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Psychology in 10 Minutes Cover
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Psychology in 10 Minutes

English, Psychology, 1 season, 54 episodes, 8 hours, 33 minutes
Find out something new about psychology while you sip your morning coffee. If you like the show, tell a friend, post an episode to social media, or consider supporting us at
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Are we getting mindfulness wrong?

Western psychologists borrowed mindfulness meditation from the Buddhist tradition. But, did they get it right? Here's one Buddhist Monk's take. Check out the video of this episode:
9/30/202422 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Truth about Loneliness (and what to do about it)

In an age of unprecedented interconnection, we're feeling lonelier than ever. But there are some surprisingly simple things we can do about it. View this episode in video, as well:
9/23/202412 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why you should get a pet

Besides being cute, here are four ways science shows that pets may be good for our mental and physical health. Check out the video version of this podcast:
9/16/202410 minutes, 56 seconds
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Was the Buddha a psychologist?

In this episode, I speak with Buddhist monk Phra Pandit about the relationship between Buddhism and psychology. Check out the full video interview at 
9/6/202415 minutes, 37 seconds
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Why get a PhD in psychology?

If you're considering a PhD in clinical or counseling psychology, you'll want to listen.
7/12/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Finding meaning and satisfaction as we age

Here's the insight that may help us find meaning and fulfillment as we get older. If you love the show, get your copy of the 'Psychology in 10 Minutes' Book!
11/27/20239 minutes, 29 seconds
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How music alters our moods and perceptions

There's no question that music can alter our mood. But new research is showing it might do much more.
10/17/20236 minutes, 23 seconds
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Surprising Psychology Facts: Motivation Edition

Research shows that some surprisingly simple motivation hacks can also be surprisingly effective. Here are three insights from motivation science that might surprise you. If you enjoy this episode, consider becoming a patron!
10/3/202310 minutes, 22 seconds
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Emotional and physical pain are more similar than you think

Imagine if, someday, you could take a pill that would help with loneliness as readily as Tylenol helps with a headache. If you like the show, buy me a coffee!
9/19/20237 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why human memory is far from perfect

I came to believe my own lie. Here's how, and what it tells us about human memory. If you like the show, buy me a coffee (or two!) at
9/5/20239 minutes, 47 seconds
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The psychology of travel: Part 2

Why travel--especially when it involves experiences within cultures different from our own--can help us be more creative and flexible in our thinking.
8/22/20237 minutes, 52 seconds
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The psychology of travel: Part 1

Here's why experiences--like travel--generally boost our happiness more than material objects, like the latest gadget or fancy pair of shoes.
8/10/20239 minutes, 3 seconds
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What is forgiveness?

You've probably heard the saying "forgiveness is a virtue." Is it really? And, what exactly is forgiveness, anyway? - If you enjoy this episode, please consider becoming a patron of the show!
4/28/20239 minutes, 30 seconds
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Why it's hard to make decisions

Freedom of choice is a great thing. But, it's also easy to get overwhelmed by choices and psych ourselves out. Here's what psychologists know about why making decisions can be hard. - Consider becoming a patron of the show!
4/12/202311 minutes, 6 seconds
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Loving someone with a terminal illness

When a loved one has a serious illness, it's hard to know how to provide emotional support. Here are four tips that may help. (Consider becoming a patron of the show:
3/30/202310 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why do we procrastinate?

Though procrastination is a common and disruptive problem, some surprisingly simple solutions might help.
3/16/20239 minutes, 5 seconds
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Can people "manifest" positive outcomes?

Why #LuckyGirlSyndrome and other versions of "the power of positive thinking" may not be helpful for everyone.
3/9/202310 minutes, 30 seconds
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Is artificial intelligence the future of psychotherapy?

How is artificial intelligence going to change psychotherapy? Let's find out what ChatGPT thinks. If you enjoy the show, consider becoming a patron!
3/2/202310 minutes, 4 seconds
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Why nostalgia is on the rise

People are once again snapping Polaroids, adopting Tamagotchis, and revisiting TV shows of yesteryear. Here's what's good about it, what's not, and why. If you enjoy the show, consider becoming a patron!
2/23/20238 minutes, 49 seconds
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Why do friends make us happy?

We're wired for relationships. But, what exactly is it about our relationships that makes us happy? The answers may be simpler than you think. If you enjoy the show, consider becoming a patron!
2/16/20236 minutes, 58 seconds
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What if everything you believed about love was wrong?

According to new research, love may be a more expansive experience than you think. If you enjoy the show, consider becoming a patron!
2/9/20235 minutes, 40 seconds
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Does life get more or less meaningful as we age?

Who do you think perceives their lives as more meaningful: new high school graduates or people about ready to retire? The answer may surprise you... If you enjoy the show, become a patron!
7/22/20215 minutes, 36 seconds
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Three things people say that annoy psychologists

I often dread telling people I'm a psychologist. Here's why... If you enjoy the show, become a patron!
7/6/202110 minutes, 20 seconds
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How marketing unconsciously manipulates us

The forces behind impulse purchases are often hidden. Here's how we can help get control of them. If you like the show, you can now support us!
6/24/20216 minutes, 34 seconds
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The power of gratitude

The practice of gratitude may help us to overcome our natural human tendency to focus on the negative. Here's why.
6/7/20218 minutes, 42 seconds
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Mindfulness and self-compassion for a difficult year

We're all hard on ourselves. But, according to new research, it's possible to "rewire" our brains for greater self-compassion.
5/17/20219 minutes, 43 seconds
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Two reasons it's not good to be happy all the time

Research shows that living a good life is about more than pleasure, and happiness may cause us to miss the most meaningful experiences of all.
7/2/20208 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Power of Rituals to Heal Grief

Rituals are an important way for people to find meaning when they lose a loved one. But, rituals don't have to be formal or complicated. Here are four questions to help you develop a personal healing ritual.
6/1/20209 minutes, 18 seconds
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Hope and fear in the time of coronavirus

New research shows that that two experiences--hope and fear--may distinguish who will take steps to protect themselves from COVID-19 and who won’t. We know there's reason for fear? But is there reason for hope?
3/24/20209 minutes, 32 seconds
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Building emotional intelligence isn’t as hard as you think

It can feel risky to get in touch with our feelings, let alone express them. But one psychologist argues that getting to know our feelings can be one of the best things we ever do.
3/8/202011 minutes, 55 seconds
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Is optimism ever bad for us?

As children, many of us were taught to think positively. According to research, however, this isn't always good advice.
12/21/20196 minutes, 51 seconds
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Is religion good or bad for us?

Research reveals three reasons religion and spirituality may be good for our well-being (and a few reasons they might not be).
10/8/201910 minutes, 42 seconds
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Setting the conditions for hope to thrive in your life

According to research, hope begins when we set three simple conditions in our lives.
9/9/201910 minutes, 11 seconds
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What do I say when someone is grieving?

If you’ve ever had a friend lose someone they love, you know how hard it is to figure out what to say. Here are four steps that might help.
8/2/20198 minutes, 56 seconds
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Happiness for sale

Science shows that people's obsession with money runs deeper than you might think.
5/28/201910 minutes, 34 seconds
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Three negative feelings that can sometimes be good

There may be a good reason that human beings evolved the ability to experience negative emotions: In measured amounts, they can protect us from harm and help us to be successful.
4/24/201910 minutes, 52 seconds
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Is the secret to a good life to live like we're dying?

The secret to a good life may be to live like we're dying. Here are five important lessons to help us do just that.
1/4/201910 minutes, 26 seconds
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Is there an alternative to diagnosing mental illness?

For most of the history of modern psychology, therapists paid a lot more attention to people's deficits than their strengths. But this is changing. Now, some psychologists believe that therapists should pay more attention to clients' strengths.
8/23/20187 minutes, 23 seconds
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Why incompetent people don't know they're incompetent

According to research, the least competent people often think they’re the best, leading to a cycle of poor performance. But there’s a simple antidote.
7/18/20187 minutes, 31 seconds
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The paradoxical secret to finding meaning in life

The great psychiatrist Viktor Frankl actually warned against searching for meaning in life, because not searching for meaning may be the best way to find it.
6/3/20186 minutes, 11 seconds
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Why do people blame the victim?

Even with the rise of the #MeToo movement, victim-blaming remains a tenacious problem. Could the tendency to blame the victim be programmed into the human mind at the most basic level? And how can we undo it?
4/27/201811 minutes, 17 seconds
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Do dreams really mean anything?

To understand dreams, we must interpret them, as if they were written in secret code. But, what if there's no code, and we've been reading into a bunch of meaningless images?
2/7/20189 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Psychology of Star Wars: The Dark Side Edition

Star Wars makes lots of assertions about our darker emotions. But are they accurate?
1/22/201811 minutes, 59 seconds
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Why daydreaming is good for us

Though many of us were told by our grade-school teachers to get our heads out of clouds, recent research shows that this may not have been good advice. Certain kinds of daydreaming may actually help us be more successful in life.
1/3/20187 minutes, 25 seconds
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How do I know if a therapist is right for me?

Although search engines make finding therapists simpler than ever, it's easy to suffer from information overload. Five questions can help you cut through the confusion.
11/15/20179 minutes, 55 seconds
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Is psychology a real science?

Some people say psychology isn't a science. Are they right?
10/8/20177 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why giving up can sometimes be good

As children, many of us were told, "Never give up." But new research shows that giving up on a dream can sometimes be the healthiest option.
9/29/20178 minutes, 35 seconds
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Does what doesn't kill us really make us stronger?

When tragedies happen, it's easy to wonder if there's any meaning to suffering.
9/17/20175 minutes, 55 seconds
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Does the unconscious really exist?

Some psychologists think the unconscious mind is pure fiction.
7/25/201710 minutes, 23 seconds
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Why the stages of grief are wrong

It's not true that grief proceeds in five stages. So what is true?
7/10/201710 minutes, 40 seconds
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Are psychologists just rent-a-friends?

A lot of people doubt that therapy works. Are they right?
7/6/20177 minutes, 52 seconds
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Why do people believe things that aren't true?

In the face of our "post-truth" era of politics, it's hard to know what to believe. According to psychology research, whether we know it or not, most of us harbor false beliefs. Do you?
6/11/20178 minutes, 17 seconds
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What if we were all politically conservative?

Some psychologists believe that even liberal people, deep down, may be conservative. Could it actualy be true?
6/11/201711 minutes, 14 seconds
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Is mental illness real?

Are mental illnesses real in the same way that HIV, cancer, or the flu are? Some psychologists say no.
6/10/20176 minutes, 51 seconds