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Revive Our Hearts

English, Religion, 1 season, 675 episodes
Are you a woman who wants to know God and live life His way? If so, Revive Our Hearts can help you. The host, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, has an incredible passion and love for Jesus Christ and for women. Listen in to this nationally syndicated radio program heard each weekday on nearly 1,000 radio station outlets as Nancy interviews guests and teaches directly from God's Word. This is more than just a program--get ready for a personal, counter-cultural revolution in your heart and home!
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Adorned, Ep. 9

Mary Kassian says true change begins when you surrender your mind—your thinking—to the Lord.
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Adorned, Ep. 8

Could you live without your phone? Is it the first thing you look at when you wake up? The first thing you look at before you go to bed? Could you be addicted?
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Adorned, Ep. 7

Dámaris Carbaugh defines “slander” and helps you evaluate whether your life could be slandering the Lord.
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Adorned, Ep. 6

Everything you do matters, and you can do it as your worship to the Lord. Mary Kassian shows how to make every moment count.
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Adorned, Ep. 5

When you’ve been in a race a very long time, it’s easy to slow down and lose intensity. Susan Hunt encourages us to continue investing in others.
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Can I Be Your Spiritual Mom? Mary’s Story

Mary McKee never knew what it was like to have a close relationship with her mom. She longed for an older woman to invest in her life. God met that need.
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Adorned, Ep. 4

Susan Hunt knows she’s on the last leg of life’s journey. But she wants to stay engaged in God’s will to the very end.
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Adorned, Ep. 3

Would you want to drink a glass filled with waste? Wouldn’t you want it to be pure? Developing pure thinking is just as important as drinking pure water.
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Adorned, Ep 2

Nancy says you need spiritual mothers in your life, spiritual sisters, and spiritual daughters. She’ll help you recognize who God may want you to connect with.
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Adorned, Ep. 1

Titus 2 tells older women to teach younger women. Have you ever been in that kind of mentoring relationship? A group of women introduce Titus 2.
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Lessons from Unanswered Prayer, Ep. 2

Dr. Katie McCoy helps us look at five women in the Bible whose prayers went unanswered for long periods of time.
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Lessons From Unanswered Prayer, Ep. 1

If it’s ever felt like your prayers were just bouncing off the ceiling, guess what? You’re not the only one who’s ever felt that way.
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How to Study the Word, with Kay Arthur, Ep. 2

Kay Arthur says faith is not really faith until it's tested. Kay's facing some great testing. Find out how she gains strength through the Bible.
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How to Study the Word, with Kay Arthur, Ep. 1

Plenty of people read the Bible without making it central to their lives. Kay Arthur calls it reading just enough to stay out of trouble.
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Stop Striving for the Next Big Thing, with Kelly Needham

If you’ve ever been told to “chase your dreams,” this episode of Grounded is for you. Guest Kelly Needham will help you think biblically about living out your p
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Learning to Love God’s Word

Kelly Needham says a regular intake of the Bible will have a wonderful effect on your soul.
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Don’t Give Up on That Modeling Career

When you’ve been in a race a very long time, it’s easy to slow down and lose intensity. Susan Hunt encourages us to continue investing in others.
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Wise Choices in Singleness, Ep. 2

You and I make commitments all the time. Some are more important—weightier—than others. Nancy gives several key commitments she made in her years as a single.
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Wise Choices in Singleness, Ep. 1

There are blessings and challenges related to being single. Nancy helps you embrace the rewards and the difficulties as she shows you three wise choices.
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To Be Praised, Ep. 17

When you are convicted by a difficult passage of Scripture, you can reject it. Or you can grit your teeth to determine to obey. But there’s a third way.
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To Be Praised, Ep. 16

Many serve behind the scenes, getting very little recognition. Maybe you need to thank some behind-the-scenes people in your life.
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To Be Praised, Ep. 15

Proverbs 31 tells us that a wise woman looks well to the ways of her household. Nancy gives us several ways moms can do this.
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To Be Praised, Ep. 14

Nancy says women have great power through the words they say. She helps you avoid tearing others down through your words and, instead, how to build them up.
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To Be Praised, Ep. 13

It’s so easy to face the future with worry, fear, or anxiety. But the Lord is calling you to trust Him and face the future with joy.
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To Be Praised, Ep. 12

What do you fear the most? Proverbs 31 tells us about a woman who laughs at the time to come without fear. Nancy helps you become that kind of a woman.
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To Be Praised, Ep. 11

Nancy helps show you how to encourage children to be clothed in the righteousness of Christ. Help your family prepare for the future.
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To Be Praised, Ep. 10

The Bible calls us to work hard with our hands, but we’re also called to serve with pure hearts.
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To Be Praised, Ep. 9

Do you feel like you have enough strength and energy for the tasks you’re facing today? If not, Nancy says that’s an opportunity.
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To Be Praised, Ep. 8

When you make wise financial decisions, it not only makes your life easier, it also gives God glory and lets you serve Him more effectively.
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To Be Praised, Ep. 7

When you provide and prepare food for your household, do you know you are doing something important?
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To Be Praised, Ep. 6

God isn’t only interested in your prayer and Bible reading. He cares about the practical, hard work you do. Nancy shows you why God values hard work.
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To Be Praised, Ep. 5

Almost every wife wants to do good to her husband. Nancy explores Proverbs 31 to help wives understand how to do that.
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To Be Praised, Ep. 4

Do you ever feel intimidated when you read about the wife of noble character in Proverbs chapter 31?
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To Be Praised, Ep. 3

A young prince to rule his kingdom one day was told to beware of drinking alcohol. Does that mean we should heed that same advice?
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To Be Praised, Ep. 2

How can you teach your children solid truth about gender and sexuality when so many voices are offering unbiblical ideas? Nancy helps you train your children.
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To Be Praised, Ep 1

Like it or not, you and I are teachers—teachers of the next generation.
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The Challenges of Leadership

If you’ve ever led a Bible study or a class at your church, you know there are all sorts of challenges facing ministry leaders.
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Loving God's Word, Ep. 4

Kelly Needham says that even though reading the Word of God is like finding treasure, we won’t always see that treasure in the moment.
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Loving God's Word, with Kelly Needham, Ep. 3

Do you ever have questions about what the Bible says? We'll talk about what to do when you’re confused or have questions.
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Loving God's Word, with Kelly Needham, Ep. 2

Reading the Bible is like searching for priceless treasure. But there are some basics that will help you know where and how to look.
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Loving God's Word, with Kelly Needham, Ep. 1

Kelly Needham shares how you can grow your spiritual appetite. Increase your hunger for the Word of God.
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Loving Those In the Margins

Karen Ellis shows us the high value of serving, loving, and empowering the widow and the orphan.
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The Heart of Compassion

The poor and needy are all around us. God sees them and moves toward them, not away from them.
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Compassionate Hope with Al & Susan Henson, Ep. 2

Your brothers and sisters in Christ are facing intense pressure to be quiet about their faith. You’ll hear some of their stories and discover God's provision.
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Compassionate Hope with Al & Susan Henson, Ep. 1

A follower of Jesus was being persecuted in a prison in Southeast Asia. This awakened in Al Henson a desire to get involved.
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Joy in the Midst of Chronic Pain

You might live with constant, chronic, excruciating pain . . . all the time! Glenna Marshall shares how she’s found joy in the midst of chronic pain.
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep. 9

No matter how many good programs a church has in place, it still needs revival. This is the force that gives life to the Body of Christ.
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep. 8

At a wedding everyone loves it when the bride appears. Nancy shows the Church as the Bride.
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep. 7

When you see the pain in the world and the sin in your own heart, do you ever just slow down and weep?
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A Time to Weep

We usually pray that God would take away our tears. But Nancy points out that positive tears precede revival.
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep. 5

Some of us would rather stay in captivity than have the freedom of obedience because to obey God can be hard.
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep. 4

What’s the best way to let the world know what your church is doing? The answer has nothing to do with hiring a PR firm!
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The Cry of the Captives (Psalm 126), Ep. 3

When’s the last time you wept in church? You’ve probably cried tears of joy, but what about tears of repentance?
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep. 2

Almost everyone has good intentions. We all want to change the world for good.
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep. 1

Almost everyone has good intentions. We all want to change the world for good, but without God’s help we can do nothing.
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A Lifestyle of Compassion, Ep. 5

Our compassion flows from God’s love to us, outward to others. A group of women share the practical implications of compassion in action.
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A Lifestyle of Compassion, Ep. 4

Have you ever found yourself showing compassion, giving and giving, and suddenly you realize that there’s something unhealthy about the relationship?
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A Lifestyle of Compassion, Ep. 3

If you knew Jesus needed something to eat, you’d probably bend over backwards to help Him out. Nicole Furno explores a powerful parable Jesus told.
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A Lifestyle of Compassion, Ep. 2

Showing compassion takes humility. What exactly does that mean? Erika VanHaitsma explains and reminds us of the Lord’s unconditional compassion.
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The Shocking CoA Lifestyle of Compassion, Ep. 1

If you’ve been hurt by someone, the last thing you might think of is to show that person compassion. But that’s what God does with us, over and over.
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Commiting to Trust

Your crisis can be a sacrifice to the Lord. Karen Loritts gave God control over a crisis in her life. But then she kept trying to take it back.
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Committing to Trust

Your crisis can be a sacrifice to the Lord. Karen Loritts gave God control over a crisis in her life. But then she kept trying to take it back.
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A True Woman Learns to Trust, Ep. 1

What circumstances threaten your trust? After someone caused great pain to her family, Karen Loritts wanted to lash out in anger and hurt someone.
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Three Radical Reasons to Radically Forgive

When you’ve been hurt, it can be hard to forgive. Erin Davis helps you understand both why and how you should forgive.
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God Makes Himself Known

As a believer in Jesus, what picture are you giving others of Him? Nancy says they don’t need to see a “goody–two–shoes.” They need something far better.
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Praying for a Prodigal Child, Ep. 2

Four friends once carried a bed to the top of a house. That action has a lot to teach us about prayer. Find out why when guest Fern Nichols joins Nancy.
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Praying for a Prodigal Child, Ep. 1

When a child turns from truths he's always known, it breaks a parent’s heart. Learn how to pray for a prodigal.
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A Man’s Hunger for the Word

The editor of the CSB Men’s Daily Bible, Robert Wolgemuth, shares ideas on ways women can help their men spend more time in the Word.
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The Most Important Place on Earth, Ep. 2

Nancy & Robert Wolgemuth will help you know how to make your home more like a theme park where everyone in a home is treated special.
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The Most Important Place on Earth, Ep. 1

Robert Wolgemuth will help you value your family for the priceless people they are. He’ll show how to make your family members know they’re valued.
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Seeing the Bigger Picture, Ep. 2

Nancy helps you anticipate ups and downs in life by keeping your eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith.
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Seeing the Bigger Picture, Ep. 1

There are pages and chapters in our lives that just don’t make sense. Nancy will show you how these tragic chapters can lead to a truly happy ending.
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Holy Sexuality, Ep. 3

The devil would love nothing better than to confuse and twist and pervert our thinking when it comes to gender and sexuality.
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Holy Sexuality, Ep. 2

Have you ever heard, “Oh, we just need to love each other!”? Dr. Christopher Yuan explains that loving others is a good thing, but it’s not the ultimate thing.
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Holy Sexuality, Ep. 1

It’s common to hear people say they “identify” as something or other. Dr. Christopher Yuan thinks we’re too casual with the concept of identity.
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he Prodigal Son’s Return, with Christopher and Angela Yuan, Ep. 2

God met Christopher in the darkest places. Hear about the story of his transformation and his mother’s faithful prayers.
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he Prodigal Son’s Return, with Christopher and Angela Yuan, Ep. 1

After Angela Yuan’s son, Christopher, embraced a gay lifestyle, she began to pray. Hear about God’s faithfulness even when the situation seems hopeless.
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Serving with Pure Motives

Every time you serve others, it’s an opportunity for temptation. Are you serving so you’ll get recognition or thanks? Learn how to serve with a pure heart.
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How to Be Great, Ep. 3

Do you have a biblical definition of greatness? Think about this: Do you treat servers in restaurants with respect? How about those with little education?
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How to Be Great, Ep. 2

It seems like everyone wants to measure their influence today, but Jesus invites you to embrace a different kind of influence.
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How to be Great, Ep. 1

It seems like everyone is concerned about their status, popularity, and influence. Jesus turned the world’s idea of greatness upside down.
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Rescued from Despair: Christy Hubbard’s Story

Can someone who loves Jesus become so depressed that she’d consider taking her own life? Christy Hubbard says, yes, it’s very possible. Her story is ultimately
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When Women Serve Other Women, Ep. 2

Nancy points out a huge need for women to mentor and disciple other women. She explains how to get past obstacles and how to begin.
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When Women Serve Other Women, Ep. 1

Do you ever feel powerless to serve people in need around you? Nancy shows where to get the power you need and why your involvement is so important.
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Healing in Community, Ep. 2

If you’ve ever felt like you were lost—wandering in a barren place—you understand what it’s like to hurt and be in need of God’s healing touch.
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Healing in Community, Ep. 1

Counselor and author Dr. Juli Slattery joins Erin Davis to give us pointers on ways we can help those God brings across our paths.
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The Highest Calling

Acting out of a servant’s heart can get old. How do you continue to serve?
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Developing a Servant’s Heart, Ep. 5

Believers long to hear the words, "Well done good and faithful servant." Learn why the things you do today could affect your likelihood of hearing this.
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Developing a Servant’s Heart, Ep. 4

If you’re serving today in order to receive credit or praise, maybe you’re not really serving.
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Developing a Servant’s Heart, Ep. 3

It’s always good to serve others, right? Not if you’re serving for the wrong reasons. Discover the pitfalls you need to watch for when it comes to serving.
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Developing a Servant’s Heart, Ep. 2

A good waiter or waitress doesn’t focus on his or her own needs, but on others. The same is true for anyone who wants to effectively serve.
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Developing a Servant’s Heart, Ep. 1

Think of how many times you hear the word "service" in a day.
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Coworkers with God

If you’re a follower of Jesus, the Bible uses many word pictures and analogies to describe you. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explores two.
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A Spiritual Legacy, Ep. 2

Jani Ortlund explains how to have a long-range view toward investing in coming generations.
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A Spiritual Legacy, Ep. 1

Do you have a long-term vision for those your life will influence? Jani Ortlund has a long-term vision. She tells us why she’s thinking 200 years down the road.
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Becoming a More Effective Servant, Ep. 3

It seems like everyone is interested in power, from kids playing superheroes to business people trying to climb a corporate ladder.
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Becoming a More Effective Servant, Ep. 2

Wisdom comes with age, right? Nancy says that's sometimes true, but you don’t have to get older to gain wisdom—you can actively pursue it.
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Becoming a More Effective Servant, Ep. 1

When a full cup gets jostled, whatever’s in the cup spills out. In the same way when you’re jostled, what comes out tells you what is filling you up.
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Hospitality and the Gospel, Ep. 2

Amanda Kassian shares four important lessons we can learn from the Good Samaritan that shape gospel-centered hospitality.
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Hospitality and the Gospel, Ep. 1

What’s keeping you from reaching out to others with the love of God? There are some true hindrances to real hospitality. Amanda Kassian shares them.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 15

The folks in Kesha Griffin’s church are practicing a kind of corporate hospitality for a needy family in their community.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 14

When you practice hospitality, for whom do you do it? Is it for yourself? For your friends? Or for the Lord? Nancy would answer by saying, “Yes!” to all.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 13

Having an attitude of hospitality works itself out in a number of practical, thoughtful ways.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 12

If you feel like you can’t afford to be hospitable, it may be that your conception of what hospitality is needs some adjustment.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 11

Having an attitude of hospitality is far more important than a Pinterest-worthy home. Find out how God can use your hospitality to encourage others.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 10

Who can you extend hospitality to? This includes both people you know, and people you don’t know well.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 9

Does the thought of serving others through your hospitality excite you? Nancy says it should. She talks about being a cheerful giver.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 8

The most amazing display of hospitality in the Bible happened within 24 hours of Jesus’ death on the cross. See His incredible hospitality in the upper room.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 7

Jesus was always giving to others. He healed, He taught, and . . . He also cooked. Wouldn’t it be incredible to eat a meal that had been prepared by Jesus?
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 6

But we can still learn some important lessons from Abraham and Sarah's cheerful hospitality.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 5

Hospitality can be a long-term arrangement. Christie Erwin tells how her family has shown hospitality for the long haul through adoption and foster care.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 4

Stacy knows individuals who fled for their lives. Find out how she’s showing the love of God to Afghans through hospitality.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 3

Nancy shows us that hospitality has more to do with simply showing God’s love than an immaculate house and a delicious banquet.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 2

Can you think of how your kindness to someone else might offer them a picture of the gospel? Nancy shows us how hospitality can point people to Jesus.
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep. 1

If you took a quiz right now, where would you rate yourself on the hospitality scale? Nancy helps us see why hospitality isn’t optional.
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep. 7

No matter what you’re facing, there’s no greater source of hope than the coming return of Christ. Nancy will explore His promise to come back, today.
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep. 6

Once Jesus ascended to heaven, what did He begin doing? What is He doing now? Nancy will show you that Christ is busy interceding for you.
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep. 5

Forty days after being raised from the dead, Jesus ascended to heaven. Most churches don’t make a big deal of this event. Did it really matter?
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep. 4

When you've been traveling for a long time, aren't you eager to get home? After the resurrection Jesus was probably eager to return to heaven, but He stayed.
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep. 3

We know Jesus died so we can be forgiven from sin. But why was He raised from the dead? What significance does the life of Jesus have for you?
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep. 2

On Good Friday, Nancy invites you to saturate your mind with God’s Word. Mark the events of this day by listening to many scriptural passages.
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep. 1

When Jesus died on the cross, many graves opened and saints came back to life. What do you make of this miracle? Why did it happen?
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Incomparable: The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep. 7

Death has caused great fear for generations. But there is one sure way to escape the fear of death. Discover it today.
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Incomparable: The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep. 6

What was the single greatest word ever uttered in the history of mankind? Nancy says that word was proclaimed by Jesus on the cross.
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Incomparable: The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep 5

"I thirst." It sounds like a simple request. But when Jesus uttered these words on the cross, it was a profound statement.
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Incomparable: The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep. 4

Thousands of people were crucified each year in Rome during the time of Jesus, so the physical suffering He went through wasn’t unheard of.
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The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep. 3

As Jesus suffered on the cross, He took time for a very practical matter. He made provision for a widow who was about to lose her firstborn son.
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Incomparable: The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep. 2

Do you ever struggle with doubts over where you’ll be when you die? Nancy offers encouragement to anyone who needs that assurance.
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Incomparable: The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep. 1

Historians tell us that Roman crucifixion was so painful that those being executed would often curse and scream. In light of this Jesus' words have more impact.
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Incomparable: The Saving Work of Christ, Ep. 4

Do you ever feel lost in the attempt to be good? That you’re supposed to work harder but are getting tired out? Nancy will share the solution today.
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Incomparable: The Saving Work of Christ, Ep. 3

How do you react when someone accuses you of something? Most people defend themselves. But when He was accused, the response of Jesus was silence.
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Incomparable: The Saving Work of Christ, Ep. 2

What was the greatest miscarriage of justice in the history of the world? You’ve probably read about the incident.
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Incomparable: The Saving Work of Christ, Ep. 1

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus agonized in prayer. Why did He approach His upcoming trial with such anguish?
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 20

If you study the life of Jesus, you may be surprised at how often He prayed. Find out all you can learn about prayer from the life of Jesus.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 19

The book of Matthew includes an intriguing line. "Jesus and His disciples sung a hymn before He headed out to be betrayed." How could Jesus sing then?
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 18

The ancient world didn't think well of humility. In fact, in Greek and Latin, there wasn't even a word that adequately captured the Christian ideal of humility.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 17

The greatest teacher of all time had no seminary training or advanced degrees. In fact, He was trained as a carpenter. Yet His teaching never grows obsolete.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 16

Have you ever heard Jesus referred to as a prophet? When you get into the mindset of the people in Jesus' day, you'll understand why His role was so important.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 15

The gospels tell of an incident on a mountain. The clothing of Jesus began to shine and His glory was revealed. Why was that moment so significant?
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 14

Do you believe Jesus sinned? Research shows that a surprisingly large amount of people don’t believe in the sinlessness of Christ.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 13

How could Jesus be both human and divine? How did the divinity and the humanity mix? It’s a question that’s been discussed for centuries.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 12

When you see depictions of Jesus in paintings and films, do you ever notice that He comes across wimpy? Consider the Bible's description of Jesus.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 11

"The little Lord Jesus no crying He makes." This idea shows up in a popular Christmas carol, but it’s probably not true. Nancy paints a different picture.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 10

Was Jesus truly God? Does it really matter? Nancy says that if Jesus were not God, all of Christianity would fall apart.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 9

You’re alone in a barren wilderness surrounded by wild animals. You haven’t eaten in forty days. Do you think you’d be vulnerable to temptation?
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 8

Jesus was perfect and didn't need to show any repentance. So why did He need to be baptized? Nancy will explore the baptism of Jesus and show its importance.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 7

For years, Jesus spent His time as a tradesman. He was a blue-collar worker. His life shows that hard work can be sanctified when done to God's glory.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 6

How do you impart wisdom to a teenager? Nancy will show you how by looking at the life of Jesus. Explore what we know about the adolescence of Christ.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 5

How much do we know about Jesus’ childhood? Not much was recorded in Scripture. But if you reflect carefully on what we do know, you’ll gain perspective.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 4

What is the most amazing miracle ever performed in this universe? Is it the resurrection? The creation itself? Nancy shares the most amazing miracle, today.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 3

When biographers begin to tell a person’s story, they usually begin with birth. But the story of Jesus begins far before the events in Bethlehem.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 2

What is true beauty? Poets have tackled this question for centuries. Scientists have even gotten into the discussion recently. But there is only one source.
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep. 1

There is no one else like Jesus. That may seem like a simple statement, but in today’s world, it sounds radical. Find out why Jesus claimed to be unique.
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Love Thy Body, Ep. 2

You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. That’s according to the Bible. Author and speaker Nancy Pearcey helps us see the value of our bodies and how scie
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Love Thy Body, Ep. 1

Many today are confused about life and sexuality. Nancy Pearcey traces much of the confusion back to an underlying worldview—a faulty worldview.
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Be Still, Ep. 7

God loves us and keeps His promises toward us even when we don’t deserve it.
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Be Still, Ep. 6

William Cowper was prone to bouts of severe depression and even tried to take his life. Yet the Lord used him to write a hymn we still sing today.
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Be Still, Ep. 5

Live today in light of that certain hope we have that the day is coming when we will be freed from sinning.
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Be Still, Ep. 4

Louisa watched as her husband tried to save a drowning child. As the child resisted his help, Louisa watched him drown as well. She then wrote a hymn.
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Be Still, Ep. 3

Everything you own comes from God. Learn what a life fully devoted to the Lord looks like day by day.
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Be Still, Ep. 2

When everything is going well, anybody can seem to have peace, but that’s no test. The test is when the storms and trials of life kick up the flames.
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Be Still, Ep. 1

When’s the last time you slowed down and just were still before the Lord? Nancy shows you why you need those seasons of being still to calm your heart.
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 8

When Rosalie Elliott heard the gospel and responded, she was excited to share her faith with her husband, but he wasn’t interested.
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 7

The choices you make today will matter one thousand years from now.
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 6

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could read a book, hear a speaker, or go on a retreat and instantly become godly?
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 5

What do you look forward to in 2024? Are you looking forward to trials? No one hopes for trials and difficulties, but everyone should expect them.
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 4

Virtue. Does that word sound boring? Biblical writers used it to describe something strong and dynamic.
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 3

Everyone who begins a new diet or exercise routine understands the need for discipline.
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 2

Almost everyone tries to develop new habits and make improvements at the beginning of a new year. But by the time March rolls around, most are forgotten.
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Adding to Your Faith. Ep. 1

If you knew your days were numbered, what would you say to those you love before it was too late? One of the apostles was in that situation.
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Beauty for Ashes, with Martha Schaale, Ep. 2

As an adult Martha Schaale still felt the sting of abuse that she had suffered as a child. It caused her to keep her distance from an important relationship.
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Beauty for Ashes, with Martha Schaale, Ep. 1

Martha Schaale was trying to keep her sin private, but she made friends with a godly woman who stirred up some deep emotions.
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Journey for the Heart, Ep. 3

Let’s face it. Your life, my life—never goes the way we think it should. Elizabeth Mitchell helps us keep our focus where it needs to be: on Jesus.
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Journey for the Heart, Ep. 2

Do you remember what Job did after he lost his children, his wealth, and his health? He worshiped. Elizabeth Mitchell helps us know how to grieve well.
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Journey for the Heart, Ep, 1

When Elizabeth Mitchell’s son James was born, he had some serious heart problems. It launched Elizabeth on what she refers to as “a journey for the heart.”
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The Secret to Being Fruitful, Ep. 2

Think about how you’d like to grow in your walk with the Lord this year. What kind of fruit do you want to bear?
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The Secret to Being Fruitful, Ep. 1

If you’re ever tempted to believe God could never use you, Dannah Gresh helps you combat that lie with the truth of God's Word.
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You Ep. 8

In a rapidly changing world, when you hear news of crisis after crisis, is anything stable?
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You Ep. 7

When you eat, you grow less hungry, right? The opposite thing happens when you read the Bible. The more you partake of God’s Word, the more you want.
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You Ep. 6

Nancy shares that when you read the Bible, you become responsible to do what it says.
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You, Ep. 5

There are many helpful Bible study tools on the market, but Nancy shares that one of the best tools is already right in your drawer.
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You, Ep. 4

We all need well-balanced diets. As we begin a new year, many people have made the resolution to eat healthier. But we also need well-balanced spiritual diet.
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You, Ep. 3

In an era of social media and technology, you probably take in volumes of information very quickly. But there are times to stop and savor what you read.
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You, Ep. 2

Do you understand what you read in the Bible? There is One Person who can help you get more out of your reading than anyone else.
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You, Ep. 1

What do you do with junk mail? You probably throw most of it away unopened. But when you get a letter from someone you love, you can't wait open it.
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God Is in the Remodeling Business

If you’ve survived a home remodeling project, you’ll identify with what Nancy says. She turns the idea of remodeling into a metaphor for the Christian life.
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God Is at Work in the Next Generation

In Ps. 145 one generation is called to pass on the wondrous works of God to the next. We will hear some of the ways that generational investment is happening.
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Trusting God with Cancer, Ep. 2

Sometimes the battle against disease doesn’t go the way we want it to. Dawn Wilson talks about the temptations she’s faced when treatments have disappointed.
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Trusting God with Cancer, Ep. 1

Could you trust God to write your story, even if you heard a dreaded diagnosis? Dawn Wilson is in the middle of cancer treatments.
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The Birth of the Savior, Christ the Lord

It’s a story that never gets old. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reads from the New Testament accounts of the birth of Jesus.
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Unto You Is Born This Day, Ep. 3

When Jesus was born, a grand worship service broke out. The focus of that worship experience was where it should be—giving glory to God in the highest.
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Unto You Is Born This Day, Ep. 2

Out of all the people in the world, why did God send His good news of great joy to shepherds? Nancy has some fascinating ideas about why God may have done that.
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Unto You Is Born This Day, Ep. 1

When Jesus was born, Caesar Augustus was considered the most powerful person on the planet. But Nancy will show you why he was just a pawn in God’s plan.
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Making Christmas More Meaningful, Ep. 3

Do you get swept up in busyness that you can’t enjoy the Christmas season? Learn how to approach the holidays purposefully, creating meaningful traditions.
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Making Christmas More Meaningful, Ep. 2

Almost everyone faces worries at Christmas. Parents might worry that their kids are too materialistic. Widows may be spending their first season alone.
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Making Christmas More Meaningful, Ep. 1

Does it ever feel like the Christmas season gets away from you? Like you’re so busy doing what everyone else wants that you don’t have time to celebrate?
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Learning to Trust God After Abuse, Ep. 2

When your journey includes being the victim of someone else’s selfishness and sin, it can feel like your world has completely fallen apart.
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Learning to Trust God after Abuse, Ep. 1

How can a young woman learn to trust God or others when she’s suffered abuse by her own father? Ashley Gibson shares her journey.
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Meet Mariah, Ep. 2

How should parents respond when their son or daughter lives in rebellion against God? Brent and Lisa Halvorsen share the story of a daughter rescued by God.
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Meet Mariah, Ep. 1

Here’s a true statement: everybody is thirsty. A young woman named Mariah shares how she looked for satisfaction in the wrong places before Jesus saved her.
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Thriving in Every Season, Ep. 5

Young or old, your growth is important to God. He wants you to thrive in every season of your life.
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Thriving in Every Season, Ep. 4

Where are you planted? I’m not talking about where you live. Are you growing, not taller, but more godly? Are you thriving spiritually?
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Thriving in Every Season, Ep. 3

When are you most tempted to doubt that God is on His throne? Nancy turns our attention to Psalm 92 to help us fight our fears and doubts.
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Thriving in Every Season Ep. 2

When something “consumes” you, all your thoughts are focused on that one thing. How long has it been since you were consumed with the with the works of God.
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Thriving in Every Season, Ep. 1

We’ll explore why the psalmist says, “It is good to give thanks to the Lord.
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How to Have a Fruitful Life, Ep. 2

It would be strange to walk up to an apple tree only to find a nasty, shriveled up, moldy lemon! The fruit your life produces comes from what’s inside.
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How to Have a Fruitful Life, Ep. 1

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains what a fruitful life looks like.
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The Privilege of Suffering for Christ

Most people wouldn’t describe suffering as a “privilege.” But when the late Dr. Helen Roseveare followed God’s calling, she was grateful.
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The Beauty of Generosity

What can you do when you want to meet a need and help build God's kingdom but you just don't have the funds to give? Hear about women who asked God to provide.
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Giving Sacrificially

Imagine how God might use you to advance His kingdom if you really gave sacrificially. That’s something Dave and Jeannette Cooke have experienced first hand.
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 10

What will you be doing the day after Thanksgiving? Shopping? Avoiding the stores at all costs? Nancy and a group of women will be continuing to thank the Lord.
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 9

When we truly believe God’s steadfast love endures forever, it affects all of life. We’ll hear thanksgiving praise from women who have benefited from Psalm 136.
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 8

Families often thank God before they eat their meals. That can be an effective way to remind ourselves of our dependence on Him.
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 7

Can you imagine how hard it would be to feed all the people and animals in the world every day? That’s something God does all the time.
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His Love Is Forever, Ep.. 6

When God makes promises, we don’t have to question whether or not He’ll follow through. Nancy takes us back to Psalm 136 to show us His complete faithfulness.
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 5

Have you ever thought about how we can see God’s love reflected in His people?
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 4

God’s creation is meant to point us to Him, the Creator.
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 3

Nancy will show you how the wonders of God’s creation show us His goodness and love.
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 2

There’s a promise in the Bible that affects your perspective on any circumstance in life— no matter how difficult it may seem.
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 1

Repetition can be frustrating. Unless it’s really helpful.
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Lies Boys Believe, Ep. 3

Are you ever tempted to think that living for Jesus is boring? Jason and Erin Davis will help you embrace God’s calling on your life as a grand adventure.
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Lies Boys Believe, Ep. 2

God tells His people to treasure His commands. He says, “Impress them on your children. Erin and Jason Davis will help you know how to do that in your home.
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Lies Boys Believe, Ep. 1

How can a parent raise sons when any display of masculinity might be interpreted as toxic masculinity? How do you teach boys to be who God created them to be?
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Under His Wings, Ep. 2

The Bible describes God like a mother hen who protects her chicks under her wings. Are you going to God for that kind of protection?
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Under His Wings, Ep. 1

Think about the most refreshing place you’ve been. Even that can’t compare with the peace that comes from living under the wings of God.
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Cultivating Contentment, Ep. 3

Melissa Kruger helps us fight covetousness and cultivate hearts of contentment.
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Cultivating Contentment, Ep. 2

What character defect, what sin would be the most opposite of contentment? Melissa Kruger explains.
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Cultivating Contentment, Ep. 1

Experienced mountain climbers understand this: they need to know the lay of the land before they tackle a tough climb. Scale to new heights in contentment.
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Anchored to the Word

When the wind and waves batter a boat, it’s key for it to stay anchored to something solid. Various speakers from True Woman '22 share their thoughts on anchori
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Jesus on Every Page

What advice would you give to someone who wants to lead others in a Bible study? Asheritah Ciuciu answers that question.
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Serving God’s Purpose in Your Generation, Ep. 2

How many times have you said something like this? “I’ll do it when I get around to it.” Well, we need to not procrastinate when it comes to serving God.
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Serving God’s Purpose in Your Generation, Ep. 1

Here’s an interesting question. Whom or what do you serve? You are serving something. Kim Cash Tate will help us learn some lessons about serving God.
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Revive Us Again

Who needs revival? According to Nancy, you do. And I do. She takes us to Psalm 85, where the psalmist prays, “Revive us again, Lord.”
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Grace: Apply Liberally!

If you were dying of thirst, would you rather drink from a tiny Dixie cup or from an unlimited stream of pure water?
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Suffering: An Avenue for Grace

The trials you and I face threaten to undo us, to overwhelm us. Sarah Walton shows us how to have the same attitude about our suffering that Paul did.
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Churches in Revelation: What This Church Needs, Ep. 3

The church is facing challenges from the outside and problems from the inside. Do you ever feel like giving up?
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Churches in Revelation: What This Church Needs, Ep. 2

Walk through any Christian bookstore and you will find critiques of the church’s activity and theology. How do we discern the real church.
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Churches in Revelation: What This Church Needs, Ep. 1

It seems like everyone has an opinion about problems in the church. Nancy says only one opinion truly matters. What does Jesus think?
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 10

Jesus is the greatest overcomer who ever walked the earth. But the victory He won looked backward in the world’s eyes.
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 9

People will fill your ears with empty promises, but God has the power to carry out everything He says He will do.
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The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 8

Is there some habit or temptation you’d like to conquer? Look to the example of the ultimate conqueror, Jesus.
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The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 7

The Bible says we will reign with Christ. What does that mean? Hear about the amazing invitation you have to sit with Jesus on His throne.
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 6

Repentance sounds like a negative word to today’s ears. Nancy says there actually is great joy and hope in repentance.
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The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 5

Jesus told a lukewarm church that He wanted to spit them out of His mouth. That’s a very serious pronouncement.
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 4

Jesus had a special message to church members who were blind, naked, and poor. He told them to buy some items from Him.
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 3

Over the last year we’ve witnessed the crumble of many institutions. They looked strong, but suddenly were threatened with bankruptcy.
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 2

The Bible tells us that certain behaviors make Jesus so upset that He wants to spit. It sounds surprising, but it's true.
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 1

Jesus is referred to as the firstborn. Does that mean there was a time before Jesus existed? It’s an important question.
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 9

Do you find yourself thinking of the Second Coming of Christ as a mysterious event far off into the future?
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 8

If you feel weak and powerless, God wants to display His strength through you, not just now but forever.
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 7

Jesus is coming soon. So what are we supposed to do while we wait for Him? Nancy describes the attitude and behavior of those who are hoping for His return.
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 6

When you’ve been apart from someone you love, you count the days until you can see them again. Do you feel that type of longing for the return of Christ?
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 5

In the first century Jesus said, "I am coming back soon." That was over 2,000 years ago. Has Jesus failed to deliver that promise?
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 4

The book of Revelation describes a great tribulation, and hours have been spent debating it.
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 3

Plenty of people are trying to gain power through political influence, money, or popularity. But do these channels truly provide power?
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 2

Who carries the keys to your church? The pastor or custodian? Get to know the One who truly holds the key to the church.
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 1

When someone hands you their keys, they are giving you authority and responsibility. Jesus holds some important keys.
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Joining a Multitude of Believers

Do you ever feel outnumbered? That you are the only one in your church or family serving the Lord faithfully? Nancy will give you a lot of help.
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Sardis: Wake Up, Ep. 4

If you have been faithfully serving God in a struggling church, don’t be discouraged. Nancy provides hope for you and your church.
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Sardis: Wake Up, Ep. 3

We so easily use the phrase "the Word of God" to describe the Bible. Do you realize how incredible that phrase really is?
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Sardis: Wake Up, Ep. 2

It’s possible for a church to look good on the outside, involved in a variety of activities and programs, and still be spiritually dead.
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Sardis: Wake Up, Ep. 1

You can be decent, hardworking, well-liked—and spiritually dead. Hear about Christ’s call to wake up.
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Inviting Heaven to Rule in Your Mind

How can we dwell on the Lord Most High? Dannah Gresh says the key is reminding ourselves of who God is and resting in His faithfulness.
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep. 7

Jesus refers to Himself as the morning star. It’s a star that appears when the night is almost over. What does this mean for you?
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep. 6

Do you ever feel alone making biblical decisions while most people around you go with the flow of culture? Gain encouragement today.
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep. 5

When God acts as judge, He is never unjust. His judgment follows mercy that has been refused. Gain a clear understanding of God’s justice.
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep. 4

How do children learn discernment? Do they need to experience the latest books, movies, and music in order to judge them?
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep. 3

Say your child wants to see a particular movie and tells you it’s okay since all the kids at church have seen it. Can you trust that?
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep. 2

What’s more important in a church--truth or love? Nancy says most churches emphasize one or the other, but we need to balance both.
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep. 1

Jesus is a model of meekness and humility, but that’s only half the picture. Nancy will introduce you to a powerful Jesus.
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Pergamum: Compromising Truth, Ep. 5

If you remain faithful to biblical truth, the book of Revelation promises some rewards. They are hidden manna and a white stone.
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Pergamum: Compromising Truth, Ep. 4

When the Bible describes God as being "jealous," do you find that confusing? Nancy explains how a loving and holy God can be jealous.
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Pergamum: Compromising Truth, Ep. 3

When sin is allowed to flourish in the church, two groups of people need to repent: those committing the sin and those tolerating it.
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Pergamum: Compromising Truth, Ep. 2

Imagine the devastation of a wife whose husband has been unfaithful. That’s the type of grief we should all feel when we are unfaithful to God.
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Pergamum: Compromising Truth, Ep. 1

Obedience to God is not like paying federal income taxes. There are no exemptions and no deductions. God gives you the grace to obey.
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Smyrna: Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep. 7

Is it possible to be a follower of Jesus and avoid suffering? Nancy says no. Find out why.
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Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep. 6

Do your neighbors know that you are ready to suffer for Christ? When they do, you are making a powerful statement.
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Smyrna: Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep. 5

How can you prepare your children for suffering and persecution?
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Smyrna: Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep. 4

If you are suffering through some tough issue today, you might be ready to see God in a new way.
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Smyrna: Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep. 3

Suffering has a limit. God won’t allow more than is needed for your good and His glory. If you feel like you’re at that limit, get some encouragement.
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Smyrna: Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep. 2

If someone wanted to give you an incredibly huge gift, you wouldn’t ignore them. But someone does want to give you an incredibly huge gift.
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Smyrna: Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep. 1

Does it ever feel like no one understands what you’re going through? There is one person who knows exactly what you’re feeling.
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Ephesus: Your First Love Relationship, Ep. 5

Love is one of the most popular topics in movies, songs, and books. You’d think we would be experts on the subject by now.
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Ephesus: Your First Love Relationship, Ep. 4

Nancy wants you to fight—to fight laziness, unbelief, and worldliness that will keep you from loving Jesus with a full heart.
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Ephesus: Your First Love Relationship, Ep. 3

How many items on your task list are motivated by fear, selfish ambition, or obligation? Learn to act out of love instead.
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Ephesus: Your First Love Relationship, Ep. 2

When Jesus addresses various churches in the first chapters of Revelation, He offers a simple message: Return to your first love.
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Your First Love Relationship, Ep. 1

Think about the time in your life when your love for Christ burned more strongly than ever. Does that describe you today?
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A Vision of the Glorified Christ, Ep. 6

How could the correspondence someone wrote to ancient churches in Asia Minor almost two thousand years ago be relevant to your life and mine?
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A Vision of the Glorified Christ, Ep. 5

"I love Jesus, but I’m not interested in organized religion." Nancy says you can’t love Jesus and not love the Church.
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A Vision of the Glorified Christ, Ep. 4

The final book in our Bibles is called Revelation. But what exactly does it reveal?
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A Vision of the Glorified Christ, Ep. 3

Can you imagine if your church received a letter directly from Jesus? Several churches actually did!
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A Vision of the Glorified Christ, Ep. 2

Jesus is coming soon. Some of us have been hearing that all our lives, but the nearness of Christ’s return is anything but routine. It affects the way you live.
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A Vision of the Glorified Christ, Ep. 1

There are few books of the Bible that generate as much controversy and debate as Revelation. But the book is actually the source of great hope.
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Mentoring Made Real, Ep. 2

Nancy Lindgren says encouragement and prayer are two of the four pillars of mentoring.
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Mentoring Made Real, Ep. 1

In some ways, we're more connected with others than ever, but many today are feeling lonely. Nancy Lindgren believes the solution is mentoring relationships.
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A Secure Identity

Have you ever tried to influence the way others see you? I think all of us have done that in some way or another. here’s a more secure identity.
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Portrait of an Effective Servant, Ep. 2

Do you ever feel like you’re pouring yourself out to others without getting anything back? Nancy talks about the rewards of being a servant.
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Portrait of an Effective Servant, Ep. 1

It’s easy for people to drift and to think ministry is about us rather than the Lord. Nancy helps us make sure we’re serving for the right reasons.
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Pointing Kids to the Gospel with Great Stories, Ep. 2

Great stories can be a refuge for children and adults alike—a place we can go to be reminded of the best Story of all.
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Pointing Kids to the Gospel with Great Stories, Ep. 1

Everyone loves a good story. Especially kids! Kathryn Butler shares her thoughts on why it’s important to read out loud to children.
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Kelly Needham challenges us to keep our purpose and identity attached, not to our performance, but to the Person of Jesus Christ.
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The Sweet Spot of Spiritual Transformation

Brian Hedges says true transformation occurs when three important ingredients come together.
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Here Comes the Bridegroom, Ep. 6

Imagine going to a wedding and the bride looks like she just rolled out of bed wearing a wrinkled dress. That has a lot to do with how you live your life.
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Here Comes the Bridegroom, Ep. 5

Sometimes Nancy refers to herself as a wedding coordinator. No, that’s not a side hustle. It’s another way of explaining her role in relation to the Church.
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Here Comes the Bridegroom, Ep. 4

Do you know how powerful your words really are? Life and death are in the power of the tongue and Nancy shows us how to choose life.
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Here Comes the Bridegroom, Ep. 3

Are you ever tempted to think, “God doesn’t really love me?” Nancy has a message for you, with solid reasons to cling to God’s love for you.
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Here Comes the Bridegroom, Ep. 2

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reminds us of the wonder that God would choose to love us.
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Here Comes the Bridegroom, Ep. 1

Love stories will never go out of style. Nancy shares the absolute greatest love story of all time . . . and you are one of the characters.
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Confident in the Right Way, with Mary Kassian, Ep. 2

Mary Kassian gives us an important perspective on fear and how to live confidently.
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Confident in the Right Way, with Mary Kassian, Ep. 1

Mary Kassian helps us know how to turn the enemy's tool of fear on its head and become the bold, courageous people God created us to be.
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She Shall Be Called Woman

While the cultural debates rage on about what a woman is, Christians don’t have to wonder.
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From Him, Through Him, To Him, Ep. 2

When you get married, it’s for better or worse, richer or poorer. The same thing is true in your relationship with God.
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From Him, Through Him, To Him, Ep. 1

God knows everything. Have you stopped to realize what that truly means? It will boggle your mind.
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Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ, Ep. 2

Judy Dunagan shares about two important spiritual weapons we can use in our battle against the Devil.
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Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ, Ep. 1

The battle you and I face as followers of Jesus is real. Our enemy is dangerous, like a roaring lion. But thankfully, there is Someone whose roar is louder.
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Leaving a Godly Legacy, Ep. 3

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and others share the importance of investing in the next generation by praying for them.
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Keeping Your Family a Priority

The ways you spend your time and money and other resources show what’s most important to you. The big question is, do your priorities align with God’s?
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Leaving a Godly Legacy, Ep. 1

When it comes to investing in the next generation, God says you’re like a watchman, a builder, and a warrior.
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep. 7

There’s a topic that can be hard or awkward to discuss with others— the whole area of sexuality.
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep. 6

People sometimes confuse two “A” words— “acceptance” and “approval.” Dr. Rosaria Butterfield explains the difference between them.
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep. 5

The essence of your identity isn’t determined by what’s in your past. It has to do with your new nature, given to you when you turned from sin to Jesus.
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep. 4

There’s so much confusion in the world today when it comes to issues of gender identity. That confusion leads to some straightforward questions we wonder about.
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep. 3

Laura hated being female, so much so that she underwent surgeries and took on a male identity. But God had other plans for her.
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep. 2

Juli Slattery says that even our understanding of human sexuality flows out of our spiritual outlook.
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep. 1

It’s true. God designed you as a man or a woman. But have you ever thought about how your design fits into the story of the gospel?
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The Instruction of a Father, Ep. 5

We all learn something from our dads. It could be tying a shoe or riding a bike. Or it could be fear, anger, or a sense of abandonment.
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The Instruction of a Father, Ep. 4

Imagine that your TV had a card reader and you had to pay to turn it on. Do you realize that you are paying every time you turn it on? Paying with your time.
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The Instruction of a Father, Ep. 3

The things you display on the outside—your words and actions—reflect what’s on the inside. Join Nancy and learn how to guard your heart.
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The Instruction of a Father, Ep. 2

Sovereignty. It sounds like a big, complicated word. But our approach to God’s sovereignty influences the way we approach situations every single day.
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The Instruction of a Father, Ep. 1

How do you spend the first part of your day? Do you turn on the weather channel for that updated forecast or glance through the newspaper?
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Rethinking Sexuality, with Dr. Juli Slattery, Bonus Episode

What should a wife do when her husband is involved in pornography? Dr. Juli Slattery provides helpful advice in helping husbands and wives deal with this issue.
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Rethinking Sexuality, with Dr. Juli Slattery, Ep. 5

How much should you share about your past with your children? Dr. Juli Slattery says you can make some important connections with your kids when you're open.
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Rethinking Sexuality, with Dr. Juli Slattery, Ep. 4

God’s boundaries for sexual pleasure aren’t designed to take away joy. Instead, His boundaries exist to help us experience genuine pleasure.
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Rethinking Sexuality, with Dr. Juli Slattery, Ep. 3

It seems like the Church is constantly telling young people, “Don’t have sex until marriage.” But then after marriage, not much else is said.
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Rethinking Sexuality, with Dr. Juli Slattery, Ep. 2

What comes to mind when you hear the word “discipleship"? Do you realize that you need to be discipled in your sexuality?
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Rethinking Sexuality, with Dr. Juli Slattery, Ep. 1

According to popular opinion, your sexuality is all about you. But the inventor of sex invites you into a new way of thinking in this area.
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Hope for Parents of Prodigals

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Barbara Rainey, and others offer perspective and comfort for parents of prodigals.
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Full of Grace and Truth

Unfortunately, we usually lean more toward grace or truth. Mary Kassian shares insights for how we can respond with both in an increasingly hostile world.
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Ep. 8

Would you rather drink from a fountain of stagnant, poisonous water or fresh, life-giving water? That’s the choice Jesus gave a woman in Samaria 2000 years ago.
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Ep. 7

Nancy reminds us that we’re all born with a hole in our heart that we’re always trying to fill. She gives us the only possible key to filling that hole.
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Ep. 6

Betsy helps us travel her own journey with her to find the source of true satisfaction.
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Ep. 5

Nancy Stafford actually was Miss Florida in the Miss America beauty pageant. But she still felt like something was missing.
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Ep. 4

Nancy shares the transformative power of the gospel, as seen in the lives of two specific women.
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Ep. 3

Have you ever been so thirsty that you thought you were going to die? Our physical thirst is an analogy for the spiritual thirst we all experience.
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Ep. 2

Our guilt from past sins can feel like a heavy burden we have to carry. But Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Andrea Griffith show us how to be free from that weight.
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Ep. 1

I don’t know your default you turn to for satisfaction, but we all know that pull away from the only One who can truly satisfy us.
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From Fear to Fullness, with McKenzie Skidmore

McKenzie Skidmore felt like she didn’t know how to be a mom. She longed to learn from other women’s experiences.
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Your Spiritual Birthday Gifts, Ep. 4

Composers sometimes write variations on a theme. Nancy looks back on her journey of faith and sees themes God has been writing into her life.
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Your Spiritual Birthday Gifts, Ep. 3

Do you have an inheritance coming? If you are a child of God, then the answer for you is yes.
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Your Spiritual Birthday Gifts, Ep. 2

Nancy speaks about the celebration that occurs when we come to faith in Christ, and the many spiritual gifts that are showered upon us.
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Your Spiritual Birthday Gifts, Ep. 1

Put on your party hat. It’s time to celebrate! Nancy reminds us of the special birthday gifts we received on the day we were born into God’s
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Risen Motherhood, Ep. 5

When you have any question what do you do? Look online of course! But there’s a problem. A search engine can’t challenge you with follow up questions.
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Risen Motherhood, Ep. 4

Every woman knows what it’s like to be pulled in a thousand directions by everyone with a need. Get advice on how to meet those needs, and keep God a priority.
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Risen Motherhood, Ep. 3

Motherhood changes a woman forever. Find out how those changes give us a picture of the way Jesus laid His life down for us.
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Risen Motherhood, Ep. 2

What our children need most is to see the gospel at work in the midst of a sinful place.
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Risen Motherhood, Ep. 1

Moms can feel guilty for so many things. The solution isn’t to work harder and become a more perfect mom. And it’s not to give up and abandon your home.
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Stewarding Your Life Season

Dr. Kathryn Butler shares the thoughts and emotions surrounding her own journey from working at the hospital to staying home.
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Two Women Used by God, Ep. 2

How would you respond if you found out you were going to be the mother of the Messiah, but it would come at the cost of your reputation?
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Two Women Used by God, Ep. 1

Nancy shares about two individuals in the New Testament who could never have predicted the way things worked out but were used by God in amazing ways.
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God Brought Afghanistan to Her

God gave Brooke the opportunity to help hundreds of Afghan people in great need. She’s been able to share the love of Jesus with them in remarkable ways.
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Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Latin America

Would you travel to another country to gather with other believers and hear from God’s Word? That’s exactly what many women did.
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Unleashing the Power of Prayer, Ep. 2

We pray at meals. We pray for hardships. We pray when we’re desperate. But are we using prayer as the true gift it is?
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Unleashing the Power of Prayer, Ep. 1

What keeps you from having a thriving prayer life? Leslie Bennett helps us unleash the power of prayer.
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Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy, Ep. 3

Believers in Jesus are called to be joyful. But when you go through something tragic, it’s okay to be honest and okay to grieve.
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Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy Ep. 2

The New Testament tells us to do all things without grumbling or complaining. Yet the psalmist and many other biblical characters complained. Which is correct?
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Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy, Ep. 1

We’re not supposed to lament, right? Isn’t that wrong? Aren’t we supposed to be joyful all the time? Pastor Mark Vroegop will address these questions.
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Prayer and Revival

There’s a strong connection between the prayers of God’s people and revival. Nancy and Pastor Bob Bakke explain.
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The 1857 Prayer Revival, Ep. 2

It sounds surprising, but in the months leading up to the Civil War, the nation was in the midst of a great revival which spread north and south.
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The 1857 Prayer Revival, Ep. 1

God used a prayer meeting to usher in a revival over one hundred and fifty years ago.
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Spiritual Strength, Ep. 2

The one thing you need to fight today’s battles is connecting with God in prayer.
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Spiritual Strength, Ep. 1

We need strength for troubled days. The problem is, we often look for strength in places that don’t provide it.
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Crying Out with Clean Hands

A group of desperate women took some time to cry out to the Lord on behalf of their families, churches, and nations last fall. We’ll hear some of their prayers.
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Crying Out, Ep. 3

These desperate times call for desperate prayers. That means we need to cry out to God, even when He seems silent.
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Crying Out, Ep. 2

What is your default that you turn to when you’re in trouble? Comfort food? A friend? Social media? The bar? Drugs? Nancy says we should turn to the Lord first.
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Crying Out, Ep. 1

Are you desperate? We’re going to hear Nancy remind us that desperate times call for desperate prayer.
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The Epicenter of Hope, with Daniel Darling

The women who went to anoint Jesus’ body early that Sunday morning had no idea God was going to use them to share the best news ever!
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Psalm of the Cross, Ep. 5

When you’re dealing with sickness or loss, it can feel like wasted time. But the suffering of Jesus wasn’t wasted at all.
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Psalm of the Cross, Ep. 4

We’re used to thinking of Jesus as the object of our worship. But have you ever imagined Jesus as a worship leader?
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Psalm of the Cross, Ep. 3

Does it ever feel like no one can help you? Jesus knows that feeling. Nancy will explore this aspect of His suffering
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Psalm of the Cross, Ep. 2

I am a worm and not a man. It sounds like a simple statement of humility, but Nancy points out this statement from the Psalms means so much more.
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Psalm of the Cross, Ep. 1

Sometimes it seems like God is ignoring you. If you feel that way, you’re in good company. Jesus Himself felt abandoned.
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Trusting God in Widowhood

Nancy interviews a widow who is learning to focus on others rather than herself. You’ll be challenged to trust God even when life seems harder.
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Real Grief, Real Hope, Episode 2

Have you ever wondered if we’ll have pets in heaven? Randy Alcorn shares his thoughts on that and other “heavenly” questions.
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Real Grief, Real Hope, Episode 1

The Bible talks about two different kinds of grief. There’s grief without hope, and there’s Christian grief, full of solid, blood-bought hope.
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Teaching Children about Heaven, Episode 2

Joni Eareckson Tada helps us view things with a heavenly perspective.
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A Heavenly Perspective, Episode 1

If the struggles and pain in your life tempt you to despair, you need a heavenly perspective.
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The Life of Enoch, Episode 5

Can you name the biblical characters who never died physically? Those Old Testament characters give hope to everyone who knows Jesus.
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The Life of Enoch, Episode 4

Bible trivia time: Who is the oldest recorded person who ever lived? The answer is Methuselah, who lived 969 years. Those years represent God's mercy.
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The Life of Enoch, Episode 3

Teachers like to say you need to “please God” through your choices. But there’s a problem. None of us is good enough to please God.
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The Life of Enoch, Episode 2

When the world begins to become darker, you don’t have to get darker along with it.
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The Life of Enoch, Episode 1

Do you realize that every choice you make is contributing to a legacy? What will you be remembered for when your life is over?
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In the Hands of a Fiercely Tender God, Episode 2

If you have a friend who just received terrible news. There are some things not to do or say, and some things to do and say.
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In the Hands of a Fiercely Tender God, Episode 1

A person with terminal cancer experiences a wide range of emotions. Colleen Chao began to pray that God would give her another emotion in her cancer.
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Living in Light of Eternity, Episode 3

Arthur DeMoss died of a heart attack at age at age 53. He had reminded himself that life was short. That he needed to number his days.
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Living in Light of Eternity, Episode 2

What are your long term goals? Nancy invites you to think very long term.
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Living in Light of Eternity, Episode 1

Have you ever discovered an intricately designed sand castle? The waves will come and wash it away. That’s a picture of the brevity of our lives.
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Through the Valley to His Home, Episode 3

A special way to study the psalms is to think about what they would have meant to Jesus. Pastor Colin Smith helps us do that with Psalm 23.
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Through the Valley to His Home, Episode 2

Pastor Colin Smith helps us look to Jesus, the best Guide, to lead us through the dark valley.
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Through the Valley to His Home, Episode 1

Have you thought about how deep, how dark the valley was that Jesus had to walk through? Pastor Colin Smith puts valleys into perspective.
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Renewed and Restored, Episode 2

Nancy reminds us, our ultimate soul satisfaction and joy comes from the only One who can restore and renew our lives.
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Renewed and Restored, Episode 1

Nancy challenges us to slow down and remember that God actually takes us to green pastures and still waters.
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Your Will Be Done: Rebecca Ellerman’s Story

Rebecca Ellerman took her son, Will, to a doctor’s appointment in a hospital. Suddenly Will stopped breathing.
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Finish Line, Episode 2

In the race of life, it’s not over until you cross the finish line. Robert Wolgemuth helps us think through the preparations we need to make.
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Finish Line, Episode 1

Robert Wolgemuth encourages people to think about the end of life with a sense of peace rather than fear.
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A Portrait of Friendship, Episode 2

Karen Loritts suggests that you need three types of friends: Someone who is more mature in faith than you, someone who is a peer, and someone you can mentor.
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A Portrait of Friendship, Episode 1

Karen Loritts went through a season of life she calls her “meltdown.” She needed a group of godly friends to walk with her through this time.
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Encouraging One Another, Episode 4

Everybody knows what it’s like to be encouraged with words. Nancy says you can also encourage others through your example.
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Encouraging One Another, Episode 3

The Bible tells us to encourage one another. Do we get an exception when talking about politics? Do we get an exception when making online comments?
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When God Comes Down

The word is spreading about what God is doing, not only at Asbury University, but around the country. Bill and Holly Elliff share first-hand accounts.
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Encouraging One Another, Episode 2

In 2002, a group of nine workers were trapped in a mine filling with water. They tied themselves together and survived because they could encourage each other.
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Encouraging One Another, Episode 1

Encouragement to our souls is like oxygen to our brains. Nancy shows you why encouragement is so important to the Body of Christ.
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Humility, Episode 2

To approach a situation with humility requires a great amount of trust. Do you trust that God will take care of you if you don’t push yourself forward?
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Humility, Episode 1

When was the last time you said, "Will you please forgive me?" Why is it so hard for us to say those words?
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Happily Even After, Episode 3

When your spouse sins against you in a major way, you can feel betrayed. Hear the steps the Greshes took to rebuild trust in their marriage.
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Happily Even After, Episode 2

Dannah Gresh coaches a wife on how to respond with grace when her husband confesses the unthinkable.
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Happily Even After, Episode 1

Bob and Dannah Gresh have discovered how to live “happily EVEN after”—after a painful confession from a spouse.
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Crying Out from a Heart of Brokenness, Episode 3

Nancy explains why God is more offended by a hard-hearted, lifelong churchgoer than a murderer who is coming to Him in humility.
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Crying Out from a Heart of Brokenness, Episode 2

The evangelical subculture has levels of status and celebrity. It’s easy to become Pharisees, more interested in outward appearances than in the heart.
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Crying Out from a Heart of Brokenness, Episode 1

Can you imagine someone trying to get a job admitting they were weak and unqualified? That's exactly the kind of heart attitude God is looking for in us.
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Authentic Friendships, Bonus Episode

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Authentic Friendships, Episode 2

Kelly Needham helps us gain a gospel-soaked view of friendship.
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Authentic Friendships, Episode 1

When it comes to our friendships, they can let us down. Kelly Needham shares some of the dangers and delights of authentic friendship.
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Wisdom for Parents from Job 1, Episode 3

The book of Job shows us that walking with God doesn’t mean we’re exempt from walking through trials. Still, we often question why we must experience suffering.
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Wisdom for Parents from Job 1, Episode 2

If you walk with the Lord and invest in your children’s lives, it doesn’t guarantee a crisis-free life.
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Wisdom for Parents from Job 1, Episode 1

Does God ever act in a way that doesn’t make sense to you? Nancy helps you prepare for moments that just don’t make sense.
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Divine Anointing, Episode 2

Every time we’re exposed to the truth of God’s Word, a personal response is required.
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Divine Anointing, Episode 1

The passion of God has got to first fill us before we can expect to proclaim it with power.
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A Practical Guide to Fasting, Episode 2

Erin Davis shares the why, when, and how to fast.
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A Practical Guide to Fasting, Episode 1

Ask a group of Christian women about fasting and you’re likely to hear crickets.
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Devotions amid Diapers

A group of godly moms share tips and strategies for spending time with God in the midst of mom responsibilities.
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How to Be a Discerning Woman, Episode 2

Discernment is an important quality to have, especially in a world full of lies. But how do we actually become discerning?
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How to Be a Discerning Woman, Episode 1

Melissa Kruger helps us become people of discernment.
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Life Is Precious to God, Episode 3

Ryan Bomberger exists because someone did something horribly violent to his birth mother. Instead of terminating her pregnancy, she courageously carried him.
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Life Is Precious to God, Episode 2

A lot of people who claim to be pro-life actually promote a culture of death.
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Life Is Precious to God, Episode 1

The sanctity of human life is a contentious issue in our culture. But why is life so precious? Nancy shows you the biblical basis for the sanctity of life.
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When Suffering and Sovereignty Collide, Episode 2

Joni Eareckson Tada says you and I should “test” the promises of God, and when we do, we won’t be disappointed.
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When Suffering and Sovereignty Collide, Episode 1

Joni Eareckson Tada shares a powerful story about when she had to rely on the promises of God to help her in a time of intense need.
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Run to the Word of God, Episode 2

Do you ever feel like you need somewhere safe to run? Somewhere reliable? Kay Arthur says, for her, that safe place is the Word of God.
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Run to the Word of God, Episode 1

When someone’s walked with God for many years, others can tell, and it’s inspiring to the rest of us. We want to imitate them as they imitate Christ.
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Homes of Hope

Every January 11 is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Al and Susan Henson are actively working to rescue hundreds of children from being trafficked.
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Hiding God’s Word in Your Heart, Episode 2

Do you think you could learn a whole book of the Bible by heart? Glenna Marshall does. In fact, she gives us tips for how to memorize Scripture in the shower!
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Hiding God’s Word in Your Heart, Episode 1

Psalm 119 is a strong argument for the value of memorizing Scripture passages. Glenna Marshall shares her heart for this long-lost spiritual discipline.
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Discovering a Daily Devotional Life, Episode 2

Listening to others who’ve met with God in His Word is no substitute for you meeting God.
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Discovering a Daily Devotional Life, Episode 1

When life is busy, can you really take time to get alone with God each day? Nancy says, yes, you can develop that habit.
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A Lamp to My Feet

Psalm 119 helps us to see the mind-blowing beauty, the sin-killing power, and the breathtaking expanse of God’s Word!
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Amazing Grace, Episode 2

Nancy shows the rich background of "Amazing Grace" and illuminates the truth behind the lyrics.
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Amazing Grace, Episode 1

Nancy tells the story of “Amazing Grace” and helps you capture a sense of wonder at what Jesus has done for you.
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Perspective, Promises & Prayers for a New Year, Episode 4

Here at the end of the year Nancy is going to pray a special blessing over us. The pattern for her prayer will be King David’s four requests he prayed for the p
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Perspective, Promises & Prayers for a New Year, Episode 3

Do you ever feel like you’re going to wear yourself out trying to fight the battle on your own? Nancy shows us how David depended on the Lord to fight for him.
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Perspective, Promises & Prayers for a New Year, Episode 2

Okay look around you. What do you see? Let me ask it this way: as you open your eyes, what evidence do you see of the work of God?
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Perspective, Promises & Prayers for a New Year, Episode 1

Everyone is desperate for something. Unanswered longings seem to be a normal part of our fallen world. Maybe you can identify?
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A Fresh Call to Our Mission

Can you articulate the basic truths that define your life and purpose? Nancy shares the key defining principles of the ministry.
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My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation, Episode 12

People say strange things to new moms, such as, "Just wait until they’re teenagers! Then you’ll be sorry." As a new mom, Mary heard something odd.
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My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation, Episode 11

When you hear about Jesus Christ, are you still amazed and in awe at what God has done in sending Him?
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My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation, Episode 10

There’s a difference between knowing theories about God and actually meeting Him. A biblical character discovered that around the time of the first Christmas.
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My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation, Episode 9

What’s your favorite Christmas song? Nancy will tell you about one of the first Christmas songs, written while Jesus was still a baby.
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My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation, Episode 8

The Christmas spirit. Is there really such a thing? Maybe not. But the Holy Spirit was fully involved in the Christmas story. Explore His role.
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Heaven Rules in the Midst of Loss

During the holidays, a lot of people experience grief right alongside the joy. You’ll get perspective and hope by hearing Robyn Bush's story.
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My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation, Episode 7

If you’ve spent any time around children, you know that waiting can be hard for them. But let's be honest: It can be hard for you and me, too.
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My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation, Episode 6

Has anyone known just what to say to make you feel better when you have felt emotionally low? The gift of consolation is rare.
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My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation, Episode 5

At some point, all parents need to hand control of their children over to God. But that doesn’t mean they don’t continue loving and training them.
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Heaven Rules Your Child’s Future

Nancy shares the story of a mother who struggled to embrace her special needs child.
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My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation, Episode 4

A lot of churches conduct baby dedications in which parents present their children to the Lord.
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My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation, Episode 3

After Mary gave birth to Jesus, she went to the temple to present a sacrifice.
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My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation, Episode 2

Christmas is all about humility. Find out why.
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My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation, Episode 1

The word Jesus is everywhere. Have you ever slowed down to consider who He is?
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Heaven Rules in Stillbirth (Samuel’s Story)

Sometimes God asks us to trust He’s good, even when He allows something painful to happen to us. That was the case for Nathan and Katie Bollinger.
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Heaven Rules Over a Surprising Diagnosis

Connie Douglas was in a car accident that helped save her life.
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Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving, Episode 4

Randy Alcorn makes the point that when it comes to inheritances, parents might want to be careful about how much they actually leave to their children.
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Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving, Episode 3

Joyful giving is actually good for you, too, not just the one you’re giving to.
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Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving, Episode 2

What should you do if you’re excited about donating to a particular organization, but your spouse is not? That’s something Randy Alcorn addresses.
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Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving, Episode 1

Randy Alcorn is going to remind us that you and I manage someone else’s finances— God’s! Randy helps us unlock the secret of joyful giving.
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Thanksgiving Praise, Episode 2

Spend some time praising Him for those great things the Lord has done for us.
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Thanksgiving Praise, Episode 1

As we prepare for a busy upcoming holiday season, we want to help you slow down and simply worship. Nancy will provide Scripture and music about who God is.
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Oh Come! Worship and Warning, Episode 3

We’re about to enter a season where we like to sing about peace on earth. But it’s easy to get discouraged when you look around and see no peace.
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Oh Come! Worship and Warning, Episode 2

What’s your favorite style of worship? It’s fine and normal for everyone to have preferences. But our worship of God goes beyond just style.
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Oh Come! Worship and Warning, Episode 1

At a typical worship service, what is your singing like? Do you sing joyfully? The Psalms call us to loud, passionate worship.
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Christian Gratitude, Episode 2

Nancy challenges us to overflow with gratitude.
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Christian Gratitude, Episode. 1

Nancy says Christians need to be the most grateful, the most thankful, the most full of gratitude.
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Cultivating a Contented Heart, Episode 6

Have you ever thought, “If I only had such-and-such, then I’d be happy!”? Or the flip side: “If only I didn’t have this circumstance in my life, then I’d be ha
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Cultivating a Contented Heart, Episode 5

According to Nancy, getting our eyes off of ourselves and onto God is a crucial part of real contentment.
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Cultivating a Contented Heart, Episode 4

You and I will never be at peace in our hearts until we learn to trust God. That’s straightforward, but oh, so true!
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Cultivating a Contented Heart, Episode 3

Expressing your gratitude to the Lord affects your outlook on life, maybe even more than you’d realize.
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Cultivating a Contented Heart, Episode 2

Where does discontentment show up in your life? God has given us blessing upon blessing, yet somehow it’s easy to find ourselves always wanting more.
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Cultivating a Contented Heart, Episode 1

Nancy helps us examine why we live as if we’re lacking, and a key way to solve that problem.
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Finding Your Mission in Heaven’s Rule, Episode 2

God’s bigger than whatever problem you’re facing right now. According to Chris Brooks, that fact should motivate us to say, “Sign me up, Lord. I’ll go for you.”
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Finding Your Mission in Heaven’s Rule, Episode 1

We’re in a political season right now? We’re going to be reminded that no matter who’s in political office, we can rest that God is in control.
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Another Gospel, Episode 3

Alisa Childers shows us how we can engage with those who doubt, break the stereotypes, and point them to the truth in a kind way.
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Another Gospel, Episode 2

What do you do when a loved one tells you they’re not sure what they believe about God anymore? Alisa Childers points us to the answers.
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Another Gospel, Episode 1

Have you run into anyone who says they “deconstructed their faith”? Alisa Childers help us understand what’s going on.
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The Gospel Comes with a House Key, Episode 4

Your home is more than just a living space. It’s a tool in God’s hand to extend and build up His kingdom. Hear how your home can point people to the gospel.
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The Gospel Comes with a House Key, Episode 3

When you put the love of Jesus on display through hospitality, it gives people an opportunity to be vulnerable. It encourages them to accept God’s love.
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The Gospel Comes with a House Key, Episode 2

Rosaria Butterfield has experienced how casual hospitality can be the means to produce radical heart change in her neighborhood.
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The Gospel Comes with a House Key, Episode 1

Did you know that your dinner table can be a means of fulfilling the great commission? Hear how hospitality can play a major role in evangelism.
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Open Heart, Open Home, Episode 3

If you want to make an impact for Jesus, don’t get too comfortable. Nancy says we should expect that whenever the Spirit moves to bless, Satan moves to blast.
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Open Heart, Open Home, Episode 2

Whatever God's given you can be used to build His kingdom. Discover the power of inviting others to share your resources.
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Open Heart, Open Home, Episode 1

As you try to serve the Lord, are you facing roadblocks? Nancy says that when you sense obstacles, God may be redirecting you toward even more effectiveness.
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How to Listen to a Sermon, Episode 5

Think about the spiritual leaders in your life. Would you know what encourages or discourages them?
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How to Listen to a Sermon, Episode 4

How many great sermons have you heard during your life? The more important question is: How many sermons have you put into practice?
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How to Listen to a Sermon, Episode 3

How do you know that a church service has been effective?
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How to Listen to a Sermon, Episode 2

Nancy shows us how we should listen to a sermon.
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How to Listen to a Sermon, Episode 1

Did you get much out of your pastor’s sermon last time you were in church? Maybe that question has more to do with you than with your pastor.
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A Beautiful Mess, Episode 2

Mark Vroegop says a lot of people have a tendency to look at the church the way an older sibling treats a younger child.
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A Beautiful Mess, Episode 1

Do you ever feel like the church is so broken that you want to give up and not go back? Mark Vroegop shows you why staying in the church is a good idea.
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Faith in the Face of Infertility

Kristen's dream life turned into a nightmare when she received a diagnosis she didn't expect: unexplained infertility.
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Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full, Episode 2

Gloria Furman says we can suffer from seasonal obsessive disorder. See what she means. It will help you to embrace whatever you’re going through with joy!
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Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full, Episode 1

Gloria Furman is busy as a pastor’s wife in the fast-growing city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. But her number one passion is to stay close to Jesus.
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Empathizing with Your Pastor’s Wife

Marriage to a man in ministry can be lonely and stressful. Help your pastor's wife feel more seen, understood, and encouraged.
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Follow the Leaders, Episode 4

How often do you pray for your pastor? We’ll get to know a man named Jerry who actually prays for his church leaders for one hour every day.
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Follow the Leaders, Episode 3

When you’re shopping, you need to compare products carefully. But Nancy warns us not to do that with our pastors.
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Follow the Leaders, Episode 2

Dr. Crawford Loritts will show you how to encourage your pastor in this difficult role.
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Follow the Leaders, Episode 1

When your children aren’t getting along with each other, it can take up all of your time. Maybe your pastor feels the same way.
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Highlights from True Woman 22: Heaven Rules

We’ll hear highlights from the recent True Woman '22 conference, and we’ll be reminded that Heaven really does rule.
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Fasting and Feasting, Episode 3

What is your attitude about food? Erin Davis calls food “an opportunity for worship.” Find out how to worship the Giver of the good gift of food.
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Fasting and Feasting, Episode 2

Would you be able to articulate the difference between the spiritual discipline of Christian fasting and going on a diet? Erin Davis can.
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Fasting and Feasting, Episode 1

Erin Davis helps us view food as God designed it to be: a good gift meant to point us to Him who is the only One who truly satisfies.
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Heaven Rules, Episode 16

As Christians, we know how the story ends, and it can give us great hope and comfort in the here and now.
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Heaven Rules, Episode 15

Next time you see a crisis unfold, realize it could be a chance for God to show His glory.
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Heaven Rules, Episode 14

In difficult times of history, wise people are needed. Daniel was one of those wise people, living as a counselor to several kings.
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Heaven Rules, Episode 13

Nancy will show you how the truth of Daniel 11 will give you perspective when life doesn’t make sense.
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Heaven Rules, Episode 12

Does it make any difference in your life to recognize that Heaven rules? Hear from women who say, “Yes, it makes a big difference in my life!”
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Heaven Rules, Episode 11

If you ever think evil is winning, you need to be encouraged by the reminder that Heaven rules. Nancy points us to that reminder in the book of Daniel.
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Heaven Rules, Episode 10

Nancy shows us how the prophet Daniel prayed, and there are some things we can learn from the way he prayed!
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Heaven Rules, Episode 9

If it ever seems like the events going on in this world are just too much for you to handle, you’re in good company. Daniel felt that way, too.
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Heaven Rules, Episode 8

Let’s not forget Who ultimately determines the outcomes of elections and changes in government. It’s God.
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Heaven Rules, Episode 7

Hear how Daniel trusted that “Heaven rules,” even when he was surrounded by hungry lions.
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Heaven Rules, Episode 6

It’s vital that we ask ourselves, “Where am I taking my cues from? Am I paying more attention to the wisdom of this world, or of God?"
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Heaven Rules, Episode 5

All of us need to adjust our perspective and realize what a great and awesome God we serve.
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Heaven Rules, Episode 4

If your life were on the line, would you worship a false god rather than the true God? That’s a choice three brave Hebrew young men faced.
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Heaven Rules, Episode 3

Thankfully, we serve a King with a kingdom that is not like the kingdoms of this world.
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Heaven Rules, Episode 2

No matter what you’re facing today, you can look at your circumstances from one of two viewpoints.
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Heaven Rules: Episode 1

Here’s a trick question for you. Who is the main character of the Old Testament book of Daniel? Nancy shows us that the Hero is God.
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Lies Girls Believe, Episode 4

Every parent of daughters is going to go through some emotional ups and downs. Dannah and Nancy will show you how to walk with your daughter through them.
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Lies Girls Believe, Episode 3

One of the most important things you can pass on to your children is a clear understanding of the gospel.
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Lies Girls Believe, Episode 2

Parents of tweens might resist bringing up difficult topics like gender fluidity, sexuality purity, or eating disorders.
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Lies Girls Believe, Episode 1

Dannah Gresh will help moms know how to engage with tween daughters on tough issues.
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Christ Our Comfort in Life and Death, Episode 6

Holly Brewton knows that anchoring your hope in the sovereignty and goodness of God will sustain you as you grieve.
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Christ Our Comfort in Life and Death, Episode 5

Music is a powerful way to cement core, foundational truth into our hearts and minds.
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Christ Our Comfort in Life and Death, Episode 4

Apart from God’s grace at work in us, we tend to look for comfort in all the wrong places.
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Christ Our Comfort in Life and Death, Episode 3

Nancy is going to comfort us with the astounding truth that God’s rule extends over all things.
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Christ Our Comfort in Life and Death, Episode 2

Nancy says believers in Jesus have had a larger, heavier debt paid than they know, and it’s worth celebrating.
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Christ Our Comfort in Life and Death, Episode 1

Where do you turn for comfort? Better yet, where should you turn for comfort? Nancy takes us to an ancient document to show us.
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Lies Men Believe, Episode 3

Words you hear as child can hold you in bondage for years. But you can be set free by the truth.
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Lies Men Believe, Episode 2

Men are afraid to lead and initiate. Women express frustration, further discouraging men to lead. Learn how to break out of this cycle.
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Lies Men Believe, Episode 1

Find out more about some of the lies men believe, from Robert Wolgemuth.
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The Truth about Our Circumstances, Episode 2

If you complain about your circumstances, you’ll be complaining a lot. Our circumstances will never be perfect this side of eternity.
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The Truth about Our Circumstances, Episode 1

The apostle Paul wrote masterpieces from a Roman prison. If he could do that, what could God do through you in the middle of your tough circumstances?
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Truth for Young Women, Episode 2

Young women are being bombarded with lies. Find out how to effectively counter these lies with the truth.
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Truth for Young Women, Episode 1

You can pass on knowledge you’ve gained to the next generation.
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Lies Women Believe About Themselves, Episode 3

We all feel lonely at times. But what can we do to overcome that loneliness? What lies are we believing about ourselves that contribute to the emotions we feel?
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Lies Women Believe about Themselves, Episode 2

Have you ever thought, “I’m not worth anything”? Nancy shows us that kind of thinking is actually a lie that we need to replace with the truth of God’s Word.
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Lies Women Believe about Themselves, Episode 1

When you understand who God is, you can then understand why you are so valuable as His creation.
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The Truth about Sin

Have you ever been tricked or defrauded? Mary Kassian says you have, but there’s a solution.
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The Truth About Inward and Outward Beauty

Learn what former models discovered about developing true, inward beauty.
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Lies Women Believe about God, Episode 2

The experiences women have with their fathers can greatly influence their view of God.
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Lies Women Believe about God, Episode 1

Nancy shows you why you can trust God to be good to you in the middle of your suffering.
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The Power and Beauty of the Truth

Lies are everywhere, and they are more dangerous and powerful than we often think they are. But the good news is the Truth can set you free.
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Habakkuk, Episode 24

Your husband lets you down. Your coworker procrastinates. Your child won’t stop asking questions. But you can love them all . . . by faith.
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Habakkuk, Episode 23

Imagine reading an advice column that offered questions but no answers. Today's program addresses approaching God with questions and trusting Him for answers.
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Habakkuk, Episode 22

What challenges might your kids face in the upcoming weeks and months? Are you praying about those issues now?
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Habakkuk, Episode 21

Your testimony of God’s faithfulness in your life needs to be shared with others. In that sense, you’re setting it to music so that others can hear it.
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Habakkuk, Episode 20

Are you guilty of procrastination? Maybe you’ve been putting off making that phone call or writing that letter. Nancy encourages you to do it.
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Habakkuk, Episode 19

Blessed be the name of the Lord. That isn’t just a song lyric. It’s a statement of faith delivered by a biblical character undergoing incredible suffering.
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Habakkuk, Episode 18

When you wean a child off a pacifier, the first few days can be a real trial, but a necessary one. Nancy explains how trials in our lives can be necessary too.
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Habakkuk, Episode 17

It seems all of us are waiting on something. Waiting slows down our plans, hopes, and dreams. Nancy reveals why that might be a good thing.
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Habakkuk, Episode 16

Many worship songs ask God to send His glory, yet the Bible is full of stories about people who fell down terrified when they encountered God.
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Habakkuk, Episode 15

You’ve heard the claim that the God of the Old Testament is different from the God of the New Testament. Nancy helps you see that it's the same God.
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Freedom through Forgiveness, Episode 5

Hear from a woman who was faced with a choice: would she forgive a husband who had been unfaithful to her?
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Freedom through Forgiveness, Episode 4

Are you allowing God to take you from the starting point of forgiveness to the finish line of healing?.
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Freedom through Forgiveness, Episode 3

Someone has done you wrong. We all know the right answer is forgive them immediately. But how can we learn to forgive quickly?
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Freedom through Forgiveness, Episode 2

What does it mean to truly forgive others? Nancy answers that pertinent question as we look at freedom through forgiveness.
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Freedom through Forgiveness, Episode 1

Nancy will show us how to release our captives, and in so doing, release ourselves from a prison of bitterness.
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The Two Directions of Forgiveness

Is there a painful relationship in your life that seems impossible to reconcile? Whether you're the offender or the offended, God can heal any relationship.
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Habakkuk, Episode 14

Do your prayers to God ever resemble a grocery list where you ask God for one thing after another? Learn what your prayers should really look like.
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Habakkuk, Episode 13

You’re probably not in the habit of creating a statue out of wood or stone and bowing down to it. But do you find yourself tempted to idolize other things?
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Habakkuk, Episode 12

You may not be a farmer, but you’re still sowing and reaping every day. Nancy explains why it’s so important to be careful what you sow and reap.
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Habakkuk, Episode 11

In a world of plastic smiles and contrived personalities, it’s important to be real.
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Habakkuk, Episode 10

What is faith? The word is used to describe a denomination, a relationship with God, or even a name for a child. Today, Nancy explains what true faith is.
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Habakkuk, Episode 9

As a child, you probably drove your parents crazy with questions like "When?" "Why?" "How long?" and "Are we there yet?" Are you doing the same to God?
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Bonus Episode: The Overturning of Roe v. Wade, with Jannique Stewart

Dannah Gresh and Jannique Stewart explain some of the foundational reasons behind the Dobbs decision, and they coach us on how to respond.
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Habakkuk, Episode 8

The Bible tells us that God spoke directly to the Old Testament prophets. Does He speak the same way today?
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Habakkuk, Episode 7

In Old Testament times, a soldier would stand on a watchtower to watch for approaching enemies. Nancy explains why you, too, should "stand watch."
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A Response to the Supreme Court Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade

In this episode of Revive Our Hearts, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Erin Davis, and Kathy Wellin share an initial response to the overturning of Roe v Wade.
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Habakkuk, Episode 6

When bad things enter your life, do you ever find yourself thinking God must be angry with you? Today, Nancy gives perspective on this question.
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Habakkuk, Episode 5

Have you ever asked God to answer your prayer, only to be surprised when the answer came? Habakkuk was begging God for answers, and was still surprised.
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Habakkuk, Episode 4

Imagine buying your child a present, but while you're waiting for the right time to give it, your child doubts that you care. Do you ever approach God that way?
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Habakkuk, Episode 3

There are times when questioning the Lord is okay, and times when it’s not. Learn more as Nancy delves into Habakkuk's life.
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Habakkuk, Episode 2

Unanswered prayers can be puzzling, frustrating, and challenging. You’ll get some needed perspective on living with unresolved issues on today's program.
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Habakkuk, Episode 1

Is it okay to ask God why and to tell him when you’re displeased? The prophet Habakkuk did both. Find out what we can learn from his honest prayer life.
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The Legacies of Two Godly Fathers

Honoring our fathers is more difficult for some of us than others, but we’re all commanded to do it.
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Show Me the Father, Episode 2

Stephen Kendrick helps wives and moms understand ways they can be a better encouragement to their husbands.
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Show Me the Father, Episode 1

Whether your relationship with your father is healthy or non-existent, Stephen Kendrick says it plays an important role in your life.
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A Resolve to Believe, Episode 2

Is there any cure for bitterness? Karen Loritts knows what it’s like to be hurt. She knows what it’s like to harbor bitterness.
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A Resolve to Believe, Episode 1

Fear tempts all of us. Karen Loritts says one problem with fear is that it brings buddies. Find out what she means as she speaks candidly about fear.
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Facing the Future with Joy, Episode 3

When you think about the future, what do you feel? Prov. 31 teaches women to face the future without fear. Learn to experience the full life God has for you.
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Facing the Future with Joy, Episode 2

If you head into a day without asking for God's strength, it's like being unclothed. You will be vulnerable and ashamed if you're not leaning on God's power.
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Facing the Future with Joy, Episode 1

Fear is destructive. It will keep you from enjoying the full life God has for you. Learn how to say no to fear and yes to joy.
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Numbering Our Days

In Psalm 90 we read, “Teach us to number our days.” Hear about two ways to do this.
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Begin at My Sanctuary

Nancy is going to show us a powerful passage of Scripture that will prompt some healthy self-examination.
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Facing Our Fears, Episode 4

“Yes, Lord.” If we really mean those words, they can be really hard to say. But once we decide to say them it’s really important to say them every day.
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Facing Our Fears, Episode 3

A few byproducts that often come from surrender and sacrifice are happiness and safety. Discover how surrender to God leads to true happiness.
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Facing Our Fears, Episode 2

What are you most afraid of today? Whatever the fear, God’s already addressed it in the Bible.
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Facing Our Fears, Episode 1

When you think about it, surrender—true surrender—is a big deal.
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God's Jewels

If you feel discouraged or weary doing the activity God has called you to, listen to Joni Eareckson Tada.
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Sarah, Meet Mercy

Learn the value of life-on-life relationships in this special episode of Revive Our Hearts.
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I Will Carry You, Episode 3

"Why did God let my sister die?" Angie Smith faced questions like this from her children. She wanted to instill trust and gratitude in her children.
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I Will Carry You, Episode 2

Todd and Angie Smith only had a couple hours with their newborn daughter, Audrey, before her time on this earth was over.
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I Will Carry You, Episode 1

Angie was carrying a child with serious medical problems. Hear how she was able to pray for her friend’s comfort while preparing for her own storms.
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(Un)remarkable Women, Episode 4: Pandita Ramabai

It may sound strange to hear of a teenage widow, but 100 years ago in India it was not uncommon. We’ll hear what a woman named Pandita Ramabai did to help.
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Behold Your God, Episode 5

Does it seem to you like everyone is walking around constantly exhausted? The book of Isaiah provides a great solution to exhausted people.
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Behold Your God, Episode 4

Have you ever been following your routine and suddenly been struck by how big nature is?
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Behold Your God, Episode 3

Over the last year and a half, good news has been a rare commodity. The solution to bad news isn’t just wishful thinking.
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Behold Your God, Episode 2

Is anything truly designed to last? Nancy says, "Yes, there is." She’ll tell you about it.
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Behold Your God, Episode 1

It seems like everyone is looking for comfort. Just consider advertising for food, hotels, and bedding. But these things will never bring you lasting comfort.
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(Un)remarkable Women, Episode 3: Sabina Wurmbrand

Sabina Wurmbrand spent three years in a forced labor camp in Communist Romania. But she experienced an intimacy with Jesus. Learn to see Jesus in your trial.
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God’s Faithfulness in Times of Trouble, Episode 3

When you need deliverance from trouble, you can take comfort in knowing this—you’ve already been delivered.
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God’s Faithfulness in Times of Trouble, Episode 2

You don’t have to try to manipulate, fix, or rescue yourself from trouble. Learn to lean on God's faithfulness.
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God’s Faithfulness in Times of Trouble, Episode 1

You can’t fix every problem. Nancy shows why you don’t have to try to manipulate, fix, or rescue yourself from trouble.
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(Un)remarkable Women, Episode 2: Phillis Wheatley Peters

Dr. Karen Ellis clues us in to a woman who broke all the stereotypes and baffled her critics. Learn about the life of the African slave poet Phillis Wheatley.
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Blessed by a Godly Mother

Even if your mother isn’t perfect, she is still a gift of God in your life.
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Humble Moms, Episode 2

Moms need prayer! Have you ever thought about the fact that God the Son—Jesus Himself—is praying for you?
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Humble Moms, Episode 1

Kristen Wetherell helps us get our eyes off of a performance mindset and onto Jesus, the only perfect One.
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The Power of a Mother's Courage

In 1976, a busy mom made a courageous decision. This mother of ten was making good money at her job, but chose to follow a call God put on her heart.
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(Un)remarkable Women, Episode 1: Susanna Wesley

Erin Davis and Mark Webb explore the life of an amazing mother from the 1700s, Susanna Wesley.
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Foundations of the True Woman Manifesto, Episode 8

When a man refuses to accept God’s calling on his life to lead, provide, and protect, what can a wife do?
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Foundations of the True Woman Manifesto, Episode 7

You know that the gospel provides hope, but not just hope for eternity. The gospel will start transforming your life and your relationships.
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Foundations of the True Woman Manifesto, Episode 6

Why are so many marriages marked by conflict? Nancy says it’s because marriages are made up of sinners.
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Foundations of the True Woman Manifesto, Episode 5

Nancy says you can trace conflict between men and women all the way back to the Garden of Eden.
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Foundations of the True Woman Manifesto, Episode 4

Are femininity and masculinity things of the past? In an era where gender blending is becoming the norm, Nancy takes you back to the basics.
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Foundations of the True Woman Manifesto, Episode 3

What do you believe about God? It sounds like a simple question, but the answer has huge implications on all of life.
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Foundations of the True Woman Manifesto, Episode 2

Did God create men and women with unique roles? Nancy says answering that question is very important, because it involves God’s glory.
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Foundations of the True Woman Manifesto, Episode 1

You are following a creed. Everyone is. Even if you don’t think creeds are important, a set of beliefs guide your daily actions.
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When Providence Brings Pain, Episode 2

Is it harder for you to believe that God is all-powerful or that He’s all-loving? Practically speaking, we tend to lean one way or the other.
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When Providence Brings Pain, Episode 1

Pastor and radio veteran Bob Lepine helps us make sense of the pain and suffering we go through.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 33

You probably use the word “amen” all the time. But do you know what it means? Nancy shows you what it means and why it matters so much.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 32

Scripture tells us about a battle. On one side is a dragon and a terrible beast. On the other side is a lamb. Who do you think will win?
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 31

The term “redemption” gets thrown around casually. But it is crucial for all of us. Nancy traces the concept of redemption throughout Scripture.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 30

What sorrow are you carrying today? Jesus knows what it’s like to carry sorrow just like you. Find out why the sorrow of Jesus can give you comfort.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 29

Would you rather be a king or a servant? Nancy will contrast the roles of king and a servant. She’ll help you evaluate which you’d rather be.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 28

Throughout history, a battle has raged between earthly rulers and the true King. And that battle for rulership still continues.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 27

When a woman is engaged, she starts counting down the days until her wedding. When you know Christ, it’s like being engaged; a wedding's coming.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 26

Jesus is described in Scripture as a lion and as a lamb. It would seem like there couldn’t be two animals more different. How can Jesus be both?
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 25

You may have heard Jesus called the Alpha and Omega. Do you know what means? It applies to every part of your life.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 24

Imagine being before a strict judge and you know you’re guilty. The truth is everyone is in that situation as sinners before God, but you have an Advocate.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 23

Nancy says that when you realize Jesus is interceding before God for you, it will give you courage and help you persevere through any problem.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 22

It’s easy for us in the Body of Christ to forget that we need to be connected to Jesus—the head of the Body.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 21

Can Jesus be your Savior but not your Lord? People separate these terms all the time. But Nancy says you can’t separate those terms so easily.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 20

Too many people think of salvation as a one-time event that makes them right with God. Then they go on with life as normal.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 19

When a piano tuner adjusts your piano, he uses a tuning fork. Nancy explains why tuning to an objective standard is important. It matters in music and life.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 18

The resurrection is not just an event, it is that, but more than that, it is a Person. “I am the Resurrection and the Life.”
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 17

When Jesus claimed to be the Good Shepherd, it was more than just a casual figure of speech. The people who heard Him knew His claim was a very big deal.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 16

“I am the Light of the World.” When Jesus made this claim, it wasn’t just a simple metaphor. To His original hearers, this would have been a big deal.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 15

Imagine hearing someone say, “Eat my bread and live forever!” One person did say that. A lot of people heard it as an outrageous claim.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 14

Do you realize how many times Jesus used the name I AM to describe Himself? Nancy shows several examples and explains why this name is so meaningful.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 13

There are many times in Scripture when God is likened to a rock or cornerstone. What does this mean for us, and why does it matter so much?
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 12

Do you ever worship Jesus as your captain—your Commander-in-Chief? You may not feel like much of a soldier, but if you know Christ, He is your Captain.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 11

The enemies of Jesus called Him a name, and that name stuck. Hear about the significance of this insult that’s been flipped into a term of worship.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 10

Nancy shows how the theme of Jesus as the Messiah runs throughout the Bible.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 9

Everyone is looking for peace. We need it in our world and in our families and churches. Nancy shows you the only way to enjoy true peace.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 8

Do you ever get worried about the future? Are you frustrated at ungodly decisions among powerful people or government leaders? You don’t have to fear.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 7

When you’re confused and have no one to talk with, don’t you wish you could find a perfect counselor to give you wise advice? You can.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 6

Jesus received one of His names 700 years before He was born. God’s people heard about this name while under a severe threat from enemy armies.
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Update from Ukraine, with Olesia Dmytriieva

Be encouraged, and learn how to better lift our brothers and sisters in Eurasia up in prayer.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 5

We know Jesus was the Son of God. So why did He constantly refer to Himself as the “Son of Man"? Nancy unpacks this name of Christ.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 4

Jesus was the Son of Mary and Joseph. He was also the Son of David, the Son of Abraham, and the Son of God. You can see it’s a big deal that Jesus was a Son.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 3

Do you ever wish God would speak to you, let you know what He thinks and give you direction? Nancy says God has done that.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 2

It’s easy to get accustomed to the name “Jesus.” We read it on toys, books, and song titles. But Nancy reminds you that the name “Jesus” is amazing.
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The Wonder of His Name, Episode 1

How many names of Jesus can you think of? The Word. The Son of Man. Messiah. Christ. Lord. When you study Jesus' names, you’ll see Him in a whole new light.
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Hope and Perspective for the Crisis in Ukraine

If what's going on in Ukraine has you worried, Joel Rosenberg and Dr. Karen Ellis point us to the hope and perspective we need.
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Grounded in Community, Episode 2

Dannah Gresh shows us the importance of being grounded in community, and doing it with a glad heart.
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Colleen Chao's Season of Singleness, Episode 2

Colleen Chao shares how her trials, including being single for many years, have built her endurance muscles.
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Colleen Chao's Season of Singleness, Episode 1

Colleen Chao learned to view her own singleness not as a problem to fix but as an opportunity to glorify God.
Episode Artwork

Before I Become a “Mrs.”: Episdoe 3

Finish this sentence: “I would happy if only . . .” If you fill that sentence with anything other than Jesus, you will never be happy.
Episode Artwork

Before I Become a “Mrs.”: Episode 2

Nancy will give you valuable perspective on trusting God with your story, whether married or single.
Episode Artwork

Before I Become a “Mrs.”: Episode 1

Plenty of unmarried women think they would be happy if they got married. Plenty of married women think they’d be happy if they had a different marriage.