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Moon Matters Podcast Profile

Moon Matters Podcast

English, Religion, 2 seasons, 138 episodes, 2 days, 10 hours, 32 minutes
An educational podcast that aims to help you interpret the celestial imprint known as your astrology. Dalanah is a Hellenistic Astrologer, Stoic Philosopher, and formally trained scientist. She uses her experience in these various fields to navigate the astrological landscape, and to help others make sense of their own personal mythology. Now, let's unlock your story.
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Financial Astrology with Susan Gidel

Pluto ruling precious metals, Venus is actually a great indicator of wealth, and did you know we're about to switch from an Earth to an Air economy? Join me as financial astrologer, Susan Gidel, breaks down financial astrology for us and explains everything from stocks and trading, to buying property and starting a business.Susan is a professional astrologer and has decades of experience working in the realm of finances and stocks. She currently works full-time as a financial astrologer and helps clients reveal their financial potentials, as well as helping them to navigate the markets via astrological means.Susan's WebsiteSupport the Show.Thank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.My Website
8/30/20241 hour, 18 minutes, 4 seconds
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Astro Tech with Natalie Loh

Natalie Loh is a product manager, self-taught programer, and all around tech genius based in Singapore and London. Her software, Transitcal, is an awesome look into what the future of astro-tech could be like. We talk about her software, as well as the role of AI and other tech in astrology.Transitcal Promo Code- MOON15Natalie's Links:WebsiteInstagram (@transitcal.astrology)TwitterEmail- [email protected] the Show.Thank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.My Website
7/29/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 12 seconds
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AS & DS: Exploring Self and Other

The Ascendant and the Descendant are the other half of the angles that create the backbone our Fate, our concept of Self, and our dealings with "the other". We're going to explore what these placements mean in general, as well as focus on understanding how they can play an important role in creating the axis of self vs other.Support the Show.Thank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.My Website
6/10/202422 minutes, 55 seconds
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MC & IC: Exploring the Heavens

The MC and IC are two very important angles in our charts. They're part of the skeletal structure that forms the backbone of our Fate, our life path, and who we are as people. We're going to explore what these placements mean in general, as well as focus on understanding how they can play out when placed in houses other than the typical 10H/4H position.Support the Show.Thank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.My Website
5/27/202433 minutes, 9 seconds
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Saturn's Karma: Shani Sade Sati

In Vedic astrology Saturn is the ultimate planet of karma, destiny, and Fate. Every 22-23 years an event known as our Shani Sade Sati occurs. Join me as we explore what this transit is, how to calcuatule it, and what we can expect from it.Support the Show.Thank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.My Website
5/13/202424 minutes, 27 seconds
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Stoic Advent- The Final Day!

It's the last day of our Stoic advent podcast extravaganza! We're hearing from Marcus one last time as we wrap this thing up. I'll see all of you back here on the second week of January as we resume our talks of chiromancy. Until then, stay safe, be kind, and enjoy the rest of your year!Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/25/20233 minutes, 31 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 24

It's the second to last day of our Stoic advent! Today we're getting a short and sweet pep talk from the founder of Stoicism himself.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/24/20234 minutes, 42 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 23

This Stoic passage is as fresh as bread right out the oven. Today we learn that Stoics aren't all about being austere and that tapping into our divine sensitivities is just as important to this philosophical practice.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/23/20234 minutes, 27 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 22

Today's passage reminds us that philosophers are just regular people with regular problems. The moral of today's pod is that you should be so straightforward that you stink...or something like that.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/22/20234 minutes, 25 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 21

It's our last day pondering memento mori and we're examining posthumous fame. Can our memory really live on forever? Tune in and find out!Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/21/20235 minutes, 25 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 20

It's crazy to think we only have a few days of the Stoic advent left! Today we're continuing our discussion of memento mori with another quote from Marcus.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/20/20234 minutes, 36 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 19

It's memento mori time everybody! This pod is setting us up for the next few days and comes with a thought exercise to get us in the right frame of mind.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/19/20233 minutes, 21 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 18

We get a longer passage from my mans Epictetus today! Day 18 of this advent podcast holiday special explores compassion and communication vs contempt and hate.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/18/20237 minutes, 46 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 17

We get a two for one deal today! I quote a Stoic we haven't heard from yet, as well as the awesome Alan Watts.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/17/20234 minutes, 49 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 16

What did you want to be when you grew up? I bet it was something that resonated deeply with your soul and you weren't concerned with how much fame or notoriety it would bring. Epictetus reminds us that we'll always stand out if we go where we're meant to shine.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/16/20235 minutes, 51 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 15

The beginning of this episode has a meditation technique that brings tarot into the mix. Then we get to hear from Epictetus about why outside validation isn't necessary.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/15/20235 minutes, 8 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 14

Are you superstitious? Does a "bad" tarot reading stick in your mind for too long? Today's Stoic passage gives us insight as to how we can remain open to the auspicious nature of omens, even if they don't appear to auspicious in the moment.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/14/20235 minutes, 21 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 13

Mercury Rx begins today! This advent pod contains some wisdom from Epictetus on why we shouldn't feed the trolls and how we should conduct ourselves in conversation. I also have another challenge for you and share some of my own personal principles.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/13/20234 minutes, 58 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 12

Day 11's episode was an awesome chat about Moon Signs, but today we're back on track with Stoic goodness. Today we're pondering our beliefs and the amount of heartbeats we're given in a lifetime.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/12/20234 minutes, 2 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 10

It's not easy to be kind and compassionate towards people who are rude for seemingly no reason. This pod explores why we need to remain heart-centered even when someone gives us stank face.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/10/20235 minutes, 31 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 9

We get to meet the founder of Stoicism today and learn how Stoicism got its name! This pod also has another challenge for you, are you ready?Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/9/20235 minutes, 42 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 8

Ever laughed so hard you died? This famous Stoic did! Open this pod to hear the tale of the man who died laughing as well as some thoughts on autonomy and Fate.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/8/20234 minutes, 21 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 7

This pod includes a challenge along with the Stoic passage! The actions of today equal the fuel for tomorrow, so let's think about how we can make the present moment better for ourselves, our loved ones, and strangers.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/7/20234 minutes, 34 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 6

This pod starts off with a little game I like to call "catch and release". After that we get into the Stoic passage of the day and explore why it's important to live our truth gracefully.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/6/20236 minutes, 6 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 5

We're switching gears from Marcus Aurelius and I'm calling in the homie, Epictetus. Hopefully this one gets you thinking about not only your mental diet, but the people you allow to order from the menu.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/5/20235 minutes, 8 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 4

Have a case of the Monday's? Then this Stoic pod is for you. It's a reminder that waking up and getting out of bed is a lot easier when we're following our destined path and not forcing ourselves to be something we aren't.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/4/20236 minutes, 38 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 3

Amor Fati, anyone? It can be hard to love life on the days where you get your sweatshirt caught on the door handle right after getting an ambiguous text from your boss about having to stay late on a day you already made plans. This pod explores the notion of accepting all of the experiences Fate offers, preferred or un-preferred.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/3/20235 minutes, 26 seconds
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Stoic Advent- Day 2

Pop open this pod to hear some advice about what I like to call, our "mental diets".Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/2/20237 minutes, 19 seconds
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Holiday Season Special! (Stoic Advent- Day 1)

Welcome to the first annual Moon Matters holiday season special. This special means I'll be dropping a podcast a day throughout the month of December. It's an advent calendar, but podcast format! Each day I'll be dropping some Stoic wisdom to help us navigate this tricky time of year.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
12/1/20235 minutes, 40 seconds
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Moon Matters Intro Trailer

Welcome to the Moon Matters podcast! Listen to the into trailer to get the gist of what goes on around here, or go ahead and dive right in to the main feed.Support the showThank you for listening to the Moon Matters Podcast. I appreciate you supporting my work, and I'm so grateful to be part of your astrological journey.
8/1/20201 minute, 7 seconds