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Mere Fidelity

English, Religion, 1 season, 351 episodes, 4 days, 13 minutes
From the Mere Orthodoxy Podcast Network: thoughtful weekly conversations about theology, the culture, and the church, hosted by Matthew Lee Anderson, Derek Rishmawy, Alastair Roberts, and Andrew Wilson.
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Fishy Numbers in the Bible

How seriously should we take statistical numbers given in the Bible? If you need more of a prompt than that to listen to the Mere Fi cast and crew talk about ancient army sizes, genealogical ages, historical populations, and 153 fish… then you are not in our target audience! BTW, did you know that the ages given for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are in a sequence according to a formula involving square numbers? True story. Full show notes at Timestamps: Something of Moment [0:00] The First Domino [1:32] Fancy Accounting [6:34] Rules of Thumb [9:04] Unsatisfying Hyperbole [15:27] Literally [18:48] Hyperbole with a Point [19:36] Textual Clues [28:12] Triangular Numbers [33:15] The Bottom Line [40:48]
9/18/202443 minutes, 35 seconds
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Spiritual-Not-Religious: Orphic Mysteries and Modern Attitudes, with Dr. Michael Horton

Do you assume that being “spiritual but not religious” is a fad of modernism? Think again. It goes way, way back into history. Dr. Michael Horton joins Derek, Matt, and Alastair to talk about this attitude from the cults of Orpheus in ancient Persia through Neo-Platonism and it’s influence on Christianity and even the language of ascent in the Reformers. Join us for a wild ride that ends with your friendly neighborhood Instagram influencer. Full show notes at Timestamps: A Definitely Interesting Book [0:00] Why did it have to be shamans? [3:05] Disorganized Religion [7:18] Orpheus and Natural Supernaturalism [9:38] Plato and Christianity [14:08] Ritual Creep [20:37] Irenaeus vs Origen [26:05] History of Religion [33:13] I can haz ascent? [39:10] Popular Gnosticism [48:21]
9/10/202455 minutes, 44 seconds
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Put Social Media in Its Place, with Andy Crouch

The data is in. Social media has now been studied long enough that we are able to compile reliable data, not just anecdotal evidence, about its effects on the mental health of boys, girls, young men, and young women. Algorithms, video games, porn, and more affect boys and girls very differently. And as the results become clearer, it also becomes more clear what to do about it. Andy Crouch returns to Mere Fidelity to discuss the problems and the solutions with Matt, Alastair, and Derek. Full show notes at Timestamps: Proper Attention [0:00] Technology Correspondent [1:42] We Have the Data [2:54] Asymmetrical Effects [10:24] Morality Is Actually Practical [14:01] Idolatry Works Short-Term [15:16] Shifting Discourse [19:20] The Algorithm [27:54] Mental Distance [32:18] No Control Group [35:01] Practical Application [36:40] Should we ban mobile phones in schools? [39:46]
8/28/202449 minutes, 52 seconds
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Put Social Media in Its Place, with Andy Crouch

The data is in. Social media has now been studied long enough that we are able to compile reliable data, not just anecdotal evidence, about its effects on the mental health of boys, girls, young men, and young women. Algorithms, video games, porn, and more affect boys and girls very differently. And as the results become clearer, it also becomes more clear what to do about it. Andy Crouch returns to Mere Fidelity to discuss the problems and the solutions with Matt, Alastair, and Derek. Full show notes at Timestamps: Proper Attention [0:00] Technology Correspondent [1:42] We Have the Data [2:54] Asymmetrical Effects [10:24] Morality Is Actually Practical [14:01] Idolatry Works Short-Term [15:16] Shifting Discourse [19:20] The Algorithm [27:54] Mental Distance [32:18] No Control Group [35:01] Practical Application [36:40] Should we ban mobile phones in schools? [39:46]
8/27/202459 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Tribe of Levi and Women’s Ordination

Having recently been reminded of the ongoing disagreements about the ordination of women, the Mere Fi cast turn to the OG ordination, namely, the Levitical priesthood. What do the forms, narratives, and practices of the tribe of Levi in the Old Testament teach us about the role of pastor and priest now in the New Testamanet? And most importantly, should we require our pastors to wear swords? Full show notes at Timestamps: It’s Raining in England [0:00] A Better Beginning [2:08] Scriptural Background [4:49] Representative Function [7:17] Vengeance [9:13] Purity [19:15] Sacrificial Genders [23:02] Pastoral Forms & Hippie Slang [24:30] The Grammar of Priesthood [27:05] Natural Law Dissenters [34:53] Narrative Reinforcements [38:15] Exceptions to the Rule [43:22] Testamental Continuity [49:22]
8/21/202454 minutes, 42 seconds
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What Difference Does a Doctrine of Creation Make?

In response to a listener question, Derek, Matt, and Alastair go deep on the doctrine of creation. They ask and answer questions about whether creation is real, what counts as worship, what makes a doctrine of creation thick or thin, and whether we need to be thinking about God at all times. Full show notes at Timestamps: On the Excitement Meter [0:00] Wherein Lies the Deepness? [2:13] Reality and Goodness [10:30] Participatory vs. Intrinsic Value [14:12] A Dim Reflection [15:53] Curiositas [18:57] Not Everything Is Worship [22:39] Children of the Earth [40:44]
8/17/202446 minutes, 53 seconds
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Identity in Christ

Is it useful to talk about finding our identity in Christ? Is that the language that the Scripture uses? How do our modern and post-modern ideas of identity thin out our understanding of self? Derek, Matt, and Alastair tackle these sticky issues with their signature tenacity and panache. Full show notes at Timestamps: Reunited [0:00] Effectively Vapid [1:14] Identity in Scripture [7:00] Arriving at Identity [11:16] Thick and Thin Categories [13:19] I Identify As [16:12] The Proleptic Case for Identity [22:10] Finding Yourself Here [25:12] The Language of Self [28:29] Character and Virtue [34:07] Unsettling of Identity [39:04]
8/2/202442 minutes, 15 seconds
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Summer Reading

What makes good summer reading? If anyone would know, it’s the Mere Fi bookworms. This isn’t a book recommendation episode. Matt, Andrew, and Alastair ask the questions to figure out what actually drives each of them to read the books they do, and why they are so different. Full show notes at Timestamps: The Glue Guy [0:00] A Lack of Resonance [1:41] Finding Resonance [7:28] Malaise & Wonder [10:54] Read Your Greens [16:35] To Each His Own [18:34] The Questions that Animate You [23:06] Sexy Thinker Books [27:25] First-Order Encounters with the Text [32:55] Be Selective [37:10] Think Lewisly [42:34]
7/22/202448 minutes, 50 seconds
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How Should We Then Die? with Ewan Goligher

Ewan Goligher has written a book making a clear and strong argument against euthanasia and for the intrinsic value of human life. He joins Matt and Alastair to discuss many fine points of this complex and knotty issue, including the history of the legality of euthanasia in Canada, the ethical implications of suicide, the good of death, and the intrinsic value of a human’s existence. Full show notes at Timestamps: Keep Us Going [0:00] A Sudden Change in Canada [1:48] A Reaction from the Church [6:48] Autonomy of Physicians [9:56] Whose Prima Facie? [14:34] Intrinsic Value [18:42] Suicide qua Suicide [21:06] Existence [27:47] Death as a Witness [32:28] Death as a Mercy [35:44] Creatures in Time [44:51]
5/28/202453 minutes, 45 seconds
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Christian Politics with Oliver O’Donovan

Professor Oliver O’Donovan joins Matt and Derek once more. This time they discuss the relationship of Christian belief and practice to the contemporary political realities of our world. Do we need a new constitution? What’s to be done about the current wars? How can we properly utilize passion and reason in elections? Full show notes at Timestamps: The O’Donovan Inception [0:00] The Role of Scripture in Political Judgment [2:46] How do we read Genesis? [7:31] Carl Schmitt: Friend-Enemy Polarity [10:26] Augustine: Objects of Common Love [16:24] Rene Girard: Rivalry [21:42] Pro- and Post-Liberalism [24:45] New Beginnings [31:18] The Role of Reason in Politics [36:22] Remember the Rest of the World [40:31]
5/21/202449 minutes, 53 seconds
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Christian Ethics with Oliver O’Donovan

The renowned Professor Oliver O’Donovan joins Matt and Alastair to discuss the relationship between the practice of the Christian faith and the philosophical field of ethics. Full show notes at Timestamps: A Warm Welcome [0:00] How can ethics be Christian? [1:44] Creation vs. Nature [5:27] Family Duty [11:28] Jewish Tradition [19:10] Novelty [23:19] Variety [27:52] The Closure of the Canon [34:37] Moral Formation [38:55]
5/14/202446 minutes, 13 seconds
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Casuistry is a technical term for a way of reasoning about ethical principles in specific situations. It fell into disuse historically in favor of a more narrative-based view of the world. But some of the Mere Fidelity cast are sensing that there is a felt lack of organized principle application to pastoral situations in the church. Do you agree that casuistry needs to make a comeback? Full show notes at Timestamps: The Kazooists North American Tour 2024 [0:00] What is casuistry? [2:53] History, Both Catholic and Protestant [5:30] Conflicting Principles [7:46] Proper Context, Lacking Confession [13:58] Practical Application of Practical Application [20:40] Narrative & Principle United [22:08] Moral Reasoning in Paul’s Epistles [28:44] Legalism [30:38] First Steps for Pastors [37:05]
5/7/202450 minutes, 1 second
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The Deception of Isaac

Taking up a difficult passage of Scripture, Alastair, Andrew, and Matt consider the incident in which Jacob deceives Isaac into giving him the blessing. Multiple respected theologians bring solid principles to bear on the interpretation of this reading, and come to very different conclusions. What is to be done? Is lying always and everywhere wrong? Was Jacob justified in his ruse? And in the process Alastair reveals some striking parallels between this story and that of King David. Full show notes at Timestamps: Tempus Fugit [0:00] Misreading the Preposition [2:12] The Setup [3:34] The Dispute [7:16] The Anderson School [14:43] Davidic Parallels [23:38] Urgency in Lying [30:09] “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.” [36:19] Rogues Gallery or Rogues Mirror? [38:35]
5/1/202446 minutes, 41 seconds
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Thinking For Yourself

When dealing with delicate, nuanced, disputed, or important issues, should Christians primarily rely on their own judgment or the authority of church leaders in their lives? Derek, Alastair, and Matt bring their own experience to bear, as well as a reliance on Scripture and authority, to answer this listener-submitted question. Full show notes at Timestamps: Hot Deal [0:00] A Better Question Than It Sounds [2:21] Be Like Alastair [4:14] Clarification of Roles [8:55] Avoiding Individualism [13:30] Submission to Commands [22:24] Casuistry [26:18] Rebellion [30:18] Confessions [35:52]
4/23/202440 minutes, 58 seconds
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Men and Women in I Timothy

Andrew, Matt, and Alastair take up the oft-disputed passage from First Timothy that seems to restrict the authority of women in the church. What’s the best way to handle this in the twenty-first century? Full show notes at Timestamps: Zwingli the Pastor [0:00] Old Conundrum, New Energy [1:39] One Weird Question [3:18] One Further Question [6:35] Ecclesiastical Evolution [11:22] vv. 11-15 [16:25] Load-Bearing Details [22:12] Autheneo and Didasko [27:27] Restricting Teaching [29:26] Saved Through Childbearing [35:00]
4/17/202448 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Resurrection in John

Christ is risen indeed, alleluia! The Easter season is upon us, and the regular cast and crew have the Resurrection on their minds. This year Matt, Alastair, and Derek dive into the Gospel of John to discuss what makes this account different than the other gospels, including, but not limited to: why Jesus told Mary Magdalene not to touch him but invited Thomas to touch him, why John waited for Peter before entering the tomb, and what is going on with those 153 fish. Full show notes at Timestamps: Which Gospel Is Best? [0:00] Johannine Distinctives [3:38] Resurrection All Over [7:13] Ezekiel [13:04] Characters [14:52] The Footrace [18:08] 153 Fish [26:29] Touch Me, Touch Me Not [31:48] The Ending [44:57]
4/2/202449 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Cross and the Empty Tomb

As we approach Palm Sunday, Alastair, Matt, and Derek meditate—and ask incisive questions—upon the Cross, the Resurrection, the Triumphal Entry, the Transfiguration, and the true center of our faith. Full show notes at Timestamps: All Glory, Laud, and Honor [1:09] The Bible’s Third Day Problem [2:14] The Crucial Tension [3:12] Holy Saturday [6:13] Resurrection Art [8:42] Satellite Events [13:59] Watershed [17:05] Crossbearing [19:43] Triumphal Entry [22:08] Glorious Defeat [28:25]
3/19/202433 minutes, 58 seconds
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Quit Social Media

We can all feel it. Something about social media is just really unhealthy. But what to do about it? That’s the question on the table in this episode of Mere Fidelity. Should we pull the plug entirely? Should we seek balance? Should we embrace it? Full show notes at Timestamps: One More Episode [0:00] Like, Follow, Subscribe, Defend Yourself [1:47] Types of Social Media [4:14] The Twitter Shift [6:22] Gamification of Speech [9:20] The Attention Dimension [11:23] Default [14:12] Signaling and Positioning [18:09] Digital Benedict Option [21:27] Regulate [30:27] Quit Hypocrisy [34:23] Huge Benefits [45:18]
3/14/202450 minutes, 45 seconds
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God’s Preferred Pronouns

In yet another brazen foray into hot topics, Matt, Derek, and Alastair talk with eminent trinitarian theologian, Dr. Fred Sanders, about why masculine terms are used to refer to God. Full show notes at Timestamps: Pastoral Ethics [0:00] Our Trinitarian Correspondent [1:54] Referring to God [3:22] Matt’s Second Publication [7:19] Personhood & Revelation [8:42] Trinity First, Then Creation [11:47] Now It’s Personal [15:13] Back to the Spirit [19:19] Feminine Imagery & Feminine Identity [24:17] Breath [31:33] Utility [34:43]
3/5/202439 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ascesis and the Modern World

Is asceticism good for the Christian life? Seems like a simple question at first, but there is a lot more there than you may realize. Matt, Derek, and Alastair unpack this deep issue on this episode of Mere Fidelity. Full show notes at Timestamps: Davenant [0:00] “Ash What?” says the Presbyterian [2:26] Defining Ascesis [4:44] Negative Over Positive [5:51] Secular-Spiritual Fasting [10:51] Bodily Locus [13:57] Distorted Self-Perception [17:13] Sociology [20:29] Lenten Dysfunction [24:46] Giving Up Goods for the Sake of Betters [29:13] We Modern Democratic Individualists [32:28]
2/20/202439 minutes, 39 seconds
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C.S. Lewis for Everyone

C.S. Lewis is an odd figure. Beloved, cited, and recruited by both progressive and conservative Christians, his works have a very broad appeal. The very fact of this broad appeal raises questions about his legacy. Alastair, Derek, and Matt examine this phenomenon and how Lewis is read both in fundamentalist America and evangelical Britain. Full show notes at Timestamps: Brits and Yanks [1:24] A Very Broad Fanbase [2:23] Mere Universality [7:50] Lower Influences [9:43] The Progressive Reading [12:30] Openness [18:28] Sin [22:50] Alternate Mode of Engagement [25:05] The Conservative Reading [32:07] American Lewis Retrieval [37:58]
2/13/202448 minutes, 44 seconds
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Moral Complicity

Alistair Begg hit a nerve with Christians online when he said in public that it might be ok for a Christian to attend an LGBTQ wedding. Given his opposition to same-sex marriage, this firestorm brings to the surface many questions about the nature of moral complicity, scandal, fraternal correction, and just how a Christian is to live day-to-day in a world so at odds with the truth. All in all, a perfect topic for Matt, Derek, and Alastair to tackle together. Full show notes at Timestamps: Stable Emotional Life [0:00] An Everyday Problem [2:49] Meta Issues [3:55] For the Fundamentalists [8:04] Obvious Gaps [11:13] Sacrilege or Mere Paganism? [18:41] Fraternal Correction [24:58] Third Party Scandal [30:48] Naaman [38:59]
2/6/202446 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Quiet Mind to Suffer With, with John Bryant

What does the Gospel of Jesus Christ have to say to those who wrestle with mental illness? This month’s Lexham Press book of the month arrested Matt’s attention. It’s like Augustine’s Confessions in a contemporary idiom as a really profound searching exploration of one man’s personal experience of OCD and his identity in Christ. So, today Matt and Alastair talk to the author, John Bryant. You will better understand how to simply be with a person with mental illness in a way that is best for them. Full show notes at Timestamps: Making Up For a Lost Opportunity [0:00] A Peculiar Title [4:00] A Place Without Words [6:42] Discerning Voices [10:47] Scripture Speaks [19:34] The Logic of the Body [24:24] Pastoral Relations [30:58] Practical Steps Toward Good Companionship [35:49] Lessons About Grace [39:47]
1/29/202447 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Ethics of Shunning

It’s come up on the show before, but this time Andrew and Matt are going to settle this once and for all, with some help from Alastair. How should the church deal with flagrant sins of professing Christians? Full show notes at Timestamps: Most Irregular [0:00] Digging Up the Past [1:51] Range of Interpretations [3:24] Levels of Affiliation [8:44] Clarifications [16:07] Church Discipline [21:31] A Hard Case [30:34] Publicity [41:24]
1/26/202444 minutes, 41 seconds
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Christianity as a Way of Life, with Kevin Hector

Dr. Kevin Hector has written the theology for the rest of us. Normal, non-academic persons will find Christianity as a Way of Life approachable and rewarding to dive into. But he just walked into a podcast with an ethicist, a Biblical scholar, and systematic theologian. Will he come unscathed through the grilling that Matt, Alastair, and Derek give him? (Short answer: yes, and it’s awesome.) Full show notes at Timestamps: Trustworthy Alastair [0:00] Thrilled [2:24] How Systematic [3:15] Generic Method Question [9:32] Disrupting Conversations [14:00] The Notion of Devotion [19:43] Just Ethics [22:36] Wisdom [25:36] Community [29:34] Straight-up Doctrine [33:06]
1/9/202445 minutes, 29 seconds
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Creator, with Peter Leithart

What is the most basic aspect of God’s identity? What do we know Him as first? One potential answer to those questions is God as Creator. Repeat Mere Fidelity guest, Peter Leithart, has written a book that sets out to examine the idea of God as Creator as found in Genesis 1. But this is not without controversy. Matt, Derek, and Alastair push back hard in this very fruitful discussion. Full show notes at Timestamps: Alastair’s Boss [0:00] What’s the problem with Genesis 1? [2:27] God’s First Name [6:11] God’s Dependence [11:42] God’s Freedom [16:38] Language and Accommodation [22:50] Negation, Affirmation, and Progress [27:06] Self-Revelation [42:28]
1/3/202454 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Theology of Blessings

In the wake of a controversial Vatican document favorable toward blessing those in same-sex relationships, Matt, Alastair, and Derek discuss what exactly blessings are, what they do, and why we should get this right. Full show notes at Timestamps: Vatican Bomb [0:00] Having Been Blessed, We Bless [3:09] Genesis 1:28 [5:49] Asher vs Barak [9:31] Human Procreation [12:59] Priestly Blessing [16:53] But what does blessing DO? [19:28] Blessed Be God [23:24] New Testament [27:20] A Good Word [32:24]
12/30/202339 minutes, 24 seconds
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In a time when “being canceled” is one of our greatest fears, thinking Biblically about reputation as a category is a very productive exercise. But when we turn to the Bible, there’s a prima facie tension about reputation. On the one hand, we’re told to rejoice when we are reviled; on the other, we’re told to have a sterling image for the sake of the Gospel. Derek, Alastair, and Matt dive into this conundrum and work it out in dialogue. Full show notes at Timestamps: A Taylor Swift Reference [0:00] Challenging New Testament Passages [1:54] The Third Commandment [4:30] Tension & Calumny [7:17] Which Community [14:13] Time, Reversal, & Vindication [21:18] When to Defend Yourself [26:39] Letting the World Set the Standard [32:15] Judgment Calls [42:48]
12/11/202347 minutes, 34 seconds
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Biblical Critical Theory, with Christopher Watkin

Critical Race Theory is not the only sort of critical theory out there. As a matter of fact, Augustine’s City of God may be the first example of critical theory. How can this kind of academic exercise be understood Biblically? What benefit can it give to theology? Dr. Christopher Watkin, author of Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible's Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture, joins Matt and Alastair to discuss this often confusing topic. Dr. Watkin argues that in order to even do critical theory, it must be approached at least a theistic if not fully Christian point of view. Full show notes at Timestamps: A Good Excuse [1:20] Following Augustine [2:23] Critical Theory Must Be Christian [4:21] Inside/Outside [13:05] Oppositional Identity [19:48] Contrasting Hermeneutics [26:20] Who’s it for? [37:53] Have you not even heard of the Holy Spirit? [45:44]
12/7/202352 minutes, 50 seconds
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Reforming Criminal Justice, with Matthew Martens

Can we understand criminal justice Biblically? Criminal justice in America is in need of reform, and attorney Matthew Martens has put his theological mind into a Christian proposal for good reform. In this conversation with Matt, Derek, and Alastair, Martens covers mere sample of issues covered in his book, including coercion, social justice, presumption of innocence, and (this one really gets him going) absolute prosecutorial immunity. Full show notes at Timestamps: Derek Missed Out [0:00] Matt Gets Excited [1:24] Rooted in Love [5:50] Target Audience [9:58] Just War Theory [12:45] Violence [15:29] Social Justice [19:51] Comparing to Scripture [24:19] Presumption of Innocence [28:16] Accountability and Immunity [37:45] Reciprocal Punishment [47:42]
11/27/202352 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Perplexing Book of Zechariah

Occasionally on Mere Fidelity we have taken up difficult passages of Scripture. On this episode we take up an entire book that feels quite difficult: the book of the prophet Zechariah. What do all those oddly specific visions mean? Is Alexander the Great an actual Christ figure? How can you tell the difference between prophetic horizons? With Matt acting as everyman, Andrew asks the sharp questions, and Alastair sorts out the answers. Full show notes at Timestamps: Anno Biden [0:00] Free Sermon Prep? [1:38] Weird Form… or Weird Content [4:07] Night Vision Context [6:22] Problem Solved? [14:35] More Complicated: Hooray! [18:08] Wait, Which Horizon? 27:48] The Meaning of Prophecy [37:03] Of Normative Accounts of Providence in History [43:02]
11/14/202350 minutes, 48 seconds
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Guarding Our Souls in Wartime

With war in Israel functioning as a totemic marker in our polarized political climate, Derek, Matt, and Alastair talk frankly and vulnerably about how all of us can do justice, love mercy, and not lose our souls. Full show notes at Timestamps: Matt on Trial [0:00] A Hard Season [2:13] An Urgent Question [3:54] Biblical Resources [13:37] Weighing the Victims [22:10] Loving Enemies [31:20] Unequal Deaths [37:10] Mercy [40:53]
11/3/202359 minutes, 30 seconds
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Called Into Questions

Is questioning your faith a good thing? We need not fear questions. By the grace of God, we have the safety and security to rush headlong into them and find ourselves better for it on the other side. Matt has literally written the book on questions. Derek, Alastair, and special guest Brad East join Full show notes at Timestamps: Mixed Reviewers [0:00] Ten Years Makes a Difference [3:19] Faith, Doubt, and Wonder [7:48] Church Application [12:25] Good Leading Questions [17:14] Questioning in the Spirit [23:55] Virtue [30:05] Answering with a Question [37:15] Be the Question Man [47:19]
10/24/202355 minutes, 19 seconds
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On Radical Integralism, with Dr. Kevin Vallier

Integralism is a philosophy of church and state that seemed to have been definitively rejected. And yet, it has received new life from prominent proponents in recent days. Dr. Kevin Vallier has written a new book that looks at the good and the bad of integralism. Matt, Alastair, and Derek discuss it with him. Full show notes at Timestamps: Go and Listen [0:00] The Story So Far [1:29] The Revival [8:48] The Opposition [13:39] Liberalism [21:13] Favorite Arguments [28:56] Why Bother [37:00] Establishmentarianism [45:00]
10/17/202357 minutes, 26 seconds
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Knowing God, with Dr. Fred Sanders

The classic intro to Christianity, Knowing God by J.I. Packer, was published 50 years ago. To celebrate this anniversary, Derek, Alastair, and Matt welcome Fred Sanders back to the show to discuss the distinctives of evangelical spirituality and practice which shine forth in Packer’s book. They also discuss the doctrine of God, classic hymns, the Keswick movement, and the contemporary literary context of which Knowing God may be the apex. Full show notes at Timestamps: Half a Century [0:00] Evangelical Spirituality [5:31] What’s Missing [11:42] Old Books [13:04] Keswick [17:55] Experience and Assurance [27:52] Thin and Thick Piety [34:09] Active/Contemplative [40:09] Remediation [42:11]
10/3/202346 minutes, 24 seconds
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Are Mediocre Christians Allowed?

Since at least the time of the Donatists, the Church has wrestled with how to relate to Christians who are just not that good at being Christians. Should we worship with Christians who are living in sin? Should we baptize, marry, and bury those who only attend church twice a year? Prompted by last episode’s discussion of Andrew’s new book, Matt, Alastair, and Andrew examine this question from theological, Biblical, and pastoral perspectives. Full show notes at Timestamps: How do you solve a problem like James Boswell? [0:00] When Fraternal Correction Fail [5:26] Excommunication & the Fringe [9:45] Make Mediocre Christianity Great Again [16:09] Bring Them In [21:13] Different Gifts of Faith [28:14] Sacraments [31:13] What are they coming for? [38:27] Scandal Badminton [42:25] Internal Logic of Forgiveness [45:41]
9/23/202351 minutes, 8 seconds
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1776, with Andrew Wilson

When answering the question, “How did we get here?” how far back do you have to go? Mere Fidelity’s own Andrew Wilson has identified a compelling candidate when it comes to the rise of the post-Christian West—namely, 1776. This year contains much more than the obvious historical paradigm shift that we all know. Andrew, Matt, and Alastair unpack this significant date with regard to both church and culture. Full show notes at Timestamps: Numerical Patterns [0:00] Subtle [1:22] What a year! [4:09] W.E.I.R.D.E.R. [7:58] Historical Pastoral [10:14] Ideas [14:42] In the Moment [19”42] New Contradictions [24:18] Protestantism [27:42] America [31:37] Church History [41:53]
9/13/202353 minutes, 59 seconds
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Reformation as Renewal, with Dr. Matthew Barrett

Was the Reformation really as much a break with what came before it as we are often led to believe? Dr. Matthew Barrett says the Reformers themselves thought not. In his substantial new book, he shows how strongly the Reformers sought to establish their connection with the catholic and universal church. Alastair, Derek, and Matt join Dr. Barrett for a lively and fruitful discussion on this episode of Mere Fidelity. Full show notes at Timestamps: Repeat Guest [0:00] 14.7 lbs. [1:49] How catholic was the Reformation? [4:36] Reformation(s) Plural [15:50] Baptists [22:20] Precipitating Modernity [32:57] Medieval VIPs [41:06] Principles of Retrieval [48:49]
9/6/202357 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Biblical Trinity, with Brandon Smith

In The Biblical Trinity, Brandon Smith proclaims the Trinity from the Bible. The doctrine arises not from a handful of prooftexts but from the fullness of what the Bible says about God. In this edition of Mere Fi, Alastair and Matt chat with Brandon about what this project means in the broad landscape of contemporary theology. They also take a closer look at how the book of Revelation contributes to a Biblical picture of the Trinity. Full show notes at Timestamps: That Big Time Academic Life [0:00] A Flowering of Evangelical Theology [2:03] Traditional Cart, Biblical Horse [7:43] Politicisation [12:57] Baptism [18:29] Applicability [24:49] Revelation [30:06] The Spirit [42:50]
8/7/202353 minutes, 41 seconds
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Should We Put Flags in Churches? with Dr. Miles Smith

Does your church display an American flag or Union Jack or some other national flag? It’s been an active debate since the days of Caesar, through Christendom, and into the Modern American context: What should the relationship be between national symbols and Christian worship? Matt, Alastair, and Derek welcome Hillsdale Assistant Professor Dr. Miles Smith, IV, to bring a historian’s perspective to the debate. Full show notes at Timestamps: About Five or So [0:00] As a Historian… [1:26] We the (insert denomination) [3:16] Idolatry [8:01] Sunbelt Megavangelicalism [12:29] International Variations [15:20] U.S. Flag Code [20:23] Patriotic Civil Disobedience [26:04] Early Church [28:42] Other Symbols [32:00] Doing It Well or Badly [35:04] Militarism [39:23] Patriotism in General [40:40]
7/25/202344 minutes, 44 seconds
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Bulwarks of Unbelief, with Joe Minich

In Bulwarks of Unbelief, Joseph Minich argues that a felt absence of God, as experienced by the modern individual, offers a better explanation for the rise in atheism. Recent technological and cultural shifts in the modern West have produced a perceived challenge to God’s existence. Andrew, Alastair, and Derek jump right to the heart of the matter and ask some very penetrating and practical questions about Minich’s thesis. Full show notes at Timestamps: Dun Dun Dunnn! [0:00] Technology and the Alienation of Labor [2:20] Charles Taylor’s Argument [5:30] Individual Symptoms [9:24] Disorientation [13:45] Sacred Agents [19:53] A… Proposal… [21:11] The Narrative of Maturity [28:46] Simultaneous Renegotiation of All Human Culture [30:41] Performative Atheism [36:00] Technological Spirituality [40:48]
6/20/202345 minutes, 49 seconds
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Reading Advice

Most of what we talk about on Mere Fidelity presupposes a lot of reading. What is the real use of reading? Is what we read more important than how we read? Why do some people who read for years never develop the habits of reading well? Alastair, Matt, and Derek discuss these questions as well as summer reading on this episode. #quitnetflix Full show notes at Timestamps: Extremely Illuminating [0:00] Reading well isn’t automatic. [2:56] Social Media Distractions [5:20] Performative Reading [10:47] Choosing What to Read [18:58] Thicker Books [23:20] Reading in Community [32:26] Misc. Advice [39:55]
6/9/202349 minutes, 38 seconds
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Tim Keller’s Legacy

Friend of the show, Pastor Timothy Keller, has entered into glory. He was a pivotal player in Evangelicalism over the last generation, and a great encourager of many ministers, including the cast and crew of Mere Fidelity. To pay tribute to his life and legacy, Derek, Alastair, and Matt talk to Editor-in-Chief of Mere Orthodoxy, Jake Meador. Full show notes at Timestamps: The End of an Era [0:00] Dechurching Countercurrent [3:02] Model Pastor [7:56] Collegiality [17:04] Bridges vs Branding [20:37] Change and Formation [24:59] Commitments and Flexibility [30:43] Passing on the Vision [38:05]
5/30/202353 minutes, 40 seconds
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Pierced by Love, with Dr. Hans Boersma

Lectio Divina is a popular form of prayer using the reading of Scripture as a means of encountering God. While its origins are in Christian tradition, Lectio Divina is sometimes associated with a kind of individualistic loose spirituality. Dr. Hans Boersma, however, makes a strong case for its use in the devotional lives of faithful Christians. Alastair, Matt, and Derek probe his case in this episode of Mere Fidelity. Full show notes at Timestamps: It’s soo pretty! [0:48] Thinking Sacramentally [3:18] Meaning in Encounter [5:15] The Four Steps of Lectio Divina [9:15] Communal vs Private Devotion [10:26] Privileged Technology [16:23] Quiet Times [21:14] Cultural Context [25:42] Reading Un-Modernly [31:52]
5/16/202345 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Nicene Creed, with Dr. Phillip Cary

Why do we need creeds? What are they for? Isn’t Scripture enough? Dr. Phillip Cary has a very useful and smart book introducing the Nicene Creed to not only a wider audience, but take those of us who say the Creed every week even deeper into this summary of the Christian faith. In this conversation Alastair and Matt talk with Dr. Cary about the basics and about the finer points of the Nicene Creed in particular. Full show notes at Timestamps: Clear, Brief, and Useful [1:23] About Creeds [3:28] Precursors [6:30] The Audience [8:36] Structural Integrity [15:00] Internal Priority [22:44] Athanasian Creed [28:12] Filioque [32:17] Authority of Scripture [37:46]
5/10/202344 minutes, 36 seconds
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Beautiful Union, with Joshua Ryan Butler

Josh Butler caused a big ruckus when an excerpt from his latest book was posted on a prominent Christian website. His approach using sex to talk about God drew a lot of criticism. The Mere Fi cast have a few criticisms of their own. Andrew, Matt, and Alastair discuss it all quite candidly with Josh himself in this episode of Mere Fidelity. Full show notes at Timestamps: The Most Popular Theologian on the Internet [0:00] Upon Further Consideration [3:12] Procreative Directionality [14:53] Continence, Celibacy, and Pleasure [22:56] Biblical Sex Language [32:27] Cart/Horse [37:05] The Veils of Language [43:59]
5/1/202355 minutes, 1 second
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Resurrection Bodies

Christ is risen indeed! In this Easter season, Matt, Alastair, and Derek turn their attention to one of the most intriguing questions ever asked by Christians, namely, what exactly will our resurrection bodies be like? The answer may be more provocative than you think. Full show notes at Timestamps: Good Question? [0:00] Not That Kind of Resurrection [4:13] Not That Kind of Flesh [9:58] Not That Kind of Spiritual [17:22] Continuity and Discontinuity [20:11] Like Jesus’s Body [24:27] Not That Kind of Birth [28:08] Marked by Our Histories [36:27] There’s Only One Resurrection [45:42]
4/18/202349 minutes, 44 seconds
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Analogies for God

How can we humans form a conception of God, Who is infinitely beyond our capacity for understanding? Analogies! They’re at least as great as sliced bread. But using analogies is like playing with fire. Each one is a path that can lead us into the light of truth and over the cliff of delusion. Fortunately, Mere Fidelity has its own elite team of theological sleuths. On this episode Andrew, Matt, Alastair, and Derek talk about how we can use the analogies in Scripture as tools to bring us closer to God, our Father, Rock, and Shepherd. Full show notes at Timestamps: Is is is? [0:00] Longitudinal Thematic Discussion [1:20] Images for God [3:12] Sourced in Scripture [6:18] Analogy/Metaphor/Symbol/Sign [9:54] Dangerous Fruitfulness [13:49] Apophatic Controls [19:07] Direction [24:31] Names [29:11] God’s Proper Self [38:06]
4/5/202341 minutes, 10 seconds
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Neo-Calvinism, with Cory Brock and Gray Sutanto

Neo-Calvinism is in the air. But is it theologically relevant or merely a political phenomenon? Or did the Americans just mess it up? Cory Brock and Gray Sutanto join Matt, Derek, and Alastair to make the case for Neo-Calvinism and discuss their new book on the subject. Full show notes at Timestamps: Family Friendly [0:00] More than Politics [2:10] Misunderstood Doctrine [9:15] Lost in Translation [13:47] Apartheid [20:12] Too Programmatic? [24:01] Necessary Context? [30:11] Common Grace [34:44] Doctrinal Development [41:43]
3/31/202350 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Age of AI, with Jason Thacker

When students started turning in papers written by artificial intelligence, educators were caught flat-footed. We knew that machines would replace many human tasks, but we thought the humanities were immune to that. Have our writing standards fallen so low that we can no longer write better than computers? Or are we about to experience the awakening of Artificial Consciousness? Matt and Alastair discuss this situation with Jason Thacker, the Chair of Research in Technology Ethics at the ERLC. Full show notes at Timestamps: Written by a Bot [0:00] The ChatGPT Panic [2:45] What is human? [6:48] Is intelligence important? [11:09] Going Full Hobbit [20:57] Did we do this on purpose? [28:00] Inevitable Arms Race [34:44] Covid Tech-lash [45:20] AI(dolatry) [52:34]
3/21/202357 minutes, 16 seconds
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Protestants & History, with Paul Gutacker

On this episode of Mere Fidelity, historian of history Paul Gutacker joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to talk about the changing and sometimes fraught relationship that Protestants have had with the notions of “history” and “tradition.” Paul’s book, The Old Faith in a New Nation, particularly examines how nineteenth century debates about slavery, etc., influenced our ideas about the roles of Scripture and Church in regard to history. Full show notes at Timestamps: Neo-Calvinism [0:30] My Fellow Subjects [2:08] Meta-history [3:22] What is Biblicism? [4:37] Misusing History [9:54] Scripture’s Changing Role [14:42] Tradition or History [18:41] Church Disputes [23:36] Foreigners [27:06] Spirit and Letter [29:35] Hermeneutical Precedent [42:42] How should pastors use history? [46:05]
3/7/202349 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Billion Dollars

What would you do with a billion dollars to strengthen the Western Church? The question is straightforward enough, but the answers are where it gets interesting. The full Mere Fi cast and crew (Andrew, Matt, Derek, and Alastair) put their heads together to figure out what project would move the needle most. Christian billionaires, pay attention! Full show notes at Timestamps: An Expensive Museum [0:00] Matt: The Role of the Church [3:23] Barking Up the Money Tree? [9:22] Alastair: Think Bigger [11:24] Derek: Think Longer [15:16] Deep and Wide [19:02] Andrew: Doubts and Questions [22:14] What Would God Fund? [25:29] Denominationally Opaque Commercials [31:47] Formation [37:37] Collective Funding [44:14]
2/28/202351 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Man of Lawlessness

When you come across a passage of Scripture that just throws you for a loop, who do you go to for guidance? Matt turns to Alastair and Derek. Let the Mere Fi cast and crew be your Scriptural support group. Today we look at another passage from the Apostle Paul that just doesn’t really sound like what we’d expect. Along the way we encounter the beasts of Revelation, ancient dictators, and fractal Mini-Me’s. Full show notes at Timestamps: Matt Works Out His Apocalyptic Pauline Issues [3:12] The Substance & Symbols of Lawlessness [10:18] Don’t Dehistoricize (Beasts of Revelation) [17:54] Preview Eschaton [24:19] The Restraining [33:09] How would you preach it? [41:02]
2/22/202348 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Genesis of Gender, with Dr. Abigail Favale

These days, it seems nobody without a doctorate in biology knows how to tell men apart from women. How did it come to this? And what can be done about it? Andrew, Matt, and Alastair talk to Dr. Abigail Favale, author of The Genesis of Gender, about how the gender paradigm arose, swallowed the concept of sex (like a "giant Pac-Man monster"), and brought into question the very existence of human nature. Full show notes at Timestamps: The Gender Paradigm [0:00] Sex Becomes Gender [8:24] Is Human Nature Real? [16:15] Practical Excursus [18:12] Contraceptive Context [24:11] Contradictions [31:52] Corrections [38:57]
2/16/202348 minutes, 13 seconds
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Tolkien Dogmatics, with Austin Freeman

J.R.R. Tolkien is known as the language professor who created a fantasy world and constructed several languages for fun. However, those who get to know his writing and thought well discover that behind those seemingly frivolous projects lie deeply seeded theological ideas. And where better to discuss the intersection of theology and fiction than here on Mere Fidelity. Austin Freeman, author of Tolkien Dogmatics, joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to delve into the wealth of thought hidden in Middle Earth. Full show notes at Timestamps: Theology & Literature [0:00] Imaginary World [4:45] Actual World [10:37] What Dogmas? [14:28] Gift of Death [20:26] Peer Comparison [27:13] Sub-Creation [35:08] The Bombadil Question [42:39]
2/1/202347 minutes, 46 seconds
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MAID in Canada

Why are so many Canadians choosing to make use of “medical assistance in dying” and ending their lives prematurely? The Mere Fidelity crew (including Alastair’s new Plus One) tackle this vexing question and disturbing trend. Full show notes at Timestamps: A Problem in Canada [0:00] The Situation [3:10] The Terminology [8:04] The Act Itself [14:22] Passing the Buck [16:22] Death Catechesis [20:39] Conditions of Dying [28:35] “Good” Death [35:04] Life Extension [42:43]
1/26/202348 minutes, 56 seconds
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Antisemitism in Thessalonians

There is a passage in Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians that is so jarring some have doubted whether Paul could actually have written it. On its face it seems like an easy tool for antisemites to grab on to. Even Matt is having issues with these few verses. So he and Andrew and Alastair got together to talk about, Mere Fi style. Full show notes at Timestamps: Uncomfortable Questions [0:00] Doesn’t Feel Pauline [2:54] What Pauline Means [5:56] A Sudden Shift of Tone [11:01] The Real Bombshell [15:26] There’s Jews and There’s Jews [21:27] But Antisemitism! [26:06] In this Case, Read the Greek [38:57]
1/19/202343 minutes, 1 second
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Mere Fidelity to Mere Orthodoxy

Learn more about Mere Orthodoxy at
12/26/20223 minutes, 33 seconds
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End of Year Extravaganza

At the end of each year, we like to take one episode of Mere Fidelity to give the hosts a chance to talk about their own projects and what has been their intellectual focus of the past year. We are blessed this year to have all four of the regular cast and crew together at once: Matt, Andrew, Alastair, and Derek. So listen in as they… [checks notes]… um… disagree over the first amendment, recite the meaning of every number in the Bible, and prevent one of Derek’s existential justifications from unplugging the internet? Hey, it’s Mere Fidelity, folks! Timestamps: Tolkien Dogmatics [0:31] Looking Backward and Forward [4:14] Andrew is writing books. [5:27] Alastair is making connections. [18:44] Derek is thinking about life. [34:56] Matt is revisiting and rewriting. [46:39] Full links and show notes at
12/20/202256 minutes, 23 seconds
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Gratitude, with Dr. Kent Dunnington

Talk of thankfulness pervades the Scriptures. But how well do we really understand the concept of gratitude. Matt has done some thinking about this recently with a fellow scholar from Biola University, Dr. Kent Dunnington. Along with Alastair, they tackle some tricky questions about gratitude. How should we understand the relationship between the gift and the giver? How important is it to have the emotions of thankfulness? And do you really need to send thank you cards? Full show notes at
11/22/202247 minutes, 9 seconds
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Uncommon Unity, with Dr. Richard Lints

Our times are fragmented. Political and cultural differences rage, even among people who otherwise show goodwill. But what if Scripture actually provides the key for thinking about unity in diversity? Dr. Richard Lints joins Matt and Alastair to explore the nature of diversity as he wrote in his new book, Uncommon Unity. There are no easy answers, but there is a lot of good discussion. Join us! Full show notes at Timestamps: What Kids Want [0:00] What This Book Is [1:23] Marital Difference [5:07] Anxiety about Discrimination [7:24] Created Constituently Different [12:53] Wisdom About Real Differences [16:41] Regional Differences [22:15] Why Difference Qua Difference? [27:44] The Public Good IS the Public Good [37:25] Unity & Diversity in Church [41:20]
11/15/202254 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Thrill of Orthodoxy, with Trevin Wax

Every generation faces the temptation to wander from orthodoxy and to drift with cultural currents. So every generation must be awakened again to the thrill of orthodoxy, and experience the astonishment that comes from stumbling afresh upon the electrifying paradoxes at the heart of the Christian faith. Trevin Wax wants to turn the tables on those who believe Christian teaching is narrow and outdated. In this episode, he joins Matt and Alastair to discuss how he accomplishes this in his new book, The Thrill of Orthodoxy. Until November 7, save 30% on this title (either hard copy or eBook) and get free shipping when you order it from with the code MERE22. Timestamps: Who Blogged First [1:23] Confidence in the Beauty of Truth [3:57] How Orthodoxy Functions [5:47] Jadedness & Disillusionment [8:34] Offensive & Defensive Orthodoxy [18:10] Full-orbed Vision [26:03] Worship [30:12] Baptism [35:16] When the Thrill Is Gone [40:39] Communal Thrill [47:38] Find all mentioned resources linked at
11/2/202254 minutes, 33 seconds
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On Earth as in Heaven, with Dr. Peter Leithart

When one advocates for good practices that are quite old and abandoned, these things that have been forgotten can seem new and radical. Peter Leithart returns to Mere Fidelity to discuss the vision and principles of the Theopolis Institute, especially as written in his new book, On Earth as in Heaven. The book is large but it reads well as a manifesto of how the church and the Bible are related in liturgy. Full show notes at Timestamps: Theopolis Principles [1:44] Bible and Church [8:01] Wanting More than Liturgical Renewal [20:52] Fundamentals [29:41] Competing Visions [32:09] Protestant Catholicity [40:59] Practical Steps [49:25]
10/27/202257 minutes, 18 seconds
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Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith, with Dr. Todd Hains

For generations of evangelicals lacking good catechesis, Martin Luther is often seen as a primitive, unsophisticated, or backwards reformer. Into this negative environment, Dr. Todd Hains is bringing forth the richness of Luther’s thought and Lutheranism’s tradition. There is so much more than just justification by faith. Alastair and Matt discuss with Dr. Hains his latest book, and they get at the central question: What does it mean to interpret Scripture with Scripture? Full show notes at Timestamps: The OG Reformer [2:06] Reading Scripture with Luther [10:55] Christian Pedagogy [17:40] Catholic Luther [25:52] Catechesis from Scripture [30:33] Gimme the Lutheran Pitch [39:48] Practical Advice for Churches [48:39]
10/12/202254 minutes, 9 seconds
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Virtuous Persuasion, with Dr. Michael Niebauer

What counts as doing God’s mission? How do we measure the success of Christian mission? It’s very tempting to turn it into a numbers game, or to rely on our own strategies. But Dr. Michael Niebauer has written the Mere Fidelity Book of the Month about this very topic. Matt and Alastair examine with him this very crucial aspect of our Christian life. Full show notes at
9/27/202252 minutes, 24 seconds
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On the Monarchy

In light of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the two British and one Canadian member of the Mere Fidelity cast & crew ruminate upon the peculiarities, virtues, weaknesses, generalities, and specificities of the institution of the British monarchy. Full show notes at
9/20/202243 minutes
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What are the limits of introspection as a Christian discipline? Is introspection advocated in Scripture? When you listen in silence to the voice inside you, is there a danger in paying attention to it? Alastair, Derek, and Matt take up these questions and more. Full show notes at
9/13/202249 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Bible has some tricky passages. Occasionally here on Mere Fidelity the crew likes to pick one of these up and try to unravel it. On the discussion table today: How do we reconcile clear laws and murky narratives? For instance, it seems that the commandments against lying are absolute, and yet in Exodus 1, God blesses the Hebrew midwives for their deception. Let’s dive in with Matt, Alastair, and Derek. Full show notes at
9/6/202249 minutes, 9 seconds
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Internet Anonymity

Is it licit for Christians to be anonymous on the internet? What role could anonymity play in evangelism? Should you tell your pastor about your secret accounts? And is Twitter the only problem? Andrew, Alastair, and Matt (n.b., not anonymous) discuss. Full show notes at
8/30/202247 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Name of the Lord

What exactly does it mean for God to “vindicate,” “sanctify,” or “glorify” His name? Derek has been giving this question a lot of systematic theology thought. Alastair and Matt join him in this intellectual workout, starting with the Lord’s Prayer and proceeding through Athanasius, Aquinas, honor culture, and our own times. Full show notes at
8/16/202250 minutes, 1 second
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The Religion of American Greatness, with Dr. Paul Miller

In a perfect, though not fully intentional, follow-up to the conversation in the previous episode about Conservative Nationalism, Dr. Paul Miller joins Matt and Alastair to discuss his critique of Christian Nationalism as laid out in his new book The Religion of American Greatness. The big question: What is the Biblical model of the relation between church and state? The next question: Are Baptists part of the problem or solution? Full show notes at
8/2/202254 minutes, 29 seconds
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Conservatism, with Dr. Yoram Hazony

What hath Enlightenment Liberalism wrought? According to Dr. Yoram Hazony, chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation, it has led us to the place we are today where Neo-Marxism is ascendant and we cannot conceive a higher good than consent. What’s the alternative? National Conservatism. Listen to this lively conversation with Derek, Alastair, Matt, and Dr. Hazony. Full show notes at
7/20/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 38 seconds
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Biblical Reasoning, with Drs. Bobby Jamieson & Tyler Wittman

There’s been a divorce between the disciplines of Biblical Studies and Systematic Theology. Representing both of those disciplines, Dr. Bobby Jamieson and Dr. Tyler Wittman authored a book that bridges the divide and shows explores how the principles of each enriches the understanding of the other. Full show notes at
7/12/202249 minutes, 24 seconds
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‘Jesus and the God of Classical Theism,’ with Dr. Steve Duby

Does the philosophical knowledge of God known as Classical Theism enrich our reading of Scripture? Or does it get in the way? Derek and Alastair have a conversation with Dr. Steve Duby about the retrieval of Classical Theism and its interaction with good Christology. Full show notes at
7/5/202254 minutes, 1 second
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Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

What has six thumbs and doesn’t understand that passage where Jesus says blasphemy against the Holy Spirit won’t be forgiven? The hosts of this podcast, that’s who. Let’s talk about it. Full show notes at
6/28/202250 minutes, 30 seconds
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Alternatives to Winsomeness? with James Wood

When James Wood wrote about the drawbacks of certain strategies for Christians to transcend the political divide without compromising evangelism, he didn’t expect it to spark such a contentious discourse. Never afraid of controversy, Matt, Derek, and Alastair dive into the conversation with him, seeking to understand the best way to deal with political disagreements as Christians. NOTE: Because of the nature of the conversation, this episode mentions our good friend Tim Keller quite frequently. Please pray for Tim and his family in the midst of his ongoing health struggles (see: Full show notes at
6/21/202254 minutes, 44 seconds
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Now that Alastair has returned from his honeymoon, Mere Fidelity jumps right back into the liturgical year with a lively discussion of Pentecost. The guys endeavor to find the Holy Spirit in Scripture and to see His gifts in the Church. They also (with apologies to Andrew) touch briefly on the perennial question: What’s the deal with charismatics? Full show notes at
6/7/202252 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Dobbs Opinion, with Susannah Black

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, what comes next? Alastair, Matt, and Derek discuss the recent Supreme Court leak with a very special Mere Fi listener, Susannah Black. Susannah is a senior editor at Plough Magazine. Full show notes at
5/10/202251 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Doctrine of Assurance, with J. Todd Billings

Friendly disagreements are one of the best things about Mere Fidelity. In a previous episode, the guys were unable to come to a mutual understanding of the nature of apostasy and assurance. So they asked Reformed theologian Dr. J. Todd Billings to return for his fourth appearance on Mere Fi. Can he straighten things out? Can you *know* that you are saved? Full show notes at
5/3/202256 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Doctrine of Scripture, with Dr. Brad East

What is the Bible? What is it for? Does the Bible create the Church or vice versa? As God’s people, how can we receive it for what it is? Dr. Brad East tackles these questions in his book The Doctrine of Scripture. While Derek and Alastair might not see eye to eye with him on Sola Scriptura or which theological monsters they are comfortable hiding under the bed, the spirited disagreement leads to some very healthy places. Big questions, loving argument, fun times. Plus, you get to hear behind the scenes Mere Fi producer Timothy Crouch filling in for Matt. Full show notes at
4/26/202252 minutes, 14 seconds
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‘The Life We’re Looking For,’ with Andy Crouch

Andy Crouch brings a much-needed Christian perspective to understanding how humans relate to technology in his new book, The Life We’re Looking For. Do you know the connection between our basic need for recognition and our dependence on screens? What can we do to make our world more humanized? And when will we be able to achieve it? Derek, Alastair, and Matt discuss these questions and more with Andy in this high energy conversation. Full show notes at
4/19/202254 minutes, 41 seconds
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‘Abraham’s Silence,’ with Dr. J. Richard Middleton

Dr. J. Richard Middleton has a unique interpretation of Genesis 22, Abraham's (near-)sacrifice of Isaac, which departs — radically, some might say — from both traditional Christian and Jewish readings of this foundational Old Testament story. And if he's right, it has significant implications for how we do ministry. Matt, Alastair, and Derek leave no stone unturned in this conversation. Full show notes at
4/12/202242 minutes, 34 seconds
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Beyond Racial Division, with Dr. George Yancey

Can progress be made on the problem of racial division? Dr. George Yancey, professor of sociology at Baylor University (and thus a colleague of Matt’s), proposes a third way to the controversial solutions of either Colorblindness or Antiracism in his book, Beyond Racial Division. In his conversation with Alastair, Derek, and Matt, Dr. Yancey shows that there is hope for moving beyond racism, using methods that build deep, lasting roots. They also explore how local churches can engage in the solutions that make the most sense for their unique congregations. Full show notes at
3/31/202247 minutes, 10 seconds
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On Preaching the Rape Texts, with Jen Pollock Michel

Jen Pollock Michel, writer and Mere Fidelity listener, sent in an important and challenging question by email: There are several passages in the Bible that deal with scenarios of sexual violence. What is the best way to preach these texts, without traumatizing or triggering the congregation? We decided to not only address this question on the show but bring her directly on as a guest to talk about it. Full show notes at
3/28/202250 minutes, 32 seconds
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Saving Evangelicalism, with Tim Keller

A recent New York Times essay by David Brooks, "The Dissenters Trying to Save Evangelicalism From Itself," kicked up quite a stir. Possibly missed in the brouhaha was an unusually detailed plan of action for saving evangelicalism, provided by none other than legendary Mere Fidelity guest (and honorary host) Tim Keller. So we invited him back on to talk about it — all of it: the Christian Mind project, the "second-generation" problem, the notion of "diagonalizing," and much, much more. Full show notes at
3/1/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 47 seconds
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‘What Are Christians For?’ with Jake Meador

For many 21st century Christians in the West it seems that the world is unraveling. There are two questions we must ask: Is this time different than other times? and How can Christians offer hope to a world coming apart? These are the questions that Matt, Alastair, and Derek seek answers for with Jake Meador while discussing Jake’s new book, What Are Christians For? Life Together at the End of the World. Full show notes at
2/22/202254 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Psalms, with Dr. James Hamilton

Reading the Psalms individually as we often do, you can miss how they all fit together. Dr. James Hamilton’s new two-volume commentary brings to life the wonder of how intricately the Psalms are linked literarily and structurally. Derek, Alastair, and Matt explore with Dr. Hamilton what the big patterns are, what the superscriptions indicate, and what David was perhaps thinking when he was writing about Christ. Full show notes at
2/17/202248 minutes, 38 seconds
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‘You’re Only Human,’ with Kelly Kapic

We humans have a complicated relationship with our limits. We constantly push them; expand them; try to circumvent them. But limits are inherent to Creation. Why would God, who could have made the world in an instant, use a process instead? And what does this mean for our own process of sanctification, which we often want to be instantaneous? Matt, Derek, and Alastair jump into these questions with Dr. Kelly Kapic, the author of You're Only Human: How Your Limits Reflect God's Design and Why That's Good News. Full show notes at
2/3/202246 minutes, 37 seconds
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How Many People Are Saved?

A conundrum has been bothering Andrew: If you say that few people are saved, that raises certain theological problems, but if you say that many people are saved, that raises other theological problems. But this is what Mere Fidelity is for: tackling the tough questions that others avoid. Matt doesn’t think this is the right question to be asking, but you’ll be interested to hear where he ends up. And Derek coins a unique word. s Full show notes at
1/25/202246 minutes, 14 seconds
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‘A Hermeneutic of Wisdom,’ with Dr. J. de Waal Dryden

The modern mindset instinctively views everything, even texts, as objects to be pulled apart and understood rationally. When we do this to the Bible, we can inadvertently end up bifurcating Biblical studies from ethics. But that’s not what the Bible is doing. When you read the Bible and let it change you, you discover that all of it is Wisdom Literature. That’s what Mere Fidelity guest Dr. Jeff Dryden claims in his book, A Hermeneutic of Wisdom. Matt and Derek love where he goes with it on this episode. Full show notes at
1/19/202242 minutes, 53 seconds
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‘For Shame,’ with Dr. Gregg TenElshof

You may get the impression that shame is always a bad thing. That’s not exactly right. Dr. Gregg TenElshof, author of the book For Shame: Rediscovering the Virtues of a Maligned Emotion, discusses the nuances of bad shame and good shame with the Mere Fidelity crew. When should we feel shame? For what should we feel shame? How does the body and appearance relate to shame? Listen in! (The +1 on this one is particularly good.) Full show notes at
1/5/202247 minutes, 23 seconds
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On Mere Fidelity it’s not just the guests that are experts. All four of our hosts have projects of their own that will be of great interest to our listeners. Three of our hosts (alas, Derek is not on this episode) open up about what has been taking up their intellectual space this past year: from 1776 to Dante to YouTube to Gossip and more. Full show notes at
12/22/202157 minutes, 11 seconds
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‘The Deep Places,’ with Ross Douthat

New York Times columnist Ross Douthat returns to Mere Fidelity to discuss his harrowing experience with Lyme disease as told in his new book, The Deep Places: A Memoir of Illness & Discovery. Alastair and Matt take the conversation in some interesting directions that you’ll probably only find on Mere Fidelity, like how the sociological experience of chronic illness compares with the psychology of witness in the Christian community. That, and more, in this episode. Full show notes at
12/14/202155 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Last Things

The church year begins with Advent. But Advent begins by looking forward to the Second Coming of Christ. Why would we start with the end? The doctrine of the Last Things sheds some light on this tradition. Matt, Derek, and Alastair examine Advent and the Last Things by taking a close look at Charles Wesley’s classic Advent hymn, “Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending.” Full show notes at
12/3/202140 minutes, 37 seconds
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‘You Are Not Your Own,’ with Dr. Alan Noble

What is our only comfort in life and in death? It’s that we do not belong to ourselves, but that we belong body and soul to Jesus Christ. Alan Noble thinks that if we will embrace this teaching, the church will be able to weather modernity. How exactly does that play out in our daily lives? That’s what he talks about with Matt, Derek, Alastair, and Andrew(!) on this episode. Full show notes at
11/16/202150 minutes, 28 seconds
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‘Five Things Theologians Wish Biblical Scholars Knew,’ with Rev. Hans Boersma

What’s gone wrong in Biblical theology? We’ve turned the Bible into an object to master, instead of letting it master us. Rev. Hans Boersma’s new book, Five Things Theologians Wish Biblical Scholars Knew, opens this conversation up very well, reminding us the job of the Biblical scholar is not primarily historical. Matt and Derek talk with Rev. Boersma, and things get a little spicy when the topic of Sola Scriptura comes up. Full show notes at
11/9/202152 minutes, 2 seconds
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Evangelical Elites

A conversation has erupted in Evangelical circles about elites and their willingness to accommodate worldly powers. But who counts as elite? Which worldly powers are they cozying up to? The answers can change depending on who’s doing the accusing. Alastair, Matt, and Derek take up the conversation to pick apart confusing threads and lower the temperature of the argument. Will they succeed or end up disagreeing with each other? Full show notes at
10/26/202149 minutes, 34 seconds
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‘Funerals,’ with Dr. Tim Perry

Death is an uncomfortable subject for many people. That makes funerals difficult at the least, and even worse, confusing and traumatic. How does the Christian understanding of death influence the way we do funerals? Dr. Tim Perry, author of Funerals: For the Care of Souls, published by Lexham Press, joins Matt and Derek to liven your understanding of what it means for a Christian to die. Practical considerations are covered as well, like cremation vs. burial, whether to eulogize, and which parts of funerals should be customized and which shouldn’t be. Full show notes at
10/20/202144 minutes, 11 seconds
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‘The Trinity and the Bible,’ with Scott Swain

Dr. Scott Swain is the President of Reformed Theological Seminary, and he is the author of The Trinity & the Bible: On Theological Interpretation published by Lexham Press. In this conversation with Derek, Matt, and Alastair, Dr. Swain helps ask and answer some big questions about the Doctrine of the Trinity: How do we find it in the Bible? Is it just imported Greek categories? Why do we use the terms Father, Son, and Spirit? How do you pronounce ‘prosopological’? And what use is the Doctrine of the Trinity anyway? Full show notes at Join the Merrie Band™ and hear the +1 at
10/7/202143 minutes, 15 seconds
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Exvangelical Deconstruction

What’s the difference between someone “deconstructing” their faith and plain, old apostasy? Are Exvangelicals really leaving Christianity? Andrew, Alastair, and Matt discuss the new trend of Evangelicals prominently deconstructing their faith and what it means for the church and the doctrine of assurance. Full show notes at
9/28/202155 minutes, 7 seconds
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‘Jordan Peterson, God, & Christianity,’ with Dr. Christopher Kaczor

The Jordan Peterson phenomenon is worth looking into. Even Aquinas scholar Dr. Christopher Kaczor is writing about the effect that Jordan Peterson is having. Matt and Alastair join the discussion, bringing a particular emphasis to how Peterson reads Scripture and what Christians can learn from his approach. Full show notes at
9/23/202151 minutes, 36 seconds
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‘A Spacious Life,’ with Dr. Ashley Hales

With the ideas like technology, progress, and liberty shaping our lives, we are formed to believe that reality is tending toward an ever greater number of choices and ever fewer limits. But is this limitless ideal a good way to live? Dr. Ashley Hales has a different idea, which she explores in her new book, A Spacious Life: Trading Hustle and Hurry for the Goodness of Limits. She returns to Mere Fidelity to discuss about how limits can actually increase our liberty and what this looks like for the modern Christian. Full show notes at
9/14/202145 minutes, 36 seconds
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Bad Church Leadership

Many Christians and ex-Christians have experienced severe trauma because of bad, even abusive, church leadership. Using the story of Mark Driscoll as a basis for comparison, Matt, Andrew, and Alastair discuss the causes and outcomes of bad leadership. They compare and contrast the US and UK churches, look at the sociology of trust, and ask how to examine one’s own leadership to avoid becoming abusive. Full show notes at
9/7/202154 minutes, 51 seconds
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‘Wonderfully Made,’ with Dr. John Kleinig

Dr. John Kleinig joins Matt and Alastair to discuss a Biblical approach to a theology of the body. More specifically, they talk about how we can acquire the vision with which God sees our bodies. Some questions that they cover are how ritual trains the body, what the significance of the body is in Protestant theology, and why Jesus’s physical body is so emphasized in the Gospels. Dr. Kleinig’s latest book also focuses on these issues. (There’s also a particularly spectacular +1 that you can hear if you are one of the Merrie Band of Patreon supporters.) Full show notes at
8/31/202148 minutes, 36 seconds
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Healing the Schism, with Dr. Jennifer Rosner

You may think that Christianity and Judaism have gone their separate ways; that they have nothing to do with each other. But this is not necessarily the case. On this episode, Dr. Jennifer Rosner, author of Healing the Schism: Karl Barth, Franz Rosenzweig, and the New Jewish-Christian Encounter, joins Matt and Alastair to talk about how Christianity and Judaism should relate to one another. Full show notes at
8/24/202144 minutes, 26 seconds
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‘What’s Wrong with Rights?’ with Dr. Nigel Biggar

Is the theory of natural rights really the best way to protect ourselves from tyrannical governments? This is the big question of Dr. Nigel Biggar’s book, What’s Wrong With Rights? Dr. Biggar is Regius Professor of Moral & Pastoral Theology, and Director of the McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics, & Public Life, University of Oxford. Matt and Alastair push on this argument with Dr. Biggar to examine the relationship between morality and law. Fun connection: Dr. Biggar is Dr. Matt Anderson’s former Ph.D. advisor! Full show notes at
8/17/202150 minutes, 6 seconds
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'Ministers of Reconciliation,' with Dr. Matthew Kim

How should pastors address the issue of race in their churches? This is exactly what Andrew and Alastair are talking about with Dr. Matthew Kim on this episode. Dr. Kim has both academic expertise and practical experience with this issue. He is a contributor to Ministers of Reconciliation: Preaching on Race and the Gospel. In this conversation you will learn about preaching the Gospel in a climate of racial tension, the boundaries of the act of preaching, and advice for pastoring diverse congregations. Full show notes at
8/10/202140 minutes, 57 seconds
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Beatitudes: “Persecuted for His Name”

Have you ever wondered if Christian persecution really happens in America? Are you confused about how to respond when you are persecuted for your faith? In this episode, Alastair, Derek, and Matt finish their series of discussions on the Beatitudes. If you’ll recall, in the last episode, there was some disagreement as to whether being persecuted for righteousness’ sake and being persecuted for Jesus’ name’s sake are one beatitude or two. Can the guys come to an agreement? Find out in this exciting conclusion! Full show notes at
8/3/202147 minutes, 11 seconds
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‘Reformed Resurgence,’ with Brad Vermurlen

There’s a movement in Evangelicalism you may have heard of: the New Calvinism. Apart from its theological significance, it turns out that this sort of movement is of great interest to sociologists too. The guest on this episode, Brad Vermurlen, decided to apply the tools of sociology to the young, restless, and reformed, and see what turns up. His book is Reformed Resurgence: The New Calvinist Movement and the Battle Over American Evangelicalism. He talks about his fascinating results with Matt and Derek, about the Evangelical landscape, the secular landscape, the movement of the Holy Ghost, new models of leadership behavior, and demographic factors that all point to the direction that the New Calvinism is headed. Full show notes at
7/29/202154 minutes, 38 seconds
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Beatitudes: “Persecuted for Righteousness”

Continuing the Mere Fidelity series of discussions on the Beatitudes, Alastair, Derek, and Matt talk about the blessing for those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. It’s not as clear as it might at first seem. Specifically, why are there two beatitudes for persecution? What is the righteousness that is being persecuted? Why do multiple beatitudes promise the Kingdom of Heaven to the poor and to the persecuted? The answers to these questions have very real consequences for situations that you could find yourself in today. Full show notes at
7/13/202136 minutes, 48 seconds
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Is gossip always bad? Are you sure about that? Inspired by a recent cover story of Christianity Today Derek, Alastair, and Matt take up the topic of gossip in the church. They explore the topic from Biblical, personal, and organizational perspectives. You may be surprised at the results. Full show notes at
7/6/202148 minutes, 39 seconds
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Beatitudes: “Peacemakers”

Everyone has a Beatitude that is their least favorite or that they are most confused by. We’re not saying Matt has an issue with peacemaking. (We’re just sayin’.) This episode in the Mere Fi series on the Beatitudes features a lively discussion of the role of peace and conflict in the life of the church and the Christian. Alastair, Derek, and Matt also talk about the profound ways that Christ is our peace. Full show notes at
6/29/202149 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, with Mike Cosper

Mike Cosper, Director of Podcasting for Christianity Today, has created a podcast exploring the rise and the fall of Mars Hill church in Seattle. He joins Derek, Alastair, and Matt to discuss the story, the scandal, and what this project hopes to accomplish. What is the danger of celebrity pastors? Why does this keep happening? And how can pastors prevent it from happening to their churches? Full show notes at
6/15/202151 minutes, 13 seconds
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Beatitudes: “Pure in Heart”

Many blessings are promised to the ones named in the Beatitudes. But the pure in heart are told that they will “see God.” That is an amazing promise, indeed! What does this mean for us here in the world? Matt, Alastair, and Derek discuss this plus the concept of purity generally in the Old Testament and in the Gospel. Full show notes at
6/8/202139 minutes, 57 seconds
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Antisemitism, with Rabbi Dr. Ari Lamm

Rabbi Dr. Ari Lamm is the founder of The Joshua Project. He is one of the youngest leaders of a major Jewish organization in the U.S., serving as chief executive of Bnai Zion. Dr. Lamm joins the full cast of Mere Fidelity to discuss the recent resurgence of antisemitism in the world and how we can approach it from a Biblical perspective. Full show notes at
6/1/202153 minutes, 51 seconds
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Beatitudes: “The Merciful”

Continuing the series of discussions on the Beatitudes, Matt, Alastair, and Derek come to “Blessed are the merciful.” Mercy is a virtue that has enormous possibilities for social transformation. It is so central to God’s identity and to ours as His creation. But what is the relation of mercy to justice? And what is the relation of mercy to forgiveness? What does the structure of Scripture teach us about mercy? Full show notes at
5/25/202144 minutes, 22 seconds
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‘Baptism,’ with Dr. Peter Leithart

We need a renewal of baptismal imagination. Peter Leithart joins Andrew, Alastair, and Derek to help point the way toward that renewal. Did you know that baptism implies an anthropology that cuts across the grain of our modern notion of consent? There is a ton of typology. Water events! Food events! And of course the debate over full immersion makes an appearance. Full show notes at
5/11/202149 minutes, 36 seconds
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‘Simply Trinity,’ with Dr. Matthew Barrett

Punching back against Eternal Functional Subordination theory, Dr. Matthew Barrett has written Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit. Matthew, Derek, and Alastair have questions. If you’ve ever wondered why God gave us the names “Father” and “Son,” or what implications the Trinity has for our society, then this is the conversation for you. (Some free copies of Dr. Barrett’s book are available for the Merrie Band of Patreon Supporters.) Full show notes at
5/4/202150 minutes, 6 seconds
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Beatitudes: “Hunger & Thirst”

Continuing our series of discussions on the Beatitudes, Alastair, Derek, and Matt next consider “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.” At first glance this statement seems completely obvious. But when you dig deeper and look at the connected issues of justice, humility, and anger (as well as actual physical hunger) you discover so much more. Full show notes at
4/27/202141 minutes, 47 seconds
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Responding to Secularism

As secularism has grown ascendant and liberalism has become decadent, Christians have used different strategies to respond. Some change to accommodate the culture, some hunker down and wait for it to blow over, and some propose re-Christianizing America. Ross Douthat recently wrote a piece analyzing these responses. You’ll get a lot more out of this Mere Fidelity conversation if you read Ross Douthat’s article first. Nothing says Mere Fidelity better than a heated exchange over the pronunciation of ‘amicable.’ Full show notes at
4/20/202147 minutes, 5 seconds
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Beatitudes: “Meek”

Meekness is not often understood. And when it’s understood, it’s not often commended. And when it’s commended, it’s not often lived out. And yet we are told that the meek will inherit the earth. How should we understand this virtue Biblically? And how should we practice it in our cultural moment? Full show notes at
4/13/202139 minutes, 3 seconds
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Easter Hymns

He is risen indeed! This high holy day calls for reveling in the glories of the best Easter hymns. Visit the full show notes to read the lyrics of the three hymns that Matt, Alastair, and Derek discuss in this episode. Full show notes at
4/6/202145 minutes, 37 seconds
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Beatitudes: "Those Who Mourn"

Continuing their series of discussions of the Beatitudes, Alastair, Derek, and Matt ask about mourning. What is the role of mourning in the Old Testament? Does our culture allow us to mourn properly? Is there joy to be found in mourning? Listen and consider why Jesus calls those who mourn blessed. Full show notes at
3/30/202147 minutes, 37 seconds
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Do you have a theological question?

Did you know that the Mere Fidelity cast & crew host live Q&A shows where you can ask your questions about theology, the church, and the culture? To hear the latest Q&A show, and to get to ask your question on the next one, become a Patreon supporter at the appropriate level at
3/23/20211 minute, 59 seconds
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Mere Fidelity Passages Promo

Announcing "Passages," a new podcast from the Mere Orthodoxy Podcast Network.
3/19/202110 minutes, 9 seconds
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‘On Reading Well,’ with Karen Swallow Prior

Matt claims that the Mere Fidelity team won’t read fiction with him (though they counter that this is merely due to lack of a suitable reading companion). Karen Swallow Prior joins the conversation to set the record straight about the value of fiction and literature, along the way clearing up misconceptions about moral formation, church community, and the values and dangers of empathy. Karen is the author of the new book, On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life Through Great Books. Full show notes at Please visit the Mere Fidelity Patreon page for more information about the Live Q&A show for supporters this Friday, March 19th, 2021.
3/16/202146 minutes, 1 second
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‘God of All Things,’ with Andrew Wilson

Mere Fidelity’s own Andrew Wilson (teaching pastor at King’s Church London) has written a stunning book, devotional in nature, but premised on examining things as Things, theologically. So in this episode Andrew gets to be both guest and host as he converses with the other hosts, Alastair, Derek, and Matt. Since you deal with things every day, you will definitely get something valuable out of this conversation. Full show notes at
3/9/202141 minutes, 30 seconds
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‘Turning of Days,’ with Hannah Anderson

Hannah Anderson is captivated by Genesis chapters 1 and 2. Her writing comes from that deep wonder at God’s creation, and she approaches practical-theological issues in a poetic-devotional mode. This is a delightful conversation with the entire Mere Fidelity team. They talk about being formed in the school of nature, why we have lost the ability to read natural revelation, and so much more. There is also a new benefit for the Merrie Band™ of Patreon supporters: Exclusive Confessions wall prints from Scale House Print Shop. Listen for details. Full show notes at
3/2/202145 minutes, 43 seconds
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Beatitudes: "Poor in Spirit"

In the second part of the Mere Fidelity discussion of the Beatitudes, Matt, Alastair, and Derek tackle the first bombshell that Jesus drops: Blessed are the poor in spirit. There’s a strong urge in most of us to spiritualize the “poor in spirit” part of that phrase. But it seems as if Jesus is talking about people who are literally lacking in money. How do we reconcile that with our Christian faith and trust in God? Listen. Full show notes at
2/26/202135 minutes, 42 seconds
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‘Bavinck: A Critical Biography,’ with Dr. James Eglinton

Dr. James Eglinton from the University of Edinburgh joins us to discuss the great theologian Herman Bavinck. Dr. Eglinton just released Bavinck: A Critical Biography. The conversation ranges from a deep exploration of Bavinck’s polymathic tendencies to the very basics of where to begin learning about him. Full show notes at
2/20/202152 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Beatitudes

With all four of the Mere Fidelity crew on mic, the theological insights fly fast and furious as they take up the discussion of the Beatitudes. Highlights of this episode include: What is a blessing? What are the two kinds of blessings in the Bible? Why the Beatitudes are different in Matthew and Luke? Do the Beatitudes replace the 10 Commandments? And which authors should you skip to listen to Mere Fidelity instead? The answer to that last one will not surprise you. Full show notes at
2/9/202140 minutes, 47 seconds
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Vaccine Ethics, with Dr. C. Ben Mitchell

There are so many questions about the COVID-19 vaccines. Are they safe? Are they ethical? Do they work? In this episode, Matt, Derek, and Alastair ask the really burning questions really well, and the guest give really good and insightful answers. Dr. C. Ben Mitchell was a long-time professor at Union University and is now a fellow at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity. Full show notes at
2/2/202150 minutes, 54 seconds
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We’ve GOT to Talk About Vaccines, with Dr. Gilbert Meilaender

Bioethicist Dr. Gilbert Meilaender published a short article in the Hastings Report questioning whether bioethicists should be making expert pronouncements about public policy. But if we can’t turn to bioethicists for answers, where do we turn? Our local pastors? Dr. Meilaender helps Matt, Alastain, and Derek think through the hard questions about masks, vaccines, and church. You will be interested to hear where they end up. Full show notes at
1/26/202150 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Insurrection of January Sixth

For the first episode of 2021, Matt, Derek, and Alastair apply their expertise and experience to thinking theologically about the pro-Trump protest that turned into an attack on the U.S. Capitol. Is this the fruit of ejecting God from our public life? Is it possible to seek power in good faith? How should the church shepherd their congregations in this chaos? Full show notes at
1/19/202151 minutes, 12 seconds
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End of Year Pandemic Joy

As 2020 ends and 2021 begins, the entire cast and crew of Mere Fidelity has gathered to examine in their own inimitable way how this year has affected both the church at large and the individual Christian. Matt, Derek, Andrew, and Alastair share their personal experiences of joy and anxiety in 2020, and they offer practical advice on how they have thrived and what their plans are going forward. You’ll also hear an amazing impersonation by Andrew. Thank you for listening and for sharing the joy of Mere Fidelity! Full show notes at
12/29/202045 minutes, 15 seconds
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Christmas Hymns

Merry Christmas! For the Mere Fidelity Christmas show this year, Matt, Derek, and Alastair examine the theology embedded in three perennially favorite Christmas hymns. Full show notes at
12/22/202050 minutes, 3 seconds
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“Divided We Fall,” with David French

Can you think of a single issue—political, cultural, religious, or anything—that is uniting Americans more than it is dividing them? David French joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to discuss the nature, causes, and responses to our current extreme polarization. David French’s new book on this very topic is Divided We Fall: America's Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation. Full show notes at
12/15/202059 minutes, 23 seconds
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John the Baptist

Alastair, Derek, and Matt dive into a rousing discussion of the role of John the Baptist in salvation history. Is he the end of the Old Testament or the Beginning of the New? Why did Jesus call him the “greatest born of woman?” What’s his connection to Elisha? And what’s with the camel hair? Get your answers, or at least better questions, here. Full show notes at
12/8/202042 minutes, 48 seconds
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‘The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self,’ with Dr. Carl R. Trueman

Dr. Carl Trueman has written the book of the moment for Christian intellectuals this winter. He joins the entire Mere Fidelity cast and crew in this episode to where the modern notion of the self came from (at least since Rousseau) and how it led to the victory of sexual identity politics. Full show notes at
12/1/202054 minutes, 34 seconds
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‘The Logic of the Body,’ with Dr. Matthew LaPine

Derek, Matt, and Alastair are so excited about this book by Dr. Matthew LaPine. You will be too. LaPine tells the story of the separation of psychology from theology in the modern era, and what was lost, and how it can be regained. They also discuss practical issues about emotions and trauma that touch on very personal experiences. Show notes at
11/24/202045 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Theology of Gratitude

Every year Americans celebrate Thanksgiving as a secular, not a Christian, holiday. But gratitude is baked into the very foundation of Christianity, and even of Creation itself. On this episode, Matt, Derek, and Alastair unpack the role of gratitude in theology and in Christian practice. One could even say Christianity is gratitude. And at the end, they enjoy an awkward moment of traditional sharing. Show notes at
11/17/202044 minutes, 25 seconds
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US vs UK Evangelicalism

How does Evangelicalism differ between the UK and the US? The Mere Fidelity crew is perfectly situated to address this question from personal experience and expertise. Andrew Wilson joins this episode to round out the full complement. The two Brits and the two Yanks discuss how the profit incentive affects Christian writing for good and for bad, the effect that a state church has on excellence, how controversies are handled differently, and much more.
11/10/202043 minutes, 4 seconds
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'Divine Ideas,' with Dr. Thomas M. Ward

If all being originates in God, and God is One, how can there be many beings? This is just one of the questions that Dr. Thomas Ward discusses here with Matt and Derek, and in his book, Divine Ideas. Dr. Ward and Matt go way back. And Duns Scotus gets no fist bumps from Derek, even though he might be the hero of Divine Simplicity. Lexham Press Book of the Month discount code: MEREFIDELITYNOV
11/3/202041 minutes, 40 seconds
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'Hearers and Doers,' with Dr. Kevin Vanhoozer

In the Christian Life, there is often a disconnect between our hearing and confessing and our doing. In light of this perennial problem, Dr. Kevin Vanhoozer joins Matt, Alastair, and Derek to discuss his work, "Hearers and Doers: A Pastor's Guide to Making Disciples Through Scripture and Doctrine," and share why we should never be content to let doctrine live in the abstract untethered from our hearts.
10/27/202047 minutes, 12 seconds
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Live Patreon Q&A

What is the everlasting destiny of animals? This is just one of the many fun and stimulating questions we recently discussed with our Patreon supporters. Enjoy a sample of this discussion, and if you wish to hear all 1 hour and 8 minutes of this particular episode, consider signing up and becoming a Patron of Mere Fidelity. Once you do so, you will instantly be able to hear this episode and be invited to similar events in the near future.
10/14/20208 minutes, 28 seconds
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'The End of The Christian Life,' with Dr. J. Todd Billings

How do people keep ahold of the goodness of God in the face of the horror of death? While there is no easy answer to such a question, Dr. J. Todd Billings—professor of Reformed theology at Western Theological Seminary and a terminal cancer patient himself—joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to discuss his recent book, 'The End of The Christian Life: How Embracing Our Mortality Frees Us to Truly Live.' Listen in as Dr. Billings helps the cast and crew reflect on death, life, and what it means to be united in the death and life of our Lord.
10/6/202052 minutes, 11 seconds
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What is an Institution?

Jake Meador, Editor-in-Chief at Mere Orthodoxy, joins Matt and Derek to discuss religious institutions. Listen in to hear discussions on what makes institutions different than websites, how to avoid institutional drift, what to do when charismatic figures effectively function as the institution itself, and more.
9/29/202043 minutes, 33 seconds
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Prophets at Large

The pitfalls surrounding our speech and public proclomations are many: Why is it that we avoid topics so as to appease certain constituencies, and why is it that we are more than happy to engage others and make a show out of the speck in another's eye? The full cast and crew of Matt, Derek, Alastair, and Andrew sitdown to discuss these issues and divulge when and why they each decide to speak out on a given topic. This episode is sponsored by Lexham Press. Mere Fidelity is excited to announce our new partnership with Lexham, a publisher that seeks to increase biblical literacy, thoughtful Christian reflection, and faithful action around the world by publishing a range of Bible study materials, scholarly works, and pastoral resources.
9/22/202047 minutes, 30 seconds
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'Fashion Theology,' with Dr. Robert Covolo

What hath Jerusalem to do with Paris, or Carthage with Milan? Dr. Robert Covolo joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to discuss his latest work, 'Fashion Theology,' where he gives an account of the dynamic relationship between theology and fashion through the rich history of Christian thought as well as recent political, social, aesthetic, literary, and performance theory.
9/15/202050 minutes, 14 seconds
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'Jesus and the Forces of Death,' with Dr. Matthew Thiessen

When considering his numerous encounters with the ritually impure, many today depict Jesus as a prophet who, in his ministry, was against Jewish laws and purity rituals. However, does this telling of the gospel accounts do justice to Jesus's handling of the impure and the dying? Dr. Matthew Thiessen joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to discuss his work, 'Jesus and the Forces of Death: The Gospels' Portrayal of Ritual Impurity within First-Century Judaism,' to discuss these questions and more.
9/8/202043 minutes, 18 seconds
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Lamenting the Scandal of Jerry Falwell Jr.

Matt, Derek, and Alastair discuss the recent scandal of Jerry Falwell Jr., former President of Liberty University, and what biblical and theological resources Christians have to view scandals in the church more broadly. Listen in to hear about the corporate implications of our sin, the difficulty and necessity to expose scandals, and how sin can take us from being Nathans one day to Davids the next.
9/1/202045 minutes, 49 seconds
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'An Introduction to Theological Anthropology,' with Dr. Joshua Farris

What does it mean to be human? Who am I? and Why do I exist? Dr. Joshua Farris—Chester and Margaret Paluch Lecturer for 2019-2020 at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake and former assistant professor of theology at Houston Baptist University—joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to discuss his new volume, 'An Introduction to Theological Anthropology Humans, Both Creaturely and Divine,' where he seeks to answer these questions using the vast tradition of Christian theology. Listen in to hear theological reflection on anthropological issues such as sexuality, gender, race, posthumanism, the image of God, vocation, the constitution of man, the beatific vision, and more.
8/25/202048 minutes, 39 seconds
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Joy and the Task of Theology

What is the best polemical posture? Or are there ways to creatively rearticulate the truths of the faith that prevent the necessity of polemics in the first place? The full cast and crew of Matt, Derek, Alastair, and Andrew sit down to discuss these questions and a host of others about how to engage theological trends and care for those struggling in the church.
8/18/202048 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jesus, the Syrophoenician woman, and Racism

Matt, Derek, and Alastair discuss the passage in the gospels that depict Jesus's encounter with the Syrophoenician woman. At first, and perhaps even at a second, glance, this complicated passage appears to incriminate Jesus of some sort of racial prejudice. But is this the right reading of the text?
8/11/202038 minutes, 30 seconds
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'Christ and Calamity,' with Dr. Harold Senkbeil

Dr. Harold Senkbeil joins Derek and Alastair to discuss his latest book, 'Christ and Calamity: Grace and Gratitude in the Darkest Valley.' Listen in to hear them discuss why mere ideas are not sufficient to help those who are suffering, why calamity is its own category of suffering, how to endure tragedy without immediately trying to fix it, and more.
8/4/202045 minutes
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The Imago Dei

The Imago Dei is one of the most used theological categories to argue why all humans deserve dignity and sanctity. However, is this all that the imago dei should be used for? The entire cast and crew of Matt, Derek, Alastair, and Andrew are here to discuss how to think and speak about the imago dei: was Barth right about the image, should it be used to describe human rights, and what are the actual contents of the imago dei? Listen in to hear all of these questions and more.
7/28/202048 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Theology of the Tabernacle

Matt, Derek, and Alastair take a respite from discussions surrounding current events to take up the biblical theological topic of the tabernacle. Listen in to hear how the tabernacle motif is carried throughout scripture and why it isn't merely a tool of foreshadowing or a recipe for aesthetics in churches today.
7/14/202046 minutes, 2 seconds
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"God and Guns in America," with Dr. Michael Austin

How should Christians think and act with respect to guns and gun ownership? Dr. Michael Austin (Professor of Philosophy at Eastern Kentucky University), joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to discuss his recent book, "God and Guns in America." Listen in to hear questions like, are assault rifles necessary, why has owning a gun become a right of passage for some, and how do we steer clear from polarization on the topic of guns?
7/7/202045 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Bostock Ruling with Tim Schultz

Tim Schultz, the president of the 1st Amendment Partnership, a partner of the Ethics and Public Policy Center’s American Religious Freedom Program (ARFP), joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to discuss the Bostock v. Clayton County ruling.
6/26/202053 minutes, 18 seconds
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"Strange Rites: New Religions for a Godless World," with Dr. Tara Isabella Burton

While formal religious adherence has decreased in the modern age, spirituality has not. To answer why intuitions seem to be replacing institutions, Dr. Tara Isabella Burton joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to discuss her new book, Strange Rites: New Religions for a Godless World. Listen in to hear how millennials and GenZers are finding their religions in fan-culture, occultism, wellness and self-care, social justice activism, and the alt-right.
6/23/202040 minutes, 43 seconds
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QAnon and The Church

Matt, Derek, and Alastair sit down to discuss why people are attracted to conspiracy theories. Listen in to hear the difference between credulity and conspiracy, why fringe groups matter, and how to handle those in the church who embrace QAnon and conspiracy theories.
6/16/202045 minutes, 51 seconds
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Lynchings, Protests, Unrest, and Racism in America with Malcolm Foley

How have black protestant's responded to their lynchings through American history? Malcolm Foley (PhD Candidate in Religion at Baylor University)joins Matt and Derek to discuss his research on this issue and how it illumines some of the current events surrounding George Floyd, protests, unrest, and racism in America.
6/9/202051 minutes, 58 seconds
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"Ending Overcriminalization and Mass Incarceration," with Dr. Anthony Bradley

Justice issues are ever prevalent in modern society. Moreover, conversations around justice are often co-opted by overly simplistic solutions. Dr. Anthony Bradley joins Matt and Derek to get into the details of some of these issues and to share his insights from his book, "Ending Overcriminalization and Mass Incarceration: Hope from Civil Society." Listen in to hear questions on the flaws in the New Jim Crow thesis, what factor race plays in criminalization, and how the church should think theologically about its own task with respect to prison reform.
5/26/202045 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Struggle of Prayer

Matt, Derek, and Alastair discuss the struggles and misconceptions surrounding prayer: how prayer becomes burdensome, prayer has experiencing God in a veiled way, and what petitions in prayer should we not ask for? All of this and more.
5/19/202043 minutes, 37 seconds
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What is The Gospel™?

What exactly is the gospel? Is it merely the message that Jesus is king, or is the forgiveness of sins and justification also constitutive to the gospel? The entire cast and crew are here to discuss the resuscitated debate between Matthew Bates, Scot McKnight and Greg Gilbert as to what the gospel truly is, pointing out strengths and weaknesses and political proclivities on both sides.
5/12/202047 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Future of Christian Higher Education with Dr. John Mark Reynolds

College debt, an economic crisis, and the potential problem of aristocratic elitism are just some of the issues facing Christian higher education today. Dr. John Mark Reynolds joins Matt and Derek to talk about these issues and shares the creative ways in how he is addressing them at St. Constantine's College.
5/6/202054 minutes, 14 seconds
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"The Care of Souls," with Dr. Harold Senkbeil

Amidst life's demands and pastoral burnout, how does a pastor care for a soul? Dr. Harold Senkbeil joins Matt and Derek to discuss his recent book, "The Care of Souls: Cultivating a Pastor's Heart," where he invites a new generation of pastors to form the godly habits and practical wisdom needed to minister to the hearts and souls of those committed to their care.
4/28/202046 minutes, 35 seconds
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"Politics After Christendom," with Dr. David VanDrunen

What kind of political theology do we need in an age after Christendom? Dr. David VanDrunen joins Matt and Derek to discuss his latest book, Politics After Christendom: Political Theology in a Fractured World, where he aims to answer this question in a way that prepares Christians to live in societies that are indifferent or hostile to the faith, and how our own political responsibilities might look for sojourners and exiles.
4/21/202051 minutes, 56 seconds
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Eastertide In The Time of Coronavirus

Matt, Derek, and Alastair discuss how they are celebrating Easter in the time of coronavirus, and how the Eastertide season looks to them in quarantine: How to celebrate the victory over death in the midst of suffering and death itself, how we are theologizing our current events, and how to cultivate joy, fear, and gratitude. All of this and more.
4/14/202035 minutes, 4 seconds
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For and Against: Infant Baptism

While Matt, Derek, and Andrew practice staying in-place, they decide to take about the topic and question of who are the proper subjects of baptism? Derek argues for the legitimacy of paedobaptism, Andrew argues for the view of credobaptism, Matt moderates, and fun is had by all. Even amidst the pandemic that the world is experiencing, topics like the sacraments always remain salient for the church. And while it may be important for us to discuss and perhaps debate how to respond to our current public health crisis, it remains important to continue to discuss one of the things that only the church does and is marked by: baptism.
4/7/202050 minutes, 27 seconds
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"Grace, Predestination, and the Permission of Sin," with Dr. Taylor Patrick O'Neill

What hath St. Thomas to do with predestination? Dr. Taylor Patrick O'Neill joins Matt and Derek to discuss his recent book, "Grace, Predestination, and the Permission of Sin: A Thomistic Analysis," to examine the Thomist understanding of predestination and how it relates to Calvinism, concursus, and the difference between God's actions and permission of actions in history.
3/31/202052 minutes, 38 seconds
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Omnium Gatherum Pt. 2: Q&A

The whole cast and crew of Matt, Derek, Alastair, and Andrew, are here to answer questions from listeners of Mere Fidelity: Where does one start reading the early church fathers, does the incarnation mean that God changes, how should one go about picking their denomination, and where exactly do theologians come from?
3/26/202040 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Coronavirus Discussion

Matt, Derek, and Alastair sit down to discuss COVID-19 and how the church can respond to the current global pandemic.
3/18/202048 minutes, 1 second
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Crises in Evangelicalism with Dr. Molly Worthen

Dr. Molly Worthen joins Matt and Derek to talk all things evangelicalism, not the least of which is her book, "Apostles of Reason: The Crisis of Authority in American Evangelicalism." As someone outside of the camp of evangelicalism, Dr. Worthen helps bring a new look at the many paradoxes in the evangelical movement.
3/17/202056 minutes, 1 second
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Integralism with Pater Edmund Waldstein

Nearly every Christian tradition has its own view on Christ & Culture; that is, how the Christian church relates to secular and political powers. Pater Edmund joins Matt and Derek to discuss the classic Roman Catholic view of Integralism.
3/10/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 44 seconds
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"Divine Humility," with Dr. Matthew Wilcoxen

God is all-powerful. God is all-knowing. God is ever-present. But is God humble? Dr. Matthew Wilcoxen joins Derek and Alastair to discuss his recent book, 'Divine Humility: God's Morally Perfect Being.' Listen in as he traces the theme of a doctrine of humility from Augustine to Karl Barth and more.
2/25/202043 minutes, 52 seconds
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"The Lord's Prayer," with Dr. Wesley Hill

How do we pray to our Father? Dr. Wesley Hill joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to discuss his latest book, "The Lord's Prayer: A Guide to Praying to Our Father." Is the prayer an exact model or more of a paradigm for Christians? What are the implications of spiritual warfare in the prayer? Will we not be forgiven unless we also forgive others? In conversation with the Christian tradition, Dr. Hill draws out the significance of Jesus' words to answer these questions and more.
2/19/202037 minutes, 45 seconds
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"Science and the Good," with Dr. Paul Nedelisky

Can science tell us how we should live or why we should be good and not evil? Paul Nedelisky joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to explore this question and discuss his latest book (co-written James Davidson Hunter), "Science and the Good: The Tragic Quest for the Foundations of Morality."
2/4/202049 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Imprecatory Psalms with Trevor Laurence

Christians are told to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them, but should we also pray for justice and judgment to befall our enemies? Trevor Laurence joins Derek and Andrew to discuss the imprecatory psalms and their implications in the Christian Life, their biblical-theological framework, and how they can and should be incorporated in our liturgy and worship.
1/15/202044 minutes, 12 seconds
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"Sacred Season," with Danielle Hitchen & Erin Morrow Hawley

Matt introduces the latest podcast at Mere Orthodoxy, "Sacred Season." Sacred Season is a new podcast hosted by Danielle Hitchen & Erin Morrow Hawley that covers the vocation of parenting. As Hitchen and Hawley talk about the season of life that is parenting, they do so by structuring and tying it into the church calendar. Listen in to this sample of the show, and as long as you are a subscriber to Mere Fidelity, please do subscribe to Sacred Season as well.
12/10/20197 minutes, 28 seconds
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'Seek First,' with Dr. Jeremy Treat

Derek and Alastair sit down with pastor and theologian, Dr. Jeremy Treat to talk about his latest book on the Kingdom of God, 'Seek First: How the Kingdom of God Changes Everything.' Treat helps the guys work through the Christianese that surrounds discussions of "the kingdom," clarifies supposed dichotomies between the kingdom and the cross, and shares pastoral insights from this salient topic.
12/3/201944 minutes, 4 seconds
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The ETS Special with Dr. Fred Sanders, Dr. Gavin Ortlund, and Dr. Matthew Emerson

Matt and Derek are at ETS in San Diego and are joined by friends of the show, Dr. Fred Sanders, Dr. Gavin Ortland, and Dr. Matthew Emerson. Banter aside, this episode gives a great look at what kind of fun and rich conversations take place at ETS. Today's episode ranges from discussions on John Webster's trinitarian theology, evangelical theological retrieval, and Jesus' descent to the dead.
11/27/201958 minutes, 6 seconds
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Omnium Gatherum: Sports on Sunday, Kanye West, and the Death of New Atheism

Derek, Alastair, and Matt catch up and talk about the miscellaneous issues they are seeing and experiencing today. Kid's sports on Sundays, Kanye West, the problem of over-booked and busy schedules, the death of New-Atheism, and more.
11/12/201943 minutes, 49 seconds
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New Zionism with Dr. Gerald McDermott

Is there a theological system that includes future promises regarding Israel that is not dispensational? Dr. Gerald McDermott is here to introduce Derek and Alastair to 'New Christian Zionism.'
11/5/201946 minutes, 31 seconds
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From Jacob to Israel

Break out your bibles and join Alastair, Derek, and Matt for an old fashion bible study of Genesis 32:22-32, the story of Jacob's name change. Why does Jacob demand the name of the one he wrestles? Why do the Psalms refer back to Jacob as 'Jacob,' and not 'Israel'? What do wrestling and blessing have to do with each other? Listen to Alastair explain all this and more.
10/29/201943 minutes, 53 seconds
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For & Against: Multi-Site Churches

Andrew, Matt, and Derek sit down to discuss the phenomenon of multi-site churches. Andrew argues for the soundness of such an ecclesiastical practice and Matt and Derek aren't so sure.
10/22/201957 minutes, 59 seconds
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"Who Is an Evangelical?" with Dr. Thomas Kidd

Who is an evangelical? Dr. Thomas Kidd joins Matt and Derek to discuss this pertinent question which is also the title to his recent book. Listen in on why Dr. Kidd does not include activism as an identifiable factor for evangelicals, why evangelicals are susceptible to politicization, and if being "born again" unmoors evangelicals from historical institutions?
10/8/201949 minutes, 28 seconds
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"The Color of Compromise," with Jemar Tisby

Jemar Tisby joins Derek and Alastair to discuss the history of racism in the American church. Listen in as they discuss everything from the theological importance of "remembering" to why today’s political issues are often framed differently for black demographics and how our theology helps us to respond to issues of racism today.
9/25/201946 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Temptation in Gethsemane

The entire cast and crew are together to discuss Jesus' temptation in the Garden of Gethsemane. What is the nature of temptation, what are the Christological distinctions to be made in these passages, and how are Jesus' temptations different from our own?
9/18/201938 minutes, 23 seconds
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Occult Spirituality with Dr. Tara Isabella Burton

Dr. Tara Isabella Burton joins the crew to discuss why occultism, astrology, tarot cards, folk religion, and New Age spirituality are all the rage and why this phenomenon is not particular to religious "nones."
9/10/201940 minutes, 6 seconds
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Jephthah's Vow in Judges 11

Matt, Derek, and Alastair dive into the difficult and unsettling text of Jephthah's vow in Judges 11. The crew covers recent and old interpretations of the troubled passage, asking if certain texts can or should be "smoothed over" with typology, how we should handle texts with seeming contradictions, and how to poise ourselves in the face of scripture's ethical dilemmas?
9/4/201941 minutes, 55 seconds
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"In Search of The Common Good," with Jake Meador

How can Christians fulfill the Law of Love and be good neighbors in a fragmented age? Jake Meador contributes to answering this question in, "In Search of The Common Good: Christian Fidelity in a Fractured World." Jake joins Matt and Derek to discuss his recent book and untangle some of the modern presuppositions that have been found a home in the church today.
8/27/201951 minutes, 24 seconds
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"Dignity," with Chris Arnade

Chris Arnade joins Andrew, Derek, and Alastair to talk about his new book, "Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back Row America," where he tells the stories of how America's poor find dignity and identity in their forgotten communities.
6/27/201942 minutes, 27 seconds
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The "Boring" Parts of Scripture

Matt, Derek, and Alastair mull over the "boring" parts of scripture to see how these monotonous passages can be more greatly appreciated and share advice and resources that everyday Bible-readers can use. Matt also shares why Derek and Alastair are wrong for suggesting any book but John as the first book of the Bible a new Christian should read.
6/4/201945 minutes, 52 seconds
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Kinism, Online Troll-Culture, and the Poway Shooter with Joe Carter

Matt, Derek, and Alastair sit down with Joe Carter to discuss the ongoing cultural theme of online radicalization and how the church can respond.
5/20/201947 minutes, 38 seconds
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Responding to Sexual Abuse in The Church with Dr. Justin Holcomb

Matt and Alastair sit down with Dr. Justin Holcomb to discuss the difficult topic of sexual abuse in the church and how to identify and prevent it.
5/3/201948 minutes, 43 seconds
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7 Myths about Singleness with Sam Allberry

Sam Allberry joins the crew to discuss his new book, 7 Myths about Singleness. Sam helps to unravel some of the modern assumptions around being single and share his experience of being a single minister.
4/25/201942 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Rise of the "Nones," with Dr. Tricia Bruce

Why are more people foregoing religious affiliation in favor of the term "religious nones"? Here to help Matt, Derek, and Alastair wrestle with this subject is Dr. Tricia Bruce. Dr. Bruce is an accomplished sociologist of religion, award-winning author, an affiliate with the University of Notre Dame. Join the crew as they seek to understand the shifting cultural and religious ground in our current context.
4/18/201944 minutes, 47 seconds
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Is it possible for one to know all there is to know about theology by just reading the Bible for themselves? Join Andrew, Alastair, and Derek as they deal with the idea of Biblicism and balance between isolated readings of scripture and implicit faith in church traditions.
4/5/201934 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Spirituality of the Church

Should individual Christians be politically active or should the church as an institution be politically active? Join the whole cast and crew as they discuss (and debate) the doctrine of the Spirituality of the Church.
3/25/201941 minutes, 12 seconds
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All That's Good: Recovering The Lost Art of Discernment, with Hannah Anderson

How do we find 'the good' in a world of bad hot takes? Here to help the crew pan for gold is Hannah Anderson. She joins Andrew, Alastair, and Derek to discuss her new book, All That's Good: Recovering The Lost Art of Discernment, and shares how, through discernment, we can not only survive the world but enjoy it.
3/14/201941 minutes, 30 seconds
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'Finding Holy In The Suburbs,' with Dr. Ashley Hales

How do Christians live faithfully in the land of too much (i.e., the suburbs)? In this episode, Dr. Ashley Hales joins Matt, Derek, and Alastair to talk about consumerism, individualism, busyness, and safety, topics that are covered in her new book, "Finding Holy In The Suburbs" (IV Press).
2/28/201933 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Invisibility of the Church

Inspired by the discussion over Andrew's book, Matt, Derek, and Alastair sit down to tackle another ecclesiastical issue: the invisibility of the church.
2/18/201935 minutes, 8 seconds
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Spirit and Sacrament: An Invitation to Eucharismatic Worship

The crew discusses Andrew's new book and his invitation to have charismatic worship and a high view of the sacraments.
2/12/201936 minutes, 52 seconds
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Economics, Class, and the Family, with Dr. Diane Schanzenbach

Tucker Carlson recently went on a rant about work, economics and class. So we brought on an expert to talk about it, and about the place of family and the church in responding to shifting economic conditions. Dr. Diane Schanzenbach, economist and Director of the Institute for Policy Research, joins us for a very lively and important conversation. Don't miss this one. (Really.)
2/5/201943 minutes, 3 seconds
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Millennials and Burnout, with Paul Gutacker

Paul Gutacker, Director of the Brazos Fellows, joins the show to discuss Buzzfeed's exploration of how millennials became the 'burnout generation.'
1/24/201942 minutes, 57 seconds
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Dr. Tim Keller on The Prodigal Prophet

Dr. Tim Keller joins the show to talk about his new book on Jonah, *The Prodigal Prophet.*
1/8/201941 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Texts of Advent

The crew considers the biblical basis and shape of Advent.
12/18/201838 minutes, 43 seconds
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Felix Culpa

Derek, Matt and Alastair consider the idea of a 'felix culpa,' or 'happy fall.'
11/27/201840 minutes, 8 seconds
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Procreation: For and Against

Derek, Alastair, and Matt discuss the reasons why we procreate and the reasons we might choose not to--which is the subject of Matt's dissertation.
10/31/201850 minutes, 33 seconds
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'Walking through Infertility,' with Matthew Arbo

Matthew Arbo, who Directs the Center for Faith and Public Life at Oklahoma Baptist University, joins us to discuss his book on infertility.
10/24/201846 minutes, 54 seconds
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Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book XIII (The End)

At long last, we reach the end of our discussion of Augustine's *Confessions.*
10/17/201834 minutes, 30 seconds
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'Disruptive Witness,' with The Alan Noble

The Alan Noble disrupts our show by discussing his new book *Disruptive Witness* with Alastair and Andrew.
10/3/201844 minutes, 22 seconds
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Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book XII (On Creation & Scripture)

Alastair, Matt and Derek consider Book 12 of Augustine's *Confessions,* in which Augustine parses 'In the beginning God created the heavens and earth...'
9/19/201837 minutes, 18 seconds
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Trust and Trustworthiness in a Fallen World

The whole crew gathers to discuss what it means to trust responsibly in a fallen world and in fallen institutions.
9/11/201840 minutes, 47 seconds
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Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book XI (On Time and the Christian Life)

Derek, Matt and Alastair take up and read Book 11 of Augustine's *Confessions,* on time and the spiritual life.
9/4/201840 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Weirdness of Matthew 27:51–54

The Weirdness of Matthew 27:51–54 by Mere Fidelity
8/14/201839 minutes, 41 seconds
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Modern Atheism, with Joe Minich

Derek and Alastair talk with Joe Minich about his new book, *Enduring Divine Absence: The Challenge of Modern Atheism*
7/11/201849 minutes, 56 seconds
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Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book X

Alastair, Matt and Derek take up Book 10 of Augustine's *Confessions.*
6/5/201837 minutes, 34 seconds
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Hospitality and Immigration, with Dr. Matthew Kaemingk

Dr. Matthew Kaemingk is an assistant professor of Christian Ethics at Fuller Theological Seminary. He joins us to discuss his new book *Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear.*
5/23/201843 minutes, 43 seconds
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Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book IX

Derek, Matt and Alastair read Book 9 of Augustine's Confessions together, which includes the vision at Ostia and the death of Monica.
5/9/201837 minutes, 48 seconds
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'Take Heart,' with Matt Chandler

Pastor Matt Chandler joins Andrew, Derek and Alastair to discuss his book (with David Roard) *Take Heart.*
5/1/201825 minutes, 9 seconds
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Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book VIII

Matt, Derek and Alastair read and discussion Book 8 of Augustine's *Confessions.*
4/25/201841 minutes, 2 seconds
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On Theophanies, with Dr. Vern Poythress

Dr. Vern Poythress joins the crew to discuss how we should understand the 'theophanies' that happen in Scripture, which is the theme of his latest book.
4/18/201848 minutes, 28 seconds
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'To Change the Church,' with Ross Douthat

New York Times columnist Ross Douthat joins the show to talk about Pope Francis and the crisis within the Roman Catholic communion.
4/11/201842 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Value of Heaven, with J. Todd Billings

Theologian J. Todd Billings joins the crew to talk about the pastoral and theological value of 'heaven.'
3/27/201841 minutes, 29 seconds
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Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book VII

Matt, Alastair and Derek consider book 7 of Augustine's Confessions.
3/21/201841 minutes, 51 seconds
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Echoes Of Exodus

Derek hosts a special episode of Mere Fidelity to talk about the new book from Alistair and Andrew. You can check out their new book here, if you're so inclined:
3/14/201840 minutes, 19 seconds
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Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book VI

Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book VI by Mere Fidelity
1/31/201834 minutes, 5 seconds
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Derek, Alastair and Matt take up (at a listener's request) the theology and philosophy of 'equality' as a social category.
1/17/201839 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Virgin Birth

In their final episode of the year, the entire cast considers the theological significance of the Virgin Birth.
12/20/201742 minutes, 58 seconds
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Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book V

Matt, Alastair and Derek consider Augustine's movement from Carthage to Milan in Book 5 of *Confessions.*
12/12/201742 minutes, 35 seconds
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On Community Activism and Matt's Prison BBQ Project

The whole crew talks with Matt about the origins of the community BBQ for families of inmates he's recently announced, and about the prospects and dangers of this sort of activism.
12/5/201743 minutes, 4 seconds
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James K.A. Smith's 'Awaiting the King,' with David Henreckson

Political theologian David Henreckson joins Alastair and Derek to talk about James K.A. Smith's new book *Awaiting the King.*
11/28/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
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On Ethics and Technology, with Michael Sacasas

Michael Sacasas, a leading writer on the ethics of technology, joins Alastair and Matt to make sense of the subject.
11/21/201739 minutes, 22 seconds
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Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book IV

Derek, Matt and Alastair consider astrology, beauty, and other themes from Book IV of Augustine's *Confessions.*
11/14/201747 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Reformation, with Carl Trueman

The entire cast considers whether the Reformation made everything awful with church historian Carl Trueman.
11/7/201746 minutes, 34 seconds
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Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book III

Matt, Derek and Alastair take up Book 3 of Augustine's Confessions.
10/31/201750 minutes, 25 seconds
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Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book II

Matt, Alastair and Derek consider Book 2 of Augustine's *Confessions.*
10/17/201741 minutes, 40 seconds
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Translating Genesis, with Samuel Bray and John Hobbins

Derek and Alastair discuss Bible translating with two scholars who have recently published a new translation of Genesis.
10/3/201740 minutes, 43 seconds
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Reading Club: 'Confessions,' Book I

Derek, Alastair and Matt take up and read Book I of Augustine's *Confessions.*
9/26/201748 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Value of Controversy

Derek, Matt, and Alastair consider the ethics and benefits of engaging in theological controversies.
9/19/201751 minutes, 38 seconds
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Orthodoxy and Sexual Ethics

We're back. The whole crew gets together to recap and review the discussions about the relationship between orthodoxy and sexuality, and the Nashville Statement.
9/5/201750 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Benedict Option, with Rod Dreher

The man who coined the most controversial and discussed proposal for Christians relating to society in 2017 joins us to talk about it.
4/25/201753 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Resurrection of Politics

Derek, Matt and Jake Meador discuss the implications of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ for political theology. (Note: Matt posted the wrong episode previously, so shame him appropriately for his error.)
4/19/201745 minutes, 58 seconds
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Another Bible Study on Genesis 1

Alastair, Matt and Andrew discuss the second half of Genesis 1 in a good ol' fashioned Bible study.
4/13/201746 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Bible Study on Genesis 1

Derek, Alastair and Matt have a good ol' fashioned Bible study on Genesis 1.
4/4/201744 minutes, 23 seconds
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On Lent, with Steven Wedgeworth

The crew takes up the question of Lent and individualism with Steven Wedgeworth, who co-founded The Calvinist International.
3/21/201752 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Fractured Republic, with Yuval Levin

One of conservatism's brightest policy minds, Yuval Levin, joins us to talk about his book *The Fractured Republic.*
2/21/201754 minutes, 45 seconds
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Reviving the Worship Wars

The whole cast takes up the question of what sorts of music, if any, are appropriate and fitting in music.
2/15/201750 minutes, 59 seconds
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Silence, with Brett McCracken

Film critic Brett McCracken joins us to discuss the new film *Silence.*
2/7/201751 minutes, 1 second
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The 100th Episode (A Q&A Show)

We spend the 100th episode answer your pressing questions, like whether Alastair drinks tea.
1/26/201749 minutes, 34 seconds
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Humble Roots, with Hannah Anderson

Hannah Anderson joins Alastair and Matt to discuss her book *Humble Roots,* which Andrew called the "best new book" of 2016.
1/17/201742 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Incarnation

In the final show of this year, Alastair, Matt and Derek consider the Incarnation by way of considering whether it was necessary for God to become incarnate.
12/24/201641 minutes, 34 seconds
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Reading Club: The Four Loves, Part V (On Charity)

We conclude the discussion on Lewis's *Four Loves* by taking up "charity."
12/19/201651 minutes, 1 second
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'Making Sense of God,' with Tim Keller

Pastor Tim Keller, whom you may have heard of, joins the whole cast to discuss his new book 'Making Sense of God.'
12/13/201654 minutes, 5 seconds
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Reading Club: The Four Loves, Part IV (On Eros)

Alastair, Matt and Andrew consider *eros* by way of C.S. Lewis's reflections on it in *The Four Loves.*
12/7/201647 minutes, 32 seconds
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The 2016 Post-Election Show

We discuss our responses to and significance of the US Presidential election results.
11/29/201649 minutes, 24 seconds
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Richard Hooker

Michael Lynch and Brad Littlejohn join Alastair to discuss the relevance and importance of 16th century theologian Richard Hooker.
11/16/201648 minutes, 43 seconds
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On Bible Designs, with J. Mark Bertrand

J. Mark Bertrand joins Alastair and Derek to discuss the meaning and significance of how our Bibles are designed.
11/8/201644 minutes, 31 seconds
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Reading Club: The Four Loves, Part III (On Friendship)

Matt, Alastair and Derek take up C.S. Lewis's chapter on friendship.
11/2/201650 minutes, 24 seconds
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The 2016 Election Episode

We go there. John Stonestreet, President of the Colson Center, joins the crew to discuss how Christians should think about November 8th and how we can get along on November 9th.
10/25/201650 minutes, 54 seconds
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Reading Club: The Four Loves, Part II (On Affection)

Alastair, Matt and Derek consider the first of 'The Four Loves,' affection.
10/18/201646 minutes, 46 seconds
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On Disability

Kelby Carlson joins Alastair and Matt to discuss how Christians can make sense of disabilities, and what those with disabilities have to teach Christians.
10/12/201648 minutes, 34 seconds
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Reading Club: The Four Loves, Part I (On Need-Love & Gift-Love)

Alastair, Matt and Derek consider the opening two chapters of C.S. Lewis's classic work *The Four Loves.*
10/4/201643 minutes, 45 seconds
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1 Kings

The Mere Fidelity team discuss the book of 1 Kings in this week's episode.
9/27/201639 minutes, 27 seconds
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On Biblical Exegesis and Systematic Theology

Derek, Matt, and Alastair discuss the thorny relationship between exegeting the Bible and developing systematic theologies.
9/20/201645 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Righteous Mind

Andrew, Alastair, and Derek consider Jonathan Haidt's thesis that conservatives and liberals are divided by how they value harm, fairness, and authority.
9/13/201644 minutes, 24 seconds
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Intellectuals: A Discussion about the Alan Jacobs Essay

Alan Jacobs wrote an essay for Harpers on "The Watchmen," a class of intellectuals that Christianity no longer produces. We loved it so much that we wanted to talk about it.
9/6/201657 minutes, 50 seconds
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On Plagiarism, with Justin Taylor

Justin Taylor, Senior Vice President at Crossway Books, joins us this week to talk about the badness of plagiarism. He and Matt get into an argument; hilarity doesn't quite ensue, but a good time was had by all (we think.)
8/23/201651 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Olympics and Sport, with Michael Austin

Philosopher Michael Austin joins Alastair, Derek, and Matthew to talk about the Olympics and how Christians should think about competition and sport.
8/16/201644 minutes, 13 seconds
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On Satire, with Karen Swallow Prior

Karen Swallow Prior joins Matt, Alastair, and Derek for a serious conversation on the uses and abuses of satire.
8/2/201640 minutes, 15 seconds
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Examining Populism

Matt returns to the show, and with Andrew and Alastair takes up the question of what's happening in the populist movements in the States and the Uk.
7/27/201640 minutes, 42 seconds
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Understanding the Meritocracy

Andrew, Alastair, and Derek discuss Helen Andrews's essay on the shape of our society's new aristocracy, their responsibilities, and how we should respond in light of them.
7/19/201643 minutes, 25 seconds
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'The Pursuing God,' with Joshua Ryan Butler

'The Pursuing God,' with Joshua Ryan Butler by Mere Fidelity
6/21/201637 minutes, 32 seconds
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Eternal Subordination

Eternal Subordination by Mere Fidelity
6/14/201642 minutes, 37 seconds
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Assurance by Mere Fidelity
5/31/201648 minutes, 59 seconds
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Pentecost by Mere Fidelity
5/10/201641 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Ascension

The Ascension by Mere Fidelity
5/3/201637 minutes, 23 seconds
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Amoris Laetitia

Amoris Laetitia by Mere Fidelity
4/19/201642 minutes, 14 seconds
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Tribalism by Mere Fidelity
4/12/201648 minutes, 7 seconds
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Time by Mere Fidelity
4/5/201645 minutes, 1 second
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'Out of the House of Bread,' with Preston Yancey

'Out of the House of Bread,' with Preston Yancey by Mere Fidelity
3/29/201643 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Lord's Supper

The Lord's Supper by Mere Fidelity
3/21/201642 minutes, 6 seconds
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Dancing and the Regulative Principle

Dancing and the Regulative Principle by Mere Fidelity
3/15/201637 minutes, 9 seconds
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Martyrdom, with Sean McDowell

Derek, Matt, and Alastair are joined by Sean McDowell. Check out his latest book, The Fate of the Apostles.
3/1/201639 minutes, 32 seconds
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Apophatic Theology, with David Wilmington

Apophatic Theology, with David Wilmington by Mere Fidelity
2/23/201644 minutes, 11 seconds
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Politics by Mere Fidelity
2/16/201644 minutes, 31 seconds
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Weekly Worship

Weekly Worship by Mere Fidelity
2/9/201638 minutes, 28 seconds
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American Football

American Football by Mere Fidelity
2/2/201648 minutes, 2 seconds
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Considering Hillsong

Considering Hillsong by Mere Fidelity
1/26/201629 minutes, 13 seconds
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The 2015 End-of-Year Show

The 2015 End-of-Year Show by Mere Fidelity
12/30/201543 minutes, 10 seconds
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Christmas (2015)

(Note: We accidentally posted last year's episode. This is the right version. We apologize for the error!) Merry Christmas! Well, presuming that you haven't had N.T. Wright steal away your Christmas fun. The usual crew shows up this week to discuss this article by Peter Leithart (a self-proclaimed Grinch of sorts).
12/22/201537 minutes, 20 seconds
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'Paul and the Gift'

'Paul and the Gift' by Mere Fidelity
12/15/201550 minutes, 46 seconds
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Paternoster by Mere Fidelity
12/1/201545 minutes, 24 seconds
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'The Life You Never Expected,' with Andrew & Rachel Wilson

'The Life You Never Expected,' with Andrew & Rachel Wilson by Mere Fidelity
11/24/201547 minutes, 28 seconds
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On Sacrifice

On Sacrifice by Mere Fidelity
11/17/201545 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Transfiguration

The Transfiguration by Mere Fidelity
11/10/201542 minutes, 30 seconds
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On Manhood, with Nate Pyle

On Manhood, with Nate Pyle by Mere Fidelity
11/3/201539 minutes, 5 seconds
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On Big Questions

On Big Questions by Mere Fidelity
10/27/201531 minutes, 28 seconds
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The 50th Episode: Ask Us Anything, Again

The 50th Episode: Ask Us Anything, Again by Mere Fidelity
10/20/201547 minutes, 29 seconds
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Animals, with Dr. Karen Swallow Prior

Animals, with Dr. Karen Swallow Prior by Mere Fidelity
10/6/201551 minutes, 34 seconds
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'Truth Overruled,' with Ryan T. Anderson

'Truth Overruled,' with Ryan T. Anderson by Mere Fidelity
9/29/201545 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Refugee Crisis

The Refugee Crisis by Mere Fidelity
9/22/201535 minutes, 59 seconds
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"Christ-Centered" Hermeneutics

"Christ-Centered" Hermeneutics by Mere Fidelity
9/15/201539 minutes, 51 seconds
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Curiosity by Mere Fidelity
9/8/201540 minutes, 27 seconds
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Sermon by Mere Fidelity
9/1/201543 minutes, 28 seconds
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Intersex by Mere Fidelity
8/25/201553 minutes, 21 seconds
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After Obergefell

After Obergefell by Mere Fidelity
8/4/201543 minutes, 5 seconds
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Pastor Theologian

Pastor Theologian by Mere Fidelity
7/7/201544 minutes, 7 seconds
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Most of the usual crew join this conversation on liturgical forms of worship.
6/15/201530 minutes, 16 seconds
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Derek Rishmawy is joined by Matthew Lee Anderson, Andrew Wilson, and Alistair Roberts to talk about perichoresis.
6/8/201537 minutes, 58 seconds
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Pentecost and the Prophetic Gift of the Spirit

Having just celebrated Pentecost, we take up the question of what role the prophetic gift of the Spirit has in the church today.
5/26/201545 minutes, 54 seconds
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Should Women Preach?

John Piper said 'no.' Andrew Wilson said 'yes.' We discuss.
5/18/201549 minutes, 13 seconds
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Evangelical Blind Spots: On Courage with Collin Hansen

Collin Hansen, Editor of The Gospel Coalition, joins us to discuss his new book *Blind Spots.* Don't miss this conversation.
5/5/201545 minutes, 49 seconds
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Free Range Parenting

Is childhood possible any more? What kinds of protections should be in place for children?
4/28/201543 minutes, 47 seconds
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Beyond the Abortion Wars?

Dr. Charles Camosy of Fordham University joins us to discuss the ethical issues surrounding abortion.
4/20/201548 minutes, 23 seconds
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Christendom and the Privilege of the Church

Should the church hope for special protections? Is Christendom a good idea?
4/13/201546 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Resurrection and Ethics

What has the resurrection of Jesus Christ to do with how we should live and reason in the world?
4/6/201547 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Cross in the Gospels

What role does encountering the Cross through the lens of the Gospels (rather than, say, through the Pauline epistles) play in our understanding of Christ's work?
3/30/201543 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Spirituality of Work

Nancy Nordenson joins Alastair and Derek to talk about her book on work and vocation.
3/23/201535 minutes, 22 seconds
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Non-Violence and the Church's Witness

Is non-violence the only permissible option for Christians to affirm? Or can they affirm the just war tradition? We discuss with special guest Preston Sprinkle.
3/9/201546 minutes, 2 seconds
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Lament and the Church

Theologian Todd Billings joins the Mere Fidelity crew to discuss the role lament plays in our spiritual and corporate lives.
3/2/201544 minutes, 24 seconds
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Public Shaming

Where does our new culture of public shaming come from, and what effect might it have on the church?
2/23/201540 minutes, 6 seconds
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Living through the Church's Exile

We've heard a lot about the church's purported "exile" or "winter." But what do those mean? And should we think of ourselves that way?
2/16/201538 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Skeletons in God's Closet

The gang has a conversation with Joshua Ryan Butler about his new book on the mercy of hell, the surprise of judgment, and the hope of holy war.
2/9/201538 minutes, 13 seconds
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Christmas Mere - O Fidelity

Christmas Mere - O Fidelity by Mere Fidelity
12/23/201435 minutes, 29 seconds
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We are joined by Adam Johnson and Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry for a conversation about the atonement.
12/18/201436 minutes, 13 seconds
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Teens and Sexting

The Mere Fidelity guys discuss Hanna Rosin's long article in The Atlantic on teens and sexting.
12/3/201438 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ask Us Anything, Part 2: Warning Passages and Theosis

We take up the warning passages and the doctrine of deification (or theosis) in response to your questions.
11/18/201436 minutes, 15 seconds
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Responding To Enns

Andrew, Alastair, Derek, and Matt discuss Pete Enns' review of Wilson's revew of "For the Bible Tells Me So."
11/6/201440 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ask Us Anything: On Other Denominations

The Mere Fidelity guys discuss how we should think about other denominations in the first installment of our responses to "Ask Us Anything."
10/28/201430 minutes, 6 seconds
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Should we want to die at 75?

The Atlantic published a provocative article in which the author said he wanted to die at 75. Matt, Alastair, and Derek discuss.
10/2/201437 minutes, 4 seconds
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Andrew, Derek, and Matt discuss Wesley Hill's cover story for Christianity Today on friendship. They take up friendship's relationship to marriage, vows, and other issues.
9/25/201435 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Benedict Option: How Should we Live in Modernity?

Derek and Matt are joined by Matthew Loftus and Jake Meador to discuss how we live in modernity.
9/17/201435 minutes, 17 seconds
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Cultural Presuppositions and the Practices that Embody Them

Alastair, Derek, and Matt take up the question of IVF and how cultural environments affect particular practices.
9/4/201433 minutes, 35 seconds
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Made For More: Imago Dei, Women, and the Church

Special guest Hannah Anderson joins the Mere Fidelity group to discuss her new book *Made for More.*
8/26/201435 minutes, 18 seconds
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Who Is A Person?

What does embryo research mean for us today? Matt, Alastair, and Derek take up the question of who is a person in light of this difficult ethical question.
8/20/201435 minutes, 30 seconds
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What's Right (and Wrong) with "Relatability"

Derek, Alastair, and Matt discuss what's right and wrong with "relatability" as a category.
8/13/201426 minutes, 14 seconds
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What adoption is and isn't.

Alastair, Matt, and Derek keep on their discussion of Oliver O'Donovan's Begotten or Made? by taking up the subject of adoption and its limits.
8/6/201432 minutes, 15 seconds
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On Divine Accommodation

How does God accommodate himself to us? How do we know when he has accommodated himself to us, or when we are projecting ourselves back on him?
7/23/201442 minutes, 54 seconds
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Oliver O'Donovan on Marriage, Procreation, and Gamete Donation

Alastair, Derek, and Matt discuss the next part of Oliver O'Donovan's Begotten or Made? Show notes are available at
7/16/201427 minutes, 26 seconds
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NT Wright and his Critics

Alastair, Andrew, and Derek consider NT Wright and his Reformed critics.
7/9/201440 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Transgender Question

Alastair, Matt, and Derek reflect on questions surrounding transgender persons and Christian theology.
7/2/201437 minutes, 14 seconds
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Surprised by NT Wright

Alastair, Andrew, Derek, and Matt discuss the influence and legacy of NT Wright and consider how best to read him.
6/24/201434 minutes, 20 seconds
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The End of Nature?

We discuss the meaning of 'nature', whether it has any norms embedded in it, and how we might identify them.
6/17/201434 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Trinity and the Bible, with Fred Sanders

We talk with theologian Fred Sanders about the relationship between Scripture, the church, and the doctrine of the Trinity.
6/10/201432 minutes, 28 seconds
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On Sanctification

The doctrine of sanctification has recently become the source of some controversy. Derek, Alastair, Andrew and Matthew discuss why and what to make of it.
6/1/201431 minutes, 14 seconds
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Is there a 'moral orthodoxy'?

In this conversation we discuss the question of whether there is such a thing as a 'moral orthodoxy.'
5/26/201433 minutes, 16 seconds
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Is the God of Calvinism Really Another God?

Derek Rishmawy, Alastair Roberts, and Andrew Wilson discuss Calvinism and whether Arminians should claim Calvinists worship "another God."
5/18/201429 minutes, 49 seconds
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Casting Across the Pond: Wresting with Jesus, the Death Penalty, & the Old Testament

Derek Rishmawy, Andrew Wilson, and Alastair Roberts discuss Jesus, the death penalty, and the Old Testament.
5/11/201435 minutes, 23 seconds