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Reality Boston Profile

Reality Boston

English, Christianity, 1 season, 264 episodes, 5 days, 18 hours, 2 minutes
Reality Boston is a community following Jesus that desires to advance joy in the city of Boston through the good news of Jesus Christ. For more information visit
Episode Artwork

Practices of Belonging | Centering Christ in Community

Text: 1 Corinthians 1-3  Teacher: Josh Wilson  Pastor Josh launches a new series, "Practices of Belonging," exploring how our actions can build or break community. Pointing to the divisions in the Corinthian church, Josh highlights the danger of holding our personal views and values with a pride that threatens community. Instead, Josh invites us to deepen our attachment to Christ and allow Him to be the center around which a diverse and deep community can flourish.
9/10/202437 minutes, 14 seconds
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Summer in the Psalms | Wise

Text: Psalm 37:1-6  Teacher: Josh Wilson  Psalm 37 teaches that we can trust in God’s wisdom even when his commands seem counterintuitive or difficult. Pastor Josh explains how our default response to rules is usually negative, viewing them as only restrictive and cumbersome. But God's law is the gift of a good and loving Father who cares for his children and is committed to our flourishing. 
8/27/202427 minutes, 12 seconds
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Summer in the Psalms | Forgiving

Teacher: Josh Wilson  Text: Psalm 51  Like David, we all have moments of failure that we instinctively want to conceal and hide, but Psalm 51 shows us that true healing and forgiveness begin when we bring our sins into the light. In this sermon, Pastor Josh invites us to trust in God's unfailing love and mercy, which are always available when we turn to Him in confession and repentance. A reflective and embodied practice of confession begins at minute 24.
8/20/202433 minutes
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Summer in the Psalms | Refuge

Text: Psalm 91  Teacher: Mandi Paszek  In this exploration of Psalm 91, Mandi Paszek delves into the imagery of God as both a nurturing protector and a fierce defender, offering comfort and safety amidst life's storms. Mandi encourages us to see God not just as a distant shelter but as an active, loving presence that can transform our experience of fear and anxiety. When we bring our worries to God, we can experience God's presence as our true refuge and source of hope. 
8/13/202432 minutes, 9 seconds
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Summer in the Psalms | Just

Teacher: Josh Wilson  Text: Psalm 94  Pastor Josh continues our Summer in the Psalms series talking about God’s righteousness and justice as seen in Psalm 94. Josh reminds us that while we may feel powerless against pervasive injustices, we can trust God to be the ultimate judge who brings about justice. Instead of resorting to retaliation or despair, we are invited to channel our anger into advocacy and prayer, knowing that God sees all and will ultimately set all things to right. Following the teaching, there is a guided prayer practice which begins at minute 28:40. 
8/7/202441 minutes, 23 seconds
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Summer in the Psalms | Caring

Teacher: Aly Wilson  Text: Psalm 13  Pastor Aly Wilson reflects on Psalm 13, highlighting the reality of unavoidable pain and the human instinct to avoid it. She emphasizes that lament, as demonstrated by David, is a vital spiritual practice allowing us to bring our deepest sorrows before God, who is intimately concerned with our pain. Despite the discomfort of lament, it opens a path to divine comfort and renewal, revealing that God is present and caring, even in our darkest moments. Following the teaching, there is a guided practice of lament which begins at minute 26:00. 
7/30/202433 minutes, 40 seconds
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Summer in the Psalms | Faithful

Text: Psalm 89  Teacher: Josh Wilson  In this sermon on Psalm 89, Pastor Josh explores the theme of God's faithfulness amidst life's uncertainties. He highlights how the psalmist grapples with God's promises in the face of challenges and disappointments. Drawing on personal and Biblical examples, Josh encourages listeners to trust in God's faithfulness even when circumstances are difficult, emphasizing that God's ways may not always align with our expectations but are ultimately for our good.
7/24/202439 minutes, 11 seconds
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Summer in the Psalms | Glorious

Text: Psalm 29  Teacher: Josh Wilson  Psalm 29 unveils the glory and majesty of God as depicted through a thunderstorm. Pastor Josh encourages us to recognize and ascribe to God the glory that is due. Josh underscores the importance of recovering a sense of wonder in God's presence, which brings transformation and peace amid life's challenges. Following the teaching, there is a guided imaginative prayer practice which begins at minute 24:00.
7/16/202436 minutes, 23 seconds
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Pictures of the Kingdom | Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

Teacher: Mandi Paszek Text: Matthew 18:21-35 Mandi Paszek concludes our sermon series on the parables with a teaching on the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, which issues a challenging call to both recognize that we need forgiveness and to extend forgiveness to others. Mandi invites us to reflect on the obstacles we face when it comes to forgiveness and the reality that forgiveness is at the center of God’s plan for healing our world. 
7/3/202440 minutes, 29 seconds
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Pictures of the Kingdom | The Talents

Teacher: Josh Wilson Text: Matthew 25:14-30 NIV In this sermon, Pastor Josh delves into the Parable of the Bags of Gold from Matthew 25, emphasizing the importance of leveraging all that God has given us for His Kingdom. Drawing a parallel to Kodak's downfall due to playing it safe, Josh highlights three caution flags that can hinder our stewardship: forgetting our role as trustees, comparing ourselves to others, and believing false narratives about God. Pastor Josh challenges us to step boldly into our God-given potential and faithfully invest our gifts for God's glory.
7/3/202435 minutes, 13 seconds
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Pictures of the Kingdom | The Pharisee & The Tax Collector

Teacher: Rashad Clemons Text: Luke 18:9-14 Jesus' Parable of The Pharisee and The Tax Collector teaches us about the posture of heart that gets God's attention: humility. In this sermon, Rashad talks about the allure and danger of self-righteousness in the spiritual life, and God's invitation to come before him as we are, in need of His mercy and grace. 
6/19/202431 minutes, 37 seconds
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Pictures of the Kingdom | The Good Samaritan

Teacher: Josh Wilson  Text: Luke 10:25–37 Who is my neighbor? Pastor Josh unpacks the story of the Good Samaritan, explaining why this is actually the wrong question to be asking. Instead, Jesus calls us to a total devotion to God which expresses itself in love for neighbor and asks the question: “Who can I neighbor?”
6/11/202435 minutes, 45 seconds
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Pictures of the Kingdom | The Shrewd Manager

Text: Luke 16:1-15   Teacher: Josh Wilson Pastor Josh unpacks the Parable of the Shrewd Manager, explaining that we should steward our money shrewdly in light of eternity, just like the manager who strategically plans for his future after being fired. Josh emphasizes Jesus’ warning that we cannot serve two masters and challenges us to invest now for later. 
6/4/202436 minutes, 26 seconds
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Pictures of the Kingdom | The Unprepared Bridesmaids

Teacher: Josh Wilson  Text: Matthew 25:1-13 Jesus’ Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25 challenges us to be prepared for Jesus' return. In this teaching, Pastor Josh unpacks the cultural context of Ancient Near Eastern weddings to highlight the gravity of the bridesmaids' lack of preparation, drawing parallels to how we should ready ourselves for Christ's return. Ultimately, the sermon challenges us to live intentionally and righteously in light of eternity.
5/20/202434 minutes, 53 seconds
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Pictures of the Kingdom | The Persistent Widow

Text: Luke 18:1-8 (NRSV) Teacher: Mandi Paszek Jesus tells the Parable of the Persistent Widow so that his disciples would “pray always and not… lose heart.” Mandi Paszek explores how our ability to persist in prayer is connected to how we view the character of God—and our willingness to let ourselves be reshaped by the experience of prayer.
5/14/202435 minutes, 37 seconds
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Pictures of the Kingdom | The Banquet

Text: Matthew 22:1-14  Teacher: Josh Wilson 
5/14/202433 minutes, 35 seconds
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Pictures of the Kingdom | The Soil

Text: Matthew 13:1-23 Teacher: Josh Wilson Jesus’ Parable of the Soils invites us to consider the receptivity of our hearts. Pastor Josh explores how these soil types show up in our souls and exhorts us to cultivate hearts that are fertile places for the Kingdom of God to grow.
5/1/202439 minutes, 14 seconds
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Pictures of the Kingdom | The Hidden Treasure & The Pearl of Great Price

Text: Matthew 13:44-46  Teacher: Christine McEvoy, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship  Guest teacher Christine McEvoy uses Jesus' parables of The Hidden Treasure and The Pearl of Great Price to describe not only what the Kingdom of God is like—costly, precious, and deeply worthwhile—but also what kind of people are found in the Kingdom—those who have been captured by its goodness and respond with great joy. How will you prioritize the Kingdom of God today?
4/23/202428 minutes, 27 seconds
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Pictures of the Kingdom // The Mustard Seed

Text: Matthew 13:31-33 Teacher: Josh Wilson The Kingdom of God is like… a mustard seed? Pastor Josh shows us that God uses unassuming things to generate unprecedented results and challenges us to grapple with the tendency to abandon our integrity in the effort to achieve our goals.
4/16/202437 minutes, 52 seconds
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Pictures of the Kingdom | The Lost Sheep

Text: Luke 15:1-10 Teacher: Rashad Clemons Pastor Rashad begins a new series on the Parables of Jesus. Does God condemn us for our lostness? Rashad invites us to meet the God who relentlessly pursues us until we are found. 
4/9/202436 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Easter Egg

Text: John 20:11-18 Teacher: Josh Wilson Did you know there’s an Easter Egg in the Easter story? Pastor Josh takes us on a hunt to reveal how John’s reference to “the gardener” helps us make sense of the resurrection and our own stories too.
4/3/202427 minutes, 14 seconds
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To Live Is Christ | Strength To Be Limited

Text: Philippians 4:10-13 Teacher: Josh Wilson   “I can do all things!” Pastor Josh takes on the most misunderstood text in Scripture, explaining how God gives strength to receive our limits.
3/27/202438 minutes, 49 seconds
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To Live Is Christ | Identity and Imitation

Text: Philippians 3:16-4:9 Teacher: Josh Wilson What comes first: Behavior or belonging? Pastor Josh invites us beyond shame-driven striving into a journey of transformation where we live from our identity imitating others who model the character of Christ.
3/18/202436 minutes, 9 seconds
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To Live Is Christ | A Joyful Striving

Text: Philippians 3:7-14 Teacher: Steve Coble, Renewal Church of Chicago Guest Pastor Steve Coble preaches about how God's gift of righteousness in Christ frees us from striving for our worthiness, and instead invites us into a joyful journey of being formed more and more by the truth of our belovedness.
3/11/202443 minutes, 5 seconds
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To Live Is Christ | Real Humility

Text: Philippians 2:3–18  Teacher: Josh Wilson  What does humility look like? Pastor Josh unpacks how the way of Jesus differs from both conceit and low self-esteem and calls us to truly honor others.
3/4/202436 minutes, 6 seconds
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To Live Is Christ | Christ Changes Everything

Text: Philippians 1:20-30 Teacher: Mandi Paszek As we continue our journey through Philippians, Mandi teaches on the Apostle Paul's profound statement "To live is Christ, and to die is gain”. She discusses how Christ's presence changes the way we experience trials and suffering, and how it frees us from a life led by anxiety.
2/27/202433 minutes, 42 seconds
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To Live Is Christ | Unshakeable Joy

Text: Philippians 1:1-19 NIV Teacher: Josh Wilson Join us this Lent as we journey through the book of Philippians. Pastor Josh begins the series by inviting us to consider: What if we were so grounded in a bigger story—in a deeper reality—that even when things don't go our way, we could still find joy?
2/18/202436 minutes, 55 seconds
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Called | It Starts With Your Story

Text: Exodus 4:1-7, 18 Teacher: Josh Wilson Pastor Josh closes our series on calling with the powerful reminder that God always leads us in the peculiarities of our own stories and situations. As we see in the story of Moses, God doesn’t waste anything. We are perfectly designed for the calling He has for us, and He intends to use not only our strengths and gifts, but our weaknesses and wounds as well. For reflection: • What is your unique story? • What is your unique situation? • What is your unique contribution?
2/16/202425 minutes, 3 seconds
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Called | Mission in Community

Text: Exodus 4:29-5:1 NIV Teacher: Kristian Anderson, Grace Hill Community Church RCB was honored to have guest teacher Kristian Anderson of Grace Hill Community Church in East Boston join us for the third sermon in our series on calling. In the fourth chapter of Exodus, we find Moses feeling incapable to do what God has called him to do. In response, God not only reminds Moses that He is the one who has given him his mouth and his calling; He also meets Moses in his weakness by providing Aaron. Who is God calling you to go with?
2/7/202433 minutes, 41 seconds
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Called | Sustained by God

Text: Exodus 3:9-12a Teacher: Josh Wilson In this week's sermon, Pastor Josh describes the two "ditches" we easily fall into when it comes to living our calling: We either play too small because of fear and insecurity, or we play too big to serve our ego. So what is God's way? Attune to Him, stay close to Him, and put our trust in Him—every step of the way.
1/31/202438 minutes, 13 seconds
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Called | Stop to Look

Text: Exodus 3:1-10 Teacher: Josh Wilson Have you ever wondered, “Why am I here?” or “Is there more?” The stirrings in our souls come from the God who expands our horizon and invites us to join Him on a great adventure. In the Called series, we’re looking at the story of Moses and unpacking the encounter with God that changed his life and an entire people’s destiny. In this first sermon of the series, Pastor Josh explains how we discover the call of God much in the same way Moses did when he stopped to look at the burning bush—when we slow down and pay attention to what God is doing and the places in the world that are not as they ought to be.
1/16/202437 minutes, 15 seconds
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Prepare the Way of the Lord

Text: Mark 1:1-8 Teacher: Mandi Paszek In this guided devotion, we are invited to enter the new year in a way that orients us toward the Lord
1/7/202430 minutes, 39 seconds
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The God Who Gives | Worship Fully

Text: Luke 2:8–20 Teacher: Josh Wilson Over the four weeks leading up to Christmas, we come together to celebrate the coming of Jesus our King and share the hope He brings to a watching world. In this first sermon of the series, Pastor Josh invites us to reorient our thoughts and actions this Christmas season around the wonder of Jesus' arrival. What might it look like to model our own worship after the embodied, foolish, vulnerable response the shepherds had to hearing the good news that the Messiah had been born?
12/5/202329 minutes, 41 seconds
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Surprise! Unveiling God's Plan for Renewal in Isaiah | Victory Through Weakness

Text: Isaiah 53:3-9 Teacher: Josh Wilson In the second movement of the book of Isaiah, we find the people of Israel returning from exile and wrestling with how to make sense of what God’s doing in a season of disorientation. After years of barrenness, God makes a surprising proclamation: He will bring about renewal for His people. In this sermon, Pastor Josh invites us to consider the provocative truth that God brings redemption not through domination, but through sacrifice and suffering—and that he invites us to the same life of surrender and nonviolence as followers of Jesus.
11/13/202335 minutes, 26 seconds
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Surprise! Unveiling God's Plan for Renewal in Isaiah | Redemption of the Rebels

Text: Isaiah 43:18-25 & 44:9-22 Teacher: Mandi Paszek In the second movement of the book of Isaiah, we find the people of Israel returning from exile and wrestling with how to make sense of what God’s doing in a season of disorientation. After years of barrenness, God makes a surprising proclamation: He will bring about renewal for His people. In this sermon, Mandi Paszek discusses two major themes in Isaiah 43 and 44—the people’s idolatry and God’s plan of renewal— and the surprising ways they are interconnected.
11/9/202330 minutes, 45 seconds
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Surprise! Unveiling God’s Plan for Renewal in Isaiah | Restoration for the Weary

Text: Isaiah 40:27–31 Teacher: Josh Wilson In the second movement of the book of Isaiah, we find the people of Israel returning from exile and wrestling with how to make sense of what God’s doing in a season of disorientation. After years of barrenness, God makes a surprising proclamation: He will bring about renewal for his people. In the opening sermon of this series, Pastor Josh explains how God renews our restores our strength when we turn and put our hope in Him.
11/2/202331 minutes, 20 seconds
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Hearing God | Responding to God's Voice

Text: Genesis 12:1-9 NIV Teacher: Rashad Clemons Rashad Clemons completes our series on hearing God's voice with an invitation and exhortation to live life in response to God's leading. God's call requires a response, and the mark of one who hears is that they also respond.
10/28/202330 minutes, 20 seconds
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Hearing God | Impressions of the Spirit

Text: John 14:16-20; 25-27 Teacher: Josh Wilson Pastor Josh continues our series on Hearing God's Voice with an encouraging message about how God speaks to us through impressions of the Holy Spirit. He explains how we might experience this, and how we can discern whether something is the voice of God versus our own gut instinct or the burrito we had for lunch.
10/19/202341 minutes, 54 seconds
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Hearing God | God Speaks in Reality

Text: Acts 16:6-10  Teacher: Josh Wilson  In the third week of the Hearing God series, Pastor Josh leads us in answering the question: How do we make sense of how God may be guiding us through the events, opportunities, and situations of our lives? He closes by leading us through a reflective prayer practice called the Examen.
10/5/202345 minutes, 47 seconds
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Hearing God | Making Space to Hear God's Voice

Text: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Teacher: Mandi Paszek Mandi Paszek picks up our series on Hearing God's Voice with a practical invitation to slow down in order to make space to hear from God. She introduces a simple yet powerful prayer practice called Breath Prayer that can help us direct our attention to God on a daily basis.
9/27/202330 minutes, 42 seconds
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Hearing God | You Were Made for Relationship

Text: Genesis 3:1-11 Teacher: Aly Wilson Aly Wilson begins our series on Hearing God explaining why God speaks and why It matters. She explains that Scripture is a story of a God who reaches for us again and again for the sake of relationship and invites us to open ourselves up to a conversational relationship with our Creator.
9/11/202336 minutes, 14 seconds
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One Another | Be Devoted to One Another

Text: Romans 12:9-16 Teacher: Josh Wilson Josh finishes our One Another series by exhorting us to mutual devotion. The devotion that he envisions inevitably contributes to the flourishing of our communities and our spiritual lives.
8/28/202334 minutes, 22 seconds
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One Another | Show Hospitality to One Another

Text: John 13:1-8 Teacher: Damaris Taylor Damaris continues our One Another series by inviting us into practices of hospitality in being both host and hosted.
8/21/202343 minutes, 23 seconds
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One Another | Bear with One Another

Text: Colossians 3:12-14 Teacher: Mandi Paszek Mandi continues our sermon series by expounding upon the principles of patience and forgiveness bound in love.
8/15/202341 minutes, 44 seconds
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One Another | Humble Yourselves with One Another

Texts: Ephesians 5:21; 1 Peter 5:5-6 Teacher: Caleb Harris Caleb continues our One Another series by calling us to practice subversive, countercultural community like that which is modeled in the New Testament.
8/7/202328 minutes, 18 seconds
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One Another | Care for One Another

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:24b-26 Teacher: Josh Wilson Josh continues our One Another series by teaching that love looks like support for one another.
7/31/202335 minutes, 31 seconds
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One Another | Encourage One Another

Text: 1 Thesselonians 5:8-11 Teacher: Mandi Paszek Mandi continues our One Another series by exhorting us to carry a posture of encouragement over complaint.
7/24/202332 minutes, 25 seconds
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One Another | Serve One Another

Text: Galatians 6:2; Romans 12:6-8 Teacher: Josh Wilson During this week's continuation of our One Another series, Josh teaches that love looks like solidarity by using our gifts to serve others.
7/17/202330 minutes, 27 seconds
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One Another | We Belong to One Another

Text: Romans 12:4-5 Teacher: Josh Wilson Josh begins our One Another series by delving into Romans 12. He helps bring into focus that we are members of one-another in God's design for His body.
7/10/202331 minutes, 54 seconds
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Reimagining Rest | You Are Made for Delight

Text: Isaiah 58:13-14 Teacher: Josh Wilson Josh continues our series on Reimagining Rest by beckoning us into healthier practices than our typical cultural overindulgence. Rather than getting caught in the mindset of "work hard; play hard" (which can often lead to spiritual/consumptive gluttony), we are invited into practices that honor God's creation as that which is to be delighted in.
6/26/202338 minutes, 1 second
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Reimagining Rest | You Are Made for Connection

Text: Genesis 3:8 Teacher: Rashad Clemons Rashad continues our Reimagining Rest series by encouraging us to abide in our connection with God. He reminds us that God makes space for us to rest because he wants to be with us. Without slowing down to rest, we are disconnected from our souls, bodies, and one another. We rest and Sabbath in order to connect relationally and spiritually.
6/19/202325 minutes, 50 seconds
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Reimagining Rest | You Are Held

Text: Exodus 16:23-30 Teacher: Josh Wilson Josh continues our Reimagining Rest series by discussing some of the ways that unhelpful mindsets and habits hinder us from finding true rest. In the sermon, he explains that the practice of rest invites us to surrender to a good God who is working even when we are not.
6/12/202340 minutes, 9 seconds
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Reimagining Rest | Rest Because You Are Beloved

Text: Genesis 1:26-2:3 Teacher: Mandi Paszek Mandi begins our series on Reimagining Rest by exploring the origins of שַׁבָּת ("Shabbat," or Sabbath) in Genesis. She casts a theological vision that helps us move from finding identity in what we do to finding identity in being God's beloved.
6/5/202330 minutes, 35 seconds
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Encounters With Jesus | The Ascension

Text: Acts 1:1-9 Teacher: Josh Wilson In this sermon, Josh wraps up our series, Encounters With Jesus. In examining Acts 1, we catch a glimpse of the uncertainty the disciples faced as they witnessed Jesus ascend into heaven. Similarly, when we are disoriented or confused about the next steps or stages of life, we can revert back to old patterns. But what does the ascent of Jesus truly mean for his disciples, and more broadly, for the church today? As Jesus sits down at the right hand of God, we receive the Holy Spirit, and a commission: to represent the kingdom of God to the world.
5/22/202329 minutes, 24 seconds
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Encounters With Jesus | Miracles Are a Threat

Text: John 12:9-11 Teacher: Rashad Clemons When Jesus resurrected Lazarus, the chief priests and Pharisees resented and plotted to kill Him. They were afraid that if they let Jesus continue, everyone would believe in Him. Moreover, these religious leaders also began to target Lazarus. In this teaching, Rashad explains how the story of Lazarus points to a greater reality; In Christ, death is not final. Likewise, our stories matter greatly because they reveal God to the world and challenge the status-quo.
5/14/202326 minutes, 30 seconds
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When Sailing in Storms

Text: Matthew 14:22–31 Teacher: Josh Wilson This Sunday, we celebrated a significant moment for our community, two churches (RCB + The Table) came together as one body. In this message, Josh shares on what it means to step into a moment of uncertainty. Despite our natural instinct to grasp for control or manufacture comfort, we learn, by way of Peter's example, that if we fix our eyes on Jesus, the outcome is more profound than merely reaching the other side of a journey. Instead, it leads us to walk on water, experiencing His power, presence, and goodness in the middle of the storm.
5/8/202326 minutes, 50 seconds
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Encounters With Jesus | God of Surprises

Text: Luke 24:13-35 Teacher: Rashad Clemons The God of the Bible is in the business of surprising His people. In this message, Rashad discusses the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. The two had been radically impacted by Jesus' life and ministry, but when He was crucified, they became hopeless and disillusioned—"we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more, it is the third day since all this took place" (Luke 24:21). We often think that God will work according to our own logic, but God works according to His logic. In other words, God's ways are often surprises because God's way are not our ways. But an encounter with the Risen Christ reminds us that God will surprise us for our good and for His glory.
4/30/202327 minutes, 25 seconds
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Encounters With Jesus | Failure Isn’t Final

Text: John 21:15-19 Teacher: Rashad Clemons A defeated Peter returns with the disciples to an old routine, until the resurrected Christ intervenes. In this sermon, Rashad reminds us how Jesus sought out Peter to graciously remove the shame and guilt he carried after denying Him. The resurrection power stands as a reminder that God's love covers everything. To put it simply, failure isn't final. Indeed, His power and His love for us are far greater than our sin and shame.
4/23/202327 minutes, 4 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus | Worthy of Our Trust

Text: John 20:24-29 Teacher: Josh Wilson In this message, Josh kicks off a new series titled, "Encounters with Jesus." In it, he asks us the important questions, what does faith look like and how does it grow? Through the example of Thomas' encounter with the Resurrected Jesus, we see that doubt doesn't negate faith and that Jesus is worthy of our trust. *Our apologies, technical difficulties hindered the quality of this audio recording.
4/17/202334 minutes, 50 seconds
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Easter | Just the Beginning

Text: Matthew 28:1-10 Teacher: Rashad Clemons This Sunday we celebrate the joy and victory of Christ’s resurrection! Rashad reminds us that while the Gospels conclude with the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday, this is not the end of the story. Acknowledging the Risen Christ means that His Resurrection is only the beginning. Hope is alive!
4/17/202322 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Beatitudes | Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Text: Matthew 5:9 Teacher: Rashad Clemons Description: This week Rashad continues in the beatitudes and discusses what peacemaking means for believers.
4/2/202330 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Beatitudes | Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

Text: Matthew 5:8 Teacher: Josh Wilson Description: Josh Wilson continues our series in the beatitudes, and this week discusses the pure in heart. He goes over what purity looks like in the context, and invites the congregation into a time and life of integrity.
3/26/202337 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Beatitudes | Blessed Are the Merciful

Text: Matthew 5:7 Teacher: Rashad Clemons Rashad continues in our series on the Beatitudes, this week he speaks on the significance of mercy.
3/19/202324 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Beatitudes | Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

Text: Matthew 5:6  Teacher: Mandi Paszek 
3/12/202331 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Beatitudes | Blessed Are the Meek

Text: Matthew 5:5  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
3/5/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Beatitudes | Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

Text: Matthew 5:4  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
2/26/202327 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Beatitudes | Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

Text: Matthew 5:1-3 Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
2/23/202330 minutes, 34 seconds
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Retreat Into the Wilderness

Text: Matthew 4:1-11  Teacher: Mandi Paszek 
2/12/202322 minutes, 41 seconds
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Whole: Take the Roof Off

Text: Mark 2:1-12  Guest Teacher: Justin Ruddy 
2/5/202332 minutes, 34 seconds
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Walking With God | Hannah

Text: 1 Samuel 1:1-20  Teacher: Mandi Paszek 
1/29/202331 minutes, 40 seconds
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Walking With God | Abraham

Text: Genesis 17:1-8  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
1/22/202328 minutes, 6 seconds
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Walking With God | Enoch

Text: Genesis 5:22-24  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
1/8/202330 minutes, 17 seconds
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Wonder Upon Wonder | Advent 2022: Wonders of His Great Love

Text: Isaiah 63:7-9  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
12/18/202221 minutes, 22 seconds
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Wonder Upon Wonder | Advent 2022: The Wonder of Peace

Text:  Isaiah 9:6-7  Teacher: Austin Baten 
12/11/202225 minutes, 52 seconds
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Wonder Upon Wonder | Advent 2022: Wonderful Joy

Text: Isaiah 35:1-10  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
12/4/202227 minutes, 36 seconds
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Wonder Upon Wonder | Advent 2022: The Wonder of Hope

Text: Isaiah 9:1-2 & Luke 1:26-38  Teacher: Mandi Paszek 
11/27/202232 minutes, 8 seconds
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I AM | The True Vine

Text: John 15:1-5  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
11/20/202225 minutes, 2 seconds
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I AM | The Way, the Truth, the Life

Text: John 14:6  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
11/13/202231 minutes, 15 seconds
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I AM | The Good Sheperd

Text: John 10:11-14 Teacher: Mandi Paszek 
10/30/202231 minutes, 58 seconds
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I AM | The Gate

Text: John 10:7-10  Teacher: Austin Baten 
10/23/202224 minutes, 31 seconds
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I AM | The Light of the World

Text: John 8:12  Guest Teacher: Guy Wasko 
10/16/202230 minutes, 19 seconds
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I AM | The Bread of Life

Text: John 6:35-51  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
10/10/202226 minutes, 35 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | Come, Bless the Lord, All You Servants of the Lord

Text: Psalm 134  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
9/19/202223 minutes, 32 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | Behold, How Good and Pleasant It Is When Brothers Dwell in Unity!

Text: Psalm 133  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
9/12/202230 minutes, 20 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | Remember, O Lord, in David's Favor

Text: Psalm 132 Teacher: Mandi Paszek
9/7/202231 minutes, 24 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | O Lord, My Heart Is Not Lifted Up

Text: Psalm 131 Teacher: Rashad Clemons
8/29/202227 minutes, 19 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | Out of the Depths I Cry to You, O Lord!

Text: Psalm 130 Teachers: Matt & Alex Teal
8/22/202226 minutes, 37 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | Greatly Have They Afflicted Me From My Youth

Text: Psalm 129 Teacher: Austin Baten
8/15/202223 minutes, 21 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | Blessed is Everyone Who Fears the Lord

Text: Psalm 128 Teacher: Rashad Clemons
8/8/202229 minutes, 10 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | Unless the Lord Builds the House

Text: Psalm 127 Teacher: Rashad Clemons
8/1/202227 minutes, 10 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | When the Lord Restored the Fortunes of Zion

Text: Psalm 126 Teacher: Mandi Paszek
7/25/202228 minutes, 43 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | Those Who Trust in the Lord Are Like Mount Zion

Text: Psalm 125 Teacher: Austin Baten
7/18/202224 minutes, 15 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | If It Had Not Been the Lord Who Was On Our Side

Text: Psalm 124 Teacher: Janelle Ibaven
7/11/202230 minutes, 10 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | To You I Lift Up My Eyes

Text: Psalm 123 Teacher: Rashad Clemons
7/3/202221 minutes, 15 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | Let Us Go to the House of the Lord

Text: Psalm 122 Teacher: Rob Salazar
6/27/202222 minutes, 57 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | I Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills

Text: Psalm 121 Teacher: Austin Baten
6/20/202219 minutes, 57 seconds
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Psalms of Ascent | In My Distress I Called to the Lord

Text: Psalm 120 Teacher: Rashad Clemmons
6/13/202227 minutes, 4 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Endings

Text: Acts 28:16-31 Teacher: Rashad Clemmons Our apologies for the technical issues leading to poor audio quality this week - this should be resolved for the next podcast.
6/6/202230 minutes, 59 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Real Hope for Real Life

Acts 28:1-15  Teacher: Guilherme Baratho
5/30/202242 minutes, 32 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Burn the Ship

Text: Acts 27:1-44  Guest Teacher: Seth Bazacas 
5/23/202238 minutes, 54 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | All Roads Lead to Rome

Text: Acts 25:1-27  Teacher: Mandi Paszek 
5/9/202232 minutes, 19 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Stand Firm

Text: Acts 24:1-27  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
5/2/202233 minutes, 55 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Take Courage!

Text: Acts 22:30-23:35  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
4/24/202229 minutes, 41 seconds
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Easter | Jesus didn’t conduct funerals, He conducted resurrections!

Text: John 11:1-44  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
4/20/202227 minutes, 57 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Don’t Shrink Back

Text: Acts 21:37-22:1-29  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
4/11/202230 minutes, 57 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Saying Yes to Jesus

Text: Acts 21:15-36 Teacher: Austin Baten 
4/3/202225 minutes, 29 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | God's Will Be Done

Text: Acts 21:1-14  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
3/28/202226 minutes, 57 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Goodbyes Are Hard

Text: Acts 20:13-38  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
3/21/202228 minutes, 33 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | A Resilient Gospel

Text: Acts 20:1-12  Guest Teacher: Larry Kim 
3/14/202230 minutes, 30 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | A Threat in Ephesus

Text: Acts 19:21-41  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
3/7/202230 minutes, 20 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Power on Display

Text: Acts 19:1-20  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
2/28/202234 minutes, 56 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Ministry in the In-Between

Text: Acts 18:12-28  Teacher: Austin Baten 
2/21/202224 minutes, 16 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Keep Going, I Am With You

Text: Acts 18:1-11  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
2/14/202229 minutes, 30 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Knowing the "Unknown" God

Text: Acts 17:16-34  Teacher: Mandi Paszek 
2/8/202232 minutes, 6 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Open and Closed to the Gospel

Text: Acts 17:1-15  Teaching: Rashad Clemons 
1/31/202230 minutes, 40 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Worship Follows Suffering

Text: Acts 16:25-40  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
1/24/202233 minutes, 35 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Freedom Has a Cost

Text: Acts 16:11-24  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
1/17/202231 minutes, 56 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Following the God of Detours

Text: Acts 16:1-10  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
1/10/202228 minutes, 1 second
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Joy For the World | Discovering the Joy of the Manger [Christmastide]

Text: Christmastide - Luke 2:1-7  Teacher: Rob Salazar
12/24/202126 minutes, 39 seconds
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Joy For the World | Joy Is Born [Advent Week 4]

Text: Luke 2:8-20 Teacher: Rashad Clemons
12/20/202117 minutes, 33 seconds
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Joy For the World | Unstoppable Joy [Advent Week 3]

Text: Luke 1:5-25 Teacher: Austin Baten
12/13/202127 minutes, 5 seconds
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Joy For the World | Waiting to Fulfillment [Advent Week 2]

Text: Luke 2:25-38  Teacher: Rashad Clemons
12/6/202128 minutes, 44 seconds
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Joy For the World | Seek, Rejoice, Worship [Advent Week 1]

Text: Matthew 2:1-12 Teacher: Mandi Paszek
11/28/202128 minutes, 59 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Sharing Life Deeply Across Differences

Text: Acts 15:1-33 Teacher: Josh Wilson, special guest teacher from The Table in Dorchester 
11/21/202134 minutes, 38 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Reflecting on Acts 1 - 14

This Sunday we approached the mid-way point of our year-long Advancing God's Mission series, we pause to reflect on God's faithfulness in & through the church through the first 14 chapters of Acts.
11/14/202122 minutes, 51 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Hardships to Opened Doors

Text: Acts 14:19-28 Teacher: Rashad Clemons
11/8/202131 minutes, 12 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | The Message of Grace

Text: Acts 14:1-18 Teacher: Austin Baten
10/31/202129 minutes, 1 second
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Advancing God's Mission | Good News in Antioch

Text: Acts 13:13-52 Teacher: Rashad Clemons
10/24/202130 minutes, 33 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | The Hand of the Lord

Text: Acts 13:1-12 Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
10/19/202134 minutes, 43 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | The Kingdom that Endures

Text: Acts 12:1-25 Teacher: Austin Baten
10/10/202124 minutes, 52 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Antioch: The Gospel in Unanticipated Places

Text: Acts 11:19-30 Teacher: Janelle Ibaven 
10/4/202120 minutes, 59 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | No Further Objections

Text: Acts 11:1-18 Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
9/26/202125 minutes, 31 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | A Willingness to Respond

This Sunday, we celebrate 9 years of Reality Church Boston. We are thankful for God's faithfulness for the past nine years. In this week's sermon, our pastor, Rashad Clemons preached about the vision Jesus has for our church. We believe that Jesus wants bring his kingdom to Boston, giving us purpose for this city. We can discover what God is doing and our hearts want to follow his plan when we respond to him. Listen to hear how God gives us a vision to love others in this divided, hostile world.  Text: Acts 10:23-48 Teacher: Rashad Clemons
9/20/202130 minutes, 4 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Peter's Wall Becomes a Door

God reminds us that we have a part to play in his plan to bring restoration into the world. In this part of Acts, we meet Cornelius, a centurion, who was a devout, God-fearing man. Through the story of Cornelius we see how God invites us into his plan when our hearts seek him in faith. Then we hear about Peter and realize that our hearts are not always in agreement with what we think, believe or pray. Often being in line with God's Spirit is inconvenient with our preferences. Facing our disobedience allows us to see God showing us when we aren't in line with his ways. It is through the power of God that Jesus can take hold our hearts and bring reconciliation to the world. God has called you to this city with purpose, is your heart earnestly seeking him?  Text: Acts 10:1-23a Teacher: Rashad Clemons
9/14/202131 minutes, 18 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Where We Are Longing For Change

Where are you longing for things to change? In the book of Acts, the Spirit of God works transformation in everyday moments through ordinary people. Listen as Mandi Paszek shares with us the vision God has to transform our lives and bring transformation to others.  Text: Acts 9:31-43 Teacher: Mandi Paszek
9/5/202133 minutes, 9 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Saul's Calling

Calling isn’t comfortable, we are not promised smooth sailing, what we know for sure is that Jesus will make himself known to the world through our obedience to his call. Text: Acts 9:19b-30 Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
8/29/202136 minutes, 1 second
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Advancing God's Mission | A New Narrative

Text: Acts 9:1-19a Teacher: Austin Baten 
8/22/202133 minutes, 17 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch

Text: Acts 8:26-40 [Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch] Teacher: Guest Sarah Cowan Johnson
8/15/202134 minutes, 5 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Our Hearts and Jesus' Mission

Guest Teacher, Pastor Adam Mabry, from Aletheia Church in Cambridge teaches on Acts 8:3-25, highlighting the contrast between Philip and Simon the Sorcerer to show us that we cannot advance the mission of Jesus without the heart of Jesus.
8/9/202124 minutes, 38 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Gathering to Scattering

God uses persecution, hardship, & opposition not only form us, but to accelerate and advance the gospel! Text: Acts 7:1-8:2  [Stephen’s speech and martyr] Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
8/2/202131 minutes, 15 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Just Church

This Sunday, we heard from guest teacher, Justin Ruddy, pastor at Resurrection Church in East Boston.  Text: Acts 6:1-15 [choosing the 7]
7/26/202127 minutes, 19 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Never Stop

Text: Acts 5:17-42 [Apostles Persecuted] Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
7/18/202135 minutes, 21 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Holiness Is Not Optional

Text: Acts 5:1-16  [Ananias & Sapphira] Teacher: Rashad Clemons
7/11/202132 minutes, 1 second
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Advancing God's Mission | Pray for Boldness

Text: Acts 4:1-37 [Peter before Sanhedrin, Filling of Holy Spirit] Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
7/4/202134 minutes
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Advancing God's Mission | The Miracle

In all the hype and amazement of the lame man healed, Peter addresses the crowd of Jewish worshipers with a call of repentance. We are once again reminded that the true miracle lies not in the physical but the spiritual. In a time where someone's physical ailment was an outward sign of personal or generational sin, Peter turns the tables and points, not to the lame man but the crowd of temple worshipers. The lame man's healing was a bridge to the Good News of the Gospel, healing the hearts of the onlookers. May we be a church that sees miracles as a mirror to our own need for repentance and healing that can only come through the Good News of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice. Text: Acts 3:12-26 [Peter speaks to onlookers] Teacher: Janelle Ibaven
6/29/202129 minutes, 18 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Open to Interruption

Jesus’ activity in the world continues through his followers. Through the example of Peter and John we see that when we make space to be interrupted, truly see people, and steward the gifts that God has given us, the healing power of Jesus has the power to transform. What is God's spirit doing in you? Around you? Through you? What is your response to God's spirit? Text: Acts 3:1-11 [Peter heals lame beggar] Teacher: Austin Baten
6/20/202124 minutes, 51 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | A Gathered Community

Jesus has called us His church to community, not as an elective, but an imperative for Christian flourishing. We are God’s spiritual house here on earth, God meets us in community and the way we do community is a demonstration to the world who God is.What is God's spirit doing in you? Around you? Through you? What is your response to God's spirit? Text: Acts 2:42-47 Teacher: Rashad Clemons
6/14/202131 minutes, 22 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | A New Direction

The rejection of God’s son doesn’t have to be the end of the story, if our hearts are open to the Holy Spirit, we can change directions towards a God who longs to reconcile with humanity. What is God's spirit doing in you? Around you? Through you? What is your response to God's spirit? Text: Acts 2:37-41 Teacher: Rashad Clemons
6/6/202130 minutes, 22 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Bold Urgency

Peter preaches a bold urgent message on the good news of Jesus and the power of the Spirit as proof of Jesus' resurrection. What is God's spirit doing in you? Around you? Through you? What is your response to God's spirit? Text: Acts 2:14-36 Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
5/31/202125 minutes, 49 seconds
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Advancing God's Mission | Come Holy Spirit

Waiting and prayer are met with the wind and fire, the fearful followers of Jesus are filled and emboldened by the Spirit of God and thus Pentecost is now the day the New Testament church was birthed. How have you experienced the Spirit's filling in your life? What keeps you from experiencing this? Text: Acts 2:1-13 Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
5/23/202131 minutes, 56 seconds
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Stepping Into A New Season | Larry Kim

What new thing do you sense God doing in this community and how might God be inviting you to participate? In what ways does this scare and/or excite you? Larry Kim, pastor of Central Square Church in Cambridge shares with Reality Boston about how we as a church are stepping into a new season. 
5/16/202123 minutes, 35 seconds
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We Are Priests | You Are My People

What hinders you from fully embracing your belovedness and calling into God’s family in your everyday life? Text: 1 Peter 2:10 Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
5/9/202125 minutes, 44 seconds
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We Are Priests | Infinitely Precious

Jesus is the chosen and precious cornerstone of God and should be ours as well. We will explore what it means, as living stones being built into God's dwelling place, for Jesus to be the cornerstone of our lives. How does having Christ as the foundation of our individual and collective lives shape the way we engage with the world around us? Text: 1 Peter 2:6-8 Teacher: Austin Baten 
4/25/202125 minutes, 33 seconds
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We Are Priests | God's House on Earth

The temple, the place where God dwells is no longer a building made with hands that we go to, it is now built through the people of God, and is where HE resides. We are the temple and the priests of the temple offering our lives to one another for the glory of God. Have you really taken into consideration that part of your identity is that you are the dwelling place of God? How can that truth affect our expectations of Christian Community? How do we live as a Tabernacle? Text: 1 Peter 2:5 Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
4/18/202127 minutes, 7 seconds
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We Are Priests | Near God

We were created for intimacy, which is the DNA of a priest, to draw close to God and make our home within His divine hospitality/presence. Question to Consider: What fears or reservations do you have about really drawing near to God? What holds you back? Text: 1 Peter 2:4 Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
4/11/202128 minutes, 37 seconds
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I Must Decrease |The Greatest Comeback in History

EASTER SUNDAY MESSAGE // Have you had a dream buried, left for dead, that you thought was inspired by God? The process of a seed planted in the ground to become a plant, has to go through a death process for them to reach their full potential. The same goes for Jesus' death, which felt like the end, actually was the necessary process for life to come for all of humanity. Text: John 20:1-10 Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
4/4/202129 minutes
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I Must Decrease | A Change of Heart

We might have the best intentions with our promises of faithfulness, but promised obedience isn't necessarily obedience. The good news is that it’s never too late to change our hearts. Text: Matthew 21:28-32 Teacher: Rashad Clemons
3/29/202126 minutes, 44 seconds
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I Must Decrease | Failure isn’t Final

How has a failure in your life been formative in your relationship with Christ? How has Jesus shown himself faithful in that moment? Text: Luke 22:31-34, 54-62  Teacher: Janelle Ibaven   
3/22/202128 minutes, 20 seconds
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I Must Decrease | As You Will

How does a half-hearted commitment to prayer prevent you from living into God’s way? Text: Matthew 26:36-46 Teacher: Austin Baten 
3/14/202128 minutes, 6 seconds
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I Must Decrease | Love Him More

Our past is not our future. Repentance + Generosity is what we seek. What if your family fasted denial? How can shame intimidate our worship?  Text: Luke 7:36-50  Teacher: Rashad Clemons 
3/7/202125 minutes, 41 seconds
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I Must Decrease | I Must Decrease

We will look at John the Baptist's response to the growing popularity of Jesus, he simply humbled himself, knew his role, died to self & comparison, and ultimately recognized that Jesus is worthy of all the glory. Text: John 3:22-30 Teacher: Rashad Clemons  Question to Consider: We will look at John the Baptist's response to the growing popularity of Jesus, he simply humbled himself, knew his role, died to self & comparison, and ultimately recognized that Jesus is worthy of all the glory.
2/28/202128 minutes, 49 seconds
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I Must Decrease | A New Kind of Fast

Fasting is not reduced to just  withholding from our physical urges, but there is also a fasting of our expectations of Jesus, to get the full life of Jesus. Text: Luke 5:33-39 Teacher: Rashad Clemons Question to Consider: In what ways might you be asking Jesus to fit into your expectations/paradigm of God in this season? More sermon slides visit:
2/21/202121 minutes, 56 seconds
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Seek First | Holy Hunger

Passage: Matthew 5:6 Teacher: Rashad Clemons  Our hunger & desire for God’s closeness & justice is the vehicle. He uses to reveal himself. How can you leverage your hunger in this season? Do you want your hunger quenched or satisfied? For sermon slides, visit
2/14/202123 minutes, 33 seconds
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Seek First | We Want to See Jesus

Jesus’ death opens the door for all people to see and know Him. Question to Consider: What might Jesus want to rearrange in your life so that others can see and know Him through you? How would this reveal Jesus to you and others? Sermon Slides: Passage: John 12:20-26 Teacher: Austin Baten
2/7/202131 minutes, 21 seconds
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Seek First | Holy Priority

God knows what we need and longs for us to long for Him. Question to Reflect On | What do you find yourself running after most in your daily life? What assurances do you need from Jesus in this season?  Sermon Text: Matthew 6:25-34 Preacher: Rashad Clemons  For sermon slides, visit
1/31/202123 minutes, 40 seconds
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Seek First | Put In Everythin‪g‬

True worship is costly and happens only when we recognize the worth of the one who is worthy of our worship. From Mark 12:41-44, we see a widow willing to give all she has to God, and Jesus stands in awe of her faith. For sermon slides, visit
1/24/202124 minutes, 21 seconds
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Seek First | Seeking a Solitary Place

What gift might be wrapped in this season of isolation? Most of us aren't leaping to answer such a question though it's probably an important one. From Mark 1:35-39, we'll take a look at how Jesus intentionally withdraws to be with God, regardless of what's happening around him. For sermon slides, visit
1/17/202123 minutes, 13 seconds
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Seek First | Desperation

When reflecting on your deepest longing, what would you ask the Lord to do for you? In Mark 10:46-52, we see a blind man named Bartimaeus desperately cry out to Jesus as he is passing by. Jesus hears him, stops, and in his mercy, asks Bartimaeus what he'd like him to do. From this passage, we explore God's response to our desperation, and perhaps his eagerness to do so. For sermon slides, visit
1/10/202130 minutes, 23 seconds
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Christmas Tide | Healing + Hope

As we embrace the blessing of a new year, we want to fix our hearts on the kind of faith Jesus wants us to have, his healing power, and compassion towards us. Join us as we re-discover the famous stories of Jesus' healing from Luke 8:40-60, taught by Amanda Hug. For sermon slides, visit
1/4/202124 minutes, 8 seconds
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Advent Together | A Son is Given

On the last Sunday of Advent, we're going to take time to reflect on a popular passage of Scripture— John 3:16. If you grew up in church you know it well, and perhaps it's lost its meaning to you. But as we actively await the Messiah's second coming, we must do so by remembering his great love, humility, and lavish generosity towards us. For sermon slides, visit
12/20/202026 minutes, 6 seconds
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Advent Together | Fear Not

Many of us know the story of Jesus' birth well, and we know that his conception was nothing short of miraculous. When the angel of the Lord appears to Mary, he tells her not to be afraid, but comforts her with a reason not to fear— great joy is coming! From Luke 2:1-12, Sarah Cowan Johnson reminds us that God is with us, and is as work.
12/13/202029 minutes, 24 seconds
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Advent Together | Vulnerability

As we continue our sermon series in the season of Advent in Luke 1, we see God choose to come to us in a vulnerable state— that of an infant. Not only that, but through an unlikely woman, carefully set aside to care for and raise him. We see God's faithfulness to go to great lengths to bring salvation to the children he loves. For sermon slides, visit
12/6/202027 minutes, 10 seconds
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Advent Together | God Illuminated

Each year we immerse ourselves in the story of Jesus' birth, the arrival of God-With-Us. We anticipate the arrival of what John 1 calls the "True Light", who shines into the darkness, illuminating with unsurpassed clarity who God is and what He thinks of us. For sermon slides, visit
11/29/202024 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Life of Joshua | Joshua's Parting Words

Joshua recounts the history of God’s goodness to Israel, back to the call of Abraham until the present. He leaves them with a final decision to make: who will you serve? The people choose YHWH and Joshua renews the covenant with them and sets up a memorial stone as a witness to remind the people of this choice to serve God alone. For sermon slides, visit
11/22/202026 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Life of Joshua | God's Faithfulness

After allotting each tribe their land inheritance, Joshua reflects on all that God has done in his lifetime. Not one single word had failed of all the good things God promised Israel. This reminder of God’s faithfulness is also a charge to the people to remain faithful to God. For sermon slides, visit
11/17/202022 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Life of Joshua | Promise Keeper

If God is victorious and keeps his promises, why should we fear loosing the battle? When we recall the many miracles of God, our faith rises, and this should be what fuels our obedience to trust his command not to fear. For sermon slides, visit
11/8/202025 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Life of Joshua | Hidden Sin

The sin of one man in Israel has greater consequences both for himself and for the whole community than he could have imagined. God exposes this breach of covenant faithfulness and Joshua acts to uphold the justice and holiness of God. For sermon slides, visit
11/1/202022 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Life of Joshua | Jericho

Joshua trusts God’s unusual means and follows His instructions to capture Jericho. Without battle the city and everything in it is given to Israel. Rahab and her family are spared as promised. For sermon slides, visit
10/26/202025 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Life of Joshua | Promises

Rahab and the spies. Israel crossing the Jordan River. 12 Memorial stones. This is a story about a God who accomplishes His purposes and keeps His promises. And a people who bear witness and participate in this work, for their own sake and for the sake of the world. For sermon slides, visit
10/18/202025 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Life of Joshua | A Unfamiliar Place

Joshua and the people of God find themselves in a very unfamiliar place. Moses, their leader is gone, and now they have to trust God through the leadership of Joshua to lead them to a place they have never been before. In unprecedented circumstances God calls on his people not to shrink back, but to take up the courage to step out into new places for the new season— all for His glory. For sermon slides, visit
10/13/202029 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Life of Joshua | Joshua Commissioned

Moses asks God to appoint his successor to shepherd the people. God tells Moses to commission Joshua, a man who possesses the Spirit, to lead His people. For sermon slides, visit
10/4/202024 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Life of Joshua | The Spies + The Report

Pastor Rashad Clemons continues our sermon series on the life of Joshua picking up in the book of Numbers. For sermon slides, visit
9/28/202025 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Life of Joshua | Joshua, the Apprentice of Moses

Where we're headed in life is almost always tied to how we steward our present moments. The earliest recorded stories of Joshua, before he became the leader of the people of God, was of a young man who was faithful and obedient to Moses and the call of God. From Exodus 17, we explore how God calls us to steward the season we find ourselves in through the example of Joshua, the apprentice of Moses. For sermon slides, visit
9/13/202023 minutes, 17 seconds
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Prayers of the People | Prayer for Boldness

Arrest. Trial. Threats. This is the reality of Peter, John and the early Church for healing and proclaiming the Good News. Upon their release, they return to the community of believers and pray -- not for safety but for boldness. As followers of Jesus, we will be called to heal and to speak truth to power. We will be judged and threatened in spaces beyond our competency and influence. In these moments of confrontation and intimidation what will our response be? Will we turn inward, or will we run to our community of faith and collectively pray for BOLDNESS? Will we continue the work of restoration and reconciliation? "Speaking holy words has serious consequences." - Willie Jennings
8/30/202025 minutes, 13 seconds
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Prayers of the People | Pharisee and Tax Collector: Prayer of the Destitute

In life it's so easy to fall into the trap of showing the best version of ourselves. This can also be true of our approach to God in prayer. In Luke 18 Jesus contrasts two different people and their posture to prayer, and in this parable, he points out that the calling of prayer is about brutal honesty with who we really are in the light of God's presence, and our great need for HIm. For sermon slides, visit
8/24/202025 minutes, 6 seconds
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Prayers of the People | Simeon and Anna: Waiting Faithfully

There are few things we despise more in life than being asked to wait. Proverbs 13 says that hope deferred makes the heart sick. Throughout the scriptures and in our own experience we find ourselves and others waiting on God. Waiting is such a common part of life, but how, as followers of Jesus, do we wait well? In Luke 2 we are introduced to Simeon and Anna, two godly people who show us a path for what it looks like to wait faithfully upon God. For sermon slides, visit
8/16/202026 minutes, 41 seconds
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Prayers of the People | Prayer of Repentance + Restoration

When it comes to asking God for forgiveness, many doubt that God is willing to forgive them. Not only that, we likely mistake worldly sorrow with Godly sorrow and true repentance. From Psalm 51, a prayer of repentance from King David, Ruthie Kim shares about how passionate God is about forgiveness, and true intimacy with Him. For sermon slides, visit
8/9/202025 minutes, 52 seconds
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Prayers of the People | Prayer of Nehemiah: Restoration

What do you do when things in life seem to have taken a turn for the worse? God oftentimes strategically places us in a particular time and place to stand up in prayer and to petition the things that counter His kingdom. Nehemiah here in chapter 1 was in a time and place where he had the opportunity to stand in the gap for the people of God who were being exploited and oppressed. This Sunday we will explore how God's restoration in the world is released from a place of compassion, courage, and prayer. For sermon slides, visit
8/3/202025 minutes, 39 seconds
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Prayers of the People | Prayer of Hannah: God Lifts the Lowly

When we hear the words, "the last shall be first," it sounds like a promise that won't come to pass in our lifetime, or a platitude. In the Old Testament, the story of Hannah shows us something different-- God hears, and answers the prayers of the lowly, and it seems that he is very much so interested in raising us up from the ashes and restoring our joy. While the Lord will allow deep pain into our lives, he will also develop our character by showing us more of his character. For sermon slides, visit
7/26/202024 minutes, 58 seconds
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Prayers of the People | Prayer for Presence

We cannot talk about prayer without looking at the lives and prayers of those who came before us. In Exodus 33 we find Moses praying to God on behalf of the people of Israel, not for things, but for God's presence. Pastor Rashad explores this prayer and how God longs for us to desire Him. The shape and direction of our prayers ought to be rooted in presence, because that's the goal. For sermon slides, visit
7/19/202026 minutes, 33 seconds
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Prayers of the People | Growing in Prayer

Throughout scripture, God's word commands us to pray. When we consider how our relationship with the Father directly influences our prayer life, we see that the beginning stages look very different from the latter years as maturity comes. Our desires begin taking on the shape of the Kingdom, and our requests begin to look different as we surrender our lives to Christ. From Luke 22:39-46, Jon Tyson walks us through what it looks like to grow in prayer as children of God. For sermon slides, visit
7/12/202022 minutes, 17 seconds
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Prayers of the People | Intercession: Our Calling and Hope

Intercession is the action of intervening on behalf of another before God in prayer. How do we stand in the gap for a world ravaged by sickness, injustice, oppression and death? Hebrews 11:22-28 describes our perfect intercessor, Jesus Christ. We need him to show us how to pray and how to stand in the messy middle of our world. As we pray for people around us, is it possible that our perfect intercessor is acting on behalf of our prayers all while doing a work of transformation in our own heart? For sermon slides, visit
7/5/202021 minutes, 50 seconds
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Prayers of the People | Power in Weakness

Throughout the Bible, God uses weak people for great works. In 1 Corinthians 1 we see that God uses the weak and foolish things of the world to bring to nothing the wise and powerful. In this message Austin Baten explores how the seemingly upside-down ways of God should lead us deeper into prayer and dependence on Him as we seek to engage in our world. For sermon slides, visit
6/28/202019 minutes, 42 seconds
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Prayers of the People | Identity + Access

Prayer was an integral part of Jesus' ministry and how he related to the Father, because Jesus knew who he was in relation to the Father. Rashad Clemons will teach from Hebrews 3 and explore our primary identity of being God's sons and daughters, and how our understanding of that will unlock the posture in which we approach God. For sermon slides, visit
6/21/202018 minutes, 4 seconds
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Pastor Larry Kim preaches on the story of Noah’s Flood and encourages us to remain faithful and not lose hope even when things feel desperate. For sermon slides, visit
6/7/202018 minutes, 25 seconds
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Resurrection Culture: Eastertide | Ascension, Unity and Power

Right before Pentecost in Acts chapter 1, we find Jesus leaving his disciples, ascending to heaven, and promising them that they would be his witnesses. Jesus said he would send them his Spirit, and all they had to do was wait and receive. Through this text, we discover that waiting on God often precedes glory, and that Jesus sends all of us on 'mission' from a place of prayer and dependency. For sermon slides, visit
5/31/202017 minutes, 53 seconds
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Resurrection Culture: Eastertide | Resurrection's Purpose

The end of Luke and beginning of Acts give us overlapping accounts of Jesus' final post-resurrection, pre-ascension appearance to his disciples. This is by no means the end of Jesus' work, but the beginning of a new way (a new body) through which He will work. He instructs the disciples to wait for the Spirit which will empower them to continue the work of Jesus even after he is physically gone away. In this final appearance, we discover with fresh clarity the resurrection purpose (mission) for ALL who are part of this resurrection culture. For sermon slides, visit
5/24/202019 minutes, 54 seconds
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Resurrection Culture: Eastertide | On the shores of the Sea of Galilee

The resurrected power of Jesus appears to us in our greatest moments of need with more than enough provision for us to live out our calling. For sermon slides, visit
5/17/202021 minutes, 40 seconds
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Resurrection Culture: Eastertide | Resurrection's Engagement with Doubt in Community

In John 20:26-29 we see Jesus once again appearing to his disciples huddled behind locked doors. As Thomas enters the story, he confronts the disciples with doubt of the resurrected Christ. We are immediately invited to witness Jesus engage Thomas' unbelief with the scars of his suffering. What if we trusted our community of faith with our doubt more than the locked rooms of isolation and fear? What if our skepticism was met with the grace of examine over debate? Jesus' encounter with Thomas' unbelief shows how resurrection responds to doubt in community. For sermon slides, visit
5/10/202016 minutes, 11 seconds
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Resurrection Culture: Eastertide | The Reality of the Risen Jesus

What if you lived as though the resurrection of Jesus were a Reality, today? What affect would it have on you, right now, in the midst of pandemic? From Luke 24:36-49 and John 20:19-22, Al Abdulla explores what often gets in the way of us living as though the Resurrection is a reality, as well as what can begin to make that shift in our lives. For sermon slides, visit
5/3/202024 minutes, 6 seconds
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Resurrection Culture: Eastertide | Eyes Opened, Hearts Burning!

When tragic events happen in our world it can be hard to imagine a better day, or that anything good could come from it. This perspective was likely true for the disciples of Jesus— they thought that the crucifixion of Jesus meant the end of God's redemption plan. In Luke 24:13-32 we find 2 disciples in the midst of a long walk discussing the disappointment of their shattered dreams, and Jesus joins them and gives them a renewed perspective on the events that just occurred. For sermon slides, visit
4/26/202020 minutes, 48 seconds
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Resurrection Culture: Eastertide | Resurrection Wonder

We continue our sermon series in Eastertide focusing on the appearances of Jesus after his resurrection, and we find that the followers of Jesus are skeptical about this news. Not only that, they were not expectant, and certainly not filled with wonder. From Luke 24:9-12, Rashad Clemons talks about what it means to live in awe and wonder of God, knowing that Christ is still risen, no matter the circumstances. For sermon slides, visit
4/19/202019 minutes, 19 seconds
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Resurrection Culture: Eastertide | Trembling and Astonishment

Things often don't go as we expect. The same could be said for the disciples, though Jesus foretold about His death, burial, and resurrection. Like the disciples, we often experience disappointment and failed expectations in life, and often believe that this is just how things will be. But if we view the events of life through the prism of Jesus' life it might just wake up the Resurrection Hope within us. From Mark 16:1-8, Rashad Clemons teaches that disappointment and failed expectations don't have the final word, because 'He is Risen!' For sermon slides, visit
4/12/202018 minutes, 50 seconds
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Lent | RCB-DNA Part I, Mission + Values | Who Is This?

In times of uncertainty sometimes hear, "All you can do is trust God.” But how do we know we can really trust God? And is that really all we can do? From the Palm Sunday text of Matthew 21:1-11, Al Abdulla addresses what’s needed to trust God, and what active trust looks. For sermon slides, visit
4/5/202022 minutes, 44 seconds
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Lent | RCB-DNA Part I, Mission + Values | Space to Listen III

As we adapt to meeting online and engaging in community, we're still observing what it means to make space to listen in this Lenten season. To do that, we're going to look at Jacob's dream in Genesis 28:10-17. For sermon slides, visit
3/29/202019 minutes, 50 seconds
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Lent | RCB-DNA Part I, Mission + Values | Space to Listen II

Our world has changed drastically since the COVID-19 epidemic. Still, Jesus' Church is on the move. As we adapt to meeting online and engaging in community, we'll take a look at 1 Kings 19:9-12, and pay attention to how God has still called us to make space to hear Him in this season. For sermon slides, visit
3/22/202017 minutes, 9 seconds
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Lent | RCB-DNA Part I, Mission + Values | Space to Listen

In our world and in our city so many things demand our attention— business, chaos, and other distractions. As a community following Jesus, one of our core values is to live lives that are postured to hear from God, which is a counter-cultural act. In Psalm 46 God says to his people, "be Still and know that I am God". From this passage, Rashad Clemons explores what it means to make space, quiet our souls, and hear from the Lord. For sermon slides, visit
3/8/202036 minutes, 35 seconds
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Lent | RCB-DNA Part I, Mission + Values | The Church Scattered

After Jesus reappeared from the dead, he commissioned his disciples to go into all the world and make disciples. It was a mission with meaning. Little did the ancient church, and the modern church for that matter, know that the great commission would often be at the expense of their comfort. From Acts 8:1-8, Al Abdulla explores our purpose and promise we have in participating in God’s modern day mission. For sermon slides, visit
3/2/202037 minutes, 33 seconds
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Epiphany: Advancing Joy Again and Again! | Joyful Peace of Mind

Everything begins in the mind— our thoughts shape our reality, and our thoughts lead to actions. If Jesus embodies what is true, good and beautiful, our thoughts should be centered on Him, but the wrong mindset can rob us of Christ's eternal joy and peace. In the final chapter of Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi, we see how a thought life centered in Christ reframes how we see the world. For sermon slides, visit
2/23/202033 minutes, 48 seconds
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Epiphany: Advancing Joy Again and Again! | Citizens of Hope

What is it that we’re really hoping for in an election year? Perhaps it’s vindication. We want someone to finally represent our needs, our views, and our values. Election year gives is the possibility of hope. From Philippians 3:15-21, Al Abdulla explores why our citizenship in heaven is perhaps the fulfillment of our deepest longing. For sermon slides, visit
2/16/202039 minutes, 1 second
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Epiphany: Advancing Joy Again and Again! | Take Hold of Joy

In life we are often taking hold of things that we believe will bring us joy, fulfillment, and status. Here in Philippians 3:1-14, Paul teaches and exhorts the church to take Hold of true Joy by pursuing a life with Jesus— that pursuing Jesus will challenge us to let go of the things we once thought would bring us fulfillment. For sermon slides, visit
2/9/202036 minutes, 26 seconds
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Epiphany: Advancing Joy Again and Again! | Working it out for Joy

Community and relationships can be difficult, and the church in Philippi was experiencing the difficulty of unity and affection in the midst of trial. From Philippians 2:12-18, Rashad Clemons shares how Paul admonishes this young church— Paul explains that the love of Jesus that's been worked into our hearts is also meant to be worked out in our difficulties with one another for the advancement of the Gospel! For sermon slides, visit
2/2/202037 minutes, 22 seconds
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Epiphany: Advancing Joy Again and Again! | Humble Confidence

Humble confidence is the sweet spot of loving others as you also love yourself. Yet, there are two enemies to humble confidence: Fear and self-doubt. Both are rooted in the ego. From Philippians 2:1-11, Al Abdulla explores the antidote we need to become truly humble and confident. *There are no slides available for this sermon.
1/26/202039 minutes, 42 seconds
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Epiphany: Advancing Joy Again and Again! | The Oil of Joy

The joy found in the good news of Jesus is not only found in good times, but also in times of trials and hardship. This young Philippian church's joyful unity was in jeopardy, and the Apostle Paul gives them a word of encouragement on how to holdfast for the sake of the gospel. From Philippians 1:27-2:4, Rashad Clemons shares how tests are meant to galvanize a community to live from a place of humility and love. For sermon slides, visit
1/19/202037 minutes, 24 seconds
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Epiphany: Advancing Joy Again and Again! | The Power of Why

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how” —Nietzsche Suffering is universal. A metaphor often used for our affliction is ‘Chains.’ In Philippians 1:12-26, Paul finds himself in a dark Roman prison and in literal chains. In this talk, Al Abdulla explores what it is that allows Paul to have joy in the midst of his chains, and how our lives might be affected when we find ourselves chained to painful circumstances. For sermon slides, visit
1/12/202042 minutes, 3 seconds
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Epiphany: Advancing Joy Again and Again! | Joyful Camaraderie

In a world searching for fleeting happiness, the book of Philippians points to an indestructible Joy found in the good news of Jesus. Paul begins his letter with thanksgiving and prayer, filled with joy, on behalf of all of God's people in Philippi. For sermon slides, visit
1/5/202038 minutes, 4 seconds
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Advent: Christmas In a Minor Key | The Shepherd King

Colossians 1 and John 1 both tell us that before the cosmos began, Christ existed in perfect love, power and faithfulness. His story might seem like a myth-- too good to be true, but the prophets tell us of the good news of a coming King who is just, and shepherds his people into hope and life. From verses in Micah 5 and 6, Al Abdulla illustrates what it looks like to believe in this Shepherd King from eternity. For sermon slides, visit
12/22/201934 minutes, 26 seconds
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Advent: Christmas In a Minor Key | The Branch of Joy

What does God see when he sees me? The answer to that question can determine the deepest part of our identity. From Zechariah 3:1-10, show us how God sees us when we’re we’re given a behind the scenes look into the spiritual realm. Al Abdulla shows why we tend to have difficulty seeing ourselves as God does and the difference it makes when we do. For sermon slides, visit
12/15/201938 minutes, 24 seconds
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Advent: Christmas In a Minor Key | Justice for the Disillusioned

Delays can often get confused with unfulfillment, and experiencing a season of unfulfilled expectations can breed cynicism. God speaks to the people of God through the prophet Malachi, that surely He is sending the Messiah, and that their cynicism is not only misdirected, it has polluted their heart and clouded their perspective. We will explore what the scriptures say about God's faithfulness and commitment to exact justice and bring peace through the person of Jesus. For sermon slides, visit
12/8/201935 minutes, 30 seconds
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Advent: Christmas In a Minor Key | Hope For the World

Only the promise of summer warmth gives hope amidst the winter chill. So what promise gives you hope amidst life’s sorrow and uncertainty? What if you could be assured that the best is yet to come? From the Minor Prophet Amos (Amos 8:4-10; 9:11-17), Al Abdulla explores God’s promise that although judgment is coming justice and joy is just around the corner! In other words, the advent of Messiah means the best is yet to come. For sermon slides, visit
12/1/201941 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Questions of Jesus | Was No One Found to Give Praise?

“Hālal” is the most common word for praise. This word simply means to boast, brag, or rave about God even to the point of appearing foolish. Jesus asks a question about those who have received healing from Him, where is the praise? From Luke 17:11-19, Rashad Clemons explores how gratitude is the currency of the followers of Jesus and how praise is connected to our well being. For sermon slides, visit
11/24/201936 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Questions of Jesus | Do You Have Any Fish?

Jesus is the Lord of our work life as well as our prayer life. While we are meant to love our work, our culture encourages us to assign ourselves value through our work. What happens when we are unfulfilled? What do we do when we come up empty? From John 21:1-14, we see how Jesus can affirm us in our work, and remind us that he alone can richly provide. For sermon slides, visit
11/10/201928 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Questions of Jesus | Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Rejection. We’ve all experienced it. To some degree we all protect ourselves against it. In his final question before his death, Jesus expresses his experience of rejection from his Father. What does it show us about ourselves? What does it show us about God? From Mark 15:33-39, Pastor Al Abdulla speaks on one of the most perplexing passages in scripture. For sermon slides, visit
11/3/201940 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Questions of Jesus | Do You Understand What I've Done for You?

In the gospel of John we read an account of Jesus washing his disciples feet, and then He asks them if they understood what He has done for them. In the ancient world, foot washing was a menial task— something the lowliest of the servants would do. In this gospel story, Rashad Clemons explores what it looks like to lead with service, as disciples of Jesus. For sermon slides, visit
10/27/201939 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Questions of Jesus | Do You Want to Get Well?

Perhaps every one of us can identify at least one pain point where we want to experience healing. What is it for you? If Jesus stood face to face with you right now, how would you answer his question, “Do you want to get well?” From John 5:1-9, Al Abdulla talks explores the healing of the paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda and how it shows us that Jesus lives to heal. For sermon slides, visit
10/20/201939 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Questions of Jesus | Do You Believe This?

In the midst of grief, pain, and loss, Jesus proclaims and embodies the life altering news that death doesn’t win. For sermon slides, visit
10/13/201931 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Questions of Jesus | Why Do you Worry?

Studies show that the rise of worry and anxiety is at an all time high. Why do you worry? That’s the question that Jesus asked two thousand years ago in a talk he gave in front of thousands of seekers and followers. In the talk, Jesus shows us the cost of misplaced faith. From Luke 12:23-34, Al Abdulla explores the root of our worry, and addresses what we need if we’re to live lives of non-anxious presence in our anxiety ridden world. For sermon slides, visit
10/6/201943 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Questions of Jesus | Has No One Condemned You?

From the story of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11), Al Abdulla explores why behavior modification does not lead to lasting change, and what we need for true and lasting transformation. For sermon slides, visit
9/29/201940 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Questions of Jesus | If Your Son Asks, Will You?

In regards to prayer, Jesus asks his disciples a question— does a father give their children good things? From Luke 11:1-13, Rashad Clemons talks about how what we really believe about God will determine how we come to Him in prayer. For sermon slides, visit
9/22/201940 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Questions of Jesus | What Do You Want?

In John 1:29-42, Jesus asks a powerful question to seekers, ‘What Do You Want?’ In this question Jesus shows us that our deepest desires hold great power, and if we can name them and channel them toward God, we can journey further on the road toward transformation. For sermon slides, visit
9/16/201938 minutes, 54 seconds
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David: Shadows of a King | How Not to Mislive

What legacy will you leave behind? Every one of us will leave one behind. But will it be a legacy worth leaving? From 1 Chronicles 28:1-10, 20-21, Al Abdulla explores King David’s final words, which describe the legacy he leaves after a lifelong pattern of knowing and serving God despite his flaws and failures. For sermon slides, visit
9/8/201939 minutes, 21 seconds
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David: Shadows of a King | David's Ego

Oftentimes our biggest foe isn't an external enemy, but our own internal motivations that we call the "Ego.” Rashad Clemons talks through 2 Samuel 24:1-25, and explores how King David's motivations are exposed by taking a census of the land, which ultimately brings judgement on the People of God. For sermon slides, visit
9/1/201934 minutes, 36 seconds
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David: Shadows of a King | Gifts of Grief

It’s been said, “Unless you learn to transform your pain you will transmit your pain.” But just what does that mean? And is transformation of pain even possible? Beginning 2 Samuel 11-12, King David’s life will never be the same. Death, and tragedy will never depart from his house after his tragic scandal with Bathsheba. From 2 Samuel 12:15-25, Al Abdulla explores how after the death of his baby boy, disloyalty in his home, terrible decisions, and seemingly unanswered prayer, David is able to find hope and thus transform his pain.
8/25/201941 minutes, 51 seconds
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David: Shadows of a King | Why We Need Sin

Have you ever made a character decision that left you or others disappointed?If so, you probably wondered, ‘How did I end up there?’ 2 Samuel 11:1-7, and 12:1-7 is the infamous story of David’s downfall with Bathsheba. In this talk, Al Abdulla explores the progression of David’s downfall and the hope we have for restoration.
8/18/201939 minutes, 5 seconds
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David: Shadows of a King | Life Giving Love

From 2 Samuel 9, Tim Schiefer examines the difference between goodness/love and life changing goodness/love through the story of David and Jonathan’s Son, Mephibosheth.
8/11/201944 minutes, 48 seconds
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David: Shadows of a King | Practicing God's Presence

From 2 Samuel 7:1-17, Rashad Clemons explores what it means to submit our desires and plans to God's, by looking at the life of David and the role of Nathan the Prophet in his life.
8/4/201937 minutes, 58 seconds
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David: Shadows of a King | David's Dance

2 Sam 6 offers a sober warning: those who follow after and worship God must do so in the way(s) God himself has prescribed. The great temptation of religion is to “box God in,” to manage, control, and use him to accomplish what we need. But this passage reminds us that God is not a tool to use for our own purposes. Just as Uzzah died, so too we will experience spiritual deadness if we seek to use God as a tool for our own ends, rather than loving God as an end in himself, worshipping him for who he is. Like David, we will experience spiritual delight if we learn to humbly worship God in the ways he’s prescribed, glorifying him for who he is and what he’s done.
7/28/201936 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Other Side

The story of Jesus walking on water and Peter sinking in effort to get to him is legendary. But the details of the story not only suggest that it’s far more than legend, they suggest something a little disturbing; Jesus sends his followers into places of fear. We took a break from our current sermon series on the life of David to learn from Matthew 14:22-36 where Al Abdulla explores the courage we need to follow Jesus to the other side of fear.
7/22/201936 minutes, 15 seconds
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David: Shadows of a King | Carving out Character

David’s ascent to the throne looks less like a straight line and more like repeated steps backward. Saul’s raging jealousy and insecurity force David into a life of hiding and instability. So why does he refuse to take Saul’s life when he has the chance? From 1 Samuel 24, Al Abdulla shows why there’s more to David’s story than just Saul’s robe. Maybe, in our times of testing and conviction God is creatively forming our character.
7/14/201945 minutes, 2 seconds
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David: Shadows of a King | Spiritual Friendship

From 1 Samuel 18:1-4; 20:1-17, 40-42; 23:15-18, Austin Baten explores the extraordinary friendship between Jonathan and David and how being fully known and completely loved by God leads us beyond self-preservation and into deeper relationship with one another.
7/7/201929 minutes, 15 seconds
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David: Shadows of A King | Delivering Courage

Movie box office numbers don’t lie. We love stories of underdogs who overcome obstacles and beat the bully—which is maybe why we love the story of David beating Goliath. Unfortunately, this popular really story isn’t about that. From 1 Samuel 17:1-11; 32-51, Al Abdulla shows why the story of David and Goliath can give us courage to find the deliverance we long for.
6/23/201943 minutes, 13 seconds
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David: Shadows of A King | God's Unlikely King

Sometimes in life, God’s ways seem all wrong. It certainly seems that way when God chooses a young shepherd named David to be Israel’s next king. But God’s ways are higher than ours. From 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Al Abdulla explores why we can still confidently walk with God, even when his ways seem all wrong.
6/16/201937 minutes, 6 seconds
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David: Shadows of A King | Hannah’s Hope

Like our story, the story of King David starts long before his birth with the barren womb of a woman named Hannah. She has an emptiness of womb and of soul. From 1 Samuel 1:4-10 & 2:6-10, Al Abdulla explores how the shadow of a coming king brings hope to Hanna. Can we also find that same hope in the midst of our hurt?
6/9/201943 minutes, 55 seconds
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With Christ We Rise | The Ascension

Where is Jesus? After His victorious resurrection and appearances to His earliest followers, Jesus up and disappeared. Literally. Forty days after Easter, Jesus ascended into heaven leaving His followers to live in a difficult tension. While He promised to be with us until the end of the age, He is also in a very real way absent. Together, we'll explore why Jesus' ascension is more than just a historic occasion, a miraculous event, or a doctrinal curiosity. It's actually good news with massive implications for apprentices of Jesus today.
6/2/201939 minutes, 23 seconds
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With Christ We Rise | Facing Your Future With Confidence

The longer you live, the more uncertain life seems. From Romans 8:28-29, Al Abdulla explores why scripture says followers of Jesus can face their past, present and future with strong confidence.
5/26/201940 minutes, 13 seconds
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With Christ We Rise | What We Get

Jason Hood shares with us from one of the great chapters in the Bible, Romans 8. Paul shows us what we receive from the Spirit: new life in sanctification, adoption, suffering, glory, and patience.
5/19/201939 minutes, 59 seconds
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With Christ We Rise | Transformed By The Spirit

How does real Change happen in a believers life? How do we live free of sin’s enslavement? Many Christians try to control themselves with law centered mini-sermons. But is that what God has in mind for lasting transformation? From Romans 8:12-16, 26-27, Al Abdulla explores the role of the Spirit in our transformation and why delight must always precede discipline in transformation.
5/12/201941 minutes, 11 seconds
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With Christ We Rise | Rid of My Shame

Shame has become an epidemic in our modern culture. Social media allows us to see the cropped lives we should be living, and aren’t. So we hide—from others, from ourselves, and from God. From Romans 8:1-11, Al Abdulla explores why Life in Christ rids us of our shame and while also giving us the power to overcome sin.
5/5/201943 minutes, 31 seconds
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With Christ We Rise | The Divided Self

Do you feel the tension that comes when shedding off your old self and living into the freedom Jesus offers? From Romans 7:1-9 and 18-25, Rashad Clemons speaks truth into the honest struggle to live a Christian life and our longing for ultimate detention and renewal.
4/28/201938 minutes, 30 seconds
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With Christ We Rise | True Freedom

How do you find true freedom and transformation as a follower of Jesus? From Romans 6:1-7; 11-18, Al Abdulla explores why the Christian Doctrine of Union with Christ is key to finding our true selves leading to the freedom and lasting change that we long for.
4/21/201934 minutes, 48 seconds
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Proverbs: Wisdom's Guide to the Good Life | Emotional Wisdom

Older generations were largely taught to distrust their emotions. Younger generations are taught to follow their emotions. Since we are made in God’s image, we are therefore emotional because God is emotional (Look at Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane). But what part do emotions play in our motivations and life decisions? From various Proverbs, and from Matthew 26:36-39, Al Abdulla explores the wisdom we all need to deal with the complex feelings of our psychological life.
4/14/201944 minutes, 31 seconds
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Proverbs: Wisdom's Guide to the Good Life | A Wisdom of Sexuality

Wisdom is the key to living life rightly— rightly ordered lives. Wisdom is the Path of the Good Life. From Proverbs 5, Dave Lomas explores what sexuality actually means, and what God’s good intentions are for all of us.
4/7/201940 minutes, 37 seconds
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Proverbs: Wisdom's Guide to the Good Life | Wisdom and Words

Communication is a large subject in the book of Proverbs. Since life and death are in the power of words. The proper use and reception of words was critically important to the sages. From Proverb 26:17-28, Al Abdulla explores how our words can be healed so that our speech is healing to others.
4/1/201942 minutes, 58 seconds
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Proverbs: Wisdom's Guide to the Good Life | The Wisdom of Listening

A life well-lived is a life of deep listening. God invites us to step out of the center of our own lives and swear off self-sufficiency so that we can make space for deep friendship and love of neighbor.
3/24/201937 minutes, 35 seconds
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Proverbs: Wisdom's Guide to the Good Life | Wisdom and Wealth

From Proverbs 3:9-10; 30:7-9, Al Abdulla shows how Money is far more than the ability to buy things and create experiences. Money holds a spiritual power in our lives. In order for money to remain a blessing and not a curse, we need wisdom to know how to steward money well in God’s world.
3/10/201946 minutes, 22 seconds
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Proverbs: Wisdom's Guide to the Good Life | Wisdom and Self Control

In ancient cultures, a city with a broken down wall was in danger of being ruled by the enemy. Proverbs likens a person who lacks self-control to a city with broken down walls. From Proverbs 18:10; 23:19-21; 25:28, and Titus 2:11-14, we learn about the importance of self-control, the problem behind it, and how to practice it.
3/3/201938 minutes, 49 seconds
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Proverbs: Wisdom's Guide to the Good Life | Wisdom and Work

The Bible gives us a glorious vision of work- to cultivate the world. Yet ever since the Fall, our work has been cursed and we struggle to find meaning. The Proverbs teach us to avoid paths of sloth and pride in our work and find deep joy in being wise sons and daughters, working with God in the renewal of all things.
2/24/201936 minutes, 27 seconds
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Proverbs: Wisdom's Guide to the Good Life | Wisdom and Justice

At the core of what it means to be wise is a concern for social justice. You aren’t wise unless you are living a life passionately committed to justice.
2/17/201938 minutes, 42 seconds
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Proverbs: Wisdom's Guide to the Good Life | Wisdom in Decisions

Our future is made or lost on the basis of choices. But with so many options in the modern world, how do we know what God would have us choose? From Proverbs 4, 16,19 and 21 Al Abdulla explores what it means to apply wisdom to our decisions.
2/10/201943 minutes, 50 seconds
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Proverbs: Wisdom's Guide to the Good Life | Training in Wisdom

Wisdom is proficiency in choosing the right paths when right and wrong isn’t the issue. To become proficient in wisdom we must train in wisdom. From Proverbs 3:1-12, Al Abdulla explores what the good life looks like and the path we take to get there.
2/3/201940 minutes, 10 seconds
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Proverbs: Wisdom's Guide to the Good Life | The Beginning of Wisdom

Should I take this job? Marry this person? Make this move? Go to this school? Lease or buy? Stay or leave? There are so many decisions that the Bible doesn’t explicitly address. How can we know what to do? From Proverbs 1, Al Abdulla addresses what it means to fear God, and walk in his wisdom.
1/27/201938 minutes, 35 seconds
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Epiphany: God Unveiled | A Vision for Spiritual Victory

Research shows that new year resolutions fail because they’re rooted in intention and not identity. From Luke 4:1-2, 13. Al Abdulla shows that when Jesus faces the wilderness temptations, the basis of his victory is his God-given identity. But, no sooner than Jesus receives perfect love from the Father, does the enemy pervert that love with lies about God, himself and others. In this talk we learn the three ways to defeat those lies and find victory in our identity.
1/13/201946 minutes, 21 seconds
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Epiphany: God Unveiled | Outsider to Insider

At the start of Epiphany, we explore the story of Christ being revealed to the world from Matthew 2:1-11. From this passage, we lean into what it might mean to lay down our expectations and fears, and practice the permanence (faithful presence) of God.
1/6/201946 minutes, 20 seconds
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A Cosmic Christmas Story

From Revelation 12:1-6, Al Abdulla explores the cosmic battle that surrounds the first Christmas. The same cosmic battle continues for Christians today. It’s a timely message for John’s early audience who face death for their faith. From this text we learn why we can trust Jesus to take us through anything.
12/23/201828 minutes, 26 seconds