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Muslimah Thrive Podcast Profile

Muslimah Thrive Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 35 episodes, 1 day, 4 hours, 36 minutes
Muslimah Thrive Podcast is a mother & daughter led platform that amplifies the voices and celebrates the success of Muslim Women, all over the globe. By listening to the stories of how these Muslimahs strive and thrive, in spite of the false narratives and portrayals in the media, other Muslim Women can learn and be inspired to take action and live to their fullest potential and create maximum impact, Bi'ithnillah.
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Muti'ah Badruddeen - Writing Stories For Ourselves

We recorded this episode a few months ago and it’s definitely one of our favourites!We spoke to @deenprogress about how important it is to have books that represent Muslim women as they truly are. Going through the ups and downs of life while still practicing and holding onto their deen.The absence of stories that truly represent Muslim women is staggering especially now when we live in a world where media influence holds so much power.As black Muslim women, we fall into a further niche and it’s where @deenprogress is making her mark! If we want the narratives of Muslim women in media to change, we have to be the ones who do it.WE’RE GOING TO BE THE ONES WHO CHANGE IT.Dive into October’s first episode now!
10/5/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 30 seconds
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Isma Malik - Our Children, Ourselves

Our children are reflections of ourselves.We all know that, right? We all know and are aware of how our behaviour and the habits we pick up will ultimately reflect in our children?Because sometimes I feel like that thought, that fact that we know, can be forgotten in the hubbub that is life.Between school runs, homework, chores and errands - we forget that when we neglect looking after ourselves, we teach our children to neglect looking after themselves.When we rush through life because we have so much to do, we don’t teach our children to carve out special time for the values that matter.In this weeks episode with the lovely Isma Malik @the_resilient_parentcoaching we spoke about how we as parents can slow down and impress on our children the parts of life that really matter and in doing so, strengthening each individuals bond with Allah.Press play on September’s bonus episode now!
10/1/20221 hour, 1 minute, 15 seconds
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The Impact Our Marriages Have On Our Children

This week we're talking all about how the relationship we have with our spouse can and will impact the way our children behave now and in the future. This is definitely a topic close to both of our hearts considering the effects it has on us as individuals. It's also one of those topics which is heavily disagreed upon when it comes to talking to our children about our marital relationship. Is it better to allow them to understand that there is a frustration there? Or should we shield them from that side of our marriages? Depending on how you grew up and your parenting styles there is a huge differ in opinions. We'll go deeper into our personal thoughts and the views of a few other sisters we've asked on Thursday when our blog drops. But for now, go have a listen to the full episode and let us know what you do with your children and why.Ultimately, our decisions come from us trying to do the best we can as parents and equip our children with armour that we didn't have growing up. Let us know your thoughts, we'd love to hear from you.
9/14/202254 minutes, 41 seconds
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How To Approach Marriage And Relationships With Islam For Young Muslims

In our first episode with the new format of Muslimah Thrive our topic was relationships (as it will be for this month) and we spoke about the highs and lows, what love means and looks like in an Islamic context, how to manage your expectations, negative cultural influences and a whole host of other topics. In our house we speak about things like marriage and relationships candidly and without filter (age appropriate of course) so taking on this topic as mother and daughter and hearing my daughters thoughts, opinions and questions, is beneficial for us both and incredibly important. This is your cue to speak to your children about these very much real topics instead of playing hooky with having these conversations until they are suddenly thrust into a “whole new world” 🤷🏾‍♀️Let’s speak on it 🗣P.S - Listen or Re-listen to the episode we did with   as a follow up to this one and if you need any help or inquiries, shoot her a message 💥
9/7/202253 minutes, 12 seconds
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Welcome Back & A New Format

Hey!We're back! And boy are we excited. We've got a truckload of new content on the way for you so grab a drink, settle down cause the Muslimah Thrive Podcast is back and better!!
9/3/20227 minutes, 28 seconds
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Panel: The Liberation Of Palestine - Hala Shoman

6/11/202251 minutes, 56 seconds
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Nikita Islam - A Holistic Ramadan

What is a holistic Ramadan? What does it mean to live our lives holistically prioritizing our health in a non-medicinal focused way? How do we even start living holistically? I didn't know the answers to these questions, in fact I had my doubts, especially with the stigma that comes from looking at non-medicinal alternatives to improve our health and prevent sickness. This week's guest Nikita Islam Is a gynaecologist - turned - health coach And she’ll be letting us in on all the holistic health secrets 👀 I can't wait for you guys to jump into this one. Follow Us:Instagram - - Nikita:Instagram - - -
4/6/202227 minutes, 35 seconds
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Nazima Qureishi - Guide To Nutritious & Fulfilling Ramadan

3/30/202241 minutes, 5 seconds
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Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan - Tangled In Terror

“Something every single one of us can do from tomorrow, to imagine another world, is to change the language we use. If everyone who reads this book commits to stop using the word terrorism to describe non-state acts of violence and the word security to describe state violence, we can collectively raise consciousness about the root causes of violence.” - Suhaiymah Manzoor Khan - ‘Tangled In Terror: Uprooting Islamophobia’  💥💥  @thebrownhijabi Needs no introduction. We had her on the show back in season 1 and we couldn't resist bringing her back. She's grown leaps and bounds since then and is now releasing her latest book ‘Tangled In Terror: Uprooting Islamophobia ‘I can't even begin to scratch the surface of all the topics that we covered in the podcast but you'd best believe it was jam-packed with the history behind Islamophobia and how it all stems back to racism. 👀As well as, practical moves we can make to change the ways language is used. This may have been my favourite episode yet. Visit our website!
3/19/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 14 seconds
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Transformative Ramadan - CHALLENGE

3/1/202211 minutes, 7 seconds
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Transformative Ramadan

2/27/202244 minutes, 42 seconds
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Asmaa Hussein - Writing Memorandums For Generations To Come

One of my ultimate goals in life is to leave a legacy. For  the people I directly impact and the ones whose hearts I touch indirectly.For my family, My Children and their children too.For myself. I want to be able to look back through a life filled with love and happiness and contentment that I have not just brought for myself, but for others equally, even more.To do this, I don't have to have to be world renowned. I don't have to change the lives of millions, nor thousands, nor 100. Not even 10, 5. If I can lift even 1 persons worries, if I can be a reason for uplifting their heart, if I can make just a single person smile on a bad day. That is enough.Because it is not just about what your swathes of goodness amounts to in this Dunya, it's also about what you may feel is just a droplet of kindness, a sand-grain of light in someones life, can hold so much weight in the Aakhirah when you are stood before your lord.Abu Dhar narrated the Prophet SAW said, “Do not disdain a good deed, (no matter how small it may seem) even if it is your meeting with your brother with a cheerful face” (Sahih Muslim).On this show, I invite Women who have made made an impact on me be it small or large and Sister Asmaa is no exception. She started Ruqaya's Bookshelf back in 2015 with a mission, "To publish bright, fun, and engaging Islamic children’s books to add to your home and school libraries!" Like me, Asmaa also wants to leave a legacy for generations to come, but most importantly, her daughter Ruqaya. Cozy up and get ready to feel your heart warm in this seasons penultimate episode!      Link in the bio
11/24/202159 minutes, 2 seconds
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Haleemah @7figuremuslimah - Creating A Plan For Life & Business

11/17/202149 minutes, 36 seconds
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Sr Mariya @Muswell Books - Raising Our Daughters With Islam

11/10/202152 minutes, 57 seconds
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OPR Coaches Nyla & Fatimah - Let's Talk About Polygyny

Let’s talk about Polygyny.No, really. Let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about the stigma it comes with even though it’s ✨Sunnah ✨Let’s talk about how the people who take the strongest stance against it are Muslim. Let’s talk about how people who are in polygamous relationships, or who grew up in a polygamous household, feel like they can’t share their story because the book is filled with long, winding chapters from people, who in practice, know NOTHING about it. Let’s talk about how the (grown) Man and Women in the relationship are belittled and talked down to constantly. Let’s talk about the backbiting and the slander that is said behind their backs.Let’s talk about the insinuations and negativity people whisper amongst themselves. But most importantly, Let’s talk about how this is a Prophetic Practice and one that is encouraged if only to lift a burden on us. Allah says in the Quran,فَانكِحُواْ مَا طَابَ لَكُم مِّنَ النِّسَاء مَثْنَى وَثُلاَثَ وَرُبَاعَ…فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلاَّ تَعْدِلُواْ فَوَاحِدَةً...“…then marry [other] women, who seem virtuous to you, two or three or four; and if you fear that you cannot do them justice, then one [only]…” - Quran 4:3And,وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤۡمِنٍ وَّلَا مُؤۡمِنَةٍ اِذَا قَضَى اللّٰهُ وَرَسُوۡلُهٗۤ اَمۡرًا اَنۡ يَّكُوۡنَ لَهُمُ الۡخِيَرَةُ مِنۡ اَمۡرِهِمۡ ؕ وَمَنۡ يَّعۡصِ اللّٰهَ وَرَسُوۡلَهٗ فَقَدۡ ضَلَّ ضَلٰلًا مُّبِيۡنًا‏ “It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should [thereafter] have any choice about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error.” - Quran 33:36
11/6/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 57 seconds
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Razia Hamidi - Strengthen Your Marriage By Affirming Your Relationship With Allah

Your relationship with your spouse can only be as good as your relationship with Allah.Allah tells us in this hadith,Never will My servant draw near to Me with anything more beloved to Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him. My servant will keep drawing near to Me with supererogatory works until I love him. When I love him, I become his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask for refuge in Me, I would surely grant it to him... {Bukahri & Muslim} We know that marriage is such an important part of our Deen, but often we fail to do preparation beforehand. Sister Razia thinks that it's crucial to start doing the work prior to getting marriage so you don't find yourself lost by false expectations or throwing in the towel prematurely. But most importantly making sure your personal relationship with Allah is firm then he will give us insights and guidance for where we should go and what we should do even when we feel as if there is no way.Press play on Sister Razia's episode now!
11/3/202140 minutes, 41 seconds
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Letters My Mother Wrote Me - With Coffee w/ Cream Podcast

What’s the secret to a happy creating a healthy environment while raising your children? ...We asked our Moms and we can't wait to let you know what they said  🗯️👉 I wanted to collab with the ladies from Coffee w/ Cream Podcast to talk about our mothers for so many reasons — their stories are so special to me, they made difficult decisions, immigrated to foreign countries with children in tow, made sure to raise us with Islamic Values and also give us a childhood filled with happy memories. They did this as Strong Black Women! My mother personally did this as one of the 3 wives my father married (Yes in a polygamous marriage!) Myself, Sister Bilqees and Sister Roda want to capture their stories and voices in a way that we can hold onto, in a way we can share with our kids now that they’re old enough to listen.I hope this conversation makes you smile. I hope makes you remember how incredible your mother is. Maybe it'll make you cry, I know it got pretty emotional while we recorded this.✨ I hope, more than anything, it inspires you to reach out to the ones you love, and savour the moments you have together. I’m so excited to introduce you to our mothers, Haja Marie, Sulayha, and Kareema.➡️ If you could tell your mom anything, right now, what would you say?
10/16/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 9 seconds
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Behind Muslimah Thrive

Ever wanted to get to know the voices behind your favourite podcast? Or what goes into the recordings and how or why we started? Well you’re in for a treat! In today’s episode I interview my mother and Co-host  you’ll get to hear the story of Muslimah Thrive, beyond our guests and our message. Who are Muslimah Thrive? What do they stand for?🎧 Press play on Episode 6 and Get the answers to those questions now!Follow Us:Instagram - @muslimahthriveFacebook - @muslimahthriveFind all our episodes - Muslimah Thrive Podcast
10/13/202144 minutes, 53 seconds
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Aint Afraid - Embracing Your Loud

Stand out from the crowd. When we say that statement, what do we mean? Who do we envision that embodies that message? For me, I think of two guests we brought on to the show back in May. A formidable set of twins who are existing for one reason. To Be As Loud As Possible.Not in an obnoxious way. But in a way that says I will not be Silent or Silenced. I will raise my voice, even if it makes YOU uncomfortable. I refuse to be a person who stands by and watch. Aint Afraid are, in their own words, a multi-talented double dose of dopeness who use the arts to spread positive messages in ways that people Will listen.Although I personally don't listen to music, I support their strong message and the sentiments behind it. They are Women. They are Black. They are MUSLIM. I don't have to say anymore.Who stands out for you?Find Out More About Aint Afraid:Website - - @aintafraidFacebook - @aintafraidFollow Us:Instagram - @muslimahthriveFacebook - @muslimahthriveFind all our episodes - Muslimah Thrive Podcast
10/3/202152 minutes, 18 seconds
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Homeschool Queens - Take A Leap! {Into Homeschooling}

The boom of homeschooling in the light of Covid-19 has certainly surprised me in a good way.Yet for the many who have only begun in the past two years, there are some big questions that need to be answered.Will my kids be Ok? What about developing their social skills? Are they going to fall behind? What if they reject the idea? How do I know this decision is in their best interests? 🤔➡️ The founders of @homseschoolqueens saw how homeschooling impacted their own lives and they also saw an opportunity to support mothers while answering the many questions that surrounded the lifestyle. I’m so excited to have Ruqayyah and Khalila on the podcast to talk about the once-taboo topic of homeschooling.Listen right now!
9/29/202144 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sr Maryam @nurturing learners - Lights..., Camera,... Homeschooling!

 Lights..., Camera,... Homeschooling!⚠️ The world of homeschooling is complex, especially when the price of it is so high and depending on where you live you could be receiving little to no help at all, but it also pays off exponentially to have a smart, flexible strategy in place. Not a 'one size fits all'. But a strategy that is tailored to fit your family➡️ I love Sister Maryam's approach to homeschooling. Her proven tactics will help you get started with creating a homeschool experience that you and your family will love.💡 We can keep on building our dream homeschool without sacrificing our peace and happiness. Go forth and step into your thriving homeschool today!But first listen to this episode + save this post as a reminder for later!Link in the bio 
9/25/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Gemma Elizabeth - Overcoming The Trials Of Homeschooling To Reach The Triumphs

“Sometimes the hardest decisions in life require you to have guts.” - Dr Gemma Elizabeth 👏🏾In this interview, we ask Sister Gemma about the pros and cons of homeschooling children who have never been to school. After nearly a decade of doing it and winning multiple awards for her blog, Our Muslim Homeschool, she is certainly an expert in her field and I can't wait for you to hear her insights.Her mantra? You will fail and when you do, you have to push on again and again, no matter what -- I can get behind that message and so can you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Having the confidence to get out there [14:23] Biggest Challenges as a mother [27:36] Advice for those thinking of homeschooling [36:12]Advice for burnt-out Muslim mothers [49:55]Find Out More About Dr Gemma:Blog - www.ourmuslimhomeschool.comInstagram - @ourmuslimhomeschoolFacebook - @ourmuslimhomeschoolGrab Dr Gemma's Free Ebook on starting homeschooling - Us:Instagram - @muslimahthriveFacebook - @muslimahthriveFind all our episodes - Muslimah Thrive Podcast
9/18/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 23 seconds
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Hafsa Taher - Elevating Your Success

➡️  Hafsa Taher is an Instagram expert and Coach, and her advice helps people navigate the next steps in their businesses, foster strong mindsets to support those business moves, and create a plan to achieve all business aspirations. At Muslimah Thrive we believe in building a strong community for Sisters who uplift one and other and make sure we all reach our fullest potential and Sr. Hafsa embodies that message.Self-Healing [19:42] Topic #2 [timestamp] Topic #3 [timestamp]Find Out More About Hafsa:Instagram - @hafsataher.coachingFacebook - @hafsataherGrab Hafsa's 6 tips to sell with Instagram - Us:Instagram - @muslimahthriveFacebook - @muslimahthriveFind all our episodes - Muslimah Thrive Podcast
9/18/202156 minutes, 4 seconds
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Umm Zakiyyah - Tackling The 3 P's {Perseverance, Perceptions &...Polygamy}

Buckle in folks, because this one’s a rocker!  💥Umm Zakiyyah is a powerhouse in many ways and she discusses the topics nobody wants to hear. 🤫{“*I’m talking about you polygamy*”}Despite the stigma surrounding the topics she tackles, she pushes on even when facing a backlash. Umm Zakiyyah does not wait for anyone’s permission or approval, she that not everybody is going to want to hear what she has to say and she's ok with that.More importantly, she's going to say it anyway. 💪🏾🙌🏾This episode felt like a catch-up, filled with laughs and anecdotes, you guys are going to love it. 😊I hope Umm Zakiyyah touches your heart as she did mine, and with that, let's dive into the 3 P’s! ✨Hit play now ▶️
5/21/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 39 seconds
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Rahma Rodaah - An Achievers Handbook To Having The Courage To Love Who You Are

Rahma Rodaah wears a lot of hats -- mom, a speaker, an activist for literary diversity, a coach, an author… The list goes on, and she’s found a way to thrive in each area.⁣ ✨⁣@rahmahrodaah is an advocate for change, and through her work, she is debunking the negative narratives of being Black & Muslim, leading us to see the potential and shine instead. If stereotypes, rhetoric, and confusion seem to narrate your career and your families life, this interview with Rahma will explore how you can navigate out of it.⁣⬇️⁣Rahma is also a guide for opening children's literature to include the Black + Muslim child as well and she shares actionable strategies for starting or continuing this important work. She has already written and released 2 children's picture books that reflect this and has signed a book deal with a major publishing company to release 2 more, so you know she's at the top of her game. Press play with the link in my bio and be sure to find Rahma at  --  @rahmahrodaahFollow Us:Instagram - - Rahma:Instagram - - -
5/8/202157 minutes, 46 seconds
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Roda Imam - Creating A Healthy Mindset To Be Our Best Selves For Ramadan & Beyond

💭 Do you feel alone in your missteps, your mistakes and your so-called failures? You are NOT alone, my friend. This conversation will help you reframe your mindset.➡️ Roda Imam started her business in December and she is already making waves in her Niche. Her story has transitioned from struggling with anxiety that continued to hold her down… to building her character and overcoming every obstacle in her way leading her straight into the fine-tuned version of success she’s creating for herself and others today. 👏✨ I’m so thrilled for an opportunity to have a candid conversation with @rivirtualcoaching about creating a business that aligns with what you actually want and your Deen, learning to put her needs first all while being an Inspiration to her 12 siblings and showing her children that finding self-confidence is a huge internal battle that she has rightfully WON.And nothing's going to stop her now! ▶️ Roda Imam on Muslimah Thrive -- Hit Play Now
4/27/202147 minutes, 59 seconds
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Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan - Justice's Many Faces & How To Embody Them

Are you a Justice Seeker? ⚖️➡️  Do you embrace fear and move forward in spite of it? Does breaking the narratives and carving your own path fire you up? Do you stand in the face of injustice and let your voice be heard, let your words be read… Or is that the last thing you want to do?🤔 I’ve been weighing all of these questions as I studied the words of @thebrownhijabi✨🌸  Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan is a poet, educator, podcast host @breakingbinaries and author of the eye-opening read ‘Post Colonial Banter’. She leads people to see a different perspective and offers them the opportunity to step into the shoes of another and she has proven time and time again, that indeed, “The Pen ✒️  Is Mightier Than The Sword 🗡” With over 2 million views on YouTube, @thebrownhijabi is a pro at what she does and she’s bringing all the facts 💯▶️  You don't want to miss this one -- out now wherever you get your podcasts. 💫So tell me, are you a Justice Seeker? 👇🏾
4/27/202143 minutes, 24 seconds
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Hafsah Dabiri - Lessons In Fortitude From A Young Muslimah Defying The Status Quo

She's been making a change in her community for almost a decade... She's 21 years old. Are you doing the Maths?!Hafsah Dabiri is a Marvel in so many ways. She has stood strong in the face of adversity and held her head high ⚡ Not letting her physical limitations stop her from achieving all her lofty goals, for sure she is a gift to our communities. This was by far the most inspiring episodes yet and her #blackgirlmagic shone through. Niqabi Muslim, Black, FemaleShe trumps all stereotypes held against her and Shows Up as the brightest star.Now she is an Editor-in-Chief at @mvslim and author of @basirahsworld which she wrote while she was in Sixth Form! How awesome is that?!!So grab your children and have them listen in too, @hafsahdabiri is a source of Noor, Alhamdullilah 💕Join me and my ‘niece’ 😜 as we drop some truth bombs 💥 
3/13/202143 minutes, 44 seconds
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Bilqees Quick: Navigating The Waters Of Entrepreneurship + Homeschooling

Are you a homeschooling mother trying to juggle making sure your children get a good education as well as a mompreneur? Look no further, because I and my good Sister @bilqeesquick -- have got the answers to all your questions 🥳From learning what type of homeschooling fits both you and your child, to making sure your dreams as a mother can be pursued as well, Sister Bilqees spills all the tea on the ups and downs and why even though it can be super tough - She wouldn't have it any other way!😍 Hit play on this wonderful episode now! P.S Check out Sister Bilqees's podcast that she runs with her good friend Roda Omar -- You can catch it @coffeewithcreampodcast -- It's really insightful and encourages you to open your eyes to the world, quite literally around you!
3/6/202141 minutes, 42 seconds
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Na'ima B Robert: How To 'SHOW UP' And Make A Difference In Your World... Today

🥳 It's here!!Episode 6 has landed and with a bang 🎉-------------------------------That's right, Award-winning author @naimabrobert is on our podcast and I couldn't be more excited.Sister Na’ima was born to convey a message of hope, taking action and finding the steps to move forward even when the going gets tough.This will be a conversation that surrounds the core of Showing Up, as mothers, wives, sisters, friends. Showing up as the best versions of ourselves for our circle of influence and most importantly, for Allah.This episode was sure an emotional rollercoaster, there were laughs, rants and if you listen closely a couple tears were shed. I am so inspired by Sister Na’ima and I know you will be too.Right now she's on the ball, following yesterday's release of her new book‘Show Up: A Motivational Message For Muslim Women’The best part,You can order it now! Just head over to her page -- @naimabrobert -- and as a bonus, she's holding a live launch tonight with a whole host of incredible Muslim Women who are ‘Showing Up’ and I know you'll be thoroughly blown away 💜Are you ready to dive in?!
2/22/202153 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sabah Nazir: A Muslimah's Guide To Business: And How To Navigate It Successfully

📣Artists, crafters, designers.Anyone who has turned their art into a business or is thinking of it, this is the episode for YOU 🎨When you make the decision to turn your art/creatives into a business oppurtunity, you achieve so many blessings and freedoms, as well as some pretty difficult challenges.Sister Sabah Nazir of @islamic_moments proof that having success at an award winning level, isn’t an audacious, unattainable goal. She’s got systems and advice that can help you develop what having success means to you while staying aligned with your Islamic Values. 👏🏾I’m so excited to share Sister Sabah’s story of entering the Muslimah entrepreneur space, what she has learned about navigating the tricky waters, how she markets her products and the lessons that keep her business a fulfilling endeavour for both her Deen and Dunya.Are you ready to delve in?!
2/20/202135 minutes, 56 seconds
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Zahra Billoo: How to Be an Activist and Fulfil Your Islamic Obligation

Islam and Activism and how the two correlate has sparked many questions especially in recent years.Are Muslims allowed to be activists? And if so, what do we fight against? Can we fight injustices faced by non-Muslims? What about Muslim women?Can they even be activists?These questions (and some of their answers) have often been a barrier to Muslims partaking in acts that may be an obligation to us. Especially with Muslim women where there is already so much discussion on how much we should even take part in any kind of publicity.But why is Activism so important? Not just for our personal growth, but our faith as well.On this week's episode, I sat down with the director of the San-Francisco Bay Area Chapter of  CAIR [Council on American Islamic Relations] — Zahra Billoo to discuss how she got into Activism and why it was such a big part of life AND her Deen and how it helped to not only uplift her spirit but also her community.I can't wait for you to tune in and gain a fresh perspective and possibly be prompted to start your campaign against injustice even if it's just in your little circle!Hit play now!
1/20/202139 minutes, 4 seconds
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LaYinka Sanni: How To Train Your Mind To Achieve Goals Effectively

LaYinka Sanni is a self-transformation expert who has been supporting women to transform their lives from the inside out for over 5 years. She started her journey in the client seat, and after seeing and feeling the beauty that came from her overcoming overwhelm,  ditching self-blame, and embracing her God-given worth, she stepped into her calling to motivate and empower other selfless and dedicated women to find themselves again and show up in the world as they were created to be. Through classes, programs, workshops, podcasts, and talks she’s given over the last 5 years, LaYinka delivers her message from and with heart — real, raw, and deep — with the aim for her audience to not be wowed, but to be inspired to make movement in their lives and bring about positive change.  As well as being a mum of 3 and a wife, LaYinka is also a co-host on an ever-growing online show, ‘Honest Tea Talk’, where she and two friends bring pertinent topics to the table and discuss them openly and honestly. On the show, LaYinka is known to drop what viewers have dubbed #LaYinkaLines, otherwise known as truth bombs.As the CEO of her company that thrives on working from the heart, LaYinka's programs are grounded in the belief that every woman is valuable and has what she needs to shine brightly; and it's LaYinka's mission to bring women home to themselves so they can fulfill their greatest potential. As a passionate and multifaceted woman, LaYinka's energy commands attention, and her words, rooted in care and love, move women to take inspired action — big and small — and this is the LaYinka edge.LaYinka's social links:Instagram:
1/2/202153 minutes, 41 seconds
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Kathryn Jones: How To Get Back To Your Fitrah State

Kathryn’s mission is to make a difference in the Muslim world by empowering Muslim adults and children to realize their potential through learning about the innate resilience and mental health that all human beings possess. She goes to the source of the misunderstandings that prevent people from recognizing their in-built well-being (their Fitrah).She is the founder of the Back To The Fitrah Academy, dedicated to the development of certified facilitators and mentors of the Back To The Fitrah suite of programs across the globe. Kathryn’s combination of formal and informal education along with personal and professional experience have given her a unique perspective and approach to the topic of emotional & spiritual resilience.Visit Coach Kathryn Jones on social channels:Facebook: Muslimah Thrive:Facebook:
12/19/20201 hour, 18 seconds
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Introduction: Why I Made This Podcast

As-salamu Alaykum sisters! Welcome to Muslimah Thrive Podcast.In this episode, I talk about the goals of this podcast and share a little bit about my journey of how I got into what I am doing right now.Listen to this episode, and together, let's build up a community of Muslimahs who will help each other grow and to change our narrative!
12/15/20205 minutes, 17 seconds