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No Shortage of Questions Cover
No Shortage of Questions Profile

No Shortage of Questions

English, Religion, 1 season, 120 episodes, 2 days, 14 hours, 53 minutes
Have you ever read the Bible and thought what does that mean?" This is a Bible study podcast for people who have questions about the Bible. Have a question? Email us as [email protected] -- Nick and Andy will do their best to answer it. Nick is the founding pastor of Abiding Grace Lutheran Church in Southlake, Texas and a member of the ELCA Church-wide council. Andy is the Senior Pastor at Cambridge Lutheran Church in Cambridge, Minnesota. "
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Ephesians 4: A Call for Unity

In today's episode Nick and Andy look at Ephesians 4:1-16 and try to answer the following questions:- How do we know if we are united in Christ, and not something else?- What threatens our unity?- If we cannot speak the truth in love, should we speak it?And a lot more!
7/29/202433 minutes, 23 seconds
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John 6 & Ephesians 3: The Feeding of 5,000

In today's episode Nick and Andy try to answer the following questions:- What lessons have we learned through our ministry?- Can Jesus dwell in our heart and have no influence over our life?- What does it mean to be "filled with the fullness of God?"- How does the presence of God help us through life?And a lot more!Thanks for listening!
7/24/202446 minutes, 38 seconds
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Mark 6 & 2 Corinthians 12: Do God & Satan work together?

In today's episode, Nick and Andy try to answer the following questions:- What will heaven be like?- Do God & Satan work together?- How does God's grace make a difference in our lives?- Are we sent out into the world like the first dicsiples?And a whole lot more!
7/1/202442 minutes, 19 seconds
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Mark 4 & 2 Corinthians 6

In today's episode, Nick and Andy discuss Mark 4 and 2 Corinthians 6 (the lectionary readings for Sunday, June 23rd) and try to answer the following questions:- What does it mean to receive the grace of God in vain?- What would modern day Christianity in America look like if we had to endure what Paul and the early Christians endured?- Do we love the world too much?- Do we have the same sense of fearlessness that the disciples had? And a whole lot more!
6/17/202427 minutes, 51 seconds
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Mark 4 and 2 Corinthians 5

In today's episode, Nick and Andy discuss Mark 4 and 2 Corinthians 5 (the lectionary readings for Sunday, June 16th) and try to answer the following questions:- How do we walk by faith and not by sight?- Will there be ranks in heaven?- What worldly motivations compete with the love of Christ?- Where do you see the Kingdom of God and are we helping at all? And a whole lot more!
6/13/202441 minutes, 32 seconds
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Genesis 3 and Mark 3

In today's episode, Nick and Andy discuss Genesis 3 and Mark 3 (the lectionary readings for Sunday, June 9th) and try to answer the following questions:- In what ways does shame still cause us to run and hide?- Why is blame still a natural human reaction?- If Jesus came today, what would we think of him?- What makes someone a member of Jesus' family? And a whole lot more!
6/3/202442 minutes, 53 seconds
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2 Peter 3

In today's episode Nick and Andy finish 2 Peter 3 and try to answer the following questions:- What words do we remember the most in life? - Is God's perceived slowness to return a sign of mercy?- What does it mean to be ready for Jesus to come?- Would the Apostle Paul be popular today?- How do we grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus?And a lot more. Plus, listen after the podcast for a special outtake! 
5/23/202438 minutes, 27 seconds
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2 Peter 2

In today's episode Nick and Andy discuss 2 Peter 2 and find what might be the longest sentence ever written! They also try to answer the following questions:- How can you tell someone is a false teacher?- What is hell like?- How are we taught to sin?And so much more! Thank you for listening!
5/14/202440 minutes, 14 seconds
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2 Peter 1

In today's episode Nick and Andy look at 2 Peter 1 and try to answer the following questions:- Are the promises of God better than what the world can offer?- How would our faith be different if we understood ourselves as servants of Godinstead of children of God?- Will we ever fully grasp the greatness of God?- How would the story of Jesus be different if it was based on a cleverly designed myth?And so much more, including some bloopers!In todays episode the following materials were referenced:The Joyful Christian by C.S. Lewis Petersons and Bono: The Psalms
4/29/202431 minutes
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1 Peter 5

Listen in as Nick and Andy try to answer the following questions: - In what ways should a pastor be an example to the flock?- What does it mean that Jesus is the good shepherd and why is it good news?- How does fear and worry control our lives? How is fear related to faith?- In what ways does the devil try to bully you? Does suffering make us strong?And a lot more! Thank you for listening!
4/24/202440 minutes, 59 seconds
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1 Peter 4

In today's episode, Nick and Andy try to answer the following questions:- Do we turn to God when we suffer?- Is the end near?- In what ways should Christians be different from others in the world?- What does it mean to entrust our lives to God?And a lot more! Thanks for listening.
4/15/202440 minutes, 9 seconds
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1 Peter 3

In today's Holy Week edition Nick and Andy dive into 1 Peter 3 and try to answer the following questions:- Should wives submit to their husbands?- Can our relationship with God ever be healthy if our relationships with each other are unhealthy?- Can the church function as it should with divisions?- Have you thought out your faith to the point where you are prepared to discuss it?- Did Jesus die for the all the sins in the world, or just the sins of believers?And a lot more! 
3/27/202439 minutes, 58 seconds
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1 Peter 2

In today's episode Nick and Andy look at 1 Peter 2 and try to answer the following questions:- Where do we find spiritual milk and grow as disciples?- How does being chosen by God change us?- Is there an assumption in today's culture that Christians are better people than non-Christians?- Does God give authority to those who are elected to public office?And a whole lot more!
3/18/202425 minutes, 44 seconds
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1 Peter 1

Listen in as Nick and Andy dive into 1 Peter and try to answer the following questions:Has God chosen some people and not others?What does suffering reveal about our faith?How can we learn to think like God?Can we be faithful and not love each other?And so much more!We'd love to hear from you!If you have questions or comments for us, please email us at [email protected]
3/5/202441 minutes, 8 seconds
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Galatians 6

In today's episode Nick and Andy finish up the book of Galatians and discuss the following questions:- Is the job of restoration neglected in the church?- How do we bear each other's burdens?- Why do we grow tired of doing what is right?And so much more!
2/26/202432 minutes, 19 seconds
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Galatians 5

Galatians 5 is a wonderful chapter of Scripture and today's episode is a doozy! Nick and Andy try to answer the following questions:Christ has set us free -- how do we stay free?What does it mean to "fall away from grace?"What is the most important way that we share our faith?How do we overcome temptation?How do we live by the Spirit?And Andy takes a moment to "parade his righteousness." You don't want to miss this!
2/15/202446 minutes, 35 seconds
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Galatians 4

Listen in as Nick and Andy, two pastors who know nothing about modern music, give a brief recap of the Grammy's. They also talk about miracles, karma, repentance, and telling the truth. 
2/5/202429 minutes, 1 second
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Galatians 3

In today's episode Nick and Andy try to answer the following questions:Is there a difference between believing in God and believing God?What does it mean to be cursed by God?What is grace?Do we identify ourselves with Jesus, or something else?Plus, Andy tells us all how we can annoy him! 
1/29/202434 minutes, 52 seconds
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Galatians 2

In today's episode Nick and Andy talk about grace and what it means to trust in the Gospel. 
1/22/202430 minutes, 27 seconds
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Galatians 1

Nick and Andy are back to discuss the first chapter of Galatians. Today's big questions:Where do we find peace?Who has authority in your life?How can we know the gospel is from God?And much more!
1/8/202426 minutes, 55 seconds
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Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy, & Love

Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy, & Love
12/8/202241 minutes, 1 second
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Called to be Sent

We are all called to be sent into the world for the sake of God's Kingdom, but how do we that? Nick and Andy give 5 simple ways to proclaim God's love.
11/14/202237 minutes, 8 seconds
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We Are All Ministers

On Reformation Day, Nick and Andy talk about what it means to be part of the priesthood of all believers. 
10/31/202255 minutes, 23 seconds
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How God's Love Changes Us

We were created to be loved... but what does that mean for our lives?
10/5/202245 minutes, 16 seconds
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Why do I Exist?

Have you ever wondered why you are here? Today's episode looks at that question, and several follow up questions, to help make sense of our lives. If you have any questions that you'd like us to discuss, contact us by email: [email protected]
9/28/202228 minutes, 52 seconds
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Revelation 7

You probably won't be part of the 144,000 and that's okay!
4/6/202216 minutes, 28 seconds
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Revelation 6

Are the four horsemen sent by God?
3/30/202217 minutes, 51 seconds
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Revelation 5

An important reminder that Revelation is a book about Jesus.
3/23/202218 minutes, 56 seconds
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Revelation 4: A Vision of Heaven

John describes the beauty of heaven. 
3/16/202224 minutes, 34 seconds
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Revelation 3 part 2

What Philadelphia was doing right and Laodicea was doing wrong. 
3/10/202224 minutes, 37 seconds
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Revelation 3 Part 1: Sardis, the Dead Church

What makes a dead church?
3/2/202215 minutes, 55 seconds
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Revelation 2 Part 3

The letter to the church at Thyatira includes the best compliment a church could ever receive, but... There's always a but!
2/23/202225 minutes, 5 seconds
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Revelation 2 Part 2

I once heard someone say that you can ignore everything before the "but" -- is that still true when Jesus is the one talking?
2/16/202218 minutes, 53 seconds
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Revelation 2 Part 1

If Jesus knows persecution is coming, why doesn't he stop it?
2/9/202222 minutes, 47 seconds
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Revelation 1 part 2

John sees Jesus for the first time in 50 years, and he looks a little different.
2/2/202220 minutes, 45 seconds
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Revelation 1 part 1

Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, but is he in control of everything in between?
1/26/202218 minutes, 55 seconds
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Introduction to Revelation

We are starting a study on the Book of Revelation! Today's episode is a look at introductory information that will provide context for the rest of the study.
1/12/202225 minutes, 2 seconds
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All About that Grace

In our last episode of the year we talk all about grace. What is Grace?Is there a limit to God's grace?What God's grace do for us?
12/8/202114 minutes, 23 seconds
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Having Faith When Terrible Things Happen

How do we keep our faith when terrible things happen?
12/1/202111 minutes, 59 seconds
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Jonah 4

The two main lessons of Jonah. 
11/3/202115 minutes, 54 seconds
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Jonah 3

Jonah finally makes it to Ninevah, but does not get the response he was expecting. 
10/27/202117 minutes, 17 seconds
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Jonah 2

Jonah's prayer while he is in the belly of the whale and why this part of the story reminds me of the Empire Strike Back.
10/20/202113 minutes, 50 seconds
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Jonah 1

God want Jonah to go to Ninevah, but Jonah has other plans. 
10/13/202117 minutes, 33 seconds
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Hebrews 13

The unchanging nature of Jesus and the call to show hospitality. 
10/6/202116 minutes, 35 seconds
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Hebrews 12

God has chosen to have a relationship with us based on love, not fear; and what does it mean to be surrounded by a cloud of witnesses? 
9/22/202120 minutes, 49 seconds
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Hebrews 11: All About Faith

What is faith? How does faith change us? 
9/15/202125 minutes, 11 seconds
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Hebrews 10

What is the big difference between forgiveness in the Old Covenant and forgiveness in the New Covenant?Does the author of Hebrews think everyone is going to heaven?How can we persevere? 
9/8/202118 minutes, 27 seconds
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Hebrews 9

Lots of great stuff in this chapter:- What symbols do we have for our failures?- Did Jesus really need to die for God to forgive us?- Is reincarnation Biblical?And more!
9/1/202122 minutes, 59 seconds
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Hebrews 8

Questions that are covered today:Does forgiveness equal salvation?Can forgiveness be rejected?What's the main difference between the old covenant and the new covenant?
8/25/202117 minutes, 12 seconds
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Hebrews 7

What do we do with Bible stories that don't make sense and the difference between God's covenant with Moses and God's covenant with Abraham. 
8/11/202116 minutes, 1 second
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Hebrews 6

The basics of our faith and can someone lose salvation after God has already promised it to them?
8/4/202117 minutes, 20 seconds
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Hebrews 5

God teaches us through suffering and the ability to discern the difference between good and evil. 
7/28/202114 minutes, 45 seconds
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Hebrews 4

What will heaven be like and who will be there? Can we walk into the presence of God with confidence? 
7/21/202118 minutes, 28 seconds
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Hebrews 3

Why Jesus is more important than Moses and the two things that help us to remain faithful. 
7/14/202117 minutes, 35 seconds
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Hebrews 2

Hebrews 2 is a great chapter! Here are some things that it includes:- Drifting away from God- The humanity of Jesus- Why Jesus was died (it's not what you think!)and so much more!
7/7/202119 minutes, 29 seconds
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Hebrews 1

Does God still speak to us?What will we do in heaven?
6/30/202114 minutes, 56 seconds
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1 Timothy 6

Paul writes about contentment and the love of money. An important lesson for us today. 
6/16/202122 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Story of Ruth

I referenced Ruth in yesterday's episode. Here is her story. 
6/10/202119 minutes, 50 seconds
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1 Timothy 5

There is a lot of good stuff in this chapter! Do we have to like our siblings? When is it appropriate to publicly shame someone, and why? Which widows should the church help? Paul answers all of these questions and more!
6/9/202125 minutes, 23 seconds
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1 Timothy 4

Paul tells Timothy, "it's going to get worse before it gets better." What makes the world worse? Tune in to find out. Also, a popular verse for youth groups that may be taken out of context. 
6/2/202117 minutes, 18 seconds
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1 Timothy 3

Paul has a little bit to say about Bishops and reveals his primary reason for writing this letter to Timothy. 
6/1/202113 minutes, 1 second
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The Theology of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah"

Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" is a masterpiece. It's a song about life, and love, and sex, and loss... but is it about God? 
5/20/202122 minutes, 51 seconds
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Women of the Bible: Deborah and Jael

Paul said women can't speak in church, but what would he say to Deborah?
5/19/202116 minutes, 38 seconds
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1 Timothy 2

A lesson on prayer and we discuss verses 11-12:"Let a woman learn in silence with full submission. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent."Why did Paul write this? Should we still abide by it? What does the rest of the Bible say?Also, I will be posting my lesson from last year on Deborah as a companion to this podcast. 
5/19/202124 minutes, 10 seconds
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Grief, Faith, and Glee

How do we grieve? As people of faith, and even as people who struggle with faith, what do we do with pain, or emptiness? Grief is a bigger part of life than we want to admit. Our grief is obvious when we lose a loved one, but less obvious at other times. Good things can even cause us to grieve, like moving for a better job, becoming an empty nester, and retiring. In this episode we talk about all of this and more. 
5/14/202122 minutes, 23 seconds
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What the Bible Says About Death

No one likes to talk about death, but the undeniable truth is that we are all going to die. The Bible has a lot to say about death, and what comes after. 
5/13/202119 minutes, 53 seconds
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1 Timothy 1

How do you describe God? What are you thankful for?
5/12/202122 minutes, 17 seconds
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Romans 16

The last chapter of Romans. 
4/22/202113 minutes, 30 seconds
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Romans 15

Paul tells us the secret to happiness and why he wrote Romans.
4/20/202117 minutes, 21 seconds
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Romans 14

If you want to eat meat, eat meat!If you don't, don't. Let others do what they think is best, and don't judge. 
4/13/202125 minutes, 32 seconds
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Romans 13

Politics, debt, drunkenness and other fun things to talk about at parties. 
4/8/202123 minutes, 28 seconds
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Romans 12

Really good, practical advice from Paul for how to live as Christians. 
4/6/202120 minutes, 9 seconds
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Holy Week Part 5: The Crucifixion

Jesus is crucified.
4/2/202116 minutes, 52 seconds
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Holy Week Part 4: The Trial

Jesus is on trial before Pilate. 
4/1/202116 minutes, 38 seconds
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Holy Week Part 3: The Garden

Jesus predicts Peter's denial and prays in the garden 
3/31/202112 minutes, 42 seconds
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Holy Week Part 2: Judas and the Last Supper

Judas and the Last Supper. 
3/30/202115 minutes, 5 seconds
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Holy Week Part 1: The Triumphant Entry

We begin Holy Week by studying Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. 
3/29/202117 minutes, 29 seconds
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Romans 11

God's promises are irrevocable. What does that mean for Israel, and for us?
3/25/202124 minutes, 13 seconds
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Romans 10

According to Paul, this is what you have to do to be saved.
3/18/202117 minutes, 20 seconds
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Romans 9

Romans 9 is full of interesting theology. In this episode we discuss predestination, and ask if God is fair. 
3/16/202122 minutes, 5 seconds
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Romans 8

A study of one of my favorite chapters in all of Scripture, Romans 8. Listen in to find out why I like it so much!
3/9/202122 minutes, 29 seconds
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Romans 6

A study of Romans 6
3/4/202112 minutes, 58 seconds
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Romans 7

In the seventh chapter of Romans Paul gives us a strange example that makes an important point. 
3/4/202118 minutes, 30 seconds
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Romans 5

When asked about Romans 5, Martin Luther said "In the whole Bible, there is hardly another chapter which can equal this triumphant text.” Listen and find out why he felt that way. 
3/2/202119 minutes, 11 seconds
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Acts 6

Break out the cake and candle as the No Shortage of Questions Podcast celebrates its first birthday!Also, listen in as Nick and Andy discuss Acts 6. Today's questions include:- Will Andy root for the Vikings this weekend, if it means that Nick beats him at fantasy football?- How should a pastor spend their time? - What influence should the culture have on the church?- Should the opinion of the crowd shape the vision of the church?Thanks for listening!
11/19/202036 minutes, 12 seconds
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Acts 5 - Ananias and Sapphira

In today's episode Nick and Andy look at one of the strangest stories in the New Testament, the story of Ananias and Sapphira, who both died after giving less to the church than they said they would. Did God kill them, or did they die from fear? What impact did it have on the church? Should pastors use this story today to talk about stewardship? Other questions from today's episode:- What is a bigger struggle, greed or pride?- Should success be how we determine if something is of God?Also, find out what made them ask "were the early Christians courageous or crazy?"
10/21/202044 minutes
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Acts 4 - The Early Church Faces Opposition

In today's episode Nick and Andy talk about the opposition the early church faced and wonder what would happen to the church in America if it received more opposition?They also answer the following questions:- What do we do when God's desires are opposed to those who have a place of authority?- Should we pray for more courage, and what would a more courageous church look like?- Is generosity linked to grace?- Why is Andy so cold?Andy even says something somewhat profound: "All of life points is to our need for Christ."In other news, they might the name of their podcast to "Somewhat Profound" because everything they say is somewhat profound. Some things are obviously more profound than others.
10/15/202045 minutes, 13 seconds
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Acts 3

Listen in as Nick and Andy look at Acts 3. Today's questions include:- Is repentance a call to guilt, or a call to hope?- How do we find refreshment in the church?- How do we respond to good news?And what makes Andy say, "I agree with all that, but..."
10/12/202044 minutes, 55 seconds
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Acts 2

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss one of the most important chapters in all of Scripture -- the story of Pentecost and a vision of the early church.  Today's questions include:- How do we know we have the Holy Spirit, and what does it mean that the Spirit is "poured out?"- Does today's church have anything in common with the early church?- What does Warren Buffet have to do with a prophecy from Joel?- What does it mean to repent? And so much more!
9/30/202044 minutes, 33 seconds
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Acts 1

Nick and Andy are back, and beginning a deep dive into the book of Acts. In today's episode they unpack chapter 1, and ask the following questions:- What proof do we have that Jesus is alive?- In what ways can waiting be a benefit to congregations and communities? - What is the primary task of the church?- Should the church go back to casting lots when decisions need to be made?Plus, not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. 
9/17/202040 minutes
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Mark 16 - The Burial, Resurrection, and Snakes

In today's episode Nick and Andy finish the Gospel of Mark. They look at what's not there (the resurrection story) and what is there (extra verses that probably don't belong.)Some questions that they tackle:- Would we have heard about Jesus if he never rose from the dead?- Why does Mark's gospel finish like it does?- What is the deal with snakes in Mark 16?- How is Mark different than the other gospels? And so much more!
8/20/202040 minutes, 40 seconds
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Mark 15 - The Crucifixion of Jesus

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss Mark 15, which includes the crucifixion of Jesus. In this episode, we ask the following questions:- Why did Jesus stay silent when he was on trial?- Why is it so easy to be mean to people we don't know?- Would the Jewish people have believed that Jesus was the Messiah if he came down from the cross?- How is it that a Roman Centurion was the first person to recognize that Jesus was the Son of God?Also, you're never going to believe what Andy found in his garage! 
8/13/202038 minutes, 57 seconds
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Mark 14 - Jesus' Arrest and Trial

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss Mark 14. Highlights include:- Nick prayed for what? - Andy drove a long way for donuts.Our questions for Mark 14 include:- Jesus prayed for the Father to "remove this cup from me," but he still died on the cross. Did the Father not answer his prayer? - Would the cross be less meaningful if it was something Jesus wanted to do?- What does it mean to have a willing spirit but weak flesh?- How is Jesus' trial like Star Wars? - Jesus said he will be seated at the righthand of "the Power," what does that mean? - How do we deny Jesus?And so much more!
7/29/202045 minutes, 41 seconds
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Mark 13 - Is the end coming soon?

Tune in as Nick and Andy dive into Mark 13 and ask the following questions:- Should we be worried that the end of the world is coming soon?- What does it mean to be part of the elect, and how do I know if I am?- Do we experience persecution, and, if not, does it mean we aren't living our faith the correct way?Plus, hear about Nick's flood and Andy's run-in with a deer. We also talk about the Presiding Bishop visiting Nick's congregation, Star Wars, US Presidents, and a lot more. 
7/22/202053 minutes, 10 seconds
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Being a Christian and a Police Officer: A Conversation with Sheriff Chris Caulk

Tune in as Nick and Andy talk to Sheriff Chris Caulk about being a Christian and a police officer in today's world. Some questions include:- What role does your faith play in your work as a police officer?- What is it like to be a police officer today?- How do you make split-second decisions?Some highlights:- "Arresting our way out of problems isn't going to solve the situation."- "Good change comes with time, bad change comes from knee-jerk reactions."Also, find out why it's a challenge for a Sheriff to buy ice cream, and much more!
6/25/202037 minutes, 55 seconds
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Mark 12: Taxes, Proof That Jesus Was Single, and Poor Widows

Listen in as Nick and Andy read through Mark 12 and ask the following questions:- Who are the wicked tenants?- Is God too far away?- How does marriage work in heaven?- Should we pay taxes?- What can a poor widow teach us about giving?Plus, proof that Jesus must have been single! (No married guy would ever say what he said.)
6/11/202040 minutes, 53 seconds
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Protests, Politics, and the Church

Tune in for this special episode as Nick and Andy ask two important questions:- As people of faith, what we should we feel, think, and do when others are treated unjustly?- Are religion and politics compatible? 
6/4/202033 minutes, 15 seconds
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Mark 11

Tune in as Nick and Andy discuss Mark 11. Today, Andy fails a pop-quiz and Nick accuses Jesus of being irrational.Also: - In what ways does Jesus disappoint us?- How do we commercialize God?- Is it okay to not answer someone's question?And much more!If you have poor sound quality, it's because Andy got a new computer! Thanks Andy! You can find better sound quality by watching our unedited version here:
5/14/202050 minutes, 34 seconds
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Mark 10

Marriage, Sex, and Money!Listen in as Nick and Andy touch on some big topics in Mark 10. Todays highlights include a conversation about:- Marriage & Divorce- Sex- Wealth- Being like childrenAnd so much more! You won't want to miss this!
5/7/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 24 seconds
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Mark 9

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss chapter 9, answer some questions, and talk about re-opening churches.Today's highlights include: - The Transfiguration- Jesus not being very nice- A verse that should be a part of every prayer- A story about Nick & Tiger Woods- What did the Mafia learn from Jesus?And so much more! 
5/2/202046 minutes, 14 seconds
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Mark 8

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss Mark 8.This Week's Edition:- Why "Jesus is wrong," according to Nick.- When is faith strongest? When do we doubt?- In what ways are we unfaithful like the disciples?- Does God call us to deny ourselves?And so much more!The No Shortage of Questions podcast is now available on video! Find the video here:
4/23/202055 minutes, 11 seconds
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Mark 7

Listen in as Nick and Andy study Mark 7... it's a weird chapter that we had fun discussing. Today's questions include:- What religious traditions are important? - Why did Jesus call a woman a dog? - Why would Jesus spit on someone?And much more!
4/9/202033 minutes, 42 seconds
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Mark 6 Part 2

Is the coronavirus the beginning of the apocalypse? Jesus taught a crowd because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Where are we looking today for guidance?How does faith help us overcome our fears? Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss these questions, and a couple others from Mark 6. "We are closer to God when we are asking questions than when we think we have the answers." - Abraham Joshua HeschelGod bless you all. 
3/28/202038 minutes, 59 seconds
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Mark 6 Part 1

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss the first half of Mark 6. Today's questions include:- Is Jesus omnipotent?  - How would you have responded to Jesus if he grew up down the street from you?- If you could have anything in the world, what would you want?And so much more!"We are closer to God when we are asking questions than when we think we have the answers." Abraham Joshua Heschel
3/19/202046 minutes, 24 seconds
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Mark 5 Part 2

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss the second half of Mark 5, and other fun topics like:- Where did Andy take his family for Spring Break -- and they had what for dinner?- What do we do about the Coronavirus?- Did Jesus know everything when he was on earth? What would it mean if he didn't?- In what ways is faith a challenge to our common sense?- Do we have faith that never loses hope?Plus, Andy pretends to be a Pharisee! This is an episode you won't want to miss!"We are closer to God when we are asking questions than when we think we have the answers." - Abraham Joshua Heschel 
3/12/202041 minutes, 29 seconds
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Mark 5 Part 1

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss the first half of Mark chapter five. Today’s questions include:- Are demons at work today? - What does Jesus have against pigs? - If Jesus came to visit, would you ask him to leave?And much more! "We are closer to God when we are asking questions than when we think we have the answers." - Abraham Joshua Heschel
3/4/202036 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ash Wednesday and Lent

Listen in as Nick and Andy ask:- Why ashes? - What is the point of Lent?- What is the best way to observe/participate in Lent?
2/26/202022 minutes, 22 seconds
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Mark 4

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss Mark 4. Mark 4 includes the parable of the sower and Jesus calming the storm. Today's questions include:- Should scattering seed be the primary focus of the church? - Is Christianity an all or nothing thing?- What storms are currently attacking us?- How does fear play a role in our decision making?And much more! 
2/25/202055 minutes, 45 seconds
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Mark 3

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss Mark 3 and try their best to answer the following questions:What is the purpose of religion?What does it mean to be a disciple?Did Jesus’s family not know that he was the Messiah?Has the world seen the work of Satan and mistaken it for the work of God?What does it mean that Jesus is the son of God?Also, we talk about Bono, Andy gets called out by his local sheriff for suggesting that law enforcement officers shouldn't work on the Sabbath, and much more!
2/17/20201 hour, 1 minute, 46 seconds
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Mark 2

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss Mark 2.Do we have to believe in Jesus for God to forgive us?How important are the laws of the Old Testament to Christians?What does Jesus mean when he calls himself the “Son of Man?”Are we reluctant to admit how much we need God?How does theology change as the culture changes?Andy admits to being a heretic, admits to having watched a movie, and recommends a couple books.And more!
2/14/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 39 seconds
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Mark 1

Listen in as Nick and Andy briefly discuss their favorite Super Bowl commercials, and then work their way through Mark 1. Today's questions include:- What a Scrooge! Why is there no Christmas story in Mark's Gospel?- Why was Jesus tempted?- Why did Jesus want to keep his miracles a secret?- Who is Jesus to an American Christian?And so much more!Also, thank you for listening, reviewing, and sharing. Our podcast has now been listened to over 500 times!
2/3/202059 minutes, 17 seconds
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1 John 5

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss 1 John 5.Today's highlights and questions include:- Are the commands of Jesus a burden?- What is John's fascination with water and blood?- Andy goes to wikipedia to teach us about mortal sin. - What idols do we struggle the most with?And so much more!Remember, if you have a question, please email us at [email protected] 
1/29/20201 hour, 1 minute, 44 seconds
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1 John 4

Listen in as Nick & Andy talk about Andy's one week on the Packers bandwagon and 1 John 4.Today's questions include:- What is faith?- What theological beliefs are necessary to be a Christian?- What does it mean that God is love?- How does God's love drive out fear?And so much more! (Well, not "so much" more, but more.)
1/21/202057 minutes, 1 second
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1 John 3

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss 1 John 3. Todays question include:Is it theologically appropriate for a Vikings fan to cheer for the Green Bay Packers?Is everyone a child of God?Do Christians expect to be hated for their faith?Could we know that God loved us had Jesus not died on the cross?Is the truth something we feel or something we comprehend?And much more! Remember, you can email your theological questions to [email protected]
1/14/202051 minutes, 17 seconds
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1 John 2

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss 1 John 2. Today's questions include:Has God forgiven everyone who has ever lived?How do we know God, and what does that mean?Is it ever appropriate for a Christian to hate?Can we receive joy from a thing? And much, much more. We also discuss the Romstad family Christmas letter. 
1/6/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 29 seconds
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1 John 1

Listen as Nick and Andy discuss 1 John 1. Todays questions include:Who made God?Is Christianity intellectually respectable?How do we avoid walking in darkness?We are so good at rationalizing and making excuses, are we even aware of our sins?If you have a question that you'd like us to discuss, email us [email protected]
12/16/201947 minutes, 18 seconds
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Philippians 4

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss the fourth chapter of Philippians. Today's questions include:What if I don't feel like rejoicing?What is the opposite of worry?Where do we find peace?To be content, do I have to stop desiring everything?Plus, Andy is told to move his car and pulls a total boss move!
12/10/20191 hour, 1 minute, 15 seconds
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Philippians 3

We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss Philippians 3 and the following topics/questions:- Evil & the Devil- CS Lewis' thoughts about the law- What does it mean to know Jesus?- Suffering and if it's part of God's plan- What does Forrest Gump teach us about God?You can now subscribe to No Shortage of Questions through iTunes, and on your iPhones. If you have questions that you'd like Nick & Andy to discuss, please email us at [email protected] thank you Andy for the new logo!
12/3/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 2 seconds
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Philippians 2

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss Philippians 2. Today's questions include:- Have you ever done something just to make someone happy?- What does Jesus' death tell us about who God is?- What do we mean when we say "Jesus is Lord"?- How do we "shine like stars"?
11/26/201934 minutes, 12 seconds
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Philippians 1

Listen in as Nick and Andy discuss Philippians chapter 1 - the topics include prayer, death, and conflict in the church. 
11/21/201937 minutes, 58 seconds