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Set Apart Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 325 episodes, 4 days, 13 hours, 47 minutes
Inspiring women of all ages to pursue Christ-centered femininity, bestselling author Leslie Ludy speaks straightforwardly, giving biblical and practical advice on how to live as a godly woman amidst a self-seeking and shallow culture. With episodes on purity, purpose, devotional living, true beauty, Bible study, mentoring, leadership, friendships, romantic relationships, marriage, and family, this soul-stirring podcast will encourage you to surrender your life to the one true King and find true fulfillment and purpose in Him!
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Most Asked Questions: Part One: Is it Possible to Live a No-Drama Life?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a compelling discussion on cultivating a no-drama lifestyle. While adventure and spiritual battle go hand in hand with walking the narrow way of the Cross, God doesn't intend us to live a life of constant crisis, chaos and drama. In this episode, Leslie offers three biblical and practical keys to for responding to drama and distraction in a healthy way and building a life that is marked by peace, calm, and stability of soul. For more resources from Leslie, visit To listen to additional episodes from Leslie on spiritual warfare, visit and To read Leslie's article called The Power of the Tongue, visit To learn more about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
9/16/202429 minutes, 5 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: Part Two: How Can I Honor God with my Time?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with Part Two of her message on honoring God with our time. Living in a noisy, busy world, it's easy to lose sight of God's bigger picture for our lives. In this episode, Leslie outlines four key ways we can build our lives around what is most important, offering a biblical mindset toward key ares of time management, including rest, entertainment, and serving others. As Leslie reminds us, when we consecrate our time to Christ, we find a far deeper satisfaction than anything the distractions of this world can offer.  We won’t need to chase after the world’s counterfeit excitement, because we will be living in a real-life adventure of world-changing Christianity.To explore more resources from Leslie, visit and For information on our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
9/9/202419 minutes, 10 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: Part One: How can I honor God with my time?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with the first of a two-part message on honoring God with our time. The Bible says that we are called to “redeem the time”, which means to seize each moment God has given us and use it for His glory, and not our own selfish agenda. As Leslie shares in this episode, effectively managing our time is a key way to avoid wasting our lives on temporal, meaningless things. Leslie unpacks two key principles for keeping our lives and time centered around God's priorities, no matter what season we are in.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To listen to Purposeful Time Management, visit To listen to Overcoming Burnout, visit
9/4/202419 minutes, 46 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: How should I handle seasons of loneliness?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series by offering key Biblical truths for seasons of loneliness. Loneliness is not God’s lifelong design for us, but seasons of loneliness are a necessary part of following the narrow way of the Cross. As Leslie reminds us in this episode, instead of seeing loneliness as a problem that needs to be avoided at all costs, we can choose to embrace it as an opportunity to grow closer to Christ than we ever thought possible. We do not serve a distant God who can’t relate to our struggles or meet our deepest needs, but the perfect fulfillment of every longing within our heart, even in seasons of loneliness.For more resources from Leslie, visit To register for our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To visit our new online store, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
8/28/202427 minutes, 9 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: Part Two: How Can I Be a Faithful Christian?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with Part Two of her message about cultivating faithfulness in our Christian walk. As Christians, we often lose sight of God's plans and purposes for us, simply because we are too preoccupied with the temporal pleasures and the distractions of this earthly life. In this episode, Leslie unpacks four practical and Biblical ways to begin fostering a heart of availability to God and a lifestyle of faithfulness, no matter where you are or what your circumstances.For more resources from Leslie, visit learn more about our Ellerslie Fall 5-Week Program, visit To check out our Set Apart online store, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
8/20/202422 minutes, 4 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: Part One: How Can I Be a Faithful Christian?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with Part One of a message about becoming a faithful Christian . In this episode, Leslie shares two powerful stories from Christian history, when ordinary men and women chose a path of faithfulness and availability to God - with world-changing outcomes. Leslie reminds us that there are no “special Christians”, only faithful Christians. Each of us has been called by God to impact the world for His glory. But we don’t need special qualifications to bear eternal fruit through our lives. We only need a heart fully surrendered to Jesus Christ, and faith in a mighty, faithful God. To learn more about Fall Ellerslie Discipleship 5-Week Program, visit To visit our new Set Apart Online Store, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
8/13/202425 minutes, 41 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: Part Two: What is a Biblical Approach to Health?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with Part Two of her message: What is a Biblical approach to health? Even though Scripture makes it clear that “life is more than food” (Lk. 12:23), it’s all too easy to behave otherwise. Whether we fall into the trap of self-indulgence and laziness when it comes to our eating habits, or struggle with becoming preoccupied with health food and fitness, it's all too easy to veer away from God's pattern in how we care for our physical bodies. As Leslie shares in this episode, living a healthful lifestyle can be a wonderful way to serve our families, bring discipline into our lives, and keep our bodies strong for the things God has called us to. But it can also become a form of idolatry if we build our lives around health instead of around Christ. In this episode, Leslie shares practical Biblical principles that can help us break through the fog of confusing messages and trends, and keep our focus on Christ when it comes to the area of health and wellness in today's world.To listen to Part One of this 2-part message, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To visit our new online store, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Fall 5-Week Discipleship program, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
8/6/202424 minutes, 53 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: Part One: What is a Biblical Approach to Health?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a two-part message on a Biblical approach to health, healing, and wellness. There is a lot of confusion in Christianity surrounding the area of health, so approaching this area in a Christ-centered way can be a challenge. In Part One of this message, Leslie unpacks three Biblical keys for responding to health issues correctly. Whether you are facing a health issue or know someone who is, these principles can offer hope, encouragement, and clarity and remind us that Jesus is both our Healer and the One who's strength is made perfect in our weakness.For more resources from Leslie, visit and To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship programs, visit For additional episodes on fortification, see To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
7/31/202422 minutes, 20 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: What is a Biblical view of Purity?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with this practical and poignant look at Biblical purity. Despite what many Christians assume, purity is not an oppressive obligation, but a beautiful opportunity to honor the One who gave everything for us. In this episode, Leslie unpacks Biblical answers to many of the most common questions Christian women ask about purity, and casts a vision for godly purity that is both refreshing and inspiring.For more resources from Leslie, visit To listen to additional episodes on purity, visit and To learn more about our Fall 5-week Ellerslie Discipleship program, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
7/24/202425 minutes, 49 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: How Should I Respond to Social and Political Issues?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a timely episode on responding to cultural and political issues in a Biblical way. We often respond to cultural darkness with fear, anger or indifference. But as Leslie shares in this episode, we are called to engage with cultural issues in a Christ-like, God-honoring way, and shine Truth in the midst of a lost and dying world. We are called to go forward boldly into the battle like Esther, upheld by the mighty hand of our Defender and Deliverer. When we embrace the supernatural courage that He offers, we can become a world-changing tool in His hands — for such a time as this.To explore our new online store, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie discipleship programs, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support this podcast, visit
7/16/202430 minutes, 49 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: How Should I Handle Feelings of Rejection?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with this Biblical perspective on handling feelings of rejection. Many women struggle with feeling rejected by others. The enemy often uses these feelings of rejection to cause us to doubt God’s love for us and distract us from our calling to shine the light of Christ to this world. In this encouraging message, Leslie shares two Scriptural principles to give us Heavenly perspective when we are struggling with rejection. When we understand who we are in Christ and grasp our value to Him, we can walk in confidence and joy, even if others reject us. Scriptures covered in this episode: 1 John 1:9, Psalm 103: 12, Is 61:3, Joel 2:25, Gen 50:20, Luke 15:22-24, Psalm 45:10-11, 1 Sam 2:8.To learn more about our 2024 Weeklong and 5-Week Ellerslie Discipleship program, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
7/10/202415 minutes
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Most Asked Questions: Should I be content in my singleness?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a Biblical look on contentment in singleness. Many voices in modern Christianity imply that it is not possible to be happy or fulfilled in the single years. It's true that God designed us for relationship with others and, for most of us, He designed us for marriage. But as Leslie shares in this episode, it is not true that Jesus alone isn’t enough to fulfill us at the deepest level, even if every form of human companionship is stripped away. God has a tremendous purpose for our single years. This episode shows us that contentment in Christ is possible by His enabling grace, whether married or single, whether in plenty or in want, whether in easy circumstances or difficult ones. Even if we never experience earthly marriage, we can be completely fulfilled by our relationship with Jesus Christ. For information about our Ellerslie Weeklong Discipleship Program, visit To visit the new Set Apart online store, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
7/2/202421 minutes, 52 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: What is True Modesty?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a practical and eye-opening look at true Biblical modesty. We often make the mistake of defining modesty only by the style of clothing someone is wearing, but as Leslie shares in this episode, modesty is far more of an outflow of someone’s heart condition than anything else.  If we truly desire to showcase honor; to glorify Jesus and point eyes to Him, true modesty will be the natural outflow of our lives, not just in what we wear but in how we act, how we conduct our conversations, and how you show respect and honor to others around us. As Leslie reminds us in this message, true modesty is not dour and oppressive, but life-giving and liberating.To register to watch our 2024 Set Apart Conference online, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship programs, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit
6/26/202420 minutes, 12 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: How Can I Become an Effective Speaker?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a practical look on becoming an effective speaker. Contrary to popular belief, it's not always those who are impressive by human standards that God chooses to deliver His most important messages. As Leslie shares in this episode, if we become willing and open vessels that God can work through, He can use our words to change lives for eternity, even if we don't feel qualified or perfectly polished. Whether you are a public speaker or simply seeking to share Truth with others in your life, this message will encourage and equip you with spiritual tools for effectively communicating Truth.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, visit To register to watch our 2024 Set Apart Conference online, visit www. To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
6/17/202428 minutes, 2 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: How Can I Become an Effective Writer?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a practical look at effectively communicating Truth through writing. Whether you are writing blogs, articles, books or even just simple letters and texts, the written word is a powerful tool for communicating the life-changing Truth of the Gospel. In this episode, Leslie shares her own writing journey and offers some key Biblical principles for effective writing that she has learned through her years as a Christian author.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
6/11/202427 minutes, 15 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: How Can I Make Biblical Decisions?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series this week with a Biblical look at decision making. Many Christians believe that it is more spiritual to use our common sense, follow our hearts, make our own decisions, and then ask God to bless them. The idea of waiting for God’s leading before we move forward with a decision is becoming a foreign concept among modern believers. If you’ve ever been confused about what role God wants to play in your decisions or how to determine His specific will for your life, you are not alone. In this episode Leslie unpacks what Bible has to say about being directed by God in our decision-making.To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie discipleship programs visit w To learn about streaming a simulcast of our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
6/5/202423 minutes, 2 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: How can I hear God's voice?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series this week with a Biblical and practical response to the question, "how can I hear God's voice?" Many Christians assume that God isn't interested in offering direct guidance for daily decisions, but the Bible makes it clear that we can hear, know, and follow the voice of our Shepherd. In this episode, Leslie shares two key principles that can help us learn to recognize the voice of God in our lives and cultivate a listening ear to His Spirit's leading.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship Training programs, visit To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit
5/30/202427 minutes, 46 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: How Can I Know God's Will For My Life?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series this week by tackling the topic "How can I know God's will for my life?" It might seem hard to discern what God’s specific calling on our lives. Am I called to be married or single? Am I called to be a missionary? Am I called to have a career? Am I called to this specific opportunity? But as Leslie shares in this episode, we all too often we get caught up in those kinds of questions and miss the fact that all our decisions are meant to flow out of a much deeper understanding of who we are called to be - daughters of the King.To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference (attending in person or via simulcast) visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
5/20/202430 minutes, 4 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: How can I learn to really pray?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions with a powerful and refreshing look at understanding real prayer. Offering encouragement for those who have struggled to find a vibrant prayer life, Leslie provides practical keys that can help you take your praying from mundane and weak to powerful and effective. This episode reminds us of the importance and life-changing impact of true prayer, as well as equips us with real-life solutions to strengthen our praying in the midst of our busy and distracting world.Resources mentioned in this episode: He Is video: Ellerslie Discipleship programs: Additional resources on prayer from Leslie: To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
5/14/202419 minutes, 14 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: How Do I Overcome Fear?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series by tackling the challenging question "How do I overcome fear?" By unpacking the promises of Psalm 91, Leslie gives us a fresh vision of what a mighty God we serve, and His desire to show Himself strong on our behalf. Leslie shares Biblical principles that can help us learn to abide under the shadow of the Almighty and take refuge in the shelter of His wings in whatever situation we are facing, big or small. As this episode reminds us, God's eyes run to and fro throughout the whole earth, ready to show Himself strong on behalf of those who will dare to trust Him.For more resources from Leslie on overcoming fear, visit To learn more about streaming a simulcast of our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
5/8/202433 minutes, 46 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: Why do women's ministries seem shallow?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series this week with a deep dive into the question "Why does it seem like women's ministries are often shallow?" In this episode, Leslie unpacks some of the key reasons why many Christian leaders are choosing an easy, watered-down Gospel when it comes to women's ministry, and shows us how our own passionate pursuit of Jesus Christ can have a positive impact upon this modern-day trend. It won’t be chick flicks, spa parties, or shallow feel-good messages that will change a woman’s life and awaken her heart to the Gospel. It will be the pure, uncompromising, timeless Truth of Jesus Christ.  This episode reminds us not to settle for shallow when it comes to our spiritual lives, and offers practical ways we can influence the women around us to go after more of Jesus.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Weeklong Discipleship Program August 3-8, visit www. To learn more about streaming a simulcast of this year's Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
4/30/202428 minutes, 50 seconds
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Most asked Questions: How should I handle manipulative people?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a Biblical look at responding to manipulative people. Many women struggle with feeling controlled or strongly influenced by manipulative friendships, and it can be confusing to know how to respond to this challenge in a healthy and Christ-centered way. As Christians, we are to be controlled only by the Spirit of God, rather than by human manipulation. In this episode, Leslie shares three Biblical keys to becoming set free from manipulation. If you have struggled with being manipulated, you will be amazed and the freedom and joy you find once you allow God to remove the unhealthy control of others over your life, so that you can make yourself completely and fully available to Him.To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
4/23/202424 minutes, 1 second
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Most Asked Questions: How do I balance family and ministry?

Is it possible to be healthy and balanced in both family and ministry? While ministry is a wonderful way to showcase Christ’s love to others, the enemy can often use our good intentions to serve others as bait for stress, chaos and overcommitment. Many Christians who start enthusiastically in ministry end up in a place of burn out and disillusionment as time goes on. In this episode, Leslie draws from her own ministry experience to share key Biblical principles that can help us approach ministry in a healthy and Christ-centered way. She offers insights into how to balance ministry with other responsibilities such as family relationships, and gives practical suggestions for avoiding ministry burnout. This episode casts a vision for ministry that goes the distance.To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship programs, visit To register for the 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
4/9/202428 minutes, 52 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: How Can I Handle Emotions in a Biblical Way?

In a world that constantly promotes "following your heart", how do we handle our emotions in a truly Biblical and God-honoring way? Leslie tackles that challenge in this episode of her Most Asked Questions series. In this week’s message, she unpacks what it means to be led by Truth vs. feelings. When our feelings will no longer dictate our thoughts, decisions, and daily actions, we can truly be led by God’s Spirit instead of our own emotions.For more resources from Leslie, visit To register for the 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
4/3/202424 minutes, 9 seconds
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Most Asked Questions: How Can I Overcome Low Self-Esteem?

Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a Biblical look at how to overcome low self esteem and walk in true humility. In Scripture, we see the answer to both questions reflected in the life of John the Baptist who said, "He must increase, but I must decrease." Leslie offers key principles for exchanging concern over what others think for the desire that others would see Christ in and through our lives. In this episode, she also unpacks key Biblical truths that can help us combat the lies of the enemy when he attacks us in the area of insecurity and self-esteem.To register for our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministires, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit
3/28/202421 minutes, 42 seconds
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Why Hasn't God Answered My Prayer?

This week Leslie launches her new series, Most Asked Questions, with a poignant look at a question that many of us have grappled with - why hasn't God answered my prayer? In this episode, Leslie shares five key reasons why it may seem that God is not hearing or answering our prayers. This message is a refreshing reminder of what true prayer is and offers rich encouragement to anyone who is looking for more purpose and power in their prayer life.For more resources from Leslie, visit To register for our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
3/20/202431 minutes, 51 seconds
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Making Jesus Your North Star

Leslie finishes her Navigating Modern Christianity series this week with a soul-stirring reminder about the importance of making Jesus our North Star. Christianity, in a nutshell, is all about a Person - the Person of Jesus Christ. As Leslie shares in this episode, anything in our spiritual lives that shifts our focus away from Jesus and His Great-Cross Work is off-center and a distraction from the true Gospel. In this message you'll glean three important principles that can help you keep Jesus as your North Star, and avoid many common pitfalls in the modern Church that come when we shift our gaze away from what truly matters.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship programs, visit
3/14/202427 minutes, 25 seconds
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Overcoming Mediocrity, Part Two

Leslie continues her Navigating Modern Christianity series with the second part of her message on Overcoming Mediocrity. While it's easy to point the finger at the apathy we see in the Church at large, God often wants change to begin within us. In this powerful episode, Leslie offers two practical ways to let God have his way in our lives, become an example of vibrant Christianity, and inspire others with the way we choose to live.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship Training programs, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
3/5/202427 minutes
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Overcoming Mediocrity, Part One

Leslie continues her series on Navigating Modern Christianity with a powerful episode on overcoming mediocrity in our spiritual lives. In modern Christianity, we are facing a crossroads between comfortable mediocrity and radical devotion to Jesus. As spiritual apathy becomes the norm, Leslie challenges us to grapple with the questions: how far are we willing to go in our devotion to Jesus Christ?  Is there such a thing as being too extreme in our passion for Him?For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
2/28/202433 minutes, 45 seconds
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Becoming a Blanket Carrier - Navigating Modern Christianity

Leslie continues her Navigating Modern Christianity series with a powerful and timely message about how to honorably handle weakness in other believers and in the Church as a whole. Our human tendency is to expose weakness in others and draw attention to it. But when we allow God to overwhelm us with His supernatural, victorious love toward His Body, our entire perspective changes. That’s when we become His blanket carriers, letting love cover a multitude of sins. The episode challenges us to let God flood us with fervent love for those in our lives and give us eyes not to see their weakness, but His strength, hope and redemption.To learn more about our Ellerslie Online Program, visit To learn about our 2024 Set Apart Conference (June 7-9), visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
2/20/202425 minutes, 16 seconds
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Healing from Legalism - Navigating Modern Christianity

Leslie continues her Navigating Modern Christianity series with a message about how to heal from legalism and respond to rules-based Christianity in a healthy way. If you have personally been hurt or oppressed by legalism, this episode will help you break free from rules and discover the freedom of the abiding life in Christ. Leslie also shares several practical keys for responding to legalistic Christians in a God-honoring way, forgiving those how have hurt you through legalism, and becoming a catalyst of God's amazing grace within the Body of Christ today.To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Scholarship giveaway, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
2/12/202420 minutes, 9 seconds
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Keys to a Healthy Community, Part Two - Navigating Modern Christianity

Leslie continues her Navigating Modern Christianity series with Part Two of her message on keys to a healthy Christian community. In this episode, Leslie unpacks five principles that hallmark a truly healthy and Christ-centered community. These principles are invaluable to building a community that is Biblically-based, outward-focused, edifying, prayer-oriented and Christ-centered. This episode will inspire and equip you to help steer your Christian gatherings and groups toward God's pattern, whether you are a participant or a leader. When believers gather together in a way that brings glory to God, it is not only refreshing and beautiful, but world-changing.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference and save with early bird pricing, visit To learn about our 2024 Ellerslie Scholarship Giveaway, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
2/6/202432 minutes, 33 seconds
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Keys to Healthy Community Part One - Navigating Modern Christianity, Part 5

Leslie continues her series on Navigating Modern Christianity with this practical and eye-opening message on Keys to Healthy Community. Community is a trendy concept in the modern Church, but there are many unhealthy versions of community among today's believers. In this episode, Leslie unpacks several warning signs of unhealthy community and contrasts them with the key Biblical principles that undergird every truly Christ-centered Christian community. If you are part of any kind of Christian group, or long for healthy Christian fellowship, this episode will strengthen and equip you to recognize and build community according to a Biblical pattern.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Scholarship giveaway, visit To support Set Apart Ministires, visit
1/29/202435 minutes, 59 seconds
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Post Modern Christianity - Navigating Modern Christianity, Part 5

Leslie continues her series on Navigating Modern Christianity by looking at the dangers of blending post-modern thinking into our Christianity. Mushy “Christian” messages have become common: messages that imply we can never be certain about what the Bible really means, and that there is no such thing as absolute Truth. As Leslie reminds us, if our feet do not remain planted firmly upon the solid rock of God’s Word, we will be susceptible to embracing their erroneous ideas and becoming weighed down by doubt and confusion.  This message shows us that when we settle it in our heart that Scripture is Truth and that the Bible’s message is reality, we will not be shaken by the confusing, mushy messages that are flooding into modern Christianity.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Online Discipleship Program, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
1/22/202422 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Dangers of Spiritual Pride - Navigating Modern Christianity, Part 4

This week Leslie continues her series on Navigating Modern Christianity with this poignant episode on the dangers of spiritual pride. As we seek to stand boldly for the Truth amid an apathetic and compromised Church, it is vital that we do so in the love and nature of Christ. As Leslie reminds us, it is all too easy to confuse godly discernment with a prideful and critical spirit. This message helps us more clearly see the difference between standing for Truth in a loving and God-honoring way vs becoming tool of discord and division within the Body of Christ. If you are concerned about things you see in the Church or in other Christians' lives, this episode will equip you to respond in a truly healthy way that will impact those around you, rather than pushing them away.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
1/15/202425 minutes, 3 seconds
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Recognizing Subtle Lies - Navigating Modern Christianity, Part 3

Leslie continues her new series on Navigating Modern Christianity with this important episode on recognizing subtle lies that have crept into the Church. As Leslie shares in this week's episode, whenever new thoughts or messages are presented to us, we must learn to weigh them against the Word of God. Before we nod along with other Christians’ ideas, we must stop and ask some key questions. Does this message agree with the truth of Scripture, not just on some points, but in its entirety? Do these thoughts and ideas align with God’s nature and character? This week's episode reminds us that we seek God's wisdom diligently will find it.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
1/8/202426 minutes, 9 seconds
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What's Missing in Modern Christianity - Navigating Modern Christianity, Part 2

Leslie continues her new series on Navigating Modern Christianity with this powerful message on the "missing piece" in modern Christianity - Christ in us, the hope of glory. Instead of accepting defeat and mediocrity as normal, God can enable us to experience the amazing victory of a supernaturally transformed life - exchanging failure for faith and darkness for light. As Oswald Chambers once said, “When you know what God has done for you, the power and tyranny of sin is gone.” As Leslie shares, this amazing transformation cannot happen through even the very best of our human effort. It is only possible through the enabling power of God. We must choose to yield to His transforming work in our soul. For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
1/1/202420 minutes, 54 seconds
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Gaining God's Heart for the Modern Church - Navigating Modern Christianity, Part 1

Leslie kicks off a new series this week called Navigating Modern Christianity. Her first episode, Gaining God's Heart for the Modern Church, tackles the concerns many of us have when we see the apathy, compromise, church splits, off-base doctrine, and discord that is so prevalent in the Church today. How should we respond when we see the widespread compromise in the lives of today's Christians? In this message, Leslie helps us see modern Christianity from God's perspective and gain His heart toward today's wayward believers. Leslie shows us from a Biblical perspective that there is hope for the modern Church, and it’s found in Jesus Christ. Instead of immediately responding with disgust and criticism, we are called to respond with prayer, humility and hope. This episode challenges us toward a mindset that says, "Lord, send a revival, and let it begin with me."For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, visit
12/26/202324 minutes, 42 seconds
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Life Changing Statements from Set Apart Women - My Historical Mentors, Part 14

Leslie wraps up her Historical Mentors series with this episode that highlights powerful and life-impacting statements from set-apart women in history. These statements flow from the spiritual journeys of women who fought the good fight of faith and wrestled for God's victory. Leslie shares how these words have personally impacted her own life, and offers key spiritual take-aways that we can glean from each of them. This message will convict, challenge, inspire and encourage you with simple yet profound words of Christ-centered life-wisdom.To learn more about the 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
12/19/202321 minutes, 38 seconds
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Finishing Well: Christian Heroes Who Go the Distance - My Historical Mentors, Part 13

This week Leslie continues her Historical Mentors series with an inspiring look at what it means to finish well. Near the end of his life Paul said, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Tim 4:7) But in modern Christianity, it has become normal to allow spiritual passion to fade as age and the cares of life begin to take their toll. In this episode, Leslie highlights historical Christians who continued to shine the light of Christ and impact others for eternity, even in their later years with extreme physical challenges. This message casts a vision for what it means to go the distance in living a Christ-centered life.To learn about our Set Apart Christmas specials, visit To register for the 2024 Set Apart Conference (June 7-9), visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
12/11/202324 minutes, 44 seconds
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Three Unique Couples - My Historical Mentors, Part 12

Leslie continues her Historical Mentors series with a powerful look at the lives of three unique couples: Brother Andrew and his wife Corry, Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, and Don and Carol Richardson. All of these men and women had different callings on their lives, but they all had one thing in common - unreserved devotion to Christ. Leslie highlights key moments from each of their stories and offers poignant take-away truths for each of us living in such a time as this.To learn about our Set Apart Christmas specials, available now through December 15, visit To learn about the 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
12/5/202322 minutes, 12 seconds
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Four Inspiring Women - My Historical Mentors, Part 11

This week Leslie continues her Historical Mentors series with four powerful true stories from the lives of Corrie ten Boom, Darlene Diebler, Amy Carmichael and Mary Slessor. These four women each showcased specific attributes of God's grace in their lives that can still apply to us today: humility, faith beyond emotion, sacrificial love and supernatural courage. Those these women all had very different lives and circumstances, they each radiantly reflected Christ in their own unique situations. In this episode, Leslie shares how we can glean from their inspiring examples.To learn about our Christmas specials, visit To learn about the 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
11/28/202317 minutes, 51 seconds
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Weakness In Our Spiritual Heroes - My Historical Mentors, Part 10

This week in the Historical Mentors series Leslie offers Biblical perspective on responding to human weakness in our spiritual mentors. While it's easy to put our Christian heroes on a pedestal, it's critical that we remember that none of them were perfect and all of them had struggles and made mistakes. Instead of focusing primarily on the people we admire, we can redirect our focus toward God's work in and through their lives, and His faithfulness through all of their ups and downs. In this episode, Leslie offers encouragement for responding to weakness in our heroes and keeping our gaze on the One who never fails.To learn about our Set Apart Christmas specials visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministires, visit
11/21/202327 minutes, 39 seconds
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Spiritual Lessons from Esther Ahn Kim - My Historical Mentors, Part 9

Leslie continues her Historical Mentors series with an episode highlighting the amazing life of Esther Ahn Kim. Esther's story shows the power of suffering well for Christ, counting the cost of following Him, and relying on His strength in the midst of our weakness. As Leslie shares in this inspiring episode, this world needs more women like Esther Ahn Kim — young women who unreservedly take up their cross and follow Him, no matter what the cost. May it be our greatest desire to follow such a path and joyfully suffer any hardship for the One who gave everything to us. The world will never be the same when they encounter such a life.To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
11/15/202320 minutes, 18 seconds
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Spiritual Lessons from Gladys Aylward - My Historical Mentors, Part 8

Leslie continues her Historical Mentors series with highlights from Gladys Aylward's amazing missionary life. At eighteen, Gladys encountered Christ and began to gain a burden for the lost around the world — especially the millions of people in China who had never heard the Gospel. It was completely impractical — even impossible — for a girl like Gladys to become a missionary to China. But she had a mighty faith in her mighty God, and as a result God worked miraculously through her to change the people of China for eternity. For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To learn about our Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, visit To support Set Apart Ministries visit
11/8/202325 minutes, 23 seconds
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Spiritual Lessons from Elisabeth Elliot - My Historical Mentors, Part 7

This week Leslie continues her Historical Mentors series by highlighting three poignant truths from Elisabeth Elliot's life and ministry. Leslie was first impacted by Elisabeth during her teen years, and continues to be impacted by this amazing woman's example, even as an adult. In this episode, Leslie describes Elisabeth's commitment to applying the Gospel to every facet of her daily life, her willingness to embrace a crucified life, and to surrender even God's good and perfect gifts back to Him. Elisabeth's selfless, no-nonsense approach to Christianity reminds us what a Gospel-centered life is all about.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To listen to the Daily Thunder podcast, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, visit
10/24/202328 minutes, 34 seconds
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Spiritual Lessons from Betsie ten Boom - My Historical Mentors, Part 6

Leslie continues her Historical Mentors series with a powerful look at the example of Betsie ten Boom. “Spiritualized chaos” is what defines much of modern Christianity. Betsie had every reason - circumstantially speaking - to let frustration, anger, defeat, depression, and chaos rule in her soul and in her outward environment. Yet she chose a different pattern - God’s pattern. Betsie allowed the light, joy, peace, and order of Jesus Christ to transform her from the inside out, and it affected everything about her life - from her countenance, to her words, to even creating an atmosphere of beauty in her prison cell. For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn about our 2024 Set Apart conference, visit To learn about our 2024 Ellerslie training programs, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
10/12/202321 minutes, 33 seconds
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Spiritual Lessons from Lilias Trotter - My Historical Mentors, Part 5

This week Leslie continues her Historical Mentors series with a refreshing and inspiring look at the life of Lilias Trotter, a remarkable and talented woman who gave up both wealth and fame in order to pour out her life to the unreached in Algeria. Lilias's example illustrates the beauty and fulfillment that comes from laying down the "good" in order to surrender to God's very best. Her life is a testimony to the beauty of God's ways and the eternal reward of a fully surrendered heart.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit Catch the Daily Thunder series, Spiritual Lessons from Black and White America here: To learn more about Ellerslie's Discipleship programs, visit
9/30/202322 minutes, 39 seconds
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Spiritual Lessons from Catherine Booth - My Historical Mentors, Part 4

This week Leslie continues her Historical Mentors series with an inspiring look at the life of Catherine Booth, the co-founder of the Salvation Army. All through her life, Catherine kept her spiritual fire aflame against incredible odds. Her example reminds us that we have no excuses for accepting mediocrity in our Christian walk. Catherine's amazing journey urges us to “leave it all on the field”, by God's grace, and for His glory. As Leslie unpacks Catherine's life, you will be challenged not to settle for less than “the impossible God-enabled life” that God has called you to.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries visit To listen to Eric Ludy's Daily Thunder podcast series, Spiritual Lessons from Black and White America, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship Training Programs, visit
9/26/202321 minutes, 41 seconds
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Spiritual Lessons from Biddy Chambers - My Historical Mentors, Part 3

This is the second episode in Leslie's series entitled My Historical Mentors, featuring spiritual lessons from the life of Biddy Chambers - the wife of Oswald Chambers. Biddy's humble and self-sacrificing example points us to God's pattern for "taking the lowest place". Without her tireless and faithful service, the beloved Christian devotional My Utmost His Highest would never have been created and blessed countless thousands around the world. Leslie points us to several qualities from Biddy's life that can encourage and equip us as we seek to live humble, Christ-centered lives in such a time as this.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To tune into Eric Ludy's Daily Thunder podcast series called Spiritual Lessons from Black and White America, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, visit
9/18/202326 minutes, 21 seconds
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Spiritual Lessons from Lillian Trasher - My Historical Mentors, Part 2

Leslie dives into her new series called My Historical Mentors with this powerful and encouraging episode about the life of Lillian Trasher, an American woman who spent nearly 50 years caring for orphans and widows in Egypt. Leslie shares several key spiritual lessons she personally gleaned from Lillian Trasher's story; a story that highlights the power of prayer and the world-changing impact of sacrificial love. Lillian's journey reminds us that God uses every one of our challenges, soul-wrestlings, and impossible circumstances to impact this world through our lives - when we refuse to let go of Him. For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about our 2024 Set Apart Conference, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship programs, visit
9/12/202322 minutes, 48 seconds
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What Makes a Christian Hero? - My Historical Mentors, Part 1

This week, Leslie is launching her new podcast series, My Historical Mentors, where she unpacks spiritual lessons from the lives of women in history who have personally impacted her own walk with Christ. In the first episode of this series, Leslie highlights three Biblical principles that mark a true Christian hero and reminds us that our spiritual heroes were not extraordinary people who lived unattainable lives, but simply ordinary people who made themselves fully available to God.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie Discipleship programs, visit
9/4/202323 minutes, 4 seconds
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Surrendering Bitterness - A Biblical Mindset, Part 24

Leslie continues her Biblical mindset series with a Scriptural look at what it means to surrender bitterness to God. Whenever we have been wounded or offended by others, we often feel it is our right to cling to those offenses, to nurse anger and bitterness in our hearts, and to see the person as an enemy rather than someone to whom we can show God's love and mercy. But when we allow a root of bitterness to grow within our hearts, as Hebrews says, our inner lives become distorted and defiled. It’s impossible to showcase the beauty of Jesus Christ when we are hosting resentment in our hearts. As Leslie reminds us in this episode, God can enable us to surrender bitterness to Him and be completely set free from its' destructive power.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries visit To listen to the Daily Thunder podcast, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie programs, visit
8/28/202321 minutes, 45 seconds
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Overcoming Chaos - A Biblical Mindset, Part 23

Leslie continues her Biblical Mindset series with this practical and Biblical look at exchanging chaos for order and peace. Overcoming chaos may feel like an impossible task in our modern chaotic world. But the good news is that it’s not a task we need to accomplish in our own strength or willpower. God Himself is interested in the details of our homes and personal lives. And He alone can equip us to build our lifestyle into a reflection of His orderly, peaceful nature.For more resources from Leslie, visit or To tune into the Daily Thunder podcast series, Spiritual Lessons from Black and White America, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship programs, visit And to support Set Apart Ministries, visit
8/21/202317 minutes, 48 seconds
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Anxiety, Part 2 - A Biblical Mindset, Part 22

Leslie continues her Biblical mindset series with this practical and powerful episode on overcoming anxiety. Sharing two key principles from Scripture, Leslie reminds us that God’s desire is for us to be completely free from fear and filled with extraordinary courage. In this episode, Leslie challenges us to let God lead us to a place of victory, faith, and triumph so that we can walk in the reality of Philippians 4:6 — being anxious for nothing. As this message reminds us, it is always safe to trust the One who gave everything for us. When we have Jesus, we have nothing to be afraid of.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To follow Eric Ludy's new Daily Thunder Series, Spiritual Lessons from Black and White America, visit
8/14/202317 minutes, 57 seconds
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Anxiety, Part 1 - A Biblical Mindset, Part 21

This week, Leslie continues her Biblical mindset series with a Christ-centered approach to overcoming anxiety. In Philippians 4:6 Paul tells us," Do not be anxious about anything.” But is it really possible not to be anxious about anything? We must always remember that whatever God calls us to He equips us for - including the calling to walk in total victory over anxiety. As Leslie shares in this episode, the very same supernatural courage that was available to our spiritual heroes is also available to us. It was not something they mustered up; it was a work of God’s grace within their souls. They simply made themselves available to it. And we can do the same.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To tune into Eric's newest Daily Thunder series, Spiritual Lessons from Black and White America, visit or watch the videos here:
8/8/202319 minutes, 3 seconds
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Social Media, Part 2 - A Biblical Mindset, Part 20

Leslie continues her Biblical Mindset series this week, diving into Part Two of a Christ-centered approach toward social media. In this episode, Leslie challenges us to examine whether social media is being used in our lives for God's glory or as a distraction or addiction that pulls us away from Him, and offers several practical, Christ-centered steps we can take to put social media in it's proper place. At the end of our lives, we won't want to look back and see the countless hours wasted on things not worthwhile. As Leslie shares in this episode, honoring God's pattern in our digital conduct is one of the best ways to ensure that we are building our days around what is truly important.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie programs, visit To watch student testimonies and learn more about a season at Ellerslie, visit
8/2/202330 minutes, 31 seconds
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Social Media, Part 1 - A Biblical Mindset, Part 19

Leslie continues her Biblical mindset series this week with a fresh, Scriptural look at our conduct on social media. Social media is not wrong in itself, but it does present a number of spiritual pitfalls that we must be aware of as Christian women. In this episode, Leslie offers three Biblical principles for keeping social media in it's place and glorifying God in our digital conduct. If you've ever wondered how to navigate social media in a Christ-honoring way or how to keep your focus on eternal things even in the midst of a digitally obsessed world, this episode will equip and encourage you.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support this podcast visit To access the lowest prices on our 2024 Set Apart Conference registration (online or in person), register by July 31 here:
7/14/202329 minutes, 16 seconds
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Legalism - A Biblical Mindset, Part 18

This week Leslie continues the Biblical Mindset series with a Scriptural look at legalism. As you seek to become consecrated to Christ, Satan would like nothing better than to distract you from true set-apartness and pull you either into the bondage of legalism (self-constructed holiness) or licentiousness (self-ruled, fleshly living). In this episode, Leslie shares important Biblical principles that can help you avoid both of these pitfalls and keep your eyes on the true Source of set-apartness.To register for next year's Set Apart Conference and enjoy the best prices on registration, visit To learn about our 2023 Weeklong Intensive program at Ellerslie, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit Book recommendations: Abide in Christ  by Andrew Murray and The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer. Online article on abiding in Christ by Leslie:
7/6/202323 minutes, 30 seconds
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Parenting, Part 2 - A Biblical Mindset, Part 17

This week Leslie continues her Biblical Mindset toward parenting series, with a powerful look at the spiritual tools that we have at our disposal to see great victories gained in our children's lives. While we often want quick and easy solutions for the issues that we see in our children, God's solution is not primarily human, but spiritual. As Leslie shares in this episode, wrestling prayer for our children should not be an afterthought in our parenting, but the very cornerstone of our child-raising.For more parenting resources from Leslie and the Set Apart Team, visit and To support Set Apart Ministires, visit To learn more about our 2023 Weeklong Discipleship Program at Ellerslie, visit
7/2/202315 minutes, 37 seconds
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Parenting, Part 1 - A Biblical Mindset, Part 16

Leslie continues her Biblical mindset series with a fresh look at our calling as parents to battle spiritually for our children's souls. As modern Christian parents, we often focus primarily on the training aspect of child-raising, while overlooking the deeper call that we have to wrestle in prayer for our children and resist the enemy's work in their lives. In this episode, Leslie reminds us that we cannot simply follow a conservative child-training protocol and call it good - it’s time to go to battle for our children’s souls by, getting on our knees.For more resources from Leslie on godly motherhood, visit and To register for a simulcast of our 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
6/26/202321 minutes, 43 seconds
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Relationships, Part 3 - A Biblical Mindset, Part 15

Leslie continues her Biblical mindset series with this practical episode on preparing for marriage. In this message, Leslie speaks into key questions many single women wonder about relationships, including what to look for in a future husband, how to test man's true character, and how to determine whether a relationship or friendship is truly from God. This episode offers encouragement and guidance for single women and can also be a helpful tool for anyone seeking to point single women toward God's pattern for relationships.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about the Daily Thunder podcast, visit To learn more about Eric and Leslie's Becoming Marriage Ready online course, visit
6/20/202323 minutes, 8 seconds
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Relationships, Part 2 - A Biblical Mindset, Part 14

Leslie continues her Biblical mindset series with this practical episode on establishing a Christ-centered "code of honor" in relationships. As Leslie shares, a Biblical relational code of honor must be an outflow of our personal relationship with Christ, rather than being a list of rules to follow. In this episode, Leslie explores key "honor principles" such as bringing our emotions under God's control, adopting a God-honoring approach to the opposite sex in the single years, and valuing the perspective of our God-given spiritual authorities. For additional resources from Leslie on purity and God-honoring relationships, visit To register for a simulcast of our 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
6/14/202324 minutes, 59 seconds
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Relationships, Part 1 - A Biblical Mindset, Part 13

Leslie continues her Biblical mindset series with key Biblical truths for pre-marriage relationships. This episode focuses on the most important truth for any successful relationship - putting Christ first. Why does putting Jesus first matter so much when it comes to relationships? Because a truly godly relationship can ONLY flow from a surrendered heart. Only then can God write a story that reflects His glory. This episode shows us how to find relational success by putting Christ in His rightful place.For more resources from Leslie, visit To join our 2023 Set Apart Conference via simulcast and share the sessions with other women in your life, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship programs, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
6/5/202325 minutes, 13 seconds
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Decision-Making, Part 2 - A Biblical Mindset, Part 12

Leslie continues her Biblical Mindset series with part-two on godly decision-making. In this episode, Leslie reminds us that God is not trying to hide His wisdom from us or make His voice obscure. Rather, He is ready and waiting to direct our steps, as a good Shepherd lovingly directs His sheep. As Leslie shares in this episode, He does not leave us to figure things out on our own, but is ready to gently and clearly show us the way we should go. All we must do is open our ears and seek Him with all our hearts.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about streaming a simulcast of our 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
5/29/202317 minutes, 56 seconds
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Decision-Making, Part 1 - A Biblical Mindset, Part 11

This week, Leslie continues her Biblical Mindset series with this practical episode on a Truth-based approach to decision-making. All throughout Scripture it is clear that God desires to guide us, direct our paths, give us wisdom, and show us the way we should go. He desires to be intimately involved in the details of our daily lives. In this message, Leslie challenges us to allow God to be the Ruler of our daily lives and decisions, instead of trying to keep Him as a “back seat driver” and unpacks several biblical principles for hearing God’s voice and discerning His specific will for our lives.To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship programs in 2023, visit To learn about our 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
5/22/202320 minutes, 38 seconds
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Keys to a Surrendered Heart - A Biblical Mindset, Part 10

This week Leslie continues her Biblical mindset series with fresh Biblical truths for surrendering our completely lives to Christ. Many of us hesitate to let Christ have access to our entire lives and futures. But when we know who Christ is and who we are IN CHRIST, surrendering fully to Him is the natural outflow. In this episode, Leslie reminds us that we will never be safer or more secure than when Christ has access to every part of our lives - our hopes, dreams and future. He is faithful, and His plans for us are good.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about Ellerslie's Discipleship programs, visit And to join us for this year's Set Apart Conference June 16-18 in Colorado or anywhere, anytime via simulcast, visit
5/11/202320 minutes, 53 seconds
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Emotions - A Biblical Mindset, Part 9

Leslie continues her Biblical Mindset series with this episode on developing a God-honoring approach to emotions. In our culture, our feelings are often placed on a high pedestal. It's easy to put more trust in our emotions than in the unchanging Truth and power of Christ. If we do not develop the habit of bringing our emotions under Christ’s control, we will be in danger of being led by feelings instead of God’s Spirit in our daily actions and life decisions. In this episode, Leslie offers practical ways to bring our emotions under Christ's control by re-setting our everyday processing, thinking and communication patterns according to a Biblical pattern. For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about Ellerslie's Weeklong and 5-Week Discipleship programs in Colorado, visit To register for our 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit
5/2/202323 minutes, 6 seconds
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Friendship - A Biblical Mindset, Part 8

Leslie continues her Biblical mindset series with this episode on a God-honoring approaching friendships. Friendships can be a wonderful and edifying gift, but they can they can also create an unhealthy dependence and take the place God wants to have in our lives. In this episode Leslie shares practical ways to determine whether our friendships are leading us closer to Christ or farther away from Him, and offers key Biblical truths that can help us become a Christ-centered friend.For more resources from Leslie, visit To join us for the 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
4/24/202319 minutes, 37 seconds
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Personality - A Biblical Mindset, Part 7

This week Leslie continues her Biblical Mindset series as she unpacks a Biblical approach to personality and purpose. In a world so preoccupied with “finding our true destiny” and "discovering our uniqueness" it’s easy to become consumed with personal fulfillment and self-discovery. Questions such as “how am I unique?” and “what kind of life will most satisfy me?” often become the focal point of our daily choices and life decisions. But, as Leslie shares this week, God prescribes a completely different pattern for finding our life’s purpose and discovering true fulfillment.  For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2023 Ellerslie discipleship programs, visit To join our 2023 Set Apart Conference in person or via simulcast visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
4/17/202324 minutes, 5 seconds
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Revival - A Biblical Mindset, Part 6

Leslie continues her Biblical mindset series with this week's episode on Revival. If you have been burdened to see revival come to your church, community or nation, this episode unpacks three Biblical keys to true revival. Leslie offers practical steps that each of us can take in our own lives to become catalysts for true life-change and spiritual awakening, both on an individual and corporate level.To register for our 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit To learn about hosting a Set Apart simulcast of this event for the women in your life, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
4/11/202328 minutes, 42 seconds
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Stillness - A Biblical Mindset, Part 5

Leslie continues her Biblical Mindset series with a practical episode on cultivating Biblical stillness in our daily lives. Ps 46:10 says: Be still and KNOW that I am God. This kind of stillness is not just calming down our minds, but it is also the action of learning to experientially know who He is and who He wants to be in our lives. In this message, Leslie contrasts Biblical stillness with the cultural ways of "de-stressing" offered by our culture, and shares two practical ways to cultivate true Biblical stillness in our daily lives.To register for our 2023 Set Apart Conference (in-person or simulcast) visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
4/3/202322 minutes, 24 seconds
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Meditation - A Biblical Mindset, Part 4

This week Leslie continues her Biblical Mindset series with this timely message about what it means to continually meditate on God's Truth and agreeing with Him in our thought life. Dwelling on God's Truth instead of the enemy's lies can turn fearful, painful, and even miserable situations into glorious demonstrations of God’s faithfulness and triumph.  But in a world filled with darkness and pain, it’s far easier to meditate on things that are fearful, discouraging, or dismal than things that are lovely and of good report. In this episode, Leslie offers helpful ways we can learn to bring our thought life under God's authority and dwell upon His Truth day and night.To join us for the 2023 Set Apart Conference (June 16-18), visit To learn more about the Set Apart Magazine, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
3/20/202327 minutes, 43 seconds
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Biblical Worship - A Biblical Mindset, Part 3

This week Leslie continues her Biblical Mindset series with a candid and practical look at Biblical worship. In a time when there are many counterfeit versions of worship in the modern Church, it's vital to understand the Biblical principles that define true worship. In this episode, Leslie offers four practical keys to true worship, not only when it comes to praising our King in church or privately, but also what it means to live a lifestyle of true worship.To register for the 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
3/13/202322 minutes, 49 seconds
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A Biblical Mindset - Beyond The Smoke And Lights, Part 2

Leslie continues the Biblical Mindset series this week with Part 2 of her message called Beyond the Smoke and Lights. In this episode, she offers practical and Biblical principles for protecting our hearts and minds from deception and staying anchored to Truth, even in a time when so much error and compromise has crept into the Church. This message will help you become a discerning Christian and avoid the pitfalls that are so common among today's believers.If you'd like to join us June 16-18 in Colorado for the Set Apart Conference, space is filling quickly so we encourage you to register soon. Learn more and register here: For more resources from Leslie visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
3/6/202321 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Biblical Mindset - Beyond The Smoke And Lights, Part 1

Leslie kicks off a new series this week called A Biblical Mindset and brings an eye-opening message about seeing beyond the distractions and errors in modern Christianity and returning to Biblical thinking, reasoning, and decision-making. Today's episode on "looking beyond the smoke and lights" freshly inspires us to reject cultural lies and proactively seek after the rock-solid Heavenly wisdom that God promises to give those who ask for it.Only one week left to join our Ellerslie Online Program and experience powerful discipleship designed to fit into your busy schedule. Visit here to register for a donation of any amount. For more resources from Leslie visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
2/27/202320 minutes, 11 seconds
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Responding To Sin In Others' Lives - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 17

This week Leslie wraps up her series on Christ-Centered Mentoring with Biblical encouragement for responding to sin and weakness in others' lives. In this practical episode, Leslie offers ways to discern when to confront sin and when to stay silent and wait for God's timing, as well as how to cultivate the right heart attitude toward others who don't share your standards. Confronting sin in others' lives can be challenging, but it leads to productive, healthy fruit when done according to God's pattern.For one more week, we are giving away 10 full-ride scholarships to our 2023 Ellerslie Discipleship Programs! Enter the giveaway before Feb 28th for your chance to win. Learn more about the 2023 Ellerslie scholarship give away here: And for more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
2/20/202319 minutes, 53 seconds
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Cultivating A Truth-Based Mind - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 16

This week Leslie continues her Christ-centered Mentoring series with a message about reasoning from a Truth-based perspective. While it's easy to turn to popular books, blogs and songs for our guidance and encouragement, it's vital to remember that human thoughts and ideas are only beneficial if they are in harmony with the timeless Truth of Scripture. All ideas, notions, concepts, and suggestions are worthless unless they line up 100% with God's Word. In this episode Leslie offers practical ways to develop a Truth-based mindset and learn how to turn to God's Word first and foremost both for our own struggles and for the struggles of those we are ministering to.Last chance to save with early bird pricing on the 2023 Set Apart Conference! Visit to register. Discount ends Feb 15th. To learn more about joining our Ellerslie Online Program visit For more resources from Leslie visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
2/12/202321 minutes, 32 seconds
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Sharing Truth-Based Messages - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 15

This week Leslie continues her Christ-centered mentoring series with an important message about being 100% grounded in Truth in everything we share with others. In mentoring or ministry situations, it's all too easy to fall into the trap of sharing trends instead of Truth. In this episode, Leslie contrasts several trendy "Christian" messages with the Truth of God's Word, and helps us understand how to protect against subtle compromise in our mentoring relationships.This is the final week to save on the 2023 Set Apart Conference! Now through Feb 15 you can save with our early bird pricing. Learn more here: To learn more about our Ellerslie Online program visit: For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries visit
2/6/202329 minutes, 41 seconds
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Finding A Godly Mentor - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 14

This week Leslie continues her Christ-Centered Mentoring series with a practical and encouraging episode on finding godly mentors. When we are in any kind of ministry, it’s important to glean from the wisdom of others who have gone before us and draw from the spiritual strength of others in the Body of Christ. But truly godly mentors can be very hard to find. In this episode Leslie offers helpful insight and important Biblical truths for women who are looking to find other godly women to pour into their lives.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship programs, visit To learn about our 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
1/24/202320 minutes, 45 seconds
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Handling Personal Attack in a Biblical Way - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 13

Leslie continues her Christ-Centered Mentoring series with this poignant episode on handling criticism and personal attack in a Biblical and Christ-honoring way. One we begin to influence others towards truth, personal attack from others often goes with the territory. Unless we have a Biblical perspective on these attacks, the enemy can often use them to distract us or discourage us from our calling. In this message, Leslie dives deep into Scriptural truths that can prove invaluable in helping us triumph through personal attack and allowing it to strengthen both our spiritual lives and our ministry to others.To learn more about the Set Apart Magazine and Leslie’s online mentoring program, visit To learn more about the 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministires, visit
1/23/202325 minutes, 6 seconds
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Never Give Up - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 12

This week Leslie continues her series on Christ-Centered Mentoring with an encouraging message about never giving up even during times of discouragement. When you are wrestling for a soul or pouring truth into others and you don't see any fruit, it's easy to wonder if it's really worth it, and the temptation to give up can be very strong. In this episode, Leslie shares powerful true stories about the importance of not growing weary in well doing. If you have been tempted to give up when it comes to ministry, these important Biblical reminders can infuse you with new strength.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about the 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
1/16/202324 minutes, 37 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare in Mentoring - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 11

This week Leslie continues her Christ-Centered Mentoring series, with this practical episode on spiritual warfare in ministry. Even if you don’t feel that your ministry is large or significant, if you are touching even one life with the light and love of Christ, it is a threat to the enemy, and he will do everything in his power to get you to stop.  In this episode, Leslie offers Biblical perspective and practical insights for overcoming enemy attack and moving boldly forward in your calling to reach others with truth.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
1/9/202329 minutes, 47 seconds
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Boundaries - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 10

This week Leslie continues her Christ-centered Mentoring series with an eye-opening episode about setting Biblical boundaries. In this episode, Leslie highlights the difference between healthy, truth-based, God-honoring boundaries and counterfeit, self-protective boundaries, and shares practical ways to set Christ-honoring boundaries in ministry while still living a poured-out life.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn about our 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
1/2/202324 minutes, 42 seconds
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Channel of Blessing, Part 2 - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 9

This week Leslie continues her Christ-centered mentoring series with Part Two of her message on becoming a channel of blessing. In this episode, she offers four practical ways to get out of "park" and into "drive" in sharing the hope of the Gospel with others. If you desire to take steps toward becoming a conduit of God’s love to the souls around you, this episode will give you practical steps to take, starting today.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our special early bird pricing for the 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
12/26/202219 minutes, 12 seconds
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Channel of Blessing, Part 1 - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 8

This week Leslie continues her Christ-centered Mentoring series with a candid episode on what to do when we feel depleted and inadequate, drawing inspiration from the example of her great-grandmother Ida. It's easy to forget that what God calls us to, He equips us for. But no matter how inadequate we feel, He is ready and waiting to provide us with spiritual refreshment to offer others, if we will allow Him to. As Christ’s Body, we are meant to be carriers of His hope, light, and truth to a desperately needy world. But just like the disciples who were asked to feed a multitude without any resources, we must look to Him to supply what we need in order to fulfill this call.  To register for the 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
12/19/202216 minutes, 41 seconds
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Leading a Healthy Small Group - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 7

This week Leslie continues her Christ-Centered Mentoring series with practical insights for leading a healthy and God-honoring small group. Whether you are mentoring a group of women or are a participant in a group Bible study, these principles will help you cultivate an atmosphere of spiritual strength and godly exhortation. In this episode, Leslie shares Biblical keys that hallmark a healthy Christian gathering and offers simple and practical ways to cultivate each of those principles in your own small group.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our Set Apart Christmas specials, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, please visit our online giving page here:
12/12/202220 minutes, 33 seconds
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Common Mentoring Pitfalls - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 6

This week Leslie continues her Christ-Centered Mentoring series with a poignant message about avoiding common mentoring pitfalls. In this episode, Leslie tackles some of the incorrect mindsets and approaches we often take into mentoring relationships, and offers Biblical alternatives for each. Whether you are currently a mentor or have a burden to disciple others, these truths can prove invaluable in making you an effective minister of the Gospel.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our Set Apart Christmas specials, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, please visit our online giving page here:
12/6/202224 minutes, 50 seconds
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Strength vs. Sympathy - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 5

This week Leslie continues her Christ-centered Mentoring series with this practical episode on pointing women to Christ's strength. While human sympathy often seems like the best response when someone shares their struggles, we can quickly become a tool in the enemy's hands if we encourage that person toward self-pity. What every struggling soul truly needs is a friend who will help them become strong in the Lord and the power of His might. This week Leslie unpacks practical ways to offer Biblical strength vs. human sympathy in our mentoring relationships and friendships.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To register for the 2023 Set Apart Conference and learn about our early bird discount, visit
11/28/202224 minutes, 8 seconds
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Being Relevant - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 4

This week Leslie continues her Christ-centered Mentoring series with a practical look at what it means to communicate Truth in a relatable and relevant way. Contrary to popular belief, being "relevant" does not come from being trendy, experienced, or culturally sensitive, but from being grounded in the Word of God. In this episode Leslie shares practical Biblical solutions for common problems that many women today are facing, and equips mentors to communicate Biblically, rather than just culturally.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship programs, visit
11/17/202222 minutes, 2 seconds
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Truth-based vs. Emotion-based Mentoring - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 3

Leslie continues her Christ-centered Mentoring series with this poignant episode on choosing truth over emotion in mentoring relationships and friendships. We often measure our success in reaching another woman's soul based on how much emotion is expressed and how much she opens up about her struggles. But as this episode reminds us, true discipleship success can only measured by how well we fasten the other person’s soul to Jesus Christ. For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministires, visit To learn more about our 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit
11/14/202227 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Battle Over Souls - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 2

Leslie continues her Christ-Centered Mentoring series in this week's episode on the battle over souls. When we say “yes” to God’s call to lead others to Jesus, we are entering a battleground. In order to be effective in winning souls, we must get ready for this battle, armed with the spiritual weapons God has given us. In this episode, Leslie offers practical insights for recognizing and spiritually preparing for the battleground of discipleship.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about Ellerslie Discipleship Training visit
11/4/202225 minutes, 8 seconds
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Living With Eternal Purpose - Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 1

This week Leslie begins a new series on Christ-centered Mentoring. Though “mentoring” has become a popular word in many Christian circles, it's easy to misunderstand what the souls around us truly need. In this episode, Leslie offers Biblical and practical insights for impacting others through one-on-one discipleship - going beyond mere life-coaching and instead offering the Truth that can set them free. No matter what season of life you are in, you can impact others eternally when you make yourself fully available to God.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To register for the 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit
10/25/202223 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Power of Praying With Your Spouse - Personal Life Lessons, Part 14

Leslie continues her Personal Life Lesson series with this candid episode on the power of praying with your spouse, sharing about the impact that prayer has had on her own marriage. Whether you are married or know some who could use an infusion of strength in marriage, this episode offers practical ways to develop the habit of praying together as a couple. When a couple touches the heart of God together as a team, the natural result is a clearer sense of unity, purpose, and like-mindedness that can transform a marriage relationship. Get more resources from Leslie at To support Set Apart Ministries, please visit To learn about Leslie's Marriage and Motherhood online course, visit
10/24/202219 minutes, 15 seconds
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Christ-Centered Time Management - Personal Life Lessons, Part Thirteen

This week Leslie continues her Personal Life Lessons, sharing her own journey in personal life lessons. Ephesians 5:15-16 exhorts us, “See that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” To “redeem the time” means to seize each moment God has given us and use it for His glory, but that is easier said than done in our fast paced world. In this episode Leslie shares practical insights for a Christ-centered approach to time management.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To save 25% on Leslie's Marriage Online Course, visit To learn about Eric's Honorable Manhood Online Program, visit
10/19/202222 minutes, 34 seconds
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Thriving in Motherhood - Personal Life Lessons, Part 12

This week, Leslie returns to her Personal Life Lesson series, talking about spiritual keys to thriving in motherhood. As Leslie shares, motherhood success is not about being perfect. Rather, it’s becoming completely dependent upon the only One who is - Jesus Christ. This episode reminds us that in every motherhood challenge we face, there is a spiritual breakthrough awaiting us, if we will have eyes to see it.For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn about Leslie's Marriage and Motherhood online course, visit To register for the 2023 Set Apart conference, visit To support this podcast visit our online giving page at
10/12/202223 minutes, 8 seconds
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Keys to a Christ-Centered Romance

When it comes to relationships, it’s hard to imagine a more confusing time in history than the times in which we live. Even in the Church, a fog seems to have settled over topics like singleness, purity, and marriage. In this episode, Leslie shares important truths from Scripture for building a Christ-centered romance. These key scriptural truths can help to clear away fog over this area and bolster your confidence in the amazing ways of our God!For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, please visit our online giving page here. To learn about Leslie's Marriage and Motherhood online course, visit us here. To learn about Eric's Honorable Manhood online program, click here.
10/3/202225 minutes, 33 seconds
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True Rest - Personal Life Lessons, Part Eleven

This week Leslie shares her personal journey to discovering true rest. Resting is an important way to honor God’s pattern for our work and lives. But, as Leslie shares, resting the right way - God’s way - is of crucial importance. Otherwise, we are merely settling for a counterfeit version of rest that doesn’t lead to lasting peace or refreshment. To support this podcast, please visit our online giving page at: To discover more resources from Leslie visit To register for our 2023 Set Apart conference, visit And to learn more about our Ellerslie discipleship programs, visit
9/28/202218 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Truth About People-Pleasing - Personal Life Lessons, Part Ten

Leslie continues her Personal Life Lessons series this week with a candid episode about people-pleasing. It’s easy to blame “serving others” as the main culprit behind our burn-out and stress. A common mentality is that if we try to make other people happy, we will neglect ourselves and become depressed, over-worked martyrs. But as Leslie shares in this episode, when we serve “as unto the Lord and not to men”, and when we lean upon the amazing strength of Christ, it can be one of the most refreshing and energizing activities we can ever engage in.To support the Set Apart podcast, visit our online giving page here: For more resources from Leslie, visit To register for our 2023 Set Apart Conference, visit
9/21/202225 minutes, 25 seconds
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Taking the Lowest Place - Personal Life Lessons, Part Eight

Leslie continues her Personal Life Lessons series with a powerful message on taking the lowest place. This episode reminds us that in God’s Kingdom, we are not called to seek our own honor, but His. He does not call us to be noticed and applauded by the world but to decrease so that He might be seen through us.For more resources from Leslie visit  To support this podcast, visit our online giving page:   To learn about Eric Ludy’s online program for men, Honorable Manhood, visit  To listen to the Daily Thunder Podcast, visit  
9/13/202222 minutes, 20 seconds
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Hurtful Christians - Personal Life Lessons, Part Seven

Leslie continues her series on Personal Life Lessons with Part Two of her message on Hurtful Christians.  In this episode, Leslie shares additional insights into gaining a Christ-centered perspective and response when we experience pain by fellow believers.  Being hurt by Christians can be devastating.  But as this episode reminds us, we serve a God of healing, redemption and supernatural victorious love. In this week’s message, Leslie offers four biblical and practical keys to processing pain caused by Christians in a healthy, life-changing, Christ-centered way.For more resources from Leslie, visit Learn about Eric Ludy's Honorable Manhood program here: Learn about Ellerslie's 2023 discipleship programs here: . To support the ministry of Set Apart, please visit our online giving page here:
9/6/202221 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Blessing of Difficulty - Personal Life Lessons, Part Six

This week Leslie continues her series on Personal Life Lessons.  In this episode, she reflects back on some of the most difficult seasons she has faced and unpacks the spiritual blessings that came out of those challenges. As this message demonstrates, trials can be a catalyst for the greatest spiritual growth we can ever experience, if we respond correctly to them.Listen to Eric Ludy and others share powerful truth on the Daily Thunder Podcast here: Learn more about our 2023 discipleship training programs here And to discover more resources from Leslie’s Set Apart Ministry, visit To support the ministry of Set Apart, please visit:
8/30/202226 minutes, 41 seconds
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Spiritual Sloppiness - Personal Life Lesson, Part Five

This week, Leslie continues her series on Personal Life lessons, sharing about an important season of her life in which God convicted her of spiritual sloppiness.  It’s easy to slide into spiritual apathy without evening realizing it.  This candid episode offers practical, Biblical truth for overcoming and preventing spiritual sloppiness and keeping our love relationship with Christ as the focal point of our lives.To register for our 2023 Set Apart Conference and save, visit To learn more about our 2023 Ellerslie programs visit: And to support the ministry of Set Apart, please visit .
8/22/202226 minutes, 42 seconds
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An Uncomfortable Calling - Personal Life Lessons, Part Four

This week Leslie continues her Personal Life Lessons Series, sharing spiritual keys to stepping out of our comfort zone and saying yes to God’s call on our lives, even when we feel weak and inadequate. If God is calling you to step out of your comfort zone, this candid episode will remind you that He doesn’t just give you an impossible task, He supplies everything You need in order to carry it out.To learn more about the Set Apart Magazine and Leslie’s Online Mentoring Program, visit  To learn more about the Daily Thunder podcast, visit here.  And to support Set Apart Ministries, please visit us here.
8/15/202228 minutes, 41 seconds
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Hurtful Christians - Personal Life Lessons Part Three

This week, Leslie continues her series on Personal Life Lessons. In this candid and deeply personal episode, Leslie shares spiritual lessons from her own life about dealing with insensitive or hurtful Christians. Drawing from her personal experience, as well as sharing powerful stories from women in Christian history, Leslie shares Biblical perspective and practical truth for responding to hurtful people in a Christ-like and triumphant way.To learn more about the Set Apart Magazine or Leslie's Online Mentoring Program, visit To support Set Apart Ministries please visit
8/8/202226 minutes, 5 seconds
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Spiritual Discernment: Personal Life Lessons, Part Two

This week Leslie continues her Personal Life Lessons series, sharing about her early ministry years and her journey to recognize and respond to error within the modern Church. This episode offers an eye-opening look at the state of Christianity today and offers practical ways that we as believers can grow in spiritual discernment for such a time as this. To join our upcoming 5-Week Discipleship program at Ellerslie, visit To explore further resources from Leslie, visit And if you'd like to support Set Apart Ministries visit
8/2/202224 minutes, 36 seconds
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Constant Surrender: Personal Life Lessons Part One

In her new series, Leslie recalls significant personal experiences throughout her life and the important spiritual lessons learned through them.  In this episode, Leslie talks about some unexpected challenges she faced during her first year of marriage, and how God used those circumstances to cultivate a deeper surrender to Him.If you would like to join us in Colorado this fall for our upcoming 5-week discipleship program, there are just a few spots left.  Visit learn more and register.  If you want to explore more of Leslie’s resources on living a Christ-centered life,  And to support Set Apart Ministries, please visit our online giving page here: 
7/25/202218 minutes, 12 seconds
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Part Three - Cultivating Incorruptible Beauty

In Part Three of this series, Leslie explores two practicals ways we can cultivate Heavenly beauty in our daily lives - choosing truth over emotion and choosing freedom over shame.  As women in this culture, we are often told that following our feelings is good - but it’s only when we build our lives upon the unchanging Truth of God that we can truly shine with Christ's radiance.  Leslie shares practical insights from God’s Word that help us align our emotions and decisions with God’s Truth and showcase the light of Christ through our daily lives.There are still a few spots left in our fall 5-Week discipleship program!  Learn more and register at  For more resources on set-apart living, visit Leslie’s website:  And if you would like to support Set Apart Ministries, please visit our online giving page here. 
7/20/202219 minutes, 40 seconds
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Part Two: Cultivating Incorruptible Beauty

In part two of this series on Incorruptible Beauty, Leslie unpacks the principle of becoming a “friend of the Bridegroom” and offers practical ways that we as women can point others to Christ and not ourselves. There is tremendous freedom in focusing not on what others think of us - but only on what they think of Him. Becoming a friend of the Bridegroom is one of the most tangible ways to showcase true Heavenly beauty in our daily lives and relationships. If you are interested in joining our upcoming 5-Week program at Ellerslie (Aug 13-Sept 17), you can learn more here: To learn more about Leslie’s Online Mentoring Program, click here To support the work of Set Apart Ministires, visit our online giving page here
7/13/202222 minutes, 9 seconds
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Cultivating Incorruptible Beauty: Part One

This week, Leslie unpacks the spiritual keys to true feminine beauty and offers practical ways to allow Christ's Heavenly radiance to  shine through our lives.  This episode is the first of a three-part series on practical ways to cultivate the incorruptible beauty of Christ in our daily lives.  To learn more about our 2022 and 2023 Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, visit   For additional resources from Leslie on set apart living, visit And to learn more about how you can support this podcast, visit
7/6/202220 minutes, 55 seconds
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Christianity that Works

In this episode, Leslie lays the foundation for exchanging defeated Christianity for victorious Christianity.  On our own, triumphant Christianity is impossible to achieve, any more than a branch can produce fruit while laying detached on the ground. But when we are in Christ and He is in us, our Christian life can flourish without striving and effort, simply because we are connected to the Vine.  He Himself becomes our spiritual life source.  This week, Leslie offers practical ways to stay connected to Christ as our Vine, even amid the daily hustle and bustle of life, and reminds where the power to live out true Christianity really comes from.If you’d like to join us in Colorado this year for one of our Ellerslie discipleship programs, there are just a few spots left in our Weeklong and 5-Week program.  Space is filling quickly!  Learn more and register here:  Or learn more about set-apart living and Leslie’s ministry at 
6/29/202219 minutes, 14 seconds
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Overcoming Excuses

Oswald Chambers said, “there is no condition of life in which we cannot abide in Jesus.” This statement is Biblical and true, but the enemy doesn’t want us to believe it. He is a master of excuses, constantly seeking to hinder us from building a thriving relationship with Christ. In this episode, Leslie offers Biblical, practical ways to overcome excuses and draw closer to Jesus Christ.If you would like to take a set-apart season to build a thriving relationship with Christ, we invite you to join us in Colorado for one of our upcoming Ellerslie discipleship programs this summer/fall. Learn more about our Weeklong Intensive program and our 5-Week Classic Program more about supporting Set Apart ministries
6/22/202219 minutes, 55 seconds
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Overcoming Lies

Whenever we take a step forward with Christ, the enemy often is right there, trying to discourage us and whisper lies into our ears. In this episode, Leslie offers powerful biblical truth for countering the enemy’s lies and clearing the fog of deception that hinders us from the victorious Christian life. Don’t forget, there is only one more day to register for a simulcast of our 2022 Set Apart Conference! When you register, you’ll have access to the conference sessions for the rest of 2022. Learn more and register here:
6/14/202214 minutes, 38 seconds
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Abiding in Christ’s Love

In this week's episode, Leslie reminds us that God is waiting to heal, redeem and restore us when we abide in His love and trust instead of doubt.  Even when we can’t see the end of the story, He is always faithful to finish the work He began, in His perfect time.Don’t miss the chance to join our 2022 Set Apart Conference via simulcast! Our theme for this year’s event is Abide. Register and gain access to the sessions for the rest of 2022 - it’s a great way to enjoy the sessions on your own or with a group.  Last day to register is June 15! Learn more and register here: 
6/9/202214 minutes, 49 seconds
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Finding Hope in Lonely Seasons

This week Leslie offers hope and Heavenly perspective to anyone walking through a season of loneliness.  Whether you are single with a desire to be married or feeling overlooked and excluded, Leslie reminds us that solitary seasons can become amazing catalysts for cultivating a deeper walk with Christ and preparing for what He has for our future.  Join Leslie, Eric and the Ellerslie team at Ellerslie this summer for a set-apart season of going deeper with Jesus.  Our 5-Week or Weeklong programs are filling quickly!  Learn more and register here: And there’s still time to register for a simulcast of this year’s Set Apart Conference, and gain access to the sessions for the rest of 2022. Register here: 
5/23/202213 minutes, 48 seconds
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When People Let You Down (Part Two)

We often view seasons of loneliness and pain as a problem that needs to be avoided at all costs.  In this episode Leslie reminds us what those seasons can become - an opportunity to grow closer to Christ than we ever thought possible. Leslie unpacks the reality that Jesus is not a distant King who can’t relate to our struggles or meet our deepest needs, but the perfect fulfillment of every longing within our heart, and offers practical suggestions for drawing near to Him during seasons of aloneness and heartache. And remember - only a few weeks left to register for our 2022 Set Apart Conference!  Join us in person (only a handful of spots are left for CO) or via simulcast anywhere you are, and gain access to the session for the rest of this year.  Learn more and register here:
5/16/202215 minutes, 27 seconds
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When People Let You Down (Part One)

This week Leslie begins a two-part series on how to have a Heavenly perspective when others let you down. If you have ever been hurt by others - if you have ever felt alone, rejected, isolated, abandoned, or disregarded - this episode will encourage and uplift you with a fresh reminder of the incredible nearness, comfort, restoration, healing and faithfulness of our King. Don’t forget to register for our 2022 Set Apart Conference, June 3-5 in Colorado or anywhere via simulcast! (Simulcast registrants will have access to the session for the remainder of 2022!) Learn more and register here: 
5/9/202219 minutes, 8 seconds
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Praying Boldly

Description:  Today Leslie continues her series on powerful praying.  Many of us are afraid to pray boldly and specifically for the needs in our lives or the burdens on our hearts.  But God’s pattern for prayer involves both boldness and determination. In this episode Leslie unpacks key Biblical principles for praying with confidence, courage, and faith.  And don’t forget to register to join us in CO or via simulcast for our upcoming Set Apart Conference June 3-5 (store Get details and register  And to learn more about subscribing to our Set Apart quarterly magazine, click  
4/22/202212 minutes, 47 seconds
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Overcoming Personal Prayer Roadblocks

Description:  What hinders us from a thriving prayer life?  That’s the question Leslie tackles in this week’s episode. Whether it’s a practical hinderance such as busyness or a spiritual barrier such as doubt, it’s critical to tackle those roadblocks head-on with God’s liberating Truth. By God’s grace, let’s overcome our personal prayer barriers and experience the amazing strength and joy that comes from a thriving prayer life! Don’t forget to register for this year’s Set Apart conference June 3-5, in-person or via simulcast!  Learn more and register here: learn more here: And to become a digital or print subscriber to our Set Apart Magazine,
4/13/202223 minutes, 25 seconds
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Four Ways to Revive Your Prayer Life

In this episode Leslie offers 4 practical ways to overcome spiritual apathy and revive your prayer life.  Even in our busiest seasons of life, prayer is meant to be our steering while and not our spare tire, as Corrie ten Boom often said.  But how to we do that in our fast-paced daily lives?  This message will equip and inspire you to make prayer a priority even when it doesn’t seem physically possible, and experience the joy and strength that comes from sitting at Jesus’ feet.  Don’t forget to register for this year’s Set Apart conference, June 3-5 in CO or anywhere via simulcast!  It’s a powerful event for women of all ages.  Learn more and register here: 
4/7/202222 minutes, 12 seconds
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Spiritual Lessons from Hudson Taylor

In this episode Leslie highlights powerful truths gleaned from the life and testimony of Hudson Taylor, who is known as the father of modern missions.  Hudson Taylor was simply an ordinary Christian who was fully surrendered to an extraordinary God - and his life is a demonstration of what is possible when we fully yield to His purposes. Glean insights on wrestling prayer, overcoming fear, and breaking out of your comfort zone through Hudson’s inspiring story.  And don't forget to register for our annual Set Apart Conference, June 3-5 in CO or anywhere via simulcast. Visit for details.  To learn more about the Set Apart ministry, visit
4/1/202217 minutes, 12 seconds
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Spiritual Lessons from Mary Slessor

In this episode Leslie shares the inspiring story of Mary Slessor, a missionary to Africa who demonstrated extraordinary courage and dependence upon God.  We can gain valuable spiritual truths from this powerful testimony of an ordinary woman who came from very difficult circumstances and was mightily used for the glory of God.  And don’t forget that space is quickly filling up for our 2022 Set Apart Conference, Jun 3-5 in CO or anywhere you are via simulcast.  Visit to learn more and register.
3/21/202222 minutes, 1 second
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Spiritual Lessons from Elizabeth Fry

This week Leslie highlights powerful truths demonstrated in the life of Elizabeth Fry - a Quaker woman from the 1800's whom God used to reform prisons and share the Gospel with prisoners across Europe. Leslie shares practical Biblical principles from Elizabeth's example that apply to our lives today, with a fresh challenge to make ourselves fully available to God and let Him work through us as He sees fit. And don’t forget to register for Leslie’s upcoming Abide conference June 3-5 in CO or anywhere you are via simulcast. Space is filling quickly. Learn more and register at
3/14/202217 minutes, 28 seconds
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Life-changing statement from Corrie ten Boom

This week Leslie continues her series on Spiritual Lessons from Corrie ten Boom by sharing eight of her most powerful quotes.  Leslie unpacks the life-changing Biblical principles behind each of these statements from Corrie, and shares personal stories of how they have impacted her own spiritual life.  Gain fresh encouragement on key areas such as surrender, forgiveness, faith, and the enabling grace of God.  Also there is one week left to enter to win one of ten full-ride scholarships to our 2022 Ellerslie discipleship programs.  Enter the giveaway here:  If you’d like to support the Set Apart Ministry or explore additional recourses from Leslie, visit
3/3/202222 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ideas for Family Discipleship

Have you ever wondered how to effectively lead your children closer to Christ?  Whether you are a mom, a future mom, or someone with influence over children, this episode will give you fresh vision and practical ideas for pointing children toward Gospel-centered living and giving them a God-sized vision for their future.  With powerful stories from Christian history as well as personal stories from her own family, Leslie presents powerful and practical truth to help you invest eternally into your children’s lives.  For a powerful family discipleship tool, register for our Ellerslie Online Program for a donation of any size and gain access to the course through July 31. Learn more and register here:  Discover more resources for Christ-centered living at Leslie’s website at 
2/24/202222 minutes, 59 seconds
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God Our Refuge

In a time when the world around us is controlled by fear and self-protection, we as Christians are called to make God our refuge.  In this episode, Leslie shares powerful true stories about the supernatural protection of God, and reminds us what it means to choose faith over fear.  Explore other episodes at And don’t miss the chance to register for our 2022 Ellerslie Online Discipleship for a donation of any size, and gain access through July 31 to powerful daily videos from Leslie, Eric and the Ellerslie team.  Deadline to register is Feb 25. Learn more and register at
2/17/202223 minutes, 18 seconds
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Spiritual Lessons from Corrie Ten Boom, Part 2

This week Leslie continues her series on Spiritual Lessons from Corrie ten Boom. Corrie’s beautiful example of humility, child-like faith, and trust in God’s guidance offers Biblical and practical encouragement for the struggles many of us are facing today.  If you have ever wondered how to hear God’s voice and be led by Him in decision-making you will inspired by these truths from Corrie’s life and ministry.  Listen to Part 1 of this series and explore other episodes at And from now though Feb 18th you can join our Ellerslie Online Discipleship program for a donation of any size and experience powerful daily videos from Leslie, Eric and the Ellerslie team.  Learn more and register at
2/10/202221 minutes, 36 seconds
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Fresh Reminders for Purity

As Valentine’s Day approaches, many of us struggle with discontentment in romantic relationships.  In this week’s episode Leslie offers fresh Biblical reminders and encouragement for God’s pattern for true purity, set-apartness, and finding fulfillment in Christ no matter what season of life you are in.  
2/2/202216 minutes, 24 seconds
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Spiritual Lessons from Corrie ten Boom, Part I

This week Leslie begins a brand new series on Spiritual Lessons from Corrie ten Boom. Tune in as Leslie unpacks Corrie’s admirable childlike faith, the power of forgiveness, and her patient endurance which left a profound spiritual legacy for us to glean from today!
1/14/202217 minutes, 14 seconds
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Extraordinary Courage

This is episode four in Leslie’s Spiritual Lessons from Darlene Deibler series. This week, Leslie focuses on Darlene’s extraordinary courage that was found not in her own strength, but in God’s power and ability.
12/29/202114 minutes, 43 seconds
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My Cell, My Sanctuary

This week Leslie shares part three in the new series Spiritual Lessons from Darlene Deibler. When Darlene was imprisoned during World War II as a prisoner of war, she discovered the beauty of drawing near to Jesus in the secret place even amidst a war zone. These lessons from Darlene’s life will remind you that with God, nothing is impossible. 
12/22/202113 minutes, 37 seconds
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Availability to God

This week Leslie continues her new series on Spiritual Lessons from Darlene Deibler. In this episode, Leslie touches upon the mindset that provided strength and stability to this jungle missionary in her darkest moments — that of being readily available to the Lord. Discover how this perspective will change our approach to difficult times as well.
12/15/202112 minutes, 44 seconds
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Never for a Moment

This week Leslie begins a new series on Spiritual Lessons from Darlene Deibler, missionary to modern-day Papua New Guinea. Follow this young missionary wife into the war-torn jungle during WWII and see how God’s faithfulness is always present, even when it is unseen.
12/7/202116 minutes, 10 seconds
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Exceedingly Abundantly Beyond

Do you live as if God is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond what you could ask or imagine? This week, Leslie gives a timely reminder of God's almighty power at work in our everyday lives. 
11/3/202112 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Miracle of Unity

This is the fifth episode in Leslie Ludy’s Spiritual Lessons from Amy Carmichael series. Tune in this week to discover the beauty of likeminded unity within the Body of Christ and how we, as disciples, are supposed to join together in community that brings Heaven to earth.
10/22/202122 minutes, 53 seconds
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Astounding Humility

This is the fourth episode in the Spiritual Lessons from Amy Carmichael series. This week Leslie focuses on the astounding humility that Amy demonstrated throughout her life and ministry. Tune in to be inspired by the beauty of choosing lowest place. For more information about the ministry of Set Apart Girl, please visit: Or consider partnering with the ministry by donating at: Thunder is a podcast with Eric and Leslie Ludy, Nathan Johnson, and special guests. For more information about Daily Thunder or to tune in, please visit:
10/7/202119 minutes, 18 seconds
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Backyard Mission Fields

Leslie continues her series on Spiritual Lessons from Amy Carmichael. Today she is building on that theme by talking about our backyard mission field. Is the mission field across an ocean, or can it also be found in our nation, our communities, or even our own family? Leslie answers that question and more in this week’s episode! For more information about the ministry of Set Apart Girl, please visit: Or consider partnering with the ministry by donating at: Thunder is a podcast with Eric Ludy, Nathan Johnson, and special guests. For more information about Daily Thunder or to tune in, please visit:
9/29/202128 minutes, 10 seconds
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Action-Based Christianity

Last week we began a series on Spiritual Lessons from Amy Carmichael. Tune into the next episode as Leslie unpacks the principle of action-based Christianity as exemplified through Amy’s life and how we can put hands and feet to our beliefs on a day-to-day basis.
9/16/202122 minutes, 19 seconds
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One of the Few

This week Leslie begins a new series on Spiritual Lessons from Amy Carmichael. These snapshots of Amy’s life will spur you on to complete love and devotion to Jesus Christ. Today Leslie shares the powerful story of Amy’s choice to view God’s refiner’s fire as a chance to die to self, and how we, too, can make different choices to become one of the few in this generation to live wholly for our King.
9/9/202118 minutes, 13 seconds
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Gaining God's Heart for the Unborn

This week Leslie shares a topic that is close to her heart — the preciousness of life and how to gain God's burden for the unborn. God's Word tells us that He knows us when we are still in our mother's womb, and yet the world often presents the opposite message. Gaining God's heart for the unborn begins with an awakening to the plight of innocent lives that are being snuffed out through abortion and opening our ears to the cry of children in dangerous situations around the world. Gain vision for how to take a step in standing for those who have no voice by tuning into this week's episode.
9/3/202118 minutes, 30 seconds
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Being Real the Right Way, Part II

This week Leslie finishes her two-part series on how to be real the right way. There's a fine line between being honest and gossiping with others, and opening up about our sin struggles in a way that leads to victory rather than defeat. Leslie shares how we can purpose to share with biblical honesty rather than counterfeit honesty with the short time we have here on earth in order to reflect the beautiful nature of Jesus Christ.
8/18/202114 minutes, 55 seconds
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Being Real the Right Way, Part I

Women are encouraged to be “raw and real” under the banner of honesty, but how can we be “real” the right way? This week, Leslie unpacks two different ways we, as Christian women, can choose to be real with one another that leads to healthy relationships and greater unity within the Body of Christ.
8/11/202114 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ordinary-Epic Living

Are Christian heroes a thing of the past that was for a certain time period or for special Christians only? This week, Leslie talks about ordinary-epic living and how our small steps of obedience can add up to world-changing impact. Tune in as she shares that heroic Christianity is the result of becoming fully available to Jesus Christ.
8/4/202117 minutes, 35 seconds
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Building Daily Intimacy with Christ

In a fast-paced world, how do we build daily intimacy with Christ? This week, Leslie unpacks helpful practicals that lead to life-giving habits that cultivate deeper devotion to Jesus.
7/26/202121 minutes, 6 seconds
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All Things for God

Do you truly believe that God works all things together for good — even when the story takes a turn seemingly for the worse? Often the negative things that happen to us often cause us to question the love of our Heavenly Father. Leslie presents a hope-filled message that touches on the beautiful promises of God’s redemptive plan and shares real-life stories of God giving beauty for ashes. Refuse to give up hope before the story is over and be encouraged with this week’s episode!
7/10/202121 minutes, 8 seconds
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Becoming Marriage Ready, Part Two

This week Leslie shares part two of Becoming Marriage Ready. Discover the key to true fulfillment, whether single or married and hear key principles that you can begin to incorporate into daily life now that will help you build a marriage that goes the distance.
7/2/202119 minutes, 33 seconds
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Becoming Marriage Ready, Part One

What does it take to become marriage ready? Glean from examples Leslie shares out of 25+ years of marriage and gain vision for how to prepare for a marriage that goes the distance. This episode is brimming with helpful and practical ideas you can begin walking in today — whether single or married!
6/24/202115 minutes, 51 seconds
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Grace-Filled Communication

The Bible has so much to say about gracious, God-honoring speech. And yet, it can be one of the easiest things to overlook or excuse in our lives. This week, Leslie is diving into the practicals of how to honor and glorify God with every word we speak, write, post, or tweet. Discover how to bring words of life to those around you, as well as declaring God's beautiful truth to your own soul. 
6/16/202121 minutes, 15 seconds
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Preparing for Spiritual Battle

It's undeniable that we are living in the midst of a battlefield. How do we stand strong for Christ amidst the pressures and key attack points the enemy seeks to bring against us? Leslie explains how to gain a practical strategy to detecting and resisting the fiery darts he would seek to throw your way in this week's episode.
6/7/202120 minutes, 38 seconds
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Removing Safety Cones

We all have areas where we can be prone to draw boundaries around what we’re willing to have God ask of us. This week, Leslie gives a timely reminder that it is in times like these that we all need to be freshly resolved and reminded to count the cost, take up our cross, and radically follow Jesus with no boundaries … even if it costs our very lives. If you’re faith could use a fresh infusion of hope and perspective, tune in as Leslie draws upon the real-life stories of men and women who followed Jesus with no reserves. 
5/24/202126 minutes, 19 seconds
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Navigating Difficult Relationships

This week on the podcast Leslie is diving into how to find true strength to navigate difficult relationships in our lives. In this hope-filled episode, Leslie shares how to take a victorious path that helps us exchange breakdown and frustration for health and wholeness, even in our most challenging relationships.
4/28/202124 minutes, 27 seconds
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Living Boldly

Do you find that you sprint towards the battles and difficulties you face or is your tendency to shrink back from trial? The children of God are not meant to live in isolation and self-protection, but that is oftentimes what we naturally default to as the times in which we live grow darker and more hostile. This week Leslie provides biblical perspective and practical steps you can take to live boldly for Christ and trade reactive living for proactive Christianity.
4/19/202119 minutes, 9 seconds
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Be Still My Soul

When we think of rest and renewal we often picture tranquil settings. But what if your circumstances around you are less than ideal? Is it even possible to find soul-level rest in the midst of a topsy-turvy world? This week Leslie distinguishes between self-care and soul-level rest that is not dependent upon circumstances or our surroundings, but is derived from God’s reality. Discover that true rest isn’t found in your next vacation but begins when we fix our gaze upon Jesus Christ!
3/31/202120 minutes, 7 seconds
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Overcoming Inadequacy

Do your own imperfections keep you in a self-made prison of fear and insecurity? This episode will remind you to fix your gaze upon the only One who is perfect — Jesus Christ — and tap into God’s grace that will help you overcome feelings of inadequacy. Listen as Leslie shares how to respond biblically to threats from the enemy and instead be more than a conqueror as you rely on God’s victorious promises.
3/25/202120 minutes, 25 seconds
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Overcoming Shame

Are you bogged down by the weight of mistakes, failures, regrets, and shame over the past? As daughters of the King, God desires that we be liberated from baggage of the past and set free to walk in unhindered intimacy with Christ. If you are experiencing a blockage in your forward movement with Him, this episode addresses important topics such as the difference between condemnation and conviction, understanding the meaning of repentance, and unpacks the “forgive yourself” movement that is prevalent in our culture today.
3/19/202117 minutes, 8 seconds
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Barriers to Effective Prayer

Does your prayer life need a fresh infusion of focus and intentionality? Oftentimes the state of our prayer life corresponds with the level of spiritual fervor we are experiencing. Join Leslie as this week she uncovers common barriers that keep you from connecting with the Creator of the Universe and how to seek God with an undivided heart in and through passionate prayer.
3/1/202120 minutes, 40 seconds
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Keys to Powerful Praying

What is the best cure for complaining, anxiety, or depression? This week Leslie Ludy shares a little-known secret to boosting your spiritual health and improve your outlook on the future through building a powerful prayer life. This immensely practical episode is full of encouragement and inspiration for how to build a prayer life that works.
2/11/202124 minutes, 22 seconds
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History-Shaping Prayer

Discouragement can easily follow on the heels of seemingly constant bad news. It’s time to show that we believe the promises of God by getting on our knees in history-shaping prayer. Drawing from the annals of Christian history to see how God has won battles in the past, this week Leslie shares powerful practicals to see God move in our present day through prayer. It is here that the battle for our country and our faith will be won.
1/25/202117 minutes, 3 seconds
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Courageous Inspiration

Take a journey with Leslie as she walks through Christian history to share powerful stories of Christian courage from heroes like Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, Amy Carmichael, and Corrie ten Boom. As the days are growing darker and more ominous, we need to rise up in the strength of Christ to demonstrate true boldness that can only come from Him. If your soul needs a vision for what true courage looks like in uncertainty, we encourage you to tune in!
1/14/202122 minutes, 19 seconds
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Godly Goal-Setting

Happy New Year! As we begin 2021, goal-setting is a main focus for many of us. Culture tempts us to find our unique niche and pursue our destiny or what will fulfill our dreams. As a result, our New Year’s resolutions can often reflect self-focused motives rather than Christ-centered ones. Join Leslie Ludy this week as she unpacks how to set goals for our lives in a truly Christ-honoring way. 
1/5/202120 minutes, 11 seconds
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A Christ-Focused Holiday

With the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, it’s all too easy for the true meaning of Christmas to be overshadowed by gifts and gatherings. This week Leslie shares practical ways to keep Christ at the center of your celebration and prepare your heart to receive the greatest Gift we have ever been given.
12/23/202014 minutes, 31 seconds
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Joyful Homemaking

It seems that homemaking these days has been relegated to two different extremes — homemaking perfectionism or homemaking chaos. But what is God’s pattern for displaying His glory in our living spaces? This week, Leslie shares how to cultivate a joyful atmosphere in your home and heart as you seek to transform your home into a sanctuary in which He is welcome. 
12/16/202014 minutes, 35 seconds
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Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Have you ever wondered how to tell if a relationship is truly Christ-centered? Whether you are currently in a relationship or looking ahead to the future, this week’s episode will cut through the pop-culture ideas that are so prevalent in our day and replace the with timeless truth. Discover how to build a strong spiritual foundation that will help your relationship go the distance.
12/9/202016 minutes, 54 seconds
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Staying Strong in Uncertainty

As a lot of us have felt shaken by the events of the world, this week Leslie Ludy shares timely truth on biblical keys to staying strong and immovable amidst unstable times.
12/1/202015 minutes, 7 seconds
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161: Radical Devotion to Jesus Christ, Part One

What does it mean to give yourself fully and completely to the purposes of Jesus Christ? In a world swirling with mediocrity it can be easy to pitch our tents in the world of apathy and comfort rather than pulling out those tent stakes and sojourning forth into the endless frontier of knowing Jesus. This week, Leslie tackles the concept of what it means to be a radical woman of God and how to impact this world for His glory.
11/20/202017 minutes, 32 seconds
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Overcoming Burnout in Motherhood

A brief summary of this episode
10/28/202019 minutes, 4 seconds
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Choosing Light Over Darkness

How do we walk in the light as He is in the light in an ever-darkening world? God’s Word says that God is light and that there is no darkness in Him whatsoever. So, how do we embrace a life-filled lifestyle instead of the darkness our world is delving into? In this episode, Leslie shares key Scriptures that clearly depict the danger of dabbling in darkness in addition to practical action steps you can take that will declare to the world around you that you’re with Jesus!
10/14/202019 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Power of the Cross

How do we apply what Jesus purchased for us on the Cross to the struggles and difficulties we face today? Many of us don’t realize that Jesus’ work upon the Cross is to be called upon and accessed in our daily lives. In this week’s episode, Leslie gives Christian women of all ages an important reminder that Christians are to live empowered by His enabling grace. Tune in and mount up with fresh strength to triumph through the situations you are facing today.
9/19/202021 minutes, 31 seconds
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Wrestling for Your Children's Souls

Do you desire to experience the joy of seeing your children walk in truth and radically give their lives to Jesus to use for His glory? As mothers, we have a sacred entrustment to wrestle for our children’s souls in the prayer closet and in our daily lives. But what does that really look like? This week Leslie talks about the burden God has placed on her heart and shares practical keys that can lead you to cultivate passion for Christ in the hearts of your children.
8/29/202020 minutes, 32 seconds
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How to Handle Criticism

At one time or another we will become the brunt of criticism … the question is how will we respond when it comes our way? Rather than shrinking back in fear and introspection or retaliating with words that are equally hurtful, Leslie shares how to prepare yourself to handle criticism with the character and nature of Christ. 
8/25/202027 minutes, 25 seconds
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True Ministry, Part I

What does it mean to truly impact the Kingdom of Heaven in a meaningful, eternal way? This week Leslie addresses common misconceptions to “ministry life” and shares keys to Christ-centered ministry. Whether you’re in full-time ministry or looking to impact others in your life, this episode will give you insight in how to be an example of Christ to those in your life.  
8/6/202019 minutes, 16 seconds
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Knowing God's Voice

How do we keep from getting the voice of our own thoughts confused with the voice of our Heavenly Shepherd who has promised to lead and guide us in the way we should go? This week Leslie is sharing how to hear God’s voice instead of your own and how to practically begin being led by His still, small voice to make wise decisions both big and small. Discover the unmatched delight found in silencing the noise of the culture and tuning into the One who is wisdom itself!
7/18/202019 minutes, 25 seconds
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Gaining Discernment

With chaos and confusion plunging our world into turmoil, there is a desperate need for Christians to gain the lost art of godly discernment so that we know how to sift through the popular messages being presented to us today. In this episode, Leslie arms you with biblical principles that will help you stand strong for truth in such a time as this.
7/11/202027 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Purity Movement

This week, Leslie takes a deeper look into the Purity Movement and how we can apply biblical keys to breakthrough the modern-day confusion that surrounds romantic relationships. In a world that wants to kiss purity goodbye, Leslie reminds us of an important truth — purity was first and foremost God’s idea. Discover the beautiful pattern God intended for purity and romance with this episode.
6/19/202019 minutes, 4 seconds
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Sharing the Gospel With Children

How do you present the wondrous, joyous message of the Gospel in a way that is clear and exciting for children to understand? This week, Leslie dives into practical and creative ways to share the Gospel with children. Whether you are a parent, ministry leader, or have a voice in a child’s life, this message reveals that children can grasp far more of God’s truth than we may think and give you helpful tips in how to present the undiluted Good News to those entrusted to our spiritual care. 
6/13/202019 minutes, 19 seconds
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Building a Powerful Prayer Life

Prayer is sacred communion with the God of the universe, yet how many times do we offer powerful, heartfelt petition before His throne as an outflow of that reality? If you find that your prayer times have grown stale or lackluster, this week’s episode casts a fresh vision for prayer and helpful practicals to equip you carry it out right where you are today. Filled with Scripture and bursting with quotes from Christian heroes of the past, Leslie will share how to take your prayer life from puny to powerful.
5/21/202022 minutes, 47 seconds
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Making a Difference

Is insecurity or isolation holding you back from making a difference in the lives of others? Join Leslie this week in discovering that making a lasting impact on others is best showcased when we get out of the way and invite Jesus to shine on the stage of our lives. Take three steps towards turning outward that you can do in any season or circumstance.
5/5/202019 minutes, 10 seconds
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Feminism and the Bible

Feminism may be fashionable in our modern culture, but God’s liberating pattern for Christ-centered femininity is more counter-cultural and powerful than anything our society may proclaim. This week, Leslie unpacks what God’s Word says about bravehearted womanhood with examples of inspiring ladies in biblical history Together we’ll discover how, ultimately, it is our position in Christ that clarifies gender confusion, determines our identity, and settles our value.
4/17/202014 minutes, 53 seconds
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Helping Others Overcome Fear

With a world in turmoil, it seems that everywhere we go, there is bait for worry. If you or others you know are struggling with fear and anxiety, this episode will equip you to to help others replace fear with an overcoming faith! Glean bedrock promises from God’s Word that will bolster your own soul with true courage as well as build up those around you.
4/4/202019 minutes, 30 seconds
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Finding Courage in Crisis

At the moment, all of us are living in a topsy-turvy world. Large servings of fear are being dished out daily by the media, the Internet, and even by our own friends and family members.  The question is, how will we respond? Leslie answers that question and more, shareing how God’s way of walking through challenging times leads to triumph and victory. 
3/21/202033 minutes, 7 seconds
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Embracing Our Feminine Design

It’s easy to feel frustrated and helpless with the rampant sexual identity crisis that’s swirling about in our culture. This week, Leslie reminds us that before these issues can be addressed politically or socially, we must begin to address them in our own souls. Discover two biblical principles that will help you embrace God’s design for your femininity.
3/12/202021 minutes
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What a Godly Man Finds Beautiful

Just what does a godly guy find beautiful? If you’ve ever asked the question, you’ll definitely want to tune in this week as Leslie shares what a real godly shared about what he desires to see in a real godly girl. Catch a breathtaking vision for radiant femininity with twelve tips to true beauty … and see that the secret isn’t in beauty tips and tricks, but in remaining dependent upon the Spirt of God to cultivate His life deep within her soul.
2/22/202020 minutes, 33 seconds
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Honoring Authority

God-given authority was never meant to be a hindrance to our lives but a tremendous help! While our culture has a growing disregard for respecting elders, parents, employers, and church and governmental leaders, Leslie shares a biblical perspective on honoring those God has placed in our lives that leads to blessing and protection. Catch this week’s episode and gain vision for how to be a woman who lives out joyful, biblical submission.
2/8/202020 minutes, 44 seconds
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Becoming a Faith-Filled Mother

Discover how to exchange fear for faith in any area of your life — whether you’re a new mom, your children are becoming more independent, or you’re gaining hope and vision for the future. Leslie shares inspiring stories from her own motherhood journey that will encourage you in any season of life and provides you with Christ-focused truth that can steady and silence the worries and fears that knock at the door of our hearts.
1/15/202013 minutes, 46 seconds
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Building a Truth-Based Home

Building a Truth-based home is about more than placing positive messages in our home decor. Leslie shares creative ways to build your home upon truth beginning with our mindset, and provides you with helpful tips that will spark creativity to transform your living space into a peaceful sanctuary that welcomes the presence of God each and every day.
1/8/202016 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Best News Ever

What news would you love to receive this Christmas? In this episode, Leslie unpacks the truth that we actually have already received the best news that we could ever imagine; news that promises everlasting life and a life of true happiness. The world’s baubles and trinkets may provide a temporary thrill, but it is only Jesus, God’s Indescribable Gift, that truly satisfies. Tune in for this timely Christmas meditation and go forth into this season with good news of great joy.
12/24/201913 minutes, 47 seconds
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Books that Changed Our Marriage

Refresh your reading list for this year or next with this week’s episode! Leslie shares the most powerful reads that have strengthened her marriage. Browse the bookshelves of the Ludy library and be inspired by the principles tucked away in these Christ-focused books that can impact your own walk with Christ, marriage, or ministry! 
12/19/201919 minutes
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Growing Spiritually With Your Spouse

This week Leslie reflects on her 25th wedding anniversary and shares her top date night idea that has strengthened the spiritual foundation of her marriage. If you’re looking for fresh ways to grow spiritually together with your spouse, this episode will inspire you to set Christ at the center of your marriage now or prepare for a relationship that goes the distance.
12/12/201922 minutes, 11 seconds
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Building Your Home Into a Sanctuary

The principle of sanctuary is more than finding the perfect holiday tablescape or having the perfect atmosphere for entertaining others. This week, Leslie uncovers the true reason for incorporating sanctuary into our hearts and homes — not just around the holidays but the whole year through.
12/5/201918 minutes, 49 seconds
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Trusting God in Difficulty

The most wonderful time of the year is often bustling with parties and celebrations, but there are many who are walking into this season with a heavy heart. This poignant and heartfelt episode will make your spirits bright with its message of trusting God in hard seasons, and — most of all — of bringing forth beauty from ashes. Listen as Leslie shares pieces of her adoption story in how God turned mourning into dancing and gain fresh vision for the “hard places” in your own life.
11/30/201919 minutes, 15 seconds
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Triumphant Christianity

Today Leslie answers the question, “Is triumphant Christianity possible?” Discover the stunning and beautiful truth that the  pattern of true Christianity is full of victory, triumph, and ardent devotion to the King of all kings. If you find yourself growing weary in your walk with Christ, this episode is a cup of cool water straight from the well of His Word!
11/23/201921 minutes, 39 seconds
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God's Vision for Motherhood

When we embrace God’s pattern for raising children, it brings strength — not weakness — into our lives. This week, Leslie uncovers powerful Scriptural principles that proclaim the blessing, joy, and gift that children bring and shares helpful tips on how to smile through seasons of mothering young children. Whether you’re looking for fresh perspective in your present “mess” or desire to be a joy-filled woman long before you’re a joy-filled mother, this episode will equip you for embracing the little years with a smile.
10/25/201917 minutes, 50 seconds
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Questions About Physical Beauty

Have you ever wondered how to cultivate heavenly radiance in your life? This week, Leslie answers your questions about physical beauty. Cultivating true beauty is more than a makeup routine or workout regimen. Authentic feminine loveliness is fostered within a surrendered heart. This episode hands you more than techniques, it hands you practical truth to take into your lifestyle.
9/27/201918 minutes, 48 seconds
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Answers to Common Purity Questions

This week Leslie answers popular questions surrounding purity that have been sent in from readers and listeners just like you! If you have ever found the subject of purity or relationships confusing, we encourage you to tune in for biblical perspective and helpful tips to bring breathtaking Christ-centered femininity into your everyday life.
9/20/201927 minutes
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Single and Frustrated?

Are you single and frustrated? Relationships can often be a painful subject. If time is eroding your contentment in Christ or you long to know how to encourage a fellow sister who is growing lonely along the narrow way, tune in as Leslie shares bolstering truth to ground our wayward emotions. For single women who worry that they have somehow “missed their chance” for love and happiness, this episode will encourage you with refreshing hope and Truth. 
9/11/201916 minutes, 15 seconds
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Keeping Your Marriage Strong, Part Two

Whether you’re single or married, this week’s episode will give you a vision for a marriage that goes the distance! If you are looking to refresh your marriage or lay a strong foundation before you’re married, Leslie continues her two-part series on Keeping Your Marriage Strong with two key practicals that will sow spiritual strength into your relationship.
8/28/201911 minutes, 46 seconds
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Keeping Your Marriage Strong, Part One

If marriage was designed to grow stronger and more beautiful over time, why is that trend not being reflected in the marriages around us? This week, Leslie answers that question by sharing two practical ways to strengthen your marriage and gain a vision for how to approach relationships selflessly rather than selfishly. Plus, we have an exciting announcement! Leslie will be hosting a Marriage and Motherhood Retreat this fall in Windsor, CO. Tune in to get the details and learn more about this vision-casting event.
8/22/201912 minutes, 26 seconds
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What is Real Purity? Part Two

Is purity merely a line we’re not supposed to cross, a to-do list, or a sort of moral insurance policy that guarantees us certain rights for our lives? Leslie continues her two-part purity series by debunking some of the prevalent misconceptions of what purity is and points to the most important aspect of purity we can cultivate within our lives — inner purity. Discover the importance of cleansing our heart and mind from the impurities of this world and gain fresh vision for how we can live a life that is pure body, mind, and soul. 
8/14/201917 minutes, 44 seconds
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What is Real Purity? Part One

With moral decline and rumblings of confusion within the church today about what true purity is and isn’t, it is becoming vital that today’s Christian women have a personal and working knowledge of how purity is to be woven into the fabric of their own femininity. If you’ve thought that purity is a rules-based, oppressive formula, we encourage you to refresh your perspective in Truth and discover that purity commitments are not maintained by a standard, a promise ring, or an abstinence pledge but only through a commitment to a Person, Jesus Christ.
8/6/201914 minutes, 11 seconds
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Biblical Solutions to Common Struggles

Losing the insecurity battle? Withering from lack of purpose? Battling confusion? This week, Leslie shares the top struggles we face as women and the biblical solutions that truly set us free. Culture baits us into thinking that the modern times which we live are too progressive and advanced for the Word of God — when, in actuality, the opposite is true! Discover how the Bible provides us with fresh and relevant answers for every question, issue, or point of confusion we may face.
7/19/201918 minutes, 35 seconds
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Victory Over Meltdowns

Meltdowns are often associated with small children — but it can be just as tempting for women to take the bait of giving into the tidal wave of emotion and the coddling voice of self-pity. What freedom and peace comes when we learn to bring our emotions under the control of Christ’s Spirit rather than letting feelings dictate our actions and attitudes! If you’re looking for a way to gain victory over emotional roller coaster rides, join Leslie as she shares how to tap into the enabling grace of God to reflect Christ in all that we do — no matter how we feel in the moment.
7/8/201923 minutes, 45 seconds
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Keeping a Humble Heart

True humility is truly beautiful! And if today’s Christian women grasped the significance of this character trait we would see heavenly beauty and feminine nobility grace our churches, homes, and communities like never before. While humility is often misunderstood and devalued by the culture, this week Leslie shares about the importance of cultivating and keeping a humble heart. 
6/27/201917 minutes, 29 seconds
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For Such a Time as This

Join Leslie as she shares some of her favorite truths from the recent Set Apart Conference! When we look at the darkness around us, it’s easy to be intimidated by perversity or shamed into silence by the blatant disregard of purity and morals in today’s culture. However, Jesus has specifically chosen and appointed us to go and bear fruit for His glory. Gain vision for what radical boldness looks like in your own life as Leslie highlights the lives of Esther and Daniel.
6/20/201914 minutes, 53 seconds
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Offering True Comfort

It can be difficult to know how to encourage those you know who are hurting or reeling from trial with Christlike comfort. The world has its prescription for how to make someone feel better about themselves, but how do we “weep with those who weep” and give courage to those who are aching with words that will truly bind up and heal? Leslie tackles the difference between the worldly comfort that leads to self-pity and Christlike comfort that turns eyes to Jesus and reminds others of unshakable truth!
6/15/201919 minutes
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Is Brokenness Beautiful?

It has become popular to applaud brokenness, embracing your “beautiful mess” and to "be yourself boldly" … but does that truly heal, save, and free us from the things that weigh us down? This week, Leslie answers an important question facing today’s Christian women: Is brokenness beautiful? Discover how to overcome shame in realizing that brokenness, although very real in our lives, is a means to an end that is supposed to lead us to the feet of Jesus. Tune in to freshly celebrate the Cross and treasure the new life and victory found in Jesus’ redemption.
5/31/201911 minutes, 38 seconds
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Amy Carmichael's Legacy of Faith

Gleaning faith-lessons from those who have gone before us in the Christian faith helps bring the truths of God’s Word to greater light and life in our own lives. This week, Leslie shares about one of her heroes of the faith — Amy Carmichael. This snapshot of Amy’s story will inspire you to love sacrificially, embrace humility, and lean into the trials in your life, knowing that trials produce “perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.”
5/25/201917 minutes, 32 seconds
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Powerful Prayer Strategies for Busy Moms

Just in time for Mother’s Day! Leslie shares ways she has personally sought to keep prayer as the cornerstone of her walk with Christ while being a mom to six children. Perfect for moms in the trenches, those who look forward to motherhood in the future, or those who are discipling and interacting with children, this episode beautifully expresses that prayer keeps stress, burn-out, and worry at bay as women choose the one thing that is needful — time in His presence. Discover practical ways to invest into your children … beginning with the impact prayer has on a child’s life!
5/9/201914 minutes, 46 seconds
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Practical Ways to Disciple Your Kids

With Mother’s Day around the corner, Leslie shares practical encouragement for moms raising children or any woman looking to gain vision for Christ-centered child rearing. Applicable for any woman who has influence in the life of a child, Leslie shares how to reach the souls of children by modeling the Gospel in your own life, how to watch over the ways of your home, why it’s important to identify the spiritual root of your child’s behavior patterns, and more in this week’s episode!
5/4/201918 minutes, 31 seconds
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What Women Really Need to Hear, Part Two

Leslie continues the discussion on what today’s Christian women really need to hear in this week’s podcast and shares how to properly handle the misconceptions women are facing today. Touching upon important issues such as how to rest and refuel the right way as well as how to use fasten our friendships to Christ instead of self, you’ll find encouragement and truth to aim the whole of your life towards Christ and not self. Plus, catch the vision behind this year’s Set Apart Conference on standing unashamed for Christ in a time such as this!
4/25/201919 minutes, 23 seconds
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What Women Really Need to Hear, Part One

If you feel like your walk with Christ is merely skimming of the surface of all He has for you, tune into this week’s episode and discover how attuning your ears to the right message of surrender and self-denial will set you free from self in order to serve Jesus Christ with your life. Leslie recaps her own journey to discovering what messages women really need to hear while also sharing the vision God burdened her with ten years ago when she hosted the first annual Set Apart Conference!
4/19/201923 minutes, 20 seconds
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Beautiful Meekness

Meekness is often confused for weakness, but this week Leslie shares about how the beautiful quality of meekness in a woman’s life is not based on personality but cultivated by the Spirit of God within a surrendered heart. Pulling back the misconceptions surrounding inner beauty and meekness, discover practical ways to grow in the beauty of a meek and gentle spirit. 
4/10/201917 minutes, 9 seconds
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Encouragement for Mentors

This week Leslie reflects on the Mentoring Young Women online summit and shares timely encouragement for mentors who are seeking to influence others towards truth. This episode is a breath of fresh air filled with spiritual principles Leslie has gleaned in her 20+ years of ministering to today’s young women. Take courage and heart as she answers your top mentoring questions!
4/5/201925 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Cure for Boredom

Looking for ways to spruce up your schedule? Feeling a bit “blah” as you look out on the horizon of your life? In this week’s episode, Leslie shares refreshing and simple ways to cure boredom and keep you about the Father’s business as you seek to love Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Discover how to be Christ’s hands and feet to the lost and dying by beginning with one small step of obedience at a time.
3/29/201916 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Battle for Today's Young Women

Did you know that today’s young women are in a battle? That is why now, more than ever, the next generation is in need of healthy mentors to pour into their lives, encourage their hearts, and fasten their souls to Christ. No matter how old you are or what season of life you’re in, you can impact the life of a younger woman. This week, Leslie shares her heart on principles for mentoring and ministering to the needs of Christian young women for the past twenty years to give you the inspiration and information needed to take your first steps in reaching out or strengthen the ministry you already have. 
3/21/201921 minutes, 57 seconds
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Engaging in Spiritual Warfare, Part Two

This week, Leslie continues to share how to identify key points of enemy attack and develop a strategy in how to resist Satan’s attempts to thwart you from God’s purposes for your life. Discover how to utilize our authority in Christ, the power of Christ’s name, and use the Word of God to overcome spiritual hindrances in your life. 
3/7/201917 minutes
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Engaging in Spiritual Warfare, Part One

There are a lot of questions surrounding the topic of spiritual warfare and it’s important that we, as Christian women, know how to approach it in a biblical way. Using insightful examples from her own journey and drawing upon the truths found in God’s Word, Leslie uncovers how to identify enemy hindrance in your life and reminds us of rising up in the strength of our position in Christ to wage war against the enemy of our souls … and win!  
2/28/201917 minutes, 34 seconds
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A Christ–Centered Living Space

Trendy home design shows can often make us wistful of all we don’t have and discouraged over all we have yet to do in our living space. This week, Leslie points to an important heart-attitude to cultivate in your approach to home design — the beauty of contentment. Discover how to cultivate a Christ-centered living space with three helpful principles that won’t lead you to the right look for your space, but definitely to the right perspective.
2/20/201920 minutes, 42 seconds
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Keys to Romantic Fulfillment

Valentine’s Day can be difficult if you’re single … but learning the keys to romantic fulfillment is a beautiful and necessary lesson at any season of life — single or married. Listen as Leslie shares how true fulfillment doesn’t come from fighting for our rights, but in laying them down. Be encouraged with three keys that can lead you to finding complete satisfaction in Christ alone!
2/14/201922 minutes, 56 seconds
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A God-Honoring Girl's Night, Part Two

Time spent in the company of friends is purposed to be precious. If you have been wondering how to redirect friendships that have become less-than-encouraging, Leslie continues sharing how to have God-honoring get-togethers in this week’s episode. Listen as she uncovers two common pitfalls in many girls’ gatherings and proposes a refreshing, biblical solution to idle chit-chat and chick flicks.
2/6/201912 minutes, 57 seconds
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A God-Honoring Girl's Night, Part One

Eat. Chick-flick. Guy-talk. Gossip. Repeat. So goes the progression of many girls’ nights and get-togethers … but is that all there is to friendship? Leslie shares the most common pitfall that is often invited to our girls’ nights in the first episode of this two-part series. Discover how to reach further than the modern day pitfalls of gossip and learn how to create gatherings that encourage you and your friends in your walk with Christ.
1/31/201917 minutes, 11 seconds
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When to Speak, When to be Silent

Should I share or shouldn’t I? That is the question these days! It’s vital to know when to speak and when to remain silent before family, friends, or followers on social media. Listen as Leslie shares how to know when to speak up to encouragingly share truth, when to lovingly confront, and when it is best to refrain and simply trust Jesus in the secret place. Rediscover the beauty of guarding your intimacy with Jesus Christ in this week’s episode!
1/23/201916 minutes, 43 seconds
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Guarding Your Personal Walk With Christ

The Bible talks about “the secret place” and encourages us to meet with God there in personal fellowship. As social media platforms encourage women to be “real and raw” with their audience, could it be that we have lost something precious in developing personal, private communion with the King of all kings? In this week’s episode, Leslie captures the beauty of guarding the sacred aspects of our walk with Christ, shares the heart behind refraining from oversharing with your friends, and how to begin cultivating deeper intimacy with Jesus Christ.
1/16/201912 minutes, 16 seconds
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Personal Revival, Part 2

Spiritual spring cleaning is more powerful than any health detox could ever be! This week’s episode uncovers the reason why so many of us cling tightly to unconfessed sin – we are afraid to give up control in our life to the only One who knows what to do with it. Listen as Leslie talks about important topics like surrender, inviting Jesus into every aspect of your life, and receiving God’s forgiveness.
1/2/201912 minutes, 47 seconds
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Personal Revival, Part 1

Tune in as Leslie begins a new series on what it means for God to walk us through a personal revival season. Instead of approaching the repentance and cleansing process in fearful intimidation full of what-ifs, Leslie shares how true repentance brings the fullest freedom and what-ifs joy we could ever imagine – when we follow God’s pattern for true restoration. This week discover how to embrace conviction and reject condemnation that leads to unhindered intimacy with your King and a vibrant prayer life!
12/19/201817 minutes, 58 seconds
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Keys to a Christ-Centered Small Group, Part 2

Leslie continues her series on Christ-centered small groups and talks about two key ingredients for a thriving small group in this week's podcast! Discover the importance for your group to be all about Jesus and to turn outward in service to others as a group. Above all, in order for a group to be all about Jesus Christ, our individual hearts must be prepared a vessel that is wholly for Jesus’ use. Be encouraged as Leslie brings everything back to our individual walk with Jesus Christ in this week’s episode.
12/13/201814 minutes, 18 seconds
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Keys to a Christ-Centered Small Group, Part 1

In the 100th episode of the Set Apart Girl Podcast, Leslie begins a two-part series on how to lead or participate in a thriving small group. With a bevy of Bible studies and topics to choose from, these two principles will provide direction and help you lay a solid foundation before you begin leading or participating in a small group. The most important tip? Building a successful small group runs parallel to how you are building your life around Jesus Christ!
12/6/201812 minutes, 47 seconds
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Spiritual Unity in Marriage, Part 2

In part two of how to cultivate spiritual unity in marriage, Leslie shares the driving force behind a dynamic marriage that impacts eternity – prayer. Sharing stories from her marriage of 20+ years, Leslie shares how to place prayer at the center of your relationship in every season, pray with specificity, and the heavenly results of seeking first the Kingdom of God together.
11/18/201817 minutes, 12 seconds
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Spiritual Unity in Marriage, Part 1

In this first part of this series, Leslie uncovers God’s plan for building a strong, vibrant, and romantic marriage relationship – and her answer may surprise you! When it comes to relationships, it’s easy to focus on the emotional aspect of marriage. It’s time to shift our gaze to cultivating spiritual unity before and during marriage for a relationship that goes the distance and is tinged with the beauty of Heaven itself! This episode casts vision for those who are single, in a relationship, or married and will leave you stirred and equipped to place Christ at the center of your relationship, whether that is at present or future! 
11/10/201814 minutes, 53 seconds
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Discipling Others – How to Begin

Do you have a burden to reach today’s young women? It’s not there by accident. In fact, it’s a burden straight from God’s heart to yours! Whether you are coming alongside a teen girl or you are teaching a small group Bible study, it’s important to start strong. This week, Leslie shows you how to lay a solid foundation so your mentoring will go the distance and impact a younger woman’s life for eternity. This episode is filled with inspiring practicals so you can effectively reach out to others God has placed in your path, starting today!
11/1/201816 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Power of Turning Outward

“Lord, turn me outward and make me a vessel of rescue towards others,” is the prayer of every willing heart that desires to live for something more than trivial pursuit. The question is, where do we begin? In this episode, Leslie answers that question and shares the power of adopting Christ’s heart for the weak, needy, and lost while balancing the busyness of life and day-to-day responsibilities. Be inspired to lavish Christ’s love on the fields that are ready to harvest, one soul at a time.
10/24/201819 minutes, 9 seconds
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Entrusting Marriage Dreams to God

All of our dreams for the future – whether it be a relationship, marriage, career, or other pursuits – are safest when they are placed at the nail-scarred feet of Jesus. Instead of trying to “solve the problem” of singleness, experience the freedom found in surrendering that which is dearest. This week, Leslie highlights the threads of surrender that run through Scripture, reminding us that even good and perfect gifts must be entrusted to Jesus.
10/10/201815 minutes, 21 seconds
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Raising Gospel-Centered Children

This week Leslie shares foundational principles on how to raise Gospel-centered children. Whether you’re a mom with small kids in tow, serve the youth at your church, or you’re a single young woman looking to prepare for the future, this episode equips you in how to impart vision and purpose to those God has entrusted to your care. Discover how to stay the course without wavering and raise children that champion the Gospel and change the world!
9/27/201817 minutes, 1 second
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Identifying Idols

Our God is jealous over the entirety of our lives as His followers, not just bits and pieces of our body, mind, and heart. It’s easy to think that idols are golden statues located only in fancy temples, but in this episode Leslie shares four common idols in the lives of modern Christian women, and how you can take steps forward to gaining an undivided heart in the midst of the flaunting messages of the culture today. 
9/20/201819 minutes, 53 seconds
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Using Feminine Influence for Good

While the world excuses men from rising to a higher standard with a “guys will be guys” mantra, we, as Christian women, can learn how to respond to these cultural mentalities by cheering men toward biblical masculinity and participating in God’s plan to strengthen the men around us. Leslie offers hope-filled perspective and practicals that will inspire you to pray in faith, become a vessel of encouragement, and use your femininity to strengthen the men around you.
9/12/201817 minutes, 49 seconds
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Are You A Gullible Woman?

Godly discernment is available for every follower of Jesus Christ! But it doesn’t just automatically come to us. As the culture seeks to pair Christianity with glossy marketing techniques that may or may not retain the true essence of the Gospel, Leslie shares how to be molded and shaped by truth, how to make God’s Word your lifeline, and why it’s important to study historic examples of authentic Christianity in your journey to grow in being a resilient and bravehearted woman!
9/5/201821 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Power of Encouragement

Proverbs reminds us that our words have the power to build others up or tear them down. Choosing kindness over criticism is easier said than done, but when carried out with a loving, gracious spirit the effect is beautiful to behold. In this episode, Leslie shares practical encouragement for how to exchange rude remarks for words of life, love, and kindness towards those you interact with daily. Be inspired to reach beyond the typical responses of the culture towards Christ-infused speech.
8/28/201821 minutes, 2 seconds
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Is Singleness Really a Gift, Part 2

Leslie continues sharing on Christ-centered singleness in part two of answering the question: Is singleness really a gift? No matter how comfortable or compelling the mainstream lies of American Christianity sound, this encouragement to follow Christ’s pattern for long-lasting joy and fulfillment will help you apply the Gospel to singleness or any area of your life in which you may be struggling with discontentment, and cheer you on to embracing the cross that Christ has lovingly given as an instrument to bring Him the greatest glory.
8/16/201820 minutes, 52 seconds
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Is Singleness Really a Gift, Part 1

Join Leslie in the first episode of this two-part series as she tackles the question: Is singleness really a gift?  Between the relentless pressure of the culture to find your significant other, the constant remarks and questions of friends and family members, and the insensitivity of the modern church, many Christian single women have come to believe that singleness is a problem to be solved rather than an opportunity from God.  Is contentment in Christ really possible during our single years?  In this encouraging episode, Leslie points us to God’s Word to prove that Jesus is truly enough to flood our hearts with the reality that He is All in all, whether we are married or single.
8/9/201817 minutes, 56 seconds
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Exchanging Crudeness for Honor

In an age where crude humor is the language of the culture, learn how to rejoice in the truth with a pure-hearted conscience before the Lord with this week’s episode. Leslie shares how to cultivate a holy sense of humor and offers solutions on how to provide a gracious response towards inappropriate or crass comments that come your way. What joy to know that our Lord cares about these small areas of life and has left us with principles in His Word to guide in how to heartily laugh over that which is true, noble, and just!
8/1/201817 minutes, 47 seconds
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A No-Drama Lifestyle

It doesn’t take much effort to conjure up an uncomfortably clear mental picture of drama – what it looks like, how it behaves, and the results of engaging in it. And yet, the juiciest piece of gossip or latest thrill featured on social media cannot compare to the greatest adventure of all – knowing and loving Jesus! Leslie defines how to live a “quiet and peaceable life” as Christian women in the 21st century and gives you key practicals to keep from participating in a high-drama lifestyle.
7/25/201817 minutes, 46 seconds
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Purposeful Living God's Way

The world of social media encourages us to live our best life now. But what does that really mean in light of eternity, and how would Christ have us live in the here and now of our daily lives? In this episode, Leslie warns against using free time in a frivolous way and gives you a grid through which to measure the eternal value of your lifestyle.
7/16/201814 minutes, 5 seconds
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Beautiful Modesty

The word “modesty” can elicit a cringe or a drab set of dos and don’ts for many of today’s Christian women. That’s why Leslie is taking time this week to alter the shape of modesty in our minds and standards by uncovering the heart behind this concept and showing that adorning every aspect of our lifestyle – from our wardrobes to our motives – with the radiance of Christ outfits a woman with the beauty of Heaven itself.
7/11/201819 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Resist Satan's Attacks

While spiritual warfare can seem to be a nebulous concept, this week Leslie shares one of the most important lessons in both personal and ministry life – how to resist the enemy. Using God’s Word, Leslie brings clarity on how to determine whether a problem is a trial from God or an attack from the enemy so that you can walk biblically and confidently in knowing how to handle whatever comes your way with grace and truth.
7/2/201817 minutes, 12 seconds
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Overcoming the Pitfalls of Modern Ministry

If you are burdened to minister to today’s young women this episode gives you practical first and continuing steps that will lead you to be a life-giving voice of truth amongst today’s generation. Learn the top five modern ministry pitfalls and how to respond to them in a biblical and beautiful way!
6/27/201821 minutes, 36 seconds
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Faith-Filled Praying

Mighty movements of God don’t have to be relegated to the Old and New Testament stories of the saints who have gone before us. Instead, God is longing to show Himself strong on our behalf and deliver us just as in the days of old. But He is looking for men and women of faith in which to manifest His everyday miracles. In this episode, Leslie shares principles that will help you build a bold prayer strategy. Watch your faith grow as you see God come through and deliver you with His outstretched hand!
6/19/201818 minutes, 56 seconds
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Becoming a Woman of Valor

A walk through Christian history reveals a strength of faith and power of the Spirit of heroic proportions – but why don’t we wrestle for that same display of might and valor today? In this episode, Leslie talks about how to become a woman of valor without forsaking femininity but rather restoring it to biblical proportions! Using inspiring examples of women of the faith, Leslie draws out two key principles that are intrinsic to the return of strong, biblical femininity.
6/13/201818 minutes, 45 seconds
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Healthy Friendships

When we think of cultivating healthy friendships, our minds naturally drift towards ensuring our relationships with the opposite sex are God-glorifying. In this episode, Leslie highlights the importance of having edifying, Christ-focused relationships with other women and shares warning signs of unhealthy female relationships and how to guard against the corrosive effects of gossip and manipulation.
6/5/201822 minutes, 30 seconds
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Being Who You Were Meant To Be

A life hidden in Christ is the truest form of self-discovery we can attain. Learn the difference between using your unique strengths for your own glory and surrendering them to bring God glory. Leslie answers questions about personality, finding fulfillment, and maximizing your unique talents in this week’s episode by uncovering Jesus’ pattern for individuality as defined by His Word.
5/28/201815 minutes, 14 seconds
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How to Rest the Right Way

The self-care craze encourages us to indulge in mini “mind-escapes” in order to rest and refuel, but what is God’s pattern? Discover how to rest at the soul level that will leave you feeling recharged and revived that lasts longer than the weekend. Leslie shares the secret to true rest, how to rest in the midst of a schedule peppered with commitments, and how to engage in non-spiritual activities in a healthy, Christ-focused way.
5/22/201818 minutes, 37 seconds
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Overcoming Burnout

Discover that burnout doesn’t have to be a necessary evil but an opportunity to tap into the amazing grace of Jesus Christ! This week, Leslie shares key truths she has learned from serving over 20 years in the trenches of Christian ministry. Learn how to surrender your expectations for life, ministry, and more and adopt a Christ-focused mindset that is set on the Cross – not comfort – as the ultimate goal!
5/16/201819 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Avoid Being Deceived

Now more than ever it is vitally important that Christian women know how to stand on the unchanging truth of God’s Word. As our ever-changing world caters to the whims of the culture, it is imperative that God’s children adopt a Scripture-focused mindset rather than aligning with feelings-based or relative truth. Listen as Leslie shares keys to exchanging the shifting sands of popular opinion to solid, steadfast biblical principle!
5/8/201815 minutes, 49 seconds
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Consumer-Driven Christianity

This week, Leslie shares how to keep from bringing wrong expectations into your church, ministry, or lifestyle by uncovering cultural Christianity’s insatiable desire to be catered to and entertained through gimmicks, impressive media and technology, and the latest, greatest _______. Begin asking a new question, not “What am I getting out of this?” but “What is God getting out of this?” All this and more in this week’s episode!
4/30/201812 minutes, 50 seconds
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Enjoying Life in a Godly Way

Strategic marketing and personal-fulfillment mantras are designed to tempt us toward thrill-seeking, binge-watching, and adventure-hunting to our heart’s content – when our true fulfillment, contentment, and pleasure will be found in Jesus Christ. In this episode, Leslie shares the difference between the pursuit of our own gratification versus the pure enjoyment of the blessings God has graced us with. 
4/25/201819 minutes, 6 seconds
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Victory Over Worry

Maybe mind-numbing fear doesn’t grip you on a daily basis, but are niggling worrisome thoughts ruling your existence? Leslie uncovers the lies many of us are believing surrounding worry and shines a biblical perspective on how to overcome worry with the grace and strength found only in Christ!
4/16/201819 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hearing God's Voice

Is it possible for believer’s today to hear and respond to God’s voice in their lives? Leslie answers this question with straightforward biblical principles that take the mystery and guesswork surrounding this question out of the picture and instead leave you with a clear and simple plan for you to begin growing in the leading the Holy Spirit in your life.
4/9/201815 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to Help Vulnerable Children

Do you have a heart for vulnerable children in need? It can be overwhelming to know where to start or how to begin impacting this world with Christ’s love to those who need it most – children. In this episode, Leslie shares her own story of the powerful gift of child sponsorship and adoption and how those journeys have impacted her family. Gain practical next steps that you can begin implementing today and gain a focus for your prayer life so you know how to strategically combat the darkness that is engulfing children around the world today!
4/2/201812 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Spend Your Single Years

Should single women proactively pursue marriage?  How should we handle the cultural pressure to hurry up and find Mr. Right?  Join Leslie as she shares encouraging biblical reminders for those traversing the single years of life. Whether you are single find yourself longing for marriage, or you are eager to invest your time and energy in a meaningful way during your single years – this episode is sure to turn your eyes upon Jesus and renew your passion for living each day with heavenly intentionality!
3/26/201815 minutes, 13 seconds
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Overcoming Insecurity

Insecurity is a blight that has plagued women since their pre-teen years. But God never intended for His daughters to wallow in self-esteem issues. He has prescribed a perfect solution to the insecurity trap that outlasts the temporary, shallow, self-help messages of today’s culture – that of denying self and finding our sole confidence in Christ Jesus alone. Join Leslie as she talks uncovers the secret to radiant confidence, and shares Scripture that talks about the love of God and the value His places upon us, His own!
3/19/201811 minutes, 55 seconds
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When Others Try to Steal Your Joy

How do I keep others from stealing my joy? Is it ever right to show a little attitude back towards those who are treating me harshly? and Why do some unbelievers seem happier than believers? If you’ve ever had questions like these stream through your mind, join Leslie in this new episode as she broaches these challenging questions (sent in by women like you!). Have a question of your own? Email us at [email protected] and we may feature your question in an upcoming episode or in our magazine Q&A!
3/12/201815 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Personal Fulfillment Myth

There is a popular personal fulfillment catchphrase that is popular in today’s culture that is often scripted on decorative wall plaques, t-shirts, and coffee mugs: “Do what makes you happy.” While this is the touted mantra of our day, is there really truth in this statement? Will doing more of what makes us happy – make us truly happy? In this episode, Leslie unpacks a biblical response that illuminates the misleading notion of seeking personal fulfillment above all else. Rather than seeking the high places of self-focused happiness, seeking to serve in the lowest position will lead us to discover the true happiness that comes from living like Jesus and pouring out our lives for others. And this episode will encourage you to do just that. 
3/5/201816 minutes, 50 seconds
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Joy in the Midst of Trials

Maybe you’ve had a bad day, bad week … or a bad year. While it might seem impossible to maintain a buoyant attitude that finds joy in all circumstances, the Bible commands us to rejoice and then offers a much-needed promise of grace to help us accomplish what lies before us. In this episode, Leslie shares about the power and importance of the grace of God to do what we never could in our own strength. Drawing from the testimonies of joyful, grace-filled Christians, your faith will be bolstered in the power of Christ in us the hope of glory!
2/26/201812 minutes, 29 seconds
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Guarding Inner Purity

In this episode, Leslie shares how to cultivate a purity that lasts in a world full of shattered promises and broken hearts. Establishing the principle that purity is based not on a concept but a Person, she uncovers the important truth that God first looks upon the purity of our hearts rather than outward symbols or trinkets. Gain practical handles on how to discipline your thought life, how to handle attraction to a godly guy, and how to act honorably in interactions with the opposite to protect the treasure of your heart and glorify God!
2/20/201820 minutes, 6 seconds
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Helping Men Choose Honor

We’ve all been there – between the rock and the hard place of trying to finagle a way to get the men around us to choose honor over the cultural cues of the world. These practical tips from Leslie are refreshingly simple to implement, pack a spiritual punch, and don’t include nit-picking, complaining, or any tactics that at best reform men, rather than lead them to a close encounter with Jesus Christ. God is, in fact, raising up gentleman for a time such as this, and this episode shows you how we, as women, can serve them unto that end. Take hope and give it a listen!
2/13/201816 minutes, 41 seconds
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Experiencing God's Restoration

Want to know if there is still hope for a beautiful, God-scripted love story? As we turn in repentance from past mistakes and receive His forgiveness, it’s not too late to experience God’s best for us in the area of romantic relationships.  Join Leslie as she shares about the beauty of experiencing God’s restoration in the area of compromised purity from her own story, and shares transforming biblical truth that will give you bright hope in God’s very best for your future!
2/6/201813 minutes, 36 seconds
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Corrie ten Boom: A Picture of Grace-Filled Forgiveness

When we are hurt, disparaged, or backstabbed the wounds are raw and real. It is here that we have an opportunity to learn of Christ and make the conscious decision to obey. In this episode, Leslie shares how she has overcome the dangerous pitfall of unforgiveness fueled by the inspiring testimony of a great leading lady of the faith – Corrie ten Boom. Grasp the forgiveness you have received through Christ, learn how to practice forgiveness in the day to day offenses of life, and recognize that forgiveness is first choice rather than feeling. And be amazed at the depth of love and forgiveness that Christ exemplified through Corrie’s life as she surrendered her feelings in exchange for His supernatural grace!     Notes: 1.) Story adapted from Tramp for the Lord by Corrie ten Boom
1/29/201811 minutes, 49 seconds
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Turning Outward and Finding Joy

What if instead of putting Band-Aid fixes on your outlook to keep your happiness level patched up, you could experience lasting joy – no matter the circumstance? Is this even possible? In this episode, Leslie tackles that question by surprising you with the secret to finding constant, unwavering joy. (Hint: It may not be what you were expecting to hear!) Listen and uncovers practical keys to cultivating joy by turning your gaze away from self to serving those in need … starting right where you are today.
1/22/201815 minutes, 38 seconds
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Does God Still Write Love Stories?

If you are frustrated, in need of reassurance, or beginning to wonder if Christ-centered love stories still exist in today’s modern age of heartbreak, hook-ups, and divorce, this episode is for you! Listen as Leslie answers popular questions about relationships on the hearts of women across the globe. Also, hear about the exciting opportunity to take this topic deeper in Eric and Leslie’s upcoming course, Secrets to an Amazing Love Story, available in February for a limited time! In This Episode, Leslie Shares: The reason behind the lack of godly relationships in our Christian culture. Biblical perspectives on pursuing relationships and “helping” God out in the area of love and romance. How to find fulfillment, even while single. Three principles found in every God-written love story.
1/15/201816 minutes, 57 seconds
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Catherine Booth: A Spiritual Athlete

Do you have goals, aspirations, and areas of your life you look forward to strengthening in 2018? As we lace up our shoes to continue running the race set before us, Leslie shares about the inspiring life of Catherine Booth, co-founder of the Salvation Army, who left a sterling legacy that was intent on loving God with her entire life. Reject the notion that Catherine-esque Christian living is a thing of the past, and discover key characteristics like serving in spite of physical challenges and responding cheerfully in every situation and circumstance that you can begin incorporating into your daily lifestyle. Be encouraged through her life that proclaims that you, too, can cultivate vibrant, heroic life through the enabling grace of God!
1/9/201816 minutes, 7 seconds
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Growing Spiritually in Busy Seasons

As we unwind from the holiday hustle and bustle and look forward to a new year that is ready to be established with heavenly goals in view, purpose to abandon the “Martha mentality” of having a rushed soul, and instead choose to still yourself before the Lord. No matter if your to-do list has two or twenty things on it, Leslie shares practical tips to growing in spiritual strength through all seasons of life! Tune in today and with fresh resolve set forth to accomplish His plans for your life and His glory.
1/1/201814 minutes, 56 seconds
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Esther Ahn Kim’s Crucified Life

Taking up our cross and following after Christ is not a popular notion in modern Christianity much less, actually disciplining ourselves to suffer well and for the glory of God. In this episode, Leslie continues her series on unshakable women of Christian faith who did mighty deeds in and through His strength. This week, be challenged afresh at Esther Ahn Kim’s perseverance and tensile strength in the face of prison, torture, and seeming death – all out of love to her King, Jesus Christ! May we all be reminded, that while we may not be facing persecution, surrender is requisite for every believer!
12/25/201716 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Get Closer to God

Frustrated with prayers that seem to hit the ceiling? Longing for a close walk with Christ, but feel like there’s a wall blocking your path? If you feel distant from the Lord, Leslie offers an encouraging, biblical solution to the “why” behind what you are experiencing through sharing what God worked in the soul of her family. Learn how to enjoy the unhindered intimacy of abiding in His presence in and through your life today! 
12/18/201713 minutes, 53 seconds
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Gladys Aylward's Childlike Faith

In this new series, Leslie begins sharing her favorite inspiring and unsung stories of victorious women from Christian history. In this episode, Leslie highlights Gladys Aylward and all she accomplished for Christ, despite having so many odds against her.  As Leslie shares key stories and principles from this amazing woman’s life, you will be inspired to see that it does not take wealth, popularity, or education to be used for God’s glory. Rather, a humble, surrendered heart is just what God is looking for to raise women up in our day and age to perform mighty deeds in His Name, through His strength. Listen today and take your first steps in becoming a woman of victorious faith!
12/11/201716 minutes, 9 seconds
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Finding True Happiness

Has your happiness been put on hold until “such and such” finally happens? Ever felt down and depressed after the holidays or after attaining a certain success to find that you still want more? We’ve all been there, and in this episode, Leslie shares a profound truth – true joy is not found in circumstances but in a Person. Includes ways to change your mindset and recenter your perspective on God’s Word rather than your emotions as well as how to delight yourself in the Lord no matter what.
12/4/201716 minutes, 7 seconds
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Turning Down Digital Noise

We all know what it is like to hear the “ding” of our phone and be instantly drawn into the digital distractions that bombard us daily. In this new episode, Leslie shares practical insights for how to keep digital noise in its proper place and not let it hinder our relationship with God or our sensitivity to those around us.  Learn practical ways to turn down digital noise in your daily life and adopt God-honoring habits in your digital conduct.  Leslie shares key principles for having a quiet time without digital interruption, conversing with others without being controlled by your phone, and embracing the real-life divine appointments that God has for you each day!
11/27/201721 minutes, 12 seconds
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Dressing with Dignity

If you’ve spent any length of time navigating the area of “modesty” – this podcast is for you! In this episode, Leslie Ludy shares a simple, practical, and biblical vision for what it means to dress with dignity and honor those around you in doing so! Tune in to be refreshed in this often-challenging area of set apart femininity – we’re sure you’ll come away encouraged, above all, to wear the true beauty of Christ-reflective womanhood!
11/21/201715 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Power of Personal Discipline

If the title of this episode makes you shrink back from pressing play – just wait! Personal discipline doesn’t have to invoke the same emotions as a visit to the dentist. Rather, when enabled by the grace of God, godly discipline brings life, not misery and freedom, not bondage that is indispensable to our lives as Christian women. Give it a try, and hear how Leslie is learning to make every facet of her lifestyle reflect and worship Jesus Christ. You will be inspired and equipped to take your first steps beginning today! In This Episode Leslie Shares: The difference between godly discipline and legalism. (No, they’re not the same thing!) How to keep up with godly priorities when you’re in especially busy or crisis seasons of your life. Easy to implement systems that will help you realign your priorities to get in step with God’s heart for your life. Three practicals that will get you moving in the right direction towards reordering your spiritual and daily lifestyle.
11/13/201716 minutes, 40 seconds
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Excellence vs. Perfectionism

Have you ever felt that the standards of womanhood are too high for you to attain? From home decorating magazines, to the women around us that seem to “have it all together,” it’s all too easy to count the many ways that we don’t measure up. But God’s pattern for true womanhood is one that inspires and encourages us to a standard of excellence, fueled by the enabling of His Spirit. In this podcast, Leslie illuminates the common comparison trap that many women fall into today, and provides a biblical framework for living out our high calling as women with God-glorifying motives, rather than self-made perfectionism.
11/7/201717 minutes, 25 seconds
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Dabbling in Darkness?

With Halloween just around the corner, it’s a great time to take a fresh look at our lives and evaluate if there are any spots of darkness that we’ve allowed to take up residence in our soul. In this podcast, as Leslie candidly discusses the dangers of dabbling in darkness and the clear instruction found in God’s Word, you’ll be encouraged in your pursuit of living wholeheartedly for Jesus Christ; celebrating the light, joy, and life of His Kingdom; and the amazing freedom found through His Cross-work!
10/30/201715 minutes, 39 seconds
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Respecting Authority

It only takes a few minutes of watching the latest news update, or catching the tail-end of a reality TV show to realize that our culture has labeled respect toward authority figures as outdated and unnecessary.  Now, more than ever, our culture in desperate need of Christlike women of strength and honor! Leslie uncovers the spirit of the age and shows you how you can be on guard against a disrespectful attitude toward authorities and gain a heavenly vision for honoring parents, leaders, and elders. In This Episode, Leslie Shares: The biblical reality of moral decline Four amazingly simple ways to keep from being disrespectful towards those in authority The wisdom of Proverbs as it applies to honor and respect
10/23/201726 minutes, 48 seconds
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Discovering Your True Identity

Have you ever wondered how you can find your true identity or reach your full potential? In this new podcast episode, Leslie will walk you through the refreshing reality of what it looks like for your life to hidden in Christ – and what it means to identify yourself with the death, life, and resurrection of Jesus. You will quickly discover that the greatest question isn’t really, “Who am I?” but “Whose am I? And how does that change the daily reality of my life?” Join Leslie for this surprisingly refreshing reminder to lose your life for Christ’s sake, and thus, truly find it. 
10/16/201712 minutes, 47 seconds
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Receiving God's Forgiveness

A common concept buzzing around in women’s circles in Christianity today is learning to “forgive yourself.” Is there truth to this statement? And if so, how do we learn to forgive ourselves for past sin? In this new episode, Leslie uncovers the misunderstanding that the concept of “forgiving yourself” is rooted in and shares the freeing truth and practical applications in receiving God’s forgiveness. Rather than of brushing off the pardon God has extended to us through the blood of His Son, we must be armed with the truth of His Word to understand the amazing gift of His forgiveness and the freedom from sin He has purchased for us!
10/9/201719 minutes, 57 seconds
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Online Dating – Good or Bad?

Join Leslie Ludy for a brand new Q&A episode in our Set Apart Relationships series. Leslie tackles challenging topics, like whether online dating is good or bad, how to act around a godly man you are attracted to, and what to do when you are tempted to lower your standards. As Christian women today feel an immense pressure to follow the path of the culture in relationships, it is imperative that we are armed with a biblical mindset to navigate this area in a God-honoring way. Whether you are single, or you are a married woman with a position of influence in a single woman’s life – this practical Q&A will be sure to give you fresh biblical perspective on these challenging topics!
10/2/201729 minutes, 59 seconds
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Friendship with the World

If you’re ready to let go of lukewarm living, tune into this week’s podcast as Leslie traverses the challenging topic of “friendship with the world.” Many voices in our modern Christian culture promote the idea that we will best reach the lost world for Christ when we sidle up to the culture and befriend its passing whims. But what does God’s word state on the matter? In the 20 minutes you spend listening to this episode, you will be deeply encouraged to grapple with what God says about friendship with the world – and you will be freshly propelled to put away this world’s passing pleasures and cling tightly to Him instead. 
9/25/201718 minutes, 28 seconds
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Exchanging Defeat for Victory

Defeat doesn’t have to define your walk with Christ. As Leslie shares, victory is not often realized because the power of the Gospel is not fully grasped in our lives. Walk away from frustrated Christianity and learn the power of “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” In This Episode: Hear the inspiring story of Oswald Chamber’s spiritual transformation. Learn the difference between self-effort and the enabling grace of God. Find out how to begin walking out a life of world-changing triumph, one step at a time!
9/18/201717 minutes, 1 second
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True Honesty

Counterfeit honesty has infiltrated our culture, telling us to just “be real.” Yet, Christ intended for us to walk in the light as He is in the light, using our words – whether written or spoken – to be filled with grace – not gossip, venting, or ranting. Leslie redefines the cultural view of honesty and replaces it with biblical examples of how to be honest without compromise. In this episode, Leslie shares: How to confess sin in appropriate ways for different settings. How to know whether you need to share with others or with God. Five reasons why public venting is never a good idea. Four individuals who shared honestly about their weaknesses in a healthy way.  
9/11/201726 minutes, 36 seconds
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Surprising Ways to Motivate Men

Frustrated with the state of modern masculinity? In this episode, Leslie shares a surprise secret to encourage and motivate the men in your life towards a higher standard. Learn how to champion godly masculinity without criticizing or complaining, and begin to see positive change in the men around you! In This Episode, Leslie Shares: The importance of being a peace-maker and not a pot-stirrer in your relationships with the opposite sex. What God’s Word says about manipulative, nagging femininity and how to keep from adopting these destructive behaviors. The positive impact of encouragement in a man’s life and practical ways you can speak words of life starting today!
9/4/201710 minutes, 32 seconds
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Answers to Singleness Questions

For the first time on the Set Apart Girl Podcast, Leslie hosts a Q&A session on the topic of singleness. With questions submitted by young women desiring to live Christ-centered lives, Leslie shares biblical, thought-provoking replies.    In This Episode, Leslie Shares: A biblical response to single women interested in foster care and adoption A reflection on the great women of Christian History and the biblical pattern evidenced in their lives A truth-filled and balanced response for what it means to “honor your parents” as an adult How to handle struggles with self-pity and discontentment in singleness The importance of cultivating a heart of surrender in your singleness, and in every season of life. 
8/28/201724 minutes, 9 seconds
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The God of Miracles

Has doubt clouded your ability to see the faithfulness of God? Forsake trying to figure it out on your own, and instead rest in His unchanging nature. Renew your trust in the God of miracles as Leslie highlights stories and principles from her own life to remind you that the God who parted the Red Sea is the same God who is at work in your life! In This Episode, Leslie Shares: The importance of journaling the miracles in your own life. The enemy’s lies in promoting doubt and disillusionment instead of faith and trust in your walk with God. Faith-building stories that will encourage you to meditate on the fact that God is unchanging and in control!
8/21/201719 minutes, 41 seconds
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Breaking Free From Comfort–Zone Christianity

Are you stuck in comfort-zone Christianity?  Catch a vision for what it means to take risks for God!  Follow courageous saints like Sabina Wurmbrand, Elisabeth Elliot, and others, who hazarded their own lives to promote the Gospel rather than protect their own futures. Leslie contrasts historical Christian missionaries with the self-protective lifestyles so run rampant in the modern church.  She shares inspiring biblical principles that point us toward the radical devotion to Christ we are called to. In This Episode, Leslie Shares: The difference between counting the cost and comfort-zone Christianity Practical questions to gauge how comfortable you are in your Christian walk Stories of saints who have hazarded all for Christ Specific ways to break out of your comfort zone and begin risking all for God’s glory
8/14/201718 minutes, 52 seconds
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Getting Past Your Past

If you are following Christ, but still haunted by memories of a painful or sin-filled past, this episode will equip you with the tools you need in order to be set free from your past and press forward into the beautiful beginning God has planned for you! Getting past your past needn’t be confusing or complicated, rather the simple truths of God’s Word are straightforward and easy to begin, starting today! In This Episode Leslie Shares: Simple and heartfelt steps of true repentance The tactics of the enemy that can keep us from moving forward in victory Powerful quotes and key Scriptures to keep your mind fastened on Truth Details about the exciting new online course called Fearless Living
8/7/201722 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Confront Sin

In this episode, Leslie tackles one of the most challenging questions that Christ-seeking women wrestle with – how do you confront sin in someone else’s life? With truth and love, Leslie shares three practical principles about living the kind of life that will cause others to be inspired to rise to a higher standard, and how to bring correction in the nature of Christ. In This Episode: How to make prayer your first resort rather than your last turn. How to live a life others will listen to. How to respond to sin in others in a Christ-like way, rather than being ruled by frustration.
7/31/201713 minutes, 55 seconds
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Being Reviled

How do you live set apart when others don’t seem to understand, or worse, when they mock you for standing up for Jesus Christ? In this Scripture-soaked episode, Leslie uses the Word of God to carefully navigate the waters of what reviling really is. Learn how to rejoice despite emotion and bless rather than harbor bitterness and resentment when you are mistreated for His name. In This Episode Leslie Shares: Biblical principles for how to keep the right perspective when you’re reviled The reality of the war between spiritual light and darkness Three practical tips on how to rise victorious over persecution
7/24/201722 minutes, 6 seconds
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Standing for Truth, Part 2

The times in which we live can be overwhelmingly bleak amidst the moral decline of our culture, but Spirit-empowered believers can effect true and lasting change – one soul at a time. In part two of Standing for Truth, Leslie offers practicals on how to combat the darkness that threatens our generation. Tune in to hear about the impact one life can have when it’s fully given to Christ. Listen as Leslie Shares: How to overcome the power of political correctness. Where to begin impacting eternity in everyday life. What the Church is capable of if Christians stand for truth.
7/17/201716 minutes, 9 seconds
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Standing for Truth

Have you ever struggled to know how to boldly stand for Truth in the midst of our rapidly declining culture?  If have felt the social pressure to stay silent and allow the trendy, politically correct thinking of our day to rule, this episode will inspire you to rise up and become a virtuous valiant woman who is wiling to stand strong in Christ’s strength – for such a time as this. In This Episode: Hear the sobering reality of our compromised culture and its effects on modern Christianity. Gain inspiration from real-life examples from modern Christian history of those who aligned with truth over popular opinion. Leslie shares personal stories of how she gained courage and boldness.
7/10/201715 minutes, 1 second
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Becoming a Spiritual Athlete

History proves that Christianity is not for the faint of heart! Whether you are in full-time ministry or just beginning a new walk with Christ, learn how to run the race with endurance by disciplining yourself in the art of spiritual fortitude. Leslie shares her own journey to spiritual strength and how you can improve the core of your walk with Christ in order to finish your course with joy!  In this Episode Leslie Shares: How to follow the example of the Christian greats. How to exchange self-pity for spiritual fortitude. How to discern between the tests of God or the threats of the enemy. How to refuel your energy the right way.
7/3/201717 minutes, 37 seconds
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Honoring Parents

Honoring parents and other authority figures has become an unpopular idea in today’s world. But what could happen if we as Christians chose to walk a different path and re-discover the lost art of godly honor?  This week, Leslie shares how the Lord revolutionized her relationship with her parents, and how you, too, can embrace the lost art of godly respect to see positive change with your parents, spouse, or church leaders. In this Episode Leslie Shares: The agenda of the culture to persuade youth to disrespect their authority figures The biblical principles of honor and respect that bring life and blessing How honor adds beauty to a Christ-centered love story How to build honor back into your relationships
6/26/201720 minutes, 11 seconds
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Exchanging Chaos for Order

In our non-stop world, chaos has become accepted - and even celebrated - among many Christians today.  But a careful study of Scripture and of creation reveals that God is a God of order, not chaos.  In this encouraging and practical episode, Leslie shares her vision for a well-ordered lifestyle that begins with a renovation of soul.  Peace, structure, and beauty aren’t just far-fetched poetic ideas, but part of God’s Heavenly pattern for our spiritual and practical lives. In This Episode Leslie Shares: Examples from those who created beauty and order in any environment The dangers of over-spiritualizing chaos How Christ structured His days Practicals for helping you spiritual sloppiness for a well-ordered soul Practicals for creating order and peace in your daily lifestyle as an outflow of your relationship with Christ
6/19/201720 minutes, 51 seconds
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People Pleasing – Wrong or Right?

In our self-focused society, the idea of “people-pleasing” has become something to be avoided at all costs.  Our culture tells us that unless we protect ourselves and put limits around serving others, we’ll end up burned-out and unhappy.  In this eye-opening episode, Leslie explores the real truth about what God’s Word says about people-pleasing (hint:  there’s a right way and a wrong way!) and offers practical insight on how to serve others with joy and strength instead of burnout and stress. In This Episode Leslie Shares: The inspiring example of the proper heart-attitude for serving, as seen through the story of Mary and Martha How to serve without succumbing to emotional and physical burnout Biblical principles for living a poured-out life and relying on a limitless Source of strength
6/12/201717 minutes, 25 seconds
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Secrets to a Vibrant Marriage

A brief summary of this episode
6/5/201719 minutes, 41 seconds
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Feminine Mystery

Feminine mystery is often an elusive concept, but it doesn’t have to be. In this straightforward episode, Leslie encourages you to embrace God’s pattern for feminine mystique. Grasp the beauty of true feminine mystery that doesn’t imitate the coy, shallow, flirtatious traditions of the world, and gain the practicals to make mystery work in your life as He intended!   In This Episode Leslie Shares: What feminine mystery is … and isn’t The honest truth about flirting, selfies, online dating, and more Three key truths on how to incorporate feminine mystery into your character The difference between authenticity and discretion
5/29/201724 minutes, 15 seconds
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Purity that Works

Purity is the secret ingredient of every beautiful, Christlike love story. But there are many misconceptions about what purity is, and how to have the kind of purity that goes the distance. Purity it’s not simply a “rule” to follow, but a treasure that must be protected out of love and devotion to Jesus Christ. Leslie brings clarity to what true purity is and shows you how to discover a purity that works! In This Episode, Leslie Shares: The correct concept for purity The significance of the marriage covenant The difference between a commitment and a covenant to Jesus Christ
5/22/201718 minutes, 11 seconds
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Making Room for Strong Masculinity

Contrary to popular belief, God designed men to reflect His strength and sensitivity. Yet in our topsy-turvy world, biblical masculinity has been twisted into a counterfeit version of manhood. Join Leslie as she rallies Christian women everywhere to encourage men to rise to the calling Christ has laid on their lives, and learn how to champion the men in your life toward Warrior Poet manhood. In This Episode Leslie Shares: What women truly desire in a man The biblical pattern for Warrior Poet manhood Practical ways to encourage men toward Christlikeness
5/15/201717 minutes, 34 seconds
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Set-Apartness and Pop-Culture Entertainment

Is entertainment ruling your thoughts, managing your time, and shaping your walk with God? Learn how to keep a firm grasp on pop-culture entertainment by loving the Lord with all your mind, heart, soul, and strength. In this episode, Leslie shares her own story in returning to an undivided heart and placing pop-culture in its rightful place, by placing Jesus in His. In this Episode Leslie Shares: How to tell if pop-culture is an addiction in your life The subtlety of compromise Scripture to redirect your gaze back to Christ
5/8/201719 minutes, 41 seconds
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Living a Poured-Out Life

The poured-out life is not a calling for the Christian elite. Rather, it’s a privilege that Jesus has invited every single woman to participate in becoming His hands and feet to those around us. Gain inspiration to take the first step of obedience, and pour out everything for the One who poured everything out for you. In This Episode Leslie shares: Her adoption stories A sobering glimpse at the needs in the world today Biblical principles that exemplify the poured-out life
5/1/201727 minutes, 45 seconds
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Living with an Eternal Focus

If we could ask the Christian heroines of yesteryear what woke them up in the morning, they would simply reply, “Jesus Christ.” In this episode, Leslie stresses the importance of living with an eternal focus in order to impact the Kingdom of God. Join Leslie, and gain perspective and practicals in order to begin exchanging temporal pleasures for eternal impact. In this Episode Leslie Shares: Two characteristics of carrying an eternal focus Her own wake-up call to refocus on living in light of eternity How to exchange temporary pursuits for an eternal perspective Practical questions to test your spiritual eyesight
4/24/201726 minutes, 30 seconds
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Living for Heaven's Applause

In this episode, Leslie challenges us with the question: whose applause are you living for? If you want to be set free from the culture’s popularity rat race, this episode will inspire you and help you exchange a temporal focus for an eternal one. Learn the difference between self-built radiance and Christlike radiance and begin living like only Heaven is watching, starting today! In this Episode: The popularity pitfalls in today’s Christian culture Questions designed to pinpoint whose favor you’re living for How to implement a radiant, Christ-focused mentality into everyday life Plus, examples from history about Christians who lived for an audience of One
4/17/201724 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Make Prayer a Priority

What if God, the King of the Universe, invited you to His banqueting table? Prayer is an open invitation to spend time in the presence of the King of all kings to gain the peace, joy, and strength that each day requires! In this episode, Leslie shares truth-based principles that she has learned from her motherhood and ministry journey that will show you how to keep prayer an essential to your lifestyle.  Be Encouraged as Leslie Shares: The dangers of justifying busyness over spending time with God How to seek God through prayer in the spare moments of your day The importance of choosing God time over “me time” Jesus’ methods for thriving with a full ministry lifestyle
4/10/201720 minutes, 59 seconds
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Set-Apartness vs. Legalism

If Christianity has ever felt stuffy, somber, or strict – listen as Leslie imparts the beauty of true set-apartness. Establish how to keep from the extremes of self-imposed legalism and self-focused liberty. You’ll see that a vibrant, joyful relationship with Jesus Christ doesn’t manifest itself in a list of “dos and don’ts.” Rather, the abundant life found in Him is not governed by law but by Love Himself! In This Episode Leslie Shares: How to replace duty and obligation with joyful surrender The key to being set free from the bondage of legalism Using freedom in Christ for His glory … not your own How to tell if a conviction has become an idol in your life
4/3/201718 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Become a Discerning Woman

In a day and age where discernment is sadly lacking, Leslie reveals the desperate need and imperative call for today’s Christian women to regain godly discernment. In this episode, Leslie contrasts trendy, popular messages in modern Christianity with the principles of God’s Word.  You’ll gain practical, biblical advice for making God’s Word the cornerstone of your ideas and beliefs, and learn how to combat our post-modern confusion with God’s rock-solid, unchanging Truth. In This Episode Leslie Shares: The important role of God’s Word in discerning today’s modern messages The opinion that matters most in areas of discernment Common discernment pitfalls for today’s Christian women Practical steps to become a discerning woman
3/27/201721 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Right Way to "Be Yourself"

Insecurity is a struggle countless women can relate to. But modern fix-it messages that promote a “just be yourself” attitude that are far from the true help that women need. In this episode, Leslie goes beyond the popular, self-focused solutions of today, and instead establishes the truth that our identity is found in Christ. Discover how to joyfully become the person God created you to be, and gain lasting confidence that is only found in exchanging self-esteem for Christ-esteem! Be Encouraged as Leslie Shares: The confusion found in the “be true to yourself” movement The lasting difference between self-esteem and Christ-esteem The joy found in embracing the season of life you’re in The power of finding your ultimate purpose in Jesus Christ
3/20/201716 minutes, 25 seconds
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Physical Beauty – What's Our Role?

“Beauty doesn’t come through outward efforts, but from an inward surrender to Christ.” In this episode Leslie further unfolds the vision for heavenly femininity in answering practical questions that every Christian woman has faced when she looks in the mirror. Learn how to steward your body and adorn your appearance with lasting beauty that grows more beautiful with time. In This Episode Leslie Shares: The biblical basis for bringing God glory through inward and outward beauty The difference between stewardship of the body and preoccupation with external appearance Practical questions to prayerfully evaluate your focus in health, fitness, and appearance The secret to beauty that never fades
3/13/201713 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Truth About Physical Beauty

Feminine beauty is more than discovering new makeup techniques and skin care regimens. In this episode, Leslie shares the best way to enhance your physical beauty —  by cultivating true loveliness found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Appeal, allure, and charm will fail even the most stunning of women, but the elegance and radiance of a woman who fears the Lord will endure for eternity.
3/6/201711 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Shaping of a Set Apart Woman

In this powerful and practical episode, Leslie shares five qualities that are a must in the makeup of a set apart woman. When incorporated into the fabric of your soul, they will enable you to flourish in whatever season of life you’re experiencing, whether single or married. Be Encouraged as Leslie Shares: The truth about satisfied singleness The secret to a fulfilled marriage The beauty of being an others-focused woman The appeal of reverent and discrete behavior
2/27/201715 minutes, 13 seconds
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Testing a Man's True Character

If you are a single woman, chances are you’ve felt discouraged or frustrated by the state of modern masculinity.  In this encouraging episode, Leslie offers hope-filled, Biblical answers to two common questions that Christian single women ask:  “Do godly men really exist anymore?” and “How do I know if a man is truly Christ-focused and marriage-ready?”  Using candid real-life examples and practical insights, Leslie shares helpful principles for guarding your heart, protecting your feminine mystery, and testing a man’s true character. Listen as Leslie Shares: The focus of a Christ-centered man Character traits to look for in a potential spouse Advice on choosing patience over panic in seasons of singleness The potential dangers of digitally-based interaction
2/20/201721 minutes, 28 seconds
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Practical Preparation for Marriage

In part two of the Set Apart Relationships series, Leslie continues to share beneficial tips to practically prepare for a marriage that withstands the trials of life and the attacks of the enemy. Sharing candid and funny stories, Leslie reminisces over the early years of her marriage.  She shares how God got a hold of her heart in fresh surrender as she realized that marital bliss wasn’t found in a white picket-fenced home, but in entrusting her marriage dreams to Him. Listen as Leslie Shares: The importance of cultivating tensile strength today How to strengthen the marriage you already have The beauty of entrusting your marriage dreams to Jesus Stunning examples of surrendered love stories
2/13/201720 minutes, 18 seconds
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How to Prepare for a Successful Marriage

What if there was a guidebook on how to prepare for a successful marriage? It is beautiful to know that the Author of romance, God Himself, has left us principles through His Word that can lead and guide us into all truth in the area of romantic relationships and godly marriages. In this new podcast, Leslie shares an inspiring vision for what God created marriage to reflect, and helps you lay the foundation for a marriage that will go the distance! In This Episode Leslie Shares: Personal vignettes of her love story with Eric The counter-cultural way of ensuring a marriage that lasts How to place Jesus Christ above all other loves Relationship roles that beautify a relationship
2/6/201717 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Guarded Tongue

The book of Proverbs has much to say on the weight of our words. As set apart women it is imperative that we use our words to bring the life and truth of Jesus Christ to all we encounter, yet how easy it is to succumb to the temptation of gossip. Using biblical support paired with stories from her life and ministry journey, Leslie speaks about the life-giving wisdom of guarding our tongue in contrast with the devastating affects of gossip and slander. Beginning today you, too, can be a channel of speaking truth into the lives of those around you. Listen as Leslie Shares: Practical ways to keep gossip out of your life The difference between giving counsel versus giving place to gossip How to keep your prayer meetings free of slander The importance of speaking in light of eternity
1/30/201718 minutes, 23 seconds
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Set-Apartness in Social Media

Selfies, tweets, texts, Facebook friends … What’s a set apart girl to do in today’s digitally-driven world where there are so many distractions from Jesus Christ? Social media can be a great tool for the Kingdom of God – but it can also pose many pitfalls for Christians. Evaluating the hot topic of technology from both Christian and secular viewpoints, Leslie offers practical advice in how to honor Christ with smartphones, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and more! In This Episode: The importance of honoring Jesus with our words - both written and spoken Biblical advice on blogs, selfies, and other social media platforms The dangers of digital flirting Setting healthy boundaries around social media
1/23/201722 minutes, 19 seconds
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Loneliness is a feeling many of us prefer to avoid at all costs.  But what if the very thing that causes so much discontent is actually a purposeful blessing from God?  In this encouraging episode, Leslie helps us gain heavenly perspective, joy, and strength through seasons of loneliness.  
1/16/201714 minutes, 23 seconds
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Proverbs 31 – An Unrealistic Standard?

Many modern women scoff at the seemingly impossible standard of godly womanhood presented in Proverbs 31. What if instead of being threatened by this “superwoman” we studied her in light of what God’s Word actually says about her? The biblical vision for virtue is entirely breathtaking because it is founded upon the character and nature of Jesus Christ. Tune in to hear Leslie shed light on the real heart behind the Proverbs 31 woman, and how you too can become a valiant woman of godly character!
1/9/201713 minutes, 37 seconds
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Overcoming Fear

Dear sisters, Freedom from fear is not just possible, it is biblical! In this episode, you will learn how to stand on the steadfast promises of God to gain victory over anxiety and worry. Leslie shares her personal battle strategy to wage war on fear and anxiety to rise up and conquer in Jesus’ name. C.T. Studd once said, “Only one life, ’Twill soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last.” Join the ranks of those who have been freed from fear to glorify and serve Jesus Christ with the precious life they have been given. In a culture where fear and anxiety have been given too much power in paralyzing Christian women, it is high time we submitted our thoughts, minds, and bodies to the lordship of Jesus Christ and boldly walk forward … smiling at the future!
1/2/201715 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to be a Christ-Centered Friend

Amy Carmichael, missionary to India, once said, “If I slip into the place that can be filled by Christ alone, making myself the first necessity to a soul instead of leading it to fasten upon Him, then I know nothing of Calvary love.” True, Christ-centered friendship is a rare treasure, and a woman who seeks to point her friends to Jesus is a gift to those she encounters. Friendship is more than simply learning someone’s likes and dislikes; instead, friendship is selflessly pointing to Jesus as the one who has the right answers. Listen as Leslie talks about making the deliberate choice of directing friendships back to Christ rather than self.
12/26/201614 minutes, 41 seconds
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Issues Today’s Young Women are Facing

A brief summary of this episode
12/19/201615 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to Have an Effective Ministry

A brief summary of this episode
12/18/201616 minutes, 52 seconds
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Reaching Today’s Young Women for Christ

A brief summary of this episode
12/17/201623 minutes, 56 seconds