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English, Religion, 1 season, 1152 episodes, 4 days, 21 hours, 5 minutes
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Day 135 - Psalms 135 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 135 is a hymn of praise that celebrates God’s greatness and His sovereign rule over creation. It calls on the people of Israel to give glory to the Lord for His mighty deeds, both in nature and in history. The psalm can be divided into several key sections that highlight different aspects of God’s majesty and His unique role as the one true God. 1. A Call to Praise (Verses 1-3) The psalm begins with a clear call to worship. It invites the servants of the Lord, specifically those who minister in the house of the Lord, to praise His name. This opening emphasizes the joy and importance of worshiping God and sets the tone for the rest of the psalm. Praise the Lord! Praise the name of the Lord; give praise, O servants of the Lord, who stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God! Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing to his name, for it is pleasant! (Psalm 135:1-3, ESV) 2. God’s Sovereignty Over Creation (Verses 5-7) The psalmist emphasizes that God is supreme over all the earth and heavens. His power extends over nature, from the formation of clouds to the lightning and the release of rain. These verses affirm that God is in control of the world He created and actively participates in it. For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps. He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth, who makes lightnings for the rain and brings forth the wind from his storehouses. (Psalm 135:5-7, ESV) 3. God’s Faithfulness in Deliverance (Verses 8-12) These verses recount God’s intervention in history, specifically recalling the Exodus from Egypt. The psalmist praises God for striking down Egypt’s firstborn and delivering His people from oppression. It then references the conquest of the Promised Land, where God gave His people victory over great kings, showing His faithfulness to Israel throughout generations. He struck down the firstborn of Egypt, both of man and of beast; he sent signs and wonders into your midst, O Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his servants. He struck down many nations and killed mighty kings— Sihon, king of the Amorites, and Og, king of Bashan, and all the kingdoms of Canaan—and gave their land as a heritage, a heritage to his people Israel. (Psalm 135:8-12, ESV) 4. God’s Eternal Nature and Judgment (Verses 13-14) The psalmist declares that God’s name and renown will endure forever. His care for His people is enduring, and He will vindicate them. These verses underscore God’s timeless nature and His commitment to justice. Your name, O Lord, endures forever, your renown, O Lord, throughout all ages. For the Lord will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants. (Psalm 135:13-14, ESV) 5. Condemnation of Idolatry (Verses 15-18) The psalm sharply contrasts God with the idols of the nations. It mocks the futility of idol worship, describing idols as lifeless creations of silver and gold, made by human hands. The psalmist points out that idols cannot see, hear, or speak, and those who trust in them become just as lifeless. The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; they have eyes, but do not see; they have ears, but do not hear, nor is there any breath in their mouths. Those who make them become like them, so do all who trust in them. (Psalm 135:15-18, ESV) 6. A Final Call to Praise (Verses 19-21) The psalm concludes with another call to praise, this time directed to the house of Israel, the house of Aaron, and the house of Levi—representing the entire people of God. It is an invitation for all who fear the Lord to bless His holy name. O house of Israel, bless the Lord! O house of Aaron, bless the Lord! O house of Levi, bless the Lord! You who fear the Lord, bless the Lord! Blessed be the Lord from Zion, he who dwells in Jerusalem! Praise the Lord! (Psalm 135:19-21, ESV) Conclusion Psalm 135 is a rich and vibrant call to worship, centered on the incomparable greatness of God. It highlights His sovereignty over creation, His faithfulness in delivering Israel, His eternal nature, and the emptiness of idol worship. This psalm serves as a powerful reminder to trust in the living God and to give Him the praise and honor He alone deserves.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/19/202430 minutes, 30 seconds
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Day 134 - Psalms 134 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalms 134: A Call to Praise God in the Night Psalms 134 is a brief yet powerful chapter in the Bible, serving as a call to worship and praise God. It is part of the Songs of Ascents, which were sung by pilgrims as they journeyed to Jerusalem for worship. This psalm focuses on blessing and worshiping God, particularly during the night. It reads: “Behold, bless the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord, which by night stand in the house of the Lord.” “Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord.” “The Lord that made heaven and earth bless thee out of Zion.” The psalm opens with an invitation to all the servants of the Lord—particularly the priests and Levites who served in the temple during the night—to bless the Lord. Nighttime worship is especially emphasized, reflecting the idea that praise and devotion to God should be continuous, even when most people are resting. These night worshipers are encouraged to lift their hands in prayer and worship, symbolizing both surrender and reverence toward God. The final verse is a reciprocal blessing, where the psalmist expresses a desire for the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth, to bless His people from Zion. This highlights the belief that God’s blessing is all-encompassing, extending from His holy dwelling place to all who worship Him. Psalms 134 encourages persistent worship, reminding believers that God is worthy of praise at all times, day and night. It also emphasizes that those who serve God will, in turn, receive His blessing, connecting worship and divine favor in a reciprocal relationship.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/18/202428 minutes, 52 seconds
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Day 133 - Psalms 133 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalms 133: Unity and Harmony in Community Psalms 133 is a short yet profound chapter in the Bible, attributed to King David. It emphasizes the beauty and blessings that come from living in unity with others. The Psalm reads as follows: “Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” “It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments;” “As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life forevermore.” This Psalms begins with a call to observe and recognize the goodness of unity among people. The comparison to precious ointment symbolizes the sanctity and joy that unity brings, just as the anointing of Aaron as high priest marked a holy moment. The dew on Mount Hermon, known for its lushness, represents the refreshing and life-giving effects of harmony. David points out that when people come together in unity, it is not only good and pleasant but also blessed by God. The final verse highlights that unity invites God’s blessing, including the promise of eternal life. Psalms 133 reminds us that unity brings about divine favor, peace, and a sense of sacredness in the community. It encourages believers to strive for harmony, seeing it as an integral part of experiencing God’s blessings.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/18/202435 minutes, 43 seconds
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Day 132 - Psalms 132 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1185 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 132: A Reflection on God’s Covenant with David Psalms 132 is one of the fifteen Songs of Ascents, a collection of psalms that were likely sung by pilgrims journeying to Jerusalem for religious festivals. This particular psalm centers on the covenant between God and King David, emphasizing the importance of both God’s promises and David’s devotion. Structure and Themes The psalm can be divided into two main sections: 1.David’s Oath and Zeal for God’s Presence (Verses 1-10): The psalm begins with a plea for God to remember David’s commitment and hardships. David had vowed not to rest until he found a place for God’s Ark to dwell permanently. This reflects David’s deep desire to honor God by establishing a physical dwelling place for Him, which would later become the Temple in Jerusalem. David’s passion for building a house for the Ark demonstrates his heart for God and his desire for God’s presence to be among His people. Key Verses: •“I will not enter my house or get into my bed, I will not give sleep to my eyes… until I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob.” (Verses 3-5) •These verses illustrate David’s unwavering commitment to providing a home for God’s presence, underscoring the importance of dedication to serving God. 2.God’s Covenant and Promises to David (Verses 11-18): In response to David’s commitment, God makes an eternal covenant with him. God promises that one of David’s descendants will always sit on the throne if his children remain faithful to the covenant. This promise foreshadows the coming of the Messiah, who would come from David’s lineage. Furthermore, God declares that Zion, the chosen place for His dwelling, will be blessed with provision, salvation, and joy. Key Verses: •“The Lord swore to David a sure oath… ‘One of your sons I will set on your throne.’” (Verse 11) •“For the Lord has chosen Zion; he has desired it for his dwelling place.” (Verse 13) •These verses reflect God’s faithfulness and the divine plan to establish David’s line forever, culminating in the reign of Christ, the ultimate fulfillment of the Davidic covenant. Key Messages 1.God Honors Dedication: David’s dedication to finding a home for the Ark represents a model of faithfulness. His zeal for God’s presence was recognized and honored by God. This serves as a reminder that sincere devotion and service to God are always acknowledged by Him. 2.The Eternal Nature of God’s Promises: The second half of the psalm speaks to God’s unbreakable promises. God swore an oath to David, establishing an everlasting covenant. Even when people fail, God’s faithfulness endures. This promise is most fully realized in Jesus Christ, the descendant of David, who reigns as the eternal King. 3.The Blessing of God’s Dwelling: God’s choice of Zion as His dwelling place symbolizes His presence and blessing among His people. Where God dwells, there is abundance, salvation, and joy. This highlights the significance of seeking God’s presence and aligning oneself with His will, knowing that His presence brings favor and peace. Conclusion Psalms 132 is a powerful psalm that captures both the human longing for God’s presence and God’s unwavering commitment to His people. David’s passion for God’s honor and God’s covenant with him reflect the mutual relationship of devotion and faithfulness between God and His chosen ones. The psalm not only looks back to David’s reign but also points forward to the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise in Jesus Christ, the eternal King who reigns forever. This psalm invites believers to reflect on their own dedication to God, reminding them of the blessings that come from being in His presence and trusting in His promises.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/16/202431 minutes, 1 second
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Day 70 - Psalms 70 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 70 is a brief but urgent prayer for help, attributed to David. It is often seen as a plea for God to come quickly to deliver the psalmist from distress and enemies. This psalm expresses a deep sense of dependence on God’s timely intervention, while also offering praise to God’s name. Key Themes of Psalm 70: 1.Urgent Plea for Deliverance (Verses 1-2): The psalm begins with a direct and urgent call for help: “Hasten, O God, to save me; come quickly, Lord, to help me.” The psalmist is in a situation of immediate danger or distress, and he asks God to act swiftly. This tone of urgency reflects a pressing need for divine intervention in the face of his enemies. 2.Defeat of Enemies (Verse 3): The psalmist prays for the shame and confusion of those who seek to harm him. He desires that those who wish him ill will be turned back in disgrace. This reflects a trust that God will bring justice to those who plot against the righteous. 3.Rejoicing of the Righteous (Verse 4): In contrast to his enemies, the psalmist prays that those who seek God will rejoice and be glad in Him, proclaiming, “Let God be exalted!” This verse highlights that God’s deliverance leads to joy and praise among the faithful. 4.Continued Need for Help (Verse 5): The psalmist closes the psalm by once again acknowledging his vulnerable state: “But as for me, I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God.” The repetition of the plea for speed emphasizes the desperation of his situation. The psalm ends with a reaffirmation of God as the psalmist’s helper and deliverer. Significance of Psalm 70: •Urgency in Prayer: Psalm 70 shows that it is appropriate to come to God with urgency in times of distress. It teaches that believers can cry out to God with a sense of immediacy when they are in need, trusting that He hears and responds. •Justice Against the Wicked: The psalm reflects a theme often found in the Psalms—the confidence that God will bring justice to those who do wrong and protect His faithful followers from harm. •Faith in God’s Deliverance: Even in a moment of fear and distress, the psalmist does not lose sight of God’s power to save. His plea is rooted in his understanding of God as the ultimate deliverer. Application: Psalm 70 is often used as a prayer for those in need of immediate help or facing difficult challenges. It encourages believers to turn to God in times of crisis, trusting that He will act. It also serves as a reminder that in every situation, even one of desperation, God is the source of salvation and strength. This psalm’s brevity and urgency make it accessible for personal prayers, especially in moments when words may be few but the need for God’s intervention is great.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/14/202415 minutes, 1 second
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Day 97 - Psalms 97 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 97 is a powerful and jubilant Psalm that focuses on the majesty, authority, and justice of God. It portrays God as the supreme ruler of the universe and emphasizes His sovereignty over creation. The psalm also highlights the triumph of righteousness over wickedness and calls for all of creation and humanity to acknowledge God’s reign. Key Themes of Psalm 97: 1.God’s Sovereignty Over Creation (Verses 1-2): The psalm opens with the declaration that the Lord reigns, and as a result, the earth should rejoice. This establishes God as the sovereign ruler over all the earth. The imagery of clouds and thick darkness surrounding Him, combined with righteousness and justice being the foundation of His throne, presents God as both mysterious and supremely just. His reign brings joy and awe to all creation. 2.God’s Power and Authority (Verses 3-5): The psalm describes God’s overwhelming power through dramatic imagery: “Fire goes before him and consumes his foes on every side” (verse 3). This fire symbolizes God’s judgment on the wicked. The earth trembles and mountains melt like wax in His presence (verse 5), reinforcing the idea that God’s power is beyond human comprehension and that creation itself responds to His presence. 3.The Triumph of Righteousness (Verses 6-7): The heavens proclaim God’s righteousness, and all people see His glory. The psalm contrasts those who serve idols with those who recognize and worship the true God, asserting that idolaters will be put to shame. This highlights the futility of worshiping anything other than God and calls for recognition of His divine authority. 4.Joy for the Righteous (Verses 8-9): Zion, representing God’s people, rejoices at the establishment of God’s reign. The righteous, who love and serve God, find joy in His justice and the defeat of evil. God is exalted far above all gods, showing that His power and righteousness surpass any false deities or earthly powers. 5.God’s Protection and Blessing for the Righteous (Verses 10-12): The closing verses emphasize that God protects those who love Him and hate evil. “He guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked” (verse 10). Light shines on the righteous, symbolizing blessing, guidance, and favor. The psalm ends with a call for the righteous to rejoice and praise the Lord for His holiness. Significance of Psalm 97: •The Majesty and Justice of God: The psalm reminds believers of God’s supreme authority and His perfect justice. It reinforces the idea that God’s rule is righteous and that He is active in the world, defeating wickedness and protecting those who are faithful to Him. •Contrast Between the Righteous and the Wicked: The psalm highlights the stark contrast between those who worship God and those who serve idols. It assures that while the wicked will face judgment, the righteous will experience God’s protection and joy. •A Call to Rejoice in God’s Reign: Psalm 97 is a call to acknowledge and rejoice in God’s reign over all creation. It encourages believers to place their trust in God’s justice and to praise Him for His sovereignty and righteousness. Application: Psalm 97 invites believers to reflect on God’s majesty and power, reminding them to trust in His righteous rule over all things. It also encourages a life of faithfulness and righteousness, knowing that God protects and blesses those who follow Him. By recognizing God’s sovereignty, the psalm brings comfort and hope to those who are committed to living according to His will. This psalm serves as both a celebration of God’s power and a reminder of the ultimate triumph of good over evil, calling for praise and thanksgiving for God’s justice and protection.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/14/202431 minutes, 23 seconds
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Day 112 - Psalms 112 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 112 is a wisdom Psalms that celebrates the blessings and virtues of a righteous person, particularly those who fear the Lord and delight in His commandments. It reflects on the rewards that come to those who live in accordance with God’s will, highlighting themes of prosperity, generosity, stability, and influence. Key Themes of Psalm 112: 1.Blessings of Righteousness (Verses 1-3): The psalm begins with the declaration that those who fear the Lord and follow His commandments are blessed. Their lives are marked by success, wealth, and honor. The opening verse sets the tone: “Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in His commands.” These blessings extend to the righteous person’s descendants, symbolizing the lasting impact of a life lived in obedience to God. 2.Generosity and Justice (Verses 4-5): A hallmark of the righteous is their compassion and fairness. The psalm describes them as being “gracious, compassionate, and righteous.” Their generosity toward others leads to their stability in life. The righteous are characterized by their willingness to lend and conduct their affairs with justice, ensuring that they contribute to the well-being of their community. 3.Stability and Confidence (Verses 6-8): The righteous are described as immovable, secure, and fearless, even in the face of adversity. Their trust in God gives them confidence and peace: “Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever.” This section emphasizes that faith in God provides an unshakable foundation, protecting the righteous from fear and despair. 4.Generosity Leading to Honor (Verse 9): The righteous are also known for their generous giving. “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever; their horn will be lifted high in honor.” This verse suggests that acts of charity not only benefit others but also bring honor and dignity to the giver. The enduring righteousness of such individuals stands as a testament to their faithfulness. 5.Contrast with the Wicked (Verse 10): The psalm ends with a contrast between the righteous and the wicked. While the righteous are blessed, honored, and secure, the wicked are frustrated and ultimately perish: “The wicked will see and be vexed, they will gnash their teeth and waste away; the longings of the wicked will come to nothing.” This closing verse reinforces the idea that living in opposition to God leads to ruin, while those who fear the Lord thrive. Significance of Psalm 112: •Living in Reverence for God: Psalm 112 emphasizes that the fear of the Lord—reverence, respect, and awe of God—is foundational for a blessed life. This fear leads to a love of God’s commandments, shaping the character and actions of the righteous. •Righteousness in Action: The psalm stresses that righteousness is not just about personal piety, but also about justice, generosity, and compassion toward others. The righteous use their resources and influence for the benefit of those in need, reflecting God’s care for humanity. •Contrast between Righteousness and Wickedness: The psalm contrasts the enduring success of the righteous with the ultimate frustration and failure of the wicked. It portrays righteousness as leading to lasting blessings and security, while wickedness leads to destruction. Application: Psalm 112 encourages believers to live in a way that reflects their reverence for God, showing compassion, generosity, and justice in their actions. It promises that such a life will lead to blessings not only for the individual but also for their family and community. This psalm serves as a reminder of the stability and honor that come from trusting in God and living righteously.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/14/202436 minutes, 1 second
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Day 119 - 119 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible, consisting of 176 verses. It is a profound meditation on the beauty and power of God’s Word, structured as an acrostic poem with each section starting with a letter from the Hebrew alphabet. Every section is focused on exalting the importance of God’s law, statutes, and commandments, offering deep insights into the relationship between the believer and God’s Word. Key Themes of Psalm 119: 1.The Love for God’s Law: Throughout the psalm, the writer expresses an intense love and reverence for God’s commandments. Verses like “Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long” (verse 97) showcase the psalmist’s devotion. The psalmist doesn’t see God’s laws as burdensome but as life-giving and central to their faith. 2.The Word as a Source of Guidance: Psalm 119 portrays the Word of God as a guiding light in the believer’s life: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (verse 105). The psalmist looks to God’s Word for direction, clarity, and purpose in life, illustrating its role in helping believers navigate challenges. 3.Obedience and Righteousness: Obedience to God’s commandments is a central theme, with the psalmist often praying for the strength to follow God’s ways and uphold His laws. The psalmist acknowledges that living according to God’s Word brings purity and righteousness, as seen in verses like “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (verse 11). 4.Suffering and Comfort in the Word: Throughout the psalm, the writer speaks of experiencing suffering and persecution but finds solace and comfort in God’s promises. Verses such as “My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life” (verse 50) emphasize how clinging to God’s Word offers hope and strength during trials. 5.Prayer for Understanding and Wisdom: The psalmist frequently prays for understanding, asking God to open their eyes to see the wonderful things in His law (verse 18). This reflects the belief that spiritual understanding comes from God, and meditating on His statutes leads to wisdom and discernment. Structure of Psalm 119: Psalm 119 is divided into 22 stanzas, each containing 8 verses. Each stanza corresponds to a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and each line within that stanza begins with that letter. This acrostic structure highlights the psalmist’s meticulous and deliberate reflection on God’s Word, indicating its comprehensive nature and central role in life. Application of Psalm 119: 1.Daily Meditation: Psalm 119 encourages believers to meditate on Scripture constantly, allowing it to shape their thoughts, actions, and decisions. This daily engagement with God’s Word is shown to produce wisdom and guidance for every aspect of life. 2.Seeking God’s Help in Obedience: The psalmist recognizes the need for divine assistance in living according to God’s Word. Believers can draw on this psalm as a model for prayers asking for God’s help to remain faithful and obedient, especially in times of difficulty. 3.Endurance through Trials: Psalm 119 reminds believers that in moments of suffering, God’s promises provide comfort and hope. Reflecting on Scripture can be a source of strength during personal struggles, helping individuals persevere through hardships. Conclusion: Psalm 119 is a rich and intricate exploration of the relationship between the believer and God’s Word. It emphasizes the value of Scripture in every area of life, from providing wisdom and guidance to offering comfort and strength in times of need. The psalmist’s deep love for God’s law serves as a reminder of the transformative power of the Word of God when embraced with faith and devotion.​⬤Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/14/202431 minutes, 52 seconds
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Day 127 - Psalms 127 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 127 is another one of the Psalms of Ascent, attributed to Solomon. This psalm emphasizes the idea that human efforts are futile without God’s involvement. It highlights themes of dependence on God, the importance of trusting Him in all aspects of life, and the blessings that come from acknowledging God as the ultimate provider and protector. Key Themes of Psalm 127: 1.Dependence on God (Verses 1-2): The psalm opens with the assertion that without God’s blessing, all human efforts are in vain: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” These verses convey the futility of human striving without divine assistance, whether in construction, security, or any other endeavor. The psalmist underscores that all labor and vigilance are worthless if God is not the foundation of those efforts. Furthermore, verse 2 speaks to the futility of anxious toil: “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat—for he grants sleep to those he loves.” This suggests that God provides for His people, and anxiety or overwork cannot replace God’s providence. The reference to sleep may symbolize peace and rest, gifts from God to those who trust in Him. 2.Children as a Blessing (Verses 3-5): The second part of the psalm shifts to a different type of building: the family. Children are described as a heritage from the Lord, and offspring are a reward. The metaphor of children as arrows in the hands of a warrior suggests strength, security, and a hopeful future for the family. The image of a man with many arrows (children) indicates that those blessed with children will not be ashamed but will have influence and strength, especially in dealing with adversaries or challenges. Significance of Psalm 127: •The Centrality of God in Human Endeavors: The overarching message of this psalm is that no amount of human effort can succeed without God’s blessing. Whether in building homes, protecting cities, or raising families, the psalm reminds believers that God’s involvement is essential. This encourages people to depend on God for success and peace in all areas of life. •The Value of Rest and Trust: Verse 2 emphasizes the importance of rest and trusting in God’s provision. It suggests that God does not require excessive labor or worry from His people but offers them peace and rest when they place their trust in Him. •Children as a Source of Strength and Blessing: In the final verses, the psalm celebrates the blessing of children, indicating that they provide strength, continuity, and honor to a family. This contrasts with societal views that might undervalue family or children, instead affirming their importance in God’s design for human flourishing. Application: Psalm 127 is often read at weddings, family gatherings, or dedication ceremonies as a reminder that human plans and efforts are secondary to God’s will. It also serves as a call to rest in God’s provision rather than living in constant anxiety over life’s demands. Families can take encouragement from the message that children are a gift from God, bringing joy and strength to those who raise them. This Psalm speaks to the spiritual principle that true success and security come not from human striving alone, but from living in alignment with God’s purpose and trusting in His provision.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/14/202433 minutes, 44 seconds
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Day 128 - Psalms 128 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 128 is a psalm of blessing, reflecting on the rewards of fearing the Lord and walking in His ways. It is often seen as a wisdom psalm, offering insight into how living a righteous life leads to personal and communal flourishing. This psalm is one of the Psalms of Ascent, traditionally sung by pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem for religious festivals. Key Themes of Psalm 128: 1.Blessing of the God-Fearing (Verses 1-2): The psalm opens with the declaration that those who fear the Lord and walk in His ways will be blessed. It emphasizes that a life of obedience to God results in joy and prosperity. The psalmist highlights that blessings come from living a righteous life, with the work of one’s hands being fruitful: “You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.” 2.Blessings on Family (Verses 3-4): The psalm then turns to the family as a source of blessing. The faithful man’s wife is compared to a fruitful vine, and his children are like olive shoots around the table. These images of vitality and growth symbolize the flourishing of family life when one walks in the ways of God. The family unit, in this context, is portrayed as a direct recipient of divine favor. 3.Blessing on the Community and Nation (Verses 5-6): The psalm concludes with a prayer for broader blessings on the community of Israel: “May the Lord bless you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life.” It ties personal and familial blessings to the welfare of the nation, reinforcing the idea that individual righteousness contributes to the greater good. The final verse expresses the hope for long life and the joy of seeing one’s descendants. Significance of Psalm 128: •Fear of the Lord: In biblical terms, the “fear of the Lord” signifies reverence, respect, and obedience to God. Psalm 128 underscores that this fear is the foundation of a blessed life, leading to happiness and well-being both personally and within the family. •The Importance of Family: The psalm paints a picture of domestic bliss, where the fear of the Lord brings about harmony and prosperity within the household. It elevates the family as central to God’s plan for blessing His people. •Connection Between Personal and National Blessing: This psalm connects individual righteousness with the broader well-being of the community and the nation. It suggests that when individuals and families live in accordance with God’s will, the entire society benefits. Application: Psalm 128 serves as a reminder that true blessing comes from living a life aligned with God’s principles. It provides encouragement for those who seek to follow God, promising that their work, family, and community will flourish as a result of their faithfulness. It is often used in weddings or family blessings to reflect the hope for a godly household that experiences God’s favor and prosperity. This Psalms encourages believers to see the connection between their daily actions, their relationships, and the wider impact on their communities. It assures them that faithfulness to God yields lasting and meaningful rewards.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/14/202433 minutes, 30 seconds
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Day 129 - Psalms 129 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 129 is one of the Psalms of Ascent and speaks about Israel’s long history of suffering, perseverance, and ultimate victory through God’s deliverance. It is a reflection on the enduring oppression of the people of Israel by their enemies, but it also carries a hopeful message of God’s righteous judgment and protection. Key Themes of Psalm 129: 1.Historical Suffering (Verses 1-2): The psalm begins with a communal declaration, “They have greatly oppressed me from my youth, let Israel say.” This recounts Israel’s long history of hardship and oppression, possibly referencing their time in Egypt, the Babylonian exile, or other periods of persecution throughout their history. Despite these adversities, the psalmist emphasizes that Israel has not been destroyed, symbolizing their resilience. 2.Image of Plowing (Verse 3): The verse “Plowmen have plowed my back and made their furrows long” is a vivid metaphor for the suffering endured by Israel. This imagery suggests brutal physical oppression, but also the emotional and spiritual scars left by enemies. It conveys the deep pain and cruelty Israel has experienced at the hands of their oppressors. 3.Divine Deliverance and Justice (Verses 4-5): The psalm shifts from recounting suffering to celebrating God’s deliverance. “But the Lord is righteous; he has cut me free from the cords of the wicked.” Here, God’s justice is highlighted—He intervenes to break the chains of oppression. The psalmist also expresses confidence that those who hate Zion will ultimately face shame and defeat. 4.Curse on the Wicked (Verses 6-8): The psalm closes with a curse on Israel’s enemies, describing them as grass on rooftops that withers before it can grow. This comparison emphasizes the futility of the efforts of Israel’s enemies, as they will not prosper. The blessing that is usually given during the harvest, “The blessing of the Lord be on you,” is deliberately withheld from these oppressors, highlighting that they will not share in God’s favor. Significance of Psalm 129: •Endurance through Oppression: Psalm 129 reflects the perseverance of the people of Israel through centuries of hardship. It is a reminder of their steadfastness and God’s ongoing protection in the face of oppression. •Hope in God’s Justice: The psalm emphasizes the ultimate justice of God, who delivers the oppressed and ensures that their enemies will not triumph in the end. It assures believers that no matter how prolonged their suffering, God will bring about righteous judgment. •Corporate Lament and Praise: This psalm, like many others, is a communal expression of both lament and praise. It reminds the community of God’s faithfulness in the past and provides hope for future deliverance. Application: Psalm 129 can be seen as a prayer of resilience for those enduring persecution or hardship. It offers comfort in knowing that, just as God was faithful to Israel, He will remain faithful to those who trust in Him through difficult times. It encourages believers to persevere with the assurance that God’s righteousness will prevail.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/14/202430 minutes, 39 seconds
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Day 130 - Psalms 131 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 130 is one of the Psalms of Ascent, traditionally sung by pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. It is a deeply emotional and spiritual cry for mercy, expressing human repentance and trust in God’s forgiveness. The psalm is often referred to by its Latin title, De Profundis, meaning “Out of the Depths,” which highlights the psalmist’s plea from a place of despair and need for divine intervention. Key Themes of Psalm 130: 1.A Cry for Help and Mercy (Verses 1-2): The psalm begins with the psalmist calling out to God from a place of deep distress: “Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord.” This imagery of “the depths” could symbolize both physical danger and spiritual or emotional despair. The speaker pleads for God to listen and be attentive to their voice. 2.Acknowledgment of Sin and God’s Forgiveness (Verses 3-4): The psalmist acknowledges human frailty and sinfulness, recognizing that no one could stand before God if He kept a record of sins. However, it is followed by the comforting truth that God is forgiving: “But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.” This verse emphasizes the hope found in God’s grace, knowing that His forgiveness leads to a renewed relationship and reverence. 3.Patient Waiting and Hope (Verses 5-6): The psalmist speaks of waiting on the Lord, comparing their longing to that of watchmen waiting for the morning. This metaphor reflects deep anticipation and trust that God will act in due time, even in moments of silence. The repetition, “more than watchmen wait for the morning,” underscores the intensity of this hope. 4.Hope in God’s Redemption (Verses 7-8): The psalm closes with an exhortation for all of Israel to place their hope in God, not only because of His unfailing love but also because of His power to redeem: “He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins.” This emphasizes that God’s mercy is not limited to the individual but extends to the entire community, bringing salvation and redemption. Significance of Psalm 130: •Spiritual Reflection: Psalm 130 is often associated with periods of reflection and repentance in both Jewish and Christian traditions. It is commonly recited during solemn times such as Yom Kippur in Judaism and during Lent in Christianity. •Themes of Mercy and Redemption: This psalm highlights the human need for God’s mercy and forgiveness, but also the assurance that God is faithful to forgive and redeem. It speaks to both personal and communal aspects of salvation. •Hope Amid Despair: The psalm models how faith can sustain believers in times of deep distress or guilt. It illustrates the importance of waiting for God’s deliverance, holding on to hope even when it seems distant. Psalm 130 offers a powerful message of hope and redemption, reminding believers that even in their deepest struggles, God’s forgiveness and mercy are always present.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/14/202432 minutes, 10 seconds
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Psalms 131 - Day 131 of 150 Days Episode 1176 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 131 is a short, humble, and introspective Psalms, attributed to King David. It is one of the Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120–134), traditionally recited by pilgrims journeying to Jerusalem. Despite its brevity, the Psalms communicates profound themes of humility, contentment, and trust in God. Key Themes of Psalm 131: 1.Humility and Trust in God (Verse 1): The psalmist opens by declaring that their heart is not proud, nor do they concern themselves with matters too great or wonderful for them. This demonstrates an attitude of humility and a rejection of pride or arrogance. The psalmist understands their limitations and recognizes that some things are beyond human control or understanding. 2.Simplicity and Contentment (Verse 2): The psalmist compares their soul to a weaned child, quiet and content, resting on their mother. This powerful image reflects a state of deep trust and satisfaction in God’s presence. Just as a weaned child is no longer anxious or demanding, the psalmist has found peace and calm in God, free from the worries of the world. 3.Hope in the Lord (Verse 3): The psalm concludes with a call for all of Israel to put their hope in the Lord, now and forevermore. The personal expression of trust and contentment in the earlier verses is expanded to the entire community, inviting them to share in this hope and reliance on God. Significance of Psalm 131: •Humility and Simplicity: Psalm 131 is often seen as an invitation to cultivate humility and simplicity in one’s relationship with God. It encourages believers to let go of pride, ambition, and the need to control, and instead rest peacefully in God’s care. •Spiritual Maturity: The metaphor of the weaned child suggests a sense of spiritual maturity, where the psalmist has moved beyond the anxious demands for immediate needs and has learned to trust in God’s timing and provision. •Peace Amid Complexity: In a world full of complexities and uncertainties, Psalm 131 offers a model of peace and serenity that comes from placing one’s hope and trust entirely in God. This psalm is often appreciated for its simplicity and its invitation to embrace a peaceful, humble, and trusting relationship with God.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/14/202438 minutes, 13 seconds
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Day 126 - Psalms 126 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 126 is a song of joy and deliverance, reflecting the deep emotional and spiritual journey of the Israelites after their return from exile. It is often regarded as one of the Songs of Ascents, traditionally sung by pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. The psalm speaks both of past restoration and the hope for future blessings, emphasizing God’s power to transform sorrow into joy. Here is a reflection on the text of Psalm 126 from the King James Bible: Psalm 126 (KJV) 1 When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. 2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them. 3 The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. 4 Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as the streams in the south. 5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. 6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. Reflection: Verses 1-3: Recalling Restoration The psalm begins by recalling the joy experienced when the Lord “turned again the captivity of Zion.” The Israelites, freed from the long and painful period of exile, felt an overwhelming sense of wonder, as if they were dreaming. The memory of that moment filled their hearts with laughter and their tongues with songs of joy, proclaiming the greatness of God’s deeds. Even surrounding nations recognized the Lord’s mighty works, acknowledging His intervention. Verse 4: A Plea for Continued Restoration Despite the joy of their return, the psalmist appeals for continued restoration, likening it to the flowing streams in the Negev (the “south”). This verse captures the tension between past deliverance and ongoing need. The streams in the desert symbolize the longing for spiritual and physical renewal—just as dry lands are revitalized by water, the people of Israel ask for a similar outpouring of God’s grace and blessing. Verses 5-6: Hope in Future Joy The concluding verses contain a message of hope and encouragement. The metaphor of sowing in tears and reaping in joy speaks to the human experience of suffering and endurance. Those who are faithful, even in sorrow, will eventually experience the fruits of their labor. The psalmist paints a picture of a person sowing seeds while weeping, but confidently expecting a harvest, where they will return rejoicing, carrying their sheaves. This is a profound statement of faith in God’s ability to transform pain into blessing and loss into abundance. Key Themes: 1.God’s Power to Deliver: The psalm praises God’s ability to reverse the fortunes of His people, reminding them of His past interventions. 2.Joy After Sorrow: It contrasts the deep sorrow of exile with the overflowing joy of restoration, emphasizing that God can turn even the darkest circumstances into occasions for celebration. 3.Faith and Hope in God’s Providence: The promise of future joy and blessing for those who remain faithful during times of hardship reflects a deep trust in God’s goodness. Psalm 126 is often read as an encouragement to those going through difficult times, reminding believers that, just as God restored Zion, He can also bring them out of their own hardships into joy.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/9/202434 minutes, 30 seconds
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Day 125 - Psalms 125 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1174 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 125 is a short but powerful chapter that emphasizes trust in God and His protective care for those who believe in Him. It belongs to the Songs of Ascents, a collection of psalms traditionally sung by pilgrims as they traveled to Jerusalem. Here’s a brief breakdown of the key themes and verses from Psalm 125: Trust in the Lord and Stability The psalm begins by comparing those who trust in the Lord to Mount Zion, which “cannot be moved but abides forever” (verse 1). This powerful imagery highlights the stability and permanence that comes from placing one’s faith in God. Just as a mountain is immovable, so are those who rely on the Lord’s strength and protection. God’s Surrounding Presence In verse 2, the psalmist goes on to describe how God surrounds His people in the same way that the mountains surround Jerusalem. This conveys the idea of God’s constant protection. His presence is not distant but close, offering security on every side. This verse brings comfort, as it reassures believers that God is a shield around them, guarding them from harm. Protection from Wickedness Verses 3 and 4 draw a distinction between the righteous and the wicked. The psalmist prays that the “scepter of wickedness” will not rest on the land given to the righteous, meaning that the rule of evil will not prevail over God’s people. At the same time, there is a prayer for God to do good to those who are upright in heart, further reinforcing the idea that righteousness will be rewarded, and evil will be driven away. A Call for Justice The psalm ends with a declaration that those who turn to crooked ways will be led away with evildoers (verse 5). This underscores God’s justice and righteousness, ensuring that those who persist in wrongdoing will not escape the consequences of their actions. Closing Blessing The final words of the psalm are a prayer for peace upon Israel, showing that the ultimate hope of the psalmist is for God’s peace to reign over His people. Reflection Psalm 125 is a beautiful reminder of the unwavering protection that God offers to those who trust in Him. It contrasts the stability and security of the righteous with the eventual downfall of the wicked. The psalm encourages believers to place their full trust in God, knowing that His presence surrounds them, and they are safe in His care. If you are looking for comfort or assurance in times of difficulty, this psalm is a powerful reminder that God’s care is like the mountains—solid, unshakable, and enduring.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/6/202426 minutes, 24 seconds
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Day 124 - Psalms 124 of 150 Days Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1173 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 124 is a song of thanksgiving attributed to King David, expressing gratitude to God for His protection and deliverance. The psalm reflects on Israel’s survival against overwhelming odds and acknowledges that without God’s intervention, they would have been destroyed by their enemies. Key Themes in Psalm 124: 1.Divine Deliverance: The psalm begins by acknowledging that if it had not been for God’s help, Israel would have been overtaken and destroyed by their enemies. The imagery of being swept away by floods or being prey for predators highlights the sense of peril from which they were rescued. Verses 1-2: “If the Lord had not been on our side—let Israel say—if the Lord had not been on our side when people attacked us.” 2.Imagery of Destruction: The psalm uses powerful metaphors to describe the severity of the threat: being swallowed alive, floods overwhelming them, and being trapped in a snare. These images depict how dire the situation was and how close they were to annihilation. Verse 3-5: “They would have swallowed us alive when their anger flared against us; the flood would have engulfed us, the torrent would have swept over us, the raging waters would have swept us away.” 3.Praise for God’s Protection: The psalm transitions into praise, blessing God for their escape from danger. The image of escaping a bird from a hunter’s snare symbolizes their freedom from imminent destruction. Verse 6-7: “Praise be to the Lord, who has not let us be torn by their teeth. We have escaped like a bird from the fowler’s snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped.” 4.Acknowledgment of God’s Sovereignty: The final verse underscores the source of their help—God, the Creator of heaven and earth. This emphasizes that their trust and hope are placed in the One who has ultimate power and authority. Verse 8: “Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Reflection: Psalm 124 invites believers to reflect on their own experiences of deliverance and protection. It encourages them to recognize God’s hand in their lives, especially in moments when circumstances seemed insurmountable. The psalm conveys a deep sense of gratitude and trust in God’s sovereign power to save, reminding readers that no matter how difficult their challenges may seem, God is able to rescue and protect His people.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/5/202436 minutes, 34 seconds
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Day 123 - Psalms 123 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1172 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 123 is a short yet powerful passage in the Bible, categorized as one of the “Songs of Ascents,” which were traditionally sung by the Israelites as they made their pilgrimage to Jerusalem. It reflects a deep sense of reliance on God, particularly during times of hardship or oppression. The psalm consists of four verses and can be divided into two main sections. Verses 1-2: A Prayer for Mercy The first two verses focus on an expression of trust and humility before God. The psalmist lifts their eyes to the heavens, acknowledging God as the supreme authority, often referred to as the “enthroned in heaven.” The imagery of servants looking to their master’s hand conveys a sense of dependence and patience. It illustrates how the people of God are waiting for His mercy, trusting that He will provide deliverance in due time. This part of the psalm emphasizes humility, showing the psalmist’s recognition of their need for God’s intervention. “To you I lift up my eyes, O you who are enthroned in the heavens! Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maidservant to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God, till he has mercy upon us.” (Psalm 123:1-2, ESV) Verses 3-4: A Plea for Deliverance In the final two verses, the tone shifts to a direct plea for mercy. The psalmist describes a situation of prolonged suffering, where they and the people have been subjected to ridicule and contempt. The reference to being “filled with contempt” highlights the depth of their distress, especially in dealing with arrogant oppressors. The psalm reflects the collective cry of those who feel they have been marginalized, appealing to God’s mercy for relief from those who scorn them. “Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us, for we have had more than enough of contempt. Our soul has had more than enough of the scorn of those who are at ease, of the contempt of the proud.” (Psalm 123:3-4, ESV) Themes and Application Psalm 123 speaks to a broader theme of endurance under suffering, and the psalmist’s patient trust in God offers a model for how to respond to adversity. It emphasizes looking to God as the ultimate source of mercy and deliverance, no matter how long the period of hardship may last. For modern readers, the psalm can offer comfort in times of personal struggle, reminding them to focus on God and wait patiently for His help while enduring scorn, injustice, or difficult circumstances. The psalm’s prayer for mercy highlights the importance of faith during moments of vulnerability, knowing that God sees and hears the cries of His people. In its simplicity, Psalm 123 invites believers to continuously turn their gaze upward, remaining hopeful and steadfast in their trust that God’s mercy will be shown in His perfect timing.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/4/202424 minutes, 33 seconds
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Day 122 - Psalms 122 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1171 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 122: A Reflection on the Joy of Worship and the Importance of Unity Psalm 122 is one of the fifteen “Songs of Ascents” found in the Book of Psalms, traditionally believed to be sung by pilgrims as they journeyed to Jerusalem for the major festivals. This psalm expresses the joy and reverence of worshippers as they approach the city of Jerusalem, which represents the spiritual and physical center of their faith. The Joy of Worship The psalm begins with an expression of gladness: “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” (Psalm 122:1, KJV) This verse captures the excitement and anticipation of entering the Temple, the place where the presence of God dwells. For the Israelites, the journey to Jerusalem was not merely a physical one but a spiritual pilgrimage, a time to reconnect with God, renew their faith, and experience communal worship. The psalmist’s joy reflects the profound sense of purpose and fulfillment that comes from worshipping God in His house. Jerusalem: The City of Peace and Unity The psalm then transitions to focus on Jerusalem itself: “Jerusalem is built as a city that is compact together: Where the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, unto the testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the Lord.” (Psalm 122:3-4, KJV) Jerusalem is described as a well-constructed city, symbolizing the unity and strength of the people of Israel. The “compact together” nature of the city can be seen as a metaphor for the unity among the tribes of Israel when they come together for worship. Despite their different backgrounds and regions, they are unified in their purpose and devotion to God. The reference to the “testimony of Israel” underscores Jerusalem’s role as the center of religious and legal authority for the people. It is where justice is administered and where the tribes come to give thanks to God. This aspect of the psalm highlights the importance of communal worship and the collective identity of the Israelites. Prayers for Peace and Prosperity The latter part of the psalm is a prayer for the peace and prosperity of Jerusalem: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.” (Psalm 122:6-7, KJV) Here, the psalmist calls on the faithful to pray for Jerusalem, recognizing that the city’s well-being is essential for the spiritual and material prosperity of the nation. Peace (shalom) and prosperity are seen as blessings that come from God, and the psalmist emphasizes the need to seek these blessings through prayer. The well-being of Jerusalem is not only important for those who live there but for all who love and are connected to the city. A Call to Remember the Broader Community The psalm concludes with a personal commitment to seek the good of the community: “For my brethren and companions’ sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee. Because of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek thy good.” (Psalm 122:8-9, KJV) This declaration reflects a sense of responsibility toward others—both for the immediate community and for future generations. The psalmist’s concern for the peace and prosperity of Jerusalem is not just for personal benefit but out of love and duty to their fellow Israelites and to God. The “house of the Lord” represents the spiritual heart of the nation, and seeking the good of Jerusalem is seen as synonymous with seeking the good of God’s people as a whole. Conclusion Psalm 122 is a profound expression of the joy found in worship, the importance of unity, and the centrality of Jerusalem in the life of Israel. It reminds believers of the significance of communal worship, the need to pray for peace and prosperity, and the responsibility to seek the well-being of the broader community. This psalm continues to resonate with those who see in it a call to unity, peace, and the shared joy of worshipping together in the presence of God.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/3/202432 minutes
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Day 121 - Psalms 121 of 150 Days of Prayer Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1170 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 121: A Reflection Psalm 121 is a cherished passage in the Book of Psalms, often referred to as a “Song of Ascents.” This psalm is a profound expression of trust in God’s protection and guidance. It speaks to the assurance that comes from knowing that the Lord is always watching over His people, providing them with care and safety in all circumstances. Verses 1-2: Acknowledging the Source of Help The psalm begins with a declaration of reliance on God. The psalmist looks to the hills, perhaps symbolizing challenges or places of perceived strength, and asks, “From where does my help come?” The answer is clear and immediate: “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” This statement emphasizes that the source of true help and security is the Creator of all things, the one who holds ultimate power over the universe. Verses 3-4: The Ever-Watchful Guardian The next verses describe the nature of God’s care. The psalmist assures that God will not let their foot slip, a metaphor for maintaining stability in life’s journey. Moreover, God is portrayed as a vigilant guardian who “will neither slumber nor sleep.” This imagery conveys the idea that God’s protection is constant and unceasing. Unlike humans who require rest, God is eternally awake and attentive to the needs of His people. Verses 5-6: The Protector from Harm Continuing, the psalmist emphasizes that “The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.” Here, God is depicted as a protective shade, shielding from the harshness of the sun and the dangers that come with it. The reference to the sun and moon in verse 6 suggests that God’s protection extends throughout all times and seasons, day and night. Verses 7-8: The Promise of Preservation The final verses reinforce the promise of God’s preservation. The psalmist declares that “The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.” This is a comprehensive assurance that God will protect not just from physical harm but also from moral and spiritual dangers. The concluding verse, “The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore,” encapsulates the totality of God’s care, covering all aspects of life, wherever one goes and in whatever one does. Conclusion: A Psalm of Comfort and Confidence Psalm 121 is often read as a psalm of comfort, providing believers with a profound sense of security and peace. It reassures that God’s protection is unfailing and that He is always present, watching over His people. For many, this psalm serves as a reminder to place their trust in God, especially in times of uncertainty or fear. It speaks to the enduring relationship between God and His followers, offering the confidence that, no matter what challenges may arise, God’s safeguarding presence is constant and unbreakable.Become a supporter of this podcast:
9/2/202452 minutes, 35 seconds
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Day 120 - Psalms 120 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 120 is the first of the fifteen “Songs of Ascents” (Psalms 120-134), a collection of Psalms traditionally believed to have been sung by pilgrims as they ascended to Jerusalem for the annual festivals. This particular Psalms is a short but intense plea for deliverance from deceitful and hostile people. Key Themes and Structure: 1.A Cry for Deliverance (Verses 1-2): The psalm begins with the psalmist crying out to the Lord in distress. The distress is specifically caused by deceitful tongues and lying lips. The psalmist expresses a deep need for deliverance from those who spread falsehoods, emphasizing the pain and trouble that lies and slander bring. 2.The Consequences of Deceit (Verses 3-4): The Psalmist then reflects on the fate of the deceitful. He asks, “What shall be given to you, and what more shall be done to you, you deceitful tongue?” The answer is severe: sharp arrows of the warrior and burning coals of the broom tree. These images suggest that deceitful words will be met with strong and painful retribution, indicating the seriousness with which God views lying and slander. 3.Longing for Peace in a Hostile World (Verses 5-7): The psalmist laments living in the midst of a hostile environment, naming “Meshech” and “Kedar,” regions symbolizing foreign, barbaric lands far from the peace of Israel. The psalmist is weary of dwelling among people who hate peace. While the psalmist desires peace and speaks of it, those around him are intent on war, highlighting the deep tension between the psalmist’s values and the surrounding hostility. Reflection: Psalm 120 reflects the inner turmoil and distress of a person surrounded by hostility and deceit. The psalmist’s cry to the Lord underscores a deep trust in God as the only source of deliverance from the painful effects of slander and lies. The vivid imagery of sharp arrows and burning coals conveys the destructive power of deceitful speech and the inevitable consequences that those who practice it will face. The psalm also captures the tension of living as a person of peace in a world that often seems bent on conflict and discord. This is a theme that resonates with many who strive for peace in their personal lives, communities, and the world at large, yet find themselves surrounded by strife. For believers, Psalm 120 serves as a reminder that God hears the cries of those who are oppressed by lies and hostility. It encourages a steadfast commitment to truth and peace, even in the face of opposition. The psalmist’s longing for peace also points to the ultimate peace that is found in God, and the hope that one day, the conflicts and deceit of the world will be replaced by God’s perfect justice and peace.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/31/202447 minutes, 25 seconds
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Day 118 - Psalm 118 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 118 is a Psalms of thanksgiving and praise, celebrating the steadfast love and enduring mercy of God. It is a part of the Hallel, a collection of psalms (Psalms 113-118) traditionally recited during Jewish festivals such as Passover. The psalm is characterized by its themes of deliverance, triumph, and gratitude. Key Themes and Structure: 1.Thanksgiving for God’s Mercy (Verses 1-4): The psalm begins with a call to give thanks to the Lord for His enduring mercy. It is a communal call to Israel, the house of Aaron, and all who fear the Lord to acknowledge His everlasting love. 2.Personal Testimony of Deliverance (Verses 5-18): The psalmist recounts a personal experience of distress and how calling on the Lord brought deliverance. There is a strong emphasis on trust in God over trust in man or princes, highlighting that the Lord is the psalmist’s strength, song, and salvation. The psalmist celebrates victory over enemies, attributing it to the Lord’s intervention. 3.The Rejected Stone Becomes the Cornerstone (Verses 19-24): These verses are prophetic and significant, especially in Christian theology. The “stone the builders rejected” becoming the “cornerstone” is often interpreted as a reference to Jesus Christ. The psalmist expresses joy and amazement at the work of the Lord, acknowledging that this is the day the Lord has made, and encouraging rejoicing in it. 4.Final Call to Praise (Verses 25-29): The psalm concludes with prayers for salvation and prosperity, followed by a final declaration of God’s goodness. The psalmist and the community bless those who come in the name of the Lord and acknowledge His light. The psalm closes with a repeated call to give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and mercy. Reflection: Psalm 118 is a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness and the assurance that comes from placing trust in Him. It serves as a testimony of deliverance from distress and a celebration of the Lord’s victorious intervention in the lives of His people. The psalm also foreshadows key elements of Christian theology, particularly the idea of Jesus as the cornerstone rejected by men but chosen by God. For believers, Psalm 118 can be a source of comfort and encouragement, especially in times of difficulty. It invites readers to reflect on the greatness of God’s mercy and to respond with heartfelt thanksgiving and praise, recognizing that His love truly endures forever.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/31/202436 minutes, 41 seconds
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Day 116 - Psalms 116 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 4 - Digital Ink

Psalm 116 is a beautiful and deeply personal psalm of thanksgiving and praise, expressing the psalmist’s gratitude for God’s deliverance from a life-threatening situation. The psalmist reflects on the goodness and mercy of God, committing to a life of service and worship in response to God’s salvation. This psalm is often read or recited in times of personal reflection, gratitude, and during religious services as an expression of trust and thanksgiving. Overview of Psalm 116 Psalm 116 is part of the “Egyptian Hallel” (Psalms 113–118), which are psalms traditionally sung during Jewish festivals, particularly Passover. This psalm specifically focuses on an individual’s experience of God’s deliverance, moving from a place of distress to one of thanksgiving and renewed commitment to God. Verses 1-2: A Declaration of Love and Trust The psalm begins with a declaration of love for the Lord: “I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. Because He inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call on Him as long as I live.” These opening verses set the tone of the psalm. The psalmist’s love for God is rooted in a personal experience of God’s responsiveness. The phrase “He inclined His ear to me” conveys the idea of God attentively listening to the psalmist’s prayers, which leads to a lifelong commitment to call upon God. Verses 3-4: Recalling a Time of Distress The psalmist then recalls a moment of severe distress: “The snares of death encompassed me; the pangs of Sheol laid hold on me; I suffered distress and anguish. Then I called on the name of the Lord: ‘O Lord, I pray, deliver my soul!’” Here, the psalmist vividly describes the experience of being close to death, surrounded by anguish and fear. In this desperate situation, the psalmist cries out to God for deliverance, showing reliance on God as the only source of help and salvation. Verses 5-7: Praising God’s Grace and Compassion Following the plea for help, the psalmist praises God’s character: “Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; our God is merciful. The Lord preserves the simple; when I was brought low, He saved me. Return, O my soul, to your rest; for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.” These verses emphasize God’s graciousness, righteousness, and mercy. The psalmist reflects on how God saved him during his time of need, leading to a renewed sense of peace and rest. The call for the soul to “return to your rest” indicates a restored sense of security and trust in God’s care. Verses 8-11: Reflection on Deliverance The psalmist continues by reflecting on the deliverance experienced: “For You have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling; I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living. I believed, even when I spoke: ‘I am greatly afflicted’; I said in my alarm, ‘All mankind are liars.’” These verses recount God’s deliverance from death and sorrow, allowing the psalmist to “walk before the Lord in the land of the living.” This phrase suggests living a life in God’s presence, under His guidance and protection. The psalmist acknowledges human frailty and the tendency to doubt or despair in times of trouble, but ultimately, faith in God remains strong. Verses 12-14: A Vow of Thanksgiving In response to God’s deliverance, the psalmist asks: “What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord, I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all His people.” These verses express the psalmist’s desire to give something back to God in gratitude. The “cup of salvation” symbolizes an offering of thanksgiving, and the psalmist vows to publicly honor God, recognizing that true gratitude involves not only words but also actions of worship and commitment. Verses 15-19: Commitment to Service and Worship The psalm concludes with a deep commitment to serve and worship God: “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. O Lord, I am Your servant; I am Your servant, the son of Your maidservant. You have loosed my bonds. I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving and call on the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all His people, in the courts of the house of the Lord, in your midst, O Jerusalem. Praise the Lord!” The reference to the death of God’s saints being “precious” highlights the value God places on the lives of His faithful ones. The psalmist reaffirms his identity as God’s servant, expressing a sense of liberation and commitment to offering thanksgiving and fulfilling vows publicly. The psalmist ends with a declaration of praise, intending to honor God in the communal setting of worship. Themes and Significance 1.God’s Mercy and Deliverance: The psalm highlights God’s responsiveness to those who call on Him in times of distress, emphasizing His merciful nature and His power to save. 2.Thanksgiving and Commitment: The psalmist’s gratitude leads to a renewed commitment to serve and worship God, recognizing that true thankfulness involves both inner devotion and public expression. 3.The Value of Life in God’s Eyes: The psalm underscores the preciousness of life to God, particularly the lives of His faithful servants, reflecting the deep care and concern God has for His people. 4.Public Worship and Community: The psalmist’s intention to fulfill vows and offer thanks in the presence of the community highlights the importance of public worship and the communal aspect of faith. Application Psalm 116 offers a model for expressing gratitude to God, particularly after experiencing deliverance or receiving answers to prayers. It reminds believers of the importance of recognizing God’s mercy, responding with heartfelt thanksgiving, and making commitments to live in service and worship to God. The psalm encourages believers to reflect on their own experiences of God’s deliverance and to respond by living a life that honors God both privately and publicly. In times of worship, Psalm 116 can be used as a powerful expression of personal thanksgiving and a call to renewed dedication to God, reminding us that our lives are valuable to God and that He is always attentive to the cries of His people.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/27/202429 minutes, 58 seconds
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Day 115 - Psalms 115 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 115 is a powerful chapter in the Book of Psalms that contrasts the living God with the idols of the nations, emphasizing the supremacy of God and the futility of worshiping anything else. It is a psalm that calls the people of Israel to trust in the Lord, who alone is worthy of praise and worship. Overview of Psalm 115 The psalm begins by declaring that all glory belongs to God, not to us, because of His steadfast love and faithfulness. This sets the tone for the entire psalm, which is focused on exalting God and acknowledging His unique sovereignty. Verses 1-3: Glory to God Alone The psalmist opens by pleading that glory should not be given to people but to God alone: “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name give glory, for the sake of Your steadfast love and Your faithfulness!” This emphasis on God’s name being glorified serves as a reminder that God’s character and actions are the foundation of the faith of Israel. It acknowledges that God is steadfast in love and faithful, contrasting with human frailty. Verses 4-8: The Vanity of Idols The psalm then moves to a vivid description of the idols of the nations: “Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see.” These verses mock the idols made by human hands, highlighting their inability to speak, see, hear, smell, feel, walk, or make any sound. The psalmist points out the absurdity of worshiping these lifeless objects. Moreover, those who make and trust in these idols are described as becoming like them—lifeless and powerless. Verses 9-11: A Call to Trust in the Lord In stark contrast to the lifeless idols, the psalmist calls on Israel, the house of Aaron, and all who fear the Lord to trust in the Lord, who is their help and shield. This call to trust emphasizes that God is not just a distant deity but a protector and helper of His people. Verses 12-15: The Blessings of the Lord The psalmist assures the people that the Lord has remembered them and will bless them. The blessings extend to all who fear the Lord, both great and small. The psalmist expresses confidence in God’s ongoing care and provision for His people, including the increase of their numbers and the blessings upon their descendants. Verses 16-18: The Eternal Praise of the Lord The psalm concludes by contrasting the heavens, which belong to the Lord, with the earth, which He has given to humanity. The psalmist notes that the dead do not praise the Lord, implying that the living should praise Him continually. The final verse is a declaration of eternal praise: “But we will bless the Lord from this time forth and forevermore. Praise the Lord!” Themes and Significance 1.Sovereignty of God: The psalm strongly emphasizes that God alone is sovereign and worthy of worship. Unlike the lifeless idols, God is alive and active in the world. 2.Futility of Idolatry: The psalm mocks the idols and those who worship them, illustrating the folly of placing trust in anything other than the living God. 3.Call to Trust: The psalm encourages trust in God, who is depicted as a helper and protector of His people. This trust is contrasted with the emptiness of idolatry. 4.Blessing and Praise: The psalm connects trust in God with receiving His blessings, and it ends with a commitment to praise God eternally, underscoring the importance of worship in the life of believers. Application Psalm 115 encourages believers to reflect on where they place their trust and to reaffirm their commitment to worshiping and glorifying God alone. It serves as a reminder that God is faithful and deserving of all praise, while anything else that people might place their trust in is ultimately powerless. The psalm challenges us to live in a way that gives glory to God, recognizing His sovereignty and blessings in our lives. This psalm is often used in worship to inspire confidence in God and to remind the faithful of the futility of idols, urging them to trust in God alone for protection, provision, and eternal life.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/27/202436 minutes, 18 seconds
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Day 111 - Psalms 111 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 111 is a Psalm of praise that focuses on the works of the Lord and His enduring faithfulness. It is a part of the “Hallelujah Psalms” (Psalms 111-113) and is written in an acrostic pattern, where each line begins with successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This structure underscores the completeness and orderliness of God’s works and attributes. Overview Verses 1-2: The Psalms begins with an invitation to praise the Lord, “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation.” This opening sets the tone for a communal act of worship, where the psalmist expresses deep gratitude to God among other believers. The Psalmists emphasizes the greatness of God’s works, stating that they are “studied by all who delight in them.” This suggests that God’s deeds are not only remarkable but also worthy of contemplation and reflection by those who seek to understand Him more deeply. Verses 3-4: These verses highlight the attributes of God and His deeds, describing them as “full of splendor and majesty” and “righteousness endures forever.” The enduring nature of God’s righteousness speaks to His unchanging character and moral perfection. The psalmist also notes that God has caused His wondrous works to be remembered, implying that His actions are so significant that they leave a lasting impact. The description of the Lord as “gracious and merciful” reflects His kindness and compassion toward His people. Verses 5-6: The focus shifts to God’s provision and faithfulness. The psalmist acknowledges that God provides food for those who fear Him, and He remembers His covenant forever. This reflects God’s role as a sustainer and His commitment to His people. The psalmist also mentions that God has shown His people the power of His works by giving them the inheritance of the nations. This likely refers to God’s acts in history, such as the deliverance of Israel from Egypt and the conquest of the Promised Land, which demonstrated His power and faithfulness. Verses 7-8: The psalmist emphasizes the reliability and justice of God’s actions, stating, “The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy.” This affirms that everything God does is right and just, and His commandments can be trusted. The enduring nature of His precepts, “established forever and ever,” highlights their permanence and the lasting nature of God’s truth and guidance. Verses 9-10: The psalm concludes with a declaration of God’s redemption and the eternal nature of His covenant. The psalmist praises God for sending redemption to His people and for His holy and awesome name. The final verse, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding,” connects the fear of the Lord with wisdom, suggesting that true understanding and knowledge start with reverence for God. The psalm ends on a note of eternal praise, stating, “His praise endures forever.” Key Themes 1.God’s Faithfulness and Covenant: The psalm repeatedly highlights God’s faithfulness, especially in relation to His covenant with His people. The unchanging nature of God’s promises is a source of comfort and assurance. 2.The Greatness of God’s Works: The psalmist emphasizes the greatness and majesty of God’s works, encouraging believers to study and reflect on them. God’s deeds are not only acts of power but also of justice, mercy, and provision. 3.Wisdom and the Fear of the Lord: The psalm underscores the connection between wisdom and the fear of the Lord. Reverence for God is portrayed as the foundation of true wisdom and understanding, guiding believers in living righteous lives. 4.Communal Praise: The psalm is a call to collective worship, inviting the congregation to join in praising God for His mighty deeds and righteous character. It reflects the importance of communal acknowledgment of God’s greatness. Conclusion Psalm 111 is a rich expression of praise, focusing on the greatness, faithfulness, and righteousness of God. It invites believers to reflect on God’s works, which are marked by splendor, justice, and mercy. The psalmist’s call to praise is rooted in the recognition of God’s unchanging nature and His enduring covenant with His people. By linking the fear of the Lord with wisdom, the psalm provides a profound insight into the foundation of a life lived in reverence to God. Through its acrostic structure and content, Psalm 111 serves as a beautiful reminder of the completeness and reliability of God’s character and deeds.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/24/202426 minutes, 20 seconds
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Day 110 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 110 is one of the most significant and frequently cited psalms in the New Testament, often regarded as a messianic Psalm. It portrays a royal figure who is given authority by God, with themes of kingship, priesthood, and divine victory. Overview Verse 1: The Psalms begins with a declaration from the Lord to the Psalmist “Lord,” saying, “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” This verse is often understood as God speaking to the Messiah, affirming His authority and promising victory over His enemies. The phrase “sit at my right hand” symbolizes a position of power and honor, signifying the Messiah’s exalted status. The imagery of making enemies a “footstool” implies complete dominion and subjugation of those who oppose God’s anointed one. Verses 2-3: These verses describe the Messiah’s reign. The “rod of your strength” is sent out of Zion, indicating that the Messiah’s rule is empowered by God and extends from Jerusalem (Zion). The Messiah is depicted as ruling “in the midst of your enemies,” suggesting that despite opposition, His reign will be established and unchallenged. Verse 3 speaks of the willing submission of the Messiah’s people, who present themselves in “holy garments,” ready to serve and follow Him. The phrase “from the womb of the morning” and “the dew of your youth” may signify the vigor and freshness of the Messiah’s reign and His followers. Verse 4: This verse introduces the concept of the Messiah as a priest, stating, “The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, ‘You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.’” This is a key verse in the psalm and is cited extensively in the New Testament, particularly in the book of Hebrews. The reference to Melchizedek, a priest-king who appears briefly in Genesis 14, indicates that the Messiah’s priesthood is eternal and unique, distinct from the Levitical priesthood. Melchizedek’s priesthood, not based on descent or the law, prefigures the eternal priesthood of Christ. Verses 5-7: These verses depict the Messiah as a victorious warrior. The Lord is at His right hand, ensuring triumph over kings and nations. The language is martial and triumphant, with imagery of the Messiah shattering kings, judging nations, and filling places with corpses. This graphic portrayal underscores the complete and decisive nature of the Messiah’s victory over His enemies. Verse 7, which speaks of drinking from the brook by the way, might symbolize refreshment and renewal after the battle, or it could imply that the Messiah will continue His journey or mission with renewed strength. Key Themes 1.Messianic Kingship: Psalm 110 is primarily a royal psalm that is often interpreted as referring to the Messiah, particularly in Christian theology. The Messiah is portrayed as a king who is given divine authority to rule over His enemies and establish His reign. 2.Priesthood of Melchizedek: A unique aspect of this psalm is the depiction of the Messiah as a priest in the order of Melchizedek. This priesthood is eternal, unlike the temporary and hereditary Levitical priesthood, emphasizing the eternal and unchangeable nature of the Messiah’s role. 3.Divine Victory: The psalm emphasizes the assured victory of the Messiah over His enemies. The imagery of warfare and triumph is vivid, portraying the Messiah as a powerful warrior-king who will subdue all opposition. 4.The Role of God: Throughout the psalm, it is clear that the authority, power, and victory of the Messiah are given by God. The relationship between God and the Messiah is central, with God empowering and ensuring the success of His anointed one. Conclusion Psalm 110 is a profoundly significant psalm that speaks to the themes of messianic kingship, priesthood, and divine victory. It portrays the Messiah as a king-priest, empowered by God to rule and conquer. This psalm has been foundational in Christian interpretations of the identity and role of Jesus Christ, who is understood as fulfilling the roles outlined in this text. The psalm’s imagery of victory and eternal priesthood provides a powerful vision of the Messiah’s ultimate triumph and enduring reign.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/24/202429 minutes, 21 seconds
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Day 113 - Psalms 113 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 113 is a beautiful hymn of praise, part of the “Hallel” collection (Psalms 113-118), which is traditionally recited during Jewish festivals, particularly Passover. This psalm celebrates the greatness of God and His care for the lowly, expressing a profound sense of God’s majesty and compassion. Overview Verses 1-3: The psalm opens with a call to praise the Lord. The phrase “Praise the Lord” or “Hallelujah” is a command for all servants of the Lord to worship Him. The psalmist invites everyone who serves God to join in praising His name. The praise is not limited to a specific time or place; it is to be continuous (“from the rising of the sun to its setting”), emphasizing that God is worthy of praise at all times and in all places. Verses 4-6: These verses exalt God’s transcendence and sovereignty. The Lord is described as being “high above all nations” and His glory as being “above the heavens.” This language conveys God’s supreme power and authority, emphasizing that He is exalted above all earthly rulers and even the heavens themselves. Despite His greatness, God humbles Himself to behold the things in heaven and on earth. This paradox highlights both God’s majesty and His willingness to be involved in the affairs of the world, showing His care and concern for creation. Verses 7-9: The psalm shifts focus to God’s compassion and His intervention on behalf of the lowly. The psalmist describes how God “raises the poor from the dust” and “lifts the needy from the ash heap.” These images illustrate God’s power to reverse fortunes, taking those in the lowest, most degraded states and elevating them to places of honor. The psalmist also speaks of God making the barren woman a joyful mother of children, which reflects God’s ability to transform situations of despair and hopelessness into ones of joy and fulfillment. Key Themes 1.The Universality of Praise: Psalm 113 begins and ends with a call to praise the Lord, making it clear that praise is the proper response to God’s nature. The scope of this praise is universal, meant to be offered by all people at all times and in all places. 2.God’s Transcendence and Immanence: The psalm beautifully balances the concepts of God’s transcendence (His greatness and exaltation above all) and His immanence (His closeness and involvement with His creation). While God is far above all, He is also near enough to care for the most humble of His creatures. 3.God’s Compassion for the Lowly: A central theme in this psalm is God’s concern for the poor, the needy, and the marginalized. The imagery of lifting the poor from the dust and making the barren woman a mother highlights God’s mercy and His commitment to justice and care for those in distress. 4.The Reversal of Fortunes: The psalm emphasizes God’s power to change situations drastically, transforming lives by lifting the lowly to positions of honor. This theme of reversal is common in biblical literature, reflecting God’s justice and His special concern for the oppressed. Conclusion Psalm 113 is a profound hymn that exalts the majesty of God while also celebrating His compassion and care for the lowly. It calls all people to a life of continuous praise, recognizing that God is both supremely powerful and deeply involved in the lives of His people. The psalm offers hope to those in difficult circumstances, reminding them of God’s ability to transform their situations and lift them up. Through its celebration of God’s attributes, Psalm 113 encourages believers to trust in the Lord’s goodness and to continually offer Him the praise He deserves.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/24/202433 minutes, 30 seconds
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Day 115 - Psalms 115 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 4 - Digital Ink

Psalm 115 is a profound reflection on the nature of true worship and the sovereignty of God compared to the futility of idol worship. The psalm is traditionally part of the “Hallel” collection (Psalms 113-118), often recited during Jewish festivals, particularly during Passover. Overview Verses 1-3: The psalm opens with a call for God to receive glory, not for the sake of the people, but because of His steadfast love and faithfulness. It emphasizes that God’s actions are based on His character, not on human merit. This sets the tone for the psalm’s focus on God’s superiority over idols. Verses 4-8: These verses describe the idols of the nations, highlighting their lack of power. The psalmist uses vivid imagery to portray these idols as lifeless objects—having mouths but unable to speak, eyes but unable to see, ears but unable to hear, and so on. The stark contrast is made between these man-made objects and the living God. The psalmist concludes this section by warning that those who make and trust in these idols will become like them—ineffective and powerless. Verses 9-11: Here, the psalm calls upon Israel, the house of Aaron, and all who fear the Lord to trust in God. These verses reinforce the idea that true security and help come only from the Lord, who is their “help and shield.” The repetition of the call to trust in God emphasizes the importance of relying on Him rather than on idols or human strength. Verses 12-15: The psalmist expresses confidence that the Lord will remember and bless His people. Blessings are promised to all groups within the community—Israel, the priests (house of Aaron), and those who fear the Lord, whether great or small. This section underscores God’s faithfulness and His ongoing care for His people. Verses 16-18: The psalm concludes by contrasting the realms of heaven and earth, stating that the heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth has been given to humankind. The psalmist reminds the people that it is the living who praise God, not the dead. This final exhortation emphasizes the duty of the living to continually offer praise to God, thus affirming the psalm’s initial focus on giving glory to God alone. Key Themes 1.The Futility of Idolatry: A major theme of Psalm 115 is the worthlessness of idols compared to the living God. The psalmist’s detailed description of the idols highlights their incapacity to act, which underscores the absurdity of worshiping them. 2.The Sovereignty and Faithfulness of God: God’s sovereignty is emphasized throughout the psalm, particularly in the opening verses and in the assurance of His blessings. His power, contrasted with the impotence of idols, is a source of security and confidence for His people. 3.Trust in God: The repeated calls to trust in the Lord serve as both an encouragement and a command. Trust in God is presented as the only rational and fruitful response to His faithfulness and sovereignty. 4.Praise as a Response: The psalm concludes with a call to praise the Lord, underscoring that the proper response to God’s sovereignty and blessings is continual praise. Conclusion Psalm 115 is a powerful reminder of the futility of trusting in anything other than God. It calls on believers to place their trust in the Lord, who is their true help and shield, and to offer Him the glory and praise He alone deserves. The psalm’s emphasis on God’s faithfulness and sovereignty encourages believers to reject the allure of idolatry, in whatever form it may take, and to commit themselves fully to the worship of the living God.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/24/202440 minutes, 26 seconds
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Day 108 - Psalms 108 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1160 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 108 is a song of David, composed of parts of two other Psalms (Psalm 57:7-11 and Psalm 60:5-12). It is a Psalms of praise and prayer, expressing confidence in God’s help and victory over enemies. Here’s an outline of its meaning according to the Holy Bible: 1.Verses 1-5: The Psalmist begins by declaring his steadfast heart and his intent to praise God with music and song. He calls on his soul, and even musical instruments, to awaken and praise God among the nations. The Psalmists emphasises God’s unfailing love and faithfulness, which extend to the heavens. The main focus is on glorifying God and recognizing His greatness over all the earth. 2.Verses 6-9: The Psalmist appeals to God to save His people, acknowledging God’s promises and His authority over the nations. This section references God’s sovereignty and His control over the territories of Israel’s enemies, expressing confidence that God will give victory to His people. 3.Verses 10-13: David expresses trust in God for victory in battle, recognizing that human efforts alone are insufficient (“vain is the help of man”). He concludes with a declaration of faith that, with God’s help, they will triumph over their adversaries. Conclusion: Psalm 108 is a combination of praise and a plea for help, reflecting confidence in God’s power and faithfulness. The Psalmist emphasizes God’s sovereignty, His covenant with His people, and the assurance of victory over their enemies through divine assistance. It serves as a reminder of the importance of relying on God rather than human strength and the significance of giving Him glory in all circumstances.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/17/202436 minutes, 16 seconds
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Day 106: Psalms 106 of 106 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1159 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 106 is a chapter in the Book of Psalms that reflects on the history of Israel and the repeated acts of disobedience by the people, contrasting these with God’s enduring mercy and forgiveness. This psalm is a communal confession, recalling the nation’s sins while simultaneously praising God’s unfailing love and patience. Structure and Themes 1.Introduction and Praise (Verses 1-5): •The psalm begins with a call to praise the Lord, emphasizing His goodness and enduring love. The psalmist asks who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord or fully declare His praise, acknowledging the blessedness of those who uphold justice and righteousness. 2.Confession of Sins (Verses 6-43): •This section recounts various instances of Israel’s disobedience from the time of their ancestors in Egypt to the period of the Judges. The psalmist confesses that “we have sinned, even as our ancestors did” and details a series of rebellions, including: •The rebellion at the Red Sea. •The craving for food in the desert and the resulting plague. •The worship of the golden calf at Mount Horeb. •The rebellion at Kadesh Barnea, leading to the refusal to enter the Promised Land. •The mingling with pagan nations and the adoption of their idolatrous practices. Despite these continual acts of rebellion, God repeatedly showed mercy, sometimes after severe punishment or when His people were delivered into the hands of their enemies. 3.God’s Mercy and Deliverance (Verses 44-46): •The psalm highlights God’s mercy, stating that He “took note of their distress when He heard their cry” and remembered His covenant. Despite their unfaithfulness, God had compassion on them and caused their captors to show mercy. 4.Conclusion and Prayer (Verses 47-48): •The psalm concludes with a prayer for salvation, asking God to gather His people from among the nations so that they may give thanks to His holy name and glory in His praise. The final verse is a doxology, a short hymn of praise, which ends Book Four of the Psalms with “Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Let all the people say, ‘Amen!’ Praise the Lord.” Key Messages •God’s Faithfulness: Despite Israel’s repeated failures, God’s steadfast love and mercy remain constant. He is patient and slow to anger, forgiving His people when they turn back to Him. •Human Sinfulness: The psalm provides a sobering reminder of human nature’s tendency towards sin and disobedience, even in the face of God’s miraculous deeds and guidance. •The Importance of Remembrance: By recalling the history of Israel’s sins and God’s responses, the psalm encourages believers to remember their past, learn from it, and remain faithful to God. •Communal Confession: The collective nature of the confession in Psalm 106 underlines the importance of community in worship, repentance, and seeking God’s forgiveness. Relevance Today Psalm 106 remains relevant today as it resonates with the themes of confession, repentance, and divine mercy. It serves as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging one’s wrongdoings and seeking God’s forgiveness, trusting in His unwavering love and faithfulness. The psalm also encourages believers to praise God for His continual grace, even when they fall short of His expectations.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/16/202435 minutes, 15 seconds
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Day 105: Psalms 105 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1158 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 105 is a psalm of praise and thanksgiving, recounting the history of Israel and God’s faithfulness to His people. It serves as a reminder of God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and how He led their descendants, the Israelites, through various challenges, ultimately fulfilling His promises. Structure and Themes 1.Praise and Worship (Verses 1-7): The psalm begins with a call to give thanks to the Lord, to call upon His name, and to make known His deeds among the peoples. It encourages singing, rejoicing, and seeking the Lord continually. These verses set the tone of worship, emphasizing the importance of remembering God’s marvelous works. 2.God’s Covenant with the Patriarchs (Verses 8-15): The psalmist recounts God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, stressing the everlasting nature of this promise. God promised to give them the land of Canaan as their inheritance, and He protected them, even when they were few in number. 3.God’s Protection and Provision in Egypt (Verses 16-25): These verses narrate the story of Joseph, whom God sent ahead of Israel into Egypt. Despite being sold into slavery, Joseph rose to power, and through him, God provided for Israel during the famine. The psalmist highlights how God used Joseph to preserve His people, and later, how He made them fruitful and numerous in Egypt. 4.The Exodus and Journey to the Promised Land (Verses 26-45): The psalm continues by recounting the plagues God sent upon Egypt, leading to the Israelites’ release from bondage. God sent Moses and Aaron to lead the people out of Egypt. The psalmist describes the miraculous signs and wonders performed by God, including turning water into blood, sending plagues of frogs, flies, and locusts, and eventually leading Israel out of Egypt with silver and gold. The psalm concludes with the Israelites being led through the wilderness, where God provided for them, guided them by a cloud by day and a fire by night, and gave them the land of Canaan as their inheritance. The final verses underscore that all these acts were done so that the people of Israel might obey God’s statutes and observe His laws. Key Takeaways •God’s Faithfulness: Psalm 105 emphasizes God’s faithfulness to His covenant and His people. Despite the many challenges the Israelites faced, God remained true to His promises, guiding and protecting them through every trial. •Remembrance: The psalm encourages believers to remember and recount God’s deeds. This act of remembering serves not only to honor God but also to strengthen faith by reflecting on His past faithfulness. •Worship: The psalm is a call to worship, urging people to praise God for His mighty works and to seek His presence continually. •Obedience: The ultimate purpose of God’s actions, as stated in the concluding verse, is that His people would keep His statutes and observe His laws. Worship and obedience go hand in hand in the life of the believer. Psalm 105 serves as a powerful reminder of God’s unwavering commitment to His people and the importance of praising Him for His enduring faithfulness.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/15/202434 minutes, 25 seconds
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Day 104: Psalms 104 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1157 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 104 is a beautiful and poetic hymn of praise that exalts God as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. This psalm is part of the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament, attributed to King David, and it reflects on the grandeur and majesty of God as revealed through the natural world. Structure and Themes The psalm is structured as a meditation on God’s creative power, with the psalmist taking the reader through various aspects of creation, each highlighting God’s sovereignty and care. 1.God’s Majesty and Glory (Verses 1-4): The psalm begins with a call to bless the Lord, acknowledging His greatness. God is described in majestic terms, clothed in light, stretching out the heavens like a tent, and riding on the wings of the wind. The imagery here sets the tone for the rest of the psalm, emphasizing God’s transcendence and power. 2.The Foundations of the Earth (Verses 5-9): These verses describe God’s creation of the earth. He established the earth on its foundations, so it cannot be moved. The psalmist recounts how God set boundaries for the waters, ensuring that they do not cover the earth again after the flood. 3.God’s Provision for Creation (Verses 10-18): This section focuses on God’s provision for all living creatures. Springs of water flow between the mountains, providing water for animals and plants. The earth is depicted as being full of life, with plants growing for food, trees providing shelter for birds, and mountains serving as habitats for wild goats and coneys. This highlights God’s intimate involvement in sustaining life. 4.The Cycle of Day and Night (Verses 19-23): The psalmist marvels at the regularity of the natural world. The moon marks the seasons, and the sun knows when to set. Day and night each have their purposes, with humans working during the day and nocturnal animals, like lions, hunting at night. 5.The Vastness of the Seas (Verses 24-26): The psalmist praises God for the vastness of the sea, which teems with countless creatures, both great and small. Leviathan, a sea creature, is mentioned as a playful being that God created, further illustrating God’s dominion over all things. 6.Dependence on God (Verses 27-30): All creatures depend on God for their sustenance. The psalmist reflects on how God provides food at the right time and how life and death are in His hands. When God sends His Spirit, life is created, and when He takes away their breath, they return to dust. 7.The Eternal Praise of God (Verses 31-35): The psalm concludes with a prayer that God’s glory endures forever and that He takes pleasure in His works. The psalmist expresses a desire to sing to the Lord as long as he lives and ends with a call for sinners to be removed from the earth, ensuring that God’s praise remains pure. Key Messages •God’s Sovereignty: The psalm highlights God’s control over all aspects of creation. Everything in nature is a testament to His power and wisdom. •God’s Provision: The psalm emphasizes God’s role as the sustainer of life, providing for the needs of all creatures, great and small. •Humanity’s Place: While humans are part of creation and work within it, they are also portrayed as being dependent on God’s provision, just like all other creatures. •Worship and Praise: The appropriate response to recognizing God’s power and provision is worship. The psalmist models a posture of humility and praise, encouraging others to do the same. Psalm 104 is a reminder of the beauty and order of God’s creation and calls believers to recognize His hand in the world around them. It invites us to join in the ongoing praise of the Creator, whose works are both magnificent and meticulous.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/14/202434 minutes, 11 seconds
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Psalms 102 - Day 102 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1156 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 102 is a poignant and deeply moving prayer of lament and plea for deliverance, often attributed to an afflicted individual who is overwhelmed with sorrow and seeking God’s intervention. The psalmist begins with a heartfelt cry to the Lord, asking God to hear their prayer and not to hide His face from them in their time of distress. This cry for help is central to the psalm, as the author feels abandoned and desperate, describing their affliction in vivid and symbolic language. The psalmist compares their life to smoke and their heart to grass that has withered. This imagery conveys a profound sense of impermanence and fragility. Their days are like a shadow that lengthens, and they feel as though they are fading away, consumed by sorrow. The psalmist’s loneliness is palpable as they describe themselves as a solitary bird on a rooftop, emphasizing their isolation and the depth of their suffering. Despite the intense personal anguish, Psalm 102 also reflects a deep faith in God’s eternal nature and His enduring power. The psalmist acknowledges that while their own life is fleeting, God remains forever. This shift in perspective serves as a reminder that God’s sovereignty and faithfulness transcend individual suffering. The psalmist also looks forward with hope, expressing confidence that God will arise and have mercy on Zion. This part of the psalm is often interpreted as a communal prayer, reflecting the hope that God will restore Jerusalem and gather His people together. The mention of future generations serves as a testament to the belief in God’s lasting covenant and His ability to bring renewal and restoration. The psalm concludes by affirming that although human life is transient, God’s years have no end. The psalmist finds solace in the eternal nature of God and His promises, offering a profound contrast between the frailty of human life and the everlasting nature of the Divine. In essence, Psalm 102 captures the duality of human existence—the profound suffering and fleeting nature of life juxtaposed with the eternal and unchanging nature of God. It is a psalm that resonates with anyone who has experienced deep sorrow and longs for divine intervention and comfort. Through this prayer, the psalmist not only expresses their personal anguish but also reaffirms their faith in God’s enduring presence and mercy.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/12/202430 minutes, 39 seconds
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Finding Peace in the Presence of the Lord Episode 4 - Digital Ink

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8/11/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 40 seconds
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Day 101 - Psalms 101 of 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer Episode 1154 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 101 is often considered a declaration of King David’s commitment to live a life of integrity and righteousness. It reflects his dedication to leading not only his own life but also his kingdom in a way that honors God. The psalm can be divided into several key themes: 1.Commitment to Personal Integrity (Verses 1-2): David begins by expressing his intention to sing of God’s love and justice. He commits to leading a blameless life, particularly in his own home, where integrity is often most tested. This suggests the importance of personal holiness and righteousness in one’s private life as the foundation for public leadership. 2.Rejection of Wickedness (Verses 3-5): David declares his rejection of evil. He promises not to set anything wicked before his eyes and to avoid those who are perverse or deceitful. This reflects a determination to distance himself from corrupt influences that could lead him away from God’s standards. 3.Promotion of Righteousness in Leadership (Verses 6-7): David pledges to surround himself with faithful people and to ensure that those who serve in his administration are also committed to integrity. He emphasizes the importance of having trustworthy and honest individuals in positions of power, as they will help him maintain the values he holds dear. 4.Commitment to Justice (Verse 8): The psalm concludes with David’s vow to regularly confront and eliminate evil from his kingdom. This underscores his dedication to justice and his role as a ruler who upholds God’s law, ensuring that wickedness does not thrive under his reign. Overall, Psalm 101 is a powerful reflection on the importance of integrity, both personally and in leadership. It serves as a reminder that those in positions of authority have a responsibility to lead by example, promoting justice and righteousness in all aspects of life. David’s words in this psalm are a guide for anyone seeking to live a life that is pleasing to God, marked by a commitment to ethical living and the rejection of all forms of wickednBecome a supporter of this podcast:
8/10/202438 minutes
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Day 100 - Psalms 100 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1153 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 100 is a well-known chapter in the Book of Psalms, often referred to as a psalm of thanksgiving. It is a short but powerful passage that calls on believers to worship the Lord with joy and gratitude. The psalm is composed of five verses, each rich in meaning and significance. Here’s a breakdown of Psalm 100: 1.Verse 1: “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.” •This verse is an invitation for all the earth to praise God. It emphasizes the universality of worship, calling on every nation and people to express their joy in the Lord. The “joyful noise” signifies exuberant and heartfelt praise, a sound that resonates with gratitude and reverence for God. 2.Verse 2: “Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” •Here, the psalmist encourages believers to serve God with a joyful heart. Worship and service to God should be done with gladness, not out of obligation or reluctance. Singing is highlighted as a way to approach God, symbolizing that worship should be filled with happiness and praise. 3.Verse 3: “Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.” •This verse calls for the acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty. It reminds believers that God is the Creator, the one who made us and who sustains us. The imagery of “sheep” and “pasture” reflects the care and guidance God provides to His people, underscoring the intimate relationship between God and His followers. 4.Verse 4: “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.” •Worshippers are invited to approach God’s presence with an attitude of thanksgiving and praise. The “gates” and “courts” refer to the temple, symbolizing entering into God’s presence. This verse emphasizes that gratitude and praise should be integral to our relationship with God. 5.Verse 5: “For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” •The psalm concludes by highlighting three attributes of God: His goodness, mercy, and enduring truth. These qualities of God are eternal and extend to all generations, providing a foundation for our worship and trust in Him. Summary: Psalm 100 is a celebration of God’s goodness and a call to worship Him with joy and thanksgiving. It reminds believers of their place as God’s creation and His faithful care as the Good Shepherd. The psalm underscores the importance of gratitude in worship and the everlasting nature of God’s mercy and truth. It is often used in Christian liturgy as a reminder to approach God with a heart full of praise and thanksgiving.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/9/202429 minutes, 10 seconds
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Psalms 99 - Day 99 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1152 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 99 is another majestic chapter in the Book of Psalms that exalts the Lord as the holy and sovereign King. This psalm emphasizes God’s holiness, justice, and the awe that His presence inspires among His people. Here is a brief overview and some key themes from Psalm 99: Overview Psalm 99 is a hymn of praise that declares the Lord’s kingship and His unique holiness. It describes God’s reign from His throne in Zion, acknowledges His just and righteous rule, and calls upon the people to worship Him with reverence. Key Themes 1.God’s Sovereignty and Kingship •The psalm opens by proclaiming the Lord’s reign and the earth’s response of trembling in His presence. It highlights God’s exalted position above all people and nations. •“The Lord reigns, let the nations tremble; he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake.” (Psalm 99:1, NIV) 2.God’s Holiness •A central theme of this psalm is the holiness of God. His holiness is declared repeatedly, underscoring His purity and separation from all that is sinful or unclean. •“Let them praise your great and awesome name—he is holy.” (Psalm 99:3, NIV) •“Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy.” (Psalm 99:5, NIV) •“Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy.” (Psalm 99:9, NIV) 3.God’s Justice and Righteousness •The psalm praises God’s just and righteous rule. It mentions how God loves justice and has established equity. •“The King is mighty, he loves justice—you have established equity; in Jacob you have done what is just and right.” (Psalm 99:4, NIV) 4.God’s Revelation to His People •The psalm recalls how God revealed Himself to Israel through leaders like Moses, Aaron, and Samuel, who called on His name and received answers from Him. This emphasizes God’s personal involvement and responsiveness to His people. •“Moses and Aaron were among his priests, Samuel was among those who called on his name; they called on the Lord and he answered them.” (Psalm 99:6, NIV) 5.Call to Worship •The psalm concludes with a call to exalt and worship the Lord at His holy mountain, recognizing His holiness and majesty. •“Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy.” (Psalm 99:9, NIV) Interpretation and Reflection Psalm 99 highlights the greatness and holiness of God, inspiring a sense of reverence and worship among believers. It serves as a reminder that God’s rule is characterized by justice and righteousness, and that He is intimately involved in the lives of His people. The psalm encourages worshippers to respond to God’s holiness with awe and praise. Applications •Reverence and Worship: Recognizing God’s holiness and sovereignty should lead believers to worship Him with deep reverence and respect. •Trust in Divine Justice: Believers can have confidence in God’s just and righteous rule, knowing that He establishes equity and justice. •Engagement with God: The psalm encourages calling on God and seeking His presence, as exemplified by Moses, Aaron, and Samuel. •Holiness in Life: Reflecting on God’s holiness should inspire believers to pursue holiness in their own lives. For further study, reading Psalm 99 in various translations and consulting biblical commentaries can provide deeper insights into its meanings and applications.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/7/202436 minutes, 30 seconds
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Day 98 - Psalms 98 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1151 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 98 is a call to worship and celebrate the wonders of God. It is a psalm of joy and praise, inviting all of creation to join in the celebration of God’s righteousness and faithfulness. The psalm can be divided into three main sections: 1.A Call to Sing a New Song (Verses 1-3): •The psalm begins with an invitation to sing a new song to the Lord for the marvelous things He has done. It emphasizes God’s salvation and victory, which He has made known to all nations. His steadfast love and faithfulness towards the house of Israel are highlighted, demonstrating His consistent and loyal relationship with His people. 1 Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him. 2 The Lord has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations. 3 He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. 2.A Universal Call to Praise (Verses 4-6): •The psalm extends the call to praise beyond Israel to all the earth. It encourages everyone to make a joyful noise to the Lord with musical instruments, celebrating His kingship and acknowledging His sovereignty over all creation. 4 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; 5 make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, 6 with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn— shout for joy before the Lord, the King. 3.Nature’s Participation in Worship (Verses 7-9): •The final section of the psalm personifies nature, inviting the sea, rivers, and mountains to join in the chorus of praise. This imagery portrays a harmonious creation rejoicing in God’s righteous judgment and His rule over the earth. 7 Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. 8 Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy; 9 let them sing before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples with equity. Psalm 98 is a jubilant celebration of God’s redemptive work, His sovereignty, and His righteous judgment. It serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness and the universal call to recognize and worship Him. The psalm captures the essence of joyous worship and the unifying power of praise that extends to all corners of the earth and even to nature itself.Become a supporter of this podcast:
8/6/202437 minutes, 9 seconds
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Day 89: Psalms 89 - 150 Days of Searching the Scriptures Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1150 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 89 is a chapter in the Book of Psalms in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. This psalm is attributed to Ethan the Ezrahite and is a contemplative piece that explores themes of God’s covenant, faithfulness, and the seeming contradiction between God’s promises and the present circumstances. Structure and Themes Psalm 89 is divided into several sections: 1.Praise for God’s Faithfulness and Power (Verses 1-18): The psalm begins with a declaration of God’s steadfast love and faithfulness, which are celebrated across all generations. The psalmist extols God’s mighty power and His sovereignty over creation, emphasizing His unparalleled majesty. This section highlights the trustworthiness of God’s covenant promises. 2.The Covenant with David (Verses 19-37): The next section recounts God’s covenant with David, where He promised to establish David’s throne forever. This covenant is seen as a testament to God’s enduring faithfulness. The psalmist recalls the divine promises that David’s descendants would continue to reign and that God would maintain His steadfast love towards them. 3.Lament over the Apparent Failure of the Covenant (Verses 38-45): Despite the earlier affirmations of God’s faithfulness, the psalmist expresses deep anguish and confusion over the current state of affairs. It seems as though God has rejected the anointed king, leading to disgrace and downfall. The psalmist laments the destruction and humiliation of the king, questioning why God’s promises appear unfulfilled. 4.Plea for Restoration (Verses 46-52): The psalm concludes with a plea for God to remember His covenant and restore the fortunes of the Davidic line. The psalmist appeals to God’s mercy, asking how long His anger will last and pleading for an end to the suffering. The psalm ends with a doxology, affirming God’s eternal nature and closing with a call for God’s praise. Key Messages and Reflections Faithfulness and Covenant: Psalm 89 powerfully underscores the concept of God’s faithfulness, especially in relation to His covenant with David. The psalmist deeply believes in God’s promises, which include the enduring legacy of David’s lineage. Human Experience of Doubt and Suffering: The psalm also acknowledges the reality of suffering and the struggle to understand God’s actions, or apparent inaction, in times of distress. The lament and questioning in the latter part of the psalm reflect a profound human experience of grappling with faith when circumstances seem contrary to God’s promises. Hope and Appeal to God’s Mercy: Despite the confusion and lament, Psalm 89 ends with a tone of hope and a call to God’s mercy. The psalmist’s plea for restoration indicates a continued belief in God’s power to redeem and fulfill His promises. Theological Implications: The psalm raises theological questions about the nature of God’s promises, the problem of evil, and the relationship between divine faithfulness and human suffering. It invites readers to trust in God’s ultimate plan and timing, even when immediate circumstances are difficult to understand. Conclusion Psalm 89 is a rich and complex psalm that balances praise, lament, and hope. It speaks to the enduring faithfulness of God, even in the face of apparent failure or hardship. This psalm encourages believers to hold onto their faith and trust in God’s covenant promises, despite the trials they may encounter.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/26/202443 minutes, 35 seconds
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Psalms 87: Day 87 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1149 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 87 is a brief but profound Psalms that extols the city of Zion, also known as Jerusalem, as the chosen dwelling place of God. It emphasizes the special status of Zion as the place where God resides and highlights its significance among other cities. The psalm is attributed to the sons of Korah, a group known for their musical and poetic contributions in the Bible. Key Themes and Verses 1.Zion’s Glorious Foundation: The psalm opens by celebrating the foundations of Zion, established by God. In verse 1, it states, “He has founded his city on the holy mountain.” This indicates the divine choice and favor bestowed upon Jerusalem, setting it apart as a sacred place. 2.God’s Delight in Zion: The next verses express God’s love for Zion. Verse 2 says, “The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the other dwellings of Jacob.” This highlights the special status of Zion as a city beloved by God, surpassing all other places in its significance. 3.Inclusion of Nations: One of the unique aspects of Psalm 87 is its mention of various nations being recognized as belonging to Zion. In verses 4-6, the psalmist lists nations such as Rahab (Egypt), Babylon, Philistia, Tyre, and Cush, and declares that people from these nations will be counted among those who belong to Zion. This imagery suggests a future time when people from all nations will be united in worship and recognized as part of God’s people. 4.Zion as the Source of Life: The psalm concludes with a metaphorical portrayal of Zion as the source of life. In verse 7, it states, “As they make music they will sing, ‘All my fountains are in you.’” This suggests that Zion is the source of spiritual nourishment and blessing, a place where God’s presence and life-giving power are abundantly available. Interpretation and Significance Psalm 87 can be understood as a prophetic vision of the inclusion of all nations in the worship of the true God. It reflects the universal scope of God’s plan and the special role of Zion in this plan. The psalm conveys the idea that Zion is not only the center of worship for the Jewish people but will also become a spiritual home for people from all over the world. The inclusion of nations in the psalm can be seen as a foreshadowing of the New Testament message of the Gospel being open to all, regardless of nationality or background. It speaks to the inclusive nature of God’s kingdom and the unity that comes from worshiping the one true God. In summary, Psalm 87 celebrates the special status of Zion as God’s chosen city, the inclusion of all nations in God’s plan, and the life-giving presence found in Zion. It is a psalm of hope and a vision of a future where all people come together to worship and find life in God’s presence.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/24/202437 minutes, 25 seconds
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Day 86: Psalms 86 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1148 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 86 is a heartfelt prayer of David, expressing his deep need for God’s mercy and help. It reflects David’s humility and trust in God’s power and goodness, and it can be divided into several key themes: 1.Request for Mercy and Protection (Verses 1-7): •David begins by asking God to listen to his prayer, emphasizing his own poverty and neediness. He acknowledges his reliance on God’s steadfast love and seeks preservation of his life, indicating his commitment to God by calling himself a servant. David’s plea is earnest, repeated throughout the day, reflecting his persistent faith and trust in God’s responsiveness to those who call upon Him. 2.Declaration of God’s Unique Greatness (Verses 8-10): •David extols God’s incomparability among the gods, highlighting His great works and deeds. He acknowledges that all nations will ultimately worship God, recognizing His sovereignty and the ultimate recognition of His glory by all peoples. This section underscores God’s uniqueness and supreme authority over all creation. 3.Personal Commitment and Trust (Verses 11-13): •David asks God to teach him His ways, desiring a heart united in reverence and truth. He expresses his determination to walk in God’s truth and praises God for His great love and deliverance from the depths of Sheol, signifying David’s profound gratitude for God’s salvation and faithfulness. 4.Appeal for Divine Intervention (Verses 14-17): •The psalm concludes with David’s plea for God to intervene against his arrogant foes who seek to harm him. He contrasts their wickedness with God’s compassionate and gracious nature. David asks for a sign of God’s favor, seeking reassurance of God’s continued support and the shaming of his enemies through God’s evident help and comfort. Key Takeaways: •Dependence on God: David’s acknowledgment of his neediness and his appeal for God’s mercy underscore the importance of recognizing our own limitations and the necessity of divine assistance. •God’s Uniqueness and Sovereignty: The psalm highlights God’s unparalleled nature and ultimate authority, reminding believers of the greatness and holiness of the One they serve. •Faithfulness in Adversity: David’s trust in God despite his troubles serves as a model for maintaining faith and seeking God’s guidance and protection during difficult times. •Prayer as a Lifeline: The continuous and earnest nature of David’s prayer reflects the vital role of communication with God in the life of a believer. Psalm 86 is a powerful expression of trust, praise, and supplication, offering a profound example of how to approach God with our needs, worship Him for His greatness, and remain faithful in seeking His guidance and deliverance.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/23/202442 minutes, 48 seconds
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Day 85: Psalms 85 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1147 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 85 is a prayer for restoration and revival, attributed to the sons of Korah. This psalm reflects on God’s past mercies, petitions for renewed favor, and anticipates a future marked by divine righteousness and peace. Here is a detailed exploration of its themes and structure: Overview Psalm 85 can be divided into four key sections: 1.Verses 1-3: Remembering Past Mercies 2.Verses 4-7: A Petition for Restoration 3.Verses 8-9: Anticipating God’s Response 4.Verses 10-13: A Vision of Future Blessing Verses 1-3: Remembering Past Mercies The psalm begins with a recollection of God’s past acts of forgiveness and restoration for His people: 1.Verse 1: “You, Lord, showed favor to your land; you restored the fortunes of Jacob.” 2.Verse 2: “You forgave the iniquity of your people and covered all their sins.” 3.Verse 3: “You set aside all your wrath and turned from your fierce anger.” These verses emphasize God’s graciousness and willingness to forgive and restore Israel. The psalmist reflects on the times when God had been merciful, setting the stage for the current plea for restoration. Verses 4-7: A Petition for Restoration The psalmist now turns to a fervent prayer for renewed divine intervention: 1.Verse 4: “Restore us again, God our Savior, and put away your displeasure toward us.” 2.Verse 5: “Will you be angry with us forever? Will you prolong your anger through all generations?” 3.Verse 6: “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?” 4.Verse 7: “Show us your unfailing love, Lord, and grant us your salvation.” In this section, there is a clear recognition of the community’s need for God’s saving grace. The psalmist pleads for revival and restoration, appealing to God’s unfailing love and salvation. Verses 8-9: Anticipating God’s Response The psalmist expresses confidence in God’s readiness to speak peace to His people: 1.Verse 8: “I will listen to what God the Lord says; he promises peace to his people, his faithful servants—but let them not turn to folly.” 2.Verse 9: “Surely his salvation is near those who fear him, that his glory may dwell in our land.” These verses reflect a hopeful anticipation of God’s response. There is an assurance that God will speak peace and that salvation is near for those who revere Him, leading to the manifestation of His glory among the people. Verses 10-13: A Vision of Future Blessing The psalm concludes with a beautiful vision of the harmony and blessings that will accompany God’s intervention: 1.Verse 10: “Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.” 2.Verse 11: “Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven.” 3.Verse 12: “The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest.” 4.Verse 13: “Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps.” These verses depict a future where divine attributes such as love, faithfulness, righteousness, and peace are in perfect harmony. The imagery suggests a world transformed by God’s presence, resulting in abundant blessings and prosperity. Themes and Messages •Remembrance of Divine Favor: Reflecting on past acts of mercy and forgiveness serves as a foundation for current supplications. •Urgent Prayer for Revival: The psalmist’s plea for restoration highlights the importance of seeking God’s intervention during times of distress. •Hope and Confidence in God’s Response: The anticipation of God’s peace and salvation underscores the psalmist’s faith in God’s unwavering commitment to His people. •Vision of Divine Harmony: The concluding vision portrays a future characterized by divine justice, peace, and abundance, offering hope and encouragement to the faithful. Conclusion Psalm 85 is a heartfelt prayer that moves from reflection on past mercies to an earnest petition for renewed divine favor, culminating in a hopeful vision of a blessed future. It encourages believers to trust in God’s enduring love and righteousness, emphasizing the transformative power of divine intervention in bringing about peace and prosperity.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/22/202438 minutes, 1 second
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Day 84 : Psalms 84 - Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms Episode 1146 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 84: A Journey to Joy in God’s Presence Psalm 84 is a heartfelt and passionate expression of the psalmist’s longing to be in the presence of God. It stands out as one of the most beautiful psalms, capturing the deep desire for communion with the Lord and the joy found in His dwelling place. The psalm is traditionally attributed to the sons of Korah, who were temple musicians and gatekeepers. 1. Longing for God’s House (Verses 1-4) The psalm begins with an exuberant declaration of love for the house of the Lord: “How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.” These verses reflect a profound spiritual longing. The psalmist’s desire to be in God’s presence is so intense that it affects him physically—his soul yearns and faints, and his heart and flesh cry out. The psalmist envies the birds that nest near the altar, emphasizing the blessedness of those who dwell in God’s house, continually praising Him. 2. Strength in Pilgrimage (Verses 5-7) The next section shifts to the journey of those traveling to Zion, the city of God: “Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.” The “Valley of Baka” is thought to be a place of weeping or hardship, symbolizing the challenges faced on the spiritual journey. Yet, for those whose strength is in God, this valley becomes a place of refreshment and renewal. The pilgrims are depicted as progressing from strength to strength, sustained by God’s grace, until they reach the holy place. 3. Prayer for God’s Favor (Verses 8-9) In verses 8 and 9, the psalmist prays for God’s attention and favor: “Hear my prayer, Lord God Almighty; listen to me, God of Jacob. Look on our shield, O God; look with favor on your anointed one.” The “shield” and “anointed one” likely refer to the king or leader, invoking God’s protection and favor upon the nation’s leader as well as the people. 4. The Blessings of God’s Presence (Verses 10-12) The psalm concludes with a powerful affirmation of the joy and security found in God’s presence: “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.” Here, the psalmist expresses a preference for the lowest position in God’s house over the highest comforts among the wicked. The metaphor of God as a sun and shield signifies His provision, protection, and blessing. The final verse underscores the blessedness of trusting in God. Themes and Application **1. Desire for God’s Presence: Psalm 84 encourages believers to cultivate a deep longing for God’s presence. This yearning should surpass all earthly desires and comforts, reflecting a heart wholly devoted to God. **2. Strength in the Journey: The pilgrimage imagery reminds believers that the journey to God’s presence may involve challenges and hardships. However, those who trust in God find strength and renewal along the way. **3. God’s Provision and Protection: The psalm affirms that God provides for and protects those who seek Him. He bestows favor and honor on those who walk blamelessly, ensuring that no good thing is withheld from them. **4. Value of Worship: The psalm highlights the incomparable joy and fulfillment found in worshiping God. Even a single day in God’s courts is better than a thousand elsewhere, emphasizing the supreme value of being in His presence. Conclusion Psalm 84 is a profound testament to the joy and fulfillment found in God’s presence. It invites believers to yearn for God, to find strength in Him during their spiritual journey, and to trust in His provision and protection. Through its vivid imagery and heartfelt expressions, Psalm 84 continues to inspire and encourage a deep, abiding love for God and His dwelling place.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/20/202442 minutes, 54 seconds
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Day 83 - Psalms 83 - Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1145 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 83 is a significant chapter in the Book of Psalms, often attributed to Asaph, a prominent figure among the Levite musicians in King David’s court. This psalm is a communal lament, where the psalmist passionately appeals to God for deliverance and protection against the coalition of hostile nations threatening Israel. Structure and Themes 1.Introduction and Appeal to God (Verses 1-4): The psalm opens with a plea for God not to remain silent or inactive in the face of Israel’s enemies’ conspiracies. The psalmist emphasizes the urgency and gravity of the situation, calling for divine intervention. 2.Listing of the Enemies (Verses 5-8): A detailed enumeration of the nations forming a coalition against Israel follows. These include Edom, the Ishmaelites, Moab, the Hagrites, Gebal, Ammon, Amalek, Philistia, and the inhabitants of Tyre, with Assyria also lending its support. This list underscores the formidable and diverse nature of the threat. 3.Petition for Divine Retribution (Verses 9-15): The psalmist invokes historical examples of God’s past deliverances, such as the defeat of Midian and the victories over Sisera and Jabin at the Kishon River. These references serve as a basis for asking God to similarly defeat the current enemies. 4.Prayer for God’s Glory (Verses 16-18): The closing verses shift focus from destruction to a broader theological purpose. The psalmist prays that the enemies be shamed and dismayed, ultimately leading them to seek God’s name. The ultimate aim is for God’s sovereignty and power to be recognized universally. Key Takeaways •Divine Sovereignty: The psalm highlights God’s supreme authority over all nations and events. The call for God to act is rooted in the belief that He is the ultimate judge and protector of Israel. •Historical Remembrance: By recalling past victories granted by God, the psalmist reinforces the community’s faith and hope in God’s continued protection and intervention. •Vindication and Conversion: While the psalm seeks the defeat of enemies, it also expresses a hope that through their humiliation, they may come to recognize and acknowledge God’s power. Contemporary Reflection Psalm 83 resonates with modern readers in various ways. It reflects the timeless struggle for survival and protection in the face of overwhelming odds. It also emphasizes the importance of collective memory and faith in divine justice. For many, it serves as a reminder of the need for spiritual reliance and the hope that adversities can lead to greater understanding and recognition of divine truths. In summary, Psalm 83 is a powerful prayer for deliverance, grounded in the historical experiences of Israel and infused with a profound trust in God’s ability to save and transform. It calls for divine justice, not merely for retribution but for the ultimate realization of God’s glory and authority among all nations.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/18/202432 minutes, 17 seconds
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Day 82 - Psalms 82 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1144 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 82 is a powerful and intriguing chapter in the Book of Psalms, consisting of only eight verses. This psalm addresses the theme of divine justice and the responsibilities of human judges. Here’s a detailed analysis of Psalm 82: Structure and Content Verses 1-2: God’s Judgment •Verse 1: “God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judges among the gods.” •This verse sets the scene with God presiding over a divine assembly. The “gods” mentioned here are generally understood to be earthly judges or rulers who have been given authority by God. •Verse 2: “How long will you judge unjustly, And show partiality to the wicked? Selah” •God questions these judges, condemning them for their unjust rulings and partiality toward the wicked. Verses 3-4: A Call for Justice •Verse 3: “Defend the poor and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and needy.” •Here, the psalmist calls for true justice, urging judges to protect the vulnerable in society. •Verse 4: “Deliver the poor and needy; Free them from the hand of the wicked.” •The focus remains on the imperative to rescue and deliver the oppressed from their suffering. Verses 5-7: Condemnation and Consequence •Verse 5: “They do not know, nor do they understand; They walk about in darkness; All the foundations of the earth are unstable.” •This verse criticizes the judges for their ignorance and moral blindness, which destabilizes society. •Verse 6: “I said, ‘You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High.’” •God acknowledges the high status of these judges, referring to them as “gods” due to their significant role. •Verse 7: “But you shall die like men, And fall like one of the princes.” •Despite their elevated status, these judges will face mortality and judgment like any other human. Verse 8: A Plea for Divine Justice •Verse 8: “Arise, O God, judge the earth; For You shall inherit all nations.” •The psalm concludes with a plea for God to take action and judge the earth, emphasizing His ultimate authority over all nations. Themes and Interpretation 1.Divine Authority: The psalm emphasizes God’s ultimate authority over earthly judges and rulers. Despite their power, they are accountable to God and must act justly. 2.Justice and Righteousness: A central theme is the call for justice, especially for the vulnerable and oppressed. The psalm criticizes partiality and corruption among leaders. 3.Human Mortality: The reminder that even powerful judges will face death serves as a humbling warning about the limits of human authority. 4.Divine Intervention: The psalmist’s plea for God to judge the earth highlights a hope for divine intervention to restore justice and order. Context and Application Psalm 82 can be applied to various contexts, emphasizing the responsibility of leaders and authorities to act justly and protect the vulnerable. It serves as a timeless reminder of the moral obligations that come with power and the ultimate accountability to a higher divine authority. In contemporary application, this psalm can inspire those in positions of power to reflect on their responsibilities and ensure their actions align with principles of justice and righteousness. It also offers hope to the oppressed, affirming that injustice will be addressed by a higher power.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/17/202435 minutes, 27 seconds
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Day 81 - Psalms 81 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1143 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 81 is a rich and evocative chapter in the Book of Psalms, often attributed to Asaph, a prominent Levite singer and seer during the time of King David. This psalm is a call to worship and a reminder of God’s deliverance, provision, and commandments. Structure and Content Psalm 81 can be divided into three main sections: 1.Call to Worship (Verses 1-5): The psalm begins with an exuberant call to worship, inviting the congregation to sing, shout for joy, and play musical instruments in celebration of God’s goodness. This section emphasizes the communal aspect of worship and the importance of remembering God’s acts of salvation. The specific reference to the New Moon and the Full Moon suggests that this psalm may have been used in the context of festival celebrations, particularly those outlined in the Torah. •Verses 1-3: “Sing for joy to God our strength; shout aloud to the God of Jacob! Begin the music, strike the tambourine, play the melodious harp and lyre. Sound the ram’s horn at the New Moon, and when the moon is full, on the day of our festival.” •Verses 4-5: These verses highlight that this practice is a decree for Israel and an ordinance of the God of Jacob. It reminds the Israelites of their deliverance from Egypt, a theme that resonates throughout the psalm. 2.God’s Voice and Remembrance (Verses 6-10): In this section, the psalm transitions to God’s voice, reminding Israel of His past deeds, especially the liberation from Egypt. God recounts how He relieved the burdens of Israel and responded to their cries for help. This passage serves as both a reminder of God’s faithfulness and a call for Israel to listen and obey. •Verses 6-7: God speaks of removing the burden from the shoulders of Israel and freeing their hands from the basket. When they called out in distress, God rescued them and tested them at the waters of Meribah. •Verses 8-10: These verses are a direct address from God, imploring Israel to listen and not to worship foreign gods. He reaffirms His identity as the Lord their God who brought them out of Egypt and urges them to open their mouths wide so He can fill them, symbolizing His readiness to provide abundantly for their needs. 3.Admonition and Promise (Verses 11-16): The final section of Psalm 81 contains both a lament from God regarding Israel’s disobedience and a promise of blessings if they return to Him. God expresses sorrow over Israel’s refusal to listen and their tendency to follow their own counsel. Nevertheless, He holds out a promise of deliverance and prosperity if they repent and obey His commands. •Verses 11-12: God’s lament that His people did not listen to His voice and how He gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices. •Verses 13-16: A poignant plea for Israel to return to God, promising that if they do, He will subdue their enemies and turn His hand against their foes. The final verse promises the finest of wheat and honey from the rock, symbolizing the abundant blessings and provision God is willing to bestow upon a faithful Israel. Themes and Messages 1.Worship and Remembrance: The psalm underscores the importance of worship and remembrance of God’s past deeds as foundational to the faith community. Through worship, the Israelites recall their identity and covenant relationship with God. 2.Divine Provision and Deliverance: The recounting of the exodus from Egypt serves as a powerful reminder of God’s ability to save and provide for His people, encouraging trust and obedience. 3.Obedience and Consequences: The psalm clearly articulates the blessings associated with obedience and the consequences of disobedience. God’s lament over Israel’s stubbornness highlights the pain of their rebellion but also His enduring desire for their return. 4.God’s Abundant Blessings: The promises of provision, protection, and abundance underscore God’s generosity and readiness to bless His people if they remain faithful. Psalm 81 thus serves as a profound reminder of the relationship between worship, obedience, and divine blessing, calling the faithful to remember God’s past acts, listen to His commands, and trust in His provision.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/16/202441 minutes, 8 seconds
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Psalms 80 Day 80 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1142 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 80 is a heartfelt prayer for restoration and salvation, attributed to Asaph. It vividly portrays Israel’s distress and pleads with God for His divine intervention. Below is an overview and some key themes of Psalm 80: Overview Psalm 80 is a communal lament, reflecting the collective anguish of the people of Israel, likely during a period of national crisis. The psalmist addresses God with the title “Shepherd of Israel,” invoking a pastoral image that emphasizes God’s care and guidance for His people. The psalm is structured around a recurring refrain, “Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved,” which underscores the central plea for God’s favor and deliverance. Key Themes 1.God as the Shepherd and Protector: The psalm begins by invoking God as the “Shepherd of Israel,” a powerful metaphor that highlights His role as a caring and guiding presence. The imagery of God leading Joseph like a flock (verse 1) and dwelling between the cherubim (verse 1) emphasizes His authority and proximity to His people. 2.The Plea for Restoration: A repeated refrain (verses 3, 7, 19) forms the core of the psalm, expressing the community’s deep yearning for God’s intervention: “Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.” This refrain anchors the psalm and conveys a profound desire for renewal and divine favor. 3.Imagery of Devastation: The psalmist uses vivid imagery to describe Israel’s suffering. The vine metaphor (verses 8-13) depicts Israel as a vine brought out of Egypt, planted and nurtured by God, but now ravaged and neglected. This powerful image evokes both the historical deliverance and the current desolation, appealing to God’s past acts of salvation as a basis for renewed hope. 4.Appeal to God’s Past Actions: The psalm references God’s previous mighty deeds, such as the deliverance from Egypt (verse 8) and the establishment of Israel in the Promised Land. These reminders of God’s historical faithfulness are used to strengthen the plea for present-day intervention, suggesting that just as God acted in the past, He can do so again. 5.Cry for Divine Attention and Mercy: The psalmist implores God to “return” (verse 14) and look down from heaven to see the plight of His people. This call for God’s attentive presence reflects a deep sense of abandonment and a longing for the intimacy and protection once experienced. Conclusion Psalm 80 is a powerful expression of communal lament and hope. It captures the tension between despair and faith, using evocative imagery and a recurring plea for restoration. The psalm’s portrayal of God as the Shepherd of Israel underscores the belief in His ultimate care and ability to save. Through its heartfelt appeals and vivid metaphors, Psalm 80 remains a timeless prayer for divine intervention and renewal.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/15/202436 minutes, 22 seconds
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Psalms 79 /Day 79 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie 150 Days of Psalms Episode 1141 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 79: A Cry for Help and Restoration Psalm 79 is a poignant lament attributed to Asaph, reflecting on a period of profound crisis and suffering for the people of Israel. It is traditionally believed to have been composed during or after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 586 BCE, an event that led to immense devastation and exile for the Israelites. The psalm captures the agony, confusion, and desperation of a community facing utter ruin and seeking divine intervention and justice. The Structure and Content of Psalm 79 The psalm can be divided into several distinct sections: 1.Verses 1-4: Description of the Destruction •The psalm opens with a vivid description of the desolation wrought upon Jerusalem. The holy temple has been defiled, the city lies in ruins, and the bodies of the slain are left unburied, a symbol of utter disgrace and devastation. •“O God, the nations have invaded your inheritance; they have defiled your holy temple, they have reduced Jerusalem to rubble. They have left the dead bodies of your servants as food for the birds of the sky, the flesh of your own people for the animals of the wild.” 2.Verses 5-7: A Plea for God’s Anger to Cease •The psalmist questions how long God’s anger will last and pleads for His wrath to be directed towards the nations responsible for the destruction, rather than continuing to burn against Israel. •“How long, Lord? Will you be angry forever? How long will your jealousy burn like fire? Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not acknowledge you, on the kingdoms that do not call on your name; for they have devoured Jacob and devastated his homeland.” 3.Verses 8-9: Request for Forgiveness and Deliverance •There is a humble acknowledgment of the sins of the ancestors and a plea for God’s mercy and salvation. The psalmist asks God to act not because of Israel’s worthiness, but for the sake of His name and glory. •“Do not hold against us the sins of past generations; may your mercy come quickly to meet us, for we are in desperate need. Help us, God our Savior, for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive our sins for your name’s sake.” 4.Verses 10-12: Appeal for Justice and Retribution •The psalmist appeals for justice, asking God to avenge the spilled blood of His servants and to repay the nations for their brutality. •“Why should the nations say, ‘Where is their God?’ Before our eyes, make known among the nations that you avenge the outpoured blood of your servants. May the groans of the prisoners come before you; with your strong arm preserve those condemned to die. Pay back into the laps of our neighbors seven times the contempt they have hurled at you, Lord.” 5.Verse 13: A Vow of Future Praise •The psalm concludes with a vow from the people to praise God forever, emphasizing a future hope and commitment to worship despite the current suffering. •“Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will praise you forever; from generation to generation we will proclaim your praise.” Themes and Reflections 1. Desolation and Suffering: •Psalm 79 captures the deep sorrow and sense of abandonment felt by the Israelites during a time of national catastrophe. The vivid imagery of the desecrated temple and unburied bodies underscores the severity of their plight. 2. Plea for Mercy and Forgiveness: •The psalmist acknowledges the sins of the people and their ancestors, seeking God’s forgiveness and intervention. This reflects a recognition of human frailty and the need for divine grace. 3. Divine Justice: •There is a strong call for God to enact justice upon the nations responsible for the destruction. The psalmist’s appeal to God’s sense of justice and retribution highlights a deep desire for vindication and the restoration of divine order. **4. Hope and Commitment: •Despite the overwhelming despair, the psalm ends on a note of hope, with a commitment to continue praising God. This underscores a resilient faith that looks forward to future restoration and divine faithfulness. Application Psalm 79 resonates with anyone who has faced profound loss or injustice. It provides a framework for crying out to God in times of distress, acknowledging both human sinfulness and the need for divine mercy. The psalm encourages believers to seek God’s intervention while maintaining hope and a commitment to worship, trusting in His ultimate justice and faithfulnessBecome a supporter of this podcast:
7/13/202426 minutes, 43 seconds
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Day 78 : Psalms 78 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie SendMe Radio Episode 1140 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 78 is a lengthy and significant chapter in the Book of Psalms, often classified as a historical psalm. It recounts the history of Israel from the time of Moses through the period of the judges and concludes with the establishment of David as king. This psalm, attributed to Asaph, serves multiple purposes: it is a recounting of God’s mighty works, a reminder of Israel’s repeated unfaithfulness, and an exhortation for future generations to remain faithful to God. Structure and Themes 1. Introduction (Verses 1-8) The psalm begins with a call to listen and learn from the past. Asaph emphasizes the importance of teaching the coming generations about the deeds of the Lord so they might put their trust in God and obey His commands. This section sets the tone for the didactic nature of the psalm. 2. The Wonders of God in Egypt and the Wilderness (Verses 9-39) Asaph recounts the miracles God performed in Egypt, including the plagues and the crossing of the Red Sea. Despite these wonders, the Israelites repeatedly doubted and disobeyed God. This section highlights God’s patience and mercy, as He continued to provide for and guide His people despite their rebellion. 3. Israel’s Rebellion and God’s Punishment (Verses 40-55) This section describes the continued rebellion of the Israelites in the wilderness. Despite God’s provision of manna and water, they tested Him by demanding meat. God’s response included both provision and punishment, emphasizing His righteousness and justice. 4. The Period of the Judges and the Establishment of the Monarchy (Verses 56-72) Asaph details the period of the judges, marked by cycles of disobedience, punishment, repentance, and deliverance. The psalm concludes with God’s choice of David to shepherd His people, highlighting the establishment of Jerusalem (Zion) as the center of worship and the role of David as a righteous leader. Key Lessons 1. The Importance of Remembering and Teaching God’s Works Psalm 78 stresses the importance of passing down the stories of God’s mighty works to future generations. This transmission of faith helps prevent forgetfulness and fosters a culture of trust and obedience to God. 2. The Nature of Human Rebellion The repeated disobedience of the Israelites serves as a reminder of human nature’s tendency toward rebellion and ingratitude. Despite witnessing miracles, the people frequently turned away from God, demonstrating the need for continual reliance on Him. 3. God’s Patience and Mercy Despite the persistent unfaithfulness of His people, God’s responses were marked by patience and mercy. He provided for their needs and gave them multiple opportunities to return to Him, showcasing His steadfast love and compassion. 4. Divine Justice and Righteous Leadership The psalm underscores that while God is merciful, He is also just. The consequences faced by the Israelites were a result of their actions, and God’s choice of David as king reflects His desire for righteous leadership to guide His people. Application for Today Psalm 78 remains relevant for contemporary believers as it emphasizes the importance of knowing and recounting the history of God’s dealings with His people. It encourages believers to reflect on their own faith journeys, acknowledge their tendencies to stray, and return to a posture of trust and obedience to God. Furthermore, it serves as a reminder of the importance of godly leadership and the role of parents and leaders in teaching the next generation about the faithfulness of God. In conclusion, Psalm 78 is a rich tapestry of historical narrative, theological reflection, and moral exhortation. It invites readers to learn from the past, remain faithful in the present, and hope in the steadfast love and justice of God for the future.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/12/202445 minutes, 41 seconds
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Day 77 Psalms 77 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1139 - SendMe Radio

Reflection on Psalm 77 Psalm 77 is a profound and emotive piece of scripture that delves into the depths of human despair, questioning, and ultimately, faith in God. This psalm, attributed to Asaph, captures a journey from anguish to remembrance and hope. It resonates deeply with anyone who has faced times of trouble and sought solace in their faith. Verses 1-3: Crying Out to God The psalm begins with a desperate cry to God: “I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me. When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands, and I would not be comforted. I remembered you, God, and I groaned; I meditated, and my spirit grew faint.” (Psalm 77:1-3, NIV) These verses capture the raw emotion of someone in deep distress, seeking God’s intervention. The psalmist is relentless in his prayer, stretching out his hands without tiring, yet finding no immediate comfort. This reflects the often painful reality that even in earnest prayer, comfort may not come instantly. Verses 4-9: Questioning and Doubt As the psalm progresses, the psalmist’s anguish leads to questioning: “You kept my eyes from closing; I was too troubled to speak. I thought about the former days, the years of long ago; I remembered my songs in the night. My heart meditated and my spirit asked: ‘Will the Lord reject forever? Will he never show his favor again? Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time? Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has he in anger withheld his compassion?’” (Psalm 77:4-9, NIV) These verses highlight a period of intense doubt and reflection. The psalmist recalls the past, when things were better, and contrasts it with his current state of despair. The questions posed are poignant and raw, reflecting a crisis of faith. Has God abandoned him? Are God’s promises no longer valid? Verses 10-15: Turning to Remembrance In the midst of his despair, the psalmist makes a pivotal shift: “Then I thought, ‘To this I will appeal: the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand. I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.’” (Psalm 77:10-12, NIV) Here, the psalmist consciously decides to remember God’s past deeds. This act of remembrance becomes a source of strength and hope. By recalling the miracles and mighty deeds of God, the psalmist begins to shift his focus from his immediate troubles to the larger narrative of God’s faithfulness. Verses 16-20: Affirmation of God’s Power The psalm concludes with a powerful affirmation of God’s might and sovereignty: “The waters saw you, God, the waters saw you and writhed; the very depths were convulsed. The clouds poured down water, the heavens resounded with thunder; your arrows flashed back and forth. Your thunder was heard in the whirlwind, your lightning lit up the world; the earth trembled and quaked. Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen. You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.” (Psalm 77:16-20, NIV) These verses vividly describe God’s power over nature and history. They recall the Exodus, when God led His people through the Red Sea, displaying His dominion over the elements and His care for His people. This remembrance serves to reaffirm the psalmist’s faith in God’s continued presence and power. Conclusion Psalm 77 is a powerful testament to the human experience of despair and the journey towards renewed faith. It encourages believers to honestly express their anguish and doubts to God, and to find solace in remembering His past faithfulness. This psalm teaches that in times of trouble, turning to the history of God’s deeds can provide hope and reassurance of His unfailing love and compassion.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/11/202432 minutes, 35 seconds
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Psalms 75 & 76 Day 75 & 76 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1138 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 75 and 76: An Exposition Psalm 75: A Psalm of Asaph – God the Righteous Judge Psalm 75 is a song of thanksgiving and praise, attributed to Asaph, one of King David’s chief musicians. This psalm emphasizes God’s sovereignty and righteous judgment, highlighting the ultimate justice that God will bring to the world. The structure and themes of Psalm 75 are as follows: Verses 1-3: Thanksgiving for God’s Nearness and Deeds The psalm begins with a declaration of thanks to God: “We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your name is near; people tell of your wonderful deeds.” The repetition of “we give thanks” underscores the community’s gratitude for God’s presence (“your name is near”) and the recognition of His mighty works. This opening sets a tone of communal worship and acknowledgment of God’s active role in their lives. Verses 4-5: A Warning to the Proud The psalm transitions to a divine warning: “I say to the boastful, ‘Do not boast,’ and to the wicked, ‘Do not lift up your horn; do not lift up your horn on high, or speak with insolent neck.’” Here, God addresses the arrogant and wicked, admonishing them not to be proud or defiant. The “horn” symbolizes strength and power, and lifting it up signifies arrogance. God’s rebuke serves as a reminder that human pride is futile in the face of divine authority. Verses 6-8: God’s Sovereignty in Judgment The psalmist continues by affirming God’s sovereign control over all: “For not from the east or from the west and not from the wilderness comes lifting up, but it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another.” These verses highlight that promotion and demotion come from God alone, not from human efforts or geographic locations. The image of God holding a cup of foaming wine, full of a mixture, ready to be poured out, symbolizes the impending judgment on the wicked. God’s justice is portrayed as inevitable and thorough. Verses 9-10: A Commitment to Proclaim God’s Justice The psalm concludes with a personal vow: “But I will declare it forever; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob. All the horns of the wicked I will cut off, but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.” The psalmist commits to proclaiming God’s deeds and praises continually. The final contrast between the fate of the wicked and the righteous reinforces the theme of divine justice: the power of the wicked will be broken, while the righteous will be honored. Psalm 76: A Psalm of Asaph – God the Defender of His People Psalm 76, also attributed to Asaph, celebrates God’s mighty power and His defense of His people. It is a song of victory, likely reflecting a historical event where God delivered Israel from its enemies. The structure and themes of Psalm 76 are as follows: Verses 1-3: God’s Renown in Israel The psalm opens with a proclamation of God’s fame: “In Judah God is known; his name is great in Israel. His abode has been established in Salem, his dwelling place in Zion.” These verses highlight God’s reputation and presence in Judah and Israel, with specific mention of Salem (Jerusalem) and Zion, signifying the centrality of worship and God’s dwelling among His people. Verses 4-6: God’s Victory over the Forces of Chaos The psalmist describes God’s triumph: “Glorious are you, more majestic than the everlasting mountains. The stouthearted were stripped of their spoil; they sank into sleep; all the men of war were unable to use their hands.” Here, God’s glory and majesty are extolled, surpassing even the ancient mountains. The defeat of the “stouthearted” warriors, who are rendered powerless and fall into a death-like sleep, underscores God’s overwhelming power against formidable foes. Verses 7-9: The Awe-Inspiring Judgment of God The focus shifts to the fear and reverence due to God: “But you, you are to be feared! Who can stand before you when once your anger is roused? From the heavens you uttered judgment; the earth feared and was still when God arose to establish judgment, to save all the humble of the earth.” These verses convey the awe-inspiring nature of God’s judgment, which silences the earth and brings salvation to the humble. God’s intervention is both terrifying and redemptive, emphasizing His role as the ultimate judge and savior. Verses 10-12: Call to Vow and Tribute The psalm concludes with a call to worship and homage: “Surely the wrath of man shall praise you; the remnant of wrath you will put on like a belt. Make your vows to the LORD your God and perform them; let all around him bring gifts to him who is to be feared, who cuts off the spirit of princes, who is to be feared by the kings of the earth.” These final verses encourage the faithful to fulfill their vows to God and bring Him gifts. Even human wrath ultimately serves to glorify God, and His dominion extends over all earthly powers, including princes and kings. Conclusion Psalms 75 and 76 together present a powerful message of God’s sovereignty, justice, and protective power. Psalm 75 focuses on God as the righteous judge who humbles the proud and exalts the righteous, while Psalm 76 celebrates God’s defense of His people and His awe-inspiring judgments that command universal reverence. Both psalms invite the faithful to recognize God’s authority, respond with gratitude, and commit to worship and obedience.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/10/202431 minutes, 43 seconds
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Psalms 74 - Day 74 of a 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-07-08-#929

Day 74 of a 150 Days of Psalms Psalm 74: A Lament for the Devastation of the TemplePsalm 74 is a communal lament that vividly portrays the destruction of the Temple and the subsequent despair of the people of Israel. It is attributed to Asaph, one of David's chief musicians, though it likely refers to events that occurred long after Asaph's time, particularly the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BCE. The psalm combines a poignant plea for God’s intervention with a reflection on His past acts of salvation, seeking divine restoration and justice.Overview of Psalm 74Title and Background: Psalm 74 is titled "A Maskil of Asaph," indicating it is a contemplative or instructive psalm. The historical context suggests it was composed in response to the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, a traumatic event for the Israelite community.Structure: Psalm 74 is composed of 23 verses and can be divided into several sections:Verses 1-3: Plea for God’s RemembranceThe psalm begins with a desperate cry to God, questioning why He has rejected His people and allowed such devastation. The psalmist implores God to remember His congregation and the sacred place He once dwelt.Verses 4-8: Description of the DestructionThese verses graphically describe the desecration of the Temple by the enemies. The psalmist recounts how the invaders destroyed the sanctuary, set fire to the holy place, and defiled everything within it.Verses 9-11: Lament over God's SilenceThe psalmist laments the absence of prophetic signs and the seeming silence of God. He expresses frustration and confusion over why God has not intervened to stop the enemies.Verses 12-17: Recollection of God’s Past DeedsIn a shift of tone, the psalmist recalls God’s mighty acts of creation and salvation. He recounts how God established the earth, controlled the seas, and defeated primeval chaos forces, demonstrating His supreme power.Verses 18-23: Plea for Divine ActionThe psalmist returns to pleading with God to act against the adversaries. He asks God to remember the reproach of the enemies and the plight of His people, calling for justice and the restoration of the covenant relationship.Key ThemesDestruction and Despair:The psalm vividly captures the devastation of the Temple, a symbol of God’s presence among His people. This destruction leads to profound communal despair and a crisis of faith.Divine Absence:A central theme is the perceived absence of God in the face of calamity. The psalmist grapples with the silence of God, questioning why He allows His people to suffer.Remembrance of God’s Power:The psalmist recalls God’s past deeds as a source of hope. By remembering how God demonstrated His power through creation and salvation history, the psalmist seeks to renew faith in God’s ability to deliver.Plea for Justice and Restoration:The psalm is a fervent plea for God to intervene, deliver justice, and restore the covenant relationship. It reflects a deep yearning for divine action and the re-establishment of God’s presence among His people.Communal Lament:Psalm 74 is a communal lament, representing the collective grief and supplication of the Israelite community. It underscores the importance of communal solidarity in times of crisis.ReflectionPsalm 74 is a powerful expression of grief, confusion, and hope in the face of overwhelming destruction. It resonates with anyone who has experienced a crisis of faith, questioning God’s presence and purpose during times of suffering.Application in Contemporary Life:Addressing Crises of Faith:Psalm 74 provides a framework for addressing crises of faith. It shows that it is natural to question and lament during difficult times, and it encourages turning to God with honest pleas for help.Remembering God’s Past Faithfulness:In times of despair, recalling God’s past faithfulness can renew hope. Reflecting on personal and communal histories of divine intervention can provide strength and reassurance.Community Support:The psalm emphasizes the role of community in lament and supplication. Supporting each other and sharing in collective grief and prayer can foster resilience and solidarity.Seeking Justice and Restoration:Psalm 74’s plea for justice and restoration can inspire actions towards healing and rebuilding in the aftermath of destruction. It calls for faith in God’s ultimate justice and commitment to restoring what has been lost.Embracing Lament as Worship:The inclusion of lament in the psalms shows that expressing grief and confusion is an important aspect of worship. It teaches that all emotions, including sorrow and doubt, can be brought before God.ConclusionPsalm 74 stands as a profound testament to the struggles of faith in the face of calamity. It combines raw lament with a hopeful recollection of God’s mighty deeds, ultimately seeking divine intervention and restoration. This psalm encourages believers to confront their doubts and despair with honesty, to seek solace in the community, and to hold onto the hope of God’s enduring faithfulness and justice. Through its poignant expression of communal grief and hope, Psalm 74 continues to offer comfort and guidance in times of trialBecome a supporter of this podcast:
7/8/202438 minutes, 30 seconds
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Day 72 - Psalms 72 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1136 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 72 is a prayer for the king, traditionally attributed to Solomon, though some scholars suggest it might have been written by David for Solomon. This royal psalm emphasizes the king’s role in administering justice, caring for the poor, and fostering prosperity throughout the land. It also anticipates a reign of righteousness that extends globally, making it a messianic psalm pointing towards the ultimate fulfillment in Christ. Overview of Psalm 72 Title and Background: Psalm 72 is titled “Of Solomon,” which can mean it was written by Solomon or for Solomon. It is a royal psalm that outlines the ideals for a king’s reign, focusing on justice, prosperity, and the well-being of the people. Structure: Psalm 72 is composed of 20 verses and can be divided into several sections: 1.Verses 1-4: A Prayer for Righteous Rule •The psalm opens with a petition for God to endow the king with justice and righteousness. It highlights the king’s duty to judge the people fairly, especially the afflicted, and to deliver the needy. 2.Verses 5-7: Blessings of a Righteous Reign •These verses describe the enduring nature of a just reign, likening it to the refreshing rain that nurtures the earth. The righteous king’s reign will bring prosperity and peace, extending as long as the moon endures. 3.Verses 8-11: Universal Dominion •The psalm anticipates the king’s dominion from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth. It envisions foreign kings and nations bringing tribute and bowing before him, acknowledging his sovereignty. 4.Verses 12-14: Compassion for the Needy •The king is portrayed as a compassionate ruler who rescues the needy and the oppressed. His care for the vulnerable is highlighted as a key aspect of his righteous rule. 5.Verses 15-17: Prosperity and Blessing •The psalm prays for the king’s long life and for the prosperity of the land. It speaks of abundant grain, flourishing cities, and blessings upon the people. The king’s name and legacy will endure forever, bringing blessings to all nations. 6.Verses 18-20: Doxology •The psalm concludes with a doxology, praising God for His wondrous deeds and His eternal glory. This doxology marks the end of the second book of the Psalter (Psalms 42-72). Key Themes 1.Righteousness and Justice: •The central theme of Psalm 72 is the king’s role in administering justice and righteousness. A just ruler ensures fairness, protects the oppressed, and provides for the needy, reflecting God’s own justice. 2.Prosperity and Peace: •The psalm associates a righteous reign with prosperity and peace. When a king rules justly, the land flourishes, and the people experience well-being and abundance. 3.Universal Reign: •Psalm 72 envisions the king’s dominion extending globally, with foreign nations acknowledging his authority. This universal aspect points to the messianic fulfillment in Christ, whose reign encompasses all nations. 4.Compassion and Care: •Compassion for the needy is a hallmark of a righteous king. The psalm emphasizes the importance of caring for the vulnerable and delivering those who suffer from oppression. 5.Enduring Legacy: •The psalm prays for the king’s enduring legacy and continuous blessings upon his reign. His name and influence will bring blessings to all nations, lasting through generations. Reflection Psalm 72 offers a vision of ideal kingship that combines justice, compassion, and prosperity. It sets a high standard for leadership, emphasizing the importance of righteousness and care for the vulnerable. This psalm also carries messianic overtones, pointing to the ultimate fulfillment in the reign of Jesus Christ. Application in Contemporary Life: 1.Leadership and Justice: •Psalm 72 provides a model for contemporary leaders, highlighting the importance of justice and righteousness in governance. Leaders are called to ensure fairness and protect the rights of the oppressed. 2.Compassion for the Vulnerable: •The psalm’s emphasis on caring for the needy encourages individuals and communities to prioritize compassion and support for those in need. It calls for active involvement in social justice and charity. 3.Vision of Peace and Prosperity: •The association of righteous leadership with peace and prosperity inspires a vision for a society where justice leads to flourishing. It underscores the belief that moral integrity and good governance result in the well-being of all. 4.Messianic Hope: •For Christians, Psalm 72 points to the ultimate fulfillment in Christ’s reign. It fosters hope in the coming of a kingdom characterized by perfect justice, peace, and universal blessing. 5.Enduring Influence: •The prayer for an enduring legacy reminds us of the long-term impact of righteous leadership. It encourages a focus on sustainable and lasting positive change. Conclusion Psalm 72 is a profound and beautiful depiction of an ideal king’s reign, marked by justice, compassion, and prosperity. It serves as both a prayer for righteous leadership and a prophetic vision of the messianic kingdom. In contemporary contexts, it offers valuable lessons on the importance of justice, care for the vulnerable, and the enduring impact of righteous governance. As believers reflect on this psalm, they are encouraged to strive for these ideals in their own lives and communities, while also looking forward to the ultimate fulfillment in the reign of Christ.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/5/202435 minutes, 13 seconds
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Day 71 - Psalms 71 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1135 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 71: A Commentary and Reflection Introduction Psalms 71 is a heartfelt prayer of an aged believer who seeks refuge and deliverance in God. This Psalm beautifully illustrates a journey of faith, trust, and resilience through life’s trials and tribulations. It reflects the psalmist’s lifelong reliance on God and his plea for continued support in his old age. Structure and Themes Psalms 71 can be divided into several sections, each highlighting different aspects of the psalmist’s prayer: 1.Verses 1-4: A Plea for Refuge and Deliverance The psalmist begins by seeking God’s protection and deliverance from his enemies. He acknowledges God as his rock and fortress, expressing trust in God’s ability to save and protect him. 2.Verses 5-8: A Testimony of Lifelong Trust Here, the psalmist reflects on his lifelong faith in God. From his youth, he has relied on God, who has been his constant source of hope and strength. This section emphasizes a deep, personal relationship with God that has been sustained throughout the psalmist’s life. 3.Verses 9-13: A Plea in Old Age As the psalmist faces the challenges of aging, he pleads with God not to abandon him in his old age. He is acutely aware of his vulnerabilities and the threats from his enemies, who see his weakened state as an opportunity to harm him. Despite these fears, the psalmist’s faith remains steadfast. 4.Verses 14-18: A Declaration of Continued Praise Despite the adversities, the psalmist vows to continue praising God and proclaiming His righteousness and salvation. He expresses a desire to declare God’s mighty acts to future generations, highlighting the importance of testimony and legacy. 5.Verses 19-21: Acknowledgment of God’s Righteousness and Past Deliverances The psalmist praises God’s righteousness, which reaches to the heavens. He recounts the times God has delivered him from troubles in the past, expressing confidence that God will continue to restore and comfort him. 6.Verses 22-24: A Commitment to Praise The psalmist concludes with a commitment to praise God with music and song. He rejoices in God’s faithfulness and promises to speak of God’s righteousness all day long. Reflection Psalms 71 resonates deeply with anyone who has experienced the ebb and flow of faith through the different stages of life. It is a reminder that faith is not a fleeting emotion but a lifelong journey. The psalmist’s unwavering trust in God, despite the inevitabilities of aging and the persistence of enemies, serves as an inspiring example of resilience and devotion. This Psalm also highlights the importance of reflection and testimony. By recounting God’s past deliverances, the psalmist strengthens his faith and provides a powerful witness to others. In our own lives, remembering how God has been our rock and fortress in past trials can fortify our trust in Him during current and future challenges. Moreover, Psalms 71 underscores the significance of praising God continually. The psalmist’s commitment to praise, even in the face of adversity, teaches us the power of worship and gratitude. It encourages us to cultivate a heart of praise, recognizing that God’s faithfulness and righteousness are worthy of celebration at all times. Conclusion Psalms 71 is a profound expression of faith, trust, and resilience. It invites us to reflect on our own journey with God, to remember His faithfulness, and to commit to praising Him through all seasons of life. As we navigate the challenges and blessings of our own lives, may we, like the psalmist, find our refuge and strength in the unchanging nature of our God.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/4/202434 minutes, 23 seconds
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Day 70 - Psalms 70 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-07-02-#924 (1)

Psalm 70: A Plea for Urgent HelpPsalm 70 is a brief yet fervent prayer attributed to David, seeking urgent help and deliverance from God. It is closely related to Psalm 40:13-17, almost a verbatim repetition, emphasizing its themes of urgent plea and deliverance. This psalm is characterized by its intense sense of urgency and reliance on God's swift intervention.Overview of Psalm 70Title and Background: Psalm 70 is titled "For the director of music. Of David. A petition." It is a psalm of lament and supplication, where David calls upon God to quickly rescue him from his enemies and those who seek his harm.Structure: Psalm 70 is composed of five verses and can be divided into three main sections:Verses 1: A Call for Immediate HelpDavid opens with an urgent plea for God to hasten to his aid. The repeated call for quick intervention underscores the dire situation he is facing. This verse sets the tone for the entire psalm, emphasizing the need for prompt assistance.Verses 2-3: Petition Against EnemiesDavid describes his adversaries, asking God to bring shame and confusion upon them. He prays for their downfall, using strong language to depict their malicious intent. This section highlights the threat posed by his enemies and his trust in God to deliver him from their schemes.Verses 4-5: Joy for the Faithful and a Final PleaIn contrast to the fate of his enemies, David prays that all who seek God rejoice and be glad in Him. He expresses a desire for those who love God's salvation to continually praise Him. The psalm concludes with a personal plea, acknowledging David's neediness and reiterating his call for God's swift rescue.Key ThemesUrgency in Prayer:The overriding theme of Psalm 70 is the urgency of David's plea. He repeatedly calls for God to hurry and help him, reflecting a deep sense of desperation and dependence on divine intervention.Divine Justice:David's prayer for his enemies to be put to shame and confusion underscores his belief in God's justice. He trusts that God will vindicate him and deal with those who seek his harm.Joy and Praise Among the Faithful:Amidst his plea for help, David includes a prayer for the joy and gladness of those who seek God. This highlights the contrasting fates of the righteous and the wicked, with the righteous finding joy in God's salvation.Personal Humility and Dependence:David acknowledges his poor and needy state, emphasizing his complete reliance on God. This humility and recognition of his own vulnerability are central to his plea for divine assistance.ReflectionPsalm 70 is a powerful expression of urgent need and unwavering faith. Despite its brevity, it encapsulates profound themes of divine justice, personal humility, and the joy of the faithful. David's intense plea for quick deliverance and his confidence in God's intervention offer valuable lessons for contemporary believers.Application in Contemporary Life:Urgent Prayer in Times of Crisis:Psalm 70 teaches believers that it is appropriate to urgently call upon God in times of crisis. When facing dire circumstances, turning to God with fervent prayer can bring comfort and hope.Trust in Divine Justice:The psalm underscores the importance of trusting in God's justice. Believers can find solace in the belief that God will ultimately vindicate the righteous and deal with those who act maliciously.Joy in Seeking God:Even in the midst of personal turmoil, the psalmist prays for the joy and gladness of those who seek God. This encourages believers to maintain their faith and find joy in their relationship with God, regardless of their circumstances.Humility and Dependence on God:David's acknowledgment of his own neediness serves as a reminder of the importance of humility. Recognizing one's dependence on God is a fundamental aspect of a faith-filled life.Persistent Praise:The call for continual praise of God's salvation encourages believers to keep praising God, even in challenging times. Maintaining a posture of praise can uplift the spirit and reinforce faith.ConclusionPsalm 70, with its urgent plea for help and trust in God's deliverance, offers timeless insights into the nature of prayer, divine justice, and the believer's relationship with God. Its brevity and intensity make it a poignant reminder of the power of urgent, faith-filled prayer and the joy that comes from seeking and trusting in God. This psalm encourages believers to turn to God in times of need, trusting in His swift and just intervention, while maintaining a spirit of praise and humility.4oBecome a supporter of this podcast:
7/4/202434 minutes, 20 seconds
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Day 69 - Psalms 69 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1132 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 69: An Exegesis Psalms 69 is one of the most intense and passionate psalms in the Book of Psalms, attributed to King David. It is a psalm of lament, where the psalmist cries out to God in the midst of deep distress and persecution. The psalm is marked by its vivid imagery, emotional depth, and prophetic elements, often regarded as messianic in Christian interpretation. Structure and Content: The psalm can be divided into several sections, each reflecting a different aspect of the psalmist’s plea to God. 1.Cry for Help (Verses 1-5): The psalm begins with a desperate plea for salvation. The imagery of deep waters and a miry pit illustrates the overwhelming nature of the psalmist’s suffering. He feels engulfed and unable to stand firm. “Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing; I have come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.” 2.Confession of Sins and Appeal for Mercy (Verses 5-12): The psalmist acknowledges his sins and faults but emphasizes that his suffering is primarily due to his faithfulness to God. He describes the scorn and mockery he faces from others. “O God, You know my foolishness; and my sins are not hidden from You. Let not those who wait for You, O Lord GOD of hosts, be ashamed because of me.” 3.Prayer for Deliverance (Verses 13-18): David prays earnestly for God’s intervention. He appeals to God’s steadfast love and mercy, asking for deliverance from his dire situation. “But as for me, my prayer is to You, O LORD, in the acceptable time; O God, in the multitude of Your mercy, hear me in the truth of Your salvation.” 4.Description of Suffering (Verses 19-21): The psalmist details the depth of his humiliation and rejection, which is often seen as a foreshadowing of the suffering of Christ. “Reproach has broken my heart, and I am full of heaviness; I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none. They also gave me gall for my food, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.” 5.Imprecation against Enemies (Verses 22-28): This section contains some of the most challenging verses, where the psalmist calls for judgment upon his persecutors. This reflects a raw, human desire for justice against those who have caused his suffering. “Let their table become a snare before them, and their well-being a trap. Let their eyes be darkened, so that they do not see; and make their loins shake continually.” 6.Conclusion with Hope and Praise (Verses 29-36): Despite his anguish, the psalmist ends on a note of hope and praise. He expresses confidence that God will deliver him and that his faithfulness will ultimately lead to God’s glory. “But I am poor and sorrowful; let Your salvation, O God, set me up on high. I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.” Theological Themes: 1.Suffering and Persecution: The psalm vividly portrays the experience of suffering and persecution, highlighting the emotional and physical toll it takes on the faithful. It serves as a reminder of the struggles that believers may face and the importance of seeking God in times of distress. 2.Confession and Repentance: The acknowledgment of personal sin and the plea for mercy underscore the importance of humility and repentance in the believer’s relationship with God. 3.Divine Justice: The imprecatory prayers reflect a desire for divine justice, which can be understood as a cry for God to uphold righteousness and punish wickedness. 4.Messianic Prophecy: Several verses in Psalm 69 are seen as prophetic references to the suffering of Christ, particularly verse 21, which is cited in the New Testament in relation to Jesus’ crucifixion. 5.Hope and Praise: The psalmist’s transition from despair to hope and praise illustrates the enduring faith in God’s ultimate deliverance and the power of worship even in the midst of suffering. Conclusion: Psalm 69 is a powerful expression of human anguish and divine faithfulness. It captures the raw emotions of suffering, the plea for divine intervention, and the assurance of God’s salvation. Its messianic elements connect it deeply with the New Testament, offering a profound reflection on the nature of suffering, redemption, and hope.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/2/202431 minutes, 56 seconds
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Psalms 68 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-07-01-#923

Psalm 68 is a song of victory and triumph attributed to David. It celebrates God’s power and majesty, His protection of His people, and His triumph over His enemies. The psalm is rich with imagery and themes, invoking the history of Israel and God’s enduring presence and assistance. Key Themes and Verses 1.God’s Majesty and Power: •Verse 1: “Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered; let those also who hate Him flee before Him.” •The psalm begins with a call for God to rise up and scatter His enemies, a theme that runs throughout the psalm, emphasizing God’s supreme power and authority over all creation. 2.God as a Protector and Provider: •Verse 5: “A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation.” •This verse highlights God’s compassion and justice, presenting Him as a protector of the vulnerable and marginalized. 3.Historical Reflection: •Verses 7-10: These verses reflect on Israel’s history, recalling God’s guidance and provision during the exodus and the journey through the wilderness. •Verse 8: “The earth shook; the heavens also dropped rain at the presence of God; Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel.” 4.God’s Triumph and the Procession: •Verse 18: “You have ascended on high, You have led captivity captive; You have received gifts among men, even from the rebellious, that the Lord God might dwell there.” •This verse is often associated with Christ’s ascension in Christian theology, symbolizing victory over sin and death. 5.Celebration and Praise: •Verses 24-27: These verses describe a joyous procession into the sanctuary, celebrating God’s presence among His people. •Verse 26: “Bless God in the congregations, the Lord, from the fountain of Israel.” 6.God’s Universal Reign: •Verse 32: “Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth; Oh, sing praises to the Lord.” •This call to all nations to worship God underscores His universal sovereignty and the inclusiveness of His reign. 7.Divine Justice and Vindication: •Verses 34-35: “Ascribe strength to God; His excellence is over Israel, and His strength is in the clouds. O God, You are more awesome than Your holy places. The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people. Blessed be God!” •The psalm concludes with a declaration of God’s power and a blessing, reaffirming His role as the ultimate source of strength and justice. Interpretation and Application Psalm 68 serves as a powerful reminder of God’s might and His protective, nurturing character. For believers, it reinforces faith in God’s sovereignty and His active role in the world. It also encourages a sense of community and collective worship, as seen in the imagery of processions and congregational praise. In contemporary application, Psalm 68 can inspire confidence in God’s justice and provision, especially in times of trouble. It can also serve as a call to care for the vulnerable, reflecting God’s own compassion and justice as described in the psalm. The themes of triumph and victory can be particularly uplifting, providing hope and encouragement in the face of adversity.Become a supporter of this podcast:
7/1/202428 minutes, 12 seconds
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Psalms 66 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Remove Every Power Restricting the Power of God in my Life Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 66 is a Psalm of thanksgiving and praise, celebrating God's mighty acts of deliverance and His faithfulness. It invites all the earth to join in worshiping God and recounts both communal and personal experiences of God's intervention and grace. Below is a detailed overview and commentary on Psalm 66:Overview of Psalm 66Title and Background: Psalm 66 is a hymn of praise that is not attributed to any specific author. It is characterized by a communal call to worship and personal thanksgiving, reflecting on God's mighty deeds and His responsiveness to prayer.Structure: Psalm 66 is composed of 20 verses and can be divided into three main sections:Verses 1-12: Communal Praise for God's Mighty ActsThe psalm begins with a call for all the earth to shout joyfully to God, sing His glory, and declare His marvelous deeds. It recounts God's historical acts of deliverance, such as the crossing of the Red Sea, and emphasizes His sovereign power over nations. The people are encouraged to bless God, who has preserved their lives and tested them, bringing them through trials to a place of abundance.Verses 13-15: Personal Thanksgiving and Fulfillment of VowsIn this section, the psalmist transitions to a personal expression of gratitude. He promises to enter God's house with burnt offerings and fulfill vows made during times of trouble. The psalmist details the offerings he will present, symbolizing his devotion and thankfulness to God for answering his prayers.Verses 16-20: Testimony of God's Faithfulness and Answered PrayerThe final section is a personal testimony, inviting others to hear how God has responded to the psalmist's cries for help. The psalmist declares that God has listened to his prayers and has not rejected his plea or withheld His love and faithfulness.Key ThemesUniversal Call to Worship:Psalm 66 opens with a call for all the earth to worship God, emphasizing that God's glory and mighty acts are worthy of global recognition and praise. This universal invitation highlights the inclusivity of worship and the acknowledgment of God's sovereignty by all creation.Celebration of God's Mighty Deeds:The psalm recounts historical acts of deliverance, such as the crossing of the Red Sea, showcasing God's power and faithfulness. These mighty deeds serve as a foundation for communal praise and trust in God's continued protection and guidance.Refining Through Trials:The psalm acknowledges that God tests and refines His people through trials. These experiences, though challenging, lead to a place of abundance and deeper reliance on God's provision and care.Personal Devotion and Thanksgiving:The psalmist's personal commitment to fulfill vows and offer sacrifices reflects a heart of devotion and gratitude. This personal thanksgiving underscores the importance of responding to God's faithfulness with tangible acts of worship and dedication.God's Responsiveness to Prayer:The testimony of answered prayer highlights God's attentiveness and willingness to respond to those who seek Him. The psalmist's experience of God's faithfulness in answering his cries serves as an encouragement for others to trust in God's responsiveness.ReflectionPsalm 66 serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of both communal and personal worship. It encourages believers to recognize and celebrate God's mighty deeds, to remain faithful through trials, and to offer sincere thanksgiving for answered prayers.Application in Contemporary Life:Engaging in Communal Worship:The call for all the earth to worship God emphasizes the significance of communal worship. Participating in corporate worship services and joining others in praise fosters a sense of unity and collective recognition of God's greatness.Remembering God's Deeds:Recounting God's historical and personal acts of deliverance strengthens faith and trust in His ongoing care. Reflecting on past experiences of God's intervention can provide encouragement and hope in present circumstances.Embracing Trials as Refinement:Understanding that trials serve a refining purpose helps believers navigate difficult times with perseverance and hope. Trusting that God uses these experiences to lead to greater abundance and maturity in faith is crucial.Expressing Personal Gratitude:Following the psalmist's example of offering personal thanksgiving and fulfilling vows made in times of trouble underscores the importance of responding to God's faithfulness with concrete acts of devotion and gratitude.Trusting in God's Responsiveness:The testimony of answered prayer encourages believers to approach God with confidence, knowing that He listens and responds to their cries. Maintaining an open and trusting relationship with God through prayer is vital for spiritual growth and assurance.Psalm 66, with its rich themes of universal worship, celebration of God's deeds, refining trials, personal devotion, and answered prayer, continues to offer profound insights and encouragement for believers, guiding them towards a life of gratitude, faith, and communal praise.4oBecome a supporter of this podcast:
6/29/202446 minutes, 14 seconds
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Psalms 41 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 268 SendMe Radio

Psalm 41 is a psalm of David that centers on themes of compassion, divine deliverance, and betrayal. It begins with a blessing for those who consider the poor and ends with a prayer for mercy and a declaration of God’s faithfulness. Below is a detailed overview and commentary on Psalm 41:Overview of Psalm 41Title and Background: Psalm 41 is attributed to David and is the final psalm in the first book of the Psalter (Psalms 1-41). It reflects David’s personal experiences, possibly during a time of illness and betrayal.Structure: Psalm 41 is composed of 13 verses and can be divided into three main sections:Verses 1-3: Blessings for the CompassionateThe psalm begins with a pronouncement of blessings for those who consider the poor. David asserts that God will deliver, protect, and sustain such people, especially in times of trouble. The Lord will preserve them, bless them, and not surrender them to their foes. God will also support them on their sickbed and restore them from illness.Verses 4-9: David’s Plea and Description of BetrayalDavid transitions to a personal plea for mercy, acknowledging his sin and seeking healing from God. He describes the betrayal of his enemies who wish for his demise and even speak ill of him. The most painful aspect is the betrayal by a close friend, someone he trusted and shared meals with, which echoes the betrayal of Jesus by Judas in the New Testament.Verses 10-13: Prayer for Mercy and Declaration of God’s FaithfulnessIn the final section, David asks God for mercy, to raise him up so that he may repay his enemies. He expresses confidence that God delights in him because his enemy does not triumph over him. David concludes with a declaration of God’s faithfulness, asserting his integrity and trust in the Lord. The psalm ends with a doxology, praising God, the Lord of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.Key ThemesCompassion and Divine Favor:The opening verses highlight the blessings that come to those who are compassionate towards the poor. This theme underscores the importance of kindness and the reciprocal nature of divine favor.Human Frailty and Divine Mercy:David’s plea for mercy and healing reflects human vulnerability and the need for God’s grace. Acknowledging sin and seeking divine forgiveness is a key aspect of the relationship between God and believers.Betrayal and Trust:The psalm poignantly addresses the pain of betrayal, especially by close friends. This theme resonates deeply with the human experience of trust and betrayal, emphasizing the importance of relying on God even when human relationships falter.God’s Protection and Faithfulness:David expresses confidence in God’s protection and faithfulness. Despite his adversities, he believes that God upholds his integrity and delivers him from his enemies. This assurance of divine support is a recurring theme in the Psalms.Praise and Doxology:The psalm concludes with a doxology, a statement of praise to God. This ending highlights the importance of worship and recognition of God’s eternal sovereignty and goodness.ReflectionPsalm 41 provides a multifaceted view of the life of faith, encompassing compassion, vulnerability, betrayal, and trust in God’s unwavering faithfulness. It encourages believers to show kindness, seek God’s mercy, and rely on His protection and justice.Application in Contemporary Life:Cultivating Compassion:The blessings pronounced on those who consider the poor encourage believers to cultivate compassion and actively support those in need. Acts of kindness are not only beneficial to others but also draw divine favor and protection.Seeking Divine Mercy:David’s acknowledgment of his sin and plea for mercy serve as a model for believers to regularly seek God’s forgiveness. Recognizing human frailty and depending on God’s grace is crucial for spiritual growth and healing.Handling Betrayal:The experience of betrayal, especially by close friends, is a painful reality. Psalm 41 offers comfort by showing that such experiences are not unique and that trust in God can provide solace and strength during times of relational pain.Trusting in God’s Faithfulness:Despite adversities, maintaining trust in God’s faithfulness and protection is vital. David’s confidence in God’s support, even when faced with enemies, inspires believers to hold steadfast in their faith.Engaging in Praise:The doxology at the end of Psalm 41 reminds believers of the importance of praise and worship. Regularly acknowledging God’s eternal sovereignty and goodness through worship strengthens faith and fosters a deeper connection with the divine.Psalm 41, with its rich themes of compassion, mercy, betrayal, and trust, continues to offer profound insights and encouragement for believers, guiding them towards a compassionate, faithful, and praise-filled life.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/28/202441 minutes, 52 seconds
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Psalms - 39 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 266 SendMe Radio

Psalm 39 is a reflective and introspective psalm attributed to David, often considered a wisdom psalm due to its contemplative nature. It delves into themes of human mortality, the brevity of life, and the futility of worldly pursuits, ultimately turning towards a hope in God. Below is a detailed commentary and overview of Psalm 39:Overview of Psalm 39Title and Background: Psalm 39 is directed to Jeduthun, the chief musician, and is attributed to David. Jeduthun was one of the three Levitical choir leaders appointed by David, indicating that this psalm was meant for public worship and musical accompaniment.Structure: Psalm 39 is composed of 13 verses and can be divided into several sections:Verses 1-3: The Psalmist's Struggle with SilenceDavid begins by expressing his resolve to guard his ways and keep silent, especially in the presence of the wicked. However, his silence causes internal turmoil, and his heart burns within him as he contemplates the brevity and vanity of life.Verses 4-6: Meditation on the Brevity of LifeDavid asks God to help him understand the shortness of his life and the fleeting nature of human existence. He acknowledges that human life is but a breath and that people busy themselves in vain, amassing wealth without knowing who will ultimately benefit from it.Verses 7-11: A Plea for Deliverance and ForgivenessIn this section, David turns his focus to God, seeking deliverance and placing his hope in the Lord. He asks God to save him from his transgressions and not to make him the scorn of fools. David recognizes that God's discipline has consumed his strength, likening human life to a mere breath.Verses 12-13: A Final Plea for MercyThe psalm concludes with a heartfelt plea for God to hear his prayer and to show mercy. David describes himself as a sojourner, a temporary resident on earth, and asks God to turn away His gaze of discipline so that he might find some relief before his life ends.Key ThemesHuman Mortality and the Brevity of Life:One of the central themes of Psalm 39 is the transient nature of human life. David reflects on how short and fleeting life is, likening it to a breath or a shadow. This contemplation serves to remind believers of their mortality and the need to focus on eternal matters.The Vanity of Worldly Pursuits:David observes that much of human activity is ultimately vain. People toil and amass wealth, but these efforts are temporary and often benefit others. This theme echoes the sentiments found in the Book of Ecclesiastes, emphasizing the futility of worldly endeavors apart from God.Divine Discipline and Human Frailty:The psalm acknowledges God's discipline and the frailty of human beings. David experiences physical and emotional weakness, recognizing that it is God who chastises and refines him. This awareness leads to a plea for mercy and relief from suffering.Hope and Trust in God:Despite the somber reflections on life and mortality, Psalm 39 is ultimately a psalm of hope. David turns to God, placing his trust in Him and seeking deliverance. His hope is rooted in the belief that God is attentive to his prayers and capable of providing comfort and relief.ReflectionPsalm 39 serves as a profound meditation on the human condition, urging believers to reflect on the temporary nature of life and the importance of placing their hope in God. It encourages a perspective that values eternal truths over fleeting worldly gains.Application in Contemporary Life:Reflecting on Mortality:In a fast-paced and often materialistic world, Psalm 39 invites individuals to pause and reflect on their mortality. This reflection can lead to a reevaluation of priorities, emphasizing the significance of spiritual and eternal pursuits.Embracing Humility:Recognizing the brevity of life fosters humility. Believers are reminded of their dependence on God and the futility of prideful pursuits. This humility can lead to a more meaningful and grounded way of living.Seeking God's Guidance:David's plea for understanding and deliverance highlights the importance of seeking God's guidance in navigating life's challenges. Turning to God in prayer and trusting in His wisdom can provide clarity and comfort.Finding Hope in God:Amidst the acknowledgment of life's transience, Psalm 39 offers a message of hope. Trusting in God's everlasting nature and His care for His creation can bring peace and assurance, even in the face of life's uncertainties.Psalm 39, with its introspective and contemplative tone, continues to resonate with those seeking to understand the deeper truths of human existence and the enduring hope found in a relationship with God.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/28/202449 minutes, 2 seconds
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Psalms - 40 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 267 SendMe Radio

Psalm 40 is a psalm of David that blends thanksgiving, lament, and a plea for deliverance. It begins with a celebration of God's past deliverance and moves into a request for God's continued help amidst ongoing troubles. The psalm reflects David's trust in God and his commitment to proclaim God's faithfulness. Below is a detailed overview and commentary on Psalm 40:Overview of Psalm 40Title and Background: Psalm 40 is attributed to David and is intended for the music director. It is a psalm that combines elements of praise, thanksgiving, and supplication, showcasing David’s personal experience of God’s deliverance and his ongoing reliance on God.Structure: Psalm 40 is composed of 17 verses and can be divided into three main sections:Verses 1-5: Thanksgiving for Past DeliveranceDavid begins by recounting how he waited patiently for the Lord, who heard his cry and delivered him from a desolate pit and miry clay. God set his feet on solid ground and put a new song of praise in his mouth. David reflects on the blessings that come to those who trust in the Lord and acknowledges God's wondrous deeds.Verses 6-10: Commitment to Obedience and ProclamationDavid declares that God does not desire sacrifices and offerings but rather a heart that delights in doing His will. He emphasizes that God’s law is written within his heart. David commits to proclaiming God’s righteousness, faithfulness, and salvation, sharing God's steadfast love and truth with the congregation.Verses 11-17: Plea for Continued Help and DeliveranceThe final section shifts to a plea for God's mercy and deliverance from ongoing troubles. David acknowledges his own sins and the threats from enemies who seek to harm him. He prays for God’s swift help and protection, expressing confidence that those who seek the Lord will rejoice and be glad, while those who seek his harm will be confounded and put to shame.Key ThemesDivine Deliverance and Trust:The psalm opens with a testimony of God’s deliverance, illustrating the importance of trusting in the Lord. David’s experience of being rescued from a pit symbolizes God’s power to save and establish those who rely on Him.Obedience Over Sacrifice:A significant theme in Psalm 40 is the emphasis on obedience and a willing heart over ritual sacrifices. David highlights that God desires a relationship marked by obedience and a heartfelt commitment to His will.Proclamation of God’s Faithfulness:David’s commitment to proclaim God’s faithfulness and salvation underscores the importance of sharing personal testimonies of God’s goodness. He recognizes that public declaration of God's deeds strengthens the faith of the community.Human Frailty and Divine Mercy:The latter part of the psalm reflects David’s awareness of his own sinfulness and need for God’s mercy. He openly confesses his struggles and dependence on God’s ongoing support and protection.Joy in Seeking God:David expresses that those who seek the Lord will experience joy and gladness. This theme reinforces the idea that true happiness and fulfillment come from a relationship with God.ReflectionPsalm 40 serves as an inspiring testament to the power of patience, trust, and obedience in the life of a believer. It encourages a deepened faith through the remembrance of past deliverances and a commitment to proclaiming God's faithfulness.Application in Contemporary Life:Patience and Trust in God:David’s patient waiting for the Lord’s deliverance encourages believers to trust in God’s timing. Even in difficult circumstances, maintaining faith and patience can lead to profound experiences of God’s rescue and support.Heartfelt Obedience:The emphasis on obedience over ritual highlights the importance of a genuine relationship with God. Believers are called to internalize God’s will and act in accordance with His desires, beyond mere external observance of religious practices.Sharing Testimonies:David’s proclamation of God’s deeds reminds believers to share their own experiences of God’s faithfulness. Testimonies of deliverance and God’s goodness can inspire and uplift others within the faith community.Acknowledging Human Weakness:The psalm’s candid acknowledgment of sin and need for mercy resonates with the human experience of imperfection. Turning to God in times of weakness and seeking His forgiveness fosters a humble and dependent relationship with the divine.Finding Joy in God:David’s assurance that those who seek God will rejoice underscores the joy that comes from pursuing a relationship with the Lord. This joy transcends circumstances and is rooted in the assurance of God’s presence and care.Psalm 40, with its rich themes of deliverance, obedience, and proclamation, continues to offer profound insights and encouragement for believers, guiding them towards a deeper trust and joy in their walk with God.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/28/202459 minutes, 7 seconds
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Psalms 65 - Oh God of Our Salvation Psalms 65 295 SendMe Radio Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 65 is a Psalm of thanksgiving and praise, traditionally attributed to David. It celebrates God’s goodness and provision, acknowledging His power over nature and His blessings upon the earth. The psalm is characterized by its vivid imagery and expressions of gratitude for God's care and bounty. Below is a detailed overview and commentary on Psalm 65:Overview of Psalm 65Title and Background: Psalm 65 is labeled as a song of David, intended for the music director. It is a hymn that focuses on God's grace, His answers to prayer, and His providential care over creation.Structure: Psalm 65 is composed of 13 verses and can be divided into three main sections:Verses 1-4: Praise for God's Grace and SalvationThe psalm opens with a declaration of praise to God in Zion. The people vow to fulfill their promises to Him because He answers prayer and forgives their transgressions. Those who are chosen to approach God are blessed, experiencing His presence and dwelling in His courts.Verses 5-8: Praise for God's Power and SovereigntyThis section highlights God’s mighty deeds and His control over the natural world. The psalmist acknowledges God’s righteousness in answering prayers with awe-inspiring deeds. God’s power is evident in His ability to calm the roaring seas and the tumult of the nations, instilling fear and wonder across the earth.Verses 9-13: Praise for God's Provision and BlessingsThe final section focuses on God's provision for the earth. It describes how God waters the land, enriches it, and ensures a bountiful harvest. The imagery of overflowing abundance and fertility underscores God’s role as the sustainer of all life, bringing joy and prosperity to the land.Key ThemesGod's Grace and Forgiveness:The psalmist begins by acknowledging God’s grace in forgiving sins and accepting prayers. This theme emphasizes the merciful and compassionate nature of God, who welcomes those who seek Him.God’s Power and Sovereignty:Psalm 65 vividly portrays God's power over nature and nations. His ability to still the seas and control the forces of chaos highlights His supreme authority. The awe and reverence elicited by His deeds are a testament to His greatness.God’s Provision and Abundance:The detailed description of God’s care for the earth reflects His role as the provider. From sending rain to ensuring fertile soil and abundant harvests, God's blessings are seen in the natural cycles that sustain life.Praise and Worship:Throughout the psalm, there is a strong emphasis on praising and worshiping God. The psalmist expresses gratitude and joy for God's manifold blessings, encouraging the faithful to recognize and celebrate God's goodness.ReflectionPsalm 65 serves as a powerful reminder of God's overarching presence and care in the world. It encourages believers to acknowledge God's grace in forgiving sins and answering prayers, to revere His power and sovereignty, and to celebrate His provision and blessings.Application in Contemporary Life:Gratitude and Praise:Psalm 65 inspires believers to cultivate a heart of gratitude. Recognizing God’s continuous blessings, from the forgiveness of sins to the provision of daily needs, can lead to a deeper appreciation and expression of praise.Faith in God’s Power:In times of uncertainty and turmoil, reflecting on God's sovereignty and power over creation can strengthen faith. Believers can find comfort in knowing that God is in control, capable of bringing peace and order out of chaos.Stewardship of Creation:The psalm’s vivid portrayal of God’s care for the earth calls believers to be mindful stewards of creation. Appreciating the beauty and abundance of nature can inspire actions that protect and preserve the environment.Community Worship:The communal aspect of worship in Psalm 65 highlights the importance of coming together to praise God. Engaging in collective worship can foster a sense of unity and shared purpose among believers.Psalm 65, with its rich imagery and profound themes, continues to resonate as a timeless expression of thanksgiving and reverence for the Creator's enduring goodness and power.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/28/20244 minutes, 35 seconds
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Psalms 64 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer on SendMe Radio with Pastor Chidi Okorie 294_sendme_radio (1)

Psalm 64: A Reflection Introduction: Psalm 64, attributed to David, is a prayer for protection against enemies. David expresses his fear and his faith, asking God to shield him from the schemes and conspiracies of the wicked. This Psalm can be divided into three parts: the plea for protection, the description of the enemy’s plans, and the affirmation of God’s justice. Verses 1-2: A Cry for Help David begins with a fervent plea to God: “Hear me, my God, as I voice my complaint; protect my life from the threat of the enemy.” This opening sets the tone for the Psalm, highlighting David’s reliance on God’s protection in the face of danger. Verses 3-6: The Enemy’s Schemes In these verses, David vividly describes the malicious actions of his enemies. He speaks of their tongues as “sharp swords” and their words as “deadly arrows,” indicating the power of their slander and deceit. The enemies plot in secret, laying traps and planning ambushes, confident that no one will see them. This section underscores the sinister and calculated nature of their attacks. Verses 7-9: God’s Intervention Despite the enemies’ confidence, David expresses faith in God’s justice. He believes that God will turn the enemies’ own schemes against them: “But God will shoot them with his arrows; they will suddenly be struck down.” The imagery of divine retribution suggests that God’s intervention is swift and decisive. As a result, the enemies are “brought to ruin” and their own words are turned against them. Verse 10: Rejoicing in God’s Justice The Psalm concludes with a note of hope and praise: “The righteous will rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in him; all the upright in heart will glory in him!” David envisions a time when the faithful will celebrate God’s deliverance and find safety in His presence. This final verse serves as a reminder of the ultimate triumph of righteousness and the steadfastness of God’s protection. Conclusion: Psalm 64 is a powerful testament to the struggles of facing malicious adversaries and the enduring faith in God’s protection and justice. David’s plea, the depiction of the enemy’s plans, and the affirmation of divine intervention collectively reinforce the theme of trust in God’s sovereign power. For readers today, this Psalm offers comfort and encouragement, assuring them that no matter how formidable the opposition, God’s justice will prevail, and the faithful will find refuge in Him.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/27/202457 minutes, 58 seconds
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Psalms 63 - Mountain Top Prayer My Soul Thirsts for you Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 293 SendMe Radio

Psalms 63 - A Reflection Background and Context Psalms 63 is a psalm attributed to King David, written when he was in the wilderness of Judah. This context of isolation and adversity provides a backdrop for the deep expressions of longing, trust, and worship found in this psalm. It is a profound declaration of David’s intimate relationship with God, even in the face of hardship. Text and Analysis Verse 1: “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.” David begins with a passionate cry, acknowledging God as his own. The imagery of thirst and longing in a dry land underscores his deep spiritual need and desire for God’s presence. This verse sets the tone for the entire psalm, emphasizing a personal and urgent seeking of God. Verse 2: “I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.” Here, David recalls past experiences of worship and divine encounters in the sanctuary. Despite his current physical separation from the place of worship, he holds on to the memory of God’s power and glory, reinforcing his faith. Verses 3-4: “Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.” David declares the supremacy of God’s love over life itself. His response to this realization is worship and praise, a commitment to glorify God through his words and actions for as long as he lives. Verses 5-6: “I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you. On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.” David finds satisfaction in God, likening it to the richest of foods. His praise is continuous, not just in moments of worship but also in quiet, personal times. Even at night, his thoughts are filled with God, indicating a deep, all-encompassing devotion. Verses 7-8: “Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.” David acknowledges God’s protection and support, using the comforting image of being under God’s wings. His clinging to God and the assurance of being upheld by God’s right hand illustrate a profound dependence and trust. Verses 9-10: “Those who want to kill me will be destroyed; they will go down to the depths of the earth. They will be given over to the sword and become food for jackals.” David contrasts his trust in God with the fate of his enemies. This passage reflects his confidence in God’s justice and protection against those who seek his harm. Verse 11: “But the king will rejoice in God; all who swear by God will glory in him, while the mouths of liars will be silenced.” The Psalms concludes with a declaration of joy and victory. David, referring to himself as the king, rejoices in God, assured that truth and righteousness will prevail, and falsehood will be silenced. Application and Reflection Psalms 63 serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of seeking God earnestly, especially in times of difficulty.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/26/202440 minutes, 3 seconds
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Psalms 62 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer on SendMe Radio Pastor Chidi Okorie Day 62

Psalms 62 - A Reflection Psalm 62 is a profound piece of biblical poetry attributed to King David, expressing deep trust and confidence in God as the ultimate source of salvation and refuge. The psalm is a declaration of faith, emphasizing the importance of relying on God alone in times of trouble and uncertainty. Below is a breakdown of the key themes and verses in Psalm 62: 1. Trust in God Alone (Verses 1-2) “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” David begins by affirming his complete reliance on God for peace and salvation. He describes God as a rock and fortress, indicating stability and protection. This opening sets the tone for the entire psalm, highlighting unwavering faith. 2. The Futility of Human Opposition (Verses 3-4) “How long will you assault me? Would all of you throw me down— this leaning wall, this tottering fence? Surely they intend to topple me from my lofty place; they take delight in lies. With their mouths they bless, but in their hearts they curse.” Here, David acknowledges the threats and deceit he faces from his enemies. He likens himself to a tottering fence, vulnerable to being pushed over. Despite this, his trust in God remains steadfast. 3. Renewed Affirmation of Trust (Verses 5-8) “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” David reiterates his faith in God, urging others to do the same. He emphasizes that salvation, honor, and security come from God alone. This section is an invitation to trust and pour out one’s heart to God. 4. The Transience of Human Life and Wealth (Verses 9-10) “Surely the lowborn are but a breath, the highborn are but a lie. If weighed on a balance, they are nothing; together they are only a breath. Do not trust in extortion or put vain hope in stolen goods; though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them.” David reflects on the fleeting nature of human existence and the emptiness of relying on wealth or dishonest gain. He warns against placing hope in material possessions or corrupt practices. 5. God’s Power and Steadfast Love (Verses 11-12) “One thing God has spoken, two things I have heard: ‘Power belongs to you, God, and with you, Lord, is unfailing love’; and, ‘You reward everyone according to what they have done.’” The psalm concludes with a powerful declaration of God’s attributes: His unmatched power and unfailing love. David acknowledges that God is just and will reward people according to their deeds. Themes and Lessons •Unwavering Faith: The psalmist’s unwavering faith in God serves as a model for believers to trust God wholly, especially during trials. •God as Refuge: The repeated references to God as a rock, fortress, and refuge underscore the idea that true security and peace come from God alone. •Human Frailty: The psalm highlights the transient nature of human life and the futility of placing trust in wealth or human power. •God’s Justice and Love: It reassures believers of God’s just nature and His steadfast love, emphasizing that God’s power is tempered by His mercy and love. Application Psalm 62 encourages individuals to place their trust in God, regardless of circumstances. It calls for a deep, personal relationship with God, characterized by honesty and reliance on His strength and love. Believers are reminded to find their rest and hope in God, to remain steadfast in faith, and to avoid the pitfalls of relying on material wealth or human strength. This psalm is a source of comfort and strength, urging believers to pour out their hearts to God, knowing He is a refuge and a rewarder of faithfulnessBecome a supporter of this podcast:
6/25/202453 minutes, 43 seconds
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Psalms 60 - Day 60 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio

Psalm 60 is a Psalms of communal lament and a plea for God’s intervention and restoration. Attributed to David, it reflects a time of national distress and military struggle. Here is an in-depth look at its structure and themes: Structure and Themes 1.Verses 1-3: Cry for Help •Verse 1: “You have rejected us, God, and burst upon us; you have been angry—now restore us!” •The psalm opens with a lament, acknowledging God’s anger and its devastating effects on the nation. •Verse 2: “You have shaken the land and torn it open; mend its fractures, for it is quaking.” •The imagery of a quaking land symbolizes instability and crisis. •Verse 3: “You have shown your people desperate times; you have given us wine that makes us stagger.” •The psalmist describes the hardships faced by the people, likening their suffering to the disorienting effects of strong wine. 2.Verses 4-5: Appeal for Deliverance •Verse 4: “But for those who fear you, you have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow.” •Despite the distress, there is a recognition of God’s protection for the faithful. •Verse 5: “Save us and help us with your right hand, that those you love may be delivered.” •The plea for deliverance is a call for God’s intervention to save His beloved people. 3.Verses 6-8: God’s Assurance •Verse 6: “God has spoken from his sanctuary: ‘In triumph I will parcel out Shechem and measure off the Valley of Sukkoth.’” •God speaks, reaffirming His control and promises regarding the land. •Verses 7-8: “Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine; Ephraim is my helmet, Judah is my scepter. Moab is my washbasin, on Edom I toss my sandal; over Philistia I shout in triumph.” •These verses affirm God’s sovereignty over Israel and its neighbors, using symbolic language to depict His dominion and authority. 4.Verses 9-12: Renewed Confidence and Plea •Verse 9: “Who will bring me to the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom?” •The psalmist questions who will guide them to victory over their enemies. •Verse 10: “Is it not you, God, you who have now rejected us and no longer go out with our armies?” •There is an acknowledgment of past rejection but a renewed hope for God’s presence. •Verse 11: “Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless.” •A recognition that victory depends on God’s help, not human efforts. •Verse 12: “With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.” •The psalm concludes with confidence in God’s power to grant victory and subdue their foes. Key Takeaways •Lament and Hope: Psalm 60 exemplifies the pattern of lament followed by expressions of hope and trust in God’s deliverance. •Divine Sovereignty: It underscores God’s control over all nations and His ability to rescue His people despite apparent abandonment. •Community Focus: The communal nature of the psalm highlights the collective experience of distress and the shared hope for divine intervention. Psalm 60 teaches us about turning to God in times of national or communal crisis, recognizing His ultimate authority, and trusting in His promise to restore and deliver His people.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/24/202454 minutes, 48 seconds
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Psalms 58 - 150 Days of Searching The Scriptures Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 58 is a powerful and vivid passage from the Book of Psalms in the Bible, often categorized as an imprecatory psalm, where the psalmist calls for God’s judgment against the wicked. This psalm is attributed to David and reflects his deep frustration and desire for divine justice against corrupt leaders and evildoers. Overview of Psalm 58 Verses 1-2: Accusation Against the Wicked The psalm opens with a direct challenge to unjust rulers and judges. David questions their integrity, pointing out that their judgments are not righteous and that they act with violence and deceit in their hearts. “Do you rulers indeed speak justly? Do you judge people with equity? No, in your heart you devise injustice, and your hands mete out violence on the earth.” Verses 3-5: The Nature of the Wicked David describes the wicked from birth, emphasizing their inherent evil nature. He uses vivid imagery, comparing them to venomous serpents that cannot be charmed or controlled, highlighting their stubbornness and malevolence. “Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward, spreading lies. Their venom is like the venom of a snake, like that of a cobra that has stopped its ears, that will not heed the tune of the charmer, however skillful the enchanter may be.” Verses 6-9: Call for Divine Judgment In this section, David calls upon God to break the power of the wicked. He uses graphic and intense language, asking God to render the wicked powerless and to make their efforts futile. The imagery of breaking teeth, making them vanish like water, and melting like a slug emphasizes the totality of the desired judgment. “Break the teeth in their mouths, O God; Lord, tear out the fangs of those lions! Let them vanish like water that flows away; when they draw the bow, let their arrows fall short. May they be like a slug that melts away as it moves along, like a stillborn child that never sees the sun.” Verses 10-11: Triumph of the Righteous The psalm concludes with a vision of the righteous rejoicing in the downfall of the wicked. This triumph is seen as a vindication of divine justice, reinforcing the belief that God will ultimately judge and reward everyone according to their deeds. “The righteous will be glad when they are avenged, when they dip their feet in the blood of the wicked. Then people will say, ‘Surely the righteous still are rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth.’” Themes and Reflections 1. Divine Justice: Psalm 58 highlights the theme of divine justice, emphasizing that God sees and will judge all human actions. It reassures the faithful that the wicked will not escape God’s judgment. 2. Corruption of Power: The psalm underscores the corrupt nature of some leaders and judges, showing how power can be misused to perpetrate injustice. 3. Righteous Vindication: It provides hope to the righteous that their perseverance and faith will be rewarded, and that justice will prevail in the end. 4. Imprecatory Nature: The intense and graphic language reflects the raw emotion and deep yearning for justice, which can be a point of reflection on how to handle feelings of anger and the desire for retribution. Conclusion Psalm 58 is a profound and intense expression of the desire for justice against corrupt and wicked individuals. It serves as a reminder of the ultimate sovereignty of God and His commitment to righteousness and justice. For those who face injustice, it offers reassurance that God sees their plight and will act in His perfect timing.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/22/202455 minutes, 23 seconds
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Psalms 57 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024_06_21_144

Psalm 57 is a prayer for deliverance and an expression of trust in God. It is attributed to David, written when he fled from Saul and hid in a cave. This psalm reflects a deep sense of distress and a strong faith in God’s protection and mercy. Psalm 57 (ESV) To the choirmaster: according to Do Not Destroy. A Miktam of David, when he fled from Saul, in the cave. 1.Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. 2.I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me. 3.He will send from heaven and save me; he will put to shame him who tramples on me. Selah God will send out his steadfast love and his faithfulness! 4.My soul is in the midst of lions; I lie down amid fiery beasts— the children of man, whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords. 5.Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth! 6.They set a net for my steps; my soul was bowed down. They dug a pit in my way, but they have fallen into it themselves. Selah 7.My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast! I will sing and make melody! 8.Awake, my glory! Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awake the dawn! 9.I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations. 10.For your steadfast love is great to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. 11.Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth! Key Themes and Reflection Trust in God’s Protection: David begins by seeking God’s mercy, expressing his reliance on God as his refuge in times of trouble. This reflects a deep trust in God’s ability to protect and provide shelter in the midst of life’s storms. God’s Deliverance: David confidently declares that God will send help from heaven to save him. He acknowledges that God’s love and faithfulness are steadfast and reliable, providing assurance even in the face of enemies. Praise and Worship: Despite his perilous situation, David’s response is one of worship and praise. He commits to exalting God and singing His praises, recognizing God’s glory and faithfulness. This demonstrates a heart that remains steadfast in worship, regardless of circumstances. Divine Justice: David mentions his enemies setting traps for him but notes that they have fallen into their own traps. This highlights the theme of divine justice, where God ensures that the plans of the wicked are thwarted. Universal Praise: The psalm ends with a call for God’s glory to be recognized over all the earth, indicating that God’s greatness and mercy are not just for David, but for all nations to acknowledge and worship. Psalm 57 serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of seeking refuge in God during difficult times, maintaining a steadfast heart of worship, and trusting in God’s justice and faithfulness.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/21/202454 minutes, 26 seconds
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Psalms 56 - 150 Days of Psalms SendMe Radio Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie _at-2

Psalm 56 is a poignant and heartfelt plea from David during a time of great distress. It’s traditionally understood to be written when he was captured by the Philistines in Gath. The psalm reflects themes of trust in God amidst fear and persecution, demonstrating a deep reliance on divine protection and justice. Here’s an analysis and summary of Psalm 56: Overview and Structure 1.Introduction and Plea for Mercy (Verses 1-2) •David begins with a plea for God’s mercy, highlighting his plight as he is pursued by enemies who seek to harm him. •The repetition of the words “trample upon me” emphasizes the severity of his situation. 2.Expression of Trust in God (Verses 3-4) •Despite his fear, David affirms his trust in God. He declares that whenever he is afraid, he will put his trust in God. •This trust is rooted in the belief that God’s word is reliable and powerful, offering him comfort and strength. 3.Description of Enemies (Verses 5-6) •David describes the constant plotting and scheming of his enemies. Their actions are relentless and malicious. •He feels surrounded by their deceit and aggression, which only intensifies his appeal to God. 4.Confidence in God’s Protection (Verses 7-11) •David expresses confidence that God will ultimately deliver him from his enemies. •He recalls past instances of God’s deliverance, which bolsters his faith. •He reiterates his trust in God, emphasizing that with God on his side, he has no reason to fear mere mortals. 5.Vows and Thanksgiving (Verses 12-13) •David vows to fulfill his promises to God and offers thanks for God’s deliverance. •He acknowledges that God has saved him from death and kept him from stumbling, allowing him to walk in the light of life. Themes and Reflections •Trust in God: One of the central themes of Psalm 56 is trust in God amidst fear and danger. David’s unwavering faith serves as a model for believers facing their own trials. •God’s Faithfulness: The psalm highlights God’s faithfulness and reliability. David’s confidence in God’s promises underscores the importance of remembering and relying on divine assurances. •Human Frailty vs. Divine Strength: David contrasts human frailty with divine strength, showing that while human beings can be treacherous and fearful, God is steadfast and powerful. •Prayer in Distress: Psalm 56 is also a powerful example of prayer in times of distress. It shows the importance of turning to God with honest emotions and trusting Him for deliverance. Practical Application •Personal Reflection: Individuals can use this psalm to reflect on their own situations of fear or distress, drawing strength from David’s example of trust and faith. •Encouragement: The psalm can serve as a source of encouragement, reminding believers that God is always present and faithful, even in the most challenging circumstances. •Worship: Psalm 56 can be used in worship settings to express trust in God and gratitude for His protection and deliverance. Psalm 56, therefore, is a timeless piece of scripture that offers comfort, encouragement, and a profound example of faith and trust in God during times of adversity.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/20/202452 minutes, 37 seconds
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Psalms 55 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 283 SendMe Radio

Psalm 55 is a poignant expression of distress and a fervent plea for God’s intervention. It vividly captures the emotional turmoil of betrayal and the longing for divine rescue. Here’s a summary and exploration of its themes: Overview Psalm 55 is traditionally attributed to David and is set against the backdrop of treachery by a close friend or companion. The psalm divides into several parts: 1.Cry for Help (verses 1-8): David begins with a desperate plea for God to hear his prayer and not hide from his supplication. He describes his turmoil and fear, expressing a desire to escape his troubles, symbolized by his wish to flee to the wilderness and find rest. 2.Description of the Enemy (verses 9-15): Here, David shifts to a detailed account of the violence and strife he observes in the city, which he believes are orchestrated by his enemies. The most painful part is the betrayal by someone he once considered a close friend and confidant, which intensifies his sense of anguish. 3.Call for Divine Justice (verses 16-19): Despite his distress, David reaffirms his trust in God. He calls on God to deliver him and bring justice upon his adversaries. He contrasts the faithfulness of God with the treachery of humans. 4.Reflection on Betrayal (verses 20-21): David reflects further on the treachery he experienced, emphasizing the deceptive nature of his betrayer’s words, which were smooth but concealing malice and war. 5.Final Plea and Affirmation of Trust (verses 22-23): The psalm concludes with an exhortation to cast burdens upon the Lord, who will sustain the righteous. David expresses confidence that God will bring the wicked to justice, reiterating his trust in divine protection and judgment. Themes 1.Betrayal: A central theme of Psalm 55 is the deep pain of betrayal by a close friend. This personal treachery exacerbates David’s distress, making his plea for divine intervention more urgent. 2.Divine Justice: David’s appeal to God to handle his enemies underscores his belief in divine justice. He trusts that God will not only hear his cries but also act against the wicked. 3.Trust in God: Despite the overwhelming nature of his troubles, David repeatedly affirms his trust in God. His call to “cast your burden on the Lord” reflects a deep faith in God’s sustaining power. 4.Emotional Honesty: The psalm is a raw and honest expression of fear, pain, and hope. David’s willingness to pour out his heart to God serves as a model for dealing with intense emotional distress. Reflection Psalm 55 resonates with anyone who has experienced betrayal or overwhelming distress. It teaches that in moments of deep anguish, turning to God in prayer and trusting in His justice and protection can provide solace. The psalm also encourages believers to be honest with their emotions, acknowledging pain and seeking refuge in God’s unfailing support.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/19/20241 hour, 1 minute, 9 seconds
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Psalms - 54 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 281 SendMe Radio

Psalms 54: An Analysis Context and Background: Psalm 54 is one of the many psalms attributed to David. It is traditionally believed to have been written during a time when David was being pursued by King Saul. Specifically, the superscription notes that this psalm was penned when the Ziphites had betrayed David to Saul, revealing his location. This psalm is a poignant reflection of David’s reliance on God in times of distress and danger. Text of Psalm 54: 1.Save me, O God, by your name; vindicate me by your might. 2.Hear my prayer, O God; listen to the words of my mouth. 3.Arrogant foes are attacking me; ruthless people are trying to kill me—people without regard for God. 4.Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me. 5.Let evil recoil on those who slander me; in your faithfulness destroy them. 6.I will sacrifice a freewill offering to you; I will praise your name, Lord, for it is good. 7.You have delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes. Analysis: 1.Verses 1-2: A Plea for Help •David begins with a direct plea to God, asking for salvation and vindication. He invokes God’s name and might, emphasizing his belief in God’s power and righteousness. The appeal for God to “hear my prayer” and “listen to the words of my mouth” signifies David’s earnest and desperate situation. 2.Verses 3: Description of the Enemies •David describes his enemies as arrogant and ruthless, with no regard for God. This characterization highlights the severity of his predicament and the godlessness of his adversaries. It also implicitly contrasts their wickedness with David’s faithfulness. 3.Verse 4: Declaration of Faith •Despite the dire circumstances, David expresses his unwavering faith in God’s support. He confidently states that “God is my help” and “the Lord is the one who sustains me.” This verse serves as a powerful affirmation of trust in God’s providence. 4.Verse 5: Call for Justice •David prays for divine retribution against his enemies. He asks God to let evil “recoil on those who slander me” and to destroy them in His faithfulness. This verse reflects the biblical theme of divine justice and the belief that God will right the wrongs committed against the faithful. 5.Verses 6-7: Promise of Praise and Gratitude •In the concluding verses, David promises to offer a freewill sacrifice and to praise God’s name. He acknowledges God’s past deliverance from troubles and looks forward to future triumph over his foes. The freewill offering signifies his gratitude and recognition of God’s goodness. Themes and Lessons: •Reliance on God: Psalm 54 underscores the importance of seeking God’s help in times of trouble. David’s reliance on divine intervention is a central theme. •Faith in Divine Justice: The psalm reflects a belief in God’s justice, where the righteous are vindicated, and the wicked face consequences. •Praise and Gratitude: Despite adversity, David commits to praising God and offering sacrifices, highlighting the importance of gratitude and worship. Application: •In contemporary contexts, Psalm 54 can serve as a reminder of the power of prayer and faith during challenging times. It encourages believers to trust in God’s ability to provide support and deliverance, regardless of the severity of their circumstances. •The psalm also teaches the value of maintaining a spirit of praise and gratitude, even when facing adversity, and trusting in God’s justice. Psalm 54 remains a profound testament to the enduring faith and resilience of David, offering timeless insights into the nature of divine support and justice.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/18/20241 hour, 1 minute, 54 seconds
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Psalms 53 - Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 280 Sendme Radio

Psalm 53 is a reflection on the nature of humanity’s sinfulness and the rejection of God. It emphasizes the universal corruption of humankind and contrasts it with the salvation and deliverance that God offers to His people. The psalm is often seen as a sobering reminder of the consequences of living without reverence for God. Breakdown: Verses 1-3: The Fool’s Denial of God 1.Verse 1: The psalm opens with a declaration about the folly of atheism: “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” This statement highlights the moral and spiritual blindness of those who reject God’s existence. According to the psalmist, such denial leads to corrupt and abominable behavior. 2.Verse 2: God looks down from heaven upon humanity to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. This verse underscores God’s omniscience and His active search for righteousness among people. 3.Verse 3: The verdict is grim: “Everyone has turned away, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.” This sweeping statement reflects the pervasive nature of sin and the universal need for redemption. Verses 4-5: The Consequences of Wickedness 4.Verse 4: The psalmist questions the understanding of the evildoers, pointing out their ignorance: “Do all these evildoers know nothing?” They “devour my people as though eating bread,” suggesting their relentless and casual oppression of the righteous. 5.Verse 5: Despite their apparent success, the wicked live in fear: “But there they are, overwhelmed with dread, where there was nothing to dread.” This verse indicates that the wicked’s fear is rooted in their guilt and the looming judgment of God, even when no immediate danger is present. Verse 6: Hope for Deliverance 6.Verse 6: The psalm concludes with a hopeful plea for salvation: “Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When God restores his people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!” This expresses a longing for God’s intervention and the ultimate redemption and restoration of His people. Themes: 1.Human Sinfulness: Psalm 53 vividly portrays the depth of human depravity and the natural inclination away from God. 2.Divine Observation: God is portrayed as actively observing and judging human behavior, seeking those who understand and seek Him. 3.The Folly of Atheism: Denying God is equated with foolishness, leading to moral and spiritual corruption. 4.Fear and Judgment: The wicked live in a state of dread due to their sinful ways, highlighting the internal consequences of living apart from God. 5.Hope for Salvation: Despite the grim picture of human sin, the psalm ends with a hopeful expectation of God’s deliverance and restoration of His people. Conclusion: Psalm 53 serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences of rejecting God and the pervasive nature of human sinfulness. However, it also offers hope in the form of divine salvation and the promise of joy and gladness for those who turn to God. This psalm calls readers to reflect on their own lives, recognize their need for God, and seek His deliverance.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/17/202451 minutes, 3 seconds
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Psalms 51 - Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Mountain Top Prayer Episode 278

Psalm 51 is one of the most poignant and heartfelt penitential psalms in the Bible, attributed to David after the prophet Nathan confronted him about his sin with Bathsheba. This psalm is a powerful expression of repentance, a plea for mercy, and a desire for renewal and purification. Here’s an in-depth look at Psalm 51:Verses 1-2: Plea for MercyDavid begins by appealing to God’s unfailing love and great compassion, asking for mercy and the cleansing of his sin. He acknowledges his need for God’s grace and forgiveness. • Verse 1: “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.” • Verse 2: “Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.”Verses 3-6: Confession of SinDavid openly confesses his sins, recognizing their gravity and his responsibility. He acknowledges that his sins are ultimately against God, highlighting the depth of his remorse and understanding of divine justice.• Verse 3: “For I know my transgressions and my sin is always before me.” • Verse 4: “Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge.” • Verse 5: “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” • Verse 6: “Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb; you taught me wisdom in that secret place.” Verses 7-9: Request for PurificationDavid seeks purification and cleansing, using vivid imagery of being washed and made whiter than snow. He longs for joy and gladness to replace his brokenness and for his sins to be blotted out. • Verse 7: “Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” • Verse 8: “Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice.” • Verse 9: “Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity.”Verses 10-12: Prayer for RenewalDavid prays for a pure heart and a steadfast spirit. He asks God not to cast him away or take away the Holy Spirit, but to restore the joy of salvation and grant him a willing spirit to sustain him. • Verse 10: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” • Verse 11: “Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.” • Verse 12: “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”Verses 13-17: Commitment to Testimony and PraiseIn response to God’s forgiveness, David commits to teaching transgressors God’s ways and declaring His praise. He acknowledges that God desires a broken spirit and a contrite heart rather than sacrifices.• Verse 13: “Then I will teach transgressors your ways, so that sinners will turn back to you.” • Verse 14: “Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God, you who are God my Savior, and my tongue will sing of your righteousness.” • Verse 15: “Open my lips, Lord, and my mouth will declare your praise.” • Verse 16: “You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.” • Verse 17: “My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.”Verses 18-19: Prayer for ZionDavid concludes with a prayer for the prosperity of Zion and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, indicating his understanding of the broader implications of his sin and repentance for the community. • Verse 18: “May it please you to prosper Zion, to build up the walls of Jerusalem.” • Verse 19: “Then you will delight in the sacrifices of the righteous, in burnt offerings offered whole; then bulls will be offered on your altar.”Themes and Lessons from Psalm 511. Repentance: The psalm is a model for genuine repentance, emphasizing acknowledgement of sin, seeking forgiveness, and desiring inner transformation. 2. God’s Mercy and Compassion: It highlights God’s unfailing love and great compassion, offering hope that no sin is beyond God’s ability to forgive. 3. Purification and Renewal: The plea for a pure heart and steadfast spirit shows the importance of inner renewal and the desire to be made right with God. 4. Importance of a Contrite Heart: The emphasis on a broken spirit and a contrite heart over ritual sacrifices underscores the value God places on genuine humility and repentance. Psalm 51 remains a powerful resource for anyone seeking forgiveness and renewal, illustrating the path from guilt to grace through heartfelt repentance and God’s boundless mercy.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/15/202450 minutes, 51 seconds
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Psalms 52 - Mountain Top Prayers With Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1150 SendMe Radio

Psalm 52 is a psalm attributed to David, written in response to the actions of Doeg the Edomite, who reported to King Saul that David had visited the priest Ahimelech. This betrayal led to the massacre of the priests of Nob. The psalm contrasts the wickedness of those who trust in their power and wealth with the righteousness of those who trust in God’s steadfast love.  Here’s a breakdown of Psalm 52: Verses 1-4: Condemnation of the Wicked The psalm begins with David addressing the wicked man, Doeg, questioning why he boasts of evil and deceit. David describes the wicked person’s tongue as a “sharp razor” that plots destruction and loves evil more than good. This imagery emphasizes the power of words and the destructiveness of deceit and malice. • Verse 1: “Why do you boast of evil, you mighty man? Why do you boast all day long, you who are a disgrace in the eyes of God?” • Verse 2: “Your tongue plots destruction; it is like a sharpened razor, you who practice deceit.” • Verse 3: “You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth.” • Verse 4: “You love every harmful word, you deceitful tongue!” Verses 5-7: The Fate of the Wicked David prophesies the downfall of the wicked. God will bring them to ruin, uproot them from their homes, and eliminate their influence. The righteous will see this and recognize it as a demonstration of God’s justice, leading to a deeper reverence for God. • Verse 5: “Surely God will bring you down to everlasting ruin: He will snatch you up and pluck you from your tent; He will uproot you from the land of the living.” • Verse 6: “The righteous will see and fear; they will laugh at you, saying,” • Verse 7: “‘Here now is the man who did not make God his stronghold but trusted in his great wealth and grew strong by destroying others!’” Verses 8-9: The Trust of the Righteous In contrast to the wicked, David expresses his trust in God’s unfailing love. He likens himself to a green olive tree in the house of God, symbolizing fruitfulness, stability, and flourishing under God’s care. David commits to praising God forever and putting his hope in God’s name, which is good. • Verse 8: “But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.” • Verse 9: “For what You have done I will always praise You in the presence of Your faithful people. And I will hope in Your name, for Your name is good.” Themes and Lessons from Psalm 52 - 1. The Power of Words: The psalm highlights the destructive power of deceitful speech and the moral corruption of those who use their words for evil purposes. 2. Divine Justice: It underscores the certainty of divine justice. The wicked may seem to prosper temporarily, but their ultimate fate is ruin. 3. Trust in God: David’s trust in God’s steadfast love serves as a model for the righteous. Despite facing betrayal and danger, he finds security and hope in God. 4. Contrast Between the Wicked and the Righteous: The psalm draws a clear distinction between the wicked, who rely on their wealth and power, and the righteous, who rely on God’s faithfulness. - Psalm 52 encourages believers to maintain their faith in God’s justice and to live righteously, trusting in His steadfast love rather than in their own strength or resources.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/15/202452 minutes, 11 seconds
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Psalms - 50 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidii Okorie

Psalm 50 is a profound piece of scripture that offers a rich blend of divine authority, judgment, and the call to sincere worship. It is attributed to Asaph, one of King David’s chief musicians, and is structured as a divine courtroom scene where God himself is the judge. Structure and Themes 1.Divine Summons (Verses 1-6): •Verses 1-3: The psalm begins with a majestic portrayal of God, the Almighty, summoning the earth from east to west. It describes His appearance as radiant and powerful, with a consuming fire and tempest around Him, emphasizing His supreme authority and holiness. •Verses 4-6: God calls the heavens and the earth to witness His judgment on His people. This section highlights the seriousness of the divine courtroom setting, where God will judge with righteousness. 2.False Worship Condemned (Verses 7-15): •Verses 7-8: God addresses His people, Israel, affirming that He will testify against them despite their sacrifices. •Verses 9-13: God clarifies that He does not need their sacrifices as He owns all creation. This rebukes the misconception that God’s favor can be bought with offerings. •Verses 14-15: Instead of mere ritualistic sacrifices, God desires thanksgiving and the fulfillment of vows. He calls for a relationship based on sincere devotion and reliance on Him, promising deliverance to those who call upon Him in times of trouble. 3.Rebuke of the Wicked (Verses 16-21): •Verses 16-17: God confronts the wicked who recite His laws but disregard His commands. •Verses 18-20: Specific sins are enumerated, including theft, adultery, deceit, and slander. This section underscores the hypocrisy of outward religiosity without inward righteousness. •Verse 21: God’s silence is interpreted as approval by the wicked, but He warns them of impending judgment and correction. 4.Call to Repentance and Promise of Salvation (Verses 22-23): •Verse 22: A stern warning is given to those who forget God, emphasizing the danger of being torn apart with no one to rescue them. •Verse 23: The psalm concludes with a promise: those who offer thanksgiving honor God, and those who order their way rightly will experience His salvation. Key Messages •God’s Ownership: God owns all creation and does not need human offerings, challenging the notion of transactional worship. •True Worship: Genuine worship involves thanksgiving, fulfilling vows, and calling upon God, reflecting a heartfelt relationship rather than mere rituals. •Hypocrisy Exposed: God detests hypocrisy and calls out those who outwardly follow religious practices but live in sin. •Judgment and Mercy: God’s judgment is righteous and inevitable, but He offers mercy and salvation to those who repent and align their lives with His will. Application Psalm 50 encourages believers to examine their motives and sincerity in worship. It calls for a shift from external rituals to a deep, personal relationship with God characterized by gratitude, obedience, and trust. This psalm serves as a reminder of God’s sovereignty, His desire for genuine devotion, and the seriousness of His judgment against hypocrisy and wickedness.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/13/202446 minutes, 48 seconds
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Psalms 49 - 150 Days of Fasting Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022_11_11_492

Title: “Understanding Psalms 49: A Message of Wisdom and Reflection” The Book of Psalms, with its profound poetry and timeless wisdom, continues to resonate deeply with readers across generations. Psalms 49 stands out as a powerful meditation on the fleeting nature of wealth and the ultimate destiny of all humanity. This article delves into the key themes and lessons of Psalms 49, offering insights and reflections that are relevant to our lives today. The Universality of Human Experience Psalms 49 opens with a call to all people, regardless of status or wealth, to heed the wisdom contained within its verses. This universal address underscores the psalm’s central theme: the common fate that awaits all humanity. “Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all who live in this world, both low and high, rich and poor alike” (Psalms 49:1-2, NIV). This egalitarian introduction sets the stage for a reflection on life, death, and the limitations of earthly wealth. The Futility of Trusting in Riches One of the psalm’s primary messages is the futility of placing trust in material wealth. The psalmist observes that no amount of riches can save a person from death or provide eternal security. “No one can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for them—the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough—so that they should live on forever and not see decay” (Psalms 49:7-9, NIV). This poignant reminder challenges us to consider where we place our trust and what we value most in life. The Inevitability of Death Psalms 49 poignantly addresses the inevitability of death, emphasizing that it comes for everyone, regardless of wealth or status. “For all can see that the wise die, that the foolish and the senseless also perish, leaving their wealth to others” (Psalms 49:10, NIV). This reflection serves as a sobering reminder of our mortality and the transient nature of earthly possessions. True Wisdom and Understanding In contrast to the fleeting nature of wealth, Psalms 49 extols the virtues of wisdom and understanding. The psalmist encourages readers to seek true wisdom, which lies in recognizing the limits of material wealth and the importance of spiritual riches. “But God will redeem me from the realm of the dead; he will surely take me to himself” (Psalms 49:15, NIV). This verse highlights the hope and assurance found in a relationship with God, which transcends earthly life. Modern Reflections In today’s materialistic society, the message of Psalms 49 is more relevant than ever. The relentless pursuit of wealth and status often blinds us to the more profound aspects of life—our spiritual well-being and our relationship with God. By reflecting on the teachings of Psalms 49, we can gain a clearer perspective on what truly matters and find comfort in the eternal promises of God. Practical Applications 1.Evaluate Your Priorities: Reflect on what you prioritize in your life. Are you placing too much value on material wealth? Consider how you can shift your focus to spiritual growth and relationships. 2.Seek True Wisdom: Pursue wisdom through prayer, reading Scripture, and seeking guidance from trusted spiritual mentors. True wisdom leads to a deeper understanding of life’s purpose and our place in God’s plan. 3.Live Generously: Use your resources to bless others and support those in need. Generosity not only benefits others but also enriches your own life and aligns with God’s call to love and serve. 4.Find Comfort in God’s Promises: In times of uncertainty or fear, remember the assurance found in Psalms 49:15. Trust in God’s redemption and eternal care. Conclusion Psalms 49 offers timeless wisdom that challenges us to reflect on the true source of our security and the ultimate destiny of our souls. By embracing the lessons of this psalm, we can navigate the complexities of modern life with a clearer sense of purpose and a deeper connection to our faith. Let us heed its call to wisdom and find solace in the eternal promises of our Creator.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/12/202418 minutes, 51 seconds
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Psalms 47 - 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1150 SendMe Radio

Psalm 47 is a Psalms of praise and celebration, emphasizing the sovereignty of God as the King of all the earth. It is attributed to the Sons of Korah and is part of the Book of Psalms in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. Here’s a detailed overview and analysis: Overview Psalms 47 is a short Psalms consisting of nine verses. It is often categorized as an enthronement Psalms which celebrates God’s kingship and His reign over all nations. Structure 1.Call to Worship (Verses 1-2): •The Psalms begins with a call to worship, inviting all peoples to clap their hands and shout to God with cries of joy. •It emphasizes the awe-inspiring greatness of God, referring to Him as “the LORD Most High” who is “awesome” and a “great King over all the earth.” 2.God’s Dominion (Verses 3-4): •These verses highlight God’s dominion over nations, stating that He subdues peoples under His rule and chooses our inheritance for us. •It reflects on God’s favor towards Israel, mentioning “the pride of Jacob, whom he loves.” 3.Acclamation of God’s Kingship (Verses 5-7): •The Psalms describes God ascending amid shouts of joy and the sound of trumpets. •It calls for the singing of praises to God, repeating the phrase “sing praises” multiple times to emphasize joyous worship. •Verse 7 explicitly declares that “God is the King of all the earth.” 4.Universal Reign (Verses 8-9): •The Psalms concludes by affirming God’s universal reign from His holy throne. •It envisions the leaders of nations gathering as the people of the God of Abraham, highlighting the unity and inclusiveness of God’s rule. •The final verse asserts God’s supreme authority, stating that “the kings of the earth belong to God; he is greatly exalted.” Themes •God’s Sovereignty: The central theme of Psalm 47 is the sovereignty of God over all the earth. It portrays God as the ultimate ruler whose authority transcends national boundaries. •Universal Praise: The psalm calls for all nations to recognize and praise God’s kingship, reflecting a vision of global worship. •Joy and Celebration: The tone of the psalm is joyous and celebratory, encouraging exuberant expressions of worship through clapping, shouting, and singing. •Divine Favor: It also highlights God’s special relationship with Israel, acknowledging His favor and love for His chosen people. Interpretation •Historical Context: Historically, this psalm may have been used in liturgical settings, possibly during festivals celebrating God’s kingship, such as the Feast of Tabernacles. •Theological Significance: Theologically, it underscores the belief in God’s ultimate control over the world and His role as the rightful ruler of all creation. •Christian Perspective: In Christian tradition, this psalm is often seen as a foreshadowing of the universal reign of Christ, the King of Kings, and is sometimes associated with the ascension of Jesus. Application •Worship Practices: Psalm 47 can inspire contemporary worship practices, encouraging believers to express their joy and reverence for God through music and other forms of praise. •Unity Among Believers: It calls for unity among believers, recognizing that all people, regardless of nationality, are under God’s sovereign rule. •Reflection on God’s Kingship: Believers are encouraged to reflect on God’s kingship in their personal lives, acknowledging His authority and seeking to align their actions with His will. In summary, Psalm 47 is a powerful hymn of praise that celebrates God’s universal kingship and calls for joyous worship from all nations. Its message of divine sovereignty and unity remains relevant for believers today.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/11/202425 minutes, 9 seconds
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Psalms 45 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1110 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 44 is a communal lament found in the Book of Psalms, expressing the collective grief and confusion of the Israelites in the face of apparent abandonment by God despite their faithfulness. This psalm is attributed to the "sons of Korah," a group of Levitical singers. The structure of Psalm 44 can be broken down into several parts: 1. Verses 1-8: Remembrance of God's Past Deeds** The psalm begins with a reflection on God's historical acts of deliverance and favor towards Israel. The people recall how their ancestors were given the land through God's power, not by their own strength. "We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us, what deeds you performed in their days, in the days of old." 2. Verses 9-16: Current Suffering and Reproach** The tone shifts as the psalmist describes the current suffering and defeat faced by Israel. They feel abandoned by God, despite their continued faithfulness. "But you have rejected us and disgraced us and have not gone out with our armies." 3. Verses 17-22: Assertion of Innocence** The people assert their innocence and loyalty to God, claiming that they have not forgotten Him or broken His covenant. This section highlights the confusion and dismay at their suffering. "All this has come upon us, though we have not forgotten you, and we have not been false to your covenant." 4. Verses 23-26: Plea for Deliverance** The psalm concludes with a desperate plea for God's intervention. The people call on God to wake up, see their plight, and redeem them because of His steadfast love. "Awake! Why are you sleeping, O Lord? Rouse yourself! Do not reject us forever!" Themes and Significance - Faith Amidst Suffering: Psalm 44 underscores the theme of faith in the midst of suffering and unanswered questions. The Israelites maintain their belief in God’s power and past deeds even when His presence seems absent. - Collective Lament: This psalm represents a communal cry rather than an individual lament, emphasizing the collective nature of the people's relationship with God. - Questioning and Trust: The psalm reflects a tension between questioning God’s actions and trusting in His ultimate justice and mercy. The people’s appeal to God is based on His covenantal love and past faithfulness. Contemporary Application Psalm 44 can resonate with individuals and communities today who experience periods of trial and feel abandoned despite their faithfulness. It provides a model for bringing grievances to God honestly while still holding onto faith in His ultimate goodness and sovereignty.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/7/202439 minutes, 16 seconds
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Psalms 44 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1109 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 44 is a communal lament from the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament, expressing the people of Israel’s feelings of abandonment by God despite their faithfulness. Here is a summary and analysis: Summary Verses 1-8: The psalm begins with a reflection on God’s past deeds. The community recalls how God delivered their ancestors from their enemies and helped them establish themselves in the Promised Land. They attribute these victories not to their own strength, but to God’s favor and power. The psalmists express trust in God and declare that they will continue to praise Him. Verses 9-16: The tone shifts dramatically as the psalmists lament their current state. They feel that God has now rejected and humiliated them. Despite their faithfulness, they are suffering defeat and scorn. They describe being scattered among the nations, sold cheaply, and made a reproach and a laughingstock among their neighbors. The community is confused and disheartened by this apparent abandonment. Verses 17-22: The psalmists affirm their continued faithfulness to God. They insist that they have not forgotten God or violated His covenant. They have not turned away to worship other gods, yet they are still suffering. This part of the psalm emphasizes their innocence and the unfairness of their plight, culminating in the statement that they face death all day long and are considered as sheep to be slaughtered. Verses 23-26: The psalm concludes with a fervent plea for God to wake up and come to their aid. They ask why God is hiding His face and ignoring their suffering. They implore God to remember His covenant, to rise up and help them, and to redeem them for the sake of His steadfast love. Analysis Theme of Lament: Psalm 44 is a powerful expression of communal lament, where the people collectively cry out to God in their distress. It highlights the tension between God’s past faithfulness and their present suffering. Faith and Confusion: The psalm poignantly captures the confusion and pain of the community. They remain faithful and cannot understand why they are suffering despite their loyalty to God. Covenantal Relationship: The psalm underscores the covenantal relationship between God and Israel. The people appeal to this covenant, reminding God of His past actions and their own faithfulness as reasons for Him to intervene. Cry for Justice: The closing verses are a raw and desperate cry for justice and deliverance. The psalmists’ plea for God to wake up and help them reveals their deep belief in God’s power and mercy, despite their current circumstances. Reflection Psalm 44 resonates with anyone who has experienced feelings of abandonment or injustice despite their faithfulness. It encourages believers to bring their honest emotions and grievances before God, trusting in His ultimate justice and love. This psalm also serves as a reminder of the importance of community in times of suffering, as it reflects a collective cry rather than an individual one.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/6/202429 minutes, 57 seconds
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Psalms 42 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Child Okorie Episode 4 - Digital Ink

Psalm 42 is a heartfelt expression of longing for God in the midst of distress. It is attributed to the sons of Korah and is part of the first book of the Psalms. This psalm is particularly noted for its vivid imagery and emotional depth. Here’s an overview and analysis: Structure and Themes Verses 1-2: Longing for God •The psalm opens with a powerful metaphor, comparing the psalmist’s longing for God to a deer panting for streams of water. •The psalmist expresses a deep thirst for God, emphasizing a strong desire for His presence. Verses 3-4: Remembrance and Sorrow •The psalmist recounts their tears and the taunts of others asking, “Where is your God?” •They remember past times of joy and worship, contrasting them with their current state of sorrow. Verse 5: Hope and Self-Encouragement •The psalmist speaks to their own soul, questioning why it is downcast and urging it to put hope in God, with the assurance of praising Him again. Verses 6-7: Deep Calls to Deep •The psalmist acknowledges their soul’s deep anguish, feeling overwhelmed by the turmoil. •They use the imagery of waterfalls and waves to describe their distress, emphasizing the overwhelming nature of their situation. Verses 8-10: Trust Amid Trials •Despite the distress, the psalmist declares their trust in God’s steadfast love and anticipates praising Him with songs. •They continue to question God’s seeming absence while facing the taunts and attacks of enemies. Verse 11: Refrain of Hope and Trust in God •The psalmist repeats the refrain, encouraging their soul to hope in God and expressing confidence in future praise. Key Points 1.Desperate Longing for God •The metaphor of a deer panting for water vividly captures the psalmist’s intense desire for God’s presence. This imagery can resonate deeply with anyone feeling spiritually parched. 2.Contrast Between Past Joy and Present Sorrow •The recollection of past joyous worship experiences serves to highlight the depth of the psalmist’s current sorrow. This contrast underscores the emotional weight of their lament. 3.Dialogue with the Soul •The psalmist’s dialogue with their own soul reflects a profound self-awareness and a conscious effort to combat despair with hope and trust in God. 4.Imagery of Overwhelming Distress •The imagery of waterfalls and waves illustrates the psalmist’s sense of being overwhelmed. This powerful description helps convey the intensity of their emotional and spiritual struggle. 5.Resilient Faith •Despite the depth of their anguish, the psalmist maintains a resilient faith, consistently turning their focus back to hope in God and the anticipation of future praise. Application •For Personal Reflection: •Consider times when you have felt a deep longing for God’s presence. How can you nurture this longing in your daily life? •Reflect on the importance of recalling past experiences of God’s faithfulness to strengthen your trust in difficult times. •For Encouragement: •The psalmist’s dialogue with their soul can serve as a model for self-encouragement. How can you speak hope and truth to your own soul when facing despair? •For Worship: •The psalm emphasizes the significance of communal worship and joyful praise. Think about how you can engage more deeply in worship and support others in their spiritual journey. Conclusion Psalm 42 is a poignant exploration of longing, sorrow, and hope. It vividly captures the human experience of spiritual thirst and the struggle to maintain faith amid trials. Through its powerful imagery and emotional depth, the psalm offers a model of resilient faith and self-encouragement, reminding believers of the importance of hope and trust in God.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/5/202427 minutes, 53 seconds
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Psalms 43 - 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms Episode 1107 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 43 is a prayer for deliverance and vindication. It is often seen as a continuation of Psalm 42, sharing a similar theme and tone. Here’s a brief overview and analysis: Structure and Themes Verses 1-2: Plea for Vindication and Deliverance •The psalmist begins by asking God to judge and defend them against an ungodly nation and deceitful men. •They express a sense of abandonment, questioning why God has rejected them and why they must go about mourning due to oppression. Verses 3-4: Prayer for Guidance and Return to Worship •The psalmist requests God to send out His light and truth to lead them back to His holy hill and dwelling places. •They long to return to the altar of God, where they can offer praise with exceeding joy. Verse 5: Refrain of Hope and Trust in God •The psalmist ends with a refrain, similar to that in Psalm 42, encouraging their soul to hope in God. •They express confidence that they will again praise God, who is their help and God. Key Points 1.Expression of Distress and Injustice •The psalmist openly shares their feelings of distress, betrayal, and longing for God’s intervention. This transparency can be comforting for believers facing similar struggles. 2.Desire for Divine Guidance •The plea for God’s light and truth highlights the importance of divine guidance. It reflects a deep desire to be led by God’s righteousness and to return to a place of worship. 3.Hope and Trust in God’s Deliverance •Despite the initial expression of sorrow and questioning, the psalmist concludes with a hopeful outlook. This shift from despair to hope demonstrates the resilience of faith. 4.Connection to Worship •The ultimate goal of the psalmist is to return to worship. This underscores the significance of worship in the life of the believer as a source of joy and strength. Application •For Personal Reflection: •Reflect on times when you have felt abandoned or oppressed. How can you find hope and trust in God during these moments? •Consider the importance of seeking God’s light and truth in your own life. How can you be more intentional about seeking His guidance? •For Community and Worship: •The psalm highlights the importance of communal worship and returning to the house of God. Think about ways to strengthen your participation in community worship and support others in their spiritual journey. Conclusion Psalm 43 is a powerful reminder of the believer’s journey from distress to hope. It emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s guidance, remaining hopeful, and finding strength in worship. Through honest expression and trust in God’s deliverance, the psalmist models a resilient faith that can inspire believers in their own spiritual journeys.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6/5/202424 minutes, 39 seconds
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Psalms 38 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1106 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 38 is a penitential psalm attributed to David, expressing deep sorrow and repentance for sin. The psalmist vividly describes his physical and emotional suffering, which he believes is a result of God’s displeasure due to his sins. Here’s a breakdown of the psalm’s key elements: 1.Acknowledgment of Sin (Verses 1-4): The psalm begins with David pleading for God’s mercy, asking not to be rebuked in anger or disciplined in wrath. He acknowledges the weight of his sins, which have caused his suffering and feel like a heavy burden too heavy to bear. 2.Physical and Emotional Anguish (Verses 5-10): David describes his physical afflictions in detail, including festering wounds, burning loins, and a crushed heart. His suffering affects his entire body, leaving him weak, groaning, and overwhelmed by sorrow. 3.Isolation and Abandonment (Verses 11-14): David feels isolated and abandoned, noting that his friends and companions stand aloof, while his enemies lay traps and seek his downfall. He feels unable to respond, likening himself to a deaf man who cannot hear and a mute who cannot speak. 4.Hope and Trust in God (Verses 15-22): Despite his suffering, David expresses his hope and trust in God, asking for salvation and rescue. He acknowledges his iniquity and confesses his sin, recognizing that his suffering is a result of his wrongdoing. He pleads with God not to forsake him and to come quickly to his aid. Psalm 38 is a profound expression of the human experience of guilt, suffering, and the desire for divine mercy. It highlights the psalmist’s deep awareness of his own sinfulness and his reliance on God’s compassion and forgiveness. Through his honest and heartfelt lament, David seeks reconciliation with God, demonstrating a model of true penitence and faith in divine grace.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/30/202428 minutes, 29 seconds
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Psalms 37 - 150 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 4 - Digital Ink

Psalm 37 is a wisdom Psalms attributed to David, offering guidance and encouragement to the righteous. It contrasts the fate of the wicked with that of the righteous and emphasizes trust in the Lord and commitment to His ways. Key Themes and Verses 1.Trust in the Lord (Verses 1-7): •The psalm opens by advising against fretting over evildoers or envying those who do wrong because their success is temporary. •Verse 3: “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.” •Verse 4: “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” 2.Commitment to God (Verses 5-6): •Verse 5: “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this.” •This section encourages believers to trust God to act on their behalf. 3.The Fate of the Wicked (Verses 8-15): •Verse 10: “A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found.” •The psalm reassures that the wicked will eventually be cut off, and their plots will fail. 4.Blessings for the Righteous (Verses 16-26): •Verse 16: “Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked.” •Verse 23-24: “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” •This section highlights the lasting inheritance and security of the righteous. 5.Advice for the Righteous (Verses 27-34): •Verse 27: “Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever.” •Verse 34: “Hope in the Lord and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are destroyed, you will see it.” 6.The End of the Wicked (Verses 35-40): •Verse 37: “Consider the blameless, observe the upright; a future awaits those who seek peace.” •The final verses reiterate that while the wicked may flourish temporarily, their end is destruction, whereas salvation and strength are promised to the righteous.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/29/202455 minutes, 37 seconds
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Psalms 36 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1104 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 36 is a contemplative Psalms attributed to David, often reflecting on the contrast between the wickedness of man and the steadfast love of God. Here’s an overview and analysis of the key themes and verses: Overview Psalm 36 can be divided into three main sections: 1.Verses 1-4: The Wickedness of Humanity 2.Verses 5-9: The Lovingkindness of God 3.Verses 10-12: A Prayer for God’s Continued Blessing and Protection Verses 1-4: The Wickedness of Humanity The psalm opens with a vivid description of the nature of the wicked: Transgression speaks to the wicked deep in his heart; there is no fear of God before his eyes. For he flatters himself in his own eyes that his iniquity cannot be found out and hated. The words of his mouth are trouble and deceit; he has ceased to act wisely and do good. He plots trouble while on his bed; he sets himself in a way that is not good; he does not reject evil. These verses highlight several characteristics of the wicked: •Inward Transgression: Sin is deeply rooted in the heart. •Lack of Fear of God: There is no reverence or fear of divine judgment. •Self-Deception: The wicked flatter themselves, thinking their sins will go unnoticed. •Deceptive Speech: Their words are harmful and deceitful. •Persistent Evil: They are committed to wrongdoing, even planning it during times of rest. Verses 5-9: The Lovingkindness of God In contrast to human wickedness, David extols the greatness of God’s attributes: Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mountains of God; your judgments are like the great deep; man and beast you save, O Lord. How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light. These verses celebrate: •God’s Steadfast Love and Faithfulness: They are boundless and immeasurable. •Righteousness and Judgments: God’s righteousness is as unmovable as mountains, and His judgments are profound. •Protection and Provision: God provides refuge, sustenance, and delight. •Source of Life and Light: God is the ultimate source of life and enlightenment. Verses 10-12: A Prayer for God’s Continued Blessing and Protection David concludes with a plea for ongoing divine favor: Oh, continue your steadfast love to those who know you, and your righteousness to the upright of heart! Let not the foot of arrogance come upon me, nor the hand of the wicked drive me away. There the evildoers lie fallen; they are thrust down, unable to rise. These closing verses include: •Request for Sustained Love and Righteousness: David asks for God’s continued favor towards the faithful. •Protection from Arrogance and Wickedness: A plea for safety from the oppressive actions of the wicked. •Assurance of Justice: A recognition that evildoers ultimately face downfall. Key Themes 1.The Depth of Human Wickedness: The psalmist provides a stark portrayal of the corrupt nature of those who disregard God. 2.The Magnitude of God’s Attributes: In stark contrast to human sinfulness, God’s attributes are portrayed as immense and unchanging. 3.Divine Refuge and Sustenance: Emphasis on God’s protection and provision for those who seek Him. 4.A Call for Divine Justice and Protection: An appeal for God’s continued care and the ultimate defeat of wickedness. Reflection Psalm 36 offers a profound meditation on the nature of good and evil. It encourages the faithful to seek refuge in God’s unwavering love and righteousness while acknowledging the reality of human wickedness. The psalm underscores the importance of aligning oneself with divine virtues and seeking God’s protection against the corrupt influences of the worldBecome a supporter of this podcast:
5/28/202425 minutes, 8 seconds
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Psalms 33 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1103 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 33: A Celebration of God’s Sovereignty and Steadfast Love Psalm 33 is a hymn of praise that celebrates God’s sovereignty, creative power, and steadfast love. Unlike many other psalms, it is not attributed to any particular author, but its themes of divine authority and faithfulness resonate deeply. Verses 1-3: A Call to Praise The psalm opens with an invitation for the righteous to rejoice in the Lord and to offer praise fitting for the upright. The use of musical instruments and a new song suggests a vibrant and heartfelt worship, celebrating God’s worthiness of praise. Verses 4-5: The Righteousness and Faithfulness of God These verses highlight the integrity of God’s word and work. The psalmist emphasizes that everything God does is marked by faithfulness, justice, and steadfast love, providing a strong foundation for trust in Him. Verses 6-9: God’s Creative Power The psalmist reflects on the majesty of God’s creation, stating that by the word of the Lord the heavens were made. The imagery of God gathering the waters of the sea like a heap and storing the deep in storehouses underscores His immense power and control over the natural world. Verses 10-12: The Plans of God versus Human Plans Here, the psalmist contrasts the transient and often futile plans of nations with the enduring purposes of the Lord. God’s plans stand forever, and the counsel of His heart through all generations. Blessed are the people who have God as their Lord and whom He has chosen as His heritage. Verses 13-15: God’s Omniscience These verses describe God’s all-seeing nature. The Lord looks down from heaven and observes all of humanity. He understands all their deeds, affirming His intimate knowledge and understanding of every individual. Verses 16-19: Trust in God’s Protection The psalmist warns against placing trust in military might or human strength. Instead, true deliverance comes from the Lord, who watches over those who fear Him and hope in His steadfast love. He protects them from death and keeps them alive in times of famine. Verses 20-22: A Declaration of Trust and Hope The psalm concludes with a communal expression of trust and hope in the Lord. The psalmist affirms that God is their help and shield, and their hearts rejoice in Him because they trust in His holy name. The final verse is a prayer for God’s steadfast love to be upon them as they place their hope in Him. Reflection: Psalm 33 is a profound reminder of God’s supreme power, wisdom, and enduring love. It calls believers to praise God not only for His mighty works in creation but also for His unwavering faithfulness and righteousness. By emphasizing God’s sovereignty over human affairs and the futility of relying on worldly strength, the psalm encourages a deep trust in God’s protection and provision. This psalm inspires a confident and joyful faith, rooted in the assurance of God’s eternal plans and His steadfast love for His people. This reflection encapsulates the core themes of Psalm 33, focusing on the reasons for praise and the assurance found in God’s unchanging nature.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/25/202429 minutes, 45 seconds
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Psalms 32 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1102 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 32: A Reflection on Forgiveness and Joy Psalm 32, attributed to David, is a heartfelt expression of the joy and relief that comes from experiencing God's forgiveness. It is often categorized as one of the penitential psalms, where the psalmist reflects on sin, confession, and the resulting restoration. Verses 1-2: The Blessing of Forgiveness David begins by acknowledging the blessedness of those whose transgressions are forgiven and whose sins are covered. He emphasizes that there is a profound happiness in being relieved of the burden of sin and in having a right relationship with God. Verses 3-4: The Weight of Unconfessed Sin David recounts his own experience, describing how keeping silent about his sin caused physical and emotional distress. His strength was sapped, and he felt the heavy hand of God’s displeasure, illustrating the deep impact that unconfessed sin can have on one's life. Verse 5: The Relief of Confession The turning point comes when David decides to acknowledge his sin to God. He confesses without hiding anything, and as a result, he experiences the liberating forgiveness of the Lord. This act of confession brings immediate relief and restoration. Verses 6-7: Encouragement to Seek God** David encourages others to pray to God while He may be found, assuring them of His protection. He speaks of God as a hiding place who preserves from trouble and surrounds with songs of deliverance, emphasizing God's readiness to forgive and protect those who seek Him. Verses 8-9: Divine Guidance** God responds by promising to instruct and teach the way to go. He advises not to be like a horse or mule that needs to be controlled with bit and bridle but to be willing and responsive to His guidance. Verses 10-11: The Joy of the Righteous** David concludes by contrasting the sorrow of the wicked with the steadfast love that surrounds those who trust in the Lord. He calls on the righteous to rejoice and be glad, celebrating the uprightness of heart that comes from living in God’s forgiveness and grace. Reflection: Psalm 32 serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of confession and the joy that comes from being forgiven by God. It teaches that holding onto sin causes suffering, but honesty with God leads to healing and joy. This psalm invites everyone to experience the freedom that comes from laying their burdens at God’s feet and embracing His mercy and guidance. This reflection captures the essence of Psalm 32 and its timeless message about the transformative power of God’s forgiveness.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/25/202434 minutes, 12 seconds
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Psalms 31 - 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 4 - Digital Ink

Psalm 31 is a heartfelt prayer of trust and deliverance written by David, reflecting his deep reliance on God amidst trials and tribulations. This psalm is a beautiful expression of faith, combining pleas for rescue with declarations of God's faithfulness. Structure and Themes: 1. Verses 1-8: A Plea for Refuge and Rescue** - David begins with a plea for God's protection, declaring his trust in God as his refuge and fortress. He seeks deliverance from his enemies and the traps set for him, reaffirming his confidence in God’s righteousness and steadfast love. - Key themes include trust in God, seeking divine refuge, and confidence in God's ability to save. 2. Verses 9-13: A Lament of Distress** - David describes his current suffering and the scorn he faces from enemies and even neighbors. His strength is failing due to his anguish, and he feels abandoned and forgotten like a broken vessel. - Themes here are the expression of personal anguish, the sense of isolation, and the emotional and physical toll of his distress. 3. Verses 14-18: Affirmation of Trust and Plea for Deliverance** - Despite his distress, David reaffirms his trust in God, declaring, "But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in your hands." He asks God to save him from his enemies and to shine His face upon him. - This section highlights trust in God's timing and sovereignty, as well as a plea for God's presence and deliverance. 4. Verses 19-24: Praise and Encouragement** - David praises God for His goodness and the protection He offers to those who fear Him. He acknowledges God's care and calls the faithful to love the Lord and take courage. - The final verses focus on God's goodness, the strength He gives to His people, and an exhortation to remain strong and hopeful in the Lord. Key Verses: - Verse 3 For you are my rock and my fortress; for your name's sake you lead me and guide me." - **Verse 5**: "Into your hands I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O LORD, faithful God." - **Verse 15**: "My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies and from those who pursue me." - **Verse 24**: "Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the LORD!" Application: Psalm 31 is a powerful reminder of the importance of trust and reliance on God during times of distress. It teaches that even in the darkest moments, believers can find refuge and hope in God's faithful love and protection. This psalm encourages us to openly pour out our hearts to God, trust in His timing, and remain steadfast in our faith, knowing that He is our ultimate fortress and deliverer.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/22/202429 minutes, 51 seconds
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Psalms 31 - 150 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1100 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 31 is a poignant and multifaceted prayer attributed to King David, expressing deep trust in God amid distress and seeking His protection and deliverance. It reflects a mixture of lament, praise, and confidence, capturing the emotional spectrum of someone who is facing significant challenges but remains steadfast in their faith. Structure and Themes: 1. Verses 1-5: A Plea for Rescue and Confidence in God** - David begins with a plea for deliverance, asking God to rescue him from his enemies and their schemes. He emphasizes his trust in God as his rock and fortress. - In verse 5, the famous line "Into your hands I commit my spirit" is echoed by Jesus on the cross, highlighting themes of trust and surrender. 2. Verses 6-8: Declaration of Trust and Praise** - David expresses his hatred for idolatry and his steadfast trust in the Lord. - He acknowledges God's past deliverances and praises Him for His goodness, even in times of distress. 3. Verses 9-13: Description of Distress** - David vividly describes his suffering and feelings of abandonment, rejected by friends and neighbors, and forgotten like the dead. - He feels besieged by enemies and overwhelmed by his troubles, yet his lamentation is interwoven with trust. 4. Verses 14-18: Renewed Trust and Call for Deliverance - Despite his anguish, David reaffirms his trust in God, declaring that his times are in God's hands. - He petitions God to save him from his enemies, let His face shine upon him, and silence the wicked who speak against him. 5. Verses 19-22: Praise for God's Goodness** - David shifts to praising God for His great goodness and the way He protects and blesses those who fear and take refuge in Him. - He recalls a moment of despair when he felt cut off from God, but God heard his cries for help, affirming God's faithfulness. 6. Verses 23-24: Exhortation to Love and Trust God - The psalm concludes with an exhortation to all the faithful to love the Lord and be strong, reinforcing the message of courage and hope for those who put their trust in God. Key Takeaways: - Trust in God's Protection: The psalm emphasizes the importance of trusting in God as a protector and deliverer, even when circumstances seem dire. - Honest Expression of Emotion:** David's honest portrayal of his distress and his unwavering faith provides a model for believers to bring their full range of emotions to God in prayer. - God's Faithfulness: Throughout the psalm, there's a strong undercurrent of God's faithfulness and readiness to rescue and sustain those who seek Him. - Encouragement for Believers: The concluding verses serve as a rallying cry for believers to remain strong and courageous, trusting in God's goodness and timing. Psalm 31 thus serves as a powerful testament to the enduring faithfulness of God and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, making it a source of comfort and inspiration for many.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/21/202431 minutes, 17 seconds
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Psalms 30 - 150 Days Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1099 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 30 is a Psalm of thanksgiving attributed to King David, often recognized for its themes of gratitude and deliverance. It is traditionally linked to the dedication of the Temple, though some scholars suggest it may refer to the dedication of David's own house or a personal deliverance. Structure and Themes The psalm is structured as follows: 1. **Verses 1-3**: David praises God for rescuing him from his enemies and healing him from a life-threatening illness. He acknowledges that God has saved him from the brink of death. 2. **Verses 4-5**: A call for the faithful to sing praises to God, emphasizing that His anger is fleeting while His favor lasts a lifetime. It highlights the transition from weeping to joy. 3. **Verses 6-10**: David reflects on a period of complacency when he felt secure but was shaken when God hid His face. In his distress, David cried out to God, appealing for mercy and arguing that his death would not serve God's purposes. 4. **Verses 11-12**: The conclusion of the psalm returns to joy, as David recounts how God turned his mourning into dancing and removed his sackcloth, clothing him with joy. This transformation prompts David to vow lifelong praise to God. Key Verses - **Psalm 30:5**: "For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." This verse encapsulates the theme of transient suffering followed by lasting joy. - **Psalm 30:11**: "You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy." This verse vividly portrays the transformation from sorrow to happiness. Commentary Psalm 30 is a profound expression of gratitude for God's deliverance. It captures the oscillation between despair and hope, underscoring the belief that God's favor ultimately prevails. The psalmist's personal testimony of rescue serves as a communal call to trust in God's enduring mercy and to praise Him continually. In a broader theological context, Psalm 30 can be seen as a reflection on the human experience of suffering and redemption, emphasizing that moments of hardship are temporary and serve as a prelude to greater joy and spiritual renewal.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/20/202428 minutes, 16 seconds
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Psalms 28 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 4 - Digital Ink

Psalms 28 is a heartfelt plea for deliverance and guidance composed by David. This Psalm reflects a moment of intense personal distress and a deep desire for God's intervention. David begins by calling out to the Lord, expressing his fear of being ignored and equating silence from God with death. He pleads with God not to treat him like the wicked, those who speak peace with their neighbors while evil is in their hearts. As the Psalm progresses, David seeks divine retribution against the wicked, asking God to repay them according to their deeds and the evil of their efforts. He wishes that their duplicity be recognized and punished, indicating a strong desire for justice. In the second part of the Psalm, the tone shifts from plea to praise. David expresses confidence that God has heard his pleas for mercy. He transitions into a state of thankfulness, affirming his trust in God’s strength and protection. He ends with a communal prayer, urging God to save and bless His people, thus reflecting a move from individual concern to communal welfare. Psalms 28 captures a profound journey from despair to trust, illustrating a universal theme of seeking divine help and celebrating God’s response to prayer. It resonates as a powerful reminder of faith and reliance on God's justice and protection.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/18/202430 minutes, 16 seconds
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Psalms 27 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1097 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 27, attributed to David, is a powerful and evocative scripture that combines themes of trust, divine protection, and worship. It reflects a profound faith in God during times of trouble and a yearning for closeness with Him. The Psalm opens with declarations of confidence: "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" These lines set the tone for the entire chapter, emphasizing that with God as a protector, there is no need to fear even in the darkest circumstances. As the Psalm progresses, it shifts from declarations of faith to heartfelt pleas for God's presence and help. David expresses a deep desire to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life, gazing upon the beauty of the Lord and seeking Him in His temple. This desire for closeness is not just about physical safety but spiritual communion. The latter part of the Psalm is a prayer for help and guidance, especially in the face of adversaries. David asks not to be forsaken and to be taught the way of the Lord. The Psalm ends with an encouragement to "wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord." Psalms 27 resonates deeply with many due to its balance between expressing vulnerability before God and affirming unwavering faith. It encourages believers to seek refuge and strength in God, especially in times of fear and uncertainty, and to maintain hope and perseverance while waiting for divine intervention.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/16/202430 minutes, 43 seconds
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Psalms 26 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1096 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 26 is a prayer of David, expressing his commitment to integrity and his trust in the Lord. David begins by asking God to vindicate him because he has walked in faithfulness and integrity. He asserts his innocence and his avoidance of the company of deceitful men, distinguishing himself from wrongdoers and evildoers. The psalm can be divided into several key themes: 1. **Declaration of Integrity**: David proclaims his integrity and pleads with God to test and examine him, reflecting his confidence in his righteous living. 2. **Distancing from the Wicked**: He distinguishes himself from those who are deceitful and wicked, stating that he does not associate with them and avoids their gatherings. 3. **Worship and Love for God's House**: David expresses his deep love for the place where God’s glory dwells. He talks about how he loves to be in the temple, where he can behold God’s power and glory. 4. **Confidence in God’s Redemption**: The psalm concludes with David standing on level ground, in a place of stability and favor, proclaiming God’s praises and blessing the Lord in the congregation. Psalm 26 exemplifies a prayer for personal vindication in the face of unjust criticism or suspicion, and a declaration of fidelity to God’s righteous standards. It is a testament to seeking and celebrating God's presence, aiming for a life aligned with God's ways, and a commitment to community worship and testimony.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/15/202433 minutes, 48 seconds
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Psalms 25 - 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1095 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 25 in the King James Version (KJV): Psalm 25 (KJV) 1 Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. 2 O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me. 3 Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: let them be ashamed which transgress without cause. 4 Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. 5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day. 6 Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they have been ever of old. 7 Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness' sake, O Lord. 8 Good and upright is the Lord: therefore will he teach sinners in the way. 9 The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way. 10 All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies. 11 For thy name's sake, O Lord, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great. 12 What man is he that feareth the Lord? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. 13 His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth. 14 The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant. 15 Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord; for he shall pluck my feet out of the net. 16 Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted. 17 The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses. 18 Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins. 19 Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred. 20 O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee. 21 Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee. 22 Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles. This psalm is a heartfelt plea for God's guidance, protection, and forgiveness, expressing a deep trust in God's mercy and a commitment to follow His ways.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/15/202432 minutes, 53 seconds
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Psalms 24 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1094 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 24 is a psalm of David that speaks of the majesty and sovereignty of God over the entire earth and underscores the qualities required of those who wish to dwell in His presence. It is both a celebration of God’s creation and a meditation on the moral purity necessary for communion with the divine. The psalm can be broken down into three distinct sections: the proclamation of God's ownership, the qualifications for entering God’s holy space, and the entrance of the King of glory. Psalm 24: Commentary Verses 1-2: Proclamation of God's Dominion** - "The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters." - These opening verses declare that God is the creator and rightful owner of the world. By stating that God founded the earth upon the seas, David emphasizes the stability and intentionality of God’s creation, setting the stage for recognizing His authority. Verses 3-6: Criteria for Entering God's Presence** - "Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully." - This segment poses questions about who is worthy to approach God, emphasizing moral purity and truthfulness as prerequisites. It reflects a yearning to be in God’s presence, coupled with a recognition of the holiness required to do so. Those who meet these criteria will receive blessing and righteousness from God. Verses 7-10: The King of Glory Enters** - "Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle." - The psalm concludes with a dramatic call for the gates of the city to open and welcome the King of glory. This passage is both a literal and metaphorical depiction of opening oneself to the presence of God. It repeats the question, "Who is this King of glory?" underscoring the awe and reverence due to God. The repeated answers emphasize His might and power, portraying Him as a conqueror and protector. Themes and Reflections Psalm 24 integrates themes of divine kingship, holiness, and the human pursuit of righteousness. It challenges the faithful to evaluate their actions and their hearts, aligning themselves with the values that permit divine encounter. The Psalm resonates with the idea that approaching God requires not only external adherence to religious practices but also internal purity and truthfulness. This psalm is often associated with significant liturgical moments, such as Palm Sunday in the Christian tradition, symbolizing the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as the King of glory. It serves as a reminder of God’s ultimate rule over all creation and the profound reverence and cleanliness required to stand in His holy place.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/13/202429 minutes, 1 second
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Psalms 22 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1093 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 22 is a deeply poignant and prophetic psalm written by King David. It is often cited for its clear foreshadowing of the suffering of Christ and is frequently referenced in the New Testament, especially in the accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion. The psalm begins with the agonized words that Jesus himself quoted on the cross: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” This opening line sets a tone of despair and abandonment, which permeates the first half of the psalm. Structure and Themes: •The psalm is structured in two main parts. The first part (verses 1-21) details David’s feelings of abandonment and distress. Despite his desperate cries for help, he feels unheard, likening himself to a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by the people. •In the second part (verses 22-31), there is a dramatic shift from despair to trust and praise for God. David speaks of deliverance and vows to declare God’s name to his brethren; in the midst of the congregation, he will praise God. Prophetic Elements: •Several verses in Psalms 22 are prophetically significant, particularly in Christian theology. For example, verse 16, “For dogs have surrounded me; a band of evildoers has encompassed me; they pierced my hands and my feet,” is seen as a direct prophecy of the crucifixion. •Verse 18, “They divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots,” is explicitly referenced in the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion, where Roman soldiers cast lots for Jesus’ clothes. Theological Insights: •This psalm explores themes of suffering, divine deliverance, and redemption. It vividly portrays the anguish of feeling forsaken by God, yet ultimately reaffirms God’s faithfulness and sovereignty. •It also touches on the communal and universal aspects of God’s salvation, predicting that future generations will serve the Lord and proclaim His righteousness to people yet unborn. Psalms 22 is a profound expression of the human experience of suffering and the divine narrative of redemption. It encapsulates a journey from despair to hope, making it relevant to both personal reflection and communal worship.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/10/202432 minutes, 33 seconds
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Psalms 21 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1092 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 21 is a royal thanksgiving psalm attributed to King David. It expresses gratitude to God for granting the king strength and victory in battle, reflecting a deep trust in divine support and protection. The psalm can be divided into two main parts: verses 1-7 focus on thanking God for past help and blessings, particularly emphasizing God’s role in the king’s military success and long life; verses 8-13 look forward to future victories, affirming confidence in God’s continued support against enemies. The psalm begins with the king rejoicing in the strength and salvation provided by God, indicating that God has not only met but exceeded the desires and prayers of the king. This theme of divine generosity is further explored through the imagery of blessings, such as a crown of pure gold and life granted for an indefinitely long time. One key aspect of Psalm 21 is its portrayal of the relationship between the king and God. The king attributes all his success directly to God’s favor, reflecting a theology that sees the king’s earthly rule as deeply intertwined with divine approval and support. This relationship also implies a responsibility on the part of the king to remain faithful to God, as his power and longevity are seen as direct results of God’s benevolence. In the latter verses, the psalm shifts to a more combative tone, praying for God’s action against the king’s enemies. This includes vivid descriptions of God’s power and the inevitable defeat of those who oppose His anointed. The imagery used is forceful and dramatic, emphasizing God’s might and the futility of opposing His will.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/9/202433 minutes, 52 seconds
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Psalms 18 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1091 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 18 is a profound expression of thanksgiving and praise to God, attributed to King David. This psalm reflects David's gratitude for God's deliverance from his enemies and from the hands of King Saul. The psalm is noted for its poetic vividness and the dramatic imagery used to describe God's mighty acts of rescue and protection. Structure and Content Psalms 18 is structured in several distinct sections, each highlighting different aspects of God's character and intervention: 1. Introduction of Praise (Verses 1-3) David begins with a passionate declaration of love for the Lord, referring to Him as his strength, rock, fortress, and deliverer. He sets the tone for the entire psalm, emphasizing his personal reliance on God's strength and protection. 2. Cry for Help and Divine Response (Verses 4-19) David describes the perilous situations he found himself in, using metaphors of death and destruction to illustrate his desperation. He recounts how he called upon the Lord in his distress, and beautifully portrays God’s response. The imagery here is cosmic and powerful, depicting God as a mighty warrior who comes with thunder, earthquake, and consuming fire to rescue His servant. 3. God’s Righteous Deliverance (Verses 20-29) Here, David reflects on the reason for his deliverance, attributing it to his own righteousness and God's faithfulness to reward the righteous. He speaks of God's ways being perfect and the word of the Lord being flawless. This section highlights the reciprocal relationship between David’s obedience to God’s law and God’s faithfulness in protection. 4. Praising God’s Might and Support (Verses 30-45) David praises God's empowerment in his battles, stating that God arms him with strength and makes his way perfect. He uses metaphors of war to describe how God enabled him to defeat his enemies and expand his reign, attributing all his military successes to God’s direct intervention. 5. Conclusion of Praise (Verses 46-50) The psalm concludes with a jubilant celebration of God's kingship and deliverance, expressing confidence that God will continue to show unfailing love to His anointed and his descendants forever. Themes and Messages - Trust and Dependence on God - David exemplifies a deep trust in God’s protection and guidance, which serves as a model for personal faith. -God as a Divine Warrior - The psalm portrays God in dynamic and military imagery, emphasizing His power and willingness to fight for His people. - The Reward of Righteousness - It underscores the belief that God rewards the righteous, which reflects the theological understanding of divine justice prevalent in the Old Testament. Application Psalms 18 resonates with anyone seeking comfort or reassurance of God’s protection and justice. It encourages believers to trust in God's strength and to praise Him for His past deliverances as a promise of future protection. This psalm is often read or recited in times of trouble, reminding the faithful of God's power and presence in their struggles. Overall, Psalms 18 is a majestic ode to God's deliverance and a profound statement of faith in His omnipotence and justice, serving as a reminder of the personal relationship believers can have with God.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/7/202431 minutes, 33 seconds
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Psalms 18 - 150 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1090 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 18 is a powerful and evocative piece of biblical literature, celebrated for its deep emotional resonance and its portrayal of divine deliverance and protection. Traditionally attributed to King David, this psalm is a song of thanksgiving to God, who is praised as a rock, fortress, and deliverer. The Psalms begins with a personal declaration of love for the Lord, emphasizing the strength that the psalmist draws from his relationship with God. The imagery used is vivid and martial, portraying God as a warrior who can rescue the psalmist from his enemies. Verses such as "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge," underscore a theme of strong dependence and trust in God's protection. In the middle sections, the psalm describes a dramatic scene where the psalmist is nearly overcome by his enemies, but calls upon the Lord in his distress. The response from God is depicted with cosmic and natural imagery—earthquakes, smoke, fire, and tempests symbolize His power and wrath against the foes of the psalmist. Towards the end, the Psalms transitions from deliverance to victory, affirming that God rewards the righteousness of the psalmist and punishes wickedness. This part of the psalm reflects a theology of retributive justice, where God is seen as a judge who administers justice based on the actions of individuals. Psalms 18 thus serves multiple roles: it is a hymn of praise, a testimony of personal salvation, and a reflection on the justice of God. It reinforces the covenantal relationship between God and His followers, portraying a deeply personal and reciprocal bond. This psalm is often turned to for comfort and reassurance of God's protection and justice in times of trouble.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/6/202434 minutes, 14 seconds
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Psalms 16 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1089 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 16 is a profound and comforting passage in the Bible, attributed to David. It is known as a miktam, which may suggest a type of poetic or musical composition. The psalm expresses trust in God, a declaration of faith, and a rejection of idolatry, highlighting the psalmist’s dedication to the Lord as the source of security and blessing. The Psalms begins with a plea for protection and quickly shifts to a profound expression of trust in God, who is acknowledged as the psalmist’s only good. It emphasizes the blessings that come from God and the guidance provided by Him, asserting that those who pursue other gods will only multiply their sorrows. The speaker chooses to dedicate themselves to the Lord, taking refuge in Him, which reflects a deep relational trust. One of the key verses, “I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken,” encapsulates the psalm’s theme of reliance and stability found in God. This assurance of God’s presence provides a basis for confidence and peace, making it clear that the psalmist feels secure and content in God’s promises. The latter part of the Psalms looks toward the future with hope, celebrating the joy and eternal pleasures found in God’s presence. This hope is not just for the present life but extends into eternity, indicating a belief in resurrection or eternal life. Psalms 16 is often sought for comfort and encouragement, providing words of hope and firm trust in the face of uncertainty and trial. It is a testament to the peace that comes from putting one’s life in God’s hands, underscoring the joy and security available to those who choose to make the Lord their portion and refuge.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/3/202435 minutes, 28 seconds
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Psalms 15 - 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 4 - Digital Ink

Psalms 15 is a short but profound Psalm attributed to King David. It functions as a liturgical piece, possibly meant to be sung or recited by those entering the temple or engaging in worship. The Psalm poses a fundamental question about who is worthy to dwell in God’s sacred space, and it answers with a description of the ideal characteristics of a faithful follower. The Psalm begins with David asking, “LORD, who may dwell in your sacred tent? Who may live on your holy mountain?” This question sets the stage for a reflection on the ethical and moral qualities required to be in the presence of the Lord. What follows is a concise yet powerful checklist that emphasizes integrity, righteousness, and sincerity. The characteristics listed include walking blamelessly, doing what is right, speaking truth from the heart, not slandering with the tongue, doing no wrong to a neighbor, and despising a vile person while honoring those who fear the Lord. It also mentions keeping oaths even when it hurts, lending money without interest, and not accepting bribes against the innocent. Psalms 15 essentially outlines a code of conduct for those who seek closeness with God, emphasizing that true worship is not just about ritual purity but about ethical living and treating others with fairness and kindness. The Psalm concludes by promising that those who live by these virtues will never be shaken, suggesting both divine protection and a stable life.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/2/202433 minutes, 32 seconds
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Psalms 14 - 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1087 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 14 is a deeply introspective and socially critical chapter in the Book of Psalms, attributed to King David. This psalm addresses the corruption and moral failure of humanity from a theological perspective. Here’s a brief overview and reflection on Psalm 14: Overview of Psalm 14 Verse 1: The psalm begins with the famous line, "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'" This declaration sets the tone for the entire psalm, suggesting that denial of God is linked to moral and ethical corruption. It implies that such denial leads to wicked behavior, as God is viewed as the foundation of all moral law. Verses 2-3: These verses describe God looking down from heaven to assess humanity, only to find universal corruption and a lack of righteousness among people. Everyone has turned astray, collectively becoming worthless in their deeds. This vivid imagery emphasizes the totality of human moral failure. Verses 4-6: The psalmist questions the evildoers about their lack of understanding and their consumption of God’s people as if they were eating bread. This metaphor highlights their predatory and thoughtless actions. It also reassures the righteous that God is their refuge, indicating a divide between the wicked and those who follow God. Verse 7 The final verse expresses a longing for salvation and the deliverance of Israel, reflecting a hope that God will restore His people's fortunes and bring joy to Jacob and gladness to Israel. Reflection Psalm 14 offers a stark depiction of a society devoid of godliness, where moral decay is rampant. It reflects a worldview that sees the recognition of God as central to ethical behavior and societal well-being. The psalm serves both as a lament over the state of humanity and a hopeful look towards divine intervention and redemption. The themes in Psalm 14 are timeless, echoing the ongoing human struggle between moral integrity and corruption. It also encourages self-reflection among believers, urging them to assess their own lives and their communities through the lens of their faith and moral commitment. This psalm resonates with anyone observing or experiencing moral decline in their community or society, providing both a diagnostic (the problem of turning away from God) and a prescriptive (the hope of divine restoration) outlook.Become a supporter of this podcast:
5/1/202426 minutes, 50 seconds
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Psalms 13 - 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1086 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 13 is a poignant example of a biblical lament, expressing deep sorrow and a yearning for God’s intervention. This psalm, attributed to David, captures the feeling of being forgotten and overlooked in times of distress. The psalm is structured into three parts: 1.The Lament (verses 1-2): David begins by questioning how long God will forget him, feeling abandoned. He wrestles with sorrow in his heart daily and feels overcome by his enemies. This questioning of God’s attention and presence is a common theme in the laments, reflecting a very human aspect of spiritual life. 2.The Prayer (verses 3-4): David pleads with God to consider and answer him, to bring light to his eyes, lest he sleeps the sleep of death. He fears that if God does not intervene, his enemies will prevail and rejoice over his downfall. This appeal for help is urgent, highlighting his dependence on God for deliverance. 3.The Trust (verses 5-6): Despite his dire circumstances, David concludes the psalm with a statement of trust in God’s steadfast love. He rejoices in God’s salvation and resolves to sing to the Lord because of His bountiful dealings with him. This shift from despair to trust and praise is a key element in many psalms, showcasing a deep faith in God’s goodness and mercy. Overall, Psalms 13 beautifully illustrates the rollercoaster of emotions that one can feel in the midst of trials—ranging from despair to profound trust. It teaches the faithful to bring their deepest worries and fears before God and to maintain hope and trust in His salvation.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/30/202427 minutes, 10 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie on the Prayer Line Episode 1085 - SendMe Radio

Join us every morning at 6:00 am for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms call in on 516:387:8860 or download the SendMe Radio App or ask Alexa to play SendMe Radio.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/30/202451 minutes, 49 seconds
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Psalms 12 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1084 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 12 is a poignant cry for help in the midst of societal corruption and the seeming triumph of deceit and treachery. Attributed to David, it reflects a time when the faithful feel abandoned, and falsehood seems to reign. This psalm can be divided into several parts: 1. **The Cry for Help (verses 1-2):** David begins by lamenting the lack of faithful and godly individuals. He describes a society where truth and loyalty are scarce, and deceitful words prevail. 2. **God’s Promise (verse 3-5):** In response to the rampant dishonesty and oppression of the needy, God promises to rise and protect those who are suffering. This section highlights God’s commitment to justice and His readiness to intervene when the humble are oppressed. 3. **The Purity of God’s Words (verses 6-7):** Contrasting the deceptive words of people, David extols the purity of God's words. He describes them as flawless and refined, providing a stark contrast to the corrupt communication around him. This trust in God’s promises offers reassurance in the midst of chaos. 4. **The Enduring Presence of the Wicked (verse 8):** Despite God’s promises, wickedness still pervades society. David notes that the vile continue to be exalted, which underscores the ongoing struggle between good and evil. Throughout Psalm 12, there is a deep expression of reliance on God in times of moral decay and societal breakdown. This psalm resonates with those who feel overwhelmed by injustice and falsehood, encouraging them to find solace and strength in God’s perfect and pure promises. It serves as a reminder of the eternal struggle between righteousness and wickedness, and the enduring nature of God’s word as a source of truth and protection.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/29/202428 minutes, 6 seconds
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Rising Above: The Tale of Determination and Triumph in the Life of a Young Woman Trying to Make It in the Pharmaceutical World

Elise Moreau's journey from Paris to a pharmaceutical giant in the U.S. became a powerful testament to the strength of resilience and the inevitable rise of true talent, a true inspiration in navigating the struggle of succceeding in the professional world in the lives of the courageous withholding integrity.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/29/20243 minutes, 51 seconds
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Suburban Living

This story captures the stark contrast between the ideal and the reality that can often be found in suburban life. Through the Parker family’s experience, you explore themes of community, disruption, and resilience in the face of adversity. The narrative effectively builds tension with the ongoing issues caused by Ms. Cooper and her household, culminating in a resolution that restores peace to the neighborhood. This resolution not only brings relief to the Parkers but also reinforces their values and commitment their faith. The story offers a poignant reflection on the challenges and rewards of suburban living, emphasizing the impact of community dynamics on individual lives.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/27/20243 minutes, 53 seconds
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Psalms 11 - 150 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1081 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 11 is a passage from the Book of Psalms in the Hebrew Bible, attributed to King David. It reflects a profound trust in the Lord during times of crisis. The psalm opens with David declaring his trust in the Lord as his refuge, even when the wicked, symbolized by archers aiming at the upright, threaten the foundations of order and righteousness. The imagery in Psalms 11 is vivid, contrasting the behaviors of the wicked and the righteous. The wicked are described as those who lurk in darkness, use weapons of deceit, and aim to disrupt societal harmony. In contrast, the Lord is portrayed as righteous and loving justice. His countenance beholds the upright, suggesting a divine favor and protection for those who are morally just. A significant aspect of this Psalm is its exploration of the theme of divine retribution versus divine protection. While the wicked are destined for a fiery fate—symbolic of divine retribution—the righteous will see God's face, signifying salvation and divine presence. This Psalms encourages believers to maintain their faith and integrity despite apparent chaos or danger in the world. It reassures them of God's omnipresence and his unyielding support for those who do good, reminding us that God's justice will ultimately prevail.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/27/202430 minutes, 5 seconds
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Suburban Living

Listen to this awesome story from SendMe Goodies visit our website and our Tic Tok Shop SendMe Goodies for awesome merchandise and listen to our SendMe Radio while you shop. This story depicts the struggles we all undergo in order to reach success. The long hours, lack of sleep and the dedication and constant motivation it takes on the journey. However don't give up your reward awaits you!#merchandise #clothing #SendMe #hoodies #sweatshirt #nightshift #London #nightnurselife #londonundergroundBecome a supporter of this podcast:
4/27/20243 minutes, 53 seconds
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Listen to this Awesome Story The Night Shift

Listen to this awesome story from SendMe Goodies visit our website and our Tic Tok Shop SendMe Goodies for awesome merchandise and listen to our SendMe Radio while you shop. This story depicts the struggles we all undergo in order to reach success. The long hours, lack of sleep and the dedication and constant motivation it takes on the journey. However don't give up your reward awaits you!#merchandise #clothing #SendMe #hoodies #sweatshirt #nightshift #London #nightnurselife #londonundergroundBecome a supporter of this podcast:
4/26/20247 minutes, 29 seconds
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Psalms 10 - 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1078 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 10 is a poignant chapter in the Book of Psalms that delves into the theme of questioning God's presence in times of trouble and the apparent triumph of the wicked. The psalmist begins by expressing a feeling of abandonment, asking, "Why, LORD, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?" This opening sets a tone of despair and confusion over God's seeming distance when evil prevails. Throughout the psalm, the behaviors of the wicked are vividly described. They are portrayed as arrogant, boastful, and disdainful of God. The wicked are said to prey on the vulnerable, believing that they will not be held accountable: "He says to himself, 'God will never notice; he covers his face and never sees.'" However, the psalm does not end in despair. It shifts to a declaration of trust in God's justice. The psalmist affirms that God does see the troubles and grief of the afflicted, and he calls on God to take action: "Arise, LORD! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless." This plea reflects a deep-seated belief in God's sovereign power to defend the marginalized and punish the wicked. Psalm 10 also serves as a prayer for justice and a meditation on the nature of evil and divine justice. It reflects the tension between the experience of evil in the world and the faith in a just God who rules over all. This psalm, like many others, encompasses a range of human emotions—from doubt and confusion to a reaffirmation of faith and hope in divine justice.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/26/202426 minutes, 10 seconds
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Psalms 9 - Morning Devotion 150 Days. of Searching the Scriptures Episode 1077 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 9 is a psalm of thanksgiving in which David praises God for His righteousness, His judgments upon the wicked, and His protection of the oppressed. It begins with a proclamation of thanksgiving, with David vowing to praise God "with all his heart" and to "tell of all God's wonderful deeds." In this psalm, David reflects on how God has been a refuge for the oppressed and a stronghold in times of trouble. He praises God for not forsaking those who seek Him and for ruling the world with justice. David recounts how God has rebuked nations, destroyed the wicked, and blotted out their names forever, emphasizing the fate of those who forget God. The middle section of the psalm highlights God's eternal throne and His righteous judgment. David calls upon the Lord to judge the nations and declares his confidence that God will uphold justice for the oppressed and the needy. Toward the end, David appeals to God to consider his suffering at the hands of his enemies. He pleads for mercy, asking God not to let him be put to shame and for God to terrify the wicked with His presence. The psalm concludes with a call for the wicked to return to the grave, a contrast to those who know God's name and seek Him. Psalms 9 is a powerful expression of faith in God's eternal justice and a reflection on how God's rule impacts both the righteous and the wicked. It blends praise with a plea for justice and offers comfort to those enduring hardship, affirming that God is a protector who does not forget the cries of the afflicted.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/25/202431 minutes, 15 seconds
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Psalms 8 - 150 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 4 - Digital Ink

Psalms 8 is a beautiful and poetic expression of awe toward the majesty of God and His care for humanity. Authored by David, it's a hymn that reflects on the glory of God as revealed in the natural world and the special place humans hold within creation. The psalm begins and ends with the same powerful line: "O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" This refrain encapsulates the central theme of the psalm—God's sovereignty and the splendor of His name which is evident throughout the earth. Verses 3 and 4 marvel at the creation of the heavens, the moon, and the stars, all works of God’s "fingers." This imagery highlights not just the creative might of God, but also His intricate and delicate approach to creation. David expresses wonder that this same God, who orchestrated the vast cosmos, cares personally for human beings: "What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" Verses 5 through 8 detail the honor and authority God has bestowed upon humanity. Despite being "a little lower than the heavenly beings," humans are crowned with "glory and honor." They are given dominion over the works of God’s hands, reflecting the Genesis account of mankind's role in the world to rule and steward the earth. This includes all creatures, from livestock to birds and fish. Psalms 8 is a profound reflection on human dignity and responsibility, set against the backdrop of divine majesty. It invites the reader to contemplate their own place in the universe and to respond with humility and worship to God's overwhelming greatness and His intimate care.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/24/202430 minutes, 44 seconds
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Psalms 7 - Morning Devotion 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1075 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 7 is a passionate plea for divine intervention and justice, attributed to King David. This chapter is characterized as a "Shiggaion of David," which suggests it may be a type of lyrical poem with emotional expression. It's believed that David composed this psalm in response to accusations by Cush, a Benjaminite, which might be a reference to slanders during the time of Saul or a specific individual’s false accusation. In this psalm, David vehemently protests his innocence, appeals to God as his judge, and asks for deliverance from those who persecute him without cause. He describes God as a righteous judge who feels indignation every day against the wicked, yet is a refuge for the righteous. David calls on God to judge the people and vindicate him according to his righteousness and integrity. A significant aspect of Psalm 7 is its depiction of divine justice. David asks God to let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end but to establish the righteous. The imagery of God as a warrior equipped with weapons of war, including arrows set aflame, depicts divine retribution towards the wicked. The psalm concludes with David affirming his confidence in God's justice and pledging to sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High, reflecting a transition from pleading to praise upon his trust in divine justice being upheld. Psalms 7 is a reflection on personal integrity, the nature of God as a just judge, and the assurance that God will ultimately vindicate the righteous and punish the wicked. It's a testament to turning to God in times of distress and the belief in divine retribution as a form of ultimate justice.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/23/202431 minutes, 51 seconds
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Psalms 6 - Morning Devotion 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1074 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 6 is a poignant plea for mercy in times of distress, attributed to King David. It is recognized as one of the penitential Psalms—prayers specifically expressing sorrow for sin and pleading for divine forgiveness and mercy. This Psalm is particularly notable for its expression of deep emotional suffering and a fervent request for deliverance from affliction. The structure and themes of Psalm 6 include: 1. **Supplication for Mercy:** The Psalm opens with a direct appeal to God not to rebuke or discipline in anger, highlighting the psalmist's acute awareness of his own vulnerability and the severity of divine judgment. 2. **Expression of Suffering:** The psalmist vividly describes his physical and emotional turmoil, marked by weeping and overwhelming grief. This suffering is so intense that it affects his whole being—body and soul. 3. **Appeal for Deliverance:** Central to the Psalm is the plea for rescue. The psalmist asks God to save him for the sake of God’s steadfast love, reflecting his trust in God’s capacity for mercy and his belief that deliverance is motivated by love, not earned by merit. 4. **Confrontation with Enemies:** The Psalm also touches on the theme of adversaries who seek to harm the psalmist. He expresses confidence that God will eventually rebuke and dismay those who wish him ill, which underscores a common biblical theme of divine justice against wrongdoers. 5. **Assurance of Being Heard:** The Psalm concludes with a shift from despair to confidence, as the psalmist expresses a strong belief that God has heard his weeping and accepted his prayer. This change in tone underscores a resolution of trust and relief after intense supplication. Psalm 6 stands out for its raw emotional intensity and the vivid depiction of personal anguish. It encapsulates the human experience of despair and the transformative hope that comes with divine intervention, making it a profound meditation on pain, prayer, and the promise of God's mercy.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/22/202433 minutes, 52 seconds
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Psalms 5 - Morning Devotion 150 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-04-20-#882

Psalms 5 is one of the early morning prayers found in the Book of Psalms, attributed traditionally to King David. It reflects a deep longing for divine guidance and protection against enemies. The psalm begins with a plea for God to listen to the speaker's words and meditation, emphasizing the importance of communication with God during times of distress. The structure of Psalm 5 can be broken down into several key themes: 1. **Invocation and Petition:** The psalmist opens by asking God to consider his lament and hear his cries for help, setting a tone of earnest supplication. 2. **Contrast between the Righteous and the Wicked:** There is a clear distinction made between the righteous, who are under God's protection, and the wicked, who are not. The psalmist expresses confidence that God dislikes wrongdoing and will not allow the deceitful to stand in His presence. 3. **God as Protector:** The psalm highlights God's role as a protector of the righteous. The speaker asks God to lead him in the right path, away from the snares and falsehoods spread by enemies. 4. **Blessings for the Righteous:** The psalm ends on a note of praise and trust, stating that those who take refuge in God will rejoice and be blessed. The tone of Psalm 5 is both meditative and pleading, reflecting the psalmist's reliance on God's moral judgment and his faith that God will uphold those who are loyal and just. It is a powerful example of the personal and communal prayers found throughout the Psalms, expressing a range of human emotions from despair to profound peace and security under divine care.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/22/202433 minutes, 48 seconds
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Your Invited to Join Us on Mountain Top Prayer Davis-yNn9Cx

Mountain Top Prayer: 150 Days of Psalms with Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio In the serene setting of a high mountain peak, enveloped by the early morning mist and the soft rays of dawn, an inspiring event unfolds that attracts individuals from various walks of life seeking a closer walk with Jesus. Mountain Top Prayer, 150 Days of Psalms on SendMe Radio with Pastor Chidi Okorie. SendMe Radio, a well-regarded Christian and community-focused broadcasting internet radio station, invites you to their daily devotion "Mountain Top Prayer." This prayer line is inviting participants to engage in 150 Days of Psalms each morning at 6 AM. SendMe Radio’s aim is to provide a daily dose of morning devotion as we harness the power of prayer and cry out to the Lord for His profound wisdom and guidance. The book of Psalms instills peace, resilience, and hope in and we will be taking our morning devotion from it for the next 150 days. For those eager to join in this transformative prayer journey, SendMe Radio offers multiple ways to connect. Participants can dial in directly to the live session by calling 516 387 8860. Additionally, there's the convenience of listening live through SendMe Radio's streaming service. To cater to the digital audience, SendMe Radio has made the program accessible through its streaming radio app available on the App Store for iPhone users and as a podcast on the Google Play Store for Android users. We are also on YouTube and all other major streaming platforms. The radio station and app go live precisely at 6 AM, ensuring that participants can start their day with the uplifting words of God through the Psalms. For those integrated into the smart home ecosystem, Alexa commands like "play SendMe Radio" make accessing the program as simple as speaking into the air, adding a layer of modern convenience to this awesome time with God. By integrating technology with tradition, SendMe Radio's "Mountain Top Prayer" not only revitalizes your morning routine but also strengthens the community bonds among listeners and participants. Whether you're seeking join us as we present each petition before the Lord of Host. Join the SendMe Radio family every morning at 6am as we connect to God for a peaceful start to each day, this program offers a welcoming platform for all.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/19/20242 minutes, 36 seconds
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Psalms 4 - Day 4 150 Days of Psalms Fasting Episode 1071 - SendMe Radio

1 Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer. 2 How long will you people turn my glory into shame? How long will you love delusions and seek false gods 3 Know that the Lord has set apart his faithful servant for himself; the Lord hears when I call to him. 4 Tremble and do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. 5 Offer the sacrifices of the righteous and trust in the Lord. 6 Many are asking, “Who can show us any good?” Let the light of your face shine on us. 7 Fill my heart with joy when their grain and new wine abound. 8 In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. The Timeless Relevance of Psalm 4: Trust and Comfort in Times of Distress Psalm 4 stands as a profound example of prayerful poetry in the Book of Psalms, attributed to King David. This psalm, composed of eight verses, eloquently expresses the psalmist’s trust in God amidst adversity, serving as a source of solace and guidance for believers through the ages. Here, we explore the themes and the enduring significance of this ancient text. Context and Structure Psalm 4 is a lament, a common genre within the Psalter, where the supplicant calls upon God in a time of distress. Addressed to the “righteous God,” the psalm reflects a moment of deep personal crisis. The structure of the psalm is straightforward yet powerful, beginning with a personal appeal to God, followed by a rebuke of the psalmist’s adversaries, and concluding with reflections on the peace and safety found in divine protection. Themes of Divine Intervention and Human Conduct The psalm opens with a plea for help, “Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer.” This invocation highlights a fundamental aspect of the human relationship with the divine: the belief in God’s capacity to provide aid and comfort during troubling times. In verses 2 to 5, the psalmist addresses his adversaries who dishonor his reputation and pursue falsehoods. This shift from personal lament to addressing the detractors introduces a communal aspect, where the psalmist not only defends his integrity but also instructs others on proper conduct — to trust in God and refrain from sin. Assurance and Peace One of the most striking aspects of Psalm 4 is its serene assurance of God’s blessing. Verse 6, “Many are asking, ‘Who can show us any good?’ Let the light of your face shine on us,” reflects a yearning for divine favor, a theme that resonates deeply within the human quest for purpose and affirmation. The psalmist’s response to this existential question is a declaration of his experience of God’s blessings — joy and peace even in times of material want. Theological Implications Theologically, Psalm 4 offers a rich exploration of faith under fire. It addresses the righteous who are marginalized and misunderstood, affirming that God’s understanding and support are paramount and more enduring than human approval. The final verse, “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety,” encapsulates the essence of divine providence and protection that transcends immediate physical securities. Contemporary Relevance Today, Psalm 4 continues to be a source of comfort and reassurance to those facing trials. Its message that true security and peace come from a relationship with the divine speaks across centuries. In a world rife with uncertainty and challenges, the psalm reassures believers that solace and safety are not found in worldly achievements but in the steadfast love and protection of God. Conclusion In essence, Psalm 4 is not merely an artifact of ancient worship but a living conversation between the devout and the divine. It teaches about the power of prayer, the importance of personal integrity, and the ultimate peace that comes from trusting in a higher power. As such, it remains a vital part of spiritual literature, offering timeless wisdom and encouragement to all who reflect on its verses.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/19/202430 minutes, 57 seconds
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Psalms 3 - 150 Days of Fasting Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1070 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 3 is a poignant scripture found in the Bible, traditionally attributed to King David during a time of great personal crisis—his flight from his son Absalom, who rebelled against him. This Psalm is particularly significant as it reflects a deep cry for help and a profound trust in God amidst dire circumstances. The Psalm begins with David expressing his distress, noting how numerous his foes are and how they taunt him, saying, “God will not deliver him.” Despite the external threats and the apparent hopelessness of his situation, David turns to God for protection and strength. He declares his confidence in God, stating, “But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.” The central theme of Psalm 3 is trust in divine protection. David speaks of lying down and sleeping in peace, secure in the knowledge that it is God who sustains him. He does not fear the tens of thousands who may oppose him on every side. His prayer culminates in a plea for deliverance and a blessing upon God’s people. This Psalm provides a framework for believers facing their own tribulations, offering a model of turning to God in faith despite overwhelming odds. It is a profound reminder of the personal relationship one can have with God, viewing Him as a protector and sustainer in times of great peril.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/18/202430 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 1069 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 2 is a compelling piece of biblical poetry that is categorized as one of the “royal psalms,” dealing primarily with themes of kingship and the establishment of divine order. It is traditionally understood as a coronation psalm, used in the context of the enthronement of a Judaic king, and is also regarded as messianic, foreshadowing the ultimate kingship of Christ in Christian interpretations. Structure and Themes: Psalm 2 is structured into four distinct stanzas, each containing three verses. The psalm progresses through a sequence of voices and perspectives: 1.Verses 1-3 - The Nations’ Rebellion: The psalm opens with a rhetorical question about why the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain against the LORD and His anointed. This reflects a universal rebellion against divine authority. 2.Verses 4-6 - Divine Response: God’s reaction to this rebellion is described as one of derision and wrath. The Lord asserts His authority by proclaiming the decree of installing His King on Zion, His holy mountain. 3.Verses 7-9 - The King’s Proclamation: The anointed king recounts the decree of the Lord, stating that he has been adopted as God’s son and given the nations as his inheritance, signifying a universal dominion. 4.Verses 10-12 - A Warning to Kings: The final stanza serves as a warning to the rulers of the earth to serve the Lord with wisdom and submission, highlighting the peril of opposing God’s anointed. Interpretative Insights: The overarching theme of Psalm 2 is the inevitability and supremacy of God’s plan over human plans and the futility of resisting His will. This psalm starkly portrays the contrast between the tumult of human kingdoms and the unshakeable order of the divine rule. Messianic Interpretation: In Christianity, Psalm 2 is read as a prophecy concerning Jesus Christ, the “Anointed One,” or Messiah. This interpretation is bolstered by its quotations in the New Testament, particularly in Acts 4:25-26 and Revelation 2:26-27, where the themes of this psalm are applied to Christ’s mission and authority. Application and Relevance: The psalm serves as a reminder of the power dynamics between divine authority and earthly power. It encourages believers to reflect on their allegiance, urging fidelity to God’s sovereignty above worldly power. The warning at the end (“Kiss the Son, lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your way”) can be viewed metaphorically, calling for reverence and submission to divine authority. In contemporary reflections, Psalm 2 continues to be a rich source for theological and spiritual meditation, offering insights into the nature of God’s rule, the folly of human resistance to divine decrees, and the ultimate triumph of God’s ordained order over chaotic human ambitions.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/17/202430 minutes, 44 seconds
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Psalm 1 - Morning Devotion 150 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1068 - SendMe Radio

Understanding Psalm 1: A Gateway to the Psalms Psalm 1 is often regarded as the gateway to the entire book of Psalms, serving as an introduction that sets the theme and tone for this spiritual anthology. This psalm contrasts the ways of the righteous and the wicked, and outlines a path towards a blessed life under the gaze of God. Here, we’ll delve into its structure, themes, and the significance of its teachings in both historical and modern contexts. Structure and Content Psalm 1 is composed of just six verses, but it contains a profound message that is both instructional and philosophical. The psalm can be divided into two main sections: the first three verses describe the behavior and rewards of the “righteous” man, while the last three verses contrast this with the fate of the “wicked” man. The Way of the Righteous (Verses 1-3) The psalm begins by blessing the man who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take, or sit in the company of mockers. Instead, his delight is in the law of the Lord, and he meditates on it day and night. This individual is likened to a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers. The Way of the Wicked (Verses 4-6) In contrast, the wicked are described as chaff that the wind blows away. They will not withstand judgment, nor will sinners in the assembly of the righteous. The Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction. Themes and Interpretations Law and Meditation A central theme in Psalm 1 is the law of the Lord. The “law” here refers to Torah, encompassing not just legal statutes but all of God’s teachings. The blessed man meditates on these teachings, suggesting a continuous, reflective engagement with God’s words. This meditation is seen as the root of his stability and prosperity, akin to the deep roots of a tree by a river. Righteousness vs. Wickedness The stark contrast between the righteous and the wicked serves as a moral compass for the reader. The righteous (symbolized by the fruitful tree) follow a path that is stable and life-giving, while the wicked (symbolized by the chaff) follow a path that is unstable and transient. This dichotomy emphasizes the belief in divine justice and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. Divine Providence The psalm asserts that the Lord actively knows and oversees the way of the righteous, offering them protection and prosperity. In contrast, the wicked lack divine guidance and are on a path to destruction. This suggests a universe governed by moral law, where divine vigilance ensures that ethical behavior is rewarded. Historical and Modern Relevance Historically, Psalm 1 has served as both a liturgical piece and a teaching text. It is often used in Jewish and Christian religious services and is a staple in theological education due to its encapsulation of key biblical themes. In contemporary terms, Psalm 1 remains relevant for its timeless message about the importance of choosing one’s path wisely. Its emphasis on the joy and benefits of absorbing spiritual teachings resonates in a world where moral and ethical dilemmas are ever-present. It encourages individuals to reflect on their values and the consequences of their actions in a broader spiritual and communal context. Conclusion Psalm 1 not only sets the tone for the rest of the Psalms but also encapsulates a profound worldview in its brief verses. By juxtaposing the lives and fates of the righteous and the wicked, it offers a sharp insight into the rewards of a life aligned with divine teachings. As both a theological and literary piece, it continues to inspire and instruct individuals seeking guidance and stability through faith.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/16/202433 minutes, 31 seconds
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Romans 13 - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1067 - SendMe Radio

Understanding Romans 13: Interpretations and Implications Romans 13 is a passage from the New Testament of the Christian Bible, authored by the Apostle Paul. It is a part of his epistle to the Romans, and it addresses Christian conduct with respect to secular authority. This chapter has been a cornerstone for theological discourse on the relationship between Christians and government. Here, we will explore the text, its interpretations, and its implications in various contexts. The Text of Romans 13 Romans 13:1-7 instructs believers to submit to governing authorities because they are instituted by God. The passage is clear that rulers are not a threat to good conduct but to bad. Therefore, if one does right, there is no fear of the authority. The text also describes the governing authority as God’s servant, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer. Additionally, it mentions the practical aspect of paying taxes as a duty, for the authorities are God’s servants, giving their full time to governing. Theological Interpretations 1.Literal Interpretation: Many read Romans 13 as a clear and straightforward command from Paul to obey secular laws and rulers. This reading has historically led Christians to promote a generally obedient and compliant stance towards government, irrespective of the government’s nature or actions. 2.Contextual Interpretation: Some scholars argue that the historical and cultural context of Paul’s writing should be considered. Paul wrote to a minority community in a vast empire; suggesting rebellion could have been disastrous. This interpretation often leads to a more nuanced understanding that balances respect for authority with the higher command to obey God. 3.Resistance Theory: Another perspective is that Romans 13 does not require uncritical obedience to any government. This view supports the idea that when the laws of the government conflict with the laws of God, Christians not only have the right but the duty to resist. Such an interpretation has been cited in justifying opposition to oppressive regimes throughout history. Implications in Historical and Modern Contexts Historically, Romans 13 has been used to justify a range of political stances from absolute monarchy in the medieval period to obeying civil authorities in modern democratic states. For example, during the Reformation, Romans 13 was a point of contention between those who supported the divine right of kings and those who argued for the right of the populace to resist tyranny. In contemporary settings, Romans 13 often enters discussions about civil disobedience and political activism. For instance, during the civil rights movement in the United States, figures like Martin Luther King Jr. wrestled with passages like Romans 13 in advocating for civil disobedience against unjust laws. Conclusion Romans 13 continues to be a dynamic element of Christian ethical reasoning in relation to secular authority. Its interpretations range widely, with each bringing a unique lens to how Christians might live faithfully under various political circumstances. Whether advocating for submission or justifying resistance, the interpretations of Romans 13 reflect the ongoing tension between divine authority and human governance. This discourse underscores the broader theological challenge of interpreting scripture in ways that are both faithful to the text and relevant to contemporary issues.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/15/202425 minutes, 13 seconds
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Psalm 18 - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1066 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 18 is a profound piece of Scripture that holds significant meaning and inspiration for many believers. This psalm is attributed to David and is a song of thanksgiving to God for deliverance from his enemies and from the hands of Saul. It is also one of the longest psalms, rich in imagery, emotion, and theology, reflecting a deep relationship between David and God. The psalm opens with a powerful expression of love and dependence on God: "I love you, O LORD, my strength." This declaration sets the tone for the entire psalm, emphasizing God as the source of strength, deliverance, and salvation. David describes God as his rock, fortress, and deliverer, employing metaphors that communicate security and stability. One of the striking features of Psalm 18 is its vivid imagery, particularly in the description of God's intervention on David's behalf. The psalm pictures God as a mighty warrior, using elements of nature—earthquakes, smoke, fire, darkness—as symbols of God's powerful presence and action. This imagery underscores the majesty and awe-inspiring power of God, who controls the natural world and acts decisively for the sake of His people. Psalm 18 also reflects a deep sense of gratitude and acknowledgment of God's righteousness. David credits his deliverance not to his own merit but to the righteousness and favor of God. He speaks of God rewarding him according to his righteousness, underscoring the importance of living according to God's laws and commands. The psalm concludes with a celebration of God's kingship and sovereignty, proclaiming God's victory over David's enemies and anticipating God's eternal reign. This points to the broader biblical theme of God's ultimate victory over evil and His establishment of justice and peace. For personal reflection, Psalm 18 can be a source of encouragement and comfort. It reminds believers of God's nearness, His power to save, and His responsiveness to the cries of His people. It encourages a trust in God's strength rather than one's own, an acknowledgment of God's sovereignty, and a life lived in righteousness and obedience to God. In essence, Psalm 18 encapsulates a profound trust in and love for God, acknowledging His supremacy, celebrating His deliverance, and committing to a life of righteousness under His guidance.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/12/202428 minutes, 12 seconds
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1 Peter 2 - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1065 - SendMe Radio

In 1 Peter 2, the apostle Peter encourages Christians to cast aside all forms of malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander as part of their spiritual maturation, using the metaphor of newborn babies craving pure spiritual milk. The chapter unfolds as a rich tapestry that not only urges personal growth and purity but also elaborates on the believers’ identity as a chosen people and a royal priesthood, called to declare God’s praises. Peter emphasizes Jesus as the cornerstone of faith, rejected by humans but chosen by God, and extends this analogy to believers, portraying them as living stones building a spiritual house. Moreover, the text navigates the complex relationship between Christians and society, instructing believers to submit to every human authority and to maintain honorable lives among non-believers. This guidance is rooted in the desire to silence ignorance and reflect God’s glory through good deeds. A poignant aspect of 1 Peter 2 is the call to endure suffering for doing good, inspired by Christ’s own suffering. Peter presents Jesus as the ultimate example of righteousness, who bore our sins and whose wounds bring healing, urging followers to walk in his steps. This chapter of 1 Peter is a profound reflection on identity, purpose, and conduct for early Christians, which continues to resonate with believers today. It blends theological depth with practical advice, offering a blueprint for living out one’s faith in the midst of a non-believing world and highlighting the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/11/202429 minutes, 4 seconds
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2 Kings 4 - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1064 - SendMe Radio

2 Kings 4 is a chapter in the Bible that features several miracles performed by the prophet Elisha. It's a part of the narrative that highlights God's power and provision through His prophets during difficult times in Israel's history. Here's a brief overview of the main events in this chapter:The Widow's Oil: The chapter opens with a widow of a man from the company of the prophets pleading with Elisha because her deceased husband left her in debt, and the creditor is coming to take her two sons as slaves. Elisha asks what she has in her house, and she mentions only a small jar of olive oil. Elisha instructs her to borrow as many empty jars as she can, go home, shut the door, and pour oil into all the jars. Miraculously, the oil does not run out until every jar is filled. She sells the oil to pay off her debts, saving her sons from slavery.The Shunammite’s Son: This section introduces a well-to-do woman from Shunem who regularly hosts Elisha. To honor him, she and her husband build a small room on their roof for him. Elisha, wanting to repay her kindness, foretells the birth of a son even though her husband is old. The child is born but dies suddenly years later. The Shunammite woman seeks Elisha, who comes, prays to God, and miraculously brings the boy back to life. The Poisoned Stew: Elisha returns to Gilgal during a famine. When his servant prepares a stew for the company of prophets, he accidentally uses poisonous gourds. Upon realizing the mistake, Elisha throws flour into the pot, rendering the stew harmless and edible.Feeding of a Hundred: The chapter concludes with a man bringing Elisha twenty loaves of barley bread made from the first ripe grain. Elisha orders it to be given to the people to eat, stating that God says they will eat and have some left over. Despite the servant's doubt due to the small amount for a hundred men, the prophecy is fulfilled, echoing the miraculous provision and abundance from God.Each of these stories demonstrates God's miraculous provision and care through the actions of Elisha. They also underscore themes of faith, obedience, and the power of God to work through seemingly impossible situations. The narratives serve as encouragement and teaching, showing that God is attentive to the needs of His people and able to provide for them in extraordinary ways.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/10/202427 minutes, 5 seconds
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Hebrews 1 - Morning Devotion Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer Episode 1063 - SendMe Radio

Hebrews 1 is the opening chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. This epistle is directed towards Jewish Christians and is crafted to demonstrate the superiority of Jesus Christ and the New Covenant He inaugurates, in comparison to the Old Covenant under the Mosaic Law. Hebrews 1 sets the tone for these themes with a strong theological foundation, focusing on the divinity, supremacy, and messianic role of Jesus Christ. The chapter begins with a profound statement about God's method of communication. It contrasts the ways God spoke in the past to the ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, with the ultimate revelation given through His Son in these last days. This introduction highlights the superiority of Jesus' revelation over previous messages delivered through prophets. Hebrews 1 emphasizes the Son's superiority over angels, a significant point since angels held an esteemed position in Jewish tradition, often seen as mediators of the Law (though this is more from Jewish tradition than explicit biblical texts). The author uses a series of Old Testament quotations to demonstrate that the Son is superior to angels in name, status, and role. These quotations are meticulously selected from Psalms, 2 Samuel, and Deuteronomy to argue that the Son has been appointed heir of all things, through whom also God created the world.The chapter describes the Son as the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven, signifying the completion and sufficiency of His redemptive work, contrasted with the continuous, repeated sacrifices under the Old Covenant.The latter part of the chapter further elaborates on the Son's superiority over angels. The angels are described as spirits who serve God and are sent to serve those who will inherit salvation, indicating their ministerial role in God’s plan. In contrast, the Son is invited to sit at God's right hand, a place of honor and authority far above angels, indicating His unique and exalted position. Hebrews 1, therefore, serves as a powerful introduction to the central themes of the epistle: the finality and supremacy of the revelation in Jesus Christ, the Son’s superiority over angelic beings, and the foundational doctrine of Christ's deity and His role in creation and redemption. This chapter sets the stage for the subsequent arguments about Jesus' high priesthood, His once-for-all sacrifice, and His fulfillment of the promises and types found in the Old Testament.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/9/202430 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 1062 - SendMe Radio

The fifth chapter of 2 Corinthians, a book in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, is a rich and complex passage in which the Apostle Paul discusses themes of reconciliation, transformation, and the Christian perspective on earthly life versus eternal life. This chapter is often cited for its profound theological insights and its implications for Christian doctrine and practice. The following article explores key themes and messages within 2 Corinthians 5, seeking to unpack its significance for both the original audience and contemporary readers.Context and Background 2 Corinthians is the second letter from Paul to the Christian community in Corinth, a city known for its cultural diversity and moral challenges. This letter addresses various issues within the Corinthian church, including questions of authority, community discord, and misunderstandings about Christian teachings. Chapter 5 stands as a central piece of Paul’s argument for a new way of living and being in the world, grounded in the transformative power of Christ.Themes and InterpretationsThe Earthly Tent and Eternal DwellingPaul begins the chapter with an analogy comparing the human body to an "earthly tent," which is temporary, to an "eternal dwelling" in heaven, which is permanent (2 Cor 5:1). This imagery is used to illustrate the transient nature of human life and the enduring reality of eternal life with God. Paul's emphasis here reassures believers that suffering and mortality are not the end but are to be viewed in light of the promise of resurrection and eternal life.Living by Faith, Not by SightA significant theme in this chapter is the contrast between living according to worldly standards ("by sight") and living by faith in the promises of God (2 Cor 5:7). Paul encourages believers to focus on the unseen, eternal realities promised by God rather than the temporary conditions of the present world. This perspective shift is foundational for Christian ethics and hope.The Ministry of ReconciliationOne of the most pivotal sections of this chapter is Paul's discussion of reconciliation. He presents the idea that through Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting people's sins against them (2 Cor 5:19). Paul views himself and his fellow workers as ambassadors for Christ, entrusted with the message of reconciliation. This passage underscores the core Christian message that through Jesus, individuals are offered forgiveness and restored relationship with God.A New CreationThe chapter culminates in the declaration that if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; the old has gone, the new is here (2 Cor 5:17). This verse is a profound statement about transformation and identity in Christ. It suggests a radical reorientation of one’s life and priorities, centered on Christ’s love and the mission of reconciliation.Contemporary Implications 2 Corinthians 5 speaks powerfully to contemporary Christians about identity, purpose, and hope. Its message challenges believers to live lives marked by faith, focused on eternal realities, and committed to the ministry of reconciliation. The chapter offers comfort in the face of suffering and mortality, urging a steadfast hope in the promise of eternal life. Conclusion2 Corinthians 5 is a treasure trove of theological insight and practical wisdom. Its themes of transformation, reconciliation, and eternal hope resonate as much today as they did in Paul’s time. As modern readers engage with this text, they are invited into a deeper understanding of their identity in Christ and the transformative power of the gospel to change lives and the world.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/8/202427 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 1061 - SendMe Radio

4/8/202426 minutes, 16 seconds
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1 John 3 - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1060 - SendMe Radio

Embracing Light, Love, and Life: The Messages of 1 John The First Epistle of John is a profound text within the New Testament that delves deeply into the themes of light, love, and eternal life, offering guidance for living a life that reflects true fellowship with God. Attributed to John the Apostle, this letter addresses the early Christian community, countering false teachings and providing assurance of salvation. 1 John emphasizes the importance of living in the light, loving one another, and adhering to the truth of Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Through its powerful messages, 1 John seeks to strengthen believers' faith and understanding of God’s nature. Let’s explore the central teachings of 1 John and their significance for contemporary believers. The Nature of God as Light 1 John introduces God as light, in whom there is no darkness at all, setting the foundation for the epistle’s exploration of truth, morality, and divine fellowship. This imagery of light versus darkness serves as a metaphor for purity, truth, and righteousness in contrast to sin, falsehood, and moral waywardness. John asserts that fellowship with God necessitates walking in the light, embodying honesty, integrity, and transparency in one's life. The Call to Love Central to the epistle is the commandment to love one another, which John identifies as an old commandment given a new expression in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Love is presented not only as a moral imperative but as an intrinsic sign of knowing God, for "God is love." This love is manifested in Jesus's sacrificial death, providing a model for believers to lay down their lives for one another. John emphasizes that love and faith are interconnected, with love acting as the evidence of one’s true faith in God and His Son. Overcoming the World through Faith 1 John speaks to the victory that believers have over the world through their faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. This victory is not defined by worldly standards of power or success but by the profound spiritual triumph over sin, falsehood, and death. Faith in Jesus, acknowledged as the Christ, is portrayed as the means by which believers overcome the world, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the core truths of the Christian faith amidst false teachings and moral confusion. Assurance of Eternal Life The epistle offers believers assurance of eternal life, which is found in Jesus Christ. John writes to his audience with the intention of providing them with confidence in their salvation, emphasizing that this assurance comes from abiding in Christ and adhering to His commandments. The testimony of God concerning His Son is presented as the foundation for this assurance, encouraging believers to remain steadfast in their faith. Testing the Spirits 1 John also addresses the challenge of discerning truth from falsehood, particularly in the context of various prophets and teachers within the Christian community. John advises believers to "test the spirits" to see whether they are from God, highlighting the importance of discernment in maintaining the integrity of the faith. The recognition of Jesus Christ come in flesh is given as a criterion for discerning the Spirit of God from the spirit of antichrist. Contemporary Relevance The themes of light, love, and eternal life in 1 John remain profoundly relevant for Christians today. The epistle’s emphasis on living truthfully, loving deeply, and holding firmly to the foundational truths of the faith resonates in a world marked by moral ambiguity, relational fractures, and spiritual searching. 1 John calls believers to a life characterized by divine fellowship, mutual love, and unwavering hope in the promises of God. Conclusion 1 John serves as a powerful reminder of the essential elements of the Christian life: walking in the light of God’s truth, loving one another as a reflection of God’s love, and holding fast to the assurance of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. Its messages encourage believers to live out their faith with conviction, compassion, and confidence, fostering a community that embodies the love and light of God in the world.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/6/202435 minutes, 15 seconds
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James 3 - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1059 - SendMe Radio

Navigating the Power of Words: Insights from James 3 James 3 offers profound wisdom on the significance of our speech and the impact of our words, positioning this guidance within the broader context of living out one's faith. This chapter, part of a letter traditionally attributed to James, the brother of Jesus and a leader in the early Christian church, addresses both the potential harm and the ideal purpose of the tongue. Through vivid metaphors and stark warnings, James 3 challenges believers to reflect on the power of their words and to strive for a maturity in speech that reflects their spiritual convictions. Let's delve into the key themes and messages of James 3 and its relevance for contemporary readers. The Tongue's Power and Danger James begins the chapter with a caution about the significant responsibility of teaching, noting that those who teach will be judged more strictly. This introduction sets the stage for a broader discussion on the importance of controlling one's speech. James uses striking imagery to describe the tongue's power: a bit in a horse's mouth, a small rudder on a large ship, and a tiny spark that sets a forest ablaze. These metaphors highlight how something as small as the tongue can have a disproportionate impact, steering the course of one's life and influencing others profoundly. The Challenge of Taming the Tongue One of the most memorable assertions in James 3 is the claim that no human being can tame the tongue, which is described as a restless evil full of deadly poison. This observation speaks to the universal struggle with controlling speech and the ease with which words can slip out, causing damage. James points out the inconsistency of both praising God and cursing those made in God's likeness with the same mouth, urging a coherence between one's faith and one's words. Wisdom from Above In the latter part of the chapter, James contrasts earthly wisdom, characterized by envy and selfish ambition, with the "wisdom from above." This divine wisdom is described as pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere. James makes the case that the disorder and evil practices seen in communities result from jealousy and selfishness, while the peace sown by those who practice heavenly wisdom reaps a harvest of righteousness. Contemporary Application The lessons of James 3 remain acutely relevant today, in a world where words are disseminated more widely and rapidly than ever before through digital media. The potential for both constructive and destructive speech is magnified, making James's call to thoughtful, disciplined communication even more pressing. This chapter challenges individuals to examine the alignment between their declared beliefs and their everyday language, encouraging a practice of speech that builds up rather than tears down. James 3 invites believers to pursue the wisdom that comes from God, which fundamentally transforms how they interact with others. In cultivating a pure, peace-loving, and gentle approach to communication, believers can significantly impact their communities, reflecting the transformative power of the gospel through their words. Conclusion James 3 stands as a compelling reminder of the profound impact of our words and the importance of aligning our speech with our faith. By highlighting the potential of the tongue to both harm and heal, James challenges readers to exercise wisdom, restraint, and kindness in their communication. As we navigate the complexities of human interaction, James 3 serves as a timeless guide to using the power of speech to reflect God's love, advance peace, and foster a community characterized by righteousness and mutual care.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/5/202430 minutes, 20 seconds
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Hebrews 13 - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1057 - SendMe Radio

Hebrews 12: A Call to Endurance and Spiritual Discipline Hebrews 12, one of the most stirring chapters in the New Testament, serves as a profound call to endurance, faith, and spiritual discipline within the Christian life. Following the great "faith chapter" in Hebrews 11, which recounts the faith of the ancients, Hebrews 12 begins with an exhortation to run the race of faith with perseverance, drawing on the metaphor of an athletic competition and the witnesses of faith who have gone before. This chapter not only challenges believers to steadfastness in the face of trials but also delves into the purpose of God's discipline and the importance of holiness. Let's explore the enduring lessons of Hebrews 12 and its significance for contemporary faith. The Race of Faith Hebrews 12 opens with a powerful image of the Christian life as a race marked out for believers, urging them to lay aside every weight and sin that hinders and to run with perseverance. This metaphor speaks to the dynamic and sometimes challenging nature of faith, emphasizing the need for focus, endurance, and the shedding of anything that detracts from one's spiritual journey. The "great cloud of witnesses" refers to the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11, whose lives serve as both inspiration and encouragement for believers to persist in their faith, focusing on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith. The Discipline of the Lord A central theme of Hebrews 12 is the concept of divine discipline. The chapter portrays God's discipline not as punitive, but as a sign of His love and fatherly care, aimed at producing righteousness and peace in His children. This perspective on trials and hardships as training helps believers understand their suffering in the context of God's larger purpose for their growth and holiness. It challenges readers to view difficulties through the lens of spiritual formation, encouraging them to submit to God's disciplining hand as evidence of their divine sonship. The Call to Holiness and Peace Hebrews 12 also emphasizes the importance of holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. This call to a holy life is coupled with an exhortation to pursue peace with everyone, linking the personal pursuit of sanctification with the communal aspect of Christian living. The chapter warns against falling short of God's grace and the dangers of bitterness, sexual immorality, and godlessness, which can hinder one's relationship with God and others. The Unshakable Kingdom Toward the end of the chapter, the author contrasts the terrifying experience of God's revelation at Mount Sinai with the believers' approach to Mount Zion—the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God. This passage offers a vision of the unshakable kingdom that believers are receiving, one characterized by joy, festivity, and the assembly of the firstborn enrolled in heaven. It serves as a reminder of the glorious future that awaits those who remain faithful, urging believers to gratitude and worship acceptable to God, with reverence and awe. Contemporary Application Hebrews 12 resonates deeply with contemporary believers, offering timeless wisdom on enduring faith, the purpose of trials, and the pursuit of holiness. It calls Christians to examine their lives, to embrace discipline as a means of spiritual growth, and to live in a way that reflects the holiness of God. The chapter's vivid imagery and potent exhortations inspire a renewed commitment to running the race of faith, armed with the assurance of Jesus's example and the final promise of God's unshakable kingdom. Conclusion Hebrews 12 stands as a monumental chapter in the New Testament, weaving together themes of endurance, discipline, holiness, and heavenly hope. It challenges believers to a life of faith marked by perseverance, transformation, and an unwavering focus on Jesus. As a beacon of encouragement and instruction, Hebrews 12 continues to guide believers through the complexities of the Christian journey, pointing them toward the joyous celebration that awaits in God's eternal kingdom.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/4/202429 minutes, 37 seconds
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Malachi 3 - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1056 - SendMe Radio

Understanding Malachi 3: A Call to Refinement and Faithfulness Malachi 3, situated in the final book of the Old Testament, presents a powerful message from God to the people of Israel through the prophet Malachi. This chapter is particularly significant for its themes of refinement, judgment, and the promise of a coming messenger. It serves as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments, with prophecies that Christians believe foretell the coming of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. Let's delve into the key elements of Malachi 3 and explore its messages of accountability, renewal, and hope. The Announcement of the Messenger Malachi 3 opens with God's declaration that He will send His messenger to prepare the way before Him, a prophecy traditionally interpreted by Christians as referring to John the Baptist in the role of the forerunner to Christ. The messenger's task is to prepare the people for the Lord's coming, setting the stage for a period of significant spiritual renewal and transformation. This announcement underscores the importance of readiness and openness to God's work among His people. The Refiner's Fire and the Launderer's Soap The imagery of a refiner's fire and launderer's soap is central to Malachi 3, symbolizing the purifying and refining process that the people of Israel will undergo. This process is not merely punitive but transformative, aiming to purify the priests and, by extension, the people, so they may offer offerings in righteousness. The metaphor speaks to the intense scrutiny and purification necessary for spiritual renewal and fidelity to God's covenant. The Call to Return and the Promise of Blessings God issues a call for the people to return to Him, promising that He will return to them. This call to repentance is coupled with a challenge to test God by faithfully bringing the full tithe into the storehouse, with the promise that God will respond by opening the windows of heaven and pouring out blessings. This segment of Malachi 3 emphasizes the principle of stewardship and the blessings that follow obedience and faithfulness to God's commands. Judgment Against Injustice Malachi 3 also addresses issues of social justice, condemning those who oppress the hired worker, the widow, the orphan, and those who turn away the foreigner. This reflects God's concern for justice and equity, reminding the people of their obligations to treat others with fairness and compassion. The passage reinforces the idea that genuine faithfulness to God is demonstrated through ethical living and concern for the marginalized and oppressed. The Book of Remembrance The chapter introduces the concept of a book of remembrance for those who fear the Lord and honor His name, signifying God's attentive care and the value He places on faithfulness. This notion of remembrance assures believers that their reverence and devotion to God do not go unnoticed but are cherished and rewarded by Him. Contemporary Relevance Malachi 3 speaks profoundly to contemporary believers, echoing timeless themes of spiritual renewal, ethical conduct, and the anticipation of God's salvific work. It calls modern readers to a life of integrity, justice, and faithfulness, encouraging them to undergo their own processes of refinement and transformation. The chapter's anticipation of a coming messenger who will prepare the way for the Lord invites reflection on how individuals respond to divine intervention and guidance in their lives. Conclusion Malachi 3 stands as a compelling call to purification, justice, and faithfulness, offering both a warning and a promise. It challenges believers to examine their lives, embrace spiritual refinement, and commit to living in accordance with God's will. By heeding the messages of Malachi 3, believers can navigate the complexities of faith with integrity and anticipate the fulfillment of God's promises with hope and assurance.Become a supporter of this podcast:
4/3/202422 minutes, 21 seconds
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John 7 - Morning Devotion 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1055 - SendMe Radio

4/2/202438 minutes, 4 seconds
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Romans 9 - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1054 - SendMe Radio

Understanding Romans 9: The Intersection of Sovereignty and Salvation Romans 9 is one of the most theologically dense and debated chapters in the New Testament. Within its confines, the Apostle Paul delves into the depths of God's sovereignty, election, and the complex interplay between divine choice and human responsibility. This chapter is part of Paul's larger discourse in Romans, aimed at addressing the nature of salvation, the role of Israel in God's plan, and the inclusion of the Gentiles into God’s family. To grasp the full weight of Paul's message in Romans 9, it is essential to consider its historical, theological, and practical contexts. Historical Context Romans was written to a mixed audience of Jewish and Gentile believers in Rome, who were navigating the challenges of forming a unified community despite their diverse backgrounds. In Romans 9-11, Paul specifically addresses concerns about the place of Israel within God’s salvific plan, responding to the question of why many Israelites had not embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ. Theological Themes Sovereignty and Election At the heart of Romans 9 is the doctrine of God's sovereignty, particularly as it pertains to salvation. Paul uses the history of Israel to illustrate how God's choice—His election—operates independently of human merit or effort. The examples of Isaac over Ishmael, Jacob over Esau, and the hardening of Pharaoh's heart serve to underscore the principle that God's purposes in election are grounded in His own will and for His glory. Justice and Mercy Paul anticipates the question of God's justice in the election (Romans 9:14). His response is that God's choice is not about injustice but about His mercy. The distinction Paul makes between vessels of wrath and vessels of mercy highlights that salvation is not a right owed to humanity but a gift extended by a merciful Creator. This perspective challenges human notions of fairness, pushing the reader to acknowledge God's freedom to bestow mercy according to His divine wisdom. The Role of Faith While emphasizing God's sovereignty, Romans 9 does not negate the importance of faith. Paul contrasts the stumbling of Israel, who sought righteousness through the law, with the faith of the Gentiles, who attained righteousness through faith in Christ. This contrast is not to suggest that God's word has failed or that ethnic Israel is permanently excluded, but to illustrate that genuine belonging to God comes through faith, not mere ethnic lineage or adherence to the law. Practical Implications Romans 9, while theologically rich, also speaks to the believer's heart and practice. It calls Christians to humility, recognizing that salvation is entirely of God and not based on human merit. This understanding fosters a profound gratitude and dependence on God's grace. Moreover, it encourages believers to trust in God's wisdom and justice, even when His ways are beyond human understanding. Conclusion Romans 9 is a pivotal chapter that invites believers into a deeper reflection on the nature of God and His redemptive work. It challenges simplistic views of salvation, urging a robust engagement with the doctrines of sovereignty, election, and mercy. By doing so, it not only enriches the believer's theological understanding but also deepens their faith and worship, anchored in the unsearchable riches of God's grace and wisdom.Become a supporter of this podcast:
3/30/202443 minutes, 24 seconds
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1 Timothy 2 - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Title: The Heart of Intercession and Order: Insights from 1 Timothy 21 Timothy 2 is a pivotal chapter in Paul's first epistle to Timothy, a letter rich with guidance for young Timothy, a leader in the early Christian church at Ephesus. This chapter lays a foundational framework for the practice of prayer and outlines principles for worship and leadership within the Christian community. Through these instructions, Paul not only addresses Timothy but also provides timeless directives that have informed Christian practice and ecclesiastical structure for centuries. A Call to Universal Prayer (1 Timothy 2:1-7)Paul begins the chapter with a strong exhortation to prioritize prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving for all people. This call to prayer emphasizes its universality, extending beyond the immediate Christian community to include kings and all those in authority. The purpose of such prayers is to lead a peaceful and quiet life, marked by godliness and dignity. Paul underscores the theological basis for this practice: God desires all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. He points to the mediatorship of Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, affirming the universal scope of the Christian message and the importance of prayer in God's redemptive plan. Guidelines for Worship (1 Timothy 2:8-10)Paul shifts focus to the conduct within the congregation, specifically addressing men and women's roles in worship. He advocates for men to pray without anger or dispute, highlighting the attitude and disposition suitable for worship. For women, Paul discusses modesty and good deeds as becoming those who profess to worship God, cautioning against ostentatious displays of wealth and instead promoting works of charity and piety. Roles of Men and Women in the Church (1 Timothy 2:11-15)One of the most debated sections of this chapter (and perhaps the entire Pauline corpus) is Paul's instructions regarding the roles of women in the church. He outlines a vision for women learning quietly and submissively, and he controversially states that he does not permit a woman to teach or assume authority over a man. These verses have been variously interpreted across Christian traditions, with some viewing them as culturally specific instructions while others see them as timeless principles for church order. Contemporary Reflections: Navigating 1 Timothy 2 Today 1 Timothy 2 presents modern readers with challenges and opportunities. The chapter's opening call to prayer for all people resonates with a universal Christian mission to seek the well-being of society and to intercede for its leaders. This aligns with the broader biblical narrative that emphasizes God's love for all creation and the church's role in mediating that love through prayer and action. The instructions regarding worship and roles within the church invite ongoing dialogue and discernment, especially as contemporary contexts differ significantly from those of the early Christian community. The principles of peace, godliness, and order that Paul advocates can guide these discussions, even as communities seek to apply these teachings in ways that honour both the text's integrity and contemporary understandings of gender and leadership. Conclusion: Embracing 1 Timothy 2's Core Messages1 Timothy 2 calls believers to embrace a life of prayer, godliness, and order within the Christian community. It challenges the church to consider how best to facilitate an environment where all members can grow in faith and contribute to the church's mission. As readers engage with this chapter, they are invited to reflect on the comprehensive scope of prayer, the conduct of befitting worship, and the ways in which the community can reflect the inclusive and redemptive love of God in its structure and practices.Become a supporter of this podcast:
3/28/202425 minutes, 24 seconds
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1 Timothy - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1052 - SendMe Radio

3/28/202422 minutes, 36 seconds
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Psalm 62 - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1051 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 62 is a profound piece of scripture found in the Book of Psalms, which is part of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. This psalm is attributed to King David and is a powerful expression of faith and trust in God amidst the trials and tribulations of life. It stands as a testament to the steadfast hope and unwavering reliance on God as the ultimate source of salvation and refuge. Let's explore the key themes and messages of Psalm 62.Total Reliance on God (Verses 1-2, 5-7)The psalm opens with a declaration of David’s absolute trust in God, describing Him as his salvation and fortress, impervious to being greatly shaken. This imagery of God as a rock, a fortress, and a salvation is repeated, emphasizing the security and stability that come from trusting in God alone. The repetition of the idea that one’s soul waits in silence for God underscores the theme of patience and trusting reliance on the Lord. The Folly of Trusting in Men and Wealth (Verses 3-4, 8-10) David contrasts his trust in God with the futile trust in men and material wealth. He describes those who threaten his life as being like a leaning wall or a tottering fence, suggesting their ultimate weakness and instability.David warns against placing trust in oppression, robbery, or wealth, highlighting the transient and unreliable nature of earthly power and riches. This serves as a reminder to place one’s faith and hope in God rather than in the fleeting and uncertain things of this world. God as the Source of Power and Love (Verses 11-12)The psalm concludes with a reflection on God's character, acknowledging that power belongs to God and that His steadfast love is unfailing. David recognizes that God will render to each person according to their deeds, emphasizing God's justice and the importance of living in accordance to His will. This acknowledgement of God’s power and love serves as the foundation for the psalmist’s trust and confidence in Him. Themes and MessagesTrust in God Alone: Psalm 62 encourages believers to place their trust and hope in God alone, not in people, wealth, or their abilities.God as Our Refuge: The imagery of God as a rock, fortress, and salvation underscores His role as the protector and refuge for those who trust in Him.The Vanity of Worldly Trust: David contrasts the security found in God with the instability and vanity of placing trust in worldly power and riches.Divine Justice and Love: The psalm concludes with a recognition of God’s justice and love, reinforcing the idea that true security and salvation come from living in accordance with His will.Become a supporter of this podcast:
3/27/202426 minutes, 59 seconds
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1 John 1 - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1050 - SendMe Radio

1 John 1 is the opening chapter of the First Epistle of John in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Traditionally, the authorship of this epistle is attributed to John the Apostle, although this has been the subject of scholarly debate. This chapter, like the rest of the letter, addresses the early Christian community about the nature of God, the importance of living in the light of His truth, and the relationship between sin and God's forgiveness. The chapter begins with a profound prologue (verses 1-4) that emphasizes the tangible reality of Jesus Christ. The author asserts firsthand experiential knowledge of Jesus, stating that what was "heard," "seen with our eyes," "looked upon," and "touched with our hands" concerning the "Word of life" is proclaimed to the readers. This introduction serves to establish the credibility of the witness and the importance of the incarnation—God becoming flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. Following this introduction, the epistle delves into a discussion about the nature of God as light (verses 5-7). It presents a stark contrast between walking in light, which is equated with living in fellowship with God and one another, and walking in darkness, which symbolizes living in sin and falsehood. The text emphasizes that God is completely holy and truthful, and His followers must also live in truth and righteousness to maintain fellowship with Him. Verses 8-10 address the issue of sin among believers. The author makes it clear that claiming to be without sin is self-deception and falsehood. Confession and acknowledgment of one's sins are necessary for forgiveness and purification, thanks to Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice. The text underscores the faithfulness and justice of God in forgiving and cleansing those who confess their sins. This chapter sets a foundational tone for the rest of the letter, focusing on essential Christian doctrines such as the incarnation, the nature of God as light, the reality of sin, and the promise of forgiveness through Jesus Christ. It calls believers to live authentically in the light of these truths, fostering deep fellowship with God and one another.
3/25/202426 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 1049 - SendMe Radio

3/22/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 1048 - SendMe Radio

Title: The Call to Unity and Hope: Exploring Romans 15 Romans 15 continues Paul's profound discourse to the Roman church, extending themes of harmony, acceptance, and the fulfillment of God’s promises through Christ. This chapter serves as a practical application of the theological principles laid out in previous chapters, emphasizing the responsibility of believers to build each other up in faith and to embrace the inclusivity of the Gospel. Bear One Another’s Burdens (Romans 15:1-7) Paul begins by urging the strong in faith to bear with the failings of the weak, not to please themselves but to build up their neighbors for their good, leading to edification. This call to selflessness is grounded in the example of Christ, who did not seek His own pleasure but bore the reproaches meant for others. Paul's appeal is for the Roman Christians to live in harmony and to accept one another, just as Christ accepted them. This acceptance is not merely tolerance but an active and welcoming embrace that reflects the unity of believers in Christ. Christ, the Servant to Jews and Gentiles (Romans 15:8-13) Paul elaborates on Christ's role as a servant to both Jews and Gentiles, emphasizing that Jesus' ministry fulfilled God's promises to the patriarchs and extended God's mercy to the Gentiles. This fulfillment of prophecy demonstrates the inclusivity of God’s salvation plan, meant to bring hope to all people. Paul concludes this section with a benediction, praying that God will fill the believers with all joy and peace in believing, so they may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Paul’s Ministry and Future Plans (Romans 15:14-33) The latter part of the chapter shifts focus to Paul's ministry and his plans to visit Rome. He expresses his confidence in the Roman believers and his desire to impart some spiritual gift to strengthen them, though he has been prevented from visiting them so far. Paul shares his intention to preach the Gospel where Christ has not been named, avoiding building on another’s foundation. He mentions his upcoming journey to Jerusalem to deliver aid to the saints there and his hope to visit Rome on his way to Spain. Paul concludes by requesting their prayers for his journey and for his service in Jerusalem to be acceptable to the saints. **Contemporary Application: Embodying Unity and Hope Romans 15 speaks powerfully to contemporary believers about the importance of fostering unity within the church, bearing one another's burdens, and welcoming all into the fellowship of faith. It challenges Christians to consider how they might live out the example of Christ in selfless service and encouragement of others. Furthermore, Paul's missionary zeal serves as an inspiration for believers to share the Gospel beyond their comfort zones, trusting in the Holy Spirit to empower and guide them. **Conclusion: Living Out the Gospel of Peace** Romans 15 beautifully captures the essence of Christian living—marked by unity, selflessness, and a relentless commitment to the Gospel. Paul’s exhortations remind us that the church is called to be a community of hope and encouragement, reflecting the inclusive and transformative power of the Gospel. As we bear with one another in love and strive to live in harmony, we embody the very principles of the Gospel we profess, becoming beacons of hope and peace in a divided world.
3/19/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Psalm 102 - Morning Devotion 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1047 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 102 is a deeply moving prayer of lamentation, expressing profound distress and a fervent appeal for God's intervention and mercy. It is categorized among the Psalms as a personal lament, where the psalmist cries out to God in times of deep trouble. This Psalm touches on themes of human frailty, the fleeting nature of life, and the enduring steadfastness of God. Let's explore its structure, themes, and significance. Structure and Content Psalm 102 is divided into several sections, each portraying a different emotional tone and thematic element: 1.Verses 1-11 - The psalmist opens with a heartfelt plea for God to listen and respond quickly to their distress. They describe their suffering in vivid terms—loneliness, affliction, and the feeling of being near death. 2. Verses 12-22 - Despite their personal suffering, the psalmist acknowledges God's sovereignty and eternal kingship. They express confidence that God will arise and have compassion on Zion, implying that the restoration of Jerusalem will bring praise to the Lord from future generations and nations. 3. Verses 23-28 - The psalmist reflects on the contrast between their mortal, fleeting existence and God's eternal, unchanging nature. They find hope in the steadfastness of God, believing that even though individuals come and go, the Lord remains forever, and His promises will be fulfilled for the generations to come. Themes and Significance Human Suffering and Divine Eternity - One of the central themes of Psalm 102 is the contrast between human suffering and the ephemeral nature of life versus the eternal, unchanging nature of God. This juxtaposition offers comfort in the face of despair, reminding believers of God's eternal presence and sovereignty. Prayer in Times of Distress - The Psalm exemplifies how prayer can be a powerful means of communication with God during times of intense suffering. It shows that God is open to hearing the cries of the afflicted and that lament is a valid form of prayer. Hope and Restoration - Even in the midst of lament, the Psalm shifts to hope and the anticipation of God's action in the world. It speaks to the belief that God will not abandon His people and that He has a plan for their restoration and redemption. The Community of Faith - While the psalmist speaks from a personal place of distress, their prayers also encompass the collective hope and future of the people of Israel. It underscores the idea that individual suffering and hope are intertwined with the destiny of the entire community of faith. Reflection Psalm 102 resonates with anyone who has experienced deep suffering or felt the weight of loneliness and despair. It teaches that it is okay to bring our most honest feelings before God and that, amidst our transient existence, God's permanence and faithfulness are a source of hope. The Psalm ultimately directs the believer's gaze from their immediate afflictions to the assurance of God's eternal reign and the promise of future restoration.
3/14/202426 minutes, 36 seconds
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Romans 8 - 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1046 - SendMe Radio

Romans 8 is one of the most cherished chapters in the entire Bible, offering profound insights into the Christian life, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the assurance of salvation. It serves as a rich source of theological depth and comfort for believers, highlighting themes of no condemnation in Christ Jesus, life in the Spirit, suffering and glory, and the inseparable love of God. Let's explore some of its key sections: No Condemnation in Christ (Romans 8:1-4) The chapter opens with the triumphant declaration that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. This is because the law of the Spirit of life has set believers free from the law of sin and death. Through Jesus' sacrifice, God did what the law weakened by the flesh could not do: He condemned sin in the flesh, enabling us to fulfill the law's righteous requirement by living according to the Spirit. Life in the Spirit (Romans 8:5-17) This section contrasts living according to the flesh with living according to the Spirit. Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. Living by the Spirit leads to life and peace, while living by the flesh leads to death. Moreover, those led by the Spirit of God are sons of God, receiving a spirit of adoption as children by which they can call God "Abba, Father." This adoption as children means believers are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, sharing in His sufferings in order to also share in His glory. Future Glory (Romans 8:18-30) Paul discusses the hope of future glory that believers await, contrasting present sufferings with the glory that will be revealed in us. Creation itself is personified as waiting eagerly for the revealing of the children of God, groaning as in the pains of childbirth. Believers also groan inwardly as they wait eagerly for adoption, the redemption of their bodies. This hope of redemption and salvation is what believers were saved in hope for, and the Spirit helps them in their weakness, interceding for them according to God's will. God's Everlasting Love (Romans 8:31-39) The chapter culminates in a powerful assurance of God's love. Paul poses rhetorical questions that emphasize God's unchanging purpose and love for His people. If God is for us, who can be against us? God, who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will graciously give us all things. Paul declares that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ—not trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, sword, nor any other created thing. This passage affirms the believer's security in God's love, which is foundational to Christian assurance and hope. Romans 8 encapsulates the essence of the gospel: the transformation from death to life through the Spirit, the assurance of God's unending love, and the hope of future glory. It encourages believers to live according to the Spirit, reassures them of their status as children of God, and comforts them with the promise of God's inseparable love.
3/13/202426 minutes, 47 seconds
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Confronting Injustice and the Promise of Redemption: Isaiah 59 Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-03-08-#852

Title: Confronting Injustice and the Promise of Redemption: Insights from Isaiah 59Isaiah 59 is a powerful chapter in the Book of Isaiah that addresses the profound issues of sin, justice, and redemption within the community of Israel. It presents a stark picture of societal corruption and the consequences of turning away from God's laws, but it also offers a message of hope for restoration and divine intervention. This chapter bridges the gap between the acknowledgement of human frailty and the assurance of God's unwavering commitment to salvation and justice. The Barrier of Iniquity (Isaiah 59:1-8)The chapter begins by dispelling the notion that God's inability to save is due to a lack of power or distance from His people. Instead, it is their iniquities that have created a separation between them and God. Their hands are stained with blood, and their fingers with guilt, painting a picture of a society riddled with violence and dishonesty. Their feet run to evil, and they are quick to shed innocent blood, highlighting the pervasiveness of injustice and moral decay. A Confession of Collective Sin (Isaiah 59:9-15a)This section serves as a communal confession, acknowledging the absence of justice and righteousness in society. The people recognize their complicity in the prevailing darkness and injustice, admitting that truth has stumbled in the public squares, and uprightness cannot enter. This honest acknowledgement of their condition is crucial for understanding the depth of their estrangement from God. Divine Displeasure and Intervention (Isaiah 59:15b-19)God's reaction to this situation is one of displeasure with the absence of justice. Seeing that there was no one to intercede, God Himself takes action, driven by His righteousness and salvation. This passage highlights the divine initiative in restoring justice and righteousness, emphasizing that when human efforts fail, God's power and commitment to justice prevail. The promise of a "redeemer" to those who repent in Zion points to a future hope of deliverance and restoration. The Covenant of the Spirit (Isaiah 59:20-21)The chapter concludes with a profound promise of redemption and a new covenant. God promises to send a Redeemer to those in Jacob who turn from transgression, indicating a way out of the cycle of sin and alienation.This covenant is marked by the presence of God's Spirit and His words, which will not depart from His people. This promise extends beyond the immediate context, foreshadowing the coming of the Messiah and the establishment of a new covenant through His sacrifice. Contemporary Application: The Call to Righteousness and Justice Isaiah 59 is a poignant reminder of the consequences of societal and individual sin, but it also offers hope for redemption and transformation. It challenges contemporary readers to reflect on the presence of injustice in their communities and the importance of seeking righteousness. The chapter calls believers to be agents of justice and righteousness, embodying the values of the kingdom of God in a broken world. Conclusion: The Enduring Message of Isaiah 59Isaiah 59 confronts the harsh realities of human sin and societal injustice while offering a vision of divine intervention and redemption. It reassures us that despite the depth of human iniquity, God's power to save and to restore justice remains unchallenged. The chapter invites believers to participate in the divine promise of redemption by turning from transgression and embracing a life marked by God's Spirit and righteousness, ensuring that the words of the covenant remain alive in every generation.
3/12/202427 minutes, 38 seconds
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Isaiah 54 Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1040 - SendMe Radio

Isaiah 54 is a chapter that exudes hope and promise, offering a profound message of comfort and restoration to the people of Israel. This passage, coming after the sombre and reflective tone of Isaiah 53, which deals with the suffering servant, presents a striking contrast with its vision of future prosperity and blessing. Isaiah 54 can be seen as a divine assurance to the nation of Israel, promising them a future filled with joy, peace, and security under the steadfast love and protection of God. The chapter begins with an exhortation for the "barren woman" to sing for joy, a metaphor for the nation of Israel, which had experienced desolation and abandonment.This imagery of barrenness turning into fruitful multiplication serves as a powerful symbol of God's ability to transform sorrow into joy and desolation into flourishing. The promise extends to the rebuilding of the nation with precious stones, indicating not only material prosperity but also the restoration of a covenant relationship with God. Central to Isaiah 54 is the theme of the everlasting covenant of peace God makes with His people, reminiscent of the Noahic covenant where God promises never to destroy the earth with a flood again. This covenant in Isaiah 54 signifies a permanent shift in the relationship between God and Israel, marked by forgiveness, mercy, and unfailing love. God assures Israel that, though they faced His wrath for a moment, His kindness will not depart from them. The latter part of the chapter emphasizes God's protection over Israel, declaring that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. This assurance of divine protection and vindication speaks volumes about the nature of the relationship God desires with His people—one based on trust, security, and mutual love. For both Jewish and Christian readers, Isaiah 54 holds deep theological significance. In Judaism, it is a reminder of God's unbreakable promise to Israel, a source of hope during times of distress and a call to remain faithful to the covenant.For Christians, the chapter is often interpreted as symbolizing the expansion of God's covenant through Christ, including Gentiles into the spiritual lineage of Abraham and highlighting the universal scope of God's salvation. Isaiah 54, therefore, stands as a testament to God's unfailing love and faithfulness, encouraging believers across generations to trust in His promises of restoration and peace. It's a chapter that moves from despair to hope, from barrenness to fruitfulness, and from judgment to redemption, embodying the overarching narrative of redemption found throughout the Bible.
3/7/202427 minutes, 59 seconds
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Romans 8 - Morning Devotion Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-02-17-#838

Romans 8 is one of the most beloved and theologically rich chapters in the entire Bible, offering profound insights into the Christian life, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the assurance of God's love and salvation in Christ Jesus. It forms a critical part of Paul's letter to the Romans, where he outlines the principles of the gospel and its implications for both Jews and Gentiles. Here's a breakdown of some of the key themes and passages from Romans 8: ### 1. No Condemnation in Christ Jesus - **Romans 8:1**: "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." This verse opens the chapter with a powerful declaration of the believer's freedom from condemnation due to sin, thanks to their union with Christ. ### 2. The Law of the Spirit of Life - **Romans 8:2**: "For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death." Paul contrasts the life-giving spirit of Christ with the death-dealing sin and the Law, emphasizing the believer's liberation through the Spirit. ### 3. Life in the Spirit - **Verses 3-17**: This section elaborates on the role of the Holy Spirit in enabling believers to live according to God's will, contrasting the flesh's weakness with the Spirit's power. It includes the famous verses about the Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God (verses 16-17). ### 4. Suffering and Future Glory - **Verses 18-25**: Paul discusses the present sufferings of believers in the context of the future glory that will be revealed to them. He talks about the whole creation groaning and waiting eagerly for the redemption of God's children. ### 5. The Work of the Spirit in Prayer - **Verses 26-27**: The Spirit helps believers in their weakness, especially in prayer, interceding for them according to the will of God. ### 6. God's Sovereign Purpose - **Verses 28-30**: Contains the famous verse, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." This passage speaks to God's sovereign plan, predestination, calling, justification, and glorification of believers. ### 7. More Than Conquerors - **Verses 31-39**: Concludes with a powerful affirmation of God's love, asserting that nothing can separate believers from the love of Christ. It speaks to God's unchanging purpose and the assurance of victory over all forms of adversity and opposition. Romans 8 is a cornerstone for understanding Christian theology, especially regarding the Holy Spirit's role, salvation, and the assurance and hope believers have in Christ. It encourages Christians to live by the Spirit, reassures them of their place as God's children, and comforts them with the promise of future glory despite present sufferings.
3/6/202459 minutes, 14 seconds
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Psalm 110 - Push Until Something Happens Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-11-24-#777

Psalm 110 is unique and significant in the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament, traditionally attributed to King David. This psalm is both a royal psalm, due to its themes of kingship, and a messianic psalm, as it is interpreted by Christians as prophetic of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. The psalm is composed of two main parts:The Priestly King: The opening verse, "The LORD says to my lord: 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet,'" is one of the most quoted Old Testament verses in the New Testament. It sets the stage for a dialogue between Yahweh (LORD) and the king (my lord), promising the king a position of authority and victory over his enemies. This verse has been interpreted in the Christian tradition as referring to the ascension of Christ to the right hand of God.The Order of Melchizedek: Verse 4 introduces the idea that the king is appointed by God in the order of Melchizedek, merging the roles of king and priest, which were traditionally separate in ancient Israel. "You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek." This concept is significant in Christian theology, especially in the Book of Hebrews, where Jesus is described as a high priest in the order of Melchizedek, signifying an eternal priesthood.Psalm 110 holds a place of importance in both Jewish and Christian traditions. In Judaism, it is part of the liturgy for festivals and is interpreted in various ways concerning the nature of God's promise to David and his descendants. In Christianity, it is often cited as evidence of Jesus' divinity, his resurrection, and his ascension, as well as his role as a priest and king.The psalm also touches on themes of divine wrath and judgment against the king's enemies, highlighting the power and authority given by God to the king. The imagery used in the psalm speaks to the ultimate victory of God's chosen king over all opposition, reinforcing the idea of a divinely ordained ruler who governs in righteousness and justice. In summary, Psalm 110 is a complex and deeply theological psalm that has been interpreted in various ways throughout history. Its themes of kingship, priesthood, divine authority, and victory have made it a significant text for both Jewish and Christian theological reflection and worship.
3/5/202431 minutes, 2 seconds
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SendMe Radio - Has a Streaming Christian Internet Radio Download the App on from The App Store

SendMe Radio has a streaming internet radio station that you can download from the App Store to listen to non-stop Christian content, and messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie and many other men and women of God. Gospel music, hymns, Bible stories and study and inspiring stories. We are also on Alexa just command Alexa to play SendMe Radio. Advertise with us our app can be downloaded from anywhere in the world and our app goes live every morning at 6 am for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Visit us on the web at and share SendMe Radio with your friends and family!
3/4/202435 seconds
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What Breaks The Anointing - Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 5 - Digital Ink

3/3/20241 hour, 14 minutes, 44 seconds
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Psalm 73 - Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1007 - SendMe Radio

Understanding Psalm 73: A Journey from Envy to EnlightenmentPsalm 73 is a profound piece of poetry that belongs to the third book of the Psalms in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament. Attributed to Asaph, a prominent Levite musician and seer in the court of David, this Psalm is a deeply personal confession of faith, illustrating the psalmist's journey from doubt and envy to trust and understanding in the face of apparent injustices in the world. The Struggle with Envy and DoubtThe Psalm opens with a statement of God's goodness to Israel, particularly to those who are pure in heart. However, the psalmist quickly dives into a personal crisis of faith, envying the prosperity of the wicked. He observes how the wicked seem to live carefree lives, free from burdens and enjoying physical health and wealth, while the righteous suffer. This observation leads him to question the justice of God, wondering if living a life of righteousness is in vain. The Turning Point: Entering the Sanctuary of GodThe turning point for the psalmist comes when he enters the sanctuary of God. It is in the presence of God that he gains a new perspective on the fate of the wicked. He realizes that their prosperity is temporary and that they are set on a slippery path leading to destruction. This revelation is pivotal; it shifts the psalmist's focus from earthly circumstances to eternal realities. The Revelation of Divine Justice and ProvidenceWith this newfound understanding, the psalmist acknowledges his ignorance and short-sightedness in judging God's justice based on worldly standards. He confesses his bitterness and foolishness in envying the wicked, realizing that true blessing lies not in earthly prosperity but in the nearness of God. The psalmist finds comfort in knowing that God is continually with him, guiding him with counsel and ultimately taking him into glory. A Renewed Commitment to Trust in GodThe Psalm concludes with a declaration of trust and commitment to God.The psalmist recognizes that, apart from God, he desires nothing on earth. He has learned that those who are far from God will perish, but those who trust in the Lord will declare his works and find their strength in Him. This shift from envy to enlightenment reflects a deepened understanding of God's sovereignty and justice. Application in Modern Life Psalm 73 speaks to a timeless human condition—the tendency to compare our lives with others and question God's fairness in the face of injustice. It teaches us that the appearance of prosperity can be deceptive and that true fulfilment and security are found in a relationship with God. By entering into God's presence and seeking His perspective, we can overcome doubts and find peace in the assurance of His divine providence and justice. In conclusion, Psalm 73 is a powerful testament to the journey of faith, from struggling with doubt and envy to finding security and peace in God's presence. It encourages believers to trust in God's overarching plan and to seek a deeper understanding of His ways, reminding us that our ultimate hope and fulfilment lie not in the fleeting pleasures of this world but in the eternal promises of God.
3/1/202429 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 1006 - SendMe Radio

3/1/202426 minutes, 25 seconds
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1 John - Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 5 - Digital Ink

Understanding 1 John Chapter 4: Embracing God's Love and Discerning Spirits 1 John Chapter 4 is a profound segment of the New Testament, offering deep insights into the nature of God's love, the importance of loving one another, and the need for discernment in recognizing the Spirit of God. This chapter, part of a letter traditionally attributed to John the Apostle, addresses early Christian communities about the essence of God's love and the imperative to reflect this love in their relationships. The Essence of God's Love The chapter begins with an exhortation to the readers not to believe every spirit, but to test the spirits to see whether they are from God. This is because many false prophets have gone out into the world. The criterion for testing the spirits is straightforward: any spirit that acknowledges Jesus Christ as having come in the flesh is from God, and any spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This test reflects the early Christian struggle with false teachings and emphasizes the importance of orthodox belief in Jesus Christ's incarnation. As the chapter progresses, John elaborates on the nature of God's love. He declares, "God is love," a statement that profoundly summarizes God’s essence and character. This love was manifested in the sending of His only Son into the world so that we might live through Him. The sacrificial love of God, demonstrated through Jesus Christ, serves as the model for the believers. John asserts that since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another. The Imperative to Love One Another Loving one another is not just a moral obligation but a reflection of God's love in us. John makes a compelling argument that if we love one another, God lives in us, and His love is made complete in us. This indicates that the act of loving serves as both evidence of God's presence in our lives and the means by which God's love reaches its full expression. John further discusses the relationship between love and fear. He posits that perfect love drives out fear, particularly the fear of judgment. The basis of this argument is that fear is related to punishment, and someone who fears is not perfected in love. Therefore, the love that originates from God is liberating, freeing believers from the fear of divine retribution and encouraging them to live in confidence and peace. Discerning the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Falsehood John emphasizes the need for discernment in distinguishing between the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood. This discernment is crucial in a world where false prophets and deceptive teachings abound. Believers are called to rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who testifies about Jesus and enables them to recognize the truth of the gospel. In conclusion, 1 John Chapter 4 is a rich and layered text that challenges believers to embody the love of God in their relationships, testifies to the nature of God as love, and calls for discernment in spiritual matters. It reminds us that the Christian faith is not just about adhering to doctrines but about living out the transformative love of God in our daily interactions. This chapter continues to inspire and guide Christians towards a deeper understanding of God's love and how it should manifest in their lives.
2/26/202432 minutes, 55 seconds
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Jerimiah 24 - Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-02-24-#843

Embracing Hope and Purpose: The Timeless Message of Jeremiah 29In the heart of the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29 shines as a profound narrative of hope, direction, and divine promise amidst adversity. Addressed to the Jewish exiles in Babylon, this chapter not only contextualizes a pivotal moment in Israel’s history but also transcends its immediate circumstances to offer timeless guidance for finding hope and purpose in God’s plans. Historical Context: Life in Exile Jeremiah 29 opens with a letter sent from Jerusalem to the exiles in Babylon, conveying God’s instructions and promises through the prophet Jeremiah. This correspondence occurs against the backdrop of one of the darkest periods in Jewish history—the Babylonian exile. Jerusalem has fallen, and its people are displaced, living as captives in a foreign land. It is in this setting of despair and longing for home that Jeremiah’s words speak. A Command to Build and Grow (Jeremiah 29:4-7)Contrary to expectations of a quick return to Jerusalem, the exiles are instructed to build houses, plant gardens, marry, and increase in number. They are to seek the peace and prosperity of Babylon and pray for it, for in its prosperity lies their prosperity. This directive challenges the exiles (and us) to engage with the present and contribute positively to our communities, even in less-than-ideal circumstances. The Reality of False Prophets (Jeremiah 29:8-9) God warns the exiles against false prophets among them who were promising an imminent return to Jerusalem. This serves as a caution against deception and misplaced hope. It underscores the importance of discerning truth and finding security in God’s word rather than in wishful thinking or misleading assurances. The Promise of a Hopeful Future (Jeremiah 29:10-14)It is in this context that one of the most cherished verses in the Bible emerges: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." God promises that after 70 years in Babylon, He will bring them back to Jerusalem. This promise includes a call to prayer and a pledge that God will listen and be found by those who seek Him wholeheartedly. Modern Implications: Living with Purpose Amid UncertaintyThe essence of Jeremiah 29 transcends its historical setting, speaking profoundly into our lives today. It reminds us that seasons of difficulty and uncertainty are not void of purpose. God calls us to live fully in the present, contributing to our communities and finding peace in the knowledge that our current "exile" is part of a larger, divine plan. Moreover, Jeremiah 29 invites us to critically assess the voices we listen to—whether they are sources of truth or bearers of false hope. It encourages a reliance on God’s word and a deep, personal seeking of His presence. Conclusion: The Enduring Promise of Jeremiah 29Jeremiah 29 stands as a testament to God’s unfailing faithfulness and His sovereign plans for our welfare. In times of transition, uncertainty, or waiting, this chapter offers a powerful blueprint for faithful living that balances engagement with the present with hope for the future. It calls believers to a life marked by prayer, purposeful action, and a steadfast trust in the goodness of God’s plans—a message as relevant today as it was to the exiles in Babylon.
2/24/202430 minutes, 12 seconds
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Psalm 91 - Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-02-16-#837

Title: Dwelling in the Shelter of the Most High: A Meditation on Psalm 91Psalm 91, one of the most cherished chapters in the Book of Psalms, offers profound comfort and assurance to believers, encapsulating themes of protection, trust, and divine refuge. Its verses have been a source of strength and hope for countless individuals through the ages, especially in times of uncertainty and danger. The Assurance of God’s Protection (Psalm 91:1-4)The opening verses of Psalm 91 invite believers into a place of intimate security, "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." This powerful imagery sets the tone for the entire psalm, portraying God as a refuge and fortress for those who trust in Him. The metaphor of God covering His faithful with His feathers and under His wings offers a vivid picture of divine care and protection. Victory Over Fear (Psalm 91:5-8)The psalmist assures that those who make the Lord their refuge have nothing to fear from the terrors of the night, arrows that fly by day, pestilence that stalks in darkness, or the plague that destroys at midday. There's a profound sense of peace and security that comes from trusting in God’s protection, which transcends all forms of earthly danger. Divine Guardianship (Psalm 91:9-12)A key promise of Psalm 91 is the assignment of angels to guard those who hold fast to God in love. "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways." This passage has comforted many with the assurance of God’s active engagement in the lives of His faithful, providing supernatural protection and guidance. The Reciprocity of Love and Deliverance (Psalm 91:13-16)The final verses of the psalm emphasize the reciprocal relationship between God and the believer. Those who love the Lord and acknowledge His name can call upon Him with the confidence that they will be delivered and honoured. The psalm concludes with the promise of salvation—a comprehensive term implying protection, longevity, and ultimate deliverance. Contemporary Relevance: Trusting in God Amidst AdversityIn a world fraught with uncertainties, Psalm 91 remains a potent reminder of the security found in divine protection. Its message is especially relevant for those facing personal trials, societal unrest, or global crises. The psalm encourages believers to cultivate a personal and abiding trust in God, assuring them of His unwavering support and protection. Conclusion: The Timeless Shelter of Psalm 91Psalm 91 stands as a timeless testament to the power of faith and the reality of God’s protection over His people. It challenges believers to deepen their relationship with God, to dwell in His presence, and to experience the fullness of His peace and protection. In doing so, it offers a spiritual sanctuary that endures amidst the changing tides of history, culture, and personal circumstances. For those who seek refuge in the Most High, Psalm 91 is a declaration of God's omnipotent care and an invitation to rest securely in His eternal shelter.
2/20/202429 minutes, 12 seconds
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Psalms 91 - Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 5 - Digital Ink

2/20/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Romans 8 - Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-02-17-#838

Navigating Life's Trials with Hope: The Triumph of Romans 8Romans 8 stands as one of the most profound and comforting chapters in the entire Bible, offering deep theological insights and practical encouragement. Written by the Apostle Paul, it addresses the struggles and sufferings Christians face, providing a theological framework for understanding suffering, the Holy Spirit's role, and the assurance of God's love and ultimate victory in Christ.The Life-Giving Spirit (Romans 8:1-11)Paul opens with a powerful declaration of freedom from condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. This freedom is not merely legal; it's transformational, rooted in the life-giving Spirit who empowers believers to live under God’s desires rather than being enslaved to sin. Paul contrasts the mindset of the flesh, which leads to death, with the mindset of the Spirit, resulting in life and peace. This section emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in enabling believers to fulfil the righteous requirement of the law. Adoption as Children of God (Romans 8:12-17)One of the most tender images Paul uses in Romans 8 is that of adoption. Believers are not just forgiven; they are welcomed into God's family as children and heirs, assured of sharing in Christ's glory. This adoption comes with the intimate privilege of calling God "Abba, Father," and it stands as a testament to the believer's secure relationship with God, despite suffering and hardship.Suffering and Future Glory (Romans 8:18-25)Paul does not shy away from the reality of suffering in the Christian life. However, he places it within the context of future glory, promising that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed. He describes all of creation as groaning in anticipation of this future redemption, including believers who have the first fruits of the Spirit. This section fosters hope and patience, anchoring believers in the promise of resurrection and the restoration of all things. The Intercession of the Spirit (Romans 8:26-27) Acknowledging human weakness, Paul introduces the comforting truth that the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness, interceding for us with groanings too deep for words.This divine assistance in prayer assures believers that their deepest needs and unutterable longings are brought before God, even when they don't know how to pray. God's Sovereign Purpose (Romans 8:28-30)One of the chapter's most quoted verses, Romans 8:28, reassures believers that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Paul outlines the golden chain of redemption—from foreknowledge to glorification—highlighting God's sovereign and gracious work in saving His people.No Separation from God's Love (Romans 8:31-39) The chapter culminates in a triumphant affirmation of the believer's security in God's love. Paul rhetorically asks who can be against us, who can charge or condemn us, and who can separate us from the love of Christ. He answers with the assurance that nothing in all creation can separate believers from God's love in Christ Jesus our Lord. This passage offers profound comfort and encouragement, emphasizing the invincible nature of God’s love toward His children. Contemporary Application: Anchored in Hope and Love Romans 8 speaks powerfully to modern believers, offering hope amid suffering, assurance of God's indwelling Spirit, and the invincible love of God in Christ. It encourages Christians to live by the Spirit, to embrace their identity as God’s children, and to look forward to the future glory promised to them. In a world fraught with uncertainty and pain, Romans 8 stands as a beacon of hope, affirming that in Christ, we are more than conquerors.Conclusion: The Victory of Romans 8Romans 8 offers a comprehensive vision of the Christian life, marked by freedom, adoption, hope, intercession, and overwhelming love. It reassures believers of their place in God’s grand narrative of redemption, encouraging them to persevere in faith, buoyed by the promise of God's unfailing love and the ultimate triumph that awaits in Christ.
2/18/202459 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 4 - Digital Ink

2/14/202430 minutes, 37 seconds
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Matthew 5 - Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 998 - SendMe Radio

The Beatitudes: A Reflection on Matthew 5 and the Sermon on the MountThe fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew presents the beginning of one of the most significant and profound discourses given by Jesus Christ: the Sermon on the Mount. This chapter introduces the Beatitudes, a collection of blessings that Jesus pronounces over those who embody certain virtues or experiences. Matthew 5 not only sets the tone for the entire sermon but also outlines the radical redefinition of righteousness that Jesus proposes, contrasting sharply with the legalistic interpretations of the Law prevalent in His time. This article explores the key themes and teachings found in Matthew 5, reflecting on their implications for Christian living.The Beatitudes: Blessings of the KingdomThe Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) begin with a series of declarations that bless those who are poor in spirit, mourn, are meek, hunger and thirst for righteousness, are merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, and those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake. Each Beatitude concludes with a promise of the kingdom of heaven, comfort, inheritance of the earth, fulfilment of righteousness, mercy, seeing God, being called sons of God, and a great reward in heaven, respectively.These statements turn worldly values upside down, highlighting the virtues and attitudes that are prized in the kingdom of God. Salt and Light: The Call to Influence the Following the Beatitudes, Jesus uses the metaphors of salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16) to describe the influential role His followers are to play in the world. Salt, with its preserving and flavour-enhancing qualities, symbolizes the preserving influence Christians should have on society, while light represents the guiding and illuminating impact of Christian testimony and good works. These metaphors emphasize the importance of a visible, transformative presence in the world that reflects the character of the kingdom of God. Fulfilment of the LawIn Matthew 5:17-20, Jesus addresses His relationship to the Law and the Prophets, asserting that He has come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. This statement reassures His audience that His teachings are not in contradiction to the Jewish Law but are instead a deeper realization of its intentions. Jesus calls for a righteousness that surpasses that of the Pharisees and teachers of the law, indicating a move from external compliance to internal transformation. Higher Righteousness: Ethical Teachings Jesus proceeds to offer a series of teachings (Matthew 5:21-48) that reinterpret and expand upon the Law, illustrating what the higher righteousness He demands looks like in practice.He addresses issues such as anger, lust, divorce, oaths, retaliation, and love for enemies, providing guidance that challenges His followers to exhibit a standard of conduct that reflects the heart of God's commands, emphasizing mercy, purity, and love. Practical Applications for Modern BelieversThe teachings of Matthew 5 are as relevant today as they were in the first century. They call Christians to live out the values of the kingdom of God in their daily lives, influencing the world through their character and actions. The Beatitudes remind believers of the blessedness found in humility, mercy, purity, and peace-making. The call to be salt and light encourages Christians to engage with the world in a way that brings preservation, flavour, guidance, and illumination. Jesus' teachings on higher righteousness challenge believers to embody the principles of the kingdom in their relationships, attitudes, and actions.Conclusion Matthew 5 presents a radical vision of what it means to live as citizens of the kingdom of heaven. Through the Beatitudes and His teachings on salt and light, as well as on higher righteousness, Jesus outlines a path of discipleship characterized by deep internal transformation and active influence in the world. The Sermon on the Mount continues to inspire and challenge Christians to pursue a life that reflects the values of the kingdom of God, marked by love, justice, and holiness.
2/8/202428 minutes, 2 seconds
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Proverbs 21 - Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 997 - SendMe Radio

Exploring the Wisdom of Proverbs 21: A Guide to Righteous LivingThe book of Proverbs, found in the Old Testament of the Bible, is a rich collection of moral and ethical teachings aimed at guiding individuals towards a life of righteousness, wisdom, and understanding. Proverbs 21 is particularly insightful, offering verses that touch on themes such as justice, self-control, and the sovereignty of God over human plans. This article delves into the key messages and practical applications of Proverbs 21, shedding light on its timeless wisdom. The Sovereignty of God One of the central themes of Proverbs 21 is the sovereignty of God in the affairs of humans. Verse 1 states, "The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will." This verse vividly illustrates how, despite their power and authority, even kings and rulers are under God's control. It reminds us that in all our planning and decision-making, it is crucial to acknowledge God's ultimate authority and seek His guidance. Justice and RighteousnessJustice and righteousness are recurrent themes throughout the book of Proverbs, and chapter 21 places a strong emphasis on these virtues. Verse 3, "To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice," underscores the importance of ethical behaviour over mere religious rituals. This verse challenges us to evaluate our actions and priorities, encouraging a lifestyle that reflects genuine faith through ethical conduct and fairness. The Folly of Wickedness Proverbs 21 also addresses the consequences of wickedness and folly. Verses such as 10, "The soul of the wicked desires evil; his neighbour finds no mercy in his eyes," highlight the destructive nature of wicked desires not only on individuals but also on their relationships with others. The chapter cautions against selfishness, greed, and the pursuit of evil, illustrating how such paths lead to ruin and dissatisfaction. Wisdom in Speech and Action The importance of wise speech and actions is a key message in Proverbs 21. Verse 23, "Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble," advises on the power of words and the wisdom in restraint. The verse encourages self-control and thoughtful communication, recognizing that our words can either build up or tear down. The Virtue of Diligence Proverbs 21 highlights the virtue of diligence and the pitfalls of laziness. Verse 25, "The desire of the sluggard kills him, for his hands refuse to labour," contrasts the outcomes of diligence versus laziness. It serves as a reminder that hard work and persistence are fundamental to achieving success and fulfilling one's responsibilities. Practical ApplicationsThe teachings of Proverbs 21 are as relevant today as they were in ancient times. They call for introspection and self-improvement in various aspects of life, including our relationship with God, our interactions with others, and our conduct. By embracing the wisdom of Proverbs 21, individuals can navigate the complexities of life with integrity, wisdom, and understanding. Conclusion:- Proverbs 21 offers a profound exploration of righteousness, wisdom, and the sovereignty of God. Its verses guide living a life that honours God and respects others. By reflecting on and applying its teachings, we can pursue a path of righteousness, marked by justice, diligence, and wisdom. The timeless wisdom of Proverbs 21 continues to inspire and guide those seeking to live a life of virtue and integrity.
2/6/202428 minutes, 38 seconds
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Psalm 33 - Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 996 - SendMe Radio

A Call to Praise (Psalm 33:1-3)The opening verses set the tone for the entire psalm, calling the righteous to rejoice in the Lord. It suggests that praise is fitting for the upright and encourages the use of various instruments and new songs to celebrate God’s faithfulness. This introduction not only underscores the appropriateness of worship but also the creative expression it can entail, reflecting the diversity and richness of praising God. The Word of the Lord and the Act of Creation (Psalm 33:4-9)The psalmist reflects on the power of God's word in creation, stating that the heavens were made by His command and the starry host by the breath of His mouth.This passage highlights God's sovereignty and omnipotence, asserting that the entire cosmos came into being through His spoken word. The creation narrative serves as a foundational reason for trust in God's promises, illustrating that the One who commands the universe is more than capable of caring for His people. God’s Sovereignty Over Nations (Psalm 33:10-12)Moving from the cosmic to the terrestrial, the psalmist asserts God's sovereignty over the plans of nations and the hearts of rulers. This section reassures believers that despite human schemes and the seeming randomness of events, God’s purpose prevails.The blessedness of the nation whose God is the Lord is proclaimed, emphasizing the joy and security found in divine governance. The Lord's Providential Care (Psalm 33:13-19)Psalm 33 also celebrates God's providential care, observing humanity from heaven and understanding every deed. This omniscience is a comfort to the faithful, as it assures them of God’s intimate knowledge of their lives and His capability to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. The emphasis is on God’s loving surveillance and intervention, highlighting His compassionate attention to those who revere Him. Hope in God’s Unfailing Love (Psalm 33:20-22)The concluding verses express a profound hope and trust in God’s unfailing love.It articulates a communal waiting for the Lord, acknowledging Him as help and shield. The psalm ends with a prayer for God’s steadfast love to remain upon His people, reflecting a deep yearning for God’s grace and mercy. Contemporary Application: Trusting in God’s Sovereign Love Psalm 33 speaks volumes to contemporary readers about the joy found in worshipping God and trusting in His sovereign care. It challenges believers to look beyond their circumstances, recognizing the power of God who created the universe and who guides the course of human history. This psalm encourages a posture of hope and reliance on God, especially in times of uncertainty. In a world often marked by chaos and fear, Psalm 33 reminds us of the security and peace that come from placing our trust in God’s unfailing love. It calls us to rejoice, not because our situations are always favourable, but because our God is always faithful.Conclusion: A Timeless Call to Worship Psalm 33 is a timeless invitation to celebrate God's goodness and to trust in His sovereign love. It encapsulates the essence of biblical faith, urging believers to find joy in God’s character and providence. For those who take its message to heart, Psalm 33 offers a wellspring of hope, joy, and peace, anchoring them in the truth of God’s unchanging love and power.
2/5/202424 minutes, 2 seconds
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1 Corinthians 2 - Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 995 - SendMe Radio

Title: The Power of Divine Wisdom: Insights from 1 Corinthians 21 Corinthians 2 delves into the heart of Paul's message to the Corinthian church, contrasting human wisdom with the wisdom of God. This chapter emphasizes the foundation of Paul’s preaching, the role of the Holy Spirit in understanding God's wisdom, and the profound distinction between the spiritual and the worldly. Paul's Approach to Preaching (1 Corinthians 2:1-5)Paul begins by reflecting on his approach to preaching when he first arrived in Corinth. He states that he did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as he proclaimed the testimony about God. Instead, he came in weakness, fear, and much trembling, choosing to know nothing among them except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Paul’s reliance on the demonstration of the Spirit’s power, rather than persuasive words of human wisdom, aimed to ensure that the faith of the believers would not rest on human wisdom but on God's power.This sets a profound precedent for Christian ministry, highlighting the effectiveness of divine power over eloquent rhetoric. The Wisdom of God Revealed by the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:6-16)Paul distinguishes between the wisdom of this age and the hidden wisdom of God, which was predestined before the ages for our glory. This divine wisdom, he explains, is inaccessible to the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. Instead, it is revealed to believers through the Spirit. The Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God, making it possible for believers to understand the gifts bestowed on them by God. This passage underscores the crucial role of the Holy Spirit in revealing and understanding God’s wisdom, which is not discernible through human intellect alone. The Natural vs. The Spiritual Person (1 Corinthians 2:14-15)Paul contrasts the "natural person" who does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, perceiving them as foolishness, with the "spiritual person" who judges all things through the lens of the Spirit. This distinction highlights the transformative effect of the Holy Spirit on a believer’s perception and understanding of divine truth. The spiritual person is equipped to discern spiritual truths, which are foolishness to those living according to worldly wisdom. Contemporary Application: Embracing Spiritual WisdomFor modern readers, 1 Corinthians 2 challenges the prevailing cultural emphasis on human intellect and wisdom. It invites believers to a humble acknowledgement of the limitations of human wisdom in comprehending divine realities. This chapter encourages reliance on the Holy Spirit for understanding and living out the profound truths of the Christian faith. It reassures believers of the Spirit's active role in revealing the depth of God's wisdom and love, empowering them to live in alignment with God's will. Conclusion: The Call to Divine Wisdom1 Corinthians 2 offers a compelling exploration of the nature of divine wisdom versus human wisdom. Paul’s message to the Corinthians resonates with today's believers, calling them to seek wisdom that comes from God and is discerned through the Spirit. This wisdom is not only transformative but also foundational to a faith that rests not on the shifting sands of human philosophy but on the solid rock of God’s power. In a world inundated with information and human knowledge, the wisdom of God stands as the true guide to understanding and living a life that pleases God.
2/2/202428 minutes, 52 seconds
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Deuteronomy 6 - Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 994 - SendMe Radio

2/1/202427 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 993 - SendMe Radio

2/1/202411 seconds
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Mark 9 - Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Seaching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 992 - SendMe Radio

Title: Understanding Faith, Transformation, and Discipleship: Insights from Mark 9Mark 9, one of the pivotal chapters in the Gospel of Mark, captures a series of profound events and teachings from the life of Jesus Christ. This chapter includes the Transfiguration, the healing of a boy possessed by an evil spirit, and significant teachings on discipleship, faith, and humility. The Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-13)The chapter opens with the remarkable event of the Transfiguration. Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a high mountain where He is transfigured before them, His clothes becoming dazzling white. This event is accompanied by the appearance of Elijah and Moses, talking with Jesus. A cloud appears, and a voice from the cloud declares, "This is my Son, whom I love.Listen to him!" This scene profoundly affirms Jesus' divine sonship and His fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets. The Healing of a Possessed Boy (Mark 9:14-29)Upon descending the mountain, Jesus and His disciples encounter a crowd where a boy possessed by a spirit is brought to Jesus. The disciples had been unable to cast out the spirit. Jesus rebukes the spirit and heals the boy, later explaining to His disciples that this kind can come out only by prayer. This incident highlights the disciples' limitations and the necessity of faith and reliance on God. Teachings on Discipleship (Mark 9:30-50)As they travel through Galilee, Jesus predicts His death and resurrection, but the disciples do not understand and are afraid to ask Him about it. In Capernaum, Jesus teaches about true greatness being found in being a servant to all and welcomes a child as an illustration of welcoming Him and the One who sent Him.Further, Jesus warns against causing others to stumble (sin) and teaches on the seriousness of sin and the need for radical action to prevent it. He uses strong language to emphasize the importance of entering life maimed rather than being thrown into hell with a full body. The chapter concludes with teachings on being at peace with one another. Contemporary Application: Living a Transformed Life of FaithMark 9 speaks profoundly to modern believers. It emphasizes the importance of faith, not just as a concept but as an active trust in God's power, especially in challenging circumstances. The Transfiguration reminds us of the divine glory of Jesus, calling us to listen to Him and follow His teachings. The chapter also challenges contemporary Christians to understand the true greatness of God's kingdom. It calls for humility, service to others, and a childlike openness to the Kingdom of God. Moreover, it underscores the seriousness of sin and the importance of living a life that leads to peace and holiness.Conclusion: Embracing the Fullness of DiscipleshipMark 9 invites readers to embrace the fullness of discipleship. It is a journey marked by transformation, faith, understanding, and humility. This chapter encourages believers to look beyond the physical and transient to the spiritual and eternal, to understand the cost and the rewards of following Jesus, and to live in a way that reflects His teachings and love.
1/30/202422 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sunday Service Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 991 - SendMe Radio

1/28/202458 minutes, 34 seconds
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James 4 - 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 990 - SendMe Radio

Title: Navigating Conflicts and Pride: Lessons from James 4James 4 delves deeply into the sources of conflict and strife among believers, offering a piercing analysis of human desires and a path to humility and submission before God. This chapter of the Epistle of James is a call to self-examination and spiritual realignment, addressing issues like quarrels, pride, judgment, and our relationship with the world and with God. The Source of Quarrels and Conflicts (James 4:1-3)James begins by probing into the cause of quarrels and fights among believers. He points to desires that battle within, leading to conflicts. This analysis brings to light the issue of selfish desires and passions as the root of discord. James also addresses the problem of ineffective prayer, attributing it to wrong motives - asking with selfish desires, rather than seeking God’s will. Friendship with the World vs. Submission to God (James 4:4-10)James warns against the dangers of worldliness, describing friendship with the world as enmity with God. This stark contrast underscores the incompatibility of embracing worldly values with devotion to God. He calls the readers to submission to God, resistance to the devil, purification of hands and hearts, and humility. Humility, in particular, is presented as crucial to drawing near to God. James emphasizes that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble, encouraging believers to humble themselves before the Lord. Judging Others and Boasting About Tomorrow (James 4:11-17)The chapter then moves to address the issues of speaking against one another and judging each other. James reminds believers that judging a fellow believer is equivalent to judging and setting oneself above the law. The chapter concludes with a caution against arrogant boasting about future plans. James reminds readers of the uncertainty of life and the importance of recognizing God’s will in all plans, summarized in the phrase, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”Contemporary Relevance: Living in Humility and Dependence on GodJames 4 remains profoundly relevant to contemporary readers.It challenges believers to reflect on the source of their conflicts, the nature of their desires, and their relationship with the world. It calls for a posture of humility and submission to God, recognizing our own limitations and the sovereignty of God in all aspects of life. This chapter encourages self-examination regarding our motives, attitudes towards others, and plans for the future, reminding us of the need to seek God’s guidance and align our desires with His will.Conclusion: A Call to Godly LivingJames 4 is a powerful call to godly living, marked by humility, peace, submission to God, and resistance to worldly influences. It invites believers to a deeper understanding of the dynamics of human conflicts and the pathway to peace and unity through humility and dependence on God. By addressing the internal sources of conflict and pride, James 4 offers timeless wisdom for nurturing a community of faith grounded in humility and commitment to God’s will.
1/26/202427 minutes, 48 seconds
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Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 989 - SendMe Radio

1/25/202428 minutes, 51 seconds
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James 1 - Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 988 - SendMe Radio

Title: Embracing Trials and Living Wisely: Insights from James 1James 1, the opening chapter of the Epistle of James in the New Testament, offers profound guidance on facing trials, understanding temptation, and living out a practical faith. This chapter sets the tone for the entire epistle, characterized by its direct and practical approach to the Christian life. Joy in Trials (James 1:2-4)James begins with a counterintuitive exhortation: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds." This call to joy in the face of trials is rooted in the understanding that testing produces perseverance.Perseverance must finish its work so that believers may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. This perspective reframes difficult experiences as opportunities for spiritual growth and character development. Wisdom from God (James 1:5-8)Recognizing the challenges in living out this teaching, James advises those who lack the wisdom to ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault. However, he warns that one must ask in faith, without doubting, as doubt leads to instability. This passage highlights the importance of trusting in God's provision and guidance. Social and Economic Status (James 1:9-11)James addresses believers across the social and economic spectrum, instructing the humble to take pride in their high position and the rich to take pride in their humiliation, as earthly riches will fade away. This teaching underscores the temporary nature of worldly status and wealth in contrast to the eternal values of the kingdom of God. Temptation and Sin (James 1:12-15)James shifts to discuss temptation, clarifying that it should not be attributed to God, as God cannot be tempted by evil nor does He tempt anyone. Instead, temptation comes from one's desires, which lead to sin and, ultimately, death when they are fully conceived. This passage urges personal responsibility in dealing with temptations. Hearing and Doing the Word (James 1:16-25)James warns against self-deception and emphasizes the importance of not only listening to the word but doing what it says. He compares the hearer who does not do to a person who looks in a mirror and then forgets their appearance. True religion, according to James, involves controlling one's tongue, caring for orphans and widows in distress, and keeping oneself from being polluted by the world. Pure and Faultless Religion (James 1:26-27)The chapter concludes with a definition of "pure and faultless" religion: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. This succinct summary captures the essence of James's message throughout the epistle - a call to a faith that is practical, active, and engaged in the world. Contemporary Application: Living Out an Active FaithJames 1 speaks powerfully to contemporary believers, calling them to embrace trials with joy, seek wisdom from God, manage temptations responsibly, and put their faith into action. This chapter challenges Christians to live out their beliefs not just in words but in deeds, especially in caring for those in need and maintaining personal integrity. Conclusion: A Call to Authentic Christian LivingJames 1 offers a compelling call to authentic Christian living, marked by perseverance, wisdom, and practical compassion. It encourages believers to see their faith as an active and dynamic journey, deeply rooted in the realities of everyday life, and focused on the transformative power of putting God's word into practice.
1/23/202433 minutes, 2 seconds
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Matthew 7 - 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 987 - SendMe Radio

Title: Discernment and Righteous Living: Unveiling the Depths of Matthew 7Matthew 7 is one of the most profound chapters in the New Testament, forming the concluding part of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. This chapter encompasses a range of teachings from Jesus, focusing on judgment, prayer, and the path to true righteousness. Judge Not: Understanding Compassionate Judgment (Matthew 7:1-5)Jesus begins with a caution against judgment: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged." He warns of the hypocrisy in judging others for their faults while ignoring one's own. This teaching is often misunderstood as a call to avoid all forms of judgment. However, it is more accurately a call to self-examination and humility in the process of making judgments and acknowledging one’s imperfections. Ask, Seek, Knock: The Assurance in Prayer (Matthew 7:7-11)The chapter then moves to an encouraging promise about prayer. Jesus urges His followers to ask, seek, and knock, with the assurance that their Father in heaven will respond. This section underscores God's readiness to hear and answer prayers, emphasizing the need for persistence and faith in prayer. The Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12)In what is often called the Golden Rule, Jesus summarizes much of the Law and the Prophets: "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you." This simple yet profound principle encapsulates the essence of righteous living with others. The Narrow and Wide Gates (Matthew 7:13-14)Jesus presents the metaphor of the narrow and wide gates, symbolizing the paths to destruction and life. The narrow gate, difficult and less chosen, leads to life, while the wide gate, easy and popular, leads to destruction. This teaching emphasizes the need for deliberate choice and commitment in following the path of true discipleship.A Tree and Its Fruit: Discerning True Righteousness (Matthew 7:15-23)Jesus warns against false prophets, teaching that they will be recognized by their fruits. This section highlights the importance of discernment in spiritual matters, as outward appearances can be deceptive. True righteousness, Jesus implies, is known by the fruit it produces in one’s life. The Wise and Foolish Builders (Matthew 7:24-27)The chapter concludes with the parable of the wise and foolish builders. Obedience to Jesus’ teachings is likened to a house built on a rock, which withstands storms, while disobedience is like a house built on sand, which collapses in the storm. This parable emphasizes the foundational importance of putting Jesus’ words into practice. Contemporary Application: Living Out Jesus’ Teachings Matthew 7 remains intensely relevant for modern readers, calling for a genuine and discerning faith. The teachings of Jesus in this chapter challenge believers to live out their faith authentically, examining their own lives before judging others, persistently seeking God in prayer, treating others with the love and respect they desire for themselves, choosing the challenging path of true discipleship, bearing good fruit, and building their lives on the solid foundation of Jesus’ teachings. Conclusion: A Call to Authentic DiscipleshipMatthew 7 invites believers to a deep and authentic discipleship that transcends superficial religious observance. It calls for a life marked by compassion, prayer, ethical conduct, discernment, and obedience to Christ. This chapter, rich in wisdom and guidance, offers a blueprint for living a life that is pleasing to God, rooted in the transformative teachings of Jesus Christ.
1/22/202434 minutes, 49 seconds
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James1 - 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 986 - SendMe Radio

**Title: James I: The Union of Crowns and the Dawn of a New Era** **Introduction:** James I of England, born James VI of Scotland, ascended to the English throne in 1603, marking a significant turning point in the history of the British Isles. His reign was characterized by the union of the English and Scottish crowns, significant cultural achievements, and notable challenges both at home and abroad. This article delves into the life and legacy of James I, exploring his impact on the political, cultural, and religious landscape of early 17th-century Britain. **Early Life and Scottish Reign:** James was born on June 19, 1566, in Edinburgh, Scotland, to Mary, Queen of Scots, and Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley. His tumultuous childhood was marked by the abdication of his mother and his subsequent coronation as James VI of Scotland at just thirteen months old. Despite the challenges of ruling a country fraught with religious and political strife, James proved to be a capable and intelligent ruler. He skillfully navigated the complexities of Scottish politics and established his authority as a Protestant monarch. **Accession to the English Throne:** The death of Queen Elizabeth I in 1603 left England without a clear heir. James, being the great-great-grandson of Henry VII of England, was the closest viable Protestant successor. His ascension to the English throne as James I was a historic moment, effectively uniting the crowns of England and Scotland. However, this did not lead to an immediate political union, as both countries remained separate sovereign entities with their own parliaments and laws. **Religious Tensions and the King James Bible:** James's reign was marked by significant religious challenges. The Gunpowder Plot of 1605, led by Guy Fawkes and other Catholic conspirators, was a failed attempt to assassinate the king and destroy Parliament, highlighting the deep religious divisions within the country. James, though a Protestant, advocated for tolerance and sought to ease religious tensions. His most enduring legacy in this realm is the commissioning of the King James Bible in 1609, a landmark translation that has had a profound impact on Christianity and the English language. **Cultural Contributions:** The Jacobean era, named after James I, was a time of considerable cultural achievements, particularly in literature and the arts. The king was a patron of Shakespeare and other playwrights of the time, and the era saw the production of some of Shakespeare's most famous works, including "Macbeth" and "The Tempest." James himself was a scholar and writer, contributing to the literary landscape with works such as "Basilikon Doron" and "The True Law of Free Monarchies." **Foreign Policy and the Spanish Match:** James's foreign policy was driven by a desire for peace, particularly in his efforts to end the long-standing conflict with Spain. His pursuit of a Spanish alliance, including plans for a marriage between his son Charles and a Spanish princess, was controversial and ultimately unsuccessful, straining relations with Parliament and his subjects. **Legacy and Succession:** James I's reign laid the groundwork for the eventual political union of England and Scotland in 1707. His belief in the divine right of kings and his struggles with Parliament would foreshadow the conflicts that led to the English Civil War during the reign of his son, Charles I. James died in 1625, leaving a complex legacy as a monarch who strove for peace and unity in a time of great division and change. **Conclusion:** James I remains a pivotal figure in British history. His efforts to unify his kingdoms, his cultural patronage, and his contributions to religious reform have left an indelible mark. While his reign was not without controversy, his impact on the cultural, political, and religious fabric of Britain cannot be understated, shaping the course of the islands' history for generations to come.
1/20/202442 minutes, 56 seconds
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1 Corinthians 10 - 1000 Days of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 985 - SendMe Radio

1 Corinthians 10: A Reflection on Spiritual Vigilance and the Lessons of HistoryThe tenth chapter of the First Letter to the Corinthians, written by Paul the Apostle, serves as a profound reminder of the importance of spiritual vigilance and learning from historical examples. This passage is particularly significant for its rich theological insights and practical advice for the Christian life.Historical Examples as WarningsPaul begins the chapter by drawing attention to the Israelites' experiences in the wilderness. He references their passage through the Red Sea, their spiritual nourishment, and their guidance by the cloud and the pillar of fire. Despite these divine interventions, many Israelites fell into sin and idolatry, leading to their downfall. Paul uses these events to caution the Corinthians against overconfidence in their spiritual status. The key message here is that privileges and past victories do not guarantee future moral integrity or spiritual success.The Dangers of Idolatry and ImmoralityA central theme of 1 Corinthians 10 is the warning against idolatry and immorality. Paul explicitly mentions the dangers of engaging in pagan rituals and idol worship, practices prevalent in Corinth at the time. He emphasizes that participation in these activities is incompatible with Christian life, as it signifies communion with demons rather than with Christ.The Principle of EdificationPaul introduces the concept of edification as a guiding principle for Christian conduct. He urges believers to seek not only their good but also the good of others. This principle extends to matters of food offered to idols, where Paul advises the Corinthians to exercise their freedom responsibly, avoiding anything that might cause a fellow believer to stumble in their faith.Temptation and God's FaithfulnessA key verse in this chapter is 1 Corinthians 10:13, where Paul assures believers that no temptation has overtaken them except what is common to mankind. He stresses that God is faithful and will not let anyone be tempted beyond their ability to resist. Furthermore, God provides a way out of every temptation, emphasizing His active role in the believer's spiritual journey.Conclusion: The Call to VigilanceIn conclusion, 1 Corinthians 10 serves as a timeless reminder of the need for constant vigilance in the Christian life. Paul's exhortation to learn from the past, avoid idolatry, seek the good of others, and rely on God's faithfulness in temptation, offers valuable lessons for believers in every generation. This chapter thus remains a crucial text for understanding the complexities of Christian ethics and the importance of historical awareness in spiritual practice.
1/18/202433 minutes, 20 seconds
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John 8 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 984 - SendMe Radio

Title: Exploring the Depths of John 8: A Chapter of Truth and Grace****Introduction**John 8, found in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, is a chapter rich in theological significance and profound teachings of Jesus Christ. It is known for its intricate narratives and deep spiritual insights that have been pivotal in Christian teachings and doctrine.**Context and Setting**John 8 is set in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles, a significant Jewish festival. This timing is crucial as it sets the stage for the profound teachings and events that unfold in the chapter.**Key Events and Teachings**1. **The Woman Caught in Adultery**: This chapter opens with the famous narrative of the woman caught in adultery. Jesus' response to her accusers, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her," highlights his message of grace, mercy, and forgiveness.2. **Jesus Declares Himself the Light of the World**: In John 8:12, Jesus proclaims, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." This declaration is fundamental to understanding the Christian belief in Jesus as a spiritual guide and savior.3. **The Truth Will Set You Free**: A central theme in John 8 is truth. Jesus' dialogue with the Pharisees about truth, freedom, and bondage is a cornerstone of Christian theology. The verse "the truth will set you free" (John 8:32) is widely cited and reflects the transformative power of truth.4. **Jesus' Preexistence**: The chapter culminates in a heated discussion about Jesus' identity and authority. His declaration, "Before Abraham was, I am," asserts his preexistence and divinity, leading to a dramatic conclusion where his life is threatened.**Theological Implications**John 8 offers profound insights into the nature of sin, grace, and redemption. It emphasizes the contrast between the law and grace, a central theme in Christian theology. The chapter also delves into the divinity of Christ, a foundational belief in Christianity.**Conclusion**John 8 remains a chapter of great importance in Christian scripture, offering a complex yet intimate portrayal of Jesus' teachings and identity. Its narratives and teachings continue to resonate with believers, providing guidance and inspiration in the journey of faith.
1/15/202432 minutes, 12 seconds
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Galatians 3 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 983 - SendMe Radio

Title: Exploring the Depth of Galatians 3: Faith, Law, and Inheritance Introduction: Galatians 3 is a pivotal chapter in the New Testament, written by the Apostle Paul to the churches in Galatia. This chapter delves deep into the themes of faith, the law, and the concept of spiritual inheritance. Paul’s eloquent argument contrasts the law of Moses with the grace found in faith in Jesus Christ, offering profound insights into Christian theology. The Law and Faith: Paul begins Galatians 3 by questioning the Galatians’ understanding of receiving the Spirit - was it by observing the law or by believing what they heard? He emphasizes that just as “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” Christians are also justified by faith, not by the law. This argument sets the stage for a deeper exploration of the role of the law in the life of a believer. The Purpose of the Law: One of the key discussions in Galatians 3 is the purpose of the law. Paul explains that the law was our guardian until Christ came, highlighting its temporary nature. The law’s purpose was to lead us to Christ so that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. This profound statement shifts the focus from strict adherence to the law to a life led by faith in Christ. The Unity in Christ: Another significant aspect of Galatians 3 is the unity of believers in Christ. Paul states, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” This powerful declaration underscores the inclusivity of the gospel and the breaking down of societal and cultural barriers within the Christian faith. The Promise to Abraham: Paul ties the chapter together by referring back to Abraham, stating that those who rely on faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith. This connection to Abraham is crucial, as it shows that the promise made to him was not only for his direct descendants but for all who believe in Jesus Christ. This extends the promise of salvation to both Jews and Gentiles. Conclusion: Galatians 3 is a rich and theologically dense chapter that challenges believers to understand the role of the law and the power of faith. It redefines the believer’s relationship with God, emphasizing faith in Jesus Christ as the basis of justification. Paul’s message in this chapter continues to resonate, offering guidance and hope to Christians throughout the centuries.
1/12/202430 minutes, 2 seconds
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Psalm 118 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie. Episode 982 - SendMe Radio

1/11/202431 minutes, 15 seconds
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Amos 5 - 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 978 - SendMe Radio

“Amos 5: A Prophetic Call for Justice and Righteousness”Amos 5, a chapter from the Book of Amos in the Old Testament, stands as a powerful testament to the prophetic tradition in ancient Israel. It delivers a strong message of social justice, religious authenticity, and moral accountability, themes that are as relevant today as they were in the 8th century BCE.The Context of Amos’ MessageAmos, a shepherd from Tekoa in Judah, emerged as a prophet during the reigns of King Jeroboam II of Israel and King Uzziah of Judah. This was a time of relative prosperity but also of significant social disparity and moral decline. Amos’s messages were directed primarily at the Northern Kingdom of Israel.A Call for Justice and RighteousnessThe central theme of Amos 5 is a divine call for justice and righteousness. The chapter begins with a lamentation for Israel, symbolizing its impending destruction due to its unrighteousness and injustice. Amos emphasizes that religious rituals and ceremonies are meaningless without true justice and righteousness. He famously declares, “Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5:24), asserting that social justice is at the heart of true worship.Condemnation of Social InjusticesAmos 5 highlights various social injustices prevalent in Israelite society, such as the exploitation of the poor, corruption in the legal system, and the opulence of the wealthy built on the suffering of the less fortunate. The prophet strongly condemns these practices, illustrating how they violate the covenant relationship between God and Israel.The Danger of ComplacencyThe chapter also serves as a warning against complacency. Amos criticizes the people’s false sense of security, believing that their chosen status and ritual observances would protect them from God’s judgment. He challenges this misconception, reminding them that their actions and moral choices are paramount.Contemporary RelevanceAmos 5 transcends its historical context, offering timeless insights. It speaks to modern societies about the importance of social justice, integrity, and compassion for the marginalized. The prophet’s call to let “justice roll on like a river” resonates in contemporary movements that seek to address social inequalities and promote human dignity.ConclusionAmos 5 is not just an ancient text but a living call to action. It invites reflection on personal and societal values, urging a commitment to justice and righteousness. As such, it remains a profound part of religious and ethical discourse worldwide.
1/8/202421 minutes, 12 seconds
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Amos 5 - 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 978 - SendMe Radio

“Amos 5: A Prophetic Call for Justice and Righteousness”Amos 5, a chapter from the Book of Amos in the Old Testament, stands as a powerful testament to the prophetic tradition in ancient Israel. It delivers a strong message of social justice, religious authenticity, and moral accountability, themes that are as relevant today as they were in the 8th century BCE.The Context of Amos’ MessageAmos, a shepherd from Tekoa in Judah, emerged as a prophet during the reigns of King Jeroboam II of Israel and King Uzziah of Judah. This was a time of relative prosperity but also of significant social disparity and moral decline. Amos’s messages were directed primarily at the Northern Kingdom of Israel.A Call for Justice and RighteousnessThe central theme of Amos 5 is a divine call for justice and righteousness. The chapter begins with a lamentation for Israel, symbolizing its impending destruction due to its unrighteousness and injustice. Amos emphasizes that religious rituals and ceremonies are meaningless without true justice and righteousness. He famously declares, “Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5:24), asserting that social justice is at the heart of true worship.Condemnation of Social InjusticesAmos 5 highlights various social injustices prevalent in Israelite society, such as the exploitation of the poor, corruption in the legal system, and the opulence of the wealthy built on the suffering of the less fortunate. The prophet strongly condemns these practices, illustrating how they violate the covenant relationship between God and Israel.The Danger of ComplacencyThe chapter also serves as a warning against complacency. Amos criticizes the people’s false sense of security, believing that their chosen status and ritual observances would protect them from God’s judgment. He challenges this misconception, reminding them that their actions and moral choices are paramount.Contemporary RelevanceAmos 5 transcends its historical context, offering timeless insights. It speaks to modern societies about the importance of social justice, integrity, and compassion for the marginalized. The prophet’s call to let “justice roll on like a river” resonates in contemporary movements that seek to address social inequalities and promote human dignity.ConclusionAmos 5 is not just an ancient text but a living call to action. It invites reflection on personal and societal values, urging a commitment to justice and righteousness. As such, it remains a profound part of religious and ethical discourse worldwide.
1/8/20241 minute, 25 seconds
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Amos 5 - 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 978 - SendMe Radio

“Amos 5: A Prophetic Call for Justice and Righteousness”Amos 5, a chapter from the Book of Amos in the Old Testament, stands as a powerful testament to the prophetic tradition in ancient Israel. It delivers a strong message of social justice, religious authenticity, and moral accountability, themes that are as relevant today as they were in the 8th century BCE.The Context of Amos’ MessageAmos, a shepherd from Tekoa in Judah, emerged as a prophet during the reigns of King Jeroboam II of Israel and King Uzziah of Judah. This was a time of relative prosperity but also of significant social disparity and moral decline. Amos’s messages were directed primarily at the Northern Kingdom of Israel.A Call for Justice and RighteousnessThe central theme of Amos 5 is a divine call for justice and righteousness. The chapter begins with a lamentation for Israel, symbolizing its impending destruction due to its unrighteousness and injustice. Amos emphasizes that religious rituals and ceremonies are meaningless without true justice and righteousness. He famously declares, “Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5:24), asserting that social justice is at the heart of true worship.Condemnation of Social InjusticesAmos 5 highlights various social injustices prevalent in Israelite society, such as the exploitation of the poor, corruption in the legal system, and the opulence of the wealthy built on the suffering of the less fortunate. The prophet strongly condemns these practices, illustrating how they violate the covenant relationship between God and Israel.The Danger of ComplacencyThe chapter also serves as a warning against complacency. Amos criticizes the people’s false sense of security, believing that their chosen status and ritual observances would protect them from God’s judgment. He challenges this misconception, reminding them that their actions and moral choices are paramount.Contemporary RelevanceAmos 5 transcends its historical context, offering timeless insights. It speaks to modern societies about the importance of social justice, integrity, and compassion for the marginalized. The prophet’s call to let “justice roll on like a river” resonates in contemporary movements that seek to address social inequalities and promote human dignity.ConclusionAmos 5 is not just an ancient text but a living call to action. It invites reflection on personal and societal values, urging a commitment to justice and righteousness. As such, it remains a profound part of religious and ethical discourse worldwide.
1/8/20243 minutes
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Amos 5 - 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 978 - SendMe Radio

“Amos 5: A Prophetic Call for Justice and Righteousness”Amos 5, a chapter from the Book of Amos in the Old Testament, stands as a powerful testament to the prophetic tradition in ancient Israel. It delivers a strong message of social justice, religious authenticity, and moral accountability, themes that are as relevant today as they were in the 8th century BCE.The Context of Amos’ MessageAmos, a shepherd from Tekoa in Judah, emerged as a prophet during the reigns of King Jeroboam II of Israel and King Uzziah of Judah. This was a time of relative prosperity but also of significant social disparity and moral decline. Amos’s messages were directed primarily at the Northern Kingdom of Israel.A Call for Justice and RighteousnessThe central theme of Amos 5 is a divine call for justice and righteousness. The chapter begins with a lamentation for Israel, symbolizing its impending destruction due to its unrighteousness and injustice. Amos emphasizes that religious rituals and ceremonies are meaningless without true justice and righteousness. He famously declares, “Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5:24), asserting that social justice is at the heart of true worship.Condemnation of Social InjusticesAmos 5 highlights various social injustices prevalent in Israelite society, such as the exploitation of the poor, corruption in the legal system, and the opulence of the wealthy built on the suffering of the less fortunate. The prophet strongly condemns these practices, illustrating how they violate the covenant relationship between God and Israel.The Danger of ComplacencyThe chapter also serves as a warning against complacency. Amos criticizes the people’s false sense of security, believing that their chosen status and ritual observances would protect them from God’s judgment. He challenges this misconception, reminding them that their actions and moral choices are paramount.Contemporary RelevanceAmos 5 transcends its historical context, offering timeless insights. It speaks to modern societies about the importance of social justice, integrity, and compassion for the marginalized. The prophet’s call to let “justice roll on like a river” resonates in contemporary movements that seek to address social inequalities and promote human dignity.ConclusionAmos 5 is not just an ancient text but a living call to action. It invites reflection on personal and societal values, urging a commitment to justice and righteousness. As such, it remains a profound part of religious and ethical discourse worldwide.
1/8/20242 minutes, 38 seconds
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1 Peter 1 - 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 977 - SendMe Radio

Title: Exploring the Riches of Faith: An Insight into 1 Peter 1Introduction1 Peter 1, a chapter from the New Testament, is a profound segment of Christian scripture attributed to the Apostle Peter. This chapter serves as an uplifting message to Christians, particularly those facing trials and tribulations. It delves into themes of hope, faith, salvation, and the imperishable nature of the Christian inheritance. The article aims to explore the depths of 1 Peter 1, unravelling its historical context, key themes, and the enduring significance it holds for believers today. Historical ContextWritten around AD 60-65, 1 Peter is addressed to the 'exiles scattered throughout the provinces' (1 Peter 1:1), referring to Christians dispersed across various regions of Asia Minor. This period was marked by growing hostility towards Christians, making the epistle's comforting and encouraging tone particularly significant. Peter's audience faced social ostracism and persecution, and his words were a source of strength and hope. Themes and InterpretationLiving Hope Through the Resurrection of Christ (1 Peter 1:3-5): Peter begins with a doxology, praising God for the 'new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead'. This emphasizes the central Christian belief in the resurrection and its role in providing a living, enduring hope, contrasting the transient nature of earthly experiences.Trials and the Testing of Faith (1 Peter 1:6-7): The chapter acknowledges the suffering faced by believers, describing trials as a testing ground for faith, 'so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honour'. This metaphor of refining gold serves to illustrate how faith, when tested, emerges purer and stronger.The Salvation of Souls (1 Peter 1:8-12): Peter speaks of a salvation that prophets had inquired about, a theme central to Christian theology. He points to the grace that was to come and the fulfilment of prophecies in Christ, emphasizing the privilege the believers have in witnessing this salvation age.Call to Holy Living (1 Peter 1:13-16): The chapter shifts focus to ethical exhortation, urging believers to lead lives of holiness and obedience. 'Be holy, because I am holy', Peter quotes from Leviticus, linking the Old Testament command to the new covenant in Christ.The Imperishable Word (1 Peter 1:23-25): Contrasting the perishable nature of human life with the eternal Word of God, Peter underscores the lasting truth and reliability of the gospel message.Contemporary Application1 Peter 1 continues to resonate with modern Christians, offering a perspective that transcends temporal struggles. Its emphasis on the living hope found in Christ provides comfort and motivation, especially in times of uncertainty and difficulty. The call to holiness and ethical living remains relevant, urging believers to reflect Christlike qualities in their daily lives.Conclusion1 Peter 1 is not just a historical document; it's a timeless treasure trove for those seeking understanding and solace in their faith journey. Its powerful message of hope, resilience in the face of trials, and the enduring nature of God's word continues to inspire and guide believers across generations. As Peter himself puts it, this is a 'joy unspeakable and full of glory', a testament to the transformative power of faith and the eternal hope found in Jesus Christ.
1/6/202433 minutes, 6 seconds
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Titus 2 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 976 - SendMe Radio

“Titus 2” is a chapter in the New Testament of the Bible, offering guidance on living and teaching sound doctrine. The chapter addresses various groups within the Christian community, including older men, older women, younger women, younger men, and slaves, providing specific instructions for each to live godly lives.Exploring Titus 2: Guidance for a Godly LifeIntroductionTitus 2 stands as a cornerstone of Christian pastoral advice, written by the Apostle Paul to his fellow worker, Titus. This chapter is unique in its approach to offering specific, practical advice to different groups within the church, encapsulating a blueprint for Christian conduct that is as relevant today as it was in the first century.Verse-by-Verse Analysis1.Older Men (Verses 1-2): Paul begins by addressing older men, urging them to be temperate, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, love, and endurance. This sets a tone of maturity and responsibility.2.Older Women (Verses 3-5): Older women are advised to live in a way that honors God, avoiding gossip and excessive drinking. They are encouraged to teach what is good, thus guiding younger women.3.Younger Women (Verses 4-5): The counsel to younger women includes loving their husbands and children, being self-controlled, pure, managing their homes well, and showing kindness. These virtues aim to foster a strong, godly family unit.4.Young Men (Verse 6): Young men are simply advised to be self-controlled. In a society where youthful energies can be misdirected, this counsel promotes discipline and focus.5.Titus Himself (Verses 7-8): Paul advises Titus to set an example by doing what is good, showing integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech. As a leader, his conduct was to be exemplary.6.Slaves (Verses 9-10): The advice to slaves, though contextual to the era, focuses on obedience and honesty, aiming to adorn the doctrine of God in every respect.Application in Contemporary LifeThe specific instructions in Titus 2 transcend time and culture. They emphasize the importance of living a life that reflects one’s faith, regardless of age or social status. The chapter encourages a balanced life, marked by self-control, love, and endurance, fostering a community that reflects the teachings of Christ.ConclusionTitus 2 remains a vital chapter for understanding Christian living. It provides a framework not only for personal conduct but also for community dynamics within the church. By adhering to these teachings, believers are encouraged to live lives that are both personally fulfilling and spiritually enriching, making a positive impact in their communities and beyond
1/3/202440 minutes, 10 seconds
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Isaiah 59 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 975 - SendMe Radio

"Isaiah 59: A Reflection on Sin, Separation, and Salvation" Isaiah 59, a chapter from the Book of Isaiah in the Hebrew Bible, addresses profound themes of sin, estrangement from God, and the promise of redemption. This chapter, set in the context of Israel's experience, speaks to universal human conditions and offers insights into the nature of sin, its consequences, and the hope of divine intervention. **The Problem of Sin and Its Consequences (Isaiah 59:1-8)** The chapter begins with a clear statement that God's ability to save is not diminished; rather, it is human sin that creates a barrier between people and God: "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you" (Isaiah 59:2). This separation is not a result of God's unwillingness to hear or save, but a consequence of human actions and choices. The passage then vividly describes the sins of the people, using metaphors like spiders' webs and viper's eggs to illustrate the deceit and violence inherent in their actions. This imagery underscores the pervasiveness and destructive nature of sin, showing how it ensnares and harms both the sinner and others. **The Confession and Acknowledgment of Sin (Isaiah 59:9-15a)** In these verses, the tone shifts to one of confession and acknowledgment of wrongdoing. The people realize their moral blindness and inability to achieve righteousness on their own. This section reflects a deep sense of despair and longing for deliverance, highlighting the human condition of recognizing one's flaws and the need for divine intervention. **Divine Intervention and Promise of Redemption (Isaiah 59:15b-21)** The chapter culminates with a promise of divine intervention. Seeing that there was no one to intercede, God Himself steps in to bring salvation and justice. This act of divine intervention is portrayed as a form of divine warrior imagery, where God puts on righteousness as a breastplate and a helmet of salvation. The promise of redemption extends beyond immediate deliverance. It includes a covenant of the Spirit and words that God will put in the people's mouths, signifying a lasting relationship and ongoing guidance. **Contemporary Relevance** Isaiah 59 remains relevant in contemporary religious and spiritual discourse. It addresses the human condition, acknowledging the reality of sin and moral failings while offering hope through divine grace and intervention. For believers, this chapter is a reminder of the need for self-reflection, acknowledgment of one's own shortcomings, and reliance on divine grace for redemption and guidance. In conclusion, Isaiah 59 is a powerful text that deals with themes of sin, alienation, and salvation. It reflects the human struggle with moral failings and the hope that lies in divine intervention and redemption. This chapter continues to inspire and challenge readers to seek a deeper understanding of their relationship with the divine and the path to spiritual redemption.
12/29/202329 minutes, 37 seconds
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Matthew 11 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-12-28-#797

Title: Understanding the Heart of Jesus: Insights from Matthew 11Matthew 11 presents a fascinating blend of Jesus' teachings, highlighting His relationship with John the Baptist, His reflections on the generation He ministered to, and His profound invitation to find rest in Him. This chapter not only provides insight into the nature of Jesus’ ministry but also into His character and approach to the spiritual needs of humanity. Jesus’ Testimony about John the Baptist (Matthew 11:1-15)The chapter begins with John the Baptist, now imprisoned, sending his disciples to Jesus to inquire if He is the expected Messiah. Jesus responds not with a direct yes or no, but by pointing to the evidence of His works: the blind receive sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. This response aligns with Messianic expectations outlined in the Old Testament. After John’s messengers leave, Jesus speaks to the crowd about John. He affirms John’s role as a prophet and more than a prophet, identifying him as the one who prepares the way for the Messiah, as foretold by Malachi. Jesus’ commendation of John as among the greatest born of women yet lesser in the kingdom of heaven emphasizes the new era of the Kingdom of God that Jesus ushers in. Woes to Unrepentant Cities (Matthew 11:16-24)Jesus then reproaches the cities in which most of His miracles had been performed, for they did not repent. He compares them to capricious children, neither satisfied with John’s asceticism nor with Jesus’ engagement with society. The woes pronounced on Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum underline the gravity of rejecting the Messiah despite witnessing His works. This section highlights the responsibility that comes with exposure to divine truth. The Father Revealed Through the Son (Matthew 11:25-27)In a moment of intimate prayer, Jesus thanks His Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for revealing the truths of the kingdom to “little children” rather than the wise and learned. This reflects a theme central to Jesus' teaching: the Kingdom of God is revealed to those with humble, childlike faith. Jesus also asserts the unique relationship between Himself and the Father, stating that no one truly knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him. The Invitation to Rest (Matthew 11:28-30)The chapter culminates with one of the most comforting invitations in the Gospels. Jesus calls those who are weary and burdened to come to Him for rest, offering a yoke that is easy and a light burden. This invitation extends beyond physical rest to spiritual rest – rest for the soul found in a relationship with Jesus, characterized by grace and freedom from the legalistic burden of the Law. Contemporary Application: A Call to Humble Faith and Rest in ChristMatthew 11 speaks powerfully to contemporary believers, inviting us to approach Jesus with humble faith, acknowledging our need for His grace. It challenges us to examine our response to Jesus' teachings and works, encouraging repentance and transformation. The chapter also offers profound comfort, reminding us of the rest and peace found in Christ, free from the heavy burdens of legalism and self-reliance.Conclusion: Embracing the Messiah’s CallMatthew 11 offers a rich tapestry of teachings about faith, repentance, and spiritual rest. It invites us to see Jesus as the fulfilment of Messianic prophecies, to respond to His works with repentant hearts, and to find rest in His gracious invitation. This chapter continues to inspire and challenge believers to deepen their understanding of and relationship with Jesus, the one who reveals the Father and provides rest for our souls.
12/28/202328 minutes, 50 seconds
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Psalms 103 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 973 - SendMe Radio

Title: Celebrating God’s Compassionate Love: A Reflection on Psalm 103Psalm 103, attributed to King David, is a magnificent hymn of praise, celebrating the mercy, love, and compassion of God. This psalm encapsulates a deep sense of gratitude and awe, offering a comprehensive view of God’s character and His dealings with humanity. Praise for God’s Benefits (Psalm 103:1-5)The psalm opens with a personal exhortation from David to his soul to bless the Lord and not forget all His benefits. This call to self-remembrance is significant, as it sets the tone for the entire psalm. David recounts the benefits of God: forgiveness of all sins, healing of all diseases, redemption from the pit, being crowned with love and compassion, and satisfaction with good things so that youth is renewed like the eagles. God’s Righteousness and Justice (Psalm 103:6-10)The focus then shifts to God’s righteousness and justice. David speaks of God’s acts for the oppressed and His ways to Moses and the Israelites. This section highlights that God's character is not only marked by love and mercy but also by a commitment to justice and righteousness. Notably, David emphasizes God's mercy and grace, slow to anger and abounding in love. He does not treat us as our sins deserve, a testament to God’s compassionate nature. The Greatness of God’s Love (Psalm 103:11-18)Here, the psalmist uses vivid imagery to describe the vastness of God’s love and forgiveness. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions. David also reflects on the human condition, acknowledging our frailty and transience. Yet, the steadfast love of God is from everlasting to everlasting for those who fear Him and keep His covenant. Universal Call to Praise (Psalm 103:19-22)The psalm concludes with a universal call to praise the Lord. David acknowledges God’s sovereignty, seated on His throne in heaven, and His rule over all. He calls on all of God’s works, in all places of His dominion, to bless the Lord. This final section expands the scope of praise beyond the individual and Israel to the entire cosmos, recognizing God’s ultimate authority and reign over all creation. Contemporary Application: Embracing God’s Love and Faithfulness Psalm 103 speaks to the heart of believers today, reminding us of God’s infinite love, mercy, and faithfulness. It encourages us to reflect on the numerous ways God has blessed us, urging a response of wholehearted praise and gratitude. The psalm also provides a comforting reminder of God’s compassion and grace towards our weaknesses and failings. In a world where we often judge ourselves and others harshly, this psalm offers a refreshing perspective on God’s tender love and forgiveness. Conclusion: A Timeless Psalm of Praise Psalm 103 stands as a timeless piece of devotional poetry, inviting believers to immerse themselves in the celebration of God’s character and deeds. It calls us to remember, reflect, and respond to God’s compassionate love and sovereign rule. This psalm continues to inspire and comfort believers, drawing them into a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s boundless grace and love.
12/27/202331 minutes, 13 seconds
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Hebrew 10 - Zeal Without Knowledge 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Episode 972 - SendMe Radio

Title: A New and Living Way: The Assurance of Faith in Hebrews 10Hebrews 10 is a profound chapter in the New Testament, emphasizing the finality and sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice for sinners. This chapter in the Epistle to the Hebrews offers deep theological insights into the nature of Christ’s priesthood, the inadequacy of the Old Covenant sacrifices, and the transformative implications of the New Covenant. The Limitation of the Law and the Sacrifices (Hebrews 10:1-10)The chapter begins by discussing the limitations of the law and the repeated animal sacrifices under the Old Covenant. These sacrifices, the author argues, are but a shadow of the good things to come, not the realities themselves. They are insufficient to take away sins, serving instead as a constant reminder of sin year after year. In contrast, Christ's sacrifice is effective and final. Through His offering, believers are sanctified once and for all. This section culminates in the declaration that by God’s will, believers have been made holy through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, offered once and for all. A New Priesthood and a Single Sacrifice (Hebrews 10:11-18)The writer contrasts the repeated sacrifices of the Old Covenant priests, who stand daily to perform their duties, with Christ’s singular, sufficient sacrifice. Christ, after offering one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, signifying the completion and effectiveness of His work. This act fulfilled the prophecy of Psalm 110:1. The Holy Spirit also testifies to the efficacy of this new covenant, promising a transformed heart and mind, and the full forgiveness of sins. Where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary. The Call to Persevere in Faith (Hebrews 10:19-25)Building on this theological foundation, the chapter then turns to exhortation. Believers are encouraged to draw near to God with a sincere heart and full assurance of faith. The imagery of entering the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus signifies a new and living way opened for believers, a direct and intimate access to God. The chapter calls for holding unswervingly to the hope professed, considering how to spur one another on toward love and good deeds, and not giving up meeting together. Warning Against Deliberate Sin (Hebrews 10:26-31)A solemn warning follows against the danger of deliberately continuing in sin after receiving the knowledge of the truth. The writer warns of the fearful expectation of judgment for those who trample the Son of God underfoot. This section serves as a stark reminder of the severity of rejecting Christ’s sacrifice. Encouragement to Persevere (Hebrews 10:32-39)The chapter concludes with an encouragement to persevere in faith, recalling the early struggles and sufferings of the readers. They are reminded of their confident hope and the need for endurance to receive what is promised. The quotation from Habakkuk 2:3-4 underscores the importance of living by faith and not shrinking back. Contemporary Application: Living by Faith in Christ’s Sufficiency Hebrews 10 resonates profoundly with contemporary Christians, calling for a confident faith in the complete work of Christ. It challenges believers to embrace the new access they have to God through Jesus and to live in a way that reflects the transformative power of the gospel. The exhortations to persevere, to encourage one another, and to meet together are particularly relevant for building strong faith communities.Conclusion: Embracing the Fullness of Salvation Hebrews 10 invites believers to fully embrace the salvation offered in Christ. It calls them to live in the assurance and fullness of faith, continually drawing near to God, spurred on by the definitive sacrifice of Jesus. This chapter stands as a powerful reminder of the new and living way Christ has opened, encouraging believers to hold fast to their faith with perseverance and joy.
12/21/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Resillience in Ministry: An Insight from 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 4, part of Paul's second epistle to the Corinthian church, is a profound exploration of the nature of Christian ministry and the resilience required in the face of adversity. This chapter delves into themes of integrity, suffering, and the eternal perspective that undergirds the apostle’s ministry.The Nature of Christian Ministry (2 Corinthians 4:1-6)Paul begins by acknowledging the challenges in ministry but emphasizes perseverance, stating, “Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.” He disavows underhanded and manipulative methods, instead committing to the open proclamation of the truth. This approach to ministry is grounded in integrity and a clear conscience.A significant point in this section is the concept of the “god of this age” blinding the minds of unbelievers to prevent them from seeing the light of the gospel. Paul contrasts this with the illuminating power of the gospel, which reveals the glory of God in the face of Christ.Treasure in Jars of Clay (2 Corinthians 4:7-12)One of the most poignant metaphors in this chapter is the treasure in jars of clay. Paul compares the immense value and power of the gospel with the fragility and weakness of its human messengers. This contrast highlights that the extraordinary power of ministry comes from God and not from human strength. It underscores the paradox of the Christian experience – power manifested in weakness.Facing Adversity with Eternal Perspective (2 Corinthians 4:13-18)Paul then shifts focus to the trials and sufferings inherent in Christian ministry. He speaks of being “hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” These trials serve to reveal the life of Jesus in his body. Paul’s perspective on suffering is not one of defeat but of resilience and hope.The chapter concludes with a powerful statement on the eternal perspective that motivates Paul’s endurance. He contrasts the transient nature of momentary troubles with the eternal glory they achieve, urging believers to fix their eyes not on what is seen (the temporal), but on what is unseen (the eternal).Contemporary Relevance: Endurance and Hope in TrialsFor modern readers, 2 Corinthians 4 is a source of encouragement and perspective. It offers insight into handling trials in ministry and personal life, emphasizing integrity, dependence on God’s power, and the importance of an eternal perspective. The chapter is a potent reminder that suffering and adversity, though challenging, can refine faith and deepen reliance on God.Conclusion: The Resilient Ministry2 Corinthians 4 is an intimate look into Paul's heart and mind, revealing his unwavering commitment to the Gospel despite significant challenges. It encourages believers to view their struggles through the lens of the Gospel – as opportunities to demonstrate the life and power of Jesus. This chapter continues to inspire resilience, hope, and faithfulness in the Christian journey.
12/21/202310 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ehesians 2 - 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 970 - SendMe Radio

Title: From Death to Life: The Transformative Message of Ephesians 2Ephesians 2 is a cornerstone of Pauline theology, offering profound insights into the nature of salvation, grace, and the Christian identity. This chapter succinctly captures the essence of the Gospel message – the transition from spiritual death to life through Christ and the breaking down of barriers to create one new humanity. The Human Condition and Divine Intervention (Ephesians 2:1-10)Paul begins by describing the former state of believers: dead in transgressions and sins, following the ways of the world, and under the influence of the ruler of the kingdom of the air. This stark depiction of spiritual death highlights humanity's desperate need for salvation. The tone shifts dramatically with one of the most powerful conjunctions in the Bible: "But God..." These words mark the transition from hopelessness to hope. Despite the depth of human sin, God’s great love and mercy bring life through Christ. Verses 8-9 contain one of the clearest expressions of the doctrine of grace: salvation is a gift from God, not a result of human works so that no one can boast. This emphasizes that salvation is entirely the work of God, and there is no room for human pride. The Workmanship of God (Ephesians 2:10)Verse 10 concludes this section with a remarkable statement about Christian identity and purpose: believers are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for them to do. This verse connects salvation with its purpose – a life of good works that flow from a transformed nature. Breaking Down the Dividing Wall (Ephesians 2:11-22)The second part of Ephesians 2 addresses the unity of Jews and Gentiles in Christ. Paul explains that through Christ’s sacrifice, the dividing wall of hostility between Jews and Gentiles has been demolished. The chapter culminates in a powerful metaphor of the church as a building, with Christ as the cornerstone, and believers as the stones being built into a holy temple in the Lord. This imagery portrays the church as a unified, diverse, and growing body, a dwelling place for God.Contemporary Application: A Call to Unity and PurposeEphesians 2 resonates deeply with contemporary Christians, addressing themes of unity, purpose, and identity. It challenges believers to embrace their new identity in Christ – one that transcends cultural, ethnic, and social barriers. The chapter calls on the church to reflect the unity and peace achieved through Christ, serving as a beacon of reconciliation in a divided world. Conclusion: Embracing Our New Life in ChristEphesians 2 is a powerful reminder of the radical nature of the Gospel. It calls believers to remember their past condition, recognize the immensity of God’s grace, and live out their new identity as God’s workmanship. In a world often characterized by division and strife, Ephesians 2 offers a hopeful vision of a unified community, transformed and bound together by the love of Christ.
12/20/202322 minutes, 58 seconds
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Luke 3 1000 Days of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 969 - SendMe Radio

Title: The Proclamation of John the Baptist: A Reflection on Luke 3Luke 3 presents a pivotal moment in the Gospel narrative, introducing the ministry of John the Baptist and setting the stage for the public ministry of Jesus Christ. This chapter is not only a historical account but also a profound call to repentance and a herald of the coming Messiah. The Ministry of John the Baptist (Luke 3:1-20)The chapter opens with historical markers, situating John’s ministry in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar. This precise dating lends historical credibility to the narrative. John, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah, preaches in the wilderness of Judea, calling for a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. His message is clear and urgent: prepare the way for the Lord, and make his paths straight. John’s call for repentance is accompanied by ethical instructions. To the crowds, he recommends sharing with the needy; to tax collectors, collecting no more than what is owed; and to soldiers, refraining from extortion and false accusations. These teachings reflect a practical manifestation of repentance in daily life, emphasizing social justice and ethical conduct. The Baptism of Jesus (Luke 3:21-22)In a significant event, Jesus himself is baptized by John. During the baptism, heaven opens, the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus in bodily form like a dove, and a voice from heaven declares, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you, I am well pleased.” This moment marks the divine affirmation of Jesus’s identity and mission. The Genealogy of Jesus (Luke 3:23-38)The chapter concludes with Jesus’s genealogy, tracing his lineage back to Adam and ultimately to God. This genealogy is significant in establishing Jesus’s connection to all of humanity, not just the Jewish people, and underscores the universal scope of Jesus’s mission. Contemporary Relevance: A Message of Repentance and HopeLuke 3 speaks powerfully to contemporary readers about the timeless themes of repentance, redemption, and divine calling. John the Baptist’s message encourages self-examination and a turning away from sin, not merely as a religious ritual but as a transformation of heart and behaviour. The baptism of Jesus models humility and obedience, and the divine affirmation he receives is a source of hope and assurance for believers, confirming Jesus's role as the Savior. Conclusion: A Prelude to TransformationLuke 3 serves as a prelude to the transformative ministry of Jesus. John the Baptist’s role in preparing the way for the Lord highlights the importance of spiritual readiness and ethical living. The chapter invites believers to a renewed commitment to living out the principles of the Gospel, embracing a lifestyle of repentance, social justice, and ethical integrity. It's a reminder that the Christian faith is not only about personal salvation but also about impacting the world through righteous living and acts of kindness.
12/19/202324 minutes, 5 seconds
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Matthew 2 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 968 - SendMe Radio

Title: The Early Days of Christ: Insights from Matthew 2Matthew 2 presents a captivating narrative about the early years of Jesus Christ, filled with divine prophecies, royal intrigue, and a family's faithful obedience. This chapter not only recounts the visit of the Magi but also details the flight to Egypt and the massacre of the innocents, events that shape the early narrative of Jesus's life. The Visit of the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12)The chapter begins with the arrival of the Magi, or wise men, from the East to Jerusalem. They come seeking the "king of the Jews," having seen his star.This caused great disturbance to King Herod and all of Jerusalem. Herod, known for his paranoia about losing his throne, calls the Magi secretly and ascertains the time the star appeared. He then sends them to Bethlehem to find the child, deceitfully stating that he too wishes to worship him. The Magi’s journey and their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh are significant. These gifts are symbolic—gold for a king, frankincense for a priest, and myrrh, a burial ointment, hinting at Jesus's future death. The visit of the Magi fulfils the prophecy from Micah 5:2 about Bethlehem and underscores Jesus's universal significance, as Gentiles come to honour the Jewish Messiah.The Flight to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-15)After the Magi depart, an angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream, warning him of Herod's intent to kill Jesus. Joseph, Mary, and the young Jesus flee to Egypt, staying there until Herod's death. This event fulfils Hosea’s prophecy: "Out of Egypt I called my son." This sojourn in Egypt parallels the story of Israel and symbolizes Jesus as the true Israel, embodying the people's history and redemption. Herod's Massacre and Return to Nazareth (Matthew 2:16-23)In a tragic turn of events, Herod, realizing that he has been outwitted by the Magi, orders the massacre of all boys in Bethlehem two years old and under.This horrific act fulfills Jeremiah’s prophecy of mourning in Ramah. After Herod's death, Joseph is again directed by an angel to return to Israel. Fearing Herod's son Archelaus, Joseph moves the family to Nazareth in Galilee. This fulfils the prophets' declaration that the Messiah would be called a Nazarene. Contemporary Reflections: Trust, Obedience, and FulfillmentMatthew 2 invites contemporary readers to reflect on several key themes:Divine Guidance and Protection: Just as God guided and protected Jesus and his family, He continues to guide and protect His people today.Fulfilment of Prophecy: The events of Jesus's early life underscore the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies, affirming the reliability and divine inspiration of Scripture.Universal Scope of Jesus's Mission: The arrival of the Magi symbolizes the Gospel's reach beyond Israel to all nations.Trust and Obedience: Joseph's immediate response to divine warnings highlights the importance of trust and obedience in the face of danger and uncertainty.Conclusion: A Profound BeginningMatthew 2 sets the stage for Jesus's life and ministry, revealing Him as the fulfillment of ancient prophecies, the target of a king's jealousy, and a figure of universal significance. This chapter, rich in theological and historical layers, offers a profound beginning to the extraordinary life of Jesus Christ.
12/13/202330 minutes, 45 seconds
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Galatians 4 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 967 - SendMe Radio

Title: Embracing Our Identity in Christ: Exploring Galatians 4Galatians 4 is a pivotal chapter in Paul's epistle to the Galatians, where he delves deeply into the themes of spiritual freedom, identity, and inheritance in Christ. This chapter, rich in theological content, also reflects Paul's pastoral concern for the Galatians, who were struggling with legalism and identity issues within their Christian walk. From Slaves to Sons: The Heart of the Gospel (Galatians 4:1-7)Paul begins the chapter with an analogy: as long as an heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. Paul then applies this analogy to the spiritual journey. Before knowing Christ, people are "slaves" to the basic spiritual principles of the world. But in the fullness of time, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Paul's message is revolutionary: through Christ, believers are no longer slaves but sons and daughters of God, and if they are sons, then they are also heirs. This adoption into God's family is a radical change of status and identity. It's not based on law-keeping but on the redemptive work of Christ.Paul's Appeal: A Concern for Spiritual Well-being (Galatians 4:8-20) Paul reflects on the Galatians' past, and how they turned from idols to the true God. However, he is perplexed that they are now turning back to weak and miserable principles, essentially reverting to spiritual slavery. His tone is one of deep concern and perplexity; it’s a heartfelt appeal to a community he loves. He reminds them of their initial reception of him and the gospel. Despite his illness, they did not treat him with contempt or scorn but welcomed him as if he were an angel of God. Paul's rhetorical question, "What has happened to all your joy?" is a poignant reminder of the Galatians’ shift from the liberating truth of the gospel to a legalistic approach that has robbed them of their joy.The Allegory of Hagar and Sarah (Galatians 4:21-31)Paul then uses the allegory of Hagar and Sarah to illustrate two covenants: one from Mount Sinai, bearing children who are to be slaves (represented by Hagar), and the other, the free woman (represented by Sarah), symbolizing the New Covenant of freedom in Christ. He emphasizes that believers are not children of the slave woman but of the free woman. This allegory serves to highlight the contrast between living under the law and living by the promise of grace in Christ. Contemporary Application: Living in the Freedom of Christ.For contemporary Christians, Galatians 4 is a powerful reminder of the freedom and identity we have in Christ. It challenges us to resist any form of legalism or return to "slavery." It encourages believers to live in the reality of their sonship, enjoying the privileges and inheritance that come with being children of God.Conclusion: A Call to Embrace Our True Identity Galatians 4 calls believers to embrace their identity in Christ - an identity not earned by adherence to the law but granted through the grace of God in Christ. It's a chapter that invites us to live in the freedom and joy of this divine relationship, assured of our status as heirs and children of the living God.
12/12/202328 minutes, 5 seconds
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Psalm 92 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 966 - SendMe Radio

Title: Psalms 92: A Song of Praise for God’s Faithfulness 92, titled “A Psalm. A Song for the Sabbath Day,” is a beautiful hymn of praise that exalts the works and character of God. This psalm reflects a heart of gratitude and awe, offering insights into the nature of true worship, the character of God, and the fate of the righteous and the wicked. The Joy of Giving Thanks (Psalms 92:1-4)The psalm opens with an affirmation that it is good to give thanks to the Lord and to sing praises to His name. The psalmist emphasizes the importance of expressing gratitude, not just as a duty but as a joyous response to God’s love and faithfulness. The mention of the morning and the evening in verse 2 suggests a rhythm of continual praise, a life where every day starts and ends with recognition of God’s goodness. The Works and Thoughts of God (Psalms 92:5-6)The focus then shifts to God’s works and thoughts. The psalmist marvels at the depth and greatness of God’s deeds, acknowledging that God’s thoughts are profound and beyond human understanding. This acknowledgement cultivates a sense of humility and wonder in the worshipper. The Fate of the Wicked (Psalms 92:7-9)In contrast to the greatness of God, the psalmist notes the ultimate fate of the wicked. They will be destroyed and uprooted, unable to stand in the face of divine judgment. This part of the psalm serves as a reminder of God’s justice and the transient nature of wickedness. The Righteous Flourish (Psalms 92:10-15)The latter part of the psalm paints a vivid picture of the flourishing of the righteous. They are likened to a palm tree and a cedar in Lebanon, symbols of strength, stability, and long-lasting fruitfulness. The righteous are those who are planted in the house of the Lord, thriving in His courts. This flourishing is not just in material terms but in spiritual vitality and moral integrity. Old Age and Fruitfulness (Psalms 92:14-15)Interestingly, the psalm concludes with a reference to old age, stating that the righteous will still bear fruit in old age, staying fresh and green. This is a powerful metaphor for the enduring nature of the Godly character and the continuous capacity for growth and productivity, regardless of one’s stage in life. Contemporary RelevancePsalm 92’s message is timeless and universally relevant. It invites believers to a lifestyle of praise, recognizing and celebrating God’s works and character every day. The psalm also encourages a trust in God’s justice, offering comfort that while wickedness may seem to prosper temporarily, it is ultimately fleeting. Conclusion: A Call to Worship and Trust Psalm 92 is a call to worship in spirit and truth, to trust in the enduring righteousness of God, and to find joy in His presence. It challenges believers to remain planted in God’s house, drawing strength and nourishment from Him, and to look forward to a lifetime of spiritual fruitfulness. This psalm is a beautiful reminder that a life anchored in God is not only stable and secure but also marked by continuous growth and joyous praise.
12/12/202358 minutes, 47 seconds
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John 15 Abiding in Love 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 965 - SendMe Radio

Title: Abiding in Love: The Essence of John 15John 15 is a profound chapter in the New Testament, where Jesus Christ articulates the vital relationship between Himself, His Father, and His followers. Often referred to as the "Vine and the Branches" discourse, this passage is part of Jesus’ final teachings to His disciples before His crucifixion, offering deep insights into the nature of true discipleship. The Metaphor of the Vine and Branches (John 15:1-8)Jesus begins with a compelling metaphor: He is the true vine, His Father is the gardener, and His followers are the branches.This imagery is rich in meaning. Just as branches can bear fruit only when they remain attached to the vine, so too can believers bear spiritual fruit only if they remain in Christ. The Father, as the gardener, prunes the branches (believers) to make them more fruitful. The pruning process, though potentially painful, is necessary for growth and greater fruitfulness. The Imperative of Abiding (John 15:4-7)The command to "abide" or remain in Jesus is central to this chapter. Abiding in Jesus involves a continual, living connection with Him, characterized by obedience, reliance on His words, and the reception of His love.This relationship is dynamic, life-giving, and transformative. Without it, as Jesus points out, believers can do nothing of eternal significance. Love and Obedience (John 15:9-17)Jesus then delves into the concept of love, both His love for His followers and their love for one another. This love is not abstract; it’s manifested in obedience to His commands, just as Jesus’ love for His Father is shown in His obedience. The greatest demonstration of love, laying down one’s life for one’s friends, is exemplified by Jesus’ sacrifice. He calls His disciples friends, elevating the relationship from that of a master-servant to a more intimate friendship, based on understanding and mutual love.The World’s Hatred and the Disciples’ Testimony (John 15:18-27)The chapter concludes with a sobering reminder that the world will often oppose Jesus’ followers, just as it opposed Him. This opposition is tied to the world's rejection of the Father. Yet, in the face of hostility, the disciples are called to bear witness to Jesus, strengthened and guided by the Holy Spirit.Contemporary Application: Living as Fruitful Branches John 15 speaks powerfully to contemporary believers. It calls for a deep, abiding relationship with Christ, marked by love, obedience, and fruitfulness. In a world that often values independence, this passage invites believers to a counter-cultural stance of dependence on Christ. The metaphor of the vine and branches challenges Christians to examine their lives: Are we intimately connected to Jesus? Are our lives marked by the fruits of this relationship? The passage also offers comfort – in Christ, we find the resources necessary for spiritual vitality and resilience, even in adversity. Conclusion: A Call to Abide in LoveJohn 15 is a call to abide in the love of Christ, to live out a transformative relationship that bears lasting fruit. It’s a chapter that encapsulates the heart of the Christian journey – remaining in Christ, experiencing His love, and extending that love to others. This abiding is not passive; it’s a conscious, active choice that defines the believer’s way of life.
12/9/202330 minutes, 51 seconds
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2 Corinthian 1-3-8 Double Blessings For Your Troubles Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 963 - SendMe Radio

12/7/20232 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 963 - SendMe Radio

12/7/202353 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 962 - SendMe Radio

12/3/202338 minutes, 28 seconds
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Isaiah 50 A Message of Hope and Perseverance - 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 961 - SendMe Radio

Title: Enduring Faith Amidst Trials: Unpacking Isaiah 50Isaiah 50, nestled within the book of the prophet Isaiah, is a profound chapter that speaks to the endurance of faith in the face of adversity. This chapter is part of what scholars often refer to as the “Servant Songs,” a collection of passages in Isaiah that describe the service, suffering, and exaltation of the Servant of the Lord. The Servant’s Obedience and Suffering (Isaiah 50:4-9)The heart of this chapter lies in verses 4-9, where the Servant of the Lord describes his mission and the suffering he endures.The Servant is depicted as a disciple who listens to and learns from the Lord daily. Despite the challenges and suffering, including being beaten and humiliated, the Servant remains steadfast. This portrayal is often seen as a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ, especially in the context of the New Testament. The Servant's confidence in God's help and vindication is evident. He stands firm in the face of adversaries, certain that God, who is his helper, will justify him. The rhetorical questions in verses 8 and 9 underline this confidence – no accusation or judgment will stand against the Servant because the Lord is on his side. A Call to Trust in God’s Light (Isaiah 50:10-11)The chapter concludes with an exhortation to the people. Those who fear the Lord and obey the voice of His Servant are called to trust in God's name and rely on Him, even when they walk in darkness and have no light. This is contrasted with the plight of those who kindle their own fires and walk in the light of their torches – they are warned of the torment that awaits them. This is a powerful metaphor for relying on human wisdom and resources instead of trusting in God. Contemporary Relevance: Faith in Dark Times Isaiah 50 remains deeply relevant for believers today. It speaks to the experience of enduring faith amidst trials and persecutions. For modern readers, it serves as a reminder that following God’s path may involve suffering and opposition, but steadfast trust in God leads to ultimate vindication and salvation. Lessons from the ServantThe Servant’s attitude provides a model for believers. The discipline of listening to God, the willingness to endure hardship for the sake of obedience, and the unwavering confidence in God’s justice are qualities that believers are called to emulate.Conclusion: A Message of Hope and Perseverance Isaiah 50 offers a rich tapestry of themes – the faithfulness of the Servant, the call to trust in God even in darkness, and the warning against self-reliance. For those walking through challenges, this chapter is a beacon of hope, encouraging steadfastness and trust in the Lord. It reassures believers that, though the path of faith may be marked by trials, God’s presence and promise of vindication are ever sure.
11/28/202325 minutes, 32 seconds
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Colossians 3 - 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 960 - SendMe Radio

honoursTitle: Living the New Life in Christ: Insights from Colossians 3Colossians 3, a part of Paul's epistle to the Colossians, is a powerful chapter that encapsulates the essence of Christian living in the light of the believer's new identity in Christ. It moves from the theological to the practical, outlining how the life-transforming truth of the Gospel should manifest in everyday behaviour. The Heavenly Focus of the Believer (Colossians 3:1-4)The chapter begins with an exhortation to set one's heart and mind on things above, not on earthly things. This is premised on the understanding that believers have been raised with Christ, and therefore, their life should reflect a heavenly orientation. The focus is not merely on the future when Christ returns but on the present reality of living a life hidden with Christ in God. The Call to Put Off the Old Self (Colossians 3:5-11)Paul urges believers to put to death whatever belongs to their earthly nature, listing behaviours like sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed, which he equates with idolatry.This 'putting to death' signifies a decisive break from the sinful patterns characteristic of one’s life before knowing Christ. Paul also addresses anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language, advocating for a complete shedding of the 'old self' with its practices. The New Self in Christ (Colossians 3:12-17)In contrast to the old self, Paul describes the new self, as renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. This renewal is marked by virtues such as compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and above all, love. The unity of the body of Christ is emphasized here, where Christ is all and in all, transcending social and cultural divisions. The peace of Christ is to rule in the believers' hearts, and the word of Christ is to dwell in them richly, guiding their wisdom and teaching. Christian Households (Colossians 3:18-4:1)Paul then applies these principles to the context of Christian households, addressing wives, husbands, children, fathers, slaves, and masters. Each role comes with specific exhortations, but all are undergirded by the principle of doing everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, and giving thanks to God the Father. Contemporary Relevance: Living Out Our New IdentityColossians 3 remains profoundly relevant for contemporary believers. It challenges us to examine our lives critically in light of our identity in Christ. The chapter calls for a tangible transformation in behaviour and relationships, reflecting the radical change that comes from following Christ. Conclusion: A Holistic TransformationColossians 3 does not just call for moral reform; it points to a holistic transformation rooted in the profound realities of the Gospel. It's about a total makeover of the heart and mind, leading to a new way of living that honors God and edifies others. This chapter is a vibrant guide for anyone seeking to understand and live out the practical implications of a life dedicated to Christ.
11/27/202321 minutes, 5 seconds
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1 Kings 14 - 16 (The Saga of Kings and Prophets) Flying On The Wings Of Faith Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 959 - SendMe Radio

Title The Saga of Kings and Prophets: Insights from 1 Kings 13-16 The books of Kings in the Hebrew Bible are more than historical accounts; they offer profound insights into leadership, faithfulness, and the consequences of turning away from God. In 1 Kings 13-16, the narrative weaves through the reigns of several kings of Israel and Judah, marked by political upheaval, prophetic warnings, and divine judgments.The Tale of a Prophet’s Disobedience: Lessons from 1 Kings 131 Kings 13 presents a compelling and somewhat perplexing story about a man of God from Judah and his fateful journey to Bethel. This narrative is not only a historical account but also a rich source of spiritual lessons about obedience, discernment, and the consequences of straying from God’s commands. The Man of God from JudahThe chapter begins with an unnamed prophet from Judah who comes to Bethel during Jeroboam’s reign. He arrives as Jeroboam stands by the altar to burn incense, and he delivers a prophecy against the altar, foretelling its desecration.This prophecy also points to a future king named Josiah, who would fulfil this word (which happens much later in 2 Kings 23). The man of God performs a miraculous sign to validate his prophecy, causing the altar to split apart. Jeroboam’s Response and the Prophet’s ObedienceJeroboam, upon witnessing this, extends his hand from the altar and orders the capture of the prophet, but his hand withers. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Jeroboam asks the prophet to pray for the restoration of his hand, which the prophet does.Jeroboam then invites the prophet to dine with him, but the prophet refuses, citing God’s command not to eat bread, drink water, or return in the same way he came. The Deception and the Prophet’s DownfallOn his way back, an old prophet from Bethel deceives the man of God, claiming that an angel spoke to him, instructing him to bring the man of God back to his house for food and drink. The man of God, against God’s explicit command, accepts the invitation and returns with him. During the meal, the old prophet receives a true word from the Lord, prophesying the man of God’s death for his disobedience.The Judgement and the EndThe prophecy quickly comes to pass as the man of God is killed by a lion on his way home, and his body is brought back to Bethel to be buried. Interestingly, Jeroboam does not change his ways despite witnessing these events, continuing in his idolatry. Lessons and Contemporary Reflections 1 Kings 13 serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of obedience to God’s commands. The man of God, initially obedient and bold in his confrontation with Jeroboam, falls into disobedience due to deception and perhaps a desire for fellowship. The story also emphasizes the need for discernment.The man of God is deceived by someone claiming to have heard from God. This highlights the importance for believers to test every prophecy and teaching against the Word of God. Moreover, the chapter illustrates the immediate and severe consequences of disobedience. While God is merciful, this narrative teaches that disobedience, especially for those who know the truth, can lead to dire consequences. 1 Kings 13 is more than a historical account; it's a cautionary tale that resonates with anyone who seeks to walk in obedience to God. It calls for unwavering adherence to God’s word, discernment in the face of deception, and a sober realization of the consequences of straying from God’s path. For modern believers, it serves as a reminder to hold fast to God's commands, resisting the temptations and deceptions that may come along the way.The Downfall of Jeroboam’s House (1 Kings 14)The chapters begin with the story of King Jeroboam, the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel after its split from Judah. Despite God's initial blessing, Jeroboam's reign is characterized by idolatry and sin. The prophecy against his house, delivered by the prophet Ahijah to Jeroboam’s wife, is a critical moment. This prophecy foretells the downfall of Jeroboam’s dynasty because of his disobedience and the introduction of false worship in Israel.Judah's Kings: Rehoboam and Abijam (1 Kings 14-15)In parallel, 1 Kings 14 also narrates the reign of Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, in Judah.His reign is marked by forsaking the law of the Lord and engaging in various sinful practices. This pattern continues with his son Abijam, who also walks in the sins of his father. These narratives reflect a period of religious and moral decline in Judah, although God's promise to David ensures the continuity of his lineage on the throne. Asa of Judah: A Contrast (1 Kings 15)Amid the backdrop of disobedience, King Asa of Judah presents a stark contrast. He is depicted as doing what is right in the eyes of the Lord, removing idols and reforming the kingdom. Asa's reign brought a brief period of religious reform and faithfulness to God's covenant.The Rise and Fall of Baasha (1 Kings 15-16)In the northern kingdom, Baasha rises to power in Israel by overthrowing Jeroboam’s son Nadab, fulfilling Ahijah’s prophecy. However, Baasha’s reign is similarly plagued by sin, leading to a prophecy from Jehu the seer, foretelling the destruction of his house. The Cycle of Sin and Judgment (1 Kings 16)1 Kings 16 continues with the rapid succession of Israel's kings, highlighting the instability and sinfulness of the northern kingdom. Each king, from Elah to Zimri to Omri, falls into the pattern of sin, drawing Israel away from God. The chapter ends with the beginning of Ahab's reign, setting the stage for further narratives of conflict between royal authority and prophetic word. Lessons and Contemporary RelevanceThese chapters in 1 Kings offer several lessons:The importance of faithfulness to God and His commandments.The dangers of idolatry and moral compromise.The role of prophets as God’s spokespersons, calling for repentance and obedience.The consequences of leadership that does not adhere to God’s standards.For contemporary readers, these chapters serve as a reminder of the need for integrity in leadership, the importance of personal and collective faithfulness to God, and the enduring truth that actions have consequences.Conclusion1 Kings 14-16, with its interplay of kings and prophets, triumphs and failures, invites readers to reflect on their own faith journey. It challenges us to consider our adherence to God’s principles and to seek leaders who embody righteousness and justice. These chapters stand as a testament to the complex, often challenging, the relationship between divine authority and human governance.
11/26/202324 minutes, 51 seconds
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Psalm 110 Spiritual Womb 1000 Days of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 958 - SendMe Radio

Title: The Majesty and Priesthood of the Messiah: Unpacking Psalm 110 Psalm 110 stands out as one of the most theologically significant and frequently quoted Old Testament passages in the New Testament. Traditionally attributed to King David, this psalm presents a complex picture of the Messiah as both a King and a Priest, blending royal power with priestly mediation. Its influence on Christian messianic interpretation is profound and pervasive. A Royal Psalm with Messianic Undertones Psalm 110 opens with a declaration from Yahweh to the psalmist's lord, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet." This verse sets the tone for the entire psalm, depicting a figure of authority and power, one who sits at the right hand of God – a position of honour and strength. The Kingly Rule of the Messiah.The psalm portrays a mighty ruler whose sceptre extends from Zion, symbolizing a dominion that encompasses the entire earth. This ruler is victorious over enemies and nations, asserting a divine authority bestowed by Yahweh himself. The imagery is royal and militaristic, depicting a Messiah who reigns supreme, subduing opposition. The Priestly Role in the Order of Melchizedek, one of the most intriguing aspects of Psalm 110 is verse 4, where the Lord swears an unbreakable oath, declaring the psalmist's lord to be "a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek." This reference is unique and significant. Unlike the Aaronic priesthood, which was based on hereditary lineage, the priesthood of Melchizedek, a figure from Genesis, is characterized by its eternal and universal nature. This verse elevates the Messiah as a priestly figure, one who intercedes and mediates on behalf of the people. Psalm 110 in New Testament ChristologyIn the New Testament, Psalm 110 is frequently referenced to explain and validate the messianic identity of Jesus Christ. It provides a framework for understanding Jesus as both the exalted King and the eternal High Priest, fulfilling the dual aspects of the Messiah depicted in this psalm. Contemporary RelevanceFor modern believers, Psalm 110 offers a rich tapestry of messianic expectation and fulfilment. It encourages reflection on the nature of Jesus Christ as both a conquering King and a compassionate Priest. This dual role assures believers of both the powerful reign and the gracious intercession of Christ.Conclusion: A Psalm of Worship and Reflection Psalm 110 invites believers to marvel at the multifaceted nature of the Messiah, to find comfort in his priestly intercession, and to rejoice in his kingly authority. It is a psalm that beckons worship and awe, as it paints a picture of the Messiah who reigns and redeems. In its poetic lines lies the depth and mystery of Christ’s work, a source of endless reflection and inspiration for the faithful.
11/24/202331 minutes, 13 seconds
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1 Corinthians 1 v 4 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 957 - SendMe Radio

Title: Unity and Wisdom in Christ: Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 11 Corinthians 1, written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth, addresses crucial themes that resonate with Christians today. In this opening chapter, Paul confronts divisions in the church, emphasizes the centrality of Christ in Christian unity, and explores the contrast between human and divine wisdom. The Context of Corinth: Corinth was a bustling, cosmopolitan city known for its cultural diversity, intellectual pursuits, and moral laxity. The church in Corinth, like the city, was diverse but plagued with divisions and spiritual immaturity. Appeal for Unity (1 Corinthians 1:10-17)Paul begins by addressing the divisions in the church. He appeals for unity, urging believers to be of the same mind and judgment.The contentions reported to him involved quarrels over allegiances to different Christian leaders. Paul refutes this factionalism by redirecting their focus to Christ, the true foundation of their faith. He emphasizes that it was not in the name of any apostle that they were baptized but in the name of Christ. The Wisdom of God vs. Human Wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:18-31)The latter part of the chapter is a profound reflection on the nature of divine wisdom versus human wisdom. Paul points out that the message of the cross, though perceived as foolishness by those who are perishing, is the power of God to those being saved.This paradox underscores a recurring theme in Paul’s letters: God’s ways and thoughts are not only different but often contrary to human expectations. The crucifixion of Jesus, a humiliating and brutal form of execution, seemed a defeat in human eyes. Yet, in God’s redemptive plan, it was the means of victory over sin and death. This is the 'foolishness' of God that surpasses human wisdom. Paul continues by highlighting that God deliberately chose what is foolish, weak, and lowly by the world’s standards. This choice serves two purposes: to shame the wise and powerful and to eliminate any grounds for human boasting. In Christ Jesus, who has become believers in wisdom from God, righteousness, holiness, and redemption, they find their identity and worth.Application: Unity and Humility in the Modern ChurchFor modern believers, 1 Corinthians 1 is a powerful reminder to cherish unity in Christ above all else. In a world that often values status, power, and intellectualism, Paul’s words challenge us to find our identity and value in Christ alone. It encourages humility, recognizing that our wisdom, strength, and status are not the basis of our relationship with God.Conclusion: Embracing the Wisdom of the Cross1 Corinthians 1 invites us to embrace the wisdom of the cross, which transcends human understanding. It calls us to unity, rooted in Christ's work on the cross, and a humble acceptance of our place in God’s grand design. In a world where divisions are commonplace, Paul’s message to the Corinthians is as relevant as ever, calling the Church back to the simplicity and profundity of the gospel.
11/21/202327 minutes, 56 seconds
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Psalm 95 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 956 - SendMe Radio

Title: Psalm 95: A Call to Worship and ObediencePsalm 95 serves as a vibrant call to worship and a sober reminder of the importance of obedience in the life of faith. This psalm, attributed to David, beautifully blends praise and worship with a warning from history, offering a comprehensive perspective on our relationship with God. The Joy of WorshipThe psalm opens with a jubilant invitation to worship: "Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation." This initial verse sets the tone, calling believers to recognize and celebrate the greatness of God. It encourages joyful singing and loud shouts of praise, reflecting a deep sense of gratitude and reverence.Acknowledging God’s Greatness Psalm 95 then moves to acknowledge the majesty and power of God. It describes Him as the great King above all gods, in whose hands are the depths of the earth and the mountain peaks. The sea and the dry land were formed by His hands, a poetic expression of God’s creative authority over the entire universe. This acknowledgement serves as the foundation for why He is worthy of worship. A Call to Humble AdorationVerses 6 and 7 shift from exuberant praise to humble adoration: "Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker." This posture of bowing and kneeling is symbolic of humility and submission, acknowledging God’s sovereignty and our dependence on Him. A Historical Warning: The Lesson of MeribahIn the latter part of the psalm, the tone shifts to a warning. It recalls the rebellion of the Israelites at Meribah and Massah where they tested God despite witnessing His work. This historical reference serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of hardening one’s heart against God’s voice. The psalmist implores the listener not to repeat the mistakes of the ancestors who, despite experiencing God’s miracles in Egypt and the desert, still hardened their hearts and went astray. Their disbelief and disobedience led to God swearing in His anger that they would never enter His rest.Contemporary Relevance: Worship and Obedience Psalm 95 remains profoundly relevant for contemporary believers. It reminds us that worship is more than songs and prayers; it’s an acknowledgement of God’s absolute supremacy and a lifestyle of humble obedience. The psalm warns us against the dangers of a hardened heart and the importance of listening to God's voice.Conclusion: A Balanced Approach to FaithIn conclusion, Psalm 95 provides a balanced approach to faith – it begins with joyous praise and moves to humble submission, ending with a cautionary tale. It teaches us to celebrate God’s greatness and to remember that true worship involves listening to His voice and obeying His commands. In our daily lives, this psalm encourages us to maintain a heart of worship, remain soft to God's teachings, and be mindful of the lessons from our spiritual forebears.
11/20/202326 minutes, 44 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 955 - SendMe Radio

Title: Exploring the Depths of Psalm 119:A Testament to God's Word Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, stands as a magnificent testament to the power, beauty, and necessity of God’s Word in the life of a believer. Comprised of 176 verses, this acrostic poem is an intricate masterpiece that artfully weaves its way through the Hebrew alphabet, each section heralding the virtues of God's law and commandments. An Acrostic Masterpiece Each of the 22 stanzas in Psalm 119 corresponds to one letter of the Hebrew alphabet and contains eight verses. This unique structure not only showcases the poet's literary prowess but also underscores the completeness and depth of the Word of God. Each section starts with the respective Hebrew alphabet letter, making the psalm a piece of art as much as a spiritual meditation. The Central ThemesThe psalm is a tapestry of several recurring themes, all centralizing around the Word of God:Love and Reverence for God’s Commandments: The psalmist expresses a profound love and respect for God's laws, viewing them not as burdensome but as a source of joy and guidance.Comfort in Times of Trouble: Throughout the psalm, there is a recognition of suffering and affliction. Yet, it is God's Word that provides solace, hope, and a sense of purpose amidst trials.Meditation and Reflection: The psalmist frequently speaks of meditating on God's statutes and finding wisdom and insight through contemplation.The Journey of Faith: The verses of Psalm 119 outline a spiritual journey – a pilgrimage marked by learning, struggling, and growing through the guidance of God’s Word.Psalm 119 in the Life of a BelieverThe psalm serves as more than just a liturgical or poetic piece; it's a manual for spiritual growth and integrity. It emphasizes the importance of God's Word in guiding ethical and spiritual conduct, encouraging believers to internalize and live out the truths found in Scripture. A Call to Action Psalm 119 issues a call to action – to cherish God's laws, to understand their relevance, and to live them out.It reminds believers that adherence to God's commandments is not an outdated concept but a living, breathing practice that enriches life. Conclusion: A Timeless Treasure Psalm 119 is a profound reminder of the enduring relevance of God's Word. In a world where absolute truth is often questioned, this psalm stands as a beacon of certainty and a source of unshakable faith. Its verses encourage believers to delve deeper into the Bible, seeking understanding, comfort, and guidance. In essence, Psalm 119 is not just a chapter to be read; it’s a journey to be experienced, a journey that brings the believer closer to the heart of God through His eternal Word.
11/17/202328 minutes, 18 seconds
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Psalm 119 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1 - Digital Ink

Psalm 119 stands as the longest chapter in the Bible, a profound ode to God's Word, emphasizing its importance, beauty, and transformative power.Spanning 176 verses, this acrostic psalm uniquely structures around the Hebrew alphabet, offering a rich tapestry of devotion, struggle, and wisdom. The Structure and Its Significance Each of the 22 stanzas in Psalm 119 corresponds to a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, with each stanza containing eight verses. This structure not only reflects the poet's literary skill but also symbolizes completeness and perfection – an alphabetical A to Z of spiritual life. It is a methodical meditation on the law, statutes, commandments, and decrees of God. Themes and Key MessagesCentral to Psalm 119 is the theme of a deep love for God's Word. The psalmist describes the law as a source of wisdom, a guide, a comforter, and a lifelong counsellor. The recurring refrains reveal a heart that delights in, longs for and finds solace in God’s commands.Guidance and Wisdom: Repeatedly, the psalmist refers to God's Word as a lamp to the feet and a light to the path. In a world of moral complexities and challenges, the laws of God provide clarity and direction.Comfort in Affliction: The psalmist does not shy away from expressing moments of affliction and persecution. Yet, in these times, the statutes of the Lord are seen as sources of comfort and strength.A Commitment to Obedience: There is a strong commitment to obeying God's commandments. This obedience is not out of duty but from a place of joy and deep reverence for God.The Personal and the Universal Psalm 119, while deeply personal, speaks universally. It resonates with anyone who seeks a deeper relationship with God. The psalmist's experiences – moments of despair, encounters with enemies, times of reflection, and the joys of redemption – mirror the spiritual journey of believers across ages. The Relevance for Today's BelieverIn a modern world where the truth is often relative, and guidance is sought from various sources, Psalm 119 redirects the believer to the ultimate source of truth and wisdom – the Word of God. It encourages not only reading or hearing the Word but living it out. The Psalm is an invitation to a life deeply anchored in the truths of Scripture.Conclusion: A Journey of Lifelong Discovery Psalm 119 invites readers to a lifelong journey of discovering the depth and richness of God's Word. It’s a journey that requires patience, commitment, and an open heart. As the longest chapter in the Bible, it offers more than just rules to follow; it presents a relationship to be cherished, wisdom to be absorbed, and a life path to be walked in obedience and faith. In the ever-changing tides of life, Psalm 119 stands as a timeless reminder of the enduring truth and beauty of God's Word.
11/16/202327 minutes
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1 Peter 2 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 953 - SendMe Radio

11/13/202326 minutes, 31 seconds
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Psalm 57 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 952 - SendMe Radio

Title: Finding Refuge Under the Wings of the Highest: An Exploration of Psalm 57Introduction: In times of distress and uncertainty, humanity has long sought comfort in the solace of the divine. Psalm 57 is a poignant piece of biblical poetry that encapsulates the search for divine protection amidst the storms of life. Traditionally attributed to King David, who was said to have composed it while fleeing from King Saul in a cave, this Psalm is a testament to faith, trust, and deliverance. This article delves into the verses of Psalm 57, exploring its message and relevance in our contemporary world. Historical Context: The superscription of Psalm 57 suggests that it was written during a period of David's life when he was confronted with imminent danger. The cave, likely Adullam or En-gedi, becomes more than just a physical refuge; it transforms into a metaphor for the spiritual sanctuary that God provides. This context helps us understand the depth of David's desperation and the earnestness of his prayer.The Psalm’s Structure and Literary Elegance: Psalm 57 is beautifully structured, with its eleven verses divided into two distinct parts. The first part (verses 1-6) is a passionate plea for mercy, while the second part (verses 7-11) transitions into a triumphant song of praise. The repetition of certain phrases, a common feature in Hebrew poetry known as parallelism, emphasizes key themes and reflects the cyclical nature of David's predicament and deliverance. Themes and Imagery: At the heart of Psalm 57 lie several powerful themes, including the search for refuge, the experience of mercy, and the assurance of God's sovereignty.The Quest for Refuge: David begins the Psalm with a plea, "Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge." The imagery of taking refuge under the shadow of God's wings offers a vivid portrayal of divine protection and care. It is a reminder that, just as a bird shelters its young, God covers His people with His presence.The Cry for Mercy: David's repeated cry for mercy is a recognition of his own vulnerability and God's capacity for compassion. By acknowledging his need for God's mercy, David not only submits to divine will but also affirms his belief in God's boundless grace.The Assurance of God's Sovereignty: Despite his circumstances, David proclaims God's sovereignty, declaring that God's glory is over all the earth. Even from the depths of the cave, he can envision the reach of God's dominion, affirming that no place is beyond God's power and presence.Relevance Today: The timeless appeal of Psalm 57 lies in its ability to speak to the human condition. In moments of fear, when the world feels like a cave enclosing around us, the Psalm offers a template for our prayers. It encourages believers to seek refuge not in the impermanent shelters of the world but in the everlasting arms of God. Moreover, the transition from lament to praise within the Psalm models a journey of faith. It teaches us that worship is not the language of the unafflicted but the song of those who choose to praise in spite of their afflictions.Conclusion: Psalm 57 stands as a beacon of hope for all who find themselves in the shadowed valleys of life. Its message is clear: even the deepest caves can become places of refuge when one's heart is set on God. David’s intimate dialogue with the divine serves as an invitation for us to reflect on our own sources of refuge and the nature of our trust. Whether through prayer, song, or silent contemplation, Psalm 57 offers a way to connect with the divine, assuring us that mercy is always within reach and that praise is the path to true deliverance.
11/9/202319 minutes, 50 seconds
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Joshua 24 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 951 - SendMe Radio

Title: Choosing Faith: The Legacy of Commitment in Joshua 24Joshua 24 is a historical anchor in the Old Testament, not just chronicling a pivotal moment in Israel's journey, but also serving as a lasting call to faithfulness for future generations. In this chapter, Joshua, the leader of Israel after Moses, gathers all the tribes at Shechem to present them with a choice that echoes through time: whom will they serve? Joshua's Farewell AddressAs Joshua approaches the end of his life, he recounts the long history of Israel, from Abraham's initial call to the miraculous deliverance from Egypt and the conquest of Canaan. He reminds the people of God's faithfulness and the covenant that binds them. This recounting serves to remind the Israelites not only of their unique identity but also of the responsibilities that come with their covenant relationship with God.A Covenant RenewalThe gathering at Shechem is not merely a farewell address but a covenant renewal ceremony. Joshua challenges the people to reject the gods of their ancestors and those of the Amorites in whose land they live. He presents them with a stark choice — to serve the LORD or foreign gods. Joshua's personal commitment is clear and resolute: "As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."The People's ResponseThe people respond with a unanimous declaration to forsake other gods and serve the LORD. They recognize God's hand in their history and pledge their loyalty to Him. This declaration is a communal act of faith and a collective commitment to the path of righteousness.The Stone WitnessIn a significant symbolic act, Joshua sets up a stone under an oak tree next to the holy place of the LORD as a witness to this covenant. The stone symbolizes the enduring nature of their commitment and stands as a physical reminder of the pledge the people made to God. The Modern ImplicationsThe themes presented in Joshua 24 resonate to this day, reminding us of the importance of remembering past mercies, the necessity of making decisive choices regarding faith, and the power of a collective commitment to a set of beliefs. It serves as a prompt for introspection for individuals and communities of faith regarding their devotion and the legacies they wish to leave.Conclusion: The Choice of FaithThe chapter closes with Joshua's death, the burial of Joseph's bones brought up from Egypt, and the quiet passing of Eleazar the priest. These events signify the end of an era but also cement the chapter as a testament to leadership, faith, and commitment. The echo of Joshua's words, "choose this day whom you will serve," continues to inspire and challenge. It's a reminder that each day presents a new opportunity to affirm one's faith and to decide what principles and values will guide one's life. Joshua 24 stands as an enduring call to conscious and deliberate faithfulness, a heritage of commitment that extends beyond the pages of history into the lived reality of believers worldwide.
11/8/202325 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ephesians 4 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 950 - SendMe Radio

Title: Unity and Growth: An Exposition on EphesiansEphesians 4 serves as a pivotal chapter in the epistle, bridging the doctrinal expositions in the first half with the practical exhortations in the latter. Here, Paul delves into the themes of unity, diversity, and maturity in the body of Christ, offering insights that are as relevant today as they were in the first century.The Call to UnityPaul begins with a passionate plea for unity, urging the Ephesians to "maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." This unity is based on the foundational truths of one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of all. However, unity does not imply uniformity. It's in the diversity of gifts and roles that the Church's unity finds its expression and strength.Diversity of GiftsThe diversity is highlighted by the gifts Christ gave to the church: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. These roles are given for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry and for building up the body of Christ. Each role, each individual, contributes to the growth and well-being of the Church. Paul emphasizes that it is through this diversity that the body is knit together, each part working properly and contributing to the whole. Maturity in ChristThe ultimate goal of these gifts and their functions within the Church is to attain maturity—measured by the fullness of Christ.It is a call to no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine. Instead, believers are to grow up in every way into Christ, who is the head. This growth is both individual and collective. Individually, each member must mature in their faith and understanding. Collectively, the body of Christ must grow up into a mature manhood, resembling Christ in every facet.Speaking the Truth in LoveA pivotal verse in this chapter is Ephesians 4:15, which calls believers to speak the truth in love. This is not merely about honesty but about expressing truth in a way that edifies and builds up, contributing to the growth of others in love. The manner in which truth is communicated is as important as the truth itself. This is how the body grows and builds itself up in love—as each part does its work.Putting Off the Old SelfPaul then shifts to a metaphor of the old self and the new self. He urges believers to put off the old self with its corrupt and deceitful desires and to be renewed in the spirit of their minds. They are to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. This is a process that requires daily commitment and the power of the Holy Spirit.Application: Living Out the UnityThe chapter concludes with practical exhortations on how to live a life worthy of the calling received. This includes rejecting falsehood, anger that leads to sin, theft, corrupting talk, bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander, and malice. Instead, believers are to be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave them.Conclusion: Ephesians 4's Message Today Ephesians 4 offers a rich tapestry of theological truth intertwined with practical application. Its call to unity in diversity, maturity in faith, and a life marked by the transformation of the Holy Spirit remains a vital mandate for the Church today. As modern believers engage with this text, the challenge is to embrace our distinct gifts, contribute to the body's unity and growth, and live out our new identity in Christ with integrity and love.
11/7/202326 minutes, 26 seconds
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Our Father In Heaven Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 949 - SendMe Radio

11/4/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 28 seconds
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2 Corinthians 3 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 948 - SendMe Radio

Title: Unveiling the Glory: A Reflection on 2 Corinthians 3In 2 Corinthians 3, the Apostle Paul crafts a profound discourse on the nature of ministry under the New Covenant, contrasting it with the Old Covenant embodied by the Law of Moses. This chapter is not merely a theological treatise but a heartened affirmation of the transformative power of the Christian gospel.The Ministry of the New CovenantPaul begins by defending his ministry, not with letters of recommendation, but with the very lives of the Corinthian believers—a living "letter," known and read by all.This metaphor elevates the work of the Spirit in the hearts of believers above written commendations. The Spirit's work is dynamic and life-giving, contrasting the static nature of ink and stone.The Letter and the SpiritThe contrast intensifies as Paul compares the law, "written and engraved on stones," to the Spirit who gives life. The Old Covenant, though glorious, brought condemnation; it defined sin but lacked the power to enable people to overcome it. The New Covenant, in the Spirit, not only defines righteousness but empowers believers to live righteously.Glory Fading and Glory Ever-IncreasingPaul recalls Moses veiling his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at the fading glory after receiving the Law (Exodus 34).However, the glory of the New Covenant is surpassing and everlasting. Through Christ, the veil is removed, allowing believers to see the glory of the Lord with unveiled faces. This vision transforms them into Christ’s likeness, a process that is progressive and accumulative—"from glory to glory."Freedom in the SpiritA crucial element in this chapter is the freedom found in the Spirit of the Lord. Where the Spirit is Lord, there is liberty—not merely freedom from the Law, but the liberation to become who we were created to be. It is a freedom that breaks the shackles of sin and death, a freedom to live in and reflect God’s glory.Reflection and Application2 Corinthians 3 is not just a study of covenantal theology; it speaks to the heart of Christian identity and mission. Believers are called to be the "aroma of Christ," a testament to His life-transforming power. The passage beckons us to a deeper understanding of our calling—not as adherents to a dead letter, but as ambassadors of a living hope.In practical terms, this chapter challenges us to assess how we approach Scripture and ministry. Do we encounter God's Word as a life-giving Spirit, or as a dead letter? Are our ministries inscribed on human hearts by the Spirit, or are they mere external performances?In summary, 2 Corinthians 3 urges believers to live out the profound realities of the New Covenant. It is a call to be transformed by the Spirit's power, reflecting the glory of God in an ever-increasing measure, and to embrace the freedom we have in Christ—a freedom that empowers, unifies, and propels us forward in our divine calling.This chapter, rich in imagery and meaning, invites endless contemplation and application—a true gem within the treasure house of Scripture.
11/4/202336 minutes, 22 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 947 - SendMe Radio

11/1/202323 minutes, 14 seconds
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Hebrew 6 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 946 - SendMe Radio

Understanding Hebrews 6: The Call for Spiritual MaturityThe Epistle to the Hebrews stands as one of the most enigmatic and theologically rich texts in the New Testament. Its focus is on the supremacy of Christ and the call to persevere in faith. Among its chapters, Hebrews 6 stands out as particularly intriguing and often debated among scholars and theologians. This article seeks to provide a brief overview and understanding of Hebrews 6. The context before diving into Hebrews 6, it's essential to grasp the broader context. The author of Hebrews aims to encourage Jewish Christians not to revert to Judaism or old covenant practices but to realize the superiority of the new covenant established through Jesus Christ. The Warning against Regression (Hebrews 6:1-8)The chapter starts with an admonition against spiritual regression. The writer lists foundational teachings, including repentance, faith, baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. These are basic doctrines, and the author urges believers to move beyond them towards maturity. However, the most debated section comes soon after the warning against falling away. The author stresses the impossibility of restoring to repentance those who have once been enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gift but then fall away. Such passages have sparked discussions about the security of salvation.Some see it as a hypothetical warning, while others believe it emphasizes the need for perseverance and the dangers of apostasy. God’s Promise is Sure (Hebrews 6:9-12)Following the severe warning, the tone shifts to one of encouragement. The writer expresses confidence that the readers will demonstrate the fruits of salvation and not the characteristics of apostasy. The call here is for the believers to be diligent and to imitate those who, through faith and patience, inherit the promises. The Certainty of God’s Promise (Hebrews 6:13-20) The latter part of the chapter emphasizes the unchangeable nature of God’s promise.By referencing Abraham and how he patiently waited for the promise of God, the author underscores that God's promises are certain and our hope in them should be steadfast. The chapter concludes by presenting Jesus as our anchor and high priest, who has entered the sanctuary on our behalf. Jesus' role as a forerunner and high priest, having entered the inner sanctuary, becomes a source of unending hope for believers.Conclusion Hebrews 6 offers both a warning and an encouragement. While it emphasizes the dangers of apostasy and spiritual regression, it also accentuates the unwavering nature of God’s promises and the hope believers have in Jesus Christ. The key takeaway from Hebrews 6 is the call to spiritual maturity, a consistent faith, and an unwavering trust in the promises of God.
10/30/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 945 - SendMe Radio

10/28/202324 minutes, 55 seconds
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Titus 1 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 944 - SendMe Radio

Titus 1: Leadership and Sound Doctrine in the Early ChurchThe New Testament book of Titus, one of the pastoral epistles, contains the Apostle Paul's guidance to Titus, a trusted companion and co-worker. The first chapter of this letter offers valuable insights into church leadership, qualifications for elders, and the importance of sound doctrine. In this article, we will delve into the themes and teachings of Titus 1.1. Introduction and Salutation Paul begins the letter by introducing himself as a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ.He emphasizes the promise of eternal life, underscoring his mission to further the faith of God's chosen people and spread the knowledge of the truth (Titus 1:1-4). The introductory remarks not only set the stage for the epistle but also reaffirm Paul's authority and divine mandate.2. Qualifications for Church EldersOne of the chief concerns in Titus 1 is the appointment of elders in every town, a task Paul entrusts to Titus (Titus 1:5). Paul provides a comprehensive list of qualifications for those who would lead, which includes:Being blamelessHaving faithful children not accused of wildness or rebellionNot being arrogant, quick-tempered, drunk, violent, or greedyInstead, an elder should be hospitable, love what is good, and be self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined (Titus 1:6-8). These criteria are set to ensure the moral and spiritual integrity of church leaders, as they are the shepherds and caretakers of God's people.3. Elders as Defenders of Sound Doctrine An elder's role is not merely administrative or symbolic. Paul emphasizes that elders must hold firmly to trustworthy messages as taught, so they can encourage others with sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it (Titus 1:9). Given the various heresies and false teachings that were prevalent during the early church era, it was crucial for leaders to be well-grounded in the truth.4. Rebuking the RebelliousPaul warns Titus about rebellious people, mere talkers, and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision group. These individuals were disrupting households and teaching things they should not (Titus 1:10-11). Paul calls for their rebuke so that they may be sound in the faith, emphasizing the dangers of paying attention to Jewish myths or human commands (Titus 1:13-14).5. Purity and Impurity are Determined by the Mind and ConscienceThe chapter concludes with a profound statement: "To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure" (Titus 1:15). Paul suggests that the state of one's mind and conscience determines one's perspective on purity. He warns against those who claim to know God but deny Him by their actions, labelling them as detestable, disobedient, and unfit for doing anything good. (Titus 1:16). Final ThoughtsTitus 1 serves as a robust guide for church leadership, emphasizing the importance of character, integrity, and doctrinal soundness. As Paul addresses the challenges of the early church, modern readers are reminded of the timeless truths that underpin Christian leadership and the eternal call to live in accordance with God's word. The themes in this chapter are a testament to the ever-relevant nature of the Bible and its applicability across generations.
10/24/202328 minutes, 1 second
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Galatians 6 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 943 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, and thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email at [email protected] or www.sendmeradio.comGalatians 6: Living in Community and the Law of Christ The Epistle to the Galatians is a passionate letter written by the Apostle Paul to the churches in the region of Galatia. Among the many profound teachings embedded within this epistle, the sixth chapter stands out as a vibrant call for Christians to live in community and uphold the Law of Christ.1. Bearing Each Other’s BurdensThe chapter begins with a call to restore those who have fallen into sin with gentleness. Instead of shaming or condemning, Paul urges believers to bear one another’s burdens, thus fulfilling the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).This emphasis on mutual support and care resonates deeply within the Christian community, reminding believers of their shared responsibility 2. Self-examination and HumilityPaul then balances the call to help others with the need for introspection: “For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself” (Galatians 6:3). He suggests that individuals ought to examine their actions and motivations, ensuring that they are not acting out of pride or superiority.3. The Principle of Sowing and ReapingOne of the most quoted portions of Galatians 6 is verses 7 to 9, where Paul introduces the principle of sowing and reaping.“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). The idea is simple yet profound: our actions, whether good or bad, have consequences. Paul calls believers to persevere in doing good, assuring them that in due time they will reap a harvest.4. The Centrality of the CrossTowards the end of the chapter, Paul’s focus shifts to the cross of Christ.He declares that neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but what matters is the "new creation" (Galatians 6:15). By highlighting this, Paul brings out the foundational importance of the cross-over cultural or ritualistic practices. Paul also mentions bearing on his body the “marks of Jesus” (Galatians 6:17), which could be interpreted as the physical scars from the persecutions he faced. But more broadly, it signifies the deep, transformative connection between a believer and Christ.5. Conclusion: Peace, Mercy, and Grace Paul closes Galatians 6 with a benediction of peace and mercy upon those who follow the rule of prioritizing the new creation in Christ. His final words, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen.” (Galatians 6:18) encapsulate the heart of the epistle: a call to live in the transformative grace of Jesus. Final Thoughts Galatians 6 serves as a blueprint for Christian living in community. From bearing each other's burdens to sowing in the Spirit, Paul provides insights that are as relevant today as they were in the early days of the church. It reminds believers of their responsibility towards each other and emphasizes the centrality of Christ in all aspects of life.
10/23/202330 minutes, 12 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 942 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] www.sendmeradio.netYouTube Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
10/21/202325 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 941 - SendMe Radio

10/20/202320 minutes, 39 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie jEpisode 940 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] www.sendmeradio.netYouTube Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
10/17/202324 minutes, 15 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 939 - SendMe Radio

10/16/202325 minutes, 45 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 938 - SendMe Radio

10/13/202328 minutes, 59 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode’s 937 - SendMe Radio

10/12/202329 minutes, 41 seconds
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Deuteronomy 13 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1 - Digital Ink

SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] YouTube Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
10/9/202330 minutes, 11 seconds
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Nahum 3 A Vivid Indictment of Nineveh's Wickedness 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 935 - SendMe Radio

Nahum 3: A Vivid Indictment of Nineveh's WickednessThe Book of Nahum, a minor prophet in the Old Testament, focuses intently on the impending judgment of Nineveh, the capital city of the Assyrian Empire. Nahum's prophetic messages come as a response to Nineveh's brutality, oppression, and idolatry. The third chapter, the concluding section of this book, presents a graphic portrayal of the city's imminent downfall.1. Nineveh's Charges (Nahum 3:1-4)The chapter begins with a scathing denunciation, labelling Nineveh as the "city of blood." Nahum paints a vivid picture of the city's sins:Deceit and robbery are rampant.The noise of the whip and the clatter of wheels suggest unrelenting cruelty.Cavalry charging and flashing swords further imply violence and bloodshed.Furthermore, the chapter suggests that Nineveh's rise to power came at a devastating cost, with the city ensnaring nations and peoples through harlotry and sorcery. The Lord's Judgment (Nahum 3:5-7) Nahum, speaking for the Lord, declares severe consequences for Nineveh. The imagery used is stark: Nineveh is likened to a promiscuous woman exposed and shamed before her enemies. This serves as both a literal prediction of the city's conquest and a metaphor for its humiliation.The prophet anticipates that those who see her downfall will "gaze at her in astonishment" and mockingly ask where the once-mighty Nineveh has gone.3. Nineveh’s Inescapable Fate (Nahum 3:8-13)In a rhetorical move, Nahum references the fall of No-Amon (Thebes) in Egypt, a fortified city that was nonetheless captured. The implication is clear: if such a protected city could fall, so too could Nineveh. Despite its fortresses and allies, the Assyrian capital would not escape its prophesied doom.4. The Desolation of Nineveh (Nahum 3:14-19)Nahum advises Nineveh to prepare for a siege, but his advice is ironical; no amount of preparation can stave off the city's fate. The invaders will consume Nineveh like locusts. The fire will devour her, and the sword will cut down her troops. The final verse poignantly underscores Nineveh's legacy: "There is no healing for your injury; your wound is fatal." Nahum suggests that no one will mourn her downfall because her cruelty and wickedness have made her infamous among the nations. Implications and InsightsNahum 3, while historically focusing on Nineveh, serves as a broader cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked power, cruelty, and arrogance. The Assyrians were notorious for their brutal warfare and ruthless conquests. Through Nahum, the message is clear: societies built on oppression and violence will inevitably face divine judgment.Moreover, the chapter reaffirms God's concern for the oppressed. While the Assyrian Empire seemed invincible in its heyday, God did not overlook its atrocities. Nineveh's eventual downfall, as prophesied by Nahum, is a testament to the idea that divine justice, though sometimes seemingly slow, is always sure.ConclusionNahum 3 provides a vivid portrayal of Nineveh's sins and the consequences it would face. It reminds readers of the broader biblical theme that pride, cruelty, and neglect of righteousness lead to downfall. For contemporary audiences, it serves as a timeless reminder of the impermanence of earthly powers, especially when they are not grounded in justice and righteousness.
10/6/202331 minutes, 34 seconds
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2 Samuel 6 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 934 - SendMe Radio

The Ark’s Journey:An Analysis of 2 Samuel 62 Samuel 6 is one of the most significant chapters in the Old Testament, which chronicles the transfer of the Ark of the Covenant from the house of Abinadab to the City of David. This event is not only pivotal in Israel’s spiritual and political history, but it also contains profound theological and practical implications for believers today.Background Before delving into 2 Samuel 6, it's essential to understand the significance of the Ark of the Covenant. Representing the very presence of God amongst His people, the Ark contained the Ten Commandments, Aaron's rod, and a pot of manna. It was not merely a symbolic artefact; it was the very heart of Israelite worship. Its absence or mistreatment indicated a spiritual departure from God's commands and presence. David's Desire to Bring the Ark to JerusalemDavid’s decision to move the Ark to Jerusalem underscores his desire to centralize religious and royal power in the new capital. The narrative begins with David gathering 30,000 chosen men to retrieve the Ark. The initial attempt, however, was a disaster. When the oxen stumbled, Uzzah touched the Ark to steady it and was struck down by God. This episode serves as a stark reminder of the holiness of God and the respect required for sacred items. The Fear and the Celebration Following the death of Uzzah, David was both grieved and afraid. He left the Ark at the house of Obed-edom, where it stayed for three months. During this time, God blessed Obed-edom and his household, signalling His pleasure when the Ark was treated with reverence. Recognizing this, David decided to transport the Ark to Jerusalem with great celebration. This professional event included sacrifices, music, and dancing. David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his might. The king’s unreserved worship stands as a testament to his devotion and joy in the presence of God. Michal's ContemptAn interesting subplot within this chapter is Michal's disdain for David's enthusiastic worship. She despised him for what she perceived as an unkingly and undignified display. David, however, defended his actions by stating that he was willing to appear even more undignified for the Lord. This dialogue highlights the tension between worldly honour and spiritual devotion. Theological Implications and Modern Relevance2 Samuel 6 reminds readers of several key truths:God's Holiness: The death of Uzzah serves as a reminder that God's holiness is not to be taken lightly. In an age where casualness with the things of God can be prevalent, this passage underscores the importance of reverence.True Worship: David's unreserved worship highlights that true worship springs from a heart overwhelmed by God's presence, not constrained by societal norms or expectations.God's Presence: The Ark's journey signifies the importance of God's presence among His people. For David, bringing the Ark to Jerusalem was not just a political move but a spiritual one, emphasizing God's centrality in the life of Israel.In conclusion, 2 Samuel 6 is a rich tapestry of history, theology, and practical lessons. It invites readers to reflect on the majesty of God, the heart of worship, and the importance of God’s presence in the community of believers.
10/5/202329 minutes, 52 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 933 - SendMe Radio

10/2/202327 minutes, 40 seconds
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Philippians 1 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 932 - SendMe Radio

9/30/202333 minutes, 30 seconds
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John 3 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 931 - SendMe Radio

9/29/202324 minutes, 27 seconds
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Romans 15 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-05-23-#631

Exploring Romans 15: Harmony, Hope, and HospitalityRomans 15 is a chapter in the New Testament of the Bible, written by the Apostle Paul to the Christian community in Rome. The chapter forms a part of Paul’s exhortations to the Romans, emphasizing the themes of harmony, hope, and hospitality. This article aims to delve into the chapter to uncover the profound messages and lessons that it holds for Christians today.Unity and Harmony (Romans 15:1-7)The opening verses of Romans 15 call on believers to live in harmony and unity. Paul emphasizes the responsibility of those who are strong to bear with the failings of the weak. He presents Jesus as the ultimate example, who did not live to please himself but sought the good of others, even enduring insults. The call to unity and harmony is rooted in the understanding that all believers belong to one body – the body of Christ. As members of one body, Christians are encouraged to accept and support one another, regardless of their differences, mirroring the acceptance they have received from Christ. This unity is not just for their own benefit but serves to glorify God collectively.“We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbours for their good, to build them up.” (Romans 15:1-2, NIV)Hope (Romans 15:4-13) Paul speaks about the significance of the Scriptures in providing patience and encouragement so that believers may have hope. He prays for the Romans to be filled with joy, peace, and hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. In this section, Paul also addresses the inclusion of the Gentiles in the salvation brought by Jesus Christ. He uses quotations from the Old Testament to show that the coming of Christ and the inclusion of the Gentiles in God’s salvation plan was always God's intention. This insight serves to expand the Christian community's understanding of God's love and mercy and reinforces their hope in God’s promises.“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13, NIV)Hospitality and Missions (Romans 15:14-33)In the final portion of Romans 15, Paul discusses his ministry and his plan to visit Rome. He expresses his desire to preach the Gospel where Christ was not known, showcasing the missionary nature of Christianity. He talks about his upcoming journey to Jerusalem to deliver a contribution to the poor among the Lord’s people there.Paul’s emphasis on hospitality and mission work is evident in these verses. He emphasizes the importance of supporting each other, not only spiritually but also physically and materially, reflecting the holistic nature of Christian care and community. The chapter ends with Paul’s request for prayers for his safety and the success of his mission, highlighting the importance of intercessory prayer within the Christian community.“So after I have completed this task and have made sure that they have received this contribution, I will go to Spain and visit you on the way.” (Romans 15:28, NIV)Conclusion Romans 15 is a rich chapter that covers essential aspects of Christian living, including unity, hope, and hospitality. The lessons and principles outlined in this chapter are crucial for strengthening the Christian community, promoting understanding and support among believers, and ensuring the effective spread of the Gospel message. Christians today can find in Romans 15 inspiration and guidance for living in harmony, holding fast to hope, and extending hospitality and support to others.
9/28/202323 minutes, 26 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 930 - SendMe Radio

9/27/202327 minutes, 50 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 929 - SendMe Radio

9/26/202326 minutes
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Episode 928 - SendMe Radio

9/23/202327 minutes
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2 Corinthians 13 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 927 - SendMe Radio

2 Corinthians 13: Final Admonitions and Paul's Heartfelt BlessingThe book of 2 Corinthians, as part of the New Testament, offers insights into the Apostle Paul’s pastoral relationship with the church in Corinth—a relationship that, at times, was fraught with tension. The concluding chapter, 2 Corinthians 13, provides a fitting end to the epistle, offering final admonitions, a call for self-examination, and a blessing of peace, love, and grace. Let's explore the nuances and profound lessons embedded in this chapter. A Call for Truth and Integrity Paul, right at the outset of the chapter, echoes the principle established in the Torah that every matter should be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. He’s preparing the Corinthians for his third visit and wants them to understand that he will not spare those who have sinned earlier. It’s a stern reminder of the Apostle’s commitment to the truth and integrity of the faith. Christ's Power in Weakness Throughout 2 Corinthians, Paul has emphasized the theme of strength in weakness, drawing parallels with Christ's crucifixion—Jesus being crucified in weakness but living by God’s power. Paul further challenges the Corinthians to test and examine themselves to see if they are truly in the faith. It's an invitation for introspection and self-assessment, urging believers to continually realign themselves with Christ's teachings. Final Warnings and Paul’s Apostolic Authority Paul’s relationship with the Corinthian church was multifaceted. While he displayed profound love and care, he also did not shy away from addressing contentious issues head-on. In this chapter, he once again asserts his apostolic authority, not for its own sake, but for the purpose of building up the church. His apostolic power, though considerable, was always aimed at edification, not destruction.A Heartfelt BenedictionThe epistle concludes with one of the most treasured benedictions in Christian liturgy: "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." This Trinitarian blessing encapsulates Paul's deepest desires for the Corinthians—a community bound by grace, love, and fellowship. Lessons for Today's Church2 Corinthians 13 remains profoundly relevant for contemporary Christian communities:Integrity of Faith: Paul’s call for self-examination is timeless. It urges modern believers to continually assess their faith journey, ensuring that their beliefs translate into transformative actions.Strength in Weakness: In a world obsessed with power and strength, Paul's message of finding strength in vulnerability and humility offers a counter-cultural perspective, grounded in Christ’s own journey.Community Building: Paul’s dual role as a nurturer and corrector provides a blueprint for pastoral leadership—one that cares deeply but also corrects when necessary for the health of the community.Conclusion 2 Corinthians 13 serves as both a mirror and a compass for Christian communities. It reflects the challenges faced by early believers while charting a path defined by integrity, self-reflection, and communal care. Paul’s final words in this epistle serve as a testament to his enduring love for the Corinthians—a love rooted in grace, grounded in truth and ever-yearning for the spiritual and communal well-being of the believers. It's a chapter that, while concise, beckons believers towards a deeper, more introspective, and more genuine expression of faith.
9/21/202323 minutes, 16 seconds
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Job 41 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 926 - SendMe Radio

Unleashing Leviathan: A Deep Dive into Job 41In the realm of biblical texts, the Book of Job stands as a monumental discourse on human suffering and the enigmatic nature of God. As we venture into Job 41, we encounter a vivid and terrifying portrayal of Leviathan, a creature of chaos and untamable power, brought to life through God’s discourse to Job. This chapter not only serves as a climactic point in the divine-human conversation but also invites readers into a deeper contemplation of God’s omnipotence and the intricacies of creation. Let's navigate the intricate tapestry woven in Job 41. The Grandeur of LeviathanLeviathan, described vividly in this chapter, embodies an entity that is beyond human comprehension or control. It is a fierce creature, an embodiment of the chaotic and untamed forces of nature.Through a series of rhetorical questions, God portrays Leviathan’s invincibility, challenging Job to contend with such a beast, emphasizing its armoured scales, terrifying teeth, and fiery breath. The depiction of Leviathan is more than just a description of a mythical creature; it symbolizes the transcendence and the untamable aspects of God's creation. Leviathan emerges as a metaphor for elements in life that are beyond human understanding and control, thus urging individuals to yield to the acknowledgement of God’s supreme power. A Glimpse into Ancient Near Eastern LiteratureThe depiction of Leviathan has parallels in other Ancient Near Eastern texts, where such chaotic creatures represent the forces of chaos that the divine must control to maintain cosmic order.Thus, the presentation of Leviathan in Job 41 has a richer background, deeply entrenched in the cultural and religious ethos of the ancient world, showcasing a cosmic battle between order and chaos. Job’s Encounter with the Divine As God outlines the attributes of Leviathan, it becomes clear that the creature is not just a being of chaos but also a part of God’s creation. God's detailed knowledge of Leviathan, presented through a series of probing questions directed at Job, showcases the divine’s intricate involvement and understanding of every facet of the creation, including the terrifying and incomprehensible entities.This dialogue ultimately guides Job to a profound realization - that his understanding of the divine and the cosmos is limited, encouraging a posture of humility and reverence before the omnipotent Creator. Theological ReflectionsFor theologians and biblical scholars, Job 41 opens up a vast field of interpretation and reflection. It challenges readers to grapple with the existence of evil and suffering, symbolized by Leviathan, within the purview of a God-controlled universe. Moreover, it poses an existential question on the human capacity to fully grasp the divine nature and the cosmos’ complexities, urging a humble acknowledgement of human limitations.Conclusion Job 41, with its vivid portrayal of Leviathan, offers readers an entry point into the deep waters of theological reflection on God's omnipotence, the problem of evil, and the complexity of the created world. It stands as a testimony to the intricate and unfathomable design of the cosmos, urging individuals to approach life with a sense of wonder, humility, and reverence. As we step back from this rich and tumultuous landscape crafted in Job 41, we are left with an invitation to stand in awe of the grandeur of creation, even in its most terrifying aspects, and to foster a humble heart that seeks understanding while acknowledging its limitations. It beckons readers to find a place of reverence and trust in the face of life’s Leviathans, assured of the Creator’s unmatched wisdom and might.
9/20/202325 minutes, 18 seconds
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John 1 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 925 - SendMe Radio

Reflecting on John 1: The Genesis of the WordThe opening chapter of the Gospel according to John holds a distinctive place in the theological and literary landscape of the New Testament. Unlike the synoptic gospels, John begins not with a genealogy or the nativity narrative, but with a profound theological meditation on the eternal Word (Logos), presenting Jesus Christ not just as a historical figure, but as the timeless embodiment of divine wisdom and creative power. Let’s delve deeper into the nuanced profundities of John 1. In the Beginning was the WordJohn 1 famously starts with the words "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." These initial verses are more than a mere introduction; they offer a lens through which we are invited to perceive the entire narrative of Jesus’ life and ministry. Establishing Jesus as the preexistent Word, connects him to the divine act of creation, emphasizing his divinity and integral role in the creation of the world. The Life and the LightIn the subsequent passages, John further introduces Jesus as the "life" and the "light" of humankind — a light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. This powerful imagery not only establishes Jesus as the beacon of hope and the source of life but also assures us of his indomitable spirit that remains undefeatable, even in the face of profound darkness. This theme of light permeates through the Johannine text, offering a symbol of guidance, truth, and revelation. The Word Became FleshThe concept of the incarnation is at the heart of John 1:14, where “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” It marks the moment where the eternal and divine intersected with the temporal and human. This verse encapsulates the Christian understanding of God's self-revelation in Jesus, who embodies grace and truth, offering a new way to understand God - not just as an abstract entity, but as a being who shares in the human experience, with all its joys and sufferings. The Witness of John the BaptistJohn the Baptist’s testimony introduces a key theme of witnessing in the gospel. His role is to bear witness to the light, preparing the way for Jesus' ministry. John the Baptist's humility and recognition of Jesus' superiority offer a lesson in discerning and acknowledging the divine presence in our midst. The Calling of the First DisciplesTowards the end of the chapter, we witness the calling of the first disciples, initiated by the curious inquiry, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” The narrative thus invites every reader to embark on a personal journey of discovery and to stay with Jesus, cultivating a deep, abiding relationship with the divine through an open-hearted, earnest seeking of the truth. Conclusion John 1 serves as a deep well of theological insights and promises. Its poetic prose and profound theology offer a rich ground for reflection, inviting us to contemplate the mysteries of existence, the intertwining of the divine and the human, and the ever-present light that guides our paths. Through the lens of John 1, we are guided to see Jesus not just as a teacher or prophet, but as the incarnate Word, the source of life, and the light of all humanity — a powerful beginning to a gospel replete with depths of wisdom and heights of divine revelations. SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] YouTube Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
9/18/202326 minutes, 29 seconds
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Phillippians 2 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 924 - SendMe Radio

Exploring the Depths of Humility: An Examination of Philippians Chapter 2In the vibrant tapestry of scriptural wisdom, the second chapter of the Epistle to the Philippians stands as a vivid panel depicting the pinnacle of Christ’s humility and the call for believers to embody this divine humility in their lives. Paul, writing from his incarceration, lays down an extraordinary vision of a Christian community grounded in unity, love, and humility. A Call to Unity and Humility Paul initiates the discourse with a poignant call to unity, urging the Philippians to be “like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” (Philippians 2:2 NIV). This beckoning is not just towards a superficial harmony, but towards a profound unity forged in the crucible of divine love. The foundation of this unity is humility, a virtue that Paul insists upon vigorously. He encourages believers to regard others as better than themselves, thus eliminating the roots of selfish ambition and vain conceit which are often the culprits of discord and division.Christ as the Epitome of Humility Paul then paints a magnificent portrait of Christ, the exemplar of humility, delineating His journey from divine glory to human suffering, a path characterized by self-emptying and obedient surrender to God’s will. The phrase “He made Himself nothing” (Philippians 2:7 NIV) captures the essence of Jesus’ mission on earth – a life poured out in love and service. This section of the chapter, often referred to as the Christ Hymn, showcases the dramatic descent of Christ from divine majesty to the condition of a servant, and even to the excruciating death on the cross. This narrative not only exhibits the profundity of Christ’s humility but establishes a radical paradigm for Christian living.Exaltation Through HumilityIn the grand scheme of God’s justice, humility does not go unrewarded. The narrative takes a transformative turn with God exalting Christ to the highest place, bestowing on Him the name above all names. This exaltation serves as a vivid testimony to the transformative power of humility, revealing that it is through lowering oneself that one is raised to unprecedented heights. Living Out Christ’s Humility Paul extends his discourse to a practical dimension, inviting the Philippians to work out their salvation with fear and trembling. The call is towards a dynamic faith, actively embodying the humility of Christ in their lives. He exhorts the community to shine like stars in the sky, holding firmly to the word of life.The imagery of shining stars perhaps suggests that a life lived in humility and love radiates a light that pierces through the darkness, offering guidance and hope to others. Towards the end of the chapter, Paul brings into the frame two individuals who embody the spirit of humility – Timothy and Epaphroditus. Their lives of dedicated service stand as concrete illustrations of the humility that Paul advocates for.Conclusion Philippians chapter 2 stands as a rich repository of wisdom, offering the Christian community a blueprint for a life grounded in the humility exemplified by Christ. The pathway of humility it outlines is not one of self-abnegation but of self-giving love, a journey of descending into greatness. Through an exploration of Christ’s humility and the exhortation to embody this in community life, Paul invites us into a transformative journey. A journey where humility is not the end but the means through which we mirror the divine, forge authentic relationships and journey towards the fullness of life in Christ. The essence of Philippians 2 rests in the magnificent paradox it unveils: in lowering oneself, in service and humility, we find exaltation and true unity with the divine and one another.
9/16/202344 minutes, 44 seconds
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Zachariah 4 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 923 - SendMe Radio

Unveiling the Visions and Symbols of Zechariah 4 The book of Zechariah, nestled in the minor prophets section of the Old Testament, stands as a testament to the prophetic visions and messages delivered to Zechariah, a prophet who served God during the rebuilding phase of the Jerusalem temple after the Babylonian exile. Chapter 4 of this remarkable book offers a rich tapestry of imagery and profound teachings that resonate profoundly with individuals seeking divine guidance and illumination in their lives. Let us dissect Zechariah 4 and unearth the eternal truths and lessons it encapsulates. The vision of the Golden Lampstand and Olive TreesZechariah 4 opens with a vivid vision of a golden lampstand accompanied by two olive trees. This imagery is potent, representing God's ceaseless light and the anointing bestowed upon his chosen ones. The olive trees, situated on either side of the lampstand, symbolize a divine provision, a limitless source fueling the lampstand's unyielding flame. Zerubbabel: The Cornerstone in God’s PlanAt the heart of this chapter, we find the figure of Zerubbabel, a governor tasked with leading the monumental endeavour of rebuilding the ravished temple. Zerubbabel embodies God's servant, undertaking a Herculean task yet sustained and empowered through divine assistance. The angel of the Lord reassures Zerubbabel that it is not by might nor by power, but by God's spirit that he will accomplish this formidable mission, a timeless principle indicating that God's purposes are achieved not through human strength, but through reliance on God's spirit. The Capstone and the FoundationZechariah are presented with a glimpse of the completion of the temple, with Zerubbabel holding the plumb line, a tool denoting precision and alignment. The image of the capstone, a significant architectural piece symbolizing completion and stability, is brought into the narrative, showcasing the forthcoming fulfilment of God’s promise of restoration. From Despise to RejoiceThe text ingeniously articulates the transformation from despising small beginnings to rejoicing at the realization of a vision. It implores individuals not to underestimate the humble onset of a project but to envisage the triumph and joy at its culmination. This element of the chapter speaks volumes about the patience, perseverance, and faith required in the journey of bringing a vision to fruition. Conclusion Zechariah 4 stands as a beacon of hope, a chapter replete with imagery that evokes a profound understanding of God's providence and the indomitable spirit bestowed upon his servants. Through the golden lampstand's undying light and the olive trees’ unceasing supply, we are reminded of God's enduring presence and provision in our endeavours. The assurance given to Zerubbabel reverberates through time, emboldening modern-day believers to trust in the spirit of God as they navigate challenges in their lives. The depiction of the capstone and the encouragement not to despise small beginnings serve as potent reminders to hold steadfast faith, envisioning the joyous moments of realization and completion. As we reflect upon Zechariah 4, may we draw strength from its timeless teachings, venturing forth in our journeys with a spirit fortified by divine guidance, trusting that with God's spirit, no mountain is insurmountable, and no vision unattainableSendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, and thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email at [email protected] YouTube Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google
9/15/202338 minutes, 45 seconds
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Matthew 7 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 922 - SendMe Radio

Matthew 7, which is a chapter from the New Testament of the Bible detailing the teachings of Jesus, will entail a deep analysis of the text itself, a look at its context within the entire book of Matthew, and its implications for modern-day readers. Here we go Matthew 7: A Chapter of Wisdom, Guidance, and Divine JudgmentIn the rich tapestry of Christian theological thought, Matthew 7 stands as a central thread, outlining key principles and philosophies that guide the lives of believers. As the conclusion to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, this chapter offers an illuminating lens through which we can understand the moral and ethical dimensions of Christianity. The Golden RuleThe opening of Matthew 7 directs individuals to refrain from judging others, reminding us that the measure we use for others will be used for us in return. It succinctly captures the essence of reciprocity in the golden rule: "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you." This teaching encourages empathy, understanding, and kindness as the foundations of human interactions. The Narrow and Wide Further in the chapter, Jesus introduces the metaphor of the narrow and wide gates, vivid imagery representing the path to destruction and the path to life. The wide gate, easy to enter, represents the pathway of the masses, characterized by spiritual indifference and moral laxity. In contrast, the narrow gate, which leads to life, is found by few, illustrating the challenges and rewards of pursuing a righteous life. This imagery calls on believers to strive for a higher moral ground, even when faced with difficulties. True and False Prophets Jesus warns against false prophets, likening them to wolves in sheep's clothing. The chapter advocates for discernment in recognizing genuine spiritual guidance, indicating that true prophets are recognized by their fruits, the outcomes of their actions, and their adherence to God’s teachings. It encourages a discerning spirit, urging individuals to be wary of those who manipulate religious texts for personal gain. The Wise and Foolish BuildersMatthew 7 concludes with the parable of the wise and foolish builders, a poignant analogy demonstrating the importance of founding one’s life upon solid ground. The wise builder who builds his house upon the rock represents individuals who listen to Jesus’ words and put them into practice, illustrating a life built upon a solid, unshakable foundation. Conversely, the foolish builder's house, built upon sand, easily falls when faced with storms, representing a life founded on superficial beliefs and conveniences. It is a call to a deeply rooted faith, one that withstands life’s trials and adversities. Implications for Modern-Day BelieversIn the modern era, Matthew 7 serves as a timeless guide, a beacon urging individuals to foster a spirit of understanding, to walk the road less travelled, and to embody a genuine and deep-seated faith in God's teachings. It calls believers to a life of introspection, to constantly evaluate their moral compass, and to strive for a life anchored in divine wisdom and guidance. Conclusion Matthew 7, woven with profound metaphors and teachings, serves as a guiding star in the Christian moral compass, outlining the philosophy of reciprocity, the path of righteousness, the call for discernment, and the need for a deeply rooted faith. In a world beset with challenges and moral dilemmas, this chapter stands as a beacon of light, urging us towards a path of wisdom, understanding, and unwavering faith. It is a chapter that calls not just for belief, but for a proactive embodiment of the teachings of Jesus, fostering a world grounded in love, empathy, and divine wisdom. SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] YouTube Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for
9/11/202335 minutes, 45 seconds
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Psalm 143 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 921 - SendMe Radio

Title: Finding Solace and Strength in Psalm 143Introduction Psalm 143, one of the many treasures found in the Book of Psalms, is a profound and heartfelt expression of human longing, despair, and hope. It is a powerful testament to the enduring relevance of the Psalms, serving as a source of solace, guidance, and inspiration for countless individuals throughout history. In this article, we will explore the themes, significance, and enduring relevance of Psalm 143. The Psalmist's Cry for Help Psalm 143 begins with a poignant cry for help: "Hear my prayer, O Lord; give ear to my pleas for mercy!" These words resonate with anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed by the challenges and trials of life. The psalmist's plea is a reminder that even in our darkest moments, we can turn to God for comfort and guidance.A Theme of Desperation Throughout Psalm 143, the psalmist vividly describes their sense of desperation and despair. They speak of being "in the darkness like those long dead" and feeling "like a parched land." This raw and honest portrayal of human suffering is a powerful reminder that it is okay to acknowledge our pain and anguish before God. We do not need to hide our struggles; instead, we can bring them before the Divine with the assurance that God listens and cares. A Cry for GuidanceAs the psalmist continues their lament, they express a deep longing for divine guidance and direction. They plead for God's Spirit to lead them on "level ground" and to "teach [them] to do [God's] will." This desire for guidance reflects a fundamental human yearning for purpose and meaning in life. It also underscores the belief that God can provide the wisdom and strength needed to navigate life's challenges.Reflecting on God's FaithfulnessAmidst the psalmist's cries of desperation, there is also a reflection on God's faithfulness and past deeds. They recall God's "deeds of old" and meditate on God's works. This act of remembering serves as a source of hope and encouragement. It reminds us that God has been faithful in the past and can be trusted in the present and future. A Prayer of Surrender Psalm 143 concludes with a prayer of surrender and trust: "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground." This prayer encapsulates a profound act of faith. It is an acknowledgement that, ultimately, God's will is what matters most, and it is a willingness to yield to God's guidance and wisdom. The Enduring Relevance of Psalm 143While Psalm 143 was written thousands of years ago, its themes of despair, longing, and trust remain as relevant today as they were in ancient times. In a world filled with uncertainty, suffering, and questions, this psalm offers a timeless message of hope and comfort.For those facing personal challenges, Psalm 143 serves as an invitation to bring your struggles before God, knowing that you are heard and loved. It encourages us to seek divine guidance and to trust in God's faithfulness, even when circumstances seem dire. Conclusion Psalm 143 is a profound expression of the human experience—a heartfelt cry for help, a plea for guidance, and an affirmation of trust in God's faithfulness. It continues to resonate with people of faith and provides solace and strength in times of need. As we navigate the complexities of life, let us take comfort in the words of this ancient psalm and find inspiration in its enduring message of hope and surrender to the Divine.SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, and thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email at [email protected] YouTube Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
9/8/202322 minutes, 3 seconds
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Deutoronomy 21 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 920 - SendMe Radio

Deuteronomy 21: A Closer Look at Ancient Laws and ValuesDeuteronomy 21 is a chapter within the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible, Deuteronomy. This book is often attributed to Moses and is considered one of the central texts of the Old Testament. Deuteronomy contains a collection of laws, commandments, and guidelines that were intended to govern the lives of the Israelites and shape their moral and ethical behaviour.Deuteronomy 21, in particular, presents a range of laws and customs, offering a window into the society and values of the ancient Israelites. The Treatment of Unsolved Murder: One of the prominent themes in Deuteronomy 21 is the resolution of unsolved murders. In verses 1-9, we find a ritual for atoning for the bloodshed when a slain person is found in a field, and the murderer is unknown. The elders of the nearest city are required to perform a ceremony involving the sacrifice of a heifer to absolve the community of guilt.This practice underscores the importance placed on justice and communal responsibility in ancient Israel.Family Matters: Deuteronomy 21 also addresses family matters. Verses 10-14 describe the treatment of a female captive taken during war. There are rules and procedures in place to ensure her dignity, including a waiting period for mourning, and she cannot be sold as a slave. These laws reflect a concern for compassion and human rights, even in times of conflict.The Rights of the Firstborn: Another section of this chapter, verses 15-17, deals with inheritance and the rights of the firstborn son. In a society where the firstborn often had special privileges, this law attempts to balance inheritance rights among sons born to different wives. It ensures that the firstborn receives a double portion of the inheritance but does not overlook the legitimate claims of other sons. Rebellion and Obedience: Deuteronomy 21 also contains laws related to rebellious children. Verses 18-21 address a scenario where a child is stubborn and rebellious, not obeying their parents. While the punishment prescribed might seem harsh by today's standards,It reflects the importance placed on respect for authority and obedience within the family structure. Respect for Human Dignity: Throughout Deuteronomy 21, we see a recurring theme of respect for human dignity, even in difficult circumstances. Whether dealing with unsolved murders, captives of war, or matters of inheritance, the laws and customs outlined in this chapter seek to balance justice with compassion and uphold the principles of fairness and righteousness. Conclusion: Deuteronomy 21 provides us with a valuable glimpse into the legal and moral framework of ancient Israelite society. While some of the laws and practices may seem foreign or even harsh by today's standards, they reflect the values and priorities of a people striving to establish a just and orderly society guided by their understanding of God's will. Understanding these ancient laws can help us appreciate the historical and cultural context of the biblical narrative and the ongoing moral and ethical questions they raise for us today.
9/7/202324 minutes, 39 seconds
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Matthew 28 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 918 - SendMe Radio

The Great Commission: Matthew 28 and its Profound Message Matthew 28 is a chapter in the New Testament of the Bible that holds a special place in Christian theology. It contains the last recorded words of Jesus Christ to His disciples, known as the "Great Commission." This chapter serves as a powerful conclusion to the Gospel of Matthew, encapsulating the core mission and message of Christianity. In this article, we will explore the significance and timeless lessons of Matthew 28. The Great Commission: Matthew 28:16-20The Great Commission is found in Matthew 28:16-20 and reads as follows: "Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him, they worshipped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.'"Key Messages from Matthew 28 - Authority of Christ: Jesus begins by asserting His authority, declaring that all authority in heaven and on earth belongs to Him. This statement reaffirms His divinity and the legitimacy of His message. - The Mission: The core message of the Great Commission is the mission entrusted to the disciples and, by extension, to all Christians. They are commanded to "make disciples of all nations." This is a call to spread the teachings of Jesus and bring people into a relationship with Him. - Baptism: Baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit signifies initiation into the Christian faith. It symbolizes purification, rebirth, and inclusion in the community of believers. - Teaching and Obedience: Disciples are not just to convert individuals but also to teach them "to observe all that I have commanded you." This emphasizes the importance of ongoing spiritual growth and adherence to the teachings of Christ. - The Promise of Presence: Jesus concludes the Commission with a comforting promise: "I am with you always, to the end of the age." This assurance of His perpetual presence provides strength, guidance, and comfort to those who undertake the mission. The Enduring Relevance: The Great Commission is not a message confined to a specific time or place; its relevance endures through the ages. Here are some reasons why: - Global Mission: The call to make disciples of all nations reminds Christians of their global mission. It encourages outreach, evangelism, and humanitarian efforts worldwide. - Community and Unity: Baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit signifies unity within the Christian community, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries. - Teaching and Discipleship: The emphasis on teaching and obedience underscores the importance of continuous learning and growth in one's faith. - Divine Presence: The promise of Jesus' eternal presence provides solace and encouragement to believers facing challenges and uncertainties. Conclusion Matthew 28 encapsulates the essence of Christian faith and mission. The Great Commission is a call to action, a mandate to spread the teachings of Christ, and an assurance of His unwavering presence. It reminds Christians of their role as ambassadors of love, peace, and salvation to a world in need. Whether in the ancient past or the modern era, the message of Matthew 28 remains a guiding light for those who seek to follow the path of Jesus Christ. SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] YouTube Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
9/5/202319 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 918 - SendMe Radio

9/5/20236 minutes, 33 seconds
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Genesis 3 & John 10 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 917 - SendMe Radio

Genesis 3: The Fall of Humanity and the Promise of RedemptionGenesis 3 is a pivotal chapter in the Bible, often referred to as the "Fall of Humanity." It narrates the tragic events that marked the beginning of human disobedience and the alienation of humanity from God. This chapter holds deep theological and moral significance, exploring themes of temptation, sin, and God's response to human transgression.The Garden of Eden, a paradise of perfection, serves as the setting for this profound narrative. It is in this idyllic garden that we find Adam and Eve, the first man and woman created by God. They enjoy an intimate relationship with God and each other, living in harmony with nature. However, this harmony is shattered when temptation enters the scene. The Serpent, often identified as Satan, becomes the agent of temptation. He cunningly questions God's commandment, sowing seeds of doubt and deception in Eve's mind.He asks, "Did God actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden?'" (Genesis 3:1). Eve responds, but she adds her own distortion to God's commandment, saying they should neither eat nor touch the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God had only commanded them not to eat from it. The Serpent then entices Eve with the promise of becoming "like God," knowing good and evil. Eve succumbs to temptation, takes the fruit from the forbidden tree, eats it, and shares it with Adam.At that moment, sin enters the world, and their eyes are opened to their nakedness and vulnerability. The consequences of this disobedience are profound. Adam and Eve's intimate relationship with God is broken as they hide from His presence. They realize their nakedness and sow fig leaves together to cover themselves, symbolizing their attempt to hide their shame and guilt. When God confronts them, they both shift blame – Adam blames Eve, and Eve blames the serpent. But God holds them accountable for their actions.God, however, does not leave humanity without hope. Amid the pronouncement of consequences – pain in childbearing, toil in labour, and the eventual return to dust – there is a glimmer of hope. God pronounces a promise that will echo throughout the rest of the Bible: "I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel" (Genesis 3:15). This verse is often referred to as the Protoevangelium, meaning "first gospel."It is the first hint of God's redemptive plan for humanity. The promise of a future Redeemer, a descendent of Eve, who will ultimately defeat evil and reconcile humanity with God, begins here. As Adam and Eve are cast out of the Garden of Eden, cherubim and a flaming sword guard the way to the Tree of Life, preventing them from eating it and living forever in their fallen state. This symbolic act underscores the seriousness of sin and the necessity of redemption.Genesis 3 reminds us of the human condition – our susceptibility to temptation and our tendency to sin. It also points us to God's unwavering love and His plan to redeem and restore humanity through a promised Savior. This promise ultimately finds fulfilment in Jesus Christ, who, through His life, death, and resurrection, conquers sin and offers reconciliation with God to all who believe in Him. In summary, Genesis 3 serves as a sobering reminder of the consequences of disobedience and the fallen state of humanity. It also offers a glimpse of God's grace and His plan for redemption through a promised Savior. It is a chapter that lays the foundation for the overarching narrative of the Bible, where God's redemptive work continues to unfold.John 3: Exploring the Heart of Spiritual RebirthThe third chapter of the Gospel of John is a remarkable and profound passage within the New Testament. It contains a conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, a Pharisee and a member of the Jewish ruling council. This dialogue delves into fundamental spiritual truths, including the concept of being "born again" or "born from above," which has become a foundational element of Christian theology.The Encounter Between Jesus and Nicodemus chapter begins with Nicodemus, a respected teacher of the law, seeking out Jesus under the cover of darkness. His visitation is a display of curiosity and a hint of spiritual longing. Nicodemus addresses Jesus with respect, acknowledging His role as a teacher who has come from God, performing miraculous signs. Jesus responds to Nicodemus by declaring a profound truth: "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3, ESV). This statement sets the stage for a discussion that transcends the physical realm and delves into the realm of the spiritual. The Concept of Spiritual RebirthNicodemus, initially puzzled by Jesus' words, seeks clarification. He asks, "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?" (John 3:4, ESV). Jesus responds by elaborating on the concept of spiritual rebirth. He explains that being "born again" or "born from above" involves a transformation of the heart and spirit. It is not a physical rebirth but a spiritual one, brought about by the work of the Holy Spirit. Jesus emphasizes the importance of faith in Him as the Son of God and the source of eternal life. He says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16, ESV). The Symbolism of the Bronze Serpent As the conversation continues, Jesus draws on a symbolic reference from the Old Testament to further illustrate His mission and the way to salvation. He alludes to the story of the bronze serpent in the wilderness, where those who were bitten by poisonous snakes could look upon the bronze serpent and live. In the same way, Jesus asserts that He will be lifted up, and those who believe in Him will have eternal life. This reference foreshadows Jesus' crucifixion on the cross, where He would be "lifted up" to atone for the sins of humanity. It underscores the idea that salvation comes through faith in Christ's sacrificial death. The Impact and Significance John 3 is a theologically rich chapter that highlights essential aspects of Christian doctrine, including the necessity of spiritual rebirth, the centrality of faith in Christ, and the promise of eternal life. It underscores the transformative power of God's grace and the role of the Holy Spirit in regenerating hearts. The encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus serves as a reminder that faith in Jesus Christ is the gateway to a new and eternal life. It challenges us to examine our own spiritual journey and consider what it means to be "born again" through faith in the Son of God. John 3:16, often called the "golden verse" of the Bible, encapsulates the heart of the Christian message, emphasizing God's love and His redemptive plan for humanity. In conclusion, John 3 is a chapter that invites us to explore the depths of our faith, grapple with profound spiritual truths, and embrace the promise of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. It reminds us that God's love extends to all people, offering the hope of transformation and redemption to anyone who believes.
9/5/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 23 seconds
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Psalms 119 verse 60 1000 days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 916 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 119:60 - A Meditation on the Path of Righteousness Psalm 119 is a remarkable chapter in the Book of Psalms, standing as the longest chapter in the entire Bible. Comprised of 176 verses, each stanza in this psalm is a reflection on the beauty of God's Word and its significance in the life of the believer. It's a journey through the virtues of divine instruction, meditation, and a deep desire to walk in the path of righteousness.Psalm 119:60 (NIV) reads: "I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands."This single verse encapsulates a profound message that resonates with seekers of spiritual wisdom and a closer connection with the divine. Let's explore the meaning and significance of Psalm 119:60.1. A Sense of Urgency: The verse begins with the phrase, "I will hasten." It reflects a sense of urgency and determination in the psalmist's heart. There's no procrastination or delay when it comes to obeying God's commands. It's a call to swift action, indicating that the psalmist recognizes the importance of living according to God's Word.2. Obedience to Divine Commands: The central theme of the verse revolves around obedience to God's commands. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the commandments of God represent a moral and ethical framework for living a righteous and just life. The psalmist acknowledges the significance of following these commandments diligently.3. A Willing Heart:"I will" expresses a choice made willingly, not out of compulsion. It demonstrates a heart that desires to align itself with God's will. In a world where choices are abundant, the psalmist makes a conscious decision to prioritize God's commands above all else.4. The Role of Meditation: Though not explicitly mentioned in this verse, the concept of meditation on God's Word is woven throughout Psalm 119. It's through meditation that the psalmist gains a deeper understanding of God's commands, allowing them to become a guiding light in life's journey.5. The Path of Righteousness: The psalmist's intent is to obey God's commands so that they may walk in the path of righteousness. This path is marked by moral uprightness, justice, compassion, and love. It's a path that leads to a closer relationship with God and a life filled with purpose.6. A Timeless Message: While this verse is thousands of years old, its message remains timeless. It speaks to anyone seeking spiritual guidance and a deeper connection with the divine. The urgency to live a life in accordance with one's faith is a universal aspiration.In conclusion, Psalm 119:60 encapsulates a profound spiritual journey—one of eagerness, obedience, and a desire to walk in the path of righteousness. It reminds us of the importance of God's commands and the value of meditating on His Word. As we navigate our own spiritual journeys, this verse serves as an inspiring reminder to prioritize our relationship with the divine and to live a life that reflects our faith and values.SendMe Radio station is packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, and thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email at [email protected] YouTube Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
9/2/202333 minutes, 7 seconds
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Psalm 8 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 915 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 8: A Song of Majesty and HumanityPsalm 8, nestled within the Book of Psalms in the Hebrew Bible, is a poetic and profound reflection on the relationship between humanity, creation, and the divine. This psalm explores themes of the majesty of God's creation, the insignificance of humanity in the grand cosmos, and yet, the unique dignity bestowed upon human beings by the Creator. It is a meditation on the paradox of human existence – frail yet significant, finite yet endowed with divine favour.Introduction to Psalm 8Psalm 8 begins with a declaration of God's majesty and glory in the heavens. The psalmist marvels at how God's name is celebrated not only on Earth but also in the celestial realms. As the psalm unfolds, it delves into the profound contrast between the vastness of the cosmos and the humble state of humanity. The Meaning and ThemesGod's Majestic Creation (Verses 1-2): The psalm opens with a declaration of God's majesty in the heavens, where His glory is praised by celestial beings. The heavens – the moon, the stars – are described as the work of God's fingers. This imagery emphasizes the grandeur and beauty of the cosmos, underscoring God's role as the Creator of all.The Insignificance of Humanity (Verses 3-4): In contrast to the vastness of the universe, the psalmist ponders the apparent insignificance of humanity. "What is the man that you are mindful of him?" reflects on the relative smallness of human beings in the cosmic order. This contemplation highlights the humility and fragility of human existence.Human Dignity and Divine Favor (Verses 5-8): While acknowledging human frailty, the psalmist also recognizes that God has crowned humanity with glory and honour. This acknowledgement speaks to the belief in the divine favour bestowed upon human beings. Despite our finite nature, there is a sense of significance and purpose in our existence.Responsibility as Stewards (Verse 6): The mention of God's creation being placed under human dominion underscores the responsibility entrusted to humanity as stewards of the Earth. This theme aligns with the Judeo-Christian concept of humans as caretakers of creation, responsible for their well-being.The Continuing Wonder of Creation (Verse 9): The psalm concludes by restating the awe-inspiring nature of God's creation, affirming His name's majesty throughout the Earth.Conclusion: A Reflection on Humanity's Place in Creation Psalm 8 serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between humility and significance in the human experience. It invites us to reflect on our place within the vast cosmos, recognizing both our limitations and our unique role as custodians of creation. Despite our relative smallness, the psalm emphasizes the inherent dignity and divine favour that humanity carries. This tension between insignificance and divine blessing is a universal theme that resonates across cultures and beliefs.Psalm 8 challenges us to be mindful of our responsibilities as stewards of the Earth and to approach the natural world with reverence and care. It invites us to ponder the profound mysteries of existence and to embrace the wonder and humility that come from contemplating the grandeur of creation and the enduring presence of the divine. Ultimately, Psalm 8 inspires us to recognize the beauty and significance of each individual life within the broader tapestry of the universe.SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, and thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] YouTube Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
9/1/202318 minutes, 43 seconds
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Psalm 95 Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 914 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 95: A Call to Worship with Reverence and JoyPsalm 95 is a beautiful expression of worship and devotion found within the Book of Psalms, a collection of poetic and lyrical verses in the Hebrew Bible. Often referred to as a "song of praise," Psalm 95 is an invitation to engage with the divine presence with both reverence and exultation. This psalm stands as a testament to the deep connection between the human spirit and the divine, inspiring believers to offer their hearts in worship.Introduction to Psalm 95Psalm 95 begins with a call to come before the Lord with joy and singing, acknowledging the greatness of the Creator. The psalmist sets the tone for the entire composition, expressing a deep sense of awe and wonder toward the divine. The verses that follow convey themes of gratitude, humility, and the recognition of God's sovereignty over creation.The Meaning and ThemesWorship with Joyful Song (Verses 1-2): The psalm opens with an exuberant invitation to "sing to the Lord" and "shout for joy." It emphasizes the power of music and the human voice as vehicles to express adoration and praise. Music becomes a vessel to transcend the limitations of ordinary language, allowing the heart's overflow of emotions to reach the divine.A Great God (Verses 3-5): The psalmist beautifully portrays God as a "great God" and "great King above all gods." This passage reinforces the monotheistic faith of Israel while contrasting the powerlessness of idols with the boundless might of the Creator. The imagery of deep valleys and towering mountains speaks to the grandeur of God's creation.Enter His Presence with Thanksgiving (Verses 6-7): The psalm pivots toward a call for reverent worship and obedience. The people are urged to bow down before the Lord and kneel in submission. The image of a shepherd and his flock captures the close relationship between God and His people. The mention of Meribah and Massah refers to incidents during the Israelites' journey in the wilderness, emphasizing the importance of trust and faithfulness.Harden Not Your Hearts (Verses 8-11): This section serves as a warning, recalling the Israelites' failure to trust God despite witnessing His miraculous deeds. The reference to the forty years of wandering in the desert is a reminder of the consequences of disbelief. The psalmist urges readers not to repeat the mistakes of the past but to heed God's voice and guidance.The Invitation to Rest (Verse 11): The psalm concludes by portraying God's promise of rest for those who obey and follow Him. The image of entering His "rest" is not only about physical rest but also spiritual tranquillity. It symbolizes the fullness of life that comes from aligning with God's will.Conclusion: An Enduring Call to Worship Psalm 95 encapsulates the essence of worship in the Judeo-Christian tradition – an admixture of adoration, thanksgiving, reflection, and reverence. It speaks to the intimate relationship between the divine and humanity, encouraging believers to engage with God both in moments of celebration and contemplation. The psalm's overarching theme of worship with a sincere heart resonates across cultures and faiths, reminding us of the universal human longing for connection with the sacred. Through its lyrical verses, Psalm 95 invites us to bring our entire selves – our joys, fears, doubts, and hopes – before the Creator and find solace in His presence.SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, and thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email at [email protected] YouTube Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/31/202327 minutes, 54 seconds
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John 6 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 912 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
8/28/202318 minutes, 16 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 912 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/28/202315 minutes, 56 seconds
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Psalms 94 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-08-23-#701

Delving into the Profound Meaning of Psalm 94 The Book of Psalms, a treasure trove of spiritual insight and emotion within the Bible's Old Testament, encompasses a diverse array of themes and sentiments. Psalm 94, a poignant and contemplative composition, offers a deep exploration of trust, justice, and the human longing for divine intervention. As we unravel the layers of this psalm, we gain insight into its enduring relevance and its capacity to speak to the human experience across cultures and generations. Context and Composition: Attributed to the psalmist David, Psalm 94 is classified as a lament psalm, a subset of the psalms that candidly express sorrow, frustration, and even anger before God. This particular psalm is crafted in a call-and-response format, evoking a sense of dialogue between the psalmist and God. This structure serves to emphasize the profound connection between human emotions and the divine response. Cry for Justice and Deliverance: Psalm 94 begins with a plea for divine intervention: "O Lord, the God who avenges, O God who avenges, shine forth." The psalmist's cry for justice in the face of oppression and wrongdoing is a recurring theme throughout the psalm. The psalmist laments the arrogance of evildoers who oppress the vulnerable and flaunt their cruelty, prompting the question that resonates through the ages: "How long, Lord, will the wicked, how long will the wicked be jubilant?"God's Role as the Ultimate Judge: Central to the message of Psalm 94 is the conviction that God is the ultimate judge who will eventually hold the wicked accountable for their actions. The psalmist draws comfort from the belief that God's justice will prevail over human injustice. This belief reflects the age-old struggle to reconcile the existence of evil with the concept of a just and benevolent deity, as well as the enduring human hope for divine retribution and restoration. The Paradox of Divine Intervention: Throughout Psalm 94, we observe a tension between the psalmist's plea for immediate intervention and their understanding of God's timing. While the psalmist implores God to "rise up, Judge of the earth," they also acknowledge that God's ways are beyond human comprehension: "Blessed is the one you discipline, Lord, the one you teach from your law." This paradox underscores the complexity of faith – the challenge of waiting for divine justice while also trusting in the wisdom of divine teaching. Bridging the Gap Between Emotion and Faith: One of the remarkable aspects of Psalm 94 is its unfiltered expression of raw emotion before God. The psalmist's cries of despair and frustration are not stifled or sanitized; they are laid bare in the presence of the divine. This honest portrayal of human emotion serves as a model for believers to approach God with authenticity, knowing that their deepest feelings are welcomed. Relevance Across Time and Culture: The themes woven into Psalm 94 are not bound by time or culture. The cry for justice, the struggle to reconcile suffering with the belief in a just God, and the tension between human impatience and divine timing are universal experiences. As a result, this psalm resonates with individuals from various walks of life, offering solace to those who grapple with questions of suffering and divine justice. Conclusion: Psalm 94 stands as a testament to the human experience of wrestling with adversity and injustice while maintaining an unwavering trust in the justice and sovereignty of God. Its verses capture the complexity of emotions that arise in the face of suffering, while also inviting believers to place their hope in the divine promise of ultimate justice and restoration. In a world fraught with challenges, Psalm 94 serves as a reminder that the expression of honest emotions before the divine is an essential aspect of a robust and authentic faith journey. SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
8/24/202332 minutes, 41 seconds
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Psalms 116 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 911 - SendMe Radio

Article: Exploring the Profound Meaning of Psalms 116The Book of Psalms, found within the Old Testament of the Bible, is a collection of religious poems, prayers, and songs that cover a wide range of human experiences and emotions. Among these, Psalm 116 stands out as a poignant reflection on gratitude, faith, and the steadfast love of God. Its verses resonate with individuals across time and cultures, offering solace and guidance in moments of trial and triumph. Context and Composition: Psalm 116 is attributed to King David, renowned for his poetry and leadership in the biblical narrative. Its composition dates back to a time when the Israelites faced challenges and adversity, seeking divine intervention and guidance. The psalm's words are often considered deeply personal expressions of devotion and testimony. Gratitude in the Midst of Adversity: The opening lines of Psalm 116 immediately set the tone for the psalm's overarching theme – gratitude. The psalmist declares, "I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy." This proclamation of love and gratitude arises from the psalmist's belief that God answered their plea for help, delivering them from a situation of distress. This sentiment reminds readers of the importance of recognizing and acknowledging the ways in which God intervenes in our lives, even during times of adversity.The Depth of Faith: Embedded within the psalmist's expression of gratitude is a profound sense of faith. The lines, "The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion," reflect the psalmist's understanding of God's character – one characterized by kindness and justice. This portrayal of God's attributes serves as a foundation for the psalmist's unwavering trust in the divine. The Call to Obedience: Psalms 116 also emphasizes the concept of obedience and the reciprocal relationship between humans and the divine.The psalmist acknowledges their dependence on God's mercy and salvation, committing to walking "before the Lord in the land of the living." This commitment speaks to the idea that gratitude is not just a sentiment, but a call to live in accordance with God's will and principles. Moving from Suffering to Praise: The structure of Psalm 116 reflects a journey from distress to deliverance, culminating in a powerful expression of praise. The psalmist reflects on their own vulnerability, noting that "the cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came over me."Despite this suffering, the psalmist affirms that God's saving grace pulled them from the brink of destruction. A Personal Testimony: At its core, Psalm 116 serves as a personal testimony of the psalmist's experience with God's intervention. This testimony is not only a declaration of faith but also an invitation for others to recognize and share in the psalmist's experience of God's goodness. Universal Relevance: The themes woven into Psalm 116 – gratitude, faith, and the transformative power of God's love – transcend historical and cultural boundaries. As such, this psalm continues to resonate with people of various backgrounds and beliefs, offering solace, encouragement, and a framework for understanding the relationship between humanity and the divine.In conclusion, Psalm 116 stands as a timeless testament to the human experience of encountering adversity and finding solace in gratitude, faith, and the unwavering love of God. Its verses capture the essence of the journey from suffering to redemption, serving as a source of inspiration and reflection for individuals seeking to navigate the challenges of life with trust and devotion.SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, and thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/24/202323 minutes, 30 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 910 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/24/202318 seconds
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Romans 8 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 908 - SendMe Radio

Unveiling the Profound Wisdom of Romans 8: Embracing Freedom and Hope Introduction: The eighth chapter of the Book of Romans stands as a pinnacle of Christian theology, encapsulating profound insights into the nature of faith, salvation, and the transformative power of the Spirit. This chapter offers a tapestry of spiritual truths that continue to inspire believers and seekers alike, inviting them to embrace a life of freedom, hope, and unwavering faith.Freedom from Condemnation: Romans 8 opens with the declaration that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. This powerful affirmation of God's grace assures believers that through faith in Christ's redemptive sacrifice, they are liberated from the guilt and condemnation of sin.The Role of the Spirit: The chapter then delves into the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. Paul emphasizes that those led by the Spirit experience a transformation that leads to life and peace. The indwelling Spirit serves as a guide, empowering believers to overcome the desires of the flesh and walk in the path of righteousness.Adoption and Heirs of God: In Romans 8, the concept of adoption takes center stage. Believers are adopted into God's family, becoming His children and co-heirs with Christ. This profound truth speaks to the intimacy of the believer's relationship with God and the inheritance that awaits them in eternity.Suffering and Glory: Paul addresses the reality of suffering in the life of a Christian, acknowledging the challenges and tribulations that believers may face. However, he offers a perspective that transcends the pain: the suffering of this present time is not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed. This hope-filled outlook encourages believers to endure difficulties in light of the ultimate reward.Intercession of the Spirit: One of the most significant passages in Romans 8 speaks of the Spirit's intercession for believers. When words fail, the Spirit intercedes on their behalf, presenting their needs before God. This assurance of divine assistance in prayer reinforces the closeness of God's relationship with His children.God's Unbreakable Love: Paul concludes Romans 8 with a declaration of God's unfailing love. Nothing can separate believers from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. The apostle presents an exhaustive list of potential challenges, emphasizing that neither life nor death, nor any other created thing, can sever the bond between God and His chosen. Conclusion: Romans 8 serves as a timeless testament to the transformative power of faith, the liberating grace of Christ, and the guiding presence of the Holy Spirit. This chapter invites believers to embrace a life of freedom from condemnation, hope in the face of suffering, and an unbreakable bond with their heavenly Father. It encapsulates the essence of Christianity—a faith rooted in the assurance of God's love, the victory over sin, and the promise of eternal glory. As believers engage with the truths found in Romans 8, they are equipped to navigate the complexities of life with unwavering faith and steadfast hope. SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
8/22/202327 minutes, 5 seconds
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Genesis 4 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 907 - SendMe Radio

Title: Exploring the Meaning of Genesis 4: Lessons from Cain and AbelIntroduction: The fourth chapter of the Book of Genesis holds within it a powerful narrative that delves into human nature, morality, and the consequences of our actions. The story of Cain and Abel, the sons of Adam and Eve, has been widely studied and interpreted for its profound lessons and insights into the complexities of human relationships and spirituality.Sibling Rivalry and Offerings: Genesis 4 introduces us to Cain and Abel, two brothers with distinct personalities and occupations. Cain, a tiller of the ground, and Abel, a keeper of sheep, both bring offerings to God. While Abel's offering is accepted due to his sincere heart and faith, Cain's offering is rejected, possibly because it lacks the same genuine devotion.Jealousy and Anger: The rejection of his offering triggers a series of events that exposes Cain's jealousy and anger. Instead of examining his own actions, he lets resentment fester, ultimately leading to God's warning about sin and its destructive nature.The dialogue between God and Cain showcases God's concern for his well-being, as He implores Cain to make the right choice.The Sin of Murder: Tragically, Cain's jealousy transforms into the most extreme manifestation of sin: murder. Fueled by anger and envy, Cain kills his brother Abel in a fit of rage. This act not only forever alters his own destiny but also introduces death and the weight of moral responsibility to the human experience.Consequences and Divine Mercy: As a consequence of his actions, Cain faces exile from his family and the land he cultivated. However, even in the face of such a grievous sin, God's mercy is evident. A mark is placed upon Cain to protect him from being killed by others, offering a glimpse of God's compassion even amid justice.Lessons and Reflections: The story of Cain and Abel offers a multitude of lessons that resonate throughout human history:Sincerity and Faith: Abel's genuine offering highlights the importance of approaching God with sincerity and faith, recognizing that external acts are insufficient without a true heart.Jealousy and Its Dangers: Cain's jealousy and anger serve as a cautionary tale about the destructive power of negative emotions. Unchecked envy can lead to grievous consequences.Responsibility and Choices: The narrative underscores the profound responsibility we have for our choices and actions. Cain's decision to allow sin to master him leads to tragic results.Divine Mercy: God's compassion is evident in His warnings and provisions for Cain's safety, reminding us of the boundless mercy available even after we have erred.Fraternal Relationships: The story prompts us to reflect on our relationships with family and friends. Cain's inability to manage his feelings toward Abel highlights the importance of communication, forgiveness, and empathy.Conclusion: Genesis 4's account of Cain and Abel delves into the complexities of human nature, our moral choices, and the ripple effects of our actions. It's a story that transcends time, offering insights into the struggles faced by individuals and communities alike. Through its lessons on faith, jealousy, mercy, responsibility, and relationships, the narrative continues to resonate with readers, urging us to reflect on our own lives and seek higher understanding and wisdom.SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/21/202336 minutes, 4 seconds
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Romans 14 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 906 - SendMe Radio

Harmony in Diversity: Understanding Romans 14The Epistle to the Romans, authored by the apostle Paul, stands as a cornerstone of Christian theology, addressing profound concepts of faith, salvation, and Christian living. Within this epistle, Romans 14 presents a compelling discourse on matters of conscience, judgment, and unity within the context of a diverse and growing Christian community.Navigating Differences with Grace: Romans 14 is an eloquent call for believers to navigate their differences with grace and respect.Paul addresses situations in which the early Christian community was grappling with differing opinions and practices regarding food and observing special days. Some believers were strict in adhering to dietary laws and certain observances, while others embraced a more liberal perspective.The Principle of Non - Judgment: At the heart of Romans 14 is the principle of refraining from passing judgment on fellow believers who hold differing convictions on matters that are not central to salvation. Paul emphasizes that God's acceptance of individuals does not hinge on their adherence to particular customs or practices.He writes, "Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another?" This admonition encourages humility and reminds believers that they are accountable to God alone.The Sovereignty of Conscience: Paul underscores the sovereignty of each individual's conscience. While some might consider certain foods or days as permissible, others may feel compelled to abstain for religious reasons. Both perspectives are valid before God as long as they are offered with sincere hearts. Paul's message encourages believers to act in accordance with their convictions, while also being mindful of not causing others to stumble.Prioritizing Unity: Amidst the diversity of convictions, Paul highlights the importance of maintaining unity within the Christian community. He urges believers not to let their differences become stumbling blocks for others. Instead, they should prioritize love and mutual respect, aiming to build up one another rather than causing division.Freedom and Responsibility: Romans 14 also explores the balance between personal freedom and responsibility to the community. While believers are free in Christ, they are also called to exercise their freedom in ways that do not harm others. This principle encourages believers to lay aside their own preferences when they hinder the spiritual growth of fellow believers.Conclusion: Romans 14 remains a timeless message that speaks to the diverse and multifaceted nature of the Christian faith. Its teachings on non-judgment, conscience, unity, and responsible freedom are as relevant today as they were in the early days of the Church. This chapter challenges believers to examine their own attitudes toward those who hold differing views and reminds them of the importance of fostering an environment of love, respect, and unity within the body of Christ. Ultimately, Romans 14 serves as a guide for harmonious living amidst the beautiful diversity that characterizes the Christian faith.SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/15/202329 minutes, 20 seconds
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Psalms 124 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie

SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
8/15/202358 minutes, 13 seconds
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Revelations 3 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-08-14-#694

Unlocking Spiritual Insights: Understanding Revelation 3 The Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament, is a profound and symbolic work that offers a glimpse into divine mysteries and spiritual truths. Revelation 3, one of the chapters within this book, contains messages directed towards seven churches in the ancient cities of Asia Minor. These messages carry both historical context and timeless lessons, providing valuable insights into the spiritual journey of believers. Context and Addressed Churches: Revelation 3 begins with a sequence of messages, each addressed to a specific church. The seven churches mentioned are Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. These churches were real communities facing various challenges, and the messages they receive contain praise, admonition, and encouragement.The Message to the Church in Sardis:In this article, we'll focus on the message to the church in Sardis, found in Revelation 3:1-6. Sardis was known for its historical significance and economic prosperity, yet it was also characterized by spiritual complacency and lukewarmness. The message to Sardis carries a poignant lesson applicable to believers throughout history.The Call to Spiritual Vigilance:The message to Sardis begins with an acknowledgment of the church's reputation for being alive, but the reality is quite different. Despite their external appearance, they are urged to "wake up" and strengthen what remains. This call to vigilance underscores the importance of spiritual authenticity and the dangers of becoming complacent in faith. Remembering the Foundation:The message continues with a reminder to Sardis of the foundations of their faith. They are called to remember what they have received and heard, emphasizing the need to return to the core teachings of Christ. This lesson resonates with believers today, highlighting the significance of staying connected to the foundational principles of Christianity amidst the distractions of the world. Repentance and Transformation:The message further urges the church to repent, indicating a turning away from their lukewarmness and a genuine desire for transformation. Repentance is an essential element of the Christian journey, and this call serves as a reminder that a sincere heart and a willingness to change can lead to a revitalized relationship with God. The Promise to Overcomers: As is customary in these messages, a promise is offered to those who overcome. In Sardis, the promise is associated with being clothed in white garments and having their names written in the book of life. This imagery symbolizes purity, redemption, and eternal security—a comforting assurance for those who remain faithful despite the challenges they face.The Timeless Message: Revelation 3:1-6's message to the church in Sardis transcends its historical context. It serves as a timeless reminder for believers to examine their own faith journeys. Are we merely going through the motions, or are we actively engaging with our faith? Are we remaining vigilant and attentive to our spiritual growth, or have we grown complacent? Conclusion: Revelation 3:1-6 offers a profound lesson about the importance of spiritual authenticity, vigilance, and repentance. It encourages believers to assess the state of their faith and prioritize a genuine relationship with God. Just as the message to Sardis brought hope and guidance to an ancient church, it continues to inspire and challenge individuals on their own spiritual journeys, reminding them of the transformative power of true faith. SendMe Radio online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages, Gospel music 🎶, Bible reading and stories. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
8/14/202327 minutes, 15 seconds
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Psalms 27 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 903 - SendMe Radio

Exploring the Depths of Hope and Faith: An Analysis of Psalms 27The Book of Psalms, a collection of sacred songs and poems found in the Bible, holds a special place in the hearts of believers and scholars alike. One particular psalm that has captivated readers for generations is Psalms 27. This powerful composition delves into themes of hope, faith, and unwavering trust in the divine, offering solace and inspiration to those navigating the challenges of life.A Psalm of David: Seeking God's Presence Amidst AdversityPsalms 27 is often attributed to King David, the renowned figure from the Hebrew Bible. Throughout this composition, David's heartfelt expressions of faith and devotion are interwoven with his personal experiences of trials and tribulations. The psalm begins with a resounding declaration: "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?" This opening line sets the tone for the entire psalm, highlighting the unwavering faith David places in God's guidance and protection.The Dwelling Place of GodA prominent theme in Psalms 27 is the desire for God's presence. David expresses a deep longing to dwell in the house of the Lord and gaze upon His beauty. This longing is not only for physical proximity but also a spiritual yearning to be close to the source of light, truth, and strength. David's aspiration to seek God's presence in the midst of life's challenges reflects a universal human longing for meaning and connection beyond the material world.In Times of Trouble: A Source of RefugeThroughout Psalms 27, David acknowledges the trials he faces and seeks refuge in God's protection. He speaks of adversaries and enemies who seek to harm him, yet remains unshaken by their threats.The psalm resonates with individuals facing adversity, reminding them that God is a stronghold in times of trouble. "Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war rise up against me, yet I will be confident," David proclaims, encapsulating the idea of divine support in the face of daunting challenges.A Journey of AssuranceAs the psalm progresses, David's expressions shift from petitions to affirmations. He declares his intent to "wait for the Lord" with patience and faith, knowing that God will answer his cries.This progression showcases David's inner journey from fear and uncertainty to unwavering trust. It's a poignant reminder that even in the darkest moments, maintaining a steadfast connection with the divine can lead to a transformation of perspective and renewed strength.A Message of EncouragementPsalms 27 serves as a source of encouragement for believers across cultures and generations. Its themes of hope, faith, and seeking God's presence resonate with the human experience of grappling with life's challenges. In times of uncertainty, the psalm's verses offer solace, reminding readers that they are not alone in their struggles and that divine light can guide them through even the darkest valleys.ConclusionPsalms 27 stands as a testament to the enduring power of faith and hope. Through its verses, King David's experiences and emotions are etched onto the pages of history, providing a timeless message that continues to inspire and uplift. This sacred composition invites readers to embark on a journey of trust, courage, and unwavering faith in the face of life's uncertainties. Whether seeking solace, guidance, or a renewed sense of purpose, Psalms 27 remains a source of comfort and strength for all those who turn to its verses.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/12/202335 minutes, 26 seconds
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Repentance 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-08-11-#692

Understanding Repentance According to the Bible Repentance, a concept deeply embedded in religious and moral teachings, holds a significant place within the pages of the Bible. Often discussed in the context of seeking forgiveness and turning away from sin, repentance is a fundamental aspect of the human-divine relationship in various religious traditions. In the Bible, repentance is not merely an action, but a profound transformation of the heart and mind. Let's delve into the biblical perspective on repentance and its implications for spiritual growth and redemption. The Essence of Repentance:At its core, repentance in the Bible signifies a change of heart and a turning away from wrongdoing. It involves recognizing one's transgressions, feeling genuine sorrow for them, and committing to a path of righteousness. Repentance is more than a superficial apology; it involves a sincere desire to mend one's ways and to align oneself with God's will.Repentance in the Old Testament:Throughout the Old Testament, stories of individuals and nations turning back to God after periods of disobedience emphasize the importance of repentance. The prophet Isaiah, for example, urges the Israelites to "seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near" (Isaiah 55:6, ESV). This call to seek God with a contrite heart reflects the essence of repentance – acknowledging one's shortcomings and seeking divine reconciliation.David's Psalm of Repentance: King David's Psalm 51 serves as a poignant example of repentance. After his grievous sin with Bathsheba and the subsequent consequences, David pours out his heart in repentance, acknowledging his transgressions and pleading for God's mercy. He writes, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me" (Psalm 51:10, ESV). This Psalm encapsulates the depth of repentance – not just seeking forgiveness, but desiring a transformation of the inner self.The New Testament Perspective:In the New Testament, Jesus emphasizes repentance as a central theme of his teachings. He proclaims, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1:15, ESV). Here, repentance is intertwined with faith, highlighting the idea that turning to God involves both a change of heart and a profound trust in God's grace and salvation.Parable of the Prodigal Son:One of the most iconic parables in the Bible, the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), beautifully illustrates the essence of repentance. The younger son, after squandering his inheritance and experiencing hardship, returns to his father with a contrite heart. His father's warm embrace and forgiveness symbolize God's boundless love and mercy when a repentant heart seeks reconciliation. Implications for Today: Repentance remains as relevant today as it was in biblical times. It's a reminder that, as flawed human beings, we are susceptible to making mistakes and veering off the path of righteousness. Repentance teaches us humility, accountability, and the need for constant self-examination. It also underscores the transformative power of grace – the assurance that God's love is extended to those who genuinely seek reconciliation. In Conclusion: Repentance, as depicted in the Bible, is not a mere ritual or an empty gesture. It's a profound, internal transformation that involves recognizing our own shortcomings, seeking forgiveness, and committing to a life aligned with divine principles. Through repentance, believers embrace the opportunity for redemption, drawing closer to God and experiencing the renewal of their hearts and souls. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
8/11/202326 minutes
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Psalms 46 God Is Our Strength 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-08-10-#691

Exploring the Meaning of Psalms 46 The book of Psalms, found in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, is a collection of timeless poetry and prayers that express a wide range of emotions, from joy and thanksgiving to sorrow and lament. Among its many gems, Psalm 46 stands out as a powerful testament to faith, resilience, and trust in the divine presence amidst life's challenges. This psalm, often regarded as a source of comfort and inspiration, carries a message that transcends time and culture, resonating with people from all walks of life. The Context of Psalm 46:Psalm 46 is attributed to the sons of Korah, a group of Levitical musicians and poets in ancient Israel who contributed to the worship in the temple. This particular psalm is believed to have been composed during a tumultuous period in Israel's history, likely referring to a time when the nation faced threats and instability. The psalmist's words capture a spirit of unwavering trust in God's protection and strength, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges."God Is Our Refuge and Strength":The opening lines of Psalm 46 set the tone for the entire composition: "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. " These words convey the idea that God is a steadfast source of refuge and support, available to those who seek solace and strength during difficult times. The imagery of God as a refuge brings to mind a safe haven, a place of security where one can find shelter from the storms of life."Though the Earth Gives Way":The psalmist goes on to vividly describe cataclysmic events: "though the earth gives way, and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. " These verses paint a picture of chaos and turmoil, symbolizing the upheavals and challenges that human beings inevitably face. Yet, even in the midst of this turmoil, the psalmist declares their unshakable faith in God's presence and power."Be Still and Know That I Am God":One of the most iconic verses in Psalm 46 is the phrase, "Be still, and know that I am God." This line encapsulates the heart of the psalm's message – a call to inner stillness and a reminder of God's sovereignty. Amidst the chaos of life, the psalmist encourages us to pause, to quiet our hearts, and to recognize the divine presence that holds everything together. It's an invitation to trust in God's providence and to find peace in the midst of uncertainty.The Global Impact of Psalm 46:Over the centuries, Psalm 46 has transcended its ancient origins and has resonated with countless individuals and communities across different cultures and religious traditions. Its themes of trust, resilience, and divine protection are universal, speaking to the human experience of grappling with adversity and seeking a higher source of strength. Conclusion: Psalms 46 serves as a timeless reminder that even in the face of life's challenges and uncertainties, faith and trust can provide an anchor for the soul. The psalmist's poetic words convey a deep understanding of human struggles and a profound confidence in the power of the divine. Whether in times of personal crisis or on a global scale, the message of Psalm 46 continues to offer solace and encouragement to those who turn to its pages. It's a testament to the enduring power of faith and the ability of ancient wisdom to guide and uplift us in our modern lives. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
8/10/202331 minutes, 25 seconds
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Luke 12 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 899 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/9/202316 minutes, 36 seconds
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Luke 12 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 899 - SendMe Radio

Understanding Luke Chapter 12: Lessons on Faith, Materialism, and PreparednessThe Gospel of Luke, one of the four canonical Gospels in the New Testament of the Bible, offers profound insights into the teachings of Jesus Christ. In Chapter 12 of Luke, Jesus addresses a multitude of topics, ranging from faith and materialism to preparedness and spiritual vigilance. Through a series of parables and teachings, the chapter imparts valuable lessons that are relevant even in today's fast-paced and materialistic world.Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21):In the opening verses of Luke 12, Jesus narrates the parable of the rich fool. A man who had an abundant harvest decided to tear down his existing barns and build larger ones to store his surplus crops, thinking that he could now relax and enjoy his life. However, God rebukes him, calling him a fool for placing his security in earthly possessions rather than in God.The parable illustrates the folly of prioritizing material wealth over spiritual richness and serves as a warning against the dangers of greed and avarice. Jesus reminds his audience that life is uncertain, and true fulfillment comes from seeking a relationship with God rather than amassing earthly treasures. Encouragement to Trust in God (Luke 12:22-34):Continuing his discourse, Jesus addresses the crowd's concerns about their daily needs and anxieties.He encourages them to trust in God's providence, pointing to the examples of how God takes care of the birds of the air and the lilies of the field. Jesus emphasizes that worry cannot add a single moment to one's life. Instead, he instructs his followers to seek God's kingdom above all else, promising that their needs will be met. This teaching underscores the importance of prioritizing spiritual values over material pursuits and serves as a call to live with faith and reliance on God's guidance.Call to Watchfulness and Readiness (Luke 12:35-48):In the latter part of Luke 12, Jesus emphasizes the need for his disciples to be watchful and ready for his return. He uses the imagery of servants waiting for their master's return from a wedding banquet to illustrate the importance of being prepared for the unexpected.This teaching encourages believers to live in a state of spiritual vigilance, as they do not know when the Lord will return. Whether in times of abundance or adversity, Jesus advises his followers to remain faithful and responsible stewards of their responsibilities, knowing that their actions will be held accountable in the end.Conclusion:Luke Chapter 12 provides a comprehensive guide to navigating life's challenges while maintaining a steadfast commitment to faith, humility, and spiritual readiness. Through the parables and teachings presented in this chapter, Jesus imparts timeless wisdom that is as relevant today as it was during his earthly ministry. The chapter addresses the perils of materialism and the importance of trusting in God's providence, as well as the necessity of living with an awareness of our spiritual responsibilities and accountability. As modern readers, we can draw inspiration from these teachings to cultivate a balanced approach to life that values both our spiritual journey and our relationships with others, all while keeping our hearts and minds attuned to the teachings of Christ.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/9/202319 minutes, 35 seconds
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Psalms 149 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 898 - SendMe Radio

The Significance of the Number 149: A Deeper ExplorationNumbers have long held significance in various cultures and societies, often carrying hidden meanings and symbolic representations. One such number, 149, might appear seemingly unremarkable at first glance, but beneath its surface lies a multitude of historical, cultural, and mathematical interpretations. In this article, we delve into the depth of the number 149, uncovering its significance and shedding light on its various contexts. Historical and Cultural SignificanceThe number 149 has a historical significance that reaches back centuries. One of the most notable events associated with this number is the discovery of Puerto Rico by Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the Americas in 1493.This marked a pivotal moment in history, leading to the eventual colonization and cultural fusion of the island. Additionally, the year 149 also saw the establishment of the prestigious University of Basle in Switzerland, adding to the historical narrative of human advancement and knowledge.Mathematical Interpretations From a mathematical perspective, 149 is a prime number, which means it is only divisible by 1 and itself. Prime numbers have fascinated mathematicians for centuries due to their unique properties and their foundational role in number theory.The number 149 stands as one of these distinct prime numbers, sparking curiosity and intrigue within the realm of mathematics.Symbolism and NumerologyNumerology, the study of the mystical and symbolic meanings of numbers, also finds its place in the interpretation of 149. When broken down, the digits 1, 4, and 9 each carry their own symbolic representations. The number 1 often signifies new beginnings, leadership, and individuality.The number 4 is associated with stability, building foundations, and practicality. Lastly, 9 represents completion, spiritual awareness, and humanitarianism. Together, the composite number 149 blends these qualities, suggesting a journey of new beginnings, stable growth, and eventual fulfillment.Angel Number InterpretationIn the realm of angel numbers, 149 is often seen as a message from the spiritual realm. Angel numbers are sequences of numbers that carry specific meanings and guidance. The appearance of 149 might be interpreted as a message from angels to maintain faith in the face of challenges.It could be a reminder to embrace positive change and trust in the process of growth and evolution.ConclusionWhile the number 149 may seem insignificant at first glance, its historical, mathematical, and symbolic interpretations reveal a depth that transcends its numerical value. From marking significant historical events to embodying mathematical uniqueness and carrying spiritual messages, 149 invites us to explore the interconnectedness of numbers and their impact on our lives. Whether through the lens of history, mathematics, or symbolism, the number 149 invites us to contemplate the hidden layers of meaning that numbers can hold.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/8/202328 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jeremiah 33 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 897 - SendMe Radio

Exploring Jeremiah 33: A Message of Restoration and HopeThe Book of Jeremiah, found in the Old Testament of the Bible, is replete with prophetic messages, warnings, and promises of both judgment and restoration. Chapter 33 of Jeremiah stands out as a poignant proclamation of God's unwavering faithfulness, His promise of restoration, and the ultimate fulfillment of His covenant with His people.Context and Background Jeremiah was a prophet called by God to deliver messages primarily to the people of Judah during a tumultuous time in their history.The nation was facing the consequences of their disobedience and unfaithfulness to God's laws. Jerusalem was under threat from the Babylonian empire, and the people were living through a period of uncertainty and fear.A Message of Hope in DesperationIn Jeremiah 33, the Lord speaks to the prophet while he is still confined in the court of the guard. The setting itself symbolizes the dire circumstances facing the people.In the midst of this adversity, God delivers a message that resonates with hope and promise.The chapter begins with God's affirmation of His power and might. He declares, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3, NIV). This verse encapsulates the essence of seeking God in times of trouble and His willingness to reveal profound truths to those who earnestly seek Him.Promise of Restoration.One of the central themes of Jeremiah 33 is restoration. God reassures His people that despite the impending destruction and exile, He will not abandon them. In verses 6-9, God promises to bring healing and restoration to the land, cities, and people of Judah. The once desolate and ravaged land will once again flourish, and the people will experience a renewal of joy and thanksgiving.The Branch of RighteousnessJeremiah 33:15 introduces a powerful Messianic prophecy, referring to the coming of the "Branch of righteousness." This term is often associated with the future arrival of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This prophecy highlights the eternal nature of God's covenant and His promise to establish a righteous and just ruler from the lineage of David. Reaffirmation of the CovenantThroughout Jeremiah 33, God emphasizes His unbreakable covenant with David and the Levites. He assures that just as the day and night are constant, so too is His commitment to His people. Despite their shortcomings, God promises to fulfill His covenant and restore them to a place of honor and significance.Conclusion Jeremiah 33 serves as a remarkable chapter in the book, encapsulating the essence of God's unending faithfulness and His desire for reconciliation with His people. It speaks of restoration in the midst of devastation, hope in the face of despair, and the promise of a righteous ruler who would bring salvation to the world. This chapter continues to resonate with believers today, reminding us of the enduring nature of God's promises and His redemptive plan for humanity. Just as God reassured the people of Judah through Jeremiah, He invites us to call upon Him, to seek His wisdom, and to trust in His unwavering love and grace.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/4/202329 minutes, 10 seconds
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1 Samuel 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 896 - SendMe Radio

Title: Exploring the Profound Themes of Faith and Leadership in 1 SamuelIntroduction:The book of 1 Samuel, nestled within the Old Testament of the Bible, is a rich and intricate narrative that delves into themes of faith, leadership, and the divine providence that shapes the course of history. This remarkable book offers readers a glimpse into the tumultuous period of Israel's transition from a loose confederation of tribes to a monarchy under the leadership of Saul and later David. As we delve into the narrative, we uncover profound meanings that continue to resonate with readers today.The Call for Leadership: The book of 1 Samuel opens with the heart-wrenching story of Hannah, a barren woman who fervently prays for a child. Her steadfast faith and earnest supplications are eventually rewarded with the birth of Samuel, whom she dedicates to the service of God. Samuel's life becomes a pivotal point in Israel's history, as he emerges as a prophet, priest, and judge, playing a crucial role in anointing the first two kings of Israel.This theme of divine calling and leadership is central throughout 1 Samuel. It underscores the idea that true leadership is not born out of political maneuvering or personal ambition, but rather from a deep commitment to serving the purposes of God and the welfare of His people.The Rejection of Godly Leadership: As the narrative unfolds, we witness the Israelites' desire for a king to lead them, mirroring the surrounding nations. Despite Samuel's warnings about the potential pitfalls of a human monarchy, the people's clamor leads to the anointing of Saul as king. However, Saul's reign becomes a cautionary tale of the dangers of leadership devoid of faith and obedience to God's commands.Saul's initial successes are marred by his impatience, disobedience, and insecurity.His tragic downfall serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of forsaking God's guidance and pursuing selfish ambitions. The narrative poignantly illustrates how a leader who lacks spiritual integrity can lead a nation astray, causing suffering and division.The Rise of David: Amidst Saul's failures, the figure of David emerges as a stark contrast. David's anointing as king comes not from political scheming, but from God's divine choice. His story exemplifies the qualities of a faithful leader: courage, humility, dependence on God, and an unwavering commitment to righteousness. Through his encounters with Goliath, his friendship with Jonathan, and his constant reliance on God, David embodies the essence of true leadership.However, David's journey is far from flawless. His infamous affair with Bathsheba and subsequent cover-up reveal the vulnerability of even the most revered leaders to moral weakness. Despite his shortcomings, David's genuine repentance and his enduring faith earn him the title of a "man after God's own heart."Lessons for Today: The book of 1 Samuel resonates with timeless lessons for contemporary readers. It reminds us that true leadership is not about power and prestige, but about faithfully stewarding the responsibilities entrusted to us, whether in the realms of family, community, or nation.It underscores the importance of humility, accountability, and the continual pursuit of righteousness.Furthermore, 1 Samuel invites us to reflect on the nature of faith. Hannah's unwavering trust in God's faithfulness, Samuel's willingness to hear and obey God's voice, and David's reliance on divine strength all serve as inspirations for cultivating a deep and authentic faith in our own lives.Conclusion: The book of 1 Samuel offers a captivating tapestry of narratives that explore the complexities of faith, leadership, and the human condition. Through the lives of its central characters, it portrays the consequences of both faithful and faithless leadership, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of the qualities that define true greatness. As we journey through the pages of 1 Samuel, we find a treasure trove of wisdom and insight that continues to illuminate our paths today.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/3/202324 minutes, 56 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidii Okorie Episode 894 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/2/20238 minutes, 5 seconds
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Galatians 5 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidii Okorie Episode 894 - SendMe Radio

Galatians 5: Embracing Spiritual Freedom and Living in LoveWithin the sacred scriptures of the Bible, the book of Galatians has long stood as a beacon of spiritual guidance and enlightenment for believers.Chapter 5 of Galatians, in particular, radiates with profound teachings on freedom, love, and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. This chapter encapsulates the essence of Christian living and presents a roadmap for cultivating a life rooted in faith, love, and liberty.Context and BackgroundThe Galatian churches were grappling with the influence of Judaizers, who advocated for adherence to Jewish laws and customs as a means of salvation.In response, the apostle Paul wrote this epistle to reaffirm the core tenets of Christianity: salvation is a gift of grace through faith in Christ, and believers are no longer bound by the legalistic demands of the Old Testament law.Freedom in ChristGalatians 5 opens with a resounding declaration of the freedom that believers have in Christ. Paul asserts that Christ's sacrifice on the cross has liberated believers from the burden of the law, freeing them to experience the fullness of God's grace.This liberation isn't a license for sinful behavior, but rather an opportunity to live a life guided by the Spirit and motivated by love.Walking by the SpiritCentral to Galatians 5 is the concept of walking by the Spirit. Paul contrasts the desires of the flesh with the fruit of the Spirit. The desires of the flesh, he explains, lead to sinful actions and attitudes, which are counter to the principles of Christian living. On the other hand, the fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control – are the characteristics that mark a life yielded to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.By submitting to the Holy Spirit and allowing His transformative work, believers can overcome the temptations of the flesh and cultivate virtues that reflect the nature of God.This aligns with the central message of the Gospel: Christ's work not only redeems humanity from sin but also empowers them to live righteous and holy lives.Love as the Fulfillment of the LawA key highlight of Galatians 5 is the emphasis on love as the fulfillment of the law. Paul underscores that all the commandments are summed up in the command to love one's neighbor as oneself. When believers walk by the Spirit, they naturally exhibit love in their interactions, relationships, and choices.This echoes Jesus' teachings, where He emphasized that love is the distinguishing mark of His followers.Crucifying the FleshPaul encourages believers to crucify the desires of the flesh and to live in harmony with the Spirit. This requires a conscious decision to renounce selfish desires and sinful behaviors. Through this crucifixion of the flesh, believers can fully embrace the freedom they have in Christ and allow the Spirit to guide their lives.Cultivating Freedom and LoveIn Galatians 5, Paul provides a blueprint for a life of spiritual freedom and love. By walking by the Spirit, believers can bear the fruit of godly virtues and demonstrate Christ-like character.The chapter calls for an active engagement with the transformative work of the Holy Spirit, which enables believers to rise above the trappings of the flesh and experience the abundant life Christ promised.ConclusionGalatians 5 resonates with the eternal truth that Christianity is not a set of rigid rules but a transformative relationship with Christ. It emphasizes that true freedom is found in surrender to the Spirit and that genuine Christian living is marked by love – for God, for oneself, and for others. As believers, we are invited to embrace the liberty Christ secured for us, to nurture the fruit of the Spirit, and to manifest love in all our actions. Galatians 5 stands as a radiant reminder that the life of a Christian is a life of freedom and love.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
8/2/202320 minutes, 23 seconds
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Psalms 119 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 894 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 119: Unraveling the Profound Meaning of the Longest Psalm in the BibleIntroductionPsalm 119 stands as a magnificent and unique chapter in the Book of Psalms, occupying the prime position as the longest psalm in the Bible. Comprised of 176 verses, this psalm is a poetic masterpiece that celebrates the profound significance of God's Word in the life of a believer. With each verse meticulously crafted, Psalm 119 captures the devotion, love, and reverence for divine teachings, making it a timeless expression of spiritual connection and guidance. Structure and Acrostic Pattern Psalm 119 follows an acrostic structure, with each section of eight verses beginning with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet, totaling 22 letters. This poetic arrangement showcases the psalmist's dedication to God's Word, as it spans from Aleph to Tav (the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet), symbolizing completeness and inclusiveness.The Supremacy of God's WordAt its core, Psalm 119 extols the supreme value of God's Word, using various synonymous expressions to describe it, such as "law," "statutes," "precepts," "commands," "testimonies," and "ways." The psalmist rejoices in the divine revelation, recognizing it as a guide for righteous living, wisdom, and understanding.The Delight of ObedienceThroughout the psalm, the theme of delight in obedience emerges repeatedly. The psalmist conveys that adhering to God's commands is not a burden but a joy. In verse 16, the psalmist declares, "I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word." This sentiment is reiterated in verse 47, where the psalmist expresses, "I find my delight in your commandments, which I love."Seeking God WholeheartedlyPsalm 119 emphasizes the act of seeking God with a whole heart. The psalmist understands that wholehearted devotion and submission to God's Word lead to a blessed and purposeful life. This idea is evident in verse 2, which proclaims, "Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart."Meditating on God's WordThe psalmist frequently reflects on the practice of meditation, urging readers to meditate on God's precepts day and night. This consistent meditation fosters spiritual growth, strength, and resilience. As stated in verse 15, "I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways."The Word as a Lamp and GuideComparing God's Word to a lamp, the psalmist illustrates how divine teachings illuminate the path of life, preventing one from stumbling and straying. The psalmist confidently proclaims in verse 105, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."The Word's Effect on CharacterPsalm 119 acknowledges the transformative power of God's Word on the character and behavior of an individual. By adhering to divine principles, one's actions and attitudes are shaped to align with God's will. The psalmist prays in verse 133, "Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me."ConclusionIn conclusion, Psalm 119 serves as an awe-inspiring tribute to the immeasurable worth of God's Word in the life of a devout believer. Its acrostic structure, poetic beauty, and thematic richness make it a remarkable piece of literature that continues to resonate with readers across generations. Through this psalm, the reader gains insight into the psalmist's deep love and reverence for God's commands, as well as the recognition of the Word's life-transforming power. Psalm 119 challenges us to embrace the Word with the same fervor and dedication, finding delight in obedience, seeking God with a whole heart, and allowing divine teachings to shape our character. It invites us to immerse ourselves in meditation on God's precepts, walking in the light of His guidance. Ultimately, this remarkable psalm serves as a timeless reminder of the eternal significance of God's Word in the life of those who seek His wisdom and understanding.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
7/29/202328 minutes, 38 seconds
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Psalms 119 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 893 - SendMe Radio

Title: Exploring the Profound Meaning of Psalms 119Psalms 119 is the longest chapter in the Book of Psalms, consisting of 176 verses. Known for its poetic beauty, spiritual depth, and profound wisdom, this psalm holds a special place in religious and literary history. Ascribed to King David, though its authorship remains uncertain, Psalms 119 is an acrostic poem where each stanza begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Beyond its literary structure, this psalm delves into the essence of the divine Word and its transformative power in the lives of believers.Let's explore the meaning of Psalms 119 and the timeless lessons it imparts.The Magnificence of God's WordPsalms 119 extols the magnificence of God's Word, emphasizing its central role in guiding, shaping, and enriching the life of the devout. The psalmist uses various terms such as "law," "testimonies," "precepts," "commandments," "statutes," and "word" to refer to the divine guidance. Each term underscores a unique aspect of God's instructions and reveals the multi-faceted nature of His wisdom.The psalmist passionately declares his love and devotion to God's Word, expressing a deep desire to walk in the path of righteousness and live a life of obedience. Through these verses, the psalmist emphasizes that God's Word is not just a set of rules to be followed but a divine revelation that leads to a life of spiritual abundance, joy, and freedom.The Journey of TransformationAt its core, Psalms 119 narrates the journey of transformation that takes place in the heart of those who earnestly seek and meditate on God's Word.The psalmist recognizes that by immersing oneself in divine guidance, one finds protection from sin, strength to overcome temptation, and wisdom to discern the right path in life. As the Word of God takes root in the believer's heart, it becomes a lamp to illuminate the darkness of ignorance and confusion, leading them to make wise decisions in their daily lives.The psalmist speaks of the transformative power of God's Word in refining and purifying the soul.It is likened to a refining fire that cleanses and purges away impurities, preparing the believer to stand blameless before God. This process of transformation leads to a deep reverence for God's statutes and a heartfelt commitment to keeping His commandments.Endurance in AdversityPsalms 119 also touches on the theme of endurance during times of adversity. The psalmist acknowledges that following God's Word does not guarantee a life free from troubles, but it offers steadfastness and hope in the face of challenges. The Word of God becomes a source of comfort and solace, reminding believers of God's unfailing love and faithfulness.In the midst of trials and afflictions, the psalmist finds refuge in God's promises, trusting that they will be upheld and sustained. This unwavering faith in God's Word serves as an anchor during life's storms, guiding the believer through difficult times and ensuring they remain rooted in their relationship with the DivineConclusion Psalms 119 stands as a timeless testament to the power and significance of God's Word in the life of a believer. It is a celebration of the transformative journey undertaken by those who seek to align their lives with divine guidance. The psalmist's devotion to the Word of God demonstrates an unwavering commitment to righteousness, wisdom, and enduring faith.Through Psalms 119, readers are encouraged to embrace the Word of God as a precious gift, a divine revelation that illuminates the path of life. By cherishing and meditating on God's Word, believers are empowered to lead lives of obedience, wisdom, and resilience, finding solace in the midst of adversity and hope in the promises of the Almighty. In essence, Psalms 119 reminds us that God's Word is a boundless source of wisdom, guidance, and transformation for those who seek it with a sincere heart.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
7/25/202327 minutes, 8 seconds
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7/24/20232 minutes, 39 seconds
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Psalms 112 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 891 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 112, a beautiful passage in the Book of Psalms, is often referred to as a companion Psalm to Psalms 111.Like its predecessor, it focuses on the attributes and blessings of the righteous. This psalm serves as an uplifting guide for believers, encouraging them to lead lives of righteousness, compassion, and trust in God's providence. Let us delve into the meaning and significance of Psalms 112, and explore the timeless lessons it offers.A Call to RighteousnessThe psalm opens with a call to praise and reverence for the Lord. It highlights the importance of delighting in God's commands and finding joy in obeying them. This foundation sets the tone for the remainder of the psalm, emphasizing the significance of righteousness in a believer's life.Blessings of the RighteousThe subsequent verses elaborate on the blessings that come upon those who fear and follow the Lord. The psalmist assures the righteous that their descendants will be mighty, and their generations will experience God's goodness.This suggests that righteous living has far-reaching effects, benefiting not only the individual but also their family and future generations. Furthermore, the psalmist portrays the righteous as compassionate and generous. They are known for their kindness and willingness to help those in need. Their acts of charity and compassion reflect the very nature of God, who is merciful and caring towards all. Steadfast Trust in God Psalms 112 underlines the unwavering trust the righteous place in God. In times of darkness and adversity, they do not succumb to fear or anxiety. Instead, they place their confidence in the Lord, knowing that He will uphold them and provide for their needs.This trust in God's faithfulness is rewarded with unwavering stability and a sense of peace, even in the face of uncertainty.Triumph Over AdversityThe psalm goes on to state that the righteous will not be shaken by bad news, as their hearts are firmly established in God's promises. Such an assurance is a powerful testimony to the strength of their faith. It does not imply that the righteous will never encounter challenges or difficulties, but rather that their faith empowers them to rise above adversity with hope and resilience.An Enduring LegacyPsalms 112 concludes by reiterating the impact of righteous living.The righteous are remembered forever, and their righteousness endures. This suggests that the influence of a life lived in obedience to God extends far beyond one's earthly existence. It leaves a lasting legacy that continues to inspire and bless others long after they have departed from this world.ConclusionPsalms 112 is a profound expression of the benefits and blessings of righteous living. It reminds us of the importance of fearing and obeying the Lord, of being compassionate and generous to others, and of trusting in God's unwavering faithfulness. This psalm serves as a timeless guide, offering hope and encouragement to believers as they navigate the complexities of life.As we reflect on the message of Psalms 112, may it inspire us to cultivate lives of righteousness, compassion, and trust in God's providence. Let us remember that by living in accordance with God's principles, we not only experience personal blessings but also contribute to a legacy of goodness and inspiration that can impact generations to come.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
7/24/202334 minutes, 4 seconds
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Matthew 16 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 890 - SendMe Radio

Title: Matthew 16: A Profound Passage Unveiling the Essence of Faith and IdentityIntroduction: Matthew 16 is a pivotal chapter in the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus engages in profound discussions with His disciples, shedding light on essential aspects of faith and identity. In this chapter, we witness the unfolding of critical events, including Peter's confession, the revelation of Jesus as the Christ, and the call to take up one's cross and follow Him.Through these teachings, Jesus imparts timeless lessons that remain relevant and transformative for believers today. Peter's Confession and the Revelation of Christ:The chapter commences with Jesus asking His disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" (Matthew 16:13, ESV). The disciples respond with various opinions from the public. However, Jesus redirects the question to them, emphasizing their personal understanding. Peter steps forward and declares, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:16, ESV).Jesus's response to Peter's confession carries immense significance. He affirms that this insight came not from human wisdom but through divine revelation, saying, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 16:17, ESV).This exchange underscores the essence of faith – acknowledging Jesus as the Christ, the divine Son of God, based on the revelation given by God Himself. It establishes the foundation of Christianity, emphasizing the importance of a personal relationship with Christ and the acceptance of His true identity.The Promise to Build His Church:Following Peter's confession, Jesus bestows a promise upon him, saying, "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18, ESV).The interpretation of this verse has been a subject of debate among scholars and theologians. Some understand "this rock" to refer to Peter himself, emphasizing his role as a foundational figure in the early church. Others interpret "this rock" as the confession Peter made, symbolizing the bedrock of faith in Jesus as the Christ.Regardless of the interpretation, the central message remains constant – Jesus is the cornerstone of the Church, and its foundation is firmly grounded in the acknowledgment of His identity as the Messiah.The promise of the church prevailing against all adversities reaffirms the enduring power and strength of the body of Christ.The Call to Deny Oneself and Take Up the Cross:In the latter part of Matthew 16, Jesus imparts a crucial lesson about discipleship – the call to deny oneself, take up one's cross, and follow Him. He says, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me" (Matthew 16:24, ESV).This powerful statement challenges believers to prioritize their devotion to Christ above all else.It requires surrendering personal desires, ambitions, and comforts for the sake of following Jesus wholeheartedly. Taking up one's cross symbolizes embracing the challenges, sufferings, and sacrifices that come with being a disciple of Christ.Conclusion:Matthew 16 stands as a profound chapter in the Gospel, encapsulating essential elements of faith, identity, and discipleship. It emphasizes the significance of a personal revelation of Jesus Christ, the foundational truth upon which the Church stands.Moreover, it challenges believers to deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow Jesus faithfully.As modern-day followers of Christ, we can draw inspiration from this chapter, seeking a deeper understanding of Jesus's identity, committing to live out our faith, and embracing the call to discipleship with unwavering dedication. May we continually strive to be transformed by the teachings of Matthew 16, allowing them to shape our lives and draw us closer to the heart of our Savior, Jesus Christ.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories.Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
7/22/202327 minutes, 42 seconds
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1 John 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 889 - SendMe Radio

Understanding the Meaning of 1st John: Love, Light, and Abiding in GodThe First Epistle of John, often referred to as 1st John, is a significant book found in the New Testament of the Bible. This short yet profound letter carries profound insights into the Christian faith, emphasizing themes of love, light, and abiding in God. Written by the apostle John, it is believed to have been penned around 85-95 AD. Let us delve into the rich and timeless meaning of 1st John and its relevance to our lives today.Love as the Core of Christian Faith:One of the central themes of 1st John is love. The epistle repeatedly emphasizes the importance of loving one another as a mark of true discipleship. In 1 John 4:7-8, it states, "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God because God is love."The message is clear: genuine love is the very essence of God's nature, and by showing love to others, we reflect His character. This love is not merely an emotional sentiment but is an active and selfless commitment to the well-being of others. Through love, we build strong and meaningful relationships with fellow believers and extend the message of God's love to the world.Walking in the Light:1st John also emphasizes the concept of "walking in the light." In this context, light represents truth, righteousness, and purity. Walking in the light means living a life characterized by moral integrity, honesty, and obedience to God's commandments.In 1 John 1:5-7, John writes, "This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him, is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin."By walking in the light, believers embrace transparency and acknowledge their imperfections before God. It is a call to honesty and humility, acknowledging our need for God's forgiveness and grace.Abiding in God and His Word:Another key theme in 1st John is the call to abide in God and His Word. Abiding refers to an intimate, continuous, and unwavering connection with God through Jesus Christ. By abiding in God, believers experience a deep relationship with Him, marked by trust, dependence, and obedience.1 John 2:6 emphasizes this idea: "Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked." This encourages believers to model their lives after Jesus, who is the perfect example of how to live in complete dependence on the Father.Additionally, John highlights the significance of God's Word in the life of a believer. The Scriptures are a source of guidance, wisdom, and truth. In 1 John 2:14b, John addresses the believers, saying, "I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one."Conclusion:1st John is a profound letter that encapsulates the core principles of the Christian faith: love, light, and abiding in God. It calls believers to embrace love as the defining characteristic of their lives, to walk in the light of truth and righteousness, and to maintain a deep and continuous relationship with God through Christ and His Word.The themes in 1st John remain as relevant today as they were in the time of its writing. By internalizing the teachings of this epistle and applying them to our lives, we can experience a transformative journey of faith, growing closer to God and reflecting His love to a world in need.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
7/20/202329 minutes, 22 seconds
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Romans 1 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 888 - SendMe Radio

Title: Romans 1: Understanding the Profound MessageIntroduction:The Bible, a sacred text cherished by millions around the world, contains a multitude of verses that offer profound insights and spiritual guidance. Among them, Romans 1 stands as a crucial chapter in the New Testament. Penned by the apostle Paul, this chapter delves into significant theological themes, offering valuable lessons for believers. Let us explore Romans 1 and unravel its meaning.Context and Background:Before diving into the specifics of Romans 1, it is essential to understand the historical and literary context in which it was written. Paul, an influential figure in early Christianity, wrote the Epistle to the Romans during his third missionary journey, around AD 57-58. The letter was addressed to the Christian community in Rome, which comprised both Jewish and Gentile believers.Meaning and Themes:Romans 1 primarily focuses on highlighting humanity's need for God's salvation and righteousness. It addresses the sinful condition of humanity and God's just response to it. The chapter unfolds with a comprehensive understanding of the Gospel message, as Paul delves into the consequences of rejecting God and the transformative power of faith.Recognition of God's Existence and Rejection:Paul begins by asserting that God's existence and divine attributes are evident in His creation, leaving humanity without excuse for denying His existence (Romans 1:20). However, he points out that many have suppressed this knowledge and turned to idolatry, exchanging the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal creatures (Romans 1:23). This rejection of the truth led to spiritual darkness and moral decay.Consequences of Sin:Romans 1 emphasizes the devastating consequences of human sinfulness. Paul vividly describes the downward spiral caused by rejecting God's truth. He illustrates how people, despite knowing the right path, indulged in various sinful acts, leading to a degraded state of mind and heart (Romans 1:21-32). This passage serves as a reminder of the destructive power of sin and its potential to distance individuals from God.God's Wrath and Justice:Paul emphasizes that God's response to human sinfulness is not indifference but wrath. He states that God's righteous anger is directed towards those who suppress the truth and engage in wickedness (Romans 1:18). This highlights God's moral character and His commitment to upholding justice. However, it is crucial to note that God's wrath is not arbitrary or without purpose; it aims to lead humanity towards repentance and redemption.The Power of the Gospel:Within the context of humanity's fallen state and God's righteous wrath, Paul introduces the transformative power of the Gospel. He asserts that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16). Through faith in Jesus Christ, believers receive forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, and the gift of righteousness. The Gospel provides hope for humanity's restoration and salvation.Conclusion:Romans 1 holds significant theological weight, addressing humanity's fallen condition, God's righteous wrath, and the redemptive power of the Gospel. It serves as a profound reminder of the importance of recognizing God's existence and surrendering to His truth. Paul's words in Romans 1 invite believers to reflect on their own lives, examine the consequences of sin, and embrace the transformative power of the Gospel message. Ultimately, Romans 1 calls us to seek God, repent of our sins, and live in the light of His truth and righteousnessSendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
7/17/202330 minutes, 43 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 887 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
7/14/202315 minutes, 43 seconds
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Philippians 1 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 886 - SendMe Radio

Title: The Book of Philippians 1: A Testament to Joy and ResilienceIntroduction:The Book of Philippians, located in the New Testament of the Bible, is a letter written by the apostle Paul to the Christian community in Philippi.This epistle is a remarkable piece of literature that explores profound themes of joy, resilience, and unwavering faith in the face of adversity. In Philippians 1, Paul expresses his heartfelt gratitude, reveals his perspective on suffering, and shares his unwavering commitment to the Gospel. Let us delve deeper into this chapter and uncover its significance for believers both in the past and present.Gratitude and Partnership:Paul begins his letter to the Philippians with expressions of thanksgiving and joy. He commends the Philippians for their partnership in spreading the Gospel from the very first day of their conversion. Despite Paul being imprisoned at the time of writing, he demonstrates his deep gratitude and affection for the Philippians. This reveals an important lesson about the power of genuine relationships and the impact of Christian fellowship in supporting one another in the faith.Suffering and Advancement of the Gospel:Throughout the chapter, Paul sheds light on his own personal suffering, emphasizing that his imprisonment has served to advance the cause of Christ rather than hinder it. He demonstrates a remarkable perspective on suffering, as he understands that God can work through even the most challenging circumstances for His greater purpose. Paul's unwavering commitment to the Gospel allows him to view his own suffering as an opportunity for the Gospel to be proclaimed boldly, both to those inside the prison walls and to the guards themselves.Resilience and the Joy of Christ:The theme of joy is prevalent in Philippians 1. Despite his adverse circumstances, Paul proclaims that he has found contentment and rejoices in the knowledge that Christ is being preached, whether from genuine motives or with impure intentions.This resilience in the face of adversity serves as an inspiring example to believers, teaching them to find joy and peace in the midst of trials. Paul's unwavering faith in Christ enables him to rise above his circumstances and to focus on the eternal perspective, rather than being consumed by temporary hardships.Unity and Humility: In Philippians 1, Paul urges the Philippians to stand firm in unity and to have a humble mindset. He encourages them to consider others as more important than themselves and to look out for the interests of others.This message is a reminder of the importance of humility and selflessness within the Christian community. Paul emphasizes that unity and cooperation are essential for a vibrant and effective witness of the Gospel.Conclusion:The Book of Philippians 1 provides believers with invaluable lessons on the importance of gratitude, resilience, and unwavering faith in Christ. Paul's personal experiences and unwavering commitment to the Gospel serve as an inspiration to Christians facing their own trials and tribulations. The themes of joy, suffering, and unity resonate strongly within this chapter, urging believers to find contentment in Christ, regardless of their circumstances. As we reflect on Philippians 1, may we be encouraged to cultivate a spirit of joy, resilience, and unwavering faith, knowing that our sufferings can be transformed into opportunities for the advancement of the Gospel and the glory of God.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories.Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
7/10/202331 minutes, 33 seconds
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Psalms 138 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 885 - SendMe Radio

Title: Psalms 138: A Song of Gratitude and TrustIntroduction: The Book of Psalms, a collection of poetic prayers and songs, encompasses the full range of human emotions and experiences. Among its profound verses, Psalms 138 stands as a beautiful expression of gratitude, trust, and praise. In this article, we delve into the meaning and significance of Psalms 138, exploring its themes of thanksgiving, divine faithfulness, and the steadfast love of God.Gratitude and Worship: Psalms 138 opens with a heartfelt declaration of praise and thanksgiving. The psalmist proclaims, "I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods, I sing your praise" (Psalms 138:1). This powerful opening sets the tone for the entire psalm, emphasizing the psalmist's deep gratitude towards God. It serves as a reminder to us all of the importance of expressing sincere appreciation to the Creator who sustains us and blesses us abundantly.God's Faithfulness and Answered Prayer: Within Psalms 138, the psalmist reflects on the faithfulness of God. He declares, "On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased" (Psalms 138:3). Here, we witness the psalmist's conviction that God hears and responds to the cries of His people. This verse provides assurance and encouragement, reminding us that we serve a God who is attentive to our prayers and actively involved in our lives.The Exaltation of God's Name: Another prominent theme in Psalms 138 is the exaltation of God's name. The psalmist affirms, "For great is the glory of the Lord" (Psalms 138:5). This verse highlights the psalmist's recognition of God's supreme majesty and authority. It serves as a reminder for us to acknowledge and honor God's greatness, both in our private worship and within our communities. The exaltation of God's name brings glory to Him and deepens our own spiritual connection with Him.The Steadfast Love of God: Throughout Psalms 138, the psalmist celebrates the steadfast love of God. He acknowledges, "The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever" (Psalms 138:8). This verse reveals the psalmist's confidence in God's unwavering love and His commitment to fulfill His divine purposes in the lives of His people. It serves as a source of hope and reassurance, reminding us that God's love is enduring and His plans for us are rooted in His perfect wisdom and goodness.Conclusion: Psalms 138 is a song of profound gratitude, trust, and praise. It invites us to cultivate a heart of thankfulness, recognizing God's faithfulness, and the answered prayers in our lives. Through this psalm, we are reminded to exalt the name of the Lord and acknowledge His glorious attributes. Moreover, we find solace in the knowledge that God's steadfast love endures forever, providing us with strength and confidence as we navigate life's challenges. Psalms 138 encourages us to approach our Creator with wholehearted worship, trusting in His unfailing love and finding comfort in His divine presence.
7/8/202329 minutes, 52 seconds
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Nahum 1 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 884 - SendMe Radio

Title: Unveiling the Profound Message of Nahum Chapter 1Introduction: The Book of Nahum, nestled in the Old Testament, stands as a testament to the timeless wisdom and divine revelation present in the sacred scriptures. Among its three short chapters, Nahum Chapter 1 is a powerful proclamation of God's justice, sovereignty, and protection. Through vivid imagery and poetic language, this chapter unveils profound insights into the nature of God and His relationship with humanity. In this article, we delve into the meaning and significance of Nahum Chapter 1, exploring its themes and shedding light on its enduring lessons.God's Wrath and Vengeance: Nahum Chapter 1 opens with a powerful depiction of God's wrath against the wicked. The prophet declares that "The Lord is a jealous and avenging God" (Nahum 1:2). Here, jealousy signifies God's passionate commitment to protect His people and uphold justice. The chapter vividly portrays the Lord as a mighty force whose anger burns against those who oppose His righteousness. Nahum describes God's vengeance against Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, which had oppressed Israel. This serves as a reminder that God will not let evil go unpunished, affirming His commitment to justice and the deliverance of His faithful followers.The Strength and Refuge of God: Amidst the impending destruction of Nineveh, Nahum reassures the righteous that God is their fortress and refuge. He states, "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him" (Nahum 1:7). Here, we witness the compassionate nature of God, who provides solace and protection for those who trust in Him. This message extends beyond the ancient context and serves as a timeless reminder that believers can find strength and safety in God, even amidst the storms of life.The Overwhelming Power of God: Nahum Chapter 1 paints a vivid picture of the overwhelming might of God. The prophet describes the Lord's power over nature, stating, "The mountains quake before him, and the hills melt" (Nahum 1:5). This imagery emphasizes the insignificance of human strength and the supremacy of God's authority. Nahum's message inspires humility and awe, reminding readers that even the mightiest empires and individuals pale in comparison to the omnipotent Creator.God's Compassion and Restoration: While Nahum vividly portrays God's wrath and judgment, he also highlights God's compassion and restoration. The prophet declares, "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he cares for those who trust in him" (Nahum 1:7). Despite the destruction of Nineveh, God's mercy extends to those who seek Him. This theme echoes throughout the Bible, emphasizing the consistent message of divine compassion and the possibility of redemption for those who turn to God with repentant hearts.Conclusion: Nahum Chapter 1 serves as a profound testament to the nature of God and His relationship with humanity. It unveils a multifaceted portrayal of a just and compassionate God, who executes judgment against the wicked while offering refuge and restoration to the righteous. The chapter's imagery, poetic language, and timeless messages resonate with readers across generations, reminding us of the enduring power and love of our Creator. Through Nahum's words, we are called to recognize the overwhelming might of God, find solace in His protection, and humbly seek His compassionate grace.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
7/7/202324 minutes, 52 seconds
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Proverbs 14 The Fear Of The Lord 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 883 - SendMe Radio

Proverbs 14 is a chapter in the biblical Book of Proverbs, known for its timeless wisdom and practical guidance.This chapter delves into various aspects of human behavior, relationships, and the consequences of our choices. It offers valuable insights into the importance of wisdom, integrity, and discernment in navigating life's challenges. Let us explore some key verses from Proverbs 14 and their meanings.Verse 12: "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it leads to death."This verse highlights the deceptive nature of human judgment and the need for discernment. It cautions against blindly following one's own understanding or the popular opinions of others. Sometimes, the choices we make might seem right at first glance, but if they are contrary to God's wisdom and moral principles, they can ultimately lead to negative consequences and spiritual death. Therefore, it emphasizes the importance of seeking God's guidance and aligning our actions with His truth.Verse 21: "Whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner, but blessed is he who is generous to the poor."This verse emphasizes the significance of treating others with kindness, respect, and compassion. It condemns the attitude of despising or looking down upon our neighbors, as it is considered a sinful behavior. Conversely, the verse encourages generosity towards the poor, highlighting the blessedness that comes from caring for those in need. It reminds us of the importance of cultivating a heart of love and empathy, reaching out to help others rather than turning a blind eye to their struggles.Verse 29: "Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly."Patience is extolled in this verse as a virtue that leads to greater understanding and wisdom. It emphasizes the importance of self-control and restraint, especially in moments of provocation or frustration. By cultivating patience, we gain the ability to perceive situations with clarity and make well-considered decisions. On the other hand, a quick-tempered person is portrayed as lacking wisdom, as their impulsive reactions often lead to foolish actions and undesirable consequences.Verse 30: "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."This verse emphasizes the vital connection between inner peace and overall well-being. A heart at peace, free from envy and bitterness, contributes to a healthy and vibrant life. In contrast, envy is likened to a destructive force that eats away at one's inner being. It highlights the toxic nature of jealousy and the detrimental impact it can have on our emotional and spiritual health. It serves as a reminder to cultivate contentment and gratitude, focusing on our own blessings rather than comparing ourselves to others.Conclusion: Proverbs 14 offers timeless wisdom that speaks directly to the choices we make and the consequences they bring. It urges us to seek divine guidance and discernment, cautioning against the allure of seemingly right paths that can lead to spiritual death. The chapter emphasizes the importance of treating others with kindness and generosity, cultivating patience and self-control, and fostering inner peace by avoiding envy and jealousy. By incorporating these principles into our lives, we can navigate the complexities of life with greater wisdom and experience the blessings that come from walking in alignment with God's truth.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
7/3/202330 minutes, 31 seconds
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Zachariah 14 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 882 - SendMe Radio

Title: Unveiling the Profound Meaning of Zechariah 14Introduction: The book of Zechariah is a rich and enigmatic collection of prophecies that offer profound insights into the future and the divine plan.Within this prophetic book, Zechariah 14 stands as a chapter of intense imagery and eschatological significance. It paints a vivid picture of the final days and the ultimate establishment of God's kingdom. In this article, we explore the deep meaning and symbolism within Zechariah 14.The Coming Day of the Lord:Zechariah 14 begins by describing a future event known as the "day of the Lord." This term refers to a time of divine intervention and judgment when God's authority will be fully realized on Earth. The chapter portrays this day as one of unparalleled significance, characterized by tumultuous events, including the gathering of nations against Jerusalem.It signifies the culmination of God's redemptive plan and the establishment of His eternal kingdom.The Restoration of Jerusalem:A central theme of Zechariah 14 is the restoration of Jerusalem. The chapter envisions a time when the city will be transformed, with its inhabitants enjoying safety and prosperity. It describes Jerusalem as a place that will no longer experience destruction or desolation, but rather as a holy city where God's presence will dwell.This vision of restoration reflects the divine promise of redemption and serves as a reminder that God's plan includes the renewal of His chosen people and their dwelling place.Divine Intervention and Victory:Zechariah 14 depicts the final battle between the forces of evil and the power of God. It describes a climactic moment when the Lord Himself will intervene on behalf of His people, fighting against their enemies and bringing about a decisive victory.The imagery used, such as the splitting of the Mount of Olives and the establishment of a new valley, conveys the magnitude and transformative power of God's intervention. It serves as a reminder that, ultimately, God will triumph over all opposing forces and establish His reign of justice and peace.The Universal Worship of God:Another notable aspect of Zechariah 14 is its portrayal of the universal worship of God.The chapter envisions a time when all nations will gather in Jerusalem to worship and honor the Lord. It emphasizes that true worship will transcend geographical and cultural boundaries, uniting people from every corner of the Earth in the recognition of God's authority and glory. This image reflects the ultimate fulfillment of God's redemptive plan, where His reign will be acknowledged and celebrated by all.Living Waters and Healing:Zechariah 14 concludes with a description of living waters flowing from Jerusalem, bringing healing and life to the surrounding regions. This metaphorical image symbolizes the spiritual restoration and rejuvenation that will accompany the establishment of God's kingdom.It represents the transformative power of God's grace and the healing of the brokenness and wounds of the world. The flowing waters signify the abundance of God's blessings and the everlasting renewal that will flow from His presence.Conclusion: Zechariah 14 offers a glimpse into the future, portraying the day of the Lord and the establishment of God's kingdom on Earth. It emphasizes the restoration of Jerusalem, the divine intervention and victory, the universal worship of God, and the healing power of His grace. The chapter serves as a reminder of God's sovereignty, faithfulness, and ultimate plan for redemption. As we explore the profound meaning within Zechariah 14, may we find hope and assurance in the fulfillment of God's promises and the ultimate triumph of His kingdom.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/30/202321 minutes, 40 seconds
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Leviticus 19 - (Cont'd) A Call To Holiness and Love 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 881 - SendMe Radio

Title: Leviticus 19: A Call to Holiness and LoveIntroduction: Leviticus 19 presents a profound chapter within the Old Testament, offering a comprehensive guide for righteous living and ethical conduct. Positioned amidst the legal code of the Mosaic Law, this chapter encapsulates essential principles that continue to resonate with believers today. Let us explore the rich meaning behind Leviticus 19 and its relevance for shaping our lives with holiness, love, and justice.The Pursuit of Holiness: Leviticus 19 opens with a divine commandment: "Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy" (Leviticus 19:2). The call to holiness establishes a central theme throughout the chapter, urging the Israelites to reflect the character of God in their daily lives. It emphasizes the importance of moral purity, integrity, and reverence for God.Ethical Conduct and Social Responsibility: The subsequent verses of Leviticus 19 provide a comprehensive guide to ethical conduct, addressing a wide range of areas, including relationships, business practices, justice, and personal integrity. The chapter serves as a moral compass, guiding believers in their interactions with God and fellow human beings.Honoring Parents and Observing the Sabbath: Leviticus 19:3 highlights the importance of honoring one's parents, emphasizing the value of familial relationships and obedience. Additionally, it reminds believers of the significance of observing the Sabbath—a day of rest and worship—to honor God's commandments and find spiritual renewal.Care for the Vulnerable: Leviticus 19:9-10 underscores the importance of compassion and justice by instructing farmers to leave the edges of their fields and the gleanings for the poor and the foreigner. This demonstrates the biblical principle of caring for the vulnerable and exemplifies the concept of "loving your neighbor as yourself."Ethical Business Practices: Verses 11-13 stress the importance of honesty and integrity in business transactions. The passage prohibits stealing, lying, and deceiving others. Instead, it encourages just and fair dealings that reflect the righteousness of God.Loving Others: Leviticus 19:18 famously encapsulates the essence of the chapter, stating, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." This commandment emphasizes the importance of selfless love, kindness, and respect towards others, regardless of their social status, ethnicity, or personal beliefs.Justice and Impartiality: Leviticus 19:15 warns against showing partiality or perverting justice. It demands that the Israelites treat both the poor and the rich with fairness and impartiality, thereby reflecting the character of God, who is just and merciful.Sexual Morality: Leviticus 19:29 and subsequent verses address issues of sexual morality, including the prohibition of prostitution and incestuous relationships. These guidelines remind believers of the importance of purity and sexual integrity within the framework of God's design for human relationships.Relevance for Today: While the Mosaic Law was given to the ancient Israelites, Leviticus 19 continues to hold relevance and significance for believers today. Though some specific instructions may not directly apply to the New Testament era, the underlying principles of holiness, love, justice, and ethical conduct remain timeless.Leviticus 19 lays the groundwork for Jesus' teachings on love, encapsulated in the commandments to love God and love one's neighbor. It serves as a reminder that the call to holiness extends beyond ritualistic practices and encompasses all aspects of life.Conclusion: Leviticus 19 presents a profound and comprehensive guide for righteous living, emphasizing holiness, love, justice, and ethical conduct. As believers, we are called to embody these principles in our interactions with God and fellow human beings. By embracing the teachings of Leviticus 19, we can pursue lives characterized by a genuine reverence for God, selfless love, and a commitment to justice, thereby reflecting the transformative power of God's Word in our daily lives.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/26/202310 minutes, 51 seconds
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Leviticus 19 - A Call to Holiness and Love 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 880 - SendMe Radio

Title: Leviticus 19: A Call to Holiness and LoveIntroduction: Leviticus 19 presents a profound chapter within the Old Testament, offering a comprehensive guide for righteous living and ethical conduct. Positioned amidst the legal code of the Mosaic Law, this chapter encapsulates essential principles that continue to resonate with believers today. Let us explore the rich meaning behind Leviticus 19 and its relevance for shaping our lives with holiness, love, and justice.The Pursuit of Holiness: Leviticus 19 opens with a divine commandment: "Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy" (Leviticus 19:2). The call to holiness establishes a central theme throughout the chapter, urging the Israelites to reflect the character of God in their daily lives. It emphasizes the importance of moral purity, integrity, and reverence for God.Ethical Conduct and Social Responsibility: The subsequent verses of Leviticus 19 provide a comprehensive guide to ethical conduct, addressing a wide range of areas, including relationships, business practices, justice, and personal integrity. The chapter serves as a moral compass, guiding believers in their interactions with God and fellow human beings.Honoring Parents and Observing the Sabbath: Leviticus 19:3 highlights the importance of honoring one's parents, emphasizing the value of familial relationships and obedience. Additionally, it reminds believers of the significance of observing the Sabbath—a day of rest and worship—to honor God's commandments and find spiritual renewal.Care for the Vulnerable: Leviticus 19:9-10 underscores the importance of compassion and justice by instructing farmers to leave the edges of their fields and the gleanings for the poor and the foreigner. This demonstrates the biblical principle of caring for the vulnerable and exemplifies the concept of "loving your neighbor as yourself."Ethical Business Practices: Verses 11-13 stress the importance of honesty and integrity in business transactions. The passage prohibits stealing, lying, and deceiving others. Instead, it encourages just and fair dealings that reflect the righteousness of God.Loving Others: Leviticus 19:18 famously encapsulates the essence of the chapter, stating, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." This commandment emphasizes the importance of selfless love, kindness, and respect towards others, regardless of their social status, ethnicity, or personal beliefs.Justice and Impartiality: Leviticus 19:15 warns against showing partiality or perverting justice. It demands that the Israelites treat both the poor and the rich with fairness and impartiality, thereby reflecting the character of God, who is just and merciful.Sexual Morality: Leviticus 19:29 and subsequent verses address issues of sexual morality, including the prohibition of prostitution and incestuous relationships. These guidelines remind believers of the importance of purity and sexual integrity within the framework of God's design for human relationships.Relevance for Today: While the Mosaic Law was given to the ancient Israelites, Leviticus 19 continues to hold relevance and significance for believers today. Though some specific instructions may not directly apply to the New Testament era, the underlying principles of holiness, love, justice, and ethical conduct remain timeless.Leviticus 19 lays the groundwork for Jesus' teachings on love, encapsulated in the commandments to love God and love one's neighbor. It serves as a reminder that the call to holiness extends beyond ritualistic practices and encompasses all aspects of life.Conclusion: Leviticus 19 presents a profound and comprehensive guide for righteous living, emphasizing holiness, love, justice, and ethical conduct. As believers, we are called to embody these principles in our interactions with God and fellow human beings. By embracing the teachings of Leviticus 19, we can pursue lives characterized by a genuine reverence for God, selfless love, and a commitment to justice, thereby reflecting the transformative power of God's Word in our daily lives.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/26/202316 minutes, 27 seconds
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Isaiah 40 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 879 - SendMe Radio

Title: Unveiling the Profound Meaning of Isaiah 40Introduction:The Book of Isaiah, an ancient prophetic text, is known for its eloquence, depth, and profound messages.Among its powerful passages, Isaiah 40 stands out as a chapter of immense significance and comfort. Written during a time of great turmoil for the Israelites, this chapter offers a message of hope, renewal, and divine assurance. In this article, we delve into the rich meaning and relevance of Isaiah 40.Comfort in the Midst of Chaos:Isaiah 40 begins with a call to bring comfort to God's people. The chapter addresses a community that has endured the hardships of exile and the destruction of their homeland.It assures them that their suffering will not last forever and that a new era of restoration is on the horizon. The language used evokes a compassionate God who seeks to soothe the wounds of His people and bring solace in the midst of chaos and despair.The Sovereignty and Greatness of God:Isaiah 40 emphasizes the immense power and majesty of God. The prophet paints a vivid picture of God's authority over creation, highlighting His role as the Creator of the universe. The imagery of God measuring the waters in the hollow of His hand and weighing the mountains on scales reveals the incomparable greatness of the Divine.By showcasing God's supremacy, the passage seeks to instill confidence in the hearts of the Israelites, reminding them that their deliverance will come from a God who is all-powerful and capable of miraculous acts.The Everlasting Word of God:One of the central themes in Isaiah 40 is the enduring nature of God's Word. The prophet declares that "the grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever." This statement emphasizes the reliability and faithfulness of God's promises.It assures the people that despite their present circumstances, God's Word remains unchanging and reliable, offering hope and guidance for generations to come. The timeless nature of God's Word serves as a source of comfort and assurance, reminding us that God's truth transcends the passing uncertainties of human existence.A Call to Prepare the Way:Isaiah 40 also introduces the concept of preparing the way for the Lord.The prophet proclaims, "A voice of one calling: 'In the wilderness, prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.'" This call to action encourages the people to make room in their hearts and lives for the coming of the Lord. It serves as a reminder that true restoration and renewal require an active response from individuals—an inner transformation that aligns with the divine purpose.Renewal and Strength for the Weary:Another significant aspect of Isaiah 40 is its promise of renewal and strength for the weary.The passage assures those who have grown tired and discouraged that God will renew their strength, enabling them to soar on wings like eagles. This metaphor conveys the idea of transcending adversity, gaining a new perspective, and experiencing a sense of freedom and empowerment. It encourages individuals to trust in God's transformative power and find renewed strength in His presence.Conclusion:Isaiah 40 speaks to the human condition with a timeless message of hope, comfort, and renewal. It reminds us that even in the darkest moments, God's love and power remain steadfast. The chapter encourages us to trust in the sovereignty and faithfulness of God, embracing His Word as an eternal guide. Let us draw strength from the profound meaning of Isaiah 40, knowing that God's promises endure and that He is always ready to bring comfort and renewal to our lives.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/23/202328 minutes
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Psalms 91 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 878 - SendMe Radio

Title: Understanding the Profound Meaning of Psalms 91 Introduction: Throughout history, the Book of Psalms has been a source of comfort, inspiration, and solace for countless individuals seeking spiritual guidance.Among its many profound and uplifting passages, Psalms 91 stands out as a powerful testament to the unwavering protection, refuge, and faithfulness of God. Written by an unknown author, this psalm captures the essence of divine love and assurance, offering hope and strength in times of uncertainty and fear. In this article, we delve into the rich meaning and significance of Psalms 91.The Assurance of God's Protection:Psalms 91 begins by establishing the foundation of trust and refuge in God. It emphasizes the intimate relationship between the Creator and those who seek shelter under His wings. The psalmist highlights that those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High, symbolic of a close and personal communion with God, will find rest and security. The imagery of "dwelling" illustrates a continuous state of abiding in God's presence, a place of divine protection where fears and anxieties are dispelled.Sheltered from Harm:The psalmist goes on to depict God as a shield and fortress, providing a safeguard against the perils and dangers of life. The references to "the fowler's snare" and "the deadly pestilence" symbolize the various trials and tribulations that befall humanity. However, the assurance given is that those who trust in God will be delivered from these calamities. The metaphorical language employed reminds us that, with God as our refuge, we are shielded from the harm that seeks to engulf us.A Promise of Divine Care:Psalms 91 reveals God's promise of divine care in times of trouble. The psalmist describes how God's angels are charged with guarding and protecting those who have made the Lord their refuge. This imagery reinforces the belief that God's presence is not only spiritual but also tangible and active in our lives. The psalm offers a comforting reminder that we are never alone in our journey, as the divine presence watches over us, guiding and preserving us through life's challenges. Overcoming Fear: Fear is a universal emotion that can paralyze and hinder personal growth. Psalms 91 acknowledges this reality and provides a powerful antidote by urging trust and faith in God. The psalmist declares that with God as our stronghold, we need not fear the terrors of the night or the arrows that fly by day. This message resonates with individuals facing adversity, encouraging them to lean on God's strength and unwavering love to overcome their fears and live boldly.The Rewards of Trust:The final verses of Psalms 91 reveal the bountiful rewards that await those who place their trust in God. The psalmist assures that God will answer their calls, deliver them from trouble, and honor them with long life and salvation. These promises reinforce the idea that trust in the divine leads to a life filled with blessings and divine favor. It reminds us that the rewards of faith are not merely confined to the spiritual realm but encompass all aspects of our existence.Conclusion :Psalms 91 holds a timeless and universal message of trust, refuge, and divine protection. It serves as a reminder of the unbreakable bond between God and humanity, assuring us of His loving care and presence in our lives. As we navigate the complexities of existence, this psalm offers solace, strength, and hope, encouraging us to seek refuge in the Most High. Let us embrace the profound meaning of Psalms 91 and find comfort in the unwavering love and protection of our Creator.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/21/202331 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ephesians 5 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 877 - SendMe Radio

ChatGPTTitle: Understanding Ephesians 5: Unveiling the Profound MessageIntroduction: The book of Ephesians is a letter written by the apostle Paul, addressing the early Christian community in Ephesus. Within this profound epistle, Ephesians 5 stands as a notable chapter, containing insightful teachings and guidelines for believers. In this article, we delve into the depths of Ephesians 5, unraveling its meaning and relevance for contemporary Christians.The Call to Imitate Christ (Ephesians 5:1-2): Ephesians 5 begins with a call to imitate God and walk in love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself as a sacrificial offering.It reminds believers that their lives should be characterized by selflessness, compassion, and forgiveness. By imitating Christ's example of sacrificial love, Christians are encouraged to live in harmony and unity with one another, embodying the essence of the gospel message.Rejecting Darkness and Embracing Light (Ephesians 5:3-14): Paul then emphasizes the importance of living in holiness, warning against immorality, impurity, and greed.Christians are called to flee from such vices and instead embrace a life of gratitude, righteousness, and thanksgiving. The passage draws a sharp contrast between the darkness of sinful behaviors and the transformative power of God's light. It encourages believers to expose and confront the works of darkness, walking as children of light.The Pursuit of Wisdom (Ephesians 5:15-In the subsequent verses, Paul urges believers to be wise and discerning, making the most of every opportunity. Wisdom in this context refers to a deep understanding of God's will and a willingness to align one's life with it. This wisdom is contrasted with foolishness and ignorance, which can lead to destructive choices and behavior. Furthermore, the passage highlights the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit, expressing gratitude, and engaging in worshipful singing.The Roles of Husbands and Wives (Ephesians 5:22-33): Ephesians 5 is often recognized for its teachings on marital relationships. Paul outlines the roles and responsibilities of husbands and wives, emphasizing the mutual submission and sacrificial love that should exist within the union. Husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loved the church, laying down their lives for their spouses. Wives are encouraged to respect and submit to their husbands. This passage underscores the sanctity of marriage, showcasing it as a reflection of Christ's relationship with the church.Conclusion: Ephesians 5 offers a wealth of spiritual insights and practical guidance for believers. It emphasizes the importance of imitating Christ's sacrificial love, walking in holiness, pursuing wisdom, and fostering healthy relationships. By doing so, Christians are called to be beacons of light in a dark world, displaying the transformative power of the gospel through their actions and attitudes.Ultimately, Ephesians 5 invites believers to live in a manner worthy of their calling, embracing the abundant life that Christ offers.It serves as a reminder that our daily choices and interactions can have a profound impact on our relationships and witness to the world. May we heed the teachings of Ephesians 5 and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into a deeper understanding and application of its timeless truths.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/19/202328 minutes, 13 seconds
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Psalms 68 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1 - Digital Ink

Title: Unveiling the Majestic Power of Psalms 68: Exploring its Profound MeaningIntroduction: Psalms, the sacred book of poetry and prayer, offers solace, guidance, and praise to countless believers throughout history. Among its diverse collection, Psalms 68 stands as a remarkable testament to the divine power and providence of God. This psalm, attributed to King David, encapsulates themes of triumph, justice, and the manifestation of God's glory. Let us delve into the profound meaning embedded within the verses of Psalms 68 and explore the timeless wisdom it imparts.Verse 1-4: Exalting God's Presence and Power The psalmist begins by proclaiming, "Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered; let those who hate him flee before him" (Psalm 68:1). These words acknowledge the immeasurable strength and supremacy of God. The verses that follow paint a vivid picture of God's presence, causing the righteous to rejoice while evoking fear in the hearts of His adversaries.As we read, we recognize the psalmist's conviction that God is a formidable force, capable of overcoming any obstacle.Verse 5-6: The Father to the Fatherless Moving forward, Psalms 68 beautifully portrays God as a defender of the vulnerable, particularly those who lack earthly protection. "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling" (Psalm 68:5). Here, the psalmist highlights God's compassion and care for those who have been forsaken or marginalized. It reminds us that our Heavenly Father intimately understands our needs and is ever-present to provide solace and support.Verse 7-10: The Journey of Liberation Verses 7 to 10 depict a powerful image of God leading His people to freedom.Drawing upon the Biblical account of the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, the psalmist portrays God as a mighty warrior, marching through the wilderness, shaking the earth, and providing abundantly for His people. This section serves as a reminder that God is not only powerful but also faithful to deliver His followers from the clutches of oppression, offering them a new beginning filled with blessings.Verse 11-14: God's Generous Provision Psalms 68 continues to extol the bountiful generosity of God. Verse 11 declares, "The Lord announced the word, and great was the company of those who proclaimed it." This verse illustrates how God empowers His people to share His message and spread His love throughout the world.The psalmist further emphasizes God's provision by mentioning the abundance of blessings showered upon His people, ensuring their well-being.Verse 15-18: Ascension and Gifts for Humanity In these verses, the psalmist describes God's triumphant ascent, leading captives in His train and receiving gifts from humanity. This imagery conveys the idea that God's victory extends beyond earthly realms, transcending limitations and liberating His people from the chains of sin and suffering. Through Christ's ultimate sacrifice, humanity is offered the gift of salvation, eternal life, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.Verse 19-23: Praise and Worship The psalm concludes with a call to worship, urging all nations to acknowledge and praise the greatness of God. The imagery of the temple and the magnificent processions glorifies God's majesty, highlighting the universality of His reign and the joyous celebrations of His people. The psalmist emphasizes that God is not limited to one nation or people but is the God of all creation.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/17/202327 minutes, 18 seconds
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Psalms 103 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 875 - SendMe Radio

Title: Psalm 103: A Song of Praise and Divine BlessingsIntroduction: Psalm 103 is a cherished and uplifting psalm found in the Book of Psalms in the Bible. Written by King David, this psalm resonates with believers throughout the ages, expressing gratitude, praise, and a deep appreciation for God's mercy, compassion, and blessings. It serves as a beautiful reminder of God's love and faithfulness towards His people. Let us delve into the meaning and significance of Psalm 103.Verse-by-Verse Analysis:Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. The psalm opens with an exhortation to the soul to bless the Lord. It calls for an all-encompassing praise, urging every part of one's being to give honor and adoration to God.Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. David encourages himself and others to remember and acknowledge the many blessings and benefits bestowed upon them by God. It emphasizes the importance of gratitude and recognizing God's goodness in our lives.Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases. This verse highlights two significant aspects of God's character: forgiveness and healing. It emphasizes that God is not only willing to forgive our sins but also to heal and restore us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.Who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies. God is portrayed as the redeemer who rescues His people from destruction and disaster. He is the one who bestows upon them the crown of His lovingkindness and tender mercies, symbolizing His grace and compassion.Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. Here, David speaks of God's provision and sustenance. God satisfies His people's needs and renews their strength and vitality, likening it to the soaring and vigorous flight of an eagle.The Lord executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed. This verse emphasizes God's commitment to justice and His role as the defender of the oppressed. He acts with righteousness, ensuring fairness and protection for those who are mistreated or marginalized.He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel. God revealed His ways and deeds to Moses, indicating His willingness to communicate and guide His people. This verse alludes to the historical narrative of the Israelites, emphasizing God's involvement in their lives.The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. This verse portrays God's character and disposition towards humanity. It highlights His mercy, grace, and patience, emphasizing His willingness to forgive and show compassion.He will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever. Despite God's patience, this verse acknowledges that there are limits to His forbearance. It serves as a reminder of the importance of repentance and turning to God, lest we face the consequences of our actions.He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities. David expresses gratitude for God's mercy, recognizing that God's treatment of His people is not based solely on their sins. Rather, He extends forgiveness and grace, withholding the full measure of punishment they deserve.Conclusion: Psalm 103 is a heartfelt expression of praise, gratitude, and awe towards God's mercy, compassion, and blessings. It reminds believers to bless the Lord with their entire being, to remember His benefits, and to acknowledge His forgiveness, healing, and redemption. The psalm underscores God's righteousness, justice, and provision, highlightingSendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and their inspiring stories. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, social or business event contact us via email [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/16/202330 minutes, 13 seconds
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John 6 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-06-14-#647

Title: Unveiling the Profound Meaning of John 6: A Message of Spiritual Nourishment and Eternal LifeIntroduction: The Gospel of John, a rich and profound account of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, holds numerous passages that captivate readers with their depth and wisdom. Among these, John 6 stands out as a chapter that delves into the concept of spiritual nourishment and eternal life. Within its verses, John 6 not only records a miraculous feeding of thousands but also unveils a deeper spiritual meaning that has resonated with believers throughout history.The Feeding of the Five Thousand: John 6 begins by recounting the well-known story of the feeding of the five thousand. Jesus, aware of the physical hunger of the multitude that had followed Him, performed a miracle by multiplying five barley loaves and two fish to provide an abundant feast for the crowd. The sheer magnitude of this miracle demonstrated Jesus' divine power and authority over creation.The Spiritual Significance: Beyond the miraculous provision of physical sustenance, John 6 unveils a profound spiritual significance that Jesus intended to convey to the people. Jesus declares in verse 35, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." This statement signifies that Jesus is the ultimate source of nourishment for our souls, offering a satisfaction that transcends the physical realm.Eternal Life through Faith: As the chapter progresses, Jesus further expands on the concept of spiritual sustenance. He emphasizes the necessity of faith, stating in verse 47, "Very truly, I tell you, whoever believes has eternal life." Here, Jesus unveils a pivotal truth that faith in Him is the key to obtaining eternal life—a life that transcends the boundaries of time and space and finds its fulfillment in an intimate relationship with God.The Symbolism of the Eucharist: John 6:51 adds another layer of meaning to Jesus' declaration. He proclaims, "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh." These words allude to the institution of the Eucharist, where Jesus would later offer His body and blood as a sacrifice for the salvation of humanity. By partaking in the Eucharist, believers symbolically unite with Christ, partaking of His life-giving sacrifice and receiving spiritual nourishment.The Challenge and Response: As Jesus continued to explain His divine mission, some of His followers found His teachings challenging. In verse 60, it is recorded, "When many of his disciples heard it, they said, 'This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?'" Jesus responded with a profound truth in verse 63: "It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life." Jesus emphasized that the true essence and power of His teachings are spiritual, not confined to worldly comprehension.Conclusion: John 6 is a chapter that intricately weaves together the physical and spiritual realms, emphasizing Jesus as the bread of life, the source of eternal nourishment and salvation. Through His miraculous feeding, Jesus demonstrated His divine power, inviting all to partake in a deeper understanding of faith and relationship with Him. As believers, we are called to embrace the spiritual sustenance offered by Jesus, acknowledging His sacrifice and experiencing the transformative power of His teachings. In John 6, we find an invitation to a life of fulfillment, where our souls are eternally nourished and our spirits find true satisfaction in the person of Jesus Christ.
6/14/202329 minutes, 25 seconds
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Luke 11 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-06-13-#646

Title: Discovering the Profound Meaning of Luke 11Introduction: Luke 11, a chapter in the Gospel of Luke, offers rich insights into the teachings of Jesus Christ. In this chapter, Jesus addresses important topics such as prayer, the power of faith, and the importance of spiritual discernment. Let us explore the profound meaning embedded within the verses of Luke 11. - The Model Prayer: Luke 11 opens with Jesus' disciples requesting Him to teach them how to pray. In response, Jesus shares what is commonly known as the Lord's Prayer or the Model Prayer (Luke 11:1-4). This prayer serves as a blueprint for believers, guiding them in addressing God as a loving Father, seeking His will, expressing dependence on Him, seeking forgiveness, and acknowledging His power and glory. The Model Prayer underscores the significance of regular and heartfelt communication with God. - Persistence in Prayer: Following the Model Prayer, Jesus teaches about the importance of persistence in prayer through a parable about a friend who seeks help at midnight (Luke 11:5-10). He encourages His disciples to be persistent in their prayers, assuring them that God, who is loving and just, will answer and provide what is needed. This teaches us the importance of perseverance and trust in our relationship with God, knowing that He hears and responds to our heartfelt prayers. - The Power of the Holy Spirit: In Luke 11:13, Jesus promises the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who ask. He compares the earthly fathers' willingness to give good gifts to their children to how much more the Heavenly Father is willing to give the Holy Spirit to those who seek Him. This emphasizes the transformative power and guidance of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers, empowering them for spiritual growth, discernment, and service. - Spiritual Discernment and Authenticity: Jesus addresses the need for spiritual discernment and warns against hypocrisy and false appearances. He rebukes the religious leaders who prioritize outward rituals and appearances over inner purity and authenticity (Luke 11:37-54). Jesus emphasizes the importance of cultivating a genuine relationship with God, rooted in righteousness, mercy, and love. The Desire for Signs: Towards the end of Luke 11, Jesus responds to the crowds seeking miraculous signs. He points to the sign of Jonah, signifying His coming resurrection and the ultimate sign of God's power and salvation. Jesus reminds them that true faith does not rely on external signs but on a heart transformed by God's Word and His redemptive work. Conclusion: Luke 11 offers profound insights into prayer, faith, spiritual discernment, and authenticity. The chapter highlights the significance of the Lord's Prayer as a model for believers to communicate with God and seek His will. It encourages persistence in prayer, assuring us of God's attentive and loving response. Jesus promises the gift of the Holy Spirit, emphasizing His transformative power in our lives. The chapter also urges us to cultivate spiritual discernment, prioritize authenticity over outward appearances, and rely on faith rather than seeking signs. As we explore the depths of Luke 11, we are invited to deepen our prayer life, nurture our faith, seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and embrace authenticity in our relationship with God and others. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
6/13/202325 minutes, 55 seconds
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Psalms 19 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 872 - SendMe Radio

Title: Unlocking the Profound Meaning of Psalms 19Introduction: Psalms 19, found in the Bible's Old Testament, is a profound and poetic piece of scripture that beautifully captures the wonders of creation, the revelation of God's law, and the transformative power of His Word. This psalm, attributed to King David, offers deep insights into the magnificence of God's creation and His divine guidance. Let us explore the profound meaning embedded within the verses of Psalms 19.Praise for Creation: The psalm begins with a resounding declaration of God's glory displayed through His creation. "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands" (Psalms 19:1). It emphasizes how the intricate beauty and order of the universe testify to the existence and greatness of the Creator. From the vast expanse of the heavens to the delicate intricacies of nature, God's creation reveals His divine attributes, inviting awe and praise.The Revelation of God's Law: Psalms 19 transitions from the grandeur of creation to the revelation of God's law, highlighting its perfection and life-transforming power. "The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul" (Psalms 19:7). Here, the psalmist acknowledges that God's law is flawless, providing guidance, wisdom, and spiritual nourishment. The commandments of God are not seen as a burden but as a source of delight, reviving and renewing the innermost being.The Impact of God's Word: The psalmist reflects on the transformative influence of God's Word, equating it to pure gold and sweet honey. "The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple" (Psalms 19:7). The Word of God is revered as a trustworthy guide, imparting wisdom and understanding to those who seek it. It has the power to enlighten the ignorant, bringing clarity and discernment to the unlearned.Personal Reflection and Prayer: Towards the end of Psalms 19, King David reflects on his own shortcomings and prays for God's forgiveness and guidance. "Who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults" (Psalms 19:12). This humble acknowledgment reveals the psalmist's recognition of his human frailty and the need for God's mercy and guidance. It serves as a reminder for all of us to seek repentance, understanding that we are fallible beings in need of divine grace.Conclusion: Psalms 19 is a profound and poetic exploration of God's creation, His law, and the transformative power of His Word. It urges us to recognize the majesty and order of the universe as evidence of God's existence. The psalm emphasizes the perfection and life-giving nature of God's law, guiding and refreshing our souls. It highlights the profound impact of God's Word in imparting wisdom, discernment, and understanding to those who seek it. Moreover, Psalms 19 encourages self-reflection and humble prayer, acknowledging our need for God's forgiveness and guidance in our lives. As we delve into the depths of Psalms 19, we are invited to appreciate the splendor of creation, embrace the wisdom of God's law, and experience the transformative power of His Word in our lives.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/12/202330 minutes, 1 second
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 871 - SendMe Radio

6/10/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 9 seconds
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(Continued))Colossians 3 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 870 - SendMe Radio

Title: Living Transformed Lives: Unveiling the Meaning of Colossians 3Introduction: The Epistle of Paul to the Colossians offers profound insights into the transformative power of the gospel and the implications it has for believers' lives. Colossians 3 stands as a pivotal chapter that invites believers to embrace a new way of living in light of their identity in Christ. It provides practical guidance on how to align one's thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors with the truth of the gospel. Let us explore the rich meaning within Colossians 3 and uncover its timeless relevance for believers today. - A Call to Seek Heavenly Things: Colossians 3:1-4 sets the tone for the chapter, emphasizing the need for believers to set their minds on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. This call challenges believers to shift their focus from earthly concerns and temporary pleasures to eternal, heavenly realities. It highlights the importance of pursuing a Christ-centered mindset, which shapes our perspectives, desires, and priorities. - Putting Off the Old Self: Verses 5-9 emphasize the need to put off the old self, characterized by sinful behaviors and attitudes. Believers are called to renounce practices such as sexual immorality, impurity, lust, greed, anger, and slander. This transformative process involves actively shedding the patterns of behavior that are contrary to God's design and embracing a new identity in Christ. - Putting On the New Self: Colossians 3:10-17 reveals the beautiful picture of putting on the new self, created in the image of God. This new self is characterized by qualities such as compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love. Believers are encouraged to clothe themselves with these virtues, allowing them to permeate their thoughts, words, and actions. It is through the indwelling presence of Christ that believers are empowered to manifest these qualities. - Cultivating Unity and Gratitude: Colossians 3:12-15 emphasizes the importance of unity and gratitude within the community of believers. Paul encourages believers to bear with one another, forgive one another, and above all, to put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. This exhortation underscores the significance of cultivating relationships characterized by love, unity, and mutual support. Gratitude is also highlighted as an essential attitude that permeates our hearts, leading to worship and thankfulness toward God. - The Word of Christ Dwelling Richly: In verses 16-17, Paul urges believers to let the word of Christ dwell in them richly. This entails filling our minds and hearts with the truth of God's Word, allowing it to guide and transform our lives. The Word serves as a source of wisdom, correction, and encouragement, enabling believers to worship God and live in alignment with His purposes. Conclusion: Colossians 3 presents a profound call to believers to live transformed lives, rooted in the reality of their identity in Christ. It challenges us to shift our focus from earthly concerns to heavenly realities, putting off the old self and embracing the new self in Christ. Through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, believers are empowered to exhibit Christlike virtues, cultivate unity, practice gratitude, and let the Word of God dwell richly within them. Let Colossians 3 serve as a guiding light, inspiring believers to live in full accordance with the transformative power of the gospel, impacting both their personal lives and their relationships within the body of Christ. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
6/10/202317 minutes, 48 seconds
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Colossians 3 The New Man 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 869 - SendMe Radio

Title: Living Transformed Lives: Unveiling the Meaning of Colossians 3Introduction: The Epistle of Paul to the Colossians offers profound insights into the transformative power of the gospel and the implications it has for believers' lives. Colossians 3 stands as a pivotal chapter that invites believers to embrace a new way of living in light of their identity in Christ. It provides practical guidance on how to align one's thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors with the truth of the gospel. Let us explore the rich meaning within Colossians 3 and uncover its timeless relevance for believers today.A Call to Seek Heavenly Things: Colossians 3:1-4 sets the tone for the chapter, emphasizing the need for believers to set their minds on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. This call challenges believers to shift their focus from earthly concerns and temporary pleasures to eternal, heavenly realities. It highlights the importance of pursuing a Christ-centered mindset, which shapes our perspectives, desires, and priorities.Putting Off the Old Self: Verses 5-9 emphasize the need to put off the old self, characterized by sinful behaviors and attitudes. Believers are called to renounce practices such as sexual immorality, impurity, lust, greed, anger, and slander. This transformative process involves actively shedding the patterns of behavior that are contrary to God's design and embracing a new identity in Christ.Putting On the New Self: Colossians 3:10-17 reveals the beautiful picture of putting on the new self, created in the image of God. This new self is characterized by qualities such as compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love. Believers are encouraged to clothe themselves with these virtues, allowing them to permeate their thoughts, words, and actions. It is through the indwelling presence of Christ that believers are empowered to manifest these qualities.Cultivating Unity and Gratitude: Colossians 3:12-15 emphasizes the importance of unity and gratitude within the community of believers. Paul encourages believers to bear with one another, forgive one another, and above all, to put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. This exhortation underscores the significance of cultivating relationships characterized by love, unity, and mutual support. Gratitude is also highlighted as an essential attitude that permeates our hearts, leading to worship and thankfulness toward God.The Word of Christ Dwelling Richly: In verses 16-17, Paul urges believers to let the word of Christ dwell in them richly. This entails filling our minds and hearts with the truth of God's Word, allowing it to guide and transform our lives. The Word serves as a source of wisdom, correction, and encouragement, enabling believers to worship God and live in alignment with His purposes.Conclusion: Colossians 3 presents a profound call to believers to live transformed lives, rooted in the reality of their identity in Christ. It challenges us to shift our focus from earthly concerns to heavenly realities, putting off the old self and embracing the new self in Christ. Through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, believers are empowered to exhibit Christlike virtues, cultivate unity, practice gratitude, and let the Word of God dwell richly within them. Let Colossians 3 serve as a guiding light, inspiring believers to live in full accordance with the transformative power of the gospel, impacting both their personal lives and their relationships within the body of Christ.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/10/20239 minutes, 30 seconds
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Matthew 7 Unlocking Spiritual Truth 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 868 - SendMe Radio

Unlocking Spiritual Truths: Exploring the Meaning of Matthew 7Introduction: The Gospel of Matthew provides profound insights into the teachings of Jesus Christ, guiding believers in matters of faith, morality, and spiritual discernment. Matthew 7 encapsulates a pivotal chapter in which Jesus imparts transformative lessons to His disciples and the crowds gathered around Him. This chapter addresses essential aspects of Christian living, including judgment, prayer, and the pursuit of a solid spiritual foundation. Let us explore the rich meaning within Matthew 7 and uncover its timeless relevance for believers today.The Principle of Non-Judgment: One of the key messages in Matthew 7 is Jesus' admonition against hypocritical and unjust judgment. In verse 1, He cautions against condemning others without first examining our own faults. The passage encourages believers to adopt a posture of humility, recognizing that only God is the ultimate judge. It calls for self-reflection and a spirit of grace and compassion in our interactions with others.The Power of Discernment: While Jesus warns against hypocritical judgment, He also instructs His followers to exercise discernment in evaluating people and situations. In verses 15-20, Jesus likens false prophets to wolves in sheep's clothing and urges His disciples to assess them by their fruits. This highlights the importance of discerning between genuine teachings and deceptive influences, guiding believers to align themselves with authentic spiritual leaders and sound doctrines.The Role of Persistent Prayer: Matthew 7:7-11 emphasizes the power of persistent prayer and trust in God's faithfulness. Jesus encourages His disciples to seek, ask, and knock, assuring them that their Heavenly Father will provide for their needs. This passage reinforces the importance of an ongoing, fervent prayer life, reminding believers that God delights in responding to the genuine cries of His children.The Golden Rule: In verse 12, Jesus presents what is often referred to as the Golden Rule: "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them." This principle of treating others with kindness, fairness, and love encompasses the essence of Christ's teachings. It challenges believers to examine their actions and interactions, urging them to prioritize empathy and compassion in all relationships.The Call to a Solid Foundation: In the concluding verses of Matthew 7, Jesus shares the parable of the wise and foolish builders. He illustrates the importance of building one's life upon a solid foundation, which is hearing His words and putting them into practice. This analogy emphasizes the need for believers to ground their faith in the teachings of Jesus, aligning their beliefs and actions to withstand the challenges and storms of life.Conclusion: Matthew 7 presents a tapestry of spiritual insights that continue to shape and guide believers today. Through Jesus' teachings on non-judgment, discernment, prayer, the Golden Rule, and the importance of a solid foundation, this chapter provides profound wisdom for Christian living. It calls believers to embrace humility, cultivate discernment, nurture a vibrant prayer life, exhibit compassion, and build their lives upon the rock-solid foundation of Christ's teachings. Let Matthew 7 be a compass that guides us on the journey of faith, prompting us to walk in alignment with God's will and exemplify the transformative love of Jesus Christ.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/9/202331 minutes, 11 seconds
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Genesis 20 Alter 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-06-07-#641

Title: Unveiling the Lessons of Genesis 20: Lessons on Integrity and God's FaithfulnessIntroduction: The book of Genesis, rich in historical narratives, offers profound insights into human nature, divine intervention, and the consequences of our choices. Genesis 20 presents a captivating story that delves into themes of integrity, deception, and God's faithfulness.Through the account of Abraham's encounter with Abimelech, we gain valuable lessons that continue to resonate with believers today. Let us explore the meaning behind Genesis 20 and extract its timeless wisdom.Genesis 20 takes place during Abraham's journey in the land of Canaan. Having already been promised by God to become a great nation, Abraham and his wife, Sarah, find themselves in Gerar, ruled by Abimelech, the king of the Philistines.Out of fear, Abraham repeats a mistake he made years earlier when he claimed Sarah as his sister to protect himself. As a result, Abimelech takes Sarah into his harem. However, before any harm comes to her, God intervenes through a dream, revealing the truth to Abimelech.The Lessons:The Temptation of Fear: Genesis 20 highlights the temptation to act out of fear rather than trust in God's promises. Abraham, despite God's assurance of protection, succumbs to fear and resorts to deception. This serves as a reminder that fear can cloud our judgment and lead us astray from the path of integrity and faith.The Consequences of Deception: The consequences of Abraham's deception are far-reaching. Not only does it put Sarah in a precarious situation, but it also endangers the relationship between Abimelech and Abraham. This reminds us that dishonesty and deception can have severe repercussions, damaging our relationships and undermining our witness as believers.God's Faithfulness: Genesis 20 beautifully illustrates God's faithfulness even in the face of human failure. Despite Abraham's mistake, God intervenes to protect Sarah and preserve His covenant promises. This reassures us that God remains faithful to His promises, even when we fall short.God's Sovereignty over Rulers: The encounter between Abimelech and God in a dream showcases God's sovereignty over earthly rulers. Abimelech, a pagan king, unknowingly comes into contact with the God of Abraham and experiences divine intervention. This serves as a reminder that God's providence extends beyond the boundaries of religious affiliation, and He can work in the lives of anyone, even those in positions of power.Repentance and Restoration: Genesis 20 portrays Abimelech's righteous response to the revelation from God. He humbly confronts Abraham, seeking the truth and restoring Sarah to her rightful place. Abimelech's actions demonstrate the importance of repentance and the potential for redemption, even after unwittingly engaging in wrongdoing.Conclusion: Genesis 20 presents a powerful narrative that teaches us about the temptations of fear, the consequences of deception, and the faithfulness of God. Through Abraham's missteps and God's intervention, we learn the significance of integrity, trust, and repentance. This chapter encourages believers to rely on God's promises, to act with honesty and integrity in all circumstances, and to embrace the assurance of God's faithfulness, even in our moments of weakness. Let us draw wisdom from this timeless account and strive to walk in faith, honesty, and trust in our relationship with God and with others.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Contact at [email protected] Alexa skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/7/202327 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ephesians 3 God's Plan For Humanity 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 866 - SendMe Radio

Title: Unveiling the Profound Meaning of Ephesians 3 Introduction: The Biblical book of Ephesians is a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom and profound insights. In particular, Ephesians 3 stands out as a chapter that encapsulates the essence of God's plan for humanity, the mystery of Christ, and the transformative power of His love. Through the inspired words of the apostle Paul, Ephesians 3 unfolds a message that continues to resonate with believers, offering guidance, encouragement, and a glimpse into the unfathomable riches of God's grace. Let us explore the meaning behind this captivating chapter and its relevance for our lives today.The Divine Mystery: Ephesians 3 begins by emphasizing the divine mystery that has been revealed to Paul. This mystery, previously unknown to humanity, involves the inclusion of the Gentiles in God's redemptive plan through faith in Jesus Christ. The apostle highlights the profound truth that all people, regardless of their cultural or religious backgrounds, can now become partakers of the promises of God. This revelation showcases God's boundless love and His desire for unity among all believers.The Riches of Christ: Continuing in Ephesians 3, Paul eloquently describes the incomparable richness found in Christ. He portrays Christ as the unifying force that brings together all believers, forming one body, the Church. Through Christ's redemptive work, individuals are reconciled to God and granted access to His grace and spiritual blessings.It is through Christ that believers can experience the fullness of life and grow in their understanding of God's love.The Power of God's Love: One of the central themes in Ephesians 3 is the immeasurable love of God. Paul prays for the Ephesian believers to comprehend the vast dimensions of this love, which surpasses human understanding. This divine love, demonstrated through Christ's sacrifice, has the power to transform lives, heal brokenness, and unite people from all walks of life. It is a love that defies barriers, prejudices, and divisions, reminding believers of their calling to love one another sacrificially.The Indwelling Presence of God: Within Ephesians 3, Paul underscores the significance of the Holy Spirit's indwelling presence in the lives of believers. He encourages them to be rooted and grounded in love, empowered by the Spirit, and filled with the fullness of God. This indwelling presence enables believers to experience God's transformative work within them, guiding them towards spiritual maturity and empowering them to live out their faith in a manner that honors God.A Call to Unity and Boldness: As Ephesians 3 draws to a close, Paul exhorts believers to embrace unity and to boldly approach God with confidence. Through unity, the Church becomes a powerful testimony to the world, reflecting God's love and wisdom. Furthermore, believers are encouraged to approach God with confidence, assured of His ability to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that they can ask or imagine.This call to unity and boldness challenges believers to live out their faith with conviction and courage.Conclusion: Ephesians 3 is a chapter that unveils the profound mysteries of God's plan, the riches of Christ, the transformative power of His love, and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. It reminds believers of their inclusion in God's redemptive story, regardless of their background, and calls them to unity, love, and boldness. The message of Ephesians 3 remains as relevant today as it was when Paul penned these words, reminding us of the unending depth of God's love and His desire to bring all people into a loving relationship with Him.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/6/202328 minutes, 53 seconds
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Proverbs 15 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-06-03-#638

Title: Unveiling the Wisdom of Proverbs 15: A Timeless Guide to Righteousness Introduction: Proverbs, often referred to as the Book of Wisdom, provides invaluable insights into various aspects of life, ranging from relationships and communication to morality and spirituality. Among its treasured chapters, Proverbs 15 stands out as a beacon of wisdom, offering guidance on how to live a righteous and fulfilling life. In this article, we delve into the profound meanings embedded within Proverbs 15, unraveling its timeless wisdom for contemporary readers. The Power of Gentle Words: Verse 1 of Proverbs 15 states, "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." This verse emphasizes the importance of choosing our words carefully, as they have the power to either diffuse conflict or ignite it further. It reminds us to approach tense situations with a calm and gentle demeanor, fostering understanding and harmony. The All-Seeing Eyes of the Lord: Verse 3 states, "The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good." This verse serves as a reminder that our actions are not hidden from a higher power. It encourages us to lead lives of integrity, knowing that our deeds will be accounted for. It promotes the idea that righteousness is not about appearances but about living in accordance with a higher moral compass. The Pursuit of Knowledge and Understanding: Proverbs 15:14 proclaims, "The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly." This verse underscores the importance of seeking wisdom and knowledge rather than indulging in trivial matters or spreading ignorance. It encourages individuals to cultivate a discerning heart, one that actively pursues understanding, growth, and enlightenment. The Blessings of a Joyful Heart: Verse 15 states, "All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast." This verse highlights the transformative power of a joyful attitude. It acknowledges that life may present difficulties, but maintaining a positive outlook can bring contentment and satisfaction even in the midst of adversity. It reminds us of the significance of gratitude and finding joy in the simple pleasures of life. The Value of Humility: Proverbs 15:33 states, "The fear of the Lord teaches wisdom, and humility comes before honor." This verse emphasizes the importance of humility in attaining wisdom and honor. It suggests that true wisdom stems from recognizing our limitations and acknowledging a higher power. By approaching life with humility, we open ourselves up to growth, learning, and greater opportunities for personal and spiritual development. Conclusion: Proverbs 15 serves as a profound source of wisdom, offering guidance on various aspects of life. Through its verses, we learn the power of gentle words, the watchful eyes of a higher power, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, the blessings of a joyful heart, and the value of humility. These timeless teachings continue to resonate with readers today, reminding us of the enduring relevance of ancient wisdom in our modern lives. By incorporating the insights of Proverbs 15 into our daily practices, we can strive for righteousness and foster harmonious relationships, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful existence. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
6/3/202331 minutes, 45 seconds
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Hebrews 11 Power Of Faith 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1 - Digital Ink

Title: Hebrews 11: An Inspiring Journey of Faith and Its Profound MeaningIntroduction:Hebrews 11 is a chapter of the Bible that has long captivated readers with its powerful message about faith. Often referred to as the "Hall of Faith," it recounts the stories of numerous Biblical figures who demonstrated remarkable trust in God despite challenging circumstances. This chapter serves as a timeless source of inspiration and encouragement for believers, reminding us of the transformative power of faith. Faith Defined: The opening verse of Hebrews 11 provides a concise and profound definition of faith: "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see" (Hebrews 11:1, NIV).Faith, in this context, encompasses a deep conviction and trust in God's promises, even when they are not yet fully realized or visible to our human senses. Examples of Faith: Throughout Hebrews 11, we encounter a collection of stories that showcase individuals who exemplified extraordinary faith. Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, and many others are commended for their unwavering trust in God. Each account highlights their actions, demonstrating how their faith led to remarkable feats and divine interventions. Abraham, often regarded as the father of faith, stands out prominently in this chapter. God called Abraham to leave his homeland and journey to an unknown destination. Without hesitation, Abraham obeyed, stepping out in faith, trusting in God's guidance and promises. This narrative emphasizes the importance of obediently following God's leading, even when the path is uncertain.Another notable example is Moses, who displayed remarkable faith in leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Despite facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles, Moses relied on God's guidance and power, ultimately witnessing the miraculous parting of the Red Sea.His story reminds us that faith involves an unwavering trust in God's ability to overcome any challenge.The Significance of Faith: Hebrews 11 underscores the transformative power of faith in the lives of believers. It reminds us that faith is not merely an abstract concept but a dynamic force that enables us to live with hope, courage, and endurance.Faith is essential because it pleases God.Hebrews 11:6 states, "And without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him" (NIV). When we have faith, we acknowledge God's existence, trust in His character, and actively seek His presence. Such a disposition brings joy to God's heart and invites His blessings into our lives.Furthermore, Hebrews 11 teaches us that faith is essential for salvation. Verse 6 also states that God rewards those who earnestly seek Him.Through faith, we receive the gift of salvation, as exemplified in the lives of those mentioned in the chapter. Faith unites us with God, allowing us to experience His grace and mercy.Conclusion: Hebrews 11 serves as a profound testament to the power of faith in the lives of believers. It encourages us to trust in God's promises, even when they seem distant or impossible. By examining the examples of faithful individuals, we are inspired to persevere in our own journey, confident that God is faithful to His word.As we reflect on Hebrews 11, may we cultivate a deeper understanding of faith and its transformative impact. Let us embrace the confidence and assurance that faith offers, stepping out boldly in obedience to God's leading. In doing so, we can experience the rewards of a life fully surrendered to God, knowing that He is faithful to those who trust in Him.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
6/2/202326 minutes, 22 seconds
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Romans 15 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Embracing Unity, Hope, and Service 2023-05-20-#629

Title: Romans 15: Embracing Unity, Hope, and Service Introduction: The Book of Romans, written by the apostle Paul, stands as one of the most profound and comprehensive theological letters in the New Testament. In Romans 15, Paul addresses the theme of unity among believers, emphasizing the importance of mutual acceptance and encouragement. This chapter provides valuable insights into the Christian life, highlighting the role of hope and service within the body of Christ. Unity in Christ: Romans 15 opens with Paul's exhortation to the strong believers in Rome to bear with the weaknesses of their fellow believers. He emphasizes the necessity of mutual acceptance and harmony within the body of Christ, urging them not to please themselves but to build up one another. This call to unity echoes the teachings of Jesus, who prayed for the oneness of his disciples (John 17:20-23). The Example of Christ: Paul reminds the Romans that Christ himself came to serve and please others rather than seeking his own interests. Jesus became a servant to the Jews, fulfilling the promises made to the patriarchs and demonstrating God's faithfulness. Paul encourages the believers to follow Christ's example, living in unity and with a selfless attitude. Hope in God's Promises: The apostle reminds the readers of God's faithfulness in fulfilling his promises throughout history. He cites various Old Testament passages to demonstrate that God's plan always included both Jews and Gentiles. Paul highlights the inclusion of the Gentiles as a testament to God's mercy, invoking hope in the hearts of the believers. The Ministry of the Apostle Paul: In Romans 15, Paul shares his intention to visit Rome on his way to Spain, expressing his desire to preach the gospel in areas where Christ has not been proclaimed. This reveals Paul's commitment to extending the reach of the gospel, emphasizing the importance of evangelism and sharing the good news with those who have yet to hear it. Mutual Encouragement: Paul acknowledges the spiritual maturity and faith of the Roman believers. He also expresses his longing to visit them, desiring to impart a spiritual blessing to strengthen their faith. Paul's intention to receive encouragement from the Romans demonstrates the mutual edification and support that should exist within the body of Christ. Conclusion: Romans 15 conveys powerful messages about unity, hope, and service within the Christian community. It reminds believers to embrace one another, bearing with each other's weaknesses, and seeking to build up rather than please oneself. The chapter emphasizes the example of Christ as the ultimate servant, serving as a model for believers to follow. It also reinforces the hope found in God's promises, highlighting his faithfulness to both Jews and Gentiles. Ultimately, Romans 15 serves as a call to mutual encouragement, as believers strive to serve God and one another, united in their love for Christ and the spreading of the gospel SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
5/30/202330 minutes, 22 seconds
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Galatians 5 Freedom Through the Spirit 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-05-22-#630

Title: Understanding Galatians 5: Embracing Freedom through the Spirit Introduction: Galatians 5 is a chapter in the New Testament of the Bible that holds profound significance for Christians seeking to understand the true essence of faith and the freedom found in Christ. Written by the apostle Paul, this chapter delves into the contrast between living under the law and living by the Spirit, emphasizing the importance of spiritual freedom and the transformation it brings to believers' lives. Galatians 5 provides valuable insights into the qualities of a Spirit-led life and the liberation that comes from abandoning legalism and embracing God's grace. Freedom through the Spirit: The central message of Galatians 5 revolves around the concept of freedom. Paul begins by emphasizing the liberating power of Christ, declaring that it is for freedom that Christ has set us free (Galatians 5:1). This freedom is not merely a release from the bondage of sin and the law, but it is an invitation to live a life in alignment with the Spirit of God. Paul highlights the contrast between the law and the Spirit, explaining that those who seek to justify themselves through obedience to the law have fallen away from grace (Galatians 5:4). Instead, believers are called to live by faith and allow the Spirit to guide their actions, thoughts, and attitudes. The Fruit of the Spirit: One of the most well-known passages in Galatians 5 is the discussion of the fruit of the Spirit. Paul lists nine characteristics that manifest in the life of a person who walks in step with the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). These attributes reflect the transformative work of the Spirit in the life of a believer. Love becomes the foundation upon which all other qualities are built, while joy and peace radiate from a heart rooted in God's grace. Patience, kindness, and goodness are extended to others, and faithfulness becomes a guiding principle in relationships. Gentleness and self-control govern one's actions and responses, enabling believers to live in harmony with God's will. Crucifying the Flesh: Galatians 5 also addresses the ongoing struggle between the desires of the flesh and the desires of the Spirit. Paul warns against yielding to the works of the flesh, which include acts such as sexual immorality, impurity, idolatry, hatred, jealousy, and fits of rage, among others (Galatians 5:19-21). Instead, he encourages believers to crucify their fleshly desires and allow the Spirit to take control. Crucifying the flesh involves a deliberate surrender of one's selfish desires and impulses. By recognizing the destructive nature of these actions and aligning with the Spirit, believers can experience true freedom and liberation from the bondage of sin. Conclusion: Galatians 5 serves as a powerful reminder to Christians about the freedom and transformation found in Christ. It emphasizes the importance of living by the Spirit, walking in faith, and bearing the fruit of the Spirit. As believers surrender their lives to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they can experience a liberation from legalism, selfishness, and sin. Galatians 5 invites Christians to embrace the freedom offered by Christ and to cultivate a life marked by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Through the Spirit's work, believers can live out their faith authentically and bring glory to God. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
5/28/202331 minutes, 48 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 863 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
5/25/202326 minutes, 40 seconds
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Romans 8 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 862 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
5/24/202331 minutes, 50 seconds
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James 3 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie The Power Of Words 2023-05-19-#628

Unleashing the Power of Words: Exploring the Meaning of James 3 Introduction: In the book of James, chapter 3 offers profound wisdom on the power of our words and the responsibility we bear in using them wisely. James, believed to be the brother of Jesus, emphasizes the significance of speech and warns of the potential harm and destruction that can arise from uncontrolled tongues. Let us delve into the rich insights of James 3 and explore its timeless teachings on the importance of guarding our words. The Power of the Tongue: James opens the chapter by highlighting the influence and impact of our words. He compares the tongue to a small rudder that steers a large ship, or a tiny spark that ignites a vast forest fire. This analogy underscores the immense power our words possess. Despite their small size, they can shape the course of our lives and impact those around us. The Dual Nature of the Tongue: James goes on to discuss the contrasting potential of our tongues. He acknowledges that while we use our mouths to praise God and bless others, we can also use them to curse and harm. He reminds us that such inconsistency is not fitting for those who claim to follow Christ. This serves as a call to reflect on the alignment between our words and our faith, emphasizing the need for integrity and accountability in our speech. Taming the Tongue: James admits that taming the tongue is a formidable task. He describes it as an untamable evil, capable of spreading corruption and strife. Yet, he reminds us that with God's help, we can exercise control over our words. He urges us to exercise wisdom and self-discipline, cautioning against reckless speech that can lead to discord and pain. The chapter prompts us to seek divine guidance in our daily interactions, recognizing that our words have lasting consequences. The Wisdom from Above: James introduces the concept of heavenly wisdom, contrasting it with earthly wisdom driven by envy and selfish ambition. He explains that true wisdom from God is characterized by purity, peace, gentleness, and a willingness to yield. Applying this wisdom to our speech means speaking with kindness, empathy, and love. By seeking divine guidance and aligning our hearts with godly principles, we can transform our speech and bring healing and restoration to our relationships. The Fruits of Righteousness: The chapter concludes with a reflection on the outcomes of a life governed by godly wisdom. James asserts that those who sow peace and righteousness will reap a harvest of goodness. By exercising control over our tongues and using them for good, we not only bless others but also cultivate an atmosphere of harmony and unity. Our words can become instruments of encouragement, edification, and reconciliation, ultimately glorifying God and reflecting His character. Conclusion: James 3 offers a profound reminder of the power of our words and the impact they can have on our lives and the lives of those around us. It calls us to examine the authenticity of our faith by considering the way we communicate. By seeking God's wisdom, we can learn to control our tongues, speak words that build up, and cultivate a culture of love and harmony. Let us heed James' exhortation and strive to unleash the power of our words for good, reflecting the transformative work of Christ in our lives. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
5/23/202324 minutes, 10 seconds
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Tele Med Nightingales The Number One Virtual Clinic

Visit Tele Med Nightingales today for all your health care needs for superb high class professional treatment. Their virtual clinic is opened to anyone living in Texas, New Mexico, or Colorado. Log on today
5/18/20231 minute, 3 seconds
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Hebrews 6 Importance of Perseverance 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 857 - SendMe Radio

Title: Unveiling the Meaning of Hebrews 6: A Journey of Spiritual Growth Introduction: The book of Hebrews, nestled within the New Testament of the Bible, is a profound and thought-provoking letter that explores the themes of faith, perseverance, and the superiority of Christ's priesthood. Within this epistle lies an intriguing passage in Hebrews 6 that has sparked much discussion and debate among theologians and biblical scholars. In this article, we delve into the meaning of Hebrews 6, aiming to unravel its rich tapestry of teachings and illuminate its significance for spiritual growth. The Warning Against Apostasy: Hebrews 6:4-6 presents a passage that has puzzled many readers due to its apparent sternness and its reference to "impossible" repentance. Here, the author issues a grave warning against apostasy, cautioning believers about the dangers of falling away from the faith. The passage describes individuals who have experienced the blessings of God's grace, witnessed the work of the Holy Spirit, and tasted the goodness of the Word of God. The Perseverance of the Saints: The author's intention in Hebrews 6 is not to suggest that genuine believers can lose their salvation but to emphasize the importance of perseverance in the Christian walk. The passage serves as a sobering reminder that those who have been enlightened by the truth, tasted the goodness of God, and experienced the power of the Holy Spirit should not regress or abandon their faith. The Imagery of Agricultural Metaphors: Hebrews 6:7-8 employs the imagery of agricultural metaphors to convey its message. Just as the earth drinks in the rain that falls upon it, producing vegetation, believers are expected to bear fruit through a life of faith and obedience. Conversely, if one were to reject the truth and turn away from Christ, it is likened to a barren land that is unable to produce crops. This serves as an allegory for the consequences of apostasy. The Call to Maturity: In Hebrews 6:1-3, the author encourages believers to move beyond the elementary teachings of Christ and strive for spiritual maturity. The passage lists the foundational principles of faith, including repentance, faith in God, baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. By urging believers to advance from these elementary teachings, the author emphasizes the need for growth and development in one's faith. Hope and Assurance: While Hebrews 6 may contain strong warnings, it also provides assurance and hope for those who remain steadfast in their faith. The author expresses confidence in the readers' salvation and affirms that God is not unjust to forget their work and the love they have shown for His name. This encouragement is intended to motivate believers to persevere, anchoring their hope in the unchanging nature of God's promises. Conclusion: Hebrews 6 presents a challenging and thought-provoking passage that highlights the importance of perseverance and spiritual growth. The author's warning against apostasy serves as a reminder for believers to remain faithful and steadfast in their walk with Christ. While the passage may appear daunting, it ultimately encourages believers to mature in their faith, bearing fruit and finding hope in God's unchanging promises. Hebrews 6 beckons us to embark on a journey of spiritual growth, constantly striving to deepen our understanding of God's truth and remain rooted in His love and grace SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
5/18/202319 minutes, 55 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 856 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
5/17/202324 minutes, 41 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 855 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
5/15/202325 minutes, 10 seconds
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Mother’s Day Service Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 854 - SendMe Radio

5/14/20238 minutes, 14 seconds
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Proverbs 30 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 853 - SendMe Radio

Title: Unraveling the Wisdom of Proverb 30: A Profound Insight into Human Humility and Divine Sovereignty Introduction: Proverbs have long served as valuable repositories of wisdom, providing succinct and profound insights into the human experience. Among the multitude of verses within the Book of Proverbs lies Proverb 30, an enigmatic passage that offers a deep exploration of human humility and the unfathomable nature of divine sovereignty. By delving into the intricacies of this proverb, we gain a greater understanding of our place in the world and the awe-inspiring power that lies beyond our grasp. Verse 1: The Humility of Agur: "The sayings of Agur son of Jakeh—an inspired utterance. This man’s utterance to Ithiel: 'I am weary, God, but I can prevail.'" The opening verse introduces us to Agur, the author of this proverb. Agur humbly acknowledges his own limitations and weariness, recognizing the need for divine assistance to overcome life's challenges. This admission of weakness sets the stage for a profound exploration of humility and human dependence on a higher power. Verse 2-4: The Unfathomable Nature of God: "Surely, I am only a brute, not a man; I do not have human understanding. I have not learned wisdom, nor have I attained to the knowledge of the Holy One. Who has gone up to heaven and come down? Whose hands have gathered up the wind? Who has wrapped up the waters in a cloak? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is the name of his son? Surely you know!" In these verses, Agur marvels at the incomprehensible greatness of God. He acknowledges his own limitations and the impossibility of fully grasping the mysteries of the divine. Agur poses a series of rhetorical questions that emphasize the awe-inspiring power of God, highlighting His ability to create and control the elements. The profound impact of these questions lies in their reminder that the human mind cannot fathom the extent of God's wisdom and omnipotence. Verse 5-6: The Word of God as a Shield: "Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar." Agur recognizes the infallibility and protective nature of God's word. He encourages humility and warns against distorting or adding to the divine message, as doing so would invite divine rebuke and expose one as a liar. This verse emphasizes the importance of reverence for God's wisdom and the need to approach it with humility and integrity. Verse 7-9: The Virtue of Contentment: "Two things I ask of you, Lord; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or I may become poor and steal and so dishonor the name of my God." Agur implores the Lord for two essential virtues: truthfulness and contentment. He recognizes the danger of extremes and acknowledges the need for balance in his life. Agur's request for neither poverty nor riches demonstrates his desire for sufficiency, as excessive wealth may lead to pride and a detachment from God, while poverty may drive one to unethical behavior. This verse emphasizes the importance of finding contentment in simplicity and relying on God for sustenance. Verse 32: Acknowledging Human Fallibility: "If you play the fool and exalt yourself, or if you plan evil, clap your hand over SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
5/12/202325 minutes, 32 seconds
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Mark 16 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 852 - SendMe Radio

Title: Decoding Mark 16: Exploring the Meaning and Significance Introduction: The Gospel of Mark, one of the four canonical gospels in the New Testament, offers a unique perspective on the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Within the closing chapter of this powerful narrative, Mark 16, readers encounter profound events and statements that have stirred discussions and interpretations over the centuries. In this article, we aim to explore the meaning and significance of Mark 16, shedding light on its themes, symbols, and messages. The Resurrection of Jesus: The primary focus of Mark 16 is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The chapter begins with the account of the women disciples—Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome—visiting the tomb where Jesus was buried. To their astonishment, they find the stone rolled away and encounter a young man dressed in a white robe, who tells them that Jesus has risen from the dead. This news both surprises and confuses them, prompting fear and silence. The concept of resurrection lies at the core of Christian faith, affirming that Jesus, who was crucified and buried, triumphed over death and emerged victorious. Mark 16 serves as a pivotal moment, unveiling the culmination of Jesus' mission and the fulfillment of divine promises. The Great Commission: In the latter part of Mark 16, Jesus appears to the eleven disciples and commissions them to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. This command, commonly referred to as the Great Commission, emphasizes the universality and transformative power of the gospel message. It encourages believers to share the good news, make disciples, and baptize people in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This commission reflects Jesus' desire for his followers to spread his teachings, love, and redemption to all nations. It serves as a call to action for Christians, urging them to actively participate in the growth and expansion of the faith, emphasizing the importance of evangelism and discipleship. Themes of Faith and Doubt: Mark 16 also explores the themes of faith and doubt. When the women first witness the empty tomb, they are initially perplexed and fearful. Doubt clouds their minds as they struggle to comprehend what has happened. Similarly, the disciples, upon hearing of Jesus' resurrection, find it difficult to believe the news. These moments of doubt are relatable to the human experience and serve as a reminder that faith is not always immediate or unwavering. The doubts and questions raised in Mark 16 encourage readers to examine their own faith, wrestle with uncertainties, and ultimately seek a deeper understanding of the divine. The Controversy Surrounding the Ending: It is important to note that Mark 16 concludes with verses 9-20, which are subject to debate among biblical scholars. Some manuscripts do not contain these verses, leading to discussions about their authenticity. The disputed verses include appearances of Jesus to his disciples, references to miracles, and teachings on various signs that will accompany believers. While the authenticity of these verses is a matter of scholarly discussion, they have been traditionally accepted as part of the biblical canon by many Christian communities. It is advisable to approach these verses with an understanding of their debated nature, while recognizing their potential theological value. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
5/11/202324 minutes, 31 seconds
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James 5 Instructions For Christians 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-05-06-#619 copy

James 5 is the fifth and final chapter of the Book of James in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. This chapter contains a series of instructions for Christians regarding how to live their lives in accordance with God's will. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of James 5 and what it teaches us about how to live as faithful followers of Jesus. The chapter begins with a warning to the rich. James cautions them against hoarding wealth and exploiting the poor. He tells them that their wealth will ultimately be worthless in the face of God's judgment and that they will be held accountable for their actions. This passage serves as a reminder to Christians that our ultimate allegiance should be to God, not to worldly wealth or power. In verse 7, James shifts his focus to the topic of patience. He encourages his readers to be patient in the face of suffering and to trust in God's plan for their lives. He points to the example of farmers who wait patiently for their crops to grow, knowing that the harvest will come in due time. This passage reminds us that our faith requires us to trust in God's timing and to be patient as we wait for his plans to unfold in our lives. In verses 13-18, James encourages his readers to pray for one another. He tells them that prayer has the power to heal the sick and to bring forgiveness for sins. He also reminds them of the importance of confessing their sins to one another and seeking the help of other believers in times of need. This passage teaches us that prayer and community are essential components of the Christian life, and that we should always be willing to offer and receive support from our brothers and sisters in Christ. Finally, James concludes his letter with a call to action. He urges his readers to be proactive in their faith, to reach out to those in need, and to share the message of Jesus with the world. He reminds them that faith without action is dead, and that true faith is demonstrated through the good works that we do in Jesus' name. In conclusion, James 5 offers a series of powerful teachings for Christians. It calls us to be mindful of our wealth and to use it in ways that honor God and serve others. It reminds us of the importance of patience and trust in God's plan for our lives. It encourages us to pray for one another and to seek the support of our community in times of need. And it challenges us to put our faith into action by doing good works and sharing the message of Jesus with those around us. May we all be inspired by these teachings and strive to live our lives in accordance with God's will. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
5/9/202333 minutes, 42 seconds
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Colossians 4 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 852 - SendMe Radio

Exploring the Profound Teachings of Colossians 4: A Call to Faithful Living and Gracious Conduct Introduction: The biblical book of Colossians is a treasure trove of wisdom and spiritual guidance, offering profound insights into the nature of Christian living. In Colossians 4, the Apostle Paul concludes his letter to the church in Colossae with powerful exhortations and practical instructions for believers. This chapter serves as a reminder of the importance of faithful living and gracious conduct in our relationships and interactions with others. Let us delve into the key themes and messages found in Colossians 4. Prayer and Open Doors: Paul urges the Colossian believers to be devoted to prayer, emphasizing the significance of consistent communion with God. He asks for prayers on his behalf, requesting that God would open a door for the proclamation of the gospel (Colossians 4:2-4). This passage reminds us of the power of prayer in seeking opportunities for sharing the Good News and the necessity of interceding for fellow believers in their ministry endeavors. Conduct Towards Outsiders: Paul encourages the Colossian Christians to conduct themselves wisely toward outsiders, making the most of every opportunity to proclaim Christ (Colossians 4:5). This verse highlights the importance of living as exemplary witnesses, demonstrating the love, grace, and truth of Christ in our interactions with those who do not yet know Him. Our conduct should be marked by integrity, kindness, and genuine concern for others, ultimately leading them to inquire about the hope that resides within us. Speech Seasoned with Grace: In Colossians 4:6, Paul emphasizes the significance of our speech, urging believers to let their words always be seasoned with grace, seasoned with salt. This implies speaking with kindness, gentleness, and respect, using our words to build up and encourage others. Our conversations should reflect the transforming power of Christ within us, fostering an atmosphere of love and understanding in our relationships. Commendations and Instructions for Fellow Workers: Paul concludes his letter by sending greetings and commendations to various individuals who were his fellow workers in the ministry. He specifically mentions Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Mark, and others, highlighting their devotion and faithfulness in the service of Christ (Colossians 4:7-17). Through these commendations, Paul emphasizes the importance of recognizing and appreciating the contributions of fellow believers, encouraging unity and mutual support within the body of Christ. Conclusion: Colossians 4 contains invaluable teachings that guide us in our Christian walk and interactions with others. It emphasizes the necessity of prayer, seeking open doors for the gospel, conducting ourselves wisely toward outsiders, speaking with grace and seasoned words, and valuing the contributions of fellow believers. As we internalize these teachings, we are challenged to live out our faith authentically, influencing those around us through our conduct and words. Ultimately, Colossians 4 prompts us to cultivate a deep relationship with God, allowing His grace to transform us and equip us to be effective ambassadors for Christ. May we, like the Colossian believers, be inspired to live faithfully, demonstrating His love to the world and boldly proclaiming the life-changing message of the Gospel. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
5/8/202320 minutes, 16 seconds
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Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 851 - SendMe Radio

5/6/202339 minutes, 3 seconds
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2 Chronicles 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-05-04-#617

The biblical book of 2 Chronicles, a part of the Old Testament, holds a significant place in religious and historical contexts. Serving as a continuation of the first book of Chronicles, it offers a unique perspective on the rich history of Israel and Judah, focusing primarily on the reigns of various kings and their spiritual journeys. Through its narratives, genealogies, and teachings, 2 Chronicles imparts profound lessons on leadership, faithfulness, and the consequences of human actions. This article aims to explore the meaning and significance of 2 Chronicles, shedding light on its relevance for readers today. Context and Purpose: The book of 2 Chronicles was likely compiled during the Persian period, as a way to preserve the historical and religious heritage of the Israelite people. Its authorship is traditionally attributed to the prophet Ezra. The book's purpose is to remind the Jewish exiles returning from Babylonian captivity of their covenantal relationship with God and the importance of faithfulness to His laws. It emphasizes the significance of the Davidic monarchy and the centrality of the temple in Jerusalem as the focal point for worship. Themes and Messages: The Importance of Obedience: 2 Chronicles underscores the consequences of obedience and disobedience to God's commandments. The lives of the kings serve as prime examples of the rewards of following God faithfully and the perils of turning away from His ways. The righteous kings who sought God wholeheartedly experienced blessings and victories, while those who rebelled or worshipped foreign gods faced tragic consequences. The Power of Repentance and Prayer: Throughout the book, individuals and nations are shown the path of restoration through sincere repentance and seeking God's forgiveness. The accounts of King Asa, King Hezekiah, and King Josiah exemplify the transformative power of turning to God, seeking His guidance, and leading the nation in times of moral and spiritual renewal. The Significance of the Temple: 2 Chronicles highlights the centrality of the temple in the religious life of ancient Israel. The construction of Solomon's Temple and subsequent reforms under righteous kings reinforced the belief that genuine worship and spiritual revival occur in a place dedicated to God. The book emphasizes the importance of preserving and honoring God's dwelling place as a symbol of the covenantal relationship between God and His people. Lessons in Leadership: The narratives of various kings in 2 Chronicles provide valuable insights into leadership qualities and their impact on a nation. Leaders who were humble, prayerful, and sought God's guidance experienced success and prosperity, whereas those who relied on their own strength or followed their own desires led their kingdoms astray. Relevance Today: While 2 Chronicles recounts events from ancient times, its teachings hold significant relevance for believers today. The book reminds us of the consequences of our actions, the importance of remaining faithful to God's commandments, and the power of repentance and prayer in seeking reconciliation with Him. It encourages us to cultivate godly leadership qualities and demonstrates the transformative impact that individuals, both rulers and citizens, can have on society. Conclusion: The book of 2 Chronicles serves as a timeless repository of wisdom and spiritual guidance. Its narratives and teachings provide valuable insights into the historical and religious heritage of the Israelite people, emphasizing the consequences of obedience and disobedience to God's laws. By exploring its themes of faithfulness, repentance, and leadership, readers can glean meaningful lessons and apply them to their own lives, fostering spiritual growth and a deeper connection with the divine.
5/6/202323 minutes, 13 seconds
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Contending For The Faith 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Jude 1 2023-03-22-#583

The book of Jude is a short letter in the New Testament, containing only one chapter. Despite its brevity, it is filled with powerful exhortations and warnings for the early Christian community. Jude begins his letter by identifying himself as a servant of Jesus Christ and the brother of James, who was likely the leader of the Jerusalem church. Jude's letter is addressed to a specific group of believers, urging them to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. The phrase "contend for the faith" implies that the Christian faith is not something that can be taken for granted. It must be defended against those who seek to distort or corrupt it. Jude goes on to describe the false teachers who have infiltrated the church, warning that they will be judged for their ungodly behavior. These false teachers are characterized as people who have denied Jesus Christ, perverted the grace of God into sensuality, and rejected authority. Jude draws upon a variety of Old Testament examples to illustrate the consequences of such rebellion. He references the Israelites who were destroyed in the wilderness due to their lack of faith, the angels who fell from heaven, and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were destroyed due to their sexual immorality. Jude's purpose in writing is to encourage the faithful to persevere in the face of such opposition, reminding them that God is able to keep them from falling and to present them blameless before the presence of his glory. He urges them to build themselves up in their most holy faith, to pray in the Holy Spirit, and to keep themselves in the love of God. Jude concludes his letter with a powerful doxology, acknowledging God as the only wise God and our Savior, to whom be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, both now and forever. In summary, the book of Jude is a call to vigilance and perseverance in the face of opposition and false teaching. It reminds us that the Christian faith is not something to be taken lightly but requires our constant attention and defense. Jude encourages us to stay grounded in the truth of the gospel, to remain faithful to God, and to trust in his power to preserve us until the end. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
5/4/202330 minutes, 31 seconds
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Isaiah 53 The Suffering and Death of Jesus Christ 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-03-30-#590

Isaiah 53 is one of the most famous and well-known chapters in the Bible. It is a prophecy about the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, and it is often read at funerals and other times of mourning.The chapter begins with the question, "Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" (Isaiah 53:1).This question is a reminder that the coming of Jesus Christ was a surprise to many people. He was not the kind of Messiah that most people expected. He was not a powerful king or a conquering hero. Instead, he was a humble man who came to serve and to die for others.The rest of Isaiah 53 describes the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. It says that he was "despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain" (Isaiah 53:3). It says that he was "pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5).Isaiah 53 is a powerful and moving passage of Scripture. It tells the story of the greatest act of love in history: the death of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins. This passage is a reminder that God loves us so much that he was willing to send his only Son to die for us.Isaiah 53 is also a source of hope for us. It tells us that Jesus Christ has defeated sin and death.He has taken our punishment upon himself, and he has made it possible for us to be forgiven and to have eternal life.If you are struggling with sin or with the pain of loss, I encourage you to read Isaiah 53. It is a message of hope and salvation. It is a reminder that God loves you and that he has a plan for your life.
5/3/202327 minutes, 2 seconds
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Philippians 3 Identity and Purpose 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 849 - SendMe Radio

Philippians 3 is a chapter in the King James Bible that contains a wealth of spiritual insight and wisdom. In this chapter, the Apostle Paul shares his personal testimony and encourages believers to find their identity and purpose in Christ alone.The chapter begins with Paul exhorting the believers in Philippi to rejoice in the Lord. He says, "Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe" (Philippians 3:1, KJB). Paul is reminding the Philippians that their joy and security come from their relationship with Christ, not from their circumstances or material possessions.Paul then warns the Philippians about false teachers who promote circumcision as a requirement for salvation. He calls them "the concision," a term that refers to those who mutilate the flesh. Paul makes it clear that salvation comes through faith in Christ alone, and not through any outward acts of obedience or ritual. He says, "For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh" (Philippians 3:3, KJB).Next, Paul shares his personal testimony and describes his religious pedigree. He says, "Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless" (Philippians 3:4-6, KJB). Paul is highlighting his religious credentials to show that he had every reason to boast in his own abilities and accomplishments. However, he goes on to say that he considers everything he had gained to be worthless compared to knowing Christ. He says, "But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ" (Philippians 3:7-8, KJB).Finally, Paul encourages the Philippians to press on towards the goal of knowing Christ more fully. He says, "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:13-14, KJB). Paul is reminding the Philippians that the Christian life is a journey, and that they need to keep pressing forward towards the goal of knowing Christ more intimately.In conclusion, Philippians 3 is a powerful chapter that encourages believers to find their identity and purpose in Christ alone. It reminds us that our joy and security come from our relationship with Him, not from our circumstances or accomplishments. We must be careful not to trust in our own abilities or religious practices, but rather to put our faith in Christ alone. May we all be inspired by Paul's testimony and encouraged to press on towards the goal of knowing Christ more fully
5/1/202323 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sunday Morning Intercessory Prayer Episode 848 - SendMe Radio

4/30/202331 minutes, 4 seconds
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Job 19 Suffering 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 847 - SendMe Radio

Job 19 is a chapter in the Old Testament book of Job, which tells the story of a man named Job who faces great suffering and trials despite being a righteous and upright person. Job 19 is a particularly poignant chapter in this story, as it describes Job's despair and anguish as he struggles to make sense of his situation. At the beginning of the chapter, Job laments the fact that his friends have turned against him, accusing him of wrongdoing and attributing his suffering to his own sins. Job insists that he has done nothing wrong and that his suffering is not deserved. He says, "How long will you torment me and crush me with words?Ten times now you have reproached me; shamelessly you attack me" (Job 19:2-3). Despite the accusations of his friends, Job holds fast to his faith in God and his belief that God will ultimately deliver him from his suffering. He declares, "I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God" (Job 19:25-26). This statement is one of the most famous and inspiring verses in the entire book of Job, and it has resonated with believers for thousands of years.The chapter ends with Job's plea for mercy and justice, as he begs God to hear his cries and to vindicate him against his accusers. Job declares, "Oh, that my words were recorded, that they were written on a scroll, that they were inscribed with an iron tool on lead, or engraved in rock forever!" (Job 19:23-24). In this statement, Job expresses his desire for his story to be told and remembered, even after he is gone. Overall, Job 19 is a powerful chapter that speaks to the human experience of suffering and the struggle to find meaning and hope in difficult times. Job's declaration of faith in God's ultimate redemption and his plea for justice are timeless messages that continue to resonate with readers today. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/29/202330 minutes, 20 seconds
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1 Colossians 1 and 2 Steadfast In Faith 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 846 - SendMe Radio

The book of Colossians is one of the letters of the Apostle Paul written to the early Christian church in Colossae. In the first two chapters of Colossians, Paul provides an overview of the Christian faith and its significance for believers. In this article, we will explore Colossians 1 and 2, focusing on what these chapters mean for Christians today.Colossians 1:1-14In the opening verses of Colossians 1, Paul greets the church in Colossae and expresses his gratitude for their faith and love for one another. He goes on to pray for them, asking that they would be filled with the knowledge of God's will and be strengthened with all power, according to God's glorious might.Paul then explains the significance of Jesus Christ in the Christian faith, stating that Jesus is the image of the invisible God and the firstborn over all creation. He goes on to explain that through Jesus, all things were created and that he holds all things together. This means that Jesus is not only the Savior of the world, but he is also the creator of the world and the one who sustains it.Colossians 1:15-23In these verses, Paul expands on the theme of Jesus' supremacy. He explains that Jesus is the head of the church and that through his death on the cross, he has reconciled all things to himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven. This means that through Jesus, believers have been reconciled to God and have been given the hope of eternal life.Paul also emphasizes the importance of continuing in faith and warns against being led astray by false teachings or philosophies. He encourages believers to remain steadfast in their faith and to continue to live a life that is pleasing to God.Colossians 1:24-29In the final verses of Colossians 1, Paul explains his role as an apostle and a servant of Christ. He states that his mission is to proclaim the message of Christ and to make it fully known to all people. He also emphasizes the importance of suffering for the sake of the gospel, stating that he rejoices in his sufferings because they are for the sake of Christ.Colossians 2:1-7In Colossians 2, Paul continues to encourage the church in Colossae to remain steadfast in their faith. He warns against being led astray by false teachings and encourages them to be rooted and built up in Christ. He also emphasizes the importance of being thankful for what God has done for them through Jesus.Paul also warns against legalism and the pursuit of worldly wisdom, stating that true wisdom comes from knowing Christ. He encourages the church to continue to walk in Christ and to remain firm in their faith.Colossians 2:8-23In the final verses of Colossians 2, Paul warns against false teachings and legalism. He explains that believers have been freed from the spiritual powers of this world through Christ and that they should not be bound by the rules and regulations of human tradition. He encourages the church to focus on Christ and to live in accordance with his teachings, rather than being weighed down by legalistic practices.ConclusionIn Colossians 1 and 2, Paul emphasizes the supremacy of Jesus Christ and the importance of remaining steadfast in faith. He warns against false teachings and legalism, emphasizing the importance of focusing on Christ and living in accordance with his teachings. These chapters provide a powerful reminder of the significance of the Christian faith and its relevance for believers today.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
4/25/202323 minutes, 51 seconds
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1 Peter 1 Enduring Suffering 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 845 - SendMe Radio

1 Peter is a book of the New Testament, attributed to Peter, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. The book is addressed to Christians who were scattered throughout Asia Minor, facing persecution for their faith. The letter is a pastoral exhortation, encouraging the believers to stand firm in their faith, despite their trials, and to live as obedient children of God.The book opens with a greeting from Peter, who identifies himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ. He then praises God for the salvation that is available to believers through Jesus' death and resurrection, and encourages his readers to rejoice in their salvation, even though they may be suffering.Peter then goes on to encourage his readers to live holy lives, reminding them that they are called to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices to God. He also emphasizes the importance of loving one another, serving one another, and showing hospitality to one another.Throughout the book, Peter emphasizes the importance of enduring suffering for the sake of Christ, even if it means facing persecution. He reminds his readers that Jesus himself suffered for their sake, and that they should follow his example. He also reminds them that their suffering is temporary, and that they will one day be rewarded for their faithfulness.Peter also addresses the issue of leadership within the church, encouraging the elders to be good shepherds of their flocks, and reminding them that they will be held accountable for their actions. He also encourages the younger members of the church to submit to the authority of their elders, and to show humility and respect to one another.In the final chapter of the book, Peter encourages his readers to be vigilant, alert, and sober-minded, knowing that their adversary, the devil, is prowling around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. He encourages them to resist the devil, standing firm in their faith, and trusting in the God who will restore and strengthen them.Overall, the message of 1 Peter is one of encouragement, exhorting believers to remain faithful in the face of trials and persecution. It reminds us that suffering is a part of the Christian life, but that we can endure it with joy and hope, knowing that our salvation is secure in Christ. The book also emphasizes the importance of living holy lives, serving one another, and submitting to the authority of God and his appointed leadersSendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
4/24/202321 minutes, 7 seconds
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Proverbs 21 Importance Of Wisdom Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-04-05-#595

Proverbs 21 is a chapter in the book of Proverbs, a collection of wise sayings and teachings attributed to King Solomon, the son of David, in the Old Testament of the Bible. This chapter contains 31 verses, each of which offers a unique insight into the nature of humanity and the world around us. Throughout Proverbs 21, Solomon offers wisdom and guidance on topics ranging from the importance of honesty and integrity to the dangers of pride and greed. One of the central themes of Proverbs 21 is the importance of righteousness and justice. Solomon emphasizes the importance of doing what is right in the eyes of God and of treating others with fairness and kindness. In verse 3, he writes, "To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice." This verse reminds us that our actions speak louder than our words, and that it is our deeds, not our intentions, that truly matter in the eyes of God. Solomon also offers warnings about the dangers of greed and pride. In verse 4, he writes, "Haughty eyes and a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked, are sin." This verse reminds us that pride can be a destructive force in our lives, leading us to pursue our own interests at the expense of others and causing us to lose sight of what is truly important. Instead, Solomon encourages us to cultivate humility and to put the needs of others before our own. Another key theme of Proverbs 21 is the importance of honesty and integrity. In verse 6, Solomon writes, "The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and a snare of death." This verse reminds us that dishonesty may bring short-term gain, but in the long run, it will ultimately lead to our downfall. Instead, Solomon encourages us to be truthful and trustworthy in all of our dealings, recognizing that integrity is the foundation of a good reputation and a life well-lived. Throughout Proverbs 21, Solomon offers a wealth of wisdom and insight into the nature of humanity and the world around us. He reminds us of the importance of righteousness and justice, warns us about the dangers of pride and greed, and encourages us to cultivate honesty and integrity in all of our dealings. Ultimately, the lessons of Proverbs 21 remind us that the key to a fulfilling and meaningful life lies not in our possessions or accomplishments, but in the quality of our character and the depth of our relationships with others. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/23/202326 minutes, 41 seconds
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Psalms 14 The Need For Redemption 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-04-01-#592

Psalm 14 is a powerful and poignant expression of the nature of humanity's sinfulness and our need for redemption. It is a lamentation that speaks to the universal human experience of feeling lost and disconnected from God. This psalm is often used as a prayer of repentance and a reminder of the consequences of turning away from God. The opening lines of Psalm 14 establish the central theme of the psalm: "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'" This statement is not meant to be an insult to atheists or non-believers, but rather a condemnation of the attitude of those who reject God's sovereignty and choose to live according to their own selfish desires. The psalmist goes on to describe the actions of these "fools," who have turned away from God and embraced wickedness. He says that "there is no one who does good, not even one," emphasizing the universality of sin and the need for redemption. Despite the bleakness of this assessment of human nature, the psalmist does not give up hope. He acknowledges that God is still present and working in the world, and that there are still those who seek to follow him. He prays for God to save his people and to restore them to a state of righteousness. In the final verses of the psalm, the psalmist reflects on his own faith and trust in God. He says that he is confident that God will ultimately prevail and that those who put their trust in him will be saved. The message of Psalm 14 is one of humility and repentance. It reminds us that we are all sinners in need of God's grace and mercy, and that we must strive to live according to his will. At the same time, it offers hope and assurance that God is always present and working in the world, and that we can trust in him to save us and lead us to righteousness. In summary, Psalm 14 is a powerful expression of the human condition and our need for redemption. It is a call to humility and repentance, and a reminder of the consequences of turning away from God. But it is also a message of hope and assurance, reminding us that God is always present and working in the world, and that we can trust in him to save us and lead us to righteousness. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/22/202333 minutes, 13 seconds
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Book Of Hosea Return Every Shame 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-03-31-#591

Hosea is a book of the Old Testament in the Christian Bible, which is named after the prophet Hosea. Hosea was a prophet who lived in the northern kingdom of Israel during the reign of Jeroboam II. Hosea was called by God to deliver a message of warning to the people of Israel, who had turned away from God and were living in sin. The book of Hosea is a powerful reminder of the consequences of sin and the unending love and mercy of God. Hosea’s message is one of both judgment and hope. He begins by indicting the people of Israel for their sins of idolatry, unfaithfulness, and injustice. He compares their unfaithfulness to that of a prostitute, and he calls upon them to repent and return to God. In Hosea 6:1-3, the prophet speaks of the Lord’s desire to restore His people: “Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.” Hosea’s message of hope is rooted in God’s love and mercy, which never fails. He speaks of God’s steadfast love and His desire to redeem His people, despite their sinfulness. Hosea 11:8-9 says, “How can I give you up, Ephraim? How can I hand you over, Israel? How can I treat you like Admah? How can I make you like Zeboyim? My heart is changed within me; all my compassion is aroused. I will not carry out my fierce anger, nor will I turn and devastate Ephraim. For I am God, and not a man—the Holy One among you. I will not come against their cities.” Throughout the book of Hosea, the prophet uses vivid and powerful imagery to illustrate his message. He uses the metaphor of a marriage to describe the relationship between God and His people. Hosea compares Israel’s unfaithfulness to that of a wife who has committed adultery. He describes how God has been faithful to His people, but they have turned away from Him to worship other gods. Despite the harsh judgment that Hosea delivers, his message ultimately points to the hope of restoration and redemption. The prophet reminds us that God’s love is steadfast and His mercy endures forever. No matter how far we may have strayed from God, He is always ready and willing to welcome us back with open arms. In conclusion, the book of Hosea is a powerful reminder of God’s unending love and mercy. It is a call to repentance and a reminder of the consequences of sin. But ultimately, it is a message of hope and restoration, as God promises to heal and restore His people, no matter how far they may have strayed. As we read the book of Hosea, let us be reminded of God’s faithfulness and His desire to redeem us, and let us turn our hearts back to Him. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/21/202327 minutes, 18 seconds
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Acts 5 Ananias and Sapphira 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures 2023-04-21 17:16:25 +0000

Listen to this awesome reading, by Digital Ink, on Ananias and Sapphira, taken from the book of Acts 5 verse 1 to 11. Listen and be blessed, right here on SendMe Radio. Download our free app from Apple and the Google Play store, you can also scan our QR code. Or just say hey Alexa, play SendMe Radio, list to SendMe Radio on all your smart devices. Follow us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel, for more awesome Christian content. In the early days of the church, there was a man named Ananias and his wife Sapphira. They sold a piece of property and kept some of the money for themselves, but gave the rest to the apostles to distribute to those in need. However, Ananias decided to lie about the amount of money they had received for the property. He brought some of the money to the apostles, claiming it was the full amount, but he had actually kept back some for himself. Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, confronted Ananias about his lie, saying, “Ananias, why have you let Satan fill your heart and make you lie to the Holy Spirit? You only pretended to give it all, yet you hid back part of the price.” At that moment, Ananias fell to the ground dead, struck down by God for his dishonesty. His wife Sapphira was unaware of what had happened to her husband when she arrived later that day. When Peter asked her if the amount of money they gave was the full amount, she too lied and said it was. Peter then rebuked Sapphira, telling her that she too would be judged for her deceitfulness. Just as with Ananias, Sapphira fell down dead at that very moment, struck by the wrath of God. This event in the early church serves as a warning to all believers about the seriousness of lying and deceitfulness. God sees everything and desires honesty and integrity from His people. The story of Ananias and Sapphira serves as a reminder that we will be held accountable for our actions and words, and that we should always strive to be truthful and faithful to God. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/21/20231 minute, 54 seconds
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The Importance Of Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-03-29-#589

The book of 2 Thessalonians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Thessalonica. In this letter, Paul encourages the believers to persevere in their faith despite opposition, and he addresses concerns about the second coming of Christ. Chapter 3 of 2 Thessalonians is particularly focused on practical issues related to the Christian life and the importance of work. At the start of 2 Thessalonians 3, Paul urges the believers to pray for him and his companions as they continue to share the gospel with others. He also expresses confidence that God will guide them and protect them from evil. This serves as a reminder that prayer is an important aspect of the Christian life, both for our personal needs and for the needs of others. Paul then addresses a specific issue that had arisen in the church in Thessalonica. Some individuals had apparently stopped working and were relying on others for support. Paul strongly rebukes this behavior, stating that those who refuse to work should not be supported by the church. He encourages the believers to work diligently and earn their own living, so as not to be a burden on others. The importance of work in the Christian life is a common theme in Paul's letters. He sees work as a way of contributing to society and showing love for others. He also believes that work is a means of pleasing God and fulfilling our purpose on earth. In this chapter, Paul emphasizes the connection between work and faith, stating that those who refuse to work are also disobedient to God's commands. In addition to emphasizing the importance of work, Paul also encourages the believers to avoid idleness and to live disciplined lives. He urges them to follow his example and to work hard, even when faced with opposition or difficulty. He also reminds them that the Lord is faithful and will strengthen them to do His work. The chapter ends with a reminder of the grace and peace that come from God. Paul prays that the Lord will strengthen and protect the believers and that they will remain faithful to Him. He also encourages them to greet one another with a holy kiss, a common practice in the early church that symbolized unity and love. In summary, 2 Thessalonians 3 highlights the importance of work and discipline in the Christian life, as well as the need for prayer and reliance on God. It also calls for believers to demonstrate love for others and to live in a way that pleases God. By following Paul's example and relying on God's strength, we can live lives that are fruitful and pleasing to Him. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/20/202327 minutes, 22 seconds
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1 John 3 Set Apart 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-04-06-#596

The book of 1 John is a letter written by the Apostle John to a group of Christians who were facing both internal and external challenges to their faith. Throughout the book, John encourages these believers to hold fast to their faith in Christ and to demonstrate their love for God and for one another by living righteous lives. The third chapter of 1 John is a particularly important chapter that focuses on the topic of love and its relationship to our identity as children of God. At the start of 1 John 3, John reminds the reader that believers are children of God and that this identity is what sets them apart from the world. He emphasizes that the world does not know or recognize them because they are not of the world. This statement serves as a reminder that being a Christian is not about fitting in with the world but about being set apart by God for a special purpose. John then goes on to make an important statement about the nature of sin. He says that sin is lawlessness, and that we know that Jesus came to take away sins and that in Him there is no sin. This statement reminds us that Jesus came to fulfill the law and to take away the penalty of sin. It also reminds us that sin is not just a mistake or accident; it is a deliberate breaking of God's laws and an act of rebellion against His authority. The heart of 1 John 3 is a call to love. John says that we should imitate God's love for us by loving one another. He reminds us that love is not just a feeling or emotion but an action. He says, "let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth." In other words, our love for others should be demonstrated in our actions and in the truth of our character. John also points out that love involves sacrifice. He writes, "By this we know love, because He [Jesus Christ] laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." The chapter ends with a reminder of the importance of faith. John says that faith in God's Son gives us confidence that we are saved and that we have eternal life. He says that when we love and obey God, we experience His presence in our lives, and He gives us whatever we ask for. In summary, the third chapter of 1 John highlights the importance of love as a defining characteristic of the Christian life. It reminds us that sin is not just a mistake but a deliberate breaking of God's laws, and that our identity as children of God should set us apart from the world. It also emphasizes the importance of having faith in Christ and trusting Him for our salvation. By living lives of love, obedience, and faith, we can experience the joy and peace that come from being true children of God. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/19/202324 minutes, 6 seconds
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Galatians 2 Salvation Comes Only Through Jesus Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Atlanta 2023-04-07-#597

The book of Galatians is one of the most significant books in the Bible because it clarifies the relationship between grace and faith. In this book, the Apostle Paul writes to the Galatians, who were Gentiles who converted to Christianity. Paul writes this letter to them because they were being influenced by Jewish teachers who were preaching that the Gentiles needed to follow the Jewish customs in order to be saved. Thus, Galatians 2 is a crucial chapter in this book as it provides insights into this relationship between Jewish customs and Gentile salvation. The first verses of Galatians 2 describe Paul's visit to Jerusalem, where he met with the apostles and shared the gospel with them. The apostles accepted his preaching and agreed that he should continue to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. However, some Jews who were part of the Christian community in Jerusalem were not happy with Paul's teaching because he was not enforcing Jewish customs on the Gentiles. As a result, Paul was forced to defend his teaching and explain why he was not following Jewish customs. Paul's defense of his teaching is found in Galatians 2:15-21. In essence, Paul argues that no one can be justified by following the Jewish law. Instead, salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Paul goes on to say that he no longer lives by the law himself but lives by faith in Jesus. Moreover, Paul declares that he was crucified with Christ and that he no longer lives but Christ lives in him. Overall, Galatians 2 is a crucial chapter because it highlights the centrality of faith in Christ as the basis for salvation. It also emphasizes the fact that we cannot earn our salvation through the observance of Jewish customs. Instead, salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ alone. As a result, the message of Galatians 2 is relevant for us today as it reminds us that our salvation is solely based on our faith in Christ, and we cannot add anything to it, be it customs, traditions, or good works.
4/15/202318 minutes, 38 seconds
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Psalms 4 Remove Every Shame El Paso Texas 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 4 is a beautiful and meaningful passage found in the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament of the Bible. It is a prayerful lament, expressing the Psalmist's cry for help from God. This Psalm provides a powerful message of trust, faith, and hope in God's goodness and protection. The Psalm begins with a plea from the Psalmist for God to answer his prayer. He asks God to hear his plea, to be gracious to him, and to turn his mourning into dancing. The Psalmist is going through a difficult time, and he is seeking comfort and guidance from God. He knows that God is the only one who can provide him with the help he needs. The Psalmist then addresses those who are opposing him, asking them to turn away from their evil ways and to trust in God's goodness. He reminds them that God has set apart the godly for Himself and that He hears their prayers. The Psalmist then expresses his own confidence in God's protection. He affirms that God is the one who has given him peace and safety, and that he can sleep peacefully at night knowing that God is watching over him. This is a beautiful expression of faith in God's goodness and protection, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. The Psalm concludes with a call to trust in God and to offer Him sacrifices of righteousness. The Psalmist recognizes that true peace and joy come from a relationship with God and a life that is devoted to Him. He encourages his readers to seek God and to trust in His goodness, even when things seem difficult or uncertain. Overall, Psalm 4 is a powerful reminder of the importance of trust, faith, and hope in God. It is a beautiful expression of the Psalmist's dependence on God and his confidence in His protection. This Psalm offers comfort and guidance to those who are going through difficult times, reminding them that God is always there to hear their prayers and to provide them with the help they need. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/14/202336 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hebrew 12 Preserver In The Faith Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures 2023-04-03-#593

Hebrews 12 is a powerful chapter in the New Testament that offers a message of hope and encouragement to believers. The chapter opens with a call to persevere in the faith, reminding us of the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us and endured great trials and tribulations. The writer encourages us to lay aside every weight and sin that so easily ensnares us, and to run with endurance the race that is set before us. The chapter then goes on to describe the discipline of God, which is often painful but ultimately leads to growth and maturity in our faith. The writer reminds us that God disciplines those he loves, and that we should not despise his correction. Instead, we should embrace it and allow it to produce the fruit of righteousness in our lives. The writer then urges us to pursue peace with all people and to strive for holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. We are warned against falling into bitterness or sexual immorality, which can defile us and lead us away from God's grace. Instead, we are encouraged to be grateful for the grace that we have received, and to offer God acceptable worship with reverence and awe. The chapter concludes with a powerful reminder that we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and that we should be thankful and worship God with reverence and awe. We are warned against rejecting God's grace, and urged to serve him with joy and gladness. So, what is the meaning of Hebrews 12? At its core, this chapter is a call to persevere in the faith, to lay aside our sin and run with endurance the race that is set before us. It is a reminder that God disciplines us because he loves us, and that we should embrace his correction and allow it to produce the fruit of righteousness in our lives. Hebrews 12 is also a call to holiness and a warning against the dangers of falling away from God's grace. It reminds us of the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us, and encourages us to worship God with reverence and awe. Ultimately, the message of Hebrews 12 is one of hope and encouragement. We are reminded that we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and that we should serve God with joy and gladness. So let us lay aside every weight and sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
4/13/202331 minutes, 9 seconds
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Romans 5 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 843 - SendMe Radio

Romans 5 is a pivotal chapter in the New Testament, as it presents some of the most profound and comprehensive ideas in the entire Bible. In this chapter, the Apostle Paul delves into the themes of justification, salvation, grace, and reconciliation, weaving them together into a cohesive and compelling narrative of God's redemptive work in Christ.The chapter begins with Paul's declaration that "since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1, ESV). This statement sets the tone for the rest of the chapter, as Paul proceeds to unpack the implications of this justification for believers.In verses 2-5, Paul describes the benefits of justification, which include access to God's grace and the hope of glory. He explains that because we have been reconciled to God through Christ's sacrifice, we can now "rejoice in hope of the glory of God" (Romans 5:2). This hope is not just wishful thinking or vague optimism; rather, it is a confident expectation based on the reality of Christ's resurrection and the promise of eternal life.Furthermore, Paul argues that this hope is not a mere abstract concept, but is grounded in the concrete reality of God's love for us. He writes, "God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). This is a powerful statement of the depth and breadth of God's grace, which extends to even the most unworthy and unlovable among us.In verses 12-21, Paul draws a contrast between Adam, the first man, and Christ, the second man. He explains that Adam's sin brought death into the world, but Christ's obedience brought life and righteousness. This is an important point, as it underscores the idea that salvation is not something we can achieve on our own, but is a gift that comes through faith in Christ.Finally, in verses 20-21, Paul concludes the chapter with a triumphant declaration of the abundance of God's grace. He writes, "where sin increased, grace abounded all the more" (Romans 5:20). This is a remarkable statement, as it suggests that even the most heinous sins are not beyond the reach of God's mercy and forgiveness.In conclusion, Romans 5 is a rich and complex chapter that touches on many of the most important themes in Christian living. At its core, it presents a message of hope and salvation that is grounded in the person and work of Jesus Christ. As believers, we can take comfort in the fact that we have been justified by faith, reconciled to God, and filled with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
4/10/202310 minutes, 58 seconds
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Romans 5 Justification By Faith 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-04-08-#598

Romans 5 is a chapter in the New Testament of the Christian Bible that provides a significant theological understanding of the concept of justification by faith. The chapter begins with Paul's discussion of the benefits of justification through faith and the peace that comes with it. He goes on to compare and contrast the consequences of sin and the benefits of salvation, stating that through Jesus Christ, we have been reconciled with God and are saved from the wrath of God. The chapter emphasizes that justification by faith is the only way to reconcile with God and be saved from the condemnation of sin. Paul states that sin entered the world through one man, Adam, and that death came to all because all sinned. However, through Jesus Christ, we have been given the free gift of salvation and eternal life. The first five verses of the chapter emphasize the peace that comes with justification by faith. Paul states that since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. He emphasizes that this peace is not a temporary or fleeting feeling, but a permanent state of being that comes with the knowledge that we are reconciled with God. In verses 6-11, Paul contrasts the consequences of sin with the benefits of salvation. He explains that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us, and through his death, we have been justified and reconciled with God. Paul emphasizes the love that God has shown to us through the sacrifice of his son and the fact that we have been saved from the wrath of God. Verses 12-21 of the chapter explain how sin entered the world through Adam, and death came to all because of sin. Paul emphasizes that just as sin came into the world through one man, so salvation has come through one man, Jesus Christ. Through the obedience of Jesus, we have been made righteous, and we have been given the free gift of eternal life. Overall, Romans 5 is a chapter that emphasizes the importance of justification by faith and the benefits that come with it. It provides a deep theological understanding of the concepts of sin and salvation, and it emphasizes that through faith in Jesus Christ, we have been reconciled with God and are saved from the condemnation of sin. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/8/202332 minutes, 17 seconds
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Psalms 144 Protection And Deliverance 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-24-#585

Psalms 144 is a prayer attributed to King David, the second king of Israel, who is said to have written many of the psalms in the book of Psalms. The psalm is a hymn of praise and thanksgiving, and it is notable for its themes of trust in God, deliverance, and protection. The psalm begins with a declaration of praise: "Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle" (Psalm 144:1). This opening statement acknowledges God's sovereignty and power, and it sets the tone for the rest of the psalm, which focuses on God's protection and deliverance. In the next few verses, David describes God as his refuge and his fortress, his stronghold in times of trouble. He goes on to ask God to deliver him from his enemies, who are described as "violent men" and "strangers" (Psalm 144:7-8). This theme of deliverance from enemies is common throughout the Psalms, and it reflects the reality of life in ancient Israel, where conflicts with neighboring nations were a constant threat. David then offers a series of prayers for God's protection and guidance. He asks God to "bow thy heavens, O Lord, and come down" (Psalm 144:5), a request for divine intervention and help in his struggles. He also prays for God to teach him to do His will, and to lead him in the right path: "Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness" (Psalm 143:10). The psalm ends with a declaration of confidence in God's power and protection: "Happy are the people who have such blessings; happy are the people whose God is the Lord" (Psalm 144:15). This final verse is a reminder that God's protection and deliverance are available to all who trust in Him, and that true happiness and fulfillment come from a relationship with Him. Overall, Psalm 144 is a powerful prayer of praise and thanksgiving, as well as a plea for God's protection and deliverance. Its themes of trust in God, deliverance, and protection are timeless, and they continue to resonate with believers today. Whether facing external enemies or internal struggles, the psalm reminds us that God is our refuge and our strength, and that we can trust in Him to guide us through life's challenges. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/7/202326 minutes, 51 seconds
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John 11 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie

John 11 is a significant chapter in the Bible, which describes the resurrection of Lazarus. The chapter offers several critical insights into the nature of Jesus Christ and the depth of his compassion and love for humanity. The chapter begins with the news of Lazarus falling sick, and his sisters Mary and Martha send a message to Jesus informing him of their brother's condition. However, Jesus does not immediately respond to their request, but instead, he stays where he is for two more days. When Jesus finally arrives in Bethany, Lazarus had already been dead and buried for four days. Martha expresses her disappointment that Jesus had not arrived earlier, and perhaps her brother's life could have been saved. However, Jesus tells her that Lazarus will rise again. Jesus then asks Martha if she believes in him, and she affirms that she believes that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus then goes to Lazarus's tomb, and despite objections from the people around him, he commands the stone covering the tomb to be removed. He then calls out to Lazarus, and miraculously, Lazarus rises from the dead and comes out of the tomb, fully restored to life. The meaning of John 11 is multi-layered and offers several essential teachings for Christians. One of the primary messages of this chapter is the power of faith in Jesus Christ. When Martha affirms her belief in Jesus, he assures her that anyone who believes in him will have eternal life. The resurrection of Lazarus also serves as a demonstration of Jesus' power over death, which is one of the central tenets of the Christian faith. Another critical aspect of John 11 is the compassion and love that Jesus has for humanity. Jesus does not immediately rush to heal Lazarus but instead takes his time to demonstrate the depth of his love and compassion for his friends. When he finally arrives, Jesus weeps for the pain that Mary and Martha are going through, showing his humanity and empathy for their loss. The chapter also offers a glimpse into the reaction of the people who witnessed the miracle of Lazarus' resurrection. Many people who saw the event believed in Jesus and acknowledged his divinity. However, some of the religious leaders were threatened by Jesus' power and the attention he was garnering, leading to their decision to plot his arrest and crucifixion. In conclusion, John 11 is a powerful chapter that showcases the compassion, power, and divinity of Jesus Christ. The chapter offers critical teachings for Christians, emphasizing the power of faith, the triumph over death, and the depth of Jesus' love and compassion for humanity. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/6/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 49 seconds
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1 Timothy Sound Doctrine 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-03-28-#588

The book of 1 Timothy is one of the pastoral epistles written by the Apostle Paul to his young protégé Timothy, who was serving as a leader in the church in Ephesus. The letter was written sometime around AD 62-64, while Paul was under house arrest in Rome. In this article, we will explore the main themes and messages of 1 Timothy and what it means for us today. The first chapter of 1 Timothy focuses on the importance of sound doctrine and teaching in the church. Paul exhorts Timothy to guard against false teachers who were promoting speculative and divisive teachings that were causing confusion and leading people away from the truth. Paul emphasizes that the goal of Christian teaching should be love, which comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. In chapter 2, Paul instructs Timothy on the role of women in the church. He encourages women to dress modestly and to learn in silence, without assuming authority over men. Paul's teaching has been controversial in modern times, but it is important to note that he was addressing specific cultural and social issues in the church in Ephesus, and his instructions must be interpreted in light of their original context. Chapter 3 outlines the qualifications for overseers (elders) and deacons in the church. Paul emphasizes the importance of character and integrity, and he provides a list of specific qualifications that leaders should meet. These include being above reproach, faithful to their spouses, temperate, self-controlled, and hospitable. This chapter serves as a reminder that leaders in the church must be people of character and integrity. In chapter 4, Paul warns Timothy about the dangers of false teaching and legalism. He encourages him to focus on the gospel and to train himself in godliness. Paul reminds Timothy that physical exercise has limited value, but godliness has value for all things, both in this life and in the life to come. In chapter 5, Paul addresses various issues related to church life, including the treatment of widows, the care of family members, and the discipline of elders who sin. He emphasizes the importance of treating others with respect and dignity, especially those who are vulnerable or in need of help. Finally, in chapter 6, Paul gives some final exhortations to Timothy. He warns against the love of money, which can lead to all kinds of evil. He encourages Timothy to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. Paul reminds Timothy that he has been called to fight the good fight of faith and to hold on to eternal life. In conclusion, the book of 1 Timothy is a valuable resource for Christians who are seeking to live out their faith in a way that honors God and serves others. It emphasizes the importance of sound doctrine, godly character, and loving relationships in the church. It also provides practical guidance for leaders and for the church as a whole. While some of Paul's instructions may seem outdated or controversial in our modern context, we must remember that they were written to address specific issues in a particular time and place. Nevertheless, the principles and values that underlie Paul's teachings are timeless and continue to guide us today. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/5/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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James 1 Crown Of Life 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-03-23-#584

James 1 is the first chapter of the Epistle of James, which is one of the books of the New Testament. It contains important teachings on the Christian life, including trials, temptations, faith, and wisdom. The chapter begins with an exhortation to count it all joy when facing trials of various kinds. James instructs his readers to see these trials as opportunities to develop perseverance and to let it work in them to produce maturity and completeness. He also reminds them that if they lack wisdom, they should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to them. James then goes on to address the issue of temptation. He makes it clear that God does not tempt anyone, but each person is tempted when they are lured and enticed by their own desires. Temptation leads to sin, and sin leads to death. James urges his readers not to be deceived, but to be doers of the word, not hearers only, and to keep themselves unstained from the world. The chapter concludes with a call to action. James reminds his readers that true religion is not just about hearing the word, but about doing it. He instructs them to care for orphans and widows, and to keep themselves from being polluted by the world. So, what does James 1 mean? In essence, James is calling his readers to a life of faith and obedience. He acknowledges that trials and temptations will come, but he encourages them to stand firm without wavering. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/4/202325 minutes, 22 seconds
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Genesis 37 The Story Of Modern Day Joseph And His Brothers

Genesis 37 is the 37th chapter of the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. It describes the story of Joseph, the son of Jacob, who is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Joseph is eventually reunited with his family and becomes second-in-command to Pharaoh in Egypt. The chapter begins with Joseph telling his brothers about a dream he had in which they were all bowing down to him. His brothers become angry and jealous, and they decide to kill him. However, Reuben, the oldest brother, convinces them to sell Joseph into slavery instead. Joseph is taken to Egypt and sold to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh's officials. Potiphar's wife tries to seduce Joseph, but he refuses her advances. She then accuses him of trying to seduce her, and he is thrown into prison. In prison, Joseph interprets the dreams of two of Pharaoh's officials. One of the officials is restored to his position, and the other is executed. The official who is restored to his position remembers Joseph and tells Pharaoh about him. Pharaoh has a dream that no one can interpret, and he sends for Joseph. Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dream and tells him that there will be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Pharaoh makes Joseph second-in-command to him and puts him in charge of preparing for the famine. During the famine, Joseph's brothers come to Egypt to buy grain. They do not recognize Joseph, and he tests them by pretending to be a stranger. Eventually, they realize who he is, and they are filled with remorse for what they did to him. Joseph forgives them, and they are reunited with their father, Jacob. Genesis 37 is a story of betrayal, forgiveness, and redemption. It is a story that teaches us about the importance of family, forgiveness, and second chances. Here are some of the key themes in Genesis 37: Betrayal: Joseph's brothers betray him by selling him into slavery. This betrayal is a result of their jealousy and hatred of Joseph. Forgiveness: Joseph forgives his brothers for betraying him. This forgiveness is a result of Joseph's own experience of forgiveness from God. Redemption: Joseph is redeemed from his situation of slavery and becomes second-in-command to Pharaoh. This redemption is a result of God's providence and Joseph's own faithfulness. Genesis 37 is a story that has been interpreted in many different ways. Some see it as a story of how God can use even the most difficult circumstances to bring about good. Others see it as a story about the importance of family and forgiveness. Still others see it as a story about the power of dreams and visions. Whatever interpretation you choose, Genesis 37 is a story that is sure to resonate with you. It is a story about the power of love, forgiveness, and redemption. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/3/20234 minutes, 23 seconds
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Hebrews 12:1 - 4 Speak Life SendMe Radio Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie

Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures call in on 516:387:8860. Hebrews 12 is a chapter in the New Testament of the Bible that offers guidance and encouragement to Christian believers, emphasizing the importance of faith and endurance in the face of hardship. The chapter begins by referencing a cloud of witnesses who have come before us and demonstrated their faith in God, and then goes on to exhort us to run our own race with perseverance, looking to Jesus as our ultimate example and source of strength. The chapter opens with a reminder of the many faithful men and women who have gone before us, serving as examples of endurance and perseverance in the face of trials. These include figures from the Old Testament, such as Abraham, Moses, and David, who trusted in God and were ultimately rewarded for their faithfulness. The writer of Hebrews urges us to follow in their footsteps, laying aside every hindrance and sin that would weigh us down and distract us from our goal. Next, the writer encourages us to fix our eyes on Jesus, who is the author and perfecter of our faith. Jesus endured the cross, despising its shame, and has now taken his seat at the right hand of God. In light of this, we are urged to consider him and his example, and to not grow weary or lose heart in the face of our own struggles. The writer goes on to emphasize the importance of discipline, stating that God disciplines those he loves in order to produce righteousness and peace. This discipline may involve suffering and hardship, but it is ultimately for our own good and should be received with gratitude and humility. The chapter concludes with a call to offer acceptable worship to God, characterized by reverence and awe. We are reminded that God is a consuming fire, and that we must approach him with humility and a sincere desire to follow his will. This includes treating others with love and respect, and avoiding bitterness and unforgiveness in our hearts. Overall, Hebrews 12 is a powerful reminder of the importance of faith and endurance in the Christian life. It encourages us to persevere in the face of trials, looking to the example of Jesus and the many faithful men and women who have gone before us. It also reminds us of the importance of discipline and obedience, and the need to offer acceptable worship to God. Ultimately, the chapter offers a message of hope and encouragement to all who are seeking to live out their faith in a world that can be full of hardship and challenges Welcome to SendMe Radio's Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Call in every morning at 6:30am eastern, on 516 387 8860, for Mountain Top Prayer. Listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify, YouTube, Apple and Google Podcast, and on all major streaming platforms. Download the SendMe Radio app, from the Apple and Google Play Store, and listen to awesome music, interviews and powerful messages. Or just say "hey Alexa!, "play SendMe Radio". We are also available on Google Assistant, on all your smart devices, you can even play SendMe Radio in your car. Log on to our Facebook page, and follow SendMe Radio, we are live every Sunday. Share SendMe Radio with all your friends and family, and take us with you everywhere! SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/3/202330 minutes, 33 seconds
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SendMe Radio Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Commercial 2023

Welcome to SendMe Radio's Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Call in every morning at 6:30am eastern, on 516 387 8860, for Mountain Top Prayer. Listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify, YouTube, Apple and Google Podcast, and on all major streaming platforms. Download the SendMe Radio app, from the Apple and Google Play Store, and listen to awesome music, interviews and powerful messages. Or just say "hey Alexa!, "play SendMe Radio". We are also available on Google Assistant, on all your smart devices, you can even play SendMe Radio in your car. Log on to our Facebook page, and follow SendMe Radio, we are live every Sunday. Share SendMe Radio with all your friends and family, and take us with you everywhere! SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/3/202345 seconds
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1 Samuel 17 Winning Without A Fight

1 Samuel 17 is a chapter in the Bible that tells the story of David and Goliath. In this story, the Philistine army and the Israelite army are at war. The Philistines send out their champion, a giant named Goliath, to challenge the Israelites to send out their champion and settle the conflict with a single combat. David, a young shepherd boy, hears of the challenge and offers to fight Goliath. Despite his youth and lack of experience in battle, David defeats Goliath with a single stone from his sling, and the Philistines are routed. The story of David and Goliath is often used as an example of the power of faith and courage in overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It also illustrates the importance of trusting in God and not relying on our own strength and abilities alone. Overall, the story of David and Goliath encourages us to have faith and courage in the face of challenges and to trust in God to guide and protect us in all circumstances. 1 Samuel is a book in the Old Testament of the Bible, which primarily focuses on the life of Samuel, the last of the judges of Israel, and the rise of King Saul and King David. The book provides a historical account of the establishment of the monarchy in Israel, and the spiritual and political challenges that the nation faced during that time. One of the main themes in 1 Samuel is the importance of obedience to God's commands. Throughout the book, the characters are constantly reminded that God expects them to follow His laws and instructions, and that disobedience can lead to dire consequences. For example, when King Saul disobeys God's command to destroy the Amalekites completely, he is rejected by God as king. Another key theme in 1 Samuel is the idea of true leadership. Samuel is presented as a model leader who is devoted to God and willing to speak the truth even when it is difficult. King David, who is anointed by Samuel as the future king, is also portrayed as a strong and courageous leader who is committed to God's will. In contrast, King Saul is depicted as a flawed and insecure leader who is prone to making bad decisions. Overall, 1 Samuel teaches us the importance of obedience to God, the need for true leadership that is grounded in faith and integrity, and the consequences of disobedience and unwise choices. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
4/2/202356 minutes, 26 seconds
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2 Thessalonians Being Vigilant In Our Faith 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-03-29-#589

The second letter to the Thessalonians, or 2 Thessalonians, is a short but significant text in the New Testament. It was written by the Apostle Paul around 50-51 AD, not long after his first letter to the same community. While 1 Thessalonians focuses on the coming of Christ and the resurrection of the dead, 2 Thessalonians is concerned with more immediate issues, such as the identity of the antichrist, the meaning of suffering, and the need for discipline in the church. The letter begins with a typical greeting, where Paul identifies himself as the author and addresses the recipients as "the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Thessalonians 1:1-2). He then proceeds to express his gratitude for their faith and perseverance, which he sees as evidence of God's grace and power (2 Thessalonians 1:3-4). Paul also reassures the Thessalonians that God will judge their persecutors and grant them relief from their afflictions, in due time (2 Thessalonians 1:5-10). The second chapter of 2 Thessalonians is where things get more complex. Paul warns the Thessalonians not to be deceived by false teachings that suggest that the day of the Lord (i.e., the return of Christ) has already come. He argues that certain events must occur first, such as the rebellion and the revelation of the man of lawlessness, who opposes and exalts himself above God (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12). This figure is often identified with the antichrist, who embodies the forces of evil and seeks to undermine the work of Christ and his followers. Paul emphasizes that the power of the antichrist is only temporary and that he will ultimately be destroyed by the Lord's coming (2 Thessalonians 2:8). In the third chapter of 2 Thessalonians, Paul turns to more practical matters. He urges the Thessalonians to pray for him and his companions, who are facing opposition and persecution in their mission (2 Thessalonians 3:1-2). He also instructs them to discipline those who refuse to work and live idly, and to avoid associating with them, in order to preserve the integrity and order of the community (2 Thessalonians 3:6-15). Finally, Paul ends the letter with a benediction and a personal note, expressing his love and concern for the Thessalonians and urging them to remain faithful to the traditions they have received (2 Thessalonians 3:16-18). What does 2 Thessalonians mean for us today? One possible lesson is the need to be vigilant and discerning in our faith, and to avoid falling prey to false teachings and spiritual deception. Another lesson is the importance of discipline and accountability in the church, in order to foster a healthy and productive community that honors God and serves others. Finally, 2 Thessalonians reminds us that suffering and persecution are an inevitable part of the Christian life, but that God's grace and power are sufficient to sustain us and give us hope SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/31/202327 minutes, 22 seconds
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The story of Hannah, Peninnah, and Elkanah Read by Digitalink on SendMe Radio

Im 1 Samuel 1:2 - 2:21 The story of Hannah, Peninnah, and Elkanah is written, it is a fascinating story in the Old Testament of the Bible. It is a story that teaches us many things however we will be focuing on faith, perseverance, and the power of prayer. Hannah was one of the wives of Elkanah, a man from the tribe of Ephraim. Elkanah also had another wife named Peninnah, who had children, but Hannah was barren. Hannah desperately wanted a child of her own, and her inability to conceive was a source of deep sadness and distress for her. Peninnah, on the other hand, took pleasure in taunting and ridiculing Hannah for her infertility. Every year, when the family went to worship at the tabernacle, Elkanah would give portions of the sacrifices to Peninnah and her children, but he would give Hannah a double portion because he loved her more. This only seemed to intensify Peninnah's bitterness and resentment towards Hannah.Despite the constant harassment from Peninnah, Hannah did not give up on her dream of having a child. She turned to God in prayer, pouring out her heart and soul to Him. She made a vow that if God would give her a son, she would dedicate him to Him for his entire life. She prayed so fervently that Eli, the priest who was watching her, thought she was drunk.God eventually heard Hannah's prayer, and she conceived and gave birth to a son whom she named Samuel. True to her vow, she took Samuel to the tabernacle when he was weaned and dedicated him to God's service. Samuel went on to become one of the greatest prophets and leaders in Israel's history.The story of Hannah, Peninnah, and Elkanah teaches us several lessons. First, it shows us the power of prayer and the importance of turning to God in times of trouble. Even when all seemed lost, Hannah never gave up hope and continued to pray to God for a miracle.Second, the story demonstrates the value of perseverance. Despite Peninnah's cruel treatment and the difficulties that come with infertility, Hannah remained steadfast in her faith and her desire to have a child.Third, the story shows us the importance of keeping our promises to God. Hannah made a vow to dedicate her son to God's service, and she kept that vow, even though it meant giving up her only child.Finally, the story reminds us that God has a plan for our lives, even when things don't go as we had hoped or expected. Hannah's barrenness seemed like a curse, but it was ultimately part of God's plan to bring Samuel into the world and use him for His purposes. In conclusion, the story of Hannah, Peninnah, and Elkanah is a powerful example of faith, perseverance, and the power of prayer. It teaches us to trust in God, to persevere in the face of adversity, to keep our promises, and to remember that God's plan for our lives is always greater than we can imagine. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/30/20232 minutes, 40 seconds
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Psalms 62 Trusting God 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie

Psalm 62 is a beautiful and comforting psalm that speaks of God's faithfulness and our need to trust in Him. The psalmist begins by declaring his trust in God, saying, "From Him comes my salvation: He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken." (Verse 1) The psalmist then goes on to describe how God is my rock, my fortress, and my salvation. God is my strength and my stability, and that I can trust in Him to protect me from my enemies. The psalmist also says that God is my refuge, and my shelter, and my high tower. I can run to God for safety and protection, and that I can trust in Him to deliver me from troubles. The psalmist ends by declaring his trust in God once again, saying, "My soul waits silently for God; from Him is my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken." (Verse 8) Psalm 62 is a powerful reminder that we can trust in God in all circumstances. He is our rock, our fortress, our salvation, and our stronghold. We can run to Him for safety and protection, and we can trust in Him to deliver us from our troubles. Here are some key points from Psalm 62: God is our rock, our fortress, and our salvation. We can trust in God in all circumstances. God is our refuge, our shelter, and our high tower. We can run to God for safety and protection. God will deliver us from our troubles. If you are going through a difficult time, I encourage you to read Psalm 62 and meditate on its truths. Let God's word comfort you and give you hope. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/28/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 49 seconds
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1 Samuel 1 The Power Of Mockery 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie

1 Samuel 1 is the first chapter of the First Book of Samuel in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible or the first part of the Books of Samuel in the Hebrew Bible. It tells the story of Hannah, a woman who was unable to have children, and how she prayed to God for a son. God answered her prayer and she gave birth to Samuel, who became one of the most important prophets in Israel. The chapter begins with a description of Elkanah, Hannah's husband. He was a man of God who went to Shiloh every year to worship and sacrifice to the Lord. Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Peninnah had many children, but Hannah had none. This made Hannah very sad, and she prayed to God for a son. One day, Hannah went to Shiloh to worship and sacrifice to the Lord. After she had finished praying, she was very emotional and began to weep. Eli, the priest, saw her crying and asked her why she was so sad. Hannah told Eli about her inability to have children and how she had prayed to God for a son. Eli told her that God would answer her prayer and that she should go home and wait for God's answer. Hannah went home and waited for God's answer. A few months later, she found out that she was pregnant. She gave birth to a son and named him Samuel. She kept her promise to God and gave Samuel to the Lord to be raised in the temple. Samuel grew up to be a great prophet and judge in Israel. He anointed King Saul and King David. He also led the Israelites to victory over the Philistines. Samuel was a man of God who was faithful to God and to the Israelites. 1 Samuel 1 is a story of faith, prayer, and answered prayer. It is a story that encourages us to trust in God and to pray to Him for what we need. It is also a story that reminds us that God is always faithful to His promises. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/25/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 43 seconds
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1 Peter 5 Encourages & Exhorting During Persecution 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-03-14-#578

1 Peter 5 is the fifth chapter of the First Epistle of Peter in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. The chapter is written to encourage and exhort the Christian community in the midst of persecution. The chapter begins with Peter addressing the elders of the churches, urging them to shepherd the flock of God that is among them. He reminds them that they will be held accountable for their flock, and that they should shepherd them willingly, not by compulsion. He also warns them against lording it over their flock, but to be examples to them instead. Peter then turns to the younger members of the community, urging them to submit to the elders. He reminds them that God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. He also tells them to clothe themselves with humility, for God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Peter then goes on to address the whole community, urging them to be sober and vigilant, as their adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. He tells them to resist the devil, standing firm in the faith. He also reminds them that they are not alone in their sufferings, as the whole family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. Finally, Peter ends the chapter with a doxology, praising God for his eternal glory in Christ. He tells them that after they have suffered a little while, God himself will restore them and make them strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen. The main theme of 1 Peter 5 is encouragement and exhortation to the Christian community in the midst of persecution. Peter reminds them that they are not alone in their sufferings, and that God will ultimately vindicate them. He also encourages them to be humble, sober, and vigilant, as their adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5 is a powerful and encouraging chapter that can provide comfort and strength to Christians who are facing persecution. It is also a reminder that God is sovereign over all things, and that he will ultimately vindicate his people. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/24/202317 minutes, 30 seconds
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Hosea 4 Restore Yourself 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie

Hosea 4 is the fourth chapter of the Book of Hosea in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. This book contains the prophecies attributed to the prophet Hosea son of Beeri. The chapter begins with a charge against Israel for their sin and idolatry. God says that there is no faithfulness, no love, no knowledge of God in the land, and that there is only cursing, lying, murder, stealing, and adultery. He goes on to say that the land itself is mourning and that the people are wasting away. God then turns his attention to the priests, who are supposed to be the ones who lead the people in worship and obedience to God. He says that the priests are like those who contend with the priest, and that they are guilty of the same sins as the people. He promises to punish them for their ways and repay them for their deeds. The chapter ends with a warning to the people of Israel. God says that he will not punish their daughters when they commit harlotry, nor their brides when they commit adultery, because the men themselves go apart with harlots and offer sacrifices with a harlot. He says that people who do not understand will be trampled, and that though Israel plays the harlot, Judah shall not offend. The Scriptures in Hosea 4 are a powerful indictment of the people of Israel for their sin and idolatry. God is angry with them and is about to punish them for their rebellion. However, he also offers them hope, saying that he will not completely destroy them. He promises to punish their leaders and to bring them back to himself if they will repent and turn to him. The Scriptures in Hosea 4 are also a warning to us today. We are all sinners and we all need to repent and turn to God. If we do not, we will be punished for our sin. However, God is merciful and he is willing to forgive us if we will come to him in repentance. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/23/20231 hour, 9 minutes
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Proverbs 4 Guard My Heart 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie

Proverbs 4 is a chapter in the book of Proverbs that contains valuable insights and wisdom about how to live a successful and fulfilling life. This chapter is particularly focused on the importance of seeking wisdom and understanding, and the benefits that come from doing so. The chapter begins with the speaker, who is often believed to be King Solomon, urging his listeners to listen to his teachings and to treasure his words in their hearts. He emphasizes the importance of seeking wisdom above all else, and of not forgetting the teachings of his father. In verse 5, he says, "Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them." This verse emphasizes the importance of actively seeking wisdom and understanding, rather than waiting for it to come to you. It is a call to action, encouraging people to take responsibility for their own growth and development. The speaker goes on to explain the benefits of seeking wisdom and understanding. In verse 7, he says, "Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." This verse highlights the value of wisdom and the fact that it is worth the effort and sacrifice required to attain it. It also suggests that wisdom is not something that can be acquired easily or quickly, but rather requires a lifelong commitment to learning and growth. Proverbs 4 is a powerful chapter in the book of Proverbs, which contains wisdom and guidance for living a fulfilling and successful life. In this chapter, King Solomon shares some valuable insights about the importance of seeking wisdom, guarding our hearts, and living a righteous life. Let's take a closer look at some of the key scriptures in Proverbs 4 and what they mean. Verse 1-2: "Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction; pay attention and gain understanding. I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching." Here, King Solomon is speaking to his sons, urging them to listen carefully to his instructions and gain understanding. He emphasizes the importance of learning and not forsaking his teachings. This verse speaks to the value of having a mentor or teacher who can guide us and provide us with knowledge and wisdom. Verse 5-6: "Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you." This verse emphasizes the importance of seeking wisdom and understanding. Solomon urges his readers to not forget his words or turn away from them but to embrace wisdom and allow it to protect them. This verse also suggests that wisdom is not just an intellectual pursuit, but a matter of the heart. If we love wisdom, it will watch over us and guide us. Verse 7: "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." This verse reiterates the importance of seeking wisdom and understanding, stating that it is the beginning of true wisdom. It suggests that gaining wisdom may require sacrifice, but it is well worth the effort. Verse 14: "Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evildoers." This verse warns against following the ways of the wicked and evildoers. It suggests that we must be careful about the paths we choose in life and avoid those that lead to destruction. Verse 23: "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." This verse is one of the most well-known scriptures in Proverbs 4. It emphasizes the importance of guarding our hearts, suggesting that it is the wellspring of everything we do in life. If our hearts are pure and righteous, our actions will reflect that. Verse 26-27: "Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.
3/22/20231 hour, 5 minutes
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Ezekiel 9 & Galatians 16 & 17 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures

Ezekiel 9 is a chapter in the book of Ezekiel that describes a vision given to the prophet Ezekiel by God. The vision depicts a judgment on the people of Jerusalem for their sins and disobedience towards God. The chapter has several elements that are both symbolic and significant in understanding the message that God was trying to convey to Ezekiel and the people of Israel. The vision begins with the appearance of six men, each with a weapon of destruction in their hands. The seventh man, who is dressed in linen and carries a writing kit, is instructed to mark the foreheads of those who are mourning and lamenting over the sins committed in Jerusalem. The mark serves as a sign of protection for these individuals who are faithful to God and are being spared from the judgment that is about to befall the city. After the marking, God commands the other six men to go through the city and kill everyone who does not have the mark on their forehead. This includes men, women, and children, regardless of their social status or position. The judgment is brutal and swift, with no mercy shown to those who have sinned against God. The vision ends with Ezekiel pleading with God for mercy, as he is grieved by the destruction of his people. God responds by saying that the people of Jerusalem have brought this upon themselves through their disobedience, and that they will face the consequences of their actions. The symbolic elements in the vision are significant in understanding the message that God is conveying to the people of Israel. The mark on the forehead represents the seal of God, indicating that these individuals have been faithful to Him despite the sinful actions of others around them. This mark serves as a symbol of protection for those who are faithful to God and are spared from the judgment that is to come. The six men with weapons represent the judgment of God, which is often swift and brutal for those who have sinned against Him. The fact that the judgment is carried out by six men indicates that it is a complete judgment, with no one being spared. The man dressed in linen represents the priestly office, indicating that God’s judgment is not arbitrary or capricious but is based on His righteous standard. The writing kit that he carries represents the record of the sins committed by the people of Jerusalem, and their actions will be judged accordingly. The plea of Ezekiel for mercy represents the compassion and love that God has for His people, despite their disobedience. The fact that God responds to Ezekiel’s plea shows that He is willing to show mercy to those who repent and turn back to Him. In conclusion, Ezekiel 9 is a powerful chapter that conveys the message of God’s judgment and mercy. The vision shows that God’s judgment is based on His righteous standard and that those who are faithful to Him will be protected. At the same time, the chapter also shows that God is willing to show mercy to those who repent and turn back to Him. As Christians, we must strive to be faithful to God and turn away from sin so that we can receive the seal of protection that He offers. Galatians 6:16-17 is a powerful and meaningful passage in the Bible that speaks to the nature of Christian identity and the cost of discipleship. This passage reads as follows: "16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God. 17 From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus." This passage is situated at the end of Paul's letter to the Galatians, and it serves as a conclusion to his argument against those who would require Gentile Christians to follow Jewish customs and traditions. In these verses, Paul highlights the distinction between those who are true followers of Christ and those who are false teachers seeking to lead people astray. The first part of verse 16 states, "And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God." This "rule" that Paul is referring to is the rule of faith in Christ and the freedom that he has granted to all who believe in him. Paul is essentially saying that those who walk in this freedom are true members of the family of God, both Jews and Gentiles. He offers them a blessing of peace and mercy, indicating that those who follow Christ will experience the benefits of his grace. In the second part of verse 16, Paul specifically mentions "the Israel of God." This phrase has been the subject of much debate among biblical scholars, but it seems likely that Paul is using it to refer to the true people of God, which includes both Jewish and Gentile believers in Christ. This is significant because it shows that the barriers that once existed between Jews and Gentiles have been broken down through the work of Christ. Verse 17 then begins with the phrase, "From henceforth let no man trouble me." This may seem like an odd thing for Paul to say, but it makes sense in the context of his letter. Throughout Galatians, Paul has been defending his apostleship and his message of salvation by grace through faith. He has been facing opposition from those who would lead the Galatian Christians astray, and he is essentially saying that he has had enough of their arguments and criticisms. Finally, Paul declares, "for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus." This is a powerful statement that suggests that Paul has suffered greatly for his faith in Christ. The "marks" that he bears could refer to physical scars or injuries that he has sustained as a result of his preaching and teaching. Alternatively, they could be a metaphorical reference to the persecution and opposition that Paul has faced throughout his ministry. Whatever the case may be, Paul is claiming that he has paid a high price for his devotion to Christ. In conclusion, Galatians 6:16-17 is a powerful and meaningful passage that speaks to the nature of Christian identity and the cost of discipleship. Paul is urging his readers to remain true to the message of salvation by grace through faith and to reject the false teachings of those who would lead them astray. He is also reminding them that true membership in the family of God is not based on ethnicity or cultural traditions, but on faith in Christ. Finally, Paul is declaring that he has paid a high price for his devotion to Christ, and he is urging his readers to follow his example by bearing the marks of the Lord Jesus in their own lives. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/21/202359 minutes, 54 seconds
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Colossians 3 Living A Life Pleasing To God 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-03-16-#579

Colossians 3 is a powerful chapter in the New Testament that provides practical guidance for living a life that is pleasing to God. The chapter begins by encouraging believers to focus their minds on things above, rather than earthly things. This means setting our minds on heavenly things, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Verse 2 of Colossians 3 says, "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." This means that we need to change our way of thinking and focus on spiritual things that are eternal rather than temporary earthly things that do not last. The chapter goes on to outline various practical applications of this mindset shift, such as putting to death the old self and putting on the new self in Christ. This involves putting off our old ways of sin and selfishness and putting on the righteousness and love of Christ. Colossians 3 also addresses issues such as anger, forgiveness, and unity in the body of Christ. We are called to put away anger and forgive one another, just as Christ forgave us. We are also reminded that we are all one body in Christ, and that we should treat one another with love and respect. Verses 23-24 of Colossians 3 summarize the overall message of the chapter, stating, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." This is a powerful reminder that all that we do, whether in our work or personal lives, should be done with the mindset of serving Christ and bringing glory to Him. In conclusion, Colossians 3 is a chapter that challenges us to shift our focus from earthly things to heavenly things and to live a life that is pleasing to God. It provides practical guidance on how to put off our old self and put on the new self in Christ, and how to live in unity with one another in the body of Christ. Ultimately, it reminds us that everything we do should be done with the mindset of serving Christ, and that we will receive a reward for our faithful service to Him. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/20/202328 minutes, 41 seconds
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Power Of Faith Perseverance & Joy 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-03-17-#580

Philippians 1 is a chapter in the New Testament that contains a rich and inspiring message to Christians about the power of faith, perseverance, and joy in the face of adversity. The chapter is written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Philippi, which he established during his second missionary journey. In this article, we will explore the main themes and teachings of Philippians 1 and what they mean for Christians today. In the first verse of the chapter, Paul introduces himself and his co-worker Timothy as servants of Christ Jesus. This shows that Paul and Timothy were committed to serving Jesus and spreading the gospel, even in difficult circumstances. In verses 3-5, Paul expresses his gratitude for the Philippians' partnership in the gospel, saying that he is confident that God will complete the good work he has started in them. Paul then goes on to discuss his current situation, which is that he is in prison for preaching the gospel. Despite his difficult circumstances, Paul maintains a positive attitude and expresses joy in verses 12-14. He explains that his imprisonment has actually served to advance the gospel, as many of the guards and other prisoners have heard the message of Christ through him. In verses 15-18, Paul acknowledges that some people are preaching the gospel with wrong motives, hoping to cause him trouble while he is in prison. However, Paul is not bothered by this, as he knows that the gospel is being preached, regardless of the motives of those preaching it. He encourages the Philippians to focus on the message of Christ rather than on the motives of the messengers. Paul then expresses his confidence that he will be released from prison and that he will be able to visit the Philippians again soon. In verses 19-26, he discusses his desire to continue serving Christ, whether in life or in death. He expresses his belief that to live is Christ and to die is gain, meaning that he is willing to give his life for the sake of Christ. In the final verses of the chapter, Paul encourages the Philippians to stand firm in their faith and to live in a way that is worthy of the gospel. He reminds them that they are not alone, but are part of a larger community of believers who are all working towards the same goal. He closes by expressing his love for them and his desire that they experience the peace of God. Overall, the main message of Philippians 1 is one of perseverance, joy, and faith in the face of adversity. Paul's example shows us that even in the most difficult circumstances, we can maintain a positive attitude and continue to serve Christ. He encourages us to focus on the message of Christ rather than on the motives of those preaching it, and to live in a way that is worthy of the gospel. As Christians, we can take comfort in the fact that we are not alone, but are part of a larger community of believers who are all working towards the same goal. By following Paul's example and living a life of faith, we can experience the peace of God that surpasses all understanding SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/18/202322 minutes, 54 seconds
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Romans 8 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures It Will Work Out For Your Good Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-03-13-#577

Romans 8 is one of the most significant chapters in the Bible, and it is filled with powerful messages and deep theological truths. This chapter is a continuation of Paul's teachings in the book of Romans, which explores the nature of sin, grace, and redemption.At the beginning of the chapter, Paul speaks of the victory that believers have in Christ. He explains that those who are in Christ Jesus are no longer condemned, for the law of the Spirit of life has set them free from the law of sin and death. Paul is emphasizing the power of the Spirit of God, which enables believers to live free from the bondage of sin and death.The chapter goes on to describe the relationship between the Holy Spirit and believers. Paul notes that the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses and intercedes for us with groanings that are too deep for words. The Spirit is also described as the one who testifies with our spirit that we are children of God.Paul then speaks of the future glory that believers will receive.He notes that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us. This glory is not just for believers individually, but also for all of creation, which groans for the redemption that will come when Christ returns.In the latter part of the chapter, Paul emphasizes the unbreakable love of God.He notes that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation. Paul is underscoring the eternal security that believers have in Christ, which is based on God's unwavering love.In conclusion, Romans 8 is a chapter that provides hope, encouragement, and assurance for believers. It emphasizes the victory that we have in Christ, the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, the future glory that we will receive, and the unbreakable love of God. As believers, we can find comfort in knowing that nothing can separate us from God's love, and we can live confidently in the freedom that Christ has given us.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores.Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/17/202321 minutes, 29 seconds
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Spiritual Manipulation Deuteronomy 7 Pastor Chidi Okorie

Deuteronomy 7 is a chapter in the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, which is attributed to Moses and records his speeches to the Israelites before they enter the Promised Land. This chapter is a call to the Israelites to remain faithful to God and to avoid intermarrying with the people who currently inhabit the land. The chapter begins with a reminder of God's faithfulness to the Israelites in delivering them from slavery in Egypt and leading them to the Promised Land. Moses then instructs the people to completely destroy the nations that currently inhabit the land, making no treaties or alliances with them, and not showing them any mercy. The reason for this is that these nations worship other gods, and allowing them to remain in the land would lead the Israelites to also worship these gods and turn away from the one true God. In verses 6-11, Moses explains that the Israelites are a holy people, set apart by God for himself. They are not chosen because of their own merit, but simply because God loves them and keeps his promises to their forefathers. As a result of this special relationship, the Israelites are called to obey God's commands and to love him with all their heart, soul, and strength. Moses goes on to warn the Israelites not to intermarry with the nations they will conquer. This is because such marriages would lead them to worship other gods and turn away from the one true God. Instead, they are to destroy the altars and idols of these nations and worship God alone. In verse 12, Moses promises that if the Israelites obey these commands, God will bless them and their descendants with abundant prosperity, fertility, and victory over their enemies. He also promises to protect them from disease and to give them a long life. However, Moses also warns that disobedience will bring severe consequences, including poverty, sickness, and defeat at the hands of their enemies. The chapter ends with a call to the Israelites to remember God's faithfulness and to remain faithful to him. What does Deuteronomy 7 teach us? Deuteronomy 7 is a powerful reminder of the importance of remaining faithful to God and avoiding anything that might lead us away from him. It also teaches us the importance of obedience to God's commands, even when they seem difficult or unpopular. The chapter also reminds us that God's love for us is not based on our own merit, but simply because he loves us and keeps his promises. This should inspire us to love and obey him with all our heart, soul, and strength. Additionally, Deuteronomy 7 reminds us that disobedience to God's commands brings severe consequences, including poverty, sickness, and defeat. This should motivate us to avoid sin and to strive to live a life pleasing to God. Overall, Deuteronomy 7 is a powerful call to remain faithful to God and to trust in his faithfulness and goodness. It is a reminder that God loves us and desires the best for us, but that we must also do our part by obeying his commands and avoiding anything that might lead us away from him. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/12/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 44 seconds
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Luke 12 Living With Authenticity 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 03-08-23

Luke 12 is a chapter in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, and it contains some of Jesus' most well-known teachings on a variety of topics, including hypocrisy, greed, worry, and the coming of the Kingdom of God. In this article, we will examine the key themes and messages found in Luke 12 and how they can be relevant to our lives today. The chapter begins with Jesus warning his disciples to beware of hypocrisy. He tells them that everything that is hidden will be revealed, and every secret will be brought to light. He emphasizes that those who claim to follow God must be authentic in their actions and beliefs and not just perform religious rituals for show. Next, Jesus addresses the issue of greed. He tells the parable of the rich fool who built bigger barns to store his wealth and said to himself, "You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry." However, God called him a fool because that very night, his life was demanded of him, and he could not take his wealth with him. This parable reminds us that we cannot find fulfillment and security in material possessions and that our focus should be on eternal things, rather than temporary ones. Jesus then goes on to address the topic of worry, telling his followers not to be anxious about their lives, such as what they will eat or wear. He reminds them that God cares for them and will provide for their needs. He encourages them to seek first the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be added to them. This message is especially relevant in today's world, where anxiety and stress are prevalent, and people often struggle to find a sense of peace and security. Later in the chapter, Jesus speaks about the coming of the Kingdom of God. He tells his disciples to be ready, for the Son of Man will come at an unexpected hour. He emphasizes that the Kingdom of God is not a physical place but a spiritual reality that is already present among them. This message encourages us to live with a sense of urgency and purpose, as we wait for the fulfillment of God's promises. In conclusion, Luke 12 is a powerful chapter that contains several important teachings from Jesus. These messages remind us to live with authenticity, to focus on eternal rather than temporary things, to trust in God's provision, and to live with a sense of urgency as we wait for the coming of the Kingdom of God. As we apply these teachings to our lives, we can experience greater peace, purpose, and fulfilment. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/9/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 19 seconds
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Psalms 73 Confession Of Faith 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-03-01-#569

The book of Psalms is a collection of 150 songs and poems written by various authors, including King David, Asaph, and the sons of Korah. Each psalm is unique in its style and content, but all of them express deep emotions and thoughts about God, life, and faith. Psalm 73 is one of the psalms attributed to Asaph and is considered one of the most profound and insightful psalms in the entire collection. Asaph was a biblical figure who appears in the Old Testament. He was a Levite, a descendant of Levi, and was one of the chief musicians and singers in the Temple of Jerusalem during the reigns of King David and King Solomon. Asaph is mentioned in several Psalms, which he is believed to have written or co-authored, including Psalms 50 and 73-83. Asaph was also known for his prophetic gifts, and he may have played a role in advising the kings of Israel on spiritual matters. Psalm 73 begins with a confession of faith: "Truly God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart." (verse 1). Asaph acknowledges that God is good and faithful to His people, but he soon expresses his inner struggle. He admits that he was envious of the wicked and the prosperous, who seemed to have no trouble or pain in their lives. Asaph says, "For I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked." (verse 3) Asaph's envy was not only of their wealth and success, but also their apparent freedom from suffering and pain. He saw them living in luxury, indulging in pleasures, and even mocking God, yet they seemed to be thriving. Asaph, on the other hand, was suffering, facing trials and troubles, and wondering if his faith and devotion to God were in vain. He says, "For they have no pangs until death; their bodies are fat and sleek. They are not in trouble as others are; they are not stricken like the rest of mankind." (verses 4-5) Asaph's inner turmoil was not just about the apparent injustice of life, but also about the fairness of God. He wondered why God would allow the wicked to prosper and the righteous to suffer. Asaph confesses, "All in vain have I kept my heart clean and washed my hands in innocence. For all the day long I have been stricken and rebuked every morning." (verses 13-14) Asaph's struggle reaches its climax in verse 16 when he says, "But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task." He could not comprehend the ways of God and the mysteries of life. His faith was shaken, and his heart was troubled. However, Asaph's perspective changed when he entered the sanctuary of God (verse 17). In the presence of God, he realized the ultimate destiny of the wicked and the righteous. He saw that the prosperity of the wicked was only temporary and that their end was destruction. Asaph says, "Truly you set them in slippery places; you make them fall to ruin. How they are destroyed in a moment, swept away utterly by terrors!" (verses 18-19) Asaph also saw the goodness of God and the blessings of the righteous. He recognized that God was with him and that his ultimate destiny was in the hands of God. Asaph says, "Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward, you will receive me to glory." (verses 23-24) In the end, Asaph's struggle was resolved, and his faith was strengthened. He realized that the ways of God are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). Asaph says, "Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." (verses 25-26) Psalm 73 teaches us that it is natural to struggle with doubts and questions SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/4/202325 minutes, 55 seconds
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1 Timothy 1 Importance Of Sound Doctrine 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-02-28-#568

The book of 1 Timothy is one of the pastoral epistles written by the apostle Paul to his protégé and fellow missionary, Timothy. It is a letter containing practical advice and instructions for church leaders and members. Chapter one of the book, in particular, addresses the issue of false teachings and false teachers.The chapter begins with Paul introducing himself and Timothy as the authors of the letter. He then urges Timothy to remain in Ephesus, the city where he is ministering, to confront and counteract false teachers who are spreading false doctrines. These false teachers are described as those who teach myths and endless genealogies, rather than sound doctrine that leads to godly living.Paul then emphasizes the importance of sound doctrine and how it is necessary for Christian living. He also highlights his own experience of being transformed by the grace of God, from being a persecutor of Christians to becoming an apostle of Jesus Christ. Paul acknowledges that this transformation is not because of his own righteousness, but because of the abundant grace of God. The apostle then goes on to warn against false teachings, including the misuse of the law, which was a common error at the time.He explains that the law was not made for righteous people, but for those who act unlawfully and against the will of God. Paul also warns against those who promote themselves as teachers of the law, but who do not understand what they are saying or the purpose of the law.In verse 15, Paul gives a powerful testimony of the grace of God, stating that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom Paul considers himself the worst.He emphasizes that this grace is available to all who believe in Christ Jesus and that no sin is too great to be forgiven by God's grace.The chapter concludes with Paul urging Timothy to continue in faith and to fight the good fight, holding onto faith and a good conscience. He warns against those who have rejected these things and have made a shipwreck of their faith.In summary, chapter one of 1 Timothy emphasizes the importance of sound doctrine and the danger of false teachings. It also highlights the power of God's grace in transforming lives and offers encouragement to Timothy to remain steadfast in his faith and ministry. This chapter is a valuable resource for church leaders and members, reminding them to hold fast to the truth and to rely on God's grace for salvation and transformation.SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/2/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Jude 1 Letter to the Beloved 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie

The book of Jude is a short letter found in the New Testament of the Bible. It is only one chapter long and is written by Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James. The letter is addressed to the "beloved" or the "called" and warns them against false teachers and their destructive teachings. The book of Jude is a call to persevere in the faith and to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. The first verse of Jude sets the tone for the entire letter. It says, "Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James, To those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ." In this verse, Jude introduces himself as a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James. He addresses the letter to those who are called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ. This is a reminder that believers are chosen by God and kept for Jesus Christ. Jude then goes on to warn the believers about false teachers who have infiltrated their community. He describes them as "ungodly people who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ." These false teachers are using the grace of God as an excuse to indulge in sinful behavior and deny the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Jude urges the believers to be on guard against these false teachers and to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. Jude provides examples from the Old Testament of those who did not remain faithful to God and suffered the consequences of their unbelief. He mentions the Israelites who were delivered from Egypt but later rebelled against God and were destroyed. He also mentions the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority but left their proper dwelling and were kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day. Jude then goes on to describe the false teachers in more detail. He says they are like "hidden reefs at your love feasts, as they feast with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves; waterless clouds, swept along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead, uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever." These false teachers are dangerous and destructive, and Jude urges the believers to avoid them at all costs. In conclusion, the book of Jude is a warning against false teachers who have infiltrated the Christian community. Jude urges believers to be on guard against these false teachers and to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. He provides examples from the Old Testament of those who did not remain faithful to God and warns believers not to follow in their footsteps. The book of Jude is a call to persevere in the faith and to hold fast to the truth of the gospel. SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS SendMe Radio Google Play App for Android
3/1/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 19 seconds
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Isaiah 55 Power And Effectiveness Of God’s Word 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2023-02-24-#566

Isaiah 55 is a beautiful and powerful chapter in the Bible that speaks to the heart of God's message to humanity. This chapter is a call to all people to come and receive the free gift of salvation, which is offered to all who will receive it. In this article, we will explore the Scriptures of Isaiah 55 and what the character is all about. The chapter begins with an invitation from God to all who thirst to come and drink from the waters of life freely. This is an invitation to salvation, to come and receive the gift of eternal life that God offers through His Son Jesus Christ. The passage reads, "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price" (Isaiah 55:1). God is offering salvation to all, regardless of their status or wealth. This is a message of hope to those who feel unworthy or inadequate to receive salvation. God is saying that He will provide everything they need, and they don't have to earn or pay for it. The chapter then goes on to describe the greatness of God and His ways, which are higher than our ways. It says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9). Isaiah 55 also speaks about the power and effectiveness of God's Word. The Lord says, "For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS https:
2/27/202332 minutes, 19 seconds
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Psalms 97 A Hymn Of Praise 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 794 - SendMe Radio

Psalm 97 is a psalm in the book of Psalms in the Bible, as found in the King James Version. It is a hymn of praise to God for His universal reign over all the earth. In this Psalm, the writer exclaims the greatness of God, declaring that He is the ruler of the entire world, and all peoples and nations must worship Him.The Psalm says that God is "King over all the earth" and that the heavens declare His righteousness. The writer also mentions that God is the source of light, and those who follow Him will not walk in darkness.The Psalm also talks about the wrath of God, who will judge the wicked and destroy those who do evil. The wicked are described as those who worship false gods and those who oppress the poor and the righteous.The Psalm ends with a call to all nations to rejoice in the Lord and worship Him, for He is good and His love endures forever.In conclusion, Psalm 97 is a Psalm of praise and worship to God for His universal rule and reign over all the earth. The Psalm calls on all people to acknowledge and worship God, for He is the source of light and righteousness, and will judge the wicked and protect the righteous. This Psalm serves as a reminder of God's greatness and sovereignty, and encourages all believers to rejoice in the Lord and worship Him with all their hearts.Download the SendMe Radio App Today: SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Google Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home:Google Assistant Google Action is available on:Google Home skill is available on Amazon: Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
2/7/202320 minutes, 15 seconds
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1 Thessalonians 4 Living A Holy And Righteous Life1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 789 - SendMe Radio

1 Thessalonians 4 is a chapter in the New Testament of the Bible, written by the apostle Paul to the church in Thessalonica. This chapter focuses on the topic of living a holy and righteous life, and how it is connected to the end times and the second coming of Jesus Christ.The chapter begins with a call to holiness and to live a life that is pleasing to God. Paul instructs the Thessalonian Christians to abstain from sexual immorality and to control their own bodies in a way that is holy and honorable. He emphasizes the importance of love for one another, and reminds them that God has called them to be set apart for His purposes.Paul also addresses the topic of the end times and the second coming of Jesus. He tells the Thessalonians that they do not need to be uninformed about this event, as he has already told them about it when he was with them. Paul says that the dead in Christ will rise first, followed by those who are still alive. This event, commonly known as the rapture, will mark the beginning of the end of the age and the final judgment of humanity.In the final verses of the chapter, Paul encourages the Thessalonians to comfort one another with these words and to live in peace with one another. He reminds them that God has chosen them to be saved and has called them to be holy, so they should strive to live in a way that is worthy of this calling.In conclusion, 1 Thessalonians 4 is a call to holiness and righteousness, a reminder of the end times and the second coming of Jesus, and an encouragement to live in peace with one another. It is a reminder that our lives should be lived in a way that pleases God, and that we should strive to be set apart for His purposes. SendMe Radio 📻 SendMe Radio is now a radio station playing 24/7 download the SendMe Radio app from the Google Play or Apple Store you can also access SendMe Radio from any of the links below. Google Action is available on Google Home: Your Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio App. Google Play Store SendMe Radio Player
1/30/202326 minutes, 4 seconds
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James 1 Trials and Temptations 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 785 - SendMe Radio

James 1 is a chapter in the New Testament book of James, written by James, the brother of Jesus. The chapter is focused on the topic of trials and temptations, and it provides practical guidance for how Christians can navigate these difficulties in a way that honors God and grows their faith.James begins by encouraging his readers to consider trials and temptations as opportunities for growth and maturity.He notes that God uses these difficulties to test and refine our faith, so that we can become more like Jesus.James then goes on to offer several practical tips for how we can respond to trials and temptations in a way that honors God. He reminds us to be slow to speak and slow to anger, and to resist the temptation to sin. He also encourages us to seek wisdom from God, and to trust in His provision and care for us.Furthermore, James notes that God is the source of all good gifts, and that He will never abandon us or leave us in the midst of our struggles. He also reminds us that God is the one who will bring us through our difficulties and give us the strength and wisdom we need to persevere.In conclusion, James 1 is a powerful reminder that trials and temptations are opportunities for growth and maturity, and that God uses these difficulties to test and refine our faith. By responding to these difficulties in a way that honors God and seeks wisdom from Him, we can grow in our faith and become more like Jesus.SendMe Radio 📻SendMe Radio is now a radio station playing 24/7 download the SendMe Radio app from the Google Play or Apple Store you can also access SendMe Radio from any of the links below.Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: Radio App. Play Store Radio Player
1/23/202328 minutes, 57 seconds
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Galatian 5 The Yoke Of Bondage 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 781 - SendMe Radio

In Galatians 5, The Yoke Of BondageThe apostle Paul addresses the issue of the "yoke of bondage" in relation to the teachings of the Judaizers. These individuals were claiming that in order to be truly saved, Gentile converts to Christianity also had to follow the Mosaic Law, including being circumcised.Paul argues that this is not the case, and that the Gentiles should not be burdened with the "yoke of bondage" of the Law. He states, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage" (Galatians 5:1). In other words, through faith in Christ, believers have been set free from the requirements of the Law and should not submit to them again.Paul also emphasizes that true freedom in Christ is not license to sin, but rather the ability to fulfill the law through the power of the Holy Spirit. He writes, "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love" (Galatians 5:6). In other words, it is through faith in Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit that believers are able to love and obey God, rather than relying on their own efforts to keep the Law.In conclusion, Galatians 5 addresses the issue of the "yoke of bondage" of the Law, and teaches that through faith in Christ, believers have been set free from the requirements of the Law and empowered to fulfill it through the power of the Holy Spirit. The emphasis is on the fact that true freedom in Christ is not license to sin, but the ability to love and obey God.SendMe Radio 📻SendMe Radio is now a radio station playing 24/7 download the SendMe Radio app from the Google Play or Apple Store you can also access SendMe Radio from any of the links below.Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: Radio App. Play Store Radio Player
1/16/202331 minutes, 32 seconds
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Sunday Morning Intercessory Prayer Episode 1 - Digital Ink

1/8/202324 minutes, 57 seconds
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Psalms 24 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 766 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio 📻 SendMe Radio is now a radio station playing 24/7 download the SendMe Radio app from the Google Play or Apple Store you can also access SendMe Radio from any of the links below.Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: Radio App. Play Store Radio Player
12/27/202223 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sunday Service Intercessory Prayer We Shall Be United & We Shall Prosper Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 760 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio 📻 SendMe Radio is now a radio station playing 24/7 download the SendMe Radio app from the Google Play or Apple Store you can also access SendMe Radio from any of the links below. Google Action is available on Google Home: Your Alexa skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio App. Google Play Store SendMe Radio Player
12/18/202221 minutes, 26 seconds
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Galatian 4 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 753 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Donate Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android Radio Download the Free App Today Also Command Alexa and your Google Assistant to Play SendMe Radio
12/12/202215 minutes, 12 seconds
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Intercessory Sunday Service Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 737 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Donate Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
12/4/202212 minutes, 10 seconds
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1 Chronicles 16 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 732 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Donate Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
11/28/202231 minutes, 40 seconds
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Psalms 100 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 730 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Donate Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
11/23/202235 minutes, 47 seconds
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Colossians 3v15 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 729 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an online streaming internet radio station, packed with all the messages on the podcast. Listen to awesome Interviews, thousands of Gospel Music, and discover new businesses and they’re inspiring stores. Also if you would like a radio commercial for your Church, Social or Business event contact us via email at [email protected] Donate Assistant Google Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon: SendMe Radio Apple Store App for IOS Radio Google Play App for Android
11/22/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie Pastor Ministering On Redeemed Pilgrims Miniseries Prayer Line Episode 728 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an internet radio station download our free app from the App Store for IOS and the Google Store listen to SendMe Radio on all your smart devices. SendMe Radio 📻 Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: Radio App. Play Store just ask Alexa on the web at http://sendmeradio.comListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5:30 am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music. Visit our website at https://www.
11/22/202258 minutes, 17 seconds
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1 Corinthians 1 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 727 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an internet radio station download our free app from the App Store for IOS and the Google Store listen to SendMe Radio on all your smart devices. SendMe Radio 📻 Google Action is available on Google Home: Alexa skill is available on Amazon: Radio App. Play Store just ask Alexa on the web at http://sendmeradio.comListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5:30 am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music. Visit our website at https://www.sendmepromotion.comGoogle Action is available on Google Home: skill is available on Amazon:- Radio App:-
11/21/202232 minutes, 34 seconds
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Psalms 25 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 704 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an internet radio station Or just ask Alexa on the web at I must be remembered by the mercies of God.Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music.
10/17/202223 minutes, 28 seconds
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Proverbs 19 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 10 - Digital Ink

SendMe Radio is now an internet radio station Or just ask Alexa on the web at I must be remembered by the mercies of God.Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music.
10/10/202236 minutes, 21 seconds
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Sunday Service Intercessory Prayer Episode 685 - SendMe Radio

SendMe Radio is now an internet radio station Or just ask Alexa on the web at I must be remembered by the mercies of God.Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music.
10/9/202219 minutes, 5 seconds
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SendMe Radio Mid-day Mix Alexa Play SendMe Radio

Listen to awesome interviews, music, featured businesses and powerful messages on SendMe Radio. Listen to us in your car, at work, at the gym. SendMe Radio just ask Alexa for SendMe Radio.
10/5/20222 hours, 39 minutes, 39 seconds
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1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 10 - Digital Ink

10/3/202222 minutes, 50 seconds
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Hebrews 10v35-39| 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures| Pastor Chidi Okorie| SendMe Radio

Hebrews 2 For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of rewards.SendMe Radio is now an internet radio station Or just ask Alexa on the web at I must be remembered by the mercies of God.Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music.
9/26/202229 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ephesians 4v17 Instructions For Christian Living 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 668 - SendMe Radio

Instructions for Christian Living17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking.SendMe Radio is now an internet radio station Or just ask Alexa on the web at I must be remembered by the mercies of God.Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music.
9/19/202224 minutes, 28 seconds
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Philippians 2v1 1000 Days Of Searching The Gospel Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-09-14-#448

SendMe Radio is now an internet radio station Or just ask Alexa on the web at I must be remembered by the mercies of God.Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music.
9/14/202231 minutes, 54 seconds
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Philipipians 4 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor chidi Okorie Episode 1

SendMe Radio is now an internet radio station Or just ask Alexa on the web at I must be remembered by the mercies of God.Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music.
9/12/202219 minutes, 36 seconds
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Luke 23 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 2 - Digitalink

SendMe Radio is now an internet radio station Or just ask Alexa on the web at I must be remembered by the mercies of God.Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music.
9/5/202234 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Zeal Of The Lord Sunday Service Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 653 - SendMe Radio

The Zeal Of The Lord Sunday Service Pastor Chidi Okorie On - SendMe Radio listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio
9/4/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 41 seconds
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2 Peter 1 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 618 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music.
8/12/202230 minutes, 41 seconds
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Psalms 37 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 611 - SendMe Radio

37 Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. 2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music.
8/9/202225 minutes, 33 seconds
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Psalms 30 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode

Psalms 30 I will extol thee, O Lord; for thou hast lifted me up, and hast not made my foes to rejoice over me. 2 O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me. 3 O Lord, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave: thou hast kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit.Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorieq. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music.
8/4/202227 minutes, 15 seconds
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Mark 10 Divorce 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Episode 603 - SendMe Radio

10 And he arose from thence, and cometh into the coasts of Judaea by the farther side of Jordan: and the people resort unto him again; and, as he was wont, he taught them again.2 And the Pharisees came to him, and asked him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him.Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorieq. When the church comes togather and pray in one accord then great things happen. Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5am Central or 6:30 am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us search for SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, YouTube and Amazon Music.
8/3/202238 minutes, 21 seconds
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SendMe Radio Pray Without Ceasing 07/27/2022

Listen to these awesome messages on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" Like, Share and Subscribe
7/27/20224 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds
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Hebrews 11 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidii Okorie Episode 595 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/26/202227 minutes, 42 seconds
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Pray Without Ceasing SendMe Radio Live Broadcast 07/26/2022

Listen to these AWESOME messages on SendMe Radio's live broadcast. SendMe Radio We Promote the Gospel. Like Share and Subscribe to SendMe Radio on all major streaming platforms.
7/26/20222 hours, 42 minutes, 16 seconds
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SendMe Radio Pray Without Ceasing Live Broadcast Sunday July 25, 2022

Listen to these awesome messages on SendMe Radio with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Like Share and Subscribe to SendMe Radio on Spotify, Apple and Google Podcast, Facebook, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other major streaming platforms. SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel"
7/25/20223 hours, 9 minutes, 45 seconds
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Matthew 16 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/22/202228 minutes, 39 seconds
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Redeemed Pilgrims Miniseries Miracle Hour Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 589 - SendMe Radio

Redeemed Pilgrims Miniseries Miracle Hour Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie.
7/21/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 57 seconds
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1 John 2 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/20/202229 minutes, 14 seconds
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Redeemed Pilgrims Prayer Conference Florida Episode 5 - Digit Ink

7/17/20222 hours, 40 minutes, 14 seconds
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Pastor Ogiazi Redeemed Pilgrims Prayer Conference Episode 584 - SendMe Radio

7/17/202248 minutes, 12 seconds
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Redeemed Pilgrims Miniseries Prayer Conference Episode 583 - SendMe Radio

Redeemed Pilgrims Miniseries Prayer Conference Episode 583 - SendMe Radio
7/16/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 2 seconds
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Hebrews 3 Miracle Hour Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 580 - SendMe Radio

Household Enemies - Redeemed Pilgrims Miniseries Miracle Hour Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie.
7/14/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 1 second
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Philippians 2 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 579 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/13/202232 minutes, 53 seconds
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Psalms 63 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 578 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/12/202228 minutes, 30 seconds
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Genesis 4 Household Enemies Pt. 2 Miracle Hour Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 3 - SendMe Radio

Household Enemies - Redeemed Pilgrims Miniseries Miracle Hour Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie. Genesis 4v8 & 9, Matthew 10:34-36, Psalms 61
7/12/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 14 seconds
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Jeremiah 32 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 576 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/11/202227 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ephesians 3 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 575 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/9/202227 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 138 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 574 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/8/202233 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Zachariah 5 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Episode 573 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/7/202229 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Matthew 24 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 3 - Digit Ink

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/6/202220 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Matthew 24 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 3 - Digit Ink

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/6/202210 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

1 Samuel 25 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 570 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/5/202236 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

2 Corinthian 4 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 569 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/4/202230 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Romans 13 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 568 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/2/202232 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Romans 12 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 567 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
7/1/202237 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 17 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 566 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
6/30/202229 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prayer Meeting Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 565 - SendMe Radio

6/30/20221 hour, 15 minutes
Episode Artwork

Psalms 138 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 564 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
6/29/202230 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

2 Peter 3 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
6/28/202228 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Matthew 16 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 562 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
6/27/202230 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 91 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 558 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6:30am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860. Also join in on the SendMe Radio app download and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6:30am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6:30am Eastern 516-387-8860 & subscribe to our SendMe Radio YouTube channel.
6/21/202239 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mark 9 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Episode 557 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join thise and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ an
6/20/202241 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 47 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 550 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join thise and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ an
6/13/202225 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 40 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 545 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join thise and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ an
6/7/202235 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Matthew 25 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 544 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join thise and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ an
6/6/202232 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

1 Thessalonians 4 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 539 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join thise and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ an
5/31/202231 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Miracle Hour Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 538 - SendMe Radio

Miracle Hour Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie SendMe Radio
5/31/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 56 1000 Days of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 536 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join thise and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ an
5/30/202236 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

James 11000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Episode 534 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ an
5/25/202232 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 7 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 533 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on
5/24/202228 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Miracle Hour Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 532 - SendMe Radio

Miracle Hour Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie Redeemed Pilgrims Ministries on SendMe Radio
5/24/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

1 Corinthians 1 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 531 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on
5/23/202226 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Miracle Hour Prayer Line Episode 524 - SendMe Radio

5/12/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Romans 8 (cont’d) 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 522 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on the web at Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on
5/10/202225 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Romans 8 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 520 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on the web at Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on
5/9/202222 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Romans 12 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Episode 514 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on the web at Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join
5/3/202235 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

1 John 5 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Episode 513 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on the web at Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast
5/2/202231 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hebrew 7 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 508 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on the web at Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast
4/26/202238 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Colossians 2 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 507 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on the web at Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @
4/25/202224 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 1 Blessed Is The Man Episode 504 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on the web at Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @
4/22/202233 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Power Of Midnight Episode 501 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on the web at Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on the web at
4/21/20221 hour, 24 minutes, 18 seconds
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1 Corinthians 15 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Episode 500 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on the web at
4/19/202224 minutes, 59 seconds
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Romans 11 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 498 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on the web at
4/18/202219 minutes, 12 seconds
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Zachariah 4 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 493 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-9653. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be on our YouTube channel @ SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 subscribe to our YouTube channel @ and visit us on the web at
4/12/202231 minutes, 3 seconds
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Zachariah 3 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 492 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-5381. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 and
4/11/202232 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ephesians 1 (contd) 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 488 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie call him directly on 915-490-5381. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 and www.hesendme.coEphesians 11 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To God’s holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus:2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.Praise for Spiritual Blessings in Christ3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love5 he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—6 to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace8 that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding,9 he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,10 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,12 in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.Thanksgiving and Prayer15 For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people,16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church,23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.
4/5/202257 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ephesians 1 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 487 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 and www.hesendme.coEphesians 11 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To God’s holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus:2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.Praise for Spiritual Blessings in Christ3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love5 he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—6 to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace8 that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding,9 he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,10 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,12 in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.Thanksgiving and Prayer15 For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people,16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church,23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.
4/4/202253 minutes, 10 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 482 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
3/29/202233 minutes, 22 seconds
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1 Timothy 2 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 481 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
3/28/202223 minutes, 22 seconds
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Psalms 84 Redeemed Pilgrims Prayer Meeting Episode 480 - SendMe Radio

Redeemed Pilgrims Prayer Meeting Pastor Chidi Okorie
3/26/20221 hour, 33 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ephesians 6 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 477 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
3/22/202236 minutes, 22 seconds
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Jeremiah 17 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 476 - SendMe Radio

Listen to life changing messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio LIKE, SHRE and SUBSCRIBE. SendMe Radio listen to us on Spotify, Amazon Music, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES. Contact Pastor Chidi Okorie on 915-490-9653.Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY for direct call to Pastor Chidi call 915-490-9653. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
3/21/202231 minutes, 50 seconds
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SendMe Radio Live Broadcast

Listen to this awesome broadcast from SendMe Radio with host Pastor Chidi Okorie brodcasting live from Stone Mountain Georgia. Listen to awesome Gospel music from various men and women of God and powerful life changing messages right here on SendMe Radio. Download the free app SendMe Radio or listen to SendMe Radio on all major streaming platforms. TuneIn, ITUNES, Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcast listen to SendMe Radio in your car, on your smart phone, IPAD, computer. SendMe Radio we are everywhere LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE!
3/20/20224 hours, 27 minutes, 28 seconds
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2 Peter 1 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 470 - SendMe Radio

Listen to life changing messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio LIKE, SHRE and SUBSCRIBE. SendMe Radio listen to us on Spotify, Amazon Music, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES. Contact Pastor Chidi Okorie on 915-490-9653.Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY for direct call to Pastor Chidi call 915-490-9653. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
3/14/202227 minutes, 45 seconds
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Preparing a Glorious Church Bishop Dr. Okey Ugwu Redeemed Pilgrims Ministry Int'l Episode 469 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Bishop Okey Ugwu from the Redeemed Pilgrims Ministry Int'l on The Glorious Church Step to the Selection to the Kingdom on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel".
3/13/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 46 seconds
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SendMe Radio Live Broadcast 03.11.2022

Listen to life changing messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio LIKE, SHRE and SUBSCRIBE. SendMe Radio listen to us on Spotify, Amazon Music, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES. Contact Pastor Chidi Okorie on 915-490-9653.Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY for direct call to Pastor Chidi call 915-490-9653. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
3/11/20224 hours, 12 minutes, 13 seconds
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Miracle Hour Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 463 - SendMe Radio

Miracle Hour Prayer Line joined every Wednesday here we pray until something happens.
3/10/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 8 seconds
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SendMe Radio Live Broadcast

Listen to life changing messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio LIKE, SHRE and SUBSCRIBE. SendMe Radio listen to us on Spotify, Amazon Music, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES. Contact Pastor Chidi Okorie on 915-490-9653.Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY for direct call to Pastor Chidi call 915-490-9653. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
3/9/20222 hours, 6 minutes, 56 seconds
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Luke 18 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-03-09-#301

Listen to life changing messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio LIKE, SHRE and SUBSCRIBE. SendMe Radio listen to us on Spotify, Amazon Music, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES. Contact Pastor Chidi Okorie on 915-490-9653.Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY for direct call to Pastor Chidi call 915-490-9653. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 www.hesendme.comThe Parable of the Persistent Widow18 And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought ralways to pray and not slose heart. 2 He said, “In a certain city there was a judge who tneither feared God nor respected man. 3 And there was a widow in that city who kept coming to him and saying, ‘Give me justice against my adversary.’ 4 For a while he refused, but afterward he said to himself, u‘Though I neither fear God nor respect man, 5 yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will give her justice, so that she will not beat me down by her continual coming.’ ” 6 And the Lord said, “Hear what the unrighteous judge says. 7 And vwill not God give justice to whis elect, xwho cry to him day and night? yzWill he delay long over them? 8 I tell you, he will give justice to them aspeedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, bwill he find faith on earth?”
3/9/202233 minutes, 8 seconds
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2 Corinthians 13 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 460 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 www.hesendme.comFinal Warnings1This will be my third visit to you. “Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2I already gave you a warning when I was with you the second time. I now repeat it while absent: On my return I will not spare those who sinned earlier or any of the others, 3since you are demanding proof that Christ is speaking through me. He is not weak in dealing with you, but is powerful among you. 4For to be sure, he was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God’s power. Likewise, we are weak in him, yet by God’s power we will live with him in our dealing with you.5Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? 6And I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test. 7Now we pray to God that you will not do anything wrong—not so that people will see that we have stood the test but so that you will do what is right even though we may seem to have failed. 8For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth. 9We are glad whenever we are weak but you are strong; and our prayer is that you may be fully restored. 10This is why I write these things when I am absent, that when I come I may not have to be harsh in my use of authority—the authority the Lord gave me for building you up, not for tearing you down.
3/8/202225 minutes, 1 second
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SendMe Radio Live Broadcast

Listen to life changing messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio LIKE, SHRE and SUBSCRIBE. SendMe Radio listen to us on Spotify, Amazon Music, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES. Contact Pastor Chidi Okorie on 915-490-9653.Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY for direct call to Pastor Chidi call 915-490-9653. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
3/7/20223 hours, 18 minutes, 23 seconds
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Psalms 139 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-03-07-#299

Listen to life changing messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio LIKE, SHRE and SUBSCRIBE. SendMe Radio listen to us on Spotify, Amazon Music, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES. Contact Pastor Chidi Okorie on 915-490-5381.Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY for direct call to Pastor Chidi call 915-490-9653. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 www.hesendme.comPsalms 139:14 Context11If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. 12Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. 13For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. 14I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 15My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. 17How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
3/7/202234 minutes, 53 seconds
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Deuteronomy 6 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 2022-03-05-#298

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY for direct call to Pastor Chidi call 915-490-9653. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 www.hesendme.comDeuteronomy Chapter 61 Now these are the commandments, the statutes, and the judgments, which the LORD your God commanded to teach you, that ye might do them in the land whither ye go to possess it:2 That thou mightest fear the LORD thy God, to keep all his statutes and his commandments, which I command thee, thou, and thy son, and thy son's son, all the days of thy life; and that thy days may be prolonged.3 Hear therefore, O Israel, and observe to do it; that it may be well with thee, and that ye may increase mightily, as the LORD God of thy fathers hath promised thee, in the land that floweth with milk and honey.4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.10 And it shall be, when the LORD thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities, which thou buildedst not,11 And houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full;12 Then beware lest thou forget the LORD, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.13 Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name.14 Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you;15 (For the LORD thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth.16 Ye shall not tempt the LORD your God, as ye tempted him in Massah.17 Ye shall diligently keep the commandments of the LORD your God, and his testimonies, and his statutes, which he hath commanded thee.18 And thou shalt do that which is right and good in the sight of the LORD: that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest go in and possess the good land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers,19 To cast out all thine enemies from before thee, as the LORD hath spoken.20 And when thy son asketh thee in time to come, saying, What mean the testimonies, and the statutes, and the judgments, which the LORD our God hath commanded you?21 Then thou shalt say unto thy son, We were Pharaoh's bondmen in Egypt; and the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand:22 And the LORD shewed signs and wonders, great and sore, upon Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all his household, before our eyes:23 And he brought us out from thence, that he might bring us in, to give us the land which he sware unto our fathers.24 And the LORD commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the LORD our God, for our good always, that he might preserve us alive, as it is at this day.25 And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the LORD our God, as he hath commanded us.
3/6/202234 minutes, 3 seconds
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Joshua 1 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures 2022-03-04-#297

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY for direct call to Pastor Chidi call 915-490-9653. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
3/6/202229 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 73 1000 Days of Searching the Scripture Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-03-01-#294

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY for direct call to Pastor Chidi call 915-490-9653. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 www.hesendme.comPsalms Chapter 731 Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.3 For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.4 For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm.5 They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.6 Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment.7 Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish.8 They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily.9 They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth.10 Therefore his people return hither: and waters of a full cup are wrung out to them.11 And they say, How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the most High?12 Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches.13 Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency.14 For all the day long have I been plagued, and chastened every morning.15 If I say, I will speak thus; behold, I should offend against the generation of thy children.16 When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me;17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.18 Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction.19 How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors.20 As a dream when one awaketh; so, O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image.21 Thus my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my reins.22 So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee.23 Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand.24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.25 Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.26 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.27 For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee.28 But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.
3/3/202226 minutes, 21 seconds
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Job 23 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-03-02-#295

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY for direct call to Pastor Chidi call 915-490-9653. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 www.hesendme.comJob Chapter 231 Then Job answered and said,2 Even to day is my complaint bitter: my stroke is heavier than my groaning.3 Oh that I knew where I might find him! that I might come even to his seat!4 I would order my cause before him, and fill my mouth with arguments.5 I would know the words which he would answer me, and understand what he would say unto me.6 Will he plead against me with his great power? No; but he would put strength in me.7 There the righteous might dispute with him; so should I be delivered for ever from my judge.8 Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive him:9 On the left hand, where he doth work, but I cannot behold him: he hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him:10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.11 My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined.12 Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.13 But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desireth, even that he doeth.14 For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him.15 Therefore am I troubled at his presence: when I consider, I am afraid of him.16 For God maketh my heart soft, and the Almighty troubleth me:17 Because I was not cut off before the darkness, neither hath he covered the darkness from my face.
3/3/202233 minutes, 26 seconds
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2 Thessailonias 3:16 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures The Peace of God Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-03-03-#296

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY for direct call to Pastor Chidi call 915-490-9653. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860 www.hesendme.com2 Thessalonians Chapter 31 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:2 And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.3 But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.4 And we have confidence in the Lord touching you, that ye both do and will do the things which we command you.5 And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.7 For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you;8 Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you:9 Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.14 And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.15 Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.17 The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write.18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. (The second epistle to the Thessalonians was written from Athens.)
3/3/202230 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 451 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
3/1/202228 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 450 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
2/28/202223 minutes, 4 seconds
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Proverbs 14 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-02-23-#289

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
2/23/202220 minutes, 34 seconds
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1 Peter 3 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 448 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
2/22/202232 minutes, 17 seconds
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1 John 4 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-02-16-#284

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
2/21/202238 minutes, 12 seconds
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2 Thessalonians Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures 2022-02-09-#281

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
2/21/202231 minutes, 2 seconds
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Romans 12 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 445 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
2/21/202233 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

1 John Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Episode 444 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
2/15/202231 minutes, 16 seconds
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Psalm 97 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days Of Searching The Scripture Episode 443 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
2/7/202235 minutes, 14 seconds
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Psalms 18 v 1 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 2022-02-04-#279

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
2/4/202234 minutes, 37 seconds
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1 Corinthians 2 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 2022-02-02-#277

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
2/4/202234 minutes, 35 seconds
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Psalms 59 Delivered Me From My Enemies 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 440 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
2/3/202223 minutes, 3 seconds
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Deuttetonomy Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching The Scriptures Episode 439 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
2/1/202227 minutes, 41 seconds
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Psalms 88 - 89 V 1 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Episode 438 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
1/31/202226 minutes, 58 seconds
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Mark 9 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-01-29-#274

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
1/30/202248 minutes, 3 seconds
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John 4 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scripture 2022-01-28-#273

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
1/28/202258 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

James 5 1000 Days of Searching the Scripture Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-01-27-#272

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
1/27/202234 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

James 4 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-01-26-#271

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
1/26/202238 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 433 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 🙏 with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free app and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 6am EASTERN Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern 🙏 516-387-8860
1/25/202240 minutes, 46 seconds
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Redeemed Pilgrims Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 432 - SendMe Radio

Redeemed Pilgrims Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 432 - SendMe Radio
1/25/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ephesisans 2 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scripture 2022-01-24-#269

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on our live prayer line every morning at 6am on 516-387-8860, you can also contact us direct at any time on 470-771--0895. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Facebook, Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/24/202229 minutes, 13 seconds
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Galations 6 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 2022-01-21-#268

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on our live prayer line every morning at 6am on 516-387-8860, you can also contact us direct at any time on 470-771--0895. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Facebook, Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/24/202226 minutes, 50 seconds
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Isaiah 22 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scripture 2022-01-20-#267

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on our live prayer line every morning at 6am on 516-387-8860, you can also contact us direct at any time on 470-771--0895. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Facebook, Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/20/202228 minutes, 12 seconds
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Jesus Cleanses the Leaper Matthew 8 & 9 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Mountain Top Prayer 2022-01-19-#266

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on our live prayer line every morning at 6am on 516-387-8860, you can also contact us direct at any time on 470-771--0895. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Facebook, Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/19/202235 minutes, 4 seconds
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1 Corinthians 11 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days Of Searching The Scriptures Episode 427 - SendMe Radio

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on our live prayer line every morning at 6am on 516-387-8860, you can also contact us direct at any time on 470-771--0895. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Facebook, Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/18/202232 minutes, 10 seconds
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Philippians 2 & 3 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Episode 426 - SendMe Radio

Phillippians 2 & 3 Imitating Christ Humility - Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on our live prayer line every morning at 6am on 516-387-8860, you can also contact us direct at any time on 470-771--0895. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Facebook, Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/17/202256 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bishop Okey Ugwu Redeemed Pilgrims Sunday Service Episode 425 - SendMe Radio

Bishop Okey Ugwu Redeemed Pilgrims Sunday Service - SendMe Radio
1/16/202259 minutes, 53 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie Intercession Prayer Redeemed Pilgrims Sunday Service Episode 424 - SendMe Radio

1/16/202222 minutes, 8 seconds
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John 8 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Seaching the Scriptures 2022-01-15-#263

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/15/202256 minutes, 3 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scripture 2022-01-13-#261

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/15/202228 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

1 John 4 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Seaching the Scripture 2022-01-14-#262

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/15/202229 minutes, 26 seconds
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Galations 3 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scripture 2022-01-12-#260

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/15/202226 minutes, 50 seconds
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Matthew 7 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Episode 419 - SendMe Radio

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/11/202249 minutes, 54 seconds
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1 Peter 2 Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Scriptures Episode 418 - SendMe Radio

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/10/202254 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ephisians 5 & 6 1000 Days of Searching the Scripture Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-01-07-#256

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/9/202247 minutes, 5 seconds
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Romans 4 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-01-08-#257

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/9/202257 minutes, 21 seconds
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1 Peter 2 1000 Days of Seaching the Scripture Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-01-06-#255

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/9/202250 minutes, 4 seconds
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Redeemed Pilgrims Sunday Service Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 414 - SendMe Radio

1/9/202243 minutes, 18 seconds
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Matthew 6 Redeemed Pilgrims Sunday Service Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 413 - SendMe Radio

1/9/202210 minutes, 45 seconds
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John 14 1000 Days of Serching the Scripture Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 412 - SendMe Radio

1/6/20221 hour, 39 minutes, 50 seconds
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Zachariah 5; 6 & 7 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 411 - SendMe Radio

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/4/202251 minutes, 36 seconds
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Redeemed Pilgrims Prayer Meeting Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 410 - SendMe Radio

Redeemed Pilgrims Prayer Meeting Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 410 - SendMe Radio
1/4/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 53 seconds
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John 7 1000 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-01-01-#252

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/3/20221 hour, 1 minute, 27 seconds
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1000 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie 2022-01-02-#253

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/3/202212 minutes, 50 seconds
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John 9 & 10 1000 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-12-30-#251

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/3/202258 minutes, 3 seconds
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John 8 1000 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-12-29-#250

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/3/202257 minutes, 46 seconds
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Romans 5 Reconciling Back to God Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures 2021-12-28-#249

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
1/3/202257 minutes, 27 seconds
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Bishop Okey Ugwu Redeemed Pilgrims Ministries Bible Study Episode 406 - SendMe Radio

Bible Study Redeemed Pilgrims Ministries International
1/2/20221 hour, 51 minutes, 29 seconds
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1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Episode 403 - SendMe Radio

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/28/202156 minutes, 17 seconds
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Redeemed Pilgrims Prayer Meeting Episode 402 - SendMe Radio

Redeemed Pilgrims Prayer Meeting
12/28/20211 hour, 42 seconds
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Redeemed Pilgrims Christmas Service Episode 401 - SendMe Radio

12/25/20211 hour, 20 minutes, 24 seconds
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1000 Days of Seaching The Scripture Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-12-22-#246

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/23/202146 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

John 2 Water Made Into Wine 1000 Days of Seaching the Scripture Pastor Chidi Okorie

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/23/202148 minutes, 45 seconds
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1 Kings 18 Elijah and Obadiah 1000 Days of Searching the Scripture 2021-12-21-#245

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/21/202156 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

1Ch18 & 19: 1 - 10 Samuel Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching The Scripture 2021-12-20-#244

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/20/202154 minutes, 37 seconds
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Genesis 10 Decendants of Noah's Sons 2021-12-18-#243

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/18/202142 minutes, 45 seconds
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Genesis 9 The Covenant With Noah Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-12-17-#242

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/17/202148 minutes, 37 seconds
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Genesis 8 The Flood Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-12-16-#241

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/17/202123 minutes, 34 seconds
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Genesis 7 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 393 - SendMe Radio

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/14/202134 minutes, 53 seconds
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Genesis 6 The Flood Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 392 - SendMe Radio

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/13/202146 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Genesis 5 Decendants of Adam Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching The Scripture 2021-12-11-#237

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/11/202149 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Genesis 4 Cain and Abel Pastor Chidi Okorie 1000 Days of Searching the Scripture 2021-12-10-#236

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/10/202127 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Genisis 3 Pastor Chidi Okorie SendMe Radio 1000 Days of Searching the Scripture 2021-12-09-#235

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/9/202121 minutes, 36 seconds
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Genesis 2 Creation of the World Episode 388 - SendMe Radio

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/8/202144 minutes, 30 seconds
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1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Genesis 1 Episode 387 - SendMe Radio

Welcome to SendMe Radio join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 1000 Days of Searching the Scriptures dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/7/202149 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Miracle Hour Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 386 - SendMe Radio

Miracle Hour Prayer Line is SendMe Radio
12/5/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 40 seconds
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Hard Yokes Isaiah 10 Pastor Chidi Okorie SendMe Radio 2017-11-21-#38

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie - Hard Yokes Isaiah 10. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/4/20214 hours, 5 minutes, 18 seconds
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Final Day of 150 Days of Psalms 150 Praising the Lord Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer 2021-12-03-#232

God bless you today is the final day of our 150 Days of Psalms HALLELJAH!!!!! Listen to this AWESOME message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalsms 150 - Psalms 150 v 1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/3/202158 minutes, 3 seconds
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Psalms 149 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 383 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
12/2/202147 minutes, 3 seconds
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Miracle Hour Prayer Line Episode 382 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on the Redeemed Pilgrims Miracle Hour Prayer Line.
12/2/20211 hour, 44 seconds
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Psalms 147 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 381 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/30/202150 minutes, 48 seconds
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Psalms 145 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 380 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/29/202157 minutes
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Prayer Without Ceasing LIVE Broadcast Every Sunday

Welcome to SendMe Radio Prayer Without Ceasing LIVE Broadcast! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio everyday @ 6 am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860 and on Sundays for Prayer Without Ceasing. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/28/20215 hours
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Psalms 144 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 378 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/27/202152 minutes, 55 seconds
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Psalms 143 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 377 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/26/202154 minutes, 47 seconds
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Psalms 142 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 376 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/25/202150 minutes, 30 seconds
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Psalms 141 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 375 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/24/202148 minutes, 27 seconds
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Psalms 140 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 374 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/23/202150 minutes, 22 seconds
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Psalms 139 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 373 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 138 The Lord a Faithful God on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/22/202159 minutes, 34 seconds
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Prayer Without Ceasing LIVE Broascast 11/21/21

God bless you welcome to SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel the Gospel” of Jesus Christ with our host Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to these awesome messages in your car, on your phone on all major streaming platforms or on Alexa or your Google device. Just say hey Alexa o hey Google play SendMe Radio. Share SendMe Radio with family and friends some of these messages were ministered in different cities and countries around the world come with us. We are happy that you are enjoying praising and worshiping the Great God Almighty with us we do enjoy your company. There are so many challenges and problems that face us in this new era we are currently living in however I want you to forget those problems and give glory to God almighty. Many times the enemy presents us with problems that doesn’t allow you to remember the goodness of the Lord and how the Lord has been good to you and your family. Today we are continuing our Prayer Without Ceasing LIVE this and every Sunday. Also join us for our 150 Days of Psalms, Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Every morning at 6am Eastern call in on 516:387:8860 or listen to us on SendMe Radio and all major streaming platforms. Visit SendMe Radio at email us at [email protected]
11/21/20215 hours
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The Lord A Faithful God Pastor Chidi Okorie 150 Days of Psalms 2021-11-20-#221

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 138 The Lord a Faithful God on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/20/202153 minutes, 31 seconds
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Psalms 137 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 370 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/19/202149 minutes, 36 seconds
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Psalms 136 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 369 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/18/202151 minutes, 55 seconds
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Psalms 135 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 368 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/17/202150 minutes, 8 seconds
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Psalms 134 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 367 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/16/202134 minutes, 36 seconds
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Psalms 133 Brotherly Unity Episode 366 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 133 Brotherly Unity Waiting. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/15/202149 minutes, 32 seconds
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Psalms 130 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 365 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 130 Waiting on the Lord. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/13/202142 minutes, 45 seconds
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Psalms 131 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 364 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 132 Waiting on the Lord. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/13/20219 minutes, 11 seconds
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Psalms 130 Episode 363 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 130 Waiting on the Lord. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/12/202157 minutes, 38 seconds
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Psalms 129 Israel's Enemies Episode 362 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 129 Israel’s Enemies. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/11/202146 minutes, 25 seconds
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Redeemed Pilgrims Prayer Line Episode 361 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on the Redeemed Pilgrims Prayer Line every Wednesday and Friday at 8pm Eastern. Meeting ID on Zoom 961 5339 3943
11/11/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 35 seconds
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Psalms 128 The God Fearing Family Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 360 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 127 The Vanity of Work Without God! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/10/202151 minutes, 30 seconds
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Psalms 127 The Vanity of Work Without God Episode 359 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 127 The Vanity of Work Without God! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/9/202154 minutes, 24 seconds
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Psalms 125 & 126 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 358 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 125 and 126 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/8/202153 minutes, 32 seconds
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Psalms 124 The Lord the Protector Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-11-06-#209

Psalms 125 The Lord the Protector! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/7/202149 minutes, 25 seconds
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Psalms 120 A Prayer for Deliverance Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-11-05-#208

Psalms 120 A Prayer for Deliverance! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/5/202153 minutes, 2 seconds
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Pslams 119 Pt. 4 Pastor Chidi Okorie Keepers of the Law 2021-11-04-#207

Psalms 119 Pt. 4 Keepers of God's Law. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/4/202153 minutes, 1 second
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Psalms 119 Pt. 3 Keepers of God's Law Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-11-03-#206

Psalms 119 Keepers of God's Law. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/3/202154 minutes, 31 seconds
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Psalms 119 Pt 2 Pastor Chidi Okorie Keepers of God's Laws 2021-11-02-#205

Psalms 119 Keepers of God's Law. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/2/202156 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 119 Keepers of God's Law Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-11-01-#204

Psalms 119 Keepers of God's Law. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
11/1/202158 minutes, 36 seconds
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Prayer Without Ceasing LIVE Broadcast on SendMe Radio

God bless you welcome to SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel the Gospel” of Jesus Christ with our host Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to these awesome messages in your car, on your phone on all major streaming platforms or on Alexa or your Google device. Just say hey Alexa o hey Google play SendMe Radio. Share SendMe Radio with family and friends some of these messages were ministered in different cities and countries around the world come with us. We are happy that you are enjoying praising and worshiping the Great God Almighty with us we do enjoy your company. There are so many challenges and problems that face us in this new era we are currently living in however I want you to forget those problems and give glory to God almighty. Many times the enemy presents us with problems that doesn’t allow you to remember the goodness of the Lord and how the Lord has been good to you and your family. Today we are continuing our Prayer Without Ceasing LIVE this and every Sunday. Also join us for our 150 Days of Psalms, Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Every morning at 6am Eastern call in on 516:387:8860 or listen to us on SendMe Radio and all major streaming platforms. Visit SendMe Radio at email us at [email protected]
10/31/20214 hours, 36 minutes, 47 seconds
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Psalms 118 The Lord's Mercy Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-10-30-#203

Psalms 118 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/30/202142 minutes, 58 seconds
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Psalms 117 Praise for God Steadfast Love Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-10-29-#202

Psalms 117 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/30/202156 minutes, 36 seconds
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Psalms 116 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 348 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 114 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/27/202153 minutes, 4 seconds
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Psalms 114 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 347 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 114 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/26/202154 minutes, 47 seconds
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Miracle Hour Prayer Line Bishop Okey Ugwu Episode 346 - SendMe Radio

10/26/20211 hour, 21 minutes, 42 seconds
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Psalms 113 Pastor Chidi Okorie 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer

Psalms 113 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/25/202148 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 112 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 344 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 112 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/23/202149 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 110 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 343 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 110 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/21/202140 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Miracle Hour Prayer Line Pastor Okey Ugwu Episode 342 - SendMe Radio

10/21/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 59 seconds
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Psalms 109 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 341 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 109 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6 amEastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/20/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 108 A Song of Confidence in God Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-10-19-#194

Psalms 108 A Song of Confidence in God! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/19/202146 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 107 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 339 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 107 The Lord's Goodness to Me! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/18/202159 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 106 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 338 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 106 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Or just ask Elexa or Google just say Hey Google find SendMe Radio. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/16/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 104 God the Creator of the Earth Pastor Chidi Oorie 2021-10-14-#190

Psalms 104 God the Creator of the Earth! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Or just ask Elexa or Google just say Hey Google find SendMe Radio. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/14/202140 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 103 The Benifits of the Lord Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-10-13-#189

Psalms 103 The Benifits of the Lord! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/13/202144 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 102 the Benifits of the Lord! Pastor Chidi Okorie 150 Days of Psalms 2021-10-12-#188

Psalms 102 God's Years and Man's Days! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/12/202156 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalm 101 A Perfect Heart Pastor Chidi Okorie 150 Days of Psalms 2021-10-11-#187

Psalms 101 A Perfect Heart! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/11/202155 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pray Without Ceasing SendMe Radio Live Broadcast

God bless you welcome to SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel the Gospel” of Jesus Christ with our host Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to these awesome messages in your car, on your phone on all major streaming platforms or on Alexa or your Google device. Just say hey Alexa o hey Google play SendMe Radio. Share SendMe Radio with family and friends some of these messages were ministered in different cities and countries around the world come with us. We are happy that you are enjoying praising and worshiping the Great God Almighty with us we do enjoy your company. There are so many challenges and problems that face us in this new era we are currently living in however I want you to forget those problems and give glory to God almighty. Many times the enemy presents us with problems that doesn’t allow you to remember the goodness of the Lord and how the Lord has been good to you and your family. Today we are continuing our Prayer Without Ceasing LIVE this and every Sunday. Also join us for our 150 Days of Psalms, Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Every morning at 6am Eastern call in on 516:387:8860 or listen to us on SendMe Radio and all major streaming platforms. Visit SendMe Radio at email us at [email protected]
10/11/20215 hours, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Psalms 100 A Song of Praise and JOY! Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-10-08-#186

Psalms 100 A Song of Praise and Joy! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/9/202152 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 99 Pastor Chidi `okorie Praise to a Holy God 2021-10-07-#185

Psalms 99 Praise to a Holy God! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/7/20212 hours, 11 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 98 Praise to a Righteous Lord Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-10-06-#184

Psalms 98 Praise to a Righteous Lord! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/6/202143 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Lord's Power and Dominion Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-10-05-#183 Mountain Top Prayer

Psalms 97 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/5/202156 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 96 A Call to Worship the Lord Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-10-04-#182

Psalms 96 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/4/202158 minutes
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Psalms 95 A Call to Praise the Lord Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-10-02-#181

10/4/202152 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 94 Pastor Chidi Okorie An appeal for God to Avenge 2021-10-01-#180

Psalms 94 An Appeal for God to Avenge Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/4/202158 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 93 The Majesty of the Lord 2021-09-30-#179

Psalms 93 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
10/4/202157 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 92 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 324 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 92 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/28/202154 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 91 The Security of the Godly Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 323 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 91 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/27/20216 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Praye Without Ceasing Every Sunday

God bless you welcome to SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel the Gospel” of Jesus Christ with our host Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to these awesome messages in your car, on your phone on Alexa. Just ask Alexa for SendMe Radio on all major platforms. Share SendMe Radio with family and friends some of these messages were ministered in different countries. We are happy that you are enjoying praising and worshiping the Great God Almighty with us. There are so many challenges and problems that face us in this new era we are currently living in but I want you to forget those problems and give glory to God. Many times the enemy presents us with problems that doesn’t allow you to remember the goodness of the Lord and how the Lord has been good to you and your family. Today we are continuing our Prayer Without Ceasing LIVE every Sunday. And you can also join us for our 150 Days of Psalms on Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Every morning at 6am Eastern call in on 516:387:8860 or listen to us on SendMe Radio and all major platforms. Visit SendMe Radio at email us at [email protected]
9/26/20212 hours, 31 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 90 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 321 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 90 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/25/202157 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Psalms 89 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 320 - SendMe Radio

God bless you welcome to SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel the Gospel” of Jesus Christ with our host Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to these awesome messages in your car, on your phone on Alexa. Just ask Alexa for SendMe Radio on all major platforms. Share SendMe Radio with family and friends some of these messages were ministered in different countries. We are happy that you are enjoying praising and worshiping the Great God Almighty with us. There are so many challenges and problems that face us in this new era we are currently living in but I want you to forget those problems and give glory to God. Many times the enemy presents us with problems that doesn’t allow you to remember the goodness of the Lord and how the Lord has been good to you and your family. Today we are continuing our 150 Days of Mountain Top Prayer every morning at 6am Eastern. Join us on Sundays for Prayer Without Ceasing. And you can also join us for our 150 Days of Psalms on Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Every morning at 6am Eastern call in on 516:387:8860 or listen to us on SendMe Radio and all major platforms. Visit SendMe Radio at email us at digitalink@hesendm
9/24/202154 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 88 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 319 - SendMe Radio

God bless you welcome to SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel the Gospel” of Jesus Christ with our host Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to these awesome messages in your car, on your phone on Alexa. Just ask Alexa for SendMe Radio on all major platforms. Share SendMe Radio with family and friends some of these messages were ministered in different countries. We are happy that you are enjoying praising and worshiping the Great God Almighty with us. There are so many challenges and problems that face us in this new era we are currently living in but I want you to forget those problems and give glory to God. Many times the enemy presents us with problems that doesn’t allow you to remember the goodness of the Lord and how the Lord has been good to you and your family. Today we are continuing our 150 Days of Mountain Top Prayer every morning at 6am Eastern. Join us on Sundays for Prayer Without Ceasing. And you can also join us for our 150 Days of Psalms on Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Every morning at 6am Eastern call in on 516:387:8860 or listen to us on SendMe Radio and all major platforms. Visit SendMe Radio at email us at digitalink@hesendm
9/23/202153 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 86 Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer Episode 318 - SendMe Radio

God bless you welcome to SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel the Gospel” of Jesus Christ with our host Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to these awesome messages in your car, on your phone on Alexa. Just ask Alexa for SendMe Radio on all major platforms. Share SendMe Radio with family and friends some of these messages were ministered in different countries. We are happy that you are enjoying praising and worshiping the Great God Almighty with us. There are so many challenges and problems that face us in this new era we are currently living in but I want you to forget those problems and give glory to God. Many times the enemy presents us with problems that doesn’t allow you to remember the goodness of the Lord and how the Lord has been good to you and your family. Today we are continuing our 150 Days of Mountain Top Prayer every morning at 6am Eastern. Join us on Sundays for Prayer Without Ceasing. And you can also join us for our 150 Days of Psalms on Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Every morning at 6am Eastern call in on 516:387:8860 or listen to us on SendMe Radio and all major platforms. Visit SendMe Radio at email us at [email protected]
9/22/202153 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 86 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 317 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 85 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google  Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/21/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 85 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 316 - SendMe Radio

God bless you welcome to SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel the Gospel” of Jesus Christ with our host Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to these awesome messages in your car, on your phone on Alexa. Just ask Alexa for SendMe Radio on all major platforms. Share SendMe Radio with family and friends some of these messages were ministered in different countries. We are happy that you are enjoying praising and worshiping the Great God Almighty with us. There are so many challenges and problems that face us in this new era we are currently living in but I want you to forget those problems and give glory to God. Many times the enemy presents us with problems that doesn’t allow you to remember the goodness of the Lord and how the Lord has been good to you and your family. Today we are continuing our 150 Days of Mountain Top Prayer every morning at 6am Eastern. Join us on Sundays for Prayer Without Ceasing. And you can also join us for our 150 Days of Psalms on Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Every morning at 6am Eastern call in on 516:387:8860 or listen to us on SendMe Radio and all major platforms. Visit SendMe Radio at email us at [email protected]
9/20/202156 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

SendMe Radio Pray Without Ceasing LIVE Sunday Broadcast

God bless you welcome to SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel the Gospel” of Jesus Christ with our host Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to these awesome messages in your car, on your phone on Alexa. Just ask Alexa for SendMe Radio on all major platforms. Share SendMe Radio with family and friends some of these messages were ministered in different countries. We are happy that you are enjoying praising and worshiping the Great God Almighty with us. There are so many challenges and problems that face us in this new era we are currently living in but I want you to forget those problems and give glory to God. Many times the enemy presents us with problems that doesn’t allow you to remember the goodness of the Lord and how the Lord has been good to you and your family. Today we are continuing our Prayer Without Ceasing LIVE every Sunday. And you can also join us for our 150 Days of Psalms on Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Every morning at 6am Eastern call in on 516:387:8860 or listen to us on SendMe Radio and all major platforms. Visit SendMe Radio at email us at [email protected]
9/19/20213 hours, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Psalms 84 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 314 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 84 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/18/202149 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 83 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 313 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 83 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/17/202155 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Psalms 82 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 312 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 82 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/16/202157 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 81 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 311 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 81 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/15/202147 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 80 A Cclll to God for Help Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 310 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 80 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/14/202155 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 79 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 309 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 79 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/13/202152 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 78 Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-09-10-#164 2

Psalms 78 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/12/202111 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 77 Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-09-09-#163

Psalms 77 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/12/202117 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 76 Pastor Chidi Episode 306 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 76 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/8/202155 minutes, 8 seconds
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Psalms 75 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 305 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 70 O Lord Do Not Delay! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/7/202153 minutes, 36 seconds
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Psalms 74 Episode 305 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/6/202155 minutes, 3 seconds
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Psalms 73 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 303 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 70 O Lord Do Not Delay! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/4/202128 minutes, 22 seconds
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Psalms 72 Episode 302 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/3/202143 minutes, 42 seconds
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Psalms 71 Forsake Me No t When My Strength Is Spent Episode 301 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 71 Forsake Me Not When My Strength Is Spent. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/2/202156 minutes, 13 seconds
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Psalms 70 O Lord, Do Not Delay Psalms 70 Episode 300 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 70 O Lord Do Not Delay! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
9/1/202154 minutes, 39 seconds
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Psalms 69 Save Me O God Episode 299 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 69 Save Me, O God! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
8/31/202158 minutes, 11 seconds
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Psalms 68 God Shall Scatter His Enemies Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 298 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 68 God Shall Scatter His Enemies. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
8/30/202156 minutes, 30 seconds
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SendMe Radio Pray Without Ceasing LIVE Sunday Broadcast

God bless you welcome to SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel the Gospel” of Jesus Christ with our host Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to these awesome messages in your car, on your phone on Alexa. Just ask Alexa for SendMe Radio on all major platforms. Share SendMe Radio with family and friends some of these messages were ministered in different countries. We are happy that you are enjoying praising and worshiping the Great God Almighty with us. There are so many challenges and problems that face us in this new era we are currently living in but I want you to forget those problems and give glory to God. Many times the enemy presents us with problems that doesn’t allow you to remember the goodness of the Lord and how the Lord has been good to you and your family. Today we are continuing our Prayer Without Ceasing LIVE every Sunday. And you can also join us for our 150 Days of Psalms on Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Every morning at 6am Eastern call in on 516:387:8860 or listen to us on SendMe Radio and all major platforms. Visit SendMe Radio at email us at [email protected]
8/29/20215 hours, 1 second
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Psalms 66 Remove Every Power Restricting the Power of God in my Life Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-08-28-#153

Psalms 66 Remove Every Power Restricting the Power of God in my Life. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
8/28/202146 minutes, 14 seconds
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Psalms 65 O God of Our Salvation Episode 295 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 65 O God of Our Salvation! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
8/27/20214 minutes, 35 seconds
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Psalms 64 Hide Me from the Wicked Episode 294 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 64 Hide Me from the Wicked - Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ and every day at 6am for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
8/26/202157 minutes, 58 seconds
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Psalms 63 My Soul Thirsts for You Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 293 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 63 My Soul Thirst for You. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
8/25/202140 minutes, 3 seconds
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Psalms 62 My Soul Waits for God Alone Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 292 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 62 My Soul Wait for God Alone. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
8/24/202153 minutes, 43 seconds
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Lead Me to the Rock | Psalms 61 | Pastor Chidi Okorie | Episode 291 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 61 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
8/23/202154 minutes, 17 seconds
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Pray Without Ceasing Live Broadcast | Pastor Chidi Okorie | SendMe Radio

Welcome to Pray Without Ceasing Live Broadcast on SendMe Radio every Sunday. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
8/22/20215 hours
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Psalms 60 Episode 289 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 60 Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
8/21/202154 minutes, 48 seconds
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Psalms 59 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 288 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE on SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and on all other streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at you can also download the SendMe Radio app, at the Google Play Store to listen to this more powerful life changing messages. Share with family and friends. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
8/20/202158 minutes, 50 seconds
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Psalms 58 Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer Episode 287 - SendMe Radio

8/19/202155 minutes, 23 seconds
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Psalms 74 Remember your Congregation | Pastor Chidi Okorie | Florida 2017 | SendMe Radio

Psalms 74 Remember Thy Congregation, Pastor Chidi Okorie ministering in Florida 2017. Listen to this awesome message the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy. Recognise his tactics and cast him out he can come in any form be vigilant and remember your people Lord and keep us HOLY! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie at 6am Eastern every morning and live broadcast on Sundays for Mountain Top Prayer 🙏🏽 call 📞 in on 516:387:8860 share and subscribe to SendMe Radio on YouTube, Spotify, Apple and Google Podcast and on all major platforms where you can listen to life changing messages. Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days off Psalms call in on 516:387:8870 every morning and 9am on Sundays visit us at Join us TODAY at 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 🙏🏾
8/18/202129 minutes, 33 seconds
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Psalms 57 Pastor Chidi Okorie 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer SendMe Radio 2021-08-18-#144

Psalms 57 Pastor Chidi Okorie ministering on SendMe Radio. Listen to this awesome message the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy. Recognise his tactics and cast him out he can come in any form be vigilant and remember your people Lord and keep us HOLY! Join Pastor Chidi Okorie at 6am Eastern every morning and live broadcast on Sundays for Mountain Top Prayer 🙏🏽 call 📞 in on 516:387:8860 share and subscribe to SendMe Radio on YouTube, Spotify, Apple and Google Podcast and on all major platforms where you can listen to life changing messages. Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days off Psalms call in on 516:387:8870 every morning and 9am on Sundays visit us at www.he Join us TODAY at 6am Eastern for Mountain Top Prayer 🙏🏾
8/18/202154 minutes, 25 seconds
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Psalms 56 Pastor Chidi Okorie 284 - SendMe Radio at

Listen to this and other awesome messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie ministering from Psalms 56 right here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel” Psalms 56 Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to SendMe Radio on all major streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]. Join us in prayer every morning at 6am EST for Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860
8/17/202152 minutes, 37 seconds
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Psalms 55 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 283 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this and other awesome messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie ministering from Psalms 55 right here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" Household Enemies pt. 2 Psalms 55 Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to SendMe Radio on all major streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]. Join us in prayer every morning at 6am EST for Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860
8/16/20211 hour, 1 minute, 9 seconds
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SendMe Radio Pray Without Ceasing with Pastor Chidi Okorie

Welcome to SendMe Radio 150 Days of Psalms with Pastor Chidi Okorie join us at 6am Eastern every morning for Mountain Tip Prayer 150 Days of Psalms. Call in on 516:387:8860 or listen in just ask Alexa for SendMe Radio on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple and Google Podcast, and on all streaming platforms SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected] like us share us with friends and family and SUBSCRIBE to SEndMe Radio EVERYWHERE!!!
8/16/20212 hours, 20 minutes, 2 seconds
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Psalms 54 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 281 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this and other awesome messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie ministering from Psalms 54 right here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" They Mocked Jeremiah the Prophet Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to SendMe Radio on all major streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]. Join us in prayer every morning at 6am EST for Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860
8/14/20211 hour, 1 minute, 54 seconds
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Psalms 53 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 280 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this and other awesome messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie ministering from Psalms 53 right here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel” here on SendMe Radio on all major streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]. Join us in prayer every morning at 6am EST for Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860
8/13/202151 minutes, 3 seconds
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Psalms 52 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 279 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this and other awesome messages from Pastor Chidi ministering from Psalms 52 right here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" They Mocked Jeremiah the Prophet Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to SendMe Radio on all major streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]. Join us in prayer every morning at 6am EST for Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860
8/12/202152 minutes, 11 seconds
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Psalms 51 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 278 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 51…..Listen to this awesome message Psalms 50 from Pastor Chidi Okorie on ou 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860 every morning at 6am Eastern. Listen to this and more awesome messages on SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel” listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, ROKU, Alexa and all major platforms. Join Mountain Top Prayer 🙏🏽 with Pastor Chidi Okorie 6am Eastern every morning and 9am on Sundays. Visit us on the web at email 📧 us at [email protected]#christianliving #pastorchidiokorie #Nigeria #sendmeradio #jesuschrist #psalms41 #150daysofPsalms Psalms 51 Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.2 Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.3 For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.4 Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.6 Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.9 Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.14 Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness.15 O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise.16 For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering.17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.18 Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem.19 Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offering and whole burnt offering: then shall they offer bullocks upon thine altar.
8/11/202150 minutes, 51 seconds
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Psalms 50 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 277 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message Psalms 50 from Pastor Chidi Okorie on ou 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860 every morning at 6am Eastern. Listen to this and more awesome messages on SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel” listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, ROKU, Alexa and all major platforms. Join Mountain Top Prayer 🙏🏽 with Pastor Chidi Okorie 6am Eastern every morning and 9am on Sundays. Visit us on the web at email 📧 us at [email protected]#christianliving #pastorchidiokorie #Nigeria #sendmeradio #jesuschrist #psalms41 #150daysofPsalms #sendmeradioPsalm 50King James Version50 The mighty God, even the Lord, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof.2 Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined.3 Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him.4 He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people.5 Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice.6 And the heavens shall declare his righteousness: for God is judge himself. Selah.7 Hear, O my people, and I will speak; O Israel, and I will testify against thee: I am God, even thy God.8 I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices or thy burnt offerings, to have been continually before me.9 I will take no bullock out of thy house, nor he goats out of thy folds.10 For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.11 I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine.12 If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.13 Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?14 Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High:15 And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.16 But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth?17 Seeing thou hatest instruction, and casteth my words behind thee.18 When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers.19 Thou givest thy mouth to evil, and thy tongue frameth deceit.20 Thou sittest and speakest against thy brother; thou slanderest thine own mother's son.21 These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes.22 Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.23 Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God.
8/10/202146 minutes, 48 seconds
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Psalms 49 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 276 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message Psalms 50 from Pastor Chidi Okorie on ou 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860 every morning at 6am Eastern. Listen to this and more awesome messages on SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel” listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, ROKU, Alexa and all major platforms. Join Mountain Top Prayer 🙏🏽 with Pastor Chidi Okorie 6am Eastern every morning and 9am on Sundays. Visit us on the web at email 📧 us at [email protected]#christianliving #pastorchidiokorie #Nigeria #sendmeradio #jesuschrist #psalms41 #150daysofPsalms #sendmeradioPsalms 49 Hear this, all ye people; give ear, all ye inhabitants of the world:2 Both low and high, rich and poor, together.3 My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.4 I will incline mine ear to a parable: I will open my dark saying upon the harp.5 Wherefore should I fear in the days of evil, when the iniquity of my heels shall compass me about?6 They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches;7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:8 (For the redemption of their soul is precious, and it ceaseth for ever:)9 That he should still live for ever, and not see corruption.10 For he seeth that wise men die, likewise the fool and the brutish person perish, and leave their wealth to others.11 Their inward thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever, and their dwelling places to all generations; they call their lands after their own names.12 Nevertheless man being in honour abideth not: he is like the beasts that perish.13 This their way is their folly: yet their posterity approve their sayings. Selah.14 Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling.15 But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave: for he shall receive me. Selah.16 Be not thou afraid when one is made rich, when the glory of his house is increased;17 For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend after him.18 Though while he lived he blessed his soul: and men will praise thee, when thou doest well to thyself.19 He shall go to the generation of his fathers; they shall never see light.20 Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish.
8/9/202157 minutes, 23 seconds
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Household Enemies | Pastor Chidi Okorie | SendMe Radio

Jeremiah, the son of Hilkiah, a Levitical priest, was likely born between 650 and 645 B.C. He was from the small village of Anathoth, about three miles northeast of Jerusalem in the territory of Benjamin (Jeremiah 1:1). It was through Jeremiah’s childhood training for holy service in the priesthood that God began grooming him for his future role.Pastor Chidi Okorie Ministering on the Mountain Top Prayer Line. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie every morning at 5am CST\6am EST for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms on 516:387:8860 on listen in live or on the replay on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download our free app from the Google Play Stor or listen to us on ROKU, Alexa, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, Spotify and several other platforms. Visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
8/9/202110 minutes
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Sunday Service | Pastor Chidi Okorie | SendMe Radio | Episode 274 - SendMe Radio

Good morning join Pastor Chidi Okorie this and every Sunday morning at 9am for Bible Study 🙏🏽 call 📞 in on 516:387:8860 share and subscribe to SendMe Radio on YouTube, Spotify, Apple and Google Podcast listen to us on ROKU, Alexa and on all major platforms where you can listen to life changing messages. Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days off Psalms call in on 516:387:8870 every other morning at 6am and 9am on Sundays visit us at www.he
8/8/202145 minutes, 5 seconds
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Psalms 46 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 273 - SendMe Radio

8/6/202158 minutes, 10 seconds
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Psalms 44 Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-08-04-#132

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 44 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]. Psalm 44For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. A maskil.1 We have heard it with our ears, O God; our ancestors have told uswhat you did in their days, in days long ago.2 With your hand you drove out the nations and planted our ancestors;you crushed the peoples and made our ancestors flourish.3 It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory;it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, for you loved them.4 You are my King and my God, who decrees[c] victories for Jacob.5 Through you we push back our enemies; through your name we trample our foes.6 I put no trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory;7 but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame.8 In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever.[d]9 But now you have rejected and humbled us; you no longer go out with our armies.10 You made us retreat before the enemy, and our adversaries have plundered us.11 You gave us up to be devoured like sheep and have scattered us among the nations.12 You sold your people for a pittance, gaining nothing from their sale.13 You have made us a reproach to our neighbors, the scorn and derision of those around us.14 You have made us a byword among the nations; the peoples shake their heads at us.15 I live in disgrace all day long, and my face is covered with shame16 at the taunts of those who reproach and revile me, because of the enemy, who is bent on revenge.17 All this came upon us, though we had not forgotten you; we had not been false to your covenant.18 Our hearts had not turned back; our feet had not strayed from your path.19 But you crushed us and made us a haunt for jackals; you covered us over with deep darkness.20 If we had forgotten the name of our God or spread out our hands to a foreign god,21 would not God have discovered it, since he knows the secrets of the heart?22 Yet for your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.23 Awake, Lord! Why do you sleep? Rouse yourself! Do not reject us forever.24 Why do you hide your face and forget our misery and oppression?25 We are brought down to the dust; our bodies cling to the ground.26 Rise up and help us; rescue us because of your unfailing love.
8/4/202126 minutes, 42 seconds
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Psalms 43 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 271 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 43 you can listen to the full version of the message in the video list. Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie God Will Deliver you from Every Trouble Psalms 41 listen to the full message on SendMe Radio. Join Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms every morning at 6am Eastern 📞 call ☎️ in 📱on 516:387:8860 and be blessed or listen in on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]#biblestudy #prayer #sendmeradio
8/2/202156 minutes, 8 seconds
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Bible Study | Pastor Chidi Okorie | Episode 270 - SendMe Radio

8/1/202142 minutes, 54 seconds
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Psalms 41 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 268 - SendMe Radio

7/29/202141 minutes, 52 seconds
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Psalms 40 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 267 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie Today @ 6am Eastern on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer on 516:387:8860. Please share this message 🙏 God bless you join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Inspirational Time dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE available on, SendMe Radio app, Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, social media and several other platforms. Just click on the link Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
7/28/202159 minutes, 7 seconds
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Psalms 39 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 266 - SendMe Radio

Psalms 39 I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me. Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie The Tongue a Small Member that can Destroy Everything. A man who does not know how to control his tongue stands the risk of losing everything! Join Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms every morning at 6am Eastern 📞 call ☎️ in 📱on 516:387:8860 and be blessed or listen in on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/27/202149 minutes, 2 seconds
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Don't Defile the Temple of God | Pastor Chidi Okorie | SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Don't Defile the Temple of God on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel". Join Pastor Chidi Okorie every morning at 6am for Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860. Visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/27/202110 minutes
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Mountain Top Prayer Prayer Sunday Service Episode 264 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms and be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/25/202147 minutes, 31 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 37 Episode 263 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 27 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/24/202159 minutes, 10 seconds
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Psalms 36 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 262 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 27 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/23/202152 minutes, 19 seconds
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Psalms 35 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 261 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 35 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/22/202158 minutes, 54 seconds
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Psalms 34 Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-07-21-#120

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 34 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/21/202150 minutes, 7 seconds
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Psalms 33 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 259 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 27 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/20/202152 minutes, 5 seconds
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Psalms 32 | Pastor Chidi Okorie | SendMe Radio |2021-07-19-#118

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 27 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/19/202142 minutes, 19 seconds
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Psalms 31 |Bible Study | Pastor Chidi Okorie | Episode 257 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 27 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/18/202150 minutes, 11 seconds
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Psalms 30 Mountain Top Prayer Episode 256 - SendMe Radio

7/17/202143 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Strongman Standing at the Gate | Pastor Chidi Okorie | SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 26 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/16/202112 minutes, 24 seconds
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SendMe Radio Live Morning Worship feat. Various Gospel Tracks from Mercy Chinwo, Judikay and Musc More

Join SendMe Radio Live Morning Worship featuring Gospel tracks from Mercy Chinwo, Dunsin Oyekan, Samuel Medas and so much more listen to millions more Gospel tracks and messages from out host Pastor Chidi Okorie and be blessed. Our licensed SendMe Radio streaming app and website SendMe Radio can be accessed and listened to from anywhere in the world we host an array of inspiration messages that will lead you to the MASTER! SUBSCRIBE and SHARE with friends and family! Visit us at for more Christian content. Email us at [email protected]
7/16/20211 hour, 29 minutes, 13 seconds
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Psalms 29 Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 253 - SendMe Radio

7/16/20211 hour, 6 seconds
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SendMe Radio Live Morning Worship | feat. Eben, Nathaniel Bassey, Mercy Chinwo and Much More!

Join SendMe Radio Live Morning Worship featuring Gospel tracks from DJ Nicholas and Sherwin Gardner, Eben, Nathaniel Bassey, Wiliadel Denervil, Stanley Georges, JJ Harison and Mercy Chinwo, Monsieur Alleyne, Shane and Shane, Trip Lee, Chidimma, Jermaine Edwards, Jonathan Reynolds and so much more listen to millions more Gospel tracks and messages from out host Pastor Chidi Okorie and be blessed. Our licensed SendMe Radio streaming app and website SendMe Radio can be accessed and listened to from anywhere in the world we host an array of inspiration messages that will lead you to the MASTER! SUBSCRIBE and SHARE with friends and family! Visit us at for more Christian content. Email us at [email protected]
7/15/20211 hour, 34 minutes, 59 seconds
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Psalms 28 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 251 - SendMe Radio

7/15/202156 minutes, 57 seconds
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Psalms 28 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 250 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 26 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/14/202156 minutes, 10 seconds
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Psalms 27 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 249 - SendMe Radio

7/13/202154 minutes, 38 seconds
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Psalms 27 Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-07-12-#112

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 27 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/12/202152 minutes, 39 seconds
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Psalms 26 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 247 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 26 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/12/202138 minutes, 48 seconds
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Don't Get Swallowed by the Events of the EndTime

Listen to this and other awesome messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie ministering in London 2015 right here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" Don't Get Swallowed by the End Time Events Pastor Chidi Okorie. Listen to SendMe Radio on all major streaming platforms. Visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]. Join us in prayer every morning at 6am EST for Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860
7/11/202110 minutes, 34 seconds
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Psalms 26 Remember Not The Sins Of My Youth Episode 245 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 26 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/11/202152 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Kings Dream Questions Questions Questions

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie The King's Dream right here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel". Download our free app from the ITUNE Store for this and more messages. Also join SendMe Radio with Pastor Chidi Okorie every morning at 6am Eastern and 9am on Sundays for Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860. Visit us on the web at www.he and www.sendme In the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; his mind was troubled and he could not sleep. 2 So the king summoned the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers[a] to tell him what he had dreamed. When they came in and stood before the king, 3 he said to them, “I have had a dream that troubles me and I want to know what it means.[b]”4 Then the astrologers answered the king,[c] “May the king live forever! Tell your servants the dream, and we will interpret it.”5 The king replied to the astrologers, “This is what I have firmly decided: If you do not tell me what my dream was and interpret it, I will have you cut into pieces and your houses turned into piles of rubble. 6 But if you tell me the dream and explain it, you will receive from me gifts and rewards and great honor. So tell me the dream and interpret it for me.”7 Once more they replied, “Let the king tell his servants the dream, and we will interpret it.”8 Then the king answered, “I am certain that you are trying to gain time, because you realize that this is what I have firmly decided: 9 If you do not tell me the dream, there is only one penalty for you. You have conspired to tell me misleading and wicked things, hoping the situation will change. So then, tell me the dream, and I will know that you can interpret it for me.”10 The astrologers answered the king, “There is no one on earth who can do what the king asks! No king, however great and mighty, has ever asked such a thing of any magician or enchanter or astrologer. 11 What the king asks is too difficult. No one can reveal it to the king except the gods, and they do not live among humans.”12 This made the king so angry and furious that he ordered the execution of all the wise men of Babylon. 13 So the decree was issued to put the wise men to death, and men were sent to look for Daniel and his friends to put them to death.14 When Arioch, the commander of the king’s guard, had gone out to put to death the wise men of Babylon, Daniel spoke to him with wisdom and tact. 15 He asked the king’s officer, “Why did the king issue such a harsh decree?” Arioch then explained the matter to Daniel. 16 At this, Daniel went in to the king and asked for time, so that he might interpret the dream for him.17 Then Daniel returned to his house and explained the matter to his friends Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. 18 He urged them to plead for mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery, so that he and his friends might not be executed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. 19 During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven 20 and said:“Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his.21 He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others.He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.22 He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.23 I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors: You have given me wisdom and power,you have made known to me what we asked of you, you have made known to us the dream of the king.”Daniel Interprets the Dream24 Then Daniel went to Arioch, whom the king had appointed to execute the wise men of Babylon, and said to him, “Do not execute the wise men of Babylon. Take me to the king, and I will interpret his dream for him.”25 Arioch took Daniel to the king at once and said, “I have found a man among the exiles from Judah who can tell the king what his dream means.”26 The king asked Daniel (also called Belteshazzar), “Are you able to tell me what I saw in my dream and interpret it?”27 Daniel replied, “No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, 28 but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. He has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in days to come. Your dream and the visions that passed through your mind as you were lying in bed are these:29 “As Your Majesty was lying there, your mind turned to things to come, and the revealer of mysteries showed you what is going to happen. 30 As for me, this mystery has been revealed to me, not because I have greater wisdom than anyone else alive, but so that Your Majesty may know the interpretation and that you may understand what went through your mind.31 “Your Majesty looked, and there before you stood a large statue—an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance. 32 The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay. 34 While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth.36 “This was the dream, and now we will interpret it to the king. 37 Your Majesty, you are the king of kings. The God of heaven has given you dominion and power and might and glory; 38 in your hands he has placed all mankind and the beasts of the field and the birds in the sky. Wherever they live, he has made you ruler over them all. You are that head of gold.39 “After you, another kingdom will arise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth. 40 Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron—for iron breaks and smashes everything—and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others. 41 Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. 42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. 43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.44 “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. 45 This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands—a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces.“The great God has shown the king what will take place in the future. The dream is true and its interpretation is trustworthy.”46 Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell prostrate before Daniel and paid him honor and ordered that an offering and incense be presented to him. 47 The king said to Daniel, “Surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, for you were able to reveal this mystery.”48 Then the king placed Daniel in a high position and lavished many gifts on him. He made him ruler over the entire province of Babylon and placed him in charge of all its wise men. 49 Moreover, at Daniel’s request the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego administrators over the province of Babylon, while Daniel himself remained at the royal court.
7/11/202114 minutes, 20 seconds
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Psalms 25 Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-07-10-#110

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 25 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/10/202144 minutes, 24 seconds
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Psalms 24 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 242 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 24 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/9/202156 minutes, 50 seconds
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Psalms 24 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 241 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 24 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/8/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Psalms 23 Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 240 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 23 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/7/202154 minutes, 21 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie |Mountain Top Prayer Prayer | Episode 239 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 20 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/6/202149 minutes, 12 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 21 Peace Mountain Top Prayer

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 20 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/5/202155 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Lord Saves His Anointed Psalms 20 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 237 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 20 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
7/4/202158 minutes, 11 seconds
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the Heavens Declare the Glory of God - Psalms 19 Pastor Chidi Okorie 2021-07-03-#103

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms. Listen to this and other messages on SendMe Radio app download from the Google Play Store and search for us on Spotify SendMe Radio Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and several other platforms including the SendMe Radio website at
7/3/202141 minutes, 28 seconds
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Wrath Kills the Foolish Man and Envey Slays the Wicked Pastor Chidi Okorie with ft Track by Chioma Okorie

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms. Listen to this and other messages on SendMe Radio app download from the Google Play Store and search for us on Spotify SendMe Radio Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and several other platforms including the SendMe Radio website at
7/2/20219 minutes, 43 seconds
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Psalms 18 (Cont'd) Live Broadcast Mountain Top Prayer Episode 234 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms. Listen to this and other messages on SendMe Radio app download from the Google Play Store and search for us on Spotify SendMe Radio Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and several other platforms including the SendMe Radio website at
7/2/202148 minutes, 23 seconds
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Psalms 18 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 233 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms. Listen to this and other messages on SendMe Radio app download from the Google Play Store and search for us on Spotify SendMe Radio Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and several other platforms including the SendMe Radio website at
7/1/202153 minutes, 25 seconds
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Power in Prayer Psalm 17 Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms. Listen to this and other messages on SendMe Radio app download from the Google Play Store and search for us on Spotify SendMe Radio Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and several other platforms including the SendMe Radio website at
6/30/202152 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Height of Jealousy Brings Madness - Psalms 16 Mountain Top Prayer Episode Episode 231 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms. Listen to this and other messages on SendMe Radio app download from the Google Play Store and search for us on Spotify SendMe Radio Podcast, Amazon Music, YouTube and several other platforms including the SendMe Radio website at
6/29/202155 minutes, 29 seconds
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Nigerian Gospel Artist Joyous Joy on SendMe Radio

Listen to this AWESOME track from one of Nigerian's most anointed Gospel artist Sister Joyous Joy listen and be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
6/29/20214 minutes, 48 seconds
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Turning your Shadow of Death into Morning Amos 5 | Pastor Chidi Okorie

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie Pastor Chidi Okorie this morning Sunday June 27, 2021 at 9am Easter for Mountain Top Prayer Sunday Service call in on 516:387:8860 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us also on SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, SendMe Radio Podcast on Google and Apple Podcast and SendMe Radio Podcast on Amazon Music. Visit us on the web at www.he and www.he email us at [email protected] 🙏
6/28/202113 minutes, 31 seconds
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Abiding In Christ | Pastor Christ Okorie | Episode 228 | SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie Pastor Chidi Okorie this morning Sunday June 27, 2021 at 9am Easter for Mountain Top Prayer Sunday Service call in on 516:387:8860 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us also on SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, SendMe Radio Podcast on Google and Apple Podcast and SendMe Radio Podcast on Amazon Music. Visit us on the web at www.he and www.he email us at [email protected] 🙏 🙏
6/27/202156 minutes, 1 second
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Shunammite Woman 2 Kings - 4:8 - 37 - Pastor Chidi Okorie

2 Kings 4:8-37 – Elisha and the Shunammite WomanLet us discuss the story of Elisha and the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4:8-37. Today the world is a different place people are busy solving there problems with their money. However the Bible has documented several events today we are going to look at Shunammite Woman she was also a wealthy woman who knew she had an encounter with God. She had humbly provided accommodation for Elisha the man of God on several occasions. However this time around God was about to visit her. She know Elisha was a holy man of God, she would provide the prophet with a hot meal and a place to stay. God rewarded this woman and gave her a miracle, her own child.How do we treat our fellow brothers and sisters in the faith in this era? We meet people daily at times God might allow you to meet His servant and unfortunately we fail the test and miss the blessing. This Shunammite woman was a wise woman and the Lord gave her a son. One day the boy died suddenly. She didn’t hesitate she carried his body and laid him on the bed of Elisha, she then shut the door, and left without a word nor tear.Can you see yourself having this kind of faith in this time? When the pride of life has reach the very nostril of God. It is interesting to see how people behave and react in different situations. Amazingly, she did not cry nor get troubled, as you would expect from a woman in this situation because she had so much trust in God and His capabilities. Do you have that trust today? Can God trust you with His servant, are you ready to receive a miracle? Do you believe that God can do anything?She lost her only son however when she was questioned by her husband and Elisha’s servant, Gehazi, her response was, “It is well! Everything is fine! It is all right!”She did not call for help, instead she went to the mountain Mount Carmel to find the man of God Elisha. Upon seeing this woman’s heart God used his servant Elisha. The man of God prayed and laid hands on the boy. The boy came back to life sneezed seven times and opened his eyes.Visit SendMe Radio at email us at [email protected] 🙏#ChristianPodcast #BibleStudy
6/26/202112 minutes, 31 seconds
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Psalms 13 Episode 226 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie every morning at 6am Easter for Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us also on SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, SendMe Radio Podcast on Google and Apple Podcast and SendMe Radio Podcast on Amazon Music. Visit us on the web at www.he and www.he 🙏 Listen to SendMe Radio for inspirational Christian Messages in your car on your phone everyday.Visit SendMe Radio at email us at [email protected] 🙏#ChristianPodcast #BibleStudy
6/26/202141 minutes, 2 seconds
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Psalms13 Episode 225 Pastor Chidi Okorie - SendMe Radio Pastor Chidi Okorie every morning at 6am Easter for Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us also on SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, SendMe Radio Podcast on Google and Apple Podcast and SendMe Radio Podcast on Amazon Music. Visit us on the web at www.he and www.he 🙏 Listen to SendMe Radio for inspirational Christian Messages in your car on your phone everyday. Visit SendMe Radio at email us at [email protected] 🙏
6/25/202154 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 12 Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 224 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie every morning at 6am Easter for Mountain Top Prayer call in on 516:387:8860 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us also on SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, SendMe Radio Podcast on Google and Apple Podcast and SendMe Radio Podcast on Amazon Music. Visit us on the web at www.he and www.he 🙏
6/24/202157 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalms 11 Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 223 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer Prayer every morning at 5am CSTPrayer 🙏 Meeting NEW NUMBER ALERT Join Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie Today @ 6am Eastern on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Please share this message 🙏 God bless you join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Inspirational Time dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE available on, SendMe Radio app, Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, social media and several other platforms. Just click on the link Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
6/22/202154 minutes, 45 seconds
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Psalms 10 Mountain Top Prayer Episode 222 - SendMe Radio

Prayer 🙏 Meeting NEW NUMBER ALERT Join Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie Today @ 6am Eastern on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Please share this message 🙏 God bless you join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Inspirational Time dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE available on, SendMe Radio app, Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, social media and several other platforms. Just click on the link Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
6/21/202154 minutes, 13 seconds
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I Will Bless Thee Oh Lord Psalms 9 Mountain Top Prayer Episode 221 - SendMe Radio

Prayer 🙏 Meeting NEW NUMBER ALERT Join Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie Today @ 6am Eastern on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Please share this message 🙏 God bless you join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio Today @ 6am Eastern for Inspirational Time dial in on 516-387-8860. This broadcast will also be LIVE available on, SendMe Radio app, Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, social media and several other platforms. Just click on the link Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this today @ 6am Eastern 🙏
6/20/202156 minutes, 31 seconds
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SendMe Radio Infomercial

Join SendMe Radio every morning at 5am Central or 6am Easter on SendMe Radio LIVE. Or call in on 516:387:8860 for Mountain Top Prayer 150 Day of Psalms. Listen to us also on SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, SendMe Radio Podcast on Google and Apple Podcast and SendMe Radio Podcast on Amazon Music. Visit us on the web at www.he and to listen to all our messages.
6/19/202151 seconds
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Gospel from Africa feat Mercy Chinwo

Listen to awesome Gospel music from Africa featuring Florence Andenyi - KIBALI(FAVOUR), Mercy Chinwo, ChineduMo, INO EFANGE OMWENE - ANDREW HALUPE, DJ Cleo - Gcina Impilo Yami (feat. Bucy Radebe) listen and be blessed.
6/19/20214 minutes, 42 seconds
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Psalm 8 & 9 Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer Episode 215

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms 8&9 150 days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer. Join Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie 150 days of Psalms. Mountain Top Prayer 150 days this mornings lesson was taken from Paslm 6 and Ehisians 6:12. Workers of Iniquity with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Why do the Heathens RAGE? Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free all and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on, SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 5am CENTRAL, 6am EASTER. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern or 5am CENTRAL 🙏 516-387-8860
6/19/202150 minutes, 56 seconds
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Psalms 7 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms Episode 217 - SendMe Radio

The Workers of Iniquity” A prayer made to the Lord by David when he was in deep distress. He was in a dangerous situation at times people may look well, nicely attired, driving nice expensive cars, live in beautiful gated communities. But they are in trouble, they may be going through a dangerous situation, that no one knows about. Death crosses their minds, as at times they may even be considering taking their very own lives, despite looking so well. However the Bible said that David was in a a similar situation, despite being a great king. He was in a desolate state and he prayed for sudden shame to come upon his enemies. Most times the enemy does not sleep, they are restless they are constantly aggravated, until they have achieved their own personal goal of destroying your life. When the world seems quiet, the night seems peaceful, SUDDENLY destruction strikes. Wake up there are things happening, things that are taking place. Yet the simple minded person will thing that the world is beautiful, peaceful, as the birds are singing, the trees are blowing in the wind. There is trouble that you need to be aware of the Bible calls such an individual “simple minded” because they are not aware of what is taking place, the trap that is being set, nor what is going on around them. Unless we ask God, we may not be aware either of the dangers that are brewing, lurking in the darkness. On the surface it may seem peaceful but the enemy is at work, they may even come in as a friend to give you bad counsel and advice, attacking your mind, attacking your family, attacking your job, attacking your peace, with corrupted minds, you need to pray. The enemy wants to take your life SUDDENLY! David discovered that there were many enemies who came in as uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters and even mothers. Smiling faces however you need to be aware as you may think that someone is your friend because they are constantly smiling but that friend is an unfriendly friend trying to destroy your family, your home, your husband, your wife, your children. They are the ones responsible for scattering your family. That person came in as a friend is really a foe who is responsible for the delay you are currently facing. And now that they have achieved their goal they have disappeared because they were sent by the enemy. Today the Lord is saying that you need to humble yourself PRAY because the world is full of trouble, they may come around as a friend but they are unfriendly friends who are just waiting to destroy you! Psalms 8 says, depart from me ALL workers of iniquity! Satanic workers they represent darkness! Ephesians 6:12 says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, you are not being fought because of what you have done, you may be a lovely soul but listen it runs deeper and it is larger than you think. It runs deep down in the lines of your mother, grandmother a situations you have no knowledge of that caused jealousy within the family and the devil is mad. He has used that situation to cause deep contention within the hearts of men and now your are being pursued and you are wondering “what have I done”? The enemy is mad but keep on your knees as the devil will take people far in their minds to do wickedness. Unless the Lord builds a house they that labour, labour in vain, that is why we need to pray without ceasing as the world is wicked.
6/18/202155 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ask Of Me Psalm 6 - Pastor Chidi Okorie - Episode 216 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie 150 days of Psalms. Mountain Top Prayer 150 days this mornings lesson was taken from Paslm 6 and Ehisians 6:12. Workers of Iniquity with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Why do the Heathens RAGE? Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free all and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on, SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 5am CENTRAL, 6am EASTER. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern or 5am CENTRAL 🙏 516-387-8860
6/17/202155 minutes, 57 seconds
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2 Chronicles 28 Bible Study - Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 215 - SendMe Radio

Join this awesome Bible Study with Pastor Chidi Okorie 2 Chronicles 28 on SendMe Radio. job,attacking your peace, with corrupted minds, you need to pray. The enemywants to take your life SUDDENLY!David discovered that there were many enemies who came in as uncles,cousins, brothers, sisters and even mothers. Smiling faces however you need tobe aware as you may think that someone is your friend because they areconstantly smiling but that friend is an unfriendly friend trying to destroy yourfamily, your home, your husband, your wife, your children. They are the onesresponsible for scattering your family. That person came in as a friend is reallya foe who is responsible for the delay you are currently facing. And now thatthey have achieved their goal they have disappeared because they were sentby the enemy.Today the Lord is saying that you need to humble yourself PRAY because theworld is full of trouble, they may come around as a friend but they areunfriendly friends who are just waiting to destroy you!Psalms 8 says, depart from me ALL workers of iniquity! Satanic workers theyrepresent darkness! Ephesians 6:12 says for we wrestle not against flesh andblood, you are not being fought because of what you have done, you may be alovely soul but listen it runs deeper and it is larger than you think. It runs deepdown in the lines of your mother, grandmother a situations you have noknowledge of that caused jealousy within the family and the devil is mad. Hehas used that situation to cause deep contention within the hearts of men andnow your are being pursued and you are wondering “what have I done”? Theenemy is mad but keep on your knees as the devil will take people far in theirminds to do wickedness. Unless the Lord builds a house they that labour,labour in vain, that is why we need to pray without ceasing as the world iswicked.
6/17/202131 minutes, 40 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 214 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
6/15/202154 minutes, 1 second
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Psalms 3 Lift Up My Head Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 213 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer 150 days this mornings lesson was taken from Paslm ch 3 on the book of Psalms THe Lifter of my Head with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Why do the Heathens RAGE? Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free all and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on, SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 5am CENTRAL, 6am EASTER. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern or 5am CENTRAL 🙏 516-387-8860
6/14/202156 minutes, 56 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie Paslm 2 v 8 - 12 & ch 3 v 1 & 2 Mountain Top Prayer 2021-06-13-#85

Join Mountain Top Prayer 150 days this mornings lesson was taken from Paslm 2 v 8 - 12 & ch 3 v 1 & 2 on the book of Psalms with Pastor Chidi Okorie. Why do the Heathens RAGE? Join this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free all and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on, SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 5am CENTRAL, 6am EASTER. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern or 5am CENTRAL 🙏 516-387-8860
6/13/202151 minutes, 4 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie - Mountain Top Prayer 2021-06-11-#84

Join Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free all and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on, SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 5am CENTRAL, 6am EASTER. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern or 5am CENTRAL 🙏 516-387-8860
6/11/202153 minutes, 26 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie - Mountain Top Prayer Episode 210 - SendMe Radio

Join Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free all and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on, SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 5am CENTRAL, 6am EASTER. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern or 5am CENTRAL 🙏 516-387-8860
6/10/202156 minutes, 14 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie- Meditate On HIS Words Day & Night Episode 209 - SendMe Radio

Join us in prayer! Join Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie this and every morning at 6am EST. Meditate on His word day and night. Walk not in the council of the ungodly do not follow them. One of the conspiracies griping the body of Christ is laying traps against a fellow brother or sister. Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free all and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on, SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 5am CENTRAL, 6am EASTER. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern or 5am CENTRAL 🙏 516-387-8860
6/9/202149 minutes, 14 seconds
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Dunsin Oyekan In Christ Alone

6/5/20212 minutes, 46 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie - Mountain Top Prayer Episode 207 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message and Bible Study from Pastor Chidi Okorie right here on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store. Listen to us on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast and Join Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie this and every morning at 6am EST. Call in on 516-387-8860 NO ACCESS CODE NECESSARY. Also join in on SendMe Radio download the free all and listen to over 500 hours of Inspirational Messages. This broadcast will also be LIVE on, SendMe Radio app, SendMe Radio Podcast on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, Facebook, SendMe Radio on YouTube and several other platforms. Just search for us SendMe Radio click on the link to join the live broadcast 5am CENTRAL, 6am EASTER. Galatians 4:6 and because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying “ABBA Father”. Like, share and subscribe! Call in this morning @ 6am Eastern or 5am CENTRAL 🙏 516-387-8860
6/3/20211 hour, 1 minute, 51 seconds
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Some People Cant Change - Apostle Suleman Speaks

postle johnson suleman says not everyone is worth keeping, some needs to be cut off.
6/2/20212 minutes, 17 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie Houston Texas 2021 Episode 205 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms be blessed on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
5/30/202155 minutes, 49 seconds
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Rev Funke Felix Adejumo Soaring

Listen to this awesome woman of God Rev Funke Felix Adejumo - Soaring 2018 on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Listen to over 500 hours of Christian content on SendMe Radio, Apple and Google Podcast, Spotify and and share with friends and family!
5/29/202159 minutes, 38 seconds
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Over 1 Hour of Gospel Songs Playlist

Listen to this awesome compilation of Gospel music right here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app from the Google Play Store. Listen to us on Google and Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music,
5/25/20211 hour, 22 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Final Quest by Rick Joyner

An Amazing Vision of the War against Light and darkness, given to Rick Joyner. Like the Pilgrims Progress, even the most mature Christians can learn great things from this revelation. Listen to this awesome message from Rick Joyner as he recaps his vision. The Final Quest listen on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app from the Google Play Store. Listen to us on Google and Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, and share with family and friends!
5/25/20214 hours, 55 minutes, 49 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie- Mountain Top Prayer Episode 201 - SendMe Radio

5/23/20211 hour, 47 seconds
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Rev Funke Felix Adejumo Soaring 2019 Don't Die at a Quater to your Miracle! Meet me at the Top!

Listen to this powerful message from Rev Funke Felix Adejumo Soaring 2019 on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app from the Google Play Store. Listen to us on Apple and Google Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music,,
5/22/202159 minutes, 38 seconds
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Remember Lot's Wife by J.C. Ryle (1816 - 1900)

Listen to the great Gospel tract of the late evangelical John Charles Ryle (1816-1900), the first Anglican bishop of Liverpool. J.C. Ryle was a prolific writer, vigorous preacher, and faithful pastor who was uncompromising for the truth. This presentation, "Remember Lot's Wife", is read by Pastor Joshua M. Wallnofer. Listen to this awesome message on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Listen to us on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast,, share with friends and family!
5/20/202111 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Order of Melchezedech - The High Priest of the Most High God Genesis 14:18 -20, Psalm, Hebrew

In the Book of Genesis 14: 1 we see where there was a battle between 4 & 5 Kings. And in this battle, Abraham's nephew, along with the women, children and goods were taken into captivity by the enemy. Abraham gathers his army of 318 armed men and went after those that had taken his people and goods. He rescued Lot, his nephew, and returned to the camp. The Bible stated that the king of Sodom sort out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of the kings. And Abraham answered and said he was not going to take any of the loot. The only thing he wanted was the return of his people, which included his nephew Lot and others and what the young men had eaten. He was also met by another person this is where we pick up our story in verse 18, “And Melchizedek King of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the Most High God. And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the Most High God, possessor of heaven and earth: And blessed be the Most High God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all." Now, who was Melchizedek? Personally, I have heard 2 options throughout the years and one of them is that this was a theophany of Jesus Christ, that this was Jesus Christ in physical form, visible form that came out to meet Abram. Well, I used to believe that but after studying the Word of God and studying the phrase “after the order of,” then we find out and I'm convinced that it was Shem, one of the sons of Noah. Now at this time in Bible history in the chronology of events of the Old Testament, was Shem alive? Shem was alive at the time when Melchizedek met Abraham. He was 390 years old when Abraham was born and lived another 210 which totaled 600 years. Abraham only lived to see 175 years. Them, Shem was 390 years old and lived to another 210 years. Abraham was born when Shem was 390 but he only lived 175 years. So therefore Shem outlived Abraham by 35 years. That proves that Shem was alive when Abram met Melchizedek. In fact, Shem was still living during the life of Isaac and Jacob because Isaac was 110 years old when Shem died. Jacob was 50 years old when Shem died. So therefore there was a possibility that Shem, was born before the flood. In other words, when Adam was living he was talking to his descendants as late as Methuselah and Lamech who was the father of Noah. So, the third generation from Adam by way of mouth, Shem was still alive. So Shem knew a lot of things in family history and world history and civilization. The stories that existed were passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. So here we have this man Shem that’s still alive during the days of Abraham who outlived him.
5/16/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Bible History The Discovery Of Mysterious Ancient Religious Manuscripts Dead Sea Scrolls

The discovery the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 have captured the imagination and interest of scholars and the public. After more than fifty years of research, the diverse perspectives of biblical scholarship, science, and technology will bring this legendary find to life.
5/14/202149 minutes, 28 seconds
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David Wilkerson - One of the Most Powerful Sermons Call to Anguish 2011

SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app SendMe Radio and listen to over 500 hours of Christian content where our focus is to inspire, motivate and encourage believers in their walk with God.Listen to us on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES, Amazon Music, and share with family and friends.
5/14/202156 minutes, 2 seconds
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Greatest Gospel Songs Of All Time - SendMe Radio

Greatest Gospel Songs Of All Time - SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app SendMe Radio and listen to over 500 hours of Christian content where our focus is to inspire, motivate and encourage believers in their walk with God.
5/14/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 21 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie Mountain Top Prayer Episode 194 - SendMe Radio

Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on Mountain Top Prayer Episode 194 - SendMe Radio
5/14/202151 minutes, 34 seconds
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Gospel Songs Greatest Gospel Songs Inspirational Gospel Music Playlist

Gospel Songs Greatest Gospel Songs Inspirational Gospel Music Playlist
5/12/20211 hour, 27 minutes, 26 seconds
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Powerful Panel Discussion Just Do It Conference 2021 Houston

Listen to this powerful panel discussion at the Just Do It Conference 2021 in Houston Texas with knowledgable men of God. Listen and be blessed right here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app from the Google Play Store. Listen also on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast and share with family and friends.
5/12/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 9 seconds
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Listen to The Awesome Story of the 1904 - 1905 Welsh Revival in the UK

The UK will stand in history as being the first in new world to spread the Gospel. This is an in-depth look at the 1904–1905 Welsh Revival which was the largest Christian revival in Wales during the 20th century. While by no means the best known of revivals, it was one of the most dramatic in terms of its effect on the population and triggered revivals in several other countries. "The movement kept the churches of Wales filled for many years to come, seats being placed in the aisles in Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Swansea for twenty years or so, for example. Meanwhile, the Awakening swept the rest of Britain, Scandinavia, parts of Europe, North America, the mission fields of India and the Orient, Africa and Latin America."2 Chronicles 7:14​-16 King James Version (KJV)14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.15 Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.1 Once more, O Lord, we pray,Put Thy strong armor on;Strike down the shield of Satan’s pow’r;Let victory be won.Refrain:Once more, O Lord, once moreThy blessing we implore;In Thy great name let vict’ry sweepThro’ Zion’s gates once more.2 Lord Jesus, come today;Let souls before Thee bow;Be this Thine hour of triumph, Lord;Oh, send salvation now. [Refrain]3 Lord Jesus, come and reign;Let error’s empire fall;We long to see Thy glory shine,And crown Thee Lord of all.
5/10/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 25 seconds
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Just Do It Conference Praise and Worship - Minister Stacy Egbo

Just Do It Conference Praise and Worship with worship leader Pastor Stacy Egbo seach for her on YouTube subscribe to her channel Stacy Egbo, look out for her books on Amazon. Right here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" from various Christian ministries worldwide download the free app SendMe Radio. Listen to us on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, and several other platforms
5/10/202120 minutes, 28 seconds
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REMEMBER THE DANGER OF FAMILIARITY BY APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN 2021 - Love and belive in the things that money can not buy! SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app from the Google Play Store. Listen to us on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNE, Sound Cloud, share with family and friends visit us on
5/9/20218 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Holy Bible EZEKIEL KJV Old Testament Full Audio Book

Listen to the audio book of Ezekiel on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store. Listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNE, Sound Cloud, Amazon Music on and various other platforms. Ezekiel 3:18 I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
5/6/20213 hours, 51 minutes, 25 seconds
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Endtime Message Sunday Service Houston Apostle Sulemans Son 2020

Liten to this shocking endtime message from Apostle Sulemans Son Houston 2020 on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store. Listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast and several other platforms. SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" listen forover 500hrs of powerful Christian content email us at [email protected]
5/6/20211 hour, 31 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Historical Look at The Azusa Street Revival 1906 -1909

The Azuza Street Revival 1906 - 1915 the great revival that revived the Pentecostal Church neither Jew nor Greek, bond or free man nor woman we are all one in Jesus, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We recognize every man that recognizes the blood of Jesus as our brother.
5/5/20211 hour, 45 minutes, 33 seconds
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Azusa Street Revival Revisited and Eyewitness testimony

Join Pastor Gene Bailey as he revisits the Azusa Street Revival and shares the eyewitness accounts by two member who were present at the time of the interview they were in there seventies however at the time they were at the meeting they were just children. 02-19 This was a historic event that took place in Los Angeles, California in the United States. The prayer meeting was led by William J. Seymour, an African-American preacher. The revival began on April 9, 1906 and continued for about 9 years until 1915. On the night of April 9, 1906, Seymour and seven men were waiting on God on Bonnie Brae Street, "when suddenly, as though hit by a bolt of lightning, they were knocked from their chairs to the floor," and the other seven men began to speak in tongues and shout out loud praising God. The news quickly spread; the city was stirred; crowds gathered; and a few days later Seymour himself received the Holy Spirit; services were moved outside to accommodate the crowds who came from all around; people fell down under the power of God as they approached; people were baptized in the Holy Spirit and the sick were healed and sinners received salvation. To further accommodate the crowds, an old dilapidated, two-story frame building at which was located at 312 Azusa Street in the industrial section of the city was secured. This building, originally built for an African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church, had more recently been used as a livery stable, storage building and tenement house. In this humble Azusa Street mission, a continuous three-year revival occurred and became known around the world. Stanley H. Frodsham, in his book, With Signs Following, quotes an eye-witness description of the scene: The revival was characterized by spiritual experiences accompanied with testimonies of physical healing miracles,[3] worship services, and speaking in tongues. The participants were criticized by some secular media and Christian theologians for behaviors considered to be outrageous and unorthodox, especially at the time. Today, the revival is considered by historians to be the primary catalyst for the spread of Pentecostalism in the 20th century.
5/5/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Sherwin Gardner and Dj Nicholas Make A Way Official Audio

The Lord will make a way for you in Jesus name Sherwin Gardner and Dj Nicholas Make A Way Official Audio. Listen to this awesome track right here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app from the Google Play Store. Also listen to us on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNE and seveal other platforms. Visit and listen on
5/5/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
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Christian Persecution In China - The Power of the Underground Church 2017

In places where people are FREE Jesus Christ is neglected, serve Christ NOW as HIS coming is soon and very sure. We are in the midst of a season we have never experienced before in this generation. Do the work of an Evangelist with the resources God has blessed you with. People are hiding to serve Christ in counties that are ruled with a iron fist the time is coming where those who are now experiencing freedom may feel their freedom slip away. This is the time to spread the Gospel for the sake of the Gospel. Don't allow rocks to take your place.
5/5/202159 minutes, 31 seconds
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Listen to this awesome worship by Briana Babineaux - NOBODY LIKE YOU LORD 🙌🏽🙌🏽 RAW WORSHIP. Right here on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us at our brand new address listen to us on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, ITUNES and many other platforms. Email us at [email protected]
5/5/20214 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Book Of Revelation KJV

Listen to the Book of Revelations here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store visit us on the web at listen to us also on Spotify, Google and Apple Play Podcast email us at [email protected]
5/4/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 26 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 180 - SendMe Radio

5/4/202149 minutes, 41 seconds
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Bishop Dr. Orville Smith Man ah Dust Full Sermon

Listen to this awesome on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" message from Bishop Dr. Orville Smith Man ah Dust Full Sermon 2017 The Church Triumphant Kingston Jamaica. Listen to this and more awesome messages on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store. Listen to us on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast
5/3/202157 minutes, 24 seconds
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Man ah Dus pt.1 - Bishop Dr. Orville Smith 2009 Jamaica

Listen to this part message Man ah Dus by Jamaican Bishop Dr. Orville D. Smith this is a timely and intriguing message from the man of God a pastoral masterpiece.Bishop Dr. Orville D. Smith is Jamaican born, delivered this "tongue and cheek' sermon over 10 years ago with in tune paraphrasing of the bible, while he creates contrasts with famous Jamaican artists and several of the area men who are notoriously known to the community.What is man?
5/1/20218 minutes, 30 seconds
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Perseverance - C. H. Spurgeon

4/30/20213 minutes, 22 seconds
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Mountain Top Prayer Episode Episode 177 - SendMe Radio

4/27/202157 minutes, 11 seconds
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Jonathan McReynalds - People

Jonathan McReynalds - People
4/24/202129 minutes, 19 seconds
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Jonathan McReynolds People THE VISUAL ALBUM

Jonathan McReynolds - People
4/23/202129 minutes, 19 seconds
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Getting Ready For The End Of All Things 2012 - by David Wilkerson

Getting Ready For The End Of All Things by David Wilkerson
4/22/202143 minutes, 20 seconds
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Jonathan McReynolds - God Is Good (Live)

Jonathan McReynolds - God Is Good (Live)
4/22/20213 minutes, 22 seconds
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Time To Get Right With God by David Wilkerson

4/22/202136 minutes, 44 seconds
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You’re FREE by the Blood of the Lamb - Pastor S. Khoza 2019

You’re FREE by the Blood of the Lamb - Pastor S. Khoza 2019
4/21/202128 minutes, 5 seconds
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Unity That Brings Revival -Pastor A. W. Tozer 01/01/1960

Pastor A. W. Tozer 1960 USA The Power of Unity the way we should Prayer!
4/20/202134 minutes, 51 seconds
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Charles Spurgeon Sermon - 03/30/1862 The Old, Old Story

Romans 5:6 Charles Spurgeon Sermon - 03/30/1862 The Old, Old Story
4/19/202138 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Fire of God - Rev. Duncan Campbell - 01/01/1950 - 1080203820

The minister at Barvas, the Rev James Murray Mackay, had been led to write to Duncan through the prayers of his congregation, and in particular two elderly sisters named Peggy and Christine Smith who had received the God-given assurance that Duncan would be the instrument that God would use to fulfil His purposes on the island.Duncan was quite unaware of these things and he intended to stay in Lewis for just ten days and then take a rest from his mission work. However, despite his tiredness, he immediately recognised the feeling of spiritual expectation amongst the people who had invited him to Barvas, and after the preaching service on the second evening he was there, the congregation lingered outside the church and were joined by others who had not attended the meeting. At that moment, the voice of a young man was heard praying aloud inside the church, and many were moved to join him as a sense of deep conviction came over the crowd. The church was soon filled with people calling upon God for mercy and praising Him for His goodness, and even when they separated in the early hours of the morning, small groups went on praying in various parts of the village. The powerful awakening which swept through Barvas in the following days was not an isolated event, and although Duncan Campbell's preaching was similarly blessed when services were hastily arranged in villages such as Tarbert, Leurbost and Arnol, the revival was felt throughout the whole of Lewis, to such as extent that he later described it as "a community saturated with God".
4/19/202148 minutes, 39 seconds
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Mercy Chinwo - Chinedum and Jermaine Edwards Make a Way

Listen to this awesome Gospel compliation featuring the powerful track Chinedum (GOD Leads ME), Excess Love and Jermaine Edwards from Jamaica Make a Way. Listen and be powerfully bless right here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" visit us on the web at
4/17/202121 minutes, 51 seconds
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Paul Washer - Shocking Message Are You Continuing To Repent of SIN (full length)

Paul Washer is an itinerant preacher and the General Director for HeartCry Missionary Society - their website address is Paul Washer - Shocking Message 5/29/2006 Shocking Youth Message Stuns Hearers, So Shocking the Preacher Was Never Invited Back. Mattew 7:13 Enter through the narrow gate! (Bring them in your Kingdom Lord for your own glory) Listen to this awesome message from Paster Paul Washer right here on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" Listen to awesome messages and gospel music from various Christian ministries worldwide. SendMe Radio visit us at
4/17/202158 minutes, 59 seconds
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PROPHETIC WARNING / ALERT / THE CARIBBEAN ISLANDS With Apostle John Enumah Apostle John E. has been called by God as an oracle to liberate destiny's in this end-time by transforming lives and eradicating the works of darkness.To GIVE/ PARTNER OR FIND OUT MORE -
4/15/20212 minutes, 58 seconds
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What Have I Done_C. H. Spurgeon England 12/27/1857

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor C. H. Spurgeon from the United Kingdom 1900. What Have I Done? Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon who lived from 1834 – 1892 he was an English preaacher from the Baptist church. Pastor Spurgeon who was referred to as the Prince of Preachers continues to remain highly esteemed among Christians of various denominations worldwide. Listen to Pastor Spurgeon right here on SendMe Radio. Download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store visit us on the web at
4/15/202146 minutes, 42 seconds
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Greatest Sermon Ever Preached - This Generation - S.M. Lockridge

I posted this years ago and excited to re-post what I believe is arguably the greatest spirit-filled sermon in this generation, by A man about THE MAN who without question preached the greatest sermons of all time (Sermon on the Mount) -Our Savior, Jesus Christ. Listen as the late SM Lockridge takes us on a journey and unlocks the power and majesty of our Creator and the incredible work that his Son; Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross and the victory of his resurrection!0:00​ (Intro) Where a sick man can get well3:02​ He's the Owner4:50​ The Lordship of Christ11:31​ The Invitation13:55​ (Conclusion) The Lord is my ShepherdShadrach Meshach Lockridge (March 7, 1913 – April 4, 2000) was the Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, a prominent African-American congregation in San Diego, California, from 1953 to 1993. He was known for his preaching across the United States and around the world.Life and work:Lockridge was born in Robertson County, Texas, the oldest of eight children and the son of a Baptist minister. A graduate of Bishop College in Marshall, Texas, he worked for two years as a high school English teacher. In 1940 in Dallas, he felt led to preach. In 1941 he married Virgil Mae Thompson.In 1942, he accepted his first pastorate at Fourth Ward Baptist Church in Ennis, Texas. In August 1952, he was named pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in San Diego where he served until retiring in 1993.During Lockridge's tenure at Calvary Baptist, a predominantly African-American congregation, his ministry reached more than 100,000 people. He preached at crusades, revivals, religious rallies and evangelistic conferences around the world.He also served in key regional, state and national positions with the Baptist Church, including being elected as the Moderator of the Progressive Baptist District Association, President of the California Missionary Baptist State Convention, and the first president of the National Missionary Baptist Convention of America, where he held all three major positions simultaneously.He held doctorates and numerous honorary degrees, and was often sought as a public speaker, even after he retired in 1993. He served as guest lecturer at numerous schools and universities and on the faculty of several others, including the Billy Graham School of Evangelism.Lockridge was active in the civil rights movement, and under his leadership Calvary Baptist hosted several of its leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr.Lockridge's best-known message is "That's my King!", notably the six and a half minute description of Jesus Christ contained at the end of the hour-long sermon (the popular title comes from Lockridge's repeated refrain). YouTube:​ and Google Videos, Godtube, and other video-sharing websites have numerous variations of this message in video clips of varying lengths, in both English and Spanish (subtitles or with a translator), with various video and musical backdrops, and user views reaching into the multi-millions.
4/13/202118 minutes, 20 seconds
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Charles Lawson - HARD-CORE PREACHING Falling into Hell!!!

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Charles Lawson on HELL Luke 12:4! Hell is a real destination for anyone who reject Christ and His word, seek HIM today while He can be found! When I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Listen to this aswesome mesaage on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store SendMe Radio visit us on the web at Are you sure you're going to heaven when you die? Or are you willing to chance your eternal soul and possibly end up in hell fire?? Why not make sure of the matter today, while there is still time?The good news is: You can KNOW that you're going to heaven. The Bible clearly states:"These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." 1 John 5:13​You see, God wants us to KNOW, and have the matter settled. There can be no misery greater than living life wondering if some day you will lift up your eyes in hell!The Bible so wonderfully makes salvation clear. It is a gift given of God, that cannot be earned in any way of our own doing."For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8-9"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost." Titus 3:5Jesus Christ made this wonderful, free salvation possible."For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16​Do you see what the verse says? It is simply BELIEF, or rather FAITH, TRUST, in Jesus Christ that saves. I am so thankful for these following verses that tell of man who sincerely wanted to be saved, and was told how: "Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Acts 16:29​-30Christ came to this earth, God in the flesh, a perfect man who never committed sin. He sacrificed His life of the cross of Calvary, shed His blood, as PAYMENT for our sin. You see, our sin separates us from a perfect and Holy God. We have no way to approach God in and of ourselves, for He is HOLY, righteous, perfect, and pure. He cannot tolerate sin. So Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the world, that we might be reconciled *(bought back) to God. We can come to the Father through Jesus Christ His Son!"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6So what must I believe, more specifically, about Jesus Christ to be eternally saved, you may ask...? You are saved by BELIEVING the good news of the Gospel, Christ's death, burial, and resurrection! When you accept this beautiful truth, that Christ loves you and died for YOUR sins, and arose from the grave FOR YOU, TO SAVE YOU FROM HELL, and you simply say yes to Him (call upon the Lord), in child-like simplicity, offering nothing of yourself or self-righteousness to God, but clinging only to CHRIST'S MERIT and HIS righteousness, YOU WILL BE SAVED. 1 Corinthians 15 says:"1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;2 BY WHICH ALSO YE ARE SAVED, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:""That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."Would you be willing to put your whole-hearted faith on Jesus to make it to heaven... instead of trusting yourself and your own way? If you say yes, and will trust what the Bible promises to every sinner who would believe on Jesus Christ, would you humbly go to God in prayer and ask Him to save you in the name of Jesus?God bless you all who watch my videos. I pray many will come to know of the wonderful saving grace of Jesus Christ.
4/11/202128 minutes, 44 seconds
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Scientist and the Elite Try to Hide What Really Happened at CERN, Demonic Entities, Extra Dimens

The Ending of the AgeThe year 2020 has surpassed our imaginations and has been recorded as a year unlike any this generation has ever seen. In Matthew 24:3-14 the disciples asked Jesus an astounding question “As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray.We are living in the end of that age the disciples asked Jesus about. The atmosphere has shifted open your eyes and you will see that life as we knew it has changed and is gone forever. It is time for us as believers to empty ourselves and make our vessels available to be used by the Most High. The earth is groaning in he midst of a spiritual war. We are in the midst of a pandemic no one has an answer as to how it started however it has claimed lives, hospitalised many, has forced many out of business and has closed many churches. Pushing everyone on the world wide web, where everything is centralised. It is interesting to note that the internet is an online world that was created by a the physicist Tim Berners-Lee and other physicist at CERN. The acronym stands for the European Organization for Nuclear Research located in Europe at the Franco-Swiss boarder near Geneva home of the Large Hadron Collider that produces the god particle .
4/8/202135 minutes, 32 seconds
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Listen to one hour of awesome inspiring Gospel music right here on SendMe Radio. Download the free app from the Google Play Store. Visit us on the web at
4/5/20211 hour, 21 minutes, 27 seconds
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1973 Prophecy - The Vision by David Wilkerson

1973 Prophecy - Vision by David Wilkinson listen and be blessed on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store. Visit us on the web at
4/3/202152 minutes, 3 seconds
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Genuine People are Scarce - APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN

Listen 🎧 to this awesome message right here on SendMe Radio Genuine People are Scarce Apostle Joshua Selman. SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store or Listen to us on Google and Apple Podcast 🍎🍏. Visit us on the web at
3/23/202118 minutes, 19 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie - Mountain Top Prayer Episode 157 - SendMe Radio

3/21/202156 minutes, 24 seconds
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Mountain Top Prayer Episode 156 - SendMe Radio

3/11/202151 minutes, 29 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okoire 2017-08-24-#25

3/9/202156 minutes, 11 seconds
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Mountain Top Prayer Episode 153 - SendMe Radio

3/3/202151 minutes, 14 seconds
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2 Timothy 2-3 The Price of Redemption | Pastor Chidi Okorie | SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie 2 Timothy 2-3 The Price of Redemption on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download our free app from the Google Play Store. Log on to our website at
2/26/202122 minutes, 14 seconds
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3.5 Hours of Non Stop Uplifting Christian Music | SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome compilation of Gospel music from vaious Christian artist right here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Visit us on the web at
2/23/20213 hours, 15 minutes, 34 seconds
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Thy Kingdom Come | The Keys to the Kingdom | SendMe Radio | Pastor Chidi Okorie

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie - Thy Kingdom Come here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download our free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store visit us on the web at
2/23/202117 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Seven Spirits of God Episode 139 SendMe Radio Pastor Chidi Okorie

During this time when the hearts of men has gotten desperately wicked you need the Spirit of God listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie right here on SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store. Visit us on the web at
2/19/202110 minutes, 11 seconds
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2/13/202156 minutes, 41 seconds
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Don't Let your Trust in God to Die | feat Eddie James 2017-08-22-#23

Listen to this LIVE broadcast with Pastor Chidi Okorie and various Gosple artist as we worship and appreciate the God of all creation for who He is He is a mighty God. Download the SendMe Radio app from the Google Play Store. Listen to us on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music and on
2/13/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 28 seconds
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Bless The Lord (Son Of Man) - Tye Tribbett & G.A feat Various Artist

2/12/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 26 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie | The Lo-debar Experience 2 Samuel 9:5 | SendMe Radio featuring I Have a Father Jason Providence

Pastor Chidi Okorie featuring I Have a Father Jason Providence Lo-debar - In the Bible Lo-debar in the Old Testament was considered a ghetto. It was located in the Gilead not far from Mahanaim, north of the Jabbok River in ancient Israel. According to the Hebrew Bible it was the home of Machir, a contemporary of David. It is a place of no pasture isolated in the wilderness, desolation and even lack of the Lord.
2/12/202110 minutes, 36 seconds
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Destroying the Wormwood | Mountain Top Prayer | Episode 144 - SendMe Radio

2/12/202154 minutes, 35 seconds
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Gospel Music for the Soul SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome music from for King and Country, Trip Lee - Sweet Victory, Lecrea, Kobi Joni, Shane and Shane,
2/11/202137 minutes, 34 seconds
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Daily Inspiration Gosple Music FULL | SendMe Radio

Music to inspire you on your daily journey listen and be bleseed here on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gosple" download the free app from the Google Play Store. SendMe Radio email us at [email protected]
2/11/202139 minutes, 41 seconds
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Mountain Top Prayer | Pastor Chidi Okorie 2018-09-01-#5

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app from the Goodgle Play Store listen to us on Googel and Apple Podcast, Spotify and Soundcloud log on to our website at for more awesome episodes email us at [email protected]
2/11/202141 minutes, 26 seconds
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Mountain Top Prayer | Destinations - Pastor Chidi Okorie| SendMe Radio |2018-09-08-#6

2/10/202152 minutes, 48 seconds
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God will Visit you by Himself | SendMe Radio 2018-09-01-#5

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie right here on SendMe Radio, "We Promote the Gospel" download our free SendMe Radio App from the Google Play Store to listen to over 500 hrs of inspiration. Log on to our website at for more awesome inspirational messages. Email us at [email protected]
2/9/202141 minutes, 26 seconds
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Mystries of Heaven Pastor Chidi Okorie Georgia 2012

Listen to this awesome message with Pastor Chidi Okorie Mysteries of Heaven right here on SendMe Radio download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Visit us on the web at email us at [email protected]
2/8/202127 minutes, 15 seconds
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Pastor Stacy Egbo Get Up and Go 2021-02-07-#70

Listen to this awesome episode with Pastor Stacy Egbo listen to this woman of God as she talks about her experience on the missionary field as a clinical practitioner on medical missions all over the world. Also get her book Winning Thoughts a Daily Devotional on Amazon and on SendMe Radio at listen and share her music on Spotify and various other platforms. Don't miss the upcoming conference April 24, 2021 Houston Texas.
2/8/202115 minutes, 59 seconds
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Interview | Part 2 How To Be A Success In Your Profession | Digital Ink 2021-01-31-#66 2

Listen to this awesome message from Dr. Lucy right here on Digital Ink and SendMe (Internet) Radio, where “We Promote The Gospel”, download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Visit SendMe Promotions at email us at [email protected]
2/7/20213 minutes, 42 seconds
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Dr Nguzi He Never Fails 2021-02-05-#69

Listen to this awesome interview with Dr. Nguzi a DNP Doctorate in Nursing Advanced Nursing Practitioner. Listen to this life changing story as she tells it in this interview. Its not often you'll hear a doctor speak with such humility and faith in Christ. Listen to this woman of God as she shares how she made it through losing her husband, her home and how friends fore saked her after her husband's passing. Alone with two infant children she was forced to move back in with family members. Work and study with 0 credit, sleep deprived and lonely "BUT GOD" saw her through. He gave her laughter again and turned her story around, when she had nothing God rebuild her life from ground ZERO! Listen to this heart moving life changing story as she shares with us right here on SendMe Radio. Download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store Store and share with friends and family. Visit us on the web at email us at [email protected] Jeremiah 17:5 "Thus saith the LORD, cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose departeth from the LORD.
2/7/202115 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dr Lucy: I Can Do All Things! Episode 134 SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome interview with Dr. Lucy right here on SendMe Radio, "We Promote the Gospel" download our free SendMe Radio App from the Google Play Store to listen to over 500 hrs of inspiration. Log on to our website at for more awesome inspirational messages. Email us at [email protected]
2/4/202114 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 133 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome interview with Dr. Lucy right here on SendMe Radio, "We Promote the Gospel" download our free SendMe Radio App from the Google Play Store to listen to over 500 hrs of inspiration. Log on to our website at for more awesome inspirational messages. Email us at [email protected]
2/4/202154 minutes, 20 seconds
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2 Kings 5-1-11 Don't Recieve the Gift of Leprosy Episode 164 SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie right here on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store to listen to over 500 hrs of powerful messages and awesome interviews. Join us weekly for our live broadcast. SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” visit us on the web at call us on 772-213-5001. Share SendMe Radio with your friends and family. Email us at [email protected]
1/31/20212 minutes, 21 seconds
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Blessed is the Man that Trust God

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Blessed is the Man right here on SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel the Gospel’. Download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Visit us on the web at for more awesome messages and interviews. Email us at [email protected]
1/31/20219 minutes, 51 seconds
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Escape the Generation of Evil Imagination Pastor Chidi Okorie SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Escape the Generation of Evil Imagination right here on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store to listen to over 500 hrs of powerful messages and awesome interviews. Join us weekly for our live broadcast. SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” visit us on the web at call us on 772-213-5001. Share SendMe Radio with your friends and family. [email protected]
1/30/202129 minutes, 33 seconds
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Your Daily Burden is God's Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 160 SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie right here on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store to listen to over 500 hrs of powerful messages and awesome interviews. Join us weekly for our live broadcast. SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” visit us on the web at call us on 772-213-5001. Share SendMe Radio with your friends and family.
1/30/202143 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Season of God's Favour Rev. Okey Ugwu Redeemed Pilgrims Ministries Int'l SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Bishop Okey Ugwu right here on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store to listen to over 500 hrs of powerful messages and awesome interviews. Join us weekly for our live broadcast. SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” visit us on the web at call us on 772-213-5001. Share SendMe Radio with your friends and family. Email us at [email protected]
1/30/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 33 seconds
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Restore your Sign! Pastor Chidi Okorie 2018-02-27-#91 SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie right here on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store to listen to over 500 hrs of powerful messages and awesome interviews. Join us weekly for our live broadcast. SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” visit us on the web at call us on 772-213-5001. Share SendMe Radio with your friends and family. Email us at [email protected]
1/30/202144 minutes, 55 seconds
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Pastor Boyd Ministering Atlanta Conference 2013 SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Boyd Robinson right here on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store to listen to over 500 hrs of powerful messages and awesome interviews. Join us weekly for our live broadcast. SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” visit us on the web at call us on 772-213-5001. Share SendMe Radio with your friends and family. Email us at [email protected]
1/30/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 27 seconds
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God Wants you to Turn to Him 2018-08-17-#2

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie right here on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store to listen to over 500 hrs of powerful messages and awesome interviews. Join us weekly for our live broadcast. SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” visit us on the web at call us on 772-213-5001. Share SendMe Radio with your friends and family. Email us at [email protected]
1/30/202147 minutes, 38 seconds
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Thy Kingdom Come Pastor Chidi Okorie SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie - Thy Kingdom Come right here on SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store share with your friends and family and visit us on the web at Email us at [email protected]
1/29/202114 minutes, 55 seconds
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Igbo Land Nigeria SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome interview with my sister as she tells us what’s it like being the youngest in a Christian Igbo family here on SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel”. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, visit us on the web at www.he Email us at [email protected]
1/28/202114 minutes, 47 seconds
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21 Year Old Urban Planner with a Planned Life

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCAST Listen to this awesome interview with 21 years old Urban Planner and graduate from the prestigious King’s College London sharing her inspiration journey right here on SendMe Radio. Audio is 70% but listen to this message like and share with your friends and family. SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play. Visit us on the web at www.he Email us at [email protected]
1/27/202123 minutes, 11 seconds
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REV Henry Obioma Deutoronomy 28 How to Stir up the Anointing for Healing (25-12-2012) 2

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTDeutoronomy 28:58 How to Stir up the Anointing for Healng Jesus bore lashes on his body so that we can be healed, listen to this awesome message from Pastor Henry Obioma on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Bessings and Curse. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at Email us at [email protected]
1/25/202153 minutes, 49 seconds
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Psalm 66:3 Demonstration of Power Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 161 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTThe Power of God - Power is important we can not be serving the Lod without power, the first meeting we had with God He gave us power. Psalm 66:3 Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. The Demonstration of Power Say to God, “ Psalm 66:3 How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You. Everything mocking you will be devoured by the bear. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at www.hesendme.comToday whether it is be it a habit whether from childhood or newly developed, God is able to do the impossible. Your environment doesn’t determine your outcome. However it doesn’t mean you will remain in an environment that is non productive forever. Maybe you need to change location by faith get up and move you don’t need money you only need God’s favour. Sickness no disease can not stop purpose the Lord who created you has a purpose for your life and He will keep you until that purpose is complete. Just get up and walk, your mother can’t stop purpose, your father can not stop God’s purpose only you!
1/24/202140 minutes, 10 seconds
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Offence will Come Keep your Eyes on God's Glory Mountain Top Prayer Episode 162 SendMe Radio

Let the living praise the Lord! God is not a man, He want us to constantly be in His presence. He is a loving God. He is contantly watching you! 1 Peter 5:7 Cast your cares upon Him! Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at Email us at [email protected]
1/24/202143 minutes, 46 seconds
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2 Kings 5:1-11 Don't Recieve the Gift of Leprosy Episode 164 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THE PODCAST2 Kings 5:1-11 Don't Receive the Gift of Leprosy, listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at Email us at [email protected]
1/24/202155 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Turn from the Works of the Nicolations Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie SendMe Radio Episode 165

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHTS TO ANY MUSIC PLAYED ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie - Turn from the Works of the Nicolatians on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at According to Bible History the the Nicolatians who practised "Nicolaism" were an early Christian group of people who had a different approch and belief. The name was mentioned twice in the New Testament in the Book of Revelation. They were often refered to as Nicolaitans, Nicolaitanes, or Nicolaites. The main street Church saw them as being heretical and didn't consider them as a part of the faith. Revelation 2:6 and 15, stated that they were mostly known in the two cities of Ephesus and Pergamum. Email us at [email protected]
1/23/202125 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tear donw Mountain's that Block your View of the Lord Mountain Top Prayer Episode 162 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THE PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at www.hesendme.comToday whether it is be it a habit whether from childhood or newly developed, God is able to do the impossible. Your environment doesn’t determine your outcome. However it doesn’t mean you will remain in an environment that is non productive forever. Maybe you need to change location by faith get up and move you don’t need money you only need God’s favour. Sickness no disease can not stop purpose the Lord who created you has a purpose for your life and He will keep you until that purpose is complete. Just get up and walk, your mother can’t stop purpose, your father can not stop God’s purpose only you! Email us at [email protected]
1/17/202145 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Trust God and do Good Mountain Top Prayer - Pastor Chidi Okorie SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THE PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at Email us at [email protected] minute you declare Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour, expect WAR! The enemy will be jealous and will or want to declare war on your conviction. Don't get frustrated fight back with the WORD not the world. Hide it in your heart Psalms 119 v 11 so that you will not SIN. And you will be armoured and full of amunition to oppose the enemy. The Bible says we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood, but again principalities and powers in HIGH places. They are in positions to crush you if you approach them as a carnal man defending his own ego.
1/15/202115 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

How Job and Jabez Overcame Pain Let the Living Praise the Lord

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie - Thy Kingdom Come right here on SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store share with your friends and family and visit us on the web at Email us at [email protected]
1/14/202119 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Escape the Generation of Vipers Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO THE MUSIC PLAYED ON THIS EPISODE! Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
1/13/202126 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jerimiah 51 Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie SendMe Radio Episode 158 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO THE MUSIC PLAYED ON THIS EPISODEListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
1/11/202130 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Connect to the Realm of Power Mountain Top Prayer Episode 157 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO THE MUSIC PLAYED ON THIS EPISODE! Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
1/8/202151 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Only the Living can Praise God Mountain Top Prayer Episode 156 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO THE MUSIC PLAYED ON THIS EPISODE! Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
1/6/202156 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalm 91 Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 155 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THE PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
12/30/202048 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Our Redemtion is Closer Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 154 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THE PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
12/27/202051 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Blessings and Curses Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 153 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
12/20/202059 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

2 Kings 2 Mountain Top Prayer Episode Pastor Chidi Okorie 152 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
12/13/202049 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Job 5:1 Trust and Obey Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 150 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
12/3/202039 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Praying Through the Word of God Mountain Top Prayer Episode 148 - Pastor Chidi Okorie SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
12/1/202043 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Inspirational Time Mountain Top Prayers Episode 147 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
11/5/20201 hour, 1 second
Episode Artwork

SendMe Radio About SendMe Radio Inspirational Time Pastor Chidi Okorie

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
11/4/202045 seconds
Episode Artwork

Kingdom Citizens Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 145 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
8/31/202050 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Make sure your Angle has a Job Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode Episode 144 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
8/24/202041 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Manifest Divine Promises Episode 143 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC PLAYED ON THIS PODCAST Joshua 14:6-14 Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Vincent Paul El Paso Texas and various other Christian ministers worldwide on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
8/23/202055 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Be not Afraid Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Episode 141 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO MUSIC ON THIS PODCAST SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" LIsten to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio. Download SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store to listen to this and other Christian ministers worldwide on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
8/17/202051 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Phillipians 3 Rejoice in the Lord Mountain Top PrayerPastor Chidi Okorie Episode Episode 140 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO THIS MESSAGE Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie and various other Christian ministers worldwide on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
8/12/202055 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Remember not the Former Things Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 139 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
8/5/202022 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Don't Faint have Faith Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 138 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
8/3/202052 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

1 Peter 5:1-7 Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 137 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
7/29/202047 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Speaking the Truth from your Heart Mountain Top Prayer Episode 136 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
7/27/202043 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Expectations Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 135 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
7/26/20208 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bishop Paul Vincent Texas Episode 134 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message - Thy Kingdom Come right here on SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store share with your friends and family and visit us on the web at Email us at [email protected]
7/26/202043 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bishop Paul Vincent Texas Episode 133 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie and various other Christian ministers worldwide on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
7/26/20208 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Don't Doubt God Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Episode 132 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
7/22/202045 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalm 140 Deliver Me Oh Lord Mountain Top Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 131 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
7/20/202048 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Blood Sucking Demons Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 130 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
7/15/202054 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Mark of Protection Mountain Too Prayer Episode 129 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
7/13/202049 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Praying in the Holy Ghost Mountain Top Prayer Episode 128 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
7/6/202023 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bishop Paul Vincent Texas Episode 127 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie - Thy Kingdom Come right here on SendMe Radio “We Promote The Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store share with your friends and family and visit us on the web at Email us at [email protected]
7/5/20202 hours, 11 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Everthing has a Seasons Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 125 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
6/30/202053 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Daniel 5:1 Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 124 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. The Demonstration of Power Say to God, “ Psalm 66:3 How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You. Everything mocking you will be devoured by the bear. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
6/29/202055 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Blessings of the Lord Psalm 18 Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 123 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. The Demonstration of Power Say to God, “ Psalm 66:3 How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You. Everything mocking you will be devoured by the bear. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
6/23/202055 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Daniel 4 A Living Dog is Better than a Dead Lion Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 122 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. The Demonstration of Power Say to God, “ Psalm 66:3 How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You. Everything mocking you will be devoured by the bear. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
6/22/20201 hour, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Power Of Prayer Bishop Paul Vincent Episode 121 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Vincent Paul and various other Christian ministers worldwide on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
6/21/202052 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mountain Top Prayer Episode 119 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at Email us at [email protected]
6/16/202050 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Power of God that Glory of Jesus Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 116 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
6/15/202052 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bishop Paul Vincent- Power in Prayer Episode 115 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCAST Listen to this awesome message on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Everything mocking you will be devoured by the bear. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at www.hesendme.comToday whether it is be it a habit whether from childhood or newly developed, God is able to do the impossible. Your environment doesn’t determine your outcome. However it doesn’t mean you will remain in an environment that is non productive forever. Maybe you need to change location by faith get up and move you don’t need money you only need God’s favour. Sickness no disease can not stop purpose the Lord who created you has a purpose for your life and He will keep you until that purpose is complete. Just get up and walk, your mother can’t stop purpose, your father can not stop God’s purpose only you!
6/14/202052 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

All Night Prayer Meeting El Paso Texas Episode 114 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at Email us at [email protected]
6/13/20201 hour, 13 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalm 67 Spirits Invade your Privacy so Pray in the Spirit Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 113 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Spirits Invade our Privacy so Pray in the Spirit Psalm 67 on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. The Demonstration of Power Say to God, “ Psalm 66:3 How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You. Everything mocking you will be devoured by the bear. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
6/9/202052 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

1 Chronicles 12, Daniel 4 - The Children of Issachar Episode 112 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. The Demonstration of Power Say to God, “ Psalm 66:3 How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You. Everything mocking you will be devoured by the bear. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
6/8/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bishop Paul Vincent Episode 111 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCAST Listen to this awesome message on SendMe Radio and various other Christian ministers worldwide on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at www.hesendme.comMountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie listen in on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” Email us at [email protected]
6/7/20201 hour, 14 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Harvest Time and Season - Pastor Chidi Okorie

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
6/3/20201 hour, 1 minute, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Power of God - Pastor Emmanuel Elendu

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Emmanuel Elendu - The Power of God. I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. The Demonstration of Power Say to God, “ Psalm 66:3 How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You. Everything mocking you will be devoured by the bear. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
6/3/20201 hour, 17 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 107 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCAST Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie and various other Christian ministers worldwide on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at www.hesendme.comMountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie listen in on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”
6/1/20201 hour, 12 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Kingdom Power Chapel Texas Bishop Paul Vincent Episode 106 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
5/31/202053 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Testimony of Survival from Bataclan Shooting Paris France 11.13.15

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCAST Listen to this AWESOME testimony from our sister who survived the Bataclan shooting in Paris France 2015. Listen to over 500hrs of Christian content on SendMe Radio. Testimonies never expire listen and be blessed. The Lord God is good and will protect His people during times of calamity. Listen to this AWESOME testimony on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app from the Google Play Store. Also listen on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast. Revelation 12:11, KJV: "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." Like and Share! Visit us on
5/30/202014 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Knowledge of Good and Evil Pastor Chidi Okorie - Sendme Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANYMUSIC ON THIS PODCAST The Knowledge of Good and Evil - Pastor Chidi Okorie London 2016, listen to this AWESOME message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel". Download our free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store also listen to SendMe Radio on Google and Apple Podcast, Spotify and IHEART Radio. Share and Subsribe visitus on the web at
5/28/202049 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hosea 1 v 1 - 6 Pastor Chidi Okorie Prayer Line 7-4-15

Hosea 4 v 1 - 6 Pastor Chidi Okorie London listen to this AWESOME message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store. Listen also on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast visit us on
5/26/20209 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

My Help Cometh from the Lord London 2015

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCAST My Help Cometh from the Lord - Pastor Blessing General Overseer CACGM Europe at the Wedding and Birthday Celebration of Pator Friday and Unity Igbineweka London 2015. Listen to this AWESOME message on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" from various Christian ministries worldwide. Visit us on the web at Download our free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Also listen to us on Spotify and Apple and Google Podcast.
5/26/202021 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mountain Top Prayer Prayer Line Episode 95 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie and various other Christian ministers worldwide on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
5/26/202051 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bishop Paul Vincent Persistent Faith Episode 93 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this AWESOME message from Bishop Paul Vincent General Overseer Kingdom Power Chapel Texas (Pakistan Crusade). SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store also listen on Apple, Google Podcast and Spotify. Visit us on the web at www.hesendme.comListen to this AWESOME message from Bishop Paul Vincent on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel". Download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Listen to SendMe Radio also on Apple and Google Podcast.
5/24/202047 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Paul Vincent's from Kingdom Chapel Power Pakistan Crusade Sunday Service!

Listen to this AWESOME message from Bishop Paul Vincent General Overseer Kingdom Power Chapel Texas (Pakistan Crusade). SendMe Radio download the free app from the Google Play Store also listen on Apple, Google Podcast and Spotify. Visit us on the web at www.hesendme.comListen to this AWESOME message from Bishop Paul Vincent on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel". Download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Listen to SendMe Radio also on Apple and Google Podcast.
5/23/202053 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bishop Okey Ugwu Redeemed Pilgrims Ministries What is your Focus in this Endtime_ The Book of Revalations Chapter 5

Listen to this AWESOME message from Bishop Okey Ugwu General Overseer The Redeemed Pilgrims Ministries Intl on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel". Download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Listen to SendMe Radio also on Apple and Google Podcast.
5/23/20201 hour, 56 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

When you were Blind Pastor Boyd Ministering at Redeemed Pilgrim Conference (Georgia 2013)

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO THE MUSIC IN THIS PODCAST Listen to this AWESOME message from the man of GOD Pastor Boyd ministering at the Redeemed Pilgrims Ministries Atlanta Georgia 2013 When you were Blind! SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app today from the Google Play Store. Visit us on the web
5/22/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 51 seconds
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Rev Esther Hamakim - Remember Lot's Wife (Jamaica 2009)

Listen to this AWESOME message from Rev. Esther Hamakim Redeemed Pilgrims Ministries Int'l Jamaica Remember Lots Wife (Conference 2009 Jamaica). SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel download the free app from the Google Play Store. Visit us on the web
5/22/20205 minutes, 4 seconds
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Earthquake Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie (London 2015)

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTPastor Chidi OKORIE London 2015 Earthquake Prayer on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store listen on Google and Apple Podcast search for SendMe Radio
5/22/20208 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jeremiah 17 Judah's Sin Pastor Chidi Okorie Prayer Line 2018-09-01-#5 SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. The Demonstration of Power Say to God, “ Psalm 66:3 How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You. Everything mocking you will be devoured by the bear. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
5/21/202041 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

There Are Decent Mad People Prayer Line Pastor Chidi Okorie 2017-11-21-#38

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. The Demonstration of Power Say to God, “ Psalm 66:3 How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You. Everything mocking you will be devoured by the bear. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
5/21/20204 hours, 5 minutes, 17 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Ministering in London 2015 Supernatural Overflow

Listen to this AWESMOME message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" from various Christian ministries worldwide. Download our free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store and visit us on the web at You can also listen to SendMe Radio on the Google and Apple Podcast . Join Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chid every Sunday at 8pm for Bible Study and Monday at 8:30pm on 516-387-8860 no access code necessary. Jesus is coming soon accept Him today!
5/20/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 7 seconds
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Mountain Top Prayer Episode 79 Pastor Chidi Okorie Jeremiah 23 - 26 - 29- SendMe Radio

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie and various other Christian ministers worldwide on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at www.hesendme.comJeremiah 23 v 29 Does not my word burn like fire ask the Lord. It is like a mighty hammer that smashed the rock to pieces.The word of God is like fire, the word of God is like hammer.
5/19/202048 minutes, 56 seconds
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Dr Paul Enenche Hope for the Nation Prayers 18/05/20 Episode 77 - SendMe Radio

Dr Paul Enenche Hope for the Nation Prayers 18/05/20 Nigeria. SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download our free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store to listen to AWESOME messages visit us on the web at
5/18/202047 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bible Study on the Last Days Book of Daniel 3 Episode 76 - SendMe Radio

Book of Daniel and Prayer Meeting with Pastor Chidi Okorie Bible Study every Sunday 8pm and Mondays Prayer Meeting at 8:30pm Eastern call in on (516) 387-8860 no access code necessary. Download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Visit us on the web at
5/18/202053 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Household Enemy - Pastor Chidi Okorie 2 Kings 11v 1 - 2 2019-12-12-#285

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCAST Listen to this AWESOME message from Pastor Chidi Okorie - Household Enemy 2 Kings 11 v 1 - 2 when your enemy is living in your own home, the house of God the church it is even more deadly than the enemy on the outside they will magnify themself against you, when someone thinks that what you have is too good for you, including the gifts that God has given you. Or you are moving in a way that they don't understand, they will become angry and hate you, they will do it in the name of mockery like that of which our Lord Jesus Christ went through, Sampson and David just to name a few of the experiences sighted by the Bible. Listen to this and more awesome messages on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the free app from the Google Play Store visit us at Book of Daniel and Prayer Meeting with Pastor Chidi Okorie Bible Study every Sunday 8pm and Mondays Prayer Meeting at 8:30pm Eastern call in on (516) 387-8860 no access code necessary. Download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Visit us on the web at
5/17/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

TEACHING The Reasons To Be Focused.

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC IN THIS PODCASTThe Prophet G.F Adetuberu, (born of Rev’d and Rev’d Mrs. Adetuberu, who were told by doctors that she could never conceive, but God in His greatness has blessed them with The Prophet and 3 other children) has a Prophetic, Healing, and Deliverance ministry like that of Apostle Paul, Prophets Elijah and Elisha, but who is also blessed in the area of Music, as he is highly skilled in guitar playing and instrumentation ministration just like that of King David.The Prophet received the prophetic ministry at the age of 7, through a vision he received from God. He has ministered in quite a lot of places outside Nigeria, ministering prophecy, healing, deliverance and miracles to those oppressed by demonic spirits. He is the Founder and General Overseer of Faith and Miracle International Church, a.k.a Word and Spirit Ministries, located at 2, Lebanon Club rd, Alalubosa junction, Ibadan. Nigeria.
5/15/202044 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Cursed is the Man that Trust in Man 2018-09-01-#5

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC IN THIS PODCASTSendMe Radio "We Promote the Gosple" download the free app from the Google Play Store. Jeremiah 17 : 5 - 8 This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD. He will be like a bush in the wastelands; he will not see prosperity when it comes. Your promotion does not come from man it comes from God, even though God sometimes uses a man to make the presentation. Put your trust in God now more than ever you need to turn to Him the world is getting more and more wicked and they are not afraid to display it. You have to also display your commitment and trust in God and His son Jesus Christ. God created all things including satan his job is to steal, kill and destroy. God is in control. Their is a God the king of glory every ancient gate that has refused to lift it's head is an ancient gate. Listen to this AWESOME message from Pastor Chidi Okorie 09/01/2018 Cursed is the Man that Trust in Man. Download our free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store also listen to us on Apple and Google Podcast, YouTube, ITune visit our website at Book of Daniel and Prayer Meeting with Pastor Chidi Okorie Bible Study every Sunday 8pm and Mondays Prayer Meeting at 8:30pm Eastern call in on (516) 387-8860 no access code necessary. Download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Visit us on the web at
5/14/202041 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prayer Meeting Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 70 - SendMe Radio

Book of Daniel and Prayer Meeting with Pastor Chidi Okorie Bible Study every Sunday 8pm and Mondays Prayer Meeting at 8:30pm Eastern call in on (516) 387-8860 no access code necessary. Download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Visit us on the web at
5/12/202048 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pastor Chidi Okorie Bible Study Book of Daniel Episode 68 - SendMe Radio

Book of Daniel and Prayer Meeting with Pastor Chidi Okorie Bible Study every Sunday 8pm and Mondays Prayer Meeting at 8:30pm Eastern call in on (516) 387-8860 no access code necessary. Download the free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Visit us on the web at
5/11/202051 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Rooftop Bishop Vincent Paul Episode 67 - SendMe Radio

Bishop Vincent Paul Sunday Sermon The Rooftop Kingdom Power Chapel Texas
5/10/202049 minutes, 29 seconds
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Eziekel 3: 4-8 Mountain Top Prayer Episode 64 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Everything mocking you will be devoured by the bear. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
5/5/202013 minutes, 40 seconds
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Bishop MAJOR Paul Vincent Texas US Senate Candidate 2020

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCAST Bishop MAJOR Paul Vincent US Texas 2020 Candidate visit Bishop MAJOR Paul Vincent website at and vote for the upcoming 2020 elections for Texas Senator.
5/4/202012 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pastor Chidi Okorie Book of Daniel Episode 62 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. Everything mocking you will be devoured by the bear. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at www.hesendme.comToday whether it is be it a habit whether from childhood or newly developed, God is able to do the impossible. Your environment doesn’t determine your outcome. However it doesn’t mean you will remain in an environment that is non productive forever. Maybe you need to change location by faith get up and move you don’t need money you only need God’s favour. Sickness no disease can not stop purpose the Lord who created you has a purpose for your life and He will keep you until that purpose is complete. Just get up and walk, your mother can’t stop purpose, your father can not stop God’s purpose only you!
5/4/20201 hour, 1 minute, 22 seconds
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SendMe Radio Intro copy

SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download our free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store and visit our website at! Email us at digits please
5/3/20202 minutes, 24 seconds
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Pastor Chidi Okorie Prayer for the Week and Nation Episode 60 - SendMe Radio

Email us at [email protected]
5/3/20209 minutes, 23 seconds
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Bishop (MAJOR) Paul Vincent Where are those Sins Pt 2 Episode 59 - SendMe Radio

Even as believers when we fall short of His glory He gorgives us. Jerimiah 31 v 34 God says He will not remember our sins no more. Isiah 43 v 25. For His won sake He will remember our sins nor more He doesn't throw it at our feet. Prophet Isiah says in Isiah 38 v 17. When God forgives our sins He cast it behind our back. The sins are out of sight because it's behind God's back Michai 7 v 18 God cast our sins to the depth of the sea.
5/3/202042 minutes, 50 seconds
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Bishop Major Paul Vincent Blessings for a new Season Persistence Works Moment Episode 7

Friends, Watch This Week’s Edition Of Our PERSISTENCE WORKS MOMENT as Bishop (MAJ) Paul N. Vincent Concludes His Message on: “Blessing For A New Season!” Be Blessed as U Watch & Please Share! Also Visit Our Online Home: Listen to this and more AWSOME messages on SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download our FREE app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store and log on to our website at
5/1/202022 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pastor Chidi Ministering in London

Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie London 2015. Log on to our website at and download our free app SendMe Radio to listen to this and more awesome messages.
4/28/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Igbo Praise and Worship

Listen to these powerful women praise God it was just like the day of pentecast in Igbo Land Enugu Nigeria, enter into His gates with thanksgiving. Language is no barrier in His presence! Log on to our website and download our free app SendMe Radio for more awesome episodes.
4/28/20204 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bible Study Daniel 23 - 44 The King’s Dream! Episode 55 - SendMe Radio

Welcome to SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download our free app on the Google Play Store. Share these messages with friends and family. Visit us on the web at www.hesendme.comWe are continuing our study on the book of Daniel in this study we will befocusing on Daniel 2 v 23 - 44 in which KingNebuchadnezzarʼs dream was interpreted by Daniel. The Kingʼs Dream whichwas a Problem made Danielʼs Interpretation his Promotion! Secrets belongs toGod, we are going to look at the dreams and relate them to our lives.The wise men, the men of renown the sorceries, astrologers, witchcraft,scientist. They were the ones consulted when people had problems and evenmore so now.But Daniel got involved because he was taken into captive during the time ofthis event. He would have died along with those wise men along with hisfriends. But he consulted God because he was a men of God.Dreams are encoded messages, the king had a dream and consulted these menbecause this was his custom as a pagan, and because the dream terrified him.He began to wonder what would have happened to his kingdom and his futureas the king.God dwells in a marvellous light, Daniel went to God and the Lord gave him theinterpretation of the dream the king had. This has never happened before,when a never before event happens in your life get ready because God is aboutto perform a miracle.Why do people go to obeah, voodoo, and juju? Because they want quickanswers, and quick results, no one no longer has the time to wait upon the LordGod to perfect His marvellous works in their lives. They want quick results,quick riches, quick marriages, everything in a microwave. But none of thesemen were able to interpret the kingʼs dream because they are limited their siteis very limited, their site is myopic their eyes canʼt see far.The only person who was able to do the interpretation was Daniel. If Danieldidnʼt trust God and went into deep prayer and fasting they would all be killed.But at the end of it all he was promoted and his life was changed. He wasknown because of the dreams interpretation he became the ruler of everythingnext to the king.
4/28/202058 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Daniel 2 v 11 - 23 God will Release His Secrets to you - Episode 54 - SendMe Radio

Welcome to SendMe Radio with Pastor Chidi Okorie SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download the FREE app from the Google Play Store God will Release His Secrets to you! - Daniel 2 v 11 - 23 visit SendMe Radio on the web at www.hesendme.comThe king Nebuchadnezzar wanted an interpretation to his dream but non of thewise men were able to tell the dream and provide an interpretation. Ps 82 v 6children of God are Gods He wonʼt judge the righteous with the wicked. God isin the process of demarcating those who are worshipping in the spirit fromthose worshipping in the flesh.After this season something worse than Covid 19 will come upon the land, itmaybe a few months or years. Thatʼs why our hearts should not fail, donʼt movefrom pillow to post but ensure you keep friends with like minds or else you willlose your way, as far as God is concerned wherever He places you, ensure yourmission is to do His will and create change. It was because of Daniel many liveswere saved. The king had a dream and without remembering his he demandedfor an interpretation from his wise men who were unable to meet the kingsrequest, he was about to kill them all until God used Daniel because of thecalling on Danielʼs life and interpret the dream many lives were saved.In that place where you are the solution is in your hands go before the Lord Hewill expose you to the knowledge you need to make it. Covid 19 is not new ithappened in the days of Nebuchadnezzar his dream was the virus that wouldhave killed many if God did not use Daniel to do the interpretation. The secretsfrom God is the only thing we need as the secret is with Him and every problemhas a secret God holds the key.Keys are also called secrets, it becomes a problem when we donʼt have thesolution. There is a key, we need to use it effectively, no anger of the devil hasthe ability or power to destroy our life, family or peace.In the days of Deborah people were going about their way until Deborah arose.In your family there are things that should not be happening that are takingplace. Our Jesus does not change if He helped Daniel then He will help you.The man who has the solution does not live in the flesh He is a man of thespirit. It is God that changes time and season. When your time is up donʼt stayin that situation follow Godʼs leading and move if He tells you to. God changestime and season He expands and shrinks, He puts the king in power andremoves them as He pleases. Sometimes people have to give way for you toreach your full destiny God changes time and season but He never changes. Hewonʼt destroy the righteous with the wicked. The problem that is in your familyGod will give you the keys to unlock the problem.
4/27/202044 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

What Type of Christian are you? Bishop (Major) Paul Vincent

WATCH: PERSISTENCE WORKS MOMENT!THE THREE TYPES OF CHRISTIANS! ... Listen to this AWESOME message from Bishop (Major) Paul Vincent right here on SendMe Radio What Type of Christian are you? Friend, What Type of a Christian Are U? Watch this Brief Video by Bishop (MAJ) Paul N. Vincent Find Out If U’re a: Six O’Clock, 12 O’Clock Or Six Thirty Christian! Visit Our Website for More About Our Ministry! Be Blessed! 🙏 www.persistenceworks.comSign this petition to have Bishop Major Paul Vincent for Senator for Texas. Let us vote so that the Kingdom of God enters through the doors of the Goverment. Go to the website and VOTE http://www.bishopvincentforsenate.comSendme Radio "We Promote the Gospel" download our FREE app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store. Visit our website at for more awesome messages and interviews.
4/22/20204 minutes, 27 seconds
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Mountain Top Prayer Episode 50 - SendMe Radio

4/20/202056 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mountain Top Prayer Episode 49 - SendMe Radio

4/13/202055 minutes, 43 seconds
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Mountain_Top_Prayer_Episode_47_Fear Will Cripple Sendme_Radio

Coronavirus has crippled most because of fear and those who are called by Hisname who are Christians who have made covenants and made Christ their Lordand Saviour. The Lord is calling His people and encouraging them not to fear.There is a difference between the fear of God and that of the devil. Before devilattacks he presents fear 2 Timothy 1B7. Fear is a spirit the Bible says in 1 timothy1B7 we should not be crippled with the spirit of fear God has not given us thespirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind. The gift of God is not thespirit of fear anything that interferes with your faith is not of God. The Biblesays that we will speak that we are going up and not down. Most people arewalking afraid because of coronavirus they want they want to introduce fear,great fear, to the point that we are now allergic to each other.Job 3B25 states “What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded hashappened to me”. Fear attracts the spirit of bad luck, wickedness, the thingsthat destroys ministries. Fear will possess you until you believe it and startrunning from your own imagination. It is the opposite of faith each time Jesuswants to speak to the disciples he said “be not afraid. Trust God! Do you knowhow many times the devil attacks you in a day? Psalms 91 He that dwelleth inthe secret place of the most High God, shall abide under the shadow of thealmighty.There is a mark that is upon you that allows you to be covered under the bloodof Jesus. He shall deliver you from the sears of coronavirus in the name ofJesus. there is more evil coming that will shake the foundations of the nations,families and the people of the earth but it can never shake the foundations ofJesus. Wether coronavirus, 5g, 4g, or 3g put your trust in Jesus. If the Lorddidnʼt build the house, he that labour, labours in vain. The world is dark whatyou see is not what you get. The place may seem beautiful a wonderfulmetropolitan city but beneath it dangerous things are happening.They make covenant with death but this is not your portion in Jesus name. Thewickedness that goes on in the night shall not be your portion. There is apestilence his job is to shoot arrows but in the name of Jesus we destroy hisworks.Those of you have lost the power of prayer go back to meditate on the goodnews of Jesus. Do not be afraid you are free in the name of Jesus. Dedicateyourself to prayer so that the angels of the Lord will come and encamp aroundyou and your dwellings.
4/6/202046 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork


Listen to this AWESOME message from Bishop Major Paul Vincent Chaplin for the US Army and independate Senate for Texas for the upcoming election ministering on FEAR! Bishop (MAJ) Paul N. Vincent, who resides in Texas is also a Chaplain & Major in the U.S. Army Reserve has relaunched his campaign bid for the U.S. Senate - as an Independent Candidate - to represent the State of Texas in the Nov. 3, 2020 General Elections! Read more at wwwbishopvincentforsenate.nationbuilder.comListen to this and other powerful messages on SendMe Radio download the FREE app from the Google Play Store and visit us on the internet at
4/6/202033 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Daniel 1 Mountain Top Prayer

!.#.$.%.&.'.(.).Daniel 1 v 1I want you to understand that this book of history is the history of Daniel whowas captured as a slave. It is a scenario of what has happened in our very ownlives. In this book Nebukadnezza would be represented as an enemy of yoursoul and the enemy of the children of God. He took the treasures of God andstored them amongst his idols. It took the possessions of the children of God,he took everything that had value from them and held them in bondage. Thefirst thing he did was to change their name, which was symbolic as a man isdevalued when someone takes away his name and give him another name of hischoice.Daniel 1v3 the children of God are the Kingʼs seed when the devil is out, you arehis target, he looks for you to hold you captive, he will use anything. He skilfullyuse the things that pleases your emotions and your appetite to hold you inbondage. Food, money, lust the bright shiny things of the world. He doesnʼtwant anyone of less value, he looks for stars and enslave them. Because he isafter your soul, family, destiny he is after you. God is here to return and restoreeverything to you that has been stolen John 10v10. Nebukadneza told hisservant to look for the best young lads, that looked good, so these werehandsome youths. They were well travelled, exposed and were knowledgeablein the areas of Science, literature, Mathematics the principalʼs honour roll bestyouths.He looked for eight specific qualifications.Princes and PrincessesPeople of ValueQualityYouths (well favoured)Handsome/BeautifulWithout BlemishSkilfull in Knowledge and WisdomRefined and PolishedWhenever the enemy comes he gives you names, that contradict with theFather. Depression, stupid, canʼt make it, look at you, who are you?Discouragement, distress, his strategies does not change he is the old serpent.He will continue to preach to you that you canʼt make it.But you can, he will give you names.These youth were taken from their homes and brought to a foreign land andenslaved, it was a sign that they were under subjection under his authority.History records two main period of Science the Greek period from 600 BC to200 AD and the modern period from 1450 AD to current days.They took them and taught them astrology, science, anatomy and the fine arts.The devil tried to change their mind from the mind of God to the mind of theworld.God has set us up for success to be knowledgeable and understanding to knowthe times and act on it. In this new era the design of God will be displayed, menand women will be challenged.2020 is a preparation period from now onward will be dangerous.Nebukhadnezza looked for skilful and knowledgable youths.Daniel understood the times by reading books he read, Christian spiritualbooks, the news and the Bible. Expose yourself to wisdom and knowledge andask God for wisdom to withstand the times.Join us on the Mountain Top Prayer Line with Pastor Chidi Okorie dial in on 712-832-8330 access code 6988854 you can also listen in on SendMe Radio download the FREE app SendMe Radio fron the Google Play Store or listen to the live stream on
3/30/202055 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Day of the Lord

SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel" listen to this poweful message from Pastor Chidi Okorie The Day of the Lord the return of the Lord Jesus Christ is sure the children of God need to equip themselves with His word. Visit us on the web and download our FREE app SendMe Radio to listen to this and more AWESOME messages.
3/28/202045 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mountain Top Prayer lEpisode 41 - SendMe Radio

3/16/202045 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Major Bishop Paul Vincent Forgivness and Miracle Episode 40 - SendMe Radio

Listen to this AWESOME episode the Miracles and Forgiveness from the Major Bishop Paul Vincent from the Kingdom Power Chapel Texas. Bishop (MAJ) Paul N. Vincent, who is also a Chaplain & Major in the U.S. Army Reserve has relaunched his campaign bid for the U.S. Senate - as an Independent Candidate vote for him -
3/15/202045 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

God is Hiring CEO's

3/10/20202 hours, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ephisians 6 v 10 Be Strong and Stand in the Evil Days Episode 142 - SendMe Radio

3/10/202058 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bishop Okey What is your Focus in this Endtime_ The Book of Revalations Chapter 5

3/10/20201 hour, 56 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Book of Revalations

3/10/20202 hours, 5 minutes, 26 seconds
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Don't Get Tired of Serving Christ

3/10/20201 hour, 33 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bible Study Understanding our Covanant with God 2018-08-03-#147

3/10/20201 hour, 49 minutes, 24 seconds
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Mountain Top Prayer Line 8495406_408716

Join Mountain Top Prayer Line every Sunday 8pm ET
3/9/202059 minutes, 43 seconds
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Job 23 Pain Let the Living Praise the LORD! AUDIO-2019-12-13-17-34-56

Listen to this AWESOME message from Pastor Chidi Okorie Pain Let the Living Praise the LORD Job 23. Join Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio download the FREE app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store and visit our website at SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel"
3/9/202025 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

God Gives Power to Create Wealth

3/5/202052 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mountain Top Prayer Episode 63 Pastor Chidi Okorie - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
3/2/202058 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pain 1 Chronicles 4v8-9

Job suffered for the sake of God but through it all he never sinned nor abounded God and in the end God blessed him even more than before. Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie in Pain download our FREE app SendMe Radio for more AWESOME messages. Visit us on the web
2/27/202025 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Book of Revalations - Rev Okey Ugwu SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message The Book of Revelation - Rev Okey Ugwu on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
2/22/20202 hours, 5 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

I will only Trust in the Lord - PRAYER LINE 2019-08-20-#254 2

2/22/20201 hour, 25 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Mercies of God are New Every Morning -2019-12-13-17-34-56

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
2/22/202025 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Bank of Righteousness

2/22/202011 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

29 26_05_15 Trust the Lord and Do Good

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
2/22/202037 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Lord is by your Side Don't Leave HIM!

Listen to this AWESOME message from Pastor Chidi Okorie listen to this and other messages on our FREE app SendMe Radio download from the ITUNE and Google Play Store. Visit our website for more information SendMe Radio "We Promote the Gospel"
2/22/202044 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

SendMe Radio Intro

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel” download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at
2/22/202023 seconds
Episode Artwork

Job and Jabez Start was in Pain but it Didn't End There!

2/22/202024 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ephisians 6 v 10 Be Strong and Stand in the Evil Days Episode 142 - SendMe Radio

Their is a way the devil will attack your mind and make you believe that God is not working in your situation but the Bible says be strong and put on the armour of God so that you will be able to stand in the evil days. The devil will come and get you to agree with him but stand God is still working on our bealf. Listen to this AWESOME message from Pastor Chidi Okorie listen to this and more messages on SendMe Radio download the FREE app SendMe Radio from the ITUNE and Google Play Store. Visit our website at
12/22/201956 minutes, 58 seconds
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Their are Demons and Angles Assigned to each of us Episode 141 - SendMe Radio

I DO NOT OWN THE MUSIC TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCAST Principalities and powers have not seized to operate their are prayers we need to pray, their are angels and demons assigned to us. Every problem has a physical interpretation, there is a fight going on in the atmosphere on your behalf. Listen to this and other AWESOME messages from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio download the FREE app from the ITUNE and Google Play Store visit us on the web
12/19/201955 minutes, 3 seconds
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Job and Jabez Start was in Pain but it Didn't End There!

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at www.hesendme.comToday whether it is be it a habit whether from childhood or newly developed, God is able to do the impossible. Your environment doesn’t determine your outcome. However it doesn’t mean you will remain in an environment that is non productive forever. Maybe you need to change location by faith get up and move you don’t need money you only need God’s favour. Sickness no disease can not stop purpose the Lord who created you has a purpose for your life and He will keep you until that purpose is complete. Just get up and walk, your mother can’t stop purpose, your father can not stop God’s purpose only you!Job and Jabez Start was in Pain but it Didn't End There! Listen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie. Download our free app SendMe Radio from the Google Play Store!
12/18/201924 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 139 - SendMe Radio Friends and Family Day

12/15/20191 hour, 29 minutes, 40 seconds
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Household Enemies | MUST LISTEN | Pastor Chidi Okorie | Episode 138 - SendMe Radio - Prayer Line

I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ANY MUSIC ON THIS PODCASTListen to this awesome message from Pastor Chidi Okorie on SendMe Radio “We Promote the Gospel”. The power lies in your tounge is it sickness give it authority to leave your house. Everthing stopping you I command it to stop right now in the power of the Holy Gosht arrest it right now. Download the free app from the Google Play Store, also listen to SendMe Radio on Spotify and the Google and Apple Podcast. Visit us on the web at www.hesendme.comToday whether it is be it a habit whether from childhood or newly developed, God is able to do the impossible. Your environment doesn’t determine your outcome. However it doesn’t mean you will remain in an environment that is non productive forever. Maybe you need to change location by faith get up and move you don’t need money you only need God’s favour. Sickness no disease can not stop purpose the Lord who created you has a purpose for your life and He will keep you until that purpose is complete. Just get up and walk, your mother can’t stop purpose, your father can not stop God’s purpose only you!
12/12/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 30 seconds