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make joy normal: cozy homeschooling Cover
make joy normal: cozy homeschooling Profile

make joy normal: cozy homeschooling

English, Parenting, 7 seasons, 230 episodes, 6 days, 7 hours, 46 minutes
In the context of promoting joy, fun and an environment of love, Bonnie welcomes you! Bonnie is a homeschool mom of seven kids, 31 years in - writer, speaker and cheerleader. Meet her cohosts who bring your questions and theirs to the table: Elizabeth, mom of five, in the thick of glorious family life, and Christina, just starting the homeschool journey with two littles. Join us for some honest discussion about how to make home education cozy. Just like you imagined.
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kindness: forgiveness of injuries sustained

send us a text via Fan Mail!The hardest road to kindness.Support the showContact On Instagram at By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
10/1/20248 minutes, 37 seconds
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kindness - affability of speech

send us a text via Fan Mail!Another element of kindness, broken down into something doable and digestible.  Affability of speech - AKA, tone of voice...Support the showContact On Instagram at By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
9/23/20245 minutes, 33 seconds
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growing in kindness

send us a text via Fan Mail!What does it take?Support the showContact On Instagram at By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
9/19/20245 minutes, 55 seconds
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my take on it: order, where to start when you're feeling overwhelmed

send us a text via Fan Mail!I received this fan mail a few days ago, and wanted to respond with my take on it.  This mom is doing so many good things already, please know I pray for you all and hope this helps!Hi Bonnie -- I am really struggling. I deeply desire a joyful home and yet every day , without fail I am yelling, the kids are fighting, the baby is overtired and the house is a mess. I'm at a loss at where to even begin. I know my discipline for cleaning and keeping order needs to be strengthened, but again, I don't know where to start.What would you recommend to start making order? We read aloud daily, leave the house only 2 days/week, order groceries in -- I have really tried to simplify but still cycle back to the same time and again. I'd greatly appreciate your prayers and adviceSupport the Show.Contact On Instagram at By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
9/2/202410 minutes, 52 seconds
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my take on it - further questions on co-sleeping, toddler edition

Send us a Text Message.After listening to the episode on cosleeping, a listener submitted these questions:So this mum has a large family. She has a baby who's just over one, that this is usually around the time that she has stopped co -sleeping and transitioned to a crib. She'd like to keep co -sleeping, but a couple of things are frustrating at this stage of babyhood, how do I manage these particular things? How do get yourself ready in the morning? Shower, get dressed, have some time to do a couple chores to be ready for the day. If you have to stay in the same room as the sleeping baby. And also when I put the baby to bed at night, she starts out in a crib, some evenings that she wakes up after only an hour. Then I go back in and nurse her for 20 -ish minutes and get back to spending time with my husband and older kids. I find this frustrating because I feel like my husband and I have very little time together. So here's my take on it...again, I will give a shout out to, sleep coaching from an attachment perspective.  Support the Show.Contact On Instagram at By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
8/10/20246 minutes, 34 seconds
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cooking, love and rest with Zoe: creating more ease in the kitchen and our brains

Send us a Text Message.My dear friend Zoe joins me to discuss how she mentors moms to take a look at how we can create more ease and joy in the daily task of meal prep and menu planning.  Dealing with decision fatigue and how to create an environment that is more streamlined and restful.  We talk about Sunday as a day of rest, and what that can look like in our busy family lives.  Spend some time with us, chatting about the joys and challenges of keeping all the people fed. Website: Freebies! Instagram: @realliferealkitchenSupport the Show.Contact On Instagram at By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/31/202442 minutes, 33 seconds
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my take on it: struggling with spelling and kids who are behind

Send us a Text Message.I received great question(s) yesterday, what do we do when our kids can't spell...what do we do when they're behind....what do we do when our head's not in the game."Hi Bonnie! I have a question! My 10 year old son is very very very much a struggling speller. I mean, I’m sure he is dyslexic. He can’t spell at all and I’ve tried everything. What would you do? Just dictation?""I admit I hit very much a rough patch with general overwhelm this summer and almost put two of my kids in public school. I’m trying to snap out of it and get back to our family vision. But it’s been very challenging with a toddler who still sleeps horribly and a destructive five year old boy . I need to re-listen to basically all of your episodes and get my head in the game again. My 10 yr old is just soooo woefully behind in math and spelling that it adds to my overwhelm.""Basically / 10 yr old that is very behind in math and spelling. He has various learning disabilities and is very self conscious of being a “bad speller” but I’ve really tried everything to no avail."Support the Show.Contact On Instagram at By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/22/202417 minutes
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my take on it: children and chores

Send us a Text Message.Short answer to an important question...our experience and how it changed over the years: "Hi Bonnie! I’m thinking about our daily/weekly routines for this school year and wondering if you have thoughts on chores for kids. I’m looking at how many hours we have in the day and plugging in reading aloud, a little sit down work, more reading aloud, practicing piano, and then chores on top of that I just wonder am I asking too much of my kids (ages 6 and 8). On the one hand I see housework as my responsibility and am happy to just take care of it all so they can play and enjoy life. On the other hand I don’t want my kids to grow up and not know how to clean the bathroom or do laundry, and it does feel like a good family habit to have help tidying up after meals. Any thoughts you have or sharing about your own experience would be so appreciated! Thanks!"Support the Show.Contact On Instagram at By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/21/202414 minutes, 46 seconds
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co-sleeping: sharing our experience

Send us a Text Message.Haley and I discuss co-sleeping and breastfeeding, I chat about my journey into co-sleeping and the benefits I’ve observed. Overall, the conversation highlights the benefits and challenges of co-sleeping and offers insights into creating a safe and comfortable sleep environment for the whole family. We share our personal experiences and offer thoughts on how to navigate these situations. co-sleeping, breastfeeding, attachment parenting, sleep environment, night weaning, co-sleeping, parenting, night weaning, transitioning, marriage, intimacy, napping, sleep resourceSound Bites“The longer we co-slept, the more everyone slept better because they felt secure.”“The more light-handed we can handle it, the less conflict there is.”“Wait until they’re ready to go in their own room and treat it as no big deal.”ChaptersIntroduction and BackgroundCo-Sleeping and Breastfeeding JourneyBenefits of Co-SleepingCreating a Safe Sleep EnvironmentNight WeaningTransitioning to Their Own RoomMaintaining a Marriage with Young ChildrenCreating a Safe Sleeping Environment for Napping2hSupport the Show.Contact On Instagram at By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/10/202436 minutes, 48 seconds
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getting kids to do things they don't want to do, like math for example

Send us a Text Message.In this conversation, Mariette and I discuss how to motivate children to do tasks they don't enjoy, specifically focusing on math. We explore strategies such as setting parameters, incorporating math into daily activities, and giving children a sense of control and choice. TakeawaysSet parameters and give children a sense of control and choice when it comes to tasks they don't enjoy.Incorporate math into daily activities to make it more engaging and relevant.Consider using different math programs and breaking down concepts into smaller, more manageable steps.Understand that learning is a process and there is no rush to complete a certain curriculum by a specific deadline.Sound Bites"There's always going to be things you don't want to do.""We don't want them in a state of alarm."Understanding the Nature of Unpleasant TasksAvoiding Alarm and ResistanceIncorporating Math into Daily ActivitiesBreaking Down Math Concepts into Manageable StepsModeling Learning and Making it FunTeaching Math as a Magic Trick the Show.Contact On Instagram at By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/3/202442 minutes, 16 seconds
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my take on it - what to do after chocolate chip math

Send us a Text Message.Question submitted via text message -  I’m wondering if you have any episodes or blog posts about math after chocolate chips - my oldest is 8 and about to start grade 3. We have been using your little yellow book along with The 3 R’s as a guide for our math learning so far. Would love to hear about where you went from there with your kids, any particular curriculums that you found helpful. I know nothing will be a perfect fit, I’m just looking for something to use as a guide as we continue our one on one lessons. Math is not a natural or easy subject for me to teach. soundbites:"Chocolate chips are just the yummy, tasty, manipulative.""I bought a math book and I just followed the appendix."blog posts:a few math posts (nota bene, there are many more, search chocolate chips, math, teaching math on my blog)To find episodes where we cover math, go to the bottom of the show notes to "episodes by topic" - and under math there are episodes wherever we have talked math!Support the Show.Contact On Instagram at By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
6/23/20249 minutes, 41 seconds
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keeping homeschooling fresh for the long game

Send us a Text Message.Sheila, a veteran homeschooling mother from Arizona, shares her experience with burnout and the challenges of homeschooling children with a large age gap.  We touch on mothering teens and keeping the connection as they become adults.  soundbites:"It's a beautiful thing that you're doing.""Nobody prepares us for what it's going to be like to have adult children and our role in that.""Implementing mentorship for older homeschooling moms could be a wonderful way to share knowledge and support."Navigating Burnout and Connection in HomeschoolingFinding Mentorship and Support in HomeschoolingThe Importance of Self-Care for Homeschooling ParentsCreating Engaging Activities for HomeschoolingEngaging Children in Learning Through AnimalsInvesting in Educational Resources: Microscopes and GardeningExploring the 4-H ProgramMaintaining Connection with Teens While Attending to Younger ChildrenChallenges of Parenting Adult ChildrenSupport the Show.Contact On Instagram at By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
6/23/202439 minutes, 18 seconds
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my take on it - supporting left handed kids

Send us a Text Message.A short answer to a question submitted on buzzsprout's new "FAN MAIL" function. Support the Show.Contact On Instagram at By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
6/14/202414 minutes, 18 seconds
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creating high school credits out of our kids passions and some things happening currently

Send us a Text Message.Takeaways from this episode:Passions can be turned into high school courses, such as chessCourse titles can reflect the skills and concepts learned, like "applied mathematics through strategy."  A high school course typically requires 120-150 hours of work, so what does that look like for their passions?A topical list of previous episodes is available for easy reference at the end of these show notes and also!  A YouTube video featuring a dad's panel discussing homeschooling experiences is linked here in the show notes. 00:00 Introduction and Fan Mail Function01:26 Turning a Passion for Chess into a High School Course05:44 Incorporating Writing Assignments and Presentations06:12 Resources for Developing High School Courses07:37 A Topical List of Previous Episodes09:36 Insights from a Dads Panel on Homeschooling10:06 Conclusion and FarewellDad’s panel from our local conferenceHomeschooling high school, blog postSupport the Show.Contact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
5/22/202410 minutes, 59 seconds
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avoiding comparison and getting boys to do stuff

well, exactlyspelling and the brain by Andrew PudewaSupport the Show.Contact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
5/1/202428 minutes, 33 seconds
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Raising Critical Thinkers: foundation, practice and application - an interview with author Julie Bogart

Such a pleasure to have Julie Bogart join me to discuss her upcoming book and the importance of teaching writing and critical thinking skills in  our homeschool. 00:41 - Welcome Julie / Beginnings in teaching writing 4:27 - Becoming critical thinkers 8:35 - Differing opinions in families/communities  17:32 - Teaching children how to think, not what to think  25:25 - Separating facts from fiction 36:28 - Assumptions, biases and group think45:10 - Debate and analysis of news articles 52:08 - The importance of asking questionsOn Instagram @juliebravewriter www.bravewriter.comBecoming a Critical Thinker: A Workbook to Help Students Think Well in an Age of Disinformation by Julie Bogart Raising Critical Thinkers: A Parent's Guide to Growing Wise Kids in a Digital Age by Julie Bogart The Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning and Life by Julie Bogartlanguage arts in high school (blog post)  #makejoynormal #homeschooling #writing #criticalthinking #thinkingskills #discpline #research #study #parenting #opinion #debate Support the showContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] Search podcast episodes by topic Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
4/6/202457 minutes, 41 seconds
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Christmas message!

Support the showContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
12/29/20235 minutes, 9 seconds
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ADVENT and CHRISTMAS: Albert and I share family traditions

My husband and I chat about things that we did over the years to mark Advent and Christmas!Support the showContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
12/2/202330 minutes, 33 seconds
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making kids do stuff we want them to do and making them stop doing stuff we don't want them to do

Support the showContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
9/1/202337 minutes, 28 seconds
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back to school resources linked in the show notes

my homeschool workshop in audio and videoBack to school free planning pagesLydia's Catholic Saints timelineBlog posts:Planning your year with natural learningKeeping trackGearing up for the school yearGetting some mom timePrevious episodes:What will you do all day? Developing routine with littlesPrepping for next year, what we really needSupport the showContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
8/29/20231 minute, 4 seconds
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seven strategies for simpler homes

Thank you Kelly!  For more awesome tips on simplifying mom life, find Kelly here the showContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
8/27/202344 minutes, 17 seconds
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random discussion about why we do the things we do

Sorry sweeties, no show notes this time!!Support the showContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
8/15/202330 minutes, 32 seconds
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harsh realities

Trigger warning.  Difficult topic. Contact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
5/17/20236 minutes, 39 seconds
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a gift for my listeners

Firstly!  Congratulations to the Jaloway family, my lovely co-host Christina had her little son Luke...please keep the family in your prayers!And secondly, my sweet daughter Lydia (16) has created a timeline for families to use.  She agreed to interview to tell my listeners about it.  The Good Teens DoContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
4/5/20238 minutes, 18 seconds
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Christmas message, 2022

A blessed Christmas to you all!Contact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
12/26/20225 minutes, 55 seconds
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Why We Kiss Under the Mistletoe: a new book and Christmas traditions in our family life

This is coming out as a supplementary episode because you are probably gonna want this book after listening and you need it before Christmas...I talk with the cocktail man, Michael Foley once again, ultimately, about joy.  His new book Why We Kiss Under the Mistletoe” is so much more than a book about Christmas traditions.  We can learn history through Christmas traditions (rock that Christmas unit study…), and create deepen family bonds by sharing these traditions with our children.  We talk about why we, as a culture, love Christmas and ways to attain cozy in your family.  Michael shares how to approach developing Christmas traditions in your own home with joy and fun.  He reveals how we can capitalize on the “culture of merriment” and that idea alone is worth the book. On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
12/5/202237 minutes, 58 seconds
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pilgrimage two minute info session ❤️

If you want to follow along, I'm here: On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
10/19/20222 minutes, 49 seconds
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my conversion

TRIGGER WARNING.  See below.  Dear friends...this is pretty raw.  Christina brings a listeners question to the show ~ tell us about your conversion.  It could have been raw-er, I suppose, but  raw enough that I'm not putting it up on social media...  Also, the editing is kind of poor.  Sorry, no excuses.   A while back, someone wrote in that they'd love to hear my conversion story.  And, my friends, trigger warning:  I experienced marital abuse.  Subscribers to the podcast will see it, and if you feel there's someone who needs to hear my story, for some reason, please share. Blessings to you. BonnieContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
4/20/202238 minutes, 40 seconds
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Saintmaker....I need this. We all need this.

Introducing Nathan Meffert, the developer of the Saintmaker Catholic planner.  This is so good, I produced this little  episode as there is a time constraint on the season that is coming out soon.  This is a short supplementary episode about a Catholic planner that was brought to my attention.  It’s new season is April 1, so I wanted to get it into my listener’s path as soon as I could. The Saintmaker helps us establishe our priorities and let’s us put the details in their proper place.  Thanks, Nathan!#makejoynormal#homeschooling#homeschool#homeschoollife#vancouverisland#revolutionofmercy promo code MAKEJOYNORMAL to save 10%!The Churching of WomenContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
3/25/202234 minutes, 58 seconds
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a gentle Lent, a holy Lent: an interview with Father Jeffrey Kirby

Fr. Jeffrey Kirby shares insights for making this Lenten season a time of spiritual growth and how not to miss the opportunity for deepening of our faith and relationship with the Lord.   4:00 - A primer on Lent : what it is and it's purpose7:06 - How does the individual and the Church benefit from Lent? 10:32 - How A Holy Lent program is structured 16:15 - What should you give up for Lent? 26:16 - Encountering God in the present moment and the purgative way 31:51 - Book recommendations for spiritual growthA Holy Lent program Books for spiritual growth: Be Not Troubled: A 6-Day Personal Retreat with Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade by Fr. Jeffrey KirbyGlory Unto Glory: A Primer on Ascetical Theology by Fr. Jeffrey Kirby Try Riversidefm, Our recording platform.  I use it because it’s easy. I use it because good tech support matters. makes podcasting simple.  I value support in this ministry; the folks at buzzsprout respond quickly and cheerfully. On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
2/27/202238 minutes, 53 seconds
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eight minute Christmas message

A blessed and holy Christmas to you all!https://www.cannotquenchlove.comContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
12/24/20217 minutes, 51 seconds
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homeschooling with a new baby and other charming and challenging times in our lives

Welcome back, Elizabeth!  In this episode, we (naturally) talk about homeschooling with a new baby.  Considering the season of babyhood, we address the joyful and time consuming nature of welcoming a little one, and the importance of our relationships in the home.  We talk about the other high-intensity, challenging, stressful or just plain busy times, too. 5:30 - How to find balance in responding to the needs of the baby and children14:35 - Waiting for readiness and The Three R's by Ruth Beechick 18:51 - Is it okay to take breaks? 24:08 - Getting outside help when needed On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
10/2/202129 minutes, 34 seconds
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homeschooling with JOY workshop, part four

For resources, see part oneContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
8/11/202135 minutes, 55 seconds
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homeschooling with JOY workshop, part three

See part one for resourcesContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
8/4/20211 hour, 1 minute, 57 seconds
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homeschooling with JOY workshop, part two

Welcome to part two of my workshop, Homeschooling with JOY.  At the beginning of COVID, I made a video workshop that I have free, so that people could be supported through a difficult time.  I uploaded it to YouTube, and it will stay there for time immemorial.  I decided it would be good as an audio option as well, so for the next few  weeks, I’ll be putting the four segments up podcast episodes.  So that you don't have to fish around for them, I'll put all four episodes in the resources page of my website HERE as they go live,  All resources mentioned in the video are available here: the gamut of philosophy of home education to what we do all day, dealing with littles, developing a high school transcript and how to help yourself be kind.  If you have listened to this podcast for any length of time, you’ll have a picture of what I’m all about.  This workshop in four segments is a comprehensive look at this life and how we lived and educated.  Enjoy!Contact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/28/20211 hour, 24 minutes, 37 seconds
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raising boys and raising girls - different

Christina and I dive into  the differences in -  brain and chemistry (and how that plays out) in raising and teaching - boys and girls.  We veer into sensitivity to readiness, and one of the worst things we can say to our kids.  2:13 - Differences based on research 11:19 - Experience of homeschooling boys and girls 21:19 - Being sensitive to readiness and  how to challenge without frustrating 26:34 - The worst thing we can say to our kids 29:01 - How boys/girls express their emotions 36:26 - Don't take things personally 37:43 - Relationship oriented parenting makes you a safe place for your child 43:21 - Homeschooling is so much bigger than teaching subjects On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/24/202150 minutes, 9 seconds
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homeschooling with JOY workshop, part one

Dear listeners.  At the beginning of COVID, I made a video workshop that I have free, so that people could be supported through a difficult time.  I uploaded it to YouTube, and it will stay there for time immemorial.  I decided it would be good as an audio option as well, so for the next few  weeks, I’ll be putting the four segments up podcast episodes.  So that you don't have to fish around for them, I'll put all four episodes in the resources page of my website HERE as they go live,  All resources mentioned in the video are available here: the gamut of philosophy of home education to what we do all day, dealing with littles, developing a high school transcript and how to help yourself be kind.  If you have listened to this podcast for any length of time, you’ll have a picture of what I’m all about.  This workshop in four segments is a comprehensive look at this life and how we lived and educated.  Enjoy!Contact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/21/20211 hour, 42 minutes, 1 second
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a nothing-short-of-thrilling public service announcement

short, sweet and awesomeContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/18/20211 minute, 11 seconds
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Before Austen Comes Aesop: The Children’s Great Books and How to Experience Them: The Children's Great Books and How to Experience Them ~ an interview with author Cheri Blomquist

I know it's a long title, but I really wanted you to get the picture. My guest, Cheri Blomquist is the author of Before Austen Comes Aesop: The Children’s Great Books and How to Experience Them.  We discuss the why of literature, and specifically children's literature.  Cheri explains how we can best use her book and the value in our understanding of reading the beautiful children's classics.  8:25 - Why should we study literature? 11:36 - Our ability to think through ideas, to think for ourselves 15:32 - What inspired your own love of literature? 18:59 - The value of book guides27:30 - What are your favourite children's book illustrators? 29:43 - What was your main purpose in writing Before Austen Comes Aesop? 36:03 - How can families best use your book?http://www.onceuponapen.studioBefore Austen comes Aesophttps://www.tashatudorandfamily.comThis was the book I couldn’t remember the name ofHow to Read a BookThe Taxonomy of Learning On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/17/202140 minutes, 28 seconds
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how do we know when to begin homeschooling and other very large questions

My guest co-host, Christina Jaloway,  and myself  wrestle some big questions today.  Christina Jaloway joins me for the next few episodes as a guest co-host while Elizabeth is preoccupied with other things!  Christina is just starting her homeschool journey and she asks some of the big questions.  We address the question of “when should I begin homeschooling” ~ it’s a great question and leads us down the path of what education really means.  What we end up talking about is kind of the meaning of life, developing a family mission statement, and what are we doing here, exactly.  7:58 - Attachment and family life  14:19 - When should I begin homeschooling and examples of where to begin23:54 - Ruth Beechick's The Three Rs28:39 - How do we know who we are as homeschoolers? 31:07 - Importance of a family mission statement 34:45 - Finding common ground with your spouse 37:20 - Relationship as priority 40:53 - When do we start? Waiting for readinessSocratic discussion for littlesSome resources we discuss today: On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/10/202147 minutes, 48 seconds
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homeschooling children with special needs: an interview with Maureen Wittman

Such a beautiful interview with Maureen Wittmann.  Co-founder of Homeschool Connections and veteran homeschool mom, Maureen has encountered several learning challenges with her own children.  We spend time just talking about living with and accepting what is about they way our children learn.  Maureen covers dyslexia, autism, speech impediment and “drama-diva-itis.”Maureen’s gentle spirit and vast experience is comforting, challenging and valuable for all parents about the individual needs all of our children have.  She shares with us ways that she learned to focus on joy, develop patience and how to end on a positive note with our children.  We wrap up with that age old question:  am I enough?5:25 - How to approach a subject like spelling with a dyslexic/ADHD child 13:02 - How do you transcend the problem when your child is struggling? 20:54 - What does teaching look like with autistic children? 27:01 - Where do you seek out resources? 29:41 - How can we remain patient when teaching children with special needs?35:32 - Raising highly dramatic/highly charged children38:12 - What was the hardest challenge and where did you experience the most growth? 40:10 - Resources for parents On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/3/202142 minutes, 19 seconds
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mom guilt

We discuss the various ways that mom guilt gets us, how it manifests and ways we can manage it.  1:40 - The struggle is real 6:22 - Respect for every family 13:34 - The worry that we're not patient enough 19:01 - The guilt that our house is not clean enough23:45 - Finding order 31:47 - The guilt of not spending enough time with our kids 41:36 - The guilt of feeling that we are too loose or too strict 50:20 - When you are using curriculum that is guilt-inducing52:32 - Moms of adult kids feel guilt too 53:20 - Planned time alone and talking to a friend 54:40 - Taking records of our school workContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
3/8/202155 minutes, 45 seconds
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Working and homeschooling

If you would like to support this podcast, click HERE. In today’s episode, we interview Lauren Power.  She’s a mom and entrepreneur.  We’ve brought her on the show this week because we receive questions about working and homeschooling.  Her homeschooling days are done, as her kids are grown, but she worked all through those homeschool years.  But it’s her approach that really resonates with us - relationship first.  If you want or need to work, it’s going to be a lot harder in a state of angst in your relationships.  1:34 - Lauren's philosophy6:12 - Gordon Neufeld's influence 8:20 - The homeschool experience 13:49 - The hardest part of juggling work and homeschool 16:17 - Life-coaching and self-management 23:43 - Relationship with our kids needs to come first 26:50 - Best tips for parents who want or need to work 31:50  - How to avoid comparing homeschooling hours/experiences36:12 - Overcoming the feeling that my kids are receiving less because I work39:42 - What do you do when people don't agree with your choice?40:49 - Outsourcing 45:06 - How to connect with LaurenLauren offers a free workshop, check out her links here:Learn more and sign up to join the Free Boss Mom Business Bootcamp: join.alignedbusinesslifestyle.comFB page - Aligned Business Lifestyle (or friend Lauren Power)IG page - @alignedbusinesslifestylehttps://neufeldinstitute.orghttps://www.5lovelanguages.comGive your input for a support communityKeep scrolling for some up and coming coolness: workshopContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
11/15/202046 minutes, 35 seconds
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Interview with Janelle Yasinki, faith and fitness

 If you would like to support this podcast, click HERE. Catch Janelle’s fire!  A natural cheerleader, Janelle will pick up your wellness game because she’s just so darn lovely…so grateful to have her on our show.  Where do we find the balance with faith, fitness, homeschool and family life?  Let’s see what Janelle has to say, in all her beautiful realness. 4:00 - Janelle's background with fitness14:28 - How to incorporate fitness as a busy mom20:25 - What motivates us 22:05 - Struggles with eating disorders24:46 - Fasting and our relationship with food28:08 - What is the biggest advantage to staying fit as a busy mom?34:29 - How faith and fitness work together38:51 - Favourite fitness workout39:43 - Taking care of ourselves in respect to our dignity 42:10 - What is the first step to take? Searching for and maintaining peacewww.bonnielandry.ca On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
11/2/202045 minutes, 6 seconds
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Developing a plan for the school year

If you would like to support this podcast, click HERE. In this episode, Elizabeth and Bonnie discuss submitting a “learning plan” if it’s required in your area, particularly if socratic discussion, literature based, organic learning is what you are after!  Paralleling that idea is the fact that most of us want a “plan” - to feel like we know where we’re headed for the school year.  It keeps us on track, helps us set goals and define our year.  It’s important, too, to have a record of what you do, for your own sake, but also as insurance if your approach to homeschooling is ever called into question.  But in order to develop a plan, and keep track of what your family does through the year, it needs to be SIMPLE! What is a learning plan, how do we create one?How do I do this and not go crazy?I don’t understand what they want of me, how do I figure out the “lawyer-speak”?I don’t have to submit a learning plan, but I still want to create an outline for the year?1:47 - When following a State/Provincial Learning Plan2:59 - What is a Learning Plan?6:07 - How do I prove that I've met the requirements?8:33 - Sample #1 - Year Overview DuoTang (View on YouTube or Instagram)13:03 - Importance of a plan/Sample of a School Year Outline19:57 - Sample # 2 - Weekly Records24:22 - How to create a portfolio from your personal records27:06 - How to file school work28:55 - How to decide what to cover in a year32:27 - Do you think about more than one year at a time when planning?35:06 - End of the year recordsI developed this blog post to share the resources we talked about on the show:planning your year when you have a socratic/organic/natural learning approachContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/27/202038 minutes, 34 seconds
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Get Organized!

2:05 - How to find order when you have kids6:42 - Family purpose statement 12:05 - Being clear about when we do things 13:29 - Walk with our children / Tidy the house with them 15:20 - How do you keep track of your homeschool stuff? 22:23 - A good day starts the night before 25:57 - How do you budget your time well? 30:58 - The tyranny of the urgent (see PDF) 33:18 - Why is order so important? 38:02 - Fifteen minutes declutter everydayIf you would like to support this podcast, click HERE. Reading and RelationshipsArt of Simple, family purpose statementDeclutteringLife without clutterTyranny of the Urgent posterSterlite pencil boxesIt all started with the laundryWhat it looks like all dayWhat clutter does to usSink ReflectionsContact On Instagram at On Facebook at Homeschoolers: make JOY normal By email at [email protected] or by voicemail Thanks for listening to Make Joy Normal Podcast!
7/20/202040 minutes, 28 seconds