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English, Religion, 1 season, 463 episodes, 1 day, 18 hours, 10 minutes
Married, single, young or older, you'll want to join us every day for practical, biblical insights on becoming a fruitful woman of God. Best selling author and national radio host, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth makes the Scriptures come alive. You'll be touched by Nancy's messages and by the passion of her heart.
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Prayer-Focused Mentoring

Mentoring comes in many shapes and sizes. Nancy Lindgren helps us discover the blessings of prayer-focused mentoring on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/20/202427 minutes, 15 seconds
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Adorned, Ep 9 of 15

Do you ever get tired of your unhealthy choices, but you don’t feel like you can do anything to change? Mary Kassian says true change begins when you surrender your mindyour thinkingto the Lord. She explains on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/19/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Adorned, Ep 8 of 15

Could you live without your phone? Is it the first thing you look at when you wake up? The last thing you look at before you go to sleep? Could you be addicted to your phone? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth asks herself these questions a lot. She talks about it on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/18/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Adorned, Ep 7 of 15

The Apostle Paul tells women to beware of slander in Titus chapter 2. Are you guilty of slander? Damaris Carbaugh defines slander and helps you evaluate whether your life could be slandering the Lord, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/17/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Adorned, Ep 6 of 15

It’s popular to believe there’s a difference between sacred duties and secular ones. But the gospel breaks down that division. Everything you do matters, and you can do it as your worship to the Lord. Mary Kassian shows us how to make every moment count, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/16/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Upholding Purity in an Impure World

How do we live pure lives in a culture where purity is not valued? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Mary Kassian, Dannah Gresh, and Dr. Christopher Yuan share why purity is so important and how it puts the gospel on display to a watching world. on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/14/202425 minutes, 56 seconds
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Could I Be Your Spiritual Mom? Mary’s Story

Mary McKee never knew what it was like to have a close relationship with her mom. She longed for an older woman to invest in her life. God met that need, and it resulted in a woman from church holding a black rose at Mary’s wedding. She shares the whole story on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/13/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Adorned, Ep 4 of 15

Susan Hunt knows she’s on the last leg of life’s journey. But she wants to stay engaged in God’s will to the very end. She encourages all of us to see where God is at work and get involved with all our hearts - no matter our age on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/12/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Adorned, Ep 3 of 15

Purity might sound old-fashioned or puritanical. Until you start thinking about impure water. Would you want to drink a glass filled with dirt and waste? Wouldn’t you want it to be pure? Developing pure thinking is just as important as drinking pure water. Find out why on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/11/202425 minutes, 23 seconds
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Adorned, Ep 2 of 15

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says you need spiritual mothers in your life. You need spiritual sisters. And you need spiritual daughters. She’ll help you recognize who God may want you to connect with in mentoring relationships on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/10/202425 minutes, 6 seconds
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Adorned, Ep 1 of 15

Titus chapter two tells older women to teach younger women. Have you ever been in that kind of mentoring relationship? On Revive Our Hearts, a group of wise women introduce you to Titus 2 and invite you to study the riches of this passage with them. That conversation is on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/9/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Discerning Deception

Counterfeit bills are recognized when people know what the real bills are like. Learn to recognize truth from lieson Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/7/202426 minutes, 40 seconds
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Lessons From Unanswered Prayer, Ep 2 of 2

If you feel like God hasn’t been listening to your prayers, it might help you remember that many others throughout history have felt that way, too. Dr. Katie McCoy helps us look at five women in the Bible whose prayers went unanswered for long periods of time on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/6/202429 minutes, 38 seconds
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Lessons From Unanswered Prayer, Ep 1 of 2

If it’s ever felt like your prayers were just bouncing off the ceiling, guess what? You’re not the only one who’s ever felt that way. Dr. Katie McCoy shows us some lessons we can learn from unanswered prayer on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/5/202430 minutes, 43 seconds
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How to Study the Word, with Kay Arthur, Ep 2 of 2

Faith is not faith until it’s tested. Kay Arthur wrote that in her Bible, near the heading for Hebrews 11. Find out why she wrote that, and how her faith has been tested on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/4/202426 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Study the Word, with Kay Arthur, Ep 1 of 2

Kay Arthur says too many people read the Bible without making it central to their lives. Learn how to change Bible reading from a duty into a lifeline on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/3/202429 minutes, 46 seconds
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Learning to Love God’s Word

If you hang out at the donut shop all the time, sampling their wares, chances are pretty high that it will begin to have an effect on your body. Kelly Needham says a regular intake of the Bible will have a wonderful effect on your soul. She explains on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/2/202428 minutes, 32 seconds
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Single-Minded Contentment

Contentment can be difficult when it comes to being single. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Charmaine Porter, and Katie McCoy help us look to Jesus in the season of singleness.on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/31/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Don’t Give Up on That Modeling Career

When you’ve been in a race a very long time, it’s easy to slow down and lose intensity. Susan Hunt encourages us to continue investing in others and building God’s Kingdom, all the way to the finish line. Grab a tissue and listen in to Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/30/202424 minutes, 52 seconds
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Wise Choices in Singleness, Ep 2 of 2

You and I make commitments all the time. Some are more importantweightierthan others. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth gives several key commitments she made in her years as a single, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/29/202425 minutes, 23 seconds
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Wise Choices in Singleness, Ep 1 of 2

There are blessings and challenges related to being single. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps you embrace the rewards and the difficulties as she shows you three wise choices in singleness, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/28/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 17 of 17

When you are convicted by a difficult passage of Scripture, you can reject it. Or you can grit your teeth to determine to obey. But there’s a third way. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you how to approach verses like this in light of the gospel, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/27/202426 minutes, 1 second
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To Be Praised, Ep 16 of 17

A celebration of virtuous womanhood. There are women serving behind the scenes, getting very little recognition. You’ll hear a few of them honored - a reminder that maybe YOU need to thank some behind-the-scenes people in YOUR life on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/26/202426 minutes, 50 seconds
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Passing Your Faith to the Next Generation

If you’ve ever run a relay race, you know it’s key not to fumble the baton. The handoff is critical! In the relay race of life, we need to pass the baton of our faith on to the next generation intentionally and to the glory of God. Gabrielle McCullough, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and Dannah Gresh explain.on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/24/202426 minutes, 9 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 15 of 17

Proverbs 31 tells us that a wise woman looks well to the ways of her household. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth gives us several ways moms can do this, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/23/202434 minutes, 2 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 14 of 17

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says women have great power through the words they say. She helps you avoid tearing others down through your words and, instead, learn how to build them upon Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/22/202425 minutes, 26 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 13 of 17

It’s so easy to face the future with worry, fear or anxiety. But the Lord is calling you to trust Him, and face the future with joy. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth will help you do that, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/21/202429 minutes, 26 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 12 of 17

What do you fear the most? Proverbs 31 tells us about a woman who laughs at the time to come without fear. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth will help you become that kind of a woman on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/20/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 11 of 17

Every mom knows - preparing a family’s clothing for a new season can be a daunting task. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth will cheer moms on as they do that. Even more importantly, she’ll help show you how to encourage children to be clothed in the righteousness of Christ. Help your family prepare for the future by listening to Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/19/202425 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Library of Scripture

When it comes to appreciating your Bible, it helps to understand the different kinds of literature it contains. Kristie Anyabwile, Dannah Gresh, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth help you explore The Library of Scriptureon Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/17/202426 minutes, 8 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 10 of 17

The Bible calls us to work hard with our hands to work with all our might for the Lord. But we’re also called to serve with pure hearts. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps us examine our work and make sure we’re doing it with the right motives. Join Nancy on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/16/202425 minutes, 23 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 9 of 17

Do you feel like you have enough strength and energy for the tasks you’re facing today? If not, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says that’s an opportunity. It’s a reminder of how much you need the Lord’s strength every day. She explains how to get the strength you need, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/15/202425 minutes, 26 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 8 of 17

When you make wise financial decisions, it not only makes your life easier, it also gives God glory and lets you serve Him more effectively. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you how to lean on the Lord to manage your household well . . . on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/14/202427 minutes, 31 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 7 of 17

When you provide and prepare food for your household, do you know you are doing something important? You’re modeling God’s care for His children and pointing to the gospel. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth will explain more on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/13/202425 minutes, 22 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 6 of 17

God isn’t only interested in your prayer and Bible reading. He cares about the practical, hard work you do. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you why God values hard work, and how to work with all your heart for Him on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/12/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Getting Excited About Bible Study

Pull out your Bible, your journal, and maybe some colored pencils! It’s time to get excited about studying God’s Word! Kelly Needham, Kay Arthur, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth are here to helpon Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/10/202430 minutes, 4 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 5 of 17

Proverbs describes a woman who does her husband good and not evil all the days of her life. I think almost every wife WANTS to do good to her husband. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explores Proverbs 31 to help wives understand how to do that, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/9/202428 minutes, 33 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 4 of 17

Do you ever feel intimidated when you read about the wife of noble character in Proverbs chapter 31? Like you could never live up to her standard of perfection? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reminds you because of Jesus you can be exactly the woman God wants you to be. She explains on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/8/202426 minutes, 10 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 3 of 17

In ancient times, a wise mother was preparing a young prince to rule his kingdom one day. She told him to beware of drinking alcohol. Does that mean we should heed that same advice? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth addresses that by looking at Proverbs 31 on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/7/202427 minutes, 22 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 2 of 17

How can you teach your children solid truth about gender and sexuality when so many voices are offering unbiblical ideas? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps you train your children on this crucial topic, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/6/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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To Be Praised, Ep 1 of 17

Like it or not, you and I are teachersteachers of the next generation. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth tells the story of a mom and a young prince, and she challenges us to train and teach, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/5/202423 minutes, 56 seconds
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Women Teaching Women

What is your life teaching? You are a teacher, in some capacity or another. Get a fresh perspective about women teaching women and the power of your example with Dannah Gresh, Jen Wilkin, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuthon Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/3/202428 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Challenges of Leadership

If you’ve ever led a Bible study or a class at your church, you know there are all sorts of challenges facing ministry leaders. Karen Hodge has decades of experience in women’s ministry. She share her insights on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/2/202426 minutes, 15 seconds
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Loving God's Word, Ep 4 of 4

The best things in life always take some work, don’t they? On Revive Our Hearts, Kelly Needham explains the same principle applies to our Bible reading. The more we invest in studying God’s word, the greater returns we’ll experience. Discover more on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/1/202427 minutes, 10 seconds
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Loving God's Word, Ep 3 of 4

Do you ever have questions about what the Bible says? On Revive Our Hearts, Kelly Needham joins Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth to talk about what to do when you’re confused or have questions. More about Loving God’s Word, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/31/202425 minutes, 1 second
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Loving God’s Word, Ep 2 of 4

Reading the Bible is like searching for priceless treasure. But there are some basics that will help you know where and how to look. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Dannah Gresh, and Kelly Needham offer tips on more efficient treasure-hunting skills on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/30/202426 minutes, 57 seconds
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Loving God's Word, Ep 1 of 4

Do you have a favorite food? Sometimes just THINKING about it can make your mouth water and your stomach growl! Kelly Needham shares how you can grow your spiritual appetite. Increase your hunger for the Word of God on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/29/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Compassion That Comforts

When you’re comforting someone who’s hurting, there are things you should sayand NOT say. Learn to show compassion that comfortson REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/27/202427 minutes, 10 seconds
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Heaven Rules Your Child's Future

Every mother immediately falls in love with their child, right? Not necessarily. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shares the story of a mother who struggled to embrace her special needs child. The story will encourage you to say, Heaven Rules in every situation. Hear it on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/26/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Loving Those In the Margins

Do you have a heart for marginalized people like widows and orphans? If so, you’re in great company. So does God! Karen Ellis shows us the high value of serving, loving, and empowering the widow and the orphan, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/25/202433 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Counter-Cultural Woman

The poor and needy are all around us. God sees them and moves toward them, not away from them. Learn to develop that kind of heart on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/24/202429 minutes, 7 seconds
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Compassionate Hope, Ep 2 of 2

Your brothers and sisters in Christ are facing intense pressure to be quiet about their faith. On the next Revive Our Hearts, you’ll hear some of their stories and discover how God is providing hope in the face of tragic circumstances. Hear more about it on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/23/202427 minutes, 58 seconds
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Compassionate Hope, Ep 1 of 2

A follower of Jesus was being persecuted in a prison in Southeast Asia. Al Henson was watching through binoculars from a distance and saw his brother in Christ being kicked and beaten for his faith. This awakened in Al a desire to get involved. Hear the result on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/22/202427 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Heart for Adoption

Imagine growing up without the love and support of a family to guide you through life. That’s the stark reality for half a million children in the foster care system in our nation . . . and over 8 million kids worldwide. Kids who, through no fault of their own, have found themselves alone. Dannah Gresh explores their plight, and their hopeon Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/20/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Joy in the Midst of Chronic Pain

Seems like the older I get, the more I feel my aches and pains! But you or someone you know might live with constant, chronic, excruciating pain. All the time! Glenna Marshall shares how she’s found joy in the midst of chronic pain, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/19/202430 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep 9 of 9

Use No matter how many good programs a church has in place, it still needs revival. Revival isn’t like Sunday School, small group studies, recovery programs or theological training. It is the force that gives life to these programs and the motivation for people to attend. Get a new perspective on revival, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/18/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep. 8 of 9

At a wedding, everyone loves it when the bride appears. Nancy Leigh DeMoss says the churchthe bride of Christcould catch people’s attention just like a bride does at a wedding. Find out what it would take to capture the world’s attention, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/17/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep 7 of 9

When you look at the pain in the world, and the sin in your own heart, do you ever slow down and weep? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says, we don’t slow down enough. Learn to let God give you a heart of compassion, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/16/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Cry of the Captives (Psalm 126), Ep. 6 of 9

If you tend to be emotional, you might wish you didn’t cry so much. But Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says we need to be asking God for the right kind of tears. She talks about the positive tears that precede revival on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/15/202425 minutes, 50 seconds
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Loving the Lost

Do you ever feel intimidated by the phrase: Sharing the Gospel? On the next Revive Our Hearts weekend, you will hear about some simple steps you can take to share your faith. You’ll also hear stories about how God can use your relationships to give people hope. That’s on REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/13/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep. 5 of 9

Imagine a prisoner who sees the door to his cell finally swing open. And he says, I’d rather stay locked up. That sounds ridiculous. But when it comes to the captivity of sin, some people do the same thing. Hear why, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/12/202423 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep 4 of 9

What is the best way to let the world know what your church is doing? You could run radio and TV spots, hire a public relations firm, or do marketing research. But when God visits His people in revival, He doesn’t need any of those strategies to get the world’s attention. See what revival looks like on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/11/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Cry of the Captives (Psalm 126), Ep 3 of 9

When is the last time you wept in church? You’ve probably sung lots of joyful worship choruses, but have you cried out in repentance? If churches were to spend some time weeping and repenting, it would make the joyful times of singing even more deep and meaningful, according to Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. Hear why, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/10/202424 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep 2 of 9

So much energy is expended in the church complaining about how bad the world is. We act so surprised when unbelievers act like unbelievers! Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says we should focus on eliminating sin from the church, not the world on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/9/202425 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Cry of the Captives, Ep 1 of 9

Almost everybody has good intentions. We all want to change the world for good. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says, without God’s help, we’re really not going to change much of anything. Learn to trust God’s plans for change on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/8/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Experiencing the Heart of God

Do you believe God is a compassionate God? In this episode, explore numerous instances of the Lord’s compassion throughout Scripture. As you look at your own life, you’ll see God’s mercies revealing His heart toward youon REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/6/202428 minutes, 13 seconds
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A Lifestyle of Compassion, Ep 5 of 5

Our compassion flows from God’s love to us, outward to others. A group of women share the practical implications of compassion in action, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/5/202425 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Lifestyle of Compassion, Ep 4 of 5

Have you ever found yourself in this sort of predicament? You’re showing compassion to someone, giving, and giving, and suddenly you wake up and realize that there’s something unhealthy about the relationship? Paula Hendricks Marsteller explains what to do when your compassion goes awry, and how to know when it happens, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/4/202430 minutes, 59 seconds
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A Lifestyle of Compassion, Ep 3 of 5

If you knew Jesus needed something to eat, you’d probably bend over backwards to help Him out, wouldn’t you? Nicole Furno explores a powerful parable Jesus told, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/3/202428 minutes, 42 seconds
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A Lifestyle of Compassion, Ep 2 of 5

Showing compassion takes humility. What exactly does that mean? Erika VanHaitsma explains and reminds us of the Lord’s unconditional compassion on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/2/202436 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Lifestyle of Compassion, Ep 1 of 5

If you’ve been hurt by someone, the last thing you might think of is to show that person compassion. But that’s what God does with us, over and over. Kelly Needham helps us see the shocking compassion of God, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/1/202433 minutes, 52 seconds
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Standing on the Promises

Memorizing Scripture can hard. Have you used excuses like these? I’m too busy, or My memory is shot, and I just don’t have the brainpower. Three busy women share how they memorize Scripture while doing their hair and makeup or waiting in line at McDonalds, on Revive Our Hearts with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/29/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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A True Woman Learns to Trust, Ep 2 of 2

Your crisis can be a sacrifice to the Lord. Karen Loritts gave God control over a crisis in her life. But then she kept trying to take it back and solve it herself. She describes what it means to truly trust on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/28/202420 minutes, 26 seconds
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A True Woman Learns to Trust, Ep 1 of 2

What circumstances threaten your trust? After someone caused great pain to her family, Karen Loritts wanted to lash out in anger and hurt someone. She shares what she learned about trusting through tears, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/27/202421 minutes, 23 seconds
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Three Radical Reasons to Radically Forgive

When you’ve been hurt, it can be hard to forgive. Erin Davis helps us understand why we should, as well as how, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/26/202427 minutes, 8 seconds
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God Makes Himself Known

As a believer in Jesus, what picture are you giving others of Him? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says they don’t need to see a goody two shoes. They need something far better. She explains what that is, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/25/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Hope for Parents of Prodigals

It can be extremely discouraging to know your child or grandchild has chosen to leave God’s values behind and live contrary to His Word. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Barbara Rainey, and others offer perspective and comfort for parents of prodigals on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/24/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Avoiding the Older-Brother Heart

Jesus told a story in Luke 15 about two brothers. The youngest brother gets the most attention. It’s popular to call him the prodigal son. But when telling this story, Jesus was primarily warning us against becoming like the older brother. Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explore that on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/22/202425 minutes, 23 seconds
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God’s Faithfulness in Times of Trouble, Ep 3 of 3

When you need deliverance from trouble, you can take comfort in knowing’ve already actually been delivered. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains how that can be true on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/21/202420 minutes, 1 second
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God’s Faithfulness in Times of Trouble, Ep 2 of 3

You can’t fix every problem. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows why you don’t have to try to manipulate, fix, or rescue yourself from trouble, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/20/202421 minutes, 35 seconds
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God’s Faithfulness in Times of Trouble, Ep 1 of 3

Everybody goes through storms sometimes. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you why you can trust the Lord’s plan, even in the middle of the most difficult storm. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/19/202425 minutes, 18 seconds
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Praying for a Prodigal Child, Ep 2 of 2

Four friends once carried a bed to the top of a house. That action has a lot to teach us about prayer, especially when we think about praying for our prodigal loved ones. Find out why, when guest Fern Nichols and Marlae Gritter join Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/18/202428 minutes, 45 seconds
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Praying for a Prodigal Child, Ep 1 of 2

When a child turns from truths they’ve always known, it breaks a parent’s heart. Learn how to pray for a prodigal on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/17/202430 minutes, 22 seconds
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Dad, We Need You!

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but fatherhood is often downplayed and devalued today. Stephen Kendrick, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Dannah Gresh sound the message: Dad, you’re needed! To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/15/202431 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Man’s Hunger for the Word

Many women wish the men in their lives were walking closely to the Lord. The editor of the Men’s Daily Bible, Robert Wolgemuth, shares ideas on ways women can help their men spend more time in the Word, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/14/202427 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Most Important Place on Earth, Ep 2 of 2

Theme park operators go to great lengths to make you feel special when you walk in their gates. Is your home like that? Nancy and Robert Wolgemuth will help you know how to make your home more like a theme park where everyone in a home is treated special. Hear ways to make your family feel valued on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/13/202442 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Most Important Place on Earth, Ep 1 of 2

You could have a huge effect on the members of your family just in the way you act when they walk in the door. Robert Wolgemuth will help you value your spouse and children for the priceless people they are. He’ll show you how to make your family members know they’re valued on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/12/202429 minutes, 43 seconds
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Seeing the Bigger Picture, Ep. 2 of 2

Whether you like it or not, you’re in a story. And like every good story, your life will take some challenging plot twists. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps you anticipate those ups and downs by keeping your eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/11/202426 minutes, 37 seconds
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Seeing the Bigger Picture, Ep. 1 of 2

There are pages and chapters in our lives that just don’t make sense. They may even seem heartless and cruel. But Nancy DeMoss Wolgmeuth will show you how these tragic chapters can lead to a truly happy ending because of God’s grace. She explains it on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/10/202426 minutes, 40 seconds
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Clarity in the Midst of Confusion

If you or someone you know is struggling with confusion about gender and sexuality, you’re not alone. There is hope! Juli Slattery, Mary Kassian, and Dannah Gresh point you to clarity in the midst of confusionon Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/8/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Holy Sexuality, Ep 3 of 3

The devil would love nothing better than to confuse and twist and pervert our thinking when it comes to gender and sexuality. Dr. Christopher Yuan shares how we can line up our thinking with God’s word, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/7/202433 minutes, 14 seconds
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Holy Sexuality, Ep 2 of 3

Have you ever heard someone say, Oh, we just need to love each other!? Dr. Christopher Yuan explains that loving others is a good thing, but it’s not the ultimate thing, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/6/202432 minutes, 2 seconds
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Holy Sexuality, Ep 1 of 3

It’s common to hear people say they identify as something or other. Dr. Christopher Yuan thinks we’re too casual with the concept of identity. He explains on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/5/202425 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Prodigal Son’s Return, Ep 2 of 2

Christopher Yuan’s life continued to get worse after he announced he was gay, was expelled from college, began selling drugs, and eventually was sentenced to prison. But God met him in the darkest places. Hear about the story of his transformation and his mother’s faithful prayers on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/4/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Prodigal Son’s Return, Ep 1 of 2

After Angela Yuan’s son, Christopher, embraced a gay lifestyle, she began to pray. Though his life got much worse, Angela never stopped praying. Hear about God’s faithfulness even when the situation seems hopeless on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/3/202426 minutes, 12 seconds
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Experiencing the Satisfaction of Fruitfulness

Is your life bringing life to others? Have you experienced the joy that comes from fruitfulness in Christ? Get a glimpse of how God works in the lives of people around you through your fruitfulnesson Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/1/202428 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to be Great, Ep 4 of 4

Every time you serve others, it’s an opportunity for temptation. Are you serving so you’ll get recognition or thanks? Learn how to serve with a pure heart, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/31/202425 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to be Great, Ep 3 of 4

Do you have a biblical definition of greatness? To help you evaluate that question, think about this. Do you treat servers in restaurants with respect? How about customer service operators? How about children? How about those who don’t appear to have much education or upward mobility? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth leads you to consider questions like these on Revive Our Hearts To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/30/202427 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to be Great, Ep 2 of 4

It seems like everyone wants to measure their influence today, counting their social media friends or blog traffic. But Jesus invites you to embrace a different kind of influence. Learn more about it on Revive Our Hearts, with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/29/202430 minutes, 14 seconds
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How to be Great, Ep 1 of 4

We live in a world obsessed with greatness. It seems like everyone is concerned about their status, popularity and influence. Jesus turned the world’s idea of greatness upside down. Learn how to follow His example in Nancy’s teaching series, How to be Great on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/28/202427 minutes, 42 seconds
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Rescued from Despair: Christy Hubbard’s Story

Can someone who loves Jesus become so depressed that she’d consider taking her own life? Christy Hubbard says, yes, it’s very possible. Her story is ultimately an encouraging one. She shares it on Revive our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/27/202425 minutes, 21 seconds
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Fullness of Joy to Give You Strength

There’s a proverb that says, A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Dannah Gresh and Erin Davis invite you to set aside your crushed spirit and dry bones and laugh as they revisit funny moments in the history of Revive Our Hearts.on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/25/202428 minutes, 44 seconds
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When Women Serve Other Women, Ep. 2 of 2

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth points out a huge need for women to mentor and disciple other women. She explains how to get past obstacles and how to begin on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/24/202427 minutes, 11 seconds
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When Women Serve Other Women, Ep. 1 of 2

Do you ever feel powerless to serve people in need around you? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you where to get the power you need, and shows you why your involvement is so important on the next REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/23/202429 minutes, 19 seconds
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Healing in Community, Ep 2 of 2

If you’ve ever felt like you were lostwandering in a barren place, you understand what it’s like to hurt and be in need of God’s healing touch. Erin Davis and Dr. Juli Slattery show you how to be an agent of healing in the lives of others, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/22/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Healing in Community, Ep 1 of 2

Are you good at weeping with those who weep? How about helping bear someone’s burden? I think we all have room for growth in this area. Counselor and author Dr. Juli Slattery joins Erin Davis to give us pointers on ways we can help those God brings across our path, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/21/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Highest Calling

It’s a lot easier to be a servant at 9 in the morning than it is to be a servant at 4 in the afternoon. After spending all day with active toddlers, or a parent who’s in the hospital, or a pile of paperwork, acting out of a servant’s heart can get old. How do you continue to serve at that point? Find out the answer to that question and much more on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/20/202427 minutes, 47 seconds
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Freedom Stories to Give You Hope

If you feel trapped in sin, you need to know there is hope. You can find freedom. Dannah Gresh, Mary Kassian, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and Marcia Arnel discuss iton Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/18/202427 minutes, 15 seconds
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Developing a Servant’s Heart, Ep 5 of 5

There won’t be any words more fulfilling than to hear God say, Well done, my good and faithful servant. The things you do today could affect your likelihood of hearing those words. Learn to become a true servant on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/17/202423 minutes, 48 seconds
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Developing a Servant’s Heart, Ep 4 of 5

If you’re serving today in order to get the credit or praise, maybe you’re not really serving. Discover the joy of serving God for God’s eyes only, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/16/202430 minutes, 47 seconds
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Developing a Servant’s Heart, Ep 3 of 5

It’s always good to serve others, right? Well . . . not if you’re serving for the wrong reasons. If you’re always busy with helpful projects, there are some dangers you need to watch for. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you what they are on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/15/202426 minutes, 33 seconds
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Developing a Servant’s Heart, Ep 2 of 5

A good server at a restaurant doesn’t focus on his own needs. He doesn’t come to your table and complain about how hungry he is. Instead, he makes sure your needs are met. The same is true for anyone who wants to effectively serve in any area of life. Developing a servant’s heart on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/14/202425 minutes, 19 seconds
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Developing a Servant’s Heart, Ep 1 of 5

Think of how many times you hear the word service in a day. It could refer to ideas as diverse as a stint in the military, the attitude of a fast food worker, or a church meeting. Get a biblical definition of service on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/13/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Gift of a Mother

Mothers are a gift. Although we want to honor them every day, we’re taking extra time to celebrate the moms and mother-like figures in your life. In this Mother’s Day episode, stories about several moms will encourage you to think about your own mom and her impact on your life. on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/11/202426 minutes, 38 seconds
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Humble Moms, Ep 2 of 2

Moms need prayer! If you’re a mom or you love a mom, can I get an Amen to that? Have you ever thought about the fact that God the Son Jesus Himself is praying for you? That’s something Kristen Wetherell shares on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/10/202429 minutes, 57 seconds
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Humble Moms, Ep 1 of 2

Moms do a lot of tasks. Many of those tasks aren’t very glamorous, are they? Kristen Wetherell helps us get our eyes off of a performance mindset and onto Jesus, the only perfect One on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/9/202431 minutes, 28 seconds
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Coworkers With God

How do you picture yourself? If you’re a follower of Jesus, the Bible uses many word pictures and analogies to describe you. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explores two of those metaphors: an agricultural one and an architectural one on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/8/202437 minutes, 14 seconds
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A Spiritual Legacy, Ep 2 of 2

Sometimes when presidents are about to leave office, they talk about their legacies. It’s how they want to be remembered. You and I are leaving legacies, too. Jani Ortlund explains how to have a long-range view toward investing in coming generations, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/7/202428 minutes, 44 seconds
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A Spiritual Legacy, Ep 1 of 2

Do you have a long-term vision for those your life will influence? Jani Ortlund has a looooong-term vision. She tells us why she’s thinking 200 years down the road on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/6/202427 minutes, 49 seconds
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Motherhood is My Mission Field

If you’re a mom, you are on a vital mission, commissioned by God. Dannah Gresh, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and others explainon Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/4/202425 minutes, 53 seconds
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Becoming a More Effective Servant, Ep 3 of 3

It seems like everyone is interested in power, from kids playing superheroes to business people trying to climb a corporate ladder. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you where to get true power on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/3/202427 minutes, 17 seconds
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Becoming a More Effective Servant, Ep 2 of 3

Wisdom comes with age, right? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says that is sometimes true, but you don’t have to get older to gain wisdom. You can actively pursue it. She’ll explain more on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/2/202426 minutes, 18 seconds
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Becoming a More Effective Servant, Ep 1 of 3

When a full cup gets jostled, whatever’s in the cup spills out. In the same way when you’re jostled, what comes out tells you what is filling you up. Learn how to be full of the Holy Spirit on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/1/202425 minutes, 36 seconds
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Hospitality and the Gospel, Ep 2 of 2

Here’s something to think about when it comes to showing hospitality. If you wait until it’s convenient to be hospitable, you’ll probably never get around to it. Amanda Kassian shares four important lessons we can learn from the Good Samaritanlessons that shape gospel-centered hospitality on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/30/202434 minutes, 54 seconds
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Hospitality and the Gospel, Ep 1 of 2

What’s keeping you from reaching out to others with the love of God? There are some true hindrances to real hospitality. Amanda Kassian shares them, along with what to do about them, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/29/202428 minutes, 24 seconds
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Get Out of Your Prayer Box

Does it feel like your prayers bounce off the ceiling? Maybe it’s time for you to get out of your prayer box and develop a life of prayer. Dannah Gresh explainson REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/27/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 15 of 15

When it comes to hospitality, the way YOU practice it might look completely different than the way I do. The folks in Keesha Griffin’s church are practicing a kind of corporate hospitality for a needy family in their community. Keesha shares the story on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/26/202425 minutes, 43 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 14 of 15

When you practice hospitality, for whom do you do it? Is it for yourself? For your friends? Or for the Lord? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth would answer by saying, Yes! to all of the above. She shares how our hospitality blesses us, others, and God on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/25/202425 minutes, 26 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 13 of 15

Having an attitude of hospitality works itself out in a number of practical, thoughtful ways. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/24/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 12 of 15

If you feel like you can’t afford to be hospitable, it may be that your conception of what hospitality is needs some adjustment. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows us that hospitality starts with a heart attitude, not lots of dollars, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/23/202427 minutes, 41 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 11 of 15

Having an attitude of hospitality is far more important than a Pinterest- worthy home. No matter where you live or the size of your dwelling place, find out how God can use your hospitality to encourage others on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/22/202425 minutes, 38 seconds
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Hospitality and Reaching the Lost

Are you aware of the impact a dinner invitation can have? When you open up your home and genuinely want to connect with others, God can use your hospitality in amazing ways. See what God’s Word says, and hear firsthand perspectives of the impact of hospitality, especially when it comes to reaching those who don’t know Christ. on REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/20/202428 minutes, 13 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 10 of 15

Who can you extend hospitality to? This includes both people you know, and people you don’t know well. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth invites you to consider the people God has placed in your life and how you can welcome them into your life on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/19/202435 minutes, 55 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 9 of 15

Does the thought of serving others through your hospitality excite you? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says it should. She talks about being a cheerful giver on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/18/202425 minutes, 33 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 8 of 15

Who has God brought into your life that could experience His love through your hospitality? Find out the power of having an open door policy on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/17/202421 minutes, 33 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 7 of 1

Jesus was always giving to others. He healed, He taught, and He also cooked. Wouldn’t it be incredible to eat a meal that had been prepared by Jesus? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth challenges us to show hospitality like Jesus, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/16/202426 minutes, 37 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 6 of 15

When Abraham and Sarah had unexpected company, they served a large meal. You and I probably won’t butcher a calf when surprise guests come. But we can still learn some important lessons from their cheerful hospitality. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/15/202426 minutes, 2 seconds
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Reflecting God in Your Home

Promo Pack: Does the word hospitality fill you with excitementor dread? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Drs. Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock explain why you are called to hospitality and why it doesn’t need to be complicatedon REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/13/202425 minutes, 28 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 5 of 15

Hospitality can be a long-term arrangement. Christie Erwin tells how she and her husband have shown hospitality for the long haul through adoption and foster care, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/12/202428 minutes, 22 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 4 of 15

Most of us remember seeing the evacuation of Kabul, Afghanistan in 2022. For Stacy Holden, the events of 2022 aren’t just a sad news story. She knows the faces, the names and the stories of individual people who fled for their lives. Some of them have become like family to her. Find out how she’s showing the love of God to Afghans through hospitality on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/11/202425 minutes, 4 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 3 of 15

Sometimes when we hear the word hospitality, our minds jump straight to an immaculate house and a delicious banquet. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows us that hospitality has more to do with simply showing God’s love, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/10/202429 minutes, 45 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 2 of 15

Can you think of how your kindness to someone else might offer them a picture of the gospel? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows us how hospitality can be a way of pointing people to Jesus on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/9/202425 minutes, 9 seconds
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You’re Welcome Here, Ep 1 of 15

If I could have you take a quiz right now, where would you rate yourself on the hospitality scale? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps us see why hospitality isn’t optional, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/8/202427 minutes, 22 seconds
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Heavenly Minded

What comes to your mind when you think of Heaven? Dannah Gresh and friends help us straighten out some misconceptions about eternity with Jesuson REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/6/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep 7 of 7

No matter what you’re facing, there’s no greater source of hope than the coming return of Christ. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explores His promise to come back to this earth on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/5/202425 minutes, 20 seconds
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep 6 of 7

Once Jesus ascended to Heaven, what did He begin doing? What is He doing now? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth will explore that and show you that Christ is busy doing more than you may have imagined. That’s next on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/4/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep 5 of 7

Forty days after being raised from the dead, Jesus ascended to Heaven. Most churches don’t make a big deal of this event. Did it really matter? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains why the ascension is important on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/3/202426 minutes, 31 seconds
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep 4 of 7

When you’ve been traveling for a long time, aren’t you eager to get home? After the resurrection, Jesus was probably eager to return to heaven. But He stayed on this earth for forty days. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains why this was so significant on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/2/202426 minutes, 22 seconds
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep 3 of 7

We know Jesus died so we can be forgiven from sin. But why was He raised from the dead? What significance does the life of Jesus have for you today? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you why the resurrection matters, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/1/202427 minutes, 57 seconds
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Why the Resurrection Matters

Do you believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus? What difference does it make for the world and for your life? We’ll explore those questions with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Dannah Gresh, and Staci Rudolph in this special Easter editionon REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/30/202426 minutes, 29 seconds
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep 2 of 7

On Good Friday, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth invites you to saturate your mind with God’s Word. Mark the events of Good Friday by listening to many Scripture passages about the death and burial of Jesus. Be moved by this special presentation by REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/29/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Incomparable: Now and Forever with Christ, Ep 1 of 7

When Jesus died on the cross, many graves opened and saints came back to life. What do you make of this miracle? Why did it happen? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explores this situation, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/28/202426 minutes, 55 seconds
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Incomparable: The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep 7 of 7

Death has caused great fear for generations. But there is one sure way to escape the fear of death. Discover it when you study the way Jesus died. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you how, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/27/202426 minutes, 37 seconds
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Incomparable: The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep 6 of 7

What was the single greatest word ever uttered in the history of mankind? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says that word was proclaimed by Jesus on the cross. She tells us what it was, on REVIVE OUR HEART. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/26/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Incomparable: The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep 5 of 7

I thirst. It sounds like a simple request. But when Jesus uttered these words on the cross, it was a profound statement. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows us why the thirst of Christ is so significant for us, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/25/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Power of the Cross

How can we call Good Friday good? That’s something Dannah Gresh, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and others explore on REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/23/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Incomparable: The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep 4 of 7

Thousands of people were crucified each year in Rome during the time of Jesus. So the physical suffering He went through wasn’t unheard of. Yet Jesus suffered in a far deeper way than anyone has ever experienced. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/22/202425 minutes, 57 seconds
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Incomparable: The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep 3 of 7

As Jesus suffered on the cross, He took time for a very practical matter. He made provision for a widow who was about to lose her firstborn son. Find out why this practical activity is so significant on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/21/202426 minutes, 6 seconds
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Incomparable: The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep 2 of 7

Do you ever struggle with doubts over where you’ll be when you die? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth offers encouragement to anyone who needs that assurance. Take comfort from the words of Jesus on the cross, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/20/202427 minutes, 48 seconds
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Incomparable: The Seven Last Words of Christ, Ep 1 of 7

Historians tell us that Roman crucifixion was so painful that those being executed would often curse and scream. So the first words out of Jesus’ mouth while being crucified were shocking. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth leads us in a study of those words, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/19/202426 minutes, 32 seconds
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Incomparable: The Saving Work of Christ, Ep 4 of 4

Do you ever feel lost in the attempt to be good? That you’re supposed to work harder, but you’re getting tired out? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth provides a solution on Revive Our Hearts: stop trying to be good. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/18/202427 minutes, 38 seconds
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You Can’t Save Yourself

Are you aware of your need for a Savior? Pride and a desire for control often get in the way of realizing our need for Jesus to rescue us. Join Nancy, Dannah, and Damaris Carbaugh on a journey to realize that you can’t save yourself.on REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/16/202425 minutes, 16 seconds
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Incomparable: The Saving Work of Christ, Ep 3 of 4

How do you react when someone accuses you of something? Most people defend themselves. But when He was accused, the response of Jesus was amazing. Consider the meaning of the Savior’s silence on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/15/202425 minutes, 43 seconds
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Incomparable: The Saving Work of Christ, Ep 2 of 4

What was the greatest miscarriage of justice in the history of the world? You’ve probably read about the incident. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps us explore it in depth on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/14/202430 minutes, 54 seconds
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Incomparable: The Saving Work of Christ, Ep 1 of 4

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus agonized in prayer. Why did He approach His upcoming trial with such anguish? It wasn’t only the pain of the cross. Something far deeper was at work. Consider the soul-anguish of Christ on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/13/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 20 of 20

If you study the life of Jesus, you may be surprised at how often He prayed. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shares what you can learn about prayer from the life of Jesus, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/12/202429 minutes, 19 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 19 of 20

The book of Matthew includes an intriguing line. Jesus and His disciples sung a hymn before He headed out to be betrayed. How could Jesus sing in the shadow of the cross? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explores the serenity of the singing savior. That’s next time, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/11/202427 minutes, 12 seconds
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Living Humbly

Living humbly before God and others is harder than it might seem. Learn to recognize some evidences of pride in your life, as well as what to do about iton REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/9/202424 minutes, 20 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 18 of 20

Jesus Messiah, Savior, Son of God, and part of the Trinity is worthy of our worship and praise. How did He demonstrate humility throughout His earthly life and ministry? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/8/202427 minutes, 15 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 17 of 20

The greatest teacher of all time had no seminary training or advanced degrees. He was trained as a carpenter. Yet His teaching was riveting to the crowds who gathered to hear. Learn about the greatest teacher ever, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/7/202428 minutes, 24 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 16 of 20

Have you ever heard Jesus referred to as a prophet? When you get into the mindset of the people in Jesus’ day, you’ll understand why His role as a prophet was such a huge deal. Find out why on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/6/202427 minutes, 2 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 15 of 20

The gospels tell of an incident on a mountain. The clothing of Jesus began to shine and his glory was revealed. Why was that moment so significant? The answer will give you great hope on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/5/202430 minutes, 26 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 14 of 20

Do you believe Jesus ever sinned? Research shows that a surprisingly large number of people don’t believe in the sinlessness of Christ. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you why this question is crucial to your faith on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/4/202432 minutes, 4 seconds
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Living in Awe of Jesus

When was the last time you were so in awe of something that your jaw dropped open in disbelief? Mary Kassian, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and Dannah Gresh encourage us to live in awe of Jesuson REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/2/202426 minutes, 53 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 13 of 20

How could Jesus be both human and divine? How did the divine and humanity mix? It’s a question that’s been discussed for centuries. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps us understand it, and shows us why the nature of Christ is so important, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/1/202424 minutes, 37 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 12 of 20

When you see depictions of Jesus in paintings and films, do you ever notice that He sometimes comes across wimpy? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth challenges you to think of an important aspect of Christ His perfect masculinity. She helps you gain a new appreciation for a strong Savior, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/29/202427 minutes, 31 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 11 of 20

The little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes. This idea shows up in a popular Christmas carol, but it’s probably not true. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth paints a picture of a fully human Jesus, who cried, ate, slept, got hungry and felt emotions. Find out why the humanity of Jesus matters on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/28/202425 minutes, 50 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 10 of 20

Was Jesus truly God? Does it really matter? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says, if Jesus were not God, all of Christianity would fall apart. She’ll show you the importance of the deity of Jesus, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/27/202425 minutes, 51 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 9 of 20

You’re alone in a barren wilderness, surrounded by wild animals. You haven’t eaten in 40 days. Do you think you’d be vulnerable to temptation in a case like that? Find out what you can learn from Jesus when He was in that situation, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/26/202425 minutes, 58 seconds
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Fighting Temptation with the Word

Temptation is everywhere. Are you equipped to fight it? Discover how God’s Word is one of the most powerful tools to help you overcome your battle with temptation on REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/24/202427 minutes, 8 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 8 of 20

Jesus was perfect and didn’t need to show any repentance. So why did He need to be baptized? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explores the baptism of Jesus and shows us many new exciting facets of this incredible act of obedience, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/23/202426 minutes, 35 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 7 of 20

For years, Jesus spent his time as a tradesman. He was a blue collar worker. His life shows that hard work can be sanctified when done to God’s glory. Get encouragement for every menial task on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/22/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 6 of 20

Jesus gives us an example of embracing God’s will and calling for our lives in every season of life, in every menial and difficult task. Discover how Jesus identifies with common, working people on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/21/202426 minutes, 25 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 5 of 20

How much do we know about Jesus’ childhood? Not much was recorded in Scripture. But if you reflect carefully on what we do know, you’ll gain a new appreciation for the humility of Christ. Considering the childhood of Jesus will challenge you to a new level of worship, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/20/202427 minutes, 24 seconds
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Incomparable: The Person of Christ, Ep 4 of 20

What is the most amazing miracle ever performed in this universe? Is it the resurrection? The creation itself? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth will tell you her opinion. The discussion will lead you to a deeper level of worship on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/19/202425 minutes, 7 seconds
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Trusting Our Unchanging God

A well-known hymn says, When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. Learn to place your confidence in the only One who is completely unchangingon REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/17/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Incomparable, Ep 3 of 38

When biographers begin to tell a person’s story, they usually begin with birth. But the story of Jesus begins far before the events in Bethlehem. He existed before the beginning of creation. He existed before time itself. Think through the pre-existence of Christ on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/16/202425 minutes, 44 seconds
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Incomparable, Day 2 of 38

What is true beauty? Poets have tackled this question for centuries. Scientists have even gotten into the discussion recently. But there is only one source for knowing true beauty. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you what it is on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/15/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Incomparable, Day 1 of 38

There is no one else like Jesus. That sounds like a simple statement, but in today’s world, it sounds radical. Find out why Jesus claimed to be the only way to God. And think through whether you’re willing to base your life on His claims. Explore Christ’s uniqueness on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/14/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Love Thy Body, Ep 2 of 2

You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. That’s according to the Bible. Author and speaker Nancy Pearcey (pron. PEER-see) helps us see the value of our bodies, and how science points to our incredible Creator on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/13/202426 minutes, 8 seconds
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Love Thy Body, Ep 1 of 2

Many today are confused about life and sexuality. Nancy Pearcey traces much of the confusion back to an underlying worldview. A faulty worldview. She explains on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/12/202433 minutes, 4 seconds
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Trusting Our Kind God

Do you believe God has a kind heart? Learn why you can trust the kindness of God as you experience His mercy, compassion, and love. Dane Ortlund, Dannah, and Nancy give you an understanding of this important characteristic of the Lordon REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/10/202427 minutes, 23 seconds
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Be Still, Ep 7 of 7

A man named Thomas struggled with health issues, couldn’t keep a job, and didn’t have regular income. Yet he wrote a powerful hymn about God’s faithfulness. You’ve probably heard it. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/9/202425 minutes, 17 seconds
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Be Still, Ep 6 of 7

William Cowper (pronounced Cooper) was prone to bouts of severe depression and even tried to take his life. Yet the Lord used him to write a hymn we still sing today. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth tells the story on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/8/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Be Still, Ep 5 of 7

The writer of one of our most popular hymns struggled to live what he had written. His example serves as a warning to us. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth tells the story of the writer and his song on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/7/202425 minutes, 32 seconds
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Be Still, Ep 4 of 7

A woman named Louisa watched as her husband tried to save a drowning child. As the child resisted his help, Louisa watched her husband drown as well. She then wrote a hymn that you’ve probably heard. Hear the story and the hymn that has so much to say to us today. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shares it with you on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/6/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Be Still, Ep 3 of 7

Everything you own comes from God. When you give your life to Him, you’re just acknowledging His ownership of it anyway. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps you learn what a life fully devoted to the Lord looks like day by dayon REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/5/202426 minutes, 4 seconds
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Peace in the Storm

Living in our fallen world means that at times we experience storms. Maybe you’re in one right now. But you can have peace in the midst of the storm. Jeff and Sarah Walton, Dannah Gresh, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth show you how on REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/3/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Be Still, Ep 2 of 7

How can you find perfect peace in the center of a storm? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you an example of a woman who was hit with one hardship after another. Yet she knew where to find peace. Nancy tells you the story on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/2/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Be Still, Ep 1 of 7

When’s the last time you slowed down and just were still before the Lord? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you why you need those seasons of being still, and how to calm your heart on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/1/202425 minutes, 1 second
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 8 of 8

When Rosalie Eliott heard the gospel and responded, she was excited to share her faith with her husband. But he wasn’t interested. So she prayed and never stopped praying for six decades. Hear her story, and learn about persistence in prayer, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/31/202425 minutes, 16 seconds
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 7 of 8

The choices you make today will matter a thousand years from now. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains why on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/30/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 6 of 8

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could read a book, hear a speaker or go on a retreat and instantly become godly? While all those resources can be very helpful, there’s no such thing as instant godliness. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you what it’s like to develop godliness step by step over time on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/29/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Controlling Your Tongue

Your words have power. Will you use your tongue to speak life or death? In this episode, you’ll see how your tongue actually navigates your life, what it reveals about your heart, and how your words impact otherson REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/27/202427 minutes, 16 seconds
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 5 of 8

What do you look forward to in coming months? Are you looking forward to trials? No one hopes for trials and difficulties, but everyone should expect them. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps you get ready, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/26/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 4 of 8

Virtue. Does that word sound boring? Biblical writers used it to describe something strong and dynamic. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/25/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 3 of 8

Everyone who begins a new diet or exercise routine understands the need for discipline. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says a disciplined mindset needs to stick with us all year long. She shows us how to maintain it on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/24/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 2 of 8

Almost everyone tries to develop new habits and make improvements at the beginning of a new year. But by the time February rolls around, most of the diets have crashed and the gym memberships have gone unused. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth describes the true power you need for lasting change, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/23/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Adding to Your Faith, Ep. 1 of 8

If you knew your days were numbered, what would you say to those you love, before it was too late? One of the apostles was in that situation. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps us explore his meaningful last words on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/22/202425 minutes, 3 seconds
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Valuing Life From Beginning to End

Christians are called to be what Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth calls messengers of life. Learn how to value life at every stage, and discover five myths related to end-of-life careon REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and Dr. Kathryn Butler. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/20/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Beauty for Ashes, Ep. 2 of 2

As an adult, Martha Schaale still felt the sting of abuse that she had suffered as a child. It caused her to keep her distance from an important person in her life. Martha shares her story on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/19/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Beauty for Ashes, Ep. 1 of 2

Martha Schaale was trying to keep her sin private. But she made friends with a godly woman who stirred up some deep emotions. We’ll hear Martha’s story on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/18/202427 minutes, 13 seconds
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Journey for the Heart, Ep 3 of 3

Let’s face it. Your life, my lifenever goes the way we think it should. And sometimes, out of the blue, really traumatic things hit us. Elizabeth Mitchell helps us keep our focus where it needs to be: on Jesus, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/17/202437 minutes, 16 seconds
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Journey for the Heart, Ep 2 of 3

Do you remember what Job said after he lost his children, his wealth, and his health? Amazingly, he had a little moment of worship! He said, The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Elizabeth Mitchell helps us know how to grieve well, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/16/202426 minutes, 7 seconds
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Journey for the Heart, Ep 1 of 3

When Elizabeth Mitchell’s son James was born, he had some serious heart problems. It launched Elizabeth on what she refers to as a journey for the heart. She shares hope for those times when life is unfair, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/15/202427 minutes, 50 seconds
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A Fresh Start: Be with Others

Relationships matter. We were designed to be with people and experience life together. Start this year off with a fresh perspective on the importance of community, involvement in church, and meeting the needs of otherson REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/13/202426 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Secret to Being Fruitful, Ep 2 of 2

Think about how you’d like to grow in your walk with the Lord this year. Maybe you’re hoping to memorize a passage of Scripture or study a book of the Bible. What kind of FRUIT do you want to bear? Dannah Gresh shares what she calls the secret of fruitfulness on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/12/202425 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Secret to Being Fruitful, Ep 1 of 2

If you’re ever tempted to believe God could never use you, be sure to tune in to Revive Our Hearts. Dannah Gresh helps you combat that lie with the truth of God’s Word on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/11/202425 minutes, 8 seconds
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You Ep. 8 of 8

In a rapidly changing world, when we hear news of crisis after crisis, is anything stable? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says, Yes. She points us to solid information about our life and future on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/10/202426 minutes, 42 seconds
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You Ep. 7 of 8

When you eat, you grow less hungry, right? The opposite thing happens when you read the Bible. The more you partake of God’s Word, the more your hunger grows. Find out why on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/9/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You Ep. 6 of 8

Reading the Bible creates accountability. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says when you read the Bible, you become responsible to do what it says. If you read it and don’t obey it, you may be in worse shape than if you never read it at all. She explains why on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/8/202426 minutes, 49 seconds
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A Fresh Start: Abiding in Christ

We don’t use the word abide in regular conversation that often. But Dannah Gresh says it’s a great Bible word we need to understand and put into practice. She explains on REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/6/202426 minutes, 57 seconds
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You, Ep 5 of 8

There are many helpful Bible study tools on the market. But Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says one of the best tools is already right in your drawer. You have several of these tools, and carry them around all the time. Learn how to use this valuable instrument and get more out of your Bible study on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/5/202427 minutes, 29 seconds
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You, Ep 4 of 8

We all need well balanced diets, and a lot of people have resolved to eat healthier in 2024. You also need well balanced reading, so I hope you’ll approach the Bible in a healthy way this year. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you how to maintain balance in your Bible reading, on on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/4/202429 minutes, 20 seconds
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You, Ep 3 of 8

In an era of social media and technology, you probably take in volumes of information very quickly. It might tempt you to do everything quickly, but there are times when you need to stop and savor what you’re reading. Nancy will explain on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/3/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You, Ep 2 of 8

Do you understand what you read in the Bible? There is One Person who can help you get more out of your reading than anyone else. And He is available to read with you anytime you ask. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/2/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Getting into the Word, Getting the Word into You, Ep 1 of 8

What do you do with junk mail? You probably throw most of it away unopened. But when you get a letter from someone you love, you can't wait to tear it open and read. Do you treat the Bible more like junk mail or more like a love letter? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps you think that through on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/1/202427 minutes, 1 second
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Fruitful to the Finish

Do you believe you can flourish in every season of life? Even as you get older? If you are alive and breathing, you have purpose. Find out how to live a fruitful life, especially as you age, with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Susan Hunt, Kay Barker, and Missy Babcock. on REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/30/202325 minutes, 18 seconds
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God is in the Remodeling Business

If you’ve ever survived a house remodeling project, you’ll identify with what Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says. She turns the idea of remodeling into a metaphor for the Christian life, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/29/202334 minutes, 8 seconds
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God is at Work in the Next Generation

In Psalm 145 one generation is called to pass on the wondrous works of God to the next. We will hear some of the ways that generational investment is happening in our day. Hear good news from college campuses on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/28/202327 minutes, 58 seconds
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Trusting God with Cancer, Ep. 2 of 2

Sometimes the battle against disease doesn’t go the way we want it to. Dawn Wilson talks about the temptations she’s faced when cancer treatments have disappointing results. And she shares the hope she finds in the Word of God, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/27/202331 minutes, 28 seconds
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Trusting God with Cancer, Ep. 1 of 2

Could you trust God to write your story, even if you heard that dreaded diagnosis? Dawn Wilson is in the middle of cancer treatments. She shows us how it’s pulled her closer into God’s embrace as she chooses to worship Him. Hear her story on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/26/202343 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Birth of the Savior, Christ the Lord

It’s a story that never gets old. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reads from the New Testament accounts of the birth of Jesus, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/25/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Immanuel, Maranatha!

Christmas can be fun, OR (let’s face it) it can be miserable. Janet Mylin, Dannah Gresh, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and Erin Davis help us understand a simple, two-word prayer laden with meaning, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/23/202325 minutes, 5 seconds
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Unto You is Born This Day, Ep 3 of 3

When Jesus was born, a grand worship service broke out. The focus of that worship experience was where it should begiving glory to God in the highest. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth help you turn your focus toward the Lord and worship Him this Christmas, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/22/202328 minutes, 28 seconds
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Unto You is Born This Day, Ep 2 of 3

Out of all the people in the world, why did God send His good news of great joy to shepherds? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth has some fascinating ideas about why God may have done that, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/21/202328 minutes, 54 seconds
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Unto You is Born This Day, Ep 1 of 3

When Jesus was born, Caesar Augustus was considered the most powerful person on the planet. But Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows us why he was just a pawn in God’s plan. She reminds us that God is in control of world events in our day, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/20/202326 minutes, 39 seconds
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Making Christmas More Meaningful, Ep. 3 of 3

Do you ever feel like you’re so swept up in busyness that you can’t fully enjoy the Christmas season? Learn how to approach the holidays purposefully, creating meaningful traditions. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth leads the discussion on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/19/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Making Christmas More Meaningful, Ep 2 of 3

Almost everyone faces worries at Christmas. Parents might worry that their kids are too materialistic. Widows may be spending their first season alone. Singles might long for the Christmas they once imagined. All these concerns are addressed as Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you how to make Christmas more meaningful, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/18/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Fruitful in Motherhood

From diaper changes to getting food on the table, and all the moments of motherhood, a mom can start to wonder if what she’s doing matters. Discover how you’re producing fruit, even if you might not see it. Emily Jensen, Laura Wifler, Dannah Gresh, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth share insights for living fruitfully in every day of motherhood, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/16/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Making Christmas More Meaningful, Ep 1 of 3

Does it ever feel like the Christmas season gets away from you? Like you’re so busy doing what everyone else wants that you don’t have time to celebrate? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps us learn to make Christmas more meaningful on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/15/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Learning to Trust God After Abuse, Ep 2 of 2

When your journey includes being the victim of someone else’s selfishness and sin, it can feel like your world has completely fallen apart. Ashley Gibson and Erin Davis remind you that you still have Jesus, and He won’t hurt you, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/14/202330 minutes, 50 seconds
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Learning to Trust God After Abuse, Ep 1 of 2

How can a young woman learn to trust God or others when she’s suffered abuse by her own father? Ashley Gibson shares her journey on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/13/202328 minutes
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Meet Mariah, Ep 2 of 2

How should parents respond when their son or daughter lives in rebellion against God? They should do what Brent and Lisa Halvorsen did. They share the story of a daughter rescued by God on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/12/202333 minutes, 26 seconds
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Meet Mariah, Ep 1 of 2

You can take this to the bank. Everybody is thirsty. Everyone tries to quench that thirst in some way or another. A young woman named Mariah shares how she looked for satisfaction in the wrong places BEFORE Jesus saved her, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/11/202327 minutes, 28 seconds
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Fruitful in Singleness

You don’t often see the words fruitful and single together. But Gretchen Saffles, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Jill Miller, and Dannah Gresh explain that God wants us to thrive in every season of life, including singleness, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/9/202326 minutes, 22 seconds
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Thriving in Every Season, Ep 5 of 5

Young or old, your growth is important to God. He wants you to thrive in every season of your life. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/8/202330 minutes, 29 seconds
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Thriving in Every Season, Ep 4 of 5

Where are you planted? I’m not talking about where you live. Are you growing, not taller, but more godly? Are you thriving spiritually? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps you answer those questions on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/7/202327 minutes, 43 seconds
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Thriving in Every Season, Ep 3 of 5

When are you most tempted to doubt that God is on His throne and everything’s gonna be okay? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth turns our attention to Psalm 92 to help us fight our fears and doubts, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/6/202326 minutes, 13 seconds
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Thriving in Every Season Ep 2 of 5

When something consumes you, all your thoughts are focused on that one thing. Well, here’s a question. How long has it been since you were consumed with the works of God? What He’s done? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps us tune our hearts to sing God’s praise, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/5/202329 minutes, 14 seconds
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Thriving in Every Season, Ep 1 of 5

I know the Thanksgiving holiday was so last month, and I know Christmas is coming. But we’ll explore why the psalmist says, It is good to give thanks to the Lord, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/4/202328 minutes, 19 seconds
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Fruitful Kids

God tells us to pass His truth on to coming generations. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Holly Elliff, Nol Piper, and Dannah Gresh cast a vision for how we can plant seeds and pray for fruitful kids, on REVIVE OUR HEARTS WEEKEND. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/2/202327 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Have a Fruitful Life, Ep 2 of 2

It would be strange to walk up to an apple tree expecting to pick a nice, sweet, juicy apple, only to find a nasty, shriveled up, moldy lemon! The fruit your life produces comes from what’s inside. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/1/202329 minutes, 14 seconds
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How to Have a Fruitful Life, Ep 1 of 2

Do you like to garden? I know gardening season is over now. But think back to late summer, when you had juicy, red tomatoes and maybe more zucchini than you knew what to do with. Your garden was FRUITFUL. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains what a fruitful LIFE looks like on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/30/202327 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Privilege of Suffering for Christ

Most people wouldn’t describe suffering as a privilege. But when the late Dr. Helen Roseveare followed God’s calling and encountered tumultuous times, she was grateful. The Lord used Helen’s life in many ways as she lived alongside and loved the people of Congo. She shares how following Christ is a privilege, even in the trialson REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/29/202325 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Beauty of Generosity

What can you do when you want to meet a need and help build God's kingdom, but you just don't have the funds to give? On the next Revive Our Hearts, hear from people who asked God to provide so they could give, and how God responded to those prayers. You'll be encouraged to pray earnestly so you can give generously on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/28/202328 minutes, 10 seconds
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Giving Sacrificially

Imagine how God might use you to advance His kingdom if you really gave sacrificially. That’s something Dave and Jeannette Cooke have experienced first hand. They share their story on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/27/202328 minutes, 40 seconds
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Blessed to Bless

There’s no question: God has blessed us in some amazing ways. Butfor what? Dr. Eric Mason, Randy Alcorn, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth help us see that we’re blessed by God in order to be a blessing to others, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/25/202326 minutes, 12 seconds
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 10 of 10

What will you be doing the day after Thanksgiving? Shopping? Avoiding the stores at all costs? On Revive Our Hearts, Nancy and a group of women will be continuing to thank the Lord for His steadfast love. You’ll be inspired as you listen in on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/24/202334 minutes, 12 seconds
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 9 of 10

When we truly believe God’s steadfast love endures forever, it affects all of life. We’ll hear thanksgiving praise from women who have benefited from Nancy’s study of Psalm 136 women who say, Give thanks to the Lord, for His steadfast love endures forever on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/23/202327 minutes, 33 seconds
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 8 of 10

Families often thank God before they eat their meals. That can be an effective way to remind ourselves of our dependence on Him. But there’s another kind of food that God gives us. Find out more on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/22/202328 minutes
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 7 of 10

Have you experienced the constant pressure of coming up with the next meal? Can you imagine how hard it would be to feed all the people and all the animals in the world every day? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reminds us that’s something God does all the time. it’s an evidence of His steadfast love. Listen in on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/21/202327 minutes, 52 seconds
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His Love Is Forever, Ep. 6 of 10

Cross my heart, hope to die! Kids sometimes tack special wording onto their promises to show that THIS time they’re really serious! Adults do it, too. HONESTLY, we do! (😊) Well, when God makes promises, we don’t have to question whether or not He’ll follow through. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth takes us back to Psalm 136 to show us God’s complete faithfulness on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/20/202329 minutes, 3 seconds
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Thankful in Trials

What are you thankful for? In the Thanksgiving season, we naturally thank God for the good blessings in our lives. But can your difficult circumstances also be a blessing? Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explore how to be thankful even in our trials, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/18/202326 minutes, 55 seconds
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His Love Is Forever, Ep 5 of 10

When you think of evidences that God loves you, what comes to mind? A lot of us see His love in His provision for us -- food, clothes, health, a place to live. Have you ever thought about how we can see God’s love reflected in His people? That’s what Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explores on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/17/202327 minutes, 58 seconds
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His Love Is Forever, Ep 4 of 10

If you’re a guest in someone’s home and they serve you a delicious homemade apple pie, you don’t thank the pie. You don’t compliment the apples. Instead, you tell the person who baked the pie how much you appreciate it. In the same way, God’s creation is meant to point us to Him, the Creator. That’s something you’ll hear more about. . . on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/16/202328 minutes, 8 seconds
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His Love Is Forever, Ep 3 of 10

If you’re ever tempted to think that you and the world around you are just one big accident, you need to listen to the next edition of Revive Our Hearts as Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows us how the wonders of God’s creation show us His goodness and love on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/15/202328 minutes, 9 seconds
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His Love Is Forever, Ep 2 of 10

There’s a promise in the Bible that affects your perspective on any circumstance in lifeno matter how difficult it may seem. Find out what that promise ison Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/14/202329 minutes, 31 seconds
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His Love Is Forever, Ep 1 of 10

When you were younger, did you ever fall for this joke Pete and Repeat were sitting on a wall. Pete fell off. Who was left? and you answered dutifully, Repeat. To which your friend (or is it your torturer?) responded, Pete and Repeat were sitting on a wall, and on it went. Repetition can be frustrating. Unless it’s really helpful. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth starts a new series showing us a good kind of repetitionon Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/13/202325 minutes, 6 seconds
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Blessed By Family

Are you thankful for your family? Erin Davis, Donna VanLiere, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth show us that even imperfect families are a blessing from the Lord, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/11/202325 minutes, 16 seconds
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Lies Boys Believe, Ep 3 of 3

Are you ever tempted to think that living for Jesus is boring? Jason and Erin Davis will help you embrace God’s calling on your life as a grand adventure. And they help you invite the next generation to do the same. Hear the conversation on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/10/202325 minutes, 50 seconds
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Lies Boys Believe, Ep 2 of 3

In Deuteronomy 6, God tells His people to treasure His commands. He says, Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Erin and Jason Davis will help you know how to do that in your home, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/9/202325 minutes
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Lies Boys Believe, Ep 1 of 3

How can a parent raise sons when any display of masculinity might be interpreted as toxic masculinity? How do you teach boys to be who God created them to be in a world full of confusion? Erin and Jason Davis answer those questions on REVIVE OUR HEARTS with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/8/202326 minutes, 42 seconds
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Under His Wings, Ep 2 of 2

The Bible describes God like a mother hen who protects her chicks under her wings. Are you going to God for that kind of protection? Learn more about the wings of God on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/7/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Under His Wings, Ep 1 of 2

Think about the most refreshing place you’ve been. Even that can’t compare with the peace that comes from living under the wings of God. Find out more about God’s protection and comfort on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/6/202325 minutes, 43 seconds
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Blessed with Life

Do you live as if life itself is a blessing? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth along with Mary Kassian, Ryan and Bethany Bomberger, and Erin Davis help reset your perspective of the gift of life, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/4/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Cultivating Contentment, Ep 3 of 3

Whether it’s cows in a field or kids on a playground or adults wanting the next shiny thing, the grass often does look greener on the other side of the fence, doesn’t it? Melissa Kruger helps us fight covetousness and cultivate hearts of contentment on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/3/202327 minutes, 4 seconds
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Cultivating Contentment, Ep 2 of 3

What character defect / what sin would be the most opposite of contentment? Melissa Kruger explains, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/2/202326 minutes, 7 seconds
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Cultivating Contentment, Ep 1 of 3

Experienced mountain climbers understand this: they need to know the lay of the land before they tackle a tough climb. Melissa Kruger helps us scale to new heights in our quest for contentment, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/1/202327 minutes, 23 seconds
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Anchored to the Word

When the wind and waves batter a boat, it’s key for it to stay anchored to something solid. Various speakers from True Woman 22 share their thoughts on anchoring our souls to the Bible and to Jesus, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/31/202333 minutes, 18 seconds
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Jesus on Every Page

What advice would you give to someone who wants to lead others in a Bible study? Asheritah Ciuciu (CHOO-choo) answers that question on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/30/202333 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Five Solas of Revived Hearts

Okay, I don’t have a prize to give away, but would you be able to name the five sola’s of the Protestant Reformation? This weekend, Dannah Gresh, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and Pastor Chris Brooks will help us explore those themes that people actually died defendingon Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/28/202328 minutes, 49 seconds
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Serving God’s Purpose in Your Generation, Ep 2 of 2

How many times have you said something like this? I’ll do it when I get around to it. Well, you and I need to not procrastinate when it comes to serving God. Kim Cash Tate explains on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/27/202337 minutes, 51 seconds
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Serving God’s Purpose in Your Generation, Ep. 1 of 2

Here’s an interesting question. Whom or what do you serve? Because I have it on good authority that you are serving SOMETHING. Kim Cash Tate will take us to an obscure Old Testament passage to help us learn some lessonsLessons about serving God in our generation, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/26/202333 minutes, 37 seconds
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Revive Us Again

Who needs revival? According to Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, you do. And I do. She takes us to Psalm 85, where the psalmist prays, Revive us again, Lord, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/25/202326 minutes, 56 seconds
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Grace: Apply Liberally!

If you were dying of thirst, would you rather drink from a tiny Dixie cup? Or from an unlimited stream of pure water? Chizzy Anderson says God dispenses grace generously to our thirsty souls. Find out ways we can apply His grace liberally, both to ourselves and to others, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/24/202330 minutes, 48 seconds
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Suffering: An Avenue for Grace

The trials you and I face can threaten to undo us, to overwhelm us. But Sarah Walton shows us how to have the same attitude about our suffering that the Apostle Paul did, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/23/202332 minutes, 53 seconds
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Receiving and Extending Grace

You and I can’t function without God’s grace. And we have the incredible privilege of being channels of His grace to others. Take a deeper dive into the realm of both receiving and extending grace, on this episode of Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/21/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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What This Church Needs, Ep 3 of 3

The church is facing challenges from the outside and problems from the inside. Do you ever feel like giving up? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth encourages you to serve the church with energy and love, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/20/202325 minutes
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What This Church Needs, Ep 2 of 3

Walk through any Christian bookstore and you’ll find critiques of the church’s activity and theology. How do you discern what the church really needs in the middle of so many opinions? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth tackles that question on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/19/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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What This Church Needs, Ep 1 of 3

It seems like everyone has an opinion about problems in the church. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says only one opinion truly matters: What does JESUS think of the church? Discover how Jesus’ words in Revelation apply to us today, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/18/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 10 of 10

Jesus is the greatest overcomer who ever walked the earth. But the victory He won looked backwards in the world’s eyes. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shares what it means to follow His example, embracing temporary struggle, and enjoying an eternity of joy, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/17/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 9 of 10

People will fill your ears with empty promises. But God has the power to carry out everything He says He will do. God’s promises will affect every area of your life. Find out why, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/16/202327 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Nurture Your Passion for Christ

Is God a part of your life, or is He your life? Discover what it means to live fervently for the Lord on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/14/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep 8 of 10

Is there some habit or temptation you’d like to conquer? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you how to look to the example of the ultimate conqueror, Jesus, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/13/202330 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep 7 of 10

The Bible says we will reign with Christ. What does that mean? Hear about the amazing invitation you have to sit with Jesus on His throne, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/12/202327 minutes, 24 seconds
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 4 of 10

Jesus had a special message to church members who were blind, naked and poor. He told them to buy some items from Him. Find out what they are on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/11/202326 minutes, 5 seconds
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep 5 of 10

Pastors often labor behind the scenes with little to no thanks. But, what if we could change that? Find practical ways to encourage and honor your spiritual leaders on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/10/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep. 4 of 10

Jesus had a special message to church members who were blind, naked and poor. He told them to buy some items from Him. Find out what they are on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/9/202324 minutes, 59 seconds
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Honoring Our Pastors

Pastors often labor behind the scenes with little to no thanks. But, what if we could change that? Find practical ways to encourage and honor your spiritual leaders on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/7/202325 minutes, 36 seconds
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep 3 of 10

Over the years, we’ve witnessed the crumble of many institutions. They looked strong, but suddenly were threatened with bankruptcy. That same condition can plague churches and even you and me. Learn to avoid spiritual bankruptcy on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/6/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep 2 of 10

The Bible tells us that certain behaviors make Jesus so upset He wants to spit. It sounds surprising, but it’s true. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth tells you more on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/5/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Laodicea: The Cure for a Lukewarm Faith, Ep 1 of 10

Jesus is referred to as the Firstborn. Does that mean there was a time before Jesus existed? It’s an important question, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth addresses it on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/4/202327 minutes, 58 seconds
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 9 of 9

Do you find yourself thinking of the second coming of Christ as a mysterious event far off into the future? Understand why His return has highly practical applications for you each day, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/3/202323 minutes, 29 seconds
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 8 of 9

If you feel weak and powerless, God wants to display His strength through younot just now, but forever. Encounter the God who provides strength for weak people, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/2/202327 minutes, 46 seconds
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Don’t Lose Heart

There’s plenty to pull you down and discourage you. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Dannah Gresh, and Joy McClain bring you the opposite message: Persevere! Don’t lose heart! on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/30/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 7 of 9

Jesus is coming soon. So what are we supposed to do while we wait for Him? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth describes the attitude and behavior of those who are hoping in the return of Christ, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/29/202328 minutes, 1 second
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 6 of 9

When you’ve been apart from someone you love, you count the days until you can see them again. Do you feel that type of longing for the return of Christ? Gain a new sense of expectation, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/28/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 5 of 9

In the first century, Jesus said, I am coming back soon. That was over two thousand years ago. Has Jesus failed to deliver that promise? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth addresses that question on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/27/202326 minutes, 40 seconds
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 4 of 9

The book of Revelation describes a great tribulation, and hours have been spent debating it. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains why the book of Revelation provides great hope for you, regardless of where you fall in the debate. Discover that incredible hope, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/26/202327 minutes, 51 seconds
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep. 3 of 9

Plenty of people are trying to gain power through political influence, through money or popularity. But do these channels truly provide lasting power? Hear about the one true source of power, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/25/202329 minutes, 30 seconds
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Practicing Patience

How patient are you? Why is patience so important, anyway? Join Staci Rudolph, Dannah Gresh, Bob Lepine, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth for biblical discussions on being patient with others, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/23/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep 2 of 9

Who carries the keys to your church? The pastor or custodian? Is it the person who arrives early to make coffee? The question of who opens which doors is an important one Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth addresses on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/22/202327 minutes, 24 seconds
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Philadelphia: Encouragement to Persevere, Ep 1 of 9

When someone hands you their keys, they’re giving you authority. Responsibility. Jesus holds an important key. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains why His key and His authority matter so much to you, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/21/202327 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sardis: Wake Up, Ep 5 of 5

Do you ever feel outnumbered? That you are the only one in your church or family serving the Lord faithfully? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth inspires you with hope for the future, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/20/202328 minutes, 9 seconds
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Sardis: Wake Up, Ep 4 of 5

If you’ve been faithfully serving God in a struggling church, don’t be discouraged. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth provides hope for you and your church, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/19/202326 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sardis: Wake Up, Ep 3 of 5

We so easily use the phrase the Word of God to describe the Bible. Do you realize how incredible that phrase really is? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth calls you to the wonder that God would speak to you, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/18/202325 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to Help the Weak

If you’ve ever experienced the help of a friend in a moment of need, you understand the value of the New Testament command help the weak. Be inspired to give of yourself in showing compassion to those around you, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/16/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sardis: Wake Up, Ep 2 of 5

It’s possible for a church to look good on the outside, involved in a variety of activities and programs, and still be spiritually dead. It’s possible for us as individuals, too. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth describes the qualities of a vibrant relationship with God on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/15/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sardis: Wake Up, Ep 1 of 5

You can be decent, hard working, well-liked, . . . and spiritually dead. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth tells us about Christ’s call to Wake up! on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/14/202326 minutes, 24 seconds
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Inviting Heaven to Rule in Your Mind

How can we dwell on the Lord Most High? Dannah Gresh says the key is reminding ourselves of who God is and resting in His faithfulness, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/13/202340 minutes, 37 seconds
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep 7 of 7

Jesus refers to Himself as the morning star. It’s a star that appears when the night is almost over. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth tells you what this means for you, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/12/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep 6 of 7

Do you ever feel alone, making Biblical decisions while most people around you go with the flow of culture? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth offers encouragement, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/11/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Don’t Forget to Be an Encourager!

The Apostle Paul tells us to encourage the fainthearted. Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth help us gain new eyes to recognize the fainthearted in your church, home and communityand discover practical ways to encourage rather than discourage themon Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/9/202327 minutes, 24 seconds
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep 5 of 7

When God acts as judge, He is never unjust. His judgment follows mercy that has been refused. Gain a clear understanding of God’s justice, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/8/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep 4 of 7

How do children learn discernment? Do they need to experience the latest books, movies and music in order to judge them? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth discusses this with some parents on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/7/202327 minutes, 17 seconds
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep 3 of 7

Say your child wants to see a particular movie, and tells you it’s ok since all the kids at church have seen it. Can you trust a movie just because everyone at church is watching? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth addresses that, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/6/202324 minutes, 57 seconds
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep 2 of 7

What’s more important in a churchtruth or love? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says most churches emphasize one or the other, but we need to balance both. Find out why, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/5/202324 minutes, 59 seconds
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Thyatira: The Sin of Tolerance, Ep 1 of 7

Jesus is a model of meekness and humility. But that’s only half the picture. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth introduces you to a powerful Jesus on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/4/202325 minutes, 5 seconds
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Let’s Talk about Laziness!

Ever get into a lazy haze? And what is work all about, anyway? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says there is an important reason we should value work of any kind. Join Nancy and Dannah Gresh for Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/2/202325 minutes, 49 seconds
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Pergamum: Compromising Truth, Ep 5 of 5

If you remain faithful to biblical truth, the book of Revelation promises some rewards. They are hidden manna and a white stone. Since those sound strange to our ears, they may not seem like great rewards. But Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth describes their value on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/1/202327 minutes, 12 seconds
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Pergamum: Compromising Truth, Ep 4 of 5

When the Bible describes God as being jealous, do you find that confusing? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains how a loving and holy God can be jealous, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/31/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Pergamum: Compromising Truth, Ep 3 of 5

When sin is allowed to flourish in the church, two groups of people need to repent those committing the sin, and those tolerating it. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains why, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/30/202326 minutes, 4 seconds
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Pergamum: Compromising Truth, Ep 2 of 5

Imagine the devestation of a wife whose husband has been unfaithful. That’s the type of grief we should all feel when we are unfaithful to God. Learn to protect against spiritual adultery, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/29/202328 minutes, 5 seconds
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Pergamum: Compromising Truth, Ep 1 of 5

Obedience to God is not like paying federal income taxes. There are no exemptions and no deductions. God gives you the grace to obey regardless of your circumstances. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/28/202325 minutes, 44 seconds
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Overcoming Bitterness

Have you ever held a grudge? It could be that someone did something years agothey hurt you in some way, and you just can’t seem to let it go. Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth talk about overcoming bitterness, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/26/202328 minutes, 52 seconds
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Smyrna: Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep 7 of 7

Is it possible to be a follower of Jesus and avoid suffering? Find out, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/25/202325 minutes, 15 seconds
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Smyrna: Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep 6 of 7

Do your neighbors know that you are ready to suffer for Christ? When they do, you are making a powerful statement. Discover why, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/24/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Smyrna: Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep 5 of 7

How can you prepare your children for suffering and persecution? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth has solid advice for you on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/23/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Smyrna: Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep 4 of 7

If you are suffering through some tough issue today, you might be ready to see God in a new way. Find out how He often meets us right in the middle of our suffering, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/22/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Smyrna: Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep 3 of 7

Suffering has a limit. God won’t allow more than is needed for your good and His glory. If you feel like you’re at that limit, you’ll find encouragement on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/21/202327 minutes, 31 seconds
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Overcoming Anxiety

I don’t know what it might be for youPanic attacks? Playing out every possible What if? Imagining worst case scenarios? Our fears can easily get the better of us. Worse, they can take our eyes off the peace and safety of our God. Janet Mylin, Mark and Connie Douglas, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth show us ways to overcome anxiety, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/19/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Smyrna: Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep 2 of 7

If someone wanted to give you an incredibly huge gift, you wouldn’t ignore them. But --- someone does want to give you an incredibly huge gift. Find out what it is and how to get it, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/18/202325 minutes, 30 seconds
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Smyrna: Faithfulness and the Crown of Life, Ep 1 of 7

Does it ever feel like no one understands what you’re going through? There is one person who does know exactly what you’re feeling. Find out who it is, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/17/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ephesus: Your First Love Relationship, Ep 5 of 5

Love is one of the most popular topics in movies, songs and books. You’d think we would be experts on the subject by now, but each of us needs to learn to love more. Find out how to truly love, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/16/202329 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ephesus: Your First Love Relationship, Ep 4 of 5

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth wants you to fight to fight against laziness, unbelief, and worldliness that keep you from loving Jesus with a full heart. Find out how to fight for a loving heart, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/15/202326 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ephesus: Your First Love Relationship, Ep 3 of 5

How many items on your task list are motivated by fear, selfish ambition or obligation? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows us how to act out of love instead, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/14/202328 minutes, 44 seconds
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Overcoming Distractions

When it comes to staying focused, a lot of timeshey, what’s the weather forecast for today? yeah, a lot of times we might oh, check out this hilarious video, it’s only 10 seconds long! Where was I? Uhhsquirrel!!! Distractions can derail us, can’t they? We’ll learn ways to overcome distractions on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/12/202326 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ephesus: Your First Love Relationship, Ep 2 of 5

When Jesus addresses the church in Ephesus in the first chapters of Revelation, He offers a simple message: Return to your first love. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps us explore this profound yet simple message, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/11/202328 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ephesus: Your First Love Relationship, Ep 1 of 5

Think about a time in your life when your love for Christ burned more strongly than ever. Does that describe you today? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains why it could, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/10/202330 minutes, 48 seconds
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A Vision of the Glorified Christ, Ep 6 of 6

How could the correspondence someone wrote to ancient churches in Asia Minor almost two thousand years ago be relevant to your life and mine? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explores that question on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/9/202327 minutes, 55 seconds
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A Vision of the Glorified Christ, Ep 5 of 6

I love Jesus, but I’m not interested in organized religion. You’ll often hear that idea expressed these days. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says you can’t love Jesus without loving the church. She explains why on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/8/202327 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Vision of the Glorified Christ, Ep 4 of 6

The final book in our Bibles is called Revelation. But what exactly does it reveal? Explore that with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/7/202329 minutes, 33 seconds
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Overcoming Selfishness

If the truth were known, we all have a selfish streak in us. In this episode hear how a world-famous figure skater chose a path of self-sacrifice, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth points us to the path of love, and John Piper helps put our eyes where they belong: on the glory of God. Overcoming selfishness, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/5/202331 minutes, 19 seconds
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A Vision of the Glorified Christ, Ep 3 of 6

Can you imagine if your church received a letter directly from Jesus? Several churches actually did! Explore these with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, on Revive our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/4/202327 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Vision of the Glorified Christ, Ep 2 of 6

Jesus is coming soon. Some of us have been hearing that all our lives so much so, that it just sounds clich. But the nearness of Christ’s return is anything but routine. It will deeply affect the way you live today. Find out why, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/3/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Vision of the Glorified Christ, Ep 1 of 6

There are few books of the Bible that generate as much controversy and debate as Revelation. But the book is actually the source of great hope and practical instruction. Learn how to incorporate Revelation into your daily life, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/2/202326 minutes, 58 seconds
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Mentoring Made Real, Ep 2 of 2

If the concept of mentoring someone else sounds daunting to you, how about this? You know how to encourage a friend, don’t you? And can you pray with them? Nancy Lindgren says encouragement and prayer are two of the four pillars of mentoring. She explains on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/1/202329 minutes, 36 seconds
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Mentoring Made Real, Ep 1 of 2

It’s funny. In some ways, we're more connected with others than ever. But many today are feeling lonely . . . isolated . . . invisible. Nancy Lindgren believes the solution to that problem lies in godly mentoring relationships. She explains on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/31/202327 minutes, 5 seconds
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Jesus’ Love Changes Everything

Have you ever felt unlovable? Not just unloved, but unlovable? Not a great feeling, is it? But, you don’t have to feel that way. Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth hear from someone who didn’t think God loved heron Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/29/202326 minutes, 15 seconds
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A Secure Identity

Have you ever tried to influence the way others see you? I think all of us have done that in some way or another. Amanda Kassian says there’s a more secure identity to be found in our relationship with Jesus Christ, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/28/202324 minutes, 28 seconds
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Portrait of an Effective Servant, Ep 2 of 2

Do you ever feel like you’re pouring yourself out to others without getting anything back? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shares about the rewards of being a servant on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/27/202326 minutes, 13 seconds
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Portrait of an Effective Servant, Ep 1 of 2

It’s easy for people in ministry to drift, and to think ministry is about us, rather than the Lord. Well, all of us are in ministry in some way or another. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps us make sure we’re serving for the right reasons, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/26/202328 minutes, 47 seconds
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Pointing Kids to the Gospel with Great Stories, Ep. 2 of 2

Great stories can be a refuge for children and adults alikea place we can go to be reminded of the best Story of all. Kathryn Butler coaches us on how to help young ones see the hope and peace of the gospel, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/25/202325 minutes, 49 seconds
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Pointing Kids to the Gospel with Great Stories, Ep. 1 of 2

Everyone loves a good story. Especially kids! Kathryn Butler shares her thoughts on why it’s important to read out loud to children, and how great stories can point them to the greatest storythe gospelon Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/24/202327 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Hero of the Story

You don’t have to be around kids for very long before you realize that they are naturals at sinning! They need Jesus just as much as you and I do, but how do you help them understand what He did? Laura Booz, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and Barbara Reaoch (REE-ock) share about that on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/22/202328 minutes, 24 seconds
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It’s practically in the air we breathethe concept that we should chase our dreams, find our calling, and reach for greatness. And in some senses, those can be worthwhile aspirations. But Kelly Needham challenges us to keep our purpose and identity attached, not to our performance, but to the Person of Jesus Christ, on Revive Our Hearts, with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/21/202328 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Sweet Spot of Spiritual Transformation

Do you ever feel stucklike you know you need to change in some area, but you just can’t seem to get over the hump? Pastor and author Brian Hedges says true transformation occurs when three important ingredients come together. He explains on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/20/202330 minutes, 42 seconds
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Here Comes the Bridegroom, Ep 6 of 6

Imagine going to a wedding and watching the bride appear. But as you do, you notice the bride looks like she just rolled out of bed and she’s wearing a wrinkled dress. That picture has a lot to do with how you live your life. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains why, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/19/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Here Comes the Bridegroom, Ep 5 of 6

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth is known as a speaker and author. But sometimes she refers to herself as a wedding coordinator. No, that’s not a side hustle. It’s another way of explaining her role in relation to the church. She explains, and invites you to be a wedding coordinator too, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/18/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Here Comes the Bridegroom, Ep 4 of 6

Do you know how powerful your words really are? Life and death are in the power of the tongue and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows us how to choose life, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/17/202327 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dressed in His Righteousness Alone

How are you dressed today? I’m not talking about the literal clothes covering your body. I’m talking about metaphorical clothes. In a spiritual sense, you’re dressed either in your own righteousness or in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Dannah Gresh, and Carrie Gaul explore our spiritual covering on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/15/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Here Comes the Bridegroom, Ep 3 of 6

Are you ever tempted to think, God doesn’t really love me? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth has a message for you, with solid reasons to cling to God’s love for you on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/14/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Here Comes the Bridegroom, Ep 2 of 6

When you really grasp your identity as someone unconditionally loved - part of the bride of Christ - it will change everything about your life. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps us hold on to that identity on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/13/202325 minutes, 11 seconds
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Here Comes the Bridegroom, Ep 1 of 6

Love stories will never go out of style. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shares the absolute greatest love story of all time. And you are one of the characters, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/12/202325 minutes, 4 seconds
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Confident in the Right Way, Ep 2 of 2

In our human perspective, it’s easy to fear. But the only way to overcome that fear is through fear of the Lord. Mary Kassian gives us an important perspective on fear and how to live confidently on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/11/202329 minutes, 2 seconds
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Confident in the Right Way, Ep 1 of 2

Need a confidence boost? Be honest: Who among us isn't plagued with fears, insecurities, and self doubt? Mary Kassian helps us know how to turn the enemy's tool of fear on its head and become the bold, courageous people God created us to be, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/10/202335 minutes, 35 seconds
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Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel

God’s Word tells us that charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain. But there is a kind of beauty we should strive for. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and others explain, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/8/202325 minutes, 50 seconds
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She Shall Be Called Woman

While the cultural debates rage on about what a woman is, Christians don’t have to wonder. God’s word actually has a lot to say about men and women. Abigail Dodds gives us straightforward, Biblical definitions, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/7/202339 minutes, 14 seconds
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From Him, Through Him, To Him, Ep 2 of 2

When you get married, it’s for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer. The same thing is true in your relationship with God. Learn how commitment in marriage reflects Christ and his church, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/6/202327 minutes, 25 seconds
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From Him, Through Him, To Him, Ep 1 of 2

God knows everything. Have you stopped to realize what that truly means? It will boggle your mind. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps us think on the greatness of God’s wisdom, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/5/202329 minutes, 34 seconds
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Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ, Ep 2 of 2

Would you say you live in the victory of Christ on an everyday basis? I think most of us would say there’s room for improvement. Judy Dunagan shares about two important spiritual weapons we can use in our battle against the Devil, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/4/202327 minutes, 34 seconds
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Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ, Ep 1 of 2

The battle you and I face as followers of Jesus is real. Our enemy is crafty and dangerous, like a roaring lion. But thankfully, there is Someone whose roar is louder. MUCH louder. Judy Dunagan shares how we can live in the unshakable victory of Christ, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/3/202327 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Summer of Intentionality

How are you spending your summer? Find out how you can live out your faith intentionally with various excerpts from Revive Our Hearts podcasts, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/1/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Leaving a Godly Legacy, Ep 3 of 3

Have you ever heard someone share their life story, and it included a statement like this: I was far from God, but I had a MOM who was praying for me, or my grandmother burned the midnight oil pouring out her heart to God on my behalf. It’s not that uncommon! Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and others share the importance of investing in the next generation by praying for them, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/30/202326 minutes, 26 seconds
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Leaving a Godly Legacy, Ep 2 of 3

Okay, I’m not trying to sound like your mother here, but the ways you spend your time and money and other resources show what’s most important to you. The big question is, do your priorities align with God’s? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps you take a closer look, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/29/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Leaving a Godly Legacy, Ep 1 of 3

When it comes to investing in the next generation, God says you’re like a watchman, a builder, and a warrior. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Jani Ortlund, and Robyn McKelvy explain, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/28/202333 minutes, 13 seconds
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep 7 of 7

There’s a topic that can be hard or awkward to discuss with others the whole area of sexuality. But Dr. Juli Slattery says, not only is it needed, but it’s essential if we’re going to reclaim lost ground. She explains on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/27/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep 6 of 7

People sometimes confuse two A words acceptance and approval. Dr. Rosaria Butterfield explains the difference between them, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/26/202326 minutes, 49 seconds
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Embracing God’s Perspective

In a day when it’s popular to try to redefine your own identity, we need to take a step back and ask, What does God have to say about this? Mary Kassian, Laura Perry Smalts, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth point us to God’s Word to help us calibrate our perspectives, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/24/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep 5 of 7

The essence of your identity isn’t determined by what’s in your past. It has to do with your new nature, given to you when you turned from sin to Jesus. Laura Perry Smalts and Rosaria Butterfield help you base your identity in Christ, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/23/202334 minutes, 8 seconds
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep 4 of 7

There’s so much confusion in the world today when it comes to issues of gender identity. That confusion leads to some straightforward questions we wonder about. Mary Kassian, Erin Davis, Dannah Gresh, and Laura Perry discuss some practical considerations, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/22/202336 minutes, 51 seconds
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep 3 of 7

Through the early years of her life, she hated being female. So much so that she underwent surgeries and took on a male identity. But God had other plans for her. Laura Perry Smalts recounts her amazing journey, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/21/202332 minutes, 46 seconds
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep 2 of 5

Did you know that what you believe about God affects the rest of your life, in every aspect? Dr. Juli Slattery says that even our understanding of human sexuality flows out of our spiritual outlook, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/20/202331 minutes, 53 seconds
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Gender & Sexuality: Clarity in an Age of Confusion, Ep 1 of 7

It’s true. God designed you as a man or a woman. But have you ever thought about how your design fits into the story of the gospel? Mary Kassian explains, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/19/202330 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Adoption of a Father

Here’s a trick question: Do you know anyone who’s been adopted? This weekend, we’re going to talking about adoption, but not just any adoption. We are exploring our adoption by God and why we’re able to call Him Father on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/17/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Instruction of a Father, Ep 5 of 5

We all learn something from our dads. It could be tying a shoe or riding a bike. Or it could be fear, anger, or a sense of abandonment. Did you know that your view of your dad influences your view of God? Find out more on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/16/202337 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Instruction of a Father, Ep 4 of 5

Imagine that your TV had a card reader and you had to pay to turn it on. Do you realize that you are paying every time you turn it on? Paying with your time. Learn to invest your life on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/15/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Instruction of a Father, Ep 3 of 5

The things you display on the outsideyour words and actionsreflect what’s on the inside. Learn to guard your heart on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/14/202325 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Instruction of a Father, Ep 2 of 5

Sovereignty. It sounds like a big, complicated word. But our approach to God’s sovereignty influences the way we approach situations every single day. Gain insight into the sovereignty of God on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/13/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Instruction of A Father, Ep 1 of 5

How do you spend the first part of your day? Do you turn on the weather channel for that updated forecast or glance through the newspaper trying to get a jump on the news? Learn why how you spend the first moments of your day is critical to growing spiritually on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/12/202326 minutes
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Rethinking Sexuality, Bonus episode

When it comes to the issue of marital intimacy, many questions can come up. Dr. Juli Slattery provides solid, helpful advice in helping husbands and wives work honestly and lovingly through sexual difficulties on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/11/202324 minutes, 3 seconds
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Battling Porn Together

Pornography is destroying our culture. Men and women alike are affected by it. But there is hope in the battle. Learn how to help your spouse fight well, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/10/202325 minutes, 25 seconds
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Rethinking Sexuality, with Dr. Juli Slattery, Ep 5 of 5

How much should you share about your past with your children? Juli Slattery and Dannah Gresh say you can make some important connections with your kids when you’re open about your failures. Find out why on the next Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/9/202329 minutes, 18 seconds
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Rethinking Sexuality, with Dr. Juli Slattery, Ep 4 of 5

Do you ever get a sense that God is trying to take away all your fun? Juli Slattery says God’s boundaries for sexual pleasure aren’t designed to take away joy. Instead, His boundaries exist to help us experience genuine pleasure. She talks about it on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/8/202326 minutes, 27 seconds
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Rethinking Sexuality, with Dr. Juli Slattery, Ep 3 of 5

It seems like the church is constantly telling young people, Don’t have sex until marriage. But then after marriage, not much else is said. Dr. Juli Slattery says married couples need the church to continue pouring into their lives and teaching them to glorify God sexually. She explains on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/7/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Rethinking Sexuality, with Dr. Juli Slattery, Ep 2 of 5

What comes to mind when you hear the word discipleship? Do you realize that you need to be discipled in your sexuality? Dannah Gresh and Julie Slattery talk with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth about sexual discipleship, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/6/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Rethinking Sexuality, Ep 1 of 5

According to popular opinion, your sexuality is all about you. But the inventor of sex invites you into a new way of thinking in this area. What if your sexuality was about intimacy with God and bringing Him glory? Juli Slattery joins Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Dannah Gresh to rethink sexuality according to the Bible, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/5/202325 minutes, 11 seconds
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Praying for a Prodigal

When someone you love goes astray, the pain can be excruciating. But how should you pray? God has lessons he wants to teach us on this topic. Judy Douglass, Pastor Jim Cybala, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explain, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/3/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Hope for Parents of Prodigals

It can be extremely discouraging to know your child or grandchild has chosen to leave God’s values behind and live contrary to His Word. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Barbara Rainey, and others offer perspective and comfort for parents of prodigals, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/2/202326 minutes, 13 seconds
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Full of Grace and Truth

The Bible says Jesus was full of grace and truth. You and I need to be more like Jesus. Unfortunately, we usually lean more toward one or the other, grace OR truth. Mary Kassian shares insights for how we can respond with both in an increasingly hostile world, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/1/202324 minutes, 49 seconds
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Ep 8 of 8

Would you rather drink from a fountain of stagnant, poisonous water or fresh, life-giving water? That’s the choice Jesus gave a woman in Samaria two thousand years ago. And Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says it’s still the choice you and I have, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/31/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Ep 7 of 8

When you were a kid, did you ever sing that song, There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea? Good memories!! Well, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reminds us that we’re all born with a hole in our heart that we’re always trying to fill. She gives us the only possible key to filling that hole, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/30/202328 minutes, 50 seconds
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Day 6

Can your career really satisfy you? Can your family satisfy your deepest longings? Ultimately, we know the answer to both questions is No. But some of us have to learn things the hard way! Betsy helps us travel her own journey with her to find the source of true satisfaction, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/29/202342 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sole (and Soul) Satisfaction

The problem is this. We are running ourselves ragged, trying to fulfill our longings. There’s only one Solution, yet too often He’s one of the last we turn to. Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth remind us to find our soul satisfaction in Jesus, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/27/202325 minutes, 56 seconds
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Day 5

Not many of us will be winning any beauty pageants. But Nancy Stafford actually was Miss Florida in the Miss America beauty pageant. But she still felt like something was missing. She explains how she found lasting satisfaction, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/26/202329 minutes, 32 seconds
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Day 4

There’s something so encouraging about hearing, first hand, how God has changed someone’s life. And He does it all the time! Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shares the transformative power of the gospel, as seen in the lives of two specific women, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/25/202325 minutes, 30 seconds
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Day 3

Have you ever been so thirsty that you thought you were going to die? You probably know that our physical thirst is an analogy for the spiritual thirst we all experience. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/24/202328 minutes, 43 seconds
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Day 2

Our guilt from past sins can feel like a heavy burden we have to carry. But Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Andrea Griffith show us how to be free from that weight, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/23/202326 minutes, 35 seconds
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Satisfying Our Thirst, Day 1

I don’t know your default you turn to for satisfaction. But we all know that pull away from the ONLY One who can truly satisfy us. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps us see it starts on the inside, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/22/202327 minutes, 50 seconds
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Your Life Has Significance

It’s easy to think that what you do doesn’t really matter. The truth is that anything that you do to serve God and for His glory is important, and it may have far-reaching effects that you can’t see. That was the case for Sabina Wurmbrand and Phillis Wheatley. Hear their stories on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/20/202329 minutes, 42 seconds
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From Fear to Fullness, with McKenzie Skidmore

McKenzie Skidmore felt like she didn’t know how to be a mom. She longed to learn from other women’s experiences. The Lord brought another woman into McKenzie’s life, helping her move from a place of fear to a house full of love. Hear the story on Revive our Hearts with Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/19/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Your Spiritual Birthday Gifts, Ep 4 of 4

Composers sometimes take a musical theme and write variations on that theme. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth looks back on her journey of faith and sees themes God has been writing into her life, too. She shares her own spiritual themes and variations on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/18/202329 minutes, 51 seconds
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Your Spiritual Birthday Gifts, Ep 3 of 4

Do you have an inheritance coming? If you are a child of God, the answer is yes, even if you don’t have a wealthy benefactor in your family. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth will explain, on the next Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/17/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Your Spiritual Birthday Gifts, Ep 2 of 4

Most of us love a good party. The food, the people, the presentswhat’s not to like? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth speaks about the celebration that occurs when we come to faith in Christ, and the many spiritual gifts that are showered upon us today on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/16/202326 minutes, 30 seconds
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Your Spiritual Birthday Gifts, Ep 1 of 4

Put on your party hatsit’s time to celebrate! All this week on Revive Our Hearts Nancy will be reminding us of the special birthday gifts we received on the day we were born into God’s kingdom through faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/15/202326 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Beauty of Spiritual Motherhood

Spiritual motherhood is a God-given design. How are you stepping into this role? Who has been a spiritual mother to you? Learn to embrace this calling and honor your spiritual mothers in this special Mother’s Day episode of Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/13/202327 minutes, 16 seconds
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Risen Motherhood, Ep 5 of 5

When you have any question these days what do you do? Look online of course! But there’s a problem. A search engine can’t challenge you with follow up questions or get to deeper needs of your heart. For that, you need a real person. Learn how to develop those challenging, encouraging real friendships on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/12/202333 minutes, 26 seconds
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Risen Motherhood, Ep 4 of 5

Every woman knows what it’s like to be pulled in a thousand directions by everyone with a need. Get advice on how to meet those needs, and at the same time keep your own relationship with God a priority, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/11/202328 minutes, 51 seconds
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Risen Motherhood, Ep 3 of 5

Motherhood changes a woman forever. Laura Wifler and Emily Jensen say those changes give us a picture of the way Jesus laid His life down for us, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/10/202329 minutes, 57 seconds
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Risen Motherhood, Ep. 2 of 5

Okay, raise your hand if your home is Pinterest-perfect. Well this is radio, so we can’t see itbut I knowhardly anyone raised their hand! Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler help us learn to trust our imperfect homes and families to Jesus to use as He wants, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/9/202328 minutes, 46 seconds
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Risen Motherhood, Ep 1 of 5

Moms can feel guilty for so many things. The solution isn’t to work harder and become a more perfect mom. And it’s not to give up and abandon your home. The solution is in the gospel. Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler share how to devote all your parenting to the Lord’s willon Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/8/202329 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Calling to Love

If you feel weary of raising your children, it helps to see them (and yourself) from God’s perspective. Dannah Gresh, Betsy Gomez, Laura Booz, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth help us remember that the call to motherhood is a call to love, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/6/202329 minutes, 6 seconds
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Stewarding Your Life Season

Accolades abound when a woman works hard and succeeds in her career. It’s definitely something to celebrate! But when she chooses to set aside the career and stay home with her children, many moms hear only crickets. Dr. Kathryn Butler shares the thoughts and emotions surrounder her own journey from the hospital to home on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/5/202329 minutes, 15 seconds
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Two Women Used by God, Ep 2 of 2

How would you respond if you found out you were going to be the mother of the Messiah, but it would come at the cost of your reputation and (possibly) your relationship with your fiance? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps us consider Mary’s predicament and her humble response, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/4/202329 minutes, 15 seconds
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Two Women Used by God, Ep 1 of 2

If you and I were talking over coffee, and I asked you where you’d like to be in a year or three years or five years, you might or might not have an answer for me. Life doesn’t always go the way we plan, does it? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shares about two individuals in the New Testament who could never have predicted the way things worked out but were used by God in amazing ways, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/3/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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God Brought Afghanistan to Her

Brooke Keeney is a wife and mom in the Houston area, just living a normal American life. But suddenly, God gave Brooke the opportunity to help hundreds of Afghan people in great need. She’s been able to share the love of Jesus with them in remarkable ways. Hear how that transformation happened on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/2/202324 minutes, 50 seconds
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Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Latin America

Would you travel to another country to gather with other believers and hear from God’s Word? That’s exactly what many women did when they attended a True Woman conference in Mexico. Find out what Spanish-speaking women are hungering for, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/1/202330 minutes, 39 seconds
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A Lifestyle of Prayer

God’s Word tells us to pray without ceasing. It’s not as daunting as it may sound! Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Kathy Branzell, and others have helpful advice on how to incorporate prayer into your everyday life, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/29/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Unleashing the Power of Prayer, Ep 2 of 2

We pray at meals. We pray for hardships. We pray when we’re desperate. But are we using prayer as the true gift it is? Leslie Bennett helps us learn to live a lifestyle of prayer on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/28/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Unleashing the Power of Prayer, Ep 1 of 2

What keeps you from having a thriving prayer life? Leslie Bennett helps us unleash the power of prayer on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/27/202331 minutes, 24 seconds
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Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy, Ep 3 of 3

Believers in Jesus are called to be joyful. But when you go through something tragic, it’s OK to be honest and OK to grieve. Pastor Mark Vroegop shows you how to grieve with hope, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/26/202328 minutes, 58 seconds
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Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy Ep 2 of 3

The New Testament tells us to do all things without grumbling or complaining. Yet the Psalmist and many other biblical characters complained. How do you know which one is right? Pastor Mark Vrogop shows you the right way to complain.on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/25/202326 minutes, 57 seconds
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Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy, Ep 1 of 3

We’re not supposed to lament, right? Isn’t that wrong? Aren’t we supposed to be joyful all the time? Pastor Mark Vroegop addresses these questions and helps you understand the biblical language of lament, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/24/202325 minutes, 22 seconds
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Learning to Offer Desperate Prayers

Do you ever get discouraged by what feels like a growing acceptance of sin all around you? That darkness actually provides an opportunity. It can drive all of us to prayer. You’ll be motivated to pray for revival on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/22/202328 minutes, 45 seconds
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Prayer and Revival

Did you know there’s a way you can influence the course of history? It’s true! Pastor Bob Bakke and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explain, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/21/202327 minutes, 9 seconds
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The 1857 Prayer Revival, Ep 2 of 2

It sounds surprising, but in the months leading up to the Civil War, the nation was in the midst of a great revival. It spread North and South to slave and free. Hear why a country experiencing revival can still be moving to war, on the next Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/20/202325 minutes, 18 seconds
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The 1857 Prayer Revival, Ep 1 of 2

Imagine going to a prayer meeting where only a few people show up and they’re all late! You probably wouldn’t think it was the start to a nationwide revival. But God did use a prayer meeting just like that to usher in a revival over one hundred and fifty years ago. Hear all about it on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/19/202323 minutes, 28 seconds
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Spiritual Strength, Ep 2 of 2

We have a lot of resources available to us. Things like books, conferences, podcasts, seminars. But Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth wants to remind you ultimately, the one thing you need to fight today’s battles is by connecting with God in prayer. Learn how to lean on His strength on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/18/202329 minutes, 18 seconds
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Spiritual Strength, Ep 1 of 2

We need strength for troubled days. The problem is, we often look for strength in places that don’t provide it. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you where to draw strength for the battles you face on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/17/202327 minutes, 15 seconds
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Praying for Heart Change

Promo Pack:We all know that prayer is important, yet most of us struggle with it. Learn how to pray for God to work in your heart first, and then in your family, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/15/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Crying Out, Ep 4 of 4

When are you most likely to cry out to God? It’s when you’re feeling desperate, isn’t it? A group of desperate women took some time to cry out to the Lord on behalf of their families, churches, and nations last fall. We’ll hear some of their prayers on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/14/202326 minutes, 46 seconds
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Crying Out, Ep 3 of 4

Desperate times call for desperate prayers. That means we need to cry out to God, even when He seems silent. If you’ve ever prayed and wondered if He was listening, you’re not alone! Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/13/202328 minutes, 59 seconds
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Crying Out, Ep 2 of 4

What (or who) is your default that you turn to when you’re in trouble? Comfort food? A friend? Social media? The bar? Drugs? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says we should turn to the Lord not as our last resort, but as our first! She exhorts us to cry out, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/12/202331 minutes, 1 second
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Crying Out, Ep 1 of 4

Are you desperate? Whether it’s because of the news headlines or because of difficult circumstances, it’s easy to sense a need for God to work. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reminds us about our need to cry out to the Lord, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/11/202330 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Epicenter of Hope, with Daniel Darling

The women who went to anoint Jesus’ body early that Sunday morning had no idea God was going to use them to share the best news ever! Author and speaker Daniel Darling shares about the five women at the empty tomb, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/10/202326 minutes, 5 seconds
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Resurrection Hope

Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is key, not only to Christianity, it’s key to your day-to-day life, as well! Laura Booz, Barbara Rainey, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth show us how, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/8/202324 minutes, 57 seconds
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Psalm of the Cross, Ep 5 of 5

When you’re dealing with sickness or loss, it can feel like wasted time. But the suffering of Jesus wasn’t wasted at all. His suffering benefits us today. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says, Your suffering doesn’t have to be wasted, either. Find out why, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/7/202325 minutes, 35 seconds
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Psalm of the Cross, Ep 4 of 5

We’re used to thinking of Jesus as the object of our worship. But have you ever imagined Jesus as a worship leader? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you this image of our savior from Psalm 22, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/6/202325 minutes, 36 seconds
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Psalm of the Cross, Ep 3 of 5

Does it ever feel like no one can help you? Jesus knows that feeling. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explores this aspect of His suffering, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/5/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Psalm of the Cross, Ep 2 of 5

I am a worm and not a man. It sounds like a simple statement of humility. But Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth points out, this statement from the Psalms means so much more. She explains the significance of the worm, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/4/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Psalm of the Cross, Ep 1 of 5

Sometimes it seems like God is ignoring you. If you feel that way, you’re in good company. Jesus Himself felt abandoned. Jesus Himself asked Why? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains further, on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/3/202325 minutes, 48 seconds
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Joining Creation In Praise

Jesus rode into Jerusalem accompanied by the praises of many. He said if they didn’t praise Him, the stones would cry out instead. Learn more about how we can obey one of the most oft-repeated commands in Scripture: Praise the Lord! on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/1/202325 minutes, 8 seconds