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Made to Be a Kingdom

English, Religion, 1 season, 194 episodes, 2 days, 13 hours, 43 minutes
This podcast presents, describes, and demonstrates how “Royal Priesthood” and “Priestly Kingdom” are not simply general niceties, but rather are specific directives from the Lord through His Apostles to the Church. They describe the specific roles of the faithful from layperson to bishop of the Royal and Priestly duties and roles we are called to fulfill.
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The Parish is NOT a Business and we are NOT Consumers!

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony conclude their series on the expectations of parishioners. They point out the temptations for consumer/business thinking and challenge the use of anything but tithes to maintain the parish. Enjoy the show!
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The Attitude of Giving in Parish Life

We must understand that anything we do for Church is not doing God a favor. God needs nothing and has no favoritism--He has given the Church for our benefit as a gift for us to properly take care of. Again, Church membership is about one thing and one thing only, and that is building our relationship with God in the Church that He gave us as a gift. We are to give freely and with the attitude that we are only doing our duty, and that all that we do cannot possibly be a return for what God has given us, and therefore are to be cheerful and thankful in what we do and give (Luke 17.10).
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On the Obligation to Support the Parish

Christ told us that where we put our money, there will our hearts be also (Matt. 6.21, Luke 12.34). The spending of money is a religious action (sacrifice), but very often goes to darker purposes. Giving to the local church should be a part of our tithe, which is money owed to God (tithing or biblical stewardship with a proportion of tithing). Likewise, the local church giving to the diocese is also a basic principle of Orthodox Christianity (1 Cor. 16.1-3). While tithing was a ritual element of the Law of Moses and the priesthood of Aaron, it was also a principle of the Priesthood of Melkizedek (Christ’s priesthood). This includes the priest-husband and priest-wife who do a full tithe (10% of the Priest/Pani income) as an example to the rest of the parish. As Scripture states, giving should not be done "grudgingly", nor mandatorily, but rather freely and cheerfully. Enjoy the show!
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On the Obligation to Support the Parish

Christ told us that where we put our money, there will our hearts be also (Matt. 6.21, Luke 12.34). The spending of money is a religious action (sacrifice), but very often goes to darker purposes. Giving to the local church should be a part of our tithe, which is money owed to God (tithing or biblical stewardship with a proportion of tithing). Likewise, the local church giving to the diocese is also a basic principle of orthodox Christianity (1 Cor. 16.1-3). While tithing was a ritual element of the Law of Moses and the priesthood of Aaron, it was also a principle of the Priesthood of Melkizedek (Christ’s priesthood). This includes the priest-husband and priest-wife who do a full tithe (10% of the Priest/Pani income) as an example to the rest of the parish. As Scripture states, giving should not be done "grudgingly", nor mandatorily, but rather freely and cheerfully. Enjoy the show!
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Parish Duties: On periodic Confession and preparing for Communion

At any time of major sin, of prolonged or addictive sin, Orthodox Christians should partake of the sacred mystery of Repentance (Confession). Beyond this, the Church has put forward the four periods of repentance so that during these periods, or at least once during the year, we confess sacramentally. Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about this and the frequency of and preparation for Communion as part of their series on the duties Orthodox Christians have. Enjoy the show!
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Parish Duties: On periodic Confession and preparing for Communion

At any time of major sin, of prolonged or addictive sin, Orthodox Christians should partake of the sacred mystery of Repentance (Confession). Beyond this, the Church has put forward the four periods of repentance so that during these periods, or at least once during the year, we confess sacramentally. Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about this and the frequency of and preparation for Communion as part of their series on the duties Orthodox Christians have. Enjoy the show!
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Parish Duties: Our responsibility to one another

Christ said, "love one another as I have loved you." The members of the parish are expected to care for one another and to visit one another in illness or affliction. Also, there is the responsibility to tell the priest and our fellow Church members when things happen that may cause our absence. Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about this as part of their series on the duties Orthodox Christians have. Enjoy the show!
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Parish Duties: Our responsibility to one another

Christ said, "love one another as I have loved you." The members of the parish are expected to care for one another and to visit one another in illness or affliction. Also, there is the responsibility to tell the priest and our fellow Church members when things happen that may cause our absence. Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about this as part of their series on the duties Orthodox Christians have. Enjoy the show!
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Behavioral Expectations of Members

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue discussing membership expectations, including the need to live according to what is right and wrong rather than what our feelings or the world suggest. Enjoy the show!
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Behavioral Expectations of Members

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue discussing membership expectations, including the need to live according to what is right and wrong rather than what our feelings or the world suggest. Enjoy the show!
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Laser Focus on the Great Commission of Christ: Expectations and Orientations

In this episode Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony discuss how expectations, orientation, and clarity are essential to church health and growth. They discuss how some parishes actually panic when they shrink and think that they should have less expectations of parishioners. However, as studies have shown, the opposite is true, and our Lord himself expects us to focus on the one thing needful. Enjoy the show!
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Laser Focus on the Great Commission of Christ: Expectations and Orientations

In this episode Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony discuss how expectations, orientation, and clarity are essential to church health and growth. They discuss how some parishes actually panic when they shrink and think that they should have less expectations of parishioners. However, as studies have shown, the opposite is true, and our Lord himself expects us to focus on the one thing needful. Enjoy the show!
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Canon Law, Ecclesiology, and Growing the Kingdom

Today Fr. Harry shares his experience as a Canonist and he and Fr. Anthony talk about the joy of living in a parish that gets ecclesiology right. Enjoy the show.
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Canon Law, Ecclesiology, and Growing the Kingdom

Today Fr. Harry shares his experience as a Canonist and he and Fr. Anthony talk about the joy of living in a parish that gets ecclesiology right. Enjoy the show.
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"Wellbeing of the Holy Churches of God"

In this episode, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony repond to a listener's concerns and talk about the "wellbeing of the holy churches of God," technological disruption of traditional institutions, and finding our particular ministries and modes of service. Enjoy the show!
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"Wellbeing of the Holy Churches of God"

In this episode, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony repond to a listener's concerns and talk about the "wellbeing of the holy churches of God," technological disruption of traditional institutions, and finding our particular ministries and modes of service. Enjoy the show!
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Prioritizing Priestly Duties

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony use the prayer the bishop prays over the deacon when ordaining him to the priesthood to discern the central duties of the priest. Come to find out, it isn't a perfect match for many of the expectations we have of priests (and that priests have of themselves). Enjoy the show!
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Prioritizing Priestly Duties

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony use the prayer the bishop prays over the deacon when ordaining him to the priesthood to discern the central duties of the priest. Come to find out, it isn't a perfect match for many of the expectations we have of priests (and that priests have of themselves). Enjoy the show!
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Developing Healthy Expectations about Parish Life

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue their discussion about healthy parishes by focusing on expectations that need to change if a parish is to grow. They use Carey Nieuwof's blog post; "7 Things Every Growing Church Struggle With" to frame their discussion.
12/20/202350 minutes, 3 seconds
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Developing Healthy Expectations about Parish Life

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue their discussion about healthy parishes by focusing on expectations that need to change if a parish is to grow. They use Carey Nieuwof's blog post; "7 Things Every Growing Church Struggle With" to frame their discussion.
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Parishes are Hospitals - but Parish Priests are Not Chaplains

Using Acts 6:1-7 as a springboard, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about the need to be intentional when it comes to organizing parish life. There is a huge temptation on the part of both priests and parishes to set it up around pastoral care. Listen and learn why this model is problematic for everyone involved.
12/8/202335 minutes, 50 seconds
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Parishes are Hospitals - but Parish Priests are Not Chaplains

Using Acts 6:1-7 as a springboard, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about the need to be intentional when it comes to organizing parish life. There is a huge temptation on the part of both priests and parishes to set it up around pastoral care. Listen and learn why this model is problematic for everyone involved.
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Aliens, the Extra-terrestrial kind

In this episode, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony discuss extra-terrestrial beings. They discuss sightings, whether some of these beings may actually be "enfleshed" demons or even angels (which are themselves by definition extra-terrestrial), as well as the possibility of other sentient beings besides angels and demons, the possibility of humans on other planets, and whether such a discovery would change the nature of our Faith. We hope you enjoy!
12/1/202356 minutes, 42 seconds
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Aliens, the Extra-terrestrial kind

In this episode, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony discuss extra-terrestrial beings. They discuss sightings, whether some of these beings may actually be "enfleshed" demons or even angels (which are themselves by definition extra-terrestrial), as well as the possibility of other sentient beings besides angels and demons, the possibility of humans on other planets, and whether such a discovery would change the nature of our Faith. We hope you enjoy!
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Filled with violence

In this episode our hosts discuss the phenomenon of mass violence and sociopathy, how to deal with it when major turmoil appears in the world, as well as identifying and dealing with narcissists and sociopaths in our own lives, including workplaces, homes, and parishes, from the perspective of our Faith and as responsible members of the Royal Priesthood
10/31/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 59 seconds
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Filled with violence

In this episode our hosts discuss the phenomenon of mass violence and sociopathy, how to deal with it when major turmoil appears in the world, as well as identifying and dealing with narcissists and sociopaths in our own lives, including workplaces, homes, and parishes, from the perspective of our Faith and as responsible members of the Royal Priesthood
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Whoring after other gods

*Parental Warning: some of the items discussed are graphic in nature as they contain descriptions of some of the grievous sins of heathen nations and of Israel In today’s episode, our hosts discuss idolatries of old and how they relate to us, the idolatry of syncretism (mixing with other religions or mixing pure faith with the profane), the importance of not doing these things, the uniqueness of Christianity in the world and how it differs from “world religions,” and how we must keep our offerings, our homes, and our churches purged of idols. Lastly, they discuss how we must repent even of sins that we were unaware were sins because they still injure us and others spiritually.
10/6/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 44 seconds
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Whoring after other gods

*Parental Warning: some of the items discussed are graphic in nature as they contain descriptions of some of the grievous sins of heathen nations and of Israel In today’s episode, our hosts discuss idolatries of old and how they relate to us, the idolatry of syncretism (mixing with other religions or mixing pure faith with the profane), the importance of not doing these things, the uniqueness of Christianity in the world and how it differs from “world religions,” and how we must keep our offerings, our homes, and our churches purged of idols. Lastly, they discuss how we must repent even of sins that we were unaware were sins because they still injure us and others spiritually.
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Eschew Idols (even Orthodox ones)

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about the lure of idolatry, how the Israelites fell prey, and why we need to be especially valient lest we do the same (or worse).
9/15/202359 minutes, 37 seconds
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Eschew Idols (even Orthodox ones)

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about the lure of idolatry, how the Israelites fell prey, and why we need to be especially valient lest we do the same (or worse).
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Make Sure that You Aren’t the AntiChrist!

We begin with the Beast of Revelation and his number etc., and with the concept of Antichrist and with the "not buy or sell" already being mentioned in the Gospels at the Temple with Christ overturning the money changers and those in the temple who would not take anything to purchase a sacrificial animal except a Tyrian Shekel which had the image of Heracles (Hercules) on it who was not a "hero" but rather a nephalim. So the final takeaway is that we have been given Solomon's dignity, let us not follow his path but rather heed his final warning and instructions. His heirs did not heed them, but they exist now so that we might heed them (the end of Ecclesiastes). This includes not joining any civil leaders in idolatry, since most of us won't personally multiply gold or horses (but maybe spouses).
9/8/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 27 seconds
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Make Sure that You Aren't the AntiChrist!

We begin with the Beast of Revelation and his number etc., and with the concept of Antichrist and with the "not buy or sell" already being mentioned in the Gospels at the Temple with Christ overturning the money changers and those in the temple who would not take anything to purchase a sacrificial animal except a Tyrian Shekel which had the image of Heracles (Hercules) on it who was not a "hero" but rather a nephalim. So the final takeaway is that we have been given Solomon's dignity, let us not follow his path but rather heed his final warning and instructions. His heirs did not heed them, but they exist now so that we might heed them (the end of Ecclesiastes). This includes not joining any civil leaders in idolatry, since most of us won't personally multiply gold or horses (but maybe spouses).
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The Royal aspect of God’s Royal Priesthood [Priestly Kingdom] part 2

Avoiding the sins against God’s definition of royalty in His Kingdom. More on avoiding the narcissism that our culture encourages. Here we look at Solomon, and the number of the beast! We also look at a divided Kingdom of Israel under Solomon and how Christ re-establishes and re-unites and expands it universally by His ministry on earth from conception to ascension, and how He is Christ both for the northern Kingdom and the southern Kingdom.
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The Royal aspect of God’s Royal Priesthood [Priestly Kingdom] part 2

Avoiding the sins against God’s definition of royalty in His Kingdom. More on avoiding the narcissism that our culture encourages. Here we look at Solomon, and the number of the beast! We also look at a divided Kingdom of Israel under Solomon and how Christ re-establishes and re-unites and expands it universally by His ministry on earth from conception to ascension, and how He is Christ both for the northern Kingdom and the southern Kingdom.
8/18/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 55 seconds
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The kingdom of this world is become, the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, Part 1

[Priestly Kingdom]: What it means for us to be chrismated Princes and Princesses of the Kingdom. Kill narcissism, and resurrect humility—from dust we are and to dust we must return. Here we discuss necessary aspects of being Royalty in God’s Kingdom. It is the opposite of being royalty in the world (Sts. Boris and Gleb, the Passionbearers; Sts. Katherine and Barbara of old who renounced Roman royalty; Sts. New Martyrs Elisabeth and Barbara who renounced Russian royalty to become full servants of God’s Kingdom).
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The kingdom of this world is become, the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, Part 1

[Priestly Kingdom]: What it means for us to be chrismated Princes and Princesses of the Kingdom. Kill narcissism, and resurrect humility—from dust we are and to dust we must return. Here we discuss necessary aspects of being Royalty in God’s Kingdom. It is the opposite of being royalty in the world (Sts. Boris and Gleb, the Passionbearers; Sts. Katherine and Barbara of old who renounced Roman royalty; Sts. New Martyrs Elisabeth and Barbara who renounced Russian royalty to become full servants of God’s Kingdom).
8/11/202357 minutes, 55 seconds
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Orthodox Phronema in a Broken Culture

Our hosts discuss what Orthodox phronema means and why it is important to understand it correctly.
7/28/202345 minutes, 35 seconds
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Orthodox Phronema in a Broken Culture

Our hosts discuss what Orthodox phronema means and why it is important to understand it correctly.
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Pilgrimage - The Way of Suffering

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony finish their discussion of visiting the Holy Land, sharing the solemn joy of walking the way of suffering. Enjoy the show!
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Pilgrimage - The Way of Suffering

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony finish their discussion of visiting the Holy Land, sharing the solemn joy of walking the way of suffering. Enjoy the show!
7/21/202355 minutes, 3 seconds
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Pilgrimage across the Kidron Valley

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about visiting the Garden of Gethsemane, the Mount of Olives, the Tomb of the Theotokos and other sites. Enjoy the show!
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Pilgrimage across the Kidron Valley

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about visiting the Garden of Gethsemane, the Mount of Olives, the Tomb of the Theotokos and other sites. Enjoy the show!
7/14/202340 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Pilgrimage Continues

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue talking about their visits to the Holy Land, sharing their experiences at Mount Temptation and the Jordan River. Enjoy the show!
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The Pilgrimage Continues

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue talking about their visits to the Holy Land, sharing their experiences at Mount Temptation and the Jordan River. Enjoy the show!
7/7/202341 minutes, 12 seconds
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A Holy Pilgrimage, Part 2

In this episode our hosts further discuss the recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land as Fr. Harry and the group went from Nazareth in northern Israel, ancient Galilee, down through what was the region of Samaria, down to the ancient land of Judea in southern Israel, and all the biblical meanings that this entails. More pictures and a description of the tour are available at:
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A Holy Pilgrimage, Part 2

In this episode our hosts further discuss the recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land as Fr. Harry and the group went from Nazareth in northern Israel, ancient Galilee, down through what was the region of Samaria, down to the ancient land of Judea in southern Israel, and all the biblical meanings that this entails. More pictures and a description of the tour are available at:
6/23/202339 minutes
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A Holy Pilgrimage, Part 1

In this episode our hosts discuss Father Harry’s recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land. They discuss whether pilgrimages are even necessary, and how some saints emphasized how they are not necessary. In this episode they discuss the beginning of the pilgrimage which began a trip from southern Israel on the coast at the airport up to ancient Galilee (northern Israel). Discussed are the beginnings in the Annunciation and the ministry of Christ that took place in the region that in the Old Testament was called the “Northern Kingdom” (of Israel), and in New Testament was called Galilee. Pictures and a description of the tour are available at:
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A Holy Pilgrimage, Part 1

In this episode our hosts discuss Father Harry’s recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land. They discuss whether pilgrimages are even necessary, and how some saints emphasized how they are not necessary. In this episode they discuss the beginning of the pilgrimage which began a trip from southern Israel on the coast at the airport up to ancient Galilee (northern Israel). Discussed are the beginnings in the Annunciation and the ministry of Christ that took place in the region that in the Old Testament was called the “Northern Kingdom” (of Israel), and in New Testament was called Galilee. Pictures and a description of the tour are available at:
6/16/202341 minutes, 8 seconds
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Taking the Baal by the Horns

In this episode our hosts further discuss the victory of Pascha that we celebrate for 40 days, and contrast this with the preparatory period of fasting for 40 days, and discuss the contrast of Christ’s 40 days of temptation and Christ’s 40 days of walking in triumphal victory until Ascension, and how we walk with Him. They also delve into the history of this victory, where the “chief of the demons,” Baal, Beel or Bel, Satan himself, has a long history of seducing the people of God and in Christ’s paschal victory is overthrown and cannot be allowed to take root even if only under influence while he is bound and has people doing his bidding. Also, other basic questions, like “why does the devil have horns” in many depictions of him are answered here.
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Taking the Baal by the Horns

In this episode our hosts further discuss the victory of Pascha that we celebrate for 40 days, and contrast this with the preparatory period of fasting for 40 days, and discuss the contrast of Christ’s 40 days of temptation and Christ’s 40 days of walking in triumphal victory until Ascension, and how we walk with Him. They also delve into the history of this victory, where the “chief of the demons,” Baal, Beel or Bel, Satan himself, has a long history of seducing the people of God and in Christ’s paschal victory is overthrown and cannot be allowed to take root even if only under influence while he is bound and has people doing his bidding. Also, other basic questions, like “why does the devil have horns” in many depictions of him are answered here.
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Mowing down the Gates of Hell: The Paschal Tale of Victory in Spiritual Warfare

Our hosts discuss what Pascha and the 40-day period of Paschaltide mean to us in terms of giving us victory over the dark things of this world, and how this is the basis of deliverance from despair and fear in the face of uncertainty and from anxiety in the face of turmoil.
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Mowing down the Gates of Hell: The Paschal Tale of Victory in Spiritual Warfare

Our hosts discuss what Pascha and the 40-day period of Paschaltide mean to us in terms of giving us victory over the dark things of this world, and how this is the basis of deliverance from despair and fear in the face of uncertainty and from anxiety in the face of turmoil.
5/5/202336 minutes, 54 seconds
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Today a New and Holy Pascha has dawned for us!

Christ is Risen! In this episode, our hosts discuss the Paschal Homily of St. John Chrysostom as well as Holy Resurrection Bright Week as the continuation of the Paschal Feast of feasts, and how all are to enjoy and partake of the feast and continue it and not just leave it on Pascha itself.
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Today a New and Holy Pascha has dawned for us!

Christ is Risen! In this episode, our hosts discuss the Paschal Homily of St. John Chrysostom as well as Holy Resurrection Bright Week as the continuation of the Paschal Feast of feasts, and how all are to enjoy and partake of the feast and continue it and not just leave it on Pascha itself.
4/21/202340 minutes, 20 seconds
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Lament not for me…for I shall Arise!

Our hosts discuss Holy and Great Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Pascha itself. They discuss its meaning for us as we do not just remember but participate in the death and resurrection of Christ itself in the liturgical services, and how it was during these days that Christ makes the Church His Kingdom as the eternal Israel of God, as He gives us to partake of Him as the eternal Passover.
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Lament not for me…for I shall Arise!

Our hosts discuss Holy and Great Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Pascha itself. They discuss its meaning for us as we do not just remember but participate in the death and resurrection of Christ itself in the liturgical services, and how it was during these days that Christ makes the Church His Kingdom as the eternal Israel of God, as He gives us to partake of Him as the eternal Passover.
4/12/202343 minutes, 46 seconds
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Behold, the Bridegroom Comes

Our hosts discuss Holy Week and its meaning to us as God’s Kingdom. They begin by discussing the important meaning to us as children of the Lord’s Kingdom of the feasts of St. Lazarus and of Palm Sunday, the Triumphal Entrance of the King of kings into Jerusalem. They further talk about the meaning of the “Bridegroom Services of Holy Week,” and their meaning to us as we look forward to Pascha and His coming “in the middle of the night.”
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Behold, the Bridegroom Comes

Our hosts discuss Holy Week and its meaning to us as God’s Kingdom. They begin by discussing the important meaning to us as children of the Lord’s Kingdom of the feasts of St. Lazarus and of Palm Sunday, the Triumphal Entrance of the King of kings into Jerusalem. They further talk about the meaning of the “Bridegroom Services of Holy Week,” and their meaning to us as we look forward to Pascha and His coming “in the middle of the night.”
4/7/202333 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Question of Physical Violence

Fr. Harry Linsinbigler answers a listener question about self-defense.
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The Question of Physical Violence

Fr. Harry Linsinbigler answers a listener question about self-defense.
3/31/202322 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Priestwife (and family) in the Parish and Kingdom

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about the ontology of the priestwife and provide some guidance on the propriety and boundaries that should result from it. Enjoy the show!
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The Priestwife (and family) in the Parish and Kingdom

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about the ontology of the priestwife and provide some guidance on the propriety and boundaries that should result from it. Enjoy the show!
3/17/202343 minutes, 39 seconds
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Only the Penitent Man Shall Pass - Part Two

Reviewing Forgiveness Sunday Vespers & Pure Monday Matins, and the nature of forgiveness and its necessary tie to repentance, what forgiveness looks like in the face of negative emotions (hence the mention of the battling of the passions).
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Only the Penitent Man Shall Pass - Part Two

Reviewing Forgiveness Sunday Vespers & Pure Monday Matins, and the nature of forgiveness and its necessary tie to repentance, what forgiveness looks like in the face of negative emotions (hence the mention of the battling of the passions).
3/3/202337 minutes, 28 seconds
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Only the Penitent Man Shall Pass - Part One

Reviewing Forgiveness Sunday Vespers & Pure Monday Matins, and the nature of forgiveness and its necessary tie to repentance, what forgiveness looks like in the face of negative emotions (hence the mention of the battling of the passions).
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Only the Penitent Man Shall Pass - Part One

Reviewing Forgiveness Sunday Vespers & Pure Monday Matins, and the nature of forgiveness and its necessary tie to repentance, what forgiveness looks like in the face of negative emotions (hence the mention of the battling of the passions).
2/24/202333 minutes
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Proving God to Unbelievers

In this listener mail episode, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about whether it is possible to prove the existence of God to an unbeliever and evaluate some different approaches. Enjoy the show!
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Proving God to Unbelievers

In this listener mail episode, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about whether it is possible to prove the existence of God to an unbeliever and evaluate some different approaches. Enjoy the show!
2/10/202339 minutes, 58 seconds
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Keep On Repenting (even the same old sin)!

After talking about the preparatory Sundays and how they relate to repentance, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony answer a listener's question about whether it is worthwhile to keep confessing the same sin. Enjoy the show!
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Keep On Repenting (even the same old sin)!

After talking about the preparatory Sundays and how they relate to repentance, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony answer a listener's question about whether it is worthwhile to keep confessing the same sin. Enjoy the show!
2/3/202336 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Logos, the Kingdom, and the Harmony of the Spheres

Fr. Anthony is again left without adult supervision. The result is an exploration of how the structure and performance of music grows us into The Kingdom. It includes variations on that theme by Lewis, Tolkien, and Dostoyevsky. Enjoy the show!
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The Logos, the Kingdom, and the Harmony of the Spheres

Fr. Anthony is again left without adult supervision. The result is an exploration of how the structure and performance of music grows us into The Kingdom. It includes variations on that theme by Lewis, Tolkien, and Dostoyevsky. Enjoy the show!
1/27/202346 minutes, 15 seconds
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There Are No Thorns and Thistles in the Kingdom

In this episode, recorded by without Fr. Harry's supervision, Fr. Anthony starts at the beginning to explain how God's deeper magic is worked through His royal priesthood. Enjoy the show!
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There Are No Thorns and Thistles in the Kingdom

In this episode, recorded by without Fr. Harry's supervision, Fr. Anthony starts at the beginning to explain how God's deeper magic is worked through His royal priesthood. Enjoy the show!
1/20/202332 minutes, 6 seconds
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Universal Salvation, Calvinism, and More Purple Peanut Butter

Today Fr. Anthony and Fr. Harry address two more listener questions, the first about the Orthodox and patristic take on universal salvation, and the second on Calvinism and predestination. Enjoy the show!
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Universal Salvation, Calvinism, and More Purple Peanut Butter

Today Fr. Anthony and Fr. Harry address two more listener questions, the first about the Orthodox and patristic take on universal salvation, and the second on Calvinism and predestination. Enjoy the show!
1/13/202337 minutes, 13 seconds
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God's Gender, Confession, Purple Fish, and Peanut Butter

In this episode, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony discuss the following listener question; 1. "In regards to humans being in the image/likeness of God: Does God have a ‘gender’? and 2. "If a priest is just a witness to confessions, could you use someone such as your spouse for confessions as well?" Enjoy the show!
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God’s Gender, Confession, Purple Fish, and Peanut Butter

In this episode, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony discuss the following listener question; 1. "In regards to humans being in the image/likeness of God: Does God have a ‘gender’? and 2. "If a priest is just a witness to confessions, could you use someone such as your spouse for confessions as well?" Enjoy the show!
1/6/202332 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Baptism Service - Scripture Readings, Ablution, and Tonsuring

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony finish up their series on the Baptismal service, discussion the scripture readings, the ablution, and tonsuring of the newly illumined. Enjoy the show!
12/30/202256 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Baptism Service - Scripture Readings, Ablution, and Tonsuring

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony finish up their series on the Baptismal service, discussion the scripture readings, the ablution, and tonsuring of the newly illumined. Enjoy the show!
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The Baptism Service - Water and Chrism

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue going through the baptismal service. Today they discuss the actual immersion and chrismation of the believer. Enjoy the show!
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The Baptism Service - Water and Chrism

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue going through the baptismal service. Today they discuss the actual immersion and chrismation of the believer. Enjoy the show!
12/24/202248 minutes, 18 seconds
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Bodily Health and Growth in the Church Part II

In this episode, Fr. Harry further explores the healthy and growing Church as properly and intentionally functioning as a body. He delves into Romans where it mentions ministry systems that also correspond to bodily systems in our own bodies, and how healthy outcomes depend upon faith-based structure and action.
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Bodily Health and Growth in the Church Part II

In this episode, Fr. Harry further explores the healthy and growing Church as properly and intentionally functioning as a body. He delves into Romans where it mentions ministry systems that also correspond to bodily systems in our own bodies, and how healthy outcomes depend upon faith-based structure and action.
12/16/202242 minutes, 6 seconds
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Church Health and Growth

Join Fr. Harry as he speaks about parish health and growth.
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Church Health and Growth

Join Fr. Harry as he speaks about parish health and growth.
12/9/202233 minutes, 15 seconds
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Making a Catechumen and Blessing Water

In this episode, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony finish of their discussion about the making of catechumens and go into the actual service of the baptism. Along the way, the talk about the limits of liturgical geography, the beauty of the Baptismal Liturgy, and the simple joy of being in Christ. Enjoy the show!
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Making a Catechumen and Blessing Water

In this episode, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony finish of their discussion about the making of catechumens and go into the actual service of the baptism. Along the way, the talk about the limits of liturgical geography, the beauty of the Baptismal Liturgy, and the simple joy of being in Christ. Enjoy the show!
12/2/202251 minutes, 45 seconds
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Thanksgiving - language and ritual

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony take a break from their series on the services of reception to offer a reflection on the relationship between Thanksgiving, gratitude, language, St. Peter's mother-in-law, and the Eucharist. Enjoy the show!
11/25/202240 minutes, 35 seconds
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Thanksgiving - language and ritual

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony take a break from their series on the services of reception to offer a reflection on the relationship between Thanksgiving, gratitude, language, St. Peter's mother-in-law, and the Eucharist. Enjoy the show!
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Making a Catechumen - The Prayers of Exorcism

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about exorcisms and go over the three exorcism prayers at the beginning of the rite of making a catechumen. They finish by reinforcing the need to take spiritual warfare seriously. Enjoy the show!
11/18/20221 hour, 53 seconds
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Making a Catechumen - The Prayers of Exorcism

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about exorcisms and go over the three exorcism prayers at the beginning of the rite of making a catechumen. They finish by reinforcing the need to take spiritual warfare seriously. Enjoy the show!
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The Preparation of Catechumens for the Royal Priesthood

Our hosts talk about how they prepare inquirers for baptism/chrismation, the logistics of "making catechumens" a set period of time before chrismation/baptism, and some of what we've lost by sorting into parishes. Enjoy the show!
11/11/202233 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Preparation of Catechumens for the Royal Priesthood

Our hosts talk about how they prepare inquirers for baptism/chrismation, the logistics of "making catechumens" a set period of time before chrismation/baptism, and some of what we've lost by sorting into parishes. Enjoy the show!
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The Synergia of Lived Ecclesiology

Today our hosts continue the conversation about lived ecclesiology, focusing on the need for cooperation and order in the local parish - none of which is possible without the grounding and graceful operation of Divine Liturgy, worship, and prayer. Enjoy the show!
11/4/202250 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Synergia of Lived Ecclesiology

Today our hosts continue the conversation about lived ecclesiology, focusing on the need for cooperation and order in the local parish - none of which is possible without the grounding and graceful operation of Divine Liturgy, worship, and prayer. Enjoy the show!
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Lived Ecclesiology and the Call to Repentance

Today our hosts use the updated version of Holy Protection's (Dover, FL; the parish Fr. Harry serves) statement of purpose, mission, vocation, vision, and values as grist for the mill of talking about lived ecclesiology. It includes talking about why repentance is necessary, how we should (and should not) minister to one another, and why proper perspective about the relative size and importance of Church and world is so important. Enjoy the show!
10/28/202241 minutes, 35 seconds
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Lived Ecclesiology and the Call to Repentance

Today our hosts use the updated version of Holy Protection's (Dover, FL; the parish Fr. Harry serves) statement of purpose, mission, vocation, vision, and values as grist for the mill of talking about lived ecclesiology. It includes talking about why repentance is necessary, how we should (and should not) minister to one another, and why proper perspective about the relative size and importance of Church and world is so important. Enjoy the show!
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Lived Ecclesiology and the Heresy of Subhumanism

In this episode, Fr. Harry talks tells us what the heresy he sees most commonly on the internet is (subhumanism) and manages to work in Ichabod Crane while doing so. They then segue into the need for a Eucharist and parish-based ecclesiology and to avoid the division of politics and jurisdictionalism. Enjoy the show!
10/21/202237 minutes, 38 seconds
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Lived Ecclesiology and the Heresy of Subhumanism

In this episode, Fr. Harry talks tells us what the heresy he sees most commonly on the internet is (subhumanism) and manages to work in Ichabod Crane while doing so. They then segue into the need for a Eucharist and parish-based ecclesiology and to avoid the division of politics and jurisdictionalism. Enjoy the show!
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How many Canonists does it take to change the Canons?

In this episode, recorded in two parts before a live studio audience, Fr. Harry shares his experience at the recent meeting of canonists in Serbia. Fr. Anthony uses this as an opportunity to get Fr. Harry to explain what a canon isn't, why we could probably use more canons (and why Fr. Anthony can't write them), and the impropriety (but not non-canonicity) of using whole wheat flour for prosphora. Enjoy the show!
10/14/202245 minutes, 58 seconds
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How many Canonists does it take to change the Canons?

In this episode, recorded in two parts before a live studio audience, Fr. Harry shares his experience at the recent meeting of canonists in Serbia. Fr. Anthony uses this as an opportunity to get Fr. Harry to explain what a canon isn't, why we could probably use more canons (and why Fr. Anthony can't write them), and the impropriety (but not non-canonicity) of using whole wheat flour for prosphora. Enjoy the show!
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The (Fallen) Psychology of Sin III

Today we wrap up our series of discussions about some of the findings from psychology that describe patterns of thought that incline us towards sin. We organize our discussion around the article from Aeon (12/5/2018), "The bad news on human nature, in 10 findings from psychology" by Christian Jarrettis, the deputy editor of Psyche, and edited by Pam Wintraub. Enjoy the show!
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The (Fallen) Psychology of Sin III

Today we wrap up our series of discussions about some of the findings from psychology that describe patterns of thought that incline us towards sin. We organize our discussion around the article from Aeon (12/5/2018), "The bad news on human nature, in 10 findings from psychology" by Christian Jarrettis, the deputy editor of Psyche, and edited by Pam Wintraub. Enjoy the show!
10/7/202247 minutes, 39 seconds
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The (Fallen) Psychology of Sin II

Today we continue to talk about some of the findings from psychology that describe patterns of thought that incline us towards sin, organizing our discussion around the article from Aeon (12/5/2018), "<a href="">The bad news on human nature, in 10 findings from psychology</a>" by Christian Jarrettis, the deputy editor of Psyche, and edited by Pam Wintraub.  Enjoy the show!
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The (Fallen) Psychology of Sin I

Today we begin a series about some of the findings from psychology that describe patterns of thought that incline us towards sin.  We organize our discussion around the article from Aeon (12/5/2018), <a href="">"The bad news on human nature, in 10 findings from psychology"</a> by Christian Jarrettis, the deputy editor of Psyche, and edited by Pam Wintraub.  Enjoy the show!!
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The (Fallen) Psychology of Sin II

Today we continue to talk about some of the findings from psychology that describe patterns of thought that incline us towards sin, organizing our discussion around the article from Aeon (12/5/2018), "The bad news on human nature, in 10 findings from psychology" by Christian Jarrettis, the deputy editor of Psyche, and edited by Pam Wintraub. Enjoy the show!
9/30/202236 minutes, 22 seconds
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The (Fallen) Psychology of Sin I

Today we begin a series about some of the findings from psychology that describe patterns of thought that incline us towards sin. We organize our discussion around the article from Aeon (12/5/2018), "The bad news on human nature, in 10 findings from psychology" by Christian Jarrettis, the deputy editor of Psyche, and edited by Pam Wintraub. Enjoy the show!
9/23/202237 minutes, 24 seconds
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Sin Not unto Death

Building on the last episode, today's episode is about sins that keep us out of the Kingdom unless repented of, namely sins unto death, and some distinctions that are pertinent to understand in our day. Some sins are so grievous that they require a longer "time to return" to communion, as St. Gregory of Nyssa informs us. In this episode, we learn about those sins and what forms we might find them in today.
9/16/202239 minutes, 3 seconds
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Sin Not unto Death

Building on the last episode, today's episode is about sins that keep us out of the Kingdom unless repented of, namely sins unto death, and some distinctions that are pertinent to understand in our day. Some sins are so grievous that they require a longer "time to return" to communion, as St. Gregory of Nyssa informs us. In this episode, we learn about those sins and what forms we might find them in today.
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Sin in the Kingdom Part 1

What is sin? Do all sins have eternal consequences? [the railway echo continues on and on] Are all sins equal—do they have the same eternal consequence? If I have bad intentions, are my good actions still good? Do even our small sins have an eternal consequence? If we are innocent of the sins that we commit, are we still not affected by them? Sin and culpability. Our hosts tackle these questions and more. Enjoy the show!
9/9/202257 minutes, 32 seconds
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Sin in the Kingdom Part 1

What is sin? Do all sins have eternal consequences? [the railway echo continues on and on] Are all sins equal—do they have the same eternal consequence? If I have bad intentions, are my good actions still good? Do even our small sins have an eternal consequence? If we are innocent of the sins that we commit, are we still not affected by them? Sin and culpability. Our hosts tackle these questions and more. Enjoy the show!
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Finale on Culture (for now!)

Fr. Harry talks about the need to foster a healthy culture now and laments that we were not better at it sooner. Fr. Anthony agrees but notes that the previous century atrophied some of the institutions that make such an approach seem natural. They also note the way our weakness and the dire state of the world combine with social media to turn the usual Orthodox approach to discernment on its head. Enjoy the show!
9/2/202248 minutes, 16 seconds
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Finale on Culture (for now!)

Fr. Harry talks about the need to foster a healthy culture now and laments that we were not better at it sooner. Fr. Anthony agrees but notes that the previous century atrophied some of the institutions that make such an approach seem natural. They also note the way our weakness and the dire state of the world combine with social media to turn the usual Orthodox approach to discernment on its head. Enjoy the show!
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Salvation from Corrupt Culture

This episode delves into the question of the relationship of culture to salvation. Items discussed include the Gospel message from St. Peter on the day of Pentecost and its relationship to our encounter with culture today.
8/26/202231 minutes, 26 seconds
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Salvation from Corrupt Culture

This episode delves into the question of the relationship of culture to salvation. Items discussed include the Gospel message from St. Peter on the day of Pentecost and its relationship to our encounter with culture today.
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The Culture of the Kingdom?  Part 1

How do we as the Kingdom “not of this world” deal with things in this world such as the culture wars? Our hosts discuss how to tackle the matter of our relationship to culture and in this case a culture “post-Christendom.” How do we deal with it in our homes, or in the workplace? How do we know when to “make a stand” and when not to do so? Whence do we get our barometer, from hierarchy or from monastic prophets? These and other topics are discussed.
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The Culture of the Kingdom?  Part 1

How do we as the Kingdom “not of this world” deal with things in this world such as the culture wars? Our hosts discuss how to tackle the matter of our relationship to culture and in this case a culture “post-Christendom.” How do we deal with it in our homes, or in the workplace? How do we know when to “make a stand” and when not to do so? Whence do we get our barometer, from hierarchy or from monastic prophets? These and other topics are discussed.
8/19/202247 minutes, 22 seconds
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Careers of the Kingdom?  How your job is a part of your royal and sacrificial calling

Here our hosts discuss how our “worldly” jobs, be they one career or many different callings throughout life, are not worldly at all for the Orthodox Christian, but are part of our sacrificial and royal calling as members of the Royal Priesthood
8/12/202244 minutes, 42 seconds
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It’s a Long Way Down the Holiday Road: Vacation and leisure in the kingdom

The place of vacation and leisure in the lives of children of God’s Kingdom. How do we strike a balance? Often vacations are not restful. How do we fit in rest?
8/5/202242 minutes, 40 seconds
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Careers of the Kingdom?  How your job is a part of your royal and sacrificial calling

Here our hosts discuss how our “worldly” jobs, be they one career or many different callings throughout life, are not worldly at all for the Orthodox Christian, but are part of our sacrificial and royal calling as members of the Royal Priesthood
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It's a Long Way Down the Holiday Road: Vacation and leisure in the kingdom

The place of vacation and leisure in the lives of children of God’s Kingdom. How do we strike a balance? Often vacations are not restful. How do we fit in rest?
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The Christian Family and the Kingdom of God

The Christian family is the primary way most of us grow the Kingdom of God. We are called to make disciples of all nations but that also means in all nations, in the place where we are. We fulfill this calling by reciprocally nurturing our spouses and raising children to be followers of the Creator and Redeemer of all. The hosts also discuss the role of the family in satisfying Christ's calling to minister to "the least of these" (St. Matthew 25:45). Enjoy the show!
7/29/202238 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Christian Family and the Kingdom of God

The Christian family is the primary way most of us grow the Kingdom of God. We are called to make disciples of all nations but that also means in all nations, in the place where we are. We fulfill this calling by reciprocally nurturing our spouses and raising children to be followers of the Creator and Redeemer of all. The hosts also discuss the role of the family in satisfying Christ's calling to minister to "the least of these" (St. Matthew 25:45). Enjoy the show!
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Family Prayer as a Gathering of the Church

The hosts talk about the logistics of family prayer and individual prayer and the role these prayers play in growing us in The Kingdom. The topics addressed include variations of prayer rules and the extent to which listening to recorded prayers are useful. Enjoy the show!
7/22/202237 minutes, 24 seconds
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Family Prayer as a Gathering of the Church

The hosts talk about the logistics of family prayer and individual prayer and the role these prayers play in growing us in The Kingdom. The topics addressed include variations of prayer rules and the extent to which listening to recorded prayers are useful. Enjoy the show!
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Family Meals as a Manifestation of Our Royal and Sacrificial Calling

We often compartmentalize our lives. Last episode we talked about how just as your parish priest is a priest to the faithful, so also are the faithful priests to the world and its people. Just as the church functions as priests for the world and all its people—Orthodox Christians, other Christians, and even heathens, so also in our families, at least in our extended families, we have all these partitions, and we are called to be priests for them—intercessors before God. Today we talk about the act of eating together makes us into a priesthood. Eating is a religious act. Eating together even more so. At the center of the iconostasis above the holy doors are two images, both of which depict communal meals. Eating together is a royal act and a priestly act. We need to regularly eat together with our families and have it covered in prayer, asking God each time to bless us and the food which we are about to eat, and to thank him for these things. Enjoy the show!
7/15/202233 minutes, 23 seconds
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Family Meals as a Manifestation of Our Royal and Sacrificial Calling

We often compartmentalize our lives. Last episode we talked about how just as your parish priest is a priest to the faithful, so also are the faithful priests to the world and its people. Just as the church functions as priests for the world and all its people—Orthodox Christians, other Christians, and even heathens, so also in our families, at least in our extended families, we have all these partitions, and we are called to be priests for them—intercessors before God. Today we talk about the act of eating together makes us into a priesthood. Eating is a religious act. Eating together even more so. At the center of the iconostasis above the holy doors are two images, both of which depict communal meals. Eating together is a royal act and a priestly act. We need to regularly eat together with our families and have it covered in prayer, asking God each time to bless us and the food which we are about to eat, and to thank him for these things. Enjoy the show!
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Repent for the Kingdom of God is Here

Being part of the Kingdom requires repentance; today the hosts talk about some of the ways of thinking (even about Orthodoxy!) that have to change in order for us to better fulfill our calling as the Royal Priesthood. For example, we often think of ourselves as what we are not rather than what we are (i.e. we are “not them.”). That, however, is quite different from what God thinks of us and our calling. We are to be priests of “them,” other Christians and non-Christians, animals and the entire world, as the most basic level of human brotherhood mentioned by St. Gregory Palamas in his first homily. Enjoy the show!
7/8/202242 minutes, 16 seconds
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Repent for the Kingdom of God is Here

Being part of the Kingdom requires repentance; today the hosts talk about some of the ways of thinking (even about Orthodoxy!) that have to change in order for us to better fulfill our calling as the Royal Priesthood. For example, we often think of ourselves as what we are not rather than what we are (i.e. we are “not them.”). That, however, is quite different from what God thinks of us and our calling. We are to be priests of “them,” other Christians and non-Christians, animals and the entire world, as the most basic level of human brotherhood mentioned by St. Gregory Palamas in his first homily. Enjoy the show!
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Two Enemy Kingdoms: How Liturgy Unites Us to the Resurrection

In this episode which continues a discussion of the way the two Kingdoms are present in the theology of Holy Week, Fr. Harry blows Fr. Anthony's mind with his presentation of the way the Mystical Supper brings all Christians into the death and resurrection of Christ. So awesome.
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Two Enemy Kingdoms: Wheat and Tares in the Holy City

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony make a deep dive into the two Kingdoms, their gates, (e.g. Matthew 7), and the Harrowing of Hades. They cover a lot of ground, including a review of the services of Holy Week, setting the stage for deeper discussions in the next few episodes.
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Every Divine Liturgy is (a celebration of) Pentecost

It's easy for us to think of the Divine Liturgy as a participation in the New Covenant because of its ties to the Mystical Supper (and Passion/Resurrection), but our hosts describe how it is also tied explicitly to Pentecost. They also talk about the beauty and utility of exploring the Old Testament Pentecosts (and they did not even cover them all!).
7/1/202234 minutes, 42 seconds
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Every Divine Liturgy is (a celebration of) Pentecost

It's easy for us to think of the Divine Liturgy as a participation in the New Covenant because of its ties to the Mystical Supper (and Passion/Resurrection), but our hosts describe how it is also tied explicitly to Pentecost. They also talk about the beauty and utility of exploring the Old Testament Pentecosts (and they did not even cover them all!).
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Ishmael and Joseph as Types of Pentecost

Our hosts continue their discussion of Old Testament Pentecosts with the promise of Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob and the ladder and the promise is the Messiah, Joseph and the salvation of Israel. Hosts also discuss how blessings precede curses in many of these cases, the latter also to benefit the faithful, and how all of these things inform us today of our mission as the Royal Priesthood.
6/24/202240 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ishmael and Joseph as Types of Pentecost

Our hosts continue their discussion of Old Testament Pentecosts with the promise of Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob and the ladder and the promise is the Messiah, Joseph and the salvation of Israel. Hosts also discuss how blessings precede curses in many of these cases, the latter also to benefit the faithful, and how all of these things inform us today of our mission as the Royal Priesthood.
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Pentecosts, Pentecostals, and the Trinity (and aliens… almost!)

Our hosts almost allow themselves to devote the episode to aliens, but somehow manage to pull themselves back to the notes and talk about language, the gift of tongues, and the danger of heresy. However, the focus of their discussion was the epiphany of the Trinity(!) to Abraham and Sarah at Mamre. You won't want to miss this one!
6/17/202238 minutes, 6 seconds
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Pentecosts, Pentecostals, and the Trinity (and aliens… almost!)

Our hosts almost allow themselves to devote the episode to aliens, but somehow manage to pull themselves back to the notes and talk about language, the gift of tongues, and the danger of heresy. However, the focus of their discussion was the epiphany of the Trinity(!) to Abraham and Sarah at Mamre. You won't want to miss this one!
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Pentecost and Babel

The hosts continue their conversation about the Old Testament connections with Pentecost. This time, they focus on Pentecost as the healing of Babel's divisions AND the sickness that preceded it. They also talk about why it is the perfect remedy for our own age, which is both divided and sick. Enjoy the show!
6/10/202234 minutes, 42 seconds
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Pentecost and Babel

The hosts continue their conversation about the Old Testament connections with Pentecost. This time, they focus on Pentecost as the healing of Babel's divisions AND the sickness that preceded it. They also talk about why it is the perfect remedy for our own age, which is both divided and sick. Enjoy the show!
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Pentecost - Old Testament Connections

In this, the first of several episodes on Pentecost, our hosts introduce the many Old Testament Pentecosts, focusing on God's covenant with Noah. It's a connection that may be new to some listeners, but that is sure to resonate. Enjoy the show!
6/3/202236 minutes, 14 seconds
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Pentecost - Old Testament Connections

In this, the first of several episodes on Pentecost, our hosts introduce the many Old Testament Pentecosts, focusing on God's covenant with Noah. It's a connection that may be new to some listeners, but that is sure to resonate. Enjoy the show!
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Holy Doors, Royal Doors, and Beautiful Gates

The hosts finish up their conversation on the services of Pascha and Paschaltide by talking about some of the other traditions and rituals that put us into the Paschal pattern. This includes a discussion of keeping various doors open during Bright Week and Paschaltide. Enjoy the show!
5/27/202232 minutes, 1 second
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Holy Doors, Royal Doors, and Beautiful Gates

The hosts finish up their conversation on the services of Pascha and Paschaltide by talking about some of the other traditions and rituals that put us into the Paschal pattern. This includes a discussion of keeping various doors open during Bright Week and Paschaltide. Enjoy the show!
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The Joy of Breaking the Fast with Family

The hosts continue sharing the joy of Paschaltide by talking about services and food, including the tradition of blessing and sharing Paschal baskets. Fr. Harry talks more about how the practice of his parish follows syncs with the ancient one at the Holy Sepulcher. Enjoy the show!
5/20/202229 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Joy of Breaking the Fast with Family

The hosts continue sharing the joy of Paschaltide by talking about services and food, including the tradition of blessing and sharing Paschal baskets. Fr. Harry talks more about how the practice of his parish follows syncs with the ancient one at the Holy Sepulcher. Enjoy the show!
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Pascha with Florida Priest - Includes Fireworks!

The hosts share the joy of Paschaltide by talking about how awesome the services were at Holy Protection in Dover, Florida. They also talk about the fast-free time of Pentecost. Enjoy the show!
5/13/202231 minutes, 20 seconds
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Pascha with Florida Priest - Includes Fireworks!

The hosts share the joy of Paschaltide by talking about how awesome the services were at Holy Protection in Dover, Florida. They also talk about the fast-free time of Pentecost. Enjoy the show!
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The Enemy Kingdom Plundered

In this episode our hosts discuss what exactly it means - and doesn't mean - that Satan was bound at the death and resurrection of Christ.
5/6/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Enemy Kingdom Plundered

In this episode our hosts discuss what exactly it means - and doesn't mean - that Satan was bound at the death and resurrection of Christ.
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A Harrowing Experience:  The Great Sabbath and Resurrection of Christ

In this episode, our hosts further explore our participation in the burial and resurrection of Christ in the Liturgical services extending from the end of Holy Week through Paschaltide.
4/29/202259 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Harrowing Experience:  The Great Sabbath and Resurrection of Christ

In this episode, our hosts further explore our participation in the burial and resurrection of Christ in the Liturgical services extending from the end of Holy Week through Paschaltide.
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Two Enemy Kingdoms: How Liturgy Unites Us to the Resurrection

In this episode which continues a discussion of the way the two Kingdoms are present in the theology of Holy Week, Fr. Harry blows Fr. Anthony's mind with his presentation of the way the Mystical Supper brings all Christians into the death and resurrection of Christ. So awesome.
4/20/202234 minutes, 42 seconds
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Two Enemy Kingdoms: Wheat and Tares in the Holy City

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony make a deep dive into the two Kingdoms, their gates, (e.g. Matthew 7), and the Harrowing of Hades. They cover a lot of ground, including a review of the services of Holy Week, setting the stage for deeper discussions in the next few episodes.
4/15/202233 minutes, 8 seconds
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Buying our Stairway to Heaven II

In this, the second of a two-part series, our hosts continue discussing materialism and secularism, and how they separate us from God. The episode begins with a discussion of debt and how tithing works to open our noetic faculties and ends with them undermining the faith/works debate.
4/8/202245 minutes, 4 seconds
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Buying our Stairway to Heaven II

In this, the second of a two-part series, our hosts continue discussing materialism and secularism, and how they separate us from God. The episode begins with a discussion of debt and how tithing works to open our noetic faculties and ends with them undermining the faith/works debate.
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Buying our Stairway to Heaven I

In this, the first of a two-part series, our hosts discuss materialism and secularism and how they poison us against God on a practical level. They talk about how salvation is not transactional and how we as faithful children of the Kingdom must not have two separate lives; our whole life can and should be integrated and committed to Christ our God, even in our secular jobs (secular does not mean separated from God—even parish priests are “secular” by one definition).
4/1/202236 minutes, 28 seconds
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Buying our Stairway to Heaven I

In this, the first of a two-part series, our hosts discuss materialism and secularism and how they poison us against God on a practical level. They talk about how salvation is not transactional and how we as faithful children of the Kingdom must not have two separate lives; our whole life can and should be integrated and committed to Christ our God, even in our secular jobs (secular does not mean separated from God—even parish priests are “secular” by one definition).
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Judgment: is it good or bad?

In this episode, our hosts discuss judgment and the confusion that arises as to whether judgment is good or bad in the Christian worldview. They discuss relevant passages, including the much famed “judge not…” The need for personal accountability in our walk with Christ is also discussed.
3/25/202251 minutes, 46 seconds
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Judgment: is it good or bad?

In this episode, our hosts discuss judgment and the confusion that arises as to whether judgment is good or bad in the Christian worldview. They discuss relevant passages, including the much famed “judge not…” The need for personal accountability in our walk with Christ is also discussed.
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The Ethics of the Kingdom: a need to know guide for the faithful

Orthodox Christian ethics are revolutionary to the world, and have never been found prior to Christ’s giving them nor since in any other philosophical or religious framework. In this episode, our hosts discuss why Christ’s ethics, the moral principles that govern behavior and activity, are crucial for the faithful to understand and practice. Their origin, purpose, and function are distinct from any other ethics derived from ancient times until today in any other philosophical or religious systems.
3/18/202241 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Ethics of the Kingdom: a need to know guide for the faithful

Orthodox Christian ethics are revolutionary to the world, and have never been found prior to Christ’s giving them nor since in any other philosophical or religious framework. In this episode, our hosts discuss why Christ’s ethics, the moral principles that govern behavior and activity, are crucial for the faithful to understand and practice. Their origin, purpose, and function are distinct from any other ethics derived from ancient times until today in any other philosophical or religious systems.
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Our Duty of Fasting

In this episode, our hosts discuss the third of the royal and priestly practices given by Christ to the children of the Kingdom. In the past few episodes, they discussed works of love (Almsgiving) and prayer, and in this episode, they discuss fasting. They discuss why fasting is important, what it accomplishes, and why it is especially important to understand this in our day.
3/11/202242 minutes, 53 seconds
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Our Duty of Fasting

In this episode, our hosts discuss the third of the royal and priestly practices given by Christ to the children of the Kingdom. In the past few episodes, they discussed works of love (Almsgiving) and prayer, and in this episode, they discuss fasting. They discuss why fasting is important, what it accomplishes, and why it is especially important to understand this in our day.
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Our Supernatural Duty of Prayer and Forgiveness

All Orthodox Christians are called to exercise this priestly ministry of prayer which impacts our lives and bears a positive impact on the world. Prayer is synergy with God. He talks to us as we talk to Him. We speak of the four kinds of prayer listed in Scripture: supplications, requests, intercessions and thanksgiving, and what that means for us, and how we produce the fruits of the will of God thereby with a transformative power for ourselves, our households, our communities, and beyond, with a change of orientation toward God.
3/4/202257 minutes, 46 seconds
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Our Supernatural Duty of Prayer and Forgiveness

All Orthodox Christians are called to exercise this priestly ministry of prayer which impacts our lives and bears a positive impact on the world. Prayer is synergy with God. He talks to us as we talk to Him. We speak of the four kinds of prayer listed in Scripture: supplications, requests, intercessions and thanksgiving, and what that means for us, and how we produce the fruits of the will of God thereby with a transformative power for ourselves, our households, our communities, and beyond, with a change of orientation toward God.
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Our Ministry in the Kingdom: its Duties and Responsibilities

Our hosts discuss our ministry (service) in God’s Kingdom and some of the duties and responsibilities that comprise this ministry, including the Christian duties given by the Lord in Matthew 6 and other places and how they are priestly ministries. Our hosts then go on to discuss the first Christian duty of Charitable work (aka Almsgiving or Works of mercy) as priestly powers given by God to all of His faithful for the perpetual sanctifying and transforming the world around us.
2/25/202241 minutes, 50 seconds
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Our Ministry in the Kingdom: its Duties and Responsibilities

Our hosts discuss our ministry (service) in God’s Kingdom and some of the duties and responsibilities that comprise this ministry, including the Christian duties given by the Lord in Matthew 6 and other places and how they are priestly ministries. Our hosts then go on to discuss the first Christian duty of Charitable work (aka Almsgiving or Works of mercy) as priestly powers given by God to all of His faithful for the perpetual sanctifying and transforming the world around us.
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The Sanctity of Death

Our hosts discuss how Christ brought death to an end as separation from God and from Life. He transforms natural bodily death to a necessary stage in life whereby the person is freed from the passions of their earthly walk. As Orthodox Christians, we celebrate that fact in the funeral service, which is connected to its celebration on Holy Saturday. It is a personal Holy Sabbath for the person, and they are still alive in Christ.
2/18/202246 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Sanctity of Death

Our hosts discuss how Christ brought death to an end as separation from God and from Life. He transforms natural bodily death to a necessary stage in life whereby the person is freed from the passions of their earthly walk. As Orthodox Christians, we celebrate that fact in the funeral service, which is connected to its celebration on Holy Saturday. It is a personal Holy Sabbath for the person, and they are still alive in Christ.
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Matters of Life and Death—the Sanctity of Life and the Church

In this episode, our hosts offer reflections on the Church’s teachings and the centrality of the Sanctity of Life in the salvation plan of God, and in the doctrinal and liturgical life of the Church. They discuss also the recent March for Life and our place as Orthodox Christians in such efforts using the prayer offered at the opening to the March to frame the discussion.
2/4/202232 minutes, 31 seconds
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Matters of Life and Death—the Sanctity of Life and the Church

In this episode, our hosts offer reflections on the Church’s teachings and the centrality of the Sanctity of Life in the salvation plan of God, and in the doctrinal and liturgical life of the Church. They discuss also the recent March for Life and our place as Orthodox Christians in such efforts using the prayer offered at the opening to the March to frame the discussion.
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Personal Testimonies on Repentance and Parish Health

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue to share their personal testimonies on the importance of continual repentance for priests and parishes. The main takeaway is the need for us to stop trying to control things, serve well, and let God live through us.
1/28/202241 minutes, 13 seconds
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Personal Testimonies on Repentance and Parish Health

Today Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue to share their personal testimonies on the importance of continual repentance for priests and parishes. The main takeaway is the need for us to stop trying to control things, serve well, and let God live through us.
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Mark 5:10. Change your mind and believe the Gospel!

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about the relationship between repentance and belief and how both are required for us to fulfill our calling. They also begin a very earnest conversation about personal and communal conversion and its relation to parish growth health.
1/21/202242 minutes, 8 seconds
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Mark 5:10. Change your mind and believe the Gospel!

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony talk about the relationship between repentance and belief and how both are required for us to fulfill our calling. They also begin a very earnest conversation about personal and communal conversion and its relation to parish growth health.
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Revelation 5 - Being a Kingdom and Priesthood in the Divine Liturgy

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue celebrating the joy of Christmastide as the discuss Theophany and unpack Revelation 5. The main takeaway is that time is fulfilled in the Divine Liturgy; eternity is experienced in the moment.
1/14/202240 minutes, 42 seconds
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Revelation 5 - Being a Kingdom and Priesthood in the Divine Liturgy

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue celebrating the joy of Christmastide as the discuss Theophany and unpack Revelation 5. The main takeaway is that time is fulfilled in the Divine Liturgy; eternity is experienced in the moment.
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Christmas in the Kingdom, Part Two

Join Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony as they continue their conversation about the joys of the Christmas season, including the Circumcision and Baptism of our Lord. Christ is born! Glorify Him! Merry Christmas!
1/7/202244 minutes, 52 seconds
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Christmas in the Kingdom, Part Two

Join Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony as they continue their conversation about the joys of the Christmas season, including the Circumcision and Baptism of our Lord. Christ is born! Glorify Him! Merry Christmas!
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Christmas in the Kingdom, Part One

Join Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony as they talk about the celebration of Christmas (forty days!) through the lens of Isaiah 9:2-7. Christ is born! Glorify Him! Merry Christmas!
12/31/202135 minutes, 34 seconds
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Christmas in the Kingdom, Part One

Join Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony as they talk about the celebration of Christmas (forty days!) through the lens of Isaiah 9:2-7. Christ is born! Glorify Him! Merry Christmas!
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Us as the Holy Nation of God and His Peculiar People

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue their conversation about 1 Peter 2:9, this time focusing on the third and fourth set of attributes, "a holy nation" and "a people for his own possession." But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. They explore what it means to be citizens of heaven, how this relates to earthly citizenship, and what “nation” ultimately means for a Christian. They remind us that while we have sacred responsibilities to our earthly home we remain sojourners on our way to our heavenly home. Enjoy the show!
12/24/202147 minutes, 6 seconds
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Us as the Holy Nation of God and His Peculiar People

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue their conversation about 1 Peter 2:9, this time focusing on the third and fourth set of attributes, "a holy nation" and "a people for his own possession." But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. They explore what it means to be citizens of heaven, how this relates to earthly citizenship, and what “nation” ultimately means for a Christian. They remind us that while we have sacred responsibilities to our earthly home we remain sojourners on our way to our heavenly home. Enjoy the show!
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We are God’s Sacred Royal Family

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue talking about 1 Peter 2:9, this time focusing on the second set of attributes, "a royal priesthood." But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. They answer the questions; "What does this mean?" and "Are we royalty?", describing what it means to share in the royalty of the King of kings and what it means to share in the priestly role of offeror with the Great High Priest. Enjoy the show!
12/17/202134 minutes, 4 seconds
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We are God's Sacred Royal Family

Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony continue talking about 1 Peter 2:9, this time focusing on the second set of attributes, "a royal priesthood." But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. They answer the questions; "What does this mean?" and "Are we royalty?", describing what it means to share in the royalty of the King of kings and what it means to share in the priestly role of offeror with the Great High Priest. Enjoy the show!
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We are a Chosen Race

In this episode, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony dig into 1 Peter 2:9, focusing on the first set of attributes, "a chosen race." But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. They discuss how, in the light of Christ’s coming, we are (and aren't) to understand the term “race.” Scripture sees all humans as being one race, the human race. Political shifts cannot affect this truth. They also talk about how the term “chosen” relates to Christ as the “Chosen one” and the Church as the result of her being engrafted into Him, into His Body. Enjoy the show!
12/10/202133 minutes, 51 seconds
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We are a Chosen Race

In this episode, Fr. Harry and Fr. Anthony dig into 1 Peter 2:9, focusing on the first set of attributes, "a chosen race." But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. They discuss how, in the light of Christ’s coming, we are (and aren't) to understand the term “race.” Scripture sees all humans as being one race, the human race. Political shifts cannot affect this truth. They also talk about how the term “chosen” relates to Christ as the “Chosen one” and the Church as the result of her being engrafted into Him, into His Body. Enjoy the show!
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A Holy Catholic Orthodox Priesthood

Many people still tend to think of the Orthodox Church as the “true denomination” rather than as the manifestation of the fullness of the Heavenly Church of Christ on earth. We see this even with the terminology we use. “I used to be Catholic but now I am Orthodox.” Or “I used to be Episcopalian but now I am Orthodox.” This seems to indicate that the person still has a view of denominationalism. I was one denomination but now I am another. This should stop. We are the continuation of the ancient Church of Christ. This whole idea of denominations came with the protestant reformation. The Orthodox Church is the House of the Fullness of the Faith.
12/3/202129 minutes, 55 seconds
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A Holy Catholic Orthodox Priesthood

Many people still tend to think of the Orthodox Church as the “true denomination” rather than as the manifestation of the fullness of the Heavenly Church of Christ on earth. We see this even with the terminology we use. “I used to be Catholic but now I am Orthodox.” Or “I used to be Episcopalian but now I am Orthodox.” This seems to indicate that the person still has a view of denominationalism. I was one denomination but now I am another. This should stop. We are the continuation of the ancient Church of Christ. This whole idea of denominations came with the protestant reformation. The Orthodox Church is the House of the Fullness of the Faith.
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Chrismating the Royal Priesthood

We are not all ordained priests, but we are all priests. In the Old Covenant, priests were made priests with chrism, and there were very few. In the Old Covenant kings and queens, and inheriting royalty were made kings and queens with chrism, and they were very few. In the New Covenant, all are chosen to a royal priesthood, known as the Church, with Holy Chrism. When we say royal priesthood, we are simply talking about Christ’s Holy Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church, of which we are all a part.
11/26/202131 minutes, 7 seconds
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Chrismating the Royal Priesthood

We are not all ordained priests, but we are all priests. In the Old Covenant, priests were made priests with chrism, and there were very few. In the Old Covenant kings and queens, and inheriting royalty were made kings and queens with chrism, and they were very few. In the New Covenant, all are chosen to a royal priesthood, known as the Church, with Holy Chrism. When we say royal priesthood, we are simply talking about Christ’s Holy Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church, of which we are all a part.
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We Are Made to Be a Kingdom

Each of us as an Orthodox Christian is set apart and sealed to be a royal and priestly intercessor for our family and neighborhood, circle of friends, and our parish, and our land. Many are very unaware of this, especially in specific terms, and are unaware of the impact it has and the great connection of generations accomplishing this renewing of our local circumstanced by God through us. However, what is more widely unknown is that we are all in a very direct sense intercessors not only for these local circumstances but also for the human race and for the entire world, and furthermore how the world would look without us fulfilling this role and how the world DID look without it.
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We Are Made to Be a Kingdom

Each of us as an Orthodox Christian is set apart and sealed to be a royal and priestly intercessor for our family and neighborhood, circle of friends, and our parish, and our land. Many are very unaware of this, especially in specific terms, and are unaware of the impact it has and the great connection of generations accomplishing this renewing of our local circumstanced by God through us. However, what is more widely unknown is that we are all in a very direct sense intercessors not only for these local circumstances but also for the human race and for the entire world, and furthermore how the world would look without us fulfilling this role and how the world DID look without it.
11/22/202126 minutes, 33 seconds