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Reformation Baptist Church

English, Religion, 1 season, 292 episodes, 3 days, 2 hours, 14 minutes
Sermon Audio from Reformation Baptist Church in Northwest Arkansas. Equipping people to live lives changed by Jesus.
Episode Artwork

The Work of the Spirit

What is the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Believer?The Holy Spirit dwells in us to wash us clean from all sin, sanctify us in power to live a holy and godly life, and seal us eternally for redemption by His almighty power.
9/15/202453 minutes, 27 seconds
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Who is the Holy Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit and what is His work and Ministry in the life of the Believer?
9/8/202451 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Glory of Work

Today, we look at what the scripture has to say about the glory of work.
9/1/202449 minutes, 30 seconds
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Developing a Powerful Prayer Life

How do you develop a more powerful and effective prayer life that results in greater intimacy with God and prayers that are actually answered?
8/25/202453 minutes, 10 seconds
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Hope for Dark Days

In dark and uncertain days Christians can have hope by looking to Christ and the promises of His victorious Kingdom.
8/18/202452 minutes, 32 seconds
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I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and the only way to the Father is through faith in Him.
8/11/202451 minutes, 1 second
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Good News for Troubled Hearts

What comfort does faith give when we have troubled hearts in troubled times? Where can we go? Where can we turn in times of stress and anxiety?
8/4/202453 minutes, 16 seconds
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Love One Another

What does it mean to love one another just as Christ has loved us?
7/28/202454 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Glory of Christ in the Betrayal of Christ

In the betrayal of Christ, we see the glory of Christ's person and work. How Christ is the Long-Promised Messiah, One True God, and Victorious Triumphant King who alone can save us from all our sins.
7/21/202453 minutes, 10 seconds
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Slaves of Christ, Slaves of All

7/14/202450 minutes, 53 seconds
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Dirty Feet and Clean Souls

The washing of the disciples feet reveals the glory of Christ's person and work in laying down His life to cleanse us from all sin.
7/7/202451 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Prophet of Our Salvation

As Prophet Christ was sent by God with a sure and true word of salvation for all who believe in Him and to worship Christ as Prophet we must believe in Him and hold fast to all His word.
6/30/202450 minutes
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Wisdom From Above

Proverbs 1:1-7
6/23/202447 minutes, 9 seconds
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Sovereign Grace and the Hardening of Sinners

How gracious is God's grace? In eternity past, out of the good pleasure of His will, God sovereignly chose who He would save and who He would passover and abandon to their sin in judgment. Far from accusing God of injustice, His sovereign grace should lead us to worship.
6/16/202454 minutes, 35 seconds
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Thankful Servants of the Great King

6/2/202443 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Victorious Cross

5/26/202452 minutes, 18 seconds
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Our Victorious Warfare

What is Spiritual Warfare and how do you know it when you see it? The Bible calls us to be wise to the schemes of the Devil so that we would not be outwitted by Satan who prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. How do Christians stand firm against Satan and fight from the victory already accomplished by Christ.
5/26/202454 minutes, 38 seconds
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Show Me Your Glory!

John 12:27-28 and Exodus 34:5-7Who is God? What does God's Name Yahweh tell us about who He is and His glory?
5/12/202452 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Gospel and Discipleship

John 12:20-26The Gospel proclaims the death of Christ in our place for our sins, and in saving us, Christ calls us to die to ourselves and live all of our lives for Him.
5/5/202454 minutes, 1 second
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Behold, Your King!

John 12:9-19What does it mean that Christ is King and what is the hope of His Kingdom?
4/28/202454 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Heart of Worship

John 12:1-8Jesus is worthy of all our love, worship, devotion, and praise. The question is how? What does the heart of worship actually look like? What does it look like to love the Lord with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength?
4/21/202449 minutes, 56 seconds
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I Am the Resurrection and the Life

John 11In the raising of Lazarus Jesus shows He is the Resurrection and the Life and the only answer for all our sin.
4/14/202452 minutes, 11 seconds
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Kept Safe in Sovereign Hands

Believers can have great assurance that we will never ultimately or finally fall away from Christ because Christ Himself promises that our salvation is kept safe and eternally secure in the almighty hands of Almighty God.
4/7/202452 minutes, 8 seconds
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Two Thieves and a Cross

Luke 23:32-47On the cross Jesus died a sinner’s death to bear sinners’ sins and reconcile us to God. He was numbered with the transgressors to make intercession for the transgressors.
3/31/202448 minutes, 40 seconds
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Words and Works

John 10:22-42Jesus' Words and Works reveal and prove that Jesus is the Messiah and Son of God and the only way to be saved is through humble, repentant faith in Him.
3/24/202452 minutes, 14 seconds
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For Whom Did Christ Die?: The Good News of Definite Atonement

John 10:11, 14-15For whom did Christ die? Did He pay for the sins of everyone? If so, why is not everyone saved? The Bible teaches that Christ's death was an actual and intentional atonement for all the elect that God had sovereignly chosen before the foundation of the world. And the Good News of Definite Atonement or Particular Redemption is that our sins are truly and actually and finally paid for in Jesus Christ.
3/17/202453 minutes, 19 seconds
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I Am the Good Shepherd

John 10:11-21Jesus is the Good Shepherd who loves His sheep and laid down His life to give us eternal life.
3/10/202451 minutes, 50 seconds
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I Am the Door

Jesus is the True Shepherd and Door to Eternal Life who gives life abundantly to every sheep in His fold.
3/3/202451 minutes, 25 seconds
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Three Pictures of Faith

John 9:13-41How are we saved and what does saving faith actually look like?
2/25/202451 minutes, 50 seconds
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New Eyes for Sinners Born Blind

John 9:1-12Jesus healing the eyes of the Man Born Blind reveals His glory as the Messiah and Son of God who opens blind eyes and gives eternal life to all who believe.
2/18/202451 minutes, 23 seconds
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Hope for Our Pain

John 9:1-3How do Christians face pain and suffering in their life with hope that God is wise, good, and in control working all things together for His glory and our good?
2/11/202452 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Messiah and Covenant Lord

John 8:48-59Christ and Christ alone has the power to save from sin and death because Christ alone is the Messiah and Eternal Son of God incarnate in human flesh who tasted death for everyone that believes in Him.
2/4/202452 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ransomed and Adopted

John 8:31-47By God’s grace in Christ we are ransomed from our sin and adopted as God’s own beloved sons and daughters to inherit the promise of eternal life.
1/28/202453 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Be Free

How can you know and experience true freedom in Jesus Christ? How do you actually put your sin to death and walk in the newness of life?
1/21/202453 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Urgent Need for Foxhole Christianity

John 8:31-32What are the lies that blind and enslave our culture and how are Christians called to hold fast to the truth of God's Word in a world that has utterly abandoned it?
1/14/202452 minutes, 11 seconds
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Two Ways to Die

There are only two ways to die, in your sins or in the Lord. And how you die will determine where you will spend eternity, Heaven or Hell. How can we be saved from dying in our sins and have eternal life in the Lord?
1/7/202450 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Battle Belongs to the Lord

12/31/202344 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Glory of Christmas

What is Christmas all about? The glory of Christmas is the grace of God revealed in the virgin birth and incarnation of Jesus Christ.
12/24/202332 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Light of the World

John 8:12Jesus is the Light of the world who gives eternal life to all who believe in Him.
12/17/202351 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Self-Righteous Root of Unbelief

John 7:45-52What is the answer for the clown world of unbelief we are surrounded with today? How is our culture justifying more and more sin and devolving into greater and greater lunacy with each passing day? And most importantly, what is the gospel's answer and only way out?
12/10/202352 minutes, 30 seconds
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All or Nothing

John 7:40-44The call to follow Christ is a call to lay down your life. True discipleship is not a call to easy believes and a lukewarm faith, but an all or nothing life for Christ.
12/3/202352 minutes, 8 seconds
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Rivers of Living Water

John 7:37-39How do you grow in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit? The Spirit works to take what was accomplished and purchased by Christ and His work on the cross, and give it to us.To make known and bring to bear all the blessings, promises, and grace we have in Christ through the grace of the gospel.
11/26/202352 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Doctrine of Baptism

11/19/202348 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Ascension and Ministry of our Great High Priest

John 7:32-36What does it mean that Christ is our Great High Priest who serves on our behalf before God in Heaven?
11/12/202350 minutes, 6 seconds
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Jesus: Liar, Lunatic, or Lord

John 7:11-31Who is Jesus Christ? As one who claimed to be God that eliminates any possibility that Jesus is merely a good man because no good man would say he is God and the only way to salvation. That leaves only three possible options. He was either a Liar, Lunatic, or He was Lord just as He said.
11/5/202351 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Glory of Christ on the Road to the Cross

John 7:1-10 Jesus lived His entire life in the shadow of the cross. What does His suffering and rejection on the way to the cross show us about the glory of His love for us.
10/29/202351 minutes, 5 seconds
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Faith that Feasts

John 6:48-71 The Bread of Life gave His life to satisfy hungry souls. True faith that knows and enjoys all the blessings of Christ only comes through a faith that feasts on Christ and His finished work on our behalf.
10/22/202347 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Good News of Total Depravity and Irresistible Grace

John 6:41-47 If we really are as dead in our trespasses and sins as the Bible says we are, how is anyone saved? Dead mean can do nothing to help save themselves. Dead men cannot hear and cannot believe unless God makes them alive again by His sovereign and irresistible grace.
10/15/202350 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Eternal Security of the Believer

Can you lose your salvation? How can Christians be assured that they are once saved always saved in Jesus Christ?
10/8/202352 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Good News of Unconditional Election

What is the Doctrine of Election and why is the Doctrine of Election such good news?
10/1/202353 minutes, 38 seconds
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Teach Us to Pray Pt. 3

9/24/202350 minutes, 3 seconds
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Teach Us to Pray Pt. 2

9/17/202344 minutes, 9 seconds
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Teach Us to Pray - Week 1

9/10/202348 minutes, 49 seconds
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I Am the Bread of Life

What does it mean that Jesus is the Bread of Life?
9/3/202352 minutes, 37 seconds
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Our Almighty God and Gracious Savior

What does Jesus walking on water tell us about who Christ is and what He came to do? More than just showing Jesus is God who is sovereign over nature, Jesus walking on water shows us is the almighty Son of God who alone is able to deliver us from sin and give us eternal life.
8/27/202350 minutes, 7 seconds
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True Bread from Heaven

Jesus is the True Bread from Heaven who gives eternal life to everyone who feeds on Him.
8/20/202351 minutes, 8 seconds
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Four Faithful Witnesses

Is Jesus really the Son of God? How can we know? The Bible says the truth of a matter is established by 2 or 3 witnesses. During His ministry, Jesus was accused that He was not truly the Son of God, and in response, He brought forth four faithful witnesses to prove He was who He said He was. Who were these witnesses, what did they testify about Jesus Christ, and what does their testimony mean for us today?
8/13/202351 minutes, 41 seconds
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What Happens When You Die?

What happens after you die? Far from ceasing to exist there is life after death ultimately leading to the Final Judgment before the throne of Christ. How can we be prepared? What will that look like? Where will we be until then? And most importantly, what does it tell us about the gospel of Christ?
8/6/202353 minutes, 22 seconds
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The One True God

Jesus Christ is God, one with and equal to God the Father. As God, Jesus is worthy of all worship, glory, honor, and praise and He is the only one who can save us from all our sins.
7/30/202350 minutes, 52 seconds
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True Healing and True Rest

Sin has broken everything, most of all us. In our sin, we are blind, lame, and paralyzed crushed under the weight of our guilt and shame. But the good news of the gospel is that Jesus is the Messiah who heals our sin, gives us rest, and redeems us from the curse of the Fall.
7/23/202351 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Free and Powerful Grace of Christ

Jesus is the Savior of the World who gives eternal life to all who believe. Christ's grace is benevolent, free, and powerful to save.
7/16/202350 minutes, 33 seconds
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Reframing Evangelism

What does successful evangelism look like? When we define evangelism as only seeing people come to Christ, we can become so discouraged that we stop advancing the Great Commission altogether. Instead, we need to see faithful evangelism as a farmer where sowing, watering, and reaping all contribute to the harvest of eternal life.
7/9/202351 minutes, 41 seconds
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God's Design for a Blessed Home

47 minutes, 21 seconds
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God's Design for a Blessed Marriage

What does God want a Christian marriage to look like?
6/25/202346 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Worship God Pt. 2: The Regulative Principle

How we worship God matters. There is only one kind of worship God accepts, and that is worship regulated by God's Word. What is the Regulative Principle and how does it affect our worship of the One, True God?
6/18/202353 minutes, 47 seconds
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How to Worship God Pt. 1: True Worshipers in Jesus Christ

How do we draw near to worship God? God is spirit and those who worship Him in spirit and truth in and through Jesus Christ.
6/11/202350 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Map for Sodom

How should Christians navigate the waters of Pride Month? What does faithfulness to Christ look like when the world is pressing us to conform?
6/4/202354 minutes, 57 seconds
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Living Water for Thirsty Souls

What does it mean that Jesus offers living water to all who believe in Him?
5/28/202350 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Judge Who Saves

Every person's eternal destiny rises and falls on Christ. God has given Him the authority to save and to judge. All men are condemned already in their sin and the only way to escape condemnation on that great and terrible Day is if Christ suffered your condemnation on your behalf.
5/21/202348 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Grace of Christ Exalted

God has exalted Christ to the right hand of the Father and put all things in subjection under His feet.What grace does Christ’s exaltation at the right hand of the Father give to the believer today?
5/14/202353 minutes, 21 seconds
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Jesus Christ: The One True Prophet

Jesus is the One True Prophet who alone has the words of eternal life.
5/7/202349 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Joy of a Christ-Exalting Life

How do you find true joy in your life? The only way to find true joy is in living a Christ-exalting life. A life where Christ ever increases and we ever decrease.
4/30/202352 minutes, 58 seconds
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God Gave His Only Beloved Son

What is the gospel and how is someone saved from their sins? To good news of eternal life is that all who believe in Jesus are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
4/23/202351 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Grace of Being Born Again

How is someone born again? The New Birth is a sovereign work of God’s grace through the work of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
4/16/202351 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Psalm of the Cross

What was Jesus thinking and feeling as He hung on the cross? Psalm 22 gives us an answer and also tells us what Jesus accomplished for all who believe in Him through His death and resurrection.
4/9/202352 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Why and How of Repentance

How do you repent? Repentance is turning from sin to follow Christ, and true repentance takes both the right heart motivations for repentance as well as the right actions of repentance.
4/2/202352 minutes, 45 seconds
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Faith that Saves

What is Saving Faith? Many professing Christians believe "giving your heart to Christ" in a moment of decision is enough to save them. However, true faith doesn't just intellectually assent to the truths of the gospel. It takes hold of them as one's own and follows Christ as Lord. Saving faith both trusts in Christ as Savior and follows Him as Lord.
3/26/202352 minutes, 2 seconds
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True Worship in the True Temple

Today, Christians worship God in the True Temple, Jesus Christ where we do not offer sacrifices day after day, but have the fullness of salvation in the once for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
3/19/202350 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Messiah's Vintage

Why was Jesus’ first miracle turning water into wine? Healing the sick, raising the dead. Why water into wine? Jesus' first miracle is a sign of the Messiah, and as a sign, it was not just a display of Christ's divine power. It was a sign that showed us Jesus is the Messiah who makes all things new and cleanses us from sin.
3/12/202352 minutes, 9 seconds
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Following Jesus

What does following Christ look like? What marks a true disciple of Jesus Christ? True Disciples follow Jesus as our Prophet, Priest, and King
3/5/202353 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Baptist's Testimony

God sent John the Baptist to prepare the way and point people to Jesus. Who did John say Jesus was and what does that mean for our testimony about who Christ is for our lives today?
2/26/202349 minutes, 27 seconds
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Glory and Grace

What is the glory of God? It is His unmerited goodness towards sinners. God shows us the fullness of that goodness in the incarnation of Jesus Christ who, through His life, death, and resurrection fulfilled the Law and satisfied all its righteous demands on our behalf to give us the fullness of God's grace and save us from our sins.
2/19/202348 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Grace of Adoption Pt. 2: Blessed Sons

What are the blessings God gives us when He adopts us into His family through faith in Christ?
2/12/202350 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Grace of Adoption Pt. 1: Beloved Sons

What is the Doctrine of Adoption, and what does the Grace of Adoption tell us about God and His great love for us in Jesus Christ?
2/5/202352 minutes, 17 seconds
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Lamps in the Dark

What does it look like for Christians to live out the Great Commission with a faithful and effective witness?
1/29/202352 minutes, 52 seconds
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Darkness and the Misery of Our Sin

Sinful man is dead and lost in their sins. Left to ourselves we are blind and would never see the light of Christ. But God in His grace shines the light of Christ in our hearts so that we might be saved.
1/22/202350 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Glorious Trinity

What does the doctrine of the Trinity tell us about who God is, who we are, and what it means to be saved in Jesus Christ? Why did God reveal it and what difference does it make in our everyday life? The Doctrine of the Trinity changes everything because it shows us that God is love and because God is love, He saves us from our sins.
1/15/202353 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Word of God

What does it mean that Jesus is the Word of God? What does that tell us about the glory of Christ and what He accomplished in His life, death, and resurrection?
1/8/202351 minutes, 57 seconds
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Doctrine of Evangelism

Evangelicals must recover the apostolic method of proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the reigning King who has made a way into His kingdom through death, resurrection, and ascension.
1/1/202354 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Genealogy of Jesus Christ

What is Christmas all about? Why did the eternal Son of God become a man in Jesus Christ? Jesus came to fulfill all of God's Promises about the Messiah and save His people from their sins.
12/24/202225 minutes, 30 seconds
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The True and Greater Moses

What does Moses have to do with Christmas? Jesus is the True and Greater Moses who delivers God’s people once and for all from all their sins.
12/18/202248 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Joy of All Nations

Who is Jesus? That is one of the most important questions you could ever ask. How you answer it determines your identity, life, and eternal destiny. Jesus is the the joy of all nations who gives salvation to everyone who believes in Him.
12/11/202249 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Glory of the Incarnation

What was Christ's incarnation and virgin birth all about? What makes it so glorious? Ultimately, in the incarnation the eternal Son of God took on human flesh to save us from our sins, but that idea can be so common to us that we don't see the whole jewel of Christ's incarnation for all its worth.
12/4/202246 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Doctrine of Baptism

Why are we Baptists? God has worked in covenants throughout history, and baptism is the sign of the New Covenant. This sermon examines why we baptize only those who profess Christianity.
11/27/202248 minutes, 28 seconds
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Two Ways to Live

How do you have the abundant life? How do you have the fullness of joy that Christ promised all Christians but always feels like its just out of reach? The answer is in following Christ and living all of our life according to His Word.
11/20/202256 minutes, 37 seconds
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Thriving in Babylon

How can the Church thrive in Babylon? How do believers follow Christ with an invincible fortitude and persevere to the end? Daniel thrived by resting in God's promise of eternal life and living for that promise by pursuing a life of relentless godliness.‌
11/13/202254 minutes, 1 second
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Perseverance and the Sovereignty of God

How do you run the marathon of faith with endurance? And more importantly how do you keep running when Babylon starts to push back trying to squash your faith?
11/6/202254 minutes, 35 seconds
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Engaging in Spiritual Warfare

What is spiritual warfare and how do we engage in it? Christians are called to be gospel soldiers who wage war against the Kingdom of Darkness with spiritual weapons of preaching, prayer, and power of the Holy Spirit to destroy strongholds that keep people blind to Christ.
10/30/202256 minutes, 11 seconds
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The 70 Weeks

What are Daniel's 70 weeks all about? People usually spend so much time arguing about the Eschatology from this passage that they miss the point of it is to promise the good news of Jesus Christ and our salvation in Him.
10/23/202255 minutes, 21 seconds
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Prayers God Answers

What kind of prayers does God answer? How should we pray? God answers: 1. Spiritual Prayers - prayers that are according to God's Word as opposed to carnal prayers. 2. Persistent Prayers rooted in faith that God will answer us. And 3. His children's prayers who have been adopted through the grace of Christ.
10/16/202252 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Grace of Repentance

How do you live a life of repentance in the power of the Holy Spirit?
10/9/202246 minutes, 4 seconds
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Doctrine of Man

The nature and purpose of man is a lost teaching in modern America. In order to rightly understand God's mercy and grace in salvation, it is crucial to understand what man needs to be saved from, and why he needs salvation.
10/2/202255 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Great and Awesome God

All the glory of God is revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
9/25/202253 minutes, 55 seconds
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Persevere No Matter What

Hold fast to Christ and never give up, no matter how hard the world pressures you to conform.
9/18/202252 minutes, 5 seconds
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Jesus is King

Jesus is King over the nations and He will crush every beastly kingdom that raises itself against Him.
9/11/202255 minutes, 58 seconds
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Revelation: The Church Militant

The church is Christ’s glorious Bride who has a glorious mission to bring Salvation to the ends of the earth.
9/4/202256 minutes, 6 seconds
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Revelation: The Wrath of the Lamb

Who is the Harlot Babylon and what are all the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls of Revelation all about?
8/28/202256 minutes, 4 seconds
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Revelation: Worship is Warfare

Who is the Beast? What is his Mark? And what does 666 have to do with it? But most importantly, how to Christians fight in the spiritual war and stay faithful unto death?
8/21/202256 minutes, 10 seconds
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Revelation: Faithful Unto Death

What is the book of Revelation all about? How do you read it and how can we live it out today?
8/14/202253 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Great Tribulation Pt. 4: The Coming of the Son of Man

What did Jesus mean when He said the stars would fall from heaven, the Son of Man would come on the clouds, and one would be taken and the other left? Was Jesus talking about the future end of the world or something else?
8/7/202254 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Great Tribulation Pt. 3: The Abomination of Desolation

What is the Abomination of Desolation and what does it tell us about the grace of God? The horrors that fell on Israel in the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 give us a picture of God's great love to save us from our sins in Christ.
7/31/202247 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Great Tribulation Pt. 2: Persevering on Mission

When the world falls apart and persecution ramps up, what is the Church to do? When faced with persecution and hardship, God calls the Church to persevere and keep preaching the gospel no matter the cost.
7/24/202252 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Great Tribulation Pt. 1: This Generation

Most people read Matthew 24 and believe that Jesus says the Great Tribulation is in our future. But in verse 34 He said Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. According to Jesus, Matthew 24 and the Great Tribulation refers to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
7/17/202254 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Final Judgment

When Christ returns He will judge the living and the dead and repay everyone according to what they have done. What does the Bible say about Heaven and Hell and how can you be prepared for that Final Judgment?
7/10/202252 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Unbinding of Satan and His Ultimate Doom

Christ must reign until all His enemies are put under His feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. But what about Satan? What will Christ crushing the head of the serpent once and for all look like? One day, Christ will cast the Devil into Hell and deliver the Church from Satan’s rage forever and ever.
7/3/202251 minutes, 1 second
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The Hope of Postmillennialism: The Power of the Kingdom

The gospel has the power to change the world. The Great Commission is a call to turn the nations into Christ's disciples and as the gospel goes forth, Christ build's His Kingdom that blesses the world.
6/26/202253 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Hope of Postmillennialism: The Growth of the Kingdom

What are we commanded to do in the Great Commission and how successful will the Church be in fulfilling it? According to the Bible, the Great Commission will be fulfilled and all the nations will worship Christ.
6/19/202251 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Hope of Postmillennialism: The King of the Kingdom

Our hope for the future and the gospel's success in the world does not rest in what our eyes see, but on what God has promised. What has God promised Christ when He sat down at the right hand of the Father? Those promises will surely come to pass.
6/12/202253 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Millennium and the First Resurrection

When is the First Resurrection and what is it? Answering this will go a long way in forming a biblical eschatology. According to the Bible, Christ returns after the Millennium to judge the living and the dead.
6/5/202252 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Millennium and the Binding of Satan

The Millennium begins with the binding of Satan. Jesus said He came to bind the strong man in His incarnation, death, and resurrection. If Satan is bound, what does that mean and what impact does that have for the Great Commission today?
5/29/202249 minutes, 44 seconds
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Eschatology 101: The Return of Christ

What does the Bible teach about the return of Christ? Bible believing Christians have given different answers throughout church history. What are the 4 views of the Millennium and what do all Christians need to believe regardless where they land on eschatology?
5/22/202250 minutes, 13 seconds
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Jesus: King of All Nations

Daniel was saved miraculously from the lion's den. This miraculous act was used by God to show not only that He saves, but also that He is the sovereign King over all Nations.
5/15/202253 minutes, 46 seconds
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Courage Against God's Enemies

God is in control of all life circumstances, and He has ordained life and death. Christians therefore must fear God alone and act courageously so that the Gospel would go forth and the nations would be shown the goodness of God's law.
5/8/202253 minutes, 53 seconds
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Reformation Church

How can the church save America? What does Jesus call us to do to answer the cultural rot that pervades every level of society? The only thing that can save America is complete and total transformation which means the only thing that can save America is Jesus Christ.
5/1/202251 minutes, 53 seconds
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Christ Over Babylon

When we say Christ is "King of kings and Lord of lords," what are we actually saying? Is He truly the King of the earth? Should all kings and nations bow down and submit to Him and His Word? God promises they will through the preaching of the gospel because the all the kingdoms of men belong to Christ.
4/24/202253 minutes, 30 seconds
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Life: The Good News of the Resurrection

All of human history hinges on Easter Sunday. When God raised Christ from the dead, He declared once and for all that the gospel is true. This gospel is the good news that God saves sinners through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
4/17/202248 minutes, 32 seconds
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Death: The Crucifixion Story

What does the story of the crucifixion tell us about the gospel? What did God want us to know in how Jesus died and the events that led up to His death?
4/10/202251 minutes, 56 seconds
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True Faith: Faith Bears Fruit Pt. 2

True faith walks humbly before God to the very end. Walking humbly means we live all of our life for God and His glory first and foremost. And to live for God's glory in the good and the bad we need a theology for a humble life: 1. God is Worthy 2. God is Sovereign, and 3. God is Good.
4/3/202248 minutes, 13 seconds
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True Faith: Faith Bears Fruit Pt. 1

How do you live a Christian life? What does holiness look like and how do you have it? True faith bears fruit in worship of God alone, repentance of sin, and practicing righteousness.
3/27/202252 minutes
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True Faith: Faith is a Gift

What is true faith and how do you know if you have it?True faith is a gift of God’s grace to free us from sin and worship Christ alone as Savior and King.
3/20/202247 minutes, 31 seconds
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Saved from the Furnace

God saved us from the furnace of His wrath by sending Jesus Christ to die for our sins.
3/13/202254 minutes, 14 seconds
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Death Over Idolatry

No matter how much the world pressures us to honor their gods, Christians must resolve to worship God alone.
3/6/202254 minutes, 4 seconds
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Thy Kingdom Come

What is God's plan for human history? Where is all this going? God promises that the Kingdom of Christ will fill the earth and He shall have dominion over all nations, peoples, and kings.
2/27/202256 minutes, 56 seconds
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Human Wisdom vs. God's Wisdom

Human wisdom can never save. If we want to be saved from eternal death and eternal judgment, if we want to see the Kingdom of God and enter into it, then we must come to the True Wisdom and Power of God, Jesus Christ.
2/20/202251 minutes, 34 seconds
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Salt, Light, and the Faithfulness of God

Christians must hold fast to the word of God and not be conformed to the world if they want to be salt and light for the world. If salt has lost its taste, how will its saltiness be restored?
2/13/202252 minutes, 54 seconds
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A Theology for Faithfulness

How do you live for Christ when everything in the world is pressing you to go the other direction? The only way to stay faithful to God is by living out a theology of faithfulness. The only way to live for Christ and His Kingdom is to worship God alone as our Judge, Savior, Holy God, and Deliverer.
2/6/202251 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Christ of the Covenant

What does the Old Covenant have to do with Christians today? Many believers write it off as irrelevant, but the more we understand the Old Covenant, the more we see the glory of Christ who fulfilled it. Jesus is the True Israel who fulfilled the Old Covenant to establish the Kingdom of God and bless all the families of the earth in the New.
1/30/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Christ Over Tyranny

In the conclusion of our series about Christians and the government, we will answer the question "How must Christians act under a government that is in rebellion against God?"
1/23/202255 minutes, 9 seconds
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Christians Under Submission

God has instituted all governments to show the glory of His created order. How must Christians respond when this good order is twisted by evil men who extend their jurisdiction and overthrow subjection to God's law?
1/16/202257 minutes, 8 seconds
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Government Under the Law

God has given His law as a guidepost for governments to follow. However, if a people throw out this law and choose their own gods, then devastation and unrest will rule as people will give up liberty for safety.
1/9/202259 minutes, 31 seconds
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God Over Government

God has ordained four great governments for the good of all people, but especially for His own people to be salt and light in a lost and blind world.
1/2/202257 minutes, 15 seconds
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Son of Mary

Jesus is Savior and King!
12/26/202116 minutes, 34 seconds
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Son of David

Jesus Christ is the King who God promised would reign forever to bless His people with every spiritual blessing.
12/19/202151 minutes, 32 seconds
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Son of Abraham

The salvation of Christ is the fulfillment of God's promise to bless all the families of the earth. In Christ, God makes us His people and promises to bring us into the heavenly Promised Land of His rest.
12/12/202152 minutes, 48 seconds
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Son of Adam, Son of God

Jesus is the Perfect Adam who obeyed God and bore the curse of sin to give us eternal life. How does a theology of Adam give us a bigger picture of the glory of Jesus Christ as the Last Adam?
12/5/202153 minutes, 43 seconds
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Never Alone on the Mission

Paul ends this final letter to Timothy by reminding him that the Lord will stand with us and rescue us into His heavenly Kingdom. We must continue to press on in all circumstances for the Gospel.
11/28/202148 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Reward for the Mission

Who will hear "Well done, good and faithful servant," on the Day of Judgment?
11/21/202149 minutes, 58 seconds
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Orders for the Mission

What are the Church's marching orders to carry out the Great Commission and what does that look like? We are to preach the Word so that all people might be saved on the Day of Judgment.
11/14/202152 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Word Fuels the Mission

True Discipleship follows Christ by holding fast to God’s Word with an “all or nothing” faith. What does that kind of discipleship actually look like, and how do we grow in it?
11/7/202152 minutes, 15 seconds
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Does Counterfeit Christianity Kill the Mission?

Counterfeit Christianity might make our mission more difficult, but Jesus promises that the true gospel will stand in the end.
10/31/202151 minutes, 37 seconds
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Useful for the Mission

Who does God use to build His Kingdom? Everyone wants to make their life count, and if you really want to make a dent in this world, the answer is to live for the Kingdom that will never pass away.
10/24/202151 minutes, 59 seconds
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No Gospel. No Mission.

Sola Scriptura is the battle cry of the Reformation that proclaimed God's Word alone is our highest authority. All Protestants today say that, but what does that really mean? What does it really look like to live with God's Word as the highest authority of our life?
10/17/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Hope for the Mission

As things in our world fall apart, it is easy to lose hope for carrying out the Great Commission. Does all of our labor and suffering make a difference? When we are tempted to give up, God's faithfulness gives us hope to endure suffering for the gospel and finish the mission.
10/10/202153 minutes, 6 seconds
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Devoted to the Mission

Living on mission is a popular saying today, but what does it actually look like to live out the Great Commission? Living on mission is a total life devotion to finish the mission Jesus gave us to disciple all nations.
10/3/202150 minutes, 10 seconds
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Suffering for the Mission

God's Word is clear: If we want to finish the mission, we will need to suffer for the gospel wherever God has called us. The question is how? How do we not be ashamed when we suffer, and endure persecution faithfully carrying out the Great Commission?
9/26/202149 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Gospel Powers the Mission

The mission to spread the Gospel to a lost and dying world is solely powered by the truth of the Gospel and the power and purpose of God's grace in guarding His people from giving in to fear.
9/19/202152 minutes, 29 seconds
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God's Battle Plan to Finish the Mission

What has God given us to carry out the Great Commission? Jesus is building His Kingdom through His Church and he has provided everything we need in spiritual gifts and the indwelling Holy Spirit to finish the mission and make disciples of all nations.
9/12/202153 minutes, 1 second
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Finish the Mission

In the life of Paul, we see a picture of how great God's grace truly is. A big theology of God's grace drives us to worship God for all He's worth and tell everyone we can about his amazing grace.
9/5/202151 minutes, 44 seconds
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God’s Blueprint for a Fruitful Church

What are the marks of a fruitful church? Every healthy church wants to be a fruitful church and a fruitful church is Kingdom focused, supports mission work, and loves one another practically.
8/29/202153 minutes, 46 seconds
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Division Kills Mission

Churches that spend all of their time fighting one another end up losing sight of what God has called them to do. Division kills mission. A healthy church must guard against division so it can focus on the mission of Christ's Kingdom.
8/22/202155 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Salvation Works Pt. 4: Grace Produces Good Works

God's grace in Christ should lead the Christian into holy living and good works in obedience to God's Law.
8/15/202151 minutes, 53 seconds
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How Salvation Works Pt. 3: Grace Makes Us New

In salvation, God makes us new and gives us a new heart with new desires that love him more than our sin. The Spirit filled life is not one of emotional highs or supernatural experience. It is a life of obedience empowered by the Holy Spirit.
8/8/202147 minutes, 28 seconds
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How Salvation Works Pt. 2: Grace Gives New Birth

Are we born again because we have faith in Christ or do we have faith in Christ because God makes us born again? The Doctrine or Irresistible Grace makes God’s grace that much more glorious because what was impossible with man is possible with God.
8/1/202149 minutes, 11 seconds
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How Salvation Works Part 1: Grace is a Gift

If we are not careful to keep the truths of the gospel married to the glory of God in the gospel, the good news becomes old news. What makes the good news so good and a call to worship God for his glorious love for sinners in Jesus Christ?
7/25/202152 minutes, 37 seconds
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Gratitude Powers Good Works

Jesus has appeared and saved a people unto Himself for good works. Titus 3 tells us that Christians must see what Jesus has accomplished on our behalf while we were enemies of God in order to pursue good works out of our new identity that is fueled by profound gratitude for God's mercy and grace given to us.
7/18/202154 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Training Ground of Grace

God's grace is the only way by which men may be saved, and it is also the only way by which we are able to live the Christian life. God has given us boundless gifts through the work of Jesus Christ, and it is by these gifts that we forsake all else in order to strain forward to glory.
7/11/202152 minutes, 36 seconds
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Doctrinally Sound Women Part 3: Godly Mothers

What does it look like to be godly parents and raise our children biblically? Raising children in the Lord can be daunting, but God gives us clear instructions for how to raise our kids. In this sermon, we look at what God says about raising children in general, and then focus in on moms and what it means to be a godly mother.Link for Truth & Grace Books:
7/4/202153 minutes, 53 seconds
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Doctrinally Sound Women Part 2: Godly Wives

Every Christian woman wants to honor God in their marriage, but our feminist society has muddied the waters so much about what that looks like that most women don't even know how. What does it mean to be a godly wife and how do you actually go about doing that?
6/27/202159 minutes, 28 seconds
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Doctrinally Sound at Work

Followers of Christ have an opportunity to show the beauty of the Gospel to those around by the way we work, submit to earthly authorities, and trust in the Lord for ultimate justice and freedom.
6/20/202153 minutes
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Doctrinally Sound Women Part 1: Godly Women

What does it mean to be a godly woman? In a post-feminist culture, many Christians have imbibed more worldly views of femininity than biblical ones. Why did God create women and what does God say a godly woman looks like?
6/13/202149 minutes, 6 seconds
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Doctrinally Sound Men

Godly older men within the church are essential to God's plan of preserving sound doctrine and raising up younger men who are self-controlled and holy. Sound doctrine is the key to healthy Christian lives that bear witness to the Gospel.
6/6/202156 minutes, 4 seconds
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God's Blueprint for Handling False Teachers

False Teachers bring in doctrine that ruins churches, leads people away from Christ, and hurts our witness. But how does a church practically deal with False Teachers? A healthy church sharply rebukes false teachers and holds fast to the gospel of grace.
5/30/202150 minutes, 59 seconds
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Sound Elders. Sound Church.

Elders are given to the church by God in order to guard the teaching of the Word. It is essential that these men be measured according to the qualifications given by scripture so that the church will be in order and on a straight path.
5/23/202152 minutes, 26 seconds
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God's Blueprint for a Healthy Church

What is God's blueprint for a healthy church? God's blueprint for a healthy church is to make disciples through the proclamation of God's Word.
5/16/202149 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sola Deo Gloria

Jude ends his letter with a rousing statement of the divine glory, power, majesty, and authority of Jesus to rule all things for all of eternity. This is the truth and hope that propels the Christian to spread the gospel to all of the nations.
5/9/202147 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Hope of Glorification

God created us to worship Him and enjoy Him forever. Sin broke the communion we had with God, but God reconciles us to Himself through Jesus Christ. One day, God will give us the fullness of salvation when he removes every trace of sin and gives us new, resurrected bodies perfectly fit to worship Him for all He's worth.
5/2/202152 minutes, 17 seconds
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We Are Reformers

What does it mean to be a member of Reformation Baptist Church? The Five Solas that defined the Reformation should define us as well. We are Reformers carrying out the work of Reformation.
4/25/202155 minutes, 9 seconds
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God’s Preservation of the Saints

Christians are once saved always saved solely by the grace of God. In the face of persecution from the world, the deception of false teachers, and our own sinful weakness we are forced to ask, “What can give us a confident assurance that God will save us in the end?” The answer is the grace and power of God who is able to keep us from stumbling.
4/18/202151 minutes, 47 seconds
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How to Contend for the Faith

Christians must be alert to the dangers of false teachers by building upon their unchanging faith, praying, and waiting for the glorious return of Christ. We must also exhort, rebuke, and fear the Lord in our dealings with both false teachers and those led astray by errant doctrine.
4/11/202147 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Crucified King

In the Old Testament covenants, God promised to bless all the families of the earth and raise up a King to rule the nations in perfect justice and righteousness for all eternity. Through the resurrection, God kept His promise. Jesus Christ is the promised blessing to all the nations and the King of kings and Lord of lords.
4/4/202152 minutes, 11 seconds
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The True Shepherd

Jesus is the True and Faithful Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep and leads us to eternal life.
3/28/202152 minutes, 42 seconds
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Christ's Judgment Against False Teachers

When Jesus returns, He will judge false teachers. God calls all Christians to guard themselves against false teachers, contend for the gospel, and hold firm to the Word of God so that the world would hear the gospel and follow Jesus instead of following false teachers.
3/21/202150 minutes, 42 seconds
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Contend for the Gospel!

God calls every church to contend for the gospel because counterfeit gospels can never save. Every church and every Christian must guard the gospel and fight to faithfully hand it down to the next generation. What does it mean to contend for the faith, how do we do that, and why must we defend the gospel against false teachers?
3/14/202152 minutes, 17 seconds
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Sounding the Alarm with Humility

The threat of false teachers is a theme of the New Testament. Christians must hold to sound doctrine in order to protect themselves from the subtle lies of deceivers. Jude warns us that we must act from a heart of humility and servanthood to Jesus when discerning truth and holding to love of the brethren.
3/7/202147 minutes, 28 seconds
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Protected by True Love

God has given His church unity through the love of Christ that is shown by our commitment to obey God's commands. This type of love protects us from deceivers who would take advantage of Christian kindness to divide and devour the church.
2/28/202153 minutes, 18 seconds
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Beware of Wolves

Jesus warned us to beware of wolves. False Teachers twist God's Word to lead their followers to destruction while deceiving them that they are on the path that leads to eternal life. How do we identify False Teachers so that we can hold fast to Christ and His Word.
2/7/202149 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Gracious God

Who is God and what makes His grace so amazing? How we answer that question is the difference between knowing facts about God and worshiping Him for all He is worth. What does it mean that God is a God of grace?
1/31/202147 minutes, 55 seconds
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Welcome to Nineveh

Jesus is Lord and unless people repent, they will face God’s terrible wrath. America is under judgment, and the Church is called to preach repentance so that God might save sinners by his powerful grace. We can preach repentance boldly because the good news of the gospel promises that God will save everyone who repents of their sin and trusts in Christ.
1/24/202150 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Unbelievable Grace of God

The judgment of God is terrifying and certain, but God has provided a salvation through Christ that is miraculous in its display of God's mercy, love, and grace. We as Christians must live a life of worship knowing that God has purchased us and saved us.
1/17/202147 minutes, 12 seconds
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Rescue from the Storm

Judgment is coming! We don't like a God who judges. We want a God who loves and shows grace. We love grace! But ironically, when we downplay God's righteous judgment against sin, we minimize his grace. Why is God's judgment so terrible, and why does that make His grace that much more amazing?
1/10/202138 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Missionary God

God is on a mission to save sinners. He does not delight in the death of the wicked, but actively pursues sinners to show the grace in Christ. As God's people, His mission is now our mission, and unlike Jonah, we cannot be content to let the wicked perish. Instead, we are called to actively share the good news of the gospel so they might be saved.
1/3/202151 minutes, 57 seconds
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The God Who Gives His Son

Jesus is the greatest gift God has ever given. He is the incarnate God who died for our sins and will one day return to rule as King of kings and Lord of lords in perfect righteousness, justice, and peace.
12/20/202042 minutes, 42 seconds
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The God Who Gives His Son

12/20/20201 hour, 30 minutes, 57 seconds
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The God Who Gives the Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit and why is he such a gracious gift from God our Father? The Spirit is the least known or understood person of the Trinity leaving many Christians confused and discouraged trying to figure out what it means to “walk by the Spirit.” What does it mean to live a Spirit-filled life and how does Spirit help us live for the glory of God?
12/13/202052 minutes, 30 seconds
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The God Who Gives Unconditional Election

How gracious is God's grace? The doctrine of Unconditional Election shows us just how good and gracious God is to predestine us for salvation when we were hopeless in our sin. In choosing us before the foundation of the world by the good pleasure of his will, God rescued us from the good pleasure of our will which only desired sin and separation from him.
12/6/202048 minutes, 37 seconds
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Praying in Faith

Prayer is an essential part of a faithful life that is dependant upon God. This scripture teaches us that prayer is primarily about having hearts that are aligned with and conformed to God's will and kingdom. God will reward those who pray in faith with spiritual riches that have been delivered to us through the person and work of Jesus Christ for the glory of God.
11/29/202049 minutes, 30 seconds
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Faith for a Pure Conscience

By ignoring our conscience, Paul says we will make a shipwreck of our faith. What is our conscience, and how do we keep it sensitive to sin so that we can live a godly life?
11/22/202049 minutes, 53 seconds
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Faith For Anxiety

What is God's answer for anxiety? Most Christians only focus on Jesus' command, "Do not be anxious," but this completely misses why Jesus said we don't need to be slaves to our fear and anxiety. Through faith in God, we can be free from anxiety and live a worry free life.
11/15/202042 minutes, 59 seconds
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Amazing Grace

How do you live a godly life? Many Christians think that God's grace forgives their sin, but then its up to them to live a godly life. God's grace doesn't stop with our justification, God's God's grace is also what sanctifies us. Hebrews ends with encouraging Christians how they can grow by God's grace and work out their salvation with fear and trembling.
11/8/202044 minutes, 55 seconds
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Safeguarding Worship

God has set definitions for how we must worship and how churches must be governed. We must search the scriptures so that we will persevere in salvation while governing churches Biblically to protect us from falling into sin.
11/1/202052 minutes, 18 seconds
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Persevering Without Compromise

How can Christians persevere when following Jesus isn't easy? The answer is by holding fast to God's Word as our highest authority. Only when we live all our lives according to God's Word in the world, reject false teaching that would mold us into one with the world, and joyfully embrace persecution from the word can Christians persevere no matter what comes our way.
10/25/202046 minutes, 35 seconds
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Fearless with Finances

In order to love one another and be the church, Christians must war against the love of money and discontentment. God has made promises to keep us safe and provide for us, and so we trust His Word to have the courage to proclaim the gospel and worship God alone.
10/18/202046 minutes, 47 seconds
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Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel

God gave marriage to glorify Christ. Many marriages struggle because they aren't working first for God's glory, but their happiness not knowing the way to have a happy marriage is to have one that matches God's design for marriage. How do we glorify Christ and have a godly marriage so that we can enjoy marriage as God intended it to be?
10/11/202053 minutes, 4 seconds
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Marked by Love

What makes a church a church? A church could have sound doctrine, biblical leaders, and the right administration of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, but if we don't love one another, we are missing something essential to what it means to be a church. If love is so foundational to our identity as God's people, what does it look like for us to love one another like Christ loves us?
10/4/202049 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Unseen Mountain

God's people face constant temptation to rely on what we can see over and against what God has clearly said. This passage teaches us that we must not reject the message of Jesus as our Lord and mediator of a greater covenant. We must rely on Jesus to press on toward the prize of a kingdom that will never end.
9/27/202051 minutes, 9 seconds
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Instructions for Godly Living

What does it look like to live a godly life? Many Christians assume that godliness means feeling joy all the time or spending every spare moment practicing some spiritual discipline. But God's Word tells us clearly what it means to follow Jesus and walk in godliness.
9/20/202047 minutes, 46 seconds
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Running the Marathon of Faith

The Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint. How can Christians persevere and run all 26.2 grueling miles and not give up in mile 25? Hebrews 12:1-11 instructs is that if we want to run the race with endurance we must get into spiritual shape, fix our eyes on Jesus, and trust the Father’s loving discipline.
9/13/202050 minutes, 24 seconds
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Faithful from Age to Age

The conclusion of Hebrews 11 reminds us that God's people will trust what God has said and value what is not seen above the worldly riches that we see. From Abraham through the prophets, God calls us to trust regardless of the circumstances, and we will receive the reward of eternal life through the faithful Word of God.
9/6/202052 minutes, 32 seconds
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Living For a Better Home

This world is not our home. Believers are called to live in this world as sojourners and exiles on the way to our true and better home, the New Jerusalem. What does it look like for believers to love God's Kingdom instead of the world, and how can the hope of heaven help us persevere in our faith?
8/30/202045 minutes, 53 seconds
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Real Faith

What does it look like to “live by faith?” If Christians are to follow Christ, then we need to know what real faith actually looks like. Real faith relies on God’s grace and not our works, aims to please God in a life of worship, and obey’s God’s Word.
8/23/202049 minutes, 17 seconds
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Advancing By Faith

Faith is the opposite of shrinking back. God's people will display faith that is a gift of God when we listen to His word and act in obedience. God's own faithfulness is the basis for our faith, and is the substance of our hope in His promises.
8/16/202044 minutes, 14 seconds
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You Need Perseverance

Perseverance is necessary for salvation, but many Christians have never been discipled what it means to persevere or how to actually go about doing that. To encourage the Hebrews in the midst of persecution, the Author reminds them that only those that persevere in Christ will be saved from judgment, and in order to persevere Christians must love Christ more than the world and persevere by faith.
8/9/202046 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Worship God

How do Christians live a life that glorifies God? Many believers don't know what it actually looks like to live a life of spiritual worship, but Hebrews 10:19-25 gives a clear roadmap for how we can worship God with all our life. We must worship God 1. Wholeheartedly, 2. Steadfastly, and 3. Corporately.
8/2/202052 minutes, 33 seconds
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Back to Eden

What does it mean to have a personal relationship with God? Many Christians don't even know what it actually means let alone what its supposed to look like. God reconciles us to himself so that we can know him personally, and in knowing him, worship him for all he's worth. To have a personal relationship with God is to have a relationship of worshiping the Creator as he created us to.
7/26/202046 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Perfect Offering

The once and for all sacrifice of Jesus is the true form that the shadow of the old sacrificial system pointed to. We therefore have a guarantee through Jesus of forgiveness, but also the promise of sanctification through the new covenant which is now written in our hearts and minds.
7/19/202048 minutes, 53 seconds
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Saved by the Blood of the Lamb

Christ shed his blood to save us from our sins. How does Christ’s blood pay for our sins, cleanse us from guilt, and deliver us from the judgment we deserve?
7/12/202049 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Complete Cleansing of Jesus

Jesus has removed the physical barrier to God with His work of atonement, redemption, and expiation on the cross. Therefore, Christians must live by faith believing in the sufficiency of the person and work of Christ to free us from the guilt and shame of our sin. Christians must not rely on works, but instead trust in the works of Jesus to make us righteous.
7/5/202053 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Priest Who Frees Us From Sin

How does God free us from sin? Even though the gospel saves us and frees us from the power of sin, many Christians live feeling just as enslaved as they ever were. In the New Covenant, Jesus frees us from the penalty of our sin in his death on the cross, and the power of our sin in making us a new creation.
6/28/202050 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Priest Who Saves Once For All

Christians can have every confidence that Jesus is able to save them to the uttermost because he lives today to intercede on our behalf after dying in our place to forgive all our sins.
6/21/202043 minutes, 29 seconds
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New Priest, New Covenant

Melchizedek was a priest of a different order, and order which was sworn to last forever in Psalm 110. Jesus is the supreme high priest from the order of Melchizedek, and this reality demands that God's people take their fear and guilt to Jesus who is sure to wash them away and allow us access to God.
6/14/202045 minutes, 37 seconds
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Our Sure Hope

God is faithful to his promise to give eternal life to everyone who trusts in Christ, and because we can trust God to bring us into the fullness of salvation, believers must persevere in following Christ. So how must Christians persevere if we are to receive our blessed inheritance?
6/7/202045 minutes, 18 seconds
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A Stern Warning

How will Christians persevere in the faith? The author of Hebrews warns us in this passage to examine our lives and eliminate our dependence on any doctrine that excludes Jesus. Our salvation is sure if we persevere because it was a gift of God and initiated by Him.
5/31/202048 minutes, 38 seconds
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Is Social Justice Biblical Justice

5/31/202019 minutes, 46 seconds
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How Do You Grow In Christ?

How do you grow in Christ? When we don't know how to answer that question we fall short of 1. Living a life that glorifies God and 2. Experiencing the joy and fullness of life that Jesus promised his people. Biblically, what is spiritual maturity and how do we grow in it?
5/24/202041 minutes, 56 seconds
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The New Normal

The Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night? What will that look like, and what does it mean for our lives today?
5/17/202043 minutes, 9 seconds
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Jesus: Our Chosen High Priest

Because of our sin, we need a mediator to reconcile us to God. God has appointed Christ to be our mediator and serve as our great high priest who saves us from our sin.
3/8/202046 minutes, 14 seconds
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Overcoming Temptation with Jesus

How should we fight sin and temptation? Many of us feel enslaved to our sin because we try to overcome temptation in our own strength. Hebrews 4:14-16 teaches us that we can't fight sin on our own, but must run to Jesus who is able to help us overcome temptation because he stayed faithful when tempted.
3/1/202046 minutes, 4 seconds
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Let Us Enter His Rest!

Jesus said "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." When He said this, Jesus was not talking about taking a nap. He was talking about the rest of God's salvation. The rest we can enjoy where we are freed from working so hard to try and make up for our sin or prove our own righteousness, but can be forgiven through faith in Christ and Him alone.
2/23/202050 minutes, 36 seconds
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Stay Faithful to the End

Not everyone who professes to love Jesus is actually saved. The Bible repeatedly warns us about false disciples who will fall away. So that begs the question: How can you know if you are really saved? Hebrews 3:7-19 gives us one answer for how we can know we are saved by showing us that the faith that saves, is the faith that perseveres in following Christ.
2/16/202050 minutes, 56 seconds
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Jesus: Greater Than Moses

Moses was a faithful steward of God's people, but he pointed onward and upward to a greater reality. God gave the Law to Moses but Jesus came and perfectly fulfilled the Law, and through His death and resurrection gave us His own righteousness under the Law.
2/10/202046 minutes, 1 second
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Jesus: Our Perfect Substitute

How can a holy and just God forgive sinners? Humanity owed God a debt in their sin and the only way it could be paid was through death. So God, in His love for us, sent his Son, Jesus, to be born as a man, live a sinless life, and die under his wrath as our perfect substitute.
2/2/202047 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jesus: The Greater Adam

What is our hope as Christians? For many of people, Heaven is nothing more than a vague idea of a better place. Even many Christians have a view of heaven that is closer to the world’s speculation rather than the Bible’s teaching. As Christians, we don’t look forward to just a better place. We look forward to the Kingdom of God where Christ will make all things new and reign over all things.
1/26/202045 minutes, 28 seconds
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Anchored in the Gospel

The Christian life is one that is built on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Following Him should change the way we live as we put sin to death to instead walk in righteousness. In order to do this we must not neglect our salvation but stay anchored in the gospel. We must live all of our lives, every area, for Christ.
1/19/202050 minutes, 16 seconds
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Superior to the Angels

The angels were the mediators of the old covenant, but Jesus is greater than the angels because He is the eternal Son of God and ruler of all things, therefore the new convent mediated by Jesus is greater than the old covenant.
1/12/202045 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Supremacy of Christ

We often only think about God's grace in terms of salvation, but if God never spoke to us to tell us who he is and how we might be saved, we'd still be lost in our sin. Thankfully, God sent his Son, Jesus Christ to reveal who he is and how we can be forgiven through faith in him. Jesus is God's supreme revelation because he is God incarnate.
1/5/202050 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Promised King

Jesus is the King over all of creation because He created everything. He is the promised king from the line of David, who died after living a sinless life, to reconcile a people to Himself. He ascended into heaven and now rules amidst His enemies but will soon return to destroy his enemies and establish His eternal kingdom.
12/22/201950 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Promised Priest

As our Mediator, Jesus is our Great High Priest who offers his own blood as a sacrifice, and through faith in him, we can be forgiven and cleansed from all our sin. The Day of Atonement foreshadows how Christ saves his people from their sin as their Great High Priest, and shows us a fuller picture of what God accomplished for us in salvation.
12/15/201946 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Promised Prophet

Jesus is the Christ, the promised Messiah sent by God to save us from our sins. As Christ, he serves believers as their Mediator by fulfilling three offices or roles: Prophet, Priest, and King. Jesus is the promised Prophet who was sent to make God known and preach eternal life to his people.
12/8/201951 minutes, 1 second
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The Ministries of the Church Part 3: Evangelism

Every Christian is a missionary. God has entrusted the church with the ministry of reconciliation and has called all of us to join him in his mission to save sinners. As we close out this series, we look at what biblical evangelism actually looks like in the life of the church.
12/1/201946 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Ministries of the Church Part 2: Fellowship, Worship, and Service

The church is more than God's people gathered together. It is God's people gathered together for a purpose. The life of every biblical church should be marked by five ministries that characterized the life of the early church in Acts 2:42-47. This week, we look to God's Word to see how the Ministries of Fellowship, Worship, and Service work in the life of a congregation.
11/24/201945 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Ministries of the Church Part 1: Preaching the Word

In part one of a three part series on the ministries of the church, we will see that the foundation of the church is the ministry of preaching the Word of God. The Bible is the only source of truth to save the lost, equip the saints, and stand the passing of time.
11/17/201945 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Ministries of the Church Part 1: Preach the Word

2 Timothy 4:1-5What are the Church's marching orders to carry out the Great Commission and what does that look like? We are to preach the Word so that all people might be saved on the Day of Judgment.
11/17/201952 minutes, 43 seconds
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Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

The Bible has laid out the proper roles and functions of men and women in the church and the home. Christians must submit to biblical authority governing how men and women live out the Christian faith. This week we use scripture to define the high calling of manhood and womanhood as image bearers.
11/10/201950 minutes, 25 seconds
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Biblical Church Leadership

No church can be healthy or fruitful without biblically qualified leadership. In His Word, God has established Elders and Deacons who are called to lead God's people equipping them for the work of ministry and instructing them in godly living. Who are these leaders and what do they do in the church?
11/3/201956 minutes, 3 seconds
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Church Discipline

Practicing church discipline is how God's people guard the purity of the church and protect the name of Christ, but is it compatible with the gospel of grace? Matthew 18:15-20 teaches us how we can biblically confront one another's sin and show the world a picture of the gospel that saves us from our slavery to sin.
10/27/201950 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Lord's Supper

What is the Lord's Supper? For many, taking the Lord's Supper has become nothing more than a religious ritual that they happen to do at church. However, when Jesus gave this ordinance, he designed it to repeatedly remind us of the gospel as an opportunity renew our commitment to live for him.
10/20/201944 minutes, 29 seconds
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Initiation by Baptism

Baptism is both a public profession of a salvation that has already occurred in the heart and an initiation into the body of Christ, the church. Baptism symbolizes the Christian's immersion into full dependence on the person and work of Jesus Christ.
10/13/201950 minutes, 4 seconds
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Membership That Matters

What does it mean to be a member of a church and why is being a member necessary and good for our faith? It is clear that the Bible teaches every that Christian must be committed to a local church, and God uses this commitment to mature us in Christ enable us to bear a faithful witness to the gospel.
10/6/201945 minutes, 15 seconds
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Who Is The Church?

What does it mean to be a member of a church and is church membership a biblical practice? As we examine who makes up the church, we see that God's will for his people is that they commit to a local body of believers to grow in their faith, and practicing church membership is the way by which a church guards its witness to the gospel.
9/29/201948 minutes, 19 seconds
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What is the Church?

If Jesus died for the church, if the church is God's plan to make disciples, and if God glorifies His name in the church, then the church must be a primary concern for every Christian. The problem is, what is the church? In an age where anyone and everyone can claim to be a "church" we must look at what God has said in His Word a church is to make sure our church reflects the Scriptures and we are a part of a biblical church.
9/22/201949 minutes, 33 seconds
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A Warning for Diligence

Nehemiah closes his book not with a triumph, but with a warning. In just a few years of Nehemiah's absence, Israel went back on all their covenant promises from chapter 10. Nehemiah shows the church today how we must be diligent to live by faith lest we fall away into apostasy.
9/15/201952 minutes, 17 seconds
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Thankful in Worship

As the people of Israel dedicate the completion of the wall with worship they remember what God has done and are thankful for His grace. The church today worships with hearts of thanksgiving because God has set us apart as a people through the blood of Jesus Christ.
9/8/201945 minutes, 56 seconds
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Commit to the Mission

God uses everyday saints and everyday churches to carry out His mission to transform sinners into worshipers. Jesus called these worshipers His disciples. How do Christians and churches join God in His work? How do we commit to the mission in such a way that God uses us to build His Kingdom?
9/1/201947 minutes, 31 seconds
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Living in the New Covenant

To worship God is to live according to His covenant. In Nehemiah, the people of God renew the Mosaic Covenant and commit to worship God alone and be his holy people to be a light to the nations of His salvation. Today, Christians worship God by living in the New Covenant that Jesus gave us through His life death and resurrection. What is the New Covenant and how does it matter for our discipleship?
8/25/201948 minutes, 17 seconds
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God's People Hate Sin

As God's people in Nehemiah hear the story of God's redemptive work in Israel they are moved to confess their sins and resolve to follow God's commands. Christians today must live lives of confession and repentance in the knowledge that Jesus Christ has paid the penalty for our sin and will be faithful to forgive our sins as we confess and turn away from our sins.
8/18/201947 minutes, 40 seconds
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God's People Obey God's Word

How do Christians live all their life for Jesus? Many Christians struggle with sin because they have not learned to deny themselves and walk by the power of the Spirit. As the people of God in Nehemiah respond to the Lord in whole-hearted obedience, we take a practical look on how Christians can put their sin to death and obey God in everything.
8/11/201949 minutes, 51 seconds
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God's People Love God's Word

How do you grow in your faith to worship God alone? As the people of Nehemiah sought to recapture their identity as God's holy people and a light to the nations, they centered their new life in Jerusalem on the Word of God. Christians today must build all of their life upon God's Word so that they can truly love God as He has revealed Himself.
8/4/201951 minutes, 56 seconds
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Members Meeting July 2019

Pastor Cole takes us through Metro Church's process for making disciples in our ministry as we 1. Commit to God, 2. Commit to the Body, and 3. Commit to the Mission Christ has given our church to do.
7/28/201951 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Faithful Redeemer

As Nehemiah begins moving from rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem to rebuilding the people of God themselves, he invites the Israelites to join in God's work by reminding them that God has been faithful to bring them back from exile. God's people today can look at God's faithfulness with confidence that the same way he was faithful to his people in the Old Testament, God will be faithful to redeem his church when Christ returns.
7/28/201943 minutes, 54 seconds
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Living On Mission

What does it mean to be a missional church? For a church to call itself a biblical church it must be engaged in the mission of God to make disciples. Nehemiah shows Christians today what it looks like to live as a missionary in their context, and how they can stay committed to living for the Great Commission even when temptation to sin and persecution threaten the work of the gospel.
7/21/201938 minutes, 7 seconds
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Biblical Leadership

What drives biblical leadership? Most people know Jesus' call for leaders to serve those that they lead, but what motivates a leader to continue to serve when the sacrifice of leadership grows heavy? Nehemiah shows us what motivated his desire to serve others with his leadership to glorify God and love the people of Israel.
7/14/201935 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Enemy's Work Within

After facing opposition from the enemies who surrounded Jerusalem, Nehemiah began to face opposition within God's own people. Some powerful Israelites began to commit injustice against the weak and poor which drove division between the people and threatened the work of the Kingdom. When Satan attempts to divide God's people, the church must strive for unity and stay committed to the mission of the gospel.
7/7/201947 minutes, 11 seconds
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An Active Faith

As God's people join God in His work and labor for the Kingdom they will face opposition from the world. Today, the church labors by sharing the gospel with others. Nehemiah shows us that when the world starts pushing back, the church must not change the gospel to be accepted by the culture, but instead should pray for boldness and keep working.
6/30/201941 minutes, 15 seconds
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Serving God Together

What does it mean to truly serve God and live for His Kingdom? Nehemiah 3 gives us a picture of what it looks like for God's people to live for the Kingdom worshipfully, humbly, and sacrificially for the benefit of others as well as themselves, and also teaches us how it is crucial for every Christian to play their part in the body so that the church can accomplish the mission God has given them.
6/23/201940 minutes, 3 seconds
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Joining God's Work

As Nehemiah arrives to Jerusalem, he calls the people of Israel to join in the work to build the walls of the city. Today, God continues to invite all his people to join in His work to save sinners, and the way we do that is by committing to God, the body, and the mission in the life of a local church.
6/16/201951 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Stewardship of Providence

As Nehemiah approaches Artaxerxes to ask to leave and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, he doesn't rest in his abilities or circumstances, but trusts in God's will and providence. This passage encourages us that God will always keep his promises, and His people are to act in faith knowing that God always accomplishes His purposes.
6/9/201946 minutes, 51 seconds
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A People Built By God

The book of Nehemiah is driven by God's faithfulness to bring salvation to the world through his people. After Nehemiah learns that God's people and the Temple are in danger, he prays for God to remember his covenant to his people. What are these covenants and why are they so important? And most importantly, how do the covenants of the Old Testament find their fulfillment in Jesus?
6/2/201945 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Heart of the Father

Have you ever considered how amazing it is that God saves sinners? We can talk so much about salvation and the gospel that they actually become common to us. In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus seeks to show us that there is nothing common about God's salvation or his heart towards sinners. Through repentance and faith in the gospel, we are welcomed into the joy of the Father.
5/26/201936 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Unmerited Grace of God

Every Christian can be tempted to believe that God only loves them as much as they are faithful, but in the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard, Jesus demolishes any notion that we are saved by anything other than the loving kindness of God.
5/19/201937 minutes, 16 seconds
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Forgiven People Forgive

Jesus taught that Christians must be the first willing to forgive others because of how much God has forgiven us in Christ. What does it mean to forgive others and how can we seek reconciliation with one another in a biblical way when we sin against each other?286188
5/12/201943 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Prayer That Is Always Answered 286188

How do you pray? Jesus' disciples asked this very question. This shows us that prayer does not come naturally to us but it is learned. In Luke 11:1-13, Jesus gave his followers a blueprint for what effective prayer looks like. As we walk through this passage, we learn how to pray in a way that God will always answer.286188
5/5/201940 minutes, 44 seconds
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Persevering in Prayer

For over 2000 years, Jesus' followers have been waiting for him to return and bring his Kingdom. While we wait, Jesus knows life can get hard and we can be tempted to live for ourselves instead of Him and His Kingdom. In the Parable of the Persistent Widow, Jesus encourages us to persevere in prayer so they can endure. This week, we look at how we are to pray and what kind of prayer God hears and answers.
4/28/201941 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Wisdom and Power of God: Easter 2019

In the most heinous act ever committed, God Himself, Jesus Christ, was murdered on a cross. When Jesus died, it looked as though God's Messiah was defeated, but Paul tells us that Jesus' death and resurrection actually display God's power and wisdom.
4/21/201927 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Persistent Love of God

Jesus is the cornerstone who will destroy all of His enemies, but grants eternal life to all who believe.
4/14/201936 minutes, 57 seconds
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Jesus and Money

How should Christians view money and financial wealth? In The Parable of the Unjust Manager, Jesus teaches us that our worldly riches must be used to proclaim the gospel in order to have eternal friendships.
4/7/201941 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Blessing of Humility

Humility is a gift from God which He gives by showing us more of who He is, and giving us a more accurate understanding of who we are in that light. As we study the Parable of the Wedding Feast, Jesus shows us how a life of pride is folly for the believer, where true humility can help us worship God and love others as Christ taught.
3/31/201945 minutes, 22 seconds
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Love Thy Neighbor

What does it mean to truly love our neighbor as ourself? As we study the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus shows us that to truly love others is to love them like He loved us in the gospel.
3/24/201940 minutes, 55 seconds
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Self-Righteousness and True Justification

In the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Jesus shows us the difference between trying to earn salvation through human accomplishment and being given salvation by God's grace. This week we learn what it truly means to be justified through faith in the gospel.
3/17/201945 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Terror of Hell

What does the Bible have to say about Hell? As we study the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, we see that Jesus believed Hell was a horrible place where those who do not repent and believe the gospel will suffer for eternity. But that is not all Jesus says. He also shows us how every person is offered salvation from Hell in Him.
3/10/201946 minutes, 8 seconds
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Watching For Jesus

Jesus has promised us that he is going to return, and tells the Parable of the Ten Virgins to teach that we can either be foolish or wise as we wait for that day. What does it look like to prepare for Christ's return and live for God's coming Kingdom?
2/24/201938 minutes, 56 seconds
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Building a Wise Life

What does it mean to build a life of true discipleship? Jesus promises to save his disciples from the coming judgement, but he also tells us there will be false disciples who do not actually follow him. This week, we study the parable of the two builders to learn what true discipleship is and how we can grow to follow Jesus more faithfully.
2/17/201945 minutes, 25 seconds
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Counting the Cost

What does it mean to truly count the cost in following Jesus? Did Jesus really believe we had to renounce everything to be his disciples? In this parable, Jesus explains the foolishness of failing to kill our old desires and stake everything on Him as our only hope of salvation.
2/10/201941 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Kingdom Worth Living For

All of us are living for a kingdom. We are either living for and serving Jesus' Kingdom where we see the work of his redemption reach into every area of our lives, or we anoint ourselves as kings to try and establish our selfish kingdoms of one. This week, we look to Jesus' parables to show what the Kingdom of God actually is and how we can actually live for Jesus' Kingdom here and now while we wait for its full consummation in Heaven.
2/3/201942 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Purpose of the Parables

Jesus used parables to teach big, spiritual truths. In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus shows his followers four different ways we can respond to the gospel teaching that only one produces true, saving faith. According to Jesus, faith is a gift from God given in his love for sinners that will always produce a radical life change in the Christian's life.
1/27/201951 minutes, 2 seconds
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A Saving Resurrection

For Easter 2018, we look at Romans 4:24-25 to see how the resurrection of Jesus assures us that we are truly saved in Christ.
4/1/201817 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Heart of Faithfulness

Today, we walk through Jesus’ message to the church of Ephesus from Revelation to see what Jesus truly looks for in a faithful church.
11/5/201734 minutes, 16 seconds
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Made Righteous In Christ

We study what it took for God to declare sinners righteous in Jesus.
10/8/201735 minutes, 38 seconds
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Servants and Imposters

We study what Jesus taught in his parable on the ten minas and see what it looks like for us to be found faithful when He returns.
9/17/201742 minutes, 9 seconds
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The True Vine

What does it mean to “abide in Christ” and how does that work in the life of believers?
9/10/20171 hour, 54 seconds
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Killing Sin Pt. 2

In part two, we look at useful ways God has given us to kill sin in our lives.
7/16/201741 minutes, 2 seconds
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Killing Sin Pt. 1

Spiritual growth for a believer is predicated upon the constant battle to put sin to death in our lives.
7/9/201739 minutes, 43 seconds
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Sexuality & The Bible

Genesis 2 & Romans 1.Our culture is obsessed with sex and is constantly redefining what is good and right. We wanted to spend some special time focusing on sexual sin to unify our church on what the Scriptures say is good, right, and holy.
8/6/20141 hour, 39 minutes, 13 seconds