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Revival Is Now with Apostle Kathryn Krick Cover
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Revival Is Now with Apostle Kathryn Krick

English, Religion, 1 season, 149 episodes, 5 days, 6 hours, 44 minutes
In the Revival is Now Podcast you will be equipped to be victorious over the devil and walk in abundant life as a child of God. You will receive the spiritual keys and anointing to destroy every yoke in your life and to be a powerful vessel of God. Apostle Kathryn, lead pastor of Five-Fold Church and world traveling minister will impart anointing and wisdom into your life so you can be a revival carrier who walks in the anointing. For more information visit To support the work of God and to sow in God’s Kingdom go to
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New Wineskin: Part 2 - Episode 148

In this episode you'll learn the dangers of keeping old wineskin and the seriousness of receiving the new wine.
9/19/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 45 seconds
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New Wineskin: Part 1 - Episode 147

You will learn how to have the new wine skin so you can receive the new wine.
9/17/20241 hour, 14 minutes, 1 second
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Champion of God - 146

In this episode you will learn what it really means to be victorious in Christ. You will learn how to have victory every day and how to not get disqualified from the “race” God has set out for you to win.
9/12/20241 hour, 11 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to be Spiritual - Episode 145

In this episode you will learn how to be a spiritually mature believer rather than being a lukewarm believer who is led by their feelings. You will be equipped to live by the Spirit and live in a way that's pleasing to God.
9/10/202443 minutes, 36 seconds
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Managing Emotions - Episode 144

In this episode you will learn how to manage emotions the godly way.
9/5/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 43 seconds
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Healing from Past Hurt - Episode 143

Receive healing from past hurt and trauma as the anointing touches you through this message.
9/3/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to Receive Complete Deliverance - Episode 142

In this episode you will learn all the different keys that unlock complete deliverance. Some cases of demonic oppression or more complex than others, and require certain spiritual key(s). Receiving deliverance isn't the same for everyone. That is why it is important to understand to have the spiritual understanding of what may be needed to unlock your complete deliverance.
8/29/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Know if You Need Deliverance - Episode 141

In this episode you will learn how to know if you need deliverance.
8/27/202458 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Take Care of Your Body in a Godly Way - Episode 140

Your body is connected to your spirit. If you want to be spiritually healthy you also need to make sure your body is healthy. In this episode you will learn how to care for your body in a Godly way.
8/22/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 41 seconds
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How to Take Care of Your Spirit & Soul - Episode 139

Your spirit, soul and body are all connected. In this episode you will learn how to take care of your spirit and your soul.
8/20/202446 minutes, 51 seconds
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Made in the Image of God - Episode 138

Through this episode you will learn what it means to be made in the image of God!
8/15/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 15 seconds
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Alert in the Spirit - Episode 137

In this episode you will learn how to be aware in the spiritual realm and how to recognize different seasons of God. 
8/13/20241 hour, 11 seconds
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Controlling Your Thoughts & Desires - Episode 136

In this episode you will learn how to have dominion over your thoughts and desires; so ungodly thoughts and desires do not remain.
8/8/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 37 seconds
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Spiritual Mothers and Fathers - Episode 135

In this episode you will learn about the importance of Spiritual Fathers and Mothers and their role in your spiritual life.
8/6/202455 minutes, 17 seconds
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Anointing & Impartation - Episode 134

In this episode you will learn about the anointing that God is restoring to the body of Christ. You will learn what Apostolic and Prophetic Anointing is and you will learn about Impartation, and how to receive impartation of anointing.  (Original message preached in 2022). 
8/1/202447 minutes, 12 seconds
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Not by Might but by the Spirit - Episode 133

Apostle Kathryn teaches how the world will be changed. Not when we come by might and power, but by the Spirit. Learn how to bring real change and how to go by the spirit in this episode. (Original message preached in 2022).
7/30/202439 minutes, 19 seconds
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Deliverance Revived - Episode 132

Deliverance is being revived in the body of Christ now! Apostle Kathryn teaches a prophetic message about what Deliverance and ministry in general in the church should and will look like.
7/25/202457 minutes, 52 seconds
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Making it to the Promised Land - Episode 131

Learn how to make it to the promised land! In this episode you will learn keys of how to stay strong in the wilderness, and how to move forward continually until you've at last reached the promised land (meaning the promises of God in your life have come to pass).
7/23/20241 hour, 44 seconds
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How to Pass Spiritual Tests - Episode 130

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches about Spiritual Tests. You will learn how to discern what is a spiritual test and how to pass it. (Original message preached in December 2022).
7/20/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 30 seconds
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Laws in the Spiritual Realm - Episode 129

In this episode you will learn about laws in the spiritual realm; what they are, and how understanding them will bring about protection from the devil and accessing abundant life in Christ. (Original message preached in 2022).
7/16/202443 minutes, 14 seconds
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Godly Confidence In Your Heart - Episode 128

In this message you will learn about one of the major undetected lies of the devil - the lies he speaks about your heart. For those who've struggled with insecurity, this message is for you! (Original message preached in 2022).  
7/11/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 21 seconds
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Free of Condemnation - Episode 127

In this episode you will learn how to live free of condemnation. 'There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.' Romans 8:1. As you listen to this message you will learn how to be free of that condemning voice in your head.
7/9/202442 minutes, 20 seconds
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Your True Identity - Episode 126

In this episode you will learn what your true identity in Christ is and you'll be delivered from false identities that the devil has placed on you. Your eyes will open up to the schemes of the devil of trying to keep you from glorifying God fully through your life and from walking out your purpose. You will receive breakthrough and deliverance through this episode! (Original message preached in 2022).
7/4/20241 hour, 1 minute, 23 seconds
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A Heart Prepared to Receive - Episode 125

You will learn how to prepare yourself to receive all that God wants to pour into your life. Come receive freedom, healing and encounter the power of God!
7/2/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 7 seconds
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Following the Shepherd’s Voice - Episode 124

You will learn to discern what the true voice of God is for your life and how to spot the fake.
6/27/202459 minutes, 3 seconds
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Purpose in the Waiting - 123

Discover the purpose in your waiting season and learn how to find contentment in the wilderness. (Original message preached in 2022). 
6/25/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to be Humble - Episode 122

Learn how to humble yourself and to be rid of pride. This is a MUST LISTEN episode as being humble is the key to pleasing God, being in His will and being a trustworthy vessel He can pour anointing in
6/20/20241 hour, 12 minutes, 18 seconds
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Is Homosexuality Biblical? - Episode 121

In this episode you will learn the spiritual reality concerning homosexuality and what a believer's response should be regarding this topic.
6/18/20241 hour, 30 minutes, 18 seconds
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Maintaining Your Deliverance Part 4 - Episode 120

This is part 4 of a 4-part series: Maintaining Your Deliverance. In this episode you will learn the importance of testifying of your deliverance and the power of sowing. These are some of the important keys of maintaining your freedom. This episode (as well as the other 3) are vital to maintain the deliverance you received; to keep all doors shut to the devil. This episode is also important for every believer - to be strong spiritually and to keep doors shut to the devil. Maintaining Your Deliverance Part 1: Listen Here Maintaining Your Deliverance Part 2: Listen Here Maintaining Your Deliverance Part 3: Listen Here  
6/13/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 18 seconds
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Chisolm's Story of Deliverance from Demons - Revival is Now Podcast

Chisolm's deliverance at Five-Fold Church went viral with 1.7 Million views on Tiktok, 3.1 Million Views on Facebook, and around 400K views between Instagram and Youtube. On my 'Revival is Now' Podcast I had Chisolm as a guest and she shared the details of how she became oppressed with demons, her experience getting deliverance and what her life is like after being set free from demons. You can listen to my 'Revival is Now' Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. Go to and for details about 5F Church and to register for upcoming Flourish Conferences. How to Receive Complete Deliverance: Watch here or, Listen here Maintaining Your Deliverance Part 1: Watch here  or, Listen here Maintaining Your Deliverance Part 2: Watch here or, Listen here Maintaining Your Deliverance Part 3: Watch here or, Listen here Maintaining Your Deliverance Part 4: Watch here  Receiving & Maintaining Your Deliverance YouTube Playlist
6/11/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 5 seconds
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Hearing God's Voice in the Word - Episode 119

In this episode you will learn how to read the Bible accurately. You will learn how to receive true revelation from the Holy Spirit instead of the wrong religious revelation of the scriptures. You will learn how to discern the meaning of seemingly contradictory verses and hear what God is truly saying on such topics like woman in church leadership, requirements of an Apostle and what God says about Spiritual fathers and mothers. 
6/6/20241 hour, 18 minutes, 22 seconds
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Religion Free Ministry - Episode 118

In this episode you will learn how to minister to people in a way that is Christlike and would be like how Jesus would minister. Your eyes will open up to wrong religious ways of ministering that you probably have encountered/received or have done. You will learn how to minister in a way that truly leads people to salvation and repentance. You will learn how to minister free of religion and full of the heart of God.
6/4/20241 hour, 15 minutes, 7 seconds
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Free from the Religious Spirit - Part 2 - Episode 117

In this episode you will learn more about what the spirit of religion is and how to identify its influence upon you. As your eyes open up more to what this poisonous spirit is, you will be set free from religion as you listen!
5/30/20241 hour, 21 minutes, 49 seconds
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Free from the Religious Spirit: Part 1 - Episode 116

In this episode you will learn about what the spirit of religion is and you'll be set free from its grip on your life. Freedom from this spirit will allow you to have intimacy and true relationship with God. 
5/28/20241 hour, 7 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to Stay on Fire - Episode 115

In this episode you will learn the secret of how to stay on fire for God every day!
5/23/202449 minutes, 37 seconds
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When You've Spoken Against a Servant of God - 114

In this episode you will learn what happens when speaking against a servant of God and what to do if you have spoken against a servant of God.
5/21/20241 hour, 34 seconds
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The Necessity of the Holy Spirit -113

In this episode preached on Pentecost 2022, Apostle Kathryn shares about the power and necessity of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life! Be empowered and filled with the Holy Spirit as you listen!
5/16/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 28 seconds
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Servant Heart - Episode 112

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on the aspect of your identity: you are a servant of God. As you listen  you will be equipped to have a servant heart so God can use you powerfully in His Kingdom. 
5/14/202448 minutes, 24 seconds
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Sowing & Reaping - Episode 111

A spiritual principle of seeing the promises of God come to pass in your life is sowing and reaping. There has to be a sowing for there to be a reaping. Learn what 'sowing' really means and be empowered work with God and produce an amazing harvest in your life! This is a prophetic word for 2021. The principle of sowing and reaping still applies. 
4/30/202448 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Keys to this Revival - Episode 110

We have entered into the greatest revival of all time! This revival will look different from past revivals. There are keys that are unlocking this revival! Find out what these keys are, so you can be a true disciple in this revival; a revival carrier! (Original message preached in 2021).
4/25/202456 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Three Indwellings of the Holy Spirit - 109

In this episode Apostle Kathryn describes the differences between receiving the Holy Spirit upon Salvation, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit & the Anointing. There is more of the spirit of God to receive in your life! Listen and receive more of the Holy Spirit & His Anointing.
4/23/202458 minutes, 20 seconds
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How to be Completely Filled with the Holy Spirit - Episode 108

Learn how to be filled completely with the Holy Spirit. There are 3 different ways the Holy Spirit wants to come inside of you; learn what they are and receive more of His Spirit as you listen.  (Original message preached in 2021).
4/18/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Episode 107

Apostle Kathryn teaches on what the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is, the importance of praying in tongues, and prays for you to receive it! (Original message preached in 2021).
4/16/202445 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Narrow Road to Greatness - Episode 106

You will learn how to receive the more that God has for you; the greater things. 
4/11/20241 hour, 11 minutes, 46 seconds
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Stepping out of the Wilderness - 105

Apostle Kathryn will be sharing a prophetic message that will equip you for the season of “the revival wave” that we are in!  
4/9/202444 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to Receive Complete Deliverance - Episode 104

The things of the spiritual realm is complex so it is important to learn the keys for your complete deliverance. Apostle Kathryn explains it all in this episode! (Original message preached in 2021).
4/4/20241 hour, 17 minutes, 11 seconds
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God’s Heart for Deliverance - Episode 103

Learn about the heart of God for deliverance and learn how deliverance works. (Original message preached in 2021). 
4/2/202442 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Power of the Anointing - Episode 102

In this episode you will learn about the power of Anointing. (Original message preached in 2021).
3/28/202442 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to Win the Spiritual War - Episode 101

In this episode you will learn how to always be victorious over the enemy’s schemes. (Original message preached in 2021).
3/26/202444 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Secret of this Revival - Episode 100

In the episode you will learn about the key that is unlocking this revival, and why it will be the greatest revival there has ever been! (Original message preached in 2021).
3/21/202447 minutes, 11 seconds
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Removing the Veil of Religion - Episode 99

In this episode you will be set free of religion and discover God's true heart for you. Your spiritual eyes will open to discern any areas that you were seeing Jesus through the lens of religion. A MUST LISTEN!
3/19/202454 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to Access the Spiritual Realm - Episode 98

Not everyone accesses the kingdom of God, but only those who get in line with God’s order and ways. Discover how to access the kingdom of God & how to operate in the spiritual realm. (Original message preached in 2021).
3/14/202448 minutes, 31 seconds
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Being Bold for Christ - Episode 97

To serve God, you must be bold. In this message you will learn about the importance of boldness and how to be bold for Jesus! (Original message preached in 2021). 
3/12/20241 hour, 1 minute, 47 seconds
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How to Receive Deliverance - Episode 96

Jesus wants you to be Free! But there's a way in which to receive deliverance. Apostle Kathryn goes into to depth in this episode! (Original message preached in 2021).
3/7/20241 hour, 10 seconds
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How to Remove Insecurities - Episode 95

Learn how to be free of insecurities and how to truly be confident in who God created you to be. (Original message preached in 2021).
3/5/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to Protect What You've Received from God - Episode 94

What God has given you can be stolen. The enemy will try to snatch the precious, valuable gift God gave you (revelation, deliverance, healing, a ministry where you'll be planted to be equipped and receive anointing, Godly family, blessings, etc). What God has given you is more precious than gold! You have to PROTECT what He's given you. This episode equips you to be prepared for the enemy's schemes to steal and teaches you how to protect what God has given you! (Original message preached in 2021).
2/29/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Purpose of Apostles Today - Episode 93

Learn what Apostles are and why they are necessary in the body of Christ today. (Original message preached in 2021).
2/27/202428 minutes, 37 seconds
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What Qualifies a Minister - Episode 92

What really qualifies a minister? How do you know whom God is moving through? Apostle Kathryn teaches how to discern where God is moving! This is important so you do not miss where God is moving because of lies of religion and spiritual blindness. (Original message preached in 2021).
2/22/202422 minutes, 18 seconds
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Can Women Preach and Pastor? - Episode 91

Is it God's will for women to preach? To pastor/lead a church? Apostle Kathryn answers these questions in this episode. (Original message preached in 2021).
2/20/202417 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Power of Your Words - Episode 90

God has given you authority over the powers of darkness. To see darkness leave your life, you must execute this authority. In this episode you will learn one of the biggest ways to execute this authority and how to pray effectively. When you apply this teaching to your life, you will see so much change!
2/15/202455 minutes, 5 seconds
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Seek First the Kingdom of God - Episode 89

Learn what this verse really means: ‘seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.’ What does seek the kingdom of God look like? What will be added to you as you do this? Learn all of this and receive life-changing revelation in this episode.
2/13/202455 minutes, 28 seconds
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Prophetic Word of 2024 - Episode 88

Apostle Kathryn releases the word of the year for 2024.
2/8/202457 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Talk to God - Episode 87

Has your confusion of how to talk to God made it hard to talk to Him? Want to know if you’re talking to Him appropriately? Listen to this episode! Apostle Kathryn reveals how to talk to God!
2/6/202458 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Have Intimacy with God - Episode 86

Apostle Kathryn breaks down how to have a relationship with God! This episode will help you grow closer to God and be confident in your relationship with Him. (Original message preached in 2021).  
2/1/20241 hour, 43 seconds
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How to Become More Spiritual - Episode 85

Apostle Kathryn teaches how to put your flesh to death, and become more spiritual! You are on a journey to be transformed into the image of God. Learn how to become more like Jesus in this episode. 
1/30/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 32 seconds
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Free of Religion- Episode 84

The spirit of religion has made its way into some Christian teachings and doctrines, but there is only one gospel of Jesus and it is void of religion. This episode will open your eyes to see where any religion has creeped into your perception of Jesus and how you have relationship with Him. (Original message preached in 2021). 
1/25/202454 minutes, 25 seconds
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Your Inheritance - Episode 83

As an heir of Jesus you have an inheritance! It's important to know all that is already given to you from Jesus. Listen and learn what your inheritance is and how to receive it. (Original message preached in 2021).
1/23/202450 minutes, 35 seconds
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Destroying the Works of the Enemy - Episode 82

Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy. He then commissioned us to do the same! Discover what this looks like and the importance in this episode. (Original message preached in 2021).
1/18/202452 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Anointing - Episode 81

What is the Anointing? Why is it necessary? How do you receive anointing? Learn the answers to these questions and more! This is such an important episode that will unlock miracles to happen in your life and lead you to walk in the power of God. (Original message preached in 2021).
1/16/202459 minutes, 18 seconds
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How to Hear God’s Voice Part 2 - Episode 80

THE SECOND PART - Apostle Kathryn teaches how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit! This teaching and revelation will change your life and you will begin to hear God daily. (Original message preached in 2021).
1/11/202446 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to Hear God’s Voice Part 1 - Episode 79

Apostle Kathryn teaches how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit! This teaching and revelation will change your life and you will begin to hear God daily. (Original message preached in 2021).
1/9/202457 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Significance of the Five-Fold Ministry - Episode 78

Learn why the five-fold ministry is vital in the church today! (Original message preached in 2021).
1/4/202442 minutes, 8 seconds
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God is Transforming the Church! - Episode 77

Have you ever wondered if we're "doing" church the right way? What does God want it to truly look like? Apostle Kathryn goes into detail on the transformation of the church happening right now! (Original message preached in 2021).
1/2/202449 minutes, 17 seconds
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A LASTING Revival (the Greatest in History) - Episode 76

We have entered the greatest revival ever seen in history. This revival will be different than any revival before. This revival will bring true LASTING change to the church and to the world. Find out how and why in this episode! Learn the key to seeing the miracles seen in the Acts church TODAY! (Original message preached in 2021).
12/28/202350 minutes, 9 seconds
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Simplicity of the Power of God - Episode 75

The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power. 1 Corinthians 4:20. Learn truly what this means, and what happens when we step out of the way and let GOD'S POWER be center stage! (Original message preached in 2021).
12/26/202331 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Star in You - Episode 74

Learn about the star of Jesus and the star in you! Listen and learn how to best honor and celebrate Jesus' birth in this powerful Christmas message! (Original message preached in 2021).
12/21/202345 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Power of the Encounter - Episode 73

A true encounter with Jesus; an undeniable touch of the Holy Spirit is what God wants for EVERYONE. Your life will be changed forever when this happens. Encounter His power as you listen! (Original message preached in 2021).
12/18/202347 minutes, 52 seconds
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Audience of One - Episode 72

You will be motivated to persevere as you learn where to focus as you work towards the promise. This episode will give you strength in your wilderness season! (Original message preached in 2021).
12/14/202351 minutes, 13 seconds
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A Requirement to Receive Anointing - Episode 71

God's anointing (the power of God) is given by God carefully as it is so valuable and should never be misused. In this episode you will learn one of the biggest keys to be a vessel who walks in the power of God. (Original Sermon Preached in 2021)
12/12/202340 minutes, 10 seconds
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Your Simple Assignment - Episode 70

God has given you a simple assignment. Learn what this assignment is and be equipped to stay anchored and focused! Original sermon preached in 2021.
12/7/202357 minutes, 8 seconds
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Does a Wrong Prophecy = a False Prophet? - Episode 69

Learn how to discern between true and false prophets. This is a MUST LISTEN for the body of Christ in this present day!
12/5/20231 hour, 50 seconds
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Working Hard for God - Episode 68

Apostle Kathryn teaches on the importance of working hard at what God has called you to do. There are keys in this message of how to see the promise come to pass and how to touch God's heart and experience intimacy with Him.
11/30/202342 minutes, 25 seconds
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Obedience to God - Episode - 67

Apostle Kathryn teaches on the importance of constant obedience to God. Receive an obedient heart as you listen!
11/28/202344 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Servant Heart - Episode 66

God is building an army of revival carriers and He is looking for true disciples. A disciple has a servant heart. Learn about this identity of a 'servant of God' that all disciples must have.
11/23/202341 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Heart of a Disciple: Surrendered - Episode 65

God wants you to be a disciple. Not just a churchgoer, or lukewarm Christian, but a true disciple who walks in the power of God. He wants to pour anointing in you but you must first develop the heart of a disciple. Apostle Kathryn teaches about the first and vital step: surrendering to God.
11/21/202352 minutes, 49 seconds
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How to Be on Fire for God - Episode 64

In this episode Apostle Kathryn releases keys on how to be on fire for Jesus and to keep the fire burning!
11/16/202358 minutes, 46 seconds
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Your Full Inheritance - Episode 63

One of the biggest schemes of the enemy is to blind you from seeing the FULLNESS of what Jesus has provided you! You cannot receive what you don't know is yours! This episode is a MUST LISTEN for every believer! Jesus wants you to receive the full gift He gave you. He paid a huge price for you to receive it all! In this episode you will DISCOVER and RECEIVE your full inheritance as an heir of Christ, a child of God!
11/14/20231 hour, 32 seconds
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How to be Full of Light, Void of Darkness - Episode 62

Apostle Kathryn teaches on how to fill yourself with only light, and how to shut doors to the enemy, so no darkness can come in. What you speak will be the overflow of what you have stored up inside (Matthew 12:34). Your words carry so much power. In order to only speak life, you must apply this teaching to your life!
11/9/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 49 seconds
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Set the Captives Free - Episode 61

In this message you will learn the importance of deliverance in the church and you will gain understanding of God’s heart to set the oppressed free. 
11/7/20231 hour, 1 minute, 20 seconds
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The Kingdom from Another Place - Episode 60

The Kingdom of God is not like the kingdoms of this world. There are heavenly realities that require spiritual eyes to understand. This message will open your eyes to see and understand the mysteries of this heavenly realm.
11/2/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to Access the Kingdom of God - Episode 59

The fullness of the Kingdom of God does not come automatically, but there is a way to access the true kingdom of God in your life: the abundant life that Jesus provided for you and to walk in power and authority over the enemy. This episode will open your eyes and reveal secrets of the kingdom!
10/31/202352 minutes
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The Truth About Halloween - Episode 58

In this episode you will learn the spiritual realities behind the holiday of Halloween and you will learn the answer to the question: should Christians participate in it?
10/26/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 22 seconds
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Removing Insecurities, Becoming Confident - Episode 57

When you listen to this message God will free you from insecurities and fear. You will receive confidence, learn what true Godly confidence is and learn how to BE confident ALWAYS!
10/24/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 10 seconds
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Can Christians Participate in Halloween? - Episode 56

In this message you will learn the truth about Halloween. Your questions such as “can Christians participate in Halloween” will be answered. 
10/19/202318 minutes, 49 seconds
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Harvest Time - Episode 55

A prophetic message about the season of harvest that we have entered! Learn God's call for harvesters and what that means for you!
10/17/202358 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Truth About Your Identity - Episode 54

Apostle Kathryn reveals one of the biggest truth's the enemy doesn't want you to know! There are aspects about your identity that the enemy has tried very hard to keep you from seeing. Hear the spiritual truth now and receive freedom as you listen!
10/12/202342 minutes, 56 seconds
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How to See God’s Love Accurately - Episode 53

The most important thing in the world is for you to have revelation of God's love, and to maintain that revelation! This message will open up your spiritual eyes to see God's love for you accurately every single day.
10/10/202353 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Keep the Fire Burning- Episode 52

In this message you will learn how to be on fire for Jesus and maintain your fire, passion and zeal every day. 
10/5/202352 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Secret to what Makes Demons Obey - Episode 51

In this message you will learn what exactly makes demons obey. You will learn how to walk in your authority in Christ properly so that you can be effective in the anointing and demons obey you and leave people.
10/3/202337 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Key to Receive and Maintain Deliverance - Episode 50

As you listen you will learn the spiritual keys to receive deliverance and maintain deliverance. Understanding spiritual principles and applying them releases the spiritual miracle of freedom.
9/28/202341 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Necessity of Spiritual Hunger - Episode 49

To be spiritually hungry for God to move and release His miracles is vital. As you listen you will learn the significance of this spiritual principle and exactly how to have hunger even when you don’t feel it.
9/26/202347 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Importance of Seeing in the Spiritual Realm - Episode 48

In this message you will learn how vital it is that your spiritual eyes open. Your ability to serve God and love well depends on the opening of your spiritual eyes. Your eyes will open as you listen.
9/21/202342 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Restoration of the Five-Fold Ministry - Episode 47

God is restoring the Five-Fold Ministry in the Body of Christ now! In this message you will learn what this will look like and why the Five-Fold Ministry is vital. 
9/19/202344 minutes, 25 seconds
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Obedience is Better than Sacrifice - Episode 46

In 1 Samuel 15:22 it says “obedience is better than sacrifice.” In this message you will learn the meaning of this scripture and the spiritual principle of obedience trumping sacrifice. 
9/14/202337 minutes, 12 seconds
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How to Find Your Purpose - Episode 45

As you listen you will learn how to find your true purpose on this earth!
9/12/202349 minutes, 57 seconds
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Strive to Unite - Episode 44

As you listen you will learn just how important unity is and how you can play a part in bringing unity in the body of Christ.
9/7/202349 minutes, 40 seconds
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Overcoming Persecution - Episode 43

Persecution will come to every true anointed vessel of God, because the enemy is terrified of your anointing and will try to attack. As you listen you will be equipped to overcome all persecution and have victory over the devil’s attacks on your life and ministry.
9/5/202330 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Revival Harvest - 42

The fields are ripe! There have been seeds planted in people, God has caused the seeds to grow and now there is a ripe harvest spiritually in people! As you listen, you will be equipped to be a harvester in God’s revival. 
8/31/202359 minutes, 14 seconds
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How to Keep the Devil from Stealing What You’ve Received - Episode 41

As you listen, you will learn the sneaky tactics of the devil to try to pull you from the place of being equipped, receiving anointing and impartation. You will be equipped to be victorious over the devil’s schemes and the importance of protecting what you have received from God. 
8/29/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds
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’The Cost of the Anointing: Protecting what you have Received’ - Episode 40

As you listen you will learn about the second important part of the cost of the anointing (receiving it upon your life & for ministry): protecting what you have received.
8/25/202349 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Cost of the Anointing - Episode 39

As you listen, you will learn about the first part of the cost of the anointing (receiving it upon your life and for ministry): earnestly valuing the anointing.
8/22/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 30 seconds
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Territories in the Spiritual Realm - Episode 38

In this message you will learn how authority works in the spiritual realm, and how to effectively execute your authority in your domain/territory. The more you understand how the spiritual realm operates, the more you will be effective in destroying the devil's kingdom and advancing God's kingdom.
8/17/202354 minutes, 6 seconds
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No Longer Slaves (Free of Deceit of the Devil) - Episode 37

In some cases, a person has been set free from demons but the devil is now angry that the person is delivered and he is the father of lies. A deceptive way he comes at times is sending lies to people's mind's saying that "there are still more demons, and they are not free yet." In this message you will be delivered from the devil's deception and your spiritual eyes will open to know the truth and be truly free!
8/15/202346 minutes, 13 seconds
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Spiritual ICU - Episode 36

When you are physically sick or injured, your treatment and healing is taken seriously. How much more should your spiritual health be taken! In this message you will learn what it means to take your spiritual health seriously; and you will learn what you need to do to receive full healing and freedom.
8/10/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 47 seconds
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Honoring the Anointing - Episode 35

Learn one of the biggest keys of how to receive the anointing in your life - the importance of honoring the anointing.
8/8/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 41 seconds
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How to Receive Healing - Episode 34

You will learn the keys that access healing from Jesus and you will receive healing as you apply these keys. Expect to receive healing as you listen.
8/3/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to Have a Relationship with God - Episode 33

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on how to have a relationship with God. As you listen, you will learn how to have intimacy and true relationship with God. 
8/1/202350 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Revival Army - Episode 32

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches about God’s Revival Army. As you listen, you will be equipped to be a warrior in God’s Revival army.
7/27/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Power of Gratitude - Episode 31

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on the power of giving thanks. This teaching will open your eyes up to the importance of being grateful, and what will be unlocked in your life as you practice gratitude. 
7/25/20231 hour, 27 seconds
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Revival Army Training: Deliverance Basics - Episode 30

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches about deliverance. As you listen, you will learn about the different aspects of deliverance and your questions about deliverance will be answered. 
7/21/202340 minutes, 22 seconds
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Keys to Receive Deliverance (in Johannesburg, South Africa) - Episode 29

Around 3,000 hungry ones came to encounter Jesus at the Revival is Now Johannesburg, South Africa (November, 2022). As you listen you will learn some keys for how to receive healing and freedom. 
7/17/202344 minutes, 37 seconds
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Simplicity of the Work of God - Episode 28

In this message you will learn how to be from the complexities that religion has brought upon Christians and the work of God & you will learn about the pure simplicity of God's work. You will be freed from the mindset that you aren't qualified enough to be a vessel of God.
7/13/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 44 seconds
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Children of the King - Episode 27

Learn what it means to be children of the King and how to be a royal kingdom of God child. Encounter the power of God and receive healing and deliverance as you listen.
7/11/202354 minutes, 24 seconds
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Loving Your Enemies - Episode 26

Learn how to love your enemies in this episode! What seemed like a difficult task/nearly impossible; will become possible after your learn from this episode!
7/6/202343 minutes, 1 second
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Living by the Spirit - Episode 25

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on how to live by the Spirit; following the leading of the Holy Spirit instead of following your flesh and soul.
7/4/202359 minutes, 34 seconds
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How to Hear Gods Voice - Episode 24

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches how to hear the voice of God! It is a life-changing message that will open your spiritual ears to hear God speaking.
6/30/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 33 seconds
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The End-time Revival - Episode 23

We have entered the Endtime revival. In this prophetic message you will learn about the Endtime revival and the characteristics of it. You’ll learn how to come into alignment with this move of God and be part of His revival. 
6/28/202354 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Principle of Sowing & Reaping Part 2 - Episode 22

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on the principle of Sowing & Reaping; the other parts of sowing, beyond financially.
6/23/202326 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Principle of Sowing & Reaping Part 1 - Episode 21

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on the principle of Sowing & Reaping, specifically when it comes to financial seeds. You will understand the power of your seed after listening!
6/21/202326 minutes, 18 seconds
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Own the Promise - Episode 20

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on how to own the promise (how to claim and keep what God has given you) and how to have victory over the devil's attack to steal your promise.
6/15/202327 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Step into the Promised Land - Episode 19

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on what the prophetic word of 2023 is and how to see it come to pass; how to STEP into the promised land.
6/13/202326 minutes, 9 seconds
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Sleeping in the Storm - Episode 18

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on how to keep your peace and in the spiritual realm "sleep" through the storm.
6/7/202325 minutes, 31 seconds
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Freedom from Demonic Soulties - Episode 17

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on what soulties are; the Godly and the demonic. You will learn how to keep doors shut to demonic soulties and how to be free of demonic soulties if you have one. Receive deliverance from demonic soulties as you listen!
6/5/202321 minutes, 36 seconds
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Maintaining Your Deliverance Part 3 - Episode 16

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on how to maintain your deliverance once you've been set free and how to maintain a free life in general. This is the final part of 'How to Maintain Your Deliverance.'
6/2/202324 minutes, 50 seconds
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Maintaining Your Deliverance Part 2 - Episode 15

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on how to maintain your deliverance once you've been set free and how to maintain a free life in general. This is Part 2 to 'How to Maintain Deliverance.'
5/30/202322 minutes, 48 seconds
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Maintaining Your Deliverance - Episode 14

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on how to maintain your deliverance once you've been set free and how to maintain a free life in general. She will also answer deliverance questions such as "should a person be saved before receiving deliverance/a minister casts out the demon?"
5/25/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Kingdom Government - Episode 13

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches the meaning of the 'Kingdom' of God and how to see the Kingdom of God come fully to the earth.
5/22/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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What Makes Demons Obey - Episode 12

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on what makes demons obey. This teaching will help you to receive deliverance if you need it and will also train you on how to cast out demons.
5/16/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why the Anointing is Vital Part 2 - Episode 11

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches more on why the anointing is VITAL and critical in the church today!
5/13/202323 minutes, 40 seconds
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Why the Anointing is Vital - Episode 10

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on why the anointing is VITAL and critical in the church today!
5/11/202324 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Anointing - Episode 9

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on what the anointing is.
5/9/202326 minutes, 13 seconds
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Open Doors to the Enemy - Episode 8

In this episode Apostle Kathryn Krick teaches on how demons enter (what the open doors actually are). Be equipped to always keep every door shut to the enemy and receive freedom!
5/4/202326 minutes, 16 seconds
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Christians & Demonic Oppression - Episode 7

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on how Christians can be oppressed by demons and how to be set free.
5/2/202325 minutes, 34 seconds
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Freedom from Word Curses - Episode 6

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on how to be free of word curses.
4/28/202326 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Right Way to Pray - Episode 5

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on the right way to pray; in a way that is pleasing to God.
4/26/202323 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Power of your Words - Episode 4

In this episode Apostle Kathryn teaches on how to execute your authority in Christ effectively.
4/20/202325 minutes, 25 seconds
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Authority in Christ - Episode 3

Apostle Kathryn continues to teach in this episode how to access and walk in abundant life through Christ. In this episode she teaches the importance of walking in authority
4/18/202325 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Full Gospel - Episode 2

Many believers have only heard part of the gospel and do not know the extent of the what Jesus has done for them and what is available for them because of His sacrifice. In this episode you will learn about the full gospel and what your inheritance is as a child of God.
4/15/202327 minutes, 6 seconds
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’Revival is Now’ - The Story of how the Revival Began - Episode 1

Learn about the prophetic word 'Revival is Now' and what to expect in this podcast. You will learn how the move of God at 5F Church began and how it spread across the world in such a short amount of time.
4/10/202318 minutes, 51 seconds