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NorthPoint Church DSM Profile

NorthPoint Church DSM

English, Religion, 1 season, 333 episodes, 1 day, 20 hours, 39 minutes
NorthPoint Church is located in Johnston, a suburb of Des Moines, IA. Our mission is to cultivate communities of grace and truth. For more information about us, please visit our website:
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Paul's Powerful Prayer

Paul prays a powerful prayer in his letter to the Ephesians that we can also pray for the church today. Join us to learn the three elements that help point each of us to a lifestyle of worship.
9/15/202432 minutes, 19 seconds
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Engaging Culture

We're wrapping up the Cultivate series tomorrow! As we do, Pastor Jeremy will unpack three hopes for the project and make sure we're all clear on the ultimate priority. He also wants to share three things we'll be celebrating together. Click here to find out what they are.
9/8/202451 minutes, 49 seconds
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We're about to enter week four of Cultivate! This Sunday, Pastor Jeremy shows us what the Bible's core teaching on giving is really all about and what it produces in us. Learn why we should be generous, what happens when we are, and some tools to help you on the how of growing in generosity.
9/1/202448 minutes, 4 seconds
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Embracing Community

Most of us may call Central Iowa home, but for Jesus followers, we know it's not really home. We're actually a bit like the Israelites in Jeremiah 29. Join us as Pastor Jeremy shows us what God asks of His people while they wait in exile. Bring your Cultivate guidebooks to take notes on the do's and don'ts of living in our temporary home. Then see how living that way can result in a flourishing for our entire community.
8/25/202452 minutes, 54 seconds
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Looking to Jesus

The 2024 Olympics wrapped up last week, but those who follow Jesus are still running a race - the race God has set before us. This Sunday, we'll learn the best way to do that and why we need to look to the true trailblazer, Jesus, along the way. Then find out what happens when our NorthPoint community is genuinely looking to Jesus together.
8/18/202450 minutes, 21 seconds
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Creating Space for Grace and Truth

College football season is a few weeks away but NorthPoint is already in the playoffs! If you haven't heard, we're taking the next step in our mission of cultivating communities of grace & truth. We invite you to week one of Cultivate. Pastor Jeremy will explain why understanding the early church in Acts 2 is so important for understanding what Cultivate is all about. Then, learn what he's asking you to do as we begin this journey together.
8/11/202442 minutes, 35 seconds
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Finding Courage

Ever made a mess? Our underdog David sure did and made lots of people angry with him in the process. This Sunday, we wrap up our Underdogs series by examining where David went when it all went south. We’ll see the courageous decision he made that can be an example for us when we face messes of our own making today.
8/4/202431 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Underdog Ideal

In the last few weeks, we've learned about David's most treasured friendship and how he waited for years before becoming king. This Sunday, we're focusing on the mindset that led him to victory in battle and to the throne. Learn the phrase that embodies David's attitude, why it sounds like an oxymoron, and how pursuing it can lead you to spiritual maturity. 
7/28/202443 minutes, 49 seconds
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Wait For It

Musician Tom Petty sang, "The waiting is the hardest part." We wait for lots of things in life, and whatever we're waiting for, it can be hard to be patient. Fortunately, our underdog David did some waiting of his own and can teach us a thing or two about how to do it well. See what we can learn from him as we continue our Underdogs series.
7/21/202440 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Pursuit of Friendship

Chances are you know something about famous friendships such as Lucy and Ethel, Buzz and Woody, Goose and Maverick, or Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Then there's perhaps the most classic friendship of all: David and Jonathan in the Bible. What made their friendship so deep and lasting? Why should we all pursue a friendship like that? And what does Jesus say about friendship anyway? 
7/14/202444 minutes, 41 seconds
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It's Not Easy Being an Underdog

We've all been in a place where life is just plain hard. Maybe you've felt the pain with job uncertainty, health concerns, relationship struggles, or financial worries. David faced tough stuff, too - including multiple assassination attempts! So what can we do when the hard stuff comes at us? Join us to see three things we can learn from how David handled those times in his life. 
7/7/202445 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Underdog Mentality

David was a shepherd boy who ministered to a jealous king who later tried to hunt him down and kill him. Sounds pretty crazy, right? David could have chosen a victim mentality along the way, but he chose an underdog mentality instead. Join us to learn what helped him transform those challenges into victories. Then see how our story aligns with his and what makes the difference in our thinking.
6/30/202445 minutes, 28 seconds
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True Courage

We often insert ourselves as David in the story of David and Goliath. But in reality, we are often more like the Israelite army. Join us to see why when we learn six ways David showed courage. We'll look at what true courage means - and what it doesn't.
6/23/202431 minutes, 51 seconds
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Fighting Distraction

King David is likely the most well-known king in Israelite history, a warrior, and a man after God's own heart. But do you realize he was actually an underdog, too? This Sunday, we'll look at what made him an underdog and see three things we can learn from his status as one that apply to us, too. 
6/16/202446 minutes, 52 seconds
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We Want a King

This week's message is a story of political power and leadership - from the Old Testament, not current American politics! Join us to see what the Israelites thought would help them escape underdog status and why things are really not that different today. The story reveals four things we need to be aware of - things the Israelites missed when they demanded a king. 
6/9/202440 minutes, 52 seconds
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Who God Uses

Most of us have never heard an audible voice from God. That's not the case for this week's underdog, Samuel. Join us as we read about God calling the boy who became Israel's last judge and first prophet. We'll see what it was in Samuel - and us - that makes God choose to use certain people for His purposes. 
6/2/202435 minutes, 32 seconds
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Hannah: The Peace Filled Underdog

If you've ever waited and waited for something you've wanted more than anything, you have an idea of how Hannah felt when we pick up her story in I Samuel. Join us as we see three reasons Hannah was an underdog in her culture and what she turned to in the midst of her bitter longing. Then learn five things to take away from Hannah when you are the underdog.
5/26/202434 minutes, 53 seconds
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We Are Underdogs

Ever seen the movie Hoosiers, Rudy, Remember the Titans, or Miracle? Ever watched March Madness basketball? If you answered yes, you know what it looks like to root for the underdog. While it may be fun to cheer for one, no one really wants to be the underdog themselves. But this Sunday, we'll look at why it sometimes is the best place for us to be in life. Join us as we kick off our summer series Underdogs.
5/19/202433 minutes, 22 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: Bound Together

Sometimes our core assumptions can keep us from receiving the truth about Jesus. Join us as we see how Paul's words in Romans push back on a foundational belief in today's society. Hear the truth about why we need each other and some questions to challenge you about your own thinking.
5/12/202456 minutes, 24 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: Rejoice in Suffering?

Jesus warned his followers they would have trouble in this world, and many of us are acquainted with various forms of true suffering. So why would Paul tell us to rejoice in suffering? While it may sound counter-intuitive to do so, God has good reasons, and He provides resources to help. We'll learn about those in just three verses this week. 
5/5/202439 minutes, 4 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: What Voice is Driving You?

Many of us have a voice in our head telling us things about ourselves and the world around us, helping us process life. But not all those voices are helpful. In fact, some of those voices lie to us and can cause a lot of damage. Join us to see the playlist Jesus wants us to play on repeat in our minds instead. 
4/28/202441 minutes, 21 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: Justification - So What?

Our right standing, or justification, with God has always been about faith. But it doesn't end with that. We'll see this Sunday that justification is actually just the beginning of life with God. Join us to see what happens next and three big benefits you can receive. 
4/21/202439 minutes, 59 seconds
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Introducing the Discipleship Pathway

We're changing things up here at NorthPoint! We just introduced a new logo this week. It's a look that ties in directly with another big change on the way. Join us to hear all about what's new, and more importantly, why we think these changes will actually help you in your walk with Jesus. 
4/14/202440 minutes, 32 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: A Faith Worth Emulating

Why would Paul tell Roman Christians that they should emulate the faith of a man who lived hundreds of years before Jesus even came? We'll go back to Genesis to help us answer that question this Sunday. Plus, learn the three Ps that Abraham trusted in that we also should trust today. 
4/7/202436 minutes, 29 seconds
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Easter at NorthPoint

The first part of Romans has shown us how ungodly we all are. So what hope do we have of getting right with God? Turns out, there's a lot of hope! Join us tomorrow to see the gift waiting for all of us and the only way we can receive it. Then learn the move His gift will lead you to make and why Jesus is worthy of that.
3/31/202432 minutes, 15 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: The Verdict on Humanity

Ever been nervous to receive a report card - either yours or your kid's? Well, Paul is giving humanity a report card of sorts this week in Romans 3. Join us to see his verdict on humanity, including three conclusions about all of us. Learn why Paul is so adamant that we understand our condition and where we go from here.
3/24/202438 minutes, 36 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: What I Get to Be a Part Of

Paul points out some attitude issues for Jews in the early chapters of Romans. However, we often do the same types of things today without realizing it. Join us as we learn the best way to kill those troubling attitudes and get on board with God and His mission instead. Plus, see what we should do when we face pushback about what we believe. The answer may surprise you. 
3/17/202447 minutes, 24 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: The Importance of Your RSVP

You've probably been invited to something and needed to RSVP to it. So which is more important: the invitation itself or your actual response? This Sunday, we'll see how Paul delivered a verbal punch to Jews for what they were clinging to and reflect on how we ourselves should respond to God's invitation today.
3/10/202440 minutes, 23 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: Church People Need Jesus Too

It can be easy to point fingers at people who blatantly sin and ignore God. But Paul shows us in Romans that we all need to look in the mirror. Join us as we see some subtle ways we sin that we may tend to forget. Then learn three big reasons why church people need Jesus, too.
3/3/202442 minutes, 44 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: Missions - What's My Role?

Global missions isn't just for a few people "to do," and being a missionary overseas isn't for everyone either. So what is your role in missions? Join us as we see the part about 99% of us have to play. Then we'll show you the two things you need to do to carry it out. 
2/25/202441 minutes, 18 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: God's Design for Sexuality

It's not just a pop song from the 1990s! You don't have to look too far to see sex is a big deal in our current culture. We're going to talk about it this Sunday as we continue our message series, Paul's Letter to the Romans. Join us as we learn two big truths about sexual impurity and God's design for sexuality. 
2/18/202444 minutes, 34 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: Crumbling Culture

You may have heard - or even felt yourself - that our culture is losing its way, declining, even crumbling. This Sunday, we'll look at the steps that lead to a slow progression of a crumbling culture and see what Romans 1 has to say about the solution for this problem. 
2/11/202430 minutes, 5 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: Wrestling with God's Wrath

The first chapter of Romans shows us that the righteousness of God is power, salvation, and life. Great reasons to want His righteousness, right? This week, we'll see the bad news about it: His wrath. Join us to learn what exactly the wrath of God means, why it has to come, and where it leaves us when we can come to terms with it.
2/4/202440 minutes, 57 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: Unashamed

We're staying in Romans 1 this week to unpack the third reason Paul wrote to the church there. We'll see how the Gospel is like a diamond and what "the righteousness of God" brings to us. Then we'll learn what being "unashamed of the Gospel" really means-- and three things it doesn't. 
1/28/202446 minutes, 7 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: Why Church?

Paul wrote his letter to the Roman church for at least three reasons. Those same reasons can help us understand why we do church today. We'll explore those and show you the move you need to make once you've decided "you're in" when it comes to church. Plus, see why we think NorthPoint can actually be compared a little to Rome.
1/21/202438 minutes, 15 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans: Convince Me

If you've ever wondered why you should believe in Jesus, we think you'll find the answer right in the opening words of Romans 1. This week, we dive back into Paul's Letter to the Romans to see the four essentials of Gospel Christianity. 
1/14/202438 minutes, 38 seconds
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Paul's Letter to the Romans

We're kicking off the new year with a new message series, Paul's Letter to the Romans. The first seven verses may seem like a simple greeting, but there are four things we learn there that are key to understanding one of the most influential books of the entire Bible. Join us as we learn what those four things are, why Paul wrote this letter to begin with, and how our mission at NorthPoint mirrors his. 
1/7/202442 minutes, 9 seconds
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Christmas at NorthPoint

Christmas at NorthPoint is here! Celebrate the birth of our Savior with us through stories, songs, and scripture.
12/24/202319 minutes, 12 seconds
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Significance of Christmas

We're used to hearing the Christmas story from Luke 2, with a complete cast of characters that includes the shepherds, angels, and Mary and Joseph. But there's another place in the Bible that tells us the story without the nativity. Join us as we read the familiar narrative and perhaps see the significance of Christmas from a new perspective. Learn three things it means for us as we approach this year's big day.
12/17/202334 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Gospel Line: Generosity

Paul has some strong words this week as we wrap up our series The Gospel Line. We'll focus on living out the line of generosity, but there's another word we need to understand first. Find out what that is and why it gives us no other option than to be generous once we grasp it.
12/10/202340 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Gospel Line: Growth

When Jesus healed ten men with leprosy, only one chose what Jesus was really after. This Sunday, we'll look at the Gospel line of gratitude and how it can change us so completely. Learn what practicing gratitude leads to and some practical ways we can grow in this area.
12/3/202339 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Gospel Line: Gratitude

When Jesus healed ten men with leprosy, only one chose what Jesus was really after. This Sunday, we'll look at the Gospel line of gratitude and how it can change us so completely. Learn what practicing gratitude leads to and some practical ways we can grow in this area.
11/26/202343 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Gospel Line: Disability

Disabilities hit close to home for many families, even if they're not always easily recognizable. As we come to understand the Gospel, we need to look at the line that flows from it to caring for people with all kinds of disabilities. Join us as we explore how God views this issue and three things He has for us about it. We'll also see how one Apostle's disability turned into a strength.
11/19/202358 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Gospel Line: Adoption

Before you came to Jesus's family, you were an orphan. We all were. But after, we're his children; we're adopted. Join us this week as we follow the Gospel line of adoption and see why it's so critical for us to care about the children without families around us. Plus, we'll give you some practical ways you can do that as you take up the Gospel line.
11/12/202346 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Gospel Line: Justice

We're beginning a new message series this week and it all starts with a major confrontation between two power players in the early church, Peter and Paul. Find out why it's so important for us to understand the real issue behind their argument. Plus, gain clarity about what the Gospel truly is and the implications that flow from it.
11/5/202348 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Gospel Line

We're beginning a new message series this week and it all starts with a major confrontation between two power players in the early church, Peter and Paul. Find out why it's so important for us to understand the real issue behind their argument. Plus, gain clarity about what the Gospel truly is and the implications that flow from it.
10/29/202345 minutes, 17 seconds
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Rage & Restoration: Responding to Shame

God's word tells us that the devil is on the prowl, seeking to kill, steal, and destroy our lives. And shame is one of the number one tactics he uses to accomplish those goals. This Sunday, we wrap up our series on forgiveness by looking at shame: what it is, why it's so harmful, and how we can respond to it in light of God's truth. Join us for this final message of Rage + Restoration: Wrestling With Forgiveness.
10/22/202337 minutes, 18 seconds
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Rage & Restoration: Dealing with Anger

Anger isn't a sin; it's how you handle the anger that matters. Join us as we walk through some biblical ways to approach and address anger. Plus, see what it looks like when we factor forgiveness into the situation. 
10/15/202331 minutes, 38 seconds
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Rage & Restoration: Since God So Loved Us

We've learned a lot about forgiveness and how to process it over the last several weeks. Now it's time to actually put it into practice. What does that look like in real life? Join us as we look at two stories of forgiveness when forgiveness may have seemed unthinkable. We'll also spend extended time reflecting and taking communion together. 
10/8/202336 minutes, 52 seconds
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Rage & Restoration: When I'm the Offender

It's a fact of life: you're going to mess up and offend someone at some point in your life. Spoiler alert -- you already have! So let's look at how you can move forward when you are the one who has done the offending. Join us as we investigate two different scenarios and some steps to take that are more likely to lead to forgiveness and reconciliation with others. 
10/1/202344 minutes, 52 seconds
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Rage & Restoration: Addressing an Offender

We've already concluded that forgiveness means releasing someone from debt. The question remains: how do we do it? This week, Pastor Jeremy walks us through the process of addressing someone who's offended you. You'll want to hear the important first step you absolutely cannot skip. Then learn the guidance Jesus gives us and the ultimate goal he's after in these situations. 
9/24/202349 minutes, 12 seconds
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Rage & Restoration: Roadblocks and Breakthrough

We may know we need to forgive others, but we also know it's not an easy thing to just do. Join us to discover the three main roadblocks that often prevent us from forgiving. Then find out how we can break through those barriers. Plus, you'll hear the emotional story of a NorthPoint man who was able to forgive the perpetrators of an unthinkable act against his family.
9/17/202352 minutes
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Rage & Restoration: Kingdom Forgiveness

Jesus brings home the idea of radical forgiveness in his parable of the unmerciful servant. This week, we return to Matthew 18 as Pastor Jeremy shows us why making the connection between the king, the servant, and ourselves is crucial to kingdom forgiveness. See the choice people who are truly transformed make when it comes to repaying debts.
9/10/202349 minutes, 49 seconds
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Rage & Restoration: Forgiving Is Not Forgetting

You've probably heard - or maybe even said - "forgive and forget." We know Jesus commanded us to forgive. But do we have to forget, too? We'll find some answers in week three of Rage & Restoration: Wrestling With Forgiveness. Join us as we look at a story Jesus told in Matthew 18.
9/3/202331 minutes, 43 seconds
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Rage & Restoration: Defining Forgiveness

Forgiveness is complicated, and we have a lot of work to do as we wrestle with it! This week, Pastor Jeremy gives us a basic definition of forgiveness, clarifies the difference between forgiveness and trust, and explains what forgiveness does not mean. Then, he'll break it down some more by describing three aspects of true forgiveness. Join us for week two of Rage & Restoration: Wrestling With Forgiveness.
8/27/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 30 seconds
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Rage & Restoration: Wrestling with Forgiveness

Let's be honest: We've all been offended by others and we've all offended someone else at some point. So is it really necessary to forgive? It's often complicated and messy, but the answer is 100% yes. Join us as Pastor Jeremy helps us understand why that is and what often keeps us from doing it. Then learn the three things he wants you to do as we begin our new message series, Rage & Restoration: Wrestling With Forgiveness.
8/20/202340 minutes, 46 seconds
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Vintage Faith: God's Final & First Word

God's final message to his people in the Old Testament may not exactly sound positive. They had disobeyed and sinned against him yet again. But there's a twist to consider. Join us to discover the surprise of God's final word in Malachi, how it ties into his first word in the New Testament, and what those words are all leading to as we wrap up our Vintage Faith series.
8/13/202343 minutes, 16 seconds
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Vintage Faith: Jacob Wrestles With God

Lots of things may keep you up at night. But it was a wrestling match with God himself that kept Jacob up one night in the Old Testament! Join us to learn what Jacob's encounter can teach us about experiencing God in our own lives.
8/6/202331 minutes, 27 seconds
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Vintage Faith: Questions and Answers

In our Vintage Faith series, you asked a number of questions about the Old Testament. In this special segment, Laila Down talks with Pastor Jeremy Carr and Pastor John Sorrell to attempt to answer some of those questions. We don't have all the answers and would encourage you to look into these questions yourself! We've provided some resources for each question available here:
8/5/20231 hour, 1 minute, 5 seconds
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Vintage Faith: The Fiery Furnace

It's one of the most fascinating stories in the Old Testament: The Fiery Furnace. Three men who refused to bow down, saved by God in a miraculous way. They knew what was worth dying for. Join us as we learn what their story can teach us about living in our own Babylon and two ways we can do it well. 
7/30/202341 minutes, 58 seconds
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Vintage Faith: The Valley of Dry Bones

You voted on what Old Testament story you wanted to hear about most, and this Sunday, Pastor Jeremy delivers. See the connection between a prophet, a pile of bones, and God's promises as we study Ezekiel and the Valley of Dry Bones.
7/23/202344 minutes, 27 seconds
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Vintage Faith: Be Strong and Courageous

Ever felt like God was calling you to do something you just didn't feel like you were capable of doing? The Israelites may have felt that way after the death of their leader, Moses, but God never makes empty promises. Join us as we see how his promises and provision go hand in hand. Plus, how a key phrase repeated three times in just the first nine verses of Joshua can provide strength and comfort when God calls us today.
7/16/202340 minutes, 36 seconds
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Vintage Faith: Hope Filled Promises

God sent prophets in the Old Testament to warn his people about the consequences of their sin, warnings that could be seen as strong and even harsh. However, God also sent a promise when it seemed all hope was lost. Join us as we see three ways God delivered on his promise in Zephaniah and how he's still delivering promises for you today.
7/9/202338 minutes, 7 seconds
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Vintage Faith: Hagar

Ever felt like no one really sees you? Like people only see you for what you can do for them? That's how Hagar must have felt in the Old Testament. That is, until God spoke to her in the dessert. Our Vintage Faith series takes us back to Genesis this week for the story of an unsung hero. Learn what God gave Hagar and what this slave can reveal to us about God himself.
7/2/202332 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jesus & Kids

Ever heard people debate who is the G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time)? Even Jesus' disciples did, but Jesus chimed in with an answer that may surprise all of us. Join us tomorrow when we look at why Jesus said we need to be like children. See two important things we can learn from even the youngest among us and what the real issue is when we start asking questions similar to the disciples'.
6/25/202340 minutes, 10 seconds
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Vintage Faith: Covenants

Even one of the most successful Hollywood movies of the last century can remind us of our Vintage Faith. We'll explain that tomorrow, but more importantly, we'll learn why Old Testament covenants were such a big deal, why God had to enact a new covenant to fulfill the old ones, and how you can participate in celebrating the new one. 
6/18/202348 minutes, 20 seconds
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Vintage Faith: God Moves Closer

Ever since sin separated people from him, God's been working to bridge the gap again. This week we look back in the Old Testament to see how God moves closer to his people, calling them three things that apply to us even today. Find out what they are, what they mean, and the challenge to live into them.
6/11/202335 minutes, 19 seconds
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Vintage Faith

The New Testament shows us the beginnings of Christianity, so what's so important about the Old Testament? Join us this Sunday for three important reasons we should care about it. We're going back to our roots to examine the people, places and events that shape the faith we have today. 
6/4/202344 minutes, 27 seconds
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Happily Ever After: The Single Life

We're wrapping up our message series on relationships this week with a look at God's perspective on the gift of being single. That's right, the gift! We'll see the unique advantage singles have and talk about the role married couples and families play for those who are not married.
5/28/202337 minutes, 57 seconds
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Happily Ever After: Communication

It's safe to say most of us want relationships that are honest, forgiving and kind. But they don't just happen on their own. This week, we'll learn three rules of communication that help foster relationships like what we see in Ephesians 4. Learn what it all looks like practically, and what to do when the rules don't seem to work.
5/21/202347 minutes, 1 second
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Happily Ever After: Words in Action

As we study different relationships in our Happily Ever After series, we need to focus on something that can powerfully influence any type of relationship: communication. The words we use to communicate have power, but do our words accomplish what we want them to? Join us as we explore a different way to look at the power of words and why your words matter so much. 
5/14/202336 minutes, 29 seconds
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Happily Ever After: Insecurity & Self-Image

So far, we've spent time focusing on the outward portion of relationships during our Happily Ever After message series. This Sunday, let's look inward. We'll examine behaviors that often keep us from developing close relationships. Plus, we'll see two important truths that help us move to a more secure sense of who we are.
5/7/202350 minutes, 47 seconds
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Happily Ever After: God's Purpose for Marriage

Your favorite book may include some chapters that involve conflict between characters, plot twists, and even some shocking surprises. Marriage is often the same. This week, we continue examining God’s purposes for marriage with special guests Kent and Kim Kramer. They’ll compare notes with us and share three key purposes God has revealed through each chapter of their marriage story so far, including the darkest ones. 
4/30/202344 minutes, 53 seconds
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Happily Ever After: Marriage on Purpose

Before you jump into anything, including a relationship, it's helpful to understand its purpose. So that's exactly what we'll do this week as we focus on a core relationship established by God: marriage. Join us as we look at the three purposes of marriage, all through the lens of God's Big Story. 
4/23/202346 minutes, 54 seconds
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Happily Ever After: The Big Story

Let's be honest for minute: Relationships are hard. Whether it's with a parent, sibling, spouse, co-worker, friend or someone else, relationships are not perfect and often involve conflict. Don't miss our new message series as we dig into what the main problem is in most relationships and what the key to success is in every single one. 
4/16/202342 minutes, 11 seconds
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Last Words of Jesus: Surprise!

Jesus' resurrection was a surprise to his followers for sure. In fact, the surprise went from bad to good. This Easter, join us as we see how this moment changed everything and how Jesus still wants to surprise us.
4/9/202332 minutes, 57 seconds
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Last Words of Jesus: Good Friday

The day of Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, and death may have been the darkest day for his followers, but it’s an important day for us to remember. We invite you to reflect on the final hours of Jesus’ life.
4/7/202358 minutes, 2 seconds
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Last Words of Jesus: Remain

Jesus' famous illustration of the vine and the branches shows us what he expects from anyone who follows him. This week we'll see what it looks like to bear fruit and how Jesus helps us to do it. We'll also deep-dive into specific ways to remain in him and look at some things that may be keeping you from doing it.
4/2/202345 minutes, 39 seconds
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Last Words of Jesus: Obey

Obeying someone else doesn't always feel freeing or fun. But as we look at the Last Words of Jesus, we see why obeying him is key to having a genuine relationship with him. Join us as we learn four truths about obeying Jesus and how this concept helps us live life as he intended: to the full. 
3/26/202347 minutes, 44 seconds
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Last Words of Jesus: Believe

We're back in the Gospel of John this week, but this time, put yourself into the story with Jesus' disciples. We often feel just like they did: troubled, confused, and oblivious. This Sunday, we'll see what happens when Jesus meets us there and what he asks us to do in some of his last words.
3/19/202340 minutes, 9 seconds
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Last Words of Jesus: Repent

Some of the Last Words of Jesus were to the disciple who betrayed him and to the disciple who denied him. But only one of their stories ends with repentance, a vital piece of the fabric of our faith. This Sunday, join us as we look at the steps that led him there and what that may look like in our lives today. 
3/12/202343 minutes, 57 seconds
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Last Words of Jesus: Serve

If you knew you had only hours left on this earth, what would you say to those closest to you? Jesus' final moments with his disciples were very intentional in word and action. This Sunday, we begin our new series Last Words of Jesus by studying what came immediately before Jesus' final words. See why he did what he did and how the humbling, life-changing moment serves as a model for us today. 
3/5/202345 minutes, 7 seconds
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Practicing the Presence: Cultivating Celebration

We're nearing the end of our Practicing the Presence message series, and we have one more spiritual practice to consider: celebration! Join us as we learn why celebration really is biblical and the four benefits it can bring when we practice it.
2/26/202335 minutes, 38 seconds
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Practicing the Presence: Letting Go of What's Holding You Back

So far this month we've focused on praying, which helps us say yes to God. This weekend, we turn to another spiritual practice that is all about saying no. We're not saying no to God, but rather, the things that take us away from him. We're talking about fasting. Join us as Pastor Jeremy challenges us with some self-check questions to guide us in this spiritual practice. Plus, find out what we can do instead when we crave the very things we're trying to give up. 
2/19/202342 minutes, 58 seconds
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Practicing the Presence: Going Deeper in Prayer

You're going to hear a lot about prayer this month at NorthPoint! This weekend, we'll talk about why we need it so much, and exactly how to do it. Plus, Pastor Jeremy walks us through the ultimate guide to prayer, Jesus' own words. Find out what it means to go deeper in prayer and the benefit that happens when we do.
2/12/202347 minutes, 46 seconds
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Practicing the Presence: It's Not About the Show

Whether we realize it or not, we're often putting on some sort of act. But for God, it's not about the show. Find out what he's looking for instead when we begin our new message series, Practicing the Presence. We'll examine practices that Jesus taught, see what they teach us about who we really are, and share the tool that helps us re-orient our lives around what is always authentic and real. 
2/5/202345 minutes, 39 seconds
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Cultivate: Our Strategy

We've spent this month talking about our mission and calling here at NorthPoint. This week, we're laying it all out as we explain our strategy to accomplish the mission locally. You won't want to miss two big announcements about how we plan to do it in 2023! Plus, Pastor Jeremy shares two specific ways we can grow to advance Jesus' mission.
1/29/202353 minutes, 33 seconds
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Missions Sunday 2023

When Jesus gave his disciples the command to "Go and make disciples of all nations..." in Matthew 28:19, he was talking to you, too! Your role in fulfilling Jesus' final words doesn't have to take a lot of time, but it is imperative that you do something. We'll find out why this Sunday, and we'll give you an interactive way you can accomplish it each month. 
1/22/202351 minutes, 40 seconds
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Cultivate: Our Calling

We kicked off our new series Cultivate with a look at our mission, which always comes back to Jesus. So, if Jesus is our mission, what is our calling and what does that really mean? This Sunday, we'll examine why it's a little like a house and explore what our NorthPoint house looks like. See how it all comes together with grace and truth.
1/15/202343 minutes, 42 seconds
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Cultivate: Our Mission

We're not doing New Year's resolutions here at NorthPoint! Instead, we're spending the first several weeks of 2023 digging into a new series, Cultivate. Join us as we explore our mission and what living it out looks like in action (spoiler alert: it's about Jesus!). 
1/8/202353 minutes, 44 seconds
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NorthPoint New Years!

Happy New Year, NorthPoint! Let's celebrate the first day of 2023 and hear how God is moving in the lives of our people.
1/1/202351 minutes, 11 seconds
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Christmas at NorthPoint: Christmas Day

Be encouraged and celebrate the arrival of Jesus, the King of Kings, during Christmas at NorthPoint!
12/25/20227 minutes, 50 seconds
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Christmas at NorthPoint: Christmas Eve

Let's celebrate the arrival of the King of Kings! 
12/24/202217 minutes, 57 seconds
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Christmas at NorthPoint: God of the Ordinary

You've heard the carols about singing angels and visiting kings. But did we get it wrong all these years? Maybe the Christmas story was actually pretty ordinary. Join us to see the familiar story from a new perspective. Then learn the one thing Jesus' mother did that we can copy, that opens the way for God to do extraordinary things. 
12/18/202235 minutes, 51 seconds
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Simply Jesus: The Worthy One

Women didn't have much standing in society in Jesus' day, and what one woman did for him was considered totally unacceptable to most people. But not Jesus himself. This Sunday, we'll look at how her feet actually show us where our place with Jesus should be. 
12/11/202239 minutes, 44 seconds
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Simply Jesus: Wholly Human

When you think of Jesus, it helps to remember he is fully God and fully human. He's a wholly, integrated human. As we continue our Simply Jesus series tomorrow, we'll look at what that really means. And, by looking at what Jesus did-- and did not do-- we'll learn what can lead each of us to wholeness as well.
12/4/202247 minutes, 4 seconds
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Simply Jesus: The Merciful Master

It's typical to stop and think of what we're thankful for this time of year. The ten lepers Jesus healed in Luke 17 were thankful as well, but it was more than being thankful that made one man stand out from the rest. As we continue our message series Simply Jesus, we'll see two special characteristics of that man. Plus, we'll give you two definitions to consider in this season of gratitude.
11/27/202232 minutes, 42 seconds
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Simply Jesus: The Truth

When you think of Jesus, you probably don't think of him calling people names. But that's what he did in the passage we'll study tomorrow. Join us as we learn how he was testing a woman who came to him and what he's teaching us through her story. 
11/20/202243 minutes, 44 seconds
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Simply Jesus: The Contrarian

We can't wait to follow up our Beautiful series with a brand new series all about Jesus! Simply Jesus kicks off with Pastor Jeremy showing us what Jesus was passionate about here on earth and what He values. It's likely no surprise that those things may contradict what our society values today. We'll also look at what it really means to grow as people who follow Jesus, and we'll learn the one word that sums up what we must do to be transformed.
11/6/202245 minutes, 38 seconds
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Beautiful: Beauty Attracts

It's no secret that we are all intuitively drawn to beautiful things - beautiful people, beautiful music, beautiful food and the like. This week, Pastor Jeremy helps us see why cultivating beauty is so important in the first place. What is our role and how can it help others see the pinnacle of beauty itself? Join us as we close out our Beautiful message series.
10/30/202236 minutes, 52 seconds
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Beautiful: Beauty of God

We've looked at God as creator and explored why we should care about beauty. We've studied how beauty was fractured and how God redeems it. As we near the end of our Beautiful series, let's turn our attention to the beauty of God himself. He's holy, glorious, and majestic to be certain. But what is it about God's beauty that helps us when we are at our weakest and most vulnerable and can transform us? Jay Quick will help us answer that question.
10/23/202236 minutes, 9 seconds
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Beautiful: Enjoying Beauty

God gifted us with beauty everywhere! But it's not always easy to see and enjoy it in everyday life. Join us to learn seven practical things you can do to help you truly enjoy this gift from God. Then see two big reasons why you should enjoy beauty.
10/16/202243 minutes, 10 seconds
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Beautiful: Beauty Redeemed

Last week we saw how humans forever fractured the beauty God created. We can't fix it ourselves, but there is a way to redeem beauty in us. Join us as we look to the book of Ephesians for some answers. We'll see how the master artist, God, works to restore his masterpieces.
10/9/202251 minutes, 6 seconds
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Beautiful: Beauty Fractured

We’ve spent the last five weeks talking all about beauty, but we need to talk about something else. The reality is, life is not always beautiful. This week, we’ll study the devastating choice that forever fractured true beauty and how we still struggle with it today. Plus, the answer to still enjoying beauty as God intended.
10/2/202243 minutes, 36 seconds
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Beautiful: Beautiful God

So far in our Beautiful series, we've seen a lot of things, such as where beauty comes from and different forms of beauty. This week we'll answer a fundamental question: How do you define beauty? Can you even do it? Join us as we consider three core elements that help us find the answer.
9/25/202244 minutes, 28 seconds
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Beautiful: Is Beauty Worth It?

We enter week four of our Beautiful message series with a question- Is beauty worth it?  This week, we'll examine an exchange between Jesus and a woman that many considered shocking, wasteful, and excessive. But Jesus saw it differently; he saw it as beautiful. Learn what Jesus had say about the pursuit of beauty and why it's worth our time today.
9/18/202220 minutes, 2 seconds
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Beautiful: Every Body Tells a Story

Our society certainly has some ideas about the beauty of the body, but our bodies can actually tell us much about God, who created them! Join us to see how every single person plays a role in revealing the mystery of God to those around us. Plus, three ideas about our bodies that might just challenge how we see others and relate to them moving forward.
9/11/202228 minutes, 52 seconds
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Beautiful: Beauty in Many Forms

When you think of beauty, do you use your imagination beyond painting, poetry, literature, or music? This week, we'll expand our idea of what is beautiful when we meet an artist of the Old Testament. Join us to see why beauty doesn't always have to be practical, efficient, or frugal.
9/4/202237 minutes, 52 seconds
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Beautiful: Created for Beauty

We're so excited to launch our new message series, Beautiful. We're heading back to the beginning, in Genesis, to see how God reveals himself to us. What allows us to appreciate beauty? Why do we long for things to look beautiful? Where are unexpected places we find beauty? This is a message series you won't just hear, but also experience.
8/28/202240 minutes, 27 seconds
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Acts: ...

Our final message in the Acts message series takes us to Rome, where Luke ends the book with a cliffhanger of sorts. It might leave us asking, "And then what happened?" Join us as Pastor Jeremy explains the next chapter in this story that God has always been writing.
8/21/202232 minutes, 4 seconds
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Acts: What To Do When You're Discouraged

The Apostle Paul was beaten, stripped, imprisoned, run out of towns, and chased by a mob. That's a really rough spot, and he no doubt felt discouraged. While we may not have all those things happen to us, we feel discouragement sometimes, too. What should you do when it hits? The answer can be found in Acts 18. Join us as Pastor Jeremy shows us three actions to model.
8/7/202240 minutes, 50 seconds
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Acts: The Gospel for Smart People

Just because you follow Jesus doesn't mean everyone you know does-- or wants to. So how do you practically engage with people who are skeptical, agnostic, or just not interested in Jesus for intellectual reasons? Join us as Pastor Jeremy shows us how Paul did it in Acts 17 and how we can do the same thing.
7/31/202249 minutes, 54 seconds
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Acts: A Strange Church Plant

We all know it takes all kinds of people to make things work in this world, and that was true for the church at Philippi. In fact, you can't make up the cast of characters who started the church there! Join us when we hear how the gospel brought seemingly random people together and how that levels the playing field for all of us today.
7/24/202237 minutes, 35 seconds
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Acts: When Christians Collide

7/17/202251 minutes, 25 seconds
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Acts: From Conflict to Breakthrough

We all know churches today are not immune to conflict, and neither was the early church. This week, we'll look at a big conflict that arose in the church and how it was resolved with grace and truth. Join us to see why conflict isn't always bad, the right way to handle it, and how it leads us to the cross.
7/10/202231 minutes, 50 seconds
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Acts: Convictions for a Post-Christian World

We see examples of a post-Christian world all around us, but what exactly does post-Christian mean? Join us when we unpack that and explore why our society is so similar to the cities Paul and Barnabas visited in Acts. Plus, learn the number one thing we need to do to partner with the mission of Jesus in today’s world.
7/3/202234 minutes, 6 seconds
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Acts: Participating in the Mission of Jesus

The first mission trip is underway as Paul and Barnabas set off to take the news of Jesus to the ends of the earth in Acts 13. We can learn so much about participating in the mission of Jesus by following their example - everything from the approach these leaders used to how they handled rejection.
6/26/202243 minutes, 54 seconds
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Acts: A Church to Look Up To

Jesus commanded his disciples to take his message to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. We've arrived in our Acts message series at the moment when phase three of this mission launches. Join us when we see exactly how it happens. Plus, learn three key things the church at Antioch got right that make it a church to look up to today.
6/19/202237 minutes, 31 seconds
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Acts: Out of Place

We've all been there, a feeling of not belonging somewhere, of feeling out of place. This isn't an uncommon situation for Jesus followers today, and it wasn't uncommon even in the early days of the church. So what do we do when there is a collision of two kingdoms, Jesus' and the world's? Join Pastor Jeremy for some insight on what we should expect and how we should fight back.
6/12/202245 minutes, 14 seconds
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Acts: Is Unity Really That Important?

While we have a lot of choice about where we worship today, that wasn't really the case for early believers. They didn't have a choice to compare. Instead, they remained unified and on mission. How did they do it, and how can we stay out of the comparison trap between churches today? Join Pastor Jeremy for some answers on what unity looks like and our role in pursuing it.
6/5/202248 minutes, 4 seconds
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Be Strong and Carry On

The cultural messages the world sends us often contradict what we as Christ-followers know to be right. Those mixed messages wear us down, discourage us, and make it hard to follow Jesus when we feel weary in our faith. This is the same problem Timothy faced in Ephesus. Join us as we see the encouragement Paul sent that can help us to be strong and carry on in our faith today.
5/29/202237 minutes, 42 seconds
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Acts: Unlearning

Learning is a lifelong process, but sometimes, we actually need to go through the process of unlearning. You see, Peter had some false beliefs that God helped him change. Join us to see how it happened in Acts 10 and 11. Pastor Jeremy will also explain how we can unlearn our own false beliefs.
5/22/202257 minutes, 46 seconds
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Acts: Normal, Everyday People

We've seen God use some people with big personalities to do some amazing things so far in our Acts message series. But this week, a paralyzed man and a widow are the focus. Join Pastor Jeremy to see how God uses these two normal, everyday people-- people like us-- to make a difference.
5/15/202243 minutes, 17 seconds
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Acts: An Unlikely Convert

A man known for torturing and terrifying Christians in the early church had a complete turnaround and became one of the most well-known people to ever preach the Gospel of Jesus. How could that even happen? We'll study this unlikely convert's story this week. Join us as Pastor Jeremy shows us three key takeaways.
5/8/202243 minutes, 47 seconds
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Acts: An Unsung Hero

We're heading to Acts 9 this weekend: a pivotal moment in the early church that includes two men, two visions and two different responses. Join us as we look at the unsung hero in this story. See how his small steps made a difference in the early church's movement and how God is inviting us to do the same today.
5/1/202242 minutes, 22 seconds
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Acts: When Leaders Fail

We're heading back to our origin story this weekend with a tale of two Simons. Both men in Acts 8 had power and influence, but only one became a good leader for the church. Join us as Pastor Jeremy explains why, and see how that can help us navigate when leaders we look up to fail us today.
4/24/202240 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Tree of Life: The Cross, Resurrection, & The Tree of Life

As we celebrate Easter this weekend, we see the turning point in God's Big Story. The resurrection is, of course, big, but it's not the end of the story. Join us as we celebrate our risen Savior and see the reappearance of a tree that will mean all things are perfectly restored.
4/17/202244 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Tree of Life: Good Friday

Jesus has always been part of God's Big Story. Today we remember His rescue of us through his death on the cross. We invite you to a time of remembrance and reflection as we observe Good Friday.
4/15/202255 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Tree of Life: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

This week and next, we're taking a break from our Acts series to prepare for Easter. We'll look at the bigger story from a slightly different perspective than usual, by looking at trees. Join Pastor Jeremy to see why trees are so significant to God's big story and how two specific trees help us answer some of life's biggest questions.
4/10/202242 minutes, 20 seconds
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Acts: Living in the Flow of the Gospel

God's word encourages us to share our faith with others. That may sound like a hard thing to do sometimes, but the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch gives us a good starting point. Join guest speaker Mike Shields to learn four things that we can do to live in the flow of the Gospel.
4/3/202243 minutes, 37 seconds
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Acts: Loving Those We Don't Like

It's no secret the Jews and Samaritans hated each other throughout most of the Bible (even Jesus' disciples did at first). But something significant shifted their attitudes to help them love that group. It is possible for us to love those we don't like, too! Join us as Pastor Jeremy shows us three things we have to do for that to happen.
3/27/202245 minutes, 5 seconds
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Acts: When Things Don't Go Your Way

We're moving on to Acts 8 this week: Stephen has been murdered and a new, dangerous character emerges on the scene of the early church. It certainly wasn't all smooth sailing for Jesus' followers then, and it isn't for us today, either. So, what should we do? Join Pastor Jeremy when he shows us three things we can see and do when things don't go our way.
3/20/202245 minutes
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Acts: The Power of the Right Story

Whether you realize it or not, you tell yourself stories every day. Stephen, in the book of Acts, told himself-- and religious leaders-- a story as he made his defense. But there's something rehearsed about it that helped Stephen and that can help us, too.
3/13/202234 minutes, 10 seconds
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Acts: Stephen - The First Christian Martyr & His Legacy

We're reminded each week during our Acts message series that the story of the early church is our origin story. This week, we're taking a closer look at the story of Stephen, a real person who exhibited calm and bold confidence in the face of trial, even death. Where did that come from, and how can we be more like him?
3/6/202234 minutes, 15 seconds
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Acts: Avoiding Mission Creep

You've likely seen it: the bigger something gets, the bigger the chances for real, legitimate problems to arise. That was no different for the early church, either. But as we'll see together, what church leaders did to address a major issue also prevented a total derailment from Jesus' mission. It's the same for us today. Pastor Jeremy shows us how we can avoid distractions and remain focused on our mission, too.
2/27/202246 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Great Commission & The Church

Paul writes in Romans 15 that his ambition was to preach the Good News to those who had never heard it. This week, we welcome special guest Brooks Buser who did the same when he moved to a remote part of the world to share Jesus with others. Join us for Missions Sunday and learn more about the role each of us can play in God's kingdom work.
2/20/202241 minutes, 29 seconds
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Acts: What To Expect From Non-Christians

Let's face it: not everyone we interact with will love Jesus. So how do we do life with people who don't share our belief in Christianity? How do we act in a non-Christian world? Pastor Jeremy has a few ideas for us as we see how the early church reacted to those who didn't believe. He'll show us three responses we can expect and actions we can take for each of them.
2/13/202249 minutes, 47 seconds
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Acts: A Wake Up Moment For The Church

So far in Acts we've seen people giving to others and sharing all they have. But then - an internal threat, as two people let the sin lurking in their hearts take over. Pastor Jeremy will dive into their story with a warning about our own sin and the heart check we need to do for ourselves.
2/6/202241 minutes, 4 seconds
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Acts: Is It Mean To Claim There Is Only One Way?

Society often labels Christianity as intolerant or exclusive. But the truth is, following Jesus is actually the opposite. Join us as Pastor Jeremy breaks it down at the heart and head level and gives some encouragement to take with us the rest of the week.
1/30/202245 minutes, 44 seconds
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Acts: A Model for Encouragement

We finish up Acts 4 this week, meeting a new character in the story of the early church. Join Jay Quick to learn why the disciples nicknamed this man Barnabas. Plus, four things Barnabas modeled that we should aim to model in our faith journey, too.
1/23/202235 minutes, 12 seconds
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Acts: What To Do In The Highs & Lows

We've all been there: some days you feel like the king of the world! Other days, like gum stuck on the bottom of someone's shoe. Believe it or not, Peter, John, and the early believers had ups and downs like that, too. Join us as Pastor Jeremy shows us the two responses the early church had in the highs and lows. See how they can be our responses as well.
1/16/202243 minutes, 26 seconds
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Acts: When Following Jesus Isn't Easy

We're heading back to the church's origin story this week in the book of Acts. The early church was growing like crazy and all seemed well until something unexpected and hard happened. Our journey can feel similar at times. And yet, we can learn a lot from Peter and John when following Jesus isn't easy.
1/9/202240 minutes, 36 seconds
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Unexpected God Moments

1/2/202233 minutes, 8 seconds
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Christmas: The Genealogy of Jesus

12/26/202131 minutes, 12 seconds
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Christmas: An Unexpected King

12/24/202114 minutes, 32 seconds
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Christmas: The Wonder in a List of Names

You may recognize names like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David in the long list of Jesus' family tree. But other, more obscure names, like Amminadab, Rehoboam, and Abijah are just as critical. Join Pastor Jeremy as he gives us a fresh take on the Christmas story. See why all the names in Matthew 1 are so important to our connection with Jesus.
12/19/202135 minutes, 58 seconds
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Christmas: The Gift of God's Presence

The Christmas story is full of a lot of characters, including some who received an invitation to do what seemed impossible. Discover what Joseph's reaction to the unknown can teach us about taking the next right step each day.
12/12/202134 minutes, 12 seconds
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Acts: Engaging Our Culture

One of the ways NorthPoint cultivates communities of grace and truth is by engaging our culture. We can learn a lot about what that means by studying three things the apostle Peter did with the people he did life with. Plus, what does all that have to do with giving people a sandwich? Pastor Jeremy answers that question as we continue our message series in Acts.
12/5/202149 minutes
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Acts: Giving What You've Got

It was just another typical day for two Apostles on their way to pray. But what many would see as an interruption in their agenda changed the life of someone they didn't even know. We'll see the story from a different perspective as Pastor Jeremy shares what we can learn from giving up our agenda and giving what we've got.
11/28/202135 minutes, 30 seconds
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Acts: What is the Church?

There are a lot of ideas and opinions about what church should look like, but the best example is found in Acts 2. Studying the essential beliefs and practices of the early church can help us answer the age-old question, "What are we doing here?" Join Pastor Jeremy as he walks us through the essentials.
11/21/202150 minutes, 52 seconds
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Through the Storm

If you've ever dealt with sickness or disease, death, relationship issues, divorce, financial hardships, or brokenness, you've experienced a storm. That's all of us! But why does God allow them and what is the point? Join guest speaker Shaq Hardy as he shows us what Jesus wants us to see in the storms we face, by looking at what he taught his disciples during an actual big storm.
11/14/202139 minutes, 20 seconds
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Acts: Dealing With What We Don't Like To Hear

As Midwesterners, especially Iowans, we like nice. So what if someone's words to us don't actually sound nice... but they are true? That's sometimes how God's word can seem when we read scripture. Join us as we study a passage with a warning from God. See the real reason behind it and the path we need to take to find a better way.
11/7/202141 minutes, 51 seconds
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Acts: The Story of Jesus

Even if you know Jesus, it can be easy to start focusing on other things, things that aren't really the center of what Jesus is all about. Join us as Pastor Jeremy explains a few common tendencies and what we should do instead. Plus, he's giving each of us an assignment for the next week. Don't miss out!
10/31/202149 minutes, 28 seconds
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Acts: Orchestration & Participation

As if Jesus rising from the dead weren't miraculous enough, now his followers are speaking in different languages that people from all over the world can understand! The second chapter of Acts is truly pivotal. Join us as Pastor Jeremy shows us what Acts teaches about what we are to be like today, even when we don't see miraculous signs.
10/24/202145 minutes, 52 seconds
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Acts: Fulfillment & Restoration

10/17/202142 minutes, 20 seconds
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Acts: Difficulty & Waiting

10/10/202146 minutes, 13 seconds
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Acts: Mission & Witness

10/3/202141 minutes, 59 seconds
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Acts: Story & Spirit

9/26/202132 minutes, 39 seconds
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Sinners & Saints

9/19/202134 minutes, 15 seconds
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Connecting the Old with the New

9/12/202130 minutes, 50 seconds
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Discover NorthPoint: Engaging Culture

9/5/202148 minutes, 22 seconds
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Discover NorthPoint: Embracing Community

8/29/202141 minutes, 57 seconds
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Discover NorthPoint: Looking to Jesus

8/22/202143 minutes, 56 seconds
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Summer Playlist || Psalm 73

8/15/202151 minutes, 7 seconds
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Summer Playlist || Psalm 90

8/8/202142 minutes, 19 seconds
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Summer Playlist || Psalm 103

8/1/202142 minutes, 57 seconds
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Summer Playlist || Psalm 38

7/25/202144 minutes, 33 seconds
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Summer Playlist || Psalm 119:165

7/18/202129 minutes, 51 seconds
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Summer Playlist || Psalm 122, 130-133

7/11/202149 minutes, 3 seconds
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Summer Playlist || Psalm 1

6/27/202138 minutes, 17 seconds
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Generous: How (Much) Should I Give?

6/20/202137 minutes, 59 seconds
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Generous: What is Giving All About?

6/13/202135 minutes, 9 seconds
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I AM: Genuine Belief

6/6/202134 minutes, 20 seconds
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I AM: Dealing with Loss

5/30/202145 minutes, 14 seconds
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I AM: The Good Shepherd

5/23/202141 minutes, 5 seconds
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Looking Down from 30,000 Feet

5/16/202141 minutes, 10 seconds
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I AM: The Community of Jesus & The Cluster of Religion

5/9/202140 minutes, 10 seconds
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I AM: Who's in Charge?

5/2/202140 minutes, 59 seconds
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I AM: How Do I Know I Believe?

4/25/202140 minutes, 25 seconds
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A New Principle

4/11/202130 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Empty Tomb

4/4/202132 minutes, 18 seconds
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Kingdom First

3/28/202136 minutes, 16 seconds
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I AM: Believing in Jesus

3/21/202144 minutes, 52 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace: Connecting With God Through Rest

3/14/202130 minutes, 29 seconds
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I AM: The Global Mission of Jesus

3/7/202142 minutes, 53 seconds
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I AM: Jesus Meets An Outsider

2/28/202130 minutes, 56 seconds
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I AM: He Must Increase

2/21/202128 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

I AM: Jesus & Insiders

2/14/202138 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

I AM: The Right Kind of Passion

2/7/202151 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

I AM: Jesus at a Wedding

1/31/202141 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Rhythms of Grace: The Word

1/24/202128 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

I AM: Can I Get a Witness?

1/17/202144 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

I AM: The Gospel of John

1/10/202144 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rhythms of Grace: Search Me, O God

1/3/202142 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Running Into 2021

12/27/202034 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hope is Here // Christmas Eve

12/24/202021 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hope is Here

12/20/202036 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hope is Here

12/13/202025 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hope is Here

12/6/202027 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rhythms of Grace: Truth

11/29/202021 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Final Chapter: Life Now

11/22/202030 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Final Chapter: Heaven

11/15/202039 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Final Chapter: Invest in Eternity

11/8/202034 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Final Chapter: Hell

11/1/202034 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Final Chapter: What's Going to Happen?

10/25/202027 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Always Hopeful: Perspectives on the Church & Race in America

10/18/202035 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Final Chapter: Are We Living in the Last Days?

10/11/202028 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Final Chapter

10/4/202028 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork


9/27/202026 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork


9/20/202028 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork


9/13/202025 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork


9/6/202022 minutes
Episode Artwork

Following Jesus in 2020

8/30/202020 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

God of Mercy: The Christian & Politics

8/23/202036 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

God of Mercy: Good News & Good Deeds

8/16/202032 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rhythms of Grace: Celebration

8/9/202023 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

God of Mercy: Embracing Compassion

8/2/202028 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

God of Mercy: Self, Others, & God

7/26/202024 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

God of Mercy: Second Chances & Social Concerns

7/19/202034 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

God of Mercy: Understanding Grace

7/12/202020 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

God of Mercy: Seeing & Sacrificing

7/5/202023 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

God of Mercy: Differences

6/28/202021 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

God of Mercy: Life Storms

6/21/202020 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

God of Mercy: The Story of Jonah

6/14/202017 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

In This Together: Justice & NorthPoint

6/7/202035 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

In This Together: Love First

5/31/202023 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

In This Together: Empathy Matters

5/24/202030 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

In This Together: Live It Out

5/17/202032 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

In This Together: Reality Check

5/10/202023 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

In This Together

5/3/202024 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Comfort in Crisis

4/26/202020 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Easter: Breakthrough

4/12/202027 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Good Friday

4/10/202010 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Easter: Chaos

4/5/202023 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Time to Trust

3/29/202018 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Thriving in Crisis

3/22/202024 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why the Bible?

3/15/202031 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rhythms of Grace: Fasting

3/8/202035 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Squad Goals: Handling Conflict

3/1/202041 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Squad Goals: Parenting

2/23/202043 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Squad Goals: Sex

2/17/202040 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Squad Goals: Friendship

2/2/202032 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Squad Goals: Marriage that Lasts

1/26/202037 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Squad Goals: Living the Dream

1/19/202035 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Squad Goals

1/12/202038 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rhythms of Grace: Prayer

1/5/202036 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

December at NorthPoint: 20/20 Vision

12/29/201934 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Christmas at NorthPoint: Christmas Love

12/22/201924 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: Seeing the Real Jesus

12/15/201944 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: His Death on the Ground

12/8/201947 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: You're Not the Boss of Me!

12/1/201936 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Compassion Sunday

11/24/201940 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: Jesus Loves Rich People Too

11/17/201942 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: Look Ahead

11/10/201934 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: Kanye, Jesus, and Lost Things

11/3/201944 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: The Hard Sayings of Jesus

10/27/201944 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: Don't Worry 'Bout a Thing

10/20/201937 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: Prayer is for Beginners

10/13/201948 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: Like a Good Neighbor

10/6/201941 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: Pharisees & Sinners

9/29/201938 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: His Mission

9/22/201947 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: Staying the Course

9/15/201935 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus: Human for Real

9/8/201936 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Real Jesus

9/1/201934 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Discover NorthPoint: Grace & Truth

8/25/201945 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Discover NorthPoint: Your Place

8/18/201936 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Discover NorthPoint: Baptism

8/11/201939 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Discover NorthPoint: Communion

8/4/201933 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Summer at NorthPoint: Jesus & Kids

7/28/201937 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Summer at NorthPoint: A Righteous Resume

7/21/201930 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Summer at NorthPoint: The Longing of Our Hearts

7/14/201926 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Summer at NorthPoint: You Grow What You Sow

7/7/201923 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Summer at NorthPoint: The Best Church for the Community

6/30/201952 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Summer at NorthPoint: The Father's Love

6/23/201936 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Summer at NorthPoint: Loving God with our Minds

6/16/201940 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Summer at NorthPoint: Learning to Live

6/9/201940 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Summer at NorthPoint: A Message of Hope

6/2/201928 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Selfless: The Right Perspective

5/26/201937 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Selfless: Cultivating Gratitude

5/19/201929 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Selfless: True Greatness

5/12/201937 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Selfless: Pride & Humility

5/5/201935 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Big Story: Restoration

4/28/201945 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Grace for the Afflicted // April 28

4/28/201924 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Big Story: Rescue

4/21/201933 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Big Story: Rebellion

4/14/201937 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Big Story: Creation

4/7/201943 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Grace for the Afflicted // April 7

4/7/201950 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Restored: Restoration, Again & Again

3/31/201939 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Restored: Bring Out the Book!

3/24/201940 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork


3/17/201923 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Restored: Dealing with Distraction

3/10/201948 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Restored: When Justice Calls

3/3/201941 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Treatment for Affliction

2/24/201927 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Restored: Handling Resistance

2/17/201938 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Missions: Light the Darkness

2/10/201934 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Restored: How to Build Things

2/3/201947 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Restored: Inevitable Opposition

1/27/201941 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Restored: Making Things Happen

1/20/201937 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Restored: Where It Begins

1/13/201941 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Restored: A Journey Through Nehemiah

1/6/201937 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Back to the Future // Hebrews 10:19-25

12/30/201819 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Christmas Eve 2018

12/24/201815 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Weary World Rejoices: Joy // Luke 2

12/23/201830 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Weary World Rejoices: Hope // Psalm 33

12/16/201830 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Weary World Rejoices: Suffering // Habakkuk 1

12/9/201838 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Weary World Rejoices: Longing // Luke 1:26-38

12/2/201834 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pray for the Experience of Christ

11/25/201840 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Adoption Sunday 2018

11/18/201847 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Battle for Hope // Psalm 42

11/11/201832 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

All In: Christianity & A Messed-Up World // Ephesians 4:32-5:2

11/4/201839 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

All In: Life in the Spirit // Ephesians 4:30

10/28/201833 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

All In: Speak Life // Ephesians 4:29

10/21/201834 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

All In: Work // Ephesians 4:28

10/14/201840 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

All In: Anger // Ephesians 4:26-27

10/7/201837 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

All In: Tell the Truth // Ephesians 4:25

9/30/201830 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

All In: We Are Against Some Things // Ephesians 4:17-24

9/23/201835 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

All In: Something Bigger // Ephesians 4:7-16

9/16/201834 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

All In: Unity // Ephesians 4:3-6

9/9/201839 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

All In // Ephesians 4:1-3

9/2/201840 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Believe In Yourself? // Matthew 14:22-33

8/26/201831 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Discover Your Place // 1 Corinthians 12

8/19/201843 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Training Grace // Titus 2

8/12/201836 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ask the Pastor

8/5/201835 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Family Matters: Help for the Digitally Drowning Family

7/29/201848 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Family Matters: Parenting // Deuteronomy 6

7/22/201842 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Family Matters: Marriage // Genesis 1-3

7/15/201849 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Just Like Jesus: What about racism? // Galatians 3:28

7/8/201851 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Family Matters: Friendship // Proverbs 17:17

7/8/201827 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Family Matters: Intro // Genesis 1-3

7/1/201846 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Just Like Jesus: How should we do justice? // Nehemiah 5:1-13

6/17/201842 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Just Like Jesus: What does God say about justice? // James 2:14-17

6/10/201841 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Just. Like. Jesus: What is Justice // Micah 6:8

6/3/201839 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Advent: Day 1

1/1/14 minutes, 35 seconds