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Sabbath School Rescue Profile

Sabbath School Rescue

English, Religion, 18 seasons, 255 episodes, 4 days, 4 hours, 25 minutes
Sabbath School Rescue is a weekly podcast with Michael W. Campbell & Buster Swoopes, Jr. over the Sabbath School lesson. The “Campbell Swoopes” duo are religion teachers at Southwestern Adventist University who have lively dialogue as they dig deeper into each week’s lesson. Learn more at
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Lesson 13: From Dust to Stars

Join Campbell Swoopes as they complete this quarter ending with Daniel 12. Let's find out how God shows His care for His children past, present, and future. 
3/20/202027 minutes, 58 seconds
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Lesson 12: From North and South to the Beautiful Land

Join Campbell and Swoopes as they discuss Daniel chapter 11 and see how God still remains sovereign in the midst of chaos and the prediction of it. 
3/13/202026 minutes, 21 seconds
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From Battle to Victory

This week join Campbell/Swoopes as they explore Daniel Chapter 10 and the spiritual warfare already won on our behalf. 
3/6/202022 minutes, 13 seconds
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From Confession to Consolation

Join us we find Jesus in the midst of Daniel. Not only find Him, but see a His plans to save His children in the midst of an ancient yet true prophecy. 
2/28/202026 minutes, 31 seconds
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Lesson 9: From Contamination to Purification

This week Campbell/Swoopes discuss the 2300 day prophecy and the implications it had on the children of Israel in Daniel's day and for us today as well. 
2/21/202019 minutes, 21 seconds
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Lesson 8: From the Stormy Sea to the Clouds of Heaven

Join Dr. Campbell and Pastor Swoopes as they wrestle with Daniel Chapter 7, and once again are in awe of God's Sovereignty.  Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, February 22.
2/14/202023 minutes, 30 seconds
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From the Lions’ Den to the Angel’s Den

Join us this week as we see how Daniel was able to fully rely upon God even in the midst of certain danger found in Daniel chapter 6. 
2/7/202023 minutes, 7 seconds
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From Arrogance to Destruction

Memory Text: “And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding” (Daniel 2:21, NKJV).
1/31/202025 minutes, 41 seconds
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From Pride to Humility

“How great are His signs, and how mighty His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation” (Daniel 4:3, NKJV).
1/24/202020 minutes, 53 seconds
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From Furnace to Palace

Memory Text: “Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king” (Daniel 3:17, NKJV).
1/17/202018 minutes, 57 seconds
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From Mystery to Revelation

Join Dr. Michael Campbell and Buster Swoopes as they break down this week's Sabbath School lesson "From Mystery to Revelation". Daniel chapter 2 will be broken delved into as well as other passages of scripture that help us to understand it better.  For your own copy of the Sabbath School Quarterly please visit your nearest Seventh-day Adventist Church. 
1/10/202023 minutes, 32 seconds
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From Jerusalem to Babylon

The Bible does not shy away from showing the weaknesses of fallen humanity. From Genesis 3 onward, human sinfulness and its sad results are prominently displayed. At the same time, too, we also see cases of those who show great faithfulness to God, even when faced with powerful incentives to be anything but faithful. And some of the most poignant examples of such faithfulness are seen in the book of Daniel. However, as we study Daniel, let us keep in mind that the true hero of the book is God. We are so used to stories that stress the faithfulness of Daniel and his friends that we may forget to exalt the faithfulness of the One who guided and sustained those four young men as they confronted the power and allure of the Babylonian Empire. To be faithful is enough of a challenge in one’s own land and place, let alone when facing the pressure of a foreign land, culture, and religion. But the human protagonists meet the challenges because, like the apostle Paul, they “know whom [they] have believed” (2 Tim. 1:12), and in Him they trust.
1/6/202022 minutes, 12 seconds
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From Reading to Understanding

Our church was born from within the pages of the book of Daniel, our study for this quarter. As we begin, we should keep the following points in mind as a template to help guide us through our study. First, we should always remember that Christ is the center of Daniel, as He is of the entire Bible. Second, Daniel is organized in a way that shows literary beauty and helps us to understand its major focus. Third, we need to understand the difference between classical and apocalyptic prophecies. This will help us distinguish between the prophecies of Daniel and those of others, such as Isaiah, Amos, and Jeremiah. Fourth, as we study the time prophecies of Daniel, we should under- stand that the prophetic outlines of Daniel span long periods of time and are measured according to the year-day principle. Fifth, we shall emphasize that the book of Daniel not only conveys prophetic information but is profoundly relevant to our personal life today.
12/29/201919 minutes, 26 seconds