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Love Worth Finding | Audio Program Profile

Love Worth Finding | Audio Program

English, Religion, 1 season, 665 episodes, 4 days, 16 hours, 22 minutes
Profound truth. Simply stated. The official podcast from Love Worth Finding Ministries. Adrian Rogers has introduced people all over the world to the love of Jesus Christ and has impacted untold numbers of lives by presenting profound biblical truth with such simplicity that a 5-year-old can understand it, and yet, it still speaks to the heart of the 50-year-old. His unique ability to apply biblical truth to everyday life is yet unparalleled by other modern teachers. Visit to learn more.
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A Spirit-Filled Church

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: John 14:12A Spirit-filled Church does not just organize and process members—it empowers and equips believers to be transformed by Scripture.John 14:12 says, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.”The Exciting ProgramThis passage reveals that as a Church, we are not only to do the works of Jesus, but also to exceed the works of Jesus. We won’t walk on water, but we will multiply the kingdom by leading people to Jesus.Adrian Rogers says, “Bringing a soul to Jesus Christ is greater than raising a man from the dead.” There is no substitute for evangelism; the Church is to share the Gospel with others.The Explicit PromiseWe also remember our explicit promise: that God will answer our prayers. Prayer is not preliminary to our work; it is the work. To do the greater works that Jesus commands us to do, we must labor in prayer. This requires the right people praying, with the right power, for the right purpose.The Expected PracticeThird, this passage reminds us that we’re expected to keep God’s commandments. (See John 14:15.) We are expected to obey the Lord if we love Him. We are all called to be witnesses to what God has done for us; it is simple, but there is no cheap or easy way to do it.The Exceeding PowerTo do all of this, we need the exceeding power of the Holy Spirit.John 14:16 says, “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever…”Adrian Rogers says, “The Holy Spirit is Christ in the Christian.” In the Holy Spirit, we have a Great Comforter who empowers and strengthens us. We are never left to do these greater works alone; He is with us and within us.Each Christian life is a culmination of three miracles: salvation through Jesus, the hope of His Second Coming, and the Holy Spirit’s empowerment for daily living.Apply it to your lifeTo be a Spirit-filled Church, each one of us must be filled with the Holy Spirit; are you being obedient to the Lord? Are you seeking to multiply the Kingdom by winning souls to Jesus?
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A Steadfast Church

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Nehemiah 4Anyone who does something in the name of the Lord will face spiritual warfare. This is why a steadfast church is bound to be attacked by the enemy.Our enemy is very methodical. But the Holy Spirit is our ally. Not only can we know the enemy’s methods, but we can also stand against them.In the Book of Nehemiah, the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt, despite spiritual opposition. We can clearly see the enemy’s tactics at work in Nehemiah 4.First, he tries derision.He mocked Nehemiah and his team, calling them feeble, futile, and foolish. The devil will try to laugh us away from our purpose.If that doesn’t work, he’ll try discouragement.About halfway through any big task, we’ll find we are discouraged by fatigue or frustration. This is on purpose; we must stay on track.Next, the devil tries dismay.He will use physical intimidation to scare us. But when threatened, Nehemiah and his team remembered the Lord and resisted the enemy; they continued to build and stood ready to battle at the same time. (See Nehemiah 4:18.)The devil will also attack with discord and division.We cannot let Satan drive a wedge in our fellowship. Whenever we stand for things within the church body, they must be for the right purpose, in the right spirit, at the right time.Adrian Rogers says, “If you are wise, you’ll always be a part of the solution, never a part of the problem.”Next, he tries to distract us.Satan’s motivation never changes; if he seems to be reasoning with us, it’s a diversion tactic. He is not our friend; we must keep our eyes on the Lord and continue serving Him.Finally, as he did with Nehemiah, the enemy will defame us among our peers and criticize our motives.When we live for Jesus, we will be slandered. We must never listen to any slander about another child of God. It is all garbage.Isaiah 54:17 says, “’No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,’ says the Lord.”Apply it to your lifeChristians: don’t be afraid of the enemy’s attacks. Commit to doing good work—a child of God is always building and battling at the same time.
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The Simplicity of Salvation

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 16:23-31The Gospel is meant to be told simply. God wants salvation to be made simple because it is His desire that anyone can understand and obtain it.Acts 16:23-31 tells the story of Paul and Silas, who have been put in prison for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They’ve been beaten and stuffed into a dungeon; yet, they are singing and praising God. Then came a great earthquake, and the prison doors and shackles came undone. They were free. When the jailor saw that the prisoners were freed, yet remained in their cell, he asked, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul and Silas’s answer reveals the beautiful simplicity of salvation.First, we must consider the meaning of salvation.To be saved means to be delivered from sin. Sin comes in three forms:-The wrong we do-The right we don’t do-The good we do without GodSo what does it mean to be saved from sin? We are saved from the penalty, the pollution, the power, and the presence of sin.Second, we must consider the man of salvation.The Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 16:30 says “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved.”When these disciples said, “Lord” they meant He’s the Master of our lives.When these disciples said, “Jesus” they meant He's the Mediator between us and God.When these disciples said, “Christ” they meant He’s the Messiah, the one who saves.Finally, remember the method of salvation.Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. What does it mean to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? It is not mere intellectual belief. The demons believe and tremble (James 2:19), and they are certainly not saved. “Believe on” means “commit to”. Commit to the Lord Jesus Christ.We believe that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Rom. 10:13)And whosoever means anybody, any time, any place, anywhere.Apply it to your lifeIf someone asks you, “How can I be saved?” as the jailor asked Paul and Silas, would you know what to say?
9/4/202432 minutes, 51 seconds
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How You Can Be Sure

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 10:33-42Acts 10 tells the story of a Roman army officer named Cornelius. Cornelius was also a Gentile. Up until this time, the Gentiles had not been added to the Christian church (the early believers were Jewish). Yet, Cornelius was hungry to know God and he was hungry for faith in Jesus Christ. Supernaturally, God brought Cornelius and the apostle Peter together. As he is presenting the Gospel to Cornelius, Peter claims three indisputable witnesses who testify that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. By believing them, we, like Cornelius, can be sure of our salvation as well.The first was a personal witness of the saints.The apostles standing before Cornelius had literally walked with Jesus during his ministry. The disciples were a diverse group of young men who lived with Him, ate, and fellowshipped with Him. They personally witnessed His life, death, and resurrection. And though a wide mixture of characters, the disciples’ recollection of Jesus is unanimous: He is the resurrected Son of God.The second was the prophetic witness of the Scriptures.Every page of Scripture is about Jesus, if not explicitly, then prophetically. Even in the Old Testament, before Jesus walked the earth, prophecies the salvation He would bring to mankind. The Bible has one hero, which is Jesus; and it has one message: Jesus saves. Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible was not written primarily to give us the history of Israel. It's not written primarily to tell us about ceremonies and rituals; the Bible was written to tell us that Jesus saves.”Lastly, the Holy Spirit acted as the third witness.After he was saved, Cornelius immediately received the Holy Ghost and began to speak in tongues. This was the outward evidence of the internal work of God in the hearts of these new believers. God was expanding the church to include the Gentiles right before their eyes. Jew and Gentile became one body, by witness of the saints, the Scripture, and the Spirit.Apply it to your lifeAre you sure of your salvation and do you believe the three indisputable witnesses at hand?
8/30/202430 minutes, 38 seconds
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All Things New

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 9:17-222 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Adrian Rogers says it this way, “A Christian is not just somebody who has become nice; he’s become new.”Acts 9 tells the story of the conversion of the Apostle Paul. His early name was Saul and he was a persecutor of Christians. Yet, in this passage, he becomes Paul, the greatest missionary and evangelist the world has ever known. He was changed by the grace of God, so much so, he even changed his name! There are five markings of this man made new, found in Acts 9:17-22.First, Saul had a new Lord.The first question Saul asked when confronted by Jesus on the road to Damascus was, “Lord, what would you have me do?” Jesus had become his Lord; immediately, he was under new management. The Bible calls Jesus, Lord 433 times. And Adrian Rogers says, “You cannot have what He gives, salvation unless you receive what He is, and that is Lord.”Second, Paul had a new life.When you receive Jesus as Lord, you receive a new life and a new spiritual sight. You’re able to see things you’ve never seen before.Third, Paul had a new liberty.God put His power within Paul. The Christian life is what God does in us and through us. He’s the one who gives us that liberty.Fourth, Paul had a new love.A few days before his conversion, this man was threatening the church. His heart was filled with bitterness and malevolence toward those who were called Christians. And those he once loathed he now loves. If you love Jesus, you will love what He loves.Finally, Paul had a new labor.Saul’s mission was to destroy the church. Paul’s mission was to build the church. The marking of a new life in Christ is that he shares it with others.And what God did for Saul, God wants to do for us, all.Apply it to your lifeHave you been made new in Christ? Does your life show that you have a new Lord, life, liberty, love, and labor?
8/29/202431 minutes, 58 seconds
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Jesus and His Bible

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Matthew 5:17-18In His day, the Bible Jesus knew was the Old Testament. Jesus’ unwavering devotion to it reminds us why we put our faith in the Word of God, cover to cover.In Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus says, “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.”This passage reveals three things concerning Jesus and His Bible.First, Jesus fulfills the Old Testament in its predictions.Old Testament Scripture identifies the Savior as the Son of a mother from a specific family, belonging to a certain tribe, of a designated nation, of a specific section of the human race. Jesus meets the exact criteria; He is the fulfillment of every prophecy.Adrian Rogers said, “The key to understanding the Bible is to look for Jesus in the Bible. If you read the Bible and you don’t find Jesus, re-read it!” God has no plan or purpose that does not ultimately center on Jesus Christ; He is in all of the Bible. What a testimony to the character of the Bible and of Jesus, how they rise and stand together.Second, Jesus fulfills the Old Testament in its perfection.Jesus holds the highest view of the Bible. He tells us that the Bible is verbally inspired: not just as a thought, but Word for Word. Every piece of it, every jot and tittle, is plenarily inspired.Finally, Jesus fulfills the Old Testament in its purposes.God demanded a perfect, sinless sacrifice—born of a virgin, with no Adamic nature in Him, and living a sinless life. Jesus Christ meets every standard and requirement of the law.Adrian Rogers said, “Jesus fulfilled the law for us, that grace might fulfill it in us.”The Old Testament law is there to remind us that we are sinners; we are lost and cannot save ourselves. However, Jesus came to save sinners; He suffered, bled, and died to pay every debt we owe—to fulfill the law in its prediction, perfection, and purpose.Apply it to your lifeHave you put your trust in Jesus, the fulfillment of the law? Repent, confess, and pray for His grace to fulfill the law in you.
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A Unified Church

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Ephesians 4A biblically unified church is a wonderful thing. Because this unity comes from the Spirit, we do not produce it; we merely preserve it.Ephesians 4 tells us that we, as Christians, are to be, “...endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:2-3).We preserve this sacred unity by recognizing three important concepts from this passage.First, we must see that the ground of our unity is doctrinal and spiritual.Unity does not mean unison or uniformity. It means we are in agreement on the basic truths of Scripture.Ephesians 4:4-6 tells us the seven pillars of truth that hold us up and hold us together.1. One Body: the Church, which began in the New Testament and has been kept alive and active to this day.2. One Spirit: the Holy Spirit, the substance of our life, secret of our strength, and source of our unity.3. One Hope: the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.4. One Lord: Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, always.5. One Faith: God’s revealed Word, which we are to earnestly contend for.6. One Baptism: baptized by the Holy Spirit at salvation and brought into the body of Christ.7. One God: The Father, who is above all, through all, and in all.Once we are unified as a church, then we can see the glory of our diversity.Adrian Rogers says, “Sameness is not unity; unity comes from diversity.” God gives us different spiritual gifts that are meant to unite us, not to divide us; they are not toys, they are tools. Though we are unified in our doctrine, our spiritual gifts do not have to march in lock step.Finally, we recognize that the goal of our unity is maturity.-We are meant to mature in stature, in how we look more and more like Jesus every day.-We are to mature in stability, not being swayed by false teachings.-We are to mature in speech, speaking truth in love without stutter, stammer, or apology.And we mature in service toward one another, edifying the body as we grow, ourselves.Unity, diversity, and maturity—all three are necessary for peace among the brethren. We learn how to get along despite our differences when we work together in harmony.Apply it to your lifeAre you a part of a unified church? Do you serve the body with your spiritual gifts?
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The Gospel of Grace

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 1:6-12Man has three great enemies: sin, sorrow, and death. There is no answer to these problems apart from Jesus Christ.In Galatians 1:6, Paul questions why the Galatian church has deserted the Gospel of grace and followed a “different” Gospel.This specific, social gospel these believers bought into had to do with self-effort and good works. But the true Gospel reminds us it is the grace of God alone that saves us from our sins.To understand the Gospel of grace, we must see the satanic opposition.Satan fought against grace. Satan has no raw materials; he perverts the good that already exists. If he can convince us to accept a synthetic gospel, we’ll never see our need for the real Gospel.Second, we see the settled origin of the Gospel: God taught it.Galatians 1:11-12 says, “But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.”Adrian Rogers says, “The Gospel is not man’s invention; it comes by divine revelation.”We cannot bring human ingenuity, wit, or wisdom against the Gospel. It does not matter how we feel; what God says is the only thing that counts. We do not need a “new, modern” gospel for the new, modern age; the Gospel of grace is settled.Third, we see the sacrificial obtainment of the Gospel: Jesus bought it.The Gospel of grace was purchased by the blood of Jesus The true Gospel is centered on Christ alone—His death, burial, and resurrection. He is the only way to salvation.Fourth, we notice the saving operation of the Gospel: Grace wrought it.Grace is what caused God to love us while we were sinners. It is a seeking, saving, and securing grace. This grace is sufficient and surviving; it will never run out or fade away.Finally, we see the singular obsession with the Gospel: Paul taught it.In a world obsessed with what others think of us, we should become like the Apostle Paul, who was solely interested in pleasing Jesus.Apply it to your lifeDo you believe in the Gospel of grace? Remember, the only true Gospel is the one centered on Jesus Christ. Do not spend your time concerned with pleasing men; focus on pleasing God.
8/1/202434 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Key to Unbroken Victory

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Joshua 7:1God has planned a life of victory for each one of us, yet many Christians live in defeat. They have saved souls and lost lives. Defeat is possible, but not necessary.Joshua 7 reminds us of the pitfalls of defeat we could face and the key to unbroken victory.“But the children of Israel committed a trespass regarding the accursed things, for Achan… of the tribe of Judah, took of the accursed things; so the anger of the Lord burned against the children of Israel” (Joshua 7:1).After a huge victory, the Israelites pitched tents outside of a fallen city. In the night, Achan snuck into the city and stole the goods which were dedicated to God. Having taken what belonged to God, he brought a curse upon himself and Israel.This passage first tells us that great victories are often followed by great defeats.Though one man’s sin led to the ultimate downfall, Israel was guilty of plenty. The people’s carelessness and prayerlessness revealed the pride in their hearts. They did not feel the need to pray before heading into battle, presuming God was with them.But it was Achan’s sin of covetousness that caused them to fall, as he confessed himself, “I coveted… I took… I hid…” (see Joshua 7:21).Adrian Rogers says, “Covetousness is an unlawful desire that grows in the soil of an unsatisfied heart.”Second, private sin is never really private.Achan’s sin dishonored God and brought defeat to his brothers. He disgraced his family and brought on the ultimate destruction to his loved ones, as they were stoned and burned with fire.Our “hidden” sins do not just affect us; they affect everyone around us.Third, every sin that we cover, God will uncover.The things done in secret will be shouted from the rooftops. Whether by revelation, confession, or retribution, every sin must be judged.Finally, every sin that we uncover, God will cover.Proverbs 28:13 says, “He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.”Adrian Rogers says, “The key to unbroken victory is not perfection; it is continual, perpetual confession, keeping your heart right where there is no unconfessed sin.”Apply it to your lifeDo you have any unconfessed sin in your heart? Bring it before God and ask for His forgiveness. Don’t live in defeat any longer; live in unbroken victory.
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The Sad Case of Vanishing Values

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Judges 17:1-6Our nation is in a battle for values; the morals and ethics that made this nation great are eroding before us.Judges 17 shares an eerily similar sad case of vanishing values. “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 17:6).As a result, there were families without foundations.In America today, we are drowning in religion, but none of it is rooted in biblical truth. Our families are morally and spiritually bankrupt. The ethical standard we’ve liberated ourselves from is what’s held society together.There was also during the time of Judges a lack of principle in their pastors.Those who preach the Gospel must live the Gospel, and there is an especially high standard for those in vocational ministry.John 10:12 warns, “But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees...”Third, values vanish when the government separates itself from God.Our generation wants what belongs to somebody else; we believe we have the right to take what doesn’t belong to us. We are motivated by greed, materialism, and selfishness. We are biblically instructed to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. But the Bible is also against the misappropriation of other people’s goods through covetousness and dissatisfaction.Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible teaches that we are to worship God, love people, and use things. But what we do is worship things, use people, and forget God.”Romans 1 gives clear warning to the nation whose values begin to vanish. Substituting science for God, practicing idolatry, and developing uncontrollable lusts of the flesh will lead to a death of conscience. The mind becomes morally useless, as every man does that which is right in his own mind.We must know what the Bible says about values, be active members of a Bible-believing church, and pray for our nation.Apply it to your lifeWe are in desperate need of a moral and spiritual revival. Begin by building your family on biblical values; get plugged into the ministry of a God-appointed church and pray for our nation.
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The High Cost of Low Living

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Judges 13:24Judges 13-16 tells the story of Samson, a Nazarite who was set aside by God for a purpose; He had been anointed with tremendous supernatural strength through the Holy Spirit. However, Samson was a bundle of contradictions. His story is not ultimately about his physical, mental, and spiritual strength; rather, it is about the high cost of low living.Samson’s sin meant he dishonored his parents.Samson’s parents were godly people; Samson fell into the wrong company and decided to marry a pagan girl despite his parents’ disapproval. Marrying someone who is not of the same faith almost always leads to disagreement, division, and confused children. Samson’s parents wanted more for him, but he settled for less.Samson also deserted his promise. (See Judges 14:5.)As he hung around the wrong crowd, he was hardened more and more by sin, forgetting his vow as a Nazarite.He also distorted his purpose.Samson’s strength was given to him to one day deliver Israel from the Philistines. Instead, he picked shallow fights with them, teasing his enemies and provoking them to anger.Samson defiled his purity.He wasted time with harlots without any conviction. (See Judges 14:16.)He also diluted his power.After breaking every other Nazarite vow up until this point, his uncut hair was the last vow. One prostitute, Deliliah, persistently begged to know the secret of his strength. When he told her, she relayed his secret to his enemies.Samson disgraced his profession.They cut his hair while he slept and his power was gone when he woke. The Spirit was gone from him; they blinded him and bound him. His series of small sins led to this tragic consequence.Finally, he diminished his potential.Now a spectacle in a Philistine temple, Samson repents of his sins and prays for strength one last time. God grants him enough of it to push the pillars over to kill the Philistines present, but Samson died with them.By God’s sovereignty, Samson’s purpose was fulfilled, yet he could have been used for so much more. God’s mercy is new every day.Adrian Rogers says, “While a child of God may not lose his salvation, he has so much to lose if he sins.”Apply it to your lifeDon’t play lightly with sin. Adrian Rogers says, “Treat sin like sin would treat you. Sin will have no mercy on you; don't have mercy on your sin.”
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Thorns In a Nation's Side

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Judges 9:8-15The crisis of our nation concerns leadership. We are in desperate need of good, godly leadership.Judges 9:8-15 tells the story of a pitiful politician and a nation in disarray. This passage addresses the three thorns in a nation’s side, and the way to righteous leadership.The first thorn is the apostasy of an unthankful people.In Judges 8, God brought confusion into the camps of Israel’s enemies and gave His people a mighty victory. Yet, just one chapter later, the Israelites had already forgotten Him and turned to other gods. (See Judges 8:33.)This is more than just an issue of immorality—it is apostasy. This blatant act of turning from God is still happening today. Profanity is normalized and our children are desensitized; nothing shocks us anymore. Sin is socially acceptable, and godliness is stigmatized. The fixed standard of morality is long gone; it is only going to get filthier.The second thorn is the arrogance of an ungodly leader.In Judges 9, Abimelech rises with an unholy ambition to lead Israel. He builds a coalition, buys his constituents, and brutalizes his competition. His government was built on blood. However, he also had himself inaugurated with a show of religion. He tried to associate himself with godly things to fool others.There are some politicians who follow this pattern, who would build their campaigns on deception.Abimelech’s charade was accomplished through the apathy of uncommitted bystanders, which is the third thorn of the nation.As Edmond Burke says, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” When we buy into the niceties and luxuries of the sweet-talking politicians, we will find it difficult to root out the brambles of their unmet responsibilities. We must examine our leaders’ intentions with thought and care.Despite the despair of these passages, there was hope for Israel, just like there is hope for us.Adrian Rogers says, “The Book of Judges is not just what God has said; it is what God is saying.”God would rather forgive than judge. Even though our national sins are egregious, He is still a God of mercy; we must never lose hope for revival and restoration in our nation.Apply it to your lifePray for revival in our nation today, beginning with you; pray for God to raise up leaders who live to serve Him.
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Men of Strength

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Judges 11There is a great and present need for men of character, integrity, and strength. Judges 11 tells the story of Jephthah, a mighty man of valor, who is an inspiration for all who want to be men and women of strength.First, he was a man of character in the face of difficulty:“Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valor, but he was the son of a harlot; and Gilead begot Jephthah” (Judges 11:1).Jephthah’s undesirable origin as a harlot’s son meant he did not have any sort of upper hand in life, yet he rose to the occasion.We must become unshackled by our pasts and quit making excuses for sin. When we stop blaming our circumstances, we will finally rise to be what we ought to be.Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible teaches that guilt is real, that we are responsible; the Bible also teaches that grace is wonderful and forgiveness is free and full.”Jephthah also exhibited confidence in the face of danger.Assigned commander of the Israelite army, Jephthah was not fazed by his foes or fettered by his fear, because his confidence was in God. Before the battle ever began, Jephthah prayed to the Lord and asked for strength. (See Judges 11:11.) It was not a last resort, rather, a first thought.Finally, we see Jephthah’s commitment in the face of disappointment.Judges 11:29-33 describes the vow Jephthah made to God, that if God gave them victory, Jephthah would devote or sacrifice the first thing to meet him upon his arrival home.God gave him the victory; when he returned home, his daughter was the first one out to greet him.The Bible condemns human sacrifice. (Deuteronomy 12:31.) The Spirit of God would never lead Jephthah to contradict the Word of God. Rather, Jephthah devoted his virgin daughter to never marry and always serve the Lord. Jephthah kept his word, though it meant his lineage would end with her.Any righteous or holy vow he makes, a man of strength keeps it no matter the cost.Apply it to your lifeIf Jephthah’s story tells us anything, it is how crucial it is to be people of prayer. Focus on your prayer life today. Men of strength are men of faith; and it is impossible to have faith if you are not a man of prayer.
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Four Principles of Victory

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Judges 6:1-22In Judges 6, Israel had forgotten God and the victory He had already given them. As a result, the nation was intimidated and impoverished by an oppressive enemy; the people’s shame was severe and continuous.Our nation suffers shame of its own. We’ve traded authority for relativism, truth for pragmatism. We’ve traded reason for feeling, convictions for opinion. We’ve done away with the fixed standard of right and wrong. Everyone does what is right in his own eyes.But God raised up an unlikely hero, Gideon, to fight for His people. And as our nation begins to fall into the same trap, we must recognize the four principles of victory in Gideon’s life, that we may be used like him.First, there was the principle of vision.Gideon had a vision of the living God. (See Judges 6:11.) Gideon lived in defeat and fear until he took his eyes from the enemy and fixed them on God instead. We have something far better than Gideon had: the Word of God and the Holy Spirit abiding in us. And there is no excuse for us not to have an encounter with the living God.Second, there was the principle of valor.Gideon was a man of valor, not because he felt brave in and of himself. Rather, God took this fearful man and transformed him with His power, enriched him with love, and enlightened him with a sound mind.Third, Gideon had the principle of vigilance.After dismissing those who were afraid to fight, God tested Gideon’s army further to see which soldiers would be careless and who would remain vigilant. (See Judges 7.)We don’t have to be afraid of our adversary, but we do have to watch, pray, and never let our guard down.Finally, Gideon had the principle of vitality.God’s plan is to take ordinary people and do something incredible through them.Adrian Rogers says, “It’s not your scholarship, it’s your relationship. It’s not your ability, it’s your availability. It’s not your fame, it’s your faith. It’s not who you are, it’s whose you are.”Apply it to your lifeHow do we win the victory?Through boldness: The God that was with Gideon is the God that will be with us.By brokenness: God never really uses anything until He first breaks it.With brightness: Our commission as men and women of God is to let our light shine in a sinful, dark world.
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Sin Cannot Win and Faith Cannot Fail

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Judges 4:1-3The Book of Judges tells us all about Israel’s cycle of sin—sinning against God, suffering for it, asking God for deliverance, and receiving it. But God would rather bless than judge; He is a God of mercy who desires to help us in our distress.Adrian Rogers says, “Don’t ever get the idea that you can sin successfully. Don’t ever get the idea that you can trust in God in vain. Sin can’t win and faith can’t fail.”In Judges 4, we see this in action, as God used the faith of Deborah and Barak to deliver all of Israel from her wicked enemy, Sisera.First, we identify the woman God chose.Deborah, a judge and prophetess in Israel, was a godly woman who used her gifting and wisdom to minister to Barak. God still uses women like Deborah to use their gifts and talents in ministry.Second, we see the warrior God called.There was a battle to be fought to deliver the Israelites from their oppressors. God chose Barak to lead the charge, because his faith was rooted in the God of Israel and he lived as he believed.Third, we recognize the wonder God caused.Judges 4:14 says, “Then Deborah said to Barak, ‘Up! For this is the day in which the Lord has delivered Sisera into your hand. Has not the Lord gone out before you?’ So Barak went down from Mount Tabor with ten thousand men following him.”Barak and his army did not stand a chance against the Canaanites’ flashy weaponry and 900 iron chariots. But the fight was fixed, for the stars themselves fought the battle. (See Judges 5:20.) Before the battle began, God sent a rainstorm to soften the ground. This rendered the chariots useless and weighed down the Canaanites’ heavy armor.Adrian Rogers says, “God lined the stars up behind Barak. God lined the whole Universe behind him. The whole Universe is against the man who is against God. The whole Universe is behind the man who’s for God.”When we love and serve God, God is on our side and programs us for victory.Apply it to your lifeEvery day, we face battles even more real than the one on Mount Tabor. As we face spiritual warfare and principalities and powers of darkness, we must act as men and women of faith.
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Bring Back the Glory

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Judges 1:1-2The Book of Judges tells the story of how God blessed the nation of Israel, and how Israel then lost her glory. But, despite its darkness, this book holds out hope that God will bless the nation again.Judges 1 offers three takeaways, that we might bring back the glory of our own nation.“Now after the death of Joshua it came to pass that the children of Israel asked the Lord, saying, ‘Who shall be first to go up for us against the Canaanites to fight against them?’ And the Lord said, ‘Judah shall go up. Indeed I have delivered the land into his hand’” (Judges 1:1-2).First, there was a glorious conquest.God gave the land to Israel; He gave the people a spiritual heritage. Though their histories diverge, there are striking parallels between Israel and America. God blessed America from the beginning; it is a country with a faith heritage and history.Yet, like Israel, there were days of gradual compromise.God gave Israel victory, but the next generation forgot it. God told the Israelites to drive the wicked Canaanites out of the land. They did not do it, because of their fear, favor, and eventual fellowship with their former enemies.We are facing a similar disheartening truth, that we have forgotten what God has done in our country. Long gone are the days of moral absolutes—rather, we live in a day of moral ambivalence. Whether it be because of fear, favor, or fellowship, we’ve kept destructive sins around, and allowed them to influence us.Adrian Rogers says, “Sin will take you further than you want to go, it’ll take you longer than you want to stay, and it will cost you more than you want to pay.”Finally, there were grim consequences.Judges 2:3-4 tells us that God gave them over to their sin. He didn’t have to judge them—He simply let them have their own way; they lost His protection. Likewise, the sins of our nation have cost America her protection.But God would rather forgive than judge. He would rather save than condemn. There is hope for America. The God who took care of Israel so long ago can do the same for America today.Apply it to your lifePray for revival in America, that through repentance and obedience, we would bring back the glory of a nation that serves God. Have faith in Him today.
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The Only Hope for America

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Proverbs 14:34Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”If we want to know what is wrong with our great nation, we should first look in the mirror. By and large, nations receive the kind of government they deserve. What we expect out of our Constitution and government today is not something they were designed to do. At this crucial time in our nation, we need to understand the only hope for America is God.First, righteousness is the exaltation of a nation.Righteousness and liberty are inextricably woven; there is no true liberty without true righteousness.Adrian Rogers says, “Righteousness is living responsibly under God.”Righteousness is assuming our God-given responsibilities as a citizen of the kingdom of God, and this country. Our liberty directly correlates with our character; when we lose responsibility, we lose character, and then we lose righteousness. Adrian Rogers says, “People who cannot live responsibly from within will be governed from without.”The Word of God teaches responsibilities of the Church, to the government, and vice versa.Respectfully, we do not want the government infringing upon our religious affairs. Likewise, as Christian citizens, we have a civic duty to pray for our government leaders, pay our taxes and express patriotism.Second, reproach is the humiliation of a nation.The government’s purpose is not to meet our needs; it is to protect us from tyranny and punish evildoers. However, the erosion of character has led to a perverted nation. We as a people have become too dependent upon the government to provide, and therefore, control us. But the government only gives what it first takes away. The government’s influence grows larger as our nation’s character dwindles more and more.Finally, revival is the restoration of a nation.America needs a new birth of freedom, and God is our only hope of that. We, as His people, are called to be salt and light—to purify, heal, preserve; to illuminate, guide and expose. (See Matthew 5:13-16.) We are not to go out and make demands for our liberty; instead, we must assume our responsibility, and let our character permeate our society.Apply it to your lifeIt is not too late for America—liberty comes when God’s people assume their responsibility. Pray for a revival to break out across this nation today.
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Calling America Back to God

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Nehemiah 1:1-3The America of today is not the America that we once knew. This nation has been taken captive by the world, the flesh, and the devil.God has blessed America; but we have created greed out of abundance, turning freedom into license to sin. There is hope, as there was hope in the days of Nehemiah, but we must be committed to calling America back to God.In the days of the Old Testament, God’s people had been taken captive and carried away to a foreign land. In Nehemiah 1:1-3, Nehemiah, a cup-bearer to the king, heard about Jerusalem where a nation’s glory was now buried beneath despair.Nehemiah’s first response was to visualize the situation: he wanted to see the situation for what it was.City walls are for protection, and in this passage, Jerusalem’s walls had fallen. Spiritually, America’s walls of defense have fallen, and we are vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks.We must get an accurate picture of how our nation’s moral walls have decayed, and how our spiritual gates have burned; once we picture it in our minds, it should break our hearts.“So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven” (Nehemiah 1:4).Nehemiah agonized over Jerusalem; he wept and prayed over the ruins of his home.Adrian Rogers said, “The things that break the heart of Almighty God ought to break our hearts.”Nehemiah’s prayer was filled with contrition, confession, and confidence. He prayed the Word of God, reminding God of His own promises to gather and restore those who have been scattered for His own sake. (See Nehemiah 1:8-9.)Finally, after committing himself completely to God and fasting and praying for four months, Nehemiah organized. He risked his own life and livelihood when he sought the king’s permission, protection, and provision to go on mission to restore the walls of Jerusalem.God is primarily looking for our obedience, faith, and love. When we get serious about serving Him—when we have visualized, agonized, and organized—He will grant us permission to carry out His will, with His protection and provision.Apply it to your lifeWould you commit to fasting and praying for America? Visualize the ways this nation is in trouble. Agonize in prayer for our country—praying with contrition, confession, confidence, and commitment.
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The Generation to Come

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Psalm 78America did not just happen; America was a gift from God. However, it seems as though the virtues and values upon which this nation was built have been trampled. What legacy are we going to leave for the generation to come? What is the America of tomorrow?It could look like Psalm 78. In this passage, God had blessed the nation Israel, delivered the people from the chains of slavery, and brought them into a good land. Yet, they defiled the land, denied the Lord, and disobeyed the new law.If we want to avoid the judgment given in Psalm 78, we must heed to this ancient truth in today's world, following three practical ways.First, we need to proclaim our history.As a country: America has a distinct spiritual heritage. We must teach our children America’s history of trusting in God.As a family: How did your family come to know Jesus? Do your children know the story of how the Gospel changed their heritage?As a church: It is crucial to remain rooted in the infallible Word of God our churches were built upon.As an individual: We must understand and acknowledge what God has done in our lives and tell the generation to come.Next, we need to retain our memory.As a nation, we have three evil principalities at work, trying to manipulate our perspectives. We see them exemplified in Psalm 78:The lust of the flesh: Rather than thanking God for blessings, Israel asked for more, testing His graciousness.The lure of the world: The people broke God’s heart by forgetting Him; they renovated the nation to exclude the One upon whom it was built.The lies of the devil: The one who steals, kills, and destroys was behind it all.Finally, we must reclaim our legacy.Adrian Rogers says, “Not only is God our greatest hope, but God is also our biggest threat. And the nation that was born in 1776 must be born again or we will join the graveyard of the nations.”The America of tomorrow depends on our decision to reclaim our legacy. We must do the best we can with what we’ve got, every chance we get.Apply it to your lifeOur only hope is to review our history, renew our memory, and reclaim our legacy. For the sake of the generation to come, repent and turn to God.
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The Strange Mystery of the Precious Pearl

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 13:45Jesus taught us profound, heavenly lessons in the most practical parables. However, despite its simplicity, the strange mystery of the precious pearl is often misinterpreted by the most devoted believers.Jesus said in Matthew 13:45-46, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”Some may think the merchant of the story is the lost sinner seeking the Lord Jesus. But this isn’t so—a sinner cannot initiate the search for God unless God has first initiated that desire in him.Ever since the beginning of time, God has been seeking Man.Adrian Rogers says, “If you sought Him, it was because He first sought you.”The bankrupt sinner cannot buy Christ; even if he had anything to buy Him with, Jesus Christ is not for sale.Salvation cannot be bought or earned. Therefore, the pearl of great price is not Jesus.The pearl is the Church, and the merchant is the Lord Jesus, who purchased the Church with His own precious blood.Much like a pearl is formed in the deep—grown through impurity, dirt, grit, and irritation—the Church has gone from depth to height, from guilt to glory. To divide it is to destroy it. Christ’s Bride is one Church without spot, wrinkle, or any blemish whatsoever.The merchant sold everything He had to buy this pearl. He sought it out, and considered it beautiful; to him, it was worth every penny.Adrian Rogers says, “God doesn’t love us because we’re valuable; we’re valuable because He loves us.”Jesus Christ stepped out of glory and into time to pay the price for us. He suffered and died, purchasing us with His own blood. He knew the cost—at every turn of His life, He was reminded of the suffering He would face—yet He paid it anyway.God loves us and greatly desires us. We are sinners, and on our own, we are helpless to save ourselves. But Jesus Christ is the answer. He covered us with His own grace and made us something beautiful.Apply it to your lifeDo you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who paid a great price to have you and keep you? Thank Him for His sacrifice and praise Him for the salvation He’s freely given.
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The Strange Mystery of the Counterfeit Christian

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 13:24-30, 37-40Not everybody who claims to be a Christian is a genuine Christian. Hypocrisy is a confusing and bewildering thing. Through the parable of the wheat and tares, Jesus shows us how He deals with counterfeits.Matthew 13:24-30 is a word of comfort, warning, and instruction for those caught in the strange mystery of the counterfeit Christian.“Another parable He put forth to them, saying: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared’” (Matthew 13:24-26).First, we see the sowing of the tares.The tares in the parable came from the chief counterfeiter himself, Satan. The devil wants worship and false believers. He has convinced hypocrites to follow a false Jesus and false spirit. (See 2 Corinthians 11:4.) He has false ministers to produce false brothers and proclaim a false gospel. (See 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.)We shouldn’t let hypocrites keep us from seeking true fellowship with God and with each other; counterfeits copy what is worthwhile.Adrian Rogers says, “Every false Christian that you see is a testimony to the good, the worth, and the reality of the real.”God is well aware of counterfeits; they may pass through the world with ease, but God cannot be fooled.Second, we see the growing of the tares.No matter how tempting it may be, we cannot uproot false religion; it’ll do more harm than good. God is the judge, not us. Every church must exercise discipline—not meant to root out and remove but rather to reclaim and restore.Finally, we see the knowing of the tares.The wheat and the tares will be discerned at the harvest. God tolerates the tares for the sake of the wheat; He waits until they are all ripe before He sends the reapers. He does not judge now, because it is too early. Our influence, whether for good or for evil, goes on and on after we die. God collects the evidence of our influence.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers urges us to:1. Make certain of your salvation.2. If you are not saved, don’t let a counterfeit Christian keep you out of heaven.3. If you are a counterfeit Christian, repent and receive Christ as your Lord and Savior.
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The God-Man, Our Mediator

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Job 9Many of us wonder why bad things happen to good people. But the real question is: How can good things happen to bad people?Sin cannot be explained away by weakness or illness; man is a sinner by birth and by practice. We are too sinful to lift ourselves up to God, and He is too holy to lower Himself down to be only a man.The only way a holy God and sinful men can come together is through Jesus, the God-man, our Mediator.Job 9:2 says, “Truly I know it is so, but how can a man be righteous before God?”After experiencing disaster and loss, Job’s three friends came to him, asking the right questions, but giving the wrong answers.The first man, Eliphaz, spoke of a seducing spirit that appeared to him in a dream and gave him a satanic revelation to pass onto Job. (See Job 4:12-17.) Like Eliphaz’s experience, New Ageism, cults, and false doctrine run rampant today, spreading deceit. If we are neutral, we open ourselves up to demonism.The second friend, Bildad, spoke of humanism and sophisticated reason. (See Job 8:10.) He suggested that for Job to understand what he was going through, he needed to study the ancient wisdom and philosophers of the ages. Nowadays, those like Bildad point to the scientists and evolutionists for answers. These empty ideas are not only wrong but also poisonous.Job’s final friend, Zophar, suggested that the answer is legalism. (See Job 11.) Like Zophar, a lot of religious people will turn to sterile ritualism and self-reformation to try to be right with God.But Job recognized his real need for a mediator. He saw his need for Jesus before he even knew his name.1 Timothy 2:5-6 says, “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time…”Jesus was a qualified mediator: being both God and Man.Adrian Rogers says, “As much a man as if not God at all… as much God as if not a man at all. Not half-God and half-man, but all God and all man, never another like Him, the God-man.”Apply it to your lifeHave you accepted Jesus, the God-man, our mediator? Do you see your need for Him, and seek Him first in times of need?
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Jesus, Friend of Sinners

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 15Adrian Rogers says, “A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.”In Luke 15, Jesus responds to the Pharisees’ criticism with three parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. In these three stories, we see how much God loves us, and why Jesus is a friend of sinners.“What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?” (Luke 15:4).Sheep are dumb and defenseless; they are completely dependent on shepherds to protect them from predators. They can't find their way home. In spiritual terms, we are very much like sheep.“Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?” (Luke 15:8).A coin is meant to be spent or treasured, but one that is lost is worthless and unprofitable. This coin was lost in darkness, dirt, and disgrace. Likewise, we were created to know, love, and serve God; when we are lost, we are worthless.“...A certain man had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.’ So he divided to them his livelihood…” (Luke 15:11-12).In this final parable, Jesus begins the story of the lost son. After he received his inheritance and squandered it, there was a deep depression in the land. As a result, the son was broke; he was degraded to feeding pigs in a foreign country, which brought great dissatisfaction.Like this lost son, we’ve gone astray and find ourselves desperate and spiritually starving.These parables not only explain the sinful nature of Man, but they also reveal the saving nature of God. Jesus Christ is the shepherd who rescues the lost sheep. The woman searching for her lost coin represents the Holy Spirit. God our Father is the father running to receive his prodigal son.God loves us; He is the Good Shepherd seeking us. He is the Holy Spirit shining light upon us. And He is the Father with arms open wide, welcoming us home.Apply it to your lifeHave you been rescued, revealed, and received by God? Worship God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit today. Let Him begin a good work in your heart.
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Jesus, The Sinner's Refuge

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Joshua 20:1-3Jesus Christ is the hero of the Bible; every book, every illustration is about Him. If we look closely, we see He stands in the shadows of the Old Testament; when we do, every detail of Scripture is given a new meaning.In Joshua 20, God instructs Joshua to explain the cities of refuge to His people:“Speak to the children of Israel, saying: ‘Appoint for yourselves cities of refuge, of which I spoke to you through Moses, that the slayer who kills a person accidentally or unintentionally may flee there; and they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood’” (Joshua 20:2-3).These six cities of refuge are highly symbolic and teach us more about Jesus, the Sinner’s Refuge.Hebrews 6:18 says, “...we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us…”There is great significance in the names of these six cities, which reflect Jesus Christ.-Kedesh means a place of holiness. Above all things, Jesus Christ is holy.-Shechem means shoulder or support. We are carried on the shoulders of our Savior, who gives us strength.-Hebron means fellowship; it speaks of Christ, our satisfaction, and the divine joy of fellowship with Him.-Bezer means stronghold or fortification; Christ is our security, the One who keeps us.-Ramoth means exalted; it speaks of Christ our sovereign, the One whom we worship.-Golan means separate; after Jesus, we are not the same. Through sanctification, we are made new day by day.God wanted people to have safety and refuge, so He strategically placed the six cities throughout Israel. The roads were clear and level with signage that pointed travelers in the right direction.Likewise, Jesus has made a way to Himself; our City of Refuge is always near. He is closer than our next breath, for everyone who confesses He is Lord and believes in Him can be saved. (See Romans 10:13.) It is not enough to be near the city of refuge: we must enter in and begin a relationship with Jesus Christ.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “To be almost saved is to be altogether lost.”If you are inside the city of refuge, thank God for Christ our salvation, strength, and satisfaction. If you’re not, come in today; receive Jesus Christ. Warn and educate friends and tell them about the city of refuge.
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How to Love as Jesus Loved

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 13:34The greatest need of mankind is to love and to be loved. Yet, it’s getting harder to do so than ever before. As Christians, we have been instructed to love as Jesus loved.John 13:34 says, "A new commandment I give unto you that ye love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another." This commandment is easy to consider for those who are easy to love… but what about the ones who have hurt us, misused us or wronged us?Not only was Jesus the great teacher, He was the great example.As Jesus gave this commandment, He washed His disciples’ feet: a timely custom performed by slaves. He washed Judas’s feet, who would later betray Him. He washed Peter’s feet, the disciple who would later deny Him. And He washed Thomas’s feet, who would later doubt Him.Here is the Lord of glory doing slave labor… unto the very people who would let Him down.By doing this, He exemplified selfless love. He exemplified humility. Adrian Rogers says, “Real humility is not thinking lowly of yourself; it is not thinking of yourself.” God the Father had put everything into Jesus’ hands, yet he laid aside his garments, took a towel and washed fishermen’s feet.Jesus also exemplified steadfast love; He loves unto the end. If you want to love as Jesus loves, you’ll never stop. We love sometimes, but we only do so when everything is just right. Under pressure, we excuse ourselves from it. But even the unsaved can love that way! Adrian Rogers says, “Your character that cannot stand up under pressure and under testing is not real.”Jesus exemplified serving love. He met injury with service. Love does not give people what they deserve; it gives people what they need. Love is willing to serve at the lowest of tasks.Jesus exemplified sanctifying love.Those of us who are saved walk in a dirty world. Sometimes, we need to let Jesus wash our feet, to remind us of His love. Then, we may go and wash the feet of others.Apply it to your lifeAre you willing to love others with a selfless, steadfast, serving, and sanctifying love?As Adrian Rogers says, “Find somebody that needs that love, and give it to them.”
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Integrity: Don't Leave Home Without It

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:8Matthew 5:8 says, "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”It seems every institution nowadays is touched by scandal and problems, and underneath it all is an integrity crisis. This is why it is crucial that we are men and women of integrity, and we dare not leave home without it.The definition of the word “integrity” has to do more with unity or singleness of the heart or mind. In this context, Matthew 5:8 means: “Blessed are those who have integrity, without divided hearts.” This is the principle of integrity: those who are single-minded, not double-souled, are blessed.Integrity takes place in the heart, at our very core.Our hearts are the control center of our emotions. When we speak of our hearts, we speak of total commitment. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”But on our own, our hearts are diseased, deceitful, and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). The cause and desire to sin comes from within. All the diet and exercise in the world will not cure the spiritual disease of our hearts. In spite of any reformation on the outside, we've not dealt with the problem of the heart. Adrian Rogers says, “Everything that you see wrong in the world today has originated in the heart of men.”God is the Great Doctor.The good news is that God is faithful to make a formal diagnosis of our hearts. If we will let Him, He reviews our conditions and reveals what He finds on the inside. God allows circumstances to come into our lives to see how we will react because our reactions speak the loudest of what’s in our hearts. He is the one who transplants a new, pure heart in us.Sin blinds us, and the world is desperate to see God. But it is only with a pure heart that we can receive the eyes of faith.That is the promise of integrity: when we get our spiritual hearts right, our spiritual eyes will see God.Apply it to your lifeMatthew 6:22 says, “When your eye is single, your body will be full of light.” Are you a person of integrity? Do you have a single-minded heart, devoted to serving God?
5/20/202419 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Secret of Satisfaction

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:6The word “blessed” means to be satisfied. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus revealed the secret of satisfaction. Matthew 5:6 says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”Many of us think of righteousness as something to do. But in the Bible, righteousness is wrapped up in a person, and His name is Jesus. When we hunger and thirst after righteousness, we are actually hungering and thirsting after Jesus Christ.Jesus is Our Spiritual SustenanceIn the material realm, food and water are necessities, not luxuries; if we don’t eat or drink, we will die. And so it is in the spiritual realm: Jesus Christ is not some luxury; He is a necessity. Without Him, our spirits will die.We should desire Jesus preeminently, above all other things. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells us, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.”Jesus will not work in second place. A lack of joy, peace, or fulfillment is a symptom of unrighteousness. When we hunger and thirst after Jesus, we are blessed, but it is crucial to remember that the blessings are just a by-product. Jesus is the cure; not the joy, peace, and fulfillment that comes with Him.Adrian Rogers says, “You’ll never go beyond Jesus: you may only go deeper and deeper into Jesus.” We should seek Jesus passionately—with a huge appetite. A hungry man is interested in one thing: food. If he is hungry enough, he will go anywhere, do almost anything, and pay any price. Likewise, our quest for Jesus Christ should be marked by deliberation, determination, and desperation.Jesus Satisfies the Strongest AppetiteFinally, we should enjoy Jesus perpetually. Adrian Rogers says, “I don’t know how much of God you have, but you have all you want. Shallow thirst equals shallow satisfaction; small hunger equals small satisfaction.”Contrary to popular belief, we don’t lose the good things of life when we come to Jesus. In fact, we enjoy things more in the context of righteousness. In Jesus, we are completely, continually, and certainly satisfied.Apply it to your lifeA person who is hungry and thirsty for righteousness is on a deliberate, determined, desperate quest for Jesus Christ. Do you seek Jesus Christ as a starving man would seek food?
5/15/202437 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Mighty Meek

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:5Matthew 5:5 says, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus revealed that it is not the mighty men who are blessed; it is the mighty meek.Meekness is not weakness. Jesus was meek, yet He was a strong man. To be meek means to be yielded, to have a compliant spirit. Meekness is strength under control. When we were created, God put certain drives, instincts, and ambitions into our very natures. These are not evil in themselves, but they must yield to the Holy Spirit so that we may bring Him glory and honor.While some believe releasing or restraining our strength will lead to control, true meekness comes after we see ourselves as poor in spirit. Once we are broken over our condition, we can develop strength under control.Step One: Submit to the Son of God.Matthew 11:28-30 says:Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle [meek] and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.Jesus offers our wild spirits rest and invites us to submit to His lordship and learn true strength from Him.Step Two: Receive the Word of God.We cannot snatch pieces of the Bible to feed our pride or our opinions.Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible is not meant to be interesting; it’s meant to be disturbing.”We must welcome the Word into our lives with humility, reaching out to Jesus Christ with both hands, letting Scripture be our bridle and bit.Step Three: Be Filled with the Spirit of God.The Holy Spirit of God produces meekness in us; we simply bear the fruit of it.When we are meek, we will receive our inheritance. This dynamic is explained in 2 Corinthians 6:10, which says, “ sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.”Apply it to your lifeHave you yielded to the Holy Spirit and developed a meek spirit? Take these steps today: submit to God, receive His Word, and be filled with His Spirit.
5/13/202435 minutes, 46 seconds
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Turning Tears into Telescopes

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:4The world tells us that a life without tears, sorrow, and heartache is a blessed life; but this is not true. In fact, in Matthew 5:4, Jesus says, "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted."We do all we can to avoid pain. We call on psychologists, self-help coaches, and entertainment to change our conditions. In reality, condition does not dictate character.Jesus, Himself, was a Man of sorrows. He teaches us how to turn our tears into telescopes. He teaches us to bring our sorrows and heartaches into focus in such a way that we can see beyond the present and into the future. Our tears today can become telescopes to make the future all the brighter and all the more meaningful.Turning tears into telescopes is a two-step process. We must identify the convicting guilt that causes us to mourn, and we must recognize the grace that comforts us.In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives insight into the deceptive power of sin. Man looks on the outward appearance and sees outward sin. But God looks on the heart and at our inner intentions that led to our sin.Our hearts are “deceitful above all things and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). Our hearts are subject to sin’s defilement, which perverts the beautiful things we see and touch.If we are truly convicted by our guilt, it should lead to consuming grief and sorrow.There are two kinds of sorrow: godly and worldly. Godly sorrow leads us to repentance, but the sorrow of the world leaves us with remorse.Adrian Rogers explains, “Remorse without repentance can be a dangerous thing. A person filled with remorse is one who loves his sin and hates himself at the same time. A person who has repented is a person who hates his sin because he loves his Savior. Remorse looks at the sin and its consequences. Repentance looks beyond the sin to Calvary.”Looking at Calvary, we recognize the grace that comforts us. Mourning is the only way to know the comfort of our dear Lord. The word comfort is not a word filled with sympathy. The word “comfort” translates to mean with strength. When we receive God’s comforting grace, we are receiving His Spirit, which is our strength and our advocateApply it to your lifeHave you experienced guilt for your sins? Have you experienced the consuming grief of an unrepentant life? Have you experienced the comfort of God’s grace?
5/9/202436 minutes, 45 seconds
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Treasuring the Trinity

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Isaiah 6:1-3The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is one of the great distinctions of the Christian faith. It’s what makes Christianity stand out in a world of religions. It is the idea that we worship one God who has revealed Himself in three persons.Isaiah 6:8 says, “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?’”In this passage, God, using the plural pronoun, “Us,” indicates His triune nature. This is not the same thing as polytheism; we do not worship three gods. There is one God, and He is triune: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.We will never understand the Holy Trinity by human investigation, logic, or science. The only way we can know about the Holy Trinity is by divine revelation. We can only understand by reading Scripture. If we try to understand it on our own, we will lose our minds; if we deny it, we may lose our souls.Isaiah 40:18 says, “To whom then will you liken God? Or what likeness will you compare to Him?”Though it may be difficult to comprehend, we can see God’s triune nature reflected in everything He has created. Space is made up of height, width, and depth. Time is a culmination of past, present, and future. Man is at once body, soul, and spirit.The idea of the Trinity was not created in the New Testament. God’s triune nature is evident in creation (Genesis 1:1) and in the greatest commandment (Deuteronomy 6:4-5). God is spoken of as a unity, or as a collective one.The life of Jesus Christ did not begin at Bethlehem. Jesus says so Himself in John 8:58: “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”The Son of God is spoken of throughout the Old Testament, in prophecy (Isaiah 48:12) and physical presence (Daniel 3:25). He has no beginning and He will never have an ending.The treasure of the trinity is that we have the Father above us, the Spirit within us, and the Son, who died for us.Apply it to your lifePraise God that He is bigger than our understanding. Today, worship God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Lay down your intellectual pride and offer your heart to Him.
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Friendship with Jesus

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: John 15:12-25It is a privilege to call Jesus our friend—to know Him intimately as a close companion. John 15:12-25 highlights five things about our friendship with Jesus: what it means, and what it makes of us.First, friendship with Jesus elevates us.“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15). Simply being His servant would be an honor. But friendship with Jesus lifts us to a level we could not reach without Him. We didn’t choose Him; He chose us (see John 15:16).Adrian Rogers says, “A man is known by his friends; if you’re a friend of Jesus, you’re somebody.”Friendship with Jesus also enlarges the company we keep.“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12). Friends of Jesus become friends with each other; He is our common bond. Because we love Him, we love one another, and the circle grows.But we must also remember the cost of friendship with Jesus.“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13). Real friendships are expensive, but they are worth it. The highest service is when we serve because we want to, not because we have to. Serving and obeying Jesus does not earn us His friendship; it proves our friendship.However, friendship with Jesus still enriches us.Healthy friendships with good people sharpen us and make us better. On the contrary, unhealthy friendships make us dull and drag us down. Friendship with Jesus, who is the Vine, makes us fruitful.Finally, friendship with Jesus means entering inevitable conflict with the world.“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you” (John 15:18). Just as His friends become our friends, so do Christ’s enemies become our enemies. But it is an honor to be counted worthy of suffering as Jesus suffered.Our deepest need is to have someone who understands us, and Jesus does; He is all we need.Apply it to your lifeAre you friends with Jesus? Have you made friends with His friends and seen His enemies rise against you? Consider your relationship with Jesus today.
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The Conquest

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 4:1-20Acts 4 tells of the great conquest of Jesus Christ, the one who died and arose from the grave.He is still alive and well; the Christ that walked the shores of Galilee is alive through His new body, the Church, even today.Because He lives, His persecution continues.Adrian Rogers says, “When you persecute the church, you persecute Jesus.”In the beginning of Acts 4, a miracle was performed by the disciple, Peter. He claimed it was the power of Christ in Him who healed. As a result, the people were beginning to follow Jesus. The religious leaders didn’t like it and began persecuting the Church. But because the apostles were acting as the hands and the feet of the Lord, it was Jesus who was persecuted, too.Because He lives, His preaching convinces.How did these uneducated fishermen preach and five thousand come to Christ? They were not dependent upon their power of persuasion or winsomeness to bring these people to Christ. It was the people’s encounter with Christ through the disciples that convinced them to believe.Because He lives, His power confronts.There are things happening in this world today that are undeniably done by the hand of Jesus. He is still performing miracles.Because He lives, His presence compels.After spending time with the resurrected Christ, Peter was compelled to tell others about Him. If we spend time with Jesus, we will be as bold as His disciples. His presence will compel us with a holy boldness; a knowledge that Jesus is alive and He lives through us.Finally, because He lives, His people confess.Acts 4:20 says, “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” Anybody who has known that Christ is alive cannot keep quiet; we cannot hold it in.Because He is alive, we can wear persecution like a badge of honor.We can let Jesus convince, confront and compel others through us.Let us not be ashamed to confess what He has done in our lives.Apply it to your lifeDo you know that Jesus is alive? Does your life reflect this? Stay in the presence of Jesus.Like an iron in the fire, let there be a holy boldness about you. Tell someone about Jesus today.
3/29/202423 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Cross

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:18The cross of Jesus Christ is the cure for sin. 1 Peter 3:18 points out three truths about how God forgives and deals with sin through the cross.The very first truth is the vicarious suffering of the cross. The word vicarious means “in the place of another”. 1 Peter 3:18 says, “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust....” Jesus, who is the just, sinless Son of God, died for the unjust, us. He became our substitute. He faced emotional and bodily suffering unlike anything we could possibly imagine.In the Old Testament, God instituted the ritual of the Passover Lamb. There was judgment upon the land because of sin, but God told His people to kill a perfect, spotless lamb. They were to take the blood of that lamb and put it upon the doorpost of their houses. 1 Peter 1:18-19 says, “For as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot...” Jesus' crucifixion bears symbolism of that of a Passover Lamb. Even then, God was using the Passover Lamb as a prophecy and a picture of the cross of Jesus Christ.Notice also the vital satisfaction of the cross. “For Christ also hath once suffered for sin....” Once; once for all. The debt has been paid in full. To say that there needs to be another sacrifice for sin is blasphemy. It is finished.We see also the victorious salvation of the cross. “He hath suffered for sin, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” Sin separates us from a Holy God. The cross reconciles us a Holy God. Adrian Rogers says, “On that cross, Jesus took Holy God with one hand, sinful man with the other hand and by the blood of His cross, He hath reconciled God and man.”God has a way of bringing us back.“Oh the love that thought it; oh the grace that brought it.”Apply it to your lifeDo you believe in the cross of Jesus Christ? The vicarious suffering, the vital satisfaction, the victorious salvation? Thank God for the sacrifice He made through Jesus Christ to bring us back to Him.
3/28/202438 minutes, 55 seconds
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Is Jesus God?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 27:22In Matthew 27, Jesus Christ stood on trial before Pilate. In this account, we come face-to-face with the most present, pressing, and pertinent question ever asked: Is Jesus God, as He claimed to be?If He is not, He is a fraud, imposter, and deceiver. What we decide—or not decide—about Jesus will dictate our eternity.Scripture gives us four reasons why we believe that Jesus is God.First, all the attributes of God the Father are found in Jesus.All throughout the Gospels, we find that Jesus was the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Old Testament. He is described as God is described in Psalms and Isaiah: the King of Glory, the first and the last, the Lord of Hosts.He is also shown to be God by the adoration He received.Scripture says God alone is to be worshiped (Luke 4:8). Knowing this, Jesus allowed Himself to be worshiped (Matthew 28:9). For Him to allow this, Jesus was either guilty of ultimate arrogance and the sin of idolatry, or He is God.Third, Jesus is shown to be God by His own admission.In John 8:58, Jesus says, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.” By quoting Exodus 3:14, Jesus is admitting He is God.Adrian Rogers says, “The Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New Testament.”Finally, Jesus is shown to be God by His mighty abilities.Because He is God, He is able to save (Hebrews 7:25); anyone who wants to be saved can be saved through Him.He is able to subdue (Philippians 3:21); all things—every speck of dust, every mountain and celestial body must obey Him.He is able to secure (2 Timothy 1:12); those who are saved are kept saved. He is able to supply every need we may have.Each of us has the opportunity, like Pilate, to decide what we do with Jesus. We can either accept Him or reject Him, love or despise Him—but we cannot be neutralApply it to your lifeWhat do you believe about Jesus Christ—will you crown Him or crucify Him?Adrian Rogers says, “I love Him with all of my heart. To explain Him is impossible. To ignore Him is disastrous. To reject Him is fatal.”
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Why the Cross?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:18The cross is the most recognizable and beloved symbol by those who trust in Jesus. The cross reminds us of Jesus Christ our Savior, and the Good News of the Gospel; but why the cross?1 Peter 3:18 says “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit…”First, there is a substitutionary purpose for the cross.We are sinful by birth, by nature, and by practice. God, who is infinite in love, has a holy hatred for sin; He is the exact opposite of sin. If God were to overlook sin, He would no longer be a holy God. God forgives, but someone must pay the penalty for sin.Throughout Scripture, we see the examples of substitutionary deaths. But these stories are mere vignettes pointing to the need for the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ—Christ died for us, and instead of us.Second, we remember the suffering passion of the cross.Sin brings suffering, and no one has ever suffered like Jesus did when He became sin for us. He suffered emotionally in the Garden of Gethsemane, when He battled with His own humanity; He drank the metaphoric cup of suffering.Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus knew that He—who had been in the bosom of the Father from all eternity—would now become the object of the Father’s wrath.”Scripture also details His physical suffering: the scourgings, beatings, and mockery, and the weight of carrying His own cross. God did not mediate or dampen down the punishment; Jesus died the sins of the whole world.He suffered spiritually, as the Father looked away, and He walked the valley of the shadow of death by Himself.Through the cross, the righteousness of God is completely satisfied in Jesus.“It is finished,” means “once and for all.” Christ’s death satisfied the payment for our sins; it purchased our salvation.The reason for the cross is that we might be reconciled to God.There is no other way to God except by way of the cross. The cross’s saving power is our only hope: by Jesus Christ’s death alone, we can come to God.Apply it to your lifeAre you unashamed of Jesus Christ—ready to give an answer for why you believe in the cross? Thank Him today for His sacrificial love; spend time with Him in prayer.
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Why Did Jesus Choose Judas?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 6:71The name Judas is a name of infamy, disgrace, and treachery; yet Jesus chose Judas to be one of His twelve disciples. It was not a mistake, nor did Judas’s betrayal catch Jesus off guard.The words of warning, assurance, and comfort in John 6 tell us why Jesus chose Judas.First, it was a lesson about religious hypocrisy and the need for true salvation.“‘But there are some of you who do not believe.’ For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who would betray Him” (John 6:64).Jesus knows the difference between a true believer and a hypocrite—those who have trusted in Him and those who have not. Judas serves as a warning for us, because by all appearances, Judas appeared to be in the right. He had the right associations, reputation, and participation. But these outward things did not reflect what was within.Hypocrisy can hurt, especially in ministry; but remember—the other eleven disciples didn’t stop serving Jesus because of Judas. Nor should we let others' scandals keep us from serving.Second, Jesus’ selection of Judas as a disciple teaches us of God’s divine sovereignty and the reliability of Scripture.Long before Judas made the decision to betray Jesus, it was prophesied in Scripture; we can rest assured, God knew. Nothing is out of God’s control.Adrian Rogers says, “Where man rules, God overrules.”Third, Judas’ story is a lesson of personal responsibility and the tragedy of sin.Judas was not forced to betray Jesus; the Bible clearly reveals Judas’ shady character. Sin had deceived him; only after his betrayal did he realize what he’d done. Sin destroyed him. His soul was in remorse, and his mind was anguished. He was condemned by the very devil who enticed him.Finally, Jesus chose Judas to illustrate the security of the believer.Judas did not lose his salvation because he never had it to begin with. He was outwardly religious but had never been born again. On the other hand, Simon Peter, his counterpart disciple, was rough and spiritually clumsy; He denied knowing Jesus three times that same night. But Peter was eternally secure because he had been born again. God kept him, despite his sin, because Peter had put his faith in Jesus.Apply it to your lifeHave you trusted in Jesus Christ? Adrian Rogers says, “You need to put your faith where God has put your sins: right on Jesus.”
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Can an Intellectual Believe in God?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 19Can an intelligent man or woman believe in God? It may surprise us to realize that intellect has nothing to do with it. If a man doesn’t believe in God, it is not because of intellectual difficulties, rather it is because of moral difficulties.Psalm 19 gives us three distinct reasons for intellectual belief in God, and how He has spoken of His own existence.First, God has declared His glory in the skies.“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” (Psalm 19:1).The heavens declare God’s greatness. The vastness of the Universe, along with its small intricacies, demonstrate God’s power.The heavens declare the goodness of God: “Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge” (Psalm 19:2). It is God who daily maintains the fixed order in the Universe and provides everything it needs to give us life. His mercies are new every morning (see Lamentations 3:23).Second, we can believe in God because of the revelation of the Scriptures.God speaks to us through His written Word. We have access to Scripture, the teachings of God, full of many virtues. It is inerrant, infallible, foundational, and full of God’s promises.The Scriptures are more precious than gold (Psalm 19:10).They are protective, for “By them your servant is warned…” (Psalm 19:11).They are profitable, for “ keeping them there is great reward” (Psalm 19:11).If we want true and lasting wisdom, we can find it in the Word of God. The Scriptures are pure, clean, right, and righteous, and they endure forever.Finally, we can know God through the illumination of the Spirit.Through the Holy Spirit in our hearts, the Scriptures we read can become real.Psalm 19:12 says, “But who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults.”The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins and cleanses us. When we hand our control over to the Spirit, He brings us into communion with the Father.Adrian Rogers says, “You don’t come to God because of intellect. You come to God because He first loved us."Apply it to your lifeBy the Word of God in the heavens, in our hands, and in our hearts, we can know God. Spend time in His Word, marvel at His work in the Universe, and ask the Holy Spirit to commune with you.
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Satan's Academy Award

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Revelation 22Make-believe is not new to our day and age. Some of the biggest actors in the world are not in Hollywood, but in our churches. The Bible calls them hypocrites, people who pander to a phony world.Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus has compassion and forgiveness for the sinners, thieves, and prostitutes. However, Matthew 6 shows us He saves His most severe words for the hypocrites.First, Matthew 6:1-2 illustrates the shameful display of hypocrisy:“Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them…” (Matthew 6:1).We are most susceptible to hypocrisy in our areas of deed, devotion, and discipline. When helping others, we must always examine our manner and motive, being careful not to do things for our own glory and praise.This same principle is true for prayer. The length or the language of our prayers don’t impress God (see Matthew 6:7); we are not informing Him of anything He doesn’t already know. Rather, prayer invites God into our lives and grants us the privilege of fellowship with Him.Adrian Rogers says, “Prayer is one of the greatest acts of love and kindness God could ever extend to you. God allows and enables you to join with Him in the administration of the Universe and the affairs of men.”We must also be sure to fast for the right reasons, without posing (see Matthew 6:16). Our goal in fasting is not to draw attention; it is to get a word from God.This passage also addresses the sinister danger of hypocrisy.Hypocrites deceive themselves and others; they are blind leading the blind.Hypocrites defraud themselves and others; in receiving glory here on Earth, they rob themselves of glory in eternity.Hypocrisy destroys; it takes the form of godliness but denies the power of it.We must evaluate our own lives with serious discernment. Hypocrites don’t realize they are hypocrites. Knowing this, we must check our motives, live rightly before the Lord, and serve Him out of our love for Him.Apply it to your lifeTake some time to ask yourself, “Is there a little Pharisee in me? Have I been playing a role without realizing it?”Hypocrites are not always vile, wicked people; they just haven’t lived in the reality of knowing God. Be sure to check your motives and serve God with your whole heart.
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Simplicity of Salvation

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 5:13God wants salvation to be explained simply, because it is His desire that anyone can understand and obtain it.1 John 5:13 says, “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.”Salvation is a relationship with God that pardons us from our sins. By salvation, we have peace with God and power over sin. We are given His presence through the Holy Spirit, and through the process of sanctification, we will be made perfect in God’s sight.In order to understand how salvation saves us and makes us perfect, we must understand our human nature.1 Thessalonians 5:23 says, “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”Human beings, God’s crowning creation, are composed of body, soul, and spirit.Our bodies are made of the dust of the ground. But we are not our bodies; we just live in our bodies.We also have souls, which are our personalities, sense of humor, intelligence, likes and dislikes, idiosyncrasies — the things that make us unique.The human spirit is inextricably united with its soul, completely inseparable, but they are not the same thing. The human spirit is the organ of spiritual knowledge; it is evidence that God put Himself into man.Adrian Rogers says, “Salvation is not primarily getting man out of Earth into Heaven; it is getting God out of Heaven and back into man.”It is important that believers dwell in the Holy Spirit, because He speaks to our human spirits, which speak to our souls, which speak to our bodies. Our bodies move out into the world and allow us to be physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit.When we are saved, we immediately receive justification in our Spirit; we are progressively sanctified in our souls, and ultimately glorified in our bodies.Anyone can be saved; and when we are, we are given the assurance of our salvation through Jesus Christ. Faith is not a feeling; it is depending on God’s facts.Apply it to your lifeDo you have the assurance of salvation? Remember: salvation is simple: whosoever may come.
3/8/202441 minutes, 1 second
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What Shall I Do With Christ?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 27:22In Matthew 27, Jesus Christ stood on trial before Pilate, and in verse 22, Pilate asked the most personal and pressing question: “What shall I do with Christ?”What we do with Jesus is an unavoidable decision each of us will make; what we decide—or not decide—will dictate our eternity.We must consider Pilate’s decision: as the people cried out for Jesus’ death, Pilate’s voice of reason and conscience raised alarm. He examined the evidence and listened to witnesses, including his own wife (see Matthew 27:19), and Jesus Himself, who confessed that He is the King for everyone who is of the truth (see John 18:37).Though the voices that confronted Pilate clearly revealed the right thing to do, his warped values pressured him to decide otherwise.Pilate was pressured by public opinion; the people were viciously calling for Jesus’ blood.Pilate’s pride, position, and possessions were more valuable to him than the innocent man standing before him.Adrian Rogers explains, “Pilate had to do something with Jesus. He was faced with the inevitable, unavoidable Jesus Christ, and so are you.”At first, Pilate ignored the issue, then he tried to hand the decision off to someone else. Finally, he decided not to decide.Matthew 27:24 says, “When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all, but rather that a tumult was rising, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, ‘I am innocent of the blood of this just Person. You see to it.’”Pilate’s rejection of reason and misplaced values made Jesus’ trial a mockery of justice. Pilate’s “neutral” verdict condemned Jesus to death; with the verdict, Pilate also condemned himself.We have an opportunity to make a different decision.Analyzing the evidence from Scripture, the witnesses of the saints, of old and of new, we know Jesus is exactly who He says He is. And perhaps the most crucial witness of them all is God the Father.1 John 5:9 says, “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he has testified of his Son.”We know that Jesus is Lord, because after He was crucified, God reversed the decision of the court and raised Him from the dead!Apply it to your lifeYou cannot be neutral about Jesus; you cannot avoid Him, escape Him, or bypass Him: so what will you do with Him?
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A Life Made Over

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Jeremiah 18:3-6Pottery is one of the oldest arts known to man, and one of the most poignant metaphors God uses to teach us about our relationship with Him. As a vessel of beauty emerges from an ugly lump of clay, we can experience a life made over in the hands of the Good Potter.Jeremiah 18:3 says, “Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something at the wheel...”We must see the potential of a life that respondsIn this passage, God is the potter and we are the clay; the wheel illustrates the circumstances of life. God is the one who turns the wheel, arranging our lives as He molds and shapes us.Adrian Rogers says, “Many of us think there are incidents in our lives that are meaningless; but not a blade of grass moves without God’s permission.”We must recognize the problem of a life that resists.“And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make” (Jeremiah 18:4).The problem of the clay is not found in the Potter; it is the result of hidden impurities. Its stiffness and unyieldingness keeps it from becoming what it ought to be. If we are resistant to His work, God will break us in order to reshape us.We need to understand the promise of a life that repents.“‘O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter?’ says the Lord. ‘Look, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel!’” (Jeremiah 18:6).God is a God of second chances; He can still use us if we are still pliable and give Him all the pieces.We must remember the peril of a life that rebels.Jeremiah 19 warns us that if we remain hardened, we cannot be remolded. Those who have stopped listening to the conviction of their sins will become set in their stubbornness; then, it’s over for them.We must come to Him in humble repentance, while the clay is still soft and pliable.Apply it to your lifeDo you trust God to mold you into a useful vessel? A life made over begins with repentance and yielding to His conviction in your life.
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Communication In Marriage

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:10-11Communication is the way to joy, happiness and victory; without it, we are headed for ruin. Communication in marriage is the highest level of intimacy. If we cannot be completely honest with each other, we will drift apart.Adrian Rogers says, “Fire is a wonderful servant but a poor master; words can warm a heart or burn down a home.”1 Peter 3:10-11 says, “He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking deceit. Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.”Communication is the road on which words travel; that road has some blockades and potholes. Our intrinsic differences as men and women affect how we communicate.Adrian Rogers says, “Incompatibility is grounds for a great marriage. God made us different so that He might make us one.”Some couples may battle with insecurities and fears that their spouses will not accept them if they are totally open.Self-centeredness and unresolved hurts also hinder healthy communication, as they close off the openness we are to strive for. So many issues could be solved if we focused on solving them rather than on winning arguments.If we’re not careful, the distractions of life or overcrowded schedules will also keep us from the good communication needed for a happy home.1 Peter 3:8 says, “Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous…”If we want to work on our communication in marriage, we must first be sensitive to each other and deal with our own self-centeredness. Once we do that, we can resolve hurts that may be in the way of our intimacy and create a spirit of oneness.There is also so much power in the simplest ways we nurture our marriages. We must keep dating each other well after the wedding and learn to laugh.Finally, praying together as husband and wife fills the potholes on the way to intimacy and creates safe passage for healthy communication.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “Marriage anointed by the Holy Spirit is the sweetest thing on Earth, the nearest and dearest and closest thing to Heaven. It’s really the only part of the Garden of Eden we have left. Work at your marriage. Determine that you will communicate with one another.”
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Family Revival

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 19:3-6We live in a fallen world of broken homes and throw-away marriages. Now more than ever, we must come back to the Word of God and seek family revival.Matthew 19 explains what marriage is so we can build our marriages in the name and power of Jesus Christ.“Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:4-6).First, we must remember that God has designed the family.Marriage is a divine institution made by God to meet the deepest needs of humankind. When we commit to another in marriage, we leave our mother and father and unite with our spouse, becoming one flesh. We are called to join together physically and multiply; we become one flesh psychologically and in spiritual communion.Because God designed the family, Satan wants to destroy the family.Adrian Rogers says, “It is not love that holds your marriage together; it is marriage that sustains your love.”God has said in His Word He hates divorce. We are commanded to love continually; a marriage rooted in conditional love produced fear, guilt, and anger. There is no fear in perfect, unconditional love; only peace, security, and joy.It is our duty to dispel the lies from Hell, vow to attack the problems rather than one another, and change the direction of a broken marriage. God has joined us together, and where there is God, there is always hope.Finally, we must defend our family.We do this by making Jesus Christ the center of our homes. Second, we continue to feed our love day by day, nurturing and caring for it so it will grow.And if we ever find ourselves in a broken home, we must remember God’s forgiveness is always available for those who seek to honor Him in their relationships, we need only ask for it.Apply it to your lifeHow are you defending your family today? Is Jesus Christ the head of the home? Are you feeding your love and asking for forgiveness? Seek the Lord today, and pray for a family revival; let it begin with you.
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Marriage: The Real Thing

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: None GivenMarriage is a serious commitment we should not take lightly. In order to grasp the nature of marriage, we must first grasp the nature of mankind.We were made in the image of a triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In our nature, we are each composed of body, soul, and spirit.1 Thessalonians 5:23 says, “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”Adrian Rogers says, “When your body is right, you’re healthy. When your soul is right, you’re happy. When your spirit is right, you’re holy.”Marriage is only the real thing when the husband and wife are unified in their bodies, their souls, and their spirits. In marriage, we are one, physically, psychologically, and spiritually.First, there is to be a union of our bodies.Inside the bonds of matrimony, sex is a pure and wonderful thing. Being unified in physical intimacy is one of God’s sweetest gifts to us. But as we recognize its intrinsic value, misusing or abusing it is a terrible sin. We must give and receive selflessly, putting our partners’ needs above our own.Second, there must be the union of our souls.Even after the romance begins, we should prioritize friendship with our spouses. Creating that foundation of companionship is crucial to cultivating lasting marriages.People often say opposites attract; they soon find that those differences cause the most friction in their marriage. We must accept the differences as tools God uses to help us grow.Finally, there must be a union of our spirits.Scripture reminds us that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. (Read Mark 3:24.) This is why it is so crucial that both spirits, husband and wife, have bowed to King Jesus. If Christ is on the throne of both lives, the man and woman will be one, spiritually.Our marriages truly are a reflection of our relationship with God. When we take ourselves off the throne and enthrone Christ, we experience marriage as the real thing.Apply it to your lifeWhat does your relationship with your spouse say about your relationship with God? Have you dethroned yourself and enthroned Christ? Consider your marriage today, and commit yourself to your spouse in body, soul, and spirit.
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Seven Secrets of Lasting Love

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:1Marriage is one of God’s greatest gifts to us; however, because we are imperfect people, we will face plenty of problems. 1 Peter 3 shares seven secrets of lasting love.Fortify Faith“For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves...” (1 Peter 3:5).A threefold cord is not easily broken; likewise, a marriage made up of a man, a woman, and God is difficult to break.Remember Roles“Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands...” (1 Peter 3:1).Man and woman are equal in worth before God, but they do not serve the same function. Each has God-given roles that must be adhered to in marriage.Adrian Rogers says, “When you look at marriage as a contract, you think about your rights. When you look at marriage as a covenant, you think about your responsibilities.”Cultivate Contentment“Do not let your adornment be merely outward… rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit...” (1 Peter 3:3-4).Like true character and beauty, contentment is inward; both husband and wife must find contentment within the home, but even more so, within themselves.Banish Bitterness“Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous...” (1 Peter 3:8).We must learn to forgive one another, releasing the grudges and the burden of bitterness.Continue Communication“He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking deceit” (1 Peter 3:10).Marriages function on the basis of communication. We must learn how to communicate because communication breeds intimacy.Refresh Romance“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife…” (1 Peter 3:7a).The physical part of our marriages cannot grow cold; we must show consistent honor to one another.Practice Prayer“...and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7b).Finally, when we pray together and for each other, it grants us great confidence and comfort in one another. In doing so, we acknowledge that Jesus is the key to a blessed home.Apply it to your lifeWe are not perfect people, and we will not have perfect marriages. But if we build our homes upon these seven secrets, our love will last.
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The Music of Marriage

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Song of Solomon 1:1-16To be completely known and still be loved without fear of rejection is the supreme goal of marriage.But how many marriages are on the rocks because of poor communication? According to many counselors, 100% of couples seeking marriage counseling are out of rhythm due to lack of communication.God shows us in His Word how husbands and wives can communicate, and it is modeled in the Songs of Solomon: a book of love poems, exemplifying the music of marriage.And as we eavesdrop on their conversation and observe the words said between these two lovers, we learn how they are used, and how they are received.Their words are plentiful. Sixty percent of the book consists of two lovers speaking to one another directly and plentifully.Their words are personal. They call each other by names only they know about, unique and individual, special in each other’s eyes.Their words are positive. There is not one negative word of criticism in this book; nothing critical, no correction.Their words are passionate. Their words for each other were full of life, rooted directly in their feelings.Our words sustain our marriages. Our words repair hurt feelings. Our words grow love.The problem here is that we believe words of love flow out of feeling. But most of the time, it is really that feeling that flows out of words.Adrian Rogers says, “We need to work on this thing of intimacy in marriage, and I’ll tell you why. It gives an incredible freedom and it’s worth it. You’ll never arrive at perfection, but you need to make a start if you want to have a happy home.”There is always room to improve communication as husband and wife. If you do not communicate, your marriage will disintegrate. The music of marriage is worth finding the rhythm.Apply it to your lifeDo you need to work on your communication skills with your spouse? Of course! If you aren’t progressing, you are regressing. Talk with your spouse. Watch your words carefully. Pray for wisdom to learn what he or she is feeling, as well as the patience to honor them as you both work toward completely knowing and loving each other, without the fear of rejection.
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Christ-Like Love

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 13:34Perhaps our greatest human need is to be loved and to give love to someone else. Not only are we, as Christians, called to love others, but we are also called to exhibit a Christ-like love.In John 13:34, Jesus says, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”Christ-like love is selfless.In a society based on self-love, self-help, and self-fulfillment, we are called to humble ourselves as Jesus did.Adrian Rogers says, “The grace of God exalts a man without inflating him, and it humbles a man without debasing him. We don’t live in sinful exaggeration or false humiliation but in sober estimation.”When we experience God’s grace, through faith, we are at peace within ourselves to show love to others in fellowship.Christ-like love is also steadfast.Nothing we can do will make God love us any more or any less. The cross of Jesus showed that His love could stand the test of trials and extreme pressure; it will never let us go, even until the very end.Christ-like love serves.As Jesus gave this commandment, He was performing the duties of a servant, washing His disciples’ feet—even those of Judas, who would betray Him later that night. Jesus practiced what He preached; He didn’t give the disciples what they deserved, but rather, what they needed.Adrian Rogers says, “You can’t look down on people while you are washing their feet.”Finally, Christ-like love is sanctifying.In this passage, Jesus uses the example of foot-washing to symbolize sanctification. As Jesus washed the dirt from their feet, He spoke of the spiritual defilement in their lives so that they may understand what it meant to be cleansed from within.Once we are saved, we are always saved—we are totally cleansed from the inside out, white as snow. But we live in a dirty, grimy world and sometimes we need to have our spiritual feet washed; this is called sanctification.As Jesus demonstrates in this passage, we show love to each other by encouraging sanctification. We show this with humility, steadfastness, and service, just as Jesus did.Apply it to your lifeDo you exhibit a selfless, steadfast, serving, sanctifying love to others? As you study Scripture today, ask God to reveal ways for you to show Christ-like love to others.
2/1/202426 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Have Joy

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 15:11Do you know how to find joy? It seems many people spend their lives searching for it, yet they look in the wrong places. John 15:11 says, “These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” The life of a Christian is to be a life of contagious joy.Adrian Rogers says, “The joy of the Lord is indispensable in serving the Lord.” Yet, it is possible to know Jesus and not have this joy. Joy is not inevitable; it’s optional. What is this joy described in John 15, and how can we activate it in our lives as we follow Jesus?We must first understand that this joy is supernatural in its source. This unparalleled, unmatchable joy comes from Jesus, Himself.Because it is rooted in Jesus, and not in circumstances, this joy is steadfast in sorrow and triumphant in tribulation. Adrian Rogers says, “Happiness evaporates in the time of suffering. But joy is often deepened in the time of suffering because we come to depend upon the Lord.” It is lasting through losses and abundant through affliction.1 Thessalonians 1:6 says, “Having received the Word in much affliction, with joy in the Holy Ghost.” This joy is not automatic; it doesn’t come once you believe in Jesus. Notice that in this passage, Jesus is speaking to those who abide in Him (John 15:5). Therefore, the secret to joy is simple: abide in Jesus.Abiding in Jesus means:1. A life of reliance upon Him. Like a branch relies on a vine for its life and fruit, we rely on Jesus for this joy.2 A life of restfulness. John 15:9 says, “As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you. Continue ye in My love.” We can rest in knowing that His love and His power are continuous.3. A life of relinquishment; a branch exists solely to bear fruit from the vine. Likewise, we exist for one purpose only: abiding in Jesus.4. And finally, a life of rejoicing, because the fruit of reliance, rest and relinquishment is full joy.Apply it to your lifeDo you abide in the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you rely and rest in Him? Have you relinquished every other responsibility apart from abiding in Him?
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How to Be Strong in the Faith

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 4:16-25As children of God, faith is the stamp on our lives that pleases our Father. It is faith alone that enables us to live this Christian life.Romans 4 reminds us that in spite of Abraham’s sins, God remembers him for his faith, not his failures. By his example, we can learn how to be strong in the faith.“Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all...” (Romans 4:16).Faith is not a hunch, nor is it positive thinking; faith is our response to the promises of God, taking Him at His word. Strong faith is received as a gift of God: “according to grace.” Grace is not a reward for our faith; it takes the initiative to give us that faith. We cannot generate faith, for we are totally depraved by nature. The only reason we could have faith is that God takes the initiative and puts that faith in our own hearts.Unbelief holds grace a prisoner; strong faith releases the grace of God. The only way that grace can ever operate in us is through faith.Abraham was faced with two impossibilities: having a child in spite of being barren, or believing God, who raises the dead and makes something out of nothing, could break His promises.Abraham respected the greatness of God, and he experienced the miracle of having a child in his old age.Strong faith regards God’s guidance, and as a result, reflects His glory.“He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform” (Romans 4:20-21).Abraham obeyed God, knowing that He would work through him; his story reflects the glory of God.Adrian Rogers says, “The greatest thing you could do to glorify God is to believe God.”Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “You cannot please God without faith; if you please God, it doesn’t matter whom you displease, and if you displease God, it doesn’t matter whom you please.”Do you have strong faith, believing in Him, taking Him at His word?
1/24/202424 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Lost World

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 1:18-31In Romans 1:18-31, the Apostle Paul reveals that this fallen world is without excuse: “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness…” (Romans 1:18).God is a God of love, but He is also righteous; He is the Chief Judge, holy in His wrath. This passage reveals three reasons why this lost world is to be judged.Man’s Willful Self-Determination“...what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them...” (Romans 1:19). God has created two witnesses to testify of His existence: creation and conscience. The inner subjective witness is conscience, and the outward witness is creation—both reveal the truth of His existence and His Word.However, this passage also identifies the haunting human resistance to God’s truth; they didn’t want to know, so they were determined not to know.Man’s Wicked Self-Deception“...because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts...” (Romans 1:21).Adrian Rogers says, “Truth is not given to satisfy your curiosity; truth is given to cause your worship and thankfulness.”“Professing to be wise, they became fools…” (Romans 1:22).What’s worse than refusing to see, is refusing and still believing we see perfectly clear—to believe we are wise in our foolishness.Those Paul is describing, “…changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man…” (Romans 1:23). Their shameful idolatry magnified the worst parts of their flesh.Man’s Woeful Self-Destruction“Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator...” (Romans 1:24-25).They were sexually, socially, and spiritually perverted, turning from God to indulge in their lusts, their hatred, and their spiritual indifference.Ultimately, this passage should act as an urgent warning to us, living in wicked days, to repent of our ways and follow GodApply it to your lifeRomans 1:18-31 warns us three times: “God gave them up.”Adrian Rogers reiterates, “The worst thing God could do for you would be to leave you alone in your sin.” If you have any sin in your life, any self-determination, deception, or destruction, repent of your ways and turn to God.
1/10/202437 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Word of God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 4:12Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible is not like any other book: it breathes, sings, and weeps; it is alive in the power that it possesses.”Whether penned by the Apostles, spoken by the mouth of Jesus, or recorded on scrolls by the Old Testament prophets, God calls these inspired utterances the Word of God.The Word of God is absolute perfection; though the Scriptures were written by men, the words were inspired by God, declared completely infallible.2 Peter 1:21 says, “...for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”The Bible also speaks of God’s wonderful character. Jesus is called the Word of God in John 1:1-3; this comparison links together the character of Jesus and the character of the Bible.Both Jesus Christ in His humanity and the Bible have come from God. They both live for eternity, absolutely unchanging lights for dark places. They bear elements of humanity and are given authority by God.Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”The Word of God is quick, pulsating with life, because it presents a living person: Jesus.The Bible is like a sword, dividing our innermost beings, between soul and spirit. The Bible discerns and criticizes; it searches us so that it may sanctify the saints. It works with sinners to convict and convert us; and if we do not adhere to its power, it can condemn us.Adrian Rogers says, “The Gospel is a saver of life unto life or death unto death. If the Bible does not cut you to heal you, the Bible will cut you to kill you.”The Bible works against Satan himself. When we face spiritual warfare, our only strategy should be pointing the enemy to Scripture. When we go to battle, we must not forget our sword: the Word of God.Apply it to your lifeWhen you read the Bible, does it divide, discern, search, and sanctify you? Let the Bible work on your life, revealing what you need to cut out or let go of in order to become more like Jesus.
1/3/202440 minutes, 20 seconds
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How to Maintain the Life of Victory

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Joshua 24:11-16God’s plan for us is not just to have eternal life after death, but to have abundant life, here and now. He has given us daily victory; but it is our responsibility to walk in it.Adrian Rogers says, “To lose your wealth is sad, to lose your health is worse, but to lose your walk with God after you’ve once known Him is pitifully tragic.”Joshua 24:11-16 reveals to us how to maintain the life of victory.If we want to maintain a life of victory, we must first practice careful reverence.“Now therefore, fear the LORD, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the LORD!” (Joshua 24:14).It is possible to get so casual and careless about our relationship with God that we dare lose respect and fear of Him. But it is crucial that we continue, not in a superstitious or slavish fear, but in a sanctified fear of Him.Second, we must show courageous resolve, that no matter what others do, we will serve the Lord. (See Joshua 24:15.)To serve God means to worship Him, first with sincerity, without blemish, as living sacrifices.But our worship must also be scriptural; our sincerity should not contradict the truth of Scripture. And we must be steadfast in our worship, practicing daily dedication to Him—even when we stand alone.Third, we must express continual repentance.The gods and idols of old are constantly coming back with different names. The sins we’ve turned from will inevitably chase us down and demand our service once again. If we want to maintain our victory, we must continually repent of our sins, fully and forcefully. We can never make peace with any sin; instead, we deal with it with a holy ambition.Finally, there must be complete reliance, inclining our hearts to God, who works in us and through us.Rather than boasting in our flesh, we maintain our victory through total dependence on God.Adrian Rogers says, “Victory is not your responsibility; it is your response to His ability.”Apply it to your lifeAre you maintaining your victory through reverence, resolve, repentance, and reliance on God? Walk on conquered ground—possess what is already in your possession.
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How to Be Successful

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 3:5-10God has not engineered us for failure; rather He has programmed us for success. God has cultivated wonderful plans for our lives. But tragically, few people know the will of God, much less do the will of God for their lives.As children of God, we have been given a wonderful promise of guidance. God has individual instructions for each of us on how to be successful. In order to know the will of God for our lives, we must first express a full dependence on the Lord.Proverbs 3:5-6 explains: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”It is difficult to trust in someone we don’t know; we must know and love the Lord in order to trust and obey Him. We are to receive God’s wisdom rather than lean on our own understanding. When we search for God’s wisdom and get serious about knowing His will, He promises that we will find it. When we have complete confidence in God, and constantly comply with His will, we will receive His faithful direction.God has promised to direct our paths, and He will do it through the Word of God.Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” The Word of God reveals God’s will concerning our salvation, the Holy Spirit, and sanctification.God often directs us through prayer; He speaks to our hearts, directly as we pray to Him.He also guides through wisdom and directs us by His providence; He is the one who closes and opens doors. After we receive faithful direction from God, a forceful dynamic takes place: the Lord clears the path for us. Where there were once obstacles, He makes a path straight through.Adrian Rogers says, “When you worship, and your walk and your wealth are given over to Him, you’ll know the will of God.”Apply it to your lifeAre you serious about knowing God’s will for your life and how to be successful in it? Express your full dependence on Him and receive His faithful direction. Begin by knowing and trusting Him; then obey Him.
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Success God's Way

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Joshua 1:1-2Victory is God’s gift to every child; He delights in His children’s prosperity. However, we must make certain that we are pursuing success God's way.In the Book of Joshua, Canaan represented victory. This historical narrative reveals how to come out of the wilderness and into the promised land.First, we must visualize our victory.Canaan represented the Israelites’ freedom after generations of slavery. It represented fullness after years in the desert and the fulfillment of God’s promises. Much like the Israelites, the Christian life of victory is walking on conquered ground. God has already given us the victory; we must possess our possessions by trusting and believing in Him.Second, we must vitalize our victory.Joshua 1:5 reveals that God’s promises didn’t die with Moses; He was still with Joshua and the Israelites. However, the promised land would not come without difficulty or hardship. God’s promises are for all saints, for all times; but there will be seasons of difficulty and situations of hardship. We must remember that God will never leave us or command us to do anything He hasn’t equipped us for. With strength, boldness, and obedience, we must choose to have God get the victory for us.Finally, we must verbalize our victory.“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8).We can only speak the Word of God to each other if we’ve hidden it in our hearts first.Meditation on God’s Word leads to the door of success, but obedience unlocks the door. Studying Scripture gives us knowledge about God; obedience gives us knowledge of God.Adrian Rogers says, “The Word of God was not given to satisfy your curiosity or scratch your intellectual itch. It’s given to lead you to obedience, which leads you to a knowledge of God, which leads you to victory.”Apply it to your lifeDo you want a life of victory and success God’s way? Meditate on the Word of God—read it, speak it, and memorize it. Don’t settle for a defeated life: obey what we see and hear in Scripture; keep His commandments.
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The Principles of Prosperity

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Ecclesiastes 11So many of us are living just to work and working just to live, drawing our breaths and drawing our salaries. But God has a plan for us, and it includes prosperity. While that does not necessarily mean many riches, it does mean financial responsibility and blessing.The eight principles of prosperity, God’s way, are revealed in Ecclesiastes 11.Ecclesiastes 11:1: InvestmentKing Solomon was the wisest man apart from Jesus Christ. Solomon himself was an investor; likewise, Jesus taught us to invest (see Matthew 25). First, we must examine our motive, ensuring we are not feeding our own greed or pride. Then, we should get wise counsel.Ecclesiastes 11:2: DiversificationDon’t invest everything in one place; when it comes to stocks and bonds, we should open ourselves up to new ideas and opportunities.Ecclesiastes 11:3: PreparationSooner or later, we will face unforeseen circumstances; they will catch us off guard if we have not been wise about saving. We can trust in the Lord to provide, while also preparing for a rainy day.Adrian Rogers says, “Faith and prudence are not in competition one with the other.”Ecclesiastes 11:4: VentureThere are never any guarantees in life, but if we don’t sow, we will not reap; sometimes, we have to take the risk. But we must remember, gambling is never a risk worth taking.Ecclesiastes 11:5: TrustThere are some things we don’t know—yet everything is under the sovereign control of Almighty God; we have to trust Him.Ecclesiastes 11:6: WorkThere is no sure formula for wealth. It is good to be honorably employed and earn an honest wage. When done right, work should grant us dignity, joy, and reward.Ecclesiastes 11:7-8: PerspectiveWe are encouraged to enjoy life but remember that bad days are coming; don’t forget that this is not all there is.Ecclesiastes 11:9-10: AccountabilityWe are stewards of the things God has given us, and one day we will stand before God and give an account for what we did with it.Adrian Rogers says, “What you call your own is not yours; you are a steward—a manager. Owners have rights, but stewards have responsibilities.”Apply it to your lifeHave you considered the eight principles of prosperity? Remember them as you prayerfully work through your finances.
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How to Obtain Financial Freedom

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Malachi 3:7-12God pays attention to our stewardship—how we obtain, save, invest, spend, and give away our money. Satan, who is also very interested, would love to keep us in financial bondage. Financial bondage is not just debt or poverty. If money increases our worries, or if we have plenty in the bank, but no treasure in Heaven, we are in financial bondage.God wants to open the windows of Heaven and pour out spiritual and financial blessing on us., but we must be brought to a place where we can receive it.Malachi 3 shows us how to obtain financial freedom. “Yet from the days of your fathers you have gone away from My ordinances and have not kept them. Return to Me, and I will return to you,” says the LORD of hosts. “But you said, ‘In what way shall we return?’” (Malachi 3:7).If we want financial freedom, there must first be a personal return to God, which is tithing.God is not out to impoverish us; He wants to enrich us in His own way. God isn’t interested in our money, but rather, our hearts.Adrian Rogers says, “You’ll never know financial freedom, no matter how wealthy you are, if you don’t tithe.”When we remember tithing is God’s way of revealing our priorities to ourselves, we will see tithing as a great blessing. It is our privilege to show God that He is first in our lives and everything else is second.Second, there must be a material release.Tithing is not a legalistic practice; it was established before the law of Moses was written. Also, Jesus Himself commended it. According to Scripture, tithing is ten percent given to the temple of God (church), for the work of the temple.Finally, when we learn to give back to God freely, we’ll see a spiritual renewal.“And try Me now in this,’ Says the Lord of hosts, ‘If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10)God keeps His word; when we tithe, God will renew our faith, rebuke our foes, and restore our fruitfulness.Apply it to your lifeAre you seeking freedom from financial bondage? Return to God; understand that He wants you, first and foremost. Then, show your faithfulness through tithing.
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Man and His Money

Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: James 5:1-3Stewardship is the area of life that tells how men make money and, more importantly, how God makes men.Adrian Rogers says, “A man’s character, religion and spirituality may be measured by his attitude toward money more than anything else.”Money is a necessary means of exchange; the Bible warns us that though money is not sinful or evil in itself, the love of money is the root of all evil. God is concerned with our finances because of the many deceptions, disagreements, and disasters traced back to money. James 5 shares invaluable insight on man and his money.First, God is interested in how we save our money.“Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! …You have heaped up treasure in the last days” (James 5:1,3). Some people have stagnant wealth, collecting money for money’s sake rather than for living. God wants us to be wise and save money for the future. Riches and honor come from the Lord; however, the Bible condemns heaping up and hoarding wealth. God wants everything—including money—in circulation; there is enough to go around, to take care of everything. There is no need to keep money for the sheer love of money.Second, God is interested in how we secure money.In James 5:4, James calls out men who were suppressing the poor and withholding their wages for economic power. God is against wrongly-obtained gain, especially when it oppresses the poor. There is a curse reserved for ill-gotten gain. We must be careful that we make an honest wage from an honorable business.God also sees how we spend our money.While God takes pleasure in the prosperity and enjoyment of his servants, He is against selfishness, lavishness, and wastefulness. It is so much better to give than to receive, and our money could be used for so much more than earthly possessions.Finally, God sees how we share our money.One day soon, we will see the Lord Jesus and we will give an account of our stewardship.What we give is never lost; in the end, all we have is what we have given away.Apply it to your lifeWhat does your relationship with money look like? Are you wise in how you save it, secure it, spend it, and share it with others?
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What Is the Gospel?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4In simplest terms, the Gospel is the Good News of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The root of the Gospel is found in 1 Corinthians 15:3: “...that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures…”Man’s problem is not what he lacks; it is what he has, which is a sin problem. Sin brings about spiritual debt, defilement, and dominion. The Gospel is the only thing that can save us from our sins.To understand the Gospel, we must see its scriptural content.Jesus’ death deals with sin’s debt; his blood atoned for our sin, paying that debt He did not owe.Jesus’ burial deals with sin’s defilement; it assures us that He has put our sin in the grave of God’s forgetfulness. Jesus’ resurrection deals with sin’s dominion. Because He rose from the dead, and is still alive today, He has power over sin and death.Second, we must see the saving intent of the Gospel.1 Corinthians 15:1-2 says, “...I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.”The Gospel’s first intent is for us to believe it and be saved; no other way will lead to salvation.Adrian Rogers says, “(Salvation) is not in sincerity or sentiment or service or sacrament, but in the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is gloriously simple and simply glorious.”When we believe the Gospel, we are also strengthened, day-by-day.Jesus saved us from the penalty and pollution of sin once and for all, but He is saving us from the power of sin daily.When we believe the Gospel, we are also secured.Jesus Christ is our wonderful assurance; He has us in His hand.Finally, we must recognize the extent of the Gospel.It extends to every person, every place, and every problem. Adrian Rogers says, “There’s no other message that has an answer to sin, sorrow, and death except the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”Apply it to your lifeIf someone were to ask you what the Gospel is, do you have a ready answer for them? Remember Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection, and what they mean to those who believe the Gospel.
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Overcoming Satanic Deception

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Genesis 3:1Satan is a liar and a murderer; he wants to bring death to our happiness, joy, and purity, and he accomplishes this through lies. He wants to destroy us, and he begins by deceiving us.Genesis 3:1 says, “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field…”Satan cleverly crafts subtle lies about the biggest truths. In the Garden of Eden, he tells Eve three lies concerning the nature and character of God. Recognizing his tactics helps us overcome satanic deception.SeveritySatan’s first tactic was to convince Eve to think severely about God, so that she had negative feelings about him.The devil wants us to think God is strait-laced and cruel, and that our relationship with Him would be filled with “don’t!” But Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” God is good and loving. He does not take away joy; He gives it.SkepticismThe devil also wants us to think skeptically about God so that we will not trust Him or His Word.When Satan removes the truth of God’s Word, then he slips in other ideas to replace them. Other religions, spiritual practices, and New Age thoughts are simply substitutes from the enemy to divert us from the fixed standard of truth. The devil is trying to make us think lightly of God; but God is holy, and He will punish sin.SuspicionFinally, Satan will try to convince us to think suspiciously of God. Many people think serving God cramps their style and robs them of reaching their fullest potential. Yet, the devil, who promises total freedom, keeps his victims in bondage.Adrian Rogers says, “There’s nothing in the world more deceiving than sin itself; those who know the least about sin are those who are the deepest in it.”All the problems in the world today are rooted in these three ancient lies, but we do not have to fall victim to the devil’s deception. Only when we commit ourselves to the written word of God, can we overcome the devil’s lies.Apply it to your lifeDo not let the devil deceive you. yourself in the truth of God’s Word today. God is a God of love and grace. His law stands, and a relationship with Him means abundant life.
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How to Break Satan's Strongholds in Your Life

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 4:27Ephesians 4:30 says, “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.”It is unthinkable that a child of God could give a place in his life to the devil and grieve the Holy Spirit of God.However, there are many of us caught in Satan’s strongholds, and we cannot get out. There are three steps to break Satan’s strongholds in our lives.Repentance“...that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts…” (Ephesians 4:22)Repentance means to be done with sin and deal with our old self; there is no other way around it.Resistance“Be angry, and do not sin… nor give place to the devil.” (Ephesians 4:26-27)Unconfessed sin is legal ground for the devil to take over; we resist by confessing and resisting the urge to sin.Renewal“...and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.” (Ephesians 4: 23-24)Renewing our minds means pursuing righteousness and holiness.There is no way we can cease to grieve the Holy Spirit until we repent, resist, and renew our minds; this is why we must know exactly what sin is.Ephesians 4:25-29 reveals that lying, thievery, gossip, and filthy speech all make room for the devil.But perhaps the most egregious stronghold we could fall into is bitterness.Bitterness will take away our joy and our victory and sabotage our prayer life; it ruins relationships and churches. The slow burn of bitterness quickly ramps up to clamoring, hostility, and evil speech. This breaks the heart of God, grieves the Holy Spirit, and gives place to the devil.Adrian Rogers says, “Repentance is not just being broken over your sin; it is being broken from your sin.”The devil does not leave willingly; with the authority of the name of Jesus, we must chase him out. We do this by repenting of our sins, resisting the urge to sin again, and renewing our minds with the Spirit of God.Adrian Rogers says, “When we are filled with the Spirit, there is no more room for Satan.”Apply it to your lifeHow do we break Satan’s strongholds? Repent of all known sin, resist the temptation to sin again the moment you become aware of the temptation, and renew your mind with the Spirit of God.
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When We All Get to Heaven

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 3:1-3Adrian Rogers says, “A rich man is poor without Jesus, a strong man is weak without Jesus, and an educated man is ignorant until he comes to know the Lord Jesus Christ.”Without Jesus, Man is ignorant of his past and afraid of his future; he lives somewhere in between mystery and misery. But when we know the Lord Jesus Christ, we experience the sweetest fellowship on Earth and can anticipate joy beyond comprehension when we all get to Heaven.1 John 3:1 says: “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!”First, this passage identifies what we are; it describes our Christian dignity.We are children of God; He loves us as He loves Jesus, and nothing we do can make Him love us any less. Because of this love, we have our Father’s care; we can rest assured that we are provided for. We have His correction as well; He will lovingly chastise us that we may be sanctified and holy in His sight. We have our Father’s compassion; His heart is broken when ours is broken. We have his companionship, and we will never be alone ever again.This passage also reveals what we will be, it outlines our Christian destiny.“Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2). Christ is going to appear; He is coming back to this Earth, and we will see Him as He is, in all of His glory. And this verse confirms that we are going to be like Him.Finally, this passage confirms what we should be; it challenges us to our Christian duty.“And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure” (1 John 3:3). The biblical definition of “hope” is absolute certainty mingled with anticipation. We should live with the hope of His return, looking and longing for His coming. And we should be living for His coming, striving for purity and holiness as we wait with expectancy.Apply it to your lifeAre you living in anticipation of the fellowship we’ll have when we all get to Heaven? Remember your dignity, your destiny, and your duty today.
10/17/202340 minutes, 24 seconds
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Living in the Last Days

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 2:18-19As children of God, we cannot afford to be ignorant of the dynamic days in which we’re living.The sands of time are running low for this generation, and history as we know it is headed for a climax. 1 John 2 gives clear instruction for those living in the last days.First, we need to be awake.1 John 2:18 says, “Little children, it is the last hour…”We’re not just moving toward the last days, we’re living on the edge of them. We are not waiting for any sign, no event must take place—the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is imminent.Adrian Rogers says, “All of the Bible teaches that we’re on the very edge, on the very brink, and therefore we should be yearning and not yawning.”Second, the antichrist is coming and we need to be aware.“...and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour” (1 John 2:18).The time is ripe for the appearance of a person the Bible calls the antichrist. He’s the beast of a man lurking in the shadows of history, ready to step from the wings to center stage. The antichrist is devilish and divisive; he is the diabolical substitute who opposes God and exalts himself. He is deceptive and, as a result, he is destructive. Being a master liar, he constantly attacks our understanding of who Jesus is.Finally, this passage reminds us of our triumph.Our Lord is on His way and we need to be abiding.“Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in the Son and in the Father. And this is the promise that He has promised us—eternal life.” (1 John 2:24-25)If we are not anchored in Scripture, we will be blown away. And if we have the Holy Spirit in our hearts, the Lord Jesus Christ will be revealed in our lives.Apply it to your lifeBecause we are living in the last days, we must:-Be awake: the antichrist is coming.-Be aware: our Lord is on His way.-Be abiding: abide in the Word, the Spirit, and the Son of God.
10/13/202337 minutes, 38 seconds
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Our Great Savior

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 12:42-45In the Old Testament, King Solomon was the apex of all greatness, wealth, and wonder.In Matthew 12, Jesus was criticized and judged by Pharisees. In response, He said, “The queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and indeed a greater than Solomon is here.”By all appearances of class, wealth, and status, Jesus, a carpenter’s son, did not compare to Solomon, son of King David. But the truth is, our great Savior is infinitely greater than Solomon.First, Jesus is greater than Solomon in the wisdom He proclaims.Having written the Book of Proverbs, Solomon was a man known for his wisdom. Yet, despite all he knew, Jesus knew more. Solomon’s wisdom about life, nature, and direction did not compare to Jesus’s lordship over life, nature. and direction.Jesus is also greater than Solomon in His works.Solomon built a temple for the Lord and hosted lavish feasts. But Jesus is building the kingdom, setting a table, and turning us, His people, into living temples of God.Adrian Rogers says, “Salvation is not getting man out of Earth into Heaven; it is getting God out of Heaven into man.”Third, Jesus is greater in the workers that He pleases.Solomon’s servants were notably happy, dressed, and nourished like wealthy men. But as workers of Jesus Christ, we’ve received infinitely more than happiness; we receive conspicuous, continuous, contagious joy that can never be diminished.Jesus is greater in the wealth that He possesses.No one had ever seen a man as wealthy as Solomon. Yet, the cattle on a thousand hills belong to Jesus; every star in the sky is His. This is His world! He has left His followers great spiritual riches no money can buy.Finally, Jesus is greater in the worship that He provides.Solomon led his people in worship; it’s why he built the temple and why God established his throne on Earth. Yet, Jesus sits upon the eternal throne in Heaven and He will never dispossess it. We worship one who is greater than Solomon.Apply it to your lifeDo you worship our great Savior who is greater than any before Him, who reigns for all eternity? Spend some time in Scripture today and thank Him for saving you.
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The Abundant Life

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 11:25-26In John 11, Jesus raises His friend, Lazarus, from the dead; this miracle is an illustration of the abundant life we can have in Jesus Christ, before and after death.First, we must exercise faith in Jesus.John 11:25-26 says, “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die…’”There are many walking about with beating hearts, yet they are dead because they’re alienated from God. They have existence but don’t have life.Our society will try to raise us from our spiritual death by pushing examples for us to follow. People suggest we change our environment or get a good education. But death is still death; the secret of abundant life is salvation by faith in Jesus Christ.We can experience freedom through Jesus.After Lazarus was raised, Jesus instructed Lazarus’ friends to loosen him from his graveclothes. (See John 11:43.) When we come out of the tomb, there are some things about our former life that we must shake off: old loves, sinful language, lusts. It may not happen immediately, but as we grow in grace, we will be unwrapped from our former ways.We can enjoy fellowship with Jesus.After Lazarus was raised from the dead, he sat down for a meal with Jesus. Once we put our faith in Jesus and experience freedom from sin, we can have fellowship with Him; He calls us friends.Adrian Rogers says, “Being saved is not some sort of penalty that you pay to get to Heaven. When I invite you to come to Jesus, I’m not inviting you to a funeral; I’m inviting you to a feast.”Finally, we must express our faithfulness to Jesus.After Lazarus’s resurrection, he received death threats from those who wanted to deny Jesus’ power. But Lazarus could not be intimidated because he was no longer afraid of death.Realizing our souls are forever alive in Jesus Christ is the way to an abundant life.Apply it to your lifeDo you exhibit abundant life in Jesus Christ? Is there something about you that cannot be explained apart from a miracle? Realize your witness today; be the example and evidence of abundant life in Jesus Christ.
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The Resurrection Body

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 15Some people think it is scientifically impossible to resurrect a human body. Fortunately, the power of Almighty God is not shackled by science.Adrian Rogers said, “If God can make the heavens and the Earth out of nothing, certainly He can raise a human body out of something.”1 Corinthians 15 tells us more about the resurrection body, first that it is illustrated with grain:“Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies. And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be, but mere grain...” (1 Corinthians 15:36-37).Like grain, our bodies must be placed in the ground before we can be fructified and brought back to life.Our bodies are constantly changing—adding particles, leaving particles—a cycle of dying and creating cells. However, there is a spiritual nature in us that will never die.Our resurrected bodies are individualized with uniqueness and infused with perfection. In Heaven, we will be made new and perfect creatures of glory. (See 1 Corinthians 15:42-44.)Our resurrected bodies will be liberated from soulish principles and instead will be motivated by spiritual principles.These new bodies of ours will also be identified with Jesus. Though still being fully ourselves, God will conform us to the image of Jesus Christ. (See 1 Corinthians 15:49.)Finally, this resurrection body is immortalized with victory: “So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: ‘Death is swallowed up in victory’” (1 Corinthians 15:54).Easter morning, Jesus rose from the grave; He beat death, removed its sting, and reversed the finality of the grave. When we die, our spirits will be present with the Lord; but one day soon, the body will be raised and given new life.Adrian Rogers said, “Jesus has taken the pain out of parting, the dread out of dying, and the gloom out of the grave. Jesus has given us a hope that is steadfast and sure.”Apply it to your lifeThinking about what happens after our earthly deaths can be difficult, even with the promise of the new life we have been given. Though we may not know the exact logistics behind the resurrection of our bodies, we can trust that we will be made like Jesus.Today, dive into Scripture and cling to its wisdom and instruction; use what you have today to be more like Jesus.
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The Power In the Blood

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 6:53As the classic hymns so eloquently remind us, only the blood of Jesus can wash away our sin. Only the blood of Jesus can make us whole again.But this is only the beginning of the power in the blood. The sacred, shed blood continues its mighty work in our lives even after our sins are washed away and we are whole again.In John 6:53-54, Jesus said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”Using spiritual language, Jesus tells us that our spirits must feed on Him in order to live. Adrian Rogers said, “Jesus is to your spirit what blood is to your body.”First, we must appropriate the constant provision of the blood.Everything we need to live the Christian life is in Jesus. Just as the bloodstream is the source of our physical life, Jesus is the source of our spiritual life. By His power in us, we have been given all things that pertain to life. We must learn how to possess the power that is already in our possession.Second, we must rely on the cleansing properties of the blood.The blood of Jesus not only supplies every need, but it also continually cleanses us. We are purified day by day, so long as we let His blood flow through us.Finally, we must claim the conquering power of the blood.Throughout history, disease has been a greater threat to mankind than any war or wild beast. Yet, one who was immunized was said to have had “wise blood.”In the same way, anything Jesus has overcome, we can overcome, by His powerful wise blood, flowing through our veins.Apply it to your lifeDo you feel weak in your spirit—like there’s a disconnect between the power that was promised and the power you feel in your life? There is a remedy: the blood of Jesus mends the gap. It transforms the source of strength into strength of your own.Jesus said in John 6:57, “As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me.”
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The Freedom of Forgiveness

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 4:31-32It is in our human nature to make mistakes ourselves while finding it hard to forgive others. However, forgiveness is the sole remedy to two very poisonous—and very human—conditions: guilt and bitterness.God’s forgiveness of us sets us free from guilt, and our forgiveness of others sets us free from bitterness.Ephesians 4:31-32 says, “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”There are many compelling reasons to forgive. First, we, ourselves, have been graciously forgiven by God Himself. It is God’s nature to forgive, therefore, an unforgiving spirit is ungodly. If we don’t forgive, we will only know bitterness, and our souls will only know grief.An unforgiving spirit does personal harm; it is self-sabotaging. It is not merely missing a blessing; it is sin. It disgraces Almighty God, discourages the saints, drives away the lost, and delights the devil.Once we decide to follow Jesus and join the family of God, we must learn to practice forgiveness like our Father. If we don’t, not only do we bring harm to ourselves, but we also destroy family fellowship.There are costly requirements to forgive. Jesus knows it may not always be easy; that doesn’t mean it is excused. Rather, He offers to help. We need Jesus to be forgiven, and we need Jesus to enable us to forgive. The same one Who has forgiven us is the one Who helps us forgive others.Adrian Rogers said, “It is the power of Jesus Christ, who forgave us, that enables us to forgive somebody else. You forgive freely. You forgive finally. You forgive fully. And you forgive forcefully.”Finally, we must keep in mind the powerful results of forgiveness. The family of God is a precious thing—and a terrible thing to waste. When we forgive, we free ourselves from bitterness, heal broken relationships, and gain back a brother.Apply it to your lifeIf you’ve been wronged by a brother, forgive for his sake, for Jesus’ sake, and for your sake. Do not keep score. Forgiveness has no limit. When you forgive, you set two people free, and one of them is yourself.
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Stop Enduring Religion

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 7:37-39Most of us have had all the religion we can stand; what we actually need is a personal, vital relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We need to stop enduring religion and start enjoying salvation.John 7:37-38 says, “On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”There are four simple steps to deeply drinking in the satisfaction of Jesus Christ.First, we must understand the subjects—those who thirst.Jesus was not speaking to everybody, rather only to thirsty people. If we’ve been filling ourselves with shallow things like self-love and worldliness, we will not long for the living water of Jesus Christ.Second, we must understand the source of this living water—Jesus Himself.We don’t find living water in rituals or religion or rules, rather, we receive it through Jesus. We will never live “right” until we are filled with the Holy Spirit.Adrian Rogers says, “Holiness is not the way to Christ; Christ is the way to holiness. We don’t work our way to the Way; He is the Way.”Third, we must recognize the secret: “Come to Me and drink.”This living water is free, but it costs everything within us. We must let it sink into our hearts so that we claim Him so deeply that we believe in Him and appropriate His promises.Finally, we must remember the supply.Ezekiel 47 prophecies what we, as believers, are to look like today: a mysterious river, flowing past the altar, which represents Christ crucified.This river’s mighty force brings life where there was death and success where there was failure. This living water brings fruitfulness where there was barrenness and health where there was sickness.When we are filled with the Spirit, our lives will overflow with joy, praise, and service. Not only will there be an income, but there will also be an outflow. We will become springs of revival and rivers of blessing.Apply it to your lifeHave you experienced the living water bubbling up from within? Have you experienced satisfaction in Jesus Christ? Don’t wait until you’re better or stronger; bring Him your failures and heartaches. Come to Jesus.
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How to Be a Good Friend

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 10:25-37In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus tells the story of a man receiving aid from his cultural enemy after falling among thieves.The parable of the Good Samaritan reveals the true meaning of being a good neighbor and teaches us how to be a good friend to those who are suffering all around us.First, this story is about criminal inhumanity.“‘A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead’...” (Luke 10:30).The traveler in this story is a picture of humanity going away from God, battered and robbed by the devil. We live in a hurting world of crushed hearts, bruised spirits, and emotional wounds. People need love; they need the relief of a friend who will care for their hurts.This story also reveals casual indifference.In Luke 10:31-32, two self-righteous men, a priest, and a Levite, pass by the wounded man. These men represent people who follow the rituals and rules of religion but do not have Jesus Christ. Jesus is teaching through this story that religion with its rituals and rules cannot save… only He can.Good Samaritan shows us that loving our neighbor means showing compassionate involvement.“But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion” (Luke 10:33).This compassion must be genuine and gracious; we don’t just wait until hurting people come to us; we go to them.Adrian Rogers says, “A person who has compassion sees people through the eyes of Christ.”This compassion is also gentle: “So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.” (Luke 10:34).In the Bible, oil is an emblem of the Holy Spirit, and wine is symbolic of the blood of Jesus Christ. Oil soothes and wine cleanses.As we have been cared for by Jesus Christ—who takes our place, carries us where we cannot go ourselves, and binds our wounds—we should care for othersApply it to your lifeThere are so many around us walking around with unseen wounds. We must see them with compassion. Commit to sharing the love of Jesus today and be a good friend to someone in need.
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Learning to Stand for Jesus

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:10-14If we stand up for Jesus, we will be persecuted. The only way to escape it is to compromise—to conform to this world. Instead, we must decide now that we will learn to stand for Jesus, no matter what happens.Matthew 5:10 reveals, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”Adrian Rogers says, “Persecution that you receive is the thermometer that registers your love and your courage for the Lord Jesus Christ.”The first reason we are persecuted is because of the life we show.Persecution means to divide; Christians are persecuted because we are different, distinct by our righteousness.The second reason we are persecuted is due to the lies we suffer.Jesus was crucified because of false witnesses; likewise, Christians will be blamed for things they have not done.But the main reason for our persecution is the Lord we serve.Jesus says, “for my sake.” (See Matthew 5:11.) The world hates Jesus Christ because He stands against the very things the world stands for: liquor, abortion, pornography, pride, racism, hatred, and selfishness.Jesus was an exposer of sin; He came to condemn sin and destroy the works of the devil. And as followers of Christ, whom He has called salt and light (irritants and exposers), we can expect to endure personal insult and physical intimidation. There will be social injustice coming from all sides: from the religious world, from the government, and even from our own families.But we can enlist our persecution for the glory of God. Because we are children of the King, we reign in life and can return good for evil.We must also rejoice in the Lord; we have been identified as followers of Christ, and associated with the Lord... what an honor!Finally, we should respond in love. We could be great witnesses if we respond to the hate of this world with the love it desperately needs.These are days of golden opportunity to stand up and share Christ with others; let us not waste them by living in fear of persecution.Apply it to your lifeKnowing the reasons for persecution and the results of it, what is your response? Are you willing to follow Jesus in a world that hates Him? When you are persecuted, rejoice in the Lord and respond in love.
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How to Walk in the Spirit

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Colossians 2:10In Jesus Christ, we are complete; we don’t have to look for anything else. Colossians 2:3 reminds us that all our treasure is hidden in Him, waiting for us to discover and appropriate it.We must learn how to walk in the Spirit.God the Holy Spirit wants to inhabit our human spirit, to speak to our minds, emotions, and wills.Colossians 2:6 says, “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him…”Notice how the Apostle Paul says to walk in the Spirit. We don’t just walk with the Spirit; the Holy Spirit must be the territory of our walk.Adrian Rogers says, “The circumference of our walk is the sphere of the Spirit.”We must make the decision to walk within the Spirit at all times.He will supply all our needs according to the riches of His glory. The Christian walk begins when we take the first step, which is receiving Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. To live victoriously, we must walk in the Spirit one step at a time; once we begin, we never stop.When we walk in the Lord, we’re under new management. Our very character changes; our lives begin to manifest the life of the Lord Jesus Christ.He demands absolute control over our lives. To walk in the Spirit is to be like Jesus.Finally, the Christian life is a continual walk.Our “footsteps” are repentance and faith. These are not things we do once in order to get saved; we repent of our sins and put our faith in Jesus daily.Adrian Rogers says, “Repentance is turning from self; faith is turning to Jesus. And the more you turn from yourself and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, the more real He will seem to you.”And the longer we walk with Him, the more we will realize the Holy Spirit’s control over our lives. We will be cured of our self-consciousness, greed, and competition, for we are complete in Him.Apply it to your lifeIs the life of the Lord Jesus Christ manifested in you? Is He the Lord of your life, the circumference of your walk? Are you taking steps of repentance and faith, turning from yourself, and turning to Jesus, every single day?
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How to Have a Sure Word in Difficult Days

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Timothy 3:12-17We are living in a dangerous time of apostasy; it is crucial that we put our faith in Scripture, our sure word in difficult days.2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…”The Bible is the very breath of God, fully inspired by Him. It is not a partial or progressive inspiration; it is full and complete. The Bible gives us instruction for righteousness.Because the Bible is inspired and instructive, it is instrumental in several aspects of our spiritual lives.First, the Scriptures are instrumental in salvation.Our friends are not saved by our philosophies, ideas, or testimonies. Rather, it is only by the saving grace of Jesus Christ, stated in Scripture. The Word of God must be shared with people in order for them to be saved.The Scriptures are also instrumental in our sanctification.This does not mean the Bible makes us sinless; rather, it makes us mature.Adrian Rogers says, “You’ll never be a strong, mature Christian until you get in the Word of God.”Third, the Scriptures are necessary for service.God does not send us into spiritual war unarmed; the Bible equips us for service, like soldiers in a battle. Our faith is not blind or superstitious; it is rooted in evidence. There is historical and scientific evidence in the Bible; it is an indestructible book that has lasted through the ages. It is meant to be treasured.Faith that is rooted in evidence goes beyond evidence. God is good to give us evidence, but there comes a time when we must go beyond evidence. Faith is more than an intellectual response to facts; it is a moral response to what God says through these facts. This is when faith then becomes its own best evidence.A life built up by the Bible is not easily shaken by difficulty; if we are on the right foundation, we can face any fearful thing life throws our way.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “If you are a fearful saint in these desperate days in which we live, get a bulldog grip on the Word of God because you’re going to need it.”
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How to Build Stability in Your Life

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Peter 1:1-11We all obtain salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. Some grow in grace and knowledge; they become strong, vibrant, and victorious in their faith. Others stumble and stagger, slip and fall.These are dangerous days in which our enemy has inspired confusion to divide God’s people and cause them to question their faith. But God wants us to be strong, stable, and steadfast.2 Peter 1:1-11 shows us how to build stability into our lives.First, we must have a faith that knows.“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord…” (2 Peter 1:2).Assurance is not a feeling; it does not come from intellectual knowledge about God. Assurance is the experiential knowledge that comes from being with God.Adrian Rogers says, “In the Christian life, there is nothing to earn but there is a lot to learn.”Through the knowledge of Jesus, we receive pardon for our sins. After our pardon comes peace with God, and after peace comes power.But we must remember, God has already given these things to us; we are not limited by facts, only our own minds. If we know God’s promises, we can hold onto them in times of deliverance.Second, we must have a faith that grows.“ all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge…” (2 Peter 1:5).If we have this precious faith, we will be diligent about our growth (see 2 Peter 3:18). If we are not growing, we will fall.The characteristics listed in 2 Peter 1:5-7 expand on one another. The first described is virtue, or moral excellence. This leads to practical knowledge, which leads to temperance (or self-control). Self-control will become patience, first in daily trials, then in persecution. And that will lead to God-likeness, which enables us to love one another.Finally, we must have a faith that shows.“For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful…” (2 Peter 1:8).As we begin to grow, we will no longer be barren, blind, or bewildered; instead, we’ll bear the fruit and have deep assurance that we are saved. This assurance is the key to stability in our faithApply it to your lifeDo you have a knowledge of God and a growing faith? Do you bear the fruit of the Spirit for the world to see?
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How to Stay Together When the World Comes Apart

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Peter 3:10-18As Christians, we are citizens of Heaven, sojourning here on Earth as strangers and pilgrims in this world, which is soon passing away.2 Peter 3:10-11 says, “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night… Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness…”Holy means separated; it is not a prideful thing to be holy, it simply means we are different.Adrian Rogers says, “Holy speaks of our character and blameless speaks of our conduct.” Someday soon, this world is going to melt away; but because we have been set aside for a purpose, we will not have to fall apart with it.In this passage, the Apostle Peter describes five components of our holy conduct; in this, we can learn how to stay together when the world comes apart.First, we must look for His coming.“Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless…” (2 Peter 3:14). We must live in the expectation that Jesus Christ could come at any moment; this thought alone keeps us pure.Second, we must labor for His Coming.This labor is primarily through prayer and soul winning. We hasten the day that Jesus comes when we pray for His will to be done on Earth and endeavor to bring souls to Christ.Third, we must live for His Coming.We are to be at peace with God, with each other. and within ourselves. Living in purity doesn’t mean we are sinless; it means there is no unconfessed, unrepented sin in our hearts and lives.We must also learn of His Coming.We ask the Spirit for wisdom as we study God’s Word. Many of the details surrounding the Second Coming are difficult to understand. We must be faithful to read Scripture as it is written, without twisting or distorting it for our own gain.Finally, we must lock onto His Coming.We must get a grip onto the truth of the Word of God, for in doing so, we also hold on tight to our steadfast growth in HimApply it to your lifeChrist’s return is imminent. Are you conducting yourself in a manner of holiness and blamelessness? As you study Scripture, are you holding fast to the truth of God’s Word and growing in your faith?
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A New World Order

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Peter 3:1-13The political rhetoric of our day has been about a new world order; however, what we’d call “new order” is just a rearrangement of the old disorder. We will not know ultimate order until Christ’s return, as prophesied in Scripture.2 Peter 3 gives insight about those who argue against the Second Coming and reveals our confirmation as believers, as we near the Last Days.“Beloved, I now write to you… that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior…” (2 Peter 3:1-2).First, we’re warned about those who will deny Jesus’ Second Coming: “...knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts…” (2 Peter 3:3).Ridicule and mockery have always been the enemy’s chief tools. Jesus was mocked during His earthly ministry; we can expect to be mocked for believing He will come again. Scoffers will inflict emotional and intellectual opposition against the Second Coming; they will tell us that all things will continue as they are. They would rather remain willfully ignorant because they do not want to acknowledge the judgment they’ll face for continuing in their sinful lifestyles.But as Believers, we have the scriptural declaration of His coming. God has promised His return in His Word, and His power declares that He is able. The cataclysm of the flood (2 Peter 3:6) and the promise of fire (12 Peter 3:10-11) reveal how God will intervene.Jesus is the one who holds all things together; when He releases His grip, we will see disaster like never before.And though He can, He has not intervened yet because of His tremendous patience. He keeps the door of mercy open, so we may enter while we still have time.Adrian Rogers says, “Even now, the raging waters of God’s wrath are furiously pounding against the dam of His mercy.”It is God’s desire that all come to repentance. We have a duty to share the saving message of Jesus Christ with others, and we have more opportunities now than ever beforeApply it to your lifeThe souls of men are more important than anything else in our lives. As this world succumbs to more and more chaos, are you committed to sharing the Gospel with others?
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Sick Dogs and Dirty Hogs

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Peter 17-22Plastic preachers produce counterfeit Christians; they seem good, but they are destined for divine destruction.2 Peter 2:22 is more than just sick dogs and dirty hogs; it is a grave warning to anyone who would counterfeit Christianity. The Apostle Peter describes apostates as dry wells, offering much but giving little to a thirsty soul. (See 2 Peter 2:17.) Apostates are deceptive as dusty clouds—their words carry in the wind without any glory, headed for deep darkness.Plastic preachers get their following by allurement. (See 2 Peter 2:18.) They bait their crowds by playing into the power of the flesh and the appetite of the old nature. They cleverly hide what they’re doing with feigned words, and they attract unstable souls. 2 Peter 2:19 reveals that false teachers promise freedom to those who follow their teachings, but freedom cannot be found in a lie.Adrian Rogers says, “Sin always promises freedom, but it brings bondage, and those who are in the deepest bondage think they are free.” When we truly live by God’s truth, we receive His freedom that only increases the longer we study and learn.2 Peter 2:20 says, “...they are again entangled in (the pollutions of the world) and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning.” If we choose against truth as we know it, the deeper we will go into bondage. It would be better if we’d never learned the way of truth (see 2 Peter 2:21).Apostates have known the way of righteousness and rejected it. They did not lose their salvation; they never had it.Adrian Rogers says, “Apostates have religion, but they don’t have reality; they have culture, but they don’t have Calvary. They have a creed, a code, a cause, and a church, but not Christ.”When we are truly saved, our true nature changes; we become God’s sheep. But for apostates, there was no true transformation. They will return to their lives of sin, as a dog returns to its vomit and a pig goes back to the mire (see 2 Peter 2:22).Becoming Christians does not make us perfect; but rather than returning to our sin, we will learn to run from it.Apply it to your lifeIt is harder for a pseudo prophet to convince a growing Christian. Spend time in God’s Word today; resolve to grow in your faith, so you can identify false teaching.
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The Character of a Counterfeit

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Peter 2:9-15Hypocrisy is not new; neither is false teaching. 2 Peter 2:1 claims, “...there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies…”The Bible describes the character of a counterfeit, so we can spot these pseudo prophets with plastic words.First, their character is marked by proud presumption:“...and especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority. They are presumptuous, self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries…” (2 Peter 2:10).The flesh is the old nature inherited from Adam; it is the predisposition to sin. Walking in the flesh always results in rebellion because the flesh refuses instruction and despises dominion.False teachers have an arrogant swagger to them, having no restraint or respect for authority; they will say anything, no matter how wicked.As believers, we cannot take lightly what they have taken lightly. We must be anchored in the Word of God and walk in the Spirit.They are also marked by beastly behavior (2 Peter 2:12).Man was created in the image of God, yet false teachers degrade man to animals. The modern New Age teachings (reincarnation, evolution, mysticism) are tactics from the enemy to trick man into seeing himself lowly. If people can be convinced that we are no more than animals, they will behave that way, giving way to sinful impulses.Finally, these counterfeit Christians are marked by godless greed.They are training in covetousness, seeking to make merchandise out of us. False prophets are not just people who have misunderstood the Bible; they are willfully wicked, and they are people who once knew the truth. They know what’s right and refuse it; they prostitute the Gospel for their own gain.Remember: no power of evil or devil in Hell can stop a Bible-believing church; yet, we the Church can curse ourselves if we let in sin and immorality. But even counterfeit Christians can strengthen our faith because they prove the reality of what they are imitating.Adrian Rogers says, “Never let a hypocrite keep you away from the true riches of the Lord Jesus Christ.”Apply it to your lifeOur faith does not have to be shaken by hypocrites; instead, they can inspire us to teach the truth of God’s Word with even more diligence. Study God’s Word today and ask that He guide you in your reading.
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Unmasking False Prophets

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Peter 2:1-9Adrian Rogers says, “It’s bad to tell a lie and it’s worse to teach a lie; but it is monstrous to teach a lie about God.”The desperate need in these last days is authentic biblical teaching. Scripture tells us that false teachers are among us and warns us of the dangers of their doctrine. We must unmask false prophets to realize their presence and recognize their pretense.2 Peter 2:1 says, “But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.”We can identify false prophets by their message. There are five tests we should run in our minds as we listen to a preacher:1. Source Test: Is the Bible the basis of his teaching?2. Savior Test: Does he believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?3. Subject Test: Is the primary focus of his teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ?4. Salvation Test: Does he teach salvation by grace alone?5. Sanctification Test: Does he teach and endeavor to live a holy life?We can also identify false prophets by their methods. 2 Peter 2:2 says, “And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed.”Good counterfeits will lay false teaching alongside good teaching to confuse their listeners. Their words are feigned, like plastic: malleable and easy to contort. False teachers are known for their manner of living ungodly lives. Almost always, false teachers will eventually be found out for their immorality.But a true person of God will make people aware of their sins and need for salvation.Lastly, we can spot a false prophet by his motive, which is to manipulate his people for his own profit or gain.In this world is full of dangerous doctrines, we must remember what God has done to false prophets in the past. God has set a precedent and He will not spare the false prophet from His judgment.Apply it to your lifeIt is crucial, now more than ever, to learn from Bible teachers who are rooted in sound doctrine. Pray for direction and discernment today. If you are unsure, test the teachings you receive from people in authority, so that you might learn Scripture as it is written.
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Blessed Assurance

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Peter 1:12-21In days of counterfeit Christianity, confusion, and New Age mysticism, we must be acquainted with what is real, which is the Word of God. The Bible is the basis of our belief and the bedrock of our blessed assurance.The Apostle Peter shares three poignant things about the Word of God.First, the Word of God survives human teachers.Peter knew he was going to die soon, and he urged his hearers to remember what he taught them (2 Peter 1:12).Even still, he knew that memory is defective and selective. But we are not at the mercy of memory; God has written His Word down and it will endure forever. It cannot be buried or destroyed; it will outlast us all.Second, the Word of God surmounts human testimonies.2 Peter 1:16 says, “For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty.”The Bible is better than human testimony; it is more real than what we can see with our eyes, hear with our ears, or feel in our hearts. There is nothing wrong with having mountaintop transfiguration experiences. But we must be sure those experiences are confirmed in, conformed to, and controlled by the Word of God. The Bible is our standard and our instrument.Finally, the Word of God surpasses human thought.“And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts…” (2 Peter 1:19).The Bible is not an ordinary book; those who wrote it did not give their own thoughts or philosophies. No Scripture is of its own interpretation, but it is by divine inspiration.The Bible is inexhaustible; it only widens and deepens the more we read it. It illuminates, giving light in the darkness of our hearts.Adrian Rogers says, “By the Word of God, the Holy Spirit pulls back the curtain of night and pins it with the star of hope and floods your heart with the sunlight of the love of God.”Apply it to your lifeDo you believe the Bible is the sure Word of God and study it with reverence and eagerness? Spend time in Scripture today and read it as God’s words written down.
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Treasuring Truth

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 23:23In this day, it is not values that we desperately need, but virtue.We must be able to differentiate truth and fact: we acquire facts but learn truth. Facts deal with knowledge, and knowledge can double, but truth never changes and is settled for eternity. We must make a habit of treasuring truth.Proverbs 23:23 says, “Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding.”We must prize the truth, for it is indispensable, absolute, and attainable through the Word of God. It is not enough just to know it; knowledge without transformation avails nothing. We must see the transforming power behind it, through the Holy Spirit.We must also purchase the truth. Adrian Rogers says, “Salvation is free, but truth is costly; you pay a price to have truth.”John 8:31-32 says, “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”Believing in Jesus is the first step in attaining truth; we must also abide in His Word through discipleship. Discipleship is costly—it costs time, discipline, and obedience; but ignorance is far more costly. We must study the Bible for enlightenment. If we grow in knowledge but not in grace, we will be dangerous to ourselves and others.Adrian Rogers says, “Truth is to your spirit what good is to your body, what light is to your eyes, what melody is to your ears.”We also study Scripture for our enjoyment; reading the Bible should not be perceived as a punishment but as a privilege. We read for our personal enrichment, to sharpen our minds and strengthen our wills. We read Scripture for our enablement, to grow in our faith and fellowship with others.Finally, we must preserve the truth, guarding it against those who will deny, distort, dilute, and defile the Bible. We do this by proclaiming the Gospel truth: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).Apply it to your lifeDo you treasure truth—prize, purchase, preserve, and proclaim it? Do you read Scripture for your enlightenment, enjoyment, enrichment, and enablement?
8/3/202335 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Magnificent Marriage

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 5:22-24Marriage is meant to be a wonderful thing, yet many of us have experienced miserable or mediocre marriages. But through His Word, God has given us directions to develop a magnificent marriage.In Ephesians 5, the Apostle Paul compares the relationship of husband and wife to Christ and the Church: “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body” (Ephesians 5:22-23).God’s pattern for an ideal wife is submission.When a wife submits to her husband, it does not mean she is inferior to him; her duty to submit reflects how the Church submits to Jesus Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “Submission is one equal voluntarily placing (herself) under another equal that God may be glorified.” A wife will find glorious liberation in submitting to her husband, because she has assumed the role God has given her.The husband is to be the loving leader of the family, not a dictator. He is positioned as the head of the house to mimic the pattern of Christ, who is the head of the Church. Jesus does not force our submission. He loves us; therefore we willingly submit. Likewise, a husband cannot coerce his wife into submission; he loves her into it.Husbands are to love their wives selflessly and sacrificially; they cannot put their ambitions, ideals, or desires before their families’ welfare.A husband must also love his wife in a sanctifying way that makes her a better Christian (see Ephesians 5:25-26); it is his responsibility to nourish and cherish her. As he seeks to satisfy his own needs, he should seek to satisfy hers as well, loving her as he loves himself.He must love her supremely, treating his marriage as the highest of all earthly relationships.Becoming one flesh with his wife means a husband will share himself with her, big and small, leaving no part of himself in the dark.Finally, he will love her steadfastly, remaining loyal to her above everyone else.If we look at the relationship of Christ and the Church as our model, our marriages will thrive like never before.Apply it to your lifeIf you are married, pray that you and your spouse would assume your God-given responsibilities and honor Him.
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Knowing the Ways of God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 33:12-14There are two ways we can be acquainted with God: we can know His works (what He does) or go deeper and understand His ways (who He is).In the Book of Exodus, Moses was given a huge task, and he knew he could not do it without knowing the ways of God.Exodus 33:13 says, “Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight...”Knowing the ways of God is the difference between rest and relapse.Moses wanted to know God’s ways and God gave Him rest; on the contrary, Israel never found rest because the people only saw the works of God, and did not seek to know His ways. Knowing God is an eternal Sabbath, because it means we have peace, having put our trust in Him.Knowing the ways of God is also the difference between intimacy and infatuation.It is easy to be excited about the works of God, but genuine faith and knowledge takes time.Moses knew God and spoke to Him as a friend. (See Exodus 33:11.)Jesus performed miracles but did not advertise them; He knew people would be infatuated with the signs and wonders and disregard knowing Him intimately.It is also the difference between being a teacher or a testified.Anyone can give an account of what they have experienced; but someone who knows the ways of God is a teacher, as Moses was.It is also the difference between peace and panic.Many times, things will not work out the way we think; God often works in strange ways.Adrian Rogers says, “God’s ways are always mysterious; God leaves no footprints on the sea of life; no pathways in the traceless sea.”If we extract our theology from the works of God rather than from His ways, we will live in a perpetual panic.Finally, it is the difference between intercession and indifference.Knowing God intimately enables us to pray on behalf of others, as Moses interceded for Israel.Apply it to your lifeWe cannot know the ways of God through our own human ingenuity; it does not come by observation, by interrogation, or by reasoning. We know the ways of God through intimate, face-to-face dealings with Him. Today, seek His face, not His hand, so you can know His ways and find rest for your soul.
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The Magnificence of Motherhood

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Titus 2:1-5God Almighty created and sanctioned the home to be the sweetest place on Earth. Jesus Christ is the greatest home builder; yet our enemy is the greatest home wrecker.There is a satanic war on marriage, specifically on motherhood. We must remember the magnificence of motherhood, and how it is the highest calling women could ever receive.Titus 2:3-5 says, “...the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things— that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.”First, we must remember the glorious place God gave wives.Wives were created to be helpmeets to their husbands. In the home, the woman is to be under the direction and leadership of the man.Second, we need to remember the grievous problem.There are women who do not want that God-assigned place.But we must remember there is a chain of command, even in the home, and we cannot function if we aren’t working within it.Adrian Rogers says, “When a woman rebels against God’s plan, she is sinning against the God of that plan.”When a mother rebels against the chain of command, she also sins against her own nature, her welfare, and her family. There are some who will prioritize their own “fulfillment” over their families, which leads to neglecting their husbands and children.But there is a better way for wives and mothers, and it is God’s gracious plan.1 Peter 3:7 says, “Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.”A husband who has been given the great responsibility of leading the family owes his wife provision. He also owes his wife protection and partnership. She is not to be excluded; instead, there is to be togetherness, as we are co-heirs of grace.Apply it to your lifeThere is a magnificence to motherhood and a glory to femininity; are you following God’s plan? Consider your glorious place as a wife and mother; repent of the grievous problem, and instead, abide by God’s gracious plan.
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How to Prepare Kids for Marriage

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Genesis 1:27Marriage is the most vital and meaningful human relationship we could ever enter into; yet it seems obtaining a marriage license is the most flippant, accessible process to date.If we truly believe in the sanctity of marriage, we, as parents, grandparents, and workers in ministry will prepare our kids for marriage.Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”Men and women are designed with general differences that they might complement one another and contribute to the partnership. God gave Eve to Adam to make up for what was lacking in Adam’s nature, and vice versa; He made them different that He might make them “one”.Genesis 2:24 says, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” This verse serves as an outline for preparing our children for marriage.First, we see the priority of marriage: to leave.Marriage is the highest of all human relationships. When we commit to another in marriage, we leave mother and father and unite with spouse, becoming one flesh.Adrian Rogers says, “The job of a parent is to work himself or herself out of a job; to bring that child to a place where the child no longer needs the parent.” We raise children with the intention of them leaving home to build homes of their own.Second, we see the permanence of marriage: to cleave.When a man and woman are married, they are “glued” to one another; they become a home, together, as one.We must always remember love is a choice; we choose to love. The emotion may follow, but love is a commitment; if we don’t make that commitment, we will walk away when a crisis comes.Finally, this passage recognizes the purpose of marriage, which is to be one flesh, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.We are called to join together physically and multiply; we become one flesh psychologically and spiritually, a blending of spirits, in the highest communionApply it to your lifeA godly home is the greatest way to prepare our children for marriages of their own. Consider the way you conduct yourself, how you treat your spouse; choose to love today.
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What Fathers Should Teach Their Children About Sex

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Deuteronomy 5:18As the heads of the home, fathers should accept the responsibility of teaching their children to follow God’s law.Deuteronomy 5:18 states that we should not commit adultery, yet our world has mainstreamed sexual immorality; by all appearances, it will only get worse.Fathers are to teach their children about the facts of life—one being to remain abstinent until marriage—from the heart, in natural conversation.The Book of Proverbs is a conversation between a wise father and his son; it is a beautiful guideline for what fathers should teach their children about sex.First, the author of Proverbs taught his son the dangers of sexual immorality: it does not bring genuine fulfillment, and in fact, it endangers future happiness.Proverbs 5:3-4 says, “For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil; but in the end, she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.”The idea that sex will ultimately fulfill us is a lie from the enemy himself. It may seem old-fashioned, but we need to teach our children to keep themselves for the one they will marry because waiting proves love.Adrian Rogers says, “Love can wait; it is lust that cannot wait. If you sacrifice the future on the altar of the immediate, you’re making a bad bargain, because you are sinning against your future happiness.”We must also warn them that they will ultimately answer to Almighty God for the way they live. (See Proverbs 5:21.)Fathers should also offer their children clear directions on how to live purely.First, they must guard their company and date only in the right environments. Implore them to be careful about getting in with the wrong crowd and putting themselves in tempting situations. (See Proverbs 5:7-8.)It is up to the father to set limits and guide children through opportunities to prove their trust.Finally, fathers must point out the delights of keeping God’s Word.There is no greater joy than the joy of a Christian home, no security like a lasting marriage, and no satisfaction like a loving mate. God gives good things to His children, if only they will wait for them.Apply it to your lifeFathers, it is up to you to teach your children the facts of life. Vitalize it, verbalize it, and visualize it, as you teach them the dangers, directions, and delights of God’s Word.
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Beware the Kidnapper

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:23-27Every day, our children’s minds, allegiance, love, and souls are being snatched away by the great kidnapper, Satan. We cannot ignore this present danger; we must beware the kidnapper and his plan of attack.Two slaves of Pharaoh, Amram and Jochebed shook the world when they raised their child, Moses, by extraordinary faith.Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Biblically speaking, training up means to create a desire; while they are young, we must create a desire for God in the hearts of our children.There are four things we must beware of that are vying for the hearts and minds of our children.First, we must beware of liberalism in the Church.Liberalism is a dangerous thing; it is what distorts this generation's direction and leads people astray. We must make sure our children are plugged into a true Christian church.We must also beware of humanism in the school.Humanism has infiltrated public education. The misteachings of values clarification, evolution, and sex education are subtle tactics to make our children rethink the standards and values of God’s Word.We must beware of paganism in society.The glorification of alcohol and pornographic music and television systematically seduces our children. We must insist they see past the glamor and onto the destructive consequences of sin.Finally, we must beware of materialism in the home.Hebrews 11:24-26 says, “By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he looked to the reward.”Amram and Jochebed put something in the heart of Moses that no material possession could replace.Adrian Rogers says, “Faith was in the heart of Moses because it was in the heart of his parents.”By faith, Moses refused the things of this world, chose God over riches, and reckoned what was worth having, which is the reward of knowing God.Apply it to your lifeBeware of the kidnapper, who comes to seduce your children with liberalism, humanism, paganism, and materialism. Show your children the beauty of knowing Jesus, and watch as all the things of this world grow strangely dim.s
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Home on the Rock

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 127Our homes are not happenstances; they comprise supreme relationships and require unconditional commitment. God gave us our homes to protect us and develop our deepest physical and spiritual needs.Jesus Christ holds the keys to a fruitful home; if we build our home on the Rock, we build something that lasts.Psalm 127 first reveals the construction of the home.“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it…” (Psalm 127:1a). Our human ingenuity, wit, or wisdom will not help us build our homes. We need a blueprint and a builder; that Person and Plan is Jesus Christ and His Word, which is the Bible.Second, this passage reveals the conservation of the home.“...unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain” (Psalm 127:1b). The one who builds the home is the one who keeps it. Our homes are under attack like never before; we must constantly be on guard.The sins of sexual immorality, alcoholism and addiction, and selfishness corrupt and destroy our homes. It is our job to protect our homes, but we do not have the strength to do it without Jesus Christ.Third, this passage reveals the contentment of the home.“It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for so He gives His beloved sleep” (Psalm 127:2). This verse highlights the matter of discontentment and materialism. We are chasing happiness and material things we think will satisfy. But only God can meet our deepest needs for security, significance, and satisfaction.Finally, this passage speaks of the children of the home.“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward” (Psalm 127:3).Children are a gift from the Lord, given to us to point in the right direction and propel them further than we could ever go (see Psalm 127:4), If we raise them to love God and follow Jesus, we will not be put to shame (see Psalm 127:5)Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “God gives you children to shoot at the enemy…your home is to be the center of the world mission enterprise.”The greatest thing we could ever do for the kingdom of God is raise a child for the Lord. Today, pray over your home; consider how you are constructing and conserving it.
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Living in the Light of the Blessed Hope

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Titus 2:11-15In these increasingly dark days, we may wonder if there is hope for us. As believers, we can live in the light of the blessed hope that Jesus Christ is coming again.Titus 2:11 and 13 says, “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men… looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ…”Hope is certainty based on the Word of God.It is a rock-ribbed assurance and anticipation. This hope is a purifying hope: “...teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age…” (Titus 2:12).When people have hope, they are looking toward something in the future, so they will take care of the present. If we truly anticipate Jesus’ return, we will clean up our lives and keep them clean. We will want to live pure lives and move step by step toward holiness.Hope is encouraging.God our Father is the power, preserver, and purpose of creation; everything is in His control.When Jesus comes, wrong will be made right. He will come for His bride, the Church. Jesus will subdue the devil and He will sit on His throne.Hope is unifying.As we move higher toward holiness, we draw closer together in abounding love with our fellow believers. As we wait for Jesus, we ought to have a fervent love toward one another, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.Adrian Rogers says, “The closer we get to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the closer we ought to be to one another, the more we ought to be in the house of God.”Hope is challenging.Christ’s return should motivate us to bring people to Him in faith. We have such limited time, and we must remember the most important thing is sharing the Gospel with others.Hope is stabilizing.When we’re rooted in this hope, we will not be blown about by the things of this world.Finally, hope is comforting.The blessed hope reminds us that it is not over yet; our King is on the way.Apply it to your lifeAs the days become gloriously darker, we can live in the light of this blessed hope. Get in the Word of God and be faithful to your fellow believers.
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How to Prepare for Persecution

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:10-13According to Scripture, becoming a genuine Christian means facing some kind of persecution. The only way to escape it is to compromise—to conform to this world. Instead, we can prepare for persecution and decide now that no matter what happens, nothing will take our joy from us.Matthew 5:10 reveals, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”Adrian Rogers says, “Joy is a thermostat; it is internal and doesn’t depend on circumstances. Persecution is the thermometer that shows how you are living for the Lord Jesus Christ.”The first reason we are persecuted is because of the lifestyle we show.Christians are persecuted “for righteousness’ sake” because we are different. In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus called us the salt and light of this world. Salt irritates the wounds of this world, and light exposes its darkness. In context, Jesus was saying we are to be irritants and exposers of sin.But we must not confuse punishment for persecution. Adrian Rogers says, “We are punished by good people when we do evil. We are persecuted by evil people when we do good.”The second reason we are persecuted is because of the lies we suffer.Jesus was crucified because of false witnesses; likewise, Christians are and will continue to be blamed for things they have not done.But the main reason for our persecution is because of the Lord we serve.Jesus says, “for my sake” (Matthew 5:11). The world hates Jesus Christ because He stands against the very things the world stands for: liquor, abortion, pornography, pride, racism, hatred, and selfishness.As followers of Christ, we can expect to endure personal insult and physical intimidation. But we can enlist our persecution for the glory of God. Because we are children of the King, we reign in life, and we can return good for evil. We must also rejoice in the Lord; we have been identified as a follower of Christ and associated with the Lord... what an honor!Finally, we should respond in love. We can be great witnesses if we respond to the hate of this world with the love it desperately needs.Apply it to your lifeKnowing the reasons for persecution and the results of it, what is your response? Are you willing to follow Jesus in a world that hates Him? When you are persecuted, rejoice in the Lord and respond in love.
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Waiting for Jesus

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Thessalonians 1:7-10We are on a collision course with destiny, and we cannot afford to be ignorant. The signs of Jesus’ coming are so many—His return is imminent.Adrian Rogers says, “We are not looking for some event in history; we are looking for Jesus Christ Himself.”While we wait for Jesus to come back, we must also remember the wrath that is to come.1 Thessalonians 1:10 says, “...and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.”The Bible clearly teaches that there is a dark, devilish, devastating day coming. Revelation 6 describes a chain reaction of death, represented by four horsemen.In Revelation 6:1-3, the Antichrist will come in on a white horse, symbolizing his dominion. He will be the malevolent, wicked ruler of the world. He will come as the world’s messiah offering peace.The red horse in Revelation 6:4 symbolizes destruction; the Antichrist will inflame men’s hearts with hatred and stir up war.The black horse in Revelation 6:5-6 symbolizes deprivation. As night follows day, so does famine follow war; massive starvation will plague the land.Finally, the pale horse in Revelation 6:7-8 represents death; sin causes hatred, which causes war, which causes famine, which produces death.These four horsemen are ready to ride, and they will ride soon when Jesus returns.These verses also mention the beasts of the land, which could be interpreted to mean the demons of Hell. They are described as irresistible, intelligent, seductive, and ready to devour. Their armor speaks of invincibility. People will not be able to fight back on their own. They will not be able to outwit or outrun them.Yet, God will still be in control; only Jesus can deliver from the wrath to come.We are waiting for Jesus, not the Antichrist. We can be comforted, knowing that Jesus will rapture His church before the Great Tribulation begins.As we wait for Jesus, we must turn away from idols to serve the living God. We wait with expectation and anticipation—looking, learning, longing, and laboring until He returns.Adrian Rogers says, “We’ll work till Jesus comes and then we’ll be gathered home.”Apply it to your lifeAs we wait for Jesus to return, serve Him faithfully; turn from your idols and share the Gospel with others, that God may save them from the wrath to come.
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Signs of the Times

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 24:1-14Mankind has always been fascinated with knowing the future; our only reliable source of prophecy is the Word of God.In Matthew 24, Jesus prophesied His return to Earth, offering signs of the times and the beginning of the end.“And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down” (Matthew 24:2).The temple in Jerusalem was the center of Jewish life; no one believed it would ever be destroyed. Yet, Jesus prophesied its destruction, and it came to be.The disciples asked Jesus: “When will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3).Jesus gave them eight signs to indicate He is at the door.DeceptionOne of the marks of the last days will be a time of great deception, in which all the world will be deceived by the Antichrist.DivisionThe coming generations will see more war, terrorism, hijackings, bombings, and assassinations than ever before.DisastersJesus spoke candidly of famine, plagues, and earthquakes. The human race has brought unprecedented destruction to our physical world. It is as though Earth is heaving in pain, pregnant with judgment.DefamationReligious persecution will increase, particularly toward those who follow Jesus Christ.DesertionWhen persecution against Christians begins, many who are not true believers will desert, unable to withstand the pressure.DisinformationOur world is drenched in disinformation, spread by many false prophets who claim to speak with authority.DepravityAdrian Rogers says, “We have a generation today that no longer believes in a fixed standard of right and wrong; because of that, the moral anchor is gone, and they have gone down into a swirling sewer of depravity.”DeclarationMatthew 24:13-14 says, “But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”The Gospel is more accessible now than ever before; knowing this, Scripture urges us to continue sharing our faith and to endure.Apply it to your lifeKnowing Jesus could return at any moment, we would be wise to trust the Word of God, follow Jesus, and regularly share the Gospel with others.
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666 vs. 777

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Revelation 1:12-13Our God is a God of order and design; all of creation and numerical law is written into the Universe.All of nature is built on numbers; God’s mathematical precision is evident in our studies of chemistry, biology, zoology, and astronomy.If we interpret these Scriptures both literally and symbolically, we can decipher what the number seven means in this specific passage (Revelation 1:20).The key number in the Book of Revelation is seven. If we look closely, we can see the symbolic meaning and spiritual messages tied into numbers.1 – UnityThere is one God, Jehovah, and there is no one like Him.2 – WitnessJesus is the faithful and true witness, promised in both the Old and New Testaments.3 – The Divine TriunityOur Only God is a God of three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.4 – EarthThis is our Father’s world, where we experience directions, seasons, and testings in fourths.5 and 10 – CompletenessEverything is in God’s full control; He will complete what He has begun.6 – ManMan is perfect imperfection. We are sinners; God demands absolute perfection and we cannot provide it ourselves.7 – PerfectionThough we fall short, God has provided perfection through Jesus.8 – New BirthWe can be born again and have a brand new start; God is a God of new beginnings, who makes all things new.12 – GovernmentalThis is the number of patriarchs and apostles, of ruling and reigning; and one day we will see the Lord rule and reign in glory.Understanding what we know about biblical numbers, we catch a glimpse of how the 666 will work in the End Times.Revelation 13:18 says, “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”The Antichrist will be a servant of Satan, a worker of worship, a master of miracles, and a controller of commerce.Adrian Rogers says, “It’s going to be dark for Israel; it’s going to look like the end. The kingdoms of this world will gather together there at Armageddon to obliterate Israel… and just when 666 thinks he has it all made, 777 is coming from Heaven.”Apply it to your lifeSpend some time studying the symbolic and spiritual meaning of numbers in Scripture and what they say about your faith in God.
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The Nature of the Beast

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Revelation 13:1-18The sands of time are running low, and the stage is set; we are at the threshold of the End Times. Revelation 13 unveils the nature of the beast: a man, the Antichrist, who will rise to power during the Great Tribulation.This passage first describes the beast’s sudden appearance.“And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea…” (Revelation 13:1).The sea symbolizes humanity—the multitude of people, nations, and tongues in this world. The Antichrist will rise up in the midst of the world’s distress and chaos and claim a way of peace.This passage also shares his satanic attributes.Revelation 13:2-3 lists physical descriptors which are a composite of all the great regimes in history. The beast will be a combination of every malevolent dictator melded into one, given great fortune and authority by his father, the devil.Third, we see the beast’s seductive appeal.Revelation 13:3 claims the beast will seem appealing, charming, and clever. The entire world will marvel at this man, who will experience a sort of counterfeit resurrection and win the hearts of the world.This passage also addresses his sinister ambitions.“Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation” (Revelation 13: 6-7).This man will be driven to deify Satan, defy the Savior, destroy the saints, dominate society, and delude sinners.Finally, this passage warns us of his supporting agent.This agent, the false prophet, will present the beast to the entire world. Much like the Holy Spirit brings people to worship Jesus, the false prophet will bring people to worship the beast in the End Times.Revelation 13:13-16 explains that, by causing fire in the heavens, demanding worship of an image of the beast, and controlling the world’s commerce through a mark of the beast, the false prophet will bring the entire world to the beast’s feet.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “There is a devilish dark power that is coming to the world and we as God’s children cannot afford to be ignorant.”Knowing the five purposes of the beast, we must keep ourselves free of satanic practices and offer praise to Jesus. Continue studying Scripture and grow in your faith.
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A Panorama Of Prophecy

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Revelation 1:3There is a special blessing for those who study the Book of Revelation. (See Revelation 1:3.) This final book of the Bible is a panorama of prophecy—the unveiling of Jesus Christ.Revelation 1:19 is the key that unlocks the whole book: “Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this.”In the first division of the Book of Revelation, John writes what he had seen in a vision, which was Jesus Christ glorified.Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus came the first time despised and rejected by men; He’s coming the next time as King of kings and Lord of lords.”The second division of the Book of Revelation (the things which are) is the Church Age we live in now. John sends messages to the seven churches, which represent the churches of all the ages.In the third division (the things which will take place after this) John records several prophecies to take place in the End Times.1. The RaptureAt any moment, God will call His Church home to join Him at the judgment seat of Christ. (Revelation 4:1). Because the Church restrains evil on Earth, corruption will take over after God’s people are called home. Revelation 13:1-3 prophecies how the Antichrist will rise to power.2. The Great TribulationRevelation 6:12-17 describes the dire state of the world after the Antichrist deceives the nations. God’s wrath will be so terrible that men will desire death, but death will flee from them.3. The Battle of ArmageddonRevelation 16:13-16 prophesies the Battle of Armageddon, which will mark the end of the seven-year tribulation. Jesus Himself will demonstrate His mighty power over the beast and his army.4. The MillenniumRevelation 20:1-6 prophesies a thousand-year period of time in which Jesus rules and reigns—no more war, only peace on Earth.5. The Final JudgmentRevelation 20:11 claims the millennium will end with final judgment, in which every unsaved person will stand before the great throne of God.6. The Final State of Heaven and HellRevelation 21:6-8 declares that the work of God will be finished; only those who are saved will see the new Heaven and new Earth.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers warns us, “What God began in Genesis finds its climax in Revelation.” Prayerfully read through Revelation with an open heart to learn what God has in store.
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The Beginning of the End

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10Jesus Christ could come again at any moment. The stage is set, and the curtain is ready to be drawn back on the drama of the ages. Things are about to unfold, and we are living in the beginning of the end.2 Thessalonians reveals three tremendous truths about the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.“And to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels…” (2 Thessalonians 1:7).First, we need not be disturbed.Jesus is on His way, and when He comes again, His glory will be revealed. Though we don’t know the exact time or day, we know He will return exactly on time.“When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day” (2 Thessalonians 1:10).We will be witnesses of His transforming love, amazing grace, and steadfast power; our testimonies will be what brings others to wonder at Him as well.Secondly, we need not be deceived.Many false prophets will come, specifically the Antichrist. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 states: “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed...”Adrian Rogers says, “Our trouble began with the sin of man; it will climax with the man of sin.”There’s something very sinister already at work in our world today, called the mystery of iniquity. Once the Church is raptured, there will be nothing to restrain iniquity, and the devil’s evil power will be unleashed.Finally, we need not be disappointed.Jesus will come secretly for His Church, then sovereignly to rule and reign. 2 Thessalonians 2:8 reveals, “Then shall that wicked be revealed, who the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth.”Jesus, who came first to seek and to save, will return with judgment. He came first in mercy; He will return in flaming fire, to take vengeance. He came first in humility; He will return in incredible power. We will not be disappointed if we’ve placed our faith in Him.Apply it to your lifeAs we anticipate Jesus’ return, continue praying for our world and for the lost. Share the Gospel at every opportunity, and live unshaken in this shaky world.
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A Prayer for America

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Daniel 9:1America is at a crossroads of morality and spirituality and we cannot afford to take it lightly. Our nation has been taken captive by the world, the flesh, and the devil. In times of crisis, we remember that our greatest resource is prayer, and our only hope for this country is God.We must commit to pray for America because only prayer can hold back the judgment of God. In the Book of Daniel, God’s people had been taken captive by the Babylonians. In chapter 9, we find a very specific prayer from Daniel for his nation, asking God for deliverance.It was a prayer with serious concentration.Daniel 9:3 says, “And I set my face, unto the Lord God.” It is not the length, eloquence, or frequency, but the faith and fervency of our prayers that reach the ears of the Lord. If you want to strengthen your prayer life, consider fasting. In the Bible, God always links fasting with spiritual activities. We should be careful to fast for the right reasons, not for our own glory.If you feel called to fast, first examine your motivation and avoid extremism. Pray for God’s guidance; be wise about when you fast and for how long.Daniel also prayed with steadfast confidence.Adrian Rogers tells us, “It is impossible to see the greatness of God and the mercies of God and not pray with confidence. Face your problem, but focus on your God.”Daniel also prayed with sincere confession. He confessed his personal sin but also asked God for forgiveness on his nation’s behalf. Likewise, we should confess the sins of America to God: our greed and materialism, our neglect of the poor, our racism. We should ask God’s forgiveness for our nation’s sexual immorality, for killing the unborn, for the humanism we’ve allowed to infiltrate our schools. We must identify ourselves with our nation, and confess on its behalf.Lastly, Daniel prayed with spiritual concern.In chapter 9, Daniel asked for the removal of guilt and the restoration of glory. The concern of our prayers for America ought to be for a revival, not simply for America’s sake, but for the glory of God.Apply it to your lifeThere’s no time for finger-pointing; it’s time for personal repentance and national confession; say a prayer for America.
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The Conquering Christ

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 1:15-23God created man and woman to have dominion and rule over this Earth. Once we understand this, we can claim what was lost by Adam and restored by Jesus, the conquering Christ, the Second Adam.According to Genesis 1:26, God gave dominion on Earth to Adam. But Satan, a fallen angel who became the father of the night, lost the battle in Heaven and hopes to win the battle on Earth.He came to the Garden of Eden as a serpent and tempted Adam and Eve to sin; therefore, they turned dominion over to him and became his slaves. God was dethroned in their hearts, and Satan began to reign.But this dominion, legally lost by Adam, was righteously regained by Jesus Christ.Dominion was lost by a man, and it was legally restored by a man: “For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.” (1 Corinthians 15:21-22)Satan tried to tempt Jesus to sin as he had tempted Adam (see Luke 4), but Jesus defeated Him by the Word of God.Adrian Rogers says, “The first Adam lost it all in a garden; the last Adam won it all back in the wilderness.”The second battle began at Calvary. When Jesus died and was buried, the devil believed he had won. But three days later, Jesus walked out of the grave and brought back dominion that had been lost.Finally, this dominion has been gloriously given to those who believe in Jesus Christ.Ephesians 1:22-23 says, “And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”When God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, He raised us up as well.The devil wants to keep us in the dark, so that we never see the incredible power we’ve been given. But when we finally recognize it, all of heaven will break loose.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “The same weapons that belonged to Adam in the Garden of Eden were the weapons that Jesus Christ used in the wilderness.”Spend some time in Scripture, dwell on the Word of God, exercising your dominion, rightfully restored by Jesus Christ.
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Haunted by the Ghost of Guilt

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Zechariah 3:1-4Our culture has redefined sin but has not been able to get rid of sin’s shame. Until we deal with sin as it is, we’ll always be haunted by the ghost of guilt.Zechariah 3:1-4 is a courtroom scene—there is the accused, the adversary, and the advocate.The accused, Joshua, represents us; there was a strong case against him. Verse 3 tells us he was guilty: “Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and was standing before the Angel.”The first thing we must do with our sin is to admit it. Guilt is not a feeling, it is a result of the filthiness of our sin; it can lead to depression, anxiety, sickness, and spiritual sterility.Adrian Rogers says, “There’s one thing God will not accept for sin, and that is an alibi or an excuse; Jesus did not die for alibis or excuses.”Guilt does not drive us to God; on the contrary, unresolved guilt drives us further from Him, resulting in bitterness.The adversary in this passage is our accuser, Satan. He is pictured as a prosecuting attorney in verse 1: “Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to oppose him.”There’s a difference between accusation and conviction. The Holy Spirit convicts us to lead us to repent, while the devil accuses us to make us feel hopeless. Satan wants to expose our sins for the purpose of our suffering the consequences. He intends to focus our attention on our sins rather than on Jesus.This passage also identifies the Advocate; the Angel of the Lord represents Jesus.“And the Lord said to Satan, ‘The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?’” (Zechariah 3:2).We have a lawyer pleading our case: Jesus Christ, the righteous. He rebukes the accuser and restores the accused. He is never easy on sin—and even while He forgives, He may chasten—but He defends us with His redeeming grace. He takes away our dirty garments and clothes us in His righteousness and purity. “Then He answered and spoke to those who stood before Him, saying, ‘Take away the filthy garments from him.’ And to him He said, ‘See, I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes’” (Zechariah 3:4).Apply it to your lifeIf you are haunted by the ghost of guilt, there are three steps you can take to deal with it:1. Consider the source: Is it a Holy Spirit conviction or a satanic accusation?2. Confess the sin: call the sin by its name; own it for what it is.3. Claim the solution: God has forgiven you of your sin and buried it in the grave of His forgetfulness.
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How to Have a Spirit-Controlled Life

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 5:19-23There are many of us who are out of control and don’t even know it. Being out of control is what Scripture describes as “the works of the flesh” (Gal. 5:19-21). But self-control, a quality of the fruit of the Spirit, is evidence of the Holy Spirit living in us.We do not have to be controlled by our old nature. Instead, we must learn how to have a Spirit-controlled life. The standard for a Spirit-controlled life is the law of God, expressed by our love.Some people see the law as their enemy, which grants them a license to sin; others see it as their master, which turns into legalism. But if we see the law as our friend, we will know liberty. True freedom is found by living in the Spirit of God (see Galatians 5:1).The desires of the flesh are strong; there is an inner struggle we will all face as we battle our flesh. We, ourselves, don’t have what it takes for victory. But our strength comes from the Spirit; when we walk in Him, we don’t fulfill the lusts of the flesh (see Galatians 5:16).Colossians 2:6 says, “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him…”We must be willingly led by the Spirit, one step at a time. We must make the decision to walk in the Spirit, within the Spirit, at all times.The Christian life is a continual walk; our “footsteps” are repentance and faith. These are not things we do once in order to get saved; the step-by-step walk of repentance and faith is our daily practice.Adrian Rogers says, “Repentance is God’s way of revealing myself to me, and faith is God’s way of revealing Jesus to me. Repentance is where I see the bankruptcy of me; faith is where I see the glory of Him.”The longer we walk with Him, the more we will realize the Holy Spirit’s control over our lives.Finally, we see the satisfaction of a Spirit-controlled life. Self-control is a quality of the fruit of the Spirit; fruit is meant to be consumed—to satisfy our souls’ deepest hunger; nothing but Jesus can satisfy us.Apply it to your lifeThe flesh and the Spirit are warring in us right now; it is up to us. Remember: the victorious life is a walk. Step-by-step, live in repentance and faith, and you will find your strength and satisfaction in Jesus Christ.
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The Mighty Meek

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 5:22Meekness is not weakness; it is strength under control. Scripture reminds us that the mighty meek will inherit the Earth. (See Matthew 5:5.)The secret to incredible wealth, leadership, peace, and joy is meekness. When He created us, God put certain drives, abilities, and ambitions into our very nature. Our natural talents are not evil in themselves; but we must yield to the Holy Spirit, so that we may bring Him glory and honor.We learn what to do with our drives, abilities, and ambitions when we remember the meaning of meekness.Some believe releasing or restraining our strength will lead to meekness. But God does not want to cripple us; He wants us to take all that He gave us and control it for His glory. True meekness comes after we surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus offers our wild spirits rest and invites us to submit to His lordship and learn true strength from Him.Adrian Rogers says, “A meek person is someone who has turned the reins over to the Lord Jesus Christ and let Him do for Him and through Him and with Him what he could not do for himself.”The method of meekness is to receive the Word of God. We need guidance; if we want spiritual wealth, wisdom, and worship, we must receive the engrafted Word like a welcomed guest. We can study the Bible with all the knowledge we can muster, but if we do not approach the Word with a repentant and receptive spirit, we will not learn anything worth knowing.We must lay our intellectual pride in the dust, humble our hearts and get right with God; then, we must respond to what He reveals to us. Learning something from the Word and not acting upon it will be to our own detriment.Finally, we must remember the motive for meekness: when we are meek, we will receive our inheritance, which is spiritual wealth, wisdom, and worship.2 Corinthians 6:10 says, “ sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.”Meekness (or gentleness) is a quality of the fruit of the Spirit. We must be filled with the Spirit of God to see the quality of meekness produced in our lives.Apply it to your lifeHave you submitted your abilities, drives, and ambitions to the Lord Jesus? Remember, we become meek as we approach the Word of God with repentance, receptiveness, and responsiveness.
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Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 5:22Faithfulness is integrity, trustworthiness, and loyalty; it means people can count on us. It is a quality we all admire, and it is what God requires of His children.1 Corinthians 4:2 says, “Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.”Faithfulness is a quality among the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22), meaning it is something God produces within us as we abide in Jesus Christ.A good steward is marked by his faithfulness, first, to his family.Adrian Rogers says, “The religion that doesn’t begin at home doesn’t begin.” Husbands and wives must be morally faithful to each other. Parents must be emotionally faithful to their children, who remember more than we realize.We must be faithful with our finances.Our relationship with money says so much about our character. Money is a test: if we are not faithful with little, we will not be faithful with much. If we can’t be trusted with money, God will not trust us with spiritual power.We must be faithful with our friends.True friendships are so important, but they require work. One measure of a faithful person is the health of his friendships.We must be faithful to the Church.Scripture is clear that we are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. (See Hebrews 10:25.)We must also be true to the Word of God.Some “believers” judge Scripture according to their own standards. We are not to judge God’s Word—rather, God’s Word is to judge us.God’s faithfulness toward us motivates us to be faithful ourselves. He is faithful to forgive our sins, to keep us close to Himself, and to show new mercy every morning.How do we become faithful?We become faithful stewards by first being faithful in the small things, which are what truly count. Our lives are not a handful of big decisions—they are a culmination of day-to-day honesty, kindness, and integrity.We must also be faithful in the secret things; we are who we are in secret, when no one else notices.Lastly, we must be faithful in the sacred things. Keeping our hearts warm and right with God is the secret to remaining faithful to the finish.Apply it to your lifeAre you a faithful person? Do you bear the marks of faithfulness? Consider how God has been faithful to you; become faithful in the small, secret, and sacred things.
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What Is the Good Life?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 5:22Galatians 5:22 identifies goodness among the attributes of the fruit of the Spirit. People want good in their lives, but what does it mean to live a good life?Micah 6:8 says, “He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?”Real goodness is a moral characteristic—it is to be good and therefore to do good. It won’t make us rich or popular, but it pays to be good.We cannot deceive ourselves; inward peace and tranquility are reserved for those who are good. A clear conscience grants us tremendous freedom. Living a good life is knowing that if someone else knew us as we did, they would still respect us.Outwardly, the purpose of goodness correlates with the influence it has on others. Adrian Rogers said, “None of us lives to himself and none of us dies to himself. You’re the best Christian, and you’re the worst Christian somebody knows. You’re the only Bible that somebody is reading.”There is also the joy of knowing there is nothing hindering our relationship with God because we are who He wants us to be.The problem is we are not good on our own. (See Romans 3:12.) We have a problem of wickedness and sin in our lives. History proves, the Bible teaches, and personal experience reveals that we are inclined toward evil.There is a pathway to goodness, but it is not through our own doing.In the Book of Romans, the Apostle Paul describes being a saved man, having a new desire and determination to do good. (See Romans 7:22.) Still, Paul said the desire to do good is not enough; Paul came to despair in his sinful nature.But in Romans 8, he reminds us it is not that we are too weak, but too strong. We still believe we can do it on our own; we are trying rather than trusting.But it is the Spirit of God that delivers us from the law of sin and death. (See Romans 8:2.)Because goodness is a quality among the fruit of the Spirit, it is only accomplished if we abide in Jesus, the Vine.Apply it to your lifeHave you been freed from sin, eradicated from your old nature? The pathway to goodness is through Jesus Christ alone; we don’t produce the fruit; we bear it.
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Try a Little Kindness

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 5:22Galatians 5:22 lists kindness among the attributes of the fruit of the Spirit. To be kind is to be useful, helpful, or suitable; it is goodness and tenderness, sometimes friendliness or generosity. As believers, we are implored to try a little kindness every opportunity we get.Adrian Rogers says, “All kindness is just simply love in practical and personal ways.”God saved us through His kindness; in Scripture, Jesus is often referred to as God’s kindness coming into this world.The world will not see Jesus Christ through us if they don’t see our kindness. It doesn’t matter if someone takes advantage of us if we are acting like Jesus; what matters is that we are kind.If we want to receive kindness, we must first give it away, because we reap what we sow.All around us, people are bruised and bleeding—financially, emotionally, and spiritually. We cannot let our busyness distract us from showing kindness.Our kindness should reveal itself during arguments, conflicts, and quarrels.2 Timothy 2:24 says, “And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient…”We must be very careful when arguing with another person, whether or not that person is saved. If he is a brother in the faith, he is part of us. If he isn’t, we could potentially drive him further away from Jesus. Our hope should always be to draw people closer to the Lord. We do this when we express sensitivity in the most unlikely occasions.In times of grief and sadness, acts of kindness speak louder than the “right” words ever could.We must also remember to show sensitivity in our homes. So many marriages are saved by a little gentleness, which is a mark of true leadership; our children need our tenderness, not our belittlement.We must show kindness in church; our greatest opportunity to show the beautiful love of Jesus is among other believers.Because kindness is a characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit, kindness is part of the life of Jesus within us. If we abide in Him, as a branch abides in a vine, we will bear the fruit He produces.Apply it to your lifeEvery day, we have the opportunity to choose kindness. Look for opportunities to be useful, helpful, and friendly. Bear the fruit of Jesus, who is alive in you.
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You're Never a Failure Until You Quit

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 5:22Our society is becoming increasingly impatient every day; we do not deal well with inconveniences.Patience is a quality among the fruit of the Spirit; when we bear patience, we learn that inconveniences are opportunities for growth.Patience is not simply grinning and bearing hardship; it is praising God during those hardships with blazing hope. Without patience, also called endurance or long-suffering, we are failures, but we are never failures until we quit.James 1:3-4 says, “...knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”Patience is necessary for maturity.We become like Jesus as we mature in our faith. But there is no maturity without patience and no patience without trials. God allows us to face trials and tribulations to give us opportunities to grow in our faith.Patience is necessary for victory.We are created to be strong warriors for God, not putty in the devil’s hands. Trials make us victors, not victims; trials exercise our spirits and build our endurance.Patience is necessary for prosperity.James 5:7 says, “Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain.”Many don’t reap because they do not wait; if we want to prosper, we must follow the law of the harvest: We reap what we sow, more than we sow, and later than we sow.God knows what is good for His children, and when it is good for His children.Adrian Rogers says, “With God, timing is far more important than time; just wait on the Lord.”Patience is necessary for tranquility.An impatient person is an unhappy person; when we learn to laugh at the appropriate times and things, we’ve learned well.Finally, patience is necessary for love, because it enables us to see things from another’s point of view; when a person is filled with love, almost nothing can provoke him.We can only bear patience, a quality among the fruit of the Spirit, if we abide in the Vine, Jesus Christ.Apply it to your lifeIf you are having trouble with impatience, have a little joy; find the fun and relax. Pray for wisdom to laugh at inconveniences and strength to endure hardships.
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Peace in the Midst of Your Storm

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 5:22Galatians 5:22 identifies peace as a quality included in the fruit of the Spirit. Peace is not the subtraction of problems from life; it is the addition of power to meet our problems.Sooner or later, we will find ourselves in a storm. But if we want to keep our peace in the midst of our storms, we must remember what God has promised to us now, in the stillness.There are five words of encouragement to remember when facing a storm.Providence: “His purpose brought me here.”In Matthew 14, Jesus’ disciples were caught up in a treacherous storm at sea. The storm they faced did not take Jesus by surprise; nor were the disciples there by mistake. Every storm we face is allowed by God as a correcting or perfecting storm. When we face unexpected storms, we must remember that we are exactly where God has placed us and His providence is there, too.Entreaty: “His prayers protect me here.”Matthew 14:23 reveals that before He appeared to the disciples on the waves, Jesus was alone on the mountain top, praying for them. Jesus sees us and prays for us, especially when we are in the midst of a storm.Assurance: “His presence comes to me here.”Matthew 14:26-27 says, “And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, ‘It is a ghost!’ And they cried out for fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.’”Adrian Rogers says, “In your storm, there is a center that is calm; it’s the heart of God. You need to understand that He is there, He is the ‘I Am’ in the midst of your storm.”Comfort: “His power enables me here.”Comfort is a compound word that means “with strength.” To be comforted by God means to be sustained by His power. God’s will does not take us where His grace cannot keep us. Anything over our heads is already under His feet.Expectation: “His promise assures me here.”God will see us through every perfecting or correcting storm. We do not need to know how, we simply know He will keep His word.Apply it to your lifeAre you in a storm? Remember the promises of God! Take heart; He has overcome the world, and He is walking on the water, headed straight for you.
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Joy is an Inside Job

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 5:22Happiness depends on external things, but joy is an inside job; it comes from within.As Christians, joy is one of our most attractive qualities. It is proof that what we have is real and satisfying. We’re implored to serve with gladness because joy lifts our burdens.Romans 5 reveals four ingredients to having joy.The first ingredient of joy is a cleansed life.“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ…” (Romans 5:1).Faith brings justification, justification brings peace, and peace brings joy. To say we are justified by faith means that the righteousness of God is imputed to us. Because cleansing brings joy, sin is what takes the joy out of our lives. Nothing else in this life can take the joy out of our hearts.Joy is the understanding that there is nothing between us and God. Our sin is the only thing that can break that fellowship. Sinning does not make us lose our salvation, only the joy of our salvation.The second ingredient of joy is confidence.“...through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God” (Romans 5:2).Hope means confidence based on the Word of God. A Christian knows that no matter what happens to him, God is working all things together for good and for God’s glory (see Romans 8:28). If we are confident in this, we can rejoice in this hope. That is why joy is steadfast in sorrow and triumphant in tribulation; it lasts in the losses.Joy also comes from a commitment to the lordship of Jesus Christ.This commitment is the secret to cleansing and staying clean; every part of us must be dedicated to Him.Finally, joy comes from communion with our Lord.Adrian Rogers says, “Joy is not found in circumstances; it’s found in a person.”Joy is a characteristic in the fruit of the Spirit, which means it comes supernaturally as we abide in Jesus, the Vine. We do not produce joy, the Lord Jesus Christ does; we simply bear it.Apply it to your lifeTo rejoice is a choice; it’s not automatic. Do you have the joy that is steadfast in sorrow, triumphant in tribulation, and lasting in losses?
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How to Love and How to Be Loved

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 5:19-23Love isn’t a feeling or an emotion, and it doesn’t just happen. Love involves choice and conduct; we choose to love. The Bible reveals to us how to love and how to be loved.Galatians 5:19-23 describes the fruits of the Spirit—the attributes of a true Believer—the first one being love.1 Corinthians 13 describes this godly, agape love:-Steadfast: Love enables us to be patient and long-suffering.-Serving: Love urges us to be kind, and kindness is serving one another.-Sincere: Love does not consider someone else’s gain its own loss; it rejoices in other’s blessings.-Self-effacing: Love teaches us to be humble; it is not proud or puffed up. Adrian Rogers says, “Pride and love do not dwell in the same heart. You cannot be big-headed and big-hearted at the same time.”-Self-restraining: Love is not rude; instead, it is courteous of others and puts them first.-Self-denying: Love does not seek its own rights or privileges; instead, it seeks the welfare of Jesus, His glory, and the welfare of others.-Serene: Love is not easily provoked or quick-tempered. An explosive response is a sure sign that the love of Jesus is not operating.-Sacrificial: Love does not keep a record of faults or a collection of grudges. It forgives and forgets, even at its own cost.-Sympathetic: Love hurts over others' failures rather than gossip about them.-Suffering: Love “...bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Corinthians 13:7).We cannot love without suffering; there are burdens to bear and risks to take when we love. Love will break our hearts, but we must choose it anyway, because God chose to love us first.The development of this love is a supernatural experience. We don’t produce it; we simply bear it. The vine (Jesus) is within us; if we abide in Him, we’ll bear the fruit.This fruit is meant to be desired and consumed. The world needs this love that the Lord wants to produce through us. We must abide in Him in order to offer His love to the world.Apply it to your lifeDo you abide in Jesus and bear the fruit of His character? Spend time in God’s Word today and pray that the Lord will work through you and develop the love this world needs.
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The Gospel of Grace

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 1:6-12Man has three great enemies: sin, sorrow, and death. There is no answer to these problems apart from Jesus Christ.In Galatians 1:6, Paul questions why the Galatian church has deserted the Gospel of grace and followed a “different” Gospel.This specific, social gospel these believers bought into had to do with self-effort and good works. But the true Gospel reminds us it is the grace of God alone that saves us from our sins.To understand the Gospel of grace, we must see the satanic opposition.Satan fought against grace. Satan has no raw materials; he perverts the good that already exists. If he can convince us to accept a synthetic gospel, we’ll never see our need for the real Gospel.Second, we see the settled origin of the Gospel: God taught it.Galatians 1:11-12 says, “But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.”Adrian Rogers says, “The Gospel is not man’s invention; it comes by divine revelation.”We cannot bring human ingenuity, wit, or wisdom against the Gospel. It does not matter how we feel; what God says is the only thing that counts. We do not need a “new, modern” gospel for the new, modern age; the Gospel of grace is settled.Third, we see the sacrificial obtainment of the Gospel: Jesus bought it.The Gospel of grace was purchased by the blood of Jesus The true Gospel is centered on Christ alone—His death, burial, and resurrection. He is the only way to salvation.Fourth, we notice the saving operation of the Gospel: Grace wrought it.Grace is what caused God to love us while we were sinners. It is a seeking, saving, and securing grace. This grace is sufficient and surviving; it will never run out or fade away.Finally, we see the singular obsession with the Gospel: Paul taught it.In a world obsessed with what others think of us, we should become like the Apostle Paul, who was solely interested in pleasing Jesus.Apply it to your lifeDo you believe in the Gospel of grace? Remember, the only true Gospel is the one centered on Jesus Christ. Do not spend your time concerned with pleasing men; focus on pleasing God.
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The New World Order

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 15:13-18In Acts 10, the Gospel was made available to Gentiles for the first time. Up until Acts 15, many in the church believed Christianity was exclusively for the Jews. Concerned, they met in Jerusalem to discuss God’s plan for the Jews.Acts 15:18 reads, “Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.” God has a plan for this world, the church, for the Jew and the Gentile. And as we hear rumors of a new world order in these last days, we know the reasons why the world is out of sorts to begin with.The church is out of her rightful place.The church, which is the bride of Christ, belongs with the groom. Through the Holy Spirit, He is with us, but we are not by His side. Ephesians 1:13-14 explains that the Holy Spirit is “the earnest of our inheritance,” meaning He is a token of God’s love to His Bride while we wait to join His side.Second, there will never be world order until Israel is restored and there is peace in Jerusalem.God is not finished with the Jewish nation; they are still the chosen people. God gave the land of Israel to Abraham’s descendants in an everlasting covenant, yet, the Jews have been scattered across the earth. As God prophesied Israel's disobedience, dispersion, and disgrace, He also prophesied their resolve and return.Third, Satan is out of place, because the criminal belongs in prison.There will never be order as long as Satan’s spirit is working. The world stumbles in darkness orchestrated by Him. But Satan will not always have the run of this world. There’s coming a time when he will be cast into the prison of his own making: hell.Finally, there will be no world order until the King is on the throne.Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords; soon, His Will will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.Adrian Rogers says, “I cannot wait for the time our Lord comes and we have a new world order; when the church and Israel and Satan and Jesus are in their rightful place. It has a good ending, and we’re on the winning side.”Apply it to your lifeAs the days grow gloriously dark, pray for the nation of Israel, and for those who may not know the Lord.
5/30/202337 minutes, 48 seconds
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What's Wrong with Animal Rights?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Genesis 1:26What’s wrong with animal rights? In simplest terms, the belief behind the Animal Rights Movement is that there is no difference between man and animal. But Scripture says otherwise.According to the Book of Genesis, both man and animal were created by God separately; neither evolved from the other. Though there are similarities, there is a stark contrast between man and animal as well.For one, man has a longing in his heart to know God.Man is created in God’s likeness —not in His physical image, but in His moral and spiritual image. When God created animals, in his mercy, He gave them instincts. But when God made man in His image, He gave them spirits.Adrian Rogers says, “The Holy Spirit is to man what instinct is to the animals. Now, if you were to take the instinct out of the beehive, what would happen? It'd be very much like our world today—men without the Holy Spirit.”Man has a capability for dominion, but he also has a capacity for depravity… one that animals don't have.Animals can't sin because animals don't have any choice. The reason they don't have any choice is they don't have any moral basis; but man does!Man also has a concern for his destiny that animals do not have.Man is the only creature who knows he's going to die, while animals never think about death. But the Bible says that God has put eternity in the hearts of men.Animals have a body and a soul (a soul being made up of a mind, emotions, and a will). But only man has a spirit. And the Holy Spirit molds us into what we're meant to be.Adrian Rogers also adds, “With your body you know the world beneath you. With your soul you know the world around you. But with your spirit, you know the world above you! And God made man with a spiritual capacity to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him.”Apply it to your lifeWhat did God make you to do? God created you to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him. The Bible says, "It is in him that we live, and move, and have our being." Do you know Him, love Him and serve Him with the spirit He gave you?
5/26/202333 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ghosts That Haunt Us

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Job 8:8Adrian Rogers tells us, “Truth is to your spirit what food is to your body, what light is to your eyes, and what sound is to your ears.” There is a famine in the world for truth; this is why, as Christians, we can never lose our burning ambition to discover, know and practice truth.In Job 8:8, Job’s friends respond to his suffering with an urge to appeal to look for answers from the philosophers of yesterday. And America has been shaped, molded, and skewed by a few philosophers of yesterday; their ghosts still haunt us, even now.The first is Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, who rejected moral absolutes and alluded to the dangerous sentiment that the strongest idea wins, and therefore history is evolutionary and there cannot be any absolute.Ludwig Feuerbach built upon this theory by saying, “If there are no absolutes, then there can be no God,” coining what we now know as humanism.Karl Marx built upon Feuerbach’s theory by asking, “If there is no absolute and no God, what is the future and purpose of mankind?” As a result, Marx founded communism: a godless system that refutes the worth or dignity of an individual.Then came Charles Darwin, who asked, “If there is no God, then how do we explain our existence?” He concluded that man is simply a product of evolution.The final ghost that still haunts us is Sigmund Freud, who says our idea of God comes to us from our childhood fathers. The extreme permissiveness and perversion we see today is also a result of Freudian psychology.These ideas have been around for a long time but have resurged in recent days. We shouldn’t be discouraged; these theories do not have something readily available to us, as Christians: the truth, and the Holy Spirit. We, who see the Bible as the incorruptible, indestructible, and indispensable Word of God, must stand, anointed with the Holy Spirit and a heart full of love, and preach the absolute truth of the Gospel.Apply it to your lifeDo you know what you believe, and why you believe it? Familiarize yourself with the truth of the Bible. Remember, as Adrian Rogers says, “Facts are like a recipe and truth is like the meal; digest the truth and it will change your life.”
5/24/202332 minutes, 36 seconds
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Christian World View

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:10As Bible-believing Christians, our worldview affects everything in life. Yet we are living in a post-Christian society, hostile toward those who view the world as we do. As a result, we may be tempted to retreat; but in reality, there is no place to hide.Rather, we have to come together, united in our Christian worldview, and learn how to articulate it.We recognize five principles of our worldview in the Book of First Peter. This letter was essentially a handbook for survival for the early Christians in Rome.1 Peter 3:15 says, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” Here are the five principles:Lordship.We must make up our minds that nothing will stand in the way of obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.Learning.Those who don’t know Jesus have some excellent questions; we must make a habit of learning all we can so we’re ready to give an account for what we believe and why.Lowliness.The Bible teaches that we are to have a lifestyle of meekness. Meekness is not weakness; it is strength that is channeled and under control.Lifestyle.The early Christians possessed a hope so real, vibrant, and incontrovertible, that they stood out. Our only chance against a world that bad-mouths and criticizes us is our ability to out-live, out-love and out-pray people. Our hope is our rock-ribbed assurance in Jesus Christ.Love.We live in a hurting society, with wounds desperate to be mended and questions desperate for answers.Adrian Rogers says, “Our job is not to save America; our first responsibility is not to preserve our freedoms. Our prime responsibility is to witness to this world of Jesus’ grace and power; to say it and mean it, “Jesus is Lord.’”As the days grow gloriously dark, we can find comfort in knowing the church will survive, for Jesus said, “Upon this rock I’ll build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).Apply it to your lifeAs Adrian Rogers says, “We are personal representatives of the Lord Jesus, and the church can continue to grow even when it is perceived by (society) as the enemy. I’m calling you to a Christian world view that’s backed up by a Christian lifestyle.”
5/22/202340 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Secret of Satisfaction (1864)

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 20:17Exodus 20:17 reveals the final Commandment, which is, "You shall not covet..."God has given us a desire for love and happiness. It’s not wrong to want success or victory, nor is it wrong to acquire these things. Rather, this commandment warns against unlawful desires. Covetousness has an appetite that is never satisfied. Whether material possessions, money, power, fame, or status, we have been tricked into believing that newer, bigger, or better will bring us happiness. If we want to know the secret of satisfaction, we reject any trace of covetousness in our lives.First, think about the perplexing problem of covetousness.It is a very deceptive and debasing problem; not many acknowledge that they struggle with this sin. We are egocentric by nature and often wear the cloak of self-righteousness. Adrian Rogers says, “The heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart.”It’s a destructive problem. There is a reason why the Bible condemns making riches our lifelong goal. When we do that, we make gods out of wealth when our desire should actually be to "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33).Covetousness is also a lack of perspective.A covetous person is a person who has not put his eyes on the Lord, for contentment is found in Jesus Christ, alone. Hebrews 13:5-6 says, “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So we may boldly say, ‘The Lord is my Helper. I will not fear. What can man do to me?’” Adrian Rogers says, “The only truly satisfied people in this world are the ones who’ve let go of this world and taken hold of Jesus Christ with both hands.”As Christians, we have everything we need: We have our salvation and family, our brothers and sisters in Christ. We have knowledge of the Word of God, and wisdom that comes from our time spent in Scripture. We have the peace of God that passes understanding; when we gain this righteous perspective, we can see we are very, very rich.Apply it to your lifeIf we want to rid ourselves of covetousness, we must apply this daily practice:1. Trust in the Lord.2. Develop a habit of thankfulness.3. Learn to love other people.4. Learn to give.
5/19/202338 minutes, 25 seconds
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Truth or Consequences

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 20:16Exodus 20:16 reveals, "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."There is an alarming decline in basic honesty in our nation. We know more facts and believe less truth than ever before. As we choose between truth and consequences, we must consider three things about our witness.First, we must remember the liability of a false witness.Bearing a false witness is perhaps the most foolish and damaging thing we could do; it is hurtful to people and hellish before God.The father of all false witnesses is Satan himself; there is no truth in him. We are never more like him than when we bear a false witness. When we slander, falsely criticize, remain silent when we ought to speak or insinuate things that are not true, we bear a false witness and break God’s holy commandment. We will receive the judgment of Almighty God.Second, remember the reliability of a faithful witness.Jesus Christ is called, “the faithful witness of God.” (Revelation 1:5) When we tell the truth, we are like Him. Acts 1:8 says, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me.”As witnesses of Christ, we are called to testify of what Jesus has done for us, to tell the truth of who He is and how He has saved us.Finally, we must remember the responsibility of a family witness.Adrian Rogers says, “There is a crying need in America today for families that know, believe, love, teach, speak, and share the truth. A home that is not built on truth will crumble.” How do we translate the importance of a faithful witness to our children?-By precept: Teach your children Scripture so they know and understand the Holy commandments.-By example: Moms and Dads should tell the truth and keep their word. Integrity is so very important, especially in the home.-By discipline: As parents in this corrupt world, we cannot tolerate deliberate disobedience, defiant disrespect, or dishonesty from our children.Apply it to your lifeAre you living a life of honesty? If you want your home to win and your children to obey God, it starts with you. Take these commandments one at a time, measure your life by them, and teach them to your children.
5/18/202337 minutes, 40 seconds
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Integrity: Don't Leave Home Without It

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 20:15Exodus 20:15 reveals the eighth commandment: “You shall not steal.”It seems that we have forgotten the basic rules of honesty. Any time we take anything that belongs to someone else or keep from someone the thing that we owe to them, we are guilty of stealing. There are three grand principles found in Ephesians 4:28, that we are to etch into the consciousness of our children:Integrity"Let him who stole steal no longer..."Stealing isn’t just burglary or embezzlement; it can also mean fraud. Lying is a form of stealing; half-hearted work is stealing. Gambling is another form of thievery; it is an attempt to get what belongs to someone else without giving him anything for it. We belong to God, whether we acknowledge it or not. When we live for ourselves and not for God, we are robbing God of what is His. When we fail to tithe to the church, we are stealing from God, as well. Adrian Rogers explains, “It pays to serve Jesus; it pays every step of the way. You have defrauded yourself: In seeking to get, you’re the one who loses.”Industry“…but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good..."Work is not a curse; it is a gift from God, and absolutely imperative in our world. When someone receives something without working for it, someone else has to work for it without receiving it. We must begin instilling a good work ethic into our children early, so they grow up to become hard workers.Generosity"...that he may have something to give him who has need."The opposite of stealing is giving. Just as we teach our children the importance of hard work, we must teach them the importance of charity. As Christians, we labor to meet our needs and give to others. It’s a sin to expect the government to care for our loved ones when we, ourselves, ought to do it.Adrian Rogers says, “Misery comes from mirrors. Joy comes from windows when we’re beginning to pour out and give to others.”Apply it to your lifeWould you like to teach your children the importance of working with honesty, vigor, and the expectation to give it away? Adrian Rogers emphasizes this powerful advice from John Wesley: “Make all you can, save all you can, and give all you can.”
5/16/202332 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Key to a Magnificent Marriage

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 20:14The key to a magnificent marriage is found in Exodus 20:14, which reveals: “You shall not commit adultery.”As Christians, we have a responsibility to uphold this commandment, whether or not we’re married. The modern world tells us that the Ten Commandments, especially this one, are out of date and old-fashioned. Generations come and go, but the Ten Commandments remain. They don’t need to be amended or revised, and we are broken upon them if we try to break them. But if we obey them, they liberate us. We have to teach the next generation of God’s plan for a magnificent marriage.God’s original plan for marriage in Genesis 2 emphasizes a supreme commitment between a husband and wife.It is of the highest priority, above any other human relationship. The Bible also teaches about the permanence and purpose of marriage. Mark 10:9 says, "Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate." Adrian Rogers says, “Marriage is a romance; in the first chapter both the hero and the heroine die and become one new person.”Second, we need to warn our young people that adultery is a sin.It is a sin against one’s own self, against the home. No other sin does more personal damage––spiritually, mentally, or physically–– than immorality. Adultery is a sin against the church; when a member of a church lives in sexual immorality, he sins against the holy body of Christ. No matter how society tries to glamorize it, adultery has destroyed great nations in the past: Greece, Rome, Egypt, Babylon, to name a few. It may be the sin that destroys our nation, as well, because it is a sin against Almighty God.As the next generation grows and prepares for marriage, we need to model magnificent marriages through our own.Apply it to your lifeIf you are struggling in your marriage, consider these steps:Make the decision; bring your failures and sins before Jesus Christ.Depend on Christ; let His life in you energize you and give you power.Exercise your devotion to Christ and to your family.Let your love develop, cultivate, and grow over time.Guard your heart; be disciplined, and have control over who or what you let into your life.Remain determined; make up your mind that you will not fall into temptation before it comes.
5/12/202335 minutes, 37 seconds
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Families that Choose Life

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 20:13Exodus 20:13 reveals the sixth commandment: “You shall not murder.”Life is God’s wonderful gift that we might choose to enjoy. Jesus is the great life-giver; He alone gives us physical, spiritual, and eternal life. John 10:10 says, “I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly.” And Adrian Rogers says, “With his body, a man knows the world beneath him; with his soul, the world around; and with his spirit, the world above him.”We have an enemy who wants to destroy life. He wants to bring physical, spiritual, and eternal death. His method is deception; he deceives, then destroys, then damns. We must be families that choose life; we must protect the physical, spiritual, and eternal lives within our homes.The family is given to protect physical life.As true Christians who believe in love and life, we should be deeply disturbed by the senseless murders broadcast on the news. We should be alarmed by the increasing rates of suicide, heartbroken for those who could feel so hopeless. We are also called to oppose abortion; we should never be desensitized by the crime of infanticide. In a world that dares to discredit the value of our unborn children, we must speak on their behalf. Protecting physical life also means preserving the family from wicked vices and addictions. Alcohol, drugs, binge eating, cruelty, and hatred destroy the family from the inside out. We must oppose them.The family is given to provide social life.In such an untrustworthy society, we are called to make home the happiest place on earth for our children, setting them up for good health and success.The family is given to present spiritual life.Moms and dads ought to lead their children to Jesus, praying for and pleading for their spiritual life until there is full assurance that they are truly saved.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “Families need to choose life! You’ve got to build a wall around the roof of your house, lest your children fall off.You need to protect them; their physical life.You need to provide their social life and make home the happiest place on earth.And you need to pray for and plead for their spiritual life and say, ‘I will not go to Heaven without my children to come with me.’”
5/11/202331 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Make the Rest Day the Best Day

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 20:7The Ten Commandments were given for our good and welfare because God wants our homes to be vital and victorious. Exodus 20:7 reveals the third commandment: "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain."We’ve been instructed not to take the name above all names in vain; which infers that we are to take this name in victory. In the Bible, names encompass prayer and prophecy. The name Jesus means, “Jehovah saves.”There’s personality in that name; our God is not some abstraction. He is a person who keeps His word. There is power and protection in His name, in which we can take refuge.There’s provision in the name. In John 16:23, Jesus says, "Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you."Because of this, we ought to praise His name and teach our children not to take the precious name of God in vain. How do we take God’s name in vanity?-Profanity: According to Pastor Rogers, using God’s name in profanity reveals “an empty head and a wicked heart.” We have to be careful with our words.-Frivolity: Joking about God is a dangerous game that we dare not play. We should make a habit of expressing our humor wisely.-Hypocrisy: This is using God’s name without truthfulness or righteousness. Nothing turns our children away from the Gospel like a hypocritical parent.Colossians 3:17 reads, “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”If we want our children to take the Lord’s name in victory, we must teach them to wear the name--to remember who they are and whose they are. We must also teach them to share the name--we will be known by our character, our contemplation, and our conversation. And finally, as Adrian Rogers says, “Teach them to bear the name, to unfurl the banner, and to march under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel. Don’t be ashamed of the one who died for you.”Apply it to your lifeTeach your children to wear the name, share the name, and bear the name of Jesus Christ.
5/9/202337 minutes, 14 seconds
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Has the Nuclear Family Bombed?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 20:12God created the nuclear family, but with the world in its current state, we may be tempted to ask ourselves: Has the nuclear family bombed?God gave us families for living, learning, and lasting; they are a little part of the Garden of Eden that we have carried with us. Adrian Rogers says, “When the home begins to decay, the nation begins to decay.”Exodus 20:12 says, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.”Whether we are worthy or not, children must honor their parents. But are we fathers and mothers worthy of honor? We can never be perfect parents, and we will never have perfect children. But there are five ways to parent our children that are worthy of honor, regardless of our imperfections.First, by loving them: Love is not giving our children what they want, it is giving them what they need. They need this love steadfastly and consistently. Children need hugs, blessings, and comfort. They need a listening ear and their parents’ prayers.Second, by lifting them: Wise encouragement is better than lavish praise. Children need encouragement like a plant needs water. We must let our speech be positive and affirming.Third, by limiting them: It takes firm restrictions to set children free. It is our responsibility to liberate them by limiting them. These limitations, though lovingly placed, will be tested over and over again, but they should never move. Psalm 11:3 says, “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”Fourth, by leading them: To teach without training is to fail in your task. We need to compliment character more than talent and teach by example. There should be more emphasis on moral attributes than sports, grades, or popularity.Finally, by laughing with them: Serious situations call for a lot of laughter. Our homes should be filled with joy and happiness. We should let our children see that God is over every circumstance, and we are free to laugh at ourselves, even in times of trouble.Apply it to your lifeDo you honor your parents? Are you a parent worthy of honor? Evaluate your relationships today, and pray for God’s guidance and grace.
5/5/202334 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Name Above All Names

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 20:7The Ten Commandments were given for our good and welfare because God wants our homes to be vital and victorious. Exodus 20:7 reveals the third commandment: "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain."We’ve been instructed not to take the Name Above All Names in vain; which infers that we are to take this name in victory. In the Bible, names encompass prayer and prophecy. The name Jesus means, “Jehovah saves.”There’s personality in that name; our God is not some abstraction. He is a person, who keeps His word. There is power and protection in His name, in which we can take refuge.There’s provision in the name. In John 16:23, Jesus says, "Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you."Because of this, we ought to praise His name and teach our children not to take the precious name of God in vain. How do we take God’s name in vanity?Profanity: according to Pastor Rogers, using God’s name in profanity reveals “an empty head and a wicked heart.” We have to be careful with our words.Frivolity: joking about God is a dangerous game that we dare not play. We should make a habit of expressing our humor wisely.Hypocrisy: using God’s name without truthfulness or righteousness. Nothing turns our children away from the Gospel like a hypocritical parent.Colossians 3:17 reads, “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”If we want our children to take the Lord’s name in victory, we must teach them to wear the name--to remember who they are and whose they are. We must also teach them to share the name--we will be known by our character, our contemplation, and our conversation. And finally, as Adrian Rogers says, “Teach them to bear the name, to unfurl the banner, and to march under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel. Don’t be ashamed of the one who died for you.”Apply it to your lifeTeach your children to wear the name, share the name, and bear the name of Jesus Christ.
5/4/202334 minutes, 40 seconds
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Learning Family Worship

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 20:4The Ten Commandments are wonderful laws to live by, for all time, eternal and universal. When we build our families upon them, they become our strength. The first commandment tells us who to worship: “No other gods.” (Exodus 20:3) The second commandment tells us how to worship. Understanding this, we can begin learning family worship.First, we must have a proper conception of God. Man is incurably religious; if he doesn’t worship the true God in the right way, he will worship something else. There are all kinds of false idols: we make idols of ourselves, money, family, popularity, pleasure or sex, and sports.Exodus 20:4-5 reads, "You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God..."This holy, righteous jealousy of God means He will not compete with our toxic idols, for they represent our lust, greed, war, and vengeance. False worship is iniquitous; it corrupts the minds. The greatest thing we can do for our children is to teach them to worship.2 Chronicles 26 tells the story of King Uzziah, who decided to worship God in a way that was forbidden. His disobedience led to his son’s sins, and his grandson’s sin, each one of his descendants drifting further from the correct conception and picture of God. Adrian Rogers says, “Sin never hurts just one person; understand that. We’re bound up in our humanity together. And the most hideous result of sin is its effect on the sinner’s children.”In 2 Timothy 1:5-6, Paul said to Timothy, “When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois and in thy mother Eunice, and I am persuaded that in thee also.”The law of sowing and reaping reaps for good, too. True worship leads to generations of believers, each as devoted to God as the last.Apply it to your lifeDo you worship the one true God? Do you worship Him in spirit and in truth? Do your children know that you love Him more than anything else?
5/3/202332 minutes, 30 seconds
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It Takes God to Make a Home

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Deuteronomy 5:6-6:12Our families cannot survive apart from a moral base, which is why it takes God to make a home. God’s plan for the home is to be so super-charged with spiritual truth and godliness that these things will go from one generation to another.To do this, we must refer back to the timeless Ten Commandments found in Deuteronomy 5. The Ten Commandments declare the great revelation that there is one Lord. Scripture declares the fact of God. Deuteronomy 6:4 says, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one!”Creation displays the hand of God; the laws of God have been discovered by scientists… not the other way around.Faith discovers the belief in God. By Scripture and Creation, we have external evidence of our Creator; by faith, we have internal evidence. Adrian Rogers says, “God so created you that when your heart is right, your heart will respond to the fact of God.”The great response to this revelation is one love. Deuteronomy 6:5 says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength." Our love for God should be a sincere, selfless, strong love, that our children learn more from than anything else. By our loving response to this great revelation, we realize our great responsibility to uphold this law.Deuteronomy 6:6-7 says, "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."We must teach the Ten Commandments to our children, convincingly and creatively. Learning Scripture doesn’t have to be dull; it is caught as well as taught.We must teach consistently and conversationally; when the curiosity factor is high, we must answer.And when we teach these commandments conspicuously, our children will know without a doubt that we believe what we believe.Apply it to your lifeHave you had the great revelation of one Lord? Have you responded with a great love for God and a desire to teach His Word to your children? Teach them, convincingly, creatively, consistently, conversationally, and conspicuously.
5/1/202334 minutes, 52 seconds
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Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 10:36We live in a society of instant gratification, so much so, most of us are out of the habit of waiting. But so many times, there is a waiting period between asking and receiving. This is why we must learn the virtue of patience.Hebrews 10:36 says, “For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise…”Adrian Rogers says, “With God, timing is more important than time.”There are reasons God delays our requests or withholds blessing for a time. God may not give us what we want when we want it, because we are not ready to handle it. As we wait, we will develop and grow in faith, becoming ready to receive it. We should also remember that God does not give answers to those who are not diligent. As we wait, we must learn to diligently seek Him. God could also be waiting to ensure we are devoted to Him rather than the blessing we seek from Him.There are three things to consider as we patiently hold onto His promise.First, we must remember yesterday’s provision.We are prone to forget the works and goodness of God, and how He graciously delivered us before.God has seen us through dark times, trials, and difficulties; we should always remember He took care of us yesterday.Second, we must resolve today’s patience.Many fail to receive because they have failed to endure. We cannot throw away our confidence, because we will need it to bear up under trials and difficulties. Patience is more than waiting or silent suffering; it is abiding with steadfastness and constancy. It is the bridge between doing the will of God and receiving the promise. Patience is not grinning and bearing—it is a blazing hope that refuses to let go of the promise.Finally, we must rest in tomorrow’s promise.Adrian Rogers says, “God doesn’t owe us explanations; God gives us promises.” No matter how dark the days become, God will keep the promises He gave us in Scripture. There will be a bright tomorrow because God’s Word will never pass away.Apply it to your lifeWe need patience, so we might inherit the promises of God. Remember yesterday’s provision, resolve today’s patience, and rest in tomorrow’s promise. Get a hold of the Word of God and never let it go.
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The Dangers of Extremism

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Titus 2:14-15Every Christian is in need of a passionate love for the Lord Jesus Christ that overflows into service and worship. However, the cause of Christ has been deeply hurt by extremists and their misguided zeal. We must understand the dangers of extremism and the beauty of God’s grace.Titus 2:14 speaks of Jesus: “...who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.”First, zeal can affirm the grace of God.When we truly love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we will become zealous about truth and excited to do good works for the kingdom of God. This is a good and godly thing because we are called to go “all in” with our love for Jesus; however, when taken to the extreme, good things can become bad things.While affirming zeal, grace avoids extremism.Adrian Rogers says, “Zeal and moderation go together, properly understood; they are not enemies, they’re friends. But extremism is the enemy of both zeal and moderation.”Zeal that is divisive and destructive can be deadly to our churches, homes, and communities. Principles are great when used as tools to live by, rather than as weapons to hurt others.We do not need to compromise on holy living, but we need to learn to live by grace.When we obsess and debate over incidental things, we lose sight of what is fundamental. This kind of zeal is foolish, profitless, fruitless, and divisive. When we have zeal for the wrong things, we’ll often fight the wrong enemy with the wrong weapons and wrong energy.Compromise is not the answer to extremism: grace is.Titus 2:15 says, “Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.”Grace is not an excuse to sin or an encouragement to laziness, it is an invitation to give everything we are to the cause of Christ.We must be zealous of good works, with an attitude of sweet reasonableness. We may not always agree with everyone on everything, but we must prioritize what is important.Apply it to your lifeEach and every one of us must be filled with a passionate love for Jesus Christ, but what we do with that love is crucial. Affirm zeal, avoid extremism, and remember that we will achieve more together than divided.
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Freedom from the Performance Trap

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:9-10Many of us believe the lie that God will only accept us on the basis of our performance. But this idea is the opposite of grace and faith in Jesus. Scripture reveals how grace grants us freedom from the performance trap.1 Corinthians 15:10 says, “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.”First, we must acknowledge the ruin of perfectionism.Perfectionism is the disease of judging ourselves by our achievements. Perfectionism is a thief; it promises rewards but steals our joy and satisfaction. Because it is an unattainable goal, we’ll never truly feel accepted—in fact, we may even become angry at God.Perfectionism is harmful to others; perfectionists judge others for not reaching the high standards they themselves cannot reach.Adrian Rogers says, “One of the finest things you could do would be to let others know you are not perfect. They’ll relax a little bit—not because they learn it (that you’re not perfect), but because they learn that you’ve learned it.”Perfectionism can also ruin a church. A church is a fellowship of sinners saved by grace, all in different stages of progression; we are works in progress, not yet perfect.God does not look for perfection from His children; He wants excellence.If we ever want to be free from the performance trap, we must recognize the marks of perfectionism in our own lives.1. Are you an idealist or a realist?2. Do you set impossible goals for yourself and others, failing to fulfill them?3. Do you try to be the best, or to do your best?4. Are you project-minded or process-minded?5. Do you dwell on failure or do you learn from it?God does not keep score or make lists of our accomplishments and failures.By His own grace, God has already accepted us—not because of anything we can do, but because of what Christ has done. Through faith, we can accept that acceptance, and learn to accept others.Apply it to your lifeAre you caught up in the trap of performance? Recognize the marks of perfectionism in your own life, and remember that you can be freed from it. Accept the acceptance God has already given to you.
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Abounding Victory Through Amazing Grace

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 6:6-7Nothing liberates us from lives of sin like the wonderful grace of God. God’s plan for us today, tomorrow, and the rest of our lives is abounding victory through His amazing grace.Romans 6:6-7 says, “...knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. For he who has died has been freed from sin.”We must know our identification with Jesus, who gave Himself for us.Jesus acted on our behalf. When He died for us, we died with Him. When He was buried, we were buried with Him. And now, we have in us the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead.Adrian Rogers says, “We have become one with Jesus Christ because He became one with us. He took of our nature that we might take of His nature.”We must reckon our appropriation of Jesus.Romans 6:11 says, “Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”Reckoning is acting on what we know to be true, which is that we are dead to our sins and alive in Christ. This is a continual practice: every day, we must reckon with our faith and believe that we are free from the penalty of sin.We must yield our emancipation to Christ.Our submission to Christ is what completes our faith. The victorious life is God’s work in us; we cannot do it without Him, and He will not do it without us. Yielding begins when we dethrone sin. No longer will our eyes be tools for sin, nor our ears be sin’s instruments, nor will our hands do its bidding. We must make Jesus Lord of our lives, enslaving ourselves to Him.Then we must enthrone the Savior.Romans 6:13 says, “...but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.”When temptation comes, we must yield to Jesus. Once we do, His amazing grace will come into our lives, and in that grace, we will see abounding victory.Apply it to your lifeDo you identify with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection? Have you reckoned your life to what you believe? Have you yielded to Him and enthroned Him as Savior?
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Liberated Living

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 5:1We live in a world that speaks much about freedom but knows little about it. Jesus came to set the captives free, to break the power of sin.Galatians 5:1 says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” When we understand the dimensions and dynamics of freedom in Christ, we can live liberated lives.In Jesus Christ, we are free from the bondage of legalism.In Galatians 1:6, Paul questions why some deserted the Gospel of Jesus Christ and followed a “different gospel”. The specific “gospel” these believers bought into had to do with self-effort and good works. But the true Gospel reminds us of God’s unconditional love. We cannot earn salvation on our own; it is the grace of God alone that saves us from our sins.Adrian Rogers says, “God’s love is an action toward us, not a reaction to us. It is not based on what we are but on who He is.” The true Gospel of grace speaks of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; anything else is false.We’re also free from the bondage of criticism.There are some who entangle fellow believers with their own preferences and subject them to criticism. But we must stand fast in the liberty in which Christ has made us free. Though we must be conscious of our weaker brothers, we cannot be in bondage to them. Every demand of the law has been paid in full by the blood of Jesus Christ. We must remember who we are in Him and that He loves us.Finally, we’re saved from the bondage of fatalism, or the elemental forces of nature.In Galatians 4, Paul discusses the Galatian church’s fascination with astrology. In their obsession, some of these believers had enslaved themselves to the idea of fate. But Christ has set us free from the slavery of circumstance. We were in the heart and mind of God before the foundations of the world were established.The cross of Jesus Christ reminds us that when we die to ourselves, we find liberated living.Apply it to your lifeAre you living the executed, energized life in Christ? Don’t stay in bondage today; you’ve been set free from legalism, criticism, and fatalism. Praise God for all He’s done in your life and walk with Him.
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This is Your Life

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Titus 3:3-7As Believers, this world is not our home; but while we’re on our way to glory, we are to demonstrate God’s grace to those around us. Titus 3 reveals the life we could have if we choose to live grace-filled lives.This passage recognizes our past guilt.We are sinners by birth, nature, and choice. Titus 3:3 says, “For we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another.”This passage also describes our present grace.Grace is absolutely contrary to human nature. All the wisdom of this world could never explain it. But having experienced God’s grace for ourselves, we understand what we were once foolish.By His grace, we are freed from a life of sin and the hateful spirit that plagues this messy world.Scripture says, “But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit…” (Titus 3:4-5).Grace is rooted in God’s love; there is nothing we can do or stop doing that will save us; it is the grace of God alone that atones our sin. The Holy Spirit supernaturally regenerates us and cleanses us from the inside out. It is a continual work; day by day, the Spirit keeps us, renews, restores, and refreshes us.Adrian Rogers says, “God doesn’t love us because we’re valuable; we’re valuable because God loves us.”This present grace is rooted in the saving death of Jesus Christ. (See Titus 3:6.)Jesus Christ provided himself as an innocent sacrifice; He bore our sins and died the death we deserved.This grace is also for our future glory.Titus 3:7 says, “...that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”Because of God’s grace, we are joint heirs of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is a token of our future inheritance. We are simply passing through this world as pilgrims on our way to greater things; the best is yet to come.Apply it to your lifeHave you been forgiven of your past guilt, renewed by God’s present grace, and received the promise of future glory? Let your life be a testament of God’s wonderful grace.
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Don't Be a Disgrace to Grace

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Titus 2:11-15Grace is God’s love, which He gives at a great cost to Himself. Salvation is something we could never obtain ourselves; it is only by His grace that we can be saved.There is not one spiritual thing to earn, but there is so much to learn; it is so important that we are not a disgrace to God's grace.Titus 2:11-12 says, “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age…”We live in this physical world, but as Christians, we are meant to live differently from this world’s systems and orders. We are called to love people, but we cannot love this world’s system. (See 1 John 2:15.)Adrian Rogers said, “A Christian ought to stand out in this world’s system like a diamond in a coal mine; like a gardenia in a garbage can.”This world has a prince, the devil, who is the mastermind behind this world system. This world has an evil philosophy made up of skillfully woven ideals and values that seem beautiful but are dangerous.This world is hostile to the things of God because Jesus exposes sin and evil. The world’s purpose is to draw us away from Him.Genesis 13 tells the story of Lot, a classic example of a “worldly Christian,” or a man who was a disgrace to grace.Lot was Abraham’s nephew who, rather than seeking God, followed the world’s enticing attractions to an unspeakably wicked land called Sodom.Recognizing Lot’s mistakes, we learn that we must:1. Resist the pull of the world2. Refuse the persuasion of the world3. Realize the pollution of the world4. Remember the price of the worldLot’s story shows us what it costs to serve the world—it costs our potential, influence, family, and reputation. The same forces that worked on Lot are working on us today. We must remember the amazing grace of God, and decide every day to honor that grace by living godly lives.Apply it to your lifeThere is a world system working on us today; be aware of the world’s prince, its philosophy, its power, and purpose. Don’t be a disgrace to grace: live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present time, because the Lord is coming soon.
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From Grace to Glory

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Titus 2The amazing grace of God is what writes our spiritual biographies. Titus 2:11-15 explains how God saved us, and brought us from grace to glory.First, this passage reminds us what grace brought: salvation.“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men…” (Titus 2:11).Without Jesus, we are spiritually dead, separated from God. We are considered devilish, disobedient to God, and depraved in our humanity. We cannot redeem our depravity and earn salvation; however, God brought salvation to us, because of His grace.Adrian Rogers says, “You’re not saved by the merit of man, but by the mercy of God; not by the goodness of man, but by the grace of God. Salvation is not a reward for the righteous; it is a gift for the guilty.”Secondly, Titus 2 reveals what grace taught: sanctification.“...teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age…” (Titus 2:12).Though saved by grace, we cannot continue to live in sin. There is nothing to earn, yet there is so much to learn. We must engage in discipleship and study God’s Word.Third, Titus 2 explains what grace sought: service.“...who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.” (Titus 2:14).Grace is a gift at the cost of the giver, and we have been purchased by the blood of Jesus. We are also purified from the inside out; we don’t work for God’s love, but our good works are a sign that we love the Lord.This passage also calls us peculiar; we are meant to be different, set apart, a trophy of grace used for the service of God.Finally, this passage shows us what grace wrought: glorification.“...looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ…” (Titus 2:13).The story is not over yet; what began in grace will end in glory. As believers, we have a glorious hope that He will come again. And one day, we will see Him, the one who saved us by His grace.Apply it to your lifeDo you have the blessed hope of Christ’s return in you? Remember the amazing grace of God today, which brought salvation to you while you were dead in your sins.
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Trophies of Grace

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: TitusGrace is God’s unmerited favor; it is the kindness of God shown to one who doesn’t deserve it and who can never earn it.In his letter to Titus, the Apostle Paul claims him as his own son in the faith. He calls Titus a trophy of grace—his life being the evidence of a true believer.This special title, a trophy of grace, reminds us that not only should we be witnesses of God’s grace, but our lives should also be evidence of that grace.First, we must recognize the delight of grace, which is liberty.God’s grace is sovereign; He has chosen us, sought us out, and brought us back to Himself. He is the one who took the initiative; our salvation began with Him.It is a saving grace. The Gospel is good news because it says that salvation is a free gift. We couldn’t work for it, so we can’t lose it.Grace is also long-suffering; it was the plan all along. Titus 1:2 says, “…in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began…”Adrian Rogers says, “God planned your salvation before this planet was swung into space. Your salvation is not an ambulance brought to a wreck; it was in the heart and mind of God before anything ever happened.”The securing and satisfying grace of God is what leads to peace. But we must also remember that denying grace leads to legalism.We are not saved by keeping laws, performing rituals, or anything other than the grace of God. Rules do not make us more like Jesus—grace does.Finally, we must recognize the enemy’s distortion of grace.Grace is not a license to sin, and if we think it is, we need to reconsider our salvation. Though our works do not save us, we should want to keep God’s law, because we love Him.We don’t work for our faith, we work because of our faith. As trophies of grace, we are God’s ambassadors, the evidence that His grace is the only thing that can save, cure, and satisfy us.Apply it to your lifeDoes your life bear the evidence of God’s amazing grace? Do you delight in the liberty faith brings? Have you fallen into the trap of legalism, or used grace as a license to sin? Repent of your sins and receive God’s forgiveness.
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The Day Death Died

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:45Death is a fact. People die suddenly, instantaneously, and in strange ways. But as believers, we have hope in Jesus Christ, who beat death and rose from the grave. 1 Corinthians 15 gives a picture of the day death died.This chapter first explains the sovereign majesty of our Redeemer.“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:22).In Scripture, Jesus is referred to as the second Adam; He is also called “the first fruits” (1 Corinthians 15:23). When He comes again, we will have a harvest. When Jesus Christ rose from the grave, He became the death of death; He sealed the deed.Second, this passage describes the sacred mystery of the rapture (1 Corinthians 15:51-52).The Rapture is a sacred secret—no human wit, wisdom or scientific investigation could ever reveal it; only divine revelation. One day, the living saints will be brought up into Heaven, and the dead saints will be raised from the grave.When Adam sinned against God, he died immediately in his spirit, progressively in his soul, and ultimately in his body. When the Lord redeems us, we are justified immediately in the spirit, sanctified progressively in the soul, and glorified ultimately in the body. We don’t know when the rapture will take place; we only know that we live in a world that is ripe for it.Finally, this passage shows the steadfast ministry of the redeemed.“...then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: Death is swallowed up in victory. ‘O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?’” (1 Corinthians 15:54-55).Because Jesus is alive, we have victory and must walk in that victory by serving Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus has been the death of death, so He takes the pain out of parting, the gloom out of the grave. He takes the strength out of sin and the sting out of death.”Apply it to your life1 Corinthians 15:58 says, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”Until Jesus comes again, we should work to further His kingdom with stability, fervency, and expectancy. Be steadfast, immovable, and abound in the work of the Lord.
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Magnifying Jesus Through Worship and the Word

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Isaiah 53:1-12There is only one Jesus; we exist to magnify Jesus through worship and the Word.Seven hundred years before Christ’s birth, the prophet Isaiah wrote about Jesus, the promised Messiah and Savior of the world.Isaiah 53 first prophesies Jesus’ Virgin Birth.“For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground...” (Isaiah 53:2). Jesus’ miracle birth is essential to our faith. Without the Virgin Birth, Jesus would have been under the curse of Adam, and couldn’t have been our atonement for sin.Adrian Rogers says, “He was born of a virgin that we might be born again; He became the Son of Man that we might become the sons and daughters of Almighty God.”This passage also describes Jesus’ virtuous life.“He has no form or comeliness; and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him” (Isaiah 53:2). We may have expected Him to come to Earth in splendor and majesty, but Jesus Christ was quite ordinary. He did not live in royalty or stand out in a crowd. Though He performed miracles, did good, and showed love, He was not without sorrows—only without sin.This passage also addresses Jesus’ vicarious death.“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).Jesus took our sins, shame, separation, and suffering. We owe everything to the Savior who took our place and became the object of God’s wrath.Fourth, we see Jesus’ victorious resurrection.“...When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days...” (Isaiah 53:10). Three days after His crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead and walked out of the grave; we serve a living, risen, victorious Savior.Finally, this passage gives insight into His visible return.“He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many, for He shall bear their iniquities” (Isaiah 53:11). He is coming again; our only hope in this world is to know Him and look forward to His Second Coming.Apply it to your lifeToday, magnify the Lord Jesus through worship and reading His Word. Thank Him for who He is: His birth, life, death, and resurrection.
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Making Friends Forever

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 17:17One of the greatest and deepest needs we have as human beings is friendship. We all long for someone who knows, loves, and accepts us—someone who understands our wants, needs, hurts, and fears.The Book of Proverbs is full of wisdom for making friends forever, and how to first be the friend we all need.Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”There are certain marks of true friendship.A friend is someone who shares his or her strengths, blessings, and hope; a friend will share in hard times and in celebration; a friend loves at all times.A true friend is also someone who sharpens; Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” A good friend is the sharp edge of our lives, who encourages,challenges, and confronts us when necessary; true friends make us better people.And a friend is someone who sticks; Proverbs 28:14 says, “A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”There are five things to remember when making friends.We make friends by being friends; it is wise to remember that people want to be accepted, acknowledged, and appreciated. We need to pay attention to people, become great listeners, and find something to compliment.People also want to be affirmed and assured; in this negative world, the most beautiful thing we can do is empathize with one another.When we build friendships, we must remember to maintain them. Adrian Rogers says, “You can have a lot of acquaintances, but genuine friends are costly. They cost time and effort; there is an investment; don’t have more friends than you can show yourself friendly to.”Finally, we must remember the ministry of a friendship. There are lost people in this world who need the love and friendship of Jesus Christ; as His Body, we have the responsibility of loving as He loved.Apply it to your lifeAre you in the ministry of making friends? If you are a leader, set the tone and the atmosphere; be approachable and real.As a church member, learn how to greet people and remember to be warm and welcoming to the people the Lord brings in.
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The Gospel According to Joseph

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Genesis 45:1-3The Old Testament tells the tale of Joseph, a beloved son who was despised and rejected by his brothers. But because God was with Joseph, he was later exalted as the prime minister of Egypt and became the one his brothers needed in order to survive the famine.In this story, Joseph is a picture of Jesus. Genesis 45 illustrates the Gospel, according to Joseph.In this passage, Joseph illustrates our confrontation with Christ: “Then Joseph said to his brothers, ‘I am Joseph; does my father still live?’ But his brothers could not answer him, for they were dismayed in his presence.” (Genesis 45:3).When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, they remembered what they had done to him. God, in love, confronts us and convicts our sin for our own sake, so He may reveal Himself to us. Our conviction is meant to lead to our conversion to Christ. In Genesis 45, Joseph offers love, as God has offered us grace.Joseph also commissioned his brothers to go tell their father that he is alive. Likewise, we are commissioned to tell the world that Jesus Christ is alive.In Genesis 45:14-15, Joseph restores the long-estranged fellowship with his brothers. The greatest privilege of being saved is having fellowship with the Lord Jesus. Communion with Him is the greatest gift of all.Joseph provided his brothers with food and resources (see Genesis 45:20). In the same way, Jesus provides for our needs, and offers completion through Himself.Genesis 45:27-28 says, “...and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob, their father, revived: And Israel said, ‘It is enough: Joseph my son is yet alive; and I will go and see him before I die.’”Finally, Joseph’s brothers returned home with wagon loads of provisions, which testified to their father Jacob that Joseph was alive. We are to continue living for Jesus Christ, so that our lives may reflect Him.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers said, “God has given us wagon loads of grace and is saying to us, ‘Don’t fall out by the way, don’t fall out of the race, and don’t fall out with one another. Just keep on going telling this world about Jesus.”
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How to Discover Your Spiritual Gift

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 12:6A spiritual gift is not a natural talent; it is a supernatural ability from God. We must discover our spiritual gifts and be good stewards of what God has given us to use for His glory.Romans 12:6 says, “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them…”If we want to discover what our spiritual gifts are, we must first present ourselves as living sacrifices to God. We must willingly give Him all that we are, recognizing that our lives do not belong to us; rather, we first belong to Jesus, and then to one another.As living sacrifices, we stay put on the altar through discipline and devotion. Then we experience a complete transformation; Jesus becomes our inner nature, working from within. We cannot understand our spiritual gifts without the mind of Christ; when He renews our minds, we must think with them.Adrian Rogers says, “The Jesus hidden in you is the Jesus revealed in you.”Though we must carefully consider our gifts, we do not have to identify them before we begin to serve. No one has all the spiritual gifts, but every Believer has at least one. We must take inventory of how the Holy Spirit works in us. Think of when we feel most enlightened or when we find enjoyment, encouragement, or opportunity to serve.This is a shared participation; we must begin somewhere with what we have and give our gifts a chance to grow. Our gifts could be prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, ruling, or mercy, to name a few.When we seek out opportunities to serve in church, our gifts will be activated. If we are faithful to serve, we will eventually receive confirmation in our hearts of the assigned spiritual gifts.As we allow God to use these gifts in us to serve one another, we will see their true value in a much deeper way. God is glorified and the Church is strengthened when we serve each other with what He has graciously given to us.Apply it to your lifeToday, consider what your church’s greatest need is, and how you can be of best use. As you are figuring out where you fit in the Body, be open to things you may not see as “glamorous.”
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Learning to Love

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 13In this wicked world, where darkness spreads and lawlessness abounds, love is a rare commodity. As children of the light, it is our responsibility to learn to love. In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul explains why love is exceedingly valuable in our lawless age.First, love excels all other virtues, and without it, those virtues are meaningless.“But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away” (1 Corinthians 13:8).Love is more valuable than speaking in tongues, prophecy, and knowledge. Scripture is meant to encourage, exhort, and edify us, but if we handle it without love and use it to divide, we are nothing.Love is even greater than faith. What good is faith that can remove mountains if it cannot remove malice in our hearts?Love inspires a charitable attitude, but our good works are worthless if we do not do them in love (see 1 Corinthians 13:3).Second, this passage explains that love enables all other virtues.“Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up…” (1 Corinthians 13:4).Love enables us to be patient and kind; it enables a humble spirit, a courteous new nature, and an unselfish attitude. Love does not envy or harbor irritability. It enables us to be forgiving and sympathetic; it does not collect grudges, and it rejoices in truth (see 1 Corinthians 13:5-6).Adrian Rogers says, “Love is not blind; literally, love sees more, but love forgives. Real love is not giving people what they deserve; it’s giving people what they need.”Finally, in verse 7, the Apostle Paul says love, “...bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”While other virtues fade and fail, the mighty force of love endures; it conquers all things, making friends out of enemies. It completes everything else, adding infinite value to prophecy, worship, and knowledge.“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13).One day we will see the Lord face to face. Our faith will become sight, our hope will become reality, yet love will continue on and on, throughout all eternity.Apply it to your lifeAre you learning to love, which excels all other virtues, enables the fruits of the Spirit, and endures all things?
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You Are a Gifted Child

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:1As Christians, our desire should be that our lives count for Jesus. We were not meant to simply sit in church on Sundays and co-exist with other believers. As children of God, we are called to serve Him by serving one another with our spiritual gifts.1 Corinthians 12:4-6 says, “There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all.”As individual members of the Body, we serve different functions but are united in the same power. We were meant to live in unity, not in unison. Though we are ignited by the same source of strength and power, we are each assigned a specific spiritual gift distributed by the Holy Spirit Himself.We were given our specific gifts the moment we were baptized into the Body of Christ. We just have to discover and develop these gifts as we grow as believers.Paul identifies the spiritual gifts in Scripture: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning spirits, tongues, interpretation of tongues, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, ruling, and mercy.We must be careful not to exploit these gifts. The Devil can counterfeit our assigned gifts to lead the unsuspecting Christian astray. The Devil does not use raw material; he works from within our basic knowledge of Scripture and twists it to confuse and discourage.Adrian Rogers says, “Your spiritual gift is not a toy; it is a tool. It is not for your enjoyment; it is for your employment.”Each one of us is a gifted child, important to the Kingdom of God. It is necessary to realize our gifts, not only for our own relationships with God but for the sake of the Church.Apply it to your lifeIf you do not know what your gift is, it does not mean you do not have one; you do.Today, pray that God would reveal it to you and that you would accept whatever he has given to you as a good and grateful steward. Pray also that God would show you how you can serve in your church in a way that makes good use of your spiritual gift.
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You Are Somebody in His Body

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12-18The Body of Christ is not a building, it is not an establishment or an organization. It is a collection of believers with a mutual love for Jesus Christ and a desire to serve Him. Each of us is somebody in this Body of Believers.1 Corinthians 12:12 says, “For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.”The Body of Christ is a manifested person. It is the visible part of the invisible Jesus—the living, breathing display of his redemptive power and love for mankind. The Body’s purpose is to serve the Person—that Person being Jesus Christ.The day we become born-again Christians, we receive the Holy Spirit; we also receive our spiritual gifts, which are given to us with the purpose of serving one another in the Body.The Holy Spirit is the life of the Body and the Body’s motivating power. Each spiritual gift has a specific role in the Body, just as each part of a physical body has a specific role.As an eye sees, a hand holds, and a heart beats, our spiritual gifts are meant to accomplish something for the sake of the Body, as it serves the Person.Finally, we have a mutual programming. We as Christians are meant to operate alongside one another. God has designed His Church so that no one part of the Body can function as it ought apart from the others.Adrian Rogers says, “Loyalty to Jesus means loyalty to one another.” We must love the Body and walk in unity, undivided. In our loyalty to each other, we prove our desire to remain loyal to Jesus. We have the same life and the same love, and we serve the same Lord.Whatever our gifts may be, they were given to us for a reason, and that reason has everything to do with the Body of Christ.Apply it to your lifeEverybody is somebody in the Body of Christ. Today, make yourself available to the Lord and pray that He will reveal your gift to you. Discover your gift, accept it, and give yourself to the Body.Whether it is listening to someone who is hurting or serving where you are needed in your church community, remember: when we serve one another, we are ultimately serving Jesus.
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Saved to Serve

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 15-16We are saved to serve the Body of Christ; each of us is called to be ministers and servants of the Lord Jesus. Romans 15-16 reveals six ministries each believer is called to undertake.The first ministry is encouragement.“Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 15:5-6).We are instructed to encourage one another, to patiently lift each other up. We must fix our eyes on God and begin to love and serve one another.We’ve also been called to evangelism.Jesus came to seek and save what was lost. Romans 15:16, reiterates, “that I might be a minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God...”We’re called to the ministry of giving.We’re called to invest in things that count, which are the souls of men. We are debtors to the Apostles, to the martyrs of the faith, to the blood of Jesus Christ. It should bring us joy to give back to the Church that has lavished spiritual blessings upon us.We’re called to the ministry of prayer.In Romans 15:30, Paul asked the believers to pray for his protection, because he knew how crucial prayer is to anything we do.Adrian Rogers says, “You can do more than pray after you’ve prayed, but you can’t do much more than pray until you’ve prayed.”We’re called to the ministry of fellowship.Romans 16 shows how Believers minister by receiving and greeting people. We minister by loving, helping, and honoring people.We guard the fellowship against false doctrine to keep it pure. How sweet it is when brothers and sisters dwell together in fellowship.Finally, we are each called to the ministry of worship.“ God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen” (Romans 16:27).We rejoice knowing there’s never been a better day to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Think of what could happen if we began to minister to each other in this way.Apply it to your lifeYou have been saved to serve and called to a ministry of encouragement, evangelism, giving, prayer, fellowship, and worship. Are you actively building up your church community with your service?
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The Things That Make For Peace

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 14:19The Book of Romans offers a sure word for an unsure age and calls for unity in a divided world. Jesus wants unity in His Church because togetherness is to our great advantage as believers and the thing our enemy dreads most.When we are anointed by the Holy Spirit as one body, pursuing the things that make for peace among us, the Church is unstoppable.Romans 14:19 says, “Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.”Unity is a matter of lordship.Earlier in Romans 14, Paul addresses disputes within the Roman church over diets and holy days. Paul urges believers not to divide over incidentals, but to devote themselves to one another. Paul tells them to receive their weaker brothers or sisters because their salvation is from God. Their service, security, and stewardship are found in Him alone. Rather than judging one another, Paul reminds them that we all answer to God, and only He is able to make us stand.Unity is also a matter of liberty.As Romans 14:17 says, “...for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Liberty has its rights, but it also bears its responsibilities.Adrian Rogers says, “It is wrong for people in church to take their liberties and try to make such rights out of them that they wound the fellowship.” Many things we consider fundamental in church are in fact incidental. We must recognize them as such and choose to love each other over our own preferences.Finally, unity is a matter of love.Unity ignites love within the Church, and love will do many things for our fellowship. Love keeps our brothers from stumbling; it does not give reason for sorrow or separation. Love maintains unity in the Church and dispels reason for suspicion.Romans 14:22 says, “Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves.”Love covers all offenses, and helps the fellowship grow in knowledge and grace together.Apply it to your lifeIf you belong to a church, seek the things that make for peace; don’t divide over incidentals, opinions, or offenses. Exercise your rights in love, receiving one another and bearing your responsibility as a believer.
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The Wake-Up Call

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 13:11-14In Romans 13:11-14, the Apostle Paul sounds the alarm to let us know that the enemy is near.As we see anarchy in this world, apostasy in the church and apathy in our pews, this wake-up call for the Church is as urgent today as it was when Paul first wrote it.“And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light” (Romans 13:11-12).It’s later in this age than we may think. We only have so many more days and hours yet to serve Jesus. There are unparalleled opportunities to preach the Gospel today that we will not get back. We cannot roll over and yawn in the face of God; it's time to wake up.It’s also time to clean up. Romans 13:13 says, “Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy.”This passage tells us to put off carousing, sexual immorality, shamelessness, and covetousness. In an un-blushable generation that boasts in its sin, we are called to a higher standard of clean living.Finally, it’s time to dress up: “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts” (Romans 13:14).Lord means Master: when we put Him on, He will give us direction in the way we should go.Jesus means Savior: in this vile world, Jesus is the only one who can deliver us from evil.Christ means King: He rules over us, and when we wear Him, He teaches us how to rule in this life.In this world, we must wear Jesus like a robe of righteousness, making no provision for the flesh. If we let Him, He will cover our sorrows and tears, our failures and shame.Apply it to your lifeThe hour is late; don’t pull the cover over your head and press snooze; it’s time to wake up, clean up, and dress up.Adrian Rogers says, “Life is too short, eternity is too long, souls are too precious, and the Gospel is too wonderful for us to sleep through it all.”
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Christian Citizenship

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 13:1-7What does the Bible say about Christian citizenship? What are our responsibilities, duties, and rights? What are Christians to do, to think, and how are we instructed to behave?Many Christian citizens shy away from political involvement for various reasons. Some are discouraged, and others are intimidated or annoyed. But Romans 13:1-7 encourages us first to look at the reasons for human government.The Bible tells us that human government is ordained by God. Daniel 2:21 says, “He [the Lord] removes kings and raises up kings." God ordains human government for two reasons: to restrain evil and to reward good.Romans 13 also outlines the requirements for human government. And in Matthew 22, Jesus tells the people, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:21).As Christians, our responsibility is, first and foremost, to God; but we do have a responsibility to human government. Adrian Rogers says, “Separation of church and state does not mean the separation of God and government.” The government is here to restrain evil. The church is here to preach the Gospel. The state is not the master of the church, and the church is not the master of the state. The church is the conscience of the state. We are here to hold up a standard of truth.There are six duties Christian citizens have concerning our government.Pay our government: Jesus paid His taxes; we ought to do likewise.Pray for our government: Adrian Rogers says, “The greatest responsibility in America is not in the White House but in the church house.”Praise our government: We are to give honor to whom honor is due.Preach to our country: Adrian Rogers says, “We dare not identify the Christian faith with the Democrat or the Republican Party. We need to be free to tell both parties to repent and get right with God.”Participate in our government: Christians are to participate, not on the basis of parties, but principles. We are to be informed.Persuade our government: Our hope for America is to change public opinion. The Great Commission remains the same: we are instructed to win souls for Jesus Christ.Apply it to your lifeHave you been a good steward of your Christian citizenship? Are you involved? Get informed and pray for our government.
3/14/202338 minutes, 23 seconds
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Discovering Your Ministry

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 1:19Adrian Rogers says, “We’re in the business of serving the Lord, and God has given to every one of us a ministry.”As we mature in our faith, we are called to find our place of service. The days we’re living are desperate; it’s time we discover our individual ministry to serve the Body of Christ.Romans 12 offers four principles to remember when discovering our ministry.The first principle is lordship.Romans 12:1 says, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.”Before we ask God for answers about our ministry, we must present ourselves for His service. We must remember that He has shown tremendous mercy, that when we were rebels, God saved and secured us. We are required to present ourselves to Him as living sacrifices. As a result, we will be transformed. When we present ourselves as living sacrifices, our inner nature, which is Jesus, comes to the surface and people see Him through us. With our minds renewed to look like Christ’s, we are able to make assessments that we could never make before. We are able to think, not with human rationality, nor human intellect or intuition, but with divine guidance.The second principle is membership.“…so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another…” (Romans 12:5).Many of us don’t know our ministry, because we’ve looked for it outside of the Body of Christ. We need each other, and to say otherwise is sheer pride and arrogance.The third principle is stewardship.“Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them…” (Romans 12:6).We are stewards over the gifts God has given us; we must use them wherever and however God guides us.The final principle is fellowship.“Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another...” (Romans 12:10).If we abide by these four principles, God will use us so deeply for one another to prove what is good and acceptable; we will be examples of the perfect will of God.Apply it to your lifeHave you discovered your ministry? Abide by the principles of lordship, membership, and stewardship; continue in fellowship with other believers.
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The Secret of Effectual Prayer

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 11:36Everything begins with God. He is the source of all things, and everything leads back to Him. Everywhere we look, we see that Jesus is the power, preserver, and purpose of creation. Romans 11:36 says, “For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.”When we understand that prayer is a cycle—that, like everything else in this world, it revolves around Jesus—we will learn the secret of effectual prayer.The origin of prayer is rooted in the purposes of God.God has given us the privilege of working with Him. Prayer creates a special bond with our Creator, who designed us to depend upon Him.Prayer is also God’s way of disciplining us; any prayer that is not rooted in God’s will does not come to fruition.Adrian Rogers says, “Prayer does not bend God’s will to fit our will; prayer finds the will of God and gets in on it.”The operation of prayer relies on the power of God.God gives us the desire to pray; as sinful creatures, we have a natural inclination not to pray. Once we are saved, God puts His Spirit in our hearts which stirs up the desire to pray.He also gives us direction in our prayers: guiding us in what we should ask for and leading us to know the will of God.We can’t conjure up faith, or make ourselves believe by our own strength. The dynamic of faith comes by hearing the Word of God; when He speaks in our alone time with Him, our faith grows.Finally, the objective of prayer is the praise of God.The purpose of prayer is to glorify God. When we become interested in His glory over our own personal glory, we’ll see our prayers answered.Adrian Rogers says, “Prayer goes into God’s presence to carry something away. Praise goes into God’s presence just to stay there forever and ever.”Apply it to your lifeThe secret of effectual prayer is that it happens by God, through God, and to God. Spend some time in prayer today and ask God to direct your prayers, so that you may know His Will. Spend some time praising Him today, as well; stay in His presence and seek His glory.
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Is God Through with The Jews?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 11:1Because Israel is God’s chosen nation, it is the center of prophecy, of the approaching storm, of peace and glory.No matter how bleak it may seem for Israel in these gloriously dark days, God does not break His promises or alter His Word. He has not forgotten His covenant with Israel.In Romans 11, Paul recognizes five reasons God is not through with the Jews.First, there is coming a day when Israel will see Jesus as Paul did on His way to Damascus. As Paul became a witness to the nations of the world, so will the Jews.Adrian Rogers says, “If you don’t think that Israel can come to Christ, you don’t understand the power of God. The same power that convicted the apostle Paul is the power that will bring the Jews to Jesus.”Second, God always has a remnant according to His grace; He is the One who preserves Israel, nationally and personally. Because of God’s promises, the Jewish faith is indestructible.Third, God has a magnificent plan to bring back Israel, which has fallen away. By providing their salvation and allowing them to live godly lives, God uses the Gentiles to show the Jews the joy, love, faith, and victory we have in Christ.Romans 11:11 says, “I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles.”Israel is not simply a reservoir into which God pours His blessings; Israel is His pipeline through which God dispersed His blessings.Fourth, God will continue to keep His promises to Abraham, in whom the Jewish race is rooted. Romans 11:16 says, “For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches.”Finally, God will consummate His purpose with the Jews in His time, through His Son, and according to His Word. His plan will be enacted by His grace, for His glory. Jews who trust in God are the true Israel and they will be saved.Apply it to your lifeThese are exciting days, as God is dramatically appearing in the life of His beloved nation and land. His prophetic promises are becoming a reality. There’s never been a better time to trust in the Lord Jesus and pray for Israel as the days become gloriously dark.
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Faith: What it is and How to Have it

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 10:17-21Adrian Rogers says, “Faith makes God’s grace available and real to us. Grace is God’s ability, and faith is man’s responsibility.”In the Kingdom of God, our faith is the measure of our victory and success. Our belief is our greatest spiritual asset and richest currency. Conversely, unbelief is our greatest stumbling block. This is why there is an immediate urgency to receive what grace provides through faith in God.Romans 10 reveals the intricacies of faith, what it is, and how to have it.First, we must consider the object of our faith in order for it to be real.When we rely on the wrong things, it can be dangerous to our spiritual health. We do not rely on positive thinking, or even on faith itself. True biblical faith is placed in Jesus Christ, alone.Adrian Rogers says, “If the object of your faith is God, then the ambition of your heart ought to be to know Him.”Once we confirm the object of faith, we see it originates from the Word of God.Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”In order to grow spiritually, we must hear from God; we cannot know the will of God by guessing at it. Faith cannot be generated; it is given, as Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”When God speaks to us through His Word and Jesus Christ, we will see the result of our faith, which is the Will of God.The objective of our faith is to get God’s will done on Earth as it is in Heaven.God is sovereign; He remains in control at all times. What He says He will do, He will accomplish. We have the beautiful opportunity to take part in His Will, through faith.Finally, we must know the operation of faith, which is the work of God.We do not work for our salvation, but our obedience to Him is proof that we believe in Him.Apply it to your lifeTrue faith does more than merely believe; it translates into action. When you pray and ask God what to do, and how to accomplish His Will for your life today, trust and obey Him.
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Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 10:1-13Some may think being saved is an old-fashioned concept, but salvation continues to be man’s greatest need. Romans 10 describes the necessity and timelessness of salvation.First, this passage reveals the freeness of salvation. “For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes” (Romans 10:2-4).Adrian Rogers says, “Some people think salvation roots in the merit of man. They think salvation is a reward for the righteous, but really it is a gift for the guilty.”Many remain unsaved, not because they think they’re sinners but because they think they've never sinned. The worst form of badness is human goodness if human goodness is what keeps you from salvation.Second, in Romans 10:6, we see the nearness of salvation: “But the righteousness of faith speaks in this way, ‘Do not say in your heart, “Who will ascend into heaven?”’”We don’t have to go on a pilgrimage to find salvation, because Jesus Christ stepped out of Heaven to find us. He already paid the price with His life, already bore the weight of our sins on the cross, and rose to life to give us hope. We only need to be bold and unashamed as we confess Jesus as Savior and Lord.Salvation is not an intellectual belief that we tack on along with other ideas; it is trusting and committing everything to Jesus, claiming Him as Savior and Lord.Finally, we see the richness of salvation in Romans 10:12: “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him.”Adrian Rogers says, “Nobody is so good they don’t need to be saved, and nobody is so bad that they cannot be saved.”God wants everybody to be saved; anyone who calls upon Him will be saved. We may fail Him, but He has never failed us. Salvation is by grace through faith, trusting the Lord Jesus.Apply it to your lifeAre you sure and solid in your salvation? Consider the freeness, the nearness, and the richness of salvation today.
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Dads Who Shoot Straight

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 127Psalm 127:3-5 says, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed but shall speak with their enemies in the gate.”God says fathers are to be like warriors, and their children are like arrows to be shot at the enemy. But an arrow is no more effective than the warrior who shoots it.It is crucial that dads shoot straight.If we want to hit the target with our children, we must be skilled and strong. An arrow could miss the target for several reasons. The wind may take the arrow, or the target may move. But this does not diminish the warrior’s responsibility to be strong in his faith.Adrian Rogers says, “My responsibility as a dad is to shape, sharpen, and shoot those arrows at the enemy.”Second, our arrows must be straight.Because children are not born as straight arrows, it is our job to shape them.There are eight ways to shape, polish, and sharpen our children:-Start early.-Be creative.-Build their character.-Set limits for your children.-Assign responsibilities.-Let your home be the happiest place in your community.-Let your children see God at work in the home.-Cover them with constant prayer.Finally, our aim must be sure.As Christians, we must have a goal, an aim, and a desire before we release our arrows.Adrian Rogers says, “Arrows are not to be collected; they’re to be projected.” God has given us children, that they might go where we cannot go, and we’ve got to point them to a worthy goal.One of these days, our children will be out of our hands. We point them at the enemy, and send them forth, letting them go. Even after we’ve let them go, we must pray that the winds of grace will guide them, keep them, and use them.Apply it to your lifeIf you are the leader of your household, ask God to make you a mighty man. Get to work shaping, sharpening, and seasoning your arrows. Work on your skills and rethink what your goals and desires are for your family.
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Honoring Father and Mother

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 20:12One of the most basic, fundamental commandments we are to follow is to honor our fathers and mothers.Exodus 20:12 says, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.”Our parents are the first people we meet in this world; if we do not love and respect them, how can we expect to love and respect others?Adrian Rogers says, “The religion that does not begin at home does not begin.”We first honor our parents by obeying them when we are young.Disobedience is not a weakness; it is a wickedness. Disobedience invites the sure judgment of God. On the contrary, obedience invites the blessings of God. The first secret to a long life and prosperity is learning to honor our fathers and mothers. Through obedience, we learn character and self-control; we receive God’s blessing and protection.Second, we should care for our parents when they are old.In our society, people sometimes fail to care for their older parents. We must remember that our parents loved us in spite of our faults; we must love them in spite of their faults.Third, we should honor our parents at all times.We do that first by showing respect, no matter what. We also show honor when we express gratitude. Gratefulness blesses our parents more than we could ever know. We honor them when we listen to their counsel. Our parents have the advantage of being further down the road of life. How wise we would be to listen to the ones who love us and have our best interest in mind. We can live noble lives that bring honor to them. Children are an extension of their parents; when they see their children doing things that are godly and worthy, it gives them joy.Last of all, we must show our parents love, remembering what we owe them; they gave us life, their blood flows through our veins.Adrian Rogers says, “The love of your parents for you is the closest thing to the love of God known on this Earth.”Apply it to your lifeDo you obey and honor our Heavenly Father, showing respect, gratitude, and love?
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Treasuring Marital Fidelity

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 19:1-6God has put marriage in the hearts and minds of people. Regardless of the tragic failures of past generations, the desire for marriage is born anew in every generation.Adrian Rogers says, “Marriage is not old-fashioned, out-of-date, or obsolete. It is a plan of God, a plan divine in creation.”In Matthew 19, Jesus urges us to treasure marital fidelity and remain faithful to one another.“So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:6).Marriage is the first institution ordained of God, therefore it is a priority. It is permanent; when we commit to another in marriage, we become one, completely inseparable. Holy matrimony is not some sort of penalty; married life is God’s plan for total intimacy.Yet, sexual immorality pollutes the married life. Adultery is a sin against one’s self; there is no other sin that will do more damage, spiritually, psychologically, and physically.It is a sin against the home; God established monogamous marriage to meet the deepest emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of a child. The glue that holds the home together is sexual faithfulness.Adultery is a sin against the Church; when a member of a church lives in sexual immorality, he sins against the holy Body of Christ.No matter how society tries to glamorize it, adultery has destroyed great nations in the past. It may be the sin that destroys our nation, as well, because it is a sin against Almighty God.There is a way to preserve our marriages. We must bring our failures and sins before Jesus Christ and depend on Him. We must exercise our devotion to Christ and to our families. We must guard our hearts and be disciplined, having control over who or what we let into our lives. We must remain determined, making up our minds that we will not fall into temptation.Adrian Rogers says, “Love is a growing thing; it’s like a flower that needs to be cultivated and nurtured. It needs to be protected; its full beauty can be developed through life.”Apply it to your lifeWe have a responsibility to treasure marriage fidelity. Remember your decision to depend upon Him, remain devoted, and develop your love for your spouse; stay disciplined and determined.
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The Wonders of Womanhood

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Titus 2:1-5Physical features change and fade, but a lifestyle that adorns the Word of God brings unending beauty into the home. Yet, these days, our families face many oppositions that threaten to drain women of their splendor.Titus 2 describes the lifestyle of a true woman of God.“...the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things...” (Titus 2:3).This passage first addresses the legacy a godly woman is to leave.A godly woman teaches younger women how to be homemakers and how to instill values in their own families by example. She has the perfume of God in her life, marked by holiness, godly in her speech. She is not a false accuser, scandalmonger, or slanderer, nor does she indulge in addictive behaviors.Secondly, this passage tells of the love she is to learn.“...that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children…” (Titus 2:4). Our young generation looks at children as burdens rather than blessings. Children are the heritage of the Lord, and motherhood is a gift from God.Adrian Rogers says, “A father has influence on a child, but a mother makes the greatest impression.”Finally, this passage teaches us the life she is to live.“ be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed” (Titus 2:5).-DiscreetSober-minded, sensible, using good judgment in her shopping, bookkeeping, decorating, and physical culture.-ChastePure and sexually moral.-HomemakersA woman’s primary responsibility is to keep the home.-GoodKind-hearted.-Obedient to her husbandSubmission is not subjugation; wives are instructed to submit to their husbands’ loving leadership in the home.A woman who rebels against these things will have difficulties with God and with her husband and children. Ultimately, she will have difficulty with herself, because her deepest, most God-given instinct will not be met.God has a plan for women; when all else fails, as we’ve witnessed in our world, we must return to the directions laid out in Scripture.Apply it to your lifeWomen, consider your legacy, your love, and the life you live. Is your home adorned with the Word of God, and do you glorify Him in how you care for your family?
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God's Plan for the Man

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 128:1-6Adrian Rogers says, “You can be born a male, but it takes maturity to be a man.”Perhaps the most difficult, yet rewarding, role a man could ever commit to is being a good husband and father. The Lord develops godly men through His Word, and Psalm 128 exemplifies God’s plan for the man.A godly man is first meant to be faithful in his walk with the Lord.Psalm 128:4 says, “Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.” Men are a picture of God in their homes, as we view God as our Heavenly Father. Though we will inevitably make mistakes, we can be godly fathers by remaining faithful to God and to our families.Second, a godly man is known for his fruitful work.“When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you” (Psalm 128:2). God’s plan for the man is to provide for his family. Man is also designed to protect his wife and children, physically and emotionally. “Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table” (Psalm 128:3).He is also considered the pastor of the home.As the wife is the vine, a wise husband understands it is his job to cultivate his wife’s love and needs, so she may meet the needs of their children.Finally, a godly man is known for his worship and future wealth.“The Lord bless you out of Zion, and may you see the good of Jerusalem all the days of your life. Yes, may you see your children’s children” (Psalm 128:5-6). If the husband and father establishes a home rooted in a love for God, he is very wealthy in what matters.Adrian Rogers says, “Children don’t make a rich man poor; they make a poor man rich. The rich man can’t take his money to Heaven, but I’m taking my kids to Heaven.”As fathers, we have an opportunity to make a lasting difference in the lives of our children, and our children’s children.Apply it to your lifeAre you leading your family to know God—loving your wife and leading your children on the path of righteousness? Consider your walk, work, worship, and future wealth today.
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Millionaire Marriages

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Genesis 2:18-25Those who are married have the potential for great wealth in what truly matters. We can have a millionaire marriage when we understand the value God has placed on the family.In Genesis 2:18-25, we learn the basis for a wonderful marriage.“And the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him’” (Genesis 2:18).First, we must remember that marriage is made in Heaven. God designed marriage for a distinct purpose.There is no deeper companionship than a husband and wife. In their fellowship, they are designed to strengthen each other and cooperate in the world. They are meant to complete each other, to reflect the relationship between Jesus Christ and the Church.God gave us marriage to replenish the Earth and continue the human race. Our homes are meant to be the center of God’s glory.There is a heavenly design for our human differences.Men and women are different in their nature, their personalities, and priorities. God made male and female different so that they may become one in marriage. (See Genesis 2:24.)But marriage has been marred by Hell.Satan’s plan for the family is to deny the authority of God, debase man, and deny morals. If he can destroy the family, he can dominate the world. When Adam and Eve brought sin into the world in Genesis 3, Satan’s war against the family began.But marriage is always marked by hope.Genesis 3:15 says, “...He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” This verse was a prophecy of Jesus coming and crushing the head of the enemy. No matter our circumstances, there is always hope because the grace of God covers all of our sins.Adrian Rogers reminds us, “Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding – He turned water into wine. I tell you that Jesus can turn the water of your sorrow into the wine of joy.”Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “The Jesus that turned water into wine will turn arguments, strife, and heartache into peace, purpose, and joy.”
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Knowing God Intimately

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 33:11-16It is not enough to casually know about God; we were created to know God intimately and to enjoy Him personally. Yet many believers will settle with feeling infatuated with His works, and never know Him face-to-face.Adrian Rogers says, “To know about God is to see God’s works; to know God intimately is to know God’s way.”In Exodus 33:11-16, Moses demonstrates the beauty of knowing God intimately, seeing beyond an infatuation with His works to know His ways.To know God intimately brings tranquility and peace to our troubled souls.“And He said, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest’” (Exodus 33:14). If we only see God outwardly—His miraculous works—we will live with worry. We often disappoint ourselves when He doesn’t act how we think He should. But knowing God’s ways helps us recognize His presence in every situation, and that is what gives us rest.Knowing God intimately also gives us stability in our lives.By nature, feelings of infatuation are fickle. But Christians who seek the unchanging heart of God have stability in their faith, no matter their circumstances.Finally, knowing God intimately is necessary for victory.In Exodus 33, the Israelites had strayed in their devotion to God, and Moses was interceding on their behalf. He begged for God’s mercy, and in response, God promised His protection and provision, but He would not be with them.It is frightening to know we can have God’s protection and provision without His presence. Seeing how easy it is to be satisfied in worldly things, we cannot take anything as a substitution for knowing God intimately.We cannot know God intimately by human reason. We know Him by directly dealing with Him, turning to Him in every circumstance or difficulty.Adrian Rogers says, “To know Him is to love Him; to love Him is to trust Him. To trust Him is to obey Him; to obey Him is to be blessed, and to be blessed is to be a blessing.”Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “You cannot know God by hearing sermons about knowing God; you can’t know anybody that you don’t spend time with.”Don’t take anything as a substitute for knowing God intimately. Turn to Him today, and spend some intimate time in His Word.
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How to Handle Conflicts

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 1:19God made husbands and wives different so that He can make them one in marriage. Because of these innate differences, arguments are inevitable.James 1:19 reveals how to handle conflicts: “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath…”We must be swift to hear, or quick to tune in.Only by listening can we begin to understand each other, and be brought back into a place of emotional intimacy.When in conflict, remember four things as you listen to your spouse:ObservationBe perceptive; listen with your eyes as well as with your ears, reading body language. Rather than looking away, lean in to show you are listening.ConcentrationAll too often, we are thinking about other things rather than our spouse’s words. As loving mates, we should instead give them our full attention.ConsiderationThink about what the other person is saying. Don’t assume you already know what is going to be said, or try to catch your spouse in an error; instead, listen to what is said and also to what is meant.ClarificationAfter the other person has spoken completely, restate what was said, to make sure you understand what was meant.Second, we must be slow to speak, or tone it down.Our tongues will often get us into trouble. Having two ears and one mouth, we should listen twice as much as we speak.When in conflict, some spouses like to play judge or professor. Some play psychologist or historian, dictator or critic. Some might even play the self-righteous preacher. But as believers, we must remember that love is what controls our language.Adrian Rogers says, “Watch your words; keep them warm and sweet because you may have to eat them.”Finally, we must lighten up, or be slow to wrath.Unwarranted anger severely damages the home; it is not a weakness, it is a wickedness.When facing marital conflicts, don’t run away, give in, or get fired up. Instead, find the right time, with the right tone, at the right place. Rather than being right and losing, compromise and gain together.Married life may never get easier, but if we learn to deal with each other lovingly, it will get sweeter.Apply it to your lifeAre you facing conflicts in your marriage today? Take the words of James 1:19 to heart: tune in, tone down, and lighten up. Practice acceptance, accommodation, and adjustments together.
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Communicate or Disintegrate

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 2:21-24The biggest problem in many marriages is failure to adequately communicate; if we don’t learn to communicate, our homes could disintegrate.Marriage is the most intimate relationship there is; we are designed to communicate on the deepest level. Healthy communication peaks when we have absolute, total, openness with one another, spoken in discerning kindness and gentleness.Jesus is both the power and the example of healthy communication, and we would be wise to follow His steps.We must first remember the awesome power of communication; the tongue gives direction, but it can also bring destruction because our words reveal what is in our hearts. (See Matthew 12:34.)Adrian Rogers says, “If you want to know what’s in their hearts, listen to their words.”The greatest hurts in the home often come from spoken words. The problem of poor communication could be due to our differences as men and women.There is also the issue of self-centeredness, being full of pride and clinging to the idea of being “right.”1 Peter 3:7 says, “Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.”Poor communication could also be rooted in bitterness, unresolved problems, or an unforgiving spirit, which completely defile marriages. The distractions of life or differences in temperament could also hinder healthy communication.Insecurity or fear directly threaten our ability to achieve the freedom level of communication.1 Peter 3:8 says, “Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous…”If we want to practice proper communication, everyone must do their part. We must learn to be more sensitive with each other, deal with our self-centeredness, and be willing to overlook our partners’ problems. We must find the root of a closed-off spirit, create areas of commonality, and make time to talk things through.Communication is an ongoing process. It evolves over time spent together and requires maintenance, yet there is nothing more important.Apply it to your lifeAre you practicing healthy communication with your family? Pray for Jesus’ power as you follow His example in how you speak to others. Adrian Rogers says, “Quit trying to change your partner and change yourself.”
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Celebrate the Difference

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Genesis 2:19There is no sweeter, deeper, more wonderful companionship than that of a husband and wife. In Genesis 2, we first see God’s divine, unique design of male and female. These differences between us should not divide us; rather they unite us.Adrian Rogers says, “God made us different that He might make us one in marriage.” By understanding our roles, we can celebrate the differences between us.Genesis 2:18 says, “And the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.’” Even Adam, who had face-to-face fellowship with God, was still incomplete and in need of a companion. And though he was surrounded by all sorts of creatures in paradise, God knew Adam needed someone like himself.There are general differences between men and women designed to complement each other. God gave Eve to Adam to make up for what was lacking in Adam’s nature, and vice versa. These differences are not necessarily strengths and weaknesses. Rather, they are traits to contribute to the partnership.The Beauty and the Beast.God made man physically stronger, to provide and protect, while He made women to give and nurture life. Being physically weaker does not make women inferior; rather, her delicacy is her strength.The Tortoise and the Hare.Men may have more energy for the moment, but women are designed to endure longer.The Romantic and the Mechanic.By nature, men are motivated by maintenance. On the other hand, women are relational and long for romance.The Radar and the Computer.We process information differently because we look at things differently. Generally speaking, men tend to be logical, analytical, and factual, while women factor in details, emotions, and context.The Code Speaker and the Reporter.Women use language to express their emotions, while men use language to dispense facts.The Lover and the Achiever.The deepest need of a woman is to be loved, while a man’s deepest need is to be respected. (See Ephesians 5:33.)As we come to understand the innate differences between men and women, we can better love and encourage each other in our marriages, honoring God by how we treat our spouses.Apply it to your lifeIf you are married, take time to celebrate the definite differences between you and your spouse, and see how you can use your marriage to glorify God.
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The Divine Design

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:1-7The marriage relationship is meant to be the most intimate of all human relationships. In marriage, we share the inmost part of our nature with another person. But in order to build lives together as husband and wife, we need to build on a solid foundation.1 Peter 3:1-7 explains God’s divine design for marriage: “Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear…” (1 Peter 3:1-2).There must be order in the home rather than chaos. As is true in any organization, there must be a leader. God has appointed the husband to lead the home; this does not mean the wife is inferior. When wives express an attitude of submission, it means they are to look to their husbands, not as servants to masters, but as subjects to leaders.These verses also call to attention a wife’s adornment of serenity. According to 1 Peter 3:3-4, a woman is to have an internal beauty about her—a gentle spirit, which becomes more beautiful every day. It is also important for wives to respect their husbands and offer them encouraging affirmations. She must pay close attention to his needs.“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7).Husbands may delegate authority, but they cannot escape their responsibility. They must provide for the home, more than just food and clothing—they must also meet their wives’ emotional needs.He is also called to protect the home and pastor it; as the God-appointed spiritual leaders of the home, husbands are to treat their wives as Christ treats the Church.Adrian Rogers says, “You cannot have a Christian home without having Christians, any more than you could have a cherry pie without cherries; if you want God in your home, then you have to give your heart to God.”Apply it to your lifeHave you laid the foundation for a good, godly marriage, accepting your divine role as a husband or wife? Prayerfully agree to God’s plan and enact what He has called you to be in your home.
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Real Love

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 13We are fast approaching a loveless world; in our mechanical society, it is clearer than ever that real love is what we lack.In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul shares three observations about real love, and why it is exceedingly valuable in our lawless age.First, real love excels all other virtues, and without it, those virtues are meaningless.“But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away” (1 Corinthians 13:8). Love is more valuable than speaking in tongues, prophecy, and knowledge. Scripture is meant to encourage, exhort, and edify us, but if we handle it without love and use it to divide, we are nothing.Love is even greater than faith; although it is necessary, what good is faith that can remove mountains if it cannot remove malice in our hearts?Love inspires a charitable attitude, but our good works are worthless if we do not do them in love. (See 1 Corinthians 13:3.)Second, this passage reminds us that real love enables all other things.“Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up…” (1 Corinthians 13:4). Love enables a humble spirit, a courteous new nature, and an unselfish attitude.Adrian Rogers says, “Love and pride don’t dwell in the same heart; you can be big-headed or you can be big-hearted, but you can’t be both.”Love does not vaunt itself; it enables us to not envy, or to harbor irritability. It enables us to be forgiving and sympathetic; it does not collect grudges, and it rejoices in truth. (See 1 Corinthians 13-5-6.)Finally, in verse 7, the Apostle Paul says love, “...bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”While other virtues fade and fail, the mighty force of love endures; it conquers all things, making friends out of enemies. It completes everything else, adding infinite value to prophecy, worship, and knowledge.“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13).One day we will see the Lord face to face and our faith will become sight, our hope will become reality, yet love will continue on and on.Apply it to your lifeAre you filled with real love, which excels all other virtues, enables the fruits of the Spirit, and endures all things?
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Zeal: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Titus 2:11Every Christian needs a burning, blazing, passionate love for the Lord Jesus Christ that overflows into service and worship. However, we must be careful with our zeal, so that it doesn't become misguided.Titus 2 addresses the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of zeal, and urges us to watch out for extremism and harmful fanaticism.First, zeal can display the grace of God.“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men… that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.” (Titus 2: 11,14).When we truly love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we will become zealous about truth and excited to do good works for the kingdom of God. This is a good and godly thing, because we are called to go “all in” with our love for Jesus.Adrian Rogers says, “The cause of Christ has been hurt by lukewarm Christians—Sunday morning benchwarmers who claim to be on the Lord’s side, but don’t live for Him.”However, when taken to the extreme, good things can become bad things. If we're not careful, zeal can distort the grace of God.Zeal that is divisive and destructive can be deadly to our churches, homes, and communities. Principles are great when used as tools to live by, rather than as weapons to hurt others.When we obsess and debate over incidental things, we lose sight of what is fundamental. This kind of zeal is foolish, fractious, and fruitless. Extremism can also be fatal because it causes the spiritual death of many other people. When we have zeal for the wrong things, we’ll often fight the wrong enemy with the wrong weapons and the wrong energy.Finally, there is a zeal that denies the grace of God.Salvation comes from God alone; no matter how passionate we become, we must never lose sight of that truth. No one is so bad that he cannot be saved, and no one is so good that he need not be saved.Apply it to your lifeWe cannot be moderate about our love for Jesus. Are you filled with zeal that displays the grace of God?
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When Prayer Seems Unanswered

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 1:5There is no substitute for prayer; it is to our spiritual life what breath is to our bodies. But sometimes, we find ourselves perplexed, because it feels our prayers are unanswered. Oftentimes, our unanswered prayers are due to our unoffered prayers. But when we sincerely pray, we can expect God to answer one of four ways.Sometimes, God denies our request: He simply says no.Perhaps our prayers are self-centered rather than God-centered. We could be asking God to underwrite our worldliness. We are to pray in Jesus’ name, in the will of God. If the answer is no, we must check our motives, to see if they are pure, if we are earnestly seeking His will.Adrian Rogers says, “Prayer is not bending God’s will to fit our will; prayer is finding the will of God and getting in on it.”Second, the answer to our prayers may be strategically delayed.In Luke 1, Zacharias and Elisabeth had been praying for a child for many years. When hope seemed lost and their childbearing years were past, God told them they would have a son.God always answers prayer in a way that will give Him the greatest glory. As we see in the stories of Daniel, Lazarus, and of Abraham and Sarah, He moves into impossible situations to work in miraculous ways.He also delays in order to dispense His grace; the child He gave to Zacharias and Elisabeth was the forerunner of Jesus Christ, who came in the fullness of time. By waiting to bless them, He allowed their family to be a part of a greater story.Sometimes, answers to prayer may be significantly different than we expect.We may ask God for one thing and He gives us something else. If God doesn’t give us what we ask, He will give us something better and sweeter than what we asked, if we ask in the name of Jesus. Looking back, we may be thankful that we didn’t get what we prayed for.Finally, God’s answers may be direct.How wonderful is our Heavenly Father, who delights in providing for His children!Apply it to your lifeIf your prayer seems unanswered, check your heart and your motives: are you praying for the glory of God? If so, keep praying; don’t stop until you have the answer in your hand or in your heart, or until God has told you no.
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A Conquering Church

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 1, Genesis 1God made man and woman to have dominion, victory and mastery; it is the very reason we were created. Once we understand this, we can come together as a conquering church and take back what was lost by Adam and was restored by Jesus Christ, the Second Adam.According to Genesis 1:26, God gave dominion on earth to Adam.But Satan, a fallen angel who became the father of the night, lost the battle in Heaven and hopes to win the battle on Earth.He came to the Garden of Eden as a serpent and tempted Adam and Eve to sin; therefore, they turned dominion over to him and became his slaves.But this dominion, legally lost by Adam, was righteously regained by Jesus Christ!Adrian Rogers says, “God owes Satan nothing, but God owes everything to His own justice. Jesus Christ came to this Earth as the second Adam, to gain back what the first Adam lost.”It was lost by a man, and it was legally restored by a man: “For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:21-22).Satan tried to tempt Jesus to sin as he had tempted Adam (Luke 4), but Jesus defeated Him by the Word of God. At Calvary, when Jesus died and was buried, the devil believed he had won. But three days later, Jesus walked out of the grave and brought back dominion that had been lost.Finally, this dominion has been gloriously given to the Church.Ephesians 1:22-23 says, “And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”When God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, He raised us up as well. The devil wants to keep us in the dark, so that we never see the incredible power we’ve been given. But when we finally recognize it, all Heaven will break loose.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “The same weapons that belonged to Adam in the Garden of Eden were the weapons that Jesus Christ used in the wilderness.” Spend some time in Scripture, dwell on the Word of God, exercising your dominion, rightfully restored by Jesus Christ.
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A Worshipping Church

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 4:23-24We were created to worship God; it is life’s greatest privilege and supreme duty to worship Him. It is the act of worship, and coming together as a worshiping Church that transforms our lives from monotonous to momentous.First, we must understand the meaning of true worship.John 4:23-24 says, “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”In this passage, Jesus explained to a Samaritan woman what worship is, and how it differs from the religion she was accustomed to.Adrian Rogers says, “We don’t have to have enthusiastic heresy, or lifeless orthodoxy. …It’ll be a great day in any church when you stop enduring religion and start enjoying true worship.”Worship is a response of gratitude to all that God has revealed Himself to be, through Jesus Christ.Second, we must understand the motive of true worship, and why God is seeking worshippers.We become like what we worship. This is why it’s important to know exactly who we are worshiping, because if we do not worship Almighty God, we will be susceptible to worship anything else.Not only does God seek worshippers for what it does for us, but also for what it does for Him. Our praise gives Him pleasure as our Father; He yearns for our devotion and our honor.Finally, we must understand the method of true worship: both in spirit and truth.When Jesus says to worship God in spirit, He is referring to our innermost being. If our spirit is dead or warped, we can’t truly worship. Our praise must come from an honest place.But we must also remember to worship in truth; our emotions cannot dictate our praise—there must be an intelligent worship.Adrian Rogers says, “Your worship will never rise higher than your knowledge of God.”Spirit and truth go together; we honor God by actively praising with our spirit and seeking truth in His Word.Apply it to your lifeThe ultimate privilege is to love God and worship Him in spirit and truth. Today, love Him passionately with all your heart, selflessly with all of your soul, and thoughtfully with your mind.
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A Praying Church

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 7:7-8There is no substitute for prayer, and a church is only as useful as her prayer life. The devil cannot keep God from answering our prayers, so he tries to keep us from asking. But our Lord has commanded us to pray.Adrian Rogers says, “The greatest problem that you have in your life is not unanswered prayer; the greatest problem is unasked prayer.”Matthew 7:7-8 says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”These are the words of Jesus—an undeniable, impeccable promise to a praying church.God already knows our needs before we ask. We pray, not to impress or inform Him, but to invite Him into our circumstances. God wants us to abide in Him, and prayer teaches us to depend on Him.This passage reminds us first to ask and express our desires to God.There is no division between spiritual things we should ask for and secular things we shouldn’t. We can’t consider some things too big or too small for God to answer. Whatever our desires may be, if they are something we can ask God’s help for, we should give them to God. Sometimes the answer is direct.Secondly, we’re reminded to seek and expect direction from God.Sometimes, God’s ways are unknown to us, so His answers are different from what we expect. What we ask for is not what God wants us to have. As we seek God, He will direct our prayers over time so that we will ask for the right things.Finally, this passage tells us to knock and exercise determination with God.We cannot give up too easily; we must remember that sometimes, God’s answers are delayed and we must be persistent. We should only stop knocking after we have an answer in hand or in our hearts, or if God says “no.” Until then, we must ask, seek and continue knocking, inviting God into our lives, one prayer at a time.Apply it to your lifeIs there something in your heart and mind that you’ve been afraid to pray for? Freely ask God, seek Him, and continue knocking. He is faithful to answer, whether directly, differently, or delayed.
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The Wings of Faith

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:1-2If there is ever a time that we need faith in Almighty God, it is now. However, we don’t just need to possess faith, we need faith to possess us.Adrian Rogers said, “The law says run, but it gives us no legs; faith says fly, and it gives us wings.Hebrews 11 and 12 are great faith chapters.Hebrews 11:1-2 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.”This passage first explains the demands of faith.Faith is not positive thinking or a feeling of optimism. It is an agreement with God that becomes an attitude of trust, which leads to action. It is the substance of things hoped for, and evidence of things not seen.Adrian Rogers said, “Faith is your ability to make present substance out of future reality. Faith reaches out into the future and brings the future into the present. It takes the unseen and makes it real in your heart and life.”This passage also reveals the dynamics of our faith.“By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible” (Hebrews 11:3).Only after we accept God through faith will we receive the spiritual wisdom to understand His works. Faith is necessary for our ability to worship; the heart will respond to the character of God when it is made right by faith.Faith is also the source of our spiritual wealth; it is the medium of exchange in the kingdom of God—not fame or fortune.Finally, this passage reveals how to develop our faith.It cannot be manufactured or worked up; rather, it must be imparted.Hebrews 12:1-2 explains that we must be saturated with Scripture, reading the Bible daily, because God gave it to us to build our faith.We must also get rid of the things that ensnare us and repent of our unconfessed sins, completely dedicating ourselves to Jesus Christ.Finally, as we run the spiritual race set before us, we must be activated by the Spirit, who enables us to believe in God and grow our faith.Apply it to your lifeIs your faith real, growing and developing through wisdom and worship? Are you saturated in Scripture, repentant of your sins, and looking to your Savior?
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What Shall I Do with Jesus?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 27:22In Matthew 27, Jesus Christ stood on trial before Pilate, and in verse 22, Pilate asked the most personal and pressing question: “What shall I do with Jesus?”What we do with Jesus is an unavoidable decision each of us will make; what we decide—or not decide—will dictate our eternity.We must consider Pilate’s decision: as the people cried out for Jesus’ death, Pilate’s voice of reason and conscience raised alarm. He examined the evidence and listened to witnesses, including his own wife (v. 19), and Jesus Himself, who confessed that He was the King of kings. (John 18:37)Though the voices that confronted Pilate clearly revealed the right thing to do, his warped values pressured him to decide otherwise. Pilate was pressured by the public’s opinion; the people were viciously calling for Jesus’s blood. His boisterous pride, his lofty position, and plentiful possessions were more valuable than the innocent man standing before him.At first, Pilate ignored the issue, then shifted the decision to King Herod. When Herod declined and sent Jesus back to Pilate, He confessed Jesus was faultless, yet decided not to decide.However, as Adrian Rogers warns, “You cannot be neutral about Jesus.” Matthew 27:24 says, “When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all, but rather that a tumult was rising, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, “I am innocent of the blood of this just Person. You see to it.”Pilate’s rejection of reason and misplaced values made Jesus’ trial a mockery of justice. Pilate’s “neutral” verdict condemned Jesus to death, and also condemned himself. We have an opportunity to make a different decision. Analyzing the evidence from Scripture, the witnesses of the saints, of old and of new, we know Jesus is exactly who He says He is. And perhaps the most crucial witness of them all is God the Father.1 John 5:9 says, “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which He has testified of His Son.” We know that Jesus is Lord because after He was crucified, God reversed the decision of the court and raised Him from the dead!Apply it to your lifeYou cannot be neutral about Jesus; you cannot avoid Him, escape Him, or bypass Him: so what will you do with Him?
1/19/202337 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Simplicity of Salvation

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 10:1-7Jesus did not come to Earth as a great philosopher, educator, economist, or social worker; He came as a Savior. He came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10) and to meet man’s greatest need, which is salvation.Romans 10:1-7 explains the simplicity of salvation.First, we must keep in mind the righteousness that God rejects.“For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God” (Romans 10:3).We cannot be ignorant of God’s righteousness and try to establish our own righteousness. Self-righteousness is firmly rejected by God, and our attempts to keep the law and be good people are not enough. It is impossible to keep the Ten Commandments in our own strength; the Bible says that if we break even one, we are guilty of them all.Adrian Rogers says, “Salvation is not a reward for the righteous; it is a gift for the guilty. Salvation is not a goal to be achieved; it is a gift to be received.”Second, this passage shares the righteousness that God reveals.“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes” (Romans 10:4).We don’t have to search for salvation: He has already found us (see Romans 10:6-7); Jesus Christ is our righteousness.Finally, we see the righteousness that God receives.“...if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).In order to receive salvation, we must confess Christ as our reigning Lord. He must rule over our lives. We must confess that He is our risen Lord, who was crucified, buried, and raised from the dead. And we must unashamedly confess Him as our redeeming Lord.Romans 10:12 says, “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him.”Jesus has never disappointed anyone. He is the only one who satisfies, and He is all-sufficient, able to save us from our sins.Apply it to your lifeDo you understand the simplicity of salvation? Don’t depend on our own righteousness; instead, confess that Jesus Christ is your reigning, risen, redeeming Lord today.
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The Unpardonable Sin

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 12:22-32Each of us faces a spiritual deadline that, if crossed, will result in the commission of unpardonable sin. This is not a moral, intellectual, or verbal sin; it is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is a sin against light; it is attributing to Satan the work of the Holy Spirit when one knows better.Though we can commit this sin without saying a word, it is not accidental; we would do it knowingly and willfully, with our eyes wide open.In Matthew 12, Jesus heals a demon-possessed man and opens his eyes and mouth to see and speak. Full of pride, the Pharisees claimed Jesus performed this miracle by the power of Satan.In verse 31, Jesus says, “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men.”Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is a sin against redemption; Jesus was healing this man out of His love. It is a sin against reason; Jesus explained He couldn’t have cast out Satan if he worked for him. A kingdom divided will fall—even the devil’s. (See Matthew 12:25-29.) It is a sin against revelation; the pride in the hearts of the Pharisees prevented them from being able to see the legitimacy of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, performing miracles right in front of them.Adrian Rogers says, “When men and women stand before God to be judged, they’re not going to be judged primarily by the sin they committed, but by the light they rejected.”A person who commits blasphemy against the Holy Spirit opens himself up to deception. We cannot have our sin and God’s truth at the same time.This sin also has a deadening power; if we reject the truth of Jesus Christ, something dies within us. Little by little, we’ll stop feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit.And if the Spirit’s presence in our lives fades out, we’ll see the magnitude of its destruction. This sin puts our hearts in a place where it is impossible to be saved.This is why we must honor even the slightest desire or conviction to follow Jesus now, before it is too late.Apply it to your lifeDon’t sin against redemption, reason, or revelation. Come to Jesus, following the conviction of the Holy Spirit, before you cross a line you can’t uncross.
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Five Minutes After Death

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 16:19-31There was a time when we did not exist, but there will never be a time when we will not be. Death is unavoidable, but it is not the end. Our eternal destiny waits for us five minutes after death.In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus shares a parable full of contrasts. This story stresses the importance of settling our relationship with Jesus Christ on this side of death.First, Jesus points out the contrast in two men’s lives: one was rich, the other poor. (See Luke 16:19-21.) They were born into different classes and were part of different social hierarchies; one had much and the other had little.Jesus also spoke of the contrast in their deaths. When the rich man and the beggar died, they were buried according to their manner of life.Yet, this passage also shares the contrast of their eternities.“So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom” (Luke 16: 22-23).Jesus pulls back the curtain to reveal the other side of death. The beggar was ushered to Heaven, while the rich man watched from Hell.Describing the glories of Heaven, Jesus shares that the man who once begged for crumbs was now seated at the highest place of honor.Adrian Rogers says, “Heaven is all that the all-beneficent loving heart of God would desire for you. Heaven is all that the omniscient mind of God could design for you. Heaven is all that the omnipotent hand of God could prepare for you.”But Jesus also taught the agony of Hell and demonstrated it with His own death. The justice of God demands it, therefore, we cannot discard the doctrine of Hell.Jesus reveals Hell to be a place of sensual, emotional, and spiritual misery; and because our spirits are eternal, the torments of Hell are eternal. (See Luke 16:24-29.)But if we come to Jesus in repentance and faith, we can know, without a doubt, that He will save us and keep us for all eternity.Apply it to your lifeYou don’t have to gamble with your destiny; come to Jesus today and be saved. Pray for your loved ones and share the Gospel with them before it is too late.
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The Days of Noah

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 24:35-39Though we don’t know the exact day or hour, the Bible shares what the Last Days will look like, when Jesus Christ returns, and history reaches its climax.Matthew 24:37 says, “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be…”Understanding the days of Noah reveals why this day and age is ripe for Jesus Christ to come again.According to Genesis 6, the days of Noah were days of secular philosophy.New Age beliefs are so prevalent in our day, some have infiltrated some churches. Fearful of the threat of being called bigots, once great denominations have strayed away from sound doctrine.Noah’s days were full of scientific progress.They were days of great knowledge, prestigious intellects, and great cities. Likewise, the technological achievements we see today are awesome and frightening.Noah’s days were also marked by social plagues—by violence and vengeance.We, ourselves, live in troubling times, full of crime, revenge, and corruption.They were days of sexual perversion and sick imaginations.These same sinful urges are being celebrated today, made fashionable rather than shameful.They were days of selfish prosperity.No matter the state of our wealth, we cannot allow comfort to lull us to sleep.The days of Noah were also full of solemn preaching.Noah was a preacher of righteousness who proclaimed the wrath of God as he built the ark.Adrian Rogers says, “God never sends judgment without first sending warning.”The final mark of those days was sudden panic:“For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matthew 24:38-39).The flood came when everything seemed to be going fine. When they least expected it, God ushered Noah and his family into the ark and shut the others out.Adrian Rogers says, “When Noah drove that last nail into the ark, he may have had nothing left. When he came out of the ark, he had inherited the Earth. He went in a minority and came out a majority.”Apply it to your lifeIt pays to serve Jesus, the ark of safety, who saves us from our sins. Put your faith in Him today.
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The Final Judgment

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Revelation 20:11-15The Book of Revelation prophecies that at the end of the Great Tribulation, Jesus will come with His saints in power and great glory to rule and reign and judge the sins of the world.Revelation 20 sets the scene of the final judgment, when God settles the score and judges the sins of those who are not in Christ Jesus.“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away…And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened…” (Revelation 20:11-12).Whether we believe in Him or not, we will all meet Jesus Christ. He is unavoidable; He cannot be deceived, disputed, or discredited.Adrian Rogers says, “If you don’t meet Him as Savior, you will meet Him as Judge.”This passage also describes those who are called to the judgment:The out and out sinner who hates GodThe self-righteous who thinks he is too good for judgmentThe procrastinator who intended to be saved but never confirmed his salvationThe unsaved church member who has religion, but not the LordThe one who has never heard the Gospel of Jesus ChristNot one sin has escaped God’s knowledge; every sin will be accounted for—secrets that have been repressed will be revealed.“And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books” (Revelation 20:12).Like any earthly courtroom, the evidence and the defense will be presented, and then the verdict will be handed down. And what waits at the end of a Christless life is a sure and severe eternity in Hell.But Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus…”Adrian Rogers says, “I’m not going to stand before the great white throne, and I’ll tell you why: I settled out of court. I have given my heart to Jesus Christ and, on that cross, He took my sin and my judgment.”Through the blood of Jesus, our sins can be buried in the grave of God’s forgetfulness, never to be brought up against us again.Apply it to your lifeHave you settled out of court? Choose to follow Him today, lest you stand before the throne of God in judgment.
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The Value of a Soul

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Mark 8:35When God made the human soul, He made it in His own image; therefore, human souls are endless, timeless, dateless, and measureless. The soul is the most valuable part of each of us and, so often, the first thing we sacrifice for the things of this world.Mark 8:35-36 says, “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?”Our souls are priceless treasures of infinite worth; each one was created by God. Every soul has the potential to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Our souls are also valuable because of their durability; they last for all eternity.Adrian Rogers says, “Your soul will be in existence somewhere when the sun, moon, and stars have grown cold—either in Heaven or in Hell. You could never cease to exist any more than God Himself could cease to exist.”Souls are also extremely rare; each is unique. We must also remember that Jesus died upon the cross, paying the price with His blood and agony to show how much He desired our souls.Therefore, we must be extremely careful with our souls. To exchange them for the things of this world would be a foolish transaction.No one ever gains the whole world, and whatever part of the world you would gain, you cannot keep forever. The world cannot meet your deepest longings—neither pleasure, nor possession, nor philosophy could ever satisfy, because God made us for Himself.To lose your soul would be a tragic, irreversible loss—after death, we don’t get a second chance.It’s an immeasurable and irreplaceable loss. All the wealth of this world cannot compare to the value of a soul. It’s an inexcusable loss—completely avoidable.Finally, to lose our souls is a fatal tragedy; our souls are worth billions of worlds like ours.Adrian Rogers says, “If I had a thousand souls, I would give every one of them to Jesus.”Apply it to your lifeAre you playing games, gambling with your soul? To lose it to this world would be a foolish, fatal tragedy. Give it to Jesus, who saves it and keeps it for all of eternity.
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How to Deal with Depression

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 42Depression is a passive, continual feeling of sadness that seems to linger. It is an attitude that nothing feels good or is worth feeling good about; it is compounded by a state of constant hopelessness.Depression is a valid and dangerous health crisis. Christians can struggle with depression.King David was a man after God’s own heart. Yet, in Psalm 42, he admits to a spiritual dryness, endless tears, and feeling shame and defeat. He lingers over the memories of what once was, and he admits he’s overwhelmed by his circumstances.This honest and unfortunately familiar prayer reminds us that we can’t ignore this severe problem. We must learn how to deal with depression and realize our spiritual provision.First, we must look inward and honestly, firmly, ask ourselves why we’re cast down.“Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? (Psalm 42:5).We must close the door, figure out what happened. Whether it is circumstantial or clinical, we must get it out in the open so we can look at it and understand its effect.Then, we can look upward in faith.“The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me—a prayer to the God of my life” (Psalm 42:8).Whether we understand it or not, whether we’ve analyzed it correctly or not, we must keep our eyes on Jesus and continue to trust in Him. He is our Rock, strong and tender, who named every star in the sky and binds up every wound.Finally, we must look onward and focus on the future.“Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance” (Psalm 42:5).No matter what’s happening to us, it is not God’s final plan.Adrian Rogers says, “God is too good to be unkind and too wise to make a mistake. When we cannot trace His hand, we can trust His heart.”This is the sure promise in the midst of our depression: Our God will see us through. God has not forsaken us; He never has and He never will.Apply it to your lifeAre you down, feeling hopeless, or battling depression? Look inward, upward, and onward. There is hope, and it begins with trusting Jesus, even when things don’t make sense. Choose to praise Him, even when it hurts.
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Guide to the Great Unknown

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Joshua 3:1-5In Joshua 3, the children of Israel were on the brink of blessing. Between them and a land of opportunity was a raging river of difficulty. However, they had with them the Ark of the Covenant, a reminder of God’s presence with His people, and their guide to the Great Unknown.“And Joshua said to the people, ‘Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you’” (Joshua 3:5). Joshua instructed his people to keep their eyes on the ark, to move only when it moves, to follow its lead.When we keep our eyes on Jesus, He will guide us through uncharted places.We don’t have to know the future to walk victoriously, so long as God’s presence leads us. We must be sure not to run out in front of God’s plans; timing is more important than time. He must remain at the head, and it’s our job to simply follow.When we keep our eyes on Him, He will also grant His unfading promises.Jesus is our ark of the covenant; He is proof that God keeps His promises to us. Those promises are good for all saints, in all seasons, and in all situations. His Word is settled in Heaven, unfading, even today.When He guides us, Jesus will also guard us with His unfailing power.The children of Israel passed through the Jordan River on dry ground because they were guarded by the God of power.If we believe in God’s unfailing ability as the Israelites did, there’s no telling what sort of blessings we’ll experience. In order to trust in God, we must know Him.Adrian Rogers says, “Every command of the sovereign God is a promise of the living God that He will perform in you and through you what He commands you to do.”The Israelites’ crossing of the Jordan River is a picture of the Gospel, in which Jesus went into the river of death and stopped it from flowing so that we may pass through.As the Lord our God, He is sovereign; as the living God, He is sufficient. And as God of all the Earth, He is in control of every situation.Apply it to your lifeAre you facing a new season of life or uncharted territory? Don’t get ahead of your Guide; follow God through the Great Unknown today.
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Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Death

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 11The Book of John shares Jesus’ glorious miracles with great messages and spiritual truths. In John 11, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, revealing that He is God’s answer to Man’s death.“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die’” (John 11:25-26).Many of us are alive but simply exist, fighting to live, while living to fight; but Jesus came, so that we may have life abundantly.Therefore, the only way to live abundantly is to first experience life in Jesus.In this passage, Lazarus had been physically dead for days; spiritually, he represents many of us who are dead in our sins. No amount of examples, encouragement, environment or education can bring a spiritually dead man back to life. He is resurrected the same way Jesus resurrected Lazarus: by His Word. Those who know Jesus Christ never truly die; instead, they have everlasting life.Second, living abundantly means exercising liberty through Jesus.We can be saved, and still not live in victory, caught up somewhere between the powers of Calvary and Pentecost.As Lazarus was taken out of his grave clothes, we must also discard our old lives and step into new lives of liberty. As the Church, we minister to each other by calling forth the spiritually dead and unwrapping the saints.Abundant life also means enjoying our love for Jesus.Lazarus dined with Jesus after he was resurrected, reminding us that fellowship with Jesus Christ is a reward in itself.Finally, abundant life means expressing loyalty to Jesus.After all he’d experienced, Lazarus was no longer afraid of death; He was loyal to Jesus, even when there was a threat made against him by the Pharisees.Adrian Rogers says, “No man is ready to live until he is no longer afraid to die.”When we experience life in Jesus, as well as liberty, love, and loyalty to Him, we begin to live the abundant life He promised us.Apply it to your lifeDo you have the abundant life Jesus promised those who live in Him? Consider your spiritual condition today, and step into a life of liberty, love, and loyalty to Christ.
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Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Despair

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 6:15Trouble is what draws us closer to Jesus and strengthens us to face life’s storms.In John 6, Jesus’ disciples were caught up in a treacherous storm, when suddenly they saw Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee. This passage reminds us that Jesus is God’s answer to Man’s despair.When we find ourselves tossed about by the storms of life, there are six anchors for the soul we can hold onto.“I am governed by His providence.”The storm the disciples faced did not take Jesus by surprise; nor were the disciples there by mistake. When we face unexpected storms, we must remember that even though it seems contrary to us, we are exactly where God has placed us and His providence is there, too.“I am growing by His plan.”When we look back on our lives, we will see that we grew the most in times of trouble; God engineers problems for our development.Adrian Rogers says, “Faith, like film, is developed best in the dark.”“I am graced by His prayers.”Before Jesus appeared to the disciples on the waves, He was alone on the mountain top, praying for them. From His vantage point, He could see the storm they were entering. Though the disciples did not see Him, He did not take His eyes off of them. Jesus sees us and prays for us, especially when we are in the midst of a storm.“I am gladdened by His presence.”John 6:20-21 says “But He said to them, ‘It is I; do not be afraid.’ Then they willingly received Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going.” More than miracles, we need Jesus. Many times, we are positioned to cry out to Him, so that we may know a deeper glory and grace when He arrives.“I am guarded by His power.”God’s will does not take us where His grace cannot keep us. Anything over our heads is already under His feet. He has overcome the world; the Great I AM will always be.“I am guided by His purpose.”We are predestined to be like Jesus; God has a purpose for every storm. He gets in the boat with us and sees us to the shore.Apply it to your lifeAre you going through a storm right now? Remember these six truths and trust in Jesus.
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Mary's Little Lamb

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 2:7-11The Book of Luke describes the beautiful moment Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem.Luke 2:7 says, “And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”How fitting that the Lamb of God was born in a stable, for the destiny of the world is wrapped up in Mary’s little lamb.When we think about this Lamb, we should first think of Him in prophecy.It is not incidental that Jesus was born near the fields where shepherds bred sacrificial Passover lambs. The Book of Exodus explains the origin of the Passover tradition, in which the Israelites sacrificed lambs and painted the doors of their homes in lambs’ blood. The lambs had to be spotless in order for the death angel to pass over their homes.After the special lambs were slain, the families would share in a feast, celebrating their atonement.The Passover is an historic portrayal of Jesus; John 1:29 confirms: “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”” Being born of a virgin, Jesus was sinless, free from the curse of Adam. On our behalf, He became the sacrificial and saving lamb. When we receive salvation in Jesus Christ, we are called to share the feast with others.Jesus is also the victorious Lamb of Revelation 5.In these passages, the Apostle John sees a prophetic vision of the Lamb of God, who was slain for us. He, who was resurrected, now stands strong and omniscient, and He reigns forever.Lastly, Jesus is the majestic Lamb; He alone is worthy of our praise.Adrian Rogers says, “Mary had a little Lamb, His fleece was white as snow. That little Lamb was crucified to pay the debt you owe. If you will receive Him as your Lord and Savior, His scarlet red blood will take away your scarlet red sin and make you whiter than snow.”Apply it to your lifeAs we observe Christ’s birth, may we see Him as the Lamb in prophecy and history: the one the Old Testament prophesied long before His miraculous birth. Today, worship the victorious, majestic Lamb of God.
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What Child is This?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 1:1-4Our eternal destiny hangs on one question, asked here three ways: Who is the baby born in Bethlehem? What Child is this? Who is Jesus Christ?Some believe he was simply a great man, a moral teacher or a messenger of God. But as believers, we know the right answer: Jesus is the Son of God. We worship one God, who has revealed Himself in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We know that Jesus Christ is not only the Son of God, but He is also God the Son.John 1:1-2 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.”The Trinity is a sacred mystery; it does not rise or fall on logic, but by divine revelation. Not understanding the Trinity shouldn’t bother us; instead, it should give us comfort.Adrian Rogers says, “I wouldn’t have any confidence in a God that I could understand.”We must recognize the sovereign majesty of the Trinity.God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are equally sovereign.“All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:3-4). The Trinity is evident in creation (Genesis 1:1) and in the greatest commandment (Deuteronomy 6:4-5). The Trinity is also evident in the Christmas story (Matthew 1:20-23) and in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).Jesus Christ’s beginning was not in Bethlehem. The Son of God is spoken of throughout the Old Testament, in prophecy and physical presence. He has no beginning and He will never have an ending.Once we accept this knowledge, we can receive the Trinity’s saving ministry.Our destiny depends upon the work of the Trinity.Ephesians 1:3-5 shares that we are selected by God the Father. He knew from all eternity that we would receive and trust him. Ephesians 1:6-7 reveals that we are saved by God the Son, who has redeemed us by His blood. And once we’ve trusted in Jesus Christ, God the Holy Spirit seals us in, becoming our eternal securityApply it to your lifePraise God, that He is bigger than our understanding. Today, worship Jesus, the Son of God and God the Son. Lay down your intellectual pride and offer your heart to Him.
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His Name is Wonderful

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Isaiah 9:6The greatest event in human history is when Almighty God stepped out of Heaven, put His feet upon this Earth, and saved us from our sins. Seven centuries before the first Christmas, the prophet Isaiah wrote about the coming Savior, and expressed how His name is wonderful.Isaiah 9:6 says, “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder…”We must understand His supernatural nature. The baby of Bethlehem was not an ordinary child. He is not part-God, part-man; He is fully God in human flesh and there has never been another like Him. The Bible clearly and plainly states that He was born of a virgin, but His beginning was not at Bethlehem. There was never a time when Jesus was not, and there will never be a time when Jesus is not. He is everlasting, forever God.This passage also reveals Jesus’ sovereign nobility. Isaiah 9:7 says, “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever.” God has already declared that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords.Adrian Rogers says, “You have to take the cradle and the cross and the crown and put them together, or you don’t have the true story of Christmas.”Finally, this passage shares with us the meaning of Jesus’ saving name. “And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).Wonderful: There is wonder in His name, if only our spiritual eyes can begin to see it.Counselor: There is wisdom in His name, the One we rely on to guide and advise us.Mighty God: There is wealth in His name, the One to whom everything belongs.Everlasting Father: There is worship in His name, for He alone is worthy of worship.Prince of Peace: There is welfare in His name; He is the only One who can satisfy the yearning for peace in our hearts.Apply it to your lifeDo you know Jesus Christ as your Wonderful Counselor? Is our Mighty God your Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace? As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, remember His supernatural nature, sovereign nobility and saving name.
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The Wisdom of Christmas

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 21:12We don’t know much about the wise men who came to worship Jesus after His miraculous birth; however, we do know they exemplify the supernatural wisdom of Christmas.Matthew 2:1-2 says, “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.’”Adrian Rogers says, “The wisest thing you could do at Christmastime, or any other time, is to worship Jesus.”In spite of difficulty, distance, discomfort, and danger, these wise men sought to worship Jesus Christ.They received the ministry of the Spirit, who put it in their hearts to find Him. It is God who puts the desire in our hearts to seek Him, just like He put it in the hearts of the wise men.They also had the message of the Scripture; these men were familiar with the prophetic place of Christ’s birth, because they knew the Word of God. Many people missed His First Coming because they simply did not read, believe, or obey the Scripture.These men witnessed the miracle of the star; the shekinah glory of God led them step-by-step. Likewise, when we set our hearts to know God, no matter what it takes, He will guide us every step of the way.We also see what these wise men brought to the Lord Christ: gold, frankincense and myrrh (see Matthew 2:11). Gold, the most precious metal they knew, speaks of His sovereign dominion as the King of kings. Frankincense, a sweet perfume used in the tabernacle to worship God, speaks of His sinless deity; it signifies that He is God. Myrrh, a bitter herb used to embalm the dead, speaks of His sacrificial death; He was born to die.Adrian Rogers says, “From the time He was a child, He had the shadow of a cross.”These gifts remind us that our wealth, worship, and witness belong to Him, the King of kings, Lord of lords and Savior of the world.Apply it to your lifeDo you want to be wise this Christmas? Consider these wise men: how they sought the Lord and what they brought Him. Your wealth, your worship, and your witness belong to Him.
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The Biography of the King

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Isaiah 53:1Seven centuries before Christ’s birth, the prophet Isaiah wrote the biography of the King, the promised Messiah, and Savior of the world.Isaiah 53 first prophesies the supernatural birth of the King: “For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground...” (Isaiah 53:2).Jesus’ miracle Virgin Birth is essential to our faith.Without the Virgin Birth, Jesus would have been under the curse of Adam, and couldn’t have been our atonement for sin.Adrian Rogers says, “He was born of a virgin that we might be born again. He became the Son of Man that we might become sons and daughters of God.”This passage also declares the simple life of the King.“He has no form or comeliness; and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him” (Isaiah 53:2).Many were looking for a dazzling hero, a political Messiah. Yet, the Son of God was born in a rather insignificant village; by all appearances, He was quite ordinary. Jesus laid aside His splendor and majesty so that we may know Him by His character, and have faith in Him accordingly.Third, this passage describes the substitutionary death of the King.“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).Jesus took our sins, shame, separation, and suffering. We owe everything to the Savior, who took our place and became the object of God’s wrath.Fourth, we see the saving resurrection of the King.“...When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days...” (Isaiah 53:10).Three days after His crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead and walked out of the grave; we serve a living, risen, victorious Savior.Finally, this passage shares the sovereign reign of the King.“He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many, for He shall bear their iniquities” (Isaiah 53:11).We can know Him, receive justification, and be made alive to serve Him in His endless victory.Apply it to your lifeHave you been justified by the King—made alive by our living Savior? Consider the prophetic biography of Jesus Christ today.
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Jesus Is God's Answer to Man's Darkness

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 20:30Adrian Rogers says, “Man’s greatest need is to see his own spiritual blindness.”When He healed the man born blind in John 9, Jesus revealed that He is God’s answer to Man’s darkness.First, this miracle shows us that spiritual blindness makes beggars of us all.“Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth…” (John 9:1). This man, who was a born-blind beggar, represents all of us. We were once created to be spiritual kings and queens, to have dominion on Earth and unhindered fellowship with God. But when sin entered the world, it marred the human race. Now, we are born spiritually blind and desperate for the Light.Second, the spiritually blind need more than light to see.“I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” (John 9:4-5). A blind man may not see the light, but he cannot deny the light simply because he can’t see it.Satan blinds the heart and the mind; this is why it takes more than preaching to convict the hearts of men. We are dependent on the Holy Spirit to open blinded eyes to the Gospel.As Jesus was sent to be the Light of the World, he sent the blind man to a pool (called Sent) in order to receive his sight (see John 9:6-7).Third, eyes once open must learn to see.“Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see” (John 9:25).When questioned by the Pharisees about his restored sight, the man testified to what Jesus had done for him. The more he spoke, the more refined his answers became.When we receive Christ, we must progress in our faith and train our opened eyes to see. The Holy Spirit gives insight, but it is our responsibility to grow in knowledge and faith. Once the heart and mind are opened to the Gospel, we must live up to the light we have received.Apply it to your lifeHave your spiritual eyes been opened to a relationship with God? Have you trained your eyes to see so that you can progress in your faith and refine your testimony?
12/13/202236 minutes, 21 seconds
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Jesus Is God's Answer to Man's Desires

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 6:1John 6 tells the miraculous story of when Jesus used a little boy’s lunch to feed more than 5,000 people. We must look beyond the miracle and into its message: Jesus is God’s answer to Man’s desires.First, this story reminds us that there is never a problem too big for Jesus to solve.“Then Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said to Philip, ‘Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?’ But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do” (John 6:5-6).When tested, Philip figured the numbers in front of him and saw the impossibility of the situation, because He left Jesus out of the equation.When we face improbable circumstances, we don’t need figurations or feelings. We need faith.This world is not out of God’s control, and nothing in it takes Him by surprise; He knows what He is going to do.Second, there is no person too small for God to use.“There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many” (John 6:9)? A boy gave his total lunch to Jesus, and that was enough for Jesus to feed the crowd. God can use anything and anyone; He wants to use the smallest things to accomplish the biggest things for His glory. But in order for Christ to use us, we must give Christ all we have.Adrian Rogers says, “It is not your ability; it is your availability. It is not your fame; it is your faith. It is not who you are; it is who you know, whose you are.”Finally, there is no hunger too deep for Jesus to satisfy.In John 6:35, Jesus confirms that He is the Bread of Life that satisfies our hungry souls. He is the spiritual, supernatural, satisfying bread that we must feed upon for life. We were created to know and love Him and receive our daily nourishment from Him. We will never be satisfied until we know Jesus, Heaven’s Bread. He is necessary, and He is enough.Apply it to your lifeMiracles cannot satisfy what only the Son of Man can. Seek Jesus preeminently, as a hungry man searches for food. Seek Him purposefully, as a man eats to be nourished and strengthened. Seek Him perpetually, continually, every single day.
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Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Disability

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 5:1One of the great questions of life is not what will happen to our bodies, but rather, do we have that inner strength that God wants us to have?The miracle recorded in John 5:1-9 reveals that Jesus is God’s answer to Man’s disability.“Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches. In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water… Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirty-eight years…” (John 5:2-3, 5).When Jesus came to Bethesda, He miraculously healed just one man. The healing of this man’s body attested to a greater unseen miracle: we are spiritually paralyzed, but in Christ we have supernatural strength for living.If we want spiritual strength in Jesus, we must first admit our weakness. The primary source of spiritual weakness is sin; if we allow it to, sin can paralyze us from being what God wants us to be. Our condition will only worsen if we let the course of sin persist.This is why we must activate our will: “When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, ‘Do you want to be made well?’” (John 5:6).This man couldn’t have said “yes” if Jesus hadn’t first initiated the question. Likewise, God will enable our will, but He will not force us into a relationship with Him.Man’s free will does not negate God’s sovereignty.Adrian Rogers says, “We could never choose Him, if He had not first chosen us.” Whosoever may come to the Father, but we must make that decision ourselves.Finally, we must initiate our walk: “Jesus said to him, ‘Rise, take up your bed and walk.’ And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked” (John 5:8-9).If we want to walk in Christ’s liberty and victory, we must put one foot in front of the other, knowing He strengthens each step.Apply it to your lifeOur outward bodies will get sick and die, but if we’re following Jesus, our inward selves can be renewed day by day. Adrian Rogers says, “John did not write the Gospel of John that paralyzed people might be healed; He wrote it so that lost people might be saved.”
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Jesus Is God's Answer to Man's Doubt

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 4:46-54The Book of John tells us about Jesus’ parade of miracles, seven extraordinary and deeply significant events that tell us more about Him.His wondrous work in John 4:46-54 reveals that Jesus is God’s answer to Man’s doubt.“...And there was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum. When he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to Him and implored Him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death” (John 4:46-47).First, this story tells us the obstacles to strong faith.The nobleman’s second-hand faith was weak, revealing that we cannot use someone else’s faith as our own.Jesus also rebuked the notion that these people needed miracles in order to have faith in Him: “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe” (John 4:48). Demanding signs from God dishonors Him, because it means that we don’t take Him at His Word.Weak faith can also be self-centered and strong-willed, too set in its own ways. There’s nothing wrong with asking God to bless us; but strong faith is primarily interested in the glory of God.Adrian Rogers says, “Faith is not so much receiving from God the things that you want as it is accepting from God the things that He gives.”Second, this passage also reveals the operation of a strong faith.“Jesus said to him, ‘Go your way; your son lives.’ So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way. And as he was now going down, his servants met him and told him, saying, ‘Your son lives!’” (John 4:50-51).If we want to strengthen our faith, we must hear from Him through Scripture, believe Him, and obey what He tells us to do. Then, we can find rest in His Word, the assurance of our salvation.Finally, this miracle reminds us of the objective of strong faith.Jesus did not come to perform miracles; He came to save souls. These miracles were recorded so that we may trust in Him and have strong faith.Adrian Rogers says, “Believe in miracles, but trust in Jesus.”Apply it to your lifeIf you want to have strong faith in God, seek to hear Him in Scripture today. Believe, obey, and find rest in the Word of God, the assurance of your salvation.
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Jesus Is God's Answer to Man's Disappointment

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 2:1John 2 tells the story of Jesus turning water into wine. This marked the first of Jesus’ parade of miracles, each being considered a sign with significance. This first miracle revealed that Jesus is God’s answer to Man’s disappointment.We must remember the setting of this miracle: “Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding” (John 2:2).Jesus attending this wedding tells us that He is not a cosmic killjoy; rather, He came that we might have abounding joy. He involves Himself with ordinary people experiencing everyday issues.John 2: 6-7 is loaded with the symbolism of this miracle. Wine is a symbol of joy, and the six waterpots symbolize ritual cleansing, or further, empty religion. Filling the pots to the brim represents Jesus’ ability to fulfill the law of righteousness, to the last drop.Not only was the wine Jesus made plentiful—John 2:10 states that it was also better than the wine they had before. When the Lord saves us, He does more than deliver us from Hell; He abundantly pardons and provides for us. With Jesus, it keeps getting better and better.Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus takes these stony hearts and, like with these vessels of clay filled with meaningless ritual and religion, He gives Himself as the well of joy.”We also see the secret of this miracle: “His mother said to the servants, ‘Whatever He says to you, do it’” (John 2:5).As John 2:9 reiterates, servants know secrets others do not know. Likewise, as servants of Jesus, we know that our obedience to Him is for our own good, for others’ gladness, and for His glory. If Jesus tells you to do something, do it.We must also note the significance of this miracle; Jesus is in the transformation business. As He turned water into wine, He turns us into new creatures.Finally, we must note the sequel to this miracle. This wedding in John 2 prefigures another wedding to come. One of these days, we will attend the marriage supper of the Lamb.The wine of joy will run freely, and His glory will be manifested at that wedding feast.Apply it to your lifeHave you been transformed by Jesus Christ? Seeing the symbolism and significance of this first miracle, are you living with expectancy for the second wedding?
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Jesus: The One and Only

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Colossians 1:19Out of the billions who have ever lived, only a handful of people have made a lasting imprint upon society. There is one who stands head and shoulders above all others: Jesus, the One and Only Son of God.Adrian Rogers says, “To explain Jesus is impossible, to ignore Him is disastrous, and to deny Him is fatal.”Words don’t come close to explaining the majesty of Jesus Christ, but there are three things we can learn about Him from Colossians 1.First, Jesus alone reveals the Father.“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation” (Colossians 1:15).Jesus has the monopoly on divine revelation; the only way we can know God the Father is through Jesus.This verse also explains that He is the first-born, above all things, King of kings and Lord of lords.Second, Jesus alone rules the Universe.“For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him” (Colossians 1:16).Jesus is the power of creation. Adrian Rogers says, “That little baby in Matthew 1 is the Mighty God of Genesis 1.”He is the preserver of creation, the one who holds it all together. By Jesus, all things consist; He’s the one who fuels the sun, who veils the moon with beauty, and keeps the stars on their courses.He is the purpose of creation; it was all made by Him and for Him, and we are moving toward the day when He is crowned Lord of All.Finally, Jesus alone reconciles the lost.“...and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross” (Colossians 1:20).When we see Jesus’ deity, we can understand the greatness of His death. His deity makes His death meaningful, and His death makes His deity knowable. Jesus stepped down from glory and became like us in order to reconcile us to God the Father. He alone is worthy of our praise.Apply it to your lifeDo you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who reveals the Father, rules the Universe, and reconciles the lost? Serve Him today and share your faith in Him with others.
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Soon Coming of Our Lord

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Revelation 1:3Eternity is only a heartbeat away; at any moment Jesus may return, as Revelation 1:3 warns, “...the time is near.”When Jesus came to this earth the first time, He came with His glory veiled; when He returns, His glory will be unveiled, and we will truly see Him. The Book of Revelation gives insight regarding the soon coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ.He is the resurrected Christ with undiminished humanity.Jesus is fully God and fully man; He has not laid His humanity aside.He is the reigning Christ with unrivaled majesty.In Revelation 1, Jesus appeared to the Apostle John wearing the robes of royalty.Adrian Rogers says, “When He came the first time, He came to redeem; when He comes again, He will come to reign.”He is the righteous Christ with undiminished purity.Revelation 1:14 describes His purity and holiness: “His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow…”He is the revealing Christ with unhindered scrutiny.Jesus sees us and sees through us; He cannot be deceived, for: “His eyes like a flame of fire…” (v. 14)He is the relentless Christ with untarnished integrity.“His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace…” (v. 15) Brass is an emblem of judgment, and the feet speak of His going forth; when Jesus returns, He is not coming to redeem, but to judge.He is the regal Christ with unchallenged authority.Revelation 1:15 continues to speak of the power of His voice: “...and His voice as the sound of many waters…”He is the regulating Christ with unequaled mastery.Jesus continues to be the One who holds everything in His right hand.He is the revenging Christ with unspoiled victory.At Armageddon, Jesus’ words will be like a two-edged sword.Adrian Rogers says, “The Lord Jesus who spoke them into existence will speak them into oblivion.”He is the resplendent Christ with undimmed glory.The radiance of our Lord will light all of Heaven for all eternity.He is the reassuring Christ with undeniable deity.Jesus, who became the death of Death, is the One we worship. The Jesus we see in Revelation requires our full submission, our reverence and our great assurance.Apply it to your lifeAs you study Revelation 1 today, give Jesus your full submission and reverence, and receive His great assurance.
11/28/202237 minutes, 6 seconds
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Life's Greatest Privilege

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 4:23-24Adrian Rogers says, “Christianity is not a religion; it is a vital relationship with God through Christ. It’ll be a great day in America when people stop enduring religion and start enjoying salvation.”We were created to worship God; it is life’s greatest privilege and highest duty to praise Him. In order to fully enjoy our salvation, we must first confirm what true worship is.Worship is an expression of belief; it is a response to all that God is in gratitude and praise.John 4:23 says, “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.”Human beings are incurably religious; whatever we love, fear, serve or honor more than God is an idol. This is why it’s important to know exactly who we are worshiping because if we do not worship Almighty God, we will be susceptible to worship anything else.We must also remember why we worship: because we become like the things we adore. The more we worship God, the more like Him we will become.But not only does God seek worshipers for what it does for us, but also what it does for Him. Our praise gives Him pleasure; as our Father, He yearns for our devotion and our honor.Finally, we ought to consider the way of true worship: both in spirit and in truth.John 4:24 says, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” When Jesus says to worship God in spirit, He is referring to our spirit, which is our innermost being. If our spirit is dead or warped, we can’t truly worship. But we must also remember to worship in truth; our emotions cannot dictate our praise—there must be intelligent worship.Adrian Rogers says, “Your worship will never rise higher than your knowledge of God.”Spirit and truth go together; we honor God by actively praising with our spirit and seeking truth within His Word.Apply it to your lifeHave you discovered life’s greatest privilege of worshiping God? Remember these words from Adrian Rogers: “If you worship only in spirit, you’ll blow up. If you worship only in truth, you’ll dry up. If you worship in spirit and truth, you’ll grow up.”
11/25/202235 minutes, 6 seconds
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Give Thanks in Tough Times

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 5:20Perhaps the most difficult thing we’ll ever do is give thanks in tough times. It requires true maturity in the faith to see that God is good, even when things are not good.Ephesians 5:20 instructs us, “ thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ…”Our ability to choose thankfulness in times of trouble will reap maturity like never before. There are seven ways that trouble may minister to us.First, trouble may bring correction.Hebrews 12:6 says, “For whom the Lord loves He chastens…” God cares for us, so if our trouble is caused by our sin, He will lovingly correct us as a parent corrects their child.Second, trouble may deepen our dependency on Christ.Heartaches crowd us toward Jesus and cause us to depend on Him, who is our greatest strength.Third, trouble may confirm our testimony to others.It may be through deep sorrow and pain that, knowing and praising God, we become great witnesses. The God of all comfort promises to comfort us in tribulation; once we’ve experienced it, we can show that comfort to others.Trouble can also increase our maturity.God’s plan for His children is to mature in their faith and become more like Jesus Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “God had only one son without sin, but He’s never had a son without suffering.”When we endure trials fashioned by the devil and engineered by wicked people, we can thank God that He is using them to make us more like Jesus.Trouble can bring excelling glory.Faith that can’t be tested can’t be trusted. We can be thankful that the fiery trials bring the Spirit of glory upon us.Trouble can also bring baffling mystery.As exemplified in Scripture, sometimes troubles don’t make sense. We don’t live by explanations, but by God’s promises. We must obey Him.Finally, trouble will bring eternal victory.Romans 8 reminds us that current suffering doesn’t compare to future glory. There is victory in Jesus Christ; if we hold onto this promise in our troubles, we can be thankful for those troubles.Apply it to your lifeAre you facing tough times today? Give thanks to God, who is good even when things are not good.
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How to Practice the Presence of God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 33:1-4In Exodus 33, God shined His glory upon the prophet Moses’ face; yet, Moses lost the glow over time.As Christians, we are temples of God; the Lord lives and dwells in us. But many of us are not aware of the presence of God in our lives and lose our glow. This passage reveals how to restore the glow, by practicing the presence of God.First, there must be a determination to know God intimately.God promised Moses protection and provision, but because of the people’s sins, He would not go with them. In Exodus 33:15, Moses requests, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.”Second, we should prepare our hearts.We cannot casually, haphazardly seek the presence of God. We must embrace isolation: “And no man shall come up with you, and let no man be seen throughout all the mountain…” (Exodus 34:3).God instructed Moses to get away from the backslidden people he was leading in order to pay attention to what God was doing. There are times we need to get alone with God, away from the demands of others, in order to learn from Him.When we open the Bible, we must do so with an expectant heart and a pen and paper, ready to write down what the Lord reveals. After we humbly receive a word from God, we must respond with adoration: “So Moses made haste and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshiped” (Exodus 34:8).Then may we give our intercession, and pray for others. If we are not sure who to pray for, we can trust God to lay it upon our hearts. After observing what God has revealed, we must be sure to obey. Adrian Rogers says, “We cannot claim the promises of God without obeying the commandments of God.”Finally, there is a transformation.Moses spent so much time with the Lord, face-to-face, that the skin on Moses’s face shone of the glory of God. Likewise, when we spend enough time in the presence of God, the presence of God gets into us, and we reflect His glory to others.Apply it to your lifeWhen you practice the presence of God, remember this formula from Adrian Rogers: open the Bible and read it through, think it out, pray it in, live it out and finally, pass it on.
11/22/202238 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to Keep the Wonder in Your Worship

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Malachi 1:6-14Our highest privilege as Christians is to know and enjoy God’s presence in a personal and exciting way. But what happens when we find ourselves in a spiritual drought?Malachi 1:6-14 reveals three key ways to keep the wonder in our worship and a fire in our faith.First, we must recognize the nature of God, as Father and as Master: “'A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If then I am the Father, where is My honor? And if I am a Master, Where is My reverence?' Says the Lord of hosts…” (v. 6).Our spiritual drought could be a result of taking God’s role as Father and Master too lightly. God deserves our deepest honor and greatest reverence. Adrian Rogers says, “The fear of God is love on its knees; it is the one fear that removes all other fears.”Secondly, we restore the wonder when we revere the name of God.“For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, My name shall be great among the Gentiles; in every place incense shall be offered to My name, and a pure offering; for My name shall be great among the nations,’ says the Lord of hosts” (v. 11).God deserves the best of what we have, and yet, we despise the name of God by offering half-hearted worship and withholding our perfect offerings. God’s name is defiled if our giving to Him makes no difference in our lifestyle. Adrian Rogers says, “God’s name is not to be defiled; it is to be declared.”Finally, we will restore the wonder in our worship when we respect the nobility of God.“But cursed be the deceiver who has in his flock a male and takes a vow but sacrifices to the Lord what is blemished— for I am a great King,” says the Lord of hosts, “And My name is to be feared among the nations” (v. 14).When we remember the depths of God’s nobility and respect that He is the King of kings, we will be excited to be in His presence.Apply it to your lifeHave you lost the wonder in your worship? Recognize God’s nature as a Father and a Master, who deserves our love, labor, and loyalty. Do not profane His name or defile it with half-hearted worship; rather, respect His nobility as the King of kings.
11/21/202232 minutes
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How to Enjoy the Presence of God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 33:1-3Our purpose is to know God intimately and to enjoy Him personally; we need nothing more and should settle for nothing else. We must learn how to enjoy the presence of God, and even more importantly, how to stay in it.In Exodus 33, Moses has interceded for the nation of Israel. In response, God promises His protection and provision, but not His presence; He will not be with them.Adrian Rogers says, “It is frightening to have success, possessions, and protection but not the presence of the Lord.”There are several reasons God withdrew His presence from His people.Direct DisobedienceThe Holy Spirit gives us the assurance of our salvation. When we knowingly and willingly disobey God, we grieve the Holy Spirit and quench Him. (See 1 Thessalonians 5:19.) If we are experiencing estrangement from the presence of God, we must first be assured that there is no unconfessed sin in our lives.Divided DevotionThe people of Israel rejected a direct command of God, and as a result, their devotion was divided. Some of the nation committed the sin of idolatry.We must remember: anything we love, fear, serve or trust more than God is an idol. God demands preeminence and He will take nothing less. And in examining our hearts, we should see if anyone or anything has taken precedence over God.Displaced DependenceMoses also detected the people’s displaced dependence; they had placed complete trust and dependence on the work of their hands. This betrayed the One who had brought them through the Red Sea, provided for, and protected them.When we begin to depend upon our own ingenuity, wit, and wisdom, we fail to give God the glory and, ultimately, fail ourselves.Determined DefianceFinally, Israel maintained its determined defiance.“Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; for I will not go up in your midst, lest I consume you on the way, for you are a stiff-necked people” (Exodus 33:3).Being stiff-necked is the opposite of being meek and pliable; God was inferring that Israel was no longer leadable or teachable. We must remember that when God gives us a specific revelation, we must obey Him.Apply it to your lifeIs God real to you? Examine your heart today: is there any direct disobedience, divided devotion, displaced dependence, or determined defiance?
11/17/202237 minutes, 22 seconds
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Give Him Glory

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 4:24The greatest commandment is to love God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. (See Mark 12:29-30.) Keeping this commandment is how we find our blessing and give God glory; it is our ultimate priority, supreme duty, and maximum privilege.John 4:24 says, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”In context, Jesus said this while journeying through Samaria, which was considered enemy territory for Him (as a Jewish man). Yet, Jesus considered this detour a divine appointment with the woman at the well.Jesus recognized that this woman was bound by sin and broken by sorrow, thirsty for God. She initially tried to debate religion with Jesus to deflect from the inner turmoil in her heart.In their conversation, we can first see our urgency to worship the right person: God the Father.In John 4:23, Jesus says, “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.”We must also worship in the right place.In the Gospels, Jesus teaches us that God does not dwell in temples made with hands. Because of Jesus Christ, the holy veil has been torn, and God now dwells in us.We have the tremendous privilege to worship any place, any time; every day is a holy day, and every place is a sacred place.Adrian Rogers says, “The significance of coming to church is not primarily to come to worship, but that we bring our worship.”Additionally, we must worship with the right procedure: in spirit and in truth.Worship comes from within; we serve God with our spirit first, before we ever serve with our hands and feet. But real worship also has a theological base; our worship rises no higher than our concept of God.Finally, we must worship for the right purpose.We don’t go to church to be blessed, but rather, to bless. It’s only after we forget about ourselves and begin to worship God that we will receive the blessings of our worship.Apply it to your lifeDo you worship the one true God, every day, in spirit and in truth, for the right purpose? Examine your heart today, and begin giving Him glory for what He has done in your life.
11/15/202236 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 23:6The devil’s deceitful and counterfeit thrills never last; in fact, Satan always gives his best first and the worst last. On the contrary, every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before, and even still, He saves the best for last.Psalm 23:6 says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”God has promised us a place beyond death, and we can anticipate it through Christ. By looking forward to our dwelling in Heaven, we can make the rest of our lives the best of our lives.This passage reminds us, first, of the certainty of Heaven.In John 14:3, Jesus says, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”Heaven is not a state of mind or a condition, it is a real and present place where Christians go after death. Heaven is also a perfect place. Revelation 21:4 says, “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”Adrian Rogers says, “Heaven is the presence of all that is good and the absence of all that is evil. It is all that the loving heart of God can conceive and the omnipotent hand of God can prepare.”It is also a purposeful place; without the hindrance of our sinful nature, we’ll serve God like never before. We can also anticipate the company of Heaven: all those in the family of God. We will keep our personalities, having not been absorbed into nothingness. We will know brothers and sisters in Christ and reunite with loved ones.Finally, we must remember the constancy of Heaven. For now, we are just pilgrims, sojourning on earth. But one day, we will settle in a place of constant joy, constant service, and constant praise.Apply it to your lifeHave you decided to follow Jesus, and make the rest of your days the best of your days? Considering the length of eternity, we can spend the rest of our lives in high anticipation for the place prepared for us.
11/11/202236 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Feel Good About God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 23:5Many go about today with an incorrect perspective of God. We may believe He is a cosmic killjoy, who only exists to break up our good times. However, when we know God’s heart and His goodness, we’ll find that we feel good about Him.In Psalm 23:5, David uses three Jewish customs to exemplify how God truly feels about His children. Understanding their meanings can show us how to feel good about God.“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies…”The Bible is full of stories of banquets, weddings, and miracles performed over meals; one could call God’s Word a continual feast. David says that God has welcomed us to His table and that He’s expected us and prepared for our presence.Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus meets the deepest hungers of our hearts and satisfies the deepest longings. He prepared a table of replenishment when there was the enemy of inadequacy.”Our fullness comes from Jesus’ restoration, remembrance, and redemption. Jesus doesn’t keep score of our wrongdoings, nor does He ignore us in anger when we fail Him. His disciple, Simon Peter, experienced this when he denied knowing Jesus three times. After His resurrection, Jesus reunited with Him over breakfast and lovingly restored their relationship.“You anoint my head with oil…”To anoint guests with oil is to acknowledge them as valuable, and refresh them before the feast. We can be glad in His presence; His mercies are new each morning. (See Lamentations 3:22-23.)Serving God only gets better, and His grace gets even sweeter, and His presence gets more real.“My cup runs over...”Filling one’s cup to the brim is the utmost sign of hospitality and friendship. To claim that our cup is overflowing means God wants us to stay in His presence for longer. It signifies that we are loved, cherished, and welcome for as long as we want.God is not stingy with His blessings, nor does He hold back; He gives freely, lavishly, wondrously, and abundantly. His peace passes all understanding, and His joy is unspeakable and full of glory.Apply it to your lifeIn Christ, we are full, refreshed, and free; don’t let the devil convince you to think negatively about God. Instead, remember Jesus’s words to you: “Come and dine.”
11/10/202223 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Smile at Death

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 23:4In spite of our best efforts to forget, death is a very real fact. As believers, it’s something we don’t have to fear; rather, we can anticipate it.In Psalm 23, King David reveals how to smile at death: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (v. 4).First, David accepted death as an inevitable fact. There is no way around it, and no way to know when it will happen to us; we just know it will eventually, to each of us.Second, David acknowledges that death has been defeated. From this perspective, we see that there can be no valley without mountains, and there is no shadow without light.Adrian Rogers says, “Death is just a shadow because Jesus has become the death of death. He pulled the sting out of death, took the gloom out of the grave, took the dread out of dying. Jesus gives us a hope that is steadfast and sure. A shadow may frighten you, but it cannot hurt you.”We also learn that there is no evil without a greater good. Because Jesus is our Jehovah, truth is mightier than error, grace is greater than sin, our Sovereign is greater than Satan, and life is greater than death.David sees that death is no longer his enemy, but his servant. In death, we are finally made like Jesus, able to praise Him with our whole hearts alongside the saints of all the ages, becoming one with God.In death, we see God’s presence and power. Adrian Rogers says, “There’s nothing that will bring you face-to-face with God more than the dark valleys of life.”As stated in Psalm 23:4, His rod protects us from all of the powers of evil and His staff draws us close to Him.Finally, death reveals the purpose of the Shepherd: to bring us out to the other side. David knew enough about a shepherd to know that he would never lead his sheep through a valley unless he was leading them to a better place.Apply it to your lifeDo you want to smile at death? Accept death as a fact, acknowledge that it has been defeated by Jesus, and consider it a friend, used to reveal God’s presence, power, and purpose.
11/9/202228 minutes
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How to Get Right with God and Stay Right with God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 23:3It is in a sheep’s nature to wander away from the shepherd. But it is in the shepherd’s nature to restore his sheep. Likewise, we can expect to fall out of fellowship with God. But by His grace, we can learn how to get right with God and stay right with Him.Psalm 23:3 says, “He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”If we have wandered from the path of righteousness, we must first remember the ministry of the shepherd. Jesus is the good shepherd who restores His sheep when they are led astray.He uses the rod for protection and correction.For the stubborn sheep insistent on his own way, Jesus uses the rod, which is a shepherd’s chief weapon for protecting and correcting his flock. God loves us too much to leave us in our stubbornness. It would be foolish to resent the rod or quit because of it. God’s correction reveals our sonship, renews our worship, and restores our fellowship. Though correction is not joyous, it brings peace and fruitfulness.He uses the staff to retrieve.The shepherd’s solution for the straying sheep is a staff, which is a crook used to harness and retrieve sheep. When we stray away from God, He retrieves us with His love and draws us back to Him with His grace.He anoints His sheep and restores them to righteousness.For the sheep that have been hurt by the enemy or the elements, the shepherd anoints their wounds with healing oil. God has anointed us with the Holy Spirit, which protects us from the enemy’s infliction. After He ministers to His sheep, God restores us that He might master us. After we’re restored, we ought to follow Him on the path of righteousness closer than ever, observing and obeying Him.Adrian Rogers says, “If we don’t go from restoration to righteousness, we will go right back to the same problem.”The shepherd’s reputation is based on the activity, welfare, and obedience of his sheep. We stay right with God in order to reveal His majesty to others. Jesus is our saving Jehovah; He leads us so that we can bring glory to His name.Apply it to your lifeAre you a sheep in need of restoration and guidance back to the path of righteousness? Love God, thank Him for His loving chastisement, observe, and obey.
11/7/202233 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Handle Stress (1361)

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 23:2Psalm 23:2 says, “He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.”Though we can obtain great intelligence here on earth, we are spiritually inept, much like sheep. In stressful seasons of life, we can convince ourselves that we don’t have time to be still and rest. But God has called His sheep to lie down in green pastures and to drink from the still waters; we need to learn how to handle stress. We can handle stressful times, first by knowing the security we have in our Shepherd.We are secure in Jesus: the good, great, chief Shepherd.The New Testament describes Jesus much like the Old Testament describes a shepherd: full of compassion, care, and courage. A good shepherd will fight for his sheep, fending off anything that threatens his flock. Likewise, this is telling of Jesus’s character in the Gospels, who leaves the ninety-nine to retrieve the one who has wandered. (See Matthew 18:12.)Jesus is also our sufficient Shepherd.One source of stress is the fear that our needs may not be met. But in Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells us to “ first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added...”In Psalm 23, the green pastures are symbolic of His Word; and the still waters, His spirit. God intends for us to have our fill in Him, and be satisfied. When we are first satisfied in our relationship with God, we can begin to manage our stress.Finally, we have serenity in our good Shepherd.Sheep will not lie down until they are content; neither will people. A reason for our stress could be that we've forgotten to take time to slow down, to be still, and know that God is God. (See Psalm 46:10.)Psalm 104:34 says, “May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the LORD.”It’s not enough to study Scripture; we must be in the habit of digesting what we’ve read, and regularly carving out time to rest in His promises.Apply it to your lifeDo you have a hard time handling stress? Find in Jesus Christ your security, His sufficiency, and the serenity that comes from meditating on the Word of God.
11/3/202232 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Secret of Satisfaction (1359)

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 23:1We can have all the things of this world and yet still be dissatisfied in our lives. Wealth, fame, and fortune do not fulfill a longing only God can satisfy.The secret of satisfaction is found in Psalm 23:1, which says, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” This short verse is packed full of promises that, when correctly understood, can change our perspectives. We can be satisfied no matter what material wealth we may or may not have.First, we notice what the Psalmist, David, calls God: The Lord, which translates to “Jehovah.”Jehovah is the most sacred name, for it claims God as self-existing, having neither a beginning nor an ending.When we claim God as Jehovah, we speak of His deity. But in the next phrase: “ my Shepherd,” we speak of His humanity.Adrian Rogers says, “In the Lord Jesus, we have sovereignty and sympathy, a king and a shepherd. We have a God who is able and a shepherd who is available, a God in the heavens and a shepherd in our hearts.”In John 10, Jesus is called the Good Shepherd, who will lay down His life for the sheep (v. 11).But in Hebrews 13, He's called the great shepherd, who rose back to life for the sheep: “Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant…” (v. 20)He died to take care of the penalty of our sin, and He rose again to overthrow the power of our sin. And as the chief shepherd, He will one day take us from the presence of sin. Because He is sovereign, and He is our shepherd, the secret to satisfaction is the Lord, Himself. We must have a personal relationship with Him, as Jesus says in John 10:14: “I know My sheep and My sheep know Me.”A personal relationship with God means we are eternally secure in Him, permanently His, and protected by His grace.Apply it to your lifeThe Lord God is our Shepherd, our provider, our healer, our peace and righteousness; He is the ever-present banner. We will never be satisfied apart from Him. Do you have a personal, permanent, protected relationship with Him?
11/1/202232 minutes, 29 seconds
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Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 6:1-3Whether we are saved or lost, we will all carry burdens at points in our lives; but we do not have to bear them alone. Galatians 6 shows us what to do with our burdens.First, this passage addresses the burdens we take up, the ones we share.“Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:1-2).As believers, we are called to take up the burdens of another brother or sister who is hurting—to restore those who have backslidden. We must remember that a broken person doesn’t need a lecture; he needs to be brought back to fellowship with God. A backslidden Christian is like a broken place in our net of believers. He needs us to approach him gently, humbly, and sympathetically. To fulfill the law of Christ, we must love our brother back to fellowship with God and mend the broken place in the net.There are also burdens we bear, the ones we shoulder.“But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For each one shall bear his own load” (Galatians 6:4-5).We are not called to lives of ease, but of discipline. God lays burdens upon us and expects us to shoulder them ourselves. It is our own responsibility to repent and be saved.Finally, there are burdens we give up, those we roll onto the Lord.Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you...” Our loving Father urges us to lay brokenhearted burdens at His throne; our burdens can be used to bring us to our Master’s feet.Adrian Rogers says, “Burdens come to the high as well as to the low; they come to the rich as well as to the poor, to the saints and the sinners, the old and young. These are burdens we were never meant to carry alone.”Apply it to your lifeIf you are a believer, you are called to lift another’s burdens and bring backslidden brothers and sisters back to Jesus. Realize your own burden of responsibility to share God with others; cast your heartaches upon Jesus, for He cares for you.
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Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 18:21One of God’s greatest gifts to us is forgiveness; He forgives us of our own sins, and He empowers us to forgive others who sin against us.Forgiveness is costly; the forgiveness of our sins cost the precious blood of Jesus. And sometimes, it costs something of us to forgive others. Yet, Scripture provides endless reasons to forgive, no matter the cost.First, we must forgive one another because God has so willingly forgiven us.Ephesians 4:32 says, “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”Second, if we do not forgive, we shut out the forgiveness of God.Matthew 18:35 says: “So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses.”Adrian Rogers says, “As long as you have an unforgiving spirit in your heart, you cannot get the forgiveness of God.”Third, if we don’t forgive, our unforgiving spirit will do us great emotional damage, namely, bitterness.We don’t just forgive an individual for their sake, but also for our own sake. So long as we keep our brother “on the hook” for something he’s done against us, we will also remain on the same hook.Adrian Rogers says, “When you forgive, you set a prisoner free, and discover that the prisoner was you.”Finally, forgiveness restores a broken fellowship.Matthew 18:15 says, “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother.”We must forgive freely and quickly, taking the initiative and approaching offenders with a heart ready to receive them. We must forgive fully, not half-heartedly, and it must be final. Once we forgive, we must bury the offense in the grave of God’s forgetfulness and not bring it up again.As a result, we set ourselves free from the prison of bitterness, and set our brother free from his guilt. Once free, there can be reconciliation, which can lead to revival.Apply it to your lifeIs there anyone that you’re harboring hate for or holding a grudge against? Is there bitterness in your heart? In the name of Jesus, deal with it; ask God for His strength to forgive. Don’t let an unforgiving spirit keep you from having genuine spiritual revival in your life.
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When the Spirit Speaks

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 16:7There are things we will never understand until we lay down our intellectual pride and let the Holy Spirit speak to us. Only when the Spirit speaks can we understand three truths regarding who we are and what God makes us.John 16:7 says, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.”First, the Holy Spirit teaches the truth about the sinner’s basic problem.A man is a sinner because of what he is and what he has done. Born into this fallen world, it is in our nature to give in to sin.A man is also a sinner because of what he has not done. God made us to know, love, and serve Him; when we do not do that, we are refusing Him the glory He deserves.But our ultimate problem is that we are sinners for not believing, because the greatest sin is unbelief. Unbelief is the parent sin, out of which all other sins come; it is proof of man’s wickedness, and it is what separates us from God forever.Second, the Holy Spirit shows the truth about the Savior’s bountiful provision.When we believe in Jesus Christ, He changes what we are at our very core and gives us a new nature. Adrian Rogers says, “Christians are not just nicer people; they’re new creatures.”He also forgives us for what we have done. Every stain, blot, or blemish of our past is washed whiter than snow, buried in the grave of God’s forgetfulness.He gives us the righteousness we need in order to be saved.Finally, the Holy Spirit proclaims the truth about Satan’s broken power.Jesus’s death on the cross was God’s greatest victory over evil. Satan’s kingdom was crushed; he now sails a sinking ship and rules a doomed domain.When we receive Christ, we become more like Him every day. That is what our faith is all about, and what the Holy Spirit is working within us.Apply it to your lifeHave you laid down your intellectual pride and allowed the Holy Spirit to impart things only He can show you? Understanding man’s sinful nature and the Savior’s provision, are you becoming more like Jesus?
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Salty Saints

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Leviticus 2:11Leviticus 2:11 says, “No grain offering which you bring to the Lord shall be made with leaven, for you shall burn no leaven nor any honey in any offering to the Lord made by fire.”Leaven in the Bible represents evil, sin, and corruption. Leaven ferments; it works quietly and stealthily in lukewarm conditions.Jesus warned us about three kinds of spiritual leaven in Matthew 16:-Leaven of the Pharisees, which is legalism-Leaven of the Sadducees, which is liberalism-Leaven of Herod, which is worldlinessThe absence of leaven in this offering reminds us that we must present the Lord Jesus Christ in His purity.The Bible also uses honey to represent excessive sweetness.The popular “honey gospel” tells us God is love: inexpressible, infinite, eternal love; but that’s only part of the truth. When this half-truth becomes the whole truth, it is entirely untrue. Yes, God is love, but He is also a holy God who will not acquit the wicked or condone sin.Adrian Rogers says, “Let us beware of loveless truth and truthless love.” The absence of honey in this offering reminds us that we must present the Lord Jesus Christ in His integrity.Leviticus 2:13 says, “And every offering of your grain offering you shall season with salt…” We are to present the Lord Jesus with much salt. Matthew 5:13 says, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned?”Salt decontaminates, prevents decay, and restrains corruption. It activates, preserves taste, heals, stings, and penetrates. And if you’re not careful, it dissipates; when salt loses its savor, it has no other use but to be tossed out on the roads.The problem with our society is not the leaven, it is the salt-less saints. It’s time for salt to do its work.Adrian Rogers says, “When the message we preach is bloated with leaven and dripping with honey, rather than supercharged with salt, friend, we have become good for nothing, salt-less saints.”Apply it to your life
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How to Understand the Bible

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 1:21-25We cannot grow as Christians if we are not actively studying the Word of God. It’s not enough to know facts about and within Scripture. When we go to the Bible to extract truth, we fail; rather, we must receive the truth and welcome it in.The Book of James shows us how to understand the Bible, and reveals four ways to welcome the Word of God.We first welcome the Word with a repentant spirit."Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls" (James 1:21). There is a moral qualification to hear from God; hangover sins and unrepentant hearts can keep us from understanding Scripture.When we study the Bible, it is crucial that we first make a full confession of sin and ask God to search our hearts for any trace of wickedness.We also welcome the Word with a receptive spirit, with meekness, which is a teachable spirit.James 3:3 says, "Indeed, we put bits in horses’ mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body." Likewise, God wants to break us and take us under His control, making us sensitive to His commands.Third, we welcome the Word with a responsive spirit."But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves" (James 1:22). Once we understand the Scripture we read, we must obey it; if we don’t, we are self-deceived.Adrian Rogers says, “A study of the Bible gives you knowledge about God. Obedience gives you knowledge of God.”Finally, we welcome the Word with a reflective spirit."But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does" (James 1:25). When we read the Bible with a reflective spirit, the Bible reads us in return. It gives us a new perspective of our lives and shows our truest selves. Rather than quickly glancing at Scripture, we must learn to gaze into it.Apply it to your lifeAre you actively receiving the Word of God with a repentant heart and a receptive, responsive spirit? Remember, as Adrian Rogers says, “The best way to understand the part of the Bible you don’t understand, is to obey the part you do understand.”
10/19/202239 minutes, 56 seconds
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Biblical Faith: What It Is and How to Have It

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 10:11-17It is not by fame, feelings, fortune, friends, or fate, but by our faith that we measure our accomplishments.Our belief is our greatest spiritual asset and richest currency. On the contrary, unbelief is our greatest stumbling block. This is why there is an immediate urgency to grow in a solid and exciting faith in God.Romans 10 reveals the intricacies of biblical faith, what it is, and how to have it."For the Scripture says, 'Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame'” (Romans 10:11).First, faith must be placed in the right object to be real.When we rely on the wrong things, it can be dangerous to our spiritual health.Adrian Rogers says, “Weak faith in the right object is better than misplaced faith in the wrong object.” We do not rely on positive thinking, or even in faith itself. True biblical faith is placed in Jesus Christ, alone.Once we understand the reality of biblical faith, we can see the root of it, which is the Word of God."How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?" (Romans 10:14). In order to spiritually grow, we must hear from God; we cannot know the will of God by guessing at it. It cannot be generated; it is given, as Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”When God speaks to us through His Word and Jesus Christ, we will see the result of our faith, which is the will of God.Adrian Rogers says, “The will of God is not something that you must do; it is something you get to do.” The purpose of faith is to get God’s will done on Earth. He is sovereign; He remains in control at all times. What He says He will do, He will accomplish. We have the beautiful opportunity to take part in His will, through faith.Apply it to your lifeHow are you going to release your faith today? True faith does more than merely believe; it translates into action. When you pray and ask God what to do, and how to accomplish His will for your life today, trust and obey Him.
10/18/202232 minutes, 34 seconds
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Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gifts

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 12When we are born again and become children of God, we receive spiritual gifts. Discovering, developing, and putting to work our spiritual gifts is how we find joy and fulfillment in the Christian life.1 Corinthians 12 explains how children of God can unwrap their spiritual gifts.“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant…” (1 Corinthians 12:1).Our spiritual gifts are supernatural, graciously given to us by the Holy Spirit when we are born again. There is no room for pride or selfishness; we’ve received our spiritual gifts to serve each other. The Holy Spirit chooses our gifts; our responsibility is to discover what He has sovereignly imparted in us.Adrian Rogers says, “These spiritual gifts are not for evidence, they are equipment. They are not for your enjoyment, they are for your employment.”“There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6).Some of the diverse gifts listed in Scripture are:-Wisdom-Knowledge-Faith-Healing-Miracles: physical, mental, and spiritual-Prophecy: for edification, exhortation, and comfort-Discernment of the spirits-Speaking in tongues, or speaking in a language you have never learned-Interpreting tongues, or translating tongues so others can understand-Ministry, or serving within the church-Teaching-Exhortation, or leading others in worship-Giving-Ruling, or the ability to administrate-Mercy, or showing the love of Jesus ChristIt is our joy and responsibility to discover our gifts. We must first present ourselves to God’s lordship. Secondly, we must become good stewards of our gifts with renewed minds and good faith.Finally, we must stay in fellowship with other believers. We were meant to serve one another well, to operate as one fully-functioning body. Our spiritual gifts will be confirmed as we begin serving each other however we can.Apply it to your lifeIf you haven’t discovered your spiritual gifts, ask yourself: Have I presented myself to the Lord? Have I decided to be a good steward of whatever the Holy Spirit has confirmed in me? Am I serving faithfully in my church?
10/14/202235 minutes, 37 seconds
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Six Positive Principles for Proper Practice

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 6:12The Bible is not a book of rules, but a book of principles. Rules can be manipulated and laws have loopholes, but principles are timeless and unchanging. Therefore, the Bible is a trusted source to cite when making daily decisions.There are six positive principles to live by, and questions to ask ourselves for a proper daily practice of the Christian faith.Expediency: Does this bring me to my appointed goal or does it hinder me?"All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful...” (1 Corinthians 6:12). We ought to have God-given goals for our lives and a holy ambition to accomplish them. Our decisions should honor the direction we are going.Enslavement: Am I brought under the power of anything other than Jesus Christ?“...all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any” (1 Corinthians 6:12).Jesus came to set us free from our addictions, vices, and bad habits. Under His sovereignty alone can we experience true freedom.Example: Even if this doesn’t hurt me, will it hurt somebody else?Even if we do not struggle with certain vices, our endorsement of it could lead others to stumble.Adrian Rogers says, “Don’t let your head run away with your heart; we are here to operate by love. Knowledge puffs you up, but love builds up.”Edification: Does this build me up or tear me down?"...all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify" (1 Corinthians 10:23). Everything we do will either build us up or tear us down; we should value friendships, conversations, and entertainment that refresh, renew and restore.Exaltation: Is God glorified by what I’m doing?Colossians 3:17 says, “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…” Every decision we make either honors or dishonors the Lord. We should strive to exalt God in everything we do.Evangelism: Is there anything that keeps me from bringing anybody else to Jesus Christ?When you study God’s Word, are you looking for rules to follow or for principles to live by? Consider the principles above; ask yourself the questions presented.Apply it to your lifeWhen you study God’s Word, are you looking for rules to follow or principles to live by? Consider the principles above and ask yourself the questions presented.
10/12/202238 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to Know the Will of God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 9:1-6Acts 9 tells the story of Saul’s conversion to becoming Paul. While on his way to persecute Christians, Saul came face-to-face with Jesus. And Saul’s first question to Jesus was:“Lord, what wilt thou have me to do” (Acts 9:6)?We are clever creatures who have lost our way and must relearn how we can know the will of God.First, remember that God has promised to guide.Psalm 32:8 says, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye."God has a moral plan for each of our lives. God’s will is sovereign; it is always done. There is no changing the fixed standard of right and wrong He has established.Though God’s will is particular for each of us, there are six universal truths about His plan:It is not a roadmap; it is a relationship.It is not the end of our joy, but the beginning.God does not speak only to certain people; He has a plan for everyone.Learning God’s will is not always a dramatic experience; oftentimes, it is spoken softly.God is not finished with us, whether we’re 9 or 99.God does not hide His will from us. He wants us to know it even more than we do.God’s guidance hinges on our willingness, meekness, and openness.He is willing to guide when we yield to His control. Sometimes, God will give visions, miracles, or dreams to reveal His plans, but many times, He speaks practically. He guides through Scripture, His people, and the Holy Spirit within us. We must be sensitive enough to hear and know His voice.God also leads with sheer wisdom, through the renewing of our minds.God opens and closes doors, and guides the meek through it all. Many times, we don’t even know it was the providence of God until afterward.We don’t have to be afraid of the will of God. Adrian Rogers says, “The will of God will not take you where the power of God cannot keep you.”Apply it to your lifeAre you trying to find the will of God for your life? How much time are you spending alone with God? If we want to understand God’s particular will for our lives, we must begin to obey the Scriptures we understand.
10/10/202240 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Roadmap to Maturity

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 2:14It’s important to know where we are in our spiritual maturity, in order to grow into what we could be. The Bible places men and women in three different categories: natural, spiritual, or carnal. As Christians, we want to be spiritual men and women, but in order to get there, we must begin to see the Bible as a roadmap to maturity.1 Corinthians 2:14 says, “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him: nor can he know them because they are spiritually discerned."The natural man is born into the natural world, just like anybody else. But because he has not been born again through faith, he can’t appreciate or understand spiritual things; he is bound to the material world.Adrian Rogers says, “The natural man does what comes naturally; the spiritual man does what comes supernaturally.”The spiritual man has been born again, through salvation in Jesus Christ. He now lives by the Spirit, who inhabits his humanity. A Christian is not a natural person who decides to do better; he is someone who has been radically, dramatically, supernaturally changed. The spiritual things he once could not understand become apparent to Him. Now liberated through the Spirit, he sees with the mind of Christ, discerns everything with wisdom.Finally, the Bible warns us about becoming a carnal man. He is one who has been saved, yet he is defeated and dependent on others to decipher Scripture. He is spiritually immature because there has not been any growth. He cannot walk, war, or work spiritually. The carnal man is also very divisive. He likes to stir up debates, provoke fights, can’t get along with anyone. They are saved, but no one would ever know it.Unfortunately, the carnal Christian is a lot more common than we want to believe. In order for us to grow in truth and maturity, we must take an honest inventory of where we are, so that we may grow in Christ, and follow the roadmap of maturity.Apply it to your lifeTake time today to prayerfully figure out where you are in your relationship with Christ. Do you have the markings of a natural man, a spiritual man, or a carnal man? Live by the Spirit, learn, and be liberated by Him.
10/6/202230 minutes, 27 seconds
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Start Right: Believer's Baptism

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 8:35-39There are two common misconceptions people have about baptism: that it is either necessary for our salvation, or that it is not important at all.In order to grow as Christians, we cannot minimize what the Bible has emphasized: starting right with believer’s baptism.In Acts 8, God gave his servant, Philip, the specific assignment to witness to a eunuch of great authority.“Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him. Now as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, “See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?” Then Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” So he commanded the chariot to stand still. And both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, and he baptized him. Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing” (Acts 8:35-39).The word, “baptizo” means, “to immerse.” The biblical method of baptism is by immersion: placing a person under water and bringing him out.Adrian Rogers says, “The method and the meaning are inextricably interwoven; you cannot change the method without destroying the meaning.”Romans 6:4 says, “Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”Baptism symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, as well as our death, burial, and resurrection with Him. There are three reasons to be baptized:It proclaims our commitment to Jesus.It portrays our conversion; it is our way of testifying.It is a command from God that we must obey.While baptism is not necessary for our salvation, it is necessary for our obedience. It shows that we belong to Jesus Christ.Apply it to your lifeBaptism is not a suggestion; it is a command from Scripture. Have you come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ? Have you been baptized?
10/4/202236 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Chemistry of the Cross

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 8:28Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”This is the chemistry of the cross: that God can work bad situations for our good and His glory.This verse reiterates the certainty and completeness of this ironclad, rock-ribbed promise of God. He works all things together for His glory and for our good. When we know this, we can appreciate the blessings we would otherwise mistake as burdens.Adrian Rogers says, “It takes a lot of faith to say it is good for me that I have been afflicted. But it’s then that we begin to look up into the face of God. A sick bed can often teach more than a sermon.”By the chemistry of the cross, the sweet, the sorrowful, and even the satanic and sinful things work together for good. The same God who rules in the affairs of this world can work the enemy’s attacks for our benefit.Romans 5:20 says, “where sin abounded, grace abounded much more."Because we are bound to sin, we are bound to suffer. But because of the cross, our suffering is met with God’s grace.The simple and the smallest things are in God’s master control; He is the cause of it all.Though this is a beautiful and big promise, it is not for everyone. There is a condition to Romans 8:28, which is, “to them that love God.”When we accept the condition of Romans 8:28, we can fully understand the consequence of it, found in Romans 8:29: “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.”The “good” that we receive is our sanctification; we are becoming more like Jesus. God is not finished with us; He will continue to use circumstances to make us look more like our Savior.Apply it to your lifeAre you the one who loves God and believes your circumstances are there to make you look more like Jesus? Spend time in Scripture today, so that you can gain perspective on all things: the sweet, sorrowful, satanic, sinful, simple, and small. He is working them for your good!
9/30/202236 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Have a Spirit-Filled Life

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 5:18The Christian life is a blessing, but if we don’t understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit, it can feel more like a burden. The secret to a blessed Christian life is being filled with the Holy Spirit. It is important to know how to have a spirit-filled life.Ephesians 5:18 says, “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit...”Having a Spirit-filled life is a command from God to obey, as well as a blessing to enjoy. It is also our obligation as Christians, because on our own, we don’t have the strength to do what the Bible commands us to do.The only way to truly worship God is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Our marriages and work relationships hinge on this as well. We serve our families and colleagues as we should when we first submit to the Holy Spirit.It is also how we win in this spiritual warfare we face every day. It is our only hope in ever witnessing to others. We are up against the organized, demonic forces of Hell.Ephesians 5:15-16 says, “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”Adrian Rogers says, “There has never been a greater day, a greater age, a greater opportunity to preach the Gospel of Jesus than right now.”What are the requirements of being filled with the Holy Spirit?There must first be a complete commitment to Christ. We must continually yield control to Him, consciously claiming our dependence on Him every moment. When we do this, we receive a spirit of adoration for God—a passionate, blazing love for Jesus Christ that doesn’t burn out.We also receive a spirit of appreciation for our circumstances. Ephesians 5:20 claims Christians are to be, “Giving thanks always for all things…”Finally, we receive a spirit of accommodation toward others. Every day, every place, we are learning to submit to and serve others.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “We need a generation of Spirit-filled people. As the night grows darker, the saints grow brighter, and the hunger intensifies. And there are people who are looking, waiting, wondering: Is there an answer? The answer is in Christ.”
9/28/202236 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to Turn Temptations into Triumphs

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 10:12-14As Christians, we have the power not only to overcome temptations but also to use them as a means to grow in our faith. 1 Corinthians 10 shows us how to turn temptations into triumphs.“Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” (1 Corinthians 10:12-13).Being saved does not make us immune to temptation; everyone is subject to temptation.There are three common sources of temptation.The WorldIn this context, “world” means a system or order. This fallen world is entrenched in evil and we are not to fall for its schemes. The world wars against the soul: our minds, emotions and will, our ego, our psyche. We can’t let the world mold us, guide us, or control us.The FleshThe flesh is the “old nature,” the person the Christian used to be; it is the inclination to do evil.Adrian Rogers says, “Sin is an inside job that comes from your flesh.” The flesh wars against the body, tempting us in the areas of appetite, lust, laziness, and violence.The DevilThe devil wars against the spirit: we know God through our spirits. Our spirits are our vehicles of communication, worship, and spiritual knowledge. The devil wants to cut off that life source.There are three key ways to subdue temptation.Against the world: FAITHThrough faith, God is a bright, living reality that eclipses the temptation to squeeze into the world’s mold.Against the Flesh: FIGHTWe must avoid situations that will tempt us to sin in the flesh.Against the devil: FIGHTThe devil won’t leave us alone until we resist him. We fight by bringing the Word of God against him.Satan does not want us to understand the power we have to overcome temptation. We must be strong in the Lord. We must resist the devil, and he will flee from us.Apply it to your lifeWhen temptation comes, remember: you are not on defense; you can be on offense. Flee from fornication, feed on Jesus to avoid worldliness, and resist the devil.
9/26/202235 minutes, 36 seconds
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How to Come Back When You're Down

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 51King David, though a man after God’s own heart, was a great sinner. He committed adultery and, in covering it up, he committed murder. But David was also a great repenter, and Psalm 51 shows us how to come back when we’re down.Getting saved does not mean we lose our capacity to sin or minimize its gravity. The eternal security of salvation is not a license to sin without suffering. In fact, we will suffer all the more, because the Holy Spirit convicts believers of their sins until they confess them. Guilt is a dirty wound; it festers, and it will never heal until it is cleansed.This passage reveals the weighty consequences of sin. Sin soils the soul, saturates the mind, and stings the conscience. It saddens the heart and sickens the body, sours the spirit, and seals the lips.Adrian Rogers says, “The most miserable man on earth is not a lost man; It is a saved man out of fellowship with God.”When we find ourselves down in our sins, how do we come back?First, we must be confident that God still loves us.Psalm 51:1 says, "Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.” Even when he sinned, David had confidence in God’s lovingkindness. In spite of the enemy’s attempt to discredit God’s faithfulness, we must remember there is nothing we can do that will make God stop loving us.Second, we must confess our sins without any excuses or alibis.1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”Finally, God cleanses and forgives.He removes the penalty, blots it out, and buries it in the sea of His forgetfulness. He removes the pollution of sin, cleaning us whiter than snow. He removes the power of sin: God purges us so that we are clean on the inside.We don’t have to carry around our own condemnation anymore; we can be clean.Apply it to your lifeDo you have any unconfessed sin weighing on you today? Ask God to search your heart and reveal your sin to you. Confess it and be cleansed by God’s forgiveness.
9/23/202229 minutes, 31 seconds
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Eternal Security: A Scriptural Defense

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 10:27It is good for our spiritual health and productivity as Christians to know we are eternally secure. This is why we must have a Scriptural defense for our eternal security. Following are four passages to reflect on regarding eternal security.1. 2 Peter 2:21: "For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.”Adrian Rogers says, “Reformation without transformation leads to greater degradation and final condemnation.” Reformation doesn't give us a new nature. Our sinful desires only hibernate and wake up stronger. Salvation, on the other hand, gives us a new nature and a desire to follow Jesus.2. Matthew 24:11-13: "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."Endurance is the mark of reality in the life of a human soul. We must endure in times of trial, so that our faith will not fail.3. John 15:5: “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”Those who abide in Him bear the fruit. Those who do not bear fruit, are not abiding in Him.4. Hebrews 6:4-6: “For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.”This passage refers to those who know the truth and turn from it, eyes wide open, having never repented to begin with. But we, who have accepted salvation and repented of our sins, are eternally secure.Adrian Rogers says, “Eternal security is like a strong rubber band that God puts around you when you get saved. You may stray away, but He keeps drawing you back.”Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “Those who live by truth get more and more freedom. Those who live by lies experience more and more bondage.” Consider this Scriptural Defense for your eternal security.
9/21/202238 minutes, 8 seconds
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How You Can Be Sure You Are Eternally Secure

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 10:27When we, as Christians, are sure of our future, we can concentrate on the present. This is why John 10 is fundamental to the eternal security of the believer.“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand” (John 10:27-29).This passage reveals eight reasons we can be sure we are eternally secure.1. PromiseGod has promised us eternal security through His Word. Romans 8 claims that nothing can separate us from His love. (See Romans 8:38-39.)2. PerseveranceGod, who first began a good work in us, will complete what He has begun. The Holy Spirit of God is the Convictor, the Convertor, and the Completor. Adrian Rogers says, “The Holy Spirit has never started anything He’s not able to finish.”3. PredestinationGod has predetermined our destiny. Adrian Rogers says, “Your salvation did not begin with you. Your salvation began before this world was swung into space.” If you are called to a new birth in Christ, it is absolutely settled.4. PerfectionHebrews 10:14 says, "For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.” Being a Christian isn’t making monthly deposits to pay God back for His salvation. Jesus paid it all, therefore, we are made perfect forever in God’s sight. It is not a fresh start; it is a new nature.5. PositionAdrian Rogers says, “Security is not a place; it is a person, and His name is Jesus Christ.” We are positioned with the Lord Jesus Christ, part of His body, sealed with the Holy Spirit.6. PossessionIf we are saved, we already have eternal life. Adrian Rogers says, “Everlasting life is not something you get when you die. Everlasting life is something you get when you believe.”7. PrayerJesus is praying for us, not that we would escape tribulation, but that we will be kept from evil.8. PowerFinally, we are kept by the power of God. This alone is enough proof that we are eternally secure.Apply it to your lifeAre you sure you are eternally secure? The same God who saved us will keep us if we believe in Him.
9/19/202240 minutes, 47 seconds
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How to Be Saved and Know It

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 5:11Every Christian ought to have the privilege of knowing, beyond any shadow of doubt, that he or she is saved. But having doubts doesn’t necessarily mean we are not saved.Adrian Rogers says, “Doubt is to your spirit what pain is to your body; it doesn't mean you're dead, it means something's wrong.”1 John 5 reveals how to be saved and know it, without hesitation.“And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God” (1 John 5:11-13).When doubts arise, we must remember, first, how we are saved: by grace, through faith (see Ephesians 2:8).Adrian Rogers says, “Grace is the unmerited favor and love that God shows to us. It's what made God love us when we were unlovely. God doesn't love us because we're valuable… we're valuable because He loves us.”Faith is not intellectual belief; it is trust and commitment to God. Think of grace as the hand of God reaching down to us, and faith is our hand reaching up to Him.Understanding this, we can find our assurance through three basic tests:-Lordship TestIs Jesus Christ the Lord of my life?If we claim to love God, we will keep His commandments.-Fellowship TestDo I love my brothers and sisters in Christ? Am I in fellowship with other believers?Fellowship is the nature of both the Christian and the Church.-Relationship TestDo I have a vital relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ?The assurance of our salvation is on-going; it is not a past event, stamped by a time and date and place. It is a present decision to trust in Jesus, right now. We can trust in Him, for He alone is the assurance of our salvation.Apply it to your lifeDo you have doubts about your faith? Consider the lordship, fellowship, and relationship tests. If you don’t know whether your doubt is the Holy Spirit’s conviction, or the devil’s tactic, believe in Jesus.
9/15/202229 minutes, 55 seconds
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How Can You Be Certain the Bible is the Word of God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Revelation 22There is an ongoing war over the Word of God. There are those who despise, dissect and disregard it. But perhaps the greatest enemy of the Word of God is the one who believes in it but doesn’t know it.We will never be settled until we are settled about the Word of God. Our salvation and sanctification depend on it.Revelation 22:18 says, “For I testify unto every man who heareth the words of the prophecy of this book…”There are several reasons to consider in becoming certain that the Bible is the Word of God.First, consider the Bible’s scientific accuracy.There have been many instances in which scientific theories have gone against the Word of God, but those theories have crumbled over time. Science changes direction, improves, and builds upon itself. But the Word of God remains unchanged and unmovable.Second, consider the Bible’s historical accuracy.Though it’s not primarily a history book, the Bible records many notable events verified by historians.We also believe in the Bible because of its wonderful unity.It is penned by people from all kinds of backgrounds: shepherds, kings, soldiers, princes, priests and fishermen. Yet, from Genesis to Revelation, it reads as one book because of its divine inspiration.Another reason we believe in the Bible is its fulfilled prophecy.The Old Testament contains more than 300 prophecies that deal with Jesus Christ that He fulfilled in the New Testament.We believe in the Bible because of its ever-living qualities.The Bible has faced much opposition, yet it has survived, and it still applies today. Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible is not the book of the month; it is the book of the ages.”Ultimately, we believe in this book is its life-changing power.Adrian Rogers says, “The Gospel of Christ is the dynamite of God that saves.” It saves the sinners, sanctifies the saints, sustains the suffering, and satisfies the scholar. The Bible, in all its wonder and majesty, is summed up in this: “Jesus loves me, this I know; for the Bible tells me so!”Apply it to your lifeAre you certain that the Bible is the Word of God? Consider these reasons, and come to a faithful understanding of Scripture… knowing that once you begin studying it, you are never finished with it!
9/13/202237 minutes, 58 seconds
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Redeeming Love

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ruth 4The story of Ruth begins with a funeral and ends with a wedding; it begins with weeping but ends with joy. Ruth and Boaz’s story is a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ’s redeeming love for the Church. Ruth 4 shares a picture of our salvation in Jesus Christ, our kinsman Redeemer.First, this passage gives an illustration of our redeeming Lord.Ruth 4:4 explains the law in the land: Following her first husband’s death, Ruth’s estate had been sold and she was left in a dire circumstance. As a near relative of her deceased husband, Boaz assumed Ruth as his wife and bought back the estate that was sold, becoming what’s called a “kinsman redeemer.”Jesus Christ became our near kinsman when He stepped out of eternity and into our world to assume responsibility over us. Legally worthy, He bought back what was lost when sin entered the world. A man of wealth, Boaz was able to sufficiently buy back the estate. Jesus paid an even greater price for us than Boaz paid for Ruth: His own life.Boaz also displays a loving willingness to redeem Ruth, as Jesus was willing to redeem us.Adrian Rogers says, “He does not love us because we’re valuable; we’re valuable because He loves us.”This passage also gives a picture of our renewed life.Ruth was a woman from a pagan land, hopelessly stuck in a terrible circumstance; she is a picture of us all, plagued by sin, sorrow, and death.Boaz’s willingness to redeem her changed everything; even more so, Jesus took on our sin and shame and changed everything for us.Finally, the passage reminds us of our restored legacy.Ruth received a new family, great fortune, and fame in the land of Bethlehem. She was fruitful, noted as the grandmother of King David, becoming part of the ancestry of Jesus Christ.Without Jesus, we are strangers to the covenants of promise, without hope. But because Jesus has redeemed us, we have a new family, fortune, and fame.With the Holy Spirit, we are fruitful and have a bright future ahead, leaving a legacy of faith and redeeming love.Apply it to your lifeDo you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, our kinsman Redeemer? As you read through Ruth 4, remember the love of Jesus Christ, perfectly illustrated in the story of Ruth and Boaz.
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Five Ways to Draw Closer to Jesus

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ruth 3In the Book of Ruth, Ruth and Boaz’s love story is an illustration of Jesus Christ and the Church, His Bride. The advice Ruth received from her mother-in-law in chapter 3 reveals five ways to draw closer to Jesus.“Therefore wash yourself and anoint yourself, put on your best garment and go down to the threshing floor…” (Ruth 3:3).First, if we want to draw near to God, we must be freshly cleansed.We’re cleansed by the Word of God, which shows us what we are and reveals the defilement and dirt within us. We’re also cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, who is faithful to forgive us of our sins when we confess them.Second, we must be fragrantly consecrated.Ruth’s anointing was a sweet perfume; our anointing is the Holy Spirit, who makes our lives like incense to God.Third, we must be fitly clothed.Ruth was instructed to wear her best garments. Likewise, we are instructed to put on garments of salvation we’ve received through Christ.Fourth, we must be fully committed.“Then it shall be, when he lies down, that you shall notice the place where he lies; and you shall go in, uncover his feet, and lie down; and he will tell you what you should do” (Ruth 3:4).By placing herself at Boaz’s feet, Ruth told Boaz that if he is willing, she will accept him as her Redeemer husband. In the same way, we must sit at the feet of Jesus and fully commit our lives to Him.Finally, we must be faithfully compliant.As Naomi told Ruth to obey Boaz, we are called to not only hear the Word of God but obey it. Boaz received Ruth, reassured her, and replenished her with more barley than she could carry.When we draw near to our Redeemer, we’ll find ourselves received and reassured by His love, and see that He will replenish us with abundantly more than we could ask for.Apply it to your lifeIf you want to draw near to Jesus, be cleansed and surrender to the Holy Spirit. Clothe yourself in salvation, commit and comply with whatever He tells you to do.
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God's Amazing Grace

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ruth 2After losing her husband in a pagan land, Ruth made the wise choice to stay with her mother-in-law and continue worshiping the one true God. God honored her choice and lavished His amazing grace upon her by way of Boaz.Ruth 2:1 says, “There was a relative of Naomi’s husband, a man of great wealth, of the family of Elimelech. His name was Boaz…”The love story of Ruth and Boaz is a beautiful portrait of Jesus Christ’s love for the Church.First, this story reminds us of God’s saving grace.Because of her husband’s death, the law of the land claimed a curse upon Ruth. Boaz, a mighty man of great wealth, was a close kinsman of Ruth’s family. If willing, he could redeem her from financial bankruptcy and provide for Ruth in her weakened condition.Adrian Rogers says, “The law excluded her, but grace included her.”In the same way, Jesus is our near kinsman who willingly took on flesh and blood to be made like us in order to redeem us.Second, this grace is sovereign: the unseen hand of God brought Ruth to Himself.As a young, penniless widow, Ruth went to work in Boaz’s fields just in time for the barley harvest. Ruth showed up in the fields at the exact right time because God is sovereign, and He has a plan.Third, this grace was a seeking grace; once he saw her in the fields, Boaz took the initiative.God has taken the initiative with us, and continues to seek us through Scripture, our sufferings, and His servants.This was also a satisfying grace; throughout Ruth 2, we see Boaz looking out for Ruth’s needs as she worked the fields.This mimics how God satisfies our every need and provides for His children to further His kingdom.Finally, this was a securing grace; Boaz charged the other men of the field not to touch her.Ruth was now safe and secure under the watchful protection of her kinsman redeemer. And in Jesus Christ, we are not only saved and satisfied; we are forever secure.Apply it to your lifeRuth was not placed in the fields of Boaz by accident. Likewise, you are not in your current circumstance by chance. Pray for God’s guidance and rest assured that He is with you, and He has a plan for your life.
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It is Decision That Determines Destiny

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ruth 1In the midst of some of the darkest days recorded in Scripture, we are given a love story: Ruth’s love story, one which counts for all of eternity. The Book of Ruth is a beautiful example of how decisions determine destiny.First, this story reveals the principle of willing choice.Ruth 1:1-2 states that in the midst of a famine in Bethlehem, Elimelech led his family (including Ruth) into the pagan land Moab, which proved to be a deadly decision. We are the sum total of our decisions: we are free to choose, but we are not free not to choose; nor are we free to choose the consequences of our choices.Adrian Rogers says, “First you make your choice, and then your choice chooses for you.”Second, this story reveals the problems of a wrong choice.Elimelech made the wrong choice because he had the wrong motive. He was physically motivated rather than spiritually motivated: seeking refuge from famine in a cursed land.He also chose the wrong method: walking by sight and not by faith. And to his demise, he served the wrong master by dwelling in enemy territory. This wrong choice resulted in tragic consequences, as Elimelech and his two sons died, leaving Naomi, Orpha, and Ruth as vulnerable widows.But this story also reveals the power of a wise choice.After Naomi urged her daughters-in-law to return to their homelands, Ruth’s decision changed the entire trajectory of her life.“But Ruth said: ‘Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; for wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God, my God’” (Ruth 1:16).Ruth was a cursed, crushed, and condemned woman. But she was given a new hope because she decided to hold onto the God of her late husband’s family—even in their disobedience and their doubt. She was given new direction, dependence, and desires. Her wise choice brought on new devotion to God, a new dedication to Naomi, and a new destiny.As a result, the maid of Moab married the bachelor of Bethlehem and became an ancestress of the Lord Jesus Christ.Apply it to your lifeThere is life and death in every decision we make; choose to hold onto Him, live by faith, and make wise decisions.
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Do You Have a Grudge with God?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 11It is very human to take up offense at little things, but it’s a dangerous thing to hold a grudge against the God of the Universe.There are four common scenarios many of us face and may be tempted to begrudge God. Scripture reveals how to change our perspectives before we harbor a grudge in our hearts.First, people get offended by God when they are persecuted for doing what’s right.In Matthew 11, John the Baptist had been arrested and faced the possibility of death. In a human moment, John honestly questioned Jesus, and he sent his question straight to Him. In response, Jesus was gentle, revealing to us that honest questions will receive sincere answers.God has not promised to keep us out of the dungeons, furnaces, or lions’ dens; if we end up in a valley, we must remember that God is God—He is on time and He is in control.Adrian Rogers says, “Christianity is not the subtraction of problems from life; Christianity is the addition of power to meet those problems.”Second, people may begrudge God when they are rebuked for doing wrong.In Matthew 15, Jesus expresses harsh rebuke to the Pharisees because of their self-righteousness.Our goodness is not enough to be saved; it is God who cleanses us from the inside.Third, people get offended by God because their expectations are not met.Becoming Christians does not deliver us from the unpleasantness of this world. In this life, we are sure to face disappointments, especially when we expect things that God has not promised. If we come to Jesus for some political, material motivation, we will be disappointed.Finally, people get offended by God because they envy other people’s blessings; they watch God bless other people, while they have not received the blessings they believe they’re due.In our flesh, we often forget that others’ blessings are not our diminishment; we must remember that God is not fair—and praise Him for that! The only thing we deserve is judgment, and yet He extends us grace, and so much more. We should instead be grateful for the blessings we receive and celebrate what God pours out on others.Apply it to your lifeIs your heart pure and free of any grudges against God? Prayerfully and carefully work through your relationship with Him; bring your honest questions to God and don’t come with false expectations.
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Why Jesus Still Bears the Scars

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 20:24-28Adrian Rogers says, “The only man-made things in Heaven are the scars that we made in the hands and feet and side of the Lord Jesus.”The Bible tells us that when Jesus comes again, we will see those scars He received from His sacrificial death.John 20:24-28 explains three reasons why Jesus still bears the scars.“Then He said to Thomas, ‘Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing’” (John 20:27).First, the scars tell us that as a man, Jesus suffered.In this passage, Jesus invited his doubting disciple, Thomas to examine His scars, which he received when He was crucified. These scars testify that He suffered for us, and still suffers with us, whether in grief, in persecution, or when the Church is unfaithful.The scars also show us that Jesus sympathizes; they remind us that God has been with us, He has felt what we feel and He understands our pain.Hebrews 4:15 says, “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all points tested like as we are, yet without sin.”Pain has a protecting purpose; it warns us to pivot away from the things that harm us. Pain also has a unifying purpose. As the physical human body comes to the aid of a suffering member, pain draws people together.Finally, these scars reveal to us that Jesus saves.He received these scars when He died upon the cross for our sins. He did not have to suffer. Yet, He moved into our suffering, took it on Himself, so that we could be saved from our sins.Isaiah 53:5 says, “He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed.”Apply it to your lifeJesus had some scars, and if we follow Him, so will we. Let your pain point people to the Gospel; and if you are suffering today, bring your wounds to Jesus; use your scars for His glory.Adrian Rogers reminds us, “A scar is a wound that is healed. You need to let Jesus heal your wounds, and then use that as a testimony for Him.”
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What is the World Coming To?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Peter 3:6It seems the more we try to put it in proper order, the messier the world becomes. As prophesied in Scripture, we will not know ultimate order and peace until Christ’s return.2 Peter 3 gives insight into what this world is coming to, and how we are to conduct ourselves as we near the Last Days.“Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior…” (2 Peter 3:1-2).First, we’re warned about those who will deny Jesus’ Second Coming: “...knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts…” (2 Peter 3:3).Ridicule and mockery have always been the enemy’s chief tools. When Jesus was first here, He was mocked; we can expect to be mocked for believing He will come again. Scoffers will inflict emotional and intellectual opposition to discredit, diminish, or distract from the importance of his Second Coming.But as Believers, we have the scriptural declaration of His coming. God has promised it in His Word, and His power declares that He is able. All of creation, including the cataclysm of the flood (See 2 Peter 3:6.) and the promise of fire (See 2 Peter 3:10-11.) reveals how God will intervene.Though He can, He has not intervened yet because of His tremendous patience. He keeps the door of mercy open, so we may enter while we still have time.Adrian Rogers says, “Even now, the raging waters of God’s wrath are furiously pounding against the dam of His mercy.”Finally, this passage reminds us of the sovereign demands of His coming.“Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness…” (2 Peter 3:11).It is God’s desire that all come to repentance. We have a duty to share the saving message of Jesus Christ with others, and we have more opportunities now than ever before.Apply it to your lifeThe souls of men are more important than anything else in our lives. As this world succumbs to more and more chaos, are you committed to sharing the Gospel with others?
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How to Run Like a Champion

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 12:1-2Living the Christian life is much like running in a race, and Hebrews 12 shows us how to run like a champion.First, we must remember there is a purpose to pursue.“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses…” (Hebrews 12:1). We are in this race until our very last breath. There is no retiring or quitting from this race against ourselves.There is a person to prepare.“...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us…” (Hebrews 12:1).Many of us lag behind because we are weighed down by excess baggage. Remember: we are free to enjoy our hobbies, treasures, and friendships until they keep us from running our race.Adrian Rogers says, “Good things become bad things when they keep you from the best things.”If we’re not careful, our baggage will cause us to stumble completely. When we find ourselves tripped up by sin, we must confess and repent so we can get back on track.Third, there is a price to pay.“...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…” (Hebrews 12:1). No one strolls over the finish line; endurance is necessary in order to run a race well. We must get our hearts and minds right and finish the course.Fourth, there’s a promise to plead.“...looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…” (Hebrews 12:2). The One who first calls us to the race will enable us to finish the race. We must keep our eyes on God, who gives us faith, because He is the One we are running toward.Finally, there is a prize to possess.“...who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). As we run this race, living by faith, we know we are headed toward eternal victory. Because Jesus finished the race on Calvary, He has become our reward. The race will have been worth it when we see Him face-to-face.Apply it to your lifeAre you running with endurance today – setting aside the things that weigh you down and cause you to sin? Are you living a life of faith well, sharing the Gospel with others, so that they may enter the race toward Jesus?
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When Faith Seems to Fail

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:30-34In this life, we will experience situations in which we’ve tried to trust in God and our faith seems to fail. What do we do when we face trials, tribulations, or heartaches, and faith doesn’t seem to remove them?Hebrews 11 gives us insight for those who struggle to endure when times get tough.First, this passage reminds us that mature faith believes in the supernatural power of God.“...who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong...” (Hebrews 11:33-34).Mature believers know that God can do anything but fail.Anyone who has walked with Jesus for a long time has had an experience that can’t be explained apart from His power.When reminded of the numerous miracles of God, we can be comforted to know that if God does not do something, it is not because He cannot.Second, mature faith bows to the sovereign purposes of God.“Women received their dead raised to life again. Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection” (Hebrews 11:35).Sometimes, God’s ways are mysterious, but that doesn’t mean they’re weak. Many of the early Christians were martyred for their faith; many Christians around the world still are.God has not promised a life without difficulty. He has simply promised Himself. He will never leave or forsake us, especially when we face difficulty. We must hold onto the promise that, through Him, we have the ultimate victory over death.Finally, mature faith is based on the settled promises of God.“And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us” (Hebrews 11:39-40).When faith seems to fail, it may be that we are asking for something that God never intended for us. We must remember that God has a wonderful plan, and He will bring it to pass. We can depend on His steadfast, eternal promises from Scripture.Adrian Rogers says, “Real faith is to center your life on Almighty God.”Apply it to your lifeDo you have the faith to endure trials and heartaches? Are you willing to let God be God, and to trust Him even when things don’t make sense?
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Star Wars

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:32-34Hebrews 11:32-34 lists several champions of faith, who exemplify tremendous character all throughout Scripture. One figure mentioned is Barak, a military leader, whose faith in God helped deliver Israel from a 20-year oppression of Canaan.Judges 5:20 explains, “They fought from the heavens; the stars from their courses fought against Sisera.”These passages reveal four reasons why the heavenlies sided with Barak and fought to bring him the victory.First, we identify the woman that God chose: Deborah.Deborah was a judge and prophetess in Israel. She was a godly woman who used her gifting and wisdom to minister to Barak. God still chooses women like Deborah to use their gifts and talents in ministry.Second, we see the warrior that God called: Barak.There was a battle to be fought to deliver the Israelites from their oppressors. God chose Barak to lead the charge because his faith was rooted in the God of Israel and he lived as he believed.Third, we recognize the warfare that God conducted.Barak and his army did not stand a chance against the Canaanites’ flashy weaponry and 900 iron chariots. But the fight was fixed, for the stars themselves fought the battle. Before the battle began, God sent a rainstorm to soften the ground. This rendered the chariots useless and weighed down the Canaanites’ heavy armor.Adrian Rogers says, “The God who created the Universe and flung those stars out into space, programmed everything against Sisera.” When we love and serve God, God is on our side and programs us for victory.Finally, we notice the wickedness that God cursed.Judges 5:23 says, “‘Curse Meroz,’ said the angel of the Lord, ‘Curse its inhabitants bitterly, because they did not come to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty.’”In a time of crisis, the city of Meroz did not join the fight against the Canaanites. This is a crucial reminder to stand up for what is right and to fight alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ.Apply it to your lifeEvery day, we face battles even more real than the one on Mount Tabor. As we face spiritual warfare and principalities and powers of darkness, we must act as men and women of faith.Adrian Rogers says, “God will bring the stars behind the man who’s behind God.”
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People God Uses

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:32-34The champions of faith listed in Hebrews 11 give us an idea of the kind of people God uses to accomplish His mighty plans.Hebrews 11:32-34 says, “...For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon… who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle...”This passage reminds us of Gideon’s story in Judges 6-7 and shows five characteristics of people that God uses.First, God uses common people.By His Spirit, God turned Gideon, a once fearful farmer, into a valiant warrior.God does not rely on our abilities, but on our availability to Him to work through us in extraordinary ways.Second, God uses cleansed people.Before God could send Gideon to battle, Gideon had to do away with the idols in His life and surrender in worship.Adrian Rogers says, “An idol is anything you love, fear, serve or value more than God.” God will not use us if there is unconfessed sin in our lives. We must crush our idols, repent, and be cleansed from the inside out.Third, God uses courageous people.In Judges 7, God gives Gideon the command to send away soldiers who are afraid. This shows us that God can better use a smaller number of brave souls than a larger group of fearful ones.As children of God, we have been given a spirit of power and love. This does not mean we become naturally courageous—it means we are filled with His Spirit.Fourth, God uses cautious people.We are called to be on guard at all times, ready to fight against the temptation to sin.Adrian Rogers says, “Sin is a combination of an unexpected opportunity, an unprotected life and an undetected weakness.”Finally, God uses confident people.Gideon led the charge with confidence because He knew God was with Him.God gave them victory that day, and when we are confident that God is with us, we can be used in victorious ways.Apply it to your lifeGod has mighty plans and He wants to use us to accomplish them. Make certain that your heart is clean. He may not use you the way you expect, but if you make yourself available to Him, He will use you.
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Transforming Power of Faith

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:31Faith has the incredible ability to radically and dramatically change people.In Joshua 2, Rahab the prostitute was transformed by faith. She was a Canaanite woman living in spiritual darkness, but after God saved her, she became part of the bloodline of Jesus Christ.Rahab’s transformation reveals four things about the power of faith.First, the providence of God confronted Rahab.In Joshua 2, two spies approached Rahab’s home with a message of Jericho’s imminent destruction. Rahab believed them and agreed to hide them in her home.God works on both sides of our circumstances; He will bring people together in order to save them. He finds tender, ready hearts and brings to them soul-winners to share their faith.Second, the Spirit of God convicted Rahab.As she helped the two spies in Joshua 2:9-10, Rahab confessed that she knew what God had done for their people. She had heard of God’s mighty, miraculous power, displayed through them.The Holy Spirit convicts others through people who are living and walking in victory. As Christians, the Holy Spirit uses our transformed lives to convict others of their sins.Third, the Word of God confirmed Rahab.By receiving these two messengers into her home, Rahab welcomed in the Word of God, spoken through them.Hebrews 11:31 says, “By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe, when she had received the spies with peace.”Finally, the grace of God cleansed Rahab. The messengers instructed Rahab to hang a scarlet cord over her doorpost so that when they came to avenge Jericho, they would pass over her home and spare her. This act illustrates the principle of the Passover, in which God instructed the Israelites to paint their doorposts with the blood of sacrificial lambs, to spare them from the death angel.As a result, Rahab was delivered from destruction and her character changed; she was justified and made right in God’s sight.Adrian Rogers says, “There are none so bad they can’t be saved, and none so good they need not be saved.”Apply it to your lifeHas your faith transformed you from the inside out; have you been confronted by God’s providence? Has the Holy Spirit convicted you, Scripture confirmed your belief, grace cleansed you?
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Overcoming Obstacles by Faith

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:30Sometimes, we may experience obstacles that stand between us and our most holy ambitions.Adrian Rogers says, “Faith is the link that binds our nothingness to His Almightiness.”In Joshua 5, the Israelites had left Egypt and were ready to capture the land of Canaan. However, the pagan city of Jericho stood in their way. This story shows what it means to overcome obstacles by faith.Hebrews 11:30 says, “By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were encircled for seven days.”First, we should note the worship of faith.In Joshua 5:13-15, Joshua encounters the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ, and as a response, he falls to his face in worship.Worshiping Jesus always builds our faith; when we face Jericho-sized problems in our lives, we must remember to set our affections on things above—fix our eyes on Jesus, and let our faith grow.Second, we see the obedient work of faith.The Lord did not tell Joshua to dig a tunnel or build ladders to scale the impenetrable walls of Jericho. Instead, He told Joshua to march around the city’s perimeter.God’s plan for victory seemed very strange; however, it is not our job to understand our instruction from God, but to obey, living by faith. The Israelites obeyed God, and that was enough.Third, we see the wait of faith.The Israelites were completely dependent on God’s timing. Many obstacles we face are opportunities to learn patience. Waiting on God is never wasted time. Our faith in Him is meant to last—to be strengthened through endurance.Fourth, we see the word of faith.Joshua spoke the Word of God to his army because he had received it for himself. By its simplest definition, faith is agreeing with the Word of God. We can only believe God for something that already is so in His heart and mind.Finally, we must note the wonder of faith.Joshua 6 tells us that the walls of Jericho came falling down. God gave the victory to Israel and brought judgment to the people of Jericho. In a nation as ripe for judgment as ours, a life of faith is our only hope.Apply it to your lifeAre you facing obstacles today that must be overcome by faith?Adrian Rogers says, “Take your eyes off Jericho and put them on Jesus. Don’t dwell on your problems; dwell on your Lord.”
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Redeeming Faith

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:28The Passover is a Jewish tradition that should be interwoven with our celebration of Easter. We as Christians have reason to celebrate Passover because it prophecies our redeeming faith in Jesus Christ.Hebrews 11:28 says, “By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, lest he who destroyed the firstborn should touch them.”The Passover was first introduced in the Book of Exodus. The Israelites sacrificed lambs and painted blood on their doorposts. The sacrificial lambs had to be spotless in order to cause the death angel to pass over their homes.After the lambs were sacrificed, the families shared them, celebrating their atonement.Through this tradition, God taught His people one of the fundamental truths of His Word: without shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins.The Passover displays the prophetic anticipation of Calvary’s sacrifice. Jesus is the sacrificial lamb without spot or blemish. When we receive His saving power of salvation, we are nourished by Him. Further, we are called to share the feast with others.The Passover reminds us of the promised consummation of Calvary’s sacrifice.In the final week of His life, Jesus was examined and questioned by the religious leaders. This process mimicked how a Passover lamb was inspected. They could find no fault in Him, confirming to us that He was the promised one.John 1:29 confirms this promise: “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ‘Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’”Finally, Passover calls for the perpetual celebration of Calvary’s sacrifice. 1 Corinthians 5:7 says, “Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.”No longer do we recognize Passover to obtain redemption. As Christians, we celebrate Passover through the Lord’s Supper, to remember our redemption through Jesus Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “In the Old Testament, they put the blood upon the doorposts. In the New Testament, we confess Christ openly as our Savior.”Apply it to your lifeDo you possess a redeeming faith in Jesus Christ, the spotless, sacrificial lamb of God? Share the feast with others today; celebrate what He has done. Openly declare your faith as the Israelites did when they painted their doorposts for all to see.
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Faith for the Family

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:23-27It takes a family to raise a child, and it takes faith to make a family. The most powerful and influential people on Earth are mothers and fathers of faith.Hebrews 11 tells the divine origin story of the prophet Moses, who was protected by his parents, Amram and Jochebed. “By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child” (Hebrews 11:23).The story of these parents teaches us important principles about faith for the family.First, we note faith’s vision.Moses’ parents recognized that he was the special handiwork of God. It is our responsibility to see our children as specific, individual creations of God, and raise them accordingly.Second, we recognize faith’s valor.Amram and Jochebed hid Moses for three months because the King had commanded that baby boys be killed. By faith, they recognized this physical conflict as a spiritual conflict between the gods of Egypt and Almighty God, and “they were not afraid” (Hebrews 11:23).In these treacherous days, raising children is a spiritual battle and our only hope is a solid faith in Jesus Christ.Third, we see faith’s venture.Moses’s parents did not have a spirit of fatalism; rather, they did their part to protect their son, trusting God to do the rest. When facing challenges, we must do all we can do with a spirit of optimism. If it is God’s will, we can trust that He will move heaven and earth for our children.Finally, Amram and Jochebed displayed faith’s victory.Hebrews 11 notes that because Moses’ values were established in him by his parents, he valued his faith more than all the riches of Egypt.Moses embraced the virtues of knowing Christ eternally, and rejected the vices of this world, refusing to be called Pharaoh’s son. (See Hebrews 11:24.)Adrian Rogers says, “There are a lot of pressures on our kids today, and we’d better be certain they have something on the inside.”Apply it to your lifeAre you raising your children by faith? When posed with a choice, Moses evaluated the virtues his parents established in him in his youth. This led to a determination to follow God and eliminate the things of this world.It began with Amram and Jochebed, just like it begins with you.
8/4/202232 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Blessing in a Box of Bones

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:22; Genesis 50:22-26As he reached the end of his life, Joseph gave instructions to his loved ones about what to do with the bones he left behind.Hebrews 11:22 says, “By faith Joseph, when he was dying, made mention of the departure of the children of Israel, and gave instructions concerning his bones.”Joseph had faith that God would deliver the Israelites out of Egypt, so much faith that he asked that the Israelites take his bones with them. When we understand the blessing in his box of bones, we will learn how to live confidently and die without fear.First, faith remembers the unbreakable promises of God.In Genesis 50:24, Joseph tells his loved ones, “I am dying; but God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land to the land of which He swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.”Adrian Rogers says, “Faith is getting a promise from the Word of God.”Though Joseph was placed in a coffin in Egypt, he believed his bones would see this promised land, because his faith was rooted in God’s promises.Second, faith relies on the unshakeable power of God.At this point, the Israelites did not have reason to leave Egypt. There was a famine in Canaan, and they had made themselves comfortable in Egypt. Joseph’s faith was contrary to evidence; it was not shaken by fickle emotions or circumstances. Joseph knew time must pass and that what would be left of him would be bones. But centuries cannot erode away the promises of God.Finally, faith results in the unmistakable peace of God.Joseph reached the end of his life in perfect peace. The Book of Joshua tells us that Joseph’s bones did, in fact, make it to the promised land. Rather than building a monument of pride in Egypt, he chose his humble box of bones to be a monument of faith in Canaan. Joseph’s faith reminds us that our citizenship is in Heaven. We no longer have to fear death; we can make it our friend, if only we keep our eyes on Jesus all our days.Apply it to your lifeDoes your faith remember the promises of God? Do you rely on His power and rest in His peace? Do not let your circumstances, emotions, or seeming delays erode your faith. Keep your eyes on Jesus.
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Victory Through Prayer

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 12:1-11The Book of Acts shares numerous accounts of triumph over difficulty, as the first Christians experienced victory through prayer.In Acts 12, the Early Church faced persecution from Herod, who unleashed violence and put the Apostle Peter in prison (v. 1-4). Yet, in verse 5, we see that “constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.”As we fight our battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil, it is fundamental that we learn how to pray as the Early Church did.First, we must recognize the freedom of their prayers.Our enemy doesn’t want us to understand this. But try as he might, the devil cannot stop us from praying to our God; we are free to pray anytime, anywhere.Second, we see their faithfulness; they never ceased to pray.Whether God answers swiftly or there is a season of waiting, our approach to prayer should be faithful, constant, and frequent.Their prayers were also fervent: charged with intensity.Prayer is warfare—we should expect some opposition from the enemy; but we must pray wholeheartedly with fervor, concentration, and effort.Their prayers also brought them together in fellowship.Churches, which are built upon prayer, should be in the habit of drawing near to God together.The Early Church’s prayer also revealed their faith.They recognized that they were entering the throne room of God. And as we speak to God, we must do so with the faith that He will answer.We should also note the focus of that prayer.This church prayed specifically for Peter, who was in prison and set to be beheaded in the coming days. When we pray, we should avoid generalized requests and focus on specific concerns.Finally, we must remember the force of their prayer.God miraculously delivered Peter from prison. In the dead of night, Peter’s chains were broken, and the prison door was open. Peter walked out, just in time.Adrian Rogers says, “When we depend upon planning, we see what planning can do. But when we depend upon prayer, we see what God can do.”Apply it to your lifeHave you experienced victory through prayer? Remember: prayer is no substitute for work or common sense. But when you begin to merge prayer with obedience, God begins to work on your behalf.
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Blessed Assurance

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Jude 1:24-25In this seemingly hopeless world, many of us are facing difficulties and trials, desperately in need of some hope.Most of the Book of Jude paints a dark picture of what’s to come, yet it ends with a message of blessed assurance. No matter how grim the apostasy becomes, the children of God are going to make it through.Jude 24-25 provides three reasons for our blessed assurance.First, we are reminded of the sovereignty of the Savior: “Now to Him who is able…” (Jude 24).God is King of the Universe. He is able to do anything, and do it right. He is able to save us, to secure us and satisfy our souls. We will make it through the trials because He is able—our responsibility is our response to His ability.Second, verse 24 shows us the security of the saint: “ keep you from stumbling…”Adrian Rogers says, “People who are truly born again can never, ever again be lost souls: not because they hold onto God, but because God holds onto them.”God is able to keep us from falling because of His fathomless love. In His infinite power, Jesus Christ preserves us. The same God who runs the Universe knows when we’re hurting. We are also secure because of His eternal purpose. There is an eternal chain of redemption that cannot be broken. Those whom God has called are justified to bring glory to God.Adrian Rogers says, “What has been decreed by Heaven cannot be annulled by Hell.”Finally, we are assured by the sufficiency of salvation: “...and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior...” (Jude 24-25).Through our salvation, God is working to make His children holy, sanctifying us. He is making us more like Jesus Christ with every passing day. And one day, very soon, He will present us before Himself, faultless. As a Bride walks to her Bridegroom, so will we enter His presence, without blemish.Apply it to your lifeAs we endure trials and difficulties of many kinds, we can have the blessed assurance Jude describes in verses 24-25. Remember that God is able, that we are secure in our salvation, and that we are being made like Him. Keep the faith—press on until the very end.
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Rescue the Perishing

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Jude 1:22-23Our souls are worth more than anything this world has to offer; that’s why the heart of God is wrapped up in the matter of soul-winning.Jesus is the supreme example of this and commands us to follow His lead through the Great Commission.Adrian Rogers says, “If you are not endeavoring to bring men to Jesus Christ, you are living in sheer disobedience to your holy call.”Jude 22-23 reinforces the call to rescue the perishing and share the Gospel with this lost world.First, this passage shares the soul winner’s compassion: “And on some have compassion, making a distinction…” (Jude 22).We are motivated by God’s love for us to have compassion on others and share the Gospel with them. Our method of compassion is by way of the Church; the Church’s primary job is to seek the lost and bring them in.Second, we see the soul winner’s compulsion: “...but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire…” (Jude 23).The fire in this passage symbolizes the flames of Hell and separation from God. Our fear of our fellow man’s eternal doom urgently motivates us to tell him about Jesus Christ.Finally, this passage shares the soul winner’s caution: “...hating even the garment defiled by the flesh” (Jude 23).This passage indicates that the ones we snatch from the flames are moral lepers. In Scripture, sin is illustrated by leprosy: a horribly contagious disease that isolated men and labeled them “unclean.” In Leviticus, God instructed Moses to burn the garments the lepers wore with fire, lest they catch the disease. When we deal with lost souls, we cannot let our compassion and compulsion destroy our caution. We must never compromise our own morals to win somebody to Jesus Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “You never bring people to Jesus Christ by becoming like them; you may be with them, but do not become like them.”Jesus was a friend of sinners, and we should be as well; but He lived a holy life, and we should, too.Apply it to your lifeDo you have the soul winner’s compassion for sinners? Pray and ask God to give you a fresh urgency to share the Gospel with others. Pray for His Spirit to protect you, so that the contagion of sin will not touch you as you draw close to sinners.
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Surviving Apostasy

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Jude 1:17-21The Bible warns us that in the Last Days, many men shall depart from the faith. The Book of Jude prophecies the apostates to come and gives us insight on surviving the apostasy.First, we must remember our exhortation.Jude 17-18 says, “But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts.”These verses warn us of apostates who want to disprove the Bible as the Word of God. We don’t have to be taken off guard or deceived.Second, we must recognize our enemy.“These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit” (Jude 19).Apostates present themselves as unifiers, yet they cause division because those who know and believe the truth cannot walk arm-in-arm with apostasy.They are depraved – being motivated by the flesh rather than by the Spirit of God. And because they don’t have the Spirit of God, they are dead in their flesh.We must retain our environment.“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life” (Jude 20-21).This passage urges us to keep ourselves in God’s love.Adrian Rogers says, “If you are going to survive the apostasy, the safest place is in the love of God.”Though we can’t lose God’s love for us, we can remove ourselves from the protection and provision of His love if we aren’t vigilant.We retain our environment by building our faith on God’s Word. We also remain in God’s love by praying in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit encourages, enlightens, and energizes our prayers; He expresses to us how we should pray.Finally, we must look to Jesus with steadfastness.Apostasy is one of the signs that Jesus is at the door; He may come any day now. We must be sure to keep our eyes on Him, who keeps us.Apply it to your lifeAs Believers living on the edge of eternity, we must remember our exhortation, recognize our enemy, retain our environment, and look to Jesus with steadfastness. Get a hold of God’s Word and put it into practice; pray in the Spirit and look to Jesus, our blessed hope.
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The Apostasy and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Jude 1:14-15The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is the greatest prophetic event of all the ages, and the signs of the times warn us that it is coming soon.One of the signs of the Last Days is apostasy—when people who have received truth go on to reject and ridicule it.Jude 14-15 warns apostates of their judgment to come from Jesus Christ Himself.First, we see the surety of His coming: “Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, ‘Behold, the Lord comes…’” (Jude 14).Merely seven generations from Adam, Enoch was the first to prophesy the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. God gave Enoch a vision of the Second Coming, before Jesus had ever walked the Earth the first time. In days of apostasy, Enoch was a holy man who walked so closely with God, the Lord brought Him up, so he never actually died.Enoch’s “rapture” is a prophetic picture of the Church in the Last Days, when the Lord raptures His people and meets them in the air.Second, we see the severity of His coming: “ execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds...” (Jude 15).Adrian Rogers says, “The first time Jesus came to redeem; the second time He is coming to judge.” God’s heart yearns that we would not be judged. We see this in God’s promise to Enoch to withhold His judgment upon the Earth until after Enoch’s son, Methuselah’s death.Methuselah represents the mercy of God. Though men deserved to be punished for their wickedness, God held back His judgment until after Methuselah died. Then, God flooded the Earth, still sparing Enoch’s lineage through Noah.One of these days, mercy will give way to judgment. God has not forgotten His promise; Jesus is coming back to execute judgment.Third, we see the sanctity of His coming. Jude 14 says the Lord will return with “ten thousands of His saints.” This means we are coming back with Him. God’s kingdom will come; as waters cover the sea, the Earth will be filled with His glory.Apply it to your lifeAre you following Jesus now, while His mercy still holds back the judgment to come? Share your testimony with people today and pray they will come to know the Lord as Savior, lest they meet Him as Judge.
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The Portrait of an Apostate

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Jude 1:12-13An apostate is someone who rejects and ridicules the truth of the Gospel—he also tries to replace it in order to lead others astray. As believers, we must be firm in our understanding of biblical doctrine and beware of those who would deface it.Jude 12-13 paints a gruesome portrait of an apostate so that we can recognize those who bring harm to the Church.First, an apostate is dangerous like a sunken rock: "These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves” (Jude 12). The devil hates the unity we have in Christ. So, a devilish apostate will act as a rock in the river of love, dividing in order to destroy our godly fellowship.Second, an apostate is deceptive like a waterless cloud: “They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds…” (Jude 12). An apostate promises much, but produces little; his listeners walk away still thirsty for truth.Third, he is dead like a fruitless tree: “...late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots…” (Jude 12). There is no use pruning a dead tree; it will never produce fruit. Likewise, there is no fixing apostasy; it is rooted in a dead, unbiblical doctrine.Adrian Rogers says, “An apostate can imitate Christianity, but he cannot bear the fruit of the Spirit.”Fourth, he is disturbed like the raging sea: “...raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame…” (Jude 13). No matter what he portrays outwardly, an apostate has no inner peace in his heart. In turning from the truth of the Gospel, his moral discernment is destroyed.Finally, he is doomed like a wandering star: “...wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever” (Jude 13). An apostate has knocked himself out of orbit; never again will he feel the warmth of the Son. He is destined for aimless, everlasting darkness.Knowing their destiny, we should be heartbroken for apostates; nevertheless, we must contend for the faith. If we dare compromise the truth, we are in danger of becoming like them.Apply it to your lifeThe tragic reality is that apostasy will only increase in the Last Days. Remember: Be firm in biblical doctrine, beware of those who would deface it, and contend for your faith.
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Snakes in the Garden

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Jude 1:11False doctrine is poisonous to the Church of Jesus Christ; it is the devil’s preferred way of infiltrating the Church and destroying it from within.The Book of Jude reveals the marks of apostasy. Apostates are like snakes in the garden, hiding in the grass, preparing to strike.An apostate is someone who has received the truth and rejected it—and has begun ridiculing it.Jude 11 says, “Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.”This verse mentions three men who illustrate the marks of an apostate: Cain, Balaam, and Korah.The first snake in the garden is Cain, who represents those who pervert the Gospel. In Genesis 4, Cain murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy. Abel, who understood the things of God, had offered to the Lord a blood sacrifice, which pleased Him. Cain, who did not understand the things of God, brought the fruit of the ground, which represented his own efforts.Adrian Rogers says, “There are only two religions: the true and the false—one is the way of Cain, and the other is the way of the cross.”The second snake in the garden is Balaam, who represents those who prostitute the Gospel. In Numbers 22-25, the very clever and gifted prophet Balaam, exploited the message of God for his personal advantage. This story is not arguing against paying those in ministry positions. Rather, it condemns those who will do anything for personal gain, including prostituting the Gospel.The final snake in the garden is Korah, representing those who protested the Gospel.In Numbers 1, Korah protested Moses and Aaron, God’s appointed prophet and priest. Korah did not respect their authority, so he rallied others to defy the prophetic message and priestly mediator God had established.Apostates seek to replace the truth with false religion, but like Korah, they stand on shaky ground; God is not pleased and will not be replaced.This is why we must know the truth of Scripture and live accordingly, lest we find ourselves struck by the snakes in the garden—or worse, become one.Apply it to your lifeWe must know the marks of an apostate to recognize the snakes in the garden. Learn the truth and abide by it, living accordingly.
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Dreams That Never Come True

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Jude 1:8The Book of Jude warns us of the dangers of apostasy, which is when someone falls away from the faith. An apostate is someone who has been given the opportunity to receive the truth but has rejected it. Apostates cause great harm to the Church.In verse 8, Jude describes apostates as “filthy dreamers,” people with imaginations that are not rooted in truth. But the church is called to contend for our faith and truth, and make sure apostates’ dreams never come true.First, we must recognize that these dreamers defile the flesh. Because they ridicule the truth, apostates are more prone to sexual immorality than unbelievers.As people get away from the Word of God, they give way to their imaginations and dreams—as night follows day, they give way to their sensual sins. We see this so often with young people who have been raised in church but have never been saved. Once they enter adulthood and experience a new environment without the Holy Spirit’s restraint, they fall into ungodly lifestyles.Apostates are also marked by how they despise the Father. With rebellious hearts, they reject authority and despise dominion within the church. They don’t want to believe that the Word of God is truth.The final mark of apostates is that they disgrace the faithful, or, “speak evil of dignitaries” (Jude 8). Having rejected the truth, apostates will speak blasphemously against Almighty God and His Word.Adrian Rogers says, “There is nothing too glorious, nothing too holy that they will not defame.”Our world is full of these filthy dreamers, and unfortunately, apostates don’t ridicule from outside the Church—they do it from within.With a broken heart, Jude urges us to contend for the faith, to understand it, and know how to defend it, so that we may stop these filthy dreamers in their tracks and fill our churches with people who fear God.Apply it to your lifeAre you part of a church that believes that the Bible is the Word of God? Are you equipped and encouraged to contend for your faith—to understand it and know how to defend it? Recognize these marks of an apostate so that you may stand as others fall away.
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The Battle for the Bible

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Jude 1:1-7The Book of Jude warns us of something very sinister that will happen to the Church in the Last Days. Children of God cannot afford to be ignorant or neutral; Jude 1-19 sounds the alarm, calling us to the fight for the faith and do battle for the Bible.These verses first reveal the danger of apostasy.“For certain men have crept in unnoticed… ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 4).Apostasy, or turning back on the faith, is a very deceptive and destructive heresy. Jude warns of apostates, who have crept into the Church and deteriorated the integrity of God’s Word.This passage also gives a description of the apostates.Jude 17-19 claims that because they lack reverence for God, apostates freely mock holy things. They act without restraint, claiming the grace of God as a license to sin. And because they deny God as Lord of their lives, they exercise no rule or regulation.Adrian Rogers says, “The basic ingredient missing in the life of an apostate is a fear of God.”Third, this passage reveals the destruction of apostates.Verse 5 reminds us of the children of Israel, who were delivered from Egypt, yet perished at the hand of God in the wilderness. Despite their experiences, they were never truly devoted to God.There are people today who think they are saved, but they are not true believers. They have come to the borderline of truth but have never entered into that truth. Jude 6 says they will face destruction despite their profession, position, or possessions.Finally, Jude reveals our defense against apostates.If we want to contend for our faith, we must submit to the truth of the Gospel. We need to study what the Bible says. We must be familiar with its inerrancy, understand the deity of Christ, and know our salvation comes by grace through faith.Our defense against apostasy is to live out our faith with boldness, together, in churches rooted in biblical doctrine. We must share our faith with others, giving it away freely.Apply it to your lifeWe have been called to contend for our faith and fight for the integrity of Scripture. Study the Word of God and be ready to give an account for why you believe what you believe. Share your faith with others today.
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The Believer's Security Blanket

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Jude 1-4The Book of Jude warns us of the apostasy that will take place in the Last Days, in which many will turn away from the faith. But we do not have to live in fear of losing our salvation.This book can be seen as a believer’s security blanket in dark days.Jude 4 says, “For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.”In the face of apostasy, Jude urges us to remember the completeness of our faith. There are no additions or corrections to be made to the Gospel.We must also remember the correctness of our faith. Sometimes, we can be certain of something, but still be wrong. This is why we must continually study God’s Word for direction.This faith has been committed to us. We are stewards of it, expected to speak up and contend for it.If we want to know we are secure in our faith as we watch others fall away, we must remember God’s sovereign purpose. We are called: summoned by the King of kings to be saved.Adrian Rogers says, “Our salvation did not begin with us; it began with God. If it began with you, you might lose it; but since it began with God, you can never lose it.”God foreknows, therefore He calls and justifies; those He justifies, He glorifies. If you have truly been called, this work He has done cannot be undone.We are God’s special people; God loves the lost, but the saved are His beloved. We are secure in God’s perfect love.Adrian Rogers says, “There is nothing that can separate you from the Love of God. Nothing you can do to make Him love you more, nothing you can do to make Him love you less.”Finally, we must remember God’s strong power, which preserves us. We cannot be lost by God; we are in good hands. Our Father keeps our salvation and preserves us by the blood of Jesus Christ.Apply it to your lifeIf you are a believer, you do not have to live in fear that God will let you go. You are called, beloved, and preserved by Jesus. Tell someone about your security in Jesus Christ today.
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Failure Is Not Final

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 22:31-34Adrian Rogers says, “Failure doesn’t need to be a hitching post to tie us to the past. Failure can be a guidepost to lead us into the future.”God is not finished with us in the dark nights of failure; His mercies are new every morning. Simon Peter’s denial of Jesus Christ in Luke 22 reminds us that failure is not final.In times of failure, we must first remember that Jesus is sovereign.“And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said to him, ‘Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times’” (Luke 22:61).Peter remembered that Jesus, who knew long before he did, that he’d deny Him, told him this would happen. This revealed that God was still in control, even when it doesn’t seem so.We can find comfort knowing the Lord sees our failures. These missteps do not come without His permission.In his failure, Peter also learned the sympathy of Jesus.In the midst of His own agony, Jesus turned to look at His backslidden disciple. Christ’s sympathetic love is what convicts and changes us.In our times of failure, we need to see our security in Jesus.“And the Lord said, ‘Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren’” (Luke 22:31-32).As the enemy sifted Peter to find out his sins, he also wants to find our flaws to use against us and condemn us. Jesus wants us to be sifted, too—not to exploit our impurities, but to cleanse us.Jesus prayed for Peter as he was sifted. Jesus prays for His believers, even to this day. He convicts us of our sins so that we will not wander for long. And when we return to Him, He is faithful to forgive.Adrian Rogers says, “The same Jesus who prayed for Simon Peter… is now in the glory praying for you.”Apply it to your lifeWe will all fail at some point, but even in the darkest nights, a new day is dawning. God’s mercies are new every morning. Know that Jesus Christ intercedes for you, even now. Ask God for forgiveness and come back to Him.
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The High Cost of Low Living

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Samuel 11Children of God are just as capable of sinning as they were before they were saved. However, there is a much greater cost to their sin than before.King David was a man above every other man—none more noble, gifted, or humble than David; yet he fell into a deep, dark sin. David committed the sin of adultery with a married woman, and she conceived his child. So, David then committed the sin of murder.We need to know the tragic cause of David’s sin, so that we may know how to avoid the high cost of low living.First, David committed the sin of idleness. 2 Samuel 11 reveals that David was home when he should have been with his compatriots in war. This is why we are called to the harvest field or the battlefield, to stay occupied, lest we commit a sin of omission.Second, it was a sin of carelessness. David began to take his many victories for granted. He presumed God would keep blessing him. This teaches us that an unguarded strength is a double weakness.It was a sin of impulsiveness: David wasn’t planning to sin that day.Adrian Rogers explains, “Sin is a combination of undetected weakness, an unexpected opportunity, and an unprotected life.”It was a sin of callousness. When his scheme to cover up his sin was compromised, David ordered for Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, to be killed in battle. He planned, connived, and orchestrated calloused, cold-blooded murder.It was a sin of stubbornness. Despite the conviction he felt, David went a whole year without repenting. But God did not forget David’s sin, and He wouldn’t let David forget either. David’s sin weighted, wounded, and weakened him. David received words of rebuke, arrows of conviction, and hands of pressure from God.David was finally confronted by the prophet, Nathan, and was convicted and chastised. He had to pay the consequences for his sin. But God was faithful to forgive him; He is faithful to forgive us, too.Apply it to your lifePerhaps it’s time for you to be lovingly confronted, too. If you have muddled through or glossed over your sin, thinking God has forgotten, He has not. Repent of your sins and ask God for forgiveness.
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Opening the Windows of Heaven

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Malachi 3:7-11By definition, stewardship is our relationship with money: how we obtain, save, invest, spend, and give our wealth.God is interested in this relationship—in how we care for the things He places in our hands. Satan, who is also very interested, would love to keep us in financial bondage.Malachi 3 shows us how to open the windows of Heaven and receive the blessing of financial freedom.“Yet from the days of your fathers you have gone away from My ordinances and have not kept them. Return to Me, and I will return to you,” says the LORD of hosts. “But you said, ‘In what way shall we return?’” (Malachi 3:7).If we want freedom, we must first recognize our failure; financial bondage is not just debt. If money increases our worries, or if we have plenty in the bank, but no treasure in Heaven, we are in financial bondage.Second, we need to renew our fellowship; God isn’t interested in our money, just our hearts.When we remember tithing is God’s way of revealing our priorities to ourselves, we will see tithing as a great blessing. It is our privilege to show God that He is first in our lives and everything else is second.After we return to our fellowship with God, we need to release our finances to Him.Adrian Rogers says, “If you can’t trust God with your finances, how is God going to trust you with true spiritual riches?”“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10).According to Scripture, tithing is ten percent given to the temple of God (church), for the work of the temple. Giving to charities or ministries is good, but it is not a replacement for our tithes.When we learn to give back to God freely, we’ll see a spiritual renewal. God will renew our faith, rebuke our foes, and restore our fruitfulness.Apply it to your lifeAre you seeking freedom from an indebted spirit? Recognize your failure and renew your fellowship with God. Understand that He wants you, first and foremost. Then, show your faithfulness through tithing.
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Christian Warfare

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 6:10-20Whether we realize it or not, we are part of a war between light and darkness, good and evil, Heaven and Hell, Jesus Christ and Satan. We cannot afford to be ignorant and we cannot possibly be neutral.Adrian Rogers says, “When you were born again, you were born from above. And you, being Heaven-born are Heaven-bound. You were born for the battle and you were born to win.”We’re not wrestling against flesh and blood. We’re wrestling against principalities and powers of darkness.Ephesians 6:10-20 shows us how to prepare ourselves for this Christian Warfare.In preparing for the battle, we must first remember our adversary. Satan is a decided fact; never underestimate him or count him out. He is a destructive force; systematic, spiritual, strong, and sinister. Yet, he is our defeated foe.Adrian Rogers says, “Satan had his back crushed and broken at Calvary; soon his head is going to be crushed when Jesus comes again.”We must remember our armor, which is specifically outlined in Ephesians 6:-The Belt of Truth-The Breastplate of Righteousness-Feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace, knowing nothing stands between our souls and the Savior-The Shield of Faith-The Helmet of SalvationGod wants us to enter the battlefield armed with integrity, purity, tranquility, certainty, and sanity. Don’t leave off any piece of the armor of God in this battle. Christian warriors must understand their point of attack. We have the victory. God has equipped us with three things:The first is our stance. We are called to be strong, to stand against these dark forces of evil with the blessed assurance of victory in Jesus.Second, we recognize the power of our sword, which is the sword of the Spirit and the Word of God. We must also remember the power of our prayers when prayed in the Spirit.Finally, the Christian warrior must remember his allies.“...praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints…” (Ephesians 6:18).We don’t fight alone; we need to pray for each other.Apply it to your lifeAs you prepare for this spiritual battle, remember your adversary, your armor, your attack, and your allies.
6/28/202237 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Find Peace in the Midst of Your Storm

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 6:16-21John 6:16-21 tells the story of Jesus walking on the water to His disciples’ boat in the midst of a treacherous storm. Sooner or later, you are going to find yourself in a storm—not like the storm depicted in this passage; rather, one far more terrifying.Things could be going fine, then suddenly you could get a life-changing phone call, or face a shocking diagnosis. How can we find peace in the midst of the storm?We remember what God has promised to us now, in the stillness.Peace is not the subtraction of problems from life. Peace is the addition of power to meet those problems; the power being the promises of God.“I am governed by His providence.” In this story, the storm did not take Jesus by surprise. When difficulty comes, remember God’s providence is over it all.“I am growing by His plan.” God’s plan is not to indulge you; it is to enlarge you. If you are in a storm, it is your privilege to grow and become more like Jesus Christ.“I am graced by His prayers.” Did you know that He sees you right now? He is not far away. He sees right through the dark, sees you in the storm, and He prays for you.“I am gladdened by His presence.” Sometimes, God waits upon you to wait on Him; but just know… He is coming.“I am guarded by His power.” Adrian Rogers says, “The will of God will never take you where the grace of God cannot keep you.”“I am guided by His purpose.” God has not promised smooth sailing, but He has promised you a safe landing. Your destiny is already determined. He will see you to the shore.South African minister Andrew Murray once said, “God is willing to assume full responsibility for the life that is totally yielded to Him.” Jesus said, “In this world, you’ll have tribulation. But take heart! I’ve overcome the world.” (John 16:33)In the midst of your storm, see Jesus, the great I AM, walking on the water, straight to you.Apply it to your lifeAre you in the midst of a storm? Remember the promises of God! Take heart; He has overcome the world, and He is walking on the water, headed straight for you.
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Can God Be Trusted in Your Troubles?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Job 13:15We have all faced devastation at some point in our lives; it is in those difficult seasons we often ask ourselves if God is enough. Can God be trusted in our troubles?This is what Job learned in his suffering. God allowed the devil to bring hardship on Job because the devil didn’t think Job could love God just for who He is.Yet, in Job 13:15, Job says, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” The Book of Job shows us that God Himself is not only necessary, but He is enough.First, we can trust God even when we’re submerged in suffering.Job’s troubles began with the seemingly instant loss of his livestock—his financial security. While Job was still reeling over the news, a second messenger informed him that he’d lost his ten children. His body was infected with a horrible disease, and as a result, his reputation was tarnished. But in the midst of this overwhelming devastation, Job continued to praise God.Adrian Rogers says, “You can have faith and calamity all at the same time. Faith is not receiving from God what we want; faith is accepting from God what He gives.”We can also trust God when we are forsaken by our friends.Job 19:14 says, “My relatives have failed, and my close friends have forgotten me.” Job’s friends were perplexed by his hardships; because they didn’t understand, they assumed he was at fault and left him. Being abandoned by friends is one of the deepest hurts we could face. God understands every part of us and promises He will not leave us.Third, we can trust God when we are dismayed by darkness.Job had no idea what was happening to him, or why. When we find ourselves in this kind of complete darkness, we should remember to lean upon God, the guiding light of our soul’s darkest hours.As Job pleaded his case to God, God reminded him of His sovereignty, sufficiency, and sympathy. Job learned that in his suffering, abandonment, and dismay, God was nearest to Him. God was necessary to live through the trial; He was enough to get Him through it.Apply it to your lifeAre you experiencing suffering, abandonment, or dismay? Remember that God is with you. He is sovereign, sufficient, and sympathetic. Pray today that He would reveal His presence to you.
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What to Do with Your Burdens

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Galatians 6:1-5Whether we are saved or lost, we will all carry burdens at some point in our lives; but we do not have to bear them alone. Galatians 6 shows us what to do with our burdens.First, this passage addresses the burdens we willingly take up.“Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:1-2).As believers, we are called to take up the burdens of another brother or sister who is hurting—to restore those who have backslidden. We must remember that a broken person doesn’t need a lecture; he doesn’t need to be ignored or reported, shot down, or cast away. Instead, he needs to be brought back to fellowship with God.Adrian Rogers says, “The church is the only army in the world that shoots its wounded.”A backslidden Christian is like a broken place in our net of believers. He needs us to approach him gently, humbly, and sympathetically. He has broken fellowship with God and is weighed down by a guilty conscience, the enemy, and the threat of public shame. To fulfill the law of Christ, we must love our brother back to fellowship with God and mend the broken place in the net.There are also burdens we must faithfully endure.“But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For each one shall bear his own load” (Galatians 6:4-5).We are not called to lives of ease, but to lives of discipline. God lays burdens upon us and expects us to bear them ourselves. It is our own responsibility to repent and be saved.Finally, there are burdens we wisely lay down.Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you...”Our loving Father urges us to bring our broken hearts to His throne; how beautiful that our burdens can be used to bring us to our Master’s feet.Apply it to your lifeIf you are a believer, you are called to lift another’s burdens and bring backslidden brothers and sisters back to Jesus. Realize your own burden of responsibility to know God and to share Him with others. Cast your heartaches upon Jesus, for He cares for you.
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Marriage is from Heaven

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 5:21-33Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in a complete commitment for life. As we see in Ephesians 5:21-33, marriage is from Heaven; it is not simply a contract… it is a covenant.Husbands and wives are of equal worth before God; both bear His image, but in differing ways, because marriage is symbolic of the way God relates to His people.Ephesians 5:23 says, “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the Savior of the body.”When the Bible speaks of the husband being the head of the home, it is not speaking of his rights; it is speaking of his responsibilities.There are three major responsibilities of the husband, the first being his servant leadership.Ephesians 5 does not call the husband a dictator. Rather, we are given the example of Jesus Christ, who is head of the Church, yet serves her and meets her needs. We are to meet the needs of our wives gently.Husbands are also responsible for sacrificial love.This is a passionate commitment that comes from the deepest part of our being.Sacrificial love is also a purifying love, as Ephesians 5:26 says: “That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word... not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.”Husbands are to express their sacrificial love through their protection and provision. They are to meet the family’s physical, spiritual and emotional needs.Finally, husbands are responsible for showing steadfast loyalty.Jesus promised to never leave nor forsake His church. (Read Hebrews 13:5.) Likewise, we are responsible for keeping the vows we made when we entered our marriage covenant.If we think of marriage as a contract, we will look for loopholes, and miss the blessing that it truly is; if we view marriage as a covenant, we will cultivate something beautiful, like Heaven itself.Adrian Rogers says, “A home ought to be a little bit of the Garden of Eden, the only part we have left till Jesus comes.”Apply it to your lifeAre you cultivating a marriage based on servant leadership, sacrificial love, and steadfast loyalty? Remember the priority, the permanence, and the purpose of marriage, and treat your spouse accordingly.
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Unsinkable Saints

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Genesis 6:5-14In Genesis 6, God was brokenhearted over the gross and numerous sins of Noah’s generation. The same sins committed then are being committed today. As God warned Noah’s generation, He has warned ours, as well.As Noah, an unsinkable saint, found grace before God and provision from the flood, so can we find His grace and be saved from the wrath to come.Genesis 6 reminds us that grace provides a Savior: Noah’s ark is a picture of Jesus Christ.Genesis 6:14 says, “Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with pitch.”Scripture notes the security of this ark Noah was instructed to build, made of incorruptible material, with sufficient room for everyone aboard. Shaped like a coffin, sealed shut by the Almighty Himself, this boat’s only window was placed above, so Noah would remain Heavenly-minded. God provided for Noah’s every need in His sovereign timing.Adrian Rogers says, “When you come to Jesus, you not only have security and sufficiency but also shelter and substance.”Grace provides salvation: Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. (See Genesis 6:8.) This is the first mention of grace in the Bible.As Ephesians 2:8 reminds us, we are “saved by grace, through faith.” Noah and his family had to take the step of faith onto the ark, just as we have to put our faith in Jesus Christ.Grace provides security: we are saved by grace and kept by grace.God sealed Noah into the ark, just as we are sealed by Jesus Christ in our salvation. We may stumble and fall within the ark, but the door is sealed shut: if we are Christians, there is no falling off the Good Ship Grace.Adrian Rogers says, “Security is not in a place; security is in a Person, and His name is Jesus.”The ark was the safest place for Noah to be because God was in the ark; if the ark had gone down, God would have gone down, too.God is still in the ark; may we enter in before His wrath is poured out once again.Apply it to your lifeAre you sealed in the ark of Jesus Christ—saved by grace, through faith? Don’t let another day go by without confirming it in your heart.
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Living Above See Level

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:17-18In 2 Corinthians 4, the Apostle Paul was facing, by all appearances, deep affliction. Yet, he was a man who lived above see level; his perspective shows us how to live in faith in times of trouble.“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen...” (2 Corinthians 4:17-18).First, we must recognize the reality of the unseen, spiritual world; what is not seen is more real than that which is seen.Hebrews 11:3 explains that the invisible world was here first. God spoke and made the visible out of the invisible. The invisible world will be here last, as 2 Corinthians 4:18 continues: “For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”According to Scripture, the unseen world is a vital resource. Knowledge of the unseen world helps us when we’re going through times of trouble, fear, or temptation.As Believers, we are not immune to suffering, but we have the power to smile through it because we know God is with us. He offers supernatural strength to those who fix their gaze on what’s unseen.We must release the power of the unseen spiritual world in our own lives. There are three great enemies of our faith that exist in the material world.Appearance, or what we see. We are called to hope in what we don’t see.Adrian Rogers says, “Hope means anticipation that is joined with assurance, which is based on divine promise.”Emotion, or what we feel. God doesn’t do His deepest work in the shallowest part of our emotions.Reason, or what we think. We cannot let our hearts be limited by our logic.Adrian Rogers says, “Faith is not contrary to reason, it goes beyond reason.”When a man lives above see level, he will see the invisible, therefore, he will tap into the unknowable and do the impossible. Apply it to your lifeAre you going through a time of trouble, fear, or temptation? Fight to live above see level and have hope in what is unseen. Pray that God will open your eyes to see He is with you and will give you supernatural strength to face your afflictions.
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Riding Out the Storm

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 27:20The Book of Acts tells the story of the Early Church and the missionary voyages of Paul the Apostle. In Acts 27, Paul writes about his experience sailing through a treacherous storm. Paul’s gripping narrative offers us insight into riding out the storms of life.First, we must note the reason for these storms; we will all find ourselves in ferocious waters at some point, due to the nature of this sinful world.Storms can be engineered by our own disobedience or foolishness. God could also send us into a storm for our own development. Or, like Paul in this passage, we could also be dragged into storms by other people.When Paul was a prisoner on his way to Rome, he was transported into a storm by others. His circumstances were out of his own control.Acts 27:9-11 says, “So Paul warned them, ‘Men, I can see that our voyage is going to be disastrous and bring great loss to ship and cargo, and to our own lives also.’ But the centurion, instead of listening to what Paul said, followed the advice of the pilot and of the owner of the ship.”When we face difficulties due to other people’s mistakes, Acts 27:9-20 reveals five things not to do if we want to keep the ship afloat:Make decisions in haste (v. 9)Depend upon worldly wisdom rather than godly wisdom (v. 11)Take the easy way out (v. 12)Follow the crowd (v. 12)Depend upon circumstances (v. 13)*If you want an in-depth study of these five things, we invite you to take our Email Challenge, "What Not to Do in a Storm."Verses 14-20 illustrate what happens when an ungodly man gets himself into a storm. His direction dissolves, his effort increases, resources are wasted, and he begins to lose hope. As a result, he becomes very foolish; he’ll try to abandon ship and escape.But the godly will react differently to the storms, as Paul says in Acts 27:22, “But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost...”Paul’s faith in God was stronger than his fear of the storm; as a result, God’s promise to see Paul through to Rome was fulfilled.Adrian Rogers says, “Every bad decision they made could not overrule the will of God. Where God does not rule, He overrules.”Apply it to your lifeAre you riding out a storm you weren’t expecting? Depend upon godly wisdom and resist the temptation to take the easy way out. Do not depend upon your circumstances. Put your whole faith in God to see you through.
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Tolerance: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 7:1The new religion of the day is tolerance. What used to be a beautiful concept of recognizing and respecting others’ beliefs without sharing them, is now a toxic practice.Tolerance was once a good virtue, an entitlement to your own opinion. Now, tolerance is an unreasonable thought that all opinions are correct.In Matthew 7:1, Jesus says, “Judge not, that you be not judged…” In order to understand the true context of this command, we must take a hard look at today’s tolerance: the good, the bad, and the ugly.First, we must understand the concept of discrimination: to see what is good and what is bad. Before it became such a heated word, at its core, discrimination simply meant evaluation. Once we evaluate the difference between good and bad, we must eliminate what is bad, and appropriate what is good.The Bible urges us to use this critical thought process to discern what is good and bad. Judgment based on Scripture is considered righteous, but judgment measured out of our own heart and mind is wrong.Second, we must acknowledge the time for toleration. In Matthew 7, Jesus commands us to tolerate each other’s faults. This doesn’t mean we deny others’ faults, it simply forbids us from exercising unmerciful, self-righteous condemnation.Luke 6:36-37 instructs, “Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”We have no right to judge others this way, yet we tend to execute merciless judgment over each other. This is rooted in our own iniquities, insecurities, and ignorance.Adrian Rogers says, “There is no one big enough, no one just enough, no one loving enough to judge us but God Himself; and surely the judge of all Heaven and Earth will do right.”Finally, there must be a time for serious self-examination.Matthew 7:3 says, “And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?”In examining our own hearts and standing with God, we must be hard on our own sins and merciful with others.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “There are people who are hurting, in the church and out of the church. They don’t need your condemnation; they need your mercy.”
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God is Not Fair

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 20:1-15Fairness is a wonderful human attribute we learn about when we’re young and demand of each other as we grow.In Matthew 20:1-15, Jesus shares the parable of the vineyard workers. The owner of the vineyard rises early to hire laborers, then adds hired laborers at various times throughout the day. At the end of the day, he pays his laborers all the same wages.This may not seem “fair” in our human understanding, but we must remember that God is not fair, but He is good.First, this passage shows us that it’s always too soon to quit, but never too late to start.Though it is better for us to start serving God early in life, it is never too late; He calls us to the vineyard, even at the eleventh hour.Second, if we bargain with God, we will cheat ourselves. Matthew 20:2 reveals that the early workers had haggled with the owner for more money until they finally came to an agreement. Yet, they are surprised when the owner offers the same wage to the later laborers.Third, it is wise to let God keep the books; if we try to keep a record of our service, we run the risk of taking credit we don’t deserve.Fourth, don’t look for fairness; ask for mercy. Fairness is based on the idea that we are owed something, but God does not owe us anything. As sinners, He deals with us on the basis of justice and mercy, and if we ask for justice, we will get exactly what we deserve. Instead, we should beg for mercy.Finally, another’s blessing is never our own loss; just because the vineyard owner blessed the later workers doesn’t mean the early workers lacked. Likewise, when we see God bless others “more” than He blesses us, we are not losing anything.Adrian Rogers says, “We will be much happier in this life if we take our eyes off of our brothers and sisters, put our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be grateful for what He does.”Apply it to your lifeHave you been called to the vineyard to serve our Lord Jesus Christ? It’s never too late to start. If you have served Christ for a while now, remember there is no seniority in the kingdom of God. Welcome your brothers and sisters in gratitude and rejoice in each other’s blessings.
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Crossing God's Deadline

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 29:1Proverbs 29:1 says, “He who is often rebuked, and hardens his neck, will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.”Can a man spiritually pass the point of no return? Can he be so willfully rebellious that God will give up on him? The answer is yes, and that’s a frightening thing. God is a God of infinite love, yes, but He’s also a God of wrath and judgment. There is a deadline, and if anyone crosses God’s deadline, his doom is sealed.We must listen to the warnings God graciously gives us before we reach the point of no return.When we have sinned against God, He convicts us through the Holy Spirit, physical illness, sorrows, good things, and godly people. He uses these things to guide and correct us.Yet, when we choose our stubborn rebellion over this conviction, we make it more and more difficult for ourselves to ever turn back to God.When we’ve hardened our necks (as stated in Proverbs 29:1), there is bound to come sudden destruction; not only in our minds, with strong delusions, but in our spirits as well. We will find that the Holy Spirit of God no longer speaks to us and that God no longer draws us in.We all think we have more time to get right with God, but sometimes, this isn’t the case. Once your heart no longer beats, your destiny is settled, and there is no second chance. God convicts because He loves you so much. He wants to save you. His reproof is rooted in love. If you continue to reject it, destruction will follow.There is good news, though. Anybody who wants to be saved can be. The man who crosses the deadline has no desire to be saved. But if you have a desire to be saved, the Holy Spirit of God is working in you; it’s not too late.Apply it to your lifeHave you listened to God’s conviction or have you remained stubborn in your rebellion? You must be receptive to God’s loving correction if you want a relationship with Him. Pray today, and ask the Lord if there is anything in your life that is not pleasing to Him. Ask for His forgiveness today.
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How God Develops Christian Character

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 5:3When we give our hearts to Jesus Christ, the work within us has begun, and God will see that it is finished. (See Philippians 1:6.) But we are not automatically mature in our faith and Christian manner. We simply receive the basis for a Christian character that God cultivates within us over time.Romans 5 offers insight as to how God develops Christian character.First, God allows pressure to come.“...we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope (Romans 5:3-4).God wants that which will sustain and give strength to come out of us; the only way to draw it out of us is through pressure. We don’t have to understand the trouble and pressure we face; we simply have to stand under it.The second step to building Christian character is patience.God wants to teach us endurance so that our faith is strong enough to withstand the things that cause others to drop out.Third, our patience results in a pure character.Someone who has gone through the experiences of tribulation and perseverance has a refined faith, pure as gold.Adrian Rogers says, “A refiner of gold knows when the gold is pure when he can see his own face reflected in it; so our Lord wants to see His character reflected in us.”Finally, our purity of faith results in hope.Romans 5:5 says, “Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”We receive hope through our tribulations because they teach us that God is faithful and He sees us through them.Hebrews 6:19 says, “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast…”Adrian Rogers says, “Hope is not wishful desire; it means rock-ribbed assurance based on the Word and character of God.”Apply it to your lifeIf you are feeling pressure today, understand that these are not obstacles, but opportunities. We glory in tribulation because God knows what He is up to. Trust in Him to use this experience to develop patience, which refines your faith and produces hope and steadfast assurance in Him.
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The Perils of Postponement

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 27:1There are a few reasons people reject the Gospel upon hearing it. Some are rebellious, others are too self-righteous to recognize their need for a Savior. But perhaps the most common reason is procrastination.People will put it off, thinking that they will have plenty of time to receive Christ later on.But Proverbs 27:1 warns us of the perils of postponement: “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.”There are four reasons why no one should put off being saved.First, if we put it off until tomorrow, we will lose today.Adrian Rogers says, “A day lived without the Lord Jesus is a day that is lost for all eternity.”Second, our hearts will grow harder.In Acts 24, Paul is a prisoner of Caesarea. The Roman judge, Felix, calls for him to answer questions he has about Jesus Christ. Paul preaches a Christ-centered message, and the conviction of the Holy Spirit is so strong, Felix trembles. Felix was at the threshold of salvation, but then he did something that so many people do: he told Paul, “When I have a convenient season, I will call for you” (Acts 24:25). As a result, Felix lost his conviction; he strayed further and further away from God.Likewise, our hearts will get harder over time; it will be more difficult for us to receive Jesus tomorrow than it will be today. Adrian Rogers says, “Tomorrow you will have more sin to repent of. And tomorrow you will have a harder heart to repent with.”Third, there is always the danger of sudden death.Death is a reality many of us choose to ignore. But every day is a gift from God; it is arrogant to assume we will live to see another day, and ignorant to assume what each day will look like.Finally, Jesus is coming again, and those who aren’t saved will be left behind.We are closer to the Second Coming than ever before; if He comes while you are unsaved, it will be too late for you. This is why we ought to be vigilant, taking advantage of the day we’ve been given to receive salvation and follow Jesus.Apply it to your lifeAre you certain that you are saved? As Proverbs 27 warns us, every day is a gift from God; don’t waste today unsaved.
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Cardboard Christians

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 21:22-28The great hunger of every human heart is to know Jesus in a real way. The world is tired of hypocrisy and games; the only way we will reach people with the Gospel is if we are real, not cardboard, Christians.Proverbs 21:28 says, “A false witness shall perish, but the man who hears him will speak endlessly.” This passage reveals the fatality of a false witness; it is dangerous to be a phony.In Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus gives a grave warning to those who merely appear to be saved. He warns us of their false praying, false teaching, and false power. Though they seem to have done a lot of good for the Kingdom of God, they have done it in vain, because they are not truly born again.Yet, this passage also addresses the reality of a faithful witness. There are three marks of a true Christian that signify that his worship is real.First, he has a listening worship.No one is prepared to serve the Lord until he has first heard the Lord. In John 10:27, Jesus says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” We hear God through prayer and through the power of Scripture. The Bible has the power to convert, to conquer, to counsel, and to commune.Second, he has a faithful witness.Because the faithful witness listens to God, he speaks of what God has done in him.Adrian Rogers says, “We dare not speak for God until we’ve heard God. But if we’ve heard God, we dare not be silent.” We are all called to be witnesses. Yet we cannot speak of what we haven’t seen or heard. The mark of a Christian is the burden for souls and the burning desire to share Jesus with others.Finally, he has a lasting walk.1 John 2:19 explains how cardboard Christians do not last: “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us…”True, solid faith lasts; we have the joy to know that those who are truly in Christ Jesus can never be separated from Him.Apply it to your lifeAre you a faithful witness—having heard from God, now with a desire to share Him with others? Consider your walk with Christ today; be sure you are rooted in real faith.
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The Backslider

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 14:14King David, though a man after God’s own heart, was a great sinner and backslider. In 2 Samuel 11, he committed adultery and, in covering it up, he committed murder. But in 2 Samuel 12, we find that David was also a great repenter. He exemplifies the way back to God after we slide into sin.We must first recognize the causes of David’s sin. In a time of war, David was at home while his army fought without him.Adrian Rogers says, “The sin of omission is failure to do what you ought to be doing.”David’s casualness quickly turned into a careless, compulsive affair with a married woman. That carelessness turned into callousness. After committing the hot-blooded sin of adultery, David murdered his mistress’ husband, Uriah, in cold blood.We also see the costs David faced when he covered up his sins rather than confess them. He aged prematurely, his body groaned inwardly under heavy conviction, and he experienced a spiritual dryness.Proverbs 28:13 says, “He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.”David’s backsliding was a critical condition. As children of God, the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins until we confess them. If we do not, God must chastise us as he did David. God is more interested in our relationship with Him than anything else; He will do whatever He has to in order to restore it.Then, God will use someone or something in our lives to confront us about our sins. For David, he sent the prophet Nathan, before his continual sin cost him his life.2 Samuel 12:13 conveys that, had David persisted in his sin, God would have killed him. Once David realized how far he had drifted from God, he was desperate to find the way back. We don’t have to carry around our own condemnation anymore; we can be clean.Apply it to your lifeProverbs 14:14 says, “The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways, but a good man will be satisfied from above.” Do you have any unconfessed sin weighing on you today? Ask God to search your heart and reveal your sin to you. Confess it, and be cleansed by God’s forgiveness.
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True Riches

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 13:7Adrian Rogers says, “The measure of a man is what that man thinks about money.”The Bible does not condemn having money, nor does it put a premium on poverty. But there are many Believers who do not understand the meaning of true riches.Proverbs 13:7 says, “There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing…” This passage first reveals the poverty of the godless rich. There are several ways for a man to be wealthy in the eyes of the world yet have a poverty-stricken spirit.A man is poor, no matter how much he has, when he seeks satisfaction in his money.Our lives are not a sum of our possessions; when we act as if they are, we’ll be empty.A man is also poor when his money increases his trouble.There comes a point when all that we think we need is actually a burden rather than a blessing.A man is poor when the goal of his life is making money.This consuming drive will control his character and distort his values.A man is also poor when he has no treasure in Heaven.We will not bring our earthly riches with us into Heaven. Anything of real value is of lasting value; the more we give of it, the more we have of it.Finally, a man is poor when he doesn’t have Jesus in his heart.We cannot buy our way into Heaven. Our earthly riches will do us no good on Judgment Day; we cannot bribe the Judge.Proverbs 13:7 also describes the prosperity of the godly poor: “...and one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches.”Money is not evil, but it does not equate to godliness.A man is truly rich, no matter how little he has, when he is content with what he has been given.He has spiritual riches: being right with God, having hope, purpose, and peace in life. He has secure riches: the inheritance reserved for him in Heaven cannot be destroyed. He has a godly legacy to leave behind. Finally, he has satisfying riches, for his riches are found in the Lord.Apply it to your lifeDo you have true riches that are spiritual, secure, and satisfying?
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Crossing God's Deadline

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 29:1In front of every unsaved person, there is a deadline. If we cross God’s deadline, it is too late. Proverbs 29:1 reveals: “He who is often rebuked, and hardens his neck, will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.”There are three thoughts to draw from this passage, so that we may never know the pain of crossing God’s deadline.God deals with sinners over and over again, convicting us in loving patience. He speaks to us through the Holy Spirit and through situations we face. God also speaks through His believers and through Scripture.But sometimes, when God convicts, we still rebel; Proverbs explains that a stiffened neck represents the refusal of God’s conviction.Sometimes people harden their necks to the Gospel by procrastination.Postponing salvation is detrimental for three reasons: If you wait until tomorrow, you’ll lose tonight; something worse may come tomorrow, or tomorrow may not come.Another way people harden their necks is by pride.Many are afraid of what other people will think if they confess their sins.Adrian Rogers says, “When God judges your sin, He does not judge primarily by the outward sin committed, but by the inward light rejected.”People also harden their necks because of worldly pleasures.They are afraid to give their hearts to Jesus because they are afraid of what they will have to give up. They forget that the only things God asks us to give up are things that hurt us.Adrian Rogers says, “If it’ll make you healthy, happy, holy and wholesome, God says, ‘Help yourself.’”When man rebels against God’s convictions and reaches that deadline, he will face sudden destruction. His mind will be destroyed through strong delusion; because he has refused the truth, he will believe lies. His spirit will be destroyed through spiritual desertion; the Holy Spirit will withdraw Himself from a rebellious man. His body will be destroyed through sudden death; the remedy will no longer be available.Then he will face a settled destiny. Once he has crossed God’s deadline, judgment begins; there is no turning back. Once he is in Hell, he is broken beyond repair. What a powerful reminder to come to Jesus while we can.Apply it to your lifeThis is the day to be saved. It is the day to listen to God’s conviction, give up your stubborn rebellion and change your settled destiny before it’s too late.
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Wisdom's Final Call

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 1:20Adrian Rogers says, “The voice of wisdom is the voice of God; when wisdom speaks, God speaks.”Wisdom is perhaps the most important virtue, and there is a deadline to obtain it. One of these days, God will issue His final call for wisdom, as seen in Proverbs 1:20-33.This passage reveals the invitation of wisdom.“Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in the open squares… ‘How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge…’” (Proverbs 1:20-22).The call to wisdom is a public invitation available to anyone who would seek it. It is a pressing matter, yet it is also a patient invitation; though many will continue in their folly, Wisdom continues to call people unto herself.This passage explains the indoctrination of wisdom.“Turn at my rebuke; surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you’” (Proverbs 1:23).We can diligently memorize the facts, dates, and events in Scripture, but we’ll never understand its wisdom until we repent of our folly.Adrian Rogers says, “The only way you’re going to know the truth of God’s Word is for the Holy Spirit to turn the light on in your sin-darkened soul.” Once a sinner repents, the Spirit will reveal the wisdom of Scripture and affirm its reliability in his heart.Finally, this passage conveys the indignation of wisdom.“They would have none of my counsel and despised my every rebuke. Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled to the full with their own fancies” (Proverbs 1:30-31).When the call to wisdom is rejected time and time again, the invitation will eventually turn to indignation. This derision will lead to desolation; no longer will God’s voice be heard, no longer will His hand be outstretched. This will lead to sure destruction. There is coming a time when lost sinners will stand before the judgment of God, asking for mercy.Today is the day of mercy; wisdom stretches her hands, lifts up her voice, offers herself to us. May we repent of our foolish ways before it is too late.Apply it to your lifeHave you accepted the invitation of wisdom? Today is the day to repent of your ways and be filled with the Spirit of God.
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Beware the Beast

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Revelation 13:1-8Scripture offers prophecies to warn us of the future and edify us as we live through these Last Days. Revelation 13 describes a man, the antichrist, who will rise to power during the Great Tribulation; we must beware of this beast.This passage first describes the social unrest that proceeds the beast:“And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea…” (Revelation 13:1). The sea symbolizes society in turmoil and distress, as the Bible claims wicked people are like the troubled sea. (Isaiah 57:20). This desperately wicked world is ripe for the antichrist’s entrance.This passage also shares the beast’s satanic attributes:“ a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion” (Revelation 13:2).Third, we see how the beast will seduce the world.Revelation 13:3 claims the beast will seem appealing, charming, and clever. The whole world will marvel at this man, who disguises himself as a man of peace.But this passage also addresses his sinister ambitions.“Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation” (Revelation 13:6-7).He will be driven to deify Satan, defy the Savior, destroy the saints, dominate society and delude sinners.Finally, this passage warns us of the false prophet, who will present the beast to the whole world.Much like the Holy Spirit brings people to worship Jesus, the false prophet is designed to bring people to worship the beast in the End Times.Revelation 13:13-16 explains that the false prophet—who by causing fire in the heavens, worship of an image of the beast, and controlling the world’s commerce through a mark of the beast—will bring the entire world to the beast’s feet.Adrian Rogers says, “If you’re not sealed by the Spirit, you will be branded by the beast.”Apply it to your lifeJesus is coming back soon; would you be bold enough to point people to Him, today?
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How to Have a Steadfast Hope in a Shaky World

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10Though it has been anticipated for over two thousand years, Jesus Christ could come again at any moment, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation. But as children of God, we have a settled faith. 2 Thessalonians 1-2 reveals how to have a steadfast hope in a shaky world: “and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels” (1:7).First, we need not be dismayed; when Jesus comes again, His lordship will be revealed. Though we don’t know the exact time or day, we know He will return exactly on time. “…when He comes, in that Day, to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who believe, because our testimony among you was believed” (1:10). We will be witnesses of His redeeming love, saving grace, and keeping power; our testimonies will be what brings others to wonder at Him as well.Secondly, we need not be deceived; the devil is a liar and inspires deception. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 states: “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition…” As Jesus says, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9); the antichrist will come directly from the devil. Though his wickedness is already at work in this world, the antichrist also has a precise timeframe in which he will be revealed (2:6-7).Finally, we need not be disappointed. 2 Thessalonians 2:8 reveals, “And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.”Adrian Rogers explains, “The same Jesus that spoke them into existence is going to speak them into oblivion.” Jesus, who came first to seek and to save, will return with judgment. He came first in mercy; He will return in flaming fire, to take vengeance. He came first in humility; He will return in incredible power.Apply it to your lifeKnowing our Lord is returning soon, there are a few things to remember as we hold onto our hope in this shaky world:Pray continuously.Witness to anyone and everyone.Worship God as a family.Don’t be dismayed by what you see on the news.Know that your hope is in Jesus Christ, steadfast and sure.
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A Thief in the Night

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11If we believe in our hearts that Jesus is coming again, we must be ready for His return; 1 Thessalonians 5:2 says He will come “like a thief in the night.” This chapter, 1 Thessalonians 5, offers four truths about Jesus’ glorious return.First, it will be a surprising day.We are certain that He is coming, but we do not know when. As we wait for Him, we should be sharing our faith with others, so that they are also ready for the Second Coming.Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus Christ is coming; He came on time, He was born on time, He died on time, and He rose on time. He’s coming again in His own time; He will never be late.”Second, we can escape sudden destruction.“But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief” (1 Thessalonians 5:4). The day of Christ’s return will be a solemn, sudden, and sure day—the calm before the storm of judgment to come. On that day, He will rapture His Church from the world, and believers will escape the Great Tribulation prophesied in Revelation.Third, we must endure this surrounding darkness.We live in a world plagued by moral, spiritual, and political darkness. As children of God, we must be aware and wise up, be awake and get up, and be alert and dress up—putting on the armor of God. According to 1 Thessalonians 5:8, we need to get our hearts right and keep our heads right: “But let us who are of the day be sober.”Finally, we will experience a sure deliverance:“For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him. Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11).This passage explains that we can expect to be delivered from His wrath. This assurance is meant to edify us in these Last Days. As God rescued Noah and his family before flooding the Earth in Genesis 6, so will He rapture His Church before the Great Tribulation.Apply it to your lifeAs we wait with expectation for Jesus’ return, we should be in the habit of sharing the Gospel. Adrian Rogers says, “Get your head out of the clouds of prophecy and get your feet on the pavement of soul-winning.”
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When Time Runs Out

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Daniel 9:20-27Before Jesus stepped into our world the first time, Daniel 9 predicted His Second Coming. This Old Testament passage can be seen as an outline of the things to come in the Last Days, when time runs out.“Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city…” (Daniel 9:24).This passage first designates the period of time (490 years), the people (God’s chosen people, Israel), and the place (the Holy City of Jerusalem) to take center stage in the End Times.This passage also determines the prophecy’s purpose: “ finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy” (Daniel 9:24).Adrian Rogers says, “God has a plan and in 490 years, He’s going to finish that plan; nothing has gotten out of hand, not a jot or a tittle will fail from the law, till all has been fulfilled.”This passage also reveals how it will come about. “Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince…” (Daniel 9:25).This command to rebuild Jerusalem was given in the Book of Nehemiah; this is when God’s clock started ticking. Adding up the years recorded in the Bible concerning Israel’s commencement and construction, we calculate 483 of the 490 years prophesied.When Jesus came, the clock stopped and it has yet to resume; there are seven more years of biblical prophecy yet to be fulfilled.Daniel also saw Jerusalem being destroyed, symbolizing how God’s chosen people (Israel) rejected Him. We are living in an undetermined period of time marked by wars and desolations as God deals with Israel.But once the Bride is complete, and the last soul is finally redeemed (Romans 11:25), Jesus will return to rapture the Church, and the clock will begin ticking again.After the seven years of Tribulation, when the 490 years are complete, Jesus will step in once again.As Adrian Rogers says, “This time, Jesus is not coming for His church, rather with His church in power and great glory; 777 will take care of 666.”Apply it to your lifeStudy the prophecies in Daniel 9 with humility and reverence; ask the Lord to help you understand it and affirm it in your heart today.
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Magnificent Mother

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Samuel 1:10-28There is a war against motherhood in our world. Perhaps the most powerful and influential class of people in the world today are magnificent mothers.1 Samuel 1 tells the story of Hannah, a barren woman who wanted more than anything else to have a son. After much prayer, God gave Hannah a son named Samuel, who was considered one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament.Hannah’s story offers five powerful principles of magnificent motherhood.The first is the principle of proper priority.“And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish” (1 Samuel 1:10).Hannah had a God-given instinct to be a mother. She recognized that there is no greater earthly blessing than children.The second principle is the power of prayer.Adrian Rogers says, “The time to begin to raise godly children is before they're born, and even before they're conceived.”Hannah is one of several women in the Bible who were considered barren, and later given children by God; other examples are Sarah, Rachel, Ruth, and Elizabeth. Their children went on to bless the world and glorify God. Understanding this, we should begin praying for our children before they are ever conceived.The third principle is purpose.Hannah’s reason for wanting a child was to dedicate him back to God; she wanted to glorify God through her child. Our prayers for our children should not regard their wealth or power, but how they will glorify God.The fourth principle is persistence.“Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked of Him” (1 Samuel 1:17).Hannah was a woman of prayer, but not just prayer easily uttered and soon forgotten; she continued to pray before and after this child was born. By her example, we learn to never waver in our prayers, no matter how dark the circumstances.Finally, there’s the principle of persuasion.A mother makes the deepest impression on a child; her chief weapon in her arsenal is the influence she has over her children.Apply it to your lifeAre you raising your children for the glory of God? Remember, those who will take that priority, make that prayer, own that purpose, commit to that persistence and persuasion, by the grace of God, will raise godly children.
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In the Twinkling of an Eye

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18“Rapture” means to be caught up or snatched away speedily; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 explores the sacred mystery of the Rapture, which is prophesied in the Book of Revelation.“Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:17).The central figure of this event is Jesus Christ, who is returning to rapture His church: “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first” (1 Thessalonians 4:16).When Jesus descends with a shout, the dead in Christ rise first, then the living saints will be caught up to meet them in the air.Adrian Rogers says, “If you have the same nature as Jesus Christ when He comes again, you’re the one going up, whether you’re beneath the ground or on top of the ground. If you’ve been Heaven-born, you will be Heaven-bound.”This passage should be of comfort to us, knowing that we will meet Him in the air. We are assured of the rapture by the saving work of the Lord, which is the Gospel. We are also assured by the Word of the Lord, which is Scripture.Though we don’t know the exact date when the rapture will occur, we know it is close and certain; it will happen “in the twinkling of an eye, at the sound of the last trump” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52).There will be signs of the times; these don’t predict the Second Coming but simply affirm it will take place.Though the “when” of the Rapture is a mystery, the “why” is clear; it is God’s divine strategy to rescue His Bride from the Great Tribulation to come. It is when we will reunite with our fellow Christians who have died, as we are all received by the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.After we are caught up in the air, the Bridegroom will take us, His Bride, to the place He has prepared for us.Apply it to your lifeYou can have peace in these treacherous Last Days if you keep your eyes on Jesus’ Second Coming; learn of it, live for it, long for it, and share it with others.
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Living on the Edge of Eternity

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Revelation 1:1-13The Book of Revelation was divinely written to inspire and warn those living on the edge of eternity. In Revelation 1, we are given a formal introduction to the contents of the whole book.First, we see the central Person of Revelation, which is Jesus Christ.“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place...” (Revelation 1:1). The Book of Revelation is the unveiling of Jesus Christ; we will see Him in a different way than we’ve seen Him before.Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus is the hero of the Bible; if you read the Bible and you don’t find Jesus, go back and reread it.”Revelation 1:1 also presents our clear purpose as servants of Jesus Christ. We are bondslaves who seek to understand the mysteries of Scripture because we love our Master.There is also a comforting promise within this text:“Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near” (Revelation 1:3).We live in a messy, confusing world that is cursed with sin and pain. Through this book, we can understand the mystery of history and make sense out of suffering.This text also explains Revelation’s certain prophecy.We are surely living in the Last Days. There are no more prophecies that need to be fulfilled before Jesus can come. Revelation reminds us of the things which were, things which are, and which shall be. It deals with the past, present, and future.According to the Book of Revelation, the future includes the rapture of the saints and the tribulation of this world. It prophesies the Battle of Armageddon, the beast, the millennium, and the glorification of the Savior.It tells us of the final judgment, in which each of us will learn of the eternal state of our souls. But lastly, at the end of this book, we’re offered the last invitation of the whole Bible: “Come” (Revelation 22:17)!As we live on the edge of eternity, may we come to Jesus before it’s too late.Apply it to your lifeRevelation 22:20 says, “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming quickly.’ Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” If you want stability on the edge of eternity, keep your eyes on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
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Christ-Like Love

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 13:34Perhaps our greatest human need is to be loved and to give love to someone else. Not only are we, as Christians, called to love others, but we are also called to exhibit a Christ-like love.In John 13:34, Jesus says, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”Christ-like love is selfless.In a society based on self-love, self-help, and self-fulfillment, we are called to humble ourselves as Jesus did.Adrian Rogers says, “The grace of God exalts a man without inflating him, and it humbles a man without debasing him. We don’t live in sinful exaggeration or false humiliation, but in sober estimation.”When we experience God’s grace, through faith, we are at peace within ourselves to show love to others in fellowship.Christ-like love is also steadfast.Nothing we can do will make God love us any more or any less. The cross of Jesus showed that His love could stand the test of trials and extreme pressure; it will never let us go, even until the very end.Christ-like love serves.As Jesus gave this commandment, He was performing the duties of a servant, washing His disciples’ feet—even those of Judas, who would betray Him later that night. Jesus practiced what He preached; He didn’t give the disciples what they deserved, rather, what they needed.Adrian Rogers says, “You can’t look down on people while you are washing their feet.”Finally, Christ-like love is sanctifying.In this passage, Jesus uses the example of foot-washing to symbolize sanctification. As Jesus washed the dirt from their feet, He spoke of the spiritual defilement in their lives so that they may understand what it meant to be cleansed from within.Once we are saved, we are always saved—we are totally cleansed from the inside out, white as snow. But we live in a dirty, grimy world and sometimes we need to have our spiritual feet washed; this is called sanctification.As Jesus demonstrates in this passage, we show love to each other by encouraging sanctification. We show this with humility, steadfastness, and service, just as Jesus did.Apply it to your lifeDo you exhibit a selfless, steadfast, serving, sanctifying love to others? As you study Scripture today, ask God to reveal ways for you to show Christ-like love to others.
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The Care and Maintenance of Your Child

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Mark 10:13In Mark 10, Jesus revealed His great love for children, and their tremendous importance to His kingdom. Our children are blessed gifts and bundles of potentiality from God, which we are responsible for teaching and training up. Though it is not by any means easy, it is simple; the Bible offers insight on the care and maintenance of our children.Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”We must communicate with our children, and we must begin early. Children have a God-given instinct to ask why—a beautiful curiosity that we must nurture. They believe our every word, and trust us until we give them reason not to. What an amazing opportunity to teach and train our children.We must see our children as unique; they are like no other, and they must know they were specifically designed by God. When we see our children as unique before God, we learn to communicate with them creatively.We must also be real with our children, letting them see our faults so that they learn, not only how to succeed, but how to fail.Adrian Rogers says, “Your kids don’t demand perfection, but they do demand reality.”There must also be correction; we discipline our children because we love them and because our human nature is foolish. Children need to understand morality and learn to fear God.When we discipline our children, we spare ourselves heartache and disgrace in the long run, and we may save them from further judgment. We must begin disciplining when a child is old enough to knowingly and willfully disobey. We should rebuke before we chastise, disciplining with love and patience, letting it be over once it’s over, and never holding grudges.Ultimately, we pray that there will be a conversion; our holy goal is to lead our children to Jesus. We should pray for their salvation and seek it out early. Our responsibility is not to block or shove our children into a relationship with Jesus, but rather, to guide them in wisdom.Apply it to your lifeAre you raising your children with communication, correction, and conversion in mind? Make these three things your goal today; aim to care for your children in a way that glorifies the Lord.
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Total Togetherness

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:7-9God’s plan for marriage is for husband and wife to become one flesh, totally together as one. In order to be this intimate, men and women must have constant, healthy communication. 1 Peter 3 offers four steps to total intimacy and total togetherness in marriage.Husbands must dwell with their wives thoughtfully: “Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel...” (1 Peter 3:7). Men and women are equal in worth before God, but they are quite different and do not serve the same function. Neither is better or worse—God put these differences in us to complement each other.Men are designed to be initiators, while women are designed to be responders.Men and women are also different in thought. Generally, men tend to think logically, while women tend to think emotionally. Men tend to be inward thinkers, while women tend to be outward talkers. Men tend to be more goal-oriented, while women are generally more relationship-oriented.We must understand our differences and give thought to the other in our communication.We must also dwell together thankfully; we should be in the habit of expressing appreciation for each other, to each other.Adrian Rogers says, “Happy is the man who learns how to express thanksgiving. Nothing will do more to intimacy in a marriage than for you to recognize those character traits and achievements in your wife and give honor to her.”Couples must also communicate their trust in each other, understanding they are “heirs together of the grace of life” (1 Peter 3:7).Husbands must value their wives’ opinions and transparency, so that their wives may speak into their circumstances without fear of retaliation. One way we do this is by praying for each other, with each other.Finally, we must express tenderness: “Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous…” (1 Peter 3:8).This passage calls wives the weaker vessel—this does not mean they are inferior, rather, that they are more delicate and should be handled with tenderness, physically and emotionally. We must love in the little things, dwell together as one flesh, and allow our homes to become colonies of Heaven.Apply it to your lifeGod’s Word gives practical insight to reach total togetherness in marriage; if we communicate thoughtfulness, thanksgiving, trust, and tenderness, we can reach total intimacy.
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Safe Sex

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 7:1-11Sexual immorality completely disintegrates the foundation of a family; a culture that celebrates sexual immorality will result in the fall of a nation. God has given us boundaries, not to harm us, but rather to help and protect us. 1 Corinthians 7 gives a clear, biblical emphasis on safe sex.“Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband” (1 Corinthians 7:2). This passage explains the way of happiness for the married person, by first recognizing the sanctity of safe sex. God’s plan for sex exists in the bounds of holy matrimony; it is part of becoming one flesh.There’s also an element of selflessness, as 1 Corinthians 7:4 says, “The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.”Adrian Rogers says, “Lust is always marked by getting, but love is always marked by giving.”There is also security in safe sex; as verse 5 explains, a home that does not have a proper sexual attitude is a home that is open to an attack by the enemy.This passage also illustrates the way of helpfulness for the single life. There is nothing wrong or sinful about choosing singleness. It is a gifted life, as 1 Corinthians 7:7 states: “...But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.” But if we are not married, we cannot please God while engaging in sexual activity. If we remain guarded, our singleness leads to a godly life.Finally, this passage also explains the way of holiness for every person, married or single.There are several reasons to keep ourselves morally pure. Immorality is psychologically harmful. It kills true love and endangers future marital happiness.Immorality is one of the greatest dangers to any society; there’s always the danger of conception and of disease. But ultimately, we ought to refrain from sexual immorality, simply because the Word of God clearly teaches against it.Safe sex is a way of happiness for the married life, helpfulness for the single life, and the way of holiness for every life.Apply it to your lifeAre you living a morally pure life? If you are married, practice safe sex by keeping sex within the bounds of your marriage; if you are single, remain guarded. And no matter your relationship status, strive for holiness.
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Super Glue Marriage

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Genesis 2:21-25We live in a tragic and dangerous day of disposable marriages; the enemy strives to break up homes to create a vicious cycle of broken people. But marriage is the highest of all earthly relationships. The purpose of marriage is for a man and a woman to come together as one flesh, sharing in the closest bond and communion possible, permanently. Genesis 2 offers instructions to maintain a super-glued marriage—one that stands the test of time.“And Adam said: ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.’ Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:23-24).First, we see that marriage is a commitment meant to last a lifetime.All married couples essentially have the same problems; the difference is in their commitment.Adrian Rogers says, “It is your commitment that sustains your love and marriage, not vice versa.”Second, there must be loving communication.There are five basic levels of communication husbands and wives must learn in order to face difficulties together:Shallow: small talkFactual: factsIntellectual: ideas and opinionsEmotional: dreams, goals, and feelingsAbsolute openness: completely open, unashamed, uninhibited communication.Couples ought to strive to reach that deepest vulnerability of communication, as Genesis 2:25 relays, “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”Third, there must be loyal confrontation.When problems arise, we must be ready to confront one another in love.Some of the major conflicts couples face in marriage are selfishness, money, sex, nagging, in-laws, and substance abuse. In order to tackle these conflicts, couples must isolate the problem and learn to attack the problem, not each other. We must deal with problems one at a time as they come up and learn to negotiate with each other—both of us can win if we come to a gentle compromise.Finally, we must pray constantly.In our honesty and humility with God, we find prayerful solutions to tense conflicts.Apply it to your lifeIs your marriage a super-glued, lasting commitment? Is it full of loving communication and loyal confrontation? Pray over your marriage today, that God would give you a passion and fervor to maintain your marriage.
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The Week After Easter

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 24:13-26The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a known fact that we fully believe as Christians. However, in the days following this miracle, some of the disciples were struggling to believe it.Luke 24 tells of two disciples on the road to Emmaus, who came face-to-face with Jesus Christ Himself, the week after Easter.This passage first describes the discouragement of their confused hearts.In verses Luke 24:19-24, we learn these disciples had heard the accounts of Jesus’ resurrection, yet they believed it to have been a misunderstanding. They were confused because they were looking for a political Messiah, and hoped Jesus would come and redeem Israel; yet Jesus had been crucified.Their misunderstanding led to disappointment; this led to doubt and discouragement. They did not yet understand that Calvary would lead to Easter, and Easter to Pentecost—when the Holy Spirit came and carried out what Jesus began.Second, this passage reveals the discovery of a challenged heart.“So it was, while they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were restrained, so that they did not know Him” (Luke 24:15-16).These disciples were already believers, though they were backslidden and discouraged. Jesus sought them to claim and comfort them. Likewise, we love Jesus, because He first loved us.Adrian Rogers says, “If Jesus would seek us when we were just out-and-out sinners, surely He will seek us when we’re saved and away from Him.”Jesus caught up with them on the road to Emmaus and taught them the Word of God (v. 27). He challenged them because He wanted them to learn to depend upon Scripture and continue growing after His ascent to Heaven. He opened them to the Scriptures, and as a result, He opened their eyes. Only after He taught them God’s Word did they recognize Him. They saw Him in the fulfilled prophecies of Scripture; they also now recognized Him bodily in front of them.This moment led to the declaration of their convinced hearts.Their encounter with Jesus sealed their belief in His resurrection; they immediately went back to Jerusalem with the news, telling everyone about their risen Savior.Apply it to your lifeAre your eyes opened to the Bible, and to the risen Savior? Is your convinced heart set aflame? Pray and ask God to challenge you as you read Scripture today.
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What If There Had Been No Easter?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:12-19This is the Gospel: Jesus Christ died for our sins; He was buried and rose again on the third day. But what if death had conquered—what if Jesus had stayed in the tomb?1 Corinthians 15:12-19 gives a tragic account of our lives without Jesus—a picture of what our lives would be if there had been no Easter. Preaching would be profitless and our faith would be foolish: “And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty” (1 Corinthians 5:14).If Christ is still in the grave, every preacher of the Gospel is wrong. If Jesus Christ is dead, our faith is also dead, because faith is no better than its subject.Without the resurrection, the disciples would have been deceivers: “Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ...” (1 Corinthians 5:15). The disciples, who were tortured and persecuted as martyrs, would have had no gain preaching of Christ’s resurrection if He were still dead.Adrian Rogers says, “A man may live for a lie, but not many men willingly die for a lie.”Without Easter, sin would be sovereign: “And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins” (1 Corinthians 5:17)!God cannot overlook our sin; if He did, He would cease to be Holy. We have no hope of forgiveness apart from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As a result, death would have dominion: “Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished” (1 Corinthians 5:18).If Jesus had not beaten death once and for all, death would have the last word and ultimate dominion. But because Jesus Christ rose from the grave, there is life beyond death.Finally, if there had been no Easter, the future would be fearful: “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable” (1 Corinthians 5:19). Without the resurrection, we are a miserable people, with very little to look forward to.Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus Christ is the one who walked out of that grave and took the sting out of sin. He took the dread out of death, took the gloom out of the grave, and He has given us a hope that is steadfast and sure.”Apply it to your lifeDo you know who you are in Christ? Do you believe in His death, burial and resurrection?
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Praise Your Way to Victory

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Chronicles 20:1-25Praise is a powerful thing, in times of joy and in times of help, but especially in times of trouble.2 Chronicles 20:1-25 shows us how to praise our way to victory in times of opposition.In this passage, King Jehoshaphat faced fierce opposition on all sides. Likewise, every Christian will encounter problems in the form of sin, sorrow, or death.As King Jehoshaphat brought his people together to focus on God through fasting, we must also establish our purpose in times of opposition and seek Him.Third, the King examined his past; in verse 7, he asks God, “Are You not our God, who drove out the inhabitants of this land before Your people Israel, and gave it to the descendants of Abraham Your friend forever?”In times of trouble, we must look back at the times when God was with us. He will never fail; what He has done before, He will do again.The King embraced God’s promise, that this land was given to Abraham before him as a place for his people to dwell. God has given us something better than the land of Canaan; He has given us victory in Jesus. We have that promise to stand on in times of defeat.In humility, Jehoshaphat kept his eyes fixed on God and not on himself. The battle belonged to God; the King’s only responsibility was to depend upon Him.To prepare for battle, King Jehoshaphat worshiped God and expressed his praise. Adrian Rogers says, “Praise infuses the energy of God and praise confuses the enemies of God.”Because of the praise, the King had victory over his enemy and inherited all his enemies’ possessions; his people enjoyed the provision of God. Adrian Rogers says, “God brings us these problems to bring us to Him; the very things we dread are those things that break with blessings on our heads.”Apply it to your lifeLearn to see opposition as an opportunity. Seek God before taking action and consider fasting. Remember that God has been faithful in the past; go to His Word, stand on a promise, then ask the Holy Spirit to make that promise a reality in your heart. Refuse to act in the flesh, and instead worship and praise God. Expect Him to send confusion to the enemy and get ready for a blessing.
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The Purpose of His Passion

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Isaiah 53:4-6; 1 Peter 3:18Adrian Rogers says, “Calvary was not only the Earth’s greatest tragedy, but it was God’s greatest triumph.”Seven hundred years before Jesus Christ suffered and died upon the cross for our sins, the purpose of His passion was prophesied in Isaiah 53.“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).First, we must recognize the substitutionary purpose of the Cross.Jesus died on the cross as our substitute. Our sinfulness separates us from our Holy God. There is no possible way for a just God to overlook our unjust sin. In order to punish sin, yet love the sinner at the same time, God sent His son, Jesus, to reconcile the world. There is a river of blood that runs all the way from Genesis to Revelation, in which God atoned for our sins through sacrifice. Jesus became that final, perfect sacrifice for our sins.Adrian Rogers says, “Salvation does not come by learning lessons from the life of Christ, but by receiving life from the death of Christ.”Second, we see the suffering passion of the Cross.1 Peter 3:18 says, “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit…” Jesus suffered emotionally; before He faced the cross, Jesus asked God that “if it be possible, let this cup pass…” (Matthew 26:39). The cup is a metaphor for taking on the pollution and punishment of sin. Jesus faced immense physical suffering upon the cross; He died in utter agony in order to satisfy God’s wrath.But praise God, at the end of Jesus’ suffering, we see the settled provision of the cross; in His final moments, Jesus declared, “It is finished.” This statement means our sins were paid for in full.Finally, we understand the saving power of the Cross.Through Christ’s sacrifice, we have been brought to God, made alive by His Spirit.Apply it to your lifeDo you believe in Jesus Christ, whose death atones for our sins, brings us to God, and makes us alive? Remember His passion and the purpose of the cross; share your faith with others today.
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Liberated Living

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 6:1-19The grace of God enables us to live godly lives in Christ Jesus and empowers us to live in liberation. Romans 6 gives three basic principles for liberated living.First, we must know our identification with Jesus, who gave Himself for us.“For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin” (Romans 6:5-6).Adrian Rogers explains, “Calvary not only deals with the sin; Calvary deals with the sinner.”Jesus has acted on our behalf; when He died for us, we died with Him. When He was buried, we were buried with Him. And now, in us, we have the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead.Second, we must reckon our appropriation of Jesus.“Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:11). Reckoning is acting by faith, on what we know to be true, which is that we are dead to our sins and alive in Christ.Third, we must yield our emancipation to Christ.The victorious life is God’s work in us; we cannot do it without Him, and He will not do it without us. Yielding begins when we dethrone sin. We must choose against our old master. No longer will our eyes be a tool for sin, nor our ears be sin’s instruments, nor will our hands do its bidding.Next, we must enthrone the Savior.“...but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God” (Romans 6:13). We must make Jesus Lord of our lives, enslaving ourselves to Him, as Romans 6:18 explains: “And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.”When we become slaves of Christ, we receive new freedom, faithfulness, and fruitfulness. God will begin to live His life in us, claiming victory every step of the way.Apply it to your lifeDo you know that you identify with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection? Have you reckoned your life to what you believe? Have you yielded to Him?
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It's All About Jesus

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 22The Old Testament and the New Testament tell the same story of Jesus Christ. The entire Bible is all about Jesus and the fulfilled prophecy of His salvation.Psalm 22 greatly details the crucifixion of Jesus Christ a thousand years before He was born.This Old Testament picture of Calvary first shares the amazing prophecy of the cross. “O My God, I cry in the daytime, but You do not hear; and in the night season, and am not silent” (Psalm 22:2).This verse mimics some of Jesus’ final words on the cross, as recorded in Matthew 27. Supernatural darkness came over the Earth at noonday, making it both day and night. Jesus was mocked and scorned, a prophecy fulfilled, not by Himself, but by His enemies.“I am poured out like water, and all My bones are out of joint; My heart is like wax; It has melted within Me” (Psalm 22:14).According to the Gospels, Jesus’s bones were never broken; rather, He was pierced, and blood and water spilled from His side. These verses also prophesied that He’d also be stripped of his clothing, and lots cast for His garments.Second, this passage describes the agonizing passion of the cross; no one has suffered like Jesus did.To pay for our redemption and forgiveness, Jesus suffered at the hands of three.First, He suffered at the holy hand of God; in the moment Jesus bore our sins, God’s eyes were too pure to look upon Him. As He was dying, Jesus was forsaken by the Father. (See Psalm 22:1.)He also suffered at the hateful hand of man, as verse 6 says, “But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised by the people.”And He suffered at the hellish hands of Satan; all of Hell’s demonic power was concentrated upon the cross.But thank God, Psalm 22 also tells of the abounding provision of the cross. As a prophet, Jesus declares the Father; and as our great High Priest, He delivers the faithful.Adrian Rogers says, “Salvation is more than having our sins forgiven; it is coming to a relationship where we can know God intimately and personally for ourselves.”Apply it to your lifeDo you serve Jesus Christ—the prophet and priest? Scriptures proclaim that this world belongs to Him, and He is coming back to it, soon.
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Four Principles of Victory

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 17:8-11In this spiritual battle against the world, the devil, and the flesh, we can oftentimes be our own biggest enemies. In Exodus 17, God called the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and led them through the wilderness toward Canaan.Reading this story as Christians, we see Egypt represents the world, Pharaoh the devil, and Canaan the victorious life. There are four principles of victory found in this passage.First, we must receive a gracious provision. In Exodus 17, the Israelites are in the barren land, dying of thirst. God instructs Moses to strike a rock with his rod, and when he does, water gushes from the rock. This is a glorious illustration of our salvation. Jesus, the rock of ages, was smitten for us. And blood and water that flowed from His side represent the Holy Spirit.Second, we must realize God’s grand purpose. Adrian Rogers says, “God’s plan for His people was not merely that they come out of Egypt and go into the wilderness of Sinai. God’s plan for His people was that they go into the land of Canaan. God brought them out that He might bring them in.”Many of us have been brought out of the world, but we’ve never experienced the victory of Canaan. But God has brought us out to bring us in.Third, we must respect the grievous problem. Galatians 5:17 says, “For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh...” As the Amalekites came against the Israelites in their weakest moments, the flesh will come up against us in our journey to the “promised land.” But we must remember the glorious principle: victory is God-given. We overcome the flesh by the power of God.Adrian Rogers says, “Holiness is not the way to Christ; Christ is the way to holiness.”When you take the rod of God, which is the Word, the Power, and the Spirit of God, and hold it high, you will see victory.Apply it to your lifeDo you need to see a victory in your life -- over your flesh? Remember: holiness is not the way to Christ; rather, Christ is the way to holiness.
4/1/202228 minutes, 7 seconds
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Our Identification with Christ

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 4:17As Christians, we find our identification in Jesus Christ. He became as we are that we might become as He is.1 John 4:17 says, “Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.”Our identification with Christ is a powerful truth; we are spiritually united with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection. As a result, we are also united with Jesus in His victory.Adrian Rogers says, “I’m not merely with Jesus on the cross; I have walked out of that empty tomb with Him.”The Bible also proclaims that our identification with Christ is very present and practical.His wisdom is our wisdom. “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God…” (1 Corinthians 1:30).His joy is our joy. In John 15:11, Jesus says, “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”His sorrow is our sorrow. “...that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death…” (Philippians 3:10).His friends are our friends. In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says, “ you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”His enemies are our enemies. “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you” (John 15:18).His purpose is our purpose. In John 20:21, Jesus implores, “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”His authority is our authority. In Matthew 21:18-20, Jesus says, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…”Finally, His future is our future. “When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory” (Colossians 3:4).When we took Jesus as a heavenly bridegroom, He became one with us, that we might become one with Him.Apply it to your lifeDo you find your identification in Christ? Dwell on these verses and ask the Holy Spirit to confirm this truth in your heart today.
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An Old Testament Calvary

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 22:1-31The Old Testament and the New Testament tell the same story of Jesus Christ. The entire Bible expresses the fulfilled prophecy and united message that Jesus saves.Psalm 22 greatly details the crucifixion of Jesus Christ a thousand years before He was born.This Old Testament Calvary passage first shares the prophecy of the cross.“O My God, I cry in the daytime, but You do not hear; and in the night season, and am not silent” (Psalm 22:2). This verse mimics some of Jesus’ final moments on the cross recorded in Matthew 27. A great darkness came over the Earth at noonday, becoming both day and night; Jesus was mocked and scorned, a prophecy fulfilled not by Himself, but by His enemies.“I am poured out like water, and all My bones are out of joint; My heart is like wax; It has melted within Me” (Psalm 22:14). According to the Gospels, Jesus’s bones were never broken; rather, He was pierced, and blood and water spilled from His side. Even the small detail of His asking for a drink fulfilled the prophecy that the One crucified for our sins would cry out in thirst. (Read Psalm 22:15.)Second, this passage describes the agony of the cross.No one has suffered like Jesus did.To pay for our redemption and forgiveness, Jesus suffered at the hands of three.First, He suffered at the holy hand of God; in the moment Jesus bore our sins, God’s eyes were too pure to look upon Him. As He was dying, Jesus was forsaken by the Father. (Read Psalm 22:1.) He also suffered at the hateful hand of man, as Psalm 22:6 says, “But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised by the people.” And He suffered at the hellish hands of Satan; all of Hell’s demonic power was concentrated upon the cross.But thank God, Psalm 22 also tells of the victory of the cross.As a prophet, Jesus declares the Father; as our great High Priest, He delivers the faithful. And as the Prince of Heaven, He dominates the future.Adrian Rogers says, “People wonder what this world is coming to—I’ll tell you, it’s coming to Jesus.”Apply it to your lifeDo you serve Jesus Christ —the prophet, priest, and prince? Scriptures proclaim that this world belongs to Him, and He is coming back to it, soon.
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Learning to Lean

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:21; Genesis 32Hebrews 11:21 says, “By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and worshiped, leaning on the top of his staff.”Many of us think self-sufficiency is a virtue, but truthfully, it is a vice. After deceiving his father to obtain his brother Esau’s birthright, Jacob was on the run for his life. God used this moment to cause Jacob to cease depending upon his own schemes. Jacob’s story reveals three principles to remember as we learn to lean on God.First, God will protect us, but He will not pamper us.In Genesis 32, Esau was pursuing Jacob with a vengeance. God appointed angels to protect Jacob on his journey, but Jacob needed to learn that his flattery and strategy would not work.Second, God will hurt us, but He will not harm us.Adrian Rogers explains, “God brought Jacob to realize that his only hope was God: not his scheming, but his surrendering; not his bargaining, but his begging.” As He loved Jacob, God loves us too much to leave us self-sufficient.Genesis 32:24-25 says, “Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day. Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him.”Finally, God will break us, but He desires to bless us.Genesis 32:27-28 says, “So He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob.” And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.”God gave Jacob a new name: no longer was Jacob a schemer or conniver; when he learned to lean on God, he became a prince, Israel.Following this encounter, Jacob was left with a limp. All his life, Jacob leaned upon his staff—but he was stronger with a limp than he ever would have been on his own two feet.Adrian Rogers says, “Men throw broken things away, but God never uses anything until He first breaks it.”Apply it to your lifeFailure doesn’t need to be final; if you’ll judge yourself, you won’t have to be judged. Lean on the Lord Jesus Christ; it is your worship by faith that really matters.
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Lessons from a Dysfunctional Family

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:20Family was first established by God in the Garden of Eden. Knowing family is a gift of God, the enemy has waged a war against the home. Hebrews 11 reveals lessons from a dysfunctional family, and offers hope for those who face unrest in the home.“By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come” (Hebrews 11:20).This passage looks back to the story of twin brothers Jacob and Esau in Genesis 25. They were the sons of Isaac and Rebekah, and together, they were a family plagued by favoritism, deception, and betrayal.Esau, the eldest, sold Jacob his birthright for a bowl of stew. This small act of foolishness propelled a lifetime of dysfunction.Genesis 27 goes on to reveal the failure of a dysfunctional family.Isaac, the sensual father on his deathbed, blessed the wrong son for the wrong reasons. He was a man who lived for the things of this world and ended his life in sorrow. He represents many fathers who live self-centered lives, giving in to their appetites.There is also Rebekah, the scheming mother who, favoring Jacob, helped him take the birthright from Esau. As a result, she lost the son she was trying to bless. Then there’s Jacob, the shady son, who connived his way to Esau’s birthright.Yet, God was at work in this family; there was still faith in the disciplined father. Shaken by what he had done, Isaac came to his senses and returned to the Word of God.Finally, this family reflects the forecast of a determined future.Having returned to his faith, Isaac blessed both sons in the name of God, on the authority of Scripture. Yet, he had the foresight to know the godly lineage would come from Jacob.Adrian Rogers says, “It is God who is moving history to a conclusion, and the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ.”Apply it to your lifeRemember these deeply convicting words from Adrian Rogers: “The best thing any father could do is give his heart to Jesus. The best thing any mother could do is trust her children to Jesus and quit scheming. The best thing any child could do is stand on the promises of God, our birthright—the One who has blessed us with all heavenly blessings in Christ Jesus.”
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A Dress Rehearsal for Calvary

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:17-19; Genesis 22:1-14Hebrews 11 recalls the story of Abraham and Isaac from Genesis 22 when God called a father to offer up his son as a sacrifice. This story was a dress rehearsal for Calvary, in which God the Father would send His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins.“By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, of whom it was said, ‘In Isaac your seed shall be called,’ concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense” (Hebrews 11:17-19).In the passages from Genesis and Hebrews, Isaac serves as an Old Testament illustration of Jesus Christ. His birth was prophesied and preset, and he was conceived miraculously. His mother Sarah had him after she “passed the age of childbearing” (Genesis 18:11).Isaac’s name was divinely given; he was very loved by his father. He was offered up as a sacrifice and raised from the dead, as Hebrews 11:19 says, in a figurative sense. In the same way, Jesus was miraculously born of a virgin, and was specifically named by the Father, who loved Him. God sent Him as a sacrifice for the sins of the world, and He was raised from the dead.Genesis 22:2 says, “...Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.”There was a purpose for this specific place: it speaks of the cross of Jesus Christ. As Isaac was led up a mountain to be sacrificed, Jesus also ascended a hill called Calvary, where He died.Just before Abraham was to sacrifice his son, God provided a ram to take Isaac’s place. Likewise, God kept His promise to us and provided a Lamb, His only Son Jesus Christ, whom He loved, to take our place and to die for our sins.Adrian Rogers says, “His name is Jehovah-Jireh (the God who provides), and the God who gave the first great gift is the God who will see us through.”Apply it to your lifeDo you believe in Jehovah-Jireh—the God who provides? Keep your faith in Him, who willfully gave Jesus, and will not hold His love back.
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The Testing of Your Faith

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:17-19Throughout life, we will experience two kinds of tests: those that cause us to stumble, and those that cause us to stand. The devil will tempt us to do evil, while God tests us to do good and make our faith strong and pure.But God may ask us to do something that surprises us, and our response will reveal our true faith. In Hebrews 11, we are reminded of when Abraham’s faith was tested.“By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, of whom it was said, ‘In Isaac your seed shall be called,’ concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense” (Hebrews 11:17-19).When we face trials and temptations, there are three questions we should ask ourselves to pass the test of our faith.Can I trust God with the possessions He has given to me?God tested Abraham’s faith by asking him to give back his only beloved son, Isaac. God wanted to know if Abraham loved Him more than he loved Isaac. God does not want a place in our lives; He desires, deserves, and demands preeminence in our lives. We need to consider if there is anything we would not give back to God if He asked for it.Can I trust God with the purpose He has for me?Adrian Rogers says, “Faith is not primarily believing God in spite of the evidence; it is obeying God in spite of the consequences, not having to know why.” Obedience is the proof of our trust in God. We must be informed, intentional and impassioned about seeking the will of God for our lives.Can I trust God with the promises He has made to me?God had already miraculously fulfilled His promises to Abraham before. Though he did not know how He’d do it, Abraham knew God would keep His promises again; and He did. God provided a ram to take Isaac’s place on the altar and gave Abraham back his son.Adrian Rogers says, “We don’t live by explanation; we live by promises.”Apply it to your lifeIs your faith being tested right now? Remember: the trials that come from God are tailor-made. He knows where you are and He knows your circumstances. Have faith in Him.
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Six Principles to Fortify Faith

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:8-13Hebrews 11:8 reminds us of the legacy of Abraham, who was called by God in his old age and became a champion of the faith. “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance...”Abraham's example gives us six principles to fortify our faith.1. The Voice Principle: Abraham heard from the Lord.The Lord appeared to Abraham through a supernatural experience. We have a greater advantage, having the written Word of God, the mind of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.2. The Venture Principle: we must obey what we know.Abraham heard and obeyed. If we are having a faith problem, it could actually be rooted in an obedience problem. Adrian Rogers says, "Our responsibility is not to totally understand, but to readily obey."3. The Value Principle: We must establish priorities.Abraham was a sojourner; he knew the land was not his home. (See Hebrews 11:9-10.) If we live for this world, we will eventually conform to it and become an enemy of God. Instead, we must have the mind of Christ and prioritize knowing God’s will.4. The Vision Principle: we must stay focused and remain disciplined.We must keep our eyes set on things above, and not on things of this Earth. When we see the promises of God, which are otherwise unseen by those without faith, we have a responsibility to live by them.5. The Vigilance Principle: our faith will be tested, through heartache and tears.We must remember that where God leads us, He will sustain us.6. The Victory Principle: we get to enjoy the blessings.Hebrews 11:12 says, “Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead, were born as many as the stars of the sky in multitude—innumerable as the sand which is by the seashore.”Abraham and Sarah conceived a child in their old age, and from that child, Abraham’s descendants were innumerable as the sand. Their victory came by a fortified faith.Apply it to your lifeDo you want a faith like Abraham, a faith that leaves a legacy? Listen to the voice of God, obey what you know to be true; remain disciplined, even when tested, keeping your eyes on things above.
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Captain Noah and His Unsinkable Faith

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:7The Bible emphasizes the importance of household salvation. One of the greatest examples of this is Noah, whose unsinkable faith in God saved his family from the Great Flood.Hebrews 11:7 says, “By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.”This passage first describes the warning Noah’s faith believed.In the days of Noah, there was a tremendous lack of fear of our Holy God. Adrian Rogers says, “The mark of a society on its last legs is when there is no fear of God.” But Noah feared God and demonstrated it through his godly living, godly knowledge, and wisdom. If we fear God, it will also show through our godly contentment, worship, salvation, confidence, insight and deliverance.This passage also reveals the work that Noah’s faith achieved.Being a man of faith, Noah obeyed God’s instruction and began building the ark long before he saw the flood; as a result, Noah saved his family. Adrian Rogers says, “If you work without faith, it is presumption; if you have faith without work, it is pretense.”This passage also addresses the wickedness that Noah’s faith perceived.In Genesis 6, God was brokenhearted over the sins of the generation. They were days of scientific progress, social plagues, and sexual perversion. The same sins from Noah's day are being committed today; as God warned Noah’s generation, He has warned ours, as well.Finally, we see the wealth that Noah’s faith received.Noah left a legacy of righteousness; though he acted in obedience, Noah was not ultimately saved by his works, but by God’s grace.By following the demonstration of Noah’s faith in God in the midst of our rebellious generation, we can usher our families into the ark of safety, which is a picture of Jesus Christ.God sealed Noah into the ark, just as we are sealed by Jesus Christ in our salvation.Apply it to your lifeAre you leading your household with an unsinkable faith like Noah? Does it move you to obey God and to fear him? Establish God as the Lord of your household and pray for your family today.
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Learning to Walk with God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:5-6Hebrews 11 tells of the prophet Enoch, who so pleased God and walked so intimately with him, he never died. Enoch is an example for us as we learn to walk with God.Hebrews 11:5 says, “By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, ‘and was not found, because God had taken him’; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.”Enoch is a champion of our faith who shows us that walking with God is a life of faith.“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Adrian Rogers says, “Faith is not guessing at the will of God; faith is hearing from God and believing God.”Second, walking with God is also a life of fellowship.We can know all about God without actually knowing Him intimately. But God created us in His image so He could have fellowship with us.Walking with God is also living a life of faithfulness.In the days of wickedness and violence, Enoch walked with God consistently, in the good times and bad. When we are faithful to God, He supplies us with power through the Holy Spirit to walk the Christian life, day by day.Walking with God is also a life of fruitfulness.Enoch was blessed with a family and named his son Methuselah, which means, “when he is dead, it will be sent.” Methuselah had a son named Lamech, who had a son named Noah. It was only after Methuselah, son of Enoch, died, that God sent the flood to destroy the Earth, sparing only Noah’s family.Just as he is an example of walking with God, Enoch is also a picture of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. God will rapture the Bride to escape the coming judgment.We must walk with God, to live a life of faith and fellowship, that we may know Him intimately in these Last Days.Apply it to your lifeDo you want to walk with God as closely as Enoch did? Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Study Scripture today and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you.
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The Blood Makes a Difference

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:4Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus’ redeeming work was in the heart and mind of God from the foundation of the world. Before He swung this world into space, God had redemption by blood in His mind.”Genesis 4 tells the story of two brothers: Cain and Abel, one a martyr, the other a murderer. In their story, we see a picture of the blood of Jesus Christ that makes a difference.Hebrews 11:4 says, “By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks.”After the Fall of Man, Cain and Abel both offered sacrifices to the Lord in an act of worship. In Genesis 4, we see the stark contrast in their worship.While Cain offered a half-hearted sacrifice of the fruit of the ground, Abel offered the first of his flock: a spotless lamb, which was a prophecy of Jesus who was to come and redeem.God saw Abel’s sacrifice as good because “...without shedding of blood there is no remission” (Hebrews 9:22).As a result, there was a conflict in their worship. Genesis 4:4-5 says, “…And the Lord respected Abel and his offering, but He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry...”Because his heart was not right with God and he was jealous of his brother’s favor, Cain murdered Abel. (See Genesis 4:8.)There are many who have the religion of Cain: who are not right with God and hurt others because of it. It is interesting to note that the first murder recorded in Scripture was over religion; it was also a religious crowd that crucified Jesus Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “Religion is what sinful people do for a holy God. The Gospel is the good news of what a holy God has already done for sinful man.”There are two religions in the world: the true and the false. If there were any other way to God, He wouldn’t have let His only Son die on the cross. Our only hope of salvation is by grace through faith, through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.Apply it to your lifeThere is a red river of blood that flows through all the Bible. Do you have true faith in Jesus Christ, whose blood makes the difference?
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The Only Way to Live

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 10:38The Book of Hebrews describes the heroes of our faith and explains how those heroes exemplified the only way to live.Hebrews 10:38 says, “Now the just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.”Many of us are plagued with worry, guilt, or loneliness; but there is not one problem that faith does not have an answer for. This is why it is crucial that we know what faith is, and how to have it.Faith is not blind superstition, positive thinking, or a feeling of optimism. Rather, it is confidence that rests in hope, conviction that sees the invisible, and communication that comes from Heaven.Hebrews 11:1-2 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.”Faith can’t be altered by appearances or fettered by feelings. Our emotions are the shallowest part of our nature, while faith is the deepest work of God. And in a world that must see to believe, the Bible instructs us to believe in order to see. Faith is not limited by logic; it simply goes beyond it and becomes its own best logic.We must also understand the dynamics of our faith. Adrian Rogers explains, “Faith is the heart’s response to the character of God.” Only after we accept God through faith will we receive the wisdom to understand His works and the ability to worship. Faith—not fame or fortune—is the medium of exchange in the kingdom of God.Finally, a life of faith is destined to find, follow, and finish the will of God.Hebrews 12:1-2 says, “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…”To win this race, we must be motivated by the saints of old and separated from the weight of the world. Repenting of our sins, we run the race of life with our eyes set on the Savior above.Apply it to your lifeIs your faith real, growing, and developing through wisdom and worship? Are you actively finding, following, and finishing the will of God?
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When Parents Pray

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 7:7-11Nothing will bring you to your knees in prayer like having children; it also gives us a clearer picture of how God the Father provides for His children if only they would ask. In Matthew 7, Jesus shows us not only how to pray, but what happens when parents pray.“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8).First, when we ask, we are expressing our desire.There is no substitute for prayer; unoffered prayer is not only a tragedy, but also a sin. Our Lord has not merely invited us to ask and pray; He has commanded us to ask and pray. Prayer initiates fellowship with God; our faith develops as we wait for Him to answer. If God gave us what we needed without our asking, we would cease to be dependent upon Him.Second, when we seek, we explore our direction.When we go to God, we are seeking His purposes, His presence, or His power. Adrian Rogers says, “Prayer is not bending God’s will to fit our will; prayer is finding the will of God and getting in on it.”Third, when we knock, we are exerting determination.“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him” (Matthew 7:11)!Sometimes, prayers are very direct: we ask, and God gives. Other times, we ask, and God gives us something better than what we’ve requested. Other times, the answer is denied; if we are not asking according to God’s will, He will say no. God will not give us something that will harm us or hinder our walk with Him.But sometimes, the answer isn’t denied, just delayed. This is the time we should continue knocking—keep bringing the request to God in Jesus’ name. We must remember that God is good, wise, and able to do exceedingly more than we could ever ask Him to do. (See Ephesians 3:20.)Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “Learn to pray. Ask. Seek. Knock. When you ask, that’s desire. When you seek, that’s direction. When you knock, that is determination.”
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Tuning Up Tired Marriages

Marriage ought to be a duet, not a duel; we sing the same song, but we take different parts; yet over time, our marriages may fall out of tune. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how to tune up a tired marriage.
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When the String Snaps

Perhaps one of the greatest obstacles to the music of marriage is tension in the home. Too much stress is dangerous to the home, our health and our happiness. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals four things to relieve stress in our families when the string snaps.
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Melody in the Home

God made men and women differently that he might make us one in marriage. Marriage ought to be a duet, not a duel; we sing the same song, but we take different parts. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how to have melody in the home.
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Harmony in the Home

In the music of marriage, husbands and wives sing the same song, but they sing different parts. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how to have harmony in the home and use our divinely designed differences as men and women to glorify God in our marriages.
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Maximum Mom

Proverbs 31 is a poetic tribute to the ideal wife and maximum mom. In this message, Adrian Rogers identifies several virtues of a good and godly woman.
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Father: Leader of the Band

By God’s design, there's to be harmony in the home. The entire household is to be a symphony of praise and worship, and the father is the leader of the band. In this message from Psalm 128, Adrian Rogers reveals several ways dads can be the leaders God has called them to be.
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Seven Words that Can Build a Marriage

God designed the divine institution of marriage and has given us the tools to create blessed homes. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares seven words that can build a marriage and cultivate success in the home.
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Cultivating Contentment in the Home

It is good to desire contentment for our families, and peace despite circumstances. But if money can’t buy it, how can we have it? In this message, Adrian Rogers uses the family described in Psalm 128 to show how to cultivate contentment in the home.
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Sacredness of Marriage

In Matthew 19, Jesus speaks of the sacredness of marriage. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the origin of marriage, the marring of divorce and the hope of restoration.
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Christ of the Old Testament

In Acts 10, Simon Peter testifies to the household of Cornelius, and reveals that Jesus is the Christ of the Old Testament. In this message, Adrian Rogers unlocks the mysteries of the Old Testament, showing how it is a portrait and prophecy of Jesus Christ.
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Learning to Share Your Faith

In Acts 10, Simon Peter is invited into the home of Cornelius, a Roman officer, to share his faith with him and his household. In this message, Adrian Rogers uses Peter’s three-fold testimony to reveal how we can share our faith.
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Christ of Every Crisis

Troubles come and go every day, but every so often we come up against an unexpected, ferocious crisis. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals four things believers can do in a crisis.
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Counterfeit Christianity

In Acts 8, on the heels of a Great Revival, a sorcerer named Simon exhibited a counterfeit Christianity that posed a great threat to the Early Church. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three warnings about false religion, so we are not deceived.
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Living Supernaturally or Superficially

In Acts 5, the Early Church was in the blaze of revival. However, the devil crafted a new attack from within the church, through Ananias and Sapphira. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals God’s grave warning about superficial religion.
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Every Christian an Evangelist

Each of us is called, ordained, equipped, and given opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how every Christian is an evangelist, and how to share the Gospel with others.
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The Expedience of Obedience

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 5:27-32Being a Christian is a joyous thing; the reason we are not filled with joy in this Christian life could be a matter of disobedience.Adrian Rogers says, “Obedience is the missing ingredient in so many Christians’ lives.”What does it mean to truly obey Christ? What is the expedience of obedience?In Acts 5, Peter and the other apostles have caused quite a stir by preaching about Jesus Christ. The religious authorities are trying to stop a revival the apostles began. They command the apostles to stop preaching.“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, ‘We ought to obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him’” (Acts 5:29-32).In this text, we are first given the reason for obedience.When God tells us to do something, our obedience is our duty and delight. We are indebted to God, our Lord and Savior, so we must decide to obey Him over men. Just as God cannot fail, act unjustly or deny Himself, He cannot force our loving obedience. It is not because His power is limited—it’s because of His very nature; He gives us a choice.We can’t obey God unless we first know what it is that He wants us to do.Once we know God’s will, we must be intentional about obeying it, and do so immediately. We will be held accountable for what we know, no matter what the cost. When He speaks, we must answer Him, regardless of circumstances. Only then can we see the supernatural rewards of our obedience:We receive the Holy Spirit.There is joy in our hearts.The Gospel is shared and believed.When we obey God rather than men, we will see great multitudes of people come to Jesus Christ.Apply it to your lifeWould you like to have victory in your life? Know the will of God for your life and do it immediately, inflexible, and passionately.
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Rise and Walk

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 3:1-6In Acts 3, Peter and John came across a beggar lying outside the temple gates. He had been lame from his youth, and begged the apostles for money. Through them, God performed a special miracle to authenticate their authority, given by the Holy Spirit.Acts 3:6-7 says, “Then Peter said, ‘Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.’ And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.”This was a miracle that could not be reasonably denied, humanly explained or lightly dismissed.There are four things about the name of Jesus, which caused this man to rise and walk.First, He is the risen Lord.Because the disciples knew that Jesus was alive, there was no way they could be daunted or intimidated by the world. They were absolutely certain that He had been raised from the dead. If we have a living Savior, then what have we to fear?Second, Jesus is the residing Lord.“And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all” (Acts 3:16).Peter confessed that they did not perform the miracle themselves; instead, it came from Christ in them. He is alive and well in us.Third, He is the redeeming Lord.“Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord…” (Acts 3:19).Through the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, God has overruled our wickedness with His righteousness, if we will repent and convert.Finally, He is the returning Lord; He is coming again.Adrian Rogers says, “What’s the world coming to? It’s coming to Jesus, because Jesus is coming to the world. Heaven has received Him until the time of restitution. He is coming to restore all things.”Apply it to your lifeIf you are down, there is a miracle waiting for you in the name of Jesus. He is the risen, residing, redeeming, and returning Lord. Adrian Rogers says, “If the devil has you down, in the name of the Risen Savior, rise and walk.”
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Five Ways You Can Encourage Others

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 4:36-37The Book of Acts tells the story of a man called Barnabas, which translates to, “son of consolation.” Barnabas’ gift for encouragement shows us five ways we can encourage others.First, Barnabas encouraged others by practicing stewardship.In Acts 4:36, Barnabas sold his property and gave the profits to the Church. He decided to meet the needs of others with the resources God had given him, no matter what it cost him. Encouragers understand that we all have something to give. Encouragers find needy people and enrich them, whether it’s by their money, time, or service.Second, Barnabas encouraged others by extending friendship.After the Apostle Paul’s conversion, he was despised by his old colleagues, but feared by his new brothers and sisters in Christ. He was a man who needed a friend; Barnabas found him and became a friend to this very lonely new disciple. A lot of new Christians need somebody to find and friend them. We must find the lonely and neglected, put an arm around them, and bring them into the fold.Barnabas encouraged others by building partnerships.In Acts 11, the Gospel was spreading quickly, and new believers were sprouting up everywhere. There were some concerns that some of them were not sincere. But Barnabas’s encouragement validated and affirmed those who were misunderstood.Barnabas encouraged others by developing leaders in the church.He found buried gifts in new disciples and helped them develop their talents. Our churches are full of talented people with abilities waiting to be discovered and developed. But it takes a “Barnabas” to find them.Finally, Barnabas encouraged others by rebuilding relationships.After the disciple Mark ran away from his calling, Barnabas sought him out and gave him another chance. This young disciple went on to write the Gospel of Mark. Thank God for the encouragers in our churches, who see second chances in us when no one else does.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Ghost; it was God in Him. God has cornered the market on encouragement.” We can all be encouragers like Barnabas. Ask God to fan the Holy Spirit in you to meet needs, befriend lonely people, affirm the misunderstood, develop disciples, and offer second chances. 
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Holy Boldness

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 4:9-33If there was ever a time for courage, it is now. In a world of cowardly Christians who are afraid of being criticized or disliked, we are called to be bold in our faith.Adrian Rogers says, “Boldness is having the courage to stand for the Lord Jesus Christ in the face of opposition.”We need the same holy boldness Peter and John had in Acts 4. Acts 4:13 says, “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.”There are three principles that are the basis of our courage.The first principle is to keep company with God the Son.Boldness comes from knowing that Jesus Christ is with us and in us. We must make certain that Jesus is real to us and that we are walking with Him daily.Second, we must have confidence in God the Father.“So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said: ‘Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them…’” (Acts 4:24).We need to see God for who He really is. God the Father is the Creator of all things, Controller of all things, and Conqueror of all things.Adrian Rogers says, “The man who can kneel before God can stand before anyone else.”Finally, we must receive courage from God the Spirit.“And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness” (Acts 4:31).If only we ask, the Holy Spirit of God will give us courage. The apostles did not ask for safety; they asked for courage, for the ability to do more of what got them in trouble in the first place. As a result of the disciples’ boldness, multitudes of new believers were swept into the kingdom of Heaven.Likewise, we are made bold by the Holy Spirit to express God’s Word, extend God’s Hand and exalt God’s Son.Apply it to your lifeAre you a bold believer or a cowardly Christian? Take your eyes off your problems and focus your eyes upon Almighty God, the Creator, Controller, and Conqueror of all things.
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The Amazing First Century Church

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 2:22-26Adrian Rogers says, “A New Testament, Spirit-filled, Bible-believing, Christ-honoring church is a mighty weapon in the hands of a holy God.”As the Body and Bride of Christ, the Church is the world’s first idea of Jesus. How do we exhibit the same power as the amazing first-century Church which turned the world upside down with the Gospel?First, we must remember that the Church exists to exalt the Savior.Acts 2:23-24 says, “Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death; whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it.” In this passage, Peter proclaims the manner of Jesus’ life, the meaning of His death, and the miracle of His resurrection.Later in the same chapter, Peter proclaims the magnificence of Christ’s reign: “Therefore being exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He poured out this which you now see and hear” (Acts 2:33).One day, whether we believe in Jesus in this life or not, we will confess that He is Lord.Second, our purpose as the Church is to evangelize to sinners.True salvation begins with conviction by the Holy Spirit: “Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart…” (Acts 2:37). Once convicted, a sinner must repent, changing his mind about sin and self. This conversion leads to a confession that Jesus is Lord.Finally, the Church exists to enlist the saints.The Holy Spirit resides in believers; we must urge each other to continue in His Spirit. We depend on each other to mature in the faith, through Bible study, fellowship and worship. We are bound together by stewardship, in tithes and offerings. And we are joined together through evangelism. We must be in the business of making Jesus known by living supernaturally. We cannot do it naturally, and we cannot do it alone. But if together we learn the Word of God and continue in obedience, we will make Jesus known to our neighbors and our nation.Apply it to your lifeAre you a part of a New Testament, Spirit-filled, Bible-believing, Christ-honoring church? Consider your purpose today: to exalt the Savior, to evangelize to sinners, and to enlist the saints.
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The Principles of Power

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 2:1-4The Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 marked the birth of the Church, and the burst of the Holy Flame that is the Holy Spirit. In Acts 2:1-4, the Holy Spirit was symbolized by fire and wind; it was vocalized by the speaking of tongues. This power was actualized in the disciples, as the Holy Spirit inhabited them and filled them.We must remember the principles of power, first given to us that Day of Pentecost.The Holy Spirit is a promise to be received. “For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call” (Acts 2:39). The Holy Spirit is the one who communicates the things of God. Our human spirits are the instruments of spiritual knowledge. The Holy Spirit of God speaks to your human spirit that you belong to God. God’s promise to us is clear: When we receive the Lord Jesus Christ and obey Him, the Holy Spirit lives in us.Second, the Holy Spirit is a power to be released. God wants us to live with power. We cannot depend on ourselves to be holy; we can’t earn it and we are not worthy of it. But if we repent of our sins, this power is gifted to us. Adrian Rogers says, “Holiness is not the way to Christ; Christ is the way to holiness.”Finally, the Holy Spirit is a Person to be recognized. The Third Person of the Trinity works in us. If we try to take credit for what the Holy Spirit of God is doing, we are taking praise under false pretenses. We need to constantly give God the praise and glory for what He is doing.When we do this, some will be amazed. Others will be amused, mocking us, for they don’t understand the Holy Spirit. But most importantly, there will be those who acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and Savior: “Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them” (Acts 2:41).Apply it to your lifeAre you consciously, conspicuously filled with the Spirit of God? If not, you’re not just missing a blessing; you’re guilty of rebellion and sin. Consider your faith today; meditate on these principles of power.
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Making Jesus Known

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 1:1-3Our greatest need in this world is Jesus; as believers, it is our greatest privilege to make Jesus known to our neighbors and nation.If we want to make Jesus known, we must first recognize His presence in us.Acts 1:1-2 says, “The former account I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, until the day in which He was taken up, after He through the Holy Spirit had given commandments to the apostles whom He had chosen…” The Book of Acts takes place after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension into Heaven. Yet, His work had only just begun, as He continued it through His disciples.Adrian Rogers says, “In the Gospel, Jesus began; in Acts, Jesus continues. In the Gospel, He did that through His literal body, in the Book of Acts, He does that through His mystical body.”We are now His Body; He wants to live and work through His Church, supernaturally, not superficially.Secondly, we need to rely upon His promise to us, which is the Holy Spirit.Jesus has commanded us to make disciples through evangelism, mark them through baptism, and mature them in ministry. (See Acts 1:8.) Yet, in Acts 1:4-5, Jesus instructs His disciples to wait in the city until they have received the Spirit to begin. The promise was fulfilled at Pentecost, and the disciples carried out this impossible mission. We are not waiting for the Spirit anymore. If we are saved, He has equipped and anointed us with the Holy Spirit to accomplish His work.Third, we need to respond to His program through us.As Believers, we are witnesses of Jesus, having seen and heard His power in our lives; we don’t have to know all the answers in order to share the Gospel with others.If we only recognize His presence in us, remember His promise to us, and rely upon His program for us to make disciples, we will see Jesus do something wonderful through us.Apply it to your lifeThere are no barriers: no matter our age, education, or social status, God can use you right now, with what you have. God will supply all that you need to make Jesus known.Adrian Rogers says, “It’ll be a great day when we learn that Jesus doesn’t want us to do anything for Him; He wants to do something through us.”
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Five Principles of Prosperity

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Genesis 24:56God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants. To prosper means that God’s hand is upon us, helping us do the things He wants us to do.In Genesis 24, Abraham chose his most trusted servant, Eliezer, to find a bride for his son. In the same way, God has commissioned the Holy Spirit to call out the Bride of Christ, so that we may prosper.This passage reveals five principles of prosperity.First, we must establish our cause. Each of us needs a purpose—something that drives and motivates us. It must be specific, clear, and balanced. A worthy goal is God-given; it creates enough motivation in us to accomplish it and demands our very best. To test the worthiness of our goals, we must ask: If we accomplish our goals, where will we be and what will we have? Are the things we are living for worth Jesus dying for?Second, we must examine our condition. We need to determine where we are now in order to know where to go and in order to plan for the obstacles in between. But remember, problems do not mean that God is not with us. 1 Corinthians 16:9 says, “For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.”Adrian Rogers says, “Opportunity swings on the hinges of opposition.”We must encourage our confidence by remaining in the Word of God. Scripture reminds us of the reward of our work: our Master will be pleased, there will be a Bride for Jesus and God will be glorified. Then we must pray. Eliezer asked God to prosper him in his purpose: “Then he said, ‘O Lord God of my master Abraham, please give me success this day, and show kindness to my master Abraham’” (Genesis 24:12).We must enforce our character. We will not drift into success; we need to be disciplined in our decisions, appetites, and time. We will pay a price for prosperity, but God gives us everything we need to fulfill our purpose for Him.Finally, we must enlist our comrades. We cannot accomplish our goals by ourselves; God designed us to depend upon one another.Apply it to your lifeProsperity is more than wealth or extravagance; it is knowing your God-given purpose and being given the grace to accomplish it.Adrian Rogers says, “The bottom line is: when we die, we leave behind everything we have and take everything that we are.”
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Don't Settle for Less Than God's Best

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Joshua 17:12-18In Joshua 17, the children of Israel have reached the Promised Land, Canaan. Canaan is a picture of a Christian living in victory, being Spirit-filled. However, there were still Canaanites in the land—a demon-possessed people who represent the power of Satan trying to keep us from victory.“...when the children of Israel grew strong, that they put the Canaanites to forced labor, but did not utterly drive them out.” (Joshua 17:13).This passage represents how children of God often settle for less than God’s best. God’s plan for His people was total occupation, but rather than conquering the land, they believed they could tame the Canaanites and use them for their purposes. Some Canaanites they feared, others they befriended and became like them. Each relationship with the Canaanites was a sinful compromise that jeopardized their victory.Likewise, God’s plan for us is total victory through Jesus Christ. Instead, we convince ourselves there is use for our vices and addictions; we befriend the world and fear the devil. Ironically, the Israelites boasted about their greatness, as they failed to drive out the Canaanites.Adrian Rogers says, “Pride is bad enough, but pride that lifts its head from the mire of failure is terrible.”Finally, noticing that they were running out of room in the compromised land, Joshua instructed the children of Joseph to clear out the forest on the mountain. We must clear out the harmless things that clutter our lives. Though trees are beautiful, the Israelites needed the ground. Likewise, our clutter may not be sinful or wicked, but we need the space and time to do what God wants us to do.We must clean out the harmful things that corrupt our lives. God’s order was to first cut down the trees and then drive out the Canaanites. When we first declutter our lives, we can use that new time and energy to conquer the Canaanites of our lives.Apply it to your lifeDo you want to live in the victory that God has planned for you? If you have compromised and boasted in your sin, it’s time to get rid of the clutter and clean out the things that corrupt your life.Adrian Rogers says, “There is no sin that you cannot overcome, no temptation so terrible, no problem so big, no devilish power so great that you cannot overcome in the strength of the Spirit of God.”
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Planning Your Future

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 4:13-17James 4:15-16 says, “Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.’ But now you boast in your arrogance...”If we’re honest, we all want to know what the future holds; we believe if we know what lies ahead, we can set ourselves up for success and avoid failure. But the Book of James offers three warnings for us in planning our future.First, beware of self-centered planning: “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit” (James 4:13).This businessman had planned the period of time, the place, procedures, and profits. The problem is he left God out of the plan altogether; he did not consult with God or seek His will.Psalm 32:8 says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” God has a plan for every area of our lives. If we confess our sins, acknowledge Him as Lord and listen closely to Him, He promises to guide us.We must also beware of self-confident presumption: “...whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (James 4:14).Our lives are like vapors -- here for a moment, quickly gone; we don’t know what the future holds, so we must not be frivolous with our time.Finally, beware of self-complacent procrastination. “Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin” (James 4:17). Procrastination is a very deceptive and dangerous sin. The sins of omission are greater than the sins of commission.Adrian Rogers says, “It is a greater sin to fail to do what you ought to do than to do what you ought not to do.”It is good to plan, but we must commit our plans to God and actively pursue His will for our future.Apply it to your lifeWould you like for God to guide you this coming year?Adrian Rogers says, “Face your future by giving your heart to Jesus Christ. Let the Holy Spirit of God be in you to guide you and give you a hope that is wonderful and glorious.”
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The Unfinished Story of Christmas

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Thessalonians 1:7-11At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus, who came to this Earth to save us from our sins. But the story of Christmas is not complete without the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The best is yet to be; the story is not finished until Jesus comes again.There are three things about the unfinished story of Christmas that ought to give us great cheer.First, we don’t need to be disturbed.2 Thessalonians 1:7 says “...and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven…” In these gloriously dark days, our hope is not in politics, sociology, or science. Our hope is in Jesus Christ, who is coming again. When we see Him, we will wonder at His transforming love, His amazing grace, and His keeping power.Second, we should not be deceived.2 Thessalonians 2:3 says, “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed…” From the time Jesus Christ came into this world, Satan has been moving against Him. And in the Last Days, Satan will fling his final insult into the face of God: the antichrist.There is unbelievable wickedness in the world today, but its evil is restrained by the Church, which is the salt and the light of the world. When Jesus raptures the Church, corruption will begin, and the antichrist will be revealed. Those who do not receive the truth when it is preached now will believe the antichrist in his reign.Finally, we will not be disappointed.The first time Jesus came, there was no room for Him in the inn; when He comes again, He’s coming as King of kings and Lord and lords. Jesus came the first Christmas to die in the sinner’s place. Jesus is coming the second Christmas to receive the sinner to Himself.Adrian Rogers says, “Our faith looks backward to a crucified Savior. Our love looks upward to a crowned Savior. And our hope looks forward to a coming Savior.”Apply it to your lifeDo you know Jesus and believe in His First and Second Coming? Do not be disturbed, deceived, or disappointed. Adrian Rogers says, “The one sure hope of this jittery old world is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.”
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Jesus Christ: The Son of God and God the Son

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 1:35Many who don’t believe in Jesus will call Him a great moral teacher. But when we look closely at His teachings, we find that He left no room for interpretation: Jesus Christ was the Son of God and God the Son.Luke 1:35 says, “And the angel answered and said to her, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.’”The doctrine of the Trinity is what makes our faith different from all other faiths.First, we must recognize the sublime mystery of the Trinity.We will never understand the Holy Trinity by human investigation, logic, or science. The only way we can know about the Holy Trinity is by divine revelation. There is one God, and He is a triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. If we try to understand it on our own, we will lose our minds; if we deny it, we may lose our souls.Adrian Rogers says, “It ought to give us comfort that we don’t understand the Trinity; it means that God is bigger and greater than we are.”Second, we recognize the sacred history of the Trinity.John 1:1-3 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him, nothing was made that was made.”There is no contradiction between the three persons of the Trinity because they are One. The Trinity, together, created the world, composed the Scriptures, and commissioned the Church.Finally, we recognize the saving ministry of the Trinity.Through the Holy Trinity, we have our salvation. We have been selected by the Father, saved by the Son, and sealed by the Spirit.Apply it to your lifeIt’s not enough to simply accept the intellectual premise of the Holy Trinity. Give your heart to Jesus, the Son of God and God the Son. Adrian Rogers says, “Before God swung this planet into space, He had you in His heart and in His mind.”
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Who is Jesus?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Colossians 1:12-21Adrian Rogers says, “To explain Jesus Christ is impossible, to ignore Jesus Christ is disastrous, and to reject Him is fatal.”It is crucial we understand who Jesus Christ is. If we know Him, we will love Him; and if we love Him, we will trust Him. To trust Him is to be radically, dramatically, and eternally transformed.Colossians 1:15 explains how Jesus reveals the Father: “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.”God is Spirit—invisible, unfathomable, unapproachable. We will only know God by revelation, and Jesus Christ came to reveal Him to us. We will never know the Father except through the Son; the visible Jesus makes the invisible God known.Colossians 1:18 explains how Jesus rules the future: “And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.” Jesus is the power and preserver of creation: “And He is before all things, and in Him, all things consist” (Colossians 1:17).Adrian Rogers says, “The little baby in Matthew 1 is the Mighty God of Genesis 1; there was nothing made without Him.”Jesus Christ is the glue of the galaxies; He is the one who feeds the sun with its fuel, sets out all the stars, and guides the planets in their orbit. He is the purpose of creation—all things were created by Him, for Him (See Colossians 1:16.).Finally, Colossians 1:21 explains how Jesus reconciles the fallen: “And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled.”Jesus reconciled God and man to a right relationship through His death on the cross. When Jesus created the universes, He did it with His Word. But when He saved us, it took every drop of His blood.We could not make peace with God, so Jesus made peace with the blood of His cross. We need to enter into that peace by faith and trust the Lord Jesus.Apply it to your lifeDo you know Jesus—who reveals the Father, rules the future, and reconciles the fallen? Does He have preeminence in your life?
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How to Handle Your Fear

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Timothy 1:6-8Fear is an instinct that God has put into us to help protect and preserve us and our loved ones. But the Bible warns us about the damage, destruction, and debilitation of a “spirit of fear.”Adrian Rogers says, “Legitimate fear is like a thunderstorm: lightning flashes, thunder rolls, water pours down. But then it passes and the sun shines again. The spirit of fear is like constant darkness: a drizzle, a fog that you live in.”Paul’s instruction in 2 Timothy shows us how to handle our fear. 2 Timothy 1:6 says, “Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.” Because fear caused Timothy to forget who he was in Christ, Paul had to remind Timothy of how gifted he was and what God had done in him.When we focus on fear rather than on God, we leave our gifts and abilities unused, buried, and forgotten. And, like Timothy, many of us are afraid to fail, so we never try; we project our failures upon ourselves, so we give up.In 2 Timothy 1:7, Paul reveals the deliverance from the spirit of fear, which is a spirit of faith: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”God has endued us with power over fear, through the Holy Spirit of God. If we understand that, we have greater strength than our foes, there is no need to be afraid. And through the Holy Spirit, we have been given everything we need.We are perfectly loved by the God who is in control; truly knowing that eliminates all dread. His perfect love casts out fear (See 1 John 4:18.).Finally, we’ve been given a spirit of sound mind. Many times, we are afraid, not on the basis of reality, but because the deceiver has made us afraid. God has given us a spirit of discernment and wise discretion. With a sound mind, we can look at every fear in the clear light of His Word. Apply it to your lifeIf you have been neutralized by a spirit of fear, remember that you have the power of the Holy Spirit within you. You also have His perfect love lavished upon you. Adrian Rogers says, “The man who can kneel before God can stand before anyone else.”
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Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31Many of us struggle to believe God can use us as we are, with what little we have to offer. But the truth is, God does extraordinary things through ordinary people to give glory to Himself.1 Corinthians 1:26-31 gives good news to those who struggle with feelings of inferiority.“But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty…” (1 Corinthians 1:27).This passage first recognizes God’s simple people. He chooses the nonintellectuals to shame the Ph.D. scholars. He uses the weak to shame the All-Stars; He has chosen the “nobodies” to shame the socialites.Thank God that He can use people with brilliant minds, high status, and extraordinary abilities. But praise God, He can use any average person who dedicates every part of himself to Him; God doesn’t just settle for these people—He goes after them.Second in this passage, we see God’s special power: “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption— that, as it is written, ‘He who glories, let him glory in the Lord’” (1 Corinthians 1:30-31).Adrian Rogers says, “I learned that God didn't want me to do anything for him; He wanted to do something through me.”In the Book of Judges, the story of Gideon demonstrates God’s use of someone others consider “the bottom of the barrel” to do big things. Likewise, God used young David to take down the giant Goliath; as a result, God received the glory.Finally, we see God’s sovereign purpose for using ordinary people: that no man should glory in himself in God’s presence.We are saved by grace and not by works, so none of us can boast (See Ephesians 2:9.).There are no superstars in Heaven; if we want to be used by God in a way that matters, we only need to be available to Him and obey His will for our lives.Adrian Rogers says, “The highest place in the world is the center of the will of God for you, wherever that is.”Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “The greatest ability is availability.” If you want to be used by God, you can be; are you willing, or at least willing to be made willing?
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Dealing with Stress

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Isaiah 40:28-31Many of us are emotionally fatigued, physically drained, and spiritually defeated; the reason being that most of us are dealing with some form of stress. Stress is the gap between the demands placed upon us and our ability to meet them. It’s not a sin to be stressed; Jesus Christ, in His humanity, knew what it was like to be weary.If it is not the demands of service that drain us, sin and spiritual warfare will weary us. But we must remember that God promises His insurmountable strength to us.Isaiah 40:28 says, “He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.”Adrian Rogers says, “The Christian life is not just a changed life; it is an exchanged life: we give Him our weakness and He gives us His strength.”Isaiah 40:31 says, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.”When we wait on God, we take the initiative in actively pursuing Him. Practically, we must:Long for Him dailyListen to Him in our quiet timeLook to Him for our every needLive for Him, dedicating our lives to the service of the Lord.When we wait upon God, we are programmed for His service.In times of adversity, God will help us fly. We will face storms in this life that will surely stress us out. But if we wait on God, like an eagle, we can rise higher, see further, and fly faster.In times of opportunity, God will teach us to run. There’s enough time every day to do everything God wants us to do; sometimes we have to run to get it done. As we accelerate, we trust in God to sustain us, so that we will not grow weary.And in times of necessity, God will aid us to walk through the mundane. Our greatest need is day-by-day faithfulness in the little things, steadily walking in the regular humdrum times of life.Apply it to your lifeIf you believe in the promises of God, you must wait upon Him every day. Long for Him daily, listen for His voice in your time alone with Him, look to Him for every need, and live for Him.
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Dealing With Loneliness

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 102:6-7Loneliness is the most devastating and inevitable fact of human existence. We all must experience it, and we can’t stop it; rather, we must learn how to deal with loneliness.Loneliness is not solitude, nor is it being lonesome or being in isolation. It is insulation; it is feeling cut off, unnoticed, unloved, uncared for, unneeded and maybe even unnecessary.David expresses his loneliness in Psalm 102:6-7: “I am like a pelican of the wilderness; I am like an owl of the desert. I lie awake, and am like a sparrow alone on the housetop.”Everyone has three basic psychological and spiritual needs: to share love intimately, to be understood and cared for, and to be needed and wanted. When we don’t feel these needs are being met, we feel cut off.Loneliness can come from feeling rejected; it can be a deep inner wound that hasn’t healed, and we don't want to risk being hurt again. Others of us may have a sense of insecurity and low self-worth. We are unable to see ourselves as worthy of acceptance. Some of us are lonely because we’ve gone through deep sorrow, tragedy, and loss. In our grief, we lose our sense of perspective.We must see that loneliness can be destructive to our health and well-being. Many of our harmful vices and coping mechanisms are formed due to loneliness.We must also remember that Jesus is the answer to loneliness. He alone meets our three basic needs. He loves us intimately and He understands what it is to feel lonely.Psalm 102 is a messianic song, one that portrayed how Jesus would feel on the cross.Adrian Rogers says, “When David died, he could say, ‘yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for thou art with me,’ (See Psalm 23.) but Jesus walked that lonesome valley all by himself.”He needs us as His beloved Body; more than that, He wants us as His Bride.We may be alone, but we are never alone. Nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus (See Romans 8:38-39.).Apply it to your lifeIf you are dealing with loneliness, understand that it is a common fact and it can be a crippling force. But more than that, remember: Jesus, alone, is the answer. 
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Dealing with Depression

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Numbers 11:15; 1 Kings 19:4Depression is not just sadness -- it is a profound helplessness and hopelessness that we can’t seem to regulate on our own. Becoming Christians does not make us immune to depression. If it can happen to Moses, Elijah, and Jonah, it can happen to us.God’s Word offers insight to help us in dealing with depression. Each prophet who uttered prayers of deep depression was physically worn and emotionally distraught. When Moses desperately prayed for death, he had been leading the Israelites in the wilderness alone, heavy under their burdens. As the people blamed him day and night for their problems in the wilderness, Moses felt emotionally drained. Frazzled by death threats from Jezebel, Elijah made a long, strenuous journey without food and water; exhausted, he asked God to take him out of his misery. Likewise, Jonah was far from home after a perilous journey by land and sea. Jonah was also angry because God had started a revival in the land of Tarshish after Jonah had prophesied judgment upon the land.Adrian Rogers says, “Moses had his eyes upon others. Elijah had his eyes upon himself. And Jonah had his eyes upon circumstances. But none of them had their eyes upon God.”As a result, these prophets became spiritually run down. Right on the heels of great spiritual experiences, these prophets faced great letdowns; they were walking through valleys after hillside experiences.But we also see God did not answer the prophets’ prayers for death because He knew them. Knowing the prophets were in the throes of depression, God did not mistake the moments for the men.Instead, God physically blessed them. He gave Moses help and assurance that He’d take care of His people. God provided Elijah with food and rest to replenish his strength. As Elijah asked for pity, God instead showed him His great power. And God delivered Jonah from his grief through shelter from the sun. In the cool of the shade, God provided Jonah with a new perspective.God lavished His love on the prophets, and their stories did not end with depression. What powerful examples these are: when we draw near to God, He draws near to us!Apply it to your lifeAre you dealing with depression? The answer, though profoundly spiritual, could be quite practical. As you ask God for His provision, remember: God loves you; when you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you.
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Dealing with Doubt

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 5:13As Christians, we have the opportunity to know without a doubt that we have eternal life. Praise God, we can be saved and know it; but we can also be saved and doubt it.As pain is a signal that there is something wrong with one’s physical body, doubt is a signal that something is wrong in the believer’s spirit.1 John 5 is written for those who are dealing with doubt, so that we may be saved and know it.“These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God” (1 John 5:13).Understanding this, we can dispel doubt through these three basic tests:Commandment TestIf we claim to love God, we will keep His commandments (1 John 5:2). This does not mean we follow these commandments flawlessly. In this context, to “keep” means to steer. The commandments of God are the standard by which we chart our course. We order our lives by His commandments. This is not about sinless perfection; it simply means a Christian does not make sin his lifestyle.Adrian Rogers reminds us, “We’re not saved because we keep his commandments. We keep his commandments because we are saved.”Companion TestAnother birthmark of the Believer is love for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Fellowship is in the nature of both the Christian and the Church.Adrian Rogers says, “The Church and God are not identical, but they are inseparable.”If we love Jesus, we will love the Church—because of who we are, and who fellow believers are. We, having the nature of God, are called to love the Church, which is both the Body and the Bride of Christ.Commitment TestThe assurance of our salvation is ongoing; it is not a past event, stamped by a time, date and place. It is a present decision to trust in Jesus, right now. We can trust in Him, for He alone is the assurance of our salvation.Apply it to your lifeDo you have doubts about your faith? Consider these tests; if you don’t know whether your doubt is the Holy Spirit’s conviction, or the devil’s tactic, believe in Jesus. 
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The Blight of Bitterness

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 12:14-15Bitterness is a terrible problem that blows the joy out of our lives and leaves our souls in darkness. It often manifests itself in people as hostility and fault-finding. Sometimes, it can look like self-pity, or an aloof, disinterested spirit.The Bible warns about the blight of bitterness and describes how to uproot it before it takes its full effect. Hebrews 12:14 says, “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord…”We must recognize the root of bitterness. A bitter person is someone who has generally been hurt. Adrian Rogers says, “The root of bitterness grows in the soil of a hurt that has not been properly dealt with.” The hurt could have been intentional, unintentional, or imagined; regardless, something happened and that hurt has turned into anger.Second, we see the fruit of bitterness: “...looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled…” (Hebrews 12:15).Bitterness produces physical and emotional trouble; it fatigues us, it stresses and depresses us, and it can even make us sick. It also brings spiritual trouble; anger becomes a sin when we begin to live with it—when we nurse and feed it and cherish it.The bitterness turns to wrath, which burns slowly, then explodes into an unproportionally big anger. The arguing and clamoring lead to evil speaking, and then tragically transforms into malice—a desire to harm someone else.Finally, we must pursue bitterness to uproot it. Because bitterness is an underground sin, we have to seek it out. When we live outwardly good lives while bitterness festers beneath the surface, we prune its limbs while strengthening the root.The only way to uproot bitterness is forgiveness. On the basis of God’s grace, we must forgive others as God has forgiven us. We must make things right with our brothers and sisters if we want the love of God to take root in our hearts, instead.Apply it to your lifeDo you feel the blight of bitterness, deep down in your soul?Adrian Rogers says, “There may be somebody who has shut you out, but I want you to take God's love and bring him in—for Christ's sake and what He has done for you.”
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God's Answer to Anger

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 19:11-12It’s been said that unjustified anger is like an acid that brings harm to anything it is poured on, including the very container it inhabits. If we can’t control our temper, we risk wrecking our lives and destroying our testimonies.Proverbs 19:11 reveals God’s answer to anger. “The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression.”Scripture says sudden anger is to be controlled. When we feel it coming, we must confess it to God and keep it contained until we have a chance to consider it.Sinful anger is to be condemned; it is not a weakness, it is wickedness. It is anger without a cause rooted within us. It is centered on a person rather than on an offense. It refuses to forgive and let go.Stubborn anger is to be conquered. Bitterness and wrath take over when we let the sun go down on our anger. We allow the devil access in our lives when we let anger rule over us.We must recognize and repent of our anger and refuse the devil’s schemes to use our emotions against us. If we don’t control, condemn, and conquer anger, it will control, condemn, and conquer us.But there’s a sanctified anger we are instructed to channel. It is not destructive to the soul, and it does not result in sin. We see it in Jesus in Mark 3, when He cleared the temple of malicious Pharisees and self-seeking merchants who were taking advantage of the poor.It is not only possible to possess righteous anger, but it is also expected. In fact, injustice ought to stir us and move us to act. Never once did Jesus retaliate when he was personally attacked and abused, even when He was crucified. Yet, Jesus was moved with righteous anger to act when He saw other people being attacked and abused.Adrian Rogers said, “Sometimes anger is love’s clearest expression, but we need to be careful with it.”If we want to follow the example of Jesus, we are instructed to get angry at the right time, for the right reason, against the right thing, in the right way.Apply it to your lifeIs there a sudden, sinful, stubborn anger in your life that is controlling you? Recognize it, repent of it and rebuke the enemy, so that you may live righteously and protect your testimony.
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Cleansing with Chastisement

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Samuel 12:1-142 Samuel 12 tells the heartbreaking story of how God dealt with David’s sins. David had committed adultery and murder. When David finally asked God for forgiveness, he faced cleansing with chastisement through the loss of a child.In order to understand why David suffered as he did, we must know the law of the harvest.The first principle of the law of the harvest is implantation: if we want a crop, we have to plant.We reap because we have sown, and many times we reap the physical and spiritual blessings somebody else has planted before us.The second principle is identification: we reap the same as we sow.Adrian Rogers says, “You cannot plant discord and reap unity. You cannot plant hypocrisy and reap holiness. You cannot sow to the flesh and reap to the spirit.”Galatians 6:7 confirms, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”The third principle is incubation: we reap later than we sow.David’s fatal crop came up days after God pronounced judgment on him. But some seeds sprout after a long incubation period. Whatever it may be, we will reap in due season.The fourth principle is intensification: we always reap more than we sow.Hosea 8:7 warns, “They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind.”If we do a little good, God rewards us a lot; if we do a little evil, our punishment will be far more severe than we’d expect.The final principle is implementation: if we want to reap a crop, we must get busy.God gives the opportunity, but we must implement the plan. We may try to talk ourselves out of planting based on exterior circumstances.Ecclesiastes 11:4 instructs, “He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.”David’s experience with the law of the harvest was a painful one. God forgave him, but He did not cancel out the law of the harvest. To be forgiven means there’s unbroken communion with God, but it doesn’t mean we bypass the suffering for what we’ve done.What David planted came to the surface, just as we will reap what we’ve sown.Apply it to your lifeUnderstanding the law of the harvest, will you reap blessings or consequences? Choose to plant what is good and pure.
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Giving Thanks in Dark Days

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Habakkuk 1-3The Book of Habakkuk might be the most pertinent Scripture in this day and age. In three short chapters, Habakkuk shows us how to give thanks in dark days.There are three things to remember about faith as these days grow gloriously dim.In chapter one, we learn that faith does not live by explanations, but by God’s promises.“The burden which the prophet Habakkuk saw. O Lord, how long shall I cry, And You will not hear? Even cry out to You, ‘Violence!’” (Habakkuk 1:1-2).Habakkuk has been praying fervently, crying out for help with a broken heart. Yet he experienced Heaven’s silence, Earth’s sinfulness, and Hell’s success. He begins to question if God is even listening. God will not explain everything to us because we would not understand His ways; He will not limit Himself to our understanding.In chapter two, Habakkuk shows that faith doesn’t live by appearances, but by providence.In the silence of a prayer tower, God revealed His providence to Habakkuk, first through Scripture, which is Truth.Habakkuk also saw God’s provision for the saints: “Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in him; but the just shall live by his faith” (Habakkuk 2:4). Faith, when it is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is the most powerful force on earth.God also provides retribution for the sinner. Judgment will come against all material, moral, and spiritual corruption running rampant on Earth. Adrian Rogers reminds us, “The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.”God will also show provision through the reign of the Savior: “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).Finally, in chapter three, we learn that faith doesn’t live by circumstances, but by praise.Habakkuk 3:3 says, “His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of His praise.”In these dimming days, we must remember God’s glory, rejoice in His goodness and rely on His grace. Adrian Rogers says, “We don’t need to know why, we need to know Who.”Apply it to your lifeAre you giving thanks in these dark days? Remember: faith does not live by explanations, but by promises. It does not live by appearances, but by providence. And we can praise Him in every circumstance.
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The Way Back to God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Samuel 11:1-2King David, though a man after God’s own heart, was a great sinner. In 2 Samuel 11, he committed adultery and, in covering it up, he committed murder. But in 2 Samuel 12, we find that David was also a great repenter. He exemplifies the way back to God after we fall into sin.We must first recognize the causes of David’s sin. In a time of war, David was at home while his army fought without him.Adrian Rogers says, “The sin of omission is failure to do what you ought to be doing.”David’s idleness quickly turned into a careless affair with a married woman. That carelessness turned into callousness. After committing the hot-blooded sin of adultery, David murdered his mistress’s husband Uriah in cold blood.We also see the consequences David faced when he covered up his sins rather than confess them. He aged prematurely, his body groaned inwardly under heavy conviction, and he experienced a spiritual dryness.Proverbs 28:13 says, “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.”For those who are children of God, the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins until we confess them. If we do not confess, God must chastise us as he did David. God is more interested in our relationship with Him than in anything else; He will do whatever He has to in order to restore us to Himself.Then, God will use someone or something in our lives to challenge us about our sins. For David, He sent the prophet Nathan.Once David realized how far he had drifted from God, he was desperate to find the way back.Psalm 51:7 says, “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”Even when he sinned, David had confidence in God’s lovingkindness. He confessed his sins without any excuse or alibi, and God was faithful to cleanse and forgive.1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”We don’t have to carry around our own condemnation anymore; we can be clean.Apply it to your lifeDo you have any unconfessed sin weighing on you today? Ask God to search your heart and reveal your sin to you. Confess it, and be cleansed by God’s forgiveness.
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Then Came Sin

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Samuel 11:1-52 Samuel 11 is a dark chapter in the history of King David’s life. David was at the height of his career, seeing continuous blessings from God. But then came —David committed the sin of adultery.“Then it happened one evening that David arose from his bed and walked on the roof of the king’s house. And from the roof he saw a woman bathing, and the woman was very beautiful to behold...” (2 Samuel 11:2).Marriage is a divine creation, a supreme commitment, and a faithful continuation. It is the first institution created by Almighty God, designed for one man to be married to one woman until death do them part.Though he did not understand the beauties of monogamous marriage, David broke the marriage vows he made to his wives. When David sinned against his marriage, he ultimately sinned against himself.Adrian Rogers says, “There is no sin that will do you more damage, hurt, or harm than the sin of sexual impurity. Sexual immorality is harmful spiritually, psychologically, and physically.”David also sinned against his family, which is the basic unit of society; God established monogamous marriage to meet a family’s deepest emotional, physical and spiritual needs. The glue that holds the home together is sexual faithfulness.Adultery is also a sin against the church; when a member of a church lives in sexual immorality, he sins against the holy body of Christ.No matter how society tries to glamorize it, adultery has destroyed great nations in the past: Rome, Egypt, and Babylon, to name a few. It may be the sin that destroys our nation, as well, because it is a sin against Almighty God.If we want to avoid sinning the way David did, we must make the decision; bring our failures and sins before Jesus Christ and depend on Him. We have a responsibility to exercise our devotion to Christ and to our families.We must let our love develop, cultivate and grow over time, guarding our hearts; we must be disciplined, and have control over who or what we let into our lives.Remain determined; make up your mind that you will not fall into temptation before it comes.Apply it to your lifeWe have a responsibility to remain faithful in our marriages. Remember your decision to depend upon Him, remain devoted, and develop your love for your spouse; stay disciplined and determined.
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Games That Fools Play

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Samuel 26:21No man in Scripture ever had a brighter beginning, nor a sadder ending, than King Saul. Any one of us could become like Saul if we dare to play the games that fools play.First, we must see Saul’s golden opportunities. 1 Samuel 9 notes his superior manhood, modesty, and magnanimous spirit. He was anointed by God to rule Israel—God’s chosen people—surrounded by men of valor and mentored by God’s chosen prophet, Samuel. Yet, despite being set up for success, he started down the road toward self-destruction and became a fool.His first step toward failure was his self-determination. Saul ran ahead of God’s timing and acted by self-will. He did what seemed good to him rather than obeying God. Those who run ahead of God eventually veer off track.Second, in his wandering, Saul chose to stubbornly disobey rather than to repent. In his reasoning, he wanted to do wrong so that he could then do right.Third, 1 Samuel 16:14 says, “But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and a distressing spirit from the Lord troubled him.” Something terrible happened to this man as God’s Spirit left him and an evil spirit came upon him.Spiritually depraved, Saul engaged in witchcraft and began communicating with evil spirits for guidance on the battlefield. He put himself in company with the devil and opened himself to the occult.Seeing his defeat, Saul died in shame by his own hand, falling on his own sword. He became the finished product of the devil’s art.Saul’s story reminds us that we could have every advantage in the world and still play the fool. Success is temporary, and we have no chance of it without obeying God. If we knowingly disobey Him with our eyes wide open, we put ourselves in danger.Adrian Rogers says, “Sin is horribly powerful; it will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.”No one is immune to the power of sin; we must get clean and stay that way. Apply it to your lifeDo you have any unconfessed sin in your heart? Are you ignoring any instruction from God, or daring to run ahead of His will? Carefully pray for forgiveness and guidance; don’t play the game fools play.
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The Death of a Brilliant Fool

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Samuel 3:33, 382 Samuel 3 tells of the tragic demise of Abner, a great man of middle age and robust health who died in a foolish manner.Then the king said to his servants, ‘Do you not know that a prince and a great man has fallen this day in Israel’” (2 Samuel 3:38)?Abner’s story is instructive for those who want to live lives full of wisdom and abundance.First, we see that Abner was in a place of fearful danger; he was in the middle of a battle, fighting on the wrong side against David. Seeing his defeat, he fled and was chased down by the brother of Joab, the king’s commander-in-chief.Abner killed his hunter, and as a result, faced a foolish death, himself. “Now when Abner had returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside in the gate to speak with him privately, and there stabbed him in the stomach so that he died for the blood of Asahel his brother” (2 Samuel 3:27).Hebron was a city of refuge where Abner would be safe. But he was lured outside of the city gate by Joab, who killed him to avenge his brother’s death. Abner’s foolish death is an illustration of what it is like to die without faith in Jesus Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus is our city of refuge, and yet many great, discerning men are going to die like fools because they will die just outside the gate of the city of refuge.”Abner, a brilliant man, died like a fool because he was deceived. Likewise, the devil has deceived many into believing he is their ally and God is their enemy. This friendly deceiver lures them outside of Christ our refuge to strike them down.Finally, we see the final determination of David and his tears after the fact: “And the king sang a lament over Abner and said: ‘Should Abner die as a fool dies’” (2 Samuel 3:33)?Abner’s destiny was fixed, and David’s tears could not bring him back. Adrian Rogers says, “David wept after the fact, but Jesus wept before the fact. Oh, may God give me a heart that’s broken over the lost destiny of men.”Apply it to your lifeAre you safe in the city of refuge that is a relationship with Jesus Christ? Is your heart broken for the lost? Pray for the salvation of those who may not yet know Jesus.
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The Judas of the Old Testament

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Kings 2:5-6In 1 Kings 2, David is coming to the end of his reign. Before relinquishing the throne to his son, Solomon, David proclaims judgment on his right-hand man, Joab.By all appearances, Joab was devoutly loyal to his king. He was David’s nephew who believed the right things about him. He knew David was the savior of Israel and a sovereign king. He even believed David was a sufficient leader, risking his life for his king on the battlefield.But in spite of his loyalty, there was still something missing: he never really gave his heart to David.Adrian Rogers says, “Joab was a man who loved the kingdom without loving the king. He loved the power, but he didn’t love the person. He loved the glory, but he did not love the glorious one who was God’s anointed.”There are some Christians who will profess their loyalty to Christ, yet remain lost like Joab, the Judas of the Old Testament.Joab represents those who claim to know and love the Lord, and yet don’t have the mind of Christ. They can’t deal properly with those whom Jesus has forgiven, because they don’t understand it—and they don’t understand it because they haven’t experienced it.Joab did not have the heart of David. David’s son, Absalom, had rebelled against his father, trying to usurp the throne. But David loved his rebel son and instructed Joab to deal gently with him. Instead, Joab killed Absalom the moment he got the chance.Nor did Joab have the will of David; it was David’s will that Solomon be king, but Joab sought out other candidates.There are many like Joab in our churches who will claim to fight in the name of their king, but they don’t have the heart of the king. They don’t deal with other people as Jesus would, or forgive as Jesus forgives.They don’t seek rebels as Jesus seeks rebels, therefore, they don’t share in His sovereign will. Joab’s tragic story shows our loyalty doesn’t matter if we are still lost. We must consider our own hearts, minds, and wills, and be sure they are like Jesus.Apply it to your lifeDo you have the heart and mind of Christ, thinking what He thinks, loving whom He loves? Don’t let a Joab or a Judas or any other hypocrite keep you from loving Jesus and serving in your church.
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How to Behave in a Cave

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Samuel 24:1-7King David was a remarkable man after God’s own heart. He lived by principle, not by appearance. He was a warrior who knew many victories, but perhaps his greatest victory was the one over his own spirit when subjected to authority.In 1 Samuel 24, David is hiding in a cave after King Saul has put a bounty on his head. King Saul comes into the cave, unaware that David and his men are hiding just out of sight. David has the opportunity to kill Saul, the man actively trying to kill him. But he does not; instead, he shows us how to behave in a cave, when no one else is watching.He refuses to take vengeance and acts as we should according to Scripture: “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).Like David, we must remember the principle of spiritual authority. David knew that he had no right to take Saul’s life because Saul was God’s chosen and anointed king. There is no king, no power, no ruler that has not been ordained of God. To rebel against them is an act of rebellion against God. We are all subject to them and must submit to their leadership.Second, David gently pleaded for change, with reverence, respect, and reason. David relied on God to change Saul’s heart.If the authority in question commands us to do something that is contrary to the Word of God, we should obey God rather than men. But we must be sure that even when we disobey our appointed leader, we have a warrant from Scripture. Even still, we should act in a manner that respects authority. God took care of Saul, and God will take care of our enemies as we learn to rely on the Lord.Finally, David made a gracious promise to King Saul, that when he became king, he would protect Saul’s loved ones.The spirit of God was in David. Adrian Rogers says, “David never won a greater victory than he won that day in the cave: a victory over self, a victory over Saul, and a victory over sin.”Apply it to your lifeAre you facing conflict in submitting to spiritual authority? Consider how David behaved in the cave. Recognize the great principle of authority and show respect to those God has placed over you.
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The Blood Covenant

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Samuel 18:1-4A blood covenant is a biblical principle that permanently unites two people together in marriage, business or friendship. It is made when the blood of two individuals is mingled together, and the two parties adopt a lovingkindness toward each other, meaning their love surpasses all differences.Jonathan and David’s blood covenant in 1 Samuel 18-19 is a picture of the blood covenant God made with us, through Jesus.After David came into power, the former King Saul’s descendants were scared that he would kill them, especially his grandson, Mephibosheth. But because of the covenant David made with Mephibosheth’s father, Jonathan, he was shown lovingkindness.2 Samuel 9:7 says, “And David said unto him, ‘Fear not; fear not; for I will surely show thee kindness, for Jonathan thy father’s sake, and I will restore unto thee all the land of Saul, thy father; and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually.’”Mephibosheth changed his mind and ratified the covenant first made by his father. King David, who was once his enemy, became his friend. Once he ratified the covenant, a transformation took place. Mephibosheth, deformed, dethroned, deceived, and good as dead, was now a son of the King. He shared the King’s possessions, protections, and personhood.In the same way, when we change our minds, we take a new King into our lives: Jesus Christ.The blood covenant is not just a biblical principle… it is the subject of the Bible; Jesus entered into a blood covenant with God the Father on our behalf. On the cross, the blood of God and the blood of man mingled.As a result, we now live by the steadfast promise and the saving power of the blood covenant. We have received the King’s forgiveness, His fellowship, and His fortune.Adrian Rogers says, “Because of the blood covenant, the meek shall inherit the earth. We’re heirs of God and joint-heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ.”Thank God that God sought us, just as David sought Mephibosheth. We are in the king’s family; whether we feel it or not, our sonship is a matter of the blood covenant.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “Jesus came to Earth to make a blood covenant so that we might enjoy what we have with our Lord, share the wealth of His possessions, and rest in the shadow of His protection.”
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The Formula for Friendship

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Samuel 18:1-4A true friend is of great value and worth the find. The Bible places a great emphasis upon friends, but it also encourages us not to have too many of them. Rather, we are to consider friendships as an investment. We invest time, energy, prayers, and emotions into people. We cannot fully invest in more than we can maintain.Jesus loved many people in his time on Earth. He made good acquaintances, but he regularly invested himself in his twelve disciples. In his humanity, Jesus needed a friend, and He showed us the virtues of a true friend.1 Samuel 18 provides a vignette of David and Jonathan, and the fortune and formula of their beautiful friendship. “Now when he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul” (1 Samuel 18:1).David and Jonathan’s friendship was selfless. Jonathan was the king’s son, and the heir to the throne; yet there’s not one speck of jealousy of David, the one who would become king. Rather, the Bible says that Jonathan loved David as he loved his own soul.Their friendship was steadfast, as 1 Samuel 18:3 continues: “Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.” By entering a blood covenant, their steadfast friendship was unconditional.Their friendship was also sacrificial: “And Jonathan took off the robe that was on him and gave it to David, with his armor, even to his sword and his bow and his belt” (1 Samuel 18:4). Jonathan, who lived a life of royalty, shared all he had with David, who lived a life of a shepherd.Finally, their friendship was sanctifying. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”Adrian Rogers says, “The best thing that could happen to you is to have a friend that so loves God and so loves you that you’re always a better person when you leave his presence.”Apply it to your lifeDo you have a friend who loves, strengthens, helps, corrects, guides, and sustains you? More importantly, are you that kind of friend? Pray and ask God for the wisdom to maintain the relationships in your life.
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Don't Be Defeated by Your Victories

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Samuel 17:45-54Because King David lived by purpose, progression, and power, he saw many victories. But victory can be dangerous if we don’t know how to receive it. It is entirely possible to be defeated by our victories.In 1 Samuel 17-18, David demonstrates how to live in our victories.First, we see David’s partnership with Jonathan: “...the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.” After David defeated Goliath, King Saul brought David to his home, where he met Saul’s son, Jonathan. They became close friends, and would eventually enter a blood covenant together. Jonathan rejoiced with David as he watched God bless him with many victories.As the Body of Christ, we are in blood covenant with one another. When one member rejoices, every member should rejoice. When one member suffers, every member should suffer.Second, we see the problem of the women’s praise: “So the women sang as they danced, and said: “Saul has slain his thousands, And David his ten thousands” (1 Samuel 18:7).The women praised David, but David knew it wasn’t his victory, it was God’s. We must be quick to pass the praise on to Jesus.Adrian Rogers says, “The way to lose the next victory is to fail to give God the proper praise for the last victory.”The third response to victory was the pride of Saul, who felt David’s gain was somehow his loss. The marks of his pride were his anger, jealousy, and fear.Adrian Rogers says, “No one is a complete failure until he starts disliking the man who succeeds.”Finally, we see the prudence of David, in his reaction to victory: “And David behaved wisely in all his ways, and the Lord was with him.” (1 Samuel 18:14)When we receive praise, it does something to us, either good or bad, according to our own estimation of ourselves. David knew each battle he faced was the Lord’s, which is why God could bless him and use him.When we receive blessings from God, we should seek wisdom as David did, and be wise in our response.Apply it to your lifeOur true natures are revealed when we receive victory. If you find yourself in a position of praise, direct it all to God. Celebrate with your fellow believers without jealousy.
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Live Like a King in Victory

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Samuel 17:3-11The story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 teaches us how to deal with the problems in our lives. Some of us live in quiet desperation, intimidated by our “giants.” But God’s plan for His children is to live like kings and queens in victory.In this passage, Goliath of Gath represents the vicious enemy behind our problems: the devil. Everything, from his measure, might, manner, and motive, mimic Satan’s testing, trying, sifting, and fighting the people of God.The encounter in this passage was a vicarious prefiguring of Jesus Christ and Satan. 1 Samuel 17:8 says, “...Choose a man for yourselves, and let him come down to me.” David fought on behalf of the entire army, just as Jesus Christ was crucified on our behalf. David defeated Goliath, just as Jesus defeated Satan.The story of David and Goliath is also a victorious example of God’s power. As Jesus fought that battle against sin so long ago, there is a continuing battle. In one sense, it’s already won; yet in another sense, it needs to be fought day by day.There are three principles to remember in order to live like kings and queens in victory.First, there is a principle of persistence. Battles can only be won by those who are persistent. Filled with a divine purpose, David remained persistent in it in spite of others' dismay, disdain, and discouragement.Second, there’s a principle of progression. We must learn how to handle the small things before we could ever be trusted with big things. Before David fought Goliath, he fought a lion and a bear. He was simply elevating from victory to victory. Adrian Rogers says, “The reason some of us are not winning our big battles is because we’re losing our little battles.” We have to be faithful where we are, with the least we have, in order to prepare for much more.Finally, there’s a principle of power. David was only able to take down Goliath because of the power of God within him. He had the right method and served the right master with the right motive.If we want to live in victory, we must reduce our aim to one thing: that Jesus be glorified.Apply it to your lifeDo you know your purpose? Are you committed to progress -- being faithful in the small things? Are you filled with the power of the Holy Spirit?
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Predestined for Hell? Absolutely Not!

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 9As followers of Jesus, our greatest mission in this life is the pursuit of lost souls. Adrian Rogers says, “We are to evangelize or we will fossilize.”In the Book of Romans, the Apostle Paul expresses sincere, steadfast, and sacrificial concern for lost souls. In Romans 9:1-2, he says, “I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart.”Are some predestined for Hell? Absolutely not! There are three things we need to know about the character and nature of God that will bring our theology into sharp focus.We first need to recognize God’s sovereign choices. In this passage, Paul uses the Jewish nation to explain the concept of God’s sovereignty. Jews are God’s chosen people; they have been given a name of honor, adoption, glory, covenants, law, service, promises, and the coming Messiah. The purpose of God’s choice is not for salvation, but for service. His choice also deals with preference. God has preferences for nations, but He does not predestine individuals for Hell.Second, we need to know God’s spotless character: “What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? Certainly not!” (Romans 9:14) Despite what we may feel about His sovereign choices, God answers to no one and He owes us nothing but judgment.Yet, God pardons according to His sovereign will; He has decided to show us mercy when we don’t deserve it. It is not rooted in our merit but in His mercy. Punishment is according to man’s stubborn wickedness.God has every right to punish sin because He is God. But God does not create people in order to destroy them. If we want mercy, God will give us mercy. But if we harden our hearts, God will further harden our hearts.Finally, we need to be certain of God’s steadfast concern. He wants us to have salvation. If we want to be saved, He will save us, and keep us and present us spotless before His throne.Apply it to your lifeAs you meditate on Romans 9 today, ask God to reveal His heart to you. Let the Holy Spirit affirm in your heart God’s sovereign choice, spotless character, and steadfast concern.
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Why Do Good Things Happen to Bad People?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 8:28-39The Bible says there is no good person, not one. (See Romans 3:10.) Every good thing we have is due to the grace of God, in spite of our sins. Romans 8 explains why good things happen to bad people, to sinners like us.First, we are graced by His purpose.Romans 8:28-29 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” God’s eternal purpose is to make us more like Jesus, and we can rest assured that His purpose will be fulfilled. God will complete the work He begins.Second, we are guided by His providence.God does not will evil, but even when man does evil, God is still in control and will use it for good.Third, we are guarded by His power.Romans 8:31-35 shows that because God is for us, the enemy cannot intimidate us. And because God loved us so much that He sacrificed His own Son, He will not deprive us of anything we need.Adrian Rogers says, “If He would give the great gift of Jesus while we were sinners, what’s He going to do for us now that we’re His children? If He gave the greatest gift when we didn’t even ask, what will He give for asking? If He gave Jesus, would He withhold anything else?”The devil will try to incriminate and condemn us for our sins, but God has already paid our debt in full; now, we can never be separated from His love.Finally, we are gladdened by His presence.Romans 8:38-39 says, “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”Because of God’s purposes, providence, power, and presence, good things can happen to bad people like us.Apply it to your lifeAs you study Romans 8:28-39 today, remember: nothing can separate us from God’s love. Adrian Rogers says, “We don’t live by appearances or explanations; we live by promises.”
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You Can Be Sure

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 8:28-31Salvation, from start to finish, is of the Lord. It is only by the grace of God that we can be sure of our salvation.Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”There are five foundational facts on which our faith rests.The first fact is God’s foreknowledge of our salvation. God knew we were going to be saved before we did. When God foreknows something, it is not an educational guess; He sees the beginning, middle, and end of everything, all at once.Second, we can be sure of our predestination to be like Jesus. “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren” (Romans 8:29).Adrian Rogers says, “God doesn’t predestine some people to go to Hell, and God doesn’t predestine some people to go to Heaven. God predestines every child of God, everyone who is born again, to be like Jesus.” God wants everyone to be saved, but in order for love to be love, it cannot be forced. So God gave us free will; whether we want to be saved or not is up to us.Third, we are sure that God foreknew we would be saved: “Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called…” (Romans 8:30). Whenever the Gospel is preached, God is calling people to salvation. Through His Word and His Spirit, God can make the spiritually blind see things they’ve never seen before.Fourth and fifth, we can be sure of our settled justification, and finally, our eternal glorification.“...whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified” (Romans 8:30).The basis of our justification is the blood of Jesus Christ; it becomes effective when we trust in Him. As a result, God no longer deals with us as sinners, but as servants. As servants, God already sees us in Heaven, in His heart and mind, settled and glorified. And what has been settled in Heaven cannot be annulled or undone in time.Apply it to your lifeAre you sure of your salvation?Adrian Rogers says, “If you’ll put your faith where God has put your sins, on the Lord Jesus Christ, you can be absolutely sure.”
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Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 8:26-28As Christians, prayer is our greatest privilege and service, yet it can be our greatest failure. Too often, we don’t have the desire to pray, nor do we know what to pray for. Other times, the enemy interferes to keep us from praying.Adrian Rogers says, “The devil laughs at our organization and mocks our schemes. He ridicules our good intentions, but he fears our prayers.”Knowing this, God has given us an ally, an asset, and Great Helper: the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:26-27 says, “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” These are some of the ways the Holy Spirit helps us pray:-The Spirit activates our will to pray. Our flesh resists prayer, but the Holy Spirit in us recognizes God for who He is and reignites our will to pray.-The Spirit animates our bodies to pray. When our minds wander and grow weary, we must yield to the Holy Spirit and receive His energy and power.-The Spirit adapts our requests. Sometimes we’re not sure how to pray but, glory to God, the Holy Spirit is the ultimate transformer. Simply pray with a clean heart, and He will adapt our prayers.-The Spirit administrates our access to God. God has given us the royal invitation to pray, and the Holy Spirit is our guide into the throne room.-The Spirit articulates our words. The Holy Spirit understands our groans and wordless heartache. Even when we don’t have the vocabulary to express our thoughts, God knows our hearts. And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. (See Romans 8:28.) His plans are for our holiness, not our happiness.-The Spirit amplifies our victory. When we pray in the flesh, we are no match for Satan; but when we pray in the Spirit, we remember: if God is for us, who can stand against? (See Romans 8:31.)Apply it to your lifePrayer is warfare; as you go to the Lord in prayer today, remember that you have a Helper, who intercedes for you.
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Turning Hurts Into Hallelujahs

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 8:11, 18The resurrection of Jesus Christ is what turns every hurt into a hallelujah. And that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now dwells in us.Adrian Rogers says, “It is Easter that turns every tear to a pearl. It is Easter that turns every midnight to a sunrise. It is Easter that turns every Calvary to a resurrection.”If we want to turn our hurts into hallelujahs, we must first consider our guilt. In His love for us, God gave us free will. Because we choose to sin, we are condemned according to the law of the Bible.But through Christ’s death and resurrection, we experience grace instead. Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” Jesus has freed us from the law of sin and death. There is no more condemnation for our sin, nor can it control us.However, though we have been freed from the curse of sin, we can still feel the hurt of it.Romans 8:18 says, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”All of creation groans as a symptom that there is something wrong with this fallen world. Christians groan, for we are not immune to suffering, and there is a lot of it in our world today. We live in a cursed world with other sinners, in bodies that have the curse of sin upon them. And even though we have been saved, we still choose to do wrong and God must chastise us in love.But there is comfort in knowing the Comforter groans, too. God sees our pain, and the Holy Spirit intercedes for us when we hurt so badly, we don’t know what to pray for.Finally, we must remember that we’ve been prepared, predestined, and preserved for glory—that is the Gospel.Because of Easter, no foe or fault can condemn us, and no fear can conquer us.Apply it to your lifeAre you facing suffering of any kind, or a hurt you want to turn into a hallelujah? Remember: because of Easter, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us in our pain. Spend time with God, and ask for His victory over your life.
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Getting to Know Your Best Friend

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 8:9The distinguishing mark of a Christian is the Holy Spirit in him. We can know a person has been saved if the Holy Spirit dwells in him. Romans 8:9 says, “But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.”This passage describes the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of life, of Christ, and of adoption. And if we want to get to know our best friend, the Holy Spirit, we must understand the ways He ministers to us.As the Spirit of life, He gives us life. The people who are truly saved live by the impartation of life, while the unsaved live a mere imitation of life. Our spirit is the part of our nature that enables us to know God. We are spiritual corpses until God breathes His Spirit into us. From that moment on, God’s Spirit bears witness to ours that we are children of God.Second, the Holy Spirit in us glorifies the Lord. His Spirit is called the Spirit of Christ. It is Jesus in us who is the Holy Spirit; His presence in us glorifies God.Adrian Rogers says, “If you want to know whether a person has the Holy Spirit, don’t ask him to speak with tongues, ask if he is like Jesus.”Third, He is called the Spirit of adoption. When we get saved, we are spiritually adopted into the family of God. Romans 8:15 says, “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”The Holy Spirit guarantees our legacy as children of God. He is there to attest to and make real what legally transpired when we became sons and daughters of God. By law, a man could disinherit a natural son, but he could not legally disinherit an adopted son.By adopting us into His family, God has locked himself into this new relationship with us. We not only have a new relationship, but we also have a new assurance and a new certainty of our riches as co-heirs with Christ.Apply it to your lifeDo you have the distinguishing mark of a Christian, which is the Holy Spirit? Remember this Good News: the Spirit gives us life, glorifies the Lord, and guarantees our inheritance.
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Learning to Possess Your Possessions

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 7:1-4There seems to be a gap between what the Bible says we are in Christ and what we are in reality. We are called to be victors, yet so many of us live as victims.Adrian Rogers says, “We need not to make the Bible match our lives but to make our lives match the Bible.” We must appropriate what God has already provided for us and learn to possess our possessions.Romans 7:4 says, “Therefore, my brethren, you also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ, that you may be married to another—to Him who was raised from the dead, that we should bear fruit to God.”By nature, we're married to the law, and it makes demands upon us that we cannot meet, no matter how hard we try. But when Jesus Christ died, we died with Him and became dead to the law. His death, burial, and resurrection had our name on it, and now we have a new life as the Bride of Christ.The first step is to learn how to die and start living. We will never possess our possessions until we come to the end of ourselves.Adrian Rogers says, “The reason that so many of us are not filled with the Spirit is we're so stuffed full of ourselves, there's not room for the Spirit.” We must go through something to get to something; we must go through death to ourselves to get to the victorious life.The second step is to stop trying and start trusting. Even after we are saved, we cannot keep the law of God in our own strength. We will fail over and over again, because it is in our nature to sin. But because we are the Bride of Christ, every demand upon our life is a demand upon Jesus, who lives in us. He is able to cover the multitude of our sins and deliver us from the law of sin and death. We can quit crying and start praising, for now in Jesus, we have the law of the Spirit.Apply it to your lifeWhat would your life look like if you learned to possess your possessions—to appropriate what God has already provided? Learn dying and begin to live; stop trying and start trusting; quit crying and start praising!
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How to Live in Victory

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 6:1-2The grace of God enables us to live godly lives in Christ Jesus and empowers us to live in victory. Romans 6 reveals how to live in victory.First, we must know our identification with Jesus, who gave Himself for us.“For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin” (Romans 6:5-6).Jesus has acted on our behalf; when He died for us, we died with Him. When He was buried, we were buried with Him. And now, we have that same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, in us.Adrian Rogers explains, “When Jesus came out of the grave, we came out with Him and we’ve been raised to walk in a new life.”Second, we must reckon our appropriation of Jesus: “Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:11). Reckoning is acting by faith, on what we know to be true, which is that we are dead to our sins and alive in Christ.Third, we must yield our emancipation to Christ. The victorious life is God’s work in us; we cannot do it without Him, and He will not do it without us. Yielding begins when we dethrone sin. We must choose against our old master. No longer will our eyes be a tool for sin, nor our ears be sin’s instruments, nor will our hands do its bidding.We must also enthrone the Savior: “...but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God” (Romans 6:13). We must make Jesus Lord of our lives, enslaving ourselves to Him, as Romans 6:18 explains: “And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.”When we become slaves of Christ, we receive new freedom, faithfulness, and fruitfulness. God will begin to live His life in us, claiming victory every step of the way.Apply it to your lifeDo you know that you identify with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection? Have you reckoned your life to what you believe? Have you yielded to Him?
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There is So Much More

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 5:6-9This modern world is trying to obliterate the word “sin” from our language. Everything is excused by psychology, evolution, human studies, and behavioral science, yet the real root of the problem is sin.If we don’t understand the bad news of sin, we’re not ready for the Good News of the Gospel—that there is so much more that we’ve gained through Jesus Christ.Romans 5:6 says, “For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”Presently, there are two kingdoms: one is of death and destruction and the other is of love and life. Adam is the head of that old kingdom, and Jesus is the head of that new kingdom.Adam is the head of the old kingdom. Being the first man created by God, Adam was given dominion over the Earth. But when Adam sinned, he forfeited his dominion to sin. And because we are his offspring, we are identified with Adam in this slavery to sin.Romans 5:8-9 explains, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.”When we join the kingdom of light, we gain so much more through Jesus than we ever lost through Adam. Through Adam, we received weakness rather than power, and we gained ungodliness rather than godliness. We also received wrath rather than approval, war instead of peace.We inherited our ability to sin from Adam: not only when we do as we shouldn’t, but also in failing to do as we should.Yet in Jesus Christ, we receive much more in His redeeming blood. Because of His sacrifice, we are justified and reconciled with the Father. We have the fellowship with God that was severed when Adam sinned.In Christ, we are also renewed and made righteous to reign with Him in the kingdom of life.Finally, we receive His restoring grace, as Romans 5:20 says, “Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more…”Apply it to your lifeEach one of us is either with Adam in the kingdom of death, or we are with Christ reigning in the kingdom of life. Choose Jesus today; there is so much more!
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When Faith Is in the Fire

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Daniel 3:1-30As these days grow gloriously dim, we must stand on the principles of God’s Word—for things that are true and righteous, which last throughout time and eternity.Daniel 3 tells the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar’s idol. This story reminds us that we will face immense pressure to bow down, yet we must stand alone, even when our faith is in the fire.First, see the fury they faced: there was emotional enticement and a social obligation to bow to the idol. Everyone was doing it; the government was even enforcing it. The devil is behind all of this defiling spirituality, seeking out converts.But Daniel 3 also reminds us of the faith that followed. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego exhibited a settled, strong faith, having already made up their minds beforehand to remain devoted to God. They knew God could deliver them, and even if He didn’t, they would never bow to anyone else (See Daniel 3:16-18.)Adrian Rogers says, “It is one thing to have faith to escape. It's another thing to have faith to endure.”So, the three were thrown into the furnace as they were warned. And we see the fellowship they found in the fire: “I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God” (Daniel 3:25).“...they saw these men on whose bodies the fire had no power; the hair of their head was not singed nor were their garments affected, and the smell of fire was not on them” (Daniel 3:27).Rather than being consumed by the fire, God used it to cleanse them. Rather than sparing them from the furnace, He joined them in it.As a result of this miracle, Nebuchadnezzar had to admit: there is no God like our God.Adrian Rogers says, “Do you know when this world is going to start having respect for the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of the Bible? When you and I, by the grace of God, stand alone.”Apply it to your lifeUnderstanding the fury to conform to this world, do you have the faith to stand alone? Take courage today—know that whatever fire you face today, the Lord is with you.
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How to Keep Your Spiritual Fire Burning

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 2:1-4The Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 marked the birth of the Church, and the burst of the Holy Flame that is the Holy Spirit. One of the most important things we can do is learn how to keep our spiritual fire burning.Acts 2:1-4 says, “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”In this passage, the Holy Spirit was symbolized by sound, fire, and the speaking of tongues. These miracles illustrated the mighty power and the filling of the Spirit of God.Adrian Rogers says, “Bethlehem is God with us, Calvary is God for us, Pentecost is God in us.”Pentecost teaches us that as children of God, we are baptized and sealed into the Body of Christ as the Spirit dwells in us. And when we are filled with the Spirit, it acts as a Holy Flame: it illumines, consumes, transforms, empowers, and attracts us.There are four ways to keep this fire burning.First, don’t lie to the Spirit; the example of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 shows that lying to Him is like playing with fire: we will get burned.Second, don’t grieve the Spirit. The Holy Spirit loves us so much that His heart is broken by our unconfessed sin. We grieve Him when we allow unrepented sin to remain in our lives.Third, don’t quench the Spirit; we must be sensitive to this guiding, God-sent Spirit because it is so easily quenched when we aren’t obedient. When God’s Spirit speaks to us, we should be quick to answer Him.Finally, we must be completely committed to Him. We must give Him continual control, constantly claiming Him as Lord.Adrian Rogers says, “Where the Spirit is Lord, there’s liberty.”Apply it to your lifeDo you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Resist lying to, grieving, and quenching the Spirit, and be totally committed to Him. Give Him continual control and constantly claim Him as Lord.
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The Ungrateful Brother

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 15:11-32In Luke 15, Jesus tells the story of the prodigal son reconciling with his loving father. However, as the passage continues, we meet his ungrateful brother. Through this epilogue, Jesus reveals that the love of God that melts one sinner’s heart can harden another sinner’s heart.Our love, service, and joy can help us determine our relationship with the Father: are we more like the prodigal son or the ungrateful brother?We measure our love for the Father by our relationship with our brother.1 John 4:20 says, “If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?”Some want to assume the place of a child of God without assuming the responsibility of a brother in Christ. We are called to love our siblings in Christ without any personal hindrance.We measure our service to the Father by our fellowship with Him.When we meet the older brother in Luke 15, he is working in the field for his father. Upon finding out about his brother’s return, he angrily reminds his father of his own faithfulness as the elder son. Some people serve their churches as model workers, yet they do not know the Father’s heart. When we serve the Lord, we must do so out of a love for God and not for a reward.We measure our joy with the Father by sharing the Father’s burden.“And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours. It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found’” (Luke 15:31-32).The older brother was so full of self-righteousness and self-pity, he missed the blessing of his brother’s homecoming. If we are so concerned about our possessions, positions, or privileges that we feel threatened by a brother’s reconciliation, we don’t share our Father’s burden.Adrian Rogers says, “Other’s blessings are not our demise.”The Lord rejoices when a sinner comes home. If we share in His burden, we will share in His celebration.Apply it to your lifeDo you identify more with the prodigal son or the ungrateful brother? Your love, service, and joy toward your brother measure how much you love the Father.
9/30/202129 minutes, 35 seconds
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Fools: Wise or Otherwise?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:18When we live for Jesus Christ, believing in the Gospel, we will be looked upon as fools by this world. What God calls wisdom, the world calls foolishness. And what the world calls wisdom, God calls foolishness.Adrian Rogers says, “The Gospel is so radically different: it starts at a different source, follows a different course, and ends at a different conclusion. We don’t need to make it compatible with this world.”The cross of Jesus Christ is the measurement of a man’s foolishness or wisdom. It is how we can know if we are wise or otherwise.God speaks, demonstrates His power, saves us, and sanctifies us through the cross.God speaks through the cross. God reveals Himself in many ways, but we will never know His heart and mind until we understand the cross. Fools look for signs and wonders and often overlook Jesus as the Messiah because He died upon the cross.God demonstrates His power and wisdom through the cross. 1 Corinthians 1:18 says, “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”God also saves us through the cross; it is how He provided salvation for our souls. While others may take offense to it, we believe that the cross is God’s only way of salvation.Finally, God sanctifies us by the cross; not only have we been saved, but we are also being saved. God is in the process of making us more like Jesus. Salvation is in three tenses:We have been saved from the penalty of sin.Presently, we are being saved daily from the power of sin -- it is an ongoing process.We will be saved from the presence of sin when the rapture occurs.The Christian life isn’t hard…it is impossible. It commences with a miracle, which is the new birth, and concludes with a miracle, which is the resurrection. But it also continues with a miracle.If we wish to be wise, we must learn to live the principle of the cross; to die to ourselves every day so that the Holy Spirit can live through us.Apply it to your lifeAre you actively seeking God’s wisdom? God speaks, demonstrates His wisdom, saves us, and sanctifies us by the cross. Are you living by the principle of the cross—dying daily so that Christ can live through you?
9/28/202134 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Seven Wonders of the Word of God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 119:18, 27Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible is a wonderful book. I’m not finding hidden flaws; I’m finding hidden beauties.”The more we read the Word of God, the more it will reveal itself to be true. Psalm 119 reveals the seven wonders of the Word of God.First, the Bible is a supernatural book, divinely inspired by God; it is often called the very breath of God. Within the Scriptures, we see the prayers, praises, fears, and frustrations of the men who wrote them. The Bible is marked by their personalities, yet God, in and through these men, was the one who was speaking.Second, the Bible is a spiritual book; it was written by the Holy Spirit. We cannot casually rip the truth out of these pages: God will reveal its meaning to us or we won’t have it. Psalm 119:18 says, “Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law.” We may have access to the Word of God, but until the Holy Spirit convicts or illumines us, it’ll not be real in our hearts.Third, it is the Savior’s book; Jesus is the hero of the Bible. Adrian Rogers says, “If you read the Bible and don’t find Jesus Christ somewhere, somehow standing in the shadows or presented in plain view, go back and read it again.”Fourth, the Bible is a sovereign book; it is the supreme authority in spiritual matters, not human reason. A man and his word may diverge in this dishonest world, but God and His Word are the same.Fifth, it is a surviving book. In a world that is ever-changing, God’s Word stays the same.The Bible is also a sustaining book. It not only survives but also enables us to survive. As we are physically sustained by physical nutrition, we are spiritually sustained by the Word of God. We always find help, comfort, and wisdom in the Bible.Finally, the Bible is a supercharged book; it has incredible power. It’s able to penetrate and scrutinize the innermost part of our personalities. We can stand in awe as we experience its power in our lives, changing us from the inside out.Apply it to your lifeHave you experienced the seven wonders of the Word of God? Study it today, revering its power, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what He would have you know.
9/24/202138 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Ministry of the Word of God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 1:22-25; 2:1-2We don’t have to be ordained ministers to be in the ministry; in fact, every man and woman who names the name of Jesus partakes in the ministry of the Word of God.1 Peter 1:22 says, “Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart…”First, we must receive the Word of God personally into our lives.When we become Christians, we are literally conceived by the Word of God, as 1 Peter 1:23 says, “...having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever…” God’s Word is a seed that produces new life within us. 1 Peter 2:1-2 says, “Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby…”We’re also cleansed and completed by Scripture: first made new, and then made strong by the Word of God.After we receive Scripture personally, we must respect the Word. There’s no debate about it: God is a God of truth. Therefore, His Word cannot have errors in it.Adrian Rogers says, “The God of truth cannot inspire error.”God’s Word is the product of the Spirit of God, therefore it is totally infallible because God is infallible.We must not only respect its inerrancy, but we must also respect its authority and vitality. There is living power in the Word of God that changes lives and lasts for eternity.1 Peter 1:24-25 says, “...All flesh is as grass, And all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls away, But the word of the Lord endures forever.”Finally, we need to release the Bible; preach it everywhere. When we receive the Word of God and respect it, we won’t grow tired of it. We must preach it faithfully, fully, and freely.Adrian Rogers says, “Newborn babes desire it, men of God share it, preach it and proclaim it.”Apply it to your lifeAre you a minister of the Word of God? Have you received God’s Word? Do you respect it and release it? Consider its life-changing power today and share it with someone you love.
9/23/202127 minutes, 52 seconds
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Lighting the Future

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 3:5-6Man is a clever creature, but he has lost his way in the darkness. We live in a day of guided missiles and misguided men, which is a shame because God has cultivated wonderful plans for each of our lives.Proverbs 3:5-6 explains, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”In order to shed some light on the future, we must first let God choose the way. Every step we take is to be in His plan and for His purpose.It is difficult to trust in someone we don’t know; we must know and love the Lord in order to trust and obey Him. We must receive God’s wisdom rather than lean on our own understanding. When we search for God’s wisdom and get serious about knowing His will, He promises that we will find it. When we have complete confidence in God, we will faithfully comply with His plans. Only then will we receive His faithful direction.Second, we must let God confirm the way. God has promised to direct our paths, and He will do it through the Word of God.Psalm 119:105 confirms, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” The Word of God reveals God’s will concerning our salvation, the Holy Spirit, and sanctification. God often directs us through prayer; He speaks to our hearts directly as we pray to Him. He also guides through wisdom and directs us by His providence; He is the one who closes and opens doors.Finally, we must let God clear the way. After we receive faithful direction from God, the Lord clears the path for us.Adrian Rogers says, “God will go before you like a bulldozer, He will clear the way. God will open and no man will shut, and God will shut and no man will open. And God Himself will take away the obstacles that keep you from His will for your life.”Apply it to your lifeAre you serious about knowing God’s will for your life? Express your full dependence on Him and receive His faithful direction. Begin by knowing and trusting Him; then obey Him.
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Learning to Share Jesus

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 126:5-6No matter how generous we are, how active we are in church, or how eloquently we preach, there is no substitute for sharing our faith with other people. Psalm 126 reveals how to share Jesus: “Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him” (Psalm 126:5-6).The soul is of great worth; Jesus died upon the cross, paying the price with blood and agony to show how much He desired our souls.Our souls are also valuable because of their durability. When God made the human soul, He made it in His own image, therefore, each soul is endless, timeless, dateless, and measureless.Every soul has the potential to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ.We must be committed to sharing our faith because it is the command of our Savior.We are designed to go forth (Psalm 126:6); nothing takes the place of going. It’s not enough to “live good lives,” because our lives are not what save souls… salvation through Jesus’s death and resurrection saves souls.Second, we must be concerned when we share our faith. If we feel we’ve lost our broken hearts for the unsaved, we must beg God to break them again. We must ask God to give us the eyes of Jesus who, when He saw the multitudes, was moved with compassion (See Luke 19).Third, we must be consistent as we share our faith, for we bear seed for sowing. In this passage, the seed is the Word of God, and in that seed, there is life. Because there is power of life in the seed, there is power in the soul winner who scatters the seed.Finally, we must be confident in sharing our faith: if we keep sowing, we will see a harvest. We should not concern ourselves with the soil. We just sow the seed, asking God to give us open doors and increase.Apply it to your lifeAre you endeavoring to share Jesus with others? Are you committed, concerned, consistent and confident in sharing your faith?Adrian Rogers says, there’s no greater joy than bringing a soul to Jesus Christ. It’s easy to go to church, to study our Bibles, have our devotions, and it’s all good. But would you not say: ‘Lord Jesus, help me to share’?”
9/17/202135 minutes, 17 seconds
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How to Make Your Bible Come Alive

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 119:89In order to have spiritual power, we need to be molded, motivated, and managed by the Word of God. Yet for many, the Bible remains a closed book. There’s no magical way to understand the Bible. It takes work—joyful, thrilling work—to understand the Word of God.Psalm 119 shows us how to make the Bible come alive.First, we must appreciate its virtues: “Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89). The Bible is a timeless book, ultimate and indestructible; it is full of God-breathed truth. If we don’t treasure it, we won’t have any desire to understand it.Next, we must assimilate the Word of God; we begin by praying that our eyes will be opened, our hearts stirred, and our minds enlightened. Then, with a pen in hand, we read and ponder it, ready to write down whatever the Lord reveals through it. When reading the Bible, we should use our sanctified common sense. We need a plan. Try not to jump into the middle of a chapter, the middle of a book somewhere, with no plan, no rhyme, no reason.Third, we must preserve it and practice it, as Psalm 119:16-17 says, “I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word. Deal bountifully with Your servant, That I may live and keep Your word.” If we want to learn more of the Word of God, we should obey the parts of it we do know.Next, we must proclaim it: “My tongue shall speak of Your word, For all Your commandments are righteousness” (Psalm 119:172).Finally, we must appropriate the values of the Word of God. It’s a source of victory, growth, joy, power, and guidance.Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible addresses one problem, and that problem is sin. The Bible has one villain, and that villain is the devil. The Bible has one hero, and His name is Jesus. The Bible has one purpose, and that is the glory of God."Apply it to your lifeAs you read Scripture today, dwell on these six questions:-Is there a promise to claim?-Is there a lesson to learn?-Is there a blessing to enjoy?-Is there a command to obey?-Is there a sin to avoid?-Is there a new thought to carry with me?
9/15/202136 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Amazing Word of God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Timothy 3:16There is an ongoing war over the Word of God. There are those who despise, dissect, and disregard it. But perhaps the greatest enemy of the Word of God is the one who believes in it but doesn’t know it.We will never be settled until we are settled over the Word of God. Our salvation and sanctification depend on it.Revelation 22:18 says, “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book…”There are five reasons to consider in becoming certain that the Bible is the Word of God.First, consider the Bible’s scientific accuracy. There have been many occasions on which scientific theories have gone against the Word of God but have crumbled over time. Science changes direction, improves, and builds upon itself. But the Word of God remains unchanged and unmovable.Second, consider the Bible’s historical accuracy. Though it’s not primarily a history book, the Bible records many notable events verified by historians.And we also believe in the Bible because of its wonderful unity. It is penned by people from all kinds of backgrounds: shepherds, kings, soldiers, princes, priests, and fishermen. Yet, from Genesis to Revelation, it reads as one book because of its divine inspiration.Another reason we believe in the Bible is its fulfilled prophecy. The Old Testament contains more than 300 prophecies that deal with Jesus Christ, which He fulfilled in the New Testament.We believe in the Bible because of its ever-living qualities. The Bible has faced much opposition, yet it has survived; it still applies today.Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible is not the book of the month; it is the book of the ages.”But ultimately, we believe in this book because of its life-changing power.Adrian Rogers says, “The Gospel of Christ is the dynamite of God that saves.” It saves the sinners, sanctifies the saints, sustains the suffering, and satisfies the scholar. The Bible, in all its wonder and majesty, is summed up in this: “Jesus loves me, this I know; for the Bible tells me so!”Apply it to your lifeAre you certain that the Bible is the Word of God? Consider these reasons and come to a faithful understanding of Scripture—knowing that once you begin studying it, you are never finished with it!
9/13/202137 minutes, 47 seconds
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How You Can Know God Personally

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 10:21Luke 10:21 says that God has "hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes."We are neither too intelligent nor unintelligent to believe in God and know Him personally!Psalm 19 gives us three ways in which God speaks to us, and in return, we can know God personally, intimately, and assuredly.First, God has confirmed His words in the heavens: “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork…” (Psalm 19:1). The heavens also declare God’s greatness. The vastness of the Universe, along with its small intricacies, demonstrates God’s power.Adrian Rogers says, “There are no laws of nature; they are God’s laws that nature obeys. Science only discovers what God had already put there.”The heavens declare the goodness of God: “Day unto day utters speech,And night unto night reveals knowledge” (Psalm 19:2). It is God who daily maintains the fixed order in the Universe and provides everything it needs to give us life. His mercies are new every morning. (See Lamentations 3:23.)God also speaks to us by placing His converting Word in our hands. We have access to Scripture, which is His very word. We ought to marvel at the Bible and celebrate its many virtues. It is inerrant, infallible, foundational, and full of God’s promises.Adrian Rogers says, “Every sentence, every jot, every tittle, every syllable is put in Scripture by the mind and purpose of God.”The value of the Scriptures is precious, “more desirable than fine gold” (Psalm 19:10).They are protective, for "by them Your servant is warned" (Psalm 19:11).They are profitable, for "in keeping them there is great reward" (Psalm 19:11).Finally, we can know God through His convicting Word in our hearts. By the Holy Spirit in our hearts, the Scriptures we read can become real.Psalm 19:12 says, “Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults.”The Holy Spirit cleanses our wicked and deceitful hearts. When we hand our control over to the Spirit, He brings us into communion with the Father. This is the only way we can know Him personally, intimately, and assuredly.Apply it to your lifeDo you feel distant from God? Remember, by the Word of God in the heavens, in our hands, and in our hearts, we can know God personally.
9/8/202137 minutes, 47 seconds
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Having Strong Faith

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 4:46-54In the kingdom of Heaven, faith is the medium of exchange. Whatever we receive from God is according to our faith.Adrian Rogers says, “The greater your faith, the greater glory God gets; by faith man gives God pleasure and by faith God gives man treasure.”John 4 tells the story of a man whose superficial, superstitious faith was transformed into a strong, saving faith.“So Jesus came again to Cana of Galilee where He had made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum. When he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to Him and implored Him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. Then Jesus said to him, ‘Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe’” (John 4:46-48).First, we must see the problem of superficial faith. In this passage, the nobleman had heard about Jesus’ first miracle, turning water into wine, and was blown away. But Jesus knew that signs and wonders do not truly help in developing a strong faith.We must also consider the problem of superstitious faith. God performed miracles through Jesus to authenticate His ministry. It is dishonoring to demand a sign from God in order to believe in Him.It is also self-deceiving; signs and wonders can easily deceive; it is how our enemy leads others astray.This passage also shows the progression of strong faith. There are steps in developing this sort of saving faith, the first being that he heard the Word of God, and then that he believed it. What we believe is not contrary to reason; it goes beyond reason. We must obey the Word of God, and then rest in it.Adrian Rogers says, “Faith is not seeing signs and wonders, rather, it is a response to the character of God.”Finally, this passage shows the provision of saving faith. After the nobleman’s son was healed, he not only believed in a miracle worker but in a Messiah. All of Jesus’ miracles point to the greater miracle, which is the new life in Him.Apply it to your lifeIf you want to strengthen your faith, get a good grip on the Word of God. Don’t look to the miracles, but to the Messiah; do not follow the signs, but the Savior.
9/6/202139 minutes, 54 seconds
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God's Word as a Mirror

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 1:22The Bible is so full of rich, variegated splendor that there are many emblems and symbols for the Word of God. The Book of James identifies God’s Word as a mirror.James 1:22-23 says, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror…”In this passage, James has in his mind two imaginary people in front of a mirror. The first person takes a casual glance: “for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was” (James 1:24).There are some who casually scan the Bible, but God doesn’t reveal much truth to the people who just glance at His Word.On the contrary, the other person noted in this passage takes a concentrated gaze: “But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does” (James 1:25).We need to absorb the Word of God, look into it as a mirror that reveals who we truly are. When we study Scripture, it can reveal in us any sin we’re harboring, or have yet to confess, so that we can do something about it.Adrian Rogers says, “When you read the Bible, the Bible reads you. When the Word reveals something, whatever it is, take heed to it. Don’t just read it and forget it; if you do, you’re deceiving yourselves.”The first purpose Scripture serves is to show us what we are by nature, but it also shows us what we ought to be by grace. And the ultimate reason why we read Scripture is to become more like Jesus.This means we never stop growing: we simply go from one stage of glory to another stage of glory. (See 2 Corinthians 3:18.)Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “Do you want to be a great Christian? God’s given you a mirror. Each morning, look in there and see what you look like. If you’ve got a dirty face, get clean and then continue to read: not only see yourself but see your Savior.”
9/3/202130 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to Know God Through the Bible

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 2:1-14The way to be blessed is to obey God, which requires our trust in Him; and to trust Him is to love Him, and in order to love Him, we must know Him.1 Corinthians 2:1-14 shows us how to know God through the Bible.“And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God” (1 Corinthians 2:4-5).Heavenly wisdom is seeing life from God’s point of view; human wisdom is deficient, while heavenly wisdom is sufficient. Human wisdom is superficial, transitory, and limited, and can even be dangerous. We can only know the things of God through our spirits. When He wants to teach or reveal something to us, He imparts heavenly wisdom in our spirits.God has done three mighty acts that we might know Him; the first act is revelation, which is the communication of God's truth to man by God Himself. It takes the Holy Spirit revealing truth to us in order to really know that truth.Adrian Rogers says, “The natural can never know the supernatural until the infinite reveals Himself to the finite.”Secondly, God reveals Himself through supernatural inspiration, which is the very Word of God.“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God” (1 Corinthians 2:12).Third, God reveals Himself through supernatural illumination. The Holy Spirit is the one who turns the spiritual light on so that you can understand the things of God.Adrian Rogers says, “I can never know the Bible as I ought to know the Bible until I have the mind of Christ.”This doesn’t mean that we can know everything about God; it means that the average person who is obedient and diligent can understand the Bible and have personal communion with God.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “There is no knowledge of God without revelation, inspiration, illumination. And the illumination is your part where you come to God and surrender. When you come to God's Word this way, the Bible will burst aflame in your heart and in your mind and God will teach you things out of His Word.”
8/30/202134 minutes, 22 seconds
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A Three-Fold Cord

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 1:2-14As children of God, we have the privilege of knowing not only that we are saved but also that we can never lose our salvation. God has saved us by His grace, and He keeps us bound to Himself with a three-fold cord that cannot be broken.Ephesians 1:2-14 describes the three-fold cord of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.First, this passage reveals that our salvation was planned by God the Father: “ the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved” (Ephesians 1:6).We have been chosen to be saved. Adrian Rogers says, “You've been chosen in the past, predestined to the future and accepted in the present.”This does not mean that God chose one sinner above another sinner; it means that God had us in His heart and in His mind before He laid the foundation of the world. God gives everyone an invitation to come to Christ; we can only choose Him because He first chose us.Our salvation was also purchased by God the Son: “In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace…” (Ephesians 1:7).In the Garden of Eden, Adam sinned and forfeited our inheritance to Satan; but at Calvary, Jesus redeemed us with His blood. We are freed by His blood and forgiven by His grace; we are filled with His wisdom and fixed with His wealth. We have fellowship and a full inheritance as we become like Jesus Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “The greatest miracle in the world is not walking on water or changing water into wine; it is taking a Hell-bound sinner and transforming him, making him holy and blameless.”Finally, our salvation is preserved by God the Holy Spirit: “ were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory” (Ephesians 1:13-14).Because of the Holy Spirit, our salvation is a finished transaction; our ownership has been transferred to God and we are secure in it.Apply it to your lifeIf you are a Christian, your salvation is found in a three-fold cord that cannot be broken. Do you recognize that you are chosen by God the Father, in fellowship with Jesus Christ, and sealed by the Holy Spirit?
8/27/202133 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Be Absolutely Sure

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 5:5-13Adrian Rogers says, “We do not live by explanations; we live by promises.” One of God’s promises is the assurance of our salvation.1 John 5 reveals the basis for our belief, and how to be absolutely sure of our salvation in Jesus Christ.First, our certainty comes from the Atoning Work of Christ.1 John 5:6 says, “This is He who came by water and blood, --Jesus Christ...”The wages of sin is death (See Romans 3:23.) and without the shedding of blood, there’s no remission of sin. Jesus took our sin to the cross, and with His blood, He paid sin’s penalty.But there’s also the water, which speaks of that which continues to cleanse. This assures us, not only of our salvation but also of our sanctification. He saves us from wrath and makes us pure.Adrian Rogers says, “I wouldn’t give half a hallelujah for the hope of Heaven apart from the water and the blood, apart from the death of the Lord Jesus Christ upon that cross.”Secondly, our certainty comes from the Abiding Witness of the Spirit.The Holy Spirit takes the atoning work and He testifies of it. He gives witness to us and in us. "It is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth" (1 John 5:6).Before we’re even saved, the Holy Spirit is telling us about Jesus. And when we receive Christ, He comes into us, and witnesses from within. "He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself" (1 John 5:10).The Spirit also witnesses through us. When we are sure of our salvation, we can witness to others, because we know that our witness is not dependent on eloquence or logic, but upon the Spirit.The third cord of our rock-ribbed assurance is certainty of the Word of the Father. God gave us His Word.Adrian Rogers says, “The message of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is one message: Jesus saves.”The source of this life is Jesus. The substance of life is Jesus. And the surety of life is Jesus; for the Bible tells me so.Apply it to your lifeAre you absolutely sure of your salvation? Consider the three cords of your unbroken assurance today: the work Jesus did on the cross, the witness of the Spirit, and the Word of God.
8/25/202136 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Legacy of Love

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 3:11-24The key to assurance and fellowship with God is love. Children of God ought to be filled with love. It is our greatest virtue and commandment. It is also our greatest testimony; we will be known by our love, above all other things. And it is our greatest motivation; if we love Jesus, we will keep His commandments—showing His love with others.1 John 3 explains the legacy of love, which is first a good conscience.“My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him. For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things” (1 John 3:18-20).God gave man a conscience as a gift; its purpose is to concentrate our actions and make moral judgments. It is our assurance that we have full transparency toward everyone. If we have love in our hearts, our consciences are clear.The legacy of love is also a great confidence.“Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight” (1 John 3:21-22).When our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence that our prayers will be answered.Adrian Rogers says, “Answered prayer is not for rebels; it is not for those whose hearts are filled with hate.”Third, the legacy of love gives a gracious communion.“And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment. Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us” (1 John 3:23-24).If we do not have love in our hearts, instead harboring bitterness, wrath, and malice, the Holy Spirit cannot commune with us. But when we have a good conscience and great confidence, the Holy Spirit gently confirms that we belong to Jesus.Apply it to your lifeDo you have the legacy of love in your heart? Do you have a good conscience, a great confidence, and a gracious communion?
8/23/202136 minutes, 41 seconds
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Real Salvation

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 3:1-9These days, we have many churches full of empty people who have never really been saved. Adrian Rogers says, “They have culture, but they don't have Calvary, they have ritual, but they don't have reality. They have form, but they don't have force; and they have religion, but they don't have righteousness.”What we need is real salvation, which is outlined in 1 John 3.First, we see the rebellion that proves our sinfulness: “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness” (1 John 3:4).To maintain its order, the universe works according to the fixed physical and moral laws of its Creator. Sin is the transgression of the law. Because we are sinners by nature, we are naturally inclined to rebel against God’s laws; and when we break God's laws, we break His heart.This passage also reveals the righteousness that proclaims our sonship.“Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him. Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous” (1 John 3:6-7). We are saved when we bow the knee to Jesus Christ and make Him Lord of our lives. When we are saved, we become sons and daughters of God. Though we are new creations, we are still bound to sin, to slip and fall, to make mistakes. But if we are Christians, we will not make sin a lifestyle; instead, we will live by God’s commandments.Finally, we recognize the redemption that provides our salvation.“And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin. Whoever abides in Him does not sin” (1 John 3:5). Because of Jesus Christ, we have been delivered from the penalty of sin, the power of Satan and the principle of self. As new creations in Christ, we have a new dynamic -- we’re born again.Adrian Rogers says, “The Word of God and the Spirit of God together, in the womb of grace, have made me a new person.” We also have a new desire to remain holy and righteous, for we are now under the conviction of the Holy Spirit when we sin.Apply it to your lifeHave you experienced real salvation through Jesus Christ? Is there evidence in your life that you have been redeemed—a new dynamic, a new desire to remain holy, and a new deterrent from sin?
8/19/202136 minutes, 46 seconds
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When We All Get to Heaven

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 3:1-3Adrian Rogers says, “A rich man is poor without Jesus, a strong man is weak without Jesus, and an educated man is ignorant until he comes to know the Lord Jesus Christ.”Without Jesus, man is ignorant of his past and afraid of his future; he lives somewhere in between mystery and misery. But when we know the Lord Jesus Christ, we experience the sweetest fellowship on Earth and can anticipate joy beyond comprehension when we all get to Heaven.1 John 3:1 says: “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!”First, this passage identifies what we are; it describes our Christian dignity.We are children of God; He loves us as He loves Jesus, and nothing we do can make Him love us any less. Because of this love, we have our Father’s care; we can rest assured that we are provided for. We have His correction as well; He will lovingly chastise us that we may be sanctified and holy in His sight. We have our Father’s compassion; His heart is broken when ours is broken. We have his companionship, and we will never be alone ever again.This passage also reveals what we will be, it outlines our Christian destiny.“Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2). Christ is going to appear; He is coming back to this Earth, and we will see Him as He is, in all of His glory. And this verse confirms that we are going to be like Him.Finally, this passage confirms what we should be; it challenges us to our Christian duty: “And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure” (1 John 3:3). The biblical definition of “hope” is absolute certainty mingled with anticipation. We should live with the hope of His return, looking and longing for His coming. And we should be living for His coming, striving for purity and holiness as we wait with expectancy.Apply it to your lifeAre you living in anticipation of the fellowship we’ll have when we all get to Heaven? Remember your dignity, your destiny, and your duty today.
8/17/202140 minutes, 24 seconds
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Living in the Last Days

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 2:18-19As children of God, we cannot afford to be ignorant of the dynamic days in which we’re living.The sands of time are running low for this generation, and history as we know it is headed for a climax. 1 John 2 gives clear instruction for those living in the last days.First, we need to be awake. 1 John 2:18 says, “Little children, it is the last hour…”We’re not just moving toward the last days, we’re living on the edge of them. We are not waiting for any sign, no event must take place—the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is imminent.Adrian Rogers says, “All of the Bible teaches that we’re on the very edge, on the very brink, and therefore we should be yearning and not yawning.”Second, the antichrist is coming and we need to be aware: “...and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour” (1 John 2:18).The time is ripe for the appearance of a person the Bible calls the antichrist. He’s the beast of a man lurking in the shadows of history, ready to step from the wings to center stage. The antichrist is devilish and divisive; he is the diabolical substitute who opposes God and exalts himself. He is deceptive and, as a result, he is destructive. Being a master liar, he constantly attacks our understanding of who Jesus is.Finally, this passage reminds us of our triumph: our Lord is on His way and we need to be abiding.“Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in the Son and in the Father. And this is the promise that He has promised us—eternal life.” (1 John 2:24-25)If we are not anchored in Scripture, we will be blown away. And if we have the Holy Spirit in our hearts, the Lord Jesus Christ will be revealed in our lives.Apply it to your lifeBecause we are living in the last days, we must:Be awake: the antichrist is coming.Be aware: our Lord is on His way.Be abiding: abide in the Word, the Spirit, and the Son of God.
8/13/202137 minutes, 38 seconds
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Your Friendly Enemy

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 2:15-17When we become Christians, the Lord fills our hearts with love; however, there are some things the Bible says we cannot afford to love.1 John 2:15 says, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”This passage is not referring to the planet or the people who inhabit it. The “world” in this context means, “a system or an order of things.” There is an ungodly system set against our Lord; although it may cozy up to us, the world is a friendly enemy. We must see its true character; this world has a prince, the devil, who is the mastermind behind this world system.This world shares his philosophy, which consists of skillfully woven ideals and values that seem beautiful but are dangerous.The purpose of the world system is to draw us away from God. Jesus is the ultimate exposure of sin and evil, so the world and its people will try to sway us out of our fellowship with Him.But rather than conforming to the world, we must recognize its corruption.“For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world” (1 John 2:16). The lust of the flesh deals with our passions; it is Satan’s appeal to our old nature. The lust of the eyes deals with our possessions. This temptation is a desire to want more than we need and to be dissatisfied with what we have.The pride of life deals with position; the world tricks us into seeking recognition and making a name for ourselves.The above temptations lose their appeal when we see the condemnation of the world. “And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:17). Those who live for Jesus in this world know what life is truly about.Adrian Rogers says, “I’d be a Christian if there were no Heaven or Hell, just to know the Lord Jesus Christ in this life.”Apply it to your lifeAre you friends with this world, or are you loyal to Jesus Christ? See your friendly enemy for what it is; recognize its corruption and remember its condemnation.
8/11/202134 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Be a Growing Christian

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 2:12-14A growing Christian is a maturing Christian because spiritual maturity is becoming more like Jesus. Some Christians are saved but aren’t growing. We will never know true victory and joy unless we learn how to be growing Christians.In 1 John 2, the Apostle John compares spiritual maturity to three stages in our physical lives.“I write unto you, little children, because you have known the Father. I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known Him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the Word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one” (1 John 2:14).New Christians experience the thrilling wonders of spiritual childhood. They are “all tomorrows; no yesterdays.” However, children live in the realm of their feelings. They can be selfish and self-centered; uncooperative. We are only young once; but if we aren’t careful, we can be spiritually immature for a long time.If we grow, we’ll experience the triumphant warfare of manhood. Abiding in the Word of God strengthens us for warfare. Obeying God and serving others transforms us into workers and warriors, equipped to combat the enemy.Next comes the tested wisdom of fatherhood.Adrian Rogers says, “When we spend time with someone, we become like that someone.”Because we view God as our Father, the goal of spiritual maturity is to become spiritual fathers (and mothers). Mature Christians reproduce through soul-winning and discipleship.What are the means of maturity?-There must be the miracle of life; we must be saved.-It takes time. There is no instant maturity; we experience growth through time spent with Jesus Christ.-Growth requires nourishment; we have to feed on the Word of God.-Growth demands discipline and exercise through serving God and others.Remember: we don’t substitute fatherhood for young manhood, nor young manhood for childhood. In a father, there ought to be the vision and zeal of a young man. In a young man, there ought to be the wonder of childhood. All three stages are legitimate; a mature Christian is a composite of them all.Apply it to your lifeIt takes life, time, nourishment, and exercise to grow.
8/9/202129 minutes, 33 seconds
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Birthmarks of a Believer

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 2:3-10When we got saved, God put some indelible marks upon us. 1 John 2:3-10 reveals three traits of those who are born again—birthmarks of the believer.First, a true believer submits to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.“Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him” (1 John 2:3-4). Nobody can be saved without receiving Jesus Christ as Lord. If we say He is Lord, we must keep His commandments. The commands of the Lord are something to guard, to treasure. We don’t do this in order to be saved; we do it because we are saved and we love the Lord.Second, a true believer seeks the lifestyle of Jesus.“But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked” (1 John 2:5-6). The purpose of being saved is to be made like Jesus; as we follow His example, we become like Him. He lived a life of honesty, purity, and righteousness. He didn’t merely abstain from doing what is wrong, He went about doing good.If we want to live like Jesus, we must also fully rely on Him, live with relinquishment as a branch abides in a vine. Adrian Rogers says, “There’s only one person who has ever lived the Christian life, and His name is Jesus. We walk as He walked because we abide in Him.”Finally, a true believer shows the love of Jesus: “He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him” (1 John 2:10). Love is the first and greatest commandment; Jesus doesn’t love us because we’re lovely... He just loves us. One of the birthmarks of believers is that they love others as Jesus has loved them.Apply it to your lifeDo you have the birthmarks of a believer?Adrian Rogers says, “If a person is saved, it’s going to show in his life. You’re not saved by keeping the commandments, by walking as Jesus walked, or by loving your brother. But if you are saved, you will do these things.”
8/6/202132 minutes, 27 seconds
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Things That Hinder Fellowship

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 1:5-2:6If we feel distant from God, it could be because of sin. Adrian Rogers says, “Our sins are the secret faults that cause moral earthquakes.”When we were born again, God dealt with our sins judicially: they were forgiven under the blood of Jesus Christ when we were “saved by grace, through faith” (Ephesians 2:8). Our sonship does not change based on our sins, but our fellowship with God can be strained if we do not deal with our day-to-day sins. 1 John 1-2 addresses the things that hinder our fellowship with God.First, we need to understand how God convicts us of our sin: “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8).No matter if the sin is big or small, our sin is still there; and if we deny it long enough, we might even begin to believe our own lies. If we stay in darkness, there will be no conviction of our sins. But when we expose ourselves to the light once more, the Holy Spirit of God will convict us legitimately, specifically, and redemptively.After we’ve been convicted of our sins, God is faithful to cleanse us of them.1 John 1:9 assures us, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” When we confess our sins, we must do so immediately and specifically: remaining sensitive to sin, calling it by name. But we must also confess our sins confidently, knowing He is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us of every sin-stain.Finally, remember the conquest of sin. 1 John 2:1 says, “My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” Jesus Christ has satisfied the demands of a righteous and holy God. We are encouraged to live holy lives, yet when we sin and fall out of fellowship with God, there is hope that it can be restored.Apply it to your lifeHas God convicted you of any sins in your life? Obey the Holy Spirit, and confess your sins immediately, specifically, and confidently; He is faithful to forgive and cleanse you, so that your fellowship with God can be restored.
8/4/202134 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Sweetest Fellowship This Side of Heaven

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 1:1-41 John 1 speaks of our fellowship as Christians, which comes through the life that we have in Jesus Christ. In order to experience and enjoy the sweetest fellowship this side of Heaven, the Apostle John identifies three things we must know beyond any doubt.First, there is a fact established: “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life…” (1 John 1:1).Many false teachers and deceivers will claim Jesus was not a physical, literal, bodily human who walked the Earth, or that He was not who He said He was. But in 1 John 1:2, John confirms that Jesus is an eternal, physical, spiritual fact: “...the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us…”Jesus was fully God, fully man, and apart from His humanity, we cannot be saved. And as a man, He depended upon the same power that we can depend upon: the Holy Spirit.Second, there is a fellowship experienced: “...that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3).Fellowship means, “to hold things in common”; those of us who have experienced the saving grace of God have much in common. We have become partakers of the divine nature; not only do we have fellowship with God, but we must also have fellowship with one another. We have the same new nature, re-born from the same womb of grace.Finally, there is fullness enjoyed: “And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.” (1 John 1:4).There is no joy like the joy of knowing one another in the Lord Jesus Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “Happiness depends upon what happens, joy depends upon the Lord.” Happiness is at its fullest when it is mingled with joy, and that joy in the Lord is made full by our fellowship with one another.Apply it to your lifeAre you in sweet fellowship with other believers? Consider the fact of Jesus established in the Gospel, the fellowship experienced and the fullness enjoyed when in the presence of other believers.
8/2/202130 minutes, 25 seconds
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When Christ Is All

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Colossians 3:1-5, 11As Christians, we don’t just receive knowledge of Jesus Christ; our life is knowing Jesus Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “You can get to know Jesus better, but you can never know anything better than Jesus. You can go deeper into Jesus, but you can never go beyond Jesus.”Colossians 3:11 says, “...where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all.”There are three things that will happen when Christ is all, when He is everything to us, when He consumes our entire life.First, Jesus captivates our ambitions.Colossians 3:1 says, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.”When Christ is our all, our ambition is to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.But when our ambition is to seek righteousness, we must beware of the world’s reasonings. The world will try to distract us with ritual, religion, and regulations so that we will remain captive to those things. We must remember, these are shadows of the substance we have in Christ; Christ is the priority.Adrian Rogers says, “You’re not going to be any more like Jesus with a list of dos and don’ts. They’re not going to make you one speck like Jesus. It may look good, it may have a show of wisdom and humility; but if you let all of the air out of it, it is will-worship and not God worship.”Second, Jesus dominates our attention.Colossians 3:2 says, “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.”There are many things pulling at our minds, at any given moment. But we are instructed to set our minds on Jesus. As our ambitions come to a burning focus, we’ll find that Jesus takes the center stage of our affections.Finally, when Christ is all, Jesus regulates our actions.Colossians 3:5 says, “Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.” If Christ is our life, we are to live like Him, loving the things He loves and hating what He hates, which is sin.Apply it to your lifeIs Christ your life, your everything, your all? Has Jesus captivated your ambition, dominated your attention, and regulated your action?
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Treasuring Truth

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 23:23In this day, it is not values that we desperately need, but virtue. We must be able to differentiate truth and fact: we acquire facts, but learn truth. Facts deal with knowledge, and knowledge can double, but truth never changes and is settled for eternity. We must make a habit of treasuring truth.Proverbs 23:23 says, “Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding.”We must prize the truth, for it is indispensable, absolute, and attainable through the Word of God. It is not enough just to know it; knowledge without transformation avails nothing. We must see the transforming power behind it, through the Holy Spirit.We must also purchase the truth. Adrian Rogers says, “Salvation is free, but truth is costly; you pay a price to have truth.”John 8:31-32 says, “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, 'If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.'”Believing in Jesus is the first step in attaining truth; we must also abide in His Word through discipleship. Discipleship is costly—it costs time, discipline, and obedience; but ignorance is far more costly. We must study the Bible for enlightenment. If we know in knowledge but not in grace, we will be dangerous to ourselves and to others.Adrian Rogers says, “Truth is to your spirit what good is to your body, what light is to your eyes, what melody is to your ears.”We also study Scripture for our enjoyment; reading the Bible should not be perceived as a punishment but as a privilege. We read for our personal enrichment, to sharpen our minds and strengthen our wills. We read Scripture for our enablement, to grow in our faith and fellowship with others.Finally, we must preserve the truth; guarding it against those who will deny, distort, dilute and defile the Bible.We do this by proclaiming the Gospel truth: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).Apply it to your lifeDo you treasure truth—prize, purchase, preserve, and proclaim it? Do you read Scripture for your enlightenment, enjoyment, enrichment, and enablement?
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The Problem of Unworthy Authorities

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 2-3One of the chief weapons that God has given us is the principle of submission; it is the thing that closes the mouths of those who oppose us and allows us to exercise our kingdom authority.However, what if we experience the problem of unworthy authorities? 1 Peter 2-3 reveals how to submit to godless authority figures.Submission is simply getting under the authority that God has established, not for that authority’s sake, but for God’s sake. Being submissive does not demean us, it exalts us; it makes us like Jesus Christ.This passage recognizes three places in which our submission is needed: the government, the job, and the home.“Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake...” (1 Peter 2:13).We are called to demonstrate a spirit of submission in our social lives, in our churches, and in our politics, for 1 Peter 2:17 confirms, “Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.”We are also instructed to submit in the workforce. Anyone can gripe and rebel against a bad boss, but Christians are held to a higher standard.Adrian Rogers says, “There is no better place for you to demonstrate the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ if you have an unfair or an ungodly boss.”Third, we’re to submit in the home: “Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands…” (1 Peter 3:1). Women are not inferior to men; however, when a wife voluntarily places herself under her husband, who is her equal, God is glorified.But we must understand that submission doesn’t always mean obedience. All human authority is limited because our ultimate loyalty belongs to God. If there comes a time when someone commands us to do something antithetical to the Word of God, we must obey God rather than men.Adrian Roger says, “Submission does not embolden tyranny, it destroys it. It was the spirit of these early Christians that brought the Roman Empire crashing down. They turned that world upside down because they learned the strength of submission.”Apply it to your lifeDo you have the spirit of submission? Remember: We will never be over those things that God has put under us, until we get under those things that God has put over us. Submit to the Lordship of Christ, the Word of God, and the institutions that God has put in place.
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How to Cultivate a Marriage

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 5:23Adrian Rogers says, “We can never be over those things that God wants to be under us until we get under those things that God has put over us.”In order to learn how to cultivate a marriage and a healthy home, we must first understand godly authority.Ephesians 5:23 says, “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the Savior of the body.”This does not mean wives are inferior to their husbands; in Christ, we’re equal. But God created us to meet different needs and to fulfill different roles within the home.When the Bible speaks of the husband being the head of the home, it is not speaking of his rights; it is speaking of his responsibilities.There are three major responsibilities that deal with the husband, the first being his servant leadership.Ephesians 5 does not call the husband a dictator. Rather, we are given the example of Jesus Christ, who is head of the Church, yet serves her and meets her needs. We are to meet the needs of our wives, who submit to our servant leadership.Husbands are also responsible for sacrificial love, which is first passionate. It is a commitment that comes from the deepest part of our being. It is also a purifying love, as Ephesians 5:26-27 says: “That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word... not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.”Husbands are to express their love through their protection. If the enemy wants to attack our homes, he has to go through the husband. Husbands are also responsible for offering loving provision, to meet our family’s physical, spiritual and emotional needs.Finally, husbands are responsible for showing steadfast loyalty. Jesus promised to never leave nor forsake His church. (See Hebrews 13:5.) Likewise, we are responsible for keeping the vows we made when we entered our marriage covenant. If we think of marriage as a contract, we will look for loopholes and miss the blessing that it truly is; if marriage is viewed as a covenant, we will cultivate something beautiful.Apply it to your lifeAre you cultivating a marriage based on servant leadership, sacrificial love, and steadfast loyalty?
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How to Behave in a Cave

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Samuel 24:1-7King David was a remarkable man after God’s own heart. David was a man that lived by principle, not by appearance. He was a warrior who knew many victories, but perhaps his greatest victory was the one over his own spirit when he became subject to kingdom authority.In 1 Samuel 24, David is hiding in a cave after King Saul has put a bounty on his head. King Saul comes into the cave, unaware that David and his men are hiding just out of sight.David has the opportunity to kill Saul, the man actively trying to kill him. But he does not; instead, he shows us how to behave in a cave when no one else is watching. He refuses to take vengeance and acts as according to Scripture: “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).As David did, we should recognize authority. David knew that he had no right to take Saul’s life because Saul was David’s king—bad king, sure, but he was God’s chosen and anointed king.There is no king, no power, no ruler that has not been ordained of God. Therefore, to rebel against authority is to rebel against God. We must make a practice of submitting to leadership. We should also respect authority.If the authority in question commands us to do something that is contrary to the Word of God, we should obey God rather than men. But we must be sure that even when we disobey our appointed leader, we have a warrant from Scripture. And even still, we act in a manner that respects the leader’s authority.Finally, we should rest in kingdom authority. God took care of Saul, and God will take care of our enemies as we learn to rest in the Lord.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “Is there anybody or anything that you have a rebellious spirit about? Let me ask you this question: Have you submitted to the King of kings? That’s where it all begins — by giving your heart to Jesus Christ. And when you get under the authority of Jesus Christ, under the authority of the Word of God, under the authority of those that God has put over you, you’re going to find yourself living, praying, speaking, and acting with incredible authority.”
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The Authority of the Holy Spirit

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 5:1-5,17Any Christian who has not discovered the tremendous power of kingdom authority is living beneath his privileges.However, Adrian Rogers says, “God will never place you over those things that He means to put under you, until you get under those things that He has put over you.”Many of us fail to think of the Holy Spirit as a person with authority, yet the Holy Spirit has authority to rule and reign in our lives. In fact, kingdom authority is mediated by the Holy Spirit.Romans 5 reveals why we should be under the authority of the Holy Spirit.“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God” (Romans 5:1-2).Adam was the first man created by God, and was given dominion over the Earth. But Adam sinned, he forfeited his dominion to sin. And because we are his offspring, we are identified with Adam in this slavery to Satan. Through Adam, we received weakness rather than power and gained ungodliness rather than godliness. We also received wrath rather than approval, warfare instead of peace. We inherited our sinfulness from Adam: not only when we do as we shouldn’t, but also in failing to do as we should.But Romans 5 also reveals what we receive through Jesus when we join the kingdom of light:“Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Romans 5:5). “For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.” (Romans 5:17).When we submit to the authority of the Holy Spirit, we receive justification of our sins and reconciliation with the Father. Through the Holy Spirit, we have the fellowship with God that was severed when Adam sinned. We’ve also been regenerated and made righteous to reign through the power of the Holy Spirit.Apply it to your lifeEach one of us is either with Adam in the kingdom of death, or we are with Christ reigning in the kingdom of life. Choose Jesus today; choose kingdom authority through the Holy Spirit.
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The Word of God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 1:23-25There is an ongoing war over the Bible. There are those who despise it, but some of the greatest enemies of the Bible are those who disregard that it is the very Word of God.If we want the kingdom authority that God has promised His children, we must be under the authority of the Word of God.We must see it as incontestable: there is no contest, controversy, or denial that the Bible is the Word of God. The Bible is absolutely perfect, for the God of truth cannot speak in error.1 Peter 1:23 claims: “...having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever…”Second, we must see the Bible as the incorruptible Word of God; there is no blemish or spot in it. Though many have come against it with their own personal agendas and opinions, the Bible outstands them all.Third, we see that it is indestructible: “...because “All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls away, but the word of the Lord endures forever...” (1 Peter 1:24-25).Finally, the Word of God is indispensable: “Now this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you” (1 Peter 1:25).The Gospel is the message of the church, and we get the Gospel from Scripture. We don’t need a new or modern Gospel for the new and modern age; it stands the test of time. The Bible also prescribes the church’s method, which is (and always will be) preaching.Adrian Rogers says, “No church will ever grow and prosper and be a New Testament church until the pulpit is central and the Gospel is central in the pulpit.”In order to join a church body, one must be born again into the family of God. Only the Gospel can grow this family, and therefore, grow the Church.Apply it to your lifeDo you see the Bible as the incontestable, incorruptible, indestructible, indispensable Word of God?Adrian Rogers says, “We can never have Kingdom Authority, speak or preach with authority, witness with authority, live with authority until we get under the authority of the Word of God.”
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Lordship of Christ

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 14:7-12God wants us to live with kingdom authority; but there can be no reigning in this life until we confess these three words: Jesus is Lord.Lord means “someone or something having power, authority, or influence.” When we claim to commit to Jesus Christ, we must surrender to His lordship, as Paul explains in Romans, “For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself” (Romans 14:7)First, remember the redeeming claim of His lordship: “For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s” (Romans 14:8).When Jesus died for us, He purchased our souls with His redeeming blood; we are no longer our own, we belong to Him.Adrian Rogers says, “When you gave your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, that was the last independent decision you ever made.”Second, we see the resurrection conquest of His lordship: “For to this end Christ died and rose and lived again, that He might be Lord of both the dead and the living” (Romans 14:9). There can be no other king in our lives; no man can serve two masters. (See Matthew 6:24.) Christ requires our submission and absolute ownership of all we possess with unquestioned obedience.We shouldn’t be afraid to trust our lives to the One who loved us enough to die for us.Finally, there must be a regal confession of His lordship: “...As I live, says the Lord, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God” (Romans 14:11). We will confess Christ as Lord, whether in this world or the next.Confessing Christ as Lord seals our salvation and conquers Satan; it also comforts and confirms the saints. The more we assert it to others, the stronger our faith becomes.As we confess Christ’s lordship, the things of this world fall away. Our separation from this world convicts those who see the difference in our lives and want to understand the source of our joy.And when we claim Christ as Lord, our decisions seem to make themselves, as He guides us in all things.Apply it to your lifeHave you surrendered to the lordship of Christ? Is He Lord of all that you have and do, Lord of your thoughts, your tongue, your temper, time, and testimony?
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The Warfare of Prayer

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 10:17-19When we were born again, we became spiritual freedom fighters in God’s invasion army. We cannot be neutral in this spiritual battle: we are in a fight to the finish. We must learn how to come against the enemy and use our kingdom authority in the warfare of prayer.First, let us remember our kingdom authority has been sovereignly established by God. He delivered us from the bondage of spiritual death. Without Christ, we are spiritually dead; but when Jesus came, He gave us life through His sacrificial death.We’ve also been delivered from our staggering debt; in His death, Jesus paid the debt of our sins in full.Jesus also delivered us from the bondage of satanic dominion. Colossians 2:15 says, “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.”Through His resurrection power, Jesus stripped, shamed, and subdued the enemy. Adrian Rogers says, “We don’t pray for victory, we have the victory; we stand in victory.”Secondly, kingdom authority must be strongly enforced if we want to do what our King wants us to do. While we were slaves to Satan, in bondage to his dark kingdom, Jesus came to set us free. Even though Satan’s defeat is absolute, it must be appropriated. He will not roll over in defeat; he will fight to keep us bankrupt, brokenhearted, and bound to our sin. We must come against him in the power of the Holy Spirit.Finally, kingdom authority must be strategically exercised through the children of God who bear clean hearts. Those who act according to the Spirit must also come from the right position: seated with Jesus in the heavenlies.Adrian Rogers says, “Without Jesus, you are in Satan’s dark kingdom, and Calvary is your defeat. But when you come into the kingdom of God, it is now your victory.”Apply it to your lifeAre you longing to pray with kingdom authority? Understand the necessity of your clean heart and begin praying from your victory in Heaven. Remember this wisdom from Adrian Rogers: “Stop praying from earth to Heaven, and start praying from Heaven to earth.”
7/9/202135 minutes, 2 seconds
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Strength Through Authority

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 7:1-10The Lord did not create us to live crushed and defeated lives, but to reign and live victoriously. The centurion’s faith in Luke 7 is an example of strength through kingdom authority.“When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!” And those who were sent, returning to the house, found the servant well who had been sick” (Luke 7:9-10).In this passage, we first see the source of kingdom authority: it comes from a higher power. Adrian Rogers says, “Authority comes from above; therefore, any authority that you may hold is no better or stronger than the one who is over you.”The reason God’s children have authority is that God is over them. It is the doctrine of identification. When He died, He died for us, so we died with Him and when He rose, we rose with Him, bearing resurrection life. When Jesus ascended, we ascended with Him; therefore, Jesus’ victory is our victory.Second, we see the secret of kingdom authority: God does not give it to rebels. Adrian Rogers says, “You cannot be over until you are under; if you do not know the restraint of the Spirit, you will never know the release of the Spirit. If you cannot operate the spiritual brakes, God’ll never show you the spiritual accelerator.”Jesus lives as an example of how we are to subject ourselves to authority. Though He was God, He lived as a man, under the authority of God, the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, His earthly parents, and the government.Third, we see the scope of our authority: we cannot refuse, confuse or abuse it. In Genesis, Adam was given authority over the forces of nature, but in Christ, we are given spiritual authority over the power of the enemy.Finally, we see the strength of kingdom authority, which comes from surrender. The centurion in Luke 7 was a man who had many people working under him; yet, he humbled himself, surrendering to the authority of Jesus as he pleaded for his servant’s life. True surrender takes incredible strength.Apply it to your lifeDo you understand the source, secret, and scope of your kingdom authority? Have you surrendered to the Holy Spirit and been strengthened by His power?
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Kingdom Authority

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 1:15-2:6As Christians, most of us can accept that Jesus Christ is King and He has authority. However, some of us fail to grasp that He has given that kingdom authority to His servants.Ephesians 1:22-23 says, “And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”We’re in a spiritual battle, up against the organized, mobilized, and demonized powers of Hell. Therefore, we must understand what kingdom authority is in order to utilize it.First, kingdom authority over all God's creation was gloriously given to Adam. God made us to have dominion; it is the very reason we were created.Second, that kingdom authority was legally lost by Adam. When tempted by the devil, Adam and Eve failed to use the kingdom authority that God had given to them, and therefore, they became slaves of Satan.Third, kingdom authority has been righteously regained by Jesus Christ. Adrian Rogers says, “God owes Satan nothing, but God owes everything to His own justice and His own holiness; Jesus Christ came to this Earth as the second Adam, to gain back what the first Adam lost.”Kingdom authority was lost by a man, and it was legally regained by a man: “For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:21-22).Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus died that we might have spiritual authority, not to do what we want, but authority to do what He wishes.”Until you are under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Word, and the things God has set over you, you will never live with authority.The devil hopes that you will not understand the incredible power we’ve been given; that he can keep you in the dark. If we ever utilize kingdom authority, all of Heaven will break loose.Apply it to your lifeIf you are struggling to claim your kingdom authority, remember: the same weapons that belonged to Adam in the Garden of Eden were the weapons that Jesus Christ used in the wilderness. Spend some time in Scripture, saturating your life in the Word and in the Spirit of God, that you may understand your kingdom authority.
7/5/202135 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Demands of Christian Citizenship

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 2:11-17A Christian is a citizen of this world and the world above; 1 Peter 2:11-17 lists some of the demands of Christian citizenship.First, we see the character of a Christian citizen: “Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation” (1 Peter 2:11-12).We must first be absolutely and totally clean; we renounce and abstain from everything that is wrong and embrace everything that is right. We must live such godly lives that even those that hate us will have to admit that there is a difference.The liberty we have as a nation is in direct proportion to our character; if we lose our character, we lose our liberty.Secondly, we must remember the importance of our compliance.“Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good” (1 Peter 2:13-14).God-fearing Americans are also law-abiding Americans: We submit ourselves to the laws we like and to the laws we don’t like. However, we must remember there is a higher power, and if the laws of man contradict God, we must obey God rather than man. Even so, we should not strive to be renegades or lawbreakers; we strive to be the best and most productive citizens in this nation.Finally, this passage speaks of our conduct as Christian citizens.“For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men—as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God. Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king” (1 Peter 2:15-17).Adrian Rogers says, “Every person is intrinsically precious. If there is in you racial prejudice or pride, or if there are people that you do not see as precious, you do not understand the demands of Christian citizenship.”Apply it to your lifeDo you meet the demands of Christian citizenship? Prayerfully consider your character, your compliance, and your conduct.
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Investing for Life

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Genesis 37Life is not lived in length, it is lived in depth. There are many people who are existing, but they are not living; we should desire that our lives count for the Lord. Perhaps the most Christ-like character in the Old Testament was Joseph. His story in Genesis 37 gives us insight into investing in a worthwhile life.First, we must learn to dream; we should find God’s will for our lives and lean in. Adrian Rogers says, “God doesn’t promise to fulfill our fantasies, but God does want to give us a divine aspiration, divine inspiration, divine inclination, to be what we ought to be.” If we want to know the difference between our selfish inclinations and our God-given ambitions, we should ponder them in our hearts in divine, wise scrutiny.Second, we must remember our distinctiveness. Joseph was different, distinct, because of his nobility. His brothers hated him because he would not conform. The world wants to squeeze us into its mold. But Romans 12:2 reminds us, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”When we refuse to conform, the world resents our nobility in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why, thirdly, we must learn to turn problems into possibilities. Adrian Rogers says, “God doesn’t want you to have an easy life; God wants you to have an exciting life. God put Joseph through all of these troubles because He was training him.”Joseph was sold as a slave by his brothers, then later falsely accused and thrown in prison. But he used his hardships as a reason to practice the presence of God, as we should learn to do.When the Bible says that, “God was with him,” it means that God was for him, working on his behalf. God was with him, not only in times of mundane servitude but in his persecution, his temptation, his slander, and his suffering. How humbling it is to know God is with us, too!Apply it to your lifeWould you like to invest in your life -- living in depth? Learn to dream, remember your distinctiveness, turn your problems into possibilities and practice the presence of God. Remember, as Adrian Rogers says, “The highest place is just in the center of God’s will, wherever it is.”
6/29/202139 minutes, 54 seconds
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Bright Lights in a Dark World

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:13-16In the 1st Century, Christians were accused of subversion, of being an economic threat, and of condemning others. Their accounts are a clear warning of the days ahead for Christians of the 21st Century. In 1 Peter, we are instructed to be real, to be ready, and to be bright lights in a dark world.1 Peter 3:13-14 says, “And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed…”There are six things we need to remember if we want to shine in these dark days.First, we must enthrone Christ as Lord: “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts…” (1 Peter 3:15). Often we hear people say they’ve accepted Jesus as their Savior, but we cannot have what He gives unless we accept Him as Lord. Adrian Rogers says, “You’re not saved by the plan of salvation; you’re saved by the man of salvation and His name is Jesus.”Second, we must be ready with an answer: “...always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you...” (1 Peter 3:15). If we have truly been saved, there will be something about us that is unexplainable; we must be ready to give a defense for our faith.Third, we must practice genuine humility: “...with meekness and fear…” (1 Peter 3:15). Meekness is not weakness, it is strength under control. In this context, fear is not trembling at what is happening around us; it speaks of holy reverence for Almighty God.We must also live a superior lifestyle: “...having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed” (1 Peter 3:16). We are called to be wise in our conduct and speech. We must also display genuine love. Our logic and our lifestyle have to go together—a full mind wedded with a loving heart.Finally, we must always hold onto hope; Jesus has met the deepest needs of our hearts, therefore we have hope.Apply it to your lifeThese are the greatest days of evangelism in the history of the Christian church. In light of the current climate of this world, we should go out with banners unfurled and be bright lights in a dark world.
6/27/202129 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 17:17Adrian Rogers says, “The greatest joy of your life or the greatest disappointment of your life is going to be your friend.” Our deepest longings, whether we’re young or old, are for enduring friendships. We all want to commune with someone who truly understands our deepest needs, our highest aspirations, and our worst fears.A true friend is a great treasure, as Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”We are all instructed to have casual friendships with those who are not saved, but we should not be so intimate with them that we regress in our faith.This is especially true for our children; teenagers are more affected by friends than almost anything else. The wrong kind of friend is the greatest danger that a teenager can possibly have because we ultimately become like our friends. Every teenager starts out as a simple teenager, having knowledge but lacking spiritual wisdom and understanding. Teenagers are easily led into error, ready to believe anything.If a child remains naive, he becomes a scorner, he defies instruction and despises the good and godly. Because of this, he is destined for destruction. The scorner is very hard to reach, but there is still hope for him. If the scorner is not reclaimed, he becomes a fool; the scorner is insolent, but the fool is immovable. The fool rejects wisdom, ridicules righteousness, and rejoices in iniquity. His moral sense has been so perverted, he thinks good is evil and evil is good.We cannot allow our impressionable teenagers to hang around with scorners and fools; we must be firm with who we allow them to be friends with. As parents, we must help them to understand the dangers that are involved, carefully guard their company, and teach the importance of their choices.Adrian Rogers reminds us, “You’re free to choose, but you’re not free to choose the consequences of your choice. After you choose, then your choice chooses for you.”Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers reveals six things to keep in mind when raising teenagers:-Have a positive attitude-Learn to listen to them-Try to see life from their point of view-Be gentle with them-Learn to touch, hug and show non-verbal expression-Be available to your kids
6/25/202143 minutes, 29 seconds
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Three Strikes and You're Out

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Mark 10:17-27There’s a real problem we may have today of trying to live outwardly good lives without ever finding a new life in Christ. Mark 10 tells the sad story of the rich young ruler who, when given the opportunity to follow Jesus, turned away. This story offers four insights to help avoid striking out at the opportunity to follow Christ.First, proud men at their best are sinners at their worst.This man in Mark 10 was quite proud of his achievements; he was eager, full of strength and the vigor of youth. Outwardly, he was morally clean; he knew the commandments and had kept them in his youth. But Jesus taught him something he didn’t expect: the young ruler, in himself, was not good, and also Jesus Himself is God.Second, God’s perfect law condemns man’s sinful pride.God is a holy God with holy laws; the purpose of the law is to show us our need for Christ. God’s grace means nothing to us until we first see ourselves as sinners in the sight of a holy God. Adrian Rogers says, “When a man has been wounded by God’s law, then he’s ready for the healing balm of salvation.”When Jesus asks the rich young ruler to sell everything he has, give it to the poor, and follow Him, the reality of the man’s depravity was exposed. He was unwilling to do this because he loved his money more than he loved God and his neighbor. Jesus showed him the futility of trying to behave himself into Heaven; all he had was a superficial knowledge of his own goodness.Third, Jesus teaches no man can serve two masters, but he must serve one.In order to follow Jesus, we must turn from our idols to serve the living God. This turning is called repentance, which means to change your mind and change your life.Finally, Jesus teaches him that whatever master a man chooses will master that man.Adrian Rogers says, “Faith is not merely nodding a head to a series of theological facts about Jesus; it is enthroning Jesus.”Apply it to your lifeEvery man has three opportunities to go to Heaven:-Pass away before the age of accountability (infants)-Keep the commandments perfectly -- never sin (impossible)-Come and follow Jesus.If you fail to do this, that’s three strikes, and you’re out.
6/21/202139 minutes, 14 seconds
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How to Be the Father of a Wise Child

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 1:20-22These days, our nation is in troubled waters, and the problem is rooted in fathers who fail to accept their responsibility. The Book of Proverbs reveals how to be the father of a wise child.Proverbs 1:22 says, “How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge.”When our children are young, they are simple, ignorant, and careless, which is to be expected. However, some children are never taught to grow in wisdom and remain simple in their adulthood. They may have knowledge, but they lack spiritual wisdom and understanding. They are easily led into error, ready to believe anything.If a child remains naive and has not been led by his father, he becomes a scorner. He defies instruction and despises the good and godly. Because of this, he is destined for destruction.The scorner’s very hard to reach, but there is still hope for him. If the scorner is not reclaimed, he becomes a fool; the scorner is insolent, but the fool is immovable. The fool rejects wisdom, ridicules righteousness, and rejoices in iniquity. His moral sense has been so perverted, he thinks good is evil and evil is good.As parents, there are four things we must keep in mind in order to raise wise children.First, we need to expound truth to our children; saturate them in the Proverbs, emblazon the Ten Commandments into their consciousness, teach them the Beatitudes, that they might learn these simple, basic truths.Second, expose sin: children need to see the repercussions of sin to understand their weight. We must pull away the veil and show them the ugly truth of sin and its consequences.We must also expel scorners, as Proverbs 13:20 instructs, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.” We cannot let our young, impressionable children hang around scorners and fools; we must be firm with who we allow them to be friends with.Finally, we must express love; be gentle fathers, transparent and available.Adrian Rogers says, “Words can hurt your children more than an open hand and a slap in the face. Love your children and delight in them.”Apply it to your lifeAre you raising your children to be wise or foolish? Remember your instructions from Proverbs: expound truth, expose sin, expel scorners, and express love.
6/15/202135 minutes, 16 seconds
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Raising Kids That Count

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 1:7-9Psalm 112:2 says, “His descendants will be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed.”As parents, our chief desire for our children should be that they love God and honor Him with their lives. The Book of Proverbs is full of wisdom for those who want to raise kids that count in the cause of Christ.We must first give them an example: “My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother.” (Proverbs 1:8). Our children will learn more from our lifestyle than they will learn from our words. Good character is not so much taught as it is caught; it must be demonstrated through us.Second, we should give our children unconditional love, regardless of their misbehavior. This doesn’t mean we give them everything they want. True love is not giving someone what they want; rather, love gives them what they need.We must give our children constant encouragement. There’s a difference between praise and encouragement. Praise focuses on the accomplishments of the child, while encouragement focuses on the actual child. Our children need to know they are not a sum of their achievements, and that we love them for who they are.We must also give them wise instruction. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” When we teach our children Scripture, it should be joined with training, so they can learn how to apply it for themselves when they are grown.We should also give them reasonable restrictions. Adrian Rogers says, “Limitations don’t bind children; really they set them free.” When we establish restrictions, our children will naturally push against them. If the restrictions give, our children will lack confidence in themselves. This is the reason so many children are conquered by the things of this world.We must also give them a listening ear. We must be ready when they’re ready to talk and make time for it.Finally, give them a happy environment; our homes should be full of laughter, fun, joy, and silliness.Adrian Rogers says, “A vegetable plate is better than a steak dinner if you have love, joy, and happiness.”Apply it to your lifeIf you want to raise kids that count for the cause of Christ, remember to be firm, fair, and fun.
6/11/202133 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Raise Godly Children

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Samuel 1It's well been said that the head of the home is the husband, but the heart of the home is the mother. Perhaps the most powerful and influential class of people in the world today are mothers.1 Samuel 1 tells the story of Hannah, a barren woman who wanted more than anything else to have a son. After much prayer, God gave Hannah a son named Samuel, who was considered one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament.Hannah’s story offers five powerful principles for raising godly children.The first is the Principle of Proper Priority: “And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish” (1 Samuel 1:10). Hannah had a God-given instinct to be a mother. She recognized that there is no greater earthly blessing than children.The second principle is the Power of Prayer. Adrian Rogers says, “The time to begin to raise godly children is before they're born, and even before they're conceived.”Hannah is one of several women in the Bible who were considered barren and were later given children by God; other examples are Sarah, Rachel, Ruth, and Elizabeth. Their children went on to bless the world and glorify God. Understanding this, we should begin praying for our children before they are ever conceived.The third principle of raising godly children is the Principle of Purpose: Hannah’s reason for wanting a child was to dedicate him back to God. She wanted to glorify God through her child. Our prayers for our children should not regard their wealth or power, but how they will glorify God.The fourth is the Principle of Persistence: “Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked of Him” (1 Samuel 1:17). Hannah was a woman of prayer, but not just prayer easily uttered and soon forgotten. She continued to pray before and after this child was born. By her example, we learn to never waver in our prayers, no matter how dark the circumstances.Finally, there’s the Principle of Persuasion. A mother makes the deepest impression on a child; her chief weapon in her arsenal is the influence she has over her children.Apply it to your lifeAre you raising your children for the glory of God? Remember, those who will take that priority, make that prayer, own that purpose, commit to that persistence and persuasion, by the grace of God, will raise godly children.
6/9/202133 minutes, 20 seconds
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How to Make a Home Beautiful

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Titus 2:3-5God is in favor of beautiful homes; yet these days, our families face many enemies that threaten to drain us of our splendor. The key to a beautiful home is the wife and mother.Titus 2 shows us what it means to be a godly mother and how to make a home beautiful.“…the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things…” (Titus 2:3).This passage first addresses the legacy the godly woman is to leave. She teaches younger women how to be homemakers and how to instill values in their own families by example. She has the perfume of God in her life, marked by holiness, godly in her speech. She is not to be a false accuser, scandalmonger, or slanderer, nor does she indulge in addictive behaviors.Secondly, this passage tells of the love the godly woman is to learn.“...that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children…” (Titus 2:4). Some look at children as burdens rather than blessings. Older women are instructed to teach the younger women how to love their families.Adrian Rogers says, “Being a homemaker is not easy, not glamorous, but there is no higher calling. Fathers have influence on their children, but mothers make the greatest impression.”Finally, this passage teaches us the lifestyle the godly woman is to live.“ be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed” (Titus 2:5). Here are some descriptions regarding a godly woman:Discreet: She is sober-minded, sensible, using good judgment in her shopping, bookkeeping, decorating, and physical culture.Chaste: She is pure and sexually moral.Homemakers: A woman’s primary responsibility is to keep the home.Good: She is kind-hearted.Obedient to her husband: Submission is not subjugation; wives are instructed to submit to their husbands’ loving leadership in the home.Adrian Rogers says, “When is a train more free: on the train tracks or running through the meadow? When you get on God’s plan and begin to obey the Word, you’ll find that God will give you incredible liberty.”Apply it to your lifeThese verses have inspired us to make a home beautiful and adorn the doctrine of God. A woman is to learn these three things: The legacy she is to leave, the love she’s to learn and the lifestyle she is to live.
6/7/202133 minutes, 56 seconds
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How to Be the Child of a Happy Mother

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 20:12Adrian Rogers says, “The closest thing to God’s love is the love of a mother.”Exodus 20:12 says, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.”Following God’s command to honor our parents is how we can be children of happy mothers.We first do this by obeying our parents when we are young. Disobedience is a grave sin. It is not a weakness; it is wickedness. Disobedience invites the sure judgment of God. On the contrary, obedience invites the blessings of God. The secret to a long life and prosperity is learning to honor our fathers and mothers. Through obedience, we learn character and self-control; we receive God’s blessing and protection.Second, we should care for our parents when they are old. In our society, people sometimes fail to care for their older parents. We must remember that our parents loved us in spite of our faults; we must love them in spite of their faults.Third, we should honor our parents at all times. We do that first by showing respect, no matter what. We also show honor when we express gratefulness. As children, our gratitude blesses our parents more than we could ever know.Fourth, we honor our parents when we listen to their counsel. Our parents have the advantage of being further down the road of life than us. How wise we would be to listen to the ones who love us and have our best interests in mind.We can live a life that brings honor to them. Children are an extension of their parents; when parents see their children doing something godly and worthy, it gives them joy.Last of all, we must show our parents love, remembering what we owe them. They gave us life. Their blood flows through our veins.And as the Bible says that we’re to honor our parents, think of how much more that applies to our Heavenly Father! When we show respect, express gratitude, give heed to His counsel, and live lives that honor Him, we become children of a happy Father.Apply it to your lifeDo you obey and honor our Heavenly Father, showing respect, gratitude, and love? If your parents are living, show love and respect today. If your parents have passed, give them honor and thank God for their memory.
6/4/202127 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Gift of Encouragement

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 4:34The Book of Acts tells the story of a man called Barnabas, which translates to, “son of encouragement.” Five characteristics of Barnabas’ “gift of encouragement” show us how to be encouragers for others.First, Barnabas saw a need that he could meet, and he met it.In Acts 4:36-37, Barnabas sold his property and gave the profits to the church. He decided to meet the needs of others with the resources God had given him, no matter what it cost him. Encouragers understand that we all have something to give. Encouragers find needy people and enrich them through their money, time, or service.Second, encouragers find lonely people and include them.After the Apostle Paul’s conversion, he was despised by his old colleagues, but feared by his new brothers and sisters in Christ. He was a man who needed a friend. Barnabas found him and became a friend to this very lonely new disciple. A lot of new Christians need somebody to find and befriend them. An encourager finds the lonely and neglected, puts an arm around them, and brings them into the fold.Encouragers will also find a misunderstood person and affirm him.In Acts 11, the Gospel was spreading quickly, and new believers were sprouting up everywhere. There were some concerns that some of them were not sincere. But Barnabas’s encouragement validated and affirmed those who were misunderstood.Encouragers develop disciples.Barnabas found buried gifts in new disciples and helped them develop their talents.Our churches are full of talented people with abilities waiting to be discovered and developed. But it takes a “Barnabas” to find them.Finally, encouragers help failures find second chances.After the disciple Mark ran away from his calling, Barnabas sought him out and gave him another chance. This young disciple went on to write the Gospel of Mark. Thank God for the encouragers in our churches who see second chances in us when no one else does.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Ghost; it was God in Him. Because you see God has cornered the consolation on consolation.”We can all be encouragers like Barnabas. Ask God to fan the Holy Spirit in you to meet needs, befriend lonely people, affirm the misunderstood, develop disciples, and offer second chances.
6/1/202140 minutes, 13 seconds
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Faithful in Ministry

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 4:7When God saved us by His grace, He gave each of us spiritual gifts. However, many of us do not understand how to use them. In order to be faithful in ministry, we must identify and develop our spiritual gifts.Ephesians 4:7 says, “But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.”Spiritual gifts are God-given abilities for service and ministry. We do not choose our spiritual gifts; as our natural talents are embedded in us at birth, our spiritual gifts come at our new birth.There are several spiritual gifts identified in the New Testament, such as wisdom, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, and discerning of spirits. Other gifts include speaking in tongues, acts of service, ministry, exhortation, teaching, giving, ruling, and mercy.Ephesians 4:11-12 says, “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ…”There are five ways we can know our individual spiritual gifts:-Desire: We consider what we enjoy doing—what do we feel we naturally do well?-Discovery: We discover our gift as we endeavor to do it.-Development: Though they come naturally, our gifts must be crafted and studied.-Dependence: Our gifts must operate in the power of the Holy Spirit.-Deployment: We understand how our gifts operate as we work alongside other believers.Finally, our gifts are displayed as we mature in our ministry.Ephesians 4:13 says, “...till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ…”Adrian Rogers says, “You can tell when the gifts are working in a church when the church becomes like the Lord Jesus Christ.”When the gifts are working, we will not be blown about by every wind of doctrine. Instead, we will learn how to speak truth in love and find that all of our gifts work together in flexible harmony.Apply it to your lifeIt’s important to know our spiritual gifts and to discover and develop them, so that God may be glorified as we serve the Church.
5/28/202136 minutes, 19 seconds
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Faithful in Stewardship

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Malachi 3:7-12At its core definition, stewardship is our relationship with money: how we obtain, save, invest, spend and give our wealth. God is interested in this relationship, as is Satan—our enemy who would love to keep us in financial bondage.If money increases our worries, or if we have plenty in the bank, but we have no treasure in Heaven, we are in financial bondage. We all want to be free from the curse of debt, but freedom is only found when we are faithful in stewardship.Malachi 3:7 says, “Yet from the days of your fathers, you have gone away from My ordinances and have not kept them. Return to Me, and I will return to you,” Says the Lord of hosts. “But you said, ‘In what way shall we return?’”In order to obtain financial freedom, we must first personally return to God; He does not need our money, but He wants our fellowship. When we remember tithing is God’s way of revealing our priorities to ourselves, we will see tithing as a great blessing. It is our privilege to show God that He is first in our lives and everything else is secondary.Adrian Rogers says, “God is not raising money; God is growing Christians. God wants us to grow in grace and knowledge and to love Him.”After our personal return, there is a financial release: “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:8).By biblical definition, tithing is ten percent given to the temple of God (church), for the work of the temple. Giving to charities or ministries is good, but it is not a replacement for our tithes.When we learn to give back to God freely, there will be a spiritual renewal. God will renew our faith, rebuke our foes and restore our fruitfulness. Our offerings are like seeds for a crop: when we sow bountifully, we will reap bountifully.Apply it to your lifeAre you in financial bondage, seeking freedom from an indebted spirit? Remain faithful in stewardship; return to God, understanding He wants you first and foremost. Then, show your faithfulness through tithing.
5/26/202137 minutes, 30 seconds
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Faithful in Evangelism

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 126:5-6The wisest thing we could do in the eyes of God is to remain faithful in evangelism. Psalm 126:5-6 reveals the soul winner’s promise: “Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”The soul is of great worth; Jesus died upon the cross, paying the price with His blood and agony to show how much He desired our souls.Our souls are also valuable because of their durability. When God made the human soul, He made it in His own image, therefore, it is endless, timeless, dateless, and measureless.Every soul has the potential to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ or to spend eternity in the pits of Hell.We would be wise to evangelize because it is the command of Christ. We remember that we are programmed to go forth (Psalm 126:6); nothing takes the place of going. It’s not enough to “live good lives,” because our lives are not what save souls…salvation through Jesus’s death and resurrection is what saves souls.Adrian Rogers says, “We are to be spiritually distinct, but not socially segregated.”We cannot lose our passion. If we feel we’ve lost our broken hearts for the unsaved, we must beg God to break them again. We must ask God to give us the eyes of Jesus who, when He saw the multitudes, was moved with compassion. (See Luke 19.)We must ignite our power, for we bear seed for sowing (Psalm 125:6). In this passage, the seed is the Word of God, and in that seed, there is life. Because there is power of life in the seed, there is power in the soul winner who scatters the seed.Finally, we must hold fast to our promise: if we keep sowing, we will see a harvest. We should not concern ourselves with the soil, we just sow the seed, asking God to give us open doors and increase.Apply it to your lifeAre you faithful in evangelism, recognizing your program, passion, power, and promise?Adrian Rogers says, “You let Congress make the laws; let the President try to run the nation. Let the Hollywood stars have the fame and let those guys play football. But if you are wise, you’re going to win souls.”
5/25/202134 minutes, 9 seconds
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Faithful in Friendship

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12, 251 Corinthians 12:12 says, “For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.”The way this world will know Jesus is through the church; there is to be no disunity; instead, we have a common purpose, function, and goal. We are to remain faithful in our friendship with one another. There can be no arrogance or envy, no rivalry or self-sufficiency; we are charged to care for one another. (See 1 Corinthians 12:25.)There are seven ways in which we as a church demonstrate our faithfulness to each other.Love one anotherAs Christians, we proudly love each other as Jesus has loved us (See John 13:34.); this means we extend good to others regardless of what they do to us.Receive one anotherIt is crucial, now more than ever, that we make people feel loved and welcomed when they come to our church. This does not mean we tolerate heretics or willful sinners who try to distort the body with false teachings. It means anyone who comes through our doors to worship God must be received.Greet one anotherWe must demonstrate our love and reception in a personal, warm, and impartial way.Submit to one anotherBiblical submission within the church is one equal willingly and lovingly placing himself under another equal that God may be glorified.Forbear one anotherChurches are made up of very flawed people; forbearance is graciously enduring and putting up with the displeasing, offensive, or sinful attitudes or actions of other people.Confess to one anotherJames 5:16 says, “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed…”Failure to confess to one another holds back revival, forgiveness, and healing.Adrian Rogers says, “Real revival is not just getting the roof off; real revival is getting the walls down.”Forgive one anotherThere is a legacy of forgiveness for every one of us, but it never becomes ours until we claim it by repentance and faith.Apply it to your lifeAre you a member of a church body that exhibits love, reception, greeting, submission, forbearance, confession, and forgiveness?
5/24/202134 minutes, 55 seconds
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Faithful in Fellowship

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12It is important that we understand that while Jesus Christ and the Church are not identical, they are inseparable. We cannot forsake the church; we must remain faithful in fellowship.1 Corinthians 12:12 says, “For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.”This passage describes the church as a body, with Christ as the head. As our bodies inhabit our humanity, the church inhabits Jesus Christ. The body serves the life of the person who lives inside of it; likewise, we are Jesus’ hands and feet.Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus is the invisible part of the visible church, and the church is the visible part of the invisible Christ.”We are not just a collection of parts; we have life. The Holy Spirit moves us, therefore we are more than an organization… We are an organism. We have many members, but we have one agenda.“For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:13).The formation of the church body begins when the members are born again and spiritually baptized by the Holy Ghost. As a result, we are bound together as a single body in fellowship.We share a common life, unified by the Holy Spirit dwelling in each of us. We belong to one another, casting aside any competition with one another or isolation.We also show a common love as 1 Corinthians 12:25 and 26 say: “...that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.”Finally, we serve the same Lord; Adrian Rogers says, “Loyalty to Jesus means loyalty to His body; you cannot love Jesus without loving what Jesus loves.”As Jesus loves the church—faults, failures, flaws and all—so should we.Apply it to your lifeWe are all somebody in His body; accept your role, whether you are an ear to hear or an eye to see. Be yourself and give yourself to the church; as we work with each other, Jesus Christ will be seen through us.
5/21/202134 minutes, 48 seconds
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Faithful in Worship

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 4:3-24Our greatest need, privilege, and supreme duty as Christians is to worship God; it is the very reason we were created. We are invited, commanded, encouraged, and empowered to worship God because we become like what we worship.Adrian Rogers says, “If you want to be utterly miserable, turn your life inward. If you want to be filled with joy, turn your life upward. Look into the face of God and learn to worship.”In John 4, Jesus met a woman who had been blinded by Satan, broken by sorrow, and bound by sin. What Jesus shares with this Samaritan woman reminds us why it is important to be faithful in worship.First, Jesus taught her the meaning of true worship.It is easy to fall into the trappings of idolatry, insincerity, and iniquity. But, as Adrian Rogers says, “True worship is all that we are, responding to all that God is. It is the adoring contemplation of God revealed in the Lord Jesus Christ. We worship according to the worth we place on God.”Second, Jesus tells us how to practice the true method of worship.John 4:23-24 says, “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”We must be regenerated by the Father. We cannot worship a God that we don’t know; we must make certain that we have been born into the Father’s family. We must be activated by the Spirit; it is impossible to honor God apart from being filled with the Holy Spirit. We must also be regulated by the Word; true worship is linked with studying the Word of God, for we worship in spirit and in truth.Finally, Jesus reminds us of our motive as worshippers.We go to church not primarily for what we can get but for what we can give. We glorify God when we bring our worship to church; it reveals that He is of the utmost importance in our lives.Apply it to your lifeWhat does your worship life say about how much worth you’ve placed on God? Consider the meaning, method, and motive of true worship as you glorify God in your faithfulness to Him.
5/19/202138 minutes, 16 seconds
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Faithful in Bible Study

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Timothy 2:15If we want to live holy lives, to be sanctified and powerful in the Lord, we must learn how to be faithful in studying God’s Word.2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”First, if you want to understand the Bible, you must receive the saving Author of the Bible.Without Christ, we are spiritually blind, as 1 Corinthians 2:14 says, “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”An unsaved man can read the Bible and appreciate its beauty, history, and moral precepts; yet he will never know the deep meaning of God’s Word until he’s born again. When Christ is in our hearts, our eyes are opened, our hearts are stirred and our minds are enlightened to the things of Scripture. Only then can we learn His statutes.Secondly, we must recognize the sovereign authority of the Bible.All Scripture is the breath of God, inspired by Him. The Bible interpreted by the Holy Spirit is the final authority—not human reason or conscience.Third, we must resolve to make a serious analysis of the Bible.It’s not enough to say that God is the author of the Bible or that the Bible is absolutely authoritative. We must rightly divide the Word of God, laying aside our intellectual pride and bringing our open minds. We must analyze it in context, with common sense and deep concentration. Read poetry as poetry, prophecy as prophecy, promises as promises, and precepts as precepts.Lastly, we must respond with a steadfast application of the Bible.To love God is to keep His commandments. Inspiration without obedience will cause the Word of God to sour within us rather than energize us. We must put these things into practice.Adrian Rogers says, “Bible study gives you knowledge about God. Obedience gives you knowledge of God. You can study the Bible and learn about God or you can obey the Bible and know God.”Apply it to your lifeAre you exercising your faithfulness in studying the Bible? Read God’s Word in context, with common sense and full concentration today.
5/17/202133 minutes, 28 seconds
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How To Heal Broken Relationships

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 18:15Broken relationships in the church are a very painful problem that disgraces the Father and discourages the Bride of Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “There is nothing worse than a church without harmony and there is nothing better than a church with harmony.”In Matthew 18, Jesus explains how to heal broken relationships. “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone...” (Matthew 18:15).First, we must consider our relationship with the person who has sinned against us. If he is a brother in Christ, we are members of the same body; harming him harms us. If he is lost, he needs our pity and prayers all the more; regardless, he is to be loved no matter what.Next, we must remember our responsibility to make it right between us. Galatians 6:1 says, “...if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.” We have to ask ourselves: are we sinning in a similar way? Have we been praying for that person and setting a good example?Once we have the proper perspective, we must seek out the biblical procedure of restoration. We don’t have the luxury of waiting for our trespasser to come to us; we go to him lovingly, privately, and humbly. If there is an opportunity for restoration, forgive him freely, fully, and finally. If there is no restoration, come back with fellow brothers or sisters in the faith. If he still refuses to listen, go before the church, as Matthew 18:17 instructs: “And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.”Excommunication is a heartbreaking last resort reserved only for those who are stubborn in their own ways, who will not hear the brother, the committee, or the church that has tried to speak truth in love. It is important that we love the unrepentant offender, but we do not let him poison the fellowship. We cannot let him hurt and distort the cause of Christ.Apply it to your lifeIf someone has sinned against you, don’t make it a matter of gossip; go to the individual lovingly, humbly, and gently, after first considering yourself.
5/13/202132 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to Answer a Skeptic

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Peter 3As Christians, we are instructed to keep the faith and give it away. We must be ready to give an account for what makes us different. We must learn how to answer a skeptic.1 Peter 3:15 says, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear…”There are four basic propositions that can help us when giving an account for our faith.First, forego the folly of fools. Foolishness isn’t a lack of knowledge, rather it is evidence of moral depravity. A fool is not an honest doubter, he is simply hostile toward the truth. When someone shows himself to be a fool, we should not argue with him; we should tell him what God says and go our way.Second, we need to learn the limits of logic. To give a defense for our faith does not mean to apologize; it means to give an answer as one would give in a court of law. We know creation’s complex design speaks of God’s existence, as does the moral law of the universe. But we must keep in mind that while logic is a very valuable tool, it can only take us so far in answering a skeptic.We must also remember the resource of revelation. If we want to know God, He must reveal Himself to us.2 Peter 1:19 says, “And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts…” God knows we need help understanding Scripture, so the Holy Spirit shines it into our dark hearts, giving us the light to see.Adrian Rogers says, “The Holy Spirit takes the curtain of your skepticism and He pulls it aside, pins it with a star of hope, and floods your heart with Gospel light.”Finally, fortify the force of faith. We are witnesses of His existence because of what He has done in our lives.Apply it to your lifeAre you prepared to give an answer for the hope in you? When Jesus is real to us and is sanctified in our hearts, we can answer skeptics with meekness and fear.
5/12/202133 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Spot a Counterfeit

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Peter 2:1In the Bible, there is no greater crime than being a false prophet. It’s bad to tell a lie and it’s worse to teach a lie; but it is evil to teach a lie about God.Adrian Rogers says, “Don’t let false teachers take you by surprise; when you look for the devil, never fail to look in the pulpit.”We must learn how to spot a counterfeit teacher.2 Peter 2:1 says, “But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.”Scripture tells us that false teachers are among us and warns us of the dangers of their doctrine.We can identify counterfeits by their message. There are five tests we should run in our minds as we listen to a preacher:-Source Test: What is the basis of his teaching?-Savior Test: Does he believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah?-Subject Test: Is the primary source of his teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ?-Salvation Test: Does he teach salvation by grace or does he try to mix works or baptism or anything else into salvation?-Sanctification Test: Does he teach, and endeavor to live, a holy life?We can also identify false teachers by their methods.2 Peter 2:2-3 says, “And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.”Good counterfeiters will lay false teaching alongside good teaching in order to confuse their listeners. Their words are feigned, like plastic; they are malleable and easy to contort.You can also spot a counterfeiter by his motive, which is to manipulate his people for his own profit or gain.The desperate need in these last days is authentic biblical teaching; God will not spare the false prophet.Apply it to your lifeRemember this advice from Adrian Rogers: “The world is full of counterfeits; make sure you have the real thing. There are some counterfeit Christians, but don’t you let that keep you away from Jesus. Jesus is real, salvation is real and you can be real if you’ll repent of your sin and trust Him.”
5/10/202141 minutes, 7 seconds
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How To Be A Fully Committed Disciple Of Jesus Christ

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 14:25-35It costs to serve Jesus Christ; we must be prepared to pay the price. Many will try to water down the Gospel in an attempt to gain more followers, but Jesus is not looking for easy followers; He wants fully committed disciples.First, Jesus wants disciples that will worship at any cost.Luke 14:27 says, “And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.”Jesus must come before personal relationships and reputations. His disciples must prioritize Him over their families and loved ones, and even before themselves. He must come before personal realization. The decision to follow Jesus was the last independent decision any Christian ever made; our lives now belong to Jesus.Second, Jesus wants disciples that will work at any cost.“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it…” (Luke 14:28).Jesus calls us to build our lives according to His blueprints, spiritually conceived through prayer. We cannot look for a cheap, easy, lazy way to build our lives for Christ. We must count the cost and steadfastly work to completion.Third, fully committed disciples will war at any cost.Adrian Rogers says, “When I follow the Lord Jesus Christ, I follow Him into battle.” There is no such thing as neutrality in this spiritual warfare. Though we are outnumbered, we cannot be cowards or compromisers. Nor can we be cautious; we must go into the battle with all of our hearts and souls.Finally, Jesus wants disciples that will witness at any cost.“Salt is good; but if the salt has lost its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is neither fit for the land nor for the dunghill, but men throw it out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear” (Luke 14:34-35)!Salt preserves, flavors, and heals; likewise, we are called to preserve truth and to have a zest about our lives that heals this sick world. But salt also burns and penetrates; it is an irritant that permeates everything it touches. We cannot fear our nature to irritate this corrupt world and permeate Jesus Christ into everything we touch.Apply it to your lifeAre you a fully committed disciple of Jesus Christ? Are you willing to pay the cost of worship, work, war, and witness?
5/7/202130 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Soul Winner's Six Mighty Motivations

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Corinthians 5Our achievements in life are impelled by the drive behind them. If we want to be soul winners for the cause of Christ, the apostle Paul offers six mighty motivations in 2 Corinthians 5.First, we see the soul winner’s compulsion: “Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well-pleasing to Him…” (2 Corinthians 5:9). Our goal is to please God; if we are not bringing souls to Christ, we are not acceptable to God.We also recognize our compensation: “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10). We will be compensated for our soul-winning work at the judgment seat of Christ. And whatever reward He gives us will never see corruption.Third, remember the soul winner’s conviction: “Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men...” (2 Corinthians 5:11). Paul reminds us of what it means for a soul to die unredeemed, destined for Hell; he understood the terror of the Lord.We are also motivated by our compassion: “For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; or if we are of sound mind, it is for you...” (2 Corinthians 5:13).Adrian Rogers says, “What motivates me is not my love for people; it is my love for Jesus. Yes, I love people, but the chief motivation of my life is His love for me and, therefore, His love through me.”We remember our confidence: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). As Christians, we are confident that when we lead a soul to Christ, he will become a new creature. Every person is a potential brother or sister in the faith.Finally, we read of the soul winner’s commission: “Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation…” (2 Corinthians 5:18). We are saved to bring others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We are ambassadors of the King of kings, appointed and anointed by God Himself.Apply it to your lifeAre you motivated, today, to win souls for Jesus Christ? Remember these six mighty motivations as you prayerfully and boldly share your faith.
5/5/202133 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Five Pillars of Salvation

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 8:28-30The five pillars of salvation are identified in Romans 8. These are five pillars upon which the temple of truth rests. If you take away any one of these, the Gospel comes tumbling down.The first pillar of salvation is the supreme wisdom of God: “For whom He foreknew…” (Romans 8:29). God’s wisdom is unlike any other man’s knowledge or understanding. It is not based upon guess or whim; He sees the beginning, the end, and everything in between.The second pillar of salvation is the sovereign will of God: “He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren” (Romans 8:29).When God predestines something, nothing can stop it—it will come to pass. God wants to redeem the whole human race, as 2 Peter 3:9 says, He is “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”But because He lovingly gave us free will, we have a choice in the matter and we will give an account for the choice we make.Adrian Rogers says, “There is no contradiction between the sovereign grace of God and the free will of man.”The third pillar rests upon the seeking word of God: “Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called…” (Romans 8:30). “Called” means to issue a summons; God sends His Word to those who would hear it, His Gospel to those who would receive it.The fourth pillar is the saving work of God: “...whom He called, these He also justified…” (Romans 8:30). Justification is more than a pardoning or acquitting of our sins, it is being made righteous in God’s sight. We receive this justification through grace and grace through our faith.The fifth and final pillar is the settled ways of God: “...and whom He justified, these He also glorified” (Romans 8:30). Because God deals in eternity, He sees the future as well as the present. And because we have been predestined for glory in Christ, we are already glorified.Apply it to your lifeWe cannot lose our salvation, because it is not dependent upon us. It is held up by the five pillars of God’s wisdom, will, Word and work. Though we may slip back into sin, our destiny is settled by His grace. Rejoice in this truth today, and share it with someone.
5/3/202138 minutes, 59 seconds
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What the Bible Says About Faith that Saves

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 2:14-26Adrian Rogers says, “There are only two kinds of religion in the world—works and grace: one spelled ‘do,’ the other spelled ‘done.’”As Christians, we are saved by grace alone, through faith, not by works of any kind. Grace is the root of our salvation, but our works are the fruit of it—they are the evidence.James 2:14 says, “What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?” A dead faith is profitless; our works are not our justification before God, but they are how we demonstrate our faith before men.Adrian Rogers says, “You are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone.” A dead faith is fruitless, a barren belief; if there is no fruit, the problem is at the root. Sometimes, the devil can be more orthodox than the Believer; he and all his demons believe in God, “and they shudder” (See James 2:19.).We have to do more than just believe in God, we have to believe in the facts of faith and know the plan of salvation. A dead faith is lifeless, as James 2:17 says, “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”A Christian is somebody who has the life of God; real faith produces works.James also provides two very different examples of faith from the Old Testament:“Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works, faith was made perfect” (James 2:21-22)?“Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way” (James 2:25).Abraham was a righteous man of God and Rahab was a harlot, yet both are in the lineage of Jesus Christ.2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” Our works do not earn our salvation, they reflect our belief; and if we are living as Christians, we have the hope of salvation in us.Apply it to your lifeDoes your life reflect what you believe? Do your decisions reflect the hope of Jesus Christ in you?
4/29/202143 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Word of God

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 4:12Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible is not like any other book: it breathes, sings, and weeps; it is alive in the power that it possesses.”Whether penned by the Apostles, spoken by the mouth of Jesus, or recorded on scrolls by the Old Testament prophets, God calls these inspired utterances the Word of God.The Word of God is absolute perfection; though the Scriptures were written by men, the words were inspired by God, declared completely infallible.2 Peter 1:21 says, “...for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”The Bible also speaks of God’s wonderful character. Jesus is called the Word of God in John 1:1-3; this comparison links together the character of Jesus and the character of the Bible.Both Jesus Christ in His humanity and the Bible have come from God. They both live for eternity, absolutely unchanging lights for dark places. They bear elements of humanity and are given authority by God.Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”The Word of God is quick, pulsating with life, because it presents a living person: Jesus.The Bible is like a sword, dividing our innermost beings, between soul and spirit. The Bible discerns and criticizes; it searches us so that it may sanctify the saints. It works with sinners to convict and convert us; and if we do not adhere to its power, it can condemn us.Adrian Rogers says, “The Gospel is a saver of life unto life or death unto death. If the Bible does not cut you to heal you, the Bible will cut you to kill you.”The Bible works against Satan himself. When we face spiritual warfare, our only strategy should be pointing the enemy to Scripture. When we go to battle, we must not forget our sword: the Word of God.Apply it to your lifeWhen you read the Bible, does it divide, discern, search and sanctify you? Let the Bible work on your life, revealing what you need to cut out or let go of in order to become more like Jesus.
4/28/202140 minutes, 20 seconds
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Treasuring Truth

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 23:23In this day, it is not values that we desperately need, but virtue.We must be able to differentiate truth and fact: we acquire facts but learn truth. Facts deal with knowledge, and knowledge can double, but truth never changes and is settled for eternity. We must make a habit of treasuring truth.Proverbs 23:23 says, “Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding.”We must prize the truth, for it is indispensable, absolute, and attainable through the Word of God. It is not enough just to know it; knowledge without transformation avails nothing. We must see the transforming power behind it, through the Holy Spirit.We must also purchase the truth. Adrian Rogers says, “Salvation is free, but truth is costly; you pay a price to have truth.”John 8:31-32 says, “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”Believing in Jesus is the first step in attaining truth; we must also abide in His Word through discipleship. Discipleship is costly—it costs time, discipline, and obedience; but ignorance is far more costly. We must study the Bible for enlightenment. If we grow in knowledge but not in grace, we will be dangerous to ourselves and others.Adrian Rogers says, “Truth is to your spirit what good is to your body, what light is to your eyes, what melody is to your ears.”We also study Scripture for our enjoyment; reading the Bible should not be perceived as a punishment but as a privilege. We read for our personal enrichment, to sharpen our minds and strengthen our wills. We read Scripture for our enablement, to grow in our faith and fellowship with others.Finally, we must preserve the truth, guarding it against those who will deny, distort, dilute and defile the Bible. We do this by proclaiming the Gospel truth: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).Apply it to your lifeDo you treasure truth—prize, purchase, preserve, and proclaim it? Do you read Scripture for your enlightenment, enjoyment, enrichment, and enablement?
4/26/202135 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Have a Rock-Solid Faith

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 5:1In these desperate days, we need a faith that will hold fast in times of trouble. When the winds of circumstances, storms of calamity and floods of affliction come, we need faith like an anchor.In Romans 5, we learn how God builds us up to have a rock-solid faith: “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God” (Romans 5:1-2).First, God builds our rock-solid faith through our tribulations.Tribulation means pressure; without pressure, we do not get stronger. We need the conflict; it may come from the enemy, or it may come from God, but God is over it all.Adrian Rogers says, “Satan will bring conflict to cause you to stumble; God will bring conflict to cause you to stand.”Pressure will come from the world; the moment we decide to become like Jesus, the world will try to squeeze us back into its mold. It can also come from the flesh; the “flesh” is the proclivity to sin that is still in us, even after salvation. Pressure also comes from the devil, himself; when we’re saved, we find out for ourselves just how powerful he can be.But our conflict teaches us constancy. Our endurance is built through our ability to withstand pressure. When conflict comes, some retreat or resent, and others resign. But we should resolve to follow God through the conflict.Romans 5:3-4 says, “And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Constancy develops character; we grow the most when we face the hottest fires of affliction.Finally, our faith takes its full effect. As our character develops hope, we gain godly confidence.“Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Romans 5:5).Adrian Rogers says, “Hope is faith in the future tense; it believes God not only for the present, but it believes God for the future.”Apply it to your lifeDo you want to have a rock-solid faith in spite of stormy circumstances? Remember, conversion brings conflict, which brings constancy, which brings character, which brings hope and confidence.
4/22/202133 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to Be Strong in the Faith

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 4:16-25As children of God, faith is the stamp on our lives that pleases our Father. It is faith alone that enables us to live this Christian life.Romans 4 reminds us that in spite of Abraham’s sins, God remembers him for his faith, not his failures. By his example, we can learn how to be strong in the faith.“Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all...” (Romans 4:16).Faith is not a hunch, nor is it positive thinking; faith is our response to the promises of God, taking Him at His word. Strong faith is received as a gift of God: “according to grace.” Grace is not a reward for our faith; it takes the initiative to give us that faith. We cannot generate faith, for we are totally depraved by nature. The only reason we could have faith is that God takes the initiative and puts that faith in our own hearts.Unbelief holds grace a prisoner; strong faith releases the grace of God. The only way that grace can ever operate in us is through faith.Abraham was faced with two impossibilities: having a child in spite of being barren, or believing God, who raises the dead and makes something out of nothing, could break His promises.Abraham respected the greatness of God, and he experienced the miracle of having a child in his old age.Strong faith regards God’s guidance, and as a result, reflects His glory.“He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform” (Romans 4:20-21).Abraham obeyed God, knowing that He would work through him; his story reflects the glory of God.Adrian Rogers says, “The greatest thing you could do to glorify God is to believe God.”Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “You cannot please God without faith; if you please God, it doesn’t matter whom you displease, and if you displease God, it doesn’t matter whom you please.” Do you have strong faith, believing in Him, taking Him at His word?
4/21/202124 minutes, 53 seconds
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It's Time for Some Good News

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 4:1In Romans 1-3, Paul addressed the fate of heathens, hypocrites and humanity. But Romans 4 is a passage for those who believe it’s time for some good news, which is grace.Adrian Rogers says, “Grace is the unmerited favor and kindness of God shown to one who does not deserve it and can never earn it. You will be saved by grace, or you won’t be saved at all.”This grace is the good news that Abraham discovered: “What then shall we say that Abraham our father has found according to the flesh? For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God” (Romans 4:1-2).Abraham was the first of the Jewish race, the father of Israel. If anyone could behave himself into Heaven, it would be Abraham. But the Bible argues that Abraham himself knew that God’s grace is what saved him, not his works: “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness” (Romans 4:3).Because Abraham believed God, he respected God’s glory and received God’s gift of righteousness.This grace is also the good news that David described: “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin” (Romans 4:7-8).If Abraham would be considered the greatest of saints, David would be the greatest of sinners. David had committed adultery and then murder as a means of covering up his sins. But God brought him to a place of repentance; David learned that through God’s grace, his iniquity was forgiven, his sins were covered, and God would not charge him for his sin.Adrian Rogers says, “God does not overlook sin, God Himself pays the price of that sin; that’s what Jesus did on that cross.”Finally, this grace is the good news that Paul disclosed.What Abraham discovered and David described is what the Apostle Paul proclaimed to everyone, the Jews and the Gentiles. He confirmed that this grace doesn’t come by ritual; rather it is received by God alone, upon salvation, as we receive His Holy Spirit.Apply it to your lifeHave you experienced God’s amazing grace in your own life? Remember, Adrian Rogers says, “Faith believes God, not for what God has done, but for who God is.”
4/19/202135 minutes, 26 seconds
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God vs. Humanity

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 3:9-10In Romans 3, Paul writes as a prosecuting attorney, bringing the human race before judgment in a case we could call, “God vs. Humanity.”Romans 3:9-10 says, “For we have previously charged both Jews and Greeks that they are all under sin, as it is written: ‘There is none righteous, no, not one'…”We are sinners by birth, by nature, and by heritage, no matter our race or background.Paul presents his evidence against humanity, first bringing up man’s corrupted wisdom: “There is none who understands; there is none who seeks after God” (Romans 3:11). Because our minds have been touched by sin, our wisdom is deceitful.Adrian Rogers says, “The average man thinks he can go to Heaven without being born again. He’s absolutely ignorant of two things: he doesn’t know how sinful he is and he doesn’t know how holy God is.”Our wills are also corrupted by sin, and our service is unprofitable. We cannot seek God; instead, we run from Him. But the good news is that God chases us, and He is faster than us. We can only love Him because He first loved us. (See 1 John 4:19.)Sin also corrupts our words, because our words tell us what is in our hearts.“Their throat is an open tomb; with their tongues they have practiced deceit...” (Romans 3:13).Because of our wicked ways, we’ve turned this world into a madhouse. And because we do not revere God, our worship is depraved, as well.So Paul presents the case against humanity, to God, who is the Judge and Jury. The verdict: “Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God” (Romans 3:19).God’s holy law is given to show us we have come short of the standard. God is just, and He doesn’t owe us anything; yet He is full of mercy that we can only receive after we see we deserve judgment.Because of God, by faith, unto all, through grace, in Jesus, with justice, we are justified, declared righteous in God’s sight.Apply it to your lifeWe will not know mercy and forgiveness until we admit our sin; confess your sins to God today. Remember, Adrian Rogers says, “He doesn’t overlook our sin, He pardons it freely by His grace.”
4/15/202136 minutes, 40 seconds
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How God Handles Hypocrites

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 2:1-8, 16In Romans 2, the Apostle Paul reveals how God handles hypocrites, specifically addressing those who were indignant at the sins of others, and indulgent in their own.“Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things…” (Romans 2:1).Hypocrites will be judged according to the truth, so there will be no disguise. Today, we see truth being exchanged for style and sacrificed for comfort. But no performance or pretense will fool God, as truth is His standard.Hypocrisy comes from within; a hypocritical heart believes that outward appearance is all that matters. If hypocrites can appear righteous, they believe they will be seen as righteous in the eyes of God.Adrian Rogers says, “God doesn’t look on the exterior; God looks at the heart.”Hypocrites also believe that if they do not have trouble, they are right with God. But we know our blessings are not merited by our behavior. God gives us blessings to bring us to Him, to lead us to repentance. Delayed judgment does not mean no judgment; God waits until the time is ripe before He judges, and we will not escape His judgment.Hypocrites will be judged according to their deeds, without distinction. As Christians, we are not saved by works, but we are judged by works. We will be held accountable for our actions and attitudes, as well as for our advantages.Finally, hypocrites will be judged according to the Gospel.“ the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel” (Romans 2:16).Adrian Rogers says, “If the Gospel does not save you, the Gospel will judge you. The same Jesus who wants to be your Savior will one day be your Judge if you do not allow Him to save you.”The Gospel is a two-edged sword that will either heal or slay. It reveals everything we try to repress and hide, and often, the judgment of the hypocrite is harsher than that of the heathen.Apply it to your lifeKnowing the dangers of hypocrisy, are there any areas in your life that you need to confess and repent of? Pray and ask God to examine your heart, so that you can identify your struggles and live authentically and truthfully.
4/13/202135 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Last Step on the Way Down

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 1:24Scripture identifies marriage as the supreme commitment we make on this earth. Yet in a nation whose new virtue is called “tolerance”, our sense of moral responsibility has been lost. Sexual immorality is socially acceptable, despite the clear instruction in God’s Word to remain pure.It seems our nation is on the last step on the way down, toward the society Paul warns about in the Book of Romans. In Romans 1:24, Paul warns, “Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves…”We are called, now more than ever, to cultivate healthy marriages and God-honoring homes.Adrian Rogers says, “It takes a home to raise a child, and it takes homes to make a village, and unless our homes are solid we can have no village.”Adultery is a sin against one’s self. There is no other sin that will do you more damage spiritually, psychologically, and physically. It is a sin against the home. God established monogamous marriage to meet the deepest emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of the children in the home. The glue that holds the home together is sexual faithfulness.Adultery is a sin against the church. When a member of a church lives in sexual immorality, he sins against the holy body of Christ.Adultery is a sin that damages society. No matter how society tries to glamorize it, adultery has destroyed great nations in the past: Rome, Egypt, and Babylon, to name a few. It may be the sin that destroys our nation, as well, because it is a sin against Almighty God.We must make the decision; bring our failures and sins before Jesus Christ and depend on Him. We have a responsibility to exercise our devotion to Christ and to our families. Let our love develop, cultivate and grow over time, guarding our hearts. We must be disciplined and have control over who or what we let into our lives.Remain determined. Make up your mind that you will not fall into temptation before it comes.As Adrian Rogers says, “Revival is not going to come to this nation from the White House, the statehouse, or the schoolhouse; it’s going to come from the church house.”Apply it to your lifeWe have a responsibility to remain faithful in our marriages. Remember your decision to depend upon Him, remain devoted, and develop your love for your spouse; stay disciplined and determined.
4/9/202136 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Lost World

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 1:18-31In Romans 1:18-31, the Apostle Paul reveals that this fallen world is without excuse: “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness…” (Romans 1:18).God is a God of love, but He is also righteous; He is the Chief Judge, holy in His wrath. This passage reveals three reasons why this lost world is to be judged.Man’s Willful Self-Determination“...what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them...” (Romans 1:19). God has created two witnesses to testify of His existence: creation and conscience. The inner subjective witness is conscience, and the outward witness is creation—both reveal the truth of His existence and His Word.However, this passage also identifies the haunting human resistance to God’s truth; they didn’t want to know, so they were determined not to know.Man’s Wicked Self-Deception“...because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts...” (Romans 1:21).Adrian Rogers says, “Truth is not given to satisfy your curiosity; truth is given to cause your worship and thankfulness.”“Professing to be wise, they became fools…” (Romans 1:22).What’s worse than refusing to see, is refusing and still believing we see perfectly clear—to believe we are wise in our foolishness.Those Paul is describing, “…changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man…” (Romans 1:23). Their shameful idolatry magnified the worst parts of their flesh.Man’s Woeful Self-Destruction“Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator...” (Romans 1:24-25).They were sexually, socially, and spiritually perverted, turning from God to indulge in their lusts, their hatred, and their spiritual indifference.Ultimately, this passage should act as an urgent warning to us, living in wicked days, to repent of our ways and follow God.Apply it to your lifeRomans 1:18-31 warns us three times: “God gave them up.”Adrian Rogers reiterates, “The worst thing God could do for you would be to leave you alone in your sin.” If you have any sin in your life, any self-determination, deception, or destruction, repent of your ways and turn to God.
4/7/202137 minutes, 56 seconds
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Totally Abandoned to the Gospel

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 1:14-16In Romans 1, the Apostle Paul describes the heart and mind of someone totally abandoned to the Gospel in three “I am” statements.I am a debtor.Paul said, “I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to wise and to unwise” (Romans 1:14).Paul was faithful to the obligations of the Gospel. He first recognized his debt to Jesus Christ, and to the past heroes of the faith. Both Old Testament prophets, and the first martyr of the New Testament, Stephen, led to Paul’s conviction and knowledge of Christ.We owe those who served Christ before us, even in their suffering, that we might know Jesus today. Our faith is a result of their vision, blood, sweat, tears, and sacrifice.Paul also felt indebted to share the Gospel with the lost. Likewise, we should be heavy with compassion and accept the responsibility to share Jesus with others.I am ready.“So, as much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also” (Romans 1:15). Paul was flexible for the opportunities of the Gospel. He was so consumed by Jesus that he was in love with his life, yet not afraid to die. (See Philippians 1:21.)As followers of Christ, we are to be ready for anything He calls us to—to go or stay, to live or die, whatever, whenever, wherever.I am unashamed.“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek” (Romans 1:16). Finally, Paul did not fear opposition to the Gospel. In a proud, imperial city such as Rome, Paul was unashamed of Jesus Christ, and boldly proclaimed the purpose and the power of the Gospel.Adrian Rogers says, “The Gospel is not intended to save civilization from wreckage; the Gospel is intended to save people from the wreckage of civilization.”Without the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there is no hope; the power of the Gospel is the only thing that can save us from this lost world and rescue our souls from the grave.Apply it to your lifeWhen the Apostle Paul met Jesus, he asked two questions: “Who are You?” and “What would You have me to do?” Today, ask these two questions, so you may know who Jesus is and what He would have you “to do.”
4/5/202135 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Book That Changed the World

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 1:1There has been no book that has ever influenced or impacted the world like the book of Romans. Some of the fathers of our faith and greatest minds have called it the Constitution of Christianity. Before we dive into the text itself, we should familiarize ourselves with the basics of the book that changed the world.The Table of ContentsIn sixteen chapters, we learn about the problem of sin and the answer of salvation. The book also explains the process of sanctification, God’s sovereignty, and our service to one another.The Author: PaulPaul, formerly known as Saul, was a Jewish man, a Roman citizen, a scholar, a Pharisee. When he changed his name to Paul (which means “little one”), he changed his identity. When this arrogant, bold man met Jesus and was saved, he discovered that he was small.Adrian Rogers says, “One of the first things that true salvation does; it humbles us. You will never be too small for God to use you, but you may be too big.”Romans 1:1 reveals that Paul was a surrendered and sent man: “a bondservant, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God.” He stood out among the crowd; likewise, we are called to be different. It is not what we do or don’t do that truly separates us, only the Gospel makes us like Jesus, and therefore, different from others.The Hero: JesusJesus is the promised one as Romans 1:2 says, “which He promised before through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures…”Jesus is also the provided descendant of David, the rightful heir to Israel’s throne. (See Romans 1:3.) He is “declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4). Our hero is pure in His humanity, as well as in His deity—completely sinless.The Subject: the GospelFinally, the subject of the Book of Romans is the Gospel, sourced and supplied by Jesus Christ, Himself. This is the Good News: poor, lost, ruined sinners such as we are saved, only through His grace.Apply it to your lifeAs we begin to study the Book of Romans, do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, the source of the Gospel, the supplier of grace?
4/1/202141 minutes, 59 seconds
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Let's Celebrate Passover

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 5:7-8The Passover, also called Palm Sunday, is a Jewish tradition that should be inextricably interwoven with our celebration of Easter.1 Corinthians 5:7 says, “Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.”Though historically a Jewish tradition, Passover is an event we as Christians have reason to celebrate because it is a prophecy of our redemption through Jesus Christ.In the Book of Exodus, the Passover was a tradition in which the Israelites sacrificed lambs and painted the doors of their homes in the blood of those lambs; the lambs had to be spotless in order to cause the death angel to “pass over” the homes.After the lamb was sacrificed, each family would share it in a feast, celebrating the atonement. Through this, God was teaching His people one of the fundamental truths of His Word: without shedding of blood, there is no remission.As Christians, we celebrate Passover because it speaks of how God provided our redemption. The Old Testament feast was a prophetic portrayal of Jesus, who was yet to come. In Jeremiah 31, God prophesied a new testament, and told of a different Passover lamb to come: His very Son, Jesus Christ.John 1:29 confirms this promise: “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ‘Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’”Jesus is the lamb without spot or blemish. (See 1 Peter 1:19.) The last week of His life, Jesus was examined and questioned by His enemies, and they found no fault in Him.He became the sacrificial and saving lamb, as He explains during The Last Supper: “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me” (Luke 22:19).When we receive the saving power of salvation in Jesus Christ, we are nourished by Him and called to share the feast with others.Adrian Rogers says, “Salvation is not learning lessons from the life of Christ; salvation is receiving life from the death of Christ.”Apply it to your lifeAs we near the Passover celebration, remember the spotless, sacrificial, saving, shared lamb of God: Jesus Christ. As Adrian Rogers says, “In His blood, we are safe; in His Word, we are sure.”
3/31/202142 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Power of Praise

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Chronicles 20:1-30Praise is a powerful thing, in times of joy and in times of help, but especially in times of trouble.A story from 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 shows us the power of praise when facing opposition. King Jehoshaphat was a God-fearing King, facing opposition from Ammon, Moab, and Seir. Likewise, we have three mighty kings that come against us on a regular basis – sin, sorrow, and death. Every Christian will meet these, and sometimes, the opposition will be fierce.In the case of King Jehoshaphat, powerful foes caused the king to focus on God through fasting. Fasting does not earn God’s blessings (which are given solely through God’s grace), but it does sharpen our focus on God.As a result, the nation came together in purposeful fellowship: “So Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord, and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord” (v. 4).When we seek God together, He shows up and reveals His true nature. This passage shows us that God is:1. Sovereign: There is no problem too big for Him.2. Steadfast: God has worked miracles in the past, and He will never run out of them.3. Sympathetic: If we cry out to God, He will hear and He will help. He is touched with the feeling of our infirmity.4. Seeing: God knows our situations, our enemies, and our danger. There’s nothing that escapes His notice.5. Saving: “O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You” (v. 12).The people of Judah learned that the battle was never theirs to win, but God’s; their part was to join the fight with praise.Adrian Rogers says, “Praise infuses the energy of God and it confuses the enemy of God. Praise fractures the unity of the enemy and formulates the unity of the believer.”As a result of the praise and obedience of the people, there was a provided fortune and peaceful future.Proverbs 16:7 says, “When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.”Apply it to your lifeHave you learned to praise God in your problems? Pray, and consider fasting, as you ask God for His guidance. Remember: the battle is the Lord’s; your part is to praise.
3/15/202134 minutes, 22 seconds
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Family Faithfulness

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 19:1-6Adrian Rogers says, “A home is the sweetest place on earth, the nearest place to Heaven. It’s the only part of the Garden of Eden that we have left.”Matthew 19 discusses the importance of family faithfulness; first, by recognizing that marriage is made by Heaven.And He answered and said to them, "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female,' and said, ‘For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?" (v. 4-5).Marriage is the supreme commitment, overruling every other commitment we could ever make. The priority of marriage is to build a home, and we cannot build a home without God’s guidance. We raise children with the intention of them leaving home to build homes of their own.Marriage is also permanent, and its purpose is to be one flesh, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Adrian Rogers says, “Marriage is a romance in which both the hero and the heroine die in the first chapter, and a new person comes into being: one flesh.”But marriage can be marred by Hell; there is nothing wrong with romantic love, but we are deceived if we believe that is enough to sustain a marriage. We are commanded in Scripture to love our spouses unconditionally, as God has loved His church.There is no fear in perfect love, only peace, security, and joy. We must be careful not to allow guilt to fester in our marriages; guilt turns to anger, and anger into bitterness.When we experience trials, reconciliation and forgiveness are called for in order to put the family back together. If we seek restoration, we’ll find that the relationship can potentially be even stronger than before it was broken.Finally, marriage is always marked by hope. No matter our circumstances, there is always hope because the grace of God covers all of our sins. God does not hold grudges; His forgiveness is always available for those who seek to honor Him in their relationships.Apply it to your lifeA godly home is the greatest testimony we have in this world. If you are married, make certain that Christ is the head of your home and continue to feed your love day by day.
2/25/202133 minutes, 1 second
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Family Future

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Deuteronomy 5:29The family was the first institution formed by God, created to meet the deepest physical, social, and spiritual needs of mankind. It is in the home that a child should learn who he is, what he can do, and what is expected of him.In the midst of this moral free fall, it is time we ask ourselves: what is the future of the family? Adrian Rogers says, “If there is no future for our families, there is no future for this nation.”Deuteronomy 5:29 says, “Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!”Our homes are the universities of life.In these homes, we must train our children to abide by God’s law so that we can preserve the family’s future. God gave the Ten Commandments to the family. God’s priority plan for us is to pass our faith from parent to child.Parents are the professors of their homes.Deuteronomy 6:7 says, “You shall teach them diligently to your children...” Though we can’t control our children, we can guide and teach them in the way they should go. Our primary goal as parents should be that we love God with sincere, selfless, and strong love so that we can set an example for our children to love Him, too.The Ten Commandments are the curriculum.These commandments are the liberating laws of life and the tracks upon which our families run. We are to set boundaries for our kids around the parameter of God’s law.Our children are our students.It is not the church’s responsibility to raise our children in faith, it is ours. “You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:8-9).Finally, life is the laboratory.Life is where these things are taught. We must teach our children convictionally, consistently, creatively, conversationally, and conspicuously.Apply it to your lifeOur homes are where our children learn everything they need to know about life. Have you established your home as a university, yourself as a professor, and God’s law as the curriculum? Are your children your students, viewing life as the laboratory?
2/23/202132 minutes, 45 seconds
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Family Fitness

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 6:191 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body...”We have been commanded to treat our bodies as temples to maintain and dedicate to God for His glory. Our bodies are carefully crafted, finely tuned machines, and our maintenance manual is the Word of God.There are some reasons why we have physical ailments that are not in our control; but whatever we can control, we are responsible for maintaining.There are four principles to remember as we work on our family fitness.1. Family fitness is a matter of discipline.1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."We must be disciplined in our diet and exercise, which extends our life expectancy and improves our wellbeing. In a world of fad diets and quick fixes, we are called to consume natural, real foods, within the right portions. There needs to be discipline in how we rest. Psalm 127:2 warns us: “It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for He gives His beloved sleep.”2. Family fitness is a matter of disposition.Choosing to express positive emotions should be part of our family fitness regime. Adrian Rogers says, “Hardening of the attitudes is just as bad as hardening of the arteries.” Stress will derail us physically; it will cripple our thinking, weaken our bodies, and reduce our efficiency. We must guard our hearts and minds against hatefulness and stress.3. Family fitness is a matter of devotion.When we love God and serve Him in the church as we should, we can experience an increase in health.4. Family fitness is a matter of decision.We will not stumble across family fitness, physically, mentally, or spiritually. It takes work to gain and maintain, work that we decide to do intentionally. Our families should stand out by our faith and our fitness, recognizing our responsibility to maintain our bodies as unto the Lord.Apply it to your lifeDo you recognize any areas in your health, or your family’s health, that could improve? Make the decision to maintain your family’s health, physically and spiritually.
2/19/202137 minutes, 5 seconds
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Family Fun

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 128God created families to satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts—to give and receive love. Families were designed to provide a safe and secure environment in which to nurture, teach, and love our children.Psalm 128 gives us a description of the ideal family: “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord; who walks in His ways. When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy and it shall be well with you” (v. 1-2).One of the signs that God has blessed our homes is the presence of laughter, which is why we should get serious about having family fun.Adrian Rogers says, “Man is the only creature who can do three things: weep, blush, and laugh.”Family fun is not careless or irresponsible; in fact, fun and efficiency coincide perfectly. Leisure time is time we permit ourselves to enjoy without guilt, to make memories with our children while they are children.There are three reasons why family fun is crucial to the spiritual health and growth of our families.Family fun refreshes.Work is necessary, but we cannot be too busy making a living that we forget to live. Just as there is a time to work, there is also a time to rest as well. We cannot always be more interested in our finances than in our fun, nor put our labor over our laughter.Family fun repairs.There is so much stress in this stretched-thin society. Our attitudes and emotions can have some control over our physical health. A grim and solemn spirit doesn’t just break the health of an individual, but the family as well. Joy and happiness are incredible medicines, and laughter can release the tension from a broken home.Family fun remains.The laughter we create in our homes lingers and echoes throughout our lives; it goes on and on, even after we leave this earth. Adrian Rogers says, “We are building for our children a museum of memories, and memories are our landmarks—they keep us from getting lost.”Apply it to your lifeIs your home marked with laughter and your leisure time full of family fun? Remember: family fun refreshes us when we’re weary, repairs us when we’re broken, and remains after we’re gone.
2/17/202132 minutes, 42 seconds
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Family FInances

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Timothy 6:5-10, 17It could be said that money is the root of a majority of the problems in our homes. The enemy’s plan is to keep families in financial bondage, but 1 Timothy 6 provides wisdom regarding family finances.A lack of wealth cannot take away genuine contentment.“But godliness with contentment is great gain…” (v. 6). Contentment is an inner sufficiency that keeps us at peace in spite of outward circumstances. If we depend on natural and material things for contentment, we will never have it. Our basic needs consist of food and clothing (v. 8); our desire for more than the basics truly makes us unhappy.Personal value, virtue, and victory are measured not by money, but by godliness. Adrian Rogers says, “We need to add up everything that we own that money cannot buy and death cannot take away, and praise God for that.”The loss of wealth is inevitable.“We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out” (v. 7). We will not take any of our earthly riches with us after death. We must consider what we will leave behind in the hearts and lives of our loved ones after we are gone.The love of wealth is dangerous.“But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (v. 9-10).If our desire is to be rich, we are headed for serious trouble. Though the Bible teaches productivity and making wise investments and warns against slothfulness, we cannot prioritize riches.The luxury of wealth brings responsibility.“Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy…” (v. 17). We are stewards of our wealth, not owners; if we do not see our riches as a loan from God, we will suffer, no matter how much money we have. Our responsibility is to be humble, trustful, joyful, and generous.Apply it to your lifeWhat are you leaving behind in the hearts and lives of your children? Accept your responsibility as a steward of wealth, and be humble, trustful, joyful, and generous.
2/15/202136 minutes, 6 seconds
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Family Faith, Part II

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:7The only way we can raise a family in a way that honors God is by faith. There is an urgent need to get our children on board the good ship of grace, and we do that through a solid, biblical family faith.Hebrews 11:7 says, “By faith, Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.”In Genesis, Noah exhibited an active faith, in which he both worked and waited for the Lord. Noah did not wait until it began to rain before he prepared an ark. He was willing to look foolish, to stand alone, and receive ridicule from others.Adrian Rogers says, “Faith is not sitting around doing nothing; it is belief with legs on it.”Having been warned of the future calamity, Noah’s fear caused him to obey God.Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” The fear of God is recognizing His holiness and His awesome power, and loving Him in reverence.Because of Noah’s faith, God revealed three marks of calamity to Noah: indifference, immorality, and ignorance. Having the foresight and recognizing these markings, Noah went against the tide and prepared in advance to save his household.The Bible teaches about the beautiful prosperity of household faith. Though we can’t believe for our children, we can see that our children are presented with every opportunity to believe on their own.Finally, Hebrews declares Noah’s fortune: “ faith, which he… became heir of the righteousness…”Because he obeyed the Lord, he received great fortune; as others bought, sold, traded, and married in vain, Noah put everything he had into the ark. This long-term investment saved his life, his family, and his future. He came out of the ark and inherited the world; yet, the things that truly mattered, he gained by faith.Apply it to your lifeAre you and your family onboard the good ship of grace? Have you given your children every opportunity to have a biblical faith of their own?
2/12/202125 minutes, 30 seconds
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Family Faith, Part 1

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:23-27It takes a family to raise a child, and it takes faith to make a family. The most powerful and influential people on the earth are mothers and fathers of faith. Hebrews 11 tells the story of the prophet Moses’ divine appointment, which would not have existed if not for his parents, Amram and Jochebed.There are four principles to learn from their indispensable faith, as we learn the importance of our family faith.“By faith, Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents because they saw that he was a proper child…” (v. 23).First, faith sees every child as the special handiwork of God.It is our responsibility to raise our children specifically and individually, by God’s daily guidance.Second, faith sees every conflict as spiritual.Amram and Jochebed hid Moses for three months because the King had commanded that baby boys be killed. By faith, they recognized this physical conflict as a spiritual conflict between the gods of Egypt and Almighty God.In these treacherous days, raising children takes more than wit, wisdom, and good intentions. Raising children is a spiritual battle, and our only hope is a solid faith in Jesus Christ.Third, faith sees every challenge as solvable.As Adrian Rogers says, “faith doesn’t throw in the towel,” nor is it “intimidated by the sinister minister of fear.” We have the victory, because, “greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).When facing challenges, we must do all we can do with a spirit of optimism. If it is God’s will, we can trust that He will move heaven and earth for our children.Finally, faith sees every choice as significant.Hebrews 11 notes that because Moses’ values were established in him by his parents, he valued his faith more than all the riches of Egypt.Moses embraced the virtues of knowing Christ eternally, and rejected the vices of this world, refusing to be called Pharaoh’s son (v. 24).Because Moses’ parents raised him by faith, he became an example of Psalm 112:2: "…the generation of the upright shall be blessed.”Apply it to your lifeAre you raising your children by faith, recognizing the spiritual conflict? Do you see every challenge as solvable and every choice as significant?
2/10/202134 minutes, 23 seconds
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Rivers of Revival

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ezekiel 47:1-12John 7:38 says, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”As we ask God to do something supernatural in our desperate world, we must pray to become like the rivers of revival pictured in Ezekiel 47.“Then he brought me back to the door of the temple, and there was water, flowing from under the threshold of the temple toward the east, for the front of the temple faced east; the water was flowing from under the right side of the temple, south of the altar.” (v. 1)The Mysterious Source of the RiverIt is a humble source; it flows from under the threshold. Adrian Rogers says, “Revival never begins without God’s people humbling themselves.” It is a holy source; it flows past the altar, the holiest of holy places. It is a heated source; it flows out towards the east, where the sun rises.The Marked Course of the RiverIt flows into the depressed, deserted, and deadly places. There are people who are fearful and perplexed, unsatisfied, and spiritually dead. They don’t know the joy that we know or have the answers to life that we have. They need the rivers of revival to flow out of us.Ezekiel explains the mighty force of this river, declaring that where the water flows:Trees will grow: “When I had returned, there, along the bank of the river, were very many trees on one side and the other” (v. 7). Ezekiel is talking about Christians who have strength and life, becoming trees that will not wither. (See Psalm 1:2-3.)Fish will go: In Matthew 4:19, Jesus said that we’re to be fishers of men. Evangelism is a by-product of revival; when the church gets right with God, others will come to Jesus.Fruit will show: Galatians 5:22-23 reveals the fruit of the Spirit: “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.”Health will glow: When the rivers of revival flow through, the result is spiritual health: for us and those around us.Apply it to your lifeAre you thirsty for revival? Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness; for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6). Pray for a river of revival to flow through you today.
12/30/202034 minutes, 22 seconds
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Who is Jesus? The God-Man

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Philippians 2:5-11Jesus’s ministry lasted only for three years, and yet His Word and His influence change lives today. Philippians 2:5-11 reveals exactly who Jesus, the God-Man, is.--Supernatural: “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who… made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men...” (v.5, 7) Jesus was made in the likeness of men, but He was not conceived like any other child. He was born of a virgin, exempt from the curse of man, for God’s Holy blood flowed through His veins.--Sinless: Though tempted at all points like us, Jesus remained completely sinless.--Sovereign: “...being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God…” (v. 6) Jesus is the Son of God; He is also God the Son.--Sacrificial: “And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient.” (v. 8) Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus’s death was not incidental or accidental. He did not die as a victim or a martyr. He died in obedience to the Father, that you and I might be saved by His death on the cross.”--Surviving: C.S. Lewis said, “He has forced open a door that had been locked since the death of the first man. He has met, fought, and beaten back the king of death. Everything is different because He has done so.”--Soon-Coming: "Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (v. 9-11) Jesus will return; and when He does, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord.--Saving: Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus is not a good way to Heaven or the best way to Heaven. Jesus is the only way to Heaven.”Apply it to your lifeJesus is what the world needs today. Tell someone about the Son of God who left Heaven, came to this Earth, suffered, bled, and died, and walked out of that grave a living, risen Savior.
12/29/202032 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Stars and Scars of Christmas

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 20:24-29In the Nativity story, the star pointed the wise men to the baby Jesus. But we cannot have the stars of Christmas without the scars of Christmas. We must remember: Jesus was born to die for our sins.We worship a God with scars; they are not incidental, but so fundamental that Jesus carried those scars with Him to Heaven.There are three things these scars tell us about God in human flesh.First, the scars tell us that as a man, Jesus suffered. In John 20:27, Jesus invited his doubting disciple, Thomas, to examine His scars, which He received when He was crucified. These scars testify that He suffered for us, and still suffers with us, whether in grief, in persecution, or when the church is unfaithful.The scars also show us that Jesus sympathizes; they remind us that God has been with us, He has felt what we feel and He understands our pain. Hebrews 4:15 says, “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin." Pain has a protecting purpose; it warns us to pivot away from the things that harm us. Pain also has a unifying purpose. As the physical human body comes to the aid of a suffering member, pain draws people together.Finally, these scars reveal to us that Jesus saves. He did not have to suffer. Yet, He moved into our suffering, took it on Himself, so that we could be saved from our sins. Isaiah 53:5 says, "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes, we are healed."Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus came to this earth that we might go to heaven. Jesus became the Son of man that we might become the sons and the daughters of God. Jesus died that we might live.”Apply it to your lifeToday, think not only of the stars but the scars of Christmas. Jesus had some scars, and if we follow Him, so will we. Let your pain point people to the Gospel; testify of how God healed you. And if you are suffering today, bring your wounds to Jesus; use your scars for His glory.
12/25/202036 minutes, 25 seconds
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Three Miracle Births

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 3:1-7Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3).In John 3, Jesus explains three miracle births that tell the story of our salvation.First, this passage recognizes the deficiency of our natural birth. Despite any status or ranking that we may have, we have been born into this sinful world and are bound to a sinful nature.Second, Jesus reveals the efficiency of the Virgin Birth. John 3:16-17 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”Jesus is the only way we can know God and be saved. By being born of a virgin, He was omitted from the curse of the Fall (Genesis 3), and remained sinless. But He had to be a man to pay the sin debt, for, without bloodshed, there is no remission of sin. Therefore, He had to be the God-man.Adrian Rogers says, “He came as He did, to be what He was, to do what He did, that we might be what we are, sons and daughters of God. He was born of a virgin that we might be born again.”Finally, John 3 helps us understand the sufficiency of the new birth.Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God" (John 3:5).The Word of God and the Holy Spirit are the “parents” of our new birth. As a result, our new character mimics that of our spiritual parents. We love the Lord Jesus Christ and have the witness of the Spirit. We have a desire for holiness, and to share Jesus with others. Just like there is a finality in our natural birth, once we are saved by the new birth, we are always saved; we receive a fresh start and begin to grow with the certainty of our miraculous rebirth.Apply it to your lifeDo you have the characteristics of someone reborn? Do you love Jesus and share Him with others? Do you desire holiness and have the witness of the Spirit?
12/23/202041 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Blood Covenant

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Samuel 18:3A blood covenant is a biblical principle that permanently unites two people together in marriage, business, or friendship. It is made when the blood of one individual mingles with the blood of another, and the two parties adopt a lovingkindness toward each other, meaning their love surpasses all differences.Jonathan and David’s blood covenant in 1 Samuel 18-19 is a picture of the blood covenant God made with us, through Jesus.After David came into power, the descendants of the former king, Saul, were scared that David would kill them, especially Saul’s grandson, Mephibosheth. But because of the covenant David made with Mephibosheth’s father, Jonathan, Mephibosheth was shown lovingkindness.2 Samuel 9:7 says, “And David said to him, ‘Do not fear, for I will surely show you kindness for Jonathan your father's sake, and will restore to you all the land of Saul your grandfather; and you shall eat bread at my table continually.'"Mephibosheth then ratified the covenant first made by his father. King David, who was once Mephibosheth’s enemy, became his friend. Once he ratified the covenant, a transformation took place. Mephibosheth—deformed, dethroned, deceived, and good as dead—was now a son of the King.In the same way, when we change our minds, we take a new King into our lives: Jesus Christ. The blood covenant is not just a biblical principle, it is the subject of the Bible; it is the secret of blessing and the source of boldness.Jesus entered into a blood covenant with God the Father on our behalf. On the cross, the blood of God and the blood of man mingled. As a result, no longer do we live under the tyranny of our emotions, bound to our feelings. We live by the steadfast promise and the saving power of the blood covenant.Adrian Rogers says, “Because of the blood covenant, the meek shall inherit the earth. We’re heirs of God and joint-heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ.”Thank God that God sought us, just as David sought Mephibosheth. We are in the King’s family; whether we feel it or not, our “sonship” is a matter of the blood covenant.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “Jesus came to Earth to make a blood covenant so that we might enjoy what we have with our Lord. Share the wealth of His possessions. And rest in the shadow of His protection.”
12/21/202038 minutes
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Preparing for Persecution

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:10Matthew 5:10 prepares us for persecution as it reveals, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”According to Scripture, becoming a genuine Christian means becoming the butt of the world’s jokes. It means being ostracized socially and considered inappropriate to society. But no matter what happens, nothing can take our joy from us.Adrian Rogers says, “Joy controls conditions like a thermostat. Persecution is the thermometer that registers how much you love Jesus.”The first reason we are persecuted is because of the life we live: “for righteousness' sake” (v. 10).Christians are persecuted because they divide; they are different. In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus called us the “salt” and “light” of this world. Salt irritates the wounds of this world, and light exposes its darkness. In context, Jesus is saying we are to be irritants and exposers of sin.But we must not confuse punishment for persecution. Adrian Rogers says, “We are punished by good people when we do evil. We are persecuted by evil people when we do good.”Christians who are filled with the Holy Spirit will be “naturally supernatural.” We don’t dare to claim we are persecuted if we are not living for Jesus Christ.The second reason we are persecuted is because of the Lord we love: Jesus says, “for My sake” (v. 11).The world hates Jesus Christ because He stands against the very things the world stands for: drunkenness, abortion, pornography, pride, racism, and greed. And as followers of Christ, we can expect persecutions of various kinds: personal insult, physical abuse, social stigma.But our response should be one of royalty; because we are children of the King, we reign in life and can return good for evil. We must also rejoice in the Lord; we have been identified as followers of Christ, and associated with the Lord—what an honor!Finally, we should respond in love. What a witness that is: to respond to the hate of this world with the love it desperately needs.Apply it to your lifeKnowing the reasons for persecution and the results of it, what is your response? Are you willing to follow Jesus in a world that hates Him? When you are persecuted, rejoice in the Lord and respond in love.
12/18/202025 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Priority of Peacemaking

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:9Matthew 5:9 says, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the sons of God.”Where do wars come from? James 4 claims that men wage war against one another due to the war within ourselves. Furthermore, this inner war is proof of war with God. People are not at peace within themselves; this is why they cannot be at peace with anyone else.Until we are right with God, we will be troublemakers and not peacemakers. We must understand the priority of peacemaking.First, we must consider the attributes of peace.Peace is not appeasement. In fact, appeasement never brings peace. Adrian Rogers says, “There is something desperately wrong with the person who can get along with everybody.”Though the Bible says to be at peace with all men if it is possible (Romans 12:18), this is not always possible. Jesus Christ, Himself, did not get along with everybody. We will be known by the enemies we make.Adrian Rogers says, “Peace is a right relationship with God that leads to a right relationship with self, and guides us in a right relationship with other people.”Second, we must recognize the adversary of peace, which is sin.Sin brings inner turmoil because it separates men from God. There can be no peace without the Prince of Peace. Jesus will never make a truce with sin. Jesus came to put a line of demarcation between truth and error, between light and dark, between sin and righteousness.Matthew 10:34 says, "Think not that I've come to send peace on the earth: I came not to send peace but a sword.”When God's standard of righteousness is set, there will always be division. Without righteousness, there can be no godly peace. And the sword that Jesus has is like a scalpel: it must first hurt before it heals.Peace has been planned by the Father, purchased by the Son, and provided by the Spirit. We are ambassadors and agents of peace, called to share the hope of reconciliation with a world in turmoil.Apply it to your lifeWe are agents of peace. Share the hope of reconciliation with others today.
12/16/202033 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Magnificence of Mercy

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:7Matthew 5:7 says, "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy."Mercy is not just softness or mere sentiment; it is compassion in action. And the magnificence of mercy is that those who have received it will show it. Mercy is a godly characteristic, one that resides in the hearts and minds of those who have accepted salvation from Jesus Christ. And it actively reveals itself as compassion for others.First, consider the beauty of mercy: it is godlike.Lamentations 3:22-23 says, “Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Your faithfulness.”Every morning, we get to wake up and greet the mercy of God, which is faithful and fails not. In Luke 10, Jesus tells the Parable of the Good Samaritan and reveals the symbolism of salvation. When others passed by us in our despair and need, Jesus rescued us, healed and cleansed us, and covered our debts. After He told this story, Jesus called us to do the same for our neighbors. He explained that when we are merciful, we are godlike (Luke 10:37).Second, consider the basis of mercy: truth.Psalm 85:10 says, "Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed."To show mercy is not to minimize sin. There can be no mercy without truth, which is that the justice of God says our sins must be punished.When we show mercy, we withhold judgment; when we withhold judgment, it implies judgment was deserved. But thank God that He doesn’t give us what we deserve! Adrian Rogers says, “God doesn't deal with us on the basis of fairness; God deals with us on the basis of mercy.”We are not forgiven because we show mercy; rather, we show mercy because we are forgiven.This is the magnificence of mercy: The more mercy we show, the more mercy we get.Apply it to your lifeDo you have a heart full of compassion in action? If God has forgiven us, how much more should we forgive one another? Remember this beatitude, today: Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.
12/10/202032 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Secret of Satisfaction (1659)

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:6The word “blessed” means to be satisfied. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus revealed the secret of satisfaction. Matthew 5:6 says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”Many of us think of righteousness as something to do. But in the Bible, righteousness is wrapped up in a person, and His name is Jesus. When we hunger and thirst after righteousness, we are actually hungering and thirsting after Jesus Christ.Jesus is Our Spiritual SustenanceIn the material realm, food and water are necessities, not luxuries; if we don’t eat or drink, we will die. And so it is in the spiritual realm: Jesus Christ is not some luxury; He is a necessity. Without Him, our spirits will die.We should desire Jesus preeminently, above all other things. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells us, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”Jesus will not work in second place. A lack of joy, peace, or fulfillment is a symptom of unrighteousness. When we hunger and thirst after Jesus, we are blessed, but it is crucial to remember that the blessings are just a by-product. Jesus is the cure; not the joy, peace, and fulfillment that comes with Him.Adrian Rogers says, “You’ll never go beyond Jesus: you may only go deeper and deeper into Jesus.” We should seek Jesus passionately—with a huge appetite. A hungry man is interested in one thing: food. If he is hungry enough, he will go anywhere, do almost anything, and pay any price. Likewise, our quest for Jesus Christ should be marked by deliberation, determination, and desperation.Jesus Satisfies the Strongest AppetiteFinally, we should enjoy Jesus perpetually. Adrian Rogers says, “I don’t know how much of God you have, but you have all you want. Shallow thirst equals shallow satisfaction; small hunger equals small satisfaction.”Contrary to popular belief, we don’t lose the good things of life when we come to Jesus. In fact, we enjoy things more in the context of righteousness. In Jesus, we are completely, continually, and certainly satisfied.Apply it to your lifeA person who is hungry and thirsty for righteousness is on a deliberate, determined, desperate quest for Jesus Christ. Do you seek Jesus Christ as a starving man would seek food?
12/9/202037 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Mighty Meek

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:5Matthew 5:5 says, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus revealed that it is not the mighty men who are blessed--it is the mighty meek.Meekness is not weakness. Jesus was meek, yet He was a strong man. To be meek means to be yielded, to have a compliant spirit. Meekness is strength under control. When we were created, God put certain drives, instincts, and ambitions into our very natures. These are not evil in themselves, but they must yield to the Holy Spirit so that we may bring Him glory and honor.While some believe releasing or restraining our strength will lead to control, true meekness comes after we see ourselves as poor in spirit. Once we are broken over our condition, we can develop strength under control.Step One: Submit to the Son of God.Matthew 11:28-30 says:Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle [meek] and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.Jesus offers our wild spirits rest and invites us to submit to His lordship and learn true strength from Him.Step Two: Receive the Word of God.We cannot snatch pieces of the Bible to feed our pride or our opinions.Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible is not meant to be interesting; it’s meant to be disturbing.”We must welcome the Word into our lives with humility, reaching out to Jesus Christ with both hands, letting Scripture be our bridle and bit.Step Three: Be Filled with the Spirit of God.The Holy Spirit of God produces meekness in us; we simply bear the fruit of it.When we are meek, we will receive our inheritance. This dynamic is explained in 2 Corinthians 6:10, which says, “ sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.”Apply it to your lifeHave you yielded to the Holy Spirit and developed a meek spirit? Take these steps today: submit to God, receive His Word, and be filled with His Spirit.
12/7/202035 minutes, 46 seconds
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Turning Tears into Telescopes

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:4The world tells us that a life without tears, sorrow, and heartache is a blessed life; but this is not true. In fact, in Matthew 5:4, Jesus says, "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted."We do all we can to avoid pain. We call on psychologists, self-help coaches, and entertainment to change our conditions. In reality, condition does not dictate character.Jesus, Himself, was a Man of sorrows. He teaches us how to turn our tears into telescopes. He teaches us to bring our sorrows and heartaches into focus in such a way that we can see beyond the present and into the future. Our tears today can become telescopes to make the future all the brighter and all the more meaningful.Turning tears into telescopes is a two-step process. We must identify the convicting guilt that causes us to mourn, and we must recognize the grace that comforts us.In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives insight into the deceptive power of sin. Man looks on the outward appearance and sees outward sin. But God looks on the heart and at our inner intentions that led to our sin.Our hearts are “deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” (Jeremiah 17:9) Our hearts are subject to sin’s defilement, which perverts the beautiful things we see and touch.If we are truly convicted by our guilt, it should lead to consuming grief and sorrow.There are two kinds of sorrow: godly and worldly. Godly sorrow leads us to repentance, but the sorrow of the world leaves us with remorse.Adrian Rogers explains, “Remorse without repentance can be a dangerous thing. A person filled with remorse is one who loves his sin and hates himself at the same time. A person who has repented is a person who hates his sin because he loves his Savior. Remorse looks at the sin and its consequences. Repentance looks beyond the sin to Calvary.”Looking at Calvary, we recognize the grace that comforts us. Mourning is the only way to know the comfort of our dear Lord. The word comfort is not a word filled with sympathy. The word “comfort” translates to mean with strength. When we receive God’s comforting grace, we are receiving His Spirit, which is our strength and our advocate.Apply it to your lifeHave you experienced guilt for your sins? Have you experienced the consuming grief of an unrepentant life? Have you experienced the comfort of God’s grace?
12/3/202036 minutes, 45 seconds
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When Bankruptcy Becomes a Blessing

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:1-9“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3)In our world today, there is a stronger emphasis on what we have than on what we are. The world says, “Blessed are those with wealth, strength, power, knowledge, and popularity.” But in his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus puts an emphasis not primarily on what a man has, but on what a man is. The first of these character qualities is a poorness of spirit.Matthew 5 reveals how bankruptcy can become a blessing. “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” In this passage, Jesus is not talking about financial poverty. Rather, He is identifying the spiritual poverty of a man.In the spiritual realm, we are absolutely, totally bankrupt—beggars before God. We must discover this truth, and admit it; if we don't see it or refuse to acknowledge it, we will never receive the kingdom of heaven.Adrian Rogers says, “This discovery comes when we see just who God is, and then we understand who we are.” Brokenness follows this discovery; we realize we cannot depend on the things we once believed we could. We cannot depend on our pedigrees, our education, or knowledge; these things cannot help us.Those who are spiritually bankrupt cannot afford to be proud. All we can do is declare our dire condition. Because, as Matthew 5 reveals, spiritual beggars are blessed…“for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”This condition is a blessing because it is the only way we can get to heaven. Adrian Rogers says, “Until a man lays his pride in the dust, he cannot be saved. Even God cannot fill that which is already full. We'll never live spiritually until we admit we are dead spiritually.”When we lay aside our pride and receive salvation from Jesus Christ, we are, in turn, received by God, just as we are. It is the only way we can come to the Father.Apply it to your lifeDiscover your spiritual bankruptcy, depend on God’s promises, and declare it to others today. Adrian Rogers says, “Evangelism is one beggar telling another beggar how to find bread.”
12/1/202033 minutes, 36 seconds
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Integrity: Don't Leave Home Without It

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 20:15Exodus 20:15 reveals the eighth commandment: "You shall not steal."It seems that we have forgotten the basic rules of honesty. Any time we take anything that belongs to someone else or keep from someone the thing that we owe to them, we are guilty of stealing. There are three grand principles found in Ephesians 4:28, that we are to etch into the consciousness of our children:Integrity: "Let him who stole steal no longer..."Stealing isn’t just burglary or embezzlement; it can also mean fraud. Lying is a form of stealing; half-hearted work is stealing. Gambling is another form of thievery; it is an attempt to get what belongs to someone else without giving him anything for it. We belong to God, whether we acknowledge it or not. When we live for ourselves and not for God, we are robbing God of what is His. When we fail to tithe to the church, we are stealing from God, as well. Adrian Rogers explains, “It pays to serve Jesus; it pays every step of the way. You have defrauded yourself: In seeking to get, you’re the one who loses.”Industry: "...but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good..."Work is not a curse; it is a gift from God, and absolutely imperative in our world. When someone receives something without working for it, someone else has to work for it without receiving it. We must begin instilling a good work ethic into our children early, so they grow up to become hard workers.Generosity: "...that he may have something to give him who has need."The opposite of stealing is giving. Just as we teach our children the importance of hard work, we must teach them the importance of charity. As Christians, we labor to meet our needs and give to others. It’s a sin to expect the government to care for our loved ones when we, ourselves, ought to do it.Adrian Rogers says, “Misery comes from mirrors. Joy comes from windows when we’re beginning to pour out and give to others.”Apply it to your lifeWould you like to teach your children the importance of working with honesty, vigor, and the expectation to give it away? Adrian Rogers emphasizes this powerful advice from John Wesley: “Make all you can, save all you can, and give all you can.”
11/23/202032 minutes, 7 seconds
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A Place Called Heaven

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 14:1-3Here on earth, we’re limited in our knowledge about Heaven. But what the Bible does reveal about a place called Heaven leaves us in breathless wonder.Heaven is a real place. Heaven is not a condition or state of mind; it is somewhere on God’s map, and one day we will be there in a resurrected body.The saved go to Heaven immediately upon death. 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 says, “So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.”We will know our loved ones in Heaven, face-to-face, heart-to-heart. In Matthew 8:11, Jesus claims Heaven will feel like a great family reunion. The ones we’ve read about in the Bible and the ones who served God before us will feel like family, as well.There will be joyful activity in Heaven. Heaven will not be boring; quite the contrary. Our work in Heaven will be joyful and thrilling, blessed, and beloved.Heaven is a place of absolute perfection. There will be no more tears, sighing, crying, or pain. Heaven is the presence of all that is good and the absence of all that is bad. Adrian Rogers tells us, “Heaven is all that the loving heart of God would desire. Heaven is all that the incredible mind of God can conceive. And Heaven is all the Almighty Hand of God can create.”Jesus is the crowning glory of Heaven. Jesus said, "I go and prepare a place for you...that where I am, there you may be also" (John 14:3). The thrill of Heaven is not that we live there... It is that we will live there with Jesus.Only the redeemed will go to Heaven. We can’t trust in honesty, charity, or even religion, itself. We can only trust in Jesus, who died for us and rose again, so that we may see a place called Heaven for ourselves.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “You have to be Heaven-born to be Heaven-bound.” Knowing the only way to the place called Heaven is through salvation in Jesus Christ, are you sure that you are saved? Does your family trust in Jesus Christ?
11/12/202032 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Power of Effectual Prayer

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 11:36Romans 11:36 says, “For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things, to whom be the glory forever.”God is the producer, preserver, and purpose of creation. Everything starts with God, operates through God, and returns back to God.This divine triangle is exemplified in our salvation. God first loved us and brought us to Himself through Jesus Christ. We live the Christian life through the power He gives, and one day we are going back to Him.This divine triangle is exemplified through sanctification. We receive the Holy Spirit from God and are continually sanctified to become more like God.It’s also exemplified through stewardship. We receive blessings from God to bless others, for the purpose of bringing glory to God. Romans 11:36 reveals three transformational truths about the power of effectual prayer.First, the origin of all effectual prayer roots in the purposes of God. God gives us the privilege of working together with Him through prayer. Prayer is also the way God disciples us; it is how He works on us. Adrian Rogers says, “Prayer is not bending God’s will to our will. Prayer is finding the will of God and getting in on it.”Second, the operation of prayer relies on the power of God. Our old nature does not want to pray. It is God who gives us the desire and power to pray. God also gives us the direction for praying. Prayer gives us insight on what to ask for and how to use what we’ve been given.Finally, the objective of prayer results in the praise of God. Adrian Rogers says, “Thanksgiving enjoys the gift, but praise enjoys the Giver.” Praise and thanksgiving complete the triangle of prayer. Prayer goes into God’s presence to carry something away, but praise goes into God’s presence to remain there forever.Apply it to your lifeEach time you prepare to pray in the name of Jesus, consider these questions:-Has God put this request in my heart, through the written Word or through His Spirit?-Am I now praying in the energy of the Spirit rather than the energy of the flesh? -Is the desire of my heart that God would be glorified?
11/5/202028 minutes, 50 seconds
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What Does the Word of God Say About Government?

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 14:34Proverbs 14:34 says, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."When it comes to politics, some believers have dropped out: either discouraged by the worldliness or intimidated by the great debate between church and state. Others, in their misguided zeal, have turned their churches into precincts and used our government to wage holy war against the nonbelievers. At this crucial time in our nation, we need to confess our sins, turn from our wicked ways, and understand what the Word of God says about government.The Bible teaches us that God has ordained human government. Daniel 2:21 says, “And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings...” Whether they be wicked or righteous, our government leaders are given authority by God, alone. By and large, nations receive the kind of government they deserve.The Word of God also states that government serves two basic purposes: to restrain evil and to encourage good. Though it is impossible to legislate morality, the government is an instrument of God to legislate against immorality.The Word of God teaches the responsibilities of the church to the government, and vice versa. Respectfully, we do not want the government infringing upon our religious affairs. Likewise, as Christian citizens, we have a civic duty to pray for our government leaders, pay our taxes, and express patriotism. When the government does what is right, we should let them know. We are also instructed to speak up when the government does wrong. We must use our votes to speak up for what is godly and righteous; when we don’t participate, we disobey the Lord.Finally, the Bible claims there will come a time when we may have to disobey our government. In Acts, the apostles were told not to preach the Gospel, but they did anyway. In the Book of Daniel, Daniel was commanded by the government not to pray, but he did anyway. As Jesus instructed us in Matthew 22:21, render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, but not the things that are God’s.Adrian Rogers says, “The only authority the government has is that which is granted ultimately by Almighty God; we ought to obey God rather than man.”Apply it to your lifeIt’s not too late for America; one by one, we must get right with God; sing it, pray it and mean it: God bless America.
11/4/202021 minutes, 59 seconds
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It's Prayer Time in America

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 2 Chronicles 7:14It’s prayer time in America; this nation is ripe for God’s judgment, and in desperate need of His mercy. We are a proud nation, wallowing in materialism and rotting in sin, lost in the search for earthly pleasures and false freedoms. But there is hope!2 Chronicles 7:14 is an ancient promise God made to Israel in times of calamity. It says, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."This passage recognizes the people God has: “If My people who are called by My name…” As God’s people, we must understand and accept that if America falls and fails, it will be our fault. Adrian Rogers says, “It is not our duty to persuade God to send revival; we must permit Him to do so.”This passage also addresses the pride God hates: “...will humble themselves, and pray….” Pride is the root of all kinds of evil. This is why we are to humble ourselves before God. James 4:6 says, “But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: ‘God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’”This passage reveals the prayer God hears: “...and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways…” God is not just our only hope… He is our biggest threat; and to pray without repentance angers Him. Repentance is more than a conviction of sin. It’s more than a confession or contrition for sin. Repentance is a heart change. We must repent of our wicked ways and seek the face of God.Finally, this passage reminds us of the promise God honors: “...then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." God would rather pardon than judge. He is angry at our sins, but He is full of compassion. If we humbly ask for forgiveness and repent of our sins, He is faithful to forgive.Apply it to your lifeIf there was ever a time that we need to repent, this is it.Adrian Rogers says, “When the church begins to do what we ought to do, then we’ll begin to deal with all of these other problems. Stop pointing fingers. Bow the knee before God; get right with God.”
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The Gospel Truth

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 15The human condition is marked by a single, inherent problem of sin. Oftentimes, we try to explain away or excuse sin, but until we learn to deal with it, we will never know forgiveness. The Gospel Truth only becomes good news when we recognize the bad news, which is our own sin. In this message, we learn there are three things to know about the good news of the Gospel.The SourceThe reason for the Gospel is sin. We are all sinners. Our sin, whether confessed or ignored, comes with a penalty, pollution, and power over us. But because of the death of Jesus Christ, the penalty of our sin was paid in full. Jesus’ final words were, “It is finished” (John 19:30). By His death, we have been pardoned.Because of the burial of Jesus, the pollution of our sin can be purged. When we get saved, Jesus makes our hearts clean. The pollution of sin is put in the grave of God’s forgetfulness. And because of Christ’s resurrection, we have received Christ’s power over sin. It was sin that crucified Jesus and nailed Him to the cross. When Jesus rose from the grave, He demolished the power of sin.The ForceThe Gospel is a saving force. There is no other way to be saved but through Jesus. Adrian Rogers says, “If it’s new, it’s not true. There is only one Gospel, no other Gospel. It is gloriously simple, it is simply glorious.”It is also a sanctifying force. It is present tense. We are being made more and more like Jesus every day. We have been saved from the penalty of sin, and are being saved from the power of sin.And it is a stabilizing force. When we get saved, we don’t keep our salvation… rather, it keeps us.The CourseThe course of the Gospel takes its toll on the whole world. It extends to every person, flows to every place, and covers every problem. The Gospel is the only answer to sin, sorrow, and death. This is the good news worth sharing.Apply it to your lifeHave you acknowledged the bad news of sin, that you might know the good news of the Gospel?
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An Unchanging Message to a Changing World

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Kings 22:1-141 Kings 22 tells the story of a prophet with an unchanging message to a changing world. After receiving counsel from 400 pandering prophets, King Ahab and Jehoshaphat hear from Micaiah, a true prophet of God. And rather than saying what they wanted to hear, Micaiah proclaims, “...As the Lord lives, whatever the Lord says to me, that I will speak” (v. 14).There are five things we can learn from Micaiah’s bold response.1. It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. Devoted believer Jehoshaphat had made an unholy, political alliance with the wicked King Ahab. Unity is a wonderful thing; the Church is called to do everything we can to preserve unity. But it must only be unity in Christ, and Christ alone.2. It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals than to tell a lie that comforts and then kills.The 400 prophets before Micaiah lied to please the king, but Micaiah refused to be bought or intimidated. Adrian Rogers says, “Rough truth is better than polished falsehood.”3. It is better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved for telling a lie.Sometimes, we assume those who tell us the truth are our enemies. King Ahab hated Micaiah; prophets and disciples all throughout Scripture faced persecution, including Jesus Himself. People of God will not be loved by this world.4. It is better to stand alone with the truth than to be wrong with a multitude.The King’s Council tried to soften Micaiah, begging him to agree with the other prophets. But he stood by his conviction from God. The majority is almost always wrong; men and women of God have always stood alone.5. It is better to ultimately succeed with the truth than to temporarily succeed with a lie.Eventually, Ahab’s rejection of the truth cost him his life. Micaiah’s dedication to the truth brought him to power. This world is in desperate need of the truth; we cannot be intimidated by momentary threats of failure. The truth of Jesus Christ will outlast every lie this world could tell.Apply it to your lifeAre you sharing the unchanging message of the Gospel in this changing world? Remember the words of Micaiah: “As the Lord lives, whatever the Lord says to me, that I will speak."
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The Time of Your Life

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 5:14If we’re not careful, we may spend the prime time of our lives chasing the wrong goals. This is why we have to learn how to use and maximize our time for God’s glory. Ephesians 5:14-16 says, “Therefore He says: 'Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.' See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”We must begin to see time as an incredible opportunity, so we may know how to live wisely in evil days. Time is a provided and present opportunity; it is a gift from God that we dare not let pass by. Adrian Rogers says, “There are two days that can steal the joy from today: one is yesterday and the other is tomorrow.”In Philippians 3:13-14, the Apostle Paul said, "...but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” We must forget the guilt, glory, grief, and grudges of the past.Time is a precious opportunity; the art of living is spending time wisely. Psalm 90:12 says, “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”We can organize our days according to four principles:-Prayer: it is the key that unlocks the door of the morning. Begin every day with prayer.-Priority: understanding the difference between urgent and important, we must prioritize accordingly.-Promptness: procrastination is a sin. We must cultivate the habit of instant obedience.-Power: this means we do God’s will in the power of the Holy Spirit.Finally, time is a passing opportunity. Adrian Rogers says, “Time is such a strange commodity; all you can do is use it or lose it.”We will give an account for every passing day. Knowing this, we must cut ourselves loose from yesterday’s heartaches and failures and strain toward what’s ahead.Apply it to your lifeWhat do you intend to do with your day? Will you be a good steward of the time God has given you?
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No Other Way to Heaven Except Through Jesus

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 1:16Jesus said in John 14:6: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”Therefore, we know God is righteous, and there is no other way to Heaven except through Jesus. Romans 1:16-22 offers four factors to help us better understand this truth.1. The Revelation Factor: all men have some light.God created us to serve and know Him. There are two witnesses all people have; one is the outward, objective witness called creation. The other is the inward, subjective witness called conscience.2. The Refusal Factor: light refused increases darkness.Adrian Rogers says, “The opposite of truth is not error; it is sin.” When creation and conscience speak to us, and we continue to refuse God, we regress. We lose even the little light we have; our foolish hearts are darkened. Romans 1:18 says, “For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” In this context, the word “hold” [suppress] means to resist the truth; not in error, but in unrighteousness. Because belief in God leads to an entire life change, unbelief is the baggage that comes with disobedience.3. The Reception Factor: light obeyed increases light.Romans 1:16-17 says, “...for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith.” The righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith." When we receive and believe the truth, we will be given more truth. When we surrender our will, God will speak to us; we can begin by obeying Scripture we understand.4. The Reckoning Factor: God will judge us by the light we’ve rejected.Many of us are fortunate to have immediate, easy access to the Bible. God will hold us accountable for this, more so than the person who’s never heard. This should encourage us to take advantage of the light we’ve been given, lest we lose it.Apply it to your lifeAll men have some light; light refused increases darkness, and light obeyed increases light. Men are judged according to the light that they have. Knowing what you know, take advantage of the Scriptures available to you, and share it with others.
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The Leadership Crisis in America

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 29:2God has ordained our government and commanded us to get involved in the decisions made for the leadership of our country. Adrian Rogers says, “Leadership is really stewardship because the leader acts for God.”Jesus taught us to participate in government when He said "We are to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s. We’re to render to God the things that are God’s. (Matthew 22:21) There are four basic principles to consider when responding to the leadership crisis in America.Think first about the character that God requires in leadership. God blesses good character over ability. When you go to vote, consider the following qualities that God requires:Godliness: Nobody is fit for leadership who is ungodly or unrighteous.Wisdom: Does your candidate have the wisdom that can only be given by God?Honesty: Proverbs 20:28 says, “Mercy and truth preserve the king.”Discernment: Someone who is able to distinguish between good and bad.Sexual Morality: If a man has no moral standard of his own, he can’t set a moral standard for the nation.Sober: Look for a leader who is not only sober-minded but simply sober.Protective: A good leader protects the weak and defends those who cannot defend themselves.Secondly, remember the choice that God respects. God allows us to choose against His will, and that is the reason we receive the poor leadership we deserve. Adrian Rogers says, “Wicked rulers are God’s reward for wicked people.”Third, see the consequences that God reveals. It is deeply disturbing to consider that America doesn’t know the trouble she’s in on the path she’s currently walking. Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”But ultimately, remember the control that God reserves. Even if wicked men make wicked choices for wicked rulers, God has forsaken control. God is still the King of kings. Again, Adrian Rogers says, “If we do not allow God to rule in America, God will still overrule.”Apply it to your lifeWhat should we do about the leadership crisis in America?Pray for revival.Prepare for suffering.Prepare for His arrival.Let the voting polls be a reminder: Jesus is coming…soon!.
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The Discipline of Darkness

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Isaiah 50:10-11Sometimes, darkness falls upon even the most devout Christians. What can we do when the lights go out? What is the discipline of darkness? Isaiah 50:10 says, “Who among you fears the Lord? Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon his God.”First, those of greatest devotion may know the deepest darkness. There is a distorted idea that the Christian life is all joy and light. But Isaiah 50 speaks to those who revere God and respect His authority, yet face deep perplexity and anguish.Second, faith that is born in the light is developed in the dark. In order to develop our faith in the darkness, we must look and lean on the Lord. Adrian Rogers says, “It is better to be in a valley, leaning on God, than on a peak without Him.”Third, some things are seen in the dark that cannot be seen in the light. Adrian Rogers says, “You could not see the stars were it not for the darkness.”Fourth, it is better to lean on God in the darkness than stand alone in man-made light.One of the great dangers of darkness is the temptation to light our own fires. But if the darkness has been ordained of God, we cannot undo what God has done. Man-made fire is deceptive; we see this in the stories of Abraham, Moses, and Simon Peter. When these men of God took matters into their own hands, it resulted in bitter weeping and “lying down in sorrow.”Finally, if our sun has set, we must remember it will rise again. Isaiah 50:4 says, “The Lord God has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to hear as the learned."When we get to a better day, we will be equipped to teach the greatest treasure of the darkness: that in our deepest sorrow, our Heavenly Father’s eyes are upon us.Apply it to your lifeIf you’re in darkness right now, don’t light your own fire; look and lean on God. Remember these words from Adrian Rogers: “God will turn every tear to a pearl, every hurt to a hallelujah, every Calvary to an Easter; your morning will come.”
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A Formula for Fellowship

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 1:3-10As Christians, we can slip and fall into sin just like anyone else. What happens to our fellowship with God when we sin?1 John 1:5-7 says: "This is the message which we have heard from Him, and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin."The formula for fellowship is a cleansed life. Oftentimes, we would rather see our sins as mistakes that need to be fixed. In reality, we are sinners in need of forgiveness. Adrian Rogers says, “The problem with today's society is we all have a burden of guilt without a sense of sin.” If we are truly saved, our sin can no longer condemn us; but it can interrupt fellowship with God. Our “sonship” is fixed for eternity, but our fellowship is determined as to whether or not we obey our Father’s instructions.If we want to stay in fellowship with God, we must first expose our sins to the light. Hiding our sins is very dangerous; if we want to know if we have any unconfessed sin in our hearts, we have to shed light on our imperfections. We must be bold to ask the Holy Spirit to convict us legitimately, specifically, and redemptively.Second, our sin must be expressed to the Lord. A confession of sin is not just an admission; it is an agreement with God about it. To confess that sin means to name it and nail it; to agree with God immediately, specifically, and confidently. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”Because Jesus Christ died for our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us. If we only confess, we can be totally cleansed from all unrighteousness, and our fellowship with God can be restored.Apply it to your lifeDo you have any unconfessed sin in your life? Bring it to the light and express it to the Lord.
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A Nation in Crisis

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Isaiah 59:1-4Isaiah 59:1-2 says, “Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; Nor is His ear heavy, that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.”Our beloved America is a nation in a crisis. The prophet, Isaiah, boldly pointed out the sins of his day; upon a closer look, we can see distinct parallels to the sins of our day.-Bloody hands: “For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity...” (v. 3)-Lying lips: “Your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perversity....” (v. 3)-Wicked hearts: “No one calls for justice, nor does any plead for truth. They trust in empty words and speak lies; They conceive evil and bring forth iniquity.” (v. 4)How did Isaiah’s people come to a place where God would not hear their prayers? What brought about bloody hands, lying lips, and wicked hearts?First, the people had been feeding on a diet of deception. Much like the day of Isaiah, poisonous philosophies are being swallowed down by our next generation.Second, the people were caught in a web of wickedness. Satan has a web of evil, and its most terrifying quality is that it is difficult to see. Our youth don’t understand that porn, alcohol, sexual immorality holds them captive by the enemy.Third, the people were trashing the truth. Isaiah 59:14-15 says, “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; For truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. So truth fails, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. Then the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no justice.” In this illustration, truth lies prostrate on the ground. In America, truth has been knocked down by doctors of philosophy, dishonest politicians, and false preachers.Adrian Rogers says, “The job in America today is to put truth back on her feet.”Apply it to your lifeProverbs 23:23, “Buy the truth and do not sell it.” Pastor Rogers tells us, “Truth is a prize to possess. There is a price to pay, you must buy the truth. You must study it, pour over it, learn it, live it, know it. And you must preserve the truth.”
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Detours, Dead Ends, and Dry Holes

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 13:17-18Exodus 13:18 says, “But God led the people about, through the way of the wilderness of the Red sea: and the children of Israel went up harnessed out of the land of Egypt.” As God leads us through life, we may find ourselves on back roads, dead-end alleys, or in dry places. What should we do when we face detours, dead ends, and dry holes?First, remember the discipline of detours. This passage clarifies God led His people on a divine detour. Further hardship would have met the Israelites if they had gone the shortest route.Sometimes, we aren’t ready for the blessings God has in store for us. If we are circling the wilderness, or feel “out” of the will of God, Adrian Rogers advises: “The important thing is not that you know; the important thing is that God knows and that you follow Him.”This passage also identifies the dilemma of dead ends. For the Israelites, the road ended at the vast Red Sea, with Pharaoh’s army closing in on them. They were between the sword and the sea; there was no way out. But God knew exactly what He was doing. God put them in this dead end to use their seemingly impossible circumstance to bring judgment on Pharaoh.When we come up against dead ends, we can remember: our place of desperation is an opportunity of dependency upon Him.There are four things to do when we come to a dead end: fear not, stand still, watch God work before you, and then go forward.Finally, this passage recognizes the disappointment of dry holes; this is the test of our faithfulness. The Israelites failed this test miserably. Merely three days after God miraculously parted the Red Sea, they murmured in doubt, which is an aggressive sin. There was no need for them to murmur, for their provision was in front of them. God already knew what He was going to do.God knows the way through the wilderness, all we have to do is follow.Apply it to your lifeAre you following God, yet facing a detour, a dead end, or a dry hole? Know that God hasn't forsaken you; He is proving you. Don't complain or murmur; right over the hill, God’s oasis is waiting. You may not see it, but God can see it.
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Why I Believe in Jesus

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 6:66-69If you were given the chance to speak to someone who has never known the love of God, what would you say? If you knew it would be the first, and perhaps the only time he would ever hear a message from God, what would you tell him?Tell him why you believe in Jesus Christ.John 6:66-69 says, “From that time many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, ‘Will ye also go away?’ Then Simon Peter answered Him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life, and we believe and are sure that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.’”Jesus’ disciples had the privilege of seeing Him work from an intimate vantage point. They were not like the crowds who watched Him perform miracles and turned away once His message became too radical. They believed that He alone is the answer. Through their testimonies, they gave us reasons to believe this, too.Jesus was a historical fact. Whether you are a Christian or not, a man named Jesus was here. Secular historians acknowledge Him as a fact regardless of what they believe about Him.And if you believe the Bible, the book that stands the test of time, you can believe in Him. Jesus’ life is the fulfillment of the prophecies foretold long before He stepped foot on this earth.The central theme of the Bible is Jesus. If you look long enough, every page of Scripture tells His story.Even though historians and theologians alike validate the life of Jesus Christ, you may need help believing in Him. This is where the Holy Spirit comes into the equation. Adrian Rogers says, “Anything I can talk you into; somebody else can talk you out of. You need the Holy Spirit of God to convict you and convince you.”A transformed life is the greatest witness of Jesus’ saving power. Just as the disciples gave their testimony of faith in Jesus in John 6, we can also testify to others when we come to know Him.Apply it to your lifeHow has Jesus changed your life since you’ve come to know Him? Knowing your testimony is your greatest asset when you witness to other people. Share it with someone today.
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The New World Order

In Acts 10, the Gospel was made available to Gentiles for the first time. Up until Acts 15, many in the church believed Christianity was exclusively for the Jews. Concerned, they met in Jerusalem to discuss God’s plan for the Jews.Acts 15:18 reads, “Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.” God has a plan for this world, the church, for the Jew and the Gentile. And as we hear rumors of a new world order in these last days, we know the reasons why the world is out of sorts to begin with.The church is out of her rightful place. The church, which is the bride of Christ, belongs with the groom. Through the Holy Spirit, He is with us, but we are not by His side. Ephesians 1:13-14 explains that the Holy Spirit is “the earnest of our inheritance,” meaning He is a token of God’s love to His Bride while we wait to join His side.Second, there will never be world order until Israel is restored and there is peace in Jerusalem.God is not finished with the Jewish nation; they are still the chosen people. God gave the land of Israel to Abraham’s descendants in an everlasting covenant, yet, the Jews have been scattered across the earth. As God prophesied Israel's disobedience, dispersion, and disgrace, He also prophesied their resolve and return.Third, Satan is out of place, because the criminal belongs in prison. There will never be order as long as Satan’s spirit is working. The world stumbles in darkness orchestrated by Him. But Satan will not always have the run of this world. There’s coming a time when he will be cast into the prison of his own making: hell.Finally, there will be no world order until the King is on the throne. Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords; soon, His Will will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.Adrian Rogers says, “I cannot wait for the time our Lord comes and we have a new world order; when the church and Israel and Satan and Jesus are in their rightful place. It has a good ending, and we’re on the winning side.”Apply it to your lifeAs the days grow gloriously dark, pray for the nation of Israel, and for those who may not know the Lord.
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It's Time for You to Get a Life

The Book of Ecclesiastes is the journal of King Solomon. It is a record of some of the perplexities he had, as well as some of the mistakes he made. There are three themes from this book when considering the beauty of this life we get to live.First, this book reveals the complex mysteries of life.God does not want life to make sense to us. God, in His infinite wisdom, makes life a mystery to draw us to Him. God put eternity in our hearts; He gave us a desire to see life from an eternal perspective. The answer to life’s mystery is not in nature, history, or science. The answer is that apart from God, wisdom, wealth and work are all meaningless.Ecclesiastes also addresses the challenging adventure of life.In spite of its mystery, God urges us to live with enthusiasm and joy. We cannot let our problems make cynics out of us. There are going to be some hard times; we would be foolish to not enjoy the good times. Adrian Rogers says, “Since God is good, we should live joyfully. Since God is sovereign, we should live confidently. And since God is holy, live life reverently.”Finally, this book reveals that life is a comprehensive test.Everything is going to come to judgment. Because of this, we must learn to rejoice. Adrian Rogers says, “God’s laws do not restrict us; they liberate us.” We must learn, also, to rest and remember; to honor, to obey, to serve God in every season.Everything that King Solomon wrote is by divine inspiration. But we know some things he didn’t know because we have the New Testament. We have an understanding that even Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, did not have before he died, primarily, the answer to the age-old question: What is life all about?Glory to God, we know that Jesus said, “I’ve come that you might have life, and that you might have it abundantly.”(John 10:10)Life is about Jesus and only Jesus. Apart from Him, everything is meaningless.Apply it to your lifeLife is a complex mystery and a challenging adventure. In order to pass the comprehensive tests of life, we must learn to rejoice in every season, to rest in God’s grace and goodness, and to remember Him.
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Four Lies That Ruined the World

Satan wants to bring death to our happiness, joy and purity, and he accomplishes this through lies. Genesis 3:1 says, “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field…”Satan cleverly crafts subtle lies about the biggest truths. We see this exemplified in his confrontation with Eve in the Garden of Eden, when he told her four lies that ruined the world.1. “God is not loving.”Satan’s first tactic was to convince Eve to think negatively about God.The devil wants us to think God is straight-laced and cruel, and that our relationship with Him would be filled with “don’t!”But Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight thyself also in the LORD, and he will give thee the desires of thine heart.”God does not take away joy; He gives it.2. “God is not truthful.”The devil’s second tactic was to get Eve to think skeptically about God.When Satan removes the truth of God’s Word, then he slips in other ideas to replace them. Many other religions, spiritual practices and New Age thoughts are simply substitutes from the enemy to divert us from the truth.3. “God is not righteous.”Satan’s next tactic is to make us think lightly of God. But God is holy, and He will punish sin. The Ten Commandments are not advice; they’re law.4. “God is not gracious.”Finally, Satan will try to convince us to think suspiciously of God.Scripture says that God had a wonderful plan for Adam and Eve. Many people think serving God cramps their style. Yet, the devil, who promises total freedom, keeps his victims in bondage.All the problems in the world today are rooted in these four ancient lies. How can we overcome them?Revelation 12:11 says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.”Adrian Rogers says, “On the cross, Satan’s back was broken, and through the blood of the Lamb every lie that you believe can be forgiven. You can see through the lenses of the cross what the real truth is.”Only when we commit ourselves to the written word of God, can we overcome the devil’s lies.Apply it to your lifeHave you accepted Calvary’s conquest in your life? Have you committed yourself to God’s word so that you may overcome the devil’s lies?
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Flawed Appetites and Fatal Attractions

We live in a world of victims; nobody wants to take the blame for anything. And when we run out of other people to blame for our sins, we can be tempted to blame God. But God’s Word heeds warning to those who would dare blame Him for their temptation to sin.James 1:13-15 says, “Let no man say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted of God’ for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”It is impossible to tempt God with evil; He cannot be tempted and He cannot tempt us with evil. Adrian Rogers says, “God gives us tests to make us stand. Satan gives us temptations to make us stumble.” Sin is an inside job; it begins from within. How does the devil provoke our flawed appetites and fatal attractions?First, there is a courtship that leads to a consent.Satan has laid plans to sabotage us, but he cannot do it without our consent. He begins with a courtship: temptation comes our way to entice, entrap, ensnare, and allure. He flirts, baits, and draws us away.Second, the consent leads to conception.Adrian Rogers explains, “There comes an unholy union that brings an unholy child. There is a fatal attraction: the father. There is a flawed appetite: the mother. When these two come together, there is a conception of an unholy child of sin.”Third, conception leads to a consummation.The final result of sin is always death. We can play the blame game all day long, but we will ultimately lose.Adrian Rogers says, “First, sin fascinates; then it assassinates. First, it thrills; then it kills.”As long as we live, there will be temptation. The only thing we can possibly do is to have an inward change, beginning in our own hearts. James 1:18 says, “Of His own will He begets us with His word.” That is, when our hearts are changed, we are born again.Apply it to your lifeAre you being tempted to sin? Don’t blame God or circumstances. Ask God for a change of heart, and for the strength to refrain from sinning.
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From the Palace to the Pit

Our war is not against flesh and blood. Rather, we wage war against the evil force behind it all: the devil. And Satan’s origin, found in Ezekiel 28, is one of riches to rags. It’s important to learn about his descent from the palace to the pit because we are pawns in this battle.God did not create a devil; God created a perfect being, who became the devil because God gave him a choice. He was first an angel named Lucifer (which means Son of Morning), surpassing in beauty, superlative in wisdom.But because of the pride in his heart, the Son of Morning was banished from heaven to earth, to be forever known as the Father of Night. The devil’s wisdom is corrupt, his beauty blemished.Now, he continues in power. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant, your adversary, the devil, goeth about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.”Adrian Rogers says, “Satan is a master of camouflage; he works through art, music, literature, and he certainly works through religion. Satan doesn’t want casualties as much as he wants converts.” The devil is the chief terrorist who divides, depresses, and destroys. Behind all wickedness and oppression is Satan, beating the drums of diversion to drown out the truth.But, never forget: God has done something about the devil.Hebrews 2:14 says, “Forasmuch, then, as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also (Jesus) likewise took part of the same, that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.” The word “destroy” in this passage actually means “to render helpless.”Satan has been stripped, shamed, and subdued. His dominion over the earth has been taken from him and given to those who will put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.Adrian Rogers reminds us, “Satan sails a sinking ship; he rules a doomed domain. There’s coming that final, glorious day when Jesus will come and put His bruised heel upon Satan’s head; Satan is headed to the pit.”Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “God gave Satan a choice and he became Satan. God gives you a choice and you can become a saint.” Spend time in the Word of God today; pray that you may follow Him and honor Him with your life and your choices.
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Standing Firm in a Pagan World

The opposition we, as Christians, face in this pagan world are nothing new. In Acts 17, Paul finds himself surrounded by a pagan society in Athens, Greece. Yet, the ones who opposed the Gospel in this passage are much like those who oppose the Gospel now. Paul’s response to this opposition is a picture of standing firm in a pagan world.First, Paul met superstitious idolatry.Acts 17:16 says, “Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.” An idol is anything you love, serve, fear or trust more than God. Paul saw idolatry everywhere he turned in Athens.Our city, even sometimes our churches, are filled with idolatry. There are gods of materialism, alcohol, sex, violence, even gods of knowledge and wisdom. We all worship something, because mankind is incurably religious.Second, Paul faced self-righteous orthodoxy.Verse 17 says, “Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him.” These religious men had their sterile orthodoxy. They believed in one true God, but they did not know Him; they did not understand that the Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled through Jesus Christ. Adrian Rogers says, “It’ll be a great day in America when people stop enduring religion and start enjoying salvation.”Thirdly, Paul met sophisticated philosophy.Verse 18 says, “Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoicks, encountered him...’” Paul encountered two types of philosophers: the Epicures and the Stoics. Epicureans sought pleasure above anything else. Stoics believed they were victims of fate, that God is in everything and everything is God. If this sounds familiar, it’s because we still encounter people who believe this way.How did Paul deal with this opposition? He expressed confidence in his faith. He simply continued to preach, and reveal that God is a God of power, of love, of righteous, of salvation.Paul also expected converts as a result of his faith. Some mocked, some laughed and some procrastinated. But, thank God, others believed.Apply it to your lifeAs we stand firm in this pagan world, we can’t make others believe, however, we have the opportunity to preach the Gospel anyway. Are you confident in your faith? Do you expect converts when you share the Gospel?
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Living in the Last Days

Scripture Passage: 1 John 2:18-29The days are growing gloriously dark; the time is ripe for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.1 John 2:18-29 heeds three warnings to us as we near the rapture and Great Tribulation prophesied in the Book of Revelation.First, we are living in the last days and we need to be awake.“Little children, it is the last time....” (v. 18)Ever since the ascension of Jesus Christ, we have been on the brink of His return. And because the signs of the revelation are here, we know the rapture must be very close.When He raptures His church, He will come secretly, like a thief in the night; we must be spiritually awake.Second, the antichrist is coming and we need to be aware.“...and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” (v. 18)There is a wicked, malevolent, ungodly person waiting to be revealed after the rapture of the church; he is called the antichrist. We must be aware that he is devilish, divisive, deceptive and destructive.Third, our Lord is on His way and we need to be abiding.“Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye shall also continue in the Son, and in the Father.” (v. 24)While living in the last days, we need to make ourselves at home in the word of God.Now more than ever, we need to appreciate, appropriate, and assimilate Scripture.We must make ourselves at home with the Spirit of God.Adrian Rogers says, “Anything I can talk you into, somebody else can talk you out of; the one who teaches you is the Holy Spirit of God.”Finally, we need to make ourselves at home with the very Son of God.When Jesus comes for us, we shouldn’t have to be formally introduced. Rather, when we see Him face-to-face, it should feel like uniting with someone we’ve known heart-to-heart.Apply it to your lifeThe signs of the upcoming revelation are all around us in these last days. Are you ready for Jesus to come? Are you awake and aware — are you abiding in Christ?
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The Signs of the Times and the Beginning of the End

Mankind has always been fascinated with knowing the future; our only reliable source of prophecy is the Word of God.In Matthew 24, Jesus prophesied His literal, physical return to earth, offering signs of the times and the beginning of the end.“And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” (v. 2)The temple was the center of the Jewish life – spiritually and socially. No one could believe it would ever be desolated. Yet, Jesus had prophesied its destruction and it came to fruition.In response, the disciples ask Jesus three questions: When shall these things be? What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? (v. 3)Jesus gives them seven marks of the beginning of the end.Deceptions of counterfeit christs: One of the marks of the last days will be a time of great deception, in which all the world will be deceived by the antichrist.Division of continuing conflicts: The generations to come will see more terrorism, hijackings, bombings and assassinations than ever before.Disasters of cataclysmic consequence: Jesus spoke candidly of famine, plagues and earthquakes.Defamation of committed Christians: Religious persecution will increase, particularly toward those who follow Jesus Christ.Distortion of christless cults: Adrian Rogers reiterates G.K. Chesterson’s statement: “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”Disposition of carnal coldness: Adrian Rogers says, “When you take away moral limits, you destroy the fire and the glow of true love and you substitute that with the false fire of lust, and theology turns to me-ology.”Discharge of Christ’s commission: Before Jesus left this earth, He commissioned us to take the Gospel to all of the world.Jesus calls these marks “the beginning of sorrows.” (v. 8)In this context, the word “sorrow” also translates to, “birth pangs.” As these sorrows multiply and intensify, we know we are nearing the return of Jesus Christ, and the Great Tribulation that comes with it.Apply it to your lifeKnowing Jesus could return at any moment, the wisest thing to do is follow Jesus and spend time in His Word.
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Broken Beyond Repair

In front of every unsaved person, there is a deadline. When crossed, you will be broken beyond repair.Proverbs 29:1 reads: “He, that being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” There are four thoughts to draw from this passage, so that we may never know the hopelessness of being broken beyond repair.God deals with sinners over and over again, convicting us in loving patience. He speaks to us through the Holy Spirit and through sickness, through sorrow and heartache. God also speaks through His believers and through Scripture. But sometimes, when God convicts, we still rebel. (“He, that being often reproved, hardeneth his neck…”) A stiffened neck represents the refusal of God’s conviction.Sometimes people harden their necks to the Gospel by procrastination. Postponing salvation is detrimental for three reasons: If you wait until tomorrow, you’ll lose tonight; something worse may come tomorrow, or tomorrow may not come.Another way people harden their necks is by pride; many are afraid of what other people will think if they confess their sins.But, as Adrian Rogers says, “The church is nothing but a society of sinners who've finally realized it and banded themselves together to do something about it.”People also harden their necks because of worldly pleasures. They are afraid to give their hearts to Jesus because they are afraid of what they will have to give up. They forget that the only things God asks us to give up are things that hurt us.When man rebels against God’s convictions and reaches that deadline, he will face sudden destruction.His mind will be destroyed through strong delusion; because he has refused the truth, he will believe lies.His spirit will be destroyed through spiritual desertion; the Holy Spirit will withdraw Himself from a rebellious man.His body will be destroyed through sudden death.Then he will face a settled condition (“...and that without remedy.”). Once he has crossed the deadline, judgment begins; there is no turning back. Once he is in hell, he is broken beyond repair.What a powerful reminder to come to Jesus while we can.Apply it to your lifeThis is the day to be saved. It is the day to listen to God’s conviction, give up your stubborn rebellion and change the settled condition, before it’s too late.
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How to Function with Unction

If you have “unction,” it means you have the power of God upon your life, energized and directed by the Holy Spirit of God. To understand how to function with unction, we must first understand how God designed us and why.Genesis 2:7 says, “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” When the Bible says “God formed man,” formed is a word used for a potter molding clay. God made the complex, intricately woven man out of dirt.We have a body, made of the dust of the ground. God’s crowning creation. But we are not our bodies… we just live in our bodies.We also have souls, which is what lives inside our bodies. Our souls are your real personality, our sense of humor, intelligence, likes and dislikes, idiosyncrasies —all of those things that make us the uniquely wonderful person that you are. Roughly speaking, our soul is mind, emotion, and will.The human spirit is inextricably united with its soul, completely inseparable, but they are not the same thing. The difference between the soul and the spirit is the spirit’s uniqueness to the human design. The human spirit is the organ of spiritual knowledge. The spirit is evidence that God put Himself into man.Proverbs 20:27 says, “The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD…” As a lamp is fed with oil, the Holy Spirit feeds our spirit, which is the innermost part of our nature that enables us to know and worship God.Adrian Rogers says, “With your body, you know the world beneath you; with your soul, you know the world around you; with your spirit, you know the world above you.”When the Holy Spirit speaks to the human spirit, it then speaks to the human soul. The soul speaks to the body through mind, emotion, and will. Then the body goes out and lives in the world, showing the life and love of the Lord Jesus.Apply it to your lifeHow is a man to function with unction? Pray for the Holy Spirit to illuminate your spirit.Adrian Rogers says, “When your body is right, you’re healthy. When your soul is right, you’re happy. When your spirit is right, you’re holy.”
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How to Make Sense of Your Suffering

“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” (v. 18).Romans 8:18-23 is a passage for those who know sorrow, pain and disappointment; it’s for the ones experiencing confusion, frustration and fear. There are three key words in this passage that can reveal to us how to make sense out of suffering: bondage, liberty and hope.Bondage deals with yesterday’s curse. Romans 8:20-21 says, “For the creation was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of Him who hath subjected the same in hope, because the creature itself shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption…”God made a perfect world; He gave us perfect freedom, so that we may know perfect love. God made us free to choose, because forced love is not love. In the beginning, God gave Adam and Eve the ability to choose. When they chose evil, sin entered the world and all of creation fell into bondage. God cannot destroy evil without destroying freedom. And if God destroyed freedom, He would destroy love. Yesterday’s curse is upon everything: the animal kingdom, the mineral kingdom and all of mankind.If bondage is yesterday’s curse, then liberty it tomorrow’s conquest. When Jesus comes again as He promised in the Book of Revelation, the kingdoms will change. Adrian Rogers says, “This dear great God who has redeemed us will turn every hurt to a hallelujah, every tear to a pearl, every Calvary to an Easter and every sunset to a sunrise when Jesus comes.”Because bondage is yesterday’s curse, and liberty is tomorrow’s conquest, then hope is today’s comfort. Because of sin, all of creation is in pain, even the Christians. But we have this hope because of the groans of the Comforter. “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities…” (v. 26) The groans we endure are temporary, but the glory we expect is eternal.Here is our hope: we are predestined and preserved for glory. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us.Apply it to your lifeAre you going through a season of suffering? Remember the bondage of yesterday’s curse and the liberty of tomorrow’s conquest so that you can know the hope of today’s comfort.
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Turning the Rat Race into a Pilgrimage

As Christians, we have the chance to put joy, zest and dignity into the most mundane jobs. God can turn our Monday mornings into a thing of beauty and joy.There are three principles to draw from Ephesians 6:5-8 as we begin turning the rat race into a pilgrimage.We need to see our jobs as an opportunity and be grateful. There are three wrong ways to look at work: a necessary evil, a cruel master or a god itself. But when we see it for what it truly is, which is a gift from God, we will begin to feel grateful for it.We need to see our jobs as a responsibility and be helpful. When we work, we join a partnership with God, even in the secular workforce. We can draw parallels from Jeremiah 29, where God instructs Israel, captives of Babylon, to, “Get into the work world and seek the welfare of Babylon, where I have carried you.” (v. 4) Your job is a part of a greater plan; we must be helpful to others.We need to see our jobs as a ministry and be faithful. Our jobs are our greatest ministry opportunity. We serve God full time wherever we work and no matter how mundane the job might be. Ephesians 6:6 tell us, “Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men.”Adrian Rogers says, “We’ve been saved out of the world, sent back into the world to witness to the world, and that’s the only business in the world we have until we’re taken out of the world when Jesus comes. We’re in this world, but not of this world. And Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, ‘You are the light of the world’.”Apply it to your lifeUnderstanding that we are not called to a rat race, but a pilgrimage, there four things to remember when you go to work tomorrow:Don’t brag; do away with self-righteousness. Your light is to glow, not to glare.Don't nag; no one has ever been talked down into a relationship with Jesus.Don’t lag; carry your part of the load… in fact, work harder than anybody else.Don’t sag; uphold your Christian faith in the workplace.
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How to Be a Growing Christian

A growing Christian is a maturing Christian, because spiritual maturity is becoming more like Jesus. Some Christians are saved, but aren’t growing. We will never know true victory and joy unless we learn how to be a growing Christian.In 1 John 2, the Apostle John compares spiritual maturity to three stages in our physical lives.“I write unto you, little children, because you have known the Father. I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known Him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the Word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.” (v. 14)New Christians experience the thrilling wonders of spiritual childhood. They are “all tomorrows; no yesterdays.” However, children live in the realm of their feelings. They can be selfish and self-centered; uncooperative. We are only young once; and if we aren’t careful, we can be spiritually immature for a long time.If we grow, we’ll experience the triumphant warfare of manhood. Abiding in the Word of God strengthens us for warfare. Obeying God and serving others transforms us into workers and warriors, equipped to combat the enemy.Next comes the tested wisdom of fatherhood. Adrian Rogers says, “When we spend time with someone, we become like that someone.” Because we view God as our Father, the goal of spiritual maturity is to become spiritual fathers (and mothers). Mature Christians reproduce through soul winning and discipleship.What are the means of maturity?There must be the miracle of life; we must be saved.It takes time. There is no instant maturity; we experience growth through time spent with Jesus Christ.Growth requires nourishment; we have to feed on the Word of God.Growth demands discipline and exercise, by serving God and others.Remember: we don’t substitute fatherhood for young manhood, nor young manhood for childhood. In a father, there ought to be the vision and zeal of a young man. In a young man, there ought to be the wonder of childhood. All three stages are legitimate; a mature Christian is a composite of them all.Apply it to your lifeIt takes life, time, nourishment and exercise to grow. Adrian Rogers offers this advice: “Don’t worry about what you can’t do. Find out what you can do and begin to do it, and you will grow.”
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Understanding the New Birth

In John 3:1-7, Jesus explains to Nicodemus the concept of being “born again.” And if you are a Christian, you are born again. Adrian Rogers says, “By your first birth you have existence. By your second birth you have supernatural life.” Understanding the new birth is crucial to our faith.First, we must understand the three reasons why a person must be born again. By nature, we are plagued with undeniable sinfulness, unsatisfied longings, and our soul’s unending existence. For these reasons, there is an urgency to be born again.Spiritual rebirth, in many ways, parallels a physical birth. In a birth, conception takes place. A mother and father join together to conceive a child; in the same way, the Word of God and the Spirit of God unite to conceive a new birth. John 3:5 says, “Jesus answered, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” (Water symbolizes the Word of God in Scripture.) Much like parents transmit life into their children, God breathes new life into us.In our new birth, we receive the character of God. Some traits of someone twice-born are a love for Jesus Christ, a desire for holiness, the inner witness of the Spirit, and a desire to share Jesus with others.A birth is a once-for-all experience. In the natural realm, you are born one time. In the spiritual realm, rebirth is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. After birth, the true growth begins. Birth simply is the starting place; when we are born again, glory to God, we have a brand new start. Adrian Rogers says, “When you get saved, all of your past, all your yesterdays, are buried in the grave of God’s forgetfulness.”A new birth is a daily certainty. There is proof, but it is not a thing of the past. Trusting Jesus Christ as our personal Savior is a present practice. It is a daily occurrence.Adrian Rogers says, “If you’re born twice, that which is born from above will go endless, dateless, timeless, measureless with the Lord.”Apply it to your lifeHave you been born again? Have you understood the reason for new birth? Experienced a change in character? Have you seen faith take its full effect in you?
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Three Things That You Cannot Learn in School

There are some things that no pastor or Bible teacher can teach you; they can only be imparted by the Holy Spirit. By our own natures, we can be stunningly ignorant. There are three things you cannot learn in school, that only the Holy Spirit can teach you.First, is the conception of sin. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” We are sinners by nature. The problem comes from within, not primarily because of what we do, but because of what we are.Our nature is a poisoned well. Our sins are the poisoned water that comes out of that well. And perhaps our worst sin is not believing in Jesus Christ. Unbelief is the parent sin, out of which all other sins grow. Adrian Rogers says, “A courtroom may convict you of crimes; conscience will convict you of wrongdoing; but only the Holy Spirit of God will truly convict you of sin.”The second truth only the Holy Spirit can teach is the completion of salvation. Man is ignorant concerning both sin and righteousness. The Holy Spirit of God teaches us that our only hope is Jesus Christ. And when you receive Jesus Christ and His righteousness, He deals with what we are.Christians are not just reformed, nicer people; they have received a new nature as a result of a “new birth.” He changes what we are and then He forgives what we’ve done. He also gives us what we need, which is righteousness. Adrian Rogers says, “He took our sin that we might take His righteousness. You’re as righteous as Jesus Christ because you have His righteousness.”Lastly, the Holy Spirit teaches us the truth concerning judgment. Only the Holy Spirit can teach us that Satan’s cause is a lost cause. There’s no contest out there: truth is mightier than error, love is stronger than hate, holiness is higher than sin. And our Lord has won the victory.Apply it to your lifeHave you learned these three things you cannot learn in school? Let the Holy Spirit minister to you and impart these things in your heart.
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My Heart--God's Home

Where does God live? As we study the Bible, it seems God doesn’t seem to stay put…until recently.God’s first house was Adam. Adam was to be a royal residence: designed with a body, soul, and spirit. When Adam sinned against God, he desecrated his spirit; therefore, our very Holy God was forced to move out.God’s second house was the temple. God built a temple for His people in the Old Testament, to teach colossal lessons of holiness, sacrifice, and fellowship. We recognize that this house was desecrated in Matthew 21:13 when Jesus said: “And He said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer, but you’ve made it a den of thieves.” God will not live in a dirty house; Matthew 23:38, says, “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.” And in Matthew 24, Jesus correctly prophesies the destruction of the temple.God’s third house was Jesus Christ, Himself. Jesus was a house designed; the second Adam: body, soul, and spirit, yet totally perfect. He became a house desecrated when He willingly took all the sins of this world upon Himself. Matthew 27:46 says, “About the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying… My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?” He was a house, desolated. As a result, Jesus became a house destroyed.But because of His great love, our hearts have become God’s home. God lives in us, and God is never moving out. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which you have of God, and ye are not your own? For you’re bought with a price, therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” Adrian Rogers preaches, “Being saved is getting God back in your heart, helping you to understand that you are now a temple of the Holy Ghost.”God dwells in our heart by faith, through salvation, security, and sanctification. Because of Calvary’s sacrifice, no sin can jeopardize God’s residence in our hearts.Apply it to your lifeWe are temples of God. Every day is a holy day. Every place is a sacred place.Considering your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost of God, how are you living differently? Are there sins you need to repent of?
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How to Be Absolutely Sure

Adrian Rogers says, “We do not live by explanations; we live by promises.”One of God’s promises is the assurance of our salvation. 1 John 5 reveals the basis for our belief, and how to be absolutely sure of our salvation in Jesus Christ.First, our certainty comes from the Atoning Work of Christ. 1 John 5:6 says, “This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ...”The wages of sin is death (Rom. 3:23) and without the shedding of blood, there’s no remission. Jesus took our sin to the cross, and with His blood He paid sin’s penalty.But there’s also the water, which speaks of that, which continues to cleanse. This assures us, not only of our salvation, but of our sanctification. He saves us from wrath and makes us pure. Adrian Rogers says, “I wouldn’t give half a hallelujah of your hope of Heaven, apart from the water and the blood, apart from the death of the Lord Jesus Christ upon that cross.”Secondly, our certainty comes from the Abiding Witness of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit takes the atoning work and He testifies of it. He gives witness to us and in us. “It is the Spirit that beareth witness because the Spirit is truth.” (v. 6) Before we’re even saved, the Holy Spirit is telling us about Jesus. And when we receive Christ, He comes into us, and witnesses from within. “He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself.” (v. 10) The Spirit also witnesses through us. When we are sure of our salvation, we can witness to others, because we know that our witness is not dependent on eloquence or logic, but upon the Spirit.The third cord of our rock-ribbed assurance is certainty of the Word of the Father. God gave us His Word. Adrian Rogers says, “The message of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is one message: Jesus saves.”The source of this life is Jesus. The substance of life is Jesus. And the surety of life is Jesus; for the Bible tells me so.Apply it to your lifeAre you absolutely sure of your salvation? Consider the three cords of your unbroken assurance today: the work Jesus did on the cross, the witness of the Spirit, and the Word of God.
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The Church Triumphant

In Matthew 16:13-20, Simon Peter declares Jesus is the Messiah they’ve long waited for. As a result of his bold faith, Jesus changed his name to Peter (which means “rock”). Jesus then declared He would build His church upon Himself. This radical exchange reveals several things about the church triumphant.First, we learn that it relies on personal conviction from Jesus, Himself. Jesus asks, “Who do you say I am?” (Matt. 13:15) We must personally believe in Jesus Christ; not by our mind or intellect, but by divine revelation.After conviction from God comes confession: Simon Peter answered, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”(v. 16)A powerful conversion follows: “That thou art Peter...” (v. 18)And as a result, the church is sovereignly constructed. Jesus said, “...upon this rock I will build my church...” (v. 18) Jesus is the architect, the builder, and the very foundation of the church. He is the one that builds it out of us, living stones (1 Peter 2:5), a group of people redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.Notice the singular commission of the church. In verse 19, Jesus said, “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Understand what this actually means: Jesus is saying that Heaven’s will will be done on earth when you use the keys of the kingdom, which is the truth of the Gospel.Our unchanging responsibility as the church triumphant is to win souls to Jesus Christ.“...and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (v. 18) Remember: Hell is not on the offense and the church on the defense. What Jesus is saying is the very gates of hell, the very domain of the dead, cannot stop the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “If you say that you’re saved, you will love the church and attend the church. If you say you love Jesus Christ, you will defend, commend, and extend the church.”Apply it to your lifeThe profound insight from Matthew 16 can be simplified into two practical instructions for us today: be saved, and be an active member of your church.
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When Prayer Seems Unanswered

When Prayer Seems Unanswered (1550)The Bible instructs us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). But so many times, we pray and seek God, ask according to His will; and yet our prayer seems unanswered.At the beginning of the Book of Luke, we meet Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth, both righteous before God, blameless, yet barren. They were well in their old age, and without any children, they had prayed for their whole lives. Verse 13 says, “But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son…” We can learn three things from Zacharias and Elizabeth when prayer seems unanswered.First, unanswered prayer could mean it has simply been denied. God will not grant prayers that aren’t according to His will. Sometimes, we pray with sin in our heart, outside of the will of God. Remember, God wants to meet every one of our personal needs, but He will not enable our lust, pride, or selfishness.An unanswered prayer could also mean it’s strategically delayed. Adrian Rogers says, “With God, timing is far more important than time.” Answered prayers could be delayed to display His glory. As we see in Zacharias and Elizabeth’s story, God could wait until the situation is so difficult, there's no way we, ourselves, get the glory from it.Or, our prayers could be delayed to dispense God’s grace. As interested as He is in His glory, God’s also interested in our joy. In Luke 1, God was about to bring Jesus into the world. God planned the arrival of Zacharias and Elizabeth’s son, John the Baptist, so he could prepare the way for this long-awaited Messiah. God knew what He was doing; He had a strategic plan to display his glory and to dispense his grace, in the fullness of time.Finally, the answer to your prayer may be strangely different. For Zacharias and Elizabeth, God gave them something better than they asked for; it was different. He was the forerunner of the Messiah. Their son filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother's womb.Adrian Rogers tells us, “God gives the best to those who leave the choice with him.”Apply it to your lifeWhat do you do when your prayer seems unanswered? Check to make sure you are seeking the glory of God. Then pray without ceasing.
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Victorious Prayer

Victorious Prayer (1696)Matthew 6:13 says, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”Oftentimes, we don’t expect God to answer our prayers. But in this passage, Jesus taught us to pray for deliverance from the evil one. He would never teach us to pray that if He did not intend to deliver us. In these dangerous days, we’re up against the organized, demonized forces of hell. The best thing we can do is learn how to pray this victorious prayer.First, we must see the sinister person of evil. Many of us walk in darkness, because we don’t understand who our enemy is. By the aid of the Holy Spirit, we can expose him for what he is: a person of evil, who hides behind a veil of lies. We are instructed to be sober and vigilant, to view him as a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)We also need to realize the seductive power of evil. His motive is to be worshipped, so he deceives us through various, seemingly harmless methods. It is ignorant to underestimate the devil’s power. Adrian Rogers says, “If you’ve never met the devil, it’s because you and the devil are going in the same direction.” We’re instructed to ask God for deliverance at the start of the day, not the end. If we’re asking God to forgive the same sins, we haven’t learned to pray, Lord lead us, lest we fall into temptation. Deliver us from evil.Finally, we must rely on the sovereign protection from evil… “For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory.” We don’t have to fear; we can stand upon this victorious prayer. And what is the ground of our victory? God Himself, who has absolute authority. His kingdom cannot fail; He rules on earth and heaven.John 14:13 says, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, I will do it that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”Apply it to your lifeDo you want an answered prayer? Adrian Rogers says, “When your reason for asking and God’s reason for answering are the same, your prayer will be the same. Your prayer will be answered. When you want Him glorified and He wants to be glorified, your prayer will be answered.”
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The Freedom of Forgiveness

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 6:14 says, “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”The two great enemies against the human soul are guilt and bitterness. And the freedom of forgiveness is the only thing that can combat them. We are freed from guilt when we are forgiven by God. We are freed from bitterness when we forgive others.There are four compelling reasons to forgive.- The Grace Factor: We forgive because we have been forgiven.- The Guilt Factor: If we do not forgive, we can no longer be forgiven.- The Grief Factor: An unforgiving spirit keeps us in the prison of our own making.- The Gain Factor: When we forgive, we release a prisoner and gain a brother.Remember the costly requirements of forgiveness. Forgiveness is much more than merely accepting an apology. It cancels a debt; when you forgive your debtor, then you pay up.Forgive freely as Jesus did, not after your transgressor has paid his price.Also forgive and finally; bury it in the grave. When God forgives us, He forgets, not intellectually; rather, He remembers our sins against us no more. There’s no grudge. Adrian Rogers says, “The biggest test as to whether or not you truly did forgive is if you keep bringing it up again.” This may seem difficult to do; but if we will let Him, God will give us the desire and the dynamic to do so.What are the results of forgiveness?1. There will be release: you will set a prisoner free and find out that prisoner is you. You will no longer bear this burden of bitterness that is destroying your soul.2. If your transgressor will receive that forgiveness, there will be reconciliation. You will gain a brother. And together, you will have a revival.Apply it to your lifeDo you have guilt and bitterness in your life? Have you repented and accepted the forgiveness of God? Have you forgiven others?
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How to Have a Meaningful Quiet Time

Psalm 119:97 says, “O how love I thy law! It is my meditation all the day.” Because it is Jesus Christ Himself who makes us more like Him, it is crucial to spend quality time with Him and in His Word, and there are five factors that go into having a meaningful quiet time.First, it must be early in the day, at our most optimal time, when we are preparing for the day.We must:Be physically alert, so we can think clearly.Be morally pure and clean, so we can blamelessly bow before a holy God.Be mentally aware, so we can be receptive to what He has to say.We should have our quiet time in an isolated place; somewhere we can shut the door on the world, to avoid distractions. Adrian Rogers says, “What you are when you’re alone is what you are. The mark of your prayer life is not how well you pray in public, but in private. Your Father who sees you in secret will reward you openly.”We also need the right tools: a Bible we can read and understand, a journal to record your time with God and a second journal to record prayers. Practically, it’s also good to have a notepad to write down your spiritual instructions for the day.Having prepared for a meaningful quiet time, how should we proceed?Get quiet; take a deep breath and focus your thoughts on the Lord.Get into the Word of God; read the Bible before praying.Meditate on it; reading for quality, not quantity.Record what God has given you through His Word in your journal.Record instructions, goals, and decisions revealed from your time with God.Pray; pour out your soul to God with reverence and honesty. Tell Him everything; He already knows.Share what you’ve learned. We ought to be in the habit of exhorting and encouraging one another.Obey what God tells you. Our spiritual lives run on revelation and obedience. One does not run without the other.Apply it to your lifeIs your quiet time with God meaningful to you? Have you properly prepared and set yourself up for a fruitful time with the Lord? Consider these steps today, and talk to God.
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How to Pray for Our Daily Bread

How to Pray for Our Daily Bread (1692)Jesus’s model prayer in Matthew 6 teaches us that it is not the length or language of our prayers, but their faith and focus that elevate them to Heaven. Verse 11 says, “Give us this day our daily bread.” Bread is symbolic of any need we may have. It gives God honor to meet our needs. Adrian Rogers gives four steps on how to pray for our daily bread.1. We must establish a proper priority.2. We must express our prayerful petition.3. You must exercise a personal performance.4. You must enjoy a present provision.Notice the priority established in Matthew 6:9-13: Thy name, Thy kingdom, Thy will, our bread, our debts, our temptation. If we don't establish this priority, we will not see an answer. Adrian Rogers says, “There's one place that God will not work and that is second place.”Adrian Rogers tells us, “Prayer is the key that unlocks heaven’s treasury.” God will not meet greed, but He delights in meeting every need. He says “Ask of me and I will answer thee.” (Jeremiah 33:3)We must learn to ask: “Give us this day bread sufficient for us: what we need.”Proverbs 30:7-8 “Two things have I required of thee. Deny me them not before I die. Remove far from me vanity and lies. Give me neither poverty nor riches. Feed me with food convenient for me.”Prayer is not a substitute for work and diligence. Proverbs 20:4 says, “The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold. Therefore shall he beg in harvest and have nothing.”We show our faith by doing something, for faith without works is dead. (James 2:26)If we do not learn to be content in any state, we will never be content. The Bible does not tell us not to plan, but the Bible very clearly tells us not to worry.Be content with a little and don’t worry about tomorrow. Who needs a barn of stale bread when our Father is a Rich Baker?Apply it to your lifeWhen you pray for God’s daily provision, are your priorities aligned with His? Have you asked for His providence? Are you prepared to work for what you’re asking for? Are you thankful for what He’s given you today?
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The Coming Kingdom of Christ

The Coming Kingdom of Christ (1688)Matthew 6:10 says, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven…” There will come a day that God’s will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. In this passage, Jesus teaches us to pray for the Coming Kingdom of Christ. It is the Kingdom of God’s government; where God rules and reigns. The purpose of prayer is for God’s will to be done. Therefore, effective prayer is finding the will of God and getting in on it. Adrian Rogers says, “God wants for you what you would want for yourself if you had enough sense to want it.”God has given us principles by which we can know His will:- Surrender: Surrender is more than simply committing to the Lord; it is renouncing control. We'll never know God's will until we are willing to say “Thy will be done.”- Scripture: The Word of God contains the will of God. His word is His revelation to you.- Spirit: The Holy Spirit helps us understand the word of God and articulate our prayers.This is our confidence: When we pray in the Spirit, any prayer that the Holy Spirit lays upon our hearts will be answered. Adrian Rogers says, “The prayer that originates in heaven certainly is not going to be rejected there.”The coming kingdom of Jesus Christ is the Kingdom of God’s grace. Not by works of righteousness that we have done, but according to His mercy, He saved us. (Titus 3:5-7)It is also a Kingdom of God’s goodness. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. He is so good.Finally, it is the kingdom of God’s glory. God will be glorified here upon this earth. The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as waters that cover the sea. (Habbakuk 2:14)His kingdom has not come yet on earth. His will is not being done on earth, but it will be.Apply it to your lifeHave you surrendered to the will of God? As you pray today, consider praying this simple, yet powerful, declaration: “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done.”
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When We Say "Father"

When We Say "Father" (1684)There is nothing more important than knowing how to pray. Adrian Rogers says, “Nothing can stand against the man who can pray, because prayer can do anything that God can do... and God can do anything.”Matthew 6:9 shows us how to address our God when we pray: “After this manner therefore pray ye, Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name…” What happens when we say, “Father”?First, we express God’s very nature. He is a father. 1 Corinthians 8:6 says, “But there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things in Him.”When we say Father, we also expect His nurture. Calling Him Father infers that we are His children. When we become Christians, we are supernaturally born again. His very life comes into us. We can find great comfort in knowing we have His care. We also have His correction. Hebrews 12:7 says, “for if you endure chastening, God dealeth with you as Sons, for what son is He whom the father chasteneth not?” Adrian Rogers says, “When God saves you, He doesn’t fix you up where you can’t sin any more, but He sure does fix you up where you can’t sin and enjoy it anymore.”We also have His companionship.Again, we are told by Pastor Rogers, “I’m so glad that our heavenly father never gets so busy that he doesn’t have time just to close his ledger and talk to you like there’s no one else on earth and nothing else for Him to do. You can come to Him anytime any day and talk to Him and call Him Daddy.”And we have His compassion. A true father would die for his children. That is exactly what God the Father did when He sent Jesus to take on the sins of the world.Lastly, when we call Him Father, we exalt His name. The name of Jesus is above every name. When we hallow that name — recognize, revere, and rely upon it, we find that we have great power in prayer.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “We don’t bring our shabbiness to God. When we pray, we pray in the name of Jesus.”When you pray today, call Him Father; express His nature, expect His nurture and exalt His name.
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Heaven’s Bread for Earth’s Hunger

Heaven’s Bread for Earth’s Hunger (2252)No matter how different we may be, human beings have one thing in common: our souls are hungry for something this world cannot satisfy. But the Bible says, Jesus is Heaven’s Bread for earth’s hunger.In John 6, Jesus is speaking to a great multitude that was growing hungry, but there was no food to eat. Yet, they were fed.This story reminds us, first, that there is no problem too big for God to solve.Secondly, we are reminded that there is never a person too small for God to use. Adrian Rogers says, “Don’t insult God by saying God cannot use you; He takes ordinary people, does extraordinary things.” In this story, Jesus used a little boy’s lunch to feed five thousand people. The boy offered what little he had; it was received and blessed by Jesus, and then multiplied.Third, Jesus is the spiritual bread that satisfies the deepest hunger of our souls. John 6:32-33 says, “Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from Heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from Heaven. For the bread of God is he which cometh down from Heaven, and giveth life unto the world.” Jesus reminds the multitude of the day of Moses, in which the people of God received manna from Heaven in the wilderness. This story is symbolic of Jesus, who is not only spiritual bread, but also supernatural bread, having come down from Heaven.Jesus is also the satisfying bread. John 6:35 says, “Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”Finally, Jesus is sustaining bread. John 6:57-58 says, “As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. This is that bread which came down from heaven… he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever.Jesus offers everlasting, abundant life through Him. We’ve been invited to the table, to feed upon Heaven’s Bread, that we may never be hungry again.Apply it to your lifeAre you hungry for the Lord Jesus? Or are you too filled with other things? Spend some time today feeding on God’s Word.
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Is There Hope for America?

Is There Hope for America? (5648)Is there hope for America? Yes: Jesus Christ’s spirit in us is still the only hope for America. However, it seems America is in a post-Christian era; professing Christians now enter hostile territory. We may be tempted to retreat or to allow political strategies to substitute the gospel of Jesus Christ. But we don’t have the luxury of silence. We’ve been called to preach the Gospel and come to the aid of our brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of denomination, vocation, economic status and race.If we want to share the only hope for America, we must adopt the principles found in 1 Peter 3.The first principle we must adopt is lordship.1 Peter 3:15 says, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts…” Nothing should come between us and our obedience to God. Before anything else, we must sanctify the Lord God in our hearts.Secondly, adopt the principle of learning.1 Peter 3:15 goes on, “...and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you of the reason of the hope that is in you…” The answers to the world’s questions are readily available to us in God’s Word. We need to be the people in society and politics who know what they believe and why they believe it.The third principle to adopt is lowliness.1 Peter 3:15 goes on: “...with meekness and fear.” Adrian Rogers says, “Meekness is strength under control. And the word fear in this context is a holy reverence for Almighty God.” We can’t be arrogant; Lowliness and true humility were the method that Jesus used in His ministry, and it is what we ought to use.The fourth principle to adopt is a new lifestyle.There needs to be something different about us. We are called to be set apart.The final principle to take on is love.1 Peter 3:8 says, “Finally, be ye of all, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous.”Churches need to be places of love. People need to know, not what we’re against, but what we’re for, which is the gospel of Jesus Christ.Apply it to your lifeHave you adopted these principles? The only hope for America is Christians who begin to look more like Christ, the Savior of the world.
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The Politics of Pilgrims

The Politics of Pilgrims (2133)As Christians of this day and age, our greatest need is to realize that we are pilgrims heading to a home which is not of this world.The Apostle Paul wrote the Book of Philippians from a prison in Rome; a city of great hostility toward Christians. It was in this prison cell he told the church of Philippi: “Our citizenship is in heaven.” (Philippians 3:20) He points out the politics of those once born and of those twice born. We notice there is a great contrast in their affections, allegiance, and aspirations.In order to understand the politics of pilgrims, we must first:- Remember our mandate. Our mandate is still the Great Commission, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.- Utilize the right method. Our ally is the Holy Spirit. Our source of supply is Almighty God. Our Commander in Chief is Jesus Christ. And our battle ax is the Word of God.- Have the right mindset. Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice.”It’s easy to become bitter about what wicked people in power are doing. But we are supposed to keep our eyes on Jesus and rejoice always.Knowing our politics, we can commit to the Pilgrim’s Resolution:1. “I will not despair.” Adrian Rogers says, “It may be possible for some earthly kingdom to be in decline and God’s kingdom to be doing quite well.”2. “I will not be intimidated.” Be encouraged when the polls do not turn in our favor: we belong in the minority. Jesus says in John 15:18, “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.”3. “I will not be bitter.” Philippians 4:8 encourages us to dwell on “...whatsoever things are true… honest… just… pure… lovely… of good report… of any virtue… of any praise.”4. “I will not compromise.” Don’t stop voting or participating. Adrian Rogers says, “We must hold high the flag of Jesus Christ, the blood-stained banner of our Prince and King and never compromise Jesus Christ.”Apply it to your lifeAs Adrian Rogers says, “Let the Congress make the laws. Let Hollywood run their garbage pit. Let Wall Street take care of the economy. And let’s tell this world about Jesus.”
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Christian Citizenship

Christian Citizenship (2080)What does the Bible say about Christian citizenship? What are our responsibilities, duties, and rights? What are Christians to do, to think, and how are we instructed to behave?Many Christian citizens shy away from political involvement for various reasons. Some are discouraged, others are intimidated or annoyed.But Romans 13:1-7 encourages us, first, to look at the reasons for human government.The Bible tells us that human government is ordained by God.Daniel 2:21 says, “He (the Lord), removeth kings and setteth up kings.”God ordains human government for two reasons: to restrain evil and to reward good.Romans 13 also outlines the requirements for human government.In Matthew 22, Jesus tells the people, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.”As Christians, our responsibility is, first and foremost, to God; but we do have a responsibility to human government.Adrian Rogers says, “Separation of church and state does not mean the separation of God and government.”The government is here to restrain evil. The church is here to preach the Gospel. The state is not the master of the church, and the church is not the master of the state.The church is the conscience of the state. We are here to hold up a standard of truth.There are six duties Christian citizens have concerning our government.1. Pay our government: Jesus paid His taxes; we ought to do likewise.2. Pray for our government: Adrian Rogers says, “The greatest responsibility in America is not in the White House but in the church house.”3. Praise our government: We are to give honor to whom honor is due.4. Preach to our country: Adrian Rogers says, “We dare not identify the Christian faith with the Democrat or the Republican Party. We need to be free to tell both parties to repent and get right with God.”5. Participate in our government: Christians are to participate, not on the basis of parties, but principles. We are to be informed.6. Persuade our government: Our hope for America is to change public opinion. The Great Commission remains the same: we are instructed to win souls for Jesus Christ.Apply it to your lifeHave you been a good steward of your Christian citizenship? Are you involved? Get informed and pray for our government.
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The Leadership Crisis in America

The Leadership Crisis in America (1939)God has ordained our government and commanded us to get involved in the decisions made for the leadership of our country. Adrian Rogers says, “Leadership is really stewardship, because the leader acts for God.” Jesus taught us to participate in government when He said We are to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s. We’re to render to God the things that are God’s. (Matthew 22:21)There are four basic principles to consider when responding to the leadership crisis in America.Think first about the character that God requires in leadership. God blesses good character over ability. When you go to vote, consider the following qualities that God requires:Godliness: Nobody is fit for leadership who is ungodly or unrighteous.Wisdom: Does your candidate have the wisdom that can only be given by God?Honesty: Proverbs 20:28 says, “Mercy and truth preserve the king.”Discernment: Someone who is able to distinguish between good and bad.Sexual Morality: If a man has no moral standard of his own, he can’t set a moral standard for the nation.Sober: Look for a leader who is not only sober-minded, but simply sober.Protective: A good leader protects the weak and defends those who cannot defend themselves.Secondly, remember the choice that God respects. God allows us to choose against His will, and that is the reason we receive the poor leadership we deserve. Adrian Rogers says, “Wicked rulers are God’s reward for wicked people.”Third, see the consequences that God reveals. It is deeply disturbing to consider that America doesn’t know the trouble she’s in on the path she’s currently walking. Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”But ultimately, remember the control that God reserves. Even if wicked men make wicked choices for wicked rulers lead, God has forsaken control. God is still the King of kings.Adrian Rogers says, “If we do not allow God to rule in America, God will still overrule.”Apply it to your lifeWhat should we do about the leadership crisis in America?1. Pray for revival.2. Prepare for suffering.3. Prepare for His arrival.Let the voting polls be a reminder: Jesus is coming, soon.
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How to Pray for America

How to Pray for America (2482)America is at a crossroads of morality and spirituality and we cannot afford to take it lightly. Our nation has been taken captive by the world, the flesh, and the devil. In times of crisis, we remember that our greatest resource is prayer, and our only hope for this country is God. We must understand how to pray for America because only prayer can hold back the judgment of God.In the Book of Daniel, God’s people had been taken captive by the Babylonians. In chapter 9, we find a very specific prayer from Daniel for his nation, asking God for deliverance.It was a prayer with serious concentration.Daniel 9:3 says, “And I set my face, unto the Lord God.” It is not the length, eloquence or frequency, but the faith and fervency of our prayers that reach the ears of the Lord. If you want to strengthen your prayer life, consider fasting. In the Bible, God always links fasting with spiritual activities. We should be careful to fast for the right reasons, not for our own glory. If you feel called to fast, first examine your motivation and avoid extremism. Pray for God’s guidance; be wise about when you fast and for how long.Daniel also prayed with steadfast confidence.Adrian Rogers says, “It is impossible to see the greatness of God and the mercies of God and not pray with confidence. Face your problem, but focus on your God.”Daniel also prayed with sincere confession. He confessed his personal sin, but also asked God for forgiveness on his nation’s behalf. Likewise, we should confess the sins of America to God: our greed and materialism, our neglect of the poor, our racism. We should ask God’s forgiveness for our nation’s sexual immorality, for killing the unborn, for the humanism we’ve allowed to infiltrate our schools. We must identify ourselves with our nation, and confess on its behalf.Lastly, Daniel prayed with spiritual concern.In chapter 9, Daniel asked for the removal of guilt, and the restoration of glory. The concern of our prayers for America ought to be for a revival, not simply for America’s sake, but for the glory of God.Apply it to your lifeThere’s no time for finger-pointing; it’s time for personal repentance and national confession; pray for America.
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The Generation to Come and the American of Tomorrow

The Generation to Come and the American of Tomorrow (2232)America did not just happen; America was a gift from God. However, it seems as though the virtues and values upon which this nation was built have been trampled. What legacy are we going to leave for the generation to come? What is the America of tomorrow?It could look like Psalm 78. In this passage, God had blessed the nation Israel, delivered them from the chains of slavery, and brought them into a good land. Yet, they defiled the land, denied the Lord, and disobeyed the new law. If we want to avoid the judgment given in Psalm 78, we must heed to this ancient truth in today's world, following three practical ways.First, we need to review our history:As a country: America has a distinct spiritual heritage. We must teach our children America’s history of trusting in God.As a family: How did your family come to know Jesus? Do your children know the story of how the Gospel changed their heritage?As a church: It is crucial to remain rooted in the infallible Word of God our churches were built upon.As an individual: We must understand and acknowledge what God has done in our lives and tell the generation to come.The lust of the flesh; rather than thanking God for blessings, Israel asked for more, testing His graciousness.The lure of the world; they broke God’s heart by forgetting Him, renovated the nation to exclude the One upon whom it was built.The lies of the devil; the one who steals, kills, and destroys was behind it all.Next, we need to renew our memory. As a nation, we have three evil principalities at work, trying to manipulate our perspectives. We see them here in Psalm 78:Finally, we must reclaim our legacy.Adrian Rogers tells us, “Not only is God our greatest hope, God is our biggest threat. And the nation that was born in 1776 must be born again or we will join the graveyard of the nations.”The America of tomorrow depends on our decision to reclaim our legacy. We have to do the best we can with what we’ve got, every chance we get.Apply it to your lifeOur only hope is to review our history, renew our memory, and reclaim our legacy. For the sake of the generation to come, repent, and turn to God.
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Preparing for the Battle

Preparing for the Battle (2289)Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Ephesians 5:1Satan wages war against the family, because the family is all we have left of the Garden of Eden. We are called to battle—to guard our hearts and protect our homes. We’re not wrestling against flesh and blood. We’re wrestling against principalities and powers of darkness.In preparing for the battle, we must first remember our adversary. Satan is a decided fact; never underestimate him or count him out. He would love nothing more than to convince you that he doesn’t exist. He is a destructive force; systematic, spiritual, strong and sinister. Yet, he is our defeated foe. Adrian Rogers says, “Satan had his back crushed and broken at Calvary; soon his head is going to be crushed when Jesus comes again.”We must also remember our armor, which is specifically outlined in Ephesians 6:- The Belt of Truth- The Breastplate of Righteousness- Feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace, knowing nothing stands between our souls and the Savior- The Shield of Faith- The Helmet of SalvationGod wants us to enter the battlefield armed with integrity, purity, tranquility, certainty and sanity. Don’t leave off any piece of the armor of God in this battle. Christian warriors must understand their point of attack. We have the victory. God has equipped us with three things:1. The first is our stance. We are called to be strong, to stand against these dark forces of evil with the blessed assurance of victory in Jesus.2. Second, recognize the power of your sword, which is the sword of the Spirit and the Word of God.3. Third, remember the power in your prayer, when prayed in the Spirit.Adrian Rogers says, “If you don’t pray, the devil will beat you. You can have all the authority in the world, but if you don’t appropriate it through prayer, you’re going down.”Finally, the Christian warrior must remember his allies. “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given to me.” (Eph. 6:18)We don’t fight alone; we need to pray for each other.Apply it to your lifeAs you prepare for this spiritual battle, remember your adversary, your armor, your attack and your allies.
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Protect Your Home

Protect Your Home (2287)Psalm 127 is a psalm for the home. Verses 1-2 say, “Except the Lord Build the house, they labour in vain that build it. Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows for he giveth his beloved sleep.”The devil is a thief, murderer and destroyer… and he steals, kills and destroys closer than you realize. One of his chief weapons is pornography. Satan has made pornography so available, affordable and anonymous in our society. He wants to steal your fellowship with God. Adrian Rogers says, “I cannot walk in darkness and have fellowship with Him who is light.” Satan wants to kill your ability to love.Pornography is the opposite of love; it objectifies and degrades. It is brutal and loveless; it brings death to innocence, purity and happiness. Satan also wants to destroy your family, because the family is the basic unit of society. Satan knows that if he can deceive a man, defile his mind and destroy his home, he will dominate the world.But there is victory for those who follow God and have clean hearts in this dirty world. God will protect your home, if you will guard your heart. 1 John 4:4 says, “You are of God little children and have overcome them because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.”Adrian Rogers gives ten practical strategies to guard your heart and protect your home.1. Lead your children to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.2. Help your children to discern true values.3. Teach them the principles of purity.4. Cover them with prayer.5. Make a family covenant.6. Memorize Scriptures.7. Create the right atmosphere in your home.8. Remove temptations.9. Teach your daughters to dress modestly.10. Learn to counterattack.You must fight for your children. Remind them of their great values: fellowship with God, the ability to love and a Christian home.Apply it to your lifeIt is so easy to complain about the problem of pornography in our society. But rather, we should remember what we can do: We can guard our hearts and we can protect our homes. Start there.
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Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart (2285)Scripture reveals there is only one way to control your thought life, and that is to guard your heart. Psalm 119: 9-16 says, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to Thy Word. With my whole heart have I sought Thee: O let me not wander from Thy commandments. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee. Blessed art Thou, O Lord: teach me Thy statutes. With my lips have I declared all judgments of Thy mouth. I have rejoiced in the way of Thy testimonies, as much as in all riches. I will meditate in Thy precepts, and have respect unto Thy ways. I will delight myself in Thy statutes: I will not forget Thy Word.”There are seven steps listed in this passage to help control your thought life.1. Purification: get perfectly clean. No matter how vile your thought life has been, 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”2. Determination: determine to stay clean. You cannot guard your heart, half-heartedly. Adrian Rogers says, “God does business with those who mean business.”3. Fortification: fortify yourself with the Word of God. Replace what you’ve refused and repented of with Scripture. Guard your thoughts as instructed in Phillippians 4:8, dwelling only on what is reliant, respectful, right, reverent, relational and refined.4. Vitalization: ask God to teach you. If you would be so bold to pray for it, the Holy Spirit will make the living, active Word of God real to you.5. Verbalization: keep the word of God on your lips. Tell others the Word of God; discuss it among brothers and sisters in Christ.6. Evaluation: remember your true riches. There has to be an evaluation—a choice. Adrian Rogers says, “A mind that feeds on trash is a mind that is hungry without a sense of shame.” Choose satisfaction of the Lord Jesus Christ.7. Mediation: maintain constant communion with the Lord. There are three elements in meditation: time, quietness and concentration. If you will spend time meditating on the Word of God, it will do wonderful things for your thought life.Apply it to your lifeGet your heart clean before God and guard it with your life, so that you may protect your home.
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The Moses Principle

The Moses Principle (2283)There is a spiritual battle for the minds of our children. They are being systematically seduced by the enemy, who wants to destroy our homes. The problem is too pervasive and persuasive to rely on political action. The devil has introduced various substitutes for fixed truth to society. It’s crucial, now more than ever, to instill the truth of the Word of God into the hearts of our children.Hebrews 11:24-27 says: “By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing Him who is invisible.”There is a personal choice to be made. We are free to choose, but not free to not choose, nor are we free to choose the consequences of our choices. We have the opportunity to choose “The Moses Principle.”First, there must be a wise evaluation. The devil bombards us with worldly pleasures to distract us from the treasures of a clean heart, true love and a godly family. If we take time to evaluate this, our true values will be determined.After a properly wise evaluation, there must be a clear choice. Once our values are determined, the choice becomes clear. It will not be easy; the devil will tempt you egregiously to change your mind. Moses was faced with position, possessions and pleasures of all sorts. But he considered the profit and loss of every decision he made; he figured and judged, and made up his mind.Finally, there must be a determined refusal. In Hebrews 11, we see that Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. Symbolically, this meant he refused all the pleasures of Egypt.Adrian Rogers says, “No one will refuse pornography until he first chooses righteousness. And no one will choose righteousness until he makes a proper evaluation and sees what really counts.”Apply it to your lifeHave you made a wise evaluation, a clear choice and a determined refusal toward the pleasures of this world? You can only protect your family if you first guard your heart.
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5 Ways to be a Successful Husband

5 Ways to be a Successful Husband (2229)
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Building on the Word of God

Building on the Word of God (0539)The Book of Nehemiah tells the story of the rebuilding of the fallen walls of Jerusalem. And at the end of the sixth chapter, the walls were completed. Despite the devil’s attempts to stop them, the people of God prevailed, and built as God instructed them.Nehemiah 7 begins: the job was completed. The people of God were secure, organized, housed and fed. But there was something that needed to be done inside these freshly restored city walls: building their community on the Word of God. God blessed His people with a real, genuine revival; one that was rooted in a hunger for the Word of God.Nehemiah 8:1 tells us, "And all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was before the water gate; and they spake unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of the Moses, which the Lord had commanded to Israel."There was a famine for the word of God. The people gathered and begged Ezra to preach to them. The revival came about by a hearing of the Word of God. Nehemiah 8:3 says, "And he read therein before the street that was, read therein before the street that was before the water gate from the morning until midday." Adrian Rogers says, “These people were attentive, not time conscious. They had revival because they were not clock watchers.”There was an honor given to the Word of God. Our greatest danger is indifference toward Scripture. If we believe the Bible to be true, we ought to honor it as these people did in Nehemiah 8.There was a proper handling of Scripture. It’s not just enough to read the Bible; someone has to explain it. Preaching Scripture is reading a passage of scripture, then analyzing, organizing, illustrating, and applying it.Finally, there was a heeding of the word of God. What took place when they began to heed to the word of God?1. There was mourning over their own sin.2. There was joy.3. There was obedience.A church that is built on the Word of God is one that obeys His commands.Apply it to your lifeDo you have a relationship with Jesus that is built on the Word of God? Until you know Jesus, you won’t understand His Word. And until you understand His Word, you will never truly live.
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Weapons of Our Warfare

Weapons of Our Warfare (0534)Before he ever rebuilt the fallen walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah was a man of prayer, facing serious spiritual warfare. When we live for God, we find ourselves in a battle between light and darkness, death and life, Heaven and Hell. Every Christian is called to be a part of it.Before we can identify our weapons in this warfare, we need to learn about our adversary, the devil. The Bible says we wrestle against “the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Eph. 6:12)Our intellect is no match for his subtlety and unrighteous spirituality, or his strength.How are we supposed to fight this enemy? Ephesians 6:13-17 tells us to put on the armor of God:The Belt of Truth holds everything together, locked in for battle with the truth from Scripture.- The Breastplate of Righteousness protects us from the enemy’s arrows of impurity.- The Boots of Peace keep us encouraged as we tread through dangerous territory.- The Shield of Faith protects us from the enemy’s attacks of doubt.- The Helmet of Salvation gives us full assurance of God’s constant deliverance.- The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.Ephesians 6:18 says, “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” Putting on the armor of God is preparing ourselves to pray in the Spirit. Adrian Rogers says, “Prayer is not getting ready to fight. That’s where the fight is…The devil mocks our schemes, he laughs at our toiling, but he fears our prayers.”Praying in the Spirit listens to God. It is a prayer that abides and lovingly intercedes on behalf of others. It’s also hard work; it takes blood, sweat and tears to pray in the Spirit.Though it takes much work, praying in the Spirit is the weapon of our warfare that Satan cannot stand against.Apply it to your lifePut on the armor of God and go to battle. Pray in the Spirit; listen to God, abide, intercede for others, and embrace the hard work it takes.
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The Devices of the Devil

The Devices of the Devil (1561)The Book of Nehemiah tells the story of the rebuilding of the fallen walls of Jerusalem. And at the end of the sixth chapter, the walls were completed. Despite the devil’s attempts to stop them, the people of God prevailed, and built as God instructed them. Nehemiah 7 begins: the job was completed. The people of God were secure, organized, housed, and fed.But there was something that needed to be done inside these freshly restored city walls: building their community on the Word of God. God blessed His people with a real, genuine revival; one that was rooted in a hunger for the Word of God.Nehemiah 8:1 says, "And all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was before the water gate; and they spake unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of the Moses, which the Lord had commanded to Israel."There was a famine for the word of God. The people gathered and begged Ezra to preach to them. The revival came about by the hearing of the Word of God. Nehemiah 8:3 says, "And he read therein before the street that was, read therein before the street that was before the water gate from the morning until midday." Adrian Rogers says, “These people were attentive, not time conscious. They had revival because they were not clock watchers.”There was an honor given to the Word of God. Our greatest danger is indifference toward Scripture. If we believe the Bible to be true, we ought to honor it as these people did in Nehemiah 8.There was a proper handling of Scripture. It’s not just enough to read the Bible; someone has to explain it. Preaching Scripture is reading a passage of scripture, then analyzing, organizing, illustrating, and applying it.Finally, there was a heeding of the word of God. What took place when they began to heed to the word of God?1. There was mourning over their own sin.2. There was joy.3. There was obedience.A church that is built on the Word of God is one that obeys His commands.Apply it to your lifeDo you have a relationship with Jesus that is built on the Word of God? Until you know Jesus, you won’t understand His Word. And until you understand His Word, you will never truly live.
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Dealing with Discouragement

Dealing with Discouragement (0533)Any work for God will be met with opposition from the devil. And one of the devil’s methods to stop the work of God is through discouragement. Nehemiah 4 shows us how to deal with discouragement. While rebuilding the fallen walls of the city of Jerusalem, Nehemiah and his team faced the enemy’s attack of discouragement. This passage reveals, first, the curse and the three causes of discouragement.First, Nehemiah’s people were worn out. They were in the middle of the job, working hard, growing tired. The newness had worn off, yet the end was far out of reach.Second, they were weighted down. They had a task to do; rather than seeing it one step at a time, they saw the rubbish, trash and debris. The task seemed too big.Third, they were wrought up. The enemy knows just when we are in breaching difficulty, physically debilitated, or when we have more to do than we can do. He can sense when things are about to cave in. That is when he attacks.And unfortunately, much like in this passage, the attack can come from other people of God. Adrian Rogers says, “Do you know the hardest thing for me to face as a pastor? It's not what the enemy does out there, but it is people within the camp who say it can't be done.”Nehemiah then took six steps to re-encourage those who had been discouraged:1. He armed his people, equipping them for battle as they built.2. He assured his people, urging them to remember the Lord their God.3. He aroused his people, stirring in their hearts with a powerful message: “You’re not just building walls… you’re building lives.”4. He applied his people, instructing them to get back to work.5. He assembled his people, unifying them before God.6. He admonished his people, warning them to be careful.Apply it to your lifeAre you dealing with discouragement today?As Adrian Rogers says, “Be sober; be vigilant. Let's stay on our knees and keep our face in the book. Let's keep loving one another and be deathly afraid of sin. Let's keep on the whole armor of God. Let's not be careless, not play loose; let's stay together. Let's love, let's believe God; and together God’s people will see great things done.”
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Reacting to Ridicule

Reacting to Ridicule (0531)The Book of Nehemiah tells the story of Nehemiah’s return to his homeland to rebuild the fallen walls of Jerusalem. In Nehemiah 4, he and his team faced criticism for their work. Their mockers ridiculed their feebleness and the futility of their task. They laughed at Nehemiah’s confidence to accomplish his big task at hand. They mocked the foolishness of their faith and the frailty of their work. They didn’t think Nehemiah’s work would last.Ridicule is one of the hardest things we will face as Christians. We are feeble people by the world’s standards (measured by numbers, size, prestige and finances). The world doesn’t believe we can do what we have been commissioned and empowered to do by Jesus Christ. They laugh at what they call the foolishness of our faith.When reacting to ridicule, we ought to remember what things Nehemiah did. He made practical considerations.First, he considered the cause of the ridicule.Ridicule is a substitute for reason. If these mockers couldn’t reason Nehemiah out of this work for God, they would ridicule him, instead.He also considered the character of his mockers. Adrian Rogers says, “We’re known not only by the friends that we make, we’re also known by the enemies that we make.”He considered the company he was in. When we are scorned, we must remember: Jesus Christ was scorned. We are in good company.He considered the compensation he would receive, because “when men will persecute you, and revile you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely for My name sake, rejoice and be exceeding glad.” (Matthew 5:11)Then he considered the conclusion of the matter: God, Himself, will have the last laugh.Nehemiah carried the ridicule to God in prayer; and then, he got to work. In spite of all of the threats of the enemy, of the ridicule and scorn, this team kept their work in mind. Rather than submitting to the criticism, they just started doing what God had called them to do.What would happen if we had a mind to work and a heart to pray as Nehemiah and his team did?Apply it to your lifeOur reaction to ridicule is clearly outlined in Nehemiah 4:1. Practically consider the ridicule.2. Prayerfully speak your concern to God.3. Get to work!
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Let Us Arise and Build

Let Us Arise and Build (0530)In Nehemiah 2, Nehemiah is commissioned by God to rebuild the fallen walls of Jerusalem that had left the people of God without defense. In this passage, there are six principles Nehemiah practiced in building the walls. We can apply these principles as we rise and build the fallen walls in our lives.The first thing Nehemiah did was fix his focus. Nehemiah had a mandate from God. He fasted, prayed, and wept, and God revealed to him what to do. In the same way, God has a purpose for our lives and our goal and aim should point toward that purpose.Second, Nehemiah found the facts. Nehemiah saw for himself that God’s work in Jerusalem was in ruins. In finding the facts, he was able to calculate what it would take to rebuild.Then he formed a fellowship. Nehemiah knew that there is strength in numbers and in unity; he knew he could not do by himself. Though God called him to lead, he said, “Come, let us do it together.” (v. 17)After this, Nehemiah fortified his faith. Human nature fears the new. Whenever anyone suggests doing something great and noble, there's always a sick feeling in the pit of our stomachs that maybe it cannot be done. Christians, let us not forget: God is leading, and if God's good hand is upon us, it can be done. God is the one who opens doors that no one can shut. But remember: God only opens doors for people who want to go through them.Next, Nehemiah faced his foe. Adrian Rogers says, “The door to the room of opportunity swings on the hinges of opposition.” When we come to an open door, we will have adversaries. But if God is for us, who can be against us? (Rom. 8:31)Lastly, Nehemiah fulfilled his function. Reconstruction begins in Nehemiah 3. What a wonderful thing it was as each man found his place along the wall and fulfilled his function. Each person had a part in the work. Each person had a job to do.But notice: these builders began construction near his own house. Let this be a reminder to begin at home, in our own hearts.Apply it to your lifeAre there fallen spiritual walls in your life? Let us arise and build! Start in your own heart, in your own life.
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How to Turn Your Problems into Possibilities

How to Turn Your Problems into Possibilities (0527)God wants us to see our problems as possibilities, and our adversaries as opportunities. Whether we, as individuals or as a church, are trying to turn a problem into possibilities, the Book of Nehemiah shows us that God has wonderful plans for us.There are three basic steps we must take in order to do anything glorious in the name of Jesus.The first thing we must do is visualize. Nehemiah received the news of the city of Jerusalem’s fallen walls. Walls in the Bible had a symbolic meaning. They spoke of glory, salvation and the protection of God over his people; and these walls had fallen. These walls are also symbolic to us. We, too, are called to rebuild walls that have fallen: walls of national security, of the family, of decency, of our educational system and of doctrine.The second step is to agonize. In Nehemiah 1:4, Nehemiah prayed a prayer of contrition. He wept over the condition of the city. Adrian Rogers says, “Society has forgotten how to blush, and the church has forgotten how to weep.”He prayed a prayer of confession. Nehemiah understood that if he didn't repent, he would remain part of the problem, not the solution.It was also a prayer of confidence. Real prayer is rooted in the promises from the Word of God.Finally, it was a prayer of commitment. Nehemiah had a great job in a great disposition, however, when God burdened him over the city of Jerusalem, he decided to get involved.The final step is to organize. When God began to move in Nehemiah’s heart, Nehemiah asked for the king’s permission to return to his homeland, as well as for protection and provision to rebuild.We, as a church or as individuals, must be bold to ask the King of kings for permission, protection and provision as we rebuild the walls of our conviction. It’s only then we will turn our problems into possibilities.Apply it to your lifeVisualize until God gives you a burden; agonize until you know that you've confessed your sins and made a commitment; then organize and get to work. Ask God for His permission, provision and protection.
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God's Presence in the Hour of Death

God's Presence in the Hour of Death (2250)The fear of death keeps people in bondage. Yet, a child of God can smile at death. That’s what Joseph did; in Genesis 50, we see Joseph practicing God’s presence in his hour of death.If we want to have the assurance that Joseph had, we must first remember the unbreakable promises of God. We will not have peace in the hour of death unless we have God’s promises to stand on.For Joseph, He remembered God’s promises to Abram. Hebrews 11:22 says, “By faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones.” What is faith? Faith is not positive thinking or hoping for the best. Faith is getting in the Word of God and believing it. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”Second, we must rest in the unshakeable power of God. Faith is not shaken by appearances, human reason, emotion or delay. The Word of God gives the assurance of faith. Adrian Rogers says, “Your emotions are the shallowest part of your nature. Salvation is the deepest work of God. God doesn’t do the deepest work in the shallowest part. Forget your emotions… put your confidence in the unshakeable power of God.”Finally, we must receive the unmistakable peace of God. Joshua 24 explains that Joseph’s bones were buried in Shechem, where Abram was buried. Just as Joseph had faith to believe, it was done. Why was Joseph concerned about the burial of his bones? He wanted to leave a monument of faith. His success in Egypt paled in comparison to his desire to be a part of what God was doing next. We see later in the Book of Joshua that every time the people saw his burial site, they were reminded of the vapor of life and the length of eternity. If they were living in prosperity, those bones reminded them that one of these days, they would leave it all behind. And if they were living in adversity, those bones reminded them that there was a better day coming.Apply it to your lifeLet every casket you see and every funeral you attend remind you today is the day of salvation. Give your heart to Jesus and you can smile at death.
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The Gospel According to Joseph

The Gospel According to Joseph (2253)Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: When Joseph was young, his brothers sold him as a slave to the Egyptian guard. However, God was with Joseph. Through divine providence, Joseph became the prime minister of Egypt. Joseph was on a throne when his brothers were brought before him. The one they had treated so hatefully, became the one with absolute authority. Because of Joseph's love for them in Genesis 45, we are given an illustration of the Gospel, according to Joseph.God’s love is greater than all our sin. When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, they remembered what they had done. God, in love, confronts our sin for our own sake, so He may reveal Himself to us.No one is truly saved apart from the conviction of sin. In order for us to be saved, we must first be convicted of our lost estate.His compassion causes Him to love you. Joseph eagerly forgave them, because, though his brothers abused him, God worked it together for His glory.It’s our job to confess Him openly and publicly.1. We once rejected Him.2. God raised Him up.3. His name is above every name.4. The world is now at His feet.5. He has forgiven our sins.6. He wants to be with us and share His glory.This is what they were to tell about Joseph, and that’s what we’re to tell about Jesus.You have been commissioned to fellowship with your King. Joseph fellowshipped with them. Likewise, God wants to fellowship with us.God saves us by grace and supplies us for service. Joseph claimed his brothers before Pharaoh. Jesus is not ashamed to claim us as brothers.We communicate by our love, our lips and our lives. Genesis 45:27 says, “...and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob, their father, revived: And Israel said, It is enough: Joseph my son is yet alive; and I will go and see him before I die.”Adrian Rogers says, “When the world sees us united with wagon loads of God’s grace, they will be convinced of the Gospel, just as Jacob was.”Apply it to your lifeDo you communicate your faith in Jesus Christ with others by your love, your lips and your life?
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Joseph: A Portrait of Jesus

Joseph: A Portrait of Jesus (2251)The Bible is all about the Lord Jesus Christ. Through His Word, God gives us many prophetic portraits of His Son, one being Joseph in the Book of Genesis.There are four episodes in the life of Joseph that foreshadow the Gospel of Jesus Christ. • See Jesus as the Beloved Son through the life of Joseph. • See Jesus as the Suffering Servant through Joseph. • See Jesus as the Exalted Sovereign through Joseph. • See Jesus as the Seeking Savior through Joseph.Joseph had his father’s favor, from whom he received a special coat of many colors—a mark of distinction.No fault or sin is ever mentioned about Joseph. This doesn’t mean he was perfect; rather, he served as an illustration of the sinless Son of God.Joseph was sent to minister to his brothers by his father. His brothers resented him because of their father’s devotion to him. As a result, Joseph suffered at the hands of his brothers, being sold as a slave to the head of the Egyptian guard, Potiphar.His father believed he had been slain. And in the eyes of his brothers, he was dead, also.In the Gospels, Jesus was scorned and suffered at the hands of the ones He was sent to minister to. He dealt with conspiracies against him, abuse and betrayal. He was crucified, dead and buried for three days.Joseph became the Prime Minister of Egypt. This man, once despised and rejected, was enthroned as the ruler over the most powerful nation at the time.He was given a new name, new robe and a new bride. He saved his people from death. Every knee in Egypt had to bow to Joseph.One day, every knee worldwide will bow to Jesus.Joseph revealed himself to his brothers. He received them back, forgave and restored them. He then commissioned them to tell their father that he was alive.In the same way, Jesus reveals Himself to us on the day of our salvation. He receives us, forgives, restores and commissions us tell the world that He is alive.Adrian Rogers says, “Our faith is summed up in this: Come to Me; go to all the world.”Apply it to your lifeGod wants us to be saved so much that He gave many illustrations of salvation before the fullness of time. Do you understand the story, and believe it?
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When Nothing Seems to Make Sense

When Nothing Seems to Make Sense (2248)What can we do when nothing seems to make sense?Genesis 39 tells the story of a godly man named Joseph. Though he did nothing wrong, he was sold as a slave by his own brothers and bought by the head of the Egyptian guard, Potiphar.Hardship continued when he was falsely accused of rape by Potiphar’s wife and cast into prison. He was completely innocent… this didn’t make sense!Joseph exemplifies five principles for us to remember when nothing seems to make sense.Don’t demand to understand. We can come to a time of perplexity, having done nothing wrong. In fact, many of God’s greatest saints walked in darkness for parts of their lives.Darkness does not mean that sin has prevailed. Darkness cannot overcome light. If God takes away the light, simply trust God and do not demand to understand.Don’t fail to be faithful. Joseph did not sulk in prison. Even there, in a time of persecution, Joseph served God. He was not a fair-weather Christian. In the darkness, he held onto what God promised him in the light.Don’t bow to bitterness. There was not a shred of bitterness in Joseph, because He knew God was with him. In hard times, we need to be very careful not to become bitter. Adrian Rogers says, “’s not how you react when you’re punished for doing wrong, but how you react when you’re persecuted for doing right.”Don’t be unwilling to wait. God knows where we are. The same God who was with Joseph in his youth was with him when he languished in prison. God is never late; He will bring us out in His time.Don’t let dreams dissolve. Joseph never forgot his God-given dream from his youth. God never forgot it, either; it came to fruition in perfect timing. Adrian Rogers says, “There is coming a day when God will make everything right; don’t lose your faith when it doesn’t make sense to you.”Don't let your dreams dissolve in the darkness.God did not fail Joseph and He will not fail us.Apply it to your lifeAre you in a season when nothing seems to make sense?Remember, as Adrian Rogers says, “Serve Jesus and never quit. Give Him your heart… your life. And don’t ever lose your dream.”
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Practicing the Presence of God

Practicing the Presence of God (2247)There are many people who are existing, but they are not living. The secret to an abundant life is practicing the presence of God.Perhaps the most Christ-like character in the Old Testament was Joseph. No matter what happened to him, Joseph practiced the presence of God. The Bible says, “...the Lord was with him.” (Genesis 39)There are four principles in Genesis 37 that reveal how to prosper like Joseph.Joseph expressed his God-given difference. Joseph was different, distinct by his nobility. His brothers hated him because he would not conform. When God saved us, God made us different; we are somebody in his sight. Romans 12:2 says, “Be not conformed to this world.” The world wants to squeeze us into its mold. When we refuse to conform, it resents our nobility in the Lord Jesus Christ.Joseph explored his God-given dreams. When Joseph was just a teenager, God put a dream into his heart. God has not promised to fulfill our fantasies; rather, He has plans for us and wants us to dream God-given dreams. How can we know what we are supposed to hope for?We must present ourselves to Him and ask Him for the mind of Christ. Adrian Rogers says, “You don’t find the will of God; God’s will finds you.”Joseph endured his God-given difficulties. Joseph did not have an easy life. He was sold as a slave by his brothers. He’s falsely accused and thrown in prison. However, in Genesis 50:20, when confronted by his brothers, Joseph said: “As for you, you thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good...” God allows us to have difficulties in life; He does not cause these things, but wherever man rules, God overrules.Joseph enlisted his God-given dynamic. When the Bible says that, “God was with him,” it means that God was for him, working on his behalf. God was with him in times of persecution, of responsibility, of temptation, of slander and suffering. God was with him.How humbling it is to know God is with us, too!Apply it to your lifeWould you like to prosper as Joseph prospered? Prosperity is the progressive realization of the will of God for your life. Express your God-given difference, explore your God-given dreams, endure your God-given difficulties and enlist your God-given dynamic.
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The Problem of Procrastination

The Problem of Procrastination (1318)Many of us struggle with procrastination, but do we realize that is doing great damage to us? Do we ever grasp the true problem of procrastination? Adrian Rogers tells us, “Procrastination is more than the thief of time, it is the grave of opportunity and it may be the road to hell.”There are a few reasons people reject the Gospel upon hearing it. Perhaps the most common reason is procrastination. They put it off, thinking that they will have plenty of time to receive Christ later on. That’s the case in Acts 24. In this passage, Paul is a prisoner of Caesarea and the Roman judge, Felix calls for him to answer questions he has about Jesus Christ. Paul preaches a Christ-centered message, and the conviction of the Holy Spirit is so strong, Felix trembles. Felix was at the threshold of salvation, but then he did something that so many people do: he said, “When I have a convenient season, I will call for you.” (Acts 24:25)There are three things we can learn from Felix’s procrastination.First, see the sermon that convicted Felix. Here was a sinful man whose heart was in need of a Savior. Paul did not back down. He delivered a message, first concerning God’s standard of righteousness. Then he discussed Felix’s self-control, and the judgment of God to come.See, also the pressures that confronted him. When the Holy Spirit convicted Felix, the devil moved in to confront him. There were three mighty forces that warred against this man’s soul—the world, the flesh and the devil. These are three enemies we all face, and sometimes, like Felix, they cause us to retreat.Finally, see the presumption that condemned Felix. Acts 24:27 reveals that Felix never received Christ. Felix made three tragic assumptions:that convenience will come,that conviction from the Holy Spirit would continue, andthat conflicts would cease.But he forgot, as many of us do… tomorrow may never come.Adrian Rogers says, “Tomorrow you will have more sin to repent of. And tomorrow you will have a harder heart to repent with.”Apply it to your lifeDo you have trouble with procrastination? Is it harming you more than it should? Don’t wait until tomorrow to repent of your sins; do it right now!
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How to Cope with Criticism

How to Cope with Criticism (1288)If you are criticized for standing for the Lord Jesus Christ, the Bible says, “Rejoice and be exceeding glad. Great is your reward in heaven.” (Matthew 5:12) This may seem easier said than done, however.Scripture tells us that we will be criticized if we live for Jesus. How can we cope with criticism and have peace in times of persecution? Consider the apostle Paul, who was criticized for following the Lord Jesus Christ, and yet he went through it triumphantly.First, he had a righteous life that came out of a good conscience. Acts 23:1 says, “I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day…” Our conscience is that inner voice that accuses us, or excuses us for our actions. It doesn’t make us good or bad, it simply defines for us what we truly believe is good or bad. However, if our conscience bothers us, then criticism will bother us. We must ensure that our conscience is free from defilement, searing, and evil. If we ever let our conscience get warped or burnt out, we will not be able to cope with criticism in a sound, biblical way.The second thing that enabled Paul to stand as he did was his message of a resurrected Lord.There is tension in the Gospel: the Son of God was crucified, killed, and rose from the dead three days later. When you truly preach the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is a disturbing and dividing truth. Either Jesus rose from the grave, or He didn’t. Which side are you on?Adrian Rogers says, “When you take a stand for truth you’re going to have a head-on collision with error.” This truth that disturbed and divided others is what delivered Paul. God gave him a reassuring lift, with a word of courage, commendation and confidence in his time of need.If we are morally clean and theologically pure, we will be spiritually close to Jesus in times of suffering.When this happens, not only will we cope with criticism, we might just rejoice in it.Apply it to your lifeHave you been facing criticism for following the Lord Jesus Christ? Use the example of Paul in Acts 23 to face it triumphantly.
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Three Challenges to the Cross

Three Challenges to the Cross (1278)In Acts 17, Paul walks down the streets of Athens, Greece and meets three challenges to the cross—to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The same three challenges that Paul met are ones we could meet tomorrow morning; the ones who opposed the Gospel in Acts 17 could believe the same things as the people we rub shoulders with today. We need to learn how Paul met these challenges so that we can meet them in a God-honoring way.First, Paul met superstitious idolatry. Acts 17:16 says, “Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.” An idol is anything you love, serve, fear or trust more than God. Paul saw idolatry everywhere he turned in Athens. Our city, even sometimes our churches, are filled with idolatry. We all worship something, because mankind is incurably religious. Adrian Rogers says, “If man does not worship the true God, he will worship a false god, but he will worship.”Secondly, Paul met stubborn bigotry. When Paul entered the synagogue and presented the Gospel to the people, he was met with stubbornness; the people were so sure they were right and he was wrong. Adrian Rogers says, “The hardest man to win to Jesus Christ is the man who doesn’t see his need of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many times he has a religious bigotry.”Thirdly, Paul met sophisticated philosophy. A philosopher is a lover of wisdom, one who takes pride in his learning. In Paul’s day, he encountered two types of philosophers: the Epicures and the Stoics. Epicureans sought pleasure above anything else. Stoics believed they were victims of fate, that God is in everything and everything is God. We still encounter people who believe this way. Unfortunately, often times, their innate foolishness keeps them from knowing Jesus.How did Paul deal with this opposition? He simply continued to preach, and reveal the character of God: that He created us, controls us, convicts and commands us. Some mocked, some laughed and some procrastinated. But, thank God, others believed.We can’t make others believe, however, we have the opportunity to preach the Gospel anyway.Apply it to your lifeDo you have any idols in your life that need to be dealt with? Repent and follow God with a wholly devoted heart.
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Victory of a Mother’s Faith

Victory of a Mother’s Faith (1924)Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Hebrews 11:23-27The most influential people on earth are mothers of faith. One powerful example is Jochebed, a Hebrew slave, mother of Moses, whose faith saved her son and, eventually, an entire people.Hebrews 11:23-27 reveals five things about Jochebed’s faith that remain true for mothers of faith everywhere.First, Jochebed’s faith saw a promise from God. “By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child…” Jochebed saw that her son, Moses, was a gift from God. She recognized his legitimacy, saw he needed protection at a time when her nation was slaughtering babies like him.Second, her faith acted upon the promise of God. Not only did Moses’ parents have faith, their faith led to action. They hid Moses in order to protect him. “...and they were not afraid of the king's commandment.”Those were dark days, yet the Bible says that Moses’ parents were full of valor. They knew God, His Word and His promise to deliver His people. “By faith Moses… refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.”Jochebed’s faith saw victory; God preserved the life of that child. Not only that, God had engineered a faith in Moses’ heart, through the faith of his mother. “By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.”Jochebed’s faith obtained strong, godly values she would pass on to Moses, who, in turn, would pass them onto God’s people.Thank God for young men and women who have fires built into them by mothers and fathers of faith. Adrian Rogers says, “The great need today is godly parents, who in spite of the king's commandments, listen to the King of kings instead.”Apply it to your lifeHave you been made new in Christ? Does your life show that you have a new Lord, life, liberty, love and labor?
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How to Measure a Man

How to Measure a Man (1286)The world often measures a man by his intelligence, strength, or wealth. However, the world forgets that when we pass away, we leave behind all that we have and take with us all that we are.What will you take with you? What truly matters in a man?Consider what the Apostle Paul took with him.Acts 20:19 says, “Serving the Lord with all humility of mind, and with many tears, and temptations…”A man’s life will be measured by his manner.We must live a life of humility, and the mark of humility is service.Adrian Rogers says, “Humility is an honest estimation of yourself… based on what God says about you. It results primarily in serving others.”Our manner of life should be marked by heartache. "Serving the Lord... with many tears."The apostle Paul was a compassionate man. He knew how to weep. He knew how to enter into the sorrows and the hurts of other people.Our manner of life must also include hardship. There is no way to live a life that counts and make an impression on this world without making some enemies. That didn’t scare Paul, and it shouldn’t scare us.A man's life will also be measured by his message.We will be known for something when we are gone. Our lives will bear a message for others to remember when they think about us. Paul’s life message revolved around repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ.Finally, a man’s life is measured by his motto.Every man has a life motto; something that motivates, drives, and constrains him.Paul's life motto was: "Remembering the words of Jesus, it is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)Paul spent his life, not primarily as a receiver, but as a giver. This motto freed Paul from covetousness, idleness, and selfishness. Therefore, his life was blessed.There is no easy way to have a great life. But if we remember that a man’s life is measured by the manner, the message, and the motto of his life, we will find a life worth living.Apply it to your lifeIf you based your life on Paul’s testimony in Acts 20:19, how would you measure up? When we pass away, we leave behind all that we have and take with us all that we are. What will you take with you?
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The Simplicity of Salvation

The Simplicity of Salvation (1276)The Gospel is meant to be told simply. God wants salvation to be made simple, because it is His desire that anyone can understand and obtain it.Acts 16:23-31 tells the story of Paul and Silas, who have been put in prison for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They’ve been beaten and stuffed into a dungeon; yet, they are singing and praising God. Then came a great earthquake, and the prison doors and shackles came undone. They were free. When the jailor saw that the prisoners were freed, yet remained in their cell, he asked, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul and Silas’s answer reveals the beautiful simplicity of salvation.First, we must consider the meaning of salvation. To be saved means to be delivered from sin. Sin comes in three forms:The wrong we doThe right we don’t doThe good we do without GodSo what does it mean to be saved from sin? We are saved from the penalty, the pollution, the power and the presence of sin.Second, we must consider the man of salvation: the Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 16:30 says “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved.”When these disciples said, “Lord” they meant He’s the Master of our lives.When these disciples said, “Jesus” they meant He's the Mediator between us and God.When these disciples said, “Christ” they meant He’s the Messiah, the one who saves.Finally, remember the method of salvation: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. What does it mean to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? It is not mere intellectual belief. The demons believe and tremble (James 2:19), and they are certainly not saved. “Believe on” means “commit to”. Commit to the Lord Jesus Christ.We believe that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Rom. 10:13)And whosoever means anybody, any time, any place, anywhere.Apply it to your lifeIf someone asks you, “How can I be saved?” as the jailor asked Paul and Silas, would you know what to say?
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The Church Member of My Dreams

The Church Member of My Dreams (1259)Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 4:36-37The Book of Acts tells the story of a man called Barnabas. His name means “son of encouragement.” And there are five characteristics that make Barnabas the church member of any pastor’s dreams.First, he was a load lifter. In Acts 4:36, Barnabas meets a need by selling his property and giving the profits to the church. He saw a load and he decided to lift it. Encouragers understand that we all have something to give. Encouragers find out what it is that can be used to lift another’s burdens and offer it.Encouragers are also friend finders. After the Apostle Paul’s conversion, he was despised by his old colleagues, but feared by his new brothers and sisters in Christ. He was a man who needed a friend. Barnabas found him and became a friend to this very lonely new disciple. A lot of new Christians need somebody to find and friend them. An encourager finds the lonely and neglected, puts an arm around them, and brings them into the fold.Encouragers are also bridge builders. Barnabas knew the old and he saw the new; he was used to link the past to the future. Adrian Rogers says, “Barnabas believed in the tradition, but he believed in the frontier. And he was used by God to mold it all together. He was a bridge builder.”Encouragers are disciple developers. Barnabas often found buried gifts in new disciples and he brought these hidden talents out of them. There are people in our churches with gifts and abilities that need to be discovered and developed. But it takes a “Barnabas” to find them.Finally, encouragers are failure fixers. After the disciple Mark ran away from his calling, Barnabas sought him out and gave him another chance. This young disciple went on to write the Gospel of Mark.Thank God for Barnabas, who strove to fix this failure with words of encouragement. And thank God for the encouragers in our churches, who see second chances in us when no one else does.Apply it to your lifeWould you consider yourself to be a church member of your pastor’s dreams? Are you an encourager like Barnabas — a load lifter, friend finder, bridge builder, disciple developer and a failure fixer?
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How You Can Be Sure

How You Can Be Sure (1253)Acts 10 tells the story of a Roman army officer named Cornelius. Cornelius was also a Gentile. Up until this time, the Gentiles had not been added to the Christian church (the early believers were Jewish). Yet, Cornelius was hungry to know God and he was hungry for faith in Jesus Christ. Supernaturally, God brought Cornelius and the apostle Peter together. As he is presenting the Gospel to Cornelius, Peter claims three indisputable witnesses who testify that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. By believing them, we, like Cornelius, can be sure of our salvation as well.The first was a personal witness of the saints. The apostles standing before Cornelius had literally walked with Jesus during his ministry. The disciples were a diverse group of young men who lived with Him, ate and fellowshipped with Him. They personally witnessed His life, death and resurrection. And though a wide mixture of characters, the disciples’ recollection of Jesus is unanimous: He is the resurrected Son of God.The second was the prophetic witness of the Scriptures. Every page of Scripture is about Jesus, if not explicitly, then prophetically. Even in the Old Testament, before Jesus walked the earth, prophecies the salvation He would bring to mankind. The Bible has one hero, which is Jesus; and it has one message: Jesus saves. Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible was not written primarily to give us the history of Israel. It's not written primarily to tell us about ceremonies and rituals; the Bible was written to tell us that Jesus saves.”Lastly, the Holy Spirit acted as the third witness. After he was saved, Cornelius immediately received the Holy Ghost and began to speak in tongues. This was the outward evidence of the internal work of God in the hearts of these new believers. God was expanding the church to include the Gentiles right before their eyes. Jew and Gentile became one body, by witness of the saints, the Scripture and the Spirit.Apply it to your lifeAre you sure of your salvation and do you believe the three indisputable witnesses at hand?
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All Things New

All Things New (1251)2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Adrian Rogers says it this way, “A Christian is not just somebody who has become nice; he’s become new.”Acts 9 tells the story of the conversion of the Apostle Paul. His early name was Saul and he was a persecutor of Christians. Yet, in this passage, he becomes Paul, the greatest missionary and evangelist the world has ever known. He was changed by the grace of God, so much so, he even changed his name! There are five markings of this man made new, found in Acts 9:17-22.First, Saul had a new Lord. The first question Saul asked when confronted by Jesus on the road to Damascus was, “Lord, what would you have me do?” Jesus had become his Lord; immediately, he was under new management. The Bible calls Jesus, Lord 433 times. And Adrian Rogers says, “You cannot have what He gives, salvation, unless you receive what He is, and that is Lord.”Second, Paul had a new life. When you receive Jesus as Lord, you receive a new life, and a new spiritual sight. You’re able to see things you’ve never seen before.Third, Paul had a new liberty. God put His power within Paul. The Christian life is what God does in us and through us. He’s the one who gives us that liberty.Fourth, Paul had a new love. A few days before his conversion, this man was threatening the church. His heart was filled with bitterness and malevolence toward those who were called Christians. And those he once loathed he now loves. If you love Jesus, you will love what He loves.Finally, Paul had a new labor. Saul’s mission was to destroy the church. Paul’s mission was to build the church. The markings of a new life in Christ is that he shares it with others.And what God did for Saul, God wants to do for us, all.Apply it to your lifeHave you been made new in Christ? Does your life show that you have a new Lord, life, liberty, love and labor?
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The Devil's Religion

The Devil's ReligionContrary to popular belief, the devil is very much for religion; in fact, he uses religion to oppose the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the Book of Revelation, the Bible prophecies that in the Last Days, there will not be a lack of religion; there will be more than ever. Men will have religion without reality; they will not know God, and yet they will be very religious. It is vital that we recognize the warnings and refute the devil’s religion, lest we fall into its deception. • Beware of the devilish power of false religion. • Beware of the devilish pride of false religion. • Beware of the devilish pretense of false religion. • Beware of the devilish poison of false religion.In Acts 8, a man named Simon was practicing what the Bible calls “sorcery.” He had tapped into a devilish, unholy, supernatural power so great, it left his city in awe.We must remember that the devil is a deceiver, and he often uses miracles and signs to deceive even those who believe they are Christians.Acts 8:9 says, “But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one.”Simon was inflated with ego. The hallmark of false religion is pride. Remember: It was pride that made the devil, the devil.There are two kinds of believers described in Acts 8:12-13: possessors and pretenders.The difference is in the object of their belief. Simon the sorcerer was interested in power that he could get hold of. When he saw the apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit, laying their hands on people and giving healing and restoration, he wanted it.Adrian Rogers says, “Because false religion is egocentric, it is always rooted in what I can get and not in what I can give.”False religion poisons everything it touches. It can’t make a person free; you are ensnared and undelivered from sin and temptation, left unfulfilled and unsatisfied, bitter and in bondage.The only remedy to false religion is repentance of sins of the spirit. Receive the Holy Spirit through a relationship with Christ.Apply it to your lifeHave you been ensnared by the dangers of false religion? Do you need to repent of the sins of the spirit? Repent; stand on the word of God.
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Wherever He Leads, I'll Go

Wherever He Leads, I'll Go (1247)We, as Christians, have been sent on a mission to share the Gospel anywhere and everywhere God calls us to go. Where is anywhere and everywhere for you? Have you ever said in your heart, "Wherever He leads, I'll go"? We should be able to say this and mean it, without fear or hesitation.God has a plan for us and God will use us if we will let Him. How can we know where God wants us to go?First, we must perceive the call of God. God has many ways to speak to us, through prayer, the Holy Spirit, angels and others. We must get rid of our selfishness, our pride, our ambitions, and be ready to be filled by God. And what God fills, He uses.We must preach the Gospel, simply and clearly, as according to Jesus Christ. Adrian Rogers says, “The Gospel is simply glorious and gloriously simple.” The Gospel, simply put, is three statements:“I am a sinner.”“Christ died for my sins.”“I am saved by grace, through faith.”Finally, we must practice the commands of God. The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 says, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”Baptism is our way of showing our salvation. A true baptism follows a true salvation. Adrian Rogers says, “If we are real missionaries, we're going to receive the call of God, preach the Christ of God and practice the commands of God.”Apply it to your lifeAre you willing to say to God, “Wherever you lead, I’ll go”? If there was ever a time we ought to say it, it is now.
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How to Turn Problems into Possibilities

How to Turn Problems into Possibilities (1243)Being a Christian means seeing opportunities in every difficulty. In Acts 6, the early church was experiencing some growing pains. By understanding how they dealt with their difficulties, we can learn how to turn our problems into possibilities.We know what it’s like to experience growing pains, physically, mentally and spiritually. With that understanding, there are four things to keep in mind when our churches undergo this grueling process of maturity.First, remember that where there is life, there is growth. If your church is growing, it is important to remember this is a good thing. Anything that grows has pains. Growth is not easy or automatic. We have to plan, pray and work for it; we have to cultivate and water something if we want it to grow. Even still, it is God alone who gives growth. Churches can be big or small, each one unique and designed to maintain different capacities. No matter what size the church may be, if it is surrounded by lost people and still not growing, there’s something wrong. Our mission is to reach souls for the Lord Jesus Christ. If we’re not reaching them, we’re not doing what we were told to do.Where there is growth, there are problems. Anything that moves makes friction. However, many times, churches divide moreover incidentals than fundamental things. Adrian Rogers says, “When God sets out to multiply, the devil sets out to divide.”Where there are problems, there are solutions. A mature Christian is going to be deeply spiritual and intensely practical. In Acts 6, there was murmuring over neglected widows in the congregation. So, God demonstrated His practical love through the church leaders as they, themselves, waited tables for widows. These high-powered spiritual men were willing to minister in the small and mundane things. As a result, the church began to grow and the murmuring stopped.Where there are God-give solutions, there is even greater growth. It seems that every time the devil attacked this early church, their problems simply became springboards for greater possibilities. Adrian Rogers says, “All hell can’t stop a church that’ll keep its eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ.”Thank God for a growing church!Apply it to your lifeAre you or your church experiencing some growing pains? Embrace it; turn your problems into possibilities for growth. Acknowledge the issues and pray for God-given solutions.
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The Experience of Obedience

The Experience of Obedience (1241)Being a Christian is a joyous thing. The reason we are not filled with joy in this Christian life could be a matter of disobedience. Adrian Rogers says, “Obedience is the missing ingredient in so many Christians’ lives.”What does it mean to truly obey Christ? What is the expedience of obedience?In Acts 5, Peter and the other apostles have caused quite a stir by preaching about Jesus Christ. The religious authorities are trying to stop a revival they began. They command the apostles to stop preaching. Verses 29-32 says: “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.”In this text, we are first given the reason for obedience. When God tells us to do something, we don’t have any other reasonable choice because He is a sovereign God. He has every right to instruct His children, no refusal or rebuttal about it. He is also a saving God, who suffered and died for us. Why do we obey Him? We owe it to Him.What are the requirements for obedience?Understand first, we can’t obey unless we know what it is that God wants us to do. Once we know God’s will, we must be intentional about obeying it, and do so immediately. We will be held accountable for what we know. When He speaks, we must answer Him, regardless of circumstances. Only then can we see the supernatural rewards of our obedience:Power in our livesJoy in our heartsVictory in the church.When we obey God rather than men, we will see great multitudes of people come to Jesus Christ.Apply it to your lifeWould you like to obey, to be happy in Jesus? Would you like to have victory in your life? Know the will of God for your life and do it immediately, inflexibly and passionately.
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Lifestyle Evangelism

Lifestyle Evangelism (1240)Acts 5:42 says, “And daily in the temple and in every house they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” Publicly and privately, the early church did not stop preaching and teaching about Jesus Christ; it was a daily experience.In our own way and opportunity, each of us is called, ordained and equipped to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. In fact, if you are a Christian, evangelism is supposed to be a lifestyle. Adrian Rogers says, “God has called you to witness. A Christian who is not witnessing is not merely missing a blessing, he is guilty of high treason against heaven’s King.”If you are not witnessing, you are disobeying God. In the Book of Acts, the conversion of three men reveal why it is so important to witness to others.In Acts 8, the conversion of the Ethiopian man shows us that all people have a common hunger to know God, even if we don’t understand it yet.In Acts 9, the conversion of Saul—who later became Paul, apostle of Christ— reminds us that all people have a common heartache. All the intelligence and money in the world couldn’t buy the satisfaction that is found only in Christ.In Acts 10, the conversion of Cornelius tells us that all people have a common hope—Jesus.Back-to-back, we are shown by Scripture that the hope of Africa is Jesus, the hope of Asia (Paul the Apostle) is Jesus, the hope of Europe (Cornelius) is Jesus. All people need the same help. The hope of the world is Jesus.God took Phillip, Annanias and Peter, with their availability, expendability, adaptability, and used them to share the Gospel with men who would carry it even further, to the uttermost ends of the earth.We all have the same heartaches and hunger that are only satisfied through our common hope in Jesus Christ. And remember: Jesus will save anybody who is willing to come to Him.They may not even know that it is God who they are searching for, but each and every man needs to know him. It is our job, as a Christian community to help them.Apply it to your lifeAre you available, expendable and adaptable, ready to be used by God? There’s somebody that needs you desperately.All men need the same help—they need somebody to tell them about Jesus and that somebody is you.
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God's Warning to Pretenders

God's Warning to Pretenders (1239)In Acts 2, nearly a million Jews were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost. However, 120 disciples of Jesus Christ were at the center of attention as they received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. They were a church aflame; an early Christian church that made an impact on their community in a mighty way. What are the ingredients of a church aflame?The first is Supernatural Power. God demonstrated the power He had promised the disciples in Acts 1:8. This power was visualized by wind and fire. John 3:8 explains that the wind symbolizes the Holy Spirit because it “bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth.” The sight of fire over each of the disciples’ heads also symbolizes the Holy Spirit, as fire spreads and consumes, just like our Lord wants to consume our lives for His glory. This power was vocalized by the speaking of tongues and vitalized by the Holy Spirit. When we become Christians, we are baptized by the Holy Ghost, indwelled by the Holy Spirit and sealed into Christ. From there, we can choose to be filled with the Holy Spirit through surrender and faith. Then, there’s the anointing of the Spirit: the special touch for a specific task.The second ingredient of a church aflame is the spiritual preaching. Peter preached the Word of God to the disciples with boldness.The third ingredient of a church aflame is a saved people; those who understand what salvation truly is. Adrian Rogers says, “Real salvation is not merely a crisis act that you look back to, it is a present experience.”The last ingredient of a church aflame is the spiritual program. The church must study the Bible together in fellowship and worship as one Body. Each member must participate as they should.When each member is active in the church, the church will grow and catch the flame of the Spirit.Apply it to your lifeAre you an active member of a church aflame? Remember, as Adrian Rogers said, “God doesn’t want us to do anything for Him, He wants to do something through us.” Let Him use you in your local church.
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How to Put Power in Your Prayer

How to Put Power in Your Prayer (1237)]The need of the hour is power in prayer—not merely to pray, but to pray with power.In Acts 4, there was trouble in the early church. There was opposition against the Gospel of Jesus. Christians’ lives were being threatened. This was the catalyst for this great prayer meeting. It was not just any prayer that they needed. No rhetoric, eloquence, music or beauty would do. They needed power; and they received it. How do we put power in our prayers?First, we must understand the confidence of their mighty prayer. Acts 4:24 says, “...they lifted up their voice to God with one accord and said, Lord thou art God which hath made heaven and earth and the sea and all that in them is...” When facing opposition, it’s necessary to gain the right perspective: to look beyond the visible to the Invisible. To look beyond the creature to the Creator. We will find that nothing has happened that God does not control. We will find the conquering God still on His throne. We can be confident that we are praying to a God who is the creator, controller and conqueror of all things.Notice also the commitment of a mighty prayer. The reason that many of our prayers are not answered is that we’ve not made that commitment to the Lord. Prayer is the means of bringing the power of heaven into our lives. As servants of God, we must express His word, extend His hand and to exalt His Son. When we commit to doing so, then we will see power in our prayers.Finally, we must be ready for the consequences of a mighty prayer.The Spirit is received—a fresh filling of God’s Holy Spirit.Unity is achieved; Adrian Rogers says, “Prayer, more than anything else, unites the church.”Then, the Gospel is believed.Adrian Rogers tells us, ”Our first duty is not to preach the gospel, but to be ready and worthy to preach it through prayer.”Apply it to your lifeDo you want to put power in your prayer? Have you made yourself available to Jesus, a vessel for Him to work through and accomplish His mighty works? Submit totally to God.
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The Secret of Holy Boldness

The Secret of Holy Boldness (1236)Many of us want to share our faith, but we’ve been intimidated out of doing so. Acts 4:13 says, “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.”We need an epidemic of holy boldness, the same one that transformed Peter and John. What is the secret of their holy boldness?If we are going to be bold witnesses for Jesus Christ, we can expect persecution. Peter and John were persecuted. The persecution was not against them, it was against Jesus. If the resurrected Christ dwells in us, the same world that hated Jesus will hate us. But we are to rejoice and be exceedingly glad. Why? Adrian Rogers says, “The church persecuted is always the church powerful.”When you have a holy boldness, you can express persuasion. No one has ever been argued into Heaven. Witnessing is about sharing your personal encounter with the living Christ to others. Adrian Rogers says, “I can preach truth, but only He can impart truth.”Another secret of holy boldness is the presence we will experience. The disciples were bold because they had been with Jesus. They had seen Christ alive, resurrected and now Christ lives in them. Nothing could intimidate them. The Enemy could not shut them up or hold them back. They were filled with the Spirit of God and the presence of Jesus.The final secret to holy boldness is the person we will exalt. Again, Adrian Rogers says, “You cannot be convinced that Jesus Christ came out of that grave and that He’s the only hope of a sin-cursed world and be silent; you cannot!”Understand that holy boldness is not human courage. It is not arrogance or presumption. Holy boldness is saying, “Lord Jesus. If You are for me, who can be against me?”Apply it to your lifeDo you wish to have more courage when you share your faith in Jesus with others? Pray for an epidemic of holy boldness. Be a good steward of the faith you have been given.
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The Conquest

The Conquest (1780)Acts 4 tells of the great conquest of Jesus Christ, the one who died and arose from the grave.He is still alive and well; the Christ that walked the shores of Galilee is alive through His new body, the Church, even today.Because He lives, His persecution continues. Adrian Rogers says, “When you persecute the church, you persecute Jesus.”At the beginning of Acts 4, a miracle was performed by the disciple, Peter. He claimed it was the power of Christ in Him who healed. As a result, the people were beginning to follow Jesus. The religious leaders didn’t like it, and began persecuting the Church. But because the apostles were acting as the hands and the feet of the Lord, it was Jesus who was persecuted, too.Because He lives, His preaching convinces. How did these uneducated fishermen preach and five thousand come to Christ? They were not dependent upon their power of persuasion or winsomeness to bring these people to Christ. It was the people’s encounter with Christ through the disciples that convinced them to believe.Because He lives, His power confronts. There are things happening in this world today that are undeniably done by the hand of Jesus. He is still performing miracles.Because He lives, His presence compels. After spending time with the resurrected Christ, Peter was compelled to tell others about Him. If we spend time with Jesus, we will be as bold as His disciples. His presence will compel us with a holy boldness; a knowledge that Jesus is alive and He lives through us.Finally, because He lives, His people confess. Acts 4:20 says, “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” Anybody who has known that Christ is alive cannot keep quiet; we cannot hold it in.Because He is alive, we can wear persecution like a badge of honor. We can let Jesus convince, confront and compel others through us.Let us not be ashamed to confess what He has done in our lives.Apply it to your lifeDo you know that Jesus is alive? Does your life reflect this? Stay in the presence of Jesus.Like an iron in the fire, let there be a holy boldness about you. Tell someone about Jesus today.
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The Cross

The Cross (1779)The cross of Jesus Christ is the cure for sin. 1 Peter 3:18 points out three truths about how God forgives and deals with sin through the cross.The very first truth is the vicarious suffering of the cross. The word vicarious means “in the place of another”. 1 Peter 3:18 says, “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust....” Jesus, who is the just, sinless Son of God, died for the unjust, us. He became our substitute. He faced emotional and bodily suffering unlike anything we could possibly imagine.In the Old Testament, God instituted the ritual of the Passover Lamb. There was judgment upon the land because of sin, but God told His people to kill a perfect, spotless lamb. They were to take the blood of that lamb and put it upon the doorpost of their houses. 1 Peter 1:18-19 says, “For as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot...” Jesus' crucifixion bears symbolism of that of a Passover Lamb. Even then, God was using the Passover Lamb as a prophecy and a picture of the cross of Jesus Christ.Notice also the vital satisfaction of the cross. “For Christ also hath once suffered for sin....” Once; once for all. The debt has been paid in full. To say that there needs to be another sacrifice for sin is blasphemy. It is finished.We see also the victorious salvation of the cross. “He hath suffered for sin, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” Sin separates us from a Holy God. The cross reconciles us a Holy God. Adrian Rogers says, “On that cross, Jesus took Holy God with one hand, sinful man with the other hand and by the blood of His cross, He hath reconciled God and man.”God has a way of bringing us back.“Oh, the love that thought it; oh the grace that brought it.”Apply it to your lifeDo you believe in the cross of Jesus Christ? The vicarious suffering, the vital satisfaction, the victorious salvation? Thank God for the sacrifice He made through Jesus Christ to bring us back to Him.
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The Crown

The Crown (1777)Before Jesus was crucified, a crown of thorns was placed on his head. Though done by the hands of wicked men, this crown part of the magnificent plan of a sovereign God, who would use it as a message for all humanity. Matthew 27 sets the scene for the sacred mystery of that crown. In one sense, this was an act of mockery. Yet, there was a mystery here, known only by God: thorns symbolizes the curse that is upon humanity because of sin.When God created man and put him in the Garden of Eden, there were no thorns. It wasn’t until after sin infiltrated the garden that God cursed it with thorns. When He was crucified, Jesus wore this crown of thorns because He bore the curse. The crown also speaks of suffering, pain and brutality inflicted on Jesus during His crucifixion.Why were the Roman soldiers beating and mocking Him? Because of their rebellion; they were ridiculing His right to rule. Adrian Rogers says, “The root of all sin is refusing to bow the knee to your rightful king.”We must also recognize the saving ministry of that crown. Through these thorns, God was teaching a lesson that Jesus, who knew no sin became sin for us. (2 Corinthians 5:21) Because of His holiness, God never has, never can and never will let one sin go unpunished. There’s only one question...who will bear that punishment: us or Jesus? Adrian Rogers says, “Sin will be pardoned in Christ or punished in hell, but sin will never be overlooked.”Finally, we must remember: crowns have always been a symbol of authority. When Jesus wore this crown of thorns, He was the sovereign majesty, not a helpless victim. Even when it seemed out of His control, He was in perfect control.Jesus, in His glory, wears a crown. A crown of peace, righteousness and glory. But on our behalf, He wore one of thorns, bearing our curse, our sin, our shame to save us from ourselves once and for all.Thank God for the crown.Apply it to your lifeAll sin is due to be punished. Who will bear the punishment… you or Jesus?Today, ask God for His forgiveness of your sins. Thank Jesus today for wearing the crown of thorns. Bow the knee to the rightful King.
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The Cup

The Cup (1776)In Luke 22, Jesus told His disciples about His coming crucifixion at the Last Supper. When He later came to the garden of Gethsemane, He prayed three times: Lord, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.This wasn’t a literal cup; rather, a symbolic cup, meaning to experience something fully. Was He afraid of His coming crucifixion? Did the cup symbolize the physical pain He would soon feel? What was it that caused Jesus to dread the drinking of that cup? It was sin; every sin through all the ages polluted the cup, as well as the punishment of that sin. It was not the physical pain He would feel that caused Him to plead for another way. No; it was the vileness and filth of sin He would soon take on that caused Him agony. And the silence from heaven said, there is no other way.God will never overlook sin, for He is holy. By His holiness, He has sworn that sin will be punished. So, when Jesus took on our sins, God the Father, in holy justice, treated Jesus as if He were a sinner, and punished Him as such. Jesus knew this, yet He consumed the contents of the cup anyway. He chose it.In His holy humanity, Jesus shrank back. But in His divine love, He said, “Thy will be done.”Jesus wrestled between His holy humanity and His divine love. His love won. Adrian Rogers says, “The cross is God’s way to punish sin and forgive the sinner at the same time.”There is one more cup, one that we drink. Just before Jesus went into Gethsemane, Jesus was at last supper with his disciples. He told them: this is the New Testament in my blood. Drink it.This is the cup of communion, and it is ours to drink.He drank the cup of sin that we might have the cup of redemption.Apply it to your lifeHave you accepted the cup of communion? Have you wrestled with submitting your will to the Father? Can you truly say, “Not my will, but Yours be done?” Adrian Rogers says, “As I look at dark Gethsemane, there are two things it tells me. Number one, I want to hate sin. Number two, I want to love Jesus Christ.”
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The Keys to a Beautiful Life

The Keys to a Beautiful Life (1235)Acts 3 tells the story of Peter and John healing the crippled man at the gate of the temple in Jesus’ name. As a result, perhaps twenty thousand people came to know and follow Jesus Christ. In this passage, we can identify three keys to a beautiful life.These twenty thousand people who were saved were first confronted with a miracle. The man who would be healed by Jesus’ disciples had been crippled since birth. He resides at the gate of the temple (actually called ‘Beautiful’). Day after day, he lived on the outside of a beautiful life. Until one day, Peter and John approached him, offering him the healing power of Jesus Christ. The man was healed, free to leap, dance and praise God. He entered through gate called Beautiful, into the temple of God. This was a miracle that could not be reasonably denied or humanly explained; and it comes with a message for us all. This man represents those of us who are spiritually and morally crippled by birth. When Jesus—through the apostles—healed this man, His actions said this: “A touch from God leads to a beautiful life of serving, worshiping and walking with God.”Secondly, Peter tells the crowd of the murder that condemned them. More than likely, the people in Act chapter 3 didn’t literally nail Jesus to the cross, but Peter said, “If you’re not with Him, you’re against Him. If you don’t crown Him, you crucify Him.” We learn from Peter’s accusations that it was our sin that nailed Jesus Christ to the cross. We’re implicated in His murder.Thirdly, there was a message that converted them. After the miracle grabbed the crowd’s attention, the stage was set for one of the greatest evangelistic messages ever preached.Peter’s message was, “Jesus is the risen Lord. We are witnesses. He is alive and He is present, even today. He redeems those who repent.”This message still rings true today, for us. Adrian Rogers says, “When you repent, Christ comes in and He gives you the power to live the life that you could not live.”Apply it to your lifeDo you want a beautiful life? Do you want to be spiritually healed? Repent! Change your mind about yourself, about sin and about the Savior. And watch Him make something beautiful out of your life.
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The Ingredients of a Church Aflame

The Ingredients of a Church Aflame (1234)In Acts 2, nearly a million Jews were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost. However, 120 disciples of Jesus Christ were at the center of attention as they received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. They were a church aflame; an early Christian church that made an impact on their community in a mighty way. What are the ingredients of a church aflame?The first is Supernatural Power. God demonstrated the power He had promised the disciples in Acts 1:8. This power was visualized by wind and fire. John 3:8 explains that the wind symbolizes the Holy Spirit because it “bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth.” The sight of fire over each of the disciples’ heads also symbolizes the Holy Spirit, as fire spreads and consumes, just like our Lord wants to consume our lives for His glory. This power was vocalized by the speaking of tongues and vitalized by the Holy Spirit. When we become Christians, we are baptized by the Holy Ghost, indwelled by the Holy Spirit and sealed into Christ. From there, we can choose to be filled with the Holy Spirit through surrender and faith. Then, there’s the anointing of the Spirit: the special touch for a specific task.The second ingredient of a church aflame is the spiritual preaching. Peter preached the Word of God to the disciples with boldness.The third ingredient of a church aflame is a saved people; those who understand what salvation truly is. Adrian Rogers says, “Real salvation is not merely a crisis act that you look back to, it is a present experience.”The last ingredient of a church aflame is the spiritual program. The church must study the Bible together in fellowship and worship as one Body. Each member must participate as they should.When each member is active in the church, the church will grow and catch the flame of the Spirit.Apply it to your lifeAre you an active member of a church aflame? Remember, as Adrian Rogers said, “God doesn’t want us to do anything for Him, He wants to do something through us.” Let Him use you in your local church.
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The Pathway to Power

The Pathway to Power (1233)The Book of Acts is the success story of a small group of uncultured people—with no seminaries, radio, television, internet, newspapers, and very little resources—who told the world about Jesus. They went out against great obstacles and turned that world inside out and upside down for Jesus Christ. They did so much with so little! And we need to understand today what they did and how they did it, so that we can walk on the pathway to power, making much use of the resources God has given us.First, we must recognize the presence of Jesus in our lives. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus was here in His physical body. In the Book of Acts (also written by Luke), He is here in His mystical body. Jesus is still alive and active through us. Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus doesn’t want us to do anything for Him. He wants to do something through us.” The reason this early church did what they did with such power is because it really wasn’t them doing it. It was Jesus doing it through them.Second, we must receive His promise of power. God made a promise; and that promise to us is the spiritual power through the Holy Spirit to accomplish far more than we believe could be done. When we are filled with the Spirit of God, we’re filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enlightens us toward the path we should take. He enables us to take it because we can’t do it on our own. And the Spirit encourages us in our moments of hardship.Finally, we must respond to His program through us. We are to be witnesses. Adrian Rogers tells us, “We must get our heads out of the clouds of prophecy and got our feet on the sidewalks of soul winning to tell others.” When we make ourselves available to His program through us, we become witnesses of the Gospel.And seeing what He accomplished through His early witnesses, there is no estimation for how powerful our witness to Jesus’ transformational love can be.Apply it to your lifeYou don’t know what you may do when you bring a soul to Jesus Christ. Recognize His presence in you. Receive His promise to you. And respond to His program through you.
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How to Love as Jesus Loved

How to Love as Jesus Loved (1686)The greatest need of mankind is to love and to be loved. Yet, it’s getting harder to do so than ever before. As Christians, we have been instructed to love as Jesus loved.John 13:34 says, "A new commandment I give unto you that ye love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another." This commandment is easy to consider for those who are easy to love… but what about the ones who have hurt us, misused us or wronged us?Not only was Jesus the great teacher, He was the great example.As Jesus gave this commandment, He washed His disciples’ feet: a timely custom performed by slaves. He washed Judas’s feet, who would later betray Him. He washed Peter’s feet, the disciple who would later deny Him. And He washed Thomas’s feet, who would later doubt Him.Here is the Lord of glory doing slave labor… unto the very people who would let Him down.By doing this, He exemplified selfless love. He exemplified humility. Adrian Rogers says, “Real humility is not thinking lowly of yourself; it is not thinking of yourself.” God the Father had put everything into Jesus’ hands, yet he laid aside his garments, took a towel and washed fishermen’s feet.Jesus also exemplified steadfast love; He loves unto the end. If you want to love as Jesus loves, you’ll never stop. We love sometimes, but we only do so when everything is just right. Under pressure, we excuse ourselves from it. But even the unsaved can love that way! Adrian Rogers says, “Your character that cannot stand up under pressure and under testing is not real.”Jesus exemplified serving love. He met injury with service. Love does not give people what they deserve; it gives people what they need. Love is willing to serve at the lowest of tasks.Jesus exemplified sanctifying love.Those of us who are saved walk in a dirty world. Sometimes, we need to let Jesus wash our feet, to remind us of His love. Then, we may go and wash the feet of others.Apply it to your lifeAre you willing to love others with a selfless, steadfast, serving and sanctifying love? As Adrian Rogers says, “Find somebody that needs that love and give it to them.”
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Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?

Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord? (1685)In Genesis 18, God promises the barren Abraham and Sarah a child in their old age. This was so unbelievable, so miraculous, that when she heard this promise, Sarah laughed. In verse 13 she says, “‘Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?”Sarah’s question prompts an even greater question from God in verse 14: “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”Jeremiah 32:17 answers this question beautifully: “...Thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm. There is nothing too hard for thee.”Consider the majesty of God’s limitless power:There is no promise too hard for God to fulfill.There is no prayer too hard for God to answer.There is no problem too big for God to solve.There is no person too hard for God to save.Yet, if there’s nothing too hard for God, why doesn’t it happen? Because men limit God. Psalm 78:41 says, “Yeah, they turned back and tempted God and limited the Holy One of Israel.”How is it possible for the Creator to be limited by his creature? Because He allows it; He allows Himself to be chained and bound, restricted from working in our lives.We chain Him with our unwillingness. God will not force Himself upon you. He wants to bless you, but you must be willing to receive it.We chain Him with unconcern. When we are completely indifferent, it breaks His heart, because He cannot move in an apathetic life.We chain Him with unreasonableness, our prejudices, pre-conceived ideas. We do not want to give up our dirt for His diamonds.We chain Him with uncleanliness. Unconfessed, un-repented of sin keeps God from blessing us and working with us.We chain Him with our unbelief. Adrian Rogers says, “Faith is the channel through which the risen Lord pours His life into you. But you will tie His hands by unbelief. Faith is the key that causes the shackles to fall from the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ.”Apply it to your lifeHave you ever limited the Lord’s work in your life? Have you chained Him with unwillingness, unconcern, unreasonableness, uncleanliness or unbelief? Examine your heart and your life today and choose to unleash God’s limitless power in your own life.
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The Lamb Has Overcome

The Lamb Has Overcome (2373)Last words are very important; the last words of the Bible are vitally important. At the end of the Book of Revelation, the words are very concise. This book that deals with doom and destiny can be summed up with this beautiful assurance: the Lamb has overcome.Revelation 22 tells of Bible’s last prophecy: the Savior’s sudden return. Jesus says in verses 12-13: “Behold, I come quickly and my reward is with me, to give to every man according as his work shall be. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, the first and the last.”Jesus is coming back suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye. He is the first ray of hope in the Book of Genesis. He is the last warning in the Book of Revelation. One of these days there will be no more days. Yet, Jesus will remain. How foolish to not to be ready!See also the Bible’s last proposal: the sinner’s satisfying choice. Revelation 22:17 says, “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Do you want to be saved? Revelation 22 declares that whosoever will may come: Come and drink.Revelation 22 also declares the Bible’s last prohibition: the Scriptures’ sinful revision. The Bible prohibits anybody from revising the Holy Scripture, which is the very Word of God. Don’t try to revise the Bible or make it politically correct. Anybody who puts a question mark after the Word of God is doing the work of the devil; never forget it.The final words found in Revelation 22 are Bible’s last prayer: “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.” There are some who have no hope, false hope, or uncertain hope.But this is our hope: Jesus has come and He is coming again.Apply it to your lifeAre you ready for Jesus’s return? Have you made the choice to come to Him? Do you believe the infallible Word of God? Do you have that hope? Consider these things.
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A Guided Tour Through Heaven

A Guided Tour Through Heaven (2371)Revelation 21:9-10 gives us a guided tour through Heaven: “And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, ‘Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife.’ And he carried me away in the spirit into a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of Heaven from God.”Scripture often describes the greater glories of Heaven symbolically, because the human mind could never comprehend it. But we can know without a shadow of doubt, Heaven is not symbolic. It is a very real place, indescribably beautiful and inexplicably glorious. God will rule in majesty there; He will dwell with His people. There will be no more sorrow, and no more sin.Heaven shines with the glory of God, no need for the moon or sun. Heavenly choirs will sing the song of Moses and the Lamb; we will worship God with a wonderful song of redemption. And there is room for anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord.Though the sights and sounds of Heaven are wonderful and exciting, it’s Jesus that makes Heaven, Heaven. He is the sanctuary of Heaven!It is a made-new place. Those who have been made new through salvation in Jesus Christ will be there, becoming even more like Him.It is a meaningful place. Adrian Rogers says, “What are we going to see when we go down the main street of Heaven? We’re going to see some glad people. They’re people of deep satisfaction because they’re drinking from the crystal river. And what does this river symbolize? That our deepest needs are going to be met.” Every thirst that you have that is God-given will be satisfied in Heaven. The glow of health will be upon everyone as we serve God like never before.Finally, Revelation 22:4 says, “And they shall see His face.” Heaven’s greatest reward is this: We will see Jesus, face-to-face. That, alone, is worth everything.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.”Have you ever come to the cross? Have you ever repented of your sin? Have you trusted the Lord Jesus?
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The Final Judgment of the Unsaved Dead

The Final Judgment of the Unsaved Dead (2367)The Book of Revelation prophecies that at the end of the Great Tribulation, Jesus comes with His saints in power and great glory to rule and reign here on earth for a thousand blessed years.Revelation 20 reveals the final judgment of the unsaved dead, where God settles the score and judges the sins of those who are not in Christ Jesus.Whether you believe in Him or not, you are going to meet Jesus Christ. He is unavoidable; He cannot be deceived, disputed or discredited. There is no escaping Him. Adrian Rogers says, “If you don’t meet Him as Savior, you will meet Him as Judge. He is the one who will be sitting upon this great white throne.”Notice those who are called to the judgment:The out and out sinner who mocks GodThe self-righteous who thinks he is too good for judgmentThe procrastinator who intended to be saved but never confirmed his salvationThe unsaved church member who has religion, but not the LordThe one who has never heard the Gospel of Jesus ChristNot one sin has escaped God’s knowledge; every sin will be accounted for—secrets that have been repressed will be revealed. The evidence, the defense and then the verdict of the court will be handed down. And what waits at the end of a Christ-less life is eternity in hell.But there is good news.Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.” Adrian Rogers says, “I’m not going to stand before the great white throne and I’ll tell you why. I settled out of court. Jesus became my Savior when He died on that cross in agony and blood and with His blood He paid my sin debt.”Through the blood of Jesus, your sin can be buried in the grave of God’s forgetfulness, never to be brought up against you again.Apply it to your lifeHave you settled out of court? Choose to follow Him today, lest you stand before the throne of God in judgment.
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The Golden Age

The Golden Age (2369)Revelation 20 speaks of the coming Golden Age—a day when the Garden of Eden will be restored. There will be no more poverty or war. Israel will be restored to her land. Jerusalem will be the world’s capital. The resurrected saints will rule and reign with the Lord Jesus Christ.We call this the millennium.Theologians have divided their thoughts about the millennium into three basic categories: amillennialism, postmillennialism and premillennialism.Amillennialists believe that the millennium is an allegory for Jesus ruling through the modern church.Postmillennialists believe there must be one thousand years of peace on earth before Jesus Christ can come back. There aren’t many postmillennialists around today, because the world is falling deeper and deeper into sin, as the Bible teaches. Adrian Rogers says, “The Gospel is not something to save civilization from wreckage. The Gospel is God’s plan to save men from the wreckage of civilization.”Therefore, the final category, premillennialism, believes that Jesus must come before we can have a thousand years of peace here on this earth. Jesus will rule and reign on earth from Jerusalem. If we believe this interpretation, we have much to look forward to about the Golden Age.First, there will be a forceful restraint of Satan. Today, Satan roams the earth like a lion. In the millennium, this roaring lion will be chained.Second, there will be the future reign of the Savior. The Lord Jesus Christ will reign on earth, and the saints will reign and rule with Him. All kingdoms on earth will be changed.Third, there will be a final rebellion of the sinners. God, who is always sovereign, will allow Satan to have one final fling; why? It is God’s final testimony to the wickedness of the human heart.Finally, we can anticipate the fixed resolution of sin. Jesus will do away with sin, cast Satan into the lake of fire and deliver the kingdom to Almighty God.We should be encouraged by this. We should anticipate Jesus’s Second Coming. We should evangelize to others so they may know the truth of the Gospel. And we should examine our hearts to make sure we have a relationship with Jesus Christ. ####Apply it to your lifeWhat does this mean for us now? Our major responsibility in this day and age is to prepare men for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ by the preaching of the Gospel.
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The Signposts on the Road to Armageddon

The Signposts on the Road to Armageddon####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Revelation 19:11-21Look around, see what is happening in the world. Can you see the signposts on the road to Armageddon? In Revelation 19, the Apostle John has a vision of the Battle of Armageddon, fought on the Mount of Megiddo in Israel. Many great battles have been fought here, and one day, the last great war will take place here.What will lead to this last great war?First, see the detailed prophecies already fulfilled. Israel is back in the land, Europe has reunified, Former Soviet Republics and the Arab nations are gathering strength, coming together against Israel.See also the demonic passions that provoke Armageddon. In the last days, Satan will have his way in deceiving people, spirits and doctrines. Adrian Rogers says, “You will never understand what is happening in today’s society and in the news if you don’t understand behind it all, standing in the shadows, is Satan.” Satan has been careful, gathering strength, unifying the world. But halfway into the Great Tribulation, Satan will move into the temple of God and declare that he himself is God. In this blasphemous move, the sons and daughters of Abraham will no longer worship him as they have been deceived.Satan’s pride will be wounded and his rage intensified. Armageddon will be his vengeance on those who have refused to bow and worship him. The kingdom of the beast is unraveling before his eyes.Notice, finally, the divine power that predominates Armageddon. In Revelation 19, John describes Jesus’s descent from Heaven on a white horse. Verse 15 says, “And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations…” When Jesus comes in power and great glory, the battle will be won by the sword that goes out of His mouth—His words. The One who spoke them into existence will speak them into oblivion.Adrian Rogers says, “The time is coming and soon and very soon when 777 will take care of 666. And the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ.”####Apply it to your lifeAre you at peace with God, or are you at war with God? Tell someone about your faith. The days are growing dark… gloriously dark.
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The Coming of the King

The Coming of the King (2361)Revelation 19 confirms that Jesus is coming again, and soon. We are not waiting for any more prophecies to be fulfilled. He could come at any moment. We cannot be ignorant or indifferent as we wait for the Second Coming of the King.His return is both a mystery and full of majesty. Yet, Revelation 19 gives us a glimpse of what we can expect.Jesus will come visibly; we will see Him. Revelation 1:7 says, “Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him.” Matthew 25:6 says, “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him.” Just as God put Noah in the ark before the flood came, He will take the church out of this world before the Great Tribulation. Adrian Rogers says, “There are two aspects to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The Rapture is when Jesus Christ comes for His bride, the church. The Revelation is when Jesus Christ comes with His bride.”Jesus will come victoriously. He is the Most High; there are things we will only be able to learn about Him after the Rapture. Still, there is a mystery about Him that we will never fathom, even in Heaven! The Ministry of His crucifixion also serves His victorious coming. The victory that Jesus will win over the antichrist is based on the blood of the Lamb.Finally, Jesus will come vengefully. God is a God of love, but He is also a God of wrath. He is the righteous judge who makes wrong things right. Therefore, sin must be punished.If you want to be saved, you can be saved. If you want mercy, you may have it. But there is coming a time if you refuse Jesus as your personal Savior, you will face the wrath of God.Jesus is coming again very soon; are you ready?####Apply it to your lifeWhat can we do about the Coming of the King?Learn of it; we cannot afford to be ignorant.Look for it; we’re not waiting on some prophecy to be fulfilled.Long for it; “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”Live for it; we should be found faithful when He comes.
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The Marriage of the Lamb

The Marriage of the Lamb (2360)In Revelation 19, the great tribulation has come to a dramatic close and the church—the Bride of Christ—comes to the most climatic time in all of its history: her Wedding. There are several reasons to anticipate this glorious Marriage of the Lamb.First, the music will be magnificent. ‘Hallelujah’ means, ‘Praise the Lord!’ Revelation 19 begins with four stanzas of praise for God from his servants.Hallelujah for the redemption of the Saints. We have been redeemed by Jesus Christ.Hallelujah for the retribution of the Sinner. There is a God who will make wrong things right.Hallelujah for the relationship of the Saved. Praise God that we can say: I am His and He is mine. He is my God, and I am His servant.Hallelujah for the reign of the Savior. Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. Every knee will bow and the shouts of His praise will be through all of heaven.Secondly, the bride will be beautiful. At redemption, we receive the inner nature of Christ. At the rapture, our sinful flesh will be left behind. And at the judgment seat of God, we will receive, according to the deeds that we have done.Thirdly, the guests will be glad. Those who were redeemed before Jesus came to earth (Old Testament saints), or after the rapture will be in attendance.Finally, the groom will be glorified. As beautiful as the Bride will be, the wedding is really about the Groom. Adrian Rogers says, “If you read the Book of Revelation and you don’t come to know and love and see Jesus more, you’ve missed it all. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ. It is the unveiling of Jesus Christ. And the spirit of prophecy is Jesus.” Though we have not seen Him, we, the Bride, love Him. And it may not be long until we meet Him.As the old hymn goes, “Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight and the clouds roll back as a scroll. The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend, even so, it is well with my soul.”####Apply it to your lifeThe wedding is not far off. At any moment, Jesus may come. Are you betrothed to Him? If you are saved, remain faithful to Jesus Christ until the wedding.
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Goodbye to Babylon

Goodbye to Babylon (2359)The Bible has a lot to say about Babylon, much about her history and iniquity, but also her prophecy. The city was built long ago by a man named Nimrod, whose very name means “rebel.” Nimrod was an Old Testament picture of a New Testament prophecy: the antichrist who is to come. As Adrian Rogers says, “Babylon is both the cradle and the grave of false religion.”And in the End Times, ancient Babylon will rise from the dust to meet her doom at the hands of Almighty God’s judgment. In Revelation 18, we learn of what will happen just before we say goodbye to Babylon. Babylon has always been a center of demonism. Even today, our world is being haunted by her ghost through false religion.During the Great Tribulation, the world will be dominated by even more demonic spirits. As we get closer to this time, we can expect to see a tidal wave of sin, debauchery and demonism.Babylon is defiant in her depravity; prideful in her wicked ways.Once the antichrist establishes his kingdom in Babylon, global corporations will make their headquarters there. The antichrist will control the world economy. He will have it all… including the souls of men.In spite of her arrogance, Babylon cannot hold back the judgment of Almighty God. Sin that has been piling up for centuries will be judged. The vengeance that has been accumulating for centuries will come.All of Babylon’s wealth will not be able to stay the judgment of Almighty God. When her economy crashes, a great depression will infiltrate the bankrupt souls of those who invested in her. It is believed by many biblical scholars that this economic crash will trigger the battle of Armageddon.What can we do today?Come out of Babylon (false religion); don’t envy her wealth. Rejoice over her soon destruction.As Adrian Rogers says, “Though you may be a child of God, if you flirt with Babylon, you’re headed for serious problems.” ####Apply it to your lifeIf you don’t want the judgments of Babylon to fall upon you as well, don’t keep company with her. Come out of her, don’t envy her, and rejoice over her.
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Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast (2357)Revelation 17 shares the prophetic story of a mysterious Beauty sitting on top of a vicious Beast. This prophecy takes place during the Great Tribulation. The Rapture has already occurred; the Bride of Christ has been taken from the earth. And now the false bride shows herself:“...and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-colored beast…” (v. 3) “And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” (v. 5)In the Bible, women have often symbolized religion, whether good or bad. Babylon is considered the den of false religion. Even now, the world is haunted by the ghosts of Babylon.So when the Bible links the woman from Revelation 17 with Babylon, it reveals that she symbolizes false religion.This Beauty has given birth to all the false religions of the world: New Age/Occult religions, Satan worship, Mother Earth worship, Globalism, Hinduism, Islam, Apostate Christianity. False religion has always been a bloody thing. This passage states that the Beauty is drunk on the blood of the martyrs; she feasts on those who believe in the One True God.Now, consider the beast, her monstrous consort. This beast represents the antichrist and his kingdom. So, what we see here is the ultimate alliance of church and state; a united world government, growing more powerful as the End draws near.What will happen to the Beauty?The beast will turn on her and devour her, for practical and political reasons. He wants to be the ruler of the world. He doesn’t want any competition, even religion.Yet, the devil is on a leash. His plan to devour her fulfills God’s providential purpose to exterminate false religion from the earth. Even during the Great Tribulation, the devil is simply a servant of God.If you are a Christian, you don’t belong to this world. You belong to Jesus Christ.And in these days, though we’re not yet in the Great Tribulation, coming events cast their shadows ahead of time. Don’t flirt with false religion; be true to Jesus.Apply it to your lifeAre you loyal to the heavenly Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you a faithful Bride of Christ? Don’t flirt with false religion; be true to Jesus Christ.
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How to Gain and Celebrate Victory

How to Gain and Celebrate Victory (2355)Revelation 15 and 16 tells of the coming tribulation in the End Times. However, it also speaks of the coming victory for those who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ. How do we gain and celebrate this victory now?First, we must stand upon the solid Word of God. Victory comes by putting Word of God in our mouths: quoting Scripture, speaking of God’s loving instruction. We must meditate on the Word of God day and night, and obey it. Adrian Rogers says, “It is obeying the Word of God that begins to make the Bible burst aflame.”Secondly, we must sing of the redeeming Works of God. All throughout the Bible, we can find songs of victory recited by those who watched God work on their behalf. So, we know the way to celebrate the Lord Jesus is to sing of His works. “It is praise that precedes every victory. It is praise that follows every victory,” says Adrian Rogers.Finally, we must understand that the secret to our victory is the wrath of God. Apart from the righteous judgment of God, there can be no ultimate victory. Sin must be dealt with.The only question is: who will bear the punishment? As Adrian Rogers says, “Your sins will be pardoned in Christ or punished in Hell, but they will never be overlooked.”Revelation gives us a glimpse of how the wrath of God will pour out during the Great Tribulation. There will be erupting flames of fire and judgment. Sinners will refuse to repent. Spirits of demons that are working in the hearts and minds of the national leaders of this world. Earthquakes will ensue. Chaos will wreak havoc.But if we trust in Jesus now, we have victory, by the Word of God, the works of God, and the ensuing wrath of God. The only way to gain and celebrate this victory is to call Him Lord of your life.Apply it to your lifeThe only way to gain and celebrate this victory is if we call Jesus Lord. Do you serve Him, and worship Him? Meditate on Scripture today. Sing praises to God.
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How to Handle Temptation

How to Handle Temptation (2025)No one is immune to temptation, not even Christians.Temptation can come to any person, at any point, wherever you may be. In fact, many times, the greatest temptations come after our highest spiritual experiences. This was the case for Jesus, who was tempted by Satan after His baptism in Luke 4:1-2.In order to learn how to handle temptation, we look to the story of when Jesus had a head-on collision with the devil, so that we may also have victory over temptation.First, we must understand the three types of temptation we may be bombarded with:The lust of the flesh deals with our passions.The lust of the eyes deals with our possessions.The pride of life deals with our person, with who we are.They can take a myriad of forms, but our temptations are not new. The Bible says, “Jesus was tempted in all points like as we are.” (Hebrews 4:15) This means Satan tempted Him with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life —doing, having, being—passions, possessions, pride.Yet He was without sin.How did Jesus overcome the temptation to sin?He remembered He was a child of God. He submitted to God’s authority. He overcame Satan as man filled with the Holy Spirit, which is promised to us when we become Christians.Jesus also used Scripture to combat the devil’s lies. And lastly, Jesus remembered that He was completely satisfied in His relationship with God.As Adrian Rogers says, “Sonship, submission, the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, knowing who you are in Christ... Jesus is both the example and the power to do that.”Apply it to your lifeAre you being tempted to sin? Remember Jesus’ example. Remember who you are in Christ, submit to the Father, ask for the help of the Holy Spirit and use Scripture as your weapon. Follow the example of Jesus and win the battle against temptation with His power!
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How to Get Up When You're Down

How to Get Up When You're Down (2428)Are you down, feeling hopeless, battling depression? Look inward, upward and onward. There is hope, and it begins with trusting Jesus, even when things don’t make sense. Choose to praise Him, even when it hurts.Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 42:5King David shares his inner turmoil in Psalm 42:5 saying, “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me?” It is evident in this passage that David was going through a serious bout of depression.Depression isn’t just feeling sad. It is a passive feeling, a continual feeling of sadness that seems to linger. It is an attitude that nothing feels good or is worth feeling good about; compounded by a state of constant hopelessness. Depression is a serious problem. It is a health crisis, completely valid and, at times, very dangerous.Christians can struggle with depression. David was a man after God’s own heart. Yet, in Psalm 42, he admits to a spiritual dryness, feeling shame and defeat, overwhelmed by his circumstances. But there is an answer. We can learn how to deal with our depression through analyzing David’s very honest and broken prayer.First, look inward and analyze your heart. “Why art thou cast down, O my soul?” Ask yourself why you are cast down. Close the door, learn what happened. Find out what it is, and get it out there in the open so you can look at it and understand its grip on you.Then, look upward and realize your help. Psalm 42:8 says, “Yet the Lord will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life.”And instead of losing your faith when you don’t understand why, look onward and realize your hope. No matter what’s happening to you, it is not God’s final plan. Verse 11 says, “Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance, and my God.”This is the sure promise in the midst of your depression: My God will see you through. God has not forsaken you; He never has and He never will. Apply it to your lifeAre you down, feeling hopeless, battling depression? Look inward, upward and onward. There is hope, and it begins with trusting Jesus, even when things don’t make sense. Choose to praise Him, even when it hurts.
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How to Handle Stress (2205)

How to Handle Stress (2205)Many of us are emotionally fatigued, physically drained, and spiritually defeated; and the reason is stress. Spend some time waiting on the Lord today. Let His Word be your strength in times of stress.Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Isaiah 40:28-31Do you ever feel there’s too much to do and not enough time to do it?Many of us are emotionally fatigued, physically drained, and spiritually defeated; and the reason is stress. Stress is the gap between the demands placed upon us and our ability to meet those demands.It’s not a sin to be stressed, but it is a sin to reject the help given to you to relieve you from your stress. God offers His insurmountable strength to us so that we may learn how to handle stress.Isaiah 40:31 says, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.”God will help us fly in the rigors of life. A mother eagle teaches her eaglets to fly by making the nest uncomfortable. In the same way, God lovingly nudges us to the edge of our comfort zone, so that we may learn to fly.God will teach us to run in the rush of life. There’s enough time every day to do everything God wants you to do; sometimes we have to run to get it done. We need to run like an athlete, trusting God to sustain us, so that we will not grow weary.God will aid us as we walk in the routines of life. Our greatest need is day-by-day faithfulness in the little things, steadily walking day by day in the regular humdrum times of life.Adrian Rogers says, “Do you know what victory is? It is all day, every day, hot days, cold days, dull days, bright days, good days, bad days, walking the Christian life.”What does waiting upon God do for us?In times of adversity, we soar like an eagle.In times of opportunity, we run like an athlete.And in times of necessity, we keep walking day by day.Apply it to your lifeIf you believe in the promises of God, you must wait upon Him. What does that mean, practically?Long for Him dailyListen to Him in your quiet timeLook to Him for your every needLive for Him, dedicating your life to the service of the Lord.Spend some time waiting on the Lord today. Let His Word be your strength in times of stress.
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How to Find Peace in the Midst of Your Storm

How to Find Peace in the Midst of Your Storm (2158)Are you in the midst of a storm? Remember the promises of God! Take heart; He has overcome the world, and He is walking on the water, headed straight for you.Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 6:16-21John 6:16-21 tells the story of Jesus walking on the water to his disciples’ boat in the midst of a treacherous storm. Sooner or later, you are going to find yourself in a storm—not like the storm depicted in this passage; rather, one far more terrifying.Things could be going fine, then suddenly you could get a life-changing phone call, or face a shocking diagnosis. How can we find peace in the midst of the storm?We remember what God has promised to us now, in the stillness.Peace is not the subtraction of problems from life. Peace is the addition of power to meet those problems; the power being the promises of God.“I am governed by His providence.” In this story, the storm did not take Jesus by surprise. When difficulty comes, remember God’s providence is over it all.“I am growing by His plan.” God’s plan is not to indulge you; it is to enlarge you. If you are in a storm, it is your privilege to grow and become more like Jesus Christ.“I am graced by His prayers.” Did you know that He sees you right now? He is not far away. He sees right through the dark, sees you in the storm, and He praysfor you.“I am gladdened by His presence.” Sometimes, God waits upon you to wait on Him; but just know… He is coming.“I am guarded by His power.” Adrian Rogers says, “The will of God will never take you where the grace of God cannot keep you.”“I am guided by His purpose.” God has not promised smooth sailing, but He has promised you a safe landing. Your destiny is already determined. He will see you to the shore.South African minister Andrew Murray once said, “God is willing to assume full responsibility for the life that is totally yielded to Him.” Jesus said, “In this world you’ll have tribulation. But take heart! I’ve overcome the world.” (John 16:33)In the midst of your storm, see Jesus, the great I AM, walking on the water, straight to you. Apply it to your lifeAre you in the midst of a storm? Remember the promises of God! Take heart; He has overcome the world, and He is walking on the water, headed straight for you.
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How to Control the Thought Life

How to Control the Thought Life (1861)Do you carefully consider the influences you allow to pollute your thoughts? Deep clean your mind today. Choose to meditate on Scripture. Memorize it, personalize it, verbalize it, vitalize it and internalize it.Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 119:9It seems as though the chaos of this world is ever-increasing, day after day; when taking a closer look, the primary problem is the thoughts of man.We’ve seen this before in Scripture. Just before the Great Flood in Genesis, the thoughts of men’s hearts were shockingly wicked before the Lord. This is not a new problem, although it does seem to push new boundaries every day.We are constantly being exposed to narratives of violence, promiscuity, perversion, and greed. No wonder our thoughts are out of control!Satan is very sinister, very clever and diabolically wicked. He wants to capture the hearts and minds of an entire generation; why? When Satan has your mind, he has you!Though it seems daunting, it is possible and imperative to control your thought life.First, there must be the purification of the mind. Your mind must be clean to begin with, and the Word of God is the cleansing agent. Jesus says in John 15:3, “Ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” The Word of God points us toward confession and repentance (the Greek word for “repentance” translates to mean “changing of the mind”).After your mind is clean, you must be determined to keep it clean. There is a battle for your mind. If you’re half-hearted, you will lose it. You must be serious about taking every thought captive and comparing it to the truth of Scripture before it captivates you. You must fiercely guard your heart with the Word of God. Psalm 119:11 says, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” It is the Word of God hidden in your heart that is the antidote to future temptation. Therefore, you must saturate yourself with the Word of God.When Scripture gets in your mind, it changes your attitude; your attitude determines your actions.Adrian Rogers says, “When you begin to meditate on God’s Word, then you become a second-nature Christian, which is your true nature, the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ.”Apply it to your lifeDo you carefully consider the influences you allow to pollute your thoughts? Deep clean your mind today. Choose to meditate on Scripture. Memorize it, personalize it, verbalize it, vitalize it and internalize it.
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How to Pray for Friends and Influence People

How to Pray for Friends and Influence People (0525)Your friends need your prayers. Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that that lies outside the will of God.Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 5:16-18The importance of prayer cannot be understated. It is our greatest privilege as Christians, and oftentimes, our greatest failure. We are instructed in Scripture to pray for one another. How do we pray for our friends and influence people through our prayers?James 5:16 says, “Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”First, there is a confession we must make. It is our human nature to cover up our faults. But when we confess our sins to one another, we usher in restoration, or healing. Whether it be healing of the soul or spirit, when we begin to confess our sins, God begins to move in and work.After we claim our faults, we can be reconciled with God and each other; then, revival can occur. We must mind the command to pray for one another. Somebody has said, “The Christian army is the only army in the world that shoots its wounded.” This is not okay! We are not to criticize; we’re to help, lift and boost one another up through prayer, that we may all be healed.To see our prayers answered, we must meet a few conditions. When we pray, we’re to be eager, earnest, fervent, impassioned in our prayers, striving toward a goal. They’re to be on fire, intense and plentiful.Adrian Rogers says, “We give without sacrifice. We pray without fasting. We witness without tears. Is it any wonder that we sow without results?”The Book of James says that we have not because we ask not. (James 4:2-3) Your friends need your prayers. Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that that lies outside the will of God.Apply it to your lifeWhen is the last time you prayed for your friends with fervency? Start today. Get alone with God, in holy reverence; knees to the earth, with passion and persistence. Praying for them is the strongest influence you could have on them.
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The Bible and Bodily Healing

The Bible and Bodily Healing (0524)Jesus Christ is the answer to every need that a man has: needs for the spirit, the soul and the body. If it is God’s will to heal you, let it be done!Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 5:10-15Christians sometimes face illnesses of varying degrees, but there is hope! Jesus Christ is the answer to every need that a man has: needs for the spirit, the soul and the body.The matter of healing can be complicated. Regardless, we can be certain that in Jesus we have the victory. Though we suffer afflictions, Christians are a victorious people.What does the Bible say about bodily healing?First, we must know the cause —not necessarily the diagnosis— of our sickness.One cause is sin. We, as humans, sometimes pick up some bad habits that intend to bring us harm. These aren’t just external habits, like drinking or smoking. These can be conscious sins, like worry or doubt. Worry to the soul is like sand to machinery: it will destroy you from the inside out.Satan can cause sickness, for he comes to steal, kill and destroy.And sometimes, God has a loving purpose for sickness. It could be for us to know His power over our lives, to keep us productive in our faith. It could be to purify or perfect us, or perhaps it is designed to bring praise back to Him. Perhaps you can reach a new level of faith through your sickness, one you would never reach in your health.There is a procedure believers can follow to seek out bodily healing. The Bible instructs those who are sick to call upon the elders of the church and let themselves be anointed with oil.In the Bible, oil symbolizes something beautiful: the Holy Spirit. The anointing of oil symbolizes the sanctifying or the setting apart of that person to serve God.Then, we pray. Adrian Rogers says, “The prayer that gets to heaven is the prayer that starts in heaven.”If it is God’s will to heal someone, God will give us the faith; and it is the prayer of faith that saves the sick. Do you believe it?Apply it to your lifeAre you or a loved one facing an illness and need God’s supernatural healing? First, recognize the potential cause of the sickness: is it rooted in sin, or could it be for God’s loving purpose? Then, seek out Biblical healing. Call upon the elders of your church, let them anoint your head with oil, and gather a prayer team. If it is God’s will to heal you, let it be done!
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Is Your Pocketbook Converted?

Is Your Pocketbook Converted? (0523)A man's faith, character, and religion can be measured by his attitude toward money.Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 5:1-8A man's faith, character, and religion can be measured by his attitude toward money.The warning found in James 5 is not against money. Rather, it is a warning about a wrong attitude toward money and the misuse of money after a person has secured it by whatever means necessary.Money is to work for us, we are not to worship it. There are three things to keep in mind when we consider the question: Is Your Pocketbook Converted?First: Wealth that is stagnant is worthless.God does not want treasure heaped up. God wants treasure spread out, in circulation. God gives us riches, not to keep them, but to share them. Money that is not used, corrupts.Second: Wealth that is earned sinfully is wicked.People who use their wealth and position to oppress the poor will answer for what they have done, for God is always on the side of the oppressed.Third: Wealth that is selfish is gluttonous.The Bible is not against us having legitimate pleasures, recreation, rest. The Bible is not against us having a warm meal and beautiful clothes. But the Bible is against living in excess, in self-gratification. The Bible likens these people to hogs being fattened for the slaughter.In the light of this warning, shouldn't we be wise with our wealth? Shouldn't we take what wealth we have, whether it be wealth of personality, influence, physical strength, prayer power, property or whatever it is, and invest it in the cause of Christ?How can we make eternal investments? The only way we can get our treasures to heaven is to invest it in the souls of men.Adrian Rogers says, “What we invest for the Lord Jesus Christ is never lost. What man puts in the soil of service for Christ will bring forth the fruit of righteousness. It pays to serve Jesus. We need to learn how to live for eternity.”Apply it to your lifeWhat is it that you have that you're not investing for the Lord Jesus Christ? Get it out, use it.An unused well becomes stagnant. A tool that is not used will rust. A sponge that is not used will harden. It pays to serve Jesus. May we learn to live for eternity.
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The Sad Case of the Boastful Businessman

The Sad Case of the Boastful Businessman (0521)Submit everything to Him, today. Ask Him what He would have you do. And worship Him through your obedience.Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 4:13-17Adrian Rogers says, “The man who says there's no God is a fool. But he may not be the biggest fool. There may be even yet a bigger fool: the man who says there is a God and then doesn't live like it.”James 4:13-17 shares a great illustration of this through the example of an astute businessman with some very big plans. He knew exactly where he was going, how to get there and how to least he thought so.Yet, in the eyes of God, his success was counted as a failure.The Bible says it is alright and proper to make a profit. However, this boastful businessman did it all in a spirit of self-sufficiency. He has planned out everything: his time frame, the place, his procedure, even the profits he would make—all without any guidance from the Lord, or any reverence toward Almighty God.This businessman also made an assumption we should not make: the promise of tomorrow.Life is fragile. This passage calls life a vapor: it appears for a little while and then vanishes.We never know when our time is up. Today could quite possibly be our last. It is God and God alone who determines our days.And finally, we learn from this businessman that despite the seeming success, morality or productivity of one’s life, the sum total of that life without God is sin.“Therefore, to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not to him it is sin.”You can do wrong by doing wrong, and you can also do wrong by not doing right.Adrian Rogers says, “The sin of omission is greater than the sin of commission. Do you know what the greatest sin in the world is: to leave God out of your life; don't you forget it.”We can’t afford to be self-sufficient, we can’t rely on tomorrow, and we can’t leave God out of our plans. Let us not boast. Instead, let us praise God for His blessings, which are more than we can count.Apply it to your lifeHave you made some grand plans without the counsel of Almighty God? Submit everything to Him, today: your life, your plans, your dreams. Ask Him what He would have you do. And worship Him through your obedience.
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How to Pray in the Spirit

How to Pray in the Spirit (0520)Ask God to teach you how to pray in the Spirit; let the Spirit minister to you, so that it might minister through you as you pray for others.Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 4:5When we become Christians, God sends His Holy Spirit to dwell within us. This Spirit exists to promote the kingdom of Christ and uses us to do so. Therefore, we must learn how to pray in the Spirit.Prayer is the greatest privilege and service a Christian could have. We have the opportunity to speak to God and serve Him through our communication. It is also, at times, the Christian’s greatest failure.Is it sometimes difficult for you to pray? You love God, you believe in prayer, you know you ought to, but sometimes it’s the hardest thing in the world; why is that? There is something in you that is at war with God: your fleshly nature. And your fleshly nature does not want to pray; it is set against prayer.Don't deny this weakness; accept it. Believe it or not, your weakness can be an asset. When you are weak, you are dependent upon God, who can do all things. Adrian Rogers tells us, “Praying in the Spirit will change prayer from a weary grudge to a delightsome privilege.”Praying in the Spirit defeats the enemy of indifference. It defeats ignorance, knowing exactly what needs we ought to pray for. It defeats our inabilities; the Holy Spirit energizes, focuses and equips Christians as they talk to God. Praying in the Spirit overcomes interference from the devil.The Holy Spirit guides us through our inexpressibility. Sometimes words fail. But the Bible says the Spirit groans and makes intercession for the saints. It knows how to take things that we cannot even utter and help us pray. Again, Adrian Rogers says, “I am the object of the Savior's intercession. He's interceding for me at the right hand of the father. But I am the vehicle of the Spirit's intercession. He is interceding through me on behalf of others.”The Holy Spirit ministers to us, that He might minister through us. God wants to raise up a people that know how to intercede, so that this world might feel the impact of a holy church in the hands of a mighty God.Apply it to your lifeSpend some time today in prayer. Ask God to teach you how to pray in the Spirit; let the Spirit minister to you, so that it might minister through you as you pray for others.
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Victorious Prayer

Victorious Prayer (0519)Our prayers must be fervent. It is time that we prayed with urgency. Only then will we see a victorious prayer life.Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 4:1-2James 4:2 says, “Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not because ye ask not.”God wants to bless us, and He does so through prayer. He wants to give us what we need, but sometimes we are too proud to ask for it. We are stuck on being self-sufficient, going about life in our own strength. So when we are weighed down by burdens and problems, we strive, cry, fight and say, “I’m doing everything I know to do.” But have you asked your Father for help? Could the reason that God is not blessing you be as simple as: You have not because you ask not?We are to pray at all times, without ceasing. Prayerlessness is sin; there is no substitution for it, no excuse not to do it. It is a command from Scripture. God desires a relationship with us; that relationship is sustained through prayer.Sometimes the problem is not that we don’t offer our prayers—it is that God will not accept them. What makes them unacceptable? They are prayed with the wrong motivation. They are not asked for the glory of God. The motivation behind unacceptable prayers is selfishness and sinfulness. God will not subsidize our sin. He will not underwrite our selfishness.We can pray for personal needs but we cannot pray for sinful and selfish desires and expect to have our prayers answered. So how can we pray so that our prayers will not be denied?We must be sensitive to the Spirit. We must submit our lives to the Father, and we must stand against the devil. We are to separate ourselves from the world, and are to be sober in our purpose.Our prayers must be fervent. It is time that we prayed with urgency. Only then will we see a victorious prayer life.Apply it to your lifeDo you pray with fervency and intensity? Do you see victory in your spiritual walk with Christ? Do you see questions answered? Do you see God making ways where there were none? Perhaps today is a good day to get serious about your time with the Lord.
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Wisdom, Wise or Otherwise

Wisdom, Wise or Otherwise (0518)####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 3:13-18All throughout Scripture, you will find great value placed upon wisdom. When James addresses the teachers and leaders of the church in James 3:13, he says, “Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you?”Wisdom and knowledge are always linked together, but wisdom always comes first. Knowledge without wisdom is a dangerous thing. The Bible never tells us to pray for knowledge. Sure, we are to study for knowledge, that we show ourselves approved unto God. But the Bible tells us to pray for wisdom. Adrian Rogers says, “Knowledge is learned, but wisdom is given.”There are two virtues of true wisdom: first, it is good; second, it is gentle.If you have godly wisdom, it will show through practical goodness; not by the words in your mouth, rather by the work of your hands. If you have wisdom, you show it by serving others, working as unto the Lord.Secondly, it shows in your gentleness, or meekness. Meekness is not cowardness, or poor self-esteem. It is an ability—a sweet evenness. When a man is meek, he doesn't look down upon the poor or look up to the rich. He doesn't have to look down upon the ignorant, or up to the educated. He is an even man; a gentleman, looking everyone straight in the eye.Wisdom that is good and gentle is true; anything else is deceit from the Enemy.James 3:16 says, "for where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work."Whatever you claim to have, if it doesn't make you good and gentle, it is not godly wisdom. There is victory in wisdom. It overcomes sin, strife, stubbornness, selfishness, snobbishness, and shame. And where there is victory, there's peace.James 3:18 says, "And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace."A wise man is a peacemaker. The war is over and wisdom has won the peace.####Apply it to your lifeDo you have true wisdom from above? Does the wisdom in your heart urge you to obtain knowledge, that you may glorify God with your mind? 1 Peter 1:13 says, “Gird up the loins of your mind.” Take those long, flowing robes of indiscipline and laziness and carelessness and run for all your worth. Apply your mind, love God with all of your mind.
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The Meanest Member in Our Church

The Meanest Member in Our Church (0517)####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 3:1-12As brothers and sisters in Christ, the things we say to one another can either build us up or destroy us to rubble. With your words, you can proclaim the love of Jesus, or you can be the meanest member of your church.All throughout Scripture, we are reminded of the power of the tongue —power we can’t even begin to understand. Therefore, every single word we say should be handled with care.In James 3:1-12, the tongue is compared to the bit in a horse’s mouth, meaning a single word could potentially control the destiny of a man.It is also compared to the rudder of a ship, which can either bring it into a safe harbor, or over the rocks of disaster.And it is finally compared to a spark in dry grass. It only takes a spark to get a fire going. There's a chain reaction involved. Fire can warm or fire can burn. Words can bless or words can burn. Words can warm a heart or words can inflame hatred. And a few words wrongly used can start a wildfire.We will give an account for every reckless word we’ve said one day when we stand before Almighty God. That should frighten us!Yet, we praise God with the same tongue we use to curse others. Freshwater and saltwater cannot flow through the same spring. It says in James 3 that what is impossible in the physical world ought not to be in the spiritual world.What can we do about our fiery, uncontrollable tongues? You can’t make your tongue behave. But when you give your heart to Jesus, your tongue can be tamed by the blessed, wonderful, spirit of God.Adrian Rogers tells us, “What’s in the root of the tree is going to show in the fruit of the tree. What’s in the well will show in the water.”If you love God, then let it be shown in your speech toward others.####Apply it to your lifeDo you understand the power of the tongue? Do you watch your words and consider every single one of them before you say them? Consider them a little more today. Think before you speak.
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The Autopsy of a Dead Faith

The Autopsy of a Dead Faith (0516)####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 2:17Make no mistake about it: we are saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and by nothing else.At first glance, you may think James 2:17 contradicts this statement, for it says, “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” However, upon a closer look, we will find that nothing could be further from the truth. James is talking about the fruit of our faith, not the root of it.God can see our hearts and our faith. But man cannot see our hearts or our faith unless proven through works. The only way we can know anything about each other’s faith is what we see them do and hear them say. Therefore, we are justified before God by faith. But we are justified before each other by works.Adrian Rogers tells us, “Man is saved by faith alone but the faith that saves is never alone.”So, we have to examine an autopsy of a dead faith so that we can know what a living, breathing, thriving faith looks like for ourselves. A dead faith shows no compassion for others. Real faith gives us love for other people. It changes the way we treat others.It’s not enough just to believe in God. The devil believes in God, and it causes him to tremble!You can believe a lot of things about Jesus, but do you know and love Him? Do you bow before Him and call Him the Lord of your life? Have you been transformed by your relationship with Him? Faith that does not change a life and does not root in action is dead.You're saved by grace, through faith, unto good works. Works don't save; grace saves. Our works are proof that we have faith in the grace of God.As the metaphor James gives us in chapter 2 states, a body does not have life by acting. It acts because it has life. ####Apply it to your lifeAfter examining the autopsy of a dead faith, can you say for certain that yours is alive? How are you living out your faith today through works? Show compassion to others today. Spend some time in prayer today, and share with someone how your faith has changed your life.
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The Strange Case of the Snooty Usher

The Strange Case of the Snooty Usher (0514)####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 2:1-10There is nothing that can hurt the kingdom of Christ more than snobbery in church.When we judge people based on the way they dress or look, we bring severe harm to the Body of Christ. James 2:1-10 warns Believers to not be guilty of showing partiality and favoritism in the church. Whether you're in the business of flattering and fawning over the rich and cultured, or criticizing and gossiping about the poor and down-and-out, you are wrong.The message is clear: We cannot treat people better or worse due to their economic class.2 Samuel 16:7 says, “For man looketh on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart.”In fact, we must remember, Christianity took off, by and large, by what society considered to be uneducated and ignorant people. Jesus was the kind of teacher that the “common people” gravitated towards; He identified much more with them than the aristocrats and religious leaders of the day. He calls the poor chosen by God, rich in faith and heirs to the kingdom.But just as the Book of James tells us not to put down a poor man, neither should we put down the rich man. What this passage is saying is: “Don't you elevate one person above another. Don't put down the poor, and don't put down the rich.”Everyone has something to bring to the table in church. The rich man and the poor man must learn to serve alongside each other, and ultimately, serve one another.Adrian Rogers says, “We may be different as to calling and different as to appointment and different as to job, but in the sight of God, everybody is somebody when Jesus Christ is Lord.”So what is the command for both the rich and the poor? “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matthew 22:39)When we have nothing but contagious love in our hearts for each other, we will not be partial amongst ourselves. You can’t run out of that kind of love; it only multiplies. That is how the church grows.####Apply it to your lifeDo you find yourself judging your brothers and sisters in Christ based on the way they look or how much money they have? Repent of this; ask for forgiveness, and love your neighbor as yourself.
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Superficial or Supernatural

Superficial or Supernatural (0513)####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 1:26-27Is your religion superficial or supernatural? Is it real, powerful and vibrant to you; or is it just an illusion?In James 1:26, we read, "If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.” There are great dangers of having a superficial religion. It's only something that seems to be, but there is no reality to it. It also lacks restraint.If your religion is real, it's going to show in the way that you talk. One of the prime marks that a person has been saved is his speech pattern. The Christian with a real, supernatural faith uses his tongue to praise God and witness to others. But the superficial one criticizes, curses, lies, exaggerates. Nothing can do more damage to the Church than people who seem to be religious but don't control their tongue.Superficial religion also lacks results, “...this man's religion is vain.” That word “vain” means fruitless and non-productive. It can do you no good. There is nothing to it.Adrian Rogers says, “If you don't have Christ on the inside, then your religion is superficial. If you have Christ on the inside, then your religion is supernatural.”James 1:27 says, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction and to keep themselves unspotted from the world.”Supernatural religion begins with a relationship with God. It reaches upward, recognizes God as Father, and places your hand in the hand of God so that He can lift you out of your sinful nature.And when a man has been saved through Jesus Christ, he will have a heart of compassion. He will reach out to those in distress and minister to those in need.Supernatural religion is a daily practice, not just on Sundays. And when you have a supernatural religion, you will keep yourself unspotted from this world by relying on the Lord Jesus Christ. It's not by trying, it's by trusting.####Apply it to your lifeTake a second to evaluate your religion. Is it superficial or is it supernatural? Take some time today to repent of the superficial parts of your religion, and delight in the supernatural power of Jesus Christ.
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Welcoming the Word

Welcoming the Word (0512)####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 1:21-27The Bible is full of great truth, but it doesn’t do you any good if you don't receive it in your heart first.The Bible is not a textbook to memorize for a mid-term. It is the living, breathing Word of God, able to save and satisfy the desperate soul. If you want to be victorious in your Christian life, then you must welcome the perfect Word of God into your life. Receive it as you would receive a friend into your house.First, welcome it with repentance. Sometimes God tries to tell us there's something wrong with us, but we can't hear Him because the very thing that's wrong with us is keeping us from hearing Him. We're not able to receive His Word until we remove what gets in the way.Do you want to get something out of your Bible study? You must be willing to repent first.Second, welcome it with readiness. Welcome it with a spirit that is ready to obey what it says.The reason some of us don't get anything from the Bible is because we don't have a meek spirit. We have to be teachable, trainable and controllable so the Word we read can work in our lives.Lastly, welcome it with responsiveness. We are to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. Therefore, we must know the Word—peer into it, study it, gaze into it. We are to look into it intently, not just give it a casual glance.Knowing Scripture is not a competition. The only question that matters in regards to your knowledge of the Word is: does it make you more like Jesus Christ?Adrian Rogers says, “When you see what the Word of God tells you, when the Word of God reflects back that image that you see, then you're to go about putting your life in order. Don't forget what manner of man you were. You're to change your way of living and when you do that the Word of God will become a blessing.”####Apply it to your lifeHave you welcomed the Word of God into your life? Have you repented? Are you teachable, trainable and controllable? Does your knowledge of the Bible make you more like Jesus? Read the Bible today. Study it, and pray for guidance as you take what you’ve read and apply it to your life.
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Tune In, Tone Down and Sweeten Up

Tune In, Tone Down and Sweeten Up (0511)####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 1:19-20James 1:18 says, “If any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new.” If we are Christians, others should see evidence of a new life in us through our new behavior.James 1:19-20 describes this new behavior, saying, “Wherefore my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.”“Be swift to hear.” Tune in to what God is saying to you. A lot of us are addicted to noise. We are searching for things to drown out the silence because we don’t want to stop and think. We create so much noise around us that we can’t hear from God! But God speaks to us through Scripture, sermons and His Spirit; if we can’t hear Him, it is because we aren’t listening.“Be slow to speak.” Tone down the talking. Many of us talk too much. The more we talk, the more we can reveal the foolishness of our hearts. God takes our words very seriously, even if we don’t. In Scripture, we are warned that any words we speak that don’t build up, edify or help others are destructive words, we’re going to have to give an account for them.“Be slow to wrath.” Sweetening up is the natural succession of the first two instructions. When we listen more and talk less, it affects our temper. We learn to control our hearts. The Bible doesn’t say to not be angry. It says to be angry without sinning. Make certain that you are angry for the right reason, at the right thing, in the right way. Nothing can hurt your testimony, kill your influence and reveal your character more than a quick temper.Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus Christ did not come to make us nice people. He came to make us new creatures.”When you listen more, you talk less and control your temper, you will find yourself being a better example of a new creation in Christ.####Apply it to your lifeDo you need to work on listening more, talking less and controlling your spirit? Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom as you practice tuning in, toning down and sweetening up today.
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The Anatomy of a Sin

The Anatomy of a Sin (0509)####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 1:13-15The devil has made plans to sabotage our lives; oftentimes, he does so with our full participation, by way of tempting us to sin. Becoming Christians does not make us immune to temptation.The Gospel of Luke shares the story of when Jesus Himself was tempted by the devil.Being tempted is not a sin; acting upon the temptation is. Everyone can give a reason as to why they have sinned. However, “being provoked” is not an excuse.Adrian Rogers says, “There's one thing that God will never accept for sin and that is an alibi.”James 1:14 says, "But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin, and sin, when it is finished bringeth forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren."Our cause for sin is within ourselves. It is our own nature, our own lust. When the devil tempts us, he baits us with the sin’s temporary pleasures so that it may entice us and allure us.But when the pleasure wears away, we are trapped in a toxic, unholy marriage with the responsibility of the sins we committed. Only in hindsight can we clearly see the finished product of the devil’s scheme… it was sabotage. The pleasure fades, and what’s left of it strangles the life out of us. Spiritual and physical death is the devil’s ultimate goal.What is our defense against the temptation to sin? Jesus Christ.We fall into temptation because we are trying to satisfy something within ourselves. When the devil tempts us, he is tricking us into satisfying our legitimate desires in an illegitimate way.But God made us to where we can never be satisfied apart from a relationship with Jesus Christ. Only through Jesus can we live as we ought to live. That's the way to overcome temptation: to receive and love Christ.####Apply it to your lifeJesus Christ is the only one who can satisfy your longing, restless heart and help you resist the temptation to sin. Do you know Him? Do you walk with Him? Do you find your satisfaction in Him alone? Spend some time with Him in prayer today.
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A Man and His Money

A Man and His Money (0529)####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 1:9-12One of the biggest tests of a man’s character is his relationship with money.Money can buy almost anything but happiness, but when given too much control, it can divide families and destroy marriages. What does the Bible say about a man and his money?It has less to do with how much you have, and more to do with your posture toward it.The Book of James offers counter-cultural advice on how a man can pass the test of his money:if you are poor, consider yourself exalted. If you are rich, remain humbled by your blessings.If you are a Christian living in poverty, you have reason to celebrate, because in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are highly exalted, and rich in all things money cannot buy.If you are a Christian who has been blessed with riches, you have a reason to be humbled, because in spite of your riches, you have found the Lord Jesus Christ and this is something that not many rich men do. You, too, are very rich, not because of the money in the bank, but because of Christ in your heart.Adrian Rogers says, “No longer do you have your outlook geared to things that you can weigh and see and feel and touch and count and take to the bank. You want to know how rich you really are? Add up everything that you have that money cannot buy and that death cannot take away.”And what happens if your circumstances change drastically? If you lose everything or you gain it, what do you become?The Book of James says that tribulation works patience and endurance. We need to be tested that we might learn to be steadfast. We must make up our minds now that when the test of life come, we will stick it out.How can we live this kind of life where we are not pressed in by materialism and consumerism like everybody else around us? Love the Lord; when a man loves God, he doesn’t have to be tied to this world or his own money.####Apply it to your lifeHow are you and your money? How much power over your identity have you given your finances? Think about this today. Pray for wisdom and discernment as you find your wealth is Christ alone.
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How to Pass the Tests of Life

How to Pass the Tests of Life (0507)####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 1:1-4The Book of James can be seen as a Christian’s guidebook on how to pass the tests of life.James 1:2-4 says, "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations. Knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."There are going to be trials in this life. The Christian faith does not make us immune to them. All people fall into diverse trials and temptations. Things may seem fine right now, but who knows what you’re going to fall among this afternoon? Trials and temptations happen suddenly and dramatically. They are meant to catch us off-guard. We need to be ready for anything the enemy could possibly throw our way at any moment.First, know that temptation to sin is not a sin itself. Everyone has been tempted to sin, including Jesus. Also, trials and tests are not necessarily because of our sin. God could simply be testing your faith. How are you going to face your temptation?1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that your able but will with the temptation make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it.”Adrian Rogers says, “God allows it even if the devil sends it. And God is not going to allow more to come to you than you're able to bear.” When you are tempted, there is a way out. It is God who makes a way; find it.Why does God allow temptations? Because God is working something in our lives; it is for your good and for his glory. Consider what happens when we overcome temptation. We find joy, build endurance in the process, grow in our faith, and enrich our lives.God is for us. He wants us to live enriched lives, wanting for nothing, completely satisfied in Him. He has a great plan for you; don’t miss it.####Apply it to your lifeAre you facing a trial or a temptation right now? Pray and pass the test of life. Count it as joy, build endurance, grow and enrich your life as you look for God’s way out.
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The Dawning of a New Day

The Dawning of a New Day (2476)What did Peter learn on one of the darkest nights of his life? That Jesus is still in control, He has compassion for us, and is committed to praying for us. Just as dawn broke once more for Peter, Jesus will see us through to a new day.####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Luke 22:31-34Luke 22 tells the story of one of Jesus’ most devoted disciples, Peter, on the darkest night of his life.Peter was known to argue when he should have listened. He boasted when he should have leaned on the Lord. He slept when Jesus asked him to pray. And he fought when he was supposed to love. But Jesus loved Peter, even in his disobedience, and eventually, in his denial. We know this because after the darkest night of his life, Peter saw the dawning of a new day.The night Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death, Peter’s world was unraveling. Jesus was supposed to be Lord, now he is being sentenced to death? How could this be happening?When recognized as a disciple of Jesus by the angry crowd, Peter fearfully denied knowing Jesus three times; then, a rooster crowed...Luke 22:61 says, “And the Lord turned and looked upon Peter, and Peter remembered the word of the Lord; how he had said unto him, before the (rooster) crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.”Peter remembered Jesus telling him this would happen: that he would deny Him three times before the rooster crowed.Peter learned that God is still in control, even when it doesn’t seem so. Peter also learned the sympathetic compassion and steadfast commitment Jesus has toward His followers.When we become children of God, Jesus commits Himself to us. We may stray, but if we are truly saved, God brings us back to Him.The Bible says that Jesus prays for His believers, even to this day, (John 17:20-23) and is committed to praying for us even when we regress in our faith rather than progress. He convicts us of our sins so that we will not wander for long. And when we return to Him, He is faithful to forgive.So what did Peter learn on one of the darkest nights of his life? That Jesus is still in control, He has compassion for us, and is committed to praying for us. Just as dawn broke once more for Peter, Jesus will see us through to a new day.####Apply it to your lifeHave you been going through a long, dark night, wondering when dawn will break? Take courage, God is with you! Worship Him in prayer and reading Scripture.
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Learning to Endure

Learning to Endure (2470)Are you going through a trial or tribulation right now? Endure; thank God for His gifts and His grace, and pray for the strength to endure. Do not waste this pain. Use it to glorify God. ####Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: James 1:2-13Do you want to be strong, prosperous and content? All of us do.But do you want trials and tribulation? Most of us don’t.There will be heartache in this life. That is guaranteed. And as any loving Father would, God wants us to overcome it with unexplainable joy and strength. That is why He tests His children, so that we may learn to endure. Don’t be afraid of God’s tests; they are not there to make us stumble, rather, to teach us to stand.When we know this, there are a few things we discover when we learn to endure.We might be surprised to find joy in our trials. James 1:2 says, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations.” Why do we count it all joy? Because overcoming Christians are joyful Christians. We know that pain is inevitable, but in trials, we learn that misery is optional.We also grow exponentially when tribulation comes. James 1:4 says, “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” The Greek word for “perfect” here doesn’t mean sinless —it means mature. Maturity comes with trials; as does enlightenment.We learn many new things and obtain so much wisdom that roots us in an unshakeable faith.James 1:12 says, “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life.” Endurance makes kings and queens out of the children of God. Adrian Rogers says, “If you do not bear the cross, you can’t wear the crown.” And when we learn to endure, we are brought to the place where we need nothing. We learn that there is no necessity that God is unable to meet.God wants to give His children the real riches of life. And once we learn that our greatest gift from God is the ability to endure, we will see trials and tribulations as opportunities to do so. ####Apply it to your lifeAre you going through a trial or tribulation right now? Endure; thank God for His gifts and His grace, and pray for the strength to endure. Do not waste this pain. Use it to glorify God.
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Why I Believe in Jesus

Why I Believe in Jesus (1869)If you were given the chance to speak to someone who has never known the love of God, what would you say? If you knew it would be the first, and perhaps the only time he would ever hear a message from God, what would you tell him?Tell him why you believe in Jesus Christ.John 6:66-69 says, “From that time many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, ‘Will ye also go away?’ Then Simon Peter answered Him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life, and we believe and are sure that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.’”Jesus’ disciples had the privilege of seeing Him work from an intimate vantage point. They were not like the crowds who watched Him perform miracles and turned away once His message became too radical. They believed that He alone is the answer. Through their testimonies, they gave us reasons to believe this, too.Jesus was a historical fact. Whether you are a Christian or not, a man named Jesus was here. Secular historians acknowledge Him as a fact regardless of what they believe about Him.And if you believe the Bible, the book that stands the test of time, you can believe in Him. Jesus’ life is the fulfillment of the prophecies foretold long before He stepped foot on this earth.The central theme of the Bible is Jesus. If you look long enough, every page of Scripture tells His story.Even though historians and theologians alike validate the life of Jesus Christ, you may need help believing in Him. This is where the Holy Spirit comes into the equation. Adrian Rogers says, “Anything I can talk you into; somebody else can talk you out of. You need the Holy Spirit of God to convict you and convince you.”A transformed life is the greatest witness of Jesus’ saving power. Just as the disciples gave their testimony of faith in Jesus in John 6, we can also testify to others when we come to know Him.Apply it to your lifeHow has Jesus changed your life since you’ve come to know Him? Knowing your testimony is your greatest asset when you witness to other people. Share it with someone today.
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Why Do I Exist?

Why Do I Exist? (2427)God has a wonderful purpose for your life. No matter what else you may do, if you don’t fulfill the purpose for which you exist, you will fail, and never find fulfillment in your heart or your life.Failure is not making a mistake, it is succeeding at the wrong thing. True success is doing what God created you to do.A lot of us think God’s purpose for our lives is to save us from our sins, but that is only half of the equation. It is just as important to know also what He has saved us for.We can only find the answer in God’s Word because what we think of God has so much to do with what we think of ourselves.Adrian Rogers says, “If you see yourself as the creation of Almighty God with a purpose, then you’re going to want to be Christ-like.”There are a few things to consider when discovering our purpose, and these things are found in Psalm 139:God knows all about me.God knows my character.God knows my conduct.God knows my inner thoughts.God knows my conversations.And God is always with me.How foolish to try to run from God? He is closer than our very breath! Neither distance nor darkness can hide us from God. Even death cannot hide us from His sight.We are constantly on God’s heart. Do you want to know how great God’s sum is of His thoughts of you? Psalm 139:18 says, “If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand.”If you believe this, there is no need to fear. There is no need to dread His guidance and His discipline.No, there is no need to hide.God made us to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him. We were created to love Him and be loved by Him. That is the purpose, and the only way to know His plans for your life.Apply it to your lifeDo you love God? Do you serve Him? What direction does your life lean toward when you are in complete fellowship with God? Has He laid anything on your heart? Love Him and fulfill your purpose today through worship, obedience, and service to Him.
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His Unquestioned Lordship

His Unquestioned Lordship (2379)Luke 2:11 says, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”Who is this child? He is “Christ the Lord.”Jesus Christ is called “Lord” 747 times in the New Testament alone! The question is not if He is Lord…it is if you will submit to His unquestioned lordship.The confession of His lordship secures our salvation. Salvation is our greatest need, and God sent Jesus Christ to give it to us. But we cannot receive the salvation that Jesus gives while refusing who He is. We must put away our pride and bow our hearts before Jesus.The confession of His lordship simplifies our service. When we make Jesus the Lord of our lives, it is the last independent decision we will ever make. From then on, He is the only one ours hearts should ever serve.Adrian Rogers says, “My life is to please Jesus. If I please Jesus, it doesn’t matter whom I displease. If I displease Jesus, it really doesn’t matter who I please. And the way to please Jesus is to obey the Lord Jesus Christ.” Whatever He tells you to do, do it.And the confession of His lordship subdues Satan. When we know who Jesus is and submit to Him, we have nothing to be afraid of. No attack from the devil is a match for Jesus’s power. And when you submit to Jesus, that same power lives in us.Adrian Rogers also says, “When you bring your life in alliance with His divine will, and (say) ‘I will follow Him, any time, any place, anywhere, any cost,’ then friend, you’re going to find out that Satan will cower before you—he trembles!”The devil knows the authority we have over Him when we are under the lordship of Jesus, and he hopes we never find that out. But we can, by submitting to the lordship of Jesus Christ. Apply it to your lifeIs Jesus your Lord? You will confess Him as Lord one day very soon. Everyone will…even the devil himself will bow at the feet of Jesus. But is He the Lord of your life today?Submit to His lordship. And whatever He tells you to do, do it.
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His Undiminished Deity

His Undiminished Deity (2378)Matthew 1:21-23 says, “She (Mary) shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus; for He shall save His people from their sins.’Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, ‘Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which, being interpreted, is God with us.’”Who was this Child born of a virgin? Who is this One that we call Jesus?Adrian Rogers says, “Not only is He the Son of God, He is God the Son.”In order to know who Jesus is, we have to acknowledge the doctrine of the Trinity—God in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.We may not understand the mystery of the Trinity, but that is a good thing! If we were to understand God, we would lack confidence in Him. We cannot cram the God of the universe and His mysterious ways into our human intellect. The Trinity cannot be understood… it must be believed.We can see the manifestation of the Trinity unfold throughout Scripture. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The Hebrew word for “God” here is a plural translation.John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” And verse 14 says, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us...”Jesus became a singular manifestation of the plural God, a visible one-third of the invisible Trinity: God the Son.Our destiny rides on the unchanging ministry of the Trinity.Adrian Rogers says, “You are selected by the Father. He loved you before you were ever born. You were saved by the Son. You are sealed by the Spirit.”Because of the Christmas story, we as children of God have been given a new benediction: God loves you. Jesus saved you. The Holy Spirit empowers you. Apply it to your lifeDo you believe the Babe of Bethlehem is the God of Genesis One? Do you believe Jesus is God the Son? Today, examine your heart, worship God, and thank Him for the Gift of Jesus Christ.
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His Unblemished Life

His Unblemished Life (2376)Luke 2:25 tells the story of a man named Simeon, a just man, right with God. He was saved, surrendered, spiritual and sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Through his faith, it was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And ultimately, Simeon was greatly anticipating the coming of Jesus Christ into this world.Old Simeon was waiting for the Messiah his whole life. And in Luke 2, Simeon is led by the Holy Spirit into the temple, where Mary and Joseph had come for certain purification rites as was their custom. They brought with them their son, Jesus.Simeon finally laid eyes on the awaited Savior of the World. He took the baby Jesus in his arms, and finally, he was satisfied—for he held Immanuel, God with us, just as He was promised.Who is this baby held in Simeon’s arms?He is the One who brings deliverance.He is the One who dispels darkness.He is the One who determines destiny.He is the One who provokes derision.He is the One who causes division.He is the One who reveals decisions.As Adrian Rogers says, “What Jesus does with you depends upon what you will do with Him. You can accept Him or you can reject Him. You can crown Him or you can crucify Him. But you cannot ignore Him.”There were many who missed the first coming of Jesus that first Christmas morning—because they either did not understand or they did not believe the biblical prophecies of His first coming into the world. Though it was clearly and plainly stated in Scripture, they missed it, either through ignorance or unbelief.And the same Scriptures that clearly prophesied His First Coming have clearly prophesied His Second Coming. He will come again. We must be ready.Apply it to your lifeAs we reflect on the story of the First Coming of Christ, ask yourself: Are you saved? Surrendered to God? Spiritual in your faith? Sensitive to the Holy Spirit? Only then can you be satisfied in Christ and ready for His Second Coming.
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His Unequaled Birth

His Unequaled Birth (2374)The Gospel of Luke says that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a virgin when she gave birth to the Son of God. The world laughs at this idea and mocks it as if it were a myth. Even worse, some proclaiming Christians doubt the virgin birth; some don’t believe it at all.But the truth is, there is no hope of salvation apart from the virgin birth. If the virgin birth of Jesus Christ did not happen, the foundation of Christianity collapses.The virgin birth is not incidental: it is fundamental to our faith.You don’t have to understand the virgin birth to validate it. There are plenty of things we don’t understand in our everyday lives, yet we experience.Adrian Rogers says, “Don’t worry if you can’t explain the virgin birth. You couldn’t explain the virgin birth any more than you could explain God.”Our only explanation for the virgin birth is the fact that nothing is impossible with God.The virgin birth was necessary for our salvation.In the Book of Genesis, God gave Adam and Eve dominion over the Garden of Eden. When they sinned against God, they lost that dominion and infected the entire human race with their sin.As sons and daughters of Adam by birth, we are disqualified from the restoration of this lost dominion. We are born sinners.Had Jesus Christ been born like we were born, He would have been a son of Adam, born a sinner. But being born of a virgin, He became a “second Adam,” and was able to undo what the first Adam did.God’s answer to the Fall of Man is another man, but a sinless, perfect man: Jesus Christ, who was both truly human and fully sinless.And God’s answer is to this world’s problems is still Jesus, only Jesus. The hope of the individual, the Church, the family, the nation and this world is Jesus Christ, and His Unequaled Birth.Apply it to your lifeDo you believe in the virgin birth? Do you validate it in your heart despite the mystery behind it? Do you know the hope of salvation resulted by it? Do you recognize it as the only way to God? As we reflect on the Birth of Jesus this holiday season, know with certainty that this Unequaled Birth is your saving grace.
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The Captain and His Kids

The Captain and His Kids (1504)Sermon OverviewThe Bible emphasizes the importance of household salvation. One of the greatest examples of this is Noah, whose faith in God saved his family from the Great Flood. Hebrews 11:7 says, “by faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his house…”In Genesis 6, God was brokenhearted over the sins of that generation. Their hearts were set against Him, and they were trying to pour society into their wicked mold. The same sins that produced the flood in Noah's day are being committed today.But by following the demonstration of Noah’s faith in God in the midst of a rebellious generation, we can learn how to get our families into the ark of safety, which is a picture of Jesus Christ.First, see the symbolism of the ship. The ark was an indestructible, rudderless ship that kept Noah and his family safe from the wrath of God. Once the door was sealed shut behind them, the only way to see out of it was through the window above them, Heavenward.In the same way, when we enter a relationship with Christ, we obtain salvation from God’s wrath and dwell in the ark of safety. We are no longer to be worldly-minded; we must now be Heavenly-minded.Next, think of the salvation of the ship. Genesis 6:8 says, "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." This is the first mention of grace in the Bible. How were Captain Noah and his kids saved? By grace!—through faith. Adrian Rogers says, “Faith is the gangplank that gets us on board the good ship grace.”Finally, notice the security of the ship. God sealed Noah into the ark, just as we are sealed by Jesus Christ in our salvation. God was in the ark. If the ark had gone down, God would have gone down, too. God is still in the ark. May we enter in before His wrath is poured out once again. Apply it to your lifeIf there is a family member that does not have a personal relationship with Christ, share your faith with them. If you are the head of your household, establish God as the Lord of your family. Pray for your family today.
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Raising Young Champions

Raising Young Champions (1501)Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way that he should go: and when he is old, he should not depart from it.”There is a difference in teaching a child and training a child. Many of us only teach our children and find that they continue to go their own way. But the dictionary definition of to train is "To prepare for a contest; to form to a proper shape; to discipline for use.”We are to train up our children to be champions for Jesus Christ. If you're going to raise a young champion, it commences with childhood.Start out early. Begin praying fervently over them before they are born. Dedicate them to the Lord while they are still in the womb. Teach them Scripture before they can walk.Secondly, it communicates with creativity. You will never force-feed a child God’s Word. Create in them a hunger for it by creatively teaching the Word of God. Find the lesson in everything, as Jesus did with His disciples. Raising children to know Scripture doesn't have to be dull. There can be Christian books, games, music, shows in your home. Surround your child with lessons that are exciting to learn.Thirdly, it corrects with consistency. Every child needs to be given limits. These limits will be tested, because there is a predisposition in any child to push back against them. And if that limitation you've set up moves, the child will have no security. There must be consistent correction.Adrian Rogers says, “If you withhold correction from your child, you’re making him a candidate for eternal punishment.Lastly, it consummates with conversion. The ultimate goal is to help your child have something that will last him all of his life: a relationship with Jesus. As soon as your child can comprehend the concept of sin, your child is ready to learn about Jesus Christ.Guide little children that they might come to know Jesus Christ. That is the ultimate goal of raising young champions.Apply it to your lifeYou want a champion for the Lord Jesus Christ? Bring him up with training that commences at childhood, communicates with creativity, corrects with consistency, and consummates in conversion. Pray for guidance from the Lord. Know the Word of God like the back of your hand, so that you might teach it well.
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Your Child: Wise or Otherwise

Your Child: Wise or Otherwise (1499)Are you raising your child to be wise or otherwise?Proverbs 1:22 says, “How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning? And fools hate knowledge?”Adrian Rogers says, “A fool is not born a fool. A fool is self-made, but he has a lot of help from his parents.” It is difficult to raise children. But God tells us exactly how to raise a wise son or daughter in His word.Step 1: begin early. In Proverbs 1:22, we see a path of progression: a simple-minded one (or a naive one) becomes a scorner (or a smart-aleck), and then a scorner becomes a fool (or a rebel).Don’t wait until your child is a fool to correct him. Begin in his happy-go-lucky years of open-mindedness and naivety. It will only be more difficult to speak godly wisdom into your child’s life if he progresses into a scorner. Once he becomes a fool, there is very little hope for him.Step 2: continue wisely. Read the Book of Proverbs often. Live biblically and guide your child to know biblical principles. Guard his company. Punish him when necessary. Let him see the serious side of sin; of what society has so-well convinced him to laugh about.If your child becomes a scorner, back off. Repent and get your heart right with Jesus first. Then, ask God to open his heart, and wait for the right time to correct him and guide him back onto the path of righteousness.What if you’ve raised a fool?Step 3: Pray continually. This is your only hope. Here are three things to pray for your child:the repentance of the sinner.the revelation of the Spirit.the reliability of the Scripture.Children can choose to go the wrong way if they want to. No matter how good you are or how much you do.The good news is God loves your child as you love them. He will not force him to do right, but He wants for them even more than you want for them. Pray for them without ceasing. Your desire for your children is that they be godly children. Your goal is that you be a godly parent.Apply it to your lifeBegin early, continue wisely and pray faithfully for the children that God has given you.
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How to Put Meaning in Your Marriage

How to Put Meaning in Your Marriage (1495)Everything is created for God’s glory. Therefore, we were created for God’s glory. If glory is too abstract of a word to comprehend, think instead of the nature of Jesus. God’s purpose for you is to be like Jesus.When we become like Jesus, life-change occurs. But some of us go about change in ways in which we ultimately fall short. We set ourselves up for failure, and it leaves us feeling discouraged.One way we do this is by process of elimination. We think if we remove things from our lives, we will become like Jesus. However, in our humanity, the list of things we must eliminate is far too long. If we focus on elimination, we won’t be like Jesus at all; we’ll be like bitter Pharisees.Then we think we’ll be like Jesus through imitation. We act like Jesus, but we don’t have His character. So, we become cheap, phony imitations of Him.Then, in frustration, we try to be like Jesus through determination. We grit our teeth and say, ‘I’m going to be more like the Lord Jesus with willpower and sincerity.” Yet, despite our best efforts, we will still fall short every time.So, what else is there to do?Consider this: Rather than going about life change through elimination, imitation, or determination, think of yourself as a mirror. A mirror does not create the image; it simply reflects what it is exposed to.We are changed by being exposed to Jesus. We must make sure sin and unrepentance does not distort or dull the image we bear. We cannot let things of this world get in the way. We must read Scripture and continue to expose ourselves to the character of Jesus, ever-focused and ever-engaged.Adrian Rogers explains, “What is the inner nature of a Christian? Jesus. And by beholding Jesus, you’re changed. That which is on the inside comes to the surface. You are changed.”As reflections of Jesus, we have a responsibility to retain the image in which we are exposed to.When we stay focused on Him, that’s when the change takes place.Apply it to your lifeAre you reflecting the image of Jesus? Expose yourself to Jesus, today. Dig into Scripture, and pray that the Lord will open your eyes to see Him in every page.
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God's Forever Family

God's Forever Family (1497)A church is a family of people from all kinds of backgrounds, beliefs, and ideas who have found unity in God.One of the first examples of this family is the church of Philippi. In Philippians 1, the Apostle Paul conveys that the grace of God has miraculously gathered together people of divergent backgrounds, beliefs, and ideas into the common denominator that is Jesus Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “Because we have one Lord, we have one life. And because we have one Lord and one life, we have one love: the Lord Jesus Christ. And we are the forever family of God.”See how the family began: through a supernatural formation. In Philippians, the Holy Spirit gathered together this vast spectrum of people—a Jewish philosopher, a new-ager, a prison guard and a feminist to name a few—through Holy intervention.Each member of this forever family has a story of how they came to know Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives, and together they became the early church.The Spirit guided the church of Philippi through discerning restraint, wise release, and powerful results that we still hear about today!See how the family maintains a sweet fellowship. The word fellowship is the Greek word which means, "to have something in common." We have a common Lord, a common life, and a common love.Going to church and sitting in the Sunday church service every week is not fellowship, it is observation. Fellowship is bonding with brothers and sisters in Christ and joining together to share the Gospel with others.See how the family will remain with a sure future. We don't build churches. Jesus said, "I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18). And then in the Book of Philippians, Paul says, "Since He's the one who began it, I know He's the one who's gonna finish it."The church is not a building. It is a family. And Jesus is the Builder of the church.Apply it to your lifeAre you an active member of your local church? It is so important to be involved in a church home, for your sake and for the sake of your brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray for direction in where to go and how you can best support the fellowship of the church.
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Marriage: Duel and Duet

Marriage: Duel and Duet (1493)Is it common to debate with your mate? Sure it is. Sometimes, spouses get into it. And sometimes, spouses stay in it.The most important thing is not whether or not you have confrontations. It is how you handle them.James 1:19 is a verse that changes duels into duets. It says, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.” Or, in simpler terms: “Tune in, tone down, sweeten up.”Tune in: All communication begins with listening. Love your spouse with your ears.Tone down: Learn the vicious power of the tongue. Words can give life, or they can rip everything to shreds. They can build a home, or they can burn it to the ground.There are seven deadly games we often play with the tongue.1. The Judge. We blame and condemn our partners.2. The Professor. We act superior to our partners.3. The Psychologist. We try to analyze our partners.4. The Historian. We nitpick and overtly correct our partners.5. The Dictator. We give unfair ultimatums to our partners.6. The Critic. We criticize our partners.7. The Preacher. We try to be the Holy Spirit to our partners.8. It’s harmful to play these word games with our spouses.Sweeten up: Resolve your hurts, do not dissolve your home.Don’t practice avoidance. Confront the situation at hand. We tend to back off and retreat when things get heated, thinking that the problem will go away on its own. It doesn’t.Don’t practice appeasement. To compromise is one thing; that’s where both give. But to appease is something else. One person dominates the issue and the other is left to internalize their feelings. This will result in a much bigger issue later.Don’t practice aggression. No sarcasm, no bullying. The Bible says “speak the truth in love.”Choose the right time to discuss, with the right tone, on the right turf. Learn to practice accommodation. Practice acceptance. Make an adjustment. It’ll be worth it.Apply it to your lifeWould you describe your marriage as a duel or a duet? Take these principles outlined in this message and prayerfully apply them to your life. As Adrian Rogers instructed: learn to practice accommodation. Practice acceptance. Make an adjustment. It’ll be worth it.
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The Music of Marriage

The Music of Marriage (1492)To be completely known and still be loved without fear of rejection is the supreme goal of marriage.But how many marriages are on the rocks because of poor communication? According to many counselors, 100% of couples seeking marriage counseling are out of rhythm due to a lack of communication.God shows us in His Word how husbands and wives can communicate, and it is modeled in the Songs of Solomon: a book of love poems, exemplifying the music of marriage.And as we eavesdrop on their conversation and observe the words said between these two lovers, we learn how they are used, and how they are received.Their words are plentiful. Sixty percent of the book consists of two lovers speaking to one another directly and plentifully.Their words are personal. They call each other by names only they know about, unique and individual, special in each other’s eyes.Their words are positive. There is not one negative word of criticism in this book; nothing critical, no correction.Their words are passionate. Their words for each other were full of life, rooted directly in their feelings.Our words sustain our marriages. Our words repair hurt feelings. Our words grow love.The problem here is that we believe words of love flow out of feeling. But most of the time, it is really that feeling that flows out of words.Adrian Rogers says, “We need to work on this thing of intimacy in marriage, and I’ll tell you why. It gives incredible freedom and it’s worth it. You’ll never arrive at perfection, but you need to make a start if you want to have a happy home.”There is always room to improve communication as husband and wife. If you do not communicate, your marriage will disintegrate. The music of marriage is worth finding the rhythm.Apply it to your lifeDo you need to work on your communication skills with your spouse? Of course! If you aren’t progressing, you are regressing. Talk to your spouse. Watch your words carefully. Pray for wisdom to learn what he or she is feeling, as well as the patience to honor them as you both work toward completely knowing and loving each other, without the fear of rejection.
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Are You Fit to be Tied?

Are You Fit to be Tied? (1491)Are you fit to be tied? In other words, are you worthy to be called a husband or wife?Look at the example of Abraham and Sarah in the book of Genesis. They had their problems. There was an affair, a struggle with infertility, and problems amongst the children they eventually had in their old age.Yet, they survived it all. They made it to the very end.Many couples today face the struggles that Abraham and Sarah faced. The difference is not in the problems, but in their commitment. It is not love that holds your marriage together, it is your marriage that holds your love together.In 1 Peter 3, principles for a godly marriage are clearly outlined, so that husbands and wives may learn to be fit to be tied together. God says that the husband is the head of the home. Therefore, a godly woman is to submit to her husband. Submission is necessary for leadership, and leadership is necessary for success in life.When Jesus was on earth, He submitted to God the Father, not because He was inferior. It was an example of love and obedience.When a woman submits to her husband, she's not inferior to her husband any more than God the Son is inferior to God the Father. In fact, it is a sign of strength, control and serenity.As Adrian Rogers says, “(Women) are never more like Jesus than when she is in submission.” Women are to show the presence of Jesus in her through her speech and submission to her husband.As for the husband, he is to possess knowledge. The problem with most husbands is an overload of ignorance due to a lack of listening, or a lack of caring.But husbands are to love their wives with awareness, acceptance, adjustment, and appreciation. They are to pray for their wives, to listen with their ears and their hearts, adjust to the needs of the family and praise their wives any opportunity they can get.This what God's word says, and what makes us fit to be tied.Apply it to your lifeHusbands and wives live in a world that wants to tear them down. Everybody is trying to get to the top. Everything around us pulls us down. Husbands and wives need somebody to lift them up. Honor your mate today. Love them well.
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A Future for the Family is Promised

A Future for the Family is Promised (1490)Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Deuteronomy 5:29; 6:1-9God has given us a plan for the future and a future for the family. Yet, it seems this current generation is walking through a minefield. Think about the confusion kids are exposed to in today’s world: liberalism in the churches, humanism in the schools and paganism in society.They have lost their innocence, lost their ability to love—and they are losing their hope. They’ve stopped believing in the future.And God’s answer to this epidemic is what it has always been: the family. God has promised a future for the family, and it starts with the parents.Deuteronomy 6:3 says, “Hear, therefore, O Israel and observe to do it; that it may be well with thee, and that ye may increase mightily, as the Lord God of your fathers promised thee, in the land that floweth with milk and honey.”A foundation for the family is provided by God, and the blueprint is found in Scripture.Deuteronomy 6:4-5 says, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord, and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”The foundation for the family is a love for God. As simple as it sounds, it is true and profound.Adrian Rogers says, “Now if you do not sincerely love God, you don’t have much of a chance of having a successful family. Many kids are turned off because they see that their parents, while they profess religion, they don’t love God with all of their heart.” Kids want to see their parents bring God into their family with a sincere, selfless, strong love.And there is a formula for the family that is prescribed. God says that your faith is to go from you to your children. Teach them convincingly, creatively, consistently, conversationally and conspicuously.God has given us a promise of a future and a foundation upon which to build it. Love God with all of your heart, soul and strength, and it will be well with you.Apply it to your lifeIf you are raising children, know that it is one of the greatest responsibilities one could have! Today, talk to your family members about the Word of God. Apply the Bible to life situations. Those little ears are listening, and those eyes are watching.
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Learning to Respect Spiritual Authority

Learning to Respect Spiritual Authority (1628)Proverbs 16:32 says: “he that ruleth his spirit (is better) than he that taketh a city.”We see this exemplified through King David, a man after God’s own heart. David was a man that lived by principle, not by appearance. He was a warrior who knew many victories. But, perhaps, his greatest victory was the one over his own spirit when he became subject to spiritual authority.In 1 Samuel 24, David is hiding in a cave after King Saul has put a bounty on his head. King Saul comes into the cave, unaware that David and his men are hiding just out of sight. David has the opportunity to kill Saul, the man actively trying to kill him. But he does not.He refuses to take vengeance and acts as according to Scripture: “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).We should learn by David’s example in recognizing authority.David knew that he had no right to take Saul’s life because Saul was David’s king. A bad king, sure, but he was God’s chosen and anointed king. There is no king, no power, no ruler that has not been ordained of God. Therefore, to rebel against authority is an act of rebellion against God. Submit to leadership.You should respect authority. But what if the authority in question commands us to do something that is contrary to the Word of God? Don’t do it! The Bible says we should obey God rather than men. But make certain that even when you disobey your appointed leader that you have a warrant from Scripture, and that you still respect authority.Finally, we should rest in authority. God took care of Saul. And God will take care of your enemies as you learn to rest in the Lord.Apply it to your lifeIs there anybody or anything that you have a rebellious spirit about? Let me ask you this question: Have you submitted to the King of kings? That’s where it all begins—by giving your heart to Jesus Christ. And when you get under the authority of Jesus Christ, under the authority of the Word of God, under the authority of those that God has put over you, you’re going to find yourself living, praying, speaking, and acting with incredible authority.
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To Be Like Jesus

To Be Like Jesus (2139)Everything is created for God’s glory. Therefore, we were created for God’s glory. If glory is too abstract of a word to comprehend, think instead of the nature of Jesus. God’s purpose for you is to be like Jesus.When we become like Jesus, life-change occurs. But some of us go about change in ways in which we ultimately fall short. We set ourselves up for failure, and it leaves us feeling discouraged.One way we do this is by process of elimination. We think if we remove things from our lives, we will become like Jesus. However, in our humanity, the list of things we must eliminate is far too long. If we focus on elimination, we won’t be like Jesus at all; we’ll be like bitter Pharisees.Then we think we’ll be like Jesus through imitation. We act like Jesus, but we don’t have His character. So, we become cheap, phony imitations of Him.Then, in frustration, we try to be like Jesus through determination. We grit our teeth and say, ‘I’m going to be more like the Lord Jesus with willpower and sincerity.” Yet, despite our best efforts, we will still fall short every time.So, what else is there to do?Consider this: Rather than going about life change through elimination, imitation, or determination, think of yourself as a mirror. A mirror does not create the image; it simply reflects what it is exposed to.We are changed by being exposed to Jesus. We must make sure sin and unrepentance does not distort or dull the image we bear. We cannot let things of this world get in the way. We must read Scripture and continue to expose ourselves to the character of Jesus, ever-focused and ever-engaged.Adrian Rogers explains, “What is the inner nature of a Christian? Jesus. And by beholding Jesus, you’re changed. That which is on the inside comes to the surface. You are changed.”As reflections of Jesus, we have a responsibility to retain the image in which we are exposed to.When we stay focused on Him, that’s when the change takes place.Apply it to your lifeAre you reflecting the image of Jesus? Expose yourself to Jesus, today. Dig into Scripture, and pray that the Lord will open your eyes to see Him in every page.
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Evolution: Fact or Fiction

Evolution: Fact or Fiction (1914)Christians believe in special creation, the fact that God created man in His own image, as evident in the Book of Genesis.However, there is another school of thought that contradicts this belief: the theory of Evolution. It is the theory that we are simply creatures of accident; that men have evolved from a speck of protoplasm and green algae—first as a worm, then as a fish, an amphibian, a reptile, a bird, a mammal, and then finally we evolved into man.The equation of evolution goes as followed: Nothing + Time + Chance = Everything. It’s a fairytale for adults, a philosophy that poses as scientific fact.There are three reasons to reject evolution:1. Logic. Evolutionists have no explanation for the origin of life or the fixity of species. They cannot explain how certain properties exist that have nothing to do with the survival of the fittest. Where does music come from? Love? The evolutionist has no answer.2. Morality. If there is no God, if man is an accident, there can be no Ten Commandments, therefore no fixed standard of right and wrong. Adrian Rogers explains the danger of discrediting morality for the sake of evolution: “When we teach our children that they’ve come from animals, they will begin to live and act like animals.”3. Theology. If evolution is true, there was no Garden of Eden, there was no original sin, no depravity. And then man, as Adrian Rogers says, “doesn’t need a birth from above; he just needs a boost from below.”There’s something wicked behind this whole idea of evolution. Aldous Huxley, acclaimed evolutionist, states his own bias against creationism: “I had motives for not wanting the world to have a meaning…” Which translates to: “I chose evolution to shut the mouths of those who believe in special creation.”But you are not an accident. You are a special creation, made in the image of God. And you are precious to Him. May we become the people we were created to be.Apply it to your lifeEvolution is not a fact. It is a man-made philosophy to justify rebellion against the Creator of the Universe. Reject this ideology today, and chose instead to thank God that you have been beautifully and wonderfully made in His image.
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The High Cost of Low Living

The High Cost of Low Living (1978)Can a child of God sin? Yes. Can a child of God sin and not suffer? Absolutely not.Consider King David, a man above every other man—none more noble, gifted, or humble than David. And yet David fell into a deep, dark sin. David committed the sin of adultery. As a result, the woman conceived. So, David then committed the sin of murder.In order to better understand the high cost of low living, we need only look to at the causes of King David’s sin.It was a sin of idleness. David was not doing wrong in the time leading up to his affair, except that he was failing to do right. He should have been with his compatriots in war. God wants us to stay occupied. We are called to the harvest field or the battlefield.It was a sin of carelessness. David began to take his many victories for granted. He presumed God was going to keep blessing him. And an unguarded strength is a double weakness.It was a sin of impulsiveness. David wasn’t planning to sin that day. Adrian Rogers explains, “Sin is a combination of undetected weakness, an unexpected opportunity, and an unprotected life.”It was a sin of callousness. When his scheme to cover up his sin was compromised, David ordered for Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, to be killed in battle. He planned it, connived it, and orchestrated cold-blooded murder. And his heart turned calloused.It was a sin of stubbornness. Despite the conviction he felt, David went one whole year without repenting. But God did not forget David’s sin, and He wouldn’t let David forget, either.Just underneath David’s facade, his sin weighted, wounded and weakened him. There were words of rebuke, arrows of conviction, and hands of pressure from God.David was finally confronted by the prophet, Nathan, and was convicted and chastised. He had to pay the consequences for his sin. But God was faithful to forgive him.God is faithful to forgive us, too.Apply it to your lifePerhaps it’s time for you to be confronted, too. Somehow you think you’re just going to muddle through and gloss over your sin. And you stubbornly go on day after day thinking, “Maybe God has forgotten.” He has not. Repent of your sins and ask God for forgiveness.
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Why I Am Pro-Life

Why I Am Pro-Life (2387)Under the clever guise of “choice,” abortion is not only legal, but also societally acceptable in America.Adrian Rogers reminds us of three sure things in regards to choice: “You are free to choose. You are not free not to choose and you are not free to choose the consequences of your choice.”Ultimately, to say you are “pro-choice” means you are “pro-abortion.”Pastor Rogers gives three reasons why he chooses to be pro-life, and why you should, too.“I am pro-life because it is a matter of life.” The Bible does not distinguish between prenatal and postnatal life; it speaks of babies in the womb as persons. It is not a part of the mother’s body. It is a new life, with its own blood type and DNA. When a mother is pregnant, God Himself is forming a child within her. It is an object of God’s love and concern.“I am pro-life because it is a matter of love.” Abortion transgresses the Golden Rule: “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew 7:12). However you want people to treat you, treat them that way. The gruesome nature of abortion is something we would want to avoid happening to us. So, why would we allow it to be performed on a baby?“I am pro-life because it is a matter of logic.” Many of the pro-choice arguments surrounding conception and the “beginning of life” disregard nature and negate drastic strides in today’s medicine. In regards to the arguments about rape, incest or deformity, we must remember we cannot play God in these cases.Where do we draw the line? Does God not have a plan for every life He creates in a womb?In conclusion: the fact that there are debates in favor of killing unborn lives should cause us to mourn, and to respond in anguish. There is much to be done to protect unborn lives. It starts with knowing without doubt that every life matters in the eyes of God.Apply it to your lifeBe informed. Vote for life. Have compassion on the unwed mother and teach forgiveness to people who have had an abortion. Speak out clearly. Refuse to be swayed by the high sounding arguments, pray for this nation to repent, and above all, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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What's Wrong with Gambling

What's Wrong with Gambling (1745)If you take a stand for the truth, you are not always going to be popular. We see an example of this in Acts 19, when Paul visits Ephesus and sees that they are engaging in wicked ways of making money. The most vital nerve in the human body is the one that runs from the heart to the wealth, and what Paul does in Ephesus is put his finger directly on it.There are four principles laid out in Scripture that confirm why it is wrong for Christians to gamble, and unwise for societies to endorse it.1. Gambling transgresses the principle of Honesty. It is robbery by mutual consent. It is the transfer of wealth (not earned or given) without giving anything back in exchange. Somebody has said, “He who gambles and loses is a fool. He who gambles and wins is a thief.”2. Gambling transgresses the principle of Love. Gambling is pleasure and profit at the cost of someone else's pain and loss. You cannot win unless someone else loses. If you win at gambling, you victimize your neighbor.3. Gambling transgresses the principle of Work. The Bible does not teach getting wealth by gambling. The Bible teaches getting wealth through work. Gambling produces no real wealth. It merely redistributes it from the hands of the many into the hands of the few.4. Gambling transgresses the principle of Providence. A gambler is depending upon chance. The Bible says that we're to rest upon providence. Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”Adrian Rogers tells us: “There's less laughter and gaiety in a casino than any other public resort. The Christian doesn't need to get his thrill from covetousness and dishonesty.”No matter how alluring it may look, gambling contributes nothing to the common good. It undermines values. It mocks work. It finances crime. It robs children. It enslaves people. And it poisons whatever it touches.The wealth you obtain for yourself will pass away. Only what’s done for Christ will last.Apply it to your lifeDo you find yourself entangled by the allurement of gambling? Flee from it! Pray for the strength to resist it. Christians don’t need to get their thrill from covetousness and dishonesty. What is good and true and honorable…cling to these things.
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The Coming Kingdom of Christ

The Coming Kingdom of Christ (1883)There is coming a kingdom of Christ, as well as a kingdom of Satan. These two kingdoms have been at war since the Book of Genesis, and we are in the middle of it. If we want to recognize Satan’s kingdom to come and know how it will ultimately face its demise, we only need to look at one which was already defeated.In Genesis 10-11, we are introduced to a Babylonian man named Nimrod. He wanted to be king and to be worshiped like God. A few chapters prior, God gave the commandment to His people to be scattered and replenish the earth after the Great Flood.Rather than obey God, the Babylonians centralized their government under Nimrod’s authority and began building a tower to reach the heavens, all to make a name for themselves and to be equal with God. They directly disobeyed God and followed Nimrod in rebellion.How did this tower of blunders end in Genesis?The Babylonians spoke one language at this time. But God confounded their speech, and they suddenly couldn’t understand each other. The construction of the Tower of Babel ended with Almighty God coming down to earth and sending confusion into the camps of His enemies.Today, we are not too far off from the blunder of Babylon.Have we not substituted our own wit for God’s wisdom? Through new minds, machinery and money, are we not trying to make a name for ourselves? Do New Age religions not bank their ideology on finding power within ourselves, generating an independence from Almighty God?Adrian Rogers says: “What is the difference between manmade religion and the true salvation that comes from God? Man tries to build from earth to Heaven. True salvation reaches down from Heaven to man.”The only hope for this world is the coming of Jesus Christ. And when He comes, He will destroy the kingdom of Satan, and any other kingdom that dares to make an enemy of God.These are the days to get right with God. Let us not wait another second.Apply it to your lifeIf you’re practicing any kind of new age religion or dabbling with astrology or witchcraft, get out of it. Repent. The time is coming soon when our Lord is going to step down from glory to judge Babylon. Let us rejoice and give honor to Him today.
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The Bible and Animal Rights

The Bible and Animal Rights (1513)In simplest terms, the belief behind the Animal Rights Movement is that there is no essential, intrinsic, or basic difference between man and animal. But God’s Word says otherwise.According to the Book of Genesis, both man and animal were created by God separately, and neither evolved from the other. Though there are similarities, there is a stark contrast between man and animal as well.For one, man has a longing in his heart to know God. Man is created in God’s likeness—not in His physical image, but in His moral and spiritual image. When God created animals, in His mercy, He gave them instincts. But when God made mankind in His image, He gave us spirits.Adrian Rogers says, “The Holy Spirit is to man what instinct is to the animals. Now, if you were to take the instinct out of the beehive, what would happen? It'd be very much like our world today—men without the Holy Spirit.”Man has a capability for dominion, but he also has a capacity for depravity…one that animals don't have. Animals can't sin because animals don't have any choice. The reason they don't have any choice is they don't have any moral basis.But man does!Man also has a concern for his destiny that animals do not have. Man is the only creature who knows he's going to die. Animals never think about death. But the Bible says that God has put eternity in the hearts of men.Animals have a body and a soul (a soul being made up of a mind, emotions, and a will). But only man has a spirit. And the Holy Spirit molds us into what we're meant to be.Adrian Rogers also adds, “With your body you know the world beneath you. With your soul you know the world around you. But with your spirit, you know the world above you! And God made man with a spiritual capacity to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him.”Apply it to your lifeWhat did God make you to do? God created you to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him. The Bible says, "It is in Him that we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28). Do you know Him, love Him and serve Him with the spirit He gave you?
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Countdown in the Holy Land

Countdown in the Holy Land (1512)####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Daniel 9:24It is sometimes difficult to wrap our minds around the blueprints of God’s plan for the world. That is because we approach them from our individual “worlds.” However, God’s Word tells us that Israel is the ultimate epicenter of God’s covenant with His people.Israel is the spiritual center of the world. We often refer to it as the “Holy Land,” because it is the city where the stories of the Scriptures took place. It is where Jesus was born, where He lived and began His earthly ministry. It is where He died, rose again, and ascended into Heaven.Israel is also the prophetic center of the world. It is the only nation whose history is minutely foretold in Scripture. When we add up the number of years recorded in the Bible concerning the nation of Israel’s commencement, construction, and the coming of Christ, we calculate 483 years of the 490 years prophesied in the Book of Daniel.But when when Jesus came, that clock stopped and it has yet to resume. There are 7 more years of biblical prophecy yet to be fulfilled.Israel is the storm center of the world. It will be the warzone of the battle of Armageddon. But just before this last great battle, according to the prophecies found in Revelation, the world will see its darkest days and the nation of Israel will seem to be at its most vulnerable.The antichrist will come onto the scene as a charming leader and he is going to make a treaty with Israel, offering false promises of peace and protection under his reign, yet he will bring more destruction to the nation than ever before, all within the strict confines of the 7-year timeframe known as the Great Tribulation. 7 years.The 490 years prophesied will then see completion. In the end, Jesus will return. He will win the battle with a word, just a word. The tongue that spoke everything into existence will speak His enemies into oblivion!And His church will be complete.Adrian Rogers reminds us, “Jesus came on time, He died on time, He was buried on time, He rose on time, and He is coming on time. You can bank on it.”####Apply it to your lifeAs Believers, we cannot deny the significance of the nation of Israel. Today, make a commitment to pray for the Holy Land as the clock ticks on toward the End Times.
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Who is the Man Called Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is a historical fact, but is He who He says He is? In this powerful message, Adrian Rogers analyzes the testimonies of the saints, the Scriptures, and the Spirit to prove the legitimacy of Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
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The New Age

New Ageism is not new at all! It’s actually an age-old heresy repurposed for the modern world. But it is dangerously deceptive and must be viewed as such. In this message, Adrian Rogers conveys the importance of identifying the Enemy’s deception around us and gives us steps of discernment to protect us from these traps.
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Is It Really Just a Small, Small World?

If you are a child of God, you’re going to find yourself in conflict with this world. It is our first duty as Believers to separate ourselves from it and its charming persuasions, controlling power, and corrupting pollution. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains why this is such an important first step in faith, and how we can stay sharp and alert in a city as deceivingly wicked as Sodom.
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These Issues We Face

These are dark days in which we live, but this should not cause us to panic! In this message, Adrian Rogers instructs us in how to posture ourselves as Christians in this contemporary age, not only to survive but to thrive and to be victorious.
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How to Deal with Demons

How to Deal with Demons (1199)Whether we realize it or not, there is a demonic world we cannot avoid. It is real, and we cannot be uninformed or uninterested. We do not fight against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness. We must be aware of the warfare in order to win the battle.The Enemy comes against us in three basic ways:1. Oppression. The devil knows how to harass you, and demon spirits will oppress you.2. Obsession. The devil stirs an insatiable longing within people that drive them and mold them until they are caught up and swept along.3. Possession. It is possible for the devil, through one of his demons, to possess a person. He takes control of his mind, his emotions and his will.There's a battle. And Satan never gives up anybody or anything without a fight.But there's no waiting to see who will win. Satan has been defeated. Jesus has authority over the enemy and all of the powers of darkness. The demons recognize Jesus’s authority. They must always yield to it.No child of God should ever fear the demons. Never. We must be aware of them. Be vigilant, be sober. But do not be afraid. They are afraid of you when you recognize who you are in Jesus, and the authority He has given you.Adrian Rogers tells us, “Unless you are living with God, filled with the Holy Spirit, claiming the power of Jesus Christ in your life, you don't understand the power of our enemy. But you do need to understand the greater power of Jesus Christ and the authority of Jesus rightly applied over the power of the enemy.”Children of God are going to know conflict with the enemy. But God has given us authority over him. Satan has no threat, temptation has no allurement, sin has no hold that the child of God cannot break in the power of Jesus Christ.Apply it to your lifeIf you are recognizing the reality of the spiritual warfare around you, it’s time to get fitted for battle. Get alone or get with some prayer warriors and take authority over the enemy in the name of Jesus. And in repentance, clean up your life. The Bible says, “resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).
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Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom (1054)In the Book of Nehemiah, the people of Jerusalem were rebuilding after the city-wide destruction. Many were poor and enslaved by their deep debt. However, some of the rich also were enslaved—not by debt, but by wealth. They were extorting, conniving, and using unethical methods to get money.We learn that financial bondage is being a slave to money, no matter how much or how little you have. God doesn’t want His people, whether they be poor or rich, to be in financial bondage. God’s plan for His children is to have liberty and freedom.The first principle of financial freedom is priority. God will not take second place to anybody or anything. The fear of God is not only the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7); it’s the beginning of wealth.The second principle is industry (work). The lazy man is not going to prosper, and it’s not because God has not answered his prayer or has failed him. It is because he doesn’t work and God will not bless him. God wants you to use your work to serve and glorify Him.The third principle is generosity. The more you share, the more you have; the more you hoard, the less you have.The fourth principle is reliability. God can be depended upon. He is worthy of your trust, even in your finances.The fifth principle is integrity. When you are presented with the opportunity to obtain wealth at the expense of someone else, or at the expense of your character, do not take it. This is not God’s way to prosperity, it is a chance to show your integrity.Here was a man, Nehemiah, who knew total financial freedom in a time of depression, drought, high taxes, mortgage their houses. His prayer was not for riches. His prayer was for provision to get the job done.This should be our prayer, too. Be in the will of God and let God supply your need.Apply it to your lifeAre you in financial bondage? Think of these principles. Is God first? Have you been diligent? Have you had an open hand or a clenched fist? Have you been trusting in God or in uncertain riches? Have you lived with integrity? Are you believing and trusting God according to these other things to take care of you? Find financial freedom in God’s provision today.
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How Not to Raise a Fool

How Not to Raise a Fool (1045)The simple man is comfortable in his own ignorance. He likes his lifestyle. He takes the easy way. No responsibilities. No problems. He has no real, serious thoughts.But there is a fatal flaw in the plan (or lack thereof) of the simple man. The problem is not his intellect. The problem is his heart.If he loves simplicity, he will lack understanding. And if you dare begin talking to him about God’s Word, he doesn’t pay attention. Therefore, he will not know the truths of God’s Word.If he lacks understanding, he will be easily led. And if he is easily led, he will be liable for judgment—meaning he will be held accountable to what he becomes, even if he never intended to.He becomes the scorner: the smart-aleck, the mocker, and eventually … the fool. Once he is a fool, he is the enemy of that which is good and godly. He rejects wisdom, ridicules righteous, rejoices in sin. Therefore, his moral sense has been polluted, and he no longer knows the difference between right and wrong.So how do we keep from raising a fool? How do we ensure that our simpleminded, impressionable children are raised to know wisdom and to mature in understanding?The Word of God. Particularly, the Book of Proverbs.Pastor and teacher Adrian Rogers was a father himself. He said, “Every parent ought to master the book of Proverbs and be mastered by the book of Proverbs so he can learn how to teach it to his children. That’s why God gave us this book. This is God’s manual on child-rearing. This is God’s book to tell us how not to raise a fool, to give to that simple one understanding.”We are also to remember that our children learn by example. We are to show them what it means to follow biblical instruction, so that they may know the weight of their decisions early on. God gave us our children. We are called to protect them from worldly influence and raise them to know God’s wisdom.Apply it to your lifeWhether you have children or not, follow the examples of Proverbs today. Begin making a habit of studying Scripture and applying biblical instruction to your own life. People are watching and learning from you by example. Glorify God with your influence.
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The Friendship Factor

The Friendship Factor (1033)One of the basic needs and longings of our lives is for a true friend.There are acquaintances, whom we learn from and have fun with on the shores of life, yet it the friendship never goes beyond the coast. There are fair weather friends, who will agree to set sail, but jump ship the moment the seas of life get rocky.And then there are friends…the ones who stay in the calm and in the storm. These friends are rare. But they are of great value, and are worth the find.The Bible places a great emphasis upon friends, but it also encourages us to possess a much higher standard on friendships than we think. We are not to have too many of them. They are costly. We are to consider friendships as an investment. We invest time, energy, prayers, and emotion into people. We cannot fully invest in more than we can maintain.Jesus loved many people in his time on earth. He made good acquaintances, but he regularly invested himself in his 12 disciples. Of those 12, there was an inner circle: Peter, James and John. And of them, he was closest with John. We see that in his humanity, Jesus needed a friend, and He showed us the virtues of a true friend.A friend is selfless. He loves, not because he needs something from you. He just does.A friend is sacrificial. He carries your sorrows on his own back.A friend sanctifies. He keeps you sharp.How do we find a friend like this? If you want a friend, be a friend. You want love? Give love.Renowned pastor and teacher, Adrian Rogers said it this way, “I went out to find a friend and could not find one there. I went out to be a friend and friends were everywhere.”Apply it to your lifeToday is a good day for a quality check of your friendship factor. The test of a good friendship is this: am I a better person because of my friends? Which friendships in your life bring you closer to Jesus? Are there any toxic friendships that need to be cut off? Pray carefully through each investment in your life, and ask God for the wisdom to maintain the relationships in your life with grace and understanding.
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The Peril of Pride

The Peril of Pride (1037)Pride is a dangerous sin. Nothing brings more destruction to our nation, our homes, and our relationships than a prideful spirit.But it is also a deceptive sin. The proud ones are the least likely to admit their pride. They are quite proud of their humility. We call many things today pride that are not really pride. A good self-image is not pride. Self-esteem is not pride. Receiving honor or merited awards is not pride.What is the pride that the Bible condemns? It is an attitude of independence from God. Pride is the basic sin and the root cause for all other sins. Pride leads the parade, and God hates it.There are five reasons found in the Book of Proverbs as to why the peril of pride is something to be taken seriously and to be dealt with immediately.Pride provokes deity. It is an abomination to God. You provoke God to anger when there is pride in your heart. God literally becomes your adversary.Pride proves depravity. Anytime a person has pride in his heart it is there because it was born in him. It is not something we learn, it is something we inherit.Pride promotes dissension. There has never been an argument where pride was not the major factor.Pride promotes dishonor. In the pursuit of honor, pride brings shame. Proverbs 19:23 says, “A man’s pride shall bring him low, but honor shall uphold the humble in spirit.”Pride precedes destruction. Proverbs 16:18 reminds us of the plans for anything rooted in a prideful spirit: “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”Pride is a matter of the heart, and there is much to be done about it. If we are not right with God, we cannot be right with one another.Adrian Rogers says, “There are no problems too big to solve, only people too small to solve them.” “There is none so bad he cannot be saved, there is none so good he doesn’t need saving.” It begins with humbling yourself before the Lord.####Apply it to your lifeKnowing the serious peril of pride, take some time today to evaluate your heart. Do you have a pride-issue? Are you facing the consequences of a prideful spirit without even knowing it? Humble yourself before the Lord, and ask Him for forgiveness.
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God's Miracle Medicine

God's Miracle Medicine (1027)A heavy heart is the beginning of misery, and we were never meant to carry the load.A burdened soul breaks the spirit. A broken spirit thins the immunity of the body. The body then begins to wither, and we get ill. In fact, studies have shown that emotions largely contribute to one’s overall state of health. Doctors call it Emotionally Induced Illness (E.I.I.), and it is the idea that physical sickness can be a result of emotional illness.The entire body is affected by a heavy heart. But God has given us a remedy for the soul, the spirit, and the body. And it is good medicine...Joy!Not mere laughter, not mere joking, not mere fun and games, but deep, abiding joy is our strongest medicine and greatest weapon. Joy doesn’t depend upon material things or circumstances. It doesn’t depend upon thrills. It comes straight from the heart.In the Gospel of John, Jesus spoke of the joy in His own heart, and He promised to give us a dose of it; not just some cheap imitation… He wants to give us the real thing. “My joy have I given unto you.” Jesus said, “I want that joy to remain in you.”We don’t root our happiness in circumstances, because those can change in an instant and leave us emotionally stranded. We root our joy in Christ alone, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)“Without joy, life is meaningless!” Acclaimed pastor and teacher, Adrian Rogers says, “That joy is found only in Jesus. And we ought to share the secret, the source of our joy —the Lord Jesus Christ.”####Apply it to your lifeJoy is something freely given, but it must be received, day by day. Today, seek it out through prayer and in Scripture. Let it be seen in your countenance as you go about your day, and share it with someone else.
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God's Plan for Prosperity

God's Plan for Prosperity (1023)God is interested in your prosperity. It is not necessarily a matter of wealth or worldly success. Prosperity means that you live a life of general welfare, where God meets your needs, and you are being fulfilled. It means you are free to enjoy the blessings of God.If God desires prosperity for us, yet we don’t feel it in our lives, what stands in the way? It’s simple: there's unconfessed sin in our hearts and in our lives. When we sin, we often times try to cover it up instead of confessing it. But there is a great cost to covering up sin.We look at the example of King David in the Old Testament. He was a man after God’s own heart. Yet, David sinned against God. He committed adultery. In order to cover up what he had done, he had the woman’s husband killed in the line of battle.Even while his sin was covered, the guilt consumed David. It dominated his mind, and depressed his heart. It defiled his spirit. It shut up his ability to sing praises to God.We see through David that God does not let His children get away with covered-up sin. He does not let His children forget what they have done. He deals with His children.But even still, when we sin and try to run away from the Father, He holds on even tighter.Pastor and teacher Adrian Rogers says it this way, “Guilt is a dirty wound, and it will never heal until it is confessed and put away. It must be cleansed by the antiseptic of Calvary before it can be healed.”It starts with confessing your sin to God. And because of what Jesus did on the cross at Calvary, the Holy Spirit will come into your life and uncover your sin so that He may cover it in grace and forgiveness instead.####Apply it to your lifeDo you have unconfessed sin in your life that is coming between you and God? You have to know it and name it for what it is. Ask God to reveal it to you, and He will. Through the Holy Spirit, He will convict you specifically, so that you may confess it specifically and ask for forgiveness. And then repent of it.
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God's Grace in the Workplace

God's Grace in the Workplace (1019)A lot of us have the wrong idea about working secular, everyday jobs, especially Christians. Whether we enjoy the work or not, there is a certain amount of guilt Christians carry into the workforce. We like to subconsciously separate aspects of our lives as secular and sacred, so we have this idea that we can only serve God when we are not working.But we are where God has placed us for a specific purpose. We are to do every job with the belief that we are doing it for Jesus, because we are! Look at the example of Daniel in the Bible, who worked as a government bureaucrat in Babylon. By circumstances beyond his control, Daniel had a secular job in a place of wickedness. Yet even his enemies and the unsaved people of this world had to admit that his secular job was really a sacred job, because he was really serving God through his work.You may want to opt out of your “Babylon”, and flee from the wicked world to which you give your better hours. But God’s plan for you is not to run away from the world. God’s plan for you is to confront, overcome, witness to the world.John 17:15, “Jesus said, “I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one.” God's plan is not that you be taken out of that worldly environment, but that you would live a good Christian life within it.Every job, if it is done in the power of the Holy Spirit, is a sacred job. Every job has dignity if it is an honorable work. And every Christian is a priest, and every Christian is a minister. Every Christian is doing full-time Christian service if they are devoting their work to the glory of God.####Apply it to your lifeCome Monday morning, there are four things to consider as you enter your workplace.1. Don’t brag: there’s nothing more unappealing than self-righteous behavior.2. Don’t nag: give some grace to your co-workers.3. Don’t lag: do the work in front of you efficiently and completely.4. Don’t sag: work joyfully, as unto the Lord.Your character is crucial to your witness. You have been placed in this position for a reason. Honor God with your job.
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Don't Disintegrate — Communicate

Don't Disintegrate — Communicate (1011)The most important thing to have in a Christian home, other than a love for the Lord, is communication. In fact, most of the insight found in the Book of Proverbs has to do with how we speak and listen to one another.Have you ever heard anybody say, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me”? Don’t believe it. It’s not true.The greatest hurts often come from spoken words. They come from forceful coercion between spouses. They come from nagging, callused words to a child, and disrespectful remarks to a parent.Wrong words can destroy a home.Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” There is great power in communication. And with great power comes a great responsibility.Pastor and teacher Adrian Rogers says, “The highest form of fulfillment is sharing with someone else. It’s not having things. It’s not doing things. It is sharing.”Healthy communication peaks when we have absolute, total openness with one another, spoken in discerning kindness and gentleness. This is a very difficult level to reach. It begins with our relationship with Jesus, with realizing that He has accepted us as we are, and wants us to accept who we are, too.This doesn’t mean we condone our sin, or excuse our shortcomings. We are still sinners, and apart from God’s grace, we have nothing to offer. But because of His grace, because He has accepted us, we are instructed to have a healthy self-acceptance.Because when you accept yourself, you can begin to accept others. You are no longer threatened. You no longer have to push others down to build yourself up. You are free to treat others with kindness, because you are, first, kind to yourself.Communication is an ongoing process. It evolves over time spent together, and requires tune-ups and check-in’s. Yet there is nothing more important.####Apply it to your lifeDo you feel like your relationship with your family or close friends is full of heartache and misunderstanding? How is your relationship with Jesus? Today, spend some time in prayer, asking Jesus to saturate your self-esteem with His grace. Pray through Proverbs, perhaps one chapter for each day in a month, and ask the Lord to convict you for how you speak to others.
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God's Answer to Anger

God's Answer to Anger (1009)Unjustified anger is like an acid that brings harm to anything it is poured on, including the very container it inhabits. We have an Enemy who delights in this kind of anger. In it, he creates opportunities for us to wreck our own lives and destroy our own testimonies.How do we control our sudden anger, condemn our sinful anger, and conquer our stubborn anger?- Recognize it. There is no use in hiding it.- Repent of it. There is no getting rid of it any other way.- Refuse the devil’s schemes. There’s no reward in associating with them.This is necessary to do if we want to control, condemn, and conquer ungodly anger before it controls, condemns, and conquers us.But there’s another kind of anger: a sanctified anger to be channeled. It is not destructive to the soul, and it does not result in sin. We see an example of it through Jesus when He was moved with righteous anger to clear the temple of malicious Pharisees and self-seeking merchants who were taking advantage of the poor.Through this story, we see it is not only possible to possess a righteous anger, it is expected. In fact, injustice ought to stir us and move us to act. Never once in any of the four Gospels did Jesus retaliate when He was personally attacked and abused, even unto His brutal, unmerited death on the cross. Yet, Jesus was moved with righteous anger to act when He saw other people being attacked and abused.Selfless love does not nullify anger. It calls it to action. It motivates us to do something about the hurt we see in the world.Adrian Rogers said, “Sometimes anger is love’s clearest expression but we need to be careful with it.”If we want to follow the example of Jesus, we are instructed to get stirred up about the injustice around us; and to get angry at the right time for the right reason against the right thing in the right way.####Apply it to your lifeIs there a sudden, sinful, stubborn anger in your life that is controlling you? It is time to break free of it. Don’t let another moment go by without recognizing it, repenting of it, and rebuking the Enemy, so that you may be emptied of it and filled with the Spirit of righteousness.
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Finding God's Way in a Dark Day

As smart or successful as any of us can become, we can lose our way in the darkness. And these are dark days indeed. But God wants to lead his people.Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”God has a plan, not just for the nations or the congregations. God has a plan for individuals. He has a plan for you. He has a plan and a purpose for every step you take.Our privilege as Believers is to find, follow and finish the will of God. In order to do that, we have to truly trust in Him. To trust in Him, we must truly love Him. To love Him, we must truly know Him. To know Him, we must spend time with Him.In our time with him, He speaks. He speaks through Scripture, through the Holy Spirit. Adrian Rogers said, “I believe when we pray, God knows how to speak to the human heart.”God does not leave His will for us a secret. He wants us to find understanding, just not our own. He desires to share His wisdom and understanding with us. He wants us to have full confidence in Him, and a total commitment to His ways, so that we may see the thrilling consequences of doing His will.Mountains melt and valleys are filled in the presence of God, who makes the paths straight for those who choose to follow Him through the wilderness. To do God’s will is the highest achievement of any person. Do not be afraid of it.####Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “If you would know God’s way, you’d better know God’s Word.” Find God’s will for your life in His Word today. Read Scripture today with an open heart, without fear. And pray; talk with God. May your prayers resemble Christian leader, Stephen Olford’s: “Anywhere. Any time. Any cost. Amen.”
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God's Way to Health, Wealth and Wisdom

True wisdom comes from a relationship with Jesus. Ask him for wisdom today and pursue Scripture, perhaps starting in the Book of Proverbs, with fresh eyes.The Book of Proverbs was not written by human experience, but by divine revelation. The insight encased in these pages are not just things worked out by human ingenuity. They are God's words of wisdom, given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit.The Book of Proverbs is King Solomon’s love letter of wisdom, given to him by God alone, to his child. And we, as children of the King of Kings, can read it with full confidence that these words from our Father are for our best interest. They are for our health, wealth, and wisdom.But the greatest of these is wisdom.Wisdom is the most important virtue we could ever obtain. Proverbs 8:11 says: “For wisdom is better than rubies and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.”Wisdom’s worth comes from the Father. He is the One who provides it, promises it, and initiates the purpose of it.The Bible says that great men are not always wise. There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. A lot of people have head knowledge but lack wisdom. You can obtain knowledge without the Holy Spirit, but you cannot get true wisdom without the Holy Spirit. And it comes, not from books, but from knowing Jesus.In order to know the secrets of the universe, you have to know the Lord Jesus Christ, for the Bible says in Colossians 2:3 “In him (Jesus) lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”Adrian Rogers said it this way: “When a man reverences God, when a man receives Christ, when a man has a personal encounter, that man receives the wisdom of God and here is the incomparable worth of wisdom. It, dear friend, is provided by the father. It is produced by the spirit but only by the presence of the son. When you have the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart then you are ready to have that real Wisdom.”Life Application:True wisdom comes from a relationship with Jesus. Ask him for wisdom today and pursue Scripture, perhaps starting in the Book of Proverbs, with fresh eyes. Hide what you read in your heart. Appreciate it. Appropriate it. Simulate it. Activate it in your life.
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How to Repair a Broken Faith

How to Repair a Broken Faith (2303)When you read the New Testament, you don’t read anything about Abram’s failure. You only find it in the Old Testament. God didn’t remember his sin. God remembered his faith. If you’ve gotten away from God, do what Abram did - come out of Egypt. Give it all back to the Lord and walk by faith.
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The Decisions of the Living and the Destiny of the Dead

The Decisions of the Living and the Destiny of the Dead (2353)Where will you spend eternity? In this message, Dr. Rogers examines the character of those who are led by the Lamb, the corruption of those bossed by the beast, the consequences of those destined by decision.
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666: The Mark of the Beast

666: The Mark of the Beast (2352)
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Biography of the Beast

Biography of the Beast (2350)Standing in the shadows is history is a man known as the antichrist, the beast, the man of sin, the son of perdition. Despite whatever name he is called, Adrian Rogers explains he has one motive. Learn of his attributes, disguises, and the ambitions that drive the beast.
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Why I Love Israel

Why I Love Israel (2349)We are to love what God loves, and God loves His chosen people. God blessed Israel that Israel might be a blessing to all the world. Understand Israel's special favor with God, her satanic foe, and in the end, her saving faith in this exciting message.
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When Prophets are Persecuted

End-time prophecies are addressed, such as the rebuilding of the Temple, the Abomination of Desolation, and the 2 prophets that are sent as powerful messengers to this world.
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Jesus Christ-The One and Only

Jesus Christ-The One and Only (2347)More than a great man, prophet, philosopher or teacher. He is the Mighty God. In this chapter of Revelation, the action pauses as we look carefully at the Lord Jesus Christ: the majesty of His person, mastery of His power and mystery of His plans.
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Looking for God in This Desperate World

Looking for God in This Desperate World (2345)Have you ever asked, Where is God? Why doesn't He do something?" We may be praying diligently wondering why God isn't doing anything to change the world but His timetable is not ours! Discover 5 factors that will help you understand this.
9/10/201937 minutes, 54 seconds
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When Demons Have Dominion

When Demons Have Dominion (2344)This message sees the opening of the 7th seal and then the outpouring of God's judgment on this earth by the sounding of the trumpets and how at the sounding of each trumpet, judgment intensifies. If you don't plan to be here in the great tribulation, then, friend, you need to make other plans!
9/6/201938 minutes, 37 seconds
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What a Mighty God We Serve

What a Mighty God We Serve (2343)During the Great Tribulation, evil forces will seem to be in control of everything. But God is mightier than all of this He's going to demonstrate His love and mercy, even in the midst. Whatever you're facing, this encouraging message will help you see: God is able to meet your every need!
9/4/201937 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Wrath of the Lamb and the Coming of Tribulations

The Wrath of the Lamb and the Coming of Tribulations (2342)In this message, Dr. Rogers examines the seven seals of judgment as we see the beginning of the great tribulation. - a time when hell will have a holiday, a time on earth that Jesus said there has never ever been a time like this.
9/2/201933 minutes
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Our Great Savior

Our Great Savior (2506)Today you'll see just how great the Lord Jesus Christ is. Jesus even referred to Himself as greater than Solomon." See from Scripture what God has shown as to the ways Jesus is greater than Solomon.
8/30/201929 minutes, 12 seconds
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How to Praise Your Way to Victory

How to Praise Your Way to Victory (2320)Are you facing a crisis? Nothing will prepare you for the battle like worship. You will confuse the devil. His opposition is an opportunity to be blessed. Seek the face of God, go to His Word and stand on His promises. Praise the Lord and get ready to receive His victory!
8/29/201929 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to Have Fullness of Joy

How to Have Fullness of Joy (2488)Do you have continual, contagious and conspicuous joy? Find out how to in this message by Adrian Rogers and you will also discover why joy is so important in your life.
8/27/201933 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Do the Impossible

How to Do the Impossible (2409)Are you a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ? If so, you are to be doing the impossible even greater works than He did. How can that be? That's why the Holy Spirit came! The impossible becomes possible by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God.
8/23/201932 minutes, 12 seconds
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How to Arrive at our Destination Without a Map

How to Arrive at our Destination Without a Map (2329)Join Adrian Rogers as he looks at how God led the children of Israel out of Egypt into the Promised Land - a land of opportunity, but also a land of mystery. See how this account can help you reach your destination without a map.
8/21/201934 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Abundant Life

The Abundant Life (2474)Would you like to live victoriously? Jesus said, I've come that you might have life and have it abundantly." Learn how to have that abundant life Jesus was referring to in this message from God's Word.
8/19/201932 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Resurrection Body

The Resurrection Body (2291)One day our literal bodies are going to be raised from the dead and restored. Have you ever wondered how that could be possible? In this unforgettable message, Adrian Rogers gives you a glance into that incredible time!
8/15/201935 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Power in the Blood

The Power in the Blood (2170)Did you know that the power in the blood of Jesus is available to YOU and every Christian? If you're not experiencing the abundant life you were meant to live right now, then in this encouraging message, learn how to possess what God has already given you.
8/13/201938 minutes, 51 seconds
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Freedom of Forgiveness

Freedom of Forgiveness (2422)Two problems do great psychological, emotional, and spiritual damage: One is guilt; the other is bitterness. Guilt imprisons us; bitterness poisons us. Forgiveness is the answer both. Forgiveness sets the prisoner free. When you truly forgive from your heart, you set two prisoners free; one of them is you.
8/9/201942 minutes, 37 seconds
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A Word for Worriers

A Word for Worriers (5787)Do you tend to be a worrier? All of us worry more than we should. Worry is harmful—both to you and others. But it’s also an insult to God, our Father! So what can we do? Learn how Adrian Rogers got the upper hand on worry.
8/7/201937 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Get Up When You're Down

How to Get Up When You're Down (2428)Does God seem far away? Are you despondent and seemingly without hope? Many of God's best saints - Moses, John the Baptist, Paul - have suffered from depression. Listen and learn about the provision for depression.
8/5/201931 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Problem of Pain

The Problem of Pain (2420)In this life, no person escapes without encountering great pain. In his favorite chapter of his favorite book in the Bible, Romans chapter 8, Adrian Rogers addresses the problem of pain and describes the glorious life that awaits every child of God.
8/1/201930 minutes, 31 seconds
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Mighty Prayer

Mighty Prayer (5687)Prayer is not pious contemplation. It's the most powerful thing you can do--an act of warfare against the enemy of our souls. You can experience God's power when you ask, "Lord, teach me to pray." Prayer is a missile that can be fired from any spot!
7/31/201937 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Get on Praying Ground

In one of the greatest passages on prayer in all of Scripture, Adrian Rogers shows that it’s not only what we pray, but also the character of the one praying that’s crucial to getting our prayers answered. Find out—are you qualified to pray?
7/30/201940 minutes, 36 seconds
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Six Keys to Answered Prayer

Six Keys to Answered Prayer (5619)Do you want your prayers to be answered? Of course—we all do! Then you must know these six specifics if you want to receive those answers.
7/26/201937 minutes, 30 seconds
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How to Pray for Friends and Influence People

How to Pray for Friends and Influence People (5606)Prayer is your important ministry to your loved ones. Adrian Rogers shows how to get your eyes beyond today—or even 10 years from now—and look into eternity. Don’t pray according to what you think is possible, but according to God’s unfailing provision.
7/24/201933 minutes, 32 seconds
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Questions and Answers About Prayer

Questions and Answers About Prayer (2419)One of the reasons we don't pray any more than we do is we have unanswered questions about prayer and this causes us uncertainty. What can we expect when we pray? Does God have favorites whose prayer He answers? Find out today in this practical message.
7/22/201942 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Principles of Prayer

The Principles of Prayer (2032)It's a mystery that God, Who knows what we need, tells us to seek Him in prayer for what we need. Prayer is the Christian's greatest privilege but for most of us, our greatest failure. Don't miss this classic message unlocking the mysteries of prayer.
7/18/201933 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to Pray in the Spirit

How to Pray in the Spirit (1975)Prayer is the greatest Christian service yet it is also the greatest Christian failure. God understands that and has given us the Holy Spirit to help. Join Adrian Rogers as he points out 7 ways the Holy Spirit of God will help you in your prayer life.
7/16/201937 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed

The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed (1624)Are you busy doing things for God? At the height of His ministry with thousands clamoring for His attention and miracles happening what does the Son of God do? Jesus shows us what total surrender looks like: He withdrew Himself to pray.
7/12/201935 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Only Hope for America

In this message, Adrian Rogers says that "the scream of the American eagle has become the twitter of a frightened sparrow." How true today! This message will educate you on the purpose of government and inspire you to do more to take part in making it once more a "nation under God" for your children and your grandchildren.
7/3/201938 minutes, 14 seconds
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Seven Sacred Secrets

#Seven Sacred Secrets (2057)When you understand, you'll know what to expect. In the final message in this series, Pastor Rogers ties it all together, taking the seven truths of these Matthew 13 parables and connecting the dots. Now you will know and not be surprised by what's about to happen as our world grows gloriously dark.
6/27/201937 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Strange Mystery of the Buried Treasure

##The Strange Mystery of the Buried Treasure (2049)No, the buried treasure is not the Gospel. So far, the first four parables have shared some discouraging truths. But this one turns a corner our Lord encourages us with the revelation of who this treasure represents in the last days. It's not the church!
6/25/201925 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Strange Mystery of the Sneaky Housewife

#The Strange Mystery of the Sneaky Housewife (2046)Of the seven parables in Matthew 13, this may be the most misunderstood and wrongly interpreted. Who is this housewife, sneaking leaven into three loaves of bread? Why would she do that? And who do the three loaves represent? The plot thickens in this parable!
6/21/201937 minutes, 1 second
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The Mystery of the Mustard Seed and the Devil's Dirty Birds

#The Mystery of the Mustard Seed and the Devil's Dirty Birds (2044)A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning that cannot be known by human wisdom. In the third of Jesus' seven parables in Matthew 13, the Lord tells us why there are false cults in the world. The devil employs many ways to sabotage God's work.
6/19/201932 minutes, 5 seconds
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Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven

#Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven (2040)There are mysteries in the Word of God you cannot “pry out.” They must be revealed to you. In seven parables that span history from Our Lord’s earthly ministry until the final judgment, Jesus helps us understand what to expect, so we’ll not be taken by surprise. This first one answers the question: Has the gospel failed?
6/13/201942 minutes, 24 seconds
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Redeeming Love

#Redeeming Love (2091)Years before Jesus ever walked the sandy shores Of Galilee, God gave us a classic example of His redeeming love. The key word is redemption" and is used in this one chapter at least 15 times. Adrian Rogers discusses three of the pictures of salvation in this stirring conclusion.
6/11/201938 minutes, 20 seconds
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Five Ways to Draw Closer to Jesus

#Five Ways to Draw Closer to Jesus (2089)We want an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, don't we? We want more than redemption, we want a relationship. Listen as Adrian Rogers discusses 5 ways to draw closer to Jesus.
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God's Amazing Grace

#God's Amazing Grace (2087)This message is about God's amazing grace, and if you don't listen carefully you're going to miss a blessing because sometimes the blessing is tucked away. Discover the story of the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as told in the book of Ruth.
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Too Blessed to Be Stressed

#Too Blessed to Be Stressed *(2315)*If you've heard the phrase "Don't worry, be happy," you've wondered, "And how am I supposed to do that!" Dr. Rogers explains that while some flippantly say, "Just trust Jesus," our need is to learn how we really do that in the face of trials. Learn the way to greater peace and less stress in this message.
6/4/201931 minutes, 6 seconds
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It is Decision That Determines Destiny

#It is Decision That Determines Destiny *(2086)*In this message, the maid from Moab marries the bachelor from Bethlehem. It's sort of a Cinderella story, - an actual love story! And we love a love story. Listen as Adrian Rogers looks at one of the most remarkable love stories ever written.
6/3/201940 minutes, 22 seconds
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Maximum Living

Maximum Living (0463)Are we similar to the tribes of Israel who compromised their faith? What’s standing in the way of you reaching your maximum potential. We must “clear out the clutter” and get our priorities straight! Adrian Rogers tells you how in this closing message from the book of Joshua.
5/17/201931 minutes, 36 seconds
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Christ, Our Refuge

Christ, Our Refuge (0461)As we near the end of our study in Joshua, this message will bring you great comfort—knowing that God has prepared a place of refuge for each one of us today, and it’s in the Person of Jesus Christ! Learn more from Adrian Rogers about “The Cities of Refuge.”
5/16/201930 minutes, 14 seconds
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Give Me This Mountain

Give Me This Mountain (0459)Caleb was the first spiritual mountaineer. We can learn some wonderful lessons from the life of Caleb. So many Christians live defeated lives because they have unsurrendered wills. God has not meant for them to live in the valley of depression but on the mountaintop of victory.
5/15/201929 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Day the Sun Stood Still

The Day the Sun Stood Still (0455)The power of God is displayed in this wonderful story. But are you squandering the time God has given you on earth? God has given you a glorious day. Even Jesus Christ the son of God said: “I must work the works of Him that sent Me while it is day.”
5/14/201932 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Valley of Decision

The Valley of Decision (0453)God is a God of forgiveness and of beginning again. Failures are not fatal or final. God wants to give you another chance. In Joshua chapter 8, after the disaster at Ai, God gives Israel another day. Forget those things that are behind…there’s land to be conquered!
5/10/201938 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Sin That Lost the War

The Sin That Lost the War (0451)Victory is God's plan for His people. Yet after defeating Jericho, Israel lost a battle with a small city! Why? There was sin in the camp—a sin rooted in pride. It’s not the Jericho's that defeat the average Christian, it's the small battles. Not the big things but the little things.
5/9/201937 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Day of Miracles

The Day of Miracles (0447)Joshua is the Old Testament book that tells of New Testament victory. Are you facing rivers of difficulty keeping you from your land of opportunity? God has more for you. The God of miracles is able to see you through. Adrian Rogers shows the possibility and purpose of miracles.
5/8/201928 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Scarlet Thread Through the Bible

The Scarlet Thread Through the Bible (0446)In this message, Dr. Rogers shows that all of the Bible is about Jesus Christ. Two threads run throughout the Bible: the scarlet thread of redemption and the golden thread of His Second Coming. This not a gory story but a GLORY story!
5/7/201935 minutes, 23 seconds
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Transforming Power of the Gospel

Transforming Power of the Gospel (0445)See it at work in the life of Rahab, a woman who desperately needed God to do something for her. Rather than heading for divine destruction, she and her household are spared. No longer an outcast, she becomes part of the lineage of our Lord Jesus Christ.
5/3/201937 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Call to Conquest

A Call to Conquest (0443)Take this journey with Joshua and see an illustration of the victorious life that we're to live as Christians. It's New Testament living in the Old Testament. If you say, It's about time that it started happening for me then pay attention!
5/2/201920 minutes, 44 seconds
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Possessing Your Possessions

This great study in the Book of Joshua is going to be a revelation of what God is doing and what God will do for us. God has given to everyone of us a possession and that possession is victory. Every Christian is to be an overcomer, living a victorious life.
5/1/201934 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Have a True Foundation

We cannot have a Biblical worldview without a true foundation. Adrian Rogers shares important insight into why a Christian worldview provides a foundation that explains the relationship we are to have with a personal God. A Christ-centered worldview is essential to understanding His plan.
12/11/201829 minutes, 3 seconds