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Pastors Podcast Profile

Pastors Podcast

English, Christianity, 1 season, 56 episodes
Pastors Podcast with Banning Liebscher, Phil Manginelli, and Nate Edwardson is a podcast by pastors, for pastors. Join us as we converse about some of the biggest issues pastors are facing today, and how we can find Jesus in the midst of it all.
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Prophets and Pastors with Julian Adams & Phil Manginelli | Season 6, Episode 8

We must make room for prophets to declare the word of the Lord in our churches, because the prophets help connect the Body of Christ to the heart of God in a unique way. Pastors Phil Manginelli and Julian Adams have an important conversation regarding the need for the relationship between pastors and prophets to be restored, and the value behind intentionally raising up prophets who are in our church communities. To learn more about Pastor Phil Manginelli visit To learn more about Pastor Julian Adams visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at      Want to register for Pastors Conference tickets? Visit
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Youth Pastor Edition: Killing the Spirit of Entitlement: with Banning Liebscher, Becky Johnson, and Lyle Phillips | Season 6, BONUS EPISODE

Ministry is lonely, and there is a burden that you carry that is not present in other jobs and spheres. Pastors Banning Liebscher, Becky Johnson, and Lyle Phillips process why we as next generation leaders often seek to be impressive and accepted at the cost of obedience. Comparison is a trap that will kill our ministries and get in the way of our impact on the next generation. We have to be free of the spirits they are fighting! To learn more about Pastor Banning visit To learn more about Pastor Becky Johnson visit To learn more about Pastor Lyle Phillips visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at     Want to register for Pastors Conference tickets? Visit
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Leading as a Family, Parenting and Marriage in Church Leadership with Becky Johnson and Diana Nepstad | Season 6, Episode 7

Leading in ministry as a family is no easy task, but it is possible and fulfilling. Pastors Becky Johnson and Dianna Nepstad talk about the importance of recognizing your personal calling, your spouses calling, and fighting to maintain unity and agreement within your marriage as you lead in ministry and raise children. Our children will be directly impacted by the fruit of our leadership and our willingness to impart Biblical identity to them. To learn more about Pastor Becky Johnson visit To learn more about Pastor Dianna Nepstad visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at    Want to register for Pastors Conference tickets? Visit
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Present with Jesus: From Discipline to Delight with David Perkins & Corey Russell | Season 6, Episode 6

Schedule first what matters most. As we are diligent in being with God, we will find that our discipline turns into delight. Pastors David Perkins and Corey Russell challenge us to be pastors and leaders that build a life in God that is deeply rooted in humility and hunger for Him above all else. To learn more about Pastor David Perkins visit To learn more about Corey Russell visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at    Want to register for Pastors Conference tickets? Visit
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Stand For Life: Made in the Image of God with Banning Liebscher, Elizabeth Graham, and Lauren Green McAfee | Season 6, Episode 5

What does it mean to be made in the image of God? Pastor Banning Liebscher is joined by Stand for Life Founder, Lauren Green McAfee, and CEO, Elizabeth Graham, to discuss the importance of helping churches learn what the Bible teaches about humanity being image bearers of God. The Lord has uniquely called each of us to engage human issues that move our hearts and His, but how we see ourselves and others, will directly impact how we engage the culture, and will help create our convictions and values. In order to be effective in our efforts, we must see others as Christ sees them. To learn more about Stand For Life visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at    Want to register for Pastors Conference tickets? Visit
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Youth Pastor Edition: Loving Where You Are with Banning Liebscher, Becky Johnson, and Jude Fouquier | Seaon 6, BONUS EPISODE

Youth pastors, how are you defining success in your youth groups? Are you building the youth group God has asked you to build, or a replica of someone else’s? Pastors Banning Liebscher, Becky Johnson, and Jude Fouquier have a live discussion at My City Youth Conference about the importance of not judging success in our youth groups by numbers or speed of growth, but by whether or not we are impacting people, because people are eternal. To learn more about Pastor Banning visit To learn more about Pastor Becky Johnson visit To learn more about Pastor Jude Fouquier visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want to register for Pastors Conference tickets? Visit
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The Wounded Church: Navigating Pain and Emotional Health in Leadership | Season 6, Episode 4

The world in us helps create the world around us. Pastor Nate Edwardson and Dr. Margaret Nagib discuss how healthy churches require healthy pastors. In order to lead and build a healthy team and church, we must be pastors and leaders that go first in addressing and healing our own pain. To learn more about Pastor Nate Edwardson visit To learn more about Dr. Margaret Nagib visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want to register for Pastors Conference tickets? Visit
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The Importance of Young Adults in Our Churches with Andrew Gard & Becky Johnson | Season 6, Episode 3

As pastors and church leaders, how do we effectively raise up the next generation? Andrew Gard, Senior Pastor of Grace City Church, and Becky Johnson, Executive Pastor of Jesus Culture Sacramento, speak to the importance of being leaders that recognize that our fruitfulness in ministry is directly related to our investment in leaders. To learn more about Pastor Andrew Gard visit To learn more about Pastor Becky Johnson visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want to register for Pastors Conference tickets? Visit
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Building the Church: Systems, Structures, and the Call of God with Phil Manginelli & Dave Patterson | Season 6, Episode 2

Pastors, what has God spoken over your life and church? Pastors Phil Manginelli and Dave Patterson sit down and discuss the importance of building churches that prioritize the presence of God, establish excellent structures through prayer and surrender, and always remember what God spoke. The word of the Lord over our lives and churches will sustain us through trials and tests. To learn more about Pastor Phil Manginelli visit To learn more about Pastor Dave Patterson visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want to register for Pastors Conference tickets? Visit
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Developed not Discovered: Going through God’s Process with Banning Liebscher, Benny Perez, and Christine Caine | Season 6, Episode 1

As pastors and church leaders, often we don’t like going through a process because it’s not flashy or fun. Pastors Banning Liebscher, Christine Caine, and Benny Perez call us to be leaders that allow God to develop us in storms, regardless of the outcome. The fruit of being developed by God through His process in our lives will be seen in the churches and ministries that we are leading. To learn more about Christine Caine visit To learn more about Benny Perez visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want to register for Pastors Conference tickets? Visit
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Costly Christianity with Micah Matheus | Season 5, Episode 9

“Micah Matheus is a teacher and missions leader in the Middle East, and deeply believes that God wants to change the world, and He will use anyone who responds to His call. Pastors Banning Liebscher and Becky Johnson have a convicting discussion with Micah about the need for pastors and church leaders to fight against the cultural elements that interfere with following Jesus wholeheartedly, and call people in our churches to missions. Following Jesus has always been costly, but there is great joy found in radical obedience, as we develop deeper intimacy with Jesus in our recognition of the fact that He knows our pain and experiences. To learn more about how Micah got his start in global missions, visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at    Want to register for Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Megachurch and Family with Carlito Paes | Season 5, Episode 8

“The Church is not only called to be a family, but also to be a model for discipleship within families. Carlito Paes, Lead Pastor of Igreja da Cidade in São Paulo, Brazil, and Founder of the Inspire Network of Churches, has a conversation with Pastors Banning Liebscher and Phil Manginelli about the importance of facing every problem we see in the church with a biblical perspective, and with Jesus’ agenda in mind. Every person has a deep need to belong to a healthy community that has purpose and mission, therefore, we have to be intentional about being people of God, and making the Bible our foundation. To learn more about Carlito Paes or his church, visit or Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want to register for Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Modern Day Monk, Raising Up Leaders, and the Power of Encouragement with Jude Fouquier | Season 5, Episode 7

We see in the Bible that Paul labored until Christ was formed in him, and many others. Pastor Jude Fouquier, Senior Pastor of City Church California, talks with Pastor Banning Liebscher about how one of the greatest needs in the Body of Christ is that Christ would be formed in us, so that we are sent ones that look like Him. In the midst of a culture that is ravaging the identities and minds of the next generation, we must be pastors and leaders that practice the way of Jesus, are great encouragers of others, are committed to raising up the next generation of leaders, and maintain focus on the legacy of our families. To learn more about Jude Fouquier, visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want to register for Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Pressure, Shepherding, and Redefining Success with Tim Hughes | Season 5, Episode 6

Are we as pastors putting the wrong emphasis on a different type of leadership than what we see in the Bible? Pastors Banning Liebscher and Phil Manginelli sit down with Tim Hughes, Senior Pastor of Gas Street Church & Founder of Worship Central, to discuss the importance of understanding how the Scriptures define leadership, and how pastors are actually called to be shepherds, not CEOs. There is an increasing pressure in the church to grow things and celebrate size, scale, and impressive events. We need to reevaluate what success is, and be clear on what the call of God is on our lives as leaders. To learn more about Tim Hughes, visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want to register for Pastors Conference 2024 tickets?
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The Theology of Charismatics and the Discipleship of Leaders with Dr. Dharius Daniels | Season 5, Episode 5

Dr. Dharius Daniels is a speaker, coach, certified emotional intelligence specialist, and the Lead Pastor of Change Church. Pastors Banning Liesbcher and Zack Curry have a conversation with Dr. Daniels about how to develop a culture in our churches and teams that celebrates boundaries, honors time, and prioritizes people becoming whole and healthy. Dr. Daniels also explains how we must emphasize sound theology in a generation lacking Biblical literacy. Experience and feelings in church will not always lead to quality decisions in our lives. To learn more about Dharius Daniels, Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want to register for Pastors Conference 2024 tickets?
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The Quality Most Needed in a Leader That We Don’t Talk About with Bianca Olthoff | Season 5, Episode 4

The world has convinced us that something is wrong if we have to wait. Instant access to excess often drives our inability to wait and persevere through hard things. Bianca Olthoff, Co-Pastor of The Father’s House Orange County, sits down with pastors Banning Liebscher and Teo Hayashi to talk through the keys to developing grit in our lives, keeping a tender heart in the midst of pain and betrayal, and being pastors that remember what God has done, and remain faithful to who He has made us to be. To learn more about Bianca Olthoff, visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at    Want to register for Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Leading With Priorities, Faith, and the Power of the Holy Spirit with Mark Varughese | Season 5, Episode 3

If we are truly walking in obedience to the Lord, we will continually find ourselves in a place of complete dependence on God. Mark Varughese, Founder and Senior Leader of Kingdomcity, joins Pastors Banning Liebscher and Teo Hayashi to talk about the necessity of differentiating between principle and preference, surrounding yourself with a team of powerful people that add to your church and help develop your leadership, and building a revival atmosphere in a relational culture. To learn more about Mark Varughese, visit Listen to Kingdomcity original songs, click here Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want to register for Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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A Conversation We Need to Be Having with Rita Springer | Season 5, Episode 2

Rita Springer, worship leader, songwriter, and founder of DIVE worship school, joins Pastor Banning Liebscher and Pastor Becky Johnson to discuss the importance of restoring the true heart of worship in a generation. We must be pastors and leaders that have burning hearts for God, are celebrating the right things, and are partnering with the worship leaders and staff that God has brought alongside us. To learn more about Rita Springer, visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want to register for Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Small Town, Big Vision, and Creating Culture with Levi Lusko | Season 5, Episode 1

As followers of Jesus, we find big vision in the Great Commission, but Jesus also invites us into a life of hiddenness and sacrifice. Levi Lusko, Founder and Lead Pastor of Fresh Life Church, talks with pastors Banning Liebscher and Zack Curry about the importance of leading with intentionality, and remaining obedient to the call of God, rather than striving to get something. To learn more about Levi Lusko, visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want to register for Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Seeking, Searching and Finding God through Prayer | Season 4, Episode 9

The power of prayer is not just found in getting answers, but in touching God, because God is the answer to every prayer you pray. Dick Eastman and Pastors Banning Liebscher and Eric Johnson discuss how the cultivating a lifestyle of prayer is directly connected to our ability to get and birth a vision. As pastors and leaders, daily devotion in prayer is mandatory. Dick Eastman was the international president of Every Home for Christ, is the president of America’s National Prayer Committee, originator of the Change the World School of Prayer, and author of more than 15 books on prayer and discipleship. To learn more about Dick Eastman, visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want early access to Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Women in Ministry and Multigenerational Leadership | Season 4, Episode 8

What gets you into the room doesn’t always keep you there. Hayley Braun, member of the Senior Leadership Team of Bethel Church, and an Overseer of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, and Pastors Banning Liebscher and Jennifer Toledo discuss the unique challenges that women face in ministerial leadership, and the value of maintaining a posture of humility in the midst of a multi generational context. You must know what the mandate of God is for your church and organization, and why you do what you do. For more from Hayley Braun, visit & Listen to the audio! Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Learn more & apply now to the Jesus Culture School of Leadership: Want early access to Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Check out other podcasts in our network: FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA → Instagram:
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Strength to Remain | Season 4, Episode 7

When God places you, He anoints you and graces you. Pastors Banning Liebscher and Andrew Gard pull on the wisdom and experience of Pastor Benny Perez, lead pastor of ChurchLV, as he encourages pastors to keep their hearts tender, live in the tension of ministry, and be intentional in personal prayer and leadership. We should always be asking God what He is doing in our current season, and what He wants to strengthen in us. For more about Pastor Benny Perez, visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want early access to Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Pastor Moment with Banning Liebscher & Eric Johnson

Pastor Banning Liebscher has a short conversation with Pastor Eric Johnson, lead pastor of STUDIO in Greenville, South Carolina. Want to learn more about STUDIO Church? Check out Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want early access to Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Fame, Influence, and Social Media | Season 4, Episode 6

Every platform in humanity has always been something that leaders have had to manage. Pastors Banning Liebscher, Eric Johnson, and Andrew Gard discuss the dangers of pursuing fame on social media, absorbing flattery and worship from people, and the temptation to pursue impact on online, instead of in our churches with the people who are physically present. In order to effectively engage social media, we must develop character and continue filling these platforms from a place of security in our identity and truth. Want to know more about Grace City Church? Check out their website Want to learn more about STUDIO Church? Check out Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want early access to Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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The What’s and the Why’s | Season 4, Episode 5

How can pastors position themselves for a move of God? Pastor Chris Hodges, founder and Senior Pastor of Church of the Highlands, talks with Pastors Banning Liebscher and Keith Jenkins about how to lead and set culture on a staff, and the importance of allowing God to give us the vision and blueprints for what He wants us to build with Him. The centrality of our leadership must be relationship with Jesus, commitment to the truth of His word, and accountability in community. Learn more about Chris Hodges’ college at and become a better leader through GrowLeader, To learn more about Pastor Chris Hodges’ church, visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at    Want early access to Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Pastor Moment with Banning Liebscher & Keith Jenkins

Pastor Banning Liebscher has a quick conversation with Keith Jenkins, Senior Pastor, East Hill Foursquare in Gresham, Oregon. Want to learn more about East Hill Foursquare? Find out more at Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want early access to Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Winning at the Wrong Thing and a False Definition of Success | Season 4, Episode 4

Our legacy is built on who we lay hands on, not what we keep. Jimmy Rollins, Founder of TWO=ONE, has a conversation with Pastors Banning Liebscher and Keith Jenkins about how to succeed in leadership by fostering godliness in our lives, and empowering the next generation to lead. You can’t have success without succession and obedience in doing what God has called you to do. Access resources from Jimmy Rollins at Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want early access to Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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The Journey of Leadership | Season 4, Episode 3

Am I going to finish well? How do I prevent failure? Darren Whitehead, Founder and Senior Pastor, Church of the City in Nashville Tennessee, addresses these questions with Pastors Banning Liebscher and Jennifer Toledo, Senior Pastor of Expression 58. Pastors have a lot of proximity to trauma, so it’s vital that they are diligent in keeping their hearts tender and living from a place of doing ministry with God, not for Him. We must commit to running our own race and only doing what God is leading us to do while staying intimately connected to God, our spouses, and kids. Hear more from Pastor Darren Whitehead at Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at    Want early access to Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Live from Pastors Conference | Season 4, Episode 2

All jobs require work, but the job of a pastor is unique in that it requires both hard work, and facing a real enemy each and every day. Pastor Banning Liebscher is joined by Lyle Wells, President of Integrus Leadership, and Russell Evans, joint founder and Global Senior Pastor of Planetshakers Church and ministry, to talk about the importance of being leaders that are easy to follow, invested in the lives of others, and driven by eternity, rather than instant gratification and worldly success. Interested in more information about Integrus Leadership? Check out For more information about Planetshakers visit Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want early access to Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Pastor Moment with Banning Liebscher & Andrew Gard

Pastor Banning Liebscher connects with Pastor Andrew Gard, Senior Pastor of Grace City Church in Lakeland, Florida. Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want early access to Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Evangelization & Leadership in a Post Christian World | Season 4, Episode 1

The Gospel is the power of God that brings salvation for all that believe, and it is unchanging. Nicky Gumbel, developer of the Alpha Course, and English Anglican priest in the Church of England, joins Pastors Banning Liebscher and Andrew Gard to discuss practical keys to successful evangelization in culture, and longevity in church leadership. Learn more and apply now for the Jesus Culture School of Leadership at Want early access to Pastors Conference 2024 tickets? Visit
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Pastoring and Sexuality | Season 3, Episode 10

Everyone wants to have the experience of being completely seen, cherished, sought, and pursued. This can only be found in Jesus, and established through our identity as sons and daughters of God. Michael Brodeur and Elizabeth Woning join Pastors Banning Liebscher, Doug Lasit, and Lyle Phillips to address how to disciple, discuss, and pastor people as they navigate the topic of their sexuality. Elizabeth Woning is the co-founder of Equipped to Love, a ministry seeking to serve and equip those impacted by homosexuality, and CHANGED, a network of men and women who have walked away from LGBTQ identity. Michael Brodeur is the co-founder of and CEO of Pastor’s Coach and Destiny Finder. Register for Pastors Conference 2023 using code PASTORSPOD for 30% off here: Join us as we partner with World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization,  to help children and their communities overcome poverty and injustice. You can donate here today:
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The Journey of Leadership | Season 3, Episode 9

Leadership is a journey, and whether you’ve been on this journey for 30 years, or 30 days, we all know that it’s a messy process. Jennie Lusko, best-selling author, podcast host, wife, mom of five, and co-lead pastor of Fresh Life Church, joins Pastors Banning Liebscher, Nate Edwardson, and Phil Manginelli to talk about the highs and lows of leadership through church planting, finding her voice as a leader, and losing a child. Register for Pastors Conference 2023 using code PASTORSPOD for 30% off here: Join us as we partner with World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization, to help children and their communities overcome poverty and injustice. You can donate here today:
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Theology & Revival | Season 3, Episode 8

Dann Farrelly, Lead Pastor & Dean of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, talks with Pastors Banning Liebscher, Brian Kim, and Tyler Johnson discuss the importance of theology and the need for revival around Biblical literacy in the church today. Scripture is the authority of God in our lives, and we must be submitted to it in every area of life. When we submit to the word of God, it’s because we belong to Jesus. Register for Pastors Conference 2023 using code PASTORSPOD for 30% off here: Join us as we partner with World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization, to help children and their communities overcome poverty and injustice. You can donate here today:
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The Heart of a Pioneer | Season 3, Episode 7

Obedience always feels easier when there is safety and comfort available. But, pioneers are always led to do things and go places where they must rely fully on Jesus, constantly living from a place of abiding in the love of God. Jon Tyson, lead pastor of Church of the City in New York City, joins Pastors Banning Liebscher and Doug Lasit to discuss the life of a pioneer, the costly sacrifice associated with pioneering, and the underlying cause that compels a pioneer forward- a lovesick devotion to Jesus, and a willingness to be obedient no matter the cost. Register for Pastors Conference 2023 using code PASTORSPOD for 30% off here: Join us as we partner with World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization, to help children and their communities overcome poverty and injustice. You can donate here today:
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Defining Success | Season 3, Episode 6

It’s easy to determine success in our lives and ministries by titles, numbers, wealth, the size of our organization, and the visibility of our online platform. But, the way of Jesus is the pursuit of eternity, and living for an audience of one. Mike Bickle, Founder of the International House of Prayer Mission Base and University in Kansas City, joins Pastors Banning Liebscher, Doug Lasit, and Osvaldo Mata to discuss the importance of leading with an eternal perspective. Our faithfulness and obedience in this life will be revealed in eternity. Register for Pastors Conference 2023 using code PASTORSPOD for 30% off here: Join us as we partner with World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization, to help children and their communities overcome poverty and injustice. You can donate here today:
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Preaching and the Presence | Season 3, Episode 5

A life centered around communicating the Word of God must come from a heart that is always pursuing the presence of God. Our delight in preaching is not in what we deliver, but in what we discover about God. Pastors Banning Liebscher, David Perkins, and Nate Edwardson speak with Corey Russell, preacher, intercessor, and staff member at UPPERROOM Denver, about the art of preaching, and the need for the transforming presence of God in our lives, in order to craft and deliver the messages God has given us. Register for Pastors Conference 2023 using code PASTORSPOD for 30% off here:  Join us as we partner with World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization, to help children and their communities overcome poverty and injustice. You can donate here today:
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Cultivating Healthy Leaders | Season 3, Episode 4

Society, and even church culture, often applauds the giftings, titles and tangible success of leaders. Because of that, we attempt to measure our spiritual, emotional, and relational health via the roles we fill, the things we do, and the people we know. Pastors Banning Liebscher, Brian Kim, and Katia Adams host Lisa Bevere, author, speaker, and Founder of Messenger International, to discuss the importance of being leaders that keep Jesus as their goal, live in humility and the fear of the Lord, and choose to allow God to anoint, heal, and transform them. Register for Pastors Conference 2023 using code PASTORSPOD for 30% off here:   Join us as we partner with World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization,  to help children and their communities overcome poverty and injustice. You can donate here today:
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Church & Culture | Season 3, Episode 3

Pastors and church leaders are on the frontlines of responding to social and cultural issues that are impacting the world today. Pastors Banning Liebscher, Osvaldo Mata, and Phil Manginelli talk with Carlos Whittaker, author, speaker, former recording artist, and social media maven, about how to navigate leading through social and political issues, and how to hold fast to Jesus through rejection and polarization. Register for Pastors Conference 2023 using code PASTORSPOD for 30% off here: Join us as we partner with World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization,  to help children and their communities overcome poverty and injustice. You can donate here today:
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Engaging the Church | Season 3, Episode 2

How do we define radical in our culture? Andy Byrd, co-founder of Youth With A Mission’s Fire and Fragrance, Circuit Riders, and co-leader of The Send, talks with Pastors Banning Liebscher, Katia Adams, and Tyler Johnson to discuss the importance of every believer knowing their role in The Great Commission. Living radically is not solely defined by life in foreign missions- it’s keeping your covenant in marriage, giving to your local church, walking with people in day-to-day life. The tension between the local church and apostolic movements is demolished when we all choose to go after the Great Commission together. Register for Pastors Conference 2023 using code PASTORSPOD for 30% off here: Join us as we partner with World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization,  to help children and their communities overcome poverty and injustice. You can donate here today:
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Leadership Pain | Season 3, Episode 1

Life is brutal and full of pain, but the reward of leaning into pain, and allowing God to work in and through us, is eternal. Sam Chand joins Pastors Banning Liebscher, David Perkins, and Lyle Phillips to discuss the cost of pastoring and leading in the church. Check out Sam’s free resource for leaders, the AVAIL journal. Register for Pastors Conference 2023 using code PASTORSPOD for 30% off here! Join us as we partner with World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization,  to help children and their communities overcome poverty and injustice. You can donate here today.
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Pastors Podcast Season 2- A Multicultural Future

Teo Hayashi, Founder of Dunamis Movement in Brazil, imparts his passion and wisdom about the future of the Church being multi ethnic and diverse. Banning, Nate, and Phil consider the need for leaders that are both spiritual and pragmatic, as we live out the Gospel of the Kingdom. To learn more about Teo and Duamis Movement, find them on Instagram- @teohayashi and @dunamismovement 
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Pastors Podcast Season 2- Navigating Deconstruction

There is wonder and mystery in our pursuit of God. Pastor Jon Tyson of New York Church of the City, joins Banning, Nate, and Phil to discuss how to lead people into mature Christ followers that value the complexity of God, but live with a child-like faith. Visit to hear more from Jon Tyson.
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Pastors Podcast Season 2- Creating a Culture of Growth

Great leaders are easy to follow. Banning, Nate, and Phil are joined by Lyle Wells, President of Integers Leadership, to discuss how Pastors and Church leaders can create environments for growth in churches, and amongst their staff. To access leadership development tools and resources from Lyle, visit 
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Pastors Podcast Season 2- Depth and Discipleship

Russell Evans is the Global Senior Pastor of Planetshakers Church in Melbourne, Australia. Banning, Nate, and Phil converse with Russell about the importance of discipleship and how gathering together connects us deeply and sharpens our spirits as we follow the way of Jesus. To learn more about Russell and Planetshakers, visit
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Pastors Podcast Season 2- Revival Culture

Jesus is revival and revival is anywhere the Holy Spirit can move freely. In this episode, Banning, Nate, and Phil host Pastor Bill Johnson of Bethel Church to discuss how we are designed to carry the glory of God. Bill challenges Pastors to Kingdom success- hosting and being obedient to the Presence of God in all things.
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Pastors Podcast Season 2- Marriage and Ministry

Banning, Nate, and Phil discuss the joys and hardships of navigating marriage and ministry with some of their closest friends. Listen to Wes and Vanessa Dunn, Doug and Donna Lasit, Matt and Lisa Molt, and David and Renata Perkins as they impart wisdom and humor around communication, gifting, and how to keep marriage a priority and foundation for ministry.
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Pastors Podcast Season 2- How Did I Get Here?

Pastors Conference 2022! Register here using code PASTORSPODCAST for 30% off! Christine Caine, founder of the A21 Campaign, author, and speaker, talks with Banning, Nate, and Phil about her new book, How Did I Get Here. Amidst chaos, storms, and disappointments, we must settle in our hearts that Jesus is enough, and live under the conviction that He is the goal and prize of our life and obedience. You can purchase Christine’s new book, How Did I Get Here?, everywhere books are sold.
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Pastors Podcast Season 2 - Establishing a Prayer Culture

The Church is called to be a house of prayer. Corey Russell from Upperroom, joins Banning, Nate, and Phil and calls us to be a people that prioritize prayer and ministry to God by encouraging us to keep prayer at the center of the Church and our leadership.To learn more about Corey Russell’s ministry, visit
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Pastors Podcast - Finishing Well

Humility, simplicity, and brokenness are the marks of a life that is consistent and dependent upon God. How do we keep Jesus at the center when success comes? Listen to Banning, Phil, and Nate as they draw on the wisdom of Bishop Joseph Garlington which should give us all a vision for longevity and integrity as we walk with Christ.
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Pastors Podcast - Pastors and Prophets

What happened in 2020? Kris Vallotton joins Banning, Phil, and Nate to address how to move forward in the Body of Christ as Pastors to restore the relationship between the prophetic community and pastoral community.
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Pastors Podcast - Redeeming Justice

God cares deeply about injustice. Banning, Phil, and Nate sit down with Efrem Smith, who pastors one of the largest multi-ethnic churches in Sacramento, to discuss the difference between God’s justice, and our idea of justice.
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Pastors Podcast - Facing Insecurity

Risky obedience will always provoke insecurities in our lives. Guest, Annie F. Downs talks with Banning, Phil and Nate about how to navigate insecurity by finding our identity in God and building honest friendships that invite correction and accountability into our lives.
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Pastors Podcast - The Reset

The cultures of worship we build have an impact on the church. Banning, Phil, and Nate talk with Jeremy Riddle about his new book, The Reset, and how to become pastors that live a life of worship that shifts the culture within the Church. Jeremy also gives great insights on the importance of Pastor and Worship Pastor relationships and their need for connectedness.
Episode Artwork

Pastors Podcast - The Pain of Pastoring

Pastoring is painful. Join Banning, Phil, and Nate as they unpack the process of confronting pain as pastors with Alex Seeley, Lead Pastor of The Belonging Co. This conversation will lead you to a place of healing as you confront unaddressed pain with the Lord.
Episode Artwork

Pastors Podcast - Pilot

Pastors Podcast with Banning Liebscher, Phil Manginelli, and Nate Edwardson is a podcast by pastors, for pastors. Join us as we unpack some of the biggest issues pastors are facing today. Learn with us as we discover how to find Jesus in the midst of it all.