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Peggy Joyce Ruth Profile

Peggy Joyce Ruth

English, Christianity, 1 season, 155 episodes, 4 days, 13 hours, 20 minutes
Peggy Joyce Ruth, aka "the Psalm 91 Lady" is author of a variety of Psalm 91 book titles with over six million copies in print. She taught a weekly Adult Bible Study for more than 35 years in her church in Central Texas as she shared how to make God’s Word your final authority. Known for her easy-to-understand style of communicating the Word of God and warm storytelling, Peggy Joyce's heart is that her books and teachings will bring you into the same freedom from fear she experienced and help you put God's Word to work ​in your life.
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Under the Influence of Demons Part 1

Every person has some area they are struggling with oppression. When we feel powerless to change our circumstances, it is a sign that you are under the influence of a demonic spirit. The enemy's first goal is to stay hidden, so we battle in the flesh and never see his schemes. Here are some facts from the Bible on demonic oppression.
9/18/202435 minutes, 29 seconds
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Strife Part 2

We must discover and destroy the root of strife. "For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work." - James 3:16. Strife comes when we are preoccupied with self. We can either be arrogant and exalt ourselves, or have low self-esteem and beat ourselves up. Both are a preoccupation with SELF. And self is the root of strife and every evil thing. 
9/11/202434 minutes, 2 seconds
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Strife Part 1

“Better is a dry morsel with quiet than a house full of feasting with strife.” - Proverbs 17:1. Everyone who operates in strife is giving Satan access to every area of their life. We must learn to see strife for what it truly is and get it completely out of our lives. 
9/4/202435 minutes, 34 seconds
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Power of Choice

God has given each of us free will and the power to choose. This is the most important right we have been given and our decisions set the course for our life. God has placed much of our destiny in our hands. So it is vital that we don't give our authority over to the enemy as Adam did in the garden. He handed our authority over to the enemy. But Jesus won back that authority by overcoming sin and death on the cross and has again put the choice back in our hands. 
8/28/202443 minutes, 31 seconds
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Don't Ignore Satan Answer Him

When Satan sends thoughts our way, so many times, we ignore them instead of answering them with the Word. The enemy's thoughts and temptations don't just go away if we ignore them. They build and build until the enemy has us trapped. This is why it is vital to answer the enemy with the Word until we get the victory.  
8/21/202447 minutes, 31 seconds
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How We Reason Our Way Out of Hearing Gods Voice

We don't want to reason an answer from our intellect and miss the answer God is speaking to us. Many times reasoning, "sounds" true and right but those thoughts of truly believing God. There is a difference between facts and the truth of God's Word. We must choose to believe God's Word over everything else.  
8/14/202449 minutes, 18 seconds
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Repentance vs Changing Behavior Part 2

The difference between changing your behavior and true repentance is the difference between Esau and Jacob. Over time Esau changed some of his behaviors but Jacob wrestled with God until his heart and name were changed by God.
8/7/202432 minutes, 4 seconds
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Repentance vs Changing Behavior Part 1

The difference between changing your behavior and true repentance is the difference between Esau and Jacob. Over time Esau changed some of his behaviors but Jacob wrestled with God until his heart and name were changed by God. 
7/31/202427 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Pray for Your Lost Family Members Part 2

Do you have family members who are not born again? This teaching is to help you pray effectively for family members who have yet to know the Lord. Even if your children and grandchildren are grown and out of the home your prayers still have authority in their lives. God is wanting to partner with us to bring our family into His kingdom. 
7/17/202441 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to Pray for Your Lost Family Members Part 1

Do you have family members who are not born again? This teaching is to help you pray effectively for family members who have yet to know the Lord. Even if your children and grandchildren are grown and out of the home your prayers still have authority in their lives. God is wanting to partner with us to bring our family into His kingdom. 
7/10/202444 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Law of Sowing and Reaping

Important teaching for this hour. There are spiritual laws that are just as sure and reliable as physical laws. When this becomes a reality to us, we're going to start thinking through every action, every word that comes out of our mouth, through even the tone of our voice and our attitudes. We're going to realize that all of these things are causing spiritual laws to be set into motion all the time.
7/10/202434 minutes, 6 seconds
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Satan Hidden in the Old Testament

A large portion of Jesus' ministry on earth was casting out demons. Do you remember any Old Testament stories of people being delivered? Any instruction In the Old Testament on doing spiritual warfare? Even today, many believers have not had their eyes open to the works of the enemy. Because of this, the enemy remains hidden and able to cause much mischief in our lives. But 1 John 3:8 says that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.
7/3/202447 minutes, 21 seconds
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Misconceptions of God

Things People Get Wrong About God's Character. It is Satan's trick to get us double-minded, thinking that God sends both good and evil, to get open us to receive evil. When Jesus walked the earth He fully revealed who God is. We must have our minds renewed to the truth God is only good. 
6/26/202443 minutes, 20 seconds
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Spirit Filled vs Spirit Baptized

Do you feel empty even though you have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? Feeling empty is a warning sign that as our well gets used up, we need to make time to stay connected to the source. There is no substitute for spending time with God. 
6/19/202441 minutes, 49 seconds
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Active Faith vs Passive Faith

Passive faith does not deny the truth. It is quick to say – ‘Yes, I believe the Word’, but passive faith too often believes that God can, but not necessarily that He will. Passive faith is a bigger enemy of victory in our lives than doubt itself. Faith can become such a common word that it loses its significance. The Lord wants us in  ACTIVE faith and not PASSIVE faith.    
6/12/202453 minutes, 42 seconds
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Solomon - What Happens When God Warns Us

God wants us to notice the warnings He sends. God is trying to keep us from any type of destruction. His warnings are tailored to the very places we are vulnerable to the enemy. God is commanding us to change and the sooner we heed His warnings the quicker God can turn our life around.
6/5/202439 minutes, 14 seconds
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Different Ways God Speaks To Us

There are many ways God speaks and a few pitfalls we must be aware of. God has so many different ways He wants to speak to us. We often want to hear God in the way that is most familiar to us, but God wants to stretch and grow us into hearing the way He wants to speak to us. 
5/29/202436 minutes
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How Do You Hear The Voice of God?

Hearing God's voice is a learned art that each of us as believers must practice. God is always wanting to speak to us but it is a matter of us tuning into Him.  My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. - John 10:27-28
5/22/202440 minutes, 41 seconds
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It's All in Jesus Part 2

The New Testament is God's will and testament to each of us as believers. There are so many things God has given us in and through Jesus that many believers are not even aware of. In 1 Corinthians 2:9 it says "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived— the things God has prepared for those who love him." 
5/15/202442 minutes, 16 seconds
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It's All in Jesus Part 1

Have many of you have witnessed the reading of a will? It is the will and wishes of the one departing the earth of what they wish to leave to their relatives still on earth. In this same sense, the Bible is Jesus' will left for believers, His family still on earth.
5/8/202438 minutes, 35 seconds
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Faith, Faithfulness, and Trust - Trust Part 3

This is a series on faith, faithfulness, and trust. If we stop our journey at faith and never go into faithfulness we will be very limited in our relationship with the Lord. Faith without faithfulness can leave us with preconceived ideas about how God will come through but faithfulness will keep us steadfast until God does come through. The Israelites learned faithfulness in the wilderness that carried them into the Promise Land. 
5/1/202443 minutes, 23 seconds
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Faith, Faithfulness, and Trust - Faithfulness Part 2

This is a series on faith, faithfulness, and trust. If we stop our journey at faith and never go into faithfulness we will be very limited in our relationship with the Lord. Faith without faithfulness can leave us with preconceived ideas about how God will come through but faithfulness will keep us steadfast until God does come through. The Israelites learned faithfulness in the wilderness that carried them into the Promise Land. 
4/24/202438 minutes, 52 seconds
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Faith, Faithfulness, and Trust - Faith Part 1

This is a series on faith, faithfulness, and trust. It parallels our life as believers to the children of Israel going from Eygpt on into the Promise Land. Our first step of faith compares with the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. 
4/17/202459 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ahab and Jezebel Part 2

The story of Ahab and Jezebel. One of the worst mistakes Ahab made was to marry Jezebel. Under Jezebel's influence, Ahab and the nation went from worshiping the one true God to worshiping Baal and Asherah. Jezebel's witchcraft brought so much sin into the nation. Eventually Jehu by the Word of the Lord began to clean up the nation. 
4/10/202435 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ahab and Jezebel Part 1

The story of Ahab and Jezebel. One of the worst mistakes Ahab made was to marry Jezebel. Under Jezebel's influence, Ahab and the nation went from worshiping the one true God to worshiping Baal and Asherah. Jezebel's witchcraft brought so much sin into the nation. 
4/3/202429 minutes, 28 seconds
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Physical Healing Part 3

The appropriation of healing. In parts 1 and 2 we discussed God's will to heal us and some of the hindrances to healing but now that we know it is God's will to heal. These are some of the steps we can take to see the healing come about.
3/27/202450 minutes, 53 seconds
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Physical Healing Part 2

Is your faith solidified on health and healing? If we put our faith in a lie the wrong thing will develop in our thinking. Our thinking has to be reprogrammed with truth from the Word. When we find a story of healing in the Word it sets the precedent that God will do the same things for us. (Scripture correction: Genesis 50:20 not Galatians 5:20)
3/20/202440 minutes, 56 seconds
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Physical Healing Part 1

There is a lot of fear of sickness and disease in our world today but health is supposed to be a normal way of life. God intends all of His children to walk in health so much so health and healing are included in the very word salvation.
3/13/202454 minutes, 33 seconds
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Does God Allow Evil?

Does God send evil? Does He allow evil? Does He permit Satan to use evil to teach us a lesson? These are questions that we have to get settled deep on the inside of us to truly know who God is. And to truly trust God when we go into battle against the enemy. 
3/6/202448 minutes, 53 seconds
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Balaam - The Blessing vs The Curse Part 2

Is the blessing or the curse operating in your life? Many people are afraid of the curse because they have never experienced the power of God's blessing. God has given us the choice between the blessing and the curse but the enemy just like Balaam works to trick us into choosing the curse. We have to be on guard against the enemy's tactics and be sure to stay in God's blessing. 
2/28/202426 minutes, 44 seconds
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Balaam - The Blessing vs The Curse Part 1

Is the blessing or the curse operating in your life? Many people are afraid of the curse because they have never experienced the power of God's blessing. God has given us the choice between the blessing and the curse but the enemy just like Balaam works to trick us into choosing the curse. We have to be on guard against the enemy's tactics and be sure to stay in God's blessing. 
2/21/202435 minutes, 50 seconds
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Physical and Spiritual Protection for Your Children and Family

Does the enemy have you fearful of what could happen to your children and family? God has the answer in His Word to everything that could possibly happen to our families. It is God's will that our children and grandchildren go on with God but we must put God's Word to work as soon as possible. 
2/14/202449 minutes, 33 seconds
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Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Part 2

A lot of people have questions about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Peggy Joyce answers those questions and explains the Baptism of the Holy Spirit using Scripture. If you have never experienced the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and are hungry for more of God, please ask and seek God for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Your life and ministry will never be the same. 
1/31/202434 minutes, 32 seconds
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Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Part 1

A lot of people have questions about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Peggy Joyce answers those questions and explains the Baptism of the Holy Spirit using Scripture. If you have never experienced the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and are hungry for more of God, please ask and seek God for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Your life and ministry will never be the same. 
1/24/202428 minutes, 35 seconds
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Wisdom Part 1

What is wisdom? There is a godly wisdom and a natural wordly wisdom. James 3:15 says the world's wisom is "is earthly, natural, demonic." The world's wisdom sounds good, there is a seduction to it but leads to a demonic end. But true wisdom comes from above and is more precious than gold. 
1/17/202442 minutes, 19 seconds
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Wisdom Part 2

Once you receive wisdom it is something to be guarded. Because even godly wisdom can become corrupted. The Word tells us these 4 things can corrupt wisdom: pride, sin, alcohol and drugs, and compromising the Word.
1/17/202420 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Importance Of A Testimony

Faith builder! Within every testimony of what God has done is the power to do it again. If God has done a miracle for one person then you can be sure He will do it for you!
1/10/202447 minutes, 27 seconds
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Blessed to Be a Blessing - Why We Share Our Faith

"And I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing, and I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you, all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Genesis 12:2-3. God's covenant with Abraham shows us His love for all the families of the world. The blessing of God is meant to flow through believers to the rest of the world. 
1/3/202451 minutes, 25 seconds
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Christmas the Beginning of God's New Covenant With Us

The story of Jesus' birth is more than something that happened in history, the Christmas story is meant to change the world. It is good news! The message of Salvation was first laid out in the Christmas Story. Jesus our Savior, was born for each of us. For the first time, peace and good will was brought to the earth. 
12/20/202329 minutes, 20 seconds
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Old Testament Overview

Do you get lost in the Old Testament? Not knowing where the books are and how they all fit together? The Old Testament is not nearly as complicated as we first thought. This teaching will give you a general overview and outline of the Old Testament and how God was working to set up the New Covenant. 
12/13/202354 minutes, 49 seconds
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Don't Get Into Offense

When we let offense set in our heart, it can become deadly. How you handle opportunities to be offended will determine whether you grow or not spiritually.  Offense can trip us up, cause us to stumble, and ultimately entices us into sin. Offense is something we need to want to get rid of completely. Ask the Lord if there is any area you have been offended, and then repent to the Lord until you feel that area is cleared up. 
12/7/202341 minutes, 40 seconds
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Our Thanksgiving Heritage

Do you know our Thanksgiving Heritage in America? Jamestown and Plymouth were both early settlements. One town was only after gold and greed, and they paid the price. The other was sent on a mission by God and considered God in everything they did. God blessed them every step of the way.
11/22/202341 minutes, 55 seconds
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What to Do When The Bottom Falls Out

Practically every one of us has experienced the bottom falling out at least once in our Christian walk and this can come in a variety of ways: physical ailments, depression, financial battles, failing in academics, family members with addictions, bondages, broken relationships…I’ve watched situations like this over and over in the body of Christ and many times I’ve just prayed and said, “Lord, what is your answer when it seems like the whole world turns black around the person and they just don’t know which way to turn?” 
11/15/202345 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Power of the Spoken Word

Our words carry a lot more weight than we realize. They determine the direction and outcome of our lives, for good or for bad. When we believe and continually speak the promises of God it brings about God’s purposes and plans in our lives. *Scripture correction Proverbs 12:18
11/15/202358 minutes, 58 seconds
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5 Proofs of God's Inspired Word

Jesus is different than every other religion. Every other religion's principles could exist without thier founders but Christianity could not exist without Jesus. Christianity is not simply a doctrine, it is a person. It is more than rules, it is a marriage with Jesus that changes us from the inside. 
11/8/202337 minutes, 59 seconds
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God's Answer to Witchcraft and the Curse

Have your "good intentions" ever ended up with you being trapped with seemingly no way out? Witchcraft is different than being oppressed by an evil spirit. Witchcraft is when we knowingly or sometimes unknowingly come into agreement with someone who is willfully disobeying the Lord. 
11/1/202335 minutes, 30 seconds
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Rooting Out The Occult

What does God think about Halloween? Is it harmful? Harmless? Peggy Joyce shares what God showed Jack her husband and herself many years ago. 
10/26/202347 minutes, 8 seconds
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Abraham Part 2

A bible study of the life of Abraham. After Abraham's first step of faith, his journey was met with difficulties and failures. But he kept taking steps of faith with the Lord until God grew him into a man of faith that birthed a nation. 
10/18/202347 minutes, 16 seconds
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Abraham Part 1

A bible study of the life of Abraham. After Abraham's first step of faith, his journey was met with difficulties and failures. But he kept taking steps of faith with the Lord until God grew him into a man of faith that birthed a nation. 
10/11/202333 minutes, 51 seconds
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Satan's Mightiest Warfare Weapon

Everything Satan does is to contradict what God says. Many times we war against the enemy but fail to get to the root of where the attack started. We must understand what the enemy's primary weapon against us is. 
10/4/202350 minutes, 45 seconds
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God's Measuring Stick Part 3

We have to decide where we want to be with God before we will ever leave where we are. There is a measuring stick of faith that determines how successful we will be in areas of faith. Don't expect God to move you past the place you have determined to be. God moves us to the place on the measuring stick that we have determined to be. 
9/27/202331 minutes, 45 seconds
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God's Measuring Stick Part 2

We have to decide where we want to be with God before we will ever leave where we are. There is a measuring stick of faith that determines how successful we will be in areas of faith. Don't expect God to move you past the place you have determined to be. God moves us to the place on the measuring stick that we have determined to be. 
9/20/202340 minutes, 33 seconds
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God's Measuring Stick Part 1

There is a measuring stick of faith that determines how successful we will be in areas of faith. Don't expect God to move you past the place you have determined to be. God moves us to the place on the measuring stick that we have determined to be. 
9/13/202347 minutes, 39 seconds
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God's Sovereignty and Man's Free Will Part 2

How much is God in control, and how much is dependent on our choices? How much is your destiny set in stone, and how much does our choice to obey God determine the outcome? Peggy Joyce digs into the Word to find the simple truth on what can be a complicated subject. 
9/6/202332 minutes, 58 seconds
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God's Sovereignty and Man's Free Will Part 1

How much is God in control, and how much is dependent on our choices? How much is your destiny set in stone, and how much does our choice to obey God determine the outcome? We dig into the Word to find the simple truth on what can be a complicated subject. 
8/30/202334 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Two Love Promises - The Promise of Salvation and the Promise of the Holy Spirit

There are two foundational promises in the Bible and basically every other promise in the Word can be summed up in these two. The Messiah, who gave us the promise of eternal life and the baptism of the Holy Spirit which give us God's power for the here and now. 
8/23/202348 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Look At Reasoning

A hilarious look at reasoning, and how it can ruin you. Many times the ideas that run through our head can sound "good" in the moment, but when we don't consult God, things don't turn out well.
8/16/202349 minutes, 30 seconds
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Choosing Life

God has set before us a choice: life and death, blessings or curses. The obvious choice is life, but so many times, we are subconsciously choosing death without even knowing it. Sickness, fear, jealousy, hurt, poverty, etc., are ways we can choose death and not realize the fullness of life that God promises. 
8/9/202341 minutes, 43 seconds
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Appreciation Defeats the Enemy

It is easy to think of appreciation as a "nice" subject, but appreciation can truly change your life. The more we stay in a state of gratitude, the more we open the door to blessing and close the door to the enemy. 
8/2/202347 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to Make Prayer Time More Fun

Our relationship with God is not meant to be ritualistic. It is meant to be fun and meaningfull! Jesus himself gives us an outline of how to pray in the gospels. 
7/26/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 2 seconds
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Nehemiah - Keep Building ​When the Enemy Attacks

How do you not quit the work of building God's Kingdom while you are under attack spiritually? Without fail, when Christians begin to work for the Kingdom, the enemy will attack forward progress. The enemy will start by mocking you, trying to embarrass you, and move on to a whole hoard of tactics to try to get you to stop building God's Kingdom. This teaching shows how to work together with other believers to continue God's work no matter what is going on around you.
7/19/202339 minutes, 50 seconds
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Breaking Generational Curses

Many believers have not realized they have been given authority to break curses that have passed down the family line. But God is working to show us in the Word how to break the curses that are plaguing our lives.
7/12/202355 minutes, 22 seconds
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Overcoming the Lust of the Flesh

From 1 John 2:15-16, every temptation since the fall of man will fall into one of these 3 categories. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, or the boastful pride of life. Lust is any longing or strong desire from that which is forbidden. The lust of the flesh is always going to involve our basic needs and us trying to get them met apart from God's way. 
7/5/202330 minutes, 21 seconds
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How To Overcome Fear Part 2

What are we to overcome as believers? Satan is the god of this world, and we are to overcome all the assignments sent against us. The root of every attack of the enemy is based in fear, and we must learn to overcome with the Word of God.
6/28/202341 minutes, 27 seconds
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How To Overcome Fear Part 1

What are we to overcome as believers? Satan is the god of this world, and we are to overcome all the assignments sent against us. The root of every attack of the enemy is based in fear, and we must learn to overcome with the Word of God.
6/21/202341 minutes, 17 seconds
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How To Get Out Of Self-Pity

Self-pity is a magnet that draws bad things to you. It keeps you immobile, always looking inward, and rarely toward God. When God didn’t approve of Cain’s offering he got into self-pity instead of asking God where he was wrong. He continued down the road of self-pity and then self-destruction. 
6/14/202345 minutes, 17 seconds
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There is Nothing Worth Losing Your Peace Over

It can be hard to find peace in today's world. True peace can only be found in God. But God's peace is not shaken when the world is shaking. It is the fruit of God’s Word being planted deep inside our hearts. 
6/7/202353 minutes, 18 seconds
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Jesus is the Exact Representation of God

Does God send evil or sickness? Does He allow sickness or evil to teach us a lesson? These are questions each of us has to have answered and settled deep within us. If we have doubts about God's character, the enemy will use them to blame God for what the devil is doing.
5/31/202338 minutes, 36 seconds
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5 Proofs of God's Inspired Word

Jesus is different than every other religion. Every other religion's principles could exist without thier founders but Christianity could not exist without Jesus. Christianity is not simply a doctrine, it is a person. It is more than rules, it is a marriage with Jesus that changes us from the inside. 
5/24/202337 minutes, 59 seconds
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Misconceptions of God

When every part of us does not believe that God is good, our problems can literally not be solved. Knowing that God is good is what causes the believer to keep fighting until there is victory. Without that revelation, we will give up before the battle has even started. 
5/17/202343 minutes, 57 seconds
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God's End-Time Army

It is time for the church to wake up. God is calling us to join His spiritual army. This army is one of unity and one of complete obedience to God. Peggy Joyce shares from the story of Gideon in the book of Judges. God is looking for fearless and disciplined soldiers so He can bring about the victory in a miraculous way.
5/10/202346 minutes, 24 seconds
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Strife Part 2

Strife is not coming from God, it is from the enemy. God is not the author of confusion, disorder, or strife. When there is strife in your life, it opens the door to every evil thing.
5/3/202335 minutes, 48 seconds
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Strife Part 1

Strife is not coming from God; it is from the enemy. God is not the author of confusion, disorder, or strife. When there is strife in your life, it opens the door to every evil thing.
4/26/202334 minutes, 51 seconds
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Controlling the Mind God's Way Part 2

The world wants to control the mind by gaining knowledge and power to be successful in life, but ultimately it ends with worshiping the mind and falling for a trap of the enemy. God wants our mind to be renewed to the Word of God and for us to choose with our will to walk in the Spirit and not the natural realm. This takes practice, but with the Lord, it can become a reality. 
4/20/202341 minutes, 43 seconds
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Controlling the Mind God's Way Part 1

The world wants to control the mind by gaining knowledge and power to be successful in life, but ultimately it ends with worshiping the mind and falling for a trap of the enemy. God wants our mind to be renewed to the Word of God and for us to choose with our will to walk in the Spirit and not the natural realm. This takes practice, but with the Lord, it can become a reality.
4/13/202334 minutes, 5 seconds
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Easter, The Price Jesus Paid For Us

4/6/202347 minutes, 22 seconds
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Those Who Trust the Lord Shall Not Be Disappointed

Peggy Joyce Ruth teaches 'Those Who Trust the Lord Shall Not Be Disappointed,' a message about her family's journey in learning to trust the Lord deeply with stories of the miracles that followed their trust. Also available in book form.
3/30/202350 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Law of Sowing and Reaping

Important teaching for this hour. There are spiritual laws that are just as sure and reliable as physical laws. When this becomes a reality to us, we're going to start thinking through every action, every word that comes out of our mouth, through even the tone of our voice and our attitudes. We're going to realize that all of these things are causing spiritual laws to be set into motion all the time.
3/22/202334 minutes, 24 seconds
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Don't Ignore Satan Part 2

When Satan sends thoughts our way, so many times, we ignore them instead of answering them with the Word. The enemy's thoughts and temptations don't just go away if we ignore them. They build and build until the enemy has us trapped. This is why it is vital to answer the enemy with the Word until we get the victory.  
3/8/202338 minutes, 46 seconds
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Don't Ignore Satan Part 1

When Satan sends thoughts our way, so many times, we ignore them instead of answering them with the Word. The enemy's thoughts and temptations don't just go away if we ignore them. They build and build until the enemy has us trapped. This is why it is vital to answer the enemy with the Word until we get the victory.  
3/1/202331 minutes, 13 seconds
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Psalm 23 - God is Our Shepherd

God is so many things to us; Our Healer, Deliverer, Protector, and the list goes on. But there is one name for God that sums up everything He is to us. He is our good Shepherd in Psalm 23. 
2/22/202348 minutes, 47 seconds
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Authority of the Believer

Believers must learn to walk in their God-given authority. God gave man authority over the earth, but we handed it over to Satan in the garden. Now, through what Jesus did on the cross, we have been given authority over satan, sin, sickness, self, and situations.
2/16/202343 minutes, 56 seconds
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Psalm 91 - God's Umbrella of Protection

Psalm 91 should be a foundational teaching for every Believer. We have seen countless miracles come from trusting the Lord in this way. Please do the same every day, and pray Psalm 91 over you and your loved ones. It can save your life. Even if you are in the middle of something terrible, speak God's promise until you see the situation turn around.  
2/8/202353 minutes, 49 seconds
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Does God Allow Evil Part 2

Does God send evil? Does He allow evil? Does He use it to teach us a lesson? These are questions that we have to get settled deep on the inside of us to truly know who God is.
2/1/202332 minutes, 59 seconds
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Does God Allow Evil Part 1

Does God send evil? Does He allow evil? Does He use it to teach us a lesson? These are questions that we have to get settled deep on the inside of us to truly know who God is.
1/25/202338 minutes, 37 seconds
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7 Weapons of Warfare Part 2

Are you ready for warfare? Or are you already in spiritual warfare unprepared? God has given us powerful weapons for spiritual warfare. In and of ourselves we could never defeat the enemy, but with God and with the weapons He has given us, we can win the battle.
1/18/202336 minutes, 36 seconds
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7 Weapons of Warfare Part 1

Are you ready for warfare? Or are you already in spiritual warfare unprepared? God has given us powerful weapons for spiritual warfare. In and of ourselves we could never defeat the enemy, but with God and with the weapons He has given us, we can win the battle.
1/11/202339 minutes, 36 seconds
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No Longer A Victim Part 2

Any place the enemy can make us feel helpless, he is free to take us in the direction he wants us to go. No matter what has happened to us though, we can be victorious if we know God.
1/4/202335 minutes, 25 seconds
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No Longer A Victim Part 1

Satan wants us to start seeing ourselves as a victim. That we are helpless. Any place the enemy can make us feel helpless, then he is free to take us in the direction that he wants us to go. No matter what has happened to us, we are not a victim if we know God.
12/29/202236 minutes, 45 seconds
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Christmas - The Mantle of Elijah

The Old Testament stories shadow the New. The mantle of Elijah foreshadows John the Baptist and the coming of Christ.
12/21/202246 minutes, 19 seconds
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Joy is the Lord's strength for these chaotic times. Do you see Joy as an emotion? As long as you see Joy as an emotion you will continue to let it slip through your fingertips. Joy is not an emotion; it is a character trait of God. Learn how to stay in the joy God has given you.
12/15/202246 minutes, 55 seconds
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Overcoming Depression

Are you fighting depression? The enemy has an organized attack planned to bring each one of us down. It starts with subtle thoughts and builds until we have been taken down. Many times we don't even realize what has happened. But there are steps we can take to overcome the plan of the enemy.
12/8/202246 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Person of the Holy Spirit

Do you know the Holy Spirit as a person? As a friend? God is wanting to reveal more of who the Holy Spirit is. When Jesus left the earth, He sent the Holy Spirit to fill and walk with every believer. The Holy Spirit is a powerful Helper who wants to partner with us to do the impossible - daily.
11/30/202253 minutes, 51 seconds
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One Nation Under God - Our Thanksgiving Heritage

Do you know our Thanksgiving Heritage in America? Jamestown and Plymouth were both early settlements. One town was only after gold and greed, and they paid the price. The other was sent on a mission by God and considered God in everything they did. God blessed them every step of the way.
11/17/202242 minutes, 27 seconds
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Faith Part 3

The Journey from the Red Sea to the Jordan River. This journey should have taken the Israelites 11-14 days, but it took them 40 years. Our personal Christian faith walk compares to the Israelite's journey. We are to grow from faith to faithfulness and then finally to trusting God.
11/9/202241 minutes, 25 seconds
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Faith Part 2

The Journey from the Red Sea to the Jordan River. This journey should have taken the Israelites 11-14 days, but it took them 40 years. Our personal Christian faith walk compares to the Israelite's journey. We are to grow from faith to faithfulness and then finally to trusting God.
11/2/202235 minutes, 59 seconds
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Faith Part 1

The Journey from the Red Sea to the Jordan River. This journey should have taken the Israelites 11-14 days, but it took them 40 years. Our personal Christian faith walk compares to the Israelite's journey. We are to grow from faith to faithfulness and then finally to trusting God.
10/26/202239 minutes, 48 seconds
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Six Benefits of God

From Psalm 103. King David tells his soul to bless God. Everything within us can bless God if we require it of ourselves. Whatever attitude flows from our heart is what our life will consist of. Once our soul truly blesses God, we are opened to the benefits that come from God.
10/19/202242 minutes, 9 seconds
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You Are What You Think Part 2

In a way, we are what we eat. The type of food we put into our body has an effect on our body. In a more true sense, the thoughts we continually think create the person we are. We have to be renewed in the spirit of our mind to become what God envisions.
10/12/202237 minutes, 39 seconds
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You Are What You Think Part 1

In a way, we are what we eat. The type of food we put into our body has an effect on our body. In a more true sense, the thoughts we continually think create the person we are. We have to be renewed in the spirit of our mind to become what God envisions.
10/5/202242 minutes, 10 seconds
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How Are We Supposed To Suffer As A Christian?

There is much talk about suffering in the body of Christ, but what is biblical suffering? Is it suffering from sickness, disease, or even loved ones dying? Or is it something else entirely?
9/28/202252 minutes, 11 seconds
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Appreciation Defeats the Enemy

Appreciation is a principle that can change our lives. The more we stay in a state of continuous appreciation, the more the door is open to blessings from God and closed to the enemy. It can be normal to stay thankful throughout life.
9/22/202250 minutes, 1 second
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Satan Hidden Part 2

(Our apologies for the audio issues. This teaching was recorded on a cassette tape many years ago.) A large portion of Jesus' ministry on earth was casting out demons. Do you remember any Old Testament stories of people being delivered? In the Old Testament and even today, the enemy remains hidden and able to cause much mischief in our lives. But, 1 John 3:8 says that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.
9/14/202231 minutes, 47 seconds
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Satan Hidden Part 1

(Our apologies for the audio issues. This teaching was recorded on a cassette tape many years ago.) A large portion of Jesus' ministry on earth was casting out demons. Do you remember any Old Testament stories of people being delivered? In the Old Testament and even today, the enemy remains hidden and able to cause much mischief in our lives. But, 1 John 3:8 says that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.
9/7/202231 minutes, 39 seconds
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Don't Get Into Offense

When we let offense set in our heart, it is deadly. How you handle opportunities to be offended will determine whether you grow or not spiritually. Offense can trip us up, cause us to stumble, and ultimately entices us into sin. Offense is something we need to want to get rid of completely. Ask the Lord if there is any area you have been offended, and then repent to the Lord until you feel that area is cleared up.
8/31/202242 minutes, 13 seconds
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How to Make Prayer Time More Fun

Prayer is not meant to be ritualistic. It is a relationship with our Father in heaven as Jesus explains in the gospels. Prayer should be more real and alive than we make it when we get into a religious spirit.
8/24/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Story of Esther Part 2

Peggy Joyce Ruth explains the book of Esther in the Old Testament and how we can trust God no matter what situation we face.
8/17/202233 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Story of Esther Part 1

Peggy Joyce Ruth explains the book of Esther in the Old Testament and how we can trust God no matter what situation we face.
8/10/202244 minutes, 42 seconds
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A Look at Wrong Thinking

In any area we have continual problems, we have wrong thinking. We all search to find our identity, our purpose, and acceptance. But any wrong thinking in these foundational areas will cause issues.
8/3/202246 minutes, 43 seconds
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Choosing Life

God has set before us a choice: life and death, blessings and curses. The obvious choice is life, but so many times, we are subconsciously choosing death without realizing it. Sickness, fear, jealousy, hurt, and poverty are ways we can choose death and not the fullness of life God promises.
7/27/202242 minutes, 13 seconds
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Pursuing Peace Part 2

Many people do not realize the Kingdom of God is tangible now. Roman 14:17 says the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. God is building his kingdom inside of us as we pursue His peace.
7/20/202242 minutes, 21 seconds
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Pursuing Peace Part 1

Many people do not realize the Kingdom of God is tangible now. Roman 14:17 says the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. God is building his kingdom inside of us as we pursue His peace.
7/13/202244 minutes, 53 seconds
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Protecting Your Family and Children

How do you spiritually protect your children and family? The devil often plagues us with fear of every bad thing that could happen to our kids and family. But God has an answer in his Word.
7/6/202250 minutes, 50 seconds
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Peggy Joyce Ruth's Testimony of Deliverance

Many years ago, as a young mother, Peggy Joyce attempted to witness to her neighbor only to end up questioning her own faith. The next eight years were filled with paralyzing fears and depression. Most pastors and the psychological world had given up entirely, but God had a different plan. (Also available in book form Tormented 8 Years and Back.)
6/29/202239 minutes, 40 seconds
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It's All in Jesus Part 2

As we learned last week, the Bible is Jesus' Will left for believers, His family still on earth. But just because something is God's Will doesn't mean it automatically happens. We as we believers have to take hold of His Will.
6/22/202240 minutes, 24 seconds
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It's All in Jesus Part 1

Have many of you have witnessed the reading of a will? It is the will and wishes of the one departing the earth of what they wish to leave to their relatives still on earth. In this same sense, the Bible is Jesus' will left for believers, His family still on earth.
6/15/202237 minutes, 57 seconds
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David and Goliath

Are you more similar to King Saul or King David? The carnal Christian will be influenced by the world, their reasoning, and fleshly desires. A spirit led Christian reacts to different obstacles in life by overcoming them. (Our apologies for the audio issues.)
6/8/202259 minutes, 49 seconds
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Those Who Trust the Lord Shall Not Be Disappointed

Peggy Joyce Ruth teaches 'Those Who Trust the Lord Shall Not Be Disappointed,' a message about her family's journey in learning to trust the Lord deeply with stories of the miracles that followed their trust. Also available in book form.
6/1/202250 minutes, 58 seconds
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Forgiving Others Part 2

When we forgive others, our heavenly Father forgives us. If we refuse to forgive, our sins are not forgiven. The areas that are most difficult for us to forgive are usually the things we struggle with the most. It is easy for us to despise someone else for what we don't like in ourselves but we must learn to forgive as our heavenly Father does.
5/25/202241 minutes, 39 seconds
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Forgiving Others Part 1

When we forgive others, our heavenly Father forgives us. If we refuse to forgive, our sins are not forgiven. The areas that are most difficult for us to forgive are usually the things we struggle with the most. It is easy for us to despise someone else for what we don't like in ourselves but we must learn to forgive as our heavenly Father does.
5/18/202246 minutes, 47 seconds
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How Reasoning Can Ruin You

Reasoning plays a part in intellectual pride and doubt. Our reasoning can sound so good only to leave us in a huge mess. Wisdom is a gift from God, while reasoning is a trap from Satan.
5/11/202249 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Law of Sowing and Reaping

Important teaching for this hour... a look at the law of sowing and reaping. There are spiritual laws that are just as sure and reliable as physical laws. When this becomes a reality to us, we're going to start thinking through every action, every word that comes out of our mouth, through even the tone of our voice and our attitudes. We're going to realize that all of these things are causing spiritual laws to be set into motion all the time.
5/4/202234 minutes, 16 seconds
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Lust of the Flesh

From 1 John 2:15-16, every temptation since the fall of man will fall into one of these three categories; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, or the boastful pride of life. Lust is any longing or strong desire for that which is forbidden. The lust of the flesh is always going to involve our basic needs and us trying to get them met apart from God's way.
4/27/202230 minutes, 12 seconds
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Jesus is the Exact Representation of God

Does God send evil or sickness? Does He allow sickness or evil to teach us a lesson? These are questions each of us has to have answered and settled deep within us. If we have doubts about God's character, the enemy will use them to blame God for what the devil is doing.
4/20/202238 minutes, 28 seconds
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Easter - Hosea and the Prostitute

Hosea is a picture of God's continuous love for all of mankind. And when we look at the cross it is to see the Lord standing with His arms wide-open because the cross represents Christ’s open invitation to each one of us to come to Him no matter our current condition.
4/13/202240 minutes, 43 seconds
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God's Character of Love vs Satan's Character of Fear

Jesus came to reveal God’s character of love and to expose and destroy the works of the devil. Love is the motive behind everything that God does. Fear is the motive behind everything Satan does. The more we learn and experience God's character of love, the more we can identify Satan's work of fear in our lives.
4/6/202240 minutes, 4 seconds
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Self-Pity is a Magnet

Self-pity is a magnet that draws bad things to you. It keeps you immobile, always looking inward, and rarely toward God. When God didn’t approve of Cain’s offering he got into self-pity instead of asking God where he was wrong. He continued down the road of self-pity and then self-destruction.
3/30/202245 minutes, 40 seconds
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Love, A More Excellent Way

God’s love is not the same as our love. There is a soulish love and a greater love that comes from God. The highest love is agape love from God, and God invites us to walk in the fullness of His love.
3/23/202243 minutes, 29 seconds
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Overcoming Fear Part 2

Jesus overcame the world, and He overcame the fear that drives it. He expects us as Believers to do the same. Fear is at the root of everything the devil does. But Jesus was our example of how to overcome the enemy.
3/16/202241 minutes, 53 seconds
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Overcoming Fear Part 1

Jesus overcame the world, including fear. He expects us as Believers to do the same. Fear is at the root of everything the enemy does. Jesus was our example of how to effectively overcome the enemy.
3/9/202241 minutes, 43 seconds
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Manipulation Part 2

A look at manipulation. We all have been manipulated, and we all have manipulated. None of us seem to like it when it is done to us. It makes a person feel used. It is important that we don't manipulate but equally that we don't allow ourselves to be manipulated.
3/2/202244 minutes, 13 seconds
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Manipulation Part 1

A look at manipulation. We all have been manipulated, and we all have manipulated. None of us seem to like it when it is done to us. It makes a person feel used. It is important that we don't manipulate but equally that we don't allow ourselves to be manipulated.
2/23/202240 minutes, 13 seconds
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Return to Our First Love

Do you remember your first love? You couldn't eat. You couldn't sleep. You couldn't think or talk about anything else. We can focus on what we are facing as believers and what we can do if we lose the passion we once had for God.
2/16/202245 minutes, 46 seconds
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No Longer A Victim Part 2

Satan wants us to start seeing ourselves as a victim. That we are helpless. Any place the enemy can make us feel helpless, then he is free to take us in the direction that he wants us to go. No matter what has happened to us, we are not a victim if we know God.
2/9/202235 minutes, 55 seconds
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No Longer A Victim Part 1

Satan wants us to start seeing ourselves as a victim. That we are helpless. Any place the enemy can make us feel helpless, then he is free to take us in the direction that he wants us to go. No matter what has happened to us, we are not a victim if we know God.
2/2/202237 minutes, 15 seconds
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Misconceptions of God

When every part of us does not believe that God is good, our problems can literally not be solved. Knowing that God is good is what causes the believer to keep fighting until there is victory. Without that revelation, we will give up before the battle has even started.
1/26/202244 minutes, 22 seconds
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Passive Faith vs Active Faith

Passive faith believes God CAN do something, but He probably WON'T do it right now. Active faith believes that God wants to do something right now and partners with us to do it.
1/19/202250 minutes, 23 seconds
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Breaking Generational (Family) Curses

Are there medical issues that have passed down your family line? Anger or other emotional issues? These are generational curses that are passed down the family line. With the Lord there is a way to break their power.
1/12/202255 minutes, 53 seconds
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Physical Healing Part 3

Part 3 of 3. Are you built up in the area of healing? Right now, there is a lot of fear around diseases, but God has answers that might surprise you. God has a very practical approach to overcoming sickness. Listen to discover more.
1/5/202241 minutes, 53 seconds
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Physical Healing Part 2

Part 2 of 3. Are you built up in the area of healing? Right now, there is a lot of fear around diseases, but God has answers that might surprise you. While many believers don't believe healing is for today, the Bible has a different answer. Listen to discover more.
12/29/202139 minutes, 56 seconds
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Physical Healing Part 1

Part 1 of 3. Are you built up in the area of healing? Right now, there is a lot of fear around diseases, but God has answers that might surprise you. Did you know healing is part of the meaning of the word Salvation? Listen to discover more.
12/22/202146 minutes, 56 seconds
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Overcoming Depression

Many times, during the Holiday Season, the enemy makes it easy to fall into depression. There are organized attacks planned for our lives. They subtly build and build until we feel like there is no way out. The good news is that God has an answer to depression no matter how much it feels like we are stuck in the pit.
12/15/202147 minutes, 2 seconds
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Nothing Worth Losing Your Peace Over

Everyone is looking for peace. Peace can be hard to find in the world we live in. True peace cannot be found in the world but only with God. True peace is not shaken when the world is shaking. Peace is the fruit of us planting God's Word deep in our lives.
12/8/202153 minutes, 49 seconds
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Authority of the Believer

It is vital that Believers learn to walk in their God given authority. God put man in authority over the earth, but we handed it over to Satan in the garden. Now, through what Jesus did, on the cross, we have been given authority over satan, sin, sickness, self, and situations.
12/1/202143 minutes, 54 seconds
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Psalm 23 - God is Our Shepherd

God is so many things to us; Our Healer, Deliverer, Protector, and the list goes on. But there is one name for God that sums up everything He is to us. He is our good Shepherd in Psalm 23.
11/17/202148 minutes, 46 seconds
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Don't Ignore Satan Part 2

Nowhere in the Bible does it say to ignore satan. Ignoring the enemy allows the thoughts he sends to build and build until eventually we are deceived by them. It may seem spiritual to ignore Satan, but in the long run, it gets us in a lot of trouble. We have to do the work of spiritual warfare and answer what the enemy is saying with God's Word every time.
11/10/202138 minutes, 37 seconds
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​Don't Ignore Satan Part 1

Nowhere in the Bible does it say to ignore satan. Ignoring the enemy allows the thoughts he sends to build and build until eventually we are deceived by them. It may seem spiritual to ignore Satan, but in the long run, it gets us in a lot of trouble. We have to do the work of spiritual warfare and answer what the enemy is saying with God's Word every time.
11/3/202131 minutes, 39 seconds
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Controlling the Mind God's Way Part 2

The world wants to control the mind by gaining knowledge and power to be successful in life, but ultimately it ends with worshiping the mind and falling for a trap of the enemy. God wants our mind to be renewed to the Word of God and for us to choose with our will to walk in the Spirit and not the natural realm. This takes practice, but with the Lord, it can become a reality.
10/25/202141 minutes, 42 seconds
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Nehemiah - Keep Building ​When the Enemy Attacks

How do you not quit the work of building God's Kingdom while you are under attack spiritually? Without fail, when Christians begin to work for the Kingdom, the enemy will attack forward progress. The enemy will start by mocking you, trying to embarrass you, and move on to a whole hoard of tactics to try to get you to stop building God's Kingdom. This teaching shows how to work together with other believers to continue God's work no matter what is going on around you.
10/20/202139 minutes, 17 seconds
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God's End-Time Army

It is time for the church to wake up. God is calling us to join His spiritual army. This army is one of unity and one of complete obedience to God. Peggy Joyce shares from the story of Gideon in the book of Judges. God is looking for fearless and disciplined soldiers so He can bring about the victory in a miraculous way.
10/13/202146 minutes, 47 seconds
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Controlling the Mind God's Way Part 1

The world wants to control the mind by gaining knowledge and power to be successful in life, but ultimately it ends with worshiping the mind and falling for a trap of the enemy. God wants our mind to be renewed to the Word of God so we can be used powerfully by the Holy Spirit.
10/6/202134 minutes, 2 seconds
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7 Weapons of Warfare Part 2

Are you ready for warfare? Or are you already in spiritual warfare unprepared? God has given us powerful weapons for spiritual warfare. In and of ourselves we could never defeat the enemy, but with God and with the weapons He has given us, we can win the battle.
9/28/202139 minutes, 30 seconds
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7 Weapons of Warfare Part 1

Are you ready for warfare? Or are you already in spiritual warfare unprepared? God has given us powerful weapons for spiritual warfare. In and of ourselves we could never defeat the enemy, but with God and with the weapons He has given us, we can win the battle.
9/21/202139 minutes, 24 seconds
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Joy is How You Find Strength in the Lord

Joy is the Lord's strength for these chaotic times. Do you see joy as an emotion? As long as you see joy as an emotion you will continue to let it slip through your fingertips. Rather than an emotion, joy is a character trait of God. Learn how to stay in the joy God has given you.
8/4/202147 minutes, 20 seconds
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Psalm 91 God's Umbrella of Protection

Psalm 91 is God's plan of protection for the end days. If you are nervous about all the things you see happening in the world today, God's covenant of protection in Psalm 91 is for you. Peggy Joyce Ruth teaches on the whole chapter and how every promise of protection, health, and safety is summed one place in the Bible—Psalm 91.
7/21/202153 minutes, 39 seconds