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MGL Homilies – Cradio

English, Religion, 1 season, 99 episodes
Homilies by the MGL priests from the 7pm Charismatic mass at St Benedict’s, Canberra. For more information about the MGLs, go to
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Why Do so Many People Miss out on Heaven?

Fr Dave Callaghan MGL suggests that many people will fail to reach heaven because their starting point is completely wrong. The post Why Do so Many People Miss out on Heaven? appeared first on Cradio.
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Trust that God Will Provide

We often feel that we can't follow God because we don't have the strength, but we don't have to worry about the future if we trust that God will provide. The post Trust that God Will Provide appeared first on Cradio.
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Being the Beloved of God

If we are able to encounter the truth of the cross, it changes how we see ourselves. In this Homily for Good Friday, Fr Chris Eaton MGL says that Jesus wants us to know ourselves as the ‘beloved’ of God. Download this episode (right click and save) Like what you hear? Subscribe and give a [...] The post Being the Beloved of God appeared first on Cradio.
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Why is it so Difficult to Receive Mercy?

Jesus pours out his love upon us as he humbles himself to wash our feet. Why it is so difficult for us to receive this gift of Christ's mercy. The post Why is it so Difficult to Receive Mercy? appeared first on Cradio.
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Walking the ‘Thin Places’

Fr Chris Eaton MGL speaks on the Transfiguration and the way that it reveals the presence of God to us in this homily for the 2nd Sunday in Lent. The post Walking the ‘Thin Places’ appeared first on Cradio.
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Undeserved Love

In this homily for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Callaghan MGL says that in the story of David and Saul we see an example of true mercy and love. The post Undeserved Love appeared first on Cradio.
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Learning How To Trust

Fr Ken Barker MGL speaks about how trust in God is the secret to finding true peace in our life in this homily for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The post Learning How To Trust appeared first on Cradio.
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Whom Shall I Send

Fr Ken Barker MGL calls us to make a response of complete submission to God in this homily for the 5th Sunday in ordinary time. The post Whom Shall I Send appeared first on Cradio.
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Do we really want Jesus in our life?

The Gospel presents a scenario where one minute the people are celebrating Jesus, and the next minute they are trying to kill him. Fr David Callaghan MGL suggests that this reaction raises the difficult question of whether we really want Jesus in our life or whether we want to keep him at a safe distance. [...] The post Do we really want Jesus in our life? appeared first on Cradio.
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Be a voice in the wilderness

In this busy time leading up to Christmas, we are able to be a voice of hope. Fr Chris Eaton MGL speaks about the simple ways that we can witness to Christ to those around us during this time of Advent. The post Be a voice in the wilderness appeared first on Cradio.
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The coming of Christ

As we begin the time of Advent, we need to look inside our hearts to see whether we actually want Christ to come into our life. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the need to be honest with ourselves in this homily for the 1st Sunday in Advent. The post The coming of Christ appeared first on Cradio.
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When the Bridegroom returns

The second coming can seem like a scary thing, yet for those who believe it will be a moment of glory. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the great hope we have in this homily for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary time. The post When the Bridegroom returns appeared first on Cradio.
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Stretched by the Holy Spirit

As we open up to the gift of the Holy Spirit, God will be stretching us in our faith. Fr Chris Eaton MGL speaks about the call to give everything and trust that God will provide in this homily for the 32nd Sunday in ordinary time. The post Stretched by the Holy Spirit appeared first on Cradio.
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Know who you are

 So much of our sin can be linked to questions around our identity and sense of self-worth. Fr David Callaghan MGL speaks about the need to know who we are in God in this homily for the 31st Sunday in ordinary time. The post Know who you are appeared first on Cradio.
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Bring your brokenness to Mass

In the Gospels, we regularly see that the people who encounter Jesus personally are the ones who are not ashamed of their brokenness. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about how this shows us the best way to pray for healing and transformation. The post Bring your brokenness to Mass appeared first on Cradio.
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What keeps you away from heaven

There are so many things in your life which enslave you and keep you away from being in close relationship with God. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the need to face these things head-on and fight to regain the true joy in your life. This homily was for the 28th Sunday in ordinary time. [...] The post What keeps you away from heaven appeared first on Cradio.
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Missionary Marriage

Your marriage is missionary even if you don’t feel like you are doing anything amazing. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the powerful witness of this sacrament in this homily for the 27th Sunday in ordinary time. Download this episode (right click and save) The post Missionary Marriage appeared first on Cradio.
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The courage to love your faith

At the final mass of the Ignite Conference, Fr Chris Eaton MGL said that Jesus doesn’t want anything to stop us from entering into the fullness of his love. We need to have the courage to walk the journey of faith no matter what come before us. Download this episode (right click and save) The post The courage to love your faith appeared first on Cradio.
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The simple secret to being holy

Overcoming sin and becoming a truly loving person begins with one simple step. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the importance of letting yourself be loved by God in this homily for the 25th Sunday in ordinary time. Download this episode (right click and save) The post The simple secret to being holy appeared first on Cradio.
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What is faith?

The letter of James challenges us to live a faith that changes the world. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the mystery of faith and how we need to go deeper into the mystery of the resurrection. This homily was recorded in 2015. Download this episode (right click and save) The post What is faith? appeared first on Cradio.
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The gift of the father

To know the Father is to know freedom. Fr Dan Benedetti speaks about the importance of knowing the father’s love in this Father’s Day homily for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary time Download this episode (right click and save) The post The gift of the father appeared first on Cradio.
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Problem or Promise

There are two lenses we can use to view the empty and broken parts of our lives, problem or promise. Fr. Dan Serratore breaks open how Jesus’ promise to be the Bread of Life can transform the way we understand the stages of our spiritual journey. Download this episode (right click and save) The post Problem or Promise appeared first on Cradio.
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Christians who think like pagans

While we might act like Christians, there is a real danger that we still think like pagans. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL opens up the readings from the 18th Sunday in ordinary time to show how we need to have a complete change in our way of seeing the world. Download this episode (right click and [...] The post Christians who think like pagans appeared first on Cradio.
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Is it your problem?

The miracle of the multiplication of the loaves is a revelation of the divinity of Jesus, but it is also a challenge for the disciples of understand their calling. Fr David Callaghan MGL speaks about the personal side of this miracle story in this homily for the 17th Sunday in ordinary Time. This homily was [...] The post Is it your problem? appeared first on Cradio.
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Claiming your inheritance

The book of wisdom says that death came into the world because of the devil’s envy. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the need to rediscover our true inheritance and fight against anything that would steal it from us in this homily for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary time. Download this episode (right click and [...] The post Claiming your inheritance appeared first on Cradio.
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Is your soul stunted and malnourished?

Our society worries a lot about the health of the body but neglects the health of the soul. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about how we need to understand how God is at work in the trials of life to bring our soul to full maturity. Download this episode (right click and save) The post Is your soul stunted and malnourished? appeared first on Cradio.
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The Weight of Glory

Our life here on earth is a training ground for eternity. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the glory that awaits us and the call to train ourselves in love in this homily for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Download this episode (right click and save) The post The Weight of Glory appeared first on Cradio.
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Seeing the invisible

When we gaze upon the Eucharist, there is such a huge difference between what our eyes see and what actually is the reality. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the need to see beyond the surface and encounter the transforming truth of this gift of love. This homily for the Feast of Corpus Christi was [...] The post Seeing the invisible appeared first on Cradio.
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The Spirit teaches us to call God ‘Abba’

The Holy Spirit is given to us so that we can enter into a very intimate relationship with the Father. Fr Ken Barker speaks about how revolutionary this change is when we invite the spirit to enter into our life in this homily for Trinity Sunday. Download this episode (right click and save)   The post The Spirit teaches us to call God ‘Abba’ appeared first on Cradio.
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Being open to God when you feel unworthy

Our sense of unworthiness can be one of the biggest blockages to receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. Fr Chris Eaton MGL speaks about how we can overcome this discouragement and be ready for Pentecost. Download this episode (right click and save) The post Being open to God when you feel unworthy appeared first on Cradio.
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Are we living or just existing?

Do we really understand what Christ was trying to give us through the resurrection? What is holding us back from living this new life? Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the mystery of this new life in Christ in this homily for the 5th Sunday in Easter. Download this episode (right click and save) The post Are we living or just existing? appeared first on Cradio.
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The Shepherd who seeks the lost

The good shepherd is the one who speaks softly in our hearts. Fr David Lemewu shares his conversion story to explain the love of God in this homily for the 4th Sunday in Easter. Download this episode (right click and save) The post The Shepherd who seeks the lost appeared first on Cradio.
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Our sin is obliterated

When God says that our sin is forgiven, he actually means that it now ceases to exist. Fr Dan Benedetti MGL speaks about the absolute freedom that comes from God’s mercy in this homily for the 3rd Sunday of Easter. Download this episode (right click and save)   The post Our sin is obliterated appeared first on Cradio.
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The overwhelming gift of mercy

God’s mercy is so undeserved and unexpected that it can overwhelm us. Fr Ken Barker MGL speaks about the beautiful gift of God on the feast of Divine Mercy. Download this episode (right click and save) The post The overwhelming gift of mercy appeared first on Cradio.
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The Joy of the Resurrection

The joy of the resurrection fills us with new life. Fr David Lemewu MGL preaches (and sings) about the joy of the resurrection in this homily from the Easter Vigil. Download this episode (right click and save) For information about the Missionaries of God’s love, go to   The post The Joy of the Resurrection appeared first on Cradio.
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Saved by Love

We have a God who loves us so much that he would enter into our pain. Fr Chris Eaton MGL speaks about the transforming power of love in this homily for Good Friday. Download this episode (right click and save)   The post Saved by Love appeared first on Cradio.
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Washed Clean

In this homily for Holy Thursday, Fr Dan Benedetti MGL speaks about his experience of washing the feet of prisoners in Darwin to reveal the healing power of God. Download this episode (right click and save) The post Washed Clean appeared first on Cradio.
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The Walk to the Cross

As we journey closer to Easter, Fr David Lemewu MGL gives a meditation on how the different characters in the story responded to the drama that was unfolding in front of them. He invites us to look at the part that we play in this homily for Palm Sunday. The post The Walk to the Cross appeared first on Cradio.
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An Unexpected Redemption

As Jesus enters Jerusalem, he is faced with the reality that he will achieve more by dying than he will by living. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about how Christ redeems the world in an unexpected way in this homily for the 5th Sunday of Lent. Download this episode (right click and save) The post An Unexpected Redemption appeared first on Cradio.
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You are worth so much

We can easily doubt our value or worth as a human being when we look at our past history. But God looks at us very differently. By dying for us, he says that we are 'worth the Son of God'. Fr Baiju Thomas preaches in this homily for the 4th Sunday of Lent. The post You are worth so much appeared first on Cradio.
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Cleansing our Hearts

When we look at the wonders that God has done in our life, we begin to see the fruit of God's purifying love. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL suggests that this fruit should encourage us to invite Jesus in every day to cleanse our hearts from sin. The post Cleansing our Hearts appeared first on Cradio.
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Trusting God

Fr Ken Barker MGL speaks about the way that we see God in this homily for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary time. The post Trusting God appeared first on Cradio.
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Leprosy of the Soul

In this homily, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the fact that the solution to numbness is closer to us than we can imagine. The post Leprosy of the Soul appeared first on Cradio.
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Do we really need Jesus?

There is often a big gap between what we believe and what we live. We can say that Jesus is our Saviour, yet rely on so many other things to save us from our pain. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL touches on some controversial questions in this homily for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary time. Download [...] The post Do we really need Jesus? appeared first on Cradio.
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The Power of Hope

The message that “there is hope” contains within it the whole of the gospel. Fr David Callaghan MGL speaks about how God speaks this truth into the world in every generation in this homily for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary time. Download this episode (right click and save) The post The Power of Hope appeared first on Cradio.
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Going Fishing

When Jesus calls the disciples to become ‘fishers of men’, he is calling all of us to go out and bring the good news to the whole world. Fr Ken Barker MGL speaks about the call of mission in this homily for the 3rd Sunday in ordinary time. Download this episode (right click and save) The post Going Fishing appeared first on Cradio.
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The need for Peace

At this time of Christmas, our hearts are yearning for peace. God brings this grace to us in the birth of Jesus. Fr Ken Barker MGL speaks about the grace of Christmas in this homily recorded in 2016. Download this episode (right click and save) The post The need for Peace appeared first on Cradio.
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Prepare the Way

Fr David Callaghan MGL speaks about the difference that the saviour brings to our life in this homily for the 3rd Sunday in Advent. The post Prepare the Way appeared first on Cradio.
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A change of Heart

Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the call of holiness as we begin the season of Advent. The post A change of Heart appeared first on Cradio.
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Alive in the Spirit

On the feast of Christ the King, Fr Ken barker MGL preaches about the movement of the Holy Spirit in our life. This was at the end of a retreat preparing for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit at the St Benedict’s Mission Centre in Canberra. Download this episode (right click and save) The post Alive in the Spirit appeared first on Cradio.
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Loving God by getting real

Just why is the greatest commandment the love of God and neighbour? Is there a link between the two? How does this look like on the ground? Fr. Dan Serratore breaks these questions open. Download this episode (right click and save) The post Loving God by getting real appeared first on Cradio.
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The violence in our hearts

The parable of the tenants in the vineyard reveals the violence in the human heart. Fr Chris Eaton MGL speaks about how Jesus wants to heal this violence with compassion. This homily for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time was recorded at St Benedict’s parish in Canberra. Download this episode (right click and save) The post The violence in our hearts appeared first on Cradio.
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Richness through poverty

It seems counter-intuitive that true richness is found through the gate of our own poverty. Fr. Dan Serratore breaks open how the poverty of Christ sets this pattern for us when we meet our own spiritual poverty. <a href=”″>Download this episode (right click and save)</a> The post Richness through poverty appeared first on Cradio.
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Understanding God

Jesus presents us with a parable that doesn’t seem to make much sense. Fr David Lemewu breaks open the parable of the workers in the vineyard in this homily for the 25th Sunday in ordinary time. Download this episode (right click and save) The post Understanding God appeared first on Cradio.
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What does Christian love look like?

When Jesus calls us to love, he wants us to not just ‘keep the peace’ but have the courage to be a bit confronting in our relationships. Fr David Callaghan MGL speaks about the challenge to love as a Christian in our modern world in this homily for the 23rd Sunday in ordinary time. Download [...] The post What does Christian love look like? appeared first on Cradio.
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Who do you say I am?

The question that Jesus puts to Peter is possibly the most disturbing question that we need to face ourselves. Fr Steve Fletcher MGL speaks about his own personal discovery of Jesus in this homily for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary time. Download this episode (right click and save) The post Who do you say I am? appeared first on Cradio.
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Daring faith (and how to work out that muscle)

Fr. Dan Serratore begins to break open the first of the three cardinal virtues: Faith. The post Daring faith (and how to work out that muscle) appeared first on Cradio.
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Luxurious lobby or heaven?

Fr Dan Serratore MGL break open how the Christian life was never meant to be a luxurious lobby; comfortable but always waiting for the real event to happen. The post Luxurious lobby or heaven? appeared first on Cradio.
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The Mountain experience

Jesus takes the disciples to the mountain to give them a vision of where they are going. Fr Baiju Thomas speaks about the mystery of how Christ works in our life in this homily for the feast of the Transfiguration. <a href=”″>Download this episode (right click and save)</a> The post The Mountain experience appeared first on Cradio.
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Come and Rest

Fr David Lemewu MGL speaks about how we can live in this grace in this homily for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The post Come and Rest appeared first on Cradio.
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Feeling Alive in Christ

If the life of Christ is alive in us, then we become the good news in the world. Fr Ken Barker MGL speaks about the call to witness the gospel through our joy in this homily for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary time. Download this episode (right click and save) The post Feeling Alive in Christ appeared first on Cradio.
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United in Christ

Fr David Lemewu MGL speaks about how the Eucharist is at the heart of the Church in this homily for the Feast of Corpus Christi. The post United in Christ appeared first on Cradio.
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The true nature of God

The Feast of the Trinity is an invitation to discover the true nature of God as a God of kindness. Fr Chris Eaton MGL speaks about the beauty of this mystery in this homily for the Feast of the Holy Trinity. Download this episode (right click and save) The post The true nature of God appeared first on Cradio.
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Living in the power of the Spirit

Fr David Lemewu MGL speaks about the way that the Spirit has moved in his own life to explain how we should respond to this gift. The post Living in the power of the Spirit appeared first on Cradio.
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Preparing for the Spirit

Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the need to prepare ourselves for this great gift in this homily for the Feast of the Ascension. The post Preparing for the Spirit appeared first on Cradio.
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Stirring up the Spirit

We all received the Holy Spirit at Baptism, but we need to pray that God would stir it up again in our hearts. Fr Ken Barker MGL speaks about the power fo the Spirit in our lives in this homily for the 6th Sunday of Easter. Download this episode (right click and save) The post Stirring up the Spirit appeared first on Cradio.
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The saving love of Christ

The life that we have now is Christ’s life working in us. Fr Baiju Thomas MGL speaks about the saving work of Christ in this homily for the 5th Sunday of Easter. Download this episode (right click and save) The post The saving love of Christ appeared first on Cradio.
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How much does God love us?

Fr David Lemewu MGL speaks about how we can learn to hear this voice in this homily for the 4th Sunday of Easter. The post How much does God love us? appeared first on Cradio.
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Renewal of our Minds

The great battle of our spiritual life is played out in our minds. If Christ has renewed our mind then we are able to live in confidence. The post Renewal of our Minds appeared first on Cradio.
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Divine Mercy

Fr Chris Eaton speaks about this beautiful gift of forgiveness on this feast of the Divine Mercy. The post Divine Mercy appeared first on Cradio.
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Death has no more Power

Fr Ken Barker MGL says that if we confess that Jesus is the Lord of our life, the power of the resurrection will break the chains that hold us down. The post Death has no more Power appeared first on Cradio.
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Fighting for our Hearts

Fr David Callaghan MGL connects the first Passover with the new Passover to explain what God is doing on this day. The post Fighting for our Hearts appeared first on Cradio.
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Being served by Christ

In this homily for Holy Thursday, Fr Chris Eaton MGL speaks about the beauty of Christ and the need to let him love us. The post Being served by Christ appeared first on Cradio.
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Our Spirits will Live

Fr Paul Uwemedimo speaks of this great promise of God given to us by St Paul in this homily for the 5th Sunday of Lent. The post Our Spirits will Live appeared first on Cradio.
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Blind to Life

Fr Chris Eaton MGL speaks about the blindness of our own heart in this homily for the 4th Sunday in Lent. The post Blind to Life appeared first on Cradio.
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This hope is not deceptive

Fr Ken barker MGL speaks about how Jesus will give us the living water if we are aware of our need. The post This hope is not deceptive appeared first on Cradio.
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The Promise of the resurrection

Fr Ken Barker MGL calls us to seek the face of God in this homily for the 2nd Sunday in Lent. The post The Promise of the resurrection appeared first on Cradio.
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Faith in the Lord

Fr Baiju Thomas MGL speaks about Christ’s witness of faith at the beginning of the Lenten season. The post Faith in the Lord appeared first on Cradio.
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Give yourself to Him

Fr Ken Barker preaches about the faithfulness of God to a group of youth leaders on the 8th Sunday in Ordinary time. The post Give yourself to Him appeared first on Cradio.
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Enemies of ourselves

Fr Chris Eaton MGL says that when Jesus teaches us to be compassionate, he is speaking also about our relationship with ourselves. The post Enemies of ourselves appeared first on Cradio.
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We are going somewhere

Fr Ken Barker MGL speaks about the need to focus on eternity in this homily for the 6th Sunday in ordinary time. The post We are going somewhere appeared first on Cradio.
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Ministers of Compassion

Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about our call to be ministers of compassion and hope in this homily for the 5th Sunday in ordinary time. The post Ministers of Compassion appeared first on Cradio.
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God of the weak

God reveals himself as the one who cares for the weak. In this homily for the 4th Sunday in ordinary time, Fr Baiju Thomas MGL speaks about his own experience of discovering God in the midst of his weakness. The post God of the weak appeared first on Cradio.
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Follow Him

There are so many Christians who know about Jesus but have never really encountered him. Fr Ken Barker MGL speaks about the call to encounter the Christ in this homily for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary time. This homily was recorded at St Benedict’s Mission Centre in Canberra. The post Follow Him appeared first on Cradio.
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The Prince of Peace

At a time when our hearts yearn for peace, God sends his Son to bring this grace to our hearts. Fr Ken Barker MGL speaks about the gift of peace in this Christmas homily recorded at St Benedict’s Mission Centre in Canberra. The post The Prince of Peace appeared first on Cradio.
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God is with us

God does the most astounding thing by becoming like us in our weakness and entering into the experience of our life. Fr Ken Barker MGL speaks about the need to claim Christ as our saviour in this homily for the 4th Sunday of Advent. The post God is with us appeared first on Cradio.
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Signs of life

When we start to lose heart on the journey, God sends us signs of hope. Fr Baiju speaks about this hope in this homily for the 3rd Sunday in Advent.   The post Signs of life appeared first on Cradio.
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Waiting for the Gift

This time of preparation during advent is designed so that we can prepare our hearts to welcome Christ. Fr Bony Abraham MGL preaches about the need to listen to what is going on inside our life in this homily for the 2nd Sunday of Advent. This homily was recorded in 2013 at the St Benedict’s [...] The post Waiting for the Gift appeared first on Cradio.
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Hearing the silent cry

Every day people are crying out for the coming of Christ and we do not hear them. Because we do not hear them, we are unable to bring Christ to them. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the missionary calling of Advent in this homily for the first Sunday of Advent. The post Hearing the silent cry appeared first on Cradio.
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Set free by the King

The sign that a person has surrendered their life to the Lordship of Christ is that they are set free from everything that binds them. Fr Steve Fletcher MGL preaches passionately about the power of Christ in this homily for the feast of Christ the King. The post Set free by the King appeared first on Cradio.
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When the Lord comes again

The gospels tell us that the Lord will come again. We can not predict when this will happen, yet we need to live as though today is the day. Fr Ken Barker MGL speaks about the need to be ready in this homily for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary time. The post When the Lord comes again appeared first on Cradio.
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Reclining with God eternally

We are called into eternal communion with Christ which begins with our experience of the Eucharist. The post Reclining with God eternally appeared first on Cradio.
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The banquet of mercy

In the story of Zacchaeus, Jesus does not act the way that we would expect him to, and as a result, Zacchaeus makes a very unexpected response. The post The banquet of mercy appeared first on Cradio.
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Facing the truth

When the truth of our ugliness meets the compassion of God we find that our sin disappears. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the call to stand in truth before God in this homily for the 30th Sunday in ordinary time. The post Facing the truth appeared first on Cradio.
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Will he find faith on Earth?

We live in a huge spiritual battle which can make it hard to keep our faith. Fr Ken Barker MGL speaks about the victory of God in this homily for the 29th Sunday in ordinary time. The post Will he find faith on Earth? appeared first on Cradio.
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So many people walk through life miserable because they are not aware of any reason to be grateful. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the reason for our joy in this homily for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary time. The post Gratitude appeared first on Cradio.
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Fan into a flame

It is during the dry times in our life that God is doing the most powerful work. Fr Chris Eaton MGL preaches on God’s desire to set us on fire with his love in this homily for the 27th Sunday in ordinary time. This homily was recorded at a mass for the Disciples of Jesus [...] The post Fan into a flame appeared first on Cradio.
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Meeting Lazarus

Jesus calls us to not just give money to the poor, but to go out and sit with them. Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the role that the parable of the rich man and Lazarus has played in his own his personal journey in this homily for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary time. The post Meeting Lazarus appeared first on Cradio.
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Merciful like the Father

The story of the prodigal son presents us with the eternal mystery of mercy. Fr Ken Barker MGL breaks open the personal dimension of this story in this homily for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary time. The post Merciful like the Father appeared first on Cradio.