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Running Lean

English, Sports, 1 season, 249 episodes, 5 days, 10 hours, 15 minutes
Running Lean is hosted by Patrick McGilvray - NASN Licensed Primary Sports Nutritionist, NASN Certified Personal Trainer, UESCA Certified Running Coach, Master Life & Success Coach, experienced marathoner and ultrarunner, and The Weight Loss Coach for Runners. Patrick helps runners properly fuel their bodies and their minds so they can achieve peak performance and optimal health and fitness. Whether your goal is to lose weight, get stronger, run faster or further, or improve your mindset, you'll learn it all in this informative, inspirational weekly podcast. Learn more at (
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246. The Macronutrient That Matters Most for Runners

I talk a lot about carbs here on the podcast, mainly why it’s advised to keep your carbs low if you’re a runner who wants to lose weight and use body fat as fuel for running. I realized I haven’t spent much time talking about the other macronutrients - fat and protein. So this episode is all about the macronutrient that matters most for runners and how it benefits your overall health and fitness. The post 246. The Macronutrient That Matters Most for Runners appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/13/202422 minutes, 38 seconds
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245. Replay: How to Tell When You’re at Your Natural Weight

I talk a lot about losing weight and eventually getting to your “natural weight” but I’ve never really taken the time to explain what your “natural weight” is. Several people have been asking me about this lately so I thought it would be a good idea to dig into this topic here on the podcast today. In this episode, I’m going to talk about some of the standards we use to determine ideal weight, and why they don't work for everyone, what “natural weight” means, and how to tell when you’re at your natural weight. The post 245. Replay: How to Tell When You’re at Your Natural Weight appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/6/202422 minutes, 12 seconds
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244. Motivation Strategies to Keep You Moving Forward

If you have a big goal like losing weight and keeping it off, then you know it is going to take a while to reach that goal. One of the main reasons people don’t reach their weight loss goal is that they lose motivation. The interesting thing is that there are different motivation strategies that work for different people. Not everyone responds to the same types of motivation. So today I’ve got a few motivation strategies to keep you moving forward so you can actually achieve those big goals. The post 244. Motivation Strategies to Keep You Moving Forward appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/30/202419 minutes, 12 seconds
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243. Why Counting Calories Doesn’t Work

When it comes to weight loss tips, one principle stands out among all the others: counting calories. For decades, you’ve been told that the only way to lose weight is to make sure you count all your calories. Honestly, if this worked as advertised, we wouldn’t have a crisis of obesity here in this country, and no one would struggle with their weight. But the truth is, it doesn’t work. Today on the podcast, why counting calories doesn’t work and what you should probably do instead. The post 243. Why Counting Calories Doesn’t Work appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/23/202425 minutes
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242. Top 10 Weight Loss Tips for Runners

There is so much contradictory advice out there when it comes to losing weight. It’s really hard to know what’s right and what’s just BS. With that principle in mind, for this episode of the podcast, I want to share with you my top 10 weight loss tips for runners. These tips should work for most of you - not all of you - so as always, try a few things and find what works for you. The post 242. Top 10 Weight Loss Tips for Runners appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/16/202427 minutes, 35 seconds
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241. The Best Cross-Training Exercises for Runners

A lot of runners believe that when it comes to exercise, running is more than enough. They love running, do it 6-7 days a week, and don’t feel the need to do anything else. Then there are those runners who believe in the power of cross-training. Wherever you fall on this spectrum, there are some forms of cross-training that provide more benefits to you as a runner. In this episode, I explain what cross-training is, what it isn’t, and offer suggestions for the best cross-training exercises for runners. The post 241. The Best Cross-Training Exercises for Runners appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/9/202421 minutes, 46 seconds
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240. How to Handle Setbacks, Failures, and Disappointments

When it comes to going after big goals like losing weight and keeping it off or running a faster marathon, it is pretty much a guarantee that you will experience setbacks, failures and disappointments. The problem is that when most people experience these setbacks, they tend to see them as insurmountable obstacles, and oftentimes, they lead to giving up. So today on the podcast, how to handle setbacks, failures, and disappointments so you can get back on track and accomplish all of your goals. The post 240. How to Handle Setbacks, Failures, and Disappointments appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/2/202428 minutes, 5 seconds
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239. Replay: The Myths and Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

There seems to be a lot of misleading information out there about intermittent fasting. People think it will mess up your metabolism, or it’s unsafe, or it’s just plain crazy. The truth is very different. Intermittent fasting is not only safe, but it provides some pretty amazing health benefits, especially when combined with a low-carb diet. Today, I’m going to separate fact from fiction and share all of the incredible positive health benefits that intermittent fasting provides. The post 239. Replay: The Myths and Benefits of Intermittent Fasting appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/26/202438 minutes, 38 seconds
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238. Should You Restrict Certain Foods?

When it comes to changing your diet in order to lose weight or just be healthier, most people feel like whatever they do is too restrictive. So what’s the answer here? Should you restrict certain foods or not? That’s the big question I am going to answer today in this episode of the Running Lean podcast. The post 238. Should You Restrict Certain Foods? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/19/202428 minutes, 8 seconds
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237. What to Do When You Feel Stuck

So many people I talk to about losing weight or running faster tell me they just can’t seem to make any progress because they feel stuck. This is a really tough place to be because when you feel stuck, it’s like there’s nothing you can do to get out of it. You feel like nothing will ever work, you feel discouraged, and you feel defeated. Today on the podcast, what to do when you feel stuck so you can get back on track making progress toward your goals. The post 237. What to Do When You Feel Stuck appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/12/202419 minutes, 52 seconds
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236. Replay: Learning to Love the Process

Oftentimes when we take on a big challenge like changing how we eat or training for a marathon, we don’t get the results we want fast enough. When you’re focused solely on the end result, and you’re not there yet, you can begin to hate the process it takes to get you there. Today, I’m talking about learning to love the process and how this simple mindset shift will absolutely change how you approach everything that you do. The post 236. Replay: Learning to Love the Process appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/5/202417 minutes, 43 seconds
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235. The Important First Step in Creating Change

Creating lasting change is hard. It’s uncomfortable, it takes time, and it’s for these reasons that most people will not do it. Also, when most people set out to change, they just start with tactics. But there is a critical first step most people miss in the process. So this episode of the Running Lean podcast is all about the important first step in creating change so you can get to your results faster. The post 235. The Important First Step in Creating Change appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/28/202418 minutes, 56 seconds
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234. What It Takes to Build Lean Muscle

If you are a runner and you want to improve your speed, endurance, or both, then you’ll want to work on building some lean muscle. The problem is that most runners don’t really know how to build muscle, or they are using an outdated approach that really isn't doing much for them. Building a stronger body will not only help improve your running performance, it will also help you to lose weight, have more energy, and generally feel better all the time. In this episode, what it takes to build lean muscle so you can get leaner, get stronger, and become the most badass version of yourself yet. The post 234. What It Takes to Build Lean Muscle appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/21/202425 minutes, 38 seconds
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233. The Power of Planning Ahead

When it comes to creating healthy habits that last, the real key is consistency. You have to take consistent, aligned action if you want to create behavior patterns that get you results. And the key to taking consistent, aligned action is planning ahead. So in this episode of the podcast, you’ll learn the power of planning ahead and why you need to be practicing this right now. The post 233. The Power of Planning Ahead appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/14/202426 minutes, 46 seconds
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232. Achieving Impossible Goals

When most people set goals for themselves, they think small. But is this really what you want for yourself? Not me. I want to set goals that feel scary, uncomfortable, and impossible. In this episode I explain why you shouldn’t be setting small, easily-achievable goals, but instead working on achieving impossible goals. The post 232. Achieving Impossible Goals appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/7/202417 minutes, 36 seconds
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231. Replay: Sticking to Your Plan – Even on Vacation

It’s that time of the year again! The kids are out of school, the weather is amazing, and you are going on vacation. But you might be worried because in the past, going on vacation meant going off the rails. You’re on vacation so you just want to have fun, right? If this means coming home 10lbs heavier and hating yourself…is it really all that fun? In this episode of the podcast, I’ll offer up some helpful tips for sticking to your plan - even on vacation - so you can come home feeling good about yourself. The post 231. Replay: Sticking to Your Plan – Even on Vacation appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/31/202441 minutes, 23 seconds
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230. What to Do in the Off-Season

For a lot of runners, the off-season can be a challenging time. It’s so important that what you do in the off-season can often make or break your next race. So today, what to do in the off-season as a runner to ensure you start your next training cycle on the right track. The post 230. What to Do in the Off-Season appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/24/202422 minutes, 53 seconds
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229. How to Have More Confidence Now

One of the big keys to achieving anything significant in your life - losing weight and keeping it off, running a marathon - is confidence. So how do you get more confidence? Well, you are in luck because that’s what’s on the agenda here today. In this episode, I explain what confidence is, how it might just be the game-changer you’re looking for, and how to have more confidence now. The post 229. How to Have More Confidence Now appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/17/202422 minutes, 48 seconds
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228. Lessons Learned Flying Pig Weekend

This past weekend was the biggest running event of the year here in Cincinnati - Flying Pig Weekend! I did a lot of racing this weekend and let’s just say that things did not all go as planned. But despite dealing with some very challenging situations, the whole weekend was a huge success, both for the city and for me personally. Today on the podcast, I share my experiences in dealing with all the challenges and all the lessons learned Cincinnati Flying Pig weekend. The post 228. Lessons Learned Flying Pig Weekend appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/10/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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227. The Power of Practicing Mindfulness

About 80% of Americans say they feel some degree of stress in their daily lives. We are a stressed-out society. Having a daily stress management practice is imperative if you want to be a healthy happy human. And one of the most powerful ways to manage stress is to practice mindfulness. So in this episode, I explain the power of practicing mindfulness and why it might be the best gift you can ever give yourself. The post 227. The Power of Practicing Mindfulness appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/3/202428 minutes, 22 seconds
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226. What’s the Best Pacing Strategy?

We’re in the middle of the Spring racing season here in the US and a lot of runners ask me questions about pacing for their upcoming race. Believe it or not, there is one pacing strategy that has been proven time and again to be the most effective for practically every runner. Today I will answer the question, “What’s the best pacing strategy”, so you can go out there and crush your Spring race this year. The post 226. What’s the Best Pacing Strategy? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/26/202424 minutes, 37 seconds
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225. Pushing Past Your Comfort Zone

One of the most powerful things you can do to improve your health and fitness is to regularly push past your comfort zone. The idea of getting uncomfortable is easy to understand, and most people say they’re more than willing to get uncomfortable. But when they come face-to-face with their own discomfort, all those good intentions go out the window. So today on the podcast, it’s all about pushing past your comfort zone so you can grow, evolve, and become the most badass version of yourself yet. The post 225. Pushing Past Your Comfort Zone appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/19/202423 minutes, 39 seconds
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224. How I Experienced Freedom from Alcohol

17 years ago I finally made the decision to give up drinking alcohol. This was not a decision that came quickly or easily, I had been drinking daily for many, many years. I got to a point where my life was not what I wanted it to be. I wanted more for myself and alcohol was standing between me and the person I ultimately wanted to be. So today on the podcast, how I experienced freedom from alcohol, got my life back, and became healthier and happier than I ever thought possible. The post 224. How I Experienced Freedom from Alcohol appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/12/202429 minutes, 55 seconds
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223. The Problem with Eating Whatever You Want

There’s a lot of interesting food advice being given out these days by health and fitness “experts.” One in particular that has stood out to me lately goes something like, “Take a few days each week and go crazy! Eat whatever you want! You don’t want to be too restrictive with your diet!” I’ve learned a lot about this principle in the last few months and today I share my thoughts with you about it. In this episode of the Running Lean podcast, I explain the problem with eating whatever you want and offer a better way to do things. The post 223. The Problem with Eating Whatever You Want appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/5/202425 minutes, 27 seconds
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222. How to Stop the Mindless Eating

Have you ever found yourself at the end of a sleeve of Oreos or at the bottom of a bag of potato chips and thought…did I really just eat all that? If so, then you have probably been doing some mindless eating. Mindless eating is something we have all done at one point or another, and it’s something you can absolutely change. So today on the podcast, what mindless eating is and how to stop the mindless eating once and for all. The post 222. How to Stop the Mindless Eating appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/29/202419 minutes, 21 seconds
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221. What Are You Willing to Sacrifice to Lose Weight?

If you’ve ever trained for a marathon then you know that sacrifices have to be made in order to achieve that goal. You have to put in a lot of hours on the weekends running in the cold. You have to give up time with your family and friends. You are more than willing to sacrifice these things in order to run that race. How about when it comes to losing weight? What are you willing to sacrifice in order to hit your weight loss goal? In this episode, I take a deep dive into the kinds of sacrifices we all have to make in order to lose weight and keep it off. The post 221. What Are You Willing to Sacrifice to Lose Weight? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/22/202422 minutes, 19 seconds
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220. Should You Lose Weight While Training for a Race?

A lot of runners are told not to lose weight while training for a race. There are many reasons why they are given this advice (which I cover in today’s episode), but I don’t necessarily agree with all of it. I believe there’s a right way and a wrong way to lose weight as a runner, even when you’re training for an event like a half or full marathon. In this episode of the Running Lean podcast, can you…and should you lose weight while training for a race? The post 220. Should You Lose Weight While Training for a Race? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/15/202421 minutes, 36 seconds
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219. Being Boring Can Actually Be Good for You

If you've ever changed your eating habits or started exercising on the weekends instead of partying, and your friends have told you that you're boring then this episode is for you. Every day I talk to people who want to lose weight and improve their health and fitness and one of the reasons they struggle is because it all seems so boring. They don't want to give up their exciting lives will all the exciting food that goes along with it. In this episode, I share some unconventional ideas about how being boring can actually be good for you. The post 219. Being Boring Can Actually Be Good for You appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/8/202415 minutes, 13 seconds
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218. You Have to Change How You Think

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you probably already know that you have to change your diet. But if you think you can change your diet but not your thinking, you are always going to struggle. So today on the podcast, if you want to change a behavior and make it last, then you have to change how you think. The post 218. You Have to Change How You Think appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/1/202423 minutes, 15 seconds
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217. 5 Ways to Improve Your Endurance

Whether you are just getting into running or have been at it a while, you should be actively working on improving your endurance. While there are many methods out there that are designed to help you improve your endurance, there are a few key principles that most runners overlook. So today on the podcast, I share 5 ways to improve your endurance to help you run longer and make running easier in general. The post 217. 5 Ways to Improve Your Endurance appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/23/202428 minutes, 18 seconds
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216. An Alternative Way To Fuel Long-Distance Running

As runners, we’ve been told over the last 40 years or so that the only way to fuel for running is with carbohydrates. Loads and loads of carbs. The thing is, this approach just doesn’t work for everyone. Some people (like me) gain a lot of weight eating all those carbs, regardless of how much we run. In this episode, I offer an alternative way to fuel long-distance running, one that doesn’t cause you to gain weight in the process. The post 216. An Alternative Way To Fuel Long-Distance Running appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/16/202422 minutes, 10 seconds
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215. Lessons Learned from Vacation Eating

Recently I spent a week on vacation and decided to change my diet a bit. I made the decision to eat more freely, to enjoy some of the amazing local food, to eat dessert, bread, pastries, and generally be a bit less strict about my diet. It was definitely an interesting experience and I learned some very valuable lessons along the way. In this episode, it’s all the lessons learned from vacation eating for a week - the good, the bad, and the ugly. The post 215. Lessons Learned from Vacation Eating appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/9/202425 minutes, 56 seconds
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214. Replay: Why Running Doesn’t Work for Weight Loss

Being overweight is not something that’s not talked about very much (or at all) in the running community. There seems to be some stigma around being a runner and being overweight. In this episode, I'll share why running is not a very effective tool for weight loss, and why you need to treat the underlying physical, mental, and emotional aspects of overeating if you really want to lose weight for good. The post 214. Replay: Why Running Doesn’t Work for Weight Loss appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/2/202428 minutes, 24 seconds
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213. Supplements Every Runner Should be Taking

If you’re a runner and interested in getting the most out of your training, then you’ve probably tried a multitude of supplements. There are literally thousands upon thousands of health and wellness supplements on the market today and around 1,000 new ones are introduced every single year. So if you are feeling a little confused and overwhelmed by all of these options, you are not alone! Today on the podcast, I've got a few simple suggestions for supplements every runner should be taking that actually improve your health and fitness. The post 213. Supplements Every Runner Should be Taking appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/26/202439 minutes, 18 seconds
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212. 3 Things You Should Stop Doing if You Want To Lose Weight

When it comes to eating right and losing weight, there is so much information out there that it can feel incredibly overwhelming. While I can’t address every misconception out there on the internet here in one podcast episode, I do want to go over a few things you might want to stop doing right now. So in this episode, I’ve got 3 things you should stop doing if you want to lose weight and keep it off for good. The post 212. 3 Things You Should Stop Doing if You Want To Lose Weight appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/19/202429 minutes, 11 seconds
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211. Should You Be Tracking Your Food?

There are a lot of dieticians and weight loss coaches out there who preach the benefits of tracking your food. They suggest tracking every bite you eat, entering all of your food into an app each day, and then sticking to this routine for…basically…ever. Today on the Running Lean podcast, I answer the big burning question: should you be tracking your food? If no, why not? If yes, how should you do it? The post 211. Should You Be Tracking Your Food? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/12/202425 minutes, 15 seconds
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210. Common Weight Loss Myths Debunked

It’s a new year and a time when a lot of people become ultra-focused on health, fitness, and losing weight. It’s also a time when a lot of people will try some new fad diet or a new exercise routine that promises instant weight loss with minimal effort. In this episode, Common Weight Loss Myths Debunked, I clear up the most prevalent misconceptions about weight loss and offer some tips on what to do instead. The post 210. Common Weight Loss Myths Debunked appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/5/202431 minutes, 35 seconds
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209. Replay: Stop Arguing for Your Limitations

There are basically two ways to approach any challenge. One way is to focus on all the reasons why you can’t do it. The other way is to focus on all the reasons why you can. Today, talk about why you do this, how this kind of thinking is keeping you stuck, and how to stop arguing for your limitations. The post 209. Replay: Stop Arguing for Your Limitations appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/29/202324 minutes, 28 seconds
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208. Remembering Your Future

Most people spend a great deal of time thinking about the past. They ruminate over things they did that they regret doing. They focus all of their energy on past events and spend zero time or energy on their future. This is a mistake. Why? Because you can’t change the past, it’s over and done with. But you can 100% change your future, so that’s a much better place to focus your energy. So this episode is all about remembering your future so you can make that future a reality. The post 208. Remembering Your Future appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/22/202320 minutes, 17 seconds
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207. How To Get Back on Track

If you want to accomplish a big goal, the key to getting there is consistency. The problem is, that most people don’t stick with something long enough to see the end result! They get off track somewhere along the way and usually end up staying off track. So today, it’s all about how to get back on track and how to stay there so you can actually crush those big goals. The post 207. How To Get Back on Track appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/15/202320 minutes, 14 seconds
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206. Random Thoughts about Weight Loss for Runners

Sometimes, I have a bunch of thoughts that I want to share with you here on the podcast and I’ll create an episode for each one of those random thoughts. This is a great way of taking a deep dive into each topic and looking at it from several different angles. However, today’s podcast is going to be a little bit different. Instead of focusing on one topic, I’ve got several random thoughts about weight loss for runners that I want to share with you here today. They might all be seemingly random, but they do all focus on weight loss and running so maybe they’re not so random after all! The post 206. Random Thoughts about Weight Loss for Runners appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/8/202329 minutes, 1 second
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205. The Problem is You

Most people come up with all sorts of excuses, reasons, and stories for why they can’t accomplish something hard. You set out to lose weight so you change your diet but you eventually slip back into old habits and your new way of eating goes out the window. When you ask most people why they […] The post 205. The Problem is You appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/1/202313 minutes, 45 seconds
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204. Replay: 5 Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight This Holiday Season

It’s officially the Holiday Season and that means it’s time to gain a bunch of weight over the next 30 days and start the new year feeling like crap, right? I know it seems kinda crazy when I say that out loud, but the truth is, that’s the way most people do it. Most people gain quite a bit of weight during the holidays and then swear a solemn oath that they will get back on track in January. In this episode, I offer a better approach to this time of year and I have 5 tips to avoid gaining weight this holiday season. The post 204. Replay: 5 Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight This Holiday Season appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
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203. Making Sense of All the Conflicting Information

When it comes to diets and dietary advice, there is a lot of conflicting information out there. For every study that shows that one particular food is bad for you, there’s another study showing that it’s actually good for you. In this episode, I’m going to help you make sense of all the conflicting information out there so you can make informed decisions about how your particular food choices might affect your health. The post 203. Making Sense of All the Conflicting Information appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
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202. Unraveling Unhealthy Thought Patterns

One of the toughest things about losing weight and keeping it off for good is developing a healthy relationship with food. I work with runners every day who admittedly have a very unhealthy relationship with food. So, one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself is to begin to recognize and then start unraveling those unhealthy thought patterns. That’s what this episode is all about so stick around, I think you’ll find some very helpful tips throughout this podcast. The post 202. Unraveling Unhealthy Thought Patterns appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/10/202322 minutes, 30 seconds
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201. Reversing Disease Through Nutrition and Exercise with Dr. Marvin Merrit

In the world of health and fitness, there is a lot of information out there - it can really feel pretty overwhelming. A lot of that information can be confusing and even contradictory, so how do you know what you should do? Well, rest assured that Dr. Marvin and I will break it all down for you and offer up some very clear strategies for reversing disease through nutrition and exercise so you can become the healthiest version of yourself yet! The post 201. Reversing Disease Through Nutrition and Exercise with Dr. Marvin Merrit appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/3/202340 minutes, 2 seconds
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200. Mindset Principles Runners Need to Know

Today is a very special episode - number 200 - and I wanted to do something a little different to celebrate this milestone. I’ve had a look over the last 200 episodes and picked out the most important mindset principles runners need to know in order to crush your running and weight loss goals. I’ve featured each of these principles on previous podcast episodes and you can easily go back through the archive and get a deep dive on each one of these any time. The post 200. Mindset Principles Runners Need to Know appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/27/202352 minutes, 51 seconds
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199. Strength, Power, and Hypertrophy for Runners

There’s a lot of confusing information out there about how runners should approach strength training. In this episode, I will explain the difference between training for strength, power, and hypertrophy for runners. By the end of this episode, you will have a much clearer understanding of these different resistance training methodologies and how to do them correctly. The post 199. Strength, Power, and Hypertrophy for Runners appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/20/202330 minutes, 45 seconds
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198. Increasing Your Emotional Tolerance

When it comes to running tough races, you eventually get to a point where it’s all mind over matter. This emotional toughness or emotional tolerance is also required when you want to do other tough things in your life like not eating pizza when everyone around you is eating pizza! So today’s podcast is all about increasing your emotional tolerance so you’re better armed to tough it out when things get tough (which they always seem to do!) The post 198. Increasing Your Emotional Tolerance appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/13/202320 minutes, 8 seconds
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197. Why You Keep Going Back for More

Have you ever caught yourself eating something that you know is bad for you, but you do it anyway? Why do we do this and what can we do to stop it from happening in the future? In this episode, I hope to shed some light on why you keep going back for more of the foods you should probably not be eating, and what to do to stop it. The post 197. Why You Keep Going Back for More appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/6/202331 minutes, 9 seconds
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196. What Not to Do When Life Gets Chaotic

No matter how hard we try to control all the circumstances of our lives, eventually, things get a little out of control. How you handle yourself during these times of intense stress is extremely important. Everyone’s good at stress management when there’s no stress! But when life gets hectic and feels overwhelming, that’s when you need to double down on self-care. Today, I’m sharing some very helpful advice on what NOT to do when life gets chaotic, and what you should do instead. The post 196. What Not to Do When Life Gets Chaotic appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/29/202317 minutes, 1 second
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195. Taking Control of Your Food Choices

There have been some eye-opening discoveries recently around dietary advice doled out by influencers on social media. It turns out that the food and beverage industry has been paying registered dietitians to promote diet soda, sugar, and supplements on TikTok and Instagram. In this episode, I shine a light on this alarming topic, explain why it's important to know who’s paying who to say what, and encourage you to take control of your own food choices. The post 195. Taking Control of Your Food Choices appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/22/202317 minutes, 58 seconds
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194. VO2 Max, Lactate Threshold, and Running Economy

There are a lot of metrics available to runners these days - pace, distance, time, V02 max, recovery advisor, performance condition, and on and on… The 3 key metrics you want to pay attention to as a runner are: VO2 max, lactate threshold, and running economy. I’ll explain what each of these is, how they affect you as an endurance athlete, and what you can do to improve them. The post 194. VO2 Max, Lactate Threshold, and Running Economy appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/15/202339 minutes, 24 seconds
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193. 5 Dieting Disasters Runners Need to Avoid

When it comes to losing weight, there are many, many approaches you can take - some of them will work while others definitely will not. Runners especially need to be mindful of their approach to weight loss because certain methods might help you lose weight but will impair your running performance in big ways. In this episode of the podcast, I go over 5 dieting disasters runners need to avoid if you want to lose weight without completely destroying your running performance. The post 193. 5 Dieting Disasters Runners Need to Avoid appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/8/202341 minutes, 49 seconds
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192. How Do I Break My Addiction to Sugar?

A LOT of people are addicted to, or have a troublesome relationship with, sugar. The problem is that most people don’t know how to break their sugar addiction and never get to a place where they can enjoy sugar in moderation. In this episode, I explain why sugar has such a powerful grip on us as humans and how you can take back control and break your addiction to sugar once and for all. The post 192. How Do I Break My Addiction to Sugar? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/1/202339 minutes, 26 seconds
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191. Fit but Unhealthy?

Lots of runners look pretty healthy on the outside. They exercise a lot, maintain a decent weight, have low body fat percentage, low BMI, and generally look fit. But inside there could be a lot more going on that no one really sees. I came across a study recently that looked at low-carbohydrate diets versus high-carbohydrate diets and their effects on athletic performance. The results are pretty interesting from a performance standpoint and also kind of surprising from a health perspective. Today, I look at what it means to be fit but unhealthy and what you can do to make sure you are both! The post 191. Fit but Unhealthy? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/25/202321 minutes, 12 seconds
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190. Carbs Are Not the Enemy

There’s a lot of confusion out there these days around carbs, especially in the endurance athlete community. Are carbs good? Are they bad? Do they have a place in our diet or should we avoid them altogether? In this episode I’ll explain why carbs are not the enemy, but also why it might be a good idea to keep your carbs low most of the time. The post 190. Carbs Are Not the Enemy appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/18/202329 minutes, 16 seconds
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189. Shifting Your Locus of Control

If you are having a hard time sticking with a health and fitness routine, then you might want to have a look at your locus of control. Locus of control refers to where you believe your control lies - either outside of you or within you. Today I’ll explain what locus of control is and how you can begin shifting your locus of control so you can get better results and live a healthier life. The post 189. Shifting Your Locus of Control appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/11/202323 minutes, 16 seconds
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188. The Cycle of Unstoppable Motivation

Most people tend to be pretty motivated when they start something. But then, over time, that motivation begins to fade. This is the reason why gyms are full in January and empty again in March. So today, I’m taking a look at why that motivation fades and what you can do to keep it going so you CAN actually crush your health and fitness goals. The post 188. The Cycle of Unstoppable Motivation appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/4/202330 minutes, 15 seconds
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187. Why Moderating Sugar is so Difficult

I think we all know that eating too much sugar is not good for you. Excess sugar consumption has been linked to all sorts of metabolic dysfunction like high blood pressure, excess weight gain, insulin resistance, and diabetes just to name a few. So the solution is pretty simple - just moderate your sugar intake. But why is this so much easier in theory than in practice? Why is moderating sugar so difficult? Today I take a deep dive into why moderating sugar is so difficult and offer some practical tips to help you take control of your sugar cravings. The post 187. Why Moderating Sugar is so Difficult appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/28/202333 minutes, 30 seconds
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186. Demystifying Metabolism

I’ve been doing a lot of research lately on human metabolism and I’ve noticed a lot of inconsistencies in the data available. There seem to be a lot of misconceptions about metabolism, especially when it comes to losing weight. Today I want to focus on demystifying metabolism so you can separate fact from fiction and make better choices to improve your overall health and fitness. The post 186. Demystifying Metabolism appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/21/202325 minutes, 3 seconds
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185. Why It’s So Hard to Stick to Your Food Plan

I work with a lot of runners who are awesome at sticking with their running plans. But when it comes to sticking to their diet so they can lose weight…it all seems to fall apart. Why is this? Why is it so easy for runners to stick to a difficult marathon training plan and so had to stick to a healthy eating plan? In this episode, I will explain why it’s so hard to stick to your food plan and offer up some sound advice for changing this. The post 185. Why It’s So Hard to Stick to Your Food Plan appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/14/202326 minutes, 33 seconds
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184. The Incredible Power of Focus

A lot of people set out to lose weight and then quit. While there are a lot of reasons why someone might give up on themselves, one of the most likely reasons is a serious lack of focus. In this episode, I uncover the incredible power of focus, and how it can help you become the leaner, stronger, more badass runner you’ve always wanted to be. The post 184. The Incredible Power of Focus appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/7/202327 minutes
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183. Are You Addicted to Dopamine?

Over the last 100 years or so, we have become a society of pleasure-seekers and pain-avoiders. In this episode, I’m going to help you decide if you might be addicted to dopamine, and offer up some tips to avoid getting sucked down the dopamine whirlpool. The post 183. Are You Addicted to Dopamine? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/30/202327 minutes, 56 seconds
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182. A Better Approach to the Off-Season

If you’re anything like most runners, especially if you live in the US, this is most likely the off-season for you. Most runners approach this off-season as a time to live it up, eat and drink whatever, slack off on training, and “just have fun.” So in this episode, I offer a better approach to the off-season, one that will have you feeling your best when you start training for that next big race. The post 182. A Better Approach to the Off-Season appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/23/202323 minutes, 53 seconds
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181. Ultramarathon Redemption with Pete Caigan

Today I have a special treat for you, I’m sharing a candid conversation I recently had with Pete Caigan. Pete is one of my clients who has had a pretty remarkable transformation over the last 6 months or so. He shares his story of changing his diet, getting fat-adapted, losing weight, and attempting that same 50k again. I hope you enjoy this episode of ultramarathon redemption with Pete Caigan, his story is truly inspiring! The post 181. Ultramarathon Redemption with Pete Caigan appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/16/202355 minutes, 8 seconds
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180. What I Learned Running Solo for 12 Hours

Recently, I completed a self-supported, solo 12-hour run. I’ve always wanted to do a 12-hour event, but I could never really find a race that spoke to me. So, I decided to take things into my own hands and do it myself! In this episode of the podcast, I share what I learned running solo for 12 hours - what prompted me to want to run alone for so long, how I approached training, how I fueled during the event, and some interesting lessons I learned along the way. The post 180. What I Learned Running Solo for 12 Hours appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/9/202335 minutes, 38 seconds
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179. Weight Loss Principles Every Runner Needs to Know Part 3: Mindset

Your mindset is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. But most people do not spend any time at all working on improving their mindset. This is crazy to me because without the right mindset, losing weight and keeping it off becomes nearly impossible. So today, I’m going to lay out a whole bunch of mindset principles you absolutely need to know if you want to lose weight and keep it off. The post 179. Weight Loss Principles Every Runner Needs to Know Part 3: Mindset appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/2/202347 minutes, 20 seconds
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178. Weight Loss Principles Every Runner Needs to Know Part 2: Exercise

Most people will agree that exercise should be included in any weight loss plan. Unfortunately, most people think that exercise should be the ONLY component of their weight loss plan. I know that if you’re listening to this podcast you’re probably a runner and you think you’ve got the exercise thing down pat. But running alone (or just running more) isn’t the answer when it comes to getting lean and strong and keeping the weight off for good. So today, I’m going to lay out several exercise principles that every runner needs to know, especially if you want to lose weight and keep it off. The post 178. Weight Loss Principles Every Runner Needs to Know Part 2: Exercise appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/26/202338 minutes
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177. Weight Loss Principles Every Runner Needs to Know Part 1: Nutrition

If you’re a runner and you want to lose weight, you have to get your nutrition game on point. The thinking that just running more is going to solve the weight problem for you is outdated and just doesn’t work. My hope is that by the end of this episode, you’ll have a much clearer understanding of just how important nutrition is for weight loss, even if you’re a runner…especially if you’re a runner. The post 177. Weight Loss Principles Every Runner Needs to Know Part 1: Nutrition appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/19/202347 minutes, 25 seconds
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176. Handling Setbacks Like a Badass

At some point in your weight loss journey, you will experience a setback. This is normal and nothing to be ashamed of. But most people just do not handle setbacks very well. They get down on themselves, they feel gross feelings like guilt and shame, and most of the time they just give up. Do not do this! Instead, you have to learn how to handle setbacks properly. So in this episode of the podcast, I break it all down for you and explain what to do instead so you’ll be handling setbacks like a badass every time they happen. The post 176. Handling Setbacks Like a Badass appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/12/202325 minutes, 15 seconds
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175. The Comfort Crisis

There’s a real crisis happening in our world today, one that’s been decades in the making. And I find it somewhat disturbing that no one is really talking about it. But if left unchecked, if we allow this crisis to continue as-is, it could lead to the end of human life - at least as we know it today. In this episode of the podcast, I’m talking about the comfort crisis and how our insatiable quest for comfort might just lead to our downfall. The post 175. The Comfort Crisis appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/5/202331 minutes, 6 seconds
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174. The Desire Scale

One of the most important concepts you need to learn if you want to take back control of eating is the desire scale. This is a tool we have recently started using in The Coaching Project and it’s been so well-received that I thought I’d share it with you here today! When you’re trying to lose weight, sticking to your food plan makes or breaks your progress. So in this episode, I explain the desire scale, what it is, how it works, and how it might just be the key to your weight loss success. The post 174. The Desire Scale appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/28/202329 minutes, 7 seconds
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173. Replay: Why Diets Don’t Work

There are more diets out there in the world right now (and more conflicting information about those diets) than I even care to think about. And there is one thing I’ve noticed that comes up again and again - the fact that diets don’t work. Why? Why don’t diets work? Today I’m going to dive into the five biggest reasons why diets don’t work and give you a few options for what you should focus on instead. The post 173. Replay: Why Diets Don’t Work appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/21/202340 minutes, 33 seconds
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172. Can Losing Weight Be Fun?

Most people think that losing weight equals suffering. If you want to lose weight you have to stop eating all “delicious” foods forever and you will suffer every single day. If this is what you think losing weight looks like, then it’s no wonder most people quit. Can losing weight be fun? Armed with the right mindset, I think it can absolutely be fun. The post 172. Can Losing Weight Be Fun? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/14/202325 minutes, 22 seconds
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171. Getting Unstuck

One of the biggest problems people talk about when they can’t seem to take action toward a goal is feeling like they are stuck. That’s what I’m here to share with you today. This episode of the podcast is all about getting unstuck. I’ll share some ideas for getting yourself out of stuck mode and into action mode so you can keep making progress toward all your health and fitness goals. The post 171. Getting Unstuck appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/7/202320 minutes, 43 seconds
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170. Getting Started With Habit Change

If you want different results you have to do things differently, right? But doing things differently requires some work, it’s an uncomfortable process, and honestly, this is why most people refuse to change. So today I’m going to give you some tips on getting started with habit change. Because if you can just get started you can start making progress. Change won't happen if you never start, so let's get started shall we? The post 170. Getting Started With Habit Change appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/31/202330 minutes, 14 seconds
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169. What Should I Eat?

One of the most confusing topics in the health and fitness world today is…what should I eat? So today I’ll explain why what’s out there in the media is so confusing and what you should do instead. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a much better understanding of the complexity of the question, “What should I eat?”, and have a few simple steps you can take right away to help you get started on your own weight loss journey. The post 169. What Should I Eat? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/24/202328 minutes, 20 seconds
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168. Dealing With Criticism

One of the biggest fears you face when you set out to better yourself is the fear of being criticized. Today, I’m taking a comprehensive look at the fear of being judged and criticized and how dealing with criticism might be one of the most important things you do on your journey to becoming your best self. The post 168. Dealing With Criticism appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/17/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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167. Reframing Failure

Failure, or rather the fear of failure, is perhaps the biggest reason why you do not achieve the important things you want for yourself. People are so afraid of failure that oftentimes, they never even try. Instead of fearing failure and giving up, you need to reframe what failure means for you. So in this episode of the Running Lean podcast, I’ll explain exactly how reframing failure can help you reach your weight loss and running goals. The post 167. Reframing Failure appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/10/202325 minutes, 47 seconds
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166. Overcoming Your Fear of Success

If you ask people why they can’t seem to reach a particular goal, they will come up with all kinds of reasons, excuses, and stories, and they’ll almost never say “fear of success”. In this episode, I’ll explain what fear of success is and how overcoming your fear of success can be the key to achieving your weight loss goals. The post 166. Overcoming Your Fear of Success appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/3/202329 minutes, 25 seconds
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165. The Ultimate Guide to Hydration for Runners

When it comes to proper hydration, most runners are all over the place. I get it, it’s a little confusing…how much should you drink, how often, should you only drink water, what about electrolytes, is Gatorade the best option, etc. So today I want to end the confusion for you. I want to give you a very clear understanding of what hydration actually means and how to do it properly. That’s why I’m calling this one, “The Ultimate Guide to Hydration for Runners.” The post 165. The Ultimate Guide to Hydration for Runners appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/24/202329 minutes, 16 seconds
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164. How to Achieve Weight Loss Success

If you’ve ever struggled to lose weight and keep it off, then this episode is for you. Despite all of the different weight loss methods and their relative effectiveness, there is ONE master principle you MUST follow if you want to achieve long-term weight loss success. This one principle will also enable you to achieve success in every other aspect of your life, not just in terms of your health and fitness. The post 164. How to Achieve Weight Loss Success appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/17/202327 minutes, 3 seconds
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163. 3 Proven Ways to Get Your Body Burning Fat

There’s a lot of conflicting information out there in the world today about proper nutrition, the best ways to lose weight, what types of exercise are best for weight loss, and on and on. But I think we can all agree on one thing: if you want to lose weight, you have to burn fat. There are lots of ways to reduce body fat and today I’m going over the 3 proven ways to get your body burning fat so you can lose weight and improve your running performance. The post 163. 3 Proven Ways to Get Your Body Burning Fat appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/10/202327 minutes, 21 seconds
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162. Understanding The Different Types of Hunger

Have you ever felt hungry? I know stupid question, of course, you have. But did you know that not all hunger is “real” hunger? Today I’m going to break it all down for you and help you understand the different types of hunger so that you can take back control of how often and how much you eat. Understanding the different types of hunger is key to you being able to lose weight and keep it off for good. The post 162. Understanding The Different Types of Hunger appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/3/202328 minutes, 47 seconds
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161. The Other Side of Endurance

When you think about “endurance”, what comes to mind? Since you’re most likely a runner, your mind probably conjures up images of slogging out miles and miles on the roads or trails. But there’s another side of endurance, one that doesn’t get discussed much. Today, I’ll explain exactly what the other side of endurance is and why it’s so important to you becoming your most badass self. The post 161. The Other Side of Endurance appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/27/202323 minutes, 36 seconds
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160. Should Runners Lift Heavy Weights?

There’s a bit of a debate going on out there in the running community around whether or not runners should be lifting heavy weights. So in this episode of the Running Lean podcast, I’ll definitively answer the question, “Should runners lift heavy weights?” The post 160. Should Runners Lift Heavy Weights? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/20/202325 minutes, 35 seconds
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159. Always Becoming More with Natasha Sorensen

6 months ago, Natasha Sorensen was a little frustrated with where she was physically, mentally, and even emotionally. In this episode of the podcast, Natasha talks candidly about her mental and emotional struggles with eating right, being consistent, and going after big goals. I am very inspired by Tash and I know you will be too. The post 159. Always Becoming More with Natasha Sorensen appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/13/202353 minutes, 11 seconds
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158. Building Your Aerobic Engine

I get a lot of questions about how to improve running performance and one concept I keep coming back to is building your aerobic engine. Before you can run longer or faster you have to improve your aerobic fitness. So in this episode of the podcast, I explain how building your aerobic engine is essential to helping you improve both your running speed and your endurance. The post 158. Building Your Aerobic Engine appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/6/202328 minutes, 10 seconds
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157. Lessons Learned This Year and What’s Next

It’s the end of the year and time to look back at everything that’s happened this past year…good and bad. I’ve had my share of setbacks and difficulties this year but I’ve managed to get through them all. I’ve also had some pretty amazing accomplishments this year and like to reflect on those as well. In this episode of the podcast, I share my biggest lessons learned this year and what’s next for me. The post 157. Lessons Learned This Year and What’s Next appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/30/202231 minutes, 41 seconds
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156. There Is No Finish Line

There’s a powerful principle that you absolutely must embrace if you want to continue growing, evolving, and becoming more. That principle is this: There is no finish line. This means that whatever you are doing to improve yourself, you must continue doing…for the rest of your life. Today on the podcast, I explain why there is no finish line and how this is actually a good thing and the key to you becoming your most badass self. The post 156. There Is No Finish Line appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/23/202224 minutes, 12 seconds
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155. 3 Things All Successful People Do

What separates successful people from those who fail? What do successful people do that unsuccessful people don’t? Whether you want to lose weight or run an ultramarathon, you will either succeed or fail based on a few simple but very powerful principles. In this episode of the podcast, I’ll share the 3 things all successful people do that most people don’t. The post 155. 3 Things All Successful People Do appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/16/202230 minutes, 51 seconds
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154. The Truth About Food Restrictions

A lot of people feel the need to share their thoughts with me about food restrictions. They say things like, “I don’t ever want to restrict any foods”, or “All foods are OK in moderation”, or something like that. In this episode, I’m going to share the truth about food restrictions and why it might be necessary to restrict some foods if you want to lose weight and live your best life. The post 154. The Truth About Food Restrictions appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/9/202225 minutes, 1 second
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153. 5 Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight This Holiday Season

It’s officially the Holiday Season and that means it’s time to gain a bunch of weight over the next 30 days and start the new year feeling like crap, right? I know it seems kinda crazy when I say that out loud, but the truth is, that’s the way most people do it. In this episode, I offer a better approach to this time of year and I have 5 tips to avoid gaining weight this holiday season. The post 153. 5 Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight This Holiday Season appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/2/202234 minutes, 25 seconds
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152. Struggling, Suffering, and Giving In

When it comes to eating healthy and losing weight, people think you have 3 choices: Struggle, suffer, or give in. Today on the podcast, I explain how you’re not stuck with struggling, suffering, and giving in, and how you can make healthy eating actually enjoyable and maybe even fun! The post 152. Struggling, Suffering, and Giving In appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/25/202225 minutes, 30 seconds
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151. The Importance of Play

I think we can all agree that children need to play. Play is crucial for their brain development and their mental and emotional growth. But what about us adults? Should play be abandoned once we reach adulthood? In this episode of the podcast, I’ll be taking a deep dive into the importance of play and hopefully inspire you to integrate more play into your day-to-day life. The post 151. The Importance of Play appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/18/202224 minutes, 21 seconds
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150. Do You Have an Addictive Personality?

A lot of people find it very hard to change their diet. Why do they do it? Why can’t they change? They will say it’s because they have an “addictive personality.” Today I want to unpack this delicate topic and help you understand whether or not you have an addictive personality, and what you can do about it. The post 150. Do You Have an Addictive Personality? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/11/202222 minutes, 47 seconds
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149. Keto vs. Fat-Adapted – Which is Better?

There seems to be a bit of confusion out there in the endurance world when it comes to the terms “keto” and “fat-adapted.” So today on the podcast, I want to clear up all of this confusion and help answer the question, “keto vs. fat-adapted, which is better?” The post 149. Keto vs. Fat-Adapted – Which is Better? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/4/202224 minutes, 57 seconds
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148. Determining Your Carbohydrate Tolerance

There’s a time and place for carbs in your diet, but you need to understand how carbs affect you before you start piling all those sweet potatoes onto your plate. In this episode, I explain the importance of determining your carbohydrate tolerance so that you can lose weight, improve your endurance, and achieve all of your health and fitness goals. The post 148. Determining Your Carbohydrate Tolerance appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/28/202232 minutes, 14 seconds
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147. Bucking Conventional Wisdom

Most of the people in this country eat a pretty terrible diet. So if you want to be different, meaning you want to be the healthiest human possible, you’re going to have to do things differently from most people. In this episode, I break down what’s considered “normal”, what’s not, and how bucking conventional wisdom might be the best possible thing you can do for yourself. The post 147. Bucking Conventional Wisdom appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/21/202220 minutes, 39 seconds
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146. Slow Down and Stay in the Flow

Many runners who set out to achieve big goals will get it into their heads that things should just be happening faster. They should be losing weight faster, their running should be improving more quickly, and those strength sessions at the gym should be paying off by now. In this episode, I talk about what happens when you believe everything should be happening faster, and what it looks like when you slow down and stay in the flow instead. The post 146. Slow Down and Stay in the Flow appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/14/202223 minutes, 26 seconds
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145. All or Nothing is Not Always Best

I’ve been hearing a lot of stories lately from people in the low-carb athlete community who tend to adhere to an all-or-nothing mentality when it comes to diet and exercise. So in this episode of the podcast, I’ll explain why all or nothing is not always best, especially when it comes to nutrition and exercise for the fat-adapted athlete. The post 145. All or Nothing is Not Always Best appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/7/202232 minutes, 59 seconds
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144. Handling Stress Like a Badass

One of the most prevalent health issues facing us today is stress. The good news is that stress can be managed quite well. The bad news is that most people do a pretty terrible job of managing stress! In this episode, I’ll explain what stress actually is, how it might be affecting you positively or negatively, and what you can do to start handling stress like a badass. The post 144. Handling Stress Like a Badass appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/30/202231 minutes, 5 seconds
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143. Upgrading Your Model Of the World

One nice thing about human beings is that no two of us are alike. We each have our own unique Model Of the World (MOW) based on our past experiences, belief systems, and upbringings. In this episode, I’m taking a look at how your unique Model Of the World can be harmful or helpful and why you might want to consider upgrading your Model Of the World. The post 143. Upgrading Your Model Of the World appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/23/202220 minutes, 14 seconds
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142. Overcoming Emotional Eating

If you’re like most people and you hear the words, “emotional eating” you probably picture a woman crying in bed eating a half-gallon of ice cream right out of the container. I know that’s what’s depicted in rom-com movies and on TV, but that image is just plain wrong. In this episode, I explain what emotional eating is, what it isn’t, and share what you can do to begin the process of overcoming emotional eating for good. The post 142. Overcoming Emotional Eating appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/16/202232 minutes, 24 seconds
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141. How to Fix Your Metabolism

If you are overweight, chances are it’s a problem of metabolism. Your metabolism is not working properly. By nature, animals (including humans) do not become overweight unless there is some kind of dysfunction happening in the body. So today, it’s all about how to fix your metabolism here on the Running Lean podcast. The post 141. How to Fix Your Metabolism appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/9/202232 minutes, 23 seconds
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140. You Have to Do More to Become More

I know you’ve heard the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. Today, I get into what it looks like to stop doing the same things over and over again and start doing things differently because you have to do more to become more. The post 140. You Have to Do More to Become More appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/2/202221 minutes, 6 seconds
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139. Eating Healthy Is So Boring!

I’ll bet you’ve thought about eating healthy at one point or another in your life and then thought, nah…that’s going to be way too boring. Today on the podcast, I talk about the big lie - that eating healthy is so boring - and how you might be able to radically improve your health by rethinking how exciting your meals really need to be. The post 139. Eating Healthy Is So Boring! appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/26/202225 minutes, 30 seconds
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138. Is Alcohol Really Working for You?

Have you ever considered how alcohol might be negatively affecting you? Today I want to pose this question: “Is alcohol really working for you, or do you just act like it is?” In this episode, I tackle the big question of whether alcohol is actually working for you or against you. The post 138. Is Alcohol Really Working for You? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/19/202242 minutes, 6 seconds
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137. The Most Common Weight Loss Mistakes Runners Make

Most runners who set out to lose weight will probably make some mistakes along the way. So a big part of what I do now is to help runners NOT make those mistakes! Today on the podcast I’ll talk about the most common weight loss mistakes runners make, and what you can do to avoid making them. The post 137. The Most Common Weight Loss Mistakes Runners Make appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/12/202236 minutes, 34 seconds
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136. How to Avoid Weight Loss Discomfort

Lots of runners come to me for help losing weight, getting stronger, and running faster. One common question that keeps coming up is, “How do I lose weight without all the discomfort?” So in this episode, I take a look at what it actually takes to reach a weight loss goal and the secret of how to avoid weight loss discomfort. The post 136. How to Avoid Weight Loss Discomfort appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/5/202218 minutes, 54 seconds
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135. The Benefits of Becoming Metabolically Flexible

As a runner, you’ve probably been told that if you want to avoid hitting the wall, you need to consume a whole lot of one main fuel source - sugar. This approach does work for some, but for others it spells metabolic disaster, leading to incessant weight gain, insulin resistance, and a host of other health issues. In this episode of the podcast, you’ll learn exactly what metabolic flexibility is, the benefits of becoming metabolically flexible, and how to get started with it. The post 135. The Benefits of Becoming Metabolically Flexible appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/29/202229 minutes, 58 seconds
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134. The Art of Living in Integrity

I coach a lot of runners who honestly want to change. But oftentimes there’s a big disconnect between what they WANT for themselves and what they actually DO. The problem isn’t a lack of desire or an absence of willpower, they’re just not living in integrity. In this episode of the podcast, I explore the art of living in integrity - what living in integrity looks like and how it can absolutely change your life. The post 134. The Art of Living in Integrity appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/22/202224 minutes, 7 seconds
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133. Being an Example to Those Around You

I believe that each and every one of us has the ability to make a positive impact on this world. My hope is that you listen to this episode and then take action. I want to encourage you to do something today to start being an example to those around you, and then maybe, just maybe they will do the same. The post 133. Being an Example to Those Around You appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/15/202227 minutes, 40 seconds
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132. Ancestral Eating to Improve Health & Fitness

If you want to take control of your health and become the healthiest and most badass version of yourself, you might want to consider following in the footsteps of your ancestors. In this episode, I break it all down for you and explain how ancestral eating can dramatically improve your health and fitness. The post 132. Ancestral Eating to Improve Health & Fitness appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/8/202231 minutes, 49 seconds
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131. Busting the Biggest Nutrition Myths

There are a lot of myths floating around out there in regards to proper human nutrition. Some of these concepts have been around for a very long time and just seem like they hold water but a lot of them just don’t. Today, I’m busting the biggest nutrition myths and providing you with some actionable advice to help you take control of your health and get on the right track. The post 131. Busting the Biggest Nutrition Myths appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/1/202243 minutes
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130. Taking Your Health Into Your Own Hands

There is a health crisis going on right now in the US. Metabolic diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease are at an all-time high. In this episode, I share some surprising reasons why we are experiencing the current health crisis here in this country. I also explain the simple solution - not relying on the powers that be but instead taking your health into your own hands. The post 130. Taking Your Health Into Your Own Hands appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/24/202240 minutes, 29 seconds
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129. Back to Basics: The Importance of Strength Training for Runners

If you’re a runner and you are not engaging in some form of consistent, intentional strength training, you are leaving a LOT on the table. So in this episode, I’ll go over why strength training is so important if you’re a runner, how it can help you lose weight and all the reasons why I believe strength training is one of the most powerful things you can do to improve your overall health and fitness. The post 129. Back to Basics: The Importance of Strength Training for Runners appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/17/202235 minutes, 49 seconds
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128. Discipline Does Not Mean Punishment

For a lot of people, the word discipline has a very negative connotation, and they want nothing to do with discipline in their life. Today, I share why discipline does not mean punishment and explain the surprising benefits of creating a more disciplined life. The post 128. Discipline Does Not Mean Punishment appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/10/202222 minutes, 8 seconds
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127. Back to Basics: Why Runners Get Fat

Runners are not immune to gaining weight and getting fat. In fact, gaining a lot of weight as a runner is a big part of my story and it’s something hear from runners every single day. So it’s not just me, it’s a problem for so many runners. So today’s Back to Basics episode will explain why runners get fat and what you can do about it. The post 127. Back to Basics: Why Runners Get Fat appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/3/202234 minutes, 46 seconds
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126. Are You Eating Like an Athlete?

I’ve been thinking about this podcast topic for a while now and finally just felt ready to share my thoughts with you. This is one of those “tough love” episodes, so fair warning in advance. By the end of this episode I want you to honestly know whether or not you are eating like an athlete, and more importantly, why or why not. The post 126. Are You Eating Like an Athlete? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/27/202231 minutes, 58 seconds
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125. Do You Feel Like You’re Spiraling Out of Control?

In my coaching practice, I hear this phrase a lot, “I feel like I’m spiraling out of control.” In this episode of the podcast, I explain what it really means when you feel like you’re spiraling out of control and I’ll show you what you need to do to get yourself out of it. The post 125. Do You Feel Like You’re Spiraling Out of Control? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/20/202225 minutes, 5 seconds
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124. Back to Basics: The Thought Model

Most people don't realize that their thoughts are responsible for every result they are getting or not getting in their lives. Today on the podcast, I’m going to explain the thought model and how it is the most powerful coaching tool I use in my practice, and how you can use it to take back control of your life and your results. The post 124. Back to Basics: The Thought Model appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/13/202240 minutes, 11 seconds
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123. Back to Basics: Eating Real Food

Over the next several weeks, I’m going to be sprinkling in some of these “Back to Basics” episodes to share new and improved info and revisit some key concepts for weight loss and sports nutrition for runners. I’ve learned a lot since first talking about eating real food, and it’s also one of the most important things you can do to improve your overall health and fitness, so it absolutely deserves another look. The post 123. Back to Basics: Eating Real Food appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/6/202234 minutes, 26 seconds
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122. What Coaching Should Look Like

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about what coaching is and what it isn’t. So in this episode of the podcast, I break down what coaching is, what it isn’t, and explain what coaching should look like. I’m hoping that by the end of this episode, you have a very clear understanding of how the right kind of coaching can help you achieve all of your health and fitness goals. The post 122. What Coaching Should Look Like appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/29/202229 minutes, 18 seconds
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121. Is It Time to Change Your Diet?

Most people don’t pay much attention to their diet unless they suddenly find themselves overweight or their doctor wants to put them on some medication. By the end of this episode, I want you to have a clear understanding of the effects of your diet on health and sports performance and help you decide whether or not it’s time to finally change your diet. The post 121. Is It Time to Change Your Diet? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/22/202242 minutes, 14 seconds
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120. How to Fail Properly

Failure. It’s such a negative word, isn’t it? But what if there was a totally different way to think about failure? What would it look like if you learned how to fail properly? That’s what I’m talking about here on the podcast today, so get ready to learn a whole new way to look at failure, failing, what it means to fail, and how to fail properly. The post 120. How to Fail Properly appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/15/202227 minutes, 14 seconds
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119. Why Willpower Doesn’t Work

One of the biggest misconceptions about losing weight is that requires a ton of willpower. There are other forces at work that have to be addressed if you want to lose weight and be able to keep it off for good. In this episode of the podcast, I’ll explain why willpower doesn’t work and what you should be focusing on instead. The post 119. Why Willpower Doesn’t Work appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/8/202225 minutes, 45 seconds
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118. The Biggest Mistakes of Habit Change

In my coaching practice, I’ve helped hundreds of runners ditch old bad habits and create ones. So when it comes to changing a habit, I know what works and what doesn’t work. So today I’m going to share a few of the biggest mistakes of habit change that I’ve seen. And my hope is that this will help you to avoid making these same mistakes yourself. The post 118. The Biggest Mistakes of Habit Change appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/1/202224 minutes, 50 seconds
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117. The Power of Total Immersion

If you want to make big changes in your life, then a lot of things in your life are going to have to change. The problem is that most people do not like to change things! Most people have big lofty goals but want to change as little as possible. So today, I’m going to offer up an alternative way of doing things, something I call “total immersion.” The post 117. The Power of Total Immersion appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/25/202226 minutes, 45 seconds
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116. The One Big Mindset Shift You Have to Make

If you want to lose weight and be able to keep it off for good, you have to shift your mindset. Getting leaner and stronger is mostly an inside job. So today, I’m going to share with you perhaps the biggest mindset shift you have to make if you want to create healthy new habits that last for life. The post 116. The One Big Mindset Shift You Have to Make appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/18/202222 minutes, 2 seconds
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115. Overcoming Weight Loss Fears and Insecurities

When it comes to reaching big goals like losing weight and getting fit, you will eventually come face-to-face with all your fears and insecurities. So in this episode, I am spending some time talking about overcoming weight loss fears and insecurities. This is a topic that’s been on my mind a lot lately and it’s a powerful skill that you can learn - if you’re willing to face your fears head-on. The post 115. Overcoming Weight Loss Fears and Insecurities appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/11/202223 minutes, 18 seconds
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114. Winning The Inner Game

When it comes to making lasting habit change, there are two main areas of “work” that you have to address. There’s the outer work, which is what to do and how to do it, and then there’s the inner work, which is all about making profound shifts in your mindset. In this episode, I’m taking a deep dive into what it means to be winning the inner game and why it’s a critical component of becoming a leaner, stronger runner. The post 114. Winning The Inner Game appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/4/202228 minutes, 1 second
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113. Getting Out of the Gap and Into the Gain

Have you ever found yourself wishing your life was somehow “better”, that there was some future version of yourself that was leaner, stronger, and healthier? When you are obsessed about where you’re NOT, that’s when things begin to break down for you. Today, I’m talking about the difference between being in the gap and being in the gain. I break down why getting out of the gap and into the gain is so important for your long-term health and fitness goals. The post 113. Getting Out of the Gap and Into the Gain appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/25/202229 minutes, 34 seconds
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112. Taking Back Control of Your Life with Melanie Millaway

I recently sat down with Melanie Millaway and we had a candid conversation about her experience of changing her diet and getting fat-adapted. But the real change didn’t happen on the outside. If you’re unhappy with the way you look and feel and you want more for yourself, then you have to do the inner work. This is the work that Melanie did and in this episode of the podcast, she shares how she’s absolutely transformed her life from the inside out. The post 112. Taking Back Control of Your Life with Melanie Millaway appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/18/202240 minutes, 37 seconds
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111. Thinking Beyond Your Current Self

If you’re like most people (me included), your beliefs about what you can or can’t accomplish are based on whatever you’ve been able to do up to this point in your life. This is an incredibly limiting mindset and it’s keeping you stuck where you are. Today on the podcast, I’ll show you how powerful it is to start thinking beyond your current self so you can break out of the cycle of your past and become that badass future self. The post 111. Thinking Beyond Your Current Self appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/11/202219 minutes, 59 seconds
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110. Battling The Resistance

Oftentimes, when you set out to improve your health and fitness, you find yourself feeling all of this negative stuff. This is called the resistance and it can absolutely stop you from ever achieving your goals. So today on the podcast, I’m going to show you how to recognize when the resistance starts to show up for you and what to do about it, because it’s all about battling the resistance not giving in to it. The post 110. Battling The Resistance appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/4/202222 minutes, 18 seconds
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109. Who Are You Becoming?

Who are you becoming? It’s a good question, right? Most people don’t ever ask themselves this. So in this episode, I talk about the importance of contemplating this powerful question, “Who are you becoming?”, and then how to start working toward becoming that exact version of yourself. The post 109. Who Are You Becoming? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/28/202221 minutes, 4 seconds
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108. Being an Example of What’s Possible with Eva Bailey

I recently sat down with one of my clients, Eva Bailey, and we had a fun conversation all about her experience getting fat-adapted and training for her first ultramarathon. I’m super excited about bringing this conversation to you today, I know you’re going to get a lot out of it, and my hope is that you also get inspired to also start being an example of what’s possible. The post 108. Being an Example of What’s Possible with Eva Bailey appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/21/202255 minutes, 41 seconds
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107. Prioritizing Rest & Recovery

If you’re anything like most runners, you have a very hard time taking time off. In this episode of the podcast, I share the importance of prioritizing rest and recovery for runners so that you can show up at the start of your A race in peak fitness. The post 107. Prioritizing Rest & Recovery appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/14/202233 minutes, 10 seconds
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106. A Powerful Way to Start Your Day

It’s a new year and there’s all this talk of goals and dreams and what you want to accomplish in the year ahead. In this episode of the podcast, I’m going to share a very simple mindset exercise that, when done consistently, can be an incredibly powerful way to start your day, and help you achieve all of your goals. The post 106. A Powerful Way to Start Your Day appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/7/202225 minutes, 3 seconds
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Bonus Episode: January 8 Pounds Down Challenge

I’ve received a lot of questions about the Running Lean Coaching Group’s January 8 Pounds Down Challenge so I decided to address all of your questions in this bonus podcast episode! Starting on Tuesday, January 4th, we’ll be focusing on getting fat-adapted and dropping some weight! The goal is to lose 8 pounds by January […] The post Bonus Episode: January 8 Pounds Down Challenge appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/2/202216 minutes, 6 seconds
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105. Lessons Learned in 2021 and Looking Forward to 2022

2021 is coming to a close and I don’t know about you, but I always get introspective this time of year. In this podcast, I’m going to share a few of the biggest lessons I learned in 2021 and also share what I’m looking forward to in 2022. The post 105. Lessons Learned in 2021 and Looking Forward to 2022 appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/31/202136 minutes, 9 seconds
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104. Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

It’s that time of the year again when many people set big goals for themselves. They decide that starting January 1st, they are going to lose weight, get in shape, quit drinking, start that business, or start working on whatever goal they’ve been putting off for way too long now. The problem is that almost […] The post 104. Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/24/202129 minutes, 34 seconds
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103. Handling the Holidays Like a Badass

The holidays can be a very difficult time of the year for a lot of people. In this episode of the podcast, I share a few simple tips for handling the holidays like a badass so you can slide into the New Year feeling good about yourself (which is not the way most people do it). The post 103. Handling the Holidays Like a Badass appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/17/202126 minutes, 23 seconds
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102. Choosing Your Struggle

If you're like most people then you’ve most likely never considered the fact that you are actually choosing your struggle. In this episode of the podcast, I explain what it means to be choosing your struggle, and offer up some insights for you to start making better choices in your life. The post 102. Choosing Your Struggle appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/10/202123 minutes, 43 seconds
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101. What to Do When Life Throws You Curveballs

Recently, I’ve been thrown a big curveball. I’ll talk more about that in the episode. But instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself, I’ve decided to do everything I can to get through this tough period feeling good about myself and being as positive as possible. This episode of the podcast is all about what to do when life throws you curveballs. Because you always have a choice in how you respond to every event in your life, even when it feels like you don't. The post 101. What to Do When Life Throws You Curveballs appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/3/202136 minutes, 24 seconds
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100. The Best of the Running Lean Podcast

In this “best of” edition of the Running Lean podcast, I feature a dozen or so of your favorite moments - and mine - from the first 100 episodes. I wanted this 100th episode to be my way of saying “thank you” to all of you for listening and for allowing me to be a part of your health and fitness journey. I am beyond grateful for all of the love, support, and encouragement I’ve received since I started this podcast back in January of 2020. And I can’t wait to share the next 100 episodes with each and every one of you. The post 100. The Best of the Running Lean Podcast appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/25/202139 minutes, 10 seconds
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99. Overcoming Your Limiting Beliefs

One of the biggest problems I see with people who attempt to make big changes in their life is a total lack of belief in themselves. In this episode of the podcast, I’m taking a deep dive into limiting beliefs - what they are, how they’re keeping you stuck, and I’ll offer some practical tips on overcoming your limiting beliefs. The post 99. Overcoming Your Limiting Beliefs appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/19/202130 minutes
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98. Marathon Recap: What Worked and What Didn’t

The 2021 Flying Pig Marathon is officially in the books! I did some things differently this training season from a fueling perspective. So in this episode of the podcast, I’m going to go over how I fueled differently this training season and for the race itself, what worked and what didn’t, and what I would do differently next time. The post 98. Marathon Recap: What Worked and What Didn’t appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/12/202137 minutes, 19 seconds
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97. Eliminating Expectations

We all have expectations, every single one of us. You expect things to go a certain way and when they do, it’s amazing and you feel great! When things don’t go the way you expect them to, you get frustrated and you feel terrible. In this episode, I explain why having expectations is the cause of most of your frustrations, and how eliminating expectations just might be the answer to achieving everything good you want in your life. The post 97. Eliminating Expectations appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/5/202122 minutes, 30 seconds
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96. The Ultimate Guide to Sugar Substitutes

Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions around this topic of sugar substitutes. Questions like, “Which sugar substitutes are best?”, “Which ones should be avoided?”, and “How will these affect my running performance?” These are all great questions, so in this episode of the podcast, I decided to put together the ultimate guide to sugar substitutes. The post 96. The Ultimate Guide to Sugar Substitutes appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/29/202138 minutes, 40 seconds
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95. Getting Your Family’s Support with Your Weight Loss Plan

One of the hardest things about losing weight is feeling like no one is supporting you in your weight loss journey. Why is this? How can we get the support that we need to be successful with being healthy, and with this new way of life? In this episode of the podcast, I’ve got some helpful tips for getting your family’s support with your weight loss plan. The post 95. Getting Your Family’s Support with Your Weight Loss Plan appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/22/202135 minutes, 38 seconds
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94. Which Diet Is Best?

There’s a lot of chatter out there in the world about which diet is best. So in this episode of the podcast, I’ve decided to make things a little bit easier for you. I’m going to explain why there’s so much conflict around which diet is best and offer up some actionable tips on how to make the right choices to help you reach your health and fitness goals. The post 94. Which Diet Is Best? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/15/202142 minutes, 25 seconds
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93. How to Tell When You’re at Your Natural Weight

I talk a lot about losing weight and eventually getting to your “natural weight” but I’ve never really taken the time to explain what your “natural weight” is. So in this episode, I’m going to talk about some of the standards we use to determine ideal weight, and why they don't work for everyone, what “natural weight” means, and how to tell when you’re at your natural weight. The post 93. How to Tell When You’re at Your Natural Weight appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/8/202124 minutes, 24 seconds
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92. Preventing and Treating Running Injuries with Brodie Sharpe

Runners seem to get injured pretty often. Why is this? Why do runners get injured so often? What are the most common injuries that runners experience? How do we treat these injuries, and how can we prevent getting injured in the first place? In this episode of the podcast, I brought in a very special guest to help answer these questions. Brodie Sharpe is an experienced physiotherapist and host of the popular The Run Smarter Podcast and today, he’s talking all about preventing and treating running injuries. The post 92. Preventing and Treating Running Injuries with Brodie Sharpe appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/1/202156 minutes, 18 seconds
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91. Breaking the Habit of Being You

One of the most important principles that I teach here on the podcast, and work on with my clients is the principle of becoming the best, healthiest, most badass version of yourself. In this episode, I’m going to show you how, more than anything else, your habits are responsible for who you have become up to this point in your life. And if you to change who you become in the future, it requires breaking the habit of being you. The post 91. Breaking the Habit of Being You appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/24/202131 minutes, 16 seconds
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90. Hacking Your Environment to Create Better Results

One of the biggest factors affecting your ability to achieve your goals is your environment. And your environment is more than just the physical space around you at this moment, it’s all the information that’s constantly streaming into your brain. In this episode of the podcast, I have a bunch of practical tips for hacking your environment to create better results toward all of your goals. The post 90. Hacking Your Environment to Create Better Results appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/17/202150 minutes, 59 seconds
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89. Fat-Adapted Ultrarunning Success with Kelly French

Kelly is an ultrarunner who came to me for help transitioning to the low-carb way of life. She made it through the tough transition period and went from being primarily a sugar burner to becoming a super-efficient fat-burning machine. Since adopting this approach, she’s run two ultramarathons with great success! She’s also become quite a bit leaner in the process and says she feels the best she’s felt in years. The post 89. Fat-Adapted Ultrarunning Success with Kelly French appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/10/202150 minutes, 2 seconds
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88. Embracing the Growth Mindset

Whatever it is you want for yourself - to lose weight or run an ultramarathon - the right mindset will get you there. Today on the podcast, I’m talking about two very distinct mindsets - the fixed mindset and the growth mindset - and why embracing the growth mindset is the key to accomplishing everything you want in your life. The post 88. Embracing the Growth Mindset appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/3/202138 minutes, 33 seconds
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87. Weight Loss Is Not the Goal

As a weight loss coach for runners, I work with a lot of people whose main goal is to lose weight. There’s something much bigger at play here, and a more important goal that you should be focused on. In this episode of the podcast, I explain why weight loss is not the goal and the one thing that you should be focused on instead. The post 87. Weight Loss Is Not the Goal appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/27/202125 minutes, 36 seconds
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86. 7 Surprising Ways to Increase Your Metabolism

It’s pretty common knowledge that if you have a faster metabolism - meaning you burn more calories while at rest - you will lose more weight. What most people don’t know is that there are many different ways to increase your metabolism other than just running an extra 100 miles every week. So today on the podcast, I’m going to share 7 surprising ways to increase your metabolism so you can burn more calories, burn more fat, and become a lean running machine. The post 86. 7 Surprising Ways to Increase Your Metabolism appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/20/202136 minutes, 23 seconds
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85. Understanding How Habits Really Work

If you really want to create change in your life, you have to focus on changing your habits, right? But most people just focus on trying to change the behavior and don’t focus on the things that are actually driving the behavior in the first place. So today on the podcast, I take you on a deep dive into understanding how habits really work so you can create the change you want in your life and make those changes last. The post 85. Understanding How Habits Really Work appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/13/202130 minutes, 38 seconds
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84. Fueling Strategies for Low-Carb Running

Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to fuel your runs as a low-carb runner. I’m here today to share my thoughts and my experience on this topic and offer up several different fueling strategies for low-carb running. I’m hoping by the end of this episode, you feel less fearful and more confident about your low-carb approach to running. The post 84. Fueling Strategies for Low-Carb Running appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/6/202148 minutes, 19 seconds
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83. The All-or-Nothing Mentality

I think a lot of people get stuck on this idea of you can either drink or not drink and there’s no middle ground. This is the all-or-nothing mentality and it can make changing a habit feel extremely daunting. So in this episode, I’m taking a deep dive into the all-or-nothing mentality and proposing what might be a more effective way to change a habit. The post 83. The All-or-Nothing Mentality appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/30/202135 minutes, 8 seconds
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82. Practicing the Art of Discipline

If there’s something big that you want for yourself, I’m telling you, there’s no magic formula, it just takes practicing the art of discipline to get it. So in this episode of the podcast, I'll be exploring what it means to practice the art of discipline so that you can achieve everything you want in your life. The post 82. Practicing the Art of Discipline appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/23/202128 minutes, 48 seconds
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81. Good Stress, Bad Stress

We often think of stress as being something annoying, a mental or emotional issue, but stress can also have serious implications on our physical health as well. There’s another side of stress that’s considered not only good for us but actually required in order for us to grow and thrive as humans. So today on the podcast, I’m going to talk about good stress and bad stress - which types are detrimental, and which are considered beneficial for our health and wellbeing. The post 81. Good Stress, Bad Stress appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/16/202135 minutes, 49 seconds
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80. Understanding and Eliminating Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage is one of those terms that you hear and you think you have a pretty good handle on what it means. But do you really? In this episode, I’m going to help you understand what self-sabotage is, how it prevents you from achieving your goals, and how you can eliminate it from your life. The post 80. Understanding and Eliminating Self-Sabotage appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/9/202140 minutes, 2 seconds
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79. Demystifying Desire

Desire can feel very strong and very powerful, and it can lead you to do things that are not in alignment with your goals - like eating or drinking. But desire doesn’t have to be so ominous and mysterious. In this episode, I’m going to go over what desire really is, why it’s such a powerful force in your life, and what you can do to change it. The post 79. Demystifying Desire appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/2/202134 minutes, 18 seconds
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78. The Problem with Streaks

When it comes to habit change, there’s this idea that if you do something every day for a period of time - 30-60-90 days - then you will automatically develop a new habit. I cannot tell you how wrong this idea is. Today on the podcast, I’m talking about the problem with streaks and what you need to focus on instead if you want to make lasting, meaningful changes in your habits. The post 78. The Problem with Streaks appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/25/202133 minutes
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77. Happiness is Overrated

There’s a lot of talk out there in the personal development world about happiness. My take on happiness is a little different - I believe happiness is overrated. In this episode of the podcast, I’ll explain exactly what I mean when I say happiness is overrated, and offer my take on what your life’s purpose really is. The post 77. Happiness is Overrated appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/18/202131 minutes, 23 seconds
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76. Sticking to Your Plan – Even on Vacation

If you’re thinking there’s no way you’ll be able to get through your vacation without gaining 5 or 10 lbs and coming home feeling like crap, then I’ve got some good news for you, because it doesn't have to be like that. In this episode of the podcast, I offer up some practical tips for sticking to your food or exercise plan - even when you're on vacation. The post 76. Sticking to Your Plan – Even on Vacation appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/11/202141 minutes, 43 seconds
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75. How Being Healthy Becomes a Lifestyle with Latisha Simmons

I have a very special guest joining me here on the podcast today. A few months ago, Latisha Simmons was facing some pretty serious health issues and decided she needed to make some big changes in her life. She’s come a long way in just a few months so I thought it would be beneficial for all of us to hear her story of transformation. The post 75. How Being Healthy Becomes a Lifestyle with Latisha Simmons appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/4/202141 minutes, 8 seconds
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74. The Ultimate Guide to Protein for Runners

In this episode of the podcast, I’ll be answering the questions I get asked most about protein, like... How much protein should I be getting? How does protein help promote weight loss? How does protein help with running? What are the best sources of protein? How long after a workout should I take protein? Are protein supplements recommended? If it has to do with protein, I’ve got you covered! That’s why this episode is titled The Ultimate Guide to Protein for Runners! The post 74. The Ultimate Guide to Protein for Runners appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/28/202135 minutes, 47 seconds
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73. Becoming a Lean, Fat-Burning Machine and Making It Last For Life – Part 2

As a Sports Nutritionist, Weight Loss Coach for Runners, and Master Life Coach, I help runners transform themselves into lean, efficient fat burners so they can end the yo-yo dieting and finally get to their ideal weight...and stay there for good! In this episode, I’m going to outline the most important mindset shifts you have to adopt if you want to make becoming a lean running machine last for life. The post 73. Becoming a Lean, Fat-Burning Machine and Making It Last For Life – Part 2 appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/21/202144 minutes, 49 seconds
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72. Becoming a Lean, Fat-Burning Machine and Making It Last For Life – Part 1

As a Sports Nutritionist and Weight Loss Coach for Runners, I help runners transform themselves into lean, efficient fat burners so they can end the yo-yo dieting and finally get to their ideal weight. In this eye-opening two-part series, I’ll show you exactly what it takes to become a lean, fat-burning, running machine and most to make it last for life. The post 72. Becoming a Lean, Fat-Burning Machine and Making It Last For Life – Part 1 appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/14/202143 minutes, 10 seconds
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71. Zero-Carb Marathon Training

I recently decided to do a little nutrition experiment on myself. I trained for a marathon while following a zero-carb diet, and then I ran that marathon without carb-loading and without the use of any fuel at all. In this episode of the Running Lean podcast, I answer all of those questions and share the results of my experiment training for and then running a marathon without the use of carbohydrates as fuel. The post 71. Zero-Carb Marathon Training appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/7/202144 minutes, 32 seconds
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70. Becoming an Emotional Adult

Whether your goal is to finish a marathon without bonking or lose weight and keep it off for good, you have to become an emotional adult to get there. Becoming an emotional adult is one of the most powerful skills you can learn, and it’s key to becoming the most badass version of yourself yet. The post 70. Becoming an Emotional Adult appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/30/202130 minutes, 33 seconds
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69. 5 Ways You Sabotage Your Own Success

I coach a lot of runners on nutrition, weight loss, and overall health and fitness, and I see the same self-sabotaging behavior over and over again. Why do you do these things to yourself? Why can’t you ever seem to make any significant progress toward your big goals? Why do you always seem to sabotage your own success? The post 69. 5 Ways You Sabotage Your Own Success appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/23/202149 minutes, 3 seconds
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68. Our Complicated Relationship With Food

Why is what we eat so complicated? What does this mean for us? And most importantly, what can we do about it? In this episode, I share many of the reasons why our relationship with food is so complicated. My hope is that by the end of this podcast, you’ll have a deeper understanding of this issue and be able to make more informed decisions about your own dietary choices. The post 68. Our Complicated Relationship With Food appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/16/202146 minutes, 20 seconds
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67. The Myths and Benefits of Strength Training for Runners

I hear a lot of runners talk about strength training, and honestly, not all of what they say makes sense. So in this episode of the Running Lean podcast, I bust a bunch of these myths and misconceptions runners have around strength training. I also outline the many benefits that strength training actually provides, especially for endurance athletes. The post 67. The Myths and Benefits of Strength Training for Runners appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/9/202134 minutes, 35 seconds
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66. Eliminating Scale Drama

I’ve seen a lot of social media posts and comments lately where people are sharing their frustration around the scale. In this episode of the podcast, I dole out a little tough love and explain exactly what scale drama is, how it impacts your life, and how to eliminate all that scale drama for good. The post 66. Eliminating Scale Drama appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/2/202129 minutes, 1 second
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65. The Three Requirements for Making Lasting Change

Making lasting changes like permanently losing weight is not an easy thing to do. It requires you to do more than just change a behavior. Any kind of meaningful, lasting change requires three key things, and you have to have all three or it just won’t work. In this episode of the podcast, I’m going to share the three requirements for making lasting change and show you where you can find all three in one place. The post 65. The Three Requirements for Making Lasting Change appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/26/202131 minutes, 46 seconds
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64. Warning Signs and Dangers of Overtraining

Overtraining is something that a lot of runners experience but very few actually know that it’s happening. The problem is that if you keep it up it can result in overtraining, which leads to all sorts of health issues like poor performance, burnout, even injury. Today on the podcast, I’ll go over the warning signs and dangers of overtraining and offer some solid strategies for what you can do to avoid it. The post 64. Warning Signs and Dangers of Overtraining appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/19/202135 minutes, 7 seconds
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63. Lessons Learned Running 48 Miles in 48 Hours

Today on the podcast, I’m going to break down my experience running the David Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge. I’ll share some things I did right, some things I could have done better, and how this whole challenge has changed me. Whether or not you would ever consider doing an event like this, I think you’ll get something out of this episode. The post 63. Lessons Learned Running 48 Miles in 48 Hours appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/12/202141 minutes, 46 seconds
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62. The Secret Sauce of Self-Motivation

Whether you want to run faster or farther, dial in your nutrition, or lose those winter lbs - you need motivation to make it happen! But most people severely lack motivation! They are motivation-deficient. And this lack of motivation keeps them stuck where they are, never making any progress toward their goals. In this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing my “secret sauce” of self-motivation. The post 62. The Secret Sauce of Self-Motivation appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/5/202142 minutes, 40 seconds
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61. Making Healthy Habits Stick

In order to become a healthy human, you need to change your habits. The problem isn't knowing which habits are bad or good, it’s knowing how to make those good habits stick. In this episode of the podcast, I’ve got five very simple and very practical steps to making healthy habits stick. The post 61. Making Healthy Habits Stick appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/26/202145 minutes, 8 seconds
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60. Beverages: The Good and the Bad for Long-Distance Running

In this episode of the Running Lean Podcast, I’ll be covering a few beverages that seem to be at the forefront of runner’s minds these days. Namely alcohol, coffee, and water. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a much better understanding of what’s good and what’s bad about these beverages and how they will absolutely affect your running performance. The post 60. Beverages: The Good and the Bad for Long-Distance Running appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/19/202140 minutes, 54 seconds
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59. Myths and Misconceptions of Low-Carb Running

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions floating around out there around the topic of carbohydrates and running performance. Today on the podcast, I hope to clear up some of the biggest misunderstandings, myths, and misconceptions of low-carb running. By the end of this episode, I want you to be able to make an informed decision about which approach is best for you and your personal health and fitness goals. The post 59. Myths and Misconceptions of Low-Carb Running appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/12/202147 minutes, 59 seconds
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58. How Stress Is Making Us Fat

Stress is not something that can be avoided, it’s just a fact of modern life. Stress can make us sick, stress can lead to a host of chronic diseases, and stress can make us fat. In this episode of the podcast, I’ll be taking a look at stress from several different angles, I’ll explain how stress is making us fat, and I’ll provide some options for how you can reduce stress in your life. The post 58. How Stress Is Making Us Fat appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/5/202135 minutes, 41 seconds
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57. How to Make Healthy Eating a Way of Life

In this episode, I share my thoughts on what’s going on, why some people can easily make healthy eating a way of life, and why others can’t. I’ll also offer some practical tips to help you start to make the shift from the temporary “diet” mentality to the permanent “way of life” mentality. The post 57. How to Make Healthy Eating a Way of Life appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/29/202133 minutes, 35 seconds
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56. Good Carbs, Bad Carbs

In this episode of the podcast, I answer some of the biggest questions runners ask about carbs, like what are good carbs and bad carbs? I’ll be covering the quality of carbs, the number of carbs, and the timing of your carbs, all of which play important roles in long-distance running and weight loss goals. The post 56. Good Carbs, Bad Carbs appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/22/202141 minutes, 43 seconds
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55. 5 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism

I think we can all agree that in order to lose weight, you have to be able to burn fat. In this episode of the Running Lean podcast, I’m talking about foods that will definitely give your metabolism a boost and help you become that lean, fat-burning machine. The post 55. 5 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/15/202149 minutes, 8 seconds
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54. The Benefits of Becoming a Fat-Adapted Runner

I get a lot of questions over in the Running Lean Community Facebook Group about fat-adaptation. So today on the podcast, I’m taking a deep dive into the topic of fat-adaptation for runners. My goal is that by the end of this episode, you will have a solid understanding of fat-adaptation and why it’s such a powerful tool to help you improve not just your running, but your overall health and fitness. The post 54. The Benefits of Becoming a Fat-Adapted Runner appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/8/202139 minutes, 4 seconds
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53. How to Overcome Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage is when you say you want to lose 30 lbs but you find yourself eating chocolate cake every day. What is happening here? By eating the cake, you are completely undermining what you say you really want for yourself! Why do we do this? In this episode of the podcast, you’ll discover how and why you self-sabotage and learn a few simple strategies for how to overcome self-sabotage. The post 53. How to Overcome Self-Sabotage appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/1/202149 minutes, 1 second
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52. Looking Back and Moving Forward

Contrary to what I see plastered all over social media, I don’t think 2020 was that bad of a year, at least it wasn’t for me. In fact, I think 2020 has been my best year yet! In this episode of the podcast, I’m looking back at 2020 and the valuable lessons I learned, and what I’ll be focusing on as I move forward into 2021. The post 52. Looking Back and Moving Forward appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/25/202040 minutes, 35 seconds
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51. How I Ran a 50k on Zero Calories

Last weekend I ran the Sloppy Hog 50k. What makes this particular event unique though, is that I did the whole thing without using any fuel at all. In this episode of the podcast, I’m going to break it all down for you and tell you exactly how I did it, and perhaps even more importantly, why I did it. The post 51. How I Ran a 50k on Zero Calories appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/18/202036 minutes, 33 seconds
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50. How to Create Unstoppable Motivation

Whether you’re trying to stick to your food plan, or your training schedule when it’s cold and dark outside, you need motivation to make it happen. In this episode of the podcast, I’ll explain where motivation really comes from and offer some tips on how to create unstoppable motivation so you can stick to your plan and hit your goals! The post 50. How to Create Unstoppable Motivation appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/11/202039 minutes, 52 seconds
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49. Be an Example of What’s Possible

The Running Lean Manifesto is a set of guiding principles that, when you practice them each day, you can create the life you’ve always wanted for yourself. In this episode of the podcast, I share my thoughts about what it means to live your life in such a way that you become an example of what’s possible for others. The post 49. Be an Example of What’s Possible appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/4/202026 minutes, 50 seconds
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48. Think, Feel, and Act With Purpose

If you want anything different than what you already have, you have to look at what’s creating those results, and it’s always your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. Losing weight and keeping it off requires that you learn how to think, feel, and act with purpose. Today, I’m going to explain how all of this works so you can start applying this to your own life and start getting the results that you really want. The post 48. Think, Feel, and Act With Purpose appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/27/202032 minutes, 36 seconds
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47. How to Handle the Holidays

The holidays are a time to gather with loved ones, give thanks for all that we have, and of course, eat and drink ourselves into oblivion...right? OK, maybe that’s just me! In this episode of the podcast, I’m going to offer some practical tips to help you handle the holidays so you don’t roll into 2021 hating yourself and looking like Frosty the Snowman. The post 47. How to Handle the Holidays appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/20/202040 minutes, 17 seconds
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46. Love Yourself Unconditionally

If you’re anything like me and you’ve struggled with your weight, then you probably know what it feels like to kind of hate yourself. When you feel this crappy about yourself, it is going to be almost impossible for you to lose weight, you just can’t do it. In this episode, I’m talking about how to break out of this negative mindset. The answer is to love yourself unconditionally, and I’m going to explain how to do it. The post 46. Love Yourself Unconditionally appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/13/202027 minutes, 40 seconds
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45. The 5 Habits Runners Must Have to Lose Weight

The way you make big changes is by consistently doing new things – showing up day after day with drive, determination, and perseverance. In other words…creating new habits. Breaking old habits and creating new ones just might be the single most important thing you can do for yourself. It’s the only way you can make […] The post 45. The 5 Habits Runners Must Have to Lose Weight appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
11/6/202037 minutes, 1 second
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44. Run Because You Love It

I think we’d all agree that running is hard. But for a lot of us, running can also be a very stressful, anxiety-inducing activity. In this episode, I’m talking about running simply for the love of running, without any other hidden agenda. I believe you should run because you love it. Because if you don't love it, what’s the point? The post 44. Run Because You Love It appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/30/202031 minutes, 37 seconds
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43. Embrace Discomfort

The only thing standing between you and your goals is the discomfort of getting them. In this episode of the podcast, I explore what it means to embrace discomfort and why it’s such an important factor in achieving everything meaningful in your life. The post 43. Embrace Discomfort appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/23/202026 minutes, 50 seconds
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42. Thrive in Your Body

I used to treat my body like a garbage dump. Then one day I made a decision to change everything. In this episode of the podcast, I explain what it means to thrive in your body and why it has become one of my most important guiding principles. The post 42. Thrive in Your Body appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/16/202026 minutes, 14 seconds
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41. Live Vibrantly

Do you really want to settle for a life that can only be described as dull, ordinary, or dreary? You can choose to live a dull and dreary life, or you can choose to live a big, bold, beautiful VIBRANT life. In this episode of the podcast, I’m talking about choosing to live vibrantly and why it’s such a powerful principle to live by. The post 41. Live Vibrantly appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/9/202024 minutes, 32 seconds
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40. Eat Real Food

In this episode of the podcast, I’m talking about one of the most important principles you should adopt if you want to stop struggling with your weight and start living a healthier, happier life: Eat Real Food. I’ll explain exactly what I mean when I say “Eat Real Food” and why this is such a crucial principle for you to incorporate into your daily life, starting right now, especially if you are a runner. The post 40. Eat Real Food appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
10/2/202041 minutes, 26 seconds
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39. Learning to Love the Process

When you’re focused solely on the end result, and you’re not there yet, you can begin to hate the process it takes to get you there. Today, I’m talking about learning to love the process and how this simple mindset shift will absolutely change how you approach everything that you do. The post 39. Learning to Love the Process appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/25/202020 minutes, 34 seconds
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38. Stop Arguing for Your Limitations

There are basically two ways to approach any challenge - focus on all the reasons why you can’t do it or focus on all the reasons why you can. Today I want to talk about why we argue for our limitations, how this kind of thinking is keeping you stuck, and I offer some suggestions for what to do instead. The post 38. Stop Arguing for Your Limitations appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/18/202028 minutes, 37 seconds
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37. How to Solve the Hunger Problem

Today, I’m talking about the problem of hunger and how to solve it. I’ll explain the different types of hunger, how to tell if you are actually hungry, which foods increase your hunger and which reduce it, and how all of this relates to your running. The post 37. How to Solve the Hunger Problem appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/11/202036 minutes, 50 seconds
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36. The Myths and Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

There seems to be a lot of misleading information out there about intermittent fasting. Today, I’m going to separate fact from fiction and share all of the incredible positive health benefits of intermittent fasting. The post 36. The Myths and Benefits of Intermittent Fasting appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
9/4/202043 minutes, 55 seconds
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35. Embracing The Suck

Today on the podcast, I’m talking about embracing the suck. Most people want to do the opposite, they want to avoid the suck. But here’s the thing, the suck is going to happen whether you like it or not, so it’s better that you learn how to embrace it, rather than resist it. The post 35. Embracing The Suck appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/28/202025 minutes, 7 seconds
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34. The Ultimate Guide to Oil

Ever since we’ve increased our consumption of vegetable oils we’ve just gotten fatter and sicker. What the heck is going on? In this episode, I get to the bottom of this issue and explain why vegetable oils are actually very bad for our health as humans, and what oils you should use instead. The post 34. The Ultimate Guide to Oil appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/21/202046 minutes, 21 seconds
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33. The Power of Making a Real Commitment

There’s a subtle but powerful shift that happens in your brain when you decide to go all-in on a goal. Making a real commitment early on in the process is often the one thing that differentiates those who succeed from those who do not. The post 33. The Power of Making a Real Commitment appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/14/202032 minutes, 44 seconds
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32. Why I Changed My Mind About Eating Meat

In this episode, I explain what led me to make the switch to eating meat again after being plant-based for the last 10 years, answer questions about why I made this change, and talk about the impact it’s had on my overall health and athletic performance. The post 32. Why I Changed My Mind About Eating Meat appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
8/7/202058 minutes, 18 seconds
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31. Jen Wright on How to Breathe for Long-Distance Running

Today we talk about the importance of breathing properly, how to breathe as a long-distance runner, breathing as a way of relieving stress, using breath to promote mindful running and getting into the flow state, belly breathing vs. chest breathing and which is better for running, how to get rid of side stitches, and so much more! The post 31. Jen Wright on How to Breathe for Long-Distance Running appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/31/202053 minutes, 17 seconds
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30. It’s the Challenges That Change Us

It’s the challenges that change us - sometimes in profound ways - that we never would have experienced if it weren't for going through all the discomfort of those challenges. The post 30. It’s the Challenges That Change Us appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/24/202028 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Running Mind Podcast Is Getting a New Name

I'm here with a special edition of the podcast to give you a quick update on what's coming - The Running Mind Podcast is getting a new name! I want the podcast name to more accurately represent the material I'm teaching, and so I'm making a very minor change to the name of the show. The post The Running Mind Podcast Is Getting a New Name appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/21/20202 minutes, 46 seconds
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29. The Ultimate Guide to Fruit

How much fruit should we be eating? What role does fruit play in long-distance running? What about all those vitamins in fruit...don’t we need those? Does fruit help us or hurt us if we’re trying to lose weight? I will be digging into all of these questions in this episode of The Running Mind Podcast: The Ultimate Guide to Fruit. The post 29. The Ultimate Guide to Fruit appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/17/202032 minutes, 42 seconds
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28. Is Sugar Addictive or Do We Just Act Like It Is?

Today, everyone knows that eating too much sugar is a bad idea, yet the average American is consuming around 150 lbs of sugar a year. So the question on the table is... is sugar addictive? Should sugar be treated more like a drug than a nutrient? Do we even need to eat sugar? I’m getting into all of that in this episode of The Running Mind Podcast. The post 28. Is Sugar Addictive or Do We Just Act Like It Is? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/10/202037 minutes, 13 seconds
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27. There’s Sugar in EVERYTHING!

From crackers to coffee drinks, pasta sauce to peanut butter, salad dressing to salsa, you’ll find sugar hidden almost everywhere you look. Why is this? Why do they add sugar to everything? Why is this such a big problem? In this episode, I’ll be answering all of those questions and I’ll offer some tips on how to avoid all that added sugar in your life. The post 27. There’s Sugar in EVERYTHING! appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
7/3/202035 minutes, 51 seconds
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26. Chris Wissman on Maintaining Peak Performance as a Real Human

Chris Wissman considers himself more of a holistic health coach than a personal trainer. His approach to health and fitness is a lot like mine - it’s not just about lifting weights or eating right, there’s so much more going on. In order to get to your ideal body weight and maintain peak performance, you have to consider the whole human. The post 26. Chris Wissman on Maintaining Peak Performance as a Real Human appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/26/202053 minutes, 28 seconds
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25. Why Diets Don’t Work

Why don’t diets work? Every one of them claims they are the answer to our weight loss problems, and basically every one of them fails to produce lasting results. Today, I’m going to dive into the five biggest reasons why diets don’t work and give you a few options for what you should focus on instead. The post 25. Why Diets Don’t Work appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/19/202039 minutes, 27 seconds
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24. A Weight Loss Coach? For Runners?

A lot of people, especially non-runners, believe that running is a cure-all for every health ailment out there today, especially being overweight. The truth is very different though. Running is NOT the magic pill for weight loss. It’s just not. Today I’m going to talk about why I decided to become a weight loss coach for runners, what this means for you, and the AHA moment I had that completely shifted my thinking around running, health, fitness, and diet. The post 24. A Weight Loss Coach? For Runners? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/12/202028 minutes, 21 seconds
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23. Eating Fat Does Not Make You Fat

In this episode, I'll be diving into one of the physical aspects of becoming lean and dispelling the myth that eating fat will make you fat, and how fat will actually HELP you get lean and become a better runner. The post 23. Eating Fat Does Not Make You Fat appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
6/5/202037 minutes, 23 seconds
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22. Colin McGilvray on What It Takes to Hit a Big Weight Loss Goal

I recently sat down to have a candid conversation with one of my favorite clients - my son Colin! Colin has struggled with his weight his whole life. He finally reached out to me a couple of months ago and asked for my help. I know you'll be inspired by Colin's story. He's faced this challenge with courage and determination and his results are nothing short of amazing. The post 22. Colin McGilvray on What It Takes to Hit a Big Weight Loss Goal appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/29/202040 minutes, 16 seconds
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21. How to Become a Lean Running Machine Part 3

In this episode, I'm going to cover the often-overlooked mental and emotional aspects of weight loss. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to completely change the way you think and feel about food. You have to develop a whole new relationship with eating. The post 21. How to Become a Lean Running Machine Part 3 appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/27/202024 minutes, 55 seconds
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20. How to Become a Lean Running Machine Part 2

This is the second episode of an eye-opening podcast series I'm doing called How to Become a Lean Running Machine. In this episode, I explain the important role your hormones play in your ability (or inability) to lose weight. I also share some tips on how to get your hormones back in balance so you can become a fat-burning machine. The post 20. How to Become a Lean Running Machine Part 2 appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/22/202035 minutes, 9 seconds
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19. How to Become a Lean Running Machine Part 1

This is the first episode of an eye-opening new podcast series I'm doing called How to Become a Lean Running Machine. My goal is to help you learn how to stop struggling with your weight and start becoming the lean runner you were always meant to be. Over these next three episodes, I’m sharing everything I know about becoming a lean running machine... right here on the Running Lean podcast! The post 19. How to Become a Lean Running Machine Part 1 appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/15/202037 minutes, 37 seconds
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18. Making Decisions Ahead of Time

Today, I have a cool little brain hack to teach you. When you commit to making decisions ahead of time, you will build confidence and trust in yourself, you will create momentum toward your goals, you will become more motivated, and you will be able to get more done. The post 18. Making Decisions Ahead of Time appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/8/202023 minutes, 14 seconds
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17. Making Peace With Uncertainty

Constantly thinking about all of the uncertainty in the world is creating a lot of unnecessary internal suffering. What if you could make peace with all of the uncertainty? What would that look like for you? How would you feel? What would you do differently? Take a listen and let me know how you intend to make peace with all the uncertainty. The post 17. Making Peace With Uncertainty appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
5/1/202014 minutes, 41 seconds
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16. The Secrets to Achieving Any Goal

Today I'm talking about the right way vs. the wrong way to set goals. The problem is most people pick some random goal, it's usually too small, and they kinda sorta come up with a plan for making it happen. This is a terrible way of doing things and it never works! In this episode, I’m going to walk you through a better way of setting goals. But even more importantly, I’m going to teach you how to ACHIEVE those goals. The post 16. The Secrets to Achieving Any Goal appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/24/202026 minutes, 31 seconds
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15. The Surprising Power of Self-Awareness

Most people are not consciously aware of their own thoughts, feelings, and actions. The main reason for this is a lack of self-awareness, and it might just be the most important factor in determining the results you get (or don't get) in your running, in your weight loss journey, in your relationships, and in every area of your life. Today, I’m talking about the surprising power of self-awareness - what it means to develop self-awareness, how exactly you can do it, and why it’s perhaps the most powerful life skill you can learn. The post 15. The Surprising Power of Self-Awareness appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/17/202020 minutes, 35 seconds
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14. Sarah Buckley on the Myths of Strength Training for Runners

There are a lot of myths around strength training and running and Sarah Buckley breaks it all down for us and explains why strength training is so misunderstood, especially when it comes to long-distance running. The post 14. Sarah Buckley on the Myths of Strength Training for Runners appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/10/202046 minutes, 8 seconds
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13. What Are You Choosing to Believe About Yourself?

You may not be aware of it, but your beliefs drive everything that you do. Your beliefs determine every result that you get in your life. And ultimately your beliefs about yourself, more than anything else, determine who you become. Here's the good news: You get to choose what you want to believe about yourself! In this episode, I'll show you how to change your negative beliefs so you can finally get what you want in your life and be who you want to be. The post 13. What Are You Choosing to Believe About Yourself? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
4/3/202025 minutes, 46 seconds
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12. Why Running Doesn’t Work for Weight Loss

Being overweight is not something that’s not talked about very much (or at all) in the running community. There seems to be some stigma around being a runner and being overweight. In this episode, I'll share why running is not a very effective tool for weight loss, and why you need to treat the underlying physical, mental, and emotional aspects of overeating if you really want to lose weight for good. The post 12. Why Running Doesn’t Work for Weight Loss appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/27/202032 minutes, 40 seconds
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11. How to Manage Your Mind During Uncertain Times

These are some very uncertain times we are living in right now. Races are canceled, schools are closed, restaurants and bars are closed, most people are working from home, and what's next? How bad will it get? What can we do about it? The truth is, there's not a lot we can do about the situation "out there". What we absolutely CAN do is take control of our THOUGHTS about the situation. The post 11. How to Manage Your Mind During Uncertain Times appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/20/202025 minutes, 32 seconds
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10. The Incredible Power of Your Mind

The most powerful thing in the entire known universe is the human mind. So how do we use it? Most people use their minds to create stress, anxiety, and depression for themselves. They don’t use their minds to create positive thoughts and positive emotions, they constantly worry that things aren’t as they should be. If only they were thinner, or their husbands treated them better, or they made more money, then they would be happy. The post 10. The Incredible Power of Your Mind appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/13/202029 minutes, 10 seconds
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9. What Happens When You Take Radical Responsibility

Are you blaming someone or something else for the way you think, feel, or act? Or are you taking responsibility for all of your own thoughts, feelings, and actions? Today on the podcast, I break it all down and show you the major differences between blaming others and taking radical responsibility for all of your results in running and in life. The post 9. What Happens When You Take Radical Responsibility appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
3/6/202020 minutes, 45 seconds
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8. How to Change Your Past

Most of our problems are created because we're trying to change something about our past. We cause ourselves so much unnecessary stress and anxiety because we are constantly ruminating about past events and wishing they were different! This is crazy! Today on the podcast, I'm going to explain what's really going on here and show you exactly what to do to effectively change your past. The post 8. How to Change Your Past appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/28/202026 minutes, 34 seconds
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7. Randy Kreill on the Joy of Running Ultramarathons

Randy Kreill is a cool cat and a passionate ultrarunner. In 2019, he ran 13 ultramarathons including 6 100-milers. He does it all on a plant-based diet and running in sandals! Randy and I are fast friends, we could talk forever (we laugh a lot during this interview btw), and he's such an inspiration to me. I know you're going to love his energy! The post 7. Randy Kreill on the Joy of Running Ultramarathons appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/21/202054 minutes, 35 seconds
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6. How Your Thinking (More Than Anything Else) Determines Your Results

Last week I talked about how all of your problems are actually created in your head - by your thoughts. Today on the podcast, I explain how your feelings drive all of your actions and those actions determine your results - good and bad! The post 6. How Your Thinking (More Than Anything Else) Determines Your Results appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/14/202030 minutes, 16 seconds
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5. Your Problems Are All in Your Head

Today on the podcast, I talk about how ALL of your problems are actually created by your thoughts. You can't have a problem unless there's a thought and an unwanted feeling about something. This is some mind-blowing stuff that I hope you can wrap your head around because it WILL change your life! The post 5. Your Problems Are All in Your Head appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
2/7/202038 minutes, 52 seconds
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4. Chris Wissman on Functional Fitness, Proper Running Form, and The Myth of the Perfect Diet

Chris Wissman is a personal trainer, a movement and lifestyle coach, and an all-around badass when it comes to functional fitness. He's co-owner of Real Human Performance in Madisonville. Today we talk about mindset, physiology, good running form, and what happens to your body when you don’t have good running form. Chris also talks about what happens to your body when you sit at a desk all day. (spoiler’s not good!) The post 4. Chris Wissman on Functional Fitness, Proper Running Form, and The Myth of the Perfect Diet appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/31/202054 minutes, 8 seconds
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3. Melanie Owen on the Mindset Required to Run Across Death Valley in the Summer

Recently I had the chance to talk with someone I really admire, someone I've been watching from a distance. One of the reasons I've been paying attention to Melanie Owen is because she's a lot like me (and probably you)--a weekend warrior. Melanie is a fairly average runner, she works a regular job (she's not a professional runner), and she runs because, well she just loves running. The post 3. Melanie Owen on the Mindset Required to Run Across Death Valley in the Summer appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/24/202041 minutes, 37 seconds
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2. Ian Burrell on the Incredible Experience of Running in the World Championships

Ian Burrell is a 2:13 marathoner and in 2015 he finished 25th at the Marathon World Championships in Beijing. It says something about how fierce the competition was if a 2:13 time gets you 25th place! The post 2. Ian Burrell on the Incredible Experience of Running in the World Championships appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/17/202040 minutes, 16 seconds
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1. Caroline Keating on Running Through Tough Stuff in Life and Squashing Negative Self Talk

Today I have something special for you, a deep conversation with my friend Caroline Keating. She shares some things in this conversation that she's never shared before. She talks about her competitive background (she was a competitive swimmer in college), and how that competitiveness has shaped who she is as a runner today. The post 1. Caroline Keating on Running Through Tough Stuff in Life and Squashing Negative Self Talk appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
1/10/202051 minutes, 25 seconds
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Welcome to the Running Lean Podcast (Trailer)

My name is Patrick McGilvray, I’m your host and The Weight Loss Coach for Runners. I wanted you to get a feel for the Running Lean podcast, so I created a short trailer for the show. In each weekly episode, I focus on a topic around running, nutrition, weight loss, and the mindset you need to accomplish it all. My goal is to help you get leaner and stronger so you can run faster and run longer than you ever thought possible. The post Welcome to the Running Lean Podcast (Trailer) appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
12/23/20195 minutes, 20 seconds