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Sermons of Grace

English, Religion, 8 seasons, 329 episodes, 2 days, 16 hours, 43 minutes
Dr. David Murphy of the Grace Baptist Church in Antigua, Caribbean, West Indies delivers an exhaustive verse-by-verse study on the book of Romans.
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Rom 13:1-7 God’s Sovereignty Over Government (Part 1)

Pastor/Dr. David Murphy continues our study on Paul's teaching for believers to be subject to civil authorities. We'll study four statements that indicate God's sovereignty over civil authority: 1) vs1 There is no power but of God 2) vs1 The powers that be are ordained of God, 3) vs4&6 The powers are ministers of God, and 4) vs4 they are the avenger of God to exercise justice.
9/16/202441 minutes, 22 seconds
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Rom 13:1-7 Subject Unto Higher Powers (Part 6)

Pastor/Dr. David Murphy continues our study on Paul's teaching for believers to be subject to civil authorities. Paul wants believers to understand the role of government and the believer's responsibility. Citizens owe the government a great debt for their services, such as: running water, law and order, roads and bridges, defense against enemies, electricity, garbage disposal, transportation systems, health services, social security, medical benefits, and education. Civil government is necessary in a fallen world with people who are sinful in nature. We'll see examples of a world without government after the Fall, during for the 1,000 year period after the Flood, and the period of Judges. We'll then quickly review the 7 reasons Christians should submit to government.
9/9/202441 minutes, 4 seconds
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Rom 13:1-7 Subject Unto Higher Powers (Part 5)

Pastor/Dr. David Murphy continues our study on Paul's teaching for believers to be subject to civil authorities. Paul wants believers to understand the role of government and the believer's responsibility. Citizens owe the government a great debt for their services, such as: running water, law and order, roads and bridges, defense against enemies, electricity, garbage disposal, transportation systems, health services, social security, medical benefits, and education. Civil government is necessary in a fallen world with people who are sinful in nature. We'll see examples of a world without government after the Fall, during for the 1,000 year period after the Flood, and the period of Judges. We'll then quickly review the 7 reasons Christians should submit to government.
9/2/202444 minutes, 39 seconds
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Rom 13:1-7 Subject Unto Higher Powers (Part 4)

Pastor/Dr. David Murphy shows us that civil disobedience is sometimes required and shows us several Biblical examples of this: the Jewish slaves in Exodus 1 mandated to kill baby boys, the 4 Hebrew boys captive in Babylon and their response regarding dietary laws, the 3 boys in Daniel required to bow to the golden image and thrown into the fiery furnace, Daniel restricted from praying and thrown into the lion's den, the disciples in Acts 4 and 5 who were told to stop preaching the message of Jesus Christ, and Paul who was beaten and imprisoned publicly in Acts 16 and took his legal right. We'll also see the 7 reasons listed in Romans 13 that we should obey civil authority: 1) Government is by divine decree, 2) Resistance to the government is rebellion against God, 3) Those who resist will be punished, 4) Government is there to restrain evil, 5) Government is to promote the good, 6) Rulers are empowered by God to inflict punishment upon those who disobey, and 7) Government should be obeyed for conscience’s sake.
8/26/202443 minutes, 22 seconds
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Rom 13:1-7 Subject Unto Higher Powers (Part 3)

Pastor/Dr. David Murphy shows us that civil disobedience is sometimes required and shows us several Biblical examples of this: the Jewish slaves in Exodus 1 mandated to kill baby boys, the 4 Hebrew boys captive in Babylon and their response regarding dietary laws, the 3 boys in Daniel required to bow to the golden image and thrown into the fiery furnace, Daniel restricted from praying and thrown into the lion's den, the disciples in Acts 4 and 5 who were told to stop preaching the message of Jesus Christ, and Paul who was beaten and imprisoned publicly in Acts 16 and took his legal right. We'll also see the 7 reasons listed in Romans 13 that we should obey civil authority: 1) Government is by divine decree, 2) Resistance to the government is rebellion against God, 3) Those who resist will be punished, 4) Government is there to restrain evil, 5) Government is to promote the good, 6) Rulers are empowered by God to inflict punishment upon those who disobey, and 7) Government should be obeyed for conscience’s sake.
8/19/202442 minutes, 42 seconds
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Rom 13:1-2 Subject Unto Higher Powers (Part 2)

Pastor/Dr. David Murphy shows us that dealing with human government and civil authority is becoming a grave concern as the government is imposing and crushing freedom and liberties in the name of democracy. The global agenda to destroy Christianity and the Bible is 1-advocacy of unrestrained sexual freedom, 2-redefinition of the family, 3-control of the educational system, 4-the mantra to promote democratic ideal of inclusion, 5-create new legal language of hate speech, and 6-legislation of economic sanction and forced compliance. But Paul still points out that the State is an institution ordained by God. In verses 1-2, Paul gives us an injunction to "let every soul be subject unto the higher power", an explanation why to follow that injunction, and a conclusion. Today, we'll see the features of the injunction as: emphatic, inclusive, and specific.
8/12/202436 minutes, 41 seconds
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Rom 13:1-2 Subject Unto Higher Powers (Part 1)

Pastor/Dr. David Murphy shows us that dealing with human government and civil authority is becoming a grave concern as the government is imposing and crushing freedom and liberties in the name of democracy. The global agenda to destroy Christianity and the Bible is 1-advocacy of unrestrained sexual freedom, 2-redefinition of the family, 3-control of the educational system, 4-the mantra to promote democratic ideal of inclusion, 5-create new legal language of hate speech, and 6-legislation of economic sanction and forced compliance. But Paul still points out that the State is an institution ordained by God. In verses 1-2, Paul gives us an injunction to "let every soul be subject unto the higher power, an explanation why to follow that injunction, and a conclusion. Today, we'll see the features of the injunction as: emphatic, inclusive, and specific.
8/5/202440 minutes, 18 seconds
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Rom 13 Introduction on the Believer's Response to Government (Part 4)

Pastor/Dr. David Murphy continues the introduction to Romans Chapter 13 and the believer's relationship and duties to civil authorities. Several concerns of today will lead to biblical clashes between the church and the government, like: sodomy, gender issues and dysphoria, transgender issues, family issues, abortion, and school curriculum. Democracy cannot survive without a moral base, and as the nation deteriorates, evil men elect an evil government. Should a Christian ever get involved with anything political? We'll look at the examples of Joseph, Daniel, Moses, the Matthew 8 centurion, Zacchius, and Cornelius. The Christian can be involved in the state and government, but the church must never become politicized. The duties of the Christian are 1-to submit to the government and 2-to pay taxes.
7/29/202444 minutes, 32 seconds
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Rom 13 Introduction on the Believer's Response to Government (Part 3)

Pastor/Dr. David Murphy continues the introduction to Romans Chapter 13 and the believer's relationship and duties to civil authorities. Several concerns of today will lead to biblical clashes between the church and the government, like: sodomy, gender issues and dysphoria, transgender issues, family issues, abortion, and school curriculum. Democracy cannot survive without a moral base, and as the nation deteriorates, evil men elect an evil government. Should a Christian ever get involved with anything political? We'll look at the examples of Joseph, Daniel, Moses, the Matthew 8 centurion, Zacchius, and Cornelius. The Christian can be involved in the state and government, but the church must never become politicized. The duties of the Christian are 1-to submit to the government and 2-to pay taxes.
7/22/202443 minutes, 45 seconds
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Rom 13 Introduction on the Believer's Response to Government (Part 2)

Pastor/Dr. David Murphy introduces us to Romans Chapter 13 and the believer's relationship and duties to civil authorities. The New Testament churches also had issues with the government, because of their composition of being both Jews and Gentiles combined with their Jewish nationalism and also their misinterpretation of Scripture. In Paul's teaching, he is trying to safeguard the Gospel and the testimony of the church with how believers react to government authorities.
7/15/202442 minutes, 38 seconds
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Rom 13 Introduction on the Believer's Response to Government (Part 1)

Pastor/Dr. David Murphy introduces us to Romans Chapter 13 and the believer's relationship and duties to civil authorities. The New Testament churches also had issues with the government, because of their composition of being both Jews and Gentiles combined with their Jewish nationalism and also their misinterpretation of Scripture. In Paul's teaching, he is trying to safeguard the Gospel and the testimony of the church with how believers react to government authorities.
7/8/202443 minutes, 11 seconds