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Podcast UFO

English, Sciences, 1 season, 806 episodes, 6 days, 11 hours, 58 minutes
Podcast UFO is place where you can listen to audio podcasts about UFOs, close encounters and people associated with the UFO phenomenon. Witnesses involved in such things as sightings, views on cover-ups and more. Listeners are welcome to interact with guests, visit the website to find out how. Shows are recorded live on YouTube stream every Tuesday evening, 6:00 to 8:00PM EST.
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627A. Bruce Rapuano

Our guest is, Bruce Rapuano, who is a mainstream scientist that shares his personal encounters with highly advanced beings. Abducted along with many others, Bruce’s story offers a rare, first-hand look into this phenomenon. His book, Dominion Lost, presents compelling purported technological evidence of an alien presence, including advanced UFO propulsion systems and mysterious implanted device and more.Show NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
9/18/202453 minutes, 47 seconds
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627B Darcy Weir & Andy Marcial

Transmedium: Puerto Rico's UFOs Guests, filmmaker Darcy Weir who teamed up with Puerto Rican UAP researcher Andy Marcial to investigate unexplained aerial phenomena across Puerto Rico. The film features the whistleblower behind the leaked 2013 Aguadilla UAP footage and showcases Marcial's expertise, known for leaking 2021's DHS videos through his NY_UAP_Discussion platform. Through compelling witness testimonies and expert analysis, the documentary explores the UAP and NHI phenomena that have intrigued pilots, Navy personnel, and witnesses for years. Darcy and Andy are now booking conference presentations and interviews to discuss their research and its far-reaching implications.Show NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
9/18/202446 minutes, 1 second
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The UFOs Caught on Film by Paul Bennewitz

In December of 1979, Paul Bennewitz, a man who wrote he had been studying the UFO phenomenon since 1948, was told by his wife that she heard a high-pitched buzzing sound right over their house after being woken up by their small dog who was barking before dawn one morning. Bennewitz had been recently seeing strange lights over Archuleta Mesa in Dulce, New Mexico, and thought to himself (not wanting to alarm his wife) that maybe what he had been observing was now observing him. His house, in the Four Hills neighborhood east of Albuquerque, had a second-floor observation deck with a view of the Manzano Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland AFB to the south. He began watching the skies nightly and managed to capture images over the MWSA of what he was convinced were brightly lit objects with unusual characteristics. This set off a train of events that involved the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, a self-proclaimed CIA-trained disinformation agent, and a well-known author and UFO researcher. What Bennewitz caught on film tends to get lost in the many tellings of this story, but a detailed examination can be found in the 2012 book, X Descending by Christian Lambright, from which the details of above account were taken. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/15/20249 minutes, 11 seconds
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AudioBlog The MJ 12 Documents

In the midst of the excitement created by the publication in 1980 of The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz and William Moore, a set of documents reportedly came into Moore’s possession that seemed to support the story of a flying saucer recovery near Roswell and a secret government body, Majestic 12, that handled such things. These became known to UFO researchers and later, the general public. They consist of eight pages, seven of which are seemingly a briefing document for President Eisenhower, and an additional page, which is a letter dated September 24, 1947, from President Harry Truman to Secretary of Defense James Forrestal authorizing the creation of Majestic 12. The subject of the briefing document is “Operation Majestic Twelve,” and the collection of pages is often referred to as “The MJ-12 Documents.” Naturally, UFO researchers considered the possibility that the documents had been forged. Barry Greenwood and Brad Sparks came to the conclusion that they had, as did the FBI, which has made copies available on their website with “BOGUS” written across every page. The questions we’ll look at in this blog are who might have forged them and why. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/13/202410 minutes, 44 seconds
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626. Lue Elizondo IMMINENT!

Guest, Lue Elizondo discusses his newly released book, Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs. As the former head of the Pentagon's secretive UAP investigation program, Elizondo unveils hidden truths that challenge our understanding of national security and the very fabric of the universe. Drawing from his vast experience within some of America’s most classified operations, he shares startling revelations about the U.S. government's deep involvement in UAP research, mysterious craft that defy the laws of physics, and the unsettling reality of nonhuman intelligence surveilling our military. This eye-opening conversation is a must-watch/listen for anyone curious about the profound implications of these phenomena.SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
9/11/202458 minutes, 51 seconds
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625. Earl Anderson

In this episode, we’re excited to welcome special guest Earl Anderson, who will be diving deep into the mysterious world of UFO encounters and high strangeness. Earl brings a wealth of experience from his extensive investigations, where he’s gathered numerous samples and firsthand accounts from those who have experienced the unexplained. Together, we’ll explore the profound and often puzzling phenomena surrounding UFO sightings, the strange occurrences that accompany them, and the powerful stories of those who have come face-to-face with the unknown.Show NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
9/4/202457 minutes, 6 seconds
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AudioBlog: Parts 2,3,4 Abducted by Hairy Dwarves in Brazil

This is a combination of the final three series of the blogs; Abducted by Hairy Dwarves in Brazil, Parts 2, 3 & 4.Links below are to the text versions: a supporter of this podcast:
8/29/202427 minutes, 27 seconds
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624. Chris Lehto

Chris Lehto returns to discuss the UAP hearing, over a year later. We dive into memorable moments, like being the last people into the event and spotting ourselves in footage, and touch on future UAP hearings. We discuss several insights from Lue Elizondo's new book, Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs. Chris shares details on his upcoming fieldwork in Norway, collaborating with experts on cutting-edge UAP detection systems, and recaps his background as an F-16 pilot and his journey into UFO research. We also discuss Mick West's debunking efforts, safety reporting in aviation.Show NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
8/28/202455 minutes, 22 seconds
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623. Alejandro Rojas

Alejandro Rojas is back to talk about what he has been working on the last few years and the insights he has gained. He founded a new non-profit, UAP Discovery, which he will discuss in detail.SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
8/21/202454 minutes, 6 seconds
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622. Sam Maranto

Guest, Sam Maranto, Ufologist/Investigative Researcher: August 21st marks the 20th anniversary of the 2004 Tinley Park Mass Sighting. Hundreds witnessed and recorded this event on video. Was it one massive object with multiple lights hovering over this populated Chicago suburb, or a fleet of separate objects? One thing's certain - it defied easy explanation. In the days leading up, similar reports and videos flooded in worldwide to the National UFO Reporting Center. Police, radio, and TV stations in Chicago were swamped with calls from concerned citizens. Tinley Park wasn't alone in experiencing something unusual. Incredibly, another occurrence happened on October 31st that year. Featured in several UFO TV series, this remains one of the best-documented mass sightings in recent history, offering evidence of the event and details about the objects themselves. SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
8/14/202455 minutes, 1 second
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620. Robert Schroeder

Be prepared for a sciencey podcast! Our guest, Robert Schroeder has a longtime theory on the topic that most skeptics use: "They (meaning extraterrestrials) cannot get here from there". Maybe with Robert's theory, they could and can? Join us while Robert and I will have a live face to face chat on Cape Cod.SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
8/7/20242 hours, 1 second
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AudioBlog- Abducted by Hairy Dwarves in Brazil

The history of civilian UFO/flying saucer research in Brazil goes back as far as that of the United States. The first organization to be formed there was Civil de Objetos Aéreos Nao Identitificados (Civil Investigation Center for Unidentified Aerial Objects) founded by Húlvio Brant Aleixo in Belo Horizonte in 1954. Aleixo was a professor of psychology at the Catholic University of Minas Gerais and was an active investigator for much of his life. He was one of the people Bob Pratt worked with when he did his investigations for his 1996 book UFO Danger Zone, and according to his biography in a memorial (he seems to have passed away on World UFOlogy Day, June 24, 2005) posted January 9, 2006, on the UFO Magazine website,  he was a consultant on UFOs for the Brazilian Air Force. Documents describing a case he reported to the Brazilian Ministerio Da Aeronautica in 1974 can be found online. He was the principal investigator of a reported abduction said to have occurred over a period of approximately four and a half days (109 hours) from May 4, 1969, to May 9, 1969, in Bebedouro, (not the municipality of São Paulo) an area over 100 miles north of Belo Horizonte, and that is the case we’ll be looking at in this blog. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/2/20248 minutes, 37 seconds
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619. Prof. Greg Eghigian

Prof. Greg Eghigian discusses his new book: "After the Flying Saucers Came" which explores humanity's fascination with UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors. Modern UFO sightings, emerging during the Cold War and space age, led to disputed government inquiries, sensational news stories, and dedicated investigators. Greg and Martin get into a very interesting on how people react to the phenomenon and the possibilities of what it all could mean.SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
7/31/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 30 seconds
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Everything Else Show: Alan Pearce Exploring Coma's Alternative Lives

Guest Alan Pearce discusses the profound and often surreal journey of coma survivors and delves into the mysteries of consciousness unlocked by near-death experiences. In his book COMA and Near Death Experiences he explores, from the stunning liberation of the mind from the body to the risks posed by coma-inducing treatments, this exploration unveils a spectrum of conscious states experienced during comas, revealing both the beautiful and disturbing dimensions of these encounters.BIO: Alan Pearce is a journalist, broadcaster, former BBC correspondent, and author of several books. He has contributed to numerous publications, from Time Magazine to The Sunday Times of London.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/26/20241 hour, 15 minutes, 48 seconds
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A 1970 UFO Encounter in Norway

In the April 1971 issue (page 6 of the pdf) No. 1-2 of the Scandinavian Newsletter, published by UFO-Sweden, there is an article headlined “I met a flying saucer.” According to the abstract, the report that follows was first published in the Norwegian weekly magazine Hjemmet and translated into English by Anton Lidström of the Trondheim UFO Society. The case involves an encounter with a flying saucer reported by a man who said he came upon it while driving near Helleland, Norway, at around 5:30 p.m. on October 29, 1970. According to the report, the encounter left him without a windshield, and he seemed to have suffered some physical effects as well. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/24/20248 minutes, 13 seconds
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618. Krys Devine & Ariel Elizabeth

Join our guests Krys and Ariel as they discuss how they have done a deep dive into the fascinating world of UFOs. From compelling sightings to unexplained phenomena, they explore the mysteries surrounding unidentified flying objects and more. Krys also discuses her own encounters.SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
7/24/202454 minutes, 53 seconds
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The First Scientific UFO Field Study 2

UFOs were big news in 1973. Besides the Pascagoula and the Coyne incidents, there were flaps all over the United States. One in Piedmont, Missouri, got started that year in late February with UFO reports involving cars stalling and radio interference. These caught the attention of a physics professor, Harley D. Rutledge, who was chairman of that department at Southeast Missouri State University at Cape Girardeau. Rutledge became fascinated to the point that he put together an investigation team of scientists, arranged funding, and ended up spending more than seven years observing unexplained lights while collecting data and photographs. In late 1973, he gave a presentation of what he and the group had gathered up to that point at the fall meeting (attended by John Schuessler of the Mutual UFO Network) of the Missouri section of the American Association of Physics Teachers. Rutledge finally published a book describing the investigation titled Project Identification: The First Scientific Field Study of UFO Phenomena in 1981. Read moreBecome a supporter of this podcast:
7/19/202410 minutes, 39 seconds
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ART & ANTIQUES: Robert K Wittman FBI Art Crimes Division

For those of you who may have an interest in art: Robert K. Wittman had a remarkable career as an FBI agent for 20 years, from 1988 to 2008. Specializing in art theft and cultural property crime, Robert became the FBI’s go-to expert for these types of cases. His impressive work undercover led to the recovery of over $300 billion worth of stolen art and property across 20 different countries. His extensive undercover operations are detailed in his book, Priceless: How I Went Undercover to Rescue the World’s Stolen Treasures. He has fascinating stories. In 2008, after 20 years with the FBI, Robert Wittman retired from the Bureau and brought his expertise to the private sector. He sought to create a Security and Recovery Consulting firm that would draw on his unique investigative experience to protect its clients from losses related to theft, fraud or forgery. Since its inception, Robert Wittman Inc. has grown far beyond its original vision, providing protection and recovery services to more than 100 public and private collections worldwide. Robert Wittman Inc. continues to proudly serve a diverse portfolio of institutions, auction houses, collectors, galleries, insurance companies and Nations committed to protecting their cultural assets.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/19/202459 minutes, 55 seconds
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617. Roger Stankovic | Les Velez | Jeremy Ray

Join us for an intriguing discussion with guest DR ROGER STANKOVIC as we delve into the mysterious "Havana Effect" on UFO witnesses. The Havana Syndrome, initially discovered affecting US diplomats and intelligence staff at the former U.S. embassy in Havana, Cuba in November 2016, has since been reported globally.Also featured in this episode, LES VELEZ, founder of the Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support (OPUS), shares insights into this non-profit organization, which was established in 1994 to provide support and education for individuals experiencing unusual, paranormal, or anomalous phenomena.Additionally, JEREMY RAY recounts his incredible UFO encounter and shares his experiences working for Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS). This fascinating interview is one you won't want to miss!SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
7/17/20241 hour, 41 minutes
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616. Ron James & Bob Spearing

This week, join MUFON UFO researchers, filmmaker Ron James, along with Bob Spearing, as they delve into the case of a purported UFO crash in Oregon. Discover how the internet's many eyes quickly demystified the image as something other than. We'll also preview what to expect at the upcoming MUFON Symposium in Dallas, including discussions on alleged UFO crash debris, purported metamaterials, and unique UFO encounters. Plus, get insights into the fascinating speakers and lectures lined up for the event.SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
7/10/202454 minutes
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615. Linda Zimmermann

Award-winning author Linda Zimmermann presents a compelling exploration of over a century of UFO sightings in the Hudson Valley, New York, as well as northern New Jersey and western Connecticut. Her comprehensive research, combining eyewitness accounts and archival material, reveals startling patterns and events. The book covers mysterious airships of the early 1900s, various UFO shapes, abductions, the 1980s sighting wave, and Pine Bush, the UFO Capital of the Northeast. Zimmermann also investigates how animals react during UFO encounters, often alerting witnesses with their unusual behavior. This intriguing perspective suggests that animals worldwide share similar reactions to UFO phenomena, offering new insights for future research.SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
7/3/20241 hour, 27 minutes, 59 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs After Project Blue Book

On December 17, 1969, a news release from the Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) announced the termination of Project Blue Book. According to the document, Secretary of the Air Force Robert C. Seamans Jr. stated in a memo to Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John D. Ryan that “the continuation of Project Blue Book cannot be justified either on the ground of national security or in the interest of science.” An early indication that this was coming was Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a scientific consultant for Project Blue Book for the entirety of its existence and Projects Sign and Grudge before it, finding out that there was nothing for him in the budget for the upcoming year. Of course, not everyone agreed with the Air Force’s decision and people continued seeing UFOs, but they no longer had an official organization prepared to take reports. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/29/20247 minutes, 4 seconds
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EES- Karen Read Murder Trial | Nightmare Houses

EVERYTHING ELSE SHOW: In this episode, I'm joined by true crime podcaster, Kate from Nightmare Houses as she discusses her podcast episodes that include homes that one should feel safe in, but sometimes terrible things happen, from hauntings, to all kinds of twisted crimes, murders and mysteries. In particular, we delve into the Karen Read murder trial. Karen Read stands accused of murdering her boyfriend, Officer John O'Keefe, at 34 Fairview Road in Canton, Mass on January 29, 2022, but she insists it's a cover-up which would include Canton Police officers. Outside the Norfolk Superior Courthouse, Read's supporters, dressed in pink, passionately claim her innocence. Meanwhile, prosecutors argue that the evidence clearly indicates a relationship gone wrong. Tune in for an in-depth discussion on this controversial case.Show NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
6/28/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 4 seconds
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614. Mike Fiorito

Guest Mike Fiorito, author of "For All We Know." Through compelling narrative and storytelling, his book intricately weaves together themes from philosophy of mind, cosmology, parapsychology, psychedelics, and ufology. Listen in while Martin & Mike get into a great discussion about little talked about philosophical thoughts about what the UFO phenomena may be.SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
6/26/202454 minutes, 22 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs Over Essex, England

In last week’s blog, we looked at UFO reports by Pennsylvania citizens that made their way from various agencies, including local police, to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, which recently released records of these. On February 2, 2024, an article by Millie Emmett headlined “UFOs reported to Essex Police highlighted in data” was posted on the Daily Gazette website that describes sightings found in a list of UFO reports released by the Essex Police. This week, we’ll look at some of the sightings described there as well as others in the Essex area. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/24/20246 minutes, 57 seconds
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614. David Jones Decoding The Roswell Memo

After our guest, David Jones saw a TV program that focused on the iconic Ramey Memo, which revealed the word; "Wreck" deciphered. Right then and there, he knew there was much more to Roswell UFO Crash then the skeptics claim. There are claims such as the "Mogul Balloon" theory on Wikipedia as what really crashed at Roswell. David spent every waking hour for over a year with lots of sleepless nights decoding what can be seen, which is 66 of the 78 words on the memo. Is this the smoking gun we have waited for? Or, will it take using AI (without bias) to finally be taken seriously? SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
6/19/202454 minutes, 33 seconds
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REPLAY The First Interview with Christopher Mellon

From June 01, 2016 The listener can review of what was said then and where we are now. Martin Willis was the first to interview former DoD insider, Chris Mellon. Chris talks about where he ventured with interests in the UFO topic when he was on the inside. What access levels government officials may or may not have, including the US president and why he joined UFOData, as well as the goals they hope to achieve. Chris Mellon's background: Chris graduated from Yale with a Master’s Degree in International Relations, he worked for many years for the US Department of Defense as the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Security & Information Operations as well as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Minority Staff Director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. His responsibilities included review and oversight of intelligence activities, which included Area 51and other sensitive governmental locations. He also spent over a decade on the Senate Intelligence Committee, involved in oversight of NRO, CIA, NSA and other intelligence organizations. He became the first Congressional official to review all of the NSA’s compartmented programs. Chris is the recipient of numerous awards, including the National Reconnaissance Office Gold Medal and the Defense Intelligence Agency Director’s Medal. Chris has had a lifetime fascination with UFOs, and has recently became a Board Member of UFODATA, UFO Detection & Tracking as he believe the topic needs serious scientific investigation and is putting his efforts forward.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/14/20241 hour, 45 minutes, 7 seconds
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AudioBlog: PEMA (Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency) and UFOs

After Project Blue Book was deactivated in 1969, civilians were left with no official government body prepared to deal with UFO reports. This is still the case (the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office only takes reports from military personnel) and this has left local agencies, such as the police, as the organizations that people often turn to, and each one handles reports in its own way. It recently came as a surprise to Pennsylvania state representatives during a budget meeting when it was mentioned that UFO reports were received by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. Records recently acquired from PEMA provide an inside look into how they were handled by organizations in that state. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/14/20248 minutes, 28 seconds
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613. Dave Rich & Marianne Robb

Guests, Dave Rich and Marianne Robb, focus on the stigmas that prevent law enforcement officers from sharing their experiences. They delve into the UFO stigma specifically, advocating for transparency and understanding. Dave and Marianne share detailed accounts of officers who bravely came forward with their stories, shedding light on the repercussions they faced. Dave had his own personal experience with the damage stigma caused while he was investigating a paranormal situation that he was investigating. Tune in to hear other compelling cases and learn how we can work towards overcoming these stigmas together by reaching other officers who may have had experiences.Show Notes Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/12/202454 minutes, 12 seconds
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612. Tom Curren

Guest Tom Curren explores the fascinating realm of UFOs and UAPs, examining different facets of science, firsthand experiences, and beyond. His website, "What's up with UFOs?", is divided into four key categories highlighted in these: video clips of: flying objects, hard science, direct experience, and institutional dynamics. Tom goes into a survey he conducted on the UFO topic with surprising results.Show NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
6/5/202454 minutes, 26 seconds
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Bonus Episode: Beyond Skinwalker Ranch

Join Martin as he interviews former CIA agent Andy Bustamante and investigative journalist Paul Beban as they discuss uncovering unusual and often disturbing phenomena in new high-strangeness locations beyond Skinwalker Ranch. With a team of respected professionals and veterans from The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, their research and shocking discoveries will leave you speechless! Don’t miss the return of The HISTORY Channel’s “Beyond Skinwalker Ranch” for Season Two, premiering June 4 at 10/9c. BIO: Andrew Bustamante is a former covert CIA intelligence officer, decorated wartime military veteran, US Air Force Academy graduate, and successful Fortune 10 corporate advisor. After 15 years in service to his Nation, Andrew skyrocketed through corporate America specializing in human and technical operations. With more than 20 years of experience in both private and public sectors, Andrew has become a highly demanded international private intelligence consultant and the founder of When he isn’t supporting intelligence operations abroad, Andrew lives with his wife (a fellow ex-CIA Officer) and two children in southern Florida.BIO: Paul Beban is an award-winning broadcast journalist, host, writer, podcaster and producer known for his immersive, empathetic and investigative storytelling. He’s reported from more than two dozen countries on a broad range of feature, human interest and investigative subjects: the search for a Coast Guard plane lost in Greenland during World War II, the hunt for pirates off the coast of Somalia, what life is like for people who make their homes in a massive dump in Manila, and the desperation driving violent political protests in Venezuela, among others. Paul’s undercover investigation into human trafficking in South Africa was recognized with an Emmy, as was his report on the rising economic power of India’s growing middle class. He was a member of ABC News’ Peabody and Columbia DuPont Award-winning 9/11 coverage team. His work has appeared on ABC News, Al Jazeera, PBS, CBS News, Yahoo! News, The Discovery Network, and other outlets. He lives in New York.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/4/202434 minutes, 19 seconds
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AudioBlog:Pictures of UFOs Over an Oil Rig in Mexico

In our blog headlined “UFOs Over Scottsdale,” posted on April 15, 2024, we looked at a report of a blue, worm-like UFO captured on video over Scottsdale, Arizona. The main sources were two tabloid news agencies, Daily Mail and The US Sun, and their source was video footage posted on Instagram and Twitter/X. The reporters of both agencies failed to provide a date for the incident, properly represent witnesses, or make mention of the fact that Scottsdale is home to a UFO museum/attraction called “The UFO Experience.” We came across another intriguing case this week covered in the Mail and the Sun (U.K. edition), and this time, the reporting is much more thorough and reveals a long-standing belief by locals that there is an underwater alien base in the area. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/31/20248 minutes, 48 seconds
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A 1977 UFO Contactee Case

The February-March 1977 issue of the UFO Newsclipping Service, has four articles describing what would become “classic” UFO cases. One looks into the report (page 12 of the pdf) of nine-year-old Jose Cantu who said he saw “two greenish creatures about three feet tall, who rotated on a base instead of having feet, and two ‘steely’ crafts in which 2 other creatures were sitting.” His drawing showing one of the creatures with only one eye has caused them to be dubbed “The Cycloptic Aliens of Harrah.” The other three articles describe two abduction cases that have become well-known, one involving Judy Kendall covered in two papers from California, and one involving three women: Elaine Thomas, Louise Smith, and Mona Stafford covered in a paper from their home state, Kentucky. By this time, abduction claims and creature reports had come out from under the umbrella of contactee reports and the stigma that came with this association thanks to cases such as the 1973 Pascagoula Incident and the 1975 Travis Walton Incident, and news agencies were more open to reporting on them. That being said, there is an obscure case reported (page 3) in the February 2, 1977, Clarkesville, Tennessee, Leaf Chronicle, that has aspects of a contactee case, and the story told by the man who said he had an encounter with otherworldly beings is strange to the point of being ridiculous. Even so, the reporter who covered it wrote about it with a good deal of objectivity and restraint.Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/30/20245 minutes, 50 seconds
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611. Nomar Slevik, UFOs Over Maine

Join us as we welcome special guest Nomar Slevik to discuss his Tenth Anniversary UFOs Over Maine book, some incredible UFO encounters in the State of Maine, including ones from the town where Martin Willis grew up. Nomar will share many fascinating stories from across the state, including the iconic Allagash Abductions of 1976, as well as some of his own personal experiences.Show NotesPlease Take the Survey: UAP Crossfire Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/29/202456 minutes, 4 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs Over Scottsdale, Arizona

This week, we were intrigued by a recent video of a UFO over Scottsdale, Arizona, that received some news coverage. As we looked into it, we were struck by the contrast between the coverage of UFO reports in the days where print journalism was dominant and the present.There is an article headlined “OUT OF THE BLUE Chilling moment pulsating blue cigar-shaped UFO is filmed hovering over ‘alien-hotspot’ US city leaving locals baffled” written by Dinniah Bartholomew that was posted on the website of the U.K. Sun on April 3, 2024. It includes video of a worm-like UFO glowing blue in the night sky. According to the article, the blue UFO “appeared to come out of nowhere” and hover over the city of Scottsdale, Arizona. Batholomew says photos were captured of the object, that it “appeared to make twists and turns,” that eyewitnesses gawked, and that “many people were concerned about exactly what it could be.” Quotes from witnesses are included such as a person commenting “Now it’s like separating. Dude that’s crazy.” Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/25/20246 minutes, 48 seconds
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610. Berkshires UFO Melanie Kirchdorfer, Mike Sisino & Samantha Graves-Brownell

Join us for an exciting update on the September 1, 1969 Berkshires UFO Incident with Melanie Kirchdorfer. In studio, we have retired VT State Law Enforcement officer, Mike Sisino, who witnessed the craft on that very day. Plus, writer and researcher Samantha Graves-Brownell shares fascinating insights from her deep dive into UFO encounters in the area, including interviews with witnesses from 1967-1969 and beyond. Don’t miss this intriguing exploration of one of the most compelling UFO events in history! Witness Tom Warner calls in.Show NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
5/22/20241 hour, 30 minutes, 19 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs Taking Water

UFOs are often reported to have left behind evidence of their visits in the form of physical traces, but there are also reports of them taking something away and often it is water from tanks, pools, rivers, lakes, and oceans. There are enough of these sorts of reports that Linda Zimmermann and Michael Worden were able to devote an entire episode (“From the Vault: Everybody in the Pool”) of UFO Headquarters to the subject. Zimmermann began the episode with stories told to her by witnesses in the Hudson Valley of instances where water was missing from pools after UFO sightings in the area and estimated that there were at least five such occurrences in the region from 1975 into the early 1980s. Far from being isolated to the Hudson Valley, such reports come from all over the world and Zimmermann and Worden present several. In this week’s blog, we’ll look at some we’ve come across in our research. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/19/20249 minutes, 55 seconds
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UAP Crossfire - The Life of Dr_ Bruce Maccabee

This week on UAP-Crossfire (May 16th) we will take a look at and discuss the career of Dr. Bruce Maccabee. Maccabee, a retired Naval Optical Physicist was one of the only government employee’s who openly researched and investigated the UFO subject and was never sanctioned by the government.DO YOU LIKE UAP CROSSFIRE? Please take this SURVEYBecome a supporter of this podcast:
5/17/20241 hour, 58 minutes, 30 seconds
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Charles Lear Returns with Insights from Years of Research! Join us as our longtime blogger/researcher delves into his latest book, 'Crashed Saucers and Malevolent Aliens: The Emergence of the Popular Modern UFO Mythos in the Late 20th Century. Get exclusive insights from his weekly UFO blogs and discover the secrets he's uncovered along the way!SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
5/15/202450 minutes, 2 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFO Causes Car Crash?

There is an article headlined “The Taradale Car Crash” in the March-April 1969 Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 15, No. 7. It is described as an “adapted version” of an article written by Henk Hinfelaar and Claude Elmes of New Zealand Scientific Space Research that appeared in that organization’s newsletter Spaceview. It concerns a car accident in Taradale, New Zealand, a suburb of the Northeastern city of Napier, involving two young men who reported that a UFO was the cause. According to Hinfelaar and Elmes, not only did the young men report this to police, but the owner/driver of the car gave the same story to his insurance company, and it was used as a defense by him in a court of law. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/12/20248 minutes, 44 seconds
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Addendum to Show 608. Jonathan Weygandt & Michael Herrera

If you listened to our show with Jonathan & Michael on May 7th, I thought it was important to get this information out there.Info in SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
5/9/202411 minutes, 2 seconds
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608. Jonathan Weygandt & Mike Herrera Marine Encounters

Former Marine guests, Jonathan Weygandt & Michael Herrera both observed unknown objects. Jonathan a crashed egg shaped craft in 1997 while in Peru and involved in Operation Laser Strike, and Michael an unusual hovering operative craft in 2009 while in Indonesia providing overwatch and logistical support after an earthquake. In both incidents, soldiers with no insignia dressed in black camouflage showed up and aggressively intervened, controlling the situation. Tune in to explore the uncanny parallels and unique details of their encounters.SHOW NOTESBecome a supporter of this podcast:
5/8/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 44 seconds
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UAP Crossfire: Marc D'Antonio, SkyTour | Astronomers & UFOs

Up first, Capt. Ron, talks Contact in the Desert, astronomer Marc D'Antonio is joining UAP Crossfire as a special guest to delve into discussions about SkyTour LiveStream, alongside explorations into the fascinating intersection between astronomers and UFO encounters. Martin Willis hosting with co-hosts, Don Ecker and Chris Deperno.Contact in the Desert: | Subscribe to SkyTours | PDF of astronomers and UFOs through the centuries: a supporter of this podcast:
5/3/20241 hour, 51 minutes, 20 seconds
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AudioBlog: BREAKING NEWS: UFO Over LaGuardia Airport, New York

Just this week, video of a UFO taken by a passenger on a plane coming in for a landing at LaGuardia Airport in Queens, New York, made international news. Video footage of UFOs constantly appears online and more often than not leads to a dead end for researchers trying to identify witnesses or turns out to be faked. In this case, not only was the witness identified, but she appeared on News Nation for an interview, along with a researcher looking into the case who considered the video to be authentic.The witness is Michelle Reyes, who was capturing video of the New York skyline while sitting next to her daughter, who had the window seat. The Verrazano Bridge is centered in the frame as a black, elongated, oval-shaped UFO goes whizzing by from right to left, which in this case is northeast to southwest. Reyes posted the video on Facebook, and researcher/investigator Ben Hansen (who was a guest on PodcastUFO on February 16, 2021) managed to find her and interview her. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/1/20245 minutes, 17 seconds
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607. Caz Clarke, The Pentyrch UFO Incident

Join us as we welcome back the Pentyrch UFO Incident’s primary witness, Caz Clarke to the show. Get ready for groundbreaking revelations and irrefutable evidence unveiling the truth behind The Pentyrch UFO Incident of February 26, 2016. Caz returns with new insights, shedding light on the reality of the event and exposing the cover-up that has kept the world in the dark for too long.All images are in Show NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
5/1/20241 hour, 38 minutes, 55 seconds
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AudioBlog: Remembering Saucerologist:UFOlogist Ted Bloecher

A pioneer saucerologist/UFOlogist, Ted Bloecher, who mostly went uncelebrated except among his peers and a small number of enthusiasts, passed away on January 22 of this year at the age of 94. He was not known because of book sales, lectures, appearances on television or in documentaries, but for his research with and contributions to various organizations beginning in 1954 with Civilian Saucer Intelligence New York of which he was a founding member. He was mostly interested in cases involving humanoids, and his association with the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena seems to have helped Director Donald Keyhoe, who had an aversion to humanoid cases due to his hardened stance against contactee reports, become more open-minded. Besides this, he was a Broadway performer, and his credits include ensemble work in Oliver! and Hello, Dolly! He quit active research in the mid-1980s and donated his UFO files to the Center for UFO Studies and archives to the New York Public Library. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/26/20246 minutes, 48 seconds
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UAP Crossfire - Bob Spearing on UFO Shapes

In this week’s UAP Crossfire, we are hosted by Martin Willis, and cohosts Chris DePerno, and Commander Cobra are joined by Bob Spearing to discuss Bob's role investigating UFOs with MUFON, and he also discusses the types of craft that have been reported. THIS SHOW WAS DEDICATED TO PAUL ENO 1953-2024.Bob has long been involved with MUFON’s various special projects including the MARRS historical reports archiving project, the Pine Bush, N.Y. UFO Museum, and the MUFON Observer Network.For the images: a supporter of this podcast:
4/26/20241 hour, 54 minutes, 17 seconds
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606. Captain Ron (Ron Janix)

Join us for an intriguing discussion with Ron Janix, the new co-owner of Contact in the Desert, as he delves into his perspectives on the latest developments on UFO disclosure in the United States, as well as revealing what attendees to CITD '24 can look forward to during the Conference's 10-year Anniversary Presentation. With his extensive background and longtime involvement in the UFO and paranormal realm, Ron brings a wealth of insights to the table. Tune in as we explore where his journey has led him and what the future may hold for disclosure.Show NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
4/24/202454 minutes, 28 seconds
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Special Show, Brandon Fugal: The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch!

Tune in for an exclusive special featuring Brandon Fugal, right before the highly anticipated Season 5 premiere of HISTORY CHANNEL's The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, airing on April 23 at 10/9c. Join us for an intriguing conversation with Skinwalker Ranch owner, Brandon Fugal, as he shares insights and previews what's in store for this exciting new season. Brandon also discusses a UFO encounter at the ranch that changed him from being a skeptic to someone that knows there is something really happening. a supporter of this podcast:
4/23/202447 minutes, 21 seconds
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AudioBlog: PART 3: Hovering Assailants Reported in Peru in 2023 and Before

This is the last in a three-part series of blogs looking at a case from 2023 that involved Ikitu tribe members in the village of San Antonio de Pintuyacu in Peru who reported nighttime attacks by 7-feet-tall aliens with elongated heads wearing black body armor and masks that had yellow or green eye lenses. They were said to stand on some sort of circular device like Green Goblin from the Spiderman movie that enabled them to fly and hover. Some villagers attributed the attacks to creatures from local folklore called Los Pelacaras (The Face-Peelers) said to feed on human faces and organs. Adding credence to this belief, a 15-year-old girl, identified as Talia, suffered an attack that resulted in her being taken to a hospital with lacerations on her neck. Witnesses reported that, as they came to her rescue, they saw the attackers flying away. Police came to investigate, and a spokesman for the Peruvian National Prosecutor’s office, Carlos Castro Quintanilla, came to the conclusion that illegal gold miners using jetpacks to explore deep into the jungle were responsible. This caused the story to die down in the news, but Timothy Alberino, a documentary film maker and paranormal enthusiast based in Bozeman, Montana, who had spent a good deal of time as a young man living in the jungles of Peru, returned to investigate the story first-hand and shared his findings on his YouTube site and on podcasts. While the descriptions of the creatures and the encounters were quite strange, there is a history of these sorts of reports linked to outsiders seeking to exploit natural resources in areas occupied by indigenous people, often with little concern for their rights. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/19/20249 minutes, 32 seconds
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605B. Kevin Day

Join us as Kevin Day opens up about a 1988 profound wartime tragedy (Iran Air Flight 655) that has left a lasting impact on him. He delves into his experiences aboard the USS Princeton, recounting the events surrounding the infamous Tic Tac UFO incident near Catalina Island in 2004. Kevin sheds light on both personal and historical dimensions of this extraordinary event. This interview was recorded at Ozark Mountain UFO Conference on April 13, 2024.Show NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
4/17/202427 minutes, 3 seconds
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605A. Nick Pope

Join us for a captivating discussion with Nick Pope as we delve into the intriguing mysteries surrounding UFOs. From contemplating the potential darker aspects of visitors to exploring profound philosophical concepts on the evolution of intelligent life, we unravel the enigmatic reasons behind their fascination with our Pale Blue Dot. This is a very thought-provoking conversation. This interview was recorded at Ozark Mountain UFO Conference on April 13, 2024.Show NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
4/17/202430 minutes, 50 seconds
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604. Robert Powell

Today, we're joined by special guest Robert Powell, who's here to dive into his newly published book: "UFOs: A Scientist Explains What We Know (And Don’t Know)." Not only will he shed light on the extraterrestrial hypothesis, but he'll also unravel some fascinating UFO incidents such as the infamous Tic Tac encounter, the Stephenville Incident, and a captivating encounter involving a dumbbell-shaped UFO by a DoD agent. Tune in for an intriguing discussion!Book: a supporter of this podcast:
4/10/202454 minutes, 39 seconds
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AudioBlog: Part 2: Hovering Assailants Reported in Peru in 2023 and Before

In Last the last related blog, we looked at a case from 2023 that involved Ikitu tribe members in the village of San Antonio de Pintuyacu in Peru who reported nighttime attacks by 7-feet-tall aliens with elongated heads wearing black body armor and masks that had yellow or green eye lenses. They were said to stand of some sort of circular device like Green Goblin from the Spiderman movie that enabled them to fly and hover. Some villagers attributed the attacks to creatures from local folklore called Los Pelacaras (The Face-Peelers) said to feed on human faces and organs. Adding credence to this belief, a 15-year-old girl, identified as Talia, suffered an attack that resulted in her being taken to a hospital with lacerations on her neck. Witnesses reported that, as they came to her rescue, they saw the attackers flying away. Police came to investigate, and a spokesman for the Peruvian National Prosecutor’s office, Carlos Castro Quintanilla, came to the conclusion that illegal gold miners using jetpacks to explore deep into the jungle were responsible. This caused the story to die down in the news, but Timothy Alberino, a documentary film maker and paranormal enthusiast based in Bozeman, Montana, who had spent a good deal of time as a young man living in the jungles of Peru, returned to investigate the story first-hand and shared his findings on his YouTube site and on podcasts. While the descriptions of the creatures and the encounters were quite strange, there is a history of these sorts of reports linked to outsiders seeking to exploit natural resources in areas occupied by indigenous people, often with little concern for their rights. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/3/20249 minutes, 36 seconds
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603. Christopher Loric

Our guest, former US Navy with 28 years of service, Christopher Loric, has penned a fascinating book centered on the thought-provoking concept: "There is someone out there, trying to reach us." Loric doesn't shy away from addressing questions like "How did they develop a hyperspace drive?" or "What resources enable them to dispatch a fleet across the cosmos?" We also talk about his opinion on how the US Navy and other branches are approaching the UFO/UAP topic.Show NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
4/3/202454 minutes, 6 seconds
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602B. Marc Dantonio & Forest Crawford

Tune in as we sit down for a discussion with speaker Marc D'Antonio and MC Forest Crawford about the Ozark Mountain UFO Conference. Plus, we'll touch on a few other interesting topics along the way, Marc speaks on possible UFO propulsion and Forest discusses his childhood UFO encounter as well as an amazing case he has worked on! Martin & Producer, Donna Killeen will be attending the conference and would like to meet you if you are a listener of the show and attending.Send an email to martin @podcastufo.comInfo on conference here: a supporter of this podcast:
3/27/202444 minutes, 25 seconds
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602A. Emily Louise

Guest, Emily Louise delves into the lesser-known realms of ufology, shining a light on the fringe aspects often obscured by disinformation spread by nefarious actors. Join us as we explore how these myths transform into enduring lore, shaping our understanding of the extraterrestrial unknown.Show NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
3/27/202454 minutes, 15 seconds
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601. Darcy Weir & Andy Marcial, USOs

Join us as we delve into the captivating world of the recently released documentary, "Transmedium Fastmovers & USOs: Exploring the Depths of the Unknown," with special guests Darcy Weir and Andy Marcial. For years, eyewitnesses have reported sightings of unidentified craft effortlessly traversing both air and water, challenging the boundaries of our understanding of modern physics. Andy sheds light on recently leaked Department of Homeland Security footage featured in the film, adding an extra layer of mystery to our discussion.Amazon: TV: NotesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
3/20/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 38 seconds
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AudioBlog: A Pilot UFO Sighting Caught From an ATC Feed

The FAA has been historically close-mouthed when it comes to pilot UFO sightings and pilots often avoid filing official reports, as they can be damaging to one’s career. However, with the availability of live air traffic control feeds such as, listeners have occasionally come upon pilots talking about a sighting in real time. This recently happened to the operator of the YouTube site, Flight Simulator Fantasy, who posted a short containing the audio in mid-February. Given the nature of the site, the audio is most likely genuine.The posting on F.S.F. received limited news coverage. There is an article by Tom McGhie posted February 28, 2024, on the website of The Daily Star headlined “American Airlines Pilot’s Chilling UFO Radio Call as Mystery Craft “Went 180” in Seconds.” The article contains information from the F.S.F. site, including transcripts of key moments where the pilots describe what they’re seeing. According to McGhie, the news outlet reached out to Harrisburg Airport, the flight’s destination, for comment. Read more →
3/15/20246 minutes, 38 seconds
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600. G. O. Turner, UAP Propulsion

In our 600th episode, we have a special guest, author G. O. (Gary) Turner, who has dedicated numerous years to delving into the intriguing realm of UFOs and their methods of travel. With his expertise, he's formulated some captivating theories on the propulsion systems behind UAPs/UFOs. Stay tuned as we dive into his fascinating insights!Show Notes
3/13/202455 minutes, 31 seconds
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AudioBlog: Hovering Assailants Reported in Peru in 2023 and Before

2023 was quite a year for aliens in the news which included reports of creatures in a backyard in Las Vegas, alleged alien mummies being presented to the Mexican Congress, and an alien invasion of a shopping mall in Florida. In between, there were reports from a remote village in Peru of harrowing encounters with aliens that moved on hover boards. The story was first reported in Spanish by Radio Programas del Perú and quickly gained international coverage. The Daily Mail covered it with the same amount of detail as RPP for English speaking readers and published a follow-up article long after the story had seemingly been laid to rest by a somewhat implausible explanation by a spokesperson for the Peruvian National Prosecutor’s Office. A private paranormal investigator, Timothy Alberino, took it upon himself to look into the reports and found that they were widespread throughout the region. While the descriptions of the creatures and the encounters were quite strange and raised a lot of eyebrows, there is a history of these sorts of reports linked to outsiders seeking to exploit natural resources in areas occupied by indigenous people, often with little concern for their rights. Read more →
3/8/20249 minutes, 19 seconds
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Bonus Podcast: UAP Crossfire, Danny Sheehan

Guests joining us this week, Danny Sheehan & Kevin Wright who will be introducing Daniel Sheehan's groundbreaking initiative at the New Paradigm Institute (NPI), aiming to transform UFOs/UAP into a prominent election concern like never before. NPI's mission is to enlighten the public on these crucial matters, urging citizens to demand Congress for increased public hearings featuring whistleblowers. Furthermore, NPI has unveiled Citizens for Disclosure, a grassroots movement rallying for government transparency on UAP, urging elected officials and candidates to pledge their commitment. Join the movement and be part of this historic push for UAP disclosure!
3/8/20241 hour, 57 minutes
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599. Jann Halexander, UFOs over Central Africa

Guest, Jann Halexander delves into the intriguing topic of UFOs in French-speaking Africa. Join us as, the talented singer-songwriter from Libreville, Gabon, takes us on a journey through the perspectives of Gabonese and Congolese citizens regarding UFOs and extraterrestrials. Through insightful interviews, Jann uncovered their thoughts, experiences, and beliefs surrounding these mysterious phenomena.Show Notes
3/6/202458 minutes, 30 seconds
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598. James Lough

Join Jim Lough as he draws upon his expertise in constitutional law, government procedures, legislative drafting, and his role as an educator at San Diego State University School of Public Affairs to delve into the intriguing topic of addressing UFO phenomena. With a personal interest fueled by close encounters witnessed throughout his lifetime, Jim provides unique insights into this enigma. Tune in for a captivating exploration.SHOW NOTES
2/28/202455 minutes
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Bonus Podcast: UAP Crossfire Dave Scott & Marc D'Antonio

Dave Scott has joined our panel (Martin Willis, Chris Deperno, Don Ecker) to shift the focus onto an often overlooked group amidst the current chatter about government actions on UFOs: the UFO experiencers, abductees. Their accounts, frequently disregarded, carry significant implications, challenging our understanding and prompting us to delve deeper into the mysteries they present. This discussion is led by Dave Scott, with Marc D'Antonio stepping in for Commander Cobra.
2/23/20241 hour, 54 minutes, 2 seconds
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597. Craig Weiler & Rob Heatherly, Wikipedia & UFOs

Guests, Craig Weiler and Rob Heatherly are both experts on the Guerrilla Skeptics of Wikipedia. Craig first exposed them in 2013 in his book PSI WARS: TED, Wikipedia and the Battle for the Internet, and Rob recently did a deep dive into Wikipedia to unearth their darkest secrets. Collectively, they depict a clandestine entity exercising influence over segments of Wikipedia for more than ten years. Guerrilla Skeptics manipulate articles spanning diverse subjects, such as parapsychology and UAPs, to fit their skeptical narrative, while tarnishing the reputations of prominent figures whom they deem as promoters of pseudoscience.Show Notes
2/21/20241 hour, 14 minutes
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AudioBlog: A 1968 UFO Landing and Trace Case From Gleeson, Arizona

In 1968, the Condon Committee was wrapping up the UFO study at the University of Colorado that was commissioned by the Air Force. Coming too late for inclusion in that study was an incident in Gleeson, Arizona, that involved reported landings and possible traces left behind. It was investigated by Jim and Coral Lorenzen of the Tucson, Arizona, based Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, and the witnesses filled out report forms for the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. There is no report in the APRO Bulletin on the case, or in NICAP’S publication, The UFO Investigator, but there is an article by Cecil James headlined “Gleeson UFO Leaves Traces” in the October 19, 1968, Tucson Daily Citizen. Read more →
2/15/20246 minutes, 59 seconds
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596. Garrett Graff

In this episode, we have journalist Garrett Graff joining us to talk about his latest book, "UFO: The Inside Story of the US Government’s Search for Alien Life Here—and Out There." Garrett's interest in this subject was piqued when former CIA director John Brennan publicly acknowledged his belief in the reality of UFOs. With a blend of open-mindedness and healthy skepticism, Garrett delves into this intriguing topic, exploring the government's quest for answers about alien life both on Earth and beyond.BIO: Garrett M. Graff, a distinguished journalist and internationally bestselling historian, has spent nearly two decades covering politics, technology, and national security—helping to explain where we’ve been and where we’re headed. The former editor of Washingtonian and POLITICO Magazine and a contributing editor to WIRED Magazine, Graff is the author of multiple books, including the #1 national bestseller The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11, as well as The Threat Matrix: Inside Robert Mueller’s FBI, and Raven Rock, about the government’s Cold War Doomsday plans. His book Watergate: A New History was a finalist in 2023 for the Pulitzer Prize in History, and his most recent book is UFO: The Inside Story of the US Government’s Search for Alien Life Here—and Out There.
2/14/20241 hour, 15 seconds
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595. SPECIAL SHOW Mark Marinaccio

Renowned guest, Mark Marinaccio, who assumed the roles of Executive Producer and Showrunner for Season 3 of Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, delved deep into the Ranch's mysteries for a four-month stint. With more than twenty years of expertise in producing paranormal and unexplained television content, Marinaccio's extensive background and fervor for the subject have significantly influenced his distinct perspective on the phenomena.Show Notes
2/11/20241 hour, 11 minutes, 59 seconds
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AudioBlog: PART 2: A Brazilian UFO Hotspot and a General

In last week’s blog, we profiled General Alfredo Moacyr Uchoa, who became a UFO investigator after retiring from his over 30-year career in the Brazilian Army. While he spent most of his career at the Military Academy of Brazil where he was a professor of engineering mechanics, head of the math department, and deputy director, he’d had an interest in the paranormal and the esoteric since the age of 18. After his retirement in 1963, he moved to Brasilia in 1968, and his son, Paulo, told him about a plantation owned by Wilson da Silva 120 km to the southwest where regular UFO activity was reported. Uchoa put together a group of 7 people, including his son, and they began visiting the plantation repeatedly starting in March. Bob Pratt was able to interview Uchoa and wrote an article headlined “The UFO reports of Brazilian General Alfredo Moacyr Uchoa” which can be found in the online magazine Alternate Perceptions. Gordon Creighton wrote a 3-part series of articles based on information he got from a 9-part series of articles by Eduardo Santa Maria that appeared in the Rio de Janeiro paper O Dia from October 26, to November 4, 1972. Creighton’s articles were published in the Flying Saucer Review Case Histories Supplements 12, 15, and 16, December 1972, June and August 1973 respectively. When we left off, we were telling the story of the investigation as told by Creighton. Read more →
2/9/202410 minutes, 1 second
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594. Dave Foley & Tom Wheeler

Come along for an entertaining exploration with special guests, comedian/actor, Dave Foley and accomplished showrunner, screenwriter, and novelist, Tom Wheeler as they dive into the fascinating world of UFOs and what they have learned on their show "Really?!". Join the conversation as they share their enduring fascination with the subject and discuss the intriguing insights they've gained throughout their journey.Show Notes
2/7/20241 hour, 54 minutes, 22 seconds
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AudioBlog: A General and a UFO Hotspot in Brazil

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”Brazilian UFOlogy goes back a long time. One of the first UFOlogists there to come to international attention was Dr. Olavo Fontes, who wrote regular reports in the late 1950s and into the 60s for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization that were published in the APRO Bulletin. Fontes wrote the first report on the 1957 Antonio Villas Boas abduction case. He sent it to APRO, and it remained unpublished by that organization until 1966. Two years later, in 1968, a retired General from the Brazilian Army, Alfredo Moacyr Uchoa, got involved in his first case, and it brought him to international attention as well. Read more →
2/1/20248 minutes, 37 seconds
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594. Rep. Tim Burchett

Join us as we delve into Congressman Tim Burchett's enduring fascination with UFOs, exploring his perspective on transparency in the US Government's approach to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). Discover how his colleagues and the Pentagon perceive him for sparking conversations and stirring things up in this intriguing discussion. Dean Alioto joins Martin after the interview.Show Notes
1/31/202454 minutes, 26 seconds
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UAP Crossfire (Sample Show) w/ Christian Lambright

KGRA Digital Media, UAP Crossfire, Martin Willis, Christian Lambright, Don Ecker and Chris Deperno discuss Sean Kirkpatrick's departing opinion when leaving AARO, the second hour is the mysterious case of the Paul Benewitz UFO/Alien disinformation campaign.
1/26/20241 hour, 55 minutes, 12 seconds
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AudioBlog: Did UFOs Cause the 1965 Blackout?

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”On November 9, 1965, a huge portion of the Eastern United States experienced a power outage that began at 5:17 p.m. and lasted until 7:00 a.m. the next day in most areas. According to an article on the New England Historical Society website, it happened because maintenance workers “set a protective relay too low on a power line to Ontario, which then tripped the relay. It then sent power to other lines, overloading them.” At the time, the entire U.S. was in the midst of a UFO flap, and there was speculation that UFOs had something to do with the outage. As far-fetched as that might seem, this was considered seriously by Saturday Review columnist John Fuller in his 1966 book, Incident at Exeter and was discussed in Congress in 1968 during a UFO symposium. A high-strangeness aspect to all this is that Oscar-nominated actor Stuart Whitman, claimed he was given an explanation by the occupants of two UFOs he saw in New York City the night of the blackout. Read more →
1/24/20247 minutes, 40 seconds
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592. Jobe Soffa Clarke

Guest, Jobe Soffa Clarke on solving Fermi Paradox, the odd chances that had to happen for us to evolve and UFOs, space travel, dinosaurs and more.Show Notes
1/24/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 8 seconds
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AudioBlog: Disney Does UFOs

On November 9, 1965, a huge portion of the Eastern United States experienced a power outage that began at 5:17 p.m. and lasted until 7:00 a.m. the next day in most areas. According to an article on the New England Historical Society website, it happened because maintenance workers “set a protective relay too low on a power line to Ontario, which then tripped the relay. It then sent power to other lines, overloading them.” At the time, the entire U.S. was in the midst of a UFO flap, and there was speculation that UFOs had something to do with the outage. As far-fetched as that might seem, this was considered seriously by Saturday Review columnist John Fuller in his 1966 book, Incident at Exeter and was discussed in Congress in 1968 during a UFO symposium. A high-strangeness aspect to all this is that Oscar-nominated actor Stuart Whitman, claimed he was given an explanation by the occupants of two UFOs he saw in New York City the night of the blackout. Read more →
1/19/20249 minutes, 13 seconds
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591. Grant Lavac

Guest Grant Lavac discusses what got him interested in the UFO topic, the current state of what has been happening since the New York Times article was released in 2017, how the Australian handles the UFO problem and their lack of interest, he Westall 1966 UFO incident, and much more. (outro song: She's the One, Mark Stanley)Show Notes
1/17/20241 hour, 23 minutes, 2 seconds
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AudioBlog: A Nuts and Bolts UFO Guy and the Marley Woods

For some UFOlogists, as they go through many years of research and investigation, their opinions and beliefs shift and change. Such was the case for Ted Phillips, whose involvement spanned over five decades from 1964 until his death on March 10, 2020. For much of that time, he specialized in physical trace cases and considered UFOs to be nuts and bolts craft piloted by flesh and blood extraterrestrial creatures. His views changed, particularly due to his investigation of a paranormal hotspot in Missouri that he and fellow researchers called “The Marley Woods” in an effort to conceal its location. Towards the end of his life, he saw the UFO phenomenon as being more complex than he’d previously considered it to be. Read more →
1/12/202410 minutes, 41 seconds
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590. Cody Jorgensen & Neil Brodi

Guests, Cody Jorgensen and Neil Bodo about their roll in keeping UFO/UAP information credible and available with an interactive website called, The UFO Database where thousands worldwide engage in the UFO topic.Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
1/10/202454 minutes, 4 seconds
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AudioBlog: NASA and the UFO Problem

According to the sighting report forms (pages 2 and 4 of pdf) filled out by Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter for the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena and the International UFO Bureau on September 18, 1973, he and 10-12 other men observed a UFO he described as a light that was “at one time, as bright as the moon” for 10-12 minutes in Leary, Georgia. According to the form, they were outside waiting for a 7:30 p.m. Lions Club meeting to start. During Carter’s presidential campaign in 1976, a reporter from the National Enquirer asked him if he would release all the information the government had on UFOs if he was elected. He is quoted in the June 8, 1976 edition of the Enquirer as saying “If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists. I’m convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one.” When he was elected, the White House began receiving letters from UFO enthusiasts who wanted to know when he was going to make good on his promise. One of these is included in the article by Philip J. Klass, headlined “NASA, the White House, and UFOs” published in the Spring/Summer 1978 Skeptical Inquirer: Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
1/6/20248 minutes, 32 seconds
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589. Beatrice Villarroel

Guest, Dr Beatriz Villarroel discusses a strange visual transient captured on a plate taken on July 19, 1952 and how it may tap into a mass UFO sighting that very same night which also seems to be the case for July 26 the following weekend, and much more!Show Notes This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
1/2/202450 minutes, 13 seconds
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AudioBlog: A 1973 UFO and Occupant Report From Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Argentina, especially in the area of Bahía Blanca, has had its share of high-strangeness UFO reports ranging from cars being lifted up in the air to abductions. This week, we’re looking the 1973 case involving Dionisio Llanca, a truck driver who reported he’d had an encounter with a UFO and three creatures. When questioned under the influence of hypnosis and Pentothal, he recounted being taken aboard a spacecraft, but could not recall the details when in his regular, conscious state. Whatever criticisms one might have of abduction tales told by people under hypnosis, the circumstances around the case, as reported in newspapers in the region, were unusual and mysterious.Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/27/202311 minutes, 20 seconds
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588. Mark Sokol

Our final show of 2023 is with Mark Sokol, who was present and posed a question to Lawrence Krauss live at his debate on UFOs, discusses his interest in UAP/UFOs, research on UAPs & Breakthrough Propulsion, as well as advancing antigravity technology in his advanced propulsion research & development lab in Hawthorne, NJ. (pre-recorded)Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/27/202355 minutes, 32 seconds
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AudioBlog: A 1665 UFO Report From Stralsund, Germany

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators. People have probably been reporting strange things in the sky for as long as they’ve been able to communicate. Chris Aubeck is a researcher who reaches far back in the historical record searching for UFO cases and is a founder of the Magonia Exchange, which is a group dedicated to the collection and archiving of fortean reports. In the June 2015 issue (page 11 of pdf) of Edge Science magazine, he and National Aviation Reporting Center On Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP) associate Martin Shough detailed their investigation of a 1665 report from Barhöfft, Sweden (now part of Germany), near Stralsund, that received a lot of attention at the time. The article is an excerpt from their 2015 book, Return to Magonia. Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/21/20237 minutes, 31 seconds
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587. Chris Aubeck

Guest, Chris Aubeck discussing how he got into the UFO topic, the long-lost history of how we came to believe in UFOs and aliens. This is unique, thought-provoking research that dares to be controversial, Alien Artifacts: The Forgotten Story of How We Came to Believe in Visitors from the Stars. He will also discuss some historic cases as well as saucer shaped craft (spoiler alert, there is not that many).Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/20/202355 minutes, 48 seconds
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AudioBlog: A 1970 UFO and Occupant Report From British Columbia: Explained?

In October of this year, the Royal Canadian Mint announced that it was putting out a coin celebrating a 1970 UFO case from the city of Duncan on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. This is the sixth in a series of the Mint’s Unexplained Phenomena series of 1 oz. $20 face value silver coins depicting famous Canadian UFO cases. TheDuncan incident, involving a sighting by a nurse working in the Cowichan District Hospital, occurred in the midst of a flap in the area. It was investigated by John Magor, editor and publisher of the Canadian UFO Report, and he provided a report to the Victoria Times. The Victoria Times published an article on the case on page 1 of the January 5, 1970 edition (page 10 of the pdf), and Magor published his version in the Volume 1, Number 7, summer issue of the Canadian UFO Report. News of the coin celebrating the incident prompted two men, who were both attending a party in the area at the time, to separately come forward, each with his own individual explanation of what was actually seen. We wrote about this incident in a blog headlined “A UFO and Occupants in British Columbia, Canada,” posted on the Podcast UFO website on July 16, 2022, which is where the description of the incident comes from. Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/18/202310 minutes, 36 seconds
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587. Michael Schratt

Guest, aviation historian, Michael Schratt presents Leonard H. Stringfield's legendary "UFO Crash Retrieval" series where Leonard interviewed firsthand military witnesses, Michael has presents these cases through contemporary illustrations. Note: Some images will be added to show notes, but all of the images are in the YouTube video in show notes.Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/13/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 21 seconds
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586. Kevin Wright, UAP Transparency

Guest, Kevin Wright is dedicated to pushing for our US Government's transparency on the UAP issue. He discusses the Schumer/Rounds UAP Amendment, what it would look like if it did not happen and moreShow NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/6/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 34 seconds
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AudioBlog: A 1968 UFO Incident at Minot AFB

This is the third part of a series looking at a case from 1968 that involved sightings of UFOs on October 24, 1968, by ground observers stationed at the ICBM missile complex surrounding Minot AFB in North Dakota. A B-52 was flying in the area, and the pilot was requested to change course and investigate. The result was a UFO encounter that was caught on photographs of the B-52 radarscope, and the pilot, Maj. James A. Partin, and co-pilot, Captain Bradford Runyon, reported that they’d had a visual sighting of the object when it was on the ground. In addition to the sightings, it was reported that the outer and inner perimeter alarms of the missile site designated Oscar-7 went off and that a padlocked entry hatch there was found open with a plug-style gate secured by a combination lock removed from it. The case was officially examined by the officer in charge of UFO investigations at the base who provided details and evidence to Project Blue Book. The Blue Book conclusion was that what was seen was possibly a combination of “anomalous propagation” of radar returns, a plasma ball, and celestial bodies. It was also concluded that the break-in was unrelated. The case lay dormant for 30 years until Runyon contacted the Center for UFO Studies and filled out a sighting report form. The case caught the interest of members of the newly formed Sign Historical Group and they did a thorough investigation that included many interviews with witnesses. They’ve made material they gathered available as part of the Sign Oral History Project on a website devoted to the case. In Part III, we’ll look at the reports by the ground observers. Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/2/202312 minutes
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585B. Danny Sheehan

In an urgent matter, guest Daniel Sheehan discusses a grassroots effort to save the Schumer-Rounds UAP Disclosure Act, an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, under threat from a small but powerful handful in Congress.Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/29/20231 hour, 39 minutes, 39 seconds
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585A. Astrophysicist, Adam Frank

Guest, Adam Frank, discusses the possibility of extraterrestrial life through the lens of scientific discoveries, theories, and firsthand research. He will also discuss his recently released book, The Little Book of Aliens.Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/29/202354 minutes, 11 seconds
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AudioBlog: PART 2: A 1968 UFO Incident at Minot AFB

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”In Part I of this blog, we looked at a case from 1968 that involved sightings of a UFO on October 24, 1968, by ground observers stationed at the ICBM missile complex surrounding Minot AFB in North Dakota. A B-52 was flying in the area and the pilot was requested to change course and investigate. The result was a UFO encounter that was caught on photographs of the B-52 radarscope and the pilot, Maj. James A. Partin, and co-pilot, Captain Bradford Runyon, reported that they’d had a visual sighting of the object when it was on the ground. In addition to the sightings, it was reported that the outer and inner perimeter alarms of the missile site designated Oscar-7 went off and that a padlocked entry hatch there was found open with a plug-style gate secured by a padlock removed from it. The case was officially examined by the officer in charge of UFO investigations at the base, Lt. Col. Arthur Werlich. He provided details and evidence to Project Blue Book, and they concluded that what was seen was possibly a combination of “anomalous propagation” of radar returns, a plasma ball, and celestial bodies. They also concluded that the break-in was unrelated. The case lay dormant for 30 years until Runyon contacted the Center for UFO Studies and filled out a sighting report form. The case caught the interest of members of the newly formed Sign Historical Group and they did a thorough investigation that included many interviews with witnesses. They’ve made material they gathered available as part of the Sign Oral History Project on a website devoted to the case. In Part II, we’ll look at the key elements of the case that they uncovered. Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/27/20239 minutes, 38 seconds
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584. Richard Rokeby

British guest, Richard Rokeby to discuss UFO events in England, plus the event that inspired his book, The Lights Upon the Hills- The Burton Dassett UFO Events of 1923. The encounters were in the Warwickshire countryside where there was great excitement about a series of ghostly looking lights which were witnessed by perhaps hundreds of people. He also discusses black triangle sightings in the Warwickshire area.Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/22/202353 minutes
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AudioBlog: A 1968 UFO Incident at Minot AFB

At the suggestion of Mr. Martin Willis, this week we are looking at a report involving a UFO incident on October 24, 1968, at Minot AFB in North Dakota. It involved sightings reported by ground observers stationed at the surrounding Minuteman ICBM complex as well as the crew of a B-52. What gives this case extra significance is that there are available photos of the B-52 radarscope to back up the crew’s account. There is a Project Blue Book file on the case that contains the conclusion that what was seen was possibly a combination of “anomalous propagation” of radar returns, a plasma ball, and celestial bodies, but an exceptional investigation begun in 2000 by members of the recently formed Sign Historical Group indicates that the incident involved something genuinely mysterious.Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/19/202311 minutes, 31 seconds
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Introducing UAP Crossfire

Introducing UAP Crossfire, Martin Willis with Chris Deperno, Don Ecker and Kevin Randle (filling in for Commander Cobra) talking on Sean Kirkpatrick, AARO and much more. This show airs live weekly on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, and Podcast UFO's YouTube channel on Thursdays, 8-10PM ET.NOTE: THIS WILL NOT BE PART OF THE REGULAR WEEKLY PODCAST FEED. The content belongs to KGRAThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/17/20231 hour, 50 minutes, 52 seconds
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583 Rony Vernet

Guest Rony Vernet gives his opinion on recent attacks of Peruvian villagers and his research on many encounters with indigenous people of the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest.Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/15/202353 minutes, 14 seconds
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AudioBlog: PART 2: A 1991 Crop Circle and UFO Investigation by ParaNet:MICAP

In 1986, Jim Speiser of Fountain Hills, Arizona, got the urge to create an electronic forum dedicated to a discussion of paranormal topics. He started a BBS (bulletin board system) using six personal computers located at various locations in the U.S. and Canada linked together with a Fidonet system. Speiser called his new BBS “The ParaNet.” In the summer of 1991, there was a “spin-off” of ParaNet named the Multi-national Investigations Cooperative on Aerial Phenomena, and ParaNet published a magazine called Continuum to get their investigations reports out to the public. The first case in the Volume 1, Number 1, September 1991 issue involves an investigation by James Black (who wrote the report) and Robert Atwood of a simple crop circle that formed overnight starting on August 21, 1991, in a cornfield in Iowa that led them to other reports of strange activity in the area. The case became far more complex than a simple crop circle report, and this has ended up becoming a two-part blog. In the first part, we looked at the investigation and three witness accounts, and in the second part, we’ll look at one more account, the conclusions, and the aftermath, which included poltergeist activity reported to have been experienced by a fellow investigator at his home. Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/13/202311 minutes, 5 seconds
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AudioBlog: A 1991 Crop Circle and UFO Investigation by ParaNet:MICAP

In 1986, Jim Speiser of Fountain Hills, Arizona, got the urge to create an electronic forum dedicated to a discussion of paranormal topics. He started a BBS (bulletin board system) using six personal computers located at various locations in the U.S. and Canada linked together with a Fidonet system. People would dial a number that would access a computer through a modem, and they could read and post messages and access files. Speiser called his new BBS “The ParaNet.” In the summer of 1991, there was a “spin-off” of ParaNet named the Multi-national Investigations Cooperative on Aerial Phenomena, and ParaNet published a magazine called Continuum to get their investigations reports out to the public. The first case in the Volume 1, Number 1, September 1991 issue involves an investigation of a simple crop circle in a cornfield in Iowa that led researchers to other reports of strange activity in the area. The case became far more complex than a simple crop circle report, and this has ended up becoming a two-part blog. In the first part, we’ll look at the investigation and three witness accounts, and in the second part we’ll look at one more account, the conclusions, and the aftermath, which included poltergeist activity reported to have been experienced by one investigator at his home. Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/10/202310 minutes, 37 seconds
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582. Listener Call-In Show

Martin celebrates his 12th anniversary of Podcast UFO with a call in show, people call in with questions and some interesting encounters.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/8/202354 minutes, 11 seconds
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AudioBlog:Two 1975 UFO Flaps in Florida

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”In 1975, after the Travis Walton Incident on November 5, because of the attention it received in the press and among the UFO community, there were two flaps in Florida that fell through the cracks and have all but been forgotten. The first one was in the area of Miami- Dade County that started on the same day as the Walton incident, and the second was a little over a month later around 50 miles south of Jacksonville in the small farming community of Hastings. The Miami-Dade reports received a good amount of local press, as did the Hastings reports. The Hastings reports were looked into by the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, and there is an article on the case in the January 1976 APRO Bulletin.Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/3/202310 minutes, 36 seconds
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581. David Mason, UFO Technologist

Guest, David Mason is a technologist and inventor known for his work at "Skinwalker Ranch"and the movie "A Tear in the Sky." to join us for a discussion on his recent inventions that will assist in UFO/UAP detection as well as discussing several UFO incidents and more.Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/1/20231 hour, 53 minutes, 41 seconds
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580. Scott Cassell, Underwater Adventurer & USO Encounter

Fascinating guest, underwater adventurer Scott Cassell, with over 15,000 hours logged of undersea exploration discusses all sorts of animal life, including killer squid, and his highly unusual interactional USO encounter, gold colored intelligently driven cube, and the after effects the encounter has caused. Note: TO SKIP TO THE USO ENCOUNTER 30:30Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/25/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 53 seconds
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AudioBlog: Russian UFO Reports Now in the U.S. Congressional Record

by Charles Lear. Recently, on July 26, KLAS Chief Investigative Reporter George Knapp attended the House Oversight Committee hearing on UFOs. He submitted a written statement describing his interest in and involvement with the subject that was read into the record. A part of his statement that has made headlines is a description of an incident involving UFOs over a Russian ICBM base in Ukraine that seemingly took control of the base launch system. He said this story was to him by a man he described as the director of Russia’s official UFO investigation, Col. Boris Sokolov. According to Knapp, the study lasted ten years, “and was likely the largest UFO investigation ever undertaken.” As this is now in the historical record, it might be of interest to know how Knapp got in touch with Sokolov and consider how accurate his information might have been. Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/22/202311 minutes, 48 seconds
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579. Matthew Roberts

Matthew Roberts returns after recently on the Netflix Series, Encounters, discussing what it was like to be a first-hand video witness to the 2015 USS Roosevelt ‘Gimbal’ UFO, and what has been happening since that time.Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/18/202355 minutes, 18 seconds
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AudioBlog: The 1993 Cosford Incident

On March 30, and 31, 1993, reports of a UFO over Southern England came in to the Ministry of Defense. Nick Pope was manning the “UFO desk” at the time, and he described that “the phones were ringing off the hook.” He posted a description of the most dramatic reports on February 20, 2007, on the Physics Forum website. He appeared in a 2009 7 News Spotlight (an Australian program) segment presented by Russ Coulthart and described himself as “broadly skeptical” and his investigation of this series of reports as “the turning point.” Pope described the case in his 1996 book, “Open Skies, Closed Minds,” which helped to make it a classic, but Jenny Randles of the British UFO Research Association suspected that some of the sightings were of a satellite rocket booster from Cosmos 2235 (sent up by the Commonwealth of Independent States) re-entering the atmosphere. One report from RAF Shawbury that was described by Pope was later reconsidered by the witness as also having a prosaic explanation. Because the file (Part 1, Part 2) on the case was released to the public by the MoD, the details of the case can be examined by anyone with an interest.Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/15/20239 minutes, 24 seconds
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578. Randall Nickerson & Dan Warren

Randall Nickerson speaks for a few minutes on Dallyn's claims, in Netflix's Encounters Series (see show notes), our main guest, Dan Warren is an engineer by trade, and was drawn at first to the UFO phenomenon by the nuts and bolts, but discovered a broad array of less tangible intellectually stimulating head scratchers that continues to confuse, confound, and fascinate. He discusses how he deep dives into the topic.Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/11/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 17 seconds
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AudioBlog: PART 3: A 1976 British UFO and Humanoid Encounter With Paranormal Overtones

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”Bowles and PrattThis is the third part in a series looking at two separate encounters in Winchester, England, with UFOs and humanoids reported by two friends, 42-year-old Joyce Bowles and 58-year-old Ted Pratt. They reported that as Bowles was driving with Pratt in the passenger seat prior to their first encounter, Bowles’s Cooper Mini Clubman travelled diagonally as if it was floating after the steering wheel locked, and the car came to a rest on a strip of grass (known as a “verge” in England) next to the road. They said they then saw a craft hovering 18 inches above the ground with 3 humanoids behind a window or windows sitting lined up as if they were on a bus. A creature left the craft, possibly by walking through it, came up to the car, and seemed to have put its hand on the roof as it looked in Bowles’s window. It was said to have been wearing what looked like a silver “boiler suit” and to have had long hair that curled up in the back, sideburns that came down to a pointed beard, and brilliant red eyes with no pupils or irises. They said that during their second encounter, they found themselves standing next to Bowles’s car inside what they assumed was a spaceship. The creatures spoke with them, said they weren’t there to invade and that they’d be back. Their case got the interest of researchers from various organizations and there is one article examining it in the March/April 1977 BUFORA Journal and FOUR articles in the February 1977, Vol. 22, No. 5 Flying Saucer Review. In the course of the investigation, it came out that there were after-effects and that Bowles had a history of reported paranormal experiences and well as healing and psychic abilities. One of the researchers, Lionel Beer, reported in his article in the BUFORA Journal that Bowles’s history made him dubious, but he and the others didn’t discount her claims, possibly due to the influence the ideas of John Keel and Jacques Vallée were having on researchers at the time. Leslie Harris makes a reference to Vallée’s 1969 book “Passport to Magonia” in his article covering the case in Flying Saucer Review. Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/5/20239 minutes, 35 seconds
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577. Jim Quirk

Martin talks about the Shag Harbour Expo, guest Jim Quirk talks about his own amazing encounters, and how he believes there is a bit of UFO gaslighting going on with our government and talks about breaking down current events and his opinions of what he thinks is really happening.Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/4/202354 minutes, 34 seconds
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576. Melissa Tittl

First time guest, Melissa Tittl talks about UFO investigations, her movie Code 12, as well as her intense media background and a few interesting cases while co-hosting of with Ben Hansen in the series, UFO Witness and much more. Melissa forgot I told her one hour as I was under the weather, the ending seems abrupt, but that was the plan.Support the show and listen commercial free: NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
9/27/202353 minutes, 17 seconds
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AudioBlog: PART 2: A 1976 British UFO and Humanoid Encounter With Paranormal Overtones

In last week’s blog, we looked at a case involving two friends, 42-year-old Joyce Bowles and 58-year-old Ted Pratt, who reported an encounter on November 14, 1976, in Winchester, England. They claimed they saw a cigar-shaped craft hovering 18 inches above the ground with three humanoids, sitting lined up as if they were on a bus, visible behind a window or windows. One creature was said to have left the craft, possibly by passing through it, and then to have walked towards Bowles and Pratt, who were sitting in Bowles’s Cooper Mini Clubman. The creature was described as human-looking, with long hair that curled up in the back and sideburns that went down to a pointed beard, but its eyes were said to be “piercing pink” with no pupils or irises. Bowles said when she looked away from them, she saw spots as if she had been looking at the sun. The case got the interest of many researchers, mostly from the British UFO Research Association. There is one article (page 12 of the pdf) covering it in the March/April 1977 BURORA Journal, and four in the Volume 22, Number 5, 1976 Flying Saucer Review, published in February 1977. What makes this case unique is that it involves two witnesses who described two encounters. This week we’re looking at the second encounter described. Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
9/23/20238 minutes, 50 seconds
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575. Irena Scott & Philip Mantle, A Tribute to Calvin Parker

Irena, Philip & Martin pay tribute to friend, Calvin Parker (1954-2023) of the 1973 Pascagoula Abduction Incident. We also discuss a recent book with over 40 other witnesses to the even, "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt", with a forward by Calvin. For those new to the UFO topic, you can skip to 0:18:50 to hear a nutshell description of the event, or our blog by Charles Lear, who covers it well HERE. The book recently releases is: BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT: The Pascagoula Alien AbductionShow NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
9/19/202354 minutes, 30 seconds
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AudioBlog: A 1976 British UFO and Humanoid Encounter With Paranormal Overtones

On November 15, 1976, 42-year-old Joyce Bowles, and her 58-year-old friend, Ted Pratt, appeared on the BBC television program South Today. They were interviewed about their reported encounters with UFOs and humanoids the night before. Their case got the interest of researchers from various organizations and there are FOUR articles examining it in the February 1977, Vol. 22, No. 5 Flying Saucer Review: an article by Bournemouth Unexplained Phenomena Research Group Investigator Leslie Harris headlined “UFO & Silver-Suited Entity Seen Near Winchester,” an article by British UFO Research Association Investigator Richard Nash that consists mostly of a transcription of a tape recorded interview with Bowles and Pratt conducted by Nash, “Questions and Comments on the Nash Interview” by BUFORA Research Coordinator Jenny Randles, and an article by BUFORA Investigator Frank J. Wood based on two reports prepared by him headlined “Alleged CE-III at Winchester: Vehicle Examination,” with the subheading “Together with a few other matters of interest.” There is also an article by Lionel Beer in the March/April BUFORA Journal headlined “The Winchester Encounters. There are several sensational claims in this case, and while it is based on the testimony of two witnesses, Mrs. Bowles had a history of reporting other paranormal encounters, which caused some doubt among researchers. However, Jacques Vallée’s 1969 book, Passport to Magonia, had an impact on the thinking of researchers at that time, as did the work of John Keel, an FSR contributor, and an increasing number were considering the idea that UFOs might be more paranormal in nature than physical craft being piloted by extraterrestrials.Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
9/17/20239 minutes, 26 seconds
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Nelson Dellis, The Everything Else Show

The Everything Else Show guest, Nelson Dellis discusses remote viewing, his extreme adventure on Mt Everest and what it is like to be a 5-time US Memory Champion. He explains what Remote Viewing is, and is not. He also goes into some memory tips and when challenged at the end of the show, he memorizes a deck of cards live. This is the part that you may want to watch on video (1:07:00) Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
9/17/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 10 seconds
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574. Jay Christopher King

Guest, Jay Christopher King was also at the DC UAP Hearing, we discuss opinions on that, The Experiencer Group, which he co-founded to help fellow experiencers of anomalous phenomena, his own experiences starting at a young age, and more.Support the show and listen commercial free: NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
9/13/202353 minutes, 55 seconds
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AudioBlog: A Possible 1978 UFO Abduction Case From British Columbia, Canada

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”In the November 1978 Vol. 24, No. 3, Flying Saucer Review, there is an article (page 9 of pdf) by W. K. Allan headlined, “The Fort St. James Sightings,” that details Allan’s investigation of a case in British Columbia, Canada, along with the editor of the Canadian UFO Report, John Magor. Allan describes becoming interested in the case upon seeing a report (page 2 of pdf) headlined, “Possible Canadian Abduction,” in the March 1977 APRO Bulletin. According to Allan, he and Magor travelled, along with their wives, to Fort St. James to interview the witness, who identifies himself as Kirk Alore in the transcription of his story as told on tape. His account includes what seems to be a period of missing time, and this is likely what led the APRO investigator, Michael Sinclair, to consider that Alore might have been abducted. As they looked into the case further, they encountered some problems with Alore’s story but got corroboration from his parents. Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
9/11/20239 minutes, 59 seconds
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In Memoriam: 2013 Interview with Calvin Parker, Pascagoula Incident

After 30 years of silence, Calvin Parker reached out to us because of a blog by Michael Lauck wrote on the incident, which was on the website. Calvin Parker, November 2, 1954 - August 24, 2023 (A Calvin Parker Tribute Show is upcoming Sept 19, with Philip Mantle & Dr Irena Scott).This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
9/10/202331 minutes, 30 seconds
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AudioBlog: John Keel Investigates a Landing and Creature Report in Erie, Pennsylvania

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”In 1966, John Keel, longtime fortean and author of several books on UFOs, including his most famous book published in 1975, The Mothman Prophecies, was just beginning to focus on the UFO phenomenon. At this time in his life, he was writing articles for the British publication, Flying Saucer Review and sharing his research with Jim and Coral Lorenzen of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. He wrote an article (page 6 of pdf) about one case he looked into that year, headlined “New Landing and Creature Reports” that was published in the November-December 1966 Flying Saucer Review. The article’s main focus is on one incident that took place on July 31, 1966. Keel shared the details of the case with APRO, and they published their take on it (page 3 of pdf) headlined, “The Presque Isle Landing,” in the July-August 1966 APRO Bulletin.Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
9/6/202310 minutes, 29 seconds
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573. Jonathan Weygandt Exclusive Peru Encounter

This is an exclusive discussion and only the second interview of former Marine, Lance Corporal Jonathan Weygandt. After gaining Jonathan's confidence, I asked him if I could talk about the incident as it was timely, he agreed, but said he had nothing to add from his first interview. Jonathan was deployed to Peru and part of "Operation Laser Strike" in 1997, while on a recovery mission of what was thought of as a friendly aircraft crash, they came upon an unusual teardrop shaped craft, not of this world, wedged in rocks, apparently damaged by a H.A.W.K. missile, and there were some beings involved. Armed men in black camouflage (with no insignia) showed up and aggressively took over the scene. He was shackled, taken away told not to speak about what he witnessed. He persisted talking about it to fellow servicemen and paid the consequences for that.Support the show and listen commercial free: Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
9/6/202340 minutes, 57 seconds
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AudioBlog: A 1970 UFO and Humanoid Report From Spain

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.” In October 1970, the publishers of the British magazine Flying Saucer Review put out the first issue of FSR Case Histories. Editor Charles Bowen explains at the beginning of that issue that readers had “suggested that FSR should be a monthly journal.” According to Bowen, the FSR staff worked in their spare time to put out the magazine, and while putting it out monthly wasn’t possible, it was possible to put out a supplemental journal in between the main issues. Other reasons Bowen gives for putting out a supplement are: to provide space for cases that might otherwise go unrecorded, to translate stories from foreign journals, to encourage readers to become part-time investigators, and to have “a vehicle to carry important re-investigations of old cases.” The February 1974 FSR Case Histories, Supplement 18, was the final issue and Bowen and Assistant Editor Eileen Buckle explain in that issue that this is due to “lukewarm support and the shocking rise of costs and postage.” A case from that issue that caught this writer’s interest is an example of a case that was translated from a foreign magazine, in this instance, from the December 1972 issue of the Spanish magazine, Stendak. Read more →This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
8/30/20237 minutes, 59 seconds
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572. Thiago Ticchetti & Dr. Michael Masters

8/30/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 42 seconds
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571. Dr. Keith Taylor

Guest, Keith Taylor, having an extensive law enforcement background, discusses his goal of the future incident response with people who have anomalous encounters, as well as mentioning historic cases including law enforcement, and much more. (this show is dedicated to Lee Speigel)Support the show and listen commercial free: NOTESThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
8/23/202353 minutes, 42 seconds
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570. James Fox & Dean Alioto

The first half of the show is with James Fox on what he has been up to as well as his thoughts on current UFO/UAP events, then Dean Alioto on the second half of the show to check in and discuss what is going on with his UAP/UFO/Experiencer filmmaking and more.Support the show and listen commercial free: NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
8/16/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 27 seconds
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569. Bob Spearing

Guest, Bob Spearing to discuss his role investigating UFOs, some interesting cases, and the history of people reporting balls of light over the centuries. He also discusses the types of craft that have been reported, including some strange ones.Show NotesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
8/9/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 30 seconds
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568. Chris Bledsoe

Guest, Chris Bledsoe is featured in this evening's (August 1st) Beyond Skinwalker Ranch, on HISTORY Channel, 10/9c. Chris discusses what happened during his first encounter in 2007, and how things have been documented over the years, and scientific study of his uncanny ability to summon something unknown.Support Us on Patreon: NOTES
8/2/202351 minutes, 4 seconds
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Chris Lehto going over what happened during the hearing, clips with Tim Burchett, and more. Chis & Martin on the Lehto Files:
7/26/202345 minutes, 37 seconds
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567A. Pre-Hearing with Chris Lehto

Martin met up with F-16 Fighter Pilot (ret), Chris Lehto on location at the Nation's Capitol, Washington, DC and they discuss what we may expect for tomorrow's (July 26th) hearing. During the show, Rep Tim Burchett tweeted that he was told he would not be chairing the hearing.Show Notes
7/26/202353 minutes, 17 seconds
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566. Paul Ascough

Guest, Paul Ascough discusses several of his lifetime sightings, and his book, UFOs -The Real Story (Revised Edition 2023) which looks at the bigger picture with all of its complexities, with expanded explanations of why we see and experience what we do and is interlaced with many of the authors own sightings throughout his life.To Support us on Patreon for $2 or more per month: Notes 
7/19/202351 minutes, 50 seconds
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AudioBlog: Part 2, Did Einstein Inspect a Crashed UFO and Aliens at Roswell?

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”In last week’s blog, we looked at the cottage industry that grew up around the Roswell incident. We noted that people continue to cash in on it by coming up with “new evidence” that is promised to be “the smoking gun” that ultimately fails to live up to that promise. In a pattern that has continued for decades, once one piece of “evidence” is knocked down, another one pops up in its place. This happened fairly recently in the case of the “Roswell Slides,” which were said to be pictures of an alien recovered from Roswell, but turned out to be pictures of a mummified two-year-old boy. One of the people involved, Anthony Bragalia, made his apologies and then got right back out there with more “new evidence.”Read more 
7/17/20239 minutes, 55 seconds
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565. Admiral Tim Gallaudet & Avie Loeb

We are honored to host guest, Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, US Navy(ret) who discusses the UAP/USO phenomenon. Admiral Gallaudet has a scientific expertise and authority to The White House Ocean Research Advisory Panel and the Ocean Studies Board in the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to study undersea instances of UFOs / UAPs. THE SECOND HALF OF THE SHOW is with astrophysicist Avi Loeb, the Baird Professor of Science and Institute director at Harvard University, to give a summary of his successful Galileo Project Pacific Ocean expedition in which he brought back to Harvard more than 50 spherules of the first recognized interstellar meteor, IM1, which lay on the deep ocean floor for nearly a decade.Help Support the show: Notes
7/12/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 56 seconds
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AudioBlog: Did Einstein Inspect a Crashed UFO and Aliens From Roswell?

The announcement on July 8, 1947 by the intelligence office at Roswell Army Air Field that they had recovered a flying saucer from a ranch in the area quickly faded from the public consciousness after it was announced the next day that what was found was actually a weather balloon. It wasn’t until 1978 that the story was resurrected after Stanton Friedman stumbled upon it. After that, it spawned a cottage industry that many people profited from with books, speaking engagements, television appearances, videos and assorted merchandise. The original story of a flying saucer being recovered grew until there were two crash sites, recovered alien bodies, and even a living alien. Much of this is now doubtful as the credibility of the people who made those sorts of claims has been called into question, as is reported in detail on the website, The thing about the Roswell case is, once one piece of testimony or evidence is put into question or totally debunked, someone comes along with “new evidence” that is promised to be “the smoking gun.” Read more →
7/11/202311 minutes, 43 seconds
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564. Chris Styles

Chris Styles as he discusses his new long researched book,Sweep Clear 5: NATO's UFO Encounter. After deep research, Chris concludes that there are two separate incidents that are in general conflated as one.Patreon Link: Notes 
7/4/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 29 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFO Sightings and Contact as Reported by Dave Davies

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”Rock musicians, like people from all walks of life, have reported encounters with UFOs. Famous examples include Jimi Hendrix, his former roadie and Motörhead frontman Lemmy Kilmister, John Lennon, and Shaun Ryder of the Happy Mondays. However, unlike people with more average day jobs, rock musicians tend to be treated less seriously in the press, often due to their sometimes publicly acknowledged drug use. A good example is Dave Davies of The Kinks, who reported an experience stranger than most, but students of this subject should recognize that some of what he reported has been reported by others. Read more →
7/2/20237 minutes, 26 seconds
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563. Mario Woods, AARO Testimony

Sgt. Mario Woods [ret.] is back, his gives an overview of the Ellsworth UFO Case, and then he discusses how AARO (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office) contacted him and what it was like during his 4+ hour testimony regarding his UFO incident in 1977 as a witness and experiencer.Patreon Link: Notes
6/28/20231 hour, 28 minutes, 52 seconds
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AudioBlog: The Snoopy II Helicopter UFO Encounter

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”When it comes to helicopter UFO encounters, many people interested in this subject are familiar with what has become known as “The Coyne Incident,” named after the Army Reserve helicopter pilot, Captain Lawrence Coyne. There was another helicopter incident four years later that is lesser known, but investigators at the time were quite interested in it. According to Coyne in the UPI story out of Cleveland, he and his crew were flying from Columbus to Cleveland, Ohio, at 11:00 p.m. on October 18, 1973, when the crew chief, Robert Yanacsek saw a red light approaching them. Coyne described it as, “shaped like an airfoil or a streamlined fat cigar.” He said it had a red light on the front, a dome in the center, and a green light on the rear. He said: “I’m a military commander. I don’t believe in UFOs, little green spacemen, and all that stuff. But I had to file an official report in detail to the Army on this thing.” Read more 
6/26/20236 minutes, 52 seconds
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562. Kevin Randle

Return guest, Kevin Randle gives his opinion of the recent whistleblower situation, and speaks on his recently released updated version of the 2000 book about the sightings over Washington, D.C. in 1952. The Washington Nationals examines the case in depth, adding additional commentary, witness interviews, and new information. His latest book on Roswell HERE.Show Notes 
6/21/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 39 seconds
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561. Bryce Zabel, Whistleblower Momentum

Bryce Zabel co-host of the Need to Know Podcast & YouTube show on UAP partners with Ross Coulthart has met and spoken with David Grusch, find out what the momentum has been, what we know and may expect to find out about the possibility of NHI, non-human intelligence. Are we at the tipping point?Please Help us out through Patreon: Notes
6/14/20231 hour, 30 minutes
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AudioBlog: James W. Moseley Considers a UFO Crash Story in 1955

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”James W. Moseley was a part of the UFO scene from the days of the first private investigators in the early 1950s up until his death in 2012. He ran the longest running saucer group, the Saucer and Unexplained Celestial Events Research Society or S.A.U.C.E.R.S. (he and the group picked the acronym before they figured out what it could stand for) and steadily published a newsletter, known for most of its existence as Saucer Smear. Moseley has been called the Court Jester of UFOlogy due to his habit of poking fun at those who took themselves and the subject too seriously, and was involved in some hoaxes/pranks with his friend Gray Barker that became infamous. He wrote a book with Karl Pflock about his exploits in saucerdom that was published in 2002 titled Shockingly Close to the Truth: Confessions of a Grave-Robbing UFOlogist. In spite of his less-than-serious nature, he did do some serious investigation in his early days, and in one instance, looked into a saucer crash story and wrote an article about it that was published in the January 1955 issue of Gray Barker’s magazine, The Saucerian. Read more 
6/10/20239 minutes, 52 seconds
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SPECIAL EDITION II: Ralph Blumenthal, The UAP Whistleblower Article & Aftermath

Veteran journalist, Ralph Blumenthal on co-authoring the bombshell article: INTELLIGENCE OFFICIALS SAY U.S. HAS RETRIEVED CRAFT OF NON-HUMAN ORIGIN published on The Debrief a few days ago. He discusses what he and co-author Leslie Kean went through to verify David Grusch’s claim of who he was, and the nature of the whistleblower complaint he as filed. He addresses some of the issues that have been put out there since the release, and what impact he believes this article could make.Show Notes
6/10/202354 minutes, 39 seconds
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560. Tony Harris, The Proof is Out There

Veteran TV journalist host of the HISTORY Channel's "The Proof is Out There", Tony Harris joins us to discuss the season's premier on June 9th, non-fiction series takes an in-depth look at some of the most incredible and thought-provoking videos of unexplained phenomena and mysterious must-see moments.Show Notes
6/7/202353 minutes, 45 seconds
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Alejandro Rojas joins Martin to speak on yesterday's UAP whistleblower bombshell, Defense intelligence whistleblower, David Charles Grusch, who has alleged that the Intelligence Community is hiding classified evidence of “intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin.” Check the story out in the DeBrief:
6/7/202354 minutes, 17 seconds
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AudioBlog: Two UFO Occupant Cases From France

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”There are two cases out of France, around the time of the 1973 United States humanoid wave, that are remarkably similar in some aspects and occurred within a few months of each other. The first case, from 1973, shows up in the second edition of the Center for UFO Studies publication by David Webb, titled 1973—The Year of the Humanoids (page 16 of the pdf), and the second case, from 1974, shows up in the 1976 book by Jim and Coral Lorenzen, titled UFO Occupants (page 61 of the pdf.) Read more →
6/2/20237 minutes, 2 seconds
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559. Ron James

Guest Ron James on his latest documentary, “Accidental Truth – UFO Revelations” , From over 15 years of interviews and investigation, Ron James painstakingly connects the dots. Colonel John Alexander, Lue Elizondo, Christopher Mellon, Nick Pope and others help to “accidentally” weave a story that leaves no doubt that another intelligence is somehow operating around us. Dr. Michio Kaku provides scientific analysis and commentary specific to what we know. Show Notes
5/31/202354 minutes, 34 seconds
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AudioBlog: Truckers Report Attack by Bird-like Creatures From a UFO

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”1984 was a serious year in UFOlogy. Researchers were taking advantage of a more efficient and accessible process for putting in FOIA requests and finding documents showing that agencies such as the FBI and CIA did have some involvement with UFOs despite statements to the contrary. The Hudson Valley wave was in full swing, and the British UFO Research Association got ahold of the tape recording made by Col. Charles Halt on one of the nights when UFOs were seen in Rendlesham Forest. With so much evidence that there was something to the mystery and official interest in it coming to light, the reporting on the UFO subject took a turn away from ridicule, and the press started being serious about UFOs as well. In the midst of this, there was a case that many researchers might find worthy of ridicule, and it’s probable that researchers of the day did as well because it came and went and remains obscure, but the reporting on it was straight forward and restrained. Read more →
5/29/20236 minutes
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AudioBlog: UFOs Over the Indian Point Nuclear Plant

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”Beginning on New Year’s Eve, 1982, there was a series of sightings throughout the Hudson River Valley north of New York City by hundreds of people willing to go on the record. They reported seeing boomerang-shaped craft the size of 1, 2, and 3 football fields, that moved slowly, hovered, and turned on an axis. This is according to the first comprehensive book on the sightings, Night Siege, which was co-authored by J. Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, and published in 1987. One of the standout incidents in the book, covered in Chapter Eleven titled, “Close Encounter at Indian Point,” is a sighting by what are said by the authors to be security guards (they are all un-named) over the nuclear power plant on Indian Point, on the shore of the Hudson River in Buchanan, NY, just south of Peekskill, NY. Read more →
5/27/202310 minutes, 32 seconds
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558. Chrissy Newton

Guest Chrissy Newton talks about her father's very unusual UFO encounter, and discusses the Government & media looking at the UAP topic from a Public Relations Perspective. She will discuss the past to present media coverage, misinformation campaigns and Public Relations tactics government uses surrounding the UAP narrative. Chrissy will be speaking at the upcoming Contact in the Desert in a few weeks.Show Notes
5/24/202353 minutes, 22 seconds
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AudioBlog: Letters From the Maury Island Principals in the Merseyside UFO Bulletin: Part 2

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”In last week’s blog, we looked at some correspondence we came across in the January-February 1969 Merseyside UFO Bulletin between Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Research Association Director Gary Lesley and Maury Island principals, Fred Crisman and Harold Dahl. We started by looking at an exchange between Lesley and Dahl. In a letter dated July 23, 1967, Lesley asked Dahl for copies of photos that were allegedly taken of a flying saucer, a written statement from Dahl, and for Dahl to contact Crisman and get a written statement from him as well. Dahl replied in a letter dated August 22, 1967, that he would “allow” Lesley to have copies of the photos, would provide a statement that would have to be approved by Crisman, and would contact Crisman but added that it would be unlikely that Crisman would reply to Lesley. Dahl went on to paint a picture of Crisman that didn’t seem to fit the facts that researchers looking into Crisman’s life uncovered. In contrast to what Dahl told Lesley to expect, Lesley got a letter from Crisman, and this is what we’re looking at this week. Read more →
5/22/20238 minutes, 53 seconds
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AudioBlog: Letters From the Maury Island Principals in the 1967 Merseyside UFO Bulletin

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators Throughout the history of flying saucers/UFOs, there have been characters that those being kind would describe as “colorful,” and those being blunt would describe as liars, hoaxers and con men. One of these characters was Fred Crisman, who became famous/infamous due to his involvement in the Maury Island case. Crisman was accused of hoaxing the case along with his business partner, Harold Dahl, and the two confessed as much to an FBI agent who investigated (page 20 of pdf) due to the deaths of two military intelligence officers associated with the case. Crisman faded from the public eye after this but showed up again on November 21, 1968 when he was called to testify at the trial of Clay Shaw looking into the JFK assassination. We have recently come across some correspondence between a UFO investigator, Crisman, and Dahl in the pages of a 1967 edition of a British UFO magazine that may be of interest to our readers. Read more →
5/18/202311 minutes, 13 seconds
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557. Gari Jones, The Denbigh Lights

Guest Gari Jones on his recently released book, "The Denbigh Lights - A Truthful Argument For The Existence of UFOs'", Gari discusses his in-depth investigation into a UFO captured on video in Denbigh, Wales. His investigation not only details the multi-witness statements but also up-to-date analysis of the video in question. He also talks about other UFO cases, one with occupants.Show Notes
5/17/202354 minutes, 2 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO Landing at Edwards AFB?

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”Gordon Cooper, youngest of the original Mercury astronauts, often spoke publicly about his UFO sightings and beliefs. He appeared in documentaries such as James Fox’s 2003 film Out of the Blue, and famously wrote a letter dated November 9, 1978, to Ambassador of Grenada to the United States George Ashley Griffith calling for the scientific collection and analysis of data taken from UFO encounters in order to “determine how best to interface with these visitors in a friendly fashion.” In Out of the Blue, he is heard telling a story about a flying saucer with three retractable legs that was filmed landing in 1957 at Edwards Air Force Base. He didn’t claim to have witnessed the landing himself, but did say he saw the footage. There was an incident involving the filming of a UFO at Edwards that year, and there is a Project Blue Book file on the case. James McDonald found the witnesses and interviewed them in the late 1960’s and wrote a report. Cooper’s name is not mentioned by McDonald and the incident as described by McDonald and in the Blue Book file didn’t involve a landing. Brad Sparks and Jan Aldrich, both heavily involved in UFO research for many years, had an email exchange discussing this, and a record of it can be found at more →
5/15/20238 minutes, 49 seconds
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556. Ben Moss & Tony Angiola

Ben Moss & Tony Angiola return to speak on their 5-year in depth research of the 1964 Socorro UFO Incident which changed Dr. J. Allen Hynek's skeptic mind on the UFOs. Their released book: "Not of This WorldThe Socorro UFO Landing with Humanoids, Witness Lonnie Zamora". They discuss working with Ray Stanford, going to Socorro multiple times for additional evidence, and more.Show Notes
5/10/202353 minutes, 31 seconds
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AudioBlog: The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Abduction Story From Its Primary Sources

The story of the September 1961 case involving the possible abduction of Betty and Barney Hill by UFO occupants has been related and examined in numerous publications and formats. It’s an intriguing case and was the first of the late 20th century UFO abduction reports to receive serious consideration (and publication) by investigators. This makes it a case worthy of attention because the story told by the Hills couldn’t have been influenced by previous abduction narratives. The main source for the abduction story that is focused on by most researchers, such as John Fuller who wrote the 1966 book about the case titled The Interrupted Journey, is the tapes from the hypnosis sessions the Hills went through in 1964 with Dr. Benjamin Simon. Before that, the case was considered to be merely a sighting report. That’s how it was presented by Walter Webb, the primary investigator who submitted a report dated October 26, 1961, to the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. After news of the Hills possibly having been abducted got out, Webb was moved to submit an updated report, dated August 30, 1965, that contains the abduction account. Included in that report is a copy of the letter Betty Hill wrote to NICAP Director Donald Keyhoe dated September 26, 1961. This is the first document with a complete version the Hill’s sighting as it was consciously remembered. As for the abduction account, Webb included a copy of a five-page document, written by Betty a little over a month after the sighting, that shows that it actually originated in a series of dreams Betty had on consecutive nights shortly after the encounter. The letter and document are included in The Interrupted Journey, but their significance as the first recorded accounts of the Hills’ experience very close to the time of the event is not emphasized by Fuller.    Read more →
5/7/202311 minutes, 28 seconds
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555. Dr R. Leo Sprinkle (rerun)

Rerun (original April 9, 2015) guest Dr. Leo Sprinkle talks about his two sightings, his vast career and the thousands of cases he has looked into. He also talked about free energy, abductees, J Allen Hynek and more. Dr R. Leo Sprinkle (1930-2021)
5/3/20231 hour, 37 minutes, 8 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs Over Muchalls, Scotland

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”Tom MoirPeople react to UFO encounters in different ways. Some are profoundly moved, some are terrified, some take them in stride, and some become fascinated. Tom Moir, a young man in the Aberdeenshire village of Muchalls, Scotland, was moved to become an investigator after his sighting in 1971, and he spent three decades videotaping UFOs in his area that he said were showing up on a regular basis. He came to believe they were monitoring him and his neighbors and this disturbed him to the point where he ended up moving thousands of miles away to Aukland, New Zealand.Moir’s story appears in the 1998 book by Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland. Moir is identified in the book as Tom McClintock. According to Halliday, Tom was walking home from a bus stop near his home after his weekly violin lesson. On his right, “he noticed a red, pulsating light.” Another identical one appeared on his left and then, a third. He was not scared, but rather, curious as to what they were doing.Read more →
4/29/20237 minutes, 35 seconds
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554. Dan Harary

Guest, Dan Harary has been a longtime UFO researcher, will speak on his UFO encounters, and the genesis of writing his recent sci-fi novel, “After They Came,” depicting aliens coming to earth to help mankind.Show Notes
4/26/202353 minutes, 20 seconds
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AudioBlog: The Mystery in Marfa, Texas

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”In Marfa, Texas, there is a phenomenon known as “The Marfa Lights” that has been around for a long time and still remains a mystery. It’s been studied by members of the Society of Physics Students from the University of Dallas and a retired aerospace engineer, James Bunnell. The students thought people were seeing car headlights on U.S. 67. Bunnell thought there was more to the lights than mere misidentification.According to the Texas State Historical Association website entry on the subject by Julia Cauble Smith, the first historical record of a mystery lights sighting dates back to 1883. According to Smith, Robert Reed Ellison, a young cowhand, saw a flickering light while driving cattle through an area known as Paisano Pass and thought it might be coming from an Apache campfire. Other settlers told him they had seen lights on other occasions and when they investigated, they found no signs of fires in the area. This has been used as an argument against the car lights on U.S. 67 explanation by defenders of the mysterious nature of the lights, such as Ariel Slick, who posted an article on the Deep South Magazine website headlined “Marfa Lights: The Spirit of Texas” on August 19, 2022. Read more →
4/20/20238 minutes, 13 seconds
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553B. Brandon Fugal

Brandon Fugal joins us on Season IV Premier Night of HISTORY Channel's "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch" discuss what is unique about the upcoming new season.Show Notes
4/19/202357 minutes, 17 seconds
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553A. Graeme Rendall

Return guest, Graeme Rendall discusses the early years of the modern-day UFO phenomenon and more.Show Notes
4/19/202349 minutes, 37 seconds
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552. Carlo Petrick

The guest is late, Bill from KGRA fills in, a partial interview with Travis Walton then guest Carlo Petrick, poses; the question is not “Do you believe in UFOs,” but rather “Is there indisputable, scientific, peer reviewed and vetted evidence which indicates that UFOs are...Show Notes
4/12/202353 minutes, 29 seconds
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551. Mike Clelland

Guest Mike Clelland talks about his longtime research into the mysterious connection between owls, synchronicities and UFO contact and more.Show Notes 
4/5/202353 minutes, 35 seconds
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550. Gunter Hofer

Guest, Gunter Hofer on The Ariel School Encounter, other African UFO encounters and technical electronic evidence research.Show Notes
3/29/202353 minutes, 51 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFO Abduction Research Gone Sideways: Part 2

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”In 2010, an article by Jeremy Vaeni headlined “The Incredible Visitations of Emma Woods” appeared in the November issue of UFO Magazine. The story that was detailed therein caused people in the UFO community to take hard look at the methods and conclusions of the two most prominent people in alien abduction research at that time. “Emma Woods” was the pseudonym of a woman who lived in England, and she was one of David Jacobs’s research subjects. She had posted some tapes of her hypnosis sessions with him that contained some details that Jacobs probably would have preferred had not been made public. Woods provided more details in an interview she gave on March 29, 2010, on the Paratopia podcast hosted by Vaeni and Jeff Ritzman, which appear in the UFO Magazine article. The article prompted Budd Hopkins’s wife, Carol Rainey to write an article of her own headlined “The Priests of High Strangeness” published in 2011 in Volume 1, Number 1 of Paratopia magazine detailing some of Hopkins’s methods with his subjects as well. Last week we looked at the experiences of Woods during her interaction with Jacobs. This week we’ll look at the aftermath and the reaction of some in the UFO community to Woods’s story. Read more 
3/25/20239 minutes, 35 seconds
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549. Katie Cook

Guest Katie Cook, you may know her as the television host of CMT, but she has had a longtime interest in UFOs and believes we are in post-disclosure. She talks about the emotional impact this topic can cause on society. She also discusses her own journey and why she is passionate about it. At the end of the show, we play 15 minutes of a listener encounter, Carole Quine.Show Notes
3/22/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 25 seconds
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548. Colin Saunders

Guest Colin Saunders is a mechanical engineer that had a family UFO encounter back in March, 1999 when a triangle UFO appeared right in front of his eyes, within 100 feet of his car. He discusses what the experience was like, goes into detail of what he observed as well as the high strangeness that followed.Show Notes
3/15/202354 minutes, 37 seconds
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AudioBlog:UFO Abduction Research Gone Sideways

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators. In 2010, an article by Jeremy Vaeni headlined “The Incredible Visitations of Emma Woods” appeared in the November issue of UFO Magazine that caused people in the UFO community to take hard look at the methods and conclusions of the two most prominent people in alien abduction research. “Emma Woods” was the pseudonym of a woman who lived in England, and she was one of David Jacobs’s research subjects. She had posted some tapes of her hypnosis sessions with him that contained some details that Jacobs probably would have preferred had not been made public. Woods provided more details in an interview she gave on March 29, 2010, on the Paratopia podcast hosted by Vaeni and Jeff Ritzman, which appear in the UFO Magazine article. The article prompted Budd Hopkins’s wife, Carol Rainey to write an article of her own headlined “The Priests of High Strangeness” published in 2011 in Volume 1, Number 1 of Paratopia magazine detailing some of Hopkins’s methods with his subjects as well. Read more →
3/13/202310 minutes, 39 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFO Abductology Under Attack: The First Shots Fired

Throughout the 1990s, the foremost authorities on UFO abduction research were Budd Hopkins, an artist who brought the subject to mainstream attention with the publication of his 1981 book, Missing Time, David Jacobs, an associate professor of history at Temple University who published Secret Life in 1992, and John Mack, head of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, who published Abduction in 1994. Their books sold well, and they all spoke openly to the press and were largely responsible for getting the alien abduction phenomenon a good deal of media coverage. Even some in the scientific community, probably due to Mack’s efforts and tenure at Harvard, were willing to look at the phenomenon with an open mind, and an Abduction Study Conference was held in 1992 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, sponsored by a physics professor there, David Pritchard, with the help of financial backing from Robert Bigelow. Hopkins, Mack, and Jacobs were featured speakers, and Hopkins faced some public criticism during the conference regarding his methods. It wouldn’t be long before he faced even harsher criticism from within the UFO community. Read more →
3/10/202312 minutes, 15 seconds
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547. Karol Olesiak

Guest, Karol Olesiak was a 3rd class petty officer and Quartermaster on the Ronald Reagan during the 2004 encounter. He discusses his experience during the encounter, and how it was weirdly ignored by upper rank as well as talk about a more recent UFO encounter in 2015 with a friend while walking dogs.Show Notes
3/8/202354 minutes, 35 seconds
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546. Sam Maranto

Guest Sam Maranto discusses the 2006 O'Hare UFO Incident, as well as the transition of where he has seen the UFO world changing over the last decades.Show Notes
3/1/202353 minutes, 44 seconds
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AudioBlog: When UFO Abduction Research Went Mainstream

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”In 1981, a new narrative became firmly established as part of the UFO mystery with the publication of Budd Hopkins’s book Missing Time. A large part of the book consists of transcriptions of recordings made during hypnosis sessions where the subjects described being taken aboard craft by 3-4 feet tall creatures that performed medical procedures on them. The descriptions of the creatures were similar to descriptions of beings that would become known as “the greys,” which are the now iconic creatures with large black eyes that became commonly reported after Whitley Strieber’s 1987 book Communion. The eyes of the creatures reported in Hopkins’s book vary. The book came out in July of 1981 and Hopkins, along with Dr. Aphrodite Clamar, a psychotherapist hired to conduct some of the hypnosis sessions, gave interviews to the press. From this point on, the UFO Abduction phenomenon began to receive serious consideration from the mainstream press with Hopkins as the leading authority for the rest of the decade. Read more →
2/27/20239 minutes, 36 seconds
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545. Julie Ohlson

Guest Julie Ohlson who was part of a 1982 Willernie, Minnesota close encounter case, along with her mother. There was melted holes in the snow and debris left, which was photographed at the time. The debris was shipped off for analysis, and took 40 years for it to be returned.Show Notes
2/22/202354 minutes, 20 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO and Beautiful People in England

While UFO researcher/investigators came to accept abduction reports as being worthy of their time by the end of the 1970s, only a few, such as John Keel and Gray Barker, were open to contactee reports. Even so, contactee reports kept showing up, and sometimes they would even make it into the newspapers. One British case from 1980 involved creatures that resembled the Venusians reported by George Adamski starting in 1952, and the witness claimed he had physical trace evidence as proof of his encounter. Read more →
2/19/20235 minutes, 9 seconds
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544. Chris Lehto & Marc D'Antonio

Martin with guests, retired F-16 Fighter Pilot, Chris Lehto & Astronomer Marc D'Antonio on the recent unidentified object shoot-downs. We suggest you watch the video for graphics found in show notes.SHOW NOTES
2/15/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 27 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFO Abduction Claims by the End of the 1970s

By the end of the 1970s, after the 1973 Pascagoula incident and the 1975 Travis Walton case, abduction claims were not only an accepted aspect of the UFO mystery by many investigators, they were considered worthy of attention by the news media, and there are many lengthy newspaper articles detailing reports throughout that decade. The narrative hadn’t yet been taken over by the now-common reports of being taken aboard a craft by creatures 3 to 4 feet tall with big, slanted, black eyes and being subjected to invasive medical procedures that seemed to have something to do with reproduction. The creatures and the natures of the encounters reported throughout the 70s were varied, but by the decade’s end, elements had emerged that would become common in the decades to come. What would also become common in such cases would be the use of regressive hypnosis, which was thought to be an effective means to recover lost memories. However, this technique has since came under criticism, particularly in its use to provide evidence in legal cases, as can be seen in the article titled “Hypnosis, Memory and Amnesia” which was published in the November 29, 1997 (pp. 1727-1732) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London B: Biological Sciences. Read more →
2/9/202310 minutes, 4 seconds
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543. Larry Holcombe

Martin discusses serendipitous witnessing of Chinese Balloon shoot-down then guest longtime UFO researcher, Larry Holcombe reflects on the “Golden Years” of UFOlogy, as well as what his opinion is of the last few years and the government's involvement of the UAP phenomenon.Show Notes
2/8/202353 minutes, 42 seconds
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542. Jensine Andresen and Massimo Teodorani

A fascinating conversation with guests; Jensine Andresen and Massimo Teodorani on their recently released book, Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Academic and Societal Implications and more
2/1/202355 minutes, 52 seconds
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541. Rob Swiatek

Dean Alioto fills in as host, guest, Rob Swiatek, speaks about UFO sightings and research in the age of disclosure and more.Show Notes
1/25/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 27 seconds
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540. Grant Cameron

Guest Grant Cameron is on to touch on the recent UAP Report and consciousness as part of what he believes is the connection to UFOs, and more.Show Notes
1/18/202354 minutes, 41 seconds
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AudioBlog: A Trucker Reports a Harrowing UFO Encounter

In 1973, the claims of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker that they’d been abducted by elephant-skinned, robot-like creatures in Pascagoula, Mississippi, opened researchers up to what have become known as “high-strangeness” reports. The term comes from J. Allen Hynek’s efforts at creating a system of strangeness ratings in Chapter Four of his 1975 book, The UFO Experience. Hickson and Parker were taken seriously because they seemed genuinely traumatized by their experience while just the two of them were waiting in a room at the police station where they first reported their encounter. They just been interviewed, and unbeknownst to them, a tape recorder in the room was left running, which captured the bewildered men talking to each other about their experience. Their story was reported in newspapers and UFO publications worldwide. After that, abduction reports began to increasingly appear. In the midst of this new openness to high-strangeness reports, in 1979, there was a story told by a trucker that was highly unique, and highly strange, and yet was still given serious consideration by the local newspapers and investigators who examined it. Read more →
1/15/20238 minutes, 21 seconds
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AudioBlog: The National Enquirer UFO Blue Ribbon Panel

Many readers may not be aware that, at one point in time, the National Enquirer was associated with serious UFO research in spite of its reputation as a sensationalistic supermarket tabloid. In 1972, the Enquirer put together what they called “The National Enquirer Blue Ribbon UFO Panel,” which was made up of five UFO researchers, all of whom held PhDs. The Enquirer was offering a $50,000 reward for proof, by the end of the year, that UFOs came from space and were not a natural phenomenon. The panel was tasked with evaluating UFO cases to determine if any of them provided such proof. The panel members included four consultants for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, and Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a scientific consultant for the Air Force’s UFO investigation for most of its existence. All of them had good reputations within the UFO community, and the reader may wonder why they would put those at risk by being associated with the Enquirer in such an endeavor. It’s likely that the prospect of getting some of their research funded by the Enquirer may have helped them to put aside any aversions, and the assignment in 1975 of Bob Pratt to the Enquirer UFO desk, who became respected as an investigator in his own right, may have encouraged them to continue their association. Read more →
1/14/20239 minutes, 39 seconds
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539. Sgt. Mario Woods [ret.]

Guest, Mario Woods is back to discuss in detail his highly unusual encounter with lost time when he was assigned to the surveillance and protection of weapons and nuclear materials at the Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota and more.Show Notes
1/11/20231 hour, 40 minutes, 33 seconds
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AudioBlog: Strange Creatures Reported During the 1973 U.S. UFO Flap

1973 was a special year for UFO enthusiasts. Not only were there a huge number of reports in newspapers as can be seen in the issues of the UFO News Clipping Service from that year, there were many that were especially strange. This was the year of the Coyne Incident involving a report that a U.S. Army Reserve helicopter in the sky over Cleveland was pulled up by a UFO while its controls were set to descend, and the Pascagoula Incident, involving a report by two men that they were taken aboard a craft by floating, elephant-skinned, robot-like creatures. These two cases made the front page of the September-October 1973 A.P.R.O. Bulletin, but a case that has been overshadowed by these two cases has the big headline, “Occupants in Indiana,” as the lead story in that issue. Read more →
1/9/20237 minutes, 46 seconds
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538. Dean Alioto

Dean Alioto is back for a conversation with Martin on the unprecedented UAP legislation, the media's reaction and more.Show Notes
1/4/202354 minutes
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AudioBlog: A UFO Crash in Aurora, Texas?

In last week’s blog, we looked at researcher/investigator Hayden Hewes and some of the cases he looked into. One of those was in Aurora, Texas, where a UFO was reported to have crashed in 1897, killing its not-of-this-world pilot. The pilot was said to have been buried in the local cemetery, and an enthusiastic Hewes attempted and failed to get an exhumation order. The case has endured in the UFO mythos despite the likelihood that the story was made up by a reporter trying to raise some publicity for a dying town. In the midst of the publicity stirred up by Hewes and other investigators, Jim and Coral Lorenzen of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization expressed their doubts in their publication, the A.P.R.O. Bulletin. Read more →
12/31/20226 minutes, 24 seconds
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537. Curt Jaimungal

Guest Curt Jaimungal of Theories of Everything joins us for his thoughts on UFOs, theoretical physics, consciousness and much more. Notes
12/28/202251 minutes, 44 seconds
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AudioBlog: Hayden Hewes and the International UFO Bureau

When it comes to having an interest in the subject of UFOs, there are those who enjoy it casually, those study it more deeply, and those who become active as investigator/researchers. As for the latter type, some, such as Max B. Miller, start young. Miller was the president of the Junior Flying Saucer League at age 15 in 1952, and in 1953, was the editor of Saucers, a magazine he and his group, Flying Saucers International, put out until 1960. In 1953, Miller came up with the idea to organize a convention and FSI organized what was billed as “The World’s First Flying Saucer Convention.” It was held at the Hollywood Hotel from August 16–18, 1953, and was moderated by FSI member Jeron King Criswell, whom some readers may know as the narrator for Ed Wood’s masterpiece, Plan 9 From Outer Space. Another precocious UFOlogist, Hayden Hewes, started the International UFO Bureau in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at the age of 13 in 1957. Hewes may not be as well known as Miller is to some readers, but he and his group were involved in some cases that should be.Read more →
12/23/20229 minutes, 36 seconds
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537. John Ramirez, CIA [ret] PART 2

A follow-up with guest, John Ramirez who reveals fascinating information that he uncovered over the years and some interesting perspectives. John Ramirez served from 1984 to 2009 in the CIA Directorate of Science and Technology, Directorate of Intelligence, and the ODNI National Counterproliferation Center (NCPC). At CIA he was an intelligence analyst and Chief, ELINT Analysis Branch specializing in ballistic missile defense, weapons systems radars, and technical collection operations. At the NCPC he was the SIGINT specialist and the multi-discipline collection requirements strategist. John is a US Navy veteran, 1973 to 1979, in the Electronics Warfare Technician field on board surface ships. John majored in political science and graduated in 1983 from the George Washington University, Washington, DC. John is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers and the Central Intelligence Retirees Association.
12/21/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 19 seconds
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535. Avi Loeb

Return guest, Harvard Astrophysicist Avi Loeb discusses the new breakthrough today in nuclear fusion energy, the launching an undersea expedition to trace and collect the pieces of the first known interstellar object that hit Earth in 2014. The said object had crashed into the ocean just off the coast of Papua New Guinea. He also discusses what has been going on with the Galileo Project and more.Show Notes
12/14/202254 minutes, 14 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs and the Police in Colby, Kansas

When it comes to reporting UFO sightings, it often happens that local police departments are the first organizations witnesses turn to. Many times, the reports to police take place while the UFO is still active in the area and patrol officers are able to respond and verify witness accounts. Famous examples are the 1966 case involving Dale Spaur and his partner, Wilbur “Barney” Neff, who chased a UFO from Portage County, Ohio, all the way into Pennsylvania, and another Ohio case, this time in Trumbull County in 1994, involving multiple officers chasing and observing UFOs. Their radio interactions have been preserved in the form of a recording from the police dispatch that was turned over to researcher Kenny Young. This week, we’ll look at a 1972 case out of Colby, Kansas, that involved multiple police witnesses and multiple UFOs. Read more →
12/12/20228 minutes, 32 seconds
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Martin Willis & Marc D'Antonio

EVERYTHING ELSE SHOW: Martin & Marc discuss what it is like to have life-threatening heart issues, to be saved by modern medicine as well as what it is like to undergo lifesaving surgery with an intense recovery. Amazingly, Marc discusses how he seemingly healed himself through retraining neural pathways.Notes from Martin: I was contacted by a YouTube listener of my show, she thought I may have coronary issues because she saw 45° creases in my earlobes and told me to look up Frank's Sign which I did. I went to my doctor, he did a check and could not find anything, but we know the rest of the story.It is difficult to outrun genetics, but I could have possibly avoided coronary artery disease by diet and more exercise. A low sodium diet is extremely beneficial, also staying away of high cholesterol foods and keeping your "bad" cholesterol in check.
12/8/20221 hour, 20 minutes, 36 seconds
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534. Charles Lear

Back again is Podcast UFO's longtime blogger and author of "The Flying Saucer Investigators"  to discuss his deep dive into his five-part blog series, "Behind the Scenes of UFO Cover-Up? Live!" 1-5, what he uncovered while researching it and more.Show Notes
12/7/202254 minutes, 30 seconds
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AudioBlog: Robert Gribble and the National UFO Reporting Center

When the subject of UFO databases comes up, the National UFO Reporting Center is usually mentioned along with the name of its seemingly tireless director, Peter Davenport. What many may not know is who it was that got it started.Washington State MUFON Director Maurene Morgan wrote an article titled “The Early Years of NUFORC – Bob Gribble and Wendy Connor,” which was published in the November 2021 Washington MUFON Newsletter. According to Morgan, Bob Gribble, a Seattle Firefighter, became fascinated by UFOs in 1954 when he read an article in True magazine. This could have been the article in the May 1954 issue titled, “What Our Air Force Found Out About UFOs,” written by Edward J. Ruppelt, the first director of Project Blue Book. Read more →
12/5/20228 minutes, 24 seconds
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533. John Ramirez CIA [RET], on UFOs PART ONE

PART ONE (PART TWO DEC. 27TH) Returning guest, John Ramirez Retired CIA Officer discusses his personal thoughts on the UFO subject, his own personal experiences and more.Show Notes
11/30/202255 minutes
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AudioBlog: Behind the Scenes of UFO Cover-Up? Live!: Part 5

This is the last of what has turned into a five-part series looking into the events that led up to, and the people who would become involved with the television production UFO Cover-Up? Live!, which aired on October 14, 1988. It seems that the show’s producer, Michael Seligman, believed that it would be the vehicle for an earth-shaking UFO disclosure. What resulted was a clumsy and awkward production where the only disclosure anyone remembers is that aliens like strawberry ice cream.Robert Skvaria wrote a three-part series of articles titled, “The Cover-Up Behind UFO Cover-Up? Live!” for Diabolique magazine, the first of which was posted on May 17, 2022. Skvaria spoke to Curtis Brubaker, who came up with the idea for the show, and Tracy Tormé, who produced the segment of the show devoted to the Gulf Breeze, Florida, sightings and the pictures taken by Ed Walters.Read more →
11/26/20229 minutes, 44 seconds
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532. David Marler & Barry Greenwood, National UFO Records Center

Guests David Marler & Barry Greenwood discuss the launching of the National UFO Records Center, a non-profit based in New Mexico offering a vast array of historical data to the public and even the government if they choose to look into historical cases as mandated for 2023.Show Notes
11/23/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 41 seconds
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531. Dr. David Clarke, Calvine Photo

Guest Dr. David Clarke speaks on his recent uncovering of the Calvine UFO photo, which is one of six known sequential images. For 32 years the image, dubbed the "Calvine photo," disappeared from the public eye, becoming the object of speculation, theories and myths. David speaks of his efforts and strange circumstances as to why the publishing was halted, and how the image(s) disappeared.Show Notes
11/16/202256 minutes, 29 seconds
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AudioBlog:Behind the Scenes of “UFO Cover-Up? Live!, Part 3

In last week’s blog we looked at evidence that seems to support the idea that self-proclaimed disinformation agent, Richard Doty, who was a special agent with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, was acting on his own. We also looked at evidence that seems to support the idea and that William Moore, an author and UFO researcher who confessed to being in a partnership with Doty, was driven by the desire to make some money from the information Doty was giving him in exchange for his cooperation. Together, they put many UFO researchers into a state of confusion. We ended with the introduction of the “Majestic-12 Papers” into the UFO community. Read more →
11/13/20228 minutes, 43 seconds
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530. George Simpson, Fredrick Valentich Incident

Guest George Simpson witnessed the initial part of the final flight of Frederick Valentich on October 21st, 1978 from his family home in Beaumaris. This led him into deep research and his recent release of his book, Nothing on Radar: The Valentich Mystery.Show Notes 
11/9/202254 minutes, 12 seconds
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AudioBlog: Behind the Scenes of UFO Cover-Up? Live!: Part 2

In last week’s blog, we introduced two people, Richard Doty, a self-professed Air Force Office of Special Investigations disinformation agent, and William Moore, a UFO researcher and co-author of the 1980 book The Roswell Incident, who had a profound influence on the UFO narrative in the 1980’s that culminated in a television presentation, UFO Cover-Up? Live!” What was discussed (scripted) on the show was the now familiar narrative of greys, crashed flying saucers, GOVERNMENT recovery of crash debris and alien bodies, and subsequent cover-up. Moore and Doty have since come forward as having been partners in what they claimed was a GOVERNMENT disinformation program targeting UFOlogists. We closed with the hypothesis that Doty was acting on his own and that Moore played along because he had a need to believe and stood to make some money from the “inside information” that Doty was feeding him and his fellow researchers. This week we’ll look at evidence to support that hypothesis.Read more →
11/6/20229 minutes, 18 seconds
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529. James Fox

Guest James Fox on his film, "Moment of Contact", the Varginha incident — an alleged UFO crash that has been dubbed, Brazil's Roswell, he will also discuss purported forthcoming hospital video evidence of a creature, and more.Show Notes
11/2/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 8 seconds
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528. John Burroughs

Martin is back with Dean Alioto with guest, John Burroughs discussing the Rendlesham Forest Incident in Suffolk, England which occurred in late December 1980. He also discusses what followed, years of controversy, being first person to get government medical assistance for radiation exposure by an unidentified craft as well as how the taboo topic has changed over the last few years.Show Notes
10/26/20221 hour, 34 minutes, 31 seconds
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AudioBlog: Behind the Scenes of UFO Cover-Up? Live!

If one was to pick a point when UFOlogy went off the rails, October 14, 1988, is one to consider. That was the date that a television show, UFO Cover-Up? Live!, aired on 130 syndicated channels throughout the United States. It was a flop, but an examination of the people who were involved in the production provides insight into how it came to be that a few dubious individuals left us with what have been convincingly argued are bogus stories and documents that support the idea that the GOVERNMENT has recovered crashed alien spaceships and bodies. A lasting belief is that this came about as the result of an organized GOVERNMENT disinformation program targeting the UFO community. A question this writer is examining is whether or not this too is bogus. Read more →
10/25/20228 minutes, 18 seconds
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AudioBlog: Nixon Resigned Because He Saw a UFO?

Throughout the history of UFOs there are stories that become well known throughout the UFO community and beyond, and more often than not, their origins can be found in archives available online. Sometimes a story that becomes popular and accepted as plausible can be found to have had dubious origins. If enough people choose to believe it and trusted researchers champion it, a story can become so embedded in the mythos that it will repeatedly rise from the dead no matter how many knives get stuck in it. Then, there are stories that never go beyond their original report and remain as a single mention in the records.Tucked away in the Archives For the Unexplained collection is a March 1, 1974 edition of UFO POTPOURIE, a collection of news clippings put out by John Schuessler “In cooperation with: The Mutual UFO Network Inc. (MOFON) [sic]” and “ The UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis, Inc.” Schuessler was one of the founding members of MUFON in 1969 and was a principle investigator of the Cash-Landrum case in the 1980s. He became the international director of MUFON in 2000. Read more →Blog Leave a comment
10/22/20229 minutes, 4 seconds
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528. Alejandro Rojas

Guest host Dean Alioto interviews Alejandro Rojas fresh off of the annual International UFO Congress, they discuss the event, and what the current hot topics and much more.Show Notes
10/19/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 45 seconds
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Panel Discussion Ariel Phenomenon Theater Release

Salvaged audio, missing a 5-min segment a few minutes in. Recorded at the Academy of Music, Northampton Massachusetts, Ariel Phenomenon Panel Discussion moderated by guest host, Dean Alioto. The discussion is with cast and crew regarding the making of the film, the Ariel School event, and the overall phenomenon. Panel consists of filmmaker and producer, Randall Nickerson, Gunter Hofer, Whitley Strieber and Christopher Seward. This is featured after the theater premier of this film.
10/13/202259 minutes, 6 seconds
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527. Comedian/Actor Dave Foley

Guest host Dean Alioto interviews actor/comedian and ufo researcher, Dave Foley. Dave will talk about his lifelong interest in the UFO phenomenon as well as his recent very first UFO sighting while hanging with filmmaker Jeremy Corbell and much moreShow Notes
10/12/20221 hour, 43 minutes, 21 seconds
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UFOs and Tiny Creatures in Malaysia

In 1953, there were several UFO reports throughout the year in Canada around the area of Sudbury, Ontario. Reports ranged from saucers to cigar-shaped objects, and there was one report of two “flying torpedoes” that moved slowly in the sky and made no sound. Then, in 1954, there was a report from nearby Garson of a craft and three bizarre creatures that may have had malevolent intentions. Read more →
10/8/20227 minutes, 19 seconds
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526. Kevin Day

Guest host Dean Alioto interviews Kevin Day about the post effect of his 2004 USS Princeton/ Nimitz tic-tax encounter, The upcoming congressional hearing at the end of October and more.Show Notes
10/6/202255 minutes, 23 seconds
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525. Ben Hurle

Guest Ben Hurle discusses the 1993 Kelly Cahill Case, which is intriguing as well as other Australian UFO encounters.Show Notes
9/21/202253 minutes, 13 seconds
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AudioBlog: A Photo of a UFO and Humanoid

In July of 1967, Ronnie Hill, a 14-year-old North Carolina boy, reported that he’d taken a picture of a UFO with a humanoid in front of it. According to John Keel, who wrote about the story in his article, “The Little Man of North Carolina,” published in the January-February 1969 Flying Saucer Review, the boy sent the picture off to Flying Saucers-UFO Reports, which had just been discontinued by its publisher, Dell Publishing. The editor, Carmena Freeman, sent the picture to Keel and he began a correspondence with Hill, which continued throughout 1968. According to Keel, Hill was “agonizingly slow” in responding to his letters. Keel wrote in his article that he had the photo blown up “to wall size” and that he and “several professional photographers” didn’t see anything that made it seem that the figure was a doll or some other form of hoax. Read more →
9/17/20225 minutes, 44 seconds
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524. Peter Robbins

Guest Peter Robbins discusses the evolving UFO/UAP world as well as his research into the controversial life of Wilhelm Reich and his connection to UFOs. This show is dedicated to longtime listener (since 2012), firefighter, Lea MacDonald, who passed away this year.Show Notes
9/13/202257 minutes, 51 seconds
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AudioBlog: The Best Hoax in UFO History

There are cases throughout UFO history that continue to inspire debate, even though they’ve been declared hoaxes by most of the people who have looked into them. One such case came up early on near the beginning of the UFO mystery. It was investigated by Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt, then head of Project Blue Book, and 2nd Lt. Robert M. Olsson. In his 1956 book, The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, Ruppelt tells the reader that it was officially labeled a hoax, and calls it “the best hoax in UFO history.” Even so, there were a couple of unexplained details that have left some researchers, such as Karl Pflock, wondering.According to Ruppelt in his book, he got a call from Air Technical Intelligence Command (Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, where Project Blue Book had its office) while he was in the shower getting ready for work. An “operational immediate” wire had just come in and Ruppelt was told that he should come in as soon as he could. When he got to ATIC, he learned that the wire was from an intelligence officer at a Florida airbase. It told of a report of a UFO encounter by a scoutmaster and three boy scouts. The scoutmaster was reportedly burned after getting too close and was described as a “solid citizen.” According to Ruppelt, transport on a B-25 was arranged, and he and Olsson headed to Florida. Read more →
9/12/20228 minutes, 56 seconds
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Dr. Jacques Vallée

Guest Dr. Jacques Vallée discusses what has changed in the last few years in the UFO field, his work with Bigelow's government contract to research UFOs, his latest book, TRINITY: The Best Kept Secret Breakthrough, in this book Research Reveals the Earliest Evidence of US Government’s UFO RecoveryHard evidence has existed since 1945 for the actual recovery of unidentified flying craft in the United States.Show Notes
9/7/202253 minutes, 44 seconds
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522. Laurie McDonald, CHT

Clinical hypnotherapist, Laurie McDonald speaks on her abduction research, consciousness, reality and the extraterrestrial phenomenon and much more.Show Notes
8/31/202252 minutes, 50 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs and PSYOPS

Often, a UFO case can be explained as being a hoax or a misidentification of natural phenomena or a human-made object. During the early history of American UFO research, these were foremost among the possible prosaic explanations that investigators explored. Then, as the Cold War developed and the American public’s trust in in its governing bodies began to erode in the wake of the Kennedy assassination, Vietnam, and the revelation of a secret CIA experimental mind-control program known as MKULTRA, some researchers began to explore another idea. Researchers such as Jacques Vallée and Nick Redfern have offered the suggestion that some UFO reports could be due to a military or intelligence agency conducting psychological warfare experiments, sometimes on it own citizens.The idea that UFOs could be used for the purpose of psychological warfare or “PSYOPs” goes all the way back to the days of flying saucers. After the December 27, 1949 announcement that Project Grudge, the second incarnation of the Air Force’s UFO investigation after Project Sign, would be ended (the investigation continued in a limited capacity until its revival and eventual renaming as Project Blue Book in 1952) a “final” report was released. Among the conclusions (pages vi and vii) is this: “Planned release of aerial objects coupled with the release of psychological propaganda could case mass hysteria.” There is the recommendation that “the agencies interested in psychological warfare be informed of the results of this study.” Read more →
8/29/20228 minutes, 47 seconds
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521. Randall Nickerson

Guest Randall Nickerson speaks on the aftermath of his brilliant film, Ariel Phenomenon, betrayal of an online streaming platform, plus people he met on the journey of filming in Africa and their unheard of encounters and a lot more.Show Notes
8/24/20221 hour, 24 minutes, 48 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO Landing and a Meeting With Eisenhower

From February 17 to February 24, 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower was in Palm Springs, California, on what was described to the public as a “vacation.” On February 20, he disappeared from public view and rumors spread to the point that the headline, “Pres. Eisenhower died tonight of a heart attack in Palm Springs.,” appeared on the Associated Press newswire. The story was removed two minutes later and the AP reported that he was still alive. UFOlogists have speculated on where he was that day, and some have come to the conclusion that Eisenhower went to Muroc Air Force Base for a secret meeting with alien visitors. Read more →
8/22/20227 minutes, 38 seconds
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Bonus Podcast: Katie Griboski, High Strangeness on a Colorado Ranch Everything Else Show with guest, Katie Griboski who will share what she’s uncovered in her decade-long pursuit of answers to her experiences on a Colorado Ranch. In UFO folklore, it was known as the “Clearview” Ranch and pre-dates the Skinwalker Ranch by over a decade and a half. At the time the newspaper headlines dubbed the ranch the “Close Encounter Capital of the US”. A place of mystery and intrigue, it has been written about in several books, including Hunt for The Skinwalker by Colm A. Kelleher Ph.D. & George Knapp, Alien Contact: Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed by Timothy Good, and many others. The ranch was investigated by Dr. Leo Sprinkle Ph.D. Some of the activities experienced on the ranch and in the area include dozens of cattle mutilations, menacing copters, mysterious lights, unusual humming sounds, paranormal activity, burn marks on the ground, baffling disappearing boxes, strange entities, disembodied “electrical” voices, and Sasquatch encounters. She will share her insights and focus this presentation on phenomena often associated with this level of contact. Such as dark figures, blue orbs, paranormal phenomena, psychic abilities, lucid dreams and/or precognitive dreams, and synchronicities beyond chance: Is there a connection? Katie will also discuss and analyze some of her “hitchhiker” experiences.
8/19/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 26 seconds
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520. Matthew Szydagis, Keven Knuth, & Gary Voorhis

Guests Matthew Szydagis, Keven Knuth, & Gary Voorhis discuss the non-profit organization taking an approach of collecting UAP/UFO data and analyzing it through scientific means. Discussed certain cases, and opinions of how science should approach this topic, and how the changes have been positive overall.Show Notes
8/17/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 52 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFO Trace Evidence in Delphos, Kansas

On December 17, 1969, a press release announced the closing of the Air Force’s UFO investigation, Project Blue Book. Despite this, the UFOs didn’t go away, and once the media stopped focusing on the end of Blue Book, stories of UFO sightings again made the news and graced the pages of many newspapers throughout 1970 and 1971. Toward the end of 1971, there was a case that would become a classic that was looked into by an investigator who would become well known as a specialist in UFO trace cases over the coming years.In the November 5, 1971 Salinas Journal out of Kansas, there is an article (page 4 of link) headlined, “Delphos Youth Surprises UFO.” It is reported in the article that 15-year-old Ronald Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dural Johnson, “was doing his evening chores in the early dark Tuesday night.” This was November 2. He was with his dog, Snowball. Read more →
8/14/20228 minutes, 30 seconds
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519. Chad & Bob, The Basement Hangout

This week's guest was a no-show. A few days ago I sat in on the Basement Hangout Podcast with Chad & Bob, Chad reached out to me when he saw my guest did not show up, and offered the podcast for our listeners. This show is on the lighter side, I hope you enjoy. 
8/10/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 40 seconds
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AudioBlog: An Ohio UFO Case That Was Left To Die

As far as classic UFO cases go, Ohio may very well have more than any other state. There was the 1966 case where Deputy Sheriff Dale Spaur and his partner chased a UFO from Portage County, Ohio, all the way into Pennsylvania at speeds up to 100 mph. In 1973, there was the Coyne Incident, where four men in the Army Reserve reported an encounter near Mansfield, Ohio, with a UFO that pulled their helicopter, commanded by Lawrence J. Coyne, up from 1,700 feet to 3,500 feet while the controls were set for a descent. In 1994, police in Trumbull County responded to a police dispatcher who said she’d received calls about a UFO from local citizens. Before the night was over, police from five different departments gave chase, and a recording of their radio exchanges with the dispatch was given to researcher Kenny Young, who brought the case to the attention of the UFO community and the world. A 1971 case from Huron County, Ohio, that had multiple witnesses, including police officers, didn’t gain nearly was much notoriety as those above, and one might wonder if it might have been because of the way it was treated by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. The main witness sent a report to NICAP, but NICAP was in the midst of changes that may or not have been overseen by either or both the Air Force and the CIA. Read more →
8/6/20228 minutes, 42 seconds
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518. Dr Michael Masters

Karen Brard stops in to talk about the International UFO Congress (see links in show notes) Then guest Dr. Michael Masters discusses the premise that UFOs and Aliens could simply be our distant human descendants, returning from the future to study us in their own hominin evolutionary past. Michael is a returning guest and he will update us on what he has learned in the last three years since he has been our guest.SHOW NOTES
8/3/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 50 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOlogy in China

UFOlogy in China is deeply interwoven with China’s politics. In 1978, China began what is known as “the reform,” which involved China opening up its economy to the West and the lifting of many restrictions. According to the article by Malcolm Thompson, “On UFOlogy With Chinese Characteristics and the Fate of Chinese Socialism,” in the May-August 2020 edition of the online journal Made in China, “there was no public UFOlogy in China before the reform period, and Chinese UFOlogy and the reform period began at almost exactly the same time.” According to Thompson, the China UFO Enthusiasts Liaison Office was set up at Wuhan University on September 20, 1979. This became the China UFO Research Association by May 1980 and by the mid-1980s, there were over 40 branch organizations with thousands of members all over the country. As the reform developed and the state’s limits of tolerance were tested, the state approved approach to UFOlogy became science based and strictly non-paranormal. With this limitation in mind, UFOlogists are not only free to investigate but often do so with the government’s help. Read more →
7/31/20229 minutes, 3 seconds
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517. Dr. Franck Marchis

Guest Senior Planetary Astronomer at SETI Institute, Dr. Franck Marchis, on UFOs/UAP and what SETI's current thoughts on the topic and what they are doing these days to keep up the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life, the James Webb Space Telescope and more.Show Notes
7/27/202254 minutes, 9 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO and Occupants in British Columbia, Canada

On January 1, 1970, the new year dawned in Canada with a UFO and occupants report. This was in the midst of a flap centered on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. It was investigated by John Magor, editor and publisher of the Canadian UFO Report, and he provided a report to the Victoria Times. The Victoria Times published an article on the case on page 1 of the January 5, 1970 edition (page 10 of link), and Magor published his version in the Volume 1, Number 7, summer issue of the Canadian UFO Report.News indicating there was an ongoing flap in the area turns up in the December 22, 1969 edition (page 8 of link) of the Victorian Times under the headline “Look Up Islanders, The UFOs Are Watching You.” A sighting by four witnesses in the Ladysmith area is described. Two of the witnesses, Graham Toole, 21, and Albert Birkeland, 22, reported they were driving when they saw an object with three lights, white on top and red on the bottom. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Knight reported seeing what the reporter for the times wrote “must be the same object.” According to the article, they agreed with Toole and Birkeland that it “moved about a mile a second.” Mr. Knight said that he had seen an object in September where “you could see the cabin lights clearly.” The article also describes a “greyish saucer-shaped object with a transparent center” seen by five people over an elementary school in Duncan. Read more →
7/24/20226 minutes, 38 seconds
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516. Lee Speigel

Enjoyable conversation with repeat guest, Lee Speigel on what he has been up to lately, he will also be discusses what it was like to put together a 1976 vinyl album of solid witness accounts including astronaut Gordon Cooper, US Army Maj. Larry Coyne, and opinions from icons of the day such as J. Allen Hynek, Maj. Donald Keyhoe and more. http://www.leespeigel.comShow Notes 
7/20/20221 hour, 32 minutes, 15 seconds
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AudioBlog: When UFOs Were Left to the Private Investigators

On December 17, 1969, the Air Force issued a press release through the Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) announcing the termination of the Air Force’s UFO investigation, Project Blue Book. With the end of Project Blue Book, UFO investigation was left to private organizations, and the two most prominent at the time were the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, run by Jim and Coral Lorenzen, and the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, directed by Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe (USMC-Ret.). Besides the challenge of now being the two main places to turn to for citizens wanting to make UFO reports, both groups were about to face some major changes in their organizational structures that would lead to the demise of one and create a major rival for the other. Read more →
7/17/202210 minutes, 32 seconds
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515. Patrick Jackson & Steve Colbern

Shows will mostly be one hour long, next week beginning at 7;00 PM ET. Guests Patrick Jackson & Steve Colbern discuss their book and theory of QUANTUM PARANORMAL: A 21st Century Analysis of the Paranormal which includes their take on UFOs/UAP.Show Notes
7/13/202253 minutes, 19 seconds
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AudioBlog: Otis T. Carr: The Man Who Patented a Saucer

by Michael Lauck, narrated by KateIn the late 1950s flying saucers had been in the public consciousness for about a decade. The shock of the Arnold sighting and UFOs over Washington DC had worn off; saucers, though still mysterious, were now familiar. The government was actively running its third investigation into the reports of unidentified flying objects. Hollywood was incorporating the now iconic saucer craft into films of all budgets. Books had been printed on saucers and UFO magazines were on the newsstands every week. A new culture was being born around the flying saucers and possibility of alien contact. Many people claimed to have been contacted by extraterrestrials and some even claimed to have ridden in their craft. Others maintained that they had been given messages for their fellow Earthlings from the Space Brothers or comely Venusians.Read more →
7/7/20229 minutes, 1 second
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514. Chris Rutkowski

Guest, Canadian UFO researcher, Chris Rutkowski comes on to discuss his latest book, Canada's UFOs: Declassified, the book touches on decades of reported sightings by military & civilians in Canada.Check out his book here: Notes
7/6/20221 hour, 53 minutes, 28 seconds
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513. Caroline Cory, David Altman and David Mason

Caroline Cory on to speaking about her film, Tear in the Sky joined by David Altman & Dave Mason in hour two, and elaborate their involvement in film on location, David Mason goes into great detail on the equipment he has used and also on object he has identified as reflecting up to 80°F below zero.Show Notes
6/29/20221 hour, 54 minutes
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AudioBlogs- A UFO Abduction in Bahia Blanca, Argentina?

Argentina has had more than its share of cases involving people reporting finding themselves transported, some while driving, tens of kilometers to hundreds of kilometers after an encounter with a UFO. From the city of Bahia Blanca comes a particularly bizarre tale. The witness ended up in a hospital where he was reportedly examined by a multitude of medical doctors and psychiatrists. There is a report on the case in the March 1975 APRO Bulletin, and APRO Directors Coral and Jim Lorenzen wrote about it in the updated version of their 1967 book, “Flying Saucer Occupants.”Read more →
6/28/20227 minutes, 28 seconds
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512. AF Sargent Mario Woods, (ret) Ellsworth AFB Close Encounter

Guest, Mario Woods discusses his highly unusual UFO and beings encounter with lost time when he was assigned to the surveillance and protection of weapons and nuclear materials at the Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota. With a Situation-4 security alert, Mario joined Michael Johnson (at the wheel) responding to an alert that the outer zone antenna on the missile site and the underground storage area had been penetrated at Minuteman Silo, November 5 site. He discusses the chilling events that followed.Show Notes
6/21/20221 hour, 54 minutes, 13 seconds
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AudioBlog: When UFOs Were Flying Disks

Hoaxes have been a part of the flying saucer/UFO mystery from its very beginning. Shortly after Kenneth Arnold’s sighting report on June 24, 1947, people started coming forward with physical disks they claimed to have found in their yards, in fields, or to have actually seen flying through the air in flames and then crash. Claimants ranged from school children to professional adults, and there is even a report from a Catholic priest that received a good deal of press. The priest’s case, as well as others of this sort ended up in FBI files. The disks that were displayed were obviously home made, sometimes quite crudely, but there was the possibility that these could be responsible for valid sightings reports by people who were truly mystified. Read more →
6/20/20227 minutes, 40 seconds
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Bonus Podcast: Becky Ferreira, Jupiter's Europa

Everything Else Show: Guest Becky Ferreira, co-hosted with Marc D’Antonio on a new study from Nature Communications concluded that “shallow water processes may be even more dominant in shaping Europa’s dynamics, surface morphology, and habitability than previously thought.” The new discovery, based on observations of similar double ridges in Greenland, came about by sheer chance.VIDEO WITH IMAGES:
6/16/202259 minutes, 39 seconds
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511. Philip Mantle & Charles Lear

GUEST ONE: Philip Mantle on his new book which looks at UFO landing cases in the UK only (with the addition of the Republic of Ireland) beginning long before the modern era of UFOs began in 1947 right the way through to today. GUEST TWO: Charles Lear, longtime blogger for Podcast UFO on his book; The Flying Saucer Investigators which is about the people involved in the mystery of the flying saucers, mostly the investigators, but also the witnesses, some of whom were profoundly affected. The period covered is what has been called "The Golden Age of Flying Saucers," which begins in 1947.Show Notes
6/15/20221 hour, 53 minutes, 29 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO Abduction in Japan

From Japan comes a case originally investigated by renowned Japanese researcher Kinichi Arai. This writer was unable to locate any sources other than blogs written about the case many years later, but it’s worth sharing.According to the account on the site Great Plains Paranormal (reader mode is strongly suggested) at around 3:00 a.m. on April 6, 1974, Hokkaido farmer, Yoshihiro Fujiwara, was awakened by a loud knocking on his door, and the barking and howling of his dog. He opened the door and almost collided with a three-meter-tall creature (another account describes it as being 3 feet tall) wearing a transparent vinyl suit.Read more →
6/13/20225 minutes, 36 seconds
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510. Nathan

Nathan comes on to discuss his thoughts on UFOs consciousness, high strangeness and more.Show Notes
6/8/20221 hour, 53 minutes, 29 seconds
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AudioBlog: French Hairy Dwarves and Whatzits

While 1954 in America was mostly about the saucers, that year in France was more about the occupants, also known as “humanoids.” It was then that French researcher Aimé Michel came to international prominence as he investigated, collected data, and tried to unravel the mystery. A young Jaques Vallée first became interested in flying saucers at this time. He was later inspired by Michel’s work and went on to achieve prominence as a respected and influential figure in the field.On September 10, 1954, 34-year-old Quarouble resident Marius Dewilde reported an incident to the local police that received extensive press coverage, not only in France, but worldwide. According to Dewilde, at 10:30 p.m. he was sitting in his house, located next to some railroad tracks, when his dog, Kiki, started barking outside. Equipped with a flashlight, he went to investigate.Outside, he noticed a large object, which he assumed was a harvest cart, six meters from his front door. He then saw two figures on a nearby path that was often used by smugglers. He pointed his flashlight at them, and there was a reflection on what seemed to be a glass helmet with a head inside. He only got a quick look, but the head seemed especially large. He estimated the figures were both about a meter in height. Read more →
6/6/202210 minutes, 20 seconds
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509. Alejandro Rojas

Special Guest Alejandro Rojas joins in for a conversation on sorting things out that are floating around in the UFO field, his involvement with the SCU (The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies), the UAP Hearing, the Wilson Document and much more!Show Notes
6/1/20221 hour, 55 minutes, 4 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO and Humanoids Reported in Canada

From Canada comes a case that stands out for the large number of UFO occupants said to have been seen by the witnesses, the amount of time the witnesses reportedly observed them, the trace evidence observed by the investigators, and a visit by two men in black.The case is described in the November 1974 Mutual UFO Network publication Skylook. The investigators are listed as Jean Roy, P.H. Blaquiere, Marc Leduc, and Wido Holville. The report on which the article, titled “Robot Occupants Report,” was based was written by Holville.According to the article, at around 1:30 a.m. on June 25, 1974, Mr. L. (the witnesses’ names are withheld) was watching television in his mobile home in St. Cyrille de Wendover, Province Quebec, Canada. He heard a noise like something falling on the ground outside and went to look out a window to see what might have caused it. He lifted a curtain and saw a reddish-orange object hovering over the field to the northeast of his home. It was round and so brightly illuminated that he couldn’t look at it for long.Read more →Charles Lear Book:
5/30/20226 minutes, 45 seconds
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508B. Randall Nickerson, Ariel Phenomenon

Randall Nickerson on his film, Ariel Phenomenon which released on May 20th. Playing clips and discussing the 15 years of painstaking work to tell one of the most important stories of a South African schoolyard encounter in 1994. This film shows what the reactions were right after the encounter and how it changed the lives of all who were involved. Notes
5/25/202253 minutes, 37 seconds
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508A. Leslie Kean, Attendee at Last Week's Congressional Hearing on UAP

Exclusive interview with journalist Leslie Kean who was in Washington for the Congressional Hearing on UAP. She discusses the path that led to the hearing, her speaking with committee chair André Carson and breaking the announcement in The New York Times, what it was like being present, and what happened after the hearing concluded.Show Notes
5/24/202253 minutes, 21 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO Captured by Children in Japan?

Capturing a UFO in a photo or video is the goal of many UFO enthusiasts, but wouldn’t it be great to physically capture a UFO and examine it? From Japan comes the story of a group of young boys who claimed to have done just that. According to them, it was a small hat-shaped object that eventually managed to escape from them, but not before they were able to make some detailed drawings of it. The story made international news and is still discussed today. Japanese researcher, Otakupapa, wrote a well-researched six-part series about the case titled, “Amazing Japanese Boys Who Captured a Small UFO in 1972,” and published on his site, story as told by Otakupapa begins with a report by eighth grade middle school student Michio Seo that at around sunset on August 25, 1972, he had seen a small, strange object flying around a rice field. According to him, it would move instantly from one position to another as if it were teleporting.Read more →
5/22/20229 minutes, 5 seconds
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507. Ralph Blumenthal & Sean Cahill, House Panel Hearing on UFOs & More

GUEST ONE: Ralph Blumenthal on the House Intelligence subcommittee which held the first congressional hearing in more than 50 years on unexplained aerial phenomena which occurred on this day, GUEST TWO: Sean Cahill, continuing on the topic and much more, Sean is a Retired U.S. Navy Chief Master-at-Arms that was aboard the USS Princeton during the 2004 Tic-Tac UFO encounters, which he goes into details about, plus some past UFO encounters.Show Notes
5/18/20221 hour, 54 minutes, 16 seconds
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AUDIOBLOG: Violent UFO Encounters in Brazil

There are many UFO reports that involve injuries to witnesses. A particularly dramatic case from Hobbs, New Mexico, in 1964 involved an eight-year-old boy named Charles who was reportedly burned by a black, top-shaped UFO. While his face swelled up to where his nose reportedly disappeared, he felt no pain. Injury reports come from all over the world, but Brazil seems to have had more than its fair share. Bob Pratt, a UFO investigator who had a long career as a journalist that included a stint as the head of the UFO desk at the National Enquirer, traveled extensively in Brazil and collected UFO and occupant reports that have a common thread of violence to the witnesses.Pratt wrote a book titled, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil – Where Next?, that was published in 1996. In his acknowledgements, he thanks the many Brazilian citizens and investigators who helped him. In his introduction, he describes making over ten visits to Brazil between May 1978 and July 1993. He lists the elements peculiarly common in Brazilian reports, including: the sudden appearance of a UFO over a witness’s head followed by “a burst of sunlight” and a subsequent chase by the UFO as the witness runs, attempts to pull the witness up into the UFO using an unseen source and sometimes grappling hooks, and UFO occupants dropping hot liquids on the witnesses to make them let go of whatever they might have grabbed in an attempt to resist being taken away. Read more →
5/15/20228 minutes, 33 seconds
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506. Marc D'Antonio

Martin & Marc D'Antonio discuss what little they know about the upcoming Public UAP Hearings, and various UFO images, as well as astronomy, an upcoming eclipse, possibilities of life out there and more.CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT THE SHOWShow Notes
5/12/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ariel Phenomenon Movie Review

Please support this film, it is the best movie I have ever watched on the UFO topic! This review includes my interview clips with filmmaker, Randall Nickerson, and direct witnesses, Emily Trim, Francis Chirimuuta & Salma Siddick. Thank you, Martin Video version: Trailer: Official Website to pre-order and order: https://arielphenomenon.comRandall Nickerson and a direct witness will be on our show on Tuesday, May 31.
5/11/202221 minutes, 46 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs and Creatures Reported in Varginha, Brazil

Brazil has a unique place in UFO history, not only for the abundance of high-strangeness UFO reports that come from that region, but also for the fact that people have been reportedly injured and have even died as a result of their alleged encounters. One such case comes from the Brazilian city of Varginha. In this case, not only is there a report of a witness dying, there are also reports that one, and maybe more, extraterrestrials ended their days here on Earth.Bob Pratt, a UFO researcher who manned the National Enquirer’s UFO desk for a period and covered South American UFO reports extensively, presented a narrative summary of the case in his 1996 book, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil – Where Next? He was in Brazil shortly after the events and his summary is based on witness accounts and reports from the primary investigators. Read more →
5/8/202210 minutes, 56 seconds
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505. On Location James Fox

On location in Vermont with guest, James Fox and Marco Leal to discussing Jame's latest to be released film, 'Moment of Contact' which is a documentary based on the 1996 Varginha UFO Crash, considered 'The Roswell of Brazil'. The town of Varginha was cordoned off by military and emergency response teams and two creatures were captured and much more. James also talks about the UFO encounter game changer video he viewed that is owned by Chuck Clark.Show Notes 
5/3/20221 hour, 54 minutes
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A UFO and Creature Report From Kofu, Japan: Part 2

In last week’s blog, we took a look at a case from Kofu, Japan, that involved two seven-year-old boys, Masato Kono and Katushiro Yamahata, who reported seeing a saucer-shaped UFO and its occupants in a vineyard in 1975. The creatures were described as having brown heads with pinky-sized, horizontal wrinkles where a face would be; three silver, metallic, two-inch fang-like features where a mouth would be; and two rabbit-like ears with a hole in the middle of each one. One of the creatures confronted the boys and emitted a noise like a sped-up tape recorder in what seemed to be an attempt to communicate. They ran away to Kono’s home where their parents were having dinner and they excitedly told their story. Kono’s mother thought they had made it up as an excuse for being late, but the boys insisted it was true and pleaded with their mothers to go with them and see for themselves. The boys would soon be forgiven for being late and would become the center of attention for many interested parties.Masako Kono and Hanae Yamahata followed their boys out to a road on the west side of the Hinode Complex where the Konos lived. With them were Hanae’s one-year-old son and four-year-old daughter. From there, they had a view of the vineyard where the boys said they’d seen the saucer and the creatures. Read more →
5/2/20227 minutes, 25 seconds
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Bonus Podcast: Skinwalker Ranch, Brandon Fugal & Erik Bard

Everything Else Show guests, current ranch owner Brandon Fugal & on location at Skinwalker ranch, Principal Investigator and Chief Scientist, Erik Bard discuss the goings on at Skinwalker Ranch, why Brandon bought the place and tidbits the past and present.Check out:
4/30/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 23 seconds
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504. Chris Lehto

A fascinating conversation with guest Chris Lehto who discusses what he has been up to in the UAP world since our last show together, and his involvement with the UAP Society which aims at discovering the secrets of alien life, by uniting dedicated enthusiasts and scientists from all over the globe, in the search for the truth.Show Notes
4/27/20221 hour, 50 minutes, 57 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO and Creature Encounter Report From Kofu, Japan

In 1975, two seven-year-old boys in Kofu, Japan, reported an encounter with a flying saucer and its occupants. They were taken seriously, and an investigation revealed not only other witnesses, but also physical evidence to back up their story. The case was re-examined almost 40 years later by investigators from the Space Phenomena Observatory Center, and in their opinion, still holds up. A report was given to the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization and the Center for UFO Studies by Matsushito Hayashi of the Japan Space Phenomena Association. Both organizations provided summaries (APRO here on page 5; and CUFOS here on page 13) in their publications. A two-part article using extensive Japanese sources was written by Otakupapa. It is titled Kofu Incident: A Creepy Alien Got Off a UFO and Tapped a Japanese Boy on the Shoulder and is posted on to the article, on Sunday, February 23, 1975, Masato Kono and Katushiro Yamahata were roller-skating on a concrete slab in a vacant lot at around 6:30 p.m. Looking up, they saw two lights moving towards them from the east. According to the version of events in one of Otakupapa’s sources (Kubota, Hachiro UFO to Uchu (UFOs & Space) June 1975, NO.12, 8-17, Universe Publishing Co.), the lights were seen by the boys to be orange objects as they got closer. At this point the boys could see that the objects were circular with three spinning structures on the bottom. The boys’ descriptions of the objects are very much like the “classic” Adamski-type saucer. According to writer Hiroshi Minamiyama (Otakupapa’s other source for this moment in the story) only one object came over to the boys while the other one flew off.Read more →
4/24/20227 minutes, 56 seconds
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Bonus Podcast: Martin interviewed on MUFON What's Up!

Martin Willis joins Katie Griboski, Katie Cook and Chris Deperno on this week's MUFON What's Up! The interview starts about 30 minutes in.
4/21/20221 hour, 57 minutes, 33 seconds
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503. Dr George Gaines (replay)

Martin checks in and plays a an amazing 2016 show replay of Dr George Gaines as he speaks about his childhood UFO sighting and when Edward Ruppelt visited him to talk about it, and more.
4/20/20221 hour, 44 minutes, 52 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO Adduction in Cergy-Pontoise?

On November 26, 1979, police in the French agglomeration community of Cergy-Pontoise received a strange missing person report from two distressed young men. According to Jean-Pierre Prévost and Salomon N’Diaye, their friend, Franck Fontaine, disappeared after a ball of light that was accompanied by three or four luminous spheres engulfed the car he was in. This resulted in not only an investigation by the police but also GEPAN (Groupe d’Études des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés), the unit of CNES (Centre National D’études Spatiales) tasked with dealing with UFO reports.According to an article on the case titled L’Affaire de Cergy-Pontoise, posted on, Fontaine, 18, Prévost and N’Diaye, both 25, were loading a Ford station wagon with jeans they were going to try and sell at Gisors market. They saw a light heading towards the ground at a “not too fast speed.” Fontaine drove towards where he thought it might have made impact after telling the other two to meet him there. Prévost and N’Diaye went back to their nearby apartments, N’Diaye to get a camera and Prévost to get another load of jeans. Read more →
4/18/20227 minutes
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502. Micah Hanks

Guest, Micah Hanks coming to us from Brazil and discusses his longtime look into the UFO topic, the changes in the last few years, the success of the Debrief as a UAP news source and more.Show Notes
4/13/20221 hour, 51 minutes, 1 second
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AudioBlog: PART II: A Multiple Witness UFO Abduction

In last week’s blog, we wrote about an incident involving Filiberto Cárdenas, a Cuban exile living in Hialeah, Florida. Cárdenas was reportedly seen by his friend and his friend’s wife and daughter to float up in a beam of light into some sort of craft that then flew off. Two hours later, he was found 16 miles away on his hands and knees in the middle of the road. He was taken to a hospital and tested for radiation. The tests came up negative, but he experienced mysterious symptoms including an excessive thirst, shaking hands, and a sulfurous body odor. While this case might have been held up as an argument for the reality of the alien abduction phenomenon, it is rarely discussed and is overshadowed by more famous cases such as that involving Travis Walton. A possible reason for this is that Cárdenas, and then his wife, reported experiences that were similar to those of contactees, who have often been discounted by many in the UFO research community. Read more →
4/10/20226 minutes, 4 seconds
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501. Dave Beaty & Stan Gordon

Dave Beaty on USS Kearsarge UFO encounter then repeat guest, Stan Gordon to speak on his latest book, "Creepy Cryptids and Strange UFO Encounters of Pennsylvania" as well as recent and past UFO & cryptid cases that Stan has looking into since the 1960sShow Notes
4/6/20221 hour, 54 minutes, 42 seconds
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AudioBlog: A multiple witness UFO Abduction

UFO abduction cases have been controversial ever since the very first cases were reported. The main factor working against them is that most of them are single witness reports. There are exceptions, of course, the most famous being the 1975 Travis Walton case. In this incident, six of Walton’s co-workers (they were working in Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona on an NFS Timber Stand Improvement contract) reported seeing Walton knocked back by a beam of light from a UFO and then lifted up by the beam. Walton was missing for five days and the Navajo County Sheriff suspected his co-workers of murder. They were subjected to lie-detector tests at the Navajo County Courthouse in Holbrook, Arizona, and all six of them passed. This case is still discussed and held up in support of abduction claims, but another abduction case with multiple witnesses that also seems worthy of consideration is nowhere near as well known.Read more →
4/4/20226 minutes, 57 seconds
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500. Listener Call-In

Callers from all over the country and one from Germany talk about their encounters and more.Show Notes
3/30/20221 hour, 53 minutes, 58 seconds
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AudioBlog: Taken aboard a UFO and Turned Into a Mutant?

By Charles LearWith UFO reports, there are common elements that give one a sense of the nature of the phenomenon. However, there are some reports that contain elements that are unique to the point that a researcher might be inclined to dismiss them. The case of Herbirito Garza is one of these.Garza’s case was written about by Scott Corrales in his article “Abductions: The Crucible of Nightmares,” published in the May 2000 issue of Fate magazine (See page 5). According to Corrales, the case was investigated in 1972 by Jorge Reichert, Salvador Freixedo, and Ian Norris. Garza, a Mexican ceramics technician who lived in the city of Puebla, claimed to have been visited by an alien from the planet Auko and taken aboard a spaceship. According to him, he had just gotten into bed when he heard a noise in the living room. Thinking someone had broken in, he went to investigate. He came upon a “man” that was over two meters tall with a distinguished, almost-feminine-looking face. Read more 
3/28/20225 minutes, 21 seconds
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499. Ted Roe & Jack Brewer

Ted Roe stops in for a few minutes to discuss the AIAA statement on UFOs, NARCAP, pilot encounters, then guest Jack Brewer got interested in the many overlaps between NICAP and intelligence agencies. Then, through the FOIA, various archives, newspaper clippings and so on, it got increasingly interesting, to the point that he wrote about it. Frankly, Jack was surprised how much material he has obtained that suggests the CIA facilitated the birth of NICAP.Show Notes
3/23/20221 hour, 54 minutes, 3 seconds
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AudioBlog: Cars lifted up and transported by UFOs

In the 1950s, the first reports of cars shutting down in the proximity of UFOs started hitting the news, most memorably those from Levelland, Texas, in 1957. Then, in the 1960’s, there were reports of UFOs chasing cars, sometimes hitting them, and in fair turnabout, reports of cars chasing UFOs. Things didn’t escalate until 1978, when the first reports came out of UFOs lifting cars up in the air, carrying them for various distances and periods of time, and then returning them to the ground.In 1978 alone, there were four reports that this writer was able to find. The first of these occurred in July of that year and is described on the website of the Missouri Investigators Group.According to the report, there was a UFO flap in Ellsberry, Mo., at the time. On July 27, Mrs. Clora Winscher, was driving towards her home in Arnold, Mo., after visiting her brother in Beaufort. At around 12:30 a.m., she was coming out of Union, Mo., when she saw what she thought was a tractor trailer coming straight at her. As she braced for impact, her car filled up with white light.Read more →
3/20/20228 minutes, 21 seconds
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498. Dr. Garry Nolan & Lue Elizondo

Joining us for the first hour is, Stanford University School of Medicine professor, Garry Nolan discusses his years of research into the UFO phenomenon, as well as the study of alleged UFO crash materials. Joining us later in the discussion and for the remainder of the show is guest, ex-Pentagon official, Lue Elizondo for updates on what he has been involved with in the last year, what is upcoming book will entail and much more.Show Notes
3/16/20221 hour, 56 minutes, 33 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs and Strange Creatures in Harrah, Washington

When a nine-year-old boy in Harrah, Washington, approximately 12 miles west of the city of Toppenish, told his mother a story about seeing strange creatures and their vehicles on the morning of a school day, she heard him out, and then sent him to school. His story would likely have gone no further, had it not been for a teacher’s aide who went with him back to his house during recess after hearing his story and believing him. This lead to the discovery of physical traces that backed up his story and an investigation by members of the Center for UFO Studies and a reporter from a local paper.According to the article “Harrah Youth Reports UFOs With ‘Greenish Creatures,’” written by Frances Story and published in the January 26, 1977 Toppenish Review, nine-year-old Jose Cantu woke his mother up at 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 19, wanting her to explain a “little man” he’d seen outside. His mother, Martha, had had a rough night with her baby and sent him away so she could get some more sleep. Jose then went out to investigate on his own.Jose came back in and told his mother what he’d seen. According to him, there were two greenish creatures in the yard that were about three feet tall, and instead of having feet, they rotated on round bases. He said he saw two “steely” craft, one sitting in the yard and one on a flat section of the roof, and that there was a creature in each one. He said he observed all this while hiding behind a washing machine outside next to a shed.As he watched, the two creatures in the yard returned to the vehicles. He said they had “straight stairs” leading to doors that opened “in two parts, like a cross,” and that there were two chairs with tall bases inside. The vehicles then rose up and disappeared into some sort of vaporous cloud. Read more →
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497. Tom King, Phoenix Lights, a UFO Hotspot

Guest Tom King was in Phoenix during the Phoenix Lights event on March 13, 1997. He discusses his longtime interest, Phoenix as a UFO hotspot and his extensive UFO filming.Show Notes
3/9/20221 hour, 54 minutes, 2 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs and High Strangeness in Argentina

In mid December of last year, we wrote about a woman, Irma Rick, in the province of La Pampa in Argentina, who, after seeing a bright light outside her house, suddenly found herself the next morning almost 65 km (40 miles) away sitting on the side of the road in the town of Guatraché with no memory of how she got there. Most of us here in the United States got the news from INEXPLICATA-The Journal of Hispanic UFOlogy. A recent post on the site on February 6 tells of another report out of La Pampa that is just as strange�The sources are listed as Luis Burgos and the online La Pampa news publication InfoHuella. InfoHuella posted an article and a follow-up covering the story. On February 4, a couple and their adult son were travelling by truck on their way home to the town of Victoria. They were crossing the border between La Pampa province and San Luis province to the east. As they passed under the border arch they saw “many lights.” According to one of the witnesses, “When we saw the lights, the first thing we wondered was if it had to do with Victorica Agricultural School being lit up. We then realized this could not be the case, as we were far away.” Before they could make sense of what they were seeing, they found themselves entering the town of Victorica, 26 kilometers from where they were a moment ago. Their GPS still indicated that they were in their former position but then “zeroed out” within a few blocks.Read more →
3/7/20226 minutes, 57 seconds
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Everything Else Show Special Edition: Ukraine Conflict with KONSTANTIN SAMOILOV

An authentic look inside Russia on the Ukraine conflict with Konstantin Samoilov, what everyday people have been told through controlled media, how Russians feel about the people of Ukraine, the, sanctions, what is happening to their country now and their fears of the future.Link to donate to children of Ukraine: The most reliable source for checking media bias and factuality: Link:
3/6/202258 minutes, 24 seconds
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496. Kevin Randle and Albert Wain

HOUR ONE: Kevin Randle discusses UFO encounter/vehicle stall incidents as well as his book, LEVELLAND, about a multiple witness and multiple encounters case of a red glowing object witnesses in 1957 and more. HOUR TWO: Albert Wain talks about some family UFO encounters including one he witnessed at 9 years old, plus elaborates on his sighting at 17 years old with multiple witnesses.  BIO: Kevin Randle is a prominent ufologist. Within the UFO community, he is often regarded as one of the preeminent experts on the reported crash of a UFO near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. He is a professional best-selling author with over 100 books to his name. He has a Ph.D. in psychology and was in the United States Air Force and the National Guard where he held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel before retiring in 2009.BIO: At the age of nine, Albert was enjoying a summer evening with his parents and uncle when they all witnessed an event in the sky that, to this day, has challenged his beliefs on reality. Albert has spent a lifetime of curiosity with UFOs and other paranormal subjects from Massachusetts to Utah to Manitoba, Ca. Albert spent forty years in antique restoration and claims work, which he is now retired from, and currently resides in New York State, pursuing a career as a painter. 
3/2/20221 hour, 53 minutes, 13 seconds
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495. UFOJane, Jane Kyle

Guest Jane Kyle (aka "UFOJane") has documented over a thousand UFO sightings in her home state of Texas, she speaks about her favorite historic cases and more.Show Notes
2/23/20221 hour, 50 minutes, 41 seconds
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AudioBlog: A 1976 UFO Encounter in Kentucky THE EVIDENCE

As mentioned last week, in part three of this four-part series, investigators from the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, the Mutual UFO Network, and the Center for UFO Studies travelled to Liberty, Kentucky, to interview three women there who’d reported an unusual UFO encounter. According to the women, Louise Smith, Mona Stafford, and Elaine Thomas, they suffered physical effects after the encounter including one-inch-by-three-inch rectangular burn-like marks on the backs of their necks, a burning sensation on certain areas of skin when in contact with water, and red irritated eyes. They also seemed to have lost around 80 minutes. This was on January 6, 1976, so it was an early abduction case before the narrative of a “typical” abduction by beings that came to be known as “greys” became prominent.Jim and Coral Lorenzen of APRO were told about the case by APRO Field Investigator Bill Terry. He told them that abduction might have been involved, and they arranged for APRO Psychiatric Consultant Dr. Leo Sprinkle to travel to liberty and interview the women at APRO’s expense. He was a specialist in hypnotic regression and APRO was hoping that the women would agree to undergo the procedure.Read more →
2/21/20229 minutes, 51 seconds
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496. Chris Lambright, UFO Belief Systems, Father Gill Case, and Paul Bennewitz Case

Longtime UFO researcher, Chris Lambright gives his take on UFO beliefs, The Father Gill Incident of 1959, and goes deeply into the Paul Bennewitz Case, Rick Doty and the government disinformation.
2/16/20221 hour, 50 minutes, 9 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO Encounter in Kentucky - THE INVESTIGATION

In last week’s blog, we looked at a UFO encounter in Kentucky reported by three women, Louise Smith, Mona Stafford, and Elaine Thomas. According to them, they saw a craft that shone a blue light into their car and seemingly took control of it. They felt pain down through the tops of their heads and in their eyes, felt the car being pulled backwards and then suddenly found themselves almost eight miles away in what seemed like an instant. The UFO was gone. They continued on to Liberty, Kentucky and stopped at the trailer home of Smith, who had been the driver. They became aware that they all had a number of physical ailments, including burning and tearing eyes, skin that burned when in contact with water and one-inch-by-three-inch marks on the backs of their necks. There was also about 80 minutes they couldn’t account for. Smith looked to see if any of her neighbors were awake and she saw a light on in the trailer next-door belonging to Lowell Lee. The women went over to his house and Lee listened to their story. He looked at the marks on their necks, and then had them go to separate areas and draw what they said they saw. The drawings were almost identical. The story found its way into the press and it wasn’t long before interested UFO investigators approached the women to look into the case. Read more →
2/13/20228 minutes, 25 seconds
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493. Ron Felber - The Mojave Incident

Guest Ron Felber discusses his research while writing his book,' The Mojave Incident', which happened on the night of October 21, 1989, nine glowing objects appeared over an empty stretch of the Mojave desert---and turned Elise and Tom (real; names Dawn & Steve) Gifford's quiet weekend into an unearthly nightmare of terror.Show Notes
2/9/20221 hour, 53 minutes, 38 seconds
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AudioBlog: A 1976 UFO Encounter in Kentucky

In our last blog, we looked at a case involving three women in Kentucky who experienced actinic conjunctivitis after a UFO encounter. Since the blog was about multiple UFO-related conjunctivitis cases, we focused on that aspect of the encounter, but there was more to their story – a lot more.According to the October 1976 APRO Bulletin (date from February 12, 1976 Kentucky Casey County Press) on January 6, 1976, Louise Smith, Mona Stafford, and Elaine Thomas were all sitting in the front seat of Smith’s 1967 Chevy, which she had bought the day before. Smith was driving and they were on their way back to Liberty, Kentucky, where they all lived, after having had dinner at the Redwoods restaurant 29 miles away, five miles north of Stanford, Kentucky. They had gone there to celebrate Stafford’s birthday (they reportedly didn’t drink any alcohol) and left at 11:15 p.m.They were about one mile south of Stanford when they spotted a large metallic disc-shaped object with a glowing white dome. There were “three or four” lights on the underside that were red and yellow, and “a bluish beam of light issued from the bottom.” The object descended from their right to left and then hovered at tree level over the road in front of them. At this point, they were able to estimate its size. Smith said it was “as big as a football field,” and Stafford said it was about the size of two houses. It gently rocked back and forth for a couple of seconds and then moved off to their left.Read more →
2/6/20226 minutes, 2 seconds
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492. Ron Meyer and Alan Megargle

Guests Ron Meyer and Alan Megargle to discuss the Skinwalker Ranch type phenomenon through their movies, "The Bigfoot Alien Connection Revealed" and caller Mardi from Washington state discusses encounters at her cabin, witnessed by her and family members, they also talk about their other films, Alien Contact in the Rockies and post-production film, "Paranormal Highway" and much more.Show Notes
2/2/20221 hour, 51 minutes, 38 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs and Conjunctivitis

For researchers, UFO trace cases make up a welcome, science-friendly aspect of a phenomenon that often eludes scientific study. Researcher Ted Phillips specialized in trace cases starting in the mid-1960s on the advice of Project Blue Book scientific consultant J. Allen Hynek. In the course of his investigations, Phillips was able to note commonalities, one of those being that soil samples taken from alleged UFO landing sites were unable to absorb water. While UFOs have been reported to leave physical traces on the environment, they’ve also been reported to leave physical traces on witnesses. A common report of this sort is what is medically known as “actinic conjunctivitis” or “klieg conjunctivitis.” This is a painful condition where the eyes become red and intensely irritated due to exposure to ultraviolet light. Read more →
1/30/20226 minutes, 41 seconds
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491. Dr Bob Davis & Dave Beaty, UFO & Consciousness

Dr Bob Davis and Dave Beaty are on this show to talk about their upcoming film: "The Consciousness Connection" where they discuss Interactions with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena; Neuroscience; and Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences; Healing with Intent; Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis; Astrophysics; and Quantum Theory, among others.Show Notes
1/26/20221 hour, 54 minutes, 36 seconds
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AudioBlog: The UFO Newsclipping Service

For UFO researchers, and especially those interested in UFO history, the internet is a treasure trove. There are many, easily accessible archives online, with, and Archives for the Unexplained being two of the main go-to sites. There is also a lot of material available thanks to researchers who preserved it on their sites during periods of active research and investigation, and the material remains despite many having ceased any major activity. Two examples are the websites left behind (and looked after by caring former members) by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena and the Center for UFO Studies. Among the archived material can be found articles on UFO incidents clipped out of newspapers. These were gathered, in many cases, by individual researchers in the area of a UFO incident, or through the efforts of a network of members of some of the larger organizations, such as NICAP and CUFOS. Then, in 1969, a young UFO enthusiast took it upon himself to start a news-clipping service devoted to UFOs and other things fortean. He copied, cut, and pasted the clippings to put together a monthly publication, available by subscription, appropriately named the UFO Newsclipping Service.Read more →
1/25/20228 minutes, 26 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO and Occupant in Wheeling, West Virginia?

On September 12, 1952, a woman and six boys in the town of Flatwoods in Braxton County, West Virginia, reported that they’d had an encounter with a landed UFO and a strange creature. The woman, Mrs. Kathleen May, described the creature to a reporter as “a fire-breathing monster, ten-feet tall with a bright green body and a blood-red face.” She said the creature emitted an odor “like metal” that caused everyone to vomit for hours after the encounter. She added, “It looked worse than Frankenstein.” The witnesses all agreed that the figure had a red face with two openings like eyes that projected beams of greenish-orange light over their heads and that around the face there was a dark hood-like shape that came to a point like the ace of spades. The creature has become known as “The Flatwoods Monster.” By September 15, the case was reported in newspapers all over the country. It is likely that most readers are aware of this case, but many may not be aware of reports from nearby Wheeling, West Virginia, just a couple of days later. Read more →
1/21/20225 minutes, 11 seconds
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490. Monroe Nevels, Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident Witness

Guest, Sgt. Monroe Nevels, was with Colonel Charles Halt and others on December 27-28th, 1980 as a first hand witness of the Rendlesham Forest Incident. He operated the Geiger counter and confirms the Craft of Unknown Origin sighting. These events occurred just outside RAF Woodbridge, which was used at the time by the United States Air Force.Show Notes
1/19/20221 hour, 47 minutes, 25 seconds
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489. Cristina Gomez, Gen-Z on UFOs

Guest Cristina Gomez to discuss her fascination with the UFO/UAP topic, her dive into UFO video scrutiny and where her interest has led her.Show Notes
1/12/20221 hour, 50 minutes, 26 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO Lab in Japan

On June 24 of this year (World UFO Day), the International UFO Lab was established in Japan. It is housed in the UFO Fureaikan (UFO Friendship Center), a UFO center and museum that was built in 1992 in the town of linomachi (lower case spelling is apparently proper), which is now a prefecture of Fukushima. The facility is city owned and run by the Iinomachi Promotion Corporation. It was built using money from a regional development fund in an effort to help promote the area as a UFO hotspot after numerous sightings, starting in the 1970s, around nearby Mount Senganmori. The Lab is part of a new revitalization effort for Fukushima as a whole. Japan’s history of private UFO research goes back to the 1950s, but the official stance until 2020 was that UFOs weren’t worthy of consideration.The material housed in the UFO Fureaikan comes from a donation of over 3000 items from early Japanese UFO researcher Kinichi Arai. Arai ran a bookstore in the early 1950s and developed an interest in flying saucers while reading books on the subject that were increasingly being published at the time. Arai felt there was need for serious discussion of the phenomenon and formed Japan’s first UFO organization, the Japanese Flying Saucer Research Association in 1955. Arai was a pacifist, and according to him, “I told myself that if we knew for sure that the aliens were watching us, we would no longer fight. Therefore, I decided to see if I could prove that the aliens were real.”Read more →
1/9/20225 minutes, 5 seconds
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488. Paul Hynek, Growing Up with UFOs

Guest Paul Hynek, son of J. Allen Hynek, was one of the lead astronomers for the US Air Force program to investigate UFO sightings—and featured in History Channel’s Project Blue Book. Paul discusses what it was like growing up around UFOs as if it was a normal topic, he touches on some notable reports, his father's involvement with "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", and his thoughts on where UFOs may be coming from and who they could possibly be.Show Notes
1/5/20221 hour, 54 minutes, 16 seconds
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Mack Maloney co-hosting with guest Graeme Rendall. We often think of UFOs as post Roswell, 1947, Graeme discusses his book that researched UFOs prior, including Foo Fighters of WWII, listen in for an exceptional researched fact base show on this topic. HAPPY AND SAFE NEW YEAR!Show Notes
12/29/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 51 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO and Bigfoot Like Creatures in Pennsylvania

These days, more and more researchers are considering the idea that there is a unified theory for all things paranormal from Bigfoot to ghosts to UFOs. The idea that all, or at least many, things paranormal derive from a common source was considered as early as the 1940s by Meade Layne and other members of the Borderland Sciences Research Association. This has been popularized in more recent times by John Keel and Jaques Vallée. There was a great deal of resistance to this way of thinking among paranormal enthusiasts, but a case in Pennsylvania from 1973 has elements to it that that likely caused many to reconsider their positions.The case is described by Berthold Eric Schwartz, M.D. in the July 1974 issue of Flying Saucer Review in his article, “Berserk: A UFO Creature Encounter.” According to Schwartz, he got a call on a Sunday in September from Allan Noe of the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained (a New Jersey based organization founded by Ivan T. Sanderson) and Stan Gordon, director of the Pennsylvania based Westmoreland County UFO Study Group. They told him they were in the midst of a great deal of activity involving UFOs and creatures. Gordon, in the documentary, Invasion on Chestnut Ridge, describes the activity as “a major UFO-Bigfoot wave.” Read more →
12/26/20218 minutes, 52 seconds
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486. Navajo Ranger, Jonathan Dover

Guest, Jonathan Dover talks about Navajo oral history of Sky People, and his 11 years of officially investigating Bigfoot, Hauntings, Navajo Witchcraft, and UFO's. This includes some fascinating UFO encounters including his own.Show Notes
12/22/20211 hour, 51 minutes, 23 seconds
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AudioBlog: UPDATE: A Woman Transported by a UFO?

In last week’s blog, we looked at a recent report from the Pampas region of Argentina that involved a missing woman who was found the next day in a town around 65 km from where she was last seen. She reported being in her yard in Jacinto Aráuz, seeing a light, and then suddenly finding herself sitting on a road in the town of Guatraché with no memory of how she got there. The case caught the interest of a local UFO researcher, as it bore a resemblance to an alien abduction case reported in the area in 1983. The researcher was interviewed in connection with the story in the local paper La Arena and the woman’s disappearance was presented in the paper with the alien angle in mind. Since the last blog was posted, the woman has come forward and was interviewed for a video segment hosted on the web based news site Crónica TV. In case there might be any question of whether the presenters had any sort of bias towards the alien explanation for the woman’s experience, the segment is titled “Habló la mujer abducida por un OVNI en La Pampa” which in English, according to Translate at Duck Duck Go, is “Spoke the woman abducted by a UFO in La Pampa.” Read more →
12/20/20218 minutes, 47 seconds
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485. Shane Hurd & Christopher O'Brien

HOUR ONE: Shane Hurd on the Phoenix Lights, joined by Tom King who filmed the them as well as more sightings to this day, and the Shane talks about his book, "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: A Beginner's Guide to Researching UFOs" and HOUR TWO: Christopher O'Brien on longtime UFO investigations, the current state of UFOlogy, and recent projects.Show Notes
12/15/20211 hour, 51 minutes, 36 seconds
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AudioBlog: A Woman Transported by a UFO in Argentina?

Just weeks ago, there was an intriguing incident reported in Argentina involving a woman who went missing and was then found a day later, 65 km from where she was seen last. She had no memory of how she got there, and local residents and Argentinian officials were mystified. The case aroused the interest of a local UFO researcher who noted a similarity to an earlier alien abduction case in the area.The story first appeared on November 17, in the Pampas newspaper La Arena. An article headlined, “Buscan a mujer que desapareció en Jacinto Aráuz” (Looking for a woman that disappeared in Jacinto Aráuz) reports that police and volunteer firefighters were involved in an extensive search the night before for a woman in her 50s who had been reported missing by her husband. A relative of the woman told La Arena that several calls were made from the missing woman’s mobile phone to her relatives and children, but only the sound of wind was heard when they answered. Read more →
12/13/20217 minutes, 38 seconds
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484. John Ramirez, CIA Retired

Guest, John Ramirez Retired CIA Officer discusses an unclassified meeting he attended about ‘modern human origins’, his personal thoughts on the subject, his own personal experiences, and the UFO connection of him and several of colleagues that led to their careers.Show NotesHere is the Albert Wain complete UFO encounter noted: 
12/7/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 28 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO and Humanoid in Vilvoorde, Belgium

In 1973, there was a worldwide wave of UFO associated humanoid encounters. Arguably, the most famous of these was the alleged abduction in Pascagoula, Mississippi, of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker. They reported being forcibly taken aboard a craft by three, approximately five-foot-tall, robot-like, elephant-skinned creatures with crab claw-like hands, no eyes, a slit for a mouth and cone-shaped protrusions where the nose and ears would be on an earthly creature. While the creatures described by Hickson and Parker are unique in UFO literature, what is common to the 1973 humanoid wave is that most of the creatures described were unique. One report that stands out came from the city of Vilvoorde in Belgium. It was investigated by the Societé Belge d’Etude des Phénomènes Spatiaux, and an article describing the reported encounter written by Jean-Luc Vertongen appears in the SOBEPS journal, Inforespace No. 18, 1974. It was translated by Gordon Creighton and included in Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 20, No. 6.Read more →
12/6/20217 minutes, 53 seconds
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483. Peter Maxwell Slattery

Guest Peter Slattery discusses his encounters since a young age, how he interacts, and his thoughts on what this may be about. Not just UFOs, but other facets of what is considered 'paranormal'. He also discusses his film, Multidimensional which is out on various platforms.
12/1/20211 hour, 52 minutes, 48 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO Falls to the Ground in Yorkshire, England

In 1957, the same year the Soviets launched Sputnik, British authorities, media, and citizenry had their attention drawn back down to Earth as they attempted to unravel the mystery of a flying saucer said to have been found laying in a moor. It was dismantled, studied, and opinions were divided between its having come from space and its having been manufactured right here on Earth. Over time, the saucer went missing, but the mystery as to its origin remained. Then, in 2018, pieces of the saucer and its mysterious contents were found in the archives of the Science Museum in London.The case was first reported in the December 9, 1957 Yorkshire Post in an article headlined “Mystery Object Found on Scarborough Moors” with the sub-headline “Has Unusual Hieroglyphics.” It was written about in detail in the March-April 1958 issue of Flying Saucer Review.According to the Flying Saucer Review article headlined “The Silpho Moor Mystery,” a man “who writes under the pen name Antony Avendel” had examined an object discovered lying in Silpho Moor near Scarborough. The object is described as being shaped like a top, weighing 35 pounds, having a diameter of 18 inches, and having hieroglyphics on its outside. It was made of a double skin of 3/16” copper. A “burnt powdery substance” was found inside along with a copper book rolled up and inserted into a coil of copper tubing. The book was made of 17 copper sheets containing over 2000 words “engraved in phonetic-type symbols.”Read more →
11/28/20217 minutes, 34 seconds
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482. Dean Alioto

Guest, Dean Alioto discusses how he decided to take UFOlogy seriously when he truly realized there was something to it, and talks about how he looks at the phenomenon now, his journey along the way that all started from the McPherson Tape, the original "found footage" movie he crated in 1989. Callers with an encounter and one with an insight on nukes.Show Notes
11/24/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 25 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs Over Wytheville, Virginia

Beginning in October 1987, there was a UFO flap in Wytheville, Virginia. Thousands of people in the area reported seeing extraordinary things in the sky, but the most commonly told story that came out of the flap centers around a single witness who, it seems, was singled out for harassment by some unknown entity or organization.On October 7, 1987, reporter Danny Gordon of radio station WYVE called the county sheriff, as he regularly did, to see if the sheriff had any news for him that day. The sheriff told Gordon that three deputies, all ex-military, had reported seeing a UFO that day. According to Gordon in the course of his appearance in a segment devoted to the Wytheville flap in Season 4, Episode 18 of Unsolved Mysteries, the story was used as what he calls a “ha-ha” piece at the end of that day’s newscast. Read more →
11/20/20218 minutes, 46 seconds
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481. Tenth Anniversary Show!

Show guest Luis Jimenez along to celebrate our ten years of Podcast UFO, we will be hearing from Stephen Bassett 17:52 (our very 1st episode guest), Alejandro Rojas 2:47:35 (former UFO newscaster) Michael Lauck 1:13:32 (former UFO newscaster, blog writer), Clas Svahn 4:08, Leslie Kean 1:36:52, Dean Alioto 15:00, Lee Speigel 1:01:12, David Marler 1:47:28, Bryce Zabel 1:06:40, Jennifer Stein 41:09, Peter Robbins 56:17, John Greenewald, Jr 36:44, Travis Walton 1:10:02, Kathleen Marden 33:00, Jr, Richard Cutting 55:27, Stan Gordon 1:04:37, Calvin Parker 1:16:30, Philip Mantle 1:16:30, Ben Hansen 1:20:55, Robert Powell 1:02:36, Chris Lambright 1:24:36, Kevin Randle 9:02, Sam Maranto 46:35, Linda Zimmermann 1:39:52, Dr Michael Masters 1:51:06, Irene Previn 1:32:22, Chase Kloetzke 16:12, Paul Eno 54:07, Greg Bishop 3:02:20, Ben Moss & Tony Angiola 1:42:45, Jordan Bonaparte 43:45, Preston Dennett 1:30:30, David O’Leary 1:54:56 , Bill Skywatcher 1:00, Dave Altman 14:05, longtime listeners Scott Sykora 34:10, Peggy Shunning 1:44:09, Bobby Hernandez, 1:49:52. ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION in the last hour starting at 1:59:15 (includes: Luis Jimenez, Chris Lambright, David Marler, Dr. Michael Masters, Irene Previn, Linda Zimmermann, David O'Leary, Ben Moss & Tony Angiola, Dean Alioto, Alejandro Rojas & Greg Bishop)
11/16/20213 hours, 19 minutes, 47 seconds
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AudioBlog: A Country Singer, UFO Occupants, and Men in Black

One of the most famous early abduction cases is that of Travis Walton in late 1975, which received a lot of attention and still fascinates many people to this day. Walton’s case was investigated primarily by the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. In the midst of that investigation, APRO was contacted by Johnny Sands, a country western singer who claimed he had encountered two humanoids in the desert outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. It is perhaps because of the attention given to the Walton case, that Sand’s case has all but been forgotten. I might also be because it’s seriously weird.According to Sands, in his report to APRO and in subsequent interviews with researcher Timothy Green Beckley, he was in Vegas to promote a new record with some live shows. He had been visiting the towns surrounding Las Vegas to see how much his record was being played on local radio and how many jukeboxes it was in, and on January 29, 1976 (Sands didn’t recall the exact date with Beckley), he had been in Pahrump, Nevada.Read more →
11/14/20218 minutes, 26 seconds
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480. on location Phoenix MUFON Boot Camp

After observing the MUFON Field Investigator Boot Camp, Martin is broadcasting from location in Mesa, Arizona with Stacey Wright, Marianne Robb, Marc D'Antonio, Tara Diulus, Earl Door, Dave Rich with past show guests Matthew Roberts & Karen Brard along with local friends of the show, Dave Sestili and Jennifer.
11/10/20211 hour, 49 minutes, 24 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs, NICAP, and the CIA

by Charles LearOf all the private organizations devoted to UFO investigation, the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena was arguably the most ambitious and tenacious. This was driven in large part by its director, Donald Keyhoe. Keyhoe held the beliefs that UFOs are extraterrestrial and that the U.S. Government, particularly the Air Force, was keeping information from the public that could possibly prove the ET hypothesis. As effective as NICAP was at hounding the Air Force and convincing many in the U.S. Congress that UFOs were deserving of scientific study, there are indications that the CIA was involved in both the beginning and the end of the organization.Todd Zechel wrote about the CIA – NICAP connection in the January 1979 issue of Just Cause, the newsletter put out by Citizens Against UFO Secrecy. NICAP was incorporated in 1956, and two men Zechel argues were covert CIA operatives were put into chair positions within the organization. One of these men was Bernard J. O. Carvalho, who was made the chairman of NICAP’s membership subcommittee According to Zechel, Carvalho worked as a “front man” for companies secretly run by the CIA. The other was “Count” Nicolas de Rochefort, who was made Vice-Chairman of NICAP. According to Zechel, de Rochefort worked with the CIA’s Psychological Warfare Staff. Zechel tells the reader “there is more than ample evidence to conclusively establish both de Rochefort and Cavalho were at least during certain periods of their lives covert employees of the Central Intelligence Agency.”Read more →
11/6/20219 minutes, 31 seconds
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479. Chris Pittman

Guest Chris Pittman on historical North American UFO sightings, early mankind, the Bridgewater Triangle. Why took a break from the topic and where he thinks "THEY" may be from.Show Notes
11/3/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 49 seconds
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478. Dr Irena Scott

Guest Dr. Irena Scott on her new book ‘BEYOND PASCAGOULA-THE REST OF THE AMAZING STORY’ where she interviews newfound witnesses and she also speaks about her own encounters, one happened during the time she was traveling and at the time she had a top secret clearance for the DIA.Show Notes
10/27/20211 hour, 55 minutes
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AudioBlog: A UFO Photographed in the Italian Alps

In the hunt for proof that strange vehicles are flying through our atmosphere, possibly under the guidance of alien pilots, researchers have long looked to photographs. There are some, such as the McMinnville photos, that have become classics that continue to spark debate. Many have been passed through time by newspaper articles, books, magazines, documentaries, and websites. Of course, along with the photo, there is the story of the photographer, though getting that story straight might prove difficult.In October of 1952, a story went across the newswires that a man in Italy had claimed to have taken pictures of a flying saucer and its occupant while climbing in the Bernina section of the Italian Alps. He told reporters that he saw a flying saucer land on a glacier. According to him, “a human shape wearing some sort of diving suit” got out, walked around the ship, and then got back in. The saucer rose up and “it took off without a sound at breathtaking speed.” He said he sold the photos to a French magazine.The man was 29-year-old Italian engineer Gianpietro Monguzzi. His story is told in detail and his pictures are presented in the Sept.-Oct. 1958 issue of Flying Saucer Review. According to the article “Monguzzi Takes Saucer Photos of the Century,” written by Lou Zinstag, Monguzzi (first name given as Giampiero by Zinstag) worked as an engineer in Monza, near Milan, and was a member of the Edison Society of Italy. On July 31, 1952, he was hiking in the Bernina Mountains with his wife when they came across an object, shaped like a flying saucer, sitting on a glacier. Moguzzi wanted to get closer, but his wife was frightened and insisted he stay with her. He did so and took a series of pictures showing the saucer on the ground, a humanoid walking around it, and two “excellent photos of the ship’s departure.” Monguzzi ended up with a total of seven photos. At the top of the article, in a photo with a number two written on it, the saucer and the humanoid are both seen to have antennas.Read more →
10/24/20217 minutes, 3 seconds
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477. Alfred Quiroz

Vietnam War veteran, Alfred J. Quiroz his UFO/USO incidents while he served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War. Alfred dropped out (neighborhood internet outage) and callers for the end of the show, including Linda Zimmermann.Show Notes
10/19/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 45 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs over Pine Bush, NY

by Charles LearIn the 1980s, New York’s Hudson River Valley was home to a wave of extraordinary UFO encounters by thousands of people. It was explained away as a hoax perpetrated by a group of nighttime pilots in ultralights and this was enough to make it fade from the public consciousness, even among those in the UFO community. However, one town in the area has kept the memory of the events alive with a yearly fair and a recently opened UFO museum.A book about the wave, “Night Siege” by J. Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, was published in 1998. Hynek died in 1986 before the book was published but actively investigated and contributed to the book. His wife, Mimi, helped edit the book after his death.According to “Night Siege,” the wave began in Kent, New York, on New Year’s Eve 1982 with a sighting by a retired New York City police officer identified by the pseudonym,“Tony Vallor. He’d just christened his new house by smashing a champagne bottle against it, and his wife had sent him back outside to clean up the broken glass after he’d told her about it. As he was cleaning up the glass, he saw a group of red, green, and white lights to the south. At first he thought he was seeing a jet having trouble but it was moving too slowly to be a jet. Read more →
10/17/20217 minutes, 44 seconds
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476. Dr Robert Gross

Guest Dr Robert Gross talks about Native American culture and space exploration as well as changes in the last few years on how the world views the topic of UAPs/UFOs and the potential for learning.Show Notes
10/13/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 51 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO Landing and a Meeting with Eisenhower

From February 17 to February 24, 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower was in Palm Springs, California, on what was described to the public as a “vacation.” On February 20, he disappeared from public view and rumors spread to the point that the headline, “Pres. Eisenhower died tonight of a heart attack in Palm Springs.,” appeared on the Associated Press newswire. The story was removed two minutes later and the AP reported that he was still alive. UFOlogists have speculated on where he was that day, and some have come to the conclusion that Eisenhower went to Muroc Air Force Base for a secret meeting with alien visitors.The earliest mention of Eisenhower and aliens being at Muroc appears in a letter from Gerald Light to Meade Layne, founder of the Borderland Sciences Research Association. Now a foundation, BSRF has preserved the letter, and the date on the link is April 16, 1954. The letter opens with this:Read more →
10/10/20217 minutes, 5 seconds
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475. Neil Nixon

Guest, Neil Nixon with a skeptical view of the UFO topic, his thoughts on some well known and not so well known incidents, and his latest book: UFOs, Aliens and the Battle for the Truth, A SHORT HISTORY OF UFOLOGY.Show Notes
10/6/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 50 seconds
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AudiBlog: A UFO Landing at Holloman AFB

UFO documentaries, besides being informative and entertaining, also serve to preserve UFO history for future researchers. However, one documentary, “UFOs: It Has Begun.” has itself become a part of UFO history. One of its producers has claimed that the U.S. Department of Defense offered him and his partner the use of some film footage taken by the Air Force at Holloman Air Force Base. According to him, it showed a UFO landing and a meeting between its occupants and Air Force officials, and it was going to be the finale of the documentary until the DoD withdrew the offer at the last minute.The movie was originally released in 1974 as “UFOs: Past Present and Future.” It was written primarily by Robert Emenegger, who also produced it along with Allan Sandler. It has Rod Serling as its main narrator, and there are appearances by Burgess Meredith, Jose Ferrer, Jaques Vallée. and J. Allen Hynek. In 1976 and 1979 it was re-released under its new title.The story of the film’s beginning is as follows: Emenegger and Sandler had originally set out to produce a series of films about advanced military technology but were diverted by an intriguing piece of information offered by their military contact, Paul Shartle, with whom they were working at Norton Air Force Base. Shartle, Security Manager and Chief of Requirements for the Audio-Visual Program at the base, said he had seen a film of an alien craft landing at Holloman AFB three years previous. As discussions about possible projects continued, the idea that one of them be about UFOs came up and was encouraged by military officials who offered the producers the use of the footage. Emenegger and Sandler decided to go ahead with a UFO documentary, and the film was made.Read more →
10/3/20219 minutes, 58 seconds
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474. Trey Hudson

Lee Speigel on for the first few minutes, then guest, Trey Hudson to discuss his book, “The Meadow Project: Explorations into the South’s Skinwalker Ranch” will take you along the amazing journey from its discovery to the most recent investigations. He also does a deep dives into UFO hotspots and areas of strangeness such as: The Hessdalen Valley in Norway, the Hoia-Baciu Forest in Romania, Japan’s Aokigahara Forest, the Mesa Verde dwellings in New Mexico, Stardust Ranch near Rainbow Valley, Arizona and of course the legendary Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, USA.Show Notes
9/30/20211 hour, 43 minutes, 26 seconds
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473A. Bryce Zabel & Kathleen Marden

Show guest, Bryce Zabel & last minute invite, Kathleen Marden on legendary UFO Encounter Anniversary of Betty & Barney Hill. Bryce broaches some controversy involving John Luttrell Sr from a journalistic view, speaks about his 10-part series featuring the Hills, and discusses his former series, Dark Skies and more.Show Notes
9/21/202155 minutes, 17 seconds
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473B. Deb Coyle, Schoolyard Encouter

Guest Deb Coyle speaking for the very first time, she grew up in South Africa and moved to the United States as a young adult. Around the age of eight she experienced a schoolyard close encounter of the first kind. In recent years she has felt a renewed interest in closely following the UFO phenomenon. She discusses her encounter and the lifelong impact of the event.
9/21/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 30 seconds
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AudiBlog: A UFO Invasion in England

by Charles Lear.1967 was quite a year in UFO history. In Canada there was the Falcon Lake Incident, where a man with a grid pattern of circular burns on his torso claimed to have gotten them from an ascending UFO, and the Shag Harbour Incident, where a UFO was seen to plunge into the water by citizens and was subsequently searched for by Canadian officials. Meantime, here in the U.S., the Air Force funded UFO study at the University of Colorado headed by Dr. Edward Condon was underway as was a major flap, which included UFOs sighted around nuclear weapons facilities at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. A bit of history that’s been all but forgotten is an incident that year that involved six grounded flying saucer-shaped objects in England. They caused quite a stir and were examined by the British intelligence service, the Army, the RAF, a bomb disposal unit and police.On September 4, 1967, British authorities became alarmed as six identical saucer-shaped objects, approximately four feet in diameter and making beeping and hissing noises, were reported to be lying on the ground across England. They were roughly equidistant and lying along the 51.5° parallel running from Kent to Somerset.Read more →
9/19/20214 minutes, 56 seconds
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472. Robert Salas & Martin Keller

First half hour, Robert Salas comes on to make an announcement about his fundraiser (Robert Salas UFO GoFundMe) for the National Press Club on October 19. His goal is for the U.S. Congress to hold public hearings on the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP). The featured guest Martin Keller discusses that the world is hopefully witnessing the Big Thaw about the UFO/UAP subject in mainstream media, the military and in government. His book: The Space Pen Club – a timely historical, cultural and true personal story – takes readers on a compelling insider’s journey that provides fresh insights into how we got to this point.Show Notes
9/15/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 3 seconds
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AudiBlog: UFOs and Airplane Passengers

Pilot UFO sightings have been a constant in the world of UFOlogy ever since the sighting in 1947, that started the public fascination with the subject, by Kenneth Arnold, who was flying in his own plane near Mount Rainier in Washington State. Even though these are often single witness sightings, researchers generally take them seriously, as pilots, especially a commercial pilots, risk their reputations and continued employment by coming forward. But, what about airplane passengers? In the case of passenger sightings, you often have multiple witnesses, or at least one witness that can corroborate the pilot report. An instance where a passenger witness came forward to back up a pilot report occurred in 1948 in the case of the classic Chiles-Whitted UFO encounter. On July 24, 1948, pilot Clarence Chiles and co-pilot John Whitted, were flying a DC-3 over Alabama. At about 2:45 a.m., Chiles spotted a red glow up ahead and brought Whitted’s attention to what he assumed was an Army jet. It closed in on the DC-3 quickly, shot past the right side of the plane, and then, with a burst of flame coming out of its rear, climbed up into the clouds. The pilots reported that the object was torpedo-shaped, had no wings, was 100 feet long, and 25 to 30 feet in diameter. Passenger Clarence L. McKelvie added to the credibility of the sighting by reporting that he saw a bright light streak by his window at that time. He later appeared in the documentary, “UFOs: It Has Begun,” (A 1976 and 1979 re-release of the 1974 documentary “UFOs: Past, Present, and Future.”) and there he says he spoke with one of the pilots and his description matches theirs. Read more →
9/11/20218 minutes, 42 seconds
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471. Barry Greenwood, David Marler & Jan Aldrich

Special Monday show, guests Barry Greenwood, David Marler and Jan Aldrich together at David Marler's UFO Archives. Three icons of UFO research together for a fantastic show. Show Notes
9/7/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 28 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO Over Tucson

On February 9, 2021, at around 10:30 p.m., a helicopter pilot with U.S. Customs and Border Protection flying over Tucson, Arizona, reported to air traffic control that he had just had a near collision with a drone. A Tucson Police Department helicopter was sent into the area and the two helicopters followed the object and attempted to determine the location of whoever might be operating it. While it was described as a drone and a quad-copter, it was mostly tracked using night vision, and the only visual description was of a blinking green light. If it was indeed a drone, it attained an altitude well above the 400 foot limit set by the FAA, performed extraordinary evasive maneuvers, and had a power source that lasted far longer than a normal drone battery. The story was first reported on May 20, 2021, by Dan Marries of KOLD News who described the “drone” as having attained an altitude of 14,000 feet, staying aloft for over an hour, and being “heavily modified.” A May 21, 2021, Associated Press article reports that the FBI had begun an investigation and was treating the incident as a case of illegal drone operation. It was thought that the “drone” had launched from an area about five miles south of Tucson. Read more →
9/6/20215 minutes, 7 seconds
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470. David Marceau

Guest David Marceau witnessed in 1992 an Oblong-shaped UFO fly over the Canadian army base in New Brunswick where he was stationed. The otherworldly craft appeared to be over an acre long. David discusses what it was like then, how he felt about it over the years and why he finally decided to speak about it. Show Notes
9/1/20211 hour, 52 minutes, 1 second
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AudioBlog: A UFO Flap in Virginia in 1965

Throughout modern UFO history, there have been periods when a large number of reports have come from one area. These were termed UFO “flaps” by Air Force UFO investigators working for Project Blue Book. According to former Project Blue Book Director in his 1956 book “The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects,” in Air Force parlance, a flap was a state of confusion just below panic that could be brought on by any number of things. This week, we’ll look at a 1965 flap in the Virginia area that involved reported EM effects, creatures, and armed citizens ready to defend the planet. Newspaper clippings and comments by investigators about the events can be found at the UFO History Group website. The flap actually began in 1964 with the December 21st sighting by Harrisonburg, Virginia, gunsmith Horace Burns. According to the report, he was driving on Route 250 near Fishersville when he saw a huge metallic object in the sky coming from the north. As it landed in a field to his right, his car stalled, and he drifted to a stop. Burns described the object as shaped like a beehive, 125 ft in diameter, and 80 ft tall. He observed it as it rested for 60 to 90 seconds and then rose up and flew away to the northeast. He was able to restart his car and drive home. Burns contacted the UFO Investigators Club at Eastern Mennonite College. Club President Ernest Gehman, who was a professor at the College and a member of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, checked the area with a Geiger counter and claimed to have found heavy radioactivity. He also reported that homeowners in the area had complained to the Virginia Electric and Power Co. that their radios and televisions stopped working for several minutes and that their lights dimmed. Read more →
8/29/20218 minutes, 24 seconds
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469. Avi Loeb, Marc D'Antonio & Ted Roe

Avi Loeb for an update on The Galileo Project, Marc D'Antonio on his new SkyTour LiveStream West's LIVE Arizona Observatory, as well as a new Alien Invasion: Hudson Valley documentary on Discovery+, joined by Ted Roe to elaborate on his recent discussion and recommendations of UAP research to the aviation and astronautic research community. Show Notes
8/25/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 8 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs and Missing Soldiers in Gulf Breeze, Florida

Many readers may be familiar with the controversial case of the Gulf Breeze, Florida, UFO photographs taken in 1987 by local contractor Ed Walters. The photos were clear and detailed and stirred up a great deal of excitement within the UFO community. Some, such as former Navy optical physicist turned UFO researcher Dr. Bruce Maccabee, believed the photos were genuine, while others believed they were hoaxed. Then, in 1990, after Walters and his family had moved from their home at the time, the new owners found a Styrofoam model of a UFO in the attic. Pensacola News Journal reporter Craig Meyers was able to closely duplicate Walters’s photos using the model, and Walters responded to hoax allegations by claiming the model had been planted after he left. What readers may not be familiar with is a saga that unfolded around the Gulf Breeze incident involving six soldiers, all intelligence analysts, who went AWOL from a U.S. Army Intelligence unit in Augsburg, West Germany. They became known as “The Gulf Breeze Six,” and their story is… something. Read more →
8/23/20218 minutes, 30 seconds
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468. Don Heiden, 1990 Tic Tac UFO

Guest Don Heiden discusses while metal detecting near the Florida Panhandle thirty years ago, he and his friend had a very strange Tic Tac UFO encounter. When Commander Dave Fravor described what he witnessed in 2004, Don realized what he saw matched Fravor's description.   Show Notes
8/18/20211 hour, 52 minutes
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AudioBlog: A UFO & Creatures in the Mountains of Taos, New Mexico

New Mexico is famous for its reports of landed (and crashed) UFOs and associated creatures. While many might think that these sorts of reports have long since ceased since the golden age of UFOs, there was a report just a couple of years ago of creatures and a huge landed craft in the mountains of Taos, NM. According to an article by Staci Matlock in the September 5, 2019 Taos News, days before, on September 1, two bow hunters, Josh Brinkley, 41, and Daniel Lucero, 26, were looking for elk on Pot Mountain northwest of Taos. Brinkley had been coming to the mountain for fifteen years while it was the first visit for Lucero. They set up on opposite sides of a field and waited for three hours with no luck. At around 9:30 a.m., Brinkley became restless and went walking through the woods looking for elk there. He got to the top of the mountain, which was the rim of a collapsed volcano known as a caldera. There, he saw what he thought were two fellow hunters about 35 yards away. He was preparing to speak to them when they disappeared. According to him, “They were gone, just gone.” The more Brinkley thought about the figures he had seen, the less like hunters they seemed. He saw only their torsos above the brush that covered their lower half. They seemed to have been wearing large hoods that had what looked like pairs of ribbons on both sides that came to a point at the top and bottom. The left side was white and somewhat shiny and the right side was black. He described their torsos as “kind of black.” Brinkley went back down the mountain and met up with Lucero. He didn’t tell Lucero what he’d seen until they were back at camp. Read more →
8/15/20215 minutes, 38 seconds
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467. Listener Calls

Martin Willis and Bill Skywatcher ramble on and take calls from listeners. Interesting encounters and opinions from listeners as well as Bill's personal sightings.
8/11/20211 hour, 44 minutes, 58 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs and Esotericism

From the days of flying saucers in the 1940s and 1950s, up until the present where many now prefer the term “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP), investigators and researchers have approached the mystery using scientific methods. However, this is not the case for all who have sought answers as to the source and purpose of the reported encounters with strange things in our skies. Many have turned to esotericism, in addition to science, as a means of inquiry. This approach has actually been present from the very beginning of modern UFOlogy and those interested in the subject might consider looking into it, even if only from a historical or sociological perspective. Esoteric is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as “designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone.” When one talks of esotericism in association with UFOs or the paranormal, one is usually referring to what has become known as “Western Esotericism” which is a term used to describe a loosely connected group of religious and philosophical ideas that deviate from Judeo-Christian beliefs and post-Enlightenment rationalism. By the late 19th century, organized groups and secret societies had developed around these esoteric ideas, two of the most prominent being the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Theosophical Society. Both of these adhered to the belief that there is a group of cosmic beings that can be contacted by adepts who wish to receive ancient wisdom and advice. The Theosophical Society still exists today. Arguably, the first group to investigate claims of a mysterious flying object, was the Borderland Sciences Research Association. Formed in Southern California by Meade Layne along with Max Freedom Long, BSRA was an association dedicated to paranormal research and included parapsychologists, spiritualists, and Theosophists. Their research methods included Yoga, Qabalistic technique, and spirit channeling. Their main spirit channeler was Mark Probert, the “Telegnostic from San Diego.” The group put out its first newsletter, the Round Robin, in February 1945. It wasn’t long before they were investigating what they called, “The Ether Ship Mystery.” Read more →
8/9/20218 minutes, 33 seconds
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466-B Ross Coulthart

Exceptional discussion with multi-award-winning investigative Australian journalist, Ross Coulthart to discusses inside information about what the Pentagon knows about UFO/UAP's. Apparently, if this is to be believed, the Air Force knows quite a bit more than it has let on. Show Notes
8/4/20211 hour, 33 minutes, 50 seconds
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466-A. Paul Ascough

Guest Paul Ascough discusses the bigger picture with all of its complexities and is interlaced with many of the authors own sightings throughout his life. Show Notes
8/4/202154 minutes, 46 seconds
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AudioBlog: Floated into a UFO

In the 1970s, New York artist and UFO investigator Budd Hopkins began to specialize in abduction research after being confronted by multiple reports. He wrote about his research in the 1981 book “Missing Time” and it wasn’t long after the book was published that people started to be featured in the press and on television with claims of their own abduction experiences. In an interview for the PBS series “Nova,” Hopkins stated that his “best case” was one that involved witnesses who claimed to have seen a woman accompanied by three small humanoids float out of a 12th story apartment in Manhattan and into a waiting craft close to the Brooklyn Bridge. The woman who was reportedly seen was originally identified by Hopkins as “Linda Cortile” (now known to be Linda Napolitano) and the case has become known as the “Linda Case” or the “Brooklyn Bridge Abduction Case.” Hopkins described the “Linda Case” in his 1996 book, “Witnessed.” According to him, Linda had written him a letter in spring of 1989 after reading his 1987 book, “Intruders.” In the letter she described seeing strange nighttime visitors while lying paralyzed in bed as a child. She also wrote that she was asked by a doctor about what looked like evidence of surgery inside her nose as he was dealing with some built up cartilage that caused a lump that had concerned her. She wrote that she had never had surgery in her nose and that this was confirmed by her mother. Read more →
8/1/20218 minutes, 38 seconds
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465. Chris Spark

Guest Chris Spark discusses why science is a tremendously valuable contribution to humankind, but it has limits when it comes to the deepest questions, like those about UFOs and other ways in which science can and cannot offer explanations for these type of things in our world. Show Notes
7/28/20211 hour, 45 minutes, 51 seconds
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AudioBlog: The Allagash Abductions

Four friends studying at the Massachusetts College of Art, Chuck Rak, Charlie Foltz and twins Jim and Jack Weiner, set out from Boston for a wilderness vacation in late August 1976. They were dropped off in northern Maine by pontoon plane and canoed through the Allagash Waterway. On the night of Thursday, August 26 the men, all art students, were night fishing on Eagle Lake. In order to easily find their way back to their campsite in the dark, they had prepared a large log bonfire as a beacon to mark their camp.  Shortly after they began trout fishing a glowing oval object was spotted rising above the forest. Charlie Foltz signaled to the object with a flashlight which apparently caused it to stop its ascent and slowly move towards the students’ canoe. Read more →
7/24/20216 minutes, 52 seconds
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464. Chris Lehto

After guest Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Chris Lehto heard that the FLIR1, GOFAST, and GIMBAL videos were debunked he came forward with his opinion. He was an F-16 pilot for 18 years and had done hundreds of these types of intercepts with this almost exact equipment. The "experts" that have been appearing on TV and YouTube have obviously never actually used these systems before.   Show Notes
7/21/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 49 seconds
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AudioBlog: Government Funded UFO Study in France

Many countries around the world have active, state funded, long-term UFO studies. If the United States Congress follows up on the recommendation in the recently released Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force report that “additional funding for research and development could further the future study of the topics laid out in this report,” the U.S. may soon have one as well. The U.S. has had two acknowledged, publicly funded UFO investigations in the past. One was run by the Air Force under the name of “Project Blue Book” for most of its existence from 1948 until 1969, and the other by the Pentagon from 2007 until 2012 as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. While the 21-year run for the Air Force investigation may seem substantial, the investigation funded by the French government has lasted more than twice as long. The group studying UFOs in France is now operating as Groupe d’Etude et Information des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés or GEIPAN. The group was first called Groupe d’Etude des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés, or GEPAN, when it was started in 1977, and then Service d’Expertise des Phénomènes de Rentrée Atmérique, or SEPRA from 1988 to 2004. GEIPAN operates as part of the French Space Agency, Centre National d’Études Spatiales, or CNES. Read more →
7/19/20218 minutes, 27 seconds
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463. Paul Kirsch

Guest Paul Kirsch, discusses a theory for the quantum physics of interstellar travel, ideas originally put forth by Michael Miller and Larry Maurer and assembled by Paul in his book: "Blueprint for Interstellar Travel". Paul also talks about his interest in UFOs, certain sightings and how ideas have began from observation and what the observers have claimed as downloads. Show Notes
7/14/20211 hour, 55 minutes, 1 second
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AudioBlog: UFOs in the National Enquirer

Stories of UFOs and aliens have long been associated with tabloid newspapers, often with ridiculous headlines, dubious claims, and photos that only the most credulous could take seriously. While these might be considered innocuous pieces of entertainment by many, for the serious UFO researcher they make it harder to convince a skeptical public that the subject is deserving of careful scrutiny. One of the most famous and long lasting of the tabloids is the National Enquirer, and while it might not be considered to be a bastion of journalistic integrity, it launched Bob Pratt, who was a staff reporter for the paper, into a lifelong occupation (not always paid) as a serious UFOlogist. Read more →
7/12/202141 seconds
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462. On Location Berkshires UFO

THREE-HOUR SHOW. On location Warner Homestead, Great Barrington, Massachusetts. All first-hand witnesses, two of which will speaking for the first time. Featuring: Tom Warner, Author & Artist, Mike Sisino, Retired 30-year Vermont State Police, Marisol Lopez, Artist & Photographer and former neighbor, witness, Jane Shaw.
7/7/20212 hours, 53 minutes, 42 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs and Congress

It’s official: unidentified aerial phenomena exist, the Pentagon takes the subject seriously, but no there one can say if aliens are involved. This is according to the unclassified report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that was delivered to Congress this past Friday. The fact that Congress is interested in the subject of what have long been known as UFOs has gotten quite a bit a media attention ever since the report was commissioned in legislation passed in 2020. But, this is not the first time Congress has shown an interest in the subject; in the 1960’s UFOs were discussed in Congress on two occasions, both times prompted by concerns that publicly funded UFO studies were not being taken seriously. Read More →
7/4/202110 minutes, 20 seconds
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461. Kevin Randle

A quick 15 minute show this week on Kevin Randle weighing in on the Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Kevin's book: Note: Interview with Zen Benefiel was removed due to the massive amount of listener complaints. For those who wish to watch it:
6/30/20211 hour, 57 minutes, 27 seconds
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AudioBlog: The Aguadilla UFO

Because of all the media coverage regarding the Pentagon UFO videos, an extraordinary video reportedly captured by Department of Homeland Security personnel has fallen into the background. It has become known as the “Aguadilla” video and the identity of the object caught on video remains a mystery. The case was investigated by the Scientific Coalition for UFOlogy (now the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies) and a report was written that is available on the group’s website. According to the report, at around 9:30 p.m. on April 25, 2013, the departure of a commercial aircraft was delayed due to an unknown object flying at low altitude across the runway at Rafael Hernandez Airport in Aquadilla, Puerto Rico. In the area at the time was an airborne U.S. Customs and Border Patrol aircraft and the crew managed to capture infrared video of the object The SCU investigators describe having obtained a copy of the video from an official source who insisted on remaining anonymous. The authors state that the individual’s identity, background, and employment were all verified and that “extensive efforts were made to ensure that this video did not contain any classified information.” Read more →
6/28/20215 minutes, 29 seconds
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460. Preston Dennett

Preston Dennett back on to speak about his new book: Wondrous: 25 True UFO Encounters. Published for the first time, these true firsthand accounts cover the gamut of the UFO phenomenon: sightings, USOs, landings, face-to-face meetings with ETs, onboard UFO encounters, and whistleblower stories revealing shocking secrets the government doesn’t want you to know. Show Notes
6/23/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 15 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs in Indonesia

Wherever there are UFOs, there are UFO enthusiasts, and since there are UFOs everywhere, UFO enthusiasts can be found everywhere as well. This week we’ll look at Indonesia, where members of that region’s largest UFO organization have recently offered their opinion to the local press on the upcoming Pentagon UAP Task Force unclassified report due to come out later this month. An article written by Wulan Kusuma Wardhani and posted online for The Jakarta Post on Monday, June 7, 2021, is headlined, “Not a cult: Indonesia’s biggest UFO-community BETA-UFO weighs in on U.S. government report.” The two people speaking for the organization are 55-year-old Nur Agustinas and 48-year-old Anugerah Sentot Sudono. Agustinus was a cofounder of BETA-UFO IN 1997 along with Bayu Yunantias Amus and several others, and Sudono is described as a “senior member” in the article. BETA is an acronym for “Benda Terbang Aneh,” which is Indonesian for “Unidentified Flying Object.” The term was introduced in the 1960s by Jacob Salutan, founder of the Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space. Salutan was a vice air marshal in the Indonesian Air Force and started Studi UFO Indonesia (Indonesian UFO Studies/SUFOI). He wrote two books on UFOs: “UFO: Salah Satu Masalah Dunia Masa Kini” (UFO: One of the Current World Problems) and “Menyingkap Rahasia Piring Terbang” (Unveiling the Secrets of UFOs). As of this writing, SUFOI appears to be inactive. Read more →
6/21/20217 minutes, 50 seconds
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459. Matthew Roberts & Kevin Knuth

Guest Matthew Roberts discusses when he was aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt for the events that brought the now declassified Gimbal & Go Fast UAP videos then his own personal experience since that time and how it changed everything, then Kevin Knuth joins in they both discuss the upcoming UAP Task Force Report, as well as both speak on scientists lack of curiosity in what could be the greatest revelation of all time. Show Notes
6/16/20211 hour, 50 minutes, 54 seconds
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AudioBlog: R.I.P. Mr. U.F.O

This past Memorial Day, May 31, 2021, UFO and paranormal researcher Timothy Green Beckley passed on. He was a colorful character who stood out in a field full of colorful characters, and while he might not have been the most serious of researchers, he was part of a circle of legendary characters from the days of flying saucers that included James Moseley, Gray Barker, and John Keel. Records of Beckley’s age at the time of his passing range from 65 to 69. According to the IMDb, he was born on March 4, 1952 as Jeremy Stone. In addition to his interest in the paranormal, he was an actor in and producer of soft-core porn/horror movies and was known to fans as “Mr. Creepo.” He wrote and published many books on the paranormal with a definite sensationalized bent and was active in the community up until his death. According to what is believed to be his self-authored bio, “Tim Beckley had so many careers that even his own girlfriend didn’t know what he did for a living… Timothy Green Beckley has been described as the Hunter Thompson of UFOlogy by the editor of UFO magazine Nancy Birnes.” His bio contains the claims that his life was saved by an invisible force at the age of three, he started having out of body experiences at the age of six, he had his first UFO sighting at age ten, and had two more after that in the course of his life. Read more →
6/13/20216 minutes, 38 seconds
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458. Caz Clarke

First hand witness Caz Clarke discusses the The Pentyrch UFO Incident which happened in February of 2016, over the Welsh village of Pentyrch, there was military intervention and a purported crashing in the outskirts of Llantrisant, Wales. (note: apologies for poor audio) Show Notes
6/9/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 39 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO in Lumberton, North Carolina

It is often the case with UFO investigators that once they get to an area where a UFO has been reported, the UFO is long gone, and all they can do is interview witnesses. This is important as a means of creating a record of the case that can be referred to by future investigators and researchers. But, occasionally an investigator gets the chance to be a witness and actually observe what had been reported. This happened to investigator Lee Speigel who was looking into a series of sightings by as many as thirty police officers and 50 civilians in Lumberton, North Carolina in 1975. Spiegel submitted a report on the case to the director of the Center for UFO Studies and former Project Blue Book scientific consultant, J. Allen Hynek. The case file resides in the archives housed by David Marler in New Mexico. Along with Speigel’s report and contemporary newspaper clippings, there is also a series of paper slips in the file folder containing call information, presumably filled out at a CUFOS UFO call center. (If anyone can confirm this, please comment.) According to Speigel’s report, a violent thunderstorm in the area ended at 1:35 a.m. on April 3, 1975. A “call slip” in the case file has the information that at 1:45 a.m., Sheriff Ronn Thompson was monitoring the radio while working as the dispatcher at the Robeson County Sheriff’s Office in Lumberton when the first report of a strange object came in. It was seen by Robeson County Officer Phil Stanton and then by two officers from St. Paul. All three described the object as v-shaped with red, blue, and clear lights. A slip with 5:15 a.m., filled in for the time has the information that two Sampson County officers saw a similar object that put a spotlight on them as it moved off. One of the officers “clocked it” at 200 mph. It appears that there was a full fledge flap after 10:00 p.m. that night because a slip with 10:15-10:30 p.m. filled in for the time has information on the back that officers from four different police departments and 50 “citizens” reported seeing something. Read more →
6/6/20218 minutes, 56 seconds
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457. Ron James

Filmmaker Ron James discusses the current UFO developments and his thoughts on how things may be orchestrated, and his work on MUFON Television and more. Show Notes
6/2/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 14 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs, Science and Controversy at the University of Colorado

For a brief period in the late 1960’s, UFO enthusiasts were encouraged by the fact that some scientists were beginning to take the subject seriously. This was due in large part to renowned atmospheric physicist Dr. James McDonald’s coming forward and publicly acknowledging that he was investigating the mystery. Around the same time, in 1966, Project Blue Book scientific consultant Dr. J. Allen Hynek angered many in the state of Michigan by offering the possibility that some of the UFOs reported during a flap that year in the state were swamp gas. This lead to a congressional hearing looking into the Air Force’s handling of the UFO problem, and that resulted in an Air Force funded scientific study at the University of Colorado headed by physicist Dr. Edward U. Condon. This was something many in the UFO community had been hoping for, and they were optimistic that something positive might come of it. Unfortunately, the project ran into personality problems that nearly derailed it. An article written by John G. Fuller and published in the May 14, 1968, issue of Look Magazine looks deeply into the matter. Under the headline “Flying Saucer Fiasco,” the article is introduced as “The extraordinary story of the half-million-dollar ‘trick’ to make Americans believe the Condon committee was conducting an objective investigation.” After giving an overview of the project and its participants, Fuller references a story published early October 1966, in the Denver Post. Project Coordinator Robert J. Low, describing the UFO project as a function of the university, was quoted as saying that it “comes pretty close to the criteria of non acceptability.” Read more →
5/30/20219 minutes, 20 seconds
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456. Jack Bushong & Ian Rogers

SEGMENT ONE: Jack Bushong, a retired meteorologist for the National Weather Service observed something unexplained UFOs March of 1994 on weather radar while he was working in Muskegon. During the break, Dave Marler says hi, with blogger Charles Lear. SEGMENT TWO: Ian Rogers of the documentary UFO Town, to discuss the controversial The Carp, Ontario Case and more. Show Notes
5/26/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ralph Blumenthal discusses the 60 Minutes segment on UFOs then main guest Damien Nott, Experiencer, Photographer and Filmmaker speaks bout his documentary, Australian Skies and his new films, “Fractured Realities” and “Haunted Skies!” He also shares his multiple UFO sightings as well as his own terrifying personal experience. Show Notes
5/19/20211 hour, 52 minutes, 10 seconds
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454. Luis Elizondo

Guest, Ex-Pentagon official Luis (Lue) Elizondo discusses what it was like as a former intelligence officer with the Department of Defense and the director of AATIP, the Pentagon's secret UFO program. He talks about the dynamics of what has been observed, the USS Nimitz case, and what the government may or may not know about these incursions and more. Show Notes
5/12/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 48 seconds
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453. Travis Taylor & Brandon Fugal, then Mark Fiorentino

First up, Travis Taylor & Brandon Fugal on the Season Premier night of the HISTORY Channel's "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, then then the main show guest, Mark Fiorentino shares his views on how the universe really works based on his study and research of Einstein’s Unified Field Theory and how the applications can be used to travel thru space (possible UFO propulsion), renewable energy, and future technology and more. Thumbnail image: Courtesy of The HISTORY® Channel. Show Notes
5/5/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 23 seconds
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452. Listener Call-In Show

Listener call-in show, but first, Mick West comes on to talk about what the "Pyramid UFO" really might be, plus Kevin Day talks about the Nimitz Encounter, then Martin was joined by call screener, and KGRA Radio show producer, Bill Skywatcher taking calls about UFO encounters, and much more. Click show notes for video on how the Pyramid UFO is explained. Show Notes
4/28/20211 hour, 55 minutes, 55 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFO Ejects Metal Over Iowa

Tales of UFOs ejecting hot metal go back to the days when flying saucers were just becoming an American national obsession. In fact, the first flying saucer witness, Kenneth Arnold, encountered such a tale when he looked into the Maury Island Incident for Fate magazine and became the first privately funded flying saucer investigator. In this week’s blog, we’ll take a look at an incident that was reported 30 years later in Council Bluffs, Iowa. According to an article by Jason Offutt for the Eastern Jackson County, Missouri, Daily Examiner published online on February 9, 2011, Mike Moore was driving through Big Lake Park with his wife at 7:45 p.m. on Saturday Dec. 17, 1977, when they saw “this big ball of red stuff in the sky.” Moore said it hovered, dropped something on fire into the park, and then flew away. According to an article by Richard Warner published on the website of the Historical and Preservation Society of Pottawattamie County (Council Bluffs, Iowa), at 7:45 p.m. that same night, three teenagers driving to a store observed what seems to be the same falling red ball. It went behind some trees in Big Lake Park. Then, there was a bluish-white flash and two “arms of fire” were seen that shot out more than ten feet into the air. Read more →
4/26/20216 minutes, 41 seconds
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451. Kathleen Marden

Martin has a conversation with Kathleen Marden about the 60th anniversary of Betty and Barney Hill’s abduction. She talks about what it was like for them on a personal level, her own experiences and several other related topics. She has recently published the 60th anniversary edition of Captured! Show Notes
4/21/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 55 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs over Finland Redux

Reports of UFO sightings and alien encounters come from all over the world, from Australia to Zimbabwe. Place a finger at random on a globe and chances are some sort of UFO history from that area has been recorded. This week, the finger has landed on Finland, and Finland not only has a UFO history but also has active UFO researchers as well. The history of UFO reports in Finland is much like that of other countries except that it starts earlier than most, dating back to the early 20th century.  As was the case for much of Scandinavia, Finland had reports in the 1930s and 1940s of mystery lights, aircraft and rockets. During the winter between 1933 and 1934, many people in Sweden reported seeing mysterious aircraft, some with bright lights (unusual for the period) that were able to fly in harsh weather conditions, day or night.  The Swedish Air Force sent out planes to look for the aircraft, and ski patrols were sent to man mountaintop searchlights.  The Finnish Army sent up their own planes, and the first report of “a shining bright light, just like a blowtorch” came from Kemi, a town just east of the Swedish border. The report received a good deal of press coverage and Finnish authorities declared without proof that the light was from something of Russian origin.  At a 1937 press conference, spokesmen for the Finnish military declared that all the sightings could be explained by weather formations and inaccurate observations. Read more →
4/16/20218 minutes, 50 seconds
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450. Darcy Weir, Jim Goodall, Stephen Bassett & Gary King

Darcy Weir, joined by Jim Goodall, Stephen Bassett, and Gary King discuss the documentary "Crop Circle Realities", UFOs, Ben Rich, Area 51 and much more! Show Notes
4/14/20211 hour, 52 minutes, 22 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFO April Fool's Jokes

Happy April! While April Fools’ Day will have passed by the time this blog is posted, the writer thought it would be fun to look at UFO related April Fools’ jokes. While hoaxes have long been a bane to UFO researchers, hopefully researchers can put aside their disdain for such activity at least one day out of the year and get in touch with their sense of humor. In fact, some have argued that a sense of humor is essential when looking into the paranormal. An April Fools’ joke that ended up embedded in the UFO mythos as evidence for the existence of aliens involved a photo depicting what has become known as the “Silverman.” Isaac Koi (real name withheld to protect his profession as a barrister) discusses this photo at length on his website. According to his (male possessive pronoun used due to antecedent male seeming name) research, the photo first appeared in the German publication Neue Illustrierte “on or about April 1, 1950 with the title ‘Der Mars-Mensch.’” It was admitted to be a joke a short time later, but that didn’t prevent the photo from showing up in literature and on websites with the claim that it depicts a real alien. For instance, this description appeared in Brazilian UFO mag, n.18, p.18, dec 1991: Above, one of the most impressive photos of an alleged extraterrestrial creature recovered from crashed UFOs. For many years it was thought the photo originated from a crash in the USA, but recently it was found it was captured in Germany, shortly before the Second World War. The officers who hold the being are high-ranking members of the SS. Read more →
4/9/20216 minutes, 56 seconds
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449. Irene Previn & Stan Gordon

Australia's Irene Previn on Westall UFO Incident's 55th anniversary (April 6, 1966) for 20 minutes and guest, Stan Gordon on the 1973 UFO-Bigfoot wave in Pennsylvania that his teams investigated and another aspect of the UFO phenomena that has been hardly discussed concerns what he has termed: "Mini-UFOs". Stan discusses all sorts of bizarre cases, and speculates to what we may be experiencing. Show Notes
4/7/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 54 seconds
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AudioBlog: Father William Gill’s Flashlight: Papua, New Guinea 1959

The 1959 sightings of Father William Gill in New Guinea, then an Australian territory, were well known and much discussed in the 1960s and 1970s. Given the multiple witnesses over two nights, observation of occupants and the credibility of the reporting witness, an Anglican missionary, it made for a sensational encounter. Even more incredible, the craft and occupants sighted seemed to respond to the witnesses throughout the encounter. The story was featured in Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s The UFO Experience: A Scientific Enquiry and The Hynek UFO Report, the double album UFO Encounters (which features Father Gill telling his story and Hynek’s commentary) and in the 4th issue of Gold Key’s UFO Flying Saucers comic book. Although area residents seem to have had minor sightings of a bright light earlier in the year, Father Gill’s sightings begin the night of June 26, 1959. He was at his mission in Boianai, Papau, New Guinea and about 6:45 PM he spotted a white light near Venus in the evening sky. Soon this light descended through cloud cover that had moved in as time passed. The light grew larger until it became obvious that it was some type of craft. Read More:
4/6/20216 minutes, 57 seconds
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448. Ralph Blumenthal

Guest Ralph Blumenthal discusses his latest book which dives deep into the life of the late Dr. John Mack, a tenured and renown Harvard psychologist. Dr. Mack risked his stellar reputation and career to investigate purported human encounters with alien entities and to give credibility to the bewildering accounts told by people who were utterly convinced they had really happened. Ralph discusses what it took research John Mack, and the people who helped him out. Show Notes
3/31/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 41 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs and Electromagnetism

A common element of UFO reports is that cars or other vehicles cease functioning during the sighting and often restart on their own after the UFO’s departure. Many researchers have speculated that this is an effect of electromagnetism, possibly related to an advanced system of propulsion. This seems to be a reasonable hypothesis and one that could be tested. All one would need would be a car and a source of electromagnetism. So, the question is, have there been any experiments done in laboratories, and have the results been published in a peer reviewed format? The case that first brought attention to this aspect of the phenomenon was the 1957 incident involving a series of extraordinary encounters in and around the small farming community of Levelland, Texas. Patrolman Abraham John Fowler was working the evening shift at the Levelland Police Department on the night of November 2, when the first of what would be a series of unusual calls came in. Just before 11:00 p.m., a farm worker, Pedro Saucedo, called to report a very strange encounter that left him and his co-worker, Joe Salaz, shaken and mystified.  According to Saucedo, they were in his pickup truck on their way to a farm ten miles northwest of Levelland. At 10:30 p.m., they turned off Route 116 (now Route 114), four miles west of Levelland, onto a side road. Off to their right, in a field, they saw a bright, blue flash, which drew their attention. The source of the light was a cigar or torpedo-shaped object around 200 feet long. As they watched, the object, glowing blue-green, lifted up and came towards the truck. As it did so, its color changed to bright yellow-white. Saucedo, thinking there was going to be a collision, jumped out and hit the dirt. Salaz remained inside and, fortunately for him, the object went over the truck. As the object passed over, the truck’s engine stalled, and the headlights went out. Read more →
3/27/202110 minutes, 29 seconds
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447. Frank Feschino & Alfred Lehmberg

Guests, Frank Feschino & Alfred Lehmberg discuss the bizarre evening of September 12, 1952, what is mostly known as the Flatwoods Monster Incident, but there is a lot more to it. Show Notes
3/24/20211 hour, 52 minutes, 34 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs and Astronauts

As one might expect, astronauts have come upon things in space that they were not able to readily identify. In fact, astronauts have not only reported seeing UFOs, but some, most notably Gordon Cooper and Dr. Edgar Mitchell, have gone so far as to publicly advocate for disclosure and an end to secrecy regarding the subject. Gordon Cooper described having encounters with UFOs as an Air Force pilot prior to his involvement in the space program. In his 2000 memoir, “Leap of Faith: An Astronaut’s Journey Into the Unknown,” Gordon wrote that he chased saucer-shaped craft when he was stationed in Germany in the 1950s, and that objects flew over the base daily that were faster than known man-made machines. He also claimed to have been given film in 1957 of a saucer that landed at Edwards Air Force Base, which he sent off to the Pentagon and never saw again. In spite of his alleged UFO encounters in Earth’s atmosphere, Cooper claimed that neither he nor any other astronauts had seen UFOs while in space. According to him, there was nothing to the well-known report that he saw a green glowing object approach his craft during his final orbit in May 1963 aboard Mercury Faith 7 while over Australia. Read more →
3/19/202110 minutes, 15 seconds
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446. Greg Matloff

Guest Greg Matloff discusses his new book, “Stellar Engineering” in which he explores an intriguing speculation that we might live in a Stapledon/Dyson swarm of alien space habitats within our Solar System’s Kuiper Belt, he further talks on his thoughts on UFOs and more. Show Notes
3/17/20211 hour, 52 minutes, 25 seconds
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Bonus Podcast: A 2010 with Alan Bean

Martin Willis and Phyllis Kao interview with astronaut and artist Alan Bean in 2010. Alan's beautiful artwork comes from the perspective of someone who was in space and the fourth man on the moon on the Apollo 12 Mission in November of 1969. He discusses his methods, using actual moon dust, moon boots, and more in his creations. He also discusses moon landing and other conspiracies, and had a great philosophy in handling it all. Alan Bean 1932-2018 Check out Alan's message: The sound quality was the best I could do in 2010 recording from a speaker phone.
3/15/202129 minutes, 35 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs, Nukes and Abductions

One commonly reported characteristic of UFOs is that they are often seen near nuclear weapons facilities. One would think that this would get the attention of government authorities, and it seems it has. Robert Hastings is a researcher who looked into this aspect of the UFO mystery, and his work caused many people, including those in the media, to take a serious look at it. Then, at the risk of casting doubt on his credibility, Hastings came forward with the claim that he had had an abduction experience. While this upset some of the people who had been encouraged by Hastings to come forward with their stories of UFOs at nuclear facilities, one man told Hastings of abductions reported by men stationed at such facilities. According to Hastings, he was sixteen when he first became interested in UFOs. He was working as a janitor in the air traffic control tower at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, where his father was stationed. A supervisor called him over to look at a radarscope. When Hastings came over, the supervisor told him they were looking at returns of UFOs. Hastings was intrigued and was told to come back later if he wanted to talk about them, but when he did, the supervisor no longer wanted to discuss the matter. Hastings later learned from his father that fighter jets had chased the UFOs over the Minuteman missiles that were housed at the base. He then read an article in the Saturday Evening Post about UFOs reported over other nuclear missile sites. He got the impression that what happened at Malmstrom was something real and not unique. He felt there was a connection between UFOs and nuclear weapons, and he began reaching out to military personnel to find evidence. Read more →
3/13/202110 minutes, 2 seconds
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444. Nebojsa Borkovich

Guest Nebojsa Borkovich discusses what it was like sailing across the Pacific Ocean in a 8 meter sailboat and being followed by mysterious objects--UFOs--throughout the voyage.
3/10/20211 hour, 28 minutes, 16 seconds
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AudioBlog: More Metal from the UFO: The Bob White Object

In last week’s blog, we looked at metals associated with UFO reports that were held up as evidence for extraterrestrial visitation. The cases we examined were from the early days of the UFO mystery and in this week’s blog we’ll look at one that is more recent. Text: More Metal From the UFO: the Bob White Object
3/6/20218 minutes, 43 seconds
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444. Avi Loeb

Guest astrophysicist, Avis Loeb discusses his recent book: 'Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth' which is an openminded theory that the object named Oumuamua that is visiting our solar system may be of Extraterrestrial technological origin. We also discuss Breakthrough Starshot, whose goal is to send a fleet of tiny probes to Alpha Centauri, then Marc D'Antonia joins us for the second hour to add to the discussion. Show Notes
3/3/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 54 seconds
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AudioBlog: Metal From the UFO

From the days of the earliest citizen UFO investigators, metals associated with UFO reports have been held up as evidence for extraterrestrial visitation. Labs have been employed in testing and claims have been made that the results support a non-earthly origin for the material in question. While some of these claims have been dismissed, others continue to be debated. The first modern UFO era citizen investigator was Kenneth Arnold, who was also the first modern era UFO witness. Arnold had seen a fleet of UFOs while flying near Mt. Rainier on June 24, 1947. Arnold was offered an assignment by publisher, Ray Palmer, who was looking for a good story for the premier issue of his new venture, Fate magazine. Palmer had received a letter describing a sighting near Maury Island, off the coast of Tacoma, Washington. Six donut-shaped craft were reported, one of which seemed to be having difficulties. It discharged hot material that allegedly injured the witness’s son and killed his dog. Palmer asked Arnold to look into the story, and Arnold asked for $200. Palmer wired him the money and Arnold became the world’s first privately funded UFO investigator. Read more →
2/27/202110 minutes, 28 seconds
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443. Miguel Romero

Guest, Miguel Romero talks about his longtime interest in UFOs, as well as UFOs in Mexico & worldwide incidents, and whether UFOs may have a connection to consciousness plus a lot more. Show Notes
2/24/20211 hour, 52 minutes, 50 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO, Humanoids and Robots Near Cisco Grove, California

In our last blog we looked at reports of 21st century UFO occupants. UFO researchers and investigators have given those that have a roughly human appearance the appropriate name “humanoid.” These creatures seem to be biological, but there have been occasional reports of robots accompanying UFO occupants. A dramatic 1989 report comes from the city of Voronezh in Russia. This involved a 9-12 foot tall humanoid with three eyes, and a small box-shaped robot. They both exited a banana-shaped craft and took a walk in a park in front of terrified onlookers. The incident was reported by the official Tass news agency, picked up by the American Press, and featured in the Oct. 11, 1989 New York Times. An incident that didn’t get much attention from the press, but did get a lot of attention from UFO investigators, was reported in 1964. It involved humanoids and robots in Cisco Grove, California, that displayed actions far more hostile than a stroll in the park. Blog with Links:
2/19/20218 minutes, 48 seconds
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442. Ben Hansen & Calvin Parker

Guest Ben Hansen checking in and speaking on the new series that he stars in, Discovery + "UFO Witness". Ben talks about the witnesses and cases, one of which is Calvin Parker of the 1973 Pascagoula Adduction who joined us and stays for the last segment of the show with callers during the last 30 minutes. Show Notes
2/17/20211 hour, 50 minutes, 32 seconds
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AudioBlog: The 1973 Pascagoula Incident

Narrated by Sarah Maxwell Note: This particular blog was posted on our original website in 2013. It was the genesis of Calvin Parker speaking out on our show for the first time in decades about the incident. One of the most sensational abduction cases of the 1970s, the Pascagoula Incident remains unsolved to this day. On October 11, 1973 two co-workers out fishing claimed to have been taken by three strange looking aliens into their spaceship, examined and released. The two men attempted to report their encounter to a nearby military base who referred them to the local sheriff. Thinking that the two men could be caught in a lie that would expose a hoax the sheriff left the men together in a room with a hidden microphone after his initial interviews. Much to the surprise of law enforcement, the men did not reveal a hoax but instead had a conversation that just reinforced their claims. The story spread from local media to international wire services and was investigated by Dr. J. Allen Hynek and others. Detractors note that nearby security cameras should have seen the craft the men described but other witnesses have reported seeing the craft on the same night. For the text version with links:
2/12/20217 minutes, 21 seconds
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441. Larry Hancock

Guest Larry Hancock discusses the premise of his book: Unidentified: The National Intelligence Problem of UFOs, his involvement in the search for documents, statistics and analysis of UFO crafts reported, as well as encounters with almost all things nuclear and much more. Show Notes
2/10/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 36 seconds
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UFO Occupants in the 21st Century

by Charles Lear In last week’s blog, we looked at a case that involved an encounter with a UFO occupant that didn’t fit the profile of the iconic Grey-type alien. There were many such cases reported in the press up until the 1980s. Then, the Greys, the Reptilians, and the occasional Insectoids seem to have pushed the others aside, but even these don’t show up too often in the papers. UFO occupants, especially those that don’t fit what has become the standard model, have become personae non gratae for most newspaper editors, and this seems to have created the impression that they haven’t been reported by witnesses. For the full text with links:
2/6/20219 minutes, 23 seconds
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440. Melanie Kirchdorfer

Guest Melanie Kirchdorfer discusses the childhood incident in detail, and what the incident means to her now. She talks about what she experienced prior, her struggle of being told it was her imagination and how she has coped with what happened to her. Show Notes
2/3/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 15 seconds
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AudioBlog: A Wyoming Elk Hunter Takes a Ride in a UFO

Back in the days before aliens took on the form of the standardized “Grey” model, they came in all shapes and sizes. UFOlogists called them “humanoids,” and there was a wave of them in France in 1954. In 1955 they started popping up in the United States and worldwide. Many UFOlogists, who were trying to convince the scientific community that the mystery was worth studying, tended to reject humanoid reports. Some, such as Coral and Jim Lorenzen of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, kept an open mind as long as the humanoids didn’t talk. If a witness reported they had had a conversation and were taken to another planet, that case was tossed into the contactee pile. However, there was a case in the seventies that made the Lorenzens and a lot of other researchers rethink their position. On Oct. 25, 1974, Rawlins, Wyoming resident Carl Higdon decided to take the day off from his job as foreman for an oil drilling crew. One of his “key men” was sick with the flu and he didn’t think anything would be accomplished that day. It was the peak of elk hunting season, and he had just bought a 7mm Remington Magnum rifle, so he probably didn’t have to think for too long about how he would be spending the day. He loaded up his company’s two-wheel drive pickup truck and headed for McCarty Canyon in Carbon County. Complete blog with links:
1/30/202110 minutes, 1 second
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439. Jonathan Lace

One hour segment, Jonathan Lace discuses his interest in the UFO topic, the change in the attitude of the last few years, his thoughts on the Nimitz encounters, and his role as the Public Relations Officer for the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies. Show Notes
1/27/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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AudioBlog: Portage County UFO Chase

In 1966, there was a UFO case that involved a chase and sightings by multiple police witnesses. In addition to their testimonies, there was a reported radar confirmation and a possible pilot witness. Faced with all this evidence, the initial Air Force investigation consisted of two phone calls to a single witness. Based on interviews lasting a total of around four minutes, the conclusion was that the officers had seen a satellite and chased the planet Venus. The case was re-evaluated after a more thorough investigation, thanks to the efforts of an outraged congressman, and the conclusion was that the officers had seen a satellite and chased the planet Venus. Full blog with links:
1/23/20219 minutes, 59 seconds
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438. Greg Bishop

An interesting discussion with guest Greg Bishop about his thoughts on how UFO encounter experiences can be differing between witnesses, he further talks about different cases and the varying human element of UFO field, good, bad and in between. Show Notes
1/20/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 5 seconds
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AudioBlog: Injured by the UFO, Part III

This is the third in a series examining the rather grim subject of UFO related injuries. While we don’t want to dwell on this aspect of the mystery too extensively, it would be remiss to leave the subject without exploring what happened in Brazil in 1977. The events there were extraordinary, as was the investigation by the Brazilian Air Force. Fortunately, it was not the start of a trend in UFO contact, for had it been, many of us might be considerably more anxious. From April 1977 into 1978, there was a flap over the Amazon Delta in the northeast section of Brazil. Because it involved reports of attacks and injuries, the Brazilian Air Force was moved to put together a special operation to deal with it. It was designated “Operação Prato”, which is Portuguese for “Operation Plate.” Full Text with links:
1/15/20219 minutes, 31 seconds
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437. Dr. Mark Rodeghier & David Marler

Guests, Dr. Mark Rodeghier & David Marler to discuss the recent preservation efforts of the worlds largest collection of UFO case files, the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) archives. Interesting revelations of cases and more. Show Notes
1/13/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 42 seconds
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AudioBlog: Injured by the UFO, Part II

Starting in the 1960’s, UFOs began to interact with witnesses in a most unpleasant manner. In part one of this series, we looked at cases where people were injured by UFOs, specifically by being burned. One case involved an eight-year-old boy in Hobbs, New Mexico in 1964. This week we’ll look at another episode from 1968 that has a lot of similarities. Two other cases will be examined as well. One comes from New York, and the other is a famous case from Canada. All are unexplained and may make one think twice before approaching anything unusual floating in the sky. Full text with links:
1/9/20218 minutes, 26 seconds
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436. Tim Seanor

Guest Tim Seanor discusses an event that took place on July 5, 2019 at Rockaway Beach Rd NE, Bainbridge Island, WA. He was accompanied by his father, Donald Seanor along along with other family members to witness an event that defies the norm, from Tic Tac UFOs, a disk and much more. Tim Seanor has a background is in Psychology is a writer with the pen name of David Powers and father of five.   Show Notes
1/6/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 16 seconds
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AudioBlog: A UFO & Little Green Men in Emilcin

Every year, around May 10, people from all over the country come together to celebrate the anniversary of a famous UFO encounter. They gather around a monument erected by a group dedicated to all things paranormal and listen to a local tour guide recount the event and the circumstances surrounding it. While this sounds like one of many celebrations in spots throughout the United States, this particular event occurs in Poland, in the little eastern village of Emilcin. The report of a local farmer there, 42 years ago, captured the imaginations of generations of Poles and stirred up a fair amount of speculation and conspiracy theories. For full text with links, click: A UFO and Little Green Men in Emilcin
1/2/20218 minutes, 8 seconds
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435. Thomas Wertman

Guest Thomas Wertman, discusses his investigation over 300 cases in Ohio with one of the most interesting involving two fisherman who experienced over three and one-half hours of missing time. In addition to working Ohio cases Thomas also conducted over 230 investigations in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Puerto Rico for MUFONS Case Assistance Group. He also talks about the strange experiences of his childhood, and the "Jetpack" UFO sightings. Show Notes  
12/30/20201 hour, 53 minutes, 21 seconds
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AudioBlog: Injured by the UFO

Starting in 1947, UFOs seemed to be engaging humanity in a step-by-step process. In the first few years, only the UFOs were reported. Then, there were accounts of occupants showing themselves during what has become known as the 1954 French Wave. An intimate encounter was described by Brazilian farmer, Antônio Villas Boas, in 1957, and Betty and Barney Hill reported that, in 1961,they had been abducted. So far, no one was hurt during any of the encounters, but that would change in 1964. Complete blog with links:
12/25/20209 minutes, 44 seconds
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434. Jack Sliwa

This is our guest Jack Sliwa's debut on the UFO topic. Jack discusses his research including angel hair trace cases, he also touches on some thoughts on propulsion and much more. Check out his website: Show Notes  
12/23/20201 hour, 54 minutes, 14 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs and Balloons

by Charles Lear Throughout UFO history, a common explanation for sightings has been that the witness or witnesses saw a weather balloon. This explanation has often been used in a ludicrous manner by authorities seeking an easy means of dismissal, and this causes many UFOlogists to scoff at it in all cases. The truth is that it has been convincingly proven that weather balloons and balloons of all sorts have been mistaken as anomalous flying objects.   Full text with links:
12/18/20207 minutes, 4 seconds
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433. Tim McMillan

Guest Tim McMillan to discuss the launching of The Debrief website with news focusing on disruptive technology, UFO being part of that. The website has great factual stories on it that you will not find elsewhere. Tim also discusses his connections with government insiders and his insight on the UFO phenomenon. Show Notes
12/16/20201 hour, 51 minutes, 5 seconds
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AudioBlog: Pancakes From the UFO

In 1961, Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe, USMC (Ret.) was the director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. That year, he and his organization were making life difficult for the Air Force with criticism of their UFO investigation, Project Blue Book. This was nothing new, but now they were close to getting open hearings in Congress to address their criticisms. Then, on April 18, 1961, Joe Simonton, a 54 year-old plumber, handyman and part-time chicken farmer, reported a UFO encounter involving humanoids and offered physical evidence not usually associated with extraterrestrials. This was a strange case with a single witness, but Blue Book Director Robert Friend thought the Air Force should get involved. He mistakenly thought that NICAP would turn the case into a big story and accuse the Air Force of shirking its duties. Full text with links:
12/12/20209 minutes, 57 seconds
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432. Ben Smith & Maj David Toon

The first 20 minute segment is with former CIA operative, Ben Smith who is featured in “Roswell: The First Witness” as Part of ‘History’s Greatest Mysteries’ which premieres 12/12 9:00PM ET on the HISTORY Channel, then guest MAJ David Toon on his study of imagery analysis on NASA archived solar satellite photos to determine if there is any evidence of intelligent anomalies or technosignatures (the term NASA uses for intelligent object). He also speaks of sightings related to his military background and more. Show Notes
12/9/20201 hour, 50 minutes, 30 seconds
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AudioBlog: Broadcasting From the UFO

by Charles Lear It was recently announced that the radio telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, the world’s largest until 2016, is beyond repair and will be demolished. It is an icon of modern astronomy on par with the Very Large Array (seen in the movie “Contact”) located in New Mexico, and the news has stirred an emotional response among many. For UFOlogists, the Arecibo telescope holds a special significance. It was from this telescope on November 16, 1974, that the first, scientist approved message intended for extraterrestrial intelligence was sent. It consists of a series of binary numbers that code for a graphic giving basic information about the chemistry of life on earth, human DNA, human form, and the telescope itself. The message was designed by Cornell astronomy professor Dr. Frank Drake, with input from others including Dr. Carl Sagan. If anyone ever responds, there are many out there listening, from radio astronomers to those specifically searching for extraterrestrial intelligence. But, there are those who believe the call has already been returned...... For full text version with link: Broadcasting From the UFO
12/5/20208 minutes, 49 seconds
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431. Robert Powell

Repeat guest Robert Powell on the release of his book, The Truth About UFOs: A Scientific Perspective which is geared for the young, we also discuss the SCU (Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies) the study of some major cases and more. Show Notes
12/2/20201 hour, 53 minutes, 54 seconds
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430. Philip Mantle & Dr. David Clarke

SEGMENT ONE: Philip Mantle discusses his latest book, INTRODUCING UFOS: A Young Person’s Guide and gets into behind the scenes of working with Calvin Parker of the Pascagoula Abduction and the latest developments. SEGMENT TWO: Dr David Clarke discusses his thoughts on UFOs in the UK, what his take is on the Rendlesham Forest Incident as well as Calvine Sighting of 1990 and more. Show Notes
11/25/20201 hour, 50 minutes, 27 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs, Contactees, Humanoids and a Thorn in the Side of the Air Force

The year 1957 was a very interesting one in UFO history. In that year, UFO occupant reports were accepted as worthy of investigation by serious organizations such as the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization and Civilian Saucer Intelligence of New York; Contactees were in the spotlight thanks to the Long John Nebel Show; and Maj. Donald Keyhoe USMC ret. became the director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. For full text version with links: UFOs, Contactees, Humanoids and a Thorn in the Side of the Air Force
11/20/202010 minutes, 32 seconds
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429. Whitley Strieber

Guest Whitley Strieber discusses his past, what happened at his cabin in the 1980s up to a new group of encounters starting in 2015, who the visitors may be and his interactions with them. Check out his latest book: A New World Show Notes
11/18/20201 hour, 53 minutes, 34 seconds
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AudioBlog: Pilots and Planes Swallowed by the UFO

Because the F stands for “flying” in the acronym UFO, it stands to reason that pilots should frequently be UFO witnesses. They certainly are and there is even a specialized reporting center just for them. The National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena was founded in 1999 by Dr. Richard M. Haines. The organization is dedicated to the study of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and their effects on aviation safety. By the way, Dr. Haines finds the UFO designation for the phenomena so distasteful, he refuses to appear on Podcast UFO. Most pilots prefer to remain anonymous, as publicly admitting to seeing a flying saucer is not usually an enhancement to their careers. For full text version with links: Pilots and Planes Swallowed by the UFO
11/13/202010 minutes, 41 seconds
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428. Irene Previn

Guest, Irene Previn joins us from Australia to discuss her research involving the UFO mystery, she speaks on the Westall Incident, Frederick Valentich, The Knowles Case and much more. Show Notes
11/11/20201 hour, 53 minutes, 56 seconds
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AudioBlog: The Weird Entities of the UFO

For text version with links: The Weird Entities of The UFO
11/7/20207 minutes, 57 seconds
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427. Paul Stonehill

Pre-recorded guest Paul Stonehill discusses the research involved in his latest book, Russia’s USO Secrets: Unidentified Submersible Objects in Russian and International Waters, and lots more. Show Notes
11/4/20201 hour, 49 minutes, 49 seconds
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Halloween Bonus: True Ghost Stories

True ghost stories by Martin Willis Happy Blue Moon Halloween!
11/1/202020 minutes, 3 seconds
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AudioBlog: ‘Apol’ and Princess Moon Owl of the UFO

‘Apol’ and Princess Moon Owl of the UFO By Charles Lear Click here for text version with links:
10/30/202011 minutes, 39 seconds
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426. Mike Heston Rogers

Guest Michael Heston Rogers to discusses driving the truck during the 1975 Travis Walton UFO Incident, what they went through and the aftermath, he also briefly discusses his take on The Phoenix Lights Incident. Show Notes
10/28/20201 hour, 53 minutes, 54 seconds
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AudioBlog: The Asparagus Creatures of the UFO

Check out the text version with links: The Asparagus Creatures of the UFO
10/23/20206 minutes, 4 seconds
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425-B. Charles Lear

Podcast UFO blogger and author, Charles Lear joins us to discuss historic UFO cases as well as UFO field personalities that he has researched and written about over the last recent years. During a power outage, Bill takes over from KGRA Radio, thank you Bill!
10/21/202055 minutes, 12 seconds
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425-A. James Fox

Guest James Fox discusses the trials and tribulations of making The Phenomenon, plus some fun behind the scenes stories and discusses why this film is so important including historic footage. An excellent interview with a fun guest. Go to for all the information. If you want to purchase with the extras, Vimeo and iTunes are the way to go.
10/21/202055 minutes, 24 seconds
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AudioBlog: UFOs, Flying Saucers and the Bender Mystery

UFOs, Flying Saucers and the Bender Mystery read by author, Charles Lear Text version with links:
10/16/202010 minutes
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AudioBlog: UFOs, Flying Saucers and the Bender Mystery

UFOs, Flying Saucers and the Bender Mystery read by author, Charles Lear Text version with links: SHOW MORE
10/16/202010 minutes
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424. Jan Aldrich, Project 1947

Dedicated longtime UFO researcher, Jan Aldrich joins the show to discuss Project 1947, which is a world-wide effort to document the origins of the modern UFO phenomenon. Research for the project has yielded many early-era UFO reports via the FOIA, newspaper articles and contemporary accounts. Dave Marler joins us for 15 minutes in the second hour. Show Notes
10/14/20201 hour, 52 minutes, 51 seconds
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AudioBlog: Edward J. Ruppelt and the UFO Myth

AudioBlog: Edward J. Ruppelt and the UFO Myth Read by author, Charles Lear   For the text blog with links visit: Edward J. Ruppelt and the UFO Myth
10/10/20209 minutes, 6 seconds
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423. Timothy Brigham, PhD

Guest Timothy Brigham discusses topics such as: What can Psychology, particularly Jungian Psychology, tell us about the meaning of the UFO experience? He further talks about examining the psychic dynamics involved in the experience of high strangeness, and discusses how an investigation of the social and psychological context of the witness can illuminate the meaning behind UFO encounters. Show Notes
10/7/20201 hour, 53 minutes, 3 seconds
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AUDDIOblog: Michigan UFOs on Radar

  AUDDIOblog: Michigan UFOs on Radar For Text Versian with links:
10/2/20207 minutes, 5 seconds
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422. Chris Cogswell

Guest Christopher Cogswell, Ph.D. as the Chair of the Science Advisory Board of SkyHub, discusses SkyHub's worldwide search for UFOs using a global network of machine learning, smart cameras, and sensor arrays built by you with their open-source software for the largest observational science project in history. Chris encourages everyone to get involved and has a great philosophy about the UFO mystery. Show Notes  
9/30/20201 hour, 53 minutes, 49 seconds
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AUDIOBLOG: Monster of the UFO

Read by author, Charles Lear For text version with links: Monster of the U.F.O.
9/25/20208 minutes, 46 seconds
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421. Thom Reed, Berkshires UFO

James Fox & Lee Speigel stop in to announce the October 6th release of the long-awaited UFO film, The Phenomenon, then Thom Reed discusses the details of his family's encounter on September 1, 1969, what it was like and how it changed his life. Hour two, Judge Kevin Titus joins us to speak on his own sighting the same night in the flight pattern, his involvement with the UFO Park in Sheffield, MA, and a lot more. Show Notes
9/23/20201 hour, 51 minutes, 37 seconds
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AUDIOBLOG: Before They Were UFOs

By Charles Lear Text blog with links:   Support the show:
9/17/202010 minutes, 2 seconds
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420 Ben Moss & Tony Angiola

Guests Ben Moss & Tony Angiola discuss their forthcoming book: "Not of This World The Socorro UFO Landing with Humanoids, Witness Lonnie Zamora". They discuss working with Ray Stanford, going to Socorro for additional evidence, and more. Show Notes
9/16/20201 hour, 52 minutes, 46 seconds
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AUDIOBLOG: U.F.O.s Over Michigan and the Swamp Gas Explanation

Text version with links: U.F.O.s Over Michigan and the Swamp Gas Explanation
9/10/20207 minutes, 28 seconds
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419. Guest Paul Dean

Guest Paul Dean discusses what he has uncovered through Freedom of information documents, un-mined sources of government entities that have detected, tracked and made conclusions on anomalous aerial objects. There have been extremely unusual aerospace events; plus, the results of FOIA work into historical records of the USAF Space Command; NORAD; the FAA, and more. Show Notes  
9/9/20201 hour, 50 minutes, 43 seconds
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AUDIOBLOG: The U.F.O. Baptism of James Moseley

Click here for the text version with links: The U.F.O. Baptism of James Moseley
9/4/202011 minutes, 5 seconds
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419. Tom Warner

If you watched NETFLIX Unsolved Mysteries, Episode 5 Berkshires UFO, then you saw our guest, Tom Warner and heard him tell part of his unheard of encounter. Tom tells what happened 51 years ago that night, September 1, 1969, in great detail, and how it effected his life, the aftermath and more. SHOW NOTES
9/2/20201 hour, 54 minutes, 21 seconds
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AUDIOBLOG: The Kelly, Kentucky UFO Goblins: Part 2

To read the text blog, click here: The Kelly, Kentucky UFO Goblins: Part 2
8/30/20208 minutes, 49 seconds
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AUDIO BLOG: The Kelly, Kentucky UFO Goblins, Part 1

Read by author, Charles Lear, read the article here: The Kelly, Kentucky UFO Goblins
8/30/20208 minutes, 37 seconds
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418. Geraldine Sutton Stith

Guest Geraldine Sutton Stith joins us to speak about her family legacy, the Kelley-Hopkinsville Encounter of August 21, 1955, the horrific situation her family endured and the aftermath. Show Notes
8/26/20201 hour, 50 minutes, 29 seconds
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AUDIOBLOG: UFOs and Automotive Interference in Levelland, Texas

UFOs and Automotive Interference in Levelland, Texas read by author, Charles Lear Text blog with links:
8/21/20207 minutes, 39 seconds
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417. John Michael Greer

Guest John Michael Greer speaking on his new book, The UFO Phenomenon: Fact, Fantasy and Disinformation and more. JMG goes into his thoughts on what they may be as we discuss several UFO incidents, military & civilian. John Michael Greer is a widely respected author and blogger in the fields of nature spirituality and the future of industrial society. He is the author of more than fifty books and his blog,: Ecosophia
8/19/20201 hour, 52 minutes, 40 seconds
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AUDIOBLOG: UFOs vs. Flying Saucers in 1957

UFOs vs. Flying Saucers in 1957.mp3 Read by author Charles Lear
8/15/20208 minutes, 26 seconds
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416. Tom Conwell

Lee Speigel joins us for the first part of the show, then guest Tom Conwell discusses his latest book Earthquakes & UFOs as well as his series of books, They Are Here, UFO encounters, possible messages abductees say they are hearing and what they may mean. Show Notes
8/12/20201 hour, 52 minutes, 19 seconds
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415. Linda Zimmermann

Guest Linda Zimmermann to discusses the reactions of animals during UFO sightings, which may provide clues to the nature of the phenomenon and how to conduct better research. So many sightings occur because the witness was alerted by a dog barking, or barnyard animals making sounds of alarm, but that aspect is usually just a brief mention in reports. Animals have keen senses and don’t have an imagination, so their reactions prove that something real is happening. Linda goes into several cases and examples, plus explains the possibilities. Show Notes
8/5/20201 hour, 55 minutes, 9 seconds
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AudioBlog: Friends From the UFOs

Read by author, Charles Lear. See to text version here.
7/31/20206 minutes, 48 seconds
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414. Paul Hynek & Don Schmitt

Paul Hynek discusses growing up as the son of Dr J. Allen Hynek including what the household was like, adventures and more along with the return of Don Schmitt discussing what it was like working with J. Allen Hynek. They go into some of the known cases behind the scenes and more. Show Notes
7/29/20201 hour, 56 minutes, 27 seconds
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Bonus Audio Blog

The UFO Dark Side, by Charles Lear, bonus audio-blog.
7/24/20208 minutes, 46 seconds
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413. Michael Schratt

Guest Michael Schratt discusses his new illustrated book, DARK FILES: A Pictorial History of Lost Forgotten and Obscure UFO Encounters. This book covers the work he did between 2008 and 2009, as he meticulously reviewed a minimum of 50,000 cases which were preserved at the CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies). He discusses several unusual cases in his book and much more. Show Notes
7/22/20201 hour, 48 minutes, 35 seconds
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412 Nigel Watson

Our guest is longtime UFO researcher, Nigel Watson discusses his latest book, Captured by Aliens?: A History and Analysis of American Abduction Claims and gets into the details of what he researched and his interesting takes on the incidents. Show Notes
7/15/20201 hour, 52 minutes, 13 seconds
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411 Tom Carey & Don Schmitt

A packed full show! The first five minute segment, Anthony Lappé , the Executive Producer of the HISTORY Channel's Unidentified discuses the upcoming season premiere. FIRST TWO SEGMENTS: Tom Carey and Don Schmitt discuss their latest book, Roswell: The Ultimate Cold Case: Eyewitness Testimony and Evidence of Contact and the Cover-Up Don drops off early,  Tom continues on. SEGMENT THREE: A fun interview with the creator and actor for the film debut of July 7th, a sci-fi film ELVIS FROM OUTER SPACE. Tracy Wuischpard, Writer/Director and George Thomas, Star, Elvis Tribute Artist. Show Notes
7/8/20201 hour, 48 minutes, 53 seconds
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410. Professor Matthew Szydagis

What is the possible connection between UFOs and Dark Matter? A fascinating guest, Matthew Szydagis, discusses his thoughts on nearly 25% of the universe being composed of a mysterious substance known as dark matter (while 70% of the cosmos is something called “dark energy”) and how craft, terrestrial or otherwise, might also be able to tap into this as the real-life “zero-point vacuum energy,”.Much is discussed about the cosmos, from Big Bang, to space travel and a lot more. Show Notes
7/1/20201 hour, 51 minutes, 27 seconds
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409. John Greenewald, Jr & Alejandro Rojas

John Greenewald on for the first 20 minutes to speak about his deep dive into the Wilson Leak documents, and his conclusion,  then Alejandro Rojas joins us for the last 30 minutes. Note, this is a short podcast, our featured guest, Michael Busby had audio issues, see the show notes to listen on YouTube. Show Notes
6/24/202042 minutes, 39 seconds
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408. Ken Fortenberry

Alejandro Rojas checks in for the first 25 minute, then guest Ken Fortenberry on his book, "Flight 7 Is Missing: The Search for My Father", which has a really interesting UFO connection. Ken's dad was a copilot aboard Flight 7 when it crashed in November 1957, which is known as the "Great Sighting Week" (There are great callers relating to this incident). His dad was also involved in a noted UFO sighting in 1952, the first over head sighting, the Nash-Fortenberry UFO Sighting Show Notes
6/17/20201 hour, 46 minutes, 32 seconds
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407. Matt Kresal & Bryce Zabel Show

FIRST SEGMENT: Matthew Kresal on his book, Dark Skies and talks about his research into the making of the series, how he delved into the history of the UFO phenomenon and how the history of government disinformation comes into play and much more. SECOND SEGMENT: Co-creator of Dark Skies, Bryce Zabel joins is to discuss behind the scenes of Dark Skies, and then a new project he has in the works, featuring the Betty & Barney Hill Incident. Check out the show notes for links.   Show Notes
6/10/20201 hour, 58 minutes, 9 seconds
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406. Chris Styles

Jordan Bonaparte chimes in about the night's the topic of discussion, featured guest Chris Styles discusses his longtime investigation of the Shag Harbour Incident, plus a more recent sighting on Cape Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Justin Brown joins in the conversation about filming the Cape Sable UFO, his documentaries on Chris Styles and the Rift, the ongoing incidents in Shag Harbour and more. Show Notes
6/3/20201 hour, 51 minutes, 50 seconds
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405. David Halperin

First we have guest/listener Jacques from Canada to discuss an incredible childhood encounter, then featured guest, UFO skeptic, David Halperin to discuss his latest book; INTIMATE ALIEN: THE HIDDEN STORY OF THE UFO, He discusses his belief that UFOs are a manifest from within.   Show Notes
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405. Randall Nickerson

Guest Randall Nickerson discusses the future release of his long-awaited film, Ariel Phenomenon. Special guest, Ariel School Incident witness, Francis Chirimuuta joins us for a few minutes. Randall further discusses some of the hundreds of interviews of the Ariel School experiencers, and of recently connecting to a witness he has looked for since the beginning of his filming. He talks about recent events, the bigger picture/higher issue of what may be going on, plus his own personal sighting while working on his roof last summer. Show Notes  
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404. Marc D'Antonio

Repeat guest, astronomer Marc D’Antonio discusses the new finding of a nearby blackhole, near miss asteroids that can be undetected, what the heck is dark matter/energy? There is lots of discussion about the moon and cosmic happenings that we know of, the possibility that we may be visited currently by extraterrestrial UFOs and much more. He also discusses his book, The Populated Universe   Show Notes
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403. Sarah Scoles

FIRST SEGMENT: Alejandro Rojas to check in and announces the SCU's livestream, Philip Mantle discusses the new series; "Alien Autopsy, The Search for Answers". SECOND SEGMENT: Sarah Scoles to discusses her book, "They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers", Sarah is a healthy skeptic and makes several good points. She shares what it was like to jump into the UFO topic in 2017 and what she learned. Show Notes
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402. Curt Collins

Guest Curt Collins discusses the Cash-Landrum UFO Incident of 1980, some historic UFO incidents that time forgot, less than perfect characters of the past and more contemporary times of Robert Bigelow's Pentagon contract to research UFOs and more. Please check out the upcoming SCU livestream information in the show notes. Show Notes
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401. Dean Alioto & Zelia Edgar

SEGMENT ONE: Filmmaker and UFO researcher Dean Alioto talks about the new remastered 30th Anniversary release of his enigmatic alien abduction film “The McPherson Tape” aka “UFO Abduction.” He shares secrets about how he made this famous film at 24 years old, which became the first found footage movie ever — ten years before The Blair Witch Project. SEGMENT TWO: Guest Zelia Edgar discusses UFOs and paranormal activity in Wisconsin and more. Show Notes
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400. PJ Hughes

Celebrating our 400th show, guest PJ Hughes shares his thoughts on USS Nimitz 'Tic Tac' UFO event, how he witnessed first hand the confiscation of hard drives with pertinent data, his friend Roger's first hand account and much more! Witness to the full "Tic Tac' video, Jason Tuner calls in. Show Notes
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399. Raymond Szymanski

Guest, Raymond Szymanski, a Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Insider discusses his latest book: Fifty Shades of Greys: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitation to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Beyond as well as his own personal sightings. We get into the discussion on Incident at Exeter, 1965, Travis Walton abduction of 1975 and Rendlesham Forest Incident of 1980 and more. Show Notes
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398. Travis Taylor & Leslie Kean

THE FIRST SEGMENT of the show is with Dr Travis Taylor who discusses the HISTORY Channel's: The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, the series Premiere Tuesday, March 31 at 10/9c. For the first time ever, HISTORY is gaining full, unprecedented access to one of the most infamous and secretive hotspots of paranormal and UFO-related activities on earth, Skinwalker Ranch. FOLLOWING TWO SEGMENTS: Journalist Leslie Kean joins us for an interesting discussion of behind the scenes of co-authoring the article in the New York Times, December 16, 2017 that brought the world's attention to UFOs, and what has changed since that time. Intro music by Kerry Lloyd Whitehouse, bumper music by caller, Bruce Rainier. SHOW NOTES  
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397. Dr. Kevin Randle

Guest Dr. Kevin Randle discusses interesting UFO cases as, as well as his latest book: The Best of Project Blue Book, and so much more. Show Notes
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396. Listener Call In Show

Call in show prevailed when KGRA Radio went down, a show with interesting callers discussing, sightings, current events, thoughts on the Tic-Tac UFO and more.  
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395. Kevin Knuth, PhD.

A fascinating discussion with guest, Kevin H. Knuth, Ph.D. about his recent peer-reviewed scientific paper called: Estimating Flight Characteristics of Anomalous Unidentified Aerial Vehicles, his own personal sighting and his quest for a scientific answer to the UFO problem. A treat at the end, listener Moot Davis with his 2013 song, 25 Lights! Show Notes
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394. David Marler

Guest David Marler with a premier discussion of his most recent research of a UFO Burn Victim Case - New Mexico 1964. There are early audio excerpts of an original witness and a bonus clip at the end of the show of an on camera interview with victim, Charles Davis after he has tracked down 56 years after the incident. Triangle UFOs briefly discussed.
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393. Diane Tessman

Guest longtime UFO researcher, Diane Tessman discusses her new book, Future Humans and the UFOs, Time For New Thinking, plus several topics including UFO cases, time travel, her thoughts of what we may be experiencing and more. Diane’s website is www.earthchangepredictions.comEmail: [email protected]
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392. Seth Breedlove

Guest Seth Breedlove will be on to talk his upcoming series, "On the Trail of UFOs". This series features Shanon LeGro who ventures out nationwide meeting up with people to discuss the recent news and developments about UFOs as well as the  history of encounters.
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392. Seth Breedlove

Guest Seth Breedlove will be on to talk his upcoming series, "On the Trail of UFOs". This series features Shanon LeGro who ventures out nationwide meeting up with people to discuss the recent news and developments about UFOs as well as the history of encounters. Seth discusses interesting UOF cases, and other topics that he has looked into. show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
2/18/20201 hour, 45 minutes, 57 seconds
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391. Christopher O'Brien

Christopher O'Brien discusses his longtime investigations into UFOs, his many sightings, and his research of cattle mutilations, late in the show he talks about his part with James Fox in developing a multi-part miniseries that will utilize the 17 terabytes of footage James has taken while  investigating important UFO cases around the world, also the UFO data acquisition program (ufodap) will supply gear and operate our multi-sensor and camera equipment during his upcoming investigative voyages to Catalina and Guadalupe Island. for more information. Ray Stanford joins the show for the last 15 minutes. WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT Click this link! SHOW NOTES
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391. Christopher O'Brien ,UFO Data Acquisition, The Phenomenon & More

Christopher O'Brien discusses his longtime investigations into UFOs, his many sightings, and his research of cattle mutilations, late in the show he talks about his part with James Fox in developing a multi-part miniseries that will utilize the 17 terabytes of footage James has taken while investigating important UFO cases around the world, also the ufo data acquisition program (ufodap) will supply gear and operate our multi-sensor and camera equipment during his upcoming investigative voyages to Catalina and Guadalupe Island. for more information. Ray Stanford joins the show for the last 15 minutes. Check out our latest blog on the Father Gill UFO Incident: show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
2/11/20201 hour, 50 minutes, 41 seconds
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390. Chris Rutkowski

WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT Click this link! Tim Weisberg, the new host of Midnight in the Desert stops in to say hello, then Nova Scotia's Nighttime Podcast host, Jordan Bonaparte discusses UFO topics, then Canada's renown longtime UFO investigator, researcher, Chris Rutkowski joins us to discuss UFOs in Canada, his recent donation of over 20,000 UFO reports to the University of Manitoba, the Falcon Lake UFO Incident and much more. Check out: SHOW NOTES  
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390. Chris Rutkowski

Tim Weisberg, the new host of Midnight in the Desert stops in to say hello, then Nova Scotia's Nighttime Podcast host, Jordan Bonaparte discusses UFO topics, then Canada's renown longtime UFO investigator, researcher, Chris Rutkowski joins us to discuss UFOs in Canada, his recent donation of over 20,000 UFO reports to the University of Manitoba, funding link: the Falcon Lake UFO Incident and much more. Check out: HELP SUPPORT THE SHOW: show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
2/4/20201 hour, 46 minutes, 32 seconds
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389. Gary Hesletine

WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT Click this link! British Detective Gary Heseltine speaks about an amazing UFO sighting in his youth, his thoughts on who was involved in the Rendlesham Forest Incidents, his groundbreaking UFO reporting system, PRUFOS (Police Reporting UFO Sightings) database which caters for serving and retired British police UFO sighting reports. He has amassed over 500 cases involving more than 1,100 British police officers and more. Show Notes
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389. Gary Heseltine, Law Enforcement & UFOs

British Detective Gary Heseltine speaks about an amazing UFO sighting in his youth, his thoughts on Rendlesham Forest, his groundbreaking UFO reporting system, PRUFOS (Police Reporting UFO Sightings) database which caters for serving and retired British police UFO sighting reports. He has amassed over 500 cases involving more than 1,100 British police officers and more. Check out our blog on Police Offers that Became UFI Investigators: show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
1/28/20201 hour, 37 minutes, 42 seconds
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388. Listener Call-In Show

FULL SHOWS ARE FREE FROM NOW ON, WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT Click this link! Our guest was unreachable, so we took calls. Several listeners called in with UFO sighting accounts, their thoughts on the subject and more. One hour show!  Follow up, Chris had dozed off, he is okay!
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388. Listener Call-In Show

Always popular, hear things you have never heard before.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
1/17/202059 minutes, 59 seconds
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387. Clas Svahn

FULL SHOWS ARE FREE FROM NOW ON, WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT Click this link! Clas Svahn joins us from Sweden to discuss UFO cases in Sweden, UFO Sverige's massive library the Archives of the Unexplained (AFU) and his latest and very interesting book, Files of the Unexplained, The Hidden History and Forgotten Photographs from the world of the Unknown. Show Notes
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387. Clas Svahn, Files of the Unexplained, UFOs & More

Clas Svahn will be joining us from Sweden to discuss UFOs in Sweden, UFO Sverige's massive library and his latest and very interesting book, Files of the Unexplained, The Hidden History and Forgotten Photographs from the world of the Unknown. UFO Sverige:,-clas-files-of-the-unexplained.-the-hidden-history-and-forgotten-photographs-from-the-world-of-the-unknown-949368 show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
1/14/20201 hour, 49 minutes, 42 seconds
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386. Sean Jablonski - David O'Leary & Ted Roe

The first segment is with Executive Producers, Sean Jablonski & David O'Leary on Season II of HISTORY Channel's Project Blue Book, premiering January 21, then Ted Roe joins us to speak on NARCAP, aviation safety incidents involving UAP, his own encounter and more. FULL SHOWS ARE FREE FROM NOW ON, WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT Click this link! NEW SUBSCRIBERS WILL GET ACCESS TO ALL THE FULL SHOW ARCHIVES Show Notes
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386. Sean Jablonski - David O'Leary & Ted Roe

HOUR ONE: is with Executive Producers, Sean Jablonski & David O'Leary on Season II of HISTORY Channel's Project Blue Book, premiering January 21, an interesting look behind the scenes on making the show a success, plus a few details about upcoming episodes. HOUR TWO: Ted Roe joins us to speak on NARCAP, aviation safety incidents involving UAP, his own encounter and more..... and much more.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
1/7/20201 hour, 48 minutes, 55 seconds
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385. Marc Cushman & Vic Mignogna

A DIFFERENT KIND OF SHOW, FOR STAR TREK FANS Interview with guests Marc Cushman & Vic Mignogna, to discuss Saturn Award-winning book series "These Are the Voyages" by Marc Cushman and 2019 companion audio book produced by Vic Mignogna documenting the making of the original Star Trek. Also Vic's involvement with Star Trek Continues, a free web series that continues on the five year mission from the last show of the original series to the first movie. Check out links in the show notes below. Happy New Year! FULL SHOWS ARE FREE FROM NOW ON, WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT! NEW SUBSCRIBERS WILL GET ACCESS TO ALL THE FULL SHOW ARCHIVES Show Notes
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385. Marc Cushman & Vic Mignogna, Star Trek Extravaganza

A SHOW, FOR STAR TREK FANS Interview with guests Marc Cushman & Vic Mignogna, to discuss award-winning book series "These Are the Voyages" by Marc Cushman and companion audio book produced by Vic Mignogna documenting the making of the original Star Trek. Also Vic's involvement with Star Trek Continues (with 10,000,000 viewers), a free web series that continues on the five year mission from the last show of the original series to the first movie. Check out links in the inks below. You can see when the Star Trek set in Kingsland, GA will be open to the public here: show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/29/20191 hour, 59 minutes, 47 seconds
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383. William Grabowski

Guest William Grabowski joins us to talk about his book BLACK LIGHT: Perspectives on Mysterious Phenomena, his own sighting and people's perspectives on the phenomena. Merry Christmas and thank you for listening! Show Notes
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384. William Grabowski, BLACK LIGHT: Perspectives on Mysterious Phenomena

WILLIAM GRABOWSKI is the author of nine books: 10,000 Miles to Go: An American Filmmaking Odyssey (with NYC Underground Film Festival Award-winner Jason Rosette); Infinity Point; media tie-in Castro's Cadillac (optioned for film in 2016 by CuffLink Productions); The Black Edge series; Traces of Oblivion; Amazon #1 Bestseller Black Light: Perspectives on Mysterious Phenomena; Johnny Flash; The Untold; Flowers on the Moon and over 500 short stories, articles, essays, interviews and reviews.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/23/20191 hour, 49 minutes, 1 second
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383. (Re-Run) Dr Robert Farrell

2012 rerun with Dr. Robert E. Farrell, author of Best Seller “Alien Log II”.  Farrell discusses an interesting theory on UFO propulsion, as well as an interesting take on The Big Bang Theory, and much more.   FOR FULL SHOWS, EVERY WEEK,  PLEASE SUPPORT US ON PATREON
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382. Shane Ryan

Guest Shane Ryan joins us from Canberra, Australia to discuss the 1966 Westall Flying Saucer Incident, a schoolyard encounter. He goes into details about the case as well as the baffling aftermath and the effects that it had on some of the students and witnesses.  Bonus full show:   FOR FULL SHOWS, EVERY WEEK,  PLEASE SUPPORT US ON PATREON Show Notes  
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382. Shane Ryan, the 1966 Westall Flying Saucer Incident

Guest Shane Ryan joins us from Canberra, Australia to discuss the 1966 Westall Flying Saucer Incident, a schoolyard encounter. Shane has made a serious study of other school-based UFO sightings around the world. Check out our T-Shirts & More: https://podcastufo.nymblsites.comThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/10/20191 hour, 49 minutes, 36 seconds
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383.Dr. Robert E. Farrell(re-run)

Dr. Robert E. Farrell, author of recent Best Seller "Alien Log II". Farrell discusses an interesting theory on UFO propulsion, and more.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/7/20191 hour, 41 minutes, 59 seconds
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381. Chris Lambright

Guest Chris Lambright discusses his research into the US Navy, and its relation to UFOs, which includes the USS Nimitz UFO Encounter, also Bigelow Aerospace as well as connections between the US government & TTSA and more. FULL SHOWS, EVERY WEEK,  PLEASE SUPPORT US ON PATREON Podcast UFO T-Shirts & More: enter code 20XKOUIY to save 20% within the next two weeks. Click Show Notes below for Chris Lambright's 22 page paper. Show Notes  
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381.Chris Lambright, Mysteries of the US Navy and UFOs

Guest Chris Lambright discusses his research into the US Navy, and its relation to UFOs, which includes the USS Nimitz UFO Encounter, also Bigelow Aerospace as well as connections between the US government & TTSA and more. You can help Support this weekly show by purchasing a Podcast UFO T-Shirt, enter this code 20XKOUIY to save 20% in the next two weeks: https://podcastufo.nymblsites.comThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/3/20191 hour, 48 minutes, 32 seconds
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380. Bryce Zabel

Guest Bryce Zabel discusses the UFO topic, and his advocacy of pushing the discussion into politics, or the kitchen table. He also discusses what it is like to produce films and series related to UFOs and much more.  FOR FULL SHOWS, EVERY WEEK,  PLEASE SUPPORT US ON PATREON Show Notes
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380. Bryce Zabel, Hollywood UFOs & More

Screenwriter - producer, author - journalist, Bryce Zabel joins us to talk about UFOs, films, his next book, On the Trail of the Saucers and much more. Check out Bryce's website: https://whatifufos.comThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/26/20191 hour, 49 minutes, 48 seconds
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379. Jeff Bennett & Deep Prasad

BONUS FULL SHOW, HOUR ONE: Astrophysicist Jeffrey Bennett on our solar system, black holes, the big bang, the possibilities of intelligent life in our universe, our bottleneck of technology and much more. HOUR TWO: Deep Prasad, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, extraterrestrial artifacts, UFOs and more.  FOR FULL SHOWS, EVERY WEEK,  PLEASE SUPPORT US ON PATREON Show Notes  
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378. Preston Dennett

FOR FULL SHOWS, EVERY WEEK,  PLEASE SUPPORT US ON PATREON UFOlogist Sam Maranto joins us to talk UFOs & Mothman in Chicago, then guest Preston Dennett discusses his latest book, Schoolyard UFO Encounters, 100 true accounts, from encounters you often hear about, to lessor known, yet still extremely fascinating. Check out show notes for links to Preston's website and this book. Show Notes
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377. Kathleen Marden, Stacey Wright & Marianne Robb

BONUS FULL SHOW, first hour with Kathleen Marden relays more interesting pieces to the Betty & Barney Hill Abduction Case, as well as discussing her fifth and latest book Extraterrestrial Contact: What to Do When You’ve Been Abducted HOUR TWO Stacey Wright & Marianne Robb from Phoenix MUFON to discuss the great group they are involved in, the many UFO cases in the Phoenix area and a lot more. FOR FULL SHOWS, EVERY WEEK,  PLEASE SUPPORT US ON PATREON Show Notes
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377. athleen Marden, Stacey Wright & Marianne Robb, Extraterrestrial Contact & UFOs

THE FIRST HOUR with Kathleen Marden discussing her fifth and latest book Extraterrestrial Contact: What to Do When You’ve Been Abducted is an excellent guide for people who suspect they are being abducted or bothered by aliens and anyone who is fascinated by visitations from other worlds. HOUR TWO Stacey Wright & Marianne Robb from Phoenix MUFON to discuss the many UFO cases in the Phoenix area and Arizona in general.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/5/20191 hour, 50 minutes, 6 seconds
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376. Jennifer Stein & Peter Robbins

Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month or yearly subscriptions starting at $15 Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, Stephen Bassett discusses a new venture for a few minutes, then guests Jennifer Stein & Peter Robbins first discuss their personal UFO sightings, then discuss their documentary: James Forrestal - His Extraordinary Life and Suspicious Death, they get into their ideas on what was his downfall, was it that he knew too much about UFOs pertaining to national security?  Check out the video here Show Notes  
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375. Erling Strand & Dr Seth Shostak

Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month or yearly subscriptions starting at $15 BONUS SHOW.... HOUR ONE: Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates then guest Erling Strand who just returned from Hessdalen Valley, Erling discusses the mysterious ongoing unknown atmospheric phenomena being researched through Project Hessdalen known as the Hessdalen Lights, UFODATA and more.  HOUR TWO (Live): Dr Seth Shostak discussing SETI, his popular podcast, Big Picture Science and his thoughts on UFOs since the US government has been taking them more seriously. Show Notes
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374. Jacques Vallée & Alan Stivelman

Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month or yearly subscriptions starting at $15 Jacques Vallée as our guest for the first half hour who discusses how he got interested in UFOs, his thoughts of the UFO subject in more recent times and the a particular case that we discuss further with Argentinian filmmaker, Alan Stivelman which is depicted in his film: Witness of Another World. In this heartwarming film, you can clearly see the progression of relief that Juan feels, just by people letting him share his story. Submit your email for release & more info: Show Notes
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373. Kevin Day, Gary Voorhis & Robert Powell

FREE BOUNS FULL SHOW, Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month. USS Nimitz Tic-Tac UFO Incident witnesses, Kevin Day & Gary Voorhis discuss their experiences on the USS Princeton during the Nimitz Incident in 2004 and an update on related matters regarding the case and more, Robert Powell joins us in hour two with his fascinating perspective. Robert's research on this case began in 2016. Show Notes
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372. Kent Senter

BONUS FULL SHOW. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, Kent Senter, longtime UFO researcher from North Carolina discusses some amazing encounters in his past, his monumental conference in 2013 and much more.  Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month. Or at Patreon Show Notes
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371. Dan Wright

Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month. Jordan Bonaparte joins us for UFO Updates, just Dan Wright discusses his book, The CIA UFO Papers, his own personal UFO sightings, and his thoughts on MUFON and much more.
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370. Rob Shelsky

Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Rob Shelsky discusses his years of interest, his UFO encounters, missing time in his family and his thoughts on a various amount of topics including the moon. Show Notes
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369A. Victorian UFO Action

After meeting an Australian fan of the show (Chris Dunn) in this group I gathered them up and asked what they had to say about UFOs in Australia, they discussed some interesting cases. They also had a trip planned to Socorro, the Roswell Debris field and more with visiting the States. From left to right: James Rigney, Irene Previn, Ben Hurle, Chris Dunn, Joy Bok and Lana Bazeley.Check out Victorian UFO Action:
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369. Randall Nickerson & Emily Trim

FREE BONUS FULL SHOW Alejandro Rojas with Updates, and a very interesting show with Randall Nickerson and Ariel School Incident witness, Emily Trim. We discuss this incident, the 10 year making of the completed and to be released film, Ariel Phenomenon,  Emily discusses the encounter as well as the impact it has made on her life and others, this is a show not to miss! Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month. Show Notes
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368. Marian Rudyk

FREE FULL SHOW. Alejandro says hello, guest Marian Rudnyk talks about his background, his sighting and what transpired since.
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Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guests Jon Sumple & Jack Roth discuss their latest film, Extraordinary: The Seeding to released September 3rd, and share that it is more a story of people and their extraordinary experiences, whatever they may be, plus claims of purported hybrid children, they do not claim evidence, but there film is for you to watch and make up your own mind. Support us through Patreon here. Show Notes
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366. UFO Joe Murgia

Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Joe Murgia, aka UFO Joe talks about his interests in AATIP, TTSA, Tom DeLonge and more. Check out his interesting blog: Support us through Patreon here.
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364. Ralph Blumenthal (Rerun)

Rerun from May 24, 2013, an exclusive first time interview on the subject of abduction with veteran investigative reporter, Ralph Blumenthal. Listen as the distinguished author and journalist discusses John Mack and his recent article in Vanity Fair: Alien Nation: Have Humans Been Abducted by Extraterrestrials? Ralph along with Leslie Kean & Helene Cooper authors of the groundbreaking NY Times article, Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program
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363. Dr Bruce Maccabee

For Full Shows, (an option) Sign Up top Patreon Lee Speigel fills in for Alejandro and discusses his new show, and James Fox's film, The Phenomenon (out in Theaters late 2019), then Dr Bruce Maccabee discuses some old cases, his involvement and newer cases as well. Show Notes
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362 Michael Hall

Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Michael Hall, discusses his thoughts on the purported Wilson UFO Memo, "leaked document", what he considers the disclosure movement, UFOs in Washington State and more. Show Notes
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361. Ben Hansen & Walter Bosley

BONUS FULL SHOW Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, in the first hour guest Ben Hansen touches on UFOs and discusses his new show on the Travel Channel, "Ghosts of Morgan City"(Louisiana) and more. In hour two guest, Walter Bosley discusses UFOs, his thoughts on Tom DeLonge, TTSA and more. Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month. Show Notes
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360. Diana Pasulka

Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, then guest Dr Diana Pasulka discusses her book: UFOs, Religion, Technology, it is a fascinating interview where she discusses some unique experiences, feedback from her work and much more. Show Notes
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359. Nick Redfern

Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month. Alejandro Rojas, UFO Updates, guest Nick Redfern discusses his latest book, “Flying Saucers from the Kremlin: UFOs, Russian Meddling, Soviet Spies & Cold War Secrets” He discusses the way Russia and the US both manipulated UFO stories for their own agendas.
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358. Jay Matthews

Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month. Alejandro Rojas wth UFO Updates, guest, Jay Matthews discusses UFOs in the UK and more. BIO: I became curious about the phenomenon known as UFOs back when I was a teen after having an encounter as a then 14 year old boy. Way before the internet I would read as many books as I could that were associated with this UFO riddle. In 2014 I started my journey into creating a FACEBOOK page, dedicated to all things UFO and associated phenomena.  Since then my research has taken me far and wide, as I seek the questions to the answers I had as a naive child. I have myself many documented encounters with things that cannot be explained by rational explanation. I am a former Professional Mixed Martial Artist, Professional and Amateur wrestler, amateur stand up comedian, blogger and ufologist.
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357. Robbie Graham

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Robbie Graham discusses the basis for his two books on UFOs, "Silver Screen Saucers" and "UFOs: Reframing the Debate" and more. ROBBIE GRAHAM has lectured around the world on the UFO subject and has been interviewed for the BBC, Channel 4, Vice, and Vanity Fair, among many others. His articles have appeared in numerous publications, including The Guardian, New Statesman, and Fortean Times. He studied Film at the universities of Staffordshire and Bristol and is the author of Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact from Fantasy in Hollywood’s UFO Movies (2015) and the editor of UFOs: Reframing the Debate (2017).
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356. Lee Speigel & Rich Hoffman

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest, Lee Spiegel discusses his new upcoming show and more in the first segment, then guest Rich Hoffman to discuss the Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU), some of the over 1,500 cases he has researched and much more.  
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355. Dr Michael P. Masters

Please Note: Another free full episode, please consider supporting the show. Alejandro Rojas & Martin with UFO Updates, then guest Dr. Michael P. Masters Identified Flying Objects discusses the possibility that the individuals described in reliable reports of close encounters, may represent our distant human descendants, returning from the future to study us in their own evolutionary past. A very interesting discussion. Show Notes
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354. Anthony Lappé & MJ Banias

BONUS FULL SHOW: Pre-recorded: Anthony Lappé, Producer of “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation“, which premieres on Friday, May 31st at 10/9c on HISTORY, joins us for the first 25 minutes to discuss his interest in the UFO subject and the series. Then repeat guest, MJ Banias discusses his new book titled The UFO People, a Curious Culture and more.  IF YOU LIKE THE FULL SHOW, PLEASE HELP US OUT:  Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more.
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353. Tribute to Stanton Friedman, Gordon Lore & Barry Greenwood

BONUS FULL SHOW: Alejandro & Martin give tribute to the iconic Stanton Friedman, 1934-2019, then guests Gordon Lore & Barry Greenwood discuss their longtime UFO research, the history of UFOs and Gordon's latest book, Flying Saucers from Beyond the Earth, a few historic cases and more. Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more.
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351. Paul Carr

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Paul Carr, is back after several years and discusses his own sightings, what is new with Aerial Phenomenon Investigations, including some very interesting reports, the UFO community and more.  
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350. Omar Lara, PJ Hughes & Dave Beaty

FREE BONUS FULL SHOW. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, then two more witnesses have come forward on the 2004 USS Nimitz Tic-Tac UFO encounter, PJ Hughes and Omar Lara along with The Nimitz Encounters filmmaker, Dave Beaty. A great conversation, and interesting new information. Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more.
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349. Jim Penniston & Gary Osborn

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, then guests, Jim Penniston & Gary Osborn. Retired Sergeant Jim Penniston shares his experiences about the investigation of a craft-of-unknown-origin, located just outside RAF Woodbridge, England in December of 1980 where his team was the “First Responders” in the investigation of the craft. This case became to be known as the Rendlesham Forest Incident and is the most documented account in military history.
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348, John Greenewald, Jr

BONUS FREE SHOW Subscribe to full shows for $2 or more per month. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest John Greenewald, Jr discusses how he began his FIOA requests for UFO documents starting at age 15, and how he has amassed nearly 2,000,000 unclassified documents available for at the THE BLACK VAULT, he also discusses his new book, Inside The Black Vault, The Government's UFO Secrets Revealed, he also speaks he thoughts on AATIP and much more.  
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347. Charlie Foltz

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Charlie Foltz discusses what happened with him and three other friends, Jim & Jack Weiner and Chuck Rak on August 26, 1976 in the wilderness of Maine, taking 12 years to finally realize that more happened then they originally thought. Ray Fowler helped them along and through regressive hypnotherapy and nightmare experience was revealed.  
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BONUS FULL SHOW: Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Steve Ward talks about his decades long fascination with UFOs, Mothman and the paranormal, as well as it's connections with High Strangeness. Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more.  
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345. Suzanne & Scott Ramsey with Dr Frank Thayer

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, then guests Scott & Suzanne Ramsey along with Dr Frank Thayer discuss the 1948 Aztec UFO Incident. Their book goes into very solid and deep investigative work, this is a highly informational and a show not to miss. Show Notes
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344. Kevin M. Day, USN ret./M.Ed

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, Guest and witness to the USS Nimitz TIC-TAC UFO Incident, Kevin M. Day, USN ret./M.Ed with an in depth discussion on what happened off the coast of San Diego in 2004 involving the USS NIMITZ & USS PRINCETON.  
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343. Earl Grey

THIS IS THE LAST WEEK OF FREE FULL SHOWS..  Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Guest, MUFON Chief Investigator, Earl Grey Anderson discusses several very interesting Southern Californian UFO encounters, his mother's interesting career and her thoughts on extraterrestrials, experiencer's and more.
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342. Calvin Parker & Charlette Mann

Subscribeto our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Former UFO newscaster, Michael Lauck with Calvin Parker discuss the recent attention of the Pascagoula abduction case, and what has changed in Calvin's life over the last few years. Then guest Charlette Mann discuses the 1941 Cape Girardeau purported disc crash that her grandfather, the Reverend William Huffman claimed he was summoned to, and asked to bless small dead beings, spoke to his family only once about it. She also discusses some of the misconceptions of the story and sets the record straight. This may be one of the last free bonus shows, we will be returning to the home studio soon. Please support the show if you can. As always, thank you for listening!
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341. Cheuk Fei

Free bonus show! Our guest all the way from China is, Cheuk Fei who discusses his own sighting and China's relationship to UFOs, famous Chinese UFO cases, abduction cases and more. The Chinese government takes it seriously, and even police departments get involved in some cases. Support the show:  Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more.
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340. Kevin Randle

BONUS FULL SHOW. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Kevin Randle on his thoughts of the HISTORY Channel's Project Blue Book, some of the cases the show is based on, and other interesting cases. Kevin also talks about a few famous UFO encounters that are hoaxes. Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more.
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339. Sam Maranto

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Sam Maranto is back to discuss UFOs over the Chicago area, including well known such as Tinley Park Mass Sightings and the O'Hare UFO Incident, to a very interesting recent case where some sort of entities were witnessed in a craft.
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338. Robert Powell

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, Robert Powell is back to talk about being part of an extensive report that the Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU) wrote on the USS Nimitz Encounter, we take several calls and in hour two, he discusses triangle UFOs and more.
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337. Vincent Aiello & Tyler Rogoway

BONUS FULL SHOW Alejandro with UFO Updates, commercial airline pilot, former Navy Fighter Pilot, Vincent Aiello (Fighter Pilot Podcast) in the first hour to talk his experience on the USS Nimitz during the 2004 encounter, his recent interview with friend, David Fravor, how most aviators view the UFO topic, and more. Hour two we have military aviation correspondent, Tyler Rogoway who has been the first to report on some recent UFO commercial airline encounters on The Drive/War Zone.Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Show Notes
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336. Peter Robbins

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, local guest, Ryan MacGlashing in studio to talk about a deep woods Maine UFO encounter, Peter Robbins discusses the UFO involvement & strange untimely death of former Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal as well as Budd Hopkins, his work with children abductees and experiencers as well as John Mack. More on Peter here:
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335. Kyle Lovern

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest, journalist Kyle Lovern talks about his three personal UFO sightings, and his books Volume I & II Appalachian Case Study, UFO Sightings, Alien Encounters and Unexplained Phenomena and more.  
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334. Chase Kloetzke

Chase Kloetzke joins Martin to recount her amazing triangle encounter, she also discusses MUFON and a UFO Think Tank in early progress plus much more. Happy New Year and thank you for listening!
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333. David O'Leary & David Marler

Happy Holidays! Creator of the History Channel's Project Blue Book, David O'Leary comes on for the first part of the show, then David Marler joins us for the remainder of the show to talk about his UFO library, and preservation, plus the Battle of LA, and more. Thank you very much for listening and we wish you a happy and healthy 2019.
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332. Holiday Show with Mack Maloney & Friends

FREE HOLIDAY BONUS FULL TWO-HOUR SHOW: Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. In Studio at WXEX Studios in Exeter, NH with Mack Maloney, Juan-Juan & (a Black-Eyed Kid?). A fun time Holiday celebration time talking about the Lazar Movie, Luis Elizondo, Military and UFOs, with caller give a ways of Mack Maloney's latest book, Haunted Universe:  
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331. Professor Greg Eghigian

FREE BONUS FULL TWO-HOUR SHOW: Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, Greg Eghigian. Penn State professor of history will discuss his funded research into the rise of the UFO & Alien contact phenomenon, historic cases, his thoughts on UFOLogy and more. Show Notes
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330. Marc D'Antonio

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, repeat guest Marc D'Antonio discusses the recent Mars InSight Lander, space junk, possible intelligent life elsewhere and more. Show Notes
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329. Todd Curtis

FREE BONUS FULL TWO-HOUR SHOW: Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Guest, Dr Todd Curtis having a Ph.D., Aviation Risk Assessment, discusses his thoughts on several UFO cases, such as JAL 1628 UFO Incident, 2007 UK Channel Islands sighting, the 1995 American West Sighting and more. He also discusses how safe commercial aviation is in general in hour two.
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328. Terry Lovelace, Esq.

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Terry Lovelace discusses an an amazing UFO incident in 1977 at Devil's Den Park in Arkansas, and strange things that followed, and a possible implant discovered accidentally on X-Ray and much more. Show Notes
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329. Terry Lovelace, Esq.

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Terry Lovelace discusses an an amazing UFO incident in 1977 at Devil's Den Park in Arkansas, and strange things that followed, and a possible implant discovered accidentally on X-Ray and much more. Show Notes
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BONUS FULL SHOW: Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Ray Stanford studied UFOs for decades, including scientifically with cameras and instruments. However, he does not focus just on what his instruments have revealed in looking up, but, instead, upon what he has learned by looking down at the earth, such as ancient disc shaped objects, also Ray is known internationally for his dinosaur tracks discovered at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Show Notes
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326. Alejandro Rojas

BONUS FULL SHOW: Special guest Jordan Bonaparte with Canada & United States UFO Updates, Martin tells a joke that bombs, show guest Alejandro Rojas discusses his journey in the UFO field, cases and more. Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more.
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325. Nick Redfern

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas & Marc D'Antonio with UFO Updates, guest Nick Redfern discusses his new book, "Top Secret Alien Abduction Files: What the Government Doesn't Want You to Know"  We also discuss all aspects of the abduction phenomenon, the Chicago Mothman and much more.
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324. Scott Deschaine

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Scott Deschaine discuses The Living Sky, could some UFOs be organic living creatures? Our atmosphere is 5 million times more in volume than the oceans, could they be supporting life we are unaware of, yet sometimes see?
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323. Paul Stark

FREE BONUS FULL SHOW: Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Paul Stark, producer of the documentary, The Vatican Deception discusses his movie, the 1917 Fatima events, also known as The Miracle of the Sun, the Vatican's thoughts on extraterrestrials and more.  Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Show Notes
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322. Fraser Cain

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Fraser Cain is the publisher of Universe Today and a co-host of an entertaining and very informative podcast, Astronomy Cast with co-host Dr Pamela Gay. We discuss Fraser's thoughts on UFOs (not aliens) as well as what is going on in recent space news and much more.
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321. Dr Joseph Burkes

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas fills in for our guest for the first part of show, Joseph Burkes, MD joins us and discusses how he got into UFOs, his connection to Dr. Greer in the 1990s, UFO encounters and more. Show Notes
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BONUS FULL SHOW: Stanton Friedman is retiring after decades of great work in the UFO field and Martin travel to New Brunswick to do a face to face interview to thank him and wish him well. Callers start after the first 45 minutes.  Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. FREE SHOWS ARE NORMALLY 25 MINS. Show Notes
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319. James T. Abbott

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. FREE SHOWS ARE NOW 25 MINS. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, the guest James T. Abbott discusses his look at the UFO topic as an outsider, his thoughts about some landmark cases and more. His recent book called: The Outsider's Guide to UFOs. Abbott is a member of the Market Research Society, the Chartered Institute for Human Resources, and the British Interplanetary Society, and lives with his wife in Yorkshire, England. Learn more at
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318. Jeremy Corbell

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. FREE SHOWS ARE NOW 25 MINS. Live from a rented flat in Vienna, the first hour with Jeremy Corbell on his upcoming film release, Hunt for the Skinwalker, and his upcoming film to be released in December on Bob Lazar. In hour two, avid listener and UFO enthusiast, Eduardo Lobo will discuss UFOs in Austria, his own sighting and more.
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317. Grant Cameron

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. FREE SHOWS ARE NOW 25 MINS. Pre-recorded with guest, Grant Cameron who talks in great detail about his sightings in 1975-76 which were dubbed, Charlie Red Star, how he believes consciousness is part of UFOs and the Wow factor, presidents, governments and more.
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316. Jeremy Ray

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. FREE SHOWS ARE NOW 25 MINS.An interesting interview with guest, Jeremy Ray who discusses his own experiences, and much more. Jeremy Ray is a MUFON STAR Team Investigator, has investigated several cases in Texas, California and Colorado, co- host on Hangar 1: The UFO Files
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315. Jan Harzan MUFON and More!

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. FREE SHOWS ARE NOW 25 MINS. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest, MUFON's Executive Director, Jan Harzan discusses his personal UFO sighting,  MUFON, what we may expect from Luis Elizondo's and TTSA's efforts to reveal what the Pentagon's secret UFO search turned up and more.
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314. Calvin Parker, Pascagoula Abduction

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. FREE SHOWS ARE NOW 25 MINS. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, Calvin Parker reveals some interesting things about the Pascagoula Abduction in 1973 in which he goes into great detail. He tells how he has dealt with it over the years, and how it has shaped his life. Show Notes
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313. Mack Maloney, Juan-Juan & Commander Cobra

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. FREE SHOWS ARE NOW 25 MINS. Martin simulcasting at WXEX Studios in Exeter, NH with Military X-Files, Mack Maloney, Juan-Juan and Task Force Griffin's Commander Cobra. A fun chat of UFOs and more.
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312. Chris Cogswell

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. FREE SHOWS ARE NOW 25 MINS. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, and guest Chris Cogswell discusses the Philosophy and science of UFOs as well as fringe claims, MUFON & More. A very enjoyable guest!
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311. Free Show, Kevin Randle

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. FREE SHOWS ARE NOW 25 MINS. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, repeat guest, Kevin Randle talks about Roswell controversy, other UFO cases including the Thomas Mantell case, and the Socorro Incident. Show Notes
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Free Show Announcement

Martin makes this announcement: I truly appreciate our listeners, however I can no longer offer free podcasts. I may be back with commercials, so keep your eye out on your media player, or this website. If you have something to promote on our shows, please contact me. You can keep listening to shows by supporting us for $2 or more a month. (  there are other options including yearly ) If you cannot, you can listen to the full show free right here, or on KGRA Radio and YouTube every Tuesday, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (the same as New York City) or -4hours GMT. You can also replay the shows on YouTube Dark Matter Digital Network full shows are on Thursdays at 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time. Thank you! Martin
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309. Jennifer Stein

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Jennifer Stein discusses the upcoming 2018 MUFON Symposium in Cherry Hill, NJ, plus goes deeply into the Crop Circle phenomenon and more.
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308. Chris O'Brien, In Studio

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest in studio, Christopher O'Brien talks about the latest in what is going on with him including a new upcoming half hour show to be called "Out There", his UFO detection, "SLV Sky Project", he also discusses some interesting cattle mutilations, on going hot spots, he also discusses that there is too much "New Age" mudding the UFO conventions and more. This is a BONUS full show, we encourage you to support our show so you can listen to all full shows and archives. Show Notes
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307. M. J. Banias

Jordan Bonaparte fills in for Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest M J Banias joins us to talk about his interesting take and subject of an upcoming book, the UFO subculture, and much more. Simulcast on KGRA Radio. Show Notes
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306. Dr. Bob W. Gross

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, Dr. Bob W. Gross speaks on a noticeable patterns of the Kecksburg & Roswell, he thinks he has the answer to what really landed in Kecksburg. In the second hour (Bonus Full Show) a possible answer to what was seen in Roswell in 1947. Could the world's most talked about UFO incident be an experimental polyethylene terephthalate, aluminum coated balloon? Show Notes
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305. David Marler, Lee Speigel and James Fox

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. We are now live on KGRA Radio on Tuesdays at 6-8PM EST. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, David Marler joins us for hour one on triangle UFOs and The Battle of LA, 1942, in hour two Lee Speigel and James Fox come on to talk about their upcoming high quality film on UFOs,  This show is dedicated to the fourth man to walk on the moon, Alan Bean (1932-2018) Show Notes
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Martin talks to Commander Cobra about UFOs, Marc D'Antonio joins in.
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303. Peter Robbins

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. BONUS FREE FULL SHOW! WE had technical issues to start, Alejandro Rojas says hi, and guest Peter Robbins discusses how he got into the topic,
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302. Free Show: Loren Christensen, Cops & UFOs

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Loren W. Christensen discusses his book, Cop's True Stories of the Paranormal & UFOs. He tells of his own experiences,
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301. Free Full Show: Preston Dennett

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for two dollars per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Preston Dennett discusses his latest book on USOs and the Santa Catalina Channel which is a hotbed of USO activity, could there be an underground USO base? Marc D'Antonio calls in and speaks of his own USO encounter in a nuclear sub. Enjoy the bonus free full show! Show Notes
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300. Free Show: Jane Kyle, Texas UFOs

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO updates, guest Jane Kyle discusses her UFO research of over 1,000 cases in the vast state of Texas, old known cases and recent reportings. Her website is: www.
5/3/20181 hour, 1 minute, 36 seconds
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299. Free Show: Jason Gleaves

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more.  UFO researcher Jason Gleaves discusses his book: UFO Photo and his computer analysis work as he looks throughout the late 19th century through modern day. Show Notes
4/26/20181 hour, 1 minute, 37 seconds
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298. Free Show: Jordan Bonaparte & Ellie Maloney

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more.   Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, Jordan Bonaparte for the first part of the show discussing his upcoming radio/web documentary series UFOs Above Canada,
4/19/20181 hour, 58 minutes, 33 seconds
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297. Free Show: Mike Clelland

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more.  Lee Speigel covering for Alejandro on UFO Updates, guest Mike Clelland talks bout his new book where he further explores the connection of owls and UFOs, plus many other unusual events.
4/12/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 42 seconds
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296. Free Show: Robert Schroeder

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Robert Schroeder discusses his interests in both science from his upbringing and UFOs stemming from an interesting childhood sighting in just outside...
4/5/20181 hour, 10 minutes, 5 seconds
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295. Free Show: Dean Alioto

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, Guest Dean Alioto discusses his found footage movie, Alien Abduction; Incident in Lake County, aka: The McPherson Tape,
3/29/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 31 seconds
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295. Free Show: Dean Alioto

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, Guest Dean Alioto discusses his found footage movie, Alien Abduction; Incident in Lake County, aka: The McPherson Tape,
3/29/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 31 seconds
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294. Free Show: Greg Bishop

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO updates, guest Greg Bishop discusses his interpretations of what people interpret in different ways upon a UFO encounter,
3/22/20181 hour, 42 minutes, 31 seconds
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293. Free Show: Derek Gilbert

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more.  Guest Derek Gilbert discusses his thoughts on the parallels of the UFO phenomenon and religions. He talks about the topic of UFOs and abductions from a Christianity point of view.
3/15/20181 hour, 56 minutes, 16 seconds
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292. Free Show: Bill Birnes & Bryce Zabel

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Pre-recorded and unedited face to face interviews, hour one: Bill Birnes discusses Edison vs Tesla, and his in-depth research into the rivalry of the two geniuses,
3/8/20181 hour, 17 minutes, 25 seconds
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291. Free Show: Alejandro Rojas & Mack Maloney

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Our scheduled guest could not make it, we have Alejandro Rojas filled in for the first part of the show, and Mack Maloney filled in for the second part. Topics vary from the International UFO Congress, to UFO sightings, current events, Ghost Fliers of […]
3/1/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 44 seconds
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290. Free Show: Donald Schmitt & Allis Druffel

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Pre-recorded face to face interviews with Donald Schmitt, which is a heartfelt interview about J. Allen Hynek and more, then in hour two, Allis Druffel discusses what it was like growing up with her iconic mother, UFO researcher, Ann Druffel and also talks about her […]
2/22/20181 hour, 23 minutes, 18 seconds
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289. Free Show: UFO Congress Roundtable

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Recorded live broadcast roundtable at the International UFO Congress in Phoenix, Arizona.”What would it be like if the Phoenix Lights happened today?”, Nick Pope, Stanton Friedman, Kathleen Marden, Travis Walton, Stephen Bassett, Jennifer Stein, Jason McClellan, Jim Lough, Dr. Bob Gross, Dean Alioto, Yvonne Smith, […]
2/15/20182 hours, 1 minute, 30 seconds
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288. Free Show: Marie Cisneros

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Marie Cisneros discusses UFOs in Montana, including Malmstrom, nukes and famous sightings such as the Mariana UFO. Show Notes
2/8/20181 hour, 19 minutes, 6 seconds
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287. Free Show: Brad Abrahams

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Brad Abrahams discusses his full length film, Love and Saucers, where experiencer David Huggins claims to have had encounters for many years, and works through his past experience through his art creations. You can help us out at only […]
2/1/20181 hour, 40 minutes, 12 seconds
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286. Free Show: Erich von Däniken

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest, Erich von Däniken on his latest book, The Gods Never Left Us, as well as UFOs, the Miracle of Fátima, Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, Ancient Aliens, his first book Chariots of the Gods and much more. You can support […]
1/24/20181 hour, 35 minutes, 23 seconds
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285. Free Show: Linda Zimmermann

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Linda Zimmerman first weighs in on the Secret Pentagon UFO search and what that has changed for us all who seriously look into the topic, her own personal sighting and then about her 20 + years of investigating Ghost […]
1/18/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 48 seconds
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284. Free Show: Charles Lamoureux

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest, Charles Lamoureux discusses his film, “Nocturnal Lights”, how he became interested in the UFO topic, and his infrared filming of many unexplained objects as well as an unusual blue orb encounter. Show Notes
1/11/20181 hour, 1 minute, 17 seconds
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283. Free Show: John B. Alexander

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Guest, John Alexander discusses his thoughts on the Pentagon’s secret UFO search as well as his latest book, Reality Denied, where he tells firsthand things that can’t happen, – but did. Show Notes
1/4/20181 hour, 40 minutes, 36 seconds
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282. Free Show: Stanton Friedman & Kathleen Marden on Pentagon’s Secret UFO Search

Subscribe to our full two-hour shows for $2 per month or more. Stanton Friedman along with Kathleen Marden discusses their thoughts on the Pentagon’s Secret UFO search, what this means and where do we go from here. We take some calls and in hour two we discuss some never before talked about family dynamics when it came […]
12/28/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 4 seconds
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224. Stanton Friedman weighs in on Pentagon's Secret UFO Search, with Kathleen Marden

Stan Friedman with Kathleen Marden weigh in on the Pentagon's Secret UFO Search. Stan mentions he is pleased with Tom DeLonge's efforts and the team of high profile people on the To The Stars Academy board. Kathy mentions how important Luis Elizondo, Chris Mellon and Dr. Hal Puthoff among others are to the board as well. Stan: "It's a new ballgame for UFOlogy!" In hour two, along with replying to caller's including journalist, Lee Speigel, they discuss the Betty & Barney Hill case including some never mentioned before family dynamics when they decided to go public. Bio: Nuclear Physicist-Lecturer Stanton T. Friedman received his BSc. and MSc. Degrees in physics from the University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956. He was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist by such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse, TRW Systems, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas working in such highly advanced, classified, eventually cancelled programs as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and various compact nuclear powerplants for space and terrestrial applications. He became interested in UFOs in 1958, and since 1967 has lectured about them at more than 600 colleges and 100 professional groups in 50 U.S. states, 10 Canadian provinces and 18 other countries in addition to various nuclear consulting efforts. He has published more than 90 UFO papers and has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs including on Larry King in 2007 and twice in 2008, and many documentaries. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and co-authored Crash at Corona: The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident. And more, source: Bio: Kathleen Marden is a leading researcher of contact with nonhuman intelligence, an author, and lecturer. Her educational background in the social sciences has shaped her interest in scientific ufology. Extensive research and investigation into alien abduction has convinced her that some abductions are real. She earned a B.A. degree in social work from the University of New Hampshire and participated in graduate studies in education while working as a teacher and education services coordinator. Her scholarship led to acceptance into the Alpha Kappa Delta sociology honor society. During her fifteen years as an educator, she innovated, designed and implemented model educational programs. She also held a supervisory position, coordinating, training and evaluating education staff. Her interest in UFOs dates back to September 20, 1961, when her aunt, Betty Hill, phoned her childhood home to report that she and Barney had encountered a flying saucer in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. A primary witness to the evidence of the UFO encounter and the aftermath, Kathleen has intimate knowledge of the Hill’s biographical histories, investigation files, and scientific interest in their sensational experience. This led to a journey of exploration, leaving no stone unturned, to find answers through scholarly work, investigation and social research. She is recognized as the world’s leading expert on the Betty and Barney Hill abduction. Source: a supporter of this podcast:
12/28/20171 hour, 48 minutes, 14 seconds
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281. Free Show: Special Report on Pentagon & UFOs & Peter Davenport

This Free Show is one plus hours of a 2.5 hour show, Alejandro Rojas & Martin Willis joined at the half hour by Kevin Randle covers what has happened since the NY Times published the article: Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U...
12/21/20171 hour, 18 minutes, 8 seconds
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NY Times Article: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program. Is this a New Paradigm Shift?

by Martin Willis Since I started this show in 2011, never have I seen anything like what happened over the weekend! Jokingly, I told Alejandro Rojas that ‘my email was ringing off the hook’. Past guests, both Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal along with New York Times Pentagon Correspondent, Helen Cooper took one small step, […]
12/17/201718 minutes, 26 seconds
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280 Free Show: Robert Powell

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Robert Powell discusses the Aguadilla, Puerto Rico UFO sighting and then the USS Nimitz 2004 UFO Incident, in hour two (support the show to listen to full shows and archives) he speaks of a very interesting barbe...
12/14/20171 hour, 1 minute, 39 seconds
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194. Robert Powell, the USS Nimitz 'Tic Tac' UFO, Part of the Pentagon Secret UFO Search

Internet dropped on both ends (host & guest), so the show is 20 minutes shorter than usual. Guest Robert Powell discusses the Aguadilla, Puerto Rico UFO sighting and then the USS Nimitz 2004 UFO Incidents, in hour two he speaks of a very interesting sighting a DOD contractor had while hunting and much more. Our website: BIO: Robert Powell is a charter board member of The Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU), has been the Director of Research at MUFON from 2007-2017 and created MUFON's Science Review Board in 2012. He is one of two authors of the detailed radar/witness report on the “Stephenville Lights” as well as the SCU report "UAP: 2013 Aguadilla, Puerto Rico". Robert is also a member of the Society for Scientific Exploration, the UFODATA project, and the National Space Society. Robert is active with FOIA requests to various government organizations to obtain information on historical cases and is a co-author of a book published in July 2012: UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry. Robert currently resides in Austin, Texas.Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/14/20172 hours, 1 minute, 16 seconds
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279. Free Show: Sam Maranto, Chicago Mothman

Alejandro Rojas at NASA Space Camp , then guest, Sam Maranto discusses sightings of Mothman, in Chicago where he lives and has been investigating. Subscribe for $2 per month or more to hear hour two (all full shows & archives),
12/7/20171 hour, 31 seconds
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278. Free Show: Jim MacDonald

Retired Boston police officer, Donnie Gosselin joins in studio to speak with guest Jim MacDonald who has his own thoughts on the Betty & Barney Hill Incident. Betty’s niece, Kathleen Marden calls in as well as an informed researcher.
11/30/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 1 second
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277. Free Show: Jeremy Corbell

Celebrating our sixth anniversary, Announcements of some changes, special guest Cathy tells of a Massachusetts triangle UFO sighting in 1975, Alejandro Rojas & cousin, Jason Cordova with UFO Updates, guest Jeremy Corbell discusses his film, “Patient Seventeen”, in the member’s full show he talks about the US Nimitz Tic Tac UFO, Bob Lazar and much […]
11/23/20171 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
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276. Free Show: Lee Spiegel

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Lee Spiegel discusses working with James Fox with his upcomingLee Spiegel, how things started for him in the UFO world, his many years of boots on the ground and a lot more. Show Notes
11/16/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 16 seconds
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275. Free Show: Kevin Randle

Guest Kevin Randle discusses his new book, Encounter in the Desert; The Case for Alien Contact at Socorro, and goes in to great detail in the about the case, original Socorro investigator, SUPPORT US TO LISTEN TO THE FULL SHOW, Ray Stanford calls in during hour two and the two discuss their differences, plus we […]
11/9/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 17 seconds
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274A. Free Show: Dr Jeffrey Bennett

A major power outage in Maine this week, so our show had to be rescheduled. Here is a sample of The Everything Else Show podcast that show supporters get. Astrophysicist, Dr Jeffery Bennett discusses relativity, black holes and cosmic collisions. To support the show, listen to shows like this, and full Podcast UFO 2-hour shows […]
11/2/201757 minutes, 54 seconds
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274. Free Show: Paul Eno, In Studio

Alejandro Rojas live with UFO Updates, in studio guest, Paul Eno answers chat questions and discuss his thoughts of what is behind UFOs, paranormal events and more. Show Notes
10/26/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 17 seconds
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273. Free Show: Salma Siddick Ariel School Encounter Witness & Randall Nickerson

In studio guest, Alan tells of a UFO encounter, Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, then guest, Salma Siddick brilliantly talks about her story during the Ariel School Encounter on September 16, 1994. Randy Nickerson discusses his film of the event Ariel Phenomenon. Before this podcast could be posted, emails have poured in on how great […]
10/19/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 15 seconds
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272. Free Show: Mack Maloney

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates, Mack Maloney talks about his books as well as the Military & UFOs, New England sightings, his radio show, Military X-Files and much more! Show Notes
10/12/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 35 seconds
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271. Free Show: Caroline Cory

Alejandro Rojas with the news, guest Caroline Cory discusses her interesting take on contact, the universe and more. Her film on the topic will be out on many platforms October 10th. ET Contact: They Are Here Show Notes
10/5/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 46 seconds
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270. Free Show: Chase Kloetzke

Alejandro Rojas, with UFO Updates, and guest UFO lobbyist, Chase Kloetzke discusses science and UFO investigations, false claims, and what DNA testing done by the book revealed about Lloyd Pye’s famed Starchild Skull and more. Check out: Show Notes
9/28/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 19 seconds
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269. Free Show: Richard Thieme

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, then Greg Coolidge & Kirk Ward talk about their new pilot, Skyward,   GUEST: Richard Thieme discusses being part of the UFO History Group which spent 5 years writing “UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry” on top of 50 years of research gathering documents from the government and elsewhere. Show Notes
9/21/20171 hour, 14 seconds
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268. Free Show: Chris Lambright

Bonus Full Show, Alejandro Rojas is traveling to the Devil’s Tower Rendezvous, longtime UFO researcher, Chris Lambright discusses where UFO cases have led him over the many years including the Paul Bennewitz Case, and Ray Stanford’s films,
9/14/20172 hours, 15 seconds
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268. Free Show: Chris Lambright

Bonus Full Show, Alejandro Rojas is traveling to the Devil’s Tower Rendezvous, longtime UFO researcher, Chris Lambright discusses where UFO cases have led him over the many years including the Paul Bennewitz Case, and Ray Stanford’s films,
9/14/20172 hours, 15 seconds
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267. Free Show: David J. Halperin

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, Guest, David Halperin discusses what he believes UFOs really are. Back in the 1960s, David Halperin was a teenage UFO investigator. Later he became a professor of religious studies — his specialty,
9/7/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 55 seconds
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266. Free Show: Ben Moss

Alejandro is on his way back from Budapest, guest Ben Moss and Martin talk about controversial UFO field related topics, and other UFO subjects. Show Notes
8/31/20171 hour, 2 minutes
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265. Free Show: Thiago Luiz Ticchetti

Alejandro Rojas live with UFO Updates, Brazilian UFOlogist, Thiago Luiz Ticchetti discusses very interesting UFO cases in Brazil, stemming all the way back to 1947. He discusses the ridicule factor being alive & well in Brazil and he also talks about m...
8/24/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 8 seconds
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264. Free Show: MJ Banias

Alejandro Rojas live with the UFO Updates, guest MJ Banias discusses his theory of the UFO phenomena. Is it a belief system? Is it a higher intelligence? He talks about why he does not buy into the ET Hypothesis and much more. Show Notes 
8/17/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 9 seconds
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263. Free Show: Mark O’Connell Mick West is back to debunk the Nazca mummy ‘Alien”, repeat guest Mark O’Connell discusses his book on Dr J. Allen Hynek, The Close Encounter’s Man which delves into some interesting characteristics unknown of the man,
8/3/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 9 seconds
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262. Free Show: Kevin Goodman

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates, guest Kevin Goodman discusses his early fascination with UFOs, then gets into the topic of his main study, Warminster UFO sightings which occurred heavily in the 1960s through the 1970s.
7/26/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 50 seconds
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261. Free Show: Peter Robbins

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Peter Robbins talks about a UFO sighting that changed his life, and about the fascinating Voronezh, (воронеж) Russia encounter of 1989, how times were different, and how media handled it. Show Notes  
7/19/20171 hour, 1 minute, 51 seconds
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260. Free Show: Clas Svahn

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates, Clas Svahn talks about Sweden’s UFOs, Ghost Rockets beginning in 1946 to present day, UFOs with related high strangeness, unsolved Sweden cases, and much more. To listen full shows and archived here,
7/12/20171 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
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199. Stanton Friedman, UFO Documents & Roswell's 70th and More!

Alejandro Rojas live with UFO Updates, Stan Friedman talks about Roswell’s 70th, and what it was like being the first civilian investigator for the best known alleged UFO crash of all time. Stan also discusses other UFO cases, technologies, and his thoughts on MJ-12 documents, secret government programs, and much more. Thank you for supporting the show! Nuclear Physicist-Lecturer Stanton T. Friedman received his BSc. and MSc. Degrees in physics from the University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956. He was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist by such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse, TRW Systems, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas working in such highly advanced, classified, eventually cancelled programs as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and various compact nuclear powerplants for space and terrestrial applications. He became interested in UFOs in 1958, and since 1967 has lectured about them at more than 600 colleges and 100 professional groups in 50 U.S. states, 10 Canadian provinces and 18 other countries in addition to various nuclear consulting efforts. He has published more than 90 UFO papers and has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs including on Larry King in 2007 and twice in 2008, and many documentaries. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and co-authored Crash at Corona: The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident. TOP SECRET/MAJIC, his controversial book about the Majestic 12 group, established in 1947 to deal with alien technology, was published in 1996 and went through 6 printings. An expanded new edition was published in 2005. Stan was presented with a Lifetime UFO Achievement Award in Leeds, England, in 2002, by UFO Magazine of the UK. He is co-author with Kathleen Marden (Betty Hill’s niece) of a book in 2007: Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience. The City of Fredericton, New Brunswick, declared August 27, 2007, Stanton Friedman Day. His book Flying Saucers and Science was published in June 2008 and is in its 3rd printing. His newest book, also co-authored with Kathleen Marden, is Science Was Wrong released in June 2010. Source: a supporter of this podcast:
7/6/20171 hour, 59 minutes, 58 seconds
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259. Free Show: Stanton Friedman

Alejandro Rojas live with UFO Updates, Stan Friedman talks about Roswell’s 70th, and what it was like being the first civilian investigator for the best known alleged UFO crash of all time. Stan also discusses other UFO cases, technologies,
7/5/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 17 seconds
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258. Free Show: Philip Mantle

Alejandro Rojas live with UFO Updates and guest, Philip Mantle discusses several very interesting UFO cases in the UK, some fascinating unknowns, abduction accounts, recent book releases that he has published and what in the world the British tabloids ...
6/28/20171 hour, 1 minute, 35 seconds
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257. Free Show: Kevin Randle

Alejandro Rojas could not make the show, Kevin Randle discusses his thoughtful perspective on the recently released UFO documents (see show notes), what Top Secret Classified documents should and should not contain, as well as UFO incidents,
6/21/20171 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
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211. Tom Carey & Don Schmitt, Roswell: The Ultimate Cold Case

Tom Carey & Don Schmitt, Roswell: The Ultimate Cold CaseBecome a supporter of this podcast:
6/21/20171 hour, 30 minutes, 57 seconds
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256. Free Show: Linda Zimmerman

Alejandro joins for a chat, Linda Zimmerman discusses personal interviews for her most recent book: More UFOs over Hudson Valley. Listen n as she talks about one of the most underrated UFO hotspots in the world. Show Notes
6/14/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 57 seconds
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255. Free Show: Ben Hurle

Alejandro Rojas with the latest UFO Updates, guest Ben Hurle talks about amazing little known cases in and around the Victoria region of Australia. Ben is the Director of Victorian UFO Action (VUFOA), a UFO investigation organization based in Melbourne...
6/1/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 21 seconds
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254. Free Show: Don Ledger

Alejandro Rojas with extended UFO Updates, Don Ledger discusses Shag Harbour which will be having a 50th anniversary this coming October 4th. Don discusses what he has learned in almost 20 years research, along with Chris Styles while interviewing witn...
5/25/201759 minutes, 36 seconds
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253. Free Show: John DeSouza

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates and guest, former FBI Special Agent John DeSouza discusses his theory on what is visiting us. In this book: The Extra-Dimensionals: True Tales and Concepts of Alien Visitors he explains as “a definitive reveal of wh...
5/18/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 32 seconds
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252. Free Show: Mary Rodwell

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, joined in studio by Donnie Gosselin, guest Mary Rodwell talks about all facets of  abductions, experiencers, Indigo Children or “Update Children”, seemingly having psychic abilities such as telepathy and much more!
5/11/20171 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds
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251. Free Show: Marc D’Antonio

Alejandro with UFO Updates, on location at Marc D’Antonio’s studio and new Observatory! We will talk about the possibility of alien life and what that would mean. Support the show to hear hour two, how the Universe can kill us! Show Notes
5/4/20171 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds
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250. Free Show: Dr Irena Scott & Lee Speigel

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Dr Irena Scott talks about her book to be released: UFOs TODAY: 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation, and Government Cover-Up, Support the show to listen to hour two where Lee Speigel talks about his amazing “Dorito”...
4/27/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 50 seconds
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249. Free Show: Justin Barber

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, our guest Justin Barber is the director for Phoenix Forgotten, wide release in US & Canada theaters on April 21st. Justin talks about his feet on the ground research into the true event of the 1997 Phoenix Lights,
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248. Free Show: Erica Lukes

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates, and guest Erica Lukes discusses the Skinwalker Ranch with all the strange unexplainable phenomena and UFOs in her home state. SUPPORT THE SHOW to listen to hour two as she discusses her disenchantment with MUFON,
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247: Free Show: Ryan Sprague

Jordan Boneparte fills in for Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates, guest Ryan Sprague checks in from NYC to talk about his book, Somewhere in the Skies, where he explores the human connection to encounters,
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246. Free Show: John Burroughs

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest John Burroughs talks about what it was like for him during the Rendlesham Forest three day incident, what his health issues have been, (Government classified as UAP radiation exposure) and all the twists and turn...
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245. Free Show: Marsha Barnhart

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates, guest Marsha Barnhart speaks on Aerial-Phenomenon Investigations, (API) a discipline that takes a serious look at UFO reports, she speaks on several interesting cases that she has investigated and talks about some ...
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244. Free Show: The Phoenix Lights, 20th Anniversary

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, former Phoenix City Council member during the Phoenix Lights Incident, Frances Barwood talks about her struggles just trying to speak to 700 witnesses who called in, she looked for answers and got into trouble.
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243. Free Show: Preston Dennett

Preston Dennett discusses his new book: Inside UFOs, True Accounts of Contact, and various accounts of people who he interviewed. He further discusses varying entities people claimed to have interacted with,
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242. Free Show: Albert Rosales

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, researcher Albert Rosales talks about his own encounters and countless humanoid-like encounters recorded throughout history, and worldwide. A number of the 19,000 cases he has looking into were found by his own efforts...
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241. Free Show: John Hanson

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, retired UK police officer, John Hanson, talks about his 20 years of dedication to document UFO sightings in the UK, and about his recent book, co-authored by Charles Halt, The Halt Perspective. Show Notes
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240A. Free Show: Jordan Bonaparte

Not considered a bonus show, just what you did not get on episode 240. Jordan Bonaparte discusses Canada UFO cases along the Eastern Seaboard including Shag Harbour and much more. Jordan does a documentary style audio podcast called the Night Time Podc...
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240. Free Show: Trainwreck UFO

The flight canceled to Phoenix for the Internationl UFO Congress, and all kinds of trouble on the show end. Martin takes calls from Speaker phone and does what he can.
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239. Free Show: Ted Roe

Recorded on Google Hangouts on Air, Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, and Executive Director, Ted Roe of NARCAP joins us for a fascinating discussion on NARCAP’s thorough science based procedures on reportings, pilot’s struggles,
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238. Free Show: Donnie Gosselin

Alejandro Rojas with the news, our guest Ardy Clarke canceled at the last minute and retired Boston police officer, Donnie Gosselin filled in at the last minute, live in studio. Donnie discusses the UFO topic,
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237. Free Show: Nick Redfern

Our first Live Stream on YouTube, Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, and Nick Redfern discusses his new book,  365 Days of UFOs, where he writes of his favorite UFO stories – one for every day of the year, spanning decades and continents.
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237. (NEW ADDITION) Nick Redfern, 365 Types of UFOs

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, and Nick Redfern discusses his new book, 365 Days of UFOs, where he writes of his favorite UFO stories – one for every day of the year, spanning decades and continents. He also discussed Men & Women in Black, Cryptos involving UFOs and more!Become a supporter of this podcast:
1/25/20172 hours, 1 minute, 3 seconds
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236. Free Show: Micah Hanks

Full bonus show; Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates, Mick West discusses his work on Metabunk with contrails and how he and a group of people figured out the Chilean UFO was a plane, guest Micah Hanks talks about UFO Singularity,
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235. Marc D'Antonio, Astronomer, UFO Video/Image Analyst

UFO Updates with Alejandro Rojas and guest Marc D’Antonio discusses videos and photos he has analyzed over the years, his USO encounter, planets, possible moon occupation, Mars, astronomy and more. He ends the show speaking about a possible very strange abduction experience.Become a supporter of this podcast:
1/12/20171 hour, 58 minutes, 21 seconds
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235. Free Show: Marc D’Antonio

UFO Updates with Alejandro Rojas and guest Marc D’Antonio discusses videos and photos he has analyzed over the years, his USO encounter, planets, possible moon occupation, Mars, astronomy and more. Listen to full shows on your media player or right her...
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234. Free Show: Harry Drew

Alejandro Rojas with the news, Guest Harry Drew talks about what he has uncovered about the purported Kingman, Arizona Crash of 1953 with his six years of research as a historian. Show Notes
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234. Harry Drew, Kingman, AZ UFOs

Alejandro Rojas with the news, Guest Harry Drew talks about what he has uncovered about the purported Kingman, Arizona Crash of 1953 with his six years of research as a historian.Become a supporter of this podcast:
1/4/20171 hour, 53 minutes, 13 seconds
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233. Ray Stanford

Longtime UFOlogist Ray Stanfor joins us after Alejandro RojasBecome a supporter of this podcast:
12/30/20161 hour, 58 minutes, 48 seconds
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233. Free Show: Ray Stanford

Alejandro Rojas with the news, guest Ray Stanford discusses his $2 million UFO detection facility in the 1970s, his 1980 Tizayuca multi-object encounter along with many other filmed encounters, he also invites serious researchers to his home,
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232. Free Show: Jason McClellan

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates joined by our guest, Jason McClellan who informatively speaks on the topic of UFOs, as well as what got him into the subject, his own UFO sightings including the Phoenix Lights,
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232. Jason McClellan

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates joined by our guest, Jason McClellan who informatively speaks on the topic of UFOs, as well as what got him into the subject, his own UFO sightings including the Phoenix Lights, plus he talks about working with rock star Tom DeLonge on the topic and his new book: Only Weirdos See UFOs, An Introduction to the Public’s Misconception of Unidentified Ariel Phenomena and Extraterrestrial Life. Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate from all of us at Podcast UFO!Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/23/20161 hour, 10 minutes, 20 seconds
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231. Free Show: Charles Halt

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates and guest Charles Halt speaks about his new book, The Halt Perspective. This 800 page project was his attempt along with co-author John Hanson to get the truth of what really happened in Rendlesham Forest in late Decemb...
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231. Col. Charles Halt

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates and guest Charles Halt speaks about his new book, The Halt Perspective. This 800 page project was his attempt along with co-author John Hanson to get the truth of what really happened in Rendlesham Forest in le=ate December of 1980. He further discusses disinformation spawn, and how witnesses were messed with including screen memories and more. There are still a great deal of sightings and mysterious goings-on in the region to this very day.Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/14/20161 hour, 58 minutes, 19 seconds
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230: Free Show: Dean Haglund

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, X-Files guest, Dean Haglund discusses what it was like to work on the show as Ringo Langly, part of the Lone Gunmen, working with legends Chris Carter & Vince Gilligan, his thoughts on UFOs around the world,
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230. Dean Haglund, X Files, UFOs & More

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, X-Files guest, Dean Haglund discusses what it was like to work on the show as Ringo Langly, part of the Lone Gunmen, working with legends Chris Carter & Vince Gilligan, his thoughts on UFOs around the world, abductions, government cover-ups and more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/7/20161 hour, 58 minutes, 24 seconds
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229. Free Show: Larry Holcombe

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates, guest Larry Holcombe reflects on the “Golden Years” of UFOlogy, as well as his thoughts on the government’s cover up involvement, Jackie Gleason/Nixon and more. Show Notes
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229. Larry Holcombe, Golden Years of UFOs & Today's US Government's Look into them

Martin to discuss serendipitous witnessing of Chinese Balloon shoot-down then guest longtime UFO researcher, Larry Holcombe reflects on the “Golden Years” of UFOlogy, as well as what his opinion is of the last few years and the government's involvement of the UAP phenomenon. LARRY HOLCOMBE's introduction to the world of ufology came in the late 1950’s after reading Major Donald Keyhoe’s, Flying Saucers Are Real and Flying Saucers from Outer Space. These books started a 50 plus year study and avocation into mainstream research on the subject. His writing, speaking efforts and interviews now center on bringing light to bear on the continued United States denial and cover-up of UFO issues. He lives in Callao, Virginia.Become a supporter of this podcast:
11/28/20161 hour, 58 minutes, 31 seconds
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228. Free Show: Chris O’Brien

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Chris O’Brien discusses his early beginnings of interest which started as a detailed encounter with beings at age 7, later sightings, cattle mutilations and much more. Show Notes
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228. Chris O'Brien, Experiencer, UFOs, Cattle Mutilations More

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Chris O’Brien discusses his early beginnings of interest which started as a detailed encounter with beings at age 7, later sightings, cattle mutilations and much more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
11/23/20161 hour, 49 minutes, 37 seconds
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227. Free Show: David Pares

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, David Pares discusses his amazing UFO sighting at age 16 and how it made him pursue the question of how he saw the craft operate, that led to ongoing breakthroughs in the theory of Warp Drive and Bubbles.
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226. Free Show: Ben Moss & Tony Angiola

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates, guest Ben Moss & Tony Angiola discuss all aspects of the Socorro Incident of 1964, as well as new information that they have found in their research. Support the show to listen to hour two (and to listen to all ful...
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226. Ben Moss & Tony Angiola, Socorro & Black Triangle UFOs

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates, guest Ben Moss & Tony Angiola discuss all aspects of the Socorro Incident of 1964, as well as new information that they have found in their research. In hour two they talk about Black Triangles, UFO sightings, cases they have investigated and even Big Foot. Thank your for listening.Become a supporter of this podcast:
11/9/20161 hour, 54 minutes, 19 seconds
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225. Dr. Kevin Randle

Kevin Randle on Roswell and moreBecome a supporter of this podcast:
11/7/20161 hour, 58 minutes, 19 seconds
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225. Free Show: Dr Kevin Randle

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates, Dr Kevin Randle talks about his recent book, Roswell in the 21st Century in which he digs deeply into what has been uncovered over the years  and what his conclusions are as well as other topics.
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174. Dr Kevin Randle on Roswell in 21st Century

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates, Dr Kevin Randle talks about his recent book, Roswell in the 21st Century in which he digs deeply into what has been uncovered over the years and what his conclusions are as well as other topics. Check out his radio show and blog: a supporter of this podcast:
11/2/20161 hour, 57 minutes, 25 seconds
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224. Free Show: Kathleen Marden & Stan Friedman

Martin records live from a hotel room, Alejandro with UFO Updates then guests Kathleen Marden and Stanton Friedman talk about their new book: Fact, Fiction and Flying Saucers, which contains many aspects of the UFO world looked into and at by debunkers...
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223. Free Show: Jim Marrs

Better late than never! Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, and Jim Marrs joins Martin on a Saturday afternoon to talk about Battlefield Earth, UFO cases and more! Thanks for your patience! Show Notes  
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223. Jim Marrs, Battlefield Earth, UFOs and More!

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, and Jim Marrs joins Martin on a Saturday afternoon to talk about Battlefield Earth, UFO cases and more!Become a supporter of this podcast:
10/16/20161 hour, 32 minutes, 23 seconds
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222. Free Show: Frank Jacob

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates and guest Frank Jacob discusses his inspiration for his film, Packing For Mars, armed with nothing but a camera and an open mind, sets forth on a journey to reveal the truth behind what may well be one of the most start...
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222. Frank Jacob, Packing For Mars, UFOs & More

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates and guest Frank Jacob discusses his inspiration for his film, Packing For Mars, armed with nothing but a camera and an open mind, sets forth on a journey to reveal the truth behind what may well be one of the most startling mysteries: Is there a secret agenda involving a survival colony on Mars? The truth is stranger than fiction, just as the journey that unfolds. Trailer: a supporter of this podcast:
10/13/20161 hour, 58 minutes, 12 seconds
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221. Free Podcast: Grant Cameron

Alejandro Rojas with UFO updates and guest Grant Cameron discusses US Presidents need to know about UFOs, his thoughts on Clinton, and more. Show Notes 
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221. Grant Cameron, Clinton & UFOS and More

Alejandro Rojas with UFO updates and guest Grant Cameron discusses US Presidents need to know about UFOs, his thoughts on Clinton, and more. Show Notes: a supporter of this podcast:
10/6/20161 hour, 58 minutes, 23 seconds
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220. Free Show: Joan Bird

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Joan Bird discusses the noted Montana UFO footage from the 1950s, and some cases in her book: Montana UFOS and Extraterrestrials, as well as nuclear missile incidents. Support the show to listen to hour two,
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219. Free Show: Greg Bishop

Greg Bishop joins us for hour one and talks about Project Beta, the Paul Bennewitz case, Dulce. UFO cases and more, SUBSCRIBE TO LISTEN To the Second Hour: Listener calls including Chris Lambright on Bennewitz as well as other callers on interesting si...
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220. Joan Bird, Montana UFOs, Crop Circles & More

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, guest Joan Bird discusses the noted Montana UFO footage from the 1950s, and some cases in her book: Montana UFOS and Extraterrestrials, as well as nuclear missile incidents. Support the show to listen to hour two, crop circles and other goings on in Big Sky Country. Thank you for listening! a supporter of this podcast:
9/22/20161 hour, 56 minutes, 36 seconds
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219. Greg Bishop, Project Beta, UFOs, Listener Call

Greg Bishop joins us for hour one and talks about Project Beta, the Paul Bennewitz case, Dulce. UFO cases and more, the second hour is listener calls including Chris Lambright on Bennewitz as well as other callers on interesting sightings then we close with Alejandro on UFO Updates. a supporter of this podcast:
9/22/20161 hour, 57 minutes, 18 seconds
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218. Free Show: Joshua P. Warren

Guest Host, Connie Willis, (Blue Rock Talk) speaks with Joshua P. Warren about the Brown Mountain Lights, subscribe for $2 per month or more to hear about Roswell debris in the second hour, paranormal and more. Check out Joshua’s website: www.
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218. Joshua P. Warren, Brown Mountain Lights with Connie Willis

Guest Host, Connie Willis, (Blue Rock Talk) speaks with Joshua P. Warren about the Brown Mountain Lights, Check out Joshua’s website: www.joshuapwarren.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
9/15/20161 hour, 57 minutes, 19 seconds
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217. Free Show: Paul Eno

One hour free show, Alejandro with UFO Updates, guest Paul Eno talks about his “intersects” theory of everything including UFOs, a fascinating interview covering many topics as well as Paul’s interesting insights and vast knowledge.
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216. Free Show: Sam Maranto

Alejandro Rojas talks about the MUFON Symposium in Florida as well as some UFO cases, repeat guest Sam Maranto comes on to discuss the Fatima 1917 mass sighting, as well as other mass sightings, Tinley Park, O’Hare Incident and UFOs in Illinois.
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216. Sam Maranto, Fatima UFO, O'Hare Incident & Mass Sightings

Alejandro Rojas talks about the MUFON Symposium in Florida as well as some UFO cases, repeat guest Sam Maranto comes on to discuss the Fatima 1917 mass sighting, as well as other mass sightings, Tinley Park, O’Hare Incident and UFOs in Illinois.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/1/20161 hour, 58 minutes, 22 seconds
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215. Free Show: Paul Stonehill

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, and guest Paul Stonehill talks about his latest book co-authored with Philip Mantle: Russia’s USO Secrets with fascinating details and many very interesting reports from ancient times to 2009 across the vast land of th...
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215. Paul Stonehill, Russia's USO Secrets & UFOs

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, and guest Paul Stonehill talks about his latest book co-authored with Philip Mantle: Russia’s USO Secrets with fascinating details and many very interesting reports from ancient times to 2009 across the vast land of the former Soviet Union, plus the Antarctic and other explored areas of the Russian military.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/25/20161 hour, 57 minutes, 22 seconds
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214. Free Show: Paul Davids

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, movie producer, Paul Davids talks about his 1994 SHOWTIME  Movie, Roswell, his own personal sighting, and it is a doozy. The show is dedicated to Peanut! Show Notes
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214. Paul Davids, Roswell Movie, UFOs - Bill Clinton, JFK & Marilyn Monroe,

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, movie producer, Paul Davids talks about his 1994 SHOWTIME Movie, Roswell, Marylin Monroe, JFK and Clinton on UFOs as well as his own personal sighting, and it is a doozy. The show is dedicated to Peanut!Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/17/20161 hour, 45 minutes, 16 seconds
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217. Paul Eno, UFO & Paranormal Theory

Alejandro with UFO Updates, guest Paul Eno talks about his “intersects” theory of everything including UFOs, a fascinating interview covering many topics as well as Paul’s interesting insights and vast knowledge. Pics here: a supporter of this podcast:
8/8/20161 hour, 57 minutes, 57 seconds
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213. Free Show: Donna Walker

Alejandro with the UFO Updates, and guest Donna Walker has a fascinating story, goes into detail of family experiences, as well as an interesting conversation about the Betty & Barney Hill Case and much more! Show Notes
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213. Donna Walker, UFO Sighting, Betty & Barney Hill

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates, and guest Donna Walker has a fascinating story, goes into detail of family experiences, a few of her own, as well as an interesting conversation with Dr Benjamin Simon about the Betty & Barney Hill Case, Budd Hopkins and the do’s and don’ts of of hypnotic regression.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/4/20161 hour, 59 minutes, 17 seconds
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212. Free Show: Dr. George Gaines

Live show with Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, then our guest Dr. George Gaines discusses a sighting that lead to an intense visit from none other than Capt. Edward Ruppelt in July of 1956 and more! Show Notes
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212. Dr George Gaines UFO Sighting

Live show with Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, then our guest Dr. George Gaines discusses a sighting that lead to an intense visit from none other than Capt. Edward Ruppelt in July of 1956 and more!Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/28/20161 hour, 59 minutes, 1 second
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211. Free Show: Tom Carey & Don Schmitt

Alejandro Rojas with the news, Tom Carey & Don Schmitt discuss the Roswell Slide event, how they got caught up in the situation, and the betrayal of trust they encountered. (Update: Martin’s dog, is stable at this time). Show Notes
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210. Free Show: Rich Hoffman

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, and guest, Rich Hoffman talks about his 52 year interest in UFOs, some amazing sightings subscribe to our show to listen to hour two where Rich talks about the noted Puerto Rico sighting that has interested people of s...
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210. Rich Hoffman, Puerto Rico UFO and much more

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, and guest, Rich Hoffman talks about his 52 year interest in UFOs, some amazing sightings subscribe to our show to listen to hour two where Rich talks about the noted Puerto Rico Border Patrol sighting that has interested people of science, check out Rich’s info and background in our show notes at: podcastufo,comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
7/14/20161 hour, 54 minutes, 8 seconds
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209. Free Show: Jeremy Meador

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, and guest Jeremy Meador talks about historic Nevada and Utah UFO Crash cases. Show Notes
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209. Jeremy Meador, UFO Crashes

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, and guest Jeremy Meador talks about historic Nevada and Utah UFO Crash cases.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/6/20161 hour, 58 minutes, 30 seconds
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209. Jeremy Meador, UFO Crashes

Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, and guest Jeremy Meador talks about historic Nevada and Utah UFO Crash cases.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/6/20161 hour, 58 minutes, 30 seconds
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208. Free Show: Norio Hayakawa

Guest Norio Hayakaya discusses his skeptical insight in the UFO field, cultural belief systems, as well as talks about years of investigating Dulce underground base stories, and Area 51. Show Notes  
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207. Free Show: Alejandro Rojas

Instead of just the news, Alejandro Rojas is our guest, he discusses China UFOs the Roswell Ramey memo, UFOlogy’s twists and turns,plus daily life at and much more. Show Notes
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206. Free Show: Ron Regehr

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates and guest Ron Regehr, a UFO researcher for more than 50 years and a retired aerospace engineer as well as a MUFON research specialist in space satellite technology talks at first about interesting ancient Native Ame...
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206. Ron Regehr, Aerospace Engineer on UFOs

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Updates and guest Ron Regehr, a UFO researcher for more than 50 years and a retired aerospace engineer as well as a MUFON research specialist in space satellite technology talks at first about interesting ancient Native American glyphs and then about the Defense Support Program (DSP) detecting major UFO sightings and much more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/15/20161 hour, 59 minutes
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205. Free Show: Jeff Willes

Alejandro Rojas with the news, and Jeff Willes comes on to talk about his very early experiences, and interest in the UFO topic, moving to Phoenix and filming unknown objects in the big, beautiful Phoenix blue skies and more. Check out: www.
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205. Jeff Willes, Experiences & UFOs over Phoenix

Alejandro Rojas with the news, and Jeff Willes comes on to talk about his very early experiences, and interest in the UFO topic, moving to Phoenix and filming hours of unknown objects in the big, beautiful Phoenix blue skies and more. www.ufosoverphoenix.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
6/9/20161 hour, 59 minutes, 7 seconds
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204. Free Show: Chris Mellon

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO updates, host Martin Willis is the first to live interview former DoD insider, Chris Mellon of the recent Huffington Post/Leslie Kean article: “Is There a UFO Cover-up? A Government Insider Speaks Out”.
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203. Free Show: Ken Pfeifer

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO update, guest Ken Pfeifer talks about his and his wife’s sightings, and what prompted him to gather UFO images, he goes into details of some and discusses his thoughts on moon landings and more.
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203. en Pfeifer, UFO Photos & More

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO update, guest Ken Pfeifer talks about his and his wife’s sightings, and what prompted him to gather UFO images, he goes into details of some and discusses his thoughts on moon landings and more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/25/20162 hours, 24 seconds
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202. Free Show: Erica Lukes

Alejandro Rojas with the news, guest Erica Lukes joins us to talk about the Ham Radio/American Airlines Case, as well as other interesting Utah cases including orange orbs, what it was like as a MUFON State Director, and what she is up to now.
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202. Erica Lukes Interview, Orange Orbs, Ham Radio/American Airlines Sighting

Alejandro Rojas with the news, guest Erica Lukes joins us to talk about the Ham Radio/American Airlines Case, as well as other interesting Utah cases including orange orbs, what it was like as a MUFON State Director, and what she is up to now.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/18/20162 hours, 46 seconds
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201. Piotr Cielebias, UFOs over Poland

Alejandro with the latest news, and guest Piotr Cielebias speaks about his book, and strange cases in Poland going back to the 17th century to recently. Check out UFOs Over Poland: The Land of High Strangeness If you would like to support the shows for $2 a month or more (or yearly subscriptions) you will get access to full shows, plus archives. Go to: a supporter of this podcast:
5/14/20161 hour, 19 minutes, 6 seconds
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201. Free Show: Piotr Cielebias, UFOs over Poland

Alejandro with the latest news, and guest Piotr Cielebias speaks about his book, and strange cases in Poland going back to the 17th century to recently. Check out UFOs Over Poland: The Land of High Strangeness If you would like to support the shows for...
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200. Free Show: Ryan Mullahy

Alejandro Rojas with the latest news, New Hampshire UFO researcher, Ryan Mullahy talks about famous New Hampshire and New England cases as well as some interesting little known cases. Check out Ryan’s blog, NH UFO Research. Show Notes
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200. Ryan Mullahy, UFOs in New Hampshire

Recorded from Sochi, RU, Alejandro Rojas with the latest news, New Hampshire UFO researcher, Ryan Mullahy talks about famous New Hampshire and New England cases as well as some interesting little known cases. Check out Ryan’s blog, NH UFO Research.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/4/20161 hour, 41 minutes, 49 seconds
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199. Free Show: Stanton Friedman

Randall Nickerson talks about Ariel Phenomenon, and Martin discusses his recent MJ-12 document find in an ex-CIA’s estate papers with guest Stan Friedman. Stan talks about his intense MJ-12 research starting in 1984,
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198. Calvin Parker (replay)

Our live stream company server went down, please enjoy an interesting replay from the past, a rare interview with Calvin Parker, of the October 11, 1973 Pascagoula UFO Abduction Incident. Listen in as Calvin describes what he and Charlie Hickson went t...
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197. Butch Witkowski

Live, Alejandro wtih UFO news, and guest Butch Witkowski, FFSc Director, Founder, UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania discusses his own sighting, his involvement in investigating over the years, strange cryptoids, UFOs, and abductions.
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197. Butch Witkowski

Live, Alejandro wtih UFO news, and guest Butch Witkowski, FFSc Director, Founder, UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania discusses his own sighting, his involvement in investigating over the years, strange cryptoids, UFOs, and abductions. In the member’s part of the show Butch get into cattle as well as human mutilations. Some details may be graphic.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/14/20161 hour, 57 minutes, 25 seconds
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196. Noe Torres & Ruben Uriarte

Alejandro Rojas with the news, Noe Torres comes on and is later joined by Ruben Uriarte to speak about the supposed Aurora Crash, the Coyame Incident, and more. We apologize for the guest audio issues. Show Notes
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196. Noe Torres & Ruben Uriarte

Alejandro Rojas with the news, Noe Torres comes on and is later joined by Ruben Uriarte to speak about the supposed Aurora Crash, the Coyame Incident, and more. We apologize for the guest audio issues.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/6/20161 hour, 57 minutes, 28 seconds
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195. Jack Brewer

Alejandro Rojas with the news, Martin is Buzzing Off hair for kids with cancer, Guest Jack Brewer expresses his feelings about the UFO research, how he personally has felt duped, and what needs to change, plus a lot more. Check out his website,
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195. Jack Brewer Interview, Exploitation in the UFO Community

Alejandro Rojas with the news, Martin is Buzzing Off his hair for kids with cancer, info is on Guest Jack Brewer expresses his feelings about the UFO research, how he personally has felt duped, and what needs to change, plus a lot more. Check out his website: as well as his book: The Greys Have Been Framed: Exploitation in the UFO Community. Music by Kerry Lloyd Whitehouse.Become a supporter of this podcast:
3/30/20162 hours, 18 seconds
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194. Robert Powell, Stephenville

Alejandro Rojas with UFO News, then guest Robert Powell talks to us about the Stephenville Lights Incident, what makes it such an extraordinary case, and how a little town in Texas reacted as well as how there was no military reactions as the unusual u...
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193. Dr Richard O’Connor

Midnight in the Desert, Heather Wade says hi and talks about sitting in Art Bell’s seat as the show continues with great guests, then Dr Richard O’Connor tells us what Jesse Marcel, Jr was like, and how the influence of this credible friend changed his...
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193. Dr Richard O'Connor, UFOs, Jesse Marcel Library and more

Dr Richard O’Connor tells us what Jesse Marcel, Jr was like, and how the influence of this credible friend changed his life in the UFO world. Check out the Jesse A Marcel Library.Become a supporter of this podcast:
3/16/20161 hour, 59 minutes, 10 seconds
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192. Derrel Sims

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO News, and “Alien Hunter” Derrel Sims joins us to talk about his encounters and sightings as well as discusses implants, surgeries and more. Hear the whole show and all the archives,
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"Alien Hunter", Derrel Sims talks about UFOs, Aliens, Implants & Encounters 03-09-16

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO News, and “Alien Hunter” Derrel Sims joins us to talk about his encounters, implants and sightings as well as discusses implants, surgeries and more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
3/9/20162 hours, 58 seconds
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191. Wilbur Allen

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Congress review and UFO News, guest Wilbur Allen talks about lifelong encounters, filming and more. Show Notes
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191. Wilbur Allen, on UFOs

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO Congress review and UFO News, guest Wilbur Allen talks about lifelong encounters, filming and more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
3/2/20161 hour, 30 seconds
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138. 2016 UFO Congress, Round Robin, Friedman, Hansen, Speigel and more!

Live recorded round-robin at the 2016 International UFO Congress in Phoenix, Arizona February 17th with Stanton Friedman, Kathleen Marden, Chase Kloetzke, Julie & Sam Maranto, Ben Hansen, Keith Arem, Lee Speigel and Travis Walton.Become a supporter of this podcast:
2/18/20161 hour, 57 minutes, 26 seconds
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190. Live, UFO Congress, Phoenix

Live recorded round robin at the International UFO Congress in Phoenix, Arizona with Stanton Friedman, Kathleen Marden, Chase Kloetzke, Julie & Sam Maranto, Ben Hansen, Keith Arem, Lee Speigel and Travis Walton.
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190b. Interview with David Hatcher Childress

A quick interview at the 2016 International UFO Congress with David Hatcher Childress on Ancient Aliens and more. This is a 7 minute bonus clip, not part of our regular shows. David goes out there a bit with moon bases and more, but it is entertaining.Become a supporter of this podcast:
2/15/20167 minutes, 3 seconds
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190. UFO Congress, Round Robin, Friedman, Hansen, Speigel and more!

Live recorded round-robin at the 2016 International UFO Congress in Phoenix, Arizona February 17th with Stanton Friedman, Kathleen Marden, Chase Kloetzke, Julie & Sam Maranto, Ben Hansen, Keith Arem, Lee Speigel and Travis Walton. Become a supporter of this podcast:
2/15/20161 hour, 25 minutes, 21 seconds
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189. Connie Willis

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO News, Guest Connie Willis talks UFOs, Bigfoot, remote viewing and more. Show Notes
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189. Connie Willis, BIGFOOT

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO News, Guest Connie Willis talks UFOs, Bigfoot, remote viewing and more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
2/10/20162 hours, 26 seconds
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188. Paul Kimball

Alejandro Rojas with the news and guest, filmmaker Paul Kimball talks about his uncle Stan Friedman, he further speaks about his skeptical look at UFOs, how cases you do not hear much about have more credence then the anchor ones, like Roswell.
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188. Interview with UFO Skeptic, Paul Kimball

Alejandro Rojas with the news and guest, filmmaker of: Best Evidence: Top 10 UFO Sightings, Paul Kimball talks about his uncle Stan Friedman, he further discusses his skeptical look at UFOs, how cases you do not hear much about have more credence then the anchor ones, like Roswell.Become a supporter of this podcast:
2/3/20162 hours, 14 seconds
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187. Paul Dean, Melbourne, AU

Alejandro Rojas with some updates, and guest from Melbourne, Australia is a Victorian UFO Action researcher named, Paul Dean. Paul has been involved getting UFO files from the Australian military and government personal,
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187. Australian UFO Researcher Paul Dean

Alejandro Rojas with some updates, and guest from Melbourne, Australia is a Victorian UFO Action researcher named, Paul Dean. Paul has been involved getting UFO files from the Australian military and government personal, trying to get to the bottom of what reporting channels know. He talks about some amazing Australian cases and more. Check out Paul’s blog at: a supporter of this podcast:
1/28/20162 hours, 4 minutes, 53 seconds
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186. Joe Lewels, UFOs DNA, Abductions

Alejandro Rojas with UFO News Updates, then guest Joe Lewels speaks about UFOs, experiencers, John Mack and his thoughts on reality, DNA, science and more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
1/22/20162 hours, 2 minutes, 4 seconds
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186. Joe Lewels

Alejandro Rojas with UFO News Updates, then guest Joe Lewels speaks about UFOs, experiencers, John Mack and his thoughts on reality, DNA, science and more. Show Notes  
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186. Joe Lewels, UFOs DNA, Abductions

Alejandro Rojas with UFO News Updates, then guest Joe Lewels speaks about UFOs, experiencers, John Mack and his thoughts on reality, DNA, science and more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
1/20/20162 hours, 4 minutes, 37 seconds
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185. Mike Clelland

Daymond Steer, who wrote the initial article, Clinton Promises to Investigate UFOs in the Conway Daily Sun joins Alejandro Rojas and Martin Willis to talk about what has been happening behind the scenes. Then guest,
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184. Chris O’Brien

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO News, and guest Chris O’Brien talks about the UFO field, what he thinks that UFOs may be, the private sector’s possible knowledge, San Luis Valley, cattle mutilations and more. Support the show to listen to hour two for as ...
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183. Jan Harzan MUFON Exec. Director Interview on UFOs, and More

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO news, and Jan Harzan, Executive Director of MUFON discusses his mission statement at MUFON, their processes of sighting reports and scientific research, Jan takes two tough calls and does not shy away from questions involving CIA infiltration, MUFON’s database access and more. Near the end, Jan discusses his amazing sighting, and his interests in the topic. Happy New year, have a great 2016!Become a supporter of this podcast:
1/1/20162 hours, 2 minutes, 54 seconds
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183. Jan Harzan

Recorded Live 12-30-15, Alejandro Rojas with the UFO news, and Jan Harzan, Executive Director of MUFON discusses his mission statement at MUFON, their processes of sighting reports and scientific research, Jan takes a tough call and does not shy away f...
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182. Stan Gordon, John Ventre Debate Kecksburg

Recorded Live 12-23-15, UFO News with Alejandro Rojas, then guests Stan Gordon and John Ventre discuss opposing opinions of the latest theory of what crashed in Kecksburg, PA on December 9, 1965. Was it the GE Mark 2, or something else?
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182. Stan Gordon and John Ventre Debate Kecksburg UFO Incident

Alejandro Rojas with UFO News, then hour one and part of hour two Stan Gordon and John Ventre discuss opposing opinions of the latest theory of what crashed in Kecksburg, PA on December 9, 1965. Was it the GE Mark 2, or something else? In hour two, other UFO topics and more with Stan Gordon. If you support the show, thank you! Happy Holidays to you all!Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/24/20152 hours, 4 minutes, 15 seconds
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181. James Fox

Recorded Live 12-16-15, Alejandro Rojas with the news, and James Fox talks about his upcoming movie, 701, and what it was like interviewing incredible witnesses for Out of the Blue, I Know What I saw and more.
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181. James Fox Interview, 701, Out Of The Blue & More

Alejandro Rojas with the news, and James Fox talks about his upcoming movie, 701, and what it was like interviewing incredible witnesses for Out of the Blue, I Know What I saw and more. He further discusses the danger of having UFO evidence, and cases involving close encounters of the third kind, he says his best footage is yet to be released and you can look forward to it in 701 in the next year or two!Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/16/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 47 seconds
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180. Mark Richfield, CubeSat

Recorded Live 12-09-15, Alejandro Rojas with UFO news, Mark Richfield talks about CubeSat, an UFO Detection Indiegogo Project and Support the show for as little as $2 per month to listen to hour two where Preston Dennett talks about UFOs Over Nevada.
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180. Mark Richfield on UFO Detection, CubeSat & Preston Dennett UFOs over Nevada

Alejandro Rojas with UFO news, Mark Richfield talks about CubeSat, an Indiegogo UFO detection project and in hour two, Preston Dennett talks about UFOs over Nevada and much more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/10/20151 hour, 55 minutes, 36 seconds
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179. Kecksburg UFO Solved?

Recorded Live 12-02-15, Alejandro Rojas say hi near Johnson Space Center, guests John Ventre and Owen Eichler talk about Owens work that possibly solves the Kecksburg 1965 UFO Incident. Spoiler alert, a GE Mark 2 Reentry Vehicle.
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179. Owen Eichler & John Ventre, Kecksburg UFO Incident Solved?

Alejandro Rojas chimes in near Johnson Space Center, guests John Ventre and Owen Eichler talk about Owens work that possibly solves the Kecksburg 1965 UFO Incident. Spoiler alert, a GE Mark 2 Reentry Vehicle.Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/2/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 48 seconds
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178. Michael Lauck

Recorded Live 11-25-15, No news in this show, Guest Michael Lauck, previous UFO news guy and occasional guest host comes on for the full two hours. Michael is a freelance writer, author of The Grand Tournament and a producer.
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178. Michael Lauck, Magic, UFOs & More

Guest Michael Lauck, previous UFO news guy and occasional guest host comes on for the full two hours. Michael is a freelance writer, author of The Grand Tournament and a producer. We discuss various topics on UFOs and other topics. In the second hour Michael interviews Martin, which initiates a rant and more. Check out the guest’s website: www.SwordsAndRayguns.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
11/25/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 26 seconds
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177. Cheryl Costa

Recorded Live 11-18-15, Alejandro Rojas for extra long news, with an exclusive announcement and more, then guest Cheryl Costa talks about reports of UFOs from way back as well as New York state hot spots by county,
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177. Cheryl Costa

Alejandro Rojas for extra long news, with an exclusive announcement and more, then guest Cheryl Costa talks about reports of UFOs from way back as well as New York state hot spots by county, her ongoing research and weekly blog: syracusenewtimes.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
11/19/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 22 seconds
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176. Marc D’Antonio

Recorded Live 11-11-15, on location at Marc D’Antonio’s FX-Models studio, Alejandro Rojas joins us for the latest UFO news, then Marc speaks about UFOTOG’s science based remote detection platters, MUFON photo/video cases and more.
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176. On Location Interview, Marc D'Antonio, MUFON Pic/Vid Analyst, Astronomy Talk

Live, on location at Marc D'Antonio's FX-Models studio, Alejandro Rojas joins us for the latest UFO news, then Marc speaks about UFOTOG's science based remote detection platters, MUFON photo/video cases and more. The second half of the show is all about astronomy questions and not UFO related.Become a supporter of this podcast:
11/11/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 41 seconds
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175. David M. Jacobs

Recorded Live 11-04-15, Alejandro Rojas joins with Ruben Uriarte for the latest UFO news, guest David Jacobs presents his new book after several years, and the reasons he wrote it. Check out his book, Walking Among Us. He later addresses controversy.
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175. David M. Jacobs, Ph.D

Alejandro Rojas joins with Ruben Uriarte for the latest UFO news, guest David Jacobs, PhD touches on his new book Walking Among Us, talks about the abduction field, commonalities and later addresses controversy, plus his thoughts on why abductions are happening, and a lot more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
11/5/20151 hour, 55 minutes, 23 seconds
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174. Kevin Randle

Alejandro Rojas with the latest UFO news, then guest Kevin Randle talks about Roswell, his early work, progression of the case, some embellishments of witnesses, disappointments as well as strong evidence that something big happened there on July 8th,
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173. Michael Shermer

First up, Mark Rodeghier & Leslie Kean discuss a (Very) Local SETI: The Launch of a New UFO Science and what this means for collecting new data, then Dr. Michael Shermer talks about his skeptical views on UFOs, and abductions and much more.
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173. Michael Shermer Debate on UFOs, Leslie Kean, Mark Rodeghier

First up, Mark Rodeghier & Leslie Kean discuss a (Very) Local SETI: The Launch of a New UFO Science ( and what this means for collecting new data, then Dr. Michael Shermer talks about his skeptical views on UFOs, and abductions and much more. Support the show to join in for hour two to hear him debate Roswell and the Phoenix Lights. Michael Shermer’s website: www.michaelshermer.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
10/21/20151 hour, 51 minutes, 49 seconds
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172. Norio Hayakawa & Simon Sharman

Alejandro with the UFO news, Guests Norio Hayakawa joins us for a half hour and Simon Sharman talks about his documentary, Cosmic Whistleblowers interviews with Roswell witnesses and more. Support the show for only $2 per month or more to listen to ful...
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172. Interviews with Norio Hayawaka & Simon Sharman UFOs and More!

Alejandro with the UFO news, Guests Norio Hayakawa joins us for a half hour and Simon Sharman talks about his documentary, Cosmic Whistleblowers interviews with Roswell witnesses and much more. You can support the show on our channel page! Thank you.Become a supporter of this podcast:
10/14/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 7 seconds
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171. Ron Felber

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO News, and guest Ron Felber talks about his recent book, Mojave Incident. If truths be told, a couple in 1989 had an amazing encounter. Support us for as little as $2 per month to hear the full show, including a dispute,
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171. Ron Felber, Mojave Incident, Lee Spiegel

You can support us by clicking "Channel". Alejandro Rojas with the UFO News, and guest Ron Felber talks about his recent book, Mojave Incident. If truths be told, a couple in 1989 had an amazing encounter. The second hour of the show becomes interesting because of a dispute from longtime researcher Ray Stanford, plus Lee Spiegel on Travis Walton’s upcoming SkyFire Summit, his own encounter and more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
10/7/20151 hour, 54 minutes, 35 seconds
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170. Dr John Alexander

Alejandro Rojas with the latest UFO news and guest John Alexander gives his opinion on the government and UFOs, plus speaks about a few cases, his background and more. Support the show to hear the second hour,
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170. Dr. John B. Alexander, Ex-Military, on UFOs, Roswell, Skinwalker Ranch

You can now support this channel here on YouTube! Alejandro Rojas with the latest UFO news and guest John Alexander gives his opinion on the government and UFOs, plus speaks about a few cases, his background and more. The second hour, hear his thoughts on Roswell and other paranormal things that he has observed, including his time as a researcher at the Skinwalker Ranch. Website: www.johnbalexander.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
9/30/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 25 seconds
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169. William Grabowski

Host Michael Lauck, author of The Grand Tournament discusses a variety of UFO and paranormal topics with guest, Bill Grabowski including his thoughts on Roswell and more. check out Bill’s latest book, Black Light: Perspectives on Mysterious Phenomena  ...
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168. Dr Erol Faruk & Clas Svahn

Two full hours free to all listeners. Dr Erol Faruk discusses how difficult it is to get science related to UFOs published in a scientific journal, the genesis of his book: The Compelling Scientific Evidence for UFOs: The Analysis of the Delphos,
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168. Dr Erol Faruk & Sweden's Clas Svahn on UFOs

Two full hours free to all listeners. Dr Erol Faruk discusses how difficult it is to get science related to UFOs published in a scientific journal, the genesis of his book: The Compelling Scientific Evidence for UFOs: The Analysis of the Delphos, Kansas UFO Landing Report . International Director for UFO-Sweden, Clas Svahn joins us in hour two for a fascinating show, discussing Ghost Rockets, preserving UFO history and much more. Check out: www.ufo.seBecome a supporter of this podcast:
9/16/20151 hour, 58 minutes, 2 seconds
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169. William Grabowski, UFOs, Paranormal and More

Host Michael Lauck, author of The Grand Tournament discusses a variety of UFO and paranormal topics with guest, Bill Grabowski including his thoughts on Roswell and more. check out Bill’s latest book, Black Light: Perspectives on Mysterious PhenomenaBecome a supporter of this podcast:
9/15/20151 hour, 58 minutes, 32 seconds
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167. Mark O’Connell

Two hour free show, Alejandro Rojas with the news, guest Mark O’Connell discusses his early interest in science fiction and UFOs, writing for Star Trek, being a Wisconsin MUFON field investigator and much more.
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166. Rey Hernandez

Alejandro Rojas with the news, and Rey Hernandez talks about FREE – Foundation for Research of Extraterrestrial Encounters ( He also talks about his own experiences and much more. Show Notes
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165. Don Ecker

Alejandro Rojas with the news, and veteran UFO researcher Don Ecker discusses his beginnings, plus the twists and turns he has observed in the UFO field and where it is today, UFO Mag and more.   Show Notes
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164. Nick Redfern

Alejandro with the UFO news, then Nick Redfern discusses the RH- factor when he talks about his book, Bloodline of the Gods and much more. Support the show to listen to hour two, we get deeply into the Men in Black topic and the relationship to UFOs an...
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163. Jon Kelly

Alejandro Rojas with the news, and Canadian Jon Kelly discusses some interesting insight on what he thinks UFO encounters are about, he also talks about his own experiences in the Pacific Northwest, and in Texas, check out: NewsInsideOut.
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162. Richard Sauder, PhD

Richard Sauder, PhD talks Underwater/Underground bases mostly.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/5/20151 hour, 53 minutes, 12 seconds
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161. Gerard Aartsen & Grant Cameron on UFOs, Experiencers and more

The first 50 minutes of the show is pre-recorded with Gerard Aartsen from Amsterdam, he is speaking about his book; Here to Help: UFOs and Space Brothers. He discusses the Contactees, his thoughts about them, and more. Grant Cameron comes on through hour two, he speaks about the experiencer's movement, presidents and UFOs and more. Information is at: http://podcastufo.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
7/29/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 31 seconds
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Alejandro Rojas with the news, and Erica Lukes, Utah MUFON director talks about her own sightings, what goes on in her state, and her new show coming up, The UFO Audit.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/15/20151 hour, 56 minutes, 14 seconds
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158. Israel Curiel

Our show is dedicated to the memory of Andy Fleming who contributed to our show. Alejandro Rojas with the news and guest Israel Curiel, of North Carolina MUFON talks about interesting cases, abductions and much more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/15/20151 hour, 56 minutes, 59 seconds
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157. Peter Davenport

Live show with Alejandro Rojas with the news and Peter Davenport inspires us with his great dedication and hard work single-handedly managing the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC). He further discusses interesting cases and much more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/1/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 2 seconds
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156. Interview with Ron James, UFO Filmmaker,

Alejandro with the latest UFO updates, and filmmaker Ron James speaks about his film career, Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, UFOs and more. In the second hour we hit a nerve with Ron when a listener asks why he does not provide free media when it comes to Disclosure. You can check out: Ivolvetv.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
6/24/20151 hour, 56 minutes, 55 seconds
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155. Interview with Ben Hansen on Kimmel UFO Analysis

Alejandro Rojas with the news, guest Fact of Faked, Ben Hansen talks about video analysis of both President Clinton, and Obama when speaking on the UFO subject, and a touching story of his grandfather's possible involvement with UFOs/Wright-Patterson in the military. Support the show and hear Ben speak about off topic experiences and amazing happenings while filming Fact or Faked. Ben's website is: Ben stays on for most of hour two, then listen to a few vintage UFO related recordings that Wendy Connors has preserved.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/17/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 56 seconds
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154. Interview with Jennifer Stein & Travis Walton

Alejandro Rojas with the news, and Guests Jennifer Stein on in the first hour and hour two Travis Walton talk about the new movie Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton, and hear him answer interesting questions.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/10/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 13 seconds
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152. Interview with Leslie Kean and CEFAA Jose Lay on Chilean UFOs

Alejandro Rojas with the news, and journalist & author Leslie Kean and Chilean International Affairs Director of CEFAA (on UFOs) Jose Lay joins us to speak about a recent story published of a Chilean encounter taken seriously.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/27/20151 hour, 54 minutes, 20 seconds
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151. Erich von Daniken interview, Barbara Harris on Contactees, Giant Rock

Alejandro Rojas with the news, Erich von Daniken joins (un-edited pre-recorded) to talk about his beginnings, his extensive travel and his concepts on ancient aliens. If you support our show, as you are listening to the paid hour free at hour two, with Barbara Harris on Giant Rock contactees of yesteryear and a caller who met them sets her straight near the end of the show.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/20/20151 hour, 56 minutes, 33 seconds
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150. Roswell Slide Research Group, Philip Mantle, Curt Collins & Kevin Randle

This show is dedicated to the recent Roswell Kodachrome "Alien" Slide release, starting out with a pre-recorded Philip Mantle of UFO Today , Curt Collins of Blue Blurry Lines comes up before hour two to speak for the "Roswell Slide" Research Group. In the bonus hour hear what Kevin Randle has to share of the latest events including his talk with Don Schmitt.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/13/20151 hour, 54 minutes, 26 seconds
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149. Maine UFO Group, Studio Round Robin

Alejandro Rojas weighs in on the “Roswell Alien” slide, and guests Audrey Starborn of Experiencer’s Speak, Dan Bru of Portland Maine UFO Group and Eric Mitchell join us for round robin, UFOs over Maine, abductions and more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/6/20151 hour, 1 minute, 24 seconds
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148. Astronaut Story Musgrave on UFOs and Peter Slattery

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO News, but first guest, Shuttle astronaut, Story Musgrave talks about his thoughts on UFOs, his experience deep in the government, and seeing no evidence of cover-ups. He believes there has to be interstellar travelers and shares other thoughts about us and the cosmos. Peter Slattery joins us through hour two to talk about his sightings and lots more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/29/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 52 seconds
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147. Interview with Ray Stanford, UFO Footage, Socorro and More!

Alejandro Rojas with the news, and Ray Stanford talks about various amazing UFO phenomena footage with various scientific implications that peaked Dr Leik Myrabo interest and may change space travel and more. Segment two with Ray talking about Socorro 51 years ago, plus the scientists interested in his findings and who the next guardian of his material could be.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/23/20151 hour, 3 minutes
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160. Ray Stanford, UFO Footage, Socorro and More!

Alejandro Rojas with the news, and Ray Stanford talks about various amazing UFO phenomena footage with various scientific implications that peaked Dr Leik Myrabo interest and may change space travel and more. Segment two with Ray talking about Socorro 51 years ago, plus the scientists interested in his findings and who the next guardian of his material could be.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/22/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 22 seconds
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146. David Marler Interview, Triangle UFOs and More!

Ryan Sprague fills in to talk about a FOIA request on the Tehran Incident, and David Marler joins us to talk about triangle UFOs, and more. In the second half, David talks about a major incident that occurred in January 5, 2000 nearby where he used to live, involving police officers and more. He later describes an upcoming project for preserving UFO documents. You can contact David at: [email protected] a supporter of this podcast:
4/14/20151 hour, 56 minutes, 46 seconds
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145. Interview with Dr Leo Sprinkle, Decades of UFO/Abduction Cases

Alejandro Rojas with the news, then guest Dr. Leo Sprinkle talks about his two sightings, his vast career and the thousands of cases he has looked into. You can support the show for as little as $1 per month ..... hour two, he talks about free energy, abductees, and J Allen Hynek and more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/8/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 32 seconds
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144. Terry Ray Interview, The Worldwide Invasion of Orange Orbs

Alejandro Rojas with the latest UFO news, guest Terry Ray talks about being an Air Force Pilot, his early childhood sighting, and his new book The Worldwide Invasion of Orange Orbs plus more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/1/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 29 seconds
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143. Chip Reichenthal on Paranormal & UFOs, Rob Mercer on Found Project Blue Book Files

Chip Reichenthal sits in with the news, and talks about his UFO sightings, paranormal work, quantum physics, ghosts and more! Hour TWO supporter's only with Rob Mercer on found Project Blue Book files, pictures, films and more bought off of Craigslist! Check out his website: a supporter of this podcast:
3/25/20151 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
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142.Thomas Wertman on MUFON

News with Alejandro Rojas, then Thomas Wertman on Ohio MUFON, and some interesting cases he investigated and more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
3/18/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 5 seconds
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141.Thom Reed

Thom Reed before the Netflix Unsolved Mysteries, makes the encounter all about himself and family, not talking about other witnessesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
3/16/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 41 seconds
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140.Linda Zimmermann on Hudson Valley UFOs/Abductions

Alejandro Rojas with the news, guest Linda Zimmermann speaks about her research and books in regards to the Hudson Valley and UFOs, possibly America's number one hotspot. Linda also talks about triangle UFOs and ground emanating UFOs at Pine Bush.Become a supporter of this podcast:
3/15/20151 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds
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139. Lori Hines & Stephen Bassett

Alejandro Rojas on UFO Congress event, guest Lori Hines talks about Native American culture and star children, hour two: Stephen Bassett joining us to talk about disclosure and more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
2/25/201555 minutes, 6 seconds
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137. Robert Davis, PhD

UFO news with Alejandro Rojas, then guest Robert Davis, PhD speaks about his book, The UFO Phenomenon, Should I believe? If you question why the subject of UFOs should be taken seriously, Robert suggests why in his book and on the show.Become a supporter of this podcast:
2/11/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 15 seconds
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135 Sam Maranto

Alejandro Rojas with the latest, then guest Sam Maranto talks about cases he has investigated.Become a supporter of this podcast:
1/28/20151 hour, 1 minute, 51 seconds
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134. Angel Espinio

Alejandro Rojas with the latest on UFOS, and experiencer Christina joins us for hour one to talk about the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters, her own experiences, and what challenges there are for future research. By supporting the show for as little as $1 per month, you can listen to the full show, with hour two, Angel Espino, and his take of UFOs, hoaxers and more.Become a supporter of this podcast:
1/25/20151 hour, 57 minutes, 24 seconds
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133. Mark Schwartz

Alejandro Rojas with the latest in UFO news, then Mark Schwartz speaks about his project, Truth Funders, Jonas Petchonka joins the show to talk about his book on called, OMG, UFOs! geared toward the younger audience in the second hour of the full show, hour two Rick Friar joins us, author of The Keepers.Become a supporter of this podcast:
1/14/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 26 seconds
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131. New Year's Eve Show with Alejandro Rojas. 2014 in Review

Alejandro Rojas and Martin recap 2014, and get a little side-tracked. Later we have British amateur astronomer Andy Fleming, and clips of best of 2014. Happy New Year everyone!Become a supporter of this podcast:
1/1/201557 minutes, 31 seconds
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130. Frank Feschino, FLATWOODS MONSTER

Alejandro with the news, and Frank Feschino, Jr joins us for Christmas Eve with the Flatwoods Monster, Frank discusses the 1952 UFO Flap, Air Force shoot downs, the Flatwoods Monster and what followed.Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/24/20141 hour, 2 minutes, 57 seconds
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129 Robert Salas

Alejandro Rojas with the news and guest Robert Salas talks about what it was like when a glowing red UFO took down nukes in 1967 and His personal abduction experience.Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/17/20141 hour, 4 minutes, 48 seconds
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128. Col. Charles Halt & John Burroughs

Alejandro Rojas with the news, and at first technical trouble reaching Col. Charles Halt, John Burroughs talks about Rendlesham Forest Incident, missing records and more. Great hashing it out and dialog between the two. Hopefully there will be a private Rendlesham Summit so they can iron this whole thing out.Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/10/20141 hour, 53 minutes, 8 seconds
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127. Linda Moulton Howe

Alejandro Rojas with the UFO News Update, actor/writer/producer Richard Cutting, of Milgram & The Fastwalkers talks about Season II and guest Linda Moulton Howe talks about her roots, and what it was like in the early days of mutilation investigations, and why she produced Alien Harvest.Become a supporter of this podcast:
12/3/20141 hour, 55 minutes, 18 seconds
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136. Jesse Marcell III

Andy Fleming about our magnetosphere and guest Jesse Marcel, III talks about his father's and grandfather's involvement with the Roswell Crash, and how it changed all of their lives as well as what Roswell means today.Become a supporter of this podcast:
3/26/20141 hour, 1 minute, 10 seconds
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132. Dr Ardy Sixkiller Clarke

Alejandro Rojas with the news, and Dr Ardy Sixkiller Clarke talks about her new book, Sky People, Untold Stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica, and stories of encounters with Native Americans.Become a supporter of this podcast:
1/17/20141 hour, 6 minutes, 21 seconds