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Passion City Church DC Podcast Cover
Passion City Church DC Podcast Profile

Passion City Church DC Podcast

English, Christianity, 1 season, 311 episodes, 1 day, 23 hours, 26 minutes
Messages from Passion City Church DC, visit us at
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Further In: Daniel 2

The Book of Daniel gives us a clear example of how to navigate the culture as believers in Jesus. In this episode of Further In, Pastor Ben Stuart, Jon Harkey, Jacob Harkey, and Thomas Barr sit down to take a deeper look at Daniel 2 and consider how we can apply the truths of Scripture to our lives today.Head to Passion Equip for a reading guide and additional resources as we journey through the book of Daniel together this fall:—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/18/202434 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Fate of Nations

Head to Passion Equip for a reading guide and additional resources as we journey through the book of Daniel together this fall:—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/16/202445 minutes, 44 seconds
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Further In: Daniel 1

The Book of Daniel gives us a clear example of how to navigate the culture as believers in Jesus. In this episode of Further In, Pastor Ben Stuart, Jon Harkey, and Thomas Barr sit down to take a deeper look at Daniel 1 and consider how we can apply the truths of Scripture to our lives today.Head to Passion Equip for a reading guide and additional resources as we journey through the book of Daniel together this fall:—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/12/202437 minutes, 20 seconds
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How the Christian Navigates the Culture

Pastor Ben Stuart launches us into a new series through the book of Daniel. We will look briefly at the book’s layout and then settle in the first chapter, where he helps us answer how we live as believers in Christ in a world trying to squeeze us into its mold. Key Verses // Daniel 1—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/9/202444 minutes
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In God We Trust / Grant Partrick

Pastor Grant Partrick joins us for week two of sabbath break to share the importance of slowing down and stopping so that we can run at God's pace for our lives. In our rest, we can learn to increase our dependence on Him.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/1/202425 minutes, 49 seconds
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Anxious Heart Meets Good Shepherd

For week one of our sabbath break, Pastor Ben Stuart emphasizes that rest is a form of faith—that when we stop, we trust, as King David did in Psalm 23, that the Lord will provide and sustain us in the meantime.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/25/202437 minutes, 52 seconds
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Finding God When He's Silent / Landon Lacy

Landon Lacy brings comforting truths from the book of Ruth, reminding us of how God is always at work in the background of our lives, regardless of what we see or how far he feels from us. Key Verses // Ruth 1:1-5, 4:13-17—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/20/202438 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Church is Alive and Growing Stronger / Louie Giglio

Global Pastor Louie Giglio joins Passion City Church DC to encourage us to move from a maxed-out life to one with a margin. In turn, God will use the gap to give us the opportunities to live generously in the above and beyond. —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/6/202442 minutes, 42 seconds
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Undefeated: An Interview with Andre Ward

Join us as Pastor Ben Stuart sits down with the highly accomplished Olympian Andre Ward to discuss adversity, pressure, and the gifts that God gives us through the Church and His Word in those times.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/31/202441 minutes, 29 seconds
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Disciple - Compassion in Crisis

How does the Church respond in times of crisis and uncertainty? Ben Stuart looks at Peter’s letter to the Church, which describes how they faced persecution by the Roman Empire and how their response as a community of Christians set the example that still holds true today. Key Verses // 1 Peter 4:8-11—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/23/202437 minutes, 22 seconds
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Disciple - Come and Become / Thomas Barr

Thomas Barr continues our series on what it looks like to be a disciple by studying Matthew 11 and identifying the specific words Jesus used to invite us in. Key Verses // Matthew 11:28-30 —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/16/202421 minutes, 42 seconds
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A Prayer for Our Nation

In light of recent events, Pastor Ben Stuart leads us in a prayer for our nation, fulfilling our calling as a Church from 1 Timothy 2. In times of uncertainty, we pray that those in authority over us would seek the Lord and lead with wisdom, and we pray for a spiritual revival in our great nation, asking that we could live a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” - 1 Timothy 2:1-4 —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion: 
7/16/202423 minutes, 41 seconds
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Disciple - A Pathway Out of Loneliness

As our Disciple series continues, Pastor Ben Stuart emphasizes the importance of community and why God desires for us to be in it. Key Verses // Ephesians 4:11-16 —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/10/202443 minutes, 22 seconds
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What is a Disciple?

Pastor Ben Stuart introduces a collection focusing on what it looks like to be a disciple. In this talk, he encourages followers of Christ to evangelize and equips them with the knowledge to share the Gospel using Ephesians 2. Key Verses // Matthew 28:16-20, 22:37-39; Ephesians 2:1-22—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/3/202435 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Heart of the Matter / Dr. Crawford Loritts

Join us as Dr. Crawford Loritts encourages the Church in her calling to make disciples compassionately and explores the proper relationship between religion, actions, and love. Key Verses // Matthew 28:16-20, Matthew 9:35-38 —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/25/202439 minutes, 55 seconds
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Why Does God Test Us?

Wrapping up the “Why Does God...” series, Pastor Ben Stuart addresses the purpose of testing, why God tests us at all, and how we are to respond to it through studying Deuteronomy 8. Key Verses // Deuteronomy 8—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/11/202442 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why Does God Hate Me?

Pastor Ben Stuart continues our “Why does God...?” series by leading us through two psalms. The enemy is coming after our sonship, and it’s time for us to be honest, get curious, get serious about the cure, and take hold of God. Key Verses // Psalm 42 + 43 —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/4/202439 minutes, 44 seconds
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Endurance: A Conversation with Pastor Ben’s Historical Theology Professor

Join us as Pastor Ben Stuart sits down with Biblical scholar Dr. John Hannah and his wife, Carolyn, addressing topics such as church history, struggle, and revival. We leave this conversation encouraged to see the beauty of Christ and how we can be a light to those around us. Key Verses // Hebrews 13:7—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/29/202442 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Suffering? / Jacob Harkey

In this message, Director of Spiritual Formation at Passion City Church D.C. Jacob Harkey helps us acknowledge that suffering, in time, is a reality for all of us. The question remains: Will you be able to look at your trial through the lens of eternity? Key Verses // Romans 8:18-23, 5:3-5; Hebrews 12:6; Luke 13:1-5; John 9:1-3—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/20/202440 minutes, 28 seconds
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Wisdom + Wealth

Continuing in the collection of talks called “Anxiety + Money,” Pastor Ben Stuart takes us through the Proverbs and shows us how we can shift from the anxiety that money may cause to the wisdom of managing it.Key Verses // Book of Proverbs—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/13/202442 minutes, 14 seconds
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Anxiety + Money

Join us as Pastor Ben  starts a brand new series on money. This week, he teaches what Jesus has to say about the root issue and how God wants us to live differently than the world when it comes to our possessions. Key Verses // Luke 12:11-34—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/7/202444 minutes, 18 seconds
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Finding Deeper Satisfaction in Jesus / Jon Harkey

This talk concludes our “Anchor” series that has been taking us on a deeper dive into what holds our house together theologically. Jon Harkey teaches us about the extravagant worship of God and how it relates to His glory, radical grace, and our lives. Key Verses // 2 Corinthians 3:12 - 4:6—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/30/202443 minutes, 54 seconds
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You Can't Earn This!

As we continue in our Anchors series, Pastor Ben Stuart explains how God's radical grace is kindness extended and freely given, and how there is no one out of God's reach. In the Gospel of John, Jesus encounters two extremely different people and meets both where they are by demonstrating the radical grace of God. Key Verses // John 1:1-5, 1:14-18, 3:1-18, 4:1-27—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/23/202440 minutes, 23 seconds
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Why Am I Here?

In week two of our new series, “Anchors,” Pastor Ben Stuart focuses on the glory of God and how it is tangible in the greater narrative of our lives. All of us ask "why" questions, but God gives us the overarching and the detailed answer: Himself. Join us as we search the Scripture and begin to understand why we love and are anchored in His glory. Key Verses // Romans 11:36—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/16/202442 minutes, 10 seconds
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His Glory, Our Joy / Landon Lacy

This week we will be kicking off a brand new series that takes a closer look at the three theological anchors of Passion City Church DC. Landon Lacy will start us out by giving us an overview of the glory of God, radical grace, and extravagant worship that define who we are as a people in this city. Key Verses // Ephesians 1:3-14—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/10/202434 minutes, 54 seconds
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If Jesus Really Rose...

Join us for this year’s Easter gathering where we finish our series on Resurrection Power and the implications for us as believers of the glorious resurrection of Christ. Today, Pastor Ben walks us through the final seven of our fifty implications of the resurrection and leads us in celebration of our risen Lord.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/2/202434 minutes, 4 seconds
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50 Implications of the Resurrection (Part Two)

Join us as we continue in part two of learning what the implications of the resurrection are for us as believers. Pastor Ben walks us through passages of Scripture that are not only promises for our future but that have the power to change the way we live life right now.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/25/202449 minutes, 26 seconds
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Peter’s Story / Joby Martin

This week, Pastor Joby Martin joined us from The Church of Eleven22. He takes a look at Peter's story in the book of John and shares how Jesus' resurrection transformed Peter's life and is still transforming lives today. God uses our tests, trials, and even terrible decisions, and turns them into a testimony for His glory.Key Verses // John 21 —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/20/202442 minutes, 32 seconds
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50 Implications of the Resurrection (Part One)

Join us this week as Pastor Ben breaks down part one of 50 implications of the resurrection. He takes us through the promises we are given in Scripture that we can hold on to because death could not hold Jesus in the grave. The resurrection changes everything. Key Verses // Ephesians 1:16-23—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/12/202438 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Share the Gospel

As we kick off this new collection of talks, join with us as Pastor Ben uncovers the power of the resurrection. If the resurrection never happened, then nothing that we are doing matters. But if it did, then it changes everything and becomes the basis of our being. Key Verses // 1 Corinthians 15:3-6, 12-19—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/7/202438 minutes, 14 seconds
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How to Navigate Conflict

In our final week of this collection of talks, Pastor Ben Stuart tackles how to tactfully handle conflict in a way that honors God, gives dignity to the other, and allows you to be honest. We are going to have to speak, but we are given a blueprint on how to speak the truth in love. Key Verses // Ephesians 4:11-16—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/27/202440 minutes, 34 seconds
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Formative Friendships / Jacob Harkey

Friendships are plummeting at a rapid rate, forcing us into isolation and loneliness. Jacob Harkey teaches us how community in Christ is the antidote. As we cultivate community and authentic relationships, we become more alive than ever and draw people to Christ through us. Key Verses // Colossians 3:1-17—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/19/202447 minutes, 4 seconds
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Finding Our Way to One Another

As we navigate life in a technology centric world, it can often be difficult to find formative friendships and live in intentional community with other believers. In this talk, Pastor Ben Stuart shares the biblical definition of community and gives us practical steps to find it in our lives today. Key Verses // Ephesians 4:1-16 —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/13/202441 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Beauty of Belonging / Mikado Hinson

In this talk, Mikado Hinson, the Director of Player Development at Texas A&M, joined us to kick off our new series: The Beauty of Belonging. He cautions us against the thorns of isolation and encourages us to live our lives in the way God intended— in connection with Him and His people. Key Verses // John 21:15-29; Acts 2:37-47—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/7/202439 minutes, 1 second
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Kill Hope

As we wrap up our Call on Heaven series, Pastor Ben reminds us that many of the good gifts in life make for bad gods. If we desire to live a life devoted to the Lord, we must abandon the hope we put in vices and temporary fixes and turn towards a God who is waiting to save us. Key Verses // Isaiah 30:1-18—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/30/202438 minutes, 54 seconds
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Powerful Prayers

We desire to be spiritual, prayerful people, but at times it's hard to know where to start. In this week's talk, Pastor Ben Stuart looks at three of Paul's prayers in Scripture and shares how we can pray for those same things today as we call on God to move in our city.Key Verses // Ephesians 6:17-20, Colossians 4:2-4, 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/24/202440 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Pray

As we walk through this season of "Calling on Heaven" through prayer and fasting, how can we cultivate a desire to commune with God regularly? In this week's talk, Pastor Ben Stuart offers us some practical tips for integrating prayer into our daily lives and shows us that desperation might drive us to a place of prayer, but it is our delight in Jesus that will keep us there. Key Verses // Luke 11:1-13 —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/16/202440 minutes, 41 seconds
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Sustained Spirituality in Uncertain Times

In this week's message, Pastor Ben Stuart dives deep into 2 Chronicles:1-30, showing us how community, desperation, and awe can all motivate us to press on in our faith. Key Verses // 2 Chronicles 20:1-30—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/9/202437 minutes, 32 seconds
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Full Manger, Empty Tomb

Why were the angels so excited at the birth of Jesus? Because they understood what the savior had come to do. Join us as Pastor Ben Stuart finishes our series through the book of Mark with a hopeful message on Christmas Eve! Key Verses // Mark 16—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
12/29/202328 minutes, 19 seconds
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Christmas at the Cross

What does the Cross have to do with Christmas? As we near the end of our series in Mark, Pastor Ben Stuart shares a unique Christmas message from the final hours of Jesus' ministry. At Christmas we celebrate that our Savior was born, but it's at the Cross that we fully understand the reason why He came!Key Verses // Mark 14 & 15—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
12/20/202352 minutes, 44 seconds
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Abomination of Desolation

Our ability to withstand and operate under pressure is not dependent on gratitude; it’s dependent on hope. In this talk, Pastor Ben Stuart teaches from Mark 13:1-37. Despite the confusing nature of this text, it was written by Mark to bring hope to the people of his day, and it still brings hope to us today! We can take comfort in knowing that life will be hard, but there is hope in the midst of it. Key Verses // Mark 13—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
12/12/202345 minutes, 46 seconds
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The King of Hearts

Why did the religious, political, and cultural leaders want to kill meek and mild Jesus? In this talk, Pastor Ben Stuart teaches us through Mark 11 and shows us how Jesus confronted the leadership of His nation, challenged the people of His day on the nature of true religion, and revealed what God still wants from us today. Key Verses // Mark 11:12 - 12:44—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
12/5/202347 minutes, 14 seconds
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The King and the Colt

It’s easy to miss the significance of a moment if you don’t understand the symbolism. In this talk, Pastor Ben Stuart continues our series in the Gospel of Mark by explaining the significance and rich symbolism of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem in Mark 11. We see that Jesus is the true King that can bring transformation— not just in biblical times, but in our lives today too. Key Verses // Mark 10:46 - 11:11 —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion: 
11/28/202344 minutes, 38 seconds
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Son of God: ExtraCAST #3

Welcome to the Passion City Church DC ExtraCAST. In this ExtraCAST, Pastor Ben and Jon sit down to take a look at Mark 9:1-10:12 and discuss pivotal moments in the life of Jesus that aren’t covered in our Son of God series on Sunday mornings. To read along in the Gospel of Mark with us this fall, download the full reading plan at
11/25/202349 minutes, 4 seconds
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Who Gets Into Heaven?

The longing inside of every human heart is to grow in intimacy with God and belong to His family. But how can that happen? In this talk, Pastor Ben Stuart looks at two different encounters Jesus has in Mark 10 and shows us what He says about who will enter the kingdom of Heaven. Key Verses // Mark 10:13-34 ESV—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/21/202343 minutes, 25 seconds
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His Death & Our Discipleship / Thomas Barr

This week, Thomas Barr takes us through the middle of Mark’s Gospel where Jesus answers the question “Why did he come?” On three separate occasions, Jesus answers clearly: He came to die. In each death prediction, Jesus explained to his followers what it would look like to be a disciple: self-denial, service, and suffering. Key Verses // Mark 8:31–37, 9:30–37, 10:32–45—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/13/202334 minutes, 48 seconds
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DTR: Define the Relationship

With greater commitment comes greater intimacy. In this message, Pastor Ben Stuart explores the moment in Mark where the disciples acknowledge who Jesus is. There comes a point in our journey with Jesus where we all must take steps to definite the relationship. Following Jesus will cost us everything, but it’s always worth it. Key Verses // Mark 8:27- 9:13—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/7/202339 minutes, 22 seconds
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Son of God: ExtraCAST #2

Welcome to the Passion City Church DC ExtraCAST.In this ExtraCAST, Pastor Ben and Jon sit down to take a look at Mark 7:24-8:26 and discuss pivotal moments in the life of Jesus that aren’t covered in our Son of God series on Sunday mornings.To read along in the Gospel of Mark with us this fall, download the full reading plan at
11/2/202335 minutes, 55 seconds
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What's Wrong with Me? / Jacob Harkey

This week, Jacob Harkey walks us through an encounter between Jesus and the Pharisees about the meaning of defilement. Jesus makes it abundantly clear that there is something wrong inside of every person that we cannot fix on our own: a sinful heart. How can our hearts be made clean?Key Verses // Mark 7:1-23—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/31/202346 minutes, 51 seconds
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The People's Champ

The Feeding of the Five Thousand is a monumental moment in Jesus' ministry, and it’s the only miracle recorded in all four of the Gospels. In this talk, Pastor Ben Stuart shows us how this miraculous moment reveals the proclamation of the King, the people of the King, and the priorities of the King.Key Verses // Mark 6:30-56—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/24/202344 minutes, 33 seconds
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Son of God: ExtraCAST #1

Welcome to the Passion City Church DC ExtraCAST.In this ExtraCAST, Pastor Ben and Jon sit down to take a look at Mark 6:1-29 and discuss pivotal moments in the life of Jesus that aren’t covered in our Son of God series on Sunday mornings.To read along in the Gospel of Mark with us this fall, download the full reading plan at
10/20/202343 minutes, 3 seconds
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His Power, Your Problems

Who is Jesus that even the winds and the waves obey him? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart continues our series in Mark with an encouraging talk on how Jesus’ power displayed throughout history is greater than any problems we face today. What seems impossible for man is made possible through Christ. Key Verses // Mark 4:35 - 5:43 ESV —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/17/202339 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Secret of the Kingdom

When we take time to understand the Gospels, it changes us, and it changes the whole world! Have you ever wondered why Jesus chose to teach in parables, or how His parables resonate with our lives today? In this talk, Pastor Ben Stuart explains Jesus’ use of parables in Mark 4 and teaches us how parables are an invitation to understand the heart of Jesus and His message to us. Key Verses // Mark 4:1-34 ESV—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/10/202342 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Claims We Make About Jesus / Landon Lacy

How do we make sense of the impact Jesus had on history and on our lives today? We all must come to a conclusion on who He is. This week, our very own Passion Students Coordinator Landon Lacy shows us three claims made about Jesus in the Gospel of Mark and what it means for us today. Key Verses / Mark 3:7-35—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/4/202339 minutes, 34 seconds
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Jesus According to Jesus

Who is Jesus? If we want to be challenged, convicted, and transformed into who we are meant to be, then we need to meet the real Jesus. This week, Pastor Ben Stuart continues our series, Son of God, and teaches us about who Jesus says that He is in the Gospel of Mark.Key Verses / Mark 1:14-3:6—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/26/202336 minutes, 21 seconds
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Jesus in the Wild Places

This week, Pastor Ben Stuart began a new series guiding us through the Gospel of Mark. We believe Jesus is the Centerpiece of the human story and the Hero of our story, and our lives will be transformed as we set our minds on Him.Join us on Sundays this fall as we study Mark together, and read along with us by downloading the reading plan at Verses // Mark 1:1-15—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/20/202344 minutes, 28 seconds
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I've Got a Testimony...

Pastor Ben Stuart leads us into a moment of gratitude as we celebrate the faithfulness of God over the last five years in the Howard Theatre before we move to the Lincoln Theatre on September 17th!Key Verses // 1 Samuel 7:12, Joshua 3—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/12/202336 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sabbath: Waiting On The Lord - Ben Stuart, Jon Harkey, and Rachel Halbach

Pastor Ben Stuart, Jon Harkey, and Rachel Halbach come together to discuss the importance of waiting on the Lord from the book of Isaiah. By being more intentional to steal away to places and spend more time with Jesus, we can go back to the root of why we were built: to rest and be restored, trusting Him to renew our strength.VERSES // Isaiah 40:27-31, Isaiah 30:15-18— Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church: Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Pastor Ben Stuart and Passion City Church. Follow @passioncity: Follow @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C. More info on Passion:
9/3/202327 minutes, 11 seconds
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He Must Increase and I Must Decrease / Grant Partrick

This week we're joined by Pastor Grant Partrick from our house in Atlanta, who brings an encouraging message about how to make our lives matter by letting our passions serve a greater purpose: making much of Jesus. Verses // Matthew 11:11; Luke 3:2-3, 23:46; John 1:19–37, 3:22-31, 5:28, 10:3, 11:43; Acts 4:12; Isaiah 26:8, Colossians 1:16; Galatians 1:10; Philippians 2:5–11—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/21/202342 minutes, 3 seconds
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Cultivating a Courageous Spirit

What does it look like to turn opposition into opportunity? In this talk, Pastor Ben Stuart shares how faith in a faithful God produces a humble confidence and the hope we need in order to have courage during tough times. In every season, we can trust the Lord to lead us through any opposition we encounter. Key Verses // Joshua 17:14-18, 14:6-12 —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/7/202340 minutes, 9 seconds
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Church People - The Essential Elements of Fire

This week, Pastor Ben Stuart finishes up our Church People series with another encouraging message from the book of Acts, helping us understand how individual commitment and communal action can lead to an exponential increase in people knowing Jesus. Key Verses // Acts 2:38-47—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/31/202343 minutes, 42 seconds
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Church People - The Power of Attention

Pastor Ben Stuart continues in our series, Church People, by showing us the necessity of awe in the human experience and how the church in Acts was able to make space for awe by eliminating distractions and devoting their attention to the Lord. Key Verses // Acts 2:41-47 —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/25/202338 minutes, 7 seconds
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Jesus Stories / Brad Jones

This week we're joined by Pastor Brad Jones from our house in Atlanta, who brings an encouraging message about Jesus' first miracle and challenges us to ask ourselves: what kind of story am I telling about Jesus with my life? Key Verses // John 2:1-11—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/10/202339 minutes, 18 seconds
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Church People - The Necessity of Us

Pastor Ben Stuart continues in our series, Church People, by showing us how the Bible emphasizes the importance of community, and teaching us how to value and prioritize a healthy community in our own lives. Key Verses // Acts 2:41-47—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/4/202342 minutes, 59 seconds
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Help! I Need You / Dan Watson

This week we're joined by Dan Watson, one of the pastors of our team in Atlanta, who brings an encouraging message about calling on the Lord for help when the enemy has strongholds in our lives. Key Verses // Romans 7:15-24—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/26/202337 minutes, 56 seconds
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Church People - Why Love DC?

What does it mean to radiate Jesus’ values to a lost and dying world? In today’s talk, Pastor Ben Stuart takes a look at the biblical definition of The Church and gives us practical applications for today on what it means to supply and serve the needs of the people around us. KEY VERSES // Acts 2:41-47—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/20/202344 minutes, 33 seconds
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Church People - People of the Book

This week, we continue in our Church People series with an important question: Why is the Bible so important to the people of God? In this message, Pastor Ben shows us some of the reasons why it is crucial for the church to study and proclaim the Word of God. Key Verses // 2 Timothy 3:14 - 4:8—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/12/202345 minutes, 39 seconds
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Church People - The ABC's of Church

This week, Pastor Ben Stuart kicks off our brand new series: Church People! As imperfect as it is, the Church was beautifully purchased by Jesus on the cross to be a community pursuing the greatest of causes. In this talk, Pastor Ben shares the ABC’s of the Church, taking a look at the fundamentals of the Church and what it means to be "Church People."Key Verses // Matthew 16:13-23—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a and 11:30a at to our Youtube channel to see more messages Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/5/202341 minutes, 27 seconds
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Forging Family - How to Walk with the Spirit

How are we meant to live our lives now that Jesus has set us from sin and condemnation? This week, Pastor Ben finishes up our Forging Family series by explaining what it looks like for us to walk with the Spirit of God. Key Verses // Galatians 3:13 - 5:26—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/29/202348 minutes, 45 seconds
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Forging Family - Law and Grace

How do we reconcile the Law with the grace and kindness of God? In this talk, Pastor Ben continues our series in Leviticus and talks about the pull of works, the power of God’s promise, and the purpose of the Law.Key Verses // Galatians 1-3 —Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/23/202341 minutes, 13 seconds
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Remember Jesus / Landon Lacy

As we run through life, our circumstances are constantly changing. Sometimes it will feel like the wind is at our back, but often it will take everything in us to not give up when the obstacles seem too great. This week we are led by our Passion Students Coordinator, Landon Lacy, who brings an encouraging message about how we can focus our gaze on Jesus to help us endure the difficulties of life! Key Verse // 2 Timothy 2:8—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/15/202335 minutes, 25 seconds
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Forging Family - Holiness, Love, and Mildew

The Mosaic Law doesn’t only have implications for our vertical relationship with God, it contains important principles to guide our horizontal relationships with each other. This week, Pastor Ben Stuart continues in our series by examining some of the ways that the moral law is meant to help forge a healthy community through personal responsibility and abundant generosity. Key Verses // Leviticus 14:32-47, 19:1-18—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/8/202345 minutes, 29 seconds
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Forging Family - How Do I Make Sense of the Law?

Why did God give us the Law? In our increasingly secular culture, the laws of the Old Testament can seem confusing and restrictive. But in this week's message, Pastor Ben Stuart walks us through the ten commandments and explains how the structure God gave us is meant to help us flourish and point us towards Jesus. Key Verses // Exodus 19:1-9, 20:1-21—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/2/202343 minutes, 1 second
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Forging Family - How Do I Deal With Guilt?

How can sinful, guilty people come into the presence of a Holy God? This Sunday, Pastor Ben Stuart kicked off our new series in Leviticus: Forging Family! The book of Leviticus can often feel intimidating, confusing, and archaic. But in this week's message, Pastor Ben brings a hopeful and relevant message about how God steps into our story and brings us back into communion with Him. |Key Verses // Leviticus 16, Hebrews 10:19-25—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/24/202339 minutes, 10 seconds
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Overcoming Shame

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the weight of your shame? In this week's message, Pastor Ben Stuart shares how Jesus wants to set us free from our shame and how you can experience it in your own life today!Key Verses // Luke 5:1-32 ESV —Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/17/202346 minutes, 12 seconds
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Fresh Hope in the Old Story

How is it that an ancient story could give us hope for today? In this message, Pastor Ben Stuart walks us through the familiar Easter story in scripture and shares how it provides us with comfort for suffering, a reason for living, an anchor for justice, and hope for the future.Key Verses // 1 Thess 1:9-10, 1 Thess 4:13-14, 1 Thess 5:8-10—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/11/202338 minutes, 26 seconds
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Rise - Don't Quench the Spirit

As we wrap up our series in 1 Thessalonians, Pastor Ben Stuart examines Paul's final instructions for the church in Thessalonica about the Holy Spirit and reminds us that the church isn't just an organization: it's a spiritual movement. If the spirit of God is moving in us, it will make us different than the rest of the world. Key Verses // 1 Thessalonians 5:19-28—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/4/202350 minutes, 37 seconds
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Rise - What is God's Will for My Life? / Thomas Barr

As we approach the end of 1 Thessalonians, Paul offers the church three directives on how to live according to the will of God: rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances. But if we want the power to be able to live our lives this way, we need a great perspective of God and his providence. We are excited to be led through this week's passage by our Spiritual Formation Coordinator, Thomas Barr! Key Verses // 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/27/202342 minutes
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Rise - The End of the World Pt. 2: The Day of The Lord

What should we think about the end of the world? This week, Pastor Ben picks up where he left off two weeks ago and looks at Paul's encouragement for the church regarding the end times, and gives us a perspective-changing message about how it should impact our lives. Key Verses // 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/20/202338 minutes, 30 seconds
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Rise - The Ideal Community / Landon Lacy

When it come to the church, many of us create an idealized version of what community should look like in our heads. But, the reality is that community can often be messy and difficult. This week, as we continue in our series through 1 Thessalonians, Paul gives the church some guidance and encouragement on how to care for one another in a way that points back to Jesus. We are excited to be led through this week's passage by our Passion Students Coordinator, Landon Lacy! Key Verses // 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/13/202331 minutes, 10 seconds
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Rise - The End of the World Pt. 1: The Coming of Christ

Pastor Ben Stuart is back as we continue in our series through 1 Thessalonians! This week, Pastor Ben shows us some of the major implications that the future coming of Jesus has for how we live and grieve in the present. Because of the resurrection, we have a confident hope that one day he will return and make things right! Key Verses // 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/6/202337 minutes, 44 seconds
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Rise - Humility & Honor / Jacob Harkey

In an increasingly divided world, how can the church display a unified culture that is worthy of the cause of Jesus? This week, as we continue in our series through 1 Thessalonians, Paul offers the church a framework for unity: servant leaders and supportive followers. We are excited to be led through this week's passage by our CORE Leader, Jacob Harkey! Key Verses // 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/27/202344 minutes, 18 seconds
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Rise - Christ and Your Career

How does a relationship with Christ impact your career? As we continue through 1 Thessalonians, Pastor Ben Stuart hones in on some of Paul's practical implications for our faith and how they play out in everyday life. If we are meant to love the Lord and love our neighbors, what does it look like within the context of our jobs? Key Verses // 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/22/202342 minutes, 52 seconds
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Rise - The New Sexual Revolution

Do we trust God to have authority over our sex lives? As we continue through 1 Thessalonians, Paul pivots away from the thankfulness and exhortations of the first three chapters and begins to get practical. This week, Pastor Ben Stuart walks us through Paul's teachings about sex and the implications it has for our modern culture, and encourages us to fully trust God's design for sexuality. Key Verses // 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/13/202344 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rise - What Matters in the End

When you study the history of the early church, it is impossible to ignore the way they radically shifted the culture around them. As we continue through 1 Thessalonians, Pastor Ben Stuart shows us how this community changed the world by setting their priorities on the things that matter most.Key Verses // 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/7/202341 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rise - 7 Attributes of a Godly Leader

As trust for authority figures continues to erode in our culture, what are the essential characteristics that we should look for in good spiritual leaders? Continuing in our series through 1 Thessalonians, Pastor Ben Stuart identifies seven crucial attributes that Paul uses to describe a Christian leader, and challenges us to embody them in every facet of our lives. Key Verses // 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/31/202340 minutes, 11 seconds
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Rise - Kill Your Idols

When we remove God from the center of our life, we all fill the void with a lesser thing in our search for meaning. As we continue in our new series, Pastor Ben Stuart looks at Paul's letter to the Thessalonians and explores what it means for us to turn away from the idols we have constructed in our our lives and fix our gaze on Jesus. Key Verses // 1 Thessalonians 1:6-10—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/26/202347 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rise - Signs That You're Saved

"Before we explore what a Christian does, we have to understand what a Christian is." As we continue in our new series in 1 Thessalonians, Pastor Ben Stuart breaks down Paul's introduction to the letter and examines a few of the defining characteristics of Christians, and how those traits are meant to encourage us in uncertain times. Key Verses // 1 Thessalonians 1:1-8—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/17/202340 minutes, 49 seconds
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Rise - Your Setting Shapes Your Story

"Where you are" shapes "who you are." Our context has the power to dramatically influence how our story unfolds. This week, as we kick off a new series through 1 Thessalonians, Pastor Ben Stuart introduces us to the context that the letter was written in and shows us how Paul's words to the church in Thessalonica can still encourage us today. Key Verses / 1 Thessalonians 1:1-3, Acts 17:1-9—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/10/202343 minutes, 26 seconds
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Rest / Dr. Crawford Loritts

Many of our lives are filled with tension, stress, and anxiety that makes it hard to keep our head above the water. This Sunday we had the privilege of being joined by Dr. Crawford Loritts, as he reminds us of the comfort we have in Jesus and encourages us to rest in the care of the Good Shepherd. Key Verses // Psalm 23—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
12/19/202230 minutes, 4 seconds
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These Three Kings

In the midst of this Christmas season, we don't want to overlook the story of what God has done and continues to do through Jesus. This week, Pastor Ben Stuart looks at the account of Jesus' birth in the book of Luke and shows us how the historical context of the king's arrival reveals something miraculous and powerful in the midst of the mundane.Key Verses // Luke 2:1-7, Micah 5:2—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
12/14/202232 minutes, 51 seconds
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What Did Mary Know?

Join us as we kick of this Christmas season with an encouraging word from Pastor Ben Stuart! For many of us, this time of year amplifies the stresses of life and pushes us into deeper anxiety. How do we respond when stress seems to be taking over our lives? This week, Pastor Ben walks us through the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and show us how Mary's understanding of who God is gave her supernatural peace in the middle of a chaotic life. Key Verses // Luke 1:46-55—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
12/7/202242 minutes, 50 seconds
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Protect Your Head / Camilo Buchanan

Every day we live in a spiritual battle, but the good news is we already know the enemy's playbook. This week we are joined by our friend Camilo Buchanan, the Young Adult Ministry Leader at Passion City Church Atlanta! Camilo brings an encouraging word about the armor of God and challenges us to protect our minds from the attacks of the enemy. Key Verses // Ephesians 6:10-18—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/28/202227 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Meaning of Baptism

Join us as Pastor Ben Stuart shares the powerful meaning behind baptism on this special Baptism Sunday! Key Verses //1 Peter 3:21, Colossians 2:12, Romans 6:4, Gal 3:27-28, 1 Cor 12:12-13, Matthew 28:19 ESV, Matthew 3:16-17, Acts 10:47-48—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/22/202216 minutes, 8 seconds
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Kingdom Come

"The amount of time left on the clock should affect how you play the game." As we read through the New Testament, we can see that numerous verses talk about "the end." If history is all part of one big story, what do the scriptures say about the end? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart examines what Jesus says about the topic in the Gospel of Luke, and explores the implications it has for our lives. Key Verses // Luke 17:20-37 ESV—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/14/202243 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Do We Pray? / Louie Giglio

This week we are joined by our global pastor, Pastor Louie Giglio! Looking at the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6, Pastor Louie shows us how we can mirror Jesus' example of prayer by making it personal, leading with praise, asking for alignment, telling Him our needs, clearing the air, acquainting ourselves with His word, embracing the silence, and having a heart of gratitude. Key Verses // Matthew 6:9-13, Ephesians 4:32, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, 24—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/7/202234 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Song of Songs - What is Love?

This week, as we finish up our time in Song of Solomon, Pastor Ben Stuart addresses one of the major questions that has undergirded the entire series: what is love? Examining the relationship of the couple in Song of Solomon, Pastor Ben explores seven different ways that our relationships should mirror God's design for intimacy. Key Verses // Song of Solomon 8:5-14—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/1/202245 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Song of Songs - Lasting Love

The desire for marriage is strong in many of our lives, but it comes with a fear that the spark of love will fade away. How can we cultivate intimacy in our relationships that will continue to flourish over time? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart picks back up in Song of Solomon and demonstrates some of the principles that will help us deepen our marital love through the years, and help us avoid the slow disintegration of relationships we see in the culture around us. Key Verses // Song of Solomon 6:13 - 8:4—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/24/202249 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Way of the Wise / Brennen Britton

This week, we are excited to be led through God's word by our very own Director of Operations, Brennen Britton! Looking at the life of Solomon, Brennen reminds us that often the easiest way to grow in the wisdom of God is the most simple way: prioritize the fundamentals of our faith. Key Verses // 1 Kings 1:3-9—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/17/202235 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Song of Songs - Conflict

Relationships will constantly drift away from intimacy and towards isolation, but the fear of conflict drives many of us to inaction. How can we overcome our fear and intentionally work to cultivate healthy relationships? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart continues in our series through Song of Solomon and explores the ways that a healthy approach to conflict can actually strengthen our relational bonds. Key Verses // Song of Solomon 5:2 - 6:13—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/11/202256 minutes, 1 second
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The Song of Songs - Wedding Night

Our culture increasingly promotes a liberated sexuality that starkly contrasts God's design for sex. But we are often conflicted because of our own desires and temptations. As followers of Jesus, how are we meant to view to sex in this modern day? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart continues in our series by teaching us through the wedding night of the young couple in Song of Solomon, and reminds us that God designed sex for our enjoyment, within the confines of a covenant marriage. Key Verses // Song of Solomon 3:6-5:1—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/4/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Cherishing Love of God / Jon Harkey

This week, we are excited to be lead through God's word by our very own worship leader and creative director, Jon Harkey! All too often we diminish the incredible gift of God's grace by letting ourselves become slaves to guilt, striving, and fear. What would it look like to live in the freedom that Jesus purchased for us? Key Verses // Romans 8:1-4—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/26/202236 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Song of Songs - Pursuit

For many of us, dating is more confusing and stressful than it has ever been, but the longing for an intimate relationship is still there. How can we navigate the risks of dating in a healthy way? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart continues in our new series by examining the relationship displayed in Song of Solomon and showing us how to date in a way that honors the other person and gives glory to God. Key Verses // Song of Solomon 2:8 - 3:5—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/19/202253 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Song of Songs - Attraction

Many of us have a deep longing for connection and commitment, but our pursuit for meaningful relationships has left us anxious and lonely. Is there any hope for us in this modern dating culture? Join us this week as Pastor Ben Stuart kicks off our brand new series through the book of Song of Solomon! Today, Pastor Ben surveys the difficult landscape of modern dating and challenges us to start by evaluating ourselves before we evaluate others we are attracted to. Key Verses // Song of Solomon 1:1-2:7—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/13/202254 minutes, 19 seconds
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Take Heart - Arrogance and Anxiety

This week, as we close out our Take Heart series, Pastor Ben Stuart shows us an important connection that Peter makes between anxiety and arrogance. For many of us, our decisions are driven by anxiety that is rooted in our desire for control. What would it look like for us to humble ourselves and let the God of the universe lead our story instead of trying to take the wheel for ourselves? Key Verses // 1 Peter 5:5b-11—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/22/202239 minutes, 26 seconds
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Catherine's Story // ABOVE + BEYOND

Catherine shares how she got plugged in at Passion City Church D.C. through the power of an invitation, leading to her putting her faith in Jesus and pursuing an intimate relationship with Him. Through her story, we see how generosity and community can ignite a fire in people to seek answers to their questions about their own faith. This is Catherine's story. Find out more about Above + Beyond by visiting #faith #christian #sermon #passioncity #passioncityatlanta #atlanta #passioncitychurch #atlantachurch #christianity #Jesus #God—With Passion City Online, you can join us every Sunday live at 9:30a and 11:45a, and our gatherings are available on-demand starting at 7p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our Passion Kids Channel:—If you would like to give to our house, visit—Check out Passion's books, music, and more at—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song.—Follow Passion City Church: Louie Giglio: 
8/9/20228 minutes, 52 seconds
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Take Heart - The Perfect Shepherd / Brad Jones

This week, we are joined by our Atlanta City Pastor, Pastor Brad Jones. Pastor Brad continues in our series through 1 Peter by teaching some of Peter's guiding principles for leading the people God has entrusted to us, and the importance of imitating the humility of the perfect shepherd: Jesus. Key Verses // 1 Peter 5:1-6 NIV—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/8/202240 minutes, 3 seconds
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Take Heart - The Christian Guide to Getting Cancelled

"Knowing that pain is coming can help you brace for the pain." In this week's message, Pastor Ben Stuart continues through the book of 1 Peter by guiding us through Peter's warning that difficult times will come. Suffering is inevitable, but we can rejoice in the pain because of the hope we have in Jesus. Key Verses // 1 Peter 4:12-19—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/2/202243 minutes, 33 seconds
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Take Heart - How to Prepare for the End of the World

“When you think about the end of your life, what do you want to be true of you?” This week, Pastor Ben Stuart picks back up in our Take Heart series through 1 Peter. As Peter’s letter begins to wind down, he places a continued emphasis on how we live out the rest of our lives. In today’s message, Pastor Ben shows us three important guidelines to help us finish our race well. Key Verses // 1 Peter 4:1-11—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/25/202249 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to Navigate Social Media and Dating with Christian and Sadie Huff

This week, Pastor Ben Stuart is joined by our good friends Christian and Sadie Huff to have an important conversation that explores how followers of Jesus can use social media in a healthy way, how we can best leverage our time and platform to glorify God, what it looks like to intentionally pursue a relationship, and much more!—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/19/202247 minutes, 34 seconds
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Take Heart - Hope in Hostile Times

Hopelessness is on the rise in these difficult and hostile times. What can followers of Jesus do to display hope to a hurting world? In today's message, Pastor Ben Stuart brings an encouraging and challenging word about the hope that we have in Jesus and how to share it with those around us. Key Verses // 1 Peter 3:13-22—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/11/202246 minutes, 30 seconds
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Take Heart - Bless the Haters

The Christian's allegiance to Jesus often results in being misunderstood and insulted by people around us. But we are not called to passively withdraw or to lash out in anger; we are meant to bless those who disagree with us. Continuing in our Take Heart series, Pastor Ben Stuart shows us how Peter encouraged the church to respond to those who opposed them and offers some guiding principles about navigating an increasingly antagonistic culture.Key Verses // 1 Peter 3:8-12—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/5/202244 minutes, 29 seconds
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Take Heart - A Marriage Made for More

The word "marriage" can have a variety of negative and positive connotations for different people depending on their own experiences. Continuing in our Take Heart series, Pastor Ben Stuart explores what Peter has to say in scripture about God's design for marriage, and gives an encouraging word about how we are meant to help each other flourish. Key Verses // 1 Peter 3:1-7—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/28/202246 minutes, 22 seconds
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A Pastoral Word to Passion City Church DC - June 26, 2022

Join us as Pastor Ben Stuart shares a pastoral word for our Passion City Church DC family. —Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/28/202215 minutes, 57 seconds
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Made for This - Andrew Scott

This week we are joined by a good friend of our house: Andrew Scott, President and CEO of Operation Mobilization. Andrew brings an encouraging message about the identity that God has given us, and how it has the power to change our purpose no matter where we find ourselves in life. Key Verses // Genesis 1:26-27, 2:15, Ephesians 1:4-5, 1:11-12, 2:10 —Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/21/202248 minutes, 5 seconds
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Take Heart - Faith in the Workplace

We can transform the environment around us by living a transformed life. Continuing in our Take Heart series, Pastor Ben Stuart shows us how the people of Jesus are meant to conduct ourselves in the workplace by doing good and learning how to suffer hardships well. Key Verses // 1 Peter 2:18-25, 1 Corinthians 7:20-24, Luke 6:27-36 —Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/14/202249 minutes, 42 seconds
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Take Heart - The People of Jesus in the Public Square

What do we do when our allegiance to Jesus puts us at odds with the dominant culture? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart is back at it in our Take Heart series through 1 Peter. As Peter's letter shifts from our identity in Jesus to our actions as His followers, Pastor Ben shows us that we are not meant to fight AGAINST people with different world-views and lifestyles; we fight FOR them. Key Verses // 1 Peter 2:11-17—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/7/202247 minutes, 16 seconds
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Take Heart - People with Purpose

"We all want to be part of a community that loves us and have a cause that is worthy of our life." Pastor Ben Stuart is back this week as we continue in our Take Heart series through 1 Peter! Life is difficult, and in the midst of suffering it can be hard to have hope. But Peter reminds us that we can find hope in our God-given identity: we are part of a community that is built on Christ with a shared cause. Key Verses // 1 Peter 2:4-10—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/31/202244 minutes, 1 second
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Running Low on Purpose - Levi Lusko

This week we are joined by our good friend and the lead pastor of Fresh Life Church, Pastor Levi Lusko! Pastor Levi walks us through the story of the beginning of Jesus' ministry in the Gospel of John when he turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana. Pastor Levi shows us five ways that Jesus' first miracle communicated what his ministry is meant to be for us, and explains what this powerful story means for our purpose today. Key Verses // John 2:1-12To order your copy of Pastor Levi Lusko's new book, The Last Supper on the Moon, visit—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/23/202238 minutes, 9 seconds
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Divine Appointments - Mikado Hinson

"As long as you have breath in your lungs, God's not finished with you. When Jesus meets you at your point of need, something amazing happens. There's something different about you." This week we are excited to be joined by our good friend Mikado Hinson, assistant Athletic Director of Player Development at Texas A&M University! Mikado shows us how encounters with Jesus in the gospels changed the lives of the people he ministered to, and explores what it looks like for us to have divine appointments in our own lives. Key Verses // Proverbs 16:9, Psalm 37:23, Mark 4:35-41, Mark 5—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/16/202236 minutes, 21 seconds
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Take Heart: Love and Longing

"The definitive mark of those who have been loved by God through the grace of Jesus is that we love." This week, we are continuing in our Take Heart series through 1 Peter by looking at the defining trait of the believer: our love for one another. In this week's message, Pastor Ben Stuart lays out two different reasons Peter gives for why we are meant to love each other, and explores some of the ways we can love sincerely and actively. Key Verses // 1 Peter 1:22-2:3—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/9/202245 minutes, 38 seconds
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Take Heart: Hope in Hard Times

"If you've been changed, you change. Your identity changes your activity." This week, Pastor Ben Stuart continues in our Take Heart series through 1 Peter and shows us two ways we're meant to be different from the culture around us in a difficult day: by anchoring our hope in Jesus and living out our faith in a way that reflects that hope. Key Verses // 1 Peter 1:13-21—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/2/202245 minutes, 52 seconds
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Take Heart: Praise in the Pain

This week, Pastor Ben Stuart kicks off our brand new journey through 1 Peter by posing a challenging question: how do we make sense of the pain and problems that arise when our allegiance to Jesus comes in conflict with the culture around us? In this message, Pastor Ben shows us four waypoints Peter gave to guide and comfort believers in troubling times, and encourages us to remember that we're part of a story bigger than we can imagine. Key Verses // 1 Peter 1:1-12—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/25/202241 minutes, 49 seconds
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Easter at the Tidal Basin: A Living Hope

Join us for this special Easter Sunday message from the Tidal Basin as Pastor Ben Stuart shares a powerful word about how the resurrection gives us a hope in the present and a hope for the future. Despair does not have the final word in our story when we trust in the risen savior!Key Verses // 1 Peter 1:3-5—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/19/202235 minutes, 36 seconds
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Perspective: Who is Jesus? / Dr. Darrell Bock

No human in history has changed the world like Jesus of Nazareth. But who was he? This week we are continuing in our Perspective series with a special guest, New York Times best-selling author and professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, Dr. Darrell Bock! Using extra-biblical evidence and seven different events from Jesus' life, Dr. Bock shows us that Jesus was more than just an ordinary man: He was the divine son of God. —Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/12/202242 minutes, 29 seconds
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Perspective: Is Belief In God Reasonable?

In disorienting times, how can we focus our vision on the things that matter most and build our lives on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart is back with a powerful and thought-provoking message in our Perspective series, showing us that our faith is not wish-fulfillment or fairytales; it's the most rational way to wrestle with life's difficult questions. We pray this message will bring you hope and purpose in difficult times and help set your feet on solid ground! Key Verses // Genesis 1:1-5, 26-28; Romans 1:18-20—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/5/202238 minutes, 22 seconds
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Perspective: The Greatest Story Ever Told / Dr. Mark Yarbrough

We believe the bible is the greatest story ever told. But studying the scriptures can often feel like getting lost in a maze. What does all of it mean? How do all of these unique books and stories connect? This week we are joined by our good friend Dr. Mark Yarbrough, President of Dallas Theological Seminary. Dr. Yarbrough brings us on a journey from Genesis to Revelation and shows us how the narrative of the scriptures is one cohesive and united story of God's redemptive work. —Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/28/202243 minutes, 35 seconds
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Perspective: Has the Bible Been Corrupted?

Can we trust the Bible? Critics and scholars have argued against the infallibility of the Bible, but what does actual historical evidence say? Scholars have written arguments trying to debunk the truth of Scripture, but they do not stand up to the weight of the reality. Today, Pastor Ben Stuart shows us how we know the Bible has not been corrupted and reminds us it was for our salvation that the Scriptures were preserved. Key Verses // 2 Peter 1:16-21; John 1:1-2; Isaiah 53:1-12 —Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/22/202238 minutes, 5 seconds
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Perspective: On the State of Modern Christianity

Is Christianity still relevant? In our modern lives we spend a lot of time reacting to what is right in front of us, and sometimes it's healthy to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Today, Pastor Ben Stuart brings us a hopeful message that shows that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is still having an impact on the world today. Key Verses // Matthew 13:31-32, Matthew 28:18-20, John 15:5—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/15/202236 minutes, 14 seconds
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Friends: The Real Ones

What does the character of a good friend look like? This week, as we continue in our Friends series, Pastor Ben Stuart tackles the difficult question of what a true friendship should look like. Walking us through the book of Proverbs, Pastor Ben shows us what the wisdom literature has to say about how to be a good friend and how to discern if our friendships are healthy and God-honoring. Key Verses // Proverbs—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/7/202239 minutes, 35 seconds
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Friends: The State of Our Unions

We all long for friends, but it can be a struggle to find them. As the world around us is becoming increasingly lonely, what can we do to build solid friendships? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart is back with the first of two messages on the importance of friends! In our increasingly divisive and isolating culture, the state of friendships has only been getting worse in. Pastor Ben shows us that there's hope for all of us to forge solid friendships when we start by focusing on the true source of all friendships - God. Key Verses // John 15:12-19, 1 John 4:7-12 —Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/28/202237 minutes, 52 seconds
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Setting the Tone / Dr. Aaron Coe

Because we carry the light of Jesus, we want to control the atmosphere wherever we go. This week we are excited to be joined by Dr. Aaron Coe, who alongside his wife Carmen serves as the launch team leader for Passion City at Trilith. Looking at the example of Paul in the book of Acts, Dr. Coe explains how we can each set the tone in our communities through the power of Jesus. Key Verses // Acts 17:22-28
2/21/202239 minutes, 6 seconds
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Rest & War: Counterfeit Spirituality

Spirituality is not conformity to morality for the sake of acceptance. It's a pursuit of intimacy with the God who accepted us.As we wrap up our life-changing Rest & War series, Pastor Ben Stuart brings a crucial message about what true spirituality looks like. Spirituality is not about doing a list of things to be good, it's about belonging to God. And the more we pursue God, the more we become like Him. Key Verses // Philippians 3:1-16, Deuteronomy 30:6—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/14/202240 minutes, 27 seconds
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Rest & War: The Proper Pursuit

God calls us to make a difference with the life He gave us. How do we create an environment where we can flourish under God?This week we're picking back up in our Rest & War series with a brand new message from Pastor Ben Stuart! Pastor Ben explains to us how God creates structure in Genesis so that life can flourish, and then shows us different ways that we can cultivate healthy structure in our lives to allow our relationship with God to flourish as well. Key Verses // Genesis 1:1-5, 1:26-28, 2:1-7, 2:15—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/7/202239 minutes, 6 seconds
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Rest & War: Struggle Well

Jesus' decisive victory against the enemy has freed us up for the fight against sin in our lives. So how can we struggle well? This week we're continuing in our new series, a four-week journey through some of the principles that Pastor Ben explores in his brand new book, Rest & War! Because of what Jesus has done, we are able to be victors instead of victims. But first we have to shift our perspective on how to struggle against temptation. What does it look like for the followers of Jesus to have our beliefs shape our behaviors instead of chasing after the temptations and desires of the world? Key Verses // James 1:14-18—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War releases on January 25, 2022. Order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/24/202245 minutes, 25 seconds
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Rest & War: You've Been Fought For

This week we're kicking off our new series, a four-week journey through some of the principles that Pastor Ben explores in his brand new book, Rest & War! Pastor Ben shows us how Jesus came as a conquering king on a mission to destroy the works of the enemy and set the captives free, and explains what that means for us as we struggle with sin in our lives. We have not been set free FROM the fight. We have been set free FOR the fight. Key Verses // 1 John 3:8-9, Luke 11:21-22, Hebrews 2:14-15, Colossians 2:13-15, 2 Corinthians 2:14, Colossians 1:13-14—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War will be released on January 25, 2022. Pre-order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/18/202235 minutes, 51 seconds
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From DC to the Ends of the Earth / Dr. Aaron Coe

Sharing good news usually comes to us naturally, but we can often be anxious or intimidated to share the good news of the gospel. This week we are excited to be joined by our good friend Dr. Aaron Coe, who alongside his wife Carmen serves as the launch team leader for Passion City at Trilith. Dr. Coe kicks off the new year by bringing us an encouraging reminder about why the gospel is good news in the first place, and how we can be better witnesses with our lives. Key Verses // Mark 5:1-20, Acts 1:8, Acts 8:1—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War will be released on January 25, 2022. Pre-order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/10/202241 minutes, 48 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: Back to Bethlehem / Brad Jones

As we approach Christmas, how should we respond to the greatest gift ever given: Jesus? This week in our Kings & Kingdoms series, we are joined by Passion City Church’s Atlanta City Pastor, Pastor Brad Jones. Pastor Brad takes us back to Bethlehem and the story of Jesus’ arrival, and encourages us not to lose sight of the way God has been working out His plan throughout history. Key Verses // Luke 2, Genesis 49:10, Numbers 24:17, 2 Samuel 7:16, Isaiah 9:6—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War will be released on January 25, 2022. Pre-order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
12/20/202139 minutes, 21 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: Last Words

As we approach the end of King David's life, what can we learn from the legacy of a faithful servant of God? Continuing in our series, Kings & Kingdoms, Pastor Ben shows us three different accounts from the end of David's life and explains how his parting words in each story emphasizes the character of the king and points us towards the true king, Jesus. Key Verses // 1 Chronicles 28-29, 2 Samuel 22-23, 1 Kings 1-2—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War will be released on January 25, 2022. Pre-order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
12/15/202145 minutes, 13 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: Breaking the Pattern of Sin in Your Life

The poor choices of the aging king lead to catastrophic consequences within his family. How does the story of one of David's lowest moments shed light on the corrosive effects of sin in our lives? As we continue in our series, Kings & Kingdoms, Pastor Ben takes us through the tragic story of King David and his son Absalom. Sin can often pass down and amplify through generations, but we have hope because God is in the business of bringing beauty from our ashes. Key Verses // 2 Samuel 13-19—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War will be released on January 25, 2022. Pre-order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
12/8/202143 minutes, 2 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: David and Bathsheba

What can we learn from King David's greatest failure to help prevent our own downfalls? As we continue in our series, Pastor Ben walks us through David's affair with Bathsheba and shows us how sin always starts with a series of small choices that take us down the wrong path. What guard-rails can we put into our lives to help us to not compromise our character? Key Verses // 2 Samuel 11-12—Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well. Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life. Rest & War will be released on January 25, 2022. Pre-order your copy today!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 9:30a + 11:30a! Join us at Subscribe to our Youtube channel to see more messages—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/29/202145 minutes, 57 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: Four Attributes of God-Honoring Friendships / Gregg Matte

What does it look like for us to build friendships that are honoring to God and help us to flourish? This week in our series Kings & Kingdoms, we are joined by our friend Pastor Gregg Matte, Lead Pastor of Houston's First Baptist Church! Pastor Gregg highlights four times in David's life when he demonstrated how to be a God-honoring friend, and how the friendship we have in Jesus helps us to become a good friend to someone else. Key Verses // 1 Samuel 18:1–4, 2 Samuel 9 —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/22/202141 minutes, 31 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: When God Shoots Down Your Plans

We all have plans for our life. But how do we respond when God’s plans are different than ours? Continuing on our “Kings & Kingdoms” series, Pastor Ben Stuart takes us through 2 Samuel 7 and reminds us that while our plans may not pan out in the way we think they will, we have confidence in knowing that God’s plan will be for His glory and our good. We are called to excel at the revealed things and leave the rest up to Him. Key Verses // 2 Samuel 7—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/15/202135 minutes, 21 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: Lockstep with the King / Mike Distefano

God is on the move towards the broken and lost in the world, and He invites us to move with Him. This week in our series Kings & Kingdoms, we are joined by our friend Mike Distefano, Director of Faith and Justice Initiatives at Amirah! Mike walks us through one of the Psalms of Ascent explains how true worship leads to action. As people rescued and redeemed by God, we are called to play a part in God's redeeming work in the world. Key Verses // Psalm 124—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/8/202129 minutes, 28 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: Inconvenient Obedience

God uses the wilderness to forge a kingly character in David, and He can do the same for us today. As we continue in our series, Kings & Kingdoms, Pastor Ben walks us through some of the stories of David on the run from Saul and challenges us not to choose expedience over obedience. When we find ourselves in difficult seasons, do we try to find the easy way out or do we let God work on us in the wilderness? Key Verses // 1 Samuel 22-26—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/1/202146 minutes, 58 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: Keeping Your Soul Sane in Seasons of Change / Clay Scroggins

What does it looks like for us to live as though Jesus is our Good Shepherd?This week in our series Kings & Kingdoms, we are joined by our friend, Pastor Clay Scroggins! Pastor Clay walks us through each verse of Psalm 23 and reminds us how we were created to navigate the valleys and pastures of our hectic lives.Key Verses // Psalm 23—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/25/202138 minutes, 26 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: The King and the Cave

Our circumstances can take a turn for the worse in an instance. How should we respond when our trials begin to mount up? As we continue in our series, Kings & Kingdoms, Pastor Ben shows us how David reacts when everything in his life begins to fall apart. What does the character of the future king look like when he has to handle a crisis? And what does that mean for us as we try to navigate hard times? Key Verses // Psalm 142, Psalm 57, 1 Samuel 22:1—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/18/202142 minutes, 47 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: David and Goliath

Is the story of David and Goliath only meant to be a legendary pump-up speech about how to face our problems? This week, we kick off the second part of our series, Kings and Kingdoms. Pastor Ben takes us through one of the most famous stories in scripture and shows us how David’s victory over Goliath is a beautiful reflection of the gospel: God has sent us a hero to defeat our ultimate enemy, death. 1 Samuel 17—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/11/202134 minutes, 25 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: Who God Anoints

What can we learn from the character of God's anointed king? This week, Pastor Ben continues teaching in our series, Kings and Kingdoms, as we reach the pivotal moment in the book of 1 Samuel: the arrival of the future king, David. What did God see in David that turned a lowly shepherd boy into the King of Israel, and what does that mean for how we live today? 1 Samuel 16—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/4/202137 minutes, 27 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: Great Gospel, Loud Worship / Brett Younker

This week we are joined by Brett Younker, part of Passion Music and the Young Adults pastor for our Passion City Church family in Atlanta. Continuing in our series Kings & Kingdoms, Brett walks us through David's words in Psalm 30 and shows us how the gospel leads us into a life of worship. Psalm 30—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/27/202136 minutes, 57 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: Fall of the Tragic Hero

How can we look at the failures and flaws of King Saul and choose to take a different path? Pastor Ben continues in our new series, Kings and Kingdoms, and shows us how the tragic story of Saul points us towards the one true king, Jesus. 1 Samuel 12:19-25—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/20/202138 minutes, 11 seconds
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Kings & Kingdoms: Those Who Rise & Those Who Fall

"God opposes the proud but he gives grace to the humble." This week Pastor Ben kicks off our brand new series, Kings and Kingdoms, by showing us how the humble prayers of a woman named Hannah are heard by God and change the history of Israel.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/14/202135 minutes, 41 seconds
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Grace and Truth

In disorienting and divisive times, what does it look like for the people of Jesus to navigate the culture with both grace and truth? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart finishes our series on the Sermon on the Mount with a timely word about how to live full of grace for the people around us while still standing firm on the truth of the Word of God.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/23/202139 minutes, 39 seconds
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Timeless Over Temporary

As we kick off our ABOVE + BEYOND season, Pastor Ben Stuart challenges our House to live generous lives compelled by faith in the midst of difficult days instead of being driven by fear.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/9/202141 minutes, 46 seconds
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Take Me Deeper - Mikado Hinson

What does it look like to trust God in our uncertainty and let him take us deeper in our faith? This week we are joined by a dear friend of Passion City Church, Mikado Hinson! Mikado serves as the assistant Athletic Director of Player Development at Texas A&M University.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/2/202134 minutes
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Money: Good Tool, Bad God

When used well, money can lead to great joy and human flourishing. But when it becomes the greatest desire of our souls, it can cause devastating pain. Money can be a great tool, but it makes a bad god. This week, Pastor Ben Stuart continues in our series through the Sermon on the Mount and shows us how Jesus challenges us to rethink how we view our finances.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/26/202142 minutes, 7 seconds
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Talking to the King - Brad Jones

Healthy relationships require cultivation. How can prayer help us cultivate our relationship with the king of the universe? This week, our Atlanta City Pastor, Brad Jones, joins us to continue in our series through the Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Brad shows us how Jesus' teachings on prayer in Matthew 6 model a healthy prayer life, and encourages us to prioritize the time we spend with our Heavenly Father.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/19/202145 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Hassle of Love

Nobody is impressed when you love your friends. How can the people of Jesus be a beacon of hope in a hurting world full of hassle? By loving our enemies. As we continue in our series through the Sermon on the Mount, Pastor Ben brings a call to action for us as the Church to change the city and the world by our love. “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." - Matthew 5:43-48—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/12/202137 minutes, 54 seconds
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Passion City on the Hill: Jesus and Your Sex Life

The proliferation of sexual imagery in the world today has become increasingly harmful for men and women of all ages and has distorted our view of sex. How does Jesus teach us to navigate this difficult topic? As we pick back up in our series through the Sermon on the Mount, Pastor Ben brings us a powerful and grace-filled word about dealing with the problem of lust.—Several of the stats and quotes come from the research of Professor Regnerus from the University of Texas and his book “Cheap Sex: The Transformation of Men, Marriage, and Monogamy.”—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/29/202140 minutes, 2 seconds
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Heavenly Father, Earthly Family

All of us have been placed in our particular families by God for a reason. On this Father’s Day, Pastor Ben Stuart walks us through some of Paul’s teachings about the roles we are meant to play in our families. If God has changed our hearts, how should it change the way we treat our family?—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/21/202144 minutes, 26 seconds
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Passion City on the Hill: What Do I Do With Anger?

We have an anger problem. As followers of Jesus, how do we overcome the culture of contempt we live in? As we continue in our series, Passion City on the Hill, Pastor Ben brings us a convicting and practical word about dealing with anger and resentment.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/14/202141 minutes, 12 seconds
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Passion City on the Hill: Who is Blessed?

What does the posture of the blessed people of God look like? This week Pastor Ben kicks off our brand new series, Passion City on the Hill, and walks us through Jesus’ teachings about the kingdom of God in the sermon on the mount.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/7/202140 minutes, 41 seconds
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Behind the Scenes of an Amazing Team - Ben Stuart

As we conclude our series in the book of Colossians, Pastor Ben walks us through Paul’s final greetings and shows us what these interactions reveal about the vision and values of the church.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/1/202144 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Ordinary Person’s Guide to Changing the World - Ben Stuart

How can ordinary people like us take part in God's incredible rescue mission on earth? As we draw near to the end of the book of Colossians, Pastor Ben explains three simple but powerful ways that we are able to make a difference in the world: pray earnestly, walk wisely, and speak graciously.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/24/202144 minutes, 5 seconds
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Jesus and Your Job - Ben Stuart

We believe that Jesus is a part of every sphere of our lives. So what implication does that have in the workplace? Continuing in our series, Live Again, Pastor Ben shows us what Colossians has to say about how we conduct ourselves at our jobs.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/17/202138 minutes, 42 seconds
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Bondservant to Brother - Ben Stuart

Continuing in our series, Live Again, Pastor Ben Stuart connects Colossians to the book of Philemon, and helps us understand how the implications of the Gospel renovates our hearts and helps us reconcile with others.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/10/202153 minutes, 47 seconds
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The New Family Dynamic - Brett Younker

This week we are joined by Brett Younker, part of Passion Music and the Young Adults pastor for our Passion City Church family in Atlanta. Brett is continuing in our series Live Again and showing how to navigate relationships within our families in a way that reflects Christ's love.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
5/3/202142 minutes, 20 seconds
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Fashion of the Faithful - Ben Stuart

“Spirituality always works itself out in the context of community.” Continuing in our series, Live Again, Pastor Ben Stuart teaches us how Colossians 3:12-17 lays a framework for Christian community. "Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." - Colossians 3:12-17—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/26/202146 minutes, 21 seconds
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Conflict in the Culture - Ben Stuart

Continuing in our series, Live Again, Pastor Ben Stuart walks us through Colossians 3:7-11 and helps us understand how to navigate the tensions and conflict in the world today. How does the reality of the resurrection of Jesus change how we are supposed to live in difficult times? "In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all." - Colossians 3:7-11—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/21/202144 minutes, 38 seconds
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Lord or Life Coach? - Ben Stuart

This week, Pastor Ben Stuart kicks off the second half of Colossians in our new series, Live Again. If Jesus is our Lord, how does that change how we live our lives?—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/12/202143 minutes, 25 seconds
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Easter on the National Mall

Join us for a special Easter Sunday from the National Mall as Pastor Ben Stuart brings us an uplifting message of hope from Psalm 110 about our King who defeated death once and for all!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
4/8/202138 minutes, 47 seconds
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Shadow and Substance - Ben Stuart

“Don’t exchange the substance for the shadow. There’s much that looks like Christianity, but you stay rooted to Christ.” As we continue in our series through Colossians, we hope and pray that this word from Pastor Ben Stuart encourages you to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus. —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/29/202135 minutes, 46 seconds
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Secondhand Sins - Levi Lusko

Does it ever feel like the generational mistakes and sins of your family are holding you back?This week, Pastor Levi Lusko joins us to share a hopeful word about how God can use us to change our family’s story for good.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/22/202150 minutes, 39 seconds
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Triumph Over Guilt - Ben Stuart

"Don't let any voice of doubt diminish the power of your conquering king." Continuing through the book of Colossians, Pastor Ben Stuart shows us how we can live hopeful, confident lives as we walk in the triumph of Jesus.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/15/202138 minutes, 43 seconds
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Confidence in a World of Chaos - Ben Stuart

How can we be confident, competent people during an increasingly anxious day? Continuing in our series, Above All Earthly Powers, Pastor Ben Stuart teaches us the importance of having a firm foundation that’s rooted and established in Christ, and how that will help us navigate a chaotic world.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/8/202145 minutes, 50 seconds
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Wind in My Sails - Dr. Crawford Loritts

What do you do when the wind is knocked out of you? What do you do when you're discouraged? What do you do when you get that text message, phone call or email that knocks the wind out of you? Dr. Crawford Loritts reminds us that faith in the Bible does not deny the reality of bad stuff, but it does defy it. In this powerful talk, we are reminded to lift our eyes to the One who is greater and to choose truth, joy, faith, community and service.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
3/2/202133 minutes, 50 seconds
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Life Worth Living - Ben Stuart

“It’s not just an altar call, it’s an altered life.” As we continue in our series, Above All Earthly Powers, Pastor Ben Stuart breaks down Paul’s message in the book of Colossians and shows us how the power that works in us through Jesus changes the course of our life.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/25/202145 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Incomparable Christ - Ben Stuart

What does the scripture say about who Jesus is?Continuing in our series, Above All Earthly Powers, Pastor Ben Stuart walks us through Colossians 1:15-23 and shows us that Jesus is not simply a good teacher, he's our Creator and our Savior.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/16/202146 minutes, 47 seconds
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Four Signs of a Spiritual Life - Ben Stuart

Continuing in our series through Colossians, Above All Earthly Powers, Pastor Ben Stuart shows us four unique ways that God is equipping his people to engage with the world."And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." - Colossians 1:9-14—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/9/202143 minutes, 57 seconds
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Some Reasons to Celebrate - Ben Stuart

Kicking off our new series, Above All Earthly Powers, Pastor Ben Stuart challenges us to slow down as we make our way through the book of Colossians, and to sink our roots deep into the soil of the word of God.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/2/202146 minutes, 46 seconds
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Are You Following Jesus or Judas? - Timothy Ateek

Judas saw firsthand the ministry and miracles of Jesus, yet he still betrayed him for thirty pieces of silver. What does Judas’ betrayal show us about what it truly means to know and follow Jesus?This week, Executive Director of Breakaway Ministries Timothy Ateek offers us three clarifying questions to ask about our relationship with Jesus. Do we only know about Jesus, or do we know Him?—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/25/202140 minutes, 41 seconds
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Unity + Diversity: Interview with Derwin Gray - Ben Stuart

Pastor Ben + Pastor Derwin Gray discuss celebrating and promoting the multiethnic community purchased by Christ on the cross.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/12/202140 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Pastoral Response to Passion City Church DC - January 10, 2021

Join us as Pastor Ben Stuart shares a message with our Passion City Church DC family.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
1/12/202130 minutes, 6 seconds
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YOU // What are you waiting for - Louie Giglio

The whole world was waiting for a savior, but did you know that Jesus is waiting for you? —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
12/21/202032 minutes, 56 seconds
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FOR // Holding on to Hope - Brad Jones

Life is challenging, no one needs to be told that, but what is important for us to remind ourselves and each other, is that no matter how difficult things get our God is for us; now and always.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
12/14/202041 minutes, 53 seconds
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HERE // Dark Days & Strange Prophecies - Ben Stuart

Waiting is never easy, and in the times we’re living in it can be even harder. But, right here is where we are, and God is here with us. Yes, the world is pulling us in a hundred anxiety-inducing directions, but God has not left us, and when we place our trust in His mighty hands we are still secure.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
12/7/202038 minutes, 27 seconds
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WAITING // God works while we wait - Grant Partrick

400 years.That's how long the people of God waited to hear from Him before that deafening silence was broken with a baby's cry. And yet, even while the people of God waited they held on to a fundamental truth. God is working while you wait. Here's the good news, He's still doing it. He's still at work in your life, no matter how long you've been waiting for a miracle. Cling to Him today and believe.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/30/202033 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why Does God Want Faith? - Ben Stuart

And he said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” - Luke 7:50What is it about faith that gives it the power to save us? Why does faith play such a vital role in kickstarting our relationship with Jesus?Concluding our series, The Space Between, Pastor Ben Stuart compares and contrasts two different encounters with Jesus in scripture, and shows us the kind of faith that has the power to radically transform our lives.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/23/202038 minutes, 20 seconds
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How Does Hope Become Love? - Ben Stuart

In a day when anxiety and fear of an uncertain future are all too common, we need something firm to set our hope in. The world needs more hope, and love flows from hope!This week, Pastor Ben Stuart continues in our series, The Space Between, by exploring the relationship between hope and love and showing us how they are inextricably linked. How does putting our hope in Jesus mold us into more loving people in the present?—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/16/202041 minutes, 16 seconds
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Why is Love the Greatest? - Ben Stuart

"So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13  This week Pastor Ben Stuart kicks off our new series, The Space Between, exploring the connection between faith, hope, and love. All three show up throughout scripture, and are all foundational to our beliefs, but Paul makes it clear that the greatest of the three is love. What is it about love that elevates it above faith and hope? And how can we apply love to our lives in these uncertain days?—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/9/202041 minutes, 31 seconds
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Prayer For Our Nation

1 Timothy 2:1-3, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Join Pastor Ben Stuart and our Passion City Church DC team as we pray for our nation’s leaders and all the people they represent.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/2/202022 minutes, 23 seconds
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The One For Everybody - Brett Younker

Wrapping up our series, EVERYBODY, Brett Younker teaches us what we can learn from the life of Joseph. God can use the life of one person to impact the lives of everyone around them!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/26/202034 minutes, 10 seconds
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Peacemakers: Interview with Mikado Hinson - Ben Stuart

Continuing our series, Everybody, Pastor Ben Stuart and Mikado Hinson, Director of Player Development at Texas A&M University, sit down for a conversation around what it looks like to be peacemakers.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/19/202047 minutes, 7 seconds
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Everybody Needs a Miracle - Brad Jones

This week we kick off our new series, Everybody, with Pastor Brad Jones! Pastor Brad teaches about the importance of your community through the story of Jesus healing the paralytic man. We all have the opportunity, as believers, to bring others to Jesus so that everybody can experience the life transformation that we have!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/12/202043 minutes, 37 seconds
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Honor the Government

Wrapping up our series, Free People, Pastor Ben Stuart leads us through what Scripture has to say about how the people of God respond to civil government.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/5/202041 minutes, 13 seconds
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Fear God

Continuing our series, Free People, Pastor Ben Stuart teaches us on what Scripture has to say about rightly understanding the fear of God. Fear of God that is good or bad is best observed in its outcome: what does your fear produce? When you fear God, you don’t need to fear anything else.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/28/202044 minutes, 17 seconds
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Love God's Family

“We love each other so the world will see God’s love through us.”As the people of God, how do we interact with one another? According to Scripture, we are to love God’s family. Pastor Ben Stuart continues our series, Free People, teaching us about loving one another as fellow believers.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/21/202044 minutes, 8 seconds
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Honor Everyone

1 Peter 2:16-17 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. Kicking off our new series, Free People, Pastor Ben Stuart leads us through 1 Peter 2:16-17, teaching on what the Scripture tells us about how the people of Jesus move through the culture.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/14/202039 minutes, 39 seconds
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Watching Jesus and His Wilderness Experience - John Maxwell

This year has been a wilderness experience for all of us, but here's the thing, we're not in this alone. We can all look at Jesus and learn from how he handled his wilderness experience as a guide to how to handle our own. —Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
9/7/202033 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Finding Relief from Anxiety - Craig Groeschel

"If it's big enough to worry about, it's big enough to pray about." Are you struggling with anxiety, worry, and stress these days? Did you know Jesus dealt with these exact feelings, too? This week, Pastor Craig Groeschel encourages us to call on the God who understands us the most. We can cast our cares on Him because He cares for us.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/31/202027 minutes, 54 seconds
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Our Course through the Chaos

How does someone who belongs to Christ navigate a moment of crisis? As the fifth voice in our SEVEN series, Pastor Ben Stuart reminds us that as followers of Jesus we are called to navigate the chaos of the world with hearts of compassion.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/24/202040 minutes, 16 seconds
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You're No Good Samaritan - Levi Lusko

When you hear the story of the Good Samaritan, who do you see yourself as in the story? As the fourth voice in our SEVEN series, Pastor Levi Lusko reminds us of our true place in the Kingdom of God, as a people who are in desperate need of a Savior.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/17/202033 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Long Way Up - Louie Giglio

Your current position is not your final position.Think about that.Sickness is not your final position.Despair is not your final position.Anxiety is not your final position.Your final position is with Jesus.This week, Pastor Louie Giglio brings you a powerful message of hope as he reminds us of the story of Joseph, a man who served God his whole life and would eventually be brought through all manner of highs and lows to his final position in God's promised land.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/10/202043 minutes, 29 seconds
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Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - Earl McClellan

Pastor of Shoreline City Church, Earl McClellan joins Passion City Church for week two of our new series, Seven, with a message of acceptance out of 2 Samuel. The King has invited us to sit at His table, the question is will we, and how will we act once we do?—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
8/3/202049 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Miracle in Malta - Christine Caine

Part one of our new series, Seven, kicks off with a powerful message about revival from our friend Christine Caine!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/27/202044 minutes, 46 seconds
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Hope When It's Hard

“We are not naive optimists or despairing pessimists, but hope-filled realists. We know we will struggle and we are confident that God will overcome.”Pastor Ben Stuart wraps up our series Rise Up, as we see how the book of Nehemiah ends. We see that though life is hard, our hope is for God to do in us what we can’t do for ourselves!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/20/202043 minutes, 3 seconds
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Revive Our Soul

“We are meant to be people of the Word.” Pastor Ben teaches on the importance of the word of God in reviving a nation. We are meant to hear, understand, and then be changed by the Word of God. Spiritual renewal can only happen when we are led by the Word of God, and we can learn how to live by it through the book of Nehemiah in our series, Rise Up.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/13/202039 minutes, 5 seconds
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Resistance to the Renewal

“Where there is great opportunity, there will be great opposition.” As we grow spiritually, there will be resistance and opposition, and we learn some ways we can respond to that resistance by looking at Nehemiah’s example as we continue our series, Rise Up!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
7/6/202045 minutes, 15 seconds
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Build With Us

This week we continue our series in Nehemiah with Pastor Ben Stuart as he teaches us about the six essential characteristics of a constructive community. Let us all consider how we, as the people of God, can be a part of the solution in our communities!—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/29/202046 minutes, 42 seconds
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First Steps of Renewal

Continuing our series, Rise Up, Pastor Ben Stuart teaches us about leadership using the example of Nehemiah’s role as a cupbearer.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/22/202046 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Seeds of Renewal

This week we begin our new series, Rise Up! Pastor Ben Stuart walks us through what we can learn from Nehemiah’s experience with restoration and how God revives His people.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Ben Stuart: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
6/15/202047 minutes, 29 seconds
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Extravagant Worship

"What you believe is worth it, is what you worship." Pastor Grant Partrick unpacks our third ANCHOR, Extravagant Worship, in this amazing talk about our response to God's Glory and His grace.—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Louie Giglio: Grant Partrick: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
6/8/202032 minutes, 27 seconds
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Radical Grace

“Humility is birthed at the foot of the cross."—In the second week of our series ANCHOR, Pastor Ben Stuart brings a timely and important message about the radical grace of God. We are not only reconciled with God through the cross; the cross also restores relationships with each other. The gospel is not worth preaching if it does not have the power to break down the wall dividing ethnic groups. The grace of God is so radical that it makes enemies not just into friends but into a family.—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Louie Giglio: Ben Stuart: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
6/1/202041 minutes, 58 seconds
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Glory of God

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30This is a powerful statement from someone who understood what mattered most to God, and therefore what should matter most to us. But it’s hard, it’s difficult to wrap our minds why we have to decrease, and what that really means. Pastor Brad Jones kicks off a new series, ANCHOR, with a look at the life of John the Baptist, and what we can learn from this famous exchange between him and his followers to help us see not only what matters most to God, but what matters most to us as well.—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Louie Giglio: Brad Jones: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
5/25/202044 minutes, 21 seconds
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Life is Hard — God is Good

Almost nothing is guaranteed, except for two things:Life is Hard. God is Good.That’s it; those are the two guarantees we’re walking away with today. The first one, life is hard, no one ever really had to teach us. The second one is a whole different story.God is good… all the time.So what happens when that truth faces off against real life? What happens when we are confronted with the truth that the story of Jesus-followers is a story of hardship? How do we reconcile the mountain of victory we’re standing on with the hardship the story of our spiritual lineage holds?We embrace it and we look at the life of Paul.—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Louie Giglio: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
5/18/202039 minutes, 40 seconds
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Let's Start Over - Jay + Katherine Wolf

"The space between what you thought your life was going to be and what your life really is, is the space of your suffering." Are you facing adversity today? Does your life look different than the way you always imagined it would? Join Pastor Louie Giglio and Jay + Katherine Wolf for a conversation focused on trusting God with the reality of your situation.—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Louie Giglio: Jay + Katherine Wolf: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
5/11/202042 minutes, 39 seconds
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Pain + Possibility

How we handle hardship could be the heroic thing inside of all of us. Just look at the life of King David:David was anointed by God as a teenager, told he would be king in time. He played the harp for the king, killed the giant Goliath, became the head of the military and married the king’s daughter. David was the most famous person in the whole kingdom and beloved by everyone around himEveryone except the king.Join Pastor Ben Stuart as he breaks down how each of us can learn from the life of David how we can handle hard times in a way that leads us to a heroic life.With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church:—Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel:—Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Louie Giglio: Ben Stuart: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
5/4/202035 minutes, 43 seconds
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What Now?

This probably isn't how you imagined your year would look. Chances are you didn't anticipate a global pandemic, a shelter-in-place order or having to spend each day wondering when things would return to the way they were. There was no plan for postponing your dream wedding, celebrating your grandson's birthday through a video call or mourning the loss of a loved one with far fewer people than they deserved.You didn't ask for your situation, but you can turn the page on it.—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church: Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel: Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church: At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Louie Giglio: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
4/27/202040 minutes, 57 seconds
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It's Okay to Freak Out

Even the heroes of our faith, men and women who walked with God for decades, had moments where they felt like they couldn’t go on. Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. Psalm 61:1-3 David knew what it felt like to experience moments of desperation. If the man who conquered Goliath (with the help of God) as a small child found his heart growing faint at times, maybe we can say to ourselves: It's okay to freak out.—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church: Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel: Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church: At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Louie Giglio: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
4/20/202037 minutes, 55 seconds
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Death is Cancelled

This week our podcast features three powerful messages from our Easter gathering! Global Pastor Louie Giglio kicks us off with the good news that because of Jesus, Death is Cancelled! Then Sadie Rob Huff delivers a message of hope about a God who has provided a cure for our eternity, and Tim Tebow invites us into a relationship with Jesus.—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church: Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel: Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church: At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow @passioncity: @louiegiglio: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
4/13/202044 minutes, 56 seconds
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How Will We Make It?

These days are hard. They aren’t what we planned, and there’s no end in sight. So how are we supposed to not only live through these days but to live well in the midst of them?The answer can be found in the book of Hebrews.But recall the former days when, after you were enlightened, you endured a hard struggle with sufferings, (you came out of the blocks strong!) sometimes being publicly exposed to reproach and affliction, and sometimes being partners with those so treated. For you had compassion on those in prison, and you joyfully accepted the plundering of your property, since you knew that you yourselves had a better possession and an abiding one. Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.Hebrews 10:32-36Endurance, we need endurance.Here’s the good news. You can have it.So how do we gain the endurance we are going to need in order not only to endure the days ahead but to excel in them?—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p, as well as learn more about Passion City Church, our beliefs, leadership and culture by joining us for Welcome to Church! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church: Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel: Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church: At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow @passioncity: @louiegiglio: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
4/6/202035 minutes, 1 second
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Where is God?

Where is God?It's a valid question and one that no one should feel shame about asking. One of the wonderful attributes of God is that He isn't afraid of our questions. Our searching for God gives Him another chance to put His Glory and His overarching story on display.Besides, this is hardly a new question.Overwhelming? Yes.Original? No.It's the very same question that has bounced around the minds of believers and skeptics for thousands of years.—With Passion City Online you can join us every Sunday for gatherings at 10a + 1p + 5p + 8p, as well as learn more about Passion City Church, our beliefs, leadership and culture by joining us for Welcome to Church! Join us at—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church: for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel: Give towards what God is doing through Passion City Church: At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow @passioncity: @louiegiglio: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
3/30/202039 minutes, 43 seconds
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20 Inches to Mercy

What the world needs most today, what our cities and communities need most today, what we all need most today is a spiritual awakening. Here’s the good news.It’s possible.Right now, God is closer to you than you think.How close? Twenty inches. Twenty inches is all that separates you from, “then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” It’s the twenty inches between your knees and the ground. It’s assuming a position of kneeling before the mighty God and admitting that you need help. Twenty inches to go from death to life. Twenty inches that change your story from, “I was a victim of circumstance,” to, “I found Jesus, and He stood me up victorious.” God is closer than you imagine today, and He’s calling you. Will you answer? — With Passion City Church Online you can join us every Sunday for gathering at 10a + 1p + 5p +8p, as well as learn more about Passion City Church, it’s beliefs, leadership, and culture by joining us for Welcome to Church! Join us at Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church: Looking for content for your Kids? Subscribe to our BRAND NEW Passion Kids Channel: — At Passion City Church we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory back to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow @passioncity: @louiegiglio: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
3/23/202041 minutes, 18 seconds
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Why Christianity is Not a Crutch

This week Global Pastor Louie Giglio continues our VICTORY series with a message that is timely to the days we are living in. Teaching out of Mark 2:1-12 Pastor Louie reminds us of a few critical things: 1. Our faith can move the heart of God and impact the eternal destiny of someone around us. 2. The paralyzed man's problem was bigger than he thought. 3. Jesus didn't offer a crutch. He healed him.—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church: At Passion City Church we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory back to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow @passioncity: @louiegiglio: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
3/16/202030 minutes, 19 seconds
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God’s Love For Strangers

Why does our love for God become service to a stranger? For the believer, why do we show love to those around us? Continuing the series, “Great Whys”, Pastor Ben Stuart challenges us with this: “He loves them. I love him. So I love them.” The simplicity is a “That We May” mindset — we move towards others in love, because God loves them, and we love God.—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Louie Giglio and Passion City Church: Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them. SINGLENESS: DEVOTIONDATING: EVALUATIONENGAGED: UNIFICATIONMARRIED: MISSION Order Pastor Ben’s book, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married : Follow @passioncity: @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
3/11/202034 minutes, 10 seconds
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Milk Bar + The Alabaster Jar: The Why Behind Our Worship

“When you worship something that wasn’t designed to be worshiped, it can’t hold the weight of your soul.”—This week, our message comes from Brett Younker of Passion Music and our Passion City Church family in Atlanta. Brett teaches on the “why” of worship, and reminds us that we were created to worship our Creator.
3/3/202036 minutes, 57 seconds
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What The Church Is For

Every great “what” should have a compelling “why,” and this week, Pastor Ben Stuart reminds us of the “why” behind the “what” of our church.—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Ben Stuart and Passion City Church: Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them. SINGLENESS: DEVOTIONDATING: EVALUATIONENGAGED: UNIFICATIONMARRIED: MISSION Order Pastor Ben’s book, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married : Follow @passioncity: @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
2/25/202042 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Fellowship of The Spirit

“To be spiritual is to rightly relate with the Spirit of God.”—We wrapped up our series, “God With Us” with a message from Pastor Ben Stuart that helps us understand the intimate and animating presence of the Holy Spirit.—Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them. SINGLENESS: DEVOTIONDATING: EVALUATIONENGAGED: UNIFICATIONMARRIED: MISSION Order Pastor Ben’s book, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married : Follow @passioncity: @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/18/202043 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Love of the Father

Have you ever wondered what God thinks about you? In, The Love of the Father, Pastor Ben Stuart reminds us that we are recipients of the perfect love of God, and shows us through Scripture what it looks like to relate to God as our Father.—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Louie Giglio and Passion City Church: Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them. SINGLENESS: DEVOTIONDATING: EVALUATIONENGAGED: UNIFICATIONMARRIED: MISSION Order Pastor Ben’s book, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married : Follow @passioncity: @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
2/11/202044 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Grace of the Son

“To be godly is to rightly relate to God the Father.To be Christian is to rightly relate to Jesus Christ.To be spiritual is to rightly relate to the Spirit of God.”—When you think about the trinity, what do you think about? When you think about your communion, what do you think about? We kick off a new series this week, and Pastor Ben Stuart walks us through what it looks like to receive the grace that is offered to us through the person of Jesus.—Subscribe to our channel on YouTube to see more messages from Louie Giglio and Passion City Church: Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them. SINGLENESS: DEVOTIONDATING: EVALUATIONENGAGED: UNIFICATIONMARRIED: MISSION Order Pastor Ben’s book, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married : Follow @passioncity: @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
2/6/202042 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Result of Our Roar (The Practical Elements of a Purposeful Life.)

“Our boldness has a root, but our boldness also has a result.”⁣ -Ben Stuart⁣—⁣ Our belief in God prompts action, and boldness leads to activity.⁣⁣ This week Pastor Ben Stuart reminds us that our confidence comes from the change Jesus has made in our lives, and when we speak out of that confidence, people will notice. — Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Passion City Church: At Passion City Church we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory back to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow Passion City Church: Follow Ben Stuart: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C. More info on Passion:
1/28/202038 minutes, 40 seconds
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Divine DTR

Continuing the Roar series, our friend Timothy Ateek teaches through Romans 5, bringing us to the truth that the cross of Jesus is the root of a life that roars.—Follow @passioncity: Follow @ben_stuart_: Follow @timothyateek : Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C. More info on Passion:
1/22/202044 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Roaring Twenties

“The Lion roaring starts with the Lion living.”⁣ Is Jesus alive in our hearts to inspire a boldness rooted in belief? Pastor Louie Giglio kicks off our new series with this critical question. —At Passion City Church we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory back to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow @passioncity: Follow @louiegiglio: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C. More info on Passion:
1/14/202047 minutes, 46 seconds
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Relationship Goals 2020

“Will you trust Him, and will you walk by faith into the future that God has for you?”To kick off the New Year, Pastor Ben encourages us to pursue godly relationships in 2020, and looks at the journey of Isaac and Rebecca’s relationship in Genesis 24.—Follow @passioncity: Follow @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C. More info on Passion:
1/7/202053 minutes, 5 seconds
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Why Bethlehem? The Why Behind the Where.

Continuing our series Thrill of Hope, Pastor Ben Stuart gives perspective on the location of Jesus’ birth, and the intentionality of the setting of the Christmas story.—Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Louie Giglio and Passion City Church: Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them. SINGLENESS: DEVOTIONDATING: EVALUATIONENGAGED: UNIFICATIONMARRIED: MISSION Order Pastor Ben’s book, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married : @passioncity: @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
12/24/201938 minutes, 36 seconds
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Promise Maker // Promise Keeper

Never mistake the silence of God for the absence of God — while we wait, God works! This week, Pastor Grant Partrick points us towards the hope that we have in Jesus during seasons of waiting, and reminds us of the power of the Christmas story.—Follow @passioncity: @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
12/17/201941 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Why Behind the When

Kicking off our new series, The Thrill of Hope, Pastor Ben Stuart gives us perspective on why God sent Jesus at the specific time that he did by unveiling the big picture told through Scripture. — Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Ben Stuart and Passion City Church: Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them. SINGLENESS: DEVOTION DATING: EVALUATION ENGAGED: UNIFICATION MARRIED: MISSION Order Pastor Ben’s book, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married : Follow @passioncity: Follow @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C. More info on Passion:
12/10/201937 minutes, 58 seconds
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Prayer + Healing

“When we pray for healing, we don’t come with presumption, but we do come with expectation.” Closing out our series, This Changes Everything, Pastor Ben Stuart gives us a helpful and clarifying message on what Scripture has to say about prayer and healing. Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Louie Giglio and Passion City Church: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C. More info on Passion:
12/3/201946 minutes, 31 seconds
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Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems

According to James Chapter 5, rich people should be sad -- but why? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart explains what James really means when he cautions the wealthy to watch where we place our value. The more we love money, the less we love people. At the end of the day, the issue isn’t about money at all, but about our hearts. When we see and experience the generosity of God, it changes our priorities and our posture to extend that generosity to others. Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Louie Giglio and Passion City Church: Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them. SINGLENESS: DEVOTIONDATING: EVALUATIONENGAGED: UNIFICATIONMARRIED: MISSION Order Pastor Ben’s book, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married : Follow @passioncity: @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion: 
11/26/201938 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Problem with Plans

Pastor Ben Stuart challenges us with James’ words on making plans for the future. When we know God, we should make plans from a place of humility and gratitude, viewing our future from the perspective of God’s grace! Godly wisdom brings order out of chaos, and wisdom is shown in good conduct and humility. This week, Pastor Ben continues our study through the book of James by contrasting the pursuit of selfish ambition with the humble pursuit of Christ. Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Louie Giglio and Passion City Church: Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them. SINGLENESS: DEVOTIONDATING: EVALUATIONENGAGED: UNIFICATIONMARRIED: MISSION Order Pastor Ben’s book, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married : Follow @passioncity: @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/20/201942 minutes, 54 seconds
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You Adulterous People

“The issue is not the issue; it’s how you respond to the issue that is the issue.” Godly wisdom brings order out of chaos, and wisdom is shown in good conduct and humility. This week, Pastor Ben continues our study through the book of James by contrasting the pursuit of selfish ambition with the humble pursuit of Christ. Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Ben Stuart and Passion City Church: Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them.SINGLENESS: DEVOTIONDATING: EVALUATIONENGAGED: UNIFICATIONMARRIED: MISSIONOrder Pastor Ben’s book, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married : Follow @passioncity: @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
11/13/201945 minutes, 33 seconds
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Behold the Power of Words

Your words determine your world, and your communication shapes your direction. Pastor Ben Stuart continues our series, This Changes Everything, by looking at what James says about the power of the tongue. Your words are powerful — how are you going to them?—Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
11/5/201939 minutes, 19 seconds
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Faith and Works

Are we justified by faith alone? How do works fit into the picture? Is faith complete without works? What does Scripture say about it? Pastor Ben Stuart continues our series This Changes Everything with a helpful explanation of how to understand the tension in how faith and works relate to each other!
10/29/201949 minutes, 36 seconds
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Faith and Favoritism

This week Pastor Ben Stuart continues our series This Changes Everything and walks us through what James has to say about partiality and favoritism in the church. For followers of Jesus, God has changed us from the inside out, and it changes how we treat people!
10/24/201946 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Law that Liberates

Continuing the series This Changes Everything, Pastor Ben Stuart explains how James presents the Word of God — how it changes us from the inside out and how important it is to understand the freedom that comes from the Scriptures! Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Ben Stuart and Passion City Church: Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them. SINGLENESS: DEVOTIONDATING: EVALUATIONENGAGED: UNIFICATIONMARRIED: MISSION Order Pastor Ben’s book, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married : Follow @passioncity: @ben_stuart_: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion:
10/15/201945 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Lie That Launches a Million Sins

How do we deal with temptation? Where does it come from? How does it work? How should we respond? All trials bring temptations, and part of persevering through trials is learning how to respond to them. Continuing the “This Changes Everything” series, Pastor Ben Stuart reminds us that while there are no perfect people, there is a perfect God, and He delights in us!
10/9/201945 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Purpose of Pain

Pain is part of the human story. We all experience trials and suffering throughout our lives. Looking at James 1, Pastor Ben Stuart reminds us that even in the midst of trial and pain, we can look to Jesus for hope and purpose!---Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Louie Giglio and Passion City Church: a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them.SINGLENESS: DEVOTIONDATING: EVALUATIONENGAGED: UNIFICATIONMARRIED: MISSIONOrder Pastor Ben’s book, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married : @passioncity: @ben_stuart_: City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.More info on Passion:
9/18/201944 minutes, 42 seconds
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This Changes Everything

Kicking off a new series in the book of James, Pastor Ben Stuart encourages us with the truth that our identity determines our activity. It’s important to consider both the reality of Jesus rising from the dead and the reason for his resurrection. The reality confronts our minds, but the reason changes our hearts!
9/10/201943 minutes, 25 seconds
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Sabbath: A Rhythm of Rest

There is something about the speed of modern life that is not conducive to human flourishing. Pastor Ben Stuart challenges us with the truth that rest is an act of faith — and that God has woven it into the rhythm of creation. How are you and I supposed to work? God shows us through the rhythms He set for the world and in Sabbath!
8/20/201946 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why God Complicates Your Life

Have you ever wondered why your life doesn’t look the way you thought it would? Have you ever felt like you’re like the Israelites, wandering around in the desert with no apparent path to a destination? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart gives us three reasons why God doesn’t always give us what we want as we look in Exodus at the journey of the Israelites through the desert.
8/6/201934 minutes, 13 seconds
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Extravagant Grace

This week’s message comes from Pastor Ben Stuart, as he reminds us of the beauty of grace. We are all a mess, but we are made beautiful in the image of God. When you understand what He’s done, that will change you!
7/30/201935 minutes, 41 seconds
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Marriage on Mission

Closing out the Single, Dating, Engaged, Married series, Pastor Ben Stuart encourages us to look at the lives of Priscilla and Aquila as we evaluate what it means to have a marriage that is on mission. The strongest unity is formed by a mutual commitment to a common cause, and there are three specific things we see in Priscilla and Aquila’s life that demonstrate a marriage that is on mission together. How does a marriage stay strong? By living for a story that is still being written!
7/16/201941 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Best Marriage

Continuing our Single, Dating, Engaged, Married series, Pastor Ben Stuart teaches on marriage, and reminds us that marriage was designed by God to display something about God!
7/9/201950 minutes, 1 second
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Engaged: How To Know That You Know

How do you know that you’ve met the person you’re supposed to spend your life with? What are things we should see in a relationship that give us this confidence? This week, continuing our Single, Dating, Engaged, Married series, Pastor Ben Stuart gives us specific things to look for as you evaluate whether or not a relationship should continue on to engagement
7/2/201944 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Date

“Dating is a process you go through, not a status you sit in.” Continuing our series Single, Dating, Engaged, Married, Pastor Ben Stuart challenges the way dating is viewed in our culture today and gives us 7 things to consider in the dating process.
6/25/201950 minutes, 34 seconds
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Who to Date

“Singleness is for devotion; dating is for evaluation.” Pastor Ben Stuart continues our series on relationships this week with a message about dating. It is not a status we sit in — it is a process we walk through! Dating exists for the purpose of evaluating whether or not you are supposed to run alongside a person for the rest of your life. In the process of evaluation, Pastor Ben challenges us to consider how we view dating: do we look at it with a consumer mentality or a companion mentality?
6/18/201952 minutes, 51 seconds
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Kicking off our new series, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married, Pastor Ben Stuart dives into what the Scriptures have to say about singleness. We see that there is a purpose in the season of singleness, and we have to get a relationship with God right before we can get a relationship with a guy or girl right. Pastor Ben reminds us not to miss the benefits of the season we are in because we are pining away for the benefits of another season. “God has ordained a season of singleness not for us to fill it with distractions or career ambitions, but to pursue an undistracted devotion to Him.”
6/11/201943 minutes, 1 second
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Forgive Us As We Forgive

“You can’t hold anger and love in your heart at the same time” We live in a culture where un-forgiveness is common. This week, Pastor Ben Stuart closes out the Lord’s Prayer series by challenging us with the truth that we can’t grip the gospel of grace but hold on to resentment at the same time. When we understand Christ’s forgiveness of us, that allows us to forgive others. The cross comforts us in the justice of God, and compels us in His love!
6/4/201945 minutes, 33 seconds
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Not Forsaken — The Blessing

In Not Forsaken, Pastor Louie Giglio invites us to understand the character of God in a life-changing way: as a perfect Father who wants you to live under the waterfall of His blessing. You see, God is not the bigger version of your earthly dad, He’s the perfect version of your earthly dad. And He’s inviting you to walk in freedom as His loved son or daughter. Order Pastor Louie’s book, Not Forsaken: Follow @louiegiglio: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C. More info on Passion:
5/28/201936 minutes, 48 seconds
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Lead Us

"We are in a fight, but we have a Father." This week we continue the Lord’s Prayer series with a powerful word from Pastor Brad Jones about temptation. When we pray, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,” we are declaring, “I can’t, but I know that You can. I am unable, but You are able.” In the struggles and challenges of life, you have a Heavenly Father who wants to help you!
5/21/201943 minutes, 12 seconds
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Your Kingdom Come

Jesus said the reason he came was to announce that the Kingdom is here, and he called us to pray “Your kingdom come.” Why was this so important to him? What does it mean for how we deal with our hopes and disappointments? Continuing the Lord’s Prayer series, Mike Distefano teaches us about the Kingdom of God, and what it means to pray “Your kingdom come.”
5/7/201942 minutes, 51 seconds
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Our Father

Kicking off a new series called The Lord’s Prayer, Pastor Ben Stuart reminds us what it means to have God as our Father. We were built for proximity to God, and God wants us to be around Him! God, as our Father, shows us that He is strong, loving, and wise towards His children.
4/30/201945 minutes, 22 seconds
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Here Is Love

This week, Pastor Ben Stuart shares a powerful message on the love God has for us as explained in 1 John 4. Those who know and believe they are loved by God live a life that is fearless and free. Pastor Ben dives into four traits that characterize love and how we see those traits demonstrated through the life of Jesus. On Easter Sunday, we remember that Jesus exited heaven and went through hell to get us back. This is love!
4/23/201928 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Philippian Method of Changing the World

“Generous people are joy creators.” — This week, Pastor Ben Stuart closes out the Home Team series bringing a strong word about generosity. Looking at the way Paul writes to the Philippians we see 7 powerful reasons to be a generous person, and the enormous impact that generosity has. We are all given the opportunity to be a part of God’s story through the way we are generous, and in the way we steward our resources. The question is will it be by fear or by faith?
4/16/201937 minutes, 29 seconds
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Releasing Anxiety

“For many of you, your biggest problem is not your problems, it’s your anxiety about your problems.” Jesus presents anxiety as one of the biggest impediments to seeking the Kingdom of God. For many of us, worries and anxiety in life keep us from all we are meant to be under God. This week, Pastor Ben Stuart reminds us that there is an invitation to cast our cares on Him. Our anxieties are not too heavy for God — He is there waiting for us to release them.
4/9/201946 minutes, 59 seconds
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Being Good vs. Being God’s

This week, Pastor Ben Stuart continues the Home Team series in Philippians. We see that Paul is concerned about the people who reduce spirituality to a list of rituals instead of a pursuit of intimacy. This is the type of spirituality that looks like the real thing but isn’t. If you buy into it, it will not only fail you but it will destroy your life. True spirituality is a powerful intimacy — it is not about a list. It’s not about being good, it’s about being God’s!
4/2/201940 minutes, 13 seconds
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Don’t Be A Cry-Cry

“The people of Jesus are not just a light that stands out from other people, but a light that stands out for people.” This week, Pastor Ben Stuart continues the Home Series with the reminder that we are meant to be luminaries in the world - people who shine light into the darkness. The way we live sends a powerful message, and as followers of Jesus, we want our activity to promote the message of Jesus. Everything we do should be a response to the work that God has done in us, and this changes the way we live! How do you shine in the midst of the world? Stop complaining. Don’t be a cry-cry!
3/26/201952 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Power of Humility

Continuing the Home Team series, Pastor Ben Stuart reminds us that humility is the path to unity. The way we treat each other is always a response to how we have been treated by God — our activity is a response to God’s activity. What then is the natural response to all that God has done? It is to care about us! True spirituality always expresses itself in unity, and the key to unity is humility!
3/19/201946 minutes, 53 seconds
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"Why am I here? What is my purpose? This week, Pastor Louie Giglio helps us reframe the way we think about our purpose in life. God’s will isn’t necessarily about figuring out the right job to pursue, the right place to move, or even the right thing to do. Instead, it is to make Him known as you pursue whatever passion He has put in your life and to do that to the best of your ability. This is our true purpose for being alive!"
3/12/201944 minutes, 48 seconds
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Stand Together, Strive Together

"Spiritually is always worked out in the context of community. You will never be you without us.” Pastor Ben Stuart continues the Home Team series with the encouragement that we need an us. We can’t be who we were made to be without each other. Your human potential cannot be reached as an individual. Victory is not found alone; you need unity so you can stand. We’re not made to run alone, and we don’t have to!
3/5/201943 minutes, 52 seconds
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The World in Checkmate

“A whole universe of meaning and joy opens when we live according to our Creator’s intent.” Meaning and joy aren’t things to be aimed at; they are byproducts of a life surrendered to the purposes of God. If you have created your own meaning, then unfortunate events can derail you — but when you have a God-given purpose, circumstances can’t shake you. Pastor Ben Stuart continues our Home Team series helping us to understand how meaning and joy come from living lives linked with the Creator.
2/27/201949 minutes, 10 seconds
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Let Love Abound

In this week’s message, Jason Thomas continues the Home Team series, reminding us that to have the greatest impact, we need to have the deepest intimacy with the One who called us. “If you’re going to grow in abounding love, you’re going to have to minimize your distractions and maximize your devotion.”
2/19/201950 minutes, 21 seconds
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We Need Us

“You will never be fully you without us and we will never be fully us without you.” Pastor Ben Stuart kicks off a new series, Home Team, by diving into the book of Philippians. He reminds us that no one unifies just for the sake of unity - we unite around a common purpose. We need community, and we are in a community, that has linked with the best of all causes; running with the best of all Kings!
2/12/201940 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Tactics of Transformation

Pastor Ben Stuart closes out The Fight series by giving us five practical ways to pursue transformation in our lives. God built a structure that promotes the pursuit of intimacy with Him — a structure in which we flourish!
2/6/201946 minutes, 18 seconds
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Never Fight Alone

Continuing The Fight series, Director of Community and Formation, Mike Distefano, comes around the importance of community. — Looking in Matthew 6, we see that Jesus commands us to seek first the Kingdom of God for it is the only thing in life that satisfies, and the only thing in our world that is truly permanent. The thing is, we are meant to be in the pursuit with other people. We are a people made for community; hardwired to stand with others as we run after the Kingdom of God together, never fighting the good fight alone.
1/29/201942 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Fight

The pursuit of spirituality happens in the context of adversity. We are in a fight to cultivate intimacy with our Creator, and in this fight, there are things we flee from and there are things we pursue. In fact, there are things we need to say no to, in order to say yes to something better! This week Pastor Ben Stuart encourages us with the truth that though we struggle, we have the ability to struggle well, and overcome in Jesus’ name. What do you need to say no to, in order to give something else your yes? “What you think about is what you care about, and what you care about is what you chase.”
1/22/201944 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Stronger One is Here

“The greatest fighters are the ones who know that they’ve been fought for.” Kicking off the New Year with a new series, “The Fight,” Pastor Ben Stuart encourages us with the truth that we need a new identity before a new activity. The answer we are looking for is not a list of rules; it is a liberator. We have Someone who has set us free and ushers us into life with the conquering King—the Stronger One is here!
1/9/201943 minutes, 17 seconds
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Seeking + Celebrating

Christmas Eve // Pastor Ben Stuart reminds us that God is a searching God who sent His Son to save us while we were still sinners. Why did Jesus show up in a manger? Because Jesus wants you! This holiday season, we’re remembering that compassion is the WHY behind the WHAT of Christmas.
12/26/201821 minutes, 46 seconds
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Out of Egypt

As we approach Christmas, Pastor Ben Stuart encourages us with the truth that Jesus was born into real life - he was born into a world mixed with joy and pain. Jesus lived the human story on earth, not just the good parts but the hard ones as well. We can have confidence that Jesus understands us because he lived in the struggle. But that’s not the end of the story - we can have hope too! He joins us in the struggle so that we might join him in the victory. His liberation is for our hope!
12/24/201841 minutes, 42 seconds
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Making Peace

"Jesus intends not just to bring peace to you, but through you.” — Closing out The Missing Peace series, Pastor Ben Stuart guides us through what it looks like to be peacemakers in a broken world. We are meant to leverage the freedom we have in Jesus to bring peace to others. — How do you be a peacemaker? By praying and by greeting. Love looks like prayer. Greeting someone initiates kindness, and communicates respect. Peacemakers extend love beyond expected boundaries.
12/18/201844 minutes, 23 seconds
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Sleep in Heavenly Peace

If many of us know about Jesus and the peace He brings, why is it that we walk around with such a lack of it? This week, Global Pastor Louie Giglio reminds us that connecting with the peace of Jesus will require a recalibration of how we think about Him, and who He really is.
12/11/201845 minutes, 48 seconds
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All As It Should Be

“The peace of God is not just the absence of conflict, but the presence of flourishing.” — Kicking off The Missing Peace series, Pastor Ben Stuart encourages us with God’s solution to the lack of peace we often feel in our lives. We see that the solution is not a list of principles; it’s a person: the Prince of Peace. The hope we can have today is knowing that even when everything is falling apart, we have the Prince of Peace, and we can trust Him.
12/4/201840 minutes, 12 seconds
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Has the Bible Been Corrupted?

Closing out the Trust Issues series, Pastor Ben Stuart answers this question: How can we know that the Scriptures we hold today are what was written down originally? In this message, we take a look at the history of the preservation of the Scriptures concluding that we can have confidence that they hold true and we see God’s true heart for His people. — God preserved His Word so you would know that He came for you.
11/27/201842 minutes, 17 seconds
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Minding the Gap

Continuing our Trust Issues series, Dr. Darrell Bock from Dallas Seminary walked us through an exploration of one of the big questions that many of us struggle to reconcile: what about the gap between when events occurred and when they were written down? Can we have confidence that the Scriptures we hold today faithfully recount the life and work of Jesus? Dr. Bock explains three things that help us understand the gap: orality, memory, and eye-witnesses.
11/21/201848 minutes, 13 seconds
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Dealing with our Hypocrisy

“Christian hypocrisy is maximized when the resurrection of Jesus is minimized.” — What if the greatest barrier to Christianity is Christians? Kicking off our new series, “Trust Issues,” our friend Timothy Ateek from Breakaway Ministries joins us this week to talk about what happens when Christians become calloused to the beautiful reality of the resurrection of Jesus. Timothy Ateek reminds us that the resurrection gives us freedom from the past, power in the present, and hope for the future!
11/13/201844 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Warrior Wife

You want to marry someone you trust. This week Pastor Ben Stuart closes out the Survival Skills series by taking a look at Proverbs 31 and what to look for in a spouse. Proverbs 31 describes a trustworthy woman: one who is prudent and shrewd, has grit and perseverance, is industrious and generous, and is sacrificial and thoughtful. — “As you enter into the difficulties of life, you want someone who has your back, isn’t going to stab you in the back.”
11/7/201848 minutes, 31 seconds
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Wise Communication

Words are powerful. For many of us, some of our deepest pains are because of what someone said or didn’t say to us. A simple arrangement of words has the power to drastically change a situation and perspective. — The book of Proverbs encourages us to apply wisdom to the way we use our words. Will we build others up with the way we communicate, or will we use are words to tear others down? This week Pastor Ben Stuart walks us through how honest truth, spoken at the right time with the right intention in mind, has the ability to be life-giving to ourselves and others.
10/28/201848 minutes, 1 second
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Mind on my Money

“Money can build a house, but it can’t build a home. Money can give you food on a table but it can’t give you fellowship.” In this week’s message, Pastor Ben Stuart takes a look at what the book of Proverbs has to say about money. It has power, and can be used to build up or tear down. Proverbs helps us to see money as a gift from God and gives us wisdom about how to handle it well.
10/27/201842 minutes, 30 seconds
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How to be a Boss

When we look at the grand scope of our lives, we see that most of us spend the majority of our time at work. As believers, how do we navigate the work world in a way that’s glorifying to God and life-giving to others? — In this powerful message, Mike Distefano challenges us to use the power we’ve been given in the workplace for the good of those around us. In a society that often seeks self-promotion and personal success, we have the opportunity to choose a different path. By understanding our identity as children loved dearly by God, we get to enter the work world FROM and place of acceptance and not FOR it.
10/9/201846 minutes, 5 seconds
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Proverbial Sex

In an overly sexualized world, we often find ourselves feeling lonely, as emotional intimacy has been separated from sexuality. In this week’s message Pastor Ben Stuart reminds us that we are not made to give our bodies without our hearts. Each of us have the opportunity to have relationships that are healthy, life-giving, and glorifying to God. In this powerful message we learn how to build relationships that flourish, trading in a consumer mentality for a covenant mentality. What kind of mentality are you approaching your relationships with?
10/3/201845 minutes, 28 seconds
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True Friendship

Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. Proverbs 13:20 — As humans, we’re all hardwired for community. Isolation as a whole is not good for the human machine. That’s why a form of torture is solitary confinement - being completely separated from human interaction. The question, however, is what kind of community are we surrounding ourselves with? — In this week’s message, Pastor Ben Stuart guides us through what the book of Proverbs has to say about friendships. The truth is, the people we walk with determine our path. Are those within your community pointing you toward a life of flourishing or a life of destruction?
9/25/201845 minutes, 47 seconds
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I Pity the Fool

“Love is disadvantaging yourself for others. Foolishness is disadvantaging others for yourself.” — The book of Proverbs describes two paths in life: the way of the fool and the way of the wise. In this part of our Survival Skills series, Pastor Ben Stuarts teaches us through both paths, challenging us to seek humility as our first step toward a life that flourishes. With humble hearts and desire for wise council, each of us can set our feet on the path of the wise.
9/18/201846 minutes, 8 seconds
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Wise Moves in a Wild World

Pastor Ben Stuart // “What you need most in life is not a change of circumstances. We as humans are capable of messing up even the most ideal of circumstances. What we truly need most in life is the ability to flourish regardless of our circumstances.” — This week Pastor Ben Stuart kicked off our new series, Survival Skills: Wise Moves in a Wild World. The truth is, the world we live in is messy and unpredictable. But the good news is that Scripture gives us a guide to flourish regardless of what comes our way. In this new series, we’ll dig into the book of Proverbs in hopes of strengthening the muscle of wisdom in our lives.
9/11/201847 minutes, 15 seconds
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Millennial Narcissism?

Pastor Ben Stuart // There is a deep desire in the hearts of humanity to be known, valued, and recognized. In today’s culture, we are encouraged in this idea that it’s all about us, our fame, and making our name known. But what happens when the follower count isn’t enough? What do we do when we seek fame and are left feeling empty? The truth is, we will never find satisfaction in self-absorption, but we will find it in radical self donation. In this game-changing message, Pastor Ben Stuart poses a challenging question to each of us: Are you building a tower for your own glory, or are you using your life as an altar for His?
8/23/201845 minutes, 17 seconds
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“We have the power of life + death in our mouths today.” — On ABOVE + BEYOND Sunday, Pastor Louie cast vision for the future of our House and took us through the idea that our future is ultimately shaped by what we believe + humbly speak for our lives. This is a look at the BEYOND we believe God is calling our House towards.
8/14/201836 minutes, 7 seconds
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True Spirituality

Pastor Ben Stuart // What does it look like to connect with the Spirit of God? We all have a desire for a spiritual walk, but how do we know that our lives are truly being guided by the Spirit? True spirituality is not a life free from struggle, rather, it’s constant dependence on God in the midst of pain. With the Word of God educating us, the Spirit of God empowering us, and the community of God carrying us, we have the tools we need to live lives that glorify Jesus!
8/1/201844 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Wind Returns

Pastor Ben Stuart // We all want to be connected to something that takes us further than we’d go on our own. We all want to be a part of something greater, something spiritual. But what is true spirituality? — This week Pastor Ben Stuart walks us through the meaning of spirituality. To truly be spiritual is to be rightly related to the Spirit of God, and the beautiful thing is that God wants that for us. That’s why He sent His son to die on the cross. Not just so that we’d be forgiven, but so that the barrier of sin could be moved out of the way and we could return to intimacy with Him. — Will you join us ask we ask the Spirit to hoist the sails of our lives and guide us through the days ahead?
7/26/201849 minutes, 10 seconds
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We are Making a Place for You

Pastor Louie Giglio // Jesus is the ultimate place-maker. Through Him everything around us was created, and by His sacrifice, a place for us was made in His Father’s House. — As followers of Jesus, we are called to be place-makers in our own right. To set the table for the people of our city to sit at and experience all God has for them. This is how we step into a broken and wandering world, with open hands and a place made ready; but in order to do that, we will need to be willing to go above and beyond where we’ve ever been before.
7/17/201852 minutes, 15 seconds
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Out With The Old, In With The New

Pastor Ben Stuart // As we continue our journey through the book of Ephesians, Pastor Ben Stuart walks us through the new way of life described in Ephesians chapter 4. — When God gets ahold of our hearts, our way of life changes. Our new identity in Christ brings new activities in our lives. The way we speak changes. The way we treat people changes. These new ways of life don’t come from a place of striving to earn acceptance, but from a place of already being accepted. — When we are adopted into the family of God, we join the mission of being a fountain of life for the world. How are you bringing life to the world around you?
6/24/201849 minutes, 41 seconds
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A House United

Pastor Ben Stuart // The spirit of God is all about unity. In Ephesians Chapter 4, we are called to bear with one another in love. When we love each other, we love God. This is the heart of unity. — In a culture with increasing individuality, we may start to think that unity means uniformity, but this is not the case. In this week’s message, Pastor Ben Stuart explains how unity and diversity go hand in hand. When we link arms with those who are different than us, we’re stepping into a greater God-story.
6/17/201847 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Necessity of Being Settled Down & Filled Up

Pastor Ben Stuart // The people that are making the greatest difference in the world are the ones that have had a difference made inside of them. — Sometimes life gets hard. What’s left to catch us when the bottom falls out from under us? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart talks about the importance of letting Jesus dwell in all areas of our lives. — When Christ is able to enter all areas of our heart, we become rooted and grounded in love. It is here that our lives begin to look different. Sometimes the best change doesn’t come from a change in circumstances, but a change in perspective.
6/10/201846 minutes, 24 seconds
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From Hostility to Family

Pastor Ben Stuart // In a day and age where there seems to be rapid growth in hostility between people groups, God is calling us back into the family. — This week Pastor Ben Stuart encourages us in a message about unity. In a breakdown of Ephesians Chapter 2, we find that the grounds for unity is humility, and the goal of unity is Glory. When we love each other with a contributing spirit instead of a critical one, Jesus gets the glory!
6/3/201848 minutes, 19 seconds
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Pastor Ben Stuart // “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:8-10 — New identities bring new activities. When we accept the gift of grace and are raised with Christ, our lives begin to take on new activities. It is not because of our actions we are saved. Rather, it is because we are saved that our lives begin to look different!
5/27/201848 minutes, 13 seconds
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Knowing Him = Knowing Me

Pastor Ben Stuart // The best change is not a change in circumstances but a change in perspective. — In week two of our Worthy series, Pastor Ben Stuart walks us through the second half of Ephesians 1. Here, Paul prays for the Church in Ephesus with a notable approach. Paul doesn’t ask God to do something new for His people. Instead, he asks that our eyes be opened to the beauty of who God is and what he’s done for us. — The more we know who God is, the more we know who we are. There is purpose, peace, and confidence in those who know Him. From there, true life change begins. Do you know what you have? Do you know who you are?
5/20/201851 minutes, 4 seconds
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Partakers = Proclaimers

Pastor Ben Stuart // Partakers become proclaimers. When we taste and see that The Lord is good, the most natural thing to do is celebrate Him! — To kick off our new series, Worthy, Pastor Ben Stuart walks us through the spiritual blessings we’ve been given in Christ (Ephesians 1). These gifts are offered freely to us. All we have to do is say yes! — As we begin to understand the gifts we have in Christ, our most natural response will be to worship Him! We are made to worship the things that have value and God is the most valuable thing. He is worthy!
5/13/201846 minutes, 13 seconds
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Our Souls + Our Screens

Pastor Ben Stuart // Because the world of information can be tapped into at any moment, it has invaded every moment. — What do we run to when we’re in pain? What do we do when we’re uncomfortable? The truth is, many of us tend to look for ways to distract ourselves from what’s really going on within us, usually through technology. — This week Pastor Ben Stuart challenges us to turn away from diversions and toward intimacy with Jesus. What if we sat with our Creator in moments of discomfort rather than numbing our pain with distraction? If we stopped to listen, we might find that God is trying to speak to us.
5/6/201847 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Problem with Love

Pastor Ben Stuart // There’s a tendency in us to run from the leadership of God, and there’s a tendency in God to chase after us. We love that about Him when it involves us or people we like, but what about when that same grace is extended to our enemies? — In Jonah chapter 4, Jonah is angry with God for offering grace to his enemies. Jonah’s problem is with love. This week Pastor Ben Stuart challenges us with this question: Do we have a problem with love like Jonah does? Are we able to extend the same grace to others that God has extended to us? — While we were Jesus’s enemies, He died for us. Having experienced this great love, may we share the same love to everyone in our lives! After all, those who know grace show grace.
4/29/201855 minutes, 54 seconds
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For the Love of the Lost

Pastor Ben Stuart // The grace of God is powerful enough to save anyone. The heart of God is compassionate enough to want to. — If your heart is going to beat in rhythm with God’s, you need to know what His heart is like. God never counts people out. In compassion, He moves toward the hurting. He dives into the depths and rescues the lost, and He doesn’t stop there! He uses our pain as a platform to invite us into His rescue mission. — God used Jonah’s biggest embarrassment for his biggest ministry, and He can do the same with us. We don’t have to have mountains of wisdom, we just have to need God share how His grace met us in our mess.
4/22/201847 minutes, 47 seconds
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Grace Beneath the Waves

Pastor Ben Stuart // There’s a tendency in God to chase us and give us life, not because of something beautiful in us; because of something beautiful in Him. — That's the thing about a gift. Whether you feel worthy or not doesn’t matter. God's love is not motivated by or contingent upon your worthiness, after all, grace is when undeserving people receive an unbelievable gift from an unobligated giver. — Grace is a gift, and to honor the Giver we have to not only accept, but enjoy the gift.
4/15/201842 minutes, 56 seconds
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Running and Chasing

Pastor Ben Stuart // Washington D.C. In 1981 Steve Callahan's 21-foot sailboat was holed beyond repair sometime in the middle of the night. For the next 76 days he drifted in nothing but a life raft. Having lost a third of his body weight, dehydrated and starving, Steve Callahan fashioned three pencils into a device that allowed him to gather his bearings from two fixed points in the sky, steer himself into a current, and survive. — Fixed points are the only things that we can really use to find our bearings, and in this message from Pastor Ben Stuart we look at the journey of Jonah to find two fixed realities that we can use to know the direction God is wanting us to head, and we must, for the storms are coming and without the proper directions we will not make it through.
4/8/201839 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Hero

Pastor Ben Stuart // We all love stories; tales of good and evil, legends of heroes and tragedies of villains. It's why we flood into bookstores and theatres, to escape into stories we believe could never be our own. — But here's the thing, many of us will walk through life without realizing that we are actually a part of the greatest story that has ever unfolded. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus isn't isolated to scriptures and sermons, it's the moment where all of our stories went from hopeless to filled with possibility. — Afterall we are all guilty, separated from God by our sinful nature. A cursory glance around proves to you no matter what your thoughts on God that there is something broken in humanity. But Easter, Easter is the realization of the greatest Hero of all time. A Savior who took on the Cross for each of us; declaring the death of death and the beginning of Life for all who put their faith in Him.
4/1/201831 minutes, 21 seconds