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Mortification of Spin

English, Religion, 1 season, 520 episodes, 2 days, 36 minutes
Mortification of Spin is a casual conversation about things that count. Todd Pruitt and Carl Trueman deliver a humorous, informal podcast with bite. Listen each week for an engaging and thought-provoking conversation on the challenges facing the Church and the Christian, and decide for yourself if words spoken in a British accent truly carry more weight…
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The Care of Souls

Carl and Todd welcome special guest Harold Senkbeil, executive director of Doxology, the Lutheran Center for Spiritual Care, and the author of the popular book The Care of Souls: Cultivating a Pastor's Heart. Together, they discuss the essence of pastoral ministry, the significance of patience, and the importance of the Word and sacraments in pastoral care.  Pastoral work is really the work of Jesus in our time, in any given contemporary moment in history… In the twentieth century, pastoral work kind of took a left turn and reinvented itself in the mold of business perhaps or counseling, and so forth, all of which is helpful, but the essence is really the Word of God and the sacraments. To apply those with the goal of introducing people to Jesus and Jesus to them, is what pastoral work is about. - Harold Senkbeil What are the challenges and expectations pastors face today, and how can they stay true to their calling amidst modern-day complexities? And tune in to discover what part congregations should play in the life of the Church. We are pleased to offer three copies of The Care of Souls to our listeners, thanks to the generosity of our friends at the Lexham Press. Register here for the opportunity to win.   Show Notes: The Care of Souls series (5 volumes): The Care of Souls (audiobook):
9/11/202429 minutes, 54 seconds
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Behaving as Christians in an Election Year

Maintaining appropriate Christian behavior can be particularly challenging in a world where political discourse often becomes heated and divisive. In today's timely episode, Carl and Todd delve into the complexities of navigating faith and politics, especially during an election year.  "We want to talk today about how Christians can have strong opinions on important issues and express those opinions in a way that does not undermine their broader Christian witness." – Carl Trueman What impact does political discourse have on Christian testimony, and how can we express strong opinions without compromising our witness? Their conversation delves into the rise of neo-Christian nationalism, the infantilism in modern politics, and the need for Christians to engage in the public sphere with integrity and honor. "We are not going to win the culture by aping the culture. Seek influence, push back against the darkness, but do so uniquely as Christians." – Todd Pruitt We are pleased to offer three copies of Carl's book Crisis of Confidence to our listeners, thanks to the generosity of our friends at the Crossway. Register here for the opportunity to win.
8/28/202431 minutes
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Religion and Republic

Carl and Todd dive deep into the complex relationship between religion and politics with Miles Smith from Hillsdale College as they discuss his new book, Religion and Republic: Christian America from the Founding to the Civil War. Why did he decide to write this book now, and why did he intentionally not use the more commonplace terms “Church and State”? What is the difference between Christian institutionalism and Christian nationalism? And what is the role of the church in addressing political issues?  "I'm actually someone who doesn't want the church to do politics. I think the church is quite frankly, not competent to do politics." – Miles Smith Miles’ book offers profound insights into how Christians can maintain their witness in times of political polarization. Listen as they discuss the historical and contemporary challenges Christians face in navigating their faith within the civic and political spheres,  We are pleased to offer three copies of Miles Smith’s book Religion and Republic to our listeners, thanks to the generosity of our friends at the Davenant Institute. Register here for the opportunity to win.
8/14/202430 minutes, 49 seconds
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Youth Ministry: Yesterday and Today

Many adults look back fondly on their years in the church youth group or other parachurch ministries like Young Life and understand the impact that those ministries had on their faith. How has youth ministry changed over the years, and what has stayed the same? What qualities are needed to be an effective youth minister, and what challenges do leaders face in today’s culture? To shine some light on this subject, the guys are joined by Carl’s friend and a fellow Grove City College professor, Duffy Robbins, Professor of Youth Ministry and a 45-year veteran in the field. Widely respected as one of the leading voices in youth and family ministry, Duffy talks to Carl and Todd about the history, purpose, and future of youth ministry, as well as some of the issues that he sees. “Another problem is that youth ministry intentionally tries to make sure their ministries and messages and programming are suited to young people, but the problem is we really breed in our young people an appetite for ‘juvenalized’ Christianity, and so when they get into big church, adult church, they still want to have ‘juvenalized’ worship services.” – Duffy Robbins  We are pleased to offer three copies of Duffy Robbins’ book Building a Youth Ministry that Builds Disciples: A Small Book About a Big Idea to our listeners, thanks to the generosity of Zondervan Press. Register here for the opportunity to win. Show Notes:  The Juvenalization of American Christianity by Thomas Bergler
7/31/202434 minutes, 16 seconds
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How Should We Then Die?

Is it ethical for physicians to assist patients in hastening their own death? Should Christians who are facing death accept the offer of an assisted death? Carl and Todd talk to physician Ewan Goligher about these important issues addressed in his book How Should We Then Die? In his book, Ewan draws from general revelation and Scripture to persuade and equip Christians to oppose physician-assisted death.  The logic of assisted death is predicated on the idea that you’re rendering someone better off by ending their life. And [in] the philosophical and ethical literature where people write about this, they represent the logic as a kind of calculus where you weigh up the good of remaining alive and the bad of remaining alive, and you essentially decide that if the bad of remaining alive outweighs the good, then it makes sense to end my life. And the glaring gap in that logic is that it ignores the question of what it is like to be dead. – Ewan Goligher  Proponents of euthanasia presume what it is like to be dead. But for Christians, death is not the end. Christ Jesus has destroyed death and brought life and immortality through the gospel. For this reason, Christians must think deeply about these life-and-death issues. We are pleased to offer three copies of How Should We Then Die? to our listeners, thanks to the generosity of our friends at Lexham Press. Register here for the opportunity to win. Show Notes:  The Desecration of Man by Carl Trueman On Death and Dying: A Catechism for Christians by Ewan Goligher  
7/17/202425 minutes, 12 seconds
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Pascal Is Smarter Than You Are

Blaise Pascal, the seventeenth-century French philosopher and scientist, is perhaps best known for his "wager," an argument about the existence of God. But there was much more to Pascal and his brilliance, according to today's guest, Douglas Groothuis, a leading Christian thinker and longtime student of Pascal. In his latest book, Beyond the Wager, Doug introduces readers to Pascal's life and the breadth of his intellectual pursuits, including his contributions to mathematics, science, ethics, and theology.  "You really want to read Pascal, and if you write about him, you want to quote him and do justice to what he said because it really was so insightful and profoundly put. Especially his comments about what it means to be a human being and his reflections on the nature of knowing Christ. They're really not just philosophically insightful and compelling, but also devotionally compelling."  – Doug Groothuis We are pleased to offer a few copies of Beyond the Wager: The Christian Brilliance of Blaise Pascal to our listeners, thanks to the generosity of our friends at Intervarsity Press. Register here for the opportunity to win.   Show Notes:  Douglas Groothuis’ original book about Blaise Pascal written 20 years ago: On Pascal Pensées by Blaise Pascal: Christian Apologetics by Douglas Groothuis
7/3/202429 minutes
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Prodigal Children

Many faithful Christian parents today grieve for their adult children who have left the faith. They ask, "Where did we go wrong? What should we have done differently?" Carl and Todd discuss this important topic in this episode and encourage parents not to give up hope.  "Parents have enormous impact on their kids' lives, even into adulthood. Even when there's been pain, a parent has enormous influence. See how best to leverage that for the soul of your child.  – Todd Pruitt We are pleased to offer a few copies of Wayward Children: Finding Peace, Keeping Hope to our listeners, thanks to the generosity of our friends at P&R Publishing. Register here for the opportunity to win.
6/19/202430 minutes, 1 second
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Knowing God's Truth

When considering theology, you may think of confusing, lofty terminology that only concerns scholars and pastors. But really, theology is for anyone who wants to understand God better and learn more about the Bible. Carl and Todd welcome Jon Nielson, pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Wheaton, IL, to discuss his new book Knowing God's Truth. Written to make systematic theology clear, meaningful, and practical, Nielson introduces systematic theology in this volume and guides readers through its application in their daily lives. Jon's highly accessible book is a valuable resource for those yearning for a deeper understanding of God and the Bible, including young people and newer believers. "Systematic theology is important… it's recognizing that Scripture actually does give us a system of doctrine; that we're able to do systematic theology because the Bible gives us a unity of theology and so we're able to actually say, here's what the Bible says about God, about sin, about salvation, etc., etc. "  – Todd Pruitt We are pleased to offer a few copies of Knowing God's Truth to our listeners, thanks to the generosity of our friends at Crossway. Register here for the opportunity to win.
6/5/202426 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Transfiguration of Christ

For many years, there was a lack of good Protestant literature addressing the transfiguration— a central event in the life of Christ. Thanks to Patrick Schreiner’s new book, The Transfiguration of Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Reading, that is no longer the case. Patrick is an associate professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and writes from a solid conservative Protestant evangelical perspective. So what is it that Protestants miss when we overlook the transfiguration? What is its significance and place in redemptive history, and how can it be applied? “I think the transfiguration is this unique event where the humanity and the deity of Christ come together, where his humanity is transfigured or transformed, but his deity is also revealed. This reality [is] that we have the God-Man in one subject and one person, and both things are made evident at the same time.” – Patrick Schreiner Be sure to tune in for this fascinating conversation on a much-neglected subject. You may gain a new perspective on the importance of this unique event in the life of Jesus and its practical application to our lives. And stay tuned to the end for barbeque recommendations in Kansas City! We are pleased to offer a few copies of The Transfiguration of Christ to our listeners, thanks to the generosity of our friends at Baker Academic. Register here for the opportunity to win. Show Notes: Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary: Recommended Reading: Light on the Mountain: Greek Patristic and Byzantine Homilies on the Transfiguration of the Lord
5/22/202427 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why Do Protestants Convert?

Many of the best and brightest Protestant thinkers have converted to Roman Catholicism in recent decades. Some have found Protestantism shallow in doctrine, history, ethics, and worship. Chris Castaldo, co-author of Why Do Protestants Convert? sits down with Carl and Todd to discuss the psychological, theological, and sociological factors behind these conversions.  As someone who has had conversations with those who have converted from Protestantism to Catholicism or, in some cases, Eastern Orthodoxy as well, very often in my conversations with them, theology is not the first thing. Oftentimes [there are] other issues that they will name first, like the historical rootedness or the reverence that they found or the beauty that they found in the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox traditions.  – Todd Pruitt Although many converts’ criticisms of contemporary Protestantism may be warranted, Chris points out that historic Protestantism contains the answers to these objections and the resources for a Protestant renewal. We are pleased to offer a few copies of Why Do Protestants Convert? for our listeners, thanks to the generosity of the Davenant Institute. Register here for the opportunity to win.   Show Notes: Chris’ article on the state of the Roman Catholic Church:
5/8/202427 minutes, 22 seconds
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Critical Dilemma

Critical theory and its expression in fields like critical race theory, critical pedagogy, and queer theory are having a profound impact on our culture. Carl and Todd sit down with Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer, authors of Critical Dilemma: The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideology, to discuss how contemporary critical theory’s ideas about race, class, gender, identity, and justice have dramatically shaped how people think, act, and view one another—in Christian and secular spheres alike. As a robust meta-narrative worldview, critical social theory and its expansive expressions are categorically against biblical Christianity. – Pat Sawyer While Neil and Pat acknowledge that critical theory can provide some legitimate insights into issues impacting our culture today and urge Christians to condemn racism and seek justice, racial healing, and unity, they argue that the false assumptions at the heart of critical theory pose a serious threat to both the church and society at large.  We are pleased to offer a few copies of Critical Dilemma for our listeners, thanks to the generosity of Harvest House Publishers. Register here for the opportunity to win.   Show Notes: Natasha Crane’s article, “Here Comes the He Gets Us Campaign Again: Why Its Portrayal of Jesus is Still a Problem: Stand to Reason with Greg Koukl: God in the Dock by C.S. Lewis:
4/24/202432 minutes, 5 seconds
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Celebrating 500 Episodes!

Back in 2013, Carl and Todd launched Mortification of Spin with their first episode, "Rock Star Pastors in Las Vegas," sharing a microphone in a small underground bunker. All these years later, they no longer share a mic, but they're still going strong, celebrating their 500th first-run episode. Joining them for this momentous occasion are their good friends, Kevin DeYoung and Matt Eusey. After reminiscing about the early days, the conversation turns toward the importance of meaningful friendships. The guys consider the benefits of friendship and the current challenges we face as these most vital relationships have undergone a dramatic transformation.  It really is important to have friends. It's not a sufficient condition for being faithful in ministry, but I do think it is a necessary condition, and it's really important to have people to know who you really are and [to] joke with, but also be challenged by, and know that they are looking over your shoulder in a good way. – Kevin DeYoung For best results, enjoy this special episode as a video podcast on YouTube. The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is pleased to offer a box of Mortification of Spin swag for our podcast fans. Register here for the opportunity to win. Show Notes: Listen to "Rock Star Pastors in Las Vegas” : Mortification of Spin on YouTube: Mortification of Spin swag:
4/10/202432 minutes, 31 seconds
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Pilgrim's Regress

Mark Jones is back on the podcast today, chatting with Carl and Todd about his latest book, The Pilgrim's Regress: Guarding against Backsliding and Apostasy in the Christian Life. Vowing not to write another book for a long time because of the toll it takes on his life expectancy, Mark explains why he chose to address the uncomfortable topic of backsliding believers—and, to a lesser extent, apostasy—in his latest work.  After Covid and all that it did to the church, there's a very serious need to confront what is an obvious pastoral issue for many pastors, and that is a lot of people have fallen away or become extremely lazy in their Christian living. - Mark Jones An important topic infrequently discussed in many Reformed churches, Mark addresses backsliding in this serious, hopeful, and pastoral work informed by wise theologians of the past and present.  P&R Publishing has provided a few giveaway copies of The Pilgrim's Regress: Guarding against Backsliding and Apostasy in the Christian Life for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win. Show Notes: For a copy of The Pilgrim’s Regress: Antinomianism and other books by Mark Jones: Mark recommends the following titles: Personal Declension and Revival of the Soul by Octavius Winslow: Holiness by JC Ryle:
3/27/202427 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Deconstruction of Christianity

The Deconstruction of Christianity What exactly is deconstruction? The movement has been defined in many different ways. Today’s guests co-authored a book to clear up the confusion. Alisa Childers, author of Another Gospel?, and Tim Barnett, creator of Red Pen Logic, sit down with Todd and Carl to discuss the true nature of faith deconstruction, which is sweeping through our churches and is disrupting, dismantling, and destroying the faith of so many. “Sadly, because of the Biblical illiteracy in our culture, because we live in a mic-drop world where someone just makes a claim and then they drop the mic and walk away as if they won an argument…that’s why these things are so persuasive, and they get so many likes and so many shares and such a following.” – Tim Barnett Alisa and Tim will help you understand what deconstruction is, where it comes from, why it is compelling to some, and how it disorients the lives of so many, as well as how to think through the main issues and explore wise and loving ways to respond from a biblical worldview. Don’t miss this important conversation.  Tyndale Press has provided a few giveaway copies of The Deconstruction of Christianity: What It Is, Why It’s Destructive, and How to Respond for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win.   Show Notes: To purchase a copy of Alisa and Tim’s book: Red Pen Logic: Tim’s website: Alisa’s Website:
3/13/202430 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Abolition of Man

Originating as lectures delivered at the University of Durham over 80 years ago, The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis is a classic and one of the most debated of his extraordinary works. Lewis sets out to persuade his audience of the importance and relevance of universal values such as courage and honor in contemporary society.  Listen in as Carl and Todd discuss why Christians today have much to learn from reading Lewis’ astonishingly prophetic and insightful lectures. “I think what Lewis was doing, and probably was not fully aware he was doing, was putting his finger on what would manifest itself as the underlying problem of the modern world, which is the complete collapse of the notion of human nature: what it means to be a man, what it means to be human.”  – Carl Trueman Intervarsity Press has provided a few giveaway copies of The Medieval Mind of C.S. Lewis by Jason Baxter for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win. Intervarsity has also provided a discount code for our listeners. Enter IVPPOD20 at check-out to get 20% off Jason’s book and all other titles at, plus free shipping!   Show Notes: The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis: After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory by Alasdair MacIntyre: After Humanity: A Guide to C.S. Lewis’ The Abolition of Man by Michael Ward: Note: As an Amazon Associate, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals may earn a commission from qualifying Amazon purchases.
2/28/202426 minutes, 15 seconds
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Chasing Proof, Finding Faith

Tom Rudelius had science and an Ivy League pedigree—why did he need God? Immersed in his physics studies at Cornell, he never thought much about God until his brother, a new convert to Christianity, challenged him to explore faith. Tom joins Carl and Todd to discuss his new book, Chasing Proof, Finding Faith, where he traces his journey to unexpected faith, through subsequent doubt and anxiety. “I think that what God really wants from us is that we would give him our allegiance, even in the midst of our doubts. And I think that’s the sort of faith that God really calls us to – the sort of faith that says, ‘God, I will take your side, even amidst the doubts. I will choose to give you my life and to follow you, even if I’m questioning.’”  Though he never found absolute proof of God or Christianity, he ultimately concluded that the existing evidence for both is compelling and compatible with science. Tune in to this fascinating conversation, and find out why Carl compared him to Martin Luther! Tyndale Press has provided a few giveaway copies of Chasing Proof, Finding Faith for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win.   Show Notes: Tom recommends this book for those who are interested in investigating Christianity: Letters from a Skeptic: A Son Wrestles with His Father's Questions about Christianity  
2/14/202426 minutes, 28 seconds
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Created in the Image of God

The Bible teaches that all people are created in the image of God, but how can believers remain firmly rooted in the imago Dei when culture is more confused than ever about issues of human dignity? Today’s guest, Lauren McAfee, along with co-editor David Dockery, gathered a team of expert collaborators to bring clarity and guidance from a biblical perspective as they explored what it means to be made in the image of God in their new book, Created in the Image of God: Applications and Implications for our Cultural Confusion. Lauren shares the compelling story of how she became interested in this subject with Carl and Todd and touches on many important issues discussed in the book.  Forefront Books has provided a few giveaway copies of Created in the Image of God for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win.   Show Notes: Lauren’s website: Stand for Life organization, started by Lauren: The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis:
1/31/202428 minutes, 49 seconds
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Abortion: Tearing Us Apart

Carl and Todd are joined by Ryan Anderson and Alexandra DeSanctis to discuss their book, Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing. Todd puts this exceptional book in the top three of all time on this critical issue. Now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade and returned abortion law to the democratic process, Ryan and Alex reflect on our fifty-year experiment with unlimited abortion and argue that it has harmed everyone—even its most passionate proponents. Regnery Press has provided a few giveaway copies of Tearing Us Apart for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win.
1/17/202428 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Character of Christ

Returning to the podcast today is Jonathan Landry Cruse to discuss his new book, The Character of Christ, with Todd and his plaid waistcoat-wearing partner, Carl. In this practical and applicable book, Jonathan examines the godly attributes of the fruit of the Spirit in the Lord’s example, showing us that we can bear true fruit for God only by our union with the life-giving Vine. Be sure to tune in, and as a bonus, you’ll also get a mini-class on Scottish tartans! Banner of Truth has provided a few giveaway copies of The Character of Christ for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win.
1/3/202429 minutes
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Bulwarks of Unbelief

Joseph Minich joins Todd and Carl to discuss his new book, Bulwarks of Unbelief. Millions of people in the West identify as atheists. Christians often respond to this reality with proof of God’s existence, as though rational arguments for atheism were the root cause of unbelief. Joseph argues that a felt absence of God, as experienced by the modern individual, offers a better explanation for the rise in atheism. In response, Christians should reattune themselves to God’s story, reintegrate the whole person, and re-inhabit the world so that faith can thrive in this age of unbelief.   Our friends at Lexham Press have provided a few giveaway copies of Joseph’s book for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win.   Show Notes: A Secular Age by Charles Taylor, particularly the chapter titled, “Bulwarks of Belief.”     Thomas Aquinas’ Five Proofs for the Existence of God: (1) argument from motion  (2) argument from efficient cause (3) argument from necessary being  (4) argument from gradations of goodness (5) argument from design   Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Enduring Divine Absence: The Challenge of Modern Atheism by Joseph Minich
12/20/202330 minutes, 40 seconds
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Holy Sexuality

Todd and Carl are quite excited about the new Mortification of Spin swag available at Reformed Resources. Still, they’re even more excited about their guest, Christopher Yuan, and his latest work, The Holy Sexuality Project, a 36-part video series intended for teens and their parents. It is a thoroughly gospel-centered study on sex, sexuality, and gender. With so much confusion regarding these issues in our culture, this timely series will be a great help to many Christian families and churches. Register here for the opportunity to win a redemption code for The Holy Sexuality Project video series, courtesy of Dr. Christopher Yuan.    Show Notes: For more information about the video series, visit Christopher Yuan's memoir, highly recommended by Todd: Out of a Far Country Book recommendation: Openness Unhindered by Rosaria Butterfield  Mortification of Spin swag:
12/6/202331 minutes, 6 seconds
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Don’t Follow Your Heart

Having narrowly escaped being held hostage at gunpoint, Carl and his partner-in-crime, Todd, sit down with Thaddeus Williams to discuss his latest book, Don't Follow Your Heart: Boldly Breaking the Ten Commandments of Self-Worship. Don't Follow Your Heart offers a compelling vision for the kind of Christianity that is truly countercultural, that rebels against the status quo, and offers something genuinely revolutionary. Thaddeus also tells the guys it's "an accessible and readable version of Carl's The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self." Them's fightin' words! You won't want to miss this episode! Register here for the opportunity to win a copy of Thaddeus’ book, courtesy of Harper Collins Publishing.   Show Notes: Thaddeus Williams’ website:
11/22/202329 minutes
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The Doctrine of Justification

Todd acts as solo host today as Carl, clad in the latest fashions from J.Crew (thanks to his wife), shifts to the other side of the table to discuss John Owen’s book for which he recently wrote the foreword, The Doctrine of Justification by Faith. Owen’s classic work presents one of the most rigorous defenses of the Reformed doctrine of justification. While technical and challenging, Carl argues that it is well worth reading and offers suggestions for those new to Owen.  To register to win a copy of The Doctrine of Justification by Faith by John Owen (forward by Carl Trueman), click here. Thank you Reformation Heritage Books!   Show Notes: The Doctrine of Justification by Faith: For those new to John Owen, Carl recommends the following books: Knowing God: Banner of Truth Puritan Paperbacks:
11/8/202332 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Reformed Deacon

The PCA has been the subject of much buzz on the podcast, but today it’s the OPC’s turn to grab the spotlight. Carl and Todd sit down with David Nakhla and Tim Hopper, deacons in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, to talk about the ways the OPC is working to create a network of deacons within the OPC and how they seek to train and encourage deacons in their local church.   Show Notes: In case you haven’t heard about The Reformed Deacon, you can find it on most podcast players or by going to:  You can find out more about the OPC Committee on Diaconal Ministries by going to Thank you to this month's sponsor Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Explore which theological degree best fits you at SBTS.EDU/EXPLORE.
10/25/202331 minutes, 57 seconds
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Feminism Against Progress

Mortification of Spin welcomes Mary Harrington to the podcast, and Carl is in full fan-boy mode. Mary, the author of Feminism Against Progress, shares how the birth of her daughter radically changed her view of feminism and why she now describes women’s liberation as more of an economic transition than “progress.” Mary purports that this so-called progress no longer benefits the majority of women, and only a feminist that is skeptical of it can truly defend their interests in the twenty-first century. To sign up to win a copy of Mary Harrington’s book, Feminism Against Progress, provided by Regnery Publishing, register here.   Show Notes: British Ezine where Mary writes: Books recommended by Mary: Transhumanist: From Transgender to Transhuman by Martine Rothblatt  Thank you to this month's sponsor Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Explore which theological degree best fits you at SBTS.EDU/EXPLORE.
10/11/202331 minutes, 40 seconds
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Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age

Clad in a Texas flag shirt, Carl and his button-down-wearing cohost Todd welcome their good friend Rosaria Butterfield back to the podcast to discuss her latest book, Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age. In this powerful book, Rosaria uses Scripture to confront cultural lies she once believed about sexuality, faith, feminism, gender roles, and modesty. Tune in to hear why Rosaria says it’s more important than ever that women see the truth about who God created them to be. To sign up to win a copy of Rosaria’s book, Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, provided by Crossway Books, register here.
9/27/202331 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Shepherd’s Toolbox

Tim Witmer, one of Carl’s only friends (or so Carl claims), is back on the podcast today to discuss his latest book, The Shepherd’s Toolbox. Designed to complement his well-loved book The Shepherd Leader, Tim’s latest book gathers seven church leaders to show how they and their churches have innovatively addressed specific shepherding challenges. Tune in to hear more and discover why Carl has called Tim “The PCA’s answer to Frank Sinatra.” P&R Publishing has generously provided three copies of The Shepherd’s Toolbox for our listeners. Register here to enter the drawing.   Show Notes: The Shepherd Leader: The Shepherd’s Toolbox:
9/13/202330 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Political Christian

Should Christians be involved politically? “How can they not be?” asks David Innes when he sits down with Carl and Todd to discuss the upcoming Prince George’s Conference on Reformed Theology, The Political Christian: Citizens of Heaven in the City of Man. Partisan politics has divided our country and, sadly, even our churches. How are we to think biblically about government and our role in it?  To sign up to win a copy of David Innes’ book, Christ and the Kingdoms of Men, provided by P&R Publishing, register here.   Show Notes: To find out more about the Prince George’s Conference on Reformed Theology, September 29-30, 2023 in Washington, D.C. and to register to attend, visit
8/30/202331 minutes, 16 seconds
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What’s Happening in the PCA?

Armed with his leather-bound copy of Robert's Rules, Fred Greco joins Todd and Carl to discuss the recent General Assembly meeting of the Presbyterian Church in America and his role as moderator. Breathing a sigh of relief, Fred and Todd report that the 2023 GA was more charitable and constructive than in previous years, and good progress was made. And yet we find Carl is still not ready to change teams. P&R Publishing has provided a few giveaway copies of Guy Prentiss Waters’ book, How Jesus Runs the Church, for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win.
8/16/202330 minutes, 48 seconds
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Kids Talk Church History

Today is the battle of the podcasts as the hosts of Mortification of Spin welcome the hosts of Kids Talk Church History to discuss their growing podcast, the importance of studying church history, and to debate Scottish vs. English culture and Bronte vs. Austen. Despite Todd’s best attempts, Emma and Linus don’t seem too intimidated by the international scope of the podcast, but Emma’s grandmother is a different story! Reformation Heritage has provided a few giveaway copies of Simonetta Carr’s award winning  book, Church History, for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win.   Show Notes:
8/2/202330 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Toxic War on Masculinity

Nancy Pearsey joins Carl and Todd to discuss her important new book, The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes. Books have appeared with titles like I Hate Men and Are Men Necessary? Mainstream news organizations publish articles like "Why Can't We Hate Men?" T-shirts are sold with messages like "So Many Men, So Little Ammunition.” And Christian men, in particular, are being singled out despite social science data indicators. When did the script against masculinity become so toxic, and what effect is it having on men today?  Baker Publishing Group has provided a few giveaway copies of his book for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win.   Show Notes: Nancy Pearcey is the author of the upcoming book The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes. Her most recently published book is Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality. Her earlier books include The Soul of Science, Saving Leonardo, Finding Truth, and two ECPA Gold Medallion Award Winners: How Now Shall We Live (coauthored with Harold Fickett and Chuck Colson) and Total Truth. Her books have been translated into 19 languages. She is professor and scholar in residence at Houston Christian University. A former agnostic, Pearcey has spoken at universities such as Princeton, Stanford, USC, and Dartmouth. She has been quoted in The New Yorker and Newsweek, highlighted as one of the five top women apologists by Christianity Today, and hailed in The Economist as "America's pre-eminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual." To order a copy of Nancy’s book, The Toxic War on Masculinity, visit: This podcast has been sponsored by SBTS. Explore which theological degree best fits you at SBTS.EDU/EXPLORE. 
7/19/202328 minutes
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Social Conservatism for the Common Good

After a brief discussion about craziness you can understand and craziness you can't, Carl and Todd get down to business talking to Andrew Walker, editor of the new book Social Conservatism for the Common Good. A collection of essays from high-profile evangelical writers and academics – including our very own Carl Trueman – the book focuses on the work of renowned catholic, social conservative thinker Robert George.  Crossway has provided a few giveaway copies of his book for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win. Show Notes: This podcast has been sponsored by SBTS. Explore which theological degree best fits you at SBTS.EDU/EXPLORE. 
7/5/202332 minutes, 57 seconds
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Reformation as Renewal

Carl and Todd welcome Matthew Barrett back to the podcast for the fourth time…or is it the fifth?…to discuss his latest book. Many Protestants are confused about what it means to be Protestant. The Reformation as Renewal offers a fresh history of the Reformation to help Protestants understand their origin and identity. Far from being the clean break many paint it or the schism others would have us believe it to be, Matthew argues that the Reformers sought to restore the teachings of the one holy catholic and apostolic church during the Reformation. Zondervan has provided a few giveaway copies of Matthew’s book for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win. Show Notes This podcast has been sponsored by SBTS. Explore which theological degree best fits you at SBTS.EDU/EXPLORE.   
6/21/202333 minutes, 22 seconds
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Satan and Demons

Much to Carl’s relief, Todd dresses up this week for a serious conversation about the controversial issue of Satan and demons. When is Satan introduced in the Bible, and how are we to understand his power? And how are we to view the demonic realm and its influence in our daily lives?  Crossway has provided a few giveaway copies of Against the Darkness by Graham Cole for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win. Show Notes: Evil and the Cross: An Analytical Look at the Problem of Pain, by Henri Blocher
6/7/202329 minutes, 12 seconds
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Reformed Theology with Jonathan Master

Carl and Todd sit down with long-time friend and Theology on the Go podcast host, Jonathan Master, to discuss his latest book, Reformed Theology. In this practical book, Jonathan provides a helpful primer for church leaders, study groups, and anyone who wants a well-rounded and concise overview of Reformed theology. Now what was it that Carl said that had Jonathan so concerned? Tune in and find out. We have a number of copies of Jonathan's book for giveaway, courtesy of P&R Publishing. Enter here for a chance to win.  
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Neo-Calvinism: A Theological Introduction

Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck sparked a theological tradition in the Netherlands that came to be known as Neo-Calvinism. While studies in neo-Calvinism have focused primarily on its political and philosophical insights, its theology has received less attention. Carl and Todd welcome Cory Brock and Gray Sutanto to discuss their new book, by the same name as this podcast, which provides a thoroughly theological introduction to neo-Calvinism, which many consider much needed. We have several copies of their book for giveaway, courtesy of Lexham Press. Enter here to get in the running.  
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Mourn with Those Who Mourn

The recent horrific murders at a Nashville Christian school compel Carl and Todd to discuss how believers should respond in the face of such inexplicable tragedy. It’s safe to say that most people—believers included—don’t consider in advance what they might say or do when answers are few. Our hosts offer precious biblical insight and pastoral experience to help us understand how we might represent Christ to others in such painful circumstances. Recent guest Mark Talbot knows well what it means to suffer loss. Crossway is offering a few copies of Mark’s landmark book When the Stars Disappear as a giveaway. Enter here for the possibility of receiving one.
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The Story of Abortion in America

“Citizen Carl” Trueman flies without a co-pilot as he interviews author Leah Savas. She joins the legendary Marvin Olasky in writing The Story of Abortion in America: A Street-Level History, 1652-2022. The book offers a unique historical perspective that digs deep between the milestones of the abortion journey in the US and the laws that shaped it to provide insight into the cultural aspects of the story. Crossway Publishers has provided a number of copies of the book for giveaway. Enter here for your opportunity to win one.
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The Knowledge of God, the Fear of the Lord

As international best-selling author Carl Trueman enjoys a few days among the “jet set” in Rome, faithful pastor and co-host Todd Pruitt sits down with guest Michael Allen. Dr. Allen serves as professor of systematic theology and academic dean at Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando. Despite his better judgment, Allen returns to the podcast to chat about his two newest books, released concurrently. Today’s conversation touches on themes guiding each book, including how the fear of the Lord should influence theological method and how the knowledge of God is communicated through the Word of God.  T&T Clark Publishers is providing a few copies of Dr. Allen’s The Fear of the Lord: Essays on Theological Method for giveaway. Click here for an opportunity to receive one.
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The Genesis of Gender

Carl is flying solo as host for today's podcast and—after a few moments of linguistic snobbery—finds time in his "shed-jule" to interview Abigail Favale. She's a professor at the University of Notre Dame and author of The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory. Dr. Favale explains that current "gender theory" finds its roots in feminist and postmodern thought, and is now reshaping language, law—perhaps even our own self-perceptions. Today's guest dares to define such words as "woman" and "man" and reminds us that biblical paradigms should lead Christians in how to live beyond cultural notions of gender identity. We're pleased to offer a few giveaway copies of Abigail's book courtesy of Ignatius Press. Enter here to get in the running.
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The Existence and Attributes of God

After reminding listeners of the great public service they provide through this podcast, the beneficent Messrs. Pruitt and Trueman welcome a special guest. Mark Jones is a PCA pastor serving in British Columbia, CA, and the author of numerous books. His most recent work is a two-volume set updating and explaining Stephen Charnock’s classic Discourses upon the Existence and Attributes of God. Jones’ unabridged presentation is designed to encourage and instruct theologians and laypersons alike with a greater understanding of Charnock’s insights and Bible exegesis and—in turn—provide an enhanced appreciation of who God truly is. Crossway Publishing has provided a number of giveaway copies of Mark’s book, The Existence and Attributes of God. For an opportunity to win, click here. Should you not win, purchase a copy, as Dr. Jones is still waiting for that cup of coffee and Rice Krispies Treat™!
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Counterfeit Kingdom

You’re familiar with non-Christian teachings that simply reject traditional Bible truth. Perhaps just as dangerous are Christian teachings that distort the Gospel, twist Scripture, and introduce New Age and mystical thinking into the faith. Authors Holly Pivec and R. Douglas Geivett expose one such set of fringe teachings that have quickly become mainstream in their new book, Counterfeit Kingdom: The Dangers of New Revelation, New Prophets, and New Age Practices in the Church. Carl and Todd welcome Holly and Doug for a discussion of the New Apostolic Reformation, or NAR, offering practical suggestions for those who are influenced by the movement or suspect its presence in their own churches. As always, the best way to spot a counterfeit faith is to be intimately familiar with the genuine article! We have a number of copies of the book for giveaway, courtesy of B&H Publishing. Enter here to get in the running.
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The Holy Spirit

Christian understanding of the Holy Spirit ranges from calling Him an “it,” to claiming the Spirit is a mere independent force operating in the universe. Systematic and historical theology professor Robert Letham reminds us that the Holy Spirit is holy God, a person of the triune Godhead operating in perfect harmony and inseparably with the Father and Son. In his latest book, Dr. Letham skillfully addresses disputed beliefs about, and perceptions of, The Holy Spirit. Congratulations to our winners of Dr. Letham's book, courtesy of P&R Publishing: *Isaiah H. in Colorado Springs, CO *Caleb K. from Lynchburg, VA *Reed D. of Montgomery, AL
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Here We Stand

Our intrepid podcasters set out to answer one of life’s most pressing questions: Mello Yello® or Mountain Dew®? This specific gastronomic dilemma should quickly identify today’s special guest. Kevin DeYoung’s dietary list may read like the kid’s menu at Denny’s®, but his theological scholarship is unparalleled. The famed pastor, professor, and author once again places his reputation at risk to visit with Spin-Meisters Carl and Todd. Dr. DeYoung is one of the speakers for the 2023 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology (PCRT) in East Lansing, MI, and Bryn Mawr, PA. On today’s episode, Kevin discusses this year’s theme—Here We Stand: The Five Solas of the Reformation—as he deftly avoids questions about fine cigars and chicken nuggets. Alliance Publishing congratulates our winners of copies of the book Our Sovereign God, edited by James Montgomery Boice: *Daniel B. from Winfield, IL  *Brian R. from Greenville, SC  *William L. from Auburn, AL
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Bully Pulpit

Many churches have men in the pulpit who care for the flock, remembering they are "shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood." Their ministries can be a resource for unity, healing, and growth for a congregant. But in recent years, several high-profile cases of abuse have been reported—and there are many more we don't hear about. Often, the victims of such abuse are compelled to suffer in silence. Michael Kruger serves as a professor and president at the Charlotte campus of Reformed Theological Seminary, and he—once again—places his reputation in jeopardy by appearing on this podcast. With his new book, Michael seeks to help leaders and laypersons identify and deal with the problems that may be caused by spiritual abuse in their church. All as Todd continues to proselytize for your conversion to Presbyterianism. Congrats to our winners of a copy of Michael's book, Bully Pulpit: Confronting the Problem of Spiritual Abuse in the Church, courtesy Zondervan Reflective: *John H. from Rio Rancho, NM  *Pete T. from Mt. Vernon, OH  *Jonathan H. from Tampa, FL
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So What Is Marriage?

How swiftly things change. Signed into law in 1996, the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) refused to codify same-sex “marriage” federally, as it preserved the rights of each state to choose to recognize such unions. Recently, President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act (RFMA), repealing DOMA and requiring the federal government and every US state and territory to recognize homosexual matrimony.   So what is marriage if it can be redefined in less than 30 years? Carl and Todd analyze statements made by the president and others as they discuss whether religious liberties will truly be preserved. Could RFMA provide an entree for polygamy or other challenges to the Christian definition of marriage? Are traditional mores still relevant? Congratulations to our winners of copies of What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense: . *Joe G. of Meridien, ID *Donald T. from Omaha, NE *Brian M. of Annapolis, MD
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Protestant Social Teaching: An Introduction

Brad Littlejohn reminds us of the powerful influence of Protestant social teaching throughout the millennia. In his roles as president of the Davenant Institute, professor, author, and researcher, our guest has spoken of the radically anti-human concepts now creeping into the national dialogue as the leavening influence of Christian moral teachings is redefined or forgotten. Dr. Littlejohn‘s essays are an essential contribution to the book Protestant Social Teaching: An Introduction, where the reader will come to appreciate that the tradition of Protestant moral theology still offers concrete guidance for political, social, medical, and judicial leaders on subjects like marriage, sexuality, life, death, and more. We'd like to congratulate our winners of a copy of Protestant Social Teaching, courtesy of the Davenant Press: *Collin W. from Beaufort, SC  *Andrew B. from Ruston, LA  *Stacy C. from Akron, OH
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"Live Your Truth" and Other Lies

Alisa Childers knows the difference between “live the truth” and “live your truth.” In her new book, the former ZOEgirl singer/songwriter explains how modern lies disguised as truth in today’s culture have taken hold in many churches. Does Scripture call Christians to “follow their hearts” and “make their dreams a reality?” Alisa points the way to freedom and relief from popular deceptions that can leave us anxious, exhausted, and self-obsessed.  Congratulations to our winners of a copy of Alisa's book, Live Your Truth and Other Lies, courtesy of Tyndale Elevate: *Freddy F. from Jacksonville, AR  *D. Lee G. from Friday Harbor, WA  *Kenny L. from Spokane, WA  
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Cranky is the New Winsome

One of our guests encourages parents listening in to enforce a “PG-13” content label on today’s show, but—remembering some disturbing stories Todd has shared on the podcast—we confidently move forward with today’s topic. On the table: a frank discussion of the ongoing fallout from the Revoice conference and other sexually-charged issues challenging the Church.  Joining Carl and Todd are author, speaker, former professor, and current sock maker Rosaria Butterfield, along with Joshua Gielow. Joshua is from truthXchange, an organization that helps the next Christian generation think clearly and live virtuously in a culture antagonistic to their faith. You’ll learn to discern the subtle shifts in language used to normalize certain behaviors making their way into the Church and the attitude of victimhood used to silence any criticism.  Congrats to our winners of copies of The New Reformation Catechism on Human Sexuality by Christopher Gordon: *Karlie B. from Deltona, FL (who also won a pair of socks hand-knitted by Rosaria Butterfield!) *Jacob L. from Tuscumbia, AL  *Bill Z. from Charlottesville, VA
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Fire in the Streets

Few of us will forget the hot summer of 2020. The COVID pandemic closed schools and businesses, and—as many Americans were shuttered in their homes—angry mobs took to the empty streets protesting police brutality, perceived inequities, and other burning issues. Some sense of order has since returned, but can we afford to move forward without a careful evaluation of what brought fire to our streets? Our returning guest, Christian philosopher and apologist Dr. Douglas Groothuis, is a prolific author and professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary. His latest release considers what Jesus followers bring to the current debate about race and gender in America, offering insight into the origins and dangers of critical theory. Carl and Todd’s evocative questions foster a conversation you won’t want to miss. Thanks to Salem Books we have our winners of copies of Fire in the Streets: How You Can Confidently Respond to Incendiary Cultural Topics by Douglas Groothuis: *Scott T. from Tomball, TX  *Mark S. of Rochester, MN  *Kelvin M. from Bronx, NY
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Literary Talent On Loan from God

From the EIP (Excellence in Podcasting) Studios, it’s David Limbaugh! The brother of the late talk radio icon is an attorney and distinguished author in his own right. David joins us today to discuss his latest book and discern whether Carl’s accent is authentic, wholly contrived, or simply unnecessary.   The goal of The Resurrected Jesus: The Church in the New Testament, co-authored with daughter Christen Limbaugh Bloom, is to draw readers closer to Jesus by focusing on the Savior’s intimate friends and their epistles to the Church. In the process, we learn that many of the struggles of the early Church are similar to those Christians encounter today.   Congrats to Mike N. in Wooster, OH, the winner of a copy of The Resurrected Jesus courtesy of Regnery Publishing.   
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Why Believe?

Carl and Todd are, for the first time in quite a while, recording their podcast face-to-face within the Alliance compound. Careful to remain socially distanced—not because of COVID, but to prevent any regrettable chance of human contact whatsoever—the pair welcomes Dr. Neil Shenvi to the mix. He’s a former Yale and Duke University researcher turned homeschooling father with a passion for Christian apologetics. Of course, every new generation brings with it a fresh set of challenges for the apologist. The “new atheist” may find Christianity to be, for example, oppressive of women or impossibly judgmental. Is the Bible true, or even morally good? Our guest engages with the best contemporary arguments against the faith and provides a clear and compelling case to embrace Christ and Christianity. Congrats to our winners of a copy of Shenvi’s Why Believe? A Reasoned Approach to Christianity: *Annette K. of Speculator, NY    *Brant K. from Sygnet, OH    *Tyler H. of Colorado Springs, CO
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Situating Our Suffering

After a few moments of whining about their generous Alliance salaries, our pouty podcasters welcome a return guest—a "repeat offender," as Carl sees it—to the Spin. In the second installment from his series Suffering and the Christian Life, Mark Talbot encourages readers to place their suffering within the arc of the entire biblical story. In doing so, we better understand our suffering and can take courage and find comfort in God as we walk through it. We'll understand why Christians suffer and how we can rest in knowing that our suffering will someday come to an end.  Crossway Books congratulates our winners of Talbot's Give Me Understanding That I May Live: Situating Our Suffering within God's Redemptive Plan: *Samuelis L. from Montpelier, VT *Brad K. from Goshen, IN *Todd K. from McBain, MI
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Life after Roe

Reaction from both sides of the debate to the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade has been swift and predictable. So, what exactly happened that Friday in June? Did the Supremes actually vote to make abortion illegal? And where do we go from here? Frank Beckwith is a philosopher who publishes, speaks, and teaches on religion, jurisprudence, politics, and ethics at Baylor University. He’s written extensively on abortion and the sanctity of life and can thus offer an informed explanation of the Dobbs v Jackson decision and its implications. Though the professor (a skilled mimic) is unable to render a serviceable impression of POTUS 45, you’ll appreciate his exceptional insights on today’s topic. Congratulations to our winners of a copy of Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing by Alexandra DeSanctis and Ryan T. Anderson: *Bret R. from San Luis Obispo, CA *Jeff D. from Mechanicsville, VA *David E. from Philpot, KY
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Old Made New

It seems a lot of “New Testament Christians” would prefer to simply dispose of the Old Testament. Perhaps that’s because it’s often difficult for modern believers to find relevance in the rules and wrath of a seemingly angry, vengeful Old Testament God. Today’s guest posits that simply writing off the Old Testament is not an option, so perhaps we might start our study of the Old by examining key chapters of the New. In his book, Old Made New: A Guide to New Testament Use of the Old Testament, Greg Lanier aligns Old and New Covenant passages along 13 major themes of the Bible and provides a “big picture” understanding of the Old Testament’s primacy in such New Testament themes as grace, adoption, sanctification, and more. As a bonus, our hosts and guest briefly discuss how annoying certain English accents can be. Don’t miss a minute! Congrats to our winners of Greg’s Old Made New: A Guide to New Testament Use of the Old Testament, courtesy of Crossway Books: *J.C. from Columbus, OH *Tracy A. from Metairie, LA *Collin V. from Edgerton, MN Show Notes *Old Made New Study Guide *Redemptive-Historical Bible Reading Plan
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Gospel-Shaped Marriage

Having established that Carl has neither the hair nor the physique to hang with Snooki and company at the Jersey Shore, our curmudgeonly cohosts welcome the much better-behaved Chad and Emily Van Dixhoorn into the mix. The pair met at seminary, married, and—five children later—offer sound advice for couples desiring to build a Gospel-Shaped Marriage. Those who struggle with concepts like “headship” and “submission” in marriage will find satisfying, biblical answers to their questions in the Van Dixhoorns’ book. Remembering how God uses marriage as a means of discipleship, couples can begin to help one another in their shared calling to love and respect their spouse.  Congrats to our winners of a copy of Gospel-Shaped Marriage: Grace for Sinners to Love Like Saints: *Samuel B. from St. Petersburg, FL  *Flynn E. from Louisville, KY  *David V. of Merced, CA
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I Feel the Need...

Iceman and Maverick (aka J.V. Fesko and Craig Carter) are feeling the need…the need for creeds. Though neither will claim the title of “top gun,” both will speak of the necessity of creeds in the life of the Church as they headline the 2022 Prince George’s Conference on Reformed Theology in September. In addition, Iceman—uh, Fesko—has penned an exceptional book on the subject, which provides the foundation for today’s conversation. Carl and Todd (the Orville and Wilbur Wright of podcasting) engage their “dangerous” guests in a discussion of the biblical and historical case for the creeds and confessions, showing why they are essential for Christian faith and practice today. Congratulation to our winners of copies of JV Fesko’s book—The Need for Creeds Today: Confessional Faith in a Faithless Age: *Wayne S. from Gardendale, AL  *Michael M. from Spartanburg, SC Show Notes The 2022 Prince George’s Conference on Reformed Theology
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Jesus and the God of Classical Theism

From his high perch within a “boutique denomination,” Carl feels comfortable taking shots at Todd and the much larger PCA. With the sniping finally in check, the didactic duo brings aboard a special guest. Dr. Steven Duby is the author of Jesus and the God of Classical Theism: Biblical Christology in Light of the Doctrine of God. He’s associate professor of theology at Phoenix Seminary and has written several substantial books on the Doctrine of God. In his latest, Duby asserts that—when Classical Theism informs our Christology—we can better understand Jesus’ unique incarnation, how He relates to the Father and the Holy Spirit, and the efficacy of the Lord’s atonement. Congratulations to our winners of a copy of Stephen’s book: *Michael H. from Ft. Lee, NJ  *Annette Y. of Bull Valley, IL
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Should Anyone Cause These Little Ones to Stumble...

After revisiting the “trouser color” debate of 2019 (Carl claims a sort of “sartorial panache”), our hosts settle into a more serious discussion. A rather high-profile government appointee publicly displays what is—to most—a rather deplorable lifestyle. Should the Christian say nothing about what this man does in his “private life?” Or should a public servant’s behavior be held to a higher standard? The conversation naturally moves to the public good and our obligation to the most vulnerable in society: children. Is teaching transgender issues to second graders a deplorable practice or a mere First Amendment exercise? Carl and Todd frankly address the issue and the solution only the Church can offer. Congratulations to our winners of a copy of Laura Perry’s From Transgender to Transformed: A Story of Transition That Will Truly Set You Free. *Lee Ann G. of Oklahoma City, OK    *Jeff G. from Lincoln, NE    *Michel V. from Hampton, GA
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Carl’s ongoing tour in support of his best-selling book provides numerous opportunities to hear from others striving to explain the paradigm of this strange new world. A voice that particularly captured the professor’s attention joins our conversation today. Is identity primarily defined by race? Monique Duson reminds us that, as a believer, your identity begins with who you are in Christ. Thus, the Church is our best hope for solving the challenges of racism and inequality. A one-time advocate for Critical Race Theory (CRT), Monique discovered the contradictions between the vision of CRT and the Christian worldview, and founded the Center for Biblical Unity (CFBU), leading respectful and Bible-centered conversations about race, justice, and unity. Whether you’ve been “canceled,” or seek to provoke meaningful conversations about diversity and inclusion, Monique’s small group curriculum Reconciled outlines a biblical approach to racial unity. Congratulations to our winner of a copy of the curriculum, Bret R. from San Luis Obispo, CA.
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Confessions of a French Atheist

It’s one of the more intriguing titles one might encounter--Confessions of a French Atheist: How God Hijacked my Quest to Disprove the Christian Faith. And as our heroes settle in to discuss the book, Messieurs Trueman and Pruitt find its author to be just as engaging. No longer an atheist (but still very much French), Guillaume Bignon is an analytical philosopher and computer scientist working in New York’s financial industry. Guillaume came to faith through an unlikely series of providential meetings and conversations with Christians around the world. As the foundations of his unbelief began to crumble, Bignon discovered the wonder of a God that offers salvation freely and not by good works. Listen as the three discuss miracles, evolution, and the intersection of faith and science. Congratulations to our winners of Guillaume’s book, courtesy of Tyndale House: *Timm H. of Berwyn, IL *Mark F. of Lancaster, PA *Debby F. from Wofford Heights, CA
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Mission: Translation

Carl welcomes a rare participant into today’s discussion: a former student still willing to acknowledge the experience! Kyle Davis is an American serving in South Africa as the Bible Translation Fellowship executive director. Kyle asserts that there are over 7300 languages in the world, yet a complete translation of the Scriptures is available in only 10% of those tongues. Such sobering statistics compel Kyle to provide support for those who make Bible translation their mission. As many within the Church are moving away from the written Word toward narrative and storytelling, Davis reminds us that God gave us a Book, and all literate language groups need to learn from its text. Listen, and gain a fresh appreciation for the value of Scripture. Congratulations to our winners of Vern Poythress’ In the Beginning Was the Word: *Parker B. from Marietta, GA *James A. from Marshall, MN *Walker T. from Auburn, AL Show Notes *
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Doublethink and Newspeak

The “Lady Writer” who (perhaps unwittingly) bestowed upon our own Todd Pruitt his “Major Pastor” credentials is today’s special guest. Co-host, professor, and rap artist Carl Trueman joins in to welcome Megan Basham, culture reporter for the Daily Wire. All superfluous titles aside, the three discuss an essential topic: the disturbing state of what is currently referred to as "responsible journalism." Why have the mainstream news and entertainment media become mere PR outlets for the political and cultural elites? When did journalists stop holding our leaders accountable, choosing instead to defend a singular perspective that would make even Orwell blush? Megan takes on her media colleagues and the most controversial topics of the day in this high-energy conversation!
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In the Shadow of the Rock

Though pastoral duties call Todd away from the podcast today, Carl nonetheless enjoys a pleasant conversation with Geoffrey Thomas. Our guest is a seminary professor and conference speaker who served over 50 years behind a pulpit in Aberystwyth, Wales. Geoffrey’s outstanding autobiography, In the Shadow of the Rock, recalls the friendships gained and lessons learned over decades of ministering the Word.  Thomas recalls some of his favorite teachers (John Murray, Cornelius Van Til, et al.), his formative years in the pastorate, and the tale of a close (automotive) encounter with the late J.I. Packer! Thomas’ joy is evident throughout as Carl delights in interviewing one of his heroes. Don’t miss it! Congratulations to our winners of a free copy of In the Shadow of the Rock:  *Chris S. of Bowie, MD  *Keith W. from Guelph, Ontario  *Tim R. from Cumming, GA
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God, Technology, and the Christian Life

"Major Pastor" Pruitt and "the Reverend Dr." Trueman condescend to welcome Tony Reinke to the podcast. He's a journalist, author, and senior teacher for Desiring God. Tony's focus on Christian theology and ethics has led him to write a number of books examining technology's influences, including his latest: God, Technology, and the Christian Life. Is technology morally neutral? Has your smartphone truly changed your life? Do the various online platforms shape how we communicate and what we value? Enjoy an eye-opening conversation with the internet's foremost Herman Bavinck fan!  Congratulations to our winner of a copy of Tony's book: *Andy N. from Westlake, OH
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Knowing Sin

Jonathan Edwards characterized sin as an unbearable weight that—without the securing hand of God—would inevitably drag the unbeliever down a slippery slope into hell. In recent times, however, many have reduced sin to merely “missing the mark” or “experiencing brokenness.” In his new book, Canadian PCA pastor Mark Jones helps his readers see the neglected doctrine of sin through the eyes of the Puritans rather than in the more psychological ethic of contemporary evangelical culture. Dr. Jones joins Carl and Todd to discuss the origins of sin and how ignorance of the holiness of God has left so many Christians with such an anemic view of sin. Along the way, Mark reminds us that seeing sin for what it truly is helps the believer more fully appreciate his need for a savior and the powerful grace offered by God. Congratulations to our winners of Knowing Sin: Seeing a Neglected Doctrine through the Eyes of the Puritans: *Brad P. from Prattville, AL  *Enoch C. from Cambridge, MA    *Scott R. from Syracuse, NY Show Note Let Your Sins Be Strong: Luther’s Letter to Melanchthon
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Retrieving Family Worship

As newly-minted grandfather Carl Trueman settles into his cardigan sweater and comfortable shoes, the always-youthful and vibrant Todd Pruitt steps up to help welcome a special guest. Terry Johnson is the 34-year senior minister of Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, Georgia, and a respected author. Terry’s latest release—Understanding Family Worship—is a companion piece to his landmark 2009 book on family devotions. Why can it be difficult for parents—especially dads—to initiate and take the lead in family worship? Families enjoyed daily devotionals throughout Christian history, so what has changed in recent generations? Terry makes a convincing and detailed argument for why your family needs to gather for worship and how it might be done in your own home.  Congratulations to our winners of Terry Johnson’s Understanding Family Worship: Its History, Theology, and Practice:  *Benjamin C. of Pittsburgh, PA  *Taylor K. from Huntsville, AL    *Vernon G. of Sparks, NV    *Nathan A. of Dyer, IN  
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Sex and the Single Evangelical

No longer concerned about offending his boss, Carl welcomes his friend and fellow professor (and former Grove City provost) David Ayers for a return visit to the infamous virtual bunker. With a COVID-y Todd maintaining a few hundred miles of social distancing, the three sit down to discuss the subject matter of David’s forthcoming book, After the Revolution: Sex and the Single Evangelical. In the book, Dr. Ayers provides the Christian heirs of the sexual revolution a resource to understand their challenges and social context to find a way forward. Has the Church lost its savor in providing the clear teaching of Scripture on such matters? Is the answer ultimately found in simply turning back the clock? Our guest and hosts provide satisfying answers to these questions and others. We’d like to congratulate the winners of copies of David’s landmark book, Christian Marriage: A Comprehensive Introduction: *James M. from Cottage Grove, MN *Laura S. from Grand Rapids, MI *Job D. from Woodstock, GA *Isaac B. from Pinedale, WY *Julian G. from Pine Island, FL
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Protestors, Activists, and Culture Warriors

Best-selling author (the Reverend Dr.) Carl Trueman steps away from his world book tour, condescending just long enough to share his thoughts with Todd Pruitt on the topics of institutional coffee mugs, Reformed seminaries, and the mujahideen. But it’s a different type of combatant on our co-hosts’ radar: the culture warrior.  Is it a term of endearment or a dismissive insult? How do “culture warriors” differ from “activists?” The dynamic duo reminds us that Christians need to be engaged–using the right tactics in the proper battles.  Congratulations to our winners of Thaddeus Williams' Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth: *Mary D. from Pocomoke, MD    *Coleman E. from Tucker, GA  *Marilyn J. from Adamsville, TN
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The Banner Man

Your favorite grumpy, middle-aged pod partners welcome a good friend, and—according to Carl—the mastermind behind the marketing and sales department at Banner of Truth publishing. Pat Daly has been one of the fast-moving wheels at Banner for quite some time, but—this coming summer—he’ll assume the duties of a vice president at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Before he departs, Pat talks about the current state of Christian publishing and his encouraging view of its future, particularly in Reformed circles. Daly comments on the notion that “Puritans are hard to read,” takes the opportunity to make some recommendations, and reveals the distinctive process of choosing Banner’s next publication. On a more personal note, Carl reveals to listeners one of Pat’s great hidden talents. Don’t miss it! We are pleased to congratulate our winners of a free copy of “A Body of Divinity”, one of the greatest Puritan classics: *Hal P. from Brandon, MS  *Robert A. from Buffalo,NY  *Daren D. from Beaverton, MI
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The Metaverse Church

Keeping up with all that’s happening in the evangelical world is a real challenge! Today our intrepid hosts tackle one of the latest examples of dysfunction at the intersection of church and culture. This week’s head-shaker comes courtesy of Life Church, pastored by Craig Groeschel. It’s the newest, super-cool, and innovative approach to “doing church”: the metaverse. Yes, it’s virtual reality (VR) church, where one can “worship” from the comfort of home wearing jammies and goggles while being represented in the “sanctuary” by a personal graphic avatar. What is the metaverse, and what do its creators say is its primary purpose? What are the critics saying about VR and its effects on individuals and society? Are there biblical implications when a church creates a virtual reality campus? Todd and Carl discuss the deep human needs of physical presence and personal interaction no virtual experience can fulfill.  Congratulations to our winners of a free copy of A Place to Belong, Learning to Love the Local Church by Megan Hill: *Bill B. from Olathe, KS    *Nord Z. from Camden, IN      *Daniel K from York Haven, PA     
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T4G One Last Time

Together for the Gospel (T4G) directors have announced that they will be meeting for the final time in 2022, triggering a wide-ranging discussion on parachurch organizations. Todd waxes nostalgic as he recalls the many years he attended T4G and how those conferences influenced his life and ministry. Today, Pastor Pruitt shares his thoughts about the ministry’s dissolution as our two friends reflect on the current challenges that Gospel unity is facing everywhere. You don’t want to miss Carl’s analogy about the OPC and pest control. Listen in! Congratulations to our winners of free copies of Nine Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever: Bruce J. from West Springfield, MA Rod R. from Rose Hill, KS Philip J. from Lenexa, KS
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Selfhood, Sexual Identity, and PCA Overtures

After a few weeks of solo hosting chores, Carl and Todd are back together and ready to tackle some pressing current affairs. The hot button issues of the day include the notions of “personhood” and “identity” as represented by Revoice, the PCA study committee report, and the opposition to passing overtures 23 and 37 to amend the Book of Church Order. Is the definition of “identity” ambiguous or unclear in the proposed overtures, or are some ministers backpedaling on what they previously affirmed to be true? An objective question requires a clear-cut and unequivocal answer, so Todd poses his queries to Carl, who—literally—“wrote the book” on issues of identity. Check out our previous episode with Fred Greco addressing the PCA Overtures. Congratulations to our winners of Kevin DeYoung’s book, What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality?  Eddie B. from Rocky Mount, NC Chris B. from Camp Hill, PA James C. from Chicago, IL
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No Creed But the Bible?

Now that we’ve adjusted to the new biweekly schedule for Mortification of Spin, we present one final encore of Theology on the Go. Carl and Todd return with a new episode next week, and then every other week thereafter. Thanks for listening! Jonathan and James welcome a very special guest today. J. V. Fesko is the Harriet Barbour Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS. The Need for Creeds Today is one of Fesko’s most recent works and the topic of today’s conversation.  Fesko defines four different ways Christians view creeds, as he argues that creeds are not only a wise and helpful practice for the wellbeing of the church, but a necessity for the being of the church! What does it mean to “give the sense,” and what does it have to do with catechizing the next generations?
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Covenantal Baptism

The Blessings of the Faith series recently published by P&R is a valuable resource highlighting the distinctives of the Presbyterian and Reformed faith. The series, written for Church laity as an introduction to Presbyterian ecclesiology and polity, is particularly helpful for Christians with backgrounds in other traditions. Carl’s guest is Jason Helopoulos, editor of the series and author of Covenantal Baptism. He’s the senior pastor of University Reformed Church in East Lansing, MI. Jason shares his love for the sacrament of covenantal baptism and explains how his perspective on the subject has changed since his seminary days. What does baptism represent in the Reformed tradition? How is the concept of judgment associated with baptism? Do we pray with our children or for our children? Don’t miss this very insightful discussion.  Congrats to our winners of complimentary copies of Jason's Covenantal Baptism:  *Joan H. from Huron, OH    *Bradley E. from Anthem, AZ
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The Word Became Fresh

Mortification of Spin is now a biweekly podcast. As we adjust to the new schedule, we’d like to introduce you to another Alliance podcast: Theology on the Go, with Jonathan Master and James Dolezal. A new episode of MoS is coming November 24th. Dale Ralph Davis has been a minister at a few traditional Reformed churches in the US. For some time, he was Old Testament professor at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS. Dale lives a much quieter life now, and is happy to chat with Jonathan and James about one of his remarkable books, entitled The Word Became Fresh - How to Preach from the Old Testament Narrative Texts. What is it about some OT narrative texts that intimidates many from preaching through them? What would be the possible negative effects on a church that does not receive the full revelation of God’s Word, including what Davis calls these “nasty narratives?”
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Expository Preaching

A new series is available from P&R Publishing, produced in collaboration with some very accomplished and devoted pastors and theologians. Written for the Church, The Blessings of the Faith Series edited by Jason Helopoulos introduces and explores the distinctives of the Presbyterian and Reformed faith. Current topics include expository preaching, covenantal baptism, and persistent prayer, and more are on the way. Today, Carl chats with David Strain, the senior minister of First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, MS, and author of Expository Preaching. David explains the layout of the books, including content designed to answer questions commonly posed by Christians who are new to the Reformed faith. Why is expository preaching so vital? Is preaching simply the communication of information? David’s conviction and passion for expository preaching set the stage for this engaging conversation. Congratulations to our winners of complimentary copies of Expository Preaching: *Zaci S. from Gable, SC    *Chrissy W. from Phoenixville, PA  
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From Shadow to Substance

NOTE: Mortification of Spin--now, a biweekly podcast--returns with a new episode November 10th. Today: from the archives of another Alliance podcast, it’s Theology on the Go with Jonathan Master and James Dolezal. What is Federal Theology? Sam Renihan joins our hosts to address this very question. Sam is a pastor at Trinity Reformed Baptist Church in La Mirada, CA and author of From Shadow to Substance: the Federal Theology of the English Particular Baptists.  Is it fair to say that Federal theology was the theology of the post-reformation English Puritan? If so, how? Sam focuses his attention on the distinctive features of Federal Theology among particular Baptists, their place in the 17th century literature, and the implications of departing from the English social institutions of long-held beliefs.
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Overtures 23 and 37, and the Book of Church Order

While Carl is globetrotting, fulfilling speaking engagements about what is (thus far) his magnum opus, Todd makes a promise to the loyal listeners of this podcast. As he’s the only host present, our megachurch minister sits down with a good friend to discuss a pressing issue in their common denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).  It’s Fred Greco, pastor of Christ Church in Katy, TX, a General Assembly (GA) veteran trained in the art of unambiguous language. The two discuss this year’s passing of Overtures 23 and 37 at the GA and why the PCA should adopt them and amend the Book of Church Order. What are these overtures about? Why are they so significant for the future of the denomination? Todd and Fred review the proposals and discuss the objections raised by those who oppose them. Listen thoughtfully, because even if you’re not in a PCA church, the same issues may soon be knocking at the door of your denomination.
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Reformed Preaching: Biblical, Doctrinal, and Practical

NOTE: Mortification of Spin is now a biweekly podcast. In the “off” weeks through the month of November, we’ll feature an encore episode of another Alliance podcast: Theology on the Go with Jonathan Master and James Dolezal. A new episode of “The Spin” is coming 10/27/21.  Joel Beeke is a prolific author, professor, and president of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He’s also a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation of Grand Rapids. Beeke recently published Reformed Preaching: Proclaiming God’s Word from the Heart of the Preacher to the Heart of His People, which is the topic of today’s conversation. Joel tells us why—for a long time—he wanted to write this book. He shares the distinctives of Reformed preaching, and explains what he means by “experiential preaching” by citing a few examples from the past. How can one preach experientially, and speak to the hearts of both believers and unbelievers in one single sermon? Dr. Beeke offers a satisfying answer!
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Big Tech at the Church's Doorstep

He’s a “Thought Leader”…an “American Theologian”…and an “Anti-Social Media Influencer” (or is that, an “antisocial Media Influencer?”). Yes, the great Carl Trueman and his faithful sidekick Todd “Tonto” Pruitt sit down to chat about some very contemporary issues, as they also share an important family development! The progress of information technology has our generation asking questions and dealing with concerns no previous generation could have imagined. The benefits of technology are many; there is much to celebrate. Yet our surrender to, and dependence on, technology comes at a high cost–and the Church may soon have to ante up! Our Spinners weigh in and challenge the Church to stay one step ahead of the game. Resources to be Acquainted With: · Napa Legal Institute · Ethics and Public Policy Center · Alliance Defending Freedom · Becket - Religious Liberty for All We are offering our listeners the opportunity to win a copy of “The Tyranny of Big Tech” by US Senator Josh Hawley. Sign up! The books are a generous gift from our friends at Regnery Publishing.
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Christ Victorious

By now you’ve heard that Mortification of Spin has moved to a bi-weekly format. For the next two months, we’ll use the “off” weeks to bring you an encore episode of another Alliance podcast: Theology on the Go, featuring Jonathan Master and James Dolezal. You’ll find more episodes at, or when you subscribe to the podcast. Hugh Martin was a 19th century Scotsman and distinguished mathematician who became a minister of the gospel. As he battled mental health issues, Martin’s last 20 years of life were marked by writing--sermons, essays, and letters--as well as some occasional preaching. Sinclair Ferguson joins Jonathan and James to talk about Martin’s book, Christ Victorious, and give us a wider scope of Hugh Martin’s life and ministry. How did Martin’s mathematical and analytical mind serve him in his approach to theology? Join us for this intriguing conversation. Other works by Hugh Martin ·Christ For Us ·The Shadow of Calvary  ·Simon Peter
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Bold North and the Grand Theme

Our spin terminators are feuding about Carl’s citizenship status, the environment, and even boiled food, all before introducing their special guests. Both men join us virtually today, but will appear together in person to speak at the Bold North Conference on Reformed Theology November 5-6, 2021, at Mission Orthodox Presbyterian Church in St. Paul, MN. Camden Bucey is a minister at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, IL and the executive director of Reformed Forum. His friend Jim Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church in Austin, TX and the Reformed Forum board president. The pair check in to prepare us for the upcoming conference, themed Covenant Theology and the Promised Messiah. What is Covenant Theology, why is it important, and what are the distinctions between Covenant Theology and broader evangelicalism? Israel, the Church, how the Bible is structured, and the way we interpret Scripture are not mere doctrinal differences that can be overlooked, but are at the very heart of understanding the way God relates to his creatures. So listen in, and stay tuned for a very important announcement at the end of the show. Show Notes · Reformed Forum · Bold North Conference on Reformed Theology Congratulations to our winners of a free copy of Foundations of Covenant Theology: A Biblical, Theological Study of Genesis 1-3 by Lane Tipton: David R. from Williamsburg, VA Kyle A. from Clarksville, IN
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Live Not By Lies

On today’s encore presentation of Mortification of Spin the dynamic duo becomes a trio, as a third pessimist—that is, a third realist—joins in. Rod Dreher is an American writer and editor, culture critic, and the author of several books, including The Benedict Option and the freshly released Live Not By Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents. Rod’s book is a wakeup call for Christians about ideas that have become prevalent in American society…notions already adopted in other countries that have proven to be a threat to civil liberties.  Is there still hope to turn from what he calls “soft totalitarianism”? What’s the course of action for Christians to preserve the faith in such an intolerant society, where words and actions are becoming highly surveilled and dealt with “accordingly?” Live Not By Lies is timely and absolutely relevant for Christian dissidents. You can’t afford to miss this conversation! Show Notes ·The American Conservative ·The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation by Rod Dreher
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Forget Pickpockets and Broken Legs, Just Don't Hurt My Feelings!

Our favorite spin slayers believe that Christians and non-Christians alike should care about religious liberty. So, Carl and Todd choose to revisit a prominent First Amendment case and note other offenses that are popping up all around. How should Christians view religious liberty and what should be our response when faced with religious opposition and hostility? How big of a deal is it, really, to bake a cake or arrange flowers for a gay wedding? Carl explains how the concepts of personhood and identity are determining factors in the way liberty is defined in today’s society—even in the opinion of some Christians.  Show Notes ·Public Discourse ·Alliance Defending Freedom ·Becket - Religious Liberty for All ·Pacific Justice Institute ·Freedom and Virtue Institute ·The Institute for Faith and Freedom - GCC ·The Heritage Foundation ·Ethics and Public Policy Center  We are pleased to offer our listeners the opportunity to win a free copy of Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Pluralistic Age by Andrew T. Walker. Register! The copies are a generous gift from our friends at Brazos Press.
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Sermon Plagiarism

A very old and common problem in the pastoral world has recently returned to the headlines with allegations of sermon plagiarism lodged against the newly elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Why is sermon plagiarism such a big deal? Does it reach beyond the simple theft of intellectual property? What are the advantages and blessings of sermon preparation for the pastor and his congregation? Join Carl and Todd for an instructive conversation! We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of the classic Preaching and Preachers by Martin Lloyd Jones, published by Zondervan. Register!
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Ethics, Public Policy, and Cultural Transformation

He can no longer blend into the background. Carl Trueman is now officially an influencer; he’s a fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington D.C. and a clear and present danger to the unorthodox and “progressive” in this country.  The legendary secret bunker has been dusted off, equipped with new transmitting devices, and is now ready to harbor our two outspoken hosts. Trueman and his faithful sidekick Pruitt are now targets of “the mob” for bringing the “cultural transformation” movement to the discussion table. What was that movement supposed to be about, and did it fulfill its purpose? How does the Church participate in cultural transformation affecting ethics and public policy in today’s society? Our naïve duo claims it’s through the power of the Gospel, one soul at a time…but what do they know?  We have a few giveaway copies of Ethics beyond Rules: How Christ’s Call to Love Informs Our Moral Choices, compliments of our friends at Zondervan. Register for the opportunity to win one.
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Is it OK to be Patriotic?

Todd Pruitt proves to be a good and supportive friend as he endures Carl’s insufferable bragging for being “canceled” by Instagram and YouTube. What’s more, Dr. Trueman informs that he was labeled as “distinguished” on the pages of The Wall Street Journal! All as our “nutty professor” continues to resist the notion of becoming a patriotic American citizen.  Seriously: Is it okay for a Christian to be patriotic? Is patriotism a virtue? What’s the distinction between nationalism and patriotism? The two friends help us separate our gratitude for the nation where God placed us from a much less healthy form of nationalistic fanaticism. Should the American flag be displayed in places of worship and church buildings? Listen for perspective from our resident Brit! For good insight on today’s topic, we’re offering our listeners the opportunity to win a free copy of Os Guinness’ The Magna Carta of Humanity - Sinai’s Revolutionary Faith and the Future of Freedom. Register! The books are a generous gift from our friends at InterVarsity Press. 
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Jesus Becoming Jesus Part 2

Putting his reputation at risk once again, Dr. Thomas Weinandy makes a return visit to the podcast. The topic of conversation for his first visit was Tom’s impressive work, Jesus Becoming Jesus: A Theological Interpretation of the Synoptic Gospels. The scholar and prolific author is back with the follow-up tome Jesus Becoming Jesus Volume 2: A Theological Interpretation of the Gospel of John.  In this latest work, Father Weinandy takes an in-depth look at the historical systematic theology and interpretation of the Gospel of John–emphasizing the doxological aspect of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and the significance of referring to Jesus as the Logos. Take note of what Thomas has to say regarding the miracles in John, and in particular, what the resurrection of Lazarus means for the interpretation of this book. Show Notes · Jesus Becoming Jesus - First Episode · Does God Change? By Thomas Weinandy · Does God Suffer? By Thomas Weinandy  Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of Jesus Becoming Jesus. These books are a complimentary gift from our friends at The Catholic University of America Press.
8/18/202128 minutes, 41 seconds
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TGIF? Teach Them to Work!

The podcasting world’s most interesting pair is joined by “the Queen,” as her husband calls her. It’s not Elizabeth II (sorry, Carl!) or the 80s rock band, but Mary Beeke; author, wife of Joel Beeke, mother of three adult children, a former nurse and elementary teacher, and long-time servant of the church.  Mary’s latest book will resonate with most parents as she writes about teaching our children the importance of work and instilling a godly and honorable work ethic. Mary offers an assessment of current societal values that inspire entitlement, complaining, a lack of motivation, and “living for the weekend”…while ignoring the value of earning one’s keep. Does Scripture have anything to say about the issue? Is there a correlation between work and joy? Parents, don’t lose heart! Enjoy Mary’s encouragement as you learn how to persist in “training up” your child! We have copies of Teach Them to Work that we are giving away. Register for the opportunity to win one! The books are a generous gift from our friends at Reformation Heritage Books.
8/11/202131 minutes, 25 seconds
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PCA General Assembly: A Positive Note

Believe it or not, our hosts can be positive every once in a while. This week, they sit down to chat about the encouraging outcomes of this year’s PCA General Assembly. What happened at the GA that is giving Todd such encouragement about the future of the denomination? (It’s been well-documented that Carl couldn’t care less!) Todd explains the dynamics inside a denomination comprised of “tribes” (as some have called them) that have different interests and goals for the future. For example, some are committed to reforming Presbyterianism and its distinctives, while others see a more progressive kind of evangelicalism for the PCA. Todd reviews the “overtures” voted on at the Assembly and what they mean in the big picture. Overall, it’s an encouraging affirmation of biblical standards and reformed doctrine. To complement today’s topic, we would like to offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of Kevin DeYoung’s book Men and Women in the Church, A Short, Biblical, Practical Introduction. Register! The copies are a complimentary gift from our friends at Crossway.
8/4/202134 minutes, 51 seconds
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Keeping the Faith in College

Despite the inestimable success of his most recent book, Carl finds himself “cancelled” by a school where he was to deliver a speech. It’s an outcome that raises Dr. Trueman to an even higher level of recognition; he’s now almost as important as Ryan T. Anderson, who was famously cancelled by Amazon! Now, Carl and Todd hope their special guest won’t be “cancelled” for merely being in their company. Michael Kruger is the president of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, and professor of New Testament and Early Christianity. Although Michael is a scholar and has written some heavyweight theological volumes, he’s also penned some phenomenal books with a pastoral tone. Michael’s latest is Surviving Religion 101, which he says is--for a number of reasons--one of his most personal. This letter-format book is intended not only to help Christians survive the assault on their beliefs on campus, but many other challenges of college life. Confronting doubts, apologetics training, the role of the church in the life of the college student, philosophical and worldview issues—all are on the table as part of this great conversation. Listen in, and tell a friend to do so as well! We are giving away a few copies of Surviving Religion 101. Register for the opportunity to win one. The books are a generous gift from our friends at Crossway.
7/28/202132 minutes, 6 seconds
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Surviving the Fishbowl

Carl publicly concedes that he’s no match for our special guest’s husband after losing their “mustard-colored trouser” Facebook contest a few years ago. That guest is Catherine Stewart, and she’s the editor of Surviving the Fishbowl: Letters to Pastor’s Kids. Catherine reveals what motivated her to lead the project, assembling an exceptional host of contributors.  There is no doubt that pastor’s kids face many unique challenges just for being “PKs." Catherine reminds us that there is also great joy and opportunities for growth as they learn to love and serve the church. How should pastors and their wives talk to their kids about the occasional difficulties and discouragement that are part of pastoral ministry? On the other hand, how can the church be mindful and supportive of the pastor’s kids? We’re happy to offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of Surviving the Fishbowl. You must register to enter! The giveaway copies are a generous gift from our friends at Reformation Heritage Books.  
7/21/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
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(In)Justice and Truth

While Todd laments knowing Carl far too long, the professor tries to boost his brand by mentioning that he was recently referred to as “one of God’s gifts to humanity.” With egos finally in check, the pair introduce today’s guest. Proving they can’t resist a good squabble, our dynamic duo welcomes Thaddeus Williams who recently wrote Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth. The acclaimed book debates whether Critical Race Theory is best understood as a comprehensive worldview rivaling Christianity or a useful tool to spot injustice. So, what is true oppression and how does Jesus define it? Who is a victim by Critical Race Theory standards? You’ll enjoy this captivating conversation! Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth. The books are a generous gift from our friends at Zondervan.
7/14/202130 minutes, 51 seconds
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Contemplating God with the Great Tradition

Once again Carl and Todd welcome a guest brave enough to make a return visit to the lions’ den. Craig Carter is research professor of theology at Tyndale University and theologian in residence at Westney Heights Baptist Church in Ajax, Ontario. Craig is renowned for producing some very fine work on recovering Trinitarian classical theism and classical metaphysics. His newest book is Contemplating God with the Great Tradition, the follow-up volume to 2018’s Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition. Dr. Carter grounds his theological argument for this book on the doctrine of God as expounded in the book of Isaiah. Why is this section so critical for the retrieval of classical theism in the Protestant tradition and what is its correlation to the Nicene Creed? What exactly is classical theism, and from whom does it encounter resistance? Some may say that classical theism “doesn’t preach,” meaning that it’s irrelevant and impractical for the Christian life. Find out why the professor politely disagrees! We are pleased to give away copies of Contemplating God with the Great Tradition. Register for the opportunity to win one! The books are a complimentary gift from our friends at Baker Academic. Show Notes · Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition
7/7/202131 minutes
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Wycliffe on Being a Pastor

After Carl’s Freudian slip concerning his being a pastor, our resident professor/minister/author quickly recovers and gets back on track by introducing his sidekick and their special guest. Benjamin Fischer is a missionary priest of the Anglican Church of Rwanda, rector of Christ the Redeemer, a congregation in the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA), and the associate professor of Literary History at Northwest Nazarene University. Ben has translated and edited Being a Pastor: Pastoral Treatises of John Wycliffe. He sits down with Carl and Todd to discuss who Wycliffe was and why we should be interested in his work. We may know and enjoy some of Wycliffe’s legacy through a host of Reformers, but there’s much more to this translator, priest, and theologian than meets the eye. Benjamin shares fresh insight with us about this towering 14th-century thinker. We’re happy to offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of Being a Pastor. Register! The books are a generous gift from our friends at The Davenant Press. 
6/30/202130 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Manifesto Jubilee

With the PCA General Assembly approaching soon, Todd needs to decompress…so, Carl meets him at our mythical “local pub” to act as his therapist. Of course, Professor Trueman doesn’t miss the chance to snub his old friend, and “rub in” the fact that Todd belongs to a boring and uncontroversial denomination (as if!). The call to love the brethren and be charitable toward one another is not only an honorable act—it’s a biblical command. But what happens when those words are used in a different context to persuade people to endorse positions that are cultural or political, rather than biblical? The two amigos discuss the content of a letter with questionable content that was anonymously sent to PCA ministers and elders preceding the General Assembly. Providing a foundation for understanding, Todd describes what some call the “Revoice Theology,” and shares his thoughts about what the upcoming GA means for the future of the denomination. As a premium and sign of hope, we’re pleased to be giving away a free membership to the Orthodox Presbyterian Church! Second prize is TWO free memberships (joking...we’re joking)! There are, however, a few acts of contrition the winners will have to perform in order to seal the deal…
6/23/202131 minutes, 35 seconds
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Natural Law, General Revelation, and Pride Month

Our precocious pair shares a discussion of “Pride Month,” when big corporations, the media, and others strive to display their unwavering support for the LGBTQ+ movement. Carl and Todd take on everything from cartoons, to advertisements, to countless other means employed by “gender activists” to indoctrinate society and shape our children at a very early age. How might we develop persuasive apologetic arguments using Scripture, natural revelation, and natural law to defend a biblical view of human sexuality? Why are some strands of Protestantism opposed to the implications of natural law? Show Notes · Biblical Natural Law: A Theocentric and Theological Approach by Matthew Levering
6/16/202133 minutes, 48 seconds
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Children, Church is Not Boring!

Todd is thrilled to fly solo today as Carl dons his bathing attire (BMP) to soak up some much-needed sun at the Jersey shore. It’s just as well; Dr. Trueman doesn’t really get along with cheerful guests! Todd is delighted to share a fun conversation with Lisa Updike, the decidedly cheerful director of Children’s Ministry at Covenant Presbyterian Church (where Todd also serves). Lisa works closely with the discipleship ministry of the PCA and is the author of three wonderful children’s books. She talks about what seemed to be the focus of children’s ministries in the US for the past many years, and the pressing need to turn that around into equipping children to live in today’s world.  Should children know about the nature of suffering? How do we teach them? Should they be in “children’s church” or “adult church”? What can parents do to prepare their children for Sunday services? How can churches equip parents to teach children at home? Lisa shares some wonderful advice on such topics and suggests how we might equip our children to defend themselves—even engage—in the culture wars that have come to our doors. Show Notes and Resources ·The Bible is Not Boring! by Lisa Updike ·Church is Not Boring! by LIsa Updike ·About Being a Boy or a Girl: Discussing Gender and Marriage With Little Ones in Light of God’s Word by Lisa Updike ·Lisa’s Worship Service material (at the bottom of the linked webpage) ·Children and Suffering material ·
6/9/202132 minutes, 4 seconds
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Suffering, Sovereignty, and the Book of Job

Anthony Selvaggio joins Carl and Todd today. He’s the pastor of Rochester Christian Reformed Church in NY, as well as a conference speaker and author. Considering Job: Reconciling Sovereignty and Suffering is the title of Anthony’s most recent book, and the topic of our conversation. The book of Job is one of the most complex found in Scripture, in part for its paradoxical nature in dealing with suffering. Anthony shares why he believes we should know this book well. Job brings to our attention questions about Satan and his activity in a way that is unlike most other books of the Bible. Does Scripture promise earthly well-being to those who do good and earthly discomforts for those who do evil? How do we make sense of what happened to Job? We are giving away a few copies of Considering Job, Reconciling Sovereignty and Suffering. Register for the opportunity to win one. The copies are a generous gift from our friends at Reformation Heritage Books.
6/2/202132 minutes, 37 seconds
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Chief Scottish Man

Carl and Todd sit down to chat with an old friend. Sandy Finlayson is the library director and professor of Theological Bibliography at Westminster Theological Seminary. Carl leads the conversation by describing the genesis of the Free Church of Scotland and the men who led what was called “The Great Disruption.” Among them, we find Thomas Chalmers, one of the main leaders of the movement and the subject of Sandy’s academic interest.  In the Church of Scotland, who had the right to call a minister to the congregation–the state, the head of the church, or the parishioners? The many different opinions on the subject led to some denominational schism. Even if Scottish history is not your cup of tea, you will appreciate—and enjoy learning about—the Scotsman Thomas Chalmers’ public and private life, and about Presbyterian heritage. We are giving away some free copies of Chief Scottish Man. Register for the opportunity to win one! The copies are a generous gift from our friends at Evangelical Press Books.
5/26/202126 minutes, 21 seconds
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Partners in the Gospel

Our special guest today is a prolific author, editor, mom of 4, pastor’s wife, and pastor’s daughter. Megan Hill joins Carl and Todd for an energetic conversation about her most recent book, Partners in the Gospel: 50 Meditations for Pastors’ and Elders’ Wives. Through her writing, Megan offers comfort and encouragement to wives as they encounter the joys and challenges of ministering alongside their husbands. Hill offers questions for reflection, topics to be lifted in prayer, and recommended action to be taken to challenge our natural sinful tendencies. Is there a specific and defined role for pastors’ and elders’ wives? How might they deal with criticism and loneliness, counseling their children while enduring scrutiny and high expectations from other church members? Megan shares sage advice learned from her parents that might very much enrich your life. Take note! Show Notes  •A Place to Belong: Learning to Love the Local Church by Megan Hill • Megan was a speaker at the 2021 Quakertown Women’s Conference Contentment in Christ  Partners in the Gospel is available for purchase at Reformed Resources.
5/19/202132 minutes, 43 seconds
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Redemption from the Powerful Art of Selling Fake News

Carl and Todd can truly say that they have “arrived” when they have the privilege to chat with former Cosmopolitan magazine writer Sue Ellen Browder! Our guest played an important role in the feminist movement and “sexual revolution” of the 1970s, 80s, and beyond. Sue’s story is compelling as she tells us about her “double life” as a happily married woman raising children, tending her garden, and baking fresh bread while writing made-up stories on feminism and sexual liberation. Can a media outlet have a manual on how to write fake news to accomplish the desired outcome? You’ll hear about some of those stories today. Browder explains the radically distinctive movements that were at play in the 1960s and early 70s—the “Sexual Revolution” and the “Women’s Movement” that later united to achieve a common goal—and you can probably guess just what their purpose was! Hear how Sue realized what she was doing, turned from that path to make things right, and now offers sage advice for parents and young people in today’s society. Show Notes Sex and the Catholic Feminist by Sue Ellen Browder
5/12/202128 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Celebration of Apostasy

Walking away from the faith is a phenomenon as old as humanity itself…but a recent “twist” has emerged in how some high-profile Christians choose to abandon their beliefs. Today, Todd attempts to school Carl on the cyber world of TikTok as the dynamic duo discusses one recent and disturbing “deconversion.” The two are talking about Abraham Piper; he’s the son of John Piper, the well-known pastor and founder of the ministry Desiring God. Abraham has attracted a lot of attention as he uses the big platforms of social media and prominent publications to spread his personal story, mock Christianity, and profit from it all. With Abraham being just one of several influencers to publicly “deconvert” here of late, what does it say about them…about us…about the faith in general, and our fascination with “Christian celebrities? Listen and weigh in on this tragic topic. Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of the fresh-off-the-press book, “Surviving Religion 101: Letters to a Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College” by Michael Kruger. The copies are a generous gift from our friends at Crossway.
5/5/202130 minutes, 33 seconds
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How the West Was Lost

“A thorn in the side of the Archbishop of York.” That’s how our special guest is introduced today. Reverend Melvin Tinker was the vicar of St. John’s Newland in England for many years. He’s now the director of Theology of the Christ Church Network and the author of an amazing book entitled That Hideous Strength, addressing cultural Marxism in society and in the church. Now in a second expanded edition, the book challenges Christians to understand the culture in which they are ministering and the battle they face against the “War of Position." How has the Church contributed to the spreading of Marxist ideas, and what must be done to reverse it? How crucial is language in ideological warfare? Pull up a chair and join this conversation of ultimate relevance and importance!   Show Notes ·Antonio Gramsci’s War of Position  ·Sir David Lindsey ·“Useful Idiot” political jargon Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of That Hideous Strength. The copies are a generous gift from our friends at EP Books. Click here to learn more about Reverend Tinker, or here for a list of his publications. 
4/28/202138 minutes, 36 seconds
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Race and Covenant

Race and Covenant   Our delightful duo is honored with a visit from a special guest. Gerry McDermott is an old friend and former Anglican Chair of Divinity at Samford’s Beeson Divinity School. He’s a prolific author, writing brilliantly on a wide variety of subjects ranging from theology and philosophy to famous stutterers. Just a few months ago, McDermott edited Race and Covenant, a collection of essays ignited by the desire to uncover–in the light of Scripture–why race became the number one issue in the country after the presidential election of 2008.    Race and Covenant is the work of several very articulate thinkers–Christians and Jews from different traditions, and people from different races and ethnicities contributing their perspectives on the topic. Where does the word “covenant” fit when addressing race? Is there any good to be found in Critical Race Theory? Listen closely to this important conversation, and be sure to share it with a friend!   Show Notes   ·  Institute on Religion and Democracy ·  Robert L. Woodson ·  The Elect: The Threat to a Progressive America from Anti-Black Antiracists ·  Carol M. Swain ·  Derryck Green ·  Glenn C. Loury ·  Voddie Baucham   Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of Race and Covenant: Recovering the Religious Roots for American Reconciliation. The books come compliments of the Acton Institute.
4/21/202138 minutes, 37 seconds
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Another Sad Legacy

The evangelical world has been shaken once again by the news of yet another influential leader’s tattered reputation. Ravi Zacharias was a prominent Christian speaker, writer, and apologist for over 4 decades. He spoke from the platforms of renowned institutions and college campuses all around the world. Although there were early questions about Zacharias’s inflated qualifications, a different kind of scandal was confirmed after his death last year. Carl and Todd raise a few questions about the “celebrity culture,” and how it is often immune to criticism. Sadly, serious character flaws involving sex, money, and power may then go unchecked. What should one who’s been helped by such leaders feel about that influence? Join us for a poignant and very necessary conversation. Visit our online store for numerous helpful resources addressing the many challenges of the Christian life.
4/14/202122 minutes, 35 seconds
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Unmanipulated Trinity

Our special guest today makes a return visit to the podcast, which can only mean that Carl and Todd have not ruined his reputation (well at least, not yet)!  Among the many hats he wears, Matthew Barrett is associate professor of Christian Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Theological retrieval is a process close to Matthew’s heart, and his latest book—Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit—advances the conversation. What do the church fathers have to teach us today about the nature of the Trinity? Matthew addresses the word “unmanipulated,” and how the Holy Trinity is regularly co-opted to represent the positions of government, political parties, family dynamics, and even a social view of the environment. Why are some Christians skeptical of systematic theology and anything philosophical? How does philosophy aid us with theology? Join us for a fascinating discussion. And for more on this topic, don't miss PCRT Live--the 2021 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology. Our theme is Delighting in Our Triune God. Learn more here. Show Notes · Credo magazine · Best Kansas City BBQ according to Matthew Barrett · Purchase a copy of Simply Trinity from We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit. Register here! The books are a gift from our friends at Baker Publishing. 
4/7/202130 minutes, 5 seconds
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Learning from the Smyth-Fletcher Abuse

Learning from the Smyth-Fletcher Abuse Carl flies solo today as he speaks with the Rev. Dr. Peter Sanlon, an old friend and a minister in the Anglican Church in the UK. Their conversation is a somber one dealing with a horrific scandal of abuse that has emerged in the past couple of years involving a prominent Anglican minister, the Reverend Jonathan Fletcher. The full report of the abuses made public just a week ago is challenging to understand when reviewed on this side of the Atlantic, due to its cultural and religious context. Peter provides background information and explains the connection with another prominent name, the late John Smyth. What about the victims who have come forward? Is there a system in place to care for them, and how is that done? The notes below link to additional information about the scandal and to a charity where victims can find help.  Show Notes: Support for victims or those affected by Fletcher: Email thirtyone:eight charity in confidence for details of fund to provide counseling: [email protected] Reviews on Smyth: thirtyone:eight review on Fletcher: IAG statement on Fletcher review: Learning about abuse: The Making of Them by Nick Duffell We’re pleased to offer an important resource on this topic. Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of Something’s Not Right: Decoding the Hidden Tactics of Abuse and Freeing Yourself from Its Power. The books are a generous gift from our friends at Tyndale Momentum.
3/31/202138 minutes, 35 seconds
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When Jeff Cancelled Ryan

Today’s special guest dared to ask questions and present statements from healthcare experts and transgender patients three years ago in his book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment. Now, he’s been blacklisted and canceled by big tech.    Ryan T. Anderson worked for many years at the Heritage Foundation and helped found Public Discourse, a journal of the Witherspoon Institute. He’s recently become the president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., a conservative think tank "dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical public policy issues."   A few weeks back, Ryan made headlines after When Harry Became Sally was banned from Amazon. The online behemoth’s decision has raised many questions about trans-ideology and its impact on society—about censorship, big tech, business monopoly, and the lack of accountability of powerful institutions. Carl, Todd, and Ryan sit down to discuss the long-term implications of this kind of censorship and what could lie ahead.     Show Notes   ·  The Heritage Foundation ·  Public Discourse · Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC)  
3/24/202135 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Power of Being There

After revealing some details of their personal lives, Carl and Todd get down to business. Seems a disturbing phenomenon is plaguing churches all over the country. Since the lockdown, many Christians have become too comfortable with worshipping from home over a screen…dressed in their jammies, eating donuts, and—quite possibly—not really worshipping at all.  Does it really matter? What are people missing by not going back to church as restrictions are slowly being lifted? Our favorite duo discuss the meaning and importance of “being bodily present” for the different traditions like the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and the Protestant. Is there any place for live streaming, and any reason not to physically gather for worship? It’s time to weigh in. Oh, and notice who’s playing the optimist this time! Today's program originally aired 9/30/20.
3/17/202129 minutes, 51 seconds
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At the First Puff of Wind

The cancel culture mob never sleeps, and this time they’re after one of the most well-known evangelical pastors and writers of our day. Max Lucado recently came under fire for a message he preached and an article he wrote in 2004 holding the view that marriage is between one man and one woman.  Our duo takes on Lucado’s response and all that followed when his “crime,’ according to the mob, was exposed. How can the average Christian defend his or her beliefs when top evangelical leaders falter in their response to such accusations? Can “faithful people disagree” about what the Bible says about homosexuality? Join us for a timely and useful conversation! We are pleased to offer the opportunity to win a copy of a very relevant book on the topic. Register to win a free copy of That Hideous Strength by Melvin Tinker. The books are a gift from our friends at Evangelical Press.
3/10/202132 minutes, 35 seconds
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You’ve Been Cancelled!

American culture has been moving in a progressive direction at breakneck speed, with it, the language employed to define the trends. Today, Carl and Todd explore the meaning of “Cancel Culture” and the latest “cancellation” of a prominent conservative voice by one of the most powerful corporations in the country. Ryan T. Anderson, who has been a guest on this podcast, was recently “canceled” for his book on transgenderism (“When Harry Became Sally”), which challenges the mainstream sexual orthodoxy and points out the dangers of body mutilation. What’s the significance of this book being removed from a major online retailer? Should we be alarmed? Join us for a timely and important conversation.  Show Notes ·Listen to Ryan’s interview when “When Harry Became Sally” was first published. ·About Ryan T. Anderson ·How Ryan Anderson’s Banned Book ‘When Harry Became Sally’ Helped Me With Gender Dysphoria.
3/3/202122 minutes, 47 seconds
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He’s Worthy of Proclamation

Christian education is highly regarded among Reformed Christians, and for good reason. Teaching young believers the basics of the faith and helping the mature ones swim the deep waters of the catholicity of our creeds and confessions has been, for many years, a passion and mission of today’s guest. Lane Tipton is pastor at Trinity Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Easton, PA, and a fellow of Biblical and Systematic Theology at the Reformed Forum. Tipton sits down with Carl and Todd to share how an end goal of teaching and preaching deepens his commitment to help Christians in every stage of faith become fully mature in Christ. Lane points out the importance of systematic theology in preaching, and that Christ’s presence in the Old Testament grows organically through the pages of Scripture, rendering an important means to develop our understanding of the whole of Scripture. Is the mission of the Old Testament merely to point us to Jesus in the New Testament? How may one preach the OT without repeatedly making the same point? Tune in for this week’s conversation, and learn how you can take full advantage of the resources offered by the Reformed Forum. Show Notes · About Reformed Forum 
2/24/202130 minutes, 26 seconds
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What about Evil?

Evil has plagued humanity since the Garden of Eden…and has obviously clouded Carl's judgement. In today’s conversation, the brash Brit attempts to pass as a native Texan, just because he’s been to a Willie Nelson concert at Billy Bob’s wearing cowboy boots and a Stetson. Take a moment to picture the hideous spectacle… Todd, a true native of the Lone Star State, welcomes recent Texas transplant Scott Christensen for a conversation about his most recent work, What about Evil. In the book, Scott addresses the perennial question: “If God exists, and if He’s good, then why does He allow evil?” Perhaps the answer may be found in the unchanging nature of God. Join us for a most useful discussion! We are pleased to offer our listeners the opportunity to win a free copy of What about Evil? Register! Show Notes · About Scott Christensen
2/17/202129 minutes, 12 seconds
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Sorting Out Abuse

Carl and Todd meet to discuss a prevalent problem in the church: spiritual abuse. We know it happens, but pinpointing spiritual abuse in the church—then, working to resolve it--requires a great deal of care and wisdom.  What actually constitutes “spiritual abuse?” Do being confronted, offended, or simply hearing something you don’t like count as forms of abuse? How has the therapeutic culture we live in changed the conversation, even the language employed? Who are more likely to be abused--ministers or congregants? Our hosts weigh in with insight based on personal experience, and offer advice about tools that could help curb abuse in the church. Show Notes ·Evangelicals and Race Theory by Carl Trueman
2/10/202133 minutes, 32 seconds
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Are We All Transgender Now?

Michael Hanby is associate professor of Religion and Philosophy of Science at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at the Catholic University of America. Dr. Hanby is in today to discuss recent societal changes that are taking place at breakneck speed.  The concept of gay marriage may seem almost conservative these days, considered alongside the issues we all now face. How have once unthinkable sexual standards so quickly become the norm in the political and public sphere? How should one think and operate in a society experiencing such rapid change? Show Notes · The Brave New World of Same Sex Marriage article by Michael Hanby · The Abolition of Man and Woman article by Michael Hanby · The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis
2/3/202132 minutes, 58 seconds
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CRT (Carl R. Trueman) joins co-host Todd Pruitt, who is primed and ready for today’s discussion of…CRT! Critical Race Theory has seeped into the church—even reaching some more conservative branches of Protestantism—and it’s rapidly gaining ground. What is critical race theory? Carl makes the connection with identity politics as he describes his recent article that demonstrates CRT is another seductive facet of Marxism, trying to solve the problem of evil using oppressor/oppressed categories.  How should the church work through issues of race without failing to address the other challenges of our day? Are “victim and victimizer” biblical concepts? Don’t miss this timely conversation! Show Notes ·Evangelicals and Race Theory by Carl Trueman ·American political activist, philosopher, and author Angela Davis ·Reclaiming the Atonement: An Orthodox Theology of Redemption by Patrick Henry Reardon  ·Carl’s review of Race and Covenant by Gerald McDermott
1/27/202129 minutes, 55 seconds
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Fundamental Rights and Public Theology

With Todd hopelessly delayed by an extended hair styling appointment, Carl alone sits down to chat with our special guest. At the table is Andrew Walker, associate professor of Christian Ethics and Apologetics, associate dean of the School of Theology, and executive director of the Carl F. H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement, all at Southern Baptist Seminary. Andrew’s also an editor and writer for several publications. Simply put, Andrew is an expert in making the Gospel practical, plausible, real, and effective in the daily affairs of modern society—the very topic of today’s conversation. Andrew defines Natural Law, explaining how it informs morality, free speech, and religious freedom—each, an area of great concern for every American.  Show Notes · About Andrew T. Walker · Liberty for All by Andrew T. Walker upcoming book
1/20/202134 minutes, 39 seconds
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Finding Meaning and Hope Amidst Suffering

Life is full of tragedy, sadness, and suffering. Scripture is replete with such stories from Genesis to Revelation. Why is there suffering? Why do Christians suffer? Is there any hope to be found in the midst of suffering? Carl and Todd sit down with Mark Talbot, associate professor of Philosophy at Wheaton College, who has written a very helpful book entitled When the Stars Disappear: Help and Hope from the Stories of Suffering in Scripture. Mark shares the reasons he wrote the book, and an interesting perspective on suffering…including how humans dealt with suffering in times past, and the way we see and deal with suffering in the present. Pull up a seat and join us for this personal and relatable conversation. Show Notes ·Acts 27 and 28  ·“When Suffering is Redemptive/Redeeming a Life of Paralysis,” a free download from  We have several copies of When the Stars Disappear that we would like to give away. Register for the opportunity to win one. The books are a generous gift from our friends at Crossway.
1/13/202130 minutes, 52 seconds
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What Happens When We Worship

Worship is a sacred privilege for Christians, and how we approach worship is key to revealing what we believe about our relationship with the transcendent God. With that understanding in mind, Carl and Todd invite Jonathan Cruse to talk about his book, titled What Happens When We Worship. Jonathan is an ordained minister in the OPC, and pastors Community Presbyterian Church in Kalamazoo, MI. Cruse helps his readers—both young and old, seasoned believers and those new to the faith—to understand the elements of worship, all that is taking place while we worship, and why certain aspects are done as they are in the Reformed tradition. It’s a rich book, written that every Christian might grasp the wonder and awe of worship.
1/6/202132 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Davenant Institute: The Story of the Irenic Bridge

Brad Littlejohn and Colin Redemer join Carl and Todd for a conversation about the Davenant Institute, and to reflect on the state of education in general and of theological education in particular in the United States. You’ll learn the meaning behind the name of the institution, which was founded to solve a supply and demand problem.  Brad and Colin believe that God’s simplicity, aseity, eternality, immutability, and impassibility are concepts that should be shared with the laity. What’s more, the Davenant duo makes a compelling case that learning is not simply a matter of utilitarianism, as it is “sold” by educational institutions today. Our guests explain the real value and purpose of education, and how they coincide with the philosophy of teaching and programs offered by Davenant Institute. We’re partnering with The Davenant Institute to offer a few free copies of one of their publications titled Without Excuse: Scripture, Reason, and Presuppositional Apologetics. Register for the opportunity to win one. Show Notes · Ad Fontes Magazine · The Davenant Institute Resources
12/30/202030 minutes, 8 seconds
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Semper Reformanda, Gospel Reformation Network

Keeping track of the beautiful cities in South Carolina is not an easy task, but Todd finally gets it right as he introduces today’s guest. Jon Payne is the pastor of Christ Church Presbyterian in Charleston, SC, and serves as the executive coordinator of the Gospel Reformation Network (GRN).  Jon explains what the Gospel Reformation Network is, what brought this group of PCA pastors and elders together about eight years ago, and the pressing issues of the day that keep them standing firm in the purpose of upholding biblical fidelity. Payne shares the vision of GRN, explains the difference between a supporting network and a lobbying group inside the denomination, and announces the upcoming GRN event in May. Oh, and—once again--you’ll notice Carl’s delight in not being like those troubled PCAers! We are pleased to be giving away copies of A Faith Worth Defending: The Synod of Dort’s Enduring Heritage. Register for the opportunity to win one. The books are a generous gift from our friends at Reformation Heritage Books Show Notes ·Gospel Reformation Network
12/23/202034 minutes, 16 seconds
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God’s Bible Timeline for Everyone

Our intrepid (and never tepid) co-hosts welcome good friend Linda Finlayson to the mix. She’s a well-known writer of children’s books, who—for the second time—risks her reputation by sitting down with Carl and Todd to talk about her latest release.  God’s Bible Timeline: The Big Book of Biblical History is the second volume in the series and it’s just off the press. The book combines some of the author’s passions, like church history and her love of teaching children. Linda discusses the idea behind the book, how she addresses difficult passages of Scripture in a way that’s appropriately worded for children, and the resources that laid the foundation of her work. As a big fan of pictures and book illustrations, Todd gives Linda high praise, and recommends the book as a Christmas gift for both young and old. We are happy to give away a few copies of God’s Bible Timeline. Register for the opportunity to win one.The books come courtesy of our friends at Christian Focus Publications.
12/16/202028 minutes, 38 seconds
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Exodus Old and New

Carl calls it “the triumph of hope over experience,” as Michael Morales bravely returns for a sit-down with our dynamic duo. Morales discusses his new book, Exodus Old and New: A Biblical Theology of Redemption. Michael is professor of Biblical Studies at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and an ordained minister in the PCA. How is the book of Exodus a paradigm for salvation throughout redemptive history? Morales takes the challenge of explaining how the book of Exodus can be preached and pastorally applied to modern Christians (particularly in America) in a way to help them understand that they are living as strangers in a strange land. Oh, and don’t miss the charges levied against Carl for allegedly breaking the second commandment. We are happy to give away copies of Exodus Old and New. Register for the opportunity to win one. The copies are a generous gift from our friends at IVP.
12/9/202028 minutes, 36 seconds
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Presbycast and MORE in the PCA

The dispute between our hosts about which denomination is the greatest in the kingdom of God—the OPC or the PCA—might never end. Aiming to minimize any controversy and tension within the denomination, we bring in a sound-minded PCA southern gentleman to share some good news. Brad Isbel is a ruling elder in his church, one of the hosts of the podcast Presbycast (where he’s AKA “Chortles Weakly”), and the director of MORE in the PCA, which is the topic of the day. What is MORE in the PCA, how did it start, and what does it seek to accomplish? Brad reminds of the responsibility of churches to send their elders to participate in the General Assembly, with an eye to correcting any imbalance in representation. Listen in to learn how you can help, and how you can take advantage of the opportunities offered by MORE in the PCA.  Show Notes · More in the PCA
12/2/202030 minutes, 2 seconds
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Is Jesus Truly God?

Our guest is Greg Lanier, associate professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary’s Orlando campus, and a minister of the Gospel. Lanier’s new book tackles crucial questions about our Lord, including: Did Jesus ever claim to be God? What did Paul and the earliest Christians believe about the deity of Jesus, and do the same beliefs remain today among Christians? What does it mean when the book of Philippians says that He was “in the form of God”? Although the book addresses such deep, theological questions, Greg writes it at a popular level, helping the believer in the pew to think rightly about the deity of Jesus. Listen in for an excellent introduction to an important book. We’re giving away copies of Is Jesus Truly God? Register for the opportunity to win one. The books are a gift from our friends at Crossway. Show Notes The State of Theology Research
11/25/202030 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self - Part 2

Clearly, we live in times of sexual identity chaos. Arguments that would have sounded unconscionable just a few decades ago are now plausible, and are defended, adopted, even pridefully celebrated. How did we get here? What seeds were planted that flourished into the modern thinking of sexuality as one’s primary or even sole identity? The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution is Carl Truman’s most recent release and may be one of the most significant books of 2020. Trueman goes back a few centuries to analyze the philosophical underpinnings that gave rise to modern thought, changing even the meaning of language. Join us for an intriguing conversation about a topic that—as time passes—hits ever closer to home. We have copies of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self that we are pleased to give away. Register for the opportunity to win one. The books come courtesy of our friends at Crossway. Show Notes ·The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self - Part 1 ·Carl Trueman Explains Liquid Modernity by The American Conservative ·7 Books to Help You Understand the Times by Tim Challies ·Faith and Law - Washington D.C. lecture
11/18/202033 minutes, 22 seconds
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Augustine and the Doctrine of Creation

Believe it or not, some Presbyterians do jump the fence and become Baptist! Such is the case of Gavin Ortlund. Gavin is a theologian and pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai in California.  As the idea of doctrinal and theological retrieval has risen in prominence, what then is theological retrieval? What exactly are we seeking to “retrieve”—and why?  Gavin shares reasons why he’s communicating the importance of retrieval and why he’s chosen Augustine and the doctrine of creation as keys. If you think that this conversation—and Gavin’s book—are about some complex theological concept, you are mistaken! You’ll be surprised to learn how relevant, practical, and helpful Augustine’s doctrine of creation is for the average Christian.  We’re giving away free copies of Gavin’s book, Retrieving Augustine’s Doctrine of Creation. Register for the opportunity to win one courtesy of IVP Press. Show Notes · Theological Retrieval for Evangelicals by Gavin Ortlund · Anselm’s Pursuit of Joy: A Commentary on the Proslogion
11/11/202026 minutes, 27 seconds
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The End of the Christian Life

Todd Billings is professor of Reformed Theology at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI, and a minister in the Reformed Church in America. He’s the author of Rejoicing in Lament: Wrestling with Incurable Cancer and Life in Christ, but his most recent book—The End of the Christian Life: How Embracing Our Mortality Frees Us to Truly Live—is today’s topic.  As Todd surveyed his former students and friends in ministry, he learned that—for many—the topic of death and walking alongside the dying is the greatest challenge pastors face in ministry. It’s increasingly evident that we live in a death-denying culture, so how can we help people to think through our inevitability of mortality? Join us for a deeply thoughtful conversation as we consider how the secular culture has twisted and softened the meaning of death--even changing the words we use to discuss it. Register for the opportunity to win a copy of Todd’s book, The End of the Christian Life. The copies are a generous gift from our friends at Brazos Press, a division of Baker Publishing Group. Show Notes ·A Secular Age by Charles Taylor
11/4/202031 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Critical ”Critical Race Theory” Conversation

Carl and Todd welcome a returning guest: Ismael Hernandez. He’s the executive director of the Freedom and Virtue Institute and author of Not Tragically Colored. Ismael joins in to discuss the current state of racial tension and politics in America. His experience growing up with Marxist ideals, and--later in life—joining a religious Marxist group gives Hernandez special insight into the topic.   Although we uphold the dignity and sacredness of every human life and want to affirm that black lives matter, Ismael suggests that the movement known as “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) harbors some troubling beliefs. Hernandez refers to his recent article which asserts BLM perceives the issue of oppression from within the ideological context of Marxism. Don’t miss this timely conversation!   Show Notes · Listen again to Not Tragically Colored · Freedom and Virtue Institute · “BLM”: the Proposition, the Organization, and the Movement by Ismael Hernandez · Social Justice Isn’t What You Think It Is by Michael Novak and Paul Adams
10/28/202035 minutes, 4 seconds
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Three Pieces of Glass

It’s been a banner year for great books, and the Spin Crew has chosen yet another winner! This time, Carl and Todd sit down with Eric Jacobsen, senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Tacoma, WI, and author of Three Pieces of Glass: Why We Feel Lonely in a World Mediated by Screens. What are the pieces of glass Eric refers to, and how have they changed our world?  Just a few years ago, we were excited about the advances in technology, which promised to bring people together from the four corners of the world. Technology has accomplished that, in a way, but it has also exacerbated loneliness, isolation, and alienation. Listen and discover the relationship between the three pieces of glass, the church, and the sense of “belonging”.  We’re excited to give away copies of Three Pieces of Glass. Register for the opportunity to win one. The books are a complimentary gift from Brazos Press.
10/21/202031 minutes, 50 seconds
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Bavinck: A Critical Biography

This week, we reach “across the pond” for insight on the much-anticipated critical biography of Dutch theologian Herman Bavinck. James Eglinton, the Meldrum Senior Lecturer in Reformed Theology at New College, the University of Edinburgh, wrote the bio. Eglinton is acknowledged for his pivotal role in extending Bavinck’s popularity outside the Dutch-speaking world.  James tells us where and when his interest in the life of Bavinck began, and what it was about the Dutch theologian that first caught Eglinton’s attention. Bavinck was a man of his day, very much attuned to modernity and its challenges, yet sensitive to the theological needs of a broad spectrum of laypeople. What more can we learn from this intriguing figure, and why should Christians care about Bavinck today?  We are excited to give away copies of Bavinck: A Critical Biography.Register for the opportunity to win one. The books are a complimentary gift from Baker Academic.
10/14/202031 minutes, 54 seconds
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Live Not by Lies

The dynamic duo today becomes a trio, as a third pessimist—that is, a third realist—joins in. Rod Dreher is an American writer and editor, culture critic, and the author of several books, including The Benedict Option and the freshly released Live Not By Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents. Rod’s book is a wakeup call for Christians about ideas that have become prevalent in American society…notions already adopted in other countries that have proven to be a threat to civil liberties.  Is there still hope to turn from what he calls “soft totalitarianism”? What’s the course of action for Christians to preserve the faith in such an intolerant society, where words and actions are becoming highly surveilled and dealt with “accordingly?” Live Not By Lies is timely and absolutely relevant for Christian dissidents. You can’t afford to miss this conversation! We’re giving away a number of copies of Live Not By Lies. Register for the opportunity to win one! The books are a complimentary gift from Sentinel, a division of Penguin Books.
10/7/202031 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Power of Being There

After revealing some details of their personal lives, Carl and Todd get down to business. Seems a disturbing phenomenon is plaguing churches all over the country. Since the lockdown, many Christians have become too comfortable with worshipping from home over a screen…dressed in their jammies, eating donuts, and—quite possibly—not really worshipping at all.  Does it really matter? What are people missing by not going back to church as restrictions are slowly being lifted? Our favorite duo discuss the meaning and importance of “being bodily present” for the different traditions like the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and the Protestant. Is there any place for live streaming, and any reason not to physically gather for worship? It’s time to weigh in. Oh, and notice who’s playing the optimist this time!
9/30/202029 minutes, 46 seconds
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Trueman on the Modern Psychological Self

Carl Trueman’s The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self - Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution hasn’t even been released, and—already—it’s the best-selling book of 2020! It is, at least, according to the hosts of this program. Yes, the author feels he’s found a pot of gold, and is buying that dream villa in Venice with the royalties. At the same time, co-host Todd feels privileged as he possesses an advanced copy of this treasure and believes he’ll be enjoying a free stay at his friend's Mediterranean estate.  The runaway cultural train is gaining speed, and revolutionary changes that used to take decades to develop seem to be happening at a breakneck pace—especially, where matters of sexual identity are concerned. From Augustine to Rousseau and Marx, and from Descartes to Bruce Jenner, Carl Trueman traces the thoughts underlying the modern view of the self...helping us understand the present, and preparing us to navigate the days ahead. The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self is available for pre-order. Visit Reformed Resources to place your order.
9/23/202031 minutes, 50 seconds
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California and the Church

The state of California has gathered its pitchforks and torches and they’re coming after Grace Community Church, pastored by John MacArthur. The COVID-19 pandemic has opened doors to all kinds of government regulations, including—to no one’s surprise—restrictions on worship gatherings. The feud between Grace Community Church and the state of California rages on, and our dynamic duo is focusing on the fine line between obedience to Scripture and obedience to the limited, God-given power of the civil magistrate. Has the state of California overstepped the boundaries of religious freedom, supplanting the authority of the Scriptures and of the Church? The issue has captured a lot of attention on social media with as many different opinions as the number of people offering them.  As we’re on the subject, we have a few copies to give away of a new release by Concordia Publishing House, Faith in the Shadow of a Pandemic.Register for the opportunity to win one.
9/16/202033 minutes, 11 seconds
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Christians and Lit

Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt discuss the value of leisure reading and suggest a few outstanding titles. Todd’s dramatic reading at the conclusion of the podcast is worth the price of admission! Perhaps we should put it another way… You’ll enjoy reading A Christian Guide to the Classics, by Leland Ryken. Enter to win a copy!
9/9/202033 minutes, 20 seconds
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Considering Surrogacy

When couples struggle with the pain of infertility, surrogacy may be one of the available options. Is surrogacy as simple as finding a “carrier” for your baby, or are there more considerations to bear in mind?  Carl and Todd sit down with Adeline Allen, associate professor of law at Trinity Law School. Adeline raises some questions about the moral, Christian ethical, and lawful implications of surrogacy. It is biblical that Christians would strive to raise godly offspring, but does the means of surrogacy justify that end? How are pastors to help their congregants to think through such a sensitive issue? There’s much to be discerned from this thoughtful and important episode.
9/2/202031 minutes, 44 seconds
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The New Perfectionism

Carl and Todd are virtually visiting the beautiful state of Georgia, sipping some peach sweet tea with Rev. David Hall. David is the senior pastor at Midway Presbyterian Church in the Atlanta area, the hot spot for a yearly conference on reformed worship emphasizing the simplicity of worship and the centrality of preaching. Due to changes in state guidelines, this year’s event was canceled, so David chats instead with our heroes about the newest social phenomenon: Puritanical perfectionism. At issue, the emergence of a secular kind of absolute morality, which punishes violators to the fullest extent of “woke” standards, leaving the perpetrator without any chance for redemption or forgiveness. Is this “new morality” a good thing for society? David reviews the “Five Points of Neo-Perfectionism,” discussing each in light of their social implications.  We have free copies of David’s book titled “The Arrogance of the Modern” that we would love to share with our listeners. Register for the opportunity to win one.  
8/26/202028 minutes, 59 seconds
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Forming Pastors in the Days of COVID

The emperor of California has granted Joel Kim a temporary release to join Carl and Todd for a short conversation. The gathering happens at the usual spot—in front of an Ann Taylor boutique—so that the wives may have a good time as the men whine and opine!  Joel is the president of Westminster Seminary California, and he has some peculiar challenges ahead of him regarding the upcoming academic year at WestCal. Kim shares some of the changes the seminary made to accommodate the needs of the students, and what he’s foreseeing as temporary solutions to keep a certain level of continuity and normalcy in the months ahead.  What does Kim think about online education? Tune in for this clear-cut conversation to hear about WestCal’s focus and commitment in forming pastors despite the challenges of COVID.  We have copies of With All Your Heart: Orienting your Mind, Desires, and Will toward God by WestCal professor Craig Troxel that we would like to give away. Register for the opportunity to win a free copy. 
8/19/202022 minutes, 7 seconds
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Zorro’s Exit from Big Eva

Our dynamic duo brings in Chad Vegas with a plan to dig up some dirt he has on Big Eva without raising any controversy. But who are we kidding? Chad is currently the pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Bakersfield, CA, and was a pioneer in the Young, Restless, and Reformed (YRR) movement. We’re riveted by his words as Chad tells us what it was like in the early days of the movement. Vegas speaks kindly of the friendships forged during his time in YRR, the support he and his family received from those friends, and the lessons learned. Still, Chad raises some fair concerns about the direction the movement was heading when he left it. What were some factors that contributed to Chad’s exit from the YRR? Why did he move toward a more Reformed theology? Buckle in for a gripping episode, chock full of confessions, book endorsement repentance, statues being taken down from seminary squares, redemption, and much more! We are happy to offer you the opportunity to win a copy of The Creedal Imperative by our very own Carl Trueman. Register!!  
8/12/202027 minutes, 20 seconds
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A Place to Belong

This week’s conversation brings in a New Englander, and--mind you--a Grove City College alum! Megan Hill is a pastor’s wife living in Massachusetts. She’s a pastor’s daughter, a mom, an editor, and the author of A Place to Belong - Learning to Love the Local Church. The image we personally hold of the church may not be great, but God’s Word paints a different picture. How might we reconcile what we perceive with what God says about his bride? Should we think of the church as merely a means to our own ends, assessing the local body in terms of what it can offer for our lives? How can we reshape our thinking about the church?  An ordinary group of people who meet weekly and worship their Lord in an ordinary fashion offer a wonderful testimony to the world around them. Megan has much to say about the blessing that is participatory Reformed worship. Show Notes · Hiding in the Light by Rifqa Bary We have copies of A Place to Belong that we would like to give to some of our listeners. Register for the opportunity to win one. The books are a generous gift from our friends at Crossway.  
8/5/202030 minutes, 42 seconds
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Church Officers and Social Media

Todd and his “sidekick” Carl believe that they have much wisdom to dispense to the world. They’ve picked a tech-free and quiet spot nestled in among the Amish in Pennsylvania to share their thoughts on the “evils” of social media—particularly regarding church officers. Since quitting Twitter Todd’s rosy cheeks are back, his cholesterol and blood pressure are under control, and he’s grown enough hair to sport a man-bun! In all seriousness, as Christians, do we stop and consider how we interact with others on social media? Has our behavior been irreproachable before God and man? What would our children think if they witnessed our interaction with people with whom we disagree? Is there a higher level of accountability for church officers concerning social media? Listen for Todd’s intriguing story of redemption and social media recovery, as well as Carl’s, “I told you so.” 
7/29/202028 minutes, 12 seconds
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What About Bostock?

As the Covid-19 debate rages and protestors have taken to the streets, the US Supreme Court hands down an important ruling in a case, which—unfortunately—seems to have flown under the radar of the media: Bostock v. Clayton County. The smartest-dressed man on campus returns! Matthew Franck is the Associate Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University, and lecturer for their Department of Politics. As you won’t hear much about the Bostock ruling elsewhere, Matt joins Carl and Todd to shed some light on what this decision means regarding the interpretation of the legal text of Title VII, as well as its implications for religious freedom in the short and long terms.  Show Notes ·Supreme Court Ruling on Bostock v. Clayton County - Justice Alito's dissenting opinion begins on page 38 ·Grove City College ·Hillsdale College ·Patrick Henry College
7/22/202028 minutes, 3 seconds
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Pilgrimage to Greenville

Carl rushes in to introduce today’s guest…lest he, once again, forget the man’s name! Jonathan Master is a friend of The Spin and the co-host of Theology on the Go, another Alliance podcast. Just a few days ago, Jonathan officially took the reins as president of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, so we brought him back into the bunker to gain some inside info about what the future holds. What is it like to step into a new position of leadership during a time of so much instability? What are some of the main challenges Jonathan might encounter ahead? If you’re considering going to seminary, you’ll be interested in hearing what Jonathan has to say about GPTS and its distinctives. You’ll also pick up on Carl and Todd’s obvious bookcase ladder envy! We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of a great book titled Knowing the Trinity by Ryan McGraw, who is a GPTS faculty member. 
7/15/202033 minutes, 5 seconds
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PCA Report on Sexuality

Todd and Carl’s guest today is Kevin DeYoung. He’s the pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, NC, assistant professor of systematic theology at the Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte campus, and author/contributor for numerous outstanding books. Kevin joins us today for the first time to discuss the recently-released PCA report on human sexuality. DeYoung recently served as a member of the ad-interim committee that produced this useful study, and he briefs us on the process, structure, purpose, and legality of such reports. Be sure to tune in for this incredibly helpful discussion. Nota bene: While we may safely recommend any of Kevin's many helpful books on several topics that have been a great blessing to the church at large, please beware if he ever publishes a collection of recipes or offers any sort of dieting advice.  Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of Kevin’s book What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality? Show Notes PCA’s General Assembly Committee Report on Sexuality  
7/8/202030 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Dark Cloud for Democracy

We’re living in a time of many, simultaneous world crises. Are these global challenges in some way related? Seeking perspective and clarity, our hosts discuss one of Carl’s recent articles at First Things, where he ponders why the British seem more concerned with incidents of police brutality in the US than with China’s aggressive plan to diminish Hong Kong’s democracy as Britain’s former colony.  How may identity politics and social media be shaping this behavior, and what does it say about us as a society? Carl’s one-word answer: Belonging! Show Notes A Dark Cloud for Democracy
7/1/202031 minutes, 35 seconds
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Best of MoS: Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord?

Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary debuted on “The Spin” in 2019 in the person of Michael Morales, the seminary’s professor of Biblical Studies. Who Shall Ascend the Mount of the Lord? is Michael’s latest work on the book of Leviticus, and part of the New Studies in Biblical Theology series by IVP. Don’t dismiss this outstanding book merely on the subject matter! Leviticus is not “the most boring book in the bible,” and you’re about to learn why! Michael identifies an intriguing theme in Leviticus, along with its relationship to the sacredness of time and the Sabbath. Don’t miss this important perspective on the Pentateuch!
6/24/202031 minutes, 2 seconds
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Best of Mortification of Spin: None Greater, Indeed

Matthew Barrett joined us in 2019. He’s associate professor of Christian Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas, MO. Matthew stopped by to chat about his latest work, None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God. If you’re wondering what Matthew means by the word “undomesticated,” you’re not alone! Could it be that—because of our fallen, limited abilities to apprehend the infinite attributes of God—we tend to try and “tame” Him, or “pull Him down” to our level? Are those immutable attributes what make Him worthy of worship? Don’t miss this thoughtful conversation about the relationship between the doctrine of God and His divine attributes.
6/17/202034 minutes, 9 seconds
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Best of MoS - Jesus Becoming Jesus

The crew receives a visit from Fr. Thomas Weinandy. He is a Franciscan Capuchin priest, systematic theologian, long-time professor, and author of many books. In his latest--Jesus Becoming Jesus: A Theological Interpretation of the Synoptic Gospels--Thomas focuses on the doctrine and theology of the synoptic gospels, zooming in closely on the acts of Jesus in his earthly life, and the mysteries of the faith as the Lord becomes Yahweh Saves. The conversation emphasizes the importance of connecting the saving acts of God in the person of Jesus Christ, and the orthodox doctrines of immutability and impassibility. Hear what Fr. Weinandy says about holding both together in preaching, and what is truly essential for our salvation. Show Notes About Thomas Weinandy Does God Suffer? Thomas C. Oden Theologian John Webster
6/10/202031 minutes, 58 seconds
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Best of Mortification of Spin - Walking Through Twilight

Mortification of Spin is on holiday in June, so we are enjoying a few powerful episodes of the podcast just one more time. In 2018, Douglas Groothuis joined the conversation. He’s professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary and had recently written a very personal book titled Walking through Twilight - A Wife’s Illness, A Philosopher’s Lament. Groothuis reflects on his role as his wife's primary caregiver. He shares with us his personal suffering and life’s dynamics in light of her illness, the ministry of the body of Christ, and how God is glorified through it all. How does one lament biblically? What are some practical ways in which the local church can minister to and help the suffering brother or sister? This topic is one that many of us have or will face one day. Listen closely and learn about lamentation from the tender heart of a philosopher. Show Notes Know more about Douglas Groothuis Dr. Groothuis’ 2015 article Primary Progressive Aphasia
6/3/202024 minutes, 58 seconds
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American Worldview Inventory

The latest Barna Research Institute survey was recently released, and the Magnificent Three break down the results. Although the Barna definition of a “Bible-believing Christian” is a bit broader than ours, the poll results are still quite compelling. It appears the number of believers in fundamental Christian truths has significantly decreased in the past few decades, so the team considers the implications of that change and what factors may have contributed to it.    How can the Church keep its house in order—guarding the minds and souls of God’s sheep? And why is it important to believe the right things about God? Pull up a seat and join us!   We are offering you the opportunity to win a free copy of None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God. Register!  
5/27/202030 minutes, 43 seconds
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”Phasing” Back to Church

As many states' governments are talking about a “phased” reopening from the COVID-19 lockdown, our quarantined trio –bound in three different states—is asking some important questions concerning going back to church. When might Christians be able to congregate in person? How will we “do church” as social distancing concerns remain? And, what might we discover when we finally gather?  The crew considers the ethical dilemma of obeying governing authorities in accordance with the dictates of Romans 13 when—in some cases—such civil obedience might lead to Scriptural disobedience. How might the job of shepherding the flock change for church leaders in these days of new spiritual pathologies and—potentially—difficult financial struggles. Can we get back to normal now? Then again, what is “normal?” Listen to the end and enjoy the encouraging words of God’s promise to his people. And hear why our Englishman Carl, who has always believed that hugging should be banned, is "living the dream!" Register for the opportunity to win a copy of the wonderful resource, Living in God’s Two Kingdoms by David VanDrunen. The books are a gift from our friends at Crossway.
5/20/202029 minutes, 11 seconds
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Canon, Covenant, and Christology

As they continue “social distancing,” the team gets together virtually with Matthew Barrett. He’s associate professor of Christian Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, executive editor of Credo Magazine, and author and editor of several great theological books. His latest—Canon, Covenant, and Christology—is the topic of today’s conversation. Barrett encourages us to read Scripture more like Christians and not like deists. We can do so, Matthew suggests, by observing what he calls the “fuller sense”…by recognizing the divine authorial intent, and observing how the story of salvation progresses from the Old to the New Testament…as the ultimate author and character in this story brings all things to culmination. Barrett explains how Jesus himself uses typology and how it plays a fundamental role in one’s reading and interpretation of Scripture. Don’t miss it! We have a few copies of Canon, Covenant, and Christology.Register for the opportunity to win one!  
5/13/202031 minutes, 20 seconds
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Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: The Trial

Defendant Aimee Byrd is called in, and the trial has begun. She’s representing herself in the court case, The Patriarchy vs. Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. It is alleged that the defendant is the ringleader in an underground hysterical feminist movement. Among her crimes: refusing to be barefoot and confined to a yellow wallpapered kitchen making sandwiches for men. Byrd is also considered a dangerous threat for being an avid student of theology, and for possessing the ability to peel and mash a sack of potatoes with her ever-present nunchucks. Two men are called to play the devil’s advocate by interrogating the defendant. Will the evidence be enough to exonerate Byrd, or will she face the same fate as Anne Hutchinson?  Listen in as Aimee makes a case for her new book. Be prepared for some surprising statements and to learn that gynocentric interruption is not a medical condition. Register for an opportunity to win a copy of Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. The books are a courtesy of our friends at Zondervan.
5/6/202042 minutes, 30 seconds
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Reformed Road Leads to Rome?

A listener sends a question via paper airplane, in accordance with social distancing guidelines, and the crew responds from the quarantine bunker. Due to reports of some cases of conversion to Roman Catholicism by a few Reformed ministers, theologians, and laypeople, said listener is intrigued if Reformed Theology tends to steer Protestants towards the Roman Catholic Church—more than, say, the average Baptist or other evangelical beliefs. Can we pinpoint a specific cause or a set of factors as the driving force leading Reformed Christians to Rome? What could be some of the possible attractions of Roman Catholicism? Put on your mask and listen in! Be sure to visit our website,, and our store for more resources.
4/29/202026 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Ten Commandments of Progressive Christianity

The team is excited to welcome an old friend and returning guest. Michael Kruger is the president of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC, and professor of New Testament and Early Christianity. He’s contributed much to the Reformed theological world with his writings about the Canon and scriptural authority. Recently, Michael has written on a more popular and ever-current topic.   The Ten Commandments of Progressive Christianity is a small, easy to read book that provides a cautionary look at what are, in essence, ten very appealing half-truths. Why is progressivism so attractive and persuasive? Michael talks about false dichotomies…how always assuming the best of people can sometimes be harmful…and how to discern the full system of thought an author draws from. Does Progressivism affirm that questions are more important than answers? Don’t miss Carl’s answer based on a profound quote from the movie Kung Fu!   We are pleased to give away copies of Michael’s book. Register for the opportunity to win one. The copies are a complimentary gift from our friends at Cruciform Press.  
4/22/202029 minutes, 16 seconds
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But They Had Everything in Common

After a quick break, the crew just had to return to the pandemic topic, as they remain in bunker lockdown. Stay-at-home orders and global shutdowns have had a huge impact on how we do almost everything—including, how we “do church.” What do church membership and commitment to the local body look like in times like this? How can one be a faithful Christian—serving one other, giving, loving our neighbor—when regular gatherings are not possible?  You’re about to hear a case for tithes and offerings—giving when you miss church—along with the implications of not doing so in times of need for the brethren and the community at large. Not to mention, a few suggestions for ways in which we can serve the most vulnerable. Visit to read the blogs, and log on at to check out what's available at the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals’ online store.
4/15/202029 minutes, 42 seconds
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Wanted: Peoples’ Shepherd

The Spinners are quarantined in the underground bunker and take a break from all the pandemic talk to address a listener question: What should a church be looking for when searching for a new pastor, and how might they go about it? Of course, a candidate’s online presence can tell much about who he is and how he treats people. What else may be used as reliable indicators of character? What are some ways to assess the prospective pastor’s family life? Does he love and treat his wife and children well? Might the applicant's sermons reveal not only his theology, but also his character and the way he views others? Does he view himself as a shepherd or CEO? The team offers some valuable tips on gathering information about a prospective pastor.  Cruise to to read the blogs, and visit to check out what's available at the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals online store.
4/8/202027 minutes, 53 seconds
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Missing The Body in Times of Plague

This is a special pandemic edition of The Spin, as Carl, Todd, and Aimee record—not just 6 feet away, but—100 miles distant from one another, just to be on the safe side. COVID-19 times can be challenging, and they’ve afforded Todd a new opportunity to complement his pastoral calling. The megachurch minister is now a gifted “Mental Toughness Expert,” and he’s making his services available when churches are unable to meet, due to mandatory isolation. Seriously…what do Christians lose when they can’t meet to worship? Is online “church” a good substitute? What could be the lasting effects of not physically assembling with the saints on the Lord’s Day? And, most intriguingly: is social distancing turning some Roman Catholics into Lutherans? Check our website for valuable resources, and—if you’re so inclined--make a donation to help keep us afloat! Show Notes · Moral Matters: A Philosophy of Homecoming by Mark Dooley
4/1/202029 minutes, 14 seconds
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Classics, Doctrinal Differences, Guns and Church Safety

The Spin Team gathers once again to answer some of the great questions they’ve received from listeners. The first query concerns must-read classic books from authors long gone. Next, the intrepid trio considers just how many doctrinal differences a congregant should bear in a church before he or she knows that it’s time to move on. Moving to a more controversial topic: Should churches be gun-free zones, or should they have a security team and/or members who are concealed-carrying in case of a threat? The Virginian, the Marylander, and the gun-deprived Englishman offer their two cents...and expect change! We would love to offer our listeners the opportunity to win one of Todd’s “sleeveless T-shirts,” but he would not donate any from his collection. Perhaps that’s for the best. However…we do encourage you to register for the opportunity to win a free copy of Saint Augustine’s Confessions! Show Notes The Church of Christ by James Bannerman Confessions by St. Augustine Pensées by Blaise Pascal  The City of God by St. Augustine Church Mother: The Writings of a Protestant Reformer in XVI Century Germany by Katharina Zell The Life of Macrina by Gregory of Nyssa Daily Readings-The Early Church Fathers by Nick Needham  Orations by Gregory of Nazianzus A Body of Divinity by Thomas Watson The Christian’s Reasonable Service(4 Vol.) by Wilhelmus À Brakel Reformed Dogmatics by Herman Bavinck The Valley of Vision
3/25/202035 minutes, 42 seconds
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Denomination Pros, Church Size, and Seminaries

This week, the team receives a tall order. Listener Chad is requesting the return of Liam Goligher to the theological boxing ring. Can the outspoken pastor handle another two year-long battle for orthodox doctrine of God? As it has often been the case, the conversation quickly digresses to men’s fashion and colorful pants—that’s trousers, for our British audience.  Finally arriving at today’s topic…Carl, Todd, and Aimee share their thoughts about the public fall of a number of non-denominational pastors and leaders, and if such events might drive Christians to consider confessional churches. How do confessional churches differ from the non-denominational? What might the generally smaller size of Reformed congregations indicate about those churches?   Last but not least: today’s seminary. Are there limits to academic freedom concerning institutional standards? Does the teaching in the seminary classroom line up with what students pay for, and believed they’d be learning? There’s much to chew on this week! We’re happy to offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of the helpful book So You’re Thinking About Going to Seminary by Derek Cooper. Register!
3/18/202030 minutes, 32 seconds
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Emotional and Spiritual Abuse, Cont.

Due to popular interest, and the large number of allegations emerging across the country, the team continues to address the topics of emotional and spiritual abuse. A broken bone may be evidence in a case of physical abuse, but emotional/spiritual abuse can go undetected, and the victim may be unsure of what he or she is experiencing. What are some indicators of emotional/spiritual abuse, and what may be the characteristics of a manipulator?  Is teaching tithing a form of spiritual abuse? What about fear instilled concerning the possible punishment of God? Even the exhortation, correction, and church discipline mandated by Scripture can be applied in an abusive way. Not everything that makes a person uncomfortable is abuse, but the crew brings much clarity to these difficult issues. Show Notes ·Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work by Paul Babiak and Robert Hare ·How to Spot Spiritual Abuse  
3/11/202040 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Mystery of Incarnation

Christ’s incarnation is not solely a topic for discussion at Christmas. So today, the crew explores this great and amazing mystery of Scripture.  Were the disciples and others seeing God when they looked at Jesus? The answer to this question reveals much about how one apprehends the doctrine of incarnation, and there is little wonder why so many heresies have sprung from its misunderstanding throughout history. Does Jesus still have a body, or is he currently a spirit? Why is Christ’s human nature so crucial to the work of salvation? What did Jesus take on at the incarnation? Tune in and join us! Show Notes ·Nicene Creed ·Ascension and Ecclesia by Douglas Farrow
3/4/202022 minutes, 58 seconds
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Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed

The professor, the megachurch pastor, and the housewife theologian (AKA professional potato peeler) gather for a casual chat about a topic that it keeps on giving.  Diverse scandals of abuse involving prominent Christian leaders have been occurring quite regularly, a number of which have come from the “Young, Restless, and Reformed” movement, and from the promoters of the “celebrity culture.” How is an abusive leadership born, and how is such behavior nourished? What might be some red flags that a pastor is stepping over boundaries and abusing his congregants? Accountability seems to be the antidote for this issue, but is it always possible?  Tune in for a reflection on the potentially devastating effects of ministers' egos left unchecked.
2/26/202031 minutes, 6 seconds
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Red, Red Wine

Following up last week’s discussion on church discipline, Carl and Aimee bring up the closely related topic of the Lord’s Supper. What does church discipline tell us about the importance of church membership and the Lord’s Supper? Should membership in a church be required in order for a person to partake in the sacrament? Do differences exist within Christian traditions and/or denominations concerning who is allowed at the table? How is the Lord’s Supper served in evangelical churches that do not offer formal church membership? The discussion ends with a reminder of the preparation essential for this solemn, yet celebratory family meal…and, a word about Carl’s ambitious aspirations for retirement.   Show Notes ·Ascension and Ecclesia: On the Significance of the Doctrine of Ascension for Ecclesiology and Christian Cosmology by Douglas Farrow ·The Book of Common Prayer We are giving away a few copies of The Lord’s Supper by the Puritan, Thomas Watson. Register for the opportunity to win a free one. The books are a generous gift from our friends at Banner of Truth.
2/19/202030 minutes, 7 seconds
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A Mark of a True Church

The term “church discipline” might have a negative connotation in the ears of many, but the team wants to dispel some of the misconceptions about it. Just what is “church discipline?” When needed, it’s a component of discipleship. So, when is church discipline necessary and justifiable? Where does the authority to exercise it come from? The fact that church discipline has been abused, and—at times—performed in a cult-like manner also cannot be ignored. So, it’s important to take a close look at the threefold purpose of church discipline and its aftermath, which is different in every case.  Toward further understanding, we’re giving away a few copies of Presbytopia - What It Means to be Presbyterian, which is a complimentary gift from our friends at Christian Focus. Register!!
2/12/202034 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Care of Souls

Todd starts this conversation by setting the ground rules and letting everyone know his preferred pronouns: he, him, and his. The bearded one also claims to have the definitive pronunciation of the author’s name of the book topic of today’s conversation.  The Care of Souls by Harold Senkbeil explores the classical (biblical) model of pastoral ministry, as opposed to the contemporary models practiced by the church growth movement which tried to do away with the idea of the pastor as a shepherd. Why is this book such an important read not only for pastors, but for lay people as well? What are the different approaches to pastoral ministry? Can some of them be harmful to the pastor and/or to the congregation? What is The Care of Souls encouraging pastors to do? Listen in and find out! We’re happy to offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of The Care of Souls. Register!! The books are a generous gift from our friends at Lexham Press.
2/5/202032 minutes, 51 seconds
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Evangelical Popes, Too Big to Fail

Aimee is away, and the boys are feeling empowered today, tossing out random thoughts from the dark recesses of their man cave.  Pope Francis’ holy hand slap brings up the topic of unquestionable authority and the lack of accountability among the legions of little evangelical “popes” running around. Elsewhere, 2020 starts with the announcement that James MacDonald will be back preaching once again after being found unfit for ministry and getting fired from his church. What does that say about looking up to high-profile personalities regardless of their character?  Such Pope-like personalities exist in their respective traditions in different parts of the world. So, our conversation is taken to the other side of the pond, as the Englishman explains the scandals surrounding the Evangelical Anglican Church in the UK and the catastrophic consequences that it may bring. How do you counsel people who have been disillusioned by the evangelical leaders in their lives? Light a candle and listen in!  Show Notes ·The holy hand slap ·Philip Schaff ·J. Frank Norris ·Jonathan Fletcher ·St Helen Bishopsgate Evangelical Anglican Church, London Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of Ordinary by Michael Horton.  The copies are a complimentary gift from our friends at Zondervan.  
1/29/202032 minutes, 18 seconds
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You Might Be a Federal Visionist If...

The three amigos compiled a sizeable list of answers to that conditional statement—perhaps you have a few of your own! But why is this even a topic to be addressed? It seems that, even though the movement has been condemned by the NAPARC denominations over a decade ago, Federal Vision is still alive and well in Reformed circles. Some observers believe the “sympathizer’s club” may be growing!  What is Federal Vision (FV), who were the spiritual fathers of this theology, and who are its contemporary promoters? What’s the main concern with Federal Vision theology? (Note that this is a broad topic receiving our attention for just a few minutes) On a much lighter note, the Spinners tell us which other Christian traditions (besides Presbyterianism) they admire, and why. Be forewarned: this episode is not for the faint of heart!   Show Notes   ·  R. Scott Clark, the leading Federal Vision Theology opponent ·  W. Stanford Reid: An Evangelical Calvinist in the Academy by A. Donald MacLeod ·  Getting the Gospel Right by Cornelius Venema ·  Children at the Lord’s Table: Assessing the Case for Paedocommunion by Cornelis Venema ·  Gospel Clarity: Challenging the New Perspective on Paul by Ligon Duncan and William Barcley
1/22/202025 minutes, 49 seconds
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Struck Down but Not Destroyed

Following a discussion of various conspiracy theories, bad driving, and why the Spinners will never record episodes while in a car with Aimee at the wheel…the conversation turns to the topic of anxiety. To broach the subject, the crew welcomes Pierce Taylor Hibbs. He’s the associate director of the Center for Theological Writing at Westminster Theological Seminary, and author of Struck Down But Not Destroyed - Living Faithfully With Anxiety.  Pierce talks about his experience of living with clinical anxiety for over 12 years, about a faith crisis in the midst of anxiety attacks, and the guilt that comes with it. Is anxiety always a sin problem, or are there different kinds of anxiety caused by emotional burdens? Is there such a thing as “noble” anxiety?  Whether you suffer from anxiety or not, this conversation will give you a good perspective on a common malady, keeping God’s glory and the Christian’s well-being in proper balance. Show Notes Learn more about Pierce Download a free chapter of Struck Down But Not Destroyed Christians Battling Anxiety Facebook group Other books by Pierce Where to buy Struck Down but Not Destroyed We’re pleased to offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of Pierce’s book Struck Down But Not Destroyed - Living Faithfully With Anxiety. Register!
1/15/202034 minutes, 36 seconds
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Lessons Learned

Todd’s been summoned to host a popular TV show, but Carl and Aimee guarantee that they can handle this week’s episode without his coaching. The two have learned a few things this past year that they’re willing to share. Carl discusses how pleasantly different 2019 was for him at his new job, the completion of the biggest projects of his adult life thus far, Hugh Hefner’s “contribution” to modern society, and more. Aimee’s research for her upcoming book on discipleship has taught her—among many other things—how to take criticism in a polarized (social media) world. The dynamic duo discusses true confessionalism, slander, online polemics, and navigating through it all. Hear about the books of 2019 that you’ll want to read, or read again. You may even wish to give the corresponding episodes another listen!   Show Notes ·A 2020 message to Todd Pruitt ·Introducing Evangelical Theology by Daniel Treier ·Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition by Craig Carter ·The Mosaic of Atonement by Joshua McNall ·Resourcing Theological Anthropology by Marc Cortez ·The Forsaken Monarch by Amy Mantravadi ·Theological Negotiations by Douglas Farrow ·God Visible by Brian Daley ·John Macnab by John Buchan  ·Witch Wood by John Buchan ·“Evangelical Elites Are Out of Touch” by Carl Trueman 
1/8/202033 minutes, 23 seconds
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A Textbook of Theology

The three Spinners are back in the bunker to recommend a book and discuss its highlights. The topic of this conversation is actually a textbook titled Introducing Evangelical Theology by Daniel J. Treier, published by Baker Academic. Written for all kinds of theology students—from small reading groups, to Sunday school teachers and academic students—Introducing Evangelical Theology is written in a simple, yet not simplistic way, and provides a great foundation from which to retrieve some much needed theological grammar.  The team offers input about the saggy knees and the misnumbered fingers and toes of the people depicted on the cover…on the greatness of the “one sentence thesis” intro to every chapter…and, on the richness of the glossary. This is a book that you’ll want to read! Visit the link and register for the opportunity to win a free copy of Introducing Evangelical Theology by Daniel J. Treier. The copies are a complimentary gift from our friends at Baker Academic.
1/1/202023 minutes, 10 seconds
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Classical Theism - The Resurgence

Guess who’s on the Christmas naughty list? That’s right--all three Spinners! Aimee’s compared to Yoko Ono, Carl gets blamed for it, and Todd justifies his patriarchal household decisions. When the banter is finally over, we get to today’s topic: the resurgence of classical theism. What is classical theism? The crew discusses its ancient origins and the recent interest in its return, not only on the academic level, but among lay people as well. Can the doctrine of God be something understood at the popular level, and even have practical implications? How do the two natures of Christ shape our understanding of God’s impassibility…and, why is it important that we understand this well?  The conversation ends with a plea to presbyteries to keep the theological mutualism taught in some Reformed seminaries out of the pulpits. Listen to learn more...    Show Notes ·None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God by Matthew Barrett ·Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics by Richard Muller ·Credo Magazine series on the Doctrine of God ·The Five Theological Orations by Gregory of Nazianzus  ·Interpreting Scripture With The Great Tradition by Craig Carter ·Simply God by Peter Sanlon We’re giving you the opportunity to win a great resource about today’s topic. Register for the opportunity to receive a free copy of Sam Renihan’s God Without Passions - A Primer. The copies are a generous gift from our friends at Reformed Baptist Academic Press.
12/25/201927 minutes, 52 seconds
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Transgenderism Tackled by an Unlikely Coalition

Emily Zinos of the Ask Me First Minnesota Family Council returns to the bunker following her outstanding appearance on “Gender Confusion.” This time, Emily brings along her good friend Natasha Chart, who is on the board of directors of the Women’s Liberation Front - WoLF.  What do a conservative Roman Catholic and a radical feminist have in common? Both believe that biology determines sex, and that women deserve protection. Emily and Natasha are members of Hands Across the Aisle, and—as the title suggests—they join forces with women from across the political spectrum to oppose gender identity ideology. The pair has written an extremely helpful resource guide for parents. Together, they tackle some important questions and tell us why identity politics is detrimental to women.  Why has the transgender movement been so successful? Have we really thought through the lasting consequences of such ideology? Our guests are here to walk us through the answers.  Show Notes Download “Responding to the Transgender Issue - Parent Resource Guide” Ask Me First Minnesota Family Council Women’s Liberation Front - WoLF Hands Across the Aisle - Resources
12/18/201933 minutes, 11 seconds
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Q&A - Children of Believers and Our Fallible Heroes

Another curious word game introduction sets the stage for answering a few listener questions. Tackled today: Liturgical dance, Carl’s colorful pants and his “Christian journey,” Todd’s no-book deal, studio cough switches, and more. Seriously: are the children of believers considered to be Christians, merely by virtue of being born to believing parents? Or, are they “little heathens?” The crew talks about the Presbyterian and Baptist views on the subject. On another matter: how can we appreciate our heroes from the past without ignoring their faults—involvement with slavery and anti-Semitic views, to name a few? Carl, Todd, and Aimee navigate an episode that evolves from the silly to the sublime! Show Notes · The Sacrifice of Praise by Herman Bavinck
12/11/201925 minutes, 57 seconds
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Confessional and Missional

Great questions keep coming from our listeners, and the Spin Team speaks ex cathedra, putting to rest once and for all a few queries related to this topic. Is there a true tension between being missional and being confessional? What does it mean to be missional in the current context? The crew addresses a few schools of thought related to the use of the term missional, some of the dangers of its misuse, and the real mission of the church, according to Matthew 28.But that’s not all! Our trio addresses the other side of the fence and discusses how one can [wrongly] excuse apathy for his neighbor and the world under the pretense of confessionalism. Shall we find the balance?
12/4/201926 minutes, 18 seconds
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Sexual Ethics Grounded in Doctrine

The college professor, the housewife theologian from “Mary-land,” and the PCA pastor/conspiracy theorist invite David White to join them in the bunker for a superb conversation about God, You, and Sex: A Profound Mystery. David is a pastor, author of several books, and has served in several capacities at Harvest USA for 19 years. David shares what he believes is missing from other books on Christian sexuality. Is marriage the answer and/or cure for unmet sexual desires, or are there sexual struggles in that union as well? What are some of the sexually-related challenges that children and parents alike face in this technological age? David shares some thoughts on the importance of sex in marriage being rooted in doctrine, and the power of strong local communities to uphold biblical ethics and accountability.  Show Notes Harvest USA Buy God, You, and Sex We are happy to give you the opportunity to win a free copy of God, You, and Sex.Just register! The copies are a generous gift from Harvest USA and New Growth Press.
11/27/201928 minutes, 45 seconds
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Q&A - War, Pacifism, and Book Recommendations

After the crew concludes that #EpsteinDidNotKillHimself, and plays a fun rhyming word game, it’s time to address some serious questions from our listeners.  Among today’s topics: War and Just War Theory. Is there truly such a thing as a “just war?”  What is pacifism, and are different forms of it? What should be the relationship between church and state in matters of war?  Changing gears…What are some books that everyone should read before high school graduation? From classic literature to modern, there are some great picks! Show NotesThe City of God by Augustine of HippoWuthering Heights by Emily BronteThe Man Who Was Thursday by G. K. Chesterton The Pilgrim’s Progress by John BunyanGod Breathed by Rut Etheridge III Episode with MoSChristless Christianity by Michael HortonConfessions by Augustine of Hippo
11/20/201926 minutes, 14 seconds
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Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord?

Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary debuts on “The Spin” with the presence of Michael Morales, the seminary’s professor of Biblical Studies. Who Shall Ascend the Mount of the Lord? is Michael’s latest work on the book of Leviticus, and part of the New Studies in Biblical Theology series by IVP. Don’t dismiss this outstanding book merely on the subject matter! Leviticus is not “the most boring book in the bible,” and you’re about to learn why!Michael identifies an intriguing theme in Leviticus, along with its relationship to the sacredness of time and the Sabbath. Don’t miss this important perspective on the Pentateuch!Show Notes·The Book of Leviticus - The New International Commentary on the Old Testament by Gordon Wenham·Leviticus, Numbers - The NIV Application Commentary by Roy Gane ·Jacob MilgromWe have a few copies of Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord? Register for the opportunity to win a free one!
11/13/201931 minutes, 46 seconds
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God’s Transcendence and Poverty Alleviation

The Spin Team—yes, the fashion guru, the pastor to the “furries,” and the lead singer of the punk band “Feminist Outrage Machine”—have not one, but two special guests today! Kelly Kapic and Brian Fikkert, both at Covenant College, have authored Becoming Whole: Why the Opposite of Poverty isn’t the American Dream.Becoming Whole brings further insight into topics explored in Brian’s book, When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor, by giving the reader a greater picture of what it means to live a good life in light of God’s transcendence.Is economic growth the solution for the world’s problems? How can the Church be a good and faithful neighbor: helping the poor, without compromising the truthfulness of the Gospel while simultaneously avoiding the pitfalls of Christian liberalism? Can we proclaim a form of good news that has nothing to do with this physical world today? Don’t miss a truly fascinating discussion! Show Notes·When Helping Hurts by Brian FikkertWe’re happy to give away a few copies of Becoming Whole. Register for the opportunity to win one!
11/6/201936 minutes, 37 seconds
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Teens, Young Adults, and Sexuality

David Ayers, Provost of Grove City College and professor of Sociology, is still Carl’s boss…and, he’s back in the bunker. David has recently done research on the sexual habits of evangelical teenagers and young adults, and he’s reporting some disturbing findings. What do these sexual behaviors tell us about the church? David raises the concern that the church is failing to explicitly teach young people the connection between marriage and sex, and what it represents biblically. Not just that, but a loss of parental authority in teaching about sexuality is indicated when parents lack commitment to the church. Join us for this timely conversation!Disclaimer: For the purposes of this interview, David Ayers does not speak on behalf of Grove City College. All views contained in this program reflect the personal opinions of its hosts and guest.We’re giving away Christian Marriage: A Comprehensive Introduction by David Ayers. Register for the opportunity to win a free copy. The copies are a generous gift from our friends at Lexham Press.Show Notes· Current Sexual Practices of Evangelical Teens and Young Adults by David Ayers· Harvest USA
10/30/201940 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Prodigal Child

One prodigal host has wandered off, so the other two discuss the many questions surrounding today’s topic. What is a prodigal child? Is every child that’s struggling with sin or indifferent to the Gospel a prodigal? Should parents take full blame for children who walk away from the faith, or—conversely—take credit for a good outcome because they “raised ‘em right”?  Todd and Aimee talk about the promises of God (as in Proverbs 22:6), the God-given responsibility of parents, and the role of the covenant community in assisting parents to raise covenant children in the most ordinary but loving ways. Now, and for a limited time only! Sow a seed of any amount, and receive a guaranteed seven step program for raising perfect godly children, so your family can look really good before others! :)Show Notes· One Year Praying Through the Bible for Your Kids by Nancy Guthrie· Getting Back In the Race: The Cure for Backsliding by Joel BeekeWe’re giving away a few free copies of Come Back, Barbara by C. John Miller and Barbara Miller Juliani. Register for the opportunity to win one! The copies are a courtesy from our friends at P&R.
10/23/201933 minutes, 40 seconds
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Beyond Authority and Submission

Carl, Todd, and Aimee are joined by Rachel Green Miller. She writes for the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, and has a blog of her own. Rachel has recently published her first book, titled Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society. Rachel conducted several years of research into the history of women in different eras, and—in the book—compares and contrasts those findings with the biblical perspective of men and women in marriage and society.Rachel makes the case that, throughout history, Christianity has responded to the secular view of women. But, were there times when those responses were excessive, therefore distorting the biblical view of manhood and womanhood? Should we be constantly preoccupied with who owns or wields the power in any type of relationship between the sexes? Join us for intriguing conversation about this hot topic! Show Notes·A Daughter of the Reformation·Reformation 21 articlesRegister for the opportunity to win a free copy of Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society. The books are a generous gift from our friends at P&R.
10/16/201931 minutes, 55 seconds
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What Does it Mean to be Reformed?

A listener asks "the famous Carl Trueman" what “to be Reformed” really means, as Aimee and Todd play the mediators.The term “Reformed” is full of meaning, but many times it’s reduced to simply mean holding to the five points of Calvinism or merely ascribing to a predestinarian theology. What does it mean to be Reformed, and—conversely—what does it not mean? What bearing does the 16th and 17th-century church have on this word today, and what other factors make one’s faith practice truly Reformed? Does Reformed theology necessitate Reformed liturgy? How do you know you just walked into a Reformed church? The famous Dr. Trueman answers it all. We’re offering a great resource on this topic. Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of Welcome to a Reformed Church by Daniel Hyde. The copies are a generous gift from Reformation Trust.
10/9/201935 minutes, 3 seconds
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Here Comes the Worship Cop!

We enjoy a pleasant visit with Terry Johnson. He’s the senior minister of Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, GA, where he’s been serving since 1987. Eons ago, Terry had planned on teaching a 10-part series on the attributes of God…which turned into 82, as he immersed himself in the greatest classical literature on the doctrine of God. Such preparation and teaching has not only blessed his congregation, it has deeply inspired, challenged, and enriched Terry’s personal life, resulting in his latest book: The Identity and Attributes of God, published by Banner of Truth.Join us and discover how the immutability and impassibility of God have implications for, and practical impact on, everything that we believe. Show NotesThe Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen CharnockThe Works of Swinnock - The Incomparableness of God by George SwinnockA Divine Life by Richard BaxterChristian In Complete Armour by William GurnallThe Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and Banner of Truth are pleased to offer you the opportunity to own one of the three remaining copies of the first print of The Identity and Attributes of God. Register to win!
10/2/201932 minutes, 49 seconds
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Worship: The Chief End of Man

Worship: The Chief End of Man is the main theme of the Quakertown Conference on Reformed Theology, sponsored by the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, happening this November 8 and 9. The crew sits down with Quakertown conference speaker Jonathan Master to get a glimpse of the wonderful lineup of teachers and the topics they’ll address. Jonathan is dean of the School of Divinity and professor of theology at Cairn University and the co-host of the Alliance’s Theology on the Go podcast. He’s excited to share with us the focus of the conference, and engages our hosts in a general discussion of worship as well.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is happy to give away a few free registrations for the Quakertown Conference on November 8 and 9. Register for the opportunity to win! Click here for more information about the conference.
9/25/201930 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Ceiling of Self

Rutledge Etheridge is in the house. He’s assistant professor of Biblical Studies at Geneva College, a former chaplain in the same institution, and an ordained minister at Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. “Rut” is the author of God Breathed: Connecting Through Scripture to God, Others, The Natural World, and Yourself, which was born from a rhetorical question by Augustine, fascinating personal observations, and the desire to dig deeper into the disconnect between the claims of Jesus and the way society at large lives day to day.Etheridge explains what he means by “The Ceiling of Self,” and why it’s such a wonderless and lonely place to be. Don’t miss this fascinating conversation on theology, philosophy, and apologetics. Show NotesIs Facebook Making Us Lonely?Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? The Follow UpThanks to Crown and Covenant Publications, we can offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of God Breathed. Register!!
9/18/201931 minutes, 32 seconds
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”Influencers” Turned Defectors

A few sad recent events have caught the attention of the media, and our trio is talking through the high profile, so-called Christian “influencers” who have publicly declared their departure from the faith. Is it possible to pinpoint a pathological cultural pattern as a motive for such departures? Is it fair to draw a connection between local church commitment (or the lack thereof) and apostasy? Some of the defectors accuse the Church of never addressing a host of life issues. Is that accusation legitimate? If so, to what extent?Because three heads think better than one…Carl, Todd, and Aimee join forces to weigh in on the product of celebrity and youth culture, and the indispensable role of the local church. We’re giving away a few copies of Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World. Register for the opportunity to win one! The copies are a generous gift from Zondervan.
9/11/201931 minutes, 54 seconds
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Dort and the Dutchifornian Pastor

Unable to catch any decent waves this morning, Danny Hyde pumped up the volume of his hair and came over for a chat about his latest work, written in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Canons of Dort. Danny is the pastor of Oceanside United Reformed Church in Carlsbad, California, and author of several books. Grace Worth Fighting For is a thorough examination of the history and text of the articles discussed and debated at the Synod of Dort, and what it really means to be Reformed. What do the Canons offer that the Westminster Standards don’t? What are the distinctives of the Canons, and what is its relevance for our day?Listen to Pastor Danny give these answers in a passionate and pastoral way.Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of Grace Worth Fighting For by Daniel Hyde, a complimentary gift from our friends at The Davenant Press.
9/4/201931 minutes, 28 seconds
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Q&A: Van Til, Baptists, Hendrix, and Sinatra

The gang gathers in the bunker to answer some listener questions. From the holy to the profane, funny to offensive, all kinds of queries drive today’s episode. Will Baptists go to heaven? Who in the world is Nate Diaz? Differences between the PCA and the OPC, the influence of Van Tilian apologetics outside the US, Luther, Jimmy Hendrix, Calvin, and Sinatra--there’s a lot to cover. Listen as Todd shoots himself in the foot by declining a dinner invitation from the rest of the crew—you’ll enjoy every moment! 
8/28/201927 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Coach, the Girl, and the Pastor

Versace, Maserati, private jets. What do the lives of “Christian celebrities” look like? Costi Hinn pays a visit to the bunker to chat about the ostentatious lifestyle he experienced growing up around his uncle Benny Hinn.Costi has recently authored God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel: How Truth Overwhelms a Life Built on Lies where he not only exposes the fallacies of the prosperity gospel and its dangers, but the means God used to open his eyes to the truths of Scripture and the value of a godly wife throughout the process.Do prosperity gospel teachers genuinely believe the message they preach? The answer may surprise you!Show Notes1 Corinthians 12:30John 5:1-17O.I.K.A.2 Timothy 3:132 Peter 2:1-3We’re excited to give away a few copies of God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel by Costi Hinn. Please register for the opportunity to win one!
8/21/201934 minutes, 15 seconds
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Overstepping Authority

Some issues in the church are unlikely to go away anytime soon. Unfortunately, reports of spiritual, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse keep surfacing in Christian circles everywhere, so the Spin team examines the scars of emotional abuse in particular and the parameters of the authority that church leadership has over their congregants.What does consist as an abusive behavior? What is the authority given to leaders in the church, and is there a tool or system to curb and restrain abuse of power? How does one to proceed when spiritual or emotional abuse is detected, but there’s no obvious criminality involved? Show Notes· Jonathan Fletcher · Proclamation Trust· Oliver North We’re happy to offer our listeners the opportunity to win a free copy of The Transforming Community: The Practise of the Gospel in Church Discipline by Mark Lauterbach. Sign up!
8/14/201930 minutes, 22 seconds
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Among his many qualifications, Neil Shenvi is a critical theory analyst. His broad understanding of the subject allows us to learn about critical theory’s greatest past and present supporters, as well as the danger it can pose for Christianity. Neil warns against uncritically adopting liberation theology and the extreme heterodoxy of some of its proponents. What is the end goal of critical theory? Why have so many Christians been falling for its tenets, and where does the slippery slope start? Is there a connection between critical theory and identity politics? Carl pulls on his pink (OK, salmon-colored) pants to join Todd and Aimee for this engaging episode.Show Notes· Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology by Andersen and Collins· The Frankfurt SchoolWe’re pleased to offer you a great resource on the topic. Register for the opportunity to win a copy of That Hideous Strength: How the West was Lost by Melvin Tinker. The copies are a courtesy of EP Books. 
8/7/201933 minutes, 30 seconds
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Summer Picks

Carl, Todd, and Aimee are sitting on a blanket under a tree, bickering over who’s been reading the best summer books. As it’s hard to point to one book among the stacks and stacks of good stuff out there, the trio decides to compromise, and share some of their recent favorites.From their picks, you’ll get a little flavor of several different genres—Christian and non-Christian alike—both, meant to cause one to think on matters of life and death. Get a pen and paper and start taking note of their recommendations. Tell us what you’ve been reading by tagging us on social media: #MortificationOfSpinWe want to enrich your life with the opportunity to win a free copy of Michael Morales’ book, Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord? A Biblical Theology of the Book of Leviticus.Register now!UPDATE: Here are the picks discussed on the show!Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord? (L.Michael Morales)Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life (William Finnegan)Being Mortal (Atul Gwande)The Lost Vintage (Ann Mah)The Green Mile (Stephen King)Our Bodies Ourselves (Judy Norsigian)Carl's latest book (no title offered)Catch 22, Jane EyreDignity (Chris Arnade)The Professor and the Parson (Adam Sisman)Norco 80 (Peter Houlahan)Against God and Nature (Thomas McCall)Theoretical and Practical Theology (Petrus Van Mastricht)
7/31/201930 minutes, 33 seconds
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Gender Confusion

Emily Zinos visits the bunker. Her Twitter description reads: “Woman, Wife, Mother, Catholic. I've given birth seven times; you don't scare me”. Emily has written an article addressing the latest transgender movement titled "Sex Is Better than Gender"; and the trio wants to dig into the topic a little deeper. Mrs. Zinos tells about how she got involved in the fight against gender identity ideology in the public school system, and why language plays a vital part in forwarding this social issue. The word "gender" is being used in different ways by different groups of people, but Emily breaks down the most frequent uses and offers a much better option to eliminate the gender confusion.You must listen to find out if a woman can still be a woman if she drives a truck and smokes cigars!The Paideia Center for Theological Writing, RTS Orlando, is giving away a number of free registrations for this coming Fall reading groups. Sign up to read the classics along with people all over the country!Show NotesHands Across the AisleWoman Means SomethingGender non-conformingNon-recommended book - My Princess BoyNon-recommended book - I Am JazzDr. John MoneyPrudence AllenSpy cam epidemic in South KoreaEmily has recommended and we’re giving away a book titled The Flesh Made Word by Daniel Moody. Register for the opportunity to win one!
7/24/201937 minutes, 34 seconds
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Personality Disorder

The Spin Squad strikes again! The current mission is to put the kibosh on the latest trend in evangelicalism: the dreaded “personality tests.”What are the origins of the Enneagram? Can people really be defined and perfectly fit into one of its nine categories? Should Christians rely on such tests, like the Myers-Briggs, for direction in life and ministry?  Since all nine Enneagram categories are pretty positive, you’ll discover just how great you really are, and how much awesomeness you can offer to your local church and beyond! Carl swears that this is very much an “American thing;” he’s taken the test, and didn’t fit any of the categories. Even John Paul II has something to say about such fads. Listen in!Show Notes· George GurdjieffWe’re pleased to give away a resource mentioned in this episode. Register for the opportunity to win a copy of The Personality Brokers by Merve Emre.
7/17/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Making of a Disciple

Kevin Vanhoozer joins the team for a conversation about his latest book Hearers and Doers: A Pastor’s Guide to Making Disciples through Scripture and Doctrine. Kevin is the Research Professor of Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and a prolific author. In Hearers and Doers, Kevin draws the connection between doctrine, discipleship and pastoral ministry for spiritual wholeness.Is discipleship an optional part of Christianity? Tune in for this fascinating conversation about the cultural secularization of the idea of wellness (as opposed to the biblical definition), and its relationship to discipleship.Show NotesC.S. Lewis institute - There a Meaning in This Text? By Kevin VanhoozerBiblical Authority After Babel by Kevin VanhoozerThanks to our friends of Lexham Press, we’re giving away copies of Hearers and Doers. Register for the opportunity to win one!
7/10/201934 minutes, 5 seconds
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The GA, the SBC, even the OPC (but, on the QT)

While Todd is having some Tex-Mex with friends at the PCA General Assembly, Carl and Aimee take a look at the latest resolutions and issues happening there, and at the Southern Baptist Convention, because—frankly—nothing interesting ever happens in the OPC!The stalwart duo discusses the structure of ecclesiastical bodies, the function of committee reports, and how much binding power they have. C & A also assess the power of parachurch organizations, and all the hubbub among celebrity pastors on Twitter. Who needs reality shows, with all the Christian drama on social media! We’re pleased to give away a few copies of D. G. Hart’s book Between the Times, which is a publication of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Register for the opportunity to win one.
7/3/201931 minutes, 20 seconds
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Reflections on Prayer and Death

Despite Carl’s incessant prayers, the Lord has not granted the desires of his heart concerning his co-hosts! Nevertheless, he’s learning to be content with Todd and Aimee. Does God always listen to the prayers of His people? If so, why don’t we always get a positive outcome? What, then, is the purpose of praying?Along with their thoughts on prayer, the trio reflects on the spin that death has taken on in these modern days. Are there lessons to be learned as we stand in the presence of a dead or dying loved one?We are giving away a few copies of Remember Death: The Surprising Path to Living Hope. Register for an opportunity to win one. The books are a courtesy of our friends at Crossway.
6/26/201928 minutes, 22 seconds
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(Anti) Social Media

Who would have thought a few years ago that today, blogging would be considered a great intellectual exercise…in comparison to the complex ideas we now try to discuss in 280 characters or less?The ugliness of Christians belittling other Christians on social media can be disheartening, indeed. But is there any salvageable reason for keeping a Twitter or Facebook account? The trio comes out to discuss the topic, among others. Our spin-killers touch on the self-promotion of failed ministers who left wreckage behind them, and are now capitalizing on their comeback stories of “grace and redemption.” How have Christians come to ignore the biblical qualifications of church leaders where a ‘Christian celebrity’ is concerned?Show NotesNeil Shenvi on TwitterRobert GeorgeThe book of James talks much about what the Christian speech should and should not be like, so we’re giving away The Message of James—part of The Bible Speaks Today series by Alec Motyer. Register for the opportunity to win a copy. They’re a generous gift from our friends at IVP.
6/19/201931 minutes
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Lamenting Well

Are Christians promised a life free from suffering? If not, how should we respond when trouble comes our way?The team considers suffering and the place of lament in the life of the Christian. Is it wrong or sinful to lament? What should one say to God when going through the valley of the shadow?Scripture has the answer! The Psalms especially are full of instruction on how to praise God in our lament, and offer hope in the “vale of tears” that life on earth can be.Settle in for a deep conversation, and take note of the place the Lord has provided for His suffering children, and the witness they bring to other members of the body. Show Notes·Todd Billings’ Interview - When You Know You’re DyingWe recommend, and are happy to give away a few copies of, J.Todd Billings’ book Rejoicing in Lament.Register for the opportunity to win one! The books are a generous gift from our friends at Brazos Press.
6/12/201926 minutes, 51 seconds
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Hit Man Wanted

It seems like a never-ending story, but there’s more disturbing news about the saga of a certain celebrity pastor. The crew finds cover in the bunker, and “takes a shot” at commenting on the allegations that this high-profile reverend tried to hire…a hit man. You can’t make this stuff up!Who is immune to excesses and abuse of power in ministry? Could congregants be enabling the abusive behavior of their leaders? The trio shines a light on the total depravity of the human heart, and reviews the temptations that haunt the leaders of churches from 12 to 12,000.Show Notes7 Reasons Not to Send Nude SelfiesGoodFellasWe’re giving away a great resource on the topic! Register for the opportunity to win a copy of Liberating Ministry From the Success Syndrome by Kent and Barbara Hughes. The copies are a complimentary gift of our friends at Crossway.
6/5/201933 minutes, 32 seconds
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I Second that Devotion

It’s widely known that Carl and Todd are the Presbyterian symbols of natural good looks, and rumor has it that they’re working on a line of male grooming products. People are noticing how Carl has sloughed off a few decades of decay since starting to use Kiehl's Age Defender Moisturizer.(Disclaimers: No endorsement implied, no compensation offered. Speak to your doctor before starting any skin regimen. Results may not be typical. Member FDIC)What does this have to do with today’s topic? Absolutely nothing! The real conversation is about a recent article interview with Dr. Dru Johnson on personal devotional time. Is there a right or wrong way to do daily devotionals? Must one have a set time for it? Is it sinful to miss these “quiet times?” How essential are devotionals for the Christian? The crew reviews Dr. Dru’s answers, and recommends some additional resources to enhance your spiritual life.Show Notes·A Scholar’s Devotion with Dru Johnson·Daily Readings - The Early Church Fathers·On God and Man - The Theological Poetry of St. Gregory of Nazianzus·The Book of Common Prayer·Bible commentaries and cross references as devotional toolsRegister for the opportunity to win a free copy of The Valley of Vision, a complimentary gift from our friends at Banner of Truth.
5/29/201932 minutes, 26 seconds
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Pastoring Through the Social Media Chaos

While Aimee is away, Todd and Carl are feeling pretty empowered to have a free conversation in their “safe space.”In light of the abhorrent shooting at a Poway, CA synagogue some weeks ago, the guys are pondering the extent of responsibility inherent upon church officers and members to “police” the behavior of other congregants. They also discuss the new areas of concern that social media has created for pastors.At what point can it be determined that a congregant is crossing the line on social media, requiring some pastoral intervention? Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear Carl actually complimenting Todd. This may never happen again!Show Notes·Who’s to Blame When the Shooter is One of Our Own? by Carl Trueman·Kinism 
5/22/201932 minutes
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Listener Q&A: Bad Books, Error, Heresy, and More

The trio meets at the VA bunker, and—even without their morning coffee—they manage to answer a few listener questions. Aimee brings up the “bad book” box, as Carl tries to offer an eco-friendly disposal solution for hazardous theological material.What’s the difference between error and heresy? Up to what age can the behavior of the child of a church office bearer disqualify him for leadership? What does it mean to manage the household well? And, last but not least, are Christian camps and conferences an appendix of the Church, or might they become an obstacle to regular attendance at the Sunday gathering? You don’t want to miss all the wisdom offered in this episode!
5/15/201932 minutes, 42 seconds
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Reforming Apologetics

John V. Fesko is the current Academic Dean and professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Westminster Seminary California…but, he’s packing up and getting ready to move to Jackson, MS where he’ll be teaching at Reformed Theological Seminary. The team rolls up its proverbial sleeves and gives Fesko a hand with the boxes, while carrying out a conversation about his latest, “Reforming Apologetics”.The professor addresses his exploration of classical reformed theology, and some of the views held by Cornelius Van Til that distanced him from the confessional tradition. Is God the starting point for all knowledge? How do the Reformed confessions approach the topic? Is Fesko going back to the “vomit of Rome”, as some would say, or is the light of nature an important truth to be considered?Register for an opportunity to win a free copy of Reforming Apologetics: Retrieving the Classic Approach to Defending the Faith. The books are a complimentary gift of Baker Academics.
5/8/201934 minutes, 10 seconds
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Broken Pieces and the God Who Mends Them

Simonetta Carr makes her return to the bunker. She’s written a number of Christian books (including some wonderful children’s biographies) and she’s also a contributor of Place for Truth, another Alliance website.This time around, Simonetta joins the team to talk about a very different kind of book she’s written lately: Broken Pieces, and the God Who Mends Them. It’s a memoir of her son, where she addresses mental illness from a very personal and painful experience.Simonetta’s story doesn’t end there, as the second part of the book’s title suggests. She also shares the encouragement found in the weekly preaching of God’s Word, and all the ways in which the Lord has blessed her through suffering. Pull up a chair, and join in the discussion.We are pleased to give away some copies of Simonetta’s book Broken Pieces and the God Who Mends Them. Register for the opportunity to win one. The copies are a complimentary gift from our friends at P&R Publishing.
5/1/201930 minutes, 59 seconds
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None Greater, Indeed

Matthew Barrett is the associate professor of Christian Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas, MO. Matthew joins in to chat about his latest work, None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God.If you’re wondering what Matthew means by the word “undomesticated,” you’re not alone! Could it be that—because of our fallen, limited abilities to apprehend the infinite attributes of God—we tend to try and “tame” Him, or “pull Him down” to our level? Are those immutable attributes what make Him worthy of worship? Don’t miss this thoughtful conversation about the relationship between the doctrine of God and His divine attributes.Show Notes· David Bentley Hart· Stephen Charnock· Herman BavinckWe are pleased to give away a few copies of None Greater. Register for the opportunity to win. The copies are a complimentary gift of Baker Books.
4/24/201934 minutes, 9 seconds
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Sexuality and Identity

Carl and Aimee travel to a much nicer bunker this week, enjoying the comfort of Todd’s fully renovated quarters in VA. Joining them is Tim Geiger, president of Harvest USA, to chat about his sessions on Gender, Sexuality, and What it Means to be Human, the theme of this year’s Blue Ridge Bible Conference.Tim tells us how Harvest USA began, and how its focus has expanded as the needs of the church and the surrounding communities have broadened. As an attendee of the recent Revoice conference, Tim shares his perspective on the event, and its approach to the nature of identity and personhood.Is it right for one to consider himself a “gay Christian?” What does that say about one’s identity and calling? Tune in for this critical and timely conversation.Show Notes·Harvest USA·Hide or Seek by John Freeman·When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography by Vicki TiedeThanks to our friends of New Growth Press, we can offer our listeners a few copies of Hide or Seek by John Freeman. Register for the opportunity to win one!
4/17/201935 minutes, 28 seconds
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”Pod-pourri,” and Matthew 18

After the announcement that the physical Lifeway stores are closing down, the crew reflects on the nostalgic feeling of browsing through books in a brick and mortar bookstore, and the happiness derived from those “accidental findings” on the shelves. The three weigh the pros and cons of purchasing books from local businesses vs. online shopping. Later, our peerless podcasters discuss the neglect of Matthew 18, and how it is sometimes poorly applied. What are the biblical steps to be followed when conflict arises among members of the body? Is Matthew 18 applicable to those who commit public error? The trio remember instances where correction for the purpose of restoration takes a different form than Matthew 18. And—as an episode bonus—Todd shares some useful tips on what to ask when booking a hotel for a weekend getaway. It’s un-“fur”-gettable!
4/10/201930 minutes, 51 seconds
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The One-Another Speech

Along with the preached word, there’s another important aspect central to the life of a church: how the members of the body interact throughout the week.Tony Payne heads the Center for Christian Living at Moore College in Sydney, Australia. He’s also a director at Matthias Media. One of Tony’s most well-known books is The Trellis and the Vine, but today he’s been summoned to the bunker to chat up his work in progress, addressing speech in the Christian community.How does speech—outside of the formal worship service—shape, inform, and impact the Christian community? In his work, Tony considers how members of the body should minister to one another for the purpose of edification by considering how several passages in the New Testament apply to today’s church.Show Notes·The Trellis and the Vine by Tony PayneThanks to our friends at Matthias Media we’re giving away The Small Group and the Vine Bundle, a 5-week course for training small group leaders. Register for the opportunity to win. 
4/3/201924 minutes, 43 seconds
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Runnin’ with the Devil

The crew huddles in the bunker to discuss a two-volume work that has gotten a lot of attention since its publication last summer. The Devil’s Redemption by Michael McClymond is a thorough, scholarly work and honest critique of Universalism in all its forms.Is Universalism the same as Christian Universalism? It’s important to observe how popular evangelicalism has been affected by strands of seemly incomparable traditions, producing an almost unnoticeable Universalism in Christian churches today.The discomfort that comes with the idea of hell, coupled with the notion that Jesus will eventually save everyone, brings serious compromise to a biblical understanding of God’s grace.Show Notes·Karl Rahner
3/27/201932 minutes, 28 seconds
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Finding God in the Ordinary

At first glance, drinking coffee or watching birds on a telephone wire might not inspire a sense of wonder. But can we find more in these ordinary moments? Pierce Taylor Hibbs is the associate director of the Theological English Department at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, and he’s joined the conversation to help us recognize the sacred in that which may seem mundane. Pierce has written Finding God in the Ordinary, offering reflections on (re)training the mind to see creation through the lens of Scripture, in all its awesomeness. Is it possible to see God’s hand in this fallen world when dealing with things like anxiety and death? Hibbs provides a helpful and nuanced perspective.Show NotesAbout Pierce Find Pierce hereKarl Ove KnausgardKenneth Lee PikeThe Speaking Trinity and His Worded World by Pierce T. HibbsStruck Down but not DestroyedRegister for the opportunity to win a free copy of Finding God in the Ordinary. The copies are a complimentary gift from our friends at Wipf & Stock.
3/20/201933 minutes, 45 seconds
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Gender, Sexuality, and Personhood

The lines of battle are drawn early in this debate, as Todd accuses Carl and Aimee of being too “inclusive,” and Carl and Todd indict Aimee for being, well…female. Sounds like a typical day in the bunker!More importantly, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, along with Covenant Presbyterian and P&R Publishing, are joining forces to host Gender, Sexuality, and What it Means to be Human—the Blue Ridge Bible Conference in Harrisonburg, VA on March 29th and 30th. Tim Geiger, president of Harvest USA, is the special guest speaker, while Carl and Todd are just along for the ride.How are we to think of ourselves as persons? How does one consider gender and the moral status of sexual attraction in light of Scripture? Society’s views on sexuality have been changing rapidly, but the roots of such changes are certainly old and deep. Plan to attend, and meet the crew at the conference!We’re happy to offer you the opportunity to win a free registration for the Blue Ridge Bible Conference. Register now!
3/13/201935 minutes, 40 seconds
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One Flesh

Carl is on his very best behavior today—his boss is in the house!David Ayers is professor of sociology, and interim provost of Grove City College. He joins us, not to talk about Carl’s performance at work (which could be very interesting), but about his own recent work: Christian Marriage: A Comprehensive Introduction.What makes this book distinctive? David addresses marriage, not simply from a philosophical perspective, but sociologically as well. He looks at the definition and the purpose of marriage, going back to God’s original design, as stated in major orthodox confessions and doctrinal standards.Adding a bit of heat to the mix, the conversation turns to the place of children in marriage, and a few suggestions on how to make wise decisions regarding a prospective spouse. You’re also about to find out Carl’s new “suggested” title and position at the college. As always, the podcast is worth the price of admission!We’re happy to offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of Christian Marriage: A Comprehensive Introduction. Register now! The books are a generous gift from our friends at Lexham Press.
3/6/201941 minutes, 44 seconds
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Sanctification by Grace

Liam Goligher is back. He’s one of the speakers at the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, coming up this March in Grand Rapids and April in Philadelphia. The theme of the conference this year is Redemption Accomplished and Applied.From the comfort of his living room couch, Liam chats with the Spin Team about one of his messages—"Sanctification by Grace”—and how that process is vitally connected to classical theism. What do we lose in sanctification when we minimize the doctrine of God? This conversation flips from the sacred, to the silly, and back again. Don’t miss it!Show NotesScripture and Metaphysics: Aquinas and the Renewal of Trinitarian Theology (Challenges in Contemporary Theology) by Matthew LeveringRegister for the opportunity to win free registration for the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology to hear Liam Goligher, Kevin DeYoung, Ian Hamilton, David Murray, and others.
2/27/201929 minutes, 42 seconds
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Don’t Give Them to Moloch

The rising degradation of human life cannot be overlooked, as—recently—we witnessed New York’s governor signing an abortion bill into law as legislators celebrated their newly-expanded “right” to kill the unborn. If that wasn’t bad enough, a few days later Virginia’s legislators introduced an even more radical bill calling for abortion up to, and during, the process of the baby’s delivery.Have you asked yourself, ‘how did we get here?’ How can such a vile act become acceptable—even celebrated—by a “civilized” society? The crew has an insightful discussion about what defines “personhood,” according to Scripture, and the purpose of human life.What is our mandate as Christians, and how does the idea of covenant speak to this issue? How can the Church carry on God’s design for humanity, while witnessing to the secular world?In today’s episode, an unusual character—a prominent NYC pastor—receives kudos for speaking out against the new abortion law. Guess who?Show NotesDefending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice by Francis BeckwithWe are happy to be giving away copies of Abortion by the late R. C. Sproul. Register for the opportunity to win one. These are a complimentary gift from our friends at Reformation Trust.
2/20/201939 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Son Who Learned Obedience

About three years ago, the Reformed quarters of the Internet were consumed with a fiery debate over the doctrine of the Trinity. Fast forward, and we find the Spin revisiting the topic today with Glenn Butner. He’s assistant professor of theology and Christian ministry at Sterling College, and author of The Son Who Learned Obedience: A Theological Case Against the Eternal Submission of the Son.In his book, Glenn deals with the main question: Is Jesus in eternal submission to the Father, as the second divine Person of the Trinity? Or, was His submission only in His human life on earth, as a result of the incarnation? The topic is a critical one, for its implications can have a domino effect, knocking over a number of essential Christian doctrines.Is there a problem in appealing to the doctrine of the Trinity to answer questions about the roles of husbands and wives? What roles do confessionalism and tradition play in this matter? You’re about to find out! Show NotesCouncil of Constantinople of 381 ADBiblicism vs. ConfessionalismRegister for the opportunity to win a free copy of Glenn’s book, The Son Who Learned Obedience. The copies are a generous gift from our friends at Pickwick Publications.Congratulations to the winners of the John G. Paton: The Autobiography of the Pioneer Missionary to the New Hebrides by Banner of Truth from our episode, Mission (Im)possible.Doug N. - Clendenin, WVAmy A. - Carrollton, TXJeanne H. - Newburgh, IN
2/13/201933 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Greatest Hits

One can only wonder what a Mortification of Spin band would look and sound like. But today it’s not about music; it’s about the most popular Mortification of Spin episodes of 2018.After a few minutes of squabbling between Todd and Aimee about toxic masculinity, razor commercials, and more, we finally get into our topic. The crew does a recap of each of “the five greatest,” and recognize that the issues addressed by those programs continue to be relevant now, and are unlikely to go away any time soon.The trio issues a triple-dog-dare to any leading voice in the “Reformedosphere” to grab a MoS mic and speak against recent events—particularly in the PCA—regarding the blending of race with sexual identity issues. It’s all in this week’s podcast!BTW: We are grateful for all of the guests who risked their reputations in 2018 to appear on the Spin!Listen Again#5 episode#4 episode#3 episode#2 episode#1 episodeThe Spin crew and the Paideia Center are pleased to give away some free signups for the spring 2019 local and online reading groups happening all around the country. Register for a chance to participate in one of them (material included).Congrats to our giveaway winners of God Dwells among Us from our episode Unhitched?John C. - Milford, DEMolly D. - Atlanta, GATrevor W. - Williamstown, NJTim S. - Denver, CO
2/6/201938 minutes, 31 seconds
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Back in the bunker, the three amigos meet with Julie Roys. Julie is the embodied combination of Sherlock Holmes and Lois Lane. She’s a longtime investigative reporter committed to uncovering the truth, and—much like Carl, Todd, and Aimee—interested in “mortifying the spin” concerning issues in the contemporary church.Julie has achieved some notoriety for her investigative work and her latest coverage on the alleged spiritual abuse, intimidation, misappropriation of funds, etc. surrounding Harvest Bible Chapel and Pastor James MacDonald. Unfortunately, this isn’t a unique case. The fabulous four discuss the devastating effects on the Church when disqualified men remain in leadership without being confronted, and the shame it brings to the name of Christ. Join us!Show NotesAbout Julie RoysHard Times at Harvest - World Magazine articleThe Broken TwigThe Elephant’s DebtThanks to our friends at Reformation Heritage Book we can offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of An Able and Faithful Ministry: Samuel Miller and the Pastoral Office. Register now!Congratulations to the winners of "Love Came Down at Christmas" from our past episode Christmas: Non-Biblical vs. Unbiblical.Howard Q. - North Potomac, MDLibby S. - St Charles, MOMartin C. - Olathe, KS 
1/30/201941 minutes, 17 seconds
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Mea Culpa?

What do you do when you make a mistake that affects, perhaps, over a million people in their youth; an error that would cause many to regret their decisions more than 20 years later?The crew grabs some popcorn to watch and discuss Joshua Harris’ documentary, I Survived “I Kissed Dating Goodbye”. The intrepid trio is ready to comment on the “Purity Culture”, those responsible for its proliferation, and its long-term ramifications. Along the way, our heroes offer insight on the cultivation of virtue and morality, and alternative means to correct our errors. Grab a snack and buckle in!We’re offering Sex, Dating, and Relationships: A Fresh Approach by Hiestand and Thomas. Register for the opportunity to win a free copy. The book is a complimentary gift from our friends at Crossway.Congratulations to the winners of Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible from our episode The King’s False Friends. Thanks to Lexham Press and Jones Literary for the copies!Joe C. - North Richland Hills, TXVicki, W. - Harrisonburg, VA  
1/23/201923 minutes, 24 seconds
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Easy Like Sunday Morning

Some churches are taking a break from worship on the Lord’s Day, and the crew brings the topic under the spotlight. A sound, biblical doctrine of worship, and of the means of grace, are essential to the understanding of why God’s people gather on the Lord’s Day. It’s how we recognize and appreciate the benefits we receive from the Lord through the preaching of His word, through the Lord’s supper, the fellowship of the believers, and more.Of course, there are some inevitable and unexpected events that might compel a small church to cancel a service. But, can the same events provide the reason for a church of hundreds, or even thousands, to call off the assembly? Don’t miss this important discussion of the Sabbath!Show NotesTHE 2000 BAPTIST FAITH & MESSAGEVIII. The Lord's DayWestminster Confession of FaithChapter 21 - 7 & 8We are pleased to offer a few copies of Good News We Almost Forgot by Kevin DeYoung, which are a generous gift from our friends at Moody Publishers. Register for the opportunity to win one.Congratulations to the winners of Susie: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon from our past episode Susie Spurgeon’s Life and Legacy:Cheryl L. - Great Barrington, MAChip B. - Baltimore, MDKathy K. - Oak Hill, VAErin D. - Sacramento, CAJonathan F. - Milton, FL
1/16/201924 minutes, 54 seconds
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Mission (Im)possible

Listener Sam has called upon the crew to address missions, in light of the terribly sad death of missionary John Chau in the North Sentinel Island. The topic has stirred up strong emotions and opinions about missions in the media; it has even compelled Todd to resume Tweeting.The death of Mr. Chau has been compared to Jim Elliot’s, but the crew disagrees, and is willing to explain why. General preparedness, and the ability to handle Scripture, begs the question whether missionaries need to be ordained ministers. Carl offers some thoughts on that, and on the disadvantage of solo missionaries (making a case for missions teams), while conceding to Aimee that women are fundamental for missions work.Who’s responsible to prepare missionaries - the denomination, or missions agencies? You’re about to witness what transpires when Todd works hard not to offend people, but Carl incites him to action nonetheless!Show NotesArticle topic of the conversationThanks to the generosity of our friends from Banner of Truth, we can offer you one of the best autobiographies ever written. Register for the opportunity to win a copy of John G. Patton - The Autobiography of the Pioneer Missionary to the New Hebrides (Vanuatu).Congratulations to the winner of Grounded in Heaven by Michael Allen from our episode Heavenly Minded, Earthly Good.Elizabeth J. - Martinsburg, WV
1/9/201924 minutes, 55 seconds
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Is “out with the old, in with the new” something you can do with parts of the Bible? The crew takes a look at a statement made by Andy Stanley, suggesting that Christians “unhitch” the Old Testament from their faith. Meanwhile, Carl digs into his historical archives and pulls a file of someone who made the same statement some 1,850 years ago.Imagine what Paul and the apostles would have had left if they had “unhitched” from the Old Testament and the Jewish historical tradition; what would Jesus have been talking about with the men on the road to Emmaus if He had done the same?Can we completely ditch the Ten Commandments, and affirm that Jesus gave only one command: to love one another? Listen in to hear how Stanley’s statements play out when the whole counsel of the Bible is considered.ResourcesGod Dwells Among Us by G.K. Beale and Mitchell KimFrom Eden to the New Jerusalem by Desmond AlexanderWe recommend God Dwells Among Us as one of the best resources on this topic, and we’re pleased to give away a few copies. Register for the opportunity to win one.The copies are a generous gift from our friends at InterVarsity Press.Congratulations to the winners of Journeys with Jesus: Every Path in the Bible Leads us to Christ from our episode The Making of a Minister.Andrew M. - Savage, MNFranklin S. - Cincinnati, OHSuzanne M. - Elk Grove, CAAbigail R. - Beltsville, MDDavid M. - Athens, GA
1/2/201924 minutes, 41 seconds
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Christmas: Non-biblical vs. Unbiblical

After a delicious Christmas dinner and dessert, Aimee, Carl, and Todd relax around the fireplace and answer some Christmas ‘letters’ from listeners. For example: Are nativity scenes with baby Jesus in the manger a second commandment violation? Some attribute the origin of Christmas to a pagan tradition, and the Christmas church service as an infringement of the regulative principle of worship. The crew give their views on those, as well as some thoughts on the Reformed position of Advent, and “making room for Jesus in your heart” during this time of the year.Todd’s cultural insensitivity is remarkable, but he redeems himself by offering the sole criteria for a children’s Christmas pageant. Wanna know who’s the most personable of the three, and Carl’s alias on Twitter? Don’t miss this episode!We are pleased to give away few copies of Love Came Down at Christmas by Sinclair Ferguson. If you’d like the opportunity to win one, register here. The copies are a complimentary gift from our friends at The Good Book Company.Congratulations to the winners of How to Think by Alan Jacobs from our past episode Dear Comrade,.Zachary B. - West Lafayette, INPhilip R. - Northport, ALCynthia C. - Jonesborough, TN
12/26/201834 minutes, 20 seconds
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The King’s False Friends

This week’s destination is the Evergreen State of Washington. The crew meets with Mark Ward, author of Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible. In his book, Mark considers—on one hand—the value of the KJV, and what we lose when we put aside the still most-read bible translation in the US. On the other hand, what happens when we cling to James’ Authorized Version with an unhealthy degree of loyalty?What’s best: dynamic equivalence, or more literal translations? Mark gives his honest opinion, along with some pros and cons pointing back to intelligibility for the sake of edification. Betwixt all this, Dr. Ward shares a crash course on dead words and “false friends.” Don’t miss it!Show Notes· More about Mark Ward· King James Only Movement/Controversy· Elizabethan vocab (for amusement purposes only)Thanks to Jones Literary and Lexham Press, we are able to offer to our listeners the opportunity to win a free copy of Mark Ward’s Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible. Register now! 
12/19/201830 minutes, 42 seconds
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Q&A 2: Peanut Butter Eschatology, Death, Criticism, and More

To put the brakes on the Spin, the crew is addressing some very important questions sent by the listeners…like this, from Scott S. in Orlando: Will there be peanut butter in the new heaven and new earth? And, if so—creamy or crunchy? The theological implications are staggering.It’s totally OK if you don’t like the way your pastor parts his hair, or even his choice of psychedelic print ties, but is it a good enough reason to leave your church? On a more somber note: How does one talk to a three year old about death? We cover public critique/criticism dos and don’ts…the difference between criticizing a bad idea and attacking the person behind the idea…even whether a seminary education is imperative for someone already in pastoral ministry. Hey, you asked; now pull up a seat and listen to what Carl really thinks about one of the most popular of American foods.Vocab Words· Haggis, Carl’s replacement for peanut butter · Chip ButtyLooking for a good book to read, or an audio series to gift this Christmas season? Browse our Reformed Resources page, and enjoy the sale on a number of titles.
12/12/201832 minutes, 41 seconds
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Susie Spurgeon’s Life and Legacy

Most people have heard of the famous Charles H. Spurgeon, also known as the “Prince of Preachers.” Ray Rhodes dug deeper—delving into Spurgeon’s family life—and found Spurgeon’s greatest earthly treasure: his wife, Susannah. Ray serves as pastor of Grace Community Church in Dawsonville, GA and is president of Nourished in the Word Ministries. It was during his doctoral studies that Pastor Rhodes decided to do a deeper research on the marriage and spirituality of the Spurgeons. He found some very surprising facts about “Susie,” and uncovered how she lived such a busy and productive life alongside Charles—perhaps, even more so, after his death.In Susie, Ray tells an amazing story of commitment, encouragement, poor health, faithfulness in trials, and much more. And if you appreciate book pictures like Todd, this biography puts the icing - and the cherry - on the cake!We are pleased to give away a few copies of Susie, The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon.Sign up! They are a complimentary gift from Moody Publishers.Congratulations to the winners of Nancy Guthrie’s book Even Better than Eden from our episode,No Going Back!Tom K. - Harrisburg, NCSherry W. - Memphis, TNLisa K. - Elk Grove Village, ILJoshua L. - Chesapeake Beach, MD
12/5/201826 minutes, 17 seconds
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Heavenly Minded, Earthly Good

The crew sits down with Michael Allen to chat about his latest, Grounded in Heaven - Recentering Christian Hope and Life on God. Allen is the John Dyer Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology and academic dean at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. He’s also a multiple-time guest, making the professor a real Spin survivor!This time around, Michael challenges the contemporary idea of a new heaven and new earth with a more classical, Reformed term: visio Dei, or beatific vision. Does he mean that you can be so heavenly-minded that you’re no earthly good? How does being heavenly-minded inform the way we face life struggles? Allen gets personal answering these queries, and debunks a myth that heavenly-minded people are uninvolved or unproductive in social affairs. Michael keeps building his case, and even uses the word - wait for it - asceticism! Obviously, you don’t wanna miss this conversation…but, have a dictionary close at hand!Show Notes·The Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life by John Calvin·The words of Jesus in Matt. 13:44-46; Matt. 10:38-39; Matt 6:33We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of Grounded in Heaven, which is a generous gift of Eerdmans Publishing. Also, Dr. Allen and the Paideia Center for Theological Discipleship are offering five free registrations for their conference in Orlando this January (each, a $99 value). Register here for the opportunity to win one, if you intend to go!Congratulations to the winners of Still Protesting: Why the Reformation Matters, from our episode More Dangerous Than Yoga?Angelia C. - Bedford, VAMatt H. - Colorado Springs, COYvonne S. - Centreville, VA
11/28/201835 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Making of a Minister

Westminster Seminary California is a confessional institution committed to supplying churches with Bible specialists--and we’re about to find out how they do it.The crew shares a sit-down with Dr. Joel Kim. He’s the president of WSC, and passionate about the great mission and privilege of preparing men and women to serve. Joel’s happy to share his thoughts about the vital role of the local church working in partnership with the seminary in the making of ministers. Also on the table: how do churches deal with the moral and ethical issues of ministers-to-be who graduate with student debt? Do those churches have a role to fulfill concerning financial support? Dr. Kim offers compelling food for thought.We’re pleased to give away Journeys With Jesus: Every Path in the Bible Leads Us to Christ by WSC faculty member, Dr. Dennis Johnson. Please register for the opportunity to win a free copy; they’re a generous gift from our friends at P&R Publishing.Congratulations to the winners of Jesus Becoming Jesus:Jeremy C. - Harrison, TNLewis N. - Watkinsville, GA
11/21/201830 minutes, 53 seconds
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Dear Comrade,

It seems that reading comprehension difficulties are on the rise. That might be due partly to the great technological advancement of social media, and the ability one has these days to communicate, and discuss profound ideas pertaining to life and death, in just 280 characters.Mortification of Spin understands the issue, and steps up to the plate to help those with difficulty comprehending Carl’s article, “Is Tim Keller a Marxist?” In this episode, Carl--once again--affirms his distaste for the city, and for Transformationalism...all, while defending a man (who happens to like both) from unfair accusations. Confused? You won’t be, after this episode of “The Spin!”Truly yours,The CrewShow NotesIs Tim Keller a Marxist?How to Think by Alan JacobsWe have 3 copies of Alan Jacobs' book to give away! To win a copy of How to Think, register here.
11/14/201818 minutes, 14 seconds
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No Going Back!

No Going Back!Aimee finally gets an ally! Interestingly enough, she’s the only other woman ever to receive the esteemed title of “honorary guy” on the podcast: author and speaker, Nancy Guthrie.Nancy joins the crew today to dismiss some misconceptions about the Garden of Eden, and help us with a biblical understanding of our eternal destination. Are believers on their way back to Eden--back to the same state Adam and Eve were in before the fall? Nancy shows us that what’s truly ahead for God’s children is Even Better than Eden! Listen as Nancy shares her passion for biblical theology, and how Genesis 3 answered many of the personal questions she asked amid painful life circumstances.=========Show Notes·More about Nancy·2 Corinthians 5:17·A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New by G. K. Beale·Kingdom Prologue: Genesis Foundations for a Covenantal Worldview by Meredith Kline·Images of the Spirit by Meredith Kline·Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments by Geerhardus Vos·Last Things First by J. V. Fesko·Covenant Theology Audio Lecture Series by J. Ligon Duncan·Adam and the Bible lecture by Lane Tipton Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of Nancy’s Even Better Than Eden. The copies are a generous gift from our friends at Crossway. Congrats to our winners of Between Wittenberg and Geneva by Carl Trueman and Robert Kolb, from the episode Two Traditions:Kevin M. Lancaster, PAThomas G. Mascoutah, ILJennifer L. Mclean, VA
11/7/201835 minutes, 18 seconds
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More Dangerous than Yoga?

It’s that time of the year again when our dear, innocent children are initiated in Satanism through the practice of trick or treating. Well…OK, not really!But indeed, some questions come back around every year, and opinions about Halloween are diverse enough to create a squabble between Carl, Todd, and Aimee. Halloween, or Fall Festival? “Trick or treat,” “trunk or treat,” or “Reformation celebration?” Should young ones dress as Superman or Moses? Should horror movies be avoided, or do they possess some redeeming value? Could a celebration like Halloween help us think about realities such as death and evil, or are we simply trivializing them through the media of entertainment?Todd shares the most frightening thing he’s ever heard, as Aimee announces her candy distribution plan, and Carl—well, you must listen to find out!Show NotesParadise Lost by John MiltonIt is October 31st, so we’re giving away copies of Still Protesting: Why the Reformation Matters by D.G. Hart, which is a generous gift from our friends at Reformation Heritage Books. Register for the opportunity to win one!  
10/31/201826 minutes, 31 seconds
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Jesus Becoming Jesus

Still in the boonies of western Pennsylvania, the crew receives a visit from Fr. Thomas Weinandy. He is a Franciscan Capuchin priest, systematic theologian, long-time professor, and author of many books. In his latest--Jesus Becoming Jesus: A Theological Interpretation of the Synoptic Gospels--Thomas focuses on the doctrine and theology of the synoptic gospels, zooming in closely on the acts of Jesus in his earthly life, and the mysteries of the faith as the Lord becomes Yahweh Saves.The conversation emphasizes the importance of connecting the saving acts of God in the person of Jesus Christ, and the orthodox doctrines of immutability and impassibility. Hear what Fr. Weinandy says about holding both together in preaching, and what is truly essential for our salvation.Show NotesAbout Thomas WeinandyDoes God Suffer?Thomas C. OdenTheologian John WebsterRegister at for the opportunity to win a free copy of Jesus Becoming Jesus: A Theological Interpretation of the Synoptic Gospels. The copies are a generous donation of The Catholic University of America Press.
10/24/201832 minutes, 58 seconds
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Q&A: Visuals, Songs, and Social Media

The crew is running for the hills…of western Pennsylvania! And, it’s in the newly renovated bunker that Aimee is training the guys on trendy teenage lingo. Meanwhile, listeners are tweeting Byrd with some good questions about visual versus auditory presentations of the gospel, bad songs in college chapel, and the limitations of social media interactions.Can we really engage in constructive discussion of complex issues in 280 characters? Listen to Todd’s words, and learn how to keep him accountable!This podcast is brought to you solely by the generous financial support of listeners like you. Please donate if you’re able!
10/17/201830 minutes, 38 seconds
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Two Traditions

A Presbyterian and a Lutheran walk into a bar, and…they write a book together! We’re pleased to feature the one and only Carl Trueman, introducing his latest tome, Between Wittenberg and Geneva, co-authored with renowned Lutheran scholar Robert Kolb.As the two record their written correspondence, they find much upon which to agree—though the differences between the Reformed and Lutheran traditions cannot be overlooked. Recovering the priorities of the Reformation is no small task, yet the authors converse with much grace, as they show us the points of doctrine that are worth fighting for. Listen in, as Carl shares the most important agreement and disagreement between the traditions…and, how to satisfactory offend others with just two fingers.Our apologies for the technical difficulties in the opening moments of the program.Show NotesThe Book of ConcordIf you’d like the opportunity to win a copy of Between Wittenberg and Geneva, register now!! The copies have been generously donated by our friends of Baker Academic.
10/10/201832 minutes, 40 seconds
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In the Nurture and Admonition

The following program contains clips of explicit Presbyterianism. Baptist discretion advised!The crew meets at a new underground bunker, but the banter among the three amigos is as old as… well, their very first episode together! But, not everything is fun and games down under, and the topic du jour is worth serious consideration.Whether you’re a paedo or credo parent, the question is: How do we regard our young children? Are they inside or outside the covenant community? Should children be admitted to the communion table before professing the faith? Listen as the crew consider these questions from Baptist and Presbyterian perspectives.Show Notes The Westminster Confession of Faith- Of Baptism (Chapter 28)- Of The Lord’s Supper (Chapter 29) The Baptist Confession of Faith 1689- Of Baptism (Chapter 29)- Of The Lord’s Supper (Chapter 30) We are happy to give away a few copies of Children at the Lord's Table? Assessing the Case for Paedocommunionby Cornelis Venema. Register for the opportunity to win a copy. The books are a generous gift from Reformation Heritage Books.
10/3/201831 minutes, 43 seconds
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Women Discipling Women, Discipling...

After Carl and Todd try to steal the spotlight, Aimee finally gets to introduce our guest. Colleen McFadden is Director of Women’s Workshops for the Charles Simeon Trust. She’s happy to share how Simeon Trust started, what sparked the need to begin women’s workshops, and how those workshops help women teach the Bible expositionally as they serve their local churches and support their leadership.What are some common difficulties women - and men - encounter while preparing to teach a passage? Colleen has noticed a trend, and she’s ready to tackle the issue by using some basic principles. Can we imagine the countless benefits of having a congregation full of biblically-literate men, and women?Show notesMore about Simeon TrustExpositional Preaching by David HelmSaving EutychusPer our guest recommendation, we’re giving away few copies of Saving Eutychus by Millar and Campbell, a gift from Matthias Media. You might win one if you register with us!
9/26/201831 minutes, 14 seconds
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First Things First

While Todd is busy attending meetings about the doughnut ministry program at his church, the darling Cruella De Vil is honored to fill in. And the topic is as hot as the oil in that doughnut fryer: Would a church’s basket weaving class somehow further the proclamation of the Gospel? Sometimes, the answer is just…sometimes.So, what are the purposes of church programs, and whom should they serve? Are programs a Biblical criteria for choosing a church? What if a church is unable to offer anything beyond the preached Word, and administration of sacraments on Sundays? Would that church be found lacking?The trio discuss the pros and cons, the temptations to avoid, and the small ways church members can display the love of Christ. You’ll even learn what Carl is doing to better relate to his students!Show NotesThe NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible by ZondervanRosaria Butterfield on hospitalityThe Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals along with Zondervan are giving away The NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible. Please register for the opportunity to win one!
9/19/201830 minutes, 5 seconds
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Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition

What is a definitive standard for Biblical interpretation? Our guest is Dr. Craig Carter. He’s professor of theology at Tyndale University College and Seminary, and his most recent book--Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition: Recovering the Genius of Premodern Exegesis-- is a robust defense of bible interpretation grounded in the Trinitarian theology of the Nicene tradition. Dr. Carter walks us through the exegetical process that defined the orthodoxy we observe today. We’ll consider several historical figures, including Thomas Aquinas, and such intriguing subjects as Christian Platonism. Tune in for this compelling conversation, and discover whether Bible interpretation is a task for scholars only. You may be surprised by what Dr. Carter’s has to say! Show Notes ·The NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible by Zondervan ·Pacifist Theology of John Howard Yoder ·British Theologian John Webster ·Rethinking Christ in Culture: A Post-Christendom Perspective ·Colin Gunton ·Nicaea and Its Legacy by Lewis Ayres ·Scripture and Metaphysics by Matthew Levering ·Thomas C. Oden ·Richard Muller ·The Cappadocian Fathers ·Edward Feser
9/12/201836 minutes, 53 seconds
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Homosexuality and Pastoral Care

The crew weighs in on the pastoral care of those who struggle with sin associated with homosexual desires. How can elders and leaders of the church help these brothers and sisters walk in holiness? One way is to understand how society defines sexual orientation and identity. First and foremost, there must be clarity where the Bible is clear. Then, some hard work must be done to define the nuanced complexities of sexual sin that are not expressly stated in Scripture. Is it helpful to use the term, “gay Christian?” Join us for a compelling conversation! Show Notes Rousseau’s Confessions The NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible by Zondervan We’re giving away few copies of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Butterfield. Register to win! The copies are a generous gift from Crown and Covenant Publications.
9/5/201831 minutes, 53 seconds
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Century 2: Christianity at the Crossroads

The second century of the church hasn’t received much attention from historians, as it lacked what many would call “remarkable developments.” Michael Kruger disagrees. In his recent book, Christianity at the Crossroads, the RTS president fills in the gaps on how the challenges faced, decisions made, and directions taken by second century Christians were essential to the growth and future of the young church of Jesus Christ.Professor Kruger offers examples of the political and intellectual resistance Christians faced at that time, and draws helpful parallels with the present day. Join the crew, as we discover how our faith took root in the second century.Show NotesThe Collection of the Apostolic Fathers, a collection of post-apostolic writings from Ignatius, Polycarp, Papias, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria.The Apology by Tertullian Thanks to our friends from IVP Academics, we are giving away a few copies of Christianity at the Crossroads. Register if you want the opportunity to win one!Social PostsWe think of the church now as so big and established that we forget that there was a time, from a human perspective, when it wasn’t clear if it was going to make it… There were some dark times there. - M. KrugerThe Christians found themselves distinguishing their beliefs from the broader Greco-Roman polytheistic world and a lot of the things that were going on were very similar to the kind of things that are going on in our world. Christians have to say, there is only one God, and you only worship that one God, and He made everything, and his Son is the only way to salvation, and so on… - M. Kruger
8/29/201828 minutes, 47 seconds
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It’s One for the Money...

Money can be a pretty sensitive topic for pastors to address, so there’s often a temptation to avoid the subject altogether. However, the needs of a church must be clearly communicated to its congregants.So, what principles should be followed? How much should members give—a tithe? What if someone is unemployed, or going through financial difficulty? Can the financial offering be replaced with service to the church?The team may not have all the answers, but today’s discussion offers some general guiding principles with a good dose of sanctified wisdom!We’re giving away copies of Randy Alcorn’s book, Money, Possessions, and Eternity.  Register now and you might be one of the winners. This book is a generous gift of Tyndale House Publishers.
8/22/201825 minutes, 29 seconds
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Special Needs, Special Love and Care

The team sits down for coffee with Tim and Jonelle Frost. Tim is an associate pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Harrisonburg, VA, which Carl refers to as “Todd’s megachurch!”Tim and wife Jonelle talk openly about the initial shock and all-consuming journey of raising a child with Down’s Syndrome. The couple recounts their struggle with Declan’s health issues, their physical and emotional exhaustion, and how—through it all—the family gives glory to God, and rejoices in their little one. Grab a mug, pull up a chair, and be encouraged by this dear brother and sister as they share precious advice, and relate the love and care provided by their church family.We would love to give you a copy of a great resource by P&R Publishers: Same Lake, Different Boat: Coming Alongside People Touched by Disability. Sign up for the opportunity to win one!
8/15/201835 minutes, 6 seconds
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Feeling Blue?

It’s group therapy in the bunker. The crew is feeling blue, and the only cure at this moment is to get together and discuss their gloominess.Depression and anxiety are real issues. But is depression a sin? Saints from Biblical times to today have experienced discouragement and depression. What can we learn from them?Join the meeting and find out how to minister to those who are struggling with this issue, as we discover what measures of comfort the Word of God offers to those who are in Christ. Show NotesLectures to My Students - The Minister’s Fainting Fits chapterMartin Luther’s AnfechtungenMan of Sorrows, What a Name!Sign up for the opportunity to win a free copy of David Murray’s book Christians Get Depressed Too which are a gift from Reformation Heritage Books. 
8/8/201819 minutes, 25 seconds
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Religious Freedom: No Piece of Cake

What does the Supreme Court ruling on the Masterpiece Cakeshop signify for religious freedom from the conservative perspective? Should the decision be celebrated or not quite yet?The crew welcomes Dr. Matthew Franck to shed some insight on this case and to answer a few other questions. He’s Director of the William E. and Carol G. Simon Center on Religion and the Constitution and author of a vast number of publications.As a scholar of constitutional law, Matt attaches himself to the text and its original meaning and reminds us that the free exercise of religion is in the first amendment and, therefore, superior to other societal notions of “freedom”. He also offers helpful advice to Christian individuals and small institutions. Grab a piece of cake and join us!Show NotesAbout Matt FranckAlliance Defending FreedomThe Anscombe SocietyPrinceton Pro-LifeThe Public DiscourseMasterpiece Cakeshop X Colorado Civil Rights Commission Book What is Marriage?: Man and Woman: A DefenseBook Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious FreedomBook When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender MomentEssay The Power of the PowerlessWe are grateful to our guest Matt Franck and to the Witherspoon Institute for giving us copies of Religious Freedom: Why Now? Defending an Embattled Human Rightto be given away. You just need to sign up for the opportunity to win one.
8/1/201829 minutes, 58 seconds
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Bottom Line Christianity, Part 2

The light of the sun can be blinding, but there is a light that is even brighter, and it knocked Paul off his feet on the road to Damascus.  This week on No Falling Word,  we're continuing our study of Acts Chapter 26, as Paul is brought before King Agrippa, and that bright shining light will be a topic of their conversation.
7/29/201826 minutes, 29 seconds
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Greater than the Eye Can See

The crew is stoked that Daniel Hyde has agreed to take them on dawn patrol to teach them some rad surf moves. After multiple failed attempts to simply keep the bennys on deck, they take a break to talk about Danny’s favorite hair gel and his book, In Living Color: Images of Christ and the Means of Grace, a timeless take on the Second Commandment.How has the Second Commandment been applied historically and in what ways can it be violated? Why does it all matter? Pastor Danny uses the Heidelberg Catechism to address the heart issue, but--above all--he emphasizes the positive aspect of the visible elements that Christ has given us. So, grab your board and join our party wave.Show NotesMeet pastor Danny and Oceanside United Reformed ChurchSurfing terms and slangsHeidelberg Catechism Q. 98Belgic Confession Article 33We’re pleased to be giving away few copies of In Living Color. Please sign up for the opportunity to win one!The books are a generous gift from our friends at Reformed Fellowship.
7/25/201833 minutes, 50 seconds
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Bottom Line Christianity - Part 1

The Apostle Paul was a man with a plan.  He had a goal and everything he did was aimed at that purpose.  But what happens when your best-laid plans run amuck?  Today on No Falling Word, Liam Goligher will be looking at Acts Chapters 26.   Paul’s plans are sidelined by prison as he waits on the Roman government to decide his fate.  Join us as we discover that even down time has its purpose.
7/22/201826 minutes, 29 seconds
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Let Them Worship!

Our topic du jour is considered from both the housewife and the pastors’ perspectives.The trend of dividing congregations by age groups and removing children from corporate worship started a few decades ago, and it has shaped the practice of many churches to this day. But is this trend a biblical model? What are the benefits of having our children present in the corporate worship?The crew tell us what their churches are doing to engage little ones during the service, and offer some tips for helping kids get the most out of family worship.Show NotesLinda Finlayson’s books for childrenGod’s Timeline: The Big Book of Church HistorySign up for the opportunity to win a copy of The Nursery of the Holy Spirit by Daniel Hyde which is a generous gift from Wipf and Stock Publishers.
7/18/201817 minutes, 40 seconds
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Defender of the Weak

Reports of sexual abuse are now commonplace in the media and those claims originate in diverse places, from Hollywood to the sacred confines of the neighborhood church.Our compassionate crew welcomes Thomas Crumplar. He’s a soft-spoken OPC elder who turns tenacious attorney when defending victims of sexual abuse. Tom has prosecuted and won cases against powerful individuals and institutions, including the Roman Catholic diocese of Wilmington, DE.Crumplar covers the ground of what constitutes sexual abuse and the first steps leaders must take when they receive a report of sexual abuse. He describes the common victim stereotype, feelings of guilt, the legal process, and much more. There is hope to be found amid the suffering and loss.Show NotesThe profession of Thomas CrumplarHistory of Sexual Abuse LitigationDu Pont CaseBy Tom’s recommendation, we are giving away copies of On the Threshold of Hope by Diane Langberg a gift of Tyndale House Publisher. Sign up and you might win one! 
7/11/201835 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why Can’t We Be Friends?

The three amigos gather for Carl’s send-off, as he’s about to move west. Before Carl departs, Aimee offers some helpful tips on how to make new friends. In fact, she has recently written Why Can’t We Be Friends? Aimee’s latest opus addresses friendship between the sexes from a biblical worldview.The intrepid trio discusses the Pence Rule, biblical anthropology, sibling relationships in light of eternity, the exercise of discernment, and more. It’s the When Harry Met Sally dilemma: Can men and women really be friends?Show NotesHow to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale CarnegieYou can find Aimee’s book on sale at Reformed Resources. But if you want the opportunity to win a free copy, sign up and you might just get one! The free copies are a courtesy of P&R Publishing. 
7/4/201826 minutes, 23 seconds
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Insuppressible, Intelligent Design

Insuppressible Intelligent DesignDouglas Axe is invited to the bunker. He’s the author of Undeniable, and the director of the Biologic Institute in Seattle. Alongside Gabe Fluhrer and Derek Thomas, Douglas will speak at Insuppressible: Glory, Gospel, and the Design of Life, a conference of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and the Pensacola Theological Institute happening July 27-29 in Pensacola, FL.Douglas shares a preview of this fascinating conference, and recalls how--as a young believer—he noticed an inappropriate use of the sciences being put in direct opposition to faith. That observation compelled the Cambridge researcher and CalTech PhD to pursue biblical apologetics through science. You don’t want to miss this conversation! Show NotesUndeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is DesignedBiologic InstituteInsuppressible ConferencePensacola Theological InstitutePhilosopher Thomas NagelMind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False by Thomas NagelIf you want to be at the Insuppressible conference in Pensacola, FL on July 27 - 29, sign up for the opportunity to win free registrations.
6/27/201829 minutes, 28 seconds
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Worshipping with Calvin

Terry Johnson shows up at the Spin's "totally awesome" worship band practice. Terry is the pastor of Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah and has written Worshipping with Calvin: Recovering the Reformed Ministry and Worship of Reformed Protestantism.The crew turns down the instruments, shuts off the spotlights and smoke machine, and listens intently as Terry makes the connection between theology and worship, tracing back to the Reformation period and the solas. He talks about the proper balance of freedom and form, and what the church is supposed to do when gathered on Sundays.Why should you worship with Calvin? Find out, as you join the conversation. Show NotesWorshipping with Calvin by Terry JohnsonServing with Calvin by Terry JohnsonLeading in Worship by Terry JohnsonHughes Oliphant OldSign up for the opportunity to win a free copy of Terry’s book, Worshipping with Calvin. The copies are a generous gift from Evangelical Press.
6/20/201826 minutes, 35 seconds
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Paideia of Righteousness

In ancient Greece, paideia was a rich educational experience that compelled students to broader comprehension and deeper discussion. Today, the Paideia Center offers a fresh and informal means of theological discipleship. It’s just been launched by RTS/Orlando, so Michael Allen returns to fill us in.   How does the Center work? Where does it meet? What are the costs? Turn it on, turn it up, and don’t miss how Carl has worked this into his January Disney vacation. It's a small world, after all.  Show Notes:  All you need to know about the Paideia Center.  The Paideia Center is pleased to offer a number of free registrations to their online or local groups across the country. Sign up for the opportunity to participate in one of them!
6/13/201824 minutes, 30 seconds
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College: Thrive, or (Merely) Survive

As the school year ends, another graduating class looks to the next step in education. So, the crew turns to Alex Chediak, who teaches engineering and physics at California Baptist University.The multi-talented Alex is also an outstanding writer. He’s the author of Thriving at College, and the team wants to know about his observations—both as a student, and now as a professor—on issues young adults face as they leave home to take on college…and life.How can parents help prepare their children for the new freedoms they’re about to experience? What kind of school is a good fit: Christian or secular? Alex provides satisfying answers for students seeking to glorify God, wherever they’re planted.Show NotesLearn more about Alex Thriving at College: Make Great Friends, Keep Your Faith, and Get Ready for the Real WorldBeating the College Debt TrapPreparing Your Teens for CollegeThanks to Tyndale House Publishers, we’re giving away copies of Alex’s book Thriving at College. Sign up for the opportunity to win one!
6/1/201829 minutes, 53 seconds
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Shining BRITE

Sean Morris checks in. He’s the academic dean of BRITE: the Blue Ridge Institute for Theological Education. How valuable is having a biblical institute in your backyard when you can’t leave everything behind to pursue a traditional seminary education elsewhere? Sean discusses the cooperative effort of local churches, mentorship versus traditional seminary model, the advantages of in-classroom education, and more. From pastors to lay men and women leading small groups and bible studies, BRITE is for everyone!Show Notes Blue Ridge Institute for Theological Education Historic Church DocumentsThanks to our friends at IVP Academic, we’re giving away copies of A Little Book for New Theologians, by Kelly Kapic. Sign up, and you might win one!
5/29/201827 minutes, 32 seconds
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Polity 2.5

The relationship between pastors, elders, and deacons impacts the church, and the results can be nurturing or divisive.The crew chats about the function of each church office, and what those office holders can do to encourage one another, and thus maintain and improve the health of the local body.Todd, Carl, and Aimee discuss whether personalities should be considered when choosing men to serve, and just what can go right…or wrong!From past horror stories to present leadership bliss, the team offers helpful advice. Pull up a chair and join in! However, be advised: Carl’s been sharpening his rhetorical sword, and he’s ready to pounce!Thanks to our friends at P&R, we’re giving away copies of The Elder and His Work by David Dickson. Please sign up for the opportunity to win.
5/23/201828 minutes, 53 seconds
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Walking Through Twilight

Douglas Groothuis joins the conversation. He’s professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary and has recently written a very personal book titled Walking through Twilight - A Wife’s Illness, A Philosopher’s Lament.Groothuis reflects on his role as his wife's primary caregiver. He shares with us his personal suffering and life’s dynamics in light of her illness, the ministry of the body of Christ, and how God is glorified through it all.How does one lament biblically? What are some practical ways in which the local church can minister to and help the suffering brother or sister? This topic is one that many of us have or will face one day. Listen closely and learn about lamentation from the tender heart of a philosopher.Please sign up for the opportunity to win a free copy of Walking Through Twilight - A Wife’s Illness, A Philosopher’s Lament. The books are a generous gift from our friends at IVP Books. Show NotesKnow more about Douglas GroothuisDr. Groothuis’ 2015 articlePrimary Progressive Aphasia 
5/16/201826 minutes, 10 seconds
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My Name is Legion

The crew heads over to Georgetown in Washington, DC where Carl claims ownership of two of The Exorcist steps. As they contemplate the site, they know demonic activity can be a controversial subject for Christians. Among them two different kinds of people stand out: the deniers and the enthusiasts.Do demons still exist? If so, is it common to see them possessing people? What can we affirm from Scripture about demonic activity at the present time? Todd probably has had some experience with it!It’s important to consider how we relate to the supernatural. To understand how much power and influence demons can really have over people, and how principalities and powers can act differently from place to place. I dare you to join this conversation.We’re giving away copies of Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical and Balanced Perspective by Borgman and Ventura. The copies are a courtesy of Reformation Heritage Books.Show Notes- “The Exorcist” Steps- Bad spiritual warfare theology
5/9/201824 minutes, 31 seconds
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Carl Goes West

Another Brexit. This time it’s a local one, in much smaller proportions, but of no less importance. Carl packs up his memorabilia of 17 years living in the Philadelphia area and teaching at Westminster Theological Seminary. He’ll soon be moving and starting a new job in western Pennsylvania.Todd and Aimee are not worthy to be in the presence of the renowned Carl Trueman, but they do get a chance to ask him a few questions on behalf of all speculators out there!Why the choice to teach undergrads? Why this institution? What classes will he teach, and what other responsibilities will he have? You’re about to get the full scope!Carl’s greatest concern is that he’ll be hugged on campus for being the new kid on the block, but he’s also very excited about the days ahead - which is very unusual for an Englishman like him.We too think this will be a good fit!Better than Carl’s new well fitting job, it’s the book we’re giving away. Sign up for a chance to win a copy of Thriving at College: Make Great Friends, Keep Your Faith, and Get Ready for the Real World!, a gift from Tyndale House Publisher.Show Notes- Grove City College- Todd’s motivation to visit Carl in Western PAWe have the winners of On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church by Deepak Reju from our past episode Is It I, Lord?. Lynda O. - Memphis, TNDawn Z. - Fairfax, VAKevin M. - Lancaster, PA
5/2/201820 minutes, 30 seconds
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Who Do You Think You Are?

The conspiracy theory continues to develop and Aimee is determined to drive the bad brokenness out of Carl and Todd.Whether bad brokenness, or good brokenness - whatever that means, we must have a biblical anthropology. Or, in simpler terms, a biblical doctrine of what it means to be human. Nailing this down will help us view everyone with dignity and respect and even avoid bandwagons on current issues related to sexuality and race, to name a few.Who are you? Are you merely a social construct? Are you a soul with a body attached to it? Can you still be considered a person without your cognitive faculties? The answers might just drive you to the first question of the Westminster Shorter Catechism!Don’t forget: You are who the Bible says you are, a person made in the image of God.Thanks to our friends at Eerdmans Publishing, we can offer some free copies of the great title Created In God’s Image by Anthony Hoekema. Follow the link and sign up for a chance to win one.Show Notes- Pat Robertson’s unbiblical view of personhood and the body- Book - Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition by Charles Taylor- Book - The Permissive Society: America, 1941-1965 by Alan Petigny- Book - Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel by Kate Bowler- Book - The Triumph of the Therapeutic: Uses of Faith after Freud by Philip Rieff- Book - Christian Dogmatics edited by Michael Allen and Scott Swain - Chapter 8 - Anthropology by Kally M. Kapic- “What you are now, we once were; what we are now, you shall be.”We’re happy to announce the winners of When Harry Met Sally, which was a gift from Encounter Books Publishing.Traever G. - Trussville, ALJapheth B. - Greenville, OH
4/25/201828 minutes, 32 seconds
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Small Groups, Big Benefits

After receiving some intel all the way from Belfast, two thirds of the Spin team are on a mission to solve a mystery involving the third member of the team.When the kerfuffle is over, things get serious as they address the topic of the day–an article written by William Boekestein, "Ten Benefits of Church Small Groups".Although some small groups can be unhelpful and even destructive, the Crew focuses on a number of the major benefits of being part of a group with good leadership and oversight. There’s always room for growth in a small church group!Would you like to learn how you can grow in a small group setting? Follow the link and sign up for an opportunity to win a free copy of Iron Sharpens Iron: Leading Bible-Oriented Small Groups that Thrive. They are a generous gift from Christian Focus Publications.Show Notes10 Benefits of Church Small GroupsThese are the winners of Discipleship Explored Leader’s Kit from our episode Christianity Explored. If you didn’t get a free one, you can purchase at W. - Collegeville, PADoug D. - Cary, NCCedric P. - Dorr, MI
4/18/201821 minutes, 43 seconds
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Reformed and Catholic?

Reformed and catholic - how so?No better place to meet Scott Swain for this conversation than Disney’s castle in Orlando. He usually finds inspiration there for his theological writing - I bet you didn’t know that!Scott makes the remarkable claim that in order to be truly protestant, we have to be good catholics in some sense. But don’t get worked up!He talks doctrinal development and Sola Scriptura, Augustine’s understanding of faith and reason, Thomas Aquinas’ view of the role and the relationship between theology and philosophy, and when the Protestant theological method of interpretation became distinct from the Catholic method.Can or should Protestants still be drawing from Aquinas? How has this Roman Catholic theologian and philosopher influenced even our Reformed confession of faith? You might be surprised to learn the practical implications of it all in the private and communal life of Christians and in discipleship. So join us!Also, Baker Academic has gifted some copies of Reformed Catholicity and we’re giving them away. Sign up to win one!____________________________________________________________________________Show NotesWestminster Confession of Faith Chapter 2“What more can He say than to you He hath said”Reformed Catholic by William PerkinsDevelopment of Christian Doctrine by John Henry NewmanOn Christian Teaching by AugustineTrinity, Revelation, and Reading by Scott SwainThese are the winners of the Mortification of Spin posters from our past episode titled Trumping the Law of Liberty?George C. - Midlothian, VAAaron R. - Woodbridge, VAAlex S. - Apex, NCDerrick B. - Ringgold, GADavid J. - Dumfries, VARichard H. - Gilbertsville, PACynthia V. - Lincoln, NEEthan H. - Nampa, IDAndrew M. - Savage, MNJose G. - Elgin, TX
4/11/201829 minutes, 38 seconds
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Her First Funeral Changed Her Life

Aimee can barely contain her excitement because Dr. Robert Godfrey is here to talk about the “other Aimee”! Aimee Semple McPherson or “Sister”, as she’s known, has interested Bob for some years. We gather around him to hear about this woman preacher, faith healer, and founder of the Foursquare church, from the early 1900s.What is so fascinating about Sister’s life, and what kind of mark did she leave in American Christianity? What practices have Pentecostals and even our churchs learned and adapted from her?There’s much to be said about the nuanced stories around her personal life. And Dr. Godfrey is more forgiving than Todd when talking about her mysterious disappearance in 1926.Gather around for this interesting conversation.By Dr. Godfrey’s recommendation, we’re giving away Sister Aimee: The life of Aimee Semple McPherson. Follow the link and sign up to win a copy!Show notesWho was Sister Aimee?We have the winners of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Ethics and the Beginning of Human Life, from our episode When Your Opinion Becomes Our Business.Tom K. - Wellsville, NYTennille B. - Medicine Hat, AlbertaCasey H. - Placerville, CAMrs. Holmes - Soldotna, AKLynda O. - Memphis, TN
4/4/201830 minutes, 31 seconds
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Not Tragically Colored

The crew is in sunny Florida sipping margaritas this week. They’re pleased to be talking with Ismael Hernandez, the president and founder of Freedom and Virtue Institute. He’s written Not Tragically Colored: Freedom, Personhood, and the Renewal of Black America.Mr. Hernandez tells us what it was like being raised in a militant communist household and what changed after he moved to America. Based on his years of study, observation, and personal experience, Ismael discusses racialism - yes, it is a word, dignity, moral responsibility, and the importance of the family in forming a virtuous individual.The ugliness of false ideologies have permeated not only society, but also the church! But if you listen closely you’ll hear the beauty of the untold history of blacks in America.Follow the link and sign up for a chance to win a copy of Ismael Hernandez’ book Not Tragically Colored.Show Notes- Freedom and Virtue Institute- Self-reliance clubThese are the winners of “Confessing the Faith” from our past episode “The Confession of Our Faith”. If you didn’t get a free copy, you can visit our Reformed Resources to purchase one!Howard S. - Colorado Springs, CODenny S. - Farmington, MNDebora F. - Ephrata, PA
3/28/201831 minutes, 49 seconds
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Is it I, Lord?

In light of the Larry Nassar child sexual abuse case, the crew talks about Rachael Denhollander and the treatment she’s received from her church leadership. What’s the appropriate response to cases of sexual abuse in the local church? How do you support and love those who have suffered so deeply in this way?Carl and Todd reflect on their primary responsibility as pastors who have taken vows to protect and care for God’s people, while Aimee talks about ways to minister to the wounded. Together, they look at the circumstances surrounding Rachael’s case and do their own soul-searching by asking the question: Is it I, Lord?Join the conversation, and let’s examine what the pastor’s first calling is when a member brings an accusation of abuse to the church.This week we’re giving away On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church. The book is a generous gift from our friends at New Growth Press. Please sign up to win a copy!Show Notes/Additional ResourceRachael’s Story 
3/21/201820 minutes, 7 seconds
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When Harry Became Sally

Carl and Aimee have the privilege of talking to Ryan Anderson today. His most recent book is entitled When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment. And it’s provoked, dare we say, strong reactions in the media in just the a few weeks since its publication. But what's the stir all about? Well, we’re about to find out!Today, Dr. Anderson talks about the relationship between gender dysphoria and the overemphasizing of sex stereotypes. He addresses male and female bodily differences and how those differences affect the way we relate in marriage and friendships. What are the factors that determine one’s gender? Physical reality versus emotional feelings of dissatisfaction with one’s body, and if a person can overcome those feelings.The questions are many, but Dr. Anderson walks us through and leaves a picture of how a healthy culture is able to recognize the equal dignity of the sexes. And at the same time, its complementary differences. Lots of ground to cover!Grab a snack and join us in this pleasant and very important conversation.And, of course, we’re giving away copies of Dr. Ryan Anderson’s book When Harry Became Sally which are a gift from our friends at Encounter Books. Sign up for a chance to win one!Show NotesDr. Ryan T. Anderson is the William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow in American Principles and Public Policy of the Heritage Foundation and the Founder and Editor of the Public Discourse Online Journal of the Witherspoon Institute - The Heritage Foundation- The Witherspoon Institute - Public Discourse Online Journal- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) - 5- Transgender Ideology is Riddled with Contradictions. Here Are the Big Ones.- Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
3/14/201827 minutes, 18 seconds
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Christianity Explored

Carl is feeling pretty good today — He’s not the only one with a British accent on the show!The crew enjoys the company of two of his fellow countrymen, Barry Cooper and Nate Morgan Locke. One a former comedy writer and performer, the other, from the far land of Spare Oom just outside of Narnia, is recording from the bright city of War Drobe. They work at Christianity Explored developing courses to equip the Church, focusing on personal enrichment, evangelism, and discipleship by studying books of the Bible.How important is evangelism for the Christian?Todd is overly excited about this approach to evangelism. And far be it from him to not give his personal testimony, hardly giving anyone else a chance to talk! But we finally get the full scope from our guests. Please grab your cup of Earl Grey and a biscuit then join this exciting conversation!We’re excited to give away this week Discipleship Explored Leader’s Kit, which was just launched last week. The kit is a courtesy of Christianity Explored Ministries. Sign up to win!Show Notes- Christianity Explored Ministries- Christianity Explored Ministries USA- Discipleship Explored Launch - March 1Winners!!!The Deacon: Biblical Foundations for Today’s Ministry of Mercy, was a book offered as a gift by Reformation Heritage Books in our episode Uniquely Appointed. If you didn’t win a copy, you can purchase one. This is such a helpful resource! Here are the winners of The Deacon:Christopher P. - Fairview, PAEric D. - Washington, DCShawn T. - Abingdon, MDRobert S. - Bridgewater, VACharles B. - Hattiesburg, MSJohn M. - Cincinnati, OHLibby S. - St. Charles, MONick S. - Aubrey, TXAlex S. - Apex, NCTennille B. - Medicine Hat, AB
3/7/201834 minutes, 7 seconds
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Trumping the Law of Liberty?

Smoking or nonsmoking, Democrat or Republican, Trump or never Trump, yoga or stretching? The crew is visiting some hot button issues today! Are Christians allowed to have differing opinions on these topics?God’s Word neither commands nor prohibits smoking nor does it tell us what political party to vote for. But it does give us some guiding principles that allow us to use wisdom when making decisions. But what if a Christian brother has a different view than you?The irony of this episode is that our hosts might have some different opinions about these issues too! Todd gives us three helpful questions to ask ourselves before we think that anything goes just because we are in Christ.Listen to this fun, but very intense discussion on biblical principles and how the Apostle Paul, Aristotle, and the young Michael Allen can help us.The Mortification of Spin Crew is no celebrity in any sense, but we’re giving away some fun posters signed by our hosts. You can sign up for a chance to win one!Show NotesWestminster Confession of Faith chapter 20WinnersWe’re also happy to announce the winners of Rediscovering the Holy Spirit, the giveaway for the show “Charismatics, a Challenge for the Reformed in 2018”. If you haven’t got a copy, please visit our Reformed Resources. There is still time to purchase one.Steven M. from Walton, NYRob G. from Roslyn, PALynda O. from Memphis, TN
2/28/201835 minutes, 29 seconds
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When Your Opinion Becomes Our Business

When should a church be concerned, or even discipline a member for his personal views on a given issue?Todd, Carl, and Aimee weigh in on problematic personal views of church members. Their discussion is brought on by a PCA elder who holds pro-choice views running for public office. Are issues like abortion, racism, opposition to interracial marriage, a matter of concern to local churches and to denominations? The crew takes into account Christian non-negotiables and secondary issues, and who the persons holding the troubling views are: new believers in need of discipleship or an office bearer in the church? Listen to the connection between the Sixth Commandment, the Westminster Confession and Larger Catechism, the concept of personhood, and man as the image of God.We’re pleased to give away a few copies of the book Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Ethics and the Beginning of Human Life by Megan Best, courtesy of Matthias Media. Please sign up for a chance to win! And while you are there, be sure to browse our store where you will find this title, also for purchase, and other books and audio from trustworthy authors and Alliance speakers.We got winners!!!These are the winners of “The Content of Our Character: A New Vision of Race In America” by Shelby Steele from our recent show Social Justice Black Hole. If you’re not among them, we’ll be offering this title for purchase through our Reformed Resources for the next 4 weeks.Herwyn T. - Airdrie, AlbertaAmdrew M. - Savage - MNBruce P. - Bismarck - NDChristopher A. - Philadelphia - PAJonathan L. - Stanton - CA
2/21/201822 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Confession of Our Faith

We’re honored to be talking with not one, but two Van Dixhoorns today. Chad Van Dixhoorn is a church history professor and pastor. He’s written a book entitled Confessing the Faith, a reader’s guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith. His wife Emily is a mother of five and among other things teaches women’s Bible studies. She’s written a study guide for Confessing the Faith. The two books are meant to introduce Christians with the Confession in an easy-to-read format.What’s the purpose of a confession anyway? The Van Dixhoorns get right to it, emphasizing the richness of our historical heritage and the many ways we can profit from it.Can a document written in the 17th century be pastorally helpful with the tricky ethical questions we struggle with? Does it mention in vitro fertilization, the legitimacy of some medical treatments, or gay marriage? Not directly, but it provides us with foundational principles to answer these questions. Pull up a chair and join us around the Van Dixhoorns kitchen table.We’re giving away some copies of Confessing the Faith reader’s guide and Confessing the Faith study guide. The books are a generous gift from our friends at Banner of Truth. Please enter for a chance to win a copy. But if you don’t, please access our Reformed Resources to purchase one. It’s well worth it!Show NotesThe Minutes and Papers of the Westminster Assembly (1643-1653) - Chad's work.The Minutes and Papers of the Westminster Assembly (1643-1653) - Emily's multi-purpose use of Chad's work. God’s Ambassador: The Westminster Assembly and the Reformation of the English Pulpit (1643-1653)
2/14/201829 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sticks and Stones

“Double-Crossing Mud-Muncher”“Warthog-Faced Buffoon”“Cotton-Headed Ninny Muggins”Mortification of Spin is no stranger to insults. The crew share some of the best (and worst) insults received. Across the board, the quality of insults has sharply declined since Martin Luther. Social media is much to blame.But we want to encourage you to keep trying! Do you know what it takes to write a good insult? Do you possess the necessary tools?Now serious though, the Internet has enabled us to type things that we’d never have the courage to say face-to-face. Should we then avoid online disagreements? What about name-calling? Tune in to find out how Aimee became the head of the FOM, about Todd’s elitism, and the way of dying that Carl fears the most.We have a several copies of "Housewife Theologian - How the Gospel Interrupts the Ordinary" by Aimee Byrd of P&R that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.Republocrat: Confessions of a Liberal Conservative by Carl TruemanInsults helper - CarpetbaggerThank God for Bandit Country - Reformation21Threat made to Carl - by Mother Bear and the she-bearsLuther Insulter
2/7/201822 minutes, 42 seconds
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Uniquely Appointed

Today the crew talks diaconal ministry. Deacons function differently in various denominations. Yet God, in His wisdom, clearly creates this office in the book of Acts. They have a unique role in caring for the physical needs of the congregation. And with counsel and wisdom complement the teaching ministry of the elders.Carl, Todd, and Aimee help us with some misconceptions and answer some major questions: Is the diaconate a stepping stone to the role of elder? How ought deacons be chosen? Can a man be turned down for the office because of his wife?Join us for this conversation! Stick around to the very end, you’ll learn some British slang and Trueman’s First Law!We have a several copies of "The Deacon: Biblical Foundations for Today's Ministry of Mercy" by Cornelis Van Dam courtesy of Reformation Heritage Books that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.Deacon's Training Program with recommended reading material and Westminster Confession of Faith references.London Baptist Confession 1689, Chapter 26 - articles 8 and 9. 
1/31/201825 minutes, 33 seconds
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Charismatics, a challenge for the Reformed in 2018

Today the Spin team considers a Tim Challies post. There Tim ponders three themes or challenges for Reformed Christians in 2018. (Is that some sort of prophesy?) The crew discusses his third prediction–the growing Charismatic movement inside Reformed-ish circles.Historic confessionalism, or Reformed theology, throughout the centuries has been cessationist - meaning the apostolic gifts have ceased. But some New Calvinists insist that one can be Reformed, yet be an "open but cautious" continuationist. What’s one to make of that? On the other hand, does Reformed mean a denial of a supernatural God? What about the sacraments?Theology does matter and there are consequences to beliefs. Join us for an episode of pixie dust, dental golden filling, fallible prophecies, and the sufficiency of Scripture!We apologize for not being able to offer the book mentioned on the podcast, but you can enter to win this another great title "Rediscovering the Holy Spirit" by Michael Horton courtesy of Zondervan. Enter for your chance to win.
1/24/201822 minutes, 54 seconds
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Social Justice Black Hole

While sipping peach tea in Georgia, the crew chats up Darrell Harrison for a great conversation on justice and race reconciliation. Once in a while Darrell gets into trouble for his writing at Just Thinking… For Myself – and for "applying biblical truth to social, cultural, political, and theological issues in our world".  Odd, as his posts with the Alliance at reformation21 have always seemed subdued, but guess that’s compared to our own crew! The conversation goes back and forth but at the end of the day the issue lies on humanity's deepest need to be reconciled to God through Christ and consequently to one another. Darrell shines the light of divine justice on, so called, social justice, calls the church to recapture the biblical language around issues that have spiritual roots, and encourages understanding of those issues within a biblical framework. Darrel and the crew drill into the true mission of the church, the sovereignty of God in the ethnic composition of congregations, man – the image of God, derogatory name calling, and more. Grab your peach tea and join the conversation!We have a several copies of "The Content of Our Character" by Shelby Stelle courtesy of Harper Collins that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
1/17/201832 minutes, 34 seconds
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Who’s Calling?

The Lord impressed upon my heart… The Lord told me… The Lord is calling me to... The Lord is leading me to… These are common church speak when making decisions. The crew has been led to offer some thoughts on them. Is strong conviction or impression the same as God calling? Is there a place for “calling”? What does it look like, and how do we know it’s real? Are there dangers in believing that God is calling one to do this or that? And is “feeling a peace about it” an accurate indicator?There’s no question that God leads His people through sovereign providence, but do we really have an infallible insight into that? Let’s listen in about sanctifying wisdom and the role other believers play in our decision making!We have a several copies of "Just Do Something" by Kevin DeYoung courtesy of Moody Publishers that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
1/10/201816 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Doctor is In

This week we bring the doctor in! Dr. Mike Emlet recently wrote Descriptions and Prescriptions – A Biblical Perspective on Psychiatric Diagnoses and Medications. He’s trained as a medical doctor, as a pastor, an active counselor, and he teaches counseling. Dr. Emlet seriously cares for people’s body and soul, taking both a biblical and scientific approach to that care.As Christians, should we be skeptical about psychiatric diagnoses and their treatments? Is it helpful to label such approaches as unbiblical? On the other hand, is it proper to dive right into the use of medication, trusting everything related to science and medicine, while ignoring spiritual issues? Dr. Emlet shows us a third way and lays the groundwork for a balanced, biblical approach toward those struggling mentally, spiritually, and physically.Please join us for this informative interview!We have a several copies of "Descriptions and Prescriptions" by Michael Emlet courtesy of New Growth Press that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win. You may purchase copies of "Descriptions and Prescriptions directly from New Growth Press.
1/3/201830 minutes, 58 seconds
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Morality À La Carte

For the first time in 25 years, the state of Alabama has a Democrat senator. In a special senate election, Doug Jones defeated Republican Roy Moore, who is fighting sexual misconduct allegations.The crew discusses politics and morality in light of a recent article written by an evangelical commentator who claims Christian black women saved evangelicalism by overwhelmingly voting for Mr. Jones guaranteeing his victory.Should we trade, so far unproven sexual allegations for straightforward immorality, pat ourselves on the back, and celebrate the outcome? And at the very core, what if all the options before us are contrary to Scripture?Even Aimee’s dog has something to say about that one!We have a several copies of "Republocrat" by Carl Trueman courtesy of P&R that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
12/27/201721 minutes, 59 seconds
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Watch Your Life and Doctrine!

After public confession of generational sin and absolution at the hands of the Spin team, Dr. Jonathan Master is ready to talk about pastoral integrity, accountability, disqualifying sin in the minister’s life, and the response from the church. Spoiler: No cover up here!Jon is the host of Theology on the Go - the other podcast of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals! He’s also professor of theology, dean of the School of Divinity at Cairn University, and a minister in the OPC.Today, we're reminded that it’s for good reason that Paul tells Timothy to watch his life and doctrine closely - lives are at stake… eternally! Yet, we can't forget that ministers are sinners too and fellow travelers on the road of sanctification. Jonathan helps us spot the fine line between indwelling sin, humility, and washing dirty laundry in front of the congregation.We have a several copies of "Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome" by Kent and Barbara Hughes courtesy of Crossway that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
12/20/201729 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Girl Empress

What do we know about Empress Mathilda, or Maud, as she was best known? Well until now, not so much. “The Girl Empress – The Chronicle of Maud” by Amy Mantravadi is a series of historical novels on the life of this fascinating English character of the 12th century.Amy lets Empress Maud tell her own life story. From the extensive historical research Amy has done, we learn much about the time period. But this conversation is not only about Maud, it’s also about a certain modern theologian and church historian. Thanks to Amy, his wish was fulfilled in the character of Karl of Worms - a heroic character with some moral flaws who briefly appears in the pages of this volume. You’ll not believe me if I tell you who it is, you must listen for yourself!We giving away several Mortification of Spin posters. Enter for your chance to win.You may purshase "The Girl Empress: The Chronicle of Maud - Volume I" from Amazon.
12/13/201729 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Rocket Science of Thinking

Many in the online world are caught in the social media spin cycle of partisan bickering around politics, religion, and celebrity gossip. What is one to think of the frustration, the insults, and the open hostility that have become the normal pattern of response? Do we forget a human being is typing on the other side?Our hosts need help as they consider how to think in this heated environment. There is no one better than Alan Jacobs to provide it! He is the distinguished professor of Humanities at Baylor University and an outstanding writer. His newest book How to Think: A Survival Guide for a World at Odds is a rich resource of well done research on how to navigate life from an Augustinian view of humanity. He might help us not view people as RCOs (Repugnant Cultural Others).Warning, convicting content!We have a several copies of "How to Think" by Alan Jacobs courtesy of Convergent that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
12/6/201730 minutes, 57 seconds
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The crew travels West, picking Hollywood as their destination this week. Unfortunately, the topic is not “holiday” hit movies but the publicity of the Harvey Weinstein sex scandals. Questions are on the table and the discussion is on: Consent among two adults, how is that determined in Hollywood’s environment? Is it fair to say that Weinstein is merely acting upon his industry’s philosophy? How can these sex scandals be so prominent amidst a culture that claims to defend and empower women? What is the solution for these abuses? Will more laws and codes be able to curb the depravity of the human heart? The crew offers some alternatives that Hollywood might not find ideal. Let’s hear what they have to say!We hope you find value in Mortification of Spin. Your gifts enable us to be a strong, independent voice in the contemporary church. Please make a donation.Donate to Mortification of Spin at Razoovar r_params = {"title":"Mortification of Spin","short_description":"Thank you for tuning in to Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt, and Aimee Byrd as they have a casual conversation about things that count!","long_description":"","color":"#2b2628","errors":false,"image":"true"};var r_protocol=(("https:"==document.location.protocol)?"https://":"http://");var r_path="";var r_identifier='Mortification-Of-Spin';document.write(unescape("%3Cscript id='razoo_widget_loader_script' src='"+r_path+"' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
11/29/201722 minutes, 55 seconds
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Is There Hope for Johnny?

We’re taking a ride in a Mustang GT through Western PA with our special guest T. David Gordon. He’s the professor of religion and Greek at Grove City College, he's also been studying and teaching media ecology for years.T. David offers some astute thoughts on how the media has impacted Johnny. He shows us how pulpits and pews have been affected by cultural illiteracy. Johnny can’t preach, he can’t sing hymns either, and the crew wants to know why. What are the basic elements missing from preaching and why must they not be ignored? He also gives us great insight on the exclusivity of Psalm singing. All that, while listening to the powerful V8 engine and ZZ Top playing on the radio.We have a several copies of "Why Johnny Can't Preach" by T. David Gordon courtesy of P&R Publishing that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
11/22/201738 minutes, 22 seconds
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Pinning Big Eva

The crew is playing “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” in the underground bunker as they take a look at the statement “Evangelicalism is as much of a culture as it is a theological movement,” and they discuss the difficult job of defining evangelicalism.What does evangelicalism look like in the broad spectrum? Where do Reformed confessional protestants fit in? How do we separate evangelicals like Joel Osteen and D. A. Carson? Not so simple! "Big Eva" or small, the conversation weighs in on our unity with brothers and sisters from other denominations against the threat of losing denominational identity when we get into the big movement.We have a several copies of "Here We Stand" edited by James Boice that we are giving away courtesy of P&R. Enter for your chance to win.We would also like to offer all listeners to Mortification of Spin a free MP3 download entitled "What Is happening to the Evangelicals".
11/15/201721 minutes, 49 seconds
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Santification Made Simple

It’s getting chilly in the Northeast so we head down to the Sunshine State, order a freshly-squeezed orange juice, and sit out in the sun with Michael Allen, professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando to talk about his New Study in Dogmatics volume entitled Sanctification. The crew has many questions for him, and I bet they’re not the only ones.What is holiness, and what does it really mean to become holy? Should moral living be addressed upfront in evangelism? Is there a connection between sanctification and assurance? Michael kindly answers these and more, by connecting sanctification to other fundamental doctrines of Scripture.We have a several copies of "Sanctification" by Michael Allen that we are giving away courtesy of Zondervan. Enter for your chance to win.
11/8/201729 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Boys Are Back In Town

What does it take to disqualify a man from ministry? Adultery? Emotional and spiritual abuse? Manipulation? According to cultural Christianity, none of these!If God’s Word is not the rule of faith and life, the moral compass is lost and anything goes! We’re talking about the “come-back” of Mark Driscoll and Tullian Tchividjian to the public life, and worse, to the pulpit after serious public scandals.The gang opens up the issues and answers some of the questions that many of us are asking. What are the qualifications of an office bearer? How seriously should the church and the office bearer take the standards laid out in the pastoral epistles? Are there warning signs one should watch for? Does repentance mean full restoration to ministry?Turn it on, turn it up, and let's see what they’ve got!We have a several copies of "Disciplines of a Godly Man" and "Disciplines of a Godly Woman" by Kent and Barbara Hughes that we are giving away courtesy of Crossway. Enter for your chance to win.
11/1/201720 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Alpha Apologist

This week the crew hops on their bikes and goes cycling with James White. They try to carry a conversation, but it’s tough to keep up with him! He’s the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization, and he wears many hats (literally and figuratively). He’s an author, professor, an elder in his church, and an outstanding worldwide debater.James has been in some hot water lately. We want to know what the hubbub is all about so he fills us in, revealing the (to some) absurd reason why he’s into debates. We hear about the opportunities he’s had to learn from people of diverse belief systems, to teach, and to proclaim the Gospel, adorning it with kindness and hospitality.We have a several copies of "What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur'an?" by James White courtesy of Bethany House Publishers that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
10/25/201735 minutes, 28 seconds
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See Ya, I’m Off!

OK, let’s see if we got this right - Todd’s taking off from church because Carl’s giving him a hard time, and Aimee’s doing God’s work Sunday morning by doing Habitat... Well, not really! But they’re talking about some sad, even weird things happening on the Internet.Is it OK to distance yourself from the means of grace when hurt by the local church? What’s the biblical course of action? Community work instead of Sunday worship, yea or nay? The proper understanding of the Church, sacraments, and the Sabbath will shine a light on these questions. Plus, a plea to those suffering mistreatment in their churches.But not everything is doom and gloom - Todd’s church is about to get a sabbatical from him!We have a several copies of "What Is The Mission Of The Church?" by Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert courtesy of Crossway that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
10/18/201721 minutes, 6 seconds
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WWMD - What Would Machen Do?

By popular demand we bring Darryl Hart over from Michigan to the Chesapeake Bay State for a conversation about the fascinating life of J. Gresham Machen. His influence reached the highest levels of the U.S. government in matters of education, alcohol consumption, and military draft to name a few. We can’t help but ask how Machen would had approached issues on civil and religious life in our day.If that’s not enough for you, Darryl also brings up the life of H. L. Mencken and his relationship with Machen. Who was he? Could these two opposite poles have anything in common? You might be surprised!And as pipe smoke fills the room, the tables are turned as the guest takes over, and Carl is put on the spot to answer some serious questions!We have a several copies of "Defending the Faith" by D. G. Hart courtesy of P&R that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
10/11/201735 minutes, 17 seconds
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Q&A - Becoming Presbys and Explaining Redemption

While on a celeb tour, Carl worked on a cool mustache - maybe compensating for hair loss? In the meantime, Aimee and Todd, two recovering Baptists, tell of their “journey” to Presbyterianism. Todd even wanders into his love for the Book of Church Order. Tune in to get that whole story!But that’s not all folks! The conversation explores the term “redemption” and its meaning. Who or what is the object of redemption? Could God have co-redeemers? Then, what about us redeeming the culture? What does THAT even mean? What does the Bible tell us about God redeeming the present culture? Or will He simply destroy it all and create new heavens and a new earth at His coming? So much to cover!So join us for all these things and to see who's losing hair faster (spoiler alert, it’s not Aimee)!We have a several copies of "Redeemed! Redemption Accomplished" from the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
10/4/201720 minutes, 52 seconds
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That’s Classic!

This week the crew invites James Dolezal for a crucial conversation on the doctrine of God. James is the assistant professor of Theology in the School of Divinity of Cairn University. In his latest book All That Is in God he defends the classic orthodox doctrine of God while engaging with some contemporary deviations.What is divine simplicity? Why is it so important for the doctrine of the Trinity? What’s the cost of getting it wrong? Can we even have a doctrine of the Trinity without it? The answers are not so simple, but James does a wonderful job taking us back in history and guiding us through.And what do a Capuchin Friar, classic rock, and Thomas Aquinas have in common? Well, you’ll have to listen to find out!We have a several copies of "All That Is In God" by James Dolezal courtesy of Reformation Heritage Books that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
9/27/201728 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Sky is Falling

Is it the end of the world as we know it? Recent natural disasters around the world have once again drawn speculative voices claiming it’s the end times. Yep! And the date now is September 23rd, 2017… Really?How are we to think about natural disasters and personal tragedy? Are they indicators that we’ve come to the end? What do we do when tragedy strikes? God is sovereign, subverts evil for His greater glory and for the ultimate good of Christians. But what motivates God to act in certain ways at certain points and time?So finish up that ice cream in the freezer as the 23rd is approaching fast. And listen in to the very interesting conversation turned argument between Carl and Aimee about the correct pronunciation of the word hurricane.We have a several copies of "Eschatology in Church History" an audio set from the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
9/20/201716 minutes, 13 seconds
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Not So Common...

From rocking chairs on Todd’s front porch, our hosts try to sort out the lack of common sense among evangelicals. The mega-market of media is often “guiding” Christians to replace their mama’s basic teaching or their conscience as to what’s right and wrong.Do we need multiple reasons not to send nude selfies, not to shoot grandma, or not to punch the kid at the bus stop? Are we over spiritualizing things and becoming unable to make common sense decisions? What about that voice inside your head? What about The Pogues? Prophetic Rock? Seeing Jesus in Wonder Woman? The conversation continues into the wee hours, and you’re welcome to join in!We have a several copies of "Good News for Anxious Christians: 10 Practical Things You Don'd Have To Do" by Phillip Cary published by Brazos Press that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.Mortification of Spin LiveFor the first time ever (in almost five years), the underground bunker is being cracked open to the public.  Aimee opens the door of her home and welcomes you to be part of the conversation with Mortification of Spin on a more intimate level. You can pull up a chair around her dining room table along with Carl and Todd. Join us on Friday September 15 at 1:15PM ET for a live Mortification of Spin podcast recording. Register at
9/13/201728 minutes, 59 seconds
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It’s Not All About Country Music

With the notes coming out of the Music City, the Mortification of Spin Trio decides to chime-in on the Nashville Statement.Who is the intended audience? What do the writers hope to accomplish? Our skeptical English host – who doesn’t sign statements whether he agrees with them or not! – wonders if such statements are even effective?Tune-in as the crew thinks through each of these issues while considering who’s affected by this statement and who’s really on the front line facing the toughest questions. Is it possible to stand firm on sexuality issues without alienating the very people we must witness to?All that and more, including this week’s great giveaway, “The Gospel & Sexual Orientation”, a booklet birthed out of RPCNA Synod Report to provide guidance on the same points addressed by the Nashville Statement! 
9/6/201725 minutes, 42 seconds
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From Grace to Princeton

We’re joined by a familiar guest this week, someone who knows the underground bunker very well. Todd and Aimee try to keep him humble by setting the ground rules right from the start.Having recently returned from his celebrity tour, our special guest, Carl Trueman, uses the opportunity to talk about his newest book “Grace Alone”. He addresses the importance of distinguishing the Protestant and Catholic meanings of “grace” and gives us a brief history of the word.And, being the well respected man that he is, Carl will fill us in on what’s next. This time he’s taking a year off from Westminster Theological Seminary to join Princeton University as a fellow research scholar.Pull up a chair and join our conversation to find out about Carl’s projects this coming year.We have a several copies of "Grace Alone: Salvation as a Gift of God" by Carl Trueman published by Zondervan that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
8/30/201732 minutes, 17 seconds
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Q&A – Error vs. Heresy and Gospel-centered Cupcakes

Carl’s globetrotting celebrity tour continues! So as Todd polishes off a fresh batch of gospel-centered cupcakes, he and Aimee stare into the bright spotlight of listener questions.What’s the difference between error and heresy? Can we declare someone a heretic? When is appropriate to do so? What's the importance of the creeds in all this? Aimee starts by defining orthodoxy in order to answer these questions and once cornered, Todd rightly turns to the apostle Paul to define the Gospel of Christ and its implications.Join us in this week’s conversation!We have a several copies of "A Christian's Pocket Guide to Justification" by Guy Waters published by Christian Focus that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
8/23/201720 minutes, 45 seconds
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A-List Uptown Girl

We travel this week to experience real southern charm. And there’s no one better to sit down with for sweet tea and casual conversation than Melissa Kruger, writer and Women’s Ministry Coordinator at Uptown Church in Charlotte, NC.Aimee talks with Melissa about her books The Envy of Eve and Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood. We’ll hear the circumstances in which they were birthed and how they help women. Then Carl and Todd jump in for advice on the most important things OTHER pastors need to understand about women’s ministry. Oh and of course, to brag about how sensitive they are to the women in their own churches! Please pull up a seat and join us!We have a several copies of "Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous World" by Melissa Kruger published by Christian Focus that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
8/16/201732 minutes, 59 seconds
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In The Beginning... It Was Carl and Todd

As Carl and Todd are nowhere to be found, Aimee is left to defend the bunker alone. There she uncovers that very first MoS recording from the grand ole’ days before she was voted in as “one of the guys.” Not at all surprising, they’re talking about a woman, Rosaria Butterfield in particular, and her first book The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert. Join the conversation as we listen to Carl and Todd’s review of this powerful testimony of God’s saving grace and how helpful and instructive it is for the Church. Oh, and Todd’s brief public admission of his dark past as a Baptist.We have a several copies of "The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert" by Rosaria Butterfield published by Crown and Covenant Publications that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.
8/9/201726 minutes, 5 seconds
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Suffering, Lament, and The Grace of God

Kelly Kapic, professor of Theological Studies at Covenant College, talks about suffering and bravery. Bravery exemplified by his courage to return to have old skeletons exposed by Aimee. His latest book, Embodied Hope, highlights where grace and goodness is found when suffering from illness and chronic pain strikes. He gives biblical perspective when we ask “why us?” and on finding the right place to lament in the body of Christ. Join the conversation as Kelly shares his next project. Oh yes, and learn how Carl became the hero of his own story in a restaurant fire in Amsterdam. There are pictures to prove it!We have a several copies of "God So Loved, He Gave" by Kelly Kapic published by Zondervan that we are giving away. Be sure to enter for your chance to win.
8/2/201741 minutes, 23 seconds
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U Can’t Touch This!

With Todd away at rehab after PCA General Assembly, Carl and Aimee gab on the 20-year mark of Joshua Harris’ book I Kissed Dating Goodbye, particularly on its impact for the young Christian. Dating - or are we to call it courting? - brings up a lot of questions! Can a guy even take a girl out for a burger without having to propose?Carl answers, as we expect, “It’s the Americans” when the problem of how we see the relationship between the sexes comes up! No fear, Aimee quickly backs him down when she fires back with the true lasting relationship between them.Join us in this “powerful journey.” And along the way, find out what is the most terrifying Bible verse in Carl’s opinion - here’s a hint: kiss.Please, come on a journey with us and make a donation to Mortification of Spin.Donate to Mortification of Spinvar r_protocol=(("https:"==document.location.protocol)?"https://":"http://");var r_path="";var r_identifier='Mortification-Of-Spin';document.write(unescape("%3Cscript id='razoo_widget_loader_script' src='"+r_path+"' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
7/26/201720 minutes, 53 seconds
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Post GA Group Hug

Group therapy is in session and we get to eavesdrop… Carl and Aimee lend their ears to Todd as he pours out his heart about the joys and sorrows of the PCA’s General Assembly. We hear about very important topics; women’s ordination, the Second Commandment, anti-Presbyterian factions in the PCA, and the implications in the life of laity and their role. The outcome is mostly positive as Todd offers up encouragement to fellow PCA-ers. All the while Carl and Aimee once again show jealously for the lack of thrill at any GA the OPC has ever had!We have a several copies of "How Jesus Runs The Church" by Guy Prentiss Waters that we are giving away. Be sure to enter for your chance to win.
7/19/201728 minutes, 33 seconds
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Is God Our Therapist?

The bunker has erupted with trouble - yes, once again! This time the team tries to form a consensus on who's to blame for the therapeutic language of brokenness in contemporary Christianity. Todd blames Aimee and all the women; Carl blames Americans for the “pursuit of happiness” being the chief end of man. In the end they agree on one thing: the theology of the cross informs us that we are sinful and not just broken, damned before a holy God and not just hurting. So time to kick back and tune in!We have a several copies of "Overcoming Sin and Temptation" by By John Owen, Edited by Kelly Kapic and Justin Taylor that we are giving away. Be sure to enter for your chance to win.
7/12/201721 minutes, 16 seconds
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Is One The Loneliest Number?

Lydia Brownback joins the conversation today to talk about loneliness - that dark cloud that shows no partiality on whom it descends. Lydia is a friend of the Alliance as a one time producer of The Bible Study Hour broadcast and what is now our Think and Act Biblically devotional. While we certainly miss her, she’s now both an author and speaker whose typical audience is women. But her latest book, Finding God in My Loneliness, strikes a chord, both, with men and women. Let’s join in now as Lydia debunks some common myths about loneliness, offers careful critique of singles in the church, and voices the biblical standards at stake in the sexualized culture in which we live.We have a several copies of "Fine China is for Single Women Too" and "Finding God in My Loneliness" by Lydia Brownback that we are giving away. Be sure to enter for your chance to win.
7/5/201737 minutes, 46 seconds
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Throwing in Your Lot

The nauseating activity of church shopping should not be confused with the often necessary need to find a new church. When there are several Gospel preaching churches to choose from, God has given us the ability to think critically to help us discern the right church to attend. Don’t think, what can the church do for me, but rather, what can you do for the church. And, make sure you listen to find out how Carl ended up in the OPC.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer everyone a free MP3 download entitled "Marks of a Healthy Church" by Mark Dever. Download for free now.
6/28/201716 minutes, 4 seconds
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Hijacking Social Justice

Has social justice taken a prominent stage over sharing the Gospel message? What is social justice anyway? A growing number of Christians are giving voice to social justice. Yet one needs to beware of the snare of liberal camp movements too.Perhaps a good historian could be helpful here. Maybe Carl can recommend one? Join the conversation with Carl, Aimee & Todd!We have a several copies of "Social Justice Isn't What You Think" by Michael Novak published by Encounter Books, that we are giving away. Be sure to enter for your chance to win.
6/21/201729 minutes, 18 seconds
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Where Sin Abounds…

With Carl visiting his mum, Todd and Aimee can finally consider the very real beauty gap between the Brits and the Americans!However, when we pick up the conversation Todd and Aimee return to talk about how the church deals with a repentant sinner versus one that is unrepentant. We all know that sin has consequences, often the teenage girl who gets pregnant or a divorced individual knows this best. It’s such an other worldly thing to simultaneously say; we hate sin, we hate what sin does, and we take sin seriously. But, that we also believe that where sin abounds grace abounds even more because of what Christ has done for us.Isn’t that the beauty of Christianity? Isn’t that what we should be showing to the world?Be sure to listen!The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled A Psalm of Repentance. Download for free now.
6/14/201733 minutes, 38 seconds
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$500 a Month

Today’s special guest Rosaria Butterfield was once a bold advocate for the LGBTQ community. Since then, she has come to Christ and married an Evangelical pastor, with whom she has had several children. She has authored two marvelous books about this "unlikely conversion" and one on hospitality.Why hospitality, one might ask. Because it was through Christian hospitality, God, slowly but surely, disarmed and compelled her to faith. Today she opens up her own Christian home to the community so that her family can bear witness and evangelize. On a daily basis, Rosaria's family dines with her neighbors. She is eager to count the cost much like Jesus did.Are you?We have a several copies of "Openness Unhindered: Further Thoughts of and Unlikely Convert on Sexual Identity and Union with Christ" by Rosaria Butterfield published by Crown & Covenant Publishers, that we are giving away. Be sure to enter for your chance to win.
6/7/201738 minutes, 19 seconds
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Getting Your Needs Met

The church has a silent killer, much like when carbon monoxide creeps into your house and you don’t even know it. Why are people coming to your church? Do they want to hear the Bible preached or do they want something more superficial? Is the purpose of the church to meet your individual felt needs? The church is called to provide an ordinary means of grace - those things which it ought to be emphasizing and prioritizing in her ministry. Listen as Carl, Todd, and Aimee discuss those things we should not compromise on, including what kind of car Todd is convinced he needs.We have a several copies of "The courage to be protestant" by David Wells published by Eerdmans Publishing Company, that we are giving away. Be sure to enter for your chance to win.
5/31/201723 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Propaganda of Pretty

Which is more beautiful?: Bach or Beyonce? Symmetry or asymmetry? Bald or Blonde? Carl or Todd? By natural design, beauty appeals to us and we seek it out daily whether it's music, art, fashion, or romance. Under sin's curse, we attune our minds to wrong perspectives and standards and make more of what God counts as less. The battle with beauty is something everyone has to fight. So how does the Christian combat against Hollywood's norms and not cheapen the inner adornment of our character without going to the opposite extreme? Today we count the costs of our cultural obsession with beauty, pointing out shameful ways we prize the pretty and cast all the Todd & Carl's to the curb.We have a several copies of "Far Above Rubies: The Life of Bethan Lloyd-Jones" by Lynette Clark published by Christian Focus, that we are giving away. Be sure to enter for your chance to win.
5/24/201727 minutes, 43 seconds
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Catholicism: What’s the Difference?

While Carl soaked in Italian rays, he treaded the town in his English footgear (black socks and open-toed sandals, to be exact), pondering the differences Protestants have with the Pope and his posse. Over the years, we've hosted numerous guests from the Roman Catholic persuasion on the show so it's no surprise folks have been wondering: on which doctrines do we agree, and on which must we disagree? You may be surprised!We have a several copies of "Roman Catholic Theology & Practice" by Gregg Allison published by Crossway, that we are giving away. Be sure to enter for your chance to win.
5/17/201719 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Smallest in the Fold

Do children belong in Sunday morning worship? Is it worth the potential tantrums in the pew? We have Jason Helopolous on the line to help us answer this parental conundrum. Jason is Associate Pastor at University Reformed Church in East Lansing Michigan. He's also an author, husband and father. As that last role, Jason can sympathize with parents of young children. So when are children "old enough" to join worship? What about the theology behind "children's church”, and the misconception that children take away from worship? Fortunately, we have two children here today to give us their perspective on being in service … thanks for joining us, Carl & Todd!We have a several copies of Jason's book "Let the Children Worship" published by Christian Focus, that we are giving away. Be sure to enter for your chance to win.
5/10/201730 minutes, 45 seconds
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Merry Martin Luther Day!

Should Evangelicals "celebrate" Martin Luther? With this year marking the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Luther is on the brain! His life and legacy should be an inspiration to us all - a man God significantly used in the birth of the Protestant Church. But, should we make a big fuss over him every year? Before you buy into the pub-crawl and raise a pint of malty, Martin Luther-y beverage, take a listen to what Carl, Aimee and Todd have to say about this stubborn monk.We have a several copeis of Carl's book "Histories and Fallacies: Problems Faced in the Writing of History" publsihed by Crossway that we are giving away. Be sure to enter for your chance to win. 
5/3/201717 minutes, 15 seconds
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With us today is Fran Maier, "the most interesting man in the world" … according to Carl Trueman. And here we thought Carl assumed that title (per his own nomination!). Fran, once a screenwriter for Warner Brothers, not only has an impressive resume but a unique perspective on American culture having been submerged in LA's superficiality. This conservative Catholic has never looked back and now serves as the executive personal assistant to the Archbishop of Philadelphia, Charles Chaput. Tune in to hear his informed critique and spin on our culture, technology, and the likes … that's alllll folks!The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to off you a CD message entitled "Engaging the Culture".
4/26/201735 minutes, 33 seconds
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What Came First: Repentance or Forgiveness?

Scripture sheds much light on the topic of forgiveness. But what if someone doesn't seek our forgiveness or is unrepentant? Certainly we have all, at some point or another, asked that question and likely wrestled with the answer. But perhaps there's other questions we might also ask: Should we not imitate the Lord's own forgiveness towards us? Are we compelled to forgive others who offend our name? Does God withhold his forgiveness until we repent? If God did not spare his only Son, can we not spare our own self-righteous pride and clothe ourselves in humility and grace? It's tricky answering these questions perfectly as fallible people but Aimee & Todd tackle them with care.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give you a free MP3 download of a message entitled "Repentance and Forgiveness of Sin" by Rebecca Pippert.
4/19/201719 minutes, 36 seconds
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Hitler & von Hildebrand

John Henry Crosby is a man wearing many hats: he is the President and Founder of the Hildebrand Project; he's a translator, critic, and writer. So who is Hildebrand? He was a stalwart who's voice and writings were compelled by exposing the evil he saw in Hitler and his Nazis regime. Described as a public traitor, Hildebrand was one of the first to raise red flags about the Third Reich and God sustained him in the midst of grave adversity. So why should Protestants read and learn from Hildebrand, a Catholic? No better man to answer that question than John Henry...We have a limited number of the book "My Battle Against Hitler" that we are giving away. Be sure to enter for your chance to win.
4/12/201730 minutes, 13 seconds
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Psalms: When Our Words fail Us

The Psalms offer the Christian a unique plethora of language and capture a wide array of human emotion unlike any other book in the Bible. For the distressed and despairing, Psalms help us find words we otherwise counted as lost - what a gift to our weary souls! Please join Carl, Aimee & Todd as they discuss their own experiences wading through the Psalms seeking (and finding!) solace and strength through them.
4/5/201716 minutes, 52 seconds
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Protecting the Flock

Child abuse - it's heinous, it's a crime, it's a shame, and it's a sin. Unfortunately, it's quite pervasive in the Church which is often a soft target. Why is that, and what can we do to guard our flock more preventatively instead of reactively? We certainly need to educate our children and train our nursery workers, but how do we impart discernment while not making them critical of everyone. We all have roles of protecting our children, but even some actions of "justice" can further enable the abuse. This is by no means an exhaustive conversation answering all these questions in depth but a discussion that should put any Church worker on high alert.You can puchase all the messages from the event "Sex, Sin, and Salvation: God's Grace in a Fallen World".
3/29/201726 minutes, 14 seconds
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We’re Not in Kansas Anymore

Which MOS host was promised to be made a cardinal by the Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia if he becomes the next Pope? Aside from an empty promise, the Archbishop shares profound insights into the current Sexual Revolution from the Catholic perspective, and from his unique view point as someone committed to celibacy. Archbishop Chaput is also an author of a book our hosts would highly recommend: Strangers in a Strange Land, in which the Archbishop expresses in more vivid detail how the conservative religious camps are being marginalized by a radical progression in cultural norms at an alarmingly rapid pace. We discuss everything from contraception to abortion to gay marriage to transgenderism. For all who listen, this is a stand-out interview full of rich insight with a vital undertaking in how to think in today's world - a world where we ought to live holding the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.
3/22/201752 minutes, 54 seconds
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Is the Bible Good for Women?

What's on the rail for the lizard? … To answer that important question, we have Wendy Alsup on the show. She's a Mathematics professor at Community College in South Carolina, a mom, and the author of Is the Bible Good for Women?: Seeking Clarity and Confidence Through a Jesus-Centered Understanding of Scripture. Wendy is burdened for women to appreciate and know the Bible. So beyond talking lizards and women, she's here to help us understand: What do we do with the tough passages of scripture - passages where women are taken advantage of, oppressed, killed? There are loads of untidy and discouraging accounts of injustice in the Bible hard to handle and difficult to find the message in the mess. There's much a pastor can learn from Wendy's book to better engage his congregation with compassion and understanding. So let's talk lizards and ladies!
3/15/201729 minutes, 52 seconds
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Beauty, The Beast, & The Homosexual

"There may be something there that wasn't there before" … sings the cast of Beauty and the Beast at a pivotal moment in the Disney Classic. Well, days away from its appearance as a live-action film, those words couldn't ring more true! There is something there that wasn't there before: a homosexual character! It's got a lot of people talking since the director puffs the film as the first Disney movie to have an 'exclusively gay moment'. It's no surprise Hollywood has come to this, but then … it's a children's movie! So question is: As Christians, do we let our children see it? Where do we draw the line for entertainment? Perhaps it's not so black and white …? Listen to what the hosts (aka, Beauty & The Beasts) have to say, it's certainly got them talking!Donate to Mortification of Spinvar r_protocol=(("https:"==document.location.protocol)?"https://":"http://");var r_path="";var r_identifier='Mortification-Of-Spin';document.write(unescape("%3Cscript id='razoo_widget_loader_script' src='"+r_path+"' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
3/8/201720 minutes, 44 seconds
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Parting is Such Frequent Sorrow

When, why, and how should you leave a church? Is it possible to do it graciously and gratefully, or are you just another church-shopping opportunist looking for what's on fleek? Interestingly, leaving a church is somewhat a modern dilemma. It's exponentially more possible with the increase of technology. However, one universal truth stands the test of time: there is no perfect church anywhere. Listen in to what Carl, Aimee & Todd think constitutes the good, the bad and the ugly reasons to leave a church.We're giving away multiple copies of "The Church: God's Kingdom on Earth", be sure to enter for your chance to win.
3/1/201729 minutes, 5 seconds
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Suicide: What is the Christian to think?

Suicide is a troubling topic to examine - delicate and disturbing, one must speak carefully about it, especially with those left in its confusing wake. Common questions asked are: Is suicide an unforgivable sin? Could a true Believer take their own life? As a pastor, should I address suicide at the funeral? Carl, Aimee, Todd (…and Thomas Aquinas!), avoid pat answers and offer helpful ways of thinking founded in Biblical truth.We are giving away several pairs of event tickets to either, God Has Spoken, Reformation: Recovering the Essence of the Gospel (Philadelphia), or The Faithful Shepherd: Pastors Conference. Enter Now!
2/22/201725 minutes, 32 seconds
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What about Todd?

We're getting group therapy today so we called on the best of the best: David Powlison, Director of Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation, Senior Editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling, and beloved counseling professor at Westminster Theological Seminary. We are delighted Todd is finally getting the help he needs, but we do have some other ground to cover. What is Biblical Counseling exactly and how important is it to the health of our Church? Is scripture sufficient for counseling? At the close of today's session, everyone's happy and David's take on Todd is as we feared: he's beyond help.We're giving away several copies of David Powlison's book "Good & Angry" courtesy of New Growth Press, be sure to enter for your chance to win.
2/15/201735 minutes, 33 seconds
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Devo Nouveau

While Carl's out getting hair plugs, Aimee and Todd steal the show to talk about the Christian term: Quiet Time. What is it exactly - let's talk about the why and how! As thinking people, we should critically consider the theology behind even our daily devotions, as our habits may be founded on false or even contrary doctrine. There's nothing quiet about today's discussion, though more pleasant without our loudest host. Goes without saying: two's company ...
2/8/201721 minutes, 19 seconds
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Westminster Preaching Conference: Live Panel Part II

It's round two of the preaching conference and the conversation's heating up. As questions crop up from the crowd we have the usual off-the-wall inquiries but most are measured and helpful. It's yet another conversation where we contemplate the call of the minister, the effects of ministry on everyone's life, and the importance of seeking those more seasoned in the pulpit. No matter if you're a minister or lay person, this discussion is an encouragement to all!
2/1/201730 minutes, 33 seconds
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No Little Women

There's a blossoming author in our midst today and she's taking the Spin by storm! While riding the coattails of our most senior host's paper repoitroure, she inspires our "other" host to dream big. (He's making great progress with his coloring books, by the way). Yes, Aimee Byrd is the women of the hour and she's hit her stride, forging a path for both church officers and women to work together in taking theology more seriously. Her latest: No Little Women: Equipping All Women in the Household of God is a stand out for the cause. Somehow, Carl & Todd remain stumped: does learning from a woman threaten their manhood? Aimee spares no expense in confirming that threat with her new book ...We're giving away several copies of Aimee Byrd's book "No Little Women" courtesy of P&R, be sure to enter for your chance to win.
1/25/201721 minutes, 51 seconds
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Westminster Preaching Conference: Live Panel Part I

Once again, we haunt the halls of Van Til as it's time for the annual Preaching Conference at Westminster Theological Seminary. Much to our delight (and surprise!), they've invited us back. However, we know better than to think we're the hot commodity when sharing the stage with the likes of Rev. David Helm. Rev. Helm is founding pastor of Hyde Park congregation of Holy Trinity Church in Chicago, and Chairman of the Charles Simeon Trust. Also an avid author, he's written many resources aiding the spiritual growth and development of Christians young and old. This year's conference is about sermon preparation and Rev. Helm is well worth the listen and a great improvement from the balding alternatives.The Alliance has a few of copies of "Expositional Preaching: How We Speak God's Word Today" by David Helm that we are giving away. Sign up for your chance to win.
1/18/201733 minutes, 36 seconds
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Every Lustful Thought...

You should confess all your lustful thoughts to your spouse...Is this a good idea? Unfortunately, this advice is being encouraged (and even taken!) within the evangelical world and Carl, Aimee & Todd discuss their concerns, teasing out the collateral damage such confessionals could cause. The whole crew agrees: There's good reason why we can’t read each other’s minds! Should we leave every idle thought only to God? Whether you're navigating the seas of singleness, dabbling in dating, entering engagement or managing marital bliss this is an important conversation to consider.
1/11/201720 minutes, 55 seconds
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Reforming a Church

We have Dr. Timothy Witmer with us today, and what a story he has to tell! Dr. Witmer is an author and Westminster Theological Seminary professor of Practical Theology. He's also a "Moses" figure for leading St. Stephen Reformed Church, a once United Church of Christ church, to the PCA (or "Promised Land", though Carl & Aimee may beg to differ with Todd on that!). Being a preacher and a teacher of preachers for many years, Dr. Witmer lends a seasoned perspective from the podium to the pulpit and shares the tale leading a congregation to Reformed theology. What a good reminder to us all how God chooses to use his people as a means to fulfill his kingdom purpose. The Alliance has a few of copies of "The Shepherd Leader" by Tim Whitmer that we are giving away. Sign up for your chance to win.
1/4/201736 minutes, 50 seconds
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Did We Trump God’s Plan?

"Who did you vote for?" It's a loaded question, but for Carl he simply pulls the green card. So is there such a thing as piety in the poll booth? How should Christians vote? In our recent presidential election, Carl, Aimee & Todd sniff out some sloppy theology that surfaced during and after the vote, and they share pros and cons to Trump's future leadership. Thankfully for the Christian, our hope and firm foundation is not found in a mortal man or woman or a political party ... no matter who goes "home" to the White House, we know who reigns on high.The Alliance has a few of copies of "Republocrat: Confessions of a Liberal Conservative" by Carl Trueman that we are giving away. Sign up for your chance to win.The Sovereignty of God and Politics is a free MP3 download available to everyone.
12/28/201622 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Do’s & Donuts of Preaching

Today's guest is a Billy Graham wanna-be, city-slickin' Scotsman who believes in emoticons but struggles with social cues. He invited himself to our recording to eat all our pastries and lingered while we interviewed two guests. He's none other than Liam Goligher, Senior Pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church, and now two-time guest/delinquent on our little show, (the latter being his greater accomplishment).Thankfully he does know a thing or two about preaching a sound sermon so we asked him (in between each scone): How were you called to preach? What are common mistakes made behind the pulpit? Can you actually teach a man to preach? Aside from hearing him answer these, it's well worth the listen to find out what celebrity used his office loo once upon a time…The Alliance has a few of copies of "Joseph: The Hidden Hand of God" by Liam Goligher that we are giving away. Sign up for your chance to win.
12/21/201636 minutes, 27 seconds
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Distorted Diversity and False Freedom

A while back, we welcomed Dr. Anthony "Tony" Esolen on the show. He was a striking presence discussing how cultural norms destroy the imaginations of our children. Tony resurfaces today as a hot topic in controversial circumstances. In the wake of a thought-provoking piece recently published by Crisis Magazine, Tony critiques the "diversity" culture that is out of line with biblical doctrine yet pervasive at Providence college, a Roman Catholic institution.Tony's biblical convictions now threaten his career as Professor of English. This shouldn't surprise us. The trend, even within the church, is one growing in tolerant conformity to secular culture and a shut-down on free-speech. How can we stand for what we believe and be protected by the Constitution? And what matters more: tone or doctrine … being politically correct or biblically correct? What happens to Tony should matter to us, and may we not buckle under the same opposition.
12/14/201623 minutes, 54 seconds
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A Kind of Blue Apologetic

"If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know" - Louis Armstrong.Well, if ever there was someone to ask about jazz in our circles, it's Dr. William Edgar, Apologetics Professor at Westminster Theological Seminary, President of the Huguenot Fund, and gifted jazz pianist. Dr. Edgar's interests extend far beyond the walls of Van Til Hall to French culture and the arts. But we have more to chat about than berets, baguettes, and piano keys. He recently published a book, Does Christianity Really Work?, as part of a series that asks the "big" questions of the faith. Dr. Edgar offers helpful insights into the common barriers of the skeptic and the Christian seeking the unsaved. One of his boldest critiques: "many Christians enjoy life inappropriately", weakening an otherwise bold witness for Christ.The Alliance has a few of copies of "Does Christianity Really Work?" by Bill Edgar that we are giving away. Sign up for your chance to win.
12/7/201638 minutes, 13 seconds
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Celebration of ... Death?

Does anyone wear black to a funeral anymore? Seems increasingly common to have "celebrations of life" in lieu of funerals. As Christians, we mourn but not as those without hope, but that's just it, we do and should mourn our losses. So why is grief displaced with "happiness", as if we were throwing a party? And is this happiness genuine or are we genuinely in denial that something legitimately sad has happened? Beware Church, you may be sending mixed messages with these "celebrations". Just how difficult is a pastor's job made by all this confusion? To help us consider it, we have a Scotsman who weaseled his way into the recording studio after trading in his kilt for some urban slims.Donate to Mortification of Spinvar r_protocol=(("https:"==document.location.protocol)?"https://":"http://");var r_path="";var r_identifier='Mortification-Of-Spin';document.write(unescape("%3Cscript id='razoo_widget_loader_script' src='"+r_path+"' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
11/30/201616 minutes, 39 seconds
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Neverland & the Lost Boys

"We live with an odd mix of immature people incapable of adult responsibility and yet full of extreme self-confidence,” said an English menace. But perhaps Carl is onto something - what of this Neverland with its abundance of "Lost Boys"? Not surprisingly, women complain of immaturity in the opposite sex, but they themselves aren’t spared this epidemic.What makes us mature adults? Maybe saying "I do" or buying a mini-van? Not really. In today's culture, there’s a restless, sexualized childishness - an endless adolescence, and we want to know who (or what!) is to blame! Carl, Aimee, & Todd have their theories…The Alliance has a few of copies of "Juvenescence" by Robert Harrison that we are giving away. Sign up for your chance to win.
11/23/201629 minutes, 48 seconds
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Biblia Germanica

It's not Reformation Day anymore but we are still a-buzz about Luther and more specifically, the Biblica Germanica. Our Spin bookworms gawk over its beautiful calligraphy and the black and white illustrations, which Todd mistakenly took for coloring pages ... we knew better than to let him bring his crayons. It's another chance to discuss God's providential work through Martin Luther, a man so instrumental in bringing the Word of God to the common layperson of his day.Find out more about Biblica Germanica from the publisher, Hendrickson Publishers.
11/16/201613 minutes, 23 seconds
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Life After an Unborn Child

It's difficult finding the right thing to say to those in mourning - we clumsily fumble over our words, say nothing, or utter the worst possible thing at the worst possible time. Whatever our experience, we could all use help ministering better to those suffering loss - in particular, the loss of an unborn child.To help us today is Matthew Eusey, Pastor of Trinity Church Central Oahu, and his wife, Karyn.The Euseys share about the loss of their son and what it was like at the receiving end of people's best efforts to help them through their grief. In a few words, they give voice to a darkness so often kept private. Their story is a humbling, sincere account of awaiting the resurrection while honoring the little life God fashioned and took so quickly. It's hard making sense of such a sadness, but Karyn said it best: “There is no silver lining in this … but Christ.”The Alliance has a bunch of copies of "Holding Onto Hope" by Nancy Guthrie that we are giving away. Congratulations to the give away winners:Nicole B.,  Monroe, GABruce B.,  Buda, TXJon B.,  New Lenox, ILGlenda E.,  Minneapolis, MNDaniel G.,  San Jose, CANicholas B.,  Fort Collins, CORebekah M.,  Fredericksburg, VABeth R.,  Coventry, CT 
11/9/201634 minutes, 55 seconds
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Luther on the Christian Life: Cross & Freedom

Reformation Day has come and gone so naturally we talk about Martin Luther. He's no Halloween has-been, so we thought: "Better get a legit Church Historian and Luther extraordinaire on today's show!" Unfortunately Roland Bainton left the stage in '84 and Robert Kolb would rather be on The White Horse Inn, so no one really knowledgeable on the subject was available ... so we asked Carl Trueman. Carl takes a stab answering questions about the medieval agenda, what church laity gained from Luther's mission, and Luther's lasting impressions on preaching after the reformation. Grab your candy corn, it's gonna be an earful!The Alliance has several copies of "Luther on the Christian Life: Cross & Freedom" by Carl Trueman that we are giving away:Congratulations to:John K., Aurora, COJames M., Williamston, SCWesley G., Gastonia, NCJennifer B., West Chester, OHJeff O., Milwaukee, WI 
11/2/201619 minutes, 42 seconds
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When in Rome

Simonetta Carr has authored numerous (and superb!) children’s books. It’s our honor to have her on the show today, and it won’t take you long to figure out she ain’t from around here. Originally hailing from lovely Italy, she now lives in sunny Cali - trading one vineyard for another. It does seem all the more fitting she’d write a book on Michelangelo, contender for the Renaissance Man title and a native Italian himself! Simonetta calls us to question: why should reformed protestants know (or even care) about Michelangelo and the Renaissance, and why should our children learn about them, too? Her book will broaden our view of the reformation as well as an appreciation for the arts and the beauty therein. But … what about all the renaissance nudity?! Don't shield your eyes … it’s a bit of Art Appreciation meets Survey of Art History on Mortification of Spin today, so trade your pen for a paintbrush and tap into your inner artist.The Alliance has several copies of "Michelangelo for Kids: His Life and Ideas" by Simonetta Carr that we are giving away.Congratulations to:Amye S., Salem, VAMatt T., Murietta, CAGlenn W., Milwaukee, WIAnn C., Battle Creek, MIAdam F., Broken Arrow, OKMindy S., Lancaster, PA
10/26/201631 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Decade of Neo-Nostalgia

Happy 10th anniversary to the Young Restless & Reformed! To those unfamiliar with YRR, we aren't marking the anniversary of a soap opera, (though, it's had its fair share of drama!). The YRR, or New Calvinism, is a movement that gained momentum in the late 90's when many grew restless within the Emerging Church. They wanted something more solid on which to stand: doctrine! And so they turned to the theological treasure trove of the olden days. For some it's a revolutionary resurgence of discovery and Biblical understanding, while to others, it's simply review. However good this movement from Emergent to Edwards is, it comes with its criticisms and concerns. Ten years strong and the verdict's still out: Have the Young Restless & Reformed strengthened the Church?
10/19/201620 minutes, 18 seconds
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Burnt Out

Let’s talk ministerial burnout! It’s a relevant topic at the end of another marathon recording day as we squeeze our hosts for onnnnne more episode. Poor Todd, red-eyed and against his fragile will, did not leave the studio despite his many threats to do so. Just a Diva trapped inside a pipe-smoker’s body. In all seriousness, ministerial burnout can be lurking in the pulpit or present in the pew more often than we realize. The stats are alarming which demand we ask: Do we encourage those who shepherd us? Do we pray often (or even at all!) for them? Are our elders consumed by responsibilities or healthy and happy in their service? Free StuffWe are giving away copies of Christopher Ash's book "Zeal Without Burnout" this week! Click here to enter to win a copy!
10/12/201629 minutes
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Reader’s Block

As you may know, our hosts are avid readers. But what you don't know may surprise you ... Carl enjoys snuggling up to a good comic & Todd's keen on the Scratch and sniff, pop-up variety but Aimee's leaps and bounds ahead of the boys with the more mature palette, devouring her fair share of Seventeen magazine. Our shining examples of readers beg the question: why read? Outside of studying the Bible, should reading be considered a godly discipline? Should Christians read poetry? Novels? Or only biographies and ... Harry Potter? 
10/5/201619 minutes, 34 seconds
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Do-Harm Medicine

Wesley Smith, lawyer and an award winning author, recognized as an expert thinker in the field of bioengineering and a "Great Defender of Life" for his work against assisted suicide and euthanasia, joins us today as we bask in the glories of the one-star Best Western conference room. Wesley is calling in from Cali - how fortunate he should be deprived the novelties of weak coffee and Todd's disgruntled face as he eats another day-old donut. Of course, the trials we face here pale in comparison with today's topic. Wesley bears much knowledge on bioethics, a field of study that tests the ethics and philosophical implications of medical practices and procedures. With the sanctity of life increasingly questioned, "do-harm medicine" is growing in practice. We live in a backwards world where death is more valued than life, and the disabled not worthy of all the medical efforts. Don't be surprised to find yourself catching your jaw during this one!Links:"The Whispers Of Strangers" by Wesley Smith The Patients Rights Council websiteFree Stuff:We are giving away copies of Wesley Smith's book "Culture of Death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America" this week! Click here to enter to win a copy!
9/28/201636 minutes, 49 seconds
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Tradition is for the Byrd

In Reformed Theology, we hold firm to the tradition of true doctrine - we believe it's invaluable to aiding an understanding of our faith and more importantly we believe scripture to be the supreme and normative source of what we believe. Yet why are so many evangelicals leery of combining the words: 'tradition' and 'true doctrine'? In the end, they help define divine realities, and more importantly, lend accurate descriptions of God. Maybe more alarming is not the lay person who misunderstands traditional doctrine, but those who don't preach it from the pulpit or teach it from the lectern. It's necessary that the Church connect scripture to the traditional doctrinal statements lest she get swept away by every wind of novel doctrine.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled "The Developing Tradition: From the Reformation Until Now". Discount is applied at checkout.
9/21/201622 minutes, 14 seconds
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Imagination Station

Name 10 ways to destroy your child’s imagination. Ok, we'll give you 5 to start: 1. Mechanize your kid, 2. pad their resume, 3. send them to Yale, 4. stifle their natural talents and, if you do nothing else, 5. deter any natural tendency to admire God's vast creation. This is but a taste of the (outlandish?) commentary to expect from Dr. Anthony Esolen, professor of English at Providence College and author of Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child. To those of us glued to our screens or whose suffocated imaginations are inhibited by too many distractions, Dr. Esolen is a breath of fresh air.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled "Children and Parents". Discount is applied at checkout.The Moral Structure of Pedophilia by Anthony EsolenFox News Anchors Stunned - Punked By Guest?  
9/14/201634 minutes, 50 seconds
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Rusty on Resurrection

Today we have Rusty Reno on the line for a special XL Bully Pulpit. Rusty is editor of First Things Magazine, formerly taught theology and ethics at Creighton University, and has authored many theological books of which one is a topic of today's conversation: Resurrecting the Idea of a Christian Society. We are worlds away from the Garden and in the wake of that fateful bite we now navigate amongst many evils. So can we go back to the Garden? What lasting influence do we bring to bear on our pagan societies? Rusty shares quotable insights to sharpen our perspective on these (and many more) questions any Christian should be asking.The Alliance has a copy of Rusty Reno's book entitled Resurrecting the Idea of a Christian Society that we are giving away, enter for your chance to win!
9/7/201636 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Peter Pan Pastor

We're here again with our boy, Max “Rambouski” Benfer. Strangely he always finds our secret bunker! Despite our better judgment, we let him appear on the show … (what can we say, we feel bad for the guy!). He's had quite a colorful past and in his previous life, Max served in men’s ministry - basically calling men to set up camp in Neverland and play in the dirt. In all seriousness, what is men's ministry supposed to look like and what makes it successful? If ministering to the men-folk looks like a pack of Tarzans in the woods while "Jane" stays home, it's time we reconsider our strategy.Please make a donation to the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals so we can continue producing Mortification of Spin. When you donate, please select the category Mortification of Spin so that your gift is designated to the correct ministry. Thank you for your support.
8/31/201628 minutes, 9 seconds
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Pokemon Go … Away!

Are all things being redeemed … even Pokemon Go?! C'mon. We're handing out our very last Desperate Theology award and we hope the winner will take it in stride! In light of Pokemon, Carl, Aimee, and Todd sit down to talk "Hyperreality", that is, the reality that isn't. We live in a world increasingly fixated on what's fabricated. Screens have gripped our eyes and crippled the imagination. "It’s all crap and it’s destroying our souls," says one no-name Englishman. So what is reality and why do we shy away from it? You'd think it's an obvious answer, but how often do we function far from the natural created world before and around us with little awareness?The Alliance has MP3 set that we are really excited to be giving away. It's entitled Developing a Christian Mind by James Boice. It's some of his best messages and it will help you to think biblically about our world.
8/24/201619 minutes, 26 seconds
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Playing Hooky in Church

According to Carl, Aimee & Todd, church membership isn’t an extra-biblical idea, so where does it originate from and what does it even matter? More importantly who does it better: the OPC or the PCA? (Carl's got the answer to that). Once we tease out why church membership is important, what purpose do membership classes serve? What pros are there to having them and for goodness sake, how long should they be?! And surely college or seminary students are off the hook since they are in such a transitory time, and they're taking enough classes. Right?The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is giving away a few copies of The Church: God's Kingdom on Earth, an event featuring the teaching of Rick Phillips, Carl Trueman and several others.
8/17/201633 minutes, 9 seconds
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Bully in the Pulpit

Today's Desperate Theologizer gets a failing grade from MOS, but they need more than a trip to the principal's office to straighten them out. Speaking of authority, the pulpit grants power to those behind it, but sometimes it becomes a weapon taken to extremes. Heavy shepherding, control, throwing your weight around - these are twisted approachs to pastoral ministry that any minister has the temptation to fall into and every lay congregant should be able to recognize. Today's addition of Bully Pulpit is more true to its name than ever.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled "A Pastor's Self Care: Friends and Mentors" by by Daniel Doriani. Discount is applied at checkout.
8/10/201627 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Canon of Scripture

How on earth can we trust the books in the Bible to be the only Word of God, or “canon”, to which no man should add or subtract? What exactly is the canon and why is it important? What are its fundamental flaws, (and if there are any), then how can we be confident in it? The canon can be an intimidating topic so naturally we spared no expense in bringing out the big guns: Michael Kruger. Dr. Kruger is President of Reformed Seminary Charlotte, Samuel C. Patterson Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, and author of numerous books. However, he’s more widely known for being married to Melissa Kruger. Hopefully we will get her on the show soon - but Michael makes for a nice Plan B.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has a few copies of The Heresy of Orthodoxy by Michael J. Kruger that we would like to giveaway.
8/3/201627 minutes, 27 seconds
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Generally Assembled ... Nonsense

Can mercy and grace find their way into your workout? Well, uniting brain and brawn has never been more feasible thanks to the desperate efforts of another Theologizer. In other news: Carl has a piercing question for Todd: “Is your Frat-Boy-Honeymoon period with the PCA over?” General Assembly recently ruffled some feathers, but thankfully they’d never get rid of Systematic Theology or start ordaining women … right?! … or would they?The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled "The Vitality of Reformed Systematic Theology" by Richard Gaffin. Discount is applied at checkout.Valerie Hobbs' article, "What’s in a Name? Critical Reflections on the PCA’s Women in Ministry Study Committee" can be found on the Aquila Report.
7/27/201626 minutes, 55 seconds
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Preaching Theology

Preachers preach theology, but what about our theology on preaching? Should sitting under the preached word take priority over other forms of scriptural intake? What about one-on-one discipleship, small-group Bible studies, biblical counseling, and Christian fellowship - do they take the backseat to sunday morning service? For some of us, a sermon is simply informative, but to others it’s one of God’s means to confront and encourage us in our Christian lives. That said, what’s your theology on preaching, truly and functionally?The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 entitled "The Regulative Principle of Preaching" by Steve Lawson. Discount is applied at checkout.
7/20/201625 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Trinity Debate

The recent Trinity Debate has raised an eyebrow (or two) in both the Protestant and Roman Catholic churches. If you're not in the know by now, we'll give you the twenty-minute brief today. There's more at stake than the ontology and economy of the Trinity.  This also impacts how we view women as well. The Word's alleged submission to the Father in eternity has been used in this debate to provide justification for the authoritarian headship of men over women ... hmm, something's not right here. There are patriarchal undertones to this debate and Carl, Aimee, & Todd have sniffed them out and express serious concern for how this theology can cause great harm within the Church and within marriages.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free pdf booklet download entitled "How to Be Happy as Family" Discount is applied at checkout.
7/13/201625 minutes, 12 seconds
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Eggs Benedict Option?

Today we have Rod Dreher on the show. Rod is a Gumbo-eatin’, Louisiana City-Slickin’ Eastern Orthodox and author. He’s here to explain the Benedict Option, and … we’re still not sure we get it! He talks about moral and civil life, and how Christians ought to live in this crooked world. Rod says preaching of the word and the Benedict Option are the only way forward in sharing our faith with the world around us. Very interesting … please pass the hollandaise!The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled "Christianity & 'Culture Wars'" by Michael Horton. Discount is applied at checkout.
7/6/201630 minutes, 26 seconds
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Sexual Revolution: Take II

In Desperate Theology this week is… it's always 2008 somewhere. Fast forward 8 years and we find our public schools are an ever-increasing world of confusion especially in regards to gender. Is the (latest) Sexual Revolution as bad as it looks? The transgender issue is a fundamental redefinition of personhood with huge implications on the malleable minds of our youth. We fight for hormone-free chickens yet parents are berated (or worse!) for refusing hormone therapy for their "transgender" child. What on earth is happening here? We need to know what we believe and thus equip our children with sound theology to stand firm on Christ the solid rock.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled "Christian Godliness and Holiness: The Importance of Sexuality to the Next Generation" Discount is applied at checkout.The Global Sexual Revolution by Gabriele Kuby
6/29/201626 minutes, 25 seconds
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In The Shadow of the Valley

Most assume sex trafficking starts with a brutal kidnapping - like in a movie. However, it’s often a long process: seduction, coercion, seasoning, and recruiting. VAST (Valley Against Sex Trafficking) works diligently to bring awareness about trafficking while restoring God-given dignity to survivors of this dark market. Heather Evans, co-founder of VAST, is here to share sobering stats, and lessens the appeal and glamour often associated with this social justice movement. Are you part of a middle-class church? Then you worship in one of the most common sources fueling the sex industry due to the common use of pornography - so much to your surprise, this hits quite close to home.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has a few copies of Girls Like Us: Fighting for a World Where Girls Are Not for Sale: A Memoir by Rachel Lloyd that we would like to giveaway.Heather Evans serves at VAST where you can find links to additional resources and does counseling at Evans Counseling Services. She also writes - check out her blog.BooksSomebody's Daughter by Julian SherHands that HealGood News About Injustice by Gary A. HaugenWalking Prey by Holly Austin SmithArticlesReflections on Prostitution Sting (PDF)What I have Learned (PDF)The song at the end of today's episode, "Real", was written by John Hufford. John wrote this song in honor of VAST's ministry to victims of the sex trafficking industry. You can visit his website here. 
6/22/201641 minutes, 50 seconds
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Political Pulpit

Desperate theology has gone viral in the Church of...! Not to worry, we have more class than to spoil the win but let’s just say Liam Goligher will wish he's Welsh after crowning today's Desperate Theologizer. In other news, the Gang discuss some recent pulpits going political. Is Sunday morning an appropriate place to discern whether Hillary or Trump is the godlier vote? Is it wise for pastors to campaign from the pulpit? Today’s conversation is a charge to all ministers: beware the divisive nature of misusing the pulpit!The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled "To Each His Own." Discount is applied at checkout.
6/15/201622 minutes, 29 seconds
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Leave Religion at the Door

Our favorite Catholic is with us again: Dr. Frank “Clinton” Beckwith! Once the laughter subsides, we get to some pressing questions about religion in the public sphere: Can you really leave your religion at the door? What is pure religious liberty? What liberties can we live with, which ones can we live without?The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled The Sovereignty of God and Politics by Dave Chanski. Discount is applied at checkout.
6/8/201629 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Do I Preach!?

On this week’s Desperate Theology, we crown another lucky lady! In other news, Carl & Todd have a question about preference in preaching: what’s the best rule-of thumb … is it best to preach thematically or systematically? Do you go big-picture, dabble in topics, or lead your congregation through a one-book series? What issues does each approach pose? It’s certainly not rocket science but well worth a conversation … (or are the boys making it more complicated than it needs to be?).The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has a few copies of "The Power of Gospel Preaching."The winners are:Jonathan S., Warrior, ALPete W., Bellingham, WADerrick B., Fort Oglethorpe, GAJoseph B., Doylestown, PA
6/1/201618 minutes, 36 seconds
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For Heaven’s Sake!

So if all dogs go to heaven? … where do cats go? Scot McKnight, Julius R. Mantey Chair of of New Testament professor at Northern Seminary and author of Heaven's Promise (today’s giveaway!), joins a discussion on Heaven with Carl, Aimee, and …Tom? Often we get dreamy ideas of heaven’s glories or carried away with people's wild "accounts", but there’s a danger: we can undermine the sufficiency of scripture.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has a few copies of Heaven's Promise by Scot McKnight to giveaway. Sign up for a chance to win.
5/25/201633 minutes, 41 seconds
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Where Can a Woman Teach?

On this week’s edition of Desperate Theology, find out what Presbyterians and Prince have in common. And per popular demand, our three hosts give more clarification on their complementarian views with a specific focus on teaching Sunday School. Things get a bit hostile/it’s basically a bloodbath … (all bet’s on Aimee because she works out!).The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled "How the Word Builds the Church", by Ligon Duncan. Discount is applied at checkout.
5/18/201626 minutes, 42 seconds
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Questions From Cali to Ulster

Hailing from the sunny sands of California to the red-hand of Ulsterland, we have two listeners chiming in with questions for our hosts: “How high or low should the confessional bar be set in church: for the leadership and for the membership?” and, “Do elders have the right to reign you in as a pastor - Who has that sort of dominance in the session?”The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled "What is Happening to the Evangelicals?", by John Armstrong. Discount is applied at checkout.
5/11/201628 minutes, 50 seconds
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Should I Marry a Baptist?

This week's Desperate Theology is a bit of a looney tune. You'll have to grin and bear it to hear Carl, Aimee, and Todd answer a listeners' question: "Should a Paedobaptist marry a … (reformed) Baptist?" It's a legitimate question with legitimate concerns. What of a wife's call to submit ... even if she's opposed to her husband's theological stance on baptism? What about the covenant theology in paedobaptism - do you treasure or toss it to appease your fiance or spouse? And is it wise to overlook your differences until children are part of the equation?We would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled "Marriage and Its Many Problems", by James Boice. Discount is applied at checkout.
5/4/201618 minutes, 21 seconds
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Christian College & The Spirituality Therein

Beloved Covenant College professor, author, and family man, Dr. Kelly Kapic, joins us to talk number 2 pencils and the spirituality of college students. He shares some of his joys teaching at Covenant College, a small private Christian college atop Lookout Mountain, and also voices misconceptions of Christian college. There are some valid concerns Dr. Kapic has for today’s Christian college student yet many encouraging thoughts, too. So what hurdles does a Christian education pose to a students’ spirituality? What invaluable lessons about community and singleness can be gleaned from such a unique institution? And what’s this … the Mad Woman went to Covenant College - who ever let her out of the attic!?The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled "Theological Options in Worldview Formations", by Robert Shelton. Discount is applied at checkout.
4/27/201629 minutes, 44 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Abusive Pulpits

Child abuse … it's not just a Catholic church issue but pervades into the pulpits and pastorate of the Protestant church, too. What measures does your church take in checking the backgrounds and even reputations of its leaders? What cover-ups are there? Is there room for questioning a leader…even leaders with "immaculate" records or "big-names"? The Church must take seriously the damage done when turning a blind eye, misusing grace and mercy at the expense of victims who may remain silent and leaders going unchecked in their power. 1 Timothy and Titus give us ample reason to put our leaders under a magnifying glass so to protect the flock from a potential, even preying shepherd. This is a relevant conversation, one every church should take time to consider and apply.This week on Mortification of Spin, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away Low Deeds in High Places by James Boice as a free audio download. The Discount is applied at checkout.
4/20/201622 minutes, 55 seconds
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Keeping Company with Calvin

With us today is Dr. Scott Manetsch from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. His charge for us is to consider the importance of reading and “knowing” John Calvin. Dr. Manetsch wears many hats: a professor of Church History and the History of Christian thought, author of Calvin’s Company of Pastors, and old friend to Carl Trueman. (It goes without saying, his most trying role is that of his friendship to Carl. Surely heaven’s reward is to be great for such a long-suffering saint!). Tune in to hear Dr. Manetsch attest to Calvin’s exemplary, intense pastoral care as he shares inspiring stories from Calvin’s ministry.Enter to win a free set of MP3 messages by Carl Trueman entitled The Protestant Reformation and John Calvin.The winners are:Chip B., Baltimore, MDMelissa W., Canandaigua, NYBetty S., Peoria, AZMichael H., Montogomery, ALMichael G., Wilmington, DE
4/13/201634 minutes, 18 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: You Snooze You Lose

Two shady sheep wandered into Todd's megachurch today. Skirting by security, Carl and Aimee are incognito to rate Todd's preaching and their notes are ... lacking in content. Aimee's doing her usual multitasking - doodling nun chucks and jotting her grocery list while Carl's a man of one talent today: sleep.  Probably not the shining examples you'd expect but raises an important question: How are we on listening to the preached word? Take it from these two, it's not always easy, especially with Pruitt in the pulpit. Is sitting under God's preached word something we take seriously, strategically, thoughtfully? Are we diligent or complacent, prepared or passive? And is there a difference between listening and hearing? Carl, Aimee & Todd take these questions to task while offering some basic tips and aids for congregants and their covenant children. Listen up, this is something we all need to hear.This week on Mortification of Spin, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away How to Listen to a Bad Sermon by Ligon Duncan as a free audio download. You can also find this free gift on Reformed Resources.
4/6/201616 minutes, 33 seconds
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We Are Family!

The Sledge Sisters sing about it, we are born into one, and it’s God’s idea: Family. So how does family relate to the Church and its grander mission (even the Great Commission!)? What constitutes a family, how does it reflect the image of God and … what about singles? We are joined by John McClean, Vice President of Christ College in Australia, teaches Systematic Theology and Ethics, and was a minister four years at Cowra Presbyterian Church. Dr. McClean discusses family in its biblical nature and purpose. He’s Australian so there’s an unspoken competition between the two foreigners, Carl vying he has the more appealing accent, but let’s be honest … anyone or anything sounds better than an Englishman from Gloucestershire.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled The Covenant of Family, by Joel Nederhood. Discount is applied at checkout.
3/30/201634 minutes, 12 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Giving Witness or Imposing Beliefs?

Round II of Desperate Theology, and the award goes to … The Sacramental Entrepreneur! In other news, the Spin Trifecta has been compromised - Todd has people to see and places to go so couldn't bother with recording, but the show must go on! Carl and Aimee discuss the wisdom and consideration we should exhibit towards our non-believing friends. Do you say grace in front of them at restaurants … in your home … in their home?! Do you give honorable witness or condescending impositions? Something to think and pray about …The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled Offensive Blood, by Robert Godfrey. Discount is applied at checkout.
3/23/201624 minutes, 13 seconds
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Justification - It Matters!

Tom Schreiner graces Studio B to discuss the many benefits, blessings, and payoffs in understanding our justification. Dr. Schreiner is the James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Professor of Biblical Theology, and Associate Dean of the School of Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Enjoy listening in as Dr. Schreiner spills all...Win a free book! We have several copies of Faith Alone: The Doctrine of Justification, Run to Win the Prize, and Magnifying God in Christ to give away. The drawing is closed and the winners are:Faith Alone: The Doctrine of Justification:Thomas P., Milwaukee, WIDane H., Dallas, TXBrendan M., Jacksonville, FLRun to Win the Prize:Hannah H., Grove City, PAFrank A., Conyers, GAJohn B., Jackson, MSMagnifying God in Christ:Jacqueline M., Chicago, ILMike A., Santa Rosa, CATimothy R., Quakertown, PA
3/16/201632 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Spirituality of the Church

This week we start a new segment: Desperate Theology. Tune in each Bully Pulpit for a hilarious insight into the latest theologies out there and how they, at best, can be quite desperate. In other news, the primary goal of today's casual conversation is addressing the significance of the Church's presence in the civic sphere - do we retreat from societal wickedness or attack it? What are the guard rails? What about the individual Christian conscience? What is our real purpose as a Church? In light of the immoral trajectory of our world and its leaders, it's something we ought to consider. The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled The Two Kingdoms, by Michael Horton. Discount is applied at checkout.
3/9/201621 minutes, 20 seconds
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Westminster Preaching Conference: Part II

Welcome back to Westminster Theological Seminary, nestled in the quaint city of Glenside, Pennsylvania where the Preaching Conference is still underway. For this portion, students have submitted thought-provoking questions to our LIVE panel which includes Joel Beeke and Kent Hughes - two men with enough wit and wisdom to put our hosts out of a job!The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled Calvinistic Experimental Preaching by Joel Beeke and The Glory of Christ in the Scriptures by Kent Hughes. Discount is applied at checkout. 
3/2/201642 minutes, 59 seconds
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Men are From Mars

"Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet," (1 Tim. 2:11-12). Aimee would say: What does that even mean?! To which Todd would say: Well, here’s the deal… It's a conversation that raises a brow or two (and often the room temperature!). A women is a helper, a "Necessary Ally", but what is her role in the church especially if she’s gifted in teaching? As the token female, Aimee brings both beauty and brains to an otherwise bald and the bitter situation.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled Phoebe, a Deaconess by James Boice. Discount is applied at checkout.
2/24/201620 minutes, 21 seconds
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Westminster Preaching Conference: Part I

Dr. Joel Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Seminary, joins the Mortification of Spin (again!) on a LIVE panel at the annual Preaching Conference at Westminster Theological Seminary. Dr. Kent Hughes stands in as a “guest host” giving his own Spin on ministry. It's a full auditorium and things are about to get personal. They share everything from how they received the Lord’s call to what they'd do if a congregant claims "I'm not being fed".Win a copy of Mortification of Spin Season Three! We have several copies to giveaway. You may purchase a copy at Reformed Resources. The winners are:Patricia M., Chattanooga, TNBenjamin S., Hillsboro, KSJustin E., Chula Vista, CAJan K., Wooster, OH
2/17/201637 minutes, 55 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Why Does the Devil Have All the Good Music?

Is anything biblically wrong with enjoying secular music … for the glory of God? Perhaps you're a (closet) secular music junkie drumming to The Who, but it’s all King’s College and Sandra McCracken on Sunday mornings. Certainly we know there’s a line, but it can be hard discerning when we’ve crossed it and started abusing our Christian liberty. Besides, some emotionally charged Christian music is as damaging as Boy George.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled Theology 101: For Christian Musicians by John Hannah. Discount is applied at checkout.
2/10/201616 minutes, 17 seconds
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Counseling Wives of Addicts

The toxic effects of Porn addiction go far beyond that of just the addict. What about the wives of addicts? How do they suffer? And what are the Church’s worst mistakes in dealing with the spouse of an unfaithful husband? Today we have Ellen Dykas of Harvest USA to speak to such questions. Ellen is the Women's Ministry Coordinator at Harvest USA which was started and thrives in the heart of Philadelphia, caring for and serving those struggling with sexual issues. Ellen also speaks to parenting children - how do you talk to your explicit material. Today's conversation is a pressing one for the Church to have and one to be continued.Win a free book! We have several copies of iSnooping on Your Kid: Parenting in an Internet World to giveaway.Winners:Marcus W., St. Louis, MOSusan G., Drexel Hill, PAJeff C., Chambersburg, PALinda H., Rockford, ILAshley S., Irmo, SCFrancis L., Tucson, AZPhilip W., Owatonna, MNLee V., Fort Mitchell, KYShane S., Boomfield, CORachelle H., Milton, FL
2/3/201633 minutes, 13 seconds
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Bunk History

Henry Ford says: "History is bunk." But does the past give identity to the present? How does understanding history liberate us in the present, and even the future? And as a Christian, is it important to know church history? Today's conversation is right down the alley of our in-house Church Historian, Carl R. Trueman, and he's got the gift of the gab on this one!Win a free audio set! We have a few copies of Justification in Church History to giveaway.Winners:Steve H., Millersville, PATimoteo S., Herndon, VAAndrew J., New Port Richey, FLCaleb C., Salem, ORRobert T., Westchester, ILRebecca M., Mcalester, OK
1/27/201625 minutes, 29 seconds
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Clergical Clarification

Church government... Could you pass a quiz on what each office does? Do you think your Pastor is the Ecclesistical CEO? Today the roles and tasks are defined with particular focus on the Elder - both teaching and ruling and what happens when there's conflict between the two. This conversation strikes a chord if you serve on a session, and grants all a bit of clarity about those ruling and teaching over us.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled Curse on the Clergy by Dr. James Boice. Discount is applied at checkout.
1/20/201631 minutes, 39 seconds
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Bi-vocation is the New Black

Times are getting tough for Churches and it's not just spiritual strains they are feeling. Should pastors-to-be change their expectations from full-time to part-time pastoral ministry? Bi-vocational ministry may be the latest fashion raising more eyebrows than ever before ... and should be discussed more often in seminary classrooms. Join us in today's casual conversation about the future of the pastorate and the need vocational expectations to change.We have a few copies of The Pastor's Book: A Comprehensive and Practical Guide to Pastoral Ministry by Kent Hughes to giveaway.The giveaway has ended. The winners are:David K., Wayne, NJDane C., Mariposa, CA
1/13/201618 minutes, 48 seconds
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All Dogs Go To Heaven

Eschatology … it’s about the already and not yet, a key concept in making sense of our lives, and even more specifically, our marriages. To help us understand this, we have with us today Dr. Gregory Beale, Westminster professor of New Testamemt studies. We ask him some pretty tough questions: How would eschatology explain divorce? How do you prepare young men for the pastorate? And Todd’s itching to know, do all dogs go to heaven?The drawing is closed for  "Hidden But Now Revealed: A Biblical Theology of Mystery" by G. K. Beale.The winners are:-Greg W., Palmyra, PA-Walton G., Clemson, SC-Jason B., John's Creek, GA-Lisa S., Guntersville, AL-Tabitha M., Fernandina, FL-Gary S., Arvada, CO-Brice G., Martinsville, IN-Paul S., San Diego, CA-Billy J., Pall Mall, TN
1/6/201636 minutes, 20 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: The Food’s Getting Cold

The Gang are out for a quick bite to eat at K.C.’s Alley. Todd’s struggling, he’s so eager for that first bite of veggie burger. But who will pray, and for how long, and do they even need to pray?! We’ve all found it distracting to bless our food at a restaurant or hesitated to bow our heads before non-Christians, or even with a Non-Christian, yet we are all called to pray, and sometimes it isn’t behind a shut door or in the quietness of our hearts. Today’s a discussion highlights the importance and purpose of public prayers … something we all ought to consider. Enjoy your burger, Todd.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled Holy Prayers of a Righteous People by Phil Johnson. Discount is applied at checkout.
12/30/201518 minutes, 4 seconds
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Are You Qualified by Your House?

Household management: It is a Biblical qualification for ministry and one to be taken seriously. So when is one actually disqualified for the ministry by the way he runs his home? What does good management even look like? The finger is easily pointed at children, but maybe it's how the father reacts to his child’s behavior that’s more telling. There's no easy answer on this one, but it's one requiring much discernment in studying Paul’s litmus test in 1 Timothy 3.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled Recovering Pastoral Piety by David Strain. Discount is applied at checkout.
12/23/201526 minutes, 35 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Public Pulpit Prayer

Public pulpit prayer can be real hit or miss these days, even a lost art. So what’s the criteria for a good prayer? Are they best on-the-fly or written, and is it more biblical one way or the other? The 40-somethings answer these and many more questions today and give their usual food for thought. Resources mentioned on Public Pulpit Prayer: The Book of Common Prayer Valley of Vision Leading in Prayer: A Workbook for Worship by Hughes Oliphant Old The Pastor in Prayer by Charles Spurgeon Thoughts on Public Prayer by Samuel Miller The Pastor’s Book by Kent Hughes. A Method for Prayer by Matthew Henry    
12/16/201522 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Pleasure Principle

Q: What is man's chief end? A: Man's chief end is to live an exciting life of stimulation, importance, void of boredom and monotony. Many Christians could easily spot the fault here, however, more functionally believe this than they’d like to admit. A major misconception thrives in today's contemporary culture in that all of life must be entertaining and the Church has not been spared this impoverished worldview. Perhaps the beloved hymn has it all wrong and we’re more prone to boredom than to wander. Life is frustratingly boring at times and that's not something to escape, just a reality. So let's grin and bear it.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled Ordinary Holiness by Mike Horton. Free discount applied at checkout.
12/9/201527 minutes, 40 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Navel-Gazing Translations

Seems every category of person needs their own make of Bible these days in order to really read it, “for themselves”. What does this say about our culture, and even more, the Church? Have we grown so individualized that even our Bible translations aid in our navel gazing? Is the Word being manipulated or used as commercial even consumeristic gain instead of the ordinary means of growth in Christian faith. Let’s hope a version for the Bald & Bitter is published soon - Aimee would hate for Todd & Carl to feel left out!The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled The Bible, The Gospel, and Jesus: Rightly Handling the Word of God by David Garner. Free discount applied at checkout.  
12/2/201516 minutes, 39 seconds
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Pornography: A Perpetual Pastoral Problem

There’s a lot of talk [ah-boat] pornography these days. Christian author and blogger, Tim Challies, even calling it “the primary pastoral issue of the church”. Tim lends insights from his pastoral perspective and the call to fight this particular lust of the flesh by seeking holiness. In the wider world, pornography can be excused as just part of being a man, but that view isn’t one the Church holds. If you’re a pastor, or training to be one, you will inevitably face shepherding sheep who fall to this darkness and its many lies.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled Biblical Sexuality for Married and Single Christians by Tim Geiger.  
11/25/201537 minutes, 1 second
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Bully Pulpit: The Art of Application

Sermon applications … they're important and can be a real hit or miss. So how should we think of making them from the pulpit and implementing them from the pew? As a pastor, should you aim to include the big picture of the gospel in every sermon, or would that be a stretch? And if you don’t, have you abandoned an unspoken sermon formula? Today’s conversation is extremely practical and relevant to pastors but also helpful to those who sit under them.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled The Origin of the Three-Point Sermon​ by Dennis Prutow.  
11/18/201515 minutes, 30 seconds
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Pink Theology

Today we have Hannah Anderson on the line. Hannah is a pastor's wife, blogger, author of "Made For More", and co-host on the podcast, Persuasian. Usually holding her own among the fellas, Aimee’s glad for more estrogen on the show. Hannah asks pointed questions for the Church today: Where do women belong and do we have a strong or weak ecclesialogy about their roles in the church? From a Complementarian perspective, answering that question on the local church level is pretty straightforward, but what about parachurch organizations? Might a woman speaking at a conference, in fact, be preaching a sermon before the men attending? It's a good question that stirs necessary conversation about definitions and ecclesiology.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled Masculinity and Femininity under God​ by Elisabeth Elliott.
11/11/201528 minutes, 21 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: The Lord’s Supper (Part 2)

Exclusion of the Lord's table - it is both a severe mercy and primary act of church discipline and something our hosts have given witness to in their own churches. Carl, Aimee, & Todd share insights from this discipline, the beauty it can yield, and some other odds and ends: Do you take communion while visiting other churches? Grape juice or wine? Serve it weekly or monthly? And most importantly: is gluten free bread an abomination to the Lord's table? It's that and so much more this week on Mortification of Spin!The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled The Faith Once Delivered: Re-establishing our communion with the saints of old by Anthony Carter.  
11/4/201523 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Visibly Invisible Church

An impostor host has taken over! Only his second time on the show and he wants to call all the shots! Tune in to hear who our first-time honorary host is as Carl, Aimee & Todd discuss the invisible Church. So who decides who's in or who's out of the Church? Does the visible church negate the invisible one? They answer these questions and address the charge for church membership. Membership is becoming somewhat a novelty, even "old-fashioned" in an age of incessant church shoppers and non-commitals. We are embodied souls. Bodies are important, so its pertinent we put those bodies in a pew on a regular basis!The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled Reformation of the Church: Future of the Bright New Church by Craig Troxel.
10/28/201531 minutes, 10 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: The Lord’s Supper (Part I)

This week Carl, Aimee, & Todd chew on the significance and mystery behind the bread and wine of the Lord's Supper. There are many different views on this sacrament, and more ink was spilt over this particular issue in the Reformation than any other! So what are the elements? What is the theology behind them, and what do we receive from communion that we cannot from the preached word?The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled Justification in Union with Christ by Ligon Duncan.  
10/21/201520 minutes, 10 seconds
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Puritans, Piety, & Prodigals

Reverend Joel Beeke joins us today to talk piety and backsliding. Joel has faithfully pastored for 37 years having served 29 of them at Heritage Reformed church in Grand Rapids, is President of Puritan Reformed Seminary, and has authored numerous books on the puritan writings. So why read the Puritans? Joel's answers are convicting! If you don't own any John Owen books, you will want to by the end of this show. The hosts also ask about cultivating holiness: What does it look like? How do we avoid mediocrity in your faith? And what about backsliding… how do you know you're inching back into the world? Backsliding is something none of us are immune to, so give heed to Joel's wise words and encouragements.    
10/14/201528 minutes, 4 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Emotional Exhibitionism

Due to some technical difficulties (yes, even recording equipment has not escaped the Fall), we've reached into the vault to resurrect a conversation that's as relevant as it was when we first aired it last May. It never hurts to hear some good truths twice, especially when it concerns the prevalence of emotional exhibitionism in today's church. From blogs to the pulpit, how much is too much? The Spinners discuss TMI and the wisdom in less being more!The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer a free MP3 download! Head to to download a free copy of James Boice's sermon entitled, "Mind Renewal in a Mindless Age: Part 1"   
10/6/201514 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Inside Out of The Insider Movement

The Insider Movement … what is it? Well, we've pulled out the big guns to ensure we got a good answer, and his name is Dr. David Garner. He's Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, and he's even willing to say he's friends with Carl Trueman. Aside from his charitable friendship to Carl, Dr. Garner is extremely knowledgable on the Insider Movement. He articulates a historically rich, educated response to the hosts' questions while voicing concerns the church should have about this movement. Dr. Garner also shares on the importance of attending seminary from three perspectives: seminary grad, professor, and pastor.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer a free MP3 download! Head to to download a free copy of James Boice's sermon entitled, "A Plea for Missions"David Garner's articles on the insider Movement:1. Jennings and Garner On the PCA's Response to Insider Movements2. Jennings and Garner First Rejoinders3. Jennings and Garner Final Responses
9/30/201527 minutes, 17 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Train Up a Child to Read

Proverbs 22:6 says: "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." Apart from teaching your child the living Word, there are other means to teach them the doctrines we hold fast to and few things capture their mind quite like a good children's book. Do you feel confident about what books to read to your children or use during family devotions? In a sea of options, it can be difficult finding books that possess both sound words and captivating illustrations. Thankfully, the Spin Crew have done their homework and offer a helpful handful of suggestions for our covenant children.The givaway for "Dangerous Journey: A Vision for the Christian Life," an MP3 set by Derek Thomas has ended. The winners are:Browyn-Kate K, Lancaster, TXAmanda D, Denver, COKevin T, Rockford, ILGregory T, Oregon City, ORSuzanne M, Elk Grove, CAYou can own a copy of "Dangerous Journey: A Vision for the Christian Life," by ordering it at Reformed Resources.
9/23/201519 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Breakfast Club

Next stop: Mortification Elementary! Carl, Aimee & Todd are on the big yellow bus shootin' the breeze about school. It's a hard conversation in the church and can become a heated one, too! Do you take your kids to public school or do you homeschool? Is it the role of the church to answer that or is it a matter of freedom and conscious? What does scripture even say about education?! Our hosts are parents who've had to ask these very things, and like many questions in life, the answers aren't as black and white as you might think.The giveaway has ended for "Christian Liberty," an MP3 set of messages from Dr. James Boice. The winners are:Sharon B, Havertown, PARon P, Murfreesboro, TNShawn M, Morrison, COJames S, Springfield, VAKevin F, Joliet, ILYou can purchase a copy directly from the Alliance at 
9/16/201528 minutes, 5 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: The Scarlet Letter

There's a searing spotlight on adultery in today's headlines, highlighting the recent blow up of the Ashley Madison hack that exposed many - and church leaders were among the fallen. Carl, Aimee, & Todd discuss the havoc such sin wreaks on the sinner, the cost to the spouse, and their children. The Spinning Trifecta also addresses some misconceptions about sin such as, "All sin is the same in God's eyes," and they look into what Jesus means in Matthew 5:28. Reality is, none of us are immune to sin, even the most grievous, so how do we go about protecting ourselves from falling in this very particular way? For this week's Bully Pulpit, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give you a free MP3 download, "The Westminster Assembly on Marriage and Divorce," by Richard Gamble. You can download your free audio message at Reformed Resources.
9/9/201526 minutes, 18 seconds
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Excommunication: Why? How?

Carl & Todd have really done it now. The Puppetmaster is about to pull the plug and poor Aimee appears to have gotten roped in, too. They'll undergo some serious trial and may face a mortifying …excommunication?! It could get ugly. So what do we think or even know about excommunication? It's a hard decision for a church to make and hard for any layperson to watch, let alone undergo. Yet the Bible spins it as vital, healthy, and positive. So what do you tell the congregation about discipline cases? How much is too much information? This episode is all about the how, why, and what of excommunication. As for our hosts, no need to worry. Aimee, despite being thrown under the bus, takes the brunt of the boys' malarky and coerces the Puppetmaster to mercy. The show will go on!The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer a free MP3 download! Head to to download a free copy of Mark Dever's message from the 2003 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology entitled, "Church Discipline vs. Evangelism?" 
9/2/201528 minutes, 18 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Openness Unhindered Part Two

Carl, Aimee, & Todd continue their discussion on Rosaria Butterfield's latest book: Openness Unhindered, in which they respond specifically to her thoughts on and approach to Christian fellowship and hospitality. So how do you and your church fair in these areas? Is hospitality a characteristic of God? Rosaria's missional way of life is both humbling and challenging, offering serious food for thought on how you open your home and share your table and life with those in your community.The Giveaway is closed. Winners will be announced soon.For this week's Bully Pulpit, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away a couple free copies of Rosaria Butterfield's new book, Openness Unhindered. You can enter here for a chance to win, or purchase this product on Reformed Resources.
8/26/201524 minutes, 12 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Openness Unhindered

Rosaria Butterfield, former advocate and participant of the LGBT agenda, now converted Christian living a heterosexual lifestyle, has authored two books and speaks publicly about her homosexual past, unlikely conversion, and present life of faith and repentance. Carl, Aimee & Todd discuss her new book Openness Unhindered: Further Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert on Sexual Identity and Union with Christ. They appreciate but also challenge some of Rosaria's thoughts. If you have not read it, there's good reason to remedy that, and very soon. In light of all the misguided and unbiblical writings on issues surrounding sexual identity, Rosaria's book is both refreshing and helpful. Be sure to tune in August 26th to hear the hosts' final thoughts on Rosaria's latest read.The Giveaway is closed. Winners will be announced soon.For this week's Bully Pulpit, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away a couple free copies of Rosaria Butterfield's new book, Openness Unhindered. You can enter here for a chance to win, or purchase this product on Reformed Resources.
8/12/201525 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Sound of Silence

Shhh, you mustn't speak a peep. Our hosts are pacing the grounds at a monastery pondering the painful sound of silence. They wonder: "Why is the church so quiet, turning a blind eye to outrageously unbiblical issues? Why is there growing ambiguity on doctrine and confession within the Christian world?" The hosts discuss how the evangelical world has grown poor in voicing its beliefs, standing firm on Biblical principles, and seems conforming to the tolerant ideals of the world. Do we shrink from declaring the whole counsel of God? This isn't a question for just those standing behind the pulpit but also those sitting in the pews. The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer a drawing for a free MP3 set! We have a few copies of "How Firm a Foundation," an MP3 set of messages from the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology that we would like to give away. You can enter the drawing here, or you can purchase a copy directly from the Alliance at 
8/5/201525 minutes, 49 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: The Luxury of Nominalism

There are some Christians who are neither hot nor cold - it's what we'd call nominalism and it's nothing new in today's Church. So how do we approach "Christians," having the appearance of godliness, or non-Christians clothed as sheep among the flock? Christ has not only broken the curse of sin but also its power over us. This should be clear in the mind of the Christian but in today's church, it's vogue to be vague.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give you a free MP3 download by James Boice titled "Christ's Prayer for the Church." You can download this product for free at Reformed Resources.
7/29/201523 minutes, 58 seconds
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Don’t Forget the Little People

Outside Gold's Gym in sunny Cali, our beach-buff Spinners await Max Benfer, a friend and pastor of Meadowcroft Church (PCA). As they pump iron, they discuss Max's call to the pastorate, roles, and the challenges of the ordinary pastor. For instance, when you're the pastor, who shepherds the pastor? Like many, Max is still figuring out the balance of his pastoral responsibilities, personal needs, and family time. Max also reveals he's a pastor with a past. If you're a minister, this episode should encourage you in your call. If you're a congregant, it should help you gain perspective on the trying task of shepherding. The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer a drawing for a free book! We have a few copies of "Holiness in the Office of the Pastor,"  an MP3 set of messages from the 2014 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology by Phil Johnson that we would like to give away. You can enter the drawing here, or you can purchase a copy directly from the Alliance at
7/22/201526 minutes, 18 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: A Holy Deficit

One of our hosts is missing today which means there's less troubling a'brewin' on the air. The two "left behind" discuss the call to holiness on Church leaders, with specific emphasis on the pastor. It seems there is a deficiency in godliness these days, and even a more common (or perhaps just more publicized) exposure of moral nose-dives in which pastors crash & burn. What's happening?! Have piety & obedience fallen on hard times? Does a man's godliness hold any weight in the effectiveness of his ministry? Listen to what our hosts think as they draw from their own experience and Paul's teachings. It's no spoiler to say: The call to holiness is real and damage is done when sins are swept under the sanctuary rug.For this week's episode, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away a free MP3 download by James Boice titled "Godliness: A Great Gain." You can download this product for free at Reformed Resources.
7/15/201530 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ash to Ashes

Job: it’s one of the darkest, most troubling, and misunderstood books in the Bible. Christopher Ash, Director of the Cornhill Training Course of Proclamation Trust in London and council member of Tyndale House in Cambridge, has authored a worthwhile book on Job. Carl, Aimee, & Todd sit down to discuss Job: The Wisdom of the Cross, a commentary in the Preaching the Word series. In the book Ash breaks down everything from the difficult conversations with Job’s friends to God’s purpose in redemptive suffering. The main focus of today’s casual conversation:...the leviathan. So is it a dinosaur or what?The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer a drawing for a free book! We have a few copies of Job: The Widsom of the Cross by Christopher Ash that we would like to give away. You can enter the drawing here.
7/8/201527 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: ”Call Me… Contradiction”

Sex change operations have been around for some time but with recent headlines about "Caitlyn" Jenner, transgender issues are a hot topic and something every Christian must be discerning about. So how should we think of our bodies? Is a sex change gender denial, body mutilation, or result of a mental disorder? If someone is converted after they've had a sex change … what then? Should they reverse the operation? Pastors, this is a show you can't miss. The probability of facing this scenario in your congregation is real and the malleable minds of covenant children are in need of godly wisdom to offset enticing, secular lies. As the Kinks said: "It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world," and they've never been more right.For this week's Bully Pulpit, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away a couple free copies of Biblical Personhood and Gender Confusion. You can enter here for a chance to win, or purchase this product on Reformed Resources.
7/1/201525 minutes, 10 seconds
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Reclaiming Reverence

How does one approach God in reverence? Is it a tone?... a feeling?... an outward posture? Seems a lot of confusion surrounds our understanding of God’s holiness. Of course, it doesn’t help that we live in an irreverent age that’s traded structured sobriety for what’s casual and comfortable. And what about humor? When is it appropriate and should it be present in the pulpit? To answer these tough questions, we called on the most irreverent people we know... Carl, Aimee, & Todd.If this week's Mortification of Spin has benefited you, then you will be interested in Taught by the Word to Worship by Peter Lillback, a free audio download from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can download this product from Reformed Resources.
6/25/201528 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Bookworms & Beach Bums

OK kids, it’s summer and your reading list is out! Grab your flip flops, sunscreen, a good read and join the Spin Gang by the shore. My my, Todd's looking rather bronzed in his white-beater and Bermuda shorts - those trips to the tanning salon really paid off. Aimee’s shownin' off her beach-smarts in an SPF 100 denim jumper - class! As for Carl, he was last seen turning 50 shades of red seeking refuge at the cabana… Zinfandel in hand. Scandal! So clearly our team doesn't do the beach well but at least they're well-read! Hear them share what they'll be reading this summer - it's an interesting mix of theological and fictional books to enhance any beach-bumming experience you may have planned this season.For this week's Bully Pulpit, The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away a couple free copies of Developing a Christian Mind: Learning to Think and Act Biblically w/ Study Guide by James Boice. You can enter here for a chance to win, or purchase this product on Reformed Resources.MoS's Summer Reading ListTodd: The Church of Christ - James BannermanStalin: Volume I: Paradoxes of Power - Stephen KotkinThe Buried Giant - Kazuo IshiguroThe World Beyond Your Head - Matthew CrawfordThe Critic's Companion to the Works of Carl Trueman by Todd PruittCarl:Paradise Lost - John MiltonJane Eyre - Charlotte BronteIn the Company of Preachers - Richard LischerShop Class as Soul Craft - Matthew Crawford Aimee:Hidden But Now Revealed: A Biblical Theology of Mystery - G.K. Beale and Benjamin LaddA Severe Mercy - Sheldon VanaukenJournibles Short stories - Flannery O'Connor 
6/17/201516 minutes, 49 seconds
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Depression: Purposed Pain

Is depression a sin? Can a Christian be depressed and still godly? Thankfully we have pastor David Murray chiming in with his wisdom on the matter. David has authored many books, and a few of them deal with the topic of depression: The Happy Christian and Christians Get Depressed Too. In the Reformed tradition we believe our whole bodies are fallen, falling apart, and in the case of Carl’s hair, falling out. So how should we view depression in light of that? David & Co. confront the theology shaping our thoughts on depression and the difference knowing God can make for the depressed believer.This week the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a chance to win David Murray's The Happy Christian. You can enter here to win, or visit Reformed Resources to purchase this product.
6/10/201529 minutes, 45 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Beg to Differ

Just back from Yale, Carl & Todd try not to make Aimee feel too bad for missing out on their trip. While at Yale, they shared tables with great thinkers, enjoyed dinners and other pleasantries, but it sometimes seems that no matter where these boys go trouble, dispute, and controversy are sure to follow. Their discussions with others raised an important question: how do we disagree with fellow man, even fellow Christians, in an honorable, civilized, and godly way? The boys share anecdotes from their travels and needless to say, it's a helpful conversation on how we deal with controversy without abandoning our Christian manners.If you have enjoyed this Bully Pulpit then you will benefit from Kosher Cooking and all That by James Boice as a free audio download from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can also find this product on Reformed Resources.
6/3/201520 minutes, 48 seconds
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Forever Young

“Let no one despise you for your youth.” Those were Paul’s words to Timothy. But is that even an issue in today’s culture obsessed with catering to and seeking youthfulness? Youth is highly prized, while seasoned, wise leaders are tossed to the curb. So many churches have turned to attractive, cool, yet inept leaders who have more swagger than biblical knowledge. So how is this damaging the Church and what does it mean to have biblical church leadership that’s more useful than it is hip? Thankfully some churches still hire unpopular nerds like Todd & Carl who possess more Biblical know-how than chic, and we've got Aimee to validate that.If this week's Mortification of Spin has benefit you then you will be interested in Ministry in the Church by Eric Alexander as a free audio download from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can also find this product on Reformed Resources.
5/27/201527 minutes, 24 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: You Snooze You Lose

Two shady sheep wandered into Todd's megachurch today. Skirting by security, Carl and Aimee are incognito to rate Todd's preaching and their notes are ... lacking in content. Aimee's doing her usual multitasking - doodling nun chucks and jotting her grocery list while Carl's a man of one talent today: sleep.  Probably not the shining examples you'd expect but raises an important question: How are we on listening to the preached word? Take it from these two, it's not always easy, especially with Pruitt in the pulpit. Is sitting under God's preached word something we take seriously, strategically, thoughtfully? Are we diligent or complacent, prepared or passive? And is there a difference between listening and hearing? Carl, Aimee & Todd take these questions to task while offering some basic tips and aids for congregants and their covenant children. Listen up, this is something we all need to hear.This week on Mortification of Spin, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away How to Listen to a Bad Sermon by Ligon Duncan as a free audio download. You can also find this free gift on Reformed Resources.
5/20/201519 minutes, 32 seconds
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Defending Life & Understanding Identity Politics

Where do our rights come from: God or Government? As Christians, how are we using (or should we say misusing) our American liberties? What does God have to say about abortion and sexual identity? These are pressing questions during an era submerged in promoting pro-choice and normalizing immoral sexual agendas. As Christians, we must know our stance. Frank Beckwith, professor of ethics, philosophy, and religion at Baylor University, and author of Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice, joins today's conversation. Hear Frank's fascinating defense against a society that twists virtue and hails immorality.For this week's Mortification of Spin, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away some free copies of God's Servant in Christian Liberty MP3 set. If you do not recieve a free copy, you can also find these messages on Reformed Resources.
5/13/201529 minutes, 28 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Revisiting an Old Favorite

Time for another book review, and we're giving this one three thumbs up! Our hosts discuss the recent republication of The Church of Christ, a classic of Scottish Presbyterian polity and theory by James Bannerman. This book highlights the Church's role, power, and importance during a time the world (and even Christians!) struggles to see its purpose. Does the church stand a chance in societies that continually belittle its values and undermine its presence? Not surprisingly, the world is growing more uncomfortable for Christians, so we must purpose to understand what God intended for His Bride and keep heart. Bannerman helps us do just that.This week The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give you the opportunity to win a free copy of James Bannerman's The Church of Christ. You can enter here to win a free copy of this timeless work.Additional ResourcesThe Post-Indiana Future for Christians
5/6/201518 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to Help When There is Abuse

Domestic violence and sexual abuse are not easy topics to discuss, but they are ones every church leader must know how to address. Justin & Lindsey Holcomb, authors of Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault, and Is It My Fault?: Hope and Healing for Those Suffering Domestic Violence, join the show today. What must a church do to promote a culture where victims feel safe to open up? What should pastors and church leadership do when a congregant reports a case of domestic violence or abuse? What the Holcombs say is as helpful as it is sobering - it's a conversation every pastor should heed.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away a free audio download - Not in my Church! Tackling Sexual Sin and Sexual Sinners with Gratitude by David Garner. You can also find this message and others at Reformed Resources.Additional Resources: G.R.A.C.E. (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Enviornment)God Made All of Me: A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies
4/29/201536 minutes, 21 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Can’t Have Your Cake & Eat It Too

Most of us know how we'd answer when asked to officiate, attend, or participate in a homosexual wedding, but what about baking the cake? Recently the media is all over Christian bakers who refuse to bake cakes for such unions. It's hitting close to home and those in the pew are feeling the pinch. So is it a church discispline issue if a Christian offers his or her creative talents and business services to a homosexual wedding, or is it merely a matter of conscious? Piece of cake, right? Carl, Aimee, and Todd have to admit, this ain't no cake walk! Listen as they reason and navigate this sticky situation and offer a pastoral response. On the topic of marriage, sexuality, and gender the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away free downloads to The Church's Response - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly by Rosaria Butterfield. You can also find this free gift on Reformed Resources.For Further Reading:A Note From Creator CakesMainstreaming Homosexuality
4/22/201520 minutes, 34 seconds
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100th Episode: Taking Care of Business

Today we celebrate a momentous feat in reformed evangelical church history: Mortification of Spin’s 100th episode! Carl and Todd reminisce about “The Golden Age”, Aimee highlights Carl’s inability to pronounce the English language, and all three discuss the spin they mortified this last year. It's full of the typical spinful banter and helpful take-aways from times past. In 100 episodes, one thing is for certain: As Aimee’s skin has thickened, Carl & Todd's hair has not. So come join the casual celebration of this 100th conversation as our hosts do what they do best: take care of business.  The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to celebrate the 100th Mortification of Spin Episode by giving away the Mortification of Spin anthology - both seasons produced so far. You can enter here for a chance to win. You can also purchase season 1 and season 2 of Mortification of Spin on
4/15/201529 minutes, 51 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Reinventing the Worship Wheel

“Well-rounded ministry is relatively rare today ... ‘while in God’s grace, there is an encouraging number of bright spots in the church, we see no broad movement yet of this gospel–centered ministry.’ […] We want more gospel-shaped churches,” according to the Gospel Coalition, launching their new 'Gospel-Shaped Church' series of books and DVDs. So have we missed the mark and been doing worship all wrong for hundreds of years? What makes a church "gospel-shaped" anyway? With all due respect, why recreate the wheel and abandon the greats of old who thoughtfully hammered out the basic elements of worship for us? Carl, Aimee, and Todd have plenty to say on the Gospel and its “shapes.” If you have benefited from listening to this week's Bully Pulpit then you will enjoy Reformed Worship Mistakes to Avoid by Terry Johnson, a free digital audio download from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can also get your free gift from Reformed Resources.
4/8/201518 minutes, 4 seconds
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To Read or to Burn, That is the Question

Is it wise to recommend authors or quote those you don't agree with? Or is that playing with fire? What reasons justify avoiding a book or author altogether? Carl & Todd stand in agreement - you can respect, disagree with, or even dislike authors you quote. Exhibit A: Aimee Byrd. Joking aside, what's the rule of thumb here? From a preacher's perspective, Carl & Todd lend helpful insights for pastors from pastors and Aimee gives us her usual food for thought. If you have enjoyed this week's Bully Pulpit then you will want Significant Theological Works in the Past 50 years by Douglas Kelly as a free audio download from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can also find your free gift at Reformed Resources.
4/1/201530 minutes, 41 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Sex In The City Church

City Church San Francisco recently wrote a letter about their views and ministry towards those attending City and associate with LGBTQ. City Church now affirms that homosexual sex is justified within the context of marriage. How should we respond to this? Surely the Church welcomes sinners, otherwise Her pews would be empty, but why has City gone so far to disregard scripture? With any sin, there can be real physical dangers aside from the obvious spiritual ones. Carl, Aimee, & Todd do not shy away from speaking up and sharing their concerns on the matter. They also offer some helpful resources you'll want to read.If you have enjoyed this week's instalment of Bull Pulpit you will benefit from a free gift from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Pagan Sexuality by Peter Jones. You can also find your free audio download at Reformed Resources.
3/25/201519 minutes, 19 seconds
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Losing Loved Ones, Keeping Faith

Today a motion, only the second of its kind in history, is made on the Spin; one that is, as Todd so eloquently puts it: " Presbyterian." Joining the Crew for such an honor is Nancy Guthrie. An author, teacher, and speaker, Nancy joins the team to talk about bereavement. Having lost two children, she understands the shadow that grief and tragedy can cast on one's faith. Is God as sovereign over the days of healthy children who will know a "full" life as he is over the one born with a rare syndrome who dies "before his time?" Has God been absent and uncaring? Listen to Nancy's responses, which offer powerful theological truths any Christian can cling to in times of suffering and loss. If you have enjoyed today's conversation you will appreciate The Cross and Suffering by Ligion Duncan as a free audio download from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can also find this free gift on Reformed Resources.You can also find additional resources from Nancie Gutherie with the following ministries:Respite RetreatSeeing Jesus in the Old TestamentGrief Share 
3/18/201529 minutes, 17 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Luther on the Christian Life

While Carl, known in some circles as RevMaster T, is off touring Australia with Lecrae, Aimee and Todd discuss the latest book on Luther with its token, British author. The book, Luther on the Christian Life, was written for the Church with a pastoral emphasis in mind, so it’s far from just another academic read. Its author has penned much on Luther before but even he was surprised by new findings about the legendary, revolutionary theologian. Listen to the end for a taste of The RevMaster’s latest work - a rap sensation that's exploding on YouTube.If you found this week's Bully Pulpit thought provoking, you may enjoy We Are Beggars: Luther's Famous Last Words by Carl Trueman, a free audio dowload from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can also visit Reformed Resources to recieve this free gift and other great resources from the Alliance.And order your copy of Luther on the Christian Life: Cross and Freedom from today!
3/11/201518 minutes, 25 seconds
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Baptist Calvinists?

Tom Ascol, Executive Director of Founders Ministries, author, and pastor, joins the Spin Crew for a riveting conversation on Calvinism in the Southern Baptist Convention. Are Calvinists and Baptists so oil-and-water after all? Tom speaks on why Baptists do what they do, and the Gang gets down to business asking some important questions: Are all southerners die-hard tailgaters or does Tom Ascol break the mold? And when will he retire to that Harley Davidson he deserves? But most important, will Tom reprimand our three hosts for leaving their Baptist roots? So much to discuss, so little time. It's another conversation that'll have your head spinning!If you have enjoyed this week's Mortification of Spin then you will benefit from The Five Points of Calvinism by Roger Nicole as a free audio download from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can recieve your gift at Reformed Resources.
3/4/201526 minutes, 6 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Keep the Sabbath Holy

It's Oscar Sunday and gracing the red carpet tonight are our very own podcast "superstars," Carl, Aimee, & Todd. As they await the chance to mingle with the famous (and infamous), they reflect on what it will be like to get a selfie with Lecrae and what Sabbath observance even means. It's a difficult and pressing question for Christians, (the Sabbath, not Lecrae-selfies), and it seems that many don't grasp the kindness in God's 4th commandment. Doesn't church hold us back from "better" leisures on Sunday? And is it so bad to forego public worship to seek trivial, even "restful" affairs? It's a glamorous conversation on a night like this as the Gang push back the paparazzi by the droves.This week The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you The Christian Sabbath by Stephen Miller, a free audio download. You can find this free offer on Reformed Resources.
2/25/201517 minutes, 14 seconds
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When You Know You’re Dying

Today our hosts have a meaningful, sober conversation with Todd Billings: author, pastor, and professor at Western Theological Seminary. Todd has been diagnosed with a rare, and for him terminal, form of cancer: Multiple Myeloma. He shares some of his experience and hope amidst acute awareness of his mortality, and how to, with strength and godliness, face death. Cancer affects some of us, either directly or indirectly, so Todd's words of trust in God's providence, Scripture, and prayer are helpful and relevant. Touching on points he raises in his book, Rejoicing in Lament: Wrestling with Incurable Cancer and Life in Christ, Todd lends insights on ways to encourage those suffering with serious illness. This is a conversation you're not likely to forget. This week the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away some copies of Todd Billings' book Rejoicing in Lament, enter here for a chance to win. You can also purchase this product at Reformed Resources.The song featured at the end of this program is Nathan Clark George's rendition of Psalm 27 from The Book of Psalms for Worship.
2/18/201533 minutes, 39 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: More Canadian Bacon

Carl, Aimee & Todd find themselves in the company of a Canadian... again. Once running a fish 'n' chips restaurant, Francis VanDelden now pastors a church in Frederick, Maryland. Carl & Todd are dying to know: Does Francis regret the day Aimee Byrd cast a shadow on his church door? Listen as Francis shares his personal joys of the pastorate and the privilege it is to enter the pulpit each week. The Gang asks Francis how he shepherds an OPC "megachurch" of almost two hundred. It's a conversation that is casual, helpful, and refreshing.If you have enjoyed this week's Bully Pulpit then check out "Devoted to the Means of Grace: The Life and Ministry of John Owen" by Jon Payne, a free audio download from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. Visit Reformed Resources to download the MP3.
2/11/201516 minutes, 15 seconds
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Living La Vida Shatner

Authors & "Canadian cultural icons" Linda & Sandy Finlayson, join the round table to talk Shania Twain, maple syrup, books, and their estranged friendship with the Spin's own Carl Trueman. They discuss Sandy's biography on Thomas Chalmers and Linda's book Wielding the Sword. The dynamic duo share their reasons for taking up the pen to publish these books centered around church history as it is both a passion and mission of theirs.This week, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is giving away free copies of Wielding the Sword by Linda Finlayson OR Thomas Chalmers by Sandy Finlayson. Enter here for a chance to win. You can also purchse these books on Reformed Resources.
2/4/201535 minutes, 17 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: A Man and His Book

This week the spin's all about Thomas Oden and his latest book, A Change of Heart: A Personal and Theological Memoir. Oden, once a man deep in radical, liberal ideals passionately opposed to orthodoxy, confesses a stunning conversion to orthodox evangelical Christianity, and at the coaxing of the most unlikely person. Carl, Aimee, & Todd discuss many fascinating stories of Oden's life and the array of renowned theologians, politicians, leaders, and icons he's rubbed shoulders with along the way. His humble accounts occupying these pages are shocking and showcase an intellectual man with a pastor's heart. It's a page-turner the gang suggests you read in 2015. This week the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away free copies of the Reformed Biography Series, a collection of teachings on four prominent theologians in church history. For an opportunity to win a copy of this audio set, enter the giveaway.
1/28/201519 minutes, 22 seconds
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PART II: Westminster Q&A with Kent Hughes

Welcome back to the Preaching Conference as we rejoin the panel discussion where the team and Reverend Kent Hughes tackle meaningful questions submitted by pastors and seminary students attending the event. The banter is contagious and some of the questions outrageous… yet helpful. Tune in to hear how this quartet of theological know-how takes on questions like: "How can I get in the pulpit when I am so sinful?" and, "Now that you've reached the pinnacle of evangelical celebrity, what's the view like from the top?" and a Spin favorite: "Where would you draw the line of being vulnerable from the pulpit in sharing your own personal sin?"This week the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away free copies of Mortification of Spin: Season Two. Enter here for a chance to win.
1/21/201543 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Best Seller Sell-outs

Take a gander with Carl, Aimee, and Todd as they browse today's Christian Best-Sellers list. Discerning worthwhile reads from sentimental fluff, they look for theological substance but the pickin's are slim. With the casual aside, this is a courageous conversation to address a serious question: Why do so many Christian women read garbage? And if the allure of weak theology is so great, should pastors go on book patrol? Being our token female (and honorary man), Aimee has plenty to say. Of course, Carl has another question for our Fair Lady that really gets her goat...If you have found this Bully Pulpit helpful you will enjoy Understanding God's Will by Derek Thomas, a free audio download from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can find your free gift on Reformed Resources.
1/14/201519 minutes, 48 seconds
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PART I: Westminster Panel Discussion

Grab a seat in Rust Auditorium at Westminster Theological Seminary where the MoS crew talk with Dr. Kent Hughes at the annual preaching conference. Dr. Hughes has a long track-record of faithfulness behind the pulpit and the pen. He answers on a topic he knows much about: preaching. You'll hear anything from how to preach through pain to how to cultivate humility amidst success. Hughes' answers will both bless and challenge.If you have benefited from this episode of Mortification of Spin then you will enjoy The Glory of Christ in the Proclamation of the Gospel by Kent Hughes, a free audio-download from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals! You can recieve your free gift from Reformed Resources.
1/7/201534 minutes, 8 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Bromanticism

Jonathan & David of the Old Testament… were they homosexual or was it just a bromance? Not a new question to a culture tending to attribute sexuality to deep, rewarding relationships… but why is that so? The Gang addresses the need to reinstate friendships to a non-sexual category and what implications this could have on how we think about relationships in the Church. It's a conversation on intimacy, and judging by the way things are headed, Carl may break his Brit-code to hug Todd, marking the best day in Todd's life.If you enjoyed this week's Bully Pulpit on friendship then you will like Feast or Famine by Phil Ryken as a free audio download from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can redeem your free gift at Reformed Resources.
12/31/201416 minutes, 39 seconds
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Sweep Me Unto the Wine

This week, the Gang loiters outside a mega-church conference, enticed by the big-band jams vibrating through the concrete to their high-tops. They've decided to forego the meeting this time because they've gotten "swept away" in conversation about the experience they could be having in there. They raise important questions about the content of today's evangelical Christian praise music: What is it teaching us? Should sound theology stop when we sing? Do we shut our minds off in praise, or should the words encourage active engagement with the word of God? Does Todd think the whole point is to make us feel happy? Seems today's trend is sentimentalism. But what of liturgy and proclaiming biblical truths and actual Scripture? Our hosts have plenty to say about it! Plus, find out if Carl is a Closet Psalmist, when the last time Todd wore a choir robe, and if Aimee has looked upon the wine lately.If you have enjoyed this week's Mortification of Spin then you will like this free audio download, Singing Psalms - An Aid to Preaching by Terry Johnson from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can redeem your free gift at Reformed Resources. 
12/24/201429 minutes, 21 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: When the Pulpit is Bullied

How high should standards be for a pastor and his ministry? Do we rate his success in congregation size, fame, or by how white his teeth are? Standards can be unrealistic and unbiblical when a new pastor comes on the scene, and comparisons can foster a culture of critique and criticism. Bad pastors are a reality. However, the church has a common crisis at hand: are we firing, disrespecting, even "bullying" otherwise competent men who don't live up to our superficial standards? But what if there is a real problem with your pastor? How do you deal with it? If you are on either side of this scenario, tune in as our in-house reverends, Carl and Todd, share helpful resources and advice for both congregant and pastor. As for Aimee, she's packin' heat to keep these boys in their place – one nun-chuck for Todd and one for Carl. If you have enjoyed this weeks Bully Pulpit then you will like this free audio download God's Sovereignty and the Call of the Pastor by Eric Redmond  from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can redeem your free gift at Reformed Resources.Todd Pruitt's series of posts entitled "Battered Pastors":1.
12/17/201421 minutes, 46 seconds
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When the Levy Breaks

Join us at The Dripping Blade Pub, where Paul Levy sips a Welsh cider awaiting the MoS Crew. Levy is the minister of International Presbyterian Church in West London, and he is also Carl Trueman's only friend. Once at the bar, they discuss Francis Schaeffer, L’Abri, and how “a God of love could allow the Welsh.” Levy gets right down to it: he discusses the denominational differences and obstacles of the Church across "The Pond" and why Americans are so enthralled by accents. The Crew talks strategy for pastoral ministry, sermon prep, and pastoral care that spans a variety of nationalities and geographical locales. The big question of the hour: What does Paul think of men who leave the UK to preach in America?If you have enjoyed this weeks Mortification of Spin then you will like this free audio download Church Discipline vs. Evangelism? by Mark Dever from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can redeem your free gift at Reformed Resources.
12/10/201429 minutes, 51 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Confession of Spin

We live in a culture of "no regrets"… but shouldn't we have some? Even one? The Spinners certainly do and are willing to air out their scarlet letters for a little confession of Spin. Truth is, we've all made mistakes, but could the ones most recently made on the evangelical stage have been prevented? What does today's Church lack that it would embrace false teachers and follow misguided doctrine so blindly? No doubt, Carl, Aimee, & Todd have some ideas. Tune in as they ponder recent events and where the Church needs to pay closer attention to its associations.If you have enjoyed this week's Bully Pulpit then you will like this free audio download Faith and Repentance by Sinclair Ferguson from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can redeem your free gift at Reformed Resources.
12/3/201419 minutes, 42 seconds
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Zip Lines to Success

What do zip lines, blonde hair, and free-range chickens have in common with pastoral ministry? Is Carl going to be next year's super-star pastor after his latest tome, Your Worst Life Now? Pastors have a high and difficult calling in their ministry, and whether you pastor 8 or 8,000, congregants have expectations and you have biblical duties. So how do you discern which to prioritize and what boundaries to guard jealously? Does going bald and staying bitter really improve preaching? Grab a front-row seat to a day in the life of Carl & Todd. And per usual, Aimee's sharp-edged questions keep the boys on their toes and you guessing!If you enjoyed this week's Mortification of Spin you will like this free audio download, Faithful and Relevant Pastoral Ministry by Terry Johnson, from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can find your free gift at Reformed Resources.
11/26/201428 minutes, 17 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Pastoral Rehab

Addressing the resignation of high-profile pastor Mark Driscoll, the team discusses a relevant question: Can a pastor be restored to ministry? They offer biblical options to a dismal scenario churches face all too often. As usual, they don't hold back from exposing the underlying issues at hand and the ultimate hope amidst them. What if a pastor seemingly values his reputation over protecting the flock? Hear the gang answer how they'd deal with "bad-boy" pastors and their thoughts on what forgiveness looks like for them.For listening to this Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give you a free MP3 from Ed Welch entitled, "Peer Pressure and Pastoring." Go to to download your free MP3!
11/19/201416 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Bald & The Beautiful

Aimee's outnumbered in the city that never sleeps… and it keeps getting balder! But wait, it seems Carl and Todd aren't the only balding stars of this show. Come along as they hit the streets with pastor and author Tim Keller to discuss his new book, Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City. How are Christians to engage their cultural surroundings and make a true, lasting impact for Christ? If you're a pilot, how do you go about your high-in-the-sky vocation to the glory of God? Do you pass out tracks to passengers ushered off your plane? It's that unceasing question of Christ and Culture. Listen in as the gang talks to Tim to see if the Transformationalist approach is the answer. By the way, what does Keller, (the bald but not-so-bitter), mean by a "wisdom-contest-counter-contrast community"? More importantly, can Aimee hold her own amongst so much baldness? Let's hope her street-smarts are up to snuff!This week the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer Tim Keller's Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering as a free giveaway. Just enter here to win. 
11/12/201430 minutes, 30 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Cut to the Creed

What do humanism and creedless Christianity have in common? And what's the need for a creed anyway? The gang throw out their two cents and discuss an article about Bart Campolo, who recently renounced his Christian faith and declared himself an agnostic humanist. Serious blind spots and weaknesses in luke-warm, doctrine-lite theology are exposed on this week's episode, where we find that ethics without doctrine and without Christ simply cannot answer the question of evil, among other universal dilemmas. It's a touchy topic, but thankfully our sensitive, smooth-talking Todd "Barry White" Pruitt sets the tone and keeps it cool.If you have enjoyed this Bully Pulpit, then you will benefit from Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms by Kenneth Jones. Visit Reformed Resources for your free audio download! Barry & Todd: Separated at Birth?
11/5/201417 minutes
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Christ & Culture

Dr. David VanDrunen, professor of systematic theology and Christian ethics at Westminster Seminary Calfornia, is outside Georgetown Tobacco where Carl, Aimee, and Todd are wondering what all the fuss is about with two kingdoms theology. The way Christians relate to the culture is an increasingly relevant topic during today's tumultuous political milieu, and the smoke is rising! Aside from how we vote, this doctrine determines how we answer questions like: Should a minister of the gospel stand in protest outside an abortion clinic? Is the Church responsible for shaping civil law or developing political strategies? And most importantly: Should Aimee go to Christian yoga and Todd join a Christian pipe-smoking club? Hear David's astute answers on these questions while sharing his thoughts on our role as Christian citizens amidst a culture turned against God. You can enter to win a free copy of David VanDrunen's book Living in God's Two Kingdoms here. You can also purchase the book on! 
10/29/201427 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Beer, Bowels & Books, Oh my!

Martin Luther - a man of mystery and many talents. Aside from writing lists, he was quite the letter writer, too, and with Reformation season around the corner, the Gang's discussion of Luther's woeing and woes is timely. Listen in as they share of his influence on their own lives and suggest which of Luther's works you should add to your shelf. If you have enjoyed this week's Bully Pulpit you might enjoy Luther's Theology of the Cross by Michael Horton as a free audio-download. You can get your gift at Reformed Resources.  
10/22/201421 minutes, 29 seconds
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Extraordinarily Ordinary

Pull up a chair, light some candles, and prepare to be authentic and vulnerable. We have a spot at the table for you and Carl, Todd, and Aimee are here to teach us about discipleship. Join the “movement” today to hear about the ordinary means of grace, the importance of the church vs. the parachurch, and what to do about church discipline. Grab your utensils and let’s dig in.  The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to thank you for listening to Mortification of Spin. Enjoy this FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD from, "God's Word and Christian Discipleship" by Jerry Bridges. 
10/15/201428 minutes, 58 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Biblical Theology of Worship

This week, the gang flips through the pages of Daniel Block's book, For the Glory of God: Recovering a Biblical Theology of Worship. The team concurs: Block's ideas on today's fundamental elements of worship, such as singing and prayer, are thought-provoking and worth a read. The gang discusses what true worship is - does Old Testament ritual practice have a place in worship or are we just spinning our wheels? In usual fashion, they offer their two cents on today's catchy contemporary jingles juxtaposed to the rich psalms and hymns of old. If you have enjoyed this weeks Bully Pulpit you will benefit from For the Glory of God by Daniel Block, a free book giveaway. Enter to win here.You can also purchase the book on Reformed Resources.
10/8/201417 minutes, 40 seconds
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Double Dipping

This week the gang's in deep water discussing the holy sacrament of baptism - How should we treat it? Who should administer it? Why does it even matter? They reveal key exegetical defenses, share helpful resources for those on the fence, and tell what convinced them to hang up their own credobaptist views for paedobaptist ones. Come on down to the river... the water’s fine!  If you have benefited from this week's Mortification of Spin you will enjoy The Westminster Doctrine of Baptism and Current Reformed Trajectories by Sinclair Ferguson, a free audio-download from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.
10/1/201430 minutes, 15 seconds
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Bully Pulpit XL: Sinister Headship

Join a provocative conversation with Rachel Miller, News Editor for The Aquila Report and blogger, as she enlightens us about the patriarchy movement, its driving forces, and its many dangers that have gone under the radar in reformed circles. It's all talk about headship, gender roles, and the Duggars. Listen to the team tackle sinister elements of the movement and how to approach it from a pastoral perspective. They laugh, they pry, they get serious. If you have enjoyed this week's Bully Pulpit you will like the free audio download Loving Husbands, Happy Wives by James Boice from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can recieve your free gift at Reformed Resources.
9/24/201431 minutes, 17 seconds
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Wide-eyed and Puka-shelled

Gallantly riding in from the White Horse Inn, our guest, Michael Horton -- author and fellow podcaster -- shares his thoughts on reformed theology and how he came upon it garbed in silk and laden with puka shells. Join the usual Spin Team as they discuss some of the nuts and bolts of the reformed faith, ponder how to "get the Gospel right" and discover Dr. James Boice's fascinating role in Horton's 'journey' to reformed theology. This week the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer Michael Horton's new book Calvin on the Christian Life as a free giveaway.. Enter to win!
9/17/201428 minutes, 15 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: The Duggar Dilemma

Dating? Courtship? What do those words mean? Do they even matter in today's hook-up culture? What is the best option? Always ready to ruffle some feathers, the gang takes this subject head-on and, in usual Spin fashion, doesn't pull any punches. Their discussion centers around the Duggar family's world of courting rules and regulations. Though Aimee & Todd are the only hosts with daughters, Carl tries hard to throw in his two cents: "Just have sons." Listen in to this casual conversation as the crew destroys the spin once again.If you have enjoyed this week's Bully Pulpit then you will benefit from The First Great Christian Insitution by James Boice, a free audio download from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.
9/10/201416 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Word Afire

This just in: "Polite Society" has banished Carl, Aimee, and Todd to live on Leper Island! While exploring the island they found another outcast,  one who was marooned long ago - Phil Johnson. Phil, of the self-proclaimed Pyromaniacs, chats with the gang about starting fires with Frank "The Turk" and "Dispy" Dan Phillips, Charles Spurgeon's prolific preaching, the cult of celebrity pastors, and proper forms of worship. The conversation moves from levity to depth, with all the pomp, circumstance, and pizazz you've come to expect from the spinners. Listen as the crew mortify the spin as only they can. This week The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away a free audio-download, Spurgeon the Warrior by Phil Johnson. You can get your free gift at Reformed Resources.
9/3/201426 minutes, 55 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Abandoning the Bandwagon

Today our Reformed trifecta considers hopping on the ol' evangelical bandwagon. The gang highlights some understated dangers of churches whose leadership present an alluring faux intimacy and show lack of integrity. They also give loyalty to said leaders and their man-made standards over loyalty to God's standards. With the continued kerfuffle surrounding some well-known pastors, the gang raises an important question: Why don't we speak up before things blow up?  Join today's conversation to heed what well-known pastor, blogger, professor, and all-around big-time Christian celebrity, Carl Trueman, and two other people, have to say on this hot topic.If you have benefit from this weeks Bully Pulpit  you will enjoy Seven Elements of Successful Shepherding by Timothy Witmer as a free digital download from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. Find your free gift at Reformed Resources
8/27/201421 minutes, 38 seconds
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Counterfeit Authenticity

Everyone's favorite Welsh theologian returns, and Pelagius has nothing on Derek Thomas! Drop in to hear the Spinners talk with Derek about a whole slew of topics. Principally, they ask him about sin in the lives of pastors. Is it truly "authentic" to be vaguely vulnerable from the pulpit? How do pastor's keep themselves accountable? Hear some of Derek's wisdom on these concerns, and experience the musical delights of karaoke, Welsh style.  This week's free MP3 download is a sermon by Derek Thomas entitled, "The Word of God and Sanctification," from the 2013 Princeton Conference on Reformed Theology.
8/20/201429 minutes, 36 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: 50 Shades of Black & White

This installment of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit sees the crew discussing a pervasive cultural sensation - The Fifty Shades of Grey book series. Since the release of the movie's first trailer, the Internet is abuzz with talk of the series; some of the hype is even streaming from Christians. The hosts cut to the chase: this is not harmless entertainment, it is pornography, and its effects alter a person's attitude and behavior towards sexuality, ourselves, and others on a fundamental level. As Christians, we must flee from sexual immorality, whether it comes in images or the written word. Listen in to hear what all the spin is about… maybe the issue isn't so grey after all.Don't forget about your free MP3 download, "Pagan Sexuality" by Peter Jones!
8/13/201419 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ordinary Leadership

Crisis! Todd's past comes back to bite him. This Promise Keepers-sweatshirt-wearing hooligan and the rest of the gang discuss a continually important pastoral subject: leadership. Much of what passes for "leadership training" in the evangelical church is profoundly unhelpful. It has more in common with secular leadership theory than it has with anything found in Scripture. This becomes especially troubling when it comes to pastoral leadership. What qualities should a good leader have? How can pastors improve their leadership capabilities to better serve their churches? Listen in!The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give you a free MP3 of Dr. James Boice's message from the set Nehemiah: Learning to Lead titled "The Leader and God." 
8/6/201430 minutes, 26 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Gospel Lite

"If you will agree to tithe your income for 90 days and you don't receive a blessing from God, you'll get your money back, guaranteed!" This sort of spiritual mumbo jumbo is, as Carl nicely sums up, bonkers. Those who propose these gimmicks are treating God as a pagan deity, and wrapping it all in vaguely orthodox theology. We can't stand by and accept this "prosperity gospel lite." Tune in to the latest Bully Pulpit and you'll receive a blessing or your wasted time back, guaranteed!Visit Reformed Resources and download the free MP3 by James Boice, "Robbers! Robbers of God."
7/30/201418 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Hidden Strength of Weakness

Dubbed the reformed Harry Styles, William Shatner, and Cruella De Vil, Carl, Todd, and Aimee set out on another spinning adventure. The MoS posse toss around ideas about the biblical concept of finding strength in the midst of weakness. As Christians, we must draw our strength from our brokenness, sinfulness, and weakness. How can pastors shepherd their flocks of weak, broken people as weak, broken people themselves? On a different note, how is Carl similar to Harry Styles? Will he be able to compete for some of Harry's fan girls?    Enter the giveaway for your chance to win the audio series "Overcoming Adversity" by James Boice!This study from the book of Genesis focuses on the early life of Joseph. As a young man, Joseph experiences hardships of all kinds, from betrayal and rejection to temptation and loneliness. Through these dark years, Joseph kept his eyes on God, and his faith was strengthened. From studying Joseph’s life, you can learn how God is working in your own difficulties. You’ll see why God allows his people to suffer at times, and what he is doing through our pain. This six-part series is taken from Dr. Boice’s study on the 39th chapter of Genesis.Enter our giveaway now!
7/23/201427 minutes, 34 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Campus Fraternizing

Broadcasting from deep within the bowels of a college's frathouse, the wandering band of misfits address campus ministry. Bouncing off of an article published on First Things by Robert Gregory, the gang talks about campus ministry on secular colleges, some of which are making Christian groups hire non-Christian leaders. How should churches respond to this? Should they look toward starting their own on-campus ministries? How can they partner with solid, Bible-beliving, Reformed campus ministries already established? If you have enjoyed this weeks Bully Pulpit, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you The Cost of Discipleship by James Boice as a free digital download from Reformed Resources.
7/16/201417 minutes, 26 seconds
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God’s Vision for Diversity

Quilting needles in hand (just listen, you'll get it), the Spin Team get to a controversial topic once again - this time discussing racial diversity with author Trillia Newbell. Trillia's perspective is a unique and helpful one, as she gets into issues not yet talked about on Mortification of Spin. Especially as Christians, we need to remember to treat other humans beings, created in the image of God, as brothers and sisters. What are practical steps that we can take to help create racially diverse churches? Can Aimee really quilt with nunchuck needles? What will  Mrs. Trueman think of Carl's "feminine side?"  If you enjoyed todays Mortification of Spin then you might enjoy a free copy of Trillia Newell's book United: Captured by God's Vision for Diversity.WinnersJason D., Haltom City, TXBeth H., Laceys Spring, ALRenee B., Oklahoma City, OKCharles B., Hattiesburg, MSAndrew F., Ben Lomond, CA
7/9/201426 minutes, 5 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Dads and Daughters

Fatherhood is a weighty responsibility. Fathering daughters is especially challenging. Who makes the rules for a daughter's life, particularly when it comes to dating? What is the dad's responsibility in setting the rules? Fathers must hold fast and protect their daughters wholeheartedly. The Spin Squad tackles another touchy subject, so listen with caution! With this episode of Mortification of Spin the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer the audio message Children and Parents by James Boice for free, you can recieve your free gift at Reformed Resources.
7/2/201418 minutes
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The Council of ”Nice”a

"Dispy Dan" Phillips drops by the West Virginian tavern the gang seems to find themselves in to talk bad about niceness. Is it wrong to be mean in conservative Evangelicalism? Is niceness the highest calling for a Christian? It's proposed as the end-all of Christian life, but is this really the case? Writing as a "pyro-maniac" for years, Dan has become something of an expert in Evangelical niceness. Listen to Dan and the crew make even more enemies and dig themselves even further in. If you have enjoyed this episode of Mortification of Spin then the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a chance to win a free copy of  Mortification of Spin: First Season MP3 by visiting reformed resources here.WinnersNoe A., Humble, TxThirza R., Houston, TXNord Z., Camden, INTerry C., Perkasie, PaJonathan D., Martinsburg, WVTerry F., Walbridge, OH
6/25/201428 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Pastoral Plagiarism

The ragtag group of vagabonds takes on the issue of pastoral plagiarism, and as usual pulls no punches. After scoffing at the "manly" Father's Day items Aimee is considering buying for her husband, they get down to the issue. How much can a pastor "borrow" from others before his preaching becomes plagiaristic? This is a weighty topic and an extremely important one for the church today.This week the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away Calvinist Experimental Preaching by Joel Beeke as a free audio message, you can download this free gift from Reformed Resources.
6/18/201423 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Problem of Antinomianism

Listen today on Mortification of Spin to decide for yourself if your favorite Reformed pastor is more than just a pretty face. The gang’s penchant for the serious, however, is not eclipsed by the silly. Mark Jones joins Carl, Todd, and Aimee to tackle the huge topic of antinomianism. Rev. Jones brings important thoughts to bear on the current debate of justification and sanctification and where the believer gets his assurance of salvation. WinnersBryce A., Torrington, CTDeb F., Ephrata, PASteven M., New York, NYRick M., Orlando, FLChristine R., hugoton, KSA D R., Rogers, ARMatthew M., Union Grove, WIMichael H., Athens, GALinford B., Dayton, VAJames C., Minneapolis, MN
6/11/201425 minutes, 27 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Boggled About Women’s Blogs?

The question of women’s roles in the church is as old as the church herself, but in the past ten years the numbers of women teaching theology has skyrocketed. Women teach on blogs, posts, and tweets from all over the world. Is it OK? What is the difference between her work and a non-ordained man’s? Carl, Todd, and Aimee address this topic on today’s Bully Pulpit. If you have enjoyed this week's Bully Pulpit concerning gender issues you will enjoy Gender Confusion Among Women by Rosaria Butterfield as a free gift from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. You can download the audio message from Reformed Resources.
6/4/201415 minutes, 41 seconds
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Redemption for Childhood Sexual Abuse

The Mortification of Spin hosts delve into a more serious topic today in a discussion with Dr. Diane Langberg. A licensed psychologist, Dr. Langberg has walked alongside victims of domestic violence for almost four decades.  In this sober conversation, she offers sound counsel to a complex and painful issue: how to respond to allegations of childhood sexual abuse in the church. Get equipped to protect and provide hope for the weak and vulnerable. This week the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is offering a chance to win a MP3 set Hearing God When You Hurt by James Boice. Fill out the form for your chance to win.    These are some additional resources that were mentioned this week:         
5/28/201428 minutes, 36 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Socially Promoting our Sin and Sorrow

This week’s Bully Pulpit finds the free-range gang sippin’ coffee made by vulnerable baristas who use only respectfully treated coffee beans.  As Carl, Todd, and Aimee get real, they raise an issue magnified by social media: the blurring of public and private boundaries in our lives and the phenomena of showcasing our emotions.  But as cage-free as they try to be, you’ll have to go elsewhere to see them cry.  After all, there is still a remnant of those who chose to blubber in private.In addition to this weeks Bully Pulpit, The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer A Time to Cease From Weeping by James Boice as a free audio download here.
5/21/201413 minutes, 40 seconds
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How the Blind See God

Melanie Brunson and her dog Sparta join Carl, Todd, and Aimee this week to discuss the church's care for people with disabilities. Blind from infancy, Melanie gives a unique and enlightening perspective on being a part of the body of Christ. How can Christians help those with disabilities in their churches? How does a blind woman meditate on the Sovereignty of God in a culture where the prosperity gospel speaks false promises?  This week the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like the audio download Faith Healing and the Sovereignty of God by C. Everett Koop for free here.
5/14/201428 minutes, 1 second
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Bully Pulpit: Gimmicks Out of the Gospel

Todd and Aimee go at it without Carl today to discuss the practice of “Fight Churches.”  Can men beat the living daylights out of each other one day and pray on their knees together the next?  If so, why would they even want to do that?  What does it have to do with outreach and evangelism?  Extra bonus: the team reveals for the first time ever the secret of their very short commute to MoS recording locations.This week the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer a free audio download, Christ and His Church by Rick Phillips. You can find your free download here.
5/7/201417 minutes, 1 second
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Evangelical Center

Back in their secret underground bunker, the spin team phone up David Wells to discuss his body of work and his huge contributions to modern Christianity. As a turncoat, a self-described "African-American," David has a unique experience and insight into American Christianity. David's voice has carried a lot of weight for much of evangelicalism, and he discusses issues related to this movement. Does evangelicalism have a center, a true coherence, anymore? Is it possible to have one again? David's Wells' input on this timely conversation is beneficial both for those who profess to be evangelical, and for those who don't. The week the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give away a free copy of David Wells new book God in the Whirlwind. For a chance to win this great resource fillout this form (only available for USA mailing addresses).
4/30/201425 minutes, 12 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Going to the Movies

If you are looking to be inspired the Mortification of Spin team is on task to speak to your mind.  In light of the release of “Heaven is For Real” last week, the team asks important questions about how the church should do evangelism.  While Americans tend to be drawn toward the sensational and the inspiring, the Bible sufficiently teaches that the gospel is to be communicated by ordinary means. Think cross, not glitter. If you have enjoyed this weeks Bully Pulpit the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer The True Word by R.C. Sproul.  
4/23/201417 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Easter Bunny

After taking care of the official business of making Aimee "one of the guys," the hosts get into a discussion of Easter and its celebration in churches. Is Easter a pagan holiday? It is necessary for pastors to preach the resurrection, so its focus on Easter shouldn't be abnormal, but it should certainly be emphasized. Listen in to hear the gang's thoughts on Easter, chocolate bunnies, lent, and government-regulated nutritional guidelines. For the Easter season the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has  offered this generous gift The Theology of the Cross. Use coupon code, 9ydunu, to redeem this great MP3 set. Only available to US and Canada addresses. 
4/16/201426 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Gospel-Centered Cupcakes

"Gospel-centered" desserts: transforming the culture, or confusing Gospel categories? This "excessively Kuyperian" approach to the Christian life seems to seek to make a vocation Christian, instead of one being a Christian in a vocation. We do not need to "Christianize" things in order to be faithful Christians. Instead of trying to "transform" or "redeem" our vocations, Christians should seek to be the best bakers, mechanics, and rock-and-roll superstars they can be, to the glory of God. All else is a cheap imitation of the true duty of the church. Listen to Carl, Todd, and Aimee briefly discuss these weighty matters of the Christian life. Downlaod the free MP3 message Growing Your Christian Life, Part 1 by Sinclair Ferguson.Also available are Growing Your Christian Life, Part 2 and Growing Your Christian Life, Part 3.Growing Your Christian Life is also available as a CD set. 
4/9/201414 minutes, 33 seconds
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Extra Special Revelation

How does God speak to us today? How do we understand the sufficiency of God's Word? Carl, Aimee, and Todd take Sarah Young's popular devotional "Jesus Calling" to task. In it, Young claims to need more than Scripture to hear from God and has written words "from Jesus" she heard outside of her Bible study. The "Spin Doctors" mortify the book, a product of modern individualism, and offer a few replacement suggestions. What responsibilities do pastors have in confronting this kind of book, or any cultural artifact with which their congregations are interacting?  Free MP3 Audio download from the Alliance of Confessing EvangelicsA Busy Man's Devotional Life by James Boice    Training Hearts, Teaching Minds: Family Devotions by Starr Meade       Communion with God by John Owen
4/2/201427 minutes, 40 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: To Toke or Not to Toke

With many states moving to legalize marijuana churches may now and certainly will soon have to deal with congregants smoking pot. Does the Bible allow for use of substances like marijuana? What part does a Christian's freedom play in the use of the drug? How should churches respond? Carl, Todd, and Aimee debate the moral and ecclesiastical ramifications of smoking pot. If you found this Bully Pulpit interesting, the Aliiance of Confessing Evangelicals has a free resource for you. How Low Can You Go? by James Boice
3/26/201414 minutes, 33 seconds
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Extravagant Grace

Sin. Loss. Deprivation. Law. Grace. Aimee, Todd, and Carl are joined by author and counselor Barbara Duguid on this installment of Mortification of Spin. Barbara is author of the book "Extravagant Grace," and grace is the topic at hand. How are Christians to reconcile on-going, indwelling sin with Christ's unrelenting "extravagant" grace? Listen in to learn more.  Winners of Extravagant Grace by Barbara DuguidD. Yarmosh - Charlotte, NCS. Johnson - Ruckersville, VAJ. Hartley - Huron, OHH. Okrafka - Cambridge, OND. Chia - Devon, PAT. Strawhecker - Lincoln University, PAM. Heatwole - Harrisonburg, VAS. Trautman - Abingdon, MDB. Wilson - Charlotte, NC  Mentioned on "Extravagant Grace"Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks     Letters of John Newton by John Newton     Communion with God by John Owen
3/19/201424 minutes, 16 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Browsing the Christian Bookstore

The Spin team hit up their local Christian bookstore to browse the shelves and peruse the contents of some popular books. Based on the message of these books, the American Church is in danger of forgetting the truth of the Bible: we are wretched sinners in need of an amazingly gracious Savior. Along with that, the state of women's literature is abysmal, and lacks robust theology, distilling the reality that women must be learned Christians. It's always imperative for Christians to read quality, biblical literature. Listen in for some reading suggestions and tips for discerning books that are worth your time.  dowload for our free MP3 Thinking and Acting Biblically by Philip Ryken   Here are some recommended resources that can be purchased here:Housewife Theologian: How the Gospel Interrupts the Ordinary  by Amiee Byrd     A Christian Primer by Timothy Cross     Foundations of the Christian Faith: A Comprehensive & Readable Theology by James Boice
3/12/201413 minutes, 21 seconds
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My God is True

What is the purpose of a robust theology if it cannot serve to practically help the believer? How does that theology play into God's sovereignty through our suffering? Aimee, Todd, and Carl talk with pastor and cancer survivor Paul Wolfe about his battle with cancer and its impact on his relationships with Christ and the congregation he serves. Paul also discusses the importance of the local church body in helping on cope with trial and suffering. Listen now!  Winners of Paul Wolfe's title My God is True! J. Scheurer - Leavenworth, KSJ. Olivetti - West Lafayette, INM. Debowski - New Boston, NHA. Kelly - Corona, CA  Mentioned on Mortification of Spin.  My God is True! by Paul Wolfe     Setting Our Sights on Heaven: Why Its Hard and Why its Worth it by Paul Wolfe      
3/5/201427 minutes, 10 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Ridiculous Gibberish

This edition of the Mortification of Spin marks the inauguration of a new game: Bully Pulpit Challenge! Carl, Aimee, and Todd respond to a listener's email asking for a critique of an interview that "pastor" Carl Lentz gave recently. In this image-obsessed world, many times churches feel the need to bow to the image idols and create environments that are completely foreign to the mindset of biblical Christianity. There are many who claim to be pastors but deny God's Word through their words and actions. Why do we continue to give these people a platform, and why do we give credence to their voices? To use a forbidden phrase, the whole thing is "utterly ridiculous.."Interview with Carl Lentz   The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free MP3 download entitled A Catholic Church by Mark Dever.
2/26/201413 minutes, 43 seconds
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Sexual Chaos

Aimee, Carl, and Todd like to push buttons, and this week’s installment of the Mortification of Spin is no different as they discuss sexual ethics. Our current cultural milieu is one which exalts sexual behavior, and to speak out against it is seen as heresy. But where does it stop? When will we take our stand? The gang helps to vocalize some of these major concerns, and attempts some answers to the cultural pressure.   Enjoy this free resource from the Alliance of Confessing EvangelicalsThe traditional chronology was love, marriage, sex, and baby. It was like the old schoolyard rhyme: "First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes someone in a baby carriage." The new chronology is a plot for postmodern times: sex, baby, marriage, and love. It is almost exactly backwards, except that the baby comes after the sex. But this is simple biology, and not even Harlequin can change the way God made us. The new romances turn romantic relationships upside down, making sex the basis for love, and separating procreation from marriage.Dowload the free pdf The New Harlequin Romance by Philip Ryken. The Social Costs of Pornography: A Statement of Findings and Recommendations     Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain by William Struthers
2/19/201429 minutes, 23 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: A Year’s Worth of Mortification

On this installment of Bully Pulpit, Aimee, Todd, and Carl discuss the multi-generational nature of the Bride of Christ. How do we reconcile the fact that different generations seem to want different things from a church? Is it true that we need to constantly be looking to the youth? We must fight the cultural trends and look to the wisdom of age within our churches. Listen in to this anniversary episode of Mortification of Spin and learn more about this perennial issue.  Enjoy this free resource from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals by Dr. J.I. Packer from the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology.Divisions in the Church - by J.I. Packer
2/12/201421 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Code of Modesty

Aimee, Carl, and Todd are joined in the studio via the internet by Gloria Furman, author of Glimpses of Grace, published through Crossway, and blogger over at Domestic Kingdom. As a pastor's wife serving in Dubai, a major city in the United Arab Emirates, Gloria has a unique perspective on the topic at hand: modesty. Listen in as the gang seek to enlighten themselves and the listeners as to what it means to be modest, and all that Christian modesty implies.Enjoy this free resource from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.Holding Hands, Holding Hearts Part 1 - by Richard and Sharon PhillipsFind the entire "Holding Hands, Holding Hearts" set in MP3 format here, and CD format here.     Glimpses of Grace: Treasuring the Gospel in Your Home - Gloria Furman    
2/5/201430 minutes, 36 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Abortion and the Public Square

Aimee, Carl, and Todd are back at it - this time discussing the church's involvement in the public square, specifically when dealing with the polarizing issue of abortion. How are Christians to conduct themselves, in the church and on the street, when talking about and protesting abortion? Are we to engage in political debate or sit back and let it happen? Or is there a third way? Listen to the team's lively conversation.Click here for a free MP3 download of God's Church & God's Purpose by Eric Alexander
1/29/201414 minutes, 51 seconds
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Fashionable Preaching

What's the purpose of a sermon? Is it to inspire the congregation or just a means of transmitting knowledge? Or is the sermon something greater? Dead bones came to life when Ezekiel preached. Are the sermons you listen to that powerful? Listen to Aimee, Carl and Todd once again discuss sermons.     Free digital download: A Layman's Primer on Bible Interpretation by Richard Phillips from the Alliance.
1/22/201428 minutes, 19 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: How to Choose a Good Church

What do you look for in a good church? Bouncy castles, a good social network, a place to land a good business deal? Those may be fun, but there’s more to it than that. Don't forget about good preaching and a robust confession. Listen to Bully Pulpit with Carl, Todd, and Aimee to learn more.  If you want to really understand something, one of the best things you can do is study its origin, or beginning. This is true of nations. If you want to understand why America is as it is today, what its institutions are about, how its self-identity formed, then you have to go back and learn about its birth in the Revolutionary War, its struggle as a colony seeking independence, its ideal of equality under God, its pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. Click here to download this free message.
1/15/201411 minutes, 53 seconds
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Preaching & Preachers

What role does preaching play in today's church? The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Master joins Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt to talk about the importance and gravity of preaching. Through the book "Preaching & Preachers" by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, they show the necessity and primacy of the proper preaching of the all-sufficient Word of God. Listen the Mortification of Spin to learn more about this imperative and perennial topic.  Free resources from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals on PreachingPractical Considerations for Preaching the Fatherhood of God by Derek Thomas    Preaching Christ and Him Crucified by Alistair BeggBenefits of Expository Preaching by Alistair Begg The Foolishness of Preaching by James Boice   Books mentioned on Preaching & PreachersPreaching and Preachers by Martyn Lloyd-Jones     Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon by Bryan Chapell     Between Two Worlds: The Challenge of Preaching Today by John Stott     The Priority of Preaching by Christopher Ash     Positive preaching and modern mind by Peter Forsyth    Proclamation and Theology by William Willimon     Speaking God's Words: A Practical Theology of Preaching by Peter Adam
1/8/201425 minutes, 47 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Being Human

How can Christians appropriately, firmly but sensitively talk about the Bibles teaching on sexuality. Our sexuality is for the glory of God and not a means to its own end. There is so much that can be said about our sexual identity so listen now to Carl and Aimee on the Bully Pulpit as they touch this important subject.  Free offer from the Alliance of Confessing EvangelicalsFree download of David Wells' message Unisex: Male and Female from the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology.
1/1/201412 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ordinary Men

How do elders function in the church? What's the point of having elders? What is their role in supporting their pastor and caring for their congregation? Dr. Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt discuss the important and perennial topic of biblical elder leadership in this episode of Mortification of Spin. Listen now!  Free resource from the AllianceGrowing Healthy Churchs from the National Pastor's conference is a free MP3 downlaod.
12/25/201326 minutes, 43 seconds
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Christmas: Bully Pulpit Style

Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt, and Aimee Byrd are back at it, and doing what they do best: tear down your preconceived notions and build up Gospel truths in their place. This time they take on Christmas, and discuss the utter amazing truth of Jesus' incarnation. The trio try their best to cover this hugely important topic in a short amount of time. How do we understand the connection between Jesus' humanity and his deity? What are some good resources in helping to understand this doctrine? What's Carl's favorite Christmas song? Listen in to find out! Free resouce from the Alliance of Confessing EvangelicalsChristian Music through the Ages: Stories of Christmas Carols, a free download.This booklet gives the history and background to several beloved and popular Christmas carols.     Mentioned on Christmas: Bully Pulpit StyleGod with Us by Scott Oliphant      God in Our Midst by Daniel Hyde      The Works of John Owen Volume 3: The Holy Spirit by John Owen      The Works of John Owen Volume 4: The Work of the Holy Spirit by John Owen
12/18/201313 minutes, 47 seconds
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Compassionate Jesus

In this episode of Mortification of Spin, Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt are joined by Christopher Bogosh through the wonders of technology, Carl and Todd interview Christopher about his new book "Compassionate Jesus: Rethinking the Christian's Approach to Modern Medicine." How are Christians to interact with what Christopher calls the "modern medical worldview?" Espousing a consistent biblical worldview, we can see that many people idolize life in a way that is antithetical to gospel truth. We must remember to always claim Christ's triumph over death. Listen in to learn more about these end of life issues.  The drawing is now closed. If you appreciate the podcast please make a donation.
12/11/201327 minutes, 13 seconds
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Structured Accountability

Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt, and Aimee Byrd are back at it! In this edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit they discuss the importance of accountability specifically in church leadership. Leaders must accept and embrace the right to free speech, even when that speech is critical or unwanted. No one can be above accountability, even high-profile church leaders who bring in lots of money. Listen in as they discuss this important and timely issue! Visit this page and fill out the form to receive the free MP3 set Parables of Wisdom and Folly.If you appreciate the podcast please make a donation.
12/4/201315 minutes
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Mumblings from God

How sufficient is God's Word? Do the charismatic gifts have a place in the church today? Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt are joined via satellite by the Pyromaniacs themselves - Dan Phillips and Frank Turk. The group discusses the cessationism of the charismatic gifts. God has given us all we need in his own, true, infallible word. Listen to the Mortification of Spin to hear their insights on this hotly debated topic... Free resource from the Alliance of Confessing EvangelicalsDo you ever stop to think about why God used such extraordinary miracles when he freed his people out of slavery in Egypt?  Not only did he demonstrate his power, but in doing the miracles, he honored his covenant promises.Download the free message Wonders and Signs by Philip Ryken.
11/27/201332 minutes, 10 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Church Fathers

In this issue of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit, Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt discuss the importance of the church fathers to modern Christianity. How can men who lived thousands of years ago speak to today's issues with any relevance? Learn more about some of the important fathers of our faith from Carl and Todd... Winners of Rediscovering the Church Fathers: Who They Were and How They Shaped the Church.C. Turer - Evansville, IND. Box - Monroe, GAJ. Anderson - Jupiter, FLL. O'Neil - Linville, VAJ. Brick - Bellevue, NE Heard on Bully Pulpit: Church FathersAugustine of Hippo by Simonetta Carr  Athanasius by Simonetta Carr  A Public Faith: From Constantine to the Medieval World AD 312-600 by Ivor Davidson   The First Thousand Years: A Global History of Christianity by Robert Wilken    Rediscovering the Church Fathers: Who They Were and How They Shaped the Church by Michael Haykin   Confessions by Augustine    City of God by Augustine
11/20/201313 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sex, What is the meaning?

What is the meaning of sex? It's all we talk about today. But why did God create sex in the first place? On this episode of the Mortification of Spin we are joined by a special guest who will help us uncover the meaning of sex. Listen now as our hosts discuss sex, not in a salacious way as some may be inclined to do and in a respectful God honoring manner.  Free resource from the Alliance of Confessing EvangelicalsDownload the free message Pagan Sexuality by Peter Jones.   What is the Meaning of Sex? by Denny Burk
11/13/201328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: The Business Church

How do pastors and church leaders keep themselves accountable to their congregations? What happens when a church is treated more like a business than a house of worship? Listen in to the Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit to hear Todd Pruitt and Aimee Byrd as they discuss the dangerous cult of personality that has taken hold of some aspects of the church at large. They give what everyone's come to expect from the Mortification of Spin - stepping on toes and taking the big guys down a few notches!The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free download of the audio message, A Fool and His Money. It seems to be ingrained in us to always want more. We want to get ahead, to make our lives pleasant and comfortable. We want to secure our future, so we prepare for retirement. It’s easy for us to be busy storing up our wealth, forgetting that we are told not to gain treasure here on earth, but rather in heaven
11/6/201314 minutes, 16 seconds
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Aimee Byrd makes another appearance with Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt, this time her first as co-host. Listen in as the trio discuss Halloween and its impact on the Christian life. Is it problematic for a Christian family to trick-or-treat on Halloween? To what lengths does Christian liberty extend? Listen to the Mortification of Spin to hear the insight of Carl, Todd, and Aimee. Enjoy this free resource from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals - The Use and Abuse of Christian Liberty by D.G. Hart    
10/30/201327 minutes, 34 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Worse than Unhelpful

Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit gives hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt a chance to briefly discuss timely issues. Listen as they discuss some criticism and lashback they have gotten because of the podcast, and some of the reasons behind their perceived "harshness" toward prominent Christian leaders. How does the Bible guide our critiques of public figures with popular books and speaking tours? Do we need to sit down over a "no-foam, non-fat latte" in order to be able to speak out against these very public ministers? Carl and Todd take a stab at some of these questions. The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to offer you a free download of the audio message, Persevering in the Face of Criticism by Joel Beeke, from the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology.   
10/23/201312 minutes, 40 seconds
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Not So Subtle

 Author and blogger Aimee Byrd joins your regular hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt to talk about a perrennial issue throughout the life of the church: abuse. Though Carl and Todd have discussed this issue before, they seek Aimee's wisdom in confronting a more subtle form of abuse that happens more often than it ought within the church. What role should pastors, elders, deacons and their wives play in unveiling marital abuse and reconciling husbands and wives? How can the church better prepare women to deal with these things biblically and theologically? Listen in to the conversation on the Mortification of Spin. Enjoy this free resource from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals!Betrayed by a Close Friend by Jame M. BoiceDo you ever find yourself wanting to run away?  It’s not that you expected life to be easy, exactly.  But maybe you’re worn out from facing the same problems over and over again, year after year.  Job pressures, bills, taxes, marriage or family problems –  Housewife Theologian: How the Gospel Interrupts the Ordinary by Aimee ByrdAlso check out Aimee's blog, Housewife Theologian.
10/16/201327 minutes, 44 seconds
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Mad, Mad, Mad

What has become of marriage in our society? When the rules are as bent as they are now, even something as absurd as "marrying" oneself is no longer seen as laughable as it would have once been, but is praised and even endorsed. Listen to Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit and hear Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt discuss the state of marriage, and God's clear words about it in Scripture. Enjoy this free resources from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals!Click here to download the free message "The First Wedding" by Dr. James Boice.God establishes marriage as the first and most basic of all human institutions. From this institution, all other human institutions came: government, education, health care. One cannot think of a contemporary social or cultural organization that does not have a derivative relationship to the home and marriage.Download it for free.
10/9/201313 minutes, 7 seconds
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Tribe Hopping

Carl and Todd are at it again! Join them as they discuss Todd's "journey" to his new Presbyterian "tribe" from his Southern Baptist roots. Listen in and learn more about the distintives of church governmental structures between denominations. Call them "elitist" if you must, but our hosts unashamedly assert the importance of getting the right men in the pulpit, as those men are to care for peoples' souls according to God's standard laid out in his Word. This topic is becoming more and more explosive as churches continue to seek the coolest and hippest men to be pastors, instead of choosing the educated and qualified men. Listen to the Mortification of Spin and join the discussion! Enjoy this free resources from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals! The Westminster Doctrine of Baptism and Current Reformed Trajectories by Sinclair Ferguson  
10/2/201328 minutes, 3 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Gobbledygook

Listen in as Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt take to the Bully Pulpit.  On this week’s Pulpit they discuss the means and goals of preaching.  What role does evangelism play in preaching?  How do Jesus and the Apostles teach men to preach?  Today, many preachers give their congregations gobbledygook instead of solid, biblical meat each week.  The Bible confronts us in our sinful state before God, and preachers need to bring that confrontation in through their sermons by turning their own pulpits into Bully Pulpits...  Click here for the free offer The Foolishness of Preaching by Dr. James boice.
9/25/201314 minutes, 15 seconds
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Trivial Fascinations

Dr. Stephen Nichols, Research Professor of Christianity and Culture at Lancaster Bible College, stops by the “studio” once again to talk with Carl and Todd.  After a rocky start they get to the point of discussion: the overwhelming cultural fascination with youth.  The gang explains how the fixation our culture places on the young and pretty is idolatrous.  And this idolatry has seeped into the church.  How are we to respond?  What is the Bible’s antidote for a youth-driven church?  What do 80s rock stars and blues music have to do with anything?  Listen to the Mortification of Spin to find out!        Enjoy this free resource from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals!The Christian's Responsibility to His Culture by R.C. Sproul    Youth-Driven Culture by Stephen Nichols     Getting the Blues by Stephen Nichols  
9/18/201330 minutes, 26 seconds
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Bully Pulpit: Unabashed Self Promotion

Carl from his pulpit and Todd from his heavily armed bunker kick off a new Mortification of Spin series, The Bully Pulpit. In this first episode, in light of a recent hypersexualized musical performance,  Todd asks if the church has any credibility on sexual ethics and decency? Or does an unabashed desire for self promotion lie behind such public sexual escapades? Are pastors guilty of the same behavior when they promote themselves or their latest book in the pulpit or on Facebook? We need to be careful not to erode the boundary of what is appropriate for the public sphere and what is a appropriate for the private sphere or we are just as guilty as the pornographers.
9/11/201310 minutes, 40 seconds
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Calming Liturgical Heartburn

If you get heartburn over the mention of the word "liturgy," you may find some proverbial antacid in the thoughtful conversation between our hosts on this episode of The Mortification of Spin. In fact, Carl and Todd remind us that our churches are all liturgical in one way or another - the question is whether we are basing the order and structure of our worship on Scripture or whether we're simply, shall we say, flying by the seat of our pants. Can the seat of our pants sufficiently guide us in corporate worship that is Christ-centered? If you've never opened The Book of Common Prayer, buckle up and listen're bound to learn quite a bit from this helpful podcast.   Free Resource from Alliance of Confessing EvangelicalsHumble Suggestions for Reformed Worship by Richard PhillipsRev. Richard Phillips, speaking at the 2006 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, teaches on the practice of reformed worship. This discussion is helpful for pastors and church members who desire to see our worship reformed according to the Bible's standards. Mentioned on Calming Liturgical Heartburn  A Method for Prayer by Matthew HenryAnd check out the Alliance's Matthew Henry Project.   The Book of Common Prayer     The Valley of Vision by Arthur G. Bennet    Leading in Prayer by Hughes Oliphant Old    Christ-Centered Worship by Bryan Chapell   Thoughts on Public Prayer by Samuel Miller
9/4/201325 minutes, 38 seconds
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Saved by Grace, Theologian by Default

 Todd and Carl interview Aimee Byrd in an attempt to answer the question: can anything good really come out of West Virginia? Mrs. Byrd is the popular blogger, now published author and self-identified "Housewife Theologian." If you're picturing a woman - pregnant, barefoot and in the kitchen - pouring over commentaries and studying Greek while mixing up a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies, you're probably only slightly stereotyping. Aimee herself admits to being quite ordinary. In fact, she believes that everyone is a theologian and that doctrine is a very real part of everyday life. If you're as important as Carl, then you already have a copy of her pre-released book. But in case you aren't, you better listen in to this episode of The Mortification of Spin...  Housewife Theologan book winners!J. Lynn - Temple, GAA. Larson - Athens, GAE. Laczny - Appleton, WIB. Bishop - Nine Mile Falls, WAA. Murphy - Toledo, OHD. Narva - Rockford, MIL. Skillman - Vermilion, OHK. Gray - Jacksonville, FLR. Amador - Hamler, OHT. Helfers - Pekin, ILP. Williamson - Bellingham, WAK. Weeks - Savannah, MON. Larsen - Indianapolis, INM. Van Drunen - Hudson, OHC. Daniell - Douglasville, GAL. Huffman - Cresson, TXD. Carlson - Mariposa, CAB. Richardson - Philadelphia, PAD. Esh - Willow Street, PAK. Cozzi - Bow, NHWinners will be contacted by email. Click here to purchase Aimee Byrd's new book Housewife Theologan.                                         
8/21/201326 minutes
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Pastors, Elders & Their Wives

Your favorite comedian/theologians, Todd Pruitt and Carl Trueman, team up yet again - this time to answer some important questions about how the church should be run and who should be running it. We'll learn that faithful teaching, a willingness to contend for truth and godly maturity are all important characteristics of a good pastor or elder. But women listeners won't be surprised to learn what Todd and Carl eventually conclude...that the way an elder treats his wife may be the best indicator of his ability to lead well.    Free resource from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals The Westminster Assembly on Marriage and Divorce a free MP3 by Richard Gamble.
8/7/201328 minutes, 52 seconds
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What is the Church To Do?

This episode of The Mortification of Spin takes on a more serious tone as Todd and Carl offer a pastoral approach to the sensitive topic of spousal abuse. In tragic cases of abuse within the church, where does the dividing line between church discipline and civil law exist? Does abuse stand as justifiable, biblical grounds for divorce? During their thoughtful discussion, the hosts answer these questions and more, offer helpful book recommendations on this challenging topic, and (surprisingly) reveal what's right about feminism.       Free resource from the Alliance of Confessing EvangelicalsGod's Design for Marriage and Sex by Richard Phillips   Mentioned on What is the Church To Do?The Stain That Stays by Armstrong John     Marriage: Sex in the Service of God by Christopher Ash    Married for God: Making Your Marriage the Best it Can be by Christopher Ash  
7/24/201325 minutes, 27 seconds
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Can I Trust the Bible?

Todd and Carl interview Steve Nichols, author and professor of Christianity and Culture at Lancaster Bible College, and they respectfully dub their guest the "Peter Pan of reformed theology." While Steve may look young, he is certainly insightful when it comes to this episode's topics of discussion: the doctrine of Scripture and the current relevancy of church history. If you can put up with the hosts' frequent wise cracks, listen in to hear Steve raise what he calls the compelling question of the modern age. Mentioned on Can I Trust the Bible? Ancient Word, Changing World by Stephen Nichols Bonhoeffer on the Christian Life: From the Cross, for the World by Stephen Nichols Martin Luther: A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought by Stephen Nichols J. Gresham Machen: A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought by Stephen Nichols The Reformation: How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World by Stephen Nichols Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen  
7/10/201327 minutes, 51 seconds
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Anonymous Christians Anyone?

Is there such a thing as a tan Englishman? Todd and Carl debate the issue momentarily before focusing their attention on the recent news surrounded Pope Francis' universalist comments. If you're not familiar with the term "anonymous Christian" (don't worry...we weren't either), listen in and learn how the Pope's flawed theology has been plaguing the church from Justin Martyr in the 2nd century to misguided modern day teachers like Rob Bell. Is there a difference between universalism and inclusivism? What's the real problem with the Roman Catholic Church? Our hosts will answer these questions and more in this "no guest needed" edition of your favorite reformed podcast!    Free resource from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals We Are Beggars: Luther's Famous Last Words by Carl TruemanThis is one of the Seminar Messages from the 2012 Quakertown Regional Conference on Reformed Theology, Alone: The Solas of the Reformation. This message is brought by Carl Trueman.    Mentioned on Anonymous Christians Anyone? Reformation: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow by Carl Trueman 
6/26/201327 minutes
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Happiness Questing

 As Todd and Carl report from "The Batcave" to offer a solemn critique of Andy Stanley's book, Deep and Wide, the hosts discuss the biblical role of the church, Jesus' example and the definition of happiness. While both the topic and their critique are serious, the musical interludes certainly are not. If you've ever wondered how the church should relate to the culture around it and what the song "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" could possibly have to do with it, you'll love this episode of The Mortification of Spin!    Free resource from the Alliance of Confessing EvangelicalsHappy, Though Poor by Dr. BarnhouseJoy is the blessing of being at peace with God, and this is by believing in Jesus Christ as one's Savior and having Him remove the burden of sin and guilt from one's life. One may be poor by the world's standards, but belonging to Jesus now and for eternity is true wealth.  Mentioned on Happiness Questing Deep & Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend by Andy Stanley      Deliberate Church: Building Your Ministry on the Gospel [IX Marks] by Mark Dever
6/12/201326 minutes, 50 seconds
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Creating Young (and old) Theologians

If you're ready for a little education on church history, check out this edition of The Mortification of Spin with special guest and children's book author, Simonetta Carr. A successful teacher, writer and homeschooling mother of eight kids, Simonetta is certainly busy, but denies being any sort of "supermom." As Todd and Carl interview their guest, you'll learn about her passion for communicating doctrine through the powerful stories and dynamic characters of church history. With several books already published and a few more in the works, her writings are a great resource not only for children, but also for adults like Todd and Carl who tend only to read books with lots of pictures in them.   Free resource from the Alliance of Confessing EvangelicalsA Christian View of History, free MP3 by James BoiceIn our day and age people are always asking "Why was I born?, What am I here for?" and "Why am I here at this time and in this place?" These questions reflect two needs that we have: the need for a sense of identity, and the need for a purpose and meaning in life. In "A Christian View of History", Dr. Boice shows that being a part of the family of God gives us identity and a sense of belonging. He looks at our relationship to the past, present, and future reality of Christian fellowship. Finally, in this series, Dr. Boice points us to the truth that Jesus Christ is the focal point of history. Mentioned on Creating Young (and old) Theologians Anselm of Canterbury by Simonetta Carr   Other books by Simonetta Carr
5/29/201326 minutes, 50 seconds
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No pain, No gain, No church

Todd Pruitt and Carl Trueman meet with PCA church planter, Jon “No Gain” Payne, to discuss the struggles, victories and overall philosophy of biblical church planting.  All jokes about skinny jeans and soy lattes aside, the hosts jump right in and ask the tough questions. What does the gospel-centered, reformed version of this ministry look like in an age when church planting is considered “sexy” and glamorous? Jon outlines 8 essential keys to building a proper biblical foundation for any church. While he speaks with excitement about his and his family’s upcoming move to Charleston, SC, he also recognizes that flashy gimmicks will not be the means through which God builds His church. Jon is stepping out in faith and obedience and relying on the means of ordinary grace alone.Free resource from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals How to Have a Healthy Church, free pdf booklet by James BoiceWhat should be the distinguishing marks of the Church of Jesus Christ? What should be its most important characteristic? How do we know when our church is healthy? James Boice answers these important questions as he works through John 17.  Mentioned on No pain, No gain, No churchA Faith Worth Teaching: The Heidelberg Catechism's Enduring Heritage by Jon D. Payne and Sebastian HeckThe Lectio Continua Project edited by Jon D. PayneIn the Splendor of Holiness: Rediscovering the Beauty of Reformed Worship for the 21st Century by Jon D. PayneOur Southern Zion: A History of Calvinism in the South Carolina Low Country, 1690-1990         
5/15/201327 minutes, 1 second
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Stop My Mouth

What does good theology, Pelagius, fish-n-chips and suffering have in common? It's not the sufferings of Job that is discussed at length, but the special guest who will be discussing suffering. It's not important that Job understands why suffering came to him,  what's important is that Job trusts God. At the end of the day, the book of Job is about trust. It's believing that God does what is right in the end, even if we don't understand. Listen now to Stop My Mouth with Carl and Todd with a special guest as they discuss the benefits of being fined for skipping church.  Free resource from the Alliance of Confessing EvangelicalsDownload the free message Suffering, the Path of Glory by Dr. James Boice.Suffering is usually not something to be desired. But the apostle Paul speaks about suffering as an ever present reality for the Christian. Therefore, the Christian, who does not suffer, may not be living enough for Christ. Mentioned on Stop My Mouth Calvin's Teaching On Job by Derek Thomas
5/1/201330 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Happy Lutheran

With no students to teach Steve Nichols, Research Professor of Christianity and Culture at Lancaster Bible College, joins Todd and Carl on Mortification of Spin to discuss Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Was Bonhoeffer an Evangelical, was he even a Christian? At what point are his writings helpful for us? Steve demonstrates that Dietrich Bonhoeffer is clearly an important Christan thinker whose life and death lend weight to his writings. Whether we agree, disagree, love or hate him, Bonhoeffer has earned the right to be heard. Free resource from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals Download the free message A Christian View of History by Dr. James Boice.In our day and age people are always asking "Why was I born?, What am I here for?" These questions reflect two needs that we have: the need for a sense of identity, and the need for a purpose and meaning in life. Dr. Boice shows that being a part of the family of God gives us identity and a sense of belonging. He looks at our relationship to the past, present, and future reality of Christian fellowship. Dr. Boice points us to the truth that Jesus Christ is the focal point of history.  Mentioned on The Happy LutheranSteve NicholsBonhoeffer on the Christian life by Steven NicholsTheologians on the Christian Life 
4/17/201326 minutes, 19 seconds
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Necessary Controversies

On Mortification of Spin, Todd Pruitt and Carl Trueman talk about the necessity of dressing up in order to attend church on Sunday and how that standard must be maintained at all costs. However, both aim to avoid conflict but understand that only through conflict will the church be around in 53 years. Listen right now to this episode of Mortification of Spin and Carl will tell you the correct way to pronounce controversy.    Free resource from the Alliance of Confessing EvangelicalsDownload the free message Conflict and Triumph by Dr. Donald Barnhouse.An exploration of the great conflict going on between good and evil within the spiritual realm, Dr. Barnhouse carefully traces this vast spiritual conflict back to the period before the beginning of recorded time. Mentioned on Necessary ControversiesFools Rush In Where Monkeys Fear To Tread, by Carl TruemanWestminster Theological Seminary
4/3/201319 minutes, 18 seconds
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Unsensational Supernatural Unlikely Conversion

Todd Pruitt and Carl Trueman discuss the recent publication of Rosaria Champagne Butterfield’s Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert.  Dr. Butterfield, a former Lesbian professor, came to faith in Jesus Christ through the ministry of an unassuming Reformed pastor and his family.  Not only so, but she has come all the way from radical professor to home-schooling pastor’s wife in an exclusive psalm singing denomination.   Free resource from the Alliance of Confessing EvangelicalsDownload the message The Conversion of Saul by Dr. James Boice. Use coupon code emezym.He watched the killing of Stephen, the first martyr. He went on to do everything he could to stamp out the newly formed Christian church. We would not expect him to become a convert a missionary and an apostle, but that is what God did. After Paul knew that Jesus was the Son of God, the first action he took was to tell others. This is exactly what everyone who wants a vital spiritual life must do.  Mentioned on Unsensational Supernatural Unlikely ConversionSecret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria ButterfieldRegulative Principle: With Reverence and Awe by D.G. HartMetrical Psalms: 29Mark DriscollConfessions of a Reformission Rev.Broad evangelicalism: Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, by Carl Trueman
3/20/201323 minutes, 28 seconds
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Birth of the Cool

Hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt discuss the evangelical fascination with being cool.  The problem with being cool is that it is the overarching culture or zeitgeist that determines what is cool and what is not. Christians are called to be conformed to the image of the Son and this implies some very uncool ramifications which come in for consideration during this interesting conversation. Mentioned on The Birth of the CoolGod's Words: Studies of Key Bible Themes by J. I. PackerYoung, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist's Journey with the New Calvinists by Collin HansenThe Lost Message of Jesus by Steve Chalke
3/6/201327 minutes, 9 seconds
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The King’s Court Jester

Hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt discuss the tragedy of suffering in a fallen world. While recognizing the reality of natural evil (such as illness and earthquakes), the conversation focuses on moral evil in which human beings inflict on one another intentional malice. The truth of the matter is that we live in a world where evil things happen.   Mentioned on The King’s Court JesterA Place for Weakness: Preparing Yourself for Suffering
2/20/201322 minutes, 10 seconds
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Rock Star Pastors in Las Vegas

Hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt have a friendly conversation about things that matter.  In this episode the hosts discuss the temptation for Christians to poorly imitate the cultural fashions of the world around them.  Rather, Christians are called to fulfill their callings as unto the Lord.  The conversation then turns to the nature of sanctification or how the Christian relates to the OT law.  Is sanctification simply a matter of getting used to one’s justification or does it involve a daily dying to sin and living to righteousness? Mentioned in Rock Star Pastors in Las VegasLeft Behind filmLuther's Legacy: Salvation and English Reformers, 1525-1556Jesus + Nothing = EverythingThe Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran ChurchThe Creedal Imperative
2/8/201321 minutes, 21 seconds