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Sabbath School Gems

English, Religion, 4 seasons, 65 episodes, 1 day, 13 hours, 24 minutes
Welcome to Sabbath School Gems. We bring you biblical highlights from each week’s Seventh-Day Adventist Sabbath School lesson. If you had no time to study, studied but are still seeking, or are leading a class we dig into the lesson to unearth and showcase valuable gems. Not simply a summary of the study guide, we carefully extract important biblical truths (gems) with the intent to enhance understanding of the Bible and to promote love for our Wonderful Lord and Savior. So have a listen as we explore together.
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2022Q4L06-He Dies for Us-Nov 5

Lesson 6: He Dies for Us Why does Jesus use the illustration about the serpent on the Pole and relate it to himself? Key Texts: John 3:10-17 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. Num 21:7-8 Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, "We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD and against you; pray to the LORD that He take away the serpents from us." So Moses prayed for the people. Then the LORD said to Moses, "Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live." John 6:56 He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him. Act 5:31 Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. --- Send in a voice message:
11/4/202215 minutes, 43 seconds
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2022Q4L04-The Old Testament Hope-Oct 22

Lesson 4: The Old Testament Hope What evidence is there in the Old Testament of the resurrection? Should we even be concerned with this? Key Texts: Exodus 32:32 Yet now, if You will forgive their sin—but if not, I pray, blot me out of Your book which You have written." Gen 50:25 Then Joseph took an oath from the children of Israel, saying, "God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from here." Isaiah 56:1-5  Thus says the LORD: "Keep justice, and do righteousness, For My salvation is about to come, And My righteousness to be revealed. Blessed is the man who does this, And the son of man who lays hold on it; Who keeps from defiling the Sabbath, And keeps his hand from doing any evil."  Do not let the son of the foreigner Who has joined himself to the LORD Speak, saying, "The LORD has utterly separated me from His people"; Nor let the eunuch say, "Here I am, a dry tree."  For thus says the LORD: "To the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths, And choose what pleases Me, And hold fast My covenant,  Even to them I will give in My house And within My walls a place and a name Better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name That shall not be cut off. --- Send in a voice message:
10/22/202231 minutes, 32 seconds
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2022Q4L03-Understanding Human Nature-Oct 15

On Death, Dying and the Future Hope 4th Quarter of 2022 Lesson 3: Understanding Human Nature What is the breath of life, where does it come from and is it also in the animals? Did God create us to sin and die or to not-sin and live? Key Texts: Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being [<chay> <nefesh>]. Gen 1:20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life [<nefesh> <chay>], and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. Ecc 3:20 All go to one place: all are from the dust, and all return to dust. Ezekiel 18:20-21 The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself. But if a wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed, keeps all My statutes, and does what is lawful and right, he shall surely live; he shall not die. Romans 5:12-19 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned— (For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law.  Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come. But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man's offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many. [Same message repeated four more times]: Rom 5:16  And the gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned. For the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation, but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in justification. Rom 5:17  For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.) Rom 5:18  Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. Rom 5:19  For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous. Psalm 115:17-18 The dead do not praise the LORD, Nor any who go down into silence. But we will bless the LORD From this time forth and forevermore. Praise the LORD! --- Send in a voice message:
10/14/202232 minutes, 38 seconds
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2022Q4L02-Death in a Sinful World-Oct 8

Lesson 2: Death in a Sinful Word What is death, how did it come to be and how can it be avoided? Key Texts: Genesis 3:17-19 And unto Adam he said, Because you hearkened unto the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, saying You shall not eat of it... In the sweat of your face shall you eat bread until you return to the ground; for out of it you were taken, for dust you are and unto dust you shall return. Genesis 3:22-24 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Therefore the LORD God ... drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. Dueteronomy 30:15-18 "See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, in that I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His statutes, and His judgments, that you may live and multiply; and the LORD your God will bless you in the land which you go to possess.  But if your heart turns away so that you do not hear, and are drawn away, and worship other gods and serve them, I announce to you today that you shall surely perish... --- Send in a voice message:
10/4/202231 minutes, 30 seconds
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2022Q4L01-Rebellion in a Perfect Universe-Oct 1

On Death, Dying and the Future Hope 4th Quarter of 2022 Lesson 1: Rebellion in a Perfect Universe Where did evil come? What is the difference between sin, guilt, evil and Satan? Key Texts: Ezekiel 28:15 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, Till iniquity was found in you. Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” --- Send in a voice message:
9/30/202230 minutes, 40 seconds
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2022Q3L13-Christ in the Crucible-Sept 24

What sustained Christ hope and how can that help us endure? Key Texts: Isaiah 51-57, especially Isaiah 52:7-53:12 also for Christ as a young person: Desire of Ages pages 68-70 --- Send in a voice message:
9/21/202226 minutes, 9 seconds
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2022Q3L12-Dying Like a Seed-Sept 17

What does it mean to die like a seed, disintegration or germination? Does God want to subdue or sanctify? Key Texts: Joh 12:24-26  Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor. Joh 17:11-18  Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are.  While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.  But now I come to You, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves.  I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.  I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one.  They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. --- Send in a voice message:
9/15/202230 minutes, 11 seconds
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2022Q3L11-Waiting in the Crucible-Sept 10

What does the Hebrew word translated "wait" mean and how can this help us understand what it means to "wait on the LORD"?  Does waiting on the LORD involve eager anticipation or discomfort? Key Texts: Rom 15:4-5  For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, Psa 37:9  For evildoers shall be cut off; But those who wait on the LORD [i.e. prepare for and look forward to His kingdom], They shall inherit the earth. Gen 8:15-16  Then God spoke to Noah [finally], saying, "Go out of the ark, you and your wife, and your sons and your sons' wives with you.” 1Ki 19:11-12  ...but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake;  and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. Marshmallow test video (I had to sift through many to find it!) – Notice the girl in the pink sweater and the boy with the swiped sweater near the end, showing the difference between waiting with discomfort and waiting with eager anticipation: This is a good one too: --- Send in a voice message:
9/6/202250 minutes, 29 seconds
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2022Q3L10-Meekness in the Crucible-Sept 3

Key Text: Psalm 37 Psa 37:1  A Psalm of David. Do not fret because of evildoers, Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. Psa 37:2  For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, And wither as the green herb. Psa 37:3  Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Psa 37:4  Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Psa 37:5  Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. Psa 37:6  He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday. Psa 37:7  Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. Psa 37:8  Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret—it only causes harm. Psa 37:9  For evildoers shall be cut off; But those who wait on the LORD, They shall inherit the earth. Psa 37:10  For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more; Indeed, you will look carefully for his place, But it shall be no more. Psa 37:11  But the meek shall inherit the earth, And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace... --- Send in a voice message:
8/28/202247 minutes, 20 seconds
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2022Q3L09-A Life of Praise-Aug 27

Is it possible to always praise God, even in the darkest moments? If so, how? Key Texts: Job 42:2 (Job praises through tragedy) Act 7:55-7:56 (Stephen praised when about to be stoned) Act 16:25 (Paul and Silas praised from prison and it was a great witness) Psalm 48:12-14 (The Psalms are all about praise and keeping the Kingdom in view) (How we prepare ahead of time) Philippians 4:8  Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. --- Send in a voice message:
8/20/202239 minutes, 16 seconds
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2022Q3L08-Seeing the Invisible-Aug 20

How can we remain faithful to God and hold onto hope for things not easily seen? How can holding onto His promises which seem so distant, transform our lives now? Key Texts: Heb 10:22-24 and Heb 11 Hebrews 10:22-24 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works. --- Send in a voice message:
8/13/202239 minutes, 53 seconds
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2022Q3L07-Indestructible Hope-Aug 13

How can we cope when evil seems to be triumphing over good and God seems to be silent or absent? Key texts: Isaiah 40:22-26 and Habakkuk 3:17-19 Isa 40:22  It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. Isa 40:23  He brings the princes to nothing; He makes the judges of the earth useless. Isa 40:24  Scarcely shall they be planted, Scarcely shall they be sown, Scarcely shall their stock take root in the earth, When He will also blow on them, And they will wither, And the whirlwind will take them away like stubble. Isa 40:25  "To whom then will you liken Me, Or to whom shall I be equal?" says the Holy One. Isa 40:26  Lift up your eyes on high, And see who has created these things, Who brings out their host by number; He calls them all by name, By the greatness of His might And the strength of His power; Not one is missing. Hab 3:17  Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls— Hab 3:18  Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Hab 3:19  The LORD God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer's feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills. To the Chief Musician. With my stringed instruments. --- Send in a voice message:
8/6/202233 minutes, 29 seconds
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2022Q3L06-Struggling with all Energy-Aug 6

Does the Holy Spirit help us through our struggles or add to our struggles? Key texts: 1Pe 1:13-15 and Isa 1:18-19 --- Send in a voice message:
7/30/202232 minutes, 1 second
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2022Q3L05-Extreme Heat-July 30

What is the secret that allowed Abraham, Job, Hosea and Paul to endure their challenges and tests of faith? Key text: Jer 9:10-14 --- Send in a voice message:
7/19/202231 minutes, 58 seconds
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2022Q3L04-Seeing the Goldsmiths Face-July 23

4. SEEING THE GOLDSMITH'S FACE What is the difference between a refinement process and a final test and how do we prepare for the final crucible? Key text: Hebrews 12:1-3 Contents: Job’s strength as an example for us; how God’s law is like a mirror; the parable of the ten virgins; the parable of the sheep and the goats; what is the refinement process and when does it take place; special refinement at the end of time; dangers in waiting for the test crucible before we have been refined. --- Send in a voice message:
7/12/202238 minutes, 53 seconds
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2022Q3L03-The Birdcage-July 16-fixed

3. THE BIRDCAGE Does God cover our birdcage sometimes so we can learn His songs, or does this happen outside of Him and He only uses our times of darkness to teach us His songs and to ensure us that He will someday remove the cover and let us fly? Key Text: James 1:13 Contents: The bitter waters at Meribah; the rebellion at Rephidim; The temptation of Jesus; --- Send in a voice message:
7/9/202230 minutes, 59 seconds
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2022Q3L02-The Crucibles that Come-July 9

2. THE CRUCIBLES THAT COME Are there different origins for our troubles and it does it matter for how we should respond? Key Text: 1 Peter 4:12-19 Contents: types of crucibles; origins of suffering; monkey pox and pride month as related to Romans 1:18-32; warnings about an enemy on the prowl --- Send in a voice message:
7/5/202236 minutes, 31 seconds
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2022Q3L01-The Shepherds Crucible-July 2

1. THE SHEPHERD'S CRUCIBLE Why does the Bible use the Shepherd as an illustration of God and Jesus and sheep for us? Key Text: Psalm 23 Contents: In defense of sheep; the beautiful picture of God as shepherd, husband, parent, maker --- Send in a voice message:
7/1/202237 minutes, 23 seconds
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2022Q2L02-The Fall

The Fall as described in Genesis 3 is not a sad story about man's plunge from paradise to perdition, but rather an encouraging story about God's desire to teach us the essentials of our existence and His intent to save us from evil and sin forever. SABBATH Knowledge of Good and Evil. 1. God wanted us to know good, but did not want us to know (or endure) evil. 2. Evil doesn't work like that though; It can come in and defile us and separate us from God whether we know about it or not. 3. The offerings for sin were always sins committed in ignorance. Eze 45:20, Num 15:27 and throughout Exodus and Leviticus SUNDAY- THE SERPENT 1. The serpent is a fitting description of Satan and those who align with evil: 2. It is small and elusive (e.g. white says it was a dazzling creature, but WAS) 3. It comes in through deceit – a mix of error with truth Gen 3:4-5 4. Snakes are usually small but can be deadly. They kill usually without the human seeing it come. 5. The snake ends up falling from elevation in a tree to slitering on the ground with no arms, no legs, no wings; eating dust – ultimately dying which is the fate of those who don’t chose God. 6. Humans can usually easily catch and kill snakes - We can have victory over sin and evil. ‘ “...You shall bruise his heel.” MONDAY - FORBIDDEN FRUIT 1. Satan attacks us at our most vulnerable, using the good, healthy things that God gave us: our desire for beautiful things, our desire for wisdom and knowledge, our desire for food, sustenance and life; our desire to be one with our spouse (physically and mentally); our desire to be like God (in a good sense, not to be gods, but to be closer to Him); 2. God most likely also wanted man to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, eventually - He put it in the middle of the garden (along with the tree of life) - He can communicate with us on a deeper level when we have this knowledge - We can better avoid sin and seek redemption with such knowledge (Psa 19:13) - It was not the knowledge of good and evil that caused death; but the removal from the garden and tree of life that causes death. 3. God most likely did not put the tree of knowledge in the garden to tempt but to teach. To tempt would be cruel and would not work anyway because someone soon in Adam and Eve’s offspring would eat of it. 4. Sin comes in through temptations of the things that are desirable as redemption comes from the opposite. - humility “Desire for husband”: embracing our position in life and reverencing elevating God - childbirth and child-rearing (learning to love and putting others first) - hard work Gen 3:19  In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread. (We can conquer evil as we can overcome weeks and serpents (You shall bruise his heel.) TUESDAY-HIDING BEFORE GOD 1. Sin isolates us from God, even if it is unintentional. 2. God wants to reach out (Gen 3:9) and has a plan for the great controversy between good and evil. 3. His plan is what allows us to come to him and to call on him (Gen 4:26) 4. Blaming others doesn’t help us to make the decision to trust and obey God, a decision which is ours alone and for which we will have to accept the outcome. We have ourselves to blame because ultimately it is our decision whether or not to listen, trust and obey God FRIDAY - "Moral and spirtual choices have an impact on biological life." Our decision whether or not to obey God (shama, shama kole YHWH), yes even or especially with what we don't know or can't clearly see, is what will determine our fate --- Send in a voice message:
4/8/202227 minutes, 41 seconds
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2022Q2L01_Apr 2-The Creation

2022Q2L01-The Creation from the Quarterly titled Genesis · Genesis very important book containing key information about our origin, our destiny, God’s character and plan for His creation, the origin and problem with iniquity. · There are two different words used for God throughout the Bible and we see them starting in Genesis: - el (god), plural is elohim (gods) - YHWH: translated as "LORD" · Elohim is used starting in Genesis 1 and throughout the description of creation. Contrary to popular belief that this is the BIG POWERFUL MIGHT GOD term, it is actually more of a generic little “g” god term. You can find it used as such elsewhere in the Bible as a generic term for god or gods that are not the creator (e.g Gen 35:2,4, Exo 20:3, Exo 23:24, Deu 12:3, etc.). · The term YHWH (Yaweh) is first introduced starting in Gen 2:4 · Here, and many other places, YHWH is used along with “elohim” to denote that this is a specific god, in this case The God who created. · It also corresponds with the time we see God acting as manager of the earth and of creation and of and relating to mankind. · YHWH is not only the God that created (Gen 2:4) He is the one that man starts to call out to (Gen 4:26); He is the one that orders the flood (Gen 6:7); scatters the people at Babel (Gen 11:6); calls Abraham out from his land (Gen 15:18); makes a covenant with Moses; leads the Children of Israel out of Egypt with a mighty hand; meets with Moses on Mt. Sinai and speaks directly to the people from that mountain. · He is also the one who reveals His glory to Moses on the mountain (Exo 34:6), passing by him and proclaiming His own name: "The LORD (YHWH), the LORD (YHWH) God [El], merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth,(Exo 34:7)  ... · MONDAY - It was good: God proclaims his work “good” and at the end of creation “good good” (or very good) indicating not only He is pleased with it, but that it ended up as He intended. · TUESDAY - The Sabbath: The Sabbath caps off creation, ending the creation week on a very good note, on a time to enjoy the creation and relationships that were formed. · WEDNESDAY - Creation of Humanity: We are physicially and spiritually made in the Image of God showing just how much God intended for us to be companions to Him, to be able to relate to Him and be close to Him · THURSDAY - Duty of Humanity: All of the activities God created for Man (tending to the animals, tending the garden, joining in marriage, creating and raising children) are key to helping us understand our relationship with God, as our relationship with God seems to be the most important object that God had in mind for His creation. · FRIDAY - Science and the Bible: The Bible withstands scientific scrutiny no matter how much knowledge man obtains. Who would know that the discovery of DNA and Chromosomes and DNA would support the fact that you can make a woman from a man, that the man has all the genetic information to do this, whereas you cannot go the other way  to make a man from a woman (even as that would be the obvious assumption based on the fact that woman give birth to male babies all the time.) --- Send in a voice message:
4/1/202230 minutes, 25 seconds
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2022Q1L11_Group - Jesus, Author and Perfecter of Our Faith

Group Discussion: Sabbath School Illuminations --- Send in a voice message:
3/21/20221 hour, 57 minutes, 18 seconds
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2022Q1L13-Let Brotherly Love Continue

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
3/20/20228 minutes, 37 seconds
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2022Q1L12-Receiving an Unshakable Kingdom

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
3/20/20228 minutes, 44 seconds
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2022Q1L11-Jesus, Author and Perfecter of Our Faith

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
3/20/202210 minutes, 41 seconds
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2022Q1L10-Jesus Opens the Way Through the Veil

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
3/20/20229 minutes, 23 seconds
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2022Q1L09_Feb 26-Jesus the Perfect Sacrifice

“Why were sacrifices needed?” MAIN CATEGORIES OF OFFERINGS: 1. BURNT: atonement; animal completely burned; fire burns all night; performed last after other offerings such as sin and trespass 2. GRAIN: sanctification of priests; sometimes substituting for other offerings for those too poor to bring animals; combined with other sacrificial offerings 3. PEACE/freewill/thank: tithing, gifts and thanksgiving to God; sustained the priests; also eaten by the people 4. SIN: for sins committed in ignorance; part of animal (fat) burned on altar; rest taken outside camp; blood sprinkled before the veil; part eaten by the priests to bear the sins; is followed by a burnt offering. 5. TRESPASS/guilt: inadvertent defilement such as contaminated by dead carcass, illness, breaking oaths, defilement of holy things: involved both a sin and a burnt offering 6. DAY OF ATONEMENT: somber offering to completely remove the sins from the tabernacle; performed only once at the end of the year by the High Priest; involves a unique two-goat offering in which one goat is a sin offering and the other bears the sins away. · Jesus’ sacrifice is a ‘one and done’ offering like the Day of Atonement offering Heb 10:10-17 · Jesus’ role is as High Priest in the heavenly Sanctuary, the Highest of the High Priests. Heb 8:1, Heb 9:11, Heb. 6:20, Heb 7:7 to officiate in the sanctuary on the Day of Atonement Lev 16:2, Lev 16:17 · The Day of Atonement involved a special, unique dual-goat sacrifice… · One goat is a sin offering “for the LORD” Lev 16:15-16 · The other goat is the scapegoat (azazel=goat (aze) that disappears): Lev 16:20-21 · The scapegoat should be better understood and not assumed to be Satan as it doesn’t seem to fit this description. · It is an unblemished goat. It had to be because it was selected randomly so it could have ended up as sin offering. · It has the responsibility to carry the sins away, even as the priests and Christ himself bear the sins temporarily. Lev 16:22, Lev 10:17, Heb 9:28 · Even the man which leads it out, had to have special qualifications. · Jesus doesn’t require a sin sacrifice (bull) to sanctify himself as the Levitical priests because his own body, pure and undefiled, is offered. Heb 7:26-18 · The daily offerings in the earthly sanctuary could not take away sins. Heb 10:11 · But Christ’s atonement offers perfect sanctification Heb 9:11-14 · They involve an ongoing process – change of our heart Heb 10:16 · And a final cleansing process- change of God’s heart to “remember our sins no more” Heb 10:17 · The process for us to grow. It involves chastening, a “writing” on our hearts, bringing us from ignorance to repentance to living by the Spirit - cleanse our conscience from dead works Heb 9:14 -make us “perfect in regard to the conscience” Heb 9:9 -give us a “good conscience toward God” 1Pe 3:21-22 -to “bring us to God” and make us “alive by the Spirit” 1Pe 3:18 -to “perfect us forever” as a final act Heb 10:14 -us who are “being sanctified” as a process Heb 10:14 · The Lord loves whom He chastens heb 12:6, Heb 12:9-10 · Christ’s sacrifice is so we can live “for the will of God” and not spend our lifetime “doing the will of the Gentiles” (walking in the ways of the flesh) 1Pe 4:1-6 · The use of the word “perfect” in Hebrews always pertains to US or to the sanctification process FOR US. · Jesus is not the “perfect sacrifice”, but the sacrifice which makes perfect. · To retreat backwards is to crucify Him again Heb 6:4-6 Sacrifices and final Atonement are for us to live and grow closer to God right now, to prepare us for being that bride someday when we will come to Mount Zion, the city of the living God Heb 12:22-23 --- Send in a voice message:
2/25/202237 minutes, 48 seconds
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2022Q1L08-Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant

GEMS 2022Q1L08-Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant In these last days: The message of Hebrews Hebrews Chapter 8 Memory Verse: But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises. Heb. 8:6 SUNDAY: NEED FOR NEW COVENANT •"Why was a New Covenant needed"? Because the first had fault (Heb 8:7) •The fault was that the people broke it; they didn’t continue in it. Heb 8:8-9, Jer 31:32 •They never really wanted to enter into it (Exo 20:19-20)’ •Right away they had Aaron make them a golden calf •Later their unfaithfulness was completed as they corrupted the sanctuary (Eze 44:7) •The question should be: Why did they not continue in the covenant? •It wasn’t because they couldn’t enter into it, that it wasimpossible or difficult.(Deu 30:11-19) •It was a choice that has been made since thebeginning of time.(Gen. 4:6-7) •”Turning away” is an effort we make. Deu 30:17 MONDAY: NEW AND RENEWED •Covenant is not ‘new’, it is ‘renewed’.  The Hebrew word for “new” used in the Jeremiah text means “rebreathed” •The two tablets of stone were broken and remade to be identical (Exo 34:1) (1) That the covenant will be broken the first time (2) That God will renew the covenant, and make the exact same over again. His covenant doesn’t change. (3) there is more participation on our part the second time around, as Moses had to hew and haul the tablets himself the second time, and the later people will seek the LORD with “all their heart” (4) that the second time the calling is to the individual and the stand is overt, as when Moses called the people “who were on the LORD’s side” to come to him TUESDAY •Jesus as “mediator” is a better guarantor of the New Covenant promises because He ministers in the heavenly sanctuary to offer sanctification that is real, complete and permanent WEDNESDAY: THE NEW COVENANT HAS BETTER PROMISES •Comparison can be made between the covenant language between what is our charge/responsibilityand the LORD’s promises (1) First introduction of the covenant Exo 19:5-6 (charge: indeed obey my voice and keep covenant; Promise: special treasure, a kingdom of priest and a holy nation) (2)Covenant Pronounced Exo 23:20-33: charge: Obey, don’t serve other Gods; Promise: cut off enemies, no barren,bread and water sure (3)Covenant Renewed (after golden calf incident) Exo 34:10-28, Deu 30:15-16 - charge: worship no other, love the LORD, walk in His ways, keep His commandments, statutes, judgments; promises: live, multiple and blessings in the land (4)New Covenant Jer 31 -  Charge: describes a people who labor, repent, turn back have God’s laws in their hearts; promises: healing, perfection, too numerous and beautiful, must read entire chapter --- Send in a voice message:
2/18/202237 minutes, 26 seconds
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2022Q1L07-Jesus, The Anchor of the Soul

In These Last Days: The Book of Hebrews VIDEO - The Mt Sinai Encounters: Hebrews Chapter 6 - Alternate title: “The Peril of Not Progressing” ·Heb 5:11-6:3 move away from milk to solid food; with God’s strength move away from the elementary and on towards perfections ·God wants us to move from darkness into light (to dwell with Him permanently there) (Acts 26:17-18, Eph 5:11, 1Thes 5:4-5) ·The first thing God did was separate light from darkness, and called the light “good” (Gen 1:2-4) ·God doesn’t want us to be in ignorance, but He also knows that when we get knowledge we will have to chose and be held accountable for that choice. ·Adam and Eve sinned even though they had the most ignorance, not having seen or known death, not even knowing good from evil, and being told half/twisted truth by the serpent. (Gen 2:17, Gen 3:5) ·It is impossible to be renewed again, just as a seed is only given one chance to sprout and show the world what it is (Heb 6:4-8) ·Even Jesus offers a similar warning (John 12:45-47) ·Hebrews 12 speaks of God as a consuming fire (Heb 12:25-29) How can there be no repentance if God is so merciful? ·All the offerings were for sins done in ignorance: ·Sin offering (Lev. 4:2) sin offering for priests (Lev 4:3) sin offering for the whole congregation (Lev 4:13), sin offering for a ruler (Lev. 4:22), sins for the common people (Lev 4:27) ·Even the trespass offering (which involved both a sin offering and burnt offering because it was a sin of defilement) was also for ignorance. ·For hearing of oaths and remaining silent or for breaking of oaths unknowingly (Lev 5:1) ·For touching unclean (Lev 5:3), for defiling the holy things – unknowingly (Lev 5:15) There was no atonement for presumptuous sin (Num 15:30-31) ·Naidab and Abihu bore their sins: Aaron was too distraught to eat the sin offering ·The sin offerings were to be eaten by the offering priest to bear the sin (Lev 6:26, Lev. 9:22-24.) ·Moses pleaded for the people after the golden calf incident but not for those who did not chose for the Lord. They bore their own guilt. ·Christ’s atonement by Christ and the blessing in the promise of God is sufficient and final (Heb 10:1-14) so much so that it is called “immutable” (Heb 6:18) and the hope is referred to as an “anchor” “steadfast and sure” (Heb 6:19) But God does not want us to remain in ignorance. He has offered atonement and glimpses of the promises ahead of time. And the Hope in His oath is steadfast and sure: ·Hebrews also contains encouragement that they can do it! That they can advance and not fall into sluggishness orimpatience, calling out to them their past progress and past labor for “His name” (Heb 6:9-12) ·Hebrews 10 keep in mind that the atonement is a sure thing. (Heb 10:19+) ·Hebrews 12 encourages them by contrasting Mt. Sinai with Mt. Zion (Heb 12: 18-24) ·Hebrews 11 offers them role models of patriarchs of faith ·Hebrews 13 leaves them with specific examples of what their conduct should look like when they are pursuing peace and holiness (Heb 12:12-17) ·Without the earthly temple, There is no place for the law: - (this will now be written on our hearts as per the New Covenant) ·The Holy Spirit will dwell within us!  (1 Cor 6:19, Act 1:5, Act 1:8) --- Send in a voice message:
2/8/202246 minutes, 19 seconds
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2022Q1L06-Jesus, the Faithful Priest

SUNDAY: A priest on behalf of Human Beings (High Priest: Human) VIDEO - The Mt Sinai Encounters: *The High Priest was always taken FROM among men and appointed FOR men (Heb 5:1) *He can have compassion on men, particularly our ignorance and waywardness (those led away or deceived by Satan) because he is also “subject to weakness” (Heb 5:2, 8) and tempted as we are. (Heb 2:17-18) * His earthly death serves several purposes: (i) sets an example for us, freeing us from fear of death; breaking “the power of death” (Heb 2:14-15) (ii) ratifies the New Covenant (Heb 9:16-20) His blood then becomes symbolic of the covenant. *The Passover symbols are renewed: blood – wine – deliverance and covenant (Mar 14:24-25) *Even with a new covenant (and our acceptance) it still requires sanctification  (iii) His death allows Him to ascend to the right hand of the father for the role of High Priest and to be involved with our sanctification (Heb 9:14, 21-23) (iv) His earthly death allows us to receive “the helper” (Mark 1:8, Joh 16:7) MONDAY: According to the Order of Melchizadek (High Priest + King) * Melchizadek is a real historical figure; a priest who blessed Abram after he came back from conquering surrounding nations (Gen 14:17-18, 22) *He is referred to both as King of Salem (peace) as well as Priest of the Elyon El (Most High God) *Melek = King; Tzedek=right hand; just; moral; righteousness *God never intended for the king to be separate from the priest; His kingdom is a theocracy. * This Melkizadek, Priest-King, has a role to judge kings of the earth (Psa 110:1) and those who lead men astray TUESDAY: An Effective Priest (High Priest: Above the Law) * The change of priesthood mentioned in Hebrews necessitates a change of the “LAW”(Heb 7:12) * In the Greek, there is only one word “LAW”, but many types of law, so the surrounding text needs to be used to clarify which law is being referred to, and this is usually the case. * In Hebrews “LAW” it is referring only to the laws concerning the priesthood, their sanctification and their work in the earthly sanctuary (Heb 7:28, Heb 8:4 Heb 10:8) * The “change” to the law is that now Jesus will be the High Priest ministering in the real tabernacle in Heaven (Heb 8, Heb 9). * There are passage throughout the Bible which give hints that the earthly tabernacle services are time limited and are not the real. (i) Only until the time of reformation (Heb 9:10) (reformation = de orthosis – of straightening) (ii) foretold by prophets (Dan 9:27) and by E. White (LS 200.3) (iii) only a “shadow”, “copy”, “pattern” (Heb 8:2, 5 Heb 9:11) and not the true (iv) blood of animals and grain offerings do not sanctify, but I am the LORD who sanctifies you (Heb 7:19, Exo 31:13, Hos6:6, Heb 10:5-9, Psa 40:6-8) WEDNESDAY: An Eternal Priest (High Priest: Mediator of the New Covenant) * Hebrew mentions a “new” and “better” covenant that is “faultless” (Heb 7:22, Heb 8:6-7) *The fault was not in the covenant, but in the people (Heb 8:8-10) “finding fault with them” *What is becoming obsolete is the earthly tabernacle and its services (Heb 9:1,4) *Like all oaths; violating it is serious (Heb 10:29) *“new covenant” mentioned by Jeremiah (Hebrews quotes directly). (Heb 10:16) *We allow God to write His laws on their hearts (Heb 10:16) *But there also will be no more sacrifice for any sins after that (Heb 10:26) THURSDAY: A Sinless Priest (High Priest Holy, Harmless and Undefiled) (Heb 7:26) *The purpose is so that we can become perfect as well, holy, harmless and undefiled, “sons of God” (Heb 10:1, Heb 10:10, Heb 10:14) *The New Covenant objective is achieved as foretold by Hosea (Hos 1:10) --- Send in a voice message:
2/4/202244 minutes, 1 second
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2022Q1L05-Jesus the Giver of Rest

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
1/28/202228 minutes, 7 seconds
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2022Q1L04-Jesus, Our Faithful Brother

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
1/22/202225 minutes, 16 seconds
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2022Q1L03-The Promised Son and Hebrews Chapter 3

Gems 2022Q1L03_Jan 15-The Promised Son In These Last Days: The Message of Hebrews Memory Verse: (Heb 1:1-3) WHOSE SON IS HE? · Adam and Eve’s? (Gen 4:25) · Abraham’s son of promise? (Gen 15:4, Gen 21:10) · Moses wondered about this person to come (Exo 33:12) · David’s son who was to sit on the throne of the forever kingdom? (1Ki 1:25-27, 1ki 1:30, 1 Ki 5:5) "Your son, whom I will set on your throne in your place, he shall build the house for My name." · Solomon wasn’t that son (1Ki 11:8, 1Ki 11:12) · The Son of man? (Heb 2:11)  (Mat 20:28) (Mat 16:27)  (Mat 17:22) (Mat 26:2)  (Mar 2:10) · The Son of God? (Heb 1:2 and other verses from Hebrews and throughout the Bible) WHY IS HE THE SON OF PROMISE? · To reflect God for us and teach us as the prophets (Heb 1:1-3) · To serve as our role model to help us to be children of God ourselves (John 1:12) (Rom 8:14) (Gal 4:6) (Php 2:15) (1Jn 3:1-2) · To serve as a firstfruitoffering to sanctify us (heb 2:11) · To serve as our King-Priest on the order of Melchizadek (Heb 4:14-15) King and Priest is combined because God never intended for them to be separate · Curious how the Bible describes Melchizadek as not being anyone’s son, having no father or mother (Heb 7:3) THROUGH HIM ARE THE AGES · Syllogism mentioned in the lesson study might have a faulty premise if it uses Hebrews 1:1-3 because the word “world” is not “kosmos” but “aons” or “ages” (Strong’s number G165) also same as used in Acts 3:21. · Jesus as the promised son runs through the ages. He also ushers in a new age when the earthly sanctuary is no more and Jesus as High Priest serves in the heavenly sanctuary. --- Send in a voice message:
1/15/202223 minutes, 9 seconds
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2022Q1L02_Jan 8-The Message of Hebrews

Gems 2022Q1L02 The Message of Hebrews and Hebrews Chapter 2 Memory Verse: Heb 8:1 Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, Sunday: Jesus is our king (Heb Ch 1 and 12:18-23) · Jesus as king is revealed mostly in Hebrews 1 which quotes mostly Psalms · Jesus is appointed by the LORD (Heb 1:5 and Psa 2:7) · To inherit the nations for His inheritance and the ends of the earth (Psa 2:7) · He will break the nations with a rod of iron and dash them like a potter’s vessel (Psa 2:9) · Just like described at the end of time in Dan 2:41 · His throne will be forever and forever (Heb 1:8 2Sa 7:13) · He will be more than David because He will sit at God’s right hand (Heb 1:13 and Psa 110:1) · Over a kingdom that cannot be shaken (Heb 1218-28) Monday: Jesus is Our Mediator (Heb Chapter 2) · Jesus is more than a mediator, he is a brother to us, a helper who has walked our walk · He tasted death as we do (Heb 2:9) · He was made a little lower than the angels as man was (Heb 2:7, 9) and psa 8:4-5) · And Why? So that he can release us from the fear of death (Heb 2:15), give us aid (Heb 2:16) and ultimately serve as our merciful high priest (Heb 2:17) *The Lesson Study is misleading when it mentions the “Mosaic covenant” and the “Davidic covenant” and how the covenant blessings come “through the faithfulness of one person”. Although our covenant relationship is made possible by the atonement of Jesus, we still need to seek the Lord with all our heart and all our soul and all our strength. Tuesday: Jesus is Our Champion · Leads us in battle and to the promised land like Joshua (Heb 4:1-14) · Will give us the real “rest”, the real “promised land” (Heb 4:8-11) · He charges us with the life and death choice with a sword “sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the division of soul and spirit...” like Joshua’s and Moses’ charge to the people (Heb 4:12, Josh 24:15, Deu 30:15) Wednesday: Jesus as our High Priest (ch 5, ch 7, Ch9 and smattered through Hebrews) · THIS IS THE MAIN POINT OF HEBREWS, THAT THE SANCTUARY ON EARTH IS GOING TO BE NO LONGER. THAT JESUS IS THE REAL HIGH PRIEST TO MINISTER IN THE HEAVENLY SANCTUARY (OF WHICH THE EARTHLY WAS A TEMPORARY MODEL) · Jesus is appointed this role by God (Heb 5:5) · His role of high priest exceeds the Levitical, he is “according to the order of Melchizadek) (Heb 7:11+) · With the change of priesthood comes change of the law, THE LAW BEING EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE EARTHLY SANCTUARY AND ITS SERVICE NOT THE WORDS THE LORD GOD SPOKE ON THE MOUNTAIN ON THE GREAT DAY OF THE ASSEMBLY OR ANYTHING HE SUBSEQUENTLY SPOKE TO MOSES TO THE PROPHETS AND TO OUR HEARTS! (Heb 7:12, Heb 7:27-18, Heb 8:1-2) Thursday: Jesus Mediates a better covenant (Ch 3 and Ch 8 some in Ch 9) · Jesus mediates a better covenant than Moses. · The new covenant is the one quoted in Jeremiah which is the same covenant but God will write His laws in our hearts. · The old vanishes away and the tabernacle and its ordinances are made obsolete. (Heb 8:13-9:3+) Friday: · Warnings are not just in Ch 11 and 12, but are throughout Hebrews (Ch 5:11-14, 6:6-12, 10:19-39) (realize that the sin offering was for UNINTENTIONAL sin only Lev. 4:2) --- Send in a voice message:
1/8/202240 minutes, 15 seconds
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2022Q1L01_Jan 1-The Letter to the Hebrews and to Us

Hebrews Chapter 1 --- Send in a voice message:
1/6/202221 minutes, 36 seconds
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Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
1/6/202211 minutes, 42 seconds
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2021Q4L13_Dec 25-The Resurrection of Moses

GEMS 2021Q4L13 December 25, 2021 The Resurrection of Moses Present Truth in Deuteronomy Special Bonus: The Mt. Sinai Encounters video at LOCKED OUT OF THE PROMISED LAND Moses prevented from entering the promised land Numbers 20:1-12 Similar to the time in Exo 17:6 Moses and Aaron meet with God at door of the tabernacle showing their faith Moses loses opportunity to go into the promised land because: "hH believed me not to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel". He misrepresented God's character (god's name pronounced) -Didn't demonstrate that God is the one who provides not man Exo 20:2, Deu 8:3 -Misrepresented God as either an angry God Exo 33:19 unlike the LORD who proclaims His Name in Exo 34:6-7 -God is not a genie type of god either when He is the one who holds all the cards; Exo 33:19 Moses corrupted the message of circumcised hearts and the fact that the second time it will be the still small voice (Deu 10:16) Moses didn't model someone who follows god's instructions with detail (Deu 5:29) NOT PUNISHMENT FOR MOSES AS MUCH AS NECESSITY FOR THEM AND US Moses was willing to give up his eternal life, for God's reputation, His plan, His covenant? (Exodus 32:32) We should be careful not to focus too much on the prize and not on the battle, seeking first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness aybe we focus too much on the prize and not on the battle (prize of the promised land, heaven, eternal life) MOSES REQUESTS TO ENTER THE PROMISED LAND, BUT THIS IS NOT HIS FIRST REQUEST forgiveness for golden calf incident, the LORD grants (Ex. 32:31) Moses requests to see the LORD's glory (Ex. 33:18), the LORD grants Moses request to renew the covenant (Ex 34:9), the LORD grants Moses requests to enter the promised land (Deu 3:23-26) The Lord responds telling him not to ask any louder or continue to ask any more "No more" = H3254 (yawsaf - augment) H5750 (ode - repeat) But the LORD gives something better (Deu 3:27), glimpse of the promised land and eternal life. Q: "Is not God, this same God, calling us to faithfulness? What can we do to avoid the mistakes Moses forewarned in Deuteronomy?" Biggest mistakes then and now are not harkening to God's words and engaging in idolatry. Harkening to the LORD's words out of humble fear and respect can earn you the label of legalist. Christmas is a good example of enrapturing idolatry that many Christians dapple with in various degrees without even realizing it as idolatry. --- Send in a voice message:
12/25/202131 minutes, 42 seconds
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2021 Q4 Quarter Bonus-The Mt Sinai Encounters

Watch this video on YouTube: --- Send in a voice message:
12/24/202137 minutes, 27 seconds
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2021Q4L12_Dec 18-Deuteronomy in the New Testament

Also available on Youtube: • New Testament is "saturated" with Old Testament references; that is the only book they had SUNDAY: Bread Alone • After 40 days of fasting Jesus is tempted by Satan • 1. Tempted to turn stones to bread answers "It is written, 'MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD.' " Mat 4:4 from Deut 8:3 • Reference was to a time when they were to learn each day their dependence on God for their food • 2. Tempted to leap from the pinnacle of the temple (Satan quotes Psa 91:12) and Jesus answers quoting from Deu 6:16_Mat 4:7 • They did not trust God and Moses had to strike the rock to bring them water, symbolic of their stony hearts and the covenant they would not accept • Second time Moses was to speak to the rock, symbolic of the new covenant. First covenant not accepted even though given with fire and fanfare to a people of circumcised flesh; New covenant accepted by those circumcised in the heart willing to listen to the still small voice • 3. Satan promises Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their glory if he worships him and Jesus answers quoting from Deu 6:13 - Mat 4:10 • Satan’s motive is the same as in Eden, to keep us from trusting, serving, and worshiping the One and Only God MONDAY: Lifting up Faces • Justice is part of God’s name, His character Ex 34:6-7 and Deu 16:19 and Deu 10:17-18 • Many references in New Testament which speak of God’s impartiality • Justice goes both directions and one injustice cannot undo another Exo 23:2-3 • God’s fairness extends to the offering of His atonement and to His final judgement Exo 30:15 TUESDAY: Cursed on a Tree • Gal 3:10 and Gal 3:13 contain quotes from Deut 27 and 28 • Galatians also makes reference to the dead body not to remain overnight which is also found in Deut 21:22-23. • Christ, though perfect, endured death which is the curse of sin, so that we could be reconciled to God_Patriarchs & Prophets p.63 • Christ is the one who makes us bride material. WEDNESDAY: A Prophet Like Unto Thee • Act 3:22-23 quotes from Deu 18:15-18 • The LORD will send another after Moses, Christ, to make sure that His words are heard throughout generations, through all the earth. • Jesus is raised up to reconcile us to God. Act 3:26 A. MOST IMPORTANT COMMANDMENT • In Mark 12:28-30 Jesus directly quotes from Deut 6:4-5 and combines it with a second quote from Lev 19:18  • The combination speaks to the need to realize when we love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, we will also be loving our neighbor B. NEW COVENANT • Heb 8:8-12 contains a direct quote to Deut 30:1-6 which mentions circumcision of the heart as a time in the future when they will accept the covenant. • Heb 8:13 mentions “the first” will be “obsolete” and is “growing old is ready to vanish away” in reference to the earthly sanctuary and priesthood NOT to the words of God, the covenant language, promises or God’s commandments, statutes, judgments • The earthly sanctuary was “ready to vanish away” since Christ became the High Priest Heb 8:1 C. CHOSEN PEOPLE and TREE OF LIFE • 1Pe 2:9  mentions a “chosen generation, a royal priesthood" from Exo 19:5-6 and Deu 7:6 and Deu 14:2 • Deu 26:19 and Deut 30:15 speak of a people at the end of time who do His commandments, His statutes and His Judgements and have access to life just as mentioned in Rev. 14:12 and Rev. 22:14 CONCLUSION • Deuteronomy reaches to the end of time because God's covenant is the same  • Listen to Him, trust in Him, obey His words, walk in His ways - with this you will have His promises of life, deliverance, sanctification, and entrance to the Holy City --- Send in a voice message:
12/15/202136 minutes, 31 seconds
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2021Q4L11_Dec 11-Deuteronomy in the Later Writings

Also available on Youtube: • Deuteronomy points backward as well as forward • Alternate Memory verse: Deut 30:1-3  and Deut 30:10  • BOOK OF THE COVENANT (<eduth>) was written by Moses , contains all words spoken by God on GREAT DAY OF THE ASSEMBLY.  • Moses reads the BOOK OF THE COVENANT before he ratifying it with a sacrifice Exod 24:4-8 • This ratification event is referenced in the New Testament: Heb 9:18 • THE BOOK OF THE LAW (<Torah>) contains the BOOK OF THE COVENANT as well and the remainder of statutes and judgements AND the blessings and curses 1. JOSHUA • Moses’ assistant, is a referred to as a ‘young man’  Exo 33:11 • Leads the children of Israel into the promised land. • Builds an altar and renews the covenant Josh 8:30-31   • Reads all the words of the Book of the Law and blessings and curses Josh 8:34-35  • Warns people to avoid idolatry Josh 23:6-8, 24:14 • Invites people to take a stand for God Josh 24:15-17  2. HEZEKAIH • Reigns at 25 years old and immediately seeks God and orders House of the LORD cleansed 2Ch 29:1-2 and 2Chr 29:3-5 • He realizes the reasons for their troubles and seeks to make a covenant 2Chr 29:6-10 • Clears out all forms of idolatry 2Chr 30:14 • Sends runners throughout Israel and Judah to invite all to keep the Passover in Jerusalem for the first time in many years, but many laugh and mock 2Chr 30:1-11 • Multitudes keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the second month 2Chr 30:11-17 • Hezekiah prays for those who are not ritually clean and the LORD hears and “heals the people”, and they all sing and praise the LORD 2Chr30:18-21 3. JOSIAH  • Josiah reigns at age eight and at age 26 starts to repair the house of the LORD 2Ki 22:1-5  • In the process Hilkiah the high priest finds the BOOK OF THE LAW  2Ki 22:8  • Shaphan the scribe reads it to Josiah who then tears his clothes realizing they have not been following God 2Ki 22:11  • Josiah reads the BOOK OF THE COVENANT to all the priests, prophets and people 2Ki 23:1-2  • He purges all the idolatry 2Ki23:5-21  • Commands the people to keep the Passover as written in the Book of the Covenant 2Ki 23:21-23 • No king like him who turned to the LORD with all his heart, all his soul and all his might 2Ki 23:25 and 2Chr 34:31 4. NEHEMIAH (EZRA) • Nehemiah the king fasts and weeps for many days seeking the God of heaven Neh 1:4-9 • Ezra the scribe reads to all the gathered people from the Book of the Law of Moses Neh 8:1-8  • Nehemiah discovers that God was faithful, but they were not Neh 9:16-22 • The people discover the Feast of Tabernacles and the whole assembly makes booths and keeps this feast Neh 8:14-18 • The leaders make a covenant to follow God and they all sign it Neh 9:38 5. JEREMIAH • Deuteronomy mentions scattering to the farthest parts Deu 30:1-4 • Deuteronomy mentions a time of circumcision of the heart Deut 30:4-8 • Jeremiah contrasts circumcision of the flesh (the token) with that of the heart (the real) Jer 9:25-26 • Jeremiah speaks of the woe that has come upon them because they have not obeyed Jer 8-10 • Jeremiah encourages them not to follow the customs of the Gentiles which includes cutting and decorating trees Jer 10:1-5 • Deuteronomy mentions not having trees by God’s altar Deut 16:21 • King Josiah also cleared out trees from the house of the LORD during his purging of idolatry 2Ki 23:6   • Jeremiah speaks of the covenant Jer 11 6. DANIEL • Daniel despairs and prays for the state of his people, realizing that the words in Deuteronomy have come true. Dan 9:1-5 --- Send in a voice message:
12/10/202149 minutes, 9 seconds
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2021Q4L10_Dec4-Remember Do Not Forget

Also available on Youtube: --- Send in a voice message:
12/3/202136 minutes
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2021Q4L9_Nov27-Turn Their Hearts

Also available on Youtube: --- Send in a voice message:
11/27/202123 minutes, 40 seconds
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2021_Q4_L6_Nov 6_For What Nation is There So Great?

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11/3/202137 minutes, 39 seconds
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2021_Q4_L5-Oct 30_The Stranger In Your Gates

Also available on Youtube: --- Send in a voice message:
10/30/202118 minutes, 47 seconds
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2021_Q4_L4-Oct 23-To Love the Lord Your God-October 23gg

Also available on Youtube: Deuteronomy is filled with verses that mention loving the Lord in a very full way. For example Deuteronomy states “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” The Lord met with Moses on Mt. Sinai amidst fire and smoke and earthquakes during a time which has never been repeated since. During this time the Lord spoke and wrote words that He gave Moses for the people concerning the covenant relationship He wanted to form with them. This is the same covenant that He wants to form with us. Besides the succinct pattern in Deut. 6:4-9, other places this pattern can be found are in Deut. 6:10-17, Exodus 20:1-7+, Exodus 20:22-21:1+, and Exodus 34:5-18+ So what are these commandments? Well, despite that the Hebrew words “shama kole”, translated as “hear [My] voice” or “shama shama kole” (indeed hear [My]voice) forms the foundation of God’s instruction to us, there is a prevalent doctrine spread by Christians today (including some Adventists) which seeks to discourage faithful obedience by replacing God’s voice with man’s. This is not new. The religious leaders and even some in the early church were not showing love for God and were not obeying His Word, even as they thought they were. They were really practicing a blasphemous type of idolatry by distorting God’s commandments into their own list of rules and traditions which they were then using as a type of club to manipulate others. By misrepresenting God and His commandments and symbols they were corrupting God’s name and discouraging others from even wanting to form a close relationship with God. This was similar to practices within the Catholic church which required a person to do penance (usually profiting the priests) in order to earn forgiveness for sins. Such doctrines were so detrimental to the spreading of the gospel and to our understanding of God, that Christ pointed out the hypocrisy on numerous occasions, Paul preached sermons on it, and the Protestant reformation lead to the promotion of the “Justification by Faith alone” doctrine. However, in recent history the pendulum has swung the other way such that any act of faith that is not popular or sanctioned by church leaders gets ascribed unrighteous motives. For example, “Salvation by Faith” was first misapplied to label Sabbath-keepers as “legalists” accompanied by the false teaching that everything God spoke on Mt. Sinai was “nailed to the cross”. Now it is being used even within the Adventist church to discourage the type of diligent and prayerful Bible discovery and adherence that Ellen White and her small group modeled so well. Right at the time in history when hearing (shama) God’s voice (kole) is so critical, some of God’s most dramatic and clear proclamations to man are dismissed as obsolete, and those who dare attend to them risk being ostracized. This lesson asks the question of what loving the Lord with all our heart and all our soul and with all our strength looks like. Well, we cannot and should not judge the hearts of others, but there is a way we can peek inside ourselves to examine the depth of our love for God. I believe if (1) we can call the LORD our “Praise” and our God (our One and Only) as in Deut 10:21, and (2) we regularly call the Sabbath a delight as described in Isaiah 58:13, and (3) we have the same genuine reverence and respect for all God’s commandments, statutes, and judgements as expressed in Psalm 19:7-10, then perhaps God has begun the process of writing Himself within our hearts. --- Send in a voice message:
10/17/202148 minutes, 31 seconds
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2021_Q4_L3-Oct 16-The Everlasting Covenant

Also available on Youtube: --- Send in a voice message:
10/9/202139 minutes, 37 seconds
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2021_Q4_L2-Oct 9-Moses History Lesson

Also available on Youtube: --- Send in a voice message:
10/4/202134 minutes, 1 second
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2021_Q4_L1-Oct 2-Preamble to Deuteronomy

Also available on Youtube: --- Send in a voice message:
10/2/202136 minutes, 23 seconds
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2021_Q3_Bonus-Isaiah 60-61 A Glimpse of that Holy City

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
9/25/20218 minutes, 38 seconds
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2021_Q3_L13_Sep 25_The Ultimate Rest

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9/25/202135 minutes, 12 seconds
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2021_Q3_L12_Sep 18_The Restless Prophet

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
9/15/202138 minutes, 25 seconds
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2021_Q3_L11_Sep 11_Longing for More

In this Sabbath School Gems we explore how the children of Israel behaved when they came out of Egypt, and how most of them never entered the promised land and never experienced the rest that God had for them because of their unbelief. We uncover what rest remains available to us and what we can learn from their experiences in order to avoid forfeiting that rest. Key texts are Hebrews 3, Hebrews 4, Psalms 95, Numbers 14, 1 Corinthians 10, Exodus 12:48. --- Send in a voice message:
9/5/202141 minutes, 53 seconds
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2021_Q3_L10_Sep 4_Sabbath Rest

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
8/21/202126 minutes, 10 seconds
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2021_Q3_L09_Aug 28_The Rhythms of Rest

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
8/18/202128 minutes, 59 seconds
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2021_Q3_L08_Aug 21_Free to Rest

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
8/7/202145 minutes, 17 seconds
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2021_Q3_L07_Aug 14_Rest, Relationships, and Healing

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
8/3/202158 minutes, 4 seconds
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2021_Q3_L06_Aug 7_Finding Rest in Family Ties

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
8/3/202157 minutes, 29 seconds
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2021_Q3_L05_July 31_Come to Me

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
8/3/202159 minutes, 56 seconds
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2021_Q3_L04_July 24_The Cost of Rest

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
8/3/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 43 seconds
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2021_Q3_L03_July 17_The Roots of Restlessness

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
8/3/202157 minutes, 29 seconds
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2021_Q3_L02_July 10_Restless and Rebellious

Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
8/3/202130 minutes, 56 seconds
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2021_Q3_L01_July 03_Living in a 24-7 Society

GEMS: · "It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late...for so He giveth His beloved sleep" · the Sabbaths are special meeting times, for us to commune with God · God sustained Elijah through extreme mental, physical, emotional and spiritual exhaustion.  He can do anything for us. · Shabbath (H7676) = Sabbath (both as a  noun and verb); nuach (H5117) = rest (and settle);  shawkab(H7901) = sleep (includes death) · Only with sanctification by Christ and much prayer can we be effective and efficient workers for good and for God. --- Send in a voice message:
6/28/202131 minutes, 22 seconds
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2021_Q2_L10_June 05_The New Covenant

GEMS: · The “new” covenant is not new, it is the same covenant God has been wanting to make with us from the beginning. · The new covenant is not to be confused with the New Testament, as the term “new covenant” first appears in Jeremiah. It only appears in the New Testament, in Hebrews, when the author quotes the Jeremiah text. · The “new” part refers only to the reaction of the people, which accept the covenant this time and will realize its promises. They do not reject it as the Children of Israel did the first time God extended to them the proposal. There is nothing that was wrong or flawed with the covenant on God’s part. He didn’t have to come up with a plan B. · The “Law” (Torah) which is to be written into the hearts of those accepting the new covenant, is not a checklist of items. It is not what is referred to as “the 10 commandments”, nor is it 9 commandments, or 613 commandments, or anything finite that can be written down, but rather it is a mindset born from a relationship in which we become completely aligned with God’s order for His universe. Our thoughts and actions come into complete harmony with Him. · The covenant is an intimate relationship with God that is offered to us by Him. We accept the proposal and enter into the covenant relationship by our choice to put God first and foremost in everything and when we allow Him to cleanse us, essentially putting on the white wedding garment. · The covenant is extended to all who choose to come under God’s sovereignty, just as the servants of Abraham’s household that were under his umbrella, even though they were “bought with money” and not related to him, were included in the covenant. Gal 3:28-29: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. --- Send in a voice message:
6/28/202128 minutes, 21 seconds
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WELCOME to the Sabbath School Gems Podcast

Introduction to Sabbath School Gems --- Send in a voice message:
6/28/20211 minute, 27 seconds