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English, Religion, 1 season, 162 episodes, 2 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes
Your level of deserving and self-love directly impacts the level at which you manifest and your ability to access even BIGGER & BETTER versions of whatever it is you are seeking! This podcast supports EMPATHS & PEOPLE PLEASERS on their journey of empowerment, working with Life Force Energy, connecting with the Universe, tapping into their intuition and creating a life beyond anything they could ever imagine. I’m Christina Medina. I’m an empath, a former people pleaser and self made business woman, who came from nothing and rose up to find my inner power and transform my life. On my journey, I made many mistakes, compromised my dreams, had many heart breaks, terrible anxiety, struggled with fluctuating weight and felt powerless in my life. Over the last 11 years, I transformed my life, time and time again; each time, graduating to my next level life, career and love. In that time, I learned from with the most incredible teachers and guides, gained inner wisdom and tapped into my soul’s purpose for my life. In the process I became a certified life & professional coach, Reiki practitioner, certified yoga instructor---and badass real estate broker in NYC. All those certifications and licenses aside, my heart’s purpose and soul mission is to help you step into the energy and next level version of you, aligning with love, money, and restoring you back to perfect health—manifesting a life of your design full of radiance, intuitive guidance and abundance in all areas of life—STARTING TODAY. Manifestation is not complicated. It’s about energy, mindset and embodiment that work together infinitely. In each MTM podcast, we elevate your vibration so you can sit in that abundance and allow your inner guidance to rise up from within to assist you. If you’ve read this far, then have a listen. Your soul aligned you with this message for a reason. This all part of your beautiful unfolding. Let today be the day, you listen and start to uncover the magic within. xoxocm ?
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I Have a Bone to Pick w/Social Media Analytics

Heads up babes. I use the F-word once in this podcast—so no kiddos in the room. Marking it explicit for this riff.Social media analytics need to catch up and help us to see the bigger picture. While views/listenership, etc may be down, there are in fact other aspects that could be doing better than usual.Why do analytics focus on the negative when it’s not productive for us? Not is it positive, encouraging or motivating. They can do better and they can facilitate us doing better. If you’ve noticed this or had a bad reaction to your analytics, then this episode is for you my dear. Also of your in the journey to showing up more authentically, rather than pretending you’re someone else, then this podcast is also for you.Okay babe—enjoy!Sending you so much love from NYC 😘XOCD@christinadistefanostudio
8/19/202414 minutes, 22 seconds
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Just Get Started + Remove the Obstacles & Explore Your Creative Mediums

Hello lovely. I know you’ve been thinking about creating some sort of online presence but get hung up on things being perfect or figuring it all out in advance.We do this kind of thing to create a false sense of being safe—if we have all the answers, if everything is nicely buttoned up, then and only then should we step out into the online content creation world. Then and only then are we qualified to show up. I’m here to tell you these are lies babe. You are stalling. You are putting off the momentum that you could have simply by growing and learning in the process of creating. Start creating. Start putting yourself out there. It doesn’t matter of your hair isn’t perfect or you don’t have the “look” you think you must have to do this. Just start. Share your growth journey. Allow people to witness your evolution.Content creation is a spiritual endeavor IMO because we are going to be faced with your insecurities. Your inner critic, and options of other people. Sounds fun, right?! This is a journey and not a sprint. Honestly, I can tell you that if my YouTube channel took off straight away and I gained 10k followers in a few months, then I would have not been prepared for that exposure. It took time. It took growing little by little, little bits of exposure to the “trolls” online with their mean comments. I had to build my strength, my creation process and my editing skills along the way and it was absolutely worth it. What I’m trying to say is don’t let the fear of looking like an amateur stop you. I have some very cringy videos and a slew of other things online that were simply me just trying. Remember not to compare yourself to people who have been creating for years. Some content creators come from advertising, marketing, acting and film backgrounds so they are steps ahead of you. This is okay. Let them be. You be you. People will love that. I promise!! ALSO remember YOU WILL GET THERE. Take that phone out right now, well after you listen to the podcast, and create something.Got something you want to say? Film or record it and post it. Walk bravely into the dark room of the unknown and turn the light on. I think you’ll find that it’s full of people that are grateful for your message today.Sending you so much love from NYC 😘XOCD@christinadistefanostudio
8/9/202423 minutes, 9 seconds
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The World Needs You, Babe

If you’re feeling stunted, stuck or procrastinating—possibly dwelling in perfectionism, then my luv, this podcast is for you. We need you. We need your voice. We need your thoughts. We need your light. We need you, babe. XOCD @christinadistefanostudio
7/26/202415 minutes, 4 seconds
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Don’t Let Perfectionism or Excuses Stop You from STARTING Your Content Creation Journey

It’s a riff kind of week. If you’re feeling like you want to start creating content but don’t have enough time, you’re making excuses. It is so easy to get started these days. If this is you, then you need this riff today. XOXOCD Instagram @christinadistefanostudio YouTube
6/6/202411 minutes, 46 seconds
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Content Creation Can Be a Transformative Spiritual Journey

I have been creating content for nearly six years. It has changed my life. This podcast has changed my life! However, taking a big leap into creating content in YouTube has been a new journey all together. It has been filled with deeper layers of confidence building and learning how to not care about what others think of me. It’s a new chapter in MTM. I want to support you in being seen. I looked and there’s very little spiritual manifesting support for content creators—the Universe knows I need it! So I’m just going to have to create it! I got this riff idea as I was making my bed (like I so often do) so you’ll hear some of those sounds!! Sending you so much love from NYC 😘 @christinadistefanostudio on Instagram 🤍 Find me on YouTube:
6/5/202412 minutes, 33 seconds
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If You’re Getting Frusted Because What You Want Hasn’t Arrived

Do you feel a positive change coming but getting frustrated or down because it hasn’t arrived? Listen for some positive encouragement from me. Remember the under workings are doing their thing babe!! Link to my YouTube: Sending you so much love from NYC! XOCD 😘 Instagram @christinadistefanostudio
4/3/202412 minutes, 15 seconds
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It's Time To Get Honest About What You Want & Start Taking Action

* Be sure to catch the video podcast on YouTune: What is my prediction for 2024? More and more people start following their hearts and taking steps that move them closer to their dreams. I am tired of allowing the (supposed) thoughts of others to keep me in place. This podcast motivates you to admit to yourself that you want more. Is there a dream you've been keeping hidden that is finally ready to come out? I hope so. Let's do this together XOXO BTW, It's 3:33pm as I upload this video :D
1/15/202419 minutes, 26 seconds
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You Are Never Too Old or Too Late to Follow Your Dreams

If you feel like you're TOO OLD or IT's TOO LATE for something, then give this episode a listen. Also be sure to check out the video version HERE: I do not believe that we should ever put off our passions, life changes, "dreams," or my preferred way of putting it, alternate versions of our desired reality into manifesting because of AGE.
1/1/202420 minutes, 33 seconds
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Calling Out the Bullshit. Let 2024 Be the Year You Listen to Your Heart

Be sure to check out the video version on YouTube & Spotify. It doesn't matter your age. It's time to open your heart and let those dreams come shinning though. XO Christina [email protected] @mindsettomanifestation
12/25/202317 minutes, 44 seconds
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Are You Really Living in Grattitude? What Does that Mean Anyway?!

You've heard it a million times--live in gratitude, but how does that really help you? What does that really even mean? In this episode, Sarah and I explore what it means to us now and where we've messed up with this. Hope you enjoy it and get some good wisdom nuggets from it! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOCDSE @mindsettomanifestation @sarahelbararycoaching
8/7/202335 minutes, 33 seconds
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Fuck the Dream--Step into Your Desired Reality Instead

In this episode Sarah and I get into why using the word, dream” keeps in a place of unattainability. You just have to listen to find out why! Enjoy this mindset shift into your new reality. XOXOCD&SE Questions about this episode? Contact us at: @mindsettomanifestation @sarahelbarbarycoaching
7/28/202336 minutes, 27 seconds
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Stop Giving Away Your F-ing Power!!! How to Get it Back (Explicit)

Today we question WHY we give away our personal power, and we give you actual methods to get it back TODAY. It's time to stop letting others define you and tell you what you're worthy of, capable of, and deserving of. YOU define YOU. What did you think of today's podcast? Do you have other suggestions or methods that have helped you take back your power and fully step into the empowered version of yourself? We'd love to hear. Email is at christina@mindsettomanifestation or visit us on Instagram @sarahelbarycoaching and @mindsettomanifestation --we can't wait to hear from you! As always, sending you so much love from NYC! XOCD&SE
7/21/202345 minutes, 56 seconds
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MTM RIFF: DO NOT Short Change Yourself or ANYTHING YOU DO

Hey guys! So we’re going through a bit of a rebrand as Sarah and I regroup to bring you a new podcast cover (exciting I love a photoshoot) and podcast schedule. That said, enjoy a bit of the old school with an MTM RIFF. You know I love doing these for you. It’s like the two of us, together, are working through the bullshit lies we tell ourselves. I freaking love that—I hope you do too!! Stay tuned for more good stuff! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCD&SE @mindsettomanifestation @sarahelbararycoaching Want your questions answered on the podcast? Email christina@mindsettomanifestation or DM us :D
7/14/202311 minutes, 11 seconds
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That F-ing Shadow! Being Real. Being Raw. The DNOTS (Let's Have Fun)

Let's talk about that f-ling dark night of the soul--but in a heartfelt, fun way. Questions? [email protected] Of DM us: @sarahelbararycoaching @mindsettomanifesation @christinadistefanostudio Sending you so much love from NYC! XOCD&SE
6/30/20231 hour, 21 seconds
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Noticing Judgement, Life in NYC, the Shadow + Outtakes :D with Christina and Sarah

Welcome back MTMers! Today we are joined by your new co-host, Sarah ElBarbary! Sarah is a life coach and personal trainer. I know you will find so much value in her perspective on all things mindset and manifestation. We get into all sorts of things: noticing judgment in everyday life, who we deal with it (or don't???), triggers, the shadow, speaking our mind, and the tests we're presented with daily in NYC. It is truly an emotional rollercoaster episode--but in the best possible way :D As we move forward, we will venture into some things beyond the usual scope of MTM; however, all will tie into self empowerment and creating a life beyond anything you could ever imagine. We also thought it might be fun to include our outtakes---stick around after the exit song for those. We laugh a lot and I discovered my "speaking my mind voice." So happy to have Sarah’s energy here!!! We look forward to allowing this beautiful folding to occur as it always does in the most incredible ways. As always, sending you so much love from NYC. XOCD&SE PS If you have questions about the podcast, would like to be a guest or suggest one, reach out to us at christina@mindsettomanifestation. FInd us on Instagram @mindsettomanifestation
6/24/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 38 seconds
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My Last Solo Podcast

I wanted to have a good old fashioned podcast with you all on my living room floor. Next week we welcome Sarah ElBarary to co-host MTM with me moving forward. Can’t wait for you to meet her! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOCD
6/16/202326 minutes, 46 seconds
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SELLING: What "They" Don't Teach You About ALIGNING with Soulmate Clients: Convo with Lauren Ashley

Notice the old-school intro? I thought it was time to bring back the breathwork intro. Today we get into conversation with Lauren Ashley, Manifestation Queen, Business Owner, podcaster, and ICF Coach. Lauren shares her fresh and alternative ideas about running a spiritual business, thinking differently, and listening to your intuition. Lauren’s Details and Offerings: Client Attractor FREE Series: Work with Lauren: Aligned & Magnetic Podcast: Aligned & Magnetic Business Accelerator: As always, sending you SO MUCH love from NYC. XOCD Check out my spiritual art visit & new print collection, PAST LIVES visit @mindsettomanifestation QUESTIONS?: [email protected]
6/9/202356 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Surrender Story (in Central Park)

Join me on a walk and talk through Central Park. Today I’m speaking in SURRENDER and a breakthrough I experienced—which I hope inspires breakthroughs in you too! Sending you so much love from NYC! 😘 XOCD @mindsettomanifestation christina@mindsettomanifestation
6/2/202322 minutes, 19 seconds
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Part 2: The Baguette 🥖 (Listen to Part 1 First!)

When you need the lesson, the teacher will come. Oh yes, you will be challenged BUT you can use this to clear away the bullshit we pick up and beliefs we take on—THAT DO NOT SERVE US. Every challenge leads to a breakthrough if we allow it. Sending you so much love from NYC, XOXOCD @mindsettomanifestation [email protected]
5/25/202317 minutes, 25 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Shifting back into the Light. THE UNIVERSE SUPPORTS THIS! Part 1

We’ve been on riffs for a while now and the podcast is definitely shifting to something new. It’s been four years and it’s time to pivot—don’t worry we’ll still have MTM RIFFS, but I want something more for you and for me. In this episode the Unverse serves me big time. How do I respond??? Listen and find out! Btw Part 2 will release tomorrow—don’t want to leave you hanging! ITS TIME TO CHANGE. I’ve been on the verge of this for a while but divine timing must step in as I surrender to this thing I’m feeling—yet couldn’t really pinpoint. Faith, faith, faith is all I can say as I come back into making these podcasts again. I love doing this but something hasn’t felt right for a while. More on this later!!! Enjoy this first part of the two part riff. I’m recording in Lower Manhattan along the water front headed to the Douj Street Seaport (in case you want a reference 😘). Oh! And good news!!!! I’m back in the MTM INSTAGRAM account. It was a long time of being locked out but we’re back baby!!! So be sure to follow me here @mindsettomanifestation or email me directly at [email protected]. Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOXOCD
5/24/202323 minutes, 12 seconds
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Here We Go!!! Flying into 2023: Open Your Heart to the Possibilities!!!

Sending love to all the loyal MTM listeners and the lovely newbies!! Let’s open our hearts to opportunities, to self love, embracing where we are and fearlessly dreaming about what we must desire—then taking inspired action!!! I know and believe that your deepest dreams and desire can come to fruition—I know it because I’ve lived it myself. Remember: BIGGER and BETTER things are coming to you!! You don’t know when, and you don’t know how—BUT you know they’re coming. Sending you so much love from NYC ❤️ XOCD QUESTIONS? Email me at: [email protected] If you want to check out my artwork filled with love and light: @xochrostinadistefano PS Happiest New Year to you! Let’s step into the beautiful unfolding and next chapter together. I’m holding that space for you!
12/30/20227 minutes, 59 seconds
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Give Yourself Permission to Move Slow: Tap into the Energy of Rest & Receiving

Give Yourself Permission to Move Slow: Tap into the Energy of Rest & Receiving by Christina Medina
12/1/202212 minutes, 7 seconds
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11/11 Happy Anniversary MTM: A Special Message

It’s MTM’s 4-year anniversary!!! Thank you to all the listeners 🧡 🌅 We’ve grown so much together!! Sending you so much love from NYC 😘 @XOChristina DiStefano
11/11/202219 minutes, 8 seconds
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Transmutation of Energy into Empowerment: Why I Make Art

In this MTM RIFF I talk about something very important to me and the continued message of my life’s work and this podcast. I let you in on my behind the scenes process at how I tap into my purpose and connect the dots. I also share with you my motivation behind my artwork. Hope you get a bolt of empowered energy from this episode!! Sending you so much love from NYC! xoChristina DiStefano @xochristinadistefano (if you want to follow my personal manifestation journey into the NYC art world, check out my artwork and connect) 😘😘😘😘😘😘
11/7/202221 minutes, 57 seconds
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Shifting Fear to Bravery: Walk into that Darkroom of the Unknown

Send you questions to me at [email protected] XOXOCD
10/24/202210 minutes, 15 seconds
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How Are You Going to Protect Your Energy & Taje Care of Yourself Today?

It’s a question we should all be asking every morning. Simple as that. XOCD
10/19/20229 minutes, 42 seconds
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Don’t Give Up on Your Day Dreams

Is there something you’ve given up on—an dream, a desire, a wish for your life? Maybe bows the time to make that dream come true. Hope you enjoy this week’s riff. Sending you so much love from NYC, 😘 XOCD QUESTIONS? [email protected]
10/3/20229 minutes, 55 seconds
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Why Do We “Tuck Away” Parts of Ourselves—IOW Give Up on Dreams?

As I approach another birthday it’s time to asses things and in this episode I riff on that as well as some ways you can do the same. It doesn’t have to be your birthday to do this! I discovered some much needed shadow work btw and a deep need to love myself more. That’s no surprise!! It’s our life long journey after all 🧡 Luvs—if you haven’t downloaded the care package yet—what’s stopping you? It’s free and it’s powerful. Definitely not a cheap tactic to snag your email—I put a lot of love into these recordings because I genuinely want the best life for you. If I can help inspire you to take this journey, even just a little, then I’m thrilled. Transformation awaits you babe. Take the first gentle step. Download the FREE MANIFESTATION TRANSFORMATION CARE PACKAGE here: Sending you so much love from NYC! 😘 Christina
9/19/202217 minutes, 10 seconds
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Confrontation is Not Easy BUT Reframe it as Self Care & Watch Your Life Change

This is has always been a tough one but reframing this will help you!!!! Download the FREE MANIFESTATION TRANSFORMATION CARE PACKAGE here: Sending you so much love from NYC! 😘 Christina
9/12/20228 minutes, 8 seconds
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Change Your Internal Conversation :: Change Your Mood

In the tradition of the MTM RIFFS, enjoy this message about changing your thoughts—to change your feelings and then ultimately your life. Download the FREE MANIFESTATION TRANSFORMATION CARE PACKAGE here: Sending you so much love from NYC! 😘 Christina @xoChristinaDiStefano
9/6/202212 minutes, 58 seconds
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MTM RIFF: What if You Could Drop the FEAR?

Download the FREE MANIFESTATION TRANSFORMATION CARE PACKAGE here: Sending you so much love from NYC! 😘 Christina
8/30/202210 minutes, 39 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Detaching from Stimulation & Allowing Bubbles of Ideas to Flourish

MTM RIFF: Detaching from Stimulation & Allowing Bubbles of Ideas to Flourish by Christina Medina
8/23/20227 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ok So It’s Not Goodbye - I Had To Riff On Self Love

I spoke too soon. There is still so much more to say. I had to riff on loving and accepting yourself just as you are--right now--flaws and all--rather than covering yourself up and warning a mask. It happened while I was recording a YouTube video (preparing for the launch of xoCHRISTINA DISTEFANO) which will go live this fall--a plug I know but if we're friends here then we should be friends there too you know??? Here's the link to the channel as promised in the RIFF, subscribe now so you know about the launch. Hope you vibe with the riff and as always, sending you so much love from NYC!! xoChristina DiStefano (formally Chrisitna Medina ❤️)
8/12/202212 minutes, 9 seconds
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MTM RIFF: It’s a New Chapter. Glow Up with Me!

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” (Taken from the song “Closing Time” by Semisonic. It’s a new chapter. I’m married. I’m approaching a new decade in my life. I FEEL different all around and I want nothing more than to return to my artistic roots! That said, I have a new Instagram and I’m creating a NEW YouTube channel. It’s time to GLOW UP! Are you coming with me??? I’m not saying I’ll never do another MTM RIFF but my focus is shifting to something more in alignment with my artistic, creative side—and I’m so damn excited!!! INSTAGRAM @xochristinadistefano The ridiculously long YouTube link: Hope to see you there!!! Sending you so much love from NYC 😘 XOXOCD Download the FREE MANIFESTATION TRANSFORMATION CARE PACKAGE here: Sending you so much love from NYC! 😘 Christina
7/28/202212 minutes, 28 seconds
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What is a mindset to manifestation exactly? In the riff I talk about my frustration with social media spirituality. I get passionate about what I see manifestation really is and why I feel this way. I also give you a great tip on what do begin manifesting a bigger and better life. Manifestation is a lifestyle, and this is how you start to MANIFEST the MINDSET (get it?) to live in this INTENTIONAL reality. You are so damn magical. My intention is to help you uncover that ✨ within you ❤️🌎 XOXOCM @christinamedinadistefano @mindsettomanifesation Link to the YouTube Channel: …….. WANT FREE MEDITATIONS & MANTRAS? CLICK HERE: 🔺🔺🔺🔺 Sign up to receive my FREE Manifestation Transformation Care Package. Mindset or Manifestation questions? Email me at [email protected] PS Stay tuned for the Manifestation Hotline 🔥 PSS Book coming soon!
6/27/202216 minutes, 36 seconds
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Catching Up + Self LOVE & Your SP + Getting Married + YouTube

Hi MTMers! I"m so excited to share some news with you all! SO many updates for you! As I mentioned in the podcast, you can access the YouTube channel here (yes it's a long URL--not a custom one yet--UNIVERSE bring MTM on YouTube 1,000 followers so we can get a custom URL 🙏) Here's the Walk & Talk video from the Ramble in Central Park: I hope you enjoy the episode! Let me know which areas in NYC you would like to see and if you have any questions regarding manifestation that you would like for me to talk about. I have a powerful meditation for you if you want to learn how to transmute the energy of jealousy into abundance. Check it out here: XOXOCM @christinamedinadistefano @mindsettomanifestation Mindset or Manifestation questions? Email me at [email protected] PS Stay tuned for the Manifestation Hotline 🔥
6/20/202218 minutes, 25 seconds
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Bigger & Better Things Requires Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

If you want to call in BIGGER and BETTER things into your life, you must get comfortable stepping out of your comfort zone. With that I’m introducing my first Walk & Talk episode on YouTube. Essentially I’m taking the MTM RIFFS that I typically record on my walks, and combining them with video footage of my actual walk. I like to think of it like we’re taking a little walking break through NYC to talk about manifestation and up-leveling our lives. I love that idea! Hope you do too! Check it out! XOXOCM @christinamedinanyc Mindset or Manifestation questions? Email me at [email protected] Stay tuned for the Manifestation Hotline 🔥
6/13/202220 minutes
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MTM RIFF: The Salty Me. Yes I’m Human & Have Grouchy Days. Here’s What I Do

Yesterday I tested positive for Covid 😢 my first time. So it took me some time to get it together today. This riff was recorded last week from Central Park (I live that place). Maybe we’ll see each other there someday? Anyhooo I am a real human and always like to share my true experiences with you all. That said, yes I have grouchy days too. The important thing is what we do with those moments. Remember all feelings are welcome here. Grouchy salty ones too—because there’s a message in them, IF YOU ALLOW ONE TO SURFACE. I hope you the podcast. Now I’m going to rest up and catch you later. Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @christinamedinanyc
6/6/202210 minutes, 4 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Manifesting a Cup of Coffee Vs. $1,000,000: The TRUTH

Feeling like you’re doing something wrong when trying to manifest? Listen to this! XOXOCM @christinamedinanyc
6/2/202215 minutes, 12 seconds
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Are You Still Good Even if You Aren’t Always Perfect?

I woke up thinking of this song and knew it was a message I had to share with you. Alanis Morissette: That I Would Be Good Article on HSPs: Hope it this message finds you and gives you a feeling of being loved, appreciated and understood. XOXOCM @christinamedinanyc
5/31/202217 minutes, 24 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Getting Quiet is Not Easy, But Necessary

I got a little stuck on the title but the bottom line is that you should just listen—especially if you’re feeling uninspired by learning lately. There are phases of inspiration, learning, and doing. Then there are acts of listening and receiving—which is there for you any day and every day. Hope you enjoy today’s riff! XOXOCM @christinamedinanyc
5/10/202213 minutes, 59 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Choose Love. Feel Into It. Make a Choice. Know It’s Right.

A quick reminder this Monday. REMEMBER TO CHOOSE LOVE. Always. XOXOCM @christinamedinanyc PS Get MTM RIFFS from me daily on Twitter: @mindsetmani Mindset resets in 30 seconds or less 🧡 ……….. FREE GAME CHANGING MEDITATIONS:
5/2/202211 minutes, 58 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Opening Up to Receive Your Sign from the Universe

If you’re trying to “find” your sign then listen up. It’s easier than you think and if you’re forcing it, then that just might be why your not aligning to it. It’s all about opening up and allowing it to surface. Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @christinamedinanyc PS Hope you’re enjoying the extra riff this week! PSS Get MTM RIFFS from me daily on Twitter: @mindsetmani Mindset resets in 30 seconds or less 🧡 ……….. FREE GAME CHANGING MEDITATIONS:
4/28/202210 minutes, 15 seconds
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MTM RIFF: It’s Monday. BE-ing Without Judgement & Stayimg Neutral

Monday doesn’t have to be the most dreaded day of the week. Here’s how you can shift your energy around it. XOXOCM @christinamedinanyc PS Get MTM RIFFS from me daily on Twitter: @mindsetmani Mindset resets in 30 seconds or less 🧡 ……….. FREE GAME CHANGING MEDITATIONS:
4/25/202216 minutes, 11 seconds
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MTM RIFF I'm Back, Inspired & Grateful

Three months of just me. I needed to clear out some things and give myself a reset. I missed you all and am excited to be back. Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @christinamedinanyc PS Get MTM RIFFS from me daily on Twitter: @mindsetmani Mindset resets in 30 seconds or less 🧡
4/18/202220 minutes, 42 seconds
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Taking a Break When You Need To is OK! Do That & Come Back Bigger & Better!

This is not goodbye! Just a break until 2022! I’m creating content and finishing my book! See you then with BIGGER & BETTER messages for you! XOXOCM @christinamedinanyc PS Get MTM RIFFS from me daily on Twitter: @mindsetmani Mindset resets in 30 seconds or less 🧡
11/15/20218 minutes, 21 seconds
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MTM RIFF: My Ritual for Up-Leveling Energy Between You & Another—Shifting from FEAR to LOVE

Today I share my ritual for healing energy from the energetic field.
11/8/20219 minutes, 53 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Self Love to Energize Your Manifestations

MTM RIFF: Self Love to Energize Your Manifestations by Christina Medina
11/1/20215 minutes, 55 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Good Enough is No Longer Enough

“Good enough is not enough.” If you currently feel anxiety around this mantra, I want you to use that energy to do something physical. Clear out all the stuff that is simply “good enough.” I’m talking about clothes that don’t suit you (color, size, fit, style, etc), makeup, products you don’t use, gadgets, shoes—whatever, anything taking up space that you’re keep but keep just in case but ultimately you’re just not excited about. I’m not telling you to feed your perfectionistic tendencies to feel you can do better. This is not about your output, it’s about what you accent into your life from the outside world. “Good enough stuff” is not good enough for you anymore. We want to create a vacuum, some space for your manifestations to fit into-to welcome them in. Releasing things that weigh you down, even if you don’t realize it, clouds your vision and creates energetic blocks. Use some of those last bits of full moon energy to get this stuff out of your life and send a message to yourself that settling for good enough is no longer your vibration. You all have goals—manifestations you want to bring in, it’s time to make space for them and release the stuff that your up-leveled, “you in an alternate reality” version of yourself is no longer available for. If you feel called up fo it, start applying this to what you “settle for” from others. I’m here if you have questions!
10/25/202119 minutes
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MTM RIFF: Bigger & Better Things? You Might Get Scared & How to Deal with That

We’re calling in BIGGER & BETTER things! Oh yes, this thing is happening—but if you start to doubt your capabilities as these new opportunities start to come in, then listen to this. PS As you access new levels and stretch yourself, it’s totally okay and normal to go through this!!! That’s when you know it’s time to go inward. Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation FREE MINDSET SHIFTING & UP-LEVELING MEDITATIONS here:
10/22/202110 minutes, 52 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Mirroring, Stepping into Alternate Realities & Manifestation

Hi MTMers! So, I was so close to not sharing this riff with you all but then decided to just go for it. “Be brave, Christina. Walk into the dark room of the unknown and feel in your heart that you are safe, loved, and you bring your own light into this space.” THIS is the reality I choose. We all have a choice. As we travel further down the rabbit hole together, I find myself wanting to really play with accessing ME in an alternate reality. All her wisdom, confidence, strength and power can be mine if I allow myself to simply merge with her. Let’s stretch our minds here and try on this idea. We can gave fun with this! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifeststion Free meditations to shift your current reality here:
10/21/202113 minutes, 14 seconds
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MTM RIFF: PEOPLE PLEASERS: Manifestation & DESERVING Message to You

People Pleasers UNITE! Breakthrough the mental barriers that prevent you from speaking up and asking for what you want!! I want you to feel this power within you! XOXOCM @christinamedinanyc PS Get MTM RIFFS from me daily on Twitter: @mindsetmani Mindset resets in 30 seconds or less 🧡 ……….. FREE GAME CHANGING MEDITATIONS:
10/20/202116 minutes, 1 second
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MTM RIFF: Listen to THIS for Accessing the Answers to How You Will Manifest

This is how you access the perfect guidance for manifesting a heart felt desire. Listen to this now so you starting doing the inner exploration, then come back for the writing prompts. PS Pairs PERFECTLY with last week’s BIGGER & BETTER THINGS RIFF 🧡 XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation
10/18/202112 minutes, 12 seconds
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MTM RIFF: SAY IT WITH ME: Bigger & Better Things Are Coming to Me

Empower yourself and say this out loud with me!
10/14/20215 minutes, 45 seconds
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Narcisstic Bosses & Empaths

I know several of you are in this situation and so I wanted to put something out there to help you today, deal with and survive working with a narcissistic boss. I pulled information from two articles, mentioned on the podcast. Those links are here: 1: 2: Lastly, I only have a few days until the Manifestation Transformation Mentorship beings. This six months is geared at empowering empaths and taking our lives to the next level, beyond what we could ever imagine, I hope you will consider joining me here! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM
10/11/202133 minutes, 23 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Stretching You Once Again - Let's Go There

Enjoy this RIFF--many new insights coming up as we all experience this beautiful unfolding. XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation
10/4/20217 minutes, 52 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Empaths , It's Time to Up-Level Your Life

In this MTM RIFF I'm downtown in Tribeca, about to jump into a class at Barry's Bootcamp so it's loud---but the message is so good! The way these RIFFS work is whenever I get a "download" or "upload" (depends on how you look at it), but whenever I get this bit of insight, I like to stop and explore it. That's how these RIFFS come about. They happen anytime! Empaths, it's time to start using your super powers to change your life. If this message resonates with you, then join the MTM Community on Instagram @mindsettomanifestation or visit If you would like more information on the 6-month Manifestation Transformation Mentorship program starting mid-October, then email me at [email protected] or go to: Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM
9/30/20216 minutes, 11 seconds
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Who You Are & Who You Want to Be | Accessing Wisdom from Alternate Realities

"Accept who you are in this moment, but acknowledge who you want to become." (A synchronistic encounter with my Yogi Tea fortune) QUESTION: Who are you in this alternate reality (next level version of you) and what is your mindset??? If you can imagine yourself as the sort of "ideal" version of you, or perhaps the next-level version of you, how would you feel? How would you see the world around you and how would you respond to life? How do you think, respond, and feel about any and all current situations you are experiencing in this reality version of you? If you could tap into this alterer reality version of you, what would you know--what knowledge or wisdom can you bring from that place to this place? Apply this to any and every situation you feel called to explore this week. The conflict, the fear, the excitement, the decisions etc. What would the alternate reality version of you think about (fill-in the blank) and how would they respond to it? Let me know what comes up for you. Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM PS If you feel a little pull in your heart to find out more about the Manifestation Transformation Mentorship starting in mid-October, reach out to me at [email protected] or get more info here: Payment plans are available. If you want to be here with me, then I want that too!!! Just get in the group! Six months from now is a great time to fully step into the next level you that you want to create. Even if you don't know what that looks like now, you will and you will be living it!
9/27/202119 minutes, 36 seconds
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MTM RIFF: What if You Were Meant to Live in Two Worlds?

Hi MTMers! In today's RIFF I'm sharing my thoughts after having a conversation I with another Cristina (a Cr Christina not a Ch like me 😉). We got into a very insightful conversation about the struggle of living in two worlds: one a 3D reality consisting of work, facts, career, mortgages, rent, bills & ego based endeavors versus the other world where we transcend the ego, feel fully present, are aware that we are part of the larger whole, feeling the energy of those around us and attuned to the planet and nature. Essentially living on extreme opposite ends of the spectrum of consciousness. We both felt that we have or perhaps, HAD this part of of us that identified as a certain person in the world; Cristina the actor and Christina (me) the real estate business person. We both believed that we had to take on a different versions of ourselves to be in this "character." But now we are both questioning what this even means and if it has to be our reality, keeping the the spiritual 5D aspect of ourself separate from the physical 3D version that requires us to "put a label on it." So within a few minutes our light conversation got really deep and was just like a verbal exploration of unknown territory. It suddenly occurred to me that maybe this is just part of the journey that we are all traveling as people living in this time and place. Perhaps we are supposed to struggle, juggle, and alternate between the two worlds so that we can start to mesh the two together--a blending of both ends of the spectrum??? Are we exploring uncharted territory so that those following our trail have an easier and more fluid experience? Are we the trailblazers??? I think so... There's definitely something here and I hope this message really clicks and resonates with you. EVERYthing is for our growth if we allow it to be. Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM 😘 PS I'm finally launching the MANIFESTATION TRANSFORMATION MENTORSHIP in October! For more information on this, visit: PSS Are you familiar with the 12 Universal Laws? I'm hosing a three day (9/22, 9/29 & 10/6) workshop discussing each one and how you can utilize them to make the most of this human experience. If you would like to attend for FREE please email me at: [email protected]
9/20/202118 minutes, 28 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Are you Brave Enough to Face Your Shadow?

Lately I’m feeling a lot of weight on me energetically and lack of inspiration. There’s so much happening in the world and so many things are triggering me right now. It’s bringing up a lot of past pain as well as feelings of unfairness around me. When that happens I naturally want to “fight” and push back—to protect myself and those around me. It left me feeling overwhelmed and I knew I needed to go down into the basement to heal this thinking but I was allowing myself to get distracted by other “things: and leaking my power. Then I opened my phone and found a video from Teal Swan. I’ll link the video below so you can check it out too. In it she says: “Down in those still depths, you will find the actual source if those surface occurrences. Travel down the branches of the problem you are tangled in to the root. If you recognize, address and solve that root, all the surface symptoms you were once tangled in will automatically resolve.” This made me think of the first and foundational law of the universe is the Law of Divine Oneness. We are interconnectedness with all things—beyond our senses. You are a part of everything, you are of the same energetic source as others. Everything you do, feel, say, believe, etc sends an energetic wave into the fabric of the world and universe. Your healing and willingness to go down into the basement, face the root cause —face the pain, the memories, challenge the beliefs you’ve chosen to accept and live by, THIS is what you have control of. The way you think and your self healing is in your hands. We get numbed by “things” to distract us from this. This is where you leak your power and give it to others to use and manipulate. We are creating new realities daily in our choices. To change globally, we must change within first. The ripple effect will naturally kick in and through the Law of One, you influence the world in its own global healing. If this resonates with you let me know. DM in Instagram or email me at [email protected] If you want to go further, consider joining the MTM Transformation Mentorship commencing in October. Here's the Teal Swan video: A Message for Humanity Sending you so much love from NYC ❤️ XOXOXCM
9/13/202112 minutes, 31 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Existing in an Alternate Realty Right Now

I've been thinking about alternate realities and how to step into the one of my choice right now--not later, like today, in this moment. As a result, this riff came out and I had to share it with you. I hope it inspires you, lights a fire under you AND you begin to play with this today 🔥. Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM Here's the Ted Talk I mentioned: If you like what you hear and you want to work with me, check out the Manifestation Transformation Mentorship starting October 13, 2021:
9/3/202110 minutes, 52 seconds
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MTM RIFF: When Someone Projects Their Shit on to You--Elevate to 5D Thinking

Someone out there was just criticized or shamed by someone and really needs to hear this. Newbies, this is an MTM RIFF recorded on my phone, so my apologies for the sound quality but HAD TO GET THIS OUT TO YOU. Your mission as a human in this melting pot of souls (at various stages of awakening on their spiritual journey) is to learn how to see this world though the lens of both ego based 3D matrixy situations and then bounce to the 5D. As you step into the observer position, elevating your awareness, consciousness and thus your level of understanding and compassion, you ultimately feel (inner knowing) and understand that the stuff people project on you has ZERO to do with you. It's their fears, realities and insecurities being placed on you and can pull you back into the 3D stirring up feelings within you of fear, scarcity and lack. Remember that and don't doubt yourself. It's okay if you do slip into the Illusion of Life (a.k.a. the 3D matrixy place) but bring yourself back baby--you deserve that. I am sending you so much love energy right now. Put your hand on your heart and feel it. XOXOCM Learn to transmute energy and shift from the 3D to the 5D and exist in both worlds in the upcoming Manifestation Transformation Mentorship. If you feel a calling in your heart, then join me.
9/2/20217 minutes, 54 seconds
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Jenna Slaughter: Vulnerabilities, Discoveries, Sacred Contracts, Little Actions & Aligning w/Purpose

I’m so very happy to share a conversation I had recently with Jenna Slaughter. They’re a trauma informed, self-love coach, speaker and embodiment educator, podcaster, and LGBTQ+ mental health activist. We met in a master mind group with our coach Lauren Ashley. You can hear how excited we get just conversing from our two different perspectives walking down the same path. I love our chemistry on this call, Jenna coming from a real 3D scientific understanding of the mind and creating a new reality with my own more 5D consciousness and way of seeing things. Enjoy this conversation. I’ll leave Jenna’s contacts in the show notes so you can find out more about them. ✨Find out more about Jenna and her coaching by visiting their website at ✨Be sure to follow them @itsjennaslaughter on Instagram. ✨If you're feeling called to check out the Manifestation Transformation Mentorship then go here: ✨Sign up for the Sunday Night Email here: Have a great rest of your week! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOXCM
9/1/202136 minutes, 40 seconds
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Creating the Manifestation Bath & Being the Artist of Your Life (Plus lots of good vibes!)

Several people have reached out to me on Instagram asking how to set up a Manifestation Bath. I thought I would take the time to outline here how I came up with the idea, exactly what I do and the energy I put into it. Through my experience as a visual, performance and conceptual artist, I learned how to transmute energy via my intention into something of my own creation. I took this a step further by creating what is called instructional art. What this consists of is a set of instructions provided to the viewer, inviting them to carry out each step. My intention in this kind of unusual, and not exactly profitable art, was to help align my audience with positive feelings. The Manifestation Bath is just like an instructional art piece I would have created in the past. Back then I was very interested in using instruction to create energy between someone experiencing my art. In fact my art evolved to just instructions for you, the viewer to experience a feeling I hoped to guide you to through. I also carried out my own instructions and recorded them in a photograph (this is the performance part). What first came naturally as an artistic person, later developed into an understanding that this intentional use of energy could become more than just making visual art. I held within me the power to create an entirely new life for myself. So this bath was a natural progression for me as a spiritual person and artist wanting to guide you on a journey. You are both the artist (of your life) and the person experiencing the art. If you've been on this journey with me for some time you know that I speak about being conscious of the intention we put into something. As a Reiki Master, I learned that there is an energy, this Life Force Energy, that exists within us and all around us. We can channel a flood of this energy though our bodies and use it to shape ideas into existence. The Manifestation Bath is my way pf creating a healing vessel that you, the participant, can intend energy into and then allow yourself to soak up whatever intention you put into the bath (water). Going even further back, as little girl I was in awe of the holy water vessel in my grandmother's church. She explained to me that a priest blessed the water, therefore it was special and sacred. This memory stayed with me yet I had no awareness of its true significance until years later. There was one particular day in 2018 that I came up with the idea of taking a bath and using this same holy water concept for the bathwater. I was feeling creatively blocked and felt energetically disconnected from the flow of ideas that I am normally very tapped into. It occured to me that I could place an intention over my bath and infuse it with Life Force Energy. The presence of Reiki in my life helped me to experience and understand that a practitioner can infuse Reiki energy into our food and water for consumption--so I thought why not through my pores??? Could it be possible that I can intend to have the negative energy blocks cleansed from my body and then intend the water to realign me with my natural born frequency of love, light and abundance? I tried it and loved my results. I felt cleansed of all the BS mental crap that clouded my head. I was picking up a lot of stuff in my corporate career and just life in NYC. Needless to say, this is now my favorite self love and self care ritual. Thank you to my Inner Guide for giving me this one! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM To access the Manifestation Bath Recipe click here: More moon the Manifestation Transformation Mentorship here:
8/30/202140 minutes, 10 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Go Into the Basement--That's Where the POWER Lives

Wade this One's for You! Thank you for the heads up and letting me know that you get value from the MTM RIFFS. I promise, more to come! In this RIFF, I dive into how going into the basement, exploring the shadow side, the dark side, gives you an opportunity to clear out energy that has been suppressed--limiting your power. It's a little loud. I recorded as I was running errands and walking downtown on the Bowery, one of the few streets that allow large trucks to move though the city. But that just gives you a little more New York flavor after all! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOXCM Don't forget to sig up for the Sunday night email so you can start your week in an empowered mindset! It's like a free coaching session with me :D including powerful questions to get you thinking and seeing beyond the Illusion of Life!
8/27/202131 minutes, 34 seconds
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FOR EMPATHS: Transmuting Energy to Empower Yourself

As an empath, you have the incredible gift of taking in and transmuting energy like nobody’s business. You’re like the super hero when it comes to sensing the right next step to get you where you want to be or align with the right people, places and things to seemingly manifest out of nowhere. The challenge my lovely empathic friend, is to understand how to work this energy. This is what I’ve spent my life trying to figure out. There are many theories out there on how you can protect your energy, I too have theories—but ultimately you just have to try them on and see if they work for you. This journey is like many, you must learn to connect to your Inner Guide, your inner knowing—which you are remarkably skilled at already; however, the twist for you is recognizing and trusting your intuition and what you feel. The problem is that the mental program you’re running on can really get in your way and complicate things. I feel like many empaths struggle with feelings of worthiness and deserving. This is going to be an ongoing new series just for empaths because there's so much more to dive into than on one podcast. Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM PS Be sure to sign up for the MTM Sunday Night email here:…ht-emails PSS Stay tuned for more info on the MTM Mentorship starting in October 2021 🌅
8/23/202131 minutes, 34 seconds
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Past Lives, Relationships & Narcissists with Michelle Brock

Hi MTMers! I have an incredible conversation to share with you today! It's with a dear friend and spiritual advisor, Michelle Brock. Michelle is a New York City based spiritual development life coach who specializes in past life regression. Some of the key things we discuss are: LIFE PURPOSE Finding your calling--and being able to maintain a job or career that is not always in alignment with your passion as you transition form just paying the bills to living your passion. We also talk about: RELATIONSHIPS In fact, her two keys to developing a spiritual practice are: 1. Incorporate a simple meditation practice into your life 2. Being in a conscious relationship, showing up for someone else So the meditation part I know we get but I love when she dives into how relationships are such a transformational opportunity. Over the years, Michelle's pracitce in past life regression has revealed so much to her around behavior in relationships and how to navigate them. Soulmate Alert--only it might not be what you think. "As you evolve and grow you start to attract relationships to you that represent your own higher level of healing and their's as well." ~ Michelle Brock (WOW this is one of many juicy bits in this conversation.) This is why it is so important to work on your stuff before you try and jump from one relationship to another--because you will attract into your life, someone who is a mirror image of you, energetically and on a core wound level. That's not to say that if you're in a difficult relationship right now, yet you love them, that you must pack up your bags and leave because in your difficult relationships you both have an opportunity to transform through each other (there's something to gain in it and we get into this too). We also talk about our experiences with narcissists in our family and in relationships. PS She provides a vey healing insight to this.) There really is so much here. I can't wait to share with with you. Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation You can find out more about Michelle on her website: or Instagram @pastlifemichelle PS Be sure to sign up for the MTM Sunday Night email here:…ht-emails
8/16/202158 minutes, 18 seconds
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You Deserve a Bigger & Better Life: Don't Settle For Small Time Manifestations

I love exploring with the idea of creating from the Universe Consciousness/God-consciousness/Spirit, rather than just trying to manifest from my own human perspective of what’s possible BUT those things can be super helpful at helping you intend energy in the right direction. But manifestation can be so much more than bringing in a thing—it can be a complete transformation of everything because you’ve figured out that if you stay in the right energy and frequency, then so much more gravitates to you. A quick announcement, I’m starting a new series of RIFFS on Instagram that dive deeper into manifestation from the Universal mind versus the ego mind. If you’re not already following the podcast on Instagram, then go to @mindsettomanifestation to follow or click HERE to access last week’s stories. A few of the things I cover: 1. How I identify when I’m not in my own energy. As an empath, I had to learn the hard way to know when the feelings I’m feeling aren’t mine an I’ve picked up someone else’s stuff. I also give you a quick Reiki energy clearing tip that you can use anytime and anywhere—quickly ridding your energy field of other people’s stuff! 2. The best way to keep your vibrational energy from dropping down when you feel like your manifestations are not happening fast enough. 3. Why you shouldn’t settle for small time manifestations, and I’m not talking about trying to manifest a mansion rather than the new apartment on your dream board. Hope you are enjoying the beautiful unfolding of your own journey! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation PS Be sure to sign up for the Sunday Night email here:…ht-emails
8/9/202132 minutes, 59 seconds
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Your Spirit Totem of Transformation: The Caterpillar

“Caterpillar holds the grand dream of being all it can be, it reaches out to become its greatest expression of self, spirit & soul. Putting everything aside, it follows the drive to evolve. Caterpillar teaches us to do the same, to find power to transform in deep meditation, to go into the cocoon and emerge as a greater aspect of self... Believing in the possibilities that with faith all things great and small are possible, and to remember that the grand & beautiful things have very humble beginnings.” ~ Presley Love A spiritual transformation or up-level is much like the caterpillar’s evolution to butterfly; one in which you take flight into a new reality and way of being in the world.  As a caterpillar you are seeking and exploring possibilities for your transformation. You start to question your thinking and belief system. Why have I always done it this way? Is there another way to look at this? Is this my belief or something that was passed down to me? What do I want from my life at this phase? These are the types of questions that surface during this time of inner exploration.  As you start to identify with a new vision for your life, you move onto the chrysalis phase. Here you’re aligning with this vision, determining what’s most important to you, deciding your truth, learning new things, setting goals/intending, connecting to your intuition and taking inspired action. This cocooning phase is such a beautiful time. I feel a bit like I’m currently in this phase as I start to shift from the person I thought I should be, to the person I have always wanted to be--but until now, didn’t have the eyes to see. So much is changing this year and I am excited to gradually share everything with all of you. (PS thank you for being here with me).  And then, before you know it, when all is perfectly aligned, the caterpillar emerges from the safety of its cocoon into the unknown, fully transformed and reborn into the world.  I'm patiently waiting for that time to emerge--but maybe it's more gradual than that? Ss much as I'd like it to be, there are certain stages that are a necessary part of our growing into our next level self.  In what ways does the caterpillar’s transformation apply to your own life? At what phase are you? Will you emerge transformed overnight or are you more gradual?  Below are some questions to journal on this week. Just some things to think on as you continue along with me on your journey of transformation.  • How can you support yourself more in the transformation?  • Is there more to explore and dive into before settling into the chrysalis phase?  • Have you cleared space for the something new to come in?  • Are you setting goals with intention that align with your values and how you see yourself transformed on the other side?  Enjoy those questions and take time to elaborate on them. No wrong or right answers here. Just things to think on.  Hope you are enjoying the beautiful unfolding of your own journey! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation PS Be sure to sign up for the Sunday Night email here:
8/2/202128 minutes, 36 seconds
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Let Them Be on Their Journey & Focus on Your Beautiful Unfolding

It is not easy to allow others to be on their journey without trying to change it for them or wake them up to their power. I have tired so many times and as I share this reminder with you, I know that these situations will continue to resurface. It's a part of my old program that wanted to help people and use up my energy, rather than helping myself first. BUT IT'S ALL GOOD! Each time we find ourselves defaulting to this thinking, we are given a change to reset and shift our thinking back to the understanding that we are all o a journey to our own awakening. The best way to help others is to lead by example and we must allow others to figure it out in their own time. This is the same for you and even if you continue to default to helping others first and putting yourself last, YOU WILL GET THERE. You will have that shift in which you realize that protecting you and your energy are most important. You must care for you first before you can properly give to others. Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOXOCM PS Peace of mind, more abundance, more self love & more trust in this whole manifestation thing await you in the ✨FREE✨Manifestation Transformation Care Package - Link below: Checkout last last Sunday's video email here: Follow me @mindsettomanifestation for on hand inspiration and love ❤️
7/26/202121 minutes, 29 seconds
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Part II: Conversation with Co-Founder of Mindvalley, Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani

Enjoy part two of an Honest Conversations with Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani, Co-Founder of Mindvalley!
7/19/202132 minutes, 34 seconds
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Part I: Conversation with Co-Founder of Mindvalley, Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani

I'm so excited to share something with you that I have wanted for a very long time! It's funny because a week before receiving the invitation, I was in the pilates studio thinking, "It would be really great to be interviewed on Mindvalley," and then out of no where I got an invite from my publicist, Natasha! I was over joyed not just because I would be speaking to the largest membership of like-minded people interested in all things MTM, BUT the fact that I literally sent my heart's desire out to the Universe and right away, the Under-Workings, as I like to call them, went to work to make it happen. Now there was some inspired action on my part leading me up to this--and that's key to co-creating whatever you want in this life. It doesn't just appear out of no where (like we are sometimes led to believe). Mindset, inspired action, staying in the right energetic frequency, believing in yourself--all these things make the perfect blend of your own signature co-creative superpower. It is my sincere hope that this conversation with Kristina inspires you as you witness my co-creative powers in action. This power is within you too!!! In this conversation we debunked the massively populated version of manifestation seen plastered all over social media and discussed how the concept has eluded many people. We also dove into my signature Three M's: Meditation, Mantra and Mudra and discussed each modalities importance on living a Manifestation Lifestyle. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation
7/12/202132 minutes, 6 seconds
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You Will Find a Way to Make It Happen

Today we're having a check in. How are you doing with the Sunday Night emails and is there anything you didn't get a chance to work on or fully integrate into your life? Now is the time to go back and review those things, then set the intention for your week so that you are putting things into action that align with what you value most. When we act from this place we show up with an abundance of energy and insight available to us to carry out what we are truly passionate about it. Living a life OF PURPOSE, ON PURPOSE. I love that and I integrate this mantra into my life regularly. If you've missed out on the Sunday Night emails you can find the library of them on my website under MUSINGS. Take time to review and check in with yourself. You deserve this time---and let me remind you that you are WORTHY of this time. Remember, a Manifestation Lifestyle is all about the inner work and not just the outer work! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation Be sure to sign up for the mailing list to get the SUNDAY NIGHT EMAIL and set yourself up for manifestation transformation every Monday! Click the link below:
7/5/202134 minutes, 6 seconds
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Consciously Co-Creating with the Wheel of Life

Recently, I noticed that I am spending waaaaaay to much time working and on personal growth (is that possible??) and not enough time on my family, friends, fun and recreation. This led to me working with a pretty handy tool called the Wheel of Life. As a result, I made a conscious decision to put more energy in these areas and have a little more faith that the other stuff will survive if I take a night off (or a few days. So, what is this Wheel of Life and why is it so powerful? Its personal development tool and a fantastic way to assess your life. The WOL will help you in identifying which areas are off balance and where you want to consciously co-create with the Universe to manifest next level changes in your life. Before we jump into this, I want to define BALANCE—what it is, what it is not. By definition, and thanks to Google, BALANCE is defined as “an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady,” which is what I think most people tend to think of when they hear balance. Balance is further defined as the actual act of “putting or keeping something in a steady, stable position so it does not fall”—which is what I would like us to focus on here. In my never ending to quest to find balance in my life, I have come to the realization that sometimes I do feel perfectly aligned--like all is perfect in my world, then one second later something gets thrown out of whack. I find this interesting to observe because it’s much more gradual over time, however, the physical manifestation of whatever is out of balance takes time to form into shape or situations in my life. CONTINUE READING HERE: PS I’m including a Wheel of Life chart, which you can access from the link above as well as the instructions. I encourage you take the time to try this out. Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM
6/28/202126 minutes, 22 seconds
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Get into Alignment with Your Life's Purpose Statement

This week, I am challenging you to apply this same business technique in your own life and write your Life’s Purpose Statement.    I remember eleven years ago when I applied this concept to my own life. This was a major transitional time for me and many of the tools I'll share with you as we move forward, were first learned during this pivotal time of my life.    Before writing my personal mission statement, I took what life gave me and never really invested the time to determine what was important to me.    I never identified my values or necessarily felt that it was important that the people I surrounded myself with shared in those values.    Being an empath and highly sensitive person, I carried around a lot of energy and beliefs that really were not my own at all. I never identified exactly what was important to me and I also never ruled out the things that we’re absolutely not acceptable for me...and as an empath, you pick up all sorts of energies from others that can cloud your thinking.    That’s why it’s so important to create this statement. It’s your most valuable assessment tool that will help you stay on your path and manifest your next level life.   A Life’s Purpose Statement helps you to create boundaries—and stick to them.   If you’re a healer and/or empath, then you 100% will benefit from this exercise as well as the lessons associated with honoring yourself first and sticking to it!   Imagine being able to quickly make a tough decision or indecisive choice by asking yourself, does this fit in with my Life’s Purpose Statement? Will this move me forward on my journey, delay me or hold me back? Is this in alignment with my purpose?    Too many times we rely on others to help us make decisions on things that only we know the answers to. Having a Life’s Purpose Statement will empower you by establishing your values in advance and creating the boundaries necessary to stay on course.     For this exercise you will need some paper and a pen/pencil. I encourage you to actually write this out on paper rather that typing so you can slow down and really connect to your ideas, thoughts, visions, etc.    We will follow the same guidelines that business use when writing their Mission Statement: 1 What is my life's purpose?  2 What do I want to be known for? 3 What kind of impact do I want to make?  4 What do I believe in? 5 What things make me feel fulfilled? 6 What talents/gifts/passions do I have to share with the world?  7 How do I want to behave in the world? 8 What am I passionate about?  After journaling on these eight questions. Complete the following statement as a more concise version of everything you wrote: My purpose in life is to (life purpose, known for) using my (talents/gifts/passions) so that (your impact).  Visit these questions often as you continue to refine your statement. Keep it short and concise.    The key is to have it handy--I like to write things out on notecards and stick them to my bathroom mirror so they’re in my face, inspiring me to consistently assess things in my life. Bonus points if you memorize it ;)    Remember, your Life’s Purpose Statement will continue to evolve as you do! Looking forward to diving into this deeper on tomorrow's podcast! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifesation
6/21/202126 minutes, 29 seconds
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Let Yourself Be Successful & You Shall Be Successful

"Let yourself be successful and you shall be successful." Unknown We're going in a different direction this week. I want you to really dig into these questions from the podcast---and from the Sunday email. Which if you didn't already signup for, then go there now so you don't miss next week's email: Print them out. Journal on them. Make voice recordings of you speaking these answers out into the Universe. Dump everything out that tells you success cannot be as simple as recognizing where you are already successful and just allowing yourself to BE SUCCESSFUL. (That will align you with the energy and frequency of success, bringing more of this like-kind energy into your life!) It sounds so damn simple. Maybe I'm just making it too hard??? YES you are definitely making it hard---but that can change. This is how you start. XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestaiton Hummmmmmmm... What if there was some little part of me that could accept that even though I don't fully believe this is possible right now, that someday I will believe it's that easy? What if I took a minute to look at my beliefs and pick out memories that shaped my belief system around success? Are there stories I've told myself that no longer feel correct--as in, is there anything that I know I used to believe around success, but now I want to challenge it?
6/14/202122 minutes, 48 seconds
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Conversation on Transformaiton & Transition with GRAY Dale Mart’z Harris of Moontalk Radio

Welcome back! I'm excited to share with you my first of many conversations with some beautiful humans. As I strive to make MTM about community and connection, I want to welcome in all loving souls to the group. We should be celebrating those experiences that connect us, warm our hearts and open us up to understanding. As we shift into a new paradigm--this is how we unite! Today I introduce you to a lovely soul, G.R.A.Y. Dale Martz, host of Moontalk Radio, astrologer and gifted intuitive. We get into so many different things in this episode--the two of us could talk for hours! Find out more about her podcast on Instagram and on Spotify. XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation
6/10/202125 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Ripple Effect of Every Action and Decision

I want to start off by saying that some point in your life journey, you are going to be presented with the opportunity to make the most empowered decision of your life: to face your truth, embrace who you used to be, who you are right now, and the person you desire to be in the future. Desire for transformation is not enough by itself. That little fire that exists within your soul longing to transform your life must be met with some strategic inspired action. I myself, have been driven by the idea of a quantum leap into this new up-leveled, transformed life and thought that the only good transformation was radically visible therefore required extreme focus and concentration to get the big results I wanted so badly. But the truth is, the small actions you implement now, have a ripple effect, creating bigger waves that touch multiple areas of your life. The small things, like an immediate shift in mindset that offers us a new lens to look though, sets the foundation for lifelong change and the ability to manifest as a lifestyle. When I tell you to go into the basement, I am guiding you to reshaping the lens you look though. By getting curious about what’s down there, challenging its validity, shifting the experience to one that can bring forward understanding and question how you can gain wisdom from the experience. These little steps in the right direction make a big impact subconsciously as you rewire the neural pathways of the brain. Think of the new thought as a dirt path in unknown territory, that after being traveled over and over again (via repeated self-talk, new thinking, reframing/looking through a new lens thus new behavior), has now transformed into a clear paved roadway. After continued use over and over again, this paved road becomes a superhighway. You create a ripple both in the outer world, and most importantly in your inner world each time you visit the basement and face the stuff that you’ve been hiding from. Simply changing the way you speak to yourself in a more caring and compassionate way, like someone that loves themselves, is another small ripple with big impact. Good luck this week!!! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestaiton
6/7/202122 minutes, 14 seconds
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FEAR Was Motivating ME & What I Did About It

This is a portion if the weekly email sent out every Sunday that couples with the message of podcast. If you haven't already signed up to be part of the MTM community and benefit from all these free manifesting and empowering resources, then head over to and signup. You'll also receive my free Manifestation Transformation Care Package, full of love, light and abundance tools. ........ What I came to realize is that the MOTIVATION for doing these things--this self care (exercise, meditation, breath work) and acts of self love (boundaries, caring for my self esteem, being mindful of my thinking) are currently rooted in FEAR and that I must correct my thinking. I knew I had to go into the basement (forever in love with this analogy) because I don't want FEAR to be my motivator. Remember, FEAR exists in the energy and vibration of lack---the complete opposite of LOVE, FAITH & ABUNDANCE. Which is our natural state, we just have these things stuck to us (the program) and we lost sight of our light. This made me get very curious. What other things in my life, seemingly good acts of self care and self love are rooted in FEAR (and not in LOVE)? As I explored these thoughts and their rootedness in FEAR I challenged each one by asking if it were true. Does this have to be my truth or can my truth be more empowering? Is there a way I can reframe it? Look at it differently? To assign a new more empowered meaning to it? To tell a new story. For those things that involved the thoughts, opinions and acts of others, which I have no control of (and none of my business), I challenged myself to find my own value and meaning--detached from what someone else may think. I am the creator of my story and if I don't like what I see, I can reframe this moment/memory/situation and write a new story where I am the badass, amazing person that does incredible things and maybe they don't know it right now but someday they will. Insert the fire emoji here!!!!! Because this GIRL IS ON FIRE! My mom always told me that FEAR is just False Evidence Appearing Real. She was right. SO this week I ask you to take note, when you have a quiet moment or as life is buzzing past you and you're knee deep in the thick of it, WHERE is your motivation coming from? Is it rooted in LOVE or FEAR? If you go inward and find that what you thought was rooted in self love, is actually in FEAR, then I encourage you to go down deep and explore the root of the fear. Maybe we share some of the same fears. I think many of us do, but maybe there are some new ones down there that are worthy of finally bringing them upstairs into the open light, to examine, to reassess, to reframe and to finally release. Good luck this week. Sending you so much love from NYC. XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation
5/31/202137 minutes, 38 seconds
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MTM RIFF You're ALWAYS Walking In The Light Even When It Doesn't Feel Like It

Enjoy this MTM RIFF ✨❤️💫🌅 Wanted to get this out to you ASAP so you can take it, embrace it and allow it to impact your life. Okay--gotta head uptown to the UWS now! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation @Christinamedinanyc (NYC real estate life just in case you're interested ☺️)
5/28/20218 minutes, 46 seconds
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MTM RIFF Believing It's Possible EVEN If You Don't Right Now

I woke up wanting to make an MTM RIFF for you on my phone. It's been a while! I've been commuting a lot from downtown Manhattan to uptown Manhattan and I seem to be around loud traffic and subway nosies! So quite difficult to record a riff as my thoughts pop up. Hmmmm for all you OGs, maybe I have to go back to writing my vlog, The Subway Diaries. That's what I did before I started making the RIFFs. I typed out my thoughts in the notes app on my iPhone. We'll see--I do love recording the riffs. I have to tell you once you find and tap into your voice, there's no going back. I just want to talk and share the insight I've gained though all of the struggles and the up-levels that followed. In this RIFF I speak on how it's so important to believe that you will eventually BELIEVE, whatever you're trying to manifest is possible. It's a little baby step that has HUGE impact. Believe that you are changing your thoughts and changing your lens. Enjoy this little boost! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation If you want to check out my real estate feed, go to @Christinamedinanyc
5/26/20219 minutes, 53 seconds
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Are You Your Worst Critic? Stop Allowing the (Real or Imagined) Opinions of Others to Control You

If you haven't already signed up for the mailing list, make sure you do so at so you can get my Sunday night emails. Think of them as complimentary mentorship guidance. The emails, this podcast, everything is here to help guide you to living a life that is authentic, true to you, your heart's desires and soul purpose. Just like the message today. We are diving into being our own worst critic and allowing the options of others to control us. Are you still doing this? I bet you just might be and it's totally okay if you are. It's just another chance to bring up thee stuff from the basement and work though it. I still struggle with this--in fact just yesterday, BUT I now understand what's happening and I don't let it control me. My hope is that you get something from this that sets you free from being someone that cares way more about the options of others over being your authentic self, rather than loving and embracing every bit of the authentic YOU. Have a great week! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation
5/24/202130 minutes, 7 seconds
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You Are an Amazing Co-Creating Badass Even if You Don’t Know It

You Are an Amazing Co-Creating Badass Even if You Don’t Know It We have an awareness of the law of attraction, yet we unintentionally go about tour day. The mantras I give you are tools, in your tool box but you can’t passively use them and expect results. YOU can start using them, everyday, and eventually you will start to make shifts because those messages will go into the subconscious—this is a more passive way to go about it… OR you can use the tools and INTENTIONALLY live your life. Imagine we live in an alternate universe; something happened globally and suddenly we have a food shortage. You’ve been food deprived for days, you’re starving, you feel weak, you don’t know how you will be able to sustain yourself. Every now and again, you manage to “manifest” or find a piece of food—someone offers you something, you find something left behind, you come across a scavenged garden and find a potato. Then one day you come across my huge sprawling, lush, abundant, garden full of every fruit and vegetable imaginable. Would you rather I offer you one piece of fruit, say an apple---or invite you to live and work in this garden, helping our community to grow and spread, becoming more and more abundant with unlimited food for you and everyone involved. This is how I feel about manifesting. I would rather you dig deep and uncover all the BS beliefs that you’ve allowed into your life, root them, pull them out, look at them, get curious as to why you accepted them, embrace that and then throw it out. Making room for new mental plantings to grow and thrive in the garden of your life. I don’t want to teach you how to manifest one thing—a car, $1000, a cup of coffee—I want to teach you how to manifest an entirely new up-leveled life. This is the thing that bothers me most about the message of manifesting. It’s so incredibly superficial in how its approached. It could be so much more if you allow it to be and you want it. I want more than a damn cup of coffee for you all! I want a life for you BEYOND what you would ever imagine. Time to jump in! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation (sign up for the mailing list to get the Sunday night email and set yourself up for manifestation transformation every Monday!)
5/17/202143 minutes, 23 seconds
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Sometimes You'll Have Bad Days: Here's What to Do

Yes, you will have "bad" days that feel lower energy or like your manifestations are the furthest thing away from becoming your reality. Truth be told, I have these days too and it's part of being a human being in a journey to realizing your power and that we are energetic creators. THIS IS OKAY and to be expected. The ket is not to fight it and to embrace it so that you can GROW though it. Today we take a listeners comments on how she has those days of slipping back into negative thinking and how we can all learn from his and navigate it. Hope you enjoy today's episode. Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation Sign up here to receive my FREE Manifestation Transformation Care Package:
5/10/202126 minutes, 56 seconds
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It's Never Too Late to Wake Up to Who You Really Are

It’s never too late to wake up to who you really are. My hope is that my message will help light the fire in your heart and guide you to embracing the real you. I want you indestructible. I want you strong. I want you heart-felt, full of loving kindness. Most of all, I want you fully embracing this amazing power and energy to create the life you were always intended to live. Thank you for being here with me on my journey and thank you for allowing me to be a part of yours. Questions for you today: In what way are you allowing the opinion of others to control you—your behavior? Is it fair to yourself to give others this control? How can you take back control? In what ways can you begin to alter your mindset to one that is more fiercely independent, and less reliant on the approval of others, and honoring your heart’s messages and calling? Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOXOCM @mindsettomanifesation
5/3/202124 minutes, 37 seconds
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Stepping Into Your Power: What Does it Mean to You?

The soul’s journey. This mindset and energetic thread in the collective consciousness is being felt on a global, intuitive level. The winds of change are manifesting across the landscape of the world as structures are falling down & collapsing daily. As we all step into our power of co-creating and healing with life force energy We are here in this time to change the vibration of our planet by starting with our own frequency. We owe that to ourselves and future generations. The move from victim hood—the “life is happening to me” and coming at me mindset. Stepping into your you really understand what that means or is it just some BS new age terminology that you throw around? intentional use of our energy—realizing the power we possess to intend an experience, to accept and utilize our co-creative powers. This is the transition from the old to the new paradigm. You are in an energetic dance, and you have the power to lead or be led in the manifestation of the experience. We have to step up—into our power, into our voice and co-create the world we want. You are never a victim unless you agree to be one. If we feel disempowered, like someone is doing something to us, we step back into the old paradigm. Yet we’re all in the wake of a new way of existence and realize we are responsible for the energetic output, or energetic dance we choose to participate in. We ARE ALL agents of change-if we give our creative power to situations that lower this energetic frequency then we surrender our creative power to change our life and change the trajectory of the world and humankind. We are the combined force to change everything. The old paradigm encompassed a program, a mindset, of power and control over the behaviors and thinking of others. Turn on your TV. Listen to music. Look at the Instagram ads. They’re using the old paradigm of mind control—taking your energy, your money (the energy of freedom & creation) and pulling the mind back into the old program. We’re on the precipice of serious change; it’s happening all around us as each day we are starting to listen within. Are you going to get on board or stay behind on Victim Island? Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation DM me and let me know what "Stepping into your power" means to you? Sit in a quiet place, hand on your heart and allow the message to surface from your heart to your head. *****Correction from the podcast. The origins os advertising initially began with Edward Barnay, born in Austria. Edward was related to Sigmund Freud. You can read about it here: ****Correction from the podcast. The origins of advertising initially began with Edward Barnay, born in Austria. Edward was related to Sigmund Freud. You can read about it here:
4/30/202123 minutes, 12 seconds
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You Need Self Love to Manifest: Here's Why

Today's podcast, we continue to build on the message and the significance of self love in your life. In fact, at the root of this podcast is the overarching theme, or message that SELF LOVE is VITAL for being the creator and manifestor in your life. It's about diving inward, being brave enough to feel the feelings, and connecting to your inner guide. It's about connecting to your heart and allowing the heart to guide you in your actions--including what you need to love yourself. You can use this to manifest your soulmate, new job, friendships, etc. The video I reference is as ad for Master Wu Soulmate reading. Again we are allowing someone else to tell you want you get from the universe--when you are perfectly equipped with the natural born ability to connect to whatever you want energetically---so you recognize this energy when you are met with it. Thanks Master Wu for sharing your gift with the world--but I'm more focused on guiding you to become MASTER YOU. (Get it Master Wu/Master You???) Okay so I'm not a comedian 😂. Have a great week guys!!! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM
4/26/202121 minutes, 37 seconds
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I'm Shocked that People Think Self Love is Toxic to Our Culture

Wow I was shocked to learn that there are people out there that believe that self love is toxic to our culture. I can't get into their brain, but I would imagine that the people that say this have no idea that the journey of self love is a journey within and not though outside searching for things to fill the void. What prompted this podcast is me innocently stumbling upon a video interview with Allie Beth Stucky talking about her book, "You're Not Enough (And That's Okay). In all fairness I have not read the book. I honestly had no awareness of her until I ran across the interview. I was initially looking for a quote on self love and that's how I learned of this interview. I found it heart breaking that someone can spread around a very superficial perspective--and yes, I agree that outward exploration of "self love" is toxic BUT THAT'S NOT REAL SELF LOVE. It's something else. Self love is not the journey of searching out there for love. It's the journey inward, facing yourself and embracing who are you in this moment, having compassion for your journey and connecting with the inner source (God, the Universe, your inner guide, etc). That's how you wake up to this love. Maybe she was just trying to hit a hot button to sell books? Maybe she believes it?? I honestly don't care. She's allowed to have her perspective. It just makes me want to share the message of loving and embracing yourself even more--as if I needed more motivation to do so but hey, just more reason to share more love and light. PLEASE go inward, connect to your heart today. You are worthy and deserving of this loving, accepting relationship with yourself. Sending so much love from NYC, Christina XOXOXO @mindsettomanifestaiton
4/23/202127 minutes, 23 seconds
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MTM Journal Prompts: Listening to Your Inner Guide

Hey there! I recently started vlogging on IGTV & YouTube, so check that out😉 or listen to the audio tracks here on the podcast. Working a little repurposing magic just in case you prefer to listen to your content here. The journal prompts I offer in this episode are also below. Enjoy! MANTRA: Everyday I listen to my inner guide, look for signs and take time to assess my inner feelings. In what ways is this truth for you? When was the last time you allowed yourself to feel your feelings? What was the result? Can you recall a time when your inner guide supported you in this way? What did that look like for you? What does this communication with your inner guide look, feel, sound like? How can you incorporate that in your life today? Enjoy those prompts and really take some time to explore. The discoveries will clear out lingering negative mindsets and energy, better aligning you with the abundance within and all around you! Lastly--if you're curious about the MTM Mentorship, check out the link below for a free sample master class & workbook: All good things guys! Sending you so much love from NYC! XOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation
4/21/202126 minutes, 56 seconds
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What to Say to Yourself When You Are Afraid to Speak Your Truth: Part 3 of 3

YES you are a big freaking deal and don't be ashamed to admit it. You needs and desire are relevant and walking in the direction of them is absolutely imperative to your growth and living in a manifestation lifestyle. That's what this is folks, a journey into new territory that is a way of life, a way of living. This is how you manifest a life by your own design ALL THE TIME. You change the way you look at things and as a result your world changes. That's paraphrasing Gandhi and this quote is one that I've carried with me for decades.
4/16/202128 minutes, 38 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Let's Play A Game Called Asking For What You Want

This is an on-going theme with MTM over the last few weeks--speaking your truth and living in alignment with it. This week I invite you to play a game with me. Let's experiment with this and see what life would be like IF we simply asked for what we want. I predict your life will start to change dramatically and each time, you're going to feel the same kind of vibrational high that I've been feeling. It's kind of like your soul gives you an energetic high five and is like, THAT'S RIGHT! BOOM! Hahaha that's how my inner guide speaks to me, like the basketball coach I always wanted in high school :D Sending you so much love from NYC. XOXOXOCM @mindsettomanifestation
4/15/202111 minutes, 55 seconds
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MTM RIFF A Listener's Questions Answered

Hi guys--adding in a MTM RIFF here (part 3 of the recent 3 part series will air this Friday). I want to send a big THANK YOU to Gabriella for emailing me with her questions. I love being able to connect with all you in this way and share with you my experiences. Gabriella, I believe your questions will speak to so many listeners. You're on the right path, no need to question it. Spend that time with your heart--you will be guided ❤️ Sending you love and light. XOXOCM @mindsettomanifesation @christinamedinanyc
4/14/202148 minutes, 29 seconds
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Stop Numbing Your Feelings: Put Yourself First--ALREADY :: Part 2 of 3

I think the title speaks for itself. In this episode I start to cry--I'm going to be upfront with you on this because as I was speaking I was tapping into a lot of generational pain and suffering in my family linage. This is a sadness that I carried with me in my life--for most of it, and it sort of ruled over my life decisions. I worked though a lot of this pain but it's clear that some of it is still there (and it may always be there) but at least I understand it now. I want you to dive in with me on this journey of self love and acknowledging our feelings---we must do this in order to manifest. I mean, what is manifesting if you're not really acknowledging your heart's desires? That deeper love? It's just manifesting stuff and there's so much more to it than that. Get in the alignment of self love and that other "stuff" comes naturally, it's just a side effect of the vibration of love and abundance. Love you all, XOXOXO CM @mindsettomanifestaiton @christinamedinanyc
4/9/202136 minutes, 8 seconds
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You Are Here to Break Though Containers - HONORING YOU :: Part 1 of a 3 Part Series

This week we kick off a three part series all about self love and honoring your needs first. As I continue to humbly lead by example, I am honoring my heart as I say goodbye to the corporate world. IT WAS NOT EASY AT ALL. But I had to honor my heart's messages. I had to honor my needs and I had to speak my TRUTH. This is a tough one for most of of because we want to please others. Through conditioning and old programs, we may have learned that our needs come second, third--maybe last. Listen to this podcast, which includes an MTM RIFF--speaking from my heart to yours. Everyday manifestation is about getting the mind in alignment with the heart, your soul's calling, your inner guide, your intuition---really tapping in and honoring it. That's when the magic happens. Sending you so much love from NYC! xoxoxoxocm @mindsettomanifesation
4/2/202129 minutes, 14 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Allow the Unfolding to Happen

So this riff came about because I decided that I didn't like the message I was planning to send you. It was recorded three weeks ago! Wow. That's a lifetime ago haha. I simply was no longer feeling in alignment with the message--you know how much I enjoy recording these and then sending them out straight away. What ended up happening is that I followed my heart and just recorded a new episode for you on the fly--and I think this is more in line with what my heart really wanted to share with you. So follow your heart. I mean, it definitely feels better! Right?? :D Enjoy today--it's spring. Time to come back to life and be reborn! Sending you so much love from NYC! xoxoxocm @mindsettomanifestation
3/26/202115 minutes, 24 seconds
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Had to record and send this little bonus MTM Riff to you today. I was feeling the energies and knew I had to share this high frequency vibration with you. LOVE YOU! I invite you to make, TODAY the day. ;) XOXOXOCM
3/21/20216 minutes, 9 seconds
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MTM RIFF: It's Your INNER Self & Not Your Higer Self

When I launched the MINDSET to MANIFESTATION podcast in 2018 it was then as it is now, a form of expression and creativity for me as I learned, healed and manifested a new life for myself--the theme being transformation, which is the constant thread woven though this lifetime and perhaps my very soul. This MTM RIFF is about a discovery and language change up as well a continued desire to learn, transform and evolve TOGETHER. In fact, it's a continued movement towards empowerment, yes I love that. It really is because as we all learn and discover our true inner self, we then align with our mission in this life time-our intention for manifesting as a human in this place and time (be it obvious or uncovered waiting to be realized). Now that's the magic I want us to uncover! As always, I am very excited to be a part of your journey and I thank you for being a part of mine. Sending you so much love from NYC. xoxoxo CM @mindsettomanifestation
3/19/202121 minutes, 37 seconds
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Self Talk Mantras to Align You ANYTIME

By the time you listen to this, I'll be back in NYC but wanted to push up this podcast now and record something totally different than what I had planned. I want to share with you the way I talked myself our of a crappy stressful morning (this was a couple weeks ago in NYC). As I was sitting here watching the palm trees blow in the breeze, I had a feeling of "I'm not ready to go back to the city!" I suddenly felt stressed about going back to life there. Then I remembered a way that I talked myself out of similar stressed feelings and how I transitioned that energy into empowerment, and the ability to control my feelings; navigating them into an entirely different direction that gave me enormous peace--and so I wanted to share that with you of course! I hope this exercise, brings you peace and feelings of empowerment as well! Sending you so much love from Florida! xoxoxoxocm @mindsettomanifestation CLUBHOUSE: @christinamedina
3/12/202116 minutes, 50 seconds
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MTM RIFF: Calling In My Wolf Pack

I'm done with being a lone wolf in my mission of self love--love for myself and guiding others to love themselves as well. Through the powers of the Universe and my inner guide, I call on my WOLF PACK. I know you're out there and meeting me on this frequency of sound and the vibration of LOVE. It is never an accident that you are here. My soul is speaking and seeking yours. Help me spread the word as we draw in and attract more of the same; people just like you and me learning to uncover all the bullshit and open up to the power, beauty and magic that lives with in and all around us. Sending you so much love! XOXOXOCM
3/5/202115 minutes, 13 seconds
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MTM RIFF: High Vibe Intro Coming Soon--I'm Sooo Excited!

Okay so I know I keep going on an on about the podcast re-brand but I'm super pumped! In this MTM RIFF I share with you all my good vibes, love and light. That's all--a little shot of positivity. I want to bring you all with my on my journey--because after all you bring me on yours--and what an honor that is. I love it. Thank you for being a part of my journey too! XOXOCM If you haven't downloaded the Manifestation Starter Kit off the website, you should do it now because it may not make it's way to the re-brand! Head over to
2/27/20215 minutes, 48 seconds
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Next Level Dreams + Vision & What to Do if You Get Anxious

Do you ever get really great ideas of how you can take your life, passion, business or project to the next level only to have it set in for a second, then suddenly feel totally overwhelmed and just give up on it right then and there? Did you answer yes? If so, then I'm here to challenge you to look at it a different way. Join me for this M2M Riff and I make my bed and get some juicy downloads---a.k.a. messages from my inner knowing. @mindsettomanifestaiton so you get the latest updates. I'm also on FB if that's your platform of choice and twitter @mindsetmani 😊 Oh and I'm on YouTube! It's more of a sneak peek of things to come, with the full channel will launch this spring. That's a big part of the new stuff I have coming out soon for you (think meditation, community movement/yoga classes, coaching workshops, manifestation dace parties and more details on ritual baths a.k.a. MANIFESTATION BATHS! Lastly, be sure to head over the website for my blog, The Subway Diaries--sign up for the newsletter AND receive my Manifestation Starter Kit. Now let's do this!!! XOXOCM
2/26/202115 minutes, 51 seconds
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Segment Intending & Living A Fragmented Version of Yourself

Do you ever feel like you are living two lives? As if you have the spiritual side and the corporate/work version of you? Why is it that we feel we must separate the two? In this episode, I explore my own feelings on living a fragmented life, in division between my highest self (the ME in envision myself being, who I am on a journey to become/manifest) and the me that is more serious, more corporate friendly. I further expanding on something I read in the Abraham Hicks Book "The Law of Attraction" and segment intending, and provide a couple fun exercised to get your imagination and creative energies going. Hope you enjoy this short and sweet, packed with lots of love energy from me to you podcast! If you haven't already done so, be sure to follow me on Insta at @mindsettommanifestation and @christinamedinanyc so you get the latest updates. I'm also on FB if that's your platform of choice and twitter @mindsetmani 😊 Oh and I'm on YouTube! It's more of s sneak peek of things to come, with the full channel will launch this spring. That's a big part of the new stuff I have coming out soon for you (think meditation, community movement/yoga classes, coaching workshops, manifestation dace parties and more details on ritual baths a.k.a. MANIFESTATION BATHS! Lastly, be sure to head over the website for my blog, The Subway Diaries--sign up for the newsletter AND receive my Manifestation Starter Kit. Now let's do this!!! XOXOCM
2/19/202112 minutes, 23 seconds
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Sitting in the Bathtub, Soaking in the POWER of the Universe!

I bet you sometimes think, how is this related to my business or my career? LOL I hear ya. I like to call this a spiritual business type of podcast rooted in self love and acceptance. We should all be living our passions and a life of purpose. You deserve that--but do you believe that??? Start with the self love and learn how to use that powerful energy to change your life (and the business or advancing up the corporate ladder). Today we talk about the Manifestation Bath--a truly magical, transformational, healing experience for me. I've learned that some of you are also doing this for yourself!!! Yes!!! Get it gurl (or boy)! Soak up that abundance that is thrilled to serve you. So much amazing stuff coming soon. I can't wait to share it with this community. If you haven't already done so, be sure to follow me on Insta at @mindsettommanifestation and @christinamedinanyc so you get the latest updates. I'm also on FB if that's your platform of choice and twitter @mindsetmani 😊 Oh and I'm on YouTube! That's a big part of the new stuff I just blurbed about. Subscribe, click the alert button so you can get notified when I release this awesome new free love stuff. Lastly, be sure to head over the website for my blog, The Subway Diaries and sign up for the newsletter AND receive my Manifestation Starter Kit. Let's do this!!! xoxoxoxoxo CM
2/12/202124 minutes, 38 seconds
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Time to Receive...PS Who Needs a Hug???

You can manifest, set intentions, write in your journal, spend hours visualizing your next level life, do this, do that, etc etc. etc but if you can't allow yourself some downtime, then you're blocking yourself from that super important state of receiving. In this short and sweet little podcast (yes I am know for some 40+ minute podcasts--oh yessss I love to talk)I explore the importance of binge watching Netflix, lying in shavasana, taking your manifestation baths and simply put, giving yourself permission to just rest and receive. Follow what feels good babe. Sending you so much love from NYC. xoxoxoxox Christina @mindsettomanifestation (signup for the manifestation starter kit 😘)
2/5/20219 minutes, 2 seconds
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For People Who Stopped Putting Themselves First. Listen to This.

Did you stop making yourself and all those little (and big things) you were doing for yourself a second, third or last priority? Did things get in the way of your practices keeping you in alignment with your higher self? The relationship with yourself is by far the most important relationship you will ever have in this life time; AND we all go through cycles of defaulting back to putting ourselves last. Me too!!!! This podcast is not about me talking about my perfectly manifested life--though there are some really amazing synchronicities that happen. It's about me sharing my experiences with you, the learning (and unlearning) of these things that create the course of my life and presenting them to you so you can question your own blueprint (thinking/beliefs) and how it impacts your life. Manifestation is not just about dream boards, though I certainly have one, it's about understanding and learning the thinking--the awareness of your mindset and how to reprogram that so we can manifest the things we want in our lives. It's about making the mind the servant to the heart. Many of us walk around, existing in a life that we want to move beyond, to get to that next level. One magical meditation or mantra is not going to get you there, but there is MAGIC in each and every teeny-tiny effort you put into those things. This podcast is for people who want a real life, authentic partner in the journey. I'm not la guru and I'm trying to be everyone's cup of tea. I'm my own unique flavor ;) M2M is the expression of my heart, to connect to the hearts and souls that resonate with mine--those that are in the same vibrational frequency as me. We are meant to share our journey together and connect on this energetic podcast-y plane. (THANK YOU INTERNET for giving us this time and place to connect!) AND thank you for walking beside me on this journey. xoxoxo Christina @christinamedinanyc @mindsettomanifestation Apps I mention in this podcast & my yoga teacher training program (FYI not sponsorships--I'm not being paid to share these. They're the apps I use: Insight Timer, Breathwrk and also Yoga Farm Ithica)
1/29/202140 minutes, 11 seconds
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You Didn't Come Here to Fit In

How many of you went through life just wanting to fit in? To be accepted? Did you bring that mindset into adulthood with you? See the problem with "fitting in" and being accepted is that you run the risk of never standing out--of never stepping into your true voice and finding your own unique light. If you were like me, you were born into a life with adversity, things you had to over come, some people's journey is full of more obstacles than others BUT I'm here to tell you that it's that very situation--that life that was pre-destined to be yours, the reason you chose this life full of adversity is because you were never really meant to "fit in" anyway. You were born to be a free thinker, separate from the pack, independent of group thinking---and so that meant that in order for you to be a good warrior of light, a warrior of the heart and your own truth, you had to go through some training to prepare you for your adult life. Which, if you were going to continue this path if discovery back to your heart--you would continue to be met with more challenges to continue to stretch you. You needed to learn as a child that you can have confidence in your heart, in your value, that you are worthy, that you deserve---but that adversity was there, keeping you from that daily affirmation, setting up a blueprint putting you on a particular trajectory (to figure this out later in life). Accept your fate--you were born to be brilliant. You were born to shine light and succeed in life (in more ways that one) AND you were meant to inspire others along the way. To help those on their our journey. And on your continued journey you too will find other independent thinkers, those following their heart and not their mind, you will have community and finally find your place.
7/1/202018 minutes, 45 seconds
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MTM Riff: DO THIS Before You Start Your Up Level

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all of the things you should be doing, classes you should sign up for, that you should start your side hustle, that you should workout more??? It's the new me--this time is different. IF ONLY I CAN JUST DO MORE. I'm not doing enough. I need to take advantage of this time! I'm losing time. I'm getting behind. It's too much for me. I'm never going to be the person I know I should be. Why do I even start these things???? I'm wasting my money. OK I AM NOT TELLING YOU TO FEEL THIS WAY--or that you should. I've been speaking to a lot of people and they are over whelmed by all the "shoulds" of life and it gets so overwhelming that they often get this paralyzed feeling--so they don't even start. There is a reason why you feel this way. This anxiety is coming from a place within that you have been neglecting; HINT: it's YOU. Before you can start this next chapter, up-level phase you have to lay the foundation of self love--like true self love. This riff came out while sitting on my couch and having these same overwhelming feelings about all the things I should do. I'm here with you babe and I know what you're going through. Sending you so much love from NYC. xoxoxo CM @mindsetbychristinamedina
5/25/202022 minutes, 48 seconds
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You Are So F*ing Deserving. Don't Let Anyone Tell You Otherwise

My apologies, the story of the Two Wolves is actually a Cherokee teaching. You can find the story here: As for the message of the podcast; all I can say to you, dear listener, is that you must keep it simple. YOU ARE DESERVING of all the things you want to bring into your life. There is so much abundance already around you. Connect with that and allow yourself to appreciate that, because THAT is going to open you up for more. And no, this isn't just another gratitude podcast. xoxo cm PS Join me for 90 days of 8MINS2INNERPEACE on IGTV. Follow me here @mindsetbychristinamedina as we practice a full 90 days of gratitude, breath work and visualization. It's basically a free course in converting your fear based mindset into one of abundance. Every day for 90-days. Again, this stuff is SO EASY. Join me. Give yourself some love. 😘
4/29/202016 minutes, 1 second
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MTM Riff: Full Moon Tonight: So what does that mean to you?

Tonight is all about inward reflection and release. What metaphorical load have you been carrying around? What have you been trying to control but was really not even close to being within your control? A special M2M Rant just for you, just for tonight's full moon in Libra. Enjoy! 😉 Sending you so much love from NYC. xoxoxo cm PS Join me tomorrow morning for a new episode of 8MINSTOINNERPEACE on IGTV. Come back everyday for a new episode:
4/8/20205 minutes, 13 seconds
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NYC Love 4 Ever

Today's episode is about connection in whatever form that is, to each other in a time of isolation. We can look at life right now through the lens (or mindset), that all is here to advance us, to show us a new way, to embrace the road less traveled---or we can look thought the lens of fear, worry dwelling in the uncertainty. We're in a global crisis, we cannot deny this, but at this very same moment we are being presented with an opportunity to advance--in our own self improvement, our connection to higher self, to each other, to building communities in ways we never thought possible. Life, the Universe, God--is calling to us to reflect inward--to shut off Netflix for a second and dive in. How can we allow this stretch--this discomfort, to advance us? And how can we serve others in the process? Thank you for being here with my guys. No more than ever, I appreciate you being here on this journey with me. Sending you so very much love from NYC. xoxo cm PS Be sure to tune in everyday for 8MINS2INNERPEACE here: A little something I'm doing on IGTV for the next 90 days to connect us and begin our day in grattitude. New episodes every morning at 8am EST--you can replay any and all anytime ;)
4/4/202024 minutes, 28 seconds
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A World Where Everyone is Queen: The Extinction of the Mean Girl

Yes there is a significant role that Mean Girls play in your life and until you understand the value of this, you will continue to be controlled by these characters. To this day, we continue to exist in two simultaneous worlds; one where the mean girls continue to rule, manipulate and try to control us (Can you believe this is 2020 and we're still letting this happen???) ...and the other world, where women understand that real strength is in honoring each other and working together. When we operate form this mindset, and only when we embrace this, we will be able to achieve things way beyond what we could do on our own. I do believe that someday the Mean Girl will be a thing of the past, a behavior no longer accepted in our culture, just like the #MeToo movement, we will begin to see the #AntiMeanGirlMovement start spread. Someday we will talk about the old days of lower thinking amongst women and the radical shift in equality that occurred once they stopped fighting each other and started working together. With that I say Happy International Women's Day my beautiful Queens. Today we break apart the crown for all to share. Sending you so much love from NYC! xoxoxoxoxo CM @mindsetbychristina
3/8/202054 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Elevator to Success is Out of Order

You need all the blocks, struggles, challenges and step-by-step growth to truly be a success in anything you do. These are the tools that sharpen you and stretch you into becoming whatever it is you're trying to manifest. Allow this podcast to help you change your perspective on a seemingly negative situation--a situation that was put on your path to stretch you into something bigger and better. You must grow into this next level version of you. This isn't going away, you're going to have this kind of stuff come up over and over again on your path. This is part of the manifestation process--you must shift your perception into one that empowers you and can see that this is meant for you, not to hurt you. Good luck this week guys! XOXOXO CM @mindsetbychristinamedina
12/23/201925 minutes, 24 seconds
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Manifestation Bath is Back! Seriously Deep DL

My manifestation bath is back and this time I'm going very deep, challenging your ideas of life (and maybe even the afterlife). At this point you may ask yourself what the heck does this have to do with my business????? Only just EVERYTHING. Your mindset, your blueprint, your hang-ups, beliefs, vibration, all these things impact the way you do business, the choices you make, the energy behind these choices, your faith in your, your relationships, your abilities, the people you hire, how you manage them--EVERYTHING---including the opportunities that some your way. You must empower yourself with this wisdom and not fall into blaming your situation. Change the lens you're looking through and open up to the power you were born with...notice I didn't say the power is out there. It's not. It's in you. Sending you so much love from NYC! xoxoxox CM @mindsetbychristinamedina
10/30/201928 minutes, 52 seconds
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MTM RIFF: What You (Think) You're Manifesting is Actually Setting You Up for Bigger & Better Things

Yes, you think you're manifesting something that you have identified, put your name on and requested from the Universe but the reality you are bringing in bigger and better things that are beyond your perception--and here's why. xoxo CM @mindsetbychristinamedina
10/22/201910 minutes, 41 seconds
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M2M Riffs: Investing In Yourself, Feelings Of Gratitude and All the Things That Surface

Trying this out guys. Little impromptu riffs from my iphone---no intro required.
10/21/20198 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Evolution of the Podcast: Where I Messed Up & What I Learned

I'm not perfect I'm just a human on a journey to trusting my inner voice, my higher self--my intuition and using this to manifest my best life. Join me as I reflect back on a year of the M2M podcast and talk about where we're going. Friends, we are 100% on this journey together and I want to inspire hope in you as well walk along this path. I think we're all pretty good and beating ourselves up for mistakes. Let's start celebrating what we've learned from the them. xoxox cm @mindsetbychristinamedina
10/21/201915 minutes, 57 seconds
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RUSHING Doesn't Serve You

Facing my shit and making it work for me, realizing what I'm doing before it all goes too far AND allowing you into my discoveries---this is the real life journey of developing a mindset to manifest whatever I want in life. This is my continued journey from being a victim in life, where it feels like it's all coming at me, to looking at my life, acknowledging that I'm in control then actually stepping up to shift it. Hope this podcast serves you and shows you that no matter how much you know, read, train, etc etc etc--that this is a continued journey and these discoveries are the golden nuggets that can serve you. Good luck this week guys. As always, sending you so much love from NYC. xoxoxo CM ***If you have a sec and this podcast spoke to you, please share with a friend in need, leave me some LOVE and give me a five star review/comment and lastly, be sure to find me on Instagram @mindsetbychristinamedina
10/14/201940 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Season for Everything: Time to Reflect

Just like our time of planting seeds, followed by the incubation period, the manifestation reveal followed up the up-level; we must take some time to pause and reflect on what what we've accomplished, what we've manifested and also examine those things that dropped off along our journey. The interesting thing about this is that we experiences these phrases overlapping each other. Meaning, I have found that as I'm planting seeds for the next up level, I'm also realizing that the things I wanted to manifest in the past, have taken shape or are starting to reveal itself to me from previous seeds planted. Now as we approach the end of summer, a change is making its presence known to us--a gut feeling that new things are coming, while old things are moving further and further away. Ride the wave of change, take a moment to reflect on what you've done so far this year and the summer season. What burning desires still live in your heart and which ones no longer resonate? Good luck this week guys! Sending you so much love from NYC! Christina Visit www.mindsettomanifeststion and signup for your free manifestation starter kit Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina
8/19/201920 minutes, 58 seconds
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Confession Time

Just when everything is going perfectly...the inspiration stops but maybe that's the whole point.
8/13/201911 minutes, 16 seconds
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Wake the Freak Up! Powerful Questions to Get Your Vision Game On

I think we often forget that we have an unknown and limited time on this beautiful planet. Every once and a while we should take time to assess ourselves and our life, asking just a few POWERFUL QUESTIONS to help us determine if we're on the right track or maybe we need to make some changes. It's time to wake the FREAK up peeps. I know you want more form this lifetime and from your life's work--otherwise you wold n't be here listening to this I right? Okay then let's do this! xoxoxoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
8/6/201942 minutes, 13 seconds
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What is Meant for You Will Not Pass You By

Just because it appears that your manifestation is not working or maybe it somehow didn’t come to you, that doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. It doesn’t mean that you missed your chance. Don’t get attached to the way you think this should play out. Remember bigger and better things are coming to you—--and that means bigger and better than your current perception of what’s possible. So yes, that thing you thought you wanted may have passed you by but that’s because something sooooo much better is on it’s way to you. Trust the process. So your mantra for this week to use WHENEVER to start to feel doubt, fear or uncertainty: "I trust the precess and know that everything is working in my favor. I may not be able to see it happening but I know things are working behind the scenes to bring me a bigger and better version of what I desire." Sending you so much love for the week! xoxo cm ........ Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this podcast please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
7/29/201926 minutes, 18 seconds
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Negative Speak Keeps You in a Low Frequency Far Away from Abundance

In this episode I lay it out for you. If you continue to speak negatively about ANYTHING you are straight up emitting an energy, a frequency, that blocks you from receiving all the good stuff you're trying to manifest. Why? Because you can only receive things in and from the same frequency. It's as simple as that. You deserve an amazing life of your creation--one that if healthy, full of love and abundance but if you keep hanging out in lower vibration frequencies you won't be able to rightfully receive these next level things! And I want those things for you guys!!! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this podcast please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
7/23/201935 minutes, 28 seconds
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To Seek and Find All the Barriers You Have Built Against It

I was fulfilling my own needs when I set out to broadcast this podcast. I wanted to share my experiences with you on what it's like being a real person, challenged by a fearful, lack mindset that was challenged by life to think differently. I was creating what I wanted to hear from someone else but couldn't find. My thought was, if I was feeling this way and needed this message, then someone else must feel this way too. So I went into this to find my people, to find those that my experience and message resonates with. I'm so happy you're here on the journey with me. It's all about seeking those things that block up from naturally receiving what is our God given right--and that is abundance. Now we just have to get that brain of yours to accept it! Luv you guys. Hope this message finds you well. xoxoxo cm Visit to check out more things M2M like my online $333 course for real estate agents, my Subway Diaries and free resources. I love giving you guys free stuff!!!! Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina
7/16/201934 minutes, 49 seconds
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I'm Baaaaaack! Six Month Anniersary Check In + THANK YOU M2Mers!

So it's been half a year since I launched Mindset to Manifestation. I've personally gone through a lot of change in the process and I'm so happy you've joined me on this journey. Thank you to everyone that has reached out to me, shared your stories with me and all the amazing connections I've mad along the way. xoxoxo cm Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina
7/7/201914 minutes, 38 seconds
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What if There Are No Wrong Decisions?

As you start to wake up to your power of knowing you're the creator of your Universe, you may start to stress over making a wrong decision. What if you allowed yourself to open up to the idea that there really are no wrong choices? What if either choice will bring you the growth and up-leveled life you are seeking as long as you keep your eye on the goal? What would your life look like then? How would you feel? Things to chew on this week ;) Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this podcast please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
6/17/201915 minutes, 7 seconds
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What If It Was All Meant to Lead You Back Home?

What if all of this drama, stress, difficult people and all around B.S. was put here to bring you back to YOU? In this week's episode we jump into how this type of mindset will help to elevate you up to the next level in life, career, love and business. Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
6/10/201929 minutes, 3 seconds
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Never Give Up! Nicole Gary of Keller Williams Tribeca Inspires Us to Keep Moving Forward

This week I met with Nicole Gary, Top Producer at Keller Williams Tribeca. We sat down in her NYC home--with amazing views (hello Woolworth Tower), and talked about her real estate journey; her challenges, obstacles, sleepless nights and how she NEVER GAVE UP--continuing to move ahead. Nicole's story is truly inspirational. We honestly could have talked for days but she had a listing appointment to get to--which she scored! Congrats Nicole and thank you for allowing us to know your vulnerabilities and be inspired by your bravery. Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
6/3/201941 minutes, 59 seconds
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Make Jealously Work For You

There will always be someone bigger, better, faster, more successful and more attractive than you but you don't have to let this get you down or turn you GREEN with envy. You can use jealousy to work for you--not against you. Jealousy is a trigger that you desire more for your life! Join me as we discuss the what, why and how to use this to your advantage. Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
5/20/201916 minutes, 48 seconds
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Treat Yo Self to Self Care

Just because you're working your butt off doesn't mean it's okay to neglect yourself. We live in a superficial world (news flash)and so potential clients, prospects, buyers, etc are looking at you as the expert--as a professional. You must show up--not just for them but for yourself babe. It's not okay to put your needs last and to let yourself go. This sends a message to you that you aren't worth it. It's time to Treat Yourself--because YOU are worth it!!! Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
5/14/201919 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Recocurring Theme...Not Giving a F:)UCK about the Opinions of Others

Okay so yes, there's a happy face int he middle of the F-bomb above because I want you to know that this "Not giving a F:)UCK" is not to be viewed as a dismissive, angry, a WHATEVER kind of reaction to other people's opinions of us. HOWEVER, this is a serious problem guys! We give way, way, way too much power to other people and allow their perception of what we're capable of accomplishing, what we should do, wear, say, eat, etc and it controls us. Granted everything around us is trying to implement their idea of who we should be (social media, ads, commercials, magazines, and the advice from those closest to us). I see this come up over and over again in my coaching calls, my workshops and in my own thinking. This is going's going to turn into a movement where we all drop the lies we accumulated along the way about who we are and what we can do, be or have---AND we're going to start making our own decisions and become BFFs with tis amazing person inside you that you never really got to know. Sound too idealistic to you? Ahhh well that's your limited perception my friend and I would venture to say, a belief system that you picked up from someone else somewhere down the line when you too were an idealist. Sending you so much love from NYC (and a big huge mental hug)! Good luck this week guys!!! PS Yes this whole episode was recorded on my phone on the fly. You guys know how I roll--just get the info OUT there! Don't let perfection stop you. Keep going, keep doing and it will all "perfect" its self by default (just maybe not in the way you initially thought. Wow that's a whole other podcast in itself)!!! PSS Did I tell you you're awesome yet? The fact that you're reading this far down tells me we're vibing and I'm feeling good about this--so should you! Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
5/6/201915 minutes, 38 seconds
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You Become What You Are, Not What You Want

In this week's episode I discuss a new extremely powerful visualization technique that will get you in the "feeling" of already having whatever it is you're wanting to manifest. It's pretty powerful guys and I definitely want you to share with me, the feelings you were able to generate through this exercise. It's being in this feeling that we're able to already be, do and have what it is we want to manifest--so this is a short cut, if you will, to already "being" whatever it is you want--which makes you so much more magnetic to attracting more of the same. If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :) Sending you so much love from NYC! xoxo Christina
4/29/201919 minutes, 22 seconds
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First Off, I Want You to Expect the BEST, then I Want You to Have Compassion for Yourself

A few days ago I had a life changing, quantum leaping, major realization and break though in self love. Maybe you're hustling out there, working your butt off, serving others and trying to make your dream become a reality--I want you to expect the very best, dream big and I want you to practice "getting your hopes up" because that's really just a lie anyway isn't it? Something to keep us stuck where we are, like don't even try because you know what will happen (queue the sinister music). Truth is, there is no bad thing that will happen, just another learning experience, another opportunity to see where you should develop a mindset shift. Everything presents an opportunity if that's what you choose to look for. So why not expect the best results, maybe you won't get it BUT what you'll get is a clue to how you can get to the next level. SERIOUSLY, the more I dig into this, the more I'm feeling like this life experience is really a game--so are you going to be a sore loser or a good sport, a grateful winner or just a showoff (aka still living from an insecure place)? Now after all this expecting the best maybe you win and get what you want, maybe you don't but get something more valuable that advances you... THEN I want you to have compassion for yourself and experience. Nurture this being of love and light that inherently you are. My guess is you are serving others in your life, maybe you're a coach, maybe a conscious salesperson, an entrepreneur with a heart-based business. Whatever your life calling, when you turn around and see your progress, make sure you're loving yourself and seeing all of this though a compassionate lens. Focus on your growth and all of your accomplishments. You deserve that. If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :) Sending you so much love from NYC! xoxo Christina
4/22/201916 minutes, 12 seconds
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Just Go Big

Yep it's going to happen. People will talk and they'll wonder who the heck you are to think you can do this. I heard it time and time again, was met with gossip and haters who actually tired to ruin my reputation. I just kept going. I kept focusing on my manta, "BIGGER & BETTER things are going to me. I don't know how and I don't know when, but I know they're coming.” It wasn't always easy. It was certainly a challenge BUT I'm here to tell you that when you do get there, achieve your goal, up-level your life and business, you will have this point when you realize all this BS drama was for something! It prepared you for the mental strength to rock that next level mindset to succeed in your new endeavor! Yeah baby! Go out and do it! Watch the full video on my YouTube vlog 365 Days of Manifestation If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :) Sending you so much love from NYC! xoxo Christina
4/15/20199 minutes, 40 seconds
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Hold Tight to Your Dreams and Don't Let Anyone Control Your Outcome

Be like Nike and JUST DO IT! Enuff said :D If you want to find out more about my "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :) Sending you so much love from NYC! xoxo Christina
4/8/201910 minutes, 36 seconds
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As You Up-Level, People Will Talk, Fears Will Be Projected, Just Hold on to Your Vision

Yep it's going to happen. People will talk and they'll wonder who the heck you are to think you can do this. I heard it time and time again, was met with gossip and haters who actually tired to ruin my reputation. I just kept going. I kept focusing on my manta, "BIGGER & BETTER things are going to me. I don't know how and I don't know when, but I know they're coming." It wasn't always easy. It was certainly a challenge BUT I'm here to tell you that when you do get there, achieve your goal, up-level your life and business, you will have this point when you realize all this BS drama was for something! It prepared you for the mental strength to rock that next level mindset to succeed in your new endeavor! Yeah baby! Go out and do it xoxoxox cm If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
4/1/201927 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Keep Your Clients Loyal & Not LIke Bad Dating in NYC

I've always felt that real estate rentals and sales in NYC is a lot like the dating scene here. Too many options!!! It makes it tough for a person to commit to just one person (my self excluded of course--I got my Jerry) but all that said, there is one way to secure loyal clients and also a loyal partner ;) Listen and find out how! Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
3/25/201925 minutes, 50 seconds
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Judging, Gossiping & How it Blocks Your Success + When You're Not Not Being Recognized

I can't say this enough. When you participate in gossip about someone else more successful than you, you just block yourself from receiving your own success. We all know these super successful real estate agents who get the listings, that have an amazing life (as per social media) but are arrogant and a lack for a better word, total assholes. I get it--you have no idea how much I get it, BUT I'm here to tell you that you must step back from the situation and realize that you are further associating and solidifying that if you are to be a success in real estate, then you're going to be a stressed out, maxed out, angry person. Whatever you give energy to is what the mind creates. Think about it. Stop wasting your precious brain on something that doesn't serve you or your success. Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :) PS I have been saying to myself for the last few months that I will create a successful business by me just being me. Well you can't get more authentic than the M2M podcast. So perfectly imperfect and hey, what other podcast gives you special recordings from the bathtub? Yeah. That's what I thought.
3/18/201921 minutes, 56 seconds
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An Example of How I Talk Myself Through Fear of Failure, Fear of Success & Imposter Syndrome

Wassssup???? In this episode I get very truthful and real about the fear I'm experiencing as I start to bring in the very opportunities that will get me from where I am to where I want to be. It's the imposter syndrome, the fear, the worry about what others think about me, etc--you know all that F.E.A.R. (false evidence appearing real)that the subconscious mind starts pumping out to keep things safe, to keep things as they are and to keep me (and you) playing small. As things in my world start to get more and more refined and even more niche, I am finding that there so many people in my real estate industry are responding extremely positively to the work I'm offering, related to energy, attracting abundance and forming a wealth mindset. So much so, that more opportunities are coming my way--I am opening up everyday to more and more abundance and holy crap it's getting a little scary. Definitely good scary but know that as you start to manifest the people, things and opportunities (that will get you everything you ever wanted), a new level of fears will surface. These are the next level fears that you must break through in order to keep moving toward your dreams. Feel the fear but do it anyway as they say. Good luck this week guys. Sending you so much love and abundance from NYC. xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
3/11/201921 minutes, 52 seconds
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Don't Dim Your Light for Someone Else - Shine Bright as an Example to Inspire Others!

Simply put, you're not serving anyone when you avoid stepping into your light and embracing your power. When you neglect your voice, you miss an opportunity to connect to others. If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :) Sending you so much love from NYC! xoxo Christina
3/4/201932 minutes, 54 seconds
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Funny how you resist certain things in life based a limiting belief—like what you think you’re supposed to do but the Universe has other plans for ya. I mean, I talk about this stuff all day long—but I’m human. I still have my lessons ahead of like everyone else! I have been so focused on working with business women to manifest their dreams but somehow keep getting requests from ladies asking for advice on how to manifest their soulmate. It happens all of the time and maybe to them, it seems like I'm just lucky in love to have found someone like Jerry; however this couldn't be a more opposite reality for me. 🤣 I WAS THE WORST! Hahaha sorry for the caps but I had to make it very clear to you that had a real gift for picking out the wrong men to allow into my life. I was consistently drawn to men who were emotionally unavailable and often, either damaged so deeply that they couldn't really love me, or so detached from their own desire for love that they kept me at a distance. I was always in those "special" relationships that required me making excuses for the guy as to why he did the stupid shit he did. Ladies if this is you, then I feel your pain. Maybe this is the Universe telling me that there so many damn beautiful women out there, with so much love to offer yet are making the same choices I did and need my help. Really if you think about it, manifesting clients, money, dream job or soulmate come from the same energy. It's all rooted in how you feel about you and your sense of what you deserve. If you're actually reading this far, then I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Luv you girl. Stick with me babe and I'm going to get you to see how genuinely radiant and lovely you really are. xoxoxoxo CM Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :) Sending you so much love from NYC! xoxo Christina
2/25/201913 minutes
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How I Raise My Vibration When Feeling Lower Vibe

In this episode, I share with you some of the ways that I elevate myself back to a place of higher vibration. Often we are surrounded by the energies of others and can at times, pick up on those energies making them our own--maybe they're not our energy of choice BUT your suddenly finding yourself aligning with it! We'll I'm happy you're here because I share some of the ways I've managed to get myself back into a high vibe state. This is SO VERY ESSENTIAL to learn if entrepreneur or working in sales--because your vibration is what attracts your clients or repels them. Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
2/18/201936 minutes, 27 seconds
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Manifesting Your Soulmate - How I Did It! PS Happy Valentines Day xoxo

SO this isn't my usual podcast on manifesting more money, business, or clients but rather a suggestion from a friend on manifesting your soulmate. The truth is, it doesn't matter what you're trying to manifest, it all comes down to feeling a deep sense of worthiness, knowing what you want and knowing your value. Even more reason to love yourself! If you're a female entrepreneur and looking for love, then this is the podcast you should listen to. I discuss my Excel spreadsheet method for manifesting your soulmate, my soulmate visualization (that connects you on the spiritual plane/energy field) and using love songs to get into the feeling (think Drake, "Make Me Proud"). Listen, enjoy and get into alignment with a high vibe soulmate! Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
2/11/201956 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Crazy Abundance I Manifested Investing Money in My Business + Your Winter Bath Ritual

Hello and Happy Monday ladies! In this episode I share my Chanel "garbage bag" story and how I found a beautiful Boy Bag that someone was tossed out in the recycle enter of my building. I live in a very posh neighborhood were the ladies really do it up (one can only imagine their closets). Needless to say, it was quite a score! I share the decisions I made leading up to finding it (choosing to invest more money in my business to give a greater value added, and then the Universe provided me with a little gift) followed by a more recent major chuck of money manifestation that happen a week ago. This was again, the Universe rewarding me for choosing to up level up my business to a higher vibration though some investments in improving it (and myself) all around, then being reward with a payback of all the money I invested---plus more. You must become what you wish to attract ladies! So if you want to attract ready, willing and financially able clients to your products or services, then you must first elevate your vibration to their vibrational field so that you may attract and bring them in! Lastly I share a very simple bath routine to release negative energy that blocks you from being an open channel to receive abundance! So simple, you can do this tonight. Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
2/4/201931 minutes, 2 seconds
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Manifesting Money With Scripting

In this episode we breakdown one of the best manifestation techniques and honestly, one of the most fun. Scripting is a great way to start your morning with the reminder that you are creating your reality luv. I throw in a couple little bonus boosts to your kickstart your new belief system in a way that you receive openly with little resistance. Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
1/28/201922 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Missing Piece When Using Mantras

In this episode we dive into the missing piece when it comes to using mantras. Most of the time people give up on their daily mantra practice before this realization "clicks" and starts to make sense. It's as if out of no where it all starts to make sense and seems 100% possible. When you feel like "Damn girl this stuff isn't working!" just keep going. I promise, keep up with the repetition, keep up with the actions that support your vision, just keep showing up for this practice and you'll get the "click" too! Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
1/21/201922 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Law of Growth and Asking for Guidance from the Universe

Today’s episode I discuss the Universal Law of Growth. For every seed planted, a harvest will be received. In the last 4 weeks I invested in my business and myself by hiring a mindset coach. I enrolled in the Bob Proctor coaching program and invested in a business coach to help me refine my online coaching course and marketing. This week I’m investing in a branding coach. I’m building the team I will need to transform my podcast and coaching practice into a seven figure business. When you invest in yourself this way you begin to open the necessary doors that bring you up to the next level, both professionally and vibrationally. This is positive action. You visualize what you want to manifest and the woman you must become to make it happen. My mistake early on when I launched my first coaching business, Beautiful, Brilliant & Balanced is that I tried to do it all on my own. I used the energy necessary to create content and connect for figuring out how to make a website, trying to understand the impact of branding and figuring out how to market a business. I didn’t realize I should build a team to support me and take me to the next level. Fast forward to now, I’ve launched a podcast, Mindset to Manifestation, and am on the path to successfully achieve my financial goals—all by focusing on what I do best and leaving the rest to investing in professionals who are doing what they do best! This is the circulation of abundance that you hear about. This is the Law of Growth. If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :) PS When you start doing things to up level your life, you plant new seeds and you change your level of deserving. When you feel like you deserve more you do more and as a result, you get more. When you feel like you don’t deserve much you’re planting seeds of lack, so the result is you not getting get much in return. For more manifestation love, be sure to checkout new episodes every Monday.
1/14/201925 minutes, 19 seconds
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Keeping the Faith Mantras for Manifesting + Visualization Exercise

Angel Signs like whahhhhhh? Yes the Universe and my Angel posse decide to drop some angel number bombs on me today just so I know I’m on the right track. Sometimes we’ll see them here and there but today was a number day like no other. Why? Because I claimed it! I put it out there just last night that I want to see the signs, I want the guidance and I want to know I have the support that will get me manifesting my big, AUDACIOUS goal for 2019. And why shouldn’t I have this type of goal— why shouldn’t we all have? The fact is we all can but it’s up to you to claim it, spend time holding the visiting, taking the time to regularly visit with it. You must also KEEP THE FAITH that you will manifest it. In today’s episode I speak about my own personal mantras that I used to keep me in a space of believing in my manifestation abilities, the kind that you can easily incorporate into your life, especially when feeling challenged or having weary faith. Remember we’re incorporating a brand new belief system and so the mind is going to have some push back at time and try to get you back on course to your old ways of thinking. Stay strong, find your inner knowing and sit with the vision often. Expect the best and know that you just might be more than you could have ever imagined (so don’t be too tied up on the outcome). Things come disguised sometimes. Have a great week guys! See ya next Monday!! Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
1/6/201919 minutes, 49 seconds
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Mastering the Art of an I(Just)DGAF Attitude...Positively

In this episode I share my thoughts on how you can master the art of an I(just)DGAF attitude for 2019---but in a positive way ;) “You have to get away from people who see you as you used to be and not who you’re going to be.” ~ Joel Osteen People are always going to project their own mindset and perception of what is possible (their version of being realistic) on to you whenever you express your ideas. I’ve always been the kind of person teetering between caring and not caring what others think. Let’s just say I would have an intuitive idea, a strong pull or desire to make a change in my life, I would put the idea out there and share it with others collecting their feedback (is it a good idea or not a good idea) and then eventually making my own decision. Know what I’m talking about??? I think a lot of us are this way but know this, when you go around collecting options from others that do not share in an abundant, positive, wealthy mindset you’re going to be getting A LOT of crap that won’t serve you or your vision. You’ll likely get responses like, “Are you crazy?” “Oh that’s so hard” or “Yeah I know someone that did that and it failed.” Watch out guys—be careful who you share your dreams with! Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
12/31/201827 minutes, 9 seconds
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What's Up with Mel's 5 Second Rule + Why Does it Work Soooooo Freakin Well?

Why does Mel Robert's 5 Second Rule work so damn well? I mean, I think of it every morning when the alarm goes off, don't you? She really did an amazing job of making this technique public for everyone to incorporate into their lives. You see, our natural inclination is to grow in one way or another, just like a plant when it (as a seed) is planted. What happens? It pops right out and continues on its journey to something bigger and better than what it started out as. Just like you and me when we took the plunge and came into this world. We came here to create and prosper. We were given the opportunity to imagine, put it out there, and then manifest! So what are you manifesting for 2019? I know I have some major dreams I'm set to achieve. I know you do too. Stick with me kid and I'll see to it! Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
12/23/201827 minutes, 12 seconds
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Conscious Blueprinting & Silliness with Anne Versluis

Looking to make serious changes in 2019? How about a two week head start??? Let's get your mindset in the right place to support this improved vision for yourself! Join me for this Facebook Live Event along with Anne Versluis, NYC Real Estate Broker with Douglas Elliman, as we discuss manifestation, dreaming big (and making it happen) and Conscious Blueprinting (how we are wired as a child to fail and how you can change this immediately). If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :) Sending you so much love from NYC! xoxo Christina PS The drawing of the brain I'm referring to is taken from a video with Bob Proctor: First Law of the Universe 2018--check it out when you have time. Love me some Bob Proctor!
12/17/20181 hour, 8 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Subconscious Mind aka the Worker Bee on Team YOU

So they say thoughts are things. What if you're unclear exactly how this happens? Join me as we start to go SO MUCH DEEPER in understanding this blueprint in our subconscious mind that controls our every thought, our actions and as a result, the people, places and things we attract into our lives. This is not an illusive, mysterious, thing that exists "out there" it's inside you--in your mind and you're sending it out there--to the world. Guess what? IT'S NOT SET IN STONE--IT CAN CHANGE--SO CAN YOU--SO CAN YOUR LIFE. This is where the podcast takes a turn guys. We've taken some time and got to know each other. I shared with you my story because I want to you understand where I came from (essentially nothing) and how I got here--and where I'm going (don't worry I'm taking you with me). Here's where we start making sh*t happen ;) I'm not okay with an ordinary life for you all. I'm set on getting you to have the best year of your life. We're headed into 2019--let's start it off with a bang. I'm ready to shake things up and have some fun creating amazing lives together. Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
12/10/201823 minutes, 47 seconds
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Yes You Totally Can! Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life

In this episode we chat about how changing your thinking will ultimately change your life. Using mantras, guided meditations, journaling and scripting enable you change your thinking in a fast and effective way. You are so much more powerful than you know. It’s time to get control of your thoughts and start to become a magnet for the things you most want to have, do and create your this precious lifetime. It’s time to step up, stop shrinking yourself down to victimhood, become the powerful creator of your life.  Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
11/23/201828 minutes, 41 seconds
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Healing Heart Meditation :: Christina Medina :: MINDSET to MANIFESTATION

Healing Heart Meditation is the first in the MEDITATION SERIES. Don’t listen to this spacey, dreamy relaxing meditation while driving!!! LOL but seriously! When I listen to this meditation I think of a soft, fluffy pink LOVE cloud just enveloping me and filling me up with love.  Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
11/10/20187 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Importance of a Morning Routine & Staying in a Positive Mindset

Yes, I confess I’m a human being and sometimes I’m on a roll in terms of my morning routine and then other times I fall off the wagon. In this episode I talk about my journey in and out of my morning routine, how I know when it’s time to give my self the much needed attention it deserves, what I do to get back on track and the lessons that come with it.  I also dive into the need for love in this world right now. The daily news just isn’t easy to digest these days—important to know and keep up with—but do so carefully and with thought. Everyday there is a choice of love over fear and mindset is absolutely a CHOICE. You have the power. I also talk about mantras that I program on my phone as reminders throughout the day that I am in control of my mindset. I will keep mentioning this to you guys because it’s such an easy mindset shift—we should all be doing this!  Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
11/10/201831 minutes, 26 seconds
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Beautiful Brilliant Balanced Mantras

The second installment in the Mantra Series (also available for download my my website and PDF print out). I think it’s the perfect follow up to the last episode on Choosing You First. You can use this recording in many ways: while you’re getting ready in the morning, as a form of meditation, at various points during your day or anytime you see fit. Just listen to it A LOT because it works. You may have resistance to it at first but keep listening to it daily, because it’s only a matter of time before you wake up one day, listen to the BBB Mantras and think, “OH YES I’m doing that!”  Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
11/10/20183 minutes, 1 second
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Tulum Vibes + Choosing You First

Today we have a little sit down in my living room and get comfy. I talk about my home, my vacation to Tulum, Mexico, and how my BF and I really wanted to bring back those Tulum vibes into our home in NYC.  I also talk about my issues with anxiety and claustrophobia. Snorkeling in the cenotes of Mexico was just not for me; however, the beauty and vibe of the place was so in alignment with my BF and I and how we like to live our lives. I also share my travel photo Insta account @thefoundtraveler in case you want to check it out!  The meat of this podcast is all about choosing YOU first. This is not a selfish act and if you don’t learn this lesson you will continue to find yourself in relationships that put you second, or maybe even last. It’s called codependency and the recovery is a life long journey. This behavior blocks you from manifesting fully. My hope for this podcast (which gets really REAL for a sec) is that the message resonates with you and you feel inspired to make positive action to choosing you first.  This turned out to be a tough episode and if it helped you, then it was so very worth it.  Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me on Instagram: @mindsetbychristinamedina Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
11/10/201839 minutes, 42 seconds
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Trust Your Gut + Good Vibes vs. Bad

In this episode I confess to a life long passion for dancing in my apartment when no one’s home.  I dive into the misconception I had about people working in a yoga studio. We’re all on our journey and I expected everyone there to be more advanced in their spiritual journey but at the end of the day it’s a place where anyone can go, regardless of their enlightenment. I learned a valuable lesson there and it was that everyone is on their own journey. I also learned that I don’t have to adopt someone else’s negative vibes. You have every right to shine and you have a choice in how you feel.  Do what makes you happy—stay in the light! Do your own version of a “spin” and stay in the right mindset of positive action. Stay in alignment to manifest a life of your creation. If you can’t make big changes right away to remove yourself from negative people, then find you positivity outside of the situation. Even if it’s just looking at baby animals on Youtube :) Thank you so much for listening. Don’t forget you always have a choice in how you feel!!! Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me at @mindsettomanifestation on Instagram. Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
11/10/201827 minutes, 4 seconds
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Straight Up Wisdom from My iPhone Notes

Today I talk to you about being an empath, crystals (is there such a thing as Crystal Philosopher? LOL) and how I handle it. We also dive into my notes and quotes straight from my phone. It’s a fantastic collection of wisdom I’ve been carrying around over the last several years and picking up little ah-ha nuggets, adding to the ever growing wisdom it contains.  A few of my favorites are: “What is meant for me will not pass me by.” Have faith that you will always be rewarded, in better ways than you ever imagined. If it passes you by babe, it’s not for you—you got something wayyyyy better coming at ya! “Bigger and better things are coming to me, I don’t know how and I don’t know where, but they’re coming.” This is my own mantra and damn did it get me through some dark days while still saying in a positive mindset. Anytime something disappointing happened to me I would recite this out loud to myself. Over and over again until I believed it. Become obsessed with this one guys, it works SO GOOD! “What do you hold sacred?” Even right now I’m reminded that this is an important question to ask myself everyday. It sets your priorities in place and helps you get to intending, making positive action and manifesting.  “I love me, I love my life, and I can do ANYTHING I put my mind to.” Can you say POWER MANTRA? Tell your self this everyday, put it on a post it on your mirror. (Get used to me saying this. I’m a big fan of Post-Its on the mirror hahaha.) I hope you love this episode as much as I loved recording it for you!  Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me at @mindsettomanifestation on Instagram. Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
11/10/201842 minutes, 17 seconds
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MANTRA SERIES: Everyday Mantras

This is a special episode and part of the MANTRA SERIES you will find here on the podcast as well as on my website. This set of mantras was a game changer for me in turbo booting my career from an unknown real estate agent to working for NYC top luxury real estate developer. Listen to this everyday for the next 30 days and let me know what it does for you. I have a feeling you will start to see changes in your mindset in just a few days! You can find a download version of the MP3 files and also a downloadable version for you to print out and read daily (maybe put it up in your office too). Thanks so much for listening! Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me at @mindsettomanifestation on Instagram. Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
11/10/20182 minutes
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Fundamentals of Manifestation: Mantras + Dumping + I AM Statements

Today we’re going to dive right into the Fundamentals of Manifestation. What is it, How does it work and How can you start manifesting? Identify what you want and get into Alignment to receive it There is a value attached to whatever it is you’re trying to manifest. Identify the value and then you can make the changes to get in alignment to receive it.  Practice Gratitude: I used to be prone to worry first thing in the morning- 1. Start with the simple easiest thing to be grateful for like your bed, soft sheets, etc 2. Put pen to paper and write out 5 things each morning that you’re grateful or. DO this for 30-days and let me know how your life has changed.  Journaling is key, in addition to being grateful, you must release all the things that that you’re experiencing right now, get it all out on paper but take the next step 1. After releasing all the crap say or write to yourself, I want to feel differently about this situation and I am willing to see things differently. How can I look at this situation differently? Using Mantras 1. Using I Am Statements 2. Practice the exercise of writing a list of things you want to change 3. In the second column write a new version with out a positive spin on it, your ideal situation 4. Say your “I Ams” out loud every day, practice writing them daily, make a recording on your phone and listen to them while relaxing in bed AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, be open to Outcome. Often we receive things far greater than what we initially set out to get. If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me at @mindsettomanifestation on Instagram. Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
11/10/201836 minutes, 58 seconds
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My Journey from Victim to Manifestation

In this episode I talk about my journey to manifesting the life of my dreams in NYC. It was always my dream growing up in Missouri to move to the big city to pursue my art career. Through adopting the right mindset, visualization, some positive action and a little sprinkle of Universal fairy dust—I did it. The journey wasn’t an easy one though! It was filled with mistakes, unemployment, the recession, reaching my low and finding my way only to be tested by the Universe yet again. But don’t feel bad because THIS WAS ALL PART OF THE JOURNEY that made me the person I am today. Would I do it again? Uhhhh maybe not hahaha but am I grateful for every experience? OH YEAH! I now have a life of my own creation—an amazing, loving boyfriend, a beautiful home on a high floor condo with an amazing view of the city—where I can see the sunset from my living room, a successful career working for a top luxury real estate developer in NYC, and the most inspiring, heart filling coaching and inspirational speaking practice. ALL of this I manifested through the right mindset. My hope is that you “get” my story and know that I got you! I have been there, done that and I here to help you get thought it, then look back on it all as a glorious, empowered and stronger version of YOU! Sending love from the big bad city! xoxo CM For more tips and tools on cultivating your Mindset to Manifestation, follow me @mindsettomanifestation on Instagram and be sure to check out where you can sign up for The Library, your free resource of knowledge and tools to get you manifesting today!
11/10/201823 minutes, 55 seconds
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You're Soooo in the Right Place

Welcome to my new podcast, “Mindset to Manifestation!” My goal of this podcast is to bring you tips, stories, interviews and my own personal journey from living life on auto pilot to developing a mindset of intention and manifestation. Every episode will being you the mindset shift you need to become the master of your Universe. Everyday we wake up with a choice as to how you will feel—will you be the creator of your life or jump back into auto pilot mode? If you’re here then you know that everything begins in the mind and having a confident mindset is the best way to get you manifesting the life you want and deserve. It’s time to step up, stop shrinking yourself down to victimhood, become the powerful creator of your life. Mindset to Manifestation is just the start of an amazing journey we will take. Good this week luck guys! xoxo Christina If you want to find out more about the "Thoughts Become Things" program, check out Receive my FREE Manifestation Starter Kit here: Also be sure to follow me at @mindsettomanifestation on Instagram. Lastly, if you enjoyed this interview please be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review :)
11/10/20189 minutes, 32 seconds