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Revival On The Air Today

English, Religion, 1 season, 74 episodes, 1 day, 17 hours, 13 minutes
Testimonies of amazing things God does in people’s lives. Signs, wonders and miracles.
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Jan is healed from OCD

Jan and Steve share their story about Jan's healing from OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). Now, I'm sure you've used the term OCD in your conversations before - I'm a person who likes neatness and order, and I've often joked about having OCD. After listening to Jan and Steve's story, I won't be joking anymore. It's a terribly debilitating disorder, and their story is so might shed a tear as you listen (I did). Just a quick note that this episode includes a lot of discussion about mental ill-health, including suicide, so if this is a trigger for you, you might need to listen to this one at another time. It's an amazing story of God's power to heal us. Enjoy. If you would like to be connected to Jan and Steve (like they offered), please send me an email with your contact details to [email protected]  See for privacy information.
8/18/202433 minutes, 22 seconds
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Barbra and Rose

I want you to imagine kids you know who are around the ages of 11 and 13, maybe they're your kids, or your nieces, or nephews, or grandkids, or neighbours...and now think what life would be like for them if they were left in a house, no parents, to fend for themselves. For years. This is the story of Barbra and Rose, whom you will hear from in this interview. I'm not going to spoil it by going into any details, but this is a heartbreaking, terrifying, but ultimately, wonderful story. If you could see them both today, with their loving families, you would have no idea of their backstory - that's the power of God right there. If you want to see the power of God in your life or want to hear about how God can miraculously heal you from anything you are suffering from, check out our other interviews on our website, or send an email to [email protected], from wherever in the world you are listening. Until next time, God bless.See for privacy information.
5/6/202441 minutes, 53 seconds
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MJ is miraculously changed

MJ shares with us his story of how he grew up in South Africa, in the Apartheid era, before becoming an SAS soldier.  He was just lost in life and decided to become a Mercenary in the French Foreign Legion.  But, before he went, he was led to spend some time in Australia where he was told how God could change his life. And change it He did. God took away MJ's heavy addiction to smoking, changed his thinking about the racial prejudice that was part of his upbringing, and provided him with a family like no other. MJ's favourite scripture Romans 8:28 Until next time, God Bless.  www.revivalontheairtoday.comSee for privacy information.
4/19/202434 minutes, 39 seconds
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Pr Nick is saved after being hit by a car at 80kmh(50mph)

Imagine you are driving along a road at 80kph (50mph), maybe you're doing that right now as you listen to this episode.  Think about how quickly things pass you, maybe your window is down and you can feel the velocity of the wind coming through. Now imagine a cyclist rides straight out in front of you and you have no time to react, swerve, or slow down...and you hit the cyclist. That's exactly what happened to Pr Nick, except he was the cyclist. In this episode, I talk to Pr Nick and Brenda, who recall what happened, his horrific injuries and the amazing things God did. A powerful story. A great scripture from this episode: “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Here are a few links to other interviews that we mentioned in our conversation. Until next time, God Bless.See for privacy information.
2/16/202430 minutes, 12 seconds
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Pr Akuila from Fiji

Womaniser, Smoker, can't see in Pr Akuila today the man he once was. Why?  God changed him.  Miraculously. He shares with us how when he was Spirit-filled and Baptised his life changed - not because of his action, but through God's Spirit.  He had a new found desire to follow Christ, to understand the gospel, and to learn from the elders of his Church. This ultimately led him to start and lead a church fellowship himself as a pastor. It's an inspiring story.  Enjoy. God can change you too!  Contact us via [email protected] or social media, wherever you are in the world (we’re on Instagram and Facebook, search for “Revival On The Air Today”). Until next time, God bless.See for privacy information.
1/19/202430 minutes, 8 seconds
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Rosie is healed from Cancer

Here's a little gift for you today - a wonderful testimony of God's power from Rosie. Rosie talks about how she was healed from Cancer of the cervix.  As a nurse, she had worked in the cancer ward, and she struggled initially with faith in her healing need, but God bestowed upon her the "peace which passeth all understanding" (refer to Philippians 4:7).  There's also a wonderful story from Rosie about the importance of fellowship with other saints.   As you listen, you might hear of an interesting connection between Rosie and Jane, who was also interviewed about miracles in her life - you can find Jane's story here.  God can heal you too!  Contact us via [email protected] or social media, wherever you are in the world (we’re on Instagram and Facebook, search for “Revival On The Air Today”). Until next time, God bless.See for privacy information.
12/25/202325 minutes, 34 seconds
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Craig-Lee's miracle ear

Craig-Lee talks to David about how he was afflicted with cholesteatoma, which can cause significant damage to the ear, and hearing.  In Craig-Lee's case, one of the bones in his inner ear was eroded - and of course, he tells us exactly what God did for him. A great testimony of God's power. Want to know more about how God can perform a miracle for you, or change your life completely? Send us an email via [email protected] . You can also follow us on social media (we’re on Instagram and Facebook, just search for “Revival On The Air Today”). I hope you join us again – until next time, God Bless.See for privacy information.
11/10/202314 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jane's healings from Cataracts, Arthritis & Bursitis

In this episode, we talk to Jane, who shares some remarkable healings from incurable illnesses. Cataracts  Arthritis  Bursitis  We sure do have a gracious God, who can heal us from all manner of disease. "And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick". Matthew 14:14 KJV. Thanks Jane for sharing your story. For more wonderful stories of miracles that have happened to people just like you, head to  Want to know more about how God can change your life?  Save you?  Perform a miracle for you? Send us an email via [email protected] . You can also follow us on social media (we’re on Instagram and Facebook, just search for “Revival On The Air Today”).  See for privacy information.
11/2/202314 minutes, 39 seconds
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Erlita's miracle children

Erlita, from Vancouver in Canada, shares with us the miraculous story of the birth of her son after being told her son wouldn't live (this was after she had already had 5 miscarriages). It brought her to know the true God after she was prayed for by Spirit Filled Christians. She also recounts her amazing healing from Vertigo and Cervical Cancer.   A wonderful listen. This interview was recorded at the Canadian Summer Camp for privacy information.
10/21/202331 minutes, 44 seconds
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Louisa's amazing healings

Louisa, from the Netherlands, tells us of some truly miraculous healings that God has done for her. She was healed of a ganglion on her wrist. Ganglion Cyst of the Wrist and Hand - OrthoInfo - AAOS Her grandchild was healed of autism and epilepsy Louisa was healed of Depression and Psychosis Imagine how different her, and her loved ones, lives would be if God wasn't so gracious. Praise God. For more wonderful stories of miracles that have happened to people just like you, head to See for privacy information.
9/11/202328 minutes, 37 seconds
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God intervenes to bring Zack & Trez together

Meet Zack.  Zack is originally from Fiji, but now resides in Wollongong in Australia. Zack recounts his story of how we met Trez, and the most amazing way God helped them come together as a couple. It's a wonderful example of how, when we try things in our own strength, we often don't get the results we need - but when we completely hand our problems over to God, his glory is evident in the miracles he does for us. This was recorded at the Revival Fellowship International Convention in Adelaide in June 2023. Also listen to Trez's story here.   Proverbs 16:9 “A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.See for privacy information.
7/22/202321 minutes, 1 second
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Cherry's depression is healed by God

Cherry grew up in the Philippines, and like many others, was a Catholic. After moving to Australia, married with small children, she suffered from debilitating depression.  But then, she found the truth and God did what only God can do – He healed her, miraculously. There are several scriptures in the bible which describe what we now call depression.  One of my favourites is Psalm 40:1-2, which King David wrote. 1 (To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.) I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. 2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. That’s the promise right there! Want to know more about how God can change your life?  Save you?  Perform a miracle for you? Send us an email via [email protected] . You can also follow us on social media (we’re on Instagram and Facebook, just search for “Revival On The Air Today”). I hope you join us again – until next time, God Bless.  See for privacy information.
1/19/202323 minutes, 7 seconds
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Multiple miracles for Michele!

Michele’s stories are incredible!   She shares miraculous stories of being healed of: A faulty heart valve Cirrhosis of the liver A broken ankle Near heart failure Kidney disease Amazing!  An inspiring conversation about what God can do…today. Want to know more about how God can change your life?  Save you?  Perform a miracle for you? Send us an email via [email protected] . You can also follow us on social media (we’re on Instagram and Facebook, just search for “Revival On The Air Today”). I hope you join us again – until next time, God Bless. P.s. apologies for the poor audio from me…I made a mistake in the recording, my laptop switched to my headset mic which was sitting on my desk, instead of my good mic without me realising.See for privacy information.
12/2/202225 minutes, 23 seconds
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Nick's paralysis led him to God

When he was 30 years old, Nick was a typical bloke who didn’t believe in God.  He rode & raced motorbikes, worked in the mines, and partied with his mates – he was living a regular guy life.   Then, one day, everything changed.  He was involved in an accident that left him paralysed from the shoulders down.   Nick tells the story of his accident, the impact it had on his life and his investigation into anything & everything that might help him (from Visualisation & Positive Thinking, Reincarnation and going to see the Dalai Lama).  Ultimately, his search led him to investigate how he could have a personal relationship with God.   It’s an inspiring story by an inspiring man.  It’s about heartbreak, triumph and how God can change your life.   Want to know more about how God can change your life?  Save you?  Perform a miracle for you?   Send us an email via [email protected] . You can also follow us on social media (we’re on Instagram and Facebook, just search for “Revival On The Air Today”).   OTHER PODCAST EPISODES MENTIONED: Alicia (Nick’s sister) is healed from Depression for privacy information.
8/23/202243 minutes, 33 seconds
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Noel's near-death cancer miracle

Noel was just hours from death from a very, very aggressive cancer.   Noel and his wife Wendy share their story of cancer that was growing on Noel’s head, so aggressively at one point, that they could see it growing bigger every day.  The cancer ate through his skull into his brain, causing paralysis, and eventually making Noel bedridden, unable to move or speak.    When he was only hours from death, something changed.   If you’ve listened to this podcast before, you know what happens…God steps in a performs a miracle.   I highly recommend you check out the photos we have on our website  (just a warning, they are pretty confronting, but well worth a look).  Maybe hit pause now and look at the photos 1st before you listen to the rest of the episode.   We would love for you to reach out to us if you would like more information about how God can heal you, change you, perform a miracle in your life.  Send us an email via [email protected]. You can also follow us on social media (we’re on Instagram and Facebook, just search for “Revival On The Air Today”).   I hope you join us again – until next time, God Bless.     OTHER PODCAST EPISODES MENTIONED: Pr Ian from Rockhampton   INFORMATION ABOUT NOEL’S CANCER for privacy information.
5/9/202228 minutes, 57 seconds
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Alicia loses her depression medication

Alicia tells of her miraculous healing from depression after losing her medication when she was in Papua New Guinea – medication she had been on for years and years. And frankly, couldn’t do without.  She also talks about how originally, she was afraid to be healed. It’s a wonderful story. Just a quick warning about the content – in our conversation there is mention of depression, suicide and sexual abuse.  We obviously believe in the ability for God to heal all manner of physical, emotional and mental illnesses, however, if you need immediate help regarding suicide or mental ill-health, in Australia you can contact Beyondblue Support Service on 1300 22 4636 or or LifeLine on 13 11 14 or If you are overseas, visit your local health practitioner or emergency department. It doesn’t matter where in the world you are, or how broken your life seems, God CAN change your life. We would love for you to reach out to us if you would like more information about how God can do this, and how you can have love, joy, peace, and purpose in your life. Send us an email via [email protected]. You can also follow us on Social Media (we’re on Instagram and Facebook, just search for Revival On The Air Today). To listen to other recorded podcasts (we have 60 recorded episodes so far), just scroll down the page on your podcast app. OTHER PODCAST EPISODES MENTIONED: Pr Ian from Rockhampton LEADERSHIP CAMP VIDEOS for privacy information.
4/17/202240 minutes, 53 seconds
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Pr Craig drops a car on his head

You are going to love this episode (actually, we love all the episodes – how can you not when you hear of God’s power alive and working in people’s lives, today.  Not just in bible days, but today). Pastor Craig was visiting Adelaide in March 2022 for the Revival Fellowship leadership camp at Carrickalinga. He's a bit of character.  He recounts the story of when he was in his mechanic workshop, a car fell off a jack while he was under it – and the full weight of the car (1.5-2.0 tonnes) fell on his head and body. We won’t spoil the surprise, but you’ve probably guessed by now that God does something miraculous for him. Visit for more episodes.See for privacy information.
4/8/202222 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ben is healed from PTSD, DVT, and snapped ACL

Ben is interviewed by Pastor Peter Moore, where Ben recounts stories of several miraculous healings:: Healing from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Healing from Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Healing from snapped Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) God is so gracious, powerful, and wonderful! More episodes here at or on your favourite podcast app. INJURIES HEALED FROM: SCRIPTURES OTHER PODCASTS REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE for privacy information.
3/26/202243 minutes, 45 seconds
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Pr Peter & an out-of-control truck

Pastor Peter Moore tells his story of being involved in an incident where an out-of-control truck entered a highway rest-stop area where he and his family had just arrived.   It’s a harrowing story, but one which is full of miracles.  Lots of them.   Here’s a link to the news story:   Here are some wonderful scriptures that we talked about in our conversation:   If you want God in your life, to protect you, to heal you, to comfort you, to change you, to save you, please send us an email at [email protected].   Until next time, God Bless.See for privacy information.
11/14/202153 minutes, 47 seconds
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Paddy tells of the love of Fellowship

David Hains interviews Paddy, who came to know God at 60 years old. She tells how God transformed her from a woman who was in such despair at the loss of her parents that she was considering taking her own life, to a new person with an amazing outlook on life.  Paddy talks about the love of her new family of God and being healed of emphysema and asthma. She also mentions a couple of people who’ve we interviewed before about their amazing stories and miracles, Sue Williams and Pr Brian Allen.  You can listen to their testimonies. Just a quick warning about the content.  We obviously believe in the ability for God to heal all manner of physical, emotional, and mental illnesses, however, if you need immediate help regarding suicide or mental health, please contact Beyondblue Support Service via phone on 1300 22 4636 or or contact LifeLine on 13 11 14 or Both of these services are available 24/7.   To find earlier episodes, visit our website, or find them on your favourite podcast app.   If you want God in your life to heal you, to comfort you, to change you, send us an email [email protected].   Until our next episode, God BlessSee for privacy information.
7/1/202130 minutes, 52 seconds
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Adrian was trapped by a bushfire

Have we got an amazing episode for you on Revival On The Air Today.  I talk to Adrian, who I met more than 35 years ago when we both lived in the South East of South Australia (I was in Mount Gambier, Adrian in a little town called Mount Burr about 50kms/30 miles away).   Adrian tells of a notorious bushfire (forest fire) event that happened across South Australia and Victoria in 1983 called Ash Wednesday.  (this is no relation to the event with the same name that some Christians celebrate, not the Revival Fellowship).   Years of severe drought and extreme weather combined to create one of Australia's worst fire days in a century, and within 12 hours of it starting, more than 180 fires were causing widespread destruction across the 2 states. It was the 1st time in South Australia that a state of disaster was declared.   Ash Wednesday saw the largest number of volunteers called to duty from across Australia at the same time—an estimated 130,000 firefighters, defence force personnel, relief workers, and support crews. In Victoria, 47 people died, and 28 died in South Australia. This included 17 volunteer firefighters.  The speed and ferocity of the flames, aided by abundant fuels and a landscape immersed in smoke, made fire suppression and containment impossible. Adrian recounts his personal experience of being a volunteer firefighter on that day.  He was sent out on his own to check on a house & family, and when the fire front approached him, he had nowhere to go.  I won’t spoil the story, but it’s amazing.   Enjoy.  See for privacy information.
6/17/202122 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ged is healed of a stroke in front of the Doctor's eyes

This is a pretty cool story. Ged talks about some truly amazing miracles he has experienced in his life, including the time he was suffering from a stroke and was healed instantly while he was in the hospital. And that's not the only miracle he talks about! If you haven't experienced God's power in your life, you will be truly amazed at what God can do. Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.   Want to know more? Connect with us via email [email protected] or head to our website to listen to other stories of God's power working people today.  Until our next episode, God Bless.See for privacy information.
4/30/202121 minutes, 37 seconds
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Jane's miraculous healing from severe skin condition

Jane shares her struggle through a debilitating skin condition affecting her hands called Pompholyx Eczema. As a mum, it stopped her from being able to do a whole range of things that she would otherwise do - she couldn't even tie her kid's shoelaces.   She talks about how it was so bad, she started drawing comparisons to lepers in the bible. Jane tried all the possible remedies that doctors offered, none of which made any real difference. And then, she handed it over to God....and he sure did come through with an amazing miracle. Luke 7:22 “Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached.”   If you want to know how God can heal you, change you, and give you a new life, feel free to reach out to us via email [email protected] or head to our website to hear other amazing stories of God's power. Until our next episode, God Bless.See for privacy information.
4/14/202125 minutes, 55 seconds
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Pr Jock & Hellen Duncan - Part 3

This is Episode 3 of a 4-part series with Pastor Jock & Hellen Duncan, an amazing story spanning more than 60 years.   To find earlier episodes, visit our website, or find them on your favourite Podcast App.   Until our next episode, God BlessSee for privacy information.
11/29/202057 minutes, 9 seconds
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Pr Jock & Hellen Duncan - Part 2

This is Episode 2 of a 4-part series with Pastor Jock & Hellen Duncan, an amazing story spanning more than 60 years.   To find earlier episodes, visit our website, or find them on your favourite podcast app.   Until our next episode, God BlessSee for privacy information.
11/29/202028 minutes, 3 seconds
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Pr Jock & Hellen Duncan - Part 4

This is our final episode in our 4-part series with Pastor Jock & Hellen Duncan, an amazing story spanning more than 60 years.   To find earlier episodes, visit our website, or find them on your favourite Podcast App.   Until our next episode, God BlessSee for privacy information.
11/29/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 7 seconds
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Pr Jock & Hellen Duncan – Part 1

This is Episode 1 of our 4-part series with Pastor Jock & Hellen Duncan.  Their amazing story, spanning 60 years, includes how they came to know God, the early history of the Revival movement. amazing healings, protection from disastrous circumstances, life transformations – there’s a lot to cover in our conversation. It’s a wonderful story of God’s power alive on our earth today. If you want to find out how God can change your life, email us at [email protected] or head to our website to find out what the Bible says. Until our next episode, God BlessSee for privacy information.
11/20/202047 minutes, 30 seconds
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Bek is protected & healed by God

Bek tells her remarkable stories of the power of prayer for healing and divine protection. From the moment she was born, with the umbilical cord around her neck, to her healing from deep vein thrombosis (DVT), protection from malignant melanomas and divine protection from two car accidents - the most serious of which occurred when she was thrown from a car at only 10 months old and pinned under it in a remote ravine. You will wonder how one individual could be so accident and incident prone, and you will marvel at the power of prayer and the faithfulness of God in answering the prayers of His people. Here’s a verse of scripture for you in Psalm 63:7 from the King Kames Bible: "Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice". Bek certainly is rejoicing today (as is her family) under the protection of our mighty God. Feel free to reach out to us if you’d like to know more about how God can intervene on your behalf and change your life.  Email us [email protected] or head to our website to find out what the Bible says. Until our next episode, God Bless.See for privacy information.
8/9/202033 minutes, 44 seconds
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John & Hetty , miraculous healing from gout and other illnesses

This interview with John & Hetty (a married couple in their 80’s) is a wonderful story. We originally met to interview them about marriage, but we also talked about how they came to know God, amazing miracles that happened to them along the way (including John’s recovery from lung cancer, being set free from his  smoking addiction and miraculous healing of gout)   If you want to hear John & Hetty talk about 64 years of marriage, head over to our other podcast, He Says She Says God Says.   Feel free to reach out to us if you’d like to know more about how God can change your life.  Email us [email protected] or head to our website to find out what the Bible says.   Until our next episode, God Bless.See for privacy information.
7/19/202021 minutes, 24 seconds
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Angelo - from D.J. to Family Man

Angelo, from Melbourne, was visiting Adelaide for our International Convention in June 2019.  Angelo tells how he went from someone who, despite his success & his desire to succeed in the music scene, he felt a huge personal void and a lot of fear that came with this.  But that all changed when he found the bible-based Truth. He then goes on to talk about being healed of severe back pain and being delivered from a terrible, recurring nightmare.  Today Angelo is a loving husband and a father to two beautiful children – something he couldn’t have dreamed possible before he came to know God. For those that haven’t been to an International Convention before, this one was held in the CBD in the Adelaide Convention Centre, over the long weekend.  There were 1670 people in attendance, with 550 from interstate & overseas.  Many came for the week before and stayed the week after (including a number from our Papua New Guinea fellowship).  It was an amazing couple of weeks. The next Convention is in June 2021 and will be held in Sydney.  Start saving your pennies now, it is going to be great!  Stay connected via Instagram or Facebook If you would like God to fill the void that you feel you have in your life, then send me an email at [email protected] or head to our website to find out what the Bible says. Until our next episode, God Bless   References Psalm 139 1 (To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.) O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me. 2 Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. 3 Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. 4 For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether. 5 Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. 7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? 8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. 9 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; 10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. 11 If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. 12 Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. 13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. 14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. 17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! 18 If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee. 19 Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men. 20 For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain. 21 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? 22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies. 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: 24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.See for privacy information.
6/30/202029 minutes, 45 seconds
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Sonny - Max and Tash's miracle IVF baby

Max & Tash share their moving and inspirational story of their IVF journey which led to the birth of their miracle baby, Sonny.    At the very young age of 20, Tash was told she was going into early menopause, and in order to have a biological child, she would need to harvest and freeze her eggs, and enter an IVF program when they were ready to have a child. When Tash was 27, they elected to start the expensive & emotional roller-coaster ride of IVF. It’s a pretty involved process with lots of testing and fertility treatment prior to the harvesting of viable eggs. During the gruelling process, Tash’s faith was often tested, but Max was steadfast in his faith in God, with specific prayers at each step of the process - all of which were answered. The story and miracles continue through Tash’s labour and the birth of their gorgeous Sonny. There’s also a great story in here that is illustrated in Ecclesiastes 4:9 "Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. 10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. 11 Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? 12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken" You too can have access to God’s favour, miracles, blessings, the threefold cord talked about here in Ecclesiastes by being part of His Spirit-filled family of God. For more information, feel free to send us an email on [email protected] or visit You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram. More amazing stories have been recorded for your enjoyment and to build your faith in our great God. Subscribe on your favourite podcast app so you don’t miss any of them. Do join us again....until next time, God Bless. Scriptures Referenced in this Episode Other Resources  See for privacy information.
3/12/202026 minutes, 26 seconds
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Brad is set free from anger and bitterness

During his teens, Brad’s happy nuclear family life was shattered when his mother left very suddenly. Amidst the devastating pain of life in a broken family, Brad became an angry young man and sought refuge from the pain through partying, alcohol and drugs.   Later, Brad met a young lady, Jemma, and eventually attended a church meeting with her. He was drawn to the genuine love that the people there had for each other.   After observing for a few months, Brad got baptized and then received the Holy Spirit, at which time his life was brought out of the darkness. He began to see the beauty in the world again.   As Brad grew spiritually closer to God, the anger and bitterness toward his mum completely left him and he now enjoys a healthy relationship with her and her new husband.   Listen to Brad’s amazing story about his transformation from an angry & bitter man to living a purpose-filled life.   It doesn’t matter where in the world you are, or how broken your life seems, God can change your life.  We would love for you to reach out to us if you would like more information about how to have more love, joy, peace and purpose in your life. Send us an email via [email protected]  or visit  See for privacy information.
2/24/202022 minutes, 25 seconds
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Pr Alan’s friends destroy a $30,000 Marijuana crop after they come to know God

My guest today is Pastor Alan Butler who shares his story of how his attitude to life and his personality has been completely changed by God. Alan was first convicted about the power of God to change people when he discovered his friends had destroyed a $30,000 crop of marijuana after they had “come to the Lord” by being filled with the Holy Spirit. Shortly after, Alan had his own in-filling of the Holy Spirit and knew instantly the Bible was real as lost his taste for drinking, smoking and indulging in illegal activities. In the early days of his journey with God, Alan witnessed two amazing healings involving his wife. Mel was healed of debilitating chronic migraines through prayer and only a few months later was also healed of her severe arthritic shoulder.   This episode of Revival On The Air Today was recorded at our International Convention in Adelaide in June 2019 (that’s the noise you will notice in the background of the interview). Enjoy this wonderful testimony of God’s miraculous power to heal and transform lives.  If you need a miracle healing or want to have your life and attitude transformed please visit or email us on [email protected] Please join us again for more stories of miracles and lives changed!  You can subscribe on your favourite Podcast App or follow us on Instagram or Facebook – just search for Revival On the Air Today. If you would like to listen to other recorded episodes, just scroll down the page or subscribe using your favourite Podcast App.See for privacy information.
2/5/202018 minutes, 26 seconds
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Pr Brian is healed of Glaucoma

Pr Brian from Mt.Gambier tells of his miraculous healing from Glaucoma that confounded his doctor over 40 years ago, along with his wife Anne’s complete healing from being paralysed from the waist down.  He also talks about his travels to Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda, and the many miracles he witnessed there through the power of prayer. It’s a remarkable story. Would you like God to have an impact in your life like he has impacted Pr Brian’s life and those around him?  Send me an email [email protected] or head to our website to find out what the bible says. Until next time, God Bless.   ADELAIDE CONVENTION IN JUNE 2019   ILLNESSES HEALED THIS EPISODE   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE John 9:1-3 Mark 9:21-27   #healedbygod #trflife #miracle #miracles #miraculous #paralysis #whatdoesthebiblesay  #church #Guillain-Barrésyndrome #glaucoma #guillainbarrésyndrome #guillainbarré #whatsyourstory.meSee for privacy information.
11/27/201934 minutes, 43 seconds
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Brendan, once homeless, now happy husband & father of 3

As a teenager, Brendan was living on streets, heavily into alcohol with little hope for a happy life.  That was until a guy he knew was healed from an Ice drug addiction.  Hear how Brendan's life was amazingly changed through God's power.    See for privacy information.
11/21/201934 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ewen & Christine share their story of Ewen's cancer journey

  Ewen and Christine share their inspiring story of how God provided healing, peace and comfort through Ewen’s cancer journey     #trflifeSee for privacy information.
11/13/201950 minutes, 57 seconds
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Pr Chris tells of his transformation from druggie to Pastor.

Hear Pr Chris tell of how God transformed him from a Druggie to a Pastor.  BEFORE:  Time spent in jail, living on a cocktail of alcohol/LSD/Speed/marijuana with no direction in life. NOW: Happily married family man and church Pastor.        See for privacy information.
11/12/201941 minutes, 36 seconds
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Pr John & Janet Kuhlmann (Episode 4)

This is the last episode in our 4-part series with Pr John & Janet Kuhlmann – a fantastic series of conversations about serving God, amazing miracles and the formation of the Revival Fellowship church.   You can find the 1st three episodes here   We have over 40 other stories of people who have had amazing miracles happen to them.  You can find them by subscribing (it’s free!) on your favourite Podcast App or follow us on Instagram / Facebook- just search for Revival On The Air Today.   Until our next episode, God Bless.    See for privacy information.
10/22/201942 minutes, 29 seconds
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Emily tells of God's protection during diabetic Incident

Emily shares her story about how God's protection saved her husband from dying in the middle of the night from a Diabetic Hypoglycaemia incident.     See for privacy information.
10/13/201923 minutes, 56 seconds
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Pr John & Janet Kuhlmann (Episode 3)

Welcome to Part 3 of our Pr John & Janet interview.    In this episode, we continue our discussion on the history of the Revival movement, including: 1. The rapid growth of the Adelaide fellowship during the '70s. 2. The purchase & development of the Carrickalinga Camp 3. Growth of the Revival movement around the world Enjoy.  We have 1 more episode coming in this series, so stay tuned (subscribe for free via your favourite podcast app, or Instagram or Facebook). Feel free to contact us directly and let us know what you think, or to just ask how God can change your life.  [email protected].     OTHER PODCASTS REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE Pr John & Janet - Episode 1 Pr John & Janet - Episode 2See for privacy information.
9/2/201947 minutes, 17 seconds
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Paul is healed of liver cancer

In this episode, I chat with Paul from Hong Kong when he was at our International Convention in Adelaide.  Paul shares his remarkable story of healing & second chances. In his wild university days circa 1998, Paul searched for and was excited to find God when a friend told him about the need to be baptized of both water and the Holy Spirit (which he did).  However, after 7 years, Paul’s faith was still weak, and the lure of a world of fast living pulled him away from his faith and the Church. In 2015, Paul’s world crashed around him when he was diagnosed with liver cancer.  Liver cancer is the fifth most commonly occurring cancer in men and the ninth in women. Statistics and information on liver cancer may be found at and mortality rates at Although he had walked away from God, Paul knew through the Holy Spirit inside that God could heal him. He repented & turned back to God through prayer and fellowship and was miraculously healed of cancer.    Today, Paul is cancer-free and no longer leads the life that saw him involved in seedy business interests. He is appreciative of his renewed health, his God-given peace and a second chance to live a life that is pleasing to God. The story brings to mind a verse in 2 Chronicles 7:14, which speaks of God’s forgiveness and healing grace. All that is required to access a second chance for a better and wholesome life is outlined there: “If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”     If you too, would like to access God’s blessing – whether it is for a healing need, a change in life circumstances or you would like direction on how to find a new life purpose, visit or feel free to contact me via email at [email protected]. I invite you to listen to other recorded episodes of what God has done – just scroll back through all the past episodes on your podcast app (I think we’re nearly around 40 episodes) or on our webpage  You can also find us on Instagram or Facebook. Until our next episode, God Bless #livercancer #Livercancer #beatcancer #crushcancer #miracleHealings #miraclescanhappen #miraclesStillHappen #Healing # HealedByGod #healedbygod #ThankYouJesus  #Lifepurpose #lifepurpose #livewithintention #trflife #godprovides #miracle #miracles #miraculous #church #faithSee for privacy information.
7/18/201919 minutes, 57 seconds
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Pr John & Janet Kuhlmann (Episode 2)

Welcome to Part 2 of our Pr John & Janet series.    In this episode, we discuss a whole lot of topics and history, including:   1. The start of the Revival movement in Adelaide 2. Miraculous healing of their daughter, Christine 3. Spreading the gospel via aeroplane 4. The rapid growth of the Adelaide fellowship during the '70s, and the need to acquire & build new halls. 5. For all of you from small fellowships around the world, you will hear how, when the work in Adelaide started, there was only a very small group - sometimes only a handful of people.   It's a great story.   Enjoy.   Stay tuned for the next episode (Episode 3) by following on your favourite podcast app, or on our Facebook or Instagram accounts.  Want to help others find the podcast?  Comment or Rate Us in your favourite podcast app or on social media.      Feel free to contact us directly and let us know what you think, or to just ask how God can change your life.  [email protected].     OTHER PODCASTS REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE Pr John & Janet - Episode 1         #outreaching #proof #whatdoesthebiblesay? #bibletruth #changedbygod #christianvalues #faith #family #happiness #healing #marriage #morals #prayer #prayerandfasting #protection #savedbygod #speakingintongues #truth #carrickalinga #moonta #Ceduna #revivalfellowship #whatsyourstory #trflife #healedbygod #godprovides #miracle #miracles #miraculous #churchSee for privacy information.
7/8/201952 minutes, 39 seconds
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Sue Williams holds world record as the longest living Dialysis patient

         Our guest for this episode is Sue, who has an amazing story.  Both of Sue's kidneys failed at age 14, and on 27th May 2019, Sue became the longest living person in the world on Dialysis - a world record 50 years!  (Some great photos and articles on our webpage. Sue's life, as you will hear, has not been without its challenges, yet despite long hours attached to a dialysis machine, strict dietary and fluid restrictions, you can hear the joy and gratitude in her voice as she relates her story.  Listen in to hear how with God's hand on her life, the power of His Holy Spirit, and a loving and supportive family of God, Sue has not just survived, but thrived, and lived a full and wonderful life! It is an inspirational story of physical endurance and supernatural mental and emotional strength.  Zechariah 4:6 " ... Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts" Make sure you subscribe via your favourite Podcast app or follow us on Facebook or Instagram - just search for "Revival On The Air Today". If you would like access to this same empowering Holy Spirit and find a loving family of God to be a part of, visit or email us at [email protected]   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE Zechariah 4:6   OTHER RESOURCES     #Dialysis #dialysis #DialysisKeepsMeAlive # dialysiswarrior #staystrong #renal #renaldisease #kidneyfailure #kidneydisease #trflife #godprovides #Familyofgod #Spiritofgod #christianlife #trflife #healedbygod #godprovides #miracle #miracles #miraculous #churchSee for privacy information.
6/24/201927 minutes, 42 seconds
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Pr John & Janet Kuhlmann (Episode 1)

A very special episode of Revival On The Air today.  I interviewed Pastor John Kuhlmann and his wife Janet back in 2018.  It’s special because they have touched the lives of so many people over the years, and even more so because our sister Janet recently fell asleep in the Lord at age 82, after a wonderful life serving the Lord.    Pastor John and Janet’s life story is really all about the history of The Revival movement in Australia. Their story starts in 1922 when Janet’s father decided to move from Scotland to Ceduna in South Australia based on a coin toss.  As a result of that coin toss, 97 years later the word of God is alive and hundreds of thousands of lives have changed for the better.   My own life has been so positively impacted because of their story, the decisions they made and the direction the Lord had for them, and I am sure many of you listening will feel the same. We’ve split their testimonies into a number of episodes, each packed with amazing adventures, healings, miracles, overcoming challenges, and the history of the revival that grew from a small country town to a worldwide fellowship in over 35 countries. Stay tuned for the next episode by following/subscribing on your favourite podcast app, or on our Facebook or Instagram accounts. Would love to get your feedback, comments, ratings…..either do this in your favourite podcast app, on social media or send an email to us [email protected]   Scriptures Referenced II Corinthians 6:14  Ephesians 4:3  II Chronicles 20:15  Genesis 2:7, 21-25 Genesis 1:27    HYMN - Oh for a Thousand Tongues Oh, for a thousand tongues to singMy great Redeemer's praiseThe glories of my God and KingThe triumphs of His grace My gracious Master and my GodAssist me to proclaimTo spread through all the earth abroadThe honors of Thy name Jesus, the name that charms our fearsThat bids our sorrows cease'Tis music in the sinner's ears'Tis life and health and peace He breaks the power of canceled sinHe sets the prisoners freeHis blood can make the foulest cleanHis blood availed for meHear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumbYour loosened tongues employYe blind, behold your Savior comeAnd leap, ye lame, for joy Other Episodes referenced Pr Chris tells of his transformation from druggie to pastor  Stephan & Zsuzsa’s marriage was healed by God  Pr Chris & Monika from Hungary recount a brain tumour healing & other miracles  Ben healed of drug addiction and receives undeniable proof of god’s existence      #outreaching #proof #whatdoesthebiblesay? #bibletruth #changedbygod #christianvalues #faith #family #happiness #healing #marriage #morals #prayer #prayerandfasting #protection #savedbygod #speakingintongues #truth #carrickalinga #moonta #Ceduna #revivalfellowship #whatsyourstory #trflife #healedbygod #godprovides #miracle #miracles #miraculous #churchSee for privacy information.
6/16/201946 minutes, 2 seconds
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Alison is healed of Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia

Alison shares her fascinating story of how she was miraculously healed of Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Nervosa, along with depression and other health issues associated with her eating disorders. According to the NEDC (National Eating Disorders Collaboration), about 16% of Australians are affected by eating disorders and they have a higher rate of mortality than the general population. Alison’s problems started at age 14 and continued until age 26, despite seeking medical intervention.  She tells of her experience of receiving the Holy Spirit, and how at that moment, she felt instantly different, going from the pit of despair to feeling happy and being healed of her eating disorders. Today, Alison is a mother and a grandmother, and she thanks God for “putting her back together, giving her life back and providing purpose and direction.” Feel free to listen to other recorded episodes of amazing healings and other stories of lives changed by God: Just scroll down the page to find them.  You can subscribe on your favourite Podcast app or follow us on Instagram / Facebook- just search for Revival On The Air Today. Like Alison, you too can let your past go!  If you would like to know more about how you can access these miracles and have your life renewed and transformed, visit or send me an email: [email protected] Until our next episode, God Bless.   #bulimiarecovery #bulimianervosa #bulimianervosarecovery #bulimiaquotes #bulimiafree #bulimiarecocery #bulimiagoaway #bulimianoressia #anorexia #anorexiarecovery #anorexianervosa #anorexianervosarecovery #anorexiafighter #anorexiawarrior #anorexiarecover #anorexiafight #anorexiaproblems #anorexiasucks #anorexiawin #anorexiarecovering #anorexiaquotes #anorexiaproblem #anorexiarelapse #anorexiasurvivor #AnorexiaNervosaRecovering #trflife #healedbygod #godprovides #miracle #miracles #miraculous #church See for privacy information.
6/3/201946 minutes, 14 seconds
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Pr Godfrey from PNG & how a church of 100,000+ people was started

Pr Godfrey from Papua New Guinea (PNG) was recently in Adelaide, and I was fortunate enough to be able to grab some of his time for him to tell his story of how he came to know God personally, of some amazing miracles and of how the Revival work started in PNG - from the beginning with just him and his family, to now over 100,000 people fellowshipping right across PNG. It’s an inspiring tale…with lots of encouragement for us all in there. Make sure you like & share so that we can spread even further the good news of what God is doing in people’s lives.  We’re on Instagram, Facebook and all the major podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Stitcher etc.  If your life lacks the power that Pr Godfrey talks about, please visit for more info.   Originally published July 2017    See for privacy information.
5/15/201953 minutes, 58 seconds
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Jason healed of a torn heart

New Zealand-born, Spirit-filled Christian, Jason is confronted by extreme chest pain which a month later was diagnosed as a tear in the pericardium heart lining. The pain was severe enough to prevent Jason from working in his building job, and it started placing a financial burden on his wife and son. This episode explores the ups and downs of Jason’s unbelievable heart condition and the amazing faith he had in God to heal him, and the result is truly staggering.   Would you like God to change your life like He changed Jason’s?  Send me an email at [email protected] or head to our website to find out what the Bible says.   #healedbygod #trflife #godprovides #miracle #miracles #miraculous #building #family #marriage #church #tornheart # pericardium #chestpain #faith #newzealand #bendigo #heartcondition #outreachingSee for privacy information.
4/16/201932 minutes, 5 seconds
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Pr Sammy Mwanzia from Kenya

This is an episode from the Archives…sort of.  I recorded this one back in 2018, but the quality of the recording was so poor that it’s taken a long time to rescue it.  It’s worth the wait though.   I interview Pr Sammy Mwanzia from Kenya, who was visiting Australia.   I have an interesting connection to Pr Sammy – I grew up in a country town in South Australia called Mt Gambier, and a brother from Mt Gambier, Bob Hutton, travelled back to where he was born in Kenya…..and witnessed to Pr Sammy (who wasn’t a Pastor then).   It’s amazing how God’s truth travels around the world !   Coming from a “Christian” background, Pr Sammy had visited many churches, but finally saw the Truth being preached, just as it was in the Bible.  He has a great story to tell of how God has changed and blessed both his life and the lives of many other people in Kenya and other parts of Africa.   It doesn’t matter where in the world you are, God can change your life.  I’d love for you to reach out via email to [email protected] or head to our website to find out what the bible says.   Don’t forget about our upcoming convention in Adelaide in June 2019.  You can find details here   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE Isaiah 40:31 Psalm 119:24 Mark 16:16       OTHER REFERENCES IN THIS EPISODE Episode 31 – Pr Brian from Mt Gambier and his healing from Glaucoma   #truth #bibletruth #prayer #speakingintongues #church #savedbygod #faith #healing #miracle #miracles #violence #changedbygod #trflife #whatdoesthebiblesay #africa #kenya   9cQ1GuqFW1SYhGUj3KEYSee for privacy information.
3/14/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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Danny & Mandi’s grandson is healed of Asplenia

This episode features Danny and Mandi, a married couple who came from such different backgrounds when they met as teenagers.    Danny had a fiery temper that was fueled from a violent, alcohol infused upbringing, while Mandi was taught good Christian values from a young age.  Many years later they live a happily married life that would not have lasted if it wasn’t for prayer and trusting in God.    They also share the amazing testimony of their grandson Kelani, whose Doctors told his parents he would be born without a spleen along with other life threatening issues including significant heart problems. Kelani, now aged 13, leads a confident, healthy life, thankful for what God has done for him.   Their story teaches us that we need to let God fight our battles rather than use our own methods, despite the adversity that we may feel from the circumstances before us – we read this in the scriptures often, but when we do it,.  It is truly amazing what God can do   Would you like God to have an impact in your life like he has in Danny, Mandi’s and Kelani’s?  Then send me an email [email protected] or head to our website to find out what the bible says.   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE John 14:20 Galatians 6:10 II Corinthians 9:15 1 Corinthians 14:22-31     OTHER REFERENCES IN THIS EPISODE   Stephan and Zsuzsa’s marriage healed by God   Blue Baby Syndrome   #bluebabysyndrome #asplenia #prayer #anger #alcohol #church #savedbygod #marriage #trustinhim #faith #healing #strong #miracle #violence #changedbygod #drugs #morals #christianvalues #battles #trflife #whatdoesthebiblesaySee for privacy information.
3/6/201945 minutes, 39 seconds
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Pr Chris & Monika from Hungary recount a brain tumour healing & other miracles

  Pr Chris from our Hungary fellowship, and his wife Monika, tell their story, which started when Chris, as a young Spirit Filled Christian, moved to Hungary and met Monika, who came from a communist background – how was that ever going to work without God’s intervention? Today, many years later, they have been involved in building a great fellowship in Hungary and have a great bond through the Holy Spirit.  Monika tells of how she was healed from a brain tumour, amongst a few other miracles they recount. If you can make it happen on your next visit to Europe, drop in to see them in Budapest – they would love it and you’ll have a fantastic time.   You can contact them via (you might need click on Google Translate if you can’t read Hungarian).  You can also find them on Instagram @feleledesi_kozpont Sorry about the audio quality of this episode….it was an earlier one I recorded back in early 2018, and it’s taken a while to try and rescue the audio. Thanks for listening, and until our next episode, God Bless LINK TO CONVENTION IN ADELAIDE IN JUNE 2019   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE Revelations 3:16 James 4:17 1 Corinthians 14:22-31 Acts 10:44-48   #communism  #brainttumour #brainttumor #Gratefulness #divorce #marriagehealed #healing #miracle See for privacy information.
1/20/201938 minutes, 54 seconds
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"Squid" & Beth tell of crippling Anxiety & an amazing healing

Squid (real name Michael) & his wife Beth tell their amazing story of how Squid was healed of Anxiety that was so severe at one point that he couldn’t leave his house for months, and it affected his physical body to the point where his limbs would lock up and he couldn’t move. We hear Beth talk about how, despite him suffering from this since before they were married and for a number of years after, she never lost faith that God would heal him. And that’s exactly what God did. This episode is so incredibly powerful, and a must listen - to not only learn about the depths of suffering that anxiety, depression and mental illness can cause, but of the amazing Grace & Love that God brings and His amazing Healing Power. Their story embodies the power of sharing our testimonies with each other.  Why not share this episode, or the podcast in general, with people you know?  Who knows how it will inspire others to take hold of God's promises and their victory. There’s a couple of references to scriptures in the bible, links below. John 5:1-9 1 Corinthians 14:22-31 Would you like God to change your life like he changed Squid & Beth’s? Send us an email [email protected] or head to our website to find out what the bible says. We obviously believe in the ability for God to heal all manner of physical, emotional and mental illnesses, however if you need immediate help regarding mental health, in Australia contact Beyondblue Support Service via phone on 1300 22 4636 or, or contact LifeLine on 13 11 14 or  If you are not in Australia then please see your general practitioner, local mental health service or your local hospital emergency department.   #healedbygod #trflife #godprovides #miracle #miracles #miraculous #anxiety #depression #mentalillness #whatdoesthebiblesay? #marriage #church #insicknessandinhealth #forbetterorworseSee for privacy information.
1/17/201950 minutes, 9 seconds
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Jenny & Chris (Part 2) - Chris finds the truth & the bus trip of miracles

If you didn’t catch our last episode (episode 27), this is Part 2 of the interview I did with Jenny & Chris and I highly recommend you hit the pause button and go a listen to Part 1. In this episode you’ll hear from Chris who talks about how she used to attend a powerless church and realised that just making a decision for Christ isn’t enough – you actually have to act on Acts 2:38 (see what I did there?).  Chris & Jenny then finish up our interview about how a recent bus trip around NZ turned into a healing evangelist trip.  There’s no stopping them – they are a formidable force when they get together! If you’re listening to this and want to know how you can experience the miracles that God promises you in the Bible?  Visit or send me an email to me [email protected] (I love responding to emails). Until next time, God bless.   #church #powerlesschurch #healedbygod #trflife #godprovides #miracle #miracles #miraculous #grief #bustripSee for privacy information.
1/1/201919 minutes, 14 seconds
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Jenny & Chris (Part 1) - Jenny is healed miraculously of a stroke

We’ve had a bit of a break over the last few months, but we’ve got some great episodes coming up for you over the next few months – so, stay tuned. This episode is from when I recently interviewed two ladies, Jenny and Chris from Adelaide, who are great friends and who’ve both had some pretty amazing things happen in their lives. I’ve split the interview over two episodes.  In this episode we hear mostly from Jenny, and boy, does she have something to tell! Such as being miraculously healed from a stroke before the doctor's very eyes, of being healed instantly of grief that had plagued her for 15 years, and of her husband surviving & recovering from his plane crashing at 380kms per hour! If you want to know how your life can be changed by God just like Jenny’s has been, then jump onto our website, or send me an email at [email protected] (I love responding to emails). Until next time, God bless.   Scriptures Referenced in this episode  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18     #planecrash #stroke #healedbygod #trflife #godprovides #miracle #miracles #miraculous #griefSee for privacy information.
12/30/201823 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jasmine navigates her parents' divorce & other teenage challenges

Jasmine is our guest in this episode, a young lady who had to navigate her parents' divorce, stand up to a non-believing parent and make tough but right choices before she could really commit to following God.    What I love about her story is that it really does embody the concept that we are just one decision away from a totally different life. Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Make sure you subscribe on your favourite Podcast app so that you don’t miss any episodes.  You can also follow us on Instagram – just search for “Revival On The Air Today”. Interested in a new life?  Want to know how you can experience the miracles that are promised to you in the Bible?  Visit   #anxiety #divorce #choices #lifechoices #trflife #godprovides #teenager  See for privacy information.
10/2/201826 minutes, 45 seconds
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Pr Michael & Liz are descendants of "Job"

In this episode I talk to Pr Michael and Liz from Canberra.  Their story is remarkable – so much so that I reckon they are descendants of Job from the Old Testament….drug addiction, being told you have 12 weeks to live, marriage breakdown, multiple healings, endometriosis, bankruptcy.…but God has been there right alongside them the whole way through. Matthew 6:31 #drugaddiction #healing #bankruptcy #trflife #provision #marriageSee for privacy information.
8/21/201836 minutes, 27 seconds
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Cheryl, from suicidal thoughts to New Life

A SUPER SPECIAL guest on this episode on the Podcast…..My Mum, Cheryl. I hold an amazing amount of respect for my Mum…and when you listen to her story you will understand why.  Mum’s story covers a lot - a complete life transformation, miraculous healing, deliverance from suicidal thoughts, and an amazing miracle that sounds a little like it belongs back in Egypt with the plagues & the Children of Israel. It’s pretty cool stuff. Just a quick warning about the content.  There’s a section when suicide is referenced.  We obviously believe in the ability for God to heal all manner of physical, emotional and mental illnesses, however if you need immediate help regarding suicide or mental health, please contact your local mental health support service, or Beyondblue Support Service 1300 22 4636, or LifeLine on 13 11 14  Both these services are available 24/7. #suicide #bikerlife #plague #locust #trflife #kids #domesticviolence #healing #depression #prayer #holyspirit #baptismSee for privacy information.
7/21/201831 minutes, 13 seconds
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Trez, from living with her boyfriend at age 14 to being a daughter of God

In this episode, Trez tells her story of how, at age 14, she had moved out of home and was living with her boyfriend in an abusive relationship.  14?  I am sure there will be many parents listening to this that can’t imagine this for their child.   Fortunately for Trez, someone told her how God was real and she now leads a completely different, happy life with God and the love of the fellowship. This episode was recorded at NYC, where our brother Dan Frost ran a workshop for our young people on social media.  He asked the question “What Would Jesus Do with Social Media?” which prompts us to consider how we can use it to spread the Good News.   Why not share this podcast with others using your social media platform? #trflife #changedlives #goodnews #domesticviolence See for privacy information.
6/17/201835 minutes, 45 seconds
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Brad is healed from Depression

I recorded this episode at National Youngies Camp - I had just finished interviewing Hayley (whose testimony you can listen to back in episode 20) and Brad from Sydney walked past.  We got talking, and within about 5 minutes he was sat at the outdoor table with a microphone in his face and we were discussing his testimony with the record button on!  I was sooo glad to bump into him, because he has a great story to tell.  He came from a background that involved marijuana, depression, mental illness, suicidal thoughts, and a constant searching for the truth.  Now?  Well, you'll have to listen to hear what God has done in his life.    #mentalillness #depression #trflife #marijuana #truthSee for privacy information.
6/2/201824 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ian tells us straight about hypocrisy in churches today & how God transformed his life

You are going to love this episode.  Ian from Rockhampton in QLD tells us his story, in the most Australian, straight-down-the-line way possible.  He tried so hard to find the truth in many, many churches so that his rough, drug & alcohol-fuelled life could be changed - but all he found was hypocrisy.  Until one day.......  God can change your life too  Subscribe to this Podcast on your favourite Podcast App, or visit  #trflife #alcohol #drugs #hypocrisy   PS - apologies the audio isn't as good as normal (my error when recording). PPS - Ian has since been appointed as a Pastor in Rockhampton.See for privacy information.
5/26/201828 minutes, 6 seconds
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Hayley tells of the importance of the family of God

This episode is a first in a series of interviews I did at the National Youngies Camp, held in a gorgeous part of NSW called Stanwell Tops about an hour or so south of Sydney. For those that haven’t been to National Youngies Camp (NYC), it’s a long weekend event (which has been running for 18 years) for the youth within our fellowship (ranging in age from 16 through to around mid 30’s…..or for those who are youthful at heart like me!).  There were youngies from every part of Australia there (& even NZ).   I have to say I’ve never had a more inspiring weekend.  I was in awe of the love the young people had for God, for each other and with such an intense desire to learn about his word and how to bring his word to life.  It was truly amazing.  If you want to listen to the talks from NYC, you can find them here: First up from NYC we have Hayley.  Hayley hails from the Gold Coast, who at the age of 14, was searching for truth.  She had a desire to serve the one true God, the right way, and was able to find how to do this, encouraged by her new family of God. You will hear a very inspiring story of how God can change a life.  If you want to know how he can change yours, visit or send me an email at [email protected] Until our next episode, God Bless. #trflife  See for privacy information.
5/19/201828 minutes, 52 seconds
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Tara is healed from Coeliac disease

  In this episode we have our guest interviewer, Simon, talking to Tara.  Tara tells of a very tough time in her life, but after she weathered that storm she was healed miraculously from Coeliac disease. I want to share some information from Coeliac Australia on the condition. “In people with coeliac disease the immune system reacts abnormally to gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats), causing small bowel damage….. The tiny, finger-like projections which line the bowel become inflamed and flattened and reduces the surface area of the bowel available for nutrient absorption, which can lead to various gastrointestinal symptoms. Symptoms can also be caused by inflammation in other parts of the body. What are the long term risks of undiagnosed and untreated coeliac disease? The long term consequences of untreated coeliac disease are related to chronic systemic inflammation, poor nutrition and malabsorption of nutrients” Can coeliac disease be cured? People with coeliac disease remain sensitive to gluten throughout their life, so in this sense they are never cured. However, a strict gluten free diet does allow the condition to be managed effectively. A strict, lifelong gluten free diet is currently the only recognised medical treatment for coeliac disease. By removing the cause of the disease, a gluten free diet allows the small bowel lining to heal and symptoms to resolve. As long as the gluten free diet is strictly adhered to, problems arising from coeliac disease should not return. Relapse occurs if gluten is reintroduced into the diet"   Obviously, the above information doesn’t take into consideration the wonderful grace and healing power of our God. If you want to know more about how God can miraculously heal you visit or you can send us an email at [email protected] Thanks for listening, and until next time…..God Bless  See for privacy information.
5/13/201832 minutes, 10 seconds
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Chris tells how he was healed from drugs & mental illness

  In our latest episode, we have our guest host, Simon, interviewing Chris from WA.  You’re going to hear an amazing story from Chris…who today is no longer dealing with drugs, homelessness or the severity of mental illness he was suffering.  God has transformed his life. If you want to know more about how God can deliver you from your illness, how He can transform your life and how you can come to experience the proof that is in the bible, visit or you can send us an email at [email protected]. Thanks for listening, and until next time…..God Bless #trflifeSee for privacy information.
5/3/201836 minutes, 10 seconds
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Dan from Medway UK, healed of fractured vertebrae

In this episode we have a guest host, Simon from Western Australia. Simon interviews Dan from our Medway fellowship in the UK. Dan tells how he was healed of a fractured vertebrae, which, until he was healed by God, caused him serious agony/pain, especially given he did a physical job as a plumber. He also talks of an incident that many of us never want to experience – a major incident on a plane when he was travelling to Australia.Happy listening. #trflife  See for privacy information.
4/15/201832 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ben from North London, healed of drugs, paranoia & anxiety

  Ben was a young guy, who despite his best efforts to give up a life addicted to drugs, just couldn't.  Struggling with paranoia and anxiety, all that changed when he came to know God.  Make sure you subscribe on your favourite Podcast App so you don't miss any episodes.   You can also find us on: Instagram @revivalontheairtoday @therevivalfellowship #trflife  See for privacy information.
3/14/201830 minutes, 9 seconds
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Alec turned from God to a life of drugs & violence..but God brought him back

God's grace is so encompassing.  We all experience this when we receive the Holy Spirit, but sometimes we forget how amazing it is.  Alec's experience of turning his back on God, wandering around in the mire this world, and then being reconnected with his faith shows us that God WILL be there for us - we just need to turn to him. Make sure you subscribe on your favourite Podcast App so you don't miss any episodes.   You can also find us on: Instagram @revivalontheairtoday @therevivalfellowshipSee for privacy information.
3/6/201833 minutes, 49 seconds
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Stephan & Zsuzsa's marriage was healed by God

  With divorce rates in Switzerland averaging between 40-50%, Stephan and Zsuzsa's marriage outlook didn't look good.  They had tried almost everything to resolve their marriage - until God came into their life and provided a miracle for them.  It's a fantastic story.   Find us on: Instagram @revivalontheairtoday @therevivalfellowship  See for privacy information.
2/28/201825 minutes, 37 seconds
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Dan's son, Noah, had a stroke when only 1 week old

Imagine this.  You and your wife are blessed with a newborn son.  Then, when he's only a week old, he suffers a stroke.  Dan, from North London, shares his son's story and of God's amazing healing power.   Find us on: Instagram @revivalontheairtoday @therevivalfellowship  See for privacy information.
2/5/201856 minutes, 58 seconds
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Graham tells how God brought him through his cancer diagnosis

  Cancer affects many, many people today.  Graham was diagnosed with Stage 3 bowel cancer in 2013, and shares with us his story of what  God did to bring him through.   Find us on: Instagram @revivalontheairtoday @therevivalfellowship  See for privacy information.
1/23/201836 minutes, 6 seconds
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Two Englishmen, Ryan and Brian, talk about some remarkable miracles

Hear Brian tell his amazing story, which includes his daughter healed from a broken arm and a man he prayed for healed from cancer!          See for privacy information.
11/14/201739 minutes, 25 seconds
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Liz & Louise tell us of the miracles they saw during their Papua New Guinea visit

Liz and Louise share with us the miracles they saw during their Papua New Guinea visit.  Hear how miracles are seen in PNG on the scale outlined in the New Testament.  An amazing story, in an amazing country, an amazing God.  The picture below is of a man who was healed of his blindness after 40 years....     See for privacy information.
10/30/201739 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ryan on being healed as a child and a life lived with God

Ryan's story starts when he was a baby.  Instantly healed from a lung condition at 6 months old, Ryan has grown up knowing the power of God.                See for privacy information.
10/24/201723 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ben healed of drug addiction and receives undeniable proof of God's existence

Ben read stories of Jesus Christ in the Bible when he was a kid, but couldn't see how that matched with what he saw in religion today.  One day he bumped into someone he knew, who had been instantly healed of a heroin addiction by the power of Jesus Christ.  Ben thought that if Jesus was working today, then that was the proof he needed of the existence of God. She didn't try to sell him her ideas on religion, but she had a real confidence in Jesus Christ, and said to Ben to go to God, and ask for the proof he needed.     Ben went down to the beach that night, and, while he was praying, he simply said to God that he wanted the truth, in whatever form it was in. Ben instantly received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, a miracle written in the Bible, and experienced by the followers of Christ.  In that moment of time, Ben knew the presence of God, of Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. He went to a Revival Fellowship meeting 2 days later and got baptised under the water just as they all did back in Bible days. That was in 1979, and Ben's life was instantly freed from drugs & violence.  Each day since has been an amazing journey of discovery into God's ways and His incredible grace and love.See for privacy information.
10/10/201728 minutes, 8 seconds
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Angie and the miracle healing of her son Isaac

Angie shares her testimony of her miracle son Isaac, and his miraculous healing by God from his life-threatening illness. -Central Sleep Apnoea -Leigh's Disease   See for privacy information.
9/29/201723 minutes, 20 seconds
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Welcome to “Revival On the Air Today”. The main aim of this podcast is to share with you testimonies of amazing things that God is doing in people’s lives. My name is Ben Campbell.  I am a part of the Adelaide Revival Fellowship (which in turn is part of the worldwide Revival Fellowship).  We’re a Christian faith that simply follows Jesus, and believes based on our experience following Gods Word that His power is alive and working today.  We believe healings and miracles happen today just like they did when Jesus and the disciples were around (& as we read in the New Testament).  We believe in the message of Salvation as recorded in the book of Acts - Repentance, Baptism by Full Immersion and receiving the Holy Spirit with signs following (like Speaking in Tongues). Nothing added, nothing taken away. On this podcast we will be interviewing people who have been healed, who have experienced miracles, and whose lives have been dramatically changed – not by what they’ve done, but through God’s power.   I hope you enjoy as much as I do hearing testimonies from all over the world about how God is still working in people’s lives today – and that His words are just as relevant for you and I today as they were 2000 years ago. Enjoy, and God bless. BEN www.therevivalfellowship.comSee for privacy information.
9/29/20171 minute, 54 seconds