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Main Podcast Archives - SeekersGuidance

English, Religion, 1 season, 215 episodes, 2 days, 9 hours, 34 minutes
Islamic lessons, talks, and reminders—with explanations of Qur’an, commentary on Prophetic hadiths, and practical guidance for living Islam--from reliable, qualified scholars from SeekersGuidance (
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Embracing Calm and Contentment in the Rush of Ramadan – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani shares an important reminder on embracing the key virtues of calm (sakina) and contentment. He explains how these are keys to certitude (yaqin), sincerity in our actions (ikhlas), and Presence (hudur) with Allah Most High. This sermon was delivered at IMO in Toronto, Canada, as part of SeekersGuidance Canada Community Programs. For […] The post Embracing Calm and Contentment in the Rush of Ramadan – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/25/202325 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Coolness of Your Eyes in Your Marriage – Shaykh Irshaad Sedick

How can we have a marriage which truly embodies love and mercy? When a husband and wife draw closer to Allah, Allah will draw them closer to each other. You can find the coolness of your eyes in your spouse. Tune in to listen to Shaykh Irshaad’s valuable advice on finding tranquility in your marriage. […] The post The Coolness of Your Eyes in Your Marriage – Shaykh Irshaad Sedick appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/19/202321 minutes, 34 seconds
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Relationship Between the Tongue and the Heart – Imam Yama Niazi

How are our words connected to the heart? The tongue is a reflection of the heart. If our hearts are pure, our speech will also be upright. Imam Yama Niazi emphasizes the importance of good company. A sound heart is attained by sitting with scholars and people of knowledge. The remembrance of Allah also polishes […] The post Relationship Between the Tongue and the Heart – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/12/202314 minutes, 40 seconds
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Reminding Others of Your Charity & Praising Others – Imam Yama Niazi

You could lose all the rewards of your charity if you boast about it or cause people harm. Imam Yama Niazi reminds us of the words of Allah Most High, “O believers! Do not waste your charity with reminders ˹of your generosity˺ or hurtful words.” (Quran, 2:264) Another type of prohibited speech is praising others […] The post Reminding Others of Your Charity & Praising Others – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/3/20237 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Perils of Assisting in Sin – Imam Yama Niazi

Are you sinful if you refuse to drink alcohol yourself but encourage someone else to drink? Imam Yama Niazi clarifies that encouraging someone to do something forbidden is like doing the same thing yourself. Allah has forbidden us to assist in sin. Imam Yama instructs us to express our displeasure with the prohibited actions. At the […] The post The Perils of Assisting in Sin – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
2/24/20237 minutes, 27 seconds
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Prohibition of Cursing a Believer – Imam Yama Niazi

Is it our business to judge whether another person is destined for Paradise or Hellfire? Imam Yama Niazi advises us to worry about ourselves and not use foul language for another person. A believer does not slander, curse, or speak in an obscene manner. Imam Yama also urges parents never to curse their children but […] The post Prohibition of Cursing a Believer – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
2/17/20238 minutes, 2 seconds
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Expressing Displeasure with Divine Decree & Revealing Secrets – Imam Yama Niazi

What should we say if something bad happens to us? Imam Yama Niazi teaches the correct words to say when misfortune hits us. We must never express displeasure with the decree of Allah Most High. One thing we must internalize is that if something hits us, it was never going to miss us, and if […] The post Expressing Displeasure with Divine Decree & Revealing Secrets – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
2/9/20239 minutes, 7 seconds
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Prohibition of Mocking Others – Imam Yama Niazi

Is it ever acceptable to make fun of people? A Muslim must never mock another person. Allah Most High commands us in the Quran not to ridicule each other, defame each other, or call each other offensive nicknames. Imam Yama Niazi explains the negative consequences of mocking people. You could end up chasing people away […] The post Prohibition of Mocking Others – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
2/3/202312 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep. 207 – The Harms of Boasting – Main Podcast

Boasting is speaking with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about your achievements, possessions, etc. Allah does not like people who are arrogant and boastful. Imam Yama Niazi highlights the dangers of boasting and gives us its root cause. Our pious predecessors, despite tremendous accomplishments, were incredibly humble. Can one speak about one’s achievements in gratitude to […] The post Ep. 207 – The Harms of Boasting – Main Podcast appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/28/202311 minutes, 41 seconds
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Lying in Other Matters – Imam Yama Niazi

Is an “innocent” white lie really innocent? We learn from hadith that a believer never lies. Lying is a sign of hypocrisy. We are urged to speak the truth and not put others in situations where they would have to lie. However, there are some situations where lying is permitted, but with strict conditions. Tune […] The post Lying in Other Matters – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/21/202319 minutes, 18 seconds
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Lying in Matters of Religion – Imam Yama Niazi

Sometimes people declare things halal (permissible) or haram (impermissible) without knowledge. Imam Yama Niazi expresses the gravity of the sin of lying and, even more so, lying about our religion. We must be extra cautious when we quote a verse from the Quran or Hadith. We are warned against ascribing even a word to the […] The post Lying in Matters of Religion – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/13/202311 minutes, 25 seconds
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204 – Main Podcast – Counsel on Calling to Allah – Shaykh Abdullah Abu Sneineh

Calling people to Allah (da‘wa) is a religious duty. This weighty matter is the reason for which we were sent. Shaykh Abdullah Abu Sneineh gives special counsel for those wishing to traverse this prophetic noble way. He highlights the importance of steadfastness and patience and mentions the three foundational principles: knowledge (‘ilm), spirituality (tazkiya), and […] The post 204 – Main Podcast – Counsel on Calling to Allah – Shaykh Abdullah Abu Sneineh appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/6/20236 minutes, 50 seconds
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Mastery of Sacred Law – Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

How can a student of sacred law (fiqh) master this science? The first step is to be keen to learn from scholars. The student does not fatigue from studying the foundational primers and must reinforce the reading of these primers. Tune in to listen to more of the valuable counsel given by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed, […] The post Mastery of Sacred Law – Shaykh Amjad Rasheed appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/30/202227 minutes, 40 seconds
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Developing Restraint of the Tongue – Imam Yama Niazi

People often underestimate the impact of prohibited speech. Such ignorance can be massively attributed to the inability to identify and differentiate moral speech from immoral speech. Many of us fall into the trap of normalizing the use of foul language, back biting, slander etc., without recognizing its gravity and impact both on ourselves and others. […] The post Developing Restraint of the Tongue – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/23/202217 minutes, 52 seconds
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Virtues of Guarding the Tongue – Imam Yama Niazi

Will we be taken to task for what our tongues utter? We have been commanded to speak only that which is good or remain silent. In this Podcast, Imam Yama Niazi elucidates the merits of guarding our tongues based on the Quran and Hadith. To catch up on previous episodes and more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, […] The post Virtues of Guarding the Tongue – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/16/202225 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Company You Keep – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

We spend most of our lives interacting with others at work, school, or in social settings. Some we can control, others not so much. What does our circle of friends look like? Do our friends bring out the best in us? Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains that one way to uphold taqwa (mindfulness of Allah Most […] The post The Company You Keep – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/7/202222 minutes, 32 seconds
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Unlocking the Secrets of the Basmala – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Do you want your heart to be present with Allah Most High in all you do? In this Friday Khutbah, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains that the key is the Basmala, Bismi’l Lahi’ Rahmani’r Rahim (By the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate). He highlights the secrets of the Basmala and urges us to take […] The post Unlocking the Secrets of the Basmala – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/30/202229 minutes, 43 seconds
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False Extended Hopes & Heedlessness – Imam Yama Niazi

We often plan for tomorrow, next week, and future events. What guarantee do we have that we’ll be alive? In this episode, Imam Yama Niazi elaborates extensively on the ‘slow-acting poison’ and the deadliest disease of the heart. Tune in and learn the four cures and how to flip bad deeds into good. To catch […] The post False Extended Hopes & Heedlessness – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/24/202239 minutes, 43 seconds
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Combatting The Destroyer of Good Deeds – Imam Yama Niazi

Spiritual diseases of the heart are those evils committed by the heart that cannot be seen. They impact our outer actions and are often the cause of other sins. The question is: how does one recognize these blameworthy traits? In this episode, Imam Yama Niazi explains the impact of two: envy and arrogance, their treatment, […] The post Combatting The Destroyer of Good Deeds – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/18/202249 minutes, 20 seconds
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Soundness of the Heart – Imam Yama Niazi

We live in a world with great emphasis on the external. In this lecture, Imam Yama Niazi reminds us that Allah Most High does not look at one’s appearance or worldly gains but at the state of one’s heart. He explains that everything one says, does, or listens to stems from what’s in the heart. […] The post Soundness of the Heart – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/11/202221 minutes, 34 seconds
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Capitalizing on the Benefits of Social Media – Shaykh Irshaad Sedick

As Muslims, we are required to learn, put into practice, and convey the message of Islam. In this podcast, Shaykh Irshaad Sedick shares the many benefits social media holds and how to pursue them in a way that is pleasing to Allah Most High. From gaining beneficial sacred knowledge to earning an income, he explains […] The post Capitalizing on the Benefits of Social Media – Shaykh Irshaad Sedick appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/4/202213 minutes, 48 seconds
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Social Media: Friend or Foe? – Shaykh Muhammad Carr

Islam calls upon believers to practice good character at all times and in all situations. In this podcast, Shaykh Muhammad Carr explains that the Islamic tradition has principles that enable one to navigate all areas of life – including social media. He transposes real-life situations into the virtual arena, for example, friendship, proper manners when […] The post Social Media: Friend or Foe? – Shaykh Muhammad Carr appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/29/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 7 seconds
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Optimistic Caution: Navigating the Pitfalls of Social Media – Shaykh Irshaad Sedick

Whether you’re looking for a recipe or want to connect with a friend abroad, all one has to do is go online. Technology has undoubtedly become an intrinsic part of everyday life. While the benefits are multifold, so too are the potential harms. Is this the space you turn to for Islamic guidance and information, […] The post Optimistic Caution: Navigating the Pitfalls of Social Media – Shaykh Irshaad Sedick appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/20/202247 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Test of Religion – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this podcast, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains the Prophetic walk, sharing that one of the essential teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is not busying oneself with trivial matters. He illustrates that while it is crucial to have a learned scholar guide one in religious issues, it should not be for […] The post The Test of Religion – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/13/202243 minutes, 30 seconds
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Taking Reliable Sacred Knowledge From Authorative Scholars – Shaykh Irshaad Sedick

Seeking knowledge is an essential dimension of the Islamic faith, so much so that Allah Most High addressed it in His first command to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In this podcast, Shaykh Irshaad Sedick relays the importance of seeking sacred knowledge from authoritative sources, whether online or in person. Whether you’re […] The post Taking Reliable Sacred Knowledge From Authorative Scholars – Shaykh Irshaad Sedick appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/5/20229 minutes, 39 seconds
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Reflection, Contemplation & Taking Action – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

As believers, we know that life is not a smooth ride. In this podcast, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reminds us of the wisdom and blessings of tests: Allah Most High wants to forgive us for our sins and draw us closer to Him. He explains that all believers should have a dynamic relationship with their religion, […] The post Reflection, Contemplation & Taking Action – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/28/202224 minutes, 7 seconds
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Bringing Meaning into Our Lives – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“Migration” often conjures up images of leaving one place for another where opportunities are more favorable. In this podcast, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains that, likewise, in Islam, the muhajir (migrant) migrates from all that Allah Most High prohibited to seeking His love and presence. He describes the antidotes to sin, engaging in disliked deeds, and […] The post Bringing Meaning into Our Lives – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/23/202231 minutes, 35 seconds
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Cultivating Deep Roots to Achieve Enlightenment Through Knowledge – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

What does the statement of faith and a tree have in common? In this podcast, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains that Allah Most High strikes similitudes so that we may take heed and reflect. He beautifully unpacks verses (Quran, 14:24-25) – Surah Ibrahim -and explains that, like the roots of trees, our statement of faith (good […] The post Cultivating Deep Roots to Achieve Enlightenment Through Knowledge – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/15/202230 minutes, 38 seconds
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How does the Believer Respond in Challenging Times? – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

What are our responses in times of fitna? Reflecting on the recent global Covid-19 pandemic and the demise of great scholars of our time should cause us to think and reflect. Do we try figuring out what is going on and engage in news and analysis, or cut ourselves off from society? In this podcast, […] The post How does the Believer Respond in Challenging Times? – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/6/202234 minutes, 3 seconds
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Bringing our Lives to Life – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

What deed is better than giving gold and silver? Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) tells us it’s thikr (remembrance of Allah Most High). This beneficial act, says Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, is a vital pillar for reaching the closeness, love, and good pleasure of Allah Most High. He dives into the essence of […] The post Bringing our Lives to Life – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
8/26/202229 minutes, 15 seconds
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Purposeful Silence and Dua – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In our society, being someone of few words is often frowned upon. However, if done for the right reasons, it is a trait that can benefit in this world and the next. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) practiced purposeful silence – a Prophetic trait that all believers […] The post Purposeful Silence and Dua – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
8/19/202226 minutes, 56 seconds
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Intention, Reflection, and Gratitude – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

This podcast is saturated with invaluable gems that will aid the believer in their path to seeking the love and pleasure of Allah Most High. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani elaborates on the greatness of Suras Al Fatiha, Ikhlaas, Al-Falaq, An-Naas, Ayat-al-Kursi, Yaseen, and the closing verses of Sura Al- Baqara, and why we are encouraged to […] The post Intention, Reflection, and Gratitude – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
8/12/20221 hour, 33 minutes, 35 seconds
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Being Aware of the Day of Judgment – Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat

What horror would it take to forget about your most prized possessions completely? To make you run from your nearest and dearest when they need your help? To be willing to give them up for punishment to save yourself? The Day of Judgement is a reality. This sermon looks at some of the Qur’an’s vivid […] The post Being Aware of the Day of Judgment – Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
8/5/202227 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Magnanimity of the Gift of Salah – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this podcast, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani likens ihram (the sanctified state the pilgrim enters) to the state of Takbeer al-Tahreemah (the Takbeer of Prohibition) in salah. In both instances, the believer refrains from certain acts they could previously do. Elaborating on some of the meanings of ‘salah’, he reminds us that prayer is our journey […] The post The Magnanimity of the Gift of Salah – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
7/29/202240 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Means of Attaining Nearness to Allah – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani & Shaykh Abdullah Misra

The desire to gain nearness to Allah Most High is one of the greatest blessings one can attain. In this podcast, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reminds us that the absolute and definite means to attain closeness to Allah Most High is by loving His Beloved, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Shaykh Abdullah Misra […] The post The Means of Attaining Nearness to Allah – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani & Shaykh Abdullah Misra appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
7/4/202235 minutes, 50 seconds
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Salawat: The Virtues, Number, and Manner – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

What are the benefits of sending blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)? Shaykh Faraz Rabbani elaborates on these and explains the etiquette a believer should adopt when engaged in Salawat. He encourages training our hearts to remember Allah Most High and working towards having religious goals. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, […] The post Salawat: The Virtues, Number, and Manner – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
6/17/202233 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Power of Giving & True Repentance – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this Friday Reminder, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains that Allah’s Beloved, Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him), was the most generous of people. He illustrates how we can practice generosity in devotional acts, personal relationships, and everyday life and follow the prophetic example. Shaykh Rabbani then reminds us of the blessings of tawbah […] The post The Power of Giving & True Repentance – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
6/8/202235 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Importance of Cleanliness Before Prayers – Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra

What to do to make this a summer of love For Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). Shaykh Abdullah Misra explains how our religion educates us to treat each other. He illustrates how Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) told us not to have bad breath before coming to […] The post The Importance of Cleanliness Before Prayers – Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/30/20226 minutes, 35 seconds
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Who Is the Best of Those Who Strive in Allah’s Path? – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

This podcast explains the virtues of remembering Allah Most High (thikr). Thikr includes attending gatherings of knowledge and constitutes every act of worship. However, the best thikr is sending Salawat on Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him). The gift of reciting the Quran, and the many blessings that come with it, are also discussed […] The post Who Is the Best of Those Who Strive in Allah’s Path? – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/14/20228 minutes, 9 seconds
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Three Keys to Salvation: Reverence, Balance in Spending, and Justice in Anger – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains a beautiful hadith of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (peace & blessings be upon him & his folk), “Three qualities are means of Salvation: (1) Reverent awe (khashiya) of Allah in private and in public, (2) Moderation in wealth and in poverty, and (3) Just balance in happiness and in anger.” […] The post Three Keys to Salvation: Reverence, Balance in Spending, and Justice in Anger – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/16/202221 minutes, 44 seconds
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Taking the Inward and Outward Means – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

What is the sunnah when in difficulty? Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains that it is to turn to Allah Most High in everything through duah, belief, and trust in Him. He explains that Believers always take the means – both inward and outward, and leave the outcome to Allah Most High. He stresses that Believers are […] The post Taking the Inward and Outward Means – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/8/202224 minutes, 3 seconds
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Four Keys to a Transformative Ramadan – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani shares four keys to a transformative Ramadan: (1) Reconnecting with the Quran; (2) Reconnecting with key relations—especially parents, family, and friends; (3) Renewing a commitment to physical health—which has great spiritual benefits, especially in the context of fasting; and (4) Asking—and answering—the critical question: “So, where are you headed in life?” Shaykh […] The post Four Keys to a Transformative Ramadan – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/2/202216 minutes, 5 seconds
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Striving for Good in and Outside Ramadan – Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra

What makes Ramadan special? What are we celebrating in this blessed month? In this podcast, Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra explains that Allah Most gave us special times and opportunities to seek Him. He advises us to reflect on the true spirit of Ramadan and internalize our goals during and after this auspicious month. For more […] The post Striving for Good in and Outside Ramadan – Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/1/202213 minutes, 31 seconds
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Responding to Double Standards – Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra

How should believers respond to the negative portrayal of Islam, racism, and the double standards of the world we inhabit? Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra explains that our solution is in the example of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He illustrates how Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) handled negative situations […] The post Responding to Double Standards – Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/25/202216 minutes, 40 seconds
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Having a Balanced Spiritual Routine – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Why do we attend gatherings of knowledge? Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reminds us that the main reason is to revive our hearts. He explains that we should aim to have a spiritual routine and that taking on too much may not be sustainable. Shaykh Rabbani elaborates how we can make most of the opportunities to perform […] The post Having a Balanced Spiritual Routine – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/18/202215 minutes, 38 seconds
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Supplication and Cultivating True Hope – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Assisting those in hardship and suffering, whether it’s giving charity or otherwise, is something we should all strive to do. However, the sunnah is to make dua for them. In this Friday sermon, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani elucidates on the poem The Prayer of the Oppressed by Imam Muhammad G. Nasir al-DarÏ, translated by Shaykh Hamza […] The post Supplication and Cultivating True Hope – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/9/202223 minutes, 30 seconds
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Practicing Restraint with Creation – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

What does loving and doing for the sake of Allah Most High mean? In this Friday sermon, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains how to relate to Allah Most High’s creation. He emphasizes that we should have no restraint with Allah Most High and elaborates that one way of assessing our connection with our creator is through […] The post Practicing Restraint with Creation – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
2/25/202216 minutes, 2 seconds
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Etiquettes of Sharing Food – Shaykh Abdullah Misra

Why should we be concerned about what is commonly termed “table manners”? Shaykh Abdullah Misra explains that everything we do, including the simple activity of eating and sharing food, is a means for us to reach Allah Most High. In this podcast, he covers Imam Ghazali’s seven etiquettes of sharing food and encourages us to […] The post Etiquettes of Sharing Food – Shaykh Abdullah Misra appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
2/14/20221 hour, 1 minute, 54 seconds
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Cultivating Gratitude to Allah Most High – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Do we express gratitude to Allah Most High irrespective of our state? In this podcast, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani advises we reflect on the many favors Allah Most High gifted us – the greatest being His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him). Shaykh Rabbani elaborates that blessings come in many guises and encourages us to […] The post Cultivating Gratitude to Allah Most High – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
2/4/20229 minutes, 50 seconds
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Closing Yearly Counsel – Supplication is Worship – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this podcast, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani offers advice for the new (Gregorian) year. He explains that supplication (dua) is the essence of worship through which we express our utter need of Allah Most High. He urges us to ask Allah Most High for all our needs – the big, the small, or mundane – and […] The post Closing Yearly Counsel – Supplication is Worship – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/4/202211 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Heart Has Six States – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains the words of Abu Bakr al-Warraq, one of the great early Muslims, who said that “The heart has six states: (1) life or (2) death; (3) health or (4) sickness; (5) wakefulness or (6) sleep.  “Its life is guidance, and its death is misguidance. “Its health is purity and limpidity, and […] The post The Heart Has Six States – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/1/20227 minutes, 10 seconds
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Avoid Three Things, Then Do What You Wish – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains a counsel of Shah Ibn Shuja al-Kirmani, a great righteous scholar of the early Muslims, who would tell his students, “Avoid lying, cheating, and backbiting—and then do what you wish.” [Qushayri, Risala] These are “foundational vices,” as Imam Arusi explains. Shaykh Faraz explains why each is fundamentally against Prophetic teachings—and how […] The post Avoid Three Things, Then Do What You Wish – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/28/20216 minutes, 39 seconds
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Attaining Sincerity Requires Effort- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

What does doing sincerely for the sake of Allah Most High mean, and how do we attain it? In this short reminder, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains that doing good deeds for the pleasure of Allah Most High requires effort, particularly in our acts of devotion. He stresses that Allah Most High does not accept actions […] The post Attaining Sincerity Requires Effort- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/24/202120 minutes, 7 seconds
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What is Prophetic Love? – Shaykh Abdullah Misra

In this short reminder, Shaykh Abdullah Misra delves into the true meaning of Prophetic love. How and why did the men and women around the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) follow him? Are we copying The Beloved’s example mindlessly and mechanically? Shaykh Abdullah Misra explains that everything the Prophet (Allah bless him […] The post What is Prophetic Love? – Shaykh Abdullah Misra appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/17/202114 minutes, 49 seconds
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Making Allah One’s Complete Sufficiency – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Trials and tests are undeniably part of this worldly life. How we respond can help us navigate these tests, big or small, and ultimately gain contentment. In this reminder, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani gives a beautiful and uplifting reminder that tests and tribulations are great opportunities to cultivate trust (Tawakkul) in Allah Most High. He unpacks […] The post Making Allah One’s Complete Sufficiency – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/10/202111 minutes, 15 seconds
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Being Presence With Allah in Small Acts- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

We all strive to follow the Prophetic Way, whether it’s how we put on our shoes, sleep or eat. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reminds us that following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Blessings and peace be upon him) are not meaningless acts. Through these small acts, we should aim to be present with Allah Most High. For more […] The post Being Presence With Allah in Small Acts- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/28/202111 minutes, 5 seconds
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Mean It Then Say It, A Key To Remembrance of Allah – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Remembrance of Allah Most High (Dhikr) is one of the virtuous acts of worship through which we can draw closer to Him Most High. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reminds us that reciting the blessed words of dhikr such as “Subhan Allah”, “Alhamdulilah”, “Laa ilaaha ill-Allah” and “Allahu Akbar” is a gift. However, engaging our hearts can […] The post Mean It Then Say It, A Key To Remembrance of Allah – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/21/202121 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Essence of the Prophet’s Sunna: Remembrance and Presence with Allah – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Sayyida ‘A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) related that “The Messenger of Allah (peace & blessings be upon him) would remember Allah in all his states.” [Muslim] In this khutba, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains how to connect with the heart and essence of the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him): […] The post The Essence of the Prophet’s Sunna: Remembrance and Presence with Allah – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/16/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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Truth and Reconciliation and Sura al-Asr – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this Friday Khutba, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani discusses relationships and how being a vicegerent of Allah on earth is about being true to Allah. This is capitulated in one of the most comprehensive chapters in the Quran, Surah al Asr. Shaykh Faraz reflects on Sura al Asr in light of the day of Truth and […] The post Truth and Reconciliation and Sura al-Asr – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/2/202118 minutes, 53 seconds
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What is Praise? – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this episode of the SeekersGuidance podcast, Shaykh Faraz explains the importance of praising Allah. He explains the concept of praise and how participating in praising Allah is a blessing in itself. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: […] The post What is Praise? – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/18/20219 minutes, 29 seconds
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Love Not the Fleeting – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz reminds us of the fleeting nature of mortal love and the importance of love as it relates to Allah Most High and his messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace). Shaykh Faraz explains why lessons of Love should be approached with humility.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach […] The post Love Not the Fleeting – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/10/20218 minutes, 16 seconds
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Spiritual Retreat and Covid Quarantine Similarities – Shaykh Abdullah Misra

In this podcast, Shaykh Abdullah Misra reflects on the similarities between covid quarantine and the spiritual retreat. A spiritual retreat is when one wants to be cut off from the worldliness of the world, explains Shaykh Abdullah. He also gives an example of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) migrating to […] The post Spiritual Retreat and Covid Quarantine Similarities – Shaykh Abdullah Misra appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
8/17/20217 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Great Counsel – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this Friday reminder, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains a few of the opening verses of the Burda of Imam Busiri. Shaykh Faraz explains not all the importance of counsel but the effect of bad counsel. The purpose of good counsel is one’s choice; the believer chooses what is most pleasing to Allah Most High. Seeking […] The post The Great Counsel – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
8/8/202114 minutes, 27 seconds
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Guarding One’s Heart- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this Friday reminder, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reminds all of the importance of guarding one’s heart. How various things affect the heart, such as sins, wronging doings, and inappropriate thoughts. Shaykh Faraz explains one of the first things that affect one’s heart and one’s submission to Allah Most High is speaking ill of the Ulama. […] The post Guarding One’s Heart- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
8/3/20219 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Abundant Good – Eid Sermon with Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this Eid al-Adha sermon, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani draws on key passages of the Quran on Allah’s mercy and love for His servants.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – The post The Abundant Good – Eid Sermon with Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
7/21/202127 minutes, 24 seconds
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Sacredness of Dhul Hijja – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this Friday reminder, Shaykh Faraz reminds all why the month of Dhul Hijja is sacred. It is a month Allah swore by; it is a month one can take the opportunity to turn to Allah Most High. Renewing one’s subtle relationship with Allah reminds Shaykh Faraz. In the days of Dhul Hijja, is a […] The post Sacredness of Dhul Hijja – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
7/18/20217 minutes, 18 seconds
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Love One Another as a Means to Loving Allah- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this reminder from the SeekersGuidance Canada Friday Circle of Remembrance. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reminds all the believers of what it means to love and the importance of loving but loving all else for the love of Allah. He quotes some of the early Muslims on some of the signs of loving Allah and when […] The post Love One Another as a Means to Loving Allah- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
7/10/202120 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Greatest gift is the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this short reminder, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reminds the believers that of the greatest gifts one has is the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace). One should recognize this gift and renew the commitment of this gift, explains Shaykh Faraz. Shaykh Faraz explains why one should be in a state of joy […] The post The Greatest gift is the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
7/3/202112 minutes, 4 seconds
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Remembering the Days of Allah: Commemorating the Battle of Badr- Imam Yama Niazi

In this podcast, Imam Yama Niazi reminds all that there are great days that remind everyone of Allah, and the day of Badr is one of those days. It is a victory of Allah. It is the first battle between truth and falsehood for Muslims. The night before the battle was to occur, the Prophet […] The post Remembering the Days of Allah: Commemorating the Battle of Badr- Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/28/202116 minutes, 10 seconds
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Giving and Prevention from Ibn ‘Ata’Illah’s Hikam – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

This class is based on some of the key works on spiritual teaching. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani opens up by explaining how one deals with the test and how the nature of this life is meant to be a test for the believers. As a means to getting closer to Allah Most High. He explains a […] The post Giving and Prevention from Ibn ‘Ata’Illah’s Hikam – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/19/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 10 seconds
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How Faith is Nurtured – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz presents Imam Ghazali’s exposition in the second chapter of the Ihya on the Principles of Beliefs, that faith presented through submission and worship.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – […] The post How Faith is Nurtured – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/9/20216 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ramadan with Purpose: Fasting As An Expression of Love for Allah – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains that the reality of religion and faith revolves around love and gratitude. Allah Most High tells us, “And those who believe are more intense in their love of Allah.” (Quran) Everything we do in Ramadan and in our lives should express love for Allah, in the ways beloved to Allah.  This […] The post Ramadan with Purpose: Fasting As An Expression of Love for Allah – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/30/202135 minutes, 43 seconds
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Why Remember Allah Part Two – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani leads a special session of SeekersGuidance Canada’s Coffee and Connections discussion circle on why we remember Allah. In addition to discussing a variety of benefits, he explains that the main reason for our remembrance is Allah’s remembering us when we remember Him   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance […] The post Why Remember Allah Part Two – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/15/202131 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why Remember Allah Part One – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani leads a special session of SeekersGuidance Canada’s Coffee and Connections discussion circle on why we remember Allah. In addition to discussing a variety of benefits, he explains that the main reason for our remembrance is Allah’s remembering us when we remember Him.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance […] The post Why Remember Allah Part One – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/7/202126 minutes, 55 seconds
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Are you too busy to worship God- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

We may feel that work, studies, family, parents, and all the things we need to do, are unduly stealing our time and we are too busy to worship God. In this week’s Friday Reminder, Shaykh Faraz beautifully shows us how this is simply not true and that Islam encompasses rewards, and honors all of these […] The post Are you too busy to worship God- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/1/20214 minutes, 45 seconds
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Gratitude is the Best Attitude- Shaykh Yusuf Weltch

We are often blind to the blessings that God rains down upon us in our daily lives. And so we wrongly attribute our talents and blessings to our own efforts and blame our hardships on the failures and shortcomings of others. This leads the human being into a state of complaint (shakwa). And for the […] The post Gratitude is the Best Attitude- Shaykh Yusuf Weltch appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
2/22/20215 minutes, 2 seconds
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The blessings of sending Salawat upon our Beloved – Imam Yama Niazi

If sending just one prayer of peace and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] grants us ten in return from Allah himself, what is our excuse for not filling our time with sending abundantly more? In this week’s Friday reflection, Imam Yama Niazi talks us through the many blessings and benefits of sending […] The post The blessings of sending Salawat upon our Beloved – Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
2/11/20215 minutes, 15 seconds
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“The Power of Intention – Turning the Mundane into Sacred”- Imam Yama Niazi

It is Allah alone who we worship and it is Allah alone who we ask for help. The one constant throughout our lives is The One who is constantly in existence. The Everlasting, Allah. Worldly Obligations throughout our lives often lead us to feel we don’t have the time or energy to sit and praise […] The post “The Power of Intention – Turning the Mundane into Sacred”- Imam Yama Niazi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
2/6/20215 minutes, 29 seconds
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Treading the Path of Benefit- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani discusses the importance of being a person of true benefit through following in the footsteps of those who have succeeded us. The path of guidance is a path to obtain virtue through seeking and learning knowledge explains Shaykh Faraz.  Shaykh Faraz concludes by explaining there are two great paths of divine mercy. One […] The post Treading the Path of Benefit- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/31/202116 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Prophet Muhammad’s (Allah bless him and give him peace) Living Tradition- Shaykh Yahya Rhodus

In this podcast, Shaykh Yahya Rhodus begins by explaining that the prophetic mission is a living tradition and a lived reality. He goes on to give several examples of what is meant by a living tradition, a tradition that is about actions of the limbs and the heart. Shaykh Yahya mentions that all believers should […] The post The Prophet Muhammad’s (Allah bless him and give him peace) Living Tradition- Shaykh Yahya Rhodus appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/22/202120 minutes, 12 seconds
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Let us connect with Allah-Shaykh Jamal-ud-Deen Hysaw

Almost a year has passed on this pandemic, and we are forced to stay at home in isolation. It is an opportunity for us to use this time to reflect and reconnect. In this week’s Friday Reminder, Shaykh Jamal reminds us to reconnect with Allah The Glorified and Sublime ‎. To think where we are […] The post Let us connect with Allah-Shaykh Jamal-ud-Deen Hysaw appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/16/20215 minutes, 12 seconds
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Hearts Unguarded: Reflections on the Storming of the Capitol – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani offers reflections on the Storming of the U.S. Capitol from a political perspective, but also from a spiritual one. The fragility of democratic institutions can serve to remind us of the fragility of our own hearts, and not to feed the dark forces encroaching on them. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit […] The post Hearts Unguarded: Reflections on the Storming of the Capitol – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/12/20218 minutes, 41 seconds
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Benefits of Self Isolation – Ustadh Abdullah Misra

In these troubling times, we are forced to stay in self-isolation. This can be a blessing if we consider it as a spiritual retreat, a time for self-reflection. In this week’s Friday Reminder, Ustadh Abdullah Misra reminds us that we need to use this time to come closer to Allah. He shares stories from the […] The post Benefits of Self Isolation – Ustadh Abdullah Misra appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/6/20214 minutes, 51 seconds
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Contentment with Where Allah Has Placed You – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this reminder, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani warns against mere religious fantasizing as contrary to contentment with the decree. He cites two stories where companions advised people not to wish to be where Allah did not place them. These companions reminded that one does not know what one’s state would be had one been in the […] The post Contentment with Where Allah Has Placed You – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/2/202114 minutes, 34 seconds
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Will I be Forgiven?- Shaykh Yusuf Weltch

Allah didn’t create us to be perfect, and that is not the purpose of our creation. We are not meant to become sinless. Striving for perfection would cause us to feel all types of despair because we are trying to reach an unattainable goal. In this week’s Friday Reminder, Shaykh Yusuf shares the story of […] The post Will I be Forgiven?- Shaykh Yusuf Weltch appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/30/20204 minutes, 48 seconds
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Prophetic Response to Trials and Tribulations – Shaykh Yusuf Weltch

Shaykh Yusuf Weltch begins by explaining some of the trials the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) went through in his life. He starts with the trials from the people of Ta’if. How they ran him out of their town after he called them to Islam. The Prophetic response was to pray for […] The post Prophetic Response to Trials and Tribulations – Shaykh Yusuf Weltch appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/26/20208 minutes, 17 seconds
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Allah Test Those Whom He Loves- The Tests of Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace)- Shaykh Yusuf Weltch

Shaykh Yusuf Weltch begins this talk by explaining how it was the prophets (peace be upon them) who were tested the most, and how the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) was the most tested of all the prophets. Shaykh Yusuf goes on to show how one gets through the test remembering […] The post Allah Test Those Whom He Loves- The Tests of Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace)- Shaykh Yusuf Weltch appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/21/202016 minutes, 38 seconds
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What does it mean to love God?- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Love has consequences and divine love has divine consequences. In this week’s Friday reflection, SeekersGuidance Executive Director, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, talks us through what it means to truly love God. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become […] The post What does it mean to love God?- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/20/20204 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Prophetic Standard of Virtue – Shaykh Omar Qureshi

In this talk, Shaykh Omar Qureshi explores the idea of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) being our uswah (“excellent model”; Quran 33.21) and point of reference, and how it helps us understand who we are. With Shaykh Faraz Rabbani joining in, he reminds us of the importance of hadith (Prophetic traditions) […] The post The Prophetic Standard of Virtue – Shaykh Omar Qureshi appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/18/202019 minutes, 14 seconds
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Steadfastness in Trials 02- Shaykh Yusuf Weltch

Shaykh Yusuf begins by explaining one of the signs of Allah’s love is not by not being tested or acquiring a lot of wealth. He explains who is beloved to Allah. It is the one who is able to adore themselves with praiseworthy qualities, and waking up in the depths of the night only for […] The post Steadfastness in Trials 02- Shaykh Yusuf Weltch appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/12/202011 minutes, 15 seconds
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Steadfastness in Trials-01- Shaykh Yusuf Weltch

Shaykh Yusuf Weltch begins the lesson by reminding all of the great stories that are related in the Qur’an. Of the greatest of stories we know is the story of Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him). Shaykh Yusuf then goes on to explain the objective of the stories and that is to increase one in […] The post Steadfastness in Trials-01- Shaykh Yusuf Weltch appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/9/202016 minutes, 17 seconds
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Purification and Increase Through Zakat and Charity – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz explains how zakat and charity can be a means of purification and increase, as Allah has told us in the Qur’an: “Take from their wealth ‘O Prophet’ charity to purify and bless them, and pray for them—surely your prayer is a source of comfort for them. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing” Qur’an (9:103). […] The post Purification and Increase Through Zakat and Charity – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/3/20207 minutes, 20 seconds
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Sound Hearts. Sound Societies. – Shaykh Yahya Rhodus

Shaykh Yahya explains to us and gives us a background of what a sound society means and what does a sound heart entails, drawing on references from the Qur’an and the Sunna.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely […] The post Sound Hearts. Sound Societies. – Shaykh Yahya Rhodus appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/27/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Sealed Heart – What is it and how can it be unsealed? – Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said

Shaykh Faid Said answers the following questions about the spiritual condition of a sealed heart. What is it? Can it be unsealed? If so, what would be the steps to take? Can there be an irreversible sealing of the heart?   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through […] The post The Sealed Heart – What is it and how can it be unsealed? – Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/25/202020 minutes, 17 seconds
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Spiritual Manners of Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani draws from Imam Abu ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami’s work “The Compendium of Manners on the Spiritual Path” to refresh our heart’s gaze on the actions and comportment of the Beloved Messenger (peace and blessing be upon him).   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable […] The post Spiritual Manners of Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/14/202019 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Prophet Musa and Khidr and Knowledge – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead explains verses 60 to 82 of Surah Kahf, which tell the story of Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) with Khidr. He highlights the key lessons from the story and significant themes it addresses.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance […] The post The Prophet Musa and Khidr and Knowledge – Shaykh Walead Mosaad appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/12/202048 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Parable of the Good Tree: Tafsir of Quran 14:24-27 – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani looks at a classical commentary on verses 24-27 of Sura Ibrahim. He explains different opinions on which is the “good word” and the “good tree” and how the metaphor relates to the believer. He also offers basic advice on how to improve one’s connection to the Quran’s meanings. The verses are: “Do […] The post The Parable of the Good Tree: Tafsir of Quran 14:24-27 – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/10/202041 minutes, 15 seconds
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Nurturing the Tree of Faith & Institution Building – Shaykh Yahya Rhodus

Shaykh Yahya Rhodus shares his viewpoint that in this phase of North American Islam, the most important priority is institution-building and conveying the Prophetic inheritance. He reflects on the idea of the Tree of Faith as a metaphor for institution building. Beginning with the seed of faith, he draws links between nurturing the soil of […] The post Nurturing the Tree of Faith & Institution Building – Shaykh Yahya Rhodus appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/7/202021 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Importance and Method of Seeking Sacred Knowledge – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

In this counsel, Shaykh Walead Mosaad shares advice for seekers of knowledge. He highlights the imperative nature of seeking knowledge and the importance of the transmission of the Islamic sciences, offering insights into the precision of our oral tradition. Reminding that our tradition is alive not only in its textual form but also through the […] The post The Importance and Method of Seeking Sacred Knowledge – Shaykh Walead Mosaad appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/5/202028 minutes, 35 seconds
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Distinguishing Traits of the Family of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani narrates and explains one of the hadiths in Sahih Bukhari, from the chapter on “The Distinguishing Traits of the Immediate Family of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), and The Particular Merits of Fatima (peace be upon her”. It has come from Sayyiduna Abu Bakr as-Siddiq that he said: […] The post Distinguishing Traits of the Family of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/3/20206 minutes, 53 seconds
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Living Faith Fully – Meanings, Gratitude, Certitude, and Tests and Blessings- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani shares four keys to “Living Faith Fully.” He explains the journey of life as being a journeying from (a) merely living; to (b) having faith; to (c) living this faithfully. For this, he advises that: One. Strive to live the meanings of the religion and its rituals—not just its forms. “Mean it, […] The post Living Faith Fully – Meanings, Gratitude, Certitude, and Tests and Blessings- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/31/202021 minutes, 31 seconds
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3 Ways to Connect to Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) in Rabi’ al-Awwal – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani provides a comprehensive and practical counsel on how we can connect with Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in the month of his birth, Rabi’ al-Awwal. He gives us three goals to aim for this month. 1. Choose a work on the life (Seera) or description (Shama’il) of Prophet Muhammad […] The post 3 Ways to Connect to Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) in Rabi’ al-Awwal – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/31/20206 minutes, 3 seconds
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Why The Prophet(May Allah bless him and give him peace) Started A School Before He Established A Mosque – Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan

If there was any doubt about the importance of learning centers, this should settle the matter. Did you know, the Prophet Muhammad ((Allah bless him and give him peace) established a place of learning before he built a mosque? He began this school in the home of a teenage boy called Arqam, which explains why […] The post Why The Prophet(May Allah bless him and give him peace) Started A School Before He Established A Mosque – Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/29/20206 minutes, 34 seconds
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Five Things the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) Prayed for Every Day – Shaykh Yahya Rhodus

In this Friday sermon, delivered at our 2018 retreat by Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, he reminds of a prayer of the Prophet that applies to virtually every aspect of the human experience: “O Allah, I ask you for the good of this day: it’s opening, its victory, its light, it’s a blessing, and its guidance.”   […] The post Five Things the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) Prayed for Every Day – Shaykh Yahya Rhodus appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/25/202022 minutes, 21 seconds
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What Is Beneficial Knowledge? – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this lesson, Shaykh Faraz covers eight characteristics of beneficial knowledge from Ghazali’s Beginning of Guidance. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – The post What Is Beneficial Knowledge? – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/22/202041 minutes, 59 seconds
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Circles of Mercy in Islam: Embracing Good Through the Mercy of Community – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this talk given after the eclipse prayer, Shaykh Faraz counsels everyone to enter in the circles of mercy and embrace good through being with family and community. He draws on the hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him): “Community is mercy, and being alone is torment.” Shaykh Faraz calls Muslims to […] The post Circles of Mercy in Islam: Embracing Good Through the Mercy of Community – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/18/202034 minutes, 57 seconds
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Keys on How to Retain Knowledge – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this podcast, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani counsels students on some keys on how to retain knowledge. Shaykh Faraz relates the story of Imam Shafi’i and his avidness to gain knowledge and to act on the knowledge.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from […] The post Keys on How to Retain Knowledge – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/16/20208 minutes, 20 seconds
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Welcome to Rabi’ al-Awwal & the Virtues of Praising the Prophet(Allah bless him and give him peace) – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz provides a welcome and introduction to Rabi’ al-Awwal, the month of the birth of Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace), who is the means to our having every good. He highlights praise of the Prophet(Allah bless him and give him peace)  and sending blessings on him as an expression of gratitude […] The post Welcome to Rabi’ al-Awwal & the Virtues of Praising the Prophet(Allah bless him and give him peace) – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/11/202017 minutes, 53 seconds
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Imam Abu Hanifa: Six Lessons from His Life – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani highlights six key lessons for seekers of knowledge from six beautiful stories from the life of Imam Abu Hanifa (Allah be pleased with him). These six practical lessons are relevant for everyone who wishes to become a true seeker of Islamic knowledge, and to fulfill the true purpose of knowledge–namely, seeking Allah’s […] The post Imam Abu Hanifa: Six Lessons from His Life – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/3/202028 minutes, 20 seconds
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Importance of Circles of Remembrance of Our Beloved Prophet (Peace be upon him)- Shaykh Yusuf Weltch

Shaykh Yusuf Weltch begins by reminding the believers of the reasons for the gatherings of the remembrance of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) that is to stir up the good in one’s soul that is already there. He goes on to explain what are the two gardens of paradise mentioned in Surat al Rahman, […] The post Importance of Circles of Remembrance of Our Beloved Prophet (Peace be upon him)- Shaykh Yusuf Weltch appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/27/20209 minutes, 6 seconds
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COVID-19: A Global Islamic Response | Recognizing Divine Control | Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat

In this lesson, Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat reminds of the need to look at the bigger picture. He encourages us to recite and reflect upon Sura al-Mulk (Qur‘an, 67) and looks at several lessons we can find at the opening verse to help us deal with this crisis. 1. Have a good opinion of Allah and […] The post COVID-19: A Global Islamic Response | Recognizing Divine Control | Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/26/202016 minutes, 52 seconds
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Knowledge Comes First: Examples of Veneration of Knowledge – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani relates some examples of veneration of knowledge he had experienced with his teachers. Illustrating that one should not be shy of seeking knowledge at any age, he starts with the story of one of his teachers, Shaykh Adib Kallas, insisting to sit at the back of a high-level class by a peer […] The post Knowledge Comes First: Examples of Veneration of Knowledge – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/25/202014 minutes, 39 seconds
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58: Eid Message- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this final episode, Shaykh Sadullah delivers a befitting reminder to us all. This day of Eid should be a day of happiness, joy, and celebration. Despite the circumstances that we find ourselves in we should continue to remain hopeful for a better tomorrow. It is on this day that we proclaim the greatness of […] The post 58: Eid Message- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/25/20204 minutes, 6 seconds
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53- Much Less Than More- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah presents to us the paradoxes of the modern age. As human beings, we have progressed technologically in so many areas, however despite our achievements we have failed in developing our sense of humanity. Let us take the opportunity now in understanding that quality is more important than quantity. For more […] The post 53- Much Less Than More- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/23/20203 minutes, 48 seconds
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57-Losing the Night of Power-Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah explains how we can miss out on the blessings of Allah in our lives. Whilst we search for the Night of Power in the last ten nights of Ramadan, it is very easy to lose the opportunity to truly benefiting from this auspicious occasion. Through bickering, fighting, and arguing Muslims […] The post 57-Losing the Night of Power-Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/23/20204 minutes, 27 seconds
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56- Relationship with the Book- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the importance of building a relationship with the Quran. The Quran deserves to be treated with respect and honor. This entails that we develop our basic capacities to read and understand the Quran so that we are able to implement its lessons and injunctions in our lives. For more […] The post 56- Relationship with the Book- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/23/20203 minutes, 59 seconds
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55- The Powerless on the Night of Power- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah reflects on the condition of the oppressed. Whilst many of us have the luxury of spending these last few days of Ramadan in the comforts of our homes, many people around the world do not have the same privileges as ourselves. So, as we try to attain the Night of […] The post 55- The Powerless on the Night of Power- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/22/20204 minutes, 31 seconds
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54-Pursuing Taqwa Through Tazkiya- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the importance of spiritual purification through the attainment of God-consciousness. When we become more conscious of God and his obligations upon us, we become more willing to purify our spiritual states. This in turn beautifies us as individuals and ensures that our hearts are illumined. Beautiful hearts make a […] The post 54-Pursuing Taqwa Through Tazkiya- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/22/20204 minutes, 2 seconds
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52-Home Service Never Closed- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah reminds us of the great effort and sacrifices our womenfolk have made during this Ramadan. Whilst most services within society has been limited and restricted, our womenfolk continue to work around the clock to take care of their households. Let us spare a thought and appreciate their unselfish work ethic, […] The post 52-Home Service Never Closed- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/19/20203 minutes, 51 seconds
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51-Ujb – The Disease of Fault Finding- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the dangers of self-righteousness and self-confidence. By adopting sanctimonious attitudes, we only end up damaging our standing with Allah. A true believer is humble and accommodating of the views, feelings, and emotions of others. Arrogance is an extremely lethal spiritual malady, as it consumes the heart and spiritual state […] The post 51-Ujb – The Disease of Fault Finding- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/17/20203 minutes, 48 seconds
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50-Generosity of Spirit- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the importance of giving. Whilst most people believe that generosity can be enacted only with the giving wealth, the truth is that one can display generosity with one’s time and character. During this testing time of Covid-19, there are many people who are in need. If we are able […] The post 50-Generosity of Spirit- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/16/20203 minutes, 51 seconds
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49- Nights of Power- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah reminds us of the great importance of the last ten days of Ramadan. The night of power is one of the most significant events for us as Muslims. Furthermore, we should remember that the Quran was revealed on the night of power. Therefore our true power comes from our connection […] The post 49- Nights of Power- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/15/20204 minutes, 19 seconds
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48- Appreciation of Beauty- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the importance of appreciating beauty. It is very easy to lose appreciation for the simple things in life. When we are not able to see the grandeur and majesty of Allah we become somber and inert. By appreciating the beauty around us we are able to rekindle our hearts […] The post 48- Appreciation of Beauty- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/14/20204 minutes, 26 seconds
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47-Obligation of Honesty-Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah reminds us of the importance of being honest. As we know, honesty is always the best policy. However, we should be careful not to use the truth to hurt people. Sometimes it is better to be more prudent when we wish to make a statement or comment that affects others. […] The post 47-Obligation of Honesty-Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/13/20203 minutes, 45 seconds
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46 – Best Community for Humanity-Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the great responsibility we as Muslims have. The Quran defines this Ummah as being the best of nations in history. The critical question we need to ask ourselves is if we are fulfilling the various duties expected of us? For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach […] The post 46 – Best Community for Humanity-Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/13/20203 minutes, 48 seconds
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45- Inculcating the Best Etiquette- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the various emotions that we can feel when we are constrained or restricted. Sometimes, when people are under pressure they tend to be irritable. We should remember that even if people act in a displeasing manner to us, we should always respond with what is better. For more SeekersGuidance […] The post 45- Inculcating the Best Etiquette- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/12/20203 minutes, 33 seconds
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44 – Love the Best of Emotion- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode. Shaykh Sadullah reminds us of the various emotions we feel as human beings. In this testing time that we are all facing it is imperative that we exude love and compassion to everyone. Love has the capacity to heal the deepest of wounds and to provide light in the darkest of times. […] The post 44 – Love the Best of Emotion- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/11/20203 minutes, 33 seconds
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43-Resolution Relating to Other Muslims- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah Khan reminds us of the importance of respecting the Islam of other individuals. As Muslims, we have become extremely segregated and antagonistic towards each other. Many times the differences we have with each are extremely trivial and minute. In this current time, we should realize the importance of unity and […] The post 43-Resolution Relating to Other Muslims- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/10/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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42- Subtleties of Supplication- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah Khan discusses the importance and great power of dua. We should never underestimate the value of dua. In good times and in bad times, we should always be supplicating to Allah. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance […] The post 42- Subtleties of Supplication- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/9/20203 minutes, 27 seconds
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41-Living by the Book- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah reminds us that Ramadan is the month of the Quran. Therefore if we truly wish to benefit then we should ask ourselves the question if we are connecting with the Quran this Ramadan. The Quran serves as a guide and a source of healing for people. In this current time […] The post 41-Living by the Book- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/9/20203 minutes, 41 seconds
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40-Alone Yet Together- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah Khan reflects on the fact that many of us have been restricted and isolated to our homes during this Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst this might result in a breakdown of optimism, it is important to remember that we are all in this together. Additionally, some of us are in the comforts […] The post 40-Alone Yet Together- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/7/20203 minutes, 39 seconds
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39- We Experience, We Witness & We Pray- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In the is episode, Shaykh Sadullah reminds us that the Covid-19 world in which we live in has brought us the worst and best in human beings. Whilst some people decided to exploit and cheat others in the prices of basic commodities, others have shown the highest form of generosity and courage. The world in […] The post 39- We Experience, We Witness & We Pray- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/5/20203 minutes, 44 seconds
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38-Smiling is Sunnah- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the importance of smiling. Sometimes all that is needed is a smile from one person to another. With so many people distressed and anxious during our current global crisis, smiling might be the only act we can do in order to bring some joy and happiness to others. For […] The post 38-Smiling is Sunnah- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/4/20203 minutes, 46 seconds
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37-Positive Potential of Patience- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the central quality of patience. Patience is a noble quality which is highlighted in the Quran. We as individuals are asked to imbibe this noble quality in lives. However, many of us find it difficult to exercise patience in our daily lives. Perhaps during this current global crises, we […] The post 37-Positive Potential of Patience- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/3/20203 minutes, 49 seconds
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36- Affirming our Humanity- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the issue of conflating the quantitative with qualitative. When we prioritize or assume that our strength comes from mere numbers than we lose sight of the importance of the internal dimensions of our acts. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through […] The post 36- Affirming our Humanity- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/2/20203 minutes, 32 seconds
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35-Prison – Hospital – Cemetery- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah draws our attention to those things we took for granted. Our freedom, our health, and our life. If we reflect on these great bounties that God has bestowed upon us, we will be able to live more meaningful and productive lives.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help […] The post 35-Prison – Hospital – Cemetery- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/2/20203 minutes, 34 seconds
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34-Beyond Material Value-Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah touches on the importance of appreciating the various dimensions of value. Many a time, we only focus on the material value of a thing. Our activities and daily lives are geared toward acquiring those things which will give us material and physical pleasure. We tend to neglect the spiritual dimensions […] The post 34-Beyond Material Value-Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/1/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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33 – Be Truly Like the Prophet (Peace be upon him- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah asks us to reflect on a very critical issue. As followers of the Prophet (peace be upon him) are we truly like him (peace be upon him)? Or is our attachment to the Prophet (peace be upon him) just a claim. Whilst we are very quick to speak about the […] The post 33 – Be Truly Like the Prophet (Peace be upon him- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
5/1/20203 minutes, 46 seconds
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32- Attitude of the Divine- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the importance of forgiveness. Ramadan is a month in which we all have an opportunity to attain the forgiveness of Allah. However, Allah’s forgiveness necessitates that we are open and willing to forgive others for their errors and misgivings.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance […] The post 32- Attitude of the Divine- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/30/20204 minutes
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31- Righteousness the Objective- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses one of the central themes of Ramadan, the concept of God-consciousness. Ramadan is a month where we as Muslims try our best to increase in God-consciousness with our acts of worship. However, we should not assume that physical rituals alone will allow us to develop God-consciousness. Our moral and […] The post 31- Righteousness the Objective- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/29/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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30-Begin with Mercy- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah welcomes us all to the month of Ramadan. He reminds us that during this testing time of Covid-19 we should not forget the central theme of Ramadan: Mercy. Our religion revolves mercy, therefore we should ensure that we become more merciful in this blessed month. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, […] The post 30-Begin with Mercy- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/28/20203 minutes, 32 seconds
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29-The World We Live In- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the frail nature we as human beings have in this world. Despite us thinking that we are the most superior form of creation or creatures on this planet, it just takes one natural event to humble and remind us of our true nature. What we learn from this is […] The post 29-The World We Live In- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/27/20203 minutes, 22 seconds
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28-Who Would Have Thought- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the importance of finding value in the smaller things in life. There are so many things we took for granted, and it is only now because we are barred from them that we appreciate their true worth. Let us take every opportunity that we have in this current time […] The post 28-Who Would Have Thought- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/26/20202 minutes, 48 seconds
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27-100 Days and Thinking- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah reminds us that it was just over 100 days ago that the Coronavirus emerged and spread from Wuhan (China) to the four corners of the globe. In such a short period of time, the world has ultimately been shut down. The economic effects have compounded the concerns and fears of […] The post 27-100 Days and Thinking- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/25/20203 minutes, 13 seconds
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25-Create Heartprints-Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the great value that sincere acts from the heart have. Human beings by their nature always leave traces of their actions behind in some form. Sometimes these traces can be good or bad. However, the best type of action is one which touches and warmly affects the heart of […] The post 25-Create Heartprints-Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/23/20202 minutes, 47 seconds
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24-Energize with Exercise- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah reminds us of the importance of staying physically healthy and mentally fit. It is critical that we do not waste our time in frivolous activities which will have a negative impact on our minds and souls. Rather, we should be proactive in engaging in activities that will have a positive […] The post 24-Energize with Exercise- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/22/20202 minutes, 47 seconds
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23-Where am I in Life- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah asks us to take an audit of ourselves and our lives. Have we lived meaningful lives? Or are we moving through life with no purpose? Now is a good time to reflect on how upholding a moral standard and performing actions of righteousness will have a meaningful effect on our […] The post 23-Where am I in Life- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/21/20202 minutes, 46 seconds
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22- How Sweet is your Tweet- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah asks to reflect on how we engage with information and news. Many of us have become overwhelmed with the phenomenon of social media because of the sheer amount of content we are exposed to. It is important for us to ensure that we are able to sift between that which […] The post 22- How Sweet is your Tweet- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/20/20202 minutes, 48 seconds
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21-Endings and Beginnings-Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah reflects on the nature of endings and beginnings. Whilst we all eagerly wait for the current situation to change for the better, we should not become obsessed with the end such that it inhibits us in doing anything positive. Rather, we should make the best of our current circumstances.   […] The post 21-Endings and Beginnings-Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/19/20202 minutes, 49 seconds
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20-Expression of Compassion- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah reminds us about the importance of showing compassion to others during this time of Covid-19. We should not forget the well being of the less fortunate who are struggling to survive. Additionally, we should show our appreciation to all those serving in the front lines who are unselfishly risking their […] The post 20-Expression of Compassion- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/18/20202 minutes, 47 seconds
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19-Finding Ourselves- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah Khan directs our attention to the importance of self-development. During this time we should be trying our best to improve our inward and outwards states. We should not be over-concerned about the opinions of others, rather we should sincerely commit ourselves to become better individuals. This is where you will […] The post 19-Finding Ourselves- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/18/20202 minutes, 42 seconds
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16-Beautify the Inner and Outer- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah Khan discusses the importance of focusing on our inner dimension and qualities. In this difficult time, we have an opportunity to refine our inner characteristics. True beauty is from within. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from […] The post 16-Beautify the Inner and Outer- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/16/20202 minutes, 48 seconds
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15- Unusual Time, Extra – Ordinary Measures-Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the importance of faith in current times. Faith leaders should be examples to their respective communities by following the preventative measures of social distancing. This is not a time to be self-righteous. Rather we should take into account the well being of our communities by abiding by the regulations […] The post 15- Unusual Time, Extra – Ordinary Measures-Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/12/20203 minutes
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13 – Home: Haven not Hell- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this thirteenth episode, Shaykh Sadullah reminds us to make an active effort in making our homes a place of safety. During this time of lockdown, many women and children are exposed to domestic violence. There is no justification in the abuse of any human being. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance […] The post 13 – Home: Haven not Hell- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/10/20202 minutes, 57 seconds
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12 – Hope in Seclusion- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this twelfth episode, Shaykh Sadullah Khan reminds us from various Quranic narratives that salvation is a product of seclusion and isolation. By remaining ever hopeful for a brighter future we are able to deal with our current circumstances. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable […] The post 12 – Hope in Seclusion- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/9/20202 minutes, 47 seconds
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11- Today for Tomorrow- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this eleventh episode, Shaykh Sadullah Khan asks us to reflect on how we use our time in preparing for a better tomorrow. Time is relative, the present becomes the past and the future is the past that must still occur. How we use our time is of the utmost importance. We should never live […] The post 11- Today for Tomorrow- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/7/20202 minutes, 38 seconds
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10-Attention Through Isolation- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this tenth episode. Shaykh Sadullah highlights how we as human beings have become extremely distracted by various objects and activities. Perhaps now, in our isolation, we can recalibrate and refocus on what is truly important and worthy. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge […] The post 10-Attention Through Isolation- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/7/20202 minutes, 46 seconds
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09-Take Not For Granted- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this ninth episode, Shaykh Sadullah reminds us about the daily blessings we took for granted. Now, due to the Covid-19 measures, basic activities and acts of love cannot be expressed. Humanity in the 21st century thought that they were powerful, advanced and developed. However, a small organism has shown us our true nature.   […] The post 09-Take Not For Granted- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/6/20202 minutes, 47 seconds
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Is Covid-19 a Divine Punishment? – Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary

Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary tackles the critical question if Covid-19 is a punishment of God. Many religious individuals are not sure how to understand the events that have caused much panic, concern, and despondency in the world. A substantial amount of people have passed away from Covid-19 over the past few months, with many more […] The post Is Covid-19 a Divine Punishment? – Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/4/20206 minutes, 41 seconds
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08- Candle in the Dark- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this eighth episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the spiritual importance of light. In times of darkness, a flicker of light is all you need to bring back hope and serenity. Blessed are those who sacrifice themselves in order to give light and hope to others. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach […] The post 08- Candle in the Dark- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/3/20202 minutes, 49 seconds
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07- Lockdown to Preserve Health- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this 7th Episode, Shaykh Sadullah Khan discusses the importance of appreciating one’s health. Take the opportunity to reflect and care for your physical and psychological well being during this time. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: […] The post 07- Lockdown to Preserve Health- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/2/20202 minutes, 48 seconds
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06- The Sunflower Effect- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this sixth episode, Shaykh Sadullah Khan draws our attention to the sunflower plant. In times of difficulty, the sunflower provides us with an apt example of how to support and be of benefit to others. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance […] The post 06- The Sunflower Effect- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
4/2/20202 minutes, 46 seconds
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05- Unlock in Lockdown- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this 5th episode, Shaykh Sadullah Khan reminds us that even though we are in lockdown, isolated from the rest of society, we should use this time to unlock the innate potentials within. This is a great opportunity to develop ourselves as human beings. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions […] The post 05- Unlock in Lockdown- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/31/20202 minutes, 42 seconds
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04- Being Productive in Seclusion- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this fourth episode, Shaykh Sadullah reminds us of the importance of being optimistic whilst we are in seclusion. Pessimism stifles creativity and productivity. By adopting a positive outlook we will be able to develop our creativity. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and […] The post 04- Being Productive in Seclusion- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/30/20202 minutes, 43 seconds
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03- Loneliness- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this third episode, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the notion of loneliness. As human beings, we are social creatures and therefore welcome social interaction. However, being isolated from others can have a great impact on us emotionally and psychologically. By appreciating personal seclusion we can enhance our own personal development and creativity.   For more SeekersGuidance […] The post 03- Loneliness- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/29/20202 minutes, 45 seconds
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02-Adjusting to Restriction-Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this second episode, Shaykh Sadullah asks us to reflect on what freedom really means. Many of us have been restricted to our homes due to the Covid-19 pandemic and this can cause a sense of anxiety and fear. Whilst we might think that our freedom has been curtailed, we should remember that freedom is […] The post 02-Adjusting to Restriction-Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/28/20201 minute, 59 seconds
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01- Now is the Time to Reflect- Shaykh Sadullah Khan

Over the next 21 days, Shaykh Sadullah Khan will share daily messages of introspection, motivation, and inspiration so that we are able to deal with the current global pandemic Covid-19. In this 1st episode, Shaykh Sadullah asks us all to reflect on what has happened. While we are all at a standstill, we have an […] The post 01- Now is the Time to Reflect- Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/27/20203 minutes, 3 seconds
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Dealing with the Coronavirus – Mufti Taha Karaan

In this talk, Mufti Taha Karaan provides a conceptual approach in understanding the phenomenon of a communicable disease in relation to religious law, creed and daily activities of living. The COVID-19, which has now been classified as a pandemic, has caused much societal confusion and panic. Many countries have declared national states of emergency. As […] The post Dealing with the Coronavirus – Mufti Taha Karaan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
3/16/202024 minutes, 59 seconds
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What is true wealth in Islam? – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“Wealth is not through a lot of possessions,” said the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). “Rather, wealth is only wealth of spirit.” [Related by Ahmad and others; sound] Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains the neediness (faqr) of humans, and how the desire to amass–wealth and possessions–is a natural impulse. However, no worldly amassing […] The post What is true wealth in Islam? – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
2/7/202023 minutes, 55 seconds
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33- Can I work in a kitchen with impermissible food? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 33- Can I work in a kitchen with impermissible food? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/28/20205 minutes, 43 seconds
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29-How Should Muslims Engage With Politics? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 29-How Should Muslims Engage With Politics? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/13/202012 minutes, 5 seconds
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Flying With Faith: Cultivating Hope and Awe of Allah-Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

If we love Allah, why do we fear Him? Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains that “fear” (khawf) of Allah is having reverential awe of the Greatness of our Merciful Lord and His tremendous favor upon us. Likewise, hope isn’t just wishing for the good. “Hope and fear are the wings of faith,” said Imam Ghazali.”By them, […] The post Flying With Faith: Cultivating Hope and Awe of Allah-Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/10/202024 minutes, 10 seconds
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27-What are the principles of work and assisting in sin? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 27-What are the principles of work and assisting in sin? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/7/202017 minutes, 5 seconds
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Re-Broadcast- Embracing Excellence – 12 – Religious Obligations and Knowledge – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani looks at the chapter of Imam Haddad’s Book of Assistance on religious obligations and seeking Islamic knowledge. He emphasizes the importance of ensuring we fulfill our religious obligations, reminding that these are not merely things we do but are keys to the love and closeness of Allah Most High. […] The post Re-Broadcast- Embracing Excellence – 12 – Religious Obligations and Knowledge – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
1/3/202052 minutes, 27 seconds
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26-What is the merit of dying on a Friday? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 26-What is the merit of dying on a Friday? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/31/20194 minutes, 25 seconds
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25-What is the definition of yateem (orphan)? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 25-What is the definition of yateem (orphan)? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/24/20196 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Preservation and Practice of the Qur’an- Mufti Taha Karaan

As the guest of honor at a local Quran Institute in Cape Town, Mufti Taha Karaan discusses the divine promise of Allah (the exalted) in preserving the Qur’an. In addition to discussing how Allah has used human beings and other methods of preserving the Qur’an since its revelation, Mufti Taha emphasizes the critical importance of […] The post The Preservation and Practice of the Qur’an- Mufti Taha Karaan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/23/201933 minutes, 35 seconds
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24-How cautious should I be when buying food? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 24-How cautious should I be when buying food? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/22/20198 minutes, 13 seconds
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23-Is it permissible to attend a mixed gathering? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 23-Is it permissible to attend a mixed gathering? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/17/20195 minutes, 19 seconds
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How To Be Sad: Understanding the Sorrow of the Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him)- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains lessons from the Year of Sorrow of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Contrary to some misunderstandings, the Sorrow of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was not of dejection or depression. Rather, his Sorrow was the most beautiful of sorrow: a deep sense of awe and […] The post How To Be Sad: Understanding the Sorrow of the Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him)- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/13/201925 minutes, 1 second
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Consciousness and Being Responsible- Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said

Jumuah Khutbah delivered by Shaykh Faid in North London on the theme of a verse from Surah Baqarah: 281 “Be conscious and be aware the day you will be returned to Allah, and everyone will be rewarded or accounted for everything that they have done, and no one will be oppressed on that very day.” […] The post Consciousness and Being Responsible- Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/9/201916 minutes, 17 seconds
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21- Can you separate the nikah and walima? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 21- Can you separate the nikah and walima? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/9/20194 minutes, 44 seconds
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20- Can I get a dog to help my son with disabilities? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 20- Can I get a dog to help my son with disabilities? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/6/20194 minutes, 13 seconds
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19- Is there Islamic banking the West?Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 19- Is there Islamic banking the West?Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/3/201912 minutes, 48 seconds
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Treading the Path of Benefit- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani discusses the importance of being a person of true benefit through following in the footsteps of those who have succeeded us. A question and answer session follow. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become […] The post Treading the Path of Benefit- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/2/201933 minutes, 14 seconds
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Pre Khutba Talk: Activism and Gender Based Violence -Shaykh Sadullah Khan

In this Pre Khutba talk, Shaykh Sadullah discusses the tragic and deplorable rise of gender-based violence in South Africa. The increase of violence against women and children can never be justified in Islam. Shaykh Sadullah reminds us that Allah has indeed honored all human beings, and that any type of violence perpetrated against fellow human […] The post Pre Khutba Talk: Activism and Gender Based Violence -Shaykh Sadullah Khan appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
12/2/201923 minutes, 33 seconds
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18- How to Advise and Correct Others in Islam? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 18- How to Advise and Correct Others in Islam? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/29/201919 minutes, 57 seconds
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17- How can I raise my children in the West? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 17- How can I raise my children in the West? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/26/20197 minutes, 20 seconds
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16-Do I have to follow one madhhab (school of law)? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 16-Do I have to follow one madhhab (school of law)? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/22/201913 minutes, 24 seconds
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15- Is marrying the most religious person always the best choice? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 15- Is marrying the most religious person always the best choice? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/19/20194 minutes, 8 seconds
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The smartest believers are those who remember death-Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told us that the smartest believers are those who remember death the most, and best prepare for it. [Ibn Maja] Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains how to remember and practically prepare for death in this inspiring and uplifting talk. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance […] The post The smartest believers are those who remember death-Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/15/201929 minutes, 23 seconds
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14-What is the difference between waswasa(internal whispering) and the ego? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 14-What is the difference between waswasa(internal whispering) and the ego? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/15/20194 minutes, 16 seconds
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13-How important is it to learn Arabic? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 13-How important is it to learn Arabic? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/12/20198 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Great Gift of the Prophet Muhammad -and How to Truly Appreciate This Gift- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reminds us to appreciate the greatest gift that Allah has given humanity: the gift of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (peace & blessings be upon him & his folk). He explains the Divine Reminder: “Truly, Allah has bestowed great favor upon the believers, for He has sent to them a Messenger from […] The post The Great Gift of the Prophet Muhammad -and How to Truly Appreciate This Gift- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/9/201922 minutes, 26 seconds
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12-How can I battle bad thoughts during worship? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 12-How can I battle bad thoughts during worship? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/8/20199 minutes, 1 second
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11-Should I pray behind and follow an imam who has a short beard? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 11-Should I pray behind and follow an imam who has a short beard? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/5/20193 minutes, 39 seconds
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10-How to handle doubts about Islam and being Muslim ? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 10-How to handle doubts about Islam and being Muslim ? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
11/1/20197 minutes, 10 seconds
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09-Adab: The Proprieties of Fridays- Ustadh Tabraze Azam

Out of His pure grace, Allah Most High has blessed the Muhammadan community (umma) with a day as special and sacred as Friday. The Noble Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, remarked that Allah has made it “an Eid for the believers.” (al-Muwatta) A day of joy, then, blessings and magnificent rewards from […] The post 09-Adab: The Proprieties of Fridays- Ustadh Tabraze Azam appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/30/201916 minutes
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09-Where does belief come from is it a conscious decision? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 09-Where does belief come from is it a conscious decision? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/29/20195 minutes, 37 seconds
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08-Why Can’t Muslims Eat Pork? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 08-Why Can’t Muslims Eat Pork? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/25/20198 minutes, 8 seconds
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Adab 08: The Proprieties of Travel- Ustadh Tabraze Azam

True, meaningful journeying is found in spiritual wayfaring. In other words, the journey from sin and disobedience to righteous acts and Godfearingness, from heedlessness to presence, from distance to proximity, and from everything which Allah hates to everything Allah loves. This is the kind of journey that we will be deeply grateful for when we […] The post Adab 08: The Proprieties of Travel- Ustadh Tabraze Azam appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/23/201915 minutes, 45 seconds
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07-Is Repentance Accepted If I Sin Again? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 07-Is Repentance Accepted If I Sin Again? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/22/201912 minutes, 54 seconds
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06-Can I Makeup Missed Prayers in the Masjid? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

“The cure for confusion is simply to ask,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Islam FAQ, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other SeekersGuidance scholars give clear, reliable answers to common questions that people ask about Islam–on faith, worship, spirituality, social issues, halal and haram, and a wide range of practical issues […] The post 06-Can I Makeup Missed Prayers in the Masjid? Islam FAQ: Clear Reliable Answers to Common Questions -Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/18/20194 minutes, 42 seconds
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Adab 07: The Proprieties of Earning a Living- Ustadh Tabraze Azam

Ustadh Tabraze Azam dives deep into the proprieties of earning a lawful income, its virtues, and its rewards in this life and in the life to come. The trustworthy, honest trader will be with the prophets, the truthful, and the martyrs [on the Day of Judgement], said the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and […] The post Adab 07: The Proprieties of Earning a Living- Ustadh Tabraze Azam appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/16/201913 minutes, 1 second
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Why Vote? The Muslims Concern for the Public Good? (and what if we’re disillusioned with politics)-Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this Khutba, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani discusses the approach Muslims should have when engaging with elections and issues of politics. All Muslims should focus on bringing about the benefit for their communities. It is vital that Muslims should have a concern about how they are governed and how various policies affect them and their communities. […] The post Why Vote? The Muslims Concern for the Public Good? (and what if we’re disillusioned with politics)-Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/16/201918 minutes, 50 seconds
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06- Adab: The Adab of The Mosque Part 2- Ustadh Tabraze Azam

Ustadh Tabraze Azam reminds is of the honor Allah has bestowed upon the mosque as a place of worship and the importance of right conduct in it. Proper manners take time to inculcate. But the more sacred the space or setting, the greater the emphasis is in maintaining a high bar. Each time we display […] The post 06- Adab: The Adab of The Mosque Part 2- Ustadh Tabraze Azam appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/10/20198 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Importance and Priority of Seeking Knowledge – Shaykh Yahya Rhodus

In this reminder, Shaykh Yahya Rhodus counsels on how to seek sacred knowledge. He particularly emphasizes making seeking knowledge a priority and taking everything in life as a learning opportunity. He looks at the four components of learning: a teacher, intelligence, correct books, and perseverance. Shaykh Yahya gives specific suggestions on making time for knowledge, […] The post The Importance and Priority of Seeking Knowledge – Shaykh Yahya Rhodus appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
10/4/201945 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Importance of Repentance – Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said

In this podcast Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said calls the believers to realize the real wrongdoing, is in not repenting and turning to Allah when one errs. He also defines what repentance is. Shaykh Faid goes on to emphasize that Allah is always watching and that we should be heedful of that. He also explains the […] The post The Importance of Repentance – Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/27/201940 minutes, 49 seconds
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Don’t Fear, Truly God Is With Us The Unconditional Hope- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

One of the key sunnas of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is that he was always positive and full of hope in Allah Most High. It didn’t matter what was happening to him or around him, the Prophet’s positive attitude and hope were unconditional. In this Friday khutba, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani highlights […] The post Don’t Fear, Truly God Is With Us The Unconditional Hope- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/20/201929 minutes, 37 seconds
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06- The Art of Reading -Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary

In this final episode of The Art of Reading, Dr Yusuf Patel asks Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary to holistically summarize all the various points and aspects which were discussed in the previous episodes. Shaykh Ahmed provides a comprehensive plan of how to coalesce all the skills of reading so that a student of knowledge is […] The post 06- The Art of Reading -Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/19/201942 minutes, 25 seconds
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Re-Broadcast-Common Misconceptions about Istikhara – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani discusses salat al-istikhara (the prayer of guidance) by defining it, debunking misconceptions regarding it, the best way to perform it, and easy ways to integrate it into our lives in a meaningful manner Some of the common misonceptions include Istikhara is a prayer in matters of marriage The signs come in the […] The post Re-Broadcast-Common Misconceptions about Istikhara – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/14/201956 minutes, 17 seconds
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Re-Broadcast: Challenges and Choices: Lessons from the Great Day of Ashura

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani discusses the lessons of the great day of Ashura – the 10th of Muharram. This is one of the greatest days of the year – a day the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) highly encouraged us to fast. This is the day in which… Prophet Adam was absolved of his error; the […] The post Re-Broadcast: Challenges and Choices: Lessons from the Great Day of Ashura appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
9/7/201932 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Time Is Now: Returning to Allah, the Merciful, in Gratitude and Joy Without Delay- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this Friday sermon, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reminds us of the great bounties and blessings that God has bestowed upon us in this sacred month of Hajj. Shaykh Faraz calls upon us to recognize and appreciate the moments of life that God has gifted us with. The scholars of Islam state that the greatest moment […] The post The Time Is Now: Returning to Allah, the Merciful, in Gratitude and Joy Without Delay- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
8/25/201916 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Doors of Mercy Are Wide Open: Blessings of Dhul Hijja and the Day of Arafa- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani shares inspiring reminders on the vastness of Allah’s mercy, and the gratitude and joy a believer should experience when realizing the blessings and opportunities before them. The Days of Dhu’l Hijja are special. The Day of Arafa is special. Eid is special. Here are keys to truly benefit and rise through them. […] The post The Doors of Mercy Are Wide Open: Blessings of Dhul Hijja and the Day of Arafa- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
8/10/201923 minutes, 18 seconds
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‘Shepherds and Their Flocks: Parental Responsibility’- Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat

This sermon is a discussion around the sahih hadith ‘All of you are [like] shepherds, and all of you will be asked about you flocks. The topics of parenting, fulfilling the needs and rights of children, and common parental malpractices are addressed here. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance […] The post ‘Shepherds and Their Flocks: Parental Responsibility’- Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat appeared first on SeekersGuidance.
8/10/201936 minutes, 40 seconds