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Pictures of the End

English, Religion, 1 season, 180 episodes, 3 days, 12 hours, 38 minutes
Current events...ancient history...Bible prophecy. How does it all fit together? Find out now! Listen to Pictures of the End, a dynamic weekly 30-minute broadcast from Pathway to Paradise Ministries. Find us online at
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Episode 194. Revelation: The Divine Government

What is God really like? What is His government really like? These questions lie at the heart of the battle between good and evil. In this episode of Pictures of the End, take a glimpse at John's description of the heavenly throne room and discover a God that is safe to trust and serve.
10/30/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 193. Jude: The Grace Conspiracy

The book of Jude warns about a great deception that will lead many people captive in the last days, and it has to do with mind control. Discover what that deception is, and more importantly, how to avoid becomign a victim of Satan's mind control warfare.
10/23/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 192. 2 and 3 John: Loving the Truth

The Bible is big on truth. Today's culture is not. Why does the Bible say that we should learn to love the truth? What does that even mean? In this episode of Pictures of the End, we look at the importance of truth and why the Bible says it is so important.
10/16/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 191. 1 John: The Antichrist

The letters of John contain the Bible's only mention of the antichrist by name. However, numerous other Bible passages also speak about this entity that falls away from biblical Christianity. In this episode of Pictures of the End, discover what the Bible says about the mysterious antichrist figure.
10/9/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 190. 2 Peter: Scoffers in the Last Day

The book of 2 Peter predicts that many people in the last days will reject the Bible's explanations of origins and accept a view that life evolved slowly over vast periods of time. What spiritual implications does the evolutionary worldview bring with it? Is it possible to accept evolution as an explanation for human origins, and at the same time accept the biblical view of salvation?
10/2/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 189. 1 Peter: Walking With Jesus

Peter writes in 1 Peter 2: 21, "For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps." In this episode of Pictures of the End, host Tim Rumsey explores the parallels between the last week of Christ's life and the prophetic history of the Christian church between Christ's ascension and the second coming. Discover what it means to walk with Jesus today.
9/27/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 188. James: Snapshots of True Religion

The short book of James is one of the earliest letters written in the New Testament. The books focuses on true versus false religion in its most basic aspects. The author focuses neither on false doctrine, deceptive philosophies, nor the complexities of integrating Gentiles into the church. Rather, he focuses on the "nuts and bolts" of Christian living--things like patience, faith, obedience to God's Word, hypocrisy, and victory over sin. Discover the connections between this fascinating letter and the central visions of the book of Revelation in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
2/27/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 187. Hebrews: What Jesus is Doing Now

What has Jesus been doing for the last 2,000 years? Why hasn't He returned yet? Is He on vacation? The book of Hebrews provides many amazing answers to these questions. Join host Tim Rumsey in this episode of "Pictures of the End" and discover what the Bible actually reveals about Jesus Christ's work in heaven. You won't be the same!
2/6/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 186. Philemon: Servants of God

In ancient Rome, servants and slaves greatly outnumbered free people, yet they possessed absolutely no rights. Runaway slaves could be tortured and killed. Yet the apostle Paul encouraged Onesimus, a runaway slave now converted to Christianity, to return to Philemon, his Christian master. What does this heartwarming letter written 2,000 years ago mean to us today? How does it connect with Revelation's prophecies about the seal of God being placed on His servants? Find out in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
1/30/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 185. Titus: Lights in the Darkness

In the book of Titus, the apostle Paul encourages Titus and the early Christians in Crete to live upright lives for God in the midst of their idolatrous and morally bankrupt culture. How does Pauls' counsel apply to Christians living today, in what the Bible calls "the time of the end"? What is the power source that enables Christians to live as God desires, even in the midst of a world that is in rebellion to God and His law?
1/23/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 184. 2 Timothy: The Coming Apostasy

In his second letter to Timothy, the apostle Paul predicts a massive apostasy in the Christian church before Jesus Christ returns. Paul also reveals the problem that leads to this apostasy--denying the power of the gospel. This leads to a very important question: What is the power of the gospel, and how can we experience it in our life?
1/16/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 183. 1 Timothy: Beware the Seared Conscience

In the book of 1 Timothy the apostle Paul warns about people leaving the faith because their consciences have been "seared as with a hot iron." This doesn't sound good, but what does it really mean? How does our conscience work, and what can leave it unresponsive and seared? Discover the answers in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
1/2/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 182. 2 Thessalonians: Earth's Final Deception

In 2 Thessalonians, the Bible warns about an ominous power that arises from within Christianity. It eventually exercises power and authority over the Christian church, or "temple." The author of this book, the apostle Paul, also used this word "temple" to refer to the human body. Is it possible that this kingly power that emerges from within Christianity will eventually seek to exercise power over people's "body temples," using what Revelation calls "sorcery" or "pharmakeia" to accomplish its goals?
12/26/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 181: 1 Thessalonians: Prepared for the Thief

In the Bible book of 1 Thessalonians the apostle Paul gives a description of Jesus Christ's second coming. Why is it important to understand what the Bible actually says about this event? What are some common misconceptions in regards to Christ's return? Most importantly, how can we be prepared for this climactic event that will be for many like a thief in the night? Find the answers in this episode of Pictures of the End!
12/19/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 180. COP 27, Mt. Sinai, and Climate Commandments

What do COP27, Mt. Sinai, and climate commandments have to do with each other? Find out how Revelation's prophecies are unfolding in today's world, and what it means for you.
10/11/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 179. Colossians: The Divine Mystery

The book of Colossians speaks of several divine mysteries that must be accomplished in the church before Jesus Christ returns. Discover the connection between these divine mysteries and the heart of Revelation's end-time prophecies in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
9/18/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 178. What is Sanctification?

What is sanctification? Is it done only by God? Is it accomplished by human power? When is it accomplished? Was it all done at the cross? Can it only be experienced at Christ's second coming? Host Tim Rumsey tackles these questions in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
9/4/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 177. Philippians: The Fruit of Righteousness

Is it possible to have peace, joy, and hope when everything is going wrong in your life, or when you are being persecuted for trying to do what is right? The book of Philippians gives a resounding "Yes" in answer to this question, and also reveals what the "fruits of righteousness" will look like in our life through faith in Jesus. In this episode of "Pictures of the End," host Tim Rumsey reveals the connections between these promises in Philippians, and Revelation's end-time prophecies about a group of people called the 144,000.
8/28/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 176. Ephesians: Galactic Warfare

The Bible reveals an unseen spiritual war that rages over planet earth. It also explains how to put on the spiritual armor that will ensure victory in this conflict. Find out more in this episode of “Pictures of the End.”
8/21/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 175. Galatians: Angels With a False Gospel

What do angels with a false gospel have to do with the book of Galatians, and with us today? Find out in this episode of "Pictures of the End." You may be surprised what the Bible has to say about spiritual deception in the world just before Jesus Christ returns.
8/8/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 174. 2 Corinthians: Be Ye Separate

In his second letter to the early church in Corinth, Paul urged the Christians to separate themselves from the corrupt and degraded culture in which they lived. The book of Revelation predicts a similar call from heaven will be given to earth's inhabitants just before Jesus returns. Take a closer look at this "picture of the end" in the book of Revelation!
8/1/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 173. 1 Corinthians: Miserable Christians

The apostle Paul warns against being "miserable Christians" in his letter to the early church in Corinth. The only other time this Greek word translated as "miserable" is used in the Bible is in the book of Revelation, where it speaks about Christians at the very end of time. What can we learn today from Paul's ancient letter to the church in Corinth? Find out in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
7/25/202227 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 172. Romans: Living by Faith

Throughout history, God has sent prophetic messages to His people at times of great crisis. Noah's warning about a global flood, Moses' instructions on the night of the first Passover, and Jeremiah's counsel to the Jews as Babylon's armies approached, are just a few examples of these present-truth messages. What is present truth, and how can we understand it? Discover the Bible's answers in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
6/20/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 171. Acts: The Holy Spirit and Present Truth

God has always given people a present truth message during times of crisis, such as leading up to the worldwide flood in Noah's day, and at the time of Israel's exodus from Egypt. In Acts 1, Jesus gives the disciples a present-truth message revealing their need of the Holy Spirit. This fascinating conversion just before Christ's ascension holds many powerful lessons for us today. In this episode of "Pictures of the End," host Tim Rumsey takes a closer look at the role of the Holy Spirit in bringing people into the Bible's current present-truth message.
6/13/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 170. John: Three Angels in Jerusalem

Jesus Christ's final public message before His arrest and crucifixion is recorded in John 12. The message He shared is mirrored point-by-point in the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14. What do these messages focus on? Why are they so important today? Discover answers to these questions in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
6/6/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 169. Luke: Pictures of the Judgment

What are the issues surrounding God's judgment? Where does it take place? When does it occur? What connection does the judgment have with the temple, or sanctuary? Discover answers to these end-time questions in the gospel of Luke.
5/30/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 168. Mark: The Time of the Second Coming

Mark 9 records Jesus Christ's transfiguration on the mountain. Why did Moses and Elijah appear beside Him? Who do they represent, and what do they represent? Why did Jesus wait six days after predicting this event to actually take His disciples up into the mountain with Him? What does this entire experience mean for us today? Discover the answers in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
5/23/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 167. Matthew: Parables of the Judgment

During the final days of Christ's life He taught every day in the temple. What did He teach about? Why does it matter to us today? Discover the explosive truths Jesus explained in the final hours of His life in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
5/16/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 166. Malachi: The Swiftness of Fulfilling Prophecy

The Old Testament prophet Malachi predicted that the Messiah would come "suddenly" to His temple. When the Messiah finally appeared after nearly 500 years of waiting, it happened quickly. The same pattern has held true in many other Bible prophecies, such as Noah's flood and Israel's exodus from Egypt. In both cases a long time prophecy concluded with a cluster of rapid events. Will Jesus Christ's second coming happen the same way? Are the events happening in our world right now signs of Christ's soon return?
5/9/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 165. Zechariah: The Time of the Latter Rain

The latter rain is a prophetic event mentioned in many places throughout the Bible, and it points to a last-days outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Christian church. The prophet Zechariah states that we should pray for the latter rain "in the time of the latter rain." What does this mean? How do we know when that time is? Is it now? Discover the answers in this episode of "Pictures of the End"!
5/2/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 164. Zechariah: Israel's Role in Bible Prophecy

Perhaps no prophet had stranger visions than Zechariah, who lived in Jerusalem after the return of the Jews from Babylon. Discover the meaning of his eight visions, and their amazing progression leading to the coming of the Messiah. What do these visions mean for Christian's today? How do we know when a particular promise or prophecy in the Old Testament applies only to ancient literal Israel, and when it may also apply to the church today? Find the answers in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
4/25/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Prophecy Update: Will Car-Free Sundays Soon Become Normal?

On March 18, 2022, the International Energy Agency issued a report recommending that private vehicle use be curtailed on Sundays in an effort to reduce oil consumption. Why was Sunday recommended instead Saturday, or any other day of the week? The answer is found in an edict issued 1700 years ago by a Roman emperor.Sign up for prophecy updates here:https://pathwaytoparadise.orgLearn more about the Sabbath in history and prophecy here:https://sabbathrest.comArticles cited in this report:1. The Catholic Press (Sydney, Australia: August, 1900).Saint Catherine Catholic Church Sentinel (Algonac, MI: May 21, 1995).
4/21/20227 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 163. Haggai: Rebuilding the Temple

The Old Testament Haggai was called to encourage the Jews in their rebuilding of the temple after returning from Babylon captivity. That second temple in Jerusalem was to be more honored than Solomon's temple, because the Messiah, Jesus Christ, taught and healed in it. What does this temple represent in Bible prophecy? Is there another temple that is to be built again today?
4/11/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Prophecy Update! Digital Currency is Coming! Did Revelation 13 Warn Us?

What does Revelation 13 say about the rise of digital currency at the end of time? What connection does it have with the mark of the beast? Have we just taken a large step toward the fulfillment of these prophecies?Join our email list and receive these Bible prophecy updates in your inbox.https://pathwaytoparadise.orgWatch this prophecy report as a video here:
4/1/20224 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 162. Snowstorms, Outhouses, and Broken Steering Wheels

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
11/29/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 161. Daniel's Three Angels

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
11/22/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 160. Surviving the Fiery Furnace

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
11/15/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 159. The Open Book, Part 2

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
11/8/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 158. Signs of Christ's Return

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
11/1/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 157. Biblical Principles of Health

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
10/25/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 156. The Stone Kingdom

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
10/17/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 155. Revelation 13 and Freedom of Conscience

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
10/11/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 154. Do Not Be Afraid

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
10/4/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 153. Who Will Stand?

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
9/27/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 152. Zephaniah: Music in the Great Controversy

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
8/2/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 151. Revelation 13 and the Annihilation of the Individual

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
7/5/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 150. Living in a Post-Truth World

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
6/28/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 149. Habakkuk: Living By Faith

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
6/21/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 148. Nahum: The Fate of a Nation

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
6/14/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 147. The Test of Rest

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
5/24/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 146. Out of the Dust

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
5/17/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 145. Fowl that Fly Above the Earth

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
5/10/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 144. Lights in the Sky

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
5/3/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 143. The Firmament

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
4/26/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 142. Let There Be Light

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
4/19/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 141. Micah: What the Lord Requires

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
3/15/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 140. Jonah: God's Merciful Judgment

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
3/8/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 139. Obadiah: The Reason for Judgment

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
3/1/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 138. Amos: The Prophetic Pattern

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
2/22/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 137. Joel: Testing the Prophets

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
2/15/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 136. Hosea: A Messy Love

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
2/8/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 134. Daniel: God is My Judge

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
1/25/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 133. Lamentations: The Close of Probation

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
1/18/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 132. Jeremiah: The Crisis Within

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
1/11/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 131. Faith for a New Year

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
1/4/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 130. The Most Holy Place Laundry

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
12/29/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 129. Isaiah: Prophet of Deliverance

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
12/21/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 128. Song of Solomon: The Lamb's Bride

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
12/14/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 127. Get Out of the City!

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
12/7/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 126. Enter Not into Temptation

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
11/30/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 125. Applying the Atonement

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
11/23/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 124. Accepting the Atonement

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
11/16/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 123. Saving Your Family

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
11/9/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 122. Preparing an Ark

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
11/2/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 121. Moving in Fear

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
10/26/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 120. Living by Faith

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
10/19/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 119. Are We Living at the End of Time?

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
10/12/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 118. What the Bible Says About the End of the World

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Are we living at the end of time? Is humanity facing a tremendous crisis just ahead? If so, how should we prepare for what comes next? Join host Tim Rumsey as he explains the Bible's critically important answers to these questions.
10/5/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 117. Ecclesiastes: The Conclusion of the Matter

What did the wisest man who ever lived conclude about life's real purpose? Find out the answer in this episode of "Pictures of the End" with host Tim Rumsey.
4/27/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 116. Proverbs: The Reward of the Righteous

What does the book of Proverbs reveal about the destiny of all people? You might be surprised! Discover the answer in this episode of "Pictures of the End" with host Tim Rumsey.
4/24/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 115. Psalms: Music and the Great Controversy

Who was the first musician? What role does music play in the great controversy between sin and righteousness? How can music lead us closer to God, or away from Him? Discover the connections between the songs of Psalms and the prophecies of Revelation in this episode of "Pictures of the End," hosted by Tim Rumsey.
2/10/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 114. Job: Faithful Unto Death

The story of Job addresses some of life's most difficult questions--if God exists, why does He allow bad things to happen to good people? Yet, Job's story, and his faithfulness to God in the face of unspeakable tragedy, revealed a trust in God that stood firm even when it seemed that God had turned against him. In this episode of "Pictures of the End," discover what Job's story reveals about the kind of faith Christians will need at the end of time.
2/4/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 113. Esther: The Favor of the King

Queen Esther's courageous intervention for her people in a time of peril is a type, or prophecy, of some very important last-day events in Bible prophecy. Discover God's purpose and promise for you in this episode of "Pictures of the End," hosted by Tim Rumsey.
1/27/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 112. Nehemiah: Repairer of the Breach

Nehemiah's work of rebuilding Jerusalem's wall contains powerful lessons for how every Christian should be living today. Discover the connections between Nehemiah's story and a beautiful prophecy in the book of Isaiah in this episode of "Pictures of the End," hosted by Tim Rumsey.
1/20/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 111. Ezra: Rise of the Remnant

What do Ezra, Jerusalem, and Revelation's end-time remnant have in common? Discover the Bible's hidden connections in this episode of "Pictures of the End," hosted by Tim Rumsey. Ezra's story contains the secrets to a happy and blessed life today, and one that will ultimately be rewarded with the seal of God at the end of time. Don't miss this important study!
12/30/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 110: 2 Chronicles: Uzziah and the Mark of the Beast

Judah's King Uzziah began life as a good king, faithful and obedient to God. However, after his heart was "lifted up," he made some bad choices that led to a mark of leprosy being placed on his forehead. Discover the connection between this tragic story and Revelation's dreaded mark of the beast in this episode of "Pictures of the End," hosted by Tim Rumsey. Most importantly, learn how you can avoid the mark of the beast and remain faithful and obedient to God in your life!
12/23/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 109. 1 Chronicles: Men of War

1 Chronicles 11 and 12 describe King David's mighty men of war--men like Jashobeam and Abishai, who each killed 300 enemies at one time; or Benaiah, who killed a lion in a pit on a snowy day, and defeated an Egyptian who stood over seven feet tall. In this episode of "Pictures of the End," discover what these mighty men of war can teach us about what it means to be spiritually prepared for earth's last spiritual battle between good and evil.
12/16/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 108. 2 Kings: Elijah and the Whirlwind

The prophet Elijah is one of only two people that the Bible identifies as having never died; instead, Scripture says that he was taken directly to heaven without seeing death. This incredible experience has much to teach us about what will happen to many of God’s servants at the second coming of Jesus Christ. We will see that Elijah’s experience, incredible as it was, will be shared by thousands of God’s living saints when Jesus returns.
12/9/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 107. 1 Kings: Fire on the Altar

One of the outstanding stories found in the book of 1 Kings is that of the prophet Elijah, one of Israel's greatest prophets. In today's episode of "Pictures of the End," we will look at Elijah's contest with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, and discover fascinating parallels with Revelation's prophecies of a tremendous false spiritual revival at the end of time.
12/2/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 106. 2 Samuel: Israel's Kingdom and the Mark of the Beast

Just as ancient Israel rejected the theocracy and demanded that a king be placed over them, Bible prophecy predicts that Christianity as a whole will make the same choice. It will reject the work and authority of the Holy Spirit and seek to set up an earthly kingdom with a human leader enforcing religious laws of human origin. Join host Tim Rumsey in this episode of "Pictures of the End" and discover the connection between Israel's kingdom and Revelation's mark of the beast.
11/25/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 105. 1 Samuel: Israel's Theocracy and the Seal of God

Join host Tim Rumsey in this episode of "Pictures of the End" and discover the connection between Israel's theocracy and Revelation's predicted seal of God at the end of time!
11/18/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 104. Ruth: A Divine Love Story

Revelation 19 prophecies about a great divine wedding at the end of time between Jesus Christ and His people, described as a bride dressed in "fine linen, clean and white" (Revelation 19:8). In this episode of "Pictures of the End," join host Tim Rumsey and discover how the Old Testament book of Ruth reveals a beautiful picture of the relationship that Jesus Christ wants with every redeemed person.
11/11/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 103. Judges: Gideon's Army and Revelation's Three Angels

The book of Judges records a spiritually and politically turbulent period in Israel's history between the death of Joshua and the life of Samuel. In this episode of "Pictures of the End," discover the parallels between this period of Israel's history and Bible prophecy's "time of the end," during which God is calling back His people today with thunderous messages from heaven!
11/4/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 102. Joshua: The Fall of Jericho and the Judgment

What does Israel's crossing of the Jordan River, the fall of Jericho, Rahab the prostitute, and Achan's sin of covetousness have to do with Revelation and the end of the world? Find out in this episode of "Pictures of the End" as host Tim Rumsey explains how these ancient stories in the book of Joshua will be repeated just before Christ's second coming. Learn the secret of standing firmly and faithfully in the time of God's judgment!
10/28/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 101. Deuteronomy: Words of Life

Moses' final address to the Israelites before his death, and before their entrance into Canaan, is recorded in the book of Deuteronomy. This episode of "Pictures of the End" explores the connection between this ancient speech and Revelation's end-time prophecies about God's final judgment and the mark of the beast.
10/21/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 100. Numbers: Faith and the Promise of Rest

Why did the ancient Israelites have to wander for forty years in the wilderness? Discover the answer in today's episode of "Pictures of the End" as host Tim Rumsey explores the Old Testament book of Numbers. See how Israel's wanderings in the wilderness reveal the most basic issues of life and death at the end of time!
10/14/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 99. Leviticus: Jesus and His Sanctuary

In this episode of "Pictures of the End" discover how Leviticus, the third and central book of the Pentateuch, contains an amazing revelation of the plan of salvation. The sanctuary and its services, described in detail in the book of Leviticus, reveals prophetic insights into Christ's earthly and heavenly ministries, and takes the reader down to our day and the final events of salvation history. Find Jesus in His sanctuary in the book of Leviticus!
10/7/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 98. Exodus: Salvation Through Judgment

The book of Exodus records how God miraculously led the nation of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. In this episode of "Pictures of the End," discover how the calling of Moses, the ten plagues, and the escape of Israel through the Red Sea, are all types of the great escape from sin through Jesus Christ. Specifically, we will see how the pivotal moment in Israel's escape--the slaying of the lambs on the first Passover night--reveals the secret to how we can stand in the hour of judgment at the end of time.
9/30/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 97. Genesis: Order Out of Chaos

The book of Genesis records God's creation of this world, and reveals how He brought order out of chaos in the physical realm during Creation week. At the end of time, the Bible depicts this world as being wrapped in many kinds of chaos, and, in the book of Revelation, prophecy predicts how God will once again bring order to His creation.
9/23/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 96. Persecuted for Righteousness

Join host Tim Rumsey and author Philip Samaan as they study, discuss, and apply the story of Daniel in the lions' den to our world today.
2/8/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 95. Worship Wars

In this episode host Tim Rumsey and author Philip Samaan investigate the story of the fiery furnace in Daniel 3, and uncover important lessons for Christians living today.
2/6/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 91. A Knowledge of God

In Revelation 14 an angel flies over the earth proclaiming the everlasting gospel. What, exactly, is this gospel? Is it based only in Jesus Christ's historical life, death, and resurrection? Does it refer only to something Christ accomplished for humanity at the cross? Or does it also have practical and important implications for us today? Join Tim Rumsey and Pastor David Salazar in this ten-part series exploring the explosive good news of the everlasting gospel and what it means for us today.
1/21/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 90. The Work and the Life

In Revelation 14 an angel flies over the earth proclaiming the everlasting gospel. What, exactly, is this gospel? Is it based only in Jesus Christ's historical life, death, and resurrection? Does it refer only to something Christ accomplished for humanity at the cross? Or does it also have practical and important implications for us today? Join Tim Rumsey and Pastor David Salazar in this ten-part series exploring the explosive good news of the everlasting gospel and what it means for us today.
12/31/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 89. Growing Up Into Christ

In Revelation 14 an angel flies over the earth proclaiming the everlasting gospel. What, exactly, is this gospel? Is it based only in Jesus Christ's historical life, death, and resurrection? Does it refer only to something Christ accomplished for humanity at the cross? Or does it also have practical and important implications for us today? Join Tim Rumsey and Pastor David Salazar in this ten-part series exploring the explosive good news of the everlasting gospel and what it means for us today.
12/24/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 88. The Test of Discipleship

In Revelation 14 an angel flies over the earth proclaiming the everlasting gospel. What, exactly, is this gospel? Is it based only in Jesus Christ's historical life, death, and resurrection? Does it refer only to something Christ accomplished for humanity at the cross? Or does it also have practical and important implications for us today? Join Tim Rumsey and Pastor David Salazar in this ten-part series exploring the explosive good news of the everlasting gospel and what it means for us today.
12/17/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 87. Faith and Acceptance

In Revelation 14 an angel flies over the earth proclaiming the everlasting gospel. What, exactly, is this gospel? Is it based only in Jesus Christ's historical life, death, and resurrection? Does it refer only to something Christ accomplished for humanity at the cross? Or does it also have practical and important implications for us today? Join Tim Rumsey and Pastor David Salazar in this ten-part series exploring the explosive good news of the everlasting gospel and what it means for us today.
12/10/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 86. Confession and Consecration

In Revelation 14 an angel flies over the earth proclaiming the everlasting gospel. What, exactly, is this gospel? Is it based only in Jesus Christ's historical life, death, and resurrection? Does it refer only to something Christ accomplished for humanity at the cross? Or does it also have practical and important implications for us today? Join Tim Rumsey and Pastor David Salazar in this ten-part series exploring the explosive good news of the everlasting gospel and what it means for us today.
12/3/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 85. Repentance

In Revelation 14 an angel flies over the earth proclaiming the everlasting gospel. What, exactly, is this gospel? Is it based only in Jesus Christ's historical life, death, and resurrection? Does it refer only to something Christ accomplished for humanity at the cross? Or does it also have practical and important implications for us today? Join Tim Rumsey and Pastor David Salazar in this ten-part series exploring the explosive good news of the everlasting gospel and what it means for us today.
11/26/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 84. The Sinner's Need of Christ

In Revelation 14 an angel flies over the earth proclaiming the everlasting gospel. What, exactly, is this gospel? Is it based only in Jesus Christ's historical life, death, and resurrection? Does it refer only to something Christ accomplished for humanity at the cross? Or does it also have practical and important implications for us today? Join Tim Rumsey and Pastor David Salazar in this ten-part series exploring the explosive good news of the everlasting gospel and what it means for us today.
10/15/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 83. God's Love For Man

In Revelation 14 an angel flies over the earth proclaiming the everlasting gospel. What, exactly, is this gospel? Is it based only in Jesus Christ's historical life, death, and resurrection? Does it refer only to something Christ accomplished for humanity on the cross, or can it also make a practical difference in your life today? Join Tim Rumsey and Pastor David Salazar for in this first episode of Pathway to Peace, a ten-part series exploring the everlasting gospel.
10/8/201818 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 82. Ancient Egypt and the Bible, Part 2

Modern archaeology has uncovered amazing discoveries about ancient Egypt. Join host Tim Rumsey and historian Burney Culpepper as they review recently found evidence that supports the Bible's account of Joseph, Moses, and the Israelites in ancient Egypt.
10/1/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 81. Ancient Egypt and the Bible, Part 1

Modern archaeology has uncovered amazing discoveries about ancient Egypt. Join host Tim Rumsey and historian Burney Culpepper as they review recently found evidence that supports the Bible's account of Joseph, Moses, and the Israelites in ancient Egypt.
9/24/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 80. Revelation for Kids

Can children understand the book of Revelation? Discover "Revelation for Kids," a great website designed to help children find the love of Jesus in the book of Revelation. Join host Tim Rumsey and "Revelation for Kids" creator Shama Stock in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
9/17/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 79. We Shall Behold Him

  More than 3,000 years ago, God gave His people a blueprint revealing the mysteries of salvation. Today, the sanctuary message retains its potency and power. "The Shadow of His Wings" takes a fascinating and compelling look at the sanctuary message for today. Topics include the hidden relationship between the garden of Eden and the Garden of Gethsemane, the nature of sin, the new birth experience, how Jesus lived by faith, the mystery of God, and the connection between the most holy place and the second coming of Jesus Christ. Discover the promise of Christ's righteousness for you! Join host Tim Rumsey for this ten-episode series.  
9/10/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 78. The Faith of Jesus

  More than 3,000 years ago, God gave His people a blueprint revealing the mysteries of salvation. Today, the sanctuary message retains its potency and power. "The Shadow of His Wings" takes a fascinating and compelling look at the sanctuary message for today. Topics include the hidden relationship between the garden of Eden and the Garden of Gethsemane, the nature of sin, the new birth experience, how Jesus lived by faith, the mystery of God, and the connection between the most holy place and the second coming of Jesus Christ. Discover the promise of Christ's righteousness for you! Join host Tim Rumsey for this ten-episode series.  
9/6/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 77. The Mystery of God

More than 3,000 years ago, God gave His people a blueprint revealing the mysteries of salvation. Today, the sanctuary message retains its potency and power. "The Shadow of His Wings" takes a fascinating and compelling look at the sanctuary message for today. Topics include the hidden relationship between the garden of Eden and the Garden of Gethsemane, the nature of sin, the new birth experience, how Jesus lived by faith, the mystery of God, and the connection between the most holy place and the second coming of Jesus Christ. Discover the promise of Christ's righteousness for you! Join host Tim Rumsey for this ten-episode series.
8/27/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 76. Priests and Prophets

More than 3,000 years ago, God gave His people a blueprint revealing the mysteries of salvation. Today, the sanctuary message retains its potency and power. "The Shadow of His Wings" takes a fascinating and compelling look at the sanctuary message for today. Topics include the hidden relationship between the garden of Eden and the Garden of Gethsemane, the nature of sin, the new birth experience, how Jesus lived by faith, the mystery of God, and the connection between the most holy place and the second coming of Jesus Christ. Discover the promise of Christ's righteousness for you! Join host Tim Rumsey for this ten-episode series.
8/20/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 75. The Last Six Hours

More than 3,000 years ago, God gave His people a blueprint revealing the mysteries of salvation. Today, the sanctuary message retains its potency and power. "The Shadow of His Wings" takes a fascinating and compelling look at the sanctuary message for today. Topics include the hidden relationship between the garden of Eden and the Garden of Gethsemane, the nature of sin, the new birth experience, how Jesus lived by faith, the mystery of God, and the connection between the most holy place and the second coming of Jesus Christ. Discover the promise of Christ's righteousness for you! Join host Tim Rumsey for this ten-episode series.
8/13/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 74. The Word Became Flesh

More than 3,000 years ago, God gave His people a blueprint revealing the mysteries of salvation. Today, the sanctuary message retains its potency and power. "The Shadow of His Wings" takes a fascinating and compelling look at the sanctuary message for today. Topics include the hidden relationship between the garden of Eden and the Garden of Gethsemane, the nature of sin, the new birth experience, how Jesus lived by faith, the mystery of God, and the connection between the most holy place and the second coming of Jesus Christ. Discover the promise of Christ's righteousness for you! Join host Tim Rumsey for this ten-episode series.
8/6/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 73. You Must Be Born Again

More than 3,000 years ago, God gave His people a blueprint revealing the mysteries of salvation. Today, the sanctuary message retains its potency and power. "The Shadow of His Wings" takes a fascinating and compelling look at the sanctuary message for today. Join host Tim Rumsey for this ten-episode series.
7/30/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 72. The Mystery of Iniquity

More than 3,000 years ago, God gave His people a blueprint revealing the mysteries of salvation. Today, the sanctuary message retains its potency and power. "The Shadow of His Wings" takes a fascinating and compelling look at the sanctuary message for today. Join host Tim Rumsey for this ten-episode series.
7/23/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 71. The Covering

More than 3,000 years ago, God gave His people a blueprint revealing the mysteries of salvation. Today, the sanctuary message retains its potency and power. "The Shadow of His Wings" takes a fascinating and compelling look at the sanctuary message for today. Join host Tim Rumsey for this ten-episode series.
7/16/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 69. Revelation's Seven Trumpets, Part 7

Revelation's seven trumpets have caused much confusion and apprehension for many people. Discover the good news about the seven trumpets as host Tim Rumsey and special guest David Salazar dive deep into Bible prophecy and uncover a message of hope and peace in the heart of Revelation.
7/2/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 68. Revelation's Seven Trumpets, Part 6

Revelation's seven trumpets have caused much confusion and apprehension for many people. Discover the good news about the seven trumpets as host Tim Rumsey and special guest David Salazar dive deep into Bible prophecy and uncover a message of hope and peace in the heart of Revelation.
6/25/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 67. Revelation's Seven Trumpets, Part 5

Revelation's seven trumpets have caused much confusion and apprehension for many people. Discover the good news about the seven trumpets as host Tim Rumsey and special guest David Salazar dive deep into Bible prophecy and uncover a message of hope and peace in the heart of Revelation.
6/18/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 66. Revelation's Seven Trumpets, Part 4

Revelation's seven trumpets have caused much confusion and apprehension for many people. Discover the good news about the seven trumpets as host Tim Rumsey and special guest David Salazar dive deep into Bible prophecy and uncover a message of hope and peace in the heart of Revelation.
6/11/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 65. Revelation's Seven Trumpets, Part 3

Revelation's seven trumpets have caused much confusion and apprehension for many people. Discover the good news about the seven trumpets as host Tim Rumsey and special guest David Salazar dive deep into Bible prophecy and uncover a message of hope and peace in the heart of Revelation.
6/4/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 64. Revelation's Seven Trumpets, Part 2

Revelation's seven trumpets have caused much confusion and apprehension for many people. Discover the good news about the seven trumpets as host Tim Rumsey and special guest David Salazar dive deep into Bible prophecy and uncover a message of hope and peace in the heart of Revelation.
5/28/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 63. Revelation's Seven Trumpets, Part 1

Revelation's seven trumpets have caused much confusion and apprehension for many people. Discover the good news about the seven trumpets as host Tim Rumsey and special guest David Salazar dive deep into Bible prophecy and uncover a message of hope and peace in the heart of Revelation.
5/21/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 55. Unity at What Cost?

Is the Protestant Reformation finished? Was it simply a passing "family feud" within Christianity, an insignificant historical footnote with little relevance to modern life? Join host Tim Rumsey in this eight-part series that reveals how the issue of spiritual authority not only fueled the Protestant Reformation centuries ago, but continues to shape our world today.
3/30/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 54. A Friend in Strange Places

Is the Protestant Reformation finished? Was it simply a passing "family feud" within Christianity, an insignificant historical footnote with little relevance to modern life? Join host Tim Rumsey in this eight-part series that reveals how the issue of spiritual authority not only fueled the Protestant Reformation centuries ago, but continues to shape our world today.
3/23/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 53. The Mark of Authority

Is the Protestant Reformation finished? Was it simply a passing "family feud" within Christianity, an insignificant historical footnote with little relevance to modern life? Join host Tim Rumsey in this eight-part series that reveals how the issue of spiritual authority not only fueled the Protestant Reformation centuries ago, but continues to shape our world today.
3/16/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 52. A Deadly Wound Healed

Is the Protestant Reformation finished? Was it simply a passing "family feud" within Christianity, an insignificant historical footnote with little relevance to modern life? Join host Tim Rumsey in this eight-part series that reveals how the issue of spiritual authority not only fueled the Protestant Reformation centuries ago, but continues to shape our world today.
3/9/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 51. The Rest of the Story

Is the Protestant Reformation finished? Was it simply a passing "family feud" within Christianity, an insignificant historical footnote with little relevance to modern life? Join host Tim Rumsey in this eight-part series that reveals how the issue of spiritual authority not only fueled the Protestant Reformation centuries ago, but continues to shape our world today.
2/26/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 50. Metal Men and Flying Lions

Is the Protestant Reformation finished? Was it simply a passing "family feud" within Christianity, an insignificant historical footnote with little relevance to modern life? Join host Tim Rumsey in this eight-part series that reveals how the issue of spiritual authority not only fueled the Protestant Reformation centuries ago, but continues to shape our world today.
2/19/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 49. Justification, Authority, and the Priesthood

Is the Protestant Reformation finished? Was it simply a passing "family feud" within Christianity, an insignificant historical footnote with little relevance to modern life? Join host Tim Rumsey in this eight-part series that reveals how the issue of spiritual authority not only fueled the Protestant Reformation centuries ago, but continues to shape our world today.
2/12/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 48. The Keys of Heaven

Is the Protestant Reformation finished? Was it simply a passing "family feud" within Christianity, an insignificant historical footnote with little relevance to modern life? Join host Tim Rumsey in this eight-part series that reveals how the issue of spiritual authority not only fueled the Protestant Reformation centuries ago, but continues to shape our world today.
2/5/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 46. Revelation and God's End-Time Judgment

Disasters of every kind are rapidly increasing in our world today. Are these simply indications of a planet in decay, or do they reveal the judgments of an angry God? Is His judgment something to be feared, or can we actually find joy in God’s judgment? Discover God’s seven-step response to sin in the stories of Genesis, track it through history, and see it played out in the life of Christ. Follow these seven steps in the prophecies of Revelation, and understand where we are today in the judgment sequence.
1/22/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 45. The Bible's Longest Time Prophecy

  Disasters of every kind are rapidly increasing in our world today. Are these simply indications of a planet in decay, or do they reveal the judgments of an angry God? Is His judgment something to be feared, or can we actually find joy in God’s judgment? Discover God’s seven-step response to sin in the stories of Genesis, track it through history, and see it played out in the life of Christ. Follow these seven steps in the prophecies of Revelation, and understand where we are today in the judgment sequence.    
1/15/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 44. Daniel's 70 Weeks and the Messiah

  Disasters of every kind are rapidly increasing in our world today. Are these simply indications of a planet in decay, or do they reveal the judgments of an angry God? Is His judgment something to be feared, or can we actually find joy in God’s judgment? Discover God’s seven-step response to sin in the stories of Genesis, track it through history, and see it played out in the life of Christ. Follow these seven steps in the prophecies of Revelation, and understand where we are today in the judgment sequence.  
1/8/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 43. Fire From Heaven

Disasters of every kind are rapidly increasing in our world today. Are these simply indications of a planet in decay, or do they reveal the judgments of an angry God? Is His judgment something to be feared, or can we actually find joy in God’s judgment? Discover God’s seven-step response to sin in the stories of Genesis, track it through history, and see it played out in the life of Christ. Follow these seven steps in the prophecies of Revelation, and understand where we are today in the judgment sequence.
1/5/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 39. What Happens When We Die? Part 2

What happens when we die? This question has haunted the human race since we began thinking about such things. Perhaps it has scared or concerned you as well. Today's episode of "Pictures of the End" investigates the Biblical evidence about what happens when we die. You may be surprised to discover that the answer is found in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!
12/8/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 38. What Happens When We Die? Part 1

What happens when we die? This question has haunted the human race since we began thinking about such things. Perhaps it has scared or concerned you as well. Today's episode of "Pictures of the End" investigates the Biblical evidence about what happens when we die. You may be surprised to discover that the answer is found in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!
12/1/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 37. The Seven Last Plagues

In Revelation 16 the Bible predicts a time of terrible destruction during the seven last plagues. Many people fear this time of trouble, uncertain whether they would be able to survive. Others don't worry about this tribulation period, assuming that God will have already taken His people away. What does the Bible really say about the seven last plagues and how to survive them? Join host Tim Rumsey as he investigates the Biblical evidence that Jesus Christ already suffered the seven last plagues so that you don't have to!
11/17/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 36. The Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit

Do you desire a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ? Do you feel at times that something is missing in your walk with God? The Bible predicts a mighty revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit shortly before the second coming of Jesus Christ. One such prophecy is found in Joel 2:28, which says, "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, you young men shall see visions." But can you be sure that you will participate in this great revival? Join host Tim Rumsey and guest Tim Saxton as they uncover "pictures" throughout the Bible of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the shaking of the church.
11/10/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 35. Cultural Collapse Syndrome

The Bible predicts that at the end of time human society will reach an all-time low. "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traiters, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God" (2 Timothy 3:1-4). Are we there today? In this episode of "Pictures of the End" host Tim Rumsey talks with special guest Scott Ritsema about western culture today and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
11/3/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 34. The United States in Bible Prophecy

Is the United States in Bible prophecy? Join host Tim Rumsey and special guest Scott Ritsema as they investigate what the Bible says about the origin and future of the world's most powerful nation.
10/27/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 33. Thunder from Heaven, Part 3

What will the world look like at the "time of the end," shortly before Jesus Christ returns? In the previous episode of "Pictures of the End," we discovered that the Bible's longest time prophecy ended in 1844, when God's judgment began in heaven. But what happened on Earth in 1844? In this episode, host Tim Rumsey investigates the three angels' messages of Revelation 14, and shows how they warn about many tremendous changes that would take place in our world beginning in 1844.
10/20/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 32. Thunder from Heaven, Part 2

What will the world look like at the "time of the end," shortly before Jesus Christ returns? In the previous episode of "Pictures of the End," we discovered that the Bible's longest time prophecy ended in 1844, when God's judgment began in heaven. But what happened on Earth in 1844? In this episode, host Tim Rumsey investigates the three angels' messages of Revelation 14, and shows how they warn about many tremendous changes that would take place in our world beginning in 1844.
10/13/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 31. Thunder from Heaven, Part 1

What will the world look like at the "time of the end," shortly before Jesus Christ returns? In the previous episode of "Pictures of the End," we discovered that the Bible's longest time prophecy ended in 1844, when God's judgment began in heaven. But what happened on Earth in 1844? In this episode, host Tim Rumsey investigates the three angels' messages of Revelation 14, and shows how they warn about many tremendous changes that would take place in our world beginning in 1844.
10/6/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 30. In the Temple

Have you ever been disappointed in God? Have you ever not understood why God has allowed something to happen, or something not to happen? The disciples faced a huge misunderstanding about Jesus Christ and His actions immediately after the triumphal entry. Rather than announce Himself as the king of Israel and set up the kingdom of God on earth as they expected, Jesus entered the temple in Jerusalem and cleansed it of the unholy commerce taking place there. Discover the prophetic fulfillment of this dramatic act as host Tim Rumsey explains the Bible's longest time prophecy!
10/2/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 29. The Triumphal Entry and the Final Week, Part 2

Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem several days before His crucifixion was the high point of His ministry. The people expected Him to announce Himself as the Messiah and set up God's kingdom on earth.  This experience was prophetic of a similar expectation held by many Christians thousands  of years later. Find out more in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
9/22/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 28. The Triumphal Entry and the Final Week, Part 1

Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem several days before His crucifixion was the high point of His ministry. The people expected Him to announce Himself as the Messiah and set up God's kingdom on earth. This experience was prophetic of a similar expectation held by Christains around the world thousands of years later. Find out more on this episode of "Pictures of the End."
9/15/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 27. Lazarus and the Protestant Reformation

Many Christians around the world are declaring that the year 2017 will mark the end of the Protestant Reformation. Has the last 500 years of division between Protestants and Rome been a mistake, a passing "family feud" that needs to end? In this episode of "Pictures of the End," host Tim Rumsey looks at the raising of Lazarus and shows how this amazing miracle is in fact a prophecy of the Protestant Reformation.
9/8/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 26. Daniel's Little Horn, Part 2

It is a much-forgotten fact of history that the Protestant reformers unanimously identified the little horn power in Daniel 7 and 8 as the church of Rome. Why? In this episode of "Pictures of the End," host Tim Rumsey continues to investigate the Biblical and historical evidence for the Reformers' understanding of the little horn power.
9/1/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 25. Daniel's Little Horn

Who are the major players in end-time Bible prophecy? The prophet Daniel saw a mysterious "little horn" that plays a huge role in prophecy. This little horn goes by many names, like the "beast," "mystery of iniquity," "lawless one," and "son of perdition." In this episode of "Pictures of the End," host Tim Rumsey investigates the Biblical and historical evidence for the Reformers' understanding of the little horn power.
8/25/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 24. Labor Day or Memorial Day?

Do you observe Labor Day or Memorial Day? No, I'm not referring to the annual holidays in the United States. This question is far more important! The world today is talking more and more about a weekly day of rest. Religious folk refer to it as a Sabbath, while secular folk are more and more calling this weekly day of rest a "secular sabbath." What does the Bible say about the Sabbath? You might be surprised to discover that many people are actually laboring on God's Memorial Day, the Sabbath!
8/18/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 23. Signs, Miracles, and Coming Deceptions

Jesus warned repeatedly in Matthew 24 that many people would be deceived at the end of time by signs, miracles, and coming deceptions. Are we seeing these predicted omens of Christ's second coming in the world today? Are there genuine miracles? If so, how can you tell the difference between the true and the false? In this episode of "Pictures of the End," host Tim Rumsey explores the Biblical evidence to answers to these important questions.
8/11/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 22. Is Caffeine Safe?

Is caffeine a harmless morning pick-me-up, or are there hidden dangers in this common beverage? Join Tim Rumsey and guest Dr. TJ Knutson as we explore the truth behind caffeine.
8/4/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 21. Pentecost and Heaven's Temple

Do you know what Jesus has been doing in heaven since His ascension nearly 2,000 years ago? The answer forms the foundation of the Christian's hope in a living Savior. Do you know what happened on Earth the same day that Jesus Christ was anointed as High Priest of heaven's temple? The answer may surprise you! In this episode of "Pictures of the End" we look at the Bible's answer to these and other questions.
7/28/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 20. What Causes Autoimmune Disease?

Autoimmune diseases such as lupus, celiac disease, and type 1 diabetes are becoming more and more prevalent as each year goes by. Does the Bible predict the increase of autoimmune and other diseases at the end of time? What causes these diseases, and is there anything that you can do to avoid, stop, and even reverse the symptoms of autoimmune disease? Join host Tim Rumsey and special guest Dr. TJ Knutson as we discover answers to these important questions.
7/21/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 19. Daniel's Four Beasts

Many people believe that the rise and fall of nations are due entirely to the wisdom, strength, and craftiness of man. The Bible, however, paints a different picture. More than 2,000 years ago God predicted through the prophet Daniel the future of the world from Daniel's time until the second coming of Jesus Christ. In this episode of "Pictures of the End" we investigate Daniel's terrifying yet captivating dream of four wild beasts.
7/7/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 18. Will Jerusalem's Temple Be Rebuilt, Part 2

The eyes of many Christians and Jews around the world today are focused on Jerusalem. Will the temple be rebuilt after laying in ruins for nearly 2,000 years? If it is, would this be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy? What does the Bible say about the sanctuary, or temple, and what is its true significance today? In this episode of "Pictures of the End" we investigate what the Bible says about the temple of God in heaven and its importance today.
6/30/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 17. Will Jerusalem's Temple Be Rebuilt, Part 1

The eyes of many Christians and Jews around the world today are focused on Jerusalem. Will the temple be rebuilt after laying in ruins for nearly 2,000 years? If it is, would this be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy? What does the Bible say about the sanctuary, or temple, and what is its true significance today? In this episode of "Pictures of the End" we investigate what the Bible says about the temple of God and its importance today.
6/23/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 16. Israel and the Body of Christ

Israel appears a lot in the news these days, and many Christians believe that prophecy must unfold in a certain way in the land of Israel before Jesus Christ returns. What is Israel's significance today? Should Christians be concerned about what happens within Israel? This episode of "Pictures of the End" investigates Israel's connection with the life of Jesus Christ, and provides a foundation for understanding the Bible's many end-times prophecies.
6/2/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 15. The Mark of the Beast Issue

Does the mark of the beast predicted in Revelation confuse you or scare you? The principles underlying the issue of the mark of the beast are among the most clearly defined and illustrated in the Bible. This should not be surprising, because the third angel of Revelation 14 presents the mark of the beast as a life-and-death issue. God most certainly would not present a warning in such dramatic language and then fail to simply and clearly provide an explanation of the matter. In this episode of "Pictures of the End" we will look at the issues behind the mark of the beast, and see how the Bible paints a clear picture of how we can avoid the mark.
5/25/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 14. Can Christians Believe in Evolution? (Part 2)

How did life originate? Among the big questions that people ask, this is one of the biggest. It’s also one of the most important; the answer determines whether or not life has meaning. In the last 150 years, the theory of Darwinian evolution has presented an opposing worldview to the Bible’s explanation of origins. Is this theory compatible with Christianity? Can a Christian believe in evolution?
4/24/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 13. Can Christians Believe in Evolution? (Part 1)

How did life originate? Among the big questions that people ask, this is one of the biggest. It’s also one of the most important; the answer determines whether or not life has meaning. In the last 150 years, the theory of Darwinian evolution has presented an opposing worldview to the Bible’s explanation of origins. Is this theory compatible with Christianity? Can a Christian believe in evolution?
4/17/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 12. Fire From Heaven, Part 4

Disasters of every kind are rapidly increasing in our world today. Are these simply indications of a planet in decay, or do they reveal the judgments of an angry God? Is His judgment something to be feared, or can we actually find joy in God’s judgment? Discover God’s seven-step response to sin in the stories of Genesis, track it through history, and see it played out in the life of Christ. Follow these seven steps in the prophecies of Revelation, and understand where we are today in the judgment sequence.
4/10/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 11. Fire From Heaven, Part 3

Disasters of every kind are rapidly increasing in our world today. Are these simply indications of a planet in decay, or do they reveal the judgments of an angry God? Is His judgment something to be feared, or can we actually find joy in God’s judgment? Discover God’s seven-step response to sin in the stories of Genesis, track it through history, and see it played out in the life of Christ. Follow these seven steps in the prophecies of Revelation, and understand where we are today in the judgment sequence.
4/3/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 10. Fire From Heaven, Part 2

Disasters of every kind are rapidly increasing in our world today. Are these simply indications of a planet in decay, or do they reveal the judgments of an angry God? Is His judgment something to be feared, or can we actually find joy in God’s judgment? Discover God’s seven-step response to sin in the stories of Genesis, track it through history, and see it played out in the life of Christ. Follow these seven steps in the prophecies of Revelation, and understand where we are today in the judgment sequence.
3/27/201730 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 9. Fire From Heaven, Part 1

Disasters of every kind are rapidly increasing in our world today. Are these simply indications of a planet in decay, or do they reveal the judgments of an angry God? Is His judgment something to be feared, or can we actually find joy in God’s judgment? Discover God’s seven-step response to sin in the stories of Genesis, track it through history, and see it played out in the life of Christ. Follow these seven steps in the prophecies of Revelation, and understand where we are today in the judgment sequence.
3/19/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 8. God's End-Time Revival, Part 2

Genesis chapters 1 and 2 contain an amazing picture and prophecy of God’s end-time revival. This revival has been going on now for nearly 700 years, and it began with John Wycliffe and the other early reformers who translated the Bible out of Latin and into the common languages of the people. The Bible compares God’s word to light, and this historical “freeing” of the Bible was predicted in God’s work on the first day of creation—He separated the light from the darkness. This episode of "Pictures of the End" traces God's end-time revival through the second half of creation week, and reveals where we are today in this process.
3/10/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 7. God's End-Time Revival, Part 1

Revelation predicts that there will be two revivals at the end—a true one and a false one. The false one will have a lot of power, it will generate a lot of interest and excitement, and it will do some pretty amazing things; the Bible says that miracles will be worked. However, the foundation of the false revival will be a rejection of the Bible as God’s clearly explained standard of truth. In its place mankind will set up its own wisdom, its own philosophy, and its own system of religion and worship. Tragically, millions of people will be swept up in this great religious excitement. What will God's true end-time revival look like?  Genesis 1 and 2 is a picture of God’s end-time revival! Find out how in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
3/3/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 6. Revelation's False Revival

The book of Revelation predicts that two great spiritual revivals will take place on earth shortly before the second coming of Jesus Christ. One will be sent from heaven, and the other will ascend from the abyss, Revelation’s word for the home of demons. One revival will be sent by God, the other will be a counterfeit sent from Satan. How can you know the difference between these two movements?  This episode of "Pictures of the End" investigates the Bible's secret key to avoiding Revelation's false revival.
2/24/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 5. God's Doomsday Clock

On January 26, 2017, six days after Donald Trump was inaugurated as President of the United States, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists reset their symbolic “doomsday clock” to its closest time to midnight in 64 years. Lawrence Krauss, the bulletin's chair, told a news conference in Washington, “The Doomsday Clock is closer to midnight than it's ever been in the lifetime of almost everyone in this room.” Christians who believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word don’t have to worry about the world ending due to catastrophic climate change, collapse of the world’s computer systems, or a nuclear holocaust.  These and other threats may very well wreck havoc on this world in the future, but according to the Bible, the world will end when Jesus Christ returns at the second coming. This episode of "Pictures of the End" investigates the Biblical evidence that God has hidden a “doomsday clock” in the very fabric of creation.  We are going to look at several prophecies and stories that act as “pictures of the end.” Understood together, they paint a very clear picture about how close the world really is to midnight and the end of human history.
2/17/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 4. Is Division Sinful?

Is division sinful?  Many Christians from many denominations are claiming that it is time for all Christians to visibly unite.  The argument goes like this: Christianity needs a revival and God will not and cannot bless the church with a revival until all Christians visibly unite.  In order to participate in this visible unity, individual denominations are being encouraged to downplay or even ignore Bible doctrines and teachings that foster division.  Many are even claiming that it is sinful to not participate in the visible unity that is being pushed.  Is division sinful?  Or is it God's method of creating new life and revival?  Find out in this episode of "Pictures of the End"!
2/10/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 3. The Mark of the Beast: Three Pictures

Want to know what the Bible really says about the mark of the beast? The Bible explains exactly what the issues are with the mark of the beast, and it reveals the political and religious movements that will bring it about.  This episode reveals three amazing Old Testament stories that paint a very clear picture of what the mark of the beast is all about, and how it will be implemented.
2/3/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 2. Donald Trump, the EU, and the End of Time

Donald Trump's unexpected election as President of the United States has been compared to Britain's vote to leave the European Union in June of 2016. Trump has publicly stated that he expects more member nations to leave the EU. This episode of Pictures of the End investigates Biblical evidence from Daniel chapter 2 that God predicted these events more than 2,500 years ago.
1/26/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 1. The Coming Judgments of God

Polls reveal that many people are convinced we live today near the end of Earth's history. The Bible does speak of "the time of the end." Can we know when this time has arrived? Do the catastrophes and other events in our world today reveal that God is judging the world? Join host Tim Rumsey as he interviews pastor Steve Wohlberg from White Horse Media.
1/24/201728 minutes, 31 seconds