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Reason to Doubt

English, Religion, 1 season, 109 episodes, 4 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes
A podcast about being skeptical. We cover everything from religion, politics, science, to Big Foot.
Episode Artwork

Antisemitism in Atheism || Featuring Vishanti

Atheists, particularly those who were former Christians, tend to be zealous in their anger towards Christianity. So much so that the rocks they throw at Christianity often end up hitting Jewish people instead. We're going to be tackling this issue with Vishanti, examining ways in which atheists misunderstand & mischaracterize Judaism, and perpetuate antisemitic rhetoric. Find Vishanti on Twitter: Join us on Patreon! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky:
11/27/20231 hour, 50 minutes, 57 seconds
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Biblical Slavery and its context || Interview with Dr. Josh Bowen

In this episode we get Dr. Josh Bowen of  @DigitalHammurabi  to talk about slavery in the Bible, and its context in the Ancient Near East. What do Christians often say about it? How did slavery in ancient Israel compare to the slavery practiced by its neighbors? Was it really a mostly kind sort of social institution, or was it something more akin to slavery in the American South? Buy Dr. Josh's book "Did the Old Testament Endorse Slavery": Join us on Patreon! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky: Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 4:50 - Slavery in the Ancient Near East (ANE) 16:30 - Tangent on genocide 18:20 - Slavery in ancient Israel 26:10 - Slaves being released every 7 years 28:25 - Wasn't kidnapping outlawed!? 30:00 - Was God meeting humans where they were? 33:30 - Israelites becoming chattel 38:25 - Was a slave then the same as a slave now? 45:40 - Slavery in the American South vs ANE 51:50 - How was slavery actually practiced in the ANE 57:50 - Limitations on violence 1:01:30 - Summary 1:04:30 - How to engage with fundamentalists 1:17:20 - Where to find more 1:20:00 - Outro
11/27/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 17 seconds
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How Prophecies Are Forged! || Interview with Kipp Davis

Today we're talking to Biblical scholar  @DrKippDavis  about prophecies in the Old Testament & ancient Judaism. How were they viewed by their intended audiences? Did they foretell a coming messiah? Do these all unambiguously point to Jesus of Nazareth? Join us on Patreon! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky:
11/27/20232 hours, 28 minutes
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Josephus, James, & Jesus || Interview with Dr. Steve Mason

Today we're talking to historian Dr. Steve Mason who will be sharing his expertise on Josephus, the Jewish historian to the Romans in the 1st Century CE. Josephus has been mined as a source by everyone from Christians arguing for Jesus' divinity to mythicist atheists such as Godless Engineer or Richard Carrier who argue that he never existed. We're going to try to take a broader view. We'll be asking questions like: Who is Josephus? How do historians view him? What is his historical context? Finally, armed with some better context, we'll examine one of the passages most relevant to the mythicism discussion: Josephus reference to James, the brother of Jesus who was called Christ in Antiquities 20. Ant. 20 passage: Join us on Patreon! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 3:00 - Setting Expectations 4:30 - Who is Josephus? 9:40 - Josephus' Context 18:50 - Was Josephus Pro-Roman? 26:20 - Historical methodology 46:10 - Textual criticism 1:00:11 - Privilege process over positions 1:02:30 - Context of Antiquities 20 (The James Passage) 1:14:00 - Ant. 20, the James Part 1:22:00 - Ananus is removed 1:25:50 - Common Mythicist Objections 1:26:00 - Why would people be upset that a Christian was executed? 1:32:12 - "Jesus, known as Christ" is not a problem 1:40:00 - Interpolation by later scribes 1:48:35 - Summary 1:51:00 - Audience questions 2:01:50 - Outro #history #christianity #josephus #mythicism
11/27/20232 hours, 5 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Dunning-Kruger Effect Isn’t Real || 1k Sub Live Stream & AMA

Being a skeptic means changing your mind sometimes, so let's talk about all the stuff we've been wrong about! The Dunning-Kruger effect, definitions of atheism, Christianity, and anything else you want to ask us about. This is also our 1,000 sub celebration, so drop in and tell us about how great we are. We have a Patreon! Join up & you can get our videos a week early: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 3:53 - Dunning-Kruger Effect 16:53 - We have a Patreon now! 18:30 - Favorite Starfleet Captain 21:25 - Charlottesville "Unite the Right" Riots 27:08 - Definition of Atheism 35:16 - Our deconversions 39:30 - Veganism 43:00 - LGBTQ Rights 45:20 - Dr. Dan shows up! 50:10 - How to persuade people 1:00:45 - Becoming more politically left 1:06:40 - Chesh shows up! 1:09:20 - Priorities, not beliefs 1:12:00 - Abortion 1:16:00 - Assumptions & philosophy 1:24:00 - Jesus Mythicism 1:27:00 - Principles, not opinions 1:36:00 - Ball lightning 1:38:00 - Time isn't real 1:42:00 - Outro #skepticism #atheism
11/27/20231 hour, 48 minutes, 15 seconds
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Your family found out you’re an atheist...they have questions

Just in time for the holidays, here's how to answer some common questions you might get from family when they learn you're no longer religious. This is volume 3 of our "So you think you're an atheist?" series. Let us know what you think we should do for the next installment! Join our Patreon for early access to all our videos! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky: Timestamps 00:00 - Intro 02:22 - Who hurt you? 04:46 - You just want to sin 06:59 - Aren't you afraid of going to hell? 12:22 - If there is not god what is the point of life? 15:54 - Look at the trees! 16:52 - What if you are wrong? 21:30 - Aren't you being too skeptical? 24:31 - Why can't you just keep it to yourself? 26:44 - You think you are right and EVERYONE else is wrong? 30:53 - What convinced you? 33:00 - Summary/Conclusion #atheism #christianity
11/27/202337 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hell makes God unjust || Questions From the Pew

Can God be good if they condemn people to an eternity in hell? Today we are engaging with some "Pew level" apologetics, the kind of points you will very frequently find in the comments sections of our videos. After watching this, you'll be ready to field these questions yourselves! Join our Patreon for early access to all our videos! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 2:52 - Shouldn't God punish the guilty? 5:36 - All you have to do is believe 7:10 - You CHOOSE to go to hell 10:45 - No TRUE Christian disagrees 13:08 - God isn't being unreasonable 15:23 - Adam & Eve messed up 18:14 - How DARE you question God!? 20:54 - Eternal Conscious Torment invalidates a benevolent God 23:18 - Summary & Outro #atheism #doubt #faith #deconstruction #hell
11/27/202327 minutes, 40 seconds
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So you’ve decided you’re an atheist...Now what?

How do you come out as an atheist? Should you come out? Do you need to stop being religious? We're continuing out "So you think you're an atheist" series, aimed at those who are wrestling with doubts & may be just learning that they no longer believe. Today's episode is aimed at those who have just decided to deconvert...what now? Join our Patreon for early access to all our videos! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:57 - What NOT to do 1:45 - Do you need to leave at all? 4:18 - Community 8:20 - Traditions 9:30 - Having THAT conversation 16:20 - Outro #atheism #doubt #faith #deconstruction
11/27/202317 minutes, 27 seconds
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So You Think You’re An Atheist?

Are you experiencing doubt? Have you been religious, but now you aren't quite sure whether you still believe in God? This video series is for you! We're going to be covering the sort of questions that people wrestling with doubt tend to have and providing the answers & resources we wish we had when we were deconstructing our faith. Freedom From Religion Foundation:  @AnswersinReason  : Crash Course Philosophy: Join us on Patreon! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:50 - What is an atheist? 3:00 - What is belief? 4:50 - Atheist != Skeptic 8:19 - Do I need to disprove god? 10:22 - How will I know right and wrong? 13:30 - How to deal with uncertainty 15:20 - Resources 17:27 - Summary #atheism #doubt #faith #deconstruction
11/27/202320 minutes, 7 seconds
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Moons, Rings, and Other Things || YEC Claims Examined

Another day, another video of Creationists abusing data to get the answers they want. This time we're talking about geology, Jupiter's moons, and the rings of Saturn. Corrections:  - I know the half life of C14 is 5,730 years. I said "around 5500" to make the math easy. - At 33:53 I said Ken Ham, I meant Kent Hovind (though Ham is a grifter too) C14 in coal: John (Age of Rocks) blog: Join us on Patreon! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:00 - C14 dating on wood inside basalt 7:23 - Sediment deposition 13:40 - Jupiter's moons 19:40 - Saturn's rings 22:40 - Global population 28:00 - C14 in dinosaur bones 32:00 - Creationist tactics 36:30 - Fallacy of the Day #atheism #creationism #christianity #science
11/27/202339 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Not-So Fine Tuned Universe

Frank Turek and Allen Parr team up to ask the question: How many out of context quotes can we grab from Stephen Hawking to prove our point? Also, does cosmology prove that a God exists? Other videos: Resurrection: Miracle debate: Multiverses w/ Jeff Zweerink: Join us on Patreon! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:32 - The Right Question 1:40 - The Big Bang = Beginning? 13:40 - Beginning = Cause = God? 20:00 - Spaceless, timeless, personal cause... 25:30 - Jesus' Resurrection 27:40 - Fine-tuning of the universe 32:45 - The Multiverse as an escape hatch 45:30 - No evidence for the multiverse 51:00 - Wrap-Up & Fallacy of the Day #atheism #cosmology #christianity #science
11/27/202354 minutes, 36 seconds
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A Young Earth DESTROYS the Gospel

Creation Ministries International is back at it again, this time with a lengthy video that tries to show that radiometric dating (and other methods to date the Earth) are terrible & bad & icky. Unfortunately, they're wrong and probably also lying about it. Original video: Proof of Isochron: Heat problem episode: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:30 - Confirmation bias in action 8:20 - You weren't there! 12:46 - Radiometric dating assumptions 18:15 - How radiometric dating works 38:00 - For the Bible Tells Me So 41:50 - Deep time is not an assumption 52:30 - Mount St Helens 1:01:30 - Lying for Jesus 1:06:00 - Bias of the Day 1:10:30 - Outro #creationism #skepticism #science
9/1/20231 hour, 11 minutes
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What Mythicists Get Wrong About Biblical Scholarship (with Kipp Davis)

According to Mythicists like David Fitzgerald and Richard Carrier, Biblical scholarship as a field cannot be trusted. It is overrun by Christians who ruthlessly punish anyone who steps out of line, and because of this scholars in the field can't disagree with the dogma of Jesus' existence even if they wanted to! So we decided we'd bring on Kipp Davis, a Biblical scholar who is NOT a Christian to give his perspective on the field. Check out Dr Kipp Davis: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky: #history #bible #atheism #mythicism
8/24/20232 hours, 24 minutes, 13 seconds
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A History of the Shroud of Turin...but not THE history

In this episode Jordan responds to a recent video from Capturing Christianity where he interviews Guy R. Powell about the Shroud of Turin. This video covers the radiocarbon dating, the history of the Shroud from Jerusalem to France, and various other claims. Correction: At 41:18 I say "A lot of [the beta particles] will be decayed". I meant to say that a lot of the beta particles will be ABSORBED (by the Shroud itself) If you want to see more debunking on the Shroud, check out this playlist: Miracle debate w/ Dale (Real Seekers): Original  @CapturingChristianity  video: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky: Spreadsheet with C14 calculations: Sources Riani et al, "Regression analysis with partially labelled regressors: carbon dating of the Shroud of Turin", Stat Comput (2013) 23:551-561, DOI 10.1007/s11222-012-9329-5 Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:38 - What to call people who believe in the Shroud 2:11 - Book summary 6:05 - Radiocarbon dating 17:02 - Coincidence of the Shroud's history 18:30 - Galatians 3:1 reference 20:20 - Difficulties in reconstructing history 23:45 - Image on the Shroud 30:11 - Radiation hypothesis 34:14 - Bob Rucker's neutron irradiation hypothesis 38:40 - Challenge to Shroud Researchers 45:28 - Summary 46:13 - Bias of the Day #christianity #shroudofturin #atheism #history
8/12/202348 minutes, 32 seconds
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It’s Not Rational to Believe in Miracles || Debate with Dale aka Real Seekers

Is it rational to conclude that a miracle really happened? It turns out...we agree! Okay, so that statement (and the meme) isn't *quite* true, because Dale definitely both believes in miracles and that it's rational for him to do so...but we DO end up agreeing on a lot and have a very productive conversation along the way. Original video: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Bluesky: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:05 - Dale's Opening 27:20 - Jordan's Opening 39:50 - Naturalism of the gaps 41:30 - Prior probability of miracles 45:00 - Testimony of miracles 50:00 - Miracles are rare 55:30 - Divine hiddenness 1:04:10 - Geographic distribution of religions 1:07:50 - Can miracles get you to god? 1:11:40 - Non-Christian miracles 1:20:00 - Types of miracles 1:26:20 - Shroud of Turin 1:30:00 - Inner witness of the Holy Spirit 1:37:20 - We agree! 1:39:15 - Bayes' Theorem 1:42:10 - Holy Spirit as a Miracle 1:44:20 - Bias of the Day #miracles #christianity #atheism #debate
8/12/20231 hour, 46 minutes, 23 seconds
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No gay pastors?

Gay pastors? Children thinking it's okay for two women to get married? What's next, love and acceptance for all!? In this video we respond to the harmful, homophobic rhetoric of Frederick Clement of By the Book Ministries. These kind of talking points do real, demonstrable harm to the LGBTQ community and it needs to be called out. Original videos: Test your own implicit bias: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Intro 0:00 - Intro 2:00 - What is love? 4:57 - Gay Pastors 12:25 - Being gay is a choice 19:20 - Homophobia in the church 27:50 - Protecting children 37:20 - LGBTQ & left-handedness 45:50 - Polygamy 47:15 - Christianity & patriarchy 48:30 - Cherry picking 51:30 - Parallels with racism 52:50 - Final thoughts 55:30 - Bias of the day #lgbtq #atheism #christianity #pride
8/4/202359 minutes, 18 seconds
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Silenced in Eden || Interview with Jo Lloyd Johnson

Today we talk to author Jo Lloyd Johnson about her new book "Silenced in Eden", which details her journey out of a fundamentalist Christian upbringing. She shares her story of abuse, subjugation, and the enforced silence of women in patriarchal communities. Trigger warning: This video addresses some sensitive topics related to sexual, physical, and religious abuse, which may be difficult for some listeners. We want to emphasize the importance of self-care while watching this content. If at any point you feel overwhelmed or need to step away, please prioritize your well-being and take a break. Remember, seeking professional support and talking to a mental health expert is always encouraged if you find this content particularly challenging to process. If you choose to watch, we ask that you approach this content with sensitivity and respect for those affected. Let us all create a safe space for sharing and supporting each other throughout this video's discussion. Thank you for your understanding, and remember, you are not alone. Silenced in Eden Book can be obtained here: Louder than Silence supports survivors of sexual violence through reimbursed EMDR therapy, mentor programs, workshops, and support groups:
7/27/20231 hour, 1 minute, 3 seconds
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Allen Parr is WRONG about the Shroud of Turin

Allen Parr (with Jeremiah Johnston) put out his top 5 SHOCKING REASONS why the Shroud of Turin shows the face of Jesus and it was shockingly bad. Join me to hear how bad it is. We'll cover the image formation, radiocarbon/C14 dating, pollen, Hungarian Pray Codex, and more. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: See our other Shroud of Turin content: Original video: Papers cited: Casabianca, T., et al. “RADIOCARBON DATING OF THE TURIN SHROUD: NEW EVIDENCE FROM RAW DATA.” Archaeometry, 2019, doi: 10.1111/arcm.12467. Dal Bo, Federico. “JESUS’ TRIAL IN THE LATIN TALMUD Tractate Sanhedrin and its Translation in the Extractiones de Talmud.” University of Heidelberg, 2019, ISSN 0393-6805. Damon, P.E., et al. “Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin.” Nature, vol. 337, 1989. Lazzaro, Paolo Di, et al. “Statistical and Proactive Analysis of an Inter- Laboratory Comparison: The Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin.” Entropy, vol. 22, 2020, doi:10.3390/e22090926. Meachem, William, et al. “The Authentication of the Turin Shroud: An Issue in Archaeological Epistemology.” Current Anthropology, vol. 24, no. 3, 1983, Riani, Marco, et al. “Regression analysis with partially labelled regressors: carbon dating of the Shroud of Turin.” Stat Comput, vol. 23, 2013, pp. 551-561, DOI 10.1007/s11222-012-9329-5. Walsh, Bryan, and Larry Schwalbe. “An instructive inter-laboratory comparison: The 1988 radiocarbon dating of the Shroud of Turin.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 29, 2020, Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 0:45 - Primer on the Shroud 2:11 - Reason #5: Most studied artifact 4:30 - Weapons Specialists 6:40 - Lots of research 10:50 - Reason #4: Image formation 16:20 - Reason #3: Radiocarbon dating 18:40 - How radiocarbon dating works 21:05 - Peer reviewed journals on C14 dating 27:20 - Invisible reweave hypothesis 29:30 - Reason #2: 3d Image 33:00 - Reason #1: Kitchen sink 36:00 - 1a: Floral 36:45 - 1b: Numismatic 37:30 - 1c: Textile/Fabric 38:35 - 1d: Hematological 39:30 - Now for something completely different 44:40 - Misc. Points 49:40 - Hungarian Pray Codex 50:30 - Outro #shroudofturin #history #atheism #christianity
7/21/202353 minutes, 21 seconds
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Is Science DEAD!? || Response to the Winsome Creationist

Steve Schramm, AKA  @winsomecreationist  believes that science and Young Earth Creationism work well together...unfortunately, he's wrong. If Young Earth Creationism is true, science is DEAD! Original video: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:31 - YEC Background info 1:05 - Definition of Science 1:45 - Marty's Question 2:30 - God changed physics? 4:25 - An orderly universe 5:35 - Bible author's didn't know physics 7:42 - "God changed physics" Strikes Back 11:50 - Saying the quiet part outloud 14:10 - How can we trust the YEC God? 17:30 - Summary of the argument 18:19 - The Altar Call 21:30 - Bias of the Day #atheism #creationism #skepticism  #science
7/20/202323 minutes, 28 seconds
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Sex is NOT Binary || With Creation Myths (aka Dr. Dan)

It's Pride month, so let's talk to a biologist about why sex isn't binary! The short story is that biology is complicated, messy, and doesn't care about out labels! Make sure to sub to  @CreationMyths  for more great biology content Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Stand to reason thing: Useful Links Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 3:50 - What is binary? 5:45 - What is sex? 8:30 - Chromosomes 11:00 - Gametes 13:40 - Sex is complicated 18:30 - Biology has exceptions 22:15 - How common is this 26:00 - "Fairness" in sports 28:30 - The spectrum of sex determination 40:45 - Useful resources (see description) 44:00 - Summary 45:20 - Outro 47:20 - Fallacy of the Day: False Dichotomy #biology #science #lgbtq #pride
7/1/202349 minutes, 15 seconds
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Worst Debate of All Time || Professor Dave/James Tour Debate Review

A *critical* review of the brutal debate between  @ProfessorDaveExplains  and  @DrJamesTour  titled "Are we clueless about the Origin of Life?" This debate was extremely tough to watch, but thankfully now you don't have to! You can see just the highlights, including: Old man angrily waves chalk and younger man calls him a liar. This review is heavily edited for the sake of time. Find the original debate here: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 2:24 - James Opening 10:11 - Dave Opening 23:36 - James Question 1 31:39 - Dave Question 1 35:36 - James Question 2 45:54 - Dave Question 2 49:34 - James Question 3 52:55 - Dave Question 3 56:50 - Summary #skepticism #atheism #debate #creationism
6/30/202358 minutes, 10 seconds
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Caesar vs Jesus: Who is better evidenced?

The evidence for Jesus is good, but it's not THAT good. Specifically, it isn't better than the evidence for every other figure in the ancient world, as some Christians would have you believe. It's not even close! Let's break down what there is for the Dictator of Rome, Julius Caesar, and everyone's favorite rabbi. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Special thanks to Brenden Kyer  @MagisterKyer  for his help in pulling some sources together to prep for this episode! Sources:  Writings of Cicero: Counts of Manuscripts: Coinage: Traditional Authorship: Christians making this claim: Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 1:28 - Christian Claims About Evidence 5:00 - Evidence for Jesus 22:45 - Evidence for Caesar 45:00 - Wrap-up/Comparison  48:30 - Bias of the Day
6/29/202353 minutes, 12 seconds
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5 Popular Arguments for the Shroud of Turin Debunked | Featuring Hugh Farey

Shroud super skeptic Hugh Farey helps us debunk some popular arguments we saw made in the comments section of our previous Shroud of Turin videos: The back wound pattern, the anatomy & nail location, the blood type, pollen, and limestone from the Holy Land. Turns out they aren't as strong as you might think! NOTE: Hugh presents a LOT of images in this one, so you may want to at least pull up the YouTube video afterwards so you can see what you were missing: If you haven't seen our previous Shroud videos, check them out here: Episode 1 (Radiometric dating & invisible patches): Episode 2 (Image formation, Radiation, & Chemistry): Episode 3 (Art, Pollen, & Patterns): Debate w/ Real Seekers: Hugh's links: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 1:15 - Hugh Farey’s Background 5:30 - Back Wounds/Roman Flagrum 11:50 - Trigger Warning - Gore Begins 13:23 - Trigger Warning - Gore Ends 18:40 - Hand Wounds 30:45 - Blood Type 44:23 - Pollen 58:45 - Limestone 1:10:00 - Questioning Shroud Research 1:18:00 - Conclusion #skepticism #history #shroudofturin #atheism
6/1/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 27 seconds
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Are YOU secretly a HERETIC!? | Exploring Christian Doctrines Through A Modern Lens

Heresy lurks around every corner...perhaps...even in YOU! This week we're delving into the intriguing world of Christian heresies. From ancient theological debates to contemporary beliefs, we'll shed some light on how some modern Christians unknowingly perpetuate these ancient deviations from orthodoxy! We'll talk about some notable heresies such as Sabellianism, Pelagianism, & Arianism, talk about what they believed, and see how Christians today unwittingly subscribe to them. Note: This video is meant to be fun and educational. We don't think any Christian claims are true, and so what counts as "heresy" and "orthodoxy" is, in our estimation, arbitrary. Theology Survey: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 2:00 - You Might Be A Heretic 3:30 - Sabellianism 7:45 - Pelagianism 17:30 - Monothelitism 22:10 - Antinomianism 25:45 - Marcionism 32:55 - Arianism 40:45 - Takeaways/Wrap-up 33:50 - Extra Surveys! 46:00 - Conclusion 46:30 - Bias of the Day #atheism #christianity #religion
5/25/202349 minutes, 54 seconds
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There’s Too Much Jesus Up In Here || Lit Review || Mything In Action Ep 2

The number of Jesuses in Biblical Scholarship is too damn high! In this episode Jordan and Jared continue their review of David Fitzgerald's book "Jesus: Mything in Action" Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 1:45 - Personal Jesus 4:28 - Jesus of Faith v Jesus of History 8:08 - 19 Jesi 19:00 - Apocalyptic Prophet 24:00 - Why did Jesus Die? 29:16 - Impact on History 10:45 - Rating the Resurrection 35:35 - Reconstructing the Historical Jesus 37:17 - Criticism of  David Fitzgerald's work 44:00 - Recap/Summary #atheism #mythicism #history #skepticism #jesus
5/11/202346 minutes, 25 seconds
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Raising Jesus Without God - A Natural Alternative || Minimal Facts Part 3

The moment you've all been waiting for: What *really* happened to Jesus? Honestly, we don't know for sure, but we think this idea is way more plausible than a supernatural resurrection! This is the final part of our mini-series on the Minimal Facts approach to Jesus' resurrection. Some of this you've seen before, but we're betting you haven't heard this approach to Paul! If you are interested in learning more about apocalyptic Judaism or what Jesus likely taught, we recommend checking out the works of Bart Ehrman as an accessible first step. Here's a video to get you started: Video of a Christian who had a visionary experience and converted to Islam: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Works Cited Castelnovo, Anna, et al. “Post-bereavement hallucinatory experiences: A critical overview of population and clinical studies.” Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 186, 2015, pp. 266-274, Grimby, A. “Bereavement among elderly people: grief reactions, post-bereavement hallucinations and quality of life.” Acta Psychiatr Scand, vol. 87, 1993, pp. 72-80. Hayes, Jacqueline. Experiencing the presence of the deceased: Symptoms, spirits, or ordinary life? PhD Thesis, University of Manchester. 2011. Kamp, Karina, et al. “Sensory and Quasi-Sensory Experiences of the Deceased in Bereavement: An Interdisciplinary and Integrative Review.” Schizophrenia Bulletin, vol. 46, no. 6, 2020, pp. 1367-1381, doi:10.1093/schbul/sbaa113. Laroi, Frank, et al. “Culture and Hallucinations: Overview and Future Directions.” Schizophrenia Bulletin, vol. 40, no. 4, 2014, pp. 213-220. Matchett, WF. “Repeated hallucinatory experiences as a part of the mourning process among Hopi Indian women.” Psychiatry, vol. 35, no. 2, 1972, pp. 185-194. Olson, P. Richard, et al. “Hallucinations of Widowhood.” Journal of the American Geriatric Society, vol. 33, pp. 543-547. Rees, W. Dewi. “The Hallucinations of Widowhood.” British Medical Journal, vol. 4, 1971, pp. 37-41. Sabucedo, Pablo, et al. “Perceiving those who are gone: Cultural research on post-bereavement perception or hallucination of the deceased.” Transcultural Psychiatry, 2020, doi:10.1177/1363461520962887. Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 1:20 - Recap 5:18 - Our Hypothesis 7:06 - Apocalyptic Jews 9:30 - Followers of Jesus 10:48 - Jesus Crucified 15:13 - Post Bereavement Hallucinations 26:00 - Disciple's Experiences 31:19 - What About Paul? 39:48 - Assessment of both Hypothesis 49:00 - Wrap-up 51:15 - Fallacy of the Day #skepticism #atheism #jesus #history #resurrection
5/9/202353 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Resurrection Hypothesis Fails the Test || Minimal Facts Pt 2

​ @MikeLiconaOfficial , New Testament historian and Christian apologist, thinks that the Resurrection Hypothesis best explains the Minimal Facts. Today we test Licona's hypothesis using his own historical criteria. While Licona (unsurprisingly) gives his own hypothesis high marks for being the most likely historical explanation of the Minimal Facts, Jordan & Jared come to a different conclusion. If you're not familiar with the Minimal Facts approach to arguing for the Resurrection, check out last week's video. Next week, we'll be running a natural alternative through the same criteria! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Timestamps 0:00 - Recap of the Minimal Facts 2:00 - Inference to the Best Explanation 4:21 - Plausibility 5:10 - Explanatory Scope 5:34 - Explanatory Power 6:30 - Simplicity or Less Ad-Hoc 8:10 - The Resurrection Hypothesis 10:45 - Rating the Resurrection 13:55 - You can't know everything in the past 15:22 - Hume's miracle objection 18:40 - Naturalism of the Gaps 21:33 - Equal probability isn't necessarily correct 25:20 - Horses, not zebras 27:00 - Not all supernaturalist ideas are equivalent 30:30 - RH is ad-hoc 35:40 - The resurrection isn't good history 37:50 - Summary 40:00 - Fallacy of the Day: 50/50 Fallacy #atheism #history #resurrection #jesus #christianity
5/8/202343 minutes, 1 second
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The Minimal Facts Argument for the Resurrection || Part 1: A Historical Assessment

The "Minimal Facts Approach" is the most popular argument for the Resurrection used by apologetics. Let's see how it stands up to scrutiny! In this episode, we look at the available evidence and historical methods used to determine what most probably happened in the past, and then see how well supported the "Minimal Facts" are. In the next episode, we'll see how the Minimal Facts holds up against non-supernatural explanations for the Resurrection. Should be useful for believers or skeptics alike! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: #atheism #history #jesus #resurrection
5/7/202357 minutes, 59 seconds
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10 Questions for Atheists: Human vs. AI

In this video, Jordan and Jared sit down with Chat GPT to create 10 thought-provoking questions for atheists. They answer the questions as atheists themselves, and then compare their responses to Chat GPT's AI-generated answers. From discussing the existence of God to the meaning of life, this video is sure to challenge your beliefs and make you think deeply about your worldview. Watch until the end to see how the human answers stack up against the AI answers, and to gain a greater understanding of the limitations and capabilities of artificial intelligence in philosophical discussions. Don't miss this fascinating exploration of belief systems and the human mind! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 2:07 - Question 1 4:45 - Question 2 9:18 - Question 3 12:56 - Question 4 20:05 - Question 5 25:24 - Question 6 29:29 - Question 7 33:42 - Question 8 36:51 - Question 9 41:12 - Question 10 43:50 - Conclusion/Summary
4/16/202347 minutes, 2 seconds
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Question Everything: A Crash Course in Skeptical Thinking

Welcome to our latest video on skepticism! In this episode, Jared, Jordan, and Dave dive into the fascinating world of skepticism, exploring its history, defining what it is and is not, and sharing best practices for approaching this important topic. Throughout the video, we discuss the origins of skepticism and its evolution over time, from ancient Greece to the present day. We also delve into the key principles of skepticism, including critical thinking, empirical evidence, and open-mindedness, as well as debunking common misconceptions about what skepticism entails. Whether you're a seasoned skeptic or simply curious about this fascinating field, this video is sure to provide valuable insights and information. So sit back, relax, and join us for a lively and engaging conversation about one of the most important topics of our time. Don't forget to like and subscribe for more great content! Check out Dave and the great work he has been doing here!  @AnswersinReason   and  @TrolleyDave   Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 2:00 - What does it mean to be a skeptic? 3:45 - Cartesian skepticism 8:00 - Epistemology: What does it mean to know? 13:00 - Certainty and being fallible 14:15 - Methodological skepticism 17:00 - Poor skepticism by "skeptics" 23:30 - Evidence and fallacies 31:50 - Goals of skepticism 37:00 - Doubt & background evidence 40:20 - Tangent on science 42:45 - I don't know is acceptable 49:30 - Where to find Dave 50:00 - Fallacy of the Day 52:30 - Outro #skeptic #philosophy #atheism #skepticism 
4/15/202352 minutes, 42 seconds
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A Christian and an Atheist Discuss Substitutionary Atonement | Did Jesus Pay the Price for All Sin?

In this episode, Jared and Nick, from @RealityInsights engage in a stimulating conversation about the complex topic of substitutionary atonement. They explore its historical development, its place in Christian theology, and alternative theories of atonement. Substitutionary atonement is a central doctrine of many Christian traditions, holding that Jesus Christ took on the punishment for humanity's sins, thereby reconciling humanity with God. But how do Christians and atheists approach this idea? What is the historical and theological basis for this belief, and how do alternative theories of atonement fit into the picture? Jared and Nick bring their diverse perspectives and knowledge to bear on these questions, drawing on biblical texts and historical scholarship. They examine the key features of substitutionary atonement, such as the concepts of penalty, sacrifice, and propitiation, and consider how these have been interpreted and applied in different contexts. Moreover, they explore alternative theories of atonement, such as Christus Victor, moral influence, and ransom theory, which offer different perspectives on the nature and effects of the cross and resurrection. They discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each theory, and consider how they relate to the broader theological frameworks of Christian thought and atheistic worldviews. Whether you're a Christian seeking to deepen your understanding of your faith, or an atheist curious about the theological ideas that shape our culture, this conversation is sure to engage and challenge you. So join Jared and Nick as they navigate the complex terrain of substitutionary atonement and its alternatives, and discover new insights into the nature of salvation and redemption. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
4/14/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 55 seconds
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Why do historians think Jesus was real? || ”Jesus: Mything in Action” Lit Review

The start of our book review of David Fitzgerald's book "Jesus: Mything in Action", which follows in the footsteps of Richard Carrier and others to argue that Jesus was never more than a myth. We start at the beginning of the book to answer David's first question: Why aren't more historians mythicists? Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 2:02 - What is mythicism? 3:45 - Episode outline 4:03 - Why aren't historians mythicists? 9:34 - Confessions of faith and biblical scholarship 13:58 - Religious institutions survey data 19:20 - Response from David on survey methodology 20:17 - How prevalent are religious schools really? 24:50 - Survey summary 27:00 - Persecution anecdotes 28:00 - Case 1: Mike Licona 32:00 - Case 6: Anthony Ledonne 35:00 - What David left out of the story 37:00 - What about the non-Christian scholars? 39:00 - Carrier's Canadian girlfriend 42:00 - Summary 46:50 - Fallacy of the Day 48:30 - Outro #atheism #history #mythicism #jesus #bible
3/16/202349 minutes, 49 seconds
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Battleship (2012) is Criminally Underrated || The Secret Subplot That Makes the Movie Awesome

Everything you think you know about Battleship (2012) is a LIE. By the overwhelming audience request of a single person, here is my rant on why Battleship is actually brilliant. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:50 - Thesis Statement 1:50 - Planet G 2:20 - "Communications Ship" = Command Vessel 3:20 - First Contact 5:30 - Boarding Actions 7:30 - "Attack" on Hawaii 9:30 - The REAL Story 11:30 - The Secret Subplot 12:50 - Message to Jon & Erich Hoeber 13:16 - Outro
3/11/202314 minutes
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UFOs, UAPs, and You | Aliens in the Sky?

In this video Jordan and Jared take a closer look into UFOs and UAPs. We briefly cover the history of UFOs and discuss the recent uptake of sightings of UAPs as well as breakdown a few of the more famous incidents. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: Podcast: Sources and Citations House Intelligence C3 Subcommittee hearing on UAPs (5/17/22) - Gimbal Video - Mick West Breakdown of Gimbal Simulation Website - Tic-Tac Video - Mick West Breakdown of Tic-Tac - ___________ Timestamps 0:00 - Introduction 3:28 - UFO History 7:52 - Past Government Investigations 9:20 - UAP New Name/New Perspective 10:47 - Why now? 12:48 - Recent Government Reports 15:06 - House Investigation Committee 15:30 - Flyby Incident 16:28 - Triangle Incident 17:02 - Gimbal Incident 22:08 - Tic-tac Incident 33:13 Summary/Wrap-up 38:08 - Fallacy of the Day
2/23/202341 minutes, 20 seconds
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The One Question Christians Hate to Answer | Am I Going to Hell? | A Response to Greg Koukl

In this episode Jared and Jordan respond to Greg Koukl's video on the   @STRvideos    channel "The Question that Stops Christians in Their Tracks" Are all non-believers going to hell!? Timestamps 0:00 - Introduction 1:36 - The Question 3:31 - Makes Greg Look Bad 4:20 - Side Stepping The Question 5:29 - Interview with Deepak Chopra 8:20 - To Engage or Not to Engage 10:32 - First Question  13:47 - Second Question  15:19 - They know they are a sinner  17:17 - Want a Pardon?  18:18 - Atonement  33:50 - Fallacy of the Day
2/23/202338 minutes, 29 seconds
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Crop circles are REAL...LY made by humans | A Cautionary Tale

Let's look back into skeptic history: Crop circles! What did people think about them before they knew about hoaxing methods, and what lessons can we draw from that for other extraordinary claims today. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: Citations/Sources: Interview with Meaden: MUFON Article: Richard Taylor's take on crop circles: Reveal of Dave & Doug: W. C. Levengood “Semi-Molten Meteroic iron Associated with a Crop Formation” published in the “Journal of Scientific Exploration”, 1995  W. C. Levengood “Dispersion of energies in worldwide crop formations” published in "Physiologia Plantarum", 1999 Microwave Calculations John Capron published in Nature, 1880: "The storms about this part of Surrey have been lately local and violent, and the effects produced in some instances curious. Visiting a neighbour's farm on Wednesday evening (21st), we found a field of standing wheat considerably knocked about, not as an entirety, but in patches forming, as viewed from a distance, circular spots. Examined more closely, these all presented much the same character, viz., a few standing stalks as a center, some prostrate stalks with their heads arranged pretty evenly in a direction forming a circle round the center, and outside these a circular wall of stalks which had not suffered, I sent a sketch made on the spot, giving an idea of the most perfect of these patches. The soil is a sandy loam upon the greensand, and the crop is vigorous, with strong stems, and I could not trace locally any circumstances accounting for the peculiar forms of the patches in the field, nor indicating whether it was wind or rain, or both combined, which had caused them, beyond the general evidence everywhere of heavy rainfall. They were suggestive to me of some cyclonic wind action, and may perhaps have been noticed elsewhere by some of your readers." Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 2:00 - Why crop circles? 2:50 - What is a crop circle 4:40 - Crop circle history 8:30 - Modern crop circles 10:30 - Scientific explanations 14:00 - Diagnostic characteristics of "genuine" circles 17:20 - The Big Reveal 21:00 - A Cautionary Tale 26:50 - Remaining crop circle theories 31:45 - Alternative explanations 35:40 - Microwave calculations 38:15 - Outstanding questions 40:45 - Summary 41:33 - Fallacy of the Day: Begging the Question 44:45 - Outro
2/16/202345 minutes, 16 seconds
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Can you be a Christian if you don’t believe? | Interview with Randal Rauser

Jordan and Jared interview Dr. Randal Rauser (@Randal_Rauser ) about his new book "The Doubters' Creed: How to Be a Christian When You Don't Believe It's True."  This video was delayed because of a bunch of technical issues, during which Randal was extremely gracious and patient in working with us. A practical example of loving your neighbor in action! Check out Randal's book on Amazon:  or interact with him on Twitter at @RandalRauser Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 1:20 - Who is the book for? 3:00 - I believe; help my unbelief 8:30 - Agitation apologetics 15:55 - Naturalists 21:50 - Doxastic volunteerism 26:10 - Is this just Pascal's Wager? 31:30 - Why Christianity? 33:16 - How to answer Fundamentalists 38:40 - Spiritual atheism 41:00 - All you need is love!
2/9/202342 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Shroud of Turin is NOT Authentic | Debunking the Shroud ep.3 (Art, Pollen, & Patterns)

In our last installment (for now), we're going to talk about art history, pollen, and other patterns with the Shroud of Turin, and why we think the Shroud is not the authentic burial cloth of Jesus. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: Citations Raes, Gilbert, ‘The Textile Study of 1973-1974’, Shroud Spectrum International, Issue 38/39, 1991 Vial, Gabriel, ‘Shrouded in Mystery’, HALI (The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles), Issue 49, 1990 Boi, M. “POLLEN ON THE SHROUD OF TURIN: THE PROBABLE TRACE LEFT BY ANOINTING AND EMBALMING.” Archaeometry, 2016, doi: 10.1111/arcm.12269. De Wesselow, Thomas. The Shroud of Turin and the Secret of the Resurrection. Penguin Group, 2012. Monson, Tesla, et al. “Allometric Variation in Modern Humans and the Relationship Between Body Proportions and Elite Athletic Success.” Journal of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education, 2018, DOI 10.26773/jaspe.180701. Wilson, Ian. The Shroud: The 2000-Year-Old Mystery Solved. 2011. Timestamps 0:00 - Intro Video 0:45 - Summary & setting expectations 3:50 - Pray Codex aka Hungarian Pray Codex 9:50 - Pray Codex - No thumbs 11:40 - Pray Codex - Jesus is naked 13:15 - Pray Codex - Weave pattern & burns 21:50 - Pray Codex - No beard 22:45 - Lack of peer reviewed data on the Shroud's history 26:00 - Images throughout history 29:10 - Ian Wilson's amazing theory 34:45 - Pollen on the Shroud 38:30 - Weave pattern on the Shroud 43:05 - Body proportions 49:50 - Is the Shroud of Turin authentic? 52:30 - What surprised us 54:00 - "Fallacy" of the Day: BS asymmetry principle #shroudofturin #atheism #jesus #history #christianity
1/26/202357 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Shroud of Turin Image is NOT Jesus | Debunking the Shroud ep.2 (Artists, Radiation, & Chemistry)

We go deep in the weeds on how the image on the Shroud of Turin could have been made. Artists, chemical reactions, and radiation (oh my)! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: Joel Duff video on peer review: Citations Baldacchini, Giuseppe, et al. “Coloring linens with excimer lasers to simulate the body image of the Turin Shroud.” APPLIED OPTICS, vol. 47, no. 9, 2008. Fanti, G. “Hypotheses Regarding the Formation of the Body Image on the Turin Shroud. A Critical Compendium.” Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, vol. 55, no. 6, 2011, doi: 10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2011.55.6.060507 Fanti, G., et al. “Microscopic and Macroscopic Characteristics of the Shroud of Turin Image Superficiality.” Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2010, DOI: 10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2010.54.4.040201. Fanti, Giulio, and Giuseppe Zagotto. “Blood reinforced by pigments in the reddish stains of the Turin Shroud.” Journal of Cultural Heritage, vol. 25, 2017, pp. 113-120, doi: Fazio, Giovanni, and Giuseppe Mandaglio. “COULD THE TURIN SHROUD BODY IMAGE FORMATION BE EXPLAINED BY MAILLARD REACTION?” Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, vol. 21, no. 1, 2021, pp. 177-181, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4394070. Heller, J.H., and A.D. Adler. “A Chemical Investigation of the Shroud of Turin.” Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal, vol. 14, no. 3, 1981, pp. 81-103, DOI: 10.1080/00085030.1981.10756882. Ichikawa, Sadao. “Somatic Mutation Frequencies in Tradescantia Stamen Hairs Treated with Relatively Low Thermal Neutron Fluxes.” Radiation Research,, vol. 147, no. 1, 1997, pp. 109-114, doi:10.2307/3579449. Jackson, J. P., et al. “Correlation of image intensity on the Turin Shroud with the 3D structure of a human body shape.” Applied Optics, vol. 23, no. 14, 1984, pp. 2244-2270. Kearse, Kelly. “A revised, natural explanation for the shroud of turin image: creation of a composite Maillard reaction.” Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences, 2020, DOI: 10.15406/jhaas.2020.05.00236. McCrone, Walter. “The Shroud of Turin: Blood or Artist's Pigment?” Acc. Chem. Res., vol. 23, 1990, pp. 77-83. Newhauser, Wayne, and Rui Zhang. “The physics of proton therapy.” Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 60, 2015, doi:10.1088/0031-9155/60/8/R155. Rogers, Raymond, and Anna Arnoldi. “THE SHROUD OF TURIN: AN AMINO-CARBONYL REACTION (MAILLARD REACTION) MAY EXPLAIN THE IMAGE FORMATION.” MELANOIDINS IN FOOD AND HEALTH COST ACTION 919, vol. 4, 2003, pp. 106-114. “ROGERS’ MAILLARD REACTION HYPOTHESIS EXPLAINED IN DETAIL BY ROGERS HIMSELF.” 2012, Accessed 1/1/2023. Rouvillois, Gildas. “A Point Of Nuclear Physics About The Shroud Of Turin.” Rucker, Robert. “Solving the Carbon Dating Problem for the Shroud of Turin.” 2022. Schwalbe, L. A., and R. N. Rogers. “Physics and Chemistry of the Shroud of Turin: A summary of the 1978 Investigation.” Analytica Chimica Acta, vol. 135, 1982, pp. 3-49. Walsh, Bryan, and Larry Schwalbe. “An instructive inter-laboratory comparison: The 1988 radiocarbon dating of the Shroud of Turin.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, no. 29, 2020, #jesus #shroudofturin #history #atheism
1/20/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 7 seconds
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Morality Does NOT Prove God Exists || Response to Brian Holdsworth

Brian Holdsworth thinks that the existence of morality is incompatible with naturalism. In this episode, we're going to explore why we think he's wrong! Brian's video: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
12/31/202232 minutes, 45 seconds
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Development of the Trinity in the Early Christian Church

In this episode Jared is  going to discuss how the doctrine of the Trinity developed throughout Christian History. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
12/31/202242 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Earth Would Melt if Creationists Were Right | Heat Problem

Young Earth Creationists think the Earth is 6,000 years old. A common response to radiometric dates in the billions of years is that radioactive decay went faster in the past. That would have some...unfortunate side effects. Doc with relevant calculations: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
12/31/202242 minutes, 45 seconds
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Should we lower our standards for Christianity? | Responding to William Lane Craig

William Lane Craig has been making the rounds for saying we should believe in Christianity because it would be nice if it were true. Recently, he went on w/ Capturing Christianity to clarify. His clarifications are...not great. So let's talk about it. Our video on Pascal's Wager: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
12/31/202249 minutes, 58 seconds
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C-14 in Coal is NOT a problem (Debunking Creationists)

AiG is back at it again, claiming that C-14 in coal proves that its younger than the pyramids. Jordan debunks them with SCIENCE (and math)! Calculations: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
12/31/202232 minutes, 31 seconds
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End of the World - Apocalyptic Eschatology

In this live video Jared and Jordan talk about Apocalyptic Eschatology and End-Time Prophecies. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
12/31/202242 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Fermi Paradox - Are We Alone?

In this episode Jared and Jordan will take a deeper look at the Fermi Paradox in a live discussion. Are we alone in the universe? Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
12/31/202249 minutes, 10 seconds
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50th Episode!! 10 Questions For Atheists Answered

In this Episode Jordan and Jared give answers to one of those popular 10 questions for Atheists videos. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
12/31/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 46 seconds
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Did Jesus Exist? || Interview with David Fitzgerald, author of ”Jesus: Mything in Action”

David Fitzgerald, author of "Nailed" and "Jesus: Mything in Action" joins us to talk about why he thinks Jesus was purely a myth. Jump on and help us politely grill Dave! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
12/31/20221 hour, 1 minute, 39 seconds
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The Shroud of Turin is Fake! || Radiometric dating & invisible patches

We're doing an in-depth examination of the evidence that the Shroud of Turin dates to the medieval period and is not the burial shroud of Jesus Christ. In this first episode, we're covering the radiometric dating & the "invisible patch" hypothesis. Next episode we'll be looking at how the image was made, the historical evidence, and a bunch of other claims. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: Thanks to Age of Rocks ( for his input on the radiometric dating! Sources cited in this episode: Bella, Marco, et al. “Comments on the analysis interpretation by Rogers and Latendresse regarding samples coming from the Shroud of Turin.” Thermochimica Acta, 2016 (not published), Bella, Marco, et al. “There is no mass spectrometry evidence that the C14 sample from the Shroud of Turin comes from a "medieval invisible mending."” Thermochimica Acta, no. 617, 2015, pp. 169-171, Casabianca, Tristan, et al. “Radiocarbon Dating of the Turin Shroud: New Evidence from Raw Data.” Archaeometry, 2019, doi: 10.1111/arcm.12467. Damon, P. E., et al. “Radiocarbon dating of the Shroud of Turin.” Nature, vol. 337, no. 16, 1989, pp. 611-615. Di Lazzaro, Paolo, et al. “Statistical and Proactive Analysis of an Inter- Laboratory Comparison: The Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin.” Entropy, vol. 22, no. 926, 2020, doi:10.3390/e22090926. Freer-Waters, Rachel, and Timothy Jull. “INVESTIGATING A DATED PIECE OF THE SHROUD OF TURIN.” Radiocarbon, vol. 52, no. 4, 2010, pp. 1521-1527, Latendresse, Mario. “Comments on the mass spectrometry analysis of a sample of the Shroud of Turin by Bella et al.” Thermochimica Acta, no. 624, 2016, pp. 55-58, Riani, Marco, et al. “Regression analysis with partially labelled regressors: carbon dating of the Shroud of Turin.” Statistics and Computing, vol. 23, 2012, pp. 551-561, DOI 10.1007/s11222-012-9329-5. Rogers, Raymond. “Studies on the radiocarbon sample from the shroud of turin.” Thermochimica Acta, no. 425, 2005, pp. 189-194, doi:10.1016/j.tca.2004.09.029. Walsh, Bryan, and Larry Schwalbe. “An instructive inter-laboratory comparison: The 1988 radiocarbon dating of the Shroud of Turin.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, no. 29, 2020,
12/31/202258 minutes, 47 seconds
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Mythicism Dismantled by Tim O’Neil of History for Atheists | Response to David Fitzgerald

Jordan and Jared have a conversation with Tim O'Neil about our interview w/ David Fitzgerald. Tim O'Neil offers some counter arguments as providing an alternative explanation for the evidence which he feels results in a more probable account for the origins of Christianity. Interview with David: Tim's Blog: Follow Tim on Twitter: Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:    
12/31/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Real Christian Nativity Story

The Christian nativity scene you've always seen in church is found nowhere in the Bible. It's a Christmas mashup! Let's talk the nativity! Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
12/31/202233 minutes, 18 seconds
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Response to Alex McLellan’s Review of our Answers || 10 Questions Atheists Ought to Answer

In this episode Jared and Jordan respond to Alex McLellan's response to our response to his video "Top 10 questions every atheist ought to answer!" Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: Sources: Lawrence M. Krauss || A Universe from Nothing || Radcliffe Institute Jackson Wheat - Abiogenesis
12/31/202252 minutes
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Voting || The Skeptical Way

Let's vote like skeptics! In this episode Jordan and Jared breakdown their opinion on how you should approach voting as a skeptic. They give some tips and resources on how to be an informed voter. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: Resources
12/31/202226 minutes, 15 seconds
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I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost || Examining the Paranormal

In this episode Jordan and Jared examine the concept of ghosts and some of the relative peer-reviewed literature on the subject of the paranormal. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: Sources Pew Research Study, "18% of Americans say they’ve seen a ghost", Babylonian Exorcism, Letter by Pliny the Younger, Vic Tandy, "The Ghost in the Machine", Published in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research ( Dr Jason J Braithwaite, "Good Vibrations: The Case for a Specific Effect of Infrasound in Instances of Anomalous Experience has Yet to be Empirically Demonstrated", Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, vol 70.4, Number 885, pages 211-224. ( Christopher C. Frencha, Usman Haqueb, Rosie Bunton-Stasyshyna and Rob Davis, "The ‘‘Haunt’’ project: An attempt to build a ‘‘haunted’’ room by manipulating complex electromagnetic fields and infrasound", Cortex 2009 Sharpless BA. A clinician's guide to recurrent isolated sleep paralysis. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2016 Jul 19;12:1761-7. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S100307. PMID: 27486325; PMCID: PMC4958367 Dean, Akhtar, et. al. "Paranormal beliefs and cognitive function: A systematic review and assessment of study quality across four decades of research", PLOS ONE, May 2022,
12/31/202238 minutes, 39 seconds
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10 Questions Atheists Ought to Answer. Answered! || Response to Alex McLellan

Let's answer 10 more questions for atheists, this time with an accent from across the pond! From the channel "A Jigsaw Guide to Life with Alex McLellan" The video is titled "JG2L#15: Top 10 questions every atheist ought to answer!" and you can find it here. Interact with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
12/31/202252 minutes, 15 seconds
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What Essential Oils CAN Do For You...and What They Can’t

Essential oils are claimed to do everything from being relaxing to literally summoning archangels. Some of those claims are backed up by actual evidence! Others...not so much. Sources: Wińska K, Mączka W, Łyczko J, Grabarczyk M, Czubaszek A, Szumny A. Essential Oils as Antimicrobial Agents-Myth or Real Alternative? Molecules. 2019 Jun 5;24(11):2130. doi: 10.3390/molecules24112130. PMID: 31195752; PMCID: PMC6612361. Bassett IB, Pannowitz DL, Barnetson RS. A comparative study of tea-tree oil versus benzoylperoxide in the treatment of acne. Med J Aust. 1990 Oct 15;153(8):455-8. doi: 10.5694/j.1326-5377.1990.tb126150.x. PMID: 2145499. Babar, Ali et al. Essential oils used in aromatherapy: A systemic review Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 2015; 5(8): 601-611 Pigeon learned behaviors: Videos from the montage   Check out our YouTube channel:
12/31/202232 minutes, 2 seconds
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Is there only one definition of Atheism?

You should define atheism our way or YOU'RE WRONG...not really. But maybe there's a better way to talk about it. We go into the multiple uses of the word and take a stance on which definition we think you should use. Interact with us! Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:  
12/31/202250 minutes, 3 seconds
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Atheists Across the Globe || Convo with Kilonzi

Today we talk with Adiel Kilonzi, a Kenyan Atheist and former Jehovah's Witness, about his experiences being an apostate in Africa. Turns out we have a lot in common, including becoming atheist because we just wanna sin. Adiel's Channel: Interact with us! Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
12/31/202257 minutes, 52 seconds
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Is America a Christian Nation?

Is America a Christian nation? Depends on what you mean by that...but it probably shouldn't be. Interact with us! Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
12/31/202238 minutes, 58 seconds
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God IS a vindictive bully || Response to Sean McDowell

Christian apologists Dr. Sean McDowell and Dr. Paul Copan discuss some of the darker passages in the Old Testament in an attempt to justify them...and boy is it rough. While this is a response to a YouTube video, all you need is the audio. Check out the original video here:
9/30/202243 minutes, 49 seconds
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E49 - Pascal’s Wager

In this episode Jordan and Jared examine Pascal's Wager. Interact with us! Facebook: Twitter: Reason2Doubt @PressX_toDoubt
6/15/202225 minutes
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E48 - Should We Listen to Experts?

In this episode Jordan and Jared talk about experts and expert consensus and discuss why you should PROBABLY go with the consensus. Interact with us! Facebook: Twitter: Reason2Doubt @PressX_toDoubt
6/5/202233 minutes, 40 seconds
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E47 - Did Jesus Have A Brother?

In this episode Jared and Jordan push back on the Mythicist position and present reasons to believe that Jesus had a brother named James. And... if he had a brother it stands to reason that he existed as a real historical person. Interact with us! Facebook: Twitter: Reason2Doubt @PressX_toDoubt
5/22/202250 minutes
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E46 - Sex is not binary and why that matters

In this episode Jared and Jordan take a look at the science behind sex and gender to see if there really are just two genders and they match the sex you were assigned at birth.   Interact with us! Facebook: Twitter: Reason2Doubt @PressX_toDoubt
5/1/202248 minutes, 12 seconds
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E42 - The Simulation Argument

In this episode Jared has a conversation with Lee Elberson, from the Fascinating world of Physics podcast, about the Simulation Argument. Interact with us! Facebook: Reason2Doubt/ Twitter: Reason2Doubt @PressX_toDoubt
4/16/20221 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
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E41 - The Shroud of Turin

In this episode Jared and Jordan do something a bit different. Take a peak behind curtain as we watch a video about the Shroud of Turin and examine it from a skeptical perspective. Interact with us! Facebook: Twitter: Reason2Doubt @PressX_toDoubt   
4/1/20221 hour, 41 minutes, 49 seconds
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E40 - Russian Attacks on Ukraine’s Nuclear Power Plants

In this Episode Jordan and Jared talk about the recent events in Ukraine and the what could result from the attacks on the nuclear power plants. Interact with us! Facebook: Twitter: Reason2Doubt @PressX_toDoubt
3/16/202247 minutes, 14 seconds
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E39 - The Multiverse

In this episode Jordan talks with astrophysicist Jeff Zweerink about the multiverse: What it is, why we think it may exist, and what theological implications it has.   Interact with us! Facebook: Twitter: Reason2Doubt @PressX_toDoubt
3/2/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 10 seconds
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E38 - A Conversation About Intelligent Design Between Two Engineers

In this episode Jordan and Jared sit down with Nick from the channel "Reality Insights" to talk about Intelligent Design from an engineers perspective.  Nick's channel: Interact with us! Facebook: Twitter: Reason2Doubt @PressX_toDoubt
2/15/202258 minutes, 14 seconds
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E37 - The Moon Landing Hoax

In this episode Jordan and Jared look into a user requested topic, the Moon Landing Hoax!   Interact with us! Facebook: Twitter: Reason2Doubt @PressX_toDoubt
2/1/202249 minutes, 26 seconds
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E36 - The 10 Commandments

In this episode Jordan and Jared examine the claim that The 10 Commandments are the basis for western morality and that they are so perfect they could only have been inspired/revealed by a god. Interact with us! Facebook: Twitter: Reason2Doubt @PressX_toDoubt
1/15/202246 minutes, 59 seconds
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E35 - Astrology and Horoscopes

In this episode Jordan and Jared take a quick look at horoscopes and their roots in astrology. Are they a reliable way to make decisions about your life? Tune in to find out!
12/31/202138 minutes, 24 seconds
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E34 - Pagan Christmas

In this episode Jared and Jordan examine the claim that the Christmas holiday is actually pagan. Check us out on Facebook (Reason 2 Doubt), Twitter (@PressX_toDoubt), or YouTube (Reason 2 Doubt)!  Opening music "Jingle Bells" by Scott Holmes Music
12/15/202149 minutes, 52 seconds
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E33 YEC - Radiometric Dating

In this episode the Jared and Jordan talk about the age of the earth some more. Is it 6000 years old? No. No it is not. And Jordan takes a deep dive into radiometric dating to prove it!
12/2/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 43 seconds
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E32 - Introduction to Young Earth Creationism

In this episode Jordan and Jared kick off a series on Young Earth Creationism by giving a brief overview the belief. 
11/15/202146 minutes, 11 seconds
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E31 - Deconversion

In this episode Jared and Jordan examine an interview between two Christians, Sean McDowell and John Marriott. They discuss ways to approach having a conversation with someone who is leaving/losing their faith. The original interview can be found on YouTube on the channel - "Dr. Sean McDowell" and the title of the video is "A Checklist Before Leaving Your Faith: Honest Questions to Ask"
11/1/202157 minutes, 19 seconds
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E30 - Homeopathy Debunked

We start this episode off with an entire bottle of "sleeping pills", and then show why eating 50 of these pills is harmless. Spoiler: It's because homeopathy doesn't work.
10/15/202143 minutes, 34 seconds
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E29 - God Doesn‘t Exist

Today we're taking the fight to God and providing two arguments that we think make it unlikely that God exists!
10/1/202152 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 28 Critical Race Theory

In this episode Jordan and Jared take a closer look at Critical Race Theory (CRT) and see if the claims about it being made in the media are accurate.
9/15/202154 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 27 - Eggs, Are They Healthy?

In this episode Jared and Jordan do a quick dive into the egg debate. Trying to use the tools of skepticism to find out if they are actually healthy or not.
9/1/202130 minutes, 28 seconds
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E26 - Things Christians Should Stop Saying to Atheists

In this episode we tackle the bad arguments and sayings that atheists get from religious people all the time. If you want to talk to an atheist, don't start with any of these 9 things. It isn't helping.
8/15/202156 minutes, 14 seconds
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E25 - UFOs, UAPs, and Aliens

In this episode we examine the long awaited Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) report released by the government. Turns out it's a fantastic example of skepticism in action!
7/31/202140 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 24 - 9 Things We Wish Atheists Would Stop Saying

In this episode Jared and Jordan look at some common things atheists say and examine why we should be skeptical of their claims.
7/15/202146 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 023 Reiki

In this episode Jared and Jordan take a look at the practice of Reiki and examine the claims of it's healing potential. 
6/15/202145 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 22 The Problem of Suffering

In this episode Jordan and Jared examine the problem of suffering. How do theists explain the presence of suffering/evil in the world if an all knowing, all loving, and all powerful god exists?
6/2/202143 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 021 COVID Vaccines

In this episode Jordan and Jared talk about COVID vaccine hesitancy and examine some of the claims made by people who are opposed to getting "jabbed."
5/15/202144 minutes, 57 seconds
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Conversation 003 Art

In this episode Jordan and Jared have a conversation with Art who is the pastor of a Baptist church in Virginia. They guys discuss some of the similarities (and differences) between Jared and Art's time at seminary.
5/1/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 17 seconds
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E20 - Is Nuclear Power Safe, Clean, & Reliable?

Breaking down various myths that surround nuclear power to explain why it's clean, reliable, and above all else, safe. Jared left a nuclear engineer all by himself, what did he expect?
4/15/202142 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 19 - Do Miracles Happen?

Whether it's parting seas or healing cataracts, seems like every would-be deity does miracles...or do they? Follow up to our conversation with the Davids at PorA Podcast.
3/15/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Conversation 002 David

In this episode Jared and Jordan chat with David, a Christian apologist, about why he thinks the Gospels are the inerrant word of God.
1/15/202154 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 018 The Christian Nativity

In this episode Jordan and Jared take a look at the Christian Nativity story and discover a few things to be skeptical about.
12/15/202052 minutes, 36 seconds
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Conversation 001 with Justin

In this supplemental episode Jared and Jordan have a conversation with a Christian. Justin was gracious enough to talk to us about his faith and detail some of the reasons why he believes in a god. 
12/7/202059 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 17 - Conversations with the religious

The holidays are coming up, which means awkward conversations with family! Today we're going to talk about some topics that might come up around the dinner table when skeptics & believers break bread together.
11/15/202047 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 015 QAnon

In this episode Jordan and Jared take a brief look at the QAnon conspiracy theory and examine some of the reasons conspiracies tend to be politically motivated.
9/14/202048 minutes, 39 seconds
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COVID-19, Masks, and Skepticism

In this episode we talk about how to distinguish reliable sources from dubious ones, examine the evidence for mask use in a pandemic, and touch on how a lack of skepticism can be deadly in the wrong circumstances.
8/15/202052 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 013 Mythicism

In this episode Jordan and Jared get skeptical of skeptics and examine the claim that Jesus was only a myth and never actually existed.
7/15/202055 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 012 Trump Claims Debunked

In this episode Jared and Jordan debunk the top 10 claims of Donald Trump's presidency.
6/16/202058 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 011 Essential Oils

In this episode Jordan and Jared look into essential oils and the possible health benefits that may be had. Can they cure COVID-19? Can they summon the Angel Gabriel? Have a listen and find out. Also remember to check us out on Facebook at Reason 2 Doubt.
5/15/202056 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 010 The Empty Tomb

In this episode we respond to a video posted on YouTube by Mike Winger titled, "A Bunch Of Reasons The Empty Tomb Is Historical." This episode was requested by a listener on our Facebook page. So, if you have something you want us to cover head on over and make a post. As long as it is in our wheel house we will most likely cover it in an episode.
4/15/202056 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 009 The Easter Story

In this episode Jordan and Jared look at the Easter story, from the Christian New Testament, and attempt to place it within the historical context of Judea at the beginning of the first century. 
3/15/202059 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 008 Exploring Flat Earth

In this episode Jared and Jordan take a look at the growing phenomenon of belief in a Flat Earth. We approach the subject from multiple angles and try to get a grasp of how it is people can believe in something that is so demonstrably false. All of our sources for the episode will be posted over at our Facebook page.
2/14/20201 hour, 8 minutes
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Episode 007 The Biblical Flood

In this episode Jordan and Jared examine Noah's Flood and discuss whether or not there is good evidence to believe a global flood actually happened 6000 years ago. Remember to check us out on FaceBook at Reason2Doubt where we post all of your sources.
1/19/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 006 Are The Gospels Eyewitness Accounts

In this episode Jared and Jordan examine the claim that the Gospels in the Christian New Testament of the Bible were authored by eyewitnesses to the life and events of Jesus.
12/20/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 005 Aliens

In this episode Jordan and Jared discuss the probabilities of alien life. Make sure to check us out on Facebook!
11/6/201956 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 004 Gun Violence

In this episode Jared and Jordan look into some of the claims made about gun violence in the United States. Sources can be found on this google doc:
9/2/20191 hour, 58 seconds
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Episode 003 Anti-Vaxxer

In this episode Jordan and Jared examine a video post to YouTube by and Anti-Vaxxer.
8/3/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 002 Our Stories

In this episode Jordan and Jared recap their life stories and explain in a little more detail how they ended up being atheists.
6/5/201945 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 001 Doubt

Welcome to the very first episode of Reason2Doubt. In this episode Jordan and Jared discuss doubt. How it’s been viewed in both religious and secular worldviews as well as their own experiences with doubt and how they learned to eventually embrace it.
5/12/201926 minutes, 29 seconds