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English, Religion, 1 season, 405 episodes, 21 hours, 29 minutes
To support this ministry financially, visit: PowerPoint Ministries is the radio and television broadcast ministry of Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church a nearly 37,000-member church with three campuses in the Dallas and North Texas region. Through PowerPoint Ministries, Dr. Graham offers practical, biblical steps on how to tap into God's power for successful Christian living.
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The Great Race - Part 2

In today’s message on PowerPoint, hear from Pastor Jack Graham as he explores the Great Race we are running as believers and followers of Christ. We want to pace ourselves, run the race well, and most importantly, never give up. Ultimately, we want to finish well. Join us for this motivational message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/20/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Great Race

It is sad to see that so many believers begin the Christian life but they do not run well nor do they finish well. But in this great race, we are called to be participators not spectators. We are to run and run well for the reward. Join us for this challenging and relevant message The Great Race. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/19/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Rock - Part 2

Join us on PowerPoint today as we continue the story of Simon Peter. Jesus knew that if He captured this simple fisherman’s heart, he would be changed forever and he would change the world forever. Jesus sees that same greatness in us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/18/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Rock

In this first part of the message, The Rock, Pastor Jack Graham focuses on a common man whom Jesus transforms into an uncommon man: Simon Peter. Simon was a simple fisherman, but Jesus saw greatness in him and named him Peter, meaning the rock. Listen to this powerful story. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/17/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The One Thing Necessary - Part 2

Tune in today for the second part of The One Thing Necessary. Pastor Jack Graham implores us to slow down, to be still, to sit at the feet of Jesus, to turn our attention to Him, and let the unnecessary fall by the wayside. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/16/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The One Thing Necessary

If you want to live an abundant life if you want your life to be filled with peace, balance, strength and enthusiasm for every day ... you need to learn one necessary thing: How to live in the power and presence of Jesus and the peace that He gives. Listen to PowerPoint today for this important and challenging message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/13/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jericho Road - Part 2

In this journey of life, we will all find ourselves down roads to Jericho, and we find ourselves confronted with opportunities to show and to share the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Join us on PowerPoint today for the second part of the relevant message titled Jericho Road. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/12/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jericho Road

Today, Pastor Jack Graham brings the first part of a powerful message focused on the story of a man who became the platform for Jesus telling one of the most tender and heartwarming stories of all time. Join us for Jericho Road. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/11/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Prayer that Prevails

The Lord invites us to come to Him in prayer about anything and everything in our lives and He’s given us powerful examples of answered prayers in the lives of His children. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham shares the three conditions we must meet in order to ask, receive, and prevail in prayer. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/10/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Life According to Jesus

Continuing a look at the book of 1 John, Pastor Jack Graham brings a powerful message today on the apostle John who was transformed by the love of Christ and radically changed. His primary purpose was to share the life of Jesus Christ not only physical but eternal and spiritual life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/9/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Winning Life's Battles

As we consider our lives as believers in Christ, Pastor Jack Graham teaches we must look to the crucial, essential matter of spiritual warfare. We have a spiritual enemy, and we are engaged in a spiritual battle, and the stakes are high. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/6/202428 minutes, 45 seconds
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Who's Your Daddy?

In continuing the series, Winning Life’s Battles, Pastor Jack Graham looks again to 1 John, teaching that it’s critical we know our spiritual daddy. Do you know if you are truly a child of God? To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/5/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Are You Ready for His Return?

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins the series Winning Life’s Battles. He teaches that as believers, we don’t have to wring our hands and worry, but rather we can rest confidently and securely in the fact that Jesus is coming again. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/4/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Battle of the Gods

We’re in a battle for our culture. It’s a battle for our families and our faith. Join Pastor Jack Graham for today’s PowerPoint as he brings a message encouraging us all, old and young alike, to take a stand for Christ in every area of our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/3/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Woman Who Saved a Nation

Each one of us was created by God for a cause. Join us for today’s PowerPoint with Pastor Jack Graham as he shares the powerful story of Esther, encouraging us all to find the purpose and the plan that God has for our lives To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/2/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Sampson: A Flawed Champion

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message of God’s grace to forgive even in spite of our greatest weaknesses as he tells of the rise and fall of Samson. It’s a message of hope and grace for all, but especially those who are bound and defeated by sin. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/30/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Person God Uses

Who will God use? On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham shares the story of Gideon, revealing that God uses unexpected people in unexpected places, and, like Gideon, sees you not for who you are, but what you can become. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/29/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Shout to the Lord

What is your Jericho? We all have walls that stand between us and the blessings that God has for us. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham continues the series Epic Adventures, bringing a message from the life of Joshua, encouraging us to call on the Lord to bring down the walls that separate us from Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/28/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Live Your Dream

God has given each of us a purpose for living our God-given dream. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings a message of inspiration for all who seek to pursue that purpose and live the dream God has for our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/27/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Learning to Lean

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us of the value of being alone with God. Like Jacob, we, too, can find God in our darkest times of struggle and learn to lean on Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/26/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Pastor Jack Graham begins a new series today called Epic Adventures with a look at the life of Noah. In the midst of great depravity and darkness, Noah discovered grace and became an unsinkable, unshakable hero of the faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/23/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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We live in an increasingly violent, fallen world with senseless tragedies occurring every day. So the first question that comes to mind is Why? There are unanswerable questions this side of heaven, Pastor Jack Graham teaches, but we overcome evil with good because the greatest good is God Himself! To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/22/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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When Dreams Turn Into Nightmares

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham looks to the story and Joseph and brings a message relevant for all of us When Dreams Turn to Nightmares. He teaches that what we see in the life of Joseph is a beautiful illustration that no matter what we are going through, God is working constructively and creatively to bring about His purpose and divine destiny in our life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/21/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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When Life Isn't Fair

Continuing a study in the book of Genesis, Pastor Jack Graham looks to Joseph for the message When Life Isn’t Fair. What we do when life isn’t fair is grow and develop into the person God wants us to be, with the right attitude and acceptance and affirmation that God is God, and He loves us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/20/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Blessing

Pastor Jack Graham continues a study in Genesis, and he teaches that the idea of The Blessing goes all the way back to the beginning. He reminds us that Abraham was called out by God and blessed by God, and in the blessing, he received all the benefits and bounty of the hand of God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/19/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Leaving a Legacy or Losing a Legacy

Pastor Jack Graham has been studying the life of Joseph in his message series Advancing through Adversity. In his message today, he teaches that the material things we leave behind are immaterial to the lasting legacy that we live and leave. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/16/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Legacy that Lives

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham continues the powerful series looking at the life of Joseph. He teaches that the legacy of faith began in eternity past and in creation continues to our day; and we see it modeled in the life and legacy of Joseph. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/15/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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God's Way to Success

As we continue the Advancing through Adversity series, Pastor Jack Graham brings the message God’s Way to Success. Success God’s way is the only way to live, Pastor Graham teaches as he continues the story of Joseph. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/14/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Advancing Through Adversity

In his message Advancing through Adversity, Pastor Jack Graham continues a study on the life of Joseph, who was born a favorite son yet suffered at the hands of his envious brothers and many others. Pastor Graham teaches that Joseph is the classic example of someone who responded with faithfulness to God and his convictions in spite of the circumstances in his life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/13/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Staying Strong, Standing Tall

Continuing in the series Advancing through Adversity, Pastor Jack Graham looks to the story of Joseph and how the providence of God was working in response to his obedience. In all the seasons of Joseph’s life in the good and bad days and when his dreams turned to nightmares God was with him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/12/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Keeping the Dreams Alive

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins a relevant series for us all in these days titled Advancing through Adversity. Pastor Graham brings the message Keeping the Dreams Alive on Joseph and the series of tests in his life that could not destroy is dreams or his character. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/9/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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All In, All the Way

Pastor Jack Graham concludes the powerful series All In The Family, teaching that we must be all in when it comes to raising families. He teaches that the most valuable legacy we can leave to our children is an unshakable faith in God that continues from generation to generation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/8/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Fight for Your Family

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham looks back into the history of Israel and compares it with the world today, when Christians face hatred for obeying God’s Word. Pastor Graham refers to the message as a rally cry to fight for your family. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/7/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Generation Next

With his message, Generation Next, Pastor Jack Graham looks to Ephesians 6, which provides very simple and direct counsel as to how to accomplish the goal of launching our kids to the next generation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/6/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Celebrating the Family

Looking to Psalm 128, an ascension psalm, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message titled Celebrating the Family, teaching about the blessings God pours out on families that are faithful to Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/5/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Leader, Lover, Defender and Friend

Pastor Jack Graham continues with the seven-part series All In The Family today focusing on the role and responsibility of the man as a husband and father, and the importance of putting God first in life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/2/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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All for One and One for All

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham discusses God’s plan for marriage, a divine and unbreakable covenant between husband and wife that forms the firm foundation of family life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/1/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Lasting Love

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins a dynamic, seven-part series titled All In the Family, starting with the way God’s abiding love for us demonstrates how we are to love one another. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/31/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Network Connections

Pastor Jack Graham concludes his series Smart Homes, Wise Families today with a look at cultural efforts to change the definition of family. It’s a call to Christians to unite in an effort to change our homes and our communities for Jesus Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/30/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Wireless Audio

Along with the incredible gift of communication, God has given us the knowledge that our words can either strengthen and soothe or destroy and devour. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us of the importance of speaking words of God’s goodness and grace to the ones we love. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/29/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Surveillance and Security

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a powerful message about the security of the family and the cost and consequences of consuming alcohol. Guarding the lives of family members from the dangers of alcohol is just as critical as any other safety measure. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/26/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Financial Firewalls

So often in our families, problems arise between husbands and wives and parents and children over the issue of money. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham offers teaching from Proverbs 3 designed to help us apply God’s wisdom in all aspects of our finances with his message Financial Firewalls. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/25/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Text Parenting

Today Pastor Jack Graham brings an encouraging and powerful message for parents on the long road of training up their children. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as he reminds us that everything we’ll need to know along the way can be found in the rich text of Scripture. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/24/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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High-Definition Living

With words for wise families in the making, Pastor Jack Graham begins the series Smart Homes, Wise Families, bringing a message of encouragement for those seeking to pass the baton of faith to the next generation of believers. In his message High-Definition Living, he reminds us that true wisdom is seeing things from God’s perspective. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/23/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Homeland Security

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham concludes his series Life Together, with a battle plan from Ephesians 6:10-13 for all who would protect those they love from the Enemy. It’s a message for the long road of raising strong families of faith called Homeland Security. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/22/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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It Takes a Church

Pastor Jack Graham continues his series Life Together with a compelling message on the role church should play in the life of your family and in the lives of all believers. Join us today and learn why It Takes a Church. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/19/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Training Days

Christian homes don’t just happen. It takes dedication and effort and love to train a child. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham offers guidance and encouragement for the challenging task of parenthood with his message Training Days. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/18/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Happy Wife, Happy Life

In a powerful message focusing on Scripture that is often misconstrued by our culture, Pastor Jack Graham teaches on the true meaning of submission in this context. In the message Happy Wife, Happy Life, he directs men to love their wives as God loves His Church. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/17/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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When a Man Loves a Woman

Modern culture offers many ideas regarding what a man should be, but Scripture is clear on what it takes for a man to provide the Godly leadership and love that his wife and family needs. It’s the love that binds them together and it’s the topic of Pastor Jack Graham’s message When a Man Loves a Woman. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/16/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Essentials for Healthy Relationships

All you need is love! The lyric might actually be true, but with a message preached from 1 Corinthians 13, Pastor Jack Graham looks at the many ways God gives us to express the love that is vital to our most important relationships. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/15/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Model Family

There are no perfect families, no perfect children and no perfect parents. There is however a plan for your family, it’s God’s plan and it begins with the two shall become one. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins a new series, Life Together, with God’s perfect plan for your marriage and family in his message titled Model Family. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/12/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Fathers that Rock

The foundation of your family will determine its future. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham talks about what it takes to build a family equipped to weather the storms of life. It’s a challenging and encouraging message for all parents titled Fathers that Rock. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/11/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Homeland Security

The concept of a spiritually grounded and strong, moral culture begins in our homes, which God has established as the bedrock of our society. Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham offers parents encouragement and guidance to raise the next great generation with a message titled Homeland Security. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/10/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Moral Clarity in the Sexual Culture

Pastor Jack Graham has a strong message for parents raising kids in a society that seems to have forgotten how to blush. Learn how to find and teach Moral Clarity in the Sexual Culture on today’s PowerPoint. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/9/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Raising Eagles

It’s true that we can’t protect our children from every trial; we can, however, teach them to soar above the storms. We can challenge and equip them to rise above the culture and be eagles in this generation. Pastor Jack Graham brings a powerful message from Isaiah 40:31, titled Raising Eagles, on today’s PowerPoint. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/8/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Uncommon Calling

Have you ever heard it said that children should come with instruction manuals? They do! We’ve been given the greatest textbook on parenting the world has ever known and it’s the Word of God. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins a new series on raising godly young men and women called Courageous Parenting. Join us for a powerful message titled Uncommon Calling. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/5/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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What the Bible Teaches About Socialism and Capitalism

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham tackles a topic that is incredibly relevant in the culture we are currently experiencing in America. Pastor Graham looks to various areas of Scripture as he unpacks What the Bible Teaches about Socialism and Capitalism. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/4/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Hope for Broken Lives

With so much brokenness and hurt and heartache in the world, we must wonder is there hope? In his powerful message Hope for Broken Lives, Pastor Jack Graham looks to Jeremiah 18:1-10, a living illustration at the potter’s house. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/3/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Can You Trust the Bible?

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham shares not only how we know we can trust the Bible, but why it’s vital that we do. Pastor Graham brings a timely message encouraging and affirming us as we trust the Bible in all matters of our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/2/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Choosing Success Over Failure

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham concludes the second part of the series, Choices, taken from the book of Proverbs, which is God’s way to success through wisdom. In the message Choosing Success Over Failure, Pastor Graham teaches that when we choose God’s way, or God's wisdom, we always choose success over failure. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/1/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Choosing Action Over Apathy

As we wind down the series Choices, Pastor Jack Graham takes us to the 29th chapter of Proverbs for the message Choosing Action Over Apathy. He points out three virtues that help us move from mediocrity to greatness, from apathy to action. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/28/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Choosing Faith Over Doubt

As we continue the series focusing on the godly choices that guide us in life, Pastor Jack Graham takes a look at Choosing Faith Over Doubt. Pastor Graham tells us that we all deal with doubt at some point or another. But a good way to get rid of doubt is to fortify our faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/27/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Choosing Courage Over Fear

Pastor Jack Graham continues looking at some of the most important choices we make in life in the series titled Choices. Today he leads us in the message Choosing Courage Over Fear, saying that courage is one of the most valued of all virtues as we seek to find courage to stand with hearts abandoned and lives given over to Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/26/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Choosing Joy Over Sadness

On PowerPoint today, Pastor Jack Graham begins the second part of the series from the book of Proverbs titled Choices. With the message Choosing Joy Over Sadness, Pastor Graham teaches that Proverbs provides wonderful guidance as to how we are to skillfully and wisely make our way through life, and to do it joyfully. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/25/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Love Over Lust

Today we conclude Part 1 of the Choices series with a message from the fifth chapter of Proverbs titled Love Over Lust. Pastor Jack Graham teaches that concerning choices, we are just one careless, carnal choice away from wrecking our life because lust is everything love isn’t. It’s selfish and one-dimensional and temporary. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/24/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Forgiveness Over Bitterness

As he continues the series titled Choices, Pastor Jack Graham brings a powerful message relevant to us all, Forgiveness Over Bitterness. Forgiveness is at the core of the Christian faith and life. When we realize how we have been forgiven, we should choose to live a life of forgiving others. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/21/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Wisdom Over Foolishness

Pastor Jack Graham teaches from his Choices series focusing today on Wisdom Over Foolishness. The Bible talks about the foolishness of the world, he says. The wisdom of the world is foolishness, but the wisdom of God is righteousness. We can have knowledge but if we don’t know the wisdom of God, we don’t know anything yet. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/20/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Service over Selfishness

Continuing the series, Choices, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that choices are vital not only for the direction of our lives but for our ultimate destination. In the message Service Over Selfishness, Pastor Graham teaches that we learn to choose service over self knowing that we can’t change the world, but we can serve somebody and help make a difference To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/19/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Giving Over Greed

As we continue the Choices series on today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings the message Giving Over Greed. Blessings are given so that we would bless others, he teaches. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/18/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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His Way Over My Way

In the new series Choices, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from the wisdom found in Proverbs that is real and relevant to us all. Life is a series of choices that determine our destiny, he teaches, and one that we must make every day is to choose His Way Over My Way. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/17/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Father's Faith

Today, Pastor Jack Graham looks at a powerful story of faith, when a desperate father finds that only Jesus can save the life of his cherished son, and in doing so, save the father, too. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/14/202428 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Commission to Marketplace Evangelism

Join us today for the conclusion of the series, Men of Honor, as Pastor Jack Graham focuses on God’s command to step out of our comfort zone and share the message of salvation with a desperate world. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/13/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Connection to Ministry Involvement

Today, Pastor Jack Graham continues the series, Men of Honor, with the words of John the Apostle and the blessing of God’s forgiveness, which cleanses us from all unrighteousness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/12/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Covenant to Marriage and Family

Join us today on PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham examines the marriage bond as God created it, a holy, heavenly covenant between a man and a woman, and far stronger than any earthly contract. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/11/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Call to Moral Purity

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham continues his series, Men of Honor, with a powerful message that will teach you how to battle the temptations of the flesh with the eternal truth of God’s Word. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/10/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Commitment to Maximum Discipleship

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham revisits one of his most popular series, Men of Honor. But all of us, men and women, are called to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/7/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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With his powerful message titled, Connect, Pastor Jack Graham looks to the early church in the book of Acts to show us who we are as believers and what we’re to do as the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/6/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Freedom of Forgiveness

There is, of course, great freedom in the forgiveness we receive from Jesus. And while we find that freedom from our own sin and guilt and shame, there is also great freedom to be found when we let go of the bitterness we hold on to when we fail to forgive others as Christ has forgiven us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/5/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Giving God Your Best

As we continue the series Giving God Your Best, Pastor Jack Graham brings a challenging message by the same title. Are we truly giving God our best? Are we excelling in our giving? Just as Jesus did with His disciples, He is challenging and encouraging and teaching us about the motivation and ministry of giving. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/4/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Life in the Word

As Christ followers, we believe the Bible is God’s infallible and eternal Word. Pastor Jack Graham challenges us today to be systematic and faithful in the reading, studying, hearing, applying, and sharing of God’s Word. In knowing God’s Word, he says, we know the God of the Word. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/3/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Where Does God Live?

Today on PowerPoint, we kick off a new four-part series, Giving God Your Best. Pastor Jack Graham answers the question: Where Does God Live? Although we all know that God exists everywhere; His presence is everywhere. But we also must understand that God manifests His presence and communicates His presence in the praises of His people. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/31/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Power of Your Words

Join us for the conclusion of the series, The Power of Your Words, as Pastor Graham brings a powerful message regarding your future, your family, and your faith, and the power to bless and be blessed. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/30/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Loving Life

Today, Pastor Jack Graham continues his study of 1 Peter and The Power of Words with a straight-forward, no-nonsense lesson for every believer who suffers for Righteousness’ Sake. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/29/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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When a Man Loves a Woman

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins a three-day series unpacking scripture in 1 Peter in The Power of Your Words, and God’s plans for the women and men who love Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/28/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Life Well Lived

Pastor Jack Graham wraps up the series Heart of a Champion, with the message, A Life Well Lived. It is the end of David’s story, the shepherd boy who became the great shepherd of God’s people. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/27/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Finding Forgiveness

You can’t look at the life of David without talking about his great sin with Bathsheba and all its consequences. Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham looks at Finding Forgiveness and the incredible mercy of God, who forgives our transgressions. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/24/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Victory Over Self

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham continues his series, Heart of a Champion, by comparing the corrupt King Saul, and David, the shepherd boy, who would become king and serve as God’s man in leading Israel. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/23/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Gift of Friendship

In his message, The Gift of Friendship, Pastor Jack Graham continues his study of the life of David and his unbreakable friendship with Jonathan, the son of David’s most dangerous enemy, King Saul. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/22/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Facing Your Giants

As he continues his series, Heart of a Champion, on the life of David, Pastor Jack Graham examines the core convictions and values of great leaders such as David, who killed the giant Goliath but was overlooked by his own family. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/21/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Heart for God

This week on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham kicks off the six-message series, Heart of a Champion looking at the life of David. In today’s message, Pastor Graham teaches about this shepherd boy’s heart for God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/20/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Desert Storm

Today, Pastor Jack Graham closes out the series His Story, Your Story, with the epic battle in the wilderness between Our Lord and Satan. As believers, Pastor Graham teaches, we are commissioned by Jesus our Commander-in-Chief to fight the good fight of faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/17/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Rich Man - Poor Man

n the message, Rich Man, Poor Man, Pastor Jack Graham continues delving into the powerful encounters Jesus had with people in the New Testament. Today he brings the story of the rich young ruler who had it all; met Jesus; but refused to pay the cost of following Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/16/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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He Knows My Name

Pastor Jack Graham continues His Story, Your Story, examining the stories of people whose lives were transformed after a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. As he focuses on the story of Zacchaeus, Pastor Graham reminds us that this is also our story because we are to share in the life of Jesus. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/15/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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As Pastor Jack Graham noted yesterday during this series, His Story, Your Story, we will learn more and more about Jesus each time He comes face to face with someone. Today’s message, Unshackled, looks at one of the most radical transformations in history a man possessed by demons but delivered by the power of Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/14/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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At the End of the Broken Road

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins the powerful series, His Story, Your Story, exploring the stories of various people Jesus encountered. In the message, At the End of the Broken Road, Pastor Graham brings to life the story of the woman at the well. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/13/202428 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Woman's Choice

The Bible is filled with stories of great women, and as we approach Mother’s Day, today we focus on the powerful story of Esther. This is the story of a woman of faith whose choice to follow God and live in obedience to Him literally changed the world. Join Pastor Jack Graham for this special message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/10/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Godly Woman

Today’s message on PowerPoint speaks to the priceless, valued woman. She is more valuable than rubiesthis godly wife and godly mother and godly woman who devotes herself to Christ, His Church and to the family of faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/9/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Leader in Your Lap

The children that you hold in your lap are all potential influencers and leaders for the Lord in this generation and those to come. Moms and dads, have you considered the vital role you share in developing and shaping that child you hold today? Learn more in today’s message on PowerPoint. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/8/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Wise Woman

In Proverbs Chapter 31, we have not only a model for every woman, but we also have counsel for every man when you consider your wife, your mother the women in your life who have made an incredible impact. Tune in for this timely message as we approach Mother’s Day. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/7/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Making Disciples

Today on PowerPoint, we conclude the Distinctives for Disciples series, focusing on what we believe as Christians why we believe it and how we live out what we believe. Join us for a special message Making Disciples. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/6/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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God's Amazing People

As he winds down the Distinctives for Disciples series examining the core beliefs of Christians and what it means to follow Jesus, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message about the beauty of God’s people gathered to praise, pray, and worship Him. When functioning properly, Pastor Graham teaches, the Jesus-loving, Bible-committed, Spirit-filled Church changes the world. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/3/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Power of Faith

Continuing the Distinctives for Disciples series on what we believe and why we believe it, Pastor Jack Graham addresses another topic vital to Christian living. Pastor Graham teaches that you cannot speak of Christian living apart from faith what has been referred to as the golden key that unlocks all the provision and promises of God in our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/2/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Pray the Jesus Way

Prayer is the most basic of religious practices, Pastor Jack Graham teaches in his message How to Pray the Jesus Way. Pastor Graham looks to Matthew 6 to share how Jesus taught us to pray through sincere prayers, simple prayers, short prayers, secret prayers and scriptural prayers. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/1/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Spirit-Filled Living

With the message Spirit-Filled Living, Pastor Jack Graham brings a second part of a look at the Holy Spirit through the Distinctives for Disciples series. Pastor Graham teaches that the key to abundant life, to victorious life, is to know the Holy Spirit. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/30/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Holy Spirit and You

We’re continuing the powerful series Distinctives for Disciples today as Pastor Jack Graham brings a message about the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. In order to do the will of God, to obey His command to live a Christ-like life, we are given God’s Spirit the Holy Spirit. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/29/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Saved, Certain and Secure

As he continues the series on the basics of Christian faith, Distinctives for Disciples, Pastor Jack Graham brings a comforting message on assurances we have as believers. Because of what Christ has done for us, we live with this blessed assurance that our sins are forgiven, and we have eternal life we can never lose. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/26/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Next Steps

Pastor Jack Graham continues his Distinctives for Disciples series on what it means to follow Jesus step by step. Today Pastor Graham brings a message for new believers to take to heart and for mature believers to share as they disciple others on what the vital steps are to take after having put your faith in Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/25/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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What is a Christian?

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham kicks off a powerful new series Distinctives for Disciples, looking at the blueprint for Christian living. Pastor Graham focuses on what we believe as Christians why we believe it and how we live out what we believe. Today we go back to the basics to learn what it means to be a Christian. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/24/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Truth About Trials

In this series, The Truth About , Pastor Jack Graham has taught us much about so many questions we have in everyday life as Christians. Today, he closes this series speaking to us about trials. We will all face trials in life, but it’s how we deal with them as believers that is critical. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/23/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Truth About Failure

Join us on PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham continues the challenging new series titled The Truth About On the program today, Pastor Graham brings a message that we can all relate to at one time or another, The Truth About Failure. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/22/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Truth About Faith Part 2

Thank you for joining us today for the second part of the powerful message titled The Truth About Faith. Pastor Jack Graham continues the message looking at the demand for faith, the dynamics of faith and the development of faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/19/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Truth About Faith

If you believe, all things are possible according to Jesus, Pastor Jack Graham tells us today in the first part of the message The Truth About Faith. Anything is possible according to Jesus when we live by faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/18/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Truth About Temptation Part 2

Join us today for the second part of the message The Truth About Temptation. When tempted, Pastor Jack Graham says, you can try to fight it on your own or you can triumph over sin and temptation in the power of Jesus Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/17/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Truth About Temptation

On PowerPoint today, we are continuing the series titled The Truth About with a message from Pastor Jack Graham that speaks so clearly and relevantly to everyone. Join us for the first part of the message The Truth About Temptation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/16/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Truth About Influence

Thank you for joining us on PowerPoint as we kick off a challenging new series titled The Truth About this week. In today’s message, Pastor Jack Graham talks to us about the truth regarding our spiritual influence. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/15/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Enduring Faith

While God doesn’t always give us the faith to escape our circumstance, He always gives us the faith and the strength to endure when we call upon Him. Join us for today’s PowerPoint and Pastor Jack Graham’s powerful message of hope, Enduring Faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/12/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Comeback Faith

It’s certainly God’s desire that we never throw away the benefits of the blessings He gives, but on today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham shares the story of Samson. In his message Comeback Faith, he reminds us that our God is the God of the fallen, the broken and beaten down, and He longs for us to pray the prayer Samson prayed, Lord, remember me. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/11/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Valiant Faith

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us that because of Christ we don’t fight for victory, we fight from victory. When we face battles, we know that our ultimate victory was won when the Lord cried out, It is finished! To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/10/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Struggling Faith

As we live and learn through the trials we face, we can learn from the heroes of Scripture that victory is found in the struggle. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings his message, Struggling Faith, based on the life of Jacob. In it, we see a man who arrived at a place of great faith through the struggle and brokenness of life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/9/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Triumphant Faith

While we as believers are to be living in the fullness of God’s promises, our lives will not be without battles. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham preaches a message encouraging the Triumphant Faith we need to face those battles. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/8/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Decisive Faith

It’s been said that, in life, we make our choices and then our choices make us. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings a powerful message on the most important choice we make, the decision to follow Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/5/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Expectant Faith

As Pastor Jack Graham teaches on today’s PowerPoint, our lives will move in the direction of our faith, and while we might not always know what’s happening, we can know that God is at work and that with Him, as Scripture says in Matthew 19:26, all things are possible. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/4/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Eternal Security of the Gospel

Pastor Jack Graham closes out The Gospel of God series today with a powerful message for every believer The Eternal Security of the Gospel. Pastor Graham teaches that the only thing better than knowing we have eternal life as Christians is knowing that we can never lose it. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/3/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Gospel and the Last Days

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham nears the end of The Gospel of God series with a powerful message The Gospel and the Last Days. Because of Jesus, we are more than conquerors and proclaim victory in Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/2/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Continuing The Gospel of God series, Pastor Jack Graham teaches about the life transformed by the power of God in Jesus. As believers, our lives have been transformed for eternity. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/1/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Love So Amazing

Teaching about God’s marvelous, wonderful and incomprehensible grace, Pastor Jack Graham tells us this grace is God’s favor beyond measure. And to truly see the grace of God, he teaches we must look to Jesus and the Cross and feel the power of His Resurrection and know that there is life in Christ! To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/29/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Gospel of Isaiah

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a study on one of the greatest chapters in the Bible Isaiah 53. What we see in this chapter, Pastor Graham teaches, is known as a messianic prophecy, and it is of invaluable importance to us because it points to Jesus as the Messiah who He is and what He came to do! To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/28/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Drama of Redemption

In this Gospel of God series, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that from the very first messages we see the Gospel began in the infinite heart and wisdom of God before time began. This promise of Good News moved from Adam and Eve, where even in their sin, God gave them a promise of a Deliverer the first Gospel. And then moves throughout the pages of the Scripture, where we see this unfolding story of salvation the story of God’s redemption. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/27/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The First Gospel

For his message today, Pastor Jack Graham looks to Genesis 3, what he calls The First Gospel. Without this pivotal passage of Scripture the fall of man in the Garden of Eden we wouldn’t understand the rest of the Bible, he teaches. There would be a major piece missing because this is the foundation of everything that follows. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/26/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Supremacy of the Gospel

As he begins a study on the Gospel, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that it is God’s Gospel that we see in the pages of His Word. Throughout the Scriptures, in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, this Gospel flows like a red river of redemption. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/25/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Man Up

With a special word to men today, Pastor Jack Graham examines the servant leadership it takes to truly shepherd a family in today’s culture, offering them the encouragement they need to accomplish the task spiritually, physically and emotionally. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/22/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Is the Church Relevant?

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham encourages us to take a look at the Church as Jesus designed it and desires it to be. While many may judge its relevancy based on the inevitable shortcomings of the human beings inside, we look to Jesus who, as Pastor Graham reminds us, never worried about what the world had to say about Him or His Church. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/21/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Eternal Word of God

God loves you so much that He wants you to know Him and experience life in all of its fullness. In His Word, He has given us everything we need to discover and develop a relationship with Him. In it, we also find what we believe and why we believe it, as well as the tools we need to pass our faith on to the generations who will come behind us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/20/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Going the Distance

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a strong message on the value of commitment. What does it really mean to commit to the purpose of God’s design and how do we find the strength to do it? Join us for today’s message, Going the Distance. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/19/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Passing the Torch

Just as parents train up their children, the church has a responsibility to train up the next generation of believers. Join us for today’s PowerPoint, as Pastor Jack Graham brings a message encouraging us to be mindful of the many ways in which we are Passing the Torch of our faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/18/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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When we see the world around us, it might seem that evil is moving like an unrestrainable force, but as Pastor Jack Graham reminds us in today’s PowerPoint message, we are not powerless in the midst of it. As the Church we have been given something far more powerful than the world around us; we’ve been given His unstoppable Spirit. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/15/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Savior of the World

In his message today, Pastor Jack Graham focuses on Joseph, the most Christlike personality in the Old Testament. The story of Joseph is a powerful illustration of the story of Jesus the Savior of the world. Just as Joseph was a beloved son, Jesus is THE beloved Son. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/14/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Gift of Forgiveness

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a powerful message for us all on The Gift of Forgiveness. We have reconciliation and redemption in Christ because God became a man in the person of Jesus, and we can be forgiven of every sin. What a gift! To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/13/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Success God's Way

What is success? Society has very clear answers: money, fame, etc. But in today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham unpacks the meaning of Success God’s Way found in discovering God’s dream for your life, God’s purpose and plan for your life, and then following that dream all the days of your life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/12/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Prison Break

We might never find ourselves in prison like Joseph, but today, Pastor Jack Graham shares the many ways that God will use the adversity in our lives to bring us to a place of greater obedience, perseverance, faith and character. In his message titled, Prison Break, we hear how praise can tear down the walls of life’s dungeons on today’s PowerPoint. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/11/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Iron Man

It takes strong biblical character to resist the temptations of this life. In his message, Iron Man, Pastor Jack Graham shares the tools and encouragement we need to forge souls of iron on today’s PowerPoint. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/8/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Choices that Make You

Continuing with his series on the life of Joseph, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us that character is built and faith strengthened most often in our darkest days as he shares a message, Choices That Make You, on today’s PowerPoint. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/7/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Collision Course

Even our God-given dreams won’t always be easily realized. But on today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us that God is in control even when we believe our dreams have died. Join us as he brings a message titled, The Collision Course. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/6/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Discovering Your God-given Dream - Part 2

In the conclusion of a two-part message, Pastor Jack Graham continues the story of Joseph, a man of great dreams. Learn how the dreams you dream and the decisions you make will determine your destiny on today’s PowerPoint, Discovering Your God-Given Dream, Part 2. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/5/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Discovering Your God-given Dream

No matter who you are, God has a purpose, a plan, a dream for your life. In the first of a two-part message, Pastor Jack Graham gives you the tools you need to find it in Discovering Your God-Given Dream on today’s PowerPoint. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/4/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Dream Weaver

God’s hand is at work in every aspect of your life, weaving together your days and your dreams as only He can. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins a new series, Destiny, with the message, DreamWeaver. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/1/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Crucified with Christ

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham looks to Galatians for the message Crucified with Christ. Pastor Graham teaches that if we want to be passionate, devoted followers of Jesus, we must live the crucified life in Christ by maximizing the Cross in our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/29/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Beyond All Limits

As we near the end of the series exploring the early church in the book of Acts, Pastor Jack Graham brings a powerful message, Beyond All Limits. Our God wants us to take the Good News of the Gospel beyond all limits, Pastor Graham teaches, so that every person on the face of the earth can know our Savior, Jesus Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/28/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Living for an Audience of One

We continue studying the book of Acts today with a look at the story of the first Christian martyr, Stephen. Pastor Jack Graham teaches that while most of us will never be called upon to die for Jesus Christ, we are all called and compelled to live for Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/27/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Cross Culture

Pastor Jack Graham continues a look at the passion of the church in the book of Acts. When the spirit of God breathed on them, they became cross-cultural, they took the Cross over into the culture and began changing their world. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/26/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Pastor Jack Graham closes out the week with a challenging message for us all in these days. What is needed today, Pastor Graham exhorts, are brave-hearted believers who will not retreat in the face of opposition and will not relent in the proclamation of the message of Jesus Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/23/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Who Really Killed Jesus?

In his message today, Pastor Jack Graham guides us in the answer to the question Who Really Killed Jesus? But, he explains, the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross was the best thing that ever happened in the history of the world because God’s eternal plan made it possible for us to be saved, forgiven, and experience eternal life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/22/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Igniting the Church

Pastor Jack Graham continues his look at the passion of the Christ found in the book of the Acts with the message Igniting the Church. Pastor Graham teaches that what happened in the 1st Century church, a movement of God ignited by the Holy Spirit, can still happen today. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/21/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Developing a Full Throttle Faith

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins the series Full-Throttle Faith, examining the supernatural movement that swept through the early church as recorded in the book of Acts. Pastor Graham teaches that what we see in Acts is the pathway to the power and provision of passion by the work of the Holy Spirit. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/20/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Beyond Failure

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham shares the powerful story of Samson. In his message Beyond Failure, he warns us of the risk we take when we willingly step outside of God’s will. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/19/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Castaway

Many of us experience periods of loneliness and isolation when we may even feel disconnected from God. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham preaches a powerful message on our search for intimacy, acceptance and significance. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/16/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Heart of a Champion

We all face giants in our lives things such as envy, fear and disappointment. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham explains the danger of letting those giants rob of us of our heart, and the strength we can find to face them when we place our trust and hope in the Lord. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/15/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Avoid Becoming a Spiritual Casualty

Following Jesus doesn’t guarantee an end to temptation. Join us for today’s PowerPoint and Pastor Jack Graham’s message, How to Avoid Becoming a Spiritual Casualty, as he reminds us that we’ll be better prepared to say No to sin after we’ve said Yes to God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/14/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Surviving Suffering

As Christians, we will never be immune to human suffering. But when Christ went to the Cross, He entered into our pain and suffering, so we never bear our burdens alone. Join us for PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham preaches a powerful message reminding us that when we survive suffering, God is glorified. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/13/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Boxing with God

When we are in days of doubt, it’s often because we lack patience. Enduring faith often begins with waiting and learning that to wait on God is to trust God. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings a message of encouragement for the times we struggle with uncertainty. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/12/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Ultimate Survivor

As Christians, our lives are built on what Christ did on the Cross and what He accomplished for us. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins the series Portraits of Enduring Faith, reminding us to focus on what Jesus is doing now and what He will do to fulfill His destiny with the message, The Ultimate Survivor. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/9/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Living in the Love of God

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham goes to the power-packed message found in the book of Jude. He teaches what it means to stay in the love of God, as we’re told in verse 21 of this little letter from Jude. Keep believing, praying, witnessing, and praising God, and this is living in the love of God, he says. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/8/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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God's Plan-My Purpose

Have you discovered the wonderful truth that God has a plan for your life? On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham notes how God’s plan is your purpose. God has a blueprint for every believer as He works in our lives providentially, personally, powerfully and perfectly. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/7/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Global Christian

In our churches today, Pastor Jack Graham says, we have too many casual, convenient, comfortable Christians. In today’s message on PowerPoint, he challenges us to be global Christians just as God commanded in the gospel of Matthew to go and make disciples of all nations. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/6/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Person God Uses

Who will God use? On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham shares the story of Gideon, revealing that God uses unexpected people in unexpected places, and, like Gideon, sees you not for who you are, but what you can become. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/5/202428 minutes, 14 seconds
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Walking in the Spirit

What does walking in the spirit mean? On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham unpacks the answer to this question teaching that walking in the spirit means living in daily dependence and obedience to Christ, in Christ, and for Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/2/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Living Word of God

Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from the encouraging series, Knowing God, which provides doctrinal messages to build our spiritual foundation. In order to build a strong foundation, Pastor Graham tells us, we must build it upon our faith in The Living Word of God. God's Word is His living, eternal Word, inspired by God Himself. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/1/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Eternal Word of God

God loves you so much that He wants you to know Him and experience life in all of its fullness. In His Word, He has given us everything we need to discover and develop a relationship with Him. In it, we also find what we believe and why we believe it, as well as the tools we need to pass our faith on to the generations who will come behind us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/31/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Faith and Freedom

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham closes out the Dare to Believe series. In a message titled Faith and Freedom, Pastor Graham tells us it is time to cry out to God, to repent, and to return to God. We need a spiritual revolution in this nation, he says, and it’s called revival. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/30/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Trusting God

With his message today, Trusting God, Pastor Jack Graham says the take-home is very simple: Don’t worry; trust God. Trust God in all things. Pastor Graham teaches from the beautifully powerful words to all believers delivered by our Lord and Savior in the Sermon on the Mount. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/29/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Fortify Your Faith

As he continues the series Dare to Believe, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message today that will help Fortify Your Faith. The identifying mark of a Christian is faith, so as believers, our faith should be strong and growing and able to withstand the storms of life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/26/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Believing Prayer

In this Dare to Believe series, challenging us in our faith, Pastor Jack Graham looks to a powerful passage in chapter 11 of Mark’s gospel as he speaks of mountain-moving faith the kind that prays and believes and sees God do great and mighty things! To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/25/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Comeback Faith

We all love a good comeback story, don’t we? Stories of redemption and restoration, stories of victory over defeat. Pastor Jack Graham tells us on today’s PowerPoint about perhaps the best comeback story in the Bible, that of Simon Peter. He denied Christ three times, yet his story does not end there. If you need a do-over in life, this message is for you. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/24/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Walk Through the Storm

In continuing the series Dare to Believe, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from one of the most exciting passages of Scripture Matthew 14:22-33. In his message Walk through the Storm, Pastor Graham reminds us to get out of the boat, out of our comfort zone, and walk where Jesus walked. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/23/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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When Your Faith is Tested

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham kicks off the message series Dare to Believe with a message we all need to hear before we face difficulties in life that undoubtedly will come. Pastor Graham teaches in When Your Faith Is Tested that we must have a bold, unshakeable faith that will withstand the storms. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/22/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Making Every Day Matter

Often, we live our lives in the past, celebrating the days of our youth, or in the future, wishing away whatever turmoil we find ourselves in. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us that, at the end of each day, there’s no greater joy than knowing that we’ve lived fully in the present, giving our all to know and do God’s will. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/19/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Dangerous Faith

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham takes a look at what it means to risk your life for the sake of Christ. What do we sacrifice for our faith? Are we praying the bold prayers that will take us outside of our comfort zones and closer to where God is calling us? To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/18/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Salvation... Now What?

We’re given so much when we come to Christ, new life, significance and purpose. But salvation also brings with it responsibilities. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message outlining three of the most important things that should follow every salvation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/17/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Where's the Love

Throughout history, the word love has meant many things to many people. But as Christians, we need look no further than Scripture to see that the truth about love begins with the words, For God so loved the world To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/16/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Fighting the Good Fight

Throughout Scripture we see God using unlikely people, flawed people, people who failed, people just like us. In today’s PowerPoint message, Pastor Jack Graham makes clear what distinguished these great champions of our faith and assures us that we, too, will find strength for the battles we face when we call on the name of the Lord. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/15/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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How I Can Persevere

The Christian life will not be without disappointment. In fact, quite often our greatest victories will be followed by great opposition. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham shares in his message, How I Can Persevere, how one of the greatest heroes of our faith got up when he was down. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/12/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Relentless Faith

The Bible speaks of all kinds of faith, great faith, little faith, bold faith. But when Jesus commends the faith of a woman in crisis, that’s the kind of faith we should study. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings a message of the Relentless Faith that so pleased Jesus. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/11/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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We live in an increasingly violent, fallen world with senseless tragedies occurring every day. So, the first question that comes to mind is Why? There are unanswerable questions this side of heaven, Pastor Jack Graham teaches, but we overcome evil with good because the greatest good is God Himself! To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/10/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Overcoming Evil with Good

Pastor Jack Graham closes out the series All In, describing the Christian life and how we practically and personally live the life God has given us. Looking to Romans 12:14-21, Pastor Graham teaches that the Scripture in Romans comes down to what the Cross is all about overcoming evil with good. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/9/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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All You Need is Love

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham continues teaching from chapter 12 in the book of Romans for his series All In. With the message All You Need Is Love, Pastor Graham teaches that love the love of Christ truly is the answer. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/8/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Know God's Will for Your Life

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham continues the series, All In, teaching about commitment, dedication and being all in for the Lord Jesus Christ, because He is all in with us and for us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/5/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

Continuing the series All In, Pastor Jack Graham looks to Romans 12:2 for today’s message Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. Pastor Graham teaches that if we keep our minds on God’s Word, we will find the wisdom of God, the ways of God and the will of God accomplished in our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/4/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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All on the Altar

Pastor Jack Graham kicks off the new series All In delving into the book of Romans. In today’s message, All on the Altar, Pastor Graham teaches from Romans, chapter 12 what he calls one of the great chapters in all of God's Word encapsulating what it means to live the Christian life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/3/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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Can You Trust the Bible?

As questions in our culture abound regarding the accuracy and inerrancy of Scripture, Pastor Jack Graham begins the series The Source of Our Strength with a timely message encouraging and affirming us as we trust the Bible in all matters of our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/2/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Miracle of the Bible

The Bible is the best-selling book of all time and it’s easier now more than ever to read it as it is easily accessible. What makes it stand out? Pastor Jack Graham teaches that without the Bible we have no faith because faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/1/202428 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Freedom of Forgiveness

There is, of course, great freedom in the forgiveness we receive from Jesus. And while we find that freedom from our own sin and guilt and shame, there is also great freedom to be found when we let go of the bitterness we hold on to when we fail to forgive others as Christ has forgiven us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/29/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Giving God Your Best

As we continue the series Giving God Your Best, Pastor Jack Graham brings a challenging message by the same title. Are we truly giving God our best? Are we excelling in our giving? Just as Jesus did with His disciples, He is challenging and encouraging and teaching us about the motivation and ministry of giving. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/28/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Life in the Word

As Christ followers, we believe the Bible is God’s infallible and eternal Word. Pastor Jack Graham challenges us today to be systematic and faithful in the reading, studying, hearing, applying and sharing of God’s Word. In knowing God’s Word, he says, we know the God of the Word. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/27/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Where Does God Live?

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham answers the question: Where Does God Live? Although we all know that God exists everywhere; His presence is everywhere. But we also must understand that God manifests His presence and communicates His presence in the praises of His people. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/26/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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It's Never Too Late for Christmas

Pastor Jack Graham looks to Psalm 84:11 for today’s message It’s Never Too Late for Christmas. Pastor Graham explores the word favor in Scripture, especially in the Christmas Story as the angel appeared to Mary to announce she was favored of God expecting the Savior of the world. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/25/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Cosmic Christmas

Christmas is a celebration, and rightly so, Pastor Jack Graham teaches. But in reality, the first Christmas and before and beyond what happened when Christ was born is about confrontation -- a war between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan; a war between light and darkness; a cosmic conflict. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/22/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Are You Ready for Christmas?

As we near Christmas, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message helping us prepare for the true reason for Christmas the birth of Christ the Savior. We must focus on that every day following Christmas, he teaches, and be prepared for the return of Jesus. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/21/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Tell the Story

As believers, there’s so much surrounding our celebration of Christmas each year, but nothing as important a proclaiming the Gospel. Pastor Jack Graham teaches that we have a great opportunity as Christians to tell the world who Jesus is. We must Tell the Story. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/20/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Born to Die that Man May Live

Pastor Jack Graham looks to a phrase from a great hymn of Christmas to bring a vital message about new birth. Christmas is all about birth, he teaches. Jesus came to earth so that we could go to heaven. He was born so we may be born again. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/19/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Mary's Christmas

On this special week leading to Christmas, Pastor Jack Graham brings us the story of Mary of Bethany. We see Mary three times in the Gospels, but today, Pastor Graham teaches on one particular encounter with Jesus. Christmas is a time of giving and Mary exemplifies gift giving at its highest form giving her best to the Lord God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/18/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Soon and Very Soon

In today’s message, Pastor Jack Graham looks to the Going the Distance series examining the book of Hebrews. Pastor Graham teaches that we must stay ready, stay prepared because Jesus is coming Soon and Very Soon. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/15/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Help, I'm Depressed

Returning to the Help! series, Pastor Jack Graham addresses the critical topic of depression, which has been called the common cold of emotional illness because of the many who are suffering. Pastor Graham shares his own battle with depression following prostate cancer, and the grace of God that led him through it. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/14/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Alias

Who is the Anti-Christ? Many have pondered his identity but no one knows. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from 2 Thessalonians 2:112 profiling this man of sin. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/13/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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All the Lonely People

Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from the Help! series, looking to Psalm 102, titled All the Lonely People. Loneliness is a part of the human condition, but there are times when it attacks us and overcomes us, Pastor Graham teaches. This is when we must draw near to the Lord and a community of believers instead of isolating, he teaches. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/12/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Terrorism and the Great Tribulation

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from the book of Revelation reminding us that the return of our Lord means great blessing for the believer, but for the unbeliever, it’s a very different story. Join us for today’s message Terrorism and the Great Tribulation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/11/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Revealing Jesus

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham looks to a series on the Revelation with a message to shape the way we anticipate The Second Coming of Christ. The knowledge that Jesus is coming again should have us waiting on tiptoe with expectation and excitement at the thought of His return. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/8/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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God's Answer for Anger

Looking to the Help! series, Pastor Jack Graham addresses an emotion that we all struggle with at some point, anger. Pastor Graham tells us that we cannot let anger keep us in bondage, teaching us to get our eyes off the anger and get our eyes on Jesus! To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/7/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham looks to the series, All Things New, with a message from Revelation examining the Rapture. Join us for today’s message, Taken, as Pastor Graham addresses some key questions regarding God’s great plan for His people. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/6/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Faith for the Ages

From the Essential Gospel series, Pastor Jack Graham looks to the story of Abraham the father of the faithful. Abraham was a giant of the faith because he chose to believe God; he chose by faith to follow God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/5/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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What is Faith?

With the message What is Faith?, Pastor Jack Graham delves into one of the most famous chapters in the Bible God’s Hall of Faith. Listen as Pastor Graham shows how Chapter 11 of Hebrews provides a description and demonstration of faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/4/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Psalm for Life

Today, Pastor Jack Graham looks to the 23rd Psalm examining the words of David in this magnificent poem of the Christian faith. Pastor Graham teaches that this is a psalm for life, one that we are to know, to love, and to believe as we live in faith and victory all the days of our life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/1/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Soon and Very Soon

In today’s message, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from the Going the Distance series examining the book of Hebrews. Pastor Graham teaches that we must stay ready, stay prepared because Jesus is coming Soon and Very Soon. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/30/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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An Endless Hallelujah

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from the Invisible series designed to encourage even greater excitement within us about what Heaven will be like. We need not trust the speculations of men when the Word of God is so clear about what waits for us in our Father’s House. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/29/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Heaven Ready

As Pastor Jack Graham shares on today’s PowerPoint, the place that our Lord is preparing for us is so wonderful that it defies description. But there is still much for us to learn about Heaven, and when we know it, our desire should be greater than ever to share the Gospel with everyone who needs to know Jesus. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/28/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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An Uncomfortable Truth

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a sobering message from Luke 16. While the Bible speaks clearly of God’s unfathomable love, it’s also utterly and entirely clear regarding the existence of Hell. Join us for today’s message, An Uncomfortable Truth, as Pastor Graham reminds us that we do ourselves and those around us no favors if we deny its very existence. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/27/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message that often makes people uncomfortable a message on giving. But Pastor Graham notes that he’s never known a dynamic, spirit-filled believer who wasn’t a generous giver. People who give generously of their talents and their testimony for the Lord, find it easy for their possessions to follow. It all works together To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/24/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Living a Grateful Life

Pastor Jack Graham brings a special message on this Thanksgiving Day that challenges us as Christians to always live A Grateful Life. Pastor Graham looks to Psalm 107 and teaches that the mark of a believer is thanksgiving and gratitude. We have grateful hearts because of what Christ has done for us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/23/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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What Lies Beyond

Ecclesiastes 3:2 reminds us that we all have a time to be born, and a time to die. But while death is a certainty, it doesn’t keep us from wondering exactly what happens when we die. Join us for today’s PowerPoint, as Pastor Jack Graham brings a message of hope and encouragement about just What Lies Beyond. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/22/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham explores the part of you that is most valuable, made for God your soul. In fact, you don’t just have a soul, you are a soul, created by God and Priceless. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/21/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Why Does it Matter - Israel

With the war in the Middle East stemming from vicious attacks on the Jewish people by Hamas, Pastor Jack Graham wanted to share a conversation he had with Rabbi Jason Sobel and Dr. Jeremiah J. Johnston. Due to time constraints, only a portion of this conversation is included. To hear the entire conversation, please visit our YouTube Channel. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/20/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Warfare Prayer

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham preaches a strong message about the state of our American Christianity. We are in a battle for our marriages, our families and our right to worship, and the only way we will win the war is if we prevail in prayer. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/17/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Battle for Your Mind

Proverbs 23:7 speaks to the importance of our thought life, saying, as he thinks in his heart, so is he. In this life we will fight many battles; join us for today’s PowerPoint, as Pastor Jack Graham shares why none is more important than The Battle for Your Mind. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/16/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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What to Wear in the War

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham continues his look at the invisible world. It’s a world in which we face a desperate spiritual battle for our faith and our families and our future; but it’s a winnable war when we put on the armor of our Lord. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/15/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Dark Angel

The Christian life is not a playground; it’s a battleground. Knowing your opponent in battle is the only way to win, and on today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins the series, Invisible, with a message designed to strengthen us and sharpen our skills to fight the temptations we’ll face at the hands of the Enemy. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/14/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Angels in the Universe

Do you believe in angels? Today, on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham explores the existence of angels and their role in the message Angels in the Universe. Angels operate, Pastor Graham teaches, at the word of God and in the will of God. They have a special work and ministry in the life of the Christian. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/13/202328 minutes, 14 seconds
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Heaven's Warriors

Angels are everywhere, but perhaps not as the culture or Hollywood would have us believe. Far more than cuddly, fuzzy cupids, angels are mighty and powerful warriors, created by God to give glory to Him and to guide and guard His people. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/10/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Reality of Angels

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings an enlightening message from the book of Psalms titled The Reality of Angels. Pastor Graham assures us that these majestic beings do exist in this world and beyond this world in a spiritual domain beyond our comprehension. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/9/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Angels - Part 2

When we study angels and who they are, what they do and why it matters, we grow in our depth and understanding of who God is, His greatness, His majesty and His glory, Pastor Jack Graham says. In today’s message, Angels, Part 2, Pastor Graham says we need to be aware of angels who are working in our behalf, and recounts powerful testimonies of these great spiritual beings working in the lives of people. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/8/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Angels - Part 1

In this powerful two-part series, Pastor Jack Graham explores angels that exist in the unseen, invisible world that is all around us a supernatural dimension. In this message, Pastor Graham helps us understand the mission of angels, as he does in his book, Angels: Who They Are, What They Do, and Why It Matters. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/7/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Keeping Your Promises

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham finishes his Forever Living series focusing on The Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Graham looks to Matthew 5:31-37 for the message Keeping Your Promises. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/6/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Living Forever

As he continues the Forever Living series, Pastor Jack Graham unpacks two incredibly critical verses for the Christian faith found in John 11:25-26. Listen as Pastor Graham explains how God has hard-wired us for eternity in the message Living Forever. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/3/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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O Worship the King

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a wonderful message titled O, Worship the King. Jesus IS the King, Pastor Graham teaches, and it’s important to remember that every step of His birth, life, death and Resurrection was in fulfillment of prophecy. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/2/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ruling Your Spirit

Continuing the series Forever Living, Pastor Jack Graham dives into the gospel of Matthew with a challenging and relevant message titled Ruling Your Spirit. Pastor Graham teaches that Jesus talks to us about ruling our spirits as He reigns in our hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/1/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Establishing Your Faith

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham kicks off the new series Forever Living, which is living life with an eternal perspective, seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. He begins with a message delving into Matthew 5 titled Establishing Your Faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/31/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Prayer that Prevails

The Lord invites us to come to Him in prayer about anything and everything in our lives and He’s given us powerful examples of answered prayers in the lives of His children. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham shares the three conditions we must meet in order to ask, receive, and prevail in prayer. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/30/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Life According to Jesus

Continuing a look at the book of 1 John, Pastor Jack Graham brings a powerful message today on the apostle John who was transformed by the love of Christ and radically changed. His primary purpose was to share the life of Jesus Christ not only physical but eternal and spiritual life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/27/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Winning Life's Battles

As we consider our lives as believers in Christ, Pastor Jack Graham teaches we must look to the crucial, essential matter of spiritual warfare. We have a spiritual enemy, and we are engaged in a spiritual battle, and the stakes are high. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/26/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Who's Your Daddy?

In continuing the series, Winning Life’s Battles, Pastor Jack Graham looks again to 1 John, teaching that it’s critical we know our spiritual daddy. Do you know if you are truly a child of God? To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/25/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Are You Ready for His Return?

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins the series Winning Life’s Battles. He teaches that as believers, we don’t have to wring our hands and worry, but rather we can rest confidently and securely in the fact that Jesus is coming again. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/24/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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When Hope Turns to Sight

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham concludes the ABLAZE series, speaking of the hope we have when we are confident that our future is in the Lord’s hands. When our ultimate hope is in heaven, hope turns to sight, and our faith is made alive forever. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/23/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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When God Says Go

We’re all in a spiritual battle it’s a fight for life and for truth and the family. Join us for today’s PowerPoint, as Pastor Jack Graham continues the ABLAZE series in the book of Acts with a message preparing us for full engagement, When God Says, Go.’ To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/20/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Courageous Christianity

Life for the Christian is not a playground but a battleground. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings the message, Courageous Christianity, inspiring the muscular faith we must have to take up the Cross of Christ and follow Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/19/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Hope for the Hurting

When we become convicted that our hope is in Jesus alone, how can we help but share that hope with a hurting world? As Pastor Jack Graham points out on today’s PowerPoint, so often we spend our lives just bumping into people when we could be going so much deeper. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/18/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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All In

On today’s PowerPoint with Pastor Jack Graham, we reflect on what our commitment to worship says about us. When seekers witness your worship, do they see you simply going through the motions, or do they see you All In? To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/17/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Burning in My Soul

It’s not the size of our church buildings or the programs we offer that will lead to revival. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham continues the message series ABLAZE with a message on the fire in our hearts and souls that will draw the lost to true revival. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/16/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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In these days when evil is called good and good is called evil, we might want to withdraw and isolate ourselves from the culture. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham begins a new series titled ABLAZE with a message reminding us that this is precisely when God calls us to be ignited on the mission of Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/13/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Eternal Security of the Gospel

Pastor Jack Graham closes out The Gospel of God series today with a powerful message for every believer The Eternal Security of the Gospel. Pastor Graham teaches that the only thing better than knowing we have eternal life as Christians is knowing that we can never lose it. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/12/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Gospel and the Last Days

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham nears the end of The Gospel of God series with a powerful message The Gospel and the Last Days. Because of Jesus, we are more than conquerors and proclaim victory in Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/11/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Continuing The Gospel of God series, Pastor Jack Graham teaches about the life transformed by the power of God in Jesus. As believers, our lives have been transformed for eternity. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/10/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Love So Amazing

Teaching about God’s marvelous, wonderful and incomprehensible grace, Pastor Jack Graham tells us this grace is God’s favor beyond measure. And to truly see the grace of God, he teaches we must look to Jesus and the Cross and feel the power of His Resurrection and know that there is life in Christ! To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/9/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Gospel of Isaiah

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a study on one of the greatest chapters in the Bible Isaiah 53. What we see in this chapter, Pastor Graham teaches, is known as a messianic prophecy, and it is of invaluable importance to us because it points to Jesus as the Messiah who He is and what He came to do! To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/6/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Drama of Redemption

In this Gospel of God series, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that from the very first messages we see the Gospel began in the infinite heart and wisdom of God before time began. This promise of Good News moved from Adam and Eve, where even in their sin, God gave them a promise of a Deliverer the first Gospel. And then moves throughout the pages of the Scripture, where we see this unfolding story of salvation the story of God’s redemption. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/5/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The First Gospel

For his message today, Pastor Jack Graham looks to Genesis 3, what he calls The First Gospel. Without this pivotal passage of Scripture the fall of man in the Garden of Eden we wouldn’t understand the rest of the Bible, he teaches. There would be a major piece missing because this is the foundation of everything that follows. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/4/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Supremacy of the Gospel

As he begins a study on the Gospel, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that it is God’s Gospel that we see in the pages of His Word. Throughout the Scriptures, in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, this Gospel flows like a red river of redemption. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/3/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Journey of Life - Part 2

Today on PowerPoint, we’ll continue the message The Journey of Life. As Pastor Jack Graham explains, we can’t change the past during this journey of life, but by God’s grace and the power of His Resurrection, we can change the present and the future with Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/2/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Journey of Life

Life is a journey, with a beginning and an end and many, many steps in between, from the first cry to the final breath. In this message titled The Journey of Life, Pastor Jack Graham tells us it’s important that we understand that the journey is God’s plan and God’s purpose for your life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/29/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Great Race - Part 2

In today’s message on PowerPoint, hear from Pastor Jack Graham as he explores the Great Race we are running as believers and followers of Christ. We want to pace ourselves, run the race well, and most importantly, never give up. Ultimately, we want to finish well. Join us for this motivational message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/28/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Great Race

It is sad to see that so many believers begin the Christian life but they do not run well nor do they finish well. But in this great race, we are called to be participators not spectators. We are to run and run well for the reward. Join us for this challenging and relevant message The Great Race. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/27/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Rock - Part 2

Join us on PowerPoint today as we continue the story of Simon Peter. Jesus knew that if He captured this simple fisherman’s heart, he would be changed forever and he would change the world forever. Jesus sees that same greatness in us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/26/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Rock

In this first part of the message, The Rock, Pastor Jack Graham focuses on a common man whom Jesus transforms into an uncommon man: Simon Peter. Simon was a simple fisherman, but Jesus saw greatness in him and named him Peter, meaning the rock. Listen to this powerful story. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/25/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The One Thing Necessary - Part 2

Tune in today for the second part of The One Thing Necessary. Pastor Jack Graham implores us to slow down, to be still, to sit at the feet of Jesus, to turn our attention to Him, and let the unnecessary fall by the wayside. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/22/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The One Thing Necessary

If you want to live an abundant life if you want your life to be filled with peace, balance, strength and enthusiasm for every day ... you need to learn one necessary thing: How to live in the power and presence of Jesus and the peace that He gives. Listen to PowerPoint today for this important and challenging message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/21/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jericho Road - Part 2

In this journey of life, we will all find ourselves down roads to Jericho, and we find ourselves confronted with opportunities to show and to share the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Join us on PowerPoint today for the second part of the relevant message titled Jericho Road. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/20/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jericho Road

Today, Pastor Jack Graham brings the first part of a powerful message focused on the story of a man who became the platform for Jesus telling one of the most tender and heartwarming stories of all time. Join us for Jericho Road. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/19/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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In Sync with the Spirit

Much like a cell phone that you sync with your computer, a syncing process takes place when we are connected to the Lord. Jesus referred to this as abiding in Me. When we abide in Him, when our lives are synced with Him, He has promised to lead us every step of the way. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/18/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Giving Your Faith Away

Everyone needs to hear the Good News! On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us that the greatest mission field for many of us is the life we’re living right now. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/15/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Life in Full

God has commanded that every believer be full of the spirit. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings the story of Stephen, a beautiful example of A Life in Full. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/14/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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What Happens When We Pray

To the Christian, prayer is not a luxury but a necessity. Join us for today’s PowerPoint message What Happens When We Pray, as Pastor Jack Graham explains the connections we forge with the Lord as well as with each other when we pray. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/13/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Power of His Name

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us of the strong name of Jesus. When Jesus Christ is proclaimed and the Word of God is taught, people will believe. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/12/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Dancing with the Scars

God can take a life full of scars, a life full of brokenness and hopelessness and turn it into a life redeemed and lived for Him. There are people all around us living lives of fear and pain who are in such desperate need of the Savior. Join us for today’s PowerPoint and Pastor Jack Graham’s powerful message of hope for the lost, Dancing with the Scars. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/11/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Empowered Church

Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham continues the study in the book of Acts. It’s easy to walk away from the Church when you are not plugged in, he says. We must be all in. Pastor Graham challenges us to be like the early believers who transformed the culture because they were fully engaged and therefore empowered to live the Christian life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/8/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Message

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham focuses on The Message salvation through Jesus Christ. Pastor Graham recounts when the Church was born and how Simon Peter stood before the congregation and proclaimed this message: Jesus saves. And today, it is still the message we must all share. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/7/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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In today’s message, Transformed, Pastor Jack Graham delves into the book of Acts for the remarkable story of the disciples and other believers who turned the world upside down more than 2,000 years ago with the simple yet powerful message of the Gospel. Their lives had been transformed by Jesus, so they shared it with the world! To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/6/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Powering Up

Today on PowerPoint, we kick off the new series The Power of Spiritual Engagement. In his message Powering Up, Pastor Jack Graham tells us that many Christians do not know the power of God in their lives and therefore, they are not giving a powerful signal of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s time to power up! To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/5/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Praying it Forward

Pastor Jack Graham concludes the Going the Distance series with a powerful and challenging message for all believers as we seek to run the race of the Christian life well. The one holy ambition of every believer should be to please God, to honor God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/4/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Honoring Marriage

Continuing in our series examining the book of Hebrews with the series Going the Distance, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that it certainly applies to marriage. We are made to go the distance in Christ and to live together in a lifetime of love, always honoring our marriage. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/1/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Christian Lifestyle

Today, Pastor Jack Graham continues the Going the Distance series looking to our challenge as believers to persevere and finish the Christian life with a flourish, bursting into the arms of Jesus. The life we live as Christians is a followship and a fellowship that we have with our Savior. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/31/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Rules for the Road

In the Christian life, the race we run is not a sprint, but rather a marathon with an obstacle course, Pastor Jack Graham teaches. And in order to succeed, we must follow the rules for running this race. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/30/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Training Ground

As we have learned in the book of Hebrews through this message series, we are to run the race well as believers, always persevering. In the message today, Pastor Jack Graham teaches what God’s Word tells us about discipline the disciplines of God are training us and growing us into full maturity in Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/29/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Today, we continue the Going the Distance series examining the book of Hebrews. Pastor Jack Graham speaks to us about our finish in life, teaching that God put us in a spiritual race and we are to run well. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/28/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Champions of Faith - Part 3

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that the call of God for the believer is always onward and upward. Closing the three-part message, The Champions of Faith, Pastor Graham instructs that we are called to persevere by the power of God to endure. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/25/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Champions of Faith - Part 2

In this second part of the message, The Champions of Faith, Pastor Jack Graham studies the stories of more heroes of the faith as he teaches that we must entrust ourselves to God’s promise if we are to live by faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/24/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Champions of Faith - Part 1

To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/23/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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What is Faith?

To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/22/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Soon and Very Soon

To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/21/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Basic Steps of Spiritual Maturity - Part 2

We’re glad you’ve joined us on PowerPoint today as Pastor Jack Graham continues to unpack the wisdom in the book of Hebrews with the Going the Distance series. Today he brings the second part of the message The Basic Steps of Spiritual Maturity. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/18/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Basic Steps of Spiritual Maturity

Pastor Jack Graham continues the Going the Distance series focusing on the book of Hebrews with the message The Basic Steps of Spiritual Maturity. He teaches that spiritual health is vital because it produces spiritual growth in our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/17/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Salvation... Now What?

We’re given so much when we come to Christ, new life, significance and purpose. But salvation also brings with it responsibilities. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message outlining three of the most important things that should follow every salvation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/16/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Great Divide

Pastor Jack Graham teaches on what he calls three of the most important verses in the Bible found in Hebrews 4:14-16. The greatest divide is not political, socio-economic, or racial, Pastor Graham teaches. It is the divide between a holy God and sinful humanity. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/15/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Living Word of God

Continuing our look at the book of Hebrews, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message titled The Living Word of God. Pastor Graham teaches that the Bible is no ordinary book, it is the living, breathing Word of God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/14/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Soul Rest

We’re glad you’ve joined us for today’s PowerPoint as we continue the Going the Distance series. Pastor Jack Graham teaches from Hebrews 4 on the promise of God’s rest the rest of Christ that He gives to us when we trust in Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/11/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Keep Going

In today’s message, Keep Going, Pastor Jack Graham looks to a powerful passage of Scripture found in the book of Hebrews 3:78. As believers, we cannot allow our hearts to be hardened to the Word of God; we must continue growing. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/10/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Search for Significance

Man is on an eternal search for meaning and the critical questions about life and death and eternity, Pastor Jack Graham teaches on PowerPoint today. Join us for the momentous message The Search for Significance. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/9/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Danger of Drifting

Pastor Jack Graham continues teaching on the book of Hebrews, a letter to us as believers and followers of Jesus to persevere in life and faith and run with endurance the race set before us. Join us as Pastor Graham brings the convicting message, The Danger of Drifting. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/8/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Above All

Continuing the series Going the Distance, delving into the book of Hebrews, Pastor Jack Graham brings the message Above All. Pastor Graham teaches that Jesus is more than someone to be admired, appreciated, and applauded. He is the One and only One who is to be adored and worshipped as God! To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/7/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Our Incomparable Savior

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham launches the new, two-week message series Going the Distance. The series explores the book of Hebrews, the heart of the Word of God, teaching Christians to run the race, to mature, grow, and go forward. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/4/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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All Things New

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham concludes his series on Revelation with a look at what heaven will really be like. While we may not be able to comprehend its full glory, we do know how to get there and experience it ourselves. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/3/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Finally Home

Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham reminds us that, while heaven might be beyond our imagination, it should not be beyond our contemplation and meditation. In fact, being home with our Lord should be our magnificent obsession. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/2/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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When Christ Returns

Most would agree that the world is in chaos and while many search for earthly solutions, we know that all of man’s answers can’t calm a people in crisis. As Christians, we wait with great expectation for the only answer to the chaos the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/1/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Collapse of the World System

It’s nearly impossible for a human being to predict the future the weather, sports, so much of it is a mystery to us. One thing that we do know is that God’s Word predicts the future perfectly. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham takes a look at the question of how we interpret the signs and indicators that reveal what is to come. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/31/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Live in the Last Days

For the believer, the end times evoke visions of the final fury and wrath of God. However, on today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us of the blessed hope that frees us from fear and provides the comfort we can share with our brothers and sisters in Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/28/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Where Will You Spend Eternity?

As Pastor Jack Graham reminds us on today’s PowerPoint, Jesus said there are two roads: one wide and one narrow. Which road you travel is your decision. No small decision, this decision will determine your destiny and answer the question, Where Will You Spend Eternity? To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/27/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

As Christians, we are called to spiritual battle and a courageous, triumphant faith. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a powerful message on the glory we will witness when the battle is won and Christ has established His kingdom on earth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/26/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Who is the Antichrist?

There has been much speculation on the identity of the Antichrist the topic of today’s PowerPoint. But as Pastor Jack Graham points out, the villains of this world, both real and imagined, pale in comparison to the beast that will be revealed in the last days. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/25/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The War to End All Wars

Pastor Jack Graham has said that, as believers, we have been called not to a playground, but a battleground. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as he shares the keys to victorious living in the battle. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/24/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Coming Kingdom of God

As believers, we look forward to the day when the kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of God. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from Revelation 11 illustrating the events that will precede the glorious appearing of our Lord and the coming of His kingdom. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/21/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham shares the reaction of those who experienced the actual physical presence of the Lord. Our God continues to make His presence known; we need only place our lives in His hands to experience His power and glory. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/20/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from the book of Revelation today with a study especially for those who cry for justice. The day is coming when suffering will end and war and hatred will cease. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/19/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham teaches about the mercy and grace of God in the midst of judgment. Today’s message, Survivors, details the great evangelistic activity that will take place during the Tribulation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/18/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Terrorism and the Tribulation

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from the book of Revelation reminding us that the return of our Lord means great blessing for the believer, but for the unbeliever, it’s a very different story. Join us for today’s message Terrorism and the Great Tribulation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/17/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ghost Riders in the Sky

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham takes a serious look at how the Lord will deal with the damage that sin is doing in the lives of people everywhere. Join us for today’s message from Revelation, Ghost Riders in the Sky. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/14/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Face Time

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham takes us to a place in the not-too-distant future, when we will spend eternity in continuous praise, face-to-face with our Savior. Join us for today’s message, Face Time. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/13/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham kicks off a new series, All Things New, with a message from Revelation examining the Rapture. Join us for today’s message, Taken, as Pastor Graham addresses some key questions regarding God’s great plan for His people. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/12/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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What Makes God Sick

Jesus deserves more than just a piece of our lives. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham reflects on the lukewarm church in Laodicea, and brings a strong word for the modern church stuck in sentimental, skin-deep religiosity with his message What Makes God Sick. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/11/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Where Love Lives

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us simply, yet profoundly, that Jesus is all we need. He is the provider of all things and as such, our greatest pursuit should be to always have Him at the center of our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/10/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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When a church loses sight of its first love, when it’s no longer courageous and standing for truth, ultimately spiritual death will come. Join us on PowerPoint today for Flatline, Pastor Jack Graham’s message of encouragement for churches that hunger for revival. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/7/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Call to Purity

God has a plan for life and family and marriage and His way is always the best way. Join us as Pastor Jack Graham shares a powerful insight on sin and compromise in today’s PowerPoint message A Call to Purity. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/6/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ministering at the Gates of Hell

As the world grows increasingly darker, we must be prepared to minister in that darkness. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from Revelation in which Jesus encouraged His Church to show the lost how to win victory in Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/5/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Is There Hope for America?

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham recalls the words of Ronald Reagan, who said, American needs God more than God needs America, and offers a call to prayer for us to return to the spiritual foundation on which we were built. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/4/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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No Fear

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a powerful message reminding us of our obligation to our brothers and sisters around the world who are persecuted for their faith in Christ. We are called to suffer with them, but how? To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/3/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Homeward Bound

Today’s message, Homeward Bound, from Psalm 84 is the song of a pilgrim, Pastor Jack Graham teaches. It is a powerful praise and prayer to God about our journey home our eternal destination with our God and our Savior. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/30/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Forever Grateful

It’s not always easy to be grateful. Trying times and sometimes even tragic circumstances befall us. As Pastor Jack Graham reminds us in today’s message, it is particularly in these times that we are called to remember the words of Romans 8:28, knowing that not one thing happens in our lives apart from God’s governance and control. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/29/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Heaven at Last

God has set in our hearts a longing, a love for our heavenly home. We know that this life is short and today, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message to remind us of the joy we will know when we reach Heaven at Last. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/28/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Fantastic Finish

Sports fans in particular might know a thing or two about a fantastic finish. But on today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message reminding us of the glory that we’ll see when Christ returns and the final chapters of human history, as we know it, are written. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/27/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us that we have been called to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. It’s a feast, a great celebration of our salvation in Christ, and we come with thanksgiving because it is God who calls us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/26/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Will There Be Peace in the Middle East?

The Bible tells us that the last days will be dangerous times as we head toward a battle to end all battles. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us that while eyes of the world focus on the danger, we as believers should look up. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/23/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Alias

Who is the Anti-Christ? Many have pondered his identity but no one knows. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from 2 Thessalonians 2:112 profiling this man of sin. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/22/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Terrorism and the Great Tribulation

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from the book of Revelation reminding us that the return of our Lord means great blessing for the believer, but for the unbeliever, it’s a very different story. Join us for today’s message Terrorism and the Great Tribulation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/21/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ring of Honor

Are you running the race of faith to win or just hobbling along trying to get through? On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message of encouragement to run hard, to break every barrier, and to run with passion and purpose for the Lord. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/20/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Up, Up and Away

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us of the certainty we have in the return of the Lord. But how do we live as though we believe it? Join us for today’s message Up, Up and Away. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/19/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ultimate Success

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message relevant to us all titled Ultimate Success. Pastor Graham challenges us to live at the judgment seat of Christ. It’s not the duration of our life that matters, he teaches, it’s the donation of our life that matters. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/16/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Graduation Day

Can you imagine what heaven will be like, when we stand in the presence of our holy God? In his message, Graduation Day, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that we must run the race well, first never retreating from our faith in Christ, never reserving in our commitment to Christ, never regretting a life wasted, but instead living for the glory of Jesus every day! To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/15/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Heavenly Bodies

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham takes a special look at heaven and the resurrected body. Heaven is a real, tangible place, Pastor Graham teaches. As Christ followers, we will live in a perfect place with a perfect Savior and a perfected state of life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/14/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Homeward Bound

Continuing in the series Eternity Now, Pastor Jack Graham brings the message Homeward Bound. Life is a journey that leads us home to our eternal destiny, he teaches, and no day is without meaning or purpose for the believer. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/13/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Beyond a New Day

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins the new series Eternity Now with a powerful message titled Beyond A New Day. Pastor Graham tells us that every day is a miracle, a promise, a gift from God, and we are to live with eternal gratitude in the Resurrection! To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/12/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Glory of Heaven

As he concludes the series Heaven, Pastor Jack Graham teaches from Romans 5:1-2. We are not only saved by grace, but we are secured forever in that grace, and we celebrate God’s glory the visible manifestation of all His attributes. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/9/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Beauty of Heaven

In his message The Beauty of Heaven, Pastor Jack Graham asks us to consider the most beautiful place we’ve ever been or the most beautiful sight we’ve ever seen. No doubt it is gorgeous, but nothing compares to when we will see Jesus and the beauty of His presence. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/8/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Activity of Heaven

We all wonder what we will do in heaven, don’t we? Pastor Jack Graham teaches today in his message The Activity of Heaven that there will be much to do we will be engaged in the worship of Christ and the witness and testimony of His glory throughout the universe. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/7/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Community of Heaven

In his message, The Community of Heaven, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that just as life is all about relationships, the same is true of heaven. Heaven will be a redeemed company, redeemed relationships, a true community celebrating our victory in Jesus. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/6/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Reality of Heaven

Pastor Jack Graham provides an insightful look at heaven with the new series, helping us to envision heaven through the lens of Scripture and embrace eternity even more. Heaven is a real place in real time, prepared for God’s people, Pastor Graham teaches, and it is the promise by which we live. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/5/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Desert Storm

Today, Pastor Jack Graham closes out the series His Story, Your Story, with the epic battle in the wilderness between Our Lord and Satan. As believers, Pastor Graham teaches, we are commissioned by Jesus our Commander-in-Chief to fight the good fight of faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/2/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Rich Man - Poor Man

In the message, Rich Man, Poor Man, Pastor Jack Graham continues delving into the powerful encounters Jesus had with people in the New Testament. Today he brings the story of the rich young ruler who had it all; met Jesus; but refused to pay the cost of following Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/1/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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He Knows My Name

Pastor Jack Graham continues His Story, Your Story, examining the stories of people whose lives were transformed after a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. As he focuses on the story of Zacchaeus, Pastor Graham reminds us that this is also our story because we are to share in the life of Jesus. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/31/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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As Pastor Jack Graham noted yesterday during this series, His Story, Your Story, we will learn more and more about Jesus each time He comes face to face with someone. Today’s message, Unshackled, looks at one of the most radical transformations in history a man possessed by demons but delivered by the power of Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/30/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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At the End of the Broken Road

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins the powerful series, His Story, Your Story, exploring the stories of various people Jesus encountered. In the message, At the End of the Broken Road, Pastor Graham brings to life the story of the woman at the well. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/29/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Deep and Wide

What will it take to effectively move the Church into the future? On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham shares the need for believers to not only take the Word to the world, but also to drive deep the stakes of biblical conviction and personal godliness To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/26/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Life that Pleases God - Part 2

As we continue with the second part of this message, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us that it is God’s will and God’s purpose for every person to come to faith in Christ. But once we become Christians, God’s will is clear that we are to walk with Him and live to please Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/25/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Life that Pleases God - Part 1

In this two-part series, Pastor Jack Graham looks to 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12, to challenge and encourage believers to make pleasing God the purpose of our lives. It is our purpose and God’s plan for us to pursue Him and please Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/24/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Victorious Prayer

In this final message of the series titled Much More because God wants us to experience all His blessing, all His grace, and all His power in our lives Pastor Jack Graham reminds us that prayer is the battleground for believers, and that a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/23/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Battle Cry

Pastor Jack Graham winds down the study in the book of Ephesians titled Much More, about the abundant life we have in Christ as believers. We have studied our wealth and worth in Christ and our walk with Christ. In the final chapter today, Pastor Graham teaches about our warfare, our battle cry as Christians. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/22/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Much More Marriage

As we have been learning from Ephesians in the series Much More, the much more life is a spirit-filled life, an abundant life. In his message today, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that God wants believers to have, not just a good marriage, but a great marriage; and not just a great marriage, but a godly marriage a much more marriage. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/19/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Winning Walk

Today on PowerPoint, we’re continuing our study of the book of Ephesians and the Much More Series about the abundant and fulfilling life in Christ. Pastor Jack Graham teaches that if we are going to win in our walk as Christians, we must walk wisely. We must be careful how we walk and while we walk. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/18/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Pure Walk in a Polluted World - Part 2

In the second part of the message A Pure Walk in a Polluted World, Pastor Jack Graham outlines how we can maintain moral purity. Using an acrostic for PURE, Pastor Graham teaches that to maintain purity we must: Pursue godliness; Undo defiling relationships; Remember the consequences; and Exercise spiritual discipline. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/17/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Pure Walk in a Polluted World

As he continues the Much More series, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that the much more life is A Pure Walk in a Polluted World. In a world that champions and celebrates impurity and immorality, as believers we must clean out and clean up our lives, and live pure lives, Pastor Graham teaches. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/16/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Forgiving and Forgiven

Today, Pastor Jack Graham continues the series on Ephesians titled Much More, with a message relevant in these days where there is so much anger. Pastor Graham teaches that forgiveness is God’s gift to those who have trusted in Him. And just as God has forgiven us, we should give others grace and forgiveness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/15/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

As he continues the series on Ephesians titled Much More, Pastor Jack Graham leads us in a message from Ephesians 4 titled Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. Life in Christ is the exchanged life, Pastor Graham teaches. Everything about the Christian life is new a new direction, a new dynamic and a new destiny. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/12/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Much More Life - Part 2

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham closes a two-part message from Ephesians titled The Much More Life. Pastor Graham tells us that we can’t outdream God, outthink God, or out imagine God. He has so much more for us, and we are blessed with a much more life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/11/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Much More Life

In his deep dive into Ephesians for the Much More series, Pastor Jack Graham teaches a two-part message titled The Much More Life. He teaches that the Christian life is an extraordinary life, and that God has so much more planned for us than we could possibly dream or imagine. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/10/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Strength We Need - Part 2

To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/9/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Strength We Need

To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/8/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Stewardship of Suffering

As we continue the series Much More from the book of Ephesians, Pastor Jack Graham has taught about the blessings we experience in life. But the blessings also include the brokenness of life. If we want much more in our lives, we need to realize that God uses suffering and pain to teach us to trust Him more! To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/5/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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One People, One Purpose, One Passion

Continuing his study of the words of the apostle Paul in the book of Ephesians, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that with so much division in the world today, it’s important for believers to remember: We are, in Christ, one body united. We are His family, His Church. One people one purpose one passion. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/4/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Saved to Serve

Today on PowerPoint, we continue to explore the book of Ephesians with the series Much More. Pastor Jack Graham teaches in the message today, Saved to Serve, that we are saved from sin, and we are then saved unto salvation for service. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/3/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Pastor Jack Graham continues this powerful study in the book of Ephesians and the series Much More. Today, Pastor Graham teaches that because of the wisdom and the revelation of God, we are not only empowered but we are also enlightened. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/2/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Beyond Blessed

We’re glad you’ve joined us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham kicks off the series Much More, in the book of Ephesians. In the message, Pastor Graham teaches that many believers live beneath their blessings. He teaches that we shouldn’t settle for a little bit in our walk with Christ. We should want much more! To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/1/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Freedom to Let Go

Pastor Jack Graham brings a special message of encouragement today to let go of our anger and forgive, as we ourselves have been forgiven. Join us for today’s PowerPoint, The Freedom to Let Go. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/28/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Breaking Free from Fear

Proverbs 1:7 says, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. But there is no place in the life of the believer for the irrational fear and anxiety that can cripple us and hold us back from full faith and trust in Christ. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings the message, Breaking Free from Fear. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/27/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Breaking Free from Addiction

It’s no secret that we live in an increasingly addicted culture. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham shares Scriptural truth to remind us that the chains that bind us and the habits that hold us back can all be broken by Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/26/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Your Mind Matters

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings the message Your Mind Matters. Scripture tells us not to be conformed to the world but to be transformed by the renewal of our mind. We need to think God’s thoughts, and to think according to His Word, Pastor Graham teaches. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/25/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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All the Lonely People - Part 2

Concluding the message, All the Lonely People, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that there are many types of loneliness. But regardless of what we are experiencing, Pastor Graham reminds us that God is with us even in the deepest valley. To combat loneliness, he teaches, we must commune with God, connect to a church, and care about other people. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/24/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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All the Lonely People

Pastor Jack Graham concludes the Help! series with a two-part message from Psalm 102 titled All the Lonely People. Loneliness is a part of the human condition, but there are times when it attacks us and overcomes us, Pastor Graham teaches. This is when we must draw near to the Lord and a community of believers instead of isolating, he teaches. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/21/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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God's Answer for Anger

As he continues the Help! series, Pastor Jack Graham addresses an emotion that we all struggle with at some point, anger. Pastor Graham tells us that we cannot let anger keep us in bondage, teaching us to get our eyes off the anger and get our eyes on Jesus! To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/20/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The God of All Comfort

Looking to 2 Corinthians, Pastor Jack Graham brings the message, The God of All Comfort, providing hope for those who are grieving. Most of us will experience grief at some point, Pastor Graham teaches, but we must remember that God is near and dear to the brokenhearted. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/19/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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No More Shame

As he continues the powerful series, Help! Pastor Jack Graham tackles the topic of shame. He teaches that regardless of the source of sin, the shame, the guilt, there is grace to cover it all God’s grace. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/18/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Help! I'm Depressed - Part 2

Concluding a two-part message on depression, Pastor Jack Graham teaches about the many biblical heroes who battled depression, and his own struggle with it. He shares that he learned to stand on God’s promises more than ever and teaches what we need in times of struggle. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/17/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Help! I'm Depressed

Continuing the Help! series, Pastor Jack Graham teaches the first part of his message addressing depression, which has been called the common cold of emotional illness because of the many who are suffering. Pastor Graham shares his own battle with depression following prostate cancer, and the grace of God that led him through it. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/14/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Help! I'm Stressed Out - Part 2

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings the second part of the message, Help! I’m Stressed Out. Pastor Graham teaches that when we know God’s Word and His promises that never fail, no matter what crisis or stress we face, we can turn the stress to strength because of the power of His presence. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/13/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Help! I'm Stressed Out

Pastor Jack Graham continues to delve into the Scriptures with the series Help! addressing the crippling emotional pressures and stresses in our lives. In his message today, Pastor Graham helps us understand how to turn our stress, no matter how chronic, into strength. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/12/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Help! I'm Afraid - Part 2

Continuing the two-part message Help! I’m Afraid, Pastor Jack Graham gives us the prescription for peace in our lives. He teaches that there are two words that represent the antidote for anxiety grateful prayer. He urges us to be worshippers and not worriers. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/11/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Help! I'm Afraid - Part 2

Continuing the two-part message Help! I’m Afraid, Pastor Jack Graham gives us the prescription for peace in our lives. He teaches that there are two words that represent the antidote for anxiety grateful prayer. He urges us to be worshippers and not worriers. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/11/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Help! I'm Afraid

We are all in need of help for something that keeps a grip on us, whether it be fear or anger or stress or grief or so many other emotions. Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham launches the series Help! He looks to Philippians 4:6-7 for the first of a two-part message Help! I’m Afraid. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/10/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Help! I'm Afraid

We are all in need of help for something that keeps a grip on us, whether it be fear or anger or stress or grief or so many other emotions. Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham launches the series Help! He looks to Philippians 4:6-7 for the first of a two-part message Help! I’m Afraid. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/10/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jesus Now and Forever

Looking to the glorious celebration of Easter, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message about our Savior, Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, who is unchanging. God is immutable, Pastor Graham teaches. He is the same always; and because Jesus Christ is God, He is the same yesterday, today and forever! To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/7/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jesus Now and Forever

Looking to the glorious celebration of Easter, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message about our Savior, Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, who is unchanging. God is immutable, Pastor Graham teaches. He is the same always; and because Jesus Christ is God, He is the same yesterday, today and forever! To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/7/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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God's Grace for a Barren Place

As believers, we know of our new life in Christ, and we know where we will spend eternity. But what about the time in between? Often, we wander in what feels like a spiritual desert waiting for God to come through. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings us a message of hope for the spiritual droughts that we face. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/6/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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God's Grace for a Barren Place

As believers, we know of our new life in Christ, and we know where we will spend eternity. But what about the time in between? Often, we wander in what feels like a spiritual desert waiting for God to come through. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings us a message of hope for the spiritual droughts that we face. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/6/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A New World Order

Join us for today’s PowerPoint with Pastor Jack Graham as he brings a message encouraging Christians to dig deep into the Word of God to discover the three worlds to which every Christian should relate; a world which was, a world which is and a world which is to come. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/5/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A New World Order

Join us for today’s PowerPoint with Pastor Jack Graham as he brings a message encouraging Christians to dig deep into the Word of God to discover the three worlds to which every Christian should relate; a world which was, a world which is and a world which is to come. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/5/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Applause of Heaven

When we accept Christ as our Savior, we can know immediately that God has a mission for our lives. Join us for today’s PowerPoint, as Pastor Jack Graham shares a message revealing the ultimate purpose God has for the life of the believer, The Applause of Heaven. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/4/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Applause of Heaven

When we accept Christ as our Savior, we can know immediately that God has a mission for our lives. Join us for today’s PowerPoint, as Pastor Jack Graham shares a message revealing the ultimate purpose God has for the life of the believer, The Applause of Heaven. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/4/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Source of Our Strength

Despite the technological advances of our time, the things designed to make our lives easier, we are more exhausted than ever before. If we look to the world for strength, we’ll be disappointed every time. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from Isaiah 40:31 reminding us of the true source of our strength. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/3/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Source of Our Strength

Despite the technological advances of our time, the things designed to make our lives easier, we are more exhausted than ever before. If we look to the world for strength, we’ll be disappointed every time. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from Isaiah 40:31 reminding us of the true source of our strength. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/3/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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When Victory Comes

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham preaches a message reminding us of the potential dangers that come with victory. The way we deal with the success God gives us matters greatly to the church, as we learn in today’s message, When Victory Comes. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/31/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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When Victory Comes

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham preaches a message reminding us of the potential dangers that come with victory. The way we deal with the success God gives us matters greatly to the church, as we learn in today’s message, When Victory Comes. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/31/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Even in the Christian life, believers will fall and fail. It won’t happen suddenly though; it will happen after a series of bad choices. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings a powerful message warning against the lure of Compromise. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/30/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Even in the Christian life, believers will fall and fail. It won’t happen suddenly though; it will happen after a series of bad choices. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings a powerful message warning against the lure of Compromise. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/30/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Can You Trust the Bible?

As questions in our culture abound regarding the accuracy and inerrancy of Scripture, Pastor Jack Graham begins the series The Source of Our Strength with a timely message encouraging and affirming us as we trust the Bible in all matters of our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/29/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Can You Trust the Bible?

As questions in our culture abound regarding the accuracy and inerrancy of Scripture, Pastor Jack Graham begins the series The Source of Our Strength with a timely message encouraging and affirming us as we trust the Bible in all matters of our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/29/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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All Sufficient

On today’s PowerPoint with Pastor Jack Graham, we’re reminded that we don’t live on man’s economy. When our resources are low, when we feel we are short on time or money or love, we can be sure that God owns it all and, through His grace, we will be given all we need. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/28/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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All Sufficient

On today’s PowerPoint with Pastor Jack Graham, we’re reminded that we don’t live on man’s economy. When our resources are low, when we feel we are short on time or money or love, we can be sure that God owns it all and, through His grace, we will be given all we need. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/28/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Blessed Hope

While no one knows the day or hour, we know our Savior will return for us. Pastor Jack Graham brings a message on the unshakable confidence we can have that our future is in Christ’s hands and that the best is yet to come. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/27/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Blessed Hope

While no one knows the day or hour, we know our Savior will return for us. Pastor Jack Graham brings a message on the unshakable confidence we can have that our future is in Christ’s hands and that the best is yet to come. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/27/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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When we confess our sins, we agree with God. If we’re followers of His, we know what offends Him; we know of our need for sincere and swift confession and we know that Scripture tells us He is faithful and just to forgive ... To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/24/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Grace Enough

There’s nothing we can do on our own to make us right with God. We are all sinners in need of the grace He so willingly provides when we accept Him. Join Pastor Jack Graham as he brings a powerful message of the grace that saves us, Grace Enough. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/23/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Promise of Guidance

Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham reminds us that God sovereignly directs our lives in ways we cannot know or see. When we surrender our lives to Him, His will finds and guides us according to The Promise of Guidance we have in His Word. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/22/202328 minutes, 4 seconds