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Series Podcast: Unusual Sources Cover
Series Podcast: Unusual Sources Profile

Series Podcast: Unusual Sources

English, National/National politics/National assembly, 1 season, 30 episodes
News from the Hamilton, Ontario community and the world, from a labour perspective. Interviews with sources and topics excluded from the mainstream discourse.
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Unusual Sources: Aussie Labour Pushes Back Against AUKUS, Segment 1

Brendan interviews veteran labour and anti-war activist Henry Evans-Tenbrinke about developments in Australia: There has been pushback by Australian labour, and also the Green Party, concerning the aggressive AUKUS military pact. Henry has submitted his own motion to Labour Council. There is a lot we can do in Canada to oppose the developing Cold War with China.
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Unusual Sources: Extraordinary Threat - Broadcast Edition, Segment 1

The Canadian book launch of "Extraordinary Threat: The U.S. Empire, the Media, and Twenty Years of Coup Attempts in Venezuela." Joe Emersberger and Justin Podur apply media analysis to the absurd claims that Venezuela represents an "extraordinary threat" to the United States, or that 'Chavizmo' transformed "once prosperous" Venezuela into a poorhouse. The U.S. desire to intervene in oil-rich Venezuela means that it needs to construct narratives to justify intervention. These self-serving stories denigrate the achievements in poverty reduction of the Bolivarian Revolution, while minimizing the U.S. role in disrupting the Venezuelan economy and civil society. Particular attention is given to "human rights organizations" such as Amnesty International, who minimize the effect of U.S. encirclement and coup-promotion, instead preferring to "referee" a supposedly level-playing-field in the country.
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Unusual Sources: "I Was a Catholic Zionist" - Monday, May 13, Segment 1

Brendan interviews author and editor Ted Schmidt about his partly-autobiographical account of his emergence into supporting the Palestinian struggle, a daunting feat for a Catholic friend of Toronto's Jewish community. Schmidt's book is also a readable history of European anti-Semitism, the pressures that led to Zionism, and resistance to it within Judaism. There is a postcolonial dimension, in that Schmidt gradually became aware of the marginalized Arab voices that were seldom heard in Canada.
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Unusual Sources: Zoom to Elect Dimitri!, Segment 1

On August 31st, the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War hosted a meet-and-greet via Zoom with Dimitri Lascaris. Lascaris, a journalist, lawyer, and activist, is currently running for the leadership of Canada's Green Party. Lascaris gave a 15-minute presentation about his values and goals, and was able to take many questions from interested participants. The full video, from which this recording is derived, is available here:
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Unusual Sources: Syria Sanctions: Intervention by other means, Segment 1

Although the Syrian government has succeeded in regaining much of its territory in opposition to a foreign-backed regime-change campaign, it faces a sustained campaign of crippling U.S. sanctions. Stephen Gowans points out that despite Syrian military successes against Contras and terrorists, the U.S. is determined to prevent Syria from regaining its footing. What is needed is greater international campaigning for the lifting of sanctions on Syria and other countries.
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Unusual Sources: The Trudeau Doctrine, Segment 1

Yves Engler discusses his two most recent articles, about the SNC Lavalin scandal, and Canada's interference in Venezuela. It is possible to discuss the two issues together, because they are linked by a common denominator: the Canadian government operates on behalf of the Canadian business class. It protects corrupt corporations, and destabilizes foreign governments that practice resource nationalism. A Global South government that is responsive to popular needs invites overthrow by Canada's rules-debased foreign policy.
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Unusual Sources: Syria - The New Terra Nullius, Segment 1

Syria has become a canvas upon which outsiders can project their fantasies. There has been a failure to adopt a truly 'decolonial' view that respects Syria's sovereignty and self-determination. If there is no resistance to "Team America's" neo-liberal world that reshapes borders as if they are clay, then there will be more Syrias and more refugee crises.
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Unusual Sources: Promo for "Discover Xinjiang" Event, Segment 1

Brendan describes the upcoming event, "Genocide in Xinjiang? A Discovery Zoom Panel." You can learn more, here:
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Unusual Sources: Labour Day Marchers Resist Trudeau, Segment 1

Doug speaks with Hamilton-area activists David Rennie and Ken Stone, who formed part of the resistance to Justin Trudeau on Labour Day. The Prime Minister decided to crash the Labour Day parade and use it for election photo-ops, even though the Labour Council made clear that he was not welcome. Thanks to anti-war activists, indigenous justice advocates, and union members, Trudeau was chased unceremoniously out of the parade and the park.
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Unusual Sources: Event Promo, Segment 1

Brendan provides information about the upcoming lecture by Vanessa Beeley on Dec. 3. Beeley will be speaking on the role of the "White Helmets" campaign in Syria as a pre-eminent example of war propaganda. Details here:
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Unusual Sources: Commemorating Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Segment 1

Doug interviews peace activist Tamara Lorincz, first about the anniversary of the nuclear bombing of two Japanese cities in 1945, and the ever-present danger to us all.
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Unusual Sources: Michael Lynk - Annexation in the Air, Segment 1

Professor Michael Lynk describes how the Israeli occupation of West Bank and its total blockade of Gaza has caused terrible conditions for Palestinians in these areas. Israel's occupation does not meet the legal obligations of occupying countries in terms of its decades-long duration, and persistent violation of human rights. Further, Israel's planned eventual annexation of the occupied territories and its de facto annexation of Jerusalem are forbidden under international law. Professor Lynk will be speaking on these issues in Hamilton on January 31 at McMaster University at 12:30pm noon (room TBA) and at Barton Stone/Mount Hope United Church at 21 Stone Church Rd. at 7:00pm. See for details.
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Unusual Sources: The Axis of Resistance, Segment 1

Dr. Tim Anderson's new book is as much about Empire as it is about Resistance. "The Axis of Resistance" details how U.S.-led imperialism uses sanctions, "humanitarian intervention" and juvenile propaganda in order to undermine the rights and protections of Global South states. It's also, naturally, a treatment of the elements that constitute resistance to U.S. power in West Asia (the "Middle East"). Anderson discusses why regional integration is essential to resisting an external hegemon, and his book explores the origins and connections between Hezbollah, the Islamic Republic, and the Syrian Arab Republic. "Axis of Resistance" is a must-read for those seeking to understand the past 20+ years of U.S. war on the "Middle East," and why it is falling apart.
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Unusual Sources: India's increased repression of Kashmir, Segment 1

Last fall, Karen Rodman and her daughter Michaela Lavis visited Kashmir to study the effects of the Indian government's revocation of the autonomy of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, and also the increased repression of the Kashmir population by the Indian military. They hope to raise awareness of the issue among Canadians. After the partition of Kashmir by India and Pakistan in 1947, the UN recommended that the future of Kashmir be decided in a referendum by the people of Kashmir. Unfortunately, this referendum has not been allowed to happen. A very large Indian army contingent of 700,000 soldiers maintains control of India-Occupied-Kashmir against the wishes of much of the population.
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Unusual Sources: JELITHIN Events, Segment 1

Brendan and Rabbi Lucia Pizarro talk about various events in the community concerned with Palestine and liberation theology, including the Hamilton Palestine Film Festival, the upcoming book launch with Ted Schmidt, and the famous "Liberation Seders" that are organized by JELITHIN.
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Unusual Sources: China preventing 'second colonization' with new HK laws, Segment 1

Aidan Jonah discusses his article in The Canada Files about the declining ability of Joshua Wong's Hong Kong political party to co-ordinate with foreign funders and planners under China's new legislation. Jonah argues that China is preventing a second Anglo colonization of China/HK by enacting new laws, and provides historical and contemporary context. Ultimately, many countries in the Global South empathize with China's situation, and have supported it at the United Nations.
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Unusual Sources: Israel: A Beachhead in the Middle East, Segment 1

Stephen Gowans describes how Israel was first created as an extension of 19th century European colonialism and functions today as a means of power projection for the United States. The U.S. seeks to dominate the Arab world, and Israel has demonstrated its value in weakening Arab forces that seek self-determination. Gowans traces the history, from the early marriage between the racist and pessimistic ideas shared by Zionists and European imperialists alike, to the U.S. desire today to keep the Arab nation divided and off-balance. Book Launch (October 28) Info:
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Unusual Sources: Outside In -= Libby Davies, Segment 1

Libby Davies recounts a particularly turbulent time in her career as an MP, in which a 'media' ambush turned her support for Palestine into a political football. Davies is presenting her revealing memoir "Outside In," about her personal life and political career, on Sunday June 9. Davies' book is an example of the challenges and struggles faced by trailblazing activists, and the attempts to improve NDP positions on foreign policy and other issues.
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Unusual Sources: Migrant Workers' Update, Segment 1

Doug interviews Santiago Escobar of UFCW/AWA on the the recent developments concerning the Temporary Foreign Agricultural Workers.
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Unusual Sources: Caesar Tries to Suffocate 17 Million Syrians, Segment 1

Rick Sterling discusses his recent article about the 'Caesar sanctions.' In June, the U.S. introduced the "Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act," which is an intensification of sanctions against the beleaguered country. Sterling dismantles the sanctions and their justification: the original report was a propaganda exercise, and this will only intensify the burdens of Syrian civilians.
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Unusual Sources: Trudeau toes imperial line on Iran, Segment 1

Canada is not an innocent actor in Iran. In fact, it has been running a low-level war against independent Iranian governments for decades. Yves Engler describes Canada's support for U.S. policies of sanctions, theft, and military confrontation with Iran, and overall bad dealing. Despite their rhetorical opposition to Trump, Canada's Liberal government and commentariat largely fall in line with 'the Orange Man' on Iran.
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Unusual Sources: Oil and World Politics - Book Launch, Segment 1

Doug interviews Oil Economist John Foster about his new book "Oil and World Politics." Foster has spent his life working as an economic advisor for British Petroleum, Petro-Canada, the World Bank, and the Inter-American Development Bank. He describes the underlying role of the control, mining, and movement of oil and gas in international affairs. John Foster will be speaking in Hamilton on September 30 at 11:30am at McMaster University Room BSB 108, and at 7:00pm at the New Vision United Church.
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Unusual Sources: The Military's Big 'Carbon Footprint', Segment 1

We interview Tamara Lorincz, of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. Tamara is a PhD student at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Waterloo, Ontario, where she focuses on the impacts on the environment and on climate change of the world's military forces, especially the US military, which has the largest single carbon footprint in the world. She notes the climate change protocols signed at the Paris climate talks exempt the carbon contributions caused by the armed forces of all countries from being counted in calculations of global CO2 production. Tamara also strongly opposes the role of the Canadian government in the illegal war against Syria.
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Unusual Sources: NDP Convention Palestine Vote, Segment 1

Rabbi David Mivasair provides some background on the events of the NDP convention concerning a resolution calling for an end to the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. [Resolution 4-10-20]. He also discusses the growing threat to public discussion posed by the IHRA, including in Hamilton, and why it needs to be opposed.
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Unusual Sources: Sid Ryan - A Grander Vision, Segment 1

Canadian labour leader Sid Ryan discusses his new book, part autobiography, and part prescription for social movements and Labour. Sid recounts his early life, and how it developed his capacity to resist inequality and oppression. These lessons would serve him well as President of CUPE and the OFL. Fraught by divisions in Labour and the lack of synergy with the NDP, Sid calls for a social vision of unionism in Canada that melds struggles of class and anti-oppression into a cohesive programme against neo-liberalism.
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Unusual Sources: Recent Developments in JNF Campaign, Segment 1

Brendan interviews Rabbi David Mivasair about recent developments in the campaign by Independent Jewish Voices and other concerned parties to end the tax exempt status for the "Jewish National Fund." The JNF is an Israeli tool for the dispossession of Palestinians. It has been used to erase Palestinian settlements, in one case replacing villages with "Canada Park." Use of occupied land for one ethnicity only contravenes international law, and Canadian domestic law. The JNF has also been implicated in funding Israeli armed forces projects, something which a Canadian charity cannot do.
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Unusual Sources: 75 years after the bombing of Hiroshima the danger still exists , Segment 1

One day before the 75th Anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, Doug interviews Tamara Lorincz of Voice of Women for Peace on this tragic event and the need for Canada to sign the Treaty for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons. Canadian Hiroshima survivor Setsuko Thurlow, was a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018 for her work on this Treaty. Sadly, our Prime Minister would not meet with her, nor has he responded to her recent open letter. Tamara and Doug discuss Setsuko's letter, and the need for Canada to support nuclear abolition and sign on to the Treaty.
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Unusual Sources: Circling China, U.S. continues war for hegemony, Segment 1

Activist and scholar of East Asian affairs K J Noh discusses the U.S. encirclement of China as a continuation of the 'War on Terror,' and the attempts to maintain U.S. hegemony in the face of increased economic integration in Asia. Noh examines the views and decisions of U.S. policy-makers concerning China, and how things unfolded into the aggressive attempt to 'contain' China. The U.S. desire to maintain unipolar global hegemony increases the risk of catastrophic warfare.
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Unusual Sources: Dan Kovalik's Lecture on Venezuela, Segment 1

For those who missed it, Dan Kovalik's lecture on U.S. interference in Venezuela is now available as a downloadable MP3 file.
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Unusual Sources: 10 Years of Independent Jewish Voices, Segment 1

Brendan speaks with Corey Balsam and Geneviève Nevin, who are organizing the Independent Jewish Voices 10th Anniversary Conference. We discuss the role and direction of IJV, creating an alternative for Jewish youth, and efforts to enhance solidarity with the Palestinian people (through such means as encouraging political parties to support BDS) in Canada.