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Rain in the Desert

Anglais, Christianity, 1 saison, 659 épisodes, 2 jours, 12 heures, 34 minutes
A propos
Homilies from Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral - Fr. Apostolos Hill, Dean of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Phoenix, AZ, delivers a timely message in a humorous and straightforward preaching style as he draws from his various life adventures to underscore the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to save and to heal broken humanity.
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Joy and the Crucified Life

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on the theme of the Sunday before the Exaltation of the Cross with a challenge to consider that we have been viewing the Cross incorrectly; e.g. as an impediment to our happiness and not as the cause of joy in the life of the redeemed.
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Joy and the Crucified Life

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on the theme of the Sunday before the Exaltation of the Cross with a challenge to consider that we have been viewing the Cross incorrectly; e.g. as an impediment to our happiness and not as the cause of joy in the life of the redeemed.
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Joy and the Crucified Life

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on the theme of the Sunday before the Exaltation of the Cross with a challenge to consider that we have been viewing the Cross incorrectly; e.g. as an impediment to our happiness and not as the cause of joy in the life of the redeemed.
11/09/202317 minutes, 8 secondes
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Freedom and not Independence

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on the difference between Independence and Freedom with a brief history lesson about Independence Day.
03/07/202320 minutes, 44 secondes
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Freedom and not Independence

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on the difference between Independence and Freedom with a brief history lesson about Independence Day.
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Freedom and not Independence

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on the difference between Independence and Freedom with a brief history lesson about Independence Day.
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The Apostolic Characteristic of the Church

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the evangelical imperative of the Apostolicity of the Church.
30/06/202315 minutes, 3 secondes
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The Apostolic Characteristic of the Church

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the evangelical imperative of the Apostolicity of the Church.
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The Apostolic Characteristic of the Church

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the evangelical imperative of the Apostolicity of the Church.
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The Causes and Cures of Spiritual Blindness

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily on the Sunday of the Blind Man about the Causes and Cures of Spiritual Blindness.
22/05/202317 minutes, 17 secondes
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The Causes and Cures of Spiritual Blindness

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily on the Sunday of the Blind Man about the Causes and Cures of Spiritual Blindness.
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The Causes and Cures of Spiritual Blindness

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily on the Sunday of the Blind Man about the Causes and Cures of Spiritual Blindness.
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The Meaning of Grace

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the meaning and application of the Greek word for "Grace" and its connection with "joy" and "gratitude."
15/05/202317 minutes, 35 secondes
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The Meaning of Grace

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the meaning and application of the Greek word for "Grace" and its connection with "joy" and "gratitude."
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The Meaning of Grace

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the meaning and application of the Greek word for "Grace" and its connection with "joy" and "gratitude."
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Who is the Christ?

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a Palm Sunday homily about the Triumphal Entry and the many questions provoked by Jesus' life and ministry throughout the Gospels. We can come to a deeper and greater experiential and relational understanding of Jesus in the services of the week.
10/04/202317 minutes, 35 secondes
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Who is the Christ?

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a Palm Sunday homily about the Triumphal Entry and the many questions provoked by Jesus' life and ministry throughout the Gospels. We can come to a deeper and greater experiential and relational understanding of Jesus in the services of the week.
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Who is the Christ?

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a Palm Sunday homily about the Triumphal Entry and the many questions provoked by Jesus' life and ministry throughout the Gospels. We can come to a deeper and greater experiential and relational understanding of Jesus in the services of the week.
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The Cross as Viewed from the East

Fr. Apostolos Hill deconstructed the soteriological heresy of the Penal Substitutionary Atonement of Anselm of Canterbury and an explanation of how the Orthodox Church understands and applies the Cross of Christ and its efficacy for our salvation.
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The Cross as Viewed from the East

Fr. Apostolos Hill deconstructed the soteriological heresy of the Penal Substitutionary Atonement of Anselm of Canterbury and an explanation of how the Orthodox Church understands and applies the Cross of Christ and its efficacy for our salvation.
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The Cross as Viewed from the East

Fr. Apostolos Hill deconstructed the soteriological heresy of the Penal Substitutionary Atonement of Anselm of Canterbury and an explanation of how the Orthodox Church understands and applies the Cross of Christ and its efficacy for our salvation.
20/03/202318 minutes, 35 secondes
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The Soul of Orthodoxy

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on the Sunday of Orthodoxy and provides an examination of what our faith is and is not.
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The Soul of Orthodoxy

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on the Sunday of Orthodoxy and provides an examination of what our faith is and is not.
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The Soul of Orthodoxy

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on the Sunday of Orthodoxy and provides an examination of what our faith is and is not.
06/03/202317 minutes, 30 secondes
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Every Day a New Day

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily that is focused on the Epistle reading from Colossians. The newness of the year should remind us that we serve a loving and merciful God, whose mercies are new every day.
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Every Day a New Day

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily that is focused on the Epistle reading from Colossians. The newness of the year should remind us that we serve a loving and merciful God, whose mercies are new every day.
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Every Day a New Day

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily that is focused on the Epistle reading from Colossians. The newness of the year should remind us that we serve a loving and merciful God, whose mercies are new every day.
16/01/202317 minutes, 4 secondes
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Eucharistic Stewardship

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily about stewardship as a Eucharistic offering of our entire life to God. He recalls Fr. Hopko's discussions about our earthly labors being represented in the offering of the bread and wine, hence, the sacralization of our workaday lives.
12/12/202220 minutes, 45 secondes
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Eucharistic Stewardship

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily about stewardship as a Eucharistic offering of our entire life to God. He recalls Fr. Hopko's discussions about our earthly labors being represented in the offering of the bread and wine, hence, the sacralization of our workaday lives.
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Eucharistic Stewardship

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily about stewardship as a Eucharistic offering of our entire life to God. He recalls Fr. Hopko's discussions about our earthly labors being represented in the offering of the bread and wine, hence, the sacralization of our workaday lives.
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The Lethality of Sin and Its Cure

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the image of the man beset by robbers on the road down to Jericho. This is about the lethal reality of sin as the Prophet Ezekiel stated "the soul that sinneth, it shall die," and the totally effective cure available in the blood of the Christ.
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The Lethality of Sin and Its Cure

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the image of the man beset by robbers on the road down to Jericho. This is about the lethal reality of sin as the Prophet Ezekiel stated "the soul that sinneth, it shall die," and the totally effective cure available in the blood of the Christ.
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The Lethality of Sin and Its Cure

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the image of the man beset by robbers on the road down to Jericho. This is about the lethal reality of sin as the Prophet Ezekiel stated "the soul that sinneth, it shall die," and the totally effective cure available in the blood of the Christ.
14/11/202217 minutes, 59 secondes
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When We Disagree with Holy Scripture

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches on what to do when we come upon disagreeable passages in Holy Scripture, such as Abraham's statement to the Rich Man that he has already received his "good things" in his life and can expect nothing more.
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When We Disagree with Holy Scripture

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches on what to do when we come upon disagreeable passages in Holy Scripture, such as Abraham's statement to the Rich Man that he has already received his "good things" in his life and can expect nothing more.
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When We Disagree with Holy Scripture

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches on what to do when we come upon disagreeable passages in Holy Scripture, such as Abraham's statement to the Rich Man that he has already received his "good things" in his life and can expect nothing more.
31/10/202216 minutes, 52 secondes
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Is the Gospel Obsolete?

Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the Parable of the Sower and the Seed of the Gospel which is but scarcely proclaimed, having been supplanted by an array of false ones.
17/10/202217 minutes, 55 secondes
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Is the Gospel Obsolete?

Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the Parable of the Sower and the Seed of the Gospel which is but scarcely proclaimed, having been supplanted by an array of false ones.
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Is the Gospel Obsolete?

Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the Parable of the Sower and the Seed of the Gospel which is but scarcely proclaimed, having been supplanted by an array of false ones.
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Church and Buildings

During the annual parish festival, Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the difference between the Church building which patrons toured, and the Church which--or rather, who--were serving them on the festival grounds.
10/10/202211 minutes, 56 secondes
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Church and Buildings

During the annual parish festival, Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the difference between the Church building which patrons toured, and the Church which--or rather, who--were serving them on the festival grounds.
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Church and Buildings

During the annual parish festival, Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the difference between the Church building which patrons toured, and the Church which--or rather, who--were serving them on the festival grounds.
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Why John 3:16 Matters

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a straightforward line-by-line examination of the Gospel message in John 3:16.
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Why John 3:16 Matters

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a straightforward line-by-line examination of the Gospel message in John 3:16.
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Why John 3:16 Matters

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a straightforward line-by-line examination of the Gospel message in John 3:16.
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The Economics of Salvation

Fr. Apostolos Hill homily about the parable of the unforgiving servant.
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The Economics of Salvation

Fr. Apostolos Hill homily about the parable of the unforgiving servant.
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Testing our faith in the storms of life

Fr. Apostolos Hill challenges us with reflections on the Gospel reading of St. Peter's impetuous faith on the Sea of Galilee.
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Testing our faith in the storms of life

Fr. Apostolos Hill challenges us with reflections on the Gospel reading of St. Peter's impetuous faith on the Sea of Galilee.
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The Economics of Salvation

Fr. Apostolos Hill homily about the parable of the unforgiving servant.
29/08/202214 minutes, 16 secondes
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Testing our faith in the storms of life

Fr. Apostolos Hill challenges us with reflections on the Gospel reading of St. Peter's impetuous faith on the Sea of Galilee.
22/08/202214 minutes, 49 secondes
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Feast of the Transfiguration

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the importance of being transfigured in Jesus Christ.
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Feast of the Transfiguration

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the importance of being transfigured in Jesus Christ.
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Feast of the Transfiguration

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the importance of being transfigured in Jesus Christ.
08/08/202219 minutes
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Apostles' Fast Explained

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily about the Apostles' Fast and the command to share the Gospel.
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Apostles' Fast Explained

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily about the Apostles' Fast and the command to share the Gospel.
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Apostles’ Fast Explained

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily about the Apostles' Fast and the command to share the Gospel.
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Tribute to Fathers

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a tribute to fathers after having buried his father the week before.
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Tribute to Fathers

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a tribute to fathers after having buried his father the week before.
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Tribute to Fathers

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a tribute to fathers after having buried his father the week before.
06/06/202221 minutes, 29 secondes
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“Give Us Water to Drink”

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches about the Living Water that only Christ can give to quench the thirst in the deepest part of humanity.
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“Give Us Water to Drink”

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches about the Living Water that only Christ can give to quench the thirst in the deepest part of humanity.
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“Give Us Water to Drink”

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches about the Living Water that only Christ can give to quench the thirst in the deepest part of humanity.
23/05/202220 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Ocean of God's Love

On the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt, Fr. Apostolos Hill shares on the Prophet Micah's closing comment on God throwing our sins into the depths of the ocean. As St. Mary's life indicates, we cannot out-sin the measureless mercy of God's love.
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The Ocean of God's Love

On the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt, Fr. Apostolos Hill shares on the Prophet Micah's closing comment on God throwing our sins into the depths of the ocean. As St. Mary's life indicates, we cannot out-sin the measureless mercy of God's love.
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The Ocean of God’s Love

On the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt, Fr. Apostolos Hill shares on the Prophet Micah's closing comment on God throwing our sins into the depths of the ocean. As St. Mary's life indicates, we cannot out-sin the measureless mercy of God's love.
11/04/202218 minutes, 3 secondes
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Why We Preserve the Faith

"I'm no longer content for our faith to be stuck in a mason jar. Our faith is food, and hungry, starving people need to eat what we uniquely can give them."
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Why We Preserve the Faith

"I'm no longer content for our faith to be stuck in a mason jar. Our faith is food, and hungry, starving people need to eat what we uniquely can give them."
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Why We Preserve the Faith

"I'm no longer content for our faith to be stuck in a mason jar. Our faith is food, and hungry, starving people need to eat what we uniquely can give them."
14/03/202218 minutes, 41 secondes
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Divine Judgement

Fr. Apostolos speaks about Divine Judgement and the pardon offered to all through the blood of Christ.
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Divine Judgement

Fr. Apostolos speaks about Divine Judgement and the pardon offered to all through the blood of Christ.
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Divine Judgement

Fr. Apostolos speaks about Divine Judgement and the pardon offered to all through the blood of Christ.
28/02/202216 minutes, 27 secondes
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The City on the Hill

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily from the Gospel reading for the Three Holy Hierarchs, Matthew 5:14-19.
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The City on the Hill

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily from the Gospel reading for the Three Holy Hierarchs, Matthew 5:14-19.
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The City on the Hill

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily from the Gospel reading for the Three Holy Hierarchs, Matthew 5:14-19.
31/01/202215 minutes, 49 secondes
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Sacrifices of Thanksgiving

The Parable of the Ten Lepers provided an opportunity to examine Levitical laws pertaining to leprosy and to the offering of sacrifices of thanksgiving in the Temple. Fr. Apostolos Hill underscore thes essentiality of the Holy Eucharist as the means whereby we as Orthodox Christians can offer our own sacrifices of Thanksgiving to God.
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Sacrifices of Thanksgiving

The Parable of the Ten Lepers provided an opportunity to examine Levitical laws pertaining to leprosy and to the offering of sacrifices of thanksgiving in the Temple. Fr. Apostolos Hill underscore thes essentiality of the Holy Eucharist as the means whereby we as Orthodox Christians can offer our own sacrifices of Thanksgiving to God.
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Sacrifices of Thanksgiving

The Parable of the Ten Lepers provided an opportunity to examine Levitical laws pertaining to leprosy and to the offering of sacrifices of thanksgiving in the Temple. Fr. Apostolos Hill underscore thes essentiality of the Holy Eucharist as the means whereby we as Orthodox Christians can offer our own sacrifices of Thanksgiving to God.
17/01/202220 minutes
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Family Ties

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily based upon the Gospel reading of the Genealogy of Christ and the adoption of humanity into the family of God.
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Family Ties

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily based upon the Gospel reading of the Genealogy of Christ and the adoption of humanity into the family of God.
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Family Ties

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily based upon the Gospel reading of the Genealogy of Christ and the adoption of humanity into the family of God.
20/12/202116 minutes, 21 secondes
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Whole Life Stewardship

Fr. Apostolos Hill examines the feast of the Presentation and its application to the theme of collaborating synergetically with God as did the Virgin and her parents in the events of the feast.
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Whole Life Stewardship

Fr. Apostolos Hill examines the feast of the Presentation and its application to the theme of collaborating synergetically with God as did the Virgin and her parents in the events of the feast.
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Whole Life Stewardship

Fr. Apostolos Hill examines the feast of the Presentation and its application to the theme of collaborating synergetically with God as did the Virgin and her parents in the events of the feast.
22/11/202119 minutes, 55 secondes
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Healing for the Whole Person

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily on this Sunday's Gospel reading, an examination from Holy Scripture of the nature of true healing.
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Healing for the Whole Person

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily on this Sunday's Gospel reading, an examination from Holy Scripture of the nature of true healing.
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Healing for the Whole Person

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily on this Sunday's Gospel reading, an examination from Holy Scripture of the nature of true healing.
08/11/202118 minutes, 14 secondes
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Of Pigs and Demons

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a scriptural survey of the demonic horde and what our response to their influence ought to be in this season.
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Of Pigs and Demons

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a scriptural survey of the demonic horde and what our response to their influence ought to be in this season.
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Of Pigs and Demons

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a scriptural survey of the demonic horde and what our response to their influence ought to be in this season.
25/10/202119 minutes, 39 secondes
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Why Marriage?

Fr. Apostolos Hill took the opportunity of his and Presvytera Denise's 38th wedding anniversary to offer a homily about marriage in the Orthodox view.
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Why Marriage?

Fr. Apostolos Hill took the opportunity of his and Presvytera Denise's 38th wedding anniversary to offer a homily about marriage in the Orthodox view.
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Why Marriage?

Fr. Apostolos Hill took the opportunity of his and Presvytera Denise's 38th wedding anniversary to offer a homily about marriage in the Orthodox view.
11/10/202119 minutes, 21 secondes
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Somebody That I Used to Know

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily on the Gospel reading, an examination of the difference between following or pursuing Jesus and being casually associated with Him.
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Somebody That I Used to Know

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily on the Gospel reading, an examination of the difference between following or pursuing Jesus and being casually associated with Him.
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Somebody That I Used to Know

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily on the Gospel reading, an examination of the difference between following or pursuing Jesus and being casually associated with Him.
20/09/202117 minutes, 17 secondes
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More Than a Talisman

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a brief historical review of the excavation of Golgotha and the history of the Precious Cross of Christ, then an examination of the challenge of understanding the Cross in our own time.
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More Than a Talisman

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a brief historical review of the excavation of Golgotha and the history of the Precious Cross of Christ, then an examination of the challenge of understanding the Cross in our own time.
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More Than a Talisman

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a brief historical review of the excavation of Golgotha and the history of the Precious Cross of Christ, then an examination of the challenge of understanding the Cross in our own time.
14/09/202117 minutes, 17 secondes
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Increments and Intervals of Time

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily from the service for the Indiction regarding the Orthodox view of of time and how it is consecrated through the prayer of the Church.
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Increments and Intervals of Time

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily from the service for the Indiction regarding the Orthodox view of of time and how it is consecrated through the prayer of the Church.
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Increments and Intervals of Time

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily from the service for the Indiction regarding the Orthodox view of of time and how it is consecrated through the prayer of the Church.
01/09/202117 minutes, 54 secondes
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Origen is Still a Heretic

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily from the commemoration of the 5th Ecumenical Council which condemned the many heresies of Origen of Alexandria and of Universalism in particular.
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Origen is Still a Heretic

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily from the commemoration of the 5th Ecumenical Council which condemned the many heresies of Origen of Alexandria and of Universalism in particular.
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Origen is Still a Heretic

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily from the commemoration of the 5th Ecumenical Council which condemned the many heresies of Origen of Alexandria and of Universalism in particular.
26/07/202119 minutes, 36 secondes
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Escape from Fear and Anxiety

Fr. Apostolos Hill provides a straightforward expository of the peace that Jesus provides.
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Escape from Fear and Anxiety

Fr. Apostolos Hill provides a straightforward expository of the peace that Jesus provides.
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Escape from Fear and Anxiety

Fr. Apostolos Hill provides a straightforward expository of the peace that Jesus provides.
12/07/202120 minutes, 57 secondes
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Saints in Three Dimensions

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers an offering on All Saints Sunday, a reflection on the gritty reality of the saints in all three dimensions of life and not the two-dimensional caricatures to which we often reduce them.
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Saints in Three Dimensions

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers an offering on All Saints Sunday, a reflection on the gritty reality of the saints in all three dimensions of life and not the two-dimensional caricatures to which we often reduce them.
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Saints in Three Dimensions

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers an offering on All Saints Sunday, a reflection on the gritty reality of the saints in all three dimensions of life and not the two-dimensional caricatures to which we often reduce them.
29/06/202118 minutes, 23 secondes
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Four Aspects of Spiritual Blindness

Using some recent surgeries in his eye, Fr. Apostolos Hill explains the importance of staying vigilant to the blindness of our soul.
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Four Aspects of Spiritual Blindness

Using some recent surgeries in his eye, Fr. Apostolos Hill explains the importance of staying vigilant to the blindness of our soul.
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The Defeat of Arius and Preservation of Truth

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily about the 1st Ecumenical Council and how only the God-man Jesus Christ is the Bridge that unites Heaven and Earth.
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The Defeat of Arius and Preservation of Truth

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily about the 1st Ecumenical Council and how only the God-man Jesus Christ is the Bridge that unites Heaven and Earth.
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The Defeat of Arius and Preservation of Truth

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily about the 1st Ecumenical Council and how only the God-man Jesus Christ is the Bridge that unites Heaven and Earth.
14/06/202116 minutes, 36 secondes
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Four Aspects of Spiritual Blindness

Using some recent surgeries in his eye, Fr. Apostolos Hill explains the importance of staying vigilant to the blindness of our soul.
07/06/202114 minutes, 55 secondes
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Christ, the Bridegroom of the Church

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily detailing the bridal imagery running through the Divine Liturgy and the Bridegroom Matins services of the week.
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Christ, the Bridegroom of the Church

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily detailing the bridal imagery running through the Divine Liturgy and the Bridegroom Matins services of the week.
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Christ, the Bridegroom of the Church

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily detailing the bridal imagery running through the Divine Liturgy and the Bridegroom Matins services of the week.
26/04/202119 minutes, 20 secondes
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Moonwalking Our Faith

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a "book report" on the Ladder of Divine Ascent of St. John Climacus and the expectation of progress in our Life in Christ.
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Moonwalking Our Faith

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a "book report" on the Ladder of Divine Ascent of St. John Climacus and the expectation of progress in our Life in Christ.
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Moonwalking Our Faith

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a "book report" on the Ladder of Divine Ascent of St. John Climacus and the expectation of progress in our Life in Christ.
12/04/202116 minutes, 19 secondes
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Celebrating True Freedom

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily at the 200 year anniversary of Greek Independence about the true freedom wrought for us in Christ.
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Celebrating True Freedom

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily at the 200 year anniversary of Greek Independence about the true freedom wrought for us in Christ.
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Celebrating True Freedom

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily at the 200 year anniversary of Greek Independence about the true freedom wrought for us in Christ.
29/03/202116 minutes, 21 secondes
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An Example of Urgent Prayer

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the Canaanite woman as an example of urgent prayer.
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An Example of Urgent Prayer

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the Canaanite woman as an example of urgent prayer.
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An Example of Urgent Prayer

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the Canaanite woman as an example of urgent prayer.
15/02/202116 minutes, 42 secondes
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Zaccheus: Exemplar of Salvation

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on Zaccheus' response to Jesus proclamation of salvation, the giving away of his earthly wealth and the restoration of those he had swindled.
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Zaccheus: Exemplar of Salvation

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on Zaccheus' response to Jesus proclamation of salvation, the giving away of his earthly wealth and the restoration of those he had swindled.
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Zaccheus: Exemplar of Salvation

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on Zaccheus' response to Jesus proclamation of salvation, the giving away of his earthly wealth and the restoration of those he had swindled.
01/02/202112 minutes, 27 secondes
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Blindness of Ingratitude

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on the blindness of ingratitude, while wearing a blindfold for effect. This is the perfect reminder for those listening to be grateful for that which is given to them.
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Blindness of Ingratitude

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on the blindness of ingratitude, while wearing a blindfold for effect. This is the perfect reminder for those listening to be grateful for that which is given to them.
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Blindness of Ingratitude

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on the blindness of ingratitude, while wearing a blindfold for effect. This is the perfect reminder for those listening to be grateful for that which is given to them.
24/11/202013 minutes, 32 secondes
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Touching Jesus

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a simple homily from the Gospel about touching Jesus during a period of necessary distancing.
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Touching Jesus

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a simple homily from the Gospel about touching Jesus during a period of necessary distancing.
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Touching Jesus

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a simple homily from the Gospel about touching Jesus during a period of necessary distancing.
09/11/202014 minutes, 49 secondes
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Of the Kingdom and kingdoms

Fr. Apostolos Hill offers a Lord of the Rings based depiction of the centrality of the Kingdom of Heaven as the context for our lives in Christ, and a clean break from the various "kingdoms" which vie for our loyalties here below.
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Of the Kingdom and kingdoms

Fr. Apostolos Hill offers a Lord of the Rings based depiction of the centrality of the Kingdom of Heaven as the context for our lives in Christ, and a clean break from the various "kingdoms" which vie for our loyalties here below.
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Of the Kingdom and kingdoms

Fr. Apostolos Hill offers a Lord of the Rings based depiction of the centrality of the Kingdom of Heaven as the context for our lives in Christ, and a clean break from the various "kingdoms" which vie for our loyalties here below.
27/10/202017 minutes, 31 secondes
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The Holy Priesthood

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives an exposition on the nature of the Holy Priesthood in the Church.
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The Holy Priesthood

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives an exposition on the nature of the Holy Priesthood in the Church.
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The Holy Priesthood

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives an exposition on the nature of the Holy Priesthood in the Church.
19/10/202020 minutes, 31 secondes
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When God Breaks Your Legs

Fr. Apostolos Hill returns after undergoing eye surgery to reattach the retina in his left eye. He speaks about the times when God allows us to undergo trials to strengthen our Faith in Him and sharpen and correct our priorities.
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When God Breaks Your Legs

Fr. Apostolos Hill returns after undergoing eye surgery to reattach the retina in his left eye. He speaks about the times when God allows us to undergo trials to strengthen our Faith in Him and sharpen and correct our priorities.
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When God Breaks Your Legs

Fr. Apostolos Hill returns after undergoing eye surgery to reattach the retina in his left eye. He speaks about the times when God allows us to undergo trials to strengthen our Faith in Him and sharpen and correct our priorities.
13/10/202018 minutes, 14 secondes
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Mental Health in times of Crisis

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the phases of crisis and the importance of wisdom to cling to the One who gives us hope.
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Mental Health in times of Crisis

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the phases of crisis and the importance of wisdom to cling to the One who gives us hope.
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A Christian Response to the Virus

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the book "God and the Pandemic' by Anglican bishop N.T. Wright. This book, as Fr. Apostolos notes, is written for us to consider the Christian response to this crisis as one of lamentation.
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A Christian Response to the Virus

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the book "God and the Pandemic' by Anglican bishop N.T. Wright. This book, as Fr. Apostolos notes, is written for us to consider the Christian response to this crisis as one of lamentation.
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Mental Health in times of Crisis

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the phases of crisis and the importance of wisdom to cling to the One who gives us hope.
22/09/202020 minutes, 14 secondes
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A Christian Response to the Virus

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the book "God and the Pandemic' by Anglican bishop N.T. Wright. This book, as Fr. Apostolos notes, is written for us to consider the Christian response to this crisis as one of lamentation.
04/08/202021 minutes, 22 secondes
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The Power of Speech

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches a homily taken from the end of the Epistle reading about the weight of our words.
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The Power of Speech

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches a homily taken from the end of the Epistle reading about the weight of our words.
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The Power of Speech

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches a homily taken from the end of the Epistle reading about the weight of our words.
14/07/202017 minutes, 15 secondes
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A Life of Contentment

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a sermon on the Gospel reading from the Sermon on the Mount.
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A Life of Contentment

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a sermon on the Gospel reading from the Sermon on the Mount.
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A Life of Contentment

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a sermon on the Gospel reading from the Sermon on the Mount.
29/06/202020 minutes, 34 secondes
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On Being Aghios

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches about All Saints' Day and what it means to be not of this world, or, Aghios. He reminds us of the distinction of being in this world but not of this world and the importance of striving to be Aghios each day.
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On Being Aghios

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches about All Saints' Day and what it means to be not of this world, or, Aghios. He reminds us of the distinction of being in this world but not of this world and the importance of striving to be Aghios each day.
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On Being Aghios

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches about All Saints' Day and what it means to be not of this world, or, Aghios. He reminds us of the distinction of being in this world but not of this world and the importance of striving to be Aghios each day.
16/06/202019 minutes, 33 secondes
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Fr. Apostolos preaches about the challenge to be obedient to Orthodox hierarchs in the rebellious ethos of modern society.
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Fr. Apostolos preaches about the challenge to be obedient to Orthodox hierarchs in the rebellious ethos of modern society.
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Fr. Apostolos preaches about the challenge to be obedient to Orthodox hierarchs in the rebellious ethos of modern society.
03/06/202026 minutes, 25 secondes
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Holy Tuesday Bridegroom Matins

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a short homily reflecting on the Gospel theme of the second Bridegroom Matins service.
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Holy Tuesday Bridegroom Matins

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a short homily reflecting on the Gospel theme of the second Bridegroom Matins service.
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Hair in the Censer

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses how we should anoint the Body of Jesus through repentance and confession and how we mustn't put "hair in the censer" by substituting our own views for the Gospel.
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Hair in the Censer

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses how we should anoint the Body of Jesus through repentance and confession and how we mustn't put "hair in the censer" by substituting our own views for the Gospel.
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Hair in the Censer

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses how we should anoint the Body of Jesus through repentance and confession and how we mustn't put "hair in the censer" by substituting our own views for the Gospel.
04/05/202021 minutes, 12 secondes
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Holy Tuesday Bridegroom Matins

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a short homily reflecting on the Gospel theme of the second Bridegroom Matins service.
14/04/20208 minutes, 51 secondes
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COVID-19 Response

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a timely message of hope in the Gospel during this time.
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COVID-19 Response

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a timely message of hope in the Gospel during this time.
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Fervent, Not Casual Prayer

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches on the Gospel reading about the difference between casual, ineffective prayer and the fervent prayer required of us in our present difficulties.
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Fervent, Not Casual Prayer

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches on the Gospel reading about the difference between casual, ineffective prayer and the fervent prayer required of us in our present difficulties.
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Fervent, Not Casual Prayer

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches on the Gospel reading about the difference between casual, ineffective prayer and the fervent prayer required of us in our present difficulties.
30/03/202013 minutes, 50 secondes
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COVID-19 Response

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a timely message of hope in the Gospel during this time.
23/03/20209 minutes, 49 secondes
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“Alone With God”

In Fr. Apostolos' Cathedral homily, he talks about the challenges we are facing with COVID-19 as a Church and as a nation. Fr. Apostolos likened the shuttering of our various distractions to the "Alone with God" time our youth enjoy in the camping ministry.
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“Alone With God”

In Fr. Apostolos' Cathedral homily, he talks about the challenges we are facing with COVID-19 as a Church and as a nation. Fr. Apostolos likened the shuttering of our various distractions to the "Alone with God" time our youth enjoy in the camping ministry.
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“Alone With God”

In Fr. Apostolos' Cathedral homily, he talks about the challenges we are facing with COVID-19 as a Church and as a nation. Fr. Apostolos likened the shuttering of our various distractions to the "Alone with God" time our youth enjoy in the camping ministry.
16/03/202014 minutes, 5 secondes
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The Way Home

Fr. Apostolos' homily, a "part two" to the one delivered on Zaccheus Sunday. As the previous one focused on what it means to be "lost" and estranged from God, as the Prodigal Son was in today's Gospel, while today's focuses on how to be found in Christ.
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The Way Home

Fr. Apostolos' homily, a "part two" to the one delivered on Zaccheus Sunday. As the previous one focused on what it means to be "lost" and estranged from God, as the Prodigal Son was in today's Gospel, while today's focuses on how to be found in Christ.
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The Way Home

Fr. Apostolos' homily, a "part two" to the one delivered on Zaccheus Sunday. As the previous one focused on what it means to be "lost" and estranged from God, as the Prodigal Son was in today's Gospel, while today's focuses on how to be found in Christ.
17/02/202015 minutes, 26 secondes
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Lost and Found

Fr. Apostolos Hill's homily is taken from the Gospel of Zaccheus, where he focuses on the meaning of the Greek word for "lost" in verse 10 ("apololos") which is used to describe those who are perishing and who are being destroyed.
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Lost and Found

Fr. Apostolos Hill's homily is taken from the Gospel of Zaccheus, where he focuses on the meaning of the Greek word for "lost" in verse 10 ("apololos") which is used to describe those who are perishing and who are being destroyed.
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Lost and Found

Fr. Apostolos Hill's homily is taken from the Gospel of Zaccheus, where he focuses on the meaning of the Greek word for "lost" in verse 10 ("apololos") which is used to describe those who are perishing and who are being destroyed.
29/01/202016 minutes, 13 secondes
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Citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom

Fr. Apostolos Hill's homily talks about citizenship in the Heavenly Kingdom and how repentance is the entrance exam.
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Citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom

Fr. Apostolos Hill's homily talks about citizenship in the Heavenly Kingdom and how repentance is the entrance exam.
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Citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom

Fr. Apostolos Hill's homily talks about citizenship in the Heavenly Kingdom and how repentance is the entrance exam.
14/01/202019 minutes, 34 secondes
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Living Our Values

Fr. Apostolos Hill offers a simple message about living our values in the New Year by challenging whether or not the demands placed on or time and resources align with our Orthodox faith. It is an invitation to slow down and to resist the impulse to race frenetically through the year ahead for fear of falling behind the expectations of others.
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Living Our Values

Fr. Apostolos Hill offers a simple message about living our values in the New Year by challenging whether or not the demands placed on or time and resources align with our Orthodox faith. It is an invitation to slow down and to resist the impulse to race frenetically through the year ahead for fear of falling behind the expectations of others.
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Meaning of Orthodox Christmas

Fr. Apostolos Hill dives into what we mean when we say, "Christ is born, Glorify Him" as well as other Orthodox Christmas meanings.
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Meaning of Orthodox Christmas

Fr. Apostolos Hill dives into what we mean when we say, "Christ is born, Glorify Him" as well as other Orthodox Christmas meanings.
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Living Our Values

Fr. Apostolos Hill offers a simple message about living our values in the New Year by challenging whether or not the demands placed on or time and resources align with our Orthodox faith. It is an invitation to slow down and to resist the impulse to race frenetically through the year ahead for fear of falling behind the expectations of others.
01/01/202020 minutes, 48 secondes
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Meaning of Orthodox Christmas

Fr. Apostolos Hill dives into what we mean when we say, "Christ is born, Glorify Him" as well as other Orthodox Christmas meanings.
25/12/201920 minutes, 31 secondes
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Salvation, Not A Sales Pitch

On Stewardship Sunday, Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily that includes three testimonies from the newest Holy Trinity members and converts to Holy Orthodoxy.
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Salvation, Not A Sales Pitch

On Stewardship Sunday, Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily that includes three testimonies from the newest Holy Trinity members and converts to Holy Orthodoxy.
10/12/201920 minutes, 25 secondes
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The Good Samaritan

Fr. Apostolos Hill's homily is centered upon the Gospel reading of the Good Samaritan and the role each of us is called to play in pulling robbed and beaten victims of sin from the ditches of life.
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The Good Samaritan

Fr. Apostolos Hill's homily is centered upon the Gospel reading of the Good Samaritan and the role each of us is called to play in pulling robbed and beaten victims of sin from the ditches of life.
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The Good Samaritan

Fr. Apostolos Hill's homily is centered upon the Gospel reading of the Good Samaritan and the role each of us is called to play in pulling robbed and beaten victims of sin from the ditches of life.
11/11/201916 minutes, 56 secondes
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Growing in our Faith

Fr. Apostolos Hill talks about the parable of the sower and how we must grow in our faith.
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Growing in our Faith

Fr. Apostolos Hill talks about the parable of the sower and how we must grow in our faith.
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Growing in our Faith

Fr. Apostolos Hill talks about the parable of the sower and how we must grow in our faith.
05/11/201913 minutes, 2 secondes
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Line on the Left, One Cross Each

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares Sunday's homily for the Holy Cross, at once a message easily understood enough but very challenging to accept.
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Line on the Left, One Cross Each

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares Sunday's homily for the Holy Cross, at once a message easily understood enough but very challenging to accept.
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Line on the Left, One Cross Each

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares Sunday's homily for the Holy Cross, at once a message easily understood enough but very challenging to accept.
19/09/201918 minutes, 10 secondes
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Back-to-School Blessing

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a short homily and prayers for the back-to-school students. The first prayer at the end for parents to offer for their children is from Fr. James Meena of blessed memory which was written in 1978 and printed in the Word magazine. The second prayer is one that Fr. Apostolos wrote for the Cathedral students.
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Back-to-School Blessing

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a short homily and prayers for the back-to-school students. The first prayer at the end for parents to offer for their children is from Fr. James Meena of blessed memory which was written in 1978 and printed in the Word magazine. The second prayer is one that Fr. Apostolos wrote for the Cathedral students.
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Back-to-School Blessing

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a short homily and prayers for the back-to-school students. The first prayer at the end for parents to offer for their children is from Fr. James Meena of blessed memory which was written in 1978 and printed in the Word magazine. The second prayer is one that Fr. Apostolos wrote for the Cathedral students.
19/08/201917 minutes, 3 secondes
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Is Real Change Possible?

Fr. Apostolos Hill talks about deconstruction of determinism on both a personal and corporate level. The change Jesus invites us to experience is one He Himself provides. To suggest that real change is impossible, as determinists insist, is to abandon the path of salvation.
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Is Real Change Possible?

Fr. Apostolos Hill talks about deconstruction of determinism on both a personal and corporate level. The change Jesus invites us to experience is one He Himself provides. To suggest that real change is impossible, as determinists insist, is to abandon the path of salvation.
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Is Real Change Possible?

Fr. Apostolos Hill talks about deconstruction of determinism on both a personal and corporate level. The change Jesus invites us to experience is one He Himself provides. To suggest that real change is impossible, as determinists insist, is to abandon the path of salvation.
05/08/201916 minutes, 20 secondes
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Depression and Suicide

After the recent news of Robin Williams' untimely death, Fr. Apostolos talks about depression and suicide, and the hope offered by Christ and His Church.
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Depression and Suicide

After the recent news of Robin Williams' untimely death, Fr. Apostolos talks about depression and suicide, and the hope offered by Christ and His Church.
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The Truth About Money

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the Gospel reading from Matthew 6 and the Sermon on the Mount. He conducts a brief overview from Holy Writ of the pitfalls of money and our pursuit of it and that Jesus didn't say we "mustn't" or "ought not" serve God and Mammon, but that it cannot be done. He also refers to the writings of Solomon, Isaiah, and Jeremiah who each underscored how oppression of the poor invited the correction of God which saw Israel captive in Babylon for 70 years.
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The Truth About Money

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the Gospel reading from Matthew 6 and the Sermon on the Mount. He conducts a brief overview from Holy Writ of the pitfalls of money and our pursuit of it and that Jesus didn't say we "mustn't" or "ought not" serve God and Mammon, but that it cannot be done. He also refers to the writings of Solomon, Isaiah, and Jeremiah who each underscored how oppression of the poor invited the correction of God which saw Israel captive in Babylon for 70 years.
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The Truth About Money

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the Gospel reading from Matthew 6 and the Sermon on the Mount. He conducts a brief overview from Holy Writ of the pitfalls of money and our pursuit of it and that Jesus didn't say we "mustn't" or "ought not" serve God and Mammon, but that it cannot be done. He also refers to the writings of Solomon, Isaiah, and Jeremiah who each underscored how oppression of the poor invited the correction of God which saw Israel captive in Babylon for 70 years.
08/07/201924 minutes, 12 secondes
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The Descent of the Holy Spirit

On Pentecost, Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the operation of the Spirit as addressed in Romans 7 and 8, and elsewhere.
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The Descent of the Holy Spirit

On Pentecost, Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the operation of the Spirit as addressed in Romans 7 and 8, and elsewhere.
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The Descent of the Holy Spirit

On Pentecost, Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the operation of the Spirit as addressed in Romans 7 and 8, and elsewhere.
17/06/201919 minutes, 16 secondes
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The Spirit Departs

Yesterday's homily was the first of a two-part presentation leading to Pentecost. Taken primarily from Ezekiel, Fr. Apostolos reviews the departure of the Presence and Spirit of God from the first Temple because of the wickedness of the priests and people. Then, from the Prophet's vision of the valley of the dried bones, we have the promise of the Spirit's return to us by the mercy of God as we repent. Next week, Fr. Apostolos will speak about the operation of the Spirit as addressed in Romans 8 and elsewhere.
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The Spirit Departs

Yesterday's homily was the first of a two-part presentation leading to Pentecost. Taken primarily from Ezekiel, Fr. Apostolos reviews the departure of the Presence and Spirit of God from the first Temple because of the wickedness of the priests and people. Then, from the Prophet's vision of the valley of the dried bones, we have the promise of the Spirit's return to us by the mercy of God as we repent. Next week, Fr. Apostolos will speak about the operation of the Spirit as addressed in Romans 8 and elsewhere.
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The Spirit Departs

Yesterday's homily was the first of a two-part presentation leading to Pentecost. Taken primarily from Ezekiel, Fr. Apostolos reviews the departure of the Presence and Spirit of God from the first Temple because of the wickedness of the priests and people. Then, from the Prophet's vision of the valley of the dried bones, we have the promise of the Spirit's return to us by the mercy of God as we repent. Next week, Fr. Apostolos will speak about the operation of the Spirit as addressed in Romans 8 and elsewhere.
10/06/201920 minutes, 54 secondes
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Forgiveness is the Path to Love

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the Hymn of Kassiani's retelling of the sinful woman who wept her tears of repentance over the feet of Christ and of Jesus' retort to Simon, "He who is forgiven little, loves little...." He also tells about the life and love of St. Mary of Egypt.
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Forgiveness is the Path to Love

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the Hymn of Kassiani's retelling of the sinful woman who wept her tears of repentance over the feet of Christ and of Jesus' retort to Simon, "He who is forgiven little, loves little...." He also tells about the life and love of St. Mary of Egypt.
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Forgiveness is the Path to Love

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the Hymn of Kassiani's retelling of the sinful woman who wept her tears of repentance over the feet of Christ and of Jesus' retort to Simon, "He who is forgiven little, loves little...." He also tells about the life and love of St. Mary of Egypt.
15/04/201918 minutes, 6 secondes
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The Redemption of Suffering

"If you're suffering today, know this: you are on the right path. If you're not suffering, that's when you should be worried. If you are suffering in this life, God is with you. If you don't find life easy and comfortable, you're doing it right." On the Sunday of the Cross, Fr. Apostolos shares about the redemption of our own suffering through the suffering of Christ.
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The Redemption of Suffering

"If you're suffering today, know this: you are on the right path. If you're not suffering, that's when you should be worried. If you are suffering in this life, God is with you. If you don't find life easy and comfortable, you're doing it right." On the Sunday of the Cross, Fr. Apostolos shares about the redemption of our own suffering through the suffering of Christ.
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The Redemption of Suffering

"If you're suffering today, know this: you are on the right path. If you're not suffering, that's when you should be worried. If you are suffering in this life, God is with you. If you don't find life easy and comfortable, you're doing it right." On the Sunday of the Cross, Fr. Apostolos shares about the redemption of our own suffering through the suffering of Christ.
01/04/201918 minutes, 20 secondes
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Knowing God

Fr. Apostolos Hill likens the experience of knowing God to that of meeting his bride. The effort we put into spending time together is a blueprint for entering more deeply into our union with Jesus.
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Knowing God

Fr. Apostolos Hill likens the experience of knowing God to that of meeting his bride. The effort we put into spending time together is a blueprint for entering more deeply into our union with Jesus.
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Knowing God

Fr. Apostolos Hill likens the experience of knowing God to that of meeting his bride. The effort we put into spending time together is a blueprint for entering more deeply into our union with Jesus.
25/03/201921 minutes, 3 secondes
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Cultivating a Hunger for Heaven

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on the theme of the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise and how we acquire a thirst for the Kingdom.
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Cultivating a Hunger for Heaven

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on the theme of the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise and how we acquire a thirst for the Kingdom.
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Cultivating a Hunger for Heaven

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on the theme of the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise and how we acquire a thirst for the Kingdom.
11/03/201913 minutes, 41 secondes
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Too Far Gone

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches on the Prodigal Son and how easily we write off others and ourselves from the reach of God's love. Another impassioned plea that mostly falls on deaf ears in our fraught times.
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Too Far Gone

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches on the Prodigal Son and how easily we write off others and ourselves from the reach of God's love. Another impassioned plea that mostly falls on deaf ears in our fraught times.
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Too Far Gone

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches on the Prodigal Son and how easily we write off others and ourselves from the reach of God's love. Another impassioned plea that mostly falls on deaf ears in our fraught times.
26/02/201919 minutes, 7 secondes
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Meaningful Youth Ministry

Fr. Apostolos Hill exhorts us to embrace a new paradigm for parish youth ministry that focuses on spiritual development and less on entertainment.
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Meaningful Youth Ministry

Fr. Apostolos Hill exhorts us to embrace a new paradigm for parish youth ministry that focuses on spiritual development and less on entertainment.
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Meaningful Youth Ministry

Fr. Apostolos Hill exhorts us to embrace a new paradigm for parish youth ministry that focuses on spiritual development and less on entertainment.
19/02/201913 minutes, 29 secondes
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The Threat of Faith

Fr. Apostolos Hill reviews the life of St. Haralambos and the threat his faith, as a 113 year-old man, represented to an Empire.
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The Threat of Faith

Fr. Apostolos Hill reviews the life of St. Haralambos and the threat his faith, as a 113 year-old man, represented to an Empire.
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The Threat of Faith

Fr. Apostolos Hill reviews the life of St. Haralambos and the threat his faith, as a 113 year-old man, represented to an Empire.
11/02/201920 minutes, 46 secondes
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Bricks and Mortar, Flesh and Blood

Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the difference between the view of the Church as a building and the view of the Church as souls.
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Bricks and Mortar, Flesh and Blood

Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the difference between the view of the Church as a building and the view of the Church as souls.
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Bricks and Mortar, Flesh and Blood

Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the difference between the view of the Church as a building and the view of the Church as souls.
17/12/201820 minutes, 15 secondes
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The Struggle is to Win

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses on the struggle for salvation as evidence that we are on the right path.
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The Struggle is to Win

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses on the struggle for salvation as evidence that we are on the right path.
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The Struggle is to Win

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses on the struggle for salvation as evidence that we are on the right path.
29/10/201815 minutes, 54 secondes
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How to Believe

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily about the belief that leads to salvation as opposed to a nominal "belief" that does not.
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How to Believe

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily about the belief that leads to salvation as opposed to a nominal "belief" that does not.
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How to Believe

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily about the belief that leads to salvation as opposed to a nominal "belief" that does not.
18/09/201819 minutes, 8 secondes
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Beyond Atta Boy

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on moving past the staid "good boy" mis-characterization of salvation and toward the inner transformation exhibited in the feast. St. Athanasius wrote about the "fire in the sword" to describe the process of becoming by divine grace what Jesus is by divine nature.
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Beyond Atta Boy

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on moving past the staid "good boy" mis-characterization of salvation and toward the inner transformation exhibited in the feast. St. Athanasius wrote about the "fire in the sword" to describe the process of becoming by divine grace what Jesus is by divine nature.
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Beyond Atta Boy

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on moving past the staid "good boy" mis-characterization of salvation and toward the inner transformation exhibited in the feast. St. Athanasius wrote about the "fire in the sword" to describe the process of becoming by divine grace what Jesus is by divine nature.
06/08/201819 minutes, 17 secondes
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Crew Members, Not Passengers

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily centered on the Epistle reading and St. Paul's admonition that we exercise the spiritual gifts given to us for the building up of the Body of Christ.
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Crew Members, Not Passengers

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily centered on the Epistle reading and St. Paul's admonition that we exercise the spiritual gifts given to us for the building up of the Body of Christ.
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Crew Members, Not Passengers

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily centered on the Epistle reading and St. Paul's admonition that we exercise the spiritual gifts given to us for the building up of the Body of Christ.
10/07/201820 minutes, 38 secondes
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A Love You Can't Buy

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily about love based on the Epistle reading from 1 Corinthians 13.
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A Love You Can't Buy

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily about love based on the Epistle reading from 1 Corinthians 13.
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A Love You Can’t Buy

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily about love based on the Epistle reading from 1 Corinthians 13.
02/07/201815 minutes, 42 secondes
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Dispelling the Darkness

Fr. Apostolos Hill reflects on the verses of the Gospel of Matthew about the eye as the light of the body and how we might dispel the darkness around us with the Light of Christ.
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Dispelling the Darkness

Fr. Apostolos Hill reflects on the verses of the Gospel of Matthew about the eye as the light of the body and how we might dispel the darkness around us with the Light of Christ.
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Dispelling the Darkness

Fr. Apostolos Hill reflects on the verses of the Gospel of Matthew about the eye as the light of the body and how we might dispel the darkness around us with the Light of Christ.
19/06/201821 minutes, 13 secondes
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Stay Alert, Stay Alive

Fr. Apostolos Hill gave a recap of the vitality of our young ones' faith alongside the pitfalls awaiting those whose spiritual development is neglected in the home or parish. Stay Alert, Stay Alive was the theme of All Saints Camp (Arizona) this past week.
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Stay Alert, Stay Alive

Fr. Apostolos Hill gave a recap of the vitality of our young ones' faith alongside the pitfalls awaiting those whose spiritual development is neglected in the home or parish. Stay Alert, Stay Alive was the theme of All Saints Camp (Arizona) this past week.
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Stay Alert, Stay Alive

Fr. Apostolos Hill gave a recap of the vitality of our young ones' faith alongside the pitfalls awaiting those whose spiritual development is neglected in the home or parish. Stay Alert, Stay Alive was the theme of All Saints Camp (Arizona) this past week.
12/06/201814 minutes, 52 secondes
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Are You in An Open Marriage?

Fr. Apostolos Hill unpacks the story of Hosea and Gomer, contrasting the covenant between God and Israel and Gomer's infidelity in her pursuit of an "open marriage." Jesus' words in the Gospel reading today about the exclusive nature of our union with Him in the New Covenant ("whoever loves father, mother, son, daughter more than Me...") indicates that our fidelity to Him cannot be divided.
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Are You in An Open Marriage?

Fr. Apostolos Hill unpacks the story of Hosea and Gomer, contrasting the covenant between God and Israel and Gomer's infidelity in her pursuit of an "open marriage." Jesus' words in the Gospel reading today about the exclusive nature of our union with Him in the New Covenant ("whoever loves father, mother, son, daughter more than Me...") indicates that our fidelity to Him cannot be divided.
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Are You in An Open Marriage?

Fr. Apostolos Hill unpacks the story of Hosea and Gomer, contrasting the covenant between God and Israel and Gomer's infidelity in her pursuit of an "open marriage." Jesus' words in the Gospel reading today about the exclusive nature of our union with Him in the New Covenant ("whoever loves father, mother, son, daughter more than Me...") indicates that our fidelity to Him cannot be divided.
04/06/201819 minutes, 17 secondes
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If You Knew the Gift

Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the joy of the many gifts Jesus gives us and how to combat our forgetfulness in sometimes taking them for granted.
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If You Knew the Gift

Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the joy of the many gifts Jesus gives us and how to combat our forgetfulness in sometimes taking them for granted.
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If You Knew the Gift

Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the joy of the many gifts Jesus gives us and how to combat our forgetfulness in sometimes taking them for granted.
07/05/201815 minutes, 13 secondes
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Finding our Place in the Crowd

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on finding our place in the crowd that greeted Jesus in His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.
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Finding our Place in the Crowd

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on finding our place in the crowd that greeted Jesus in His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.
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Finding our Place in the Crowd

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on finding our place in the crowd that greeted Jesus in His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.
03/04/201817 minutes, 58 secondes
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The Knuckle Song

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder, discussing the need for growth and progress in the spiritual life just as we anticipate growth in every other aspect of our lives and of our children's. The opening illustration referenced a song from the Dr. Demento Show.
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The Knuckle Song

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder, discussing the need for growth and progress in the spiritual life just as we anticipate growth in every other aspect of our lives and of our children's. The opening illustration referenced a song from the Dr. Demento Show.
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The Knuckle Song

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder, discussing the need for growth and progress in the spiritual life just as we anticipate growth in every other aspect of our lives and of our children's. The opening illustration referenced a song from the Dr. Demento Show.
20/03/201814 minutes, 42 secondes
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Saying No to Cheeseburgers

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the Sunday of the Cross and the importance of learning to pick up our cross in the simple day-to-day choices we make.
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Saying No to Cheeseburgers

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the Sunday of the Cross and the importance of learning to pick up our cross in the simple day-to-day choices we make.
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Why Should I Come to Confession

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the role of confession in maintaining a healthy spiritual life.
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Why Should I Come to Confession

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the role of confession in maintaining a healthy spiritual life.
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Saying No to Cheeseburgers

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the Sunday of the Cross and the importance of learning to pick up our cross in the simple day-to-day choices we make.
13/03/201817 minutes, 24 secondes
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Why Should I Come to Confession

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the role of confession in maintaining a healthy spiritual life.
06/03/201817 minutes, 37 secondes
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Hoping in God

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily based on St. Paul's exhortation to Timothy about hoping in God.
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Hoping in God

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily based on St. Paul's exhortation to Timothy about hoping in God.
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Hoping in God

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily based on St. Paul's exhortation to Timothy about hoping in God.
23/01/201816 minutes, 23 secondes
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Writing the Books of Our Lives

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a short homily on what we will all write in the New Year on the pages of the books of our lives.
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Writing the Books of Our Lives

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a short homily on what we will all write in the New Year on the pages of the books of our lives.
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Writing the Books of Our Lives

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a short homily on what we will all write in the New Year on the pages of the books of our lives.
01/01/201811 minutes, 2 secondes
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Star Wars and Christmas

Fr. Apostolos addresses the inner meaning of the Feast of the Incarnation, through the perspective of the latest Star Wars film.
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Star Wars and Christmas

Fr. Apostolos addresses the inner meaning of the Feast of the Incarnation, through the perspective of the latest Star Wars film.
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Star Wars and Christmas

Fr. Apostolos addresses the inner meaning of the Feast of the Incarnation, through the perspective of the latest Star Wars film.
26/12/201714 minutes, 22 secondes
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Being Good Stewards

Fr. Apostolos talks on stewardship and addressed the role that Christian stewardship plays in bridging the gap between the material and immaterial aspects of our faith. By consecrating the material resources of our lives to God we can escape the trap of reducing our faith in Jesus Christ to a disembodied philosophy.
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Being Good Stewards

Fr. Apostolos talks on stewardship and addressed the role that Christian stewardship plays in bridging the gap between the material and immaterial aspects of our faith. By consecrating the material resources of our lives to God we can escape the trap of reducing our faith in Jesus Christ to a disembodied philosophy.
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The Grace of Thanksgiving

Fr. Apostolos addresses how to walk in the grace of thanksgiving and gratitude in our day-to-day lives.
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The Grace of Thanksgiving

Fr. Apostolos addresses how to walk in the grace of thanksgiving and gratitude in our day-to-day lives.
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The Money Trap

Fr. Apostolos delivers a homiletic overview of the many Scriptural passages describing the "money trap" and the strict charges given by God in Holy Writ regarding justice and equity.
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The Money Trap

Fr. Apostolos delivers a homiletic overview of the many Scriptural passages describing the "money trap" and the strict charges given by God in Holy Writ regarding justice and equity.
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Less than Human

Here is this morning's homily on the risks to ourselves, both personally and collectively, if we choose to remain in the darkness of life outside the Kingdom of God.
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Less than Human

Here is this morning's homily on the risks to ourselves, both personally and collectively, if we choose to remain in the darkness of life outside the Kingdom of God.
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Good Enough

Fr. Apostolos discusses the importance of remembering the love of Christ in our lives, and that we are good enough.
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Good Enough

Fr. Apostolos discusses the importance of remembering the love of Christ in our lives, and that we are good enough.
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Being Good Stewards

Fr. Apostolos talks on stewardship and addressed the role that Christian stewardship plays in bridging the gap between the material and immaterial aspects of our faith. By consecrating the material resources of our lives to God we can escape the trap of reducing our faith in Jesus Christ to a disembodied philosophy.
05/12/201720 minutes, 39 secondes
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The Grace of Thanksgiving

Fr. Apostolos addresses how to walk in the grace of thanksgiving and gratitude in our day-to-day lives.
28/11/201715 minutes, 20 secondes
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The Money Trap

Fr. Apostolos delivers a homiletic overview of the many Scriptural passages describing the "money trap" and the strict charges given by God in Holy Writ regarding justice and equity.
07/11/201720 minutes, 3 secondes
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Good Enough

Fr. Apostolos discusses the importance of remembering the love of Christ in our lives, and that we are good enough.
30/10/201715 minutes, 1 secondes
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Less than Human

Here is this morning's homily on the risks to ourselves, both personally and collectively, if we choose to remain in the darkness of life outside the Kingdom of God.
10/10/201716 minutes, 21 secondes
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Embracing the Suffering of the Cross

Fr. Apostolos talks about the importance of embracing the Cross of Christ, despite the challenges that go along with it.
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Embracing the Suffering of the Cross

Fr. Apostolos talks about the importance of embracing the Cross of Christ, despite the challenges that go along with it.
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Dressing the Vine

Fr. Apostolos delivers a timely reminder to bear good fruits and tend the garden that we have been given.
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Dressing the Vine

Fr. Apostolos delivers a timely reminder to bear good fruits and tend the garden that we have been given.
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The Coming Change

Fr. Apostolos connects the gospel on the Rich Young Ruler with the change in church attendance, exhorting us not to get waylaid with the cares of this world.
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The Coming Change

Fr. Apostolos connects the gospel on the Rich Young Ruler with the change in church attendance, exhorting us not to get waylaid with the cares of this world.
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Embracing the Suffering of the Cross

Fr. Apostolos talks about the importance of embracing the Cross of Christ, despite the challenges that go along with it.
19/09/201718 minutes, 39 secondes
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Dressing the Vine

Fr. Apostolos delivers a timely reminder to bear good fruits and tend the garden that we have been given.
05/09/201720 minutes, 50 secondes
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The Light of Christ

Fr. Apostolos speaks of the Light of Christ as the only light capable of dispelling the darkness we witness in the world around us today.
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The Light of Christ

Fr. Apostolos speaks of the Light of Christ as the only light capable of dispelling the darkness we witness in the world around us today.
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On the Mount

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the feast of the Transfiguration and the New Life in Jesus Christ which transforms us into the glorified Image of God He revealed on Mount Tabor.
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On the Mount

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the feast of the Transfiguration and the New Life in Jesus Christ which transforms us into the glorified Image of God He revealed on Mount Tabor.
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The Coming Change

Fr. Apostolos connects the gospel on the Rich Young Ruler with the change in church attendance, exhorting us not to get waylaid with the cares of this world.
29/08/201713 minutes, 54 secondes
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The Light of Christ

Fr. Apostolos speaks of the Light of Christ as the only light capable of dispelling the darkness we witness in the world around us today.
22/08/201716 minutes, 29 secondes
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On the Mount

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the feast of the Transfiguration and the New Life in Jesus Christ which transforms us into the glorified Image of God He revealed on Mount Tabor.
08/08/201717 minutes, 25 secondes
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Divine Worship: Wrap Up

Fr. Apostolos concludes the miniseries of sermons about the Divine Liturgy. He encourages the faithful to work through their understanding about the intricacies of the Liturgy in the laboratory of corporate prayer in the Church.
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Divine Worship: Wrap Up

Fr. Apostolos concludes the miniseries of sermons about the Divine Liturgy. He encourages the faithful to work through their understanding about the intricacies of the Liturgy in the laboratory of corporate prayer in the Church.
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Divine Worship: the Holy Eucharist

Fr. Apostolos examines John Chapter 6 and the Holy Eucharist in the Epiklesis and how that, unlike our Western counterparts, we Orthodox leave off trying to explain the mysteries to the satisfaction of our intellectual curiosity, content to accept the words of our Lord as plainly stated (and thrice repeated!) in the Gospels. A brief review of the Epiklesis in the liturgy ensues.
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Divine Worship: the Holy Eucharist

Fr. Apostolos examines John Chapter 6 and the Holy Eucharist in the Epiklesis and how that, unlike our Western counterparts, we Orthodox leave off trying to explain the mysteries to the satisfaction of our intellectual curiosity, content to accept the words of our Lord as plainly stated (and thrice repeated!) in the Gospels. A brief review of the Epiklesis in the liturgy ensues.
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Divine Worship: the Sacrament of Offering

Fr. Apostolos continues the homily series on Divine Worship, addressing the Sacrament of Offering and the potential that exists to redeem our work-a-day lives through the offering up to God of a portion of our labors, in this case the bread and wine of Holy Communion.
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Divine Worship: the Sacrament of Offering

Fr. Apostolos continues the homily series on Divine Worship, addressing the Sacrament of Offering and the potential that exists to redeem our work-a-day lives through the offering up to God of a portion of our labors, in this case the bread and wine of Holy Communion.
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Divine Worship: the Gathering of the Faithful

Fr. Apostolos continues the series on Divine Worship, discussing the beginning of the Synaxis of the Faithful and of the prayers leading up to the Great Entrance.
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Divine Worship: the Gathering of the Faithful

Fr. Apostolos continues the series on Divine Worship, discussing the beginning of the Synaxis of the Faithful and of the prayers leading up to the Great Entrance.
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Divine Worship: Wrap Up

Fr. Apostolos concludes the miniseries of sermons about the Divine Liturgy. He encourages the faithful to work through their understanding about the intricacies of the Liturgy in the laboratory of corporate prayer in the Church.
01/08/201712 minutes, 56 secondes
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Divine Worship: the Holy Eucharist

Fr. Apostolos examines John Chapter 6 and the Holy Eucharist in the Epiklesis and how that, unlike our Western counterparts, we Orthodox leave off trying to explain the mysteries to the satisfaction of our intellectual curiosity, content to accept the words of our Lord as plainly stated (and thrice repeated!) in the Gospels. A brief review of the Epiklesis in the liturgy ensues.
24/07/201719 minutes, 55 secondes
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Divine Worship: the Sacrament of Offering

Fr. Apostolos continues the homily series on Divine Worship, addressing the Sacrament of Offering and the potential that exists to redeem our work-a-day lives through the offering up to God of a portion of our labors, in this case the bread and wine of Holy Communion.
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Divine Worship: the Small Entrance and Scripture

This is lesson three in Fr. Apostolos' series on Divine Worship; this installment addressing the historical development of the Small Entrance and the significance of the Readings in view of the centrality of Holy Scripture in the lives of Christian believers.
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Divine Worship: the Small Entrance and Scripture

This is lesson three in Fr. Apostolos' series on Divine Worship; this installment addressing the historical development of the Small Entrance and the significance of the Readings in view of the centrality of Holy Scripture in the lives of Christian believers.
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Divine Worship: Blessed is the Kingdom

Fr. Apostolos addresses the Sacrament of Kingdom invoked at the opening of the Divine Liturgy followed by a treatment of "Peace" as the precondition for prayer.
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Divine Worship: Blessed is the Kingdom

Fr. Apostolos addresses the Sacrament of Kingdom invoked at the opening of the Divine Liturgy followed by a treatment of "Peace" as the precondition for prayer.
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Divine Worship: Series Introduction

Fr. Apostolos introduces a miniseries of sermons about the spiritual depths of Divine Worship and starts by explaining the word leitourgia.
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Divine Worship: Series Introduction

Fr. Apostolos introduces a miniseries of sermons about the spiritual depths of Divine Worship and starts by explaining the word leitourgia.
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Divine Worship: the Gathering of the Faithful

Fr. Apostolos continues the series on Divine Worship, discussing the beginning of the Synaxis of the Faithful and of the prayers leading up to the Great Entrance.
04/07/201717 minutes, 12 secondes
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Divine Worship: the Small Entrance and Scripture

This is lesson three in Fr. Apostolos' series on Divine Worship; this installment addressing the historical development of the Small Entrance and the significance of the Readings in view of the centrality of Holy Scripture in the lives of Christian believers.
27/06/201718 minutes, 38 secondes
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Divine Worship: Blessed is the Kingdom

Fr. Apostolos addresses the Sacrament of Kingdom invoked at the opening of the Divine Liturgy followed by a treatment of "Peace" as the precondition for prayer.
20/06/201716 minutes, 44 secondes
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Divine Worship: Series Introduction

Fr. Apostolos introduces a miniseries of sermons about the spiritual depths of Divine Worship and starts by explaining the word leitourgia.
12/06/201714 minutes, 1 secondes
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Spiritual Eyesight

Fr. Apostolos reflects on the story of the Blind Man (John 9:1-38), and how it should remind us not to become spiritually blinded.
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Spiritual Eyesight

Fr. Apostolos reflects on the story of the Blind Man (John 9:1-38), and how it should remind us not to become spiritually blinded.
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Now What?

Fr. Apostolos reflects on the importance of Thomas' faith and the strength of our faith through the Paschal Season.
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Now What?

Fr. Apostolos reflects on the importance of Thomas' faith and the strength of our faith through the Paschal Season.
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Holy Week

Fr. Apostolos reviews the services of Holy Week and the opportunity the faithful have to enter deeply into the mystery of God's demonstrated love for us.
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Holy Week

Fr. Apostolos reviews the services of Holy Week and the opportunity the faithful have to enter deeply into the mystery of God's demonstrated love for us.
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The Centrality of the Cross

Fr. Apostolos helps us understand the centrality of the Cross for salvation.
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The Centrality of the Cross

Fr. Apostolos helps us understand the centrality of the Cross for salvation.
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O Lord and Master of My Life…

Fr. Apostolos introduces the Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian, "O Lord and Master of my life..."
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O Lord and Master of My Life…

Fr. Apostolos introduces the Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian, "O Lord and Master of my life..."
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Spiritual Eyesight

Fr. Apostolos reflects on the story of the Blind Man (John 9:1-38), and how it should remind us not to become spiritually blinded.
24/05/201719 minutes, 16 secondes
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Now What?

Fr. Apostolos reflects on the importance of Thomas' faith and the strength of our faith through the Paschal Season.
25/04/201712 minutes, 1 secondes
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Holy Week

Fr. Apostolos reviews the services of Holy Week and the opportunity the faithful have to enter deeply into the mystery of God's demonstrated love for us.
11/04/201716 minutes, 13 secondes
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The Centrality of the Cross

Fr. Apostolos helps us understand the centrality of the Cross for salvation.
21/03/201713 minutes, 50 secondes
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O Lord and Master of My Life…

Fr. Apostolos introduces the Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian, "O Lord and Master of my life..."
07/03/201716 minutes, 23 secondes
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Pig Pen and Clean Week

Fr. Apostolos shares encouragement for the start of Great Lent.
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Pig Pen and Clean Week

Fr. Apostolos shares encouragement for the start of Great Lent.
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The Distance of Sin

Fr. Apostolos shares from the Parable of the Prodigal Son
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The Distance of Sin

Fr. Apostolos shares from the Parable of the Prodigal Son
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Pig Pen and Clean Week

Fr. Apostolos shares encouragement for the start of Great Lent.
27/02/201716 minutes, 44 secondes
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The Distance of Sin

Fr. Apostolos shares from the Parable of the Prodigal Son
14/02/201714 minutes, 17 secondes
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Our Oneness in Christ Precludes Bigotry

Working from the Epistle reading in Colossians, Fr. Apostolos underscores the basic spiritual truth that our oneness in Christ precludes every possibility for bigotry of any kind and that we, as Light-bearers, must light the way out of the fear and ignorance that gives rise to such base and passe divisions.
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Our Oneness in Christ Precludes Bigotry

Working from the Epistle reading in Colossians, Fr. Apostolos underscores the basic spiritual truth that our oneness in Christ precludes every possibility for bigotry of any kind and that we, as Light-bearers, must light the way out of the fear and ignorance that gives rise to such base and passe divisions.
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Treasures in Heaven

It being the parish's Stewardship Sunday, Fr. Apostolos speak about the means whereby our resources can be sacralized and our financial lives brought under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, through tithing.
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Treasures in Heaven

It being the parish's Stewardship Sunday, Fr. Apostolos speak about the means whereby our resources can be sacralized and our financial lives brought under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, through tithing.
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Our Oneness in Christ Precludes Bigotry

Working from the Epistle reading in Colossians, Fr. Apostolos underscores the basic spiritual truth that our oneness in Christ precludes every possibility for bigotry of any kind and that we, as Light-bearers, must light the way out of the fear and ignorance that gives rise to such base and passe divisions.
13/12/201615 minutes, 36 secondes
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The Grace of God as the Atmosphere of Heaven

Fr. Apostolos talks about the key of humility that unlocks God's grace.
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The Grace of God as the Atmosphere of Heaven

Fr. Apostolos talks about the key of humility that unlocks God's grace.
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Treasures in Heaven

It being the parish's Stewardship Sunday, Fr. Apostolos speak about the means whereby our resources can be sacralized and our financial lives brought under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, through tithing.
06/12/201621 minutes, 45 secondes
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Who is my Neighbor?

Fr. Apostolos shares from the parable of the Good Samaritan.
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Who is my Neighbor?

Fr. Apostolos shares from the parable of the Good Samaritan.
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When My Best Isn't Good Enough

Fr. Apostolos shares from the first epistle from Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. "Trying to overcome our passions, we often feel like our best is not going to be good enough. If that's the case, you should take heart, because you are not the first, nor will you be the last. You are not alone in that feeling."
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When My Best Isn't Good Enough

Fr. Apostolos shares from the first epistle from Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. "Trying to overcome our passions, we often feel like our best is not going to be good enough. If that's the case, you should take heart, because you are not the first, nor will you be the last. You are not alone in that feeling."
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When Rules Get in the Way of Faith

In this homily, Fr. Apostolos deals with focusing on the positive goal of our faith in Jesus Christ as opposed to getting bogged down in a negative view of merely keeping the "rules."
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When Rules Get in the Way of Faith

In this homily, Fr. Apostolos deals with focusing on the positive goal of our faith in Jesus Christ as opposed to getting bogged down in a negative view of merely keeping the "rules."
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The Grace of God as the Atmosphere of Heaven

Fr. Apostolos talks about the key of humility that unlocks God's grace.
29/11/201610 minutes, 58 secondes
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Who is my Neighbor?

Fr. Apostolos shares from the parable of the Good Samaritan.
15/11/201614 minutes, 30 secondes
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When My Best Isn’t Good Enough

Fr. Apostolos shares from the first epistle from Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. "Trying to overcome our passions, we often feel like our best is not going to be good enough. If that's the case, you should take heart, because you are not the first, nor will you be the last. You are not alone in that feeling."
08/11/201615 minutes, 25 secondes
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When Rules Get in the Way of Faith

In this homily, Fr. Apostolos deals with focusing on the positive goal of our faith in Jesus Christ as opposed to getting bogged down in a negative view of merely keeping the "rules."
18/10/201615 minutes, 2 secondes
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Learning to Love the Nails

Fr. Apostolos talks about the importance of the Cross.
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Learning to Love the Nails

Fr. Apostolos talks about the importance of the Cross.
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Learning to Love the Nails

Fr. Apostolos talks about the importance of the Cross.
19/09/201615 minutes, 38 secondes
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The Building Blocks of Faith

Fr. Apostolos shares about the miracle of the feeding of the multitudes with the five loaves and two fish, and encourages us to offer our best unto the Lord.
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The Building Blocks of Faith

Fr. Apostolos shares about the miracle of the feeding of the multitudes with the five loaves and two fish, and encourages us to offer our best unto the Lord.
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The Role of Mary in Our Salvation

At the beginning of the Dormition Fast, Fr. Apostolos shares about the role of the Theotokos in our salvation.
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The Role of Mary in Our Salvation

At the beginning of the Dormition Fast, Fr. Apostolos shares about the role of the Theotokos in our salvation.
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Light of the World

Fr. Apostolos reminds us to be who we are—the light of the world.
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Light of the World

Fr. Apostolos reminds us to be who we are—the light of the world.
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Thin Blue Line

Fr. Apostolos responds to another week of blood-letting in America.
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Thin Blue Line

Fr. Apostolos responds to another week of blood-letting in America.
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Holy Councils Then and Now

Fr. Apostolos shares some of the history of Holy Councils through the years, and some reflections about the upcoming council in Crete.
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Holy Councils Then and Now

Fr. Apostolos shares some of the history of Holy Councils through the years, and some reflections about the upcoming council in Crete.
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The Building Blocks of Faith

Fr. Apostolos shares about the miracle of the feeding of the multitudes with the five loaves and two fish, and encourages us to offer our best unto the Lord.
15/08/201616 minutes, 4 secondes
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The Role of Mary in Our Salvation

At the beginning of the Dormition Fast, Fr. Apostolos shares about the role of the Theotokos in our salvation.
02/08/201617 minutes, 11 secondes
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Light of the World

Fr. Apostolos reminds us to be who we are—the light of the world.
19/07/201617 minutes, 32 secondes
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Thin Blue Line

Fr. Apostolos responds to another week of blood-letting in America.
11/07/201615 minutes, 24 secondes
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Holy Councils Then and Now

Fr. Apostolos shares some of the history of Holy Councils through the years, and some reflections about the upcoming council in Crete.
13/06/201616 minutes, 14 secondes
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Mother's Day

Fr. Apostolos shares about the ministry and mystery of motherhood.
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Mother's Day

Fr. Apostolos shares about the ministry and mystery of motherhood.
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Surviving the Desert

On Graduation Sunday, Fr. Apostolos speaks to the spiritual desert into which our graduates enter when they leave home for college or the workplace.
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Surviving the Desert

On Graduation Sunday, Fr. Apostolos speaks to the spiritual desert into which our graduates enter when they leave home for college or the workplace.
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Surviving the Desert

On Graduation Sunday, Fr. Apostolos speaks to the spiritual desert into which our graduates enter when they leave home for college or the workplace.
23/05/201616 minutes, 22 secondes
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Triumph to Tragedy

Fr. Apostolos invites the faithful to complete the journey from the gates of Jerusalem and Christ's triumphal entry to Golgotha and the borrowed tomb that could not hold the Lord of Life.
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Triumph to Tragedy

Fr. Apostolos invites the faithful to complete the journey from the gates of Jerusalem and Christ's triumphal entry to Golgotha and the borrowed tomb that could not hold the Lord of Life.
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The Mercy of God for Me

Fr. Apostolos talks about God's mercy.
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The Mercy of God for Me

Fr. Apostolos talks about God's mercy.
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Triumph to Tragedy

Fr. Apostolos invites the faithful to complete the journey from the gates of Jerusalem and Christ's triumphal entry to Golgotha and the borrowed tomb that could not hold the Lord of Life.
25/04/201614 minutes, 25 secondes
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The Mercy of God for Me

Fr. Apostolos talks about God's mercy.
18/04/201615 minutes, 9 secondes
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No Empty Tomb without Golgotha

Fr. Apostolos begins with the story of Brittany, a young girl he briefly knew who suffered from an incurable skin condition who demonstrated for him how to carry a cross. The gist of the homily is simple: there can be no resurrection without a death and no Paschal celebration without the Cross.
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No Empty Tomb without Golgotha

Fr. Apostolos begins with the story of Brittany, a young girl he briefly knew who suffered from an incurable skin condition who demonstrated for him how to carry a cross. The gist of the homily is simple: there can be no resurrection without a death and no Paschal celebration without the Cross.
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Regret, Remorse, Repentance

Fr. Apostolos shares the difference between these three words, and calls us to the latter.
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Regret, Remorse, Repentance

Fr. Apostolos shares the difference between these three words, and calls us to the latter.
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The Icon of Humanity

On the Sunday of Orthodoxy, Fr. Apostolos reminds us that unless we see the face of Christ in everyone we meet, to venerate our icons can be a form of idolatry.
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The Icon of Humanity

On the Sunday of Orthodoxy, Fr. Apostolos reminds us that unless we see the face of Christ in everyone we meet, to venerate our icons can be a form of idolatry.
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Repentance as Healing from the Cancer of Sin

Fr. Apostolos speaks about repentance as healing from the cancer of sin. Sin is that foreign substance in us which, if left untreated, will produce in us spiritual death, and God provides the treatment.
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Repentance as Healing from the Cancer of Sin

Fr. Apostolos speaks about repentance as healing from the cancer of sin. Sin is that foreign substance in us which, if left untreated, will produce in us spiritual death, and God provides the treatment.
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Hobo Steak and Fasting

Fr. Apostolos talks about the history and importance of fasting.
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Hobo Steak and Fasting

Fr. Apostolos talks about the history and importance of fasting.
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Coming Home

Fr. Apostolos talks about the Prodigal Son and the loving father.
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Coming Home

Fr. Apostolos talks about the Prodigal Son and the loving father.
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Missionary Dating

Fr. Apostolos shares from St. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, "We are the temple of the living God."
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Missionary Dating

Fr. Apostolos shares from St. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, "We are the temple of the living God."
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What Really Matters In Life

Fr. Apostolos shares from 2 Corinthians 6:1-10.
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What Really Matters In Life

Fr. Apostolos shares from 2 Corinthians 6:1-10.
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How to Worship God

Fr. Apostolos talks about the true worship of God, "This week, as we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord of glory into the Temple, may we be reminded that we come into this holy place not in a state of mere passive observance, but in one of active, noetic worship of the One who alone deserves all glory, honor, and worship: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now until the ages of ages."
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How to Worship God

Fr. Apostolos talks about the true worship of God, "This week, as we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord of glory into the Temple, may we be reminded that we come into this holy place not in a state of mere passive observance, but in one of active, noetic worship of the One who alone deserves all glory, honor, and worship: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now until the ages of ages."
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St. Anthony the Great

Fr. Apostolos talks about the ascetic tradition of the Orthodox faith in light of St. Anthony the Great's feast day.
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St. Anthony the Great

Fr. Apostolos talks about the ascetic tradition of the Orthodox faith in light of St. Anthony the Great's feast day.
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The Kingdom of Heaven

Fr. Apostolos talks about the exclusive nature of our citizenship in the Heavenly Kingdom. "No one may hold dual citizenship in the Kingdom of God and any other kingdom."
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The Kingdom of Heaven

Fr. Apostolos talks about the exclusive nature of our citizenship in the Heavenly Kingdom. "No one may hold dual citizenship in the Kingdom of God and any other kingdom."
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Christmas Carol Sing-a-long

Fr. Apostolos shares the story of the Nativity of Christ, interspersed with Christmas carols.
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Christmas Carol Sing-a-long

Fr. Apostolos shares the story of the Nativity of Christ, interspersed with Christmas carols.
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Christmas and the Abolition of Fear

In view of the national media's drumbeat of fear-mongering, Fr. Apostolos reminds us of angelic salutation "Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy!"
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Christmas and the Abolition of Fear

In view of the national media's drumbeat of fear-mongering, Fr. Apostolos reminds us of angelic salutation "Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy!"
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Thanksgiving and Spiritual Nourishment

Fr. Apostolos talks about feeding ourselves spiritually, not only physically."Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled."
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Thanksgiving and Spiritual Nourishment

Fr. Apostolos talks about feeding ourselves spiritually, not only physically."Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled."
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Entering the Temple

Fr. Apostolos talks about the Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple, and the difference between being AT church, IN church, and THE church.
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Entering the Temple

Fr. Apostolos talks about the Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple, and the difference between being AT church, IN church, and THE church.
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Unity in Christ

From Ephesians and other passages from the New Testament, Fr. Apostolos shares about our union in Christ, "Regardless of all the nonsense and the crazy silly divisions that exist in the world, we are united to Christ and united to one another. May we be the ambassadors and reach out to those around us and pull them into our embrace, so that they also can be united to Christ and His Body."
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Unity in Christ

From Ephesians and other passages from the New Testament, Fr. Apostolos shares about our union in Christ, "Regardless of all the nonsense and the crazy silly divisions that exist in the world, we are united to Christ and united to one another. May we be the ambassadors and reach out to those around us and pull them into our embrace, so that they also can be united to Christ and His Body."
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Agape, not Outrage

Fr. Apostolos shares about agape from St. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians.
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Agape, not Outrage

Fr. Apostolos shares about agape from St. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians.
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Cathedral Tour

Fr. Apostolos shares what he says to visiting annual Festival tour groups about the Cathedral space.
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Cathedral Tour

Fr. Apostolos shares what he says to visiting annual Festival tour groups about the Cathedral space.
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The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Fr. Apostolos shares about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. "As we celebrate the Sunday before the Exaltation of the Cross, may we commit ourselves every single day and every single hour of every day to living the message of the Gospel and thanking God that He loved us so much that He came."
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The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Fr. Apostolos shares about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. "As we celebrate the Sunday before the Exaltation of the Cross, may we commit ourselves every single day and every single hour of every day to living the message of the Gospel and thanking God that He loved us so much that He came."
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Sexual Purity

Fr. Apostolos shares about sexual purity. "We cannot, we dare not, manufacture a false gospel that dismisses chastity and sexual purity because maintaining them is difficult."
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Sexual Purity

Fr. Apostolos shares about sexual purity. "We cannot, we dare not, manufacture a false gospel that dismisses chastity and sexual purity because maintaining them is difficult."
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Transfiguration and the Courage to Change

Fr. Apostolos encourages us that it is possible to change. May we approach the Feast of the Transfiguration "with a sense of humility and anticipation that we too might be radically changed into that same image from glory to glory."
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Transfiguration and the Courage to Change

Fr. Apostolos encourages us that it is possible to change. May we approach the Feast of the Transfiguration "with a sense of humility and anticipation that we too might be radically changed into that same image from glory to glory."
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Unruly Members

Fr. Apostolos reminds us that our whole self belongs to Christ.
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Unruly Members

Fr. Apostolos reminds us that our whole self belongs to Christ.
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Overcoming Spiritual Paralysis

Fr. Apostolos shares on the Sunday of the Paralytic. "Once healed and loosed from his paralysis, the paralytic took up his mat and started walking. So too must we shake off whatever form of spiritual paralysis has us in its grip and start walking actively, energetically, and intentionally in the Holy Orthodox faith God has given us."
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Overcoming Spiritual Paralysis

Fr. Apostolos shares on the Sunday of the Paralytic. "Once healed and loosed from his paralysis, the paralytic took up his mat and started walking. So too must we shake off whatever form of spiritual paralysis has us in its grip and start walking actively, energetically, and intentionally in the Holy Orthodox faith God has given us."
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Anointed Lives

Fr. Apostolos shares about the importance of oil in the Old Testament, the New Testament (the myrrh-bearing women), and today. "If our desire is for the Spirit of the Lord to come mightily upon us, we must walk in the anointing power of the Holy Spirit, for we are an anointed people. We are consecrated to God and we are destined for eternity. So, let us follow the bold example of the myrrh-bearing women and take a step of faith in our lives."
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Anointed Lives

Fr. Apostolos shares about the importance of oil in the Old Testament, the New Testament (the myrrh-bearing women), and today. "If our desire is for the Spirit of the Lord to come mightily upon us, we must walk in the anointing power of the Holy Spirit, for we are an anointed people. We are consecrated to God and we are destined for eternity. So, let us follow the bold example of the myrrh-bearing women and take a step of faith in our lives."
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The New Normal

Now that Pascha is over (or is it?), will we return to life as before, or will we allow the life of Christ to change our lives?
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The New Normal

Now that Pascha is over (or is it?), will we return to life as before, or will we allow the life of Christ to change our lives?
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Is God Coming Today?

Fr. Apostolos shares about the flash mob that gathered on Palm Sunday and at the trial of Jesus.
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Is God Coming Today?

Fr. Apostolos shares about the flash mob that gathered on Palm Sunday and at the trial of Jesus.
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The Face of Love

Fr. Apostolos encourages us to embrace Christ's sacrificial offering for us as graceful recipients of the salvation that He alone can bring.
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The Face of Love

Fr. Apostolos encourages us to embrace Christ's sacrificial offering for us as graceful recipients of the salvation that He alone can bring.
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Fear of Heights

Fr. Apostolos shares about the Ladder of Divine Ascent.
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Fear of Heights

Fr. Apostolos shares about the Ladder of Divine Ascent.
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The Power of the Cross

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the power of the Cross. "If only avoiding the reality of the Cross were as easy as skipping services during Great Lent and Holy Week. If only avoiding the reality of being crucified with Christ were as easy as roasting a lamb.... As Orthodox Christians in the West avoid the spectre of the Cross, others rush to embrace it."
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The Power of the Cross

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the power of the Cross. "If only avoiding the reality of the Cross were as easy as skipping services during Great Lent and Holy Week. If only avoiding the reality of being crucified with Christ were as easy as roasting a lamb.... As Orthodox Christians in the West avoid the spectre of the Cross, others rush to embrace it."
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Called by God

"We are called to be saints. We are called to fellowship with God. We are called to sanctification and true freedom in Christ. We are called to lay hold of eternal life. May we ever strive to walk in that manner, worthy of the high calling as we press on in our Lenten journey."
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Called by God

"We are called to be saints. We are called to fellowship with God. We are called to sanctification and true freedom in Christ. We are called to lay hold of eternal life. May we ever strive to walk in that manner, worthy of the high calling as we press on in our Lenten journey."
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No Empty Tomb without Golgotha

Fr. Apostolos begins with the story of Brittany, a young girl he briefly knew who suffered from an incurable skin condition who demonstrated for him how to carry a cross. The gist of the homily is simple: there can be no resurrection without a death and no Paschal celebration without the Cross.
04/04/201615 minutes, 45 secondes
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Lame Claim to Fame

Fr. Apostolos talks about the privilege and responsibility we have of knowing Christ personally.
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Lame Claim to Fame

Fr. Apostolos talks about the privilege and responsibility we have of knowing Christ personally.
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The Spiritual Fitness Regimen of Lent

Fr. Apostolos reminds us of the effort needed and the benefits of participating fully in the spiritual fitness regimen of Great Lent.
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The Spiritual Fitness Regimen of Lent

Fr. Apostolos reminds us of the effort needed and the benefits of participating fully in the spiritual fitness regimen of Great Lent.
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Freedom through Humility

Fr. Apostolos helps to prepare us for Great Lent with reflections on the humility of the Publican.
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Freedom through Humility

Fr. Apostolos helps to prepare us for Great Lent with reflections on the humility of the Publican.
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Taming Desire

As we approach Great Lent, Fr. Apostolos reflects on the stories of Jason Gibson and Zaccheus. "As we apply the energy of our will and labor to tame our desires so that they serve us and as we avoid the trap of being enslaved by our desires, we can overcome our wounds and learn how to soar in the spiritual life."
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Taming Desire

As we approach Great Lent, Fr. Apostolos reflects on the stories of Jason Gibson and Zaccheus. "As we apply the energy of our will and labor to tame our desires so that they serve us and as we avoid the trap of being enslaved by our desires, we can overcome our wounds and learn how to soar in the spiritual life."
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Outside the Camp

Fr. Apostolos asks, "Of what value is our life in Christ?"
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Outside the Camp

Fr. Apostolos asks, "Of what value is our life in Christ?"
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Bitter Water Made Sweet

Fr. Apostolos shares from the book of Exodus and the life of St. Columba to prepare us for the Feast of Theophany.
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Bitter Water Made Sweet

Fr. Apostolos shares from the book of Exodus and the life of St. Columba to prepare us for the Feast of Theophany.
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The Ark of the New Covenant

Fr. Apostolos shares about the Incarnation. "As the Ark of the Old Covenant was held to be the physical manifestation of the presence of God to the people of Israel, the Ark of the New Covenant, the Ever-virgin Mary, is held to be the divine vessel of Immanuel, which means God With Us."
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The Ark of the New Covenant

Fr. Apostolos shares about the Incarnation. "As the Ark of the Old Covenant was held to be the physical manifestation of the presence of God to the people of Israel, the Ark of the New Covenant, the Ever-virgin Mary, is held to be the divine vessel of Immanuel, which means God With Us."
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A Place at the Table

Fr. Apostolos exhorts us to be as welcoming to others at the Eucharistic feast as we are to welcoming new family members around our holiday tables.
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A Place at the Table

Fr. Apostolos exhorts us to be as welcoming to others at the Eucharistic feast as we are to welcoming new family members around our holiday tables.
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The Light of Christmas

Fr. Apostolos talks about the theme of light as it relates to the Feast of the Nativity.
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The Light of Christmas

Fr. Apostolos talks about the theme of light as it relates to the Feast of the Nativity.
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Fr. Apostolos shares three reasons to be grateful and three suggestions to consecrate the Thanksgiving holiday.
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Fr. Apostolos shares three reasons to be grateful and three suggestions to consecrate the Thanksgiving holiday.
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The Life of Saint Nektarios

Fr. Apostolos shares about the life of Saint Nektarios of Pentapolis and encourages us to follow his example of humility, gentleness, perseverance, and devotion.
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The Life of Saint Nektarios

Fr. Apostolos shares about the life of Saint Nektarios of Pentapolis and encourages us to follow his example of humility, gentleness, perseverance, and devotion.
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Suffering in This Life or the Next

Referencing the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, Fr. Apostolos shares about suffering. "Suffering can make no sense to us unless we view it from an eternal perspective. Our suffering is made worse because we have lost the vision of the goal of suffering."
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Suffering in This Life or the Next

Referencing the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, Fr. Apostolos shares about suffering. "Suffering can make no sense to us unless we view it from an eternal perspective. Our suffering is made worse because we have lost the vision of the goal of suffering."
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Demons and Pigs

Fr. Apostolos speaks about accepting and rejecting Christ.
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Demons and Pigs

Fr. Apostolos speaks about accepting and rejecting Christ.
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Strength through Weakness

Fr. Apostolos shares about real strength from St. Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians.
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Strength through Weakness

Fr. Apostolos shares about real strength from St. Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians.
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Jell-O Shots and Cowboy Boots

Fr. Apostolos shares from 2 Corinthians 6 about the importance of finding the right context for our life in Christ. "Come out and be separate...."
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Jell-O Shots and Cowboy Boots

Fr. Apostolos shares from 2 Corinthians 6 about the importance of finding the right context for our life in Christ. "Come out and be separate...."
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Collaborating with Jesus

Fr. Apostolos talks about synergy with Christ.
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Collaborating with Jesus

Fr. Apostolos talks about synergy with Christ.
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A Worship Manifesto

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the importance of attending and participating in the divine services. "No matter how many theological books we read or classes we attend, the treasure of Holy Orthodoxy can only be revealed in and through the medium of divine worship."
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A Worship Manifesto

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the importance of attending and participating in the divine services. "No matter how many theological books we read or classes we attend, the treasure of Holy Orthodoxy can only be revealed in and through the medium of divine worship."
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The Cross and Suffering

Fr. Apostolos shares about suffering on the Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Holy Cross. He quotes an abbot, "The one who has suffered nothing in this life has been abandoned by God."
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The Cross and Suffering

Fr. Apostolos shares about suffering on the Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Holy Cross. He quotes an abbot, "The one who has suffered nothing in this life has been abandoned by God."
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Love is the Only Measure of Faith

Fr. Apostolos speaks from the Gospel of St. John, chapter 3, "For God so loved the world...," exhorting us that "love alone is the surety of our doctrinal purity."
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Love is the Only Measure of Faith

Fr. Apostolos speaks from the Gospel of St. John, chapter 3, "For God so loved the world...," exhorting us that "love alone is the surety of our doctrinal purity."
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Labor and Rest

On Labor Day weekend, Fr. Apostolos shares about the tyranny of being BUSY (Being Under Satan's Yoke) and entering into God's rest.
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Labor and Rest

On Labor Day weekend, Fr. Apostolos shares about the tyranny of being BUSY (Being Under Satan's Yoke) and entering into God's rest.
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Debt and Freedom

Fr. Apostolos talks about financial pressures, contentment, and priorities. "As we grow in contentment, and learn to resist the allure of the never-ending parade of consumer goods that we didn't know existed a moment ago, but somehow cannot now possibly live without, a new world of possibilities will emerge for us in the freedom that only Jesus Christ can give."
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Debt and Freedom

Fr. Apostolos talks about financial pressures, contentment, and priorities. "As we grow in contentment, and learn to resist the allure of the never-ending parade of consumer goods that we didn't know existed a moment ago, but somehow cannot now possibly live without, a new world of possibilities will emerge for us in the freedom that only Jesus Christ can give."
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Our Bodies are God's Property

Fr. Apostolos shares from 1 Corinthians 3, reminding us that our bodies belong to the Lord, "The temple of God is holy, and that is what you are."
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Our Bodies are God's Property

Fr. Apostolos shares from 1 Corinthians 3, reminding us that our bodies belong to the Lord, "The temple of God is holy, and that is what you are."
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Spiritual Health

With reflections on the life and ministry of St. Panteleimon, Fr. Apostolos encourages us to commit ourselves to give at least as much attention to our spiritual health as we do to our physical well-being.
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Spiritual Health

With reflections on the life and ministry of St. Panteleimon, Fr. Apostolos encourages us to commit ourselves to give at least as much attention to our spiritual health as we do to our physical well-being.
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How to Watch the News

Fr. Apostolos addresses sin as the animating principle behind the blood-letting we are witnessing around the world. References are drawn primarily from the Prophet Isaiah whose insights are as relevant today as they were 2,700 years ago.
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How to Watch the News

Fr. Apostolos addresses sin as the animating principle behind the blood-letting we are witnessing around the world. References are drawn primarily from the Prophet Isaiah whose insights are as relevant today as they were 2,700 years ago.
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Inside-out Christianity

Fr. Apostolos talks about the dangers of confusing externalism with spiritual fruit.
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Inside-out Christianity

Fr. Apostolos talks about the dangers of confusing externalism with spiritual fruit.
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Confessing Christ

Fr. Apostolos shares on All Saints Sunday, "The memory of all the saints, those who we know and those whose names only God knows, may be we inspired by their witness and their confession from all of those from ancient times to more recent times for whom there was no turning back."
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Confessing Christ

Fr. Apostolos shares on All Saints Sunday, "The memory of all the saints, those who we know and those whose names only God knows, may be we inspired by their witness and their confession from all of those from ancient times to more recent times for whom there was no turning back."
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Spiritual Fatherhood

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the First Ecumenical Council and the importance of obedience to our spiritual fathers.
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Spiritual Fatherhood

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the First Ecumenical Council and the importance of obedience to our spiritual fathers.
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Spiritual Blindness

Fr. Apostolos shares on the Sunday of the Blind Man. "Jesus Christ ardently desires to remove from us our own deeply seated spiritual blindness, replacing the shattered eyes of our unrepentant hearts with the eyes of faith capable of receiving the vision of His glory."
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Spiritual Blindness

Fr. Apostolos shares on the Sunday of the Blind Man. "Jesus Christ ardently desires to remove from us our own deeply seated spiritual blindness, replacing the shattered eyes of our unrepentant hearts with the eyes of faith capable of receiving the vision of His glory."
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The Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women

Fr. Apostolos shares about myrrh in the Old Testament, New Testament, and today. "We must become emblems of hope as we bear that sacred myrrh, that oil of healing to a broken world."
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The Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women

Fr. Apostolos shares about myrrh in the Old Testament, New Testament, and today. "We must become emblems of hope as we bear that sacred myrrh, that oil of healing to a broken world."
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The Song that Never Ends

Fr. Apostolos talks about the difference that Christ's resurrection makes in our lives.
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The Song that Never Ends

Fr. Apostolos talks about the difference that Christ's resurrection makes in our lives.
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Rascal Saints of the Church

Fr. Apostolos shares about St. Mary of Egypt and other "rascal" saints.
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Rascal Saints of the Church

Fr. Apostolos shares about St. Mary of Egypt and other "rascal" saints.
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Spiritual Progress

Fr. Apostolos shares about spiritual progress on the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder.
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Spiritual Progress

Fr. Apostolos shares about spiritual progress on the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder.
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Before the Cross

Fr. Apostolos addresses Christ's triumph through the elevation of the Cross.
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Before the Cross

Fr. Apostolos addresses Christ's triumph through the elevation of the Cross.
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Knowing God

Fr. Apostolos speaks on knowing God and merely knowing about Him as we celebrate the memory of St. Gregory Palamas.
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Knowing God

Fr. Apostolos speaks on knowing God and merely knowing about Him as we celebrate the memory of St. Gregory Palamas.
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Letting Go

Fr. Apostolos explains that God's forgiveness depends on our willingness to forgive those who have trespassed again us.
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Letting Go

Fr. Apostolos explains that God's forgiveness depends on our willingness to forgive those who have trespassed again us.
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The Last Judgment

Fr. Apostolos discusses the final judgment of the human soul.
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The Last Judgment

Fr. Apostolos discusses the final judgment of the human soul.
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Presentation of the Lord in the Temple

Fr. Apostolos addresses parents' responsibility to rear their children in Church.
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Presentation of the Lord in the Temple

Fr. Apostolos addresses parents' responsibility to rear their children in Church.
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Fr. Apostolos reflects on Zacchaeus's desire and how this powerful force can lead to salvation or destruction.
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Fr. Apostolos reflects on Zacchaeus's desire and how this powerful force can lead to salvation or destruction.
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Fr. Apostolos discusses Jesus's healing of the ten lepers.
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Fr. Apostolos discusses Jesus's healing of the ten lepers.
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The Lord's Prayer: Part Three

Fr. Apostolos concludes his discussion of the Lord's Prayer.
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The Lord's Prayer: Part Three

Fr. Apostolos concludes his discussion of the Lord's Prayer.
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The Joy of Christmas

Fr. Apostolos reminds us that unless we see our salvation in the face of Christ, there is no particular reason for joy at Christmas.
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The Joy of Christmas

Fr. Apostolos reminds us that unless we see our salvation in the face of Christ, there is no particular reason for joy at Christmas.
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The Gospel Message

Fr. Apostolos explains that the Gospel message is the meaning of Christmas.
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The Gospel Message

Fr. Apostolos explains that the Gospel message is the meaning of Christmas.
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Fr. Apostolos outlines the basic stewardship principles from 2 Corinthians 8.
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Fr. Apostolos outlines the basic stewardship principles from 2 Corinthians 8.
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The Lord's Prayer: Part Two

Fr. Apostolos continues his discussion of the Lord's Prayer.
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The Lord's Prayer: Part Two

Fr. Apostolos continues his discussion of the Lord's Prayer.
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The Lord's Prayer: Part One

Fr. Apostolos begins a discussion of the Lord's Prayer.
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The Lord's Prayer: Part One

Fr. Apostolos begins a discussion of the Lord's Prayer.
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How to Get the Most Out of the Divine Liturgy

Fr. Apostolos continues his homiletic series on prayer.
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How to Get the Most Out of the Divine Liturgy

Fr. Apostolos continues his homiletic series on prayer.
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Introduction to Prayer

Fr. Apostolos reminds us that while prayer is difficult, it is essential to our salvation.
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Introduction to Prayer

Fr. Apostolos reminds us that while prayer is difficult, it is essential to our salvation.
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Two Visions of Eternity

Fr. Apostolos asks the most important question that each of us must answer in this life: What comes next?
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Two Visions of Eternity

Fr. Apostolos asks the most important question that each of us must answer in this life: What comes next?
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Sowing Bountifully

Fr. Apostolos asks, "What investments are we making in the life to come?"
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Sowing Bountifully

Fr. Apostolos asks, "What investments are we making in the life to come?"
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Do Not Be Bound Together with Unbelievers

Fr. Apostolos reminds us this Halloween season of the absolute and exclusive claims laid upon us by Jesus Christ.
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Do Not Be Bound Together with Unbelievers

Fr. Apostolos reminds us this Halloween season of the absolute and exclusive claims laid upon us by Jesus Christ.
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Regret, Remorse, Repentance

Fr. Apostolos shares the difference between these three words, and calls us to the latter.
29/03/201613 minutes, 53 secondes
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The Icon of Humanity

On the Sunday of Orthodoxy, Fr. Apostolos reminds us that unless we see the face of Christ in everyone we meet, to venerate our icons can be a form of idolatry.
21/03/201616 minutes, 32 secondes
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Repentance as Healing from the Cancer of Sin

Fr. Apostolos speaks about repentance as healing from the cancer of sin. Sin is that foreign substance in us which, if left untreated, will produce in us spiritual death, and God provides the treatment.
15/03/201615 minutes, 3 secondes
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Hobo Steak and Fasting

Fr. Apostolos talks about the history and importance of fasting.
08/03/201620 minutes, 9 secondes
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Coming Home

Fr. Apostolos talks about the Prodigal Son and the loving father.
01/03/201616 minutes, 5 secondes
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Missionary Dating

Fr. Apostolos shares from St. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, "We are the temple of the living God."
15/02/201614 minutes, 39 secondes
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What Really Matters In Life

Fr. Apostolos shares from 2 Corinthians 6:1-10.
08/02/201618 minutes, 5 secondes
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How to Worship God

Fr. Apostolos talks about the true worship of God, "This week, as we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord of glory into the Temple, may we be reminded that we come into this holy place not in a state of mere passive observance, but in one of active, noetic worship of the One who alone deserves all glory, honor, and worship: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now until the ages of ages."
01/02/201614 minutes, 39 secondes
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St. Anthony the Great

Fr. Apostolos talks about the ascetic tradition of the Orthodox faith in light of St. Anthony the Great's feast day.
19/01/201616 minutes, 40 secondes
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The Kingdom of Heaven

Fr. Apostolos talks about the exclusive nature of our citizenship in the Heavenly Kingdom. "No one may hold dual citizenship in the Kingdom of God and any other kingdom."
12/01/201616 minutes, 30 secondes
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Christmas Carol Sing-a-long

Fr. Apostolos shares the story of the Nativity of Christ, interspersed with Christmas carols.
28/12/201517 minutes
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Christmas and the Abolition of Fear

In view of the national media's drumbeat of fear-mongering, Fr. Apostolos reminds us of angelic salutation "Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy!"
09/12/201515 minutes, 37 secondes
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Thanksgiving and Spiritual Nourishment

Fr. Apostolos talks about feeding ourselves spiritually, not only physically."Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled."
01/12/201515 minutes, 58 secondes
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Entering the Temple

Fr. Apostolos talks about the Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple, and the difference between being AT church, IN church, and THE church.
24/11/201515 minutes, 6 secondes
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Unity in Christ

From Ephesians and other passages from the New Testament, Fr. Apostolos shares about our union in Christ, "Regardless of all the nonsense and the crazy silly divisions that exist in the world, we are united to Christ and united to one another. May we be the ambassadors and reach out to those around us and pull them into our embrace, so that they also can be united to Christ and His Body."
18/11/201518 minutes, 15 secondes
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Agape, not Outrage

Fr. Apostolos shares about agape from St. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians.
03/11/201517 minutes, 6 secondes
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Role Models

Fr. Apostolos encourages us to let the light of Christ shine through us.
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Role Models

Fr. Apostolos encourages us to let the light of Christ shine through us.
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Cathedral Tour

Fr. Apostolos shares what he says to visiting annual Festival tour groups about the Cathedral space.
26/10/201516 minutes, 30 secondes
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The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Fr. Apostolos shares about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. "As we celebrate the Sunday before the Exaltation of the Cross, may we commit ourselves every single day and every single hour of every day to living the message of the Gospel and thanking God that He loved us so much that He came."
16/09/201515 minutes, 33 secondes
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Sexual Purity

Fr. Apostolos shares about sexual purity. "We cannot, we dare not, manufacture a false gospel that dismisses chastity and sexual purity because maintaining them is difficult."
10/08/201514 minutes, 29 secondes
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Transfiguration and the Courage to Change

Fr. Apostolos encourages us that it is possible to change. May we approach the Feast of the Transfiguration "with a sense of humility and anticipation that we too might be radically changed into that same image from glory to glory."
03/08/201513 minutes, 29 secondes
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Unruly Members

Fr. Apostolos reminds us that our whole self belongs to Christ.
29/06/201516 minutes, 56 secondes
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Overcoming Spiritual Paralysis

Fr. Apostolos shares on the Sunday of the Paralytic. "Once healed and loosed from his paralysis, the paralytic took up his mat and started walking. So too must we shake off whatever form of spiritual paralysis has us in its grip and start walking actively, energetically, and intentionally in the Holy Orthodox faith God has given us."
04/05/201516 minutes, 3 secondes
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Anointed Lives

Fr. Apostolos shares about the importance of oil in the Old Testament, the New Testament (the myrrh-bearing women), and today. "If our desire is for the Spirit of the Lord to come mightily upon us, we must walk in the anointing power of the Holy Spirit, for we are an anointed people. We are consecrated to God and we are destined for eternity. So, let us follow the bold example of the myrrh-bearing women and take a step of faith in our lives."
27/04/201514 minutes, 54 secondes
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The New Normal

Now that Pascha is over (or is it?), will we return to life as before, or will we allow the life of Christ to change our lives?
20/04/201513 minutes, 35 secondes
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Is God Coming Today?

Fr. Apostolos shares about the flash mob that gathered on Palm Sunday and at the trial of Jesus.
06/04/201513 minutes, 51 secondes
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The Face of Love

Fr. Apostolos encourages us to embrace Christ's sacrificial offering for us as graceful recipients of the salvation that He alone can bring.
30/03/201515 minutes, 9 secondes
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Fear of Heights

Fr. Apostolos shares about the Ladder of Divine Ascent.
23/03/201514 minutes
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The Power of the Cross

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the power of the Cross. "If only avoiding the reality of the Cross were as easy as skipping services during Great Lent and Holy Week. If only avoiding the reality of being crucified with Christ were as easy as roasting a lamb.... As Orthodox Christians in the West avoid the spectre of the Cross, others rush to embrace it."
16/03/201515 minutes, 49 secondes
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Called by God

"We are called to be saints. We are called to fellowship with God. We are called to sanctification and true freedom in Christ. We are called to lay hold of eternal life. May we ever strive to walk in that manner, worthy of the high calling as we press on in our Lenten journey."
09/03/201515 minutes, 28 secondes
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Lame Claim to Fame

Fr. Apostolos talks about the privilege and responsibility we have of knowing Christ personally.
09/03/201516 minutes, 11 secondes
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The Spiritual Fitness Regimen of Lent

Fr. Apostolos reminds us of the effort needed and the benefits of participating fully in the spiritual fitness regimen of Great Lent.
23/02/201517 minutes, 48 secondes
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Freedom through Humility

Fr. Apostolos helps to prepare us for Great Lent with reflections on the humility of the Publican.
02/02/201515 minutes, 17 secondes
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Taming Desire

As we approach Great Lent, Fr. Apostolos reflects on the stories of Jason Gibson and Zaccheus. "As we apply the energy of our will and labor to tame our desires so that they serve us and as we avoid the trap of being enslaved by our desires, we can overcome our wounds and learn how to soar in the spiritual life."
26/01/201515 minutes, 43 secondes
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Outside the Camp

Fr. Apostolos asks, "Of what value is our life in Christ?"
19/01/201516 minutes, 12 secondes
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Bitter Water Made Sweet

Fr. Apostolos shares from the book of Exodus and the life of St. Columba to prepare us for the Feast of Theophany.
05/01/201514 minutes, 22 secondes
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The Ark of the New Covenant

Fr. Apostolos shares about the Incarnation. "As the Ark of the Old Covenant was held to be the physical manifestation of the presence of God to the people of Israel, the Ark of the New Covenant, the Ever-virgin Mary, is held to be the divine vessel of Immanuel, which means God With Us."
29/12/20143 minutes, 12 secondes
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A Place at the Table

Fr. Apostolos exhorts us to be as welcoming to others at the Eucharistic feast as we are to welcoming new family members around our holiday tables.
15/12/201416 minutes, 35 secondes
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The Light of Christmas

Fr. Apostolos talks about the theme of light as it relates to the Feast of the Nativity.
08/12/201415 minutes, 46 secondes
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Fr. Apostolos shares three reasons to be grateful and three suggestions to consecrate the Thanksgiving holiday.
24/11/201415 minutes, 52 secondes
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The Life of Saint Nektarios

Fr. Apostolos shares about the life of Saint Nektarios of Pentapolis and encourages us to follow his example of humility, gentleness, perseverance, and devotion.
17/11/201415 minutes, 34 secondes
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Suffering in This Life or the Next

Referencing the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, Fr. Apostolos shares about suffering. "Suffering can make no sense to us unless we view it from an eternal perspective. Our suffering is made worse because we have lost the vision of the goal of suffering."
03/11/201413 minutes, 42 secondes
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Demons and Pigs

Fr. Apostolos speaks about accepting and rejecting Christ.
27/10/201413 minutes, 56 secondes
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Strength through Weakness

Fr. Apostolos shares about real strength from St. Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians.
20/10/201414 minutes
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Jell-O Shots and Cowboy Boots

Fr. Apostolos shares from 2 Corinthians 6 about the importance of finding the right context for our life in Christ. "Come out and be separate...."
06/10/201416 minutes, 1 secondes
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Collaborating with Jesus

Fr. Apostolos talks about synergy with Christ.
29/09/201415 minutes, 38 secondes
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A Worship Manifesto

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the importance of attending and participating in the divine services. "No matter how many theological books we read or classes we attend, the treasure of Holy Orthodoxy can only be revealed in and through the medium of divine worship."
22/09/201415 minutes, 43 secondes
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The Cross and Suffering

Fr. Apostolos shares about suffering on the Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Holy Cross. He quotes an abbot, "The one who has suffered nothing in this life has been abandoned by God."
15/09/201414 minutes, 51 secondes
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Love is the Only Measure of Faith

Fr. Apostolos speaks from the Gospel of St. John, chapter 3, "For God so loved the world...," exhorting us that "love alone is the surety of our doctrinal purity."
08/09/201416 minutes
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Labor and Rest

On Labor Day weekend, Fr. Apostolos shares about the tyranny of being BUSY (Being Under Satan's Yoke) and entering into God's rest.
01/09/201416 minutes, 28 secondes
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Debt and Freedom

Fr. Apostolos talks about financial pressures, contentment, and priorities. "As we grow in contentment, and learn to resist the allure of the never-ending parade of consumer goods that we didn't know existed a moment ago, but somehow cannot now possibly live without, a new world of possibilities will emerge for us in the freedom that only Jesus Christ can give."
25/08/201417 minutes, 34 secondes
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Depression and Suicide

After the recent news of Robin Williams' untimely death, Fr. Apostolos talks about depression and suicide, and the hope offered by Christ and His Church.
18/08/201416 minutes, 24 secondes
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Our Bodies are God’s Property

Fr. Apostolos shares from 1 Corinthians 3, reminding us that our bodies belong to the Lord, "The temple of God is holy, and that is what you are."
12/08/201416 minutes, 17 secondes
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Spiritual Health

With reflections on the life and ministry of St. Panteleimon, Fr. Apostolos encourages us to commit ourselves to give at least as much attention to our spiritual health as we do to our physical well-being.
28/07/201416 minutes, 14 secondes
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How to Watch the News

Fr. Apostolos addresses sin as the animating principle behind the blood-letting we are witnessing around the world. References are drawn primarily from the Prophet Isaiah whose insights are as relevant today as they were 2,700 years ago.
21/07/201419 minutes, 41 secondes
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Role Models

Fr. Apostolos encourages us to let the light of Christ shine through us.
15/07/201417 minutes, 58 secondes
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Inside-out Christianity

Fr. Apostolos talks about the dangers of confusing externalism with spiritual fruit.
24/06/201417 minutes, 32 secondes
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Confessing Christ

Fr. Apostolos shares on All Saints Sunday, "The memory of all the saints, those who we know and those whose names only God knows, may be we inspired by their witness and their confession from all of those from ancient times to more recent times for whom there was no turning back."
17/06/20141 minute, 7 secondes
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Spiritual Fatherhood

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the First Ecumenical Council and the importance of obedience to our spiritual fathers.
02/06/201416 minutes, 6 secondes
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Spiritual Blindness

Fr. Apostolos shares on the Sunday of the Blind Man. "Jesus Christ ardently desires to remove from us our own deeply seated spiritual blindness, replacing the shattered eyes of our unrepentant hearts with the eyes of faith capable of receiving the vision of His glory."
27/05/20145 minutes, 3 secondes
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Mother’s Day

Fr. Apostolos shares about the ministry and mystery of motherhood.
12/05/201417 minutes, 17 secondes
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The Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women

Fr. Apostolos shares about myrrh in the Old Testament, New Testament, and today. "We must become emblems of hope as we bear that sacred myrrh, that oil of healing to a broken world."
05/05/201419 minutes, 20 secondes
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The Song that Never Ends

Fr. Apostolos talks about the difference that Christ's resurrection makes in our lives.
28/04/201419 minutes, 40 secondes
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Rascal Saints of the Church

Fr. Apostolos shares about St. Mary of Egypt and other "rascal" saints.
07/04/201412 minutes, 32 secondes
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Spiritual Progress

Fr. Apostolos shares about spiritual progress on the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder.
31/03/201414 minutes, 44 secondes
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Before the Cross

Fr. Apostolos addresses Christ's triumph through the elevation of the Cross.
23/03/201418 minutes, 35 secondes
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Knowing God

Fr. Apostolos speaks on knowing God and merely knowing about Him as we celebrate the memory of St. Gregory Palamas.
17/03/201416 minutes, 5 secondes
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Letting Go

Fr. Apostolos explains that God's forgiveness depends on our willingness to forgive those who have trespassed again us.
03/03/201415 minutes, 24 secondes
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The Last Judgment

Fr. Apostolos discusses the final judgment of the human soul.
28/02/201415 minutes, 43 secondes
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Presentation of the Lord in the Temple

Fr. Apostolos addresses parents' responsibility to rear their children in Church.
05/02/201416 minutes, 35 secondes
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Fr. Apostolos reflects on Zacchaeus's desire and how this powerful force can lead to salvation or destruction.
27/01/201416 minutes, 29 secondes
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Fr. Apostolos discusses Jesus's healing of the ten lepers.
20/01/201417 minutes, 29 secondes
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The Lord’s Prayer: Part Three

Fr. Apostolos concludes his discussion of the Lord's Prayer.
13/01/201415 minutes, 3 secondes
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The Joy of Christmas

Fr. Apostolos reminds us that unless we see our salvation in the face of Christ, there is no particular reason for joy at Christmas.
26/12/201317 minutes, 50 secondes
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The Gospel Message

Fr. Apostolos explains that the Gospel message is the meaning of Christmas.
26/12/201318 minutes, 33 secondes
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Fr. Apostolos outlines the basic stewardship principles from 2 Corinthians 8.
16/12/201326 minutes, 1 secondes
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The Lord’s Prayer: Part Two

Fr. Apostolos continues his discussion of the Lord's Prayer.
13/12/201320 minutes, 54 secondes
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The Lord’s Prayer: Part One

Fr. Apostolos begins a discussion of the Lord's Prayer.
02/12/201316 minutes, 24 secondes
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How to Get the Most Out of the Divine Liturgy

Fr. Apostolos continues his homiletic series on prayer.
26/11/201316 minutes, 43 secondes
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Introduction to Prayer

Fr. Apostolos reminds us that while prayer is difficult, it is essential to our salvation.
19/11/201320 minutes, 17 secondes
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Two Visions of Eternity

Fr. Apostolos asks the most important question that each of us must answer in this life: What comes next?
12/11/201321 minutes, 52 secondes
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Sowing Bountifully

Fr. Apostolos asks, "What investments are we making in the life to come?"
05/11/201314 minutes, 49 secondes
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Do Not Be Bound Together with Unbelievers

Fr. Apostolos reminds us this Halloween season of the absolute and exclusive claims laid upon us by Jesus Christ.
29/10/201317 minutes, 36 secondes