Angelina Jolie is also a big believer in crystal healing. The online American magazine, Entertainment Wise, states that Angelina has been collecting crystals for years. Furthermore, she is a firm advocate of their healing power. “[Ms Jolie] believes [crystals] hold sacred, ancient energy and she wants that around her. She’s spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on them,” a friend of Angelina’s told the online magazine. Kate Hudson Adores Rose Quartz Rose quartz is the stone of love, protection, confidence, self worth and peace. As well as this, it is utterly gorgeous to look at. It’s no wonder then that rose quartz is adorned by thousands, including a long line of celebs. Nicole Ritchie, Britney Spears and Kate Hudson are often seen wearing a rose quartz pendant, ring, earrings or some other delightful piece of jewelry. “I have a crystal my mom gave me for Christmas years ago and I take it everywhere with me,” Kate Hudson said. Sheryl Crow Positively Loves Citrine Containing a solar quality of energy, citrine has traditionally been considered a good healing crystal. It is believed citrine can strengthen self-esteem and create a positive flow of energy around the body. Being one of the world’s most successful singer/songwriters, Sheryl Crow naturally requires lots of positive energy to be able to perform as sensationally as she does. A self-confessed citrine enthusiast, Sheryl Crow is believed to enjoy this beautiful crystal’s tensio...
2/12/20195 minutes, 34 seconds
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Healing Properties of Himalayan Salt: A Crystal for Cleansing & Purification

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Himalayan Salt: "Release that which is not serving your physical body. Cleanse your energy field by removing energetic debris that is dulling your light."     Common Healing Properties of Himalayan Salt: Removes psychic debris from your energy body Assists you in releasing that which no longer serves you Promotes general cleansing and purification Enhances feelings of peace and calming Increases feelings of happiness Encourages rest and relaxation Colors: pale peach to deep orange Associated Chakras: All Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio Elements: Earth, Fire Companion Flowers: Falling Stars Companion Essential Oil: Bay Laurel Companion Stone: Blue Hemimorphite Common Origins: Himalayan Mountain region of Pakistan Notes: A form of Halite (Rock Salt). The health benefits of Himalayan Salt are hotly debated, but no definitive scientific evidence has been found to support the claims that items like Salt Lamps or Spa Salt Caves have any proven effect on wellness. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal! The staff at my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share: Himalayan Salt (also called Tibetan salt)  is a fossilized sea salt that formed from marine deposits over 250 million years ago. In its most prized form, this salt is hand-mined and unrefined, and still contains some remnants of ancient sea life. This pink salt is mostly sold on the gourmet and health food markets, valued for the trace minerals that give it that rosy color. Most of the pink salt we see comes from the Himalayan foothills in Pakistan. Himalayan salt has a tradition of metaphysical use as well, though it’s all either very general or recent. All salts are used in purification, and many people like to use the Himalayan kind as a bath salt or massage stone. Salts are protective, too, with different types varying in their “specialty.” Himalayan pink salt is especially suitable for protecting the home and family. Beyond these basic properties, though, there’s little tradition of using this salt in its region of origin. In Tibet and India, it is black salt that has a long tradition in medicine, as everything from an ingredient in healing yak butter tea to a component of Ayurvedic medicine. Some Tibetan black salt looks dark red, but it is volcanic in origin, and so has a different range of trace minerals than the lighter salt. Of course, we can enjoy using pink salt for protection, massage, in lamps and candle holders, and in small amounts on food. But when most of the properties associated with something are very recent, it’s a good idea to take what you hear with a grain of — sorry — salt. Some excessive and far-fetched claims have been made about this product. Metaphysical Uses of Himalayan Salt: Use at any chakra for general cleansing and purification, peace and calming, healthy aging, goodwill, and thyroid support. This mineral combines the energies of the sun, the earth, the stars, and the primordial sea. About Himalayan Salt Lamps: Himalayan Salt Lamps use an ancient form of salt to protect against a very modern problem: the spread of positive ions in our indoor spaces, due to the proliferation of electronic devices in our homes and offices. Positive ions can come from computers, air conditioners, appliances, and many other sources, and have been associated with low energy levels and depression in humans. The idea behind the salt lamp is that the salt attracts moisture, which the warm bulb or candle inside transforms into happy negative ions that neutralize the bad positive ones. Negative ions are a natural therapy for treating illness and improving health. Our research has us concluding that most credible sources agree that salt lamps don’t actually release a large enough number of negative io...
2/4/201911 minutes, 10 seconds
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Connecting with Nature & Lunar Energy: An Interview with Nicolette Sowder from Wilder Child

Hi everyone! This week I am so thrilled to be interviewing Nicolette Sowder from Wilder Child. If you don't know Nicolette, you really should get familiar with her and her community...   Nicolette leads an amazing community for those who are really passionate about raising a wilder child and getting back to nature with their children. So Nicolette, hi! And thank you so much for being here. Nicolette Sowder: Hi, thank you so much for having me on, I'm so excited. Ashley: So, Nicolette... Could you start by telling our listeners a little bit about yourself and your mission and how you got started with Wilder Child? Nicolette: Sure, so right now, I live with my husband and my two little girls and we're wild schooling on sixty acres in Michigan. We actually run a pastured farm, but we weren't always here. We were on a trip five and a half years ago... the time's gone so fast... but so much has been packed into such a small amount of time. So we moved from Northwest Indiana -- it was really like a satellite suburb outside Chicago -- so we did have a little bit of property, but once we moved here, I mean, we are now just surrounded by nature. I always grew up appreciating nature with my parents, so that really instilled some key values within me. This was all enhanced when I got here, just us being dominated by nature. It was all around us, and I was able to form such a close relationship with our animals. At that time I had my one year old, my daughter who now is almost six (which I can't believe!), but when we came here she was one. It just had such a profound impact on me being in this environment with her. I felt like I really had to start writing about it. I think that's how a lot of bloggers start, with trying to express this totally transformational experience that you're having with your children. This was all enhanced with us being really with mother nature as well. I like to think of her now as the third parent. So this whole experience was mind-blowing, I thought I had to write about it. Then it became so much bigger than me. It just felt like there were so many parents who just wanted to talk about it, talk about how to reintegrate and heal that bond with nature from a parenting perspective. I feel like at that time, there was a lot of nature-based educational information, although there wasn't that much in the parenting context. That's really where Wilder Child has moved and really, really speaks. That's my passion, it's working with parents, working with families. Ashley: You know, I think this is such an interesting story because you had this experience growing up yourself as a child who was very connected to nature. It's not just something that you're interested in on your own, but that your parents really encouraged. Then when you became a parent yourself, it sounds like it was almost not only about  creating this connection for your own child but also in some ways, it was maybe a reconnection for yourself and learning to understand the natural world in a different way, through a parent's eyes. Nicolette: Oh my gosh, that's exactly what it was like. The role of nature and how it fits into your parenting life is a very special and very different thing to just nature on its own when you're growing up. There's a completely different energy when you're growing up, and I think you tend to miss a few things. It's still immersive when you're a child and it's so instinctual, that connection with nature, it almost goes unacknowledged. I don't mean that in a bad way, it just is. Mother nature should've always been with you, then and now. It's just that now, mother nature has become much more of a support system for me, one that I am fully able to appreciate and acknowledge. Everyday, I'm more and more thankful, more and more aware of the role that Mother Nature is playing in my life. Ashley: Sure, that's so beautiful. I'm not a parent myself but I remember spending so many days a...
1/30/201932 minutes, 45 seconds
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Crystals for Connecting with Your Angels: An Interview with Melanie Beckler

Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Melanie Beckler. She's the founder of the popular site,, as well as the author of Let your Light Shine, Angel Messages, Ascension Angel Messages, and Experience Angels. I'm sure you're probably familiar with at least one of those wonderful titles.   Melanie's an angel channel, a light being, and a volunteer soul here to serve in elevating the vibration of the collective consciousness on earth. She's an internationally acclaimed author, ascension guide and clear channel of the light who's passionate about sharing the empowering messages and the elevated frequencies of the archangels and spirit guides. Her work revolves around helping others to remember the truth of their magnificent light and infinite personal power they carry within their open heart. Melanie, I am so excited to have you today. Thank you so much for joining us. Melanie Beckler: Absolutely. Thank you. I'm excited to get to talk with you today. Ashley: So, I'm wondering if we can kick things off because I haven't quite had a guest that does exactly what you do on the podcast before. I'm really excited about this because I find that so many people are waking up to the intuitive skills that they have.  Can you can tell us a little bit about your work and what exactly an angel channel is and does? Melanie: Absolutely, great question. So, I think the easiest way to explain what I do is by starting off with the basic understanding that in every moment, we're all surrounded by an entire ocean of spiritual beings. And we have angels and guides and spirits that are always influencing us, guiding us, supporting us in our life. What I do, is I've learned to open some of my senses of psychic perception in order to be able to specifically tune into that angelic realm and to the messages, love and frequency of the angels. So I essentially go inside, open my heart, open my mind, my third eye and my crown and link with the highest angels of Christ light -- the highest angels of love who conserve in the moment. And then one word at a time, while simultaneously broadcasting an incredible love frequency, the Angels deliver their message through me. So, another way of looking at it is that I'm essentially a translator for the messages of the angels, which are always around us. I have opened up the ability to tune into the angels around us and convey them in specific words through an angel message. Ashley: Wow, this is super interesting to me. While you were just speaking, all these thoughts were going through my head because I find this so fascinating. So, when you were talking about how you just learned to kind of tune in to that specific frequency of the angelic realm, it made me think of someone turning a radio dial to find the exact station. Like, you're looking for that message -- you know it's there. Is that kind of what it's like for you? Melanie: Yes, absolutely. I think that's a great analogy and it's one that I've totally used myself. It really is a lot like that. Like I said, angels are around everyone. Everyone has at least their guardian angel who is guiding, supporting, and loving them in every moment. But as human beings, we're so accustomed to just focusing on the physical world, on the physical plane. We've incarnated into the earth through this veil of illusion, so that we, by default, are tuning out the higher realms of spirit. However, as you said, we live in this incredible awakening time. More and more people are starting to wake up to the fact that there's so much more going on than we've been led to believe about physical reality. This awakening process happens differently for everyone and unfolds in a number of different ways. But very commonly, what happens in awakening is we are attuning our frequency to the higher realms, so we're tuning into those messages. Specifically, there' s different ways of perception, different energy centers of perception. When we open those,
1/22/201927 minutes, 53 seconds
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Healing Properties of Gaia Stone: A Crystal for Goddess Energy

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Gaia Stone: "You are grounded, centered, and nurtured by the spirit of the earth." Common Healing Properties of Gaia Stone: Enhances your connection with nature and with Mother Earth herself Encourages love and compassion for all beings Enhances all earth healing practices Facilitates communication with beings of the animal and plant realms Opens your heart and mind to the importance of environmental activism Encourages you to “think globally and act locally” Promotes harmony and balance for the good of all beings in the universe Enhances grounding and centering practices Nurtures you with the support of loving, earth energy Colors: bright green Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 4th (Heart) Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Libra Elements: Earth, Fire Companion Flowers: Goat's Beard Companion Essential Oil: Fennel Companion Stone: Lava Rock Common Origins: Washington, USA Notes: Created by heating the chromium-rich ash from the Mount St. Helens eruption. Also known as Helenite. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal! The staff at my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share: Gaia Stone is just one of the names given to the gorgeous volcanic glass associated with the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption. It also goes by Green Obsidianite, Helenite, Emerald (or sometimes Ruby) Obsidianite, and Mt. Saint Helens Emerald. The eruption itself produced no obsidian, but it was discovered afterwards in an interesting way: workers trying to salvage equipment buried in the blast noticed that the heat from their acetylene torches transformed the surrounding ash to brilliant glass — sometimes green, other times bright red. While the Gaia Stone we see now is man-made, it’s colored by the same trace elements as the original: aluminum, iron, chromium, titanium and copper. Because this lucky find seemed like a gift from the Earth herself, it came to be known as Gaia Stone, after the ancient Greek Earth goddess. This connection helps us discover the stone’s heart-chakra properties of love and connection with Mother Earth. Care and safety: Since this is a form of glass, it’s highly breakable.   More About Crystals for Earth Healing:     Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
1/7/20199 minutes, 40 seconds
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Top 5 Quick Fix Ways to Use Crystals for the New Year

It’s a common practice to make a resolution to better yourself each time the new year rolls around, but it’s even more common that after a couple of weeks into the new year, those resolutions get tossed aside and forgotten - just like the previous year. Would you like to try something new this year? Something that will change your life right away so that you’ll actually want to stick with it? Make a resolution to clear and balance every aspect of your life, and it will result in a year you won’t want to forget. It's a new year! And many would have you think this means it's time for a new you. But... what if instead of a new you, you just gave the old you a little helping hand? Here are the top 5 quick-fix ways to use crystals for the new year to help you get clear, cleansed, healthy, & balanced: #1 - Clear Out Last Year's Energy to Make Room for Shiny, New Year's Energy We all do it... I do it, and you do it. You carry things from your past into the future. Sometimes these things are good, like happy memories, but other times, you carry around things that don't serve you going forward, like unresolved emotions. The New Year is a great time to start with a clean slate, so taking some time to dump your baggage is the #1 way to clear and balance your energy for the new year. #2 - Cleanse Your Space to Welcome in Some Positive Vibes Now that you've left your last year's baggage in the past (where it belongs!), it's time to cleanse your space of any energy that's no longer serving your highest good.  By allowing stagnant energy to linger in your environment, you're inadvertently telling the Universe that you're fine with outdated, dare I say, "Meh..." energy in your field.  You need to clear this energy out of your space so that the Universe knows you're ready for bigger and better things. Make way for positive vibes! Click Here to Check Out Our Classic Blog Post on Using Selenite & Black Tourmaline for Cleansing & Protecting Your Space so that you can welcome in some positive vibes. #3 - Clear Your Energy Field for a Positive Outlook You've gone through our first 2 quick-fix solutions for a great new year and you're on a roll!  Our #3 tip is to use healing crystals to cleanse your energy field.  There's no sense in clearing out last year's energy and cleansing your space just to be a big blob of energy that no longer fits in with the super positive vibes you're creating.  I recommend a quick-fix Selenite "energy sweeping" technique for clearing out any energy that's not serving you in the new year. Click Here to Check Out Our Classic Blog Post, "Best Selenite Formations for Cleansing" so you can start the new year on the right foot. Having a hard time keeping your vibes positive?  Whether it's your own negative thinking or bad vibes from others, sometimes negative energy is tricky to deal with. Click Here to Check Out Our Classic Blog Post, "Using Black Tourmaline to Transform Negative Energy Into Positive Vibes" so that positivity will prevail in the new year! #4 - Focus on Wellness & Self-Care Many of us remember to do the simple things like routine energy cleansing, but when it comes down to energetic self-care, it's easy to fall short.  Quick and easy healing exercises are ideal (because you'll actually DO them), but are they effective?  Let me put it this way, is it better to do little exercises more frequently because they are quick and easy?  Or is it better to put off self-care because you don't feel like you have time, and then find yourself in an energy healing crisis because you've neglected your routine? If you're like me, you know the's always better to be doing something than to do nothing at all - especially when it comes to your energetic well-being. Click Here to Check Out Our Classic Blog Post, "3 Tips for Self-Care with Crystals" and get your New Year's self-care routine in place now! What's that?  You like the idea of quick and easy, but this year,
1/2/201912 minutes, 19 seconds
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Healing Properties of Cavansite: A Crystal for Spiritual Direction

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Cavansite: "Speak your innermost spiritual truth with pride and follow your soul path without fear."     Common Healing Properties of Cavansite: Facilitates deep emotional healing Connects you with the energies of the sea and the water element Enhances your ability to express love by means of creative endeavors Stimulates compassion Creates a gentle and nurturing attitude Clears and balances your chakra system Encourages you to follow your soul path Enhances clarity, especially relating to spirituality Promotes clear and positive communication Supports you when you feel insecure or ridiculed by others     /* Color: Brilliant cerulean blue Associated Chakras: 4th (Heart), 5th (Throat) Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Aquarius, Gemini Elements: Water, Air Companion Flowers: Blue Eyed Grass Companion Essential Oil: Jasmine Companion Stone: Clear Calcite Common Origins: India Notes: A fairly new mineral discovery. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!   ?? The staff at my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share: Cavansite is a recently discovered stone that seems to grab everyone with its vibrant blue color. Its name comes from a simple abbreviation of the names of the minerals that make it up: Calcium vanadium silicate. It forms in little globules or rosettes, often on a white-to-brown matrix of heulandite or stilbite. Although it’s somewhat fragile, it’s often made into beautiful jewelry. Cavansite is a good crystal for spiritual growth, especially when you’re coming out of a time of crisis or change. Cavansite can help you reach better self-knowledge through spiritual means, and improve all types of communication. If you’ve recently been feeling spiritually restless or unbalanced, there’s no better crystal for helping get firmly back onto your chosen spiritual path. One way to use this stone: Cavansite can aid you in all kinds of dream work, spiritual guidance while sleeping, and sleep journeying. Set your intention of what you want to do; it might help to write this intention down in your dream or crystal journal, or simply on a slip of paper. Then set your cavansite on a bedside table or somewhere else near the head of the bed while you sleep. (Unless the cavansite is firmly embedded in its matrix, it’s going to be too fragile to put under the pillow.) As soon as you wake up, record whatever you experience. Don’t try to interpret it right away; just write it down as you experienced it. Later you can meditate on these experiences, and see what message comes out of them. This can be a very powerful way to connect with your spirit guides. Pin it!       Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
12/18/201811 minutes, 58 seconds
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Stones of the Goddess: An Interview with Nicholas Pearson

Hi everyone and welcome! Today I am excited to be conversing yet again with the amazing Nicholas Pearson, who has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for more than 20 years.   Disclosure: Some of the links here are affiliate links, meaning I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Yay! You may not know this but Nicholas actually began teaching crystal workshops while he was in high school. He later began studying mineral science, and then went on to teach crystal and Reiki classes throughout the United States. Nicholas is the author of The Seven Archetypal Stones, Crystals for Karmic Healing, Crystal Healing for the Heart and Foundations of Reiki Ryoho. Disclosure: Some of the links here are affiliate links, meaning I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Yay! You might be familiar with some or even all of those titles. He is one of my very favorite authors who writes on crystals. Excitingly, he is also releasing Stones of the Goddess which will be coming out in February of 2019. It is already available for pre-order on Amazon and will be sold everywhere books are sold. So Nicholas, thank you so much for being here today! Nicholas: Thank you so much for having me on. We always have the most fun when we chat, so I'm really looking forward to today. Ashley: We do. I am really excited about this particular conversation because it seems like more and more this idea of connecting with goddess energy with the divine feminine has been coming up. I am wondering, could you tell people a little bit more about yourself and why the topic of goddess energy is something that you are passionate about right now? Nicholas: I started my spiritual path pretty young and I didn't grow up in a particularly religious or spiritual household. My father was a recovering Catholic, so, that meant I wasn't really raised with anything in particular, and that gave me a lot of freedom. One week my dad and I might go to the library on the weekend and I would pick up a ton of books on science -- whether it was the obvious geology or something maybe a little bit more left-field for me. Then other weeks it would be things like mythology and fairy tales and folklore. That was my first look at nonstandard religion. Although it might not have been what is being practiced today, it gave me a window into the idea that there was more to spirituality and religion than what I had vaguely seen on the horizon among my peers. By the time I was in high school, I really started to explore spiritual paths like paganism and witchcraft and the whole metaphysical area. Although crystals have been my primary way of getting into a lot of different topics of discussion, I really loved the idea that there were so many religious traditions and spiritual paths that honored the divine as both masculine and feminine, sometimes both at the same time, sometimes neither. I really found that strangely comforting. I grew up in a single parent household so it was just me and my dad and I was raised by this tribe of women: my grandmother, my aunts -- all of these strong female figures. Also my stepmother after my father got remarried. This idea of the goddess felt really reassuring to me in a way that God the Father didn't resonate. The idea for this book just started as a cursory glance at stones that were related to different goddesses around the world. When we talk about our planet, we personify it as Mother Earth. This is maybe the most primal and universal experience of the divine feminine. You can go to virtually any ancient culture and you see Mother Earth and a Mother Earth figure and Earth Goddess somewhere in there. It's like when we hold crystals, we are holding part and parcel of the body of the Goddess. It really started as a little aside and kept poking away at the back of my mind until finally, I had to sit down and write it.
12/12/201829 minutes, 18 seconds
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Healing Properties of Lepidolite: A Crystal for Emotional Stability

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Lepidolite: "You are surrounded by an ocean of calm. Lose yourself in the tranquility of this moment."     Common Healing Properties of Lepidolite: Promotes balance Instills feelings of compassion Relieves anxiety (especially when paired with Aquamarine) Enhances peace, calming, and tranquility during stressful times Aids in encouraging forgiveness Reduces the effects of EMFs Encourages harmonious relationships Promotes feelings of comfort and safety Encourage new friendships to blossom   /* Colors: Pearlescent lilac to lavender to pink, often with sparkly flecks Associated Chakras: 4th (Heart), 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown) Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Gemini, Virgo Elements: Earth, Air Companion Flowers: Coral Bells Companion Essential Oil: Violet Companion Stone: Pink Tourmaline Common Origins: Brazil, California Notes: Often paired with Pink Tourmaline. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!   More About Lepidolite: Lepidolite is a lithium-rich form of mica, whose name translates to “scaly stone” — very appropriately since you can usually flake off pieces with your fingernail. It’s very light to the touch, and lightens moods as well, evening out excessive highs and lows. Lepidolite can help people detach from mental health issues, overly strong emotions, and things that are simply out of one’s control. If crystals had mottos, lepidolite’s might be, “Not my circus, not my monkey”! Lepidolite has been mined for a couple of centuries as a major source of lithium and certain rare minerals, including rubidium, which is used to date very old rocks. It has only come into wide use recently as a healing and magical stone. Safety and care: As a form of mica, lepidolite is very soft and fragile, and layers can break off easily. It also contains aluminum, so please don’t use it in elixirs. Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
12/2/201811 minutes, 54 seconds
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Why is Crystal Healing so Trendy Right Now?

Does it seem like crystals have just popped up everywhere? It’s like this new trend is suddenly coming out of the woodwork and showing up in mainstream places in the form of bookends or as cool prints on graphic tees. So what’s with the obsession? A guest post by Love & Light student Sarah Balmer of Sarah Belle. For starters, our thoughts – yours and mine – add to the collective consciousness, the one mind. Over time, more and more souls are waking up to the truth. Old ideas are entering minds for the first time, gradually increasing in number to a point of reaching critical mass. This is when it starts to become more mainstream. Suddenly everyone is becoming familiar with it and talking about it - they're curious about it. On the other hand, some are still rejecting these things, safely marching to the beat of the old paradigm. With more and more souls waking up, it is ushering in an era of new, but old, holistic tools and modalities of healing. They have been there all along, lying dormant. But they are dormant only because we’ve been sleeping. If you’re reading this blog post, most likely you’re awake, in the process of awakening, or lost. Wherever you are on your journey, I’m glad you’re here. Rest easy knowing you are surrounded by love and light. If you find yourself attracted to crystals or curious about them, don’t question it. Trust that there is a reason. Trust that there is healing energy trying to make its way to you. You may not even be aware of the energetic blocks and imprints in your field. Some will tell you to work with a crystal healer or holistic practitioner. Choose wisely, cleanse them and work with them. Trust your higher intelligence. The body and spirit know what they need to heal. Go into your heart space and tune out the mind stuff. One simple way of selecting a crystal is to simply scan over them and notice the ones that seem to ‘wink’ at you. This is a good starting place as they likely have something beneficial to offer you. Don’t be afraid to jump in. Even if you acquire a crystal with a purpose for none other than home décor, you will be one step closer to raising your vibration. Side Note: It is a good idea to clear crystals once you acquire them. This can easily be done by setting them in the sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. All the love!     Sarah Belle is a brand that fuses together the talent, inspiration and spirit of yoga teacher, health coach and artist, Sarah Balmer. Both a dreamer and doer, Sarah is passionate about helping others to lead a more awakened life. In her jewelry, art, yoga classes, and workshops, Sarah loves to explore the relationship between creativity and spirituality to unmask the layers, liberate the spirit, and encourage others to live with greater authenticity. For it is in sharing our authentic gifts, with real vulnerability, that is our greatest service to humanity. Sarah holds certifications as a holistic health coach, registered yoga teacher and personal trainer. Through the week she spends time working in the fast-paced environment of healthcare IT, which has been one of her greatest teachers, showing the benefits and rewards of meditation and yoga for effective stress management. Sarah’s philosophy is that we all lead integrated lives; and by learning how to balance the mind, body and spirit, and being willing to live heart-centered, we can cultivate peace within, raising our vibration and empowering others to do the same.     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
11/28/20189 minutes, 33 seconds
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How & Why to Use Crystal Oracle Cards + the BEST Crystals for Card Readings

Have you ever had one of those days (or weeks!) where you’re feeling totally overwhelmed? When this happens, you may feel scattered, lacking your usual confidence, or just plain stuck.  So how do you move beyond it? With a little guidance from the Universe, of course!   UPDATE: This article previously mentioned White Sage and Palo Santo among the recommended methods for cleansing your stones. Smoke cleansing using these materials is culturally appropriative in the context it was previously described, especially shared by the author here (who is white). This article has been updated to reflect this change. Further, the term "smudging" has been updated to "smoke cleansing," since the term smudging was incorrectly applied to the act of cleansing crystals without the cultural context and deeper meaning connected with the act of smudging by Indigenous people. Crystal oracle cards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to tap into your intuition and call forth just the message you need to get you headed in the right direction.  Whether you’re having trouble making a decision, need a little clarity about a situation, or want a little support and encouragement from your guides or angels, oracle cards are a great tool to help you create just the mindset shift you need. So what exactly are crystal oracle cards and how do they work? You may be familiar with Tarot cards, but oracle cards are quite different.  Where Tarot cards follow suits in the minor arcana and have strong archetypes associated with the major arcana cards, oracle cards don’t require you to have an encyclopedic knowledge of their meanings before you use them. Instead, they leave a lot of room for your own interpretation. In fact, their ability to promote free-flowing, intuitive associations is one of the reasons they work so well! Their images, messages, and themes encourage you to tap into your own inner guidance and focus in on what’s meaningful to you in this moment in time.  This is just one of the reasons modern oracle cards have become more and more popular in recent years. The rise in the popularity of oracle cards has led to many people starting to incorporate this divinatory method as part of their daily spiritual practice. I personally like to pull a card or two to start my day.  Then I’ll place the cards somewhere I’ll see them often throughout my day as a reminder of the messages they’ve given me. Sometimes I’ll even do a quick spread before or after my daily meditation. If my reading is particularly insightful, I’ll add the cards to my altar for a few days and meditate on their meanings for some extra insight and clarity. The great thing about working with this type of intuitive tool, is that there’s no right or wrong way to go about it; it’s all about tuning into your intuition and doing what feels right. So how do you get started? Begin your reading by choosing a spread. Most divinatory cards, both tarot and oracle, are used with specific spreads or layouts to help you put each card into context.  For example, you may draw one card for daily guidance, with the intention that the card you pull each morning is relevant for your day ahead.  It may offer some guidance on things to be especially aware of that day. Alternatively, you may choose a simple layout like a 3-card spread. This type of layout is usually associated with a timeline or used for decision making. For a 3-card timeline spread: The first card you pull represents past influences. The second card represents your current situation and the third card represents where you’re headed.   With this layout, you’re able to get some insight into the entirety of a situation and understand what led up to your current situation, where things stand currently, and what may lie ahead.  Remember that with any divination method, you can ALWAYS change where things are headed, but the card in this position just shows you where you’re most likely to end up if you remain on your cu...
10/16/201813 minutes, 48 seconds
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Healing Properties of Charoite: A Crystal for Working with the Past

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Charoite: "Get lost in a state of divine bliss."     Common Healing Properties of Charoite: Aids you on your path of spiritual service Stimulates your creative energies Promotes inner reflection Encourages you to have a positive attitude Facilitates protection Promotes compassion and empathy Prompts mystical experiences Aids in spiritual healing Enhances experiences during shamanic journeying Facilitates communication with members of the fairy realm Increases the power of H.A.D.O or water-crystal healing Cleanses your emotional and psychic bodies Encourages deeper states of meditation Induces a feeling of peace and tranquility Colors: Pearlescent purple swirled with lavender and violet.  Sometimes includes translucent milky patches or black streaks. Associated Chakras: 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown) Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces Elements: Air, Water Companion Flowers: Leadplant Companion Essential Oil: Plumeria Companion Stone: Sugilite Common Origins: Siberia Notes: Low-grade Chinese Fluorite is sometimes incorrectly sold as Charoite. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!     /* More About Charoite: Charoite is a recently discovered stone that only comes from one area, near the Siberian Chara River for which it is named. Its most noticeable feature is the swirling pattern of white and lavender, sometimes with specks of black Aegerine. It is a good stone for both past-life recall and for releasing negative karmic “leftovers” from past lifetimes. When we feel stuck in a negative pattern that seems beyond our control, conscious use of this crystal can help us move forward. One pattern it can help break is that of making big plans, but then not following through. Working with this crystal can give chronic procrastinators the push they need to keep moving and meet their goals. One way to use this stone: Lie down someplace where you won’t be disturbed and place a piece of charoite on your third eye chakra. Meditate on what ideas or patterns you would like to release, and what “leftovers” (whether from your current lifetime or a past one) may be keeping you from reaching your highest good. Allow the crystal to help you break up and take away these blockages. When you are done, invite pure white light in to take the place of the negative things you have released. Show your gratitude to the stone and cleanse it well afterward.   Pin it!   Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
10/9/20189 minutes, 4 seconds
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Self-Care Rituals: An Interview with Emma Loewe and Lindsay Kellner from Mind Body Green

I am so excited today to be interviewing Emma Loewe and Lindsay Kellner. They are co-authors of the book 'The Spirit Almanac: A Modern Guide to Ancient Self-Care.' I am so excited for the release of this book. It's something that really speaks to my soul.    Ashley: As many of you know, I'm a huge advocate for self-care. This is something that's so important in our lives and that not many of us really take the time to do like we should in modern times. So, I want you to take some time to sit back and listen to this interview. Take it all in because I know that these amazing ladies will be sharing some phenomenal advice with all of you. So Emma and Lindsay, thank you so much for being here today. Lindsay Kellner: No, thank you for having us, we're so excited! Ashley: Well, I am really grateful that you wrote this book because I think it is so needed in the world. I'm also just grateful that you are taking time to be here and share it with everyone. Would you mind telling us a little bit about yourselves and how you got started on this spiritual journey of self-care, and also how that inspired you to write this book? Lindsay: Yes, that's a great question. I am the beauty and wellness editor at MindBodyGreen. It's actually interesting - I'm in a little bit of a transition phase at work, so by the time this episode comes out I will be a contributing editor for MindBodyGreen and I will also be continuing my own blog and podcast called ‘Well Aware.’ I live in Brooklyn, New York. I'm a Leo, my mom is a Cancer. By trade, I'm a writer and editor, but I've always been interested in wellness, which I feel is such a weird word to use right now because it's so ubiquitous and it can mean so many different things. For me, the way I got started with wellness was actually through yoga. I started doing yoga when I was 13, which was quite a while ago (I'm 31 now!). I registered for a class at my town’s recreational center and it was me and a bunch of senior citizens [laughs]. Yoga really did bring me into myself and into my body. I wasn't somebody who loves sports. I guess, I never really developed that hand-eye coordination that you need to really succeed in sports. There was something about the solitude of yoga that really took the pressure off. It gave me the time and the space that I needed to come into myself. So I think, for me, my journey started certainly when I started taking yoga classes - even though I didn't really know it at the time. It was a physical release for me. In high school and college I had eating disorders, so like many of us who come into wellness because of some kind of illness, I think my spiritual journey began when I truly started to heal from that. Ashley: How does that translate for you into shifting into this appreciation for self-care, and how did that kind of tie into the creation of this book? Disclosure: The link here is an affiliate link, meaning I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Yay! Lindsay: I think that I'm somebody with a tendency to be a perfectionist.  I think that's a character trait that goes along oftentimes with having eating disorders and a certain personality type. So a lot of the time I see things as very black-and-white, and developing an awareness around that was really the first step in my journey. I started to do a lot of different types of healing modalities on my own. I also engaged in many years of therapy and one-on-one counselling - spiritual and non.   For me, I really notice when I'm not doing enough self-care. Even as I'm talking to you now, I'm going through a huge transition that I feel like is a radical act of self-care. I'm leaving a full-time job to give myself more time, because I've started to go through a personal health crisis, and that's manifested in a lot of ways. I've had a lot of symptoms over the last few months of heart palpitations and dizzy spells and all of these kinds of things that you can't really...
10/2/201831 minutes, 21 seconds
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Healing Properties of Black Tourmaline: A Crystal for Protection & Removing Negativity

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Black Tourmaline: "You are energetically safe, secure, and protected."     Common Healing Properties of Black Tourmaline: Protects you against electromagnetic pollution and negative energy Enhances grounding Increases your physical energy Banishes negativity and negative thoughts Enhances positive thinking and creativity Reduces geopathic stress Strengthens the immune system Cleanses the physical and ethereal bodies Aids in decreasing arthritis pain Relieves anxiety by keeping you mindful of the present moment   Colors: Solid Black. Associated Chakras: 1st (Root) Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Libra, Capricorn Elements: Earth Companion Flowers: Toad Lily Companion Essential Oil: Ginger Companion Stone: Selenite Common Origins: Brazil, China Notes: Also known as Schorl or as Aphrizite. Often found with Quartz or Mica. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!   /*   More About Tourmaline: Tourmaline is a hard gemstone that comes in a variety of colors, but the most common is the iron-rich black variety known as Schorl. This variety contains the most iron, accounting for both the color and the stone’s reputation as the best all-around protective energy magnet around (which is why it's our go-to stone for protection and removal of negative energy). Many people keep a piece with them all the time — either in a pocket or purse, or worn as a pendant or bracelet. Long, slender crystals form in parallel lines, roughly shiny and a good material for prismatic pendants and other jewelry that showcases its natural texture. When heated or rubbed, it can become electrically charged. The formula of Black Tourmaline is: Na(Mg,Fe,Li,Mn,Al)3Al6(Bo3)3Si6O18(OH,F)4 Working with Black Tourmaline: Black tourmaline is a protective stone, absorbing negative energy and promoting spiritual calm and overall balance.Its use goes back some time,for everything from preventing illness in the middle ages to the more modern application of protecting modern people from stray electricity.Black tourmaline is associated with the base chakra, and hence is excellent for grounding. Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
9/23/20187 minutes, 54 seconds
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Increase Your Energy with Healing Crystals

Whether it’s a post-lunchtime slump, an early-evening stupor, or the inability to drag ourselves out of bed in the morning due to intense lethargy, we all have times when we feel absolutely exhausted. But did you know we can fight against fatigue by using crystals for increasing energy? Guest post by   Much has been written about certain ‘superfoods’ that can help us combat lapses of energy and bouts of tiredness. Comparatively, less has been written about the effectiveness of crystals for increasing energy and fighting fatigue. Take a look at the following ten crystals that have proven to be potent assets in uplifting energy and spirits. Top 10 crystals for increasing energy:   Green Tourmaline: Green Tourmaline crystals are said to boost power. With their rich green hue, tourmaline is a popular gemstone in the making of jewellery. As well as looking unduly beautiful, tourmaline is said to be a potent energy provider. Its healing properties help dispel toxins from the body, restore balance and bring back positive energy. This makes us feel more energised.   Citrine: Citrine is believed to be one of the best crystals for increasing energy. Ranging from lighter yellows to darker browns, citrine crystals are one of the most aesthetically stunning crystals in existence. It is also believed to be one of the most energy-boosting. Citrine works as a powerful regenerator of the cells of the body. By regenerating the cells, it acts as an effective chakra activator and energiser. Amber: Amber is associated with luck, good health, pain relief & powerful healing energy. It is widely believed that crystals which are naturally red, orange and yellow are the most effective in terms of boosting energy and power. When we think of citrus-coloured gemstones, amber immediately springs to mind. With its golden hues, this stunning crystal is meant to be one of the most dynamic and stimulating. When placed in our presence, it can make us feel much more energised and positive. Carnelian: If you are wanting to boost your energy levels through crystals, Carnelian is a fabulous crystal to work with. This slightly translucent stone was considered to be the symbol of life in Ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures. Today this beautiful gemstone is still used to boost stamina and energy. For some, wearing a pair of carnelian earrings is more effective in heightening energy levels as a cup of coffee.   Ametrine: Ametrine is said to regenerate the physical body & strengthen the immune system. It is one of the lesser known crystals but is one of the most powerful when it comes to boosting power and energy. Being a potent amalgamation of citrine and amethyst this stunning yellow and purple gemstone helps improve clarity and focus. Being able to think straight and in harmony ultimately helps boost our confidence, energy and optimism.   Seraphinite: The properties in Seraphinite are believed to effectively heal brain cells, the nerves, eliminate toxins and purify the blood, organs, kidneys and liver. Having the ability to cleanse and heal such a multitude of organs and remove toxins from the body, seraphinite is one of the most energy-boosting crystals in existence. Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz is one of the most popular crystals as a healing crystal. Clear quartz is regularly cited by healers as being the “battery of the soul”. Similar to green tourmaline, clear quartz jewelry or pieces of stone help dispel toxins in our body. By ridding the body of sludge-enhancing toxins, quartz restores energy in our body. It makes us feel more spirited and ready to tackle what life throws at us. Amethyst: One of the most popular and well-known of the crystals, Amethyst has been the ‘stone of spirituality’ for quite some time. As well as helping people overcome addictions, the unique properties of amethyst creates a protective field of energy around its wearer, which assist in transforming negative energy into positive energ...
9/18/20186 minutes, 38 seconds
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Crystals & Astrology for Finding Your Soul’s Calling (An Interview with Natalie Walstein)

Hello and welcome! In this interview, I am so excited to be interviewing the amazing Natalie Walstein of Soulshine Astrology. We're talking all about Natalie's journey, and how you can use Astrology to find your soul's calling, just like she did.    Ashley: Natalie, thank you so much for being here with me. Natalie Walstein: Thank you so much for having me. Ashley: I've been following you for quite a while now, and I just love everything you're doing. For those who may not be familiar with your work, would you mind telling our listeners a little bit about yourself and how you got started working in Astrology? Natalie: I'm a Career Astrologer at Soulshine Astrology. Basically, what I do is combine career coaching with astrological wisdom, which I get from your Astrology chart. This is basically a map of where the stars were at the exact time, date and location of your birth. I got started with this from looking at my own Astrology chart. At one point I literally had no idea what to do with my career anymore. I just didn't know what to do. I remembered that Astrology was really cool, because I've always been a bit into it. So I decided to look into it again, and this time I dove in really deep. I found it so fascinating and it ended up showing me where I was going wrong in my career, and how to shift into something more suited to me. I realized that I could help other people do the same thing. That's really where it all started. Ashley: I love that. Really, it was your own love and passion of Astrology that got you here. Turning to Astrology as a tool to help you in your own life is what inspired you to actually pick it up and work with it as a way to inspire others. Natalie: Exactly! That's why I love it so much.     I think so many great people's careers start that way. It's like, "I created the thing I needed." Ashley: That is so true. Natalie, a lot of our listeners are obviously super into crystals. They're healers, they're lightworkers, they're empaths, and they are people who follow a path of service. I'm sure for many of you who are listening right now, you're maybe in a place in your life where you're where Natalie was. You're trying to figure out, "What am I here to do? What am I supposed to be doing?" Maybe you're trying to find your life's purpose. Natalie, a big part what you do is use Astrology to show someone what a really good fit would be for a career or for a life path, so... How does Astrology really factor into someone finding and living their life's purpose? Natalie: Most people usually think of Astrology as just being about horoscopes. I used to think that too, but it turns out there is so much more to it than that. I'm actually sometimes really caught off-guard by how much information you can get about it. It literally explains everything about you. There's no wonder why I can tell you about your life's purpose. I really feel that the purpose of Astrology, in my eyes, is to find your life purpose because it really helps you tap into who you really are, what you really want, what makes you happy and also how you can harness all this in the best possible way, and in your own special way. Instead of, for example, just looking around and applying for jobs. It really gives you this feeling of "No! This is what I need." You can either create it for yourself or you can go out into the world and say no to everything that isn't in alignment with you, which is so empowering. Ashley: I love that so much. We were actually just doing our little mini-class for our upcoming Crystal Mastery Conference. You're going to teach people all about looking at Astrology and recommending some crystals that might be really helpful for them while they're pursuing their life path or their soul path. I was wondering if you would mind just teasing this, maybe using your own Astrology? What some of your favorite crystals to use while pursuing your life path? Could you give us an example?
9/4/201813 minutes, 25 seconds
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Crystals for Working with the Divine Feminine (An Interview with Emma Mildon)

Today, I am really excited to be interviewing the amazing Emma Mildon. Emma is a millennial mystic, charged with creating a movement of conscious action in the world. She's the author of "The Soul Searcher's Handbook" and "Evolution of Goddess" and she is one of my favorite people to talk to. So, Emma thank you so much for being here today.   Emma Mildon: I love our chats so much! I'm always so excited because something always bubbles to the surface, so I'm so excited to talk to you again. Ashley: And for those who may not be familiar with you and your work yet... Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, your mission and how you got started with all the amazing things that you're doing? Emma: Yeah, of course. So I really started out, spirituality, totally selfishly. I was just wanting to expand and explore it for me. So I'm being totally honest - It was a me, me, me spiritual mission. I did the yoga, I did the meditation, I explored the crystals and then I started traveling. So I read lots of books, and met lots of teachers and gurus and authors. I found myself learning everything from tea-leaf reading to astrology and numerology, crystals, Reiki, and meeting Shaman. It was quite a journey. And throughout that, I threw a lot of books across my room. Now, I don't endorse book-throwing, but I have zero tolerance and a pretty short attention span. As a mystic millennial, I hate being told what to do, more importantly, I hate being told what to believe in. The books I read were great and they had great wisdom and I really respect the authors and artists that wrote them. However, there was always an undercurrent of bossy-ness and right and wrong. Kind of like regiment to ritual, which I really didn't resonate with. I felt like it kind of clipped my wings when I was trying to explore and journey through my own spiritual choices. As a result, I wrote books that I needed at the time. I started writing books about spirituality that became... kind of like smorgasbord spirituality.   You could digest and eat and nibble on any type of mystic, spiritual mindfulness that you crave without having to sit down and have a whole big meal on it. It's about having spirituality on your terms. Soul Searcher's Handbook is a menu of spiritual approaches that you can take to help guide you to build your own belief system on your own terms. Ashley: You know, I don't know if I've ever told you this, but... in addition to the love and light school, I also own a metaphysical bookstore. One of my employees who was recently promoted to manager said that your book, The Soul Searcher's Handbook, is really what sparked her interest in everything metaphysical. Someone gave her that book and she said that she read it cover to cover. She couldn't put it down. She said it was just so comfortable and so approachable and that really sparked her natural curiosity to continue further on this amazing spiritual path that she's on. Now, she manages the bookstore and she's doing all these other amazing things in the world. She's a freelance photographer and she's all about creating beauty in the world. Your book helped inspire and spark all of that for her. And I think everyone I've ever talked to about it says more or less the same thing. It's so warm and welcoming. You feel like you're just sitting down with a cup of tea with someone that you could spend hours talking to. Your new book, Evolution of Goddess, is very much the same. It's here at just the right time for many of us. So can you tell us a little bit about what sparked your passion for this topic? For Evolution of Goddess, what got you going with this? Emma: Yeah, you know what, it's so funny. Hearing that story about The Soul Searcher's Handbook makes me emotional, and that's exactly what I experienced coming into Evolution of Goddess. In truth, I was pretty tired and I didn't want to write another book. So I really had my work cut out for me with Evolution of Godd...
8/28/201817 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Best Crystals to Use During a Tarot Card Reading (An Interview with Brigit Esselmont of Biddy Tarot)

Today I am so excited to be interviewing the amazing Brigit Esselmont of Biddy Tarot. Brigit helps people live more mindful and enlightened lives using tarot cards as a guide. She's also the creator of the Everyday Tarot, which will be available very, very soon. You can pre-order it right now on Amazon and pretty much everywhere books are sold.   Brigit, thank you so much for being here with us today. Brigit Esselmont: It's my pleasure. I'm excited to be here! Ashley: Would you mind if we kind of just dive in right in and tell everyone who's listening a little bit about yourself, your mission, and how you got started with tarot in your life? Brigit: Yeah, absolutely. So I started reading tarot over 20 years ago. It's kind of freaky. I was really drawn to the tarot because it's such a rich spiritual tool. It's something that can connect us to our intuition, our own sense of pure energy, and our source energy as well. It's interesting though, when I first started to read tarot, I was more concerned about learning all of the right tarot card meanings. I kind of forgot all of the intuitive pieces. Like, "Oh, am I getting this right?" But when I was doing it that way, I ended up feeling quite robotic in my readings. It really wasn't until that point where I was like, "Okay, I don't have to do this all right. I don't have to be correct every time. If I just trust my intuition, and really go with the flow, things are gonna be very different." And that was when I decided, "Okay, put the books away. I'm just gonna really connect with my own inner wisdom here and read the cards. Once I did that, all of the magic happened. From there, my readings just really flowed in a beautiful and powerful way. I had much more valuable insights to share with my clients, and from my own personal readings as well. So packed with that knowledge, and that approach to the cards, that's when I started teaching tarot through Biddy Tarot. It's really become the core essence of what I teach. Tarot doesn't have to be about learning the right way to do it, or all of the esoteric systems that go behind it. That's great to know, but it's okay not to know it. It's more about using tarot as a tool to connect with the intuition. Tarot is about knowing that you've got all of the answers inside of you. You don't have to be reliant on other people telling you how to live your life. It's already within you, and the tarot is this beautiful tool that helps to connect you with that inner power and wisdom. So that's really where I stand now in terms of my vision with tarot. I'm helping people connect to that beautiful part of themselves. That is highly intuitive part. The truth is that we are all highly intuitive. It's not just like this magical gift that a selected few are given. We're all intuitive, and the cards help you get there. I think the other part of my vision is about bringing tarot into the mainstream, and just making it normal and accessible. And like, who wouldn't read tarot? It's nothing to feel funny about. It's just an ordinary, everyday part of your life. Ashley: So I'm sure that this is something that you probably cover in a big way in the Everyday Tarot book, given that it is kind of at the core of your mission. This idea of people developing their own intuition, their own inner guidance. The idea that the tarot as this tool that's really useful for shedding some light on situations, and helping us gain more understanding. What are one or two of your favorite ways that people can start to develop their intuition? Brigit: Yeah, absolutely. It's funny. I think often times people think, "Oh, I need to be really intuitive, so I can read tarot." I certainly felt that at the start. I thought, "Oh, I've got to be psychic to read tarot cards. But what I've discovered is, you can actually start to read tarot to help you become more intuitive. That makes sense. Because, it certainly happened to me.    
8/22/201818 minutes, 31 seconds
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Boosting Your Self-Confidence with Crystals

Confidence seems to be something we all struggle with at one time or another in our lives. Whether it’s a fear of public speaking, body image issues, relationship insecurities, or something else, a little confidence boost can certainly go a long way toward improving our lives.   Using healing crystals for self-confidence is a simple but effective way to help you shift your mindset. It can take you from one of worry, fear, or insecurity to pure confidence. A few of my favorite crystals for self-confidence are: Citrine, Golden Tiger’s Eye, Pyrite (also known as Fool’s Gold), and Clear Quartz.  Citrine is the perfect crystal companion to help you work through fears, hesitations, or blocks that leave you feeling less than confident in life.   This stone will help you embrace your strengths in order to create the success you deserve in life. Citrine is an intensely confidence-boosting crystal. These stones are also known for their ability to instill an abundance of confidence. Especially to the area in your life in which you need it most. To use Citrine for increasing your self-confidence (and ultimately receive more abundance and joy in your life), hold a Citrine crystal point (with the termination facing upward toward your crown chakra) over your Solar Plexus Chakra for approximately eight to ten minutes.  Do this one to three times per day. It’s best if you can perform this exercise while focusing on a specific intention. Try to direct this intention towards self-confidence, inner strength, self-worth, and your ability to receive. You may wish to create a short affirmation statement to repeat while holding the Citrine stone over your solar plexus area. Saying this affirmation aloud during the exercises reinforces the mindset shift you’re trying to manifest. This will ultimately improve your results. Golden Tiger's Eye promotes confidence and inner strength. It also encourages personal will power to help get you through difficult situations. Additionally, Golden Tiger's Eye is known for mental clarity and focus. It can help you identify any potential blocks in your progress so that you’re able to move past them and grow through them with ease.  This enhanced focus also assists you in achieving your goal of becoming more self-confident. It keeps it top of mind and gently encourages you to step outside of your comfort zone and “put yourself out there” more. Pyrite has a strong, almost masculine energy that pairs well with Citrine and Golden Tiger’s Eye.   It instills strength, bravery, and courage in new or unfamiliar situations. It is especially useful when you find yourself in situations where you’re meeting lots of new people.  This crystal helps you embrace new experiences and enjoy them. It also helps you to stay positive and avoiding negative thought patterns (especially those that revolve around worry, anxiety, and fear).  Pyrite helps you dig deep within yourself and find strength and courage, even in the most uncomfortable or challenging of situations. Clear Quartz crystals amplify the energy of your intention as well as amplifying the properties of other crystals.   When used with the stones above, results can be achieved much quicker than without the use of the Quartz crystal.       Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
8/7/201813 minutes, 2 seconds
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Healing Properties of Tourmalinated Quartz: A Crystal for Grounding & Balance

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Tourmalinated Quartz: "It's time to cut through obstacles that have previously stopped you from achieving your goals - consciously choose change."     Common Healing Properties of Tourmalinated Quartz: Promotes grounding Protects you against negative energies (amplifies protection) Helps you to release stress and promote peace and calming Cleanses and balances your mind, body, and spirit Aid in promoting self-love and self-acceptance Encourages physical healing Balances the energies of the subtle body (chakras, kundalini, meridians, etc.) Colors: Milky white to clear with black needle-like crystals throughout. Associated Chakras: 1st (Root) or 7th (Crown) Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Libra, Capricorn Elements: Earth Companion Flowers: Crocosmia (Falling Stars Flower) Companion Essential Oil: Pinion Pine Companion Stone: Phosphosiderite Common Origins: Brazil Notes: This stone most commonly occurs as Black Tourmaline crystals suspended inside of a Quartz crystal matrix, but any color Tourmaline can occur in Quartz. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!   Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
7/31/20188 minutes, 28 seconds
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Crystals & Nature: An Interview with Adam Barralet

Hi, everyone and crystal blessings. Today, I am so excited to be interviewing the amazing Adam Barralet. Adam is someone that I’ve been following for quite some time. If you’re not familiar with him, you may actually know him and not even realize it from his amazing YouTube channel where he talks all about healing crystals.   Ashley Leavy: So Adam, thank you so much for being here. Would you mind introducing yourself and telling us a little bit about how you got started working with crystals? Adam: First of all, thank you very much for having me today. I’m really blessed to be in a chat with you all, your fans, your following and your circle. So my journey began with crystals over 20 years ago now. I walked into a crystal shop and I bought myself a little Amethyst. I went home and I read all about the magic and the mysticism of that crystal on the little bit of pamphlet they gave me. The next week, I’m back in that crystal shop and I bought another one, and then another one, and another one - to the point where now I think I work with about 300 different crystals. So that’s where I kind of began. I would buy so many books and try to find as much information as I could about crystals. There’s so much information out there that would tell me that a rose quartz is good for love and Citrine is good for abundance, but they wouldn’t tell you what to do with them. So I was collecting all these crystals, but they were just sitting on the shelf looking pretty. If we’re drawn to crystals, we can justify spending $10, $20 or $50 on a bit of rock, however our friends and family may wonder where our money is going. So I thought, if I have this unique drawing to gifts from mother nature, I also have the responsibility to make sure I know how to use them. Otherwise, it’s like giving you a Ferrari and you leave it sitting in the garage. So I started bringing another elements of different practices: aromatherapy, astrology, Feng Shui, guided visualizations, spell work and more, to find out how they create and understand love, healing and protection. I grew up in Australia, however I lived in Toronto for a while and in New York City. I had some great teachers in these places, and when I finally came back to Australia, I met some great people who invited me to write my books and produce my oracle cards. Now I’m blessed to travel around the world teaching people what to actually do with these colorful things that we love so dearly. Ashley: You know, Adam, I’m so glad that you brought that up because as a crystal teacher that was earlier on in life a student, that was one of my biggest complaints while I was trying to learn everything I needed to about crystals. I mean, I have over 200 crystal books, but  it seemed like there were all these encyclopedic volumes about what the properties of stones were but not as much information on what to do with them. Often, the information you got was so overly complicated that I constantly felt like, Oh, what if I make a mistake? Or this has a lot of steps. It seems really complicated. What if I don’t have all of those special tools or things that I need? Through my own work with stones I eventually realized that it doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. I think more and more people are waking up to that. Now, you see amazing books available like your book “Crystal Connections: A Guide To Crystals And How To Use Them” which really is more practical. It's more of a hands-on, integrated approach to working with stones  Adam: Exactly. You know, I love working crystals and I wanted many people to feel confident with that. If we can’t make it simple and understandable, then we’re going to be eliminating people who will feel helpless with what to do with their crystals. Ashley: So true. Now, Adam I know for you a big part of your attraction to stones is really because of this value that you have about living in harmony with nature. So...
7/25/201830 minutes, 23 seconds
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Healing Properties of Black Obsidian: A Crystal for Personal Growth

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Black Obsidian: "Consciously tap into your divine wisdom and knowledge and embrace your intuition and inner knowing."     Common Healing Properties of Black Obsidian: Promotes energetic protection Reveals the truth in any situation Exposes areas of yourself that need growth and development Facilitates past life ascension and regression Blocks negative energies from entering your auric field Enhances grounding Shields you from electromagnetic pollution Banishes negative energy Brings peace and calming Encourages living in a virtuous manner Increases courage Encourages personal growth Facilitates compassion Reduces energetic causes of arthritis pain Assists with energetic detoxification of the physical body Assists you in maintaining proper circulation Enhances accuracy in scrying divination Balances the energy of the mind, body, and spirit Aids in acceptance of your weaknesses so that you can begin to heal and correct them Helps you to address issues of control and power struggles Enhances the experience of shamanic ceremonies and rituals Removes negative thought patterns and conditioning   Colors: Opaque black (sometimes with transparent banding) with a glassy surface. Associated Chakras: 1st (Root) Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Scorpio Elements: Earth, Fire Companion Flowers: Fireweed Companion Essential Oil: Camphor Companion Stone: Howlite Common Origins: Mexico Notes: A natural volcanic glass. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites! The staff at my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share: Obsidian is the most abundant form of naturally occurring glass, the result of volcanic lava cooling quickly. Technically obsidian may have any composition, but usually, it’s a glass with inclusions of hematite and rhyolite. Because it’s easy to chip and forms a sharp point, it has been an invaluable material for toolmaking throughout history, thus contributing to the evolution of the human race’s evolution. Many cultures also used it to make mirrors and figurines. In fact, one way that archaeologists can trace the development of trade is by testing the composition of obsidian objects found along trade routes to find out where it originated, and thus how far it had traveled. More recently, obsidian lore has made its way into popular culture as “dragon glass” in Game of Thrones, or as a “witch’s blade.” Black Obsidian Safety and Care: Obsidian breaks easily and forms sharp edges, so be careful you don’t get cut, and keep this in mind if children will handle it. When buying obsidian, be careful of sellers promoting obsidian in various bright colors; this material is usually fake.   Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
7/18/201812 minutes, 35 seconds
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Healing Properties of Sodalite: A Crystal for Mutual Understanding

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Sodalite: "Speak your truth confidently and choose your words with clarity and confidence."     Common Healing Properties of Sodalite: Increases accurate intuitive thoughts Encourages successful stilling of the mind during meditation Brings out the truth in any situation Helps you to stand up for yourself Protects you from electromagnetic pollution Enhances group cooperation Aids you in speaking your truth Banishes bad habits and negative thinking patterns Aids you in absorbing new information and learning new things Removes fear Banishes guilt Encourages self-confidence Encourages a healthy metabolism Relieves insomnia Reduce fevers     Colors: Light, medium, or dark blue with white splotches (and sometimes dark blue or black veins). Associated Chakras: 5th (Throat) or 6th (Third Eye) Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Libra Elements: Earth, Water Companion Flowers: Goat's Beard Companion Essential Oil: Oregano Companion Stone: Orange Calcite Common Origins: Brazil, Canada Notes: Commonly confused with Lapis Lazuli. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites! The staff at my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share: Sodalite is for mutual understanding. It increases empathy between speaker and listener. This promotes a more meaningful understanding between people who are trying to communicate. If you have anyone in your life who talks past you, talks over you, or just doesn’t seem to “get” you, sodalite can help make dealing with this person more manageable — possibly even pleasant! It’s also good for lifting the emotional “overlay” in certain conversations that can distort perceptions and make it hard to understand what the other person is getting at. Some people also use it to help prepare for public speaking, and/or give them confidence while giving a speech or presentation. On a more spiritual level, you can also use it to tune in to spirit guides, angels and other non-human guides. Sodalite is associated with all forms of communication: spoken, written, nonverbal, telepathetic, interspecies — basically whatever kind of communication is needed in a particular situation. In fact, some writers have found sodalite so helpful that it’s sometimes called the “poet’s stone”! Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
7/3/201810 minutes, 55 seconds
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Healing Properties of Smoky Quartz: A Crystal for Spiritual Grounding

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Smoky Quartz: "Connect to the energy of the earth and bathe yourself in the grounding, protective energy it has to share with you."     Common Healing Properties of Smoky Quartz: Promotes grounding Enhances protection from negative energy Increases energy during meditation Encourages environmental concern and ecological consciousness Supports you as you work to reduce your stress Promotes peace and calming Supports you as you work through personal fears Enhances passion Dispels bad dreams Enhances accuracy in scrying divination Promotes intuitive insight Stimulates concentration Promotes communication Aids in stilling the mind for successful meditation Aids in manifesting Assists one in managing detailed projects Colors: Light to medium (sometimes very dark) smoky brown and transparent to translucent. Associated Chakras: 1st (Root) Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo Elements: Earth Companion Flowers: Bloodroot Companion Essential Oil: Cardamom Companion Stone: Mookaite Jasper Common Origins: Brazil, Australia, Colorado (USA) Notes: Also commonly spelled "Smokey" Quartz. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites! The staff at my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share: Smoky quartz is a form of quartz with traces of lithium and/or aluminum, which give it a gray-to-brown shade, ranging from pale to almost black. It’s a great stone for grounding higher energies, making it an excellent helper for those working with dream healing, astral travel, and shamanic journeying. Smoky quartz offers great protection against negative energies that can interfere with healing work or spiritual growth. It is the national gemstone of Scotland, and the ancient Celts used it to adorn both ceremonial jewelry and weapons. It is one of the traditional birthstones for Scorpio. This crystal is wonderful for meditation and spiritual endeavors, but also very helpful for stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and dealing with negative energy in everyday life. If your own emotions and moods sometimes get in the way of inner peace, try “filtering” out negativity by selecting a piece of smoky quartz that speaks to you personally and working with it on a regular basis. Pin it!   Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
6/19/201817 minutes, 35 seconds
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What’s the difference between a crystal and a rock?

Did you know that some of your most beloved healing crystals are actually combinations of more than one stone? Lapis Lazuli, Tiger Iron, Unakite, and others are made up of more than one mineral. When multiple minerals come together to create something new, this is the definition of a rock. That’s right!  A rock. Most of the time, we don’t use that word in the heal-y feely world of crystal healing, but rocks can be super lovely for healing too.  In the wellness community, we usually use the words crystal, stone, mineral, etc. interchangeably, but they do each have their own specific definitions. Rock - composed of more than one mineral Crystal - a mineral that has an internal crystalline structure (a regularly repeating atomic blueprint) Stone - any minerals or rock that is non-metallic Mineral - a solid, naturally occurring, inorganic substance By now you may be wondering which of the stones in your crystal collection are actually rocks.  Let’s take a look at some of the most common hybrids: Lapis Lazuli  This is a rock composed of Lazurite, White Calcite and Pyrite.  It is not technically a “stone” since it contains metallic Pyrite. The best quality Lapis Lazuli comes from Afghanistan. Septarian Nodule  This is a rock composed of Golden Aragonite and Brown Calcite in a Benitoite clay matrix. Atlantisite  This brightly colored rock from Tasmania is composed of Green Serpentine and Purple Stichtite. Unakite  This heart-centered rock is composed of Epidote and Peach Feldspar.   Tiger Iron  This beautiful South African rock is composed of Golden Tiger’s Eye, Red Jasper, and Hematite.  It is not technically a stone since is contains metallic Hematite. Ametrine  This is actually a crystal and is not a rock at all.  Both Amethyst and Citrine are colored varieties of Quartz. When parts of the iron-containing Amethyst are heated, they turn into golden Citrine.  The best quality (and most beautiful!) Ametrine crystals are from Bolivia. So which pieces from your collection are actually hybrids of other minerals?     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
6/12/20187 minutes, 44 seconds
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Healing Properties of Golden Tiger Eye: A Crystal for Personal Power & Energy

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Golden Tiger's Eye: "I am motivated by my divine purpose and I manifest your vision with ease."     Common Healing Properties of Golden Tiger's Eye: Enhances grounding Increases psychic skills Encourages the rising of the kundalini through the chakras Promotes energetic protection Stimulates compassion Aids you in sorting through details and completing tedious tasks Helps you pull together many details in order to make sense of a whole Aids in removing negative habits Instills self-confidence and inner-strength - a personal empowerment stone Promotes equality and integrity Stabilizes energy Banishes depression Heals the eyes Balances disorders of the reproductive system Aids in the energetic healing of broken bones Helps you succeed on tests and exams Encourages success in business meetings Colors: Bands of shimmering gold, brown, bronze, and gray/black Associated Chakras: 2nd (Sacral Chakra) or 3rd (Solar Plexus Chakra) Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Leo Elements: Air, Earth Companion Flowers: Yellow Coneflower Companion Essential Oil: Sunflower Companion Stone: Rainforest Jasper Common Origins: South Africa, Australia Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!   /*   More About Golden Tiger's Eye: Tiger’s eye is a form of quartz in which the SiO2 crystals have grown together with asbestos fibers, giving it a distinctive silky sheen. We’ll talk here about the basic golden form, but there are several related stones: Tiger’s eye is a great stone for putting “pedal to the metal,” taking charge of what you want and bringing it into reality. It’s also a traditional stone for warding off the evil eye. Since it contains asbestos, please don’t use it for elixirs. Tiger's Eye Lore: The association between “The Eye of the Tiger” and bravery didn’t start with Survivor’s song or Stallone’s movies. It goes back at least as far as the Roman Legion, where soldiers wore tiger’s eye jewelry into battle for protection and courage. But this wasn’t its only use, even then. Divination was very popular in Rome, and soldiers in the field could use tiger’s eye as a quick method to gain insight and clarity — and, of course, a soldier often doesn’t have time to wait. Military men also used this stone as an early warning to detect potential deception. Tiger’s eye contains luminous layers of asbestos within a quartz matrix, forming complex but regular patterns, making it excellent for scrying. The directionality of these pieces has a magic to it as well; the pyramid pictured here would be great for channeling universal energy! There’s much more to tiger’s eye than just “the thrill of the fight.” (And now I’m going to have that song in my head for the rest of the day…).     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
6/5/201816 minutes, 13 seconds
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Crystals for Dealing with Negative People

When you’re feeling like there’s some negative energy in your space or you’re surrounded by negative people, your instinct may be to immediately reach for your protective crystals, but this may not be the best remedy.   Energy is just energy. We classify it as “positive” or “negative” but in actuality, there is just energy. There is energy that serves our highest good (positive) and energy that doesn’t (negative). So how do you deal with “negative” energy in a space? The first step to take is to clear the space of any energy that’s not serving your highest good.  When dealing with a person who leaves you feeling stressed out or drained, protective crystals can help shield you from absorbing the chaotic energy they imprint upon a space. However, using those crystals is only half of the solution.  You need to remedy the root cause of the situation by clearing that energy from your space. Here are some of my favorite crystals for keeping your space free from negativity: Selenite: Selenite is most effective if you know ahead of time that you’ll be encountering some negative vibes. You can place a Selenite crystal in the space to keep it cleansed and flowing. This will help to remove the energy that’s not for your highest good.  Basically, Selenite helps to clear out psychic debris before it works its way into your energy field. Pink Halite: Pink Halite is a very cleansing stone. It also helps instill compassion and gets you centered in your heart space.  So, if you have someone who is very draining or who often seems crabby or cranky, this crystal may help. It allows you to be empathetic, listen without being drawn into their situation, and hold space for them to move past the issue.  You may find that by showing empathy and compassion, the energy in the space will shift. You'll notice this shift both in the space and in the negative person. After all, as humans, we need this feeling of compassion and understanding. For many people, making negative comments, complaining about their situation, or dragging others down into a lower vibe space isn’t done maliciously.  Instead, it’s the only way these people know how to reach out for help and understanding. So by being a good listener, and having empathy for them as a person who is hurting, you help them to release the “negative” energy they’re holding onto. Pink Halite helps you do this while keeping your energy field clear. It will and keep you on the outside of the situation so you don’t get drawn in. Rutilated Smoky Quartz: During my time as a professional healer and running my new age shop for more than a decade, I heard from people time and time again how they were certain they had an entity attachment of some kind that was causing their negative attitude or behavior. Yes, I am open minded about the fact that this is possible. However, I do not think it happens nearly as much as people think it does. In fact, I found that many times an entity was blamed for mean or negative behavior, it was simply a case where the person didn’t want to take responsibility for their own actions. This may seem harsh, but the point here is: If you have a chronically “negative” person who always seems to be convinced that there are forces at work making them act a certain way, chances are much more likely that it is their own bad attitude that is responsible. Rutilated Smoky Quartz is excellent for counteracting this energy. The Smoky Quartz disintegrates and grounds negativity from the person’s energy field. In addition to this, the Rutile crystals help break up any stuck or stagnant energy that the person is holding onto. These are usually emotional blocks that have never been cleared. If you’d like to guard against the effects of this energy, you can place a Rutilated Smoky Quartz crystal near the entry to your space to sweep their field upon entering. However, if working with this person in a healing session, you can point the termination of the crystal toward the are...
5/30/201810 minutes, 19 seconds
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Healing Properties of Chevron Amethyst: A Crystal for Spiritual Development

Chevron Amethyst is a banded combination of amethyst and milky quartz. The bands form a distinctive chevron, or triangular shape — sort of like a mountain range. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Chevron Amethyst: "I know that I am a unique being and I feel inspired and safe to be myself."     Common Healing Properties of Chevron Amethyst: Promotes spiritual growth Assists you in gaining clarity of thought and insight into any situation Aids you in the decision-making process Heals past-life trauma by moving your spirit above and beyond it Promotes personal and spiritual growth Reveals hidden layers of a situation so that you’re able to better understand everything that is involved Helps you find balance during life’s ups and downs Assists in communication with your guides Enhances meditation Promotes calm energy and relieves anxiety or worry   Colors: Bands of White, Violet, Purple, and Lavender in triangular (chevron) patterns Associated Chakras: 6th (Third Eye Chakra) or 7th (Crown Chakra) Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Pisces Elements: Air, Water Companion Flowers: Indian Hyacinth Companion Essential Oil: Iris Companion Stone: Pyrite Common Origins: South Africa Notes: Also known as Banded Amethyst or as Amethystine Agate (although it is not a true Agate). Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!   /*   More About Chevron Amethyst: Chevron Amethyst is a banded combination of amethyst and milky quartz. The bands form a distinctive chevron, or triangular shape -- sort of like an arrow pointing. This stone has all the properties of amethyst, plus a few special associations. It's good for releasing fears and finding inner strength. One way to do this that's especially suited to chevron amethyst is through lucid dreaming, which can help release fears that are the result of past-life trauma. This crystal is also associated with the eyes, and with visions of all types -- whether they come through physical, spiritual or energetic fields. All of this makes chevron amethyst a great booster for spiritual growth & ascension. Amethyst is a variety of quartz that ranges in color from the lightest lilac to a deep violet.  It’s been considered a protective, healing stone from the earliest times.  In fact, even its name refers to one of its ancient protective functions:  a (anti-) + methustos (intoxicated).  Wine taken from an amethyst cup, they said, would never make you drunk!  (A possible mechanism for this:  the host may have disguised the fact that he’d watered his wine by pouring it into a deep purple cup.  It could work. . .)   Amethyst has kept its association with virtue through time, protecting one’s better nature against temptation.  In fact, the highest grade of amethyst is still known as “bishop’s grade.” Metaphysical uses:   Amethyst is associated with the two uppermost chakras, the third eye and crown chakras, and so makes a good meditation stone.  It works well as a source of beads for malas and rosaries.  But it’s also a very common stone, useful to anyone for its calming protection, easing the cycles of dreams and sleep.  The related benefits, clarity in meditation and a good night’s sleep, can help fix the confusion and occasional case of the blahs that can be a side effect of the active--sometimes too active--Piscean imagination.  I think of it as going with lavender; both amethyst and lavender calm body and mind,  nurturing us into other states of consciousness.   One Way to Work With Chevron Amethyst: To use chevron amethyst to help with lucid dreaming, hold a piece in your hands just before you go to bed. Decide whether there's a specific issue you want your dreams to address,
5/23/201810 minutes, 15 seconds
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Discovering Crystal Grids with Judy Hall

Today I am so honored to be speaking with the amazing Judy Hall, who you might be familiar with because of her work on the Crystal Bible series of books. She has just come out with an amazing new book all about crystal grids, and I am so excited to hear all about it from her and share it with you.   Ashley: I'm so excited to speak with you. This is a topic that has really become so popular over the past few years. Why do you think there is this new and sudden interest in crystal grids? Judy: Well, for me, I've used them for many years. It's such a convenient way of generating energy. They are somewhere to put your intentions. Does that make sense? Ashley: Absolutely. Judy: You can lay them out, set them up, and then they will work for you, and you don't have to keep playing the intention. In fact, the more you can let them get in with it themselves, the more effective they are. Ashley: So, you recommend using them as more of a background energy? Judy: A powerful energy running in the background is how I would describe it. I think that they work on many different levels. They will work on what we think we need, but also, because crystals are sentient, intelligent things, much more intelligent than we are, they know what we really need as well. They also know and will work on what is needed around us. So, when I set up a grid, it's not just a question of 'what do I want?' or 'What do I think I need?' -- I always try to work with the crystals for the highest growth. Ashley: Oh, I love that. Judy: I'm not pushing myself deciding that. But if there is a bigger intention or a bigger outcome that they can bring about, I'm very happy to cooperate with them on that. Ashley: I love that. Judy, there are lots of definitions for what a crystal grid is or what a crystal grid should be. How do you like to define a crystal grid? Judy: That's a tricky one, isn't it? Because people understand different things by it. To many, it's a pattern based on basic geometry, and that in itself, creates an energy. The crystals that go onto the grid work with an underlying pattern to bring energy into harmony. It can be really simple. I was writing the other day about a tombstone grid but I was actually keeping them either end as if it were an infinity symbol. Ashley: Oh, beautiful! Judy: It was around the immunity points on the chest. As you can well hear, I've had a cough and the English weather is not helping. We've got rain, fog, and all things that are not really good for breathing. So, I was setting up a crystal grid using some new cherry quartz and emerald quartz (which are being called tangerine). We found last year that it works best if you put some on the higher heart and at the base of the breast bone. It actually creates this infinity symbol that meets over the heart, and it's very good for strengthening the immune system. Ashley: Oh, I love that. So let me ask you this: most people tend to think of a crystal grid as just being something that you would put maybe on an altar or something in your sacred space. But in what you just mentioned, you're actually placing the grid on the body. How would you decide whether to use a grid on the body or just set up somewhere in your space? Judy: To me, it does rather depend on what I'm doing. If I want to balance my chakra for instance, that goes on my body. Although, if it's going to be inconvenient to have crystals on my body for very long, I might equally setup a chakra grid on a tree of life grid or something like that. If I'm doing earth feelings or sending energy to a situation like trying to find the right job, then to me, that's something that I will put either on an altar or tuck away in a corner of the house. I use the feng shui grid to position the grid sometimes. So, if I'm looking for love I will go to the love corner, or if I'm looking for money I'll go into the money corner, that sort of thing. It's very much a question of 'Where does it fee...
4/11/201822 minutes, 11 seconds
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Healing Properties of Clear Quartz: A Crystal for Amplifying Energy & Intention

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Clear Quartz: "Feel your mind expand with clarity as I help you tune in and become one with the world around you."     Common Healing Properties of Clear Quartz: Powerful for energizing the physical and energetic bodies Assists with healing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies Purifies and cleanses the physical and energetic bodies Amplifies your intentions for manifesting and co-creating with the universe Assists you with any kind of spiritual work Promotes mental clarity Amplifies energy in crystal layouts or grids Enhances your inner vision and intuition Balances and aligns the chakra centers Protects you energetically Colors: Clear, Colorless Associated Chakras: All Zodiac Signs: Leo, Virgo, Aries Elements: Air, Water, Fire Companion Flowers: Trillium Companion Essential Oil: Tea Tree Companion Stone: Lapis Lazuli Common Origins: Madagascar, Brazil, Arkansas (USA), India Notes: Also known as Rock Crystal.  The ancient Romans thought Quartz crystals were made from ice that was so frozen it would never thaw or melt. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!     /*   The staff from my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share: Quartz is a common and abundant mineral that comes in a variety of colors and forms. The stone we usually call quartz is clear rock crystal. This is quartz without visible impurities, which naturally forms into a brilliant six-sided prism, coming to a point at the end. It’s an oxide of silicon, and therefore a semiconductor. People have been drawn to quartz for literally millennia, using it for tools, jewelry, containers and works of art. Metaphysical references from the Romans and earlier identified quartz as permanently frozen ice. It is composed of SiO2. In its purest form, silicon dioxide is clear quartz, also called rock crystal. But when this mineral contains trace elements of other minerals, or when the Earth’s inner forces have changed its form, we see a huge variety in appearance. When quartz is completely pure, it is either clear, white, or a combination of both. White, or “milky” quartz, is simply clear quartz that contains tiny gas bubbles. The more colorful varieties of quartz come from small particles of metallic elements that became trapped in the quartz as it hardened. Some are natural, some artificial. Metaphysical uses: Clear quartz naturally amplifies energy. It wants to clean and purify everything in its path, including all the body’s chakras, as well as other items in the physical and spiritual worlds. One of the best ways to experience the power of a quartz crystal in everyday life is to use it to help amplify personal intentions — decide what you want, and use your crystal to magnify your intention until it manifests. (As always, do this in such a way that your intention remains focused on the greatest good, not simply short-term desires.)  Quartz wands are especially powerful when used this way. Clear quartz also has excellent spiritual qualities. Clear quartz is great for directing and focusing energy. Depending on how you plan to use your crystals, you could start with either a single quartz wand or a handful of small quartz points. Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
4/5/201818 minutes, 51 seconds
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Crystals for Empowering the Goddess Within

There is a movement by modern women in the metaphysical community to reclaim feminine power and embrace the goddess within, but what does this really mean and how can it be accomplished?   For many this is about acknowledging the important role of femininity and the divine feminine in modern society, but it can also be about embodying the archetypes of goddesses throughout history. Tapping into this goddess power can be done through ritual and ceremony, with prayer, or even through meditation.  And when you combine these methods with the energy of crystals, the connection to a particular goddess is amplified. Certain crystals correspond to particular goddess archetypes.  So if you wanted to connect with or embody the energetic archetype, the traits or qualities of a specific goddess, you need only to reach for the stone that embodies her spirit and energy.  You can then carry this stone with you, wear it in a piece of jewelry, or meditate with the crystal to connect with the energy of your chosen goddess. For example, if you were trying to bring more love energy into your life, you may want to embody the qualities of Aphrodite, Parvati, or Venus.  So you could choose to work with Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, or Copper to embody the vibration of love and the archetypal qualities of your chosen goddess. Following are some popular goddesses and their associated companion crystals:   Aphrodite: Rose Quartz Artemis: Blue Kyanite Athena: Rainbow Fluorite Bastet: Carnelian Brighid: Fire Agate Ceridwen: Labradorite Demeter: Petrified Wood Diana: Silver Durga: Golden Tiger’s Eye Freya: Emerald Gaia: Chrysocolla Green Tara: Green Tourmaline Hathor: White Moonstone Hecate: Black Moonstone Hera: Pyrite Hestia: Dolomite Ishtar: Imperial Topaz Isis: Lapis Lazuli Juno: Black Pearl Kali: Black Obsidian Kwan Yin: Pink Opal Lakshmi: Citrine Luna: White Pearl Maat: Red Jasper Mani: Rainbow Moonstone Nike: Hematite Nut: Nuumite Parvati: Rhodochrosite Pele: Lava Rock Persephone: Black Onyx Saraswati: Blue Lace Agate Sekhmet: Yellow Jasper Selene: Selenite Venus: Copper White Buffalo Calf Woman: Howlite White Tara: White Jade Yemaya: Abalone   Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
3/28/20188 minutes, 29 seconds
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Interview with Ezzie Spencer – How to Get in Tune with the Moon

"I'm so excited for this podcast episode today because I have the pleasure of interviewing the amazing Ezzie Spencer of Lunar Abundance. I've been following Ezzie for several months now and I'm just always so impressed with the amazing information that she puts out about the different lunar cycles and moon phases."    Ashley: So, Ezzie thank you so much for being here with me. Ezzie Spencer, PhD: It's my pleasure to be here. Ashley: Could you just maybe introduce yourself to everyone really quickly and tell us a little bit about your business and your work with lunar energy? Ezzie: Of course! I am an author and a speaker and I do some consulting work as well. I basically teach others how to connect in with the moon cycle to create a better life. More specifically, to really live in the flow of life and to tap into that joy and peace and sense of purpose which so many of us are really yearning to find. It's a personal practice that I share from my own experience and my own quest to come back to myself and to create more abundance in every single way in my own life. Disclosure: The links here are affiliate links, meaning I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Yay! Ashley: Oh thank you so much for that. I am so excited about this book! I find myself in the position of someone who really needs to read this book because like so many of us, at times I feel really disconnected from what's happening in my body and with my emotions. We're always looking for a way to reconnect with that part of ourselves. In your book, Lunar Abundance, this is really the main focus. It's about this re-connection to your inner self. It's about tuning into your own energy by using the moon as a mirror. I was wondering, could you tell us how the moon and these cycles, these ebbs and flows, really help us reconnect to that part of ourselves? - because this is a big part of what you speak about in the book. Ezzie: Yes for sure. So I really did live from the neck up in so many ways when I was younger. This is one of the reasons why I felt that there was something missing in my own life. I really felt that sense of disconnection in my life. I was working in a very different career. My job was in the field of law and there was a lot that was good about that, but I couldn't ignore the sense of feeling divorced from who I really was. I was out of tune with the natural cycles and rhythms of my own body and natural flow of life. I also felt like I had lost that connection with the natural environment and that sense of mystery and magic which I had as a child. It started to disappear when I went down that more traditional path to get some of those external trappings of success, if you will. I wanted to come back to myself to cultivate that sense of self-awareness of who I really was and why I was here on this Earth. I needed to cultivate a deeper relationship with my own feelings and emotional world, with both my inner world and my physical body as well. Eventually, I found that sense of that femininity and natural joy by working with the moon cycle. I was drawn to this very, very organically ten years ago, before it was a big thing on the internet and on social media. It was something which I started to connect with when I was writing my journal at night. I was trying to make sense of how I was feeling about my place in the world. So I started to draw little faces of the moon throughout my journal - the whole cycle, not just the full moon. I found that throughout the entire moon cycle there was this natural correlation between where the moon was in the sky and how I was feeling within myself. Those correlations would actually repeat over multiple moon cycles, so they became this pattern that would be predictable. Through this, I started to understand more about myself and the rhythms in the world. There's a lot of theories about why the moon has the effect that it does,
3/21/201833 minutes, 41 seconds
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Walking the World as a Spiritual Seeker: An Interview with Emma Mildon

"I'm so excited to be able to share this interview with the amazing & inspiring Emma Mildon with you! Emma is truly a powerhouse of wisdom on all sorts of spiritual topics, and is a well-known crystal expert."   Ashley: Hi and welcome to the Love and Light live podcast. I'm so excited today to be interviewing the amazing Emma Mildon. You may be familiar with Emma, she's the author of The Soul Searcher's Handbook and the soon-to-be-released Evolution of Goddess. She's also been featured by The Huffington Post and by Mindbodygreen. She is just an amazing powerhouse of information on different spiritual topics. I am so excited to be interviewing her because The Soul Searcher's Handbook is one that's been on my shelf for a long time. I really love it. I've already pre-ordered my copy of Evolution of Goddess and I'm just really excited to talk with her a little bit today about this upcoming book. So Emma, thank you so much for being here with me. Emma Mildon: Hi. How are you? Calling in from New Zealand. Ashley: Lovely. That's the other thing I love. Many people listening, our students, they know my amazing team member Lucy is from New Zealand. So we have big New Zealand love over here. Emma: I’d love Lucy. We’d probably love each other. Ashley: For those of you who are maybe not familiar with you or your books yet... Would you mind just introducing yourself and telling us a little bit about yourself and your spiritual journey, and how you got started with all of this? Emma: Of course. Yes. I pride myself on being kind of the girl-next-door spiritualist. I began writing after kind of a world odyssey of soul searching. Firstly, I traveled the world and did everything I physically, possibly could in terms of learning and digesting spiritual wisdom. I read every book I could try to get through normally, just the first two chapters until they told me what I should do and think and believe in. And I did courses and learned from masters and healers and authors and shaman. At that time, I had no idea that actually I was researching my own book. But really, I think in that process of traveling, trying to read books about topics, I mean, coming out the other end and realizing that actually we needed a spiritual book without all the rules. A reference guide that meant that you could take what you like and leave what doesn't resonate with you. So yeah, that's kind of how I started out. I definitely didn't start out as a writer. Speaking and things like this make me incredibly nervous. I love to hide behind my pages of my book. Writing is definitely dear to my heart. I've really just felt passionate about people who need to have this information. Because when I started looking to explore spirituality, there wasn't really enough to help guide me that didn't boss me around. I think being a mystic millennial, I wanted to have a book that gave me the freedom to explore spirituality on my terms. Ashley: You know, I do think that that is such a true thing for many of us who are a little bit on the younger side who are in that millennial generation. It is about this personal freedom. I think that's why many of us choose the paths that we do and the careers that we do and things like that. So I definitely relate to that. But I think for really truly anyone listening, we've probably all felt this from one time or another when we're learning about something new. We feel like there's a specific way things have to be done because that's what we're being told and it really impedes on our own spiritual development and spiritual growth. We were talking a little bit about this before we started recording the podcast. About this idea of feeling like what you should be doing and beating yourself up when you don't do that. So I think that's so wonderful that you've incorporated more freedom into that original book. And I'm just wondering, did that play a role at all when you started to write Evolution of Goddess?
3/15/201821 minutes, 48 seconds
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Daily Crystal Rituals: An Interview with Heather & Timmi from Energy Muse

"I was lucky enough to be able to interview the amazing women at Energy Muse - Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro. I was so pleased to get to talk to Heather and Timmi just after their visit to the Tucson Gem Show when they were still totally flying high on all those amazing crystal vibes." Ashley Leavy:  In this week's show, I have something super exciting. I was lucky enough to be able to interview the amazing women at Energy Muse. Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro. I was so pleased to get to talk to Heather and Timmi just after their visit to the Tucson Gem Show when they were still totally flying high on all those amazing crystal vibes. So, we got to talk about some great experiences from the show, as well as some of their favorite practices for staying grounded and centered in the present moment while they're bringing back and picking out all those amazing crystals to share with everyone through their website, We also got to talk about their recent book, which many of you may have heard me recommend several times before. It's one of my top three favorite crystal books of all time and it's called, "Crystal Muse". We discussed a little bit about some of their favorite crystals from the book and the rituals that they just can't live without. It was so exciting for me because I have my own kind of favorite rituals from the book already. It was really great to hear from the authors themselves about which of these rituals are really part of their daily routine and just need to do to help stay centered, balanced and grounded. I just really loved connecting with Heather and Timmi about the book. So, I hope that you really enjoy this interview. I'm going to go ahead and play it and of course, I'll be back at the end of this show to talk about it with you a little bit more. Ashley: Hi everyone, today I'm so excited because I'm going to be interviewing the wonderful women at Energy Muse. Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro have been gracious enough to share some time with us and talk a little bit about their recent adventures at the Tucson Gem Show. So, ladies, thank you so much for being here. Heather: Thanks for having us. Timmi: Thanks, Ashley. Ashley: It's my pleasure. Now, you know, I have to tell you I'm totally addicted to Instagram [laughs]. So over the past couple of months I've been following a lot of your adventures at the Tucson Gem Show this year. And you, ladies, have really been rocking and rolling, excuse the pun. Shopping your fannies off and finding all kinds of beautiful things. I'd love to know and I'm sure everyone listening would love to know... What is it like actually shopping for a company as big and amazing as Energy Muse at the Tucson Show? Timmi: We’ve been going for so many years now. What's really great about it is we have our specific vendors that we visit every single year. Now that we've worked with them for so long, they're kind of ready for us to come, so things were set-up. This year, we went a whole week earlier than we normally do, so we really got the number one picks. Like, amazing, amazing stuff. But, it's really hard to capture that whole Tucson Gem Show if you've never been there. It's not like it's just at a convention center or one location. It's spread out all over Tucson, so at any given day, we might be driving back and forth all over to different venues to see the vendors that we are going to be buying from. Ashley: Yes, and you know, I always find that it is hard to explain that to people if you haven't had the privilege of attending the show. It's so surreal because it's literally every fast food parking lot has a tent in it, every hotel is emptied out and is full of crystals and it's such an amazing and awe-inspiring experience but it's also, it's a lot of work. [laughs] Timmi: Yes, it is. I mean, here you are looking at like the most beautiful things that have been created on this earth and you almost get mesmerized by picking them...
3/8/201825 minutes, 49 seconds
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Healing Properties of Rose Quartz: A Crystal for Love & Relationships

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Rose Quartz: “Love and value your unique, authentic self. Bask in the excitement of sharing your gifts for the highest good of all.”     Common Healing Properties of Rose Quartz: Promotes unconditional love, peace, and compassion Inspires self-love Promotes an attitude of Lovingkindness Calms after traumatic events Instills tenderness Promotes mutual understanding Adds spark to a romance and promote trust Eases mid-life crisis Soothes a broken heart Helps with emotional balance Encourages friendship & maternal love Eases the grieving process Promotes forgiveness, trust, and understanding Helps with healing lungs Increases fertility Treats a poor complexion   /*   Colors: Pale, soft pink to deep, rosy pink Associated Chakras: Heart (4th) Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Gemini Elements: Water Companion Flowers: Magnolia Companion Essential Oil: Rose Companion Stone: Angelite Common Origins: Madagascar, Brazil, South Dakota (USA) Notes: Also known as Anacona Ruby Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!   The staff from my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share: Rose quartz is the astrological stone for Taurus. Rose quartz, which is simply quartz tinted pink by various mineral traces, has always been the Love Stone. Rose quartz is an excellent “relationship” stone, promoting love in all its forms: romance, friendship, family, and even self-love. It only rarely forms gem-grade crystals but has been used in carving for a very long time. Because of its associations with unconditional love, it is often used in religious carving, including prayer beads and figurines which we carry in the store. All this should appeal to the warm heart of Taurus! Rose quartz contains titanium, often as tiny bits of rutile (which is simply a needle-shaped formation of titanium dioxide). Metaphysical uses: Romantic love, maternal love, the love between friends, unconditional love, self-love–you name it! Every kind of love has been associated with rose quartz. It’s an especially good stone to put under your pillow; depending on your circumstances, this is supposed to attract love, enhance a current relationship, or heal a broken heart. You can also make a rejuvenating face wash by leaving a chunk of rose quartz in water overnight, and then washing your face with it in the morning. (With the water, that is, not the rock.)   Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
2/28/201817 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to Add a Personal Touch to Your Healing Sessions That Your Clients Are Sure to Remember

Having your own healing arts practice (whether it’s doing Reiki, crystal therapy or massage) can be a dream come true!  But it can also come with a unique set of challenges.    As a healer and empath, you may be especially susceptible to outside influences. In your business, this may rear its head in the form of competition. After all, if you’re a healer, coach, or wellness practitioner, chances are you’re not the only one in your area doing what you do.  Therefore, it can be a mindset struggle to keep your thoughts off of your competitors and focused on your own healing practice. When you’re struggling, it can be easy to look at the success of others and compare it to your own business. Stop. Right. There. I know that YOU know this for sure: we are all unique and have our own special gifts to share in this world. However it can be challenging to keep this in the front of your mind. Sometimes, you may get caught up in comparison-based thoughts. But remember, when you shift your focus away from others and instead focus on delivering the best possible experience to your customers, then you’re truly able to shine your light. Focus on being the best version of yourself. Put your best foot forward in YOUR OWN business, rather than focusing on what others are doing. THIS is what can truly ensure success. So how can you shift your mindset and get focused on sharing what YOU do best? How can you make sure you're truly serving your clients? Here are my top 6 tips for adding a personal touch to your sessions that your clients are sure to remember: P.S.  These things are sure to create a lasting, positive impression on your clients. They'll find themselves coming back to see you again and again. Tip #1: Treat them before you greet them. If you have a waiting area for your clients, you can create an amazing impression before you even greet them.  Create a warm, inviting waiting space by making it a continuation of your sacred, healing room.  Hang meaningful artwork on the walls, be sure things are clean and tidy, and have comfortable seating available while they wait.  Going the extra mile by providing some herbal tea or organic fruit can make a great impression. This will help your clients get settled in and relaxed instead of having their focus be on a rumbly belly or how long they’ve been waiting. Tip #2: Cue up the compassion When you’re ready to start working with your client, greet them warmly and take some time to discuss why they’ve come to see you.  Show them that you understand them. Be a good listener and ask relevant follow-up questions.  Allow them this time to express what’s going on with them and what they most need from their session. Tip #3: Amp things up with essential oils. Before you get started with the session, ask your client if they’d like some help getting centered with a little essential oil boost.  You can add their favorite oil to a diffuser in the space to create a calm environment for them. You could even let them spritz a few sprays around their body to help get them focused on the healing they’re about to do.  P.S.  Always inquire about possible allergies or sensitivities before using essential oils. ? Tip #4: Give them some guidance. After your session is over and you’ve spoken with your client about their experience, offer to draw an oracle card or two to give them a little parting guidance.  This often helps bring insight to the surface for them. It will also allow them some time to reflect on any breakthroughs or changes they’ve had during their session.  Furthermore, it gives them a place to focus their energy until their next session with you.  Only do this if you feel comfortable interpreting cards, but trust in yourself!  You’ll likely have great insight due to the close nature of the work you do with them. Tip #5: Share something meaningful. Another way to end your session is to give your client a meaningful gift.
2/21/201816 minutes, 25 seconds
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Healing Properties of Labradorite: A Crystal for Spiritual Beauty

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Labradorite: "You have the ability to achieve (or exceed!) your life goals by following your soul path and listening to your inner guidance."     Common Healing Properties of Labradorite: Enhances protection Dispels negative energies Helps you to form personal boundaries Facilitates past life ascension or regression Assists astral travel Aids you in accessing the Akashic records and other esoteric knowledge Balances the energy of the physical body with the etheric body Increases conscious awareness Facilitates intuitive development and psychic powers Dispels fears Increases faith Strengthens trust Facilitates mystical experiences Stimulates the imagination and creativity Removes illusion Aids in acts of magic Reveals the truth in any situation Connects you with the Divine energy of the universe Brings companionship Treats symptoms of the common cold Relieves arthritis pain Regulates hormones Can lower blood pressure by assisting with stress reduction       Colors: Light or dark gray with flashes of blue, yellow, green, gold, orange, pink, or purple Associated Chakras: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th) Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius Elements: Water, Air Companion Flowers: Hemerocallis (Daylily) Companion Essential Oil: Neroli (Orange Blossom) Companion Stone: Rainbow Moonstone Common Origins: Madagascar, Canada, Finland Notes: The flash of color displayed in this stone is known as Labradorescence. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!     /*   The staff from my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share: Labradorite is one stone that needs no introduction. People with intuitive gifts seem to be instinctively drawn to this crystal. And there's a good reason for this: Labradorite is one of the minerals we recommend most often for psychic shielding and protection. Plus it's great for promoting energy balance, astral travel and lucid dreaming. Polished pieces are also good for scrying (visual divination).  And of course, it makes a gorgeous pendant or set of earrings! Labradorite has a lot in common with moonstone: both are feldspars sharing the same basic makeup (Ca, Na)(Al, Si)4O8), and both show a distinctive, often-bluish inner shine that results when light reflects back from the inner planes of feldspar. But its darker color gives labradorite a highly spiritual quality, so that people going through spiritual awakening or development often find themselves irresistibly attracted to it. Safety note: Please don’t use labradorite to make elixirs, since it contains aluminum.     /* Lore: Labradorite is named after the Labrador peninsula in northern Canada. There is a legend there that the northern lights once got trapped in stone. An inuit man went to look for them, and after he finally found them, he tried to free them by striking the rock with the shaft of his spear. But he was only partially successful. Some of the light was freed, and took its place in the sky as the aurora borealis, but some of the light remained trapped in the stone. This is how labradorite came to be. Fun fact: The schiller (inner glow) of labradorite reminds a lot of people of the glowing moon. But did you know that there actually IS a close relative of this stone on the moon? Labradorite is a combination of two types of feldspar, albite and anorthite. It turns out that the highlands of the moon are largely composed of the latter. In fact, the Genesis Rock brought back from the Moon by the crew of Apollo 15 is mostly anorthite. Feel like you need some Labradorite energy in your life? Get your crystal fix here from Mimosa!
2/13/201818 minutes, 30 seconds
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Crystal Feng Shui for Your Office or Healing Arts Room

“Feng shui literally translated is ‘wind and water,’ the two most prevalent elements that shape our world. Feng shui can be used to shape the energy around you. It is about changing your life by assessing and maintaining your connection to the natural world” -Sandra Kynes (author of Gemstone Feng Shui).   For this reason, crystals can be used according to the principles of feng shui in order to enhance positive energy and counteract negative energy in your space. Crystals and stones can be used to shift the energy in your healing arts space, and in turn, make positive changes in your life and business that will result in balance and harmony.  Knowing how to utilize crystal energy to positively affect the flow of energy in your sacred business is the key to proper Crystal Feng Shui. All spaces have nine distinct areas, and these correspond to the nine areas of the Bagua Map.  According to the ancient Chinese Bagua Map, parts of your space directly connect to certain areas of your life. By placing stones in your business, office, or healing room according to the Bagua Map, you can change the energy of your space, and, in turn, of your life. You can place stones in one area of your healing arts room or business according to the Bagua Map, or you can look at the entire business as a whole and place stones throughout the home accordingly. There are several ways to do this. You may choose stones according to their color, their known properties, or their elemental correspondences. Wealth & Prosperity Section: Colors: red, purple & blue Elements: fire & wood Crystals: Amethyst, Charoite, Ruby, Fire Opal, Petrified Wood, Smoky Quartz Fame & Reputation Section: Colors: red Elements: fire Crystals: Red Jasper, Red Tiger’s Eye, Ruby, Fire Opal Love & Marriage Section: Colors: red, pink & white Elements: fire & metal Crystals: Rose Quartz, Pink Mangano Calcite, Ruby, Fire Opal, Pyrite, Hematite Health & Family Section: Colors: green & blue Elements: wood Crystals: Emerald, Peridot, Petrified Wood, Smoky QUartz Balance & Harmony Section: Colors: yellow, orange & brown Elements: earth Crystals: Smoky Quartz, Golden Tiger’s Eye, Petrified Wood Creativity & Children Section: Colors: white & pastel colors Elements: metal Crystals: Clear Quartz, Rainbow Moonstone, Pyrite, Hematite Wisdom & Personal Growth Section: Colors: blue, green & black Elements: wood & water Crystals: Celestite, Blue Apatite, Petrified Wood, Smoky Quartz, Aquamarine, Blue Quartz Career & Livelihood Section: Colors: black Elements: water Crystals: Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Aquamarine, Blue Quartz Travel & Helpful People Section: Colors: gray, white & black Elements: metal & water Crystals: Clear Quartz, Snowflake Obsidian, Pyrite, Hematite, Aquamarine, Blue Quartz   Once you’ve selected a few stones, place them in the corresponding areas of your space according to the Bagua Map to bring their energy into your space. Allow the new crystal to stay in place for at least four weeks so that you can monitor how the energy shifts in the corresponding area of your life and business.  This will seem subtle at first, but give it some time and pay close attention to how things begin to change. For example, if you’d like to enhance the wealth and prosperity of your business, try adding an Amethyst or Smoky Quartz crystal to the wealth area of your space (according to the Crystal Bagua Map).  Wait a few weeks and make note of any changes you notice in this area of your life. If things don’t improve like you’d hoped, try adding a second crystal to the space, or place a Clear Quartz crystal near the original stone to amplify its energy. Using crystals in this way not only shifts the energy in your space and in your business, but it beautifies your space, which is enjoyable to both you AND your clients.   Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer?
2/7/201822 minutes, 55 seconds
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Healing Properties of Blue Tiger’s Eye (Hawk’s Eye): A Crystal for Power & Communication

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Blue Tiger's Eye: "I feel myself making way for clarity, as if seeing something for the very first time.  I am able to look deeper into a situation to see the truth that lies behind the facade.  I'm prepared for what is revealed and I know that it is for my highest good."     Common Healing Properties of Blue Tiger's Eye: Keeps you grounded Enhances your psychic skills Encourages the rising of the kundalini through the chakras (but only if you are ready for it) Creates a protective shield around your aura Encourages inner-strength Enhances feelings of compassion in those with an overdeveloped masculine side Helps you to sort through details especially when you're completing tedious tasks Helps banish negative habits Aids you while working through depression Energetically supports the healing of the eyes Facilitates healing of male reproductive disorders Energetically assists in healing broken bones Facilitates strength in communication Instills peace and calming Helps you work through and overcome fears of all kinds     Colors: Deep blackish-blue with gray-blue in alternating bands that shimmer in the light Associated Chakras: Solar Plexus (3rd), Throat (5th), Third Eye (6th) Zodiac Signs: Leo, Capricorn Elements: Air, Water, Earth Companion Flowers: Stargazer Lily Companion Essential Oil: Vetiver Companion Stone: Red Tiger's Eye Common Origins: Africa Notes: This stone is also known as Hawk's Eye, Falcon's Eye, or as Crocidolite Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!   /* More About Blue Tiger's Eye: Like other forms of tiger's eye, the blue variety (often called Hawk's Eye) is a form of quartz in which silky asbestos fibers have been trapped within the SiO2, giving it a distinctive sheen. Don't worry!  Even though it contains asbestos, it is safe to handle in its polished or tumbled form (the fibers are trapped within the Quartz). The form of asbestos is Crocidilite, an iron-bearing mineral that's normally blue in color. When that iron rusts before it gets trapped within the silica, it turns brown and results in golden tiger's eye. But if the silica infiltrates the fibers before the iron has time to rust, the blue color is retained, resulting in Blue Tiger's Eye. Blue tiger’s eye contains crocidolite (blue asbestos) fibers. When the iron in these fibers oxidizes, the stone bearing it becomes red or golden tiger’s eye. Combining the raw power of Tiger's Eye with the blue color association gives an interesting and useful combination of metaphysical characteristics. All tiger's eye is great for removing habits that no longer serve, plowing through details of your to-do list, and getting down to business. Tiger’s Eye is a great stone for putting “pedal to the metal,” taking charge of what you want and bringing it into reality. It’s also a traditional stone for warding off the evil eye. It can make you feel grounded, empowered and protected. Along with this, the blue variety boosts the power and effectiveness of all forms of communication. When it comes to setting and achieving goals, communication is an important factor that's sometimes overlooked. Another traditional use is for averting the evil eye. Since it contains asbestos, please don’t use it for crystal elixirs. One way to use this stone: Blue Tiger's Eye makes a great pocket stone -- one you'll want to keep with you throughout the day. It's a great choice for a palm stone or worry stone, but a small polished piece in your pocket or bag can serve just as well. You might want to keep it on your desk as you work, study, and manage various projects in your life.
1/30/201810 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to Pursue a Healing Arts Career the Right Way

There’s a question I get a lot when I’m speaking with people who are thinking of pursuing a healing arts career… how do you make the transition from a mainstream career into the wellness field the RIGHT way?   It can be terrifying to leave the comfort and security of your job to pursue your dreams.  So should you make the transition into a healing arts career slowly? This could mean leaving yourself a safety net by keeping one foot in the door at your current job (but perhaps sacrifice the ability to dive into your new career full force and accept that it will take you longer to build your sacred business).  Or should you take the other option: leap before you look, quit your job, and never look back because you’re pursuing your passion? This could perhaps leave you in a vulnerable financial position and create fear based blocks that hold you back from success. How do you know when to play it safe or when to take a risk? How do you know if you can really make it work with a healing arts career? The answer is... it depends. If this is something you’ve been considering, or even just daydreaming about, then I have a special message for you. This is a discussion I had with some of my students in our private Facebook group, but I think this message is so important, so I want to share it with you.  Ready to get raw and real and put everything on the table?  Let’s have a heart-to-heart for a bit…     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
1/24/201839 minutes, 2 seconds
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Top 5 Favorite Crystal Decor Items to Create a Crystalline Sanctuary at Home

If you’re anything like me, you already have crystals scattered all over your living space. You'll also know how hard it is to keep things from getting cluttered. Here's some of my favorite pieces of crystal decor that add a sacred touch while still looking tidy...   For this week’s post, I’ve pulled together some of my favorite crystal home decor elements so that you can have your cake and eat it too (and by that I mean creating an elegant living space and incorporating some amazing crystal vibes all at the same time!). Here are my top 5 favorite crystal decor items:   #5: Selenite Tealight Holder by The Sacred Spirit  Although these are pretty commonplace at most new age shops now, I’ll never get over the beauty and simplicity of these elegant Selenite candle holders.  Made in Morocco, the Selenite is carved into these gorgeous holders that become illuminated when you add a small candle.  To avoid getting your crystal waxy, try adding a battery-operated tealight.  Then, just sit back and enjoy the soft glow of candlelight and relaxing mood created by these little treasures!   #4: Mineral Photo Display by Emma Chapman Need to find a way to sneak a few crystals into your decor without it looking cluttered or too “woo-woo”?  These cute photo holders are the perfect way to do just that!  You could try using a group of all one type of stone to match your color theme in a give room, or mix it up a bit and try crystals of all shapes, sizes, and colors for a pretty display with BIG impact (I’m talking aesthetically AND energetically!).   #3: Crystal Garden Terrarium by The Crystal Jypsy If you know me well, you know I LOVE to garden.  And the only thing (in my mind at least) that could come anywhere close to home-grown produce would be a crystal garden.  This one totally takes the cake - it’s gorgeous and well...downright magical.  I love how the crystals are nestled into the soft moss and how the little flowers pick up on the bright, colorful gems.  This one’s a keeper for sure (and the best part don’t have to remember to water it!).  This type of little terrarium is sure to make a statement anywhere in your home.  This particular terrarium has been sold, however the creator has a few more available for sale on Etsy (or this would make a SUPER fun DIY project for us creative types!).   #2: Watercolor Sacred Grid by Brigid Sacred Circle I have one of these in my home and I ADORE it!  The simplicity and fantastic energy of the Seed of Life shape coupled with the mystery of the starry galaxy makes this an absolute treasure.  If you’re a crystal grid fanatic like me, this one is a CAN’T MISS.’s less than $4 and you get it instantly when you purchase it (ready to print and frame or use for grid making!).   #1: Crystal Wall Murals by Anna Fell Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God! Okay, now that I got that out of my system… cool is this?!?!?! I love the idea of being surrounded by these HUGE crystal photos, feeling like you’re in your very own crystal cave.  I haven’t ordered yet, but I think my home office is in serious need of a makeover. Plus, there are several styles to choose from so you can get just the look you want. What could be better? Well that’s all for the round-up...   I hope you’ve enjoyed these snazzy crystal decor Items.  And who knows… maybe you’ve even started thinking about ways to incorporate a few into your sacred space.  If you want to keep up to date on all of the fun crystal-themed things I discover, be sure to follow my Crystal Stuff board over on Pinterest. So which one are you dying to add to your home?  Do you have your own favorite Crystal decor item you’d like to share?  Tell us about it in the comments below. Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
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Stone Shapes for Crystal Healing

When it comes to choosing the right stone shapes for crystal healing, some healers only use crystals in their natural state. Others, like myself, use an assortment of crystal forms.   Crystals that are in their natural state are sometimes referred to as “raw” or “rough” crystals. They are crystals that are used just as they came from the earth, be it terminated points, clusters, geodes, or chunks of massive stones. However for choosing the right stone shapes for crystal healing, I believe that because differences exist in the energetic vibrations of people, a considerate healer should have an assortment of crystal forms to better meet the specific needs of each individual. Rough: These stones often have jagged surfaces. They emit very powerful, direct energy that gets to work quickly and efficiently.  However, these stones may be too harsh for some people, so tumbled or polished stones may be more suitable in this situation. Tumbled: These stones have been put through a process of tumbling with abrasive materials until they have a smooth, rounded surface. They are typically inexpensive and travel better than rough stones as they have no easily-breakable tips. Tumbled stones have a more subtle energy than rough stones; this gentle energy is great for those who are highly sensitive to energy. Spheres/Crystal Balls: The energy of a crystal sphere is complete and endless. They have been known to enhance psychic abilities and are used for divination. Spheres emit energy in all directions and also make great massage tools. Pyramids: Pyramids have a flat base with four sides of equal length that join to form a point at the top. For thousands of years, they have amplified energy and intention. Pyramids can be used to balance the chakra centers and they make wonderful tools for meditation. They are also used for energy transmission (especially for distance healing work), to enhance prosperity, and for transmuting energy. So if you're doing crystal healing professionally, or at least for friends and family, it's a great idea to have several shapes of the same stone available to work in a variety of situations with different types of people.  You might have a rough Rose Quartz and a tumbled, just in case you need to accommodate the person you’re working with.   Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
8/29/201719 minutes, 44 seconds
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Healing Properties of Amethyst: A Crystal for Protection & Healing

Amethyst is one of the world's most popular semi-precious gems. It gets its purple color from additional iron trapped in Quartz and is known as the February birthstone. Healing Properties of Amethyst: A Crystal for Protection & Healing A Crystal Message About the Healing Properties of Amethyst: “I clear the path for your divine self to come forth.  Shed your ego self and step into your divine purpose. It's time to live the life for which you were meant.”     Common Healing Properties of Amethyst: Protects you against negative energies Enhances motivation Promotes positive dreams and aids in their interpretation Assists with emotional balance Aids in receiving and interpreting Divine guidance Helps you become open to your intuition and psychic abilities Enhances meditation Facilitates a connection with the spirit Promotes wellness of the mind, body, and spirit     /*   Colors: Pale lavender to deep purple Associated Chakras: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th) Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Pisces Elements: Air, Water, Ether/Spirit Companion Flowers: Wisteria Companion Essential Oil: Lavender Companion Stone: Angel Aura Quartz Common Origins: Canada, India, Brazil Notes: Also known as Bishops’ Stone or as Lavendine.  Since Amethyst is a variety of Quartz, these properties also apply. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites! More About Amethyst: Amethyst is a variety of quartz that contains traces of iron and ranges in color from the lightest lilac to a deep violet. It’s been considered a protective, healing stone from the earliest times. In fact, even its name refers to one of its ancient protective functions: a (anti-) + methustos (intoxicated). Wine taken from an amethyst cup, they said, would never make you drunk! (A possible mechanism for this: the host may have disguised the fact that he’d watered his wine by pouring it into a deep purple cup. It could work. . .) Amethyst has kept its association with virtue through time, protecting one’s better nature against temptation. In fact, the highest grade of amethyst is still known as “bishop’s grade.”   Uses of Amethyst: Amethyst makes a good meditation stone; as such, it works well as a source of beads for malas and rosaries. But it’s also a very common stone, useful to anyone for its calming protection, easing the cycles of dreams and sleep. The related benefits, clarity in meditation and restful dreams, can help fix the confusion and occasional case of the blahs that can be a side effect of an active–sometimes too active–imagination. It goes well with lavender, both amethyst and lavender calm body and mind, nurturing us into other states of consciousness. Not only does Amethyst connect to conscious awareness, it also has many practical uses and is great for all types of healing.   /*   Amethyst Lore: We enjoy learning about obscure stones, but amethyst definitely does not fit into that category. A highly protective and spiritual crystal, amethyst has a metaphysical history that goes back at least as far as the ancient Egyptians, probably much farther. We can only deepen our appreciation by looking at the rich historical lore of amethyst: In Egypt, it was associated with the astrological sign of the goat. Since goats love to eat grape vines, they were an enemy of drunkenness. The earliest known connection between amethyst and sobriety came through this association. Egyptians ascribed special protective powers to amethyst when carved in the shape of the heart, a symbol they used to ward off sorcery. They wore the heart with a feather as a protective amulet. Ancient Hebrews used many forms of oneiromancy. Not only did they interpret dreams to read the future,
8/21/201719 minutes
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Are you really a crystal whiz? Find out with our fun, ID Quiz!

How many of these crystals can you identify using the rainbow of pictures given below? If you get stuck in the crystal quiz, you can find the answers at the end of this post. Even if you’re already a crystal whiz, you might enjoy the challenge. Enjoy!                                                                                         Tip: If you are unsure about any of the clues in our crystal quiz, take a look HERE and learn "How to ID Your Crystals When They All Look the Same." Ready to check your answers for the crystal quiz? A: Red Capped Amethyst B: Pink Cobaltoan Calcite C: Ruby D: Sputnik Aragonite E: Carnelian (tumbled) F: Carnelian (rough) G: Citrine H: Sunshine Aura Quartz I: Bumblebee Jasper J: Prehnite with Epidote K: Peridot L: Vesuvianite M: Stilbite with Cavansite N: Peruvian Blue Opal O: Cavansite with Stilbite P: Peacock Ore (Bornite) Q: Azurite (Nodules) R: Lapis Lazuli S: Chevron Amethyst T: Kunzite U: Sugilite Pin it!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
8/15/201733 minutes, 41 seconds
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Healing Properties of Red Pyrope Garnet: A Crystal for Vitality

A Crystal Message About the Healing Properties of Red Pyrope Garnet: “I help you to stand in your power.  Feel the blood course through your veins and know that you are alive - you are here and now.  Feel your radiant self shine forth into the world.”     Common Healing Properties of Red Pyrope Garnet: Stimulates vitality Aids sluggish digestion and increases your digestive fire Increases motivation Instills self-confidence and helps you shine your inner light Promotes spiritual ascension and growth Helps manifest prosperity and abundance Assists circulation of the blood Helps you recognize your personal power Regenerates energy for the physical body Promotes energetic & physical purification Enhances sexual energy   Colors: Deep blood red Associated Chakras: Root (1st); Heart (4th) Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries Elements: Earth, Fire Companion Flowers: Bloodroot Companion Essential Oil: Ginger Companion Stone: Serpentine Common Origins: Alaska, USA, India Notes: Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!     /*</center More About Garnet: Garnet refers to a whole family of stones that usually range in color from red to burgundy to black. There are even some with more of a cinnamon color, and other variations besides. Since it’s a very imprecise term, we’ve described and pictured a number of minerals that go by the name “garnet” below. Garnet Lore: The word “garnet” comes from the same root as the word “pomegranate”: granum, which is Latin for seed. But if you look at a handful of these small, regularly-shaped gems, they do look a bit like pomegranate seeds. The red of garnet is so intense that this stone has often been associated with drops of blood, and this is reflected in various stories from all over the world. For example, a myth from India says that when the demon Vala was slain, his finger- and toenails were scattered all over the world as garnets. There are also legends about its brightness, claiming that garnet’s internal light glows bright enough to light up a room. In fact, the Koran says that the fourth heaven is filled with garnets that bathe it in warm light. About the word “carbuncle,” which often refers to garnet: Geology may be slow, but the names of crystals change a lot — so much so that it’s confusing to read older texts about crystals because it’s hard to know what stone they actually refer to. For example, “carbuncles” might actually mean rubies, sapphires, or even diamonds — though most often, a carbuncle is a garnet. But those old references turn up some pretty weird stories, too. A German botanist from New Guinea turned up this one: The queen of the Island of Amboin left her baby in a hammock while she worked. (Amboin’s small, so being queen didn’t have many perks.) When she came back, she was horrified to see a snake dangling over his hammock, and a bright spot on the boy the color of blood. She ran to the hammock, hoping to kill the snake that she believed had killed her baby. Instead of blood, she found that the red she’d seen was actually a carbuncle the snake had dropped on the baby. The grateful queen cared for the lucky snake for the rest of its life. As for the little prince, his stone shone so bright, he used it as a nightlight. When he grew up, he presented it to the King of Siam and became a favorite of that powerful ruler. Some of the varieties: An amazing variety of garnets (clockwise from top): black andradite garnet, green grossular garnet, red pyrope garnet, spessartine garnet (tumbled), spessartine (raw cluster), garnet in limestone matrix, and hessonite. Care and safety: Since many forms of garnet contain aluminum, it should not be used in crystal elixirs.
8/7/201717 minutes, 28 seconds
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Healing Properties of Blue Sapphire: A Crystal for Wisdom

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Blue Sapphire: “Listen to the messages of your ancestors…be open to receiving their wisdom and guidance. As you awaken spiritually, I will assist you in adjusting to the physical, mental, and emotional changes that may accompany your spiritual journey.”       Common Properties: Enhances communication with your spirit guides (especially Archangel Michael) Connects you with your higher self Facilitates the growth of your psychic awareness and intuitive abilities Promotes a connection with the energy of the stars Enhances your understanding of astrology Increases your acceptance of life occurrences as part of a universal plan Reduces the undesired physical sensations that often accompany spiritual ascension & awakening   /* Colors: Blue, & Indigo Associated Chakras: Third Eye (6th); Crown (7th) Zodiac Signs: Virgo Elements: Air; Water Companion Flowers: Blue Star Amsonia Companion Essential Oil: Orange Companion Stone: Ruby Common Origins: Thailand, Cambodia, Burma, Wyoming (USA), Idaho (USA) Notes: Blue Sapphire is a variety of Corundum. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites! Pin It!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
7/25/201712 minutes, 11 seconds
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Healing Properties of Ruby: A Crystal for Passion

A Crystal Message About the Healing Properties of Ruby: “Get in touch with your creative fire, your passion, your purpose. Allow me to motivate you to make the necessary changes in your life to better align you with your path and your soul's calling."       Common Properties of Ruby: Increases vitality Enhances motivation Stimulates Tantric energy Promotes the rising of the Kundalini Encourages the exploration of new thoughts and ideas Enhances feelings of passion (both in life and in relationships) Aids in opening the Heart Chakra Creates feelings of divine love Colors: Red, Burgundy, Magenta Associated Chakras: Root (1st), Heart (4th) Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo Elements: Fire Companion Flowers: Rose Companion Essential Oil: Ginger Companion Stone: Blue Sapphire Common Origins: Thailand, Cambodia, Burma Notes: Ruby is a variety of Corundum. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites! More About Ruby: Are you feeling unmotivated these days? Could you use an energetic kick in the butt to get you moving? If the answer is "yes!" you might want to consider working with a Ruby crystal! Lovely Rubies from India are wonderful for vitality, motivation, tantric energy, and for helping you explore new thoughts and ideas. Ruby Lore: Diamonds are all very well, but according to legend, it’s ruby that is a king’s best friend. In some traditions, ruby makes a king invincible and heal battle wounds; this is one reason why it’s been popular on crowns and other items worn by royalty. Some say ruby originated as the third eye of dragons and wyverns, and sculptors also place one on the Buddha’s brow to represent the third eye and reincarnation. Ruby is not only a stone of power, it’s one that helps its wearer stand up to adversity–various legends say it can staunch bleeding, resist the effects of poison or allow you to live peacefully in the  midst of enemies. And as if that weren’t cool enough, ruby can also be used to treat flatulence. How’s that for a range of uses? Pin It!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
6/13/201714 minutes, 16 seconds
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Healing Properties of Herkimer Diamond: A Crystal for Clarity & Dreams

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Herkimer Diamond: “Open your Third Eye to see clearly for the first time. Mental clarity creates space for new thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. You are a spiritual being free from worry, doubt, and fear."       Common Properties of Herkimer Diamond: Facilitates astral travel Promotes lucid dreaming Allows access to your dream consciousness while you’re in a waking state Creates mental clarity Energizes the physical body Amplifies energy and intention Balances and aligns the chakras Helps spiritual people feel connected to their physical, earthly bodies Aids grounding and centering after intense spiritual work, meditation, etc. Colors: Clear, Gold Associated Chakras: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th) Zodiac Signs: Libra, Scorpio Elements: Air Companion Flowers: Baby’s Breath Companion Essential Oil: White Sandalwood Companion Stone: Moldavite Common Origins: Found only in Herkimer County, New York, USA Notes: Herkimer Diamonds are a variety of Quartz that often contain inclusions of Golden oil droplets.  They are typically found in a gray, stony matrix rock.  When used with its companion stone, Moldavite, they enhance each other's properties. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!     /*   Herkimer Diamond Lore: Herkimer diamonds are actually a special formation of quartz — tiny double-terminated crystals with exceptional clarity and brightness. They form in masses of dolostone, hidden in little cavities called “vugs.” Workmen in Herkimer County, New York, discovered them more than two centuries ago, while cutting through rock in the Mohawk River Valley. But even before that, Native Americans and European settlers found the stones and prized them for their amazing clarity. Many people who come across these tiny gems just naturally seem to feel their specialness. Some say Herkimer diamonds hold and transmit only the purest energy — so much so that they will vibrate if someone near them tells a lie. The purity of Herkimer diamonds can be helpful for people who need to stand up for their rights, or have the courage to do the right thing in a difficult situation. Pin It!     Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
5/31/201713 minutes, 51 seconds
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Healing Properties of Moss Agate: A Crystal for Connecting to Nature

A Crystal Message About the Healing Properties of Moss Agate: “I help you listen to the whispers of the earth. I connect you with the flutter of fairy wings and the spirit of the forest.  Allow me to be your companion for earth connection and gentle grounding”       Common Healing Properties of Moss Agate: Facilitates a connection with nature (especially to the plant kingdom) Balance the chakras Promotes spiritual growth Helps to heal the physical body Instills confidence Promotes joy Relieves anxiety, worries and stress Enhances shamanic journeying Promotes intuitive knowledge (especially relating to herbalism) Colors: Deep hunter green swirled with white or occasionally soft blue Associated Chakras: Root (1st); Heart (4th) Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Virgo, & Taurus Elements: Earth Companion Flowers: Irish Moss Companion Essential Oil: Vetiver Companion Stone: Rainbow Fluorite Common Origins: Montana, USA       Notes: Also known as Chlorite-Included Chalcedony, Chlorite-Included Agate, Horneblende-Included Chalcedony, Horneblende-included Agate, Macha Stone, or as Mocha Stone.  More about Moss Agate Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites! More About Moss Agate: Dendritic (branching) agates, such as moss agate, contain little branch-like threads of manganese oxide, iron oxide, slivers of other minerals, or sometimes just plain dirt. Pin It!   Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
12/2/201315 minutes, 4 seconds
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Healing Properties of Blue Quartz: A Crystal for Focus & Communication

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Blue Quartz: "I will guide you with gentle communication, encouraging you to express yourself creatively. Let go of your attachment to results and outcomes, and immerse yourself in the creative flow that surrounds you."       Common Properties of Blue Quartz: Helps you express yourself creatively Facilitates communication between you and others Connects you with your guides Aids in the analysis of your important life experiences Encourages forgiveness Helps you focus to overcome feeling scattered (mental clarity) Promotes happiness Calms you when you're feeling overwhelmed Promotes dream healing Enhances harmony Helps you to speak your truth Helps you acknowledge the things that bring joy to your life Enhances beauty (both inner and outer) Deepens meditation by expanding your conscious awareness and creating feelings of oneness and connection Enhances mystical experiences of all kinds Eases fear Colors: Light Blue, Blue, & Indigo Associated Chakras: Heart (4th); Third Eye (6th); Crown (7th) Zodiac Signs: Aquarius; Pisces Elements: Air; Water Companion Flowers: Bluebells Companion Stone: Carnelian Companion Essential Oil: Blue Spruce Common Origins: Brazil Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!   Pin It!   Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!
7/16/201314 minutes, 28 seconds