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Mennonite Girls in a Modern World Cover
Mennonite Girls in a Modern World Profile

Mennonite Girls in a Modern World

English, Religion, 3 seasons, 100 episodes, 1 day, 21 hours, 29 minutes
Mennonite Girls in a Modern World takes you on a journey through faith and culture. What does it mean to be a Mennonite and follow Jesus in a world that’s constantly changing and in a culture that often doesn’t? How do we move forward when our culture holds us back? How do we let go of our traditions to embrace the freedom Christ has for us? Please join us as we explore these questions and many more!
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The Finale

It’s never easy to say goodbye to a good season in your life. A hard season, yes. A boring seasons, adios. But when you have experienced the goodness of God, it can be hard to walk away into the unknown. Today is our last podcast episode. On one hand, we celebrate releasing our 100th episode, and on the other hand, we are sad it's the end of the road. But we are learning it’s okay to experience those emotions at the same time! We want to thank you, our listener, for being a part of this journey. Your support through your prayers and encouragement was a gift, and we were blessed to be a part of your life. We pray God continues to show you his love and kindness. If you would like to stay in touch, you can find us in the places listed below: Maria at When Walls Tumble or on Instagram. Melanie at Only One Thing podcast and Instagram. Deanna at her website and Instagram. Hope you will stay in touch!
5/3/202234 minutes, 50 seconds
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Migration to Ukraine

Have you ever wondered about the Mennonite connection to Ukraine?  Or where the term Old Colony began? Or the place Catherine the Great plays in Mennonite history? On today’s episode, Maria sits down for the last time to talk with author, Tina Siemens, about the migration to Ukraine, and how we came to settle in this land which wove its way into our history and into our hearts. To learn more about Tina and her book 'Seminole', click here.  
4/26/202240 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why the Holy Spirit Matters

If you grew up in a home or church which didn't teach about the Holy Spirit, you may find yourself struggling to understand the important role He plays in your life. What exactly does the Holy Spirit do? How does it make a difference in our lives? In this episode, Maria and Melanie discuss 8 functions of the Holy Spirit and how living surrendered to His work in our lives leads to a fruit we cannot manufacture on our own. With only 3 more episodes to go, this is the last time Melanie and Maria dive into a theological discussion with Biblical truths which both convict and encourage. Fore more information, you can always find us on Facebook, Instagram, or email us at [email protected]
4/19/202247 minutes, 6 seconds
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Life, Death, and A Chiropractor: Understanding Mennonite Culture

How do Mennonites view life and death? Why have so many Mennonites resisted the mandates, restrictions, and vaccines that were implemented during Covid-19? The pandemic has created a division among families, friends and churches over views on health measures and best practices. How do we bridge the gap and rebuild relationships?  Today on the show, Maria and Deanna explore why so many Mennonites struggle to trust government authorities, and how their view on life, safety, and death have played a role in accepting or rejecting modern medical practices.  For more information, you can always find us on Instagram, Facebook, or by emailing us at [email protected]
4/12/202232 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Unexpected Gifts of Covid

It has been a difficult few years with Covid-19 changing our lives as we know it, but is it possible, even in the middle of a pandemic, for God to bring blessings? On today's show, Joyce Ford, shares the unexpected gifts God gave her during covid after the intial disappointment and change of plans. While it may be diffiult to believe that God cares about us in the middle of lost plans and dreams, understanding His heart and recognizing His goodness help us to see beyond the surface and give us hope for a future.  
4/5/202215 minutes, 17 seconds
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Grace, Truth, and Mental Illness

Today on the show, author and counsellor Jennifer Holmes shares her own journey with mental health after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and how it led to a ministry serving and counselling others who struggle. How do we process difficult truths about ourselves particularly when some within the church do not extend grace or understanding but use the Bible to wound rather than to heal? If you are struggling with your mental health, it's important to reach out to talk to someone safe. There is hope. To find more of Jen, you can visit her on her website or find her on Instagram.  
3/29/202240 minutes, 17 seconds
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Understanding Legalism

What is legalism and where does legalism come from? What motivates a heart to embrace legalism? These are just a few of the questions Melanie and Maria answer on today's episode in Part 2 of a series designed to look at the way the Gospel is often divided into truth versus grace rather than viewing them as a equal parts of a larger picture.  You can listen to Part 1: What is Progressive Christianity, Episode 90. How can we follow Jesus in a world that’s constantly pulling at us to embrace the extremes? How do we stay true to the heart of the Gospel? Whether you've grown up in a Mennonite home or in a home that embraced legalism, our hope is you will find the freedom that comes from embracing the hope that is found in Christ Jesus.    
3/22/202238 minutes, 17 seconds
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Loving Your Body

Do you love your body?  Or do you struggle to accept the body God gave you with all its quirks and flaws? On today's episode, Deanna and Maria share the struggles they've faced in accepting their bodies, their journey to being emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy, and why it matters to our children. You can always find us on Instagram, Facebook. or by emailing us at [email protected]  
3/15/202233 minutes, 25 seconds
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Lessons From the Wilderness

Wilderness seasons are a part of every day life, and we can't escape them. So how can we use them to our advantage? What lessons can we glean for our future use? On today's episode, Maria Dyck is joined by guest, Christina Derksen, to talk about how God led her through her own wilderness seasons and provided for her in unexpected ways. If you are experiencing a dry season in your life, we hope you are strengthened and encouraged by this episode. You can visit Christina at her online bookstore here.
3/8/202244 minutes, 6 seconds
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Mennonite History: the Polish Migration

Author, Tina Siemens, returns to the podcast to share Part 2 of our Mennonite History Series and discuss what drove the Mennonites to settle in Poland. Mennonites had several important migrations throughout their history, and every migration shaped and formed the culture as we know it today. From persecution, overcoming hardships, Teutonic knights and Gold Vodka, it’s a story of a people determined to move wherever they could to worship freely and live at peace. You can always find us on Facebook, Instagram, or email us at [email protected]  
3/1/202235 minutes, 14 seconds
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What Is Progressive Christianity?

What is a Progressive Christian? Maybe you’ve heard that term before and wondered what it meant and why it matters. If we are going to have a true understanding of who God is, engage our culture, and teach the next generation, it helps to know the language being used and the ideas behind the language. So today on the podcast, Maria and Melanie share what they have learned as they navigate the world of truth, grace, and the mysteries of God. Resources used in this episode: 8 Points of Progressive Christianity
2/22/202242 minutes, 14 seconds
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Can A Narcissist Be A Christian?

Is it possible for a person to be a narcissist and a Christian? How does someone become a narcissist and can they ever change? On today's episode, Maria explores this question to try and get a better understanding of the complicated relationships we face in our lives with those who may be labelled as a narcissist.  Resources listed in this episode: Surviving Narcissism with Dr. Les Carter How Should A Christian Respond to a Narcissist? by David Servant How to Handle a Narcissist by Dr. Phil
2/15/202221 minutes, 51 seconds
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Why Motherhood Is Not Your Highest Calling

Mennonite and Christian culture, in general, tend to put a high value on motherhood to the extent that it’s easy to believe that there is no higher calling than being a mother. But what if that’s not true? Today, Maria and Deanna take a look at Genesis 2 and the calling God gave to Eve in the garden. How might it look differently than we imagined? Resources mentioned in the episode: Theology of Work: God Created Woman as an Ezer An Explanation of 1 Timothy 2:15
2/8/202226 minutes, 2 seconds
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When Religion And Politics Mix

It's been a signifcant week in Canada as the Freedom Convoy continues to make headlines around the world. Mennonites have traditionally shied away from politics and activism, but the last few years, have become much more vocal. But as always, it can be a delicate affair to balance the line between living our Christian convictions and mixing church and state. On today's episode, Maria shares an important event in Mennonite/Anabaptist history - the Munster Rebellion - and the lessons we can learn from its mistakes just as Menno Simons did. May we be wise in the days ahead. Resources used for this epsiode: Munster Rebellion Menno Simons Jan Van Leyden
2/1/202215 minutes, 48 seconds
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Why Should I Pray?

Do you struggle to pray? You know that it’s important and yet, it’s so difficult to make the effort? If so, you are not alone. On today’s episode, Melanie Salte shares with Maria what God has been teaching her about prayer in her life. What is prayer? How do we know when God is speaking to us? On one hand, it's easy to feel convicted because we know we should make prayer a priority, but on the other hand, talking about prayer inspires because it’s really difficult to talk about God and not want to give thanks. Melanie is the host of Only One Thing, and you can listen to her episodes here.  
1/25/202241 minutes, 48 seconds
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Bringing the Gospel to the Old Colony Mennonites

When you think of Old Colony Mennonites, what comes to mind? For many, it conjures up scenes of tranquility and peace as this group of Mennonites reject all forms of worldliness. From their horse driven carriages and lack of electricity to their humble dresses and head coverings, Old Colony Mennonites seek to live simply and quietly away from the chaos of the world. But things aren't always as they seem.... For others, the Old Colony represents a harsh, legalistic world where there is great spiritual darkness and many abuses. On today's episode, Maria Dyck is joined by Neta Friesen who works alongside her husband, Diedrich, to bring the Old Colony Mennonites an understanding of the Gospel which gives life and freedom. For more information on their ministry, you can visit their website here.    
1/18/202234 minutes, 21 seconds
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Does God Want Us To Be Happy?

Does God want us to be happy? Have you ever asked yourself that question? On today's show, Maria Dyck is joined by Melanie Salte and returning co-host, Deanna Friesen, to reflect on the past year, prepare our hearts for a New Year and answer the question - does God care if we are happy? Maybe you already know the answer or maybe it will surprise you, but either way, we hope it encourages you as we begin a New Year of learning to follow Jesus.
1/11/202232 minutes, 55 seconds
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A Christmas Special

We are so excited to share our Christmas bonus episode with our special guests, Andrew and Deanna Friesen! Deanna has been a co-host on our podcast from the very beginning and recently took some time off to enjoy her new baby boy. Andrew and Deanna work with the Multi-Nation Missions Foundation to develop resources for Low-German speaking Mennonites, including a podcast and a music ministry all in the traditional Plautdietsch language. Today, Andrew is sharing a devotional as well as music from their latest Christmas album. So special to celebrate, not only the gift of Christ in this season, but also the uniqueness of our Mennonite heritage and our love of music. You can find Andrew and Deanna on their website, Instagram, or their Youtube channel.
12/21/202121 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ask Us Anything, Part 2

Welcome to the last official episode of 2021 where Melanie and Maria wrap up Part 2 of our Ask Us Anything series! You asked. We answered, and so today we are talking about: Liturgical worship. Is there a place in our modern world for liturgical worship? How is it connected to our Mennonite culture? Is it possible to enjoy liturgy and avoid legalism? Spiritual warfare. How do we conquer the battle of the minds? What weapons do we have at our disposal? How does Ephesians 6 help us understand the battle we face? What are our favorite hymns and why? As music lovers, it's hard to pin down a favorite hymn, but we tried our best! For more information, you can find us on Facebook, Instagram, or by emailing us at [email protected]  
12/14/202139 minutes, 7 seconds
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For the Love of Food

When is a kitchen more than a kitchen? When it’s filled with love and the smell of your favorite Mennonite food. On today’s episode, author Joselyn Schmitt sits down with Maria to talk about the story behind her new book, Mom's Unwritten Recipes, and what inspires her in the kitchen . Plus, Joselyn shares her best tips for new cooks, the secret to great homemade french fries, and a look at how food and hospitality can form the basis of human connection even in the middle of a pandemic. You can find more of Joselyn by visiting her website or Instagram.
12/7/202136 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ask Us Anything, Part 1

On today’s episode, Melanie and Maria sit down to answer questions from our listeners. What are some of our favorite Mennonite traditions? What is our biggest regret in life? And what does it look like to be a modern Proverbs 31 woman? While some of the questions proved more challenging than others, we hope you will find the answers both encouraging and insightful. If you would like a chance to ask us anything, you can email us at [email protected] or find us on Facebook and Instagram. Stay tuned for Part 2 in our Ask Us Anything series!
11/30/202134 minutes, 56 seconds
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Abuse, Trauma, and the Road to Healing

Mennonites are not immune to abuse. In fact, sometimes in closed communities, abuse can thrive when survivors have no access to help or support. Abuse can happen anywhere, and for those who have suffered, the trauma is real. So how do we process the pain of our experiences and heal? Today on the show, counsellor Tammy Thielman joins Maria to talk about trauma, the after effects of abuse, and why it’s important to seek help. In this episode, we ask: What is trauma? How does it differ from PTSD? Why can't we pray it away? ***This is an important but painful subject. Please be aware that this content may be sensitive to some of our listeners.*** For more information, please visit the following links: Diane Langberg Resources Called to Peace Ministries Town And Country Counselling with Tammy Thielman
11/23/202133 minutes, 27 seconds
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Do You Need A New Phone Plan?

Do you ever wonder if you own your smart phone or if your smartphone owns you? If so, this episode is for you! On today’s episode, Melanie and Maria sit down to talk about smart phone addictions. What causes us to lose ourselves in this digital world? And what steps can we take to take back control of our digital lives? Is it as simple as putting boundaries on our phones, or is there a much deeper issue driving our addiction? Before you get too frustrated and throw away your phone all together, have a listen and be encouraged to know the solution isn't as drastic as you may think.  You can access the resources mentioned in the show by clicking the links below: TechWise Family by Andy Crouch As always, you can find us on Facebook, Instagram, or by emailing us at [email protected]  
11/16/202135 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Faithful Obedience

What does it look like to follow Jesus year after year? What does it look like to faithfully obey where God leads? God does not desire fancy ministries, but rather, He desires obedience and faithfulness. And sometimes, this leads us to ministries we never imagined ourselves doing! Today on the show, Maria Dyck is joined by Anna Bueckert, a pastor's wife who has spent many years working with her husband to establish churches among the Low-German speaking Mennonites of Southern Alberta. Her life is, as Freidrich Nietzsche described, “a long obedience in the same direction,” and her testimony speaks to the goodness of God who leads and guides us along as we seek to follow Him. You can always find us on either Instagram or Facebook or email us at [email protected]  
11/9/202128 minutes, 25 seconds
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Living By Our Convictions

On today’s episode, Maria Dyck talks about living by our convictions. What exactly is a conviction? Why is it Christians are all over the map when it comes to convictions?  Whether we are talking about celebrating Halloween, drinking alcohol, wearing head coverings, or whether or not to take vaccines, Christians have many different perspectives and convictions. How can we make certain our convictions don’t cause division within the family of God? And how does the Apostle Paul treat the subject of convictions?  As always, we'd love to hear from you! You can email us at [email protected] or find us on Instagram and Facebook.    
11/2/202116 minutes, 15 seconds
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Mennonite History: Where It All Began

On today’s episode, author, Tina Siemens joins Maria to begin a series on Mennonite History. Why learn about Mennonite history? In a world that often feels out like it's racing out of control, it's reassuring to hear stories of courage and faith from our forefathers and realize how little has changed in this world. Perhaps we have more in common with our ancestors than we realize, and perhaps their courage and faith will inspire us to stay faithful when life forces us to take a stand. On today's episode, Tina tells the story of a courageous group of young men and women who dared to risk their lives to live by their convictions and began, what would become, the foundation of the Mennonite faith. You can find Tina on her website or Facebook For more information on Mennonite history, click here.
10/26/202125 minutes, 59 seconds
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10 Lies Satan Uses To Discourage You in Your Calling

Trying to discern our calling is difficult enough without lies cluttering our mind and keeping us from fully living the life God intended for us to live. On today's episode, Maria and Melanie continue their conversation about the connection between knowing your identity and walking in your calling. Drawing from the parable of the talents found in Matthew 25, Melanie points out 10 lies we are prone to believe which prevent us from using our gifts. So whether you struggle with knowing your calling, feel unworthy to serve in any way, or have lost your passion to serve, we hope you will find today’s show both helpful and encouraging. You can always find us on Facebook, Instagram, or by emailing us at [email protected] 
10/19/202135 minutes, 28 seconds
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Thanksgiving and Toxic Positivity

Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving last weekend, and while Thanksgiving is celebrated at different times in different countries, it's the attitude that counts! But what if you are walking a season of grief? What does Thanksgiving look like then? How do we grieve in a Christian culture that often strives to be joyful and positive even when life hurts? When does positivity become toxic? How can we give thanks in a way that is authentic while not devaluing the pain we are experiencing? Join your host, Maria Dyck, for this Thanksgiving Day episode and learn how grief and lament can lead to worship and thanksgiving.  You can always find us on Instagram, Facebook, or email us at [email protected]
10/12/202115 minutes, 41 seconds
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Rooting Out Insecurity

Do you struggle with feelings of insecurity? Maybe the better to ask is: who doesn’t struggle with feeling insecure? While it may be common, it also wrecks havoc on the most important relationships in our lives and leaves us depleted of the joy and strength we need to live from day to day. On today's episode, Melanie and Maria sit down for a deep dive into the topic of insecurity. Where does it come from? How does it affect us? And most importantly, what does Scripture say about it?  
10/5/202138 minutes, 53 seconds
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My Truth, Your Truth, And the Whole Truth

In times of division and conflict, how can we better understand each other? How do we move past our own limited understanding and learn to see from each other's perspective?  On today's episode, Maria dives into the messy conflict of our current pandemic to discuss why this pandemic has affected each one differently, why my truth/your truth fails to provide a real answer to the conflict, and how the Apostle Paul teaches us to be more gracious towards each other.  You can find more of Mennonite Girls in a Modern World on Instagram or Facebook or email us at [email protected]
9/28/202121 minutes, 22 seconds
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Changing with the Seasons

In the first episode of season 3, Melanie and Maria catch up on life at home, life on the podcast, and life in general. What has changed, what has stayed the same, and how do we navigate life when we feel overwhelmed by the changes we face? While some changes are welcomed, others are not, and before we decide all change is bad, we need to look at what Scripture says about it. So whether you are facing a season that stretches out endlessly in front of you, or whether you are facing a storm of changes, we hope you will be encouraged by today’s episode. If you want to learn more about us, you can find us on Facebook, Instagram or email us at [email protected]
9/21/202132 minutes, 13 seconds